#thankfully woke up after like an hour or two so i could wash my face/do teeth stuff/put in retainers etc etc
illogicalvulcans · 1 year
hi i've been SO busy i missed u all filling up my queue today xoxo
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hungermakesmonsters · 5 months
(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Four
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : PG
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Nothing of note this chapter, except a moment of sickeningly awkward cuteness (I'm so sorry). All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 4.8k
A/N : The aftermath of last chapter. Tumblr is still only letting me tag five people at a time, so tags will be in comments again.
Chapter Four
You woke to find yourself on the sofa, covered with a blanket, alone and with only a vague recollection of what had happened the night before. Your hand had been bandaged and you felt worse than ever. The room was spinning, your head pounding, and finally you understood why; blood loss. You’d drawn blood and, then, you’d let him drink from you; it had been too much and you’d lost consciousness.
It took a moment more for you to remember everything else that had happened; how he’d pressed his body to yours, how he’d kissed you, and how you’d - oh god, your boss had made you come. 
Panic washed over you for a second, your hand reaching between your thighs, terrified that something had happened after you passed out. No. You breathed a sigh of relief and found yourself feeling silly for even thinking that Billy would do something like that. From what little you knew of him, you didn’t think he was capable of that.
Despite being completely alone, you pulled the blanket up, hiding your face and your embarrassment. You closed your eyes and all you could see was his face, blood covered lips and dark eyes filled with hunger - and not just hunger for blood.
You remembered his lips on your neck, the scrape of teeth - fangs - as you came. Gingerly, you ran your fingers over your skin, searching for puncture marks but, thankfully, found none. 
As much as you wanted to move, to go back to your bedroom, you were too exhausted and, soon enough, you ended up falling asleep again. 
Hours must have passed and you certainly felt better for it when you finally opened your eyes again.
At some point a bottle of water and a note had been left on the floor next to the sofa, though you couldn’t say if they’d been there the whole time or if he’d placed them there after you’d fallen asleep again.
You decided to start with the water, taking a slow drink to steady your nerves before reading the note. It was impossible to stop your mind from going into overdrive, from thinking of all the things that the note might contain; was he going to fire you for your unprofessional behaviour, was he angry that you broke the rule about being in the penthouse after 9pm?
Your fingers shook as you unfolded the note and started to read.
I want to apologise for my behaviour last night, it was unacceptable and I understand if you want to terminate your contract because of it. If you want to leave, please let Lissa know and she will retrieve your things from storage. If you choose to stay, you will have the next couple of days to yourself to recover. I’ll be gone until Friday and won’t need blood before then. 
Whatever you decide, I’ve arranged for my friend Karen to visit you tomorrow and, if you still want to, you have permission to go out with her for the day. If you want to leave, she will help you with whatever you need to do so. Please take care of yourself.
You read and reread the note, trying to figure out what he wanted from you. The note felt so detached, almost like he was assuming you’d want to leave. 
(Did you? Was that really what you wanted?)
You read it again before sitting up, noticing the dried blood on your pyjamas. Common sense told you to leave, to get your things and get out of there as quickly as possible. Last night had been stupid and reckless, you’d done the one thing you’d promised yourself you’d never do; you’d let a vampire drink directly from you.
Okay, so he hadn’t bitten you, but what was to say that next time he wouldn’t? But, by the same logic, what was to say that he would? He could have done anything he wanted to you, but he hadn’t. And what he had done you’d allowed. No, you’d been an active participant. You’d enjoyed it. (Who were you trying to kid? You’d wanted it.) He’d told you to stay away and you’d ignored him. It had been your choice to feed him, your choice to let him kiss you, even though you knew he wasn’t in his right mind.
Embarrassed as you were, some part of you had wanted what had happened last night and, now, you had to live with the consequences. 
You read the note one last time. Please take care of yourself, you weren’t sure if those five little words made it better or worse. He always seemed so concerned with how fragile you were, and you still weren’t sure if it came from a place of caring or of liability, but it felt like he was staying away from his own home because of you.
No, you quickly decided, you didn’t want to leave. You couldn’t. You needed the money and last night was as much your fault as Billy’s. 
Staying was still far better than the alternative.
Eventually you managed to get up and move to your rooms, grabbing yourself a bowl of cereal on the way to bed. You put the TV on, but more for background noise than anything and spent the rest of the day dozing, only getting up to get more cereal.
Instead of thinking about what had happened, you started thinking about tomorrow, about finally being able to go outside and see some of New York City. What would his friend Karen be like? Would she be able to tell you anything about Billy? Finally, you had something to look forward to, even though you were worried that Billy had only arranged it out of guilt.
You felt much better the next day when you woke up, in part because you were excited to finally go outside and see some of the city but, also, because you were looking forward to meeting Billy’s friend and having someone new to talk to. The weather outside looked cold and wet, so you dressed accordingly, pulling a lovely blue jacket and pair of boots from your wardrobe to put on over your jeans and blouse.
Just before midday, you heard someone calling your name, and you quickly went out to greet them. She had stunning red hair and skin so pale you might have thought she was a vampire if you weren’t about to go out in daylight with her. It was enough to make you pause, to make you wonder how she knew Billy, an odd twinge of jealousy filling you for a second.
“Hi, I’m Karen,” she smiled and held out her hand. You took it and introduced yourself properly, even though she already knew your name. “Oh, what happened to your hand?”
Your cheeks warmed a fraction, looking down at your bandaged hand for a second. “I caught it taking some cookies out of the oven.”
“Ouch,” Karen winced sympathetically, seeming to buy the lie. “Billy said you wanted to go for coffee?”
“Yeah, that’d be great,” you answered, feeling overcome with relief the moment you stepped into the elevator.
“You got any place in mind?” Karen asked, subtly looking you up and down like she was trying to get a measure of you.
“I - I don’t know. This is my first time in New York, I don’t really know where anything is.” 
“And this is the first time he’s let you outside,” she stated.
For a second you looked at her, confused, wondering how much she knew, how much she was supposed to know. Lissa had told you that Billy valued his privacy and you weren’t sure what you were supposed to say in this situation. The uncomfortable look on your face must have been enough to tip Karen off that you didn’t know how to answer.
“He has his reasons,” she started again as the elevator arrived on the ground floor and you stepped out, “I know it probably doesn’t seem like it right now, but he is trying to look out for you.”
“How do you know him?” You asked.
“I met him through his best friend when we started dating.”
“Oh. And is he...?” You left the question unfinished, not sure if it was polite to ask.
“A vampire?” She smiled the sort of carefree smile that you couldn’t help feel envious of, like she didn’t care what anyone thought of her. “Yes, he is.”
Stepping out onto the street, you couldn’t help but stop for a moment, turning your eyes skyward and taking a deep breath. It took a second for your eyes to get used to natural light and, all the while, Karen stood watching you.
“How long has it been?” Her question pulled you back to the moment.
“A couple of weeks, I think?” You tried to remember, but you’d lost track of how long exactly it had been after the first week. However long it had been, it wasn’t really long enough to warrant that sort of reaction from you. Your cheeks warmed a fraction as you looked at Karen. “I’m not really used to being cooped up indoors all the time.”
Karen just nodded, waiting a beat before starting to walk. You fell into step beside her, your eyes taking in the sights of New York. You had no idea where she was leading you but you didn’t care. You were finally seeing the city and you couldn’t be happier.
Less than five minutes later, you found yourself in a little coffee shop, looking at the pastries and cakes on offer before you realised something.
“I don’t have any money,” you told Karen, your cheeks turning red, an uncomfortable sense of shame filling you.
It hadn’t even crossed your mind; you always had a purse with you or your phone, but Lissa had taken them and you weren’t going to be paid until you’d completed a year in Mr Russo’s service. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Karen replied, starting to fumble around with her purse before pulling out a black credit card and handing it to you. “Billy asked me to give you this for anything you need.”
The card had your name embossed on it but there was nothing else to indicate - well, anything at all. You didn’t know if it was a prepaid card or if it had a limit, and there was no way of telling where the money would be coming from.
“The PIN is your birth year,” Karen continued, though she seemed more interested in eyeing the food selection than she was in you.
After a moment more, you decided that you’d ask Billy about it when you next saw him (assuming you ever saw him again, after the other night). You choose modestly, not wanting to spend too much on a card that wasn’t yours and that you couldn’t control. For all you knew, you were spending Billy’s money and the last thing you wanted to do was take advantage of this gesture of kindness.
And that was something Karen did notice, watching you from the corner of her eye with a somewhat bemused expression on her face as you calculated just how much money you’d be spending getting a drink, a panini, and a muffin. Then, you held your breath as you used the card for the first time, preparing yourself for the embarrassment of it being declined.  It wasn’t. You breathed a sigh of relief before following Karen to a little table by the window.
Your eyes were fixed on the street outside, watching as it started to rain, but you could feel her eyes on you.
“You’re not like the others,” she finally broke the silence. 
“What were they like?” You asked with a healthy degree of caution, still not knowing what the rules were and what you were allowed to talk to her about. “Lissa said that they disappointed Mr Russo?”
She sat back, biting her lip and trying to suppress a smile. You couldn’t tell what part of it she found amusing and you didn’t want to ask.
“Disappointed is one word for it, I guess?” she took a breath, obviously composing her thoughts before continuing. “Did you know that you’re the first one he didn’t interview himself?”
You shook your head; you’d applied for the job by email and had spoken to someone (you now assumed to be Lissa) very briefly over the phone. In retrospect, it seemed strange given the amount of money that was at stake.
Unless he didn’t bother because he assumed you’d disappoint him like the others…
“The problem with Billy - with the whole job, really - is that it usually attracts a... certain sort of person. Most of them have only been interested in the money and spending a year living in the lap of luxury. The others are...” she fell silent, smiling as the barista brought your toasted paninis over and, when you were alone again, she looked like she really didn’t want to finish her thought.
“The others are...?” You prompted cautiously.
“They’re the sort of people who want more from the arrangement than Billy is prepared to give,” she answered and, when you obviously didn’t catch her meaning, she continued. “Billy is a very rich man and he’s going to live forever. A lot of people find both of those prospects very attractive.”
“They want him to...” you couldn’t bring yourself to say the words, a lump stuck in your throat at the thought. Karen nodded. “And you’ve done this before? Gone for coffee with... someone like me?”
“Not quite like this, but I did spend time with some of them.”
“What do you mean not quite like this?” 
She paused half way through lifting her cup to her lips and, for a second you could have sworn she winced. Still, she took a drink and didn’t try to answer until her mug was back on the table again.
“His rules weren’t always so strict.” Her head shook. “Look, it’s not my place to tell you any of this. Billy has his reasons for why things are the way they are; it’s to protect you as much as it’s to protect him.”
You opened your mouth to ask more questions but no words came out. Ultimately, it didn’t matter how or why the rules had changed because you’d agreed to them. You’d agreed to the job and you needed the money, so the last thing you wanted to do was get Karen in trouble and maybe jeopardise future outings like this.
“Thank you,” you told her, then quickly clarified; “for telling me.”
Karen smiled, considering her words for a moment. “Billy is a friend, but trust me when I tell you that if I didn’t believe what he was doing was necessary, I would have told him so.”
“It’s okay,” you conceded quietly, shrugging, “I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to do this.”
You turned your attention to your food, cautiously picking up your panini, trying not to burn yourself on the molten cheese that was leaking out the side as you took a bite. It was heavenly; toasted just the right amount, the cheese was sharp, and the tuna -
You dropped the panini back to your plate, horrified with yourself.
No. No-no-no. How could you have been so stupid? You felt your chest tighten a fraction, your stomach tying itself in knots. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Karen asked, obviously concerned.
“Tuna,” you stated, your voice breaking. “I’m not supposed to eat tuna. It’s on the list. He’s going to -”
“Whoa-whoa, back up. What list?”
“The list of things I’m not supposed to eat,” you tried to explain, unable to conceal the panic from your voice. 
This wasn’t you - you didn’t break rules, you always tried to stay in line - and, now, you’d messed up. All you could think was that you were going to lose the job, that Billy would kick you out and you’d have no choice but to go home. You were going to end up back where you started all because of a stupid toasted sandwich.
“Hey-hey, calm down, it’s okay,” Karen tried to settle you.
“You don’t understand I can’t lose this job.”
“You won’t,” she reached across the table, taking your hand in hers, “if Billy finds out, we’ll tell him it was my fault, okay?”
“But -”
“No, buts. Nothing bad is going to happen, I promise.”
You didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to explain the panic that was clawing beneath your ribs. You’d been raised to be good, to be decent, to follow the rules and not cause problems. You’d been raised to fear consequences and, even though you were far from home, that mindset was difficult to escape.
“Here,” she offered, sliding her plate towards you, “we can swap, I got ham and cheese. You only had one bite, Billy will never know.”
It was like she understood, like she could tell just by looking at you how desperately you needed to keep the job - not just because of the money on offer but because you had nothing and nowhere else to go without it. 
Taking the offered plate, you ate slowly, quietly. From time to time, you’d catch her looking at you, concern on her face. Conversation that followed was stilted and awkward as you picked apart your muffin until it was gone. And, once your mug was empty, the outing was over.
“I’m sorry I can’t stay longer,” she apologised as you started back towards the penthouse. “I’ll make more time next week; we can spend a whole afternoon doing whatever you want. We’ll make it a regular thing, every Thursday.”
Agreeing, you thanked her as she rode the elevator back up to the penthouse with you, making sure you were okay before leaving you with the promise of seeing you again next week.
It was strange to know that you were completely alone in the penthouse for another day but, after the incident with the panini, you were very deliberate when it came to the rules. You sat on the sofa until just before 9pm, watching the cloudy sky slowly darken and give way to night before returning to your rooms, even though no one would have known if you’d stayed in the penthouse longer.
That night you laid in bed thinking about Billy - or, rather, you thought about what it was going to be like to see him again after what had happened. Was he as embarrassed by it all as you were? Did Billy Russo even get embarrassed? Maybe it would be better for the both of you if you just pretended that it never happened.
Friday passed in a blur. Every time you heard a noise in the penthouse, you would creep to the door to your quarters and press your ear against it, trying to hear if he was back. Of course, some part of you understood how ridiculous you were being; Billy was so light on his feet that you’d never be able to hear him. But, still, time and time again you found yourself pressed against the door.
After drawing blood, you moved across the penthouse as quietly as you could, looking for signs that he was home and finding none. Once you reached the kitchen and placed the blood in the fridge, you allowed yourself a sigh of relief before turning and -
There he was.
Standing between you and your rooms, a look on his face that you couldn’t decipher.
For a second your lips parted, wanting to say something, but the words just wouldn’t come. Your cheeks started to warm and the silence dragged on for at least ten seconds. Billy looked uncertain, so uncomfortable in your presence. His normally calm and collected demeanour was gone, replaced with a look that made you feel unsettled, guilty even. More than that, you couldn’t help but notice how tired he looked - you hadn’t even realised that vampires could look tired before now.
“You decided to stay,” part-statement, part-question. All you could do was nod, letting your feet carry you a couple of steps closer to him. “I’m glad. I didn’t think you would.”
“I want to stay,” you offered quietly, breathing slowly, trying to keep your heart from racing.
“I’m sorry for the other night. I never wanted you to see me like that,” he said, standing a little taller and seeming to regain some of his usual composure. “It won’t happen again. I never wanted to make you feel unsafe here.”
“You didn’t,” your voice still small as you struggled to find a way to describe any of the things you were feeling right now. “You told me to stay away and I didn’t listen, and I didn’t ask you to stop when I should have. But I just...” you trailed off, not sure how to say the next part.
“What?” He prompted softly, his attention entirely fixed on you.
“I need to make it clear; just because you’re paying me, it doesn’t mean you’re entitled to -”
“I would never think that I’m entitled to fuck you just because I’m paying you,” he interrupted, just as offended by the notion as you were. “Anything that happens here only happens with your consent.”
Did that mean it could happen again if you wanted it to? You didn’t dare voice the question, instead you just nodded.
His gaze dropped awkwardly and yours followed it, noticing something tightly gripped in his hands. A stuffed toy. Before you could ask, Billy had cleared the distance between you, holding out the toy to you. After a moment of confused hesitation, you took it, frowning first at the toy then him.
“When you said you were lonely, you mentioned a dog and I -” he let out an uncomfortable huff of laughter, “- well, obviously I can’t let you have a real dog here but I thought - I hoped - maybe this would help.”
Your gaze dropped to the stuffed toy in your hand, shaped like a beagle with floppy ears and a little pink tongue lolling out of its mouth. You couldn’t remember the last time someone had bought you such a thoughtful gift and that sad thought caused your heart to give an uncomfortable squeeze. When you looked back to Billy, you started to realise that there was far more to the man than you’d originally believed.
“I didn’t know what kind of dog you had, so I just...” he continued, trailing off when he saw your smile.
“Thank you. It’s perfect.” 
It was Billy’s turn to simply nod, seeming just as lost for words as you were for a few seconds before deciding to let you go about your evening. “Anyway, I won’t keep you.”
The conversation was over giving you the perfect opportunity to walk away and recover from whatever this had been, only -
“I broke one of the rules,” you blurted out without thinking, not wanting to carry the weight of it after Billy’s gesture.
A flicker of discomfort crossed his face but was quickly reined in. “Which one?” 
“I ate tuna in a panini when I went out with Karen,” you stated, sounding so ashamed anyone would have thought you were confessing to murder. “It was just one bite. I forgot tuna was on the list. I’m so sorry. It won’t happen again, Mr Russo. I promise.”
You didn’t expect the laugh that followed, or the way the tension seemed to leave his body. His hand found your shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze.
“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.”
“But the list -”
“Tuna is on the list because I don’t like it. If I’d been here and had your blood, it would have been unpleasant for me, but I wasn’t here so I’m willing to forgive it.”
(Well, that explained why certain foods were on the list. They were things he didn’t like - did that mean he could tell what you’d been eating from your blood?)
“I spent twenty dollars,” you admitted a moment later, like you were confessing all of your sins to him. (Or maybe you just wanted to keep the conversation going a little while longer, keep his hand on you a little longer.)
His hand moved to your neck, his cold touch on your skin causing your heart to beat a little faster. And you knew he could tell, you knew he could hear the effect he was having on you. 
“You spent eighteen dollars fifty-five,” he told you, amused by whatever this was. “I don’t think you’re going to bankrupt me.” When his little joke didn’t manage to draw a smile from you, Billy sighed. “I’m the one that should be sorry. I haven’t really explained things to you, I guess because I didn’t think you’d even make it past the second week.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m asking a lot of you. Maybe too much,” he told you as his thumb began to softly brush against your jaw. “The truth is, I need things to be like this. I need to have control. I need to stay in control because when I don’t...”
He didn’t have to say it, you could fill in the blanks. The other night was what happened when Billy lost control, it was what happened when the monster overwhelmed the man.
“But,” he continued, “I know it’s not easy to be the person who’s being controlled. I know you don’t really want this.”
“No, I -” the words started to slip out before you could stop them. Billy looked at you expectantly, silently demanding you finish the thought. Your cheeks felt like they were burning, but he was giving you honesty and you needed to do the same in return. “I’m used to rules. I like knowing what’s expected of me. It doesn’t make things easier for me, but I like knowing where I stand. So, I guess I don’t mind following your rules.”
It was clear he had questions but clearer still that he didn’t want to ask them. You were grateful for that.
“You always have a choice here, little hummingbird, even if I sometimes make it seem like you don’t,” he told you, leaving his hand to linger on your neck a moment more before it dropped to his side. Somehow, you felt colder for the loss of his icy touch. He was quiet a moment before; “do you like Thai food?”
You nodded despite the very sudden change in conversation. “I love it.”
“I’ve got nothing planned this weekend, perhaps we could spend some time getting to know each other a little better? Maybe that would make things a little easier,” he offered, a small smile on his lips. “We could order from a great Thai place I know and I could try to answer some of your questions about things.”
Your fingers tightened on the stuffed toy as you smiled. Finally, you felt like you were getting somewhere, like this could become something bearable, something good.
“I’d like that,” you answered.
“Okay then, tomorrow evening at sunset,” he nodded and looked ready to leave.
Nodding in return, you finally stated to move back towards your rooms. Your hand was on the handle when he spoke again.
“Why did you help me?” You could tell from his tone that he didn’t want to ask the question, but the curiosity had gotten the better of him. “You didn’t have to help, you could’ve stayed in your rooms. Instead you put yourself in danger to help me. Why?”
You turned back, despite not knowing how to answer him. And, for a few seconds you found yourself looking at him. There was something there, something about his expression, something that made you wonder if anyone else had ever helped him before. It seemed like such an alien concept to him that anyone might go out of their way to do anything for him.
“You looked like you were in pain,” you shrugged, “and, even though I haven’t always felt completely comfortable here, I think you’ve always tried to be kind... in your own way. So, I couldn’t just stand by when I thought there was a chance I could help you.”
Billy swallowed, like he was trying to rid himself of a lump in his throat. Then he nodded, clearly lost for words. That look you’d noticed only seconds before seemed to intensify and Billy didn’t seem to know what to do with it.
“Thank you,” he finally managed, before giving you one last look and turning away. 
For a second you allowed yourself to watch him as he made his way towards the kitchen but you knew you couldn’t linger, not when the pounding of your heart gave you away. Slipping through the door, you quickly shut it behind you, pressing your back against it for a moment. Looking down, you realised that you had the stuffed dog clutched to your chest. It was silly, such a ridiculous gift, but the fact that he’d listened to you, the fact that he’d thought about what you’d told him, it meant so much.
End Note : Billy was having a Mr Darcy (Matthew Macfadyen version) moment when he handed over the stuffed toy. Place your bets on what she’s going to to call it. I know this one was slow and a little cutesy but I wanted to build some more tension before things start to ramp up next chapter.
As always thank you so much for reading! And thank you so much to all my new followers (I did not expect 200+ followers when I started posting on tumblr). I hope you all have awesome weekends!!
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! If tagging doesn't work for some reason (aka Tumblr being dumb) I post most Fridays around 7:30 gmt. (Note: Tumblr is currently being stupid and only letting me tag five people at a time, so I'll be tagging people in the comments. Sorry if you get tagged twice!!)
Tag List : @vaguekayla @thdcre @rensolodriver @house-husband-of-castlemurdock @snowkestrel @danzer8705 @noortsshift @aoi-targaryen @lincerad @vxnity713 @readerinsertsaremyguiltypleasure @dreadfulxives18 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @glamourbabe17 @sweetserendipity65 @damagelove @strangerfromketterdam @a-starrynightwith-u @readingabouthim @countryday @weepingwitchofthewest
232 notes · View notes
fxchild · 1 year
The Switch
Miles Fairchild x fem!reader
Chapter three: Listen up
I woke up sweaty and a mess despite the fact that it was pouring and chilly. I had no dreams and no nightmares nothing but a dark void.
Today was Sunday which meant it was personal chore day. When I woke up it was around 7:30 so I decided I needed to get up. I put on some black leggings and a tan sweater for my outfit because I didn't think I'd need to dress up to get dirty.
When I'm dressing I see bruises on my wrist where Miles had grabbed me. They hurt a lot so I had to be extra careful when using my arms.
By the time I went downstairs to get breakfast it was 8:00am. I peered before going in to make sure Miles wasn't there and thankfully he wasn't. Ms. Grose was there and breakfast was ready so we started eating before Miles and Flora came in for their food.
15 minutes later Ms. Grose finished up her breakfast and not long after Miles and Flora came in to eat. I was eating pretty slow but after 5 minutes I finished my food. Miles was eating pretty fast when he usually takes his time and doesn't even finish his plate most of the time.
As I was going to take my plate to wash it ,Ms. Grose said, "Y/n, take Mile's plate too, he's finished." She gave me a raised eyebrow look. I sighed but decided to do it anyways because I wasn't looking to cause trouble with Ms. Grose.
I walk over to Miles seat which is across from mine and scoop up his plate. "Thanks" he says with a small smile and his hands fidgeting in his lap. I roll my eyes and scoff because there is no way in hell he thinks that he is going to try to use his face and one word his way out of an apology.
After breakfast I decided to do some of my laundry. They don't have a washing machine at the house so I have to do laundry by hand. Usually a load from one week takes me an hour and half but this week I had two loads since I had to go into town last Sunday for Ms. Grose who had been under the weather.
About 40 minutes into doing the laundry I hear footsteps walking near my room. I look behind me and see a shadow. I know it's Miles because on Sundays Flora does violin lessons from Ms. Grose and I heard her playing and Ms. Grose never comes near my room unless it's urgent. I get up to walk to see the shadow and confront Miles but he walks right past me with his head down. I scoff and walk back to do my laundry and hear him shuffle around again. I pretend he's not there and I continue to do what I needed to do. I had my sleeves rolled up where my bruises were showing because water kept getting on my sleeves and it was really annoying and uncomfortable.
"Did I do that?" Miles said surprised and proud of himself. I continue to ignore him and do my chores but he starts going near the wet pile of clothes.
"You better hang these up, they're gonna get all moldy." Miles says as he throws my wet sweater on the floor making it splat with water everywhere and all over me. He starts laughing while I'm moving wet hair out of my face.
"Can you stop? Like seriously, you're making a mess everywhere." I spat at him, fed up with his annoyance. He stops laughing and gives me a dirty look. He starts walking out of my room but on his way out he kicks the bucket of water where most of it spills before I could grab it.
I grab something and throw it at the door that he slams screaming, "ASSHOLE" then gets some towels to clean up the soapy mess. I hope he leaves soon, I don't think I can spend another day with this maniac.
I finally finished doing laundry and the rain cleared up with hot weather outside for me to dry my clothes. As I am sorting my clothes in front of a bucket I used to bring them out I see someone looking at me through the window. I have never seen this guy before, he looked older and creepy. I turn around but instead of seeing a stranger I see Miles who quickly runs away when I turn my head.
I finish up my laundry faster to go back inside because I still have to clean my room and bathroom.
By the time I finish cleaning everything and tidying up it's already 5:30pm and around time for dinner.
I go down for dinner and sit in my normal spot next to Ms. Grose. Flora and Miles quickly came after Ms. Grose yelled out to them for supper. Flora takes her seat across from me while Miles plops down in the chair next to mine. I sigh but only loud enough for Miles to hear hoping he'll take the hint and next time won't sit next to or near me.
Dinner was chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy but the chicken was really unseasoned. Maybe next time I'll cook the chicken with some spices instead of her cooking.
I finished up my dinner first within 20 minutes, thank Ms. Grose for the meal and headed upstairs to lesson plan for Flora's school tomorrow. As I'm walking I hear someone running behind me and low and behold it's Miles.
"Hey," he says out of breath rubbing his hands on his jeans awkwardly, "what are you up to now?" He spoke again.
"Just lesson planning for Flora tomorrow, what are you doing?" I say uninterested.
"Nothing much, just bored." He says trying to sound cool. I give him a quick mhm and turn back to head to my room. "Can we talk, you know, about yesterday?" He adds on following me.
"Why do we need to talk about yesterday everything was already said." I say annoyed with him.
"Well you still seem mad and I don't understand why you aren't over it yet." Miles says kinda quietly like he didn't want me to hear it while he kept on speaking.
I quickly spin around so me and him are face to face almost touching. "You wanna know why I'm mad, Miles? Because ever since you came back here you've been a complete jerk to me and all I've tried to be is nice! If you aren't gonna treat me kindly, I'm not going to treat you that way either. So maybe instead of trying to annoy me you show a little respect for once in your spoiled life, okay?" I semi-shout at him with my pointer finger on his chest pushing him back.
"Well I've tried to be nice today and you're still giving me backlash on everything I do! You seriously need to get over it because you are acting like I'm some crazy creep!" He yells back.
"Oh, you're not a creep? Then why today when I was going to dry my clothes, I see you staring at me from out the window? Huh? What about that isn't creepy?!" I laugh in his face.
He looks down at the ground with air filled cheeks and balled up fists. "Look I'm sorry okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?" He says, still staring at his feet with an aggravated tone. He runs off and I'm left in the hallway, still running through my mind thinking about what just happened. I walk back to my room still thinking if he actually apologized or I'm just crazy.
After a while of lesson planning it gets pretty late and I needed to get ready for bed. I put on a tank top with shorts for my pajamas because my real pajamas were still outside drying. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and see Miles in the hallway walking back to his room.
"Hey." I said in a normal voice trying to make sure if we are okay or not. "Um..hi." He says looking me up and down nervously and running away slamming his door. 'Weirdo' I think and laugh to myself.
When I get into bed I'm so tired I almost immediately fall asleep. I think about tomorrow and if anymore drama between me and Miles will start.
OMG GUYS TYSM FOR READING THIS N BEING SO PATIENT WITH ME IK IT'S BEEN FOREVER SINCE I POSTED !! I didn't think anyone would read this and then some did and my chapters kept getting deleted from my drafts and it was a whole big thing but again tysm for being so patient 🩷 hopefully the next chapter will come out sooner I should post a chapter between 1-3 days on the regular .!
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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This is not going to be a very interesting or very long post. Because I did nothing today. Except try to not throw up.
I slept okay last night, which was only surprising because I had originally gone to sleep at like 7 and then woke up at 830 and went back to sleep not long after that. I had pretty much decided immediately upon waking up that I could not go to camp today. I didn't feel safe. I felt like I was falling apart. I could barely stand up at times. The dizziness was insane.
So at 655 when I got up I texted Alexi right away and she told me to take care of myself and they would be okay. It is so hard for me to be okay with letting down my job. But she just told me they like be fine and I had to keep that in mind and just let myself rest.
I did not go back to sleep though. I would actually never fall back asleep. But I would just. Rest. And try to stay sane.
I went and found James right away. Got a hug. They promised to let me know when they got to work and we hoped they would get there before the rain.
The tropical storm would roll through and cause a lot of flooding. But thankfully not at our house. I would enjoy watching the sky today. But it never rained as hard as I was expecting.
I would wash my face and clean myself up to try and feel better. But it didn't help as much as I hoped. I would just kind of feel off all day. Thankfully though I wast always beside myself in pain.
I didn't eat much. I would have a half of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And two mugs of milk throughout the day. A little of the fudge I got yesterday. But I was honestly afraid to eat anything else.
I would lay on the couch for a long time. Eventually moving upstairs. Around 11 I decided I would like a task. And so I started working on my closet clean out.
This would be round 1. Next time Jess comes over we're going to do it a bit more intensely. But I would sort everything into piles. Tops, bottoms, dresses, jumpsuits. And just made a lot of quick judgements. Have I worn this this year? Does anything about it make me feel weird? Does it fit me? And threw things into the hallway to bag up later.
I would do a second pass as I went through all the individual piles. Purged a few more pieces. I was half way through when I had to sit down with my head on my knees because a wave of dizzy came over me. It sucked.
But I had to finish. I picked out pieces to hang up. And would fold everything else to go in my storage box. It was tough to close the box but I think with the next purge it will make things easier.
I did not even kind of try to go through sweaters. That is a different day for sure absolutely.
I would lay down again after that. And that was my day. I laid in bed and tried not to cry I felt so bad. I hate that I'm probably scaring people but I feel absolutely terrible.
I thought maybe chipotle would be safe to eat. I don't get it spicy. The rice and beans are a complex carb. There are veggies. So James promised to bring that home, along with boxed jello and rice pudding. Stuff that seemed safe.
I moved to the couch to wait for James. And they got home around 5. And while the chipotle tasted great I was the closest I have been to throwing up. Like legit throwing up. It was horrible. I would eat as much as I could, while trying to breathe through the nausea. But I would end up laying on the couch with my eyes closed just trying to breathe for almost an hour. James seemed so worried. I was so worried. It was horrible.
But it would pass. And I would be fine. I would have just a little nausea still but the painful part went away. And I was able to have a rice pudding and it didn't make me feel amazing but it was fine.
And that's where we are now. I am going to take a bath. And try to just be okay. I seriously doubt I will go to the market tomorrow. And I feel bad about it but I just cannot. I can't. I need to just keep resting.
Send me good vibes. I love you all. Sleep well and be safe.
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fe-fictions · 2 years
Speaking of Dimleth softness…can you write some expert Dima husbandry? Byleth is very pregnant and tired and he feels utterly helpless. Until he jumps into action to help her wash her hair. Because he totally would.
(Foaming at the mouth for soft dima ;;;)
Eight months had come and gone in all but an instant. For yourself and Dimitri, it seemed to be a blur and moving too slowly all at the same time. The king and queen were thrilled to welcome the heir-to-be, and could hardly wait to meet them.
But until that fateful day could arrive, they had to wait through the trials and tribulations of pregnancy. Dimitri, being the not-pregnant-one, felt increasingly more helpless every time you quietly complained about your struggles. There was only so much that he could do to help you, after all.
He would do what he could to help you, but that typically meant calling for a physician or the nursemaids to assist you while he stood by.
The king could do small things, like help you off the bed or carry you up and down the stairs, it was practically nothing compared to everything else that you needed, and he couldn’t help with. It made him feel utterly useless; the worst possible thing he could feel towards someone he owed his life to (and loved deeply).
Thankfully when you woke up that morning, he was given an idea.
The king stirred when he felt you shift in his arms. Your back was to his chest, and his arms were carefully wrapped aroun you as a shield from the bitter winter cold.
You moved to get up, reaching for his hand and giving it a little kiss to wake him. “It’s time to get up, Dima.”
“Mmh.” He yawned, burying his face in your hair. “You’re sure you don’t need a little more time to rest, Beloved? We did not get to bed until late.”
“Seteth is arriving this morning to discuss urgent needs at the monastery. It would be terribly disrespectful to be late when he’s come so far…not to mention in this weather.”
“You raise a good point.” He sighed, and released you, stretching quickly before he got out of bed and rounded to your side so that he could help you up. “Do you need any help getting ready?”
“I will wear something simple. I do not think I need to be in full Archbishop regalia given my condition.” You replied, taking his hands and letting him pull you from the bedding. “Though I may need to bathe before I go. I’m feeling a little grimey, this morning.”
“Mercedes recommended we change your bathing schedule, didn’t she? Has it been two days, or three?”
“As of this morning, three days since the last bath.”
“You do not appear ‘grimey’, if it is any consolation.”
“It’s a feeling,” You replied, touching your hair, “At the very least, I need to take care of my hair; it will be in much worse shape by this evening.”
Dimitri frowned, thinking. “How long until the meeting?”
You looked outside, “Probably another hour and a half, maybe two if we’re lucky.”
Realization dawned on Dimitri; he had an excellent idea. “Let me help you take a bath!”
“What?” You looked back at him, finding a rather excited expression on his face. “You want to help me bathe?”
“I thought it’s a good idea, don’t you? This way I can help you get ready faster!”
You looked at him, surprised by his sudden enthusiasm so early in the morning. He seemed to be very charged up to do this for you, even if it seemed simple and a little unnecessary.
But Dimitri looked so very happy with himself at the mere thought. Who were you to say no?
“All right.” You nodded, letting him lead you into the washroom and start the bath. Water and fire magic made quick work of the bath, making it plenty warm (but far from hot for the baby). He helped you out of your clothes and into the full basin. You sighed happily, the warm water soothing you all the way through to your very soul.
“Dima…do you know how to wash my hair?” You asked him when the thought suddenly came to you. He nodded, bringing over the various bottles and soaps that would be used, today.
“Of course. And I will be gentle.” He added, before taking a pitcher from the basin and filling it with water. It was quite methodical, borderline calculated, in the way that he poured the water over your hair. He made sure not to let it spill over your face, and repeated the movement a few more times.
You got to work on washing yourself while Dimitri uncorked the bottle in his hands to prepare the hair washing. He hesitated for little more than a moment; he was quite excited to do this for you.
Finally, long, calloused fingers worked into your scalp, almost timidly. You did not react at first, not wanting to scare him or worry him by thinking he harmed you. So you continued your scrubbing while he started massaging the shampoo into your hair.
He seemed a little unsure at first, but once he found a rhythm, it started to feel incredible. To the point that your own scrubbing slowed to a stop. You leaned into his touch, all but sinking into the water while he worked. Dimitri bit his lip to keep from smiling to broadly.
“That feels so good.” You commented quietly, “Where did you learn to wash hair like this?”
“I learned from watching you,” He responded in kind, working the lather through your hair, from root to tip. “You’re always so deliberate when you do it, so I thought I’d give it a try for you.”
“You’re doing an amazing job. I could fall asleep if you keep it up, like this.” You added, “Want to do the rest of the work as well?”
“Would that help you?” He asked borderline eagerly, tilting his head over the basin to look at you. You cracked an eye open at him and touched the tip of his nose.
“It certainly would…it’s nice to be pampered every now and then. You sure you can behave?”
“Nonsense,” He brushed off your teasing, returning his hands to your scalp and resuming the massage. “If you desire your husband to help you wash, then I will do it without complaint or mischief.”
“What if I request mischief?”
“If it is what you desire,” He echoed, smiling at his cheeky wife. He leaned down, touching a kiss to your forehead, and continued his work on your hair.
Eventually, Dimitri would (carefully) join you in the bath, and helped you get washed up (with extra care and attention paid to the sweet baby bump where fists and feet would tap his palms.
It wasn’t much in Dimitri’s mind, but to you it meant the world he wanted to do something so sweet for you. He was doing his best (and was executing it beautifully).
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ms-kio · 3 months
Ghouls: Not Your Ghouls
Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki, Uta/No-Face, Koutarou Amon X Harry Potter! 3392 Words
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"[Non-understood languages]" (depends on POV)
"Understood languages" (depends on POV)
Ken Kaneki didn't know what to do. He had tortured Jason to his hearts content, he had slaughtered every ghoul and human that had wronged him, and now, he was just tired.
Beside him stood Uta, the only being who Kaneki could stand to see now, after breaking his every vow. The two Kakuja stood in empty silence, staring at the stars. "Say, Kaneki." Uta started, neither looking down from the stars. "If we could be sent away. To another world where none of this happened. Would you take the chance?" The elder ghoul asked.
There was a pause before Kaneki responded, speaking volumes. "Yes… There's no point in staying in the world… Where nothing waits for you." Then, ever so slowly, the two's bodies began to fade into shadow. As the darkness fades to their eyes, any trace of their presence disappears. Their time in ghoul-ridden Japan was over.
~ ~ ~
Kotaro Amon was having similar thoughts, sitting alone at his desk. 'This world is wrong.' The very same thought he had while fighting Eyepatch for the first time. The scar on his shoulder was still there, a constant reminder of the event. "This world is wrong." He whispered. With that, blackness enveloped him.
: : :
Amon 'woke up' to find himself in a surprisingly comfortable bed, hearing a few voices. "How is he madam Pomfery?" An elderly voice asked, with a slight British accent.
"He should be conscious any minute now." The other replied.
Amon then decided to sit up, catching one's attention. "Professor Dumbledore." The ravenette drawled, who hadn't spoken until then. "Our guest is awake."
Amon, mustering his best English, spoke up. "Um. Where am I?" Amon asked, cursing his heavy Japanese accent.
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The eldest one answered. "You are currently in the hospital wing, we found you and two humanoid creatures washed up on a riverbed a few days ago."
"Humanoid creatures?" Amon only had one guess as to what kind of creature that might be.
"We were hoping you might know what they were."
"I may be able to help you with that." Amon said, thankfully only missing his trenchcoat, which he promptly put on. The CCG investigator then stood up, picking up his briefcase. "Lead the way."
~ ~ ~
"[So, what are these creatures? Surely the ministry would know about them if they were that high of a threat.]" A female voice said, with a thick British accent.
"[I am as clueless as you, Minerva.]" An elderly voice replied, with what seemed like a similar accent. The scent from Kaneki also shifted to confusion, confirming he was also awake and feigning unconsciousness like Uta. "[We mustn't waste the hour though, it's about time we put them in the barrier Sevyrus created for us.]" Suddenly, Uta felt his body float, having to keep from reacting. The two ghouls listened to the others converse, hoping to get some answers. However, Uta didn't know English. So it was fruitless. They were eventually placed on a bed of grass, their sharp ears picking up the sound of the duo walking away, approaching what seemed to be a very large man. "[Thank you Rubius, for letting us house these creatures under your care. We don't know what exactly is required for their welfare, so I apologize for this.]"
Once the three humans were far enough away, Kaneki and Uta sat up, Kaneki speaking first. "Damn," he hissed, "I'm hungry."
Uta chuckled. "Me too." Uta turned his head to Kaneki, realizing something. "Hey, you're half human." Uta was nice to Kaneki, but wasn't nice enough to sacrifice his own well-being, and Kaneki knew this.
"And you're Kakuja anyways, fine." The snow haired ghoul said, pulling back his sleeve. "Bon appétit." Dammit Tsukiyama.
: : :
"Uta , you have been tearing up my arm for seven minutes. Why is this taking so long?" Kaneki gritted out, blood dripping down his arm.
"Your flesh is tough, and I'm hungry. Is there a problem?" Uta asked, quirking an eyebrow, though Kaneki couldn't see it. Both of them were wearing masks.
"You know how much I've had to regenerate?" The platinum haired ghoul hissed, narrowing his eyes at his elder.
"Fair point. Eat some of your own arm, I'll let you have some of my flesh afterwards." Uta brushed off.
"You know how disgusting other ghouls taste."
"Yup, and I'm glad you're not one of them." Kaneki sighed, pulling back his other sleeve and munching on his own arm.
Kaneki was becoming more and more like Tsukiyama, much to his exasperation. "You owe me, Uta."
"Alright, I'm done." Uta said a few minutes later, pulling away and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
"Finally!" Kaneki said in an exasperated tone, yanking the mask maker's arm towards him. "I am so fucking hungry." The half ghoul tore into Utas arm, who didn't even flinch, only raising his eyebrows in amusement.
"Indeed you are."
"Shut up. You taste disgusting"
"I'm hurt Kaneki, I am hurt."
~ ~ ~
When they reached their desired location, seemingly an old hut, an absolutely giant man approached. "Mr. Dumbledore sir! The two fellas, one's eatin' the other!" Amon pursed his lips. 'Kakuja then.' He thought.
"Calm yourself Rubius." Dumbledore said. "This man, Amon, may be able to help." Without a second's hesitation, Rubius led them into the forest. Soon enough, Amon saw Eyepatch and No-Face, the ladder eating the former's arm, and the former munching on his other arm. Amon sighed, turning to the three men, Sevyrus having tagged along in curiosity. "You two are very lucky these ghouls are who they are. If it was any other, they'd be at each other's throats, trying to kill each other." Amon said, recognizing the ghoul duo as No-Face and Eyepatch.
"So cannibalism is normal for these creatures?" The ravenette-Sevyrus-asked.
"Not necessarily. In this situation, there are two kinds of ghouls: normal, and Kakuja. Both Eyepatch and No-Face are certified Kakuja, meaning they have regularly consumed the flesh of other ghouls. My hypothesis is that Eyepatch is letting No-Face feed off of him to satiate his companions hunger, and No-Face, if my guess is correct, will let Eyepatch do the same in return." Amon explained.
"Then why is 'Eyepatch' eating his own flesh?" Minerva questioned, looking a little green.
"He's probably doing that to keep himself from going into a starved state due to having to regenerate. Ghouls can sustain themselves off of their own flesh, usually long enough to find an actual meal, but not for any extended periods of time." Amon continued to explain. "Observe both their eyes, they only look like that when there's a form of agitation or excitement, or hunger."
After a moment, the principal spoke up again."If Kakuja are not the norm, what is a ghouls staple food?" Dumbledore asked.
"Human flesh." Kotaro answered simply, causing heads to turn to him. "We should go, ghouls don't like it when others watch them eat." As Amon turned away and walked back towards the hut, he continued talking. "This method won't last them long, they'll need an actual body soon, if this behavior is anything to go by."
"Thank you for informing us." Dumbledore said. "If I may ask, however. Can you tell me how you know all this?" The headmaster asked.
"I would like to know as well." Snape commented.
"I am a member of the CCG, standing for the Commission of Counter Ghoul. It's an organization meant to protect the public from ghouls, though it recently went underground after the sudden disappearance of ghouls, it's not unlikely that these two are the last ones left." Amon smoothly lied, keeping the absurd truth to himself.
Hagrid had retired to his hut, and now it was just the three, Severus now speaking up. "You called these ghouls, 'Eyepatch' and 'No-Face'. Do you happen to know them?" He asked.
"In a way." Amon confirmed. "No-Face was the former leader of the fourth ward before he resigned in Japan, where ghouls live, and Eyepatch and I have met on multiple occasions. I could say we have mutual understanding. He won't kill me, and I won't kill him. But if we catch each other slipping up, the deal is off."
Dumbledore hummed in understanding, continuing to speak. "How dangerous are ghouls? These ones in particular?" The principal questioned, Amon responding readily.
"Ghouls are separated into seven different classes: D, C, B, A, S, SS, snd SSS. D being weak enough for an inexperienced investigator to handle, after training and getting through the academy, and SSS being strong enough for even the most powerful of our forces, even with a full squad on their side. No-Face and Eyepatch are both SS rates. I'm only safe because Eyepatch doesn't want me dead, and No-Face is an ally of Eyepatch."
Dumbledore seemed to ponder for a moment, leaving Amon and the others in his silence before he spoke up again. "Learning about Japans ghouls can teach the students how dangerous magical creatures can really be, if your description is accurate." Dumbledore said, shifting his head to the investigator. "Would you be so kind as to teach the students about these ghouls? And with your permission, I would like to use the ghouls in the Triwizard tournament." Amon pondered his options, and was about to answer, but Severus cut in.
"If that is the case, I would like to gather samples to experiment with my potions."
"I wouldn't be opposed to gathering materials for you." Amon compromised. "Approaching a ghoul without a proper weapon or experience is a suicide mission, and I am currently the only human Eyepatch trusts."
Snape nodded, not seeming to have a problem with this. "Fair enough." The ravenette turned a corner, now in the castle, leaving Amon and Dumbledore.
"Students will be arriving this Sunday and classes start on Monday. I'll give you a schedule for your classes and a map of the castle." Two sheets of folded paper appeared in Dumbledore's hand, giving them to Amon. "For now, feel free to get familiar with Hogwarts." The man then suddenly disappeared, and Amon didn't blame him. Being a principal must be busying.
: : :
Over the next few days, Amon spent most of his time getting familiar with the castle, reading books on the history of magic, checking on the ghouls and getting acquainted with No-Face, and training with his quinque to keep up his skills and fitness. Per Severus' request, Amon taught the potions master about the physiology of ghouls, including RC cells, Kakugan, Kagune and their variants, and Kakuhou. The two ended up getting along easily, Amon finding the man suitable to help teach classes regarding ghouls.
Snape and Amon held a mutual respect for each other and the potions master quickly grasped that Amon was not familiar with the magical world. So, in return for teaching him about Japanese ghouls, Snape taught Amon about magical culture and some basic potions.
~ ~ ~
Back in Dumbledore's office, the principal scoured every map -magical and otherwise- he could for a place called 'Japan'. Amon had mentioned the place while describing the ghouls, but he couldn't find such a place in every place he looked. It’s as if it didn’t exist.
Curious. He would have to ask Amon about it.
~ ~ ~
A hungry ghoul was one thing, a starving ghoul was another, but a bored ghoul was something else entirely. The two SS rated, extremely dangerous ghouls, were currently playing roulette with the large boulders in their allotted area, making sure not to crush themselves in the process. "If that thing crushes me I will go berserk." Kaneki warned, eyeing the boulder as it was coming down. It landed not three feet away from the whitette, creating a sizable crater.
"Then I guess you're not going 'berserk'." Uta commented casually as Kaneki picked up the boulder in front of him, about the mass of a fully grown man. It was much heavier though, seeing as it was made of, well, boulder. Kaneki grunted and threw said boulder high in the air, taking only about eight seconds to land by Uta, roughly two feet away from the black haired ghoul. "So. This Amon guy. You sure we can trust him?" Uta asked, picking up the boulder and throwing it up in the air. One and a half feet.
"Positive. Me and him have a little unspoken agreement. As long as we only kill out of necessity, then we should be fine." One foot.
"Noted." Half a foot.
Kaneki yawned, flopping on the boulder not two inches in front of him. "I'm tired, goodnight." Announcing an end to the game. Uta chuckled, walking over and sitting down next to the boulder, closing his eyes.
~ ~ ~
Harry, Ron, and Hermoine, as well as many others, had noticed the new man at the staff table. What confused them though, was that Dumbledore hadn't introduced him yet.
"Do either of you now who that man is? The one next to Snape?" Harry asked his friends.
"No." Hermoine answered, glancing at the new face. "I don't recognize his nationality either. He's most likely a traveling teacher."
"Traveling for what though?" Ron asked.
"How am I supposed to know!?" Hermoine said, exasperated. "I don't have a master schedule for heaven's sake!"
"For all who may have noticed, I'm sure you are wondering who the new face is at the staff table." That caught everyone's attention. "You will be calling him Professor Amon, and he will be officially introduced and start classes when the Durmstrangs and Bobatens arrive for the Triwizard Tournament." The mentioned man stood up and bowed in a polite manner to the crowd. Anyone with any knowledge of cultural differences easily and correctly assumed that it was simply a way of greeting. There was a small smile on his face, genuine and calm.
"Seems nice enough." Harry said. But then, shock spilled across all of their faces.
"Since when did Professor Snape ever seem to genuinely enjoy a conversation?" Ron gaped.
"Professor Snape." Fred said. "Enjoying a conversation?" George finished. Both twins simultaneously turned to the staff table. "Ay, will you look at that?" George continued.
"Ronalds got a good set of eyes in his noggin."
Ron sighed. "Seriously?"
: : :
The next morning, after the first stretch of classes, a handful of students plus the Golden Trio, stayed behind. "Professor McGonnigal." Hermoine spoke up. "Do you know where we can find Professor Amon?" She asked.
The professor quirked an eyebrow, before answering. "He'll most likely be by the Whomping Willow training with his Quinque. If he's not there, check the library. Otherwise, it's best he's not disturbed." The students left with their thanks, heading to the mentioned magical tree. It seemed other students had asked a similar question, because many others were headed to the whomping willow as well.
When the trio arrived, they saw Amon, gracefully dodging the willows branches, a large spear-like weapon in hand. All of the students were further impressed when a thick branch landed not a foot away from the man, who proceeded to run up its length, vaulting over the tree and continuing to dodge its branches. Eventually, Amon leaped away from the tree's range, turning to the students. "Can I help you?"
The students began asking questions, such as who he was, where he came from, and such. The man had put away his Quinque, answering to the best of his ability and chatting casually with the more extroverted students, who seemed to enjoy his company. "So this is the one Dumbledore was talking about? I can't see hardly anything noteworthy. Not even a wand." A blonde Slytherin boy said, strutting up to the crowd.
"I use something called a Quinque, it's made of a special steel that is resistant to all types of magic." Amon explained casually, the taunt in the boys voice seemingly going straight over his head. "Anything else I can help you with, Mr. Malfoy?" He asked.
The Slytheryns face was already taking on that childish scowl, much to the Gryffendors amusement, when he asked: "Where are you from?"
"I'm from Japan." Amon replied simply, picking up his briefcase.
"Japan? Never heard of it." Malfoy said. It was clear he was trying to mock, and equally clear that Amon didn't care as he answered.
"I'm not surprised, Japanese have a preposterous amount of xenophobia. They keep the island off all the maps." The man turned away with a smile, towards the castle. "I'm afraid I'll have to draw this to a close. Lessons start soon and I believe you should head over to your respective classrooms before you're late." Amon said politely. Soon enough, the students cleared out, leaving the investigator to himself.
~ ~ ~
Kaneki was starting to get a little pissed. Those 'Hogwarts Professors' were all staring at him. "[So this is a Japanese ghoul?]" A man asked, whom Kaneki heard his name was Bartey Crouch. "[He doesn't look very threatening.]"
"[I assure you, Eyepatch is not to be underestimated.]" Amon said, pulling down his collar to reveal the mutilating scar the ghoul gave him. "[He gave me this when he was juvenile and half-developed, and I was already an experienced investigator.]" Kaneki climbed down from the branches he was perched on, hanging upside down, directly in front of the humans.
"[Amon, is this normal?" A woman in green asked, leaning back slightly, despite the barrier. Kaneki didn't understand a word they were saying, but he got the geist, almost laughing at the woman's expression.
Amon sighed, seeming exasperated. "[No.] Eyepatch, are you high? Quit trying to terrify the wizards."
Kaneki choked on his laughter, falling from the branch. "How do you expect me to get high? All we have here is plants! And me and No-Face still haven't gotten a proper meal yet!" Kaneki's Kakugan flared at the last sentence, causing the wizards and witches all to take a step back.
Amon sighed. "They're working on it, as far as I've been told." Then, Amon realized something. "Please don't scar the ones who haven't seen it."
"Oh, you bet I will. I'm fucking hungry, you'll be fine." Kaneki's Kagune erupted from his back, reaching up and dragging down Uta from the trees, whom he took a chomp out of his neck, blood splattering all over the ground. All of the present wizards had looks of horror on their faces, much to Kaneki's glee, who continued to tear flesh from Uta. Just for shits and giggles, Uta yanked Kaneki's arm towards his mouth, chomping through the skin and muscle. He was hungry for human flesh as well, and the both of them wanted to make it explicitly clear that they would do just about anything for a good human meal.
Kaneki watched as Amon ushered the magical folk to look away, speaking up as they focused their attention on him. "[That was Eyepatch's way of reminding you that he and No-Face are very hungry and still haven't gotten a meal. The tentacles you saw from Eyepatch were Kagune, Rinkaku to be exact. His red eye was his activated Kakugan] -Eyepatch, what in heaven's name are you doing?" Amon had shifted his attention back to the ghouls for just a split second, to see the two playing roulette with a boulder.
"Playing roulette." The white haired ghoul said simply.
"I can see that. But why?" The investigator asked, the most confused and exasperated look on his face.
"Because it's fun." Kaneki replied, grinning behind his mask at the investigators peril.
~ ~ ~
Amon managed to get the wizards away from the disturbing scene of ghoul cannibalism without them looking back, speaking up again when the sounds of tearing flesh had disappeared. “Eyepatch is a very spiteful ghoul, and isn’t afraid of doing what needs to be done. So you’d better get those two a body before they find a way out of the barrier." He said to Haggrid, before turning to Mr. Crouch. "Just for the sake of my conscious, Are you sure you want Eyepatch in the Triwizard tournament? There's a very real chance that your students will be eaten alive." the investigator warned.
"The students who sign up all know the risk of death in the tournament, and the risk of a painful one. I know your job is to protect people from Japanese Ghouls, Mr. Amon, But please bear with it." Needless to say, The CCG member was not happy.
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casspurrjoybell-20 · 2 months
FOOLS - Chapter 15 - Part 2
BOOK ONE: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Noah Wright
I woke up the next morning with a headache.
Which I'm confused about because I vaguely remember taking two Tylenol.
Shouldn't that have stopped the pounding in my head?
Yawning, I got up and immediately tripped over something.
"Ow, fuck," exclaimed,I stumbling a bit but caught myself before I could fall.
A groan and some mumbling came from the floor, so I glanced down to see that the something I tripped over was actually a someone.
"What the hell, Sam?"
"You're the idiot who tripped over me. I should be the one saying 'what the hell' to you," he shot back at me as he sat up.
"Well, who the hell sleeps on the floor that close to the bed?"
"Someone who lets their drunk, douche-bag of a friend sleep in their bed for the night."
I shrugged.
"Okay, fair point. You win," I said and started putting my clothes from the night before on.
"That's what I thought," he said as I helped him up.
"And you're gonna scrub my car and pay for a car wash. Not the five dollar one, the ten dollar one," Sam told me, matter-of-factly.
"Shit, did I puke on your car?" I said remembering.
"I'm so sorry, Sam."
"It's fine. Just make sure Patricia is spotless, after you clean it," Sam said before disappearing into his bathroom.
"Fuck, is it really noon?" I asked as I saw the time on Sam's alarm clock.
"My dad's going to be pissed that I took his car. You drove me home last night which means his car is still at Zach's," I tied my shoes on.
"I can drop you off at his place on my way to work," Sam offered through the bathroom door.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, his neighborhood is on the way. I gotta get ready first though," he told me.
I sighed in relief.
"Thank you, man. You're a lifesaver," I told him though I don't know if he heard me considering he had just turned on the shower.
After about forty minutes, Sam walked out of the bathroom with his hair blow dried and styled already.
I looking up from my cell-phone but immediately looked away once my eyes landed on his bare chest.
It felt way more exposing to look at Sam with his partly naked body dripping wet than any other person and it was just his chest, fuck.
Why was my face heating up?
I slapped my checks, trying to get rid of the blush that I'm sure was plastered on my face.
Thankfully, Sam didn't notice my stupid flushness as he grabbed his work uniform and walked back into the bathroom.
I took a breath and ran my hand through my hair.
Christ, just looking at him half naked made me blush, what would I be like if I saw his... What was I thinking?
'Get your head out of the gutter, Noah.'
"Hey, I'm gonna go wash off your car. Meet me out there when you're ready," I called to him, I needed fresh air.
I heard him shout 'okay' before I walked out of his room.
About a half hour later, Sam walked outside.
"Do you remember last night?" Sam asked me.
"Oh God, did I completely humiliate myself?"
I turned off his hose that I used to wash his car with then got into the passenger seat.
When Sam sat in the driver's seat and started Patricia up, he smirked at me.
"No but you did tell me I smelled good and you called me pretty."
"Pfft, shut up, Sam. No I didn't."
"Oh but you so did and then," he leant into me, invading my personal space.
Being so close to him, my drunk self was right, he does smell good.
Like coconut and something else I can't put my finger on.
Sam ran his hands all over my face and through my hair.
My heart started to beat faster.
What the hell was he doing to me?
"You wouldn't stop touching me. Who knew you were so... affectionate when you're drunk."
I laughed and playfully shoved him away.
"My drunk self isn't 'affectionate'. I'm just an idiot when I drink," I told him and he laughed as he reversed out of his driveway.
Sam dropped me off at Zach's and I gave him a ten dollar bill for a car wash before I got out.
When I walked to my car I noticed a small yellow sheet of paper under one of my windshield wipers.
"No," I said, not wanting it to be what I thought it was.
I went over to the front of my car and grabbed the piece of paper.
"Oh come on, are you fucking kidding me? Where does it say..." I stopped mid-sentence when I turned around and spotted the 'no parking, 2am-8am' sign.
I groaned as I got in my dad's car.
Fantastic, now I owe a hundred dollars.
Immediately when I got home I was bombarded with questions.
"Where the fuck have you been? You think you can just take my car without my permission? And why the fuck do I pay for your cell-phone if you're not going to answer it?"
"Shit dad, can you stop yelling?" I asked rubbing my temples in attempt to relieve the banging in my head.
My dad grabbed my arm and yanked me closer to him.
"Because of you, I'm late for work," he snatched the keys out of my hand then let me go.
"Dad, I'm..."
He walked out, slamming the front door shut causing me to flinch.
"Sorry," I muttered.
I sighed in frustration and stalked off to my bedroom.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
086 of 2023
1. I’m sure we all know what your name is… so, tell us what your boss’ name is:
Kurt. Pretty common name here.
2. Do you actually read your friend’s surveys, or do you just copy paste them and fill them out yourself?
My friends don’t do surveys.
3. Which is your favorite episode of “I Love Lucy”?
Never watched it.
4. Do you consider yourself a deep thinker?
Yes and no. I overthink everything, but I struggle with words.
5. Name two people who you are closest with?
My husband and my sister.
6. Which one of those two people would you eat first, if you were starving?
Jesus, what a stupid question. Starving myself is my hobby.
7. How many red shirts do you own?
Two or something.
8. No one cares whether or not you believe in love at first sight… but, do you believe in hate at first sight?
9. How old will you be in 2021?
Lol this is old XD in 2021, I was 31.
10. Would you rather be tone deaf or colour blind?
Rather tone deaf, but no.
11. When do you think is the proper time in a relationship to give the other person your business card?
12. When you were a kid, which comic strip was your favorite?
I never liked reading comics.
13. If you could only wear a sock on one foot for the rest of your life… which foot is it?
Jesus Christ.
14. How many words can you make out of the letters of your name?
Not gonna bother. I’ve never been good at such things.
15. How do you feel about fake plants?
I have some at home.
16. What is your obsessive compulsion?
Oh my, too many. Washing hands, avoiding certain foods, putting other ones in groups, checking multiple times if I took my keys etc.
17. Do you know what the heck the difference is between the statements “we’re just dating” and “we’re together”?
The latter is serious to me. The first is casual.
18. When you think, do you see the words that you are thinking in your mind, as if they were being written down?
Rather hear them.
19. If a person is brought up speaking both Spanish and English in equal amounts and equally fluently, which language do they think in?
It really depends on a person. I grew up speaking labguages and I think primarily in Dutch.
20. Does it make you uncomfortable when people ask you your shoe size?
It doesn’t, it’s a pretty normal size for a guy.
21. Would you feel guilty about cheating on your taxes if you got away with it?
If I did. Belgium has probably the highest tax rate in Europe :P
22. You are walking on the beach when suddenly you find a genie lamp. You rub it, and out pops the genie. He proclaims that he is so thankful to you for letting him out after thousands of years that he gives you three wishes. What do you think he did with his time while he was in there?
Sleeping? I don’t care.
23. If you had braces, would you put little diamonds on your brackets and call them your “grill”?
Never had braces, but it sounds stupid.
24. You have 24 hours to live… what are you going to wear?
Whatever I have.
25. Which is worse… someone blowing cigarette smoke in your face, or kissing someone who has dip in their mouth?
26. Had you ever answered any of these questions before?
Not really.
27. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced?
I have two lip piercings and I’ve had them for almost 17 years.
28. Who were you with last night?
My husband.
29. What woke you up this morning?
I woke up by myself.
30. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor?
No, thankfully. Our bathroom is too small.
0 notes
miekasa · 4 years
call me (levi ackerman)
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↯ pairing: levi ackerman x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: fluff, humor? you can be the judge of that i suppose, levi is quiet and often practical, but you cannot convince that there’s not a small part of him that doesn’t enjoy having shit to hold over people lol
↯ notes: this is also cross-posted from another blog, but i tweaked it a bit to fit levi and rewrote/edited parts i wish the world had never seen </3 also i’m reposting bc i was an idiot who accidentally deleted it on mobile rip 
↯ word count: 1.3k
↯ summary: drunk you is not amused by the man who keeps trying to coerce you into his apartment; even if that man is your boyfriend and that apartment is his apartment.
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“Alright mister, I’m trusting you for now because you’re Erwinnie’s friend, and Erwinnie is my best friend,” you hiccup, wagging your pointer finger as threateningly as you can in your current state, “So if he says you’re a good person, you’re probably a good person. Or good enough.”
Levi holds back a knowing smirk, and loops his arm through yours to steady your balance. He doesn’t know how or why Erwin let you get this drunk, but he’s at least glad the blonde was sober enough to call him to pick you up instead of letting you get in a cab; or worse, attempt to take the bus.
“I’m so very glad you trust me,” he says, voice flat as your wrap your other arm around his bicep. You hum back, a little spacey and like you maybe didn’t hear what he said.
You’re honestly pretty cute when you’re drunk. It’s not something he gets to see often, as you don’t allow yourself to let go frequently; nor do you usually have the time to. And it’s not that he particularly wishes for you to be drunk to the point where you can barely stand, or remember his name, but all things considered, Levi is happy that your general drunk disposition is happy, too. 
He waves Mike goodbye as he wrangles Erwin into his car, not holding back his smile this time as you wave over-excitedly at the blonde in the passenger seat, calling his name loudly to tell him goodnight and that you’ll miss him, like you hadn’t already told him goodnight three minutes ago, or spent the last three hours with him drinking. Yeah, you’re cute. 
Thankfully, Levi doesn’t live too far from the restaurant you and Erwin were at, so the both of you are home after a twenty minute walk—what should have been fifteen minutes, but was prolonged by your drunken fascination with a squirrel on a public bench.
You start to wobble more when Levi unlaces your arms to get his keys out of his pocket, and he moves his right hand to rest against the small of your back so you don’t fall. However, drunk you is not so entertained by the idea of his hands anywhere near your waist as sober you would have been.
“Hey, hey, hey—hold it right there, mister!” you stutter, words a bit too loud for the confined space of Levi’s hallway at three in the morning, “I am not going in—into that suspicious apartment with you.”
You stumble as you try to remove Levi’s hand from your waist, and he tries to steady your balance again, but push him away more forcefully, staggering into the wall behind you.
“Ah, bitch,” you curse, holding your head and groaning. The pain clearly isn’t enough to stop your accusations against Levi, as you’re back to wagging your finger at him, even hunched over from your drunken stupor, “See, this is your fault.”
Levi sighs. He doesn’t know why you’re holding your head, because you hit your back, and from what he can tell, you shouldn’t have hurt yourself that badly. He’ll take a closer look at you once you’re inside. That’s if he could get you inside to begin with.
He can’t wrangle you and open the door at the same time, so he goes for the latter, finally pulling his keys from his pocket to unlock his apartment door, then attempts to move you inside. Keyword: attempts; because anytime he puts his hands remotely near you, you slap them away.
“Come on, we have to go inside,” he grunts, trying again to get a hold of your arm, but you whack him away harshly. For a drunk person, you seem to have the strength and dexterity of a pro-athlete all of a sudden. Where was all this coordination when he was trying to get you up the stairs five minutes ago?
“No!” you growl—once again, too loudly for the time and place. “Haven’t you heard of the saying no means no, mister? I might be drunk, but this is not my apartment, and I am not going in there to have sex with you!”
“I’m trying to help you go to bed. I’m not going to try and have sex with you.” Levi takes a deep breath. This could sound really bad if anyone else woke up and heard the two of you. 
But you’re not having it, crossing your arms and turning your body so that you’re now facing the wall, your back towards a less-than-impressed Levi. “Well, I don’t believe you. I’m going to call Erwinnie tell him you’re being a bad friend, and then Erwinnie is going to call my boyfriend and he’s going to come and pick me up.”
“Oh yeah?” Levi drawls, leaning against his door frame, watching your silhouette as you clumsily search for your phone in your pockets, “Why don’t you just call your boyfriend then?”
You turn on your heels as best you can, and muster up your most menacing glare. It’s not menacing in the slightest, and it actually makes Levi crack a smile, which you do not take lightly; but that only makes him smile further, because sober you doesn’t like it when he’s not fazed by your self-proclaimed intimidation tactics, either.
“Fine,” you huff, finally putting your phone to your ear, “But you’re going to be sorry, because Levi is going to come here and kick your ass.”
Levi chuckles, feeling his own phone ring in his back pocket, “I bet he is.”
“He is,” you insist, stomping your foot for dramatic effect, “He might not be that tall, but he’s strong as hell, plus he’s handsome, and he doesn’t let people fuck around with me, so say your prayers, mister.”
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The following afternoon is far less than pleasant. You feel groggy, tired, and like everything is moving in slow motion. Piece by piece, your memories of your night out with Erwin start to come back to you, but you can’t seem to recall anything beyond your fifth margarita.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Levi calls, sarcastically, upon entering the bedroom.
His voice and presence surprises you, but then the realization washes over you that you’re in his apartment and not your own. You’re not sure why yet, but you could probably take a guess.
“Did you take me home last night?”
Levi hums in acknowledgement, nodding his head towards the bedside table, where you find a bottle of water. Levi watches you as you move to hang your legs off the side of the bed and reach for the bottle, groaning in the process. He mentally notes that he should make you breakfast—or, well, at this point, brunch—after you go shower, so that you can take an Advil for the pain.
He moves across the room to sit beside you on the bed, careful to not disrupt too much as to make you spill the water on the sheets. “You know, for someone who’s so happy-go-lucky when they’re drunk, you put up quite the fight yesterday.”
“I did?” you turn to him, capping the bottle, eyes wide with surprise, “You were probably sleeping and you had wake up and come deal with me, I’m sorry, Levi.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he assures you, an almost uncharacteristic and sly smile playing on his lips, “You always say something interesting that keeps me entertained. It makes up for it.”
“Dear god, what was it this time?” you groan, throwing your head back, “I didn’t confess my feelings for you again did I? This is, what, like the sixth time since we’ve been dating? I’m such an embarrassing drunk.”
“Not a confession this time,” he chuckles, “The opposite. Maybe worse.”
Levi fishes his phone from his pocket, and pulls up his voicemails before handing it to you. Curious—and a little bit scared—to find out what could possibly be worse than confessing to your boyfriend of almost four years that you’re in love with him and sad that you’re not dating him? You’re not sure that it could get more embarrassing than that until you click on Levi’s most recent voicemail and hear your own voice crackling through the speaker of his phone.
“—What, hey, fuck off, mister! I don’t want to go into your scrubby apartment! I am happily dating Levi Ackerman, and when he gets here he is going to grand slam your sorry ass into the ground!”
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Boyfriend’s Best Friend - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader (ft. Kirishima)
Warnings: CRACK, Fluff, Cursing, Frisky moments
Summary: This was not how Bakugou wanted to spend his weekend. Trapped inside his best friend’s body?! Hell no. What makes it worse is that before he can tell you, you’ve already smothered Kirishima (who is in Katsuki’s body) with more than enough attention. Attention that belongs to the angry Pomeranian. And what does Kirishima think about all of this? Fuck nitroglycerin and boners.
A/N: This shit is gonna get real confusing so KEEP UP and STAY FOCUSED
After fighting off that petty thief on their way back to school, the two best friends took a look at each other after feeling a throb in their heads. But something wasn’t right. Bakugou was looking at..Bakugou and Kirishima was looking at...Kirishima???
“WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!” The red blonde headed boy asked. Kirishima made a face at his now very deep and gruff voice. He looked down and noticed his tan skin was the slightest bit paler and his clothes had changed. He turned his gaze towards the position where is best friend should be but only saw..well, himself.
“Argh, shut the hell up Shitty Hair. My head is pounding.” Bakugou said while holding onto his now red hair. He looked towards his friend to see a frantic look on his face. “Quit making me look like a bitch, Kirishima.”
“I can’t help it!! Not after what just happened!!” Kirishima said. Bakugou rolled his eyes and huffed before walking over to his friend and dragging him to a reflective window.
“We switched bodies you idiot. That damn thief must’ve hit us while we were distracted.” Bakugou took a look at his new body and cringed. Not that he thought Kirishima was ugly or anything, but he wanted to be in his own body. It just felt wrong having someone else’s dick.
“Well then we should get back to the dorms and find Mr. Aizawa. Maybe he can help.” Bakugou agreed and the boys started their journey back to the dormitory. As they walked, they took notice of a few things.
“Ugh. All these damn extras are staring at my hair.”
“My palms feel so sweaty.”
“Fuck! I keep biting my inner cheek. Stupid shark teeth.”
“Why the hell am I getting a random ass print?!”
“Nitroglycerin works like viagra Shitty Hair! Just fucking get used to it and learn how to control it!”
“I have your hair man! Does that mean you have shitty hair?”
“.....Is that..*sniff sniff*...caramel?”
“You’ll be back to normal in 2 weeks.” Aizawa bluntly said.
“2 WEEKS?!?” The boys screamed.
“Wha- HOW DO YOU KNOW?!” Bakugou screamed, trying to jump onto Aizawa with Kirishima holding him back. To anyone else, it would look like Bakugou holding Kirishima back. Oh how the tables have kinda turned.
“I know because officers have been trying to catch this thief for some time now. Even I’ve run into him on some occasions. His quirk is is called ‘Swapped.’ He takes your soul and spirit and places it in a different form...obviously. It doesn’t do much harm but it lasts for some time. Don’t worry though, you’ll be back to normal eventually.” Their teacher explained. “‘Till then, just tough it out for the next 2 weeks. Dismissed.”
The boys groaned and walked back to the common room floor. They walked in to find a few other classmates who thankfully didn’t seem too suspicious of anything. The boys went their separate ways, going to their own dorms to soothe their still aching heads.
Kirishima was the first to come out of his room. After contemplating whether he should take a shower or not, he chose the latter. He could survive the rest of the day without one, he’ll just worry about bathing later. Besides, he doesn’t mind smelling like a sweet treat for the next few hours and you know…not having to see and wash his best friend’s body and dick.
He walked down into the kitchen to find it empty. He was glad he wouldn’t have to explain his situation to anyone. If anyone saw Bakugou acting like the sweet bean that Kirishima is then I’m pretty sure a lot of people would have questions.
Looking around, he saw a batch of brownies left on a tray. He couldn’t help himself and went in to grab one. Unfortunately, he wasn’t aware of how chewy they were and after taking a few chomps, he realized the treat was as tough as glue. He couldn’t even open his mouth! And just to his luck, Bakugou’s girlfriend had walked in, seemingly back from her training session.
“Hi baby.” Y/N said. She went up to who she thought was her boyfriend and gave him a hug along with a peck on his cheek. “How was your day?”
Kirishima grew nervous. He didn’t know how to handle this situation. He would totally tell Y/N that it was actually him in her boyfriend’s body but the brownie sealed his mouth shut! He resorted to going with the flow and just nodding with a nervous smile. A very Bakugou smile.
“Tiring?” Y/N asked. Kirishima nodded his head. “Umm..okay. Well, same for me, but I still have enough energy for movie night, so I’ll see you in the common room. ‘Kay?”
Again, the now blonde nodded his head again. You smiled at him and went in to give him another hug. To your shock, you felt something poking you when you gave your boyfriend a hug. You looked down and noticed a pretty impressive print through his sweats and smirked. You looked up to your “boyfriend” and gave him a sly look. “You sure you’re tired Suki? Cuz your friend down here says you’re down for something else.”
Kirishima began to shake due to his nervousness now. He couldn’t help the damn boner! One, nitroglycerin is apparently 12x stronger than viagra, and two! He can’t relieve himself! Looking at and touching his best friend’s dick was wrong! And weird! Even if it was attached to him now!
What Kirishima wasn’t prepared for was you being so willing to help relieve his stiffy. On the bright side, he’d relive his hard on. On the not so bright side, he’d be fucking his best bro’s girl. Big no no. He definitely wasn’t prepared for your hand to travel down his torso and grab onto his Bakugou’s dick. “You still tired Suki?”
Kirishima couldn’t help himself. It felt too good to stop. He threw his head back and enjoyed the stimulation, even though he knew it was wrong. All he knew was that if he let this whole thing play through, he wouldn’t have to worry about walking around with a huge ass boner. A blush grew on his face as he moaned. He felt you peck at his neck a bit before stopping all your motions. The now blonde looked towards you in confusion and saw your laughter.
“Hehe, sorry Suki. Save it for later tonight, okay? I’ve gotta freshen up but I’ll see you later, Love.” You said before giving him a sweet peck and walking away. Once you were out of sight, Kirishima fanned his face to try and get rid of his blush. He then quickly ran to the fridge and chugged a few gulps of milk down to wash away the brownie.
“Fuck.” Was all that he said. Did that really just happen? Shit. Should he have let that happen? At this point he didn’t know. The man in him said HELL NO, but the nitroglycerin said otherwise. All Kirishima knew was that apparently he had a movie date to get to.
So now here we are, Y/N and Kirishima (in Bakugou’s body) all cuddled up on one of the common room couches during the late hours of the night, watching a movie. Kirishima thought Y/N looked really tempting in her booty shorts and tube top. The way her plush chest pressed up against his own as she watched the screen with a smile wasn’t aiding Kirishima’s mission to relieve his hard on.
Throughout the whole movie, Kirishima watched from time to time how Y/N would rub her legs together. It seemed she was growing some urges as well. Kirishima couldn’t shake his nerves..like...AT ALL.
Finally. It was almost the end of the movie. Kirishima had almost made it. All he had to do was finish the last 10 minutes and he could go..well honestly he didn’t know yet but he’ll figure it out later! Unfortunately, the universe had different plans. Kirishima watched as Y/N sat up to grab the remote and turn off the T.V. She placed the object down on the table and faced who she assumed to be her boyfriend. She wrapped her arms around his neck and went to straddle his groin.
“Uh-..Y/N?” Kirishima asked with a shaky voice as he gulped down a nerve. You smirked at him and leaned down to leave kisses all over his neck. Kirishima shook a bit and let out a shudder at your soft lips.
“Relax Suki. We won’t get caught. ‘Sides, when have you ever been afraid to fuck in public?” You said. You then went up to start off your session with a hot kiss to “Katsuki’s” lips. Kirishima had wide eyes as you took in his lips, but eventually, your sweet taste and bouncy lips made him succumb to your wishes.
He placed his hands on your waist as he kissed you back. When he opened his mouth you slid your tongue in as your hands entangled themselves in his hair. The kiss was fiery and passionate and eventually you and “Katsuki” both began to moan into the kiss. His hands traveled to your ass and gave in a firm grip which made you release a loud moan. Things were definitely heating up now.
When Katsuki came back to the dorms, he had already been exhausted by the entire situation. The only thing on his mind was getting some rest to ware off the headache, hours had passed and he eventually woke up in the middle of the night.
“Shit, how long have I been out?” He stretched and yawned a bit before he got up. The mirror hanging on his wall reminded him of his new body. “Oh, right. I’m in Shitty Hair’s body......gross.”
Bakugou felt his mouth become dry and so he planned to get a glass of water from the kitchen. As he walked down the halls, he couldn’t help but think about you. His precious girl. The love of his life who’s been with him since childhood and who he’s been dating since their second year in junior high. You were with him through it all and he couldn’t help but feel a little bad that he had to miss movie night.
‘Fuck, did I even tell Y/N I wouldn’t make it to movie night? Crap,’ he thought. Oh well, he’d just have to make up for it later. As he walked near the common rooms, his ears picked up a sound. And not just any sound, it was a moan. And he knew exactly who’s moan it was, for he had been the cause of those exact sounds and he’s heard them time and time again.
Bakugou ran to the common rooms to find his girlfriend and his body making out and slowly grinding on each other on the couch. He watched “his” hands travel to grope Y/N’s ass and bit his lip when he heard his girlfriend’s pleasured moans. He wasn’t gonna lie, the scene before him had turned him on, but what became a huge turnoff was the fact that Bakugou knew it wasn’t him in there and he knew exactly who was in his damn body!
“THE HELL?!” Bakugou screamed in Kirishima’s voice. He watched the two of you jump away from each other in shock and saw a look of fear flow through Kirishima’s his own eyes.
“Jeez, Kirishima. You scared us.” You said to your actual boyfriend without knowing it. Bakugou fumed at the fact that you were just making out and were probably about to fuck his best friend but he couldn’t blame you. You called him Kirishima so you must’ve not known about the switch.
“Can I talk to Bakugou real quick, L/N?” Bleh. Calling someone else by his name was weird and calling you by your family name was very uncomfortable.
“Umm..we’re kinda in the middle of something so maybe if you could jus-“
“Thanks.” He said and dragged “Bakugou” away behind a hallway corner. He pinned his body up against the wall and got in Kirishima’s face as he held the man by his collar. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING KISSING MY GIRLFRIEND?!”
“IM SORRY! I DIDN’T MEAN TO! SHE CAME ONTO ME!” Kirishima explained while being held against the wall.
“NO SHIT SHE CAME ONTO YOU! YOU’RE IN MY BODY! YOU’RE ME! I’M HER BOYFRIEND! SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE ME SHITTY HAIR!” Bakugou screamed. Kirishima just laughed nervously as Bakugou continued to fume. After venting, Bakugou finally dropped Kirishima back on his feet and pressed the bridge of his nose with 2 fingers. “Okay. Why THE FUCK did you not tell her about the quirk?”
“Because man! .....Your quirk has built in viagra!” Kirishima said in defeat as he threw his hands in the air due to the pent up frustration. “I’ve had a fucking stiffy ever since I got put in your body! So I thought-“
“You thought you could relieve yourself with my girl?!” Bakugou asked with big, angry eyes.
“ALRIGHT!” Kirishima sighed. “Well what now?”
“We go out there and explain to her what happened so you don’t end up fucking her!” Bakugou explained as he tried to walk back to you but Kirishima pulled him back.
“Okay but what about my fucking boner?” The pent up boy asked.
“Just rub it out!” Bakugou exclaimed.
“No way! I’m not touching your dick!” Kirishima rebelled.
“Why not? I’m clean. And big! Just saying, I got a pretty dick dude.” Bakugou said with both hands up in defense.
“Yeah, fair.” The ex blonde said. The boys thought about it for a bit before something hit Kirishima like a train.
“Wait..if you’re so okay with me seeing your dick..does that mean..you took a look at mine?!” He asked while shaking Bakugou’s his shoulders.
“What?! Gross! No! I was napping all day Shitty Hair so relax! And get your damn hands offa’ me!” Bakugou said while squirming out of Kirishima’s hold.
“Alright, fine whatever! Let’s just go out and explain to L/N.” Kirishima said.
“Goooooodd!” Bakugou said more dramatically. The two boys finally made it back to you and instead of your boyfriend’s body taking a seat next to you, it remained standing. Meanwhile, “Kirishima” took the seat “Katsuki” previously had. You looked towards the red head and then to your boyfriend in a confused tilt.
“Suki? Are you gonna sit?” You asked to “Bakugou.”
“I am.” “Kirishima” replied. You looked towards the muscular boy sitting next to you with a raised brow.
“What?” You questioned.
“Listen, L/N, we got something to tell you.” The actual Kirishima said. You looked to your “boyfriend” with almost a hurt look on your face as to why he was calling you by your family name. The real Bakugou took notice of your sad voice and softened his eyes at your now upset demeanor. “I’m actually Kirishima...”
Your face grew in surprise and then silence hit the room. The boys gazed your looks for a reaction but got nothing other than pure shock. You couldn’t even say anything other than “Eh?!”
“Yeaahhhh..I’m your actual boyfriend.” The red head said. You looked to Kirishima and inspected him closer.
“Uh..Suki?” You said while zooming in of his face.
“Tch. It’s me Teddy Bear, relax,” Bakugou said while looked away with a blushed face as he pushed your face away. You grumbled at his push and took his hand off.
“Yup. That’s you.” You said, relaxing. “So...you’re Katsuki..and you’re Kirishima?”
You watched the boys nod their heads and you were settling down until another thought came to mind. “Wait..so I was-..on the couch-...I thought-...”
“Yeah, you were making out with Shitty Hair but in my body..” Bakugou said with a hand behind his neck. Your face jumped in shock once more until it was replaced with anger. You watched as Kirishima’s new face became nervous and gave a shaky chuckle.
“Kirishima...” you seethed with slanted eyes before you attempted to jump onto the new blonde. Mid-jump, Bakugou grabbed onto your waist and pulled you back onto his lap. You fought against Katsuki’s hold on you but alas he was too strong.
“Nope! No, settle, settle.” Bakugou said with an iron grip on your waist. You finally calmed down until you took notice you were sitting in BASICALLY Kirishima’s lap. Feeling uncomfortable you scooted off your boyfriend and sat next to him. Bakugou looked at you with a confused expression that demanded an explanation.
“Heh..sorry um, Suki. But I’m not sitting on you or doing...anything else that’s lovey dovey until you’re back to your own body.” You explained.
“Wha- that’s not fair! You were all over here grinding on him just a few minutes ago!” Bakugou whined and pointed at his body.
“Because I didn’t know it wasn’t you!” Bakugou just grumbled and groaned at you. Your reasoning was fair but he just wanted his girlfriend.
“Okay, whatever. Be pouty. Just- When is this quirk gonna wear off?” You asked. Bakugou continued to pout with crossed arms but luckily Kirishima answered.
“2 weeks.” He said.
“Alright then!” You said while clapping your hands and standing up, gathering Katsuki’s attention. “For the next 2 weeks or until you go back to normal, Suki, no touching, no kisses, no overly-friendly hugs, no cuddles, no lap-sitting....”
Bakugou listened to you list all the things he couldn’t do. As you went on, his jaw dropped as he realized he wouldn’t be able to do all the things he usually does to you for the next 2 weeks. The list went on and on until you finished it with one final detail. “...and finally. No sex.”
“WHAT?!” Bakugou said while standing up now. “WHY?!”
“Katsuki. I’m not fucking my boyfriend’s best friend’s body. No offense Kiri,” you said to the other boy.
“None taken!” He said with his winning smile. Just less shark-toothy. Bakugou just mumbled about until you cut him off.
“Anyways! I’m going to bed. After this long and frankly awkward day, I think we all should.” You said and the boys agreed. You all walked to your respected dorms but when Bakugou tried following you into your dorm while he was still in Kirishima’s body, you stopped him with a hand on his chest.
“Uh, sorry Suki. You’ll be sleeping in your own dorm for the next 2 weeks. No sleeping together either.” You watched as Bakugou became much more agitated as he huffed. He grumbled as he reluctantly walked all the way to his own dorm room. You giggled as you watched the now red head walk away and shut your door. You couldn’t help but laugh as you laid down on your bed but 10 minutes passed and before you could fall asleep, a knock was at your door.
“Suki, I said we can’t sleep on my bed together.” You said once you opened the door, finding Kirishima’s body holding a pillow and blanket.
“I know it’s just- *sigh* look, if I can’t cuddle with you can I at least sleep on the ground and hold your hand?” He said, looking away with an embarrassed blush. “I know you said hand-holding isn’t allowed but you won’t be seeing me since I’ll be out of your sight and on the ground.”
You smiled at how clingy he was being. It was adorable and you just had to give in. “Fine, come in.”
Katsuki perked up with a small smile and happily followed you into the room. You got comfy on the bed while he set up his little pillow and blanket. You finally dropped your hand down so he could hold onto it and his warm hand held a strong grip on your own.
So now here you were, late at night, “cuddling” with your boyfriend. In a way. You smiled as you held onto his hand and couldn’t help but giggle when you felt his lips place a sweet kiss to your knuckles. Oh well, I guess there was nothing wrong with holding hands with your boyfriend’s best friend. As long as it’s your boyfriend who’s in his best friend’s body.
You couldn’t believe this was gonna be your life for the next 2 weeks.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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gravestrain · 3 years
if things ever go wrong, just know this is your song
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This is 1k words of dad!Peter x reader. This is loosely inspired by Sweet Carolina by Lana. Also full disclosure, I am not a mom, nor do I know how to be a parent, so some descriptions may be factually inaccurate, however this is just a fluffy, plotless fic so it doesn't really matter :) no pronouns in this are mentioned, and neither is a birthing process, so this fic is safe for anyone to read! (please let me know if I made any mistakes 🥰)
"Don't have to write me a letter, 'cause I'll always be right here Closer to you than your next breath, my dear"
It was the rustling of the curtains that awoke you from your sleep. You knew it was Pete, there was no need to fret. It was the sniffling that scared you. The idea of your sweet Peter crying this late at night after coming home from patrol broke your heart. You sat up slowly, causing Peter to sigh.
"'M'sorry for waking you, love bug," he muttered softly, causing you to shake your head. "C'mere, my sweet boy. What's wrong," you cooed at your husband, causing him to whimper. He made quick work of changing out of his suit, washing his hands and face so he wouldn't hear complaints about dirt on the pillowcase, and climbed into bed next to you, lying his head on your chest, your fingers immediately curling into his brown locks. You frowned when you noted that they weren't as soft as usual, and you made a note to coax him into the shower tomorrow to make sure he was nice and clean.
"We love every hair on your head Love you like God loves you And you say that you're scared Might be unprepared for having the baby blues"
"Flo woke up a few hours ago, she was crying. I couldn't get her to calm down. I didn't want to wake you, I knew you were tired. But it made me so sad that I couldn't calm her down. That her daddy isn't around enough for her to relax for him. She finally did calm down, but I had to go out swinging to clear my head, and then there was a robbery and now here I am and it's 3 am." He sighed with exhaustion and you tried to keep your own tears at bay.
Florence Gwendolyn Parker was the love of yours and Peter's life. Your sweet girl was about 8 months now. You knew people quipped at the idea of naming your baby after your husband's past lover, but it was more than that. It was you who was able to help Pete bring his walls down after losing Gwen, even though it took many years. The way Peter loved you was certainly a testament to the way Gwen loved him, and you were eternally grateful for that and to her.
When you found out Florence was a girl, you suggested possibly making her middle name something for Gwen, and Peter was floored that you were willing to make such a sentiment to Gwen. You were unlike anyone he had been with after Gwen in that sense. He had only been with one or two people before meeting you but after Gwen died, and they could never understand or sympathize with his love for Gwen. They simply got angry, thought he couldn't let go or move on, and left.
"Oh, my love. Flor loves you so much. Please don't ever think you aren't around enough, because you and I both know that isn't true. You aren't here during the witching hours, when she's not even up. She doesn't care who changes her poopy diaper, she just knows it's poopy and doesn't like it. That girl loves you more than anything." You ensured your husband, holding him tightly.
Thankfully, his tears slowed at your voice. You felt him relax slightly in your arms and considered it a win. You were exhausted, you knew Florence would be up within the next hour and considered powering back to sleep for as long as you could, but you knew your husband needed you.
"Baby blues, baby blues If things ever go wrong, just know this is your song And we love you"
You knew that Pete would not be asleep for most likely the rest of the night, so you sat up with him and combed through his hair, picking through the knots that had formed from neglect. "Baby, you've gotta take better care of yourself. This hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in a week," you murmured softly. You weren't speaking down to Peter, he knew what he was doing was wrong but lately, he simply couldn't find the motivation to get any better.
He nuzzled his nose into your neck, trying to feed off of the comfort you were radiating, when you heard a noise come from the baby monitor. "There's our spider-girl," Pete mumbled into your neck, causing you to smile. You were glad he had cracked a joke, it didn't feel right to have him so monotone.
"How about we get up and feed her together? You're here for one of her wake ups, I'm sure that would make you both happy if you got to see each other." You suggested this and Peter's heart softened. "I'd love to, angel." He said with a soft smile, rising from bed and helping you up. You were both beyond exhausted, but giddy smiles grazed your face as you approached your daughter's nursery. It was just the three of you in your small townhouse, but the apartment you and Peter shared before having Florence was not even big enough for the two of you, and you knew that it would be impossible to raise a child in the small apartment that Aunt May said "was built for ants."
When you approached her crib, Florence was on her back with her feet in the air, hands holding onto them tightly, babbling to herself. "Oh yes, Miss Florence. I know, that was so annoying! I can't believe that Mommy would do that. Ugh, Mommy should know to stop trying to feed you sweet potato, you are never going to change your mind. You're just like Daddy in that way," Peter jokingly talked to Florence, causing you to shake your head. Peter had always had the nerdiest sense of humor, it was not shocking how fast he changed to dad jokes.
Flo's gummy smile grew three sizes when she saw her dad, making grabby hands at him. He cooed at his sweet girl, carefully pulling her out of her crib and placing her on his bare chest. Florence dug her chubby fingers into the hair at the bottom of Pete's neck, causing him to wince slightly, but allowing her to continue, knowing it stimulated her. Plus, it allowed her to nuzzle into Peter's neck, which he loved more than anything.
You fed Florence a small bottle as she laid with her dad, and when she was finished, the two of you were so enamored with the tiny human you brought into the world that you let her lay in your bed and the three of you slept together, safe and sound, just like it would always be.
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amoristt · 3 years
Grazing the Fire | IV
well hello. here i am, four years later, once again enamored with nathan enough to finally dust this baby off and pick up where i left it. im a little rusty so bear with me this chapter! much more to come <3
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this :)! it also helps motivate me!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
Warning: language, very vague s/a mentions
want to support me? heres my kofi!
“Alright class, who can tell me,” A board stick clacks against the chalkboard. “Who can answer problem four?” 
A few hands raise in the corners of your eye, but yours remains atop your desk. Eyes far away, mind in a murky haze and almost completely unaware. All you could focus on were the memories playing on repeat within the confines of your tired, tired brain. Hours ago, you were warm, you were comfortable. Safe.
Cheeks heated to a dusting blush when you remind yourself just how you had awoken that morning. At some point in the night, an angel had blessed you. Allowed you to wake up wrapped around none other than big, bad, Nathan Prescott. Your face nuzzled into his chest, broad but wiry hands pressed firmly over your shoulder and his arm slung over your waist to keep you against him. Thankfully you had been the first to wake up, blinking away the morning sun blazing through his blinds and painting the room stripes of gold. At that moment, before your headache came crashing down onto your skull, you were astounded by him. 
Eye lashes brushing the top of his cheeks, his lips parted ever so slightly, chest rising and falling rhythmically. In that moment, there was no anger, no bitterness. Just a soft and peaceful slumber. It was like being the sole viewer of a magnificent painting- each stroke and detail placed just there just for you to pick out, to remember the curves and sharp edges down to the very foundation. From his unkempt hair down to the way his hand flattened onto the mattress where your indent still lived. Nathan was so beautiful like this. 
For a long time you stayed there. It was as though you were afraid to move- you couldn’t bear to disturb him. You had wondered, if he was always like this, so at peace, what would he be like? Likely soft voiced, mild mannered. He’d do his school assignments without hassle and donate to the charity board. He would wander the town with his friends and listen to music in a beat up truck flying down the stretch of highway overlooking the bold, blue, and beautiful ocean. An entirely different version of himself- carefree, and a fair blue as opposed to a burning flame of red. 
But, if that were the case, you’d never have gotten here. You’d never been both the outsider, and the only seeing eye. A lucky, albeit firstly unwilling witness to the display of depth before you. 
It never hit you like it had quite in that moment how lucky you were.
But- just then- an alarm disturbed what serendipity existed. You nearly leapt out of your skin, clutched your hands to your chest at the sudden sound. A headache wove its way into your once untouched temples. Nathan groaned, mumbled, ‘god damn it’, under his breath, and thus his body was reanimated into life. He rubbed his eyes and he stretched, that familiar scowl coming over his eyes and lips as he took in the sunlight damn near blinding him. A polar opposite to the being you’d appreciated just moments earlier.
“Ugh, fuck, how the fuck is it seven already.” He groaned. “I feel like shit.”
“Well good morning to you too,” You started, welcoming Nathan into the world. “‘I’m feeling pretty shitty as well.” 
You said that, but really… You were more than alright. Your head had hurt, slight nausea crept into the wells of your stomach, but other than that you’re sure you were phenomenally better than you’d have been waking up whereverTate would have left your ass.
“You need to get outta here, before everyone gets up.” Nathan drawled, but he didn’t sound as urgent as you expected him to be. You’d expected him to be angry that you were still in his room, but instead he just… accepted it. 
You snickered, climbing out of his throne of a bed. “Wow, you’re giving me the morning after treatment?” 
“Sure am. Get outta here, whore.”
“Oh fuck you.” 
You located your heels from last night, resting upright near his dorm room door. Heels didn’t sound like the most  practical to sneak out of a dorm with, so you instead opted to grappling them by the straps and carrying them at your side. Hair a mess, outfit riddled with wrinkles and makeup smudged under your eyes, you stood before Nathan in all your glory. He stared at you for a long, odd moment- and you for some reason felt exposed, or even, shy. 
“What?” You ask expectantly, placing a hand on your hip. 
His eyes trail to your line of vision. He shakes his head. “Just thinking about how now you really do look like my morning after.”
“Yeah?” You hummed. “Find it hard to believe you get a lot of those.”
Nathan shoots you a suggestive glance. “You’d be surprised. Everyone wants a piece of Prescott.”
Surely, he was joking, or maybe he wasn’t, but you… Didn’t like hearing that. It made your stomach feel odd, uncomfortably heavy.  As he stood up, reminding you how many inches he had over your size, you swallowed and cleared your throat to flush out that crappy feeling. “Well,” you started, mood having dropped. “I’m gonna go, then.” 
“What got your panties in a twist all the sudden?” He asked, raising a brow and pulling some clothes from his closet, tossing them onto the bed.
The bed you two had shared.
You hated the idea of his morning afters- whoever they may be. 
“Not feeling great. Probably a side effect of the roofies.” You mumbled.
Nathan breathed a laugh. “Probably.”
He seemed so calm, right now. Perhaps due to it being so early, before the outside world had a chance to remind him just why he was so uptight all the tight. Before he needed to be so uptight all the time. He really did have so many versions of himself- all of whom you were slowly becoming familiar with. Compared to the person you’d believed him to be before your run ins, you’d never have assumed someone so dangerous could be so soft as last night, as this morning. In the beginning, you’d feared him. Avoided him like a plague, or a wild animal. Even when you were enraptured in the existence of him, you still wanted to keep away. You’d never have believed someone like you could wake up clutched to his chest, as though he were afraid if he released you, you’d be gone long before he woke. 
Then, a sudden thought struck your mind. 
He’d held you so tight. He’d welcomed you in the morning. No anger, no annoyance. His soft laugh at your banter and taunts. How your heels were standing upright instead of tossed haphazardly into some random corner, where he’d watch your struggle to find. 
How he’d stayed awake to ensure your sleep.
“So are you just gonna stand there?” Nathan called you back to reality, hands gripping the hems of his shirt. “I gotta get ready and you need to wash up so you don’t look like a five dollar stripper.” Cruel words, but with absolutely no bite. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah. But, hey,” You started. “Thank you for last night.” 
“Yeah, yeah. You gotta start learning to watch your own back.” He says. “There’s gonna be times I won’t be there to drag your ass out of the fire.”
If you’d been charged, if you’d been stricken with a strange defensiveness, you’d have retorted, ‘than stop helping me’, but… Instead you allowed yourself the comfort of protection. You allowed Nathan Prescott to watch you.  
“I know,” You reached for the door. “Thank you.”
With that, you bounded out of the dorm silent as a mouse. 
In hindsight, you should have left earlier. Class was merely 15 minutes away when you slipped out of Nathan's room and bounded towards the women's dorm. Albeit not exactly a long walk, by the time you discreetly snuck back into your own dorm, you had roughly twenty minutes to somehow pick an outfit from your countless unopened boxes and make yourself even slightly presentable. 
Wiping off whatever make-up you could get and reapplying it, brushing out the tangles of your hair and nearly tearing off your scalp in the process, scattering your nightclothes over your floor and managing to scrounge out a semi-decent outfit for the day… You still looked a mess. If the mirror could laugh, it would have. Black mascara smudges under your eyes and frizzy untreated hair. What a lovely look. 
You’d made it to class just five minutes late, but those five minutes were all it took for all eyes to be on you as you tried to slide into the classroom unnoticed. A couple classmates whispered to their table mates as you passed by, smelling of oversaturated cherry blossom perfume to hopefully cover the scent of alcohol. You sauntered to your seat and sank down with all your weight, suddenly exhausted. You’d made it with just five minutes tainting your record of attendance. The teacher greeted you with a disappointed sigh, and thus, the day began. 
But, it was so hard to focus. All you could think about was Nathan. 
“Alright class, who can tell me,” A board stick clacks against the chalkboard. “Who can answer problem four?” 
You lowered your head. 
“Ah, how about, ___?”
You snaked back into reality, blinking up at the chalk board that was somehow already riddled with math equations. Since you hadn’t been paying attention even in the slightest, your mouth gaped wide open, eyes scanning for something you understood even slightly so you didn’t look like a total idiot. 
Sadly, you were out of luck. The teacher shook his head. “I’m shocked,” He said. “You're normally so on top of things. Oh well.”
“Oh, I’m sure she was on top of things,” A female voice sniggered behind you “Last night.”
Your face flushed a red, hot, ruby. What the hell was she talking about? How had they found out you were with Nathan? You were so sure of being sneaky, there was no way-
“Her and Tate totally got it on last night.”
You whipped around in your seat, facing girls who looked to be clones of some sort. Both with the same dark eyes, short brown hair, and freckles. “What?”
“Alright-” Your teacher blurted. “That's enough. April, May, enough. Let’s not discuss things outside of the classroom.”
The two girls batted their eyes. “Sorry sir.” One spoke, twirling a hand through her hair. Her sister's wide toothy grin never fumbled. 
“Back to it then. Kate, can you help out __ with number four?” 
The small, blonde girl nodded quickly, brushing a lock of hair behind her eyes and offering an empathic nod. 
As you turned around in your seat, her answer fell on deaf ears. Your heart was racing in your chest, hands balled into fists while you stared ahead blankly.  
They couldn’t seriously think that you chose to leave with Tate, could they? Surely someone must have seen the state you were in. Someone other than Nathan.
The clock ticks forward but time feels like it's passing almost unnaturally slow. With just 10 minutes left, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.
‘Nathan: consider ur favor officially returned 
Your tongue poked from your lips, the tiniest of smiles taking over your once sullen features. Terrible thoughts and worries flew out the window while you type back, ‘damn. here i was gonna to ask you to do a backflip off the roof with me. there goes my plans.’
Nathan types for a moment. Typing, stopping, typing again. 
‘Nathan: soundz like a blast. where and when?’
A small blush heats your cheeks. ‘very funny. thanks to last night i have an entire 24 hour session of studying to catch up with.’
His response is almost instant. ‘Nathan: boringgg. txt me when ur fun.’
Rolling your eyes, you shove your phone back into your pocket. It seems you’ve been able to secure enough of a friendship with him for some mindless banter even outside your little visits. You smile. He’s… Fun to talk to. Surprisingly. 
Class comes to an end and you start to pack up the books and papers you’d hardly even glanced at the whole period. Whatever had been upsetting you before is lost in your mind while you think of the morning, the night before. All the things in-between. But, your happiness doesn’t last long. As you get up, you’re almost forced right back into your seat as a weight shoves into your shoulder. Your books scatter to the floor. April, the one who’d remarked about you earlier, glares at you in what looks to be disgust. 
“Careful April,” Her sister hums as she saunters past you, keeping distance and raising her already shrill tone of voice. “Might wanna watch where you’re walking- I’d hate for you to catch something from this slut.”
You absolutely gawk at her. “What the fuck did you just say to me?”
April scoffs. “Oh come on, like everyone doesn’t know what you were up to last night.”
“Sleeping around isn’t a good color on you.” May hikes her bag over her shoulder and snickers at you. They both leave the class together, sickeningly in sync. You’re left stunned where you stand, unsure how the hell your life came to this so quickly. How you’ve stooped so low that the daughters of the world's most uncreative parents are able to bully you based on something that didn’t even happen.
Next class goes no better. The person to your right, a jockey looking brunette guy, asks, ‘have you ever heard of a Tate?’. You say no, that that’s the dumbest name you’ve ever heard. The idiot grins and goes back to marking down likely wrong answers on his test sheet and you debate kicking the leg of his chair out- but you don’t to avoid even more eyes on you. It makes you sick to your stomach- even more than recovering from the roofies does. How can everyone believe it? You barely even knew the guy and you were clearly uncomfortable with his advances. No one saw that? 
After everything you’d worked for to build a reputation, trying so hard to not call out peoples shit for the sake of seeming friendly, tainted over something that didn’t even happen? And the kicker was that it hadn’t even been your fault! He’d drugged you, he’d have taken advantage of you! Yet you were the bad person? 
Class came and went in the blink of an eye this time. Your mind wrapped up in the situation, your stomach churning. You wanted the day to be over with but you still had 4 more classes to suffer through. Why was this happening to you? Was Tate being treated just as horribly, or was he getting pats on the backs of his unaware friends?
Wandering down the halls to your locker, you noticed Lance and Kaz hanging around one of the drinking fountains. Your nerves quelled- your friends would surely make you feel much better. Especially since they had witnessed how awful you were feeling as you left. You approach with a relieved smile, ready to say your truth and finally have someone on your side.
“Hey guys.” You smile, but Lance looks down at his feet while Kaz places her hands to his hips. Your smile fades.
“You could have told us you were gonna spend the night with Tate,” Kaz snaps. “You didn’t need to lie like that just to leave. We were all worried about you and it was for nothing.”
“What?” You feel like you could cry. “No, Kaz, I really did try to leave. Tate tried to drug me and take me home, and-”
“He wouldn’t do that.” Lance interrupts, with a frown. He looks back down at the floor with knitted brows. “I’ve known Tate since before time. He wouldn't do something like that, especially not to one of my best friends. Plus he told me he was really into you. Why would he even try?”
“Are you serious?” You sputter. “You think I’d lie about something like that?”
“You’ve been lying about all sorts of things!” Kaz huffs. “What’s going on with you lately? You’ve been so distant, and secretive. What are you hiding that’s making you lie like this? We’re supposed to be your friends and then you lie to our faces just to go and fuck the first guy that shows you attention.”
“What…?” It was like acid. It was like the rug had been pulled from your feet sending you spiraling down the unending cliff. Kaz, your best friend, all that venom. How could they turn against you like this? What the hell is going on? You felt your throat tighten. “Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been distant, but I’m not lying to you, I-”
“We gotta go.” Lance isn’t in the mood to hear it. “We’ll catch up to you.. Some other time.”
Kaz says nothing as she pushes past you. Lance, at least, spares a short glance over his shoulder. You stood there alone in the hallway, your bag falling off your shoulder and clattering onto the floor with a thud echoing off the walls. Everything you had, all gone at once. 
No one believed you.
With nowhere to go where you felt like you could truly allow yourself to process the day's events, you went to the only place you knew. 
Just outside of campus, where rocks lined the edge of the boundary, overlooking the outskirts of the town and the ocean stretching as far as the eye could see. You settled yourself there, staring at the vast waters and wondering how this had all happened. Unlucky didn’t even begin to cover how it felt. Not only did you feel violated with Tate attempting to do unthinkable things with your unconscious body, but you also felt alone, and walked on. Your best friends hadn’t believed you. While Lance seemed saddened, Kaz was so… Angry. Her words cut like knives into your skin. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair. You didn’t deserve this.
You want to talk to Nathan, but knowing him, he’d see your state and bounce instantly. After all, this isn’t exactly very fun of you.
As the sun began to fall, splaying orange and blues over the wide open sky, behind you, you could hear voices. A group of them, some male, some female. Memories of when your notebook had gotten snatched by those two horsed face assholes came flooding back and with all your alertness, you stood up, and decided that this sitting place was no longer safe. Nothing was.
Before you even made it ten feet away, the group had found their way to your spot and gotten comfortable, one of the girls cheering, ‘this’ll be our hangout! look at how pretty the view is!’
You took a short drive down the stretches of road and decided that if you were going to lament in your own sadness, you were at least going to do so in a place that had something to cover the sound of your tears. Plus a nice view.
The beach, littered with its picnic tables and the sounds of crashing waves would suffice just fine. So, you pulled in the desolate parking lot and wandered down the sandy shores until you stumbled upon a picnic table shaded by a large willow cascading lushious branches to block out the sun- a perfect canopy for you to wallow under. 
You had nothing at that moment. No friends, no reputation, no one to believe your tragic tale. And now, you’d just lost the one spot that made you feel comfortable when stress was building into your body like concrete. Tears pricked into the corners of your eyes and you bit your lip, dreading that feeling of a lump in your throat. Why you? Everything had been going so well. How could not even a single person believe that Tate had tried to hurt you?
Well, actually, there was one person.
Of course Nathan believed you. He’d been the one to rescue you, after all. Time and time again it seemed.  How was it that even the ones closest to you would turn their back so fast, yet Nathan seemed to be there even when you didn’t want him to be? Even when you yelled at him, and he yelled right back, fire and sparks falling into embers around the two of you. 
In that moment, you almost felt like you could finally relate to him. A reputation based on lies and things out of your control, paired with a hardheaded attitude to try and combat all the assumptions. 
No wonder he was so angry. 
“Hey bitch,” A voice suddenly called, and you had a split second moment where you were terrified of once again being the victim of a cruel prank or some classmates boredom. “How about next time you have a pity party you don’t fucking call me in the middle of it.”
You blinked away your tears and through the blurriness saw a figure coming towards you. All that sass, the tone...
“Nathan?” You breathed. It only takes moments before he’s in front of you, holding his phone in view, seeing that the call that had been running for nearly ten minute. You flush in embarrassment, pulling your phone from your back pocket. “How did that happen?”
“Well, can your ass dial numbers?” He taunts, ending the call. 
“Damn it, dumb phone must have butt-dialed you. I knew I should’ve gotten a different one.” You mentally kick yourself. “It must have unlocked in my pocket.”
“You don’t have a password on your phone?” He taunts. When you shake your head, he whistles. “You are just begging for a robbery. I’ll keep that in mind when I’m in the mood to send random messages to all your buddies.” 
“Fuck off.” You scowl, and he grins, hopping up on the picnic table next to you. The sun flatters his skin. He’s almost glowing. 
“Speaking of buddies, how the hell did it pick my number out of your sea of friends?”
You shrug. “Probably cuz’ it’s a priority contact.” 
“Oh lala, I’ve been upgraded to priority huh? Does it display a superman logo whenever you give it a ring?”
“Nope. When I press call it rings the nearest asshole in my vicinity. The fact that it’s you is your own problem.”
“Haha, fucking ha.” He leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. He stares out at the water, watching waves pull and crash onto the beach. It’s almost beautiful, until he ruins it. “Yknow, you’re a really ugly crier.”
“Wow, thanks.” You shake your head. “That's exactly what I needed to hear right now. Why did you even stay on the line?.” Wiping your eyes, you start to forget your tears. “Couldn’t have been that wild of a conversation.”
Nathan shrugs. “Between the crying and the sound of the waves it was pretty nice.” He grins. “Very educational.” 
“Awesome. Glad I was able to make your day.” It doesn’t feel like your usual bitey remarks. You’re tired, you’re still a little hurt and you can’t stop thinking about how such an amazing morning had turned into such a horrible day.
“So what’s got you all fucked up? Never seen you act like this big of a baby before.”
“Nothing. You already paid off your debt to me per this morning, so feel free to resume our regularly scheduled mutual hatred.” You say, lying through your teeth. You know you’re both past the point of hatred, but you’re feeling jaded, you can’t help it. 
“Oh shut the fuck up,” He groans. “I didn’t drag my ass all the fucking way out to this shit hole of a beach just for you to give me that bullshit. What, did you fail a test? No one matched you on tinder?”
“Everyone thinks me and Tate slept together last night.” You blurt. “I think he’s telling people me and him had sex.”
Nathan tenses his shoulders and grimaces. “Fucking werido.”
“I told my best friends that he tried to take advantage of me and they don’t believe me. One of em’ even said he wouldn’t do something like that.”
“Fuck em’. Who needs best friends.”
“And to make everything so much better, these two bitches that I share four of my classes with harassed me all goddamn day. I mean, fucks sake, how the hell are girls named April and May of all things able to get to me. It’s bullshit. And to make matters worse, Tate is just… Getting away with it.”
“Yeah well, something tells me that Tate’s gonna get a real nice fucking taste of medicine eventually. I just gotta find him first. He’s got a lot of nerve spreading shit around given I knocked his ass onto the pavement.” Nathan brows knit at the memory.
You test the waters. “Why would you do that for me?”
He seems caught off guard, or maybe, surprised that you’d ask. Maybe he thinks you’re both beyond that point. He grumbles, “Why does it matter.”
“I’m just curious. We don’t owe each other anything, remember?”
“Yeah, well,” He huffs. “Don’t ask me questions to shit I don’t know the answer to.”
“You say that an awful lot.” You tease.
“Yeah well you ask dumbass questions an awful lot. Not everything I do has to have some weird ass motives behind it, ___. Maybe I’ve got beef with Tate that’s outside of you.”
“Uhuh. Sure.” You’re about to say something else, when your phone lights up with a text. The display makes your heart fall all over again. 
Unknown Number: you should just pack up and go somewhere else. no one wants std’s from breathing your air xoxo
You don’t even know who that is. Now absolute strangers are on your case. You want to throw your phone into the ocean and leave.
Nathan scoffs. “Don’t even bat a fucking eye for that bitch, whoever the hell they are. Half the hoes you’ve mentioned have slept with half the football team,” he pinches his jacket, “and I would know.”
“Ew, Nathan,” You grimace, that same feeling from the morning returning. It feels, oddly, like jealousy.  He nudges your arm with his elbow and grins playfully. It’s cute.
“Chill, I’m just fucking with you. You gotta know even I wouldn’t fuck girls that desperate. I’m a man of class.”
That last comment actually forces a laugh from you. It’s soft, but it’s real. The first laugh you’ve genuinely had all day. “That’s horrible.” You remark, giggling again.
It's almost like the slight restoration of your mood puts him at ease as well. He leans back on his hands and stares off into the ocean, those sparkling waters under the setting, orange sun. “I’m for real though. Those hoes aren’t worth your time. One day when we blow this shithole of a town they’re not even gonna matter.”
Your brows knit, eyes blinking up at him. Had you heard that right? 
“We?” You ask, perplexed, albeit a little… Hopeful.
Nathan sputters. “Well- Like, when everyone’s older and-”
“You know what, it's fine.” You interrupt. “Fuck it. You’re right. We’re gonna blow this town and they’re just gonna be some shitty memories.”
He sucks in a shaky breath. You’ve never heard him scramble like that, like he’s been unmasked. The look he casts you when you agree, when you don’t tease or patronize and finally hop on the idea that yeah, what if the two of you really didn’t have to deal with it anymore.
What if the two of you could just exist, without the anger. 
You look up at him. “Would you actually do that though?” You start. “With me, of all people?”
He swallows. His expression is tense, but he’s not upset. He appears nervous, caught off guard. Nathan tries, “I-”
Your phone rings. Shrill, piercing. Mood destroying. 
“Jesus Christ, it’s my mom.” You grab your phone and Nathan looks forward, stone faced and silent as you hop off the table and answer. It’s your mother, who all but shouts into the phone that her and your father are taking a surprising visit to Arcadia Bay while they’re traveling by on their vacation. She insists that you be ready in about an hour for dinner, and likely there will be family photos. 
Which means if you still look as wrecked as you did this morning, you’re gonna have a lot of washing up to do. With a quick goodbye, a short and sweet, ‘love you’, you hang up and sigh. 
“You still tell your mom you love her?” He teases. “What are you, five?”
You frown. “You don’t tell your parents you love them?”
Nathan side eyes you, and just shrugs. It is all the answer you need, really, and for his sake you decide it wouldn’t be best to press the issue. Not now. But- it still makes your heart hurt just a little. You wished that he’d had it better growing up. 
“Right… Do you want a ride home?”
“Fuck no, what am I,” He shoves his hands into his pockets. “a fucking girl scout?” 
“I was just offering, weirdo.” When he doesn't get up, you feel like you’re missing out. Like if you stayed, maybe, just maybe, you’d get to know him a little better. “Hey, if you want, I can stay for a bit longer.”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re needed elsewhere. But,” he shrugs. “I don’t know. Fuckin’... Text me or something. Or not, I don’t care either way.”
There’s a small warmth in your chest that rises to your cheeks. He wants you to text him. “Yeah,” You say. “If I’m feeling fun.”
And with that, you bid him farewell, beginning your descent to the parking lot. 
“Hey,” He calls, and you turn just in time to catch a small item he’s tossed right at you. A tiny key resides in the palm of your hand. “Spare. If shit hits the fan again-...” He shrugs, and actually looks away. “Just don’t be too fucking loud of I’ll kick your ass out myself. No Madison needed.”
The widest grin plays over your lips. “I’m gonna re-decorate your room while you’re gone.”
“Ah, you fucking better not.” He shouts. “Actually- you know what, give it back.” 
“No, no! I’m sorry.” You play with the key between your fingers. “Thanks for this.”
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t lose it and remember- emergencies only. I don’t need you watching me sleep like fucking freak. We’re past that stage.” 
“How many times will I have to say I was never watching you. Christ… But, alright. See ya, then.” The key is heavy in your palm. 
You place it into your pocket and give him one last glance before you take off, leaving him to enjoy the sound of waves, birds, and the absence of your tears.
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Please Me: Oikawa's Oasis Part 3
⚠️This Fic is 18+, Minors DNI⚠️
Welcome to week 4 of the Please Me Series!  A collaboration with @axoxtxhxh! This weeks theme is Virginity Loss featuring Oikawa and Goshiki!  This weeks fics are broken into 3 parts! Parts 1 and 2 are linked in the master list below! Please check out Joey’s fic, Guiding Goshiki!  I will also link it in the Please Me master list!  
Warnings: swearing, slight angst, fluffy ending, virginity loss, kissing, male oral receiving, thigh riding, masturbation,  locker room sex, shower sex, unprotected sex, creampie, guided female masturbation, sub! oikawa, fem dom reader, petnames, one hell of a safeword 
Word Count: 5,000
Staring at the wall, you heard your alarm sound the following morning as you slowly arose from your bed.  You hadn’t slept at all since you had arrived home last night.  You couldn’t shake the feeling of shame and guilt for running away from Torū.
You’re feelings were valid, you knew that. But you knew it wasn’t right to run away from him like you did. You should have talked to him.  In a way, you probably made him feel more self conscious then you had your first time.  
You sighed as you got up to shower and head to the gym. You knew you needed to talk with Torū.  You needed to explain to him that none of this was his fault.  
Locking your door, you headed to the gym as you mentally prepared yourself for the conversation that would follow.  You wanted to tell him about how you were afraid you would ruin his first time.  How your first time failed miserably and that you didn’t want him to regret anything.  
Torū had become very special to you as both a teammate and a friend. You didn’t want to make his time with the team awkward in anyway.  You knew the conversation would be a difficult one but you had to do it.  
Arriving at gym you saw several of the other players nursing hangovers and you began setting up for the days practice.  You yawned as you went to the bench, to grab your notes as the teams captain approached.
“You must have really worn Torū out YN” he said nudging your side as you looked at him confused “he texted me this morning telling me he was too ‘worn out’ to come to practice” he said throwing up air quotes “I’m actually surprised you’re here today.”
Hearing the Torū wasn’t coming to practice hit your like a ton of bricks, the feeling guilty washing over you as you felt the urge to cry.  You turned away from the captain as he watched you walk away in silence, going to fill the teams water bottles.  
Stepping from the gym, you felt the tears flow as the guilt and shame of your actions washed over you. How could you act so immature?  How could you just run away?  
You cried as you went to fill the teams water bottles. God I probably made him feel so insecure. I’m such an idiot you thought to yourself as you tried to calm down enough to finish your task and excuse yourself to your office.  You could camp out there the rest of the practice, telling the coach you had some work to catch up on.  At least then you could cry in peace.
Torū groaned as he woke up from his small nap. He hadn’t been able to sleep because of what had transpired between YN and himself.  He felt so shamed, so inadequate.  These were feelings he didn’t often have, causing chaos in his mind as he jolted hearing the sudden ring of his phone.
He answered the FaceTime call to a smiling Iwaizumi as he tried to bring a smile to his glum face.
“Shittykawa what’s the matter with you?  I didn’t expect you to pick up. Don’t you have practice? Iwaizumi says as Oikawa just stared at him.
Iwaizumi was confused. He had known Oikawa for many years and this was the first time he had ever seen the former high school captain so gloomy. Even losing their 3rd year volleyball tournament hadn’t made the captain as sad as he was now.
“I messed up Hajime” Torū said as Iwaizumi reeled back.  Oikawa never used his full name.
“What happened? Are you ok?” He said as Torū tried to hold his composure in. His emotions were all over the place, he had never felt so vulnerable, so destroyed “Hey Torū, are you ok?”
That did it. Iwaizumi saying his name caused Torū to cry like he had never cried before. He wasn’t even embarrassed, not one bit. He didn’t have time to feel embarrassed. He felt too ashamed.
“Hajime” Torū said finally calming down “she- YN doesn’t want me.”
Iwaizumi was stunned.  Never had this ever happened. A girl didn’t want the Torū Oikawa?  What kind of alternative dimension was he living in?
Iwaizumi watched as his friend wiped his face with his palms, trying to figure out what to say.
“Uhh- well umm what happened” he managed to muster up as he tried hard to still comprehend the previous statement made by his friend.
“Last night, I went out with the team.  Things with YN got heated.  We came back to my place.  Everything was going so well.  Then I told her I was a virgin and she freaked out and ran” he said as he looked down, unable to make eye contact with his friend.
Iwaizumi couldn’t help but chuckle to himself and try as he might, he was unable to hold a straight face.  He laughed loudly as Torū’s head whipped up into view, sending glares at him.
“Dude, I'm sorry” he laughed “but please tell me that you just didn’t say ‘YN I’m a virgin’ and expect her to be like ready to rip your v-card from your grasp.”
Iwaizumi laughed loudly as Torū just continued to stare at his friend “I don’t think it’s very funny Iwa-chan” he said he  scuffed at his friends laughter.
“Boy, you really are lame shittykawa” he said chuckling “are you sure you really are good with women?  I mean I don’t blame her one bit!  Taking a guy’s virginity would suck!  I mean men really don’t know shit about pleasuring women so what’s in it for her?”
Torū thought hard while his friend talked. Maybe he had approached it wrong to begin with. Not that he thinks about it, his method of delivery was a bit hasty.  
“Dude, I think you need to just talk to her You don’t really know why she turned you down.  I mean it sounds like she likes you from the way things went last night. Maybe you just made her nervous.”
Torū knew his friend was right. You had never given him any indication that you didn’t like him and he knew that, last night you felt something just like he did.
Torū looked at his friend as he smiled “you’re right Iwa-chan I’ll talk to her tomorrow.” Iwaizumi laughed as he watched the light stream back into his friend’s face.  
“Good luck idiotkawa” he said hanging up as Torū laid his phone down.  It was getting late, well after practice had ended. He knew he should try and get to the gym to practice some before tomorrow. He gathered his gear as he made his way to the gym, hoping someone was still there so he could practice.
You had managed to avoid the team for the entire practice. The coach had bought your excuse and you stayed cooped up in your small office until after practice.  
You signed as you stood up from your chair, tired from sulking and crying the entire afternoon.  You grabbed your bag and locked the office door.  Thankfully it was Friday and you could spend the weekend sleeping.  You were exhausted but yet somehow found the strength to cry for hours on end.  
You approached the gym doors as the all too familiar sounds of volleyball slamming into the floor radiated into your ears.  You checked your phone, nothing that it was 7pm and well past practice time.  You approached the gym doors as you quietly peaked in to see a sweating Torū setting up a serve, smashing it straight into the net  
“UGH DAMMIT” he said shouting as he prepared the throw another one up, once again managing to net the ball.  He leaned over, placing his hands on his knees and he grabbed his towel and headed to the locker rooms.  He had only been practicing for an hour but he was just unable to get into it.  
You watched as he made his way into the locker rooms, following to the doors as you slowly opened them, hearing him shout from inside.
“Torū,you idiot!” he shouted as you winced at his words.  You felt awful. You knew he was like this because of what had transpired between the two of you the previous night.  
You walked in the doors, standing for a moment as you see Oikawa sitting on the bench, a towel placed over his head and his elbows rested on his knees.
You knew you had to say something.  You couldn’t let him think any of this was his fault.  This was all your doing and it was time you owned up to it  
“Hey Torū” you said softly as the locker room door closed behind you and Torū’s head snapped up to meet yours. He looked at you as you walked over to him, sitting directly in across from him on the other bench.
“We need to talk” you said as he put his head down, trying not to cry again.
“It’s ok YN.  There’s nothing to talk about” he said he went to stand up, stopping when you grabbed his forearm.
“No Torū” you said as you sniffles lightly “I need to apologize.”
Torū was confused as he sag back done the bench, removing the towel from his head.  He stared at you questioningly.  What were you apologizing for?
You played with your fingers for a moment as you tried hard to muster up the courage to talk.  You knew what you wanted to say, rather what you needed to say.  
“Torū, I’m sorry I ran out on you.  I shouldn’t have done that.  I- I just got really nervous” you say, still looking down at the floor as you took a deep breath and tried hard not to cry.
“When you told me you were a virgin, it made me nervous.  I remember my first time all too well and I- well I just don’t want your first time to be like mine was” you speak as Torū looks at you, still confused.
The whole time the issue hadn’t been that he was a virgin, it had been that you wanted him to have a good experience?  He was shocked.  Here he though the issue was him, when in reality the issue was your own self doubts. He listened as you continued to talk.
“My first time wasn’t good Torū.  I didn’t know what I was doing and I thought I had feelings for the guy but like he didn’t have feelings for me.  And I really like you Torū and I just don’t want you to regret anything.  The fact that you trusted me with something so special made me nervous and scares” you said as your eyes went up to meet Torū.  
He looked at you, staring into your eyes as he tried hard to comprehend everything you had just said. He felt awful that your first experience wasn’t good but he also knew his feelings for you were valid and now he knew you had feelings for him too. He continued to stare as he worked his way thought the issues in his mind.  
You frowned as you took his silence as a bad sign, sighing as you stood up.  
“Thanks for letting me explain myself Torū.  You are so amazing and you deserve someone special” you said as you went to leave the locker rooms.
Torū snapped from his thoughts as he quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you back into his as he placed a light kiss on your lips. He smiled as you looked at him, very confused as to what had just happened.
Torū put his forehead on yours as you smiled softly.  
“YN, you don’t get it.  I want you to be my first because of how I feel about you” he said as he looked at you softly. You had become an oasis for him. An escape from reality and daily life. You had loved volleyball as much as him and you had always been genuine with him.  
You smiled as you grabbed his neck, kissing him softly again as he pulled your body flush against his as he deepened the kiss.  He placed his hands on your soft waist as he moved his hand up and down your back as you grabbed at his hair pulling him in closer to you.
You break from the kiss, staring at each other as your lips hovered over his.  Your body hearing up as you could feel his erection forming against your thigh.  You kissed his chin to his neck as he pulled your pelvis in closer, grinding where he could, trying hard to gather any amount of friction to ease his aching cock.
He backed away from him as he watched in confusion as you approached the locker room door.
Not again he thought as he heard the lock click, watching you stroll back to him, pulling him back into a full embrace.  He needed you and bad.  He couldn’t stand this pain in his cock anymore. He needed relief and the only medicine was you.
You push him back to the bench as he sits down looking up at you as you smirk down at him.
“Torū do you really want this?” You said as he groans, looking up at your gorgeous figure.  
He nodded frantically as you took his chin in your hand “I need a verbal response Torū” you said as his eyes widened.
“Yes- yes YN I want this” he said as you step back, removing your shirt and leggings, watching him ogle at your nearly naked form.  
“Ok Torū, I want you to pick a safe word just incase things get to be too much for you” you said as he gawked at you in your bra and panties. He was having a hard time concentrating on the task at hand with you standing tall in front of him.
“Torū!” you repeated as you snapped your fingers in front of his eyes, trying to get his attention turned back.
“Oh shit- yeah a safe word, umm how about ‘Kageyama’?” He said as you stared strangely at the word.
“I’ve never heard of ‘Kageyama’?  What does that mean?” You said as he stood up from his spot approaching you as he grabbed at your scantily clad hips.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s just something will definitely snap me out of the mood” he said as you chuckled lightly embracing Torū in a heated kiss.  
Your tongue licked his lips lightly as he granted you access, opening his mouth to your wet muscle as you massaged your tongue against his, pulling light groans from his pretty head.
You tugged on his shirt as he lifted his arms up, letting you pull the shirt from his body as your fingers and palms run up his sculpted chest.  
Your fingers graze lightly over his nipples as he shutters and groans.  His body was so reactive to every touch, every movement. The fact that you were about to engage in intercourse with the setter still made you a bit nervous but you tried hard to cast the self doubt aside, wanting to make the experience memorable for both you and Torū.
As if on queue, Torū looked at you sweetly as he brushed the tip of your nose with his. “you know YN, we could just count this as your virginity loss too.  I mean clearly you are as nervous as I am” he said chuckling as you laughed loudly throwing your head back.  
“That’s a good idea Torū but I am experienced in pleasuring a partner” you said as you push him down to the bench “just be a good boy for me and let me take the lead, ok?”
Torū gulped as he eyes widened at as your form sunk to your knees in front of him.  This was really happening and in the team locker room.  Not an ideal place to lose your virginity but he was not about to interrupt you.
“Umm YN” he said as he looked at you , kneeling before him with your hands placed on your plush thighs “don’t you umm, don’t you want me to make you feel good too?”  
You chuckled lightly as you reached up pulling him into a heated kiss as he gently rubbed his hands along your soft arms.
“How about I show you what I like while I make you feel good, then you can try?” You say as he nods quickly watching your hands go to his gym shorts, pulling his erection free as he shifts his hips upwards, helping you to remove his pesky shorts.
Your eyes widen at his size as you think about all the possible ways his cock will pleasure your wet cunt.  You felt your core heat up as you looked up to Torū.  
He was completely blissed out. Lost in translation between here and fantasy.  He’s eyes sparkled with excitement as you tested the waters, lightly kicking the tips of his hard cock.
Groaning he threw his head back in pleasure as you smirked to yourself, going in for another lick.  Your tongue laying more and more on his stiffened cock as he writhed in pleasure under your control.
Your body headed as you watched his abs contract in the moment, his mouth hanging open as his tongue lolled out in ecstasy.  He watched as your fingers traced lightly from his legs to your own, peering down at your chest as your fingers danced lightly over your clothed clit.
“Fuck YN” he moaned as he tried his hardest not to come from the sensation of your tongue on his cock.
Taking one final lick, you stand up as you slowly remove your panties from your body, revealing your cunt to him as he stares at the wetness coating your inner thighs.  
“Did you- did I” he said staring at you as you laugh, pushing him back on the hard bench, placing one leg on each side as you rub your clit with your fingers.
“Yes Torū you made me this wet” you say as you widen his legs on the bench, his cock standing tall as you bend down, grinding your cunt on his lower thigh.  
“Holy shit-” he groans as you moan throwing your head back as his leg rubs your clit perfect.  He grabs his cock as he slowly begins to stroke himself, trying hard to concentrate on your moments and pleasure as he feels the wetness pool on his legs.  
You lean over, placing two of your wet fingers in his mouth as he sucks violently, causing you to grind faster and harder.  Your orgasm builds as moans and groans fill the air
 Your body heats up rapidly as the cord in your stomach tightens. Your pace quickens as does Torū’s as you feel the cord begin to loosen.
“Oh fuck Torū” you moan as Toru groans deeply, letting go of his aching cock to watch as you tip over the edge.  
“Come on baby, come for me” he says as the pet name tips you over the edge, your cunt pulsing on his thigh as he watches your face contort into pleasure.  
“That was so hot YN” he says he has gently caressed your arm and leg as his cock aches painfully beside you.
“We are just getting started Torū” you say as you adjust yourself over his pelvis, pushing his cock between your wet folds as your grind back and forth, trying hard to ensure your good and ready to take his cock.
“Fuck YN- I, I’m not going to last long” you say as you shush him, halting your movements.
“Hey its OK.  I already came so now we need you to come. How do you want to come Torū?” You say as he bites his lower lip, watching your pussy settle above his cock.
“Please YN- please put it in. I need to be inside of you princess” he squeaks out as you smirk at his request. You knew he wouldn’t last long inside of you.  One thing you prided yourself on sexually was your ability to ride a cock and boy was Torū in for a treat.  
You line his cock up with your wet cunt, slowly bending your knees down as you impaled yourself in his cock.
The stretch was delicious as Torū’s mouth fell open as he groaned and panted beneath you.  You knew he could feel the tightness you felt as you waited for him to adjust to being inside of you.
Torū’s hands flew to your hips as he tried his hardest to remain calm.  Your cunt was so tight and so warm around his cock. The pleasure was unimaginable.  All he wanted was to feel the release.
“Torū are you ok?” You said as you steadied your hands on his chest watching to make sure the man below you was still coherent.
“It’s so tight YN, please” he moaned as his hands went to your hips and you ground a little down on him as his core shuttered, causing his dick to jolt inside you.
“I’m going to go slow ok” you said as he nodded.  Your feet planted firmly on the ground, you pushed lightly on his chest as you propelled your hips up and down, impaling yourself on his cock over and cover again.  
The pace was agonizing for Torū as whimper and moans fell from his mouth.  You could feel your orgasm building and you knew Torū couldn’t hold on much longer.  You needed to go faster.
“Torū” you groan from above him as you continue your leisurely pace “I’m close can I go-”
“GOD PLEASE BABY FUCK ME” he shouts as your hips speed up, jerking his cock as you felt the familiar knot began to unwind “fuck YN I can’t hold out-”
“Almost baby” you moan as you feel the cord snap inside your stomach as your cunt pulses on Toru's cock causing him to groan and grunt.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK-” he shouts as his hips still into you, painting your walls white as he grips your hips firmly, whimpering below you as he tried his hardest to come down from his high.
He felt absolutely spectacular, like his body was floating on air.  He couldn’t believe how amazing his first time had been. He never imagined it would happen the way it did but he wasn’t complaining.  His body and mind were in complete bliss.
Coming down from your high, you laugh as you look at Torū’s blissed out state.  He smiles at you as he opens his eyes slowly caressing your cheek.  
“That was amazing YN” he said, breath shaking as he came down from his high, breathing steadily.
Your chest filled with pride as you felt sheer happiness fluid your body.  You had redeemed yourself and you had made Torū’s first time amazing.
Standing up slowly, Torū watched as his cum leaked down your thigh as you stood in front of him.  His eyes traced your form as he felt his cock jolt to life again, ready for another round.
Standing up, he quickly grabbed you in a bridal carry, running towards the shower as your screamed and laughed as he set you down, turning the water on and pressing your body against the shower wall.
“eww Torū, this wall is gross” you groan as his lips attach to your neck as you feel his erection growing against your pelvis.
“It’s fine YN, I’ll clean you up afterwards” he says as he kisses you deeply, pulling your body against his as he pulls you under the warm water.  
You break the kiss as you smile softly up at his tall form, water cascading down his body as you feel his hardened chest under your hands.
“I need you” he says as you smirk at him, turning around to face the wall.  You grind your ass into his already hard member as he grabs your hips, pulling you firmly into him.
“Then fuck me Torū” you say as you peer over your shoulders, watching Torū’s face fill with excitement as he lines up his cock with your still damp cunt, slowly pushing in as he slowly sinks deep into your hole.
“fuck YN- your pussy is just amazing” he says as he slowly pulls his cock back out, moving at a snails pace in and out of you.
“Torū” you moan as you mouth falls open  “give me your hand” you say as Torū’s hand appears in front of you as you place it between your legs on your hardened clit.  Torū moans when his fingers hit your clit as you rotate his wrist, showing him exactly how you like to be pleasured.  You let go of his hand as he continues to rub tiny fast circles into your clit as you propel yourself faster onto his cock, meeting his thrusts half way.
The air feels with the smell of sex and the sound of skin slapping as your ass meets his hips over and over.  
“Fuck baby” he groans
“I know Torū, just a little more” you squeak out as he picks up his speed, meeting your ass fast and harshly as his fingers speed up on your clit.
“TORŪ FUCK-” You scream as his hips still on your ass as he presses hard, his head falling to your shoulder as he tries to gain control of his breathing.
“Ahhh fucking hell- FUCK” he shouts as he chest heaves in relief as you both come down from your highs as he releases you and you turn to face him, kissing him softly as he grabs you, pulling you into a tight embrace.  
“Thank you YN” he says whispering into your neck as you smile softly.
After cleaning up and getting dressed, Torū helps you clean up the gym as you get ready to leave for the night.  Locking the gym doors, Torū grabs your hand as he pulls you along with him.
“Torū” you say laughing as the brunette pulls you hastily out of the building “my apartment is the other way!”
“Who said the night was over YN-chan?  I need to practice pleasuring you” he smirks as you gulp, following behind him quickly.
You sure were in for a long night ahead.
taglist: @chaotic-nick @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes @serostapesweat @lovelyzabrak-meadow​
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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Today was long. But I am home and I am very happy to be here. I have eaten almost all of the things I was craving so very badly last night. And today would be a better day. Last night sucked. Like hardcore. I was so upset. And I would continue to be alone. CJ didn't come back until I was asleep. And I would wake up for a moment but was so tired I just passed right back out.
I woke up when her alarm went off but I would fall back asleep for most of an hour. And I felt alright when I got up. I washed my face and packed a bunch of my stuff. Things I will need for vacation next week mainly. But I had my two backpacks and my water cup and then I was off.
I walked up to the office. It has taken me a while I get myself together. But I stopped at the office to use the bathroom before going to art.
When I got up there Jess was texting me telling me all about the Microsoft issue today. The whole world seemed to slow down. Not at camp but everywhere else. It was like I was the only one holding that info.
I would walk back to the office and told everyone that a security issue has caused basically every plane in the US to be grounded. And that businesses can't use credit cards. And screens aren't working. And systems aren't working. And people, campers and counselors, throughout the day thought I was goofing. But I wasn't! It was really happening.
Jess wouldn't be affected to much. James would be because of credit cards and ticket purchasing on the website. But thankfully everything at camp seemed normal.
The only issue I was really having was that no videos were loading. My Spotify wouldn't load. TikTok wouldn't load. It was very very annoying.
I tried to just chill but I ended up taking a walk and chatting with people and would honestly feel a lot better after that. I even talked to CJ and she apologized for hurting my feelings. And it helped me really let go of my hurt. I don't feel emotionally tied to staying at camp. We are good.
And I would have a good day. All of my groups were great. And we used the majority of the bears!! There was for sure a few kids who wanted a specific color I did not have or a size I didn't have anymore. But mostly everyone was lovely and had a lot of fun.
I enjoyed the counselors company and help. I had more interactions with people today and that helped a lot. I got to help with some super hero costumes and it was so nice to be able to provide costume stuff! Felt good. Made me feel a part of everything.
I braided my hair pretty early on. And I really liked how I did it and felt very cute. The day would feel lighter and better and I would have so much more of an easy day.
Lunch kind of sucked. With someone who wouldn't stop talking over me. And the SSC being rude when I asked for food. It was a whole weird vibe.
So I left. And walked with Louisa to the office so I could ask Alexi about who was covering art next week. And the decision is Avery. She's wonderful and very competent so I know she will do a great job.
I would do some more spoon prep. Painting them different shades. And would lay in my hammock for a while. It was a calm day.
My afternoon was great. My day camp groups were just so cute. Their little voices. And then bring so brave even when they were scared of the sewing machine. Just sweet sweet babies.
Tipis was going to come at 330 so they could decorate the council ring. But then the office vetoed decorating it for some reason? So they would come to art early and it was honestly such a nice time. They were super nice and fun to talk to ans I really just enjoyed having to ing them. Even after I had gotten so upset last night but that was a me thing. I was struggling. And the conversations we had today was just really nice and everyone was doing art and it was a really good time. We talked about the news and the world and the issues at camp this year. How done so many people are. How we can improve next year. This year just feels weird for everyone.
They would clean up and leave at 415. I would stay a few minutes later to chat with some councilors. They tried to convince me to let them ride on the top of my car. I said no. Silly.
And then I went home.
I would get home at 5. And was so hungry. But I would push through because I knew me and James were going to Michael's for pizza tonight!
I got home and was so happy to be there. Was sad to see our neighbors are moving. They are going to be renting it out. I hope we get nice neighbors.
And I was so happy to see my animals. And after stripping down and throwing all my laundry in the basket I went to take a shower. And as I turned the shower on I heard James come in downstairs! I was so excited to see them once I was clean.
James had packages for me and I was excited to open things. My new pink wrist brace came and it's great! I would try packing with that later.
We decided to drive to Michael's and would have just an excellent dinner. The waitress seemed a little frazzled. Not the normal girl we like. But we did say hi to her. And James was struggling being distracted but we would have a nice conversation and the pizza was so good. And I was just really happy.
I would have another craving for a little crusty bread with burrata and balsamic and tomato. And it was so nice.
I would keep working on packing. I'm not positive about my choices yet but mainly because I am thinking about cutting some out. But I have time for that before I have to leave on Monday.
James went to play a game with friends so I spent the evening hanging out and enjoying my house and it was just a really nice night compared to how upset I was last night. If eel a lot happier.
But also very tired. I just finished taking a bath and washing my hair and I am ready to lay down. I hope I can fall asleep as easy as I did last night
And that I am eup in a good mood tomorrow. And I hope you do too. Sleep well everyone, until next time!!
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Who knows when... - Wet Dream... Come true... (mini series) Part 1/?
Warnings: 18+ readers only. NSFW. Swearing, sex (protected sex), oral - male receiving, nakedness in the shower. I DON'T OWN HENRY CAVILL. THIS IS FICTION! NO MINORS!
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"That's it, baby girl. Fuck. You're taking my cock so well." Henry moaned deep from in his chest.
His hips snapped, back and forth, pushing and pulling his thick cock inside your pussy. You moaned out loud as he sucked and licked your throat, wrapping your legs around his waist, wanting him to go deeper.
"Yes! Fuck, yes," You cried out. Your nails dug into his back, his shoulders, his waist, his backside, anywhere you put your hands. You pulled him closer. "Yes! Oh, Henry, I'm-"
You pushed yourself up in bed with a slight groan, rubbing your eyes with your fingers. Damn it, you wished your dream had never ended. You let out a tired yawn, stretching your sore muscles before sitting up a little more. The dream had been so real, you could have sworn your legs were aching, your pussy too. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and put your feet down on to the soft, fluffy carpet.
You looked up and finally noticed you weren't in your room. With a frown you pushed yourself to stand and slowly began to walk round the bed, looking for your clothes. Suddenly the door opened, startling you, freezing you in place as you came face to face with the man who'd taken you home.
"You're awake," He smiled at you.
"It wasn't a dream," You gaped at him, "... I'm actually stood naked in front of Henry Cavill." You groaned, covering your face as you dropped onto the bed in embarrassment.
Henry chuckled softly, "I'm not complaining." He smirked before he reached up behind the door and took down his dressing gown. "Here, put this on." He kindly offered you it.
"Thank you," You blushed as you acceptd his dressing gown. You held in the giggle that threatened to break as you tied the belt around your waist. Being Henry's, it was far too big for you but it was warm.
Henry sat beside you on the bed with a soft smile on his face. You looked cute in his dressing gown, and after you've finished with it, it would smell like you. Henry cleared his throat and tore his gaze from you. "Do you remember last night?"
Oh yes. Now that you were fully awake and had come face to face with your 'wet dream', last night had come flying back, crystal clear and in detail. "Yes." You answered meekly. Your cheeks flush as you thought about the details of last night.
Henry grinned, "Good."
You looked up to him with a shy smile. "Good."
Henry let out a low chuckle. "You look cute when you get shy." He teased giving you a playful nudge making you blush a little more and hide your face in his fluffy dressing gown. "Would you like to join me for a shower?"
Your eyes widened a little in confusion. "I thought, you'd be wanting me to... hmm, leave."
"I thought you said you didn't do one night stands?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. So he did remember one of our many conversations from last night.
You shook your head. "I don't. I just thought, you might want rid of me." You whispered and looked down bashfully.
Henry shook his head and let out a soft sigh, "Y/N, I said last night that I really liked you. And I meant it." He smiled softly at you. "Is that okay?"
You nodded biting your bottom lip. "... Yes," You smiled looking up to him, only then noticing what he was wearing. Your mouth water as you watched the sweat trickle done his neck and his chest, making his chest habit stick to him and - "What time is it?" You cleared you thriat and the dirty thoughts clouding your mind.
Henry looked down, "Oh, still early. I had to go take Kal out for a walk, ended up having a run." He chuckled softly. You nodded with a smile. "So, shower?"
You nodded and blushed a little, before you looked around the room. "Oh, hmm... Where are my things?"
Henry smirked playfully as he stood up from the bed. "I thought you said you remembered last night?" He asked walking out of the room.
You rolled your eyes, "Well, when Henry Cavill is literally fucking your brains out, you tend to forget where you dropped your things."
Henry laughed heartily as he walked back into the room holding your things in his hands. "When you put it like that." He teased placing your things beside you on the bed. "Do what you need to and I'll get the shower going." He smiled softly at you.
You nodded thanking him and waited until Henry walked into the bathroom before you fell back onto the bed with a deep breath. You just needed a minute to collect your thoughts.
Last night actually happened. Your flat mate had asked you to be her plus one to her works party. You'd only been there an hour when you'd tripped in your friends stupid heels she'd made you wear and fallen into someone. That someone had been Henry, and thankfully he was more than happy with the accident. The two of you ended up talking all night and then, well, you woke up the next morning in Henry's bed after a night full of mind blowing sex.
"Y/N?" Henry called out from the bathroom. His voice mixed with the sound of running water filled your stomach with butterflies.
"Coming!" You answered quickly, pushing yourself up from the bed.
Henry was already in the shower by the time you entered the bathroom. You could see his silhouette through the steam and the glass of the shower. It only just occurred to you that you were actually going to be in the shower with Henry, naked, and fully sober.
"Are you getting in, or just going to watch me?" Henry asked with a playful tone.
You licked your lips at the thought of just watching Henry wash himself. "I'm coming,"
You smiled, and quickly pulled open the dressing gown, taking a quick sniff of it, melting a little as you breathed in the scent that was Henry. Once you'd safely hung the dressing gown up, you took a deep breath and stepped round the glass door. Your eyes bugged a little and your mouth hung open as you came face to face with Henry's naked back and arse.
"Fuck," You muttered to yourself.
"I could say the same thing," Henry looked over his shoulder with a smug smirk. He turned around and faced you, "Come here." He held his hand out to you.
You took his hand and stepped forwards until you were under the stream of water. You instantly closed your eyes and relaxed as the water ran down your body. A soft gasp past your lips and your eyes shot open as Henry lightly moved his hands up your arms.
"Do you have to be somewhere today?" Henry whispered.
"No plans made.. Yet."
"Good." Henry smiled at you.
He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours as he moved his hands to your back, pulling you closer to him, pressing your body against his. He ran his tongue between your lips and slipped it into your mouth, pulling a soft moan from you.
You gripped onto Henry's arms as he pushed you gently against the cool, fogged glass of the shower. Your tongue licked at Henry's as he squeezed your waist.
He pulled back with a deep breath, "Sorry." He let out a breathless chuckle making you giggle.
"No you're not."
"No, I'm not." He gave you a smug smile.
You smiled up at him, placing your hand on his hard chest, "I don't want you to think I'm being a cock tease, or anything," You bashfully looked down. Henry's hard cock stood between the two of you, practically making you drool as you eyed it. "But, maybe having sex in the shower, without protection, isn't the best idea."
Henry nodded, taking in another deep breath and stepped back a little from you. "Of course... You're absolutely right," He cleared his throat.
A silent groan left you as your eyes danced over Henry's naked body. He was a God! You licked your lips and reached out, grabbing his hand making Henry looked down at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't I still need to repay you for something?" You asked with a playful smile.
Henry's head tilted to the side as he tried to think of what you meant. "I don't -" His breathe caught in hi throat as you wrapped your hand around his hard cock. "Fuck,"
You bit your lip as you got on your knees in front of Henry and looked up at him through your eyelashes at him, giving them a bat before saying, "Do you want me stop?"
Henry shook his head gulping. "No." He growled, his eyes fixed in your hand as you slowly, teasingly stroke him.
Your eyes fell to his cock before you. It was a beautiful sight, you could admire Henry all day. You slid your hand down to the base of his cock, cupping his balls in your palm as you ran your tongue down the length of him and back to the tip. Henry groaned deeply as you repeated the action once more before you wrapped your lips around his tip.
"Fuck," He moaned with closed eyes.
You were glad Henry didn't have an overly long cock (not that it wasn't big - it was). You were able to fit most of him into your mouth, and deep throat him before pulling off to stroke him again. Your eyes water a little as you caught your breath but it didn't bother you, the sounds Henry was making above you spurred you on. You used your other hand to play with his balls, licking up the length of him again before taking him back into your mouth. You bobbed slowly up and down, adding light pressure to his balls as you did.
"Shit. Baby, don't stop," One of Henry's large hands fell to the back of your head, encouraging you to take more of him as he slammed his other against the wall. "Fuck! Baby, I'm gonna cu-" Henry groaned from deep in his chest as you sucked and licked him as he came.
You moaned, the taste of him on your tongue making you wetter than you thought possible. You pulled off him and smirked up at him. You enjoyed seeing him like this.
Henry panted, trying to catch his breath. "That-" He ran a hand down his face, "Fuck, that was hot." He chuckled breathlessly and helped you off the tiled floor. "Perhaps, we should shower later..." He grinned at you making your eyes widened and light up with lust as he pulled your body against his. "We've got plans, now."
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
one more night (g.w.)
prompt: after a bad breakup, george comes back to y/n’s flat to pick up some leftover things he missed. one of these missing things was a proper goodbye.
pairings: george weasley x fem! reader
warnings: 18+ sexual content MDI (break up sex, soft sex, unprotected sex), super angsty, language, emotional break up, crying
word count: 3.7k
author’s note: something about break up sex really does it for me. like...it’s so hot and for why? anyway, here’s wonderwall. flashbacks are conveyed through italics. 
taglist: @rosaliepostsstuff @harrysweasleys @gcdric @lumos-barnes @whizboingies @lumosandnoxwriting @pxroxide-prinxcesss @c-t-h​ @lol-idk-oops @another-lonely-heart-blog @starlightweasley @parseltongueswriting @shilohpug @peachypotter​ @spacexcowgirl​ @vogueweasley​​
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The small cardboard box that sat next to the door was completely pathetic, sitting there in shame. The cardboard could barely hold the boxes contents, wanting to burst at its seams as it held every shred of George Weasley that was in your flat. You wanted your flat to be a George Weasley free space, but a part of you wanted to keep the magic of your relationship alive. He couldn’t miss his quidditch jumper from Hogwarts, could he? It had been years since you graduated, he wouldn’t remember that you had it, right? So, his jumper hung proudly in your closet like the status of your relationship hadn’t changed.
As you leaned against your kitchen island, sipping quietly from your coffee mug, you stared at the cardboard box, hoping that the intensity of your gaze would make the box combust into flames. But it stayed still. Unaffected. George’s things teemed out of the box, miscellaneous shirts and jumpers and trinkets piled high. You caught yourself smiling as you shook it off, reminding yourself of the status of your relationship, cringing as you did so. 
The night of your break up played on a constant loop, like a movie trailer. When you woke up, it was the first thing on your mind. When your head hit the pillow, it was the last thing you thought of when you closed your eyes. It was a sick cycle.
“I can’t change my work schedule to fit yours, George. I’ve done it in the past so often and I can’t anymore. I’m finally on my own two feet and I need to keep the ball rolling,” you explain to George as you sit at his kitchen table as George paces the living room, back and forth, pulling at his red roots, trying to formulate a response. “Admit it, George. We can’t m-”
“Don’t you say what you’re going to say, (Y/N). Don’t you bloody dare,” he speaks as you sigh, rubbing your face with your hands. You didn’t want to have this conversation with George, but it was unavoidable at this point. You had just gotten a job as a full-time Healer, working in St. Mungo’s, your dream job. But the busy work schedule that you had was failing to align with George’s schedule working the joke shoppe that just seemed to do better and better every day. “We can work this out. We can’t just give up at the first sign of hardship,” George laughs as you give him a knowing look. You had been trying to make it work for a month, but things simply weren’t working. When you did see him, it would be for two hours and the two of you would be so exhausted that you would talk for five minutes before going to bed. “(Y/N), I don’t want to be the one to suggest this, but I can support us. The both of us. The joke shoppe is doing so well and with the booming business, I have enough money for me to sell this flat and we can buy a home together. Start a family. What we’ve always wanted to do!”
You rise from your chair at the thought of quitting your job. Something you had worked years and years towards and George dared to bring up the suggestion of you quitting a month and a half in. “I am not quitting,” you say very sternly, making George sigh, knowing he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place. “I have worked my ass off to get where I am right now and I’m not going to sacrifice that for the sake of our relationship!” you exclaim.
But that was wrong of you to say; it just put wood on the fire. “So how far would you go for our relationship?” George challenges, folding his arms across his chest as you gulp. “Because Godric knows everything I have done for the sake of us.”
And he was right. George shifted employees and his own work schedule so he could have an extra hour with you some nights. He would close the shops on holiday weekends, which was prime for sales, so he could take you on romantic getaways. George told you to move in with him when you struggled to find a flat of your own. He helped get you through Healer school. George put you before him in the relationship and you knew that. You felt guilty now. You shouldn’t have said what you did.
“I didn’t mean it like that, George,” you sigh, admitting defeat as George scoffs. “I meant that I can’t give up my dream. Just when I finally got it. And I don’t want you to give up yours. It’s not fair for the both of us,” you try to tell him as he shakes his head, knowing the direction the conversation has turned and he doesn’t like it one bit. So much so that you can see his eyes become glassy as he turns his head away from you so you didn’t have to watch him break down. “George, I love you. The life you have given us has been nothing short of wonderful.”
“Stop it, please,” he manages to croak out, turning towards you, his chocolate brown eyes pooling with hot tears. The sight makes your heart shatter as you suck in a shaky breath, swallowing the lump in your throat. Tears were impending. “I don’t want to let you go. I can’t let you go. Not like this,” George holds your face in his hands, brushing your cheeks with his thumbs, gazing into your eyes with so much love he could burst. You let go of a shaky sigh as you lean into his touch and close your eyes, savoring the way his large hands held your face with such ease. “I’m not letting you go, (Y/N). I’m going to love you forever and ever and there’s nothing you can do to change that.”
You open your eyes and give George a sad smile as he sniffles. You reach up and press your lips to his, your kiss mixing with both of your salty tears. This love that you possessed for each other was greater than anything you have ever known. But the universe was trying to tell you that this wasn’t working. For the both of you to live the lives you always dreamed out you had to let the other go. No matter how hard it was going to be. 
The two of you pull away from your sweet kiss before you speak, “I’m never going to stop loving you, George. Nothing will change that. But for now, we need to let go. For both of our sake’s.”
The memory is interrupted by the buzzer going off in your flat. “Shit,” you huff as you scurry over to the intercom. You buzzed him in as you writhed your hands in anticipation, pacing your living room floor. Your eyes dart to the box. Should you move it? Keep it close to the door? If you keep it next to the door does it say you want him out for good? What if you put it on the table? Is that more of a welcome in? Should you let him come in? 
Too many thoughts clouded your mind before a gentle knock sounded on the door. Your heart froze and you stopped in the living room. “Bloody hell,” you breathe out as you look at yourself in the mirror, checking your hair and smiling to see if anything was in your teeth. “It’s just goodbye, (Y/N). Just goodbye,” you tell yourself before you walk over to the door, undoing the latches and locks.
When you swing it open, George stands there, fresh from a shower it looks like. His hair is slightly damp, hanging on his head rather than spiked up and slicked back like it usually was. Like you loved it. A gray t-shirt hung on his body, clinging on his arms, the front tucked into dark wash jeans. “I’m sorry I’m late,” he huffs with a small smile. “Work was crazy and I had to take a shower before I came over. I hope you don’t mind,” he speaks.
You gulp, trying not to blurt out how good he looked right now, the scent of his cologne making your body tingle as if it was some sick love potion. “Not at all,” you manage to say instead, thankfully. “Uh,” you tremble before looking down on the other side of the door to the box that taunted you. Picking it up from the floor, you extend it out to him. “This should be everything.”
George takes it from your arms and huffs, “Great.” He holds it in one of his arms with ease, his biceps flexing under his gray shirt as you watch, eyes hungry. This was some kind of sick joke, wasn’t it? With his other hand, he rummages through the piles, making sure he had everything. “Uh, my quidditch jumper is not in here?” he asks, but it was more of a matter of fact. 
Damn it. You had been caught. You had to come up with something, quickly. “Oh! Yeah! I forgot!” you try to act surprised. “It’s, uh, I washed it. Yeah, um, it’s in my room,” you close your eyes and shake your head. “One minute. You can come in if you want,” you open the door wider as George smiles and makes his way in your flat as if it were his first time here when in reality, he did have his own set of keys. You shut the door and watch him awkwardly stand into the living room, watching you. “Alright then.”
You scurry into your bedroom and push open your closet door, shuffling through the hangers, finding George’s quidditch jumper proudly hanging in the back in it’s crimson and gold glory. Plucking it from the hanger, you sigh in defeat. So much for that endeavor. You flip around to run back into the kitchen where George was waiting, but you were startled to see that he had followed you into your bedroom. “Oh,” you jump.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckles. “I didn’t know if I should have followed you or...” he trails off, awkwardly as you gulp and nod your head. “Seems like you found it.”
“Yeah, here it is,” you hand it to him, trying to savor the feeling of the knit material in your fingertips. It would be the last time you felt that material for a while. “Sorry about this mix up,” you tuck your hands into your sweatpants pockets, rocking back and forth on your heels.
George smiles and shakes his head, “No need to apologize. Honest mistake,” he speaks as you nod your head with an awkward chuckle. Yeah, honest mistake... “I’ll, uh, I’ll head out then, yeah?” he asks with raised brows.
You nod, “Sure. Yeah. Yeah.”
The two of you start to make your way out of your room, but George stops in his tracks when something catches his eye. You stop and follow his line of sight that landed on a framed picture of the two of you from one of your first holidays together. In the photograph, George held up the camera at the two of you, his arm wrapped around you tightly as you leaned into his chest, cuddling into his tall figure. The both of you were mid-laughter, the beautiful beach behind you, the sun fading the back. George smiled softly at the photo as you watched his face shift, your heart fluttering at his reaction. “That was a good holiday, wasn’t it?” he chuckles, walking towards your dresser where the frame stood proudly. It had been two weeks since the break up, but you didn’t bother taking any photos out of the frames yet. You couldn’t bare it. That would mean George was gone for good. 
You smile softly and walk next to him as he gazes at the photograph, all the memories resurfacing of the beautiful beach and the small cabana George had gotten for the two of you with the graduation money he had saved up. “It was,” you recall. “It was like a dream, honestly. We were so young back then,” you say in disbelief. It was true. You were both just eighteen in that picture and now here you were, twenty two, post-break up. The two of you had grown up so much since that holiday. You wish you could jump through the picture and tell your younger self to relish in every moment you had with George because each moment was beautiful. 
George laughs, “We look so young. Merlin...” The two of you chuckle at the photo. “We were so happy,” he sighs before looking at you. You don’t dare peel your eyes from the photograph, knowing that if you look at him right now, you’d melt and give into him. “Look at me please,” he speaks just above a whisper.
Shaking your head, you speak, “I can’t, Georgie. I can’t bear it.”
His heart flutters at your nickname for him. “I want to take a look at your eyes. A good look. One last time and I promise I’ll go.” George reaches out and touches your hand gently, as if you were made of glass and the slightest touch would break you. “(Y/N).”
With a gulp and mustering up all your courage, you turn your gaze to his and your heart melts at the sight. If a look could speak. His eyes were so sad, but filled with so much longing and love and adoration. The face you loved so much, full of so much tenderness, staring down at you. He made you feel like you were the only person who mattered. Because to George, you were. 
The two of you are just looking at each other, absorbing each other’s features as much as possible before one of you dares to speak up. Slowly, George reaches up and cups your face, like you were so used to. “George,” you sigh out breathlessly as you lean into his touch, tears welling up in your eyes. You can’t believe you had to let him go. “I just want to be happy again. With you.”
George gives you a sad smile, “I do too, angel. More than anything. It’s my only wish. Even if it’s just for another day.”
His words make the wheels start churning in your head as you lick your lips before saying, “Then let us have one more day. One more night together. I don’t care if it’s temporary. I just want one last memory with you, Georgie.”
George’s eyes search yours as you desperately hold onto him, needing him, wanting him, yearning for him. George brings your face to his, connecting your lips in a kiss that was unlike any other kiss you’ve ever had. It made the hair on your neck stand up. Your arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. The kiss is full of urgency and desire, as if you didn’t take each other right now, there wouldn’t be another opportunity for this. 
You break apart from the kiss to pull George’s shirt over his head as he does the same to you only to reconnect your kiss. His lips move against yours, hungrily, passionately as you moan gently into his mouth. George grabs your thighs and hoists you up as you wrap your legs around his torso as he walks over to the bed, laying you down gently, kissing your lips, neck, and collarbones. His lips leave trails of wet kisses as you run your finger through his still damp hair, tugging on it gently. “Please, George, please,” you whine as he kisses the valley between your breasts.
He pulls himself away from your chest to kiss your lips again. “Anything you want, angel. Say the word and I’m all yours,” he tells you, brushing your hair gently. You grab his face and pull him down to connect your lips again, his tongue slipping into your mouth as you arch your back, pushing your chest into his. His tongue massages yours as his hands unclasp your bra, throwing it to the floor. 
“I want you to make love to me,” you mumble against his mouth as George smiles softly, his heart fluttering. “I want you to make love to me, Georgie. I want to remember this night for the rest of my life.”
“Anything, angel. Anything you want,” he repeats himself as you both breathily laugh, reconnecting your lips, stripping the other of their remaining clothes. Soon enough, the two of you are naked and George breathes out, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
You connect your lips again before you place kisses along George’s jawline as he hovers over you, lining himself up to your entrance, pulling your legs farther open as you wrap them around his torso. George runs the tip of his hard dick up your wet pussy as you bite down on your lip with a sharp inhale. “Please, baby, please,” you beg him which only makes George obey you, pushing his whole length into your aching core as you both moan out in satisfaction. He fills you up in a way that is so familiar and delightful as you dig your nails into his biceps. “Shit,” you moan out as George starts to move, thrusting in and out of you slowly.
“Fucking hell,” George groans out. “You feel fucking incredible,” he breathes out, his hips moving smoothly against yours, pumping his hard cock in and out as your walls tighten around him. “You like that, baby?”
With a whimper, you moan out, “I love it, baby. Keep going, don’t stop. I love the way you fuck me. Fuck, George.” George continues to thrust in and out, picking up his pace, going in deeper as your eyes flutter shut. Your nails dig deeper into his shoulder as you groan, “Right there, baby, right there. Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
Your praise makes George push your legs open wider so he can push impossibly deeper into you, before hoisting one of your legs over his shoulder, making the both of you cry out in euphoria. “Shit, I love the way you feel wrapped around me. Say my name, baby,” George groans.
“Oh, George, fuck, baby,” you moan out louder, head tossed back against your sheets as George buries his face in your neck as you hold onto him. He pounds into you deeper as you are panting in a state of nirvana. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” you dig your nails into George’s flesh as he presses love bites into your neck.
He looks at you and speaks, “Look at me, angel. I want you to cum looking into my eyes, baby.” You peel your eyes open and look into his brown eyes, dark with a mixture of lust and love. “I love you, angel.”
As he continues to thrust, you feel the familiar knotting feeling in your stomach as your jaw drops. “I love you,” you breathe out, looking deep into George’s eyes. “I love you so much, baby. I love you, I love you.”
“I love you, I love you,” George repeats as you reach your climax, crying out his name in pleasure, head rolling back as you clutch the sheets, coming all over his dick. Shortly after, George finishes, moaning out your name, the both of you a symphony of moans and heavy breathing. 
The two of you come down from your highs as he pulls out and lays on the bed next to you, chests heavy with the rise and fall of incoming and outgoing breