#thank you world for giving me the people and the strenght to live and fight on
sar3nka · 1 year
Btw I came back from the concert it was really fun :) when they finished playing a shady guy took us to a really nice pub. It smelled like weed in there, they had chess, we played all night. I might actually be over larper finally. I love my girlies.
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Hello Bea , your writing is IMMACULATE <3, also can I ask for whumpee 37 ?
Whumpee 37: “I'm- I'm dizzy-”
Aah, Anon you are making me blush 😊 thank youu, and of course you can! Thought I'd try writing a slightly different caretaker than what I usually go for... I hope you like it <3
Caretaker rolls their eyes and takes a deep breath as Whumpee goes on with their endless babble. They’ve been talking nonstop for so long that the part of Caretaker that doesn’t want to yell at them to stop, wonders how Whumpee hasn’t run out of things to say yet.
“…and, if you think about it, cloaks are the very best clothing item,” Whumpee says, shooting Caretaker an excited smile that isn’t returned. Whumpee barely notices. “It’s like a blanket, but socially acceptable! You can just put on a specially made blanket and walk around wearing it and that is considered fashionable, isn’t that amazing?”
“Yeah, Whumpee. Amazing.”
They don’t notice the lack of patience in Caretaker’s tone either.
“I think we should get another cloak at our next stop. We could use a spare one, and yours is looking a little worn, don’t you think?”
“Whumpee, don’t you ever shut up?” Caretaker snaps before they can stop themself.
Big, hurt eyes turn to Caretaker’s, but they make sure to ignore the pang of guilt that wounded look awakens in them.
“Sorry,” Whumpee mumbles, lowering their eyes. Have they always looked this small? “Whumper didn’t like it when I talked too much either. I just thought that now that we got out, you wouldn’t mind it if I… Sorry. I’ll stop.”
“It’s fine, kiddo,” Caretaker sighs, frowning at Whumpee’s hunched shoulders. “You can talk, I was just being an old–”
“Hide!” Caretaker shouts when the second arrow flies through the air right beside their head.
Whumpee sprints to hide behind the closest tree, as does Caretaker. Their weapons are unsheathed to the sound of flying arrows behind them.
“I think I counted three of them,” Whumpee says hurriedly, turning their head to try and get a glimpse of the attackers. “One waiting a little ahead and the other two hidden among the trees on the other side of the road.”
“You take the one ahead, I’ll take the other ones,” Caretaker whispers, and Whumpee nods.
The fight doesn’t last long. Despite being outnumbered, both Whumpee and Caretaker are far more skilled than Whumper’s men, and it takes only a few minutes for the three guards to be lying unconscious on the dirt.
With no rope to tie them up, they settle on throwing the guard’s weapons as far as they can in hopes that’ll slow them down.
They exchange a silent nod, and start to run.
Caretaker’s heart speeds as fast as their feet, blood rushing through their veins and prompting a breathless laugh to leave their lips as they stop.
“Well, that was crazy,” they pant, bending over and leaning on their knees. “Whumpee come on, you couldn’t stop talking until a few moments ago, and now you decide to finally shut up? Did you see their faces–”
When they look back though, every last trace of a smile vanishes from Caretaker's face.
Whumpee sways on their feet a few paces behind, holding a growing red stain on their side. They blink at the ground and swallow once before looking up.
“I– I’m dizzy–”
Whumpee’s knees buckle, and Caretaker sprints forward, catching them only a moment before Whumpee’s head hits the ground.
“Oh fuck. Why didn’t you say something?”
“I didn’t… didn’t want to disturb you any more,” Whumpee gasps, squeezing their eyes shut and grinding their teeth together.
Caretaker opens their mouth, but no word comes out as they stare at Whumpee’s pale lips and heaving chest.
“We have to get you to a healer.”
Whumpee whimpers, but their head moves up and down once, and that’s enough for Caretaker to scoop them up in their arms, grimacing when a sharp cry leaves Whumpee’s tightly shut lips.
“Sorry,” Caretaker mutters, already darting towards what looks like a city on the horizon.
“Shouldn’t we go through the woods?” Whumpee says with a slight sob. “If the guards found us once they, they could find us… again. We can’t… can’t take the road.”
“The road is faster.”
“Whumpee. You are more important than the risk of getting caught.”
They lean their head against Caretaker’s chest at that, and after a soft “okay,” Whumpee doesn’t say anything else.
Oddly enough, the silence echoing around Caretaker, only the sound of their boots hitting the ground and the whisper of the wind in their ears, sounds as wrong as the warmth of Whumpee’s blood dripping on their hands.
Caretaker had never thought they could miss the incessant chatter so much, and yet they’d give anything to hear it once more. The silence is too loud without Whumpee’s voice filling it. Almost as loud as the fear roaring inside their chest.
When they look down and find Whumpee with their eyes closed, Caretaker speeds up.
“Hey, Whumpee.” Their eyebrows crease a little, and unfocused eyes flutter open, straining for a moment before focusing on Caretaker’s face. “You can’t fall asleep. Stay with me, kid. Why don’t you tell me about the cloaks?”
“You don’t want to… hear about them,” comes the quiet answer.
“But I do. They are mankind’s greatest invention, isn’t that right?”
“You, you were paying attention?”
It hurts. It burns, to hear the surprise in Whumpee’s voice.
“Of course I was,” Caretaker says through the lump in their throat. “Now, tell me all about it.”
“Caretaker, I… I want to sleep. Please, I’m so tired.”
“In a moment, honey. Stay awake for just a little bit longer, and then I’ll let you sleep. Alright?”
Whumpee nods, and Caretaker runs faster, holding their breath when Whumpee winces at the movement.
By the time Caretaker gets to the city, they can barely hold themself upright anymore. They do though, and when they stagger into the main square, there's no thought inside their head that isn't about the bleeding person in their arms. Whumpee has gone quiet minutes ago, and despite the painful twist in their stomach, Caretaker knew they only had so much strenght left, and it wouldn’t last to both talk Whumpee out of sleep and run.
“Please,” Caretaker gasps. “Please, we need help.”
But no one moves. A few people halt, staring at the blood and the desperation on their face, but no one moves to help.
Caretaker grits their teeth and darts wild eyes to unknown faces, feeling sticky blood, fresh and dry, staining their hands and their clothes.
“Please, somebody help them!” Caretaker shouts, a sob finally slipping out.
“Go get the healer,” someone screams, and Caretaker falls to their knees, holding Whumpee close to their chest as people surround them, asking questions they can’t concentrate long enough to answer.
“Please, please, you have to help them,” is all Caretaker says, again and again to whoever is listening.
When hands try to take Whumpee from Caretaker’s hands, they can’t help but hold them tighter.
“You need to let go now,” someone says calmly, staring deep into Caretaker’s wide eyes. “I can’t help them if you don’t let me.”
Caretaker looks down at Whumpee’s closed eyes and nods. “We got here, Whumpee. Now it’s on you, okay?” they whisper in a quivering voice. “You have to live. I’ll listen to you talk every day for the rest of our lives, about whatever you want to, no matter how long you go on for. You just have to fight, okay? I promise, I–”
Hands pull Whumpee from their arms, and this time Caretaker lets them. They watch as the healer lies Whumpee’s listless body on a stretcher, and only then do Caretaker’s body finally crumbles.
Caretaker passes out in stranger’s arms, but even though their legs shake and their head hurts, all they can think about is how they should've promised to buy Whumpee as many cloaks as they want.
They whisper that promise to themself, and then the world goes completely dark.
Prompt from this list
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I wonder: if I showed this simple (and definitely incomplete) list of things Jikook did with each other to some outsider... would they think they are a couple or not?
(-> YES. YES THEY WOULD. The fact that people have the gut to discredit them because they are same sex members of a boy group blows my mind! The overly pushed heteronormative is especially disgusting :/)
JM is JK 's emergency contact
JK has JM initials tattoed on his ring finger
they know e/o's family very well JK's mom loves JM JK references JM's father multiple times JK's brother seem to like JM a lot
JM gave JK a '(love)bite' on his neck
JK nibbled on JM's ear on a stage in front of 66k people after saying 'I love you'
JK called JM baby
JK called JM dangshin
JM called JK puppy prince
JK drops honorifics with JM
you are me I am you
they where together on free days/national holidays
they are often seen arriving and leaving together in the same car
JK said JM is the perfect person to marry
JK always gives JM his full attention when JM is talking
JK said JM is the member who gave him the most confort
they went to see the first snow together
they wore matching outfits on valentine's day
they went on a private holiday together (JK's present to JM for his birthday)
JK recorded their holiday together and published the video as his last present to JM (said video has romantic undertones and lyrics)
JK has preferential treatment for JM - pancake - never getting angry and letting JM get away with anything - scolding the other members when they talk over JM
they have special voices/tones for e/o
they share or match clothes jeans shirts green jackets vampire t-shirt olive brewery sweater grey t-shirt pants/shirt by LV check collection olive green and balck plaid jacket purple shirt and purple marni sweater shoes on several occasions
they went on a date to disneyland
they went on a date bowling
they went on a date ice skating
they touch in sus places neck (both) inner thighs (both) waist (JK to JM) chest (JM to JK) hair/face/lips (both) ass (both)
they hold hands for no reason
they back-hug for no reason
they side-hug for no reason
they hug for no reason
they sit on top of e/o
JK gravitates towards JM
JK stares at JM a lot esp his lips
they cuddle
JM said he would go to the moon with JK
JM said he would feel safe with JK even on a deserted island
JM said JK is a reliable banreyo
JK said everything about JM is cute
JK said JM is the cutest
JK said JM with makeup is sexy
JK said 'if it's sexy, it's JM hyung'
JM said he loves waking up and seeing JK
JK portraied his and JM morning routine in the music video for LGO bc he wanted realism
JM said the part of his heart that thinks about JK is quite big
JK woke up early on a 'retreat' in New Zeland to collect snow and gift it to JM
JK said JM's existence is honey for him
they have been seen going shopping together
they have been seen working out together
they have given e/o plenty of compliments (even on their phisical appearence)
the thing JK is most sorry for is an argument with JM when they were younger
jin repeatedly teased them for their couply behavior
they flirt on stage magic shop
they naturally pair up for group pictures
they wait for e/o to head home
they give e/o advice on dancing, performance and singing
they are together at weird hours at night (night buddies coff coff)
V called them out several time for being together alone instead of with him (vlives)
they said they better not do vlives together bc they distract e/o
the members refers to them as a unit
staff has said they never see them separated
they have questionable selcas together (of buised lips and shared beds)
JK said JM is shameless
they flirt a lot during downtime
JM seems to like being picked up/carried around by JK
JM said JK is his happy virus
JK said he makes JM happy. JM didn't deny
rabbit spit
JM saying JK likes being tied up
allusive pick up lines everywhere my heart is burning why are you acting cute detective play with me arrest me do you think you can always be forgiven bc you are cute it's not our first time I want you why do you always come to my room give me a kiss why am I so erotic? I am going to be your future boyfriend are you happy bc of me? Don't you hear my heartbeat? I purple u do you like me that much? This is my toy JK's holy sweat You gotta spank him although he's older
questionable subtitles provided for context star, wind and romance mood and they lived happily ever after JK is happy with JM kate minslet and leonardo jungcaprio JM is JK's favourite model the director is getting into it JM and JK are one the maknae is happy thanks to JM hearts, cute comments and music from the editing team over their interactions
the sun and moon duo
golden closet film
big romantic gestures for e/o JM getting back to korea from Paris for JK's birthday JK singing romantic songs to JM
korea's open secret
being seen together taking a covid swab
JM always stays afterhours to reharse with JK
they are e/o biggest fanboys
JK is protective of JM (airport)
jimmeo and kookliet
JM got annoyed Jin called him while he was spending time with JK
they went on a boat date to see the red moon
they went to see malta together
JK is often potographing or filming JM
they have moments together that are proper misteries and so weird the mosquito net incident the whole osaka vlives fiasco the various 'home' references laguna beach the kiss sound video while JK reharses weird tweets/hashtags what do you want for your birthday, do you have a desire? Ambiguous use of the world ARMY what is tasty in Busan JM's manager the tissue incident the incriminated-selfie gate
they seem to know everything about e/o
they mention e/o a lot
their last two solo songs are love songs (finding love in unexpected places and the joy coming from happy love)
j-hope mixes them up a lot
JM has plenty of cute pet names for JK
JM said 'it could appear as if JK is simply somebody close to him who is younger (but...)'
JM is always with JK when he is phisically or emotionally hurt
JK often massages JM for his chronic pain
JM often massages/caresses JK bc yes
JK imitated JM's dangerous dieting in order to make him realize how bad it was
they have private (questionable) videos dancing together/practicing alone
JK took over a call JM did to Jin on vlive to say 'I love you'
JK said 'I love you JM' in the mic after a concert
JK said 'I love you' to JM on the red carpet in sign language
They both said they get hyped when they make eye contact on stage
JK gave JM the cutie award
JK stays close to JM when JM falls asleep in public places
they blew kisses to e/o
they got lost staring at e/o and forgot what they where doing JM on the red carpet both of them at awards
they paired accessories
they paired hair colors
they have a lot of admiration for e/o as people
JK lets (or makes) JM win
they get frequently lost in their own world
they reference things only the other understand
JK sometimes puts up a bit of a jealous act I do not approve of this
JM lets JK scold him
JK said to JM 'you are always number one for me'
JK said to JM 'I am always watching you'
JK has been recorded softly containing JM when he's on a perfectionist streak
they seek e/o out for comfort after performance hugging/hand holding
when one is hurt the other looks like he's suffering too JK on stage when JM broke down in the first virtual concert JM when JM got denied in a game
they defend e/o from the other members and have e/o's back
the other members separated them on several occasions when they got too touchy
personal space who?
