#thank youuu for the ask!!
sighonaraa · 6 months
First the wip questions 15 please!!
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
ABSOLUTELY DO I. so many. tbh. but there are two in particular that i literally rotate through my mind on a daily basis and cannot WAIT to actually write.
1. from the ‘jamie gets hugged six ways to sunday’ gift fic:
there is a WHOLE GROUP CUDDLE PILE scene towards the end where jamie’s just. been having a rough go of it for a while. and it all comes to a point where he simply shuts down and can’t. he can’t. so the team gently hugs him and drags down blankets and pillows to the living room and they all puppy pile about it because sometimes that’s the only thing you can do. i am SO excited to write this scene y’all have no idea.
2. from the ‘dear phoebe’ gift fic:
jamie and phoebe have a conversation about their dads and about roy and about learning that they don’t have to be afraid all the time anymore. then phoebe gives jamie a drawing she made herself and he has Big Big Emotions about it. TEARS ARE SHED!!!!!! (my tears are shed. and yours will be too.)
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tacktheyak · 3 days
hi hello!!!!
2, 11, 19, 28 for your oc :)
2. does your oc collect anything?
froli has a fairly sizable stash of bottle caps that he’s found around the junkyard. he’s very possessive and careful with them, but on occasion he takes one out to bat around with the others :)
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11. what are your oc’s hobbies
asides from the bottle cap collecting, frolikyte, being the aquatical cat, loves swimming! once he gets in the water, he will stay there! for hours at a time! you cannot get him to come out!
19. what kind of music do they listen to?
froli likes listening to jazz, and his favorite song is “ain’t misbehaving”!
28. what kind of nervous habits do they have? do they stim? do they have any kinds of addictions?
whenever he’s stressed, froli lightly tugs at his whiskers, and in more extreme cases bats at his ears to cope
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mimiwrites2000-fun · 2 months
💕if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Heyyy sorry took a long time to get around to this my brother's wedding is in a week
Honestly I can't remember the other facts that I shared, so, sorry if there are duplicates
1- English is not my native language
2- I enjoy baking, SO MUCH, a little bit too much, as well as cooking tbh, but there's something so therapeutic about baking, I've also been baking since I was 10 (as if in baking alone, but I grew up helping my mother around in the kitchen for as far as I can remember)
3- I used to have very long hair, way past my waist, but then depression hit and I started cutting it, short, so short, it reached my ears, BUT HOWEVER NOW IT'S LONG AGAIN! Almost to my mid back!! Which I think is an achievement tbh
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golswia · 4 months
ur cat and dog aziracrow made me think of bird vers for them, crow-ley and aziraphale as a dove or owl!!!! ur art is adorable
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they scream at ur window at 4am for seeds
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meg-noel-art · 2 years
If you made a movie about your life, what would the opening song be?
IM JUST A KIIID AND LIFE IS A NIGHTMARE--- jkjk umm this is such a solid question. I'd choose a bop! Been obsessed with 'Sunroof' lately so that one!
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zu-is-here · 2 months
Hey dear Zu if you possibly take requests could you perhaps draw Fresh if you haven't yet? Love your work!
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Clink <3
[4/20] Fresh by loverofpiggies
Greaser by rodsee
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aliferous-ly · 2 months
special shout-out to everyone making gifs for the hermit charity event you are my absolute favorite people and the lifeblood of hermitblr <3
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volcanocraft · 23 days
the way you draw joel has me on the floor /pos?? please keep up the pure cubito art! I love seeing them brought to life in all their blocky glory
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thank you... i appreciate it greatly
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noctumbra · 3 months
japanese learners/japanese speakers, is there any solid dictionary that i can use to look up words? like larousse for french, is there any websites/dictionaries for japanese?
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gabriellovescandy · 4 months
Using only song titles of one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people
I was tagged by @automatisma, this was super fun thank you!
I did just completely forget about this one sorry but I'm glad I remembered! I chose Queen <3
whats your gender – Killer Queen
how do you feel – I’m Going Slightly Mad
if you could go anywhere – Barcelona
fave mode of transportation – The March Of The Black Queen
your best friend – Princes Of The Universe
favorite time of day – Sleeping On The Sidewalk
if your life was a tv show – The Show Must Go On
relationship status – Crazy Little Thing Called Love
your fears – Under Pressure
I'm tagging @purpleatomicbreath, @despite-everything, @strongindependenttrash, @omnipah, @themostunoriginalpersonever, @coreinthian and whoever else wants to do this!
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celaenaeiln · 3 months
Hello, hello! It's been a while!!! Hope you're well. I had this hc about how Batfam is susceptible to manipulation, but only if it's Dick doing it. Like the blind faith he commands, there will literally get everyone ready to get him what he wants without him actually having to do anything. Like of anyone asks for a reason: "Dick said so". That's enough.
Just wanted your opinion on this
Omg hello!!! It’s been so long!! I’m so happy to hear to hear from you again 😆💕❤️!!
Hc that Bruce being completely susceptible to all of Dick’s manipulations due to the sheer faith he has in him? ABSOLUTELY!!
It’s so friggin true I’m pretty sure this is borderline canon if not canon already!!
Because here’s the thing: from the dawn of Batman comics to now, through all the changes that have occurred, there has only been one thing that remains constant and that is the fact that Bruce trusts Dick unconditionally.
There are MULTIPLE scenarios where Bruce confides solely in Dick and he actually worries heavily when his only companion leaves:
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The Brave and Bold (1955) Issue #197
"My only real friends know me as Batman...Dick, Alfred, Kathy Kane...except..what do I do when Dick graduates college...and Alfred retires...and Kathy gives up being Batwoman? What do I do...when I'm finally alone?"
Bruce...that's a whole lot of pressure and expectation to put on a kid a decade younger than you..
But the point still stands because Bruce needs Dick. In the beginning of the Batman comics, there wasn't even Alfred around. It was just Dick and Bruce and they lived in an entire mansion together by themselves and had dual responsibilities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne as well as Batman and Robin. It was quite literally only the two of them in their own world. They went on adventures you wouldn't believe and had things happen beyond people's wildest imaginations. The Golden Age was a fever dream that encompassed only the two of them. They didn't have anyone else and they didn't want anyone else.
Dick pulled Bruce out of one of the worst times of his life when he was just Robin and Bruce pulled Dick out of depression during his. This resulted in a unbreakable bond. It's a deep kind of unshakable, irreplaceable love and profound trust that they have in each other that the other will only and always be there for them in the worst of times of their lives and the happiest of ones as well.
It's that kind of devotion and attachment to each other that established their relationship for decades. Every single timeline has consistently kept this - "You're my only one." - kind of relationship between the two of them.
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Batman (2011) Issue #2
Bruce knows that of everyone he's ever met, Dick will always be the one to know him and hear him.
There's another comic panel that stuck out to me too-
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Titans (2008) Issue #1
"No one knows about them except Bruce, Alfred, Tim. Barbara knows about a few. And ofcourse me."
Bruce only trusts three people - Alfred, his current robin, and Dick.
So consistently and unconditionally, it only comes down to two people at ALL times. For another example, during Death Metal, when the entire Justice League is hunting down Batman and the Batfamily, Bruce would only entrust the deadliest weapon in the world to one person and the entire league knows it.
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Dark Nights: Metal Issue #2
Bruce just has pure faith in Dick for everything. He is the one person that Bruce believes will never do any wrong and he's the one person he always believes and believes in. Period.
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Titans: Beast World Issue #1
Whatever Dick decides, it's the final word.
So that is why Dick is the only person Bruce is susceptible to. He never questions Dick in the comics ever. He's questioned every single person he's ever worked with about their intentions but never Dick. So Dick tells him the world is ending then the world is ending for Bruce.
If Dick tells him that red is an awful tie color, then it's an awful tie color that Bruce will never wear.
If Dick tells him to slick his hair back, take a break, be more compassionate, have faith - Bruce will do anything and everything. And this has been proven time and time again for the most menial situations to the most serious ones.
While everyone looks up at Bruce for answers and orders, Bruce will look to Dick and what he says, that's what they'll all do.
And here's the thing - the entire superhero community doesn't rely just on Bruce for commands, Dick is shown to have an equal weight. A single person has the equivalent weight of the Justice League. They will do what Dick says regardless of what Bruce says.
But the point is Bruce's utter faith in Dick gives him privileges. Anything and everything Dick decides, that's the answer, logic, and light of very reasoning to Bruce because Dick is the very source of existence for Bruce. In Forever Evil he almost let the world die intentionally because he felt that there was nothing to the world if he couldn't save Dick. At times he's fought Dick over his personal choices but every single time, without fail, he comes back literally two issues later to tell him sorry and you're right and we're going to do it your way.
Dick could let the world burn to fucking ashes and Bruce would stand by and clap and praise him. That time in the Blockbuster arc? Where Dick passively killed a man and started self-harming? Bruce roughly grabbed his face, got real close, and told him in his darkest voice that he doesn't give a flying fuck who dies or who Dick kills. As long as Dick doesn't dare hurt himself.
Dick can tell Bruce anything he ever wants, lie or truth, big or small, and Bruce will believe it with no doubts and no questions asked. That is the weight of his faith in him. Of course if someone does ask why he chose to do something a certain way? He can just say, "Because Dick said so." And as you called it, that answer alone will be enough. For everyone.
Don't be fooled by Dick's submissiveness to Bruce's commands. Bruce is holding him by the neck, but he's holding Bruce's leash just as tightly.
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celebi9 · 2 months
Critical Role!
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Another FCG and Ashton! They mean so much to me! :"D
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reegis · 9 months
I so desperately want to shove your mechs designs into my mouth and pop them think those studid bubble fruit things from a few years ago. They look very edible.
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mechs boba…. (one sip Absolutely kills you instantly)
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hdra77 · 2 months
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just realized i havent doodled him as much so uh have some more disarray fp doodle!! aswell as handing out some fresh crumbs of lore :D
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magicomens · 25 days
I swear I just checked your page 1 hour ago hoping there was an update an being like "ah well it takes a lot of time to make those and they probs have life stuff going on" and then I just saw your update on my dash adagshshagfaja. Tysm for making this wonderful comic ❤️❤️❤️
Plot twist I was actually reading your mind
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conceptofjoy · 2 months
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Love ur karkat! she is so cute
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