#thank you tf2 for the name you were so right about that
fated-normal-767 · 1 year
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World’s most normal teenager I think. Got the skill set as well, happy with the final definition.
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papil0nglegs · 1 month
What about the mercs with a fem SO that talks in brainrot sometimes? Would really want medic in there but it's up to you!
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Mercs x Brainrot!Reader
warnings: Brainrot.. a lot of images being used, it’s a shit post who cares tbh
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He’s into it too
Guys it’s scout
“Scout ilysm ur so nonchalant <33”
“Thanks babe ^^ I know I’m pretty alpha”
(Oh btw the alpha thing isn’t a joke he unironically listens to alpha male podcasts)
In the middle of spy’s serious moments you’d both lip sync ‘you are my sunshine’ to each other when he’s not looking
“what the bloody hell are you guys doing..”
“…perhaps itz a coping mechanizm zince scout doesn’t have a father?”
Medic really had to take it there
The ‘fatherless child’ meme was a coping mechanism for him tho
“I’m a fatherless child, of course I have abandonment issues”
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“Um babe? Idk if you should joke abt that 😚”
“Na it just makes me more sigma”
You guys love to fuck with the blu team sm with your shenanigans, esp sniper!!
Scout would have his bat and you would have whatever weapon you have with you and yell “skibidi” before jumping him
Here’s something he DEFINITELY didn’t learn from you 💯
creds to urwhouchoose2b on Tik tok
He tries so hard to understand
Whenever you show him a meme he does the classic old person holding phone away from eyes thing
Yk the
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“Ok so this is the ‘im nothing like y’all’ fish”
“alrighty, and this is..?”
“Oh that’s the Freddy five bear meme, see it’s funny cuz his name is actually ‘Freddy fazbear’ but they got his name wrong so like.. yeah”
“…I’m not sure what I’m ‘posed to say ‘bout this, but I think you belong in a looney bin”
Once he had a project that had the word “alpha” in it and he hated mentioning it to you cuz yk
“Skibidi alpha”
Demo man
he’s so energetic esp when he’s drunk so he’s happy to have someone he can share that energy with
Y’all know that “Scotland forever” meme
Well you screamed it after another victory as a joke, but when demo heard it he was confused but also excited?
cut to him butt chugging beers
Demo doesn’t get it but he has the spirit
He’ll be right there replicating the TikTok audios after taking the point
Dude is drunk 99% of the time so he’s never bothered to ask what any of this means, he’s just in it for the fun
Once you dragged him to the bathroom since he drake too many beers (shocker) but he didn’t want to do it in the toilet cuz he didn’t want to ‘hurt his dear skibidi’
“Cmon demo you have to puke it out!!”
“Noo, take me to the jawbox I don’t wanna hert me skibidi toilet”
“Oh god what have I done”
I think you rotted his brain a little too much
Don’t even get him started.
He’s so sick of your antics it’s not even funny
“Guys we all have to remember that it’s not about the money.. it’s about the skibidi.”
Passionately grabs spy’s shoulder
“How have you made it this far in life”
Unlike engie, he really doesn’t want to know about it
Especially during missions
“lol spy you’re so devious ASF”
“shhh, enough blabbering!!”
“You are not carti 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️❌‼️‼️‼️”
You make fun of him a bunch, he can’t think of a single moment where you took him seriously
“Y/n get off the cart!!”
“If we were in Fortnite I’d have higher ground + double pump.”
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 11 months
I am a mutual but i am embarrassed about self shipping so we go anon
If you are comfortable with it could i request the mercs with a trans man/nonbinary on their period? Like if they comfort you and how, what their reaction is (if they find it gross, if their confused as hell)
Thank youu
TF2 Mercs Comforting A Trans Man/Nonbinary Person On Their Period!
Hello Secret Mutual! Of course you can ask this, it's really cute! You asked the right guy, too, because I am a transgender. Anyways, would you believe this is my second x reader ask? Uh, I hope you don't mind that I used my lgbtq+ headcanons for this! Also, I assumed by comfort you meant general comfort but also dysphoria, I hope I didn't go off ask with that assumption
————————————————————In case you were wondering, none of these guys would be embarrassed or refuse to buy pads/tampons/any other period products for you. And even if they were embarrassed, they'd do it anyway. I will die on this hill. There's also a myriad of period products in the base already, probably all old, but they're still there. Also, none of them will find it or you gross! Some of them might not really understand what a period is, but when they figure it out, they will never make you feel like it or you are gross. Periods are natural, and at the base, no one needs to feel ashamed!
Um, light TW for gender dysphoria mentions? Nothing serious, just what the title implies. Lots of comfort and validation, though! Also uses of the words pussy and uterus!
Demo is probably confused for like five minutes and then has a lightbulb moment,
"Oh, yeah, I remember being on the rag, hurt like hell. Medic can fix that if ya want. He took mine years ago." He had follicular cysts and good god was he thrilled to never have that pain again. (He's just like me fr!) Assuming you don't trust Medic, hate surgeries, can't get it removed, or just don't want it removed, he's understanding of your choice to keep it, and will try his best to be comforting. Anything you'll need, he'll manage to find. Heating pads? He's got them somewhere, he's sure. PMS pills? He's on his way to the lab to get them from Medic for you. If you have dysphoria from your period, he's also really good at providing comfort for that. If you're a trans man, he'll tell you you're plenty masculine and one of the strongest men he knows. If you're nonbinary he'll assure you that a little bit of blood every month doesn't change anything and that your identity is still valid as hell. He would fist fight your dysphoria if he could.
Engie is more surprised than anything. Not in a bad way! Here's the thing, he straight up forgets about periods once he got his uterus taken out. My man had PCOS, and once he no longer had to deal with unbearable cramps and sickness every month, he just never thought about it again. He's super quick to comfort you, though. In a similar vein to Demo, he'll tell you about Medic removing his. Again, I am very respectful of your choice. He will do his best to make you super comfortable and keep you happy. He'll make you special heating pads! He'll also bring you anything you need. I cannot stress this enough. When it comes to dysphoria, you will get called an insane amount of pet names. All validating your identity, of course. He understands the feeling of dysphoria and will do anything to ease the pain and sadness that comes with it. Lots of cuddles from him too btw.
Heavy is confused. Not by periods. This man grew up with three sisters. He knows what a period is by now. No, he's confused by you getting a period. He's not mean, of course! He's just going to ask you a lot of questions because he's probably just interested. He'll do whatever you need him to do to make it easier for you. He knows his sisters were miserable during their time, and he can't imagine how bad it is for you to have to deal with a period and dysphoria. Speaking of dysphoria, he doesn't really know what to say but also manages to say everything you need to hear at the same time? Like he assures you in no uncertain terms that you are super valid and no less of a man or person and that you are you and you're valid. He hugs you a lot! If you seem even the slightest bit sad, he's giving you a hug.
Medic is probably the best when it comes to dealing with periods. He understands dysphoria and knows how to ease your pain. The second you feel pain, he's handing you hot tea and pain medication. He keeps you in his lab while he works to keep an eye on you and sends Archimedes and his other doves over to comfort you whenever he can't. He tracks your period purely to make sure he can have anything you might need on hand day of. He's always willing to remind you of how scientifically you're gender has nothing to do with those pesky organs. Lots of compliments on your body if you're a trans man, commenting on how masculine you are. If you're nonbinary he's complimenting your resilience and strength. Honestly, he's great. Points taken off, though, because he wants your uterus for his ever growing organ collection, but he will respect your choices with minimal pestering.
Scout is confused all around. He doesn't get it. So you have to explain periods to him, then you have to explain being trans to him, and then you have to explain both together before it finally clicks in his mind. He's immediately supportive. Maybe to supportive. If you ask him to get period products you'll get hit with the "Alright babe, I'm in the pad isle, what's ur pussy size?" And if you make the mistake of not answering in the first five minutes he buys so many boxes of pads and tampons. You're sitting in bed clutching your stomach, and he comes in the room to dump at least seven boxes of pads and tampons on you. Hey, what he lacks for in understanding, he makes up for by being able to make you laugh so hard you forget the period cramps. You'll never feel dysphoria if he has any say in it. He will do anything to distract you from bad thoughts and will validate you until his voice wears out.
Sniper doesn't care that you have a period and doesn't care that you're trans. That sounds really mean, but I swear it's not like that. Periods are normal, and you shouldn't feel weird about them, so when it's your time of the month, he'll support you in whatever way you need, but he'll act very nonchalant about it all. With you being trans he reassures you that he doesn't care about how you were born and that you shouldn't either because your body doesn't define the person you are. Basically, this man is so supportive but in a really calm kind of way. But just because he acts all chill and nonchalant doesn't mean he isn't worried. Oh no, this man appears to be calm and collected, but he's really upset that you have to go through this. You might find yourself on the receiving end of hugs and kisses whenever you look particularly sad.
Considering his ass is on the support team, Spy is not very supportive. Well, not supportive emotionally. Physically, he'll bring you the best of whatever you need or want. He's more than happy to kill someone to get you something nice, just to see you light up or (happy) cry out of appreciation. Emotionally, however, he's not mean, but he thinks you're being ridiculous with the things you say. He wants to provide you comfort, but he really doesn't understand why you feel so dysphoric and doesn't even know where to start. He'll just reassure you he loves and cares for you. Speaks softly to you and talks more than he normally does if you prod him. Who knows, he might even sing for you or tell you stories while you lay in bed with cramps if that would make you feel better.
Soldier is confused, but he's got the right spirit. In a similar vein to Scout, has asked what your pussy size is at least once, and has at least bought nine boxes of period products. He really just wants to be helpful and make you feel better. He'll gladly get anything you need, from heating pads to chocolate he's already getting it the second you even thought about it. I'd you feel dysphoric, he'll remind you that you're an American!! (even if you aren't 😭) And you're an amazing person. So, who cares how you were born? What matters is the person you are today! Less screaming than normal, especially if you get migraines or just headaches in general. He's still really loud, and your head will still probably throb, but he's trying. It takes him a while to go from his normal 100% volume to a normal speaking volume but the effort really shows. Most of the time though, he might just lay with you and listen to you talk, if you're in any mood to. Or just take a nap with you. Literally anything you want to do, he'll do, as long as he can do it with you.
Pyro knows. Like 100% knows. They experience it every month and deal with pain and gender dysphoria. (They're the only merc who has a uterus and period, actually! They're MTF and underwent the surgeries only to realize their agender, they now have a complicated relationship with their gender where they love their body but dislike their uterus and want it removed but at the same time value their uterus) Anyways, this isn't a Pyro post so moving on! So, you two would probably sync up and deal with it together. Pyro would most likely focus on you to help them ignore their symptoms and dysphoria. They love helping you and caring for you. They have a big heated blanket that you can share to help ease pain, and they have as much chocolate as you need to make you feel better. Lots of hugs and cuddles, too! They'll talk to you for hours about their issues with gender dysphoria if you let them, always returning the favor to let you rant back at them. Finding their own way to assure you the feel the same and that you both need to realize that a blood cycle can't and won't ever define you or your gender.
I love these guys so much. It's insane. Also, I love this ask, I want to shake it around in my teeth like a dog. Anyways! I swear I'm normal. I hope you like this Anon :)
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tsunamiiseas · 1 month
hi. Just wondering if you were still working on The Merc Household AU because I thinks it’s pretty cool and I’d love to make fanart or fic of it
Hallo! Thank you so much for asking! It's been quite a while ^^ All my ideas for TMH are currently in the drafts or being remastered, so I don't have much with me right now! I do however have these little crumbs I've been meaning to share for a while now:
TMH takes place during the very early 2000s, some couple of years after the events of TF2 [comicwise, but I'm sure its the same gamewise too!]
Scout often sneaks out to go play arcade games really far away, he even made a friend named Ness [i.e. my own TF2 OC named Scavenger, who is a tenth class!] who had also left Teufort. Recently, Scout's been spending less time at the mercs' shared house, and the others have started to take notice...
Out of all the ex-mercs, Demo is the richest due to his multiple jobs and family inheritance. He likes treating his friends most of the time [and by treating, I mean buying them overly expensive stuff and taking them out to fancy restaurants to have luxurious food]. The only reason he hasn't taken everyone on a vacation is because the others literally begged him to not take them [and also because Sniper has horrible homesickness].
Pyro is amazing with animals, especially domesticated animals and pets, and they dream of opening a shelter for all the abandoned pets they spot every other week. Engineer has to constantly convince them to not bring in every stray they see.
Due to the house being slightly small, some of the mercs share bedrooms and bunkbeds. Sniper and Medic share a room together, and Scout shares a bunkbed with Pyro. Demo and Soldier share a room as well, while the rest [Spy, Heavy, Engineer] have their own quarters... mostly because Spy hates sharing, Heavy has a tendancy to [very loudly] speak Russian in his sleep, and Engineer has deemed the basement/garage his 'room'.
Soldier has stirred up the most fights in the neighbourhood, with Scout coming at a close second. It often takes a very sober Demo and an exhausted Engie to get him to stop threatening a slightly irritated neighbour with manslaughter.
The mercs once bought a stack of aprons for Medic, an apron for each day of the week, with different words on each one, as a way of naming him the house chef. Medic both adores and loathes them. Sniper personally loves the 'Kiss The Chef' apron that Medic wears on Mondays.
Scout's mother often comes by to visit Scout and Spy on weekends, and always brings food for their 'very sane housemates'. She enjoys conversing with Engie and Heavy [which definitely does not make Spy jealous].
I've only got this much for now, but I hope to be able to write more soon! Studies have been hard on me shhhdgd
Anyhoo, thank you very much again for the ask [and for reminding me about TMH because I'd completely forgotten about it 😭]. I'm also overjoyed to hear your aspiration to make art or a fic, it really warms my heart to know people actually like my content 🥹🎀 I'll see ya'll later!
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andthisisdia · 7 months
Name: call me Dia💎
Age: I was born in 2002 and I'm too lazy to update my age every year💅
Nationality: Italian (English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors)
🏳️‍🌈: I'm a bisexual and demisexual/aromantic girl (I use she/her pronouns)
MBTI: ENTJ (Don't stereotype me. I'm just really into doing things right and I like to have a plan for everything. I always try to find a solution to people's problems)
Something about me: I'm autistic 🪐 and I'm very extroverted, I like to socialize and meet new people. So if we have any interests in common, feel free to write to me🌌 (Read the continuation to find out more about me and what I post, it's important. Thank you)
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(I made this edit using picsart stickers that represent my interests and something about me)
🎮Favorite video games:
•League of Legends (I play on the European server)
•Valorant (I don't play it that much because I'm not very good)
•Team Fortress 2 (my hyper fixation, I need to talk to other tf2 fans. I'm going crazy, I don't know who to talk to about it, I'm afraid of appearing boring to my friends who aren't fans😭😭😭)
•Life is strange (this game made me realize I'm not straight)
•Detroit Become Human
•Danganronpa (I discovered this thanks to tik tok during the pandemic. It was very trendy at the time)
•The last of us
•The Sims 3/4 (I never had the chance to play the previous ones)
🍿My favorite TV series are:
•Love, Death & Robots
•Bojack Horseman
•She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
•Ever After High
🎼Singers I like:
•Madison Beer
•Ariana Grande
•Kali Uchis
•Girl in Red
•Marina and the diamonds
•KDA ("Akali that girl, 'kali go grr 'Kali don't stop, 'kali don't skrt 'Kali got a job, 'kali go to work 뜨거워 언제나 don't get burnt" 🗣🗣🗣)
•Molchat Doma
•Arctic Monkeys
•Mother Mother
•Jack Stauber
•TV girl
•Bo Burnham
I actually listen to a lot of artists but I don't remember them all c:
🫧Things I like:
•Lost media
•Liminal space
•History of cinema (especially animated films)
•Psychology (and all other branches of this science. I also love anthropology and sociology)
•Travel and discover new places
•Everything that has to do with creativity (Drawing, writing stories and fanfiction, creating things like accessories for your clothes and such very cute things. I really admire people who can repaint dolls)
•Having fun (going out with my friends, watching films - if they're trashy films it's even better -, sending each other memes and tik tok videos and things like that)
•Cosplay (Especially cosplaying my comfort characters)
•Drawing (I haven't drawn seriously since 2020. I'm waiting for inspiration)
•Collecting dolls (I love Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High and L.O.L O.M.G. I also collect Funko pops and figures from other brands. I also have many books and comics -which I have to finish reading because there are too many-)🧸
•Roleplay (Doing roleplay with me means that I have already organized the whole plot. But I also listen to the other person's ideas)
•Find out about the topics that interest me (Most of the time they have to do with culture. I'm a very curious person and I love to inform myself)
💿What I post on Tumblr:
•Things about my fandoms (Mostly I repost cute icons, headcanons and wallpapers) I post things related to my fandoms. I like making wallpapers, icons and moodboards (Maybe start writing some headcanons)
•Positivity (Especially mental health or pride posts about being a member of the LGBT community. Be yourself🌈Be unique)
•Aesthetics (If I see some nice photo of a sunset or the sky, I immediately repost it because I feel like it. I also post a lot of things related to nostalgia because as I said before I like the "nostalgiacore" aesthetic. And I'm very nostalgic, they were beautiful times when the only worry was "which Monster High character am I?")
•My posts are tagged "Dia's post"
🦦Other random things:
•My favorite musicals are Heathers and Ride The Cyclone (the name of my blog is a mix between two of these songs)
•I'm terrible with numbers and sometimes I read the wrong words (I have a learning disability -be patient-)
•In my blog there are posts about Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss BUT IT'S NOT A SPECIAL INTEREST OF MINE. I recognize that they are two series with a lot of plot holes and nonsense. But it still reminds me of time spent with my friends. I actually like hearing people analyze and criticize it. I'm fond of the character of Vaggie and I like the ship between Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb but as I wrote before: it's no longer a special interest of mine. I am neutral towards them
•I'm an atheist
•I am very interested in the meaning (and world) of dreams
‼️ Sometimes I also reposted something related to when I feel down. Unfortunately I have a lot of trauma but I'm trying to move forward and get better‼️
🔞I'm a girl from 2002 so I have young adult maturity‼️ For adults (because I know we are not all the same and not everyone likes some things) I would like to point out some things that I could reblog: I might reblog paintings or sculptures with naked people BUT also drawings with people semi-naked or shown in a sexy way. The artists I refer to are: Fumetti Brutti by Josephine Yole Signorelli and EvviArt. They are the only ones I follow but it is to make you understand what type of art I like. I could reblog posts where sexual topics are written: from the classic "use protection when having s3x" or raise awareness about some topics related to this theme. I want people to be informed about some aspects of this topic (I'm not talking about p0rnographic things ) such as the importance of using protection and above all how important consent is. I don't reblog kink-related stuff or explicit porn because it's not a topic of interest to me. And I don't even have kink because s3x isn't a topic that interests me. It doesn't shock me to hear about NSFW things (it disgusts me if disturbing topics are included in this topic). Many of my interests (TV series or video games and things like that) involve adult themes. I prefer to specify that I could publish things like this because I know that many people don't want to see these things. And in any case I want to talk to people my own age. If you like some wallpaper made by me, there are no problems because a wallpaper is a normal thing and everyone can use them. But if you don't like adult things then don't interact (especially if you're a minor) In summary: you can like icons or wallpapers or memes (these are innocent things and everyone likes them. Everyone uses icons and wallpapers) but interact with me if you are adults🔞
🧜‍♀️Comfort characters:
•Jinx (League of legends/Arcane. She is my main and for certain things I see myself in her)
•Seraphine (League of Legends. didn't like her at first but I love her gameplay. And I think she has the best skins -along with Jinx, of course-)
•Evelynn (League of Legends. She's a Goddess)
•Chloe Price (Life is strange. She made me understand that I like women too. I love this punk)
•Sunset Shimmer (Equestria Girls. She is one of the few ENTJs to be a positive character. I really like how her character has evolved)
•Reagan Ridley (Inside Job. We are very similar in certain things)
•Entrapta (She ra. I love this chaotic neutral autistic scientist princess. Again, I see myself in her)
•Kotori Minami (Love Live! When I was in middle school this was my favorite anime)
•Dia Kurosawa (Love Live! Sunshine. Love Live is an anime that accompanied me as I grew up. I'm very fond of it)
❕️I'm looking for young adult people like me (young adult means being over 18 and under 30). I have no problem with NSFW (I prefer artistic nudity) and I have no problem with swearing. I have a certain maturity so I want to interact with people like that.❕️
🌟Talk to me if you are a normal person (and if you're nice and send funny memes. Or if you want to talk about some fandom in common or something. We can also play some video games together or talk about philosophical things like "what's the point of life?" or things like "do aliens exist?")🌟
‼️ This is my safe space🗣 SO DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU ARE: racist, homophobic, ableist, transphobic and against the LGBT community, do not interact if you are a pedophile and if you harm animals.Don't fetishize queer people. We are people, not nsfw categories. And don't romanticize the Mafia. Be kind and open-minded. Don't interact if you are against feminism (which I remind you, means gender equality), don't interact if you are people with ideas of hatred and discrimination. No ignorant people about mental health or what is happening in the world, because we are in 2024 and we need to have a minimum of culture. If you think abortion is murder, I would say you can also go elsewhere because I support women's rights and human rights in general. In general, don't interact if you are a person with bad ideas (that kind of bad ideas. Go away)‼️
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fivedollarfred · 7 months
I saw the ask post with all your wips and two of them had me curious; Tornado Warning and Psychosis!
(Tbh, all of them intrigue me, but I don't want to ask too many questions lol)
Thanks for the ask! I would have answered it yesterday but it was sent right when I had to go to bed.
First, I'll say that the ones you asked about are tf2 fanfic WIPs, so bear that in mind. But I'm glad someone asked about them, since I like talking about the ideas I have! Tornado Warning is the WIP I'm currently working on and is the direct sequel to my first published fanfic It Came With The Rain that takes places a few months after the first story, and could be seen as this fic/AU's version of MvM(Mann Vs. Machine). Don't know if I should go into spoilers because I'd have to spoil ICWTR's main plot points and reveals, but if you want me to go in depth of TW's plot and how it relates to ICWTR, I'd be more than happy to. It's definitely more of a drama than the first story, as the first is a mix between a thriller mystery and drama with a lot of horror elements(which were really fun to write)
Here's a paragraph from the chapter I'm currently working on:
"The second Scout silently stepped through the door frame, a sharp, chilling feeling shot through his system like a blaring siren. The feeling that he shouldn’t be here. That whatever he’d been planning on doing could wait another day. That he had stumbled into no man’s land; a minefield where one wrong move would set things in motion the runner couldn’t hope to alleviate. 
He took another step."
As for Psychosis, that is a placeholder name for what would be a crossover between Silent Hill and tf2 if I ever get the time to write it. I got inspired by an already existing crossover fic about tf2 and Silent Hill, and while I liked it well enough, it was more based around the first Silent Hill's lore and not the second's, and the second is the one with all the symbolism and psychology in play. So I spent around a week or two thinking about what each merc's own SH experience, and their own "Pyramid Head", would be. I can't go over all my notes and thoughts and ideas, otherwise I would be here typing for hours, so I'll just mention who has a clear environment and personal monster and who doesn't, and if you're interested in the details, I can talk more in depth when I get the time. Scout: has both a clear monster and environment to deal with. Soldier: has a clear environment, not so much a clear monster, but I have some ideas. Pyro: clear environment and monster, but I think they could be more fine tuned. Demo: clear monster, but no environment yet. Heavy: clear monster, had environment that needs fine tuning. Engie: very clear environment, can very much picture where he'd be located, but monster not so much. Medic: neither but that's more intentional as he'll experience things different than the others. Sniper: Very clear environment, and the clearest monster. Couldn't imagine him dealing with anything else. Spy: clear environment, monster is slightly foggy and needs more thought. That's about all I can say for now. Like I said, if you want more details I'd be happy to give them, I just don't have a lot of time to get them all out right now. And don't worry about asking too many questions; I like getting them and answering!
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mephyyy · 7 months
So I was trying to find some random Sonic OCs off Google to draw today because, man, art block killing me. I would like to prefece that I, myself, have Sonic OCs.
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(This is all old art, except for my sonic.exe oc, but alas)
I think they're fun and a good way to express your creativity, whether that's writing them to date a character that you like or to be the most popular/powerfulest person EVER.
But with my not very deep dive into the 3 page of Google, I realized that even the really well draw or intriguing OCs are "cringe" and "Mary Sues".
With this, the notion comes that OCs are inherently cringe and not worth making unless you make them the most boring and unspecial person ever. Like: "This is my Sonic oc, Joe the cat. He works at a desk job, and he likes coffee." Making just your average Joe can be fun, but the thought that ALL OCs have to be fucking boring is dumb.
This thought is everywhere. You scroll through Google for 30 seconds, and you see articles about sonic OCs being a sickness, like this article from the medium. Like the drawing that a 10 y/o posted on deviant art about their green sonic will irreparably damage art.
This mindset actually hurts art in the long run. If you get told over and over again that the self insert you make is cringe and you should never draw again then, inevitably, you're going to stop drawing.
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I was someone actually who thought for a very long time that my OCs shouldn't be special, or have super cool powers, or even have heterocromia. A good lot of my original characters were boring because I was worried about making a Mary Sue (Thanks CyberSans). It's actually a very deliberate choice that my self-insert/persona, Mephy, cringe.
Yes, I took things from jjba and Sonic to make this weird combo of Mephiles, Diego, jouta, and myself. I did this to push myself to make something "cringe," and anytime I think about removing his tail, I remember why I gave him one.
After I disregarded being seen as cringe, did I start to like designing characters. Just the want to make something I like without being worried if it's cringe or not. I think the freedom to make things like this is very important for young artists (or just artists in general). It's very liberating.
I took the making things purposefully cringe into my TF2 OCs. I gave them on the noise names, and I gave them back stories that were edgy. I enjoyed it. It made me happy.
With the acceptance of being seen as weird, I almost forgot what things were "cringe." I've just been seeing so many people happily making sonadow fan kids that I forgot people think that's cringe. I forgot that edgy OCs is cringe. I forgot that just being into something odd is cringe, and that makes me sad. I honestly thought that we got past thinking that darkspine the evil hedgehog (original character, do not steal) is cringe.
It's just sad. These OCs are cool. And yes, there are sonic OCs that aren't seen as cringe, like Ian Jr, S.N.T., or Trevor the hedgehog, but those are the exceptions. When was the last time you heard something say that Rosechu was their favorite OC? That's right, you haven't because sonichu is very much "cringe" (and don't bring up that Chris-chan did some fucked up shit, y'all didn't like she before she went to jail or did any of that fucked up stuff.) Why can't someone just make someone weird?
Concussion: Stop seeing things as cringe, and cringe culture is NOT dead until we kill it ourselves.
Anyway, I think I have written enough, and my English teacher would say that this is an emotional rant and that I need to rewrite like half of this. I think one of her exact words on a paper I wrote was "zack, this sentence makes me want to smear poop in my hair."
Here is some old art is some of my favorite little guys I found off Google (:
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prettyboypistol · 2 years
Headcanon for tf2 engineer helping a reader build exoskeletal legs to help with a disability? (I have pictures of what I mean if you need them)
Hello! As someone who has a leg disability, I love this so much! I'm going to not specify which disability, but the exoskeleton i'm going to assume is moreso a support structure to help with standing/walking but take general inspiration from myself.
ENGINEER X MALE! READER- The Long Path To Recovery [Disabled Reader][He/Him pronouns and Masculine Referral]
Dell never really took interest in the people around him, if he was honest- that is, until the squeaking and creaking of your crutches alerted him to your existence. The look of tiredness in your eyes as you sat down and glared at your crutches piqued something in him. So, he walked up to you.
"Well howdy there! I couldn't help but notice your uh- predicament."
You glared at the engineer with a spite. "No, you can't ask. I'm done answering the same damn question."
Dell held his hands up in a gesture to concede. "No! No, I wasn't gonna ask you about that! I was just gonna say that well, I'm an engineer, I could whip you up somethin' nice if you'd let me."
"Thanks, but I'm fine." You refuse, still bristled by the sudden greeting. You were just having a bad day, here to visit your cousin that worked in this stupid place. Besides, what would this maniac do? He'd probably saw your legs off- or was that another psycho merc that your cousin talked about? You couldn't deny that the southern man was charming in his own right, but you brushed it up to just a natural southern charm and a healthy dose of motherly wooden spoon spankings that put the manners in him.
"I could probably get'cha walking in about a week if I put my head to it!" He tried to convince you, the sweet smile made you huff in refusal as you hoped for the pain medication to kick in faster.
"I'd rather keep my legs, working or not."
"They seem to be able to move, but the weight distribution seems awful. I could work out a pair of attachable stabilizers promise! It'd be such a project!"
"How did you-"
Dell laughed softly. Somehow, you could feel the look of his eyes through his goggles. You didn't know if they were any particular color, but you just thought they were probably blue. You felt your cheeks heat up, but you quickly looked away.
"I'm an engineer! Dell Conagher, I like to make things."
You introduced yourself.
"Ain't that a name! Is it a family one?"
"Eh, I never really thought about it. But anyway, what makes you so sure you can actually help me?"
"Well, it's only a definite failure if you don't at least try."
"I- Well, I guess you're right."
Your cousin be damned, but you followed Dell into his workshop. You stumbled, but Engineer shot his arm out for you to hold. He tensed his muscles to give you a strong support, which you thanked him for. His warm flesh and soft skin wasn't something you could just ignore.
You sat yourself down on a wooden crate as Dell shuffled around the cluttered space. The blueprints fluttered, but eventually his search was over. "There we go! I knew I had some leg skeletons somewhere around here!"
As he showed you the design and kept explaining his blueprints, the more you sort of gravitated towards Dell. The way he seemed to be so genuinely invested in what he was doing... it was downright addictive.
"So, what'd'ya think?"
You hated to admit it, but you weren't actually paying attention after the first 5 minutes. Dell laughed and explained it again quickly, the plan seemed reasonable. As he went on, you started to interject with jokes and comments through the process of making the legs. Your cousin popped into say hi, but you excused yourself fairly quickly to get back to Dell.
Hours eventually passed as the red evening shone through the window. You two were holed up in the workshop, laughing the day away. Perhaps Dell wasn't really a psycho. Really, he was just a guy with a job. Yeah, he was a little crazy, but that crazy got you to stand up right.
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xylert · 11 months
Okay so, I know I don’t post that often- or well- ever, but there is one thing that I don’t think I’ll forget in a hurry and i wanted to share with you.
Explaining what TF2 is real quick for those who don’t know
I play a game called team fortress 2 (TF2 for short) and I am a medic main there
For those who don’t know
TF2 is a combat game with multiple classes you can choose from such as heavy weapons guy, engineer, sniper, etc.
And well the thing about medics in particular that makes them the most important- and stressful- class of them all, and because of this, are the ones who receive the most hate and criticism
Is that none of the other teams can heal
Medic is the only one that can bring their health back up, unless they find a medkit or eat a sandvich or something, however in the midst of a battlefield those options aren’t always available since medkits are hidden and such, medics are the only ones who can keep you alive during battle if your health drops low- which is fairly often, and since you can’t heal yourself you have to call the medic over to heal you
Now in the game, there are 2 specific classes that I swear to god always target the medics, and when a medic die it’s almost always due to one of them. Spy and sniper.
The spy has an ability to turn invisible and use disguises to pretend to be your teammates and there’s really no way to tell it’s a spy unless you try to damage them. Whenever the spy is disguised as one of your teammates and shouts for medic however, you will get alerted, no the spy’s own medic. So you (as the medic) go over to the enemy spy in disguise and heal them, only to die just seconds after as they plunge a knife into your back
Now- here comes the part where I really wanted to talk about.
Like I said, I am a medic main, I ALWAYS play as medic. And there was this one spy who constantly used that trick on me. This was a pretty intense match so I usually didn’t have enough time to spy check him as there were others who also needed healing and I needed to be quick
Now what made this spy different from all the rest was, whenever I healed him, he would always thank me in the chat before killing me
And I know that seems silly but, I actually really appreciated it and it lightened up my day, because even though it means I healed an enemy spy AND got killed by said spy right afterwards, I knew I was appreciated anyways, and that I was at least doing a good job as medic, and someone noticed and took the time to actually thank me.
It’s hard being the medic- the only class who can heal, people constantly shouting and spamming your name- having to prioritise others due to health being lower- and having multiple people at once calling your name- having to keep yourself alive because out of them all your the most important to be alive, and keeping yourself alive is always the hardest, having to know where enemies are, looking behind you ever few seconds to make sure there’s no spy, staying out is sniper lines, staying out of enemy fire, and healing your teammates who are in the territory your trying to avoid in order to stay alive in order to keep them alive, it’s all very complicated and that’s only some of it.
It can be draining, especially if your receiving hate from your teammates on top of all of that.
I’m not sure who this spy was- but just know that you were really appreciated, you taking the time to thank me- even if you were an enemy, it really lightened up my day and let me know I was doing a good job. So thank you, and I hope more people- spies in specific, can be like that. Because that was the only spy I ever got killed by who actually bothered to thank me for healing him.
And he did this every single time too
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yallemagne · 10 months
Writer Asks
Tagged by @bluecatwriter
I think I've done this one before!! There's more questions this time, but this is an interesting blast to the past to see how I've changed.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
59 works
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
300,805 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Dracula. In the past: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jesus Christ Superstar, Sanders Sides, Castlevania, Elisabeth, etc.. If you fuse the fandoms that intersect it's about 18 fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Orice (Dracula, Jonathan has A Time; unsurprising, it is my longest by far)
When Providence Favours Witches (Castlevania [specifically Netflixvania], Trevor gets adopted by Lisa; also not surprising, very popular fandom)
Lückenbüßer (TF2, Trans Scout talks to Ally Medic; shocker!! that's a single-chapter fic!!)
Pseudo-Asthma (JJBA: Battle Tendency, Joseph has a heart-to-heart with his mom; woah! that was only 3 chapters!!)
Bewitching (JJBA: Phantom Blood, Dio genderbend; of course, I can never escape it even if it is a hiatus fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yeah, sometimes even if it is just to say "thank you!!" I like to talk about my writing a lot and comments are the place I get to go into detail about my thought process.
6. What's the fic you wrote that has the angstiest ending?
Vulture in Saviour's Robes, I had people yelling at me for this one (in a good way), so it's really no competition, huh.
7. What's the fic you wrote that has the happiest ending?
It's gotta be one of the one-shots iojegp. To suggest a less well-known one: A Pitiable Performance, J&H and Dorian Gray crossover, Utterson and Lanyon go to see a play and Sibyl Vane is the lead actress.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not much. Oh wait--- oijegpioerg trauma engaged. Orice got a LOT of hate at some point, someone in the fandom really wanted me dead so they rallied a bunch of people against me. My crimes were: 1. writing a Jonathan POV story 2. supposedly writing Renfield to be a bad guy. None of it reached my comment section thankfully, but when I found out I was very paranoid that someone would dox me over fanfiction.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
For a period of time, I swear that was all I wrote iojgepri. My specialty is dom/sub with plenty of aftercare, though I've also written some dubious consent stuff. Silver Crystal Carousel (Dracula, John/athan dom/sub) is my most recent smutfic, it was so hard to get back into the dirty groove especially since I was writing in first person.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Yeah, but not much. I get plenty of ideas for crossovers, but they're pretty difficult to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah. I'd say lost and you'd say love was translated into Russian and posted on ficbook.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Same answer as before: Only one (The Apostles), and it was mostly a self-imposed research project with my friend. They did the research, and I wrote the incorrect quotes and a short Jedas one-shot.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
How could I possibly choose. If you go by fic count it's Jesus/Judas ijopegij. I'd say... JonMina and JonEri. I really like writing already established relationships.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but don't think you ever will?
So many. So many of them. There's some that are barely started!!! To name one y'all will be familiar with: the continuation of An Odd Doctor.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been praised for my characterization a lot recently!! Specifically with VH in Orice, I've gotten a lot of compliments on his characterization being complex. I'm really happy about that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything-- *gets shot* I don't know how to articulate!! Sometimes I get ideas and I try to write them, but it's all in pieces, and I don't know how to fix it into a fully-fledged narrative.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have gotten help with that in the past for Lückenbüßer. I don't do it often, it is difficult to pull off in a way that doesn't take the reader out of the story. I suggest a translation key in the notes. If you aren't familiar with the language and don't have a buddy who is, I'd say it's perfectly acceptable to write the dialogue in your native language and put it in italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
There is no way of knowing, truly. On ao3, Greek Mythology and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood. Why both? The Daffodil's Echo was written first but The Shocking Absence of Grief was posted first.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
How does one choose!? I'm very proud of what I've done with the Orice series. Of course, it's not done tho. I'm very proud of finishing Perfidy (Elisabeth and Rudolf crossover)!
Get your ass over here @fitzrove!! You too @company-and-co!!
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bigjbonk · 3 months
HI!!!! I found you through ex machina!!! I would sell my bones for more of it. It is SO GOOD. i understand if you dont plan on writing more of homestead, but please, tell us what was gonna happen next !!!!! (If you had an outline already, if not its ok)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's a pretty huge compliment, thank you!!!
Homestead, Homestead, Homestead. It isn't that I don't want to write it, really. It's just that the tf2 fixation is dormant at the moment, and has been for a while. And at the time I didn't like writing Melissa lol. I do wanna write more of it, but the issue is that right now I have stuff I wanna do MORE, and that list is always growing. My creative process is kinda just. You know. Hoarding WIPs that I'll "work on later." 😂
I was an even less disciplined writer back then than I am now, so I kind of just had some loosely connected ideas that I would write whenever I ended up feeling like it. So, seeing as at this point the most likely way I'll get back to Homestead is after an Ex Machina rewrite (and who knows if/when I'll get to that), sure, I'll share some ideas I had for Homestead under the readmore. Hypothetical spoilers below.
For starters, Engie is sterile. He and Melissa wanted children, but didn't find out until later that Engie couldn't have kids. It's why there was a room in the house that didn't match the rest, it's why Engie immediately latched onto the idea of caring for Mal (and partially why he didn't always have the best instincts even when his intentions were good; no practice), and it's why Melissa was initially REALLY uncomfortable with the fact that he'd "built a son in all but name."
Speaking of Melissa, she definitely didn't like Mal. She's seen enough of Engie's craft to know it's sound. But this is the first time he's (as far as she knows the situation) BUILT A GUY. Inspired by a coworker or not, that's weird. That might even make it weirder. It doesn't help that she barely gets to see her husband, and now he's brought home what might as well be his artificial kid, and barely pays her any mind because he's so set on advancing the robot's AI and teaching it ABCs. Melissa wouldn't resort to outright sabotage, because she loves her husband more than life itself, but she DOES inadvertently start a petty rivalry with Mal (if a slightly lopsided one) because frankly, she WOULD prefer that darned robot gone. Even if she wouldn't overtly say so.
I was kind of hoping for her and Mal to eventually warm up to each other, but considering Melissa's visceral distrust, and Mal's tendency to be either terrified or vindictive when wronged, to this day I'm not sure what would have spurred them to make up. I think I was just gonna keep writing as I go until an idea came up that kinda felt right.
I'm pretty sure that was it for actual plot stuff. There wasn't a whole bunch, seeing as Homestead was meant as a sort of drabble collection anyway, with a string of AU canon to tie them together. But here's some other random ideas I had for themes and chapters and stuff!
Mal really would find a horse. It wouldn't be HIS horse, but it would be a big enough horse for him to hop on and then IMMEDIATELY realize he didn't know how to ride one. No horses would be harmed in the making of that chapter.
Mal learning about sign language, and wanting to learn it. It would be difficult, seeing as he has three fused fingers and a face that can't emote, but it's close enough to what he and M-146 did that he would want to try.
Engie upgrading Mal's pattern recognition software so that it could run fast enough for him to enjoyably watch cartoons, simply because it bothered Mal that he couldn't make anything out in animated material. He would immediately swear off almost all of it for a variety of reasons (he ends up not really liking slapstick or fantasy violence, for starters), but he would quickly become hooked on shows like Scooby Doo whenever his cooking show wasn't on.
Engie would also work on de-noising his speaker system because Scout would call sometimes, and talking to a robot whose voice is 80% grain is a nightmare over the phone.
Speaking of Scout calling, Engie tended to always get surprised immediately after a call because Mal would have learned like 20 new words, and would have more varied intonation for words he already had. By the time the fic ended, Mal would have been capable of nearly flawless speech, and his intonation and even accent would become startlingly different from Scout's. And no, Engie would never fully get used to it. XD
There was gonna be a chapter of July 4th. That was uhhhhhhhhh gonna be how Engie learned Mal had pretty severe PTSD. This would have led to some newfound understanding of Mal's prior behavior, and that awareness would have in turn led to better management of— and workarounds to— Mal's anxiety. Not using certain power tools in his vicinity, for example, or slowly introducing him to stimuli that he found stressful in other contexts. (I'm no expert in how PTSD is managed, and at that age I DEFINITELY wasn't, so like, I would inform readers not to take my approach as like, a PTSD tutorial fjdkdjddhdj)
Once Mal had the words for it, he would reveal his favorite colors were yellow and green. He wouldn't want to be repainted, but he WOULD start occasionally wearing clothes about it.
Mal likes watching Engie work, but should NEVER be expected to help beyond handing him tools. (Engie learns why after the July 4th incident, when Mal has the words to share some of his backstory. Which got loosely addressed in a side fic because I literally retconned his origin like halfway through Ex Machina lol whoops)
I toyed with the idea of Mal making friends so that he wasn't 100% dependent on Engie at all times forever and ever. But I never came up with anyone, nor the circumstances for how he would even meet them when he barely gets to leave the house.
Mal eventually learns he likes to draw. He's not good at it by any stretch of the word, but he likes it.
Anything else I could put here would be me coming up with modern ideas, but these were some of the thoughts and themes I had in mind when I was first writing Homestead. Or at least the ones I could remember; there's a notebook somewhere that had a few ideas listed, but I have no clue where that is lol.
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heya-moth · 4 months
But you, Robin Minamoto, shall be mine Chapter 1
Hi author Echo here! This is the first chapter of Son of spy, Daughter of Scout. My Silly oc's will be in this, only two though. This first chapter is a prologue of sorts, it's purpose is to give context for who these ocs are-ish. Anyways next chapter will have the standard TF2 chaos! до свидания
Word count: 1257
July 10th, 1963, Boston MA.
It’s a hot summer day in the suburbs of Boston, the sun is blazing as two older women sit outside, and two lemonades sit on the patio table as these lovely ladies chat up a storm.
“Jeremy!” Ma calls for her son, “Don’t worry Sachi, he’s a good boy.” Ma coos softly to her companion
Jeremy rushed out of the house sprinting onto the patio, only stopping when he reached his ma. He’s a handsome young lad, 21 years of age, with bright blue eyes, white teeth, and an athletic physique. He is also a gentleman, not in a romantic way in a ‘Ma taught me right’ gentleman. He will always be awkward around women his age.
“Jerbear,” Ma coos out her loving nickname to Jeremy's despair, “This is Miss Sachiko Minamoto.” Ma motions to the shorter inky-haired woman in the garden chair next to hers with a smile. “She moved in last week when you were visiting your brothers.”
Miss Minamoto wasn’t a girl his age, she was closer to his Ma’s age but a bit younger, she had soft yet dark inky black hair that was all neatly clipped into place into a low ponytail, and small dark brown eyes that were almost black if you don’t pay attention. Her name states that she is a Japanese woman, and her belly shows that she is a pregnant woman. Yet she’s lovely all the same
“Oh cool!” Jeremy chirped with a smile before bowing. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Minamoto”
Sachiko laughs and smiles while speaking in a different language before going silent for a moment.  “Please just call me Sachi, I am nobody's Mrs.” She said with a somber smile
Jeremy gasps, “Well you could’ve fooled me! You’re just too pretty so of course I assumed a lucky man had already scooped you up into marriage!
Ma and Sachiko giggle to themselves, “Thank you, you are so kind, Jeremy.”
Jeremy smiles as he pulls up another chair. It’s a nice hot summer day in the Burbs of Boston, two older ladies and a 21-year-old Jeremy sit in garden chairs on the back patio, and two lemonades sit on the patio table as the three chat up a storm.
December 24th, 1963, Boston MA 8:45 PM.
The front door slams open as Jeremy tries to balance all of the paper bags full of groceries in his arms and on his head so he can open the door properly. The brunette stumbles, dropping an odd vegetable here and there, into the kitchen. He plops the groceries down with a sigh, why’d Ma make him go to the store on Christmas Eve? Speaking of Ma, Jeremey didn’t see her, or hear her.
“MA I’M HOME!” Jeremy shouts and waits five seconds. No response
“MA?!?” He shouts again sprinting throughout the house looking for his dearest mother. Frustrated, he dashes out the back door, down the patio, running through the nicely mowed backyard he hops over the fence to Sachiko’s backyard and lets himself in. Ma and Sachiko quickly became best friends after she had moved in five months ago. If Ma isn't home, she's probably with Sachi.
“Sachi?? Ma??” Jeremy calls out walking into the mudroom. He sighs softly and takes an inhale to scream, but then, he sees it. A little paper hanging on the refrigerator. That’s odd, Sachi never leaves things on the fridge, unless they’re important. With that notion in mind, Jeremy walked up to the kitchen and snatched the paper off of the fridge. It’s a note, in his mother's handwriting, it reads…Jeremy, when you see this note, it means I am with Sachiko in the hospital, she is in labor and about to give birth to the bundle of joy in her. Please come to the hospital ASAP.
Without hesitation Jeremy booked it to the hospital, not even bothering to close and lock up either homes.
Ma stood next to Sachiko holding her hand with both of her own. “Don’t worry Sachi, I’m right here sweetheart.” She coos softly to her dear friend, “you’re not alone, I will not leave your side until you are ready”
The sound of Sachi crying and straining to push her baby out filled the sounds of the room, the doctor and nurses muffled by her sobs, until. Sachi’s eyes widened as she huffed and puffed. Her face was red puffy and wet from her tears, her chest heaving from her screams.
“Congrats,” The doctor said after cutting the umbilical cord, “it’s a girl.”
A wave of happiness and relief rushed over the two women.
“I told you, Sachi, you’re still here,” Ma said softly, before kissing her on the forehead.
Sachi smiles weakly as the doctor hands the tiny baby girl to her for the first time. She came out with a blonde head of hair and soft blue eyes that didn’t match her mother's. As soon as the baby girl got put into her mother's arms, she fell asleep.
Sachiko laughed dryly. “Aren’t babies supposed to cry?” She asked with a smile 
“Not all–” Ma stifles her giggles “Three of my eight didn’t cry immediately, Jerbear being one” “Oh I hope my girl can be as kind as him” Sachiko smiled softly “Have you thought of a name?” “No…” Sachi trails off “She kind of looks like–”
Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! SLAM!!! Jeremy ran in, sweaty and out of breath.  “I made it…!” he managed to say in between huffs of trying to catch his breath.
Ma shakes her head “Please don’t tell me you ran all the way here” Jeremy looks up at her and blinks “Jer…” “I was acting on instinct ma!!” Jeremy retorts and walks over to the bed. “How are ya feeling Sachi?”
“A lot better now that it's over” Sachi smiles weakly “Stay here Jer, I’ll go get us some food” Ma smiled as she walked out of the room.
Jeremy smiled softly at Sachi. “You and Ma scared me!” Sachi laughs softly and sighs “To make up for it do you want to hold her?” “For real?” “For real. Unless you don’t want to”
Jeremy outstretched his arms and stares at Sachiko dead in her eyes “Give me the child”
Sachi and the remaining nurse laugh as Sachi hands over Baby girl to Jeremy with the utmost care. He cradles her softly and pulls her close to his chest, she yawns and looks up at him with those big blue eyes.
“Hey little Robin,” Jeremy coos softly. “Ready to become my little sidekick?”
“Robin?” “Oh, it's a comic book character, he's the sidekick to Batman” “Ah… still it's a beautiful name… and it would blend her in.” “Awh Sachi no you don’t have to–” “No Jer–” Sachiko interrupts. “I want to name her Robin.’
Jeremy smiles and looks down at baby Robin. She’s asleep in his arms again. Then a thought crossed Jeremy’s mind, a sad thought. She's going to grow up without a father, like he did, but she also doesn’t have any older brothers to protect her. Well, now that won’t do. That won’t do at all. 
‘Don’t worry lil Robbie, I got you. Forever and always, I will be the best big brother I can be, promise.’ Jeremy thought to himself as he watched Robin sleep. 
It’s December 24th, 11:25 PM in Boston Massachusetts snow is falling, carolers are singing, families are huddled by their fireplaces watching Christmas movies, and Jeremy just welcomed his little sister into the world.
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thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
Pauling In Blunderland
TF2 Alice in Wonderland AU
All Chapters • Ao3
Chapter 4/14 - Tweedle Boom and Tweedle Bang
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Pauling crashed into branch after branch, each one poofing into ash as soon as her body hit it. It covered her whole body, caking her glasses, but it at least made for a much softer landing.
She coughed, stumbling out of the soot pile onto the black musty ground. She removed the blindfold that her glasses had become and squinted at the blurry world around her. In the sky, a blur she assumed was Jerry dashed back into the animal-filled sky. 
“AYE, YE BETTEHR RUN!” A blusterous voice whooped from somewhere in the forest.
From above, another voice shouted, getting closer. “YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN MY WAR GROUNDS, BUTTERFLY!” 
Pauling jumped, spinning around and socking the man that just landed behind her square in the jaw. It was like hitting a tree trunk. 
“Ow!” She grabbed her hand, dropping her glasses. 
The man, holding a hand to where she’d hit him, got centimeters away from Pauling’s face and growled. 
Even with her blurry vision, she could tell that this man was a soldier. Not just because of his steel pot helmet, or the fact they were in something called “the War Grounds,” but by the very way he was shaped and held himself. There was just no other assumption one could make. 
“What are you?” The Soldier demanded. 
“Why does everyone keep asking me that? Would a polite ‘Hi, what’s your name?’ kill you guys?”
“QUIET! I want a rank, you strange purple maggot. Spit it out! Now!”
“Oeh, lay off the lass, Soldier.” Another man—the first voice she’d heard—stepped up behind him and smacked the back of his helmet. “Cannae see she’s just a wee little thing? She won't do ya no harm.”
“SHE WILL AND SHE HAS! You will get your ass handed to you on a silver platter with an intuition like that.” Soldier turned to bark at the newcomer. “I was not in her proximity for more than two seconds before she struck me right in the kisser!”
“Hey. I only hit you because you fell out of the sky right behind me.” Pauling huffed. “It was instinct, I’m sorry.” 
Pauling jumped back again at the shouting, surprised at what she could only assume to be a compliment. “Right. Thanks? Um. Anyway, you can call me Pauling or Miss Pauling, if you like. My ‘rank’ would be… assistant? I suppose?”
“Nice to meet ye, Assistant. I’m the Demoman but most folks call me Demo.” He stuck out his hand. Pauling shook it. He had stony skin and a surprisingly professional grip. 
“And I am the Soldier!” 
“I figured as much.”
“Sometimes my friends call me Solly! You may not call me that.”
“Okay then, Soldier. Nice to meet you?” Pauling offered him a handshake as well, which he took with sudden enthusiasm. He seemed to switch from blistering commander to eager friend often and rapidly. 
“So, what brings you to the War Grounds, Assistant?” Soldier asked cheerily in his gruff voice. He was still vigorously shaking Pauling’s hand.
“Y-you c-can j-just c-call—” Pauling tore her hand from his grip. “Just call me Miss Pauling, please.” 
“Alrighty! What brings you to the War Grounds, Miss Pauling?” 
“Well, first, I just to find my glasses.”
Soldier raised his hand. “What are those? And can I use them to blow him up?” He pointed to Demo (who seemed just as eager about the possibility) with his thumb. 
“Um, I’d have to say no.”
“Aw.” Soldier put his hand down.
Pauling shrugged apologetically. “I need them to see. They’re just ordinary glasses. You know, two glass panes inside a frame.” 
“Uh…” Demo lifted his shoe. “They woul’n happen to be these things I just stepped on, would they?”
“What?” Pauling bent down and plucked her soot-covered broken glasses. 
She grumbled as she wiped them down on her leggings. The lenses were cracked and stained, and the frame was bent awkwardly around her nose, but she could see again. (At least, she could see better than without them.) 
  Getting a solid look at Demoman and Soldier was an experience, to say the least.
Though they were nothing compared to the giant that had been Saxton Hale, they were still tall/buff dudes. Demo stood at about 1.8 meters, with Soldier being a bit shorter. 
Demo was dressed head to toe in regal white and silver. He wore a thick vest and sturdy boots, with stout sleeves underneath. His skin looked like it had the texture of rock. Hell, there was literally a crack running down the right side of his face, through an eye socket that was filled with a white stone. Altogether, he looked like he belonged in the middle of a fancy fountain by a castle. 
Soldier, on the other hand, was a mucky fellow. His black and dark-grey uniform looked raggedy, although there was no actual wear or tear visible on it. He was covered in patches of dirt. Twigs and other flecks of debris were stuck to his helmet and coat. His boots were covered in mud. 
What really caught Pauling’s eye, though, was their weapons. 
Soldier was leaning on a rocket launcher nearly as tall as he was. Several grenades were strung around his chest. There was also a shovel strapped to his back, for some reason. Likewise, Demo was decked from head to toe in explosives. He was casually holding a bomb launcher at his side, and there was a beautiful sword on his waist. 
Pauling found herself reaching toward the blade, marveling. 
Demo caught site of this and took a swift step back, unsheathing it in an instant change of character. A dangerous and combatant aura overcame his merry composure. 
Pauling didn’t much mind having a sword pointed at her chest; all it did was give her an even better look at it. She whistled, never taking her eyes off the masterpiece. “That’s gorgeous.” 
Demo faltered, blinking slowly before shifting back into his casual stance. “Aye, she is, ain’t she?” 
Pauling held out her hands. “May I?” 
“Uh… I ‘spose. Be careful, though. Eyelander can be a brat.”
Paulig grabbed the sword from Demo’s hands. She fumbled at first, getting the weight positioned correctly in her hands, but then held it up with strong and eager glee. 
“Who dares hold me? Are you here for war? Are you here for battle?” A voice cut through Pauling’s mind like a knife. 
“Mmm, yes.” Pauling’s subconscious answered casually for her.
“Love that enthusiasm,” the sword scoffed. “Prove it to me. Prove you—”
Pauling turned on her heel and swung at the trunk of a nearby tree. She wasn’t the best with melee weapons; it was by far her least practiced form of violence, but she planted her feet in the proper stance and the rush of the swing poured in from the hilt. 
The blade cut through the bone-thick trunk like butter. It stood tall for a moment as if nothing happened, then slid off the side and collapsed in an explosion of ash. 
“Oh,” Was all Demo said. “Maybe ye were right,” he whispered to Soldier under his breath. 
“Right about what?” Eyelander yelped. Pauling felt its ferocity begin to pull her mussels again. “What did that bobble-headed sucker say about me?”
“Not you, ya dolt,” Demo tried to explain to Eyelander but it was too late. 
Eyelander, still held firmly in Pauling’s grip, launched itself at Soldier. It planted itself through his side with a solid thunk, exactly the same feeling as cutting the tree. 
“Oh my God,” Pauling yelled, yanking it back out. “I am so sorry!” 
Shit, I should have left it in, she cursed to herself. Now he’s probably gonna bleed out. 
“EY! What the bloody hell is yer problem?” Demo jumped at her. “Ye ken very well that’s my job!” 
Instinctively, she spun around and kneed him in the gut. “It wasn’t me! It was this sword!” 
Demo didn’t answer,  clutching his stomach where he’d been hit. 
“Well, the sword did the stabbing,” she chuckled apologetically under her breath.
Pauling glanced behind her. Soldier was standing up. His side was gushing what looked like black ink but otherwise, he seemed entirely fine. And angry. She glanced back to Demo reaching for his bomb launcher. 
“Hell,” she muttered and took off running. 
  For an area with such a violent name, the War Grounds were surprisingly quiet; it could almost be described as peaceful. Dashing through the tall coal trees under the ashen sky inspired a tranquil feeling inside Pauling. 
The explosions and unintelligible shouts that were following her, however, did not. 
“Where are you going? Fight! FIGHT! I want the Soldier’s head!” Eyelander whined in her mind.
She ignored it, whipping past tree after tree, each tangled root or gnarled trunk she grazed bursting into shattering into a suffocating cloud of ash. She stopped trying to doge them altogether and just sprinted straight ahead. The nature around her gave in—until it didn’t. 
In her mad dash away from the explosive men, Pauling failed to notice that the black forest ended in a perfect line. She had crossed the stark boundary and smacked into a solid stone, abruptly finding herself in a completely different world. 
The ground beneath her was no longer spongey dark dirt but, instead, pale and rocky sand. What she’d stupidly run into was a huge stalagmite (one of many that checkered the dessert). They rippled with layers of pearlescent white. The field of these regal rocks looked almost as though castle turrets had been erected across the land.
“Oh hey, we’re home!” Eyelander piped up in sarcastic excitement. “Anyway, if you’re done being a coward, can we go back and kill that guy now?”
Pauling had enough of being insulted by this scrap of metal. She had no idea why she was even still carrying it around.
“Because you can’t put me down,” It smugly informed her. “ I’m made for attacking, so you’re either gonna attack or hold onto me forever. Why not make this interesting for both of us and, you know, decapitate something?” 
“Some thing, huh?” Pauling looked back up
“Wait wait wait, NO—” Eyelander might’ve been able to read her mind and seek out blood, but it couldn’t stop her from slamming it into the stalagmite. 
The first swing hit a marble-looking loop. It bounced back, chipping the stone and blunting the sword. 
“JEEZ, LADY!” Eyelander squawked. “ What is your PROBLEM? Didn’t you say I was a masterpiece or something?” 
“I don’t know! Maybe my dislike of being possessed or cursed or whatever you think you’re doing to me outweighs my admiration of weaponry?” Pauling smiled threateningly. 
“Okay, that’s fair. I–” It was interrupted as she smacked it against the rock again, this time hitting a ring of sparkling crystal. “ OW. I’ll stop! I’ll stop! You know, you could have a little respect for a magic sword. Yeesh.” 
“Sorry, but there’s only one person I really respect.” Pauling shrugged and jammed the sword forward. This time, the part it hit was a malleable alabaster-like layer. Eyelander sunk inside, stuck like Excalibur. 
Somehow, even though it was telepathic, the rock muffled Eyelander’s voice. It faintly garbled on in her head but she could no longer make out the words. She basked in the ignorable quiet. Cool as it was, that sword was getting a little annoying. 
The suddenly-close shouting was her only warning as a rocket plunged toward her. Pauling yelped and dove out of the way, landing on her back but somehow dodging the massive explosion. 
Soldier came flying out of the dark forest. He landed on rough sand with a crunch. “I SAID HALT.”
“I am halted!” Pauling barked back at him.
He scooted to a stop right in front of her, looking down in surprise. From this angle, Pauling could see his smokey pitch-black irises under his helmet. 
“Oh,” he said.
“Yeah. You really didn’t need to shoot at me.” 
“Why not?” He asked with the tone of a child who’d been told not to smash his hands into a cake.
Pauling opened her mouth to answer but stopped when she saw Demo rushing out of the woods as well.   
“We are waiting!” Soldier informed him with a salute. 
“Ah.” Demo stopped. “So ye are.” He looked awkwardly from one to the other for a moment. “Well then, where’s ma eejit of a sword?” 
“MMHMM MM HMMM,” Eyelander screeched loud enough for all three of their heads to echo.
Demo sighed and pulled it out. “I swear, ye are insufferable when it comes to guests.” 
“You aren’t supposed to have guests! You’re supposed to kill HIM! (With me, preferably.)”
Demo rolled his eye and sheathed the sword, silencing it completely. “Aye,” he huffed. “I’M s’posed tae kill him. That’s my job, ye bloodthirsty glory hog.” 
As he talked, Pauling stood up and dusted herself off, finally noticing how all the black soot she’d gathered earlier had turned to glittery white dust. Her hands and glasses were coated in it as well. 
“Huh,” she wondered at the sparkly residue. She turned to ask Demo about it, glancing up just in time to see Soldier wack him in the back of the head with his shovel. 
Demo fell into his face. “OW. Oi!” He flipped to his back and kicked Soldier hard in the shin, knocking him to his knees and pouncing on him. “I’m gonne jam my thumbs in your eyes and hang on ‘til ye’re DEAD!” 
Soldier, in turn, dropped his shovel and opted to smash his head against Demo’s. Helmet met skull with a crack. “I AM GOING TO CLAW MY WAY DOWN YOUR THROAT AND TEAR OUT YOUR VERY SOUL!”
Pauling watched the two tussle for a moment. She’d stopped trying to question how anything worked in this world and decided firmly against getting in the way of their war. Besides, they seemed to really enjoy it. 
“Hey, guys?” 
Despite being in the middle of getting throttled, Soldier looked up with a polite grin. “Yes, Miss Pauling?” 
“I’m gonna head out now.”
Demo took a hard fist to the jaw. He slumped back, looking up at Pauling from the ground. “Aw, ye don’t wanna stay en fight? It’s bin a while since we’ve had someone fun join us! Usually, the only spice we get es just whatever creatures Saxton misses, en those’r like stopin’ out daisies.”
“I’m on a mission right now, looking for a rabbit (long story) and I’ve gotten sidetracked as it is. Some other time, though, I’d love to!” 
“Rabbit?” Soldier paused his attacks. “I know a rabbit!” 
“Aye, doesn’t that scampering berry-muncher live in one of yer areas?” Demo agreed, reaching for a patch of especially rocky ground. 
“Yeah! He—AUUGH.” Soldier bumbled backward as a fistful of sharp sand was thrust up his nose and mouth. He spluttered the rest of his sentence out, “His base is stationed on the 6th of the 1st.”
“We’re on the 3rd of the 1st now,” Demo helpfully informed her as he loaded his bomb launcher. Soldier was still coughing out sand. “Ye just walk that way ‘til you get back to his, then mine, then his again. That oughta be where that twinkled-toed toy is.”
“Oh,” Pauling said, understanding. “It’s like a grid?”
“Yeah, exactly.” Demo smiled over his shoulder while aiming at Soldier. 
“Thanks! See you guys later, I guess.”
“Goodbye Miss Pauling!” Soldier hollered from the ground, giving a lively and friendly wave. “ It was fun getting stabbed by you! Come back soon!”
“I will!” She happily called, having already put a good distance between herself and them. A world-shaking BOOM ensured her this was the right choice. She chuckled, shaking her head as she continued toward the next square of woods. 
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nomorenormalcy · 1 year
Uh oh, art dump!
I've been away far too long, I need to post some art that was completed in the meanwhile. So have a bunch of art.
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This is Ærin, a human who ended up becoming a cyborg. I plan on writing them into a story as a secondary character of a Sci-Fi story idea I've been sitting on for literal years.
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These are the ponysonas of my husband and myself (from left to right)! It was just a cute and quick drawing and my husband loved it.
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This is Caloré Flare, a pyromancer, and Nathan, a skeletal horse! They're from the game World of Warcraft (avid fans would have noticed and asked me why I mentioned it) and this is my most favorite traditional drawing I have ever so far. Yes, They are both on the same level of ground. Nathan is very tall and Caloré is only 5'1".
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Master Chief riding a great white shark that I have decided to name Sharkie. This was a wood burning project that my husband and I collaborated on together. I did the sketch, and my husband went over it and burned it into the wood. Sadly, I don't have a photo, but it turned out great! Obvioulsy, Master Chief is from the Halo game franchise. First console FPS I played and my favorite still. Hilariously enough, I don't play it anymore at this time.
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A humanized version of my dog, Nula! After all, how else would an energetic Jack Russel mix look?
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Loradel Darkflight, blood elf blood knight. I enjoy playing as him and there's a huge family dynamic with him and other characters I have. All of the blood elves I have are connected (except for one) in some way. Even the one void elf.
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I have to put these side-by-side as it's a redraw! Ten years between these drawings! Both were drawn for my now husband! We had met in college back in 2010 and have occasionally messaged off and on until it became more regularly when we started dating in late 2019. One year into our two year engagement, I drew the redraw for him! I was quite pleased with the improvement! Funnily enough, I knew nothing of My Little Pony, then.
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My ponysona in their earth pony disguise. Only after I finished the drawing did I realize that the mouth was a bit on the long side. Reminded me of the "horses with dog mouths" trend a while back. It's canon, now.
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Not only is this cat a reminder that I really need to work on my proportions, but it's also a birthday gift to my little sister as a nod to her nickname from her deadname with the blooms of a sunflower as a nod to her new chosen name! She has this hanging up in her home in a frame. I am a bit bashful about it.
I mean, you see that arm, right???
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Just a few sketches of my ponysona doing a couple of poses.
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Keeping the pony trend going, we have Balanced Scales! An r63 and r59 (is that the AU internet rule?) of Phoenix Wright from the Ace Attorney franchise. I dove deep into that fandom a while back after looking around on YouTube for some MLP fanfics and saw the crossover there. It was some pretty good work, imo! So I just went, "What if there was a female pony version of Phoenix?" and it kinda spiraled from there... I made the whole cast in Pony Town.
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Finu the Helpful! A skittermander biohacker! I played this menace in a Starfinder game with my friends. She's basically if Medic from TF2 had a small mascot character that learned medicine. She ate anything biodegradable and had no issues shooting her allies with needles as much as her foes. Her allies were indeed thankful that those were loaded with boosts and healing potions...
She also once ate a mushroom that was hacking into their ship's computer. That was fun.
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HE IS THE SAND DRAGON! DRAGON OF THE SAND! I mostly drew this while thinking of that time in the comic Looking For Group when the party encountered the Sand Dragons. Especially when Richard turned one of them into glass.
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A book cover for my story Teamwork (found on AO3, Fanfiction.net, and FimFiction) that I had some fun with. On the cover, we have Breezefeather with the left half in her natural pegasus form and the right in her human disguise! Might make more art of that story at some point. We'll see...
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Another story! Cover art of My Little Ninja (also on AO3, FanFiction.net, and FimFiction). I had a lot of fun with the background for this. I'm more than a little upset that the cover just doesn't want to be allowed for some reason on FimFiction... Is it the explosion? If so, wack...
So far, that's all I've got that I would like to share. Some of these may be a repost, but that's fine. I still like them all!
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Had this recurring dream where I’m at this university for people with powers. There’s some sort of traitor amidst our ranks trying to commit terrorism or something. There was this character named Lily who kept starring at me. Her powers were to seemingly control/make gusts of wind and/or change her hair color & eye color. Not sure what mine was. Mine was maybe the wind thing. At first her hair color was black & she had dark blue eyes. Later on she had bright neon hot pink/red and bright blue eyes for most of the stuff I remember.
I just remember there was a scene in the women’s bathroom where it was like somehow checking to make sure we were all ourselves??? We had to give a DNA samples to verify though because of the traitor in our midst. There was only like 3 stalls and I know how Lilly wants to rush into things (this was when she had black hair and early into the friendship). We were all stressed and I was worried about my new friend so I knocked and said “hey can I share this stall? You looked rather distressed and we’re both girls so it’s fine right?” “Yeah, I guess so.. thanks by the way...” So we awkwardly sat on the toilet together in the stall amidst some sort of terrorist attack both nervous but taking some sort of comfort in the awkward predicament we found ourselves in together. Real bonding moment. Just 2 gays sharing a toilet. Anyway it verified we were both ourselves and this nosy mother fucker in the other stall tried to stand up and film me but I knocked her phone out her hand before she could. Then Lily & I both laughed as the weirdo fell into her stall and probably got a bunch of bruises. We smiled at one another and waited until it’s okay to get out.
So we absolutely had like this gay college buddy thing going on. We might have been QPPs or something. After the bathroom moment she seemed to change her hair to that neon pink/red color & stick with it. She had it up in like MLAATR Jenny Wakemen style hair but the tails were way longer. She would always try to rush into danger though and I was always worried, running after her, having trouble catching up. I would end up shoving her out of the way of mind-controlled animal attacks, bullets, and somehow I never died?? Maybe I had a Deadpool-esc healing factor or something. Lily was very reckless but I was very protective and had fast reflexes even if I wasn’t the fastest at running. A sniper one time shot and I pushed her out of harms way just in time & survived.
There’s always this Winston Overwatch mother fucker and an evil equivalent of him somewhere in the story though this time the focus wasn’t as much on him. Though at one point Lily was dancing with a bunch of animals and the monkey guy was like “awww look at them getting along!” It was very cute. Monkey man could talk to animals too so definitely cooler than Winston Overwatch.
Anyway later on there was this beach scene where I was in like a black and/or purple swimsuit and she was in a bright pink one. Initially I couldn’t find her at the university outing but then I see a non-motorboat boat speeding in from across the lake. It had like one sail on it yet it was going so fast and I just see her going “woohoooo yeahhhh!! Oh I think I see Rose over there hi Roooose!!!” She seemed to be making the wind push the small boat around at a rapid pace. It was hot. Made me blush that’s for sure. Her hair flying in the wind as she made her way over to the beach. We hugged and she giggled and kissed me on the cheek. That’s unfortunately when the dream ended. Oh also Spy TF2 was her dad for some strange reason.
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sweetums0kitty · 2 years
Things that I think have Edward Nashton ✨Vibes✨ or like random headcannons for him.
The Early Fall Out Boy albums.
Mainly I think he’d love Take This To Your Grave (he’s big into Tell Mick he just made my list of things to do today) and From Under the Cork Tree (Nobody Puts Baby in the Corner, I Slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy and All I got was this song) and Folie à deux (mans screams 20 Dollar Nosebleed driving home after a murder)
Has a beat up to hell DSI he saved a bunch of money up for. Is the undisputed king of Brain Age. Has that DS game that’s just a bunch of public domain classic books.
The DSI itself is like really beat up from riding around in his book bag. He’s changed the battery multiple times so it’s basically running on spite and coffee fumes! Just like him!
I think Eddie would also be an MCR fan, Mama makes him cry his eyes out. Legit heartbroken when they broke up. Absolutely lost his (already gone) fucking mind when Foundations of Decay came out.
Has a deep buried desire to be loved and held and cared for. Does not know how to express it or attain it. Poor guy is the definition of touch starved.
When he does order food at the diner he keeps it pretty simple. Like a sandwich maybe a BLT if he’s feeling fancy. Mostly it’s pie time bay-bee! Also too much coffee
Pretend to hate Starbucks, says Frappes are just milkshakes with like a drop of coffee in them. Loves to play the Coffee Snob™️. But this motherfucker would inject Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Frappes into his bloodstream if he could!
Speaking of Fall things favorite season right there. He loves Spoopy stuff!
The air getting colder, the leaves changing color, it’s crisper and Gotham is allllllmost a tolerable place to be in. Not when you’re right in the center of the city, that’s dank and nasty. But go to the parks or the outskirts and yeah he can vibe with that.
Is strangely enough a master at hair braiding. He picked up the skill from the Orphanage.
Really loved Roald Dahl books as a kid. Back when he was still innocent and idealistic (before everything went to shit and even a little after in the Orphanage) he would try really hard to see if he had Matilda powers.
Like he’s stand in the bathroom and give himself a migraine trying to flip the switch with his mind. It never worked! 😔✊
Shockingly don’t think he’s an Incel, is he dismissive of other people and outwardly rude? Yes, yes he is! But he just can’t give enough of a fuck about other people to give a shit about who’s having sex and who’s not. Still lonely tho…
I think his parents (to make him sadder, who doesn’t wanna kick around the Blorbo a lil) were/are a Rich Girl who was studying at Gotham University with a Law Degree and the son of her Landlord’s who was also studying. A joint study session or two and they had their little fling and boom! Eddie.
His birth mom is from Metropolis actually! His birth dad disappeared under mysterious circumstances. (Rich Girl’s dad paid him a bunch of money to fuck off out of Gotham and never talk to Ed or his mom ever again)
Neither of them have his last name and his records are hella obscured. Trust me, Eddie tried to find out something, fucking anything.
Rich Girl Mom went on to marry some Rich Boy and she ended up with a MRS. Degree and had two half siblings. She often wonders about him. Saw what happened in Gotham and felt terrible and responsible for how he turned out. Just uh… not enough to like actually reach out and help him.
Eddie hates people but will never be mean to a child. Especially not the children in his building. He likes kids, they’re honest and non-judgmental.
Deep down he still wants a spouse, a nice 4 (one room is his office/man cave) bed and 3 bath house on the outskirts of Gotham with 3.5 kids and Golden Retriever or some shit like that.
Watches/watched too many movies and thinks relationships are supposed to be like a rom-com.
Is in a few Discord servers, has his own for the Riddler but also has like a group of internet geeks he plays D&D and like Jackbox or TF2 with.
He is the D&D Dungeon Master thank you VERY much! When he’s not in charge (he will fight tooth and nail on this) he likes to play Wizards, he’s a classic Elven Wizard guy. Always super high intelligence and Wisdom stats. Has the worst fucking luck on charisma throws, even worse luck when it’s a saving throw.
He had/has friends he just self isolates into a pile of hatred for the world and self loathing so his relationships are shaky.
This dude fucking loves the Sims, Sims 2 is his Nostalgia fave but he really got into the Sims 3 and had played that one the most.
I think he smells nice and doesn’t use like 3 in 1 shampoo. It’s still shit like store brand generic green man soap. But he takes care of his skin and his hair.
Avid wearer of sunscreen, will burn if he doesn’t wear it. Objects majorly to going outside during the summer.
Has one faintly chipped tooth from when he got slammed into a toilet in Middle School.
Was a Library TA in high school. Mainly his senior year since he really didn’t need to take anymore classes other than like an elective (shop class and one more language course. He picked German)
Likes the smell of spearmint, vanilla lotion (especially on a pretty girl), leather, old books and the metallic smell of fresh blood. Also coffee but that was a given.
Can technically cook but chooses not to.
Okay, I really should fucking stop this is already so long. 😖😫 But I love him.
By god I have to add onto this post!
My dude is a raging pansexual, like you all saw how feral he was for Batman.
He has such a weird way of getting crushes on people. One time a cute guy was vaguely nice to him when he got his coffee order and this poor guy already planned out their entire wedding and what they’d name their kids.
Cannot initiate to save his life in those situations. Gets too up in his head and his mean ole brain is like “A you’re disgusting, B. You’re getting distracted from your mission you fucking loser and, C. We gotta circle back to what a gross loser you are.”
If someone showed interest in him he’d short circuit and then assume it was some kind of prank. Please reassure him, he needs it.
As for mental health stuff ima project onto the husband here.
Has BPD, why? The outbursts, getting unhealthy attached to Batman without even knowing him, the mood swings. He just seems like the type.
ADHD my dude lives in organized chaos. Nobody else knows where anything is in his place and that’s how he likes it. He’s got his hyperfixations! Riddles and puzzles being one. Numbers too! He seems like the type of person who would bounce their leg a lot.
Pens are his stim toys, you can bite em, you can tap them, you can click them and they write! 
Tried to go to a gay bar once, he did not make it through the door, mostly sat in his car trying to hype himself up.
Once he got his Riddler outfit tho…. Ooh he was in there and it still freaked him out. Mostly it was him sitting in a corner trying to blend in and lowkey drooling over every hot person that passed him by.
Watched/watched Gravity Falls. He liked Dipper, kinda hates Mabel but not really and full on loves Ford
He’s always hated Harry Potter, thought it was stupid and whenever someone asked him what his house was he’d be like “I don’t have a Hogwarts house because I’m not a child.
Green Apple and Lime are the best flavors fight him.
He used to drink like way too much Monster and other energy drinks but they kinda give him heart palpitations now so he sticks to coffee.
He likes arcades, there’s one that’s been around forever by his place. The folks who own the place are pretty nice to him.
Very pinchable cheeks. You knew tho!
Wears socks in bed! His peets get cold.
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