They know things about e/o that are clearly not shared with the class brushing teeths snoring alarm ring sleeping time
black swan performance
they put e/o hands under the other's clothes to touch bare skin
JM kissed JK's neck
they feed e/o
spanking and ass-grabbing
they were caught on camera ogling e/o shamlessly
JM's weird strenght kink
JM said his camera roll is full ok JK
they have a different smile for e/o
other members said suspicious things about them together
JK only saw JM and J-hope during their official break
all the members minus JM complain about JK not answering his phone
heart eyes
drinking from the same bottle
blindly recognizing e/o's body parts just by touch or out of context photos
napping on each other (yeah, you read that right)
non-verbal communication over 9000
weird editorial cuts in backstage videos when the two of them are together
JM said 'JK falls asleep hugging me'
JM said 'JK plays hard to get but when he thinks I am sleeping he comes by and say I love you'
JM said he is the main model for GCF
JK said JM's photocard is sexy
JK sometimes hesitates in touching JM or holding him when he knows they r on camera
JK said JM is a fallen angel
JK praised JM's dancing several times
JK likes to tease JM
fixing e/o clothes
JK closes his eyes when JM touches him
JM run trough a whole stage abandoning his stage persona when he hought JK was being sick
JM puts JK's happiness first
similar mindset about important stuff in life
JM sat on JK. Uh. Different ways
JK putting his hands over JM while being hugged in order to drag JM even closer
JM ordering JK around and literally dragging him around
JK being overprotective
the members subtly panicking when JK/JM have to interact closely on camera
JM having to fight for JK's forgiveness while Jin was immediately let off the hook
Quite a list anon, lol. You put so much work into this list I couldn't not post it.
I do agree with most of your points if not all of them, but a good example of just how much there is out there to show how these two are the real deal.
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skullchicken · 3 years
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On the 30.04.2021, Meinhart Bonifaz Brant, at that point an unassuming spindly 15-year old human reading Stanislaw Lem's "Star Diaries" on the living room couch, goblinized into a giant. About 50 years later, he would go on a few adventures under the street name "Alberich" (you see, it's very funny because he's not a dwarf).
In honor of goblinization-day, I'm compiling all of the art and (hopefully entertaining) stories I have of mah boi and the chicago shadowrun-group - so these are going to be some long posts. Everything under the cut so I don't clog up your dashboards and cut up into chunks. If you don't want to see it, blacklist "goblinization".
Part 1, the first mission:
So, why is Alberich? When I joined the shadowrun-group that would start my obsession, my english conversational skills weren't that great. Mostly trouble finding words and having a really thick german accent. Since I was a bit self-conscious about that, I decided to instead lean into it. Thus Alberich was a german-born ex-museum director turned shadowrunner since he did a Very Stupid Thing and had to leave the Allied German States for Chicago.
What did he do? He made a deal with a dragon. Specifically, he sold a forged piece of art to Lofwyr, CEO of Saeder-Krupp.
Alberich was introduced into the already formed group something like this: "At the entrance of the building, arriving punctually, you spot the biggest troll you've probably ever seen, looking very uncomfortable to be here and slinking as much as is even possible. All in all, he somehow doesn't look very threatening. In fact, he looks as if an art teacher had been stuffed with a 3 meter/10 feet tall horned giant. His face lights up as he sees you, though."
So the first thing he does is shake everyone's hand, politely assuring them that it's a pleasure to meet them and yes, he is Alberich, and who are you? Ah, yes, lovely names, very creative.
For reference, this is the average shadowrun-group:
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Speaking of which, the gang's line-up did change a bit unfortunately, but the ones that stayed from beginning to end were:
Speedrun, street-samurai. An adrenaline-junkie who has styled himself after anime. Very much trying to be cool, to the point that he has adopted a deep-sounding voice that's rather obviously not his natural speaking voice. We pictured it as him talking with his head on his chin. Here he is, trying to impress the fighting adept shere khan:
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Elf_Queen, decker and elf-poser. An elf-poser is someone who tries very hard to be elf-like - in her case, she wanted to actually *be* an elf. She ran away from home since her parents were metahuman-racists (Humanis policlub). Notably, her online and offline persona were very different. Online, she's very assertive and the guild leader of an mmorpg. Offline however, she's pretty much scared of anything. When Alberich joined the group, she hid behind Speedrun - you don't live with humanis for that long without picking up some xenophobia as well. And trolls aren't well-liked in the game world.
So the first mission: De-kidnap a kidnapped singer called Jericho. First we took a look at the bus-line she had last taken, a task for which Elf_Queen had to jack into said bus. Only three problems: A) She had to get behind a metal covering inside the bus B) her character sheet is min-maxed to hell and back, thus she has ONE measly point in strenght. Which wouldn't be a problem since she's in the presence of three pretty strong dudes if not for C) Massive Social Anxiety.
After looking around like a wet bunny for 5 minutes, Alberich (who has also cramped himself into the bus) finally catches on and goes "... can I help you, little lady?", pops the cover open and she can get deckin'. You might call this strike 1. You'll see why.
After visiting her appartment and some more investigation, we gather that Miss Jericho has been taken away into a bunraku (think brothel but with more brainwashing) to be re-programmed to the liking of her ex-boyfriend whose band she left to make it on her own (and quite successfully so). Which means we'll have to deal with Yakuza.
The bunraku turns out to be disguised as a night club. After I tried and failed to casually infiltrate the place (... I... er... wasn't a very good player at first?) we had to flee forwards, take out the guards at the door and make sure we get in and out of there as soon as possible.
In the club, almost before we made it backstage, Elf_Queen got held up by a guy bent on talking to her and froze up. Well, at least until Alberich very casually bent over the two of them and informed the guy that "she's with me". I tell you this, because this was strike 2.
Backstage, past a kitchen and into the cellar, we finally got into a room with two rows of plexi-glass cells - and in the middle, a bound spirit, a thing that feeds on negative emotions. Our muscle (Speedrun and Baba Yaga - yes, we had a John Wick in our midst. And yes, Alberich technically doesn't count as muscle, he's a mage. It's complicated) were outside, fighting off Yakuza. So it was up to EQ to hack Miss Jericho's cell open as quickly as possible and for me to make sure she wouldn't die while doing so.
After like three rounds of unsuccessful banishing (as I said... not a good player), the cell was open. But...
There were the other victims.
What about the others?
Now, when I thought up Alberich, my core idea was "Daryl Whitefeather and Don Corleone having a mental fistfight". I tend to play good characters and this time around, to honor the setting I set out a morally grey character, someone who mostly looks out for himself and only indulges in kindness when he has the luxury to do so. Being kind and polite, if you think about it, is really just usually the easiest and most pleasant way to get people to do what you want. And if people are convinced you're scary by nature, seeming less so is just a smart survival strategy.
But then he looks at this little socially anxious nerd, who very much reminds him of himself, when he used to be a little socially anxious nerd, long, long ago and she says with big eyes "please! can you give me a bit more time? We need to save the others! We have to try!" and it's just... strike three. He's taken the little decker into his heart. So internally he goes "welp, I'm old anyways" and externally he shrugs his mana-burned shoulders, sighs "okay" and keeps trying to banish.
Unfortunately the spirit almost eats him alive. EQ fails to open any more gates, so they make it out once he as but 2 life points left, run into the elevator and evade the fast approaching small army of Yakuza on the way out.
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Elf_Queen jumps into his arms, Alberich holds her like one might hold a chihuahua, Baba Yaga is trying to gauge their time and speedrun's reporting back from outside.
In the end, it was bittersweet. Because while we did save Miss Jericho, the brainwashing still took hold. Her last 1 1/2 years of life wiped away, she asked for her ex-boyfriend as soon as she woke up.
End of Part 1, thank you for reading this very self-indulgent text!
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voidcat · 4 years
–The Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Characters: Daichi Sawamura / f!Reader
Genre & Word Count: fluff & 2.9k
requested by anon:
Would you do a fluff Imagine for Daichi Sawamura where proposes to his HS sweetheart infront of Ukai’s shop because it’s the place of a lot of their relationship firsts like he realized he had a crush on her when they were first years running to each other after their clubs (she played soccer), where she told him she loved him after they lost to Aoba Johsai third year, got yelled at for kissing in front of when they found out they were going to the same university, etc? Your Bo fic got me ❤️
A/N: song rec for the fic is a Nocturne of Chopin’s. also pls keep it in mind i did the ending at 2am so there may be few sentences w/o verbs that slipped my attention.
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Sakanoshita Store is a familiar place for many. A meeting point for teens, a store full of wonders for kids and a vantage point for Karasuno High, especially for the sports teams.
It is the place where you first hung out with your new teammates, some of whom you’d become life-long friends in the future. It’s where you found your second family and felt at ease, discussed tactics and laughed about funny memories.
For you, Sakanoshita Store was where you first laid your eyes on the infamous team, though unaware of it at the time, they managed to attract your attention. An usual after-practice snack, you and your friends had crowded the place. Upon entering and seeing there were no absent tables, they had bought whatever they came for and left. And in their absence, there was an air of unease. “Hey, who were they?” you asked one of your friends but the curious expression on her face made it obvious she hadn’t noticed them.
The next day in class, a stroke of silver hair you recognized from the store. “Hello Sugawara-san.”
“Oh, hi (Name)-san. Did you need something?”
“Yes, actually... I was wondering, which club you were in?”
“The boys’ volleyball club!” “Since when Karasuno has one?” The face he makes sends regret through your bones. With a soft giggle, hand scratching his head, he offers a sad smile; similar to the air they brought with them the other night.
“Well the club surely didn’t meet the expectations we had but Daichi-san has hopes for the future.”
The way he says the words gives you hope too, for their club and future success. “Who is, Daichi-san?”
“Square chin, broad shoulders, very nice back? Never captured your attention?” “I will… make sure to look for him next time. Thank you, Sugawara-san.”
“Please, you can call me Suga.”
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Suga was right that day, because once Daichi Sawamura captures your attention, it’s downhill from there on.
Exchanged greetings were awkward at first but in a short time, you two would take the time to greet one another and ask how you are. With it began small talk, usually outside Sakanoshita Store, snacks in hand, standing like that for god knows how long.
“So what sports are you doing?” “Soccer!” His face a mixture of surprise and amusement, a moment you hoped would be engraved in your memory forever. Playing the sly, you invited him to one of your practices and he invited you to one of his. Working out and exchanging tactics and suggestions on health were a given after that.
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When Suga invited you to the first of many study groups to come, you were none the wiser. “Hey (Name)! I’m holding a study group tomorrow for the upcoming exams. Would you like to join?”
And for your luck, it’d always be the seat next to Daichi or across him that was empty. They either liked to meet up earlier; Suga, Daichi, Asahi-san and Kiyoko-san, or Suga would tell you the time few minutes late for you to show up last.
No complaints though, as fierce as he is on court, Daichi was expectedly good with classes too. He would take the time to explain things patiently if anyone ever needed help, seeing that side of him would make you feel you were included in on a special event. One too delightful to watch and fluttering you in the process.
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Firsts is something you experienced quite a lot in High school.
First low grade, first time you had to stay up all night to study, first time you had a bad game and first time you had someone in the audience that you cared for deeply. The first goal you scored was in the very same match, the finishing blow to the game and your winning point. It was the first time Daichi hugged you with an iron grip.
The first time you had snacks at a time so late was when you joined the team. Practices going longer than planned and starvation coming over the lot of you, Ukai’s store is where you all would [go].
The first time Daichi realized his feelings towards you may be bigger than anyone could foresee, it was another late night after practice hangout. As the chill air brushed your cheeks and left clouds of steam in its presence, you were having an energy drink, thanking him for it. One sip and your face was taken over by a new emotion, the surprise of tasting your favorite fruit in the drink, you asked how he knew and he just shrugged with the same small smile of his; a hint of knowing was hidden there but “Dumb luck.” was all he said.
As he started taking notes of what you like and what ticks you’ve got, the small details spilled during study sessions; you found yourself doing the same for him. Study group leading to study dates after an unexpected proposal one evening; a joke with a hint of serious in it.
“Hey have you been to this café downtown? The one that opened recently? I’ve heard they make discounts for couples, we could pretend to be one if you’d like.”
Pretending was easier than asking, little plays for gentler dreams, to avoid the possibility of stern truths and harsh rejections. Something close to disappointment passed through his face but he shook it off quickly, offering a big smile and a nod, “It’s a date, then!”. Oh how the both of you hoped for the words to come true hereafter.
Juggling on the thin line of what-nots, teasing remarks from your friends could not be escaped. And with people who don’t know you two, assuming you were more than just friends, it’d make things more sufferable occasionally. The close calls and the brushing of hands, his breath tingling your cheeks and your eyes watching him with an ever-lasting spark whenever he wasn’t looking around…
Safe to say you were always there for one another, could talk about anything and everything, a shoulder to cry on and a chest to bury your tears deep, a rooted support system at the matches and great consolation for any kind of losses.
Although fights and arguments rare and in-between, one came by after the biggest game of that time, ending with the victory of Aoba Johsai’s epic win. The morale was down, the third years now more lost than ever, for they were so close, fingertips almost grazing at what they’ve been chasing after for the last three years. As everyone started to leave one by one, back to their homes, it was only Daichi and you left behind, back at where it all began.
Frustration clear from his face and the air around him, you reached out a hand, only to stop midair, not touching him, grazing his shoulder or offering a soft pat. It was clear that wasn’t what he needed. Putting on a face of the strong leader for so long, doing the best he could to keep the team up and hopeful; it took everything in him to hold himself together. You wanted nothing more than to help him stay together, stronger than before, than ever.
Consoling words falling short at one point, it was clear he didn’t want to hear.
“Why do you even care so much about this? It’s not like our team faces a great defeat at the beginning, you are not the flightless crows, the depleted ones fallen out of their strenght-“ “Because I care about you, you idiot!” You didn’t mean to yell but maybe it was better to put it out like that.
For the first time in the past hour, his face softened to something new, curious and tender. The “why?” hanging from his lips could be heard from the silencing weight on the street.
“Because I care for you. I love you, can’t you see, how much it hurts me? Do you think I can’t feel your pain and anger right now? Your disappointment and doubts eating at your guts?” Hands acting on their own as words came out of your mouth, you held him in a gentle grip as you kept going.
Aware of the tears gathered at the edge of his eyes, you were numb to yours until he wiped away yours with one step, one touch.
A second step and he was hugging you tight, pressing to himself as much as he can. As if the world around you was reaching its end and he wanted to shield the both of you no matter the consequence. Words mumbled into your hair, you didn’t need to hear to understand what he was trying to say.
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Seeing you hand in hand, it was Suga first to cheer on you. A little “Took you long enough!” coming from him didn’t go unnoticed and you could only laugh in response. He did have a point after all. Knowing that, he wouldn’t miss any chance he could get to brag about how it was him to get you two together.
“So our loss to Seijoh was a plan of yours as well?” Daichi said one day and Suga toned down the bragging about being the best wingman.
Joining the club on their practice matches whenever you can was more than just an excuse to see your boyfriend. Getting to see the improvement of your underclassmen made you feel like a mother who first witnessed their baby walking and running. Still doing your best to encourage them whenever you can, you were there with them ‘til the very end.
As school drew near, the immersing? Fear of separation hovered over. It was without a doubt you all would keep in touch but there was something saddening about having to leave high school behind and begin a new chapter of your lives. No more cozy lunch breaks with your friends, you could never get to enjoy the sudden taste of spotting Daichi across the hall during your breaks, waving at each or blowing kisses at one another. No more after school practices together, farewell joint work out sessions and early practices.
With the ever pressing matter of this, all you could was to live in the moment, enjoy it fully and through, take as many mental pictures as you can, laugh your heart out until tears come out and Suga’s face hurt from smiling so much, until Kiyoko cracks down a smile and joins in on your schemes, Asahi watching the rest of you with worry…
And Daichi by your side, almost all the time. Suga would say you two were attached by the hip. On the walks home, you’d offer him your arm and he would pull you to himself instead, an arm wrapped around your waist, your head on his shoulder, inhaling each other’s scent and watching the sun set.
When the awaited time came at last, first thing you did was to run to him, yelling where you would be going for studying. Joining on your joy and little celebration dance, he pulled you to himself and wore the same proud smile he always had whenever his thoughts lay on you.
“Let’s have a treat like always to celebrate!”
“You mean- Ukai’s store?”
“Why not? We should have as many Karasuno snack memories as we can there.” Seeing the unease on your face, Daichi placed a kiss on your head and leaned in for a hug.
“Come on. My treat.” With a quick nod on your part, he grabbed his jacket and the two of you were on your way out. Your feet practically skipping, you couldn’t contain your enthusiasm and started rambling off about anything you could spot on the way, hands never stopping once.
“Hey! Wait a second. You never told me where you got in!”
“So… hungry… cannot- talk…” He said in a rather mimicking voice, low, his unoccupied hand reaching out to a nonexistent table of feasts, clearly impersonating the many times you’ve done the same thing to him.
“Okay, so be it. I can wait!” At your words, he shot a grin your way and pulled you further to himself.
By the time you reached Ukai’s store, purchased anything you craved and got out- another request of Daichi’s, “For old times’ sake.” he simply said. As you were busy unwrapping, his eyes lingered on the store and the trees around, each stone and person passing by.
 He speaks so quietly, you don’t register his words at first: “It’ll feel weird coming back here as college students. I’ll miss seeing through the eyes of a crow.”
Your hands coming to a halt, you look at him, at his eyes and the corner of his mouth, and he doesn’t keep your expecting eyes waiting. “But it’ll be a new beginning for us. Visiting again as the students of (University Name) this time.”
Turning back to face you, with the same smug grin of his, it catches you off guard, even if only for a second. Food be damned, you throw yourself at his arms, the very same ones you found consolation and comfort many times before, and before either of you can realize, you lock your lips, Daichi holding you in his arms, spinning you around.
It feels so normal and natural yet magical, another first in the chamber of joy and the course of living, in the cycle of life and everything. As everything else around you seems to tone down, colors faded back into the background as well as the sounds, you are startled by the shout, a little too familiar. Offering Coach Ukai a sheepish grin, you pull Daichi by his hand and run off to where your feet guide you; the laughter coming from the both of you ringing in the air, bubbling up in your chest and making you feel.
The cycle rounds up again and you take on the new step, from now on comes new beginnings, each one a new adventure test, new taste to try, to drink, run and yell, scream and dance.
It always leads back to certain places engraved in your lives. The same café you first went for an impromptu date, the same park you had a picnic, the familiar front of Sakanoshita Store, the same benches you’ve sat together many times before and fell asleep many more…
Be it a celebration after the tiring week of finals, or a study date gone rogue, a party to celebrate one’s birthday or just a quick run-down the store due to an emergency craving; it always rounds back to the same places, although new settings come once in a while to be joined.
Seasons pass, people come and go, things change and flowers bloom.
The waters wash down the worries just as hit against the rocky cliffs, sharpening some and softening the others, the breeze gently grazing your cheeks and the sun leaving little kisses.
Another day of walking together, nothing particular in mind to do and you find yourselves in front of the Sakanoshita Store like many times before.
“Do you want anything?” you ask Daichi and he just shakes his head. Whispering “I’ll be out in a minute.” you go in.
By the time you are out, Daichi’s attention seems elsewhere, gazed focused on far away, on something that’s not even here. Breaking out of the trance upon hearing your steps, he turns to face you, an expression you haven’t seen in a while, at least not directed at you.
“(Name)-“ he begins, “The past years I’ve gotten to know you, live with you and by your side, they have been the greatest years of my life.” Your breath comes to a pause, unsure of what will follow his words.
“And ever since I’ve met you, you have become a butterfly in my heart. In my stomach, exciting me with your presence; in my mind, entrapping? My thoughts and ideas; flowing in my blood like the oxygen and filling my heart with emotions I could never imagine be true.”
Holding your hand with his, in a manner he has done before, his gaze follows your fingers and trails up back to you. “And just like a butterfly, my life has entered a cycle. A mere caterpillar meeting you, chrysalis never seemed so easy with you, and with that I’ve emerged as someone bright new. Over and over again. Each moment we’ve shared, a new cycle; each day coming to an end, the cycle would carry us back here; each tender memory now engraved in my heart is a gift from you and my days I’ve spent with you.”
Another deep breath and he adds lastly. “So thank you. For giving me this opportunity and letting me live through so many lives, more chances than a butterfly could ever have.”
As your heart stammers in your chest, torn apart on how to feel and what to say, you just stare. “I… I don’t understand-“
“My butterfly-“ Daichi says as he squeezes your hand, “Would you be so kind and allow me to experience more cycles by your side, take me into your heart and life, share a leaf for now and ever?”
When put out like that, it seems clear as day, as the sky above you in that very moment. And all you can say is to let out a “Yes!” and throw yourself into his arms, like you’ve always done.
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aysall · 4 years
on Jin, and his story.
A sort of analysis retracing Twice’s journey. It’s long and convoluted, but I wanted to give him a proper goodbye. 
[P.S. seeing a lot of discourse lately I want to specify that mine is not a moral analysis. I’m not interested in discussing who’s right or wrong in the conflict. I understand why other people do it, it’s just not me. Hope you enjoy.]
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The parable of Twice’s character has been explored throughout the story of My Hero Academia in an extremely conscious way. His first appearance in chapter 77 occurs briefly and unexpectedly; unlike the other villains, he’s not depicted in a disturbing or dangerous light and that’s why at first glance he’s easy to categorize as unimportant (in hindsight, this sort of unique introduction should’ve said a lot about him). While the Forest Training Camp Arc reaches its peak Twice reappears several times in an increasingly comic light helped by the continuous, incomprehensible at the time, contradictions with himself. Still not scary, besides the funniness, he begins to be endearing.
A jump, and here comes chapter 115, the first to be completely dedicated to a villain and it really is interesting: hero society is seen through different eyes and its supposed “moral goodness” is questioned. Our gaze turns briefly towards the outcasts upon hearing «Heroes only save good people», is it really so? And why is a comic-relief character revealing this?
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Jin Bubaigawara’s face is devoid of comedy as much as Twice’s mask is full of it: empty eyes marked by fatigue, a scar that divides the forehead in two, a story about losing oneself and their sense in the world. A double meaning, it’s early to comprehend it fully but My Hero Academia is opening to the other side, willingly listening and we listen with it. «By helping the League that accepted me as I am … I want to think that I am okay with the way I am, too» Mh. Okay. Let’s go on.
Twice’s development continues along the Overhaul Arc, as it opens with an error on his part which leads to Magne’s death, and from there it unfolds, in guilt, comfort and resoluteness. Toga, who until then was quite the flat character, cartoonishly depicted as creepy and psychotic, accompanies him showing a different side of herself through the first act of kindness we see from a villain. It’s worth underlining how, in regards to Twice, many of the bad guys soften, showing more delicate and empathic gestures: Giran welcomes him, Shigaraki allows (and uses at best) his sentimentality, even Dabi puts aside his indifference to encourage him. I think it’s because such dedication drives others to respond in kind.
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Anyway, «I’m human too y’know… Shigaraki!» (ch.148) with this sentence, what previously was only speculation becomes clearer in the reader’s eyes and seals the promise of a conscious and attentive development: Twice’s role is aimed at opening a gash on the villain’s inwardness, invisible until that point, and it’s thanks to him that we begin to observe them in a more understanding light. Magne’s death has shaken up the League, and they find again their balance with new, stronger bonds, sealed by Shigaraki’s affirmation that they’re acting for their own sake. With Twice pouring out his feelings they’re able to build trust, work in tandem, emerge victorious. He was (and will keep being) useful, pity he doesn’t notice it.
Several and too many chapters later: My Villain Academia Arc. Twice’s humanity is confirmed yet again when he throws himself into the fray, first to save Giran, then Toga and then all his companions. In murmuring that the Legue is his home, another piece falls into place and it’s here, among other things, where we connect the most with him and his past: who has never lived a moment of loss and solitude, where the mistakes add up to one another to the point that one day you look in the mirror without knowing who you are, aware only of the ugly parts, thinking that maybe that’s why the pain doesn’t go away. You probably deserve all of it. 
Twice’s path is cathartic in regards to rejecting this view of himself because, partly by chance and partly by voluntary action, he began to recover when he built certainties in his life, realizing that it’s worth struggling for a connection with people and how much dear that becomes to you, how terrible the idea of ​​losing it (losing them) can be. The plot rewards him for his struggles.
«The important thing is to know who you are, what you want to become» isn’t it poetically perfect that when Twice decides not to run away from himself, he finally realizes that he is the original? The ground has stabilized under his feet because now he knows what his mission is, therefore the “real” Jin Bubaigawara can go back to being whole—or at least united enough to pursue the goal of protecting his home with all his power. Which is pretty fucking powerful.
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Many have said that Twice is the heart of the League of Villains and I agree, he is a summary of the “good” (even if distorted) feelings that led every single member into joining the group. Misery does love company, the excluded sought each other because when one is alone reality is too scary to face. 
But a villain, however emotional, must have his tools to defend himself or his strenght will become his weakness. That’s why Twice is both the strongest and the most vulnerable and is twice (hah!) punished for this condition; the second is fatal. Despite this his narrative arc ends with a reaffirmation and reinforcement of everything he is and represents: he sees himself in Hawks and thinks he can help him (empathy), then he is betrayed and mourns and fights for his companions (self-sacrifice), he regrets his mistakes, he is ready to die (kindness). And he dies many times: protecting his home, full of anger and sadness, exposing the hypocrisy of people who are many things but perhaps not heroes—which is good, as Twice shows again and again, the world is not black and white, heroes and villains intertwine and maybe they do become “just human”. He dies without doubting himself nor his feelings, he dies in an attempt to reach his loved ones and he also dies reaching them. His last death happens in the arms of the girl who first showed him kindness, from whom he was sure he would have never received any comfort ever again. So he dies realizing that he was wrong, despite Jin Bubaigawara being the “Sad Man”, Twice is full of energy and affection to give, and these feelings are repaid by the very individuals who shouldn’t be able to do anything but inflict terror and fear. Again, that’s still because the world is not black and white and “Twice” and “Jin” are no different, one in the same.
Twice rejects Hawks’s words about his unfortunate condition. In doing so he rejects the words of himself to himself in chapter 229 «[you went wrong] when you were born without luck» and this stance can be connected to what Toga said against Curios «I’m not unfortunate at all!» (ch. 226) and Shigaraki’s response when he remembered his childhood «That was no tragedy.» (ch.237): all of them reject the inherent misfortune of their past to embrace who they are in the present, they abandon the self-pity. Therein lies the message that the choices they made are theirs alone and that no one should have the right to judge them with pity. These are all positive teachings that we are used to get from the good guys’ side, now that they’re seen through the villains everything becomes grayer and, in my opinion, more interesting.
And so, yet again, everything seems to be screaming that his death is not a tragedy because while he was looking for himself, he found a place to belong and learned to be happy with it. I like to think he also teached the League a thing or two but we’ll have to see, this is a point of no return for them; maybe it’s the start of their downfall, maybe they will change in something stronger, but Twice will keep having an impact on how things are.
I think he absolved his role.
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This world doesn’t grant a just end to the outcasts, yet perhaps there is no need, if in the journey you can carve out a small space of happiness together with those who accepted you, with the good, the ugly and the incomprehensible parts all together.
I respect this, because I think there is nothing more important in the world. 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Overhaul and reader from 1-A (part 2)
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You played with the card in your fingers nervously as you numbly stared at it.
A loud bang on the door made you yelp and almost throw the card away.
"HEY FUCKING DUMBASS CLASS IS ABOUT TO FUCKING START GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" Bakugou yelled from the other side as he banged furiously on your door.
"Geez Bakugou come on you sound like a police officer going to arrest (Y/N)!" Said Mina as she probably wss trying to stiffle her laughter.
"Come on bro mister Aizawa said only to call her, not to explode her door." Said Kirishima as he probably was trying his nmbest to calm the blonde down as you heard Kaminari and Sero laughter.
You stared at your door and giggled nervously before opening it, and just in time Bakugou mumbled a 'fucking finally' as he stormed his way out.
"What was that?" You asked looking at Mina who only smirked as Kirishima started to lead you to class.
"Mister Aizawa called us to bring you to him. Said he wanted to talk with you."
"Oooh! What have you done for that (Y/N)?" Asked Mina teasingly while you only rolled your eyes.
You looked at the watch and noticed it was already eleven p.m and you wondered how your tired teacher was still up...
Fucking insonia (Y/N)
But then your heart seemed to stop along with your whole blood system at remembering his voice echoing in the back of your head.
You only had one hour to contact them...
"A-ah... actually I need to... u-uh..." you twirled around, which made the baku squad look at you in wonder.
"I-I need to call my... m-my parents! They said they were worried about me sleeping on the school grounds, so c-can you please tell Aizawa-sensei if I can talk with him tommorow instead?" They looked at you before changing glances at each other, finally they smiled, showing their understatement.
You thanked them and runned to your room, locking the door as you desperately picked your phone and tiped the numbers with trembling fingers.
The phone ranged for a few seconds and you felt a knot forming in your throat when someone finally picked up, a raspy voice.
"What's your deal?"
"I-I-I... U-uh..." what was his name again?
"Are you fucking joking? Whoever is the little punk calling to make a prank I WiLL KiLL IT For MakiNg JoKes On ThE YakUsa-!" You flinched at the shout coming from your phone as you putted away from your ear's sake.
"I-I-! Sorry! Sorry! It just that s-someone gave me this phone a-and he asked for me to call it since he was the boss o-or something! O-Overhaul I-I guess? I'm sorry!"
The voice quieted down as he calmly asked for you to wait a moment.
What a sudden change of humor...
"Why, isn't this interesting?" The familiar voice spoked through the call, which made you shiver at hearing the stranger vouce again and so close to your ear.
"You let for calling me on the last minute." He paused, emiting a sound that reminded you of a scoff "Not very much pontual, right? We will need to correct that..."
"I-I didn't even say what is my decision." You spoke while rubbing your sweaty palms on your bed.
"Is that so? You have literally 15 minutes to tell me dear student." The voice spoked in false amusement.
Your silence was a signal for him to start making what he did best.
"Aren't you tired of this? Being classified by numbers and strenght of your quirks between, dare I say, colleagues? And imagine if you do end up as a hero. Everyone who you study with will challenge and compete against each other to surpass the tittle of being number one or to at least have a good ranking..."
You thought for a moment... he wasn't lying, how many times did you caught Bakugou fighting with Midoriya about being better than him?
"Judging by your silence I was correct." He sounded even pleased at his accomplishment.
"You're quite the smug type aren't you Overhaul?" You said, sounding a bit more irritated then pretended.
"And you are quite the interrogator one in here..." he said in mockness.
"Seriously, there's so many people you can try to recruit, why a student of a hero course even caught your attention? Aren't you a villain?"
"Are you deaf by any chance? Or just has a serious problem on your earring?" He sighed, clearly already not with just as much pacience he had before "I saw this ridiculous sport festival in your sick school, and saw the potential you carry. Why put yourself under trash when you can be under someone who is looking for a cure for this sick world filled with the hero syndrome? Let me be your leader and tutor, and I can show you how explendid and valuable you can be for the yakusa."
Silence between you two was implanted, although you could feel the beating of your heart pouding in your ears.
"And if I say n-no?"
"Ever heard of what the yakusa is capable of? We have our own methods to get what we desire... And I'm sure you wouldn't want any of your close friends or even family to get hurt now would you?"
You froze, how can this man be so cruel..?
"Not to sound too annoying and rude now, but you have only one minute to tell me your answer U.A student... your time is ticking."
"Ah. Actually, you have now ten seconds before I send my subordinates to take care of your loved ones. Ten."
"N-No wait! Please!"
"Please don't do this!"
"Eight. Seven."
"You can't be serious please! They don't have anything with this!"
"Six. Five. Four..."
"Three. Two..."
"OK I WILL JOIN YOU JUST OLEASE DONT DO THIS!" you cried, gripping tightly on your cellphone as your tears fell on the sheets of your bed.
"Wonderful. Tommorow some papers will be delivered at your dorm. You will get out of U.A and follow a man called Chronostasis. He will lead you to where you will be living now."
You hummed, still trying to contain your sobs
Why you of all people..?
"Pleasure doing bussines with you (Y/N). I look forward to see you tomorrow pn the evening." He said coldly before finishing the call.
You layed on your stomach, crying your eyes out in your pillow, dreading the way your life would drastically change after tommorow.
"WHAT?! WHY?!" The deku squad yelled, except Todoroki who only carried a woried look, after you delivered the news of you changing suddenly the school.
"M-My parents asked me to do it.. Not enough money in my house so I will have to helo them..."
Ochaco seemed even more hurt at these words, as she bringed you to a crushing hug, accidentally using her quirk on you and making you float a little.
"(Y/N)-chan! Please let us talk with them!" Said Midoriya, bot even a bit shy but instead with confidence and determination on his eyes "I'm sure if we talk to them they will see how this is inportant for you!" Tsuyu nodded with a 'kero'at the green haired boy words.
"Yes, I'm sure they would understand. You worked hard to be on the hero course of U.A after all!" Iida said moving his hands dramatically.
"They don't have the right to order something like that." Said sternly Todoroki placing a hand on your shoulder bringing you down to the ground as Uraraka apologized.
"Guys... Thanks for this, but trust me, its for the be-"
"(Y/N)." Called a man with white hair and white hoddie aproaching.
"Chronostasis. Let's go." He whispered close to you, making you shiver in fear.
"(Y/N)-chan? Who is that?" Midoriya approached, placing a protective hand on your shoulder as he stared up at the unknown man.
Chrono merely glared down at the green boy as he lied.
"Not that it is your bussines anyway. But I'm their sibbling. Now, dont you all have classes to go or something?"
"(Y/N) is that true?" Asked Uraraka worriedly as Iida mention to her as if making the same question.
"You never told us you had a older brother." Todoroki murmured.
"Personal life out of the school, congrats for only noticing that now. Now let's go." Said clearly irritated Chrono as you sighed sadly and sayed your good byes to them.
Midoya continue to stare thhe pare until they left the school grounds and left the gates with a sick feeling on his stomach.
Something wasn't right...
You got out of the car and nervously followed the man through the house.
"Made a good job on not giving them much information. Overhaul will appreciate that." The man said oppening one door for you to enter.
You took a couple of steps and your heart seemed to have vrashed in a billions pisses as your soul threatened to leave your body in fear as you saw the man which you were fearing ever since the moment you locked gazes with him.
"Glad to see you again... my protege." Said coldly Overhaul, sitting in his couch, motioning for you to sit in front of him and a table where it was leaved a white plague mask.
"Welcome to the Shie Hassaikai."
It took me three days... FINALLY HERE.
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inugamibeyi · 4 years
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Finallyyyy I was able to draw my Kemono Jihen oc !  Nota bene : Today, on 02/25/2021, there hasn’t been any information in the manga (I’ve read 49 chapters) about mermaids ! So my oc is only based on the few things I know about the lore and my own imagination. This might explain mistakes about mermaids and Alma !  Now, let’s have fun with her !  -------------------
IEVANOV Alma - Mermaid  28 yo (born on March 11th) - born near Russia   Favorite food : Tonkatsu Not-so-favorite food : cheese (which clashes with Shiki who wonders how you can dislike pizza’s main ingredient)  Udon or Soba ? Doesn’t care as long as it’s tasty  Okay with being on display ? Totally disagrees (has been exploited by a human for 8 years) First thing she did when she arrived at Tokyo : Buy clothes Favorite part of the human culture ? Books (especially whodunits) Least favorite part of the human culture ? Social networks (but mainly due to a fear of being found again by Tachibana. She avoids them as much as possible)
----------------------------------------- Alma is the only female employee from Inugami Detective Office. She’s also Inugami’s first employee, as she’s been there for 6 years (from 22 to 28). She considers that she has a debt towards Inugami as he freed her from the man that was exploiting her powers back in Hokkaido. Alma spent 8 years locked in the pool of a japanese’s millionaire’s mansion, Tachibana Haruto. He used her powers to stay young and healthy, mermaid tears being able to heal wounds, cure disease and stop and even reverse lightly the body’s aging. 
Mermaids powers aren’t very strong compared to other kemonos. They seem to be mainly focused on surviving and escaping. It allows them :  - A sharp vision : Mermaid have perfect eyes. Their sight is precise, they can see without difficulties on wide areas and can even see in the dark.
- A strong stamina and a slower aging : Compared to human, mermaids only needs 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night. Their bodies being used to swimming all day, they can endure longer days of work without feeling tired. Thanks to their healing and regenerating powers, it also appears that mermaid age slower.
- The Sing : Mermaid’s voice were mainly focused on tricking their prey so they can hunt and eat them easier. The song of a mermaid mainly affects persons that feel attraction toward women, but it doesn’t always work (uneffective on asexual person as an exemple) but mermaid can also decides to focus on one person (which Alma tried to do with Tachibana, but it didn’t work). With time, this ability mutated, leaving mermaid able to do many things while using their voice, such as, for exemple, erasing or replacing some memories.
- The wave : Basically, it’s a form of defense that allows mermaid to escape. It’s a big scream that’ll provoc a sound wave, leaving the enemy unable to move, when they simple don’t faint because of the sound. Isn’t deadly but buys time.
 - Healing tears : Mermaid tears contains something (unlike Aya’s thread, nobody can perfectly explain what it is) that is able to heal wounds and prevent bodies from disease. Yet it doesn’t seems all efficient, because what the tears give you seems to be balanced by a shorten lifespan. Alma doesn’t really know how long she’ll be able to live, but she thinks she’ll live for 400 yo without having trouble.
Inugami freed her after hearing the story of a man in Hokkaido that doesn’t age and the other story of a woman who sings her sadness, making whoever hears her voice cry for hours.  Alma being afraid that she’ll have nowhere to go, and most importantly, fearing she’ll be kidnapped again, choosed to stay by Inugami’s side, trying to assist him and help other kemonos. Being at first very naive and curious, about everything, Alma quickly learned how humans’ world works and got used to it. Her curiosity also helped her to adapt very fast, Alma being the kind of person who doesn’t have any trouble to focus and work for a long time (probably thanks to the fact that mermaids have to keep swimming no matter what they do, which helped her to develop a strong stamina and a small need to sleep). She was able to understand quickly the new world she was stepping in and had no problem to blend in. Alma grew up to be less naive and childish, turning into a person who tends to think a lot before acting, making her a good advisor for Inugami. She also tends to be tougher than him, especially on food. She doesn’t want him to eat junkfood all day because he’s too lazy to cook. She’s strongwilled and doesn’t hesitate to scold him on the points she judges important. Even if Inugami thinks she can be annoying, he knows that’s her way to care about them.  When it comes to fighting, Alma’s abilities aren’t the best so what she can’t do with powers, she completes it with training and strenght. Inugami taught her how to shoot and realised her sharp vision would make her a nice sniper. He taught her how to use a longshot gun. When Mihai came, he was able to create her bullets that are effectives against Kemono.  Alma’s relationships are pretty good in the Inugami Detective office. She just doesn’t like the way Shiki tends to ask for pizza almost everyday, despite the fact that she’s cooking for them when she’s in Tokyo. But he is a nice boy and he is smart.  Despite her differences with Akira, she tends to be nice with him, as long as he doesn’t post her face on his social media (which truly makes him sad because he thinks Alma’s pretty face could boost his account). She likes the bubbly side o his personnality, she thinks he lightens the mood. Kabane made her unconfortable at first : this kid just didn’t said anything to her. He was just sitting quietly and watching, and doing the chores. But when Inugami explained her his past, she tried to help him to feel fine at the office, by learning him how to cook since he wanted her to do it. She took a liking in him, seeing a little bit of her younger self in that curious, yet naive young boy.  Mihai... Oh Mihai... Perhaps it’s her worst relationship here. She knows he deserves his place at the office and doesn’t say he’s useless but... He’s just so annoying ! Annoying her, pulling the curls in her hair just to mess with her (”but they’re bouncy” he says)... So she just messes back with him, intentionally turning down the wifi, making some sarcasms... Yet they tend to help each other when they need to (Mihai helping her to create her weapon’s bullets, Alma translating for him documents but also the dialogues for his game and editing some videos for his channel). Guess it’s a “I like you/I hate you” relationship. Then Inugami, or “Kohachi” for her.  She’s the only person who calls him by his first name, both of them being adults and Alma being here for many years now.  Kohachi is Alma’s savior. She’s loyal to him for freeing her from Tachibana. He also the one who offered her a home and a work, leading her to be able to start a new life. He’s also the one who helped her to learn more about mermaids and how to use her powers.  She did everything she could to make sure he understood how thankful she was. She took care of him, she helped him with work, paperwork, she helped him to gain more informations...  With both of them actively helping each other, their relationship sure went fine... Too fine. Were they helping each other because they needed to or because they deeply cared about the other one ? Were they living under the same roof because Alma had nowhere else to go or because both of them wanted her to stay ?  When they were together, they were flustered, yet happy. Flustered by the way people were calling her his wife. The way he thanked her for the food, the way she scolded him for his cigarettes, saying she didn’t want him to have troubles because of a shitty stick. The way they looked at each other, the sweet smell of her hair, the way she had to get on her tiptoes when she wanted to fix his tie... He remembered their few moments of weakness, ending in each other’s arms while the children were heavily sleeping, how they desperately moaned, swallowing their voice in order to remain silent, keeping the night they shared as a secret. And the next day, living as if nothing happened, pretending he stole her shampoo when Kabane noticed how Kohachi smelled like Alma. “ Hey, Kohachi ? - Hm ? - Let’s put an end to that. - ... To what ? - To our secret. - What ? Oh... I thought you were enjoying this... Guess I’m really that bad huh ? “ 
His sarcasm and his dumb playing only earned him a light slap on the arm, as Alma laughed.  “I don’t want it to be a secret anymore, I... I think I like you... - You know you’ll have to deal with Akira putting us on Instagram to “celebrate it” ? - Oh, shit, I haven’t though about... Wait, is that a “yes” ? - What else could it be ?”  As he was trying to light up his cigarette, she smiled while snatching it from him. He knew she was messing with him... Yet he just pulled her closer, his arms around her waist as she was putting hers behind his neck.  It was their first kiss that wasn’t in a hurry, that wasn’t almost stolen while they were sharing their nights together. It felt different. Better.  “ I love you... - Me too. “  They stayed in each other’s arms for a few seconds, now realising what happened.  “ So... We’re a couple ? - Yup. Sounds like you’re stuck with me, young lady. - “Oh no, my crush is liking me back, I wonder how I’ll manage to survive that”. - I just wondered how you didn’t notice before... - I’m gonna break that cigarette, Kohachi. - Wait don’t, it’s expens- “  *snap*  Oh. Oh shit. “ Guyyyys ! They confessed ! They confessed ! - Well... Shit. - Akira ! Don’t post that picture, I swear to god I’ll break that stupid phone !”
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daeneryswhitehorse · 4 years
The showrunner made a lot of parallel between sansa and dany the last few season for some reason .
Like their relationship to Theon and Jorah, who both betray them at one point in the firsts season but feel guilty for it. Both sansa and dany had a hard time forgiving them until the end of s5 where the mens save their lives. They end up separated for a season or two, so that the man manage to resolved their problem, before being welcome back in the women life. They both die in the same episode and both dany and sansa were given a time to grieve on their dead body in the next episode.
Or their relationship to the mastermind of westeros littlefinger and Varys who both wanted to use them as pawn to put on the throne. Both were part of a ploy that lead the girl to be marry and rape by a dangerous man Drogo and Ramsay. And both made a mistake that put the girls in danger, littlefinger in failing to check on how monstruous ramsay was, and Varys on sending an assassin to kill her and her baby in s1. Both girl had a hard time trusting them after that. And they were right as both men commit treason and try to put them against a member of their family Jon and arya, which lead to their execution . Dany child burn Varys, sansa little sister cut petyr throat.
They even give a bunch of scene to sansa that parallel early season dany. Like the scene where sansa thank littlefinger for the lesson he taught her before sentencing him to him to die. It's the same thing with Dany thanking Xaro Xhoan Daxos for the same thing before letting him die in the empty vault. Both men really pushed for a mariage with them the entire s2 for dany and s7 for sansa.
There were also a scene in season 6 where sansa davos and jon failed to convince lord glover to fight with them, and Sansa bit back stubornly, while her older brother close his eyes in disapproval knowing it would not help. It's kind of the same thing that happen with Dany at the gate of quarth, when the lords refuse to let her people in and dany start threatening them, and Jorah her older brother figure is all like be carefull khaleesi. Both sansa and dany didn't manage to impress the guys with that and end up get talk down to.
In season 6 was also the start of the nod of approval, where a woman need the condescending nod of a man to make her decision. With the exception of Cersei, which I assume was suppose to be a sign of her madness. Anyway, both sansa and dany in this season need the nod of approval to chose their female ally. Theon needed to accept Brienne for sansa, and Tyrion needed to accept Yara for Dany.
Anyway, what kind of conclusion can we drawn with all of this?
Well first, the parallel in their relationship with Varys and Littlefinger is clearly an accident. And one based on the dumbass writers refusing to adapt the book. The entire thing with Ramsay would have never happen as they had follow the Vale plot, and obviously aegon is the one who Varys support in the books. And they had to adress the consequence of this choice in the narrative, as why would dany and sansa trust two incompetent asshole who them in danger for no real reason ? It completly destroy the characters. At the end, they didn't know what to do with them, so they decide to have the girls kill them in a way that was supposed to reveal something about their personality. Thus sansa outsmarting littlefinger is suppose to show how clever she has become, and dany burning Varys how crazy she has become. Both narrative doesn't work, as its actually Bran who saw behind littlefinger schemes, and Varys was trying to kill dany to put jon on the throne.
I do believe through that they did notice the parallel between the two woman at one point and liked the idea of giving Sansa a similar character growth as dany. You know, from rape victim and pawn to queen with agency. Even if there goals are completly different. Dany want to change to world, save people of tyranny, and united the seven kingdoms, even if it mean she alienate her enemy as well as potential allies and threaten her own power over her people. While Sansa want to please the people she rule, even if she need to accept xenophobia and racism, as a way to maintain power over them.
But this was in season 6 and 7, when they still saw dany as a hero in this story. In season 8, when they decided to have dany as "The true villain" of the story, the writers realised they could use Sansa as the good queen to dany evil one.
Tyrion who was married to her but now is in love with dany, and jon her brother who is now in a relationship with Dany, both need to learn how wrong they are to have trust the dragon queen over her. Theon and Jorah both died, but dany reaction to his death show her emotional unstability. Dany eagerness to send her mens in battle is contrast with sansa thinking they need to rest. And I assume, Sansa thanking her abuser and rapist is suppose to show how humble she is, while Dany finding strenght in herself despite her suffering is suppose to make her look arrogant?
Basically Sansa character has accidentally canibalized Daenerys character, which the writers decided to use first to make her a bastardized version of her before replacing her. They try to make a point into making queen sansa a "better version " of queen dany.
I also think it's interesing how it follow the old mad queen dany theory, which exist to give every daenerys characteristic to a fav male in the fandom ( Jon, jaime, faegon or stannis) and then have dany becoming the evil queen so they can easily replace her as king, and show how better they are with Dany own things. It also remind me of the fanfic whose had Sansa becoming a Khaleesi to show how strong she had become.
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farawaysoph-ie · 5 years
The Bone Witch Incoherent Whatever
I started these books mainly because I can't read French very well, but this is a story for another list. I started them and finished them, and I didn't know I had needed such a story. This. Bad. So I guess a super long and super spoiler-y list was in order (while I cry again because they are too much T.T)
Rin Chupeco was immediatly added to my list of favourite human beings: the dedications were a mood and the acknowledgments, gosh wonderful
Tea of the Embers, love of my life, is amazing, I don't care about anything I loved her from her first words until the very end
Somehow we always knew where this was gonna end, but i didn't feel prepared at all, my heart breaking and mending at every chapter
"My only claim of strangeness was that I read fiercely, learned thirstly"
"We asha are always expected to be on our most proper behavior, to never have so much as a hair out of turn. Asha do not cry or scream or make threats. When people cut us, we are expected to do only two things: smile and bleed.”
The world building, the power system, the politics, Tea's commanding of the Dark
The deal with Mykaela heartglass broke my heart, I have ex that I regret and the idea that I could remain stuck like that, loving someone and slowly dying because of that terrifies me (HOW COULD YOU KILL HER WHEN THEY WERE SO CLOSE)
I repeat THE AZI
Tea looked at a giant three-headed undefeated dragon, went around in its head, saw it just wanted to be left alone (which same) and said I'm gonna keep it (which again SAME)
What do I have to do to befriend a dragon? (TELL ME)
Zoya turning out to be a magnificent and fierce warrior with a major case of ChildhoodFriendCrush, and not irrelevent mean girl
Also her and Shadi are just so cute, the way the first is always embarassed and everything and the other just loves and teases her more
"Unfortunately, the oracle had something very different in mind with me" takes on a WHOLE new meaning when you finish the trilogy
I hated how people started getting more and more scared of Tea, when in the end it was all a plot, a lot of prejudices were to blame, and they seemed to forget how kind my girl always was
I have to say I liked Aneah and all the words she whispered, give me a twisted dark lady and you have my attention
"A little corruption is good for the soul, Tea." To which yes, let a girl get revenge
I'm looking at you filthy oracle, I can understand the "I have to sacrifice something to win this fight" way to go, but you were just a pathetic crazy liar, how dare you corrupt Althecia
I can't get over that, I didn't see it coming
The elders made me sick, those horrible hags tested my patience, go die of old age Hestia or whatever
The end of The Bone Witch will always have my heart because Chupec dropped the ship bomb on me with a "Let's go, Kalen"
After going on with "a boy who died for me" and "I made a note to strangle Kalen as soon as I saw him again", AND THEN THAT
I was rooting for them, so I think I screamed or something: you say enemy to lovers, you have my attention
Those two invented love, it took them two books to get around, but was it worth it. They were so devoted to each other, like Kalen stayed with her against Everything and Everyone, like literally. We stan one loving boy
Whats more the oracle had predicted the next bone witch was gonna bring about the dead of her lover, and he was going around "get away from the prince!", then she went, brought down the freacking azi, trapped a Faceless one using her dead horse, and he was like "I guess I'm doomed"
gosh Fox
It all started with "Let me be clear: I never intended to raise my brother from his grave, though he may claim otherwise. If there’s anything I’ve learned from him in the years since, it’s that the dead hide truths as well as the living."
He is exactly how a big brother should be, you can feel him come back to life in every sense, slowly, until he falls in love. I could feel all his love for a sister he kept understanding less and less despite being in her head, and how this held him back from a life he wanted, but knew he shouldn't have had in the first place
Beautifully done, I felt and understood Fox, despite him not being the narrator, despite being angry at how the situation with Daisy was hurting Tea, the two of them were power siblings
“We need someone in our heads to tell us whenever we’re being idiotic. It’s the Pahlavi way.”
Mistress Parmina with her love for money, always stood behind Tea, despite her way of doing things and I wished that Councilor Ludvig was my granpa, I mean he was this kind, smart politician who taught Tea a lot and helped them mantain peace
Ah the well meaning Inessa, I liked her, but felt like I haven't seen enough of her
But the joke of how there were no rulers to get accidentally engaged to killed me, that's awareness
Polaire T.T
The infatuation for Kance stayed that way and I'm glad, and most of the last books I was like, don't hurt my girl
The Heartforger was a rollercoaster ship-wise: Tea insults Kalen, he is standing behind her; Kalen tries to be nice to Tea, Tea is very confused; pretend they are a thing in front of family; Tea compels Kalen hoping to save his life, Kalen is not pleased at all; unsuccessful apologies; realization, "compel me too", you gotta destroy this two dudes who were rude to you, so I can go "that's my Tea"; you don't just stab the Deathseeker while the bone witch is watching; very public kiss; taking each other back from Faceless influence
All the time they spent with a Heartshare rune between them
"We danced for a few minutes without saying anything. A Daanorian woman worked up the nerve to approach us but backed away when I glared at her. “Angry about something?” “You do know there are women itching to kill me right now, right?” His grip tightened. “Did someone compel the people in the palace? The wards are still in place.” I sighed. “That’s not what I meant. Never mind.”"
“Nobody’s more of a fighter than you. You’re the bravest, strongest, most amazing man I’ve ever…”
"I mean you are alright"
When Tea jumped off the tower and the azi caught her !!! (yes I screamed, because I love one queen)
"He was the only place I could rest my head and dream without nightmares plaguing me, as they had for the last three months."
Rahim and Ches were very precious
And don't get me started on Likh
Lady Likh can very much kick your ass on her own, but try to hurt her and you'll have to speak with my punches
Khalad agrees with me (the guys in this family don't know how to get the hint)
But in the end, he was helping Tea so Likh could wake (tears, tears everywhere)
The induced madness and the Blight stuff were sick
From when Tea almost jumped off the window, with Kalen terrified poor boy, to killing Daisy (her own free and light sister T.T), to not remembering a second suicide attempt
Black heartglasses being associated with violence, and Tea's one turning because of what other people did to her
Tea' simple "I want to live", can't a girl have peace? Be free like the azi? Have daughters with her eyes and her singing voice?
"I felt the hatred you were capable of like it was my own. And in that instant, I loved the darkest part of you, because I understood, better than Fox or Mykaela could. I’ve known you at your worst." If this isn't love I don't know what is
Drunk Tea was a sight to be hold, and perfect: take off every filter from the dangerous Dark asha and what she has to tell you is how much she loves Kalen
“I don’t care. I’ll bring us back from the grave if I have to, silver heartsglass or not.” “And I will kill anyone standing between us,” he promised, before his lips closed over mine, “even if I have to crawl out of my grave to do so.”
And you know what? THEY DID.
Tea taking her trials, which after the last chapters were nothing worse than her nightmares: her home burning, her own execution could not compete with Daisy's death and Fox rejection
But Kalen was not a price she could ever think of paying
"You can’t break the rules simply because you want to. More often than not, the rules wind up breaking you."
“The world is a much bigger place than the space I occupy, and with even greater consequences.” “There will be no world if you aren’t here with me, Kalen.”
Yadoshans warm my heart
"That is the nature of tyranny, young Tea. Maintaining power is their sole intention. Why worry about retaliation and revolution when they have always intended to wield the sword?"
The whole part in which they killed Kalen and the azi, ripped my heart out
The song she must have sung for hours, and the azi waited until the end to say goodbye
Thank the Creator for the visions she got, or she would have really drown herself T.T
“Sons and daughters,” she echoed, “sons with my fire, daughters with my eyes. Mayhap one day, they will. A life worth dying for is a life worth living after all.” She laid a hand on her companion’s shoulder, squeezing. “Let’s go, my love.”
Even after this long list I feel like I didn't do justice to this trilogy or to how much I loved it. Tea's fierce and kind strenght, even when every one but Kalen was suspicious of her, even when she was going mad because of poison, even when she was trying to outsmart a ruthless enemy, did something to me.
I spent three books knowing that she didn't care if she survived, if she could save her friends then her wish to live was not important. She didn't want much, she just wanted to live. But she let go of that for everyone else. Yes I'm going to cry again.
About the ending I like to think that for finally healing the world she was rewarded, so she got the quiet life with Kalen she'd always deserved. I like to think that she and Kalen remember, that after they'd done enough they finally found their peace and freedom.
They were together, they got to be someone else and had all the time in the world.
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tsc-updates · 4 years
Modern TID - Part 5
Part 4 - Part 6
They kept texting regularly and seeing each other in class before thier date on Wednesday. This time, Tessa tried not to think about it too much. They had a class together before their lunch date, so she tried to look as if it was a normal day. As if her stomach wasn’t doing backflips every five minutes, and her legs weren’t crumbling with every step and her heart wasn’t racing to the point of cardiac arrest.
She arrived at class fifteen minutes earlier in hopes she could see him. When someone tried to sit next to her she almost pushed them off the seat. At last, he arrived in class, and the world stopped around them. Her stomach started flipping, her legs stilled, and her heart began beating normally. She felt completely at ease.
“Morning, gorgeous.” He said while sitting next to her.
“Good morning, flatterer.” She smiled.
It was one of the hardest classes Tessa ever had to go through. It wasn’t just the feeling of him sitting next to her, it wasn’t just that every time their hands accidentally touched there was a shock throughout her entire body, it was mostly the fact that Will kept sliding notes to her the entire two hours.
“You look cute when you’re focused”
“Hey, you. Yes, you. I like you :)”
“I’m bananas for you” “Roses are red. Violets are blue. I don’t like flowers. But I do like you.” Even though she was loving them, she knew they had to pay more attention so when he slid one saying “I like you a latte” with a terrible drawing of what was supposedly a coffee cup, she turned it around and write “Pay attention” underlined three times. A few minutes later he slid another note.
“I can’t pay attention when you’re this close to me”
Her heart jumped a beat. She could feel his eyes on her. She blushed and couldn’t stop herself from smiling.
When class ended, they left together, in the direction of the same café they had been to on thier date-but-technically-not-a-date lunch on the day they met. While they were walking his hand slid down and took hers. She didn’t move away. Instead, she interlocked thier fingers and squeezed his hand in reassurance. Their hands remained locked together throughout the entirety of lunch.
“I know this movie theatre that only shows old movies. Never shows new movies that just came out. Only movies from ten years ago and prior.” He brushed his hair out of his eyes. “And today they’re showing ‘Four Weddings And A Funeral’. It’s one of my favorite movies so I was wondering if you’d like to come and see it?” His cheeks were slightly pink with shyness.
She smiled sweetly. “I would love to.” She took a sip of her nearly finished iced tea. “What’s it about?”
Will widened his eyes in startlement. “You’ve never seen it?”
She shook her head. “Nope.”
He waved his hands. “That settles it then.” He leaned closer to her. “You’re gonna love it.”
She leaned even closer. “You haven’t told me what it’s about yet.”
“I can’t tell you.” He leaned back in his seat.
She crossed her arms. “Why not?”
“Because if I start talking about the movie I’ll never shut up.” He smirked. “Like you with Charles Dickens.”
She pointed her finger at him. “Hey, that man is a literary God.”
He raised his hands. “Alright, alright! Don’t shoot!” She started laughing and soon enough he was laughing with her.
The movie theatre was considerably close. But even if it wasn’t, she still would’ve chosen to walk there. Strolling through London with Will by her side, their hands intertwined, was the best feeling she’d had in months.
There was a showing about to start so they raced inside. They sat in the back because Will insisted it was the best seats in the room. “I didn’t ask if you wanted anything. Popcorn? A drink?”
She shook her head. “I hate when people eat in the movies. I came here to watch something, not to hear fifty people munching for 2 hours.”
He raked his fingers through his hair. “Thank goodness. I hate it too. Those people should just watch movies at home where the only people they can annoy is themselves.”
The couple sitting in front of them turned around with two big bags of popcorn in their hands. Annoyed, they got up and moved to different seats. Will and Tessa shared a look and immediately burts into laughter. “Did you know?” She asked.
“I had no idea.” He wiped a tear from his eye.
The movie started and they hushed into silence. Will had been right, this was a great movie. She could tell why he loved it so much. When the character Gareth started clutching his arm and fell on the drinks table, Tessa heard herself gasp, and tears prickled her eyes. She had wondered at the beginnig of the film who the funeral was for, and as the story went on she found herself bonding with this particular character. Watching him die of a heart attack gave her a sick feeling.
At the funeral, when Matthew started giving his speech, Tessa heard a sob from next to her. She turned to Will and saw him crying. “I’m sorry.” He said. “This part gets to me every time.” He took a deep breath, and like Tessa usually did with books she’d read time and time again, he lowly recited the speech at the same time as the movie.
“This is actually what I want to say: Stop all the clocks. Cut off the telephone. Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone. Silence the pianos, and with muffled drum, bring out the coffin. Let the mourners come. Let the aeroplanes circle mourning overhead, scribbling on the sky the message: He is dead. Put big bows on the white necks of the public doves. Let traffic policeman wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West. My working week and my Sunday rest. My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song. I thought that love would last forever. I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now. Put out every one. Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. For nothing now can ever come to any good.”
He took a breath, to regain his strenght. He was shaking, and there were tears on his face. She didn’t speak. Waited for him to say something. At last, he did. “One day, I will recite this very poem at a funeral.”
She wanted to ask who’s. But she didn’t. “Hopefully you won’t have to fir a very long time.”
He sighed. “Much sooner than we all hoped.” He gave a bitter laugh. “You must be regretting the decision to come with me. You must be waiting for the movie to end so you can hop off and leave.”
She leaned closer to him. Kissed him on the cheek, and took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “I’m not going anywhere.” He didn’t turn, didn’t say anything. Just held her hand throughout the rest of the movie.
They walked back to her apartment in comfortable silence. She pulled him up the front steps with her. “Does this means I have to say goodnight? Because iI really don’t want to.” Will smiled up to her.
She looked at the time on her phone. “Technically not goodnight since it’s only 6pm.” She grinned.
“Time flies when you’re having fun.” He went up to the smae step as her, making her have to look up at him. “Maybe we could have fun again this Friday?”
Date number three? Uh oh, we’re inching closer to ‘Status Update: In a relationship’.” She laughed.
“Would that be so bad?” He asked, a serious look on his face.
She shook her head. “Not at all. But be warned, I come with an idiotic borderline psychotic brother.”
“I come with a house of nut jobs and identity issues.” He shrugged. “It’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.” She laughed but he turned serious once again. “I have a question.”
“Go ahead.” “Can I kiss you?” His cheeks were tinted rosy, and his blue eys were staring at her intently.
She pretended to think about it, even though she knew what answer she wanted to give him. She stood on her tiptoes to get closer to him. He tilted his head and leaned down, but just before he could kiss her she stopped him. “Not yet.” She pulled away and smiled up at him.
His eyes were wide and his mouth agape. He smiled nonetheless. “I’ll see you on Friday then.”
She laughed and walked inside. Her happiness was short-lived. Walking inside her apartment, there was her brother and his friends. She made a beeline for her room, her brother paying no attention to her this time. One of his friends unfortunately did. “You look nice.” He was leaning on the wall next to her door. She didn’t know his name, and she didn’t care to find out what it was. “Big date?”
“Just studying.” She tried to get into her bedroom but he blocked her path.
“Those clothes look good on you.” His breath smelled of alcohol and something else she couldn’t put her finger on. Her blood ran cold when he stepped closer to her. “I bet they’d look better off.” She felt his hands on her hips.
Suddenly he was pushed off her and into a wall. She was frozen into place. From the corner of her eyes, she could see her brother keeping him locked at the wall with his arm. “If you ever touch my sister again, I will kill you.” He threw him to the floor and the guy stayed there, almost unmoving. Her brother whispered in her ear. “Go into your bedroom and don’t come out.”
She did as she was told. She was too afraid to protest. She heard fight noises from the other side of the door. She wanted everything to disappear, to go away. She got under her covers, with the same clothes she had gone with. Her phone rang with a message tone. She pulled it out of her pocket to see a message from Will. “I’m missing you already.” She smiled despite everything happening outside.
She realized something. That even though he snapped at her, and it felt like he wished she was gone, her brother still protected her from the evil monsters that lurked in the shadows. And that Will, though having just met him, could make her smile no matter how hard things were and how miserable she felt.
Will was the Prince Charming of her fairytale. All that was left was to find out if Nate would be part of the angelic cavalry, or part of the venomous demons.
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yoursunshinejisung · 4 years
hey guys, it’s been forever 😳
i’m sorry i haven’t been on here for a while, no inspiration or motivation for writing came to me these past months but I will try to pick it up again from today on.
I just wanted to say something about Treasure’s debut that happened a few days ago bc I didn’t get to speak about it yet since i’ve been gone. I’ll keep it short.
I am so immensely proud of my boys for finally making it after 1.5 years. Their debut song/album was amazing and I have been listening to ‘boy’ and ‘come to me’ on repeat for the past few days. I can’t believe it finally happened, their long awaited debut. And the mvs views were so much in the first 24 hours, I never expected it. Being with them for the past almost 2 years, seeing them grow up to be these amazing young men has been a true blessing to me. They have truly saved me in a way and they keep doing so everyday they give us amazing content. I will never stop talking about how proud I am of them. Forever will I be by their sides, supporting them, speaking kindly of them, showing my love towards them and love them for the men they will turn into. I will keep waiting for their next comeback, I have to because my goal is to see them grow up and be the best possible people they are. I can feel that they’re going to rock the world. Knowing them since yg treasure box gives me a very calming feeling bc it’s the first group that I stanned before their debut. I am scared of the future bc they’re going to be big and it was so nice to have this small fandom and I wish our fandom will never become toxic and support and respect everyone else. Treasure becoming a bigger kpop group is going to be scary but I couldn’t be more proud of them, I love every single one of them equally and I wish nothing but the best for every single one of them.
To Treasure: thank you for being my reason to live and love. Thank you for letting me be able to become close to you in a more personal way. Thank you for never giving up on your dreams, eventhough the road to debut was extremely exhausting, long and nerve racking. Thank you for showing me your strenght and love and dedication. Thank you for helping me find my Treasure. 💎 i love you
To Choi Hyunsuk: I wish to give a separate thank you to you because you mean so much to me. Thank you for being a part of yg treasure box eventhough it must have been so hard on you. Thank you for showing me your weak side but also saying that you will never give up. Thank you for staying and making your debut, your well deserved and long awaited debut. Thank you for being the absolute light of my life. Thank you for being my biggest inspiration and reason to live. I will support and love you in everything you do. Thank you for your calming words/lyrics. Seeing or even hearing you makes me instantly smile. Thank you for making me realize that it is okay to not be okay. Because of you I realized that sometimes you get kicked to the ground by the feedback of the world but you always have to find a reason to get back up and fight for what you want, and you are that reason for me. I have found my Treasure in you. I love you so much, I can hardly even describe it. 고마워 최현석 ❤️
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Match-up for Marakuni
@marakuni​ Thank you for your message, and I’am sorry it took me so long to do your Match-up, I’m not going to lie, it was VERY difficult to chose only one character because there were so much of them that could get along with you ! I hope you’ll like it !
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Your match is Fon
Fon is a mature and composed man, which totally compensates and balances the bubbly and active person you can be when you’re around your friends.
He would be intrigued by your joviality right away, seeing you bouncing around each time you learn something news or when your favorite music played and how excited you get in a heated conversation, it amused him, to the point he finds himself missing your presence when you pass in your hibernation mood.
You two doesn’t necessarily speak to each other, but he does enjoy just sitting in the same room, there’s something soothing about you, he can’t explain the feeling, and doesn’t give a second thought about it, in the end, he doesn’t mind, he just want to enjoy some times with you.
He always tries to show you how open he is, waiting for you, a sincere smile on his lips, but he won’t be the one to make the first move, if you want to talk to him, then you’ll come when it’ll be the good time, if you don’t, it means it shouldn’t happen.
Fon is pretty close to nature, a single smile and all of animals around will come eat in his palm. It’ll be the point that will bring you closer in fact, because his garden will be your new HQ when you need some time to refocus on yourself and relax to regain energy. Lichi will litterally become your best friend, to Fon’s pleasure.
Your enthousiam and your vision of the world attract him, it’s not often he can met someone so eager to learn about people and know how to cherish each experiences and use it for a personal development, really it flaggerbasts him.
He tends to have the «listener» rôle most of the time, he’s a man of few words, speaking only when necessary when you met him, on the other hand, you allow him to open up more about his feelings, doubts and apprehensions, he doesn’t know why he talk so much to you, but it appeases him.
Regarding this aptitude, he won’t act oddly around you when you’re feeling emotional, whether in the good, or the bad type of situation, it’s mean you alive and vibrant, your «on edge» feelings makes you really special to his eyes and even if you won’t see it that way sometimes, it’s a real quality in which you can/should, take all of your strenght and power. He’ll try to be as effective as he can when you’re dealing with a wave of emotions and react quickly depending on your needs of the moment, he will also try to guide to use those feelings as a weapon.
Fon isn’t one to judge at all, he waits, watches and adapts to people and situations, it’s a quality he’ll look for in a partner, he won’t stand petty judgements and negative preconceived ideas. The fact you try to learn about people, ready to give them a second chances when you’re dealing with not-so-sympatic ones is a real honorable point in his eyes, as is redemption.
You’ll be pleased to learn that Fon speaks not less than 7 langages and you’ll spent days, sitting in front of him on his tatami floor, trying to learn some bases. I hope you're ready for some trips, because, yes, he’ll accompany you around the world if you want to discover it. He already saw a good part of the globe and it’ll be so rewarding to listen to all of this thing he saw and lived, that you will spend whole nights exchanging about it.
Your life in the KHR! World
- Chikusa stole one of your earphone as you were just chilling around on a sunny afternoon, seriously, what was that? He would look at you oddly when he heard Ariana Grande but still kept it because he secretly loves it
- A LOT of concerts with Shoichi, and you dancing in his room while he plays guitar.
- You ended up accompagning Ryohei at the police station when he tried to fight a bears because you were around at that moment.
- He would loves to make braids with your dark blond hair and would feel pretty sad if you decide to cut them
- He’s not fond of all style of musics as he prefers calm and soothing ones, but he’s a good public, he likes to learn new things, so be his guest!
- Sitting against the cherry tree blooming of his garden, his head on your lap as he naps, surrounded by squirrels
Runner-ups: Ugetsu/ Kikyo Friends: Shoichi, Spanner, Chikusa Don’t get along with: M.M, Mukuro, Bel Match-up from another Fandom: Nobuchika Ginoza - Psycho-Pass
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
Compare and Contrast: The ‘Rival’ Characters
In each house there’s like this one guy who doesn’t really get along with the House Leader
I swear this is the last rambly essay. Or... second to last. 
Perhaps the most “typical” rival - The Blue Lions in general are designed around basic fantasy or anime archetypes with a twist here and there so its not too suprising that Felix starts off like a less chliched/ more reasonable variant of your basic anime rival. 
He’s your basic ‘Arrogant Kung Fu Guy’, a loner,  not very friendly, focussed on gaining strenght, used to be friends with the MC once, not a fan of “the power of friendship” but not immune to it either... though unlike most examples he’s not envious or obsessed with beating Dimitri nor actually particularly arrogant. When Leonie beats him with a trap in their support he’s like “Wow thanks, you made me aware of a potential weakness” 
Like your classic anime rival he is the strongest of the Lions apart from Dimitri himself, but has a contrasting fighting style - Dimitri is big, tanky and has immense brute strenght, but is clumsy; Felix is lithe, agile and has a very skill-based fighting style. The second strongest deer or eagle would not be Lorenz and Ferdinand.  It’s definitely Lysithea for the deer, and probably either Hubert or Petra for the eagles.   
Also like your classic anime rival, he’s got a backstory that parallels the hero’s. He also lost a beloved relative in the tragedy of Duscur and also still feels a lot of attachment to people who are gone, but he deals with it very differently than Dimitri. Unlike most cases you can’t really say that one of them did ir ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ both have their dysfunctionalities resulting from the loss if anything Felix is more level-headed though his rejection of all attachment isn’t grounded in maturity either. 
They managed to have the classic “ideals are BS, only strenght matters” line actually make sense in a non-voldemordy way for once if you consider the context where he grew up, he definitely has a point. Though he would protest the notion he actually has a moral code of his own (Dimitri clearly offends it - though mostly he’s really thrown of by/ doesn’t know what to make of the Dr. jekyll and Mr. hyde situation) he just wasn’t ever told that it “counts” as it’s not what passes for morals in Faerghus. He’s present and results oriented, rather than guiding principles or rules of thumb he likes to focus on wether it actually saves lifes. (”We’re protecting your subjects not your ego”)
Likewise it makes more sense for him to be the team contrarian when Dimitri actually does have no plan or regard for safety while he’s in Avenger Mode, but ultimately he very much wants Dimitri to succeed. 
Another thing of note is that since Claude and Edelgard are revolutionaries, their rivals are the token traditionalists of their respective teams, whereas Dimitri is someone who wants to reinstate the order - He doesn’t like oppression any more than the others but he thinks the existing social institutions have their merit; As he sees it they’d work just fine if they were just carried out virtuously and as a service to the people, not selfishly abused. Hence his rival is one of the two more independent-minded Lions. 
Of the three he’s probably the one who most dislikes their leader and who is most genuinely flawed at the start of the game. 
With Ferdinand it’s not more than a passing first impression you quickly notice that while he may be naive about how he comes across he isn’t actually arrogant nor does he hate or have seditious intentions toward Edelgard, he’s actually a deeply good guy, a straightforward hero to contrast Edelgard as an anti-hero. He lived an easy live in a good environment which allowed him to develop his potential to the fullest whereas Edelgard was forced to resort to things she doesn’t like because of her harsh life and precarious situation. She just wants to live quietly in peace but had to to grand impactful actions because someone needs to fix the broken system and she happened to have power she never asked for, meanwhile Ferdinand really wants to be a politician and go down in history but is afraid that he’s not making enough of an impact.  Felix is more complex, he truly IS mean and spiteful as a real character flaw (with Dedue and Dimitri he has arguably valid principle-based reason to dislike them; But with Sylvain and Ingrid he’s just being mean for meanness’ sake due to his own issues with attachment and says some genuinely awful things to them) but its the one sharp edge on an overall principled dude who actually does care for his comrades, Dimitri included, and he is not a bad person. 
Lorenz meanwhile is certainly not what he seems either, he’s not just a superior twat and actually very dutiful, believes that the nobility should actually live up to their obligations and is sort of a cautious shrewd political mind, surely not half as naive as Ferdinand. At the same time he has real shortcomings, at the start of the game he’s somewhat immature and frivolous (very apparent in his pre-timeskip supports with Sylvain and Byleth), though his intentions are not per se impure (he really wants to marry and is actually picky and romantic),  he just doesn’t get it in his head that those girls he’s hitting on find him annoying.
But eh, he was like 18 at the time. More damning is his callousness and lack of perspective. He doesn’t really look past his immediate surroundings and the self-interest of himself and his own, and at several times alledges that he wouldn’t have particularly minded if Claude wound up dead in a ditch. He doesn’t know him and genuinely doesn’t care about him, making cold, dissing comments all the time in early part 1.
Of course when you get more context and get further in both their support chain and the plotyou find that he actually has good reasons to distrust Claude, it’s not just snobbishness and prejudice he just really cares about the Alliance and doesn’t trust it to someone who just showed up out of nowhere under suspicious circumstances after the previous Duke had an ‘accident’ (which, ironically, was the work of Lorenz’ own father) - but that doesn’t change that he’s genuinely a little callous. 
If you don’t spare Claude on the empire route Lorenz stands out as the only person who will diss him - everyone else, imperial leadership included, is either sad or gives him the worthy opponent treatment, even Hubert who’s not usually the sort to point out his enemies’ redeeming features. He will also diss him in the Kingdom route and express spite that he didn’t get to be Alliance leader. 
Indeed while Ferdinand and Felix will wind up supporting Edelgard/ Dimitri if they’re not recruited, Lorenz always opposes Claude unless you’re on the GD route. Even some of the arrogance is real, see his A support with Byleth, he really thought that commoners were ultimately less consequential/influential even though, as he later admits, Byleth was right in front of him the whole time. 
To some extent this might be due to his upbringing his father was very much a “Look out for Number one” sorta person who cares only for the wealth of his own territory the rest of the Alliance be damned. Compared to that starting point Lorenz is already a whole lot more considerate as he thinks that his father at least ought to consider the rest of the Alliance, and would certainly NOT stab a rival in the back or callously kill commoners as collateral damage, even at the start of the game. 
I don’t wanna get too down on Lorenz tho, once you get to know him he’s adorable and sensitive (his caution comes from actually being somewhat afraid/anxious underneath) and as a friend he is very helpful generous and considerate. I love that support where he keeps offering Ignatz jobs, it’s probably his best moment. He got layers and ultimately ends up having a positive political legacy.  And if you’re playing GD or CF he even gets more open-minded by the end.  
He also makes for an excellent contrast to Claude - both are somewhat self-interested, opportunistic and distrustful, but Lorenz is cautious and conventional, whereas Claude is unconventional and a risk-taker. Ultimately what brings them together is appreciation for the other’s shrewdness and good intentions, they’re both natural politicians. They also both love poetry. 
And Claude’s storyline is one of bringing different people together and convincing them to come to his side/ have them come around. He uses deception to accomplish it, yes, but ultimately he wants people to see his point - Even someone who is as different from him as Lorenz is. After all he wants to build a world where there’s a place for everyone. So when he finally wins over Lorenz halfway through part 2 it means a lot to him. Claude probably half doubts that it’s possible but he wants everyone to truly come around. 
Whereas Edelgard would surely prefer convincing as well, but failing that she’d strongarm or eliminate someone like that. (Though it has to be said that she would do so because she cares deeply about the net result and one priviliged twat’s feelings, or even her own,  are not more important that ending oppression asap IMHO Both have a point and both have their shortcomings.) 
Another Detail is that while Ferdinand and Felix are each from the Second most Powerful house in their respective countries, the number two spot in the Alliance is probably held by the Gonerils; But the Alliance by nature is more flexible and there is more rising and falling in influence based on wealth merit and your ability to convince and rally the other nobles. Lorenz actually could take Claude’s job, and early on, actually wanted to, so he’s the closest to a real political rival - and Claude’s strenght is more in politics and planning than it is in punching so this is fitting. 
The other two are more one-sided, as Dimitri flat out ignores any hostility coming from Felix and would really like to be friends again (also Felix wants Dimitri on the throne ‘cause he’s still vastly better than Chaos or Cornelia, he’d just like him to act reasonable and get his act together, and is ready to support him once he does) and Ferdinand, try as he might, is simply no match for Edelgard in any way as she is the single strongest individual among the younger characters, she’s evenly matched with Byleth in the Church Route reunion scene and ends up with the highest total stats out of all the playable characters. 
Though he’s introduced as always trying to one-up her, makes sure to tell you that he’s the one in charge when you first walk in (no doubt naively repeating something his father said), can end up being full-blown enemies with her in 3 out of 4 routes including the Church route, he doesn’t actually have any sort of personal beef with Edelgard and out of the three ‘rivals’ he probably has the least actual issues with/ dislike toward his respective house leader. 
Even when they wind up as enemies he’s actually one of the characters who speaks of Edelgard in a respectful fashion after her death (in GD he mentions how she wanted the next ruler to be chosen based on merit and how she really believed it), and at one point offers Hubert to let the two of them flee right under the Church’s nose if you have them fight. (Especially notable since the Church route is probably the least sympathetic toward Edelgard)
He IS the one who gets the classic rival trait of being competitive, jealous and attention-seeking - I tend to hate these sorts of characters but that’s usually because they are petty, spiteful people who begrudge other’s happiness and are always putting others down so I expected to hate him but actually ended up loving him to no end because he isn’t like that at all. He’s deeply good and has a heart of pure gold. He never lashes out. If someone dislikes him, his reaction is usually to come up some grandiose elaborate gesture to prove his worth and make them like him (Mercedes, Bernie, Dorothea etc.) 
Ferdinand was raised by an actual supervillain who clearly wanted to bring him up with an ellbow mentality but that clearly bounced off his inherent goodness like teflon. His sheltered luxurious upbringing might’ve left him a bit naive pre-timeskip in ways that make him come off a tad arrogant or annoying, but he doesn’t think he’s superior to anyone - indeed he works hard to be worthy of his inheritance and justify being in the position that he’s in. He’s somewhat aware that his father’s a crook but his response to that disillusionment is to become the real thing himself. He wants to actually be exceptional and live up to the hype.  The old man surely told him that he’s got to make the princess his bitch with some thinly veiled euphemisms but he kinda didn’t catch the seditious treasonous parts of it. 
He doesn’t hate Edelgard nor does he wanna doublecross her or put her down, rather, he figures that he’ll be a pretty poor Minister if he can’t hold his own against her he must have something of his own to offer and just generally strives to constantly improve himself. He also strongly believes in thinking for oneself (in that sense he’s kinda like Felix but its a more intellectual thing for him) - In the Church route that’s why he views it as his duty to oppose Edelgard even if it costs him alot. If he sticks with them instead, he eventually realizes that she and Hubert are actually all for independent thought and actually pretty open to his input once they come to trust him (which doesn’t really happen on the other routes). If recruited to the Kindom he’ll also not be afraid to criticise Dimitri. Can’t recall any scene where he criticises or defies Claude right of the bat but then again Claude doesn’t exactly go around saying what his objectives are.
He certainly sticks out among the eagles the way Felix does among the lions - not quite to the same extent cause he’s not that polished and inadvertedly annoys people a lot early on, but they’re all pragmatic, antisocial or both and also largely unconventional and quirky, whereas Ferdinand is very sociable, optimistic, has high ideals and  traditional. He’s the one among the nobles who actually wants his father’s job, he’s also the one believer among the largely secular Adrestians, though he’s not exceptionally devout. Though he values collectedness, he’s an expressive romantic sop and very genuine in contrast to the more stoic and unsentimental Edelgard and Hubert (as well as Byleth if they’re on the team), i mean Dorothea’s also extroverted and friendly but she’s often wearing a mask and kinda jaded too. Caspar’s nice and honest but he basically lives to fight.  Basically if the Crimson Flower cast were Section Nine, Ferdinand would be Togusa - and like the Major, Hubert and Edelgard actually appreciate him for that though this is not immediately obvious to him. 
Ferdinand obviously matures some as the storyline continues but - consider that Lorenz basically gets schooled and Claude is 100% right, and Felix gets to get over himself and stop being so tsundere, he’s not all wrong but he’s not right either and in his Kingdom route endings usually winds up continuing his dad’s legacy after all, even winding up in one of those chivalric tales he used t hate in his paired endings with Dimitri. Lorenz’ position is understandable, Felix has a valid point and comes from a good place, but largely, they are wrong. Ferdinand does somewhat change what he thinks but it’s more of a hegelian synthesis. He’s a helpful ally who contributes a lot and Edelgard and Hubert kinda know this before he does because he was busy comparing himself to her. He’s not gonna beat Edelgard at Edelgard stuff but he has a lot to offer precisely because he’s Ferdinand, and because he’s different from them and actually helps them improve and refine their plans. 
After all if you want to replace a flawed system you’ve got to understand why it persisted and your new system has to solve all the problems the old one solves and then some, if it is to last. 
Unlike Felix Ferdinand’s very proud of his country, but this is in the context of the Eagles’ main storyline being to put right what their parents done fucked up (or, in the case of Dorothea and Petra, what created the sucky circumstances they lived in) whether they do it with Edelgards revolution or through reconciling their homeland with the church. 
Of course Ferdinand isn’t blind to his homeland’s flaws and wants to fix it because he cares about it. 
Now onto the MC’s own designated rival. 
She probably can be said to be have a shade of petty jealousy but since it’s centered around a shared mentor figure and largely harmless it comes off with a distinct annoying-younger-sister vibe more than a more serious rivalry. She never really gets overly upset that she can’t beat Byleth; She just kinda keeps trying undeterred; Might as well shoot for a high target. 
Notably she is actually a remarkably chill person in her other supports and has a lot more characterization than just the jeralt thing, with her poor village background and frugal, pragmatic outlook being pretty interesting, she just doesn’t get along with Byleth, but since they’re the POV character and Leonie is kinda constantly aggro at them that works in her detriment. For all that I’m frequently praising how even the more gimmicky characters are seldom one-note I still think they could’ve eased up on the gimmicks now and again. 
On the other hand, it shouldn’t be so strange that even Byleth can’t immediately get along with everyone xD
Much like most of Bernadetta’s supports start with her freaking out and running away, Byleth’s usually go like this: At C the various characters act largely how they act toward everyone else (the nice characters are nice, the blunt ones are blunt etc.), then at B they spill their life story and worries and Byleth is like “pat pat”, by the second half of part II the monastery dialogues also evidence some level of fondness and familiarity even with the students that aren’t in your house  (which is important cause most of them are pretty sad and apologetic about having to fight Byleth later on)
But of course there’s exceptions here, you have cases like Felix and Edelgard who instantly like them because of obvious similarities, people who take distinctly longer to be won over such as Hubert and Dimitri but ultimately do click with them after a certain point, and then there’s cases like Claude and Dorothea who DO like Byleth but are still somewhat stumped by their somewhat unreadable demeanor, they’re used to dazzling ppl with their charm, not getting the expected reaction and hence their defense mechanisms are lowkey active, indignation for Dorothea and suspicion for Claude. 
Leonie doesn’t fit either category she sorta tries to apologize for her latest outburst each time but then ends up going off again. 
On the one hand the fact that she isn’t overawed isn’t always a negative thing, it’s like she’s part of the family, and particularly the human side of it. 
After they merge with Sothis most the students are awed and excited about their new power/looks and comming divine revelation - some of the eagles are notably cooler on this as they’re not as religious, Bernie’s lowkey scared, Dorothea seems kinda worried about them/ that this will distance them from normal people, Edelgard is secretly heartbroken cause she takes it to mean that they’re destined to be enemies - they’re not the only ones tho Lysithea notably worries about side effects (she would), but then there’s Leonie who’s like “But it’s still you inside there, right? That’s what important.” Like... I think Byleth really needed to hear that. 
Instead of “wow everyone mysteriously likes you, you must truly be blessed” she’s like “you accept ppl as they are just like your dad no wonder people like you. ”, she just looks at them with a different perspective. 
I mean Cyril and Catherine get a bit jelly that they get so much of Rhea’s attention but then that’s tied up in their own adulation of Rhea and so ultimately the magical destiny thing. 
Even the infamous B support evidences a somewhat different, less distanced dynamic - Anger is a natural stage of grief but she’s going off in Byleth’s face when they’re still half in schock, which is a not so great situation but also different from the usual dynamic where Byleth is the calm in-control leader person while their conversation partner spills their soul - they can’t be, because they’re involved. Jeralt’s death affects them both in different ways and that leads to a rather painful clash. 
Contrast wise Leonie is maybe what Byleth might’ve been like if they had been born normally. She’s also kinda sassy has a pragmatic fighting style and comes from a common, nonfancy background where she had to work on her own survival by catching her own food. But she doesn’t have the magical destiny/ random religion ready to throw itself at her feet, as she often points out she doesn’t have a crest or money so she has to be shrewd to even get her hands on good equipment instead of having a mystical legendary artifact just falling into her lap. 
One wonders if Byleth and Edelgard ever ended up hiding out in some odd place in order to escape from two lance wielding redheards looking to duel them XD
Though Ferdinand gets this dialogue where he wonders about what might’ve been and laments the “Adrestia-shaped hole in his heart” his endings are actually pretty similar regardless of what faction he ends up with. He almost always becomes a statesman or politician of some sort.
He didn’t rely on things just falling into his lap so when they stop doing that he still succeeds, besides with his optimistic go-getter attitude and determination, it’s not a surprise that he’d be fine no matter what happens. It’s a big shock to him when his land gets confiscated on non-empire routes but he always deals somehow and comes out on top through the trials and tribulations.
By contrast Felix gets tons of unique dialogue for each route (with the most, but not complete overlap between VW and SS) and his endings are vastly different depending on wether he sticks with Dimitri or not to the point that even paired endings with the same characters can be vastly different. Generally speaking if he sticks with Dimitri he suceeds his dad and becomes Dimitri’s Right Hand Man (or Left Hand Man depending on where Gilbert and Dedue end up) whereas on the other routes he becomes a wandering mercenary and kinda doesn’t seem as satisfied with the independence and strenght that he used to want so badly.    
Only Bernie and Alois come significantly close to having such hugely divergent endings based on route (He becomes the leader of the Knights of Seiros - unless he turns against them then he just chills with his family. Bernie gets a lot more “confident” endings in CF, the one with Byleth is a 180 and the Hubert one is similar, also she’s out of her room a lot more and talks about traveling etc. and even there it’s not ALL endings nor quite as pervasive. )
As for Lorenz there’s three ways it can go. If not recruited he plays ball with the empire out of self-preservation and, its implied, to save his father who’s not worth half of him, and gets killed in the process should the empire lose.
If he’s on your team there’s 2 basic paths depending on whether you’re on one of the ‘revolutionary’ routes (VW and CF) or the ‘restore order’ ones (SS and AM) Either he initially follows to pursue his own interests but eventually comes around to Claude’s and/or Edelgard’s ways of thinking, or, you spare him, since he joined the empire ‘cause they looked to be winning he’ll have no qualms jning you when you appear to win, esp once you nap that pesky bridge through which the Imperial troops would’ve marched in, so he has more leeway to do what he actually wants to do, ie oppose the empire and go down in history like he always wanted. He doesn’t change as much but gets plenty of opportunity to show off his more gallant side and redeem himself for the initial turncoatery.
As far as Leonie’s endings go, it’s nice to know that there was someone to take over Jeralt’s mercenary troupe - Byleth probably always thought they would do it but now they’re off being King/Queen/Archbishop/ eating cake with Edelgard 
So she needn’t have worried/ eventually was able to take on Jeralt’s legacy like she wanted precisely because she isn’t magic
Of course there’s also the outcome where she dies somewhat ironically  either at Gronder (”Can’t back down because I know you I’m a proper mercenary”) or Myrrdin (particularly ironic since Jeralt didn’t trust Rhea one bit and Solon and Kronya did, not, in fact, report to Edelgard. She was ostensibly trying to get Jeralt on her side post Remire.), in either case to fulfill her dream and become like her mentor she’s pitted against that mentor’s own kid, no option where she can be truly true to her allegiance.... slightly less so in the empire route since she believes she has good cause for revenge here, und understandably so. Edelgard can’t exactly go around yelling “I mean to DOUBLECROSS you!” where the slitherers can hear so she did look guilty. 
It is supposed that she died offscreen at Gronder in the church route. :( Better recruit her. And Alois, if you’re doing CF, so poor Byleth doesn’t have to hack through all their remaining quasi-relatives. 
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aphrodicted · 5 years
Hey there! It's really nice of you to don't charge for your readings, they seem so complex! Could I ask for a pigeon reading? My name is Raquel Jardim and my sun sign is Scorpio. I have been trying to know more about my guides recently, but I'm not having success. Thank you!
Hey, Raquel!
1. General information about them: Prince of Pentacles, The Priestess, The Lovers. 
Your guides are presented as the right people to help you. They feel a deep love for you and want to help you in everything they can. They also want to deepen your relationship to share the love and affection they feel for you. Really, Rachel, your guides love you with all their heart. They feel very happy by your side and feel that your bond is strong. I think you and your guides know each other. It may be someone deceased or a person who shared their life with you in the past (transmits a very feminine energy and seems to have great knowledge on occult issues). I tell you this because the love they feel for you is immense and baffles me a little.
Your guides may have thought and fought hard to connect with you, so it would be important to work on your communication to be able to communicate openly with them.
2. Why are they with you? Nine of Cups, Three of Pentacles, Seven of Swords, The Pope.  
Your guides are with you to take you to success. They want to give you wisdom and knowledge to help you progress spiritually. I don’t know how long you have been working on your spirituality, but your guides believe it’s time to go deeper. Although I’ll develop this point better in the fifth question.
On the other hand, they want you to enjoy teamwork, co-workers or study and friends in general. They want to show you that you can work with others and feel as complete and safe as if you work alone. People around you can share the same goals as you and help you know new things that will fill your life. Moments full of abundance are coming (both spiritual and material), but you must learn to share them and enjoy sharing.
Finally, your guides seem to disagree with a person in your environment. You may already know them or have not yet met them, but there’s a person you shouldn’t trust. They want to deceive you or don’t explain things to you with total sincerity, since they want to take advantage of you. There are many secrets around this person and they may be creating rumors that aren’t true. Ask your guides to send you a signal to identify this person. They want you to recognize the evil that this person can cause you and separate paths from him or her.
3. What do they want from you? The Strenght, Queen of Wands, The Tower.
Your guides want you to keep moving forward with a mind full of positive thoughts. There’s a situation that must advance and your guides will help you to do so. Keep a positive attitude for as long as possible. New ways of seeing things will appear and it may be time to transform your philosophy of life or how you face the world. Life is cycles, and the end of a cycle may have come. Remember that life is made up of lights and shadows, good things and bad things, luck and misfortune, etc.
The positivity resonates a lot in this question. It’s essential that the positivity is in your thinking, your life, way of facing situations, etc. Positivity must be a fundamental part of your life.
4. General message from them: Prince of Cups, Queen of Pentacles. 
Things will be fine. Don’t worry about the future, since there is nothing that can make it bad. If you keep working, the link between your guides and you will become much stronger. In addition, there is the possibility of renewing the relationship and communication with your spiritual guides, and if you are able to take advantage of this opportunity you will get a stable relationship with them.
5. In what aspects of your life do they want to help you? The Hermit.
Your spiritual guides want to help you in your spiritual life and your inner world. They are willing to give you the wisdom you need to deepen these aspects of your life, since you need that information to grow correctly. In this way, you will be able to advance your spiritual path and be able to understand the meaning of everything you do.
It’s very important that you learn all about detachment. Your guides want you to learn not to stick to the material, dreams, fantasies, negative feelings or thoughts and people. Your guides need you to live without being attached to your surroundings. They will help you understand that you should help others with selflessness, without expecting anything in return. You have to learn to live without waiting for the response you want from the other.
Can you feel something lost in spiritual matters? Your guides say you shouldn’t feel that way, since all answers you need are inside you. All doubts that arise in your mind will disappear as you work that wisdom that lives within you, but you still don’t know how to use. Don’t worry, Raquel, your guides will guide you so you can get all your knowledge out.
6. How can you improve your communication with them? Two of Cups, Ace of Swords, Knight of Swords. 
Both your guides and you want to improve your communication. You are going to do it, don’t worry, but your guides need you to put the same energy that they are putting in to get it. It’s a good relationship that you share with them. Even if you don’t talk to them too much or have trouble communicating with them, your relationship with your guides has a good future. However, it’s important that you clarify certain situations and fight against any obstacle that may arise to improve communication. Negative thoughts, laziness, sadness or distrust of your abilities should not become an obstacle to progress, but should serve to grow.
7. What stops me from improving your communication with them? Four of Swords (reversed). 
You aren’t connecting with yourself. You don’t seem to find a way to communicate with them and you may be losing interest or hoping to do so. Since reconnecting with your vital energy. With this card, your guides ask you to do it through meditation and silence. In these moments you will find the answers and you will be able to reconnect with your guides. You are letting things happen on their own, and it must be you who acts to improve communication with them. Find your guides through meditation and prayer and they will approach you.
8. How do they see you? Princess of Wands, Seven of Cups, The Devil (reversed). 
Your guides see that your fears have lost power over you. If you aren’t doing it now, you will soon begin to accept your fears and learn from them. Your guides are with you, so don’t be afraid to accept everything that terrifies you and face it. Also, your guides see someone who can fantasize too much. You should avoid confusing your fantasies with reality, since you could be confusing certain situations that will bring pain. On the other hand, your guides are glad that you are a dream person and warn that different opportunities will soon open up in front of you.
They know that you can become a person who easily practices detachment and finds importance not in the material, but on the spiritual side. You know how to look for happiness where it really is and not in money, material possessions. Somehow, you are someone who knows how important the material world is, but it doesn’t dominate your world. You are about to free yourself from everything that binds you and oppresses you.
9. Advice: Moonlight: Travel, romance, potential.
Romance is in the air. Soon you will travel to a special place. A romantic afternoon takes you to discover an unlimited source that has not yet been exploited. A simple inspiring idea comes to you and will make you look at life from a new perspective. Thanks to this you will create something new, something that will be of permanent value. Relax and enjoy this time. The light that reflects the moon fills your heart with love and reveals a deep well of creative possibilities yet undiscovered.
I invite romance to my life. I look at things from a new perspective. My life is full of unlimited potential. All creative possibilities are around me. Life is an endless source of inspiration.
Good luck, Raquel!
Please consider leaving feedback to know whether or not my reading has resonated with you.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 5 years
Well i think that kidnapp operation is good for koito too, he goes from pampered rich kid abt to fail exam to pass it and made up(or get his father's love again). And that time was before battle of murken so Tsukishima had not completely obey Tsurumi yet. Thats why he didnt know abt anpan. Lastly, i dont think its randomly that ogt is in Tsurumi's division, Tsurumi must have scout him before he joined army(may be) like what he did with koito. Anw Great analysis again, hope to see ur next post😘
You make interesting observations...
so I hope it’s okay to answer to them dividing them according to the character you talk about.
It’s true something bad can also have positive effects. The most used example in narrative is how losing someone/something teaches to a person the importance of someone/people/something.
There’s plenty of tropes who play on something misfortunate turning fortunate like Lifesaving Misfortune, Unluckily Lucky (which is more or less the trope which characterizes Kadokura), Necessary Fail, Happily Failed Suicide to name some.
It’s however not something I would refer as ‘good’ because it feels misleading.
Being kidnapped wasn’t good in any possible sense of the word and nor it was a necessary misfortune Koito had to overcome.
Sure, the immediate consequences of the kidnapping were good.
Since his father realized he wouldn’t let him die, he tried to fight to save him. Since he discovered his father actually loved him a lot this caused him to manage to cope with his loss, his inferiority complex toward his brother and his sense of abandonement. This, coped with the fact he was tricked into thinking fate sent him a kinght in a shiny armour to save him, helped him to find his inner strenght to pass the test.
It’s fate’s sense of irony (or Tsurumi’s calculate manipulation work) what caused, from something so terrible and cruel, something apparently good to be born. I say ‘apparently’ because actually we can’t be sure what the domino effect set into motion by that kidnapping will eventually lead Koito.
He has, after all, ended up on letting himself be charmed and tricked by the one man who set his kidnapping up, and now he’s following him in a rebellion against the Japanese government which can very well cause a civil war, the destruction of his family and his own death.
Sure, Koito wasn’t happy prior to his kidnapping, but the thing is we can’t be sure his father wouldn’t have realized his son’s worth without it. Or Koito could have just overcome his own problems on his own for other reasons. And would it have been so bad if he had never passed the exam?
Sure, it would have been a big blow for him but, if he this were to eventually lead him to give up on being a soldier and live a long commoner life with a person he loved... would that have been bad?
Of course those are all theories.
We will never know if Koito’s life would have been or worse better without the kidnapping... though we will probably find out if it’ll be good or will end in tragedy due to it.
It’s worth to mention though, that, after the kidnapping, Koito hadn’t graduated from being a ‘bonbon’.
After the kidnapping he was still rich, pampered and unable to realize how the world worked and, so far, he has remained as such.
Sure, his view about himself was likely hugely affected by how he discovered his father loved him and was proud of him, and this pushed him to became a hard worker, which allowed him to pass the exam, while previously he likely wasn’t putting much care in anything.
We’ve also seen in the circus arc how Koito was doing his best even if his performance was already amazing.
However he’s still an elite kid who can’t realize he’s being tricked and manipulated and can’t really focus on his mission, wastes time in irrelevant things and, although he cares for his underlings, he doesn’t fully know how to take care of them or how not to look down on them.
It’s ironic in a way because Koito wants, very hard, to prove he’s not a spoiled brat but that’s exactly how he acts as he doesn’t seem to be aware his behaviour is not one he should keep.
I don’t fully blame him as Koito’s behaviour is perfectly fitting of the time he was in and many wouldn’t consider him a ‘spoiled brat’ but him just acting according to his rank and social status... but well, he’s a brat. A brat I love and for which I hope everything will end well, but a brat noneless.
We’ll see if he’ll change in the future.
I’ve discussed it at lenght in my ramblings so I’ll try to keep it short.
The problem with Tsukishima is he’s taking part to Koito’s kidnapping.
I mean, which order would be more difficult to obey, ‘kidnap the teenager son of a rear admiral’ or ‘give to said kidnapped son some sweets’?
Tsukishima is okay with kidnapping Koito... which hints at how he was already very willing to go at great lenghts for Tsurumi... but would draw a line at feeding sweets to a kidnapped kid?
Tsurumi didn’t have to tell Tsukishima what the anpan would mean for Koito, and, if it were to turn up he previously shared anpans with Koito (which is exactly what happens), he could have said he had forgotten about it.
Or something else. Tsurumi is possibly the smartest guy in the whole story. He would be surely capable to find an excuse... if Tsukishima were to hold him accountable for giving anpan to Koito and not for kidnapping him.
So I’ve hard time thinking Tsurumi would think Tsukishima doesn’t have to know because if he were he wouldn’t agree. It can be just me though and as I’m just human I can be wrong.
The idea Ogata was actually lead by Tsurumi to join the army seems plausible considering Tsurumi likes to prepare his plans carefully and therefore he should have been planning something regarding Hanazawa as well.
It’s interely possible he discovered Hanazawa has an illegittimate son, searched for him and pushed him to join the army when he was 17 and then tried to make out of him one of his loyal followers.
It’s entirely too early for us to tell for sure but yes, there’s a huge possibility that’s the case.
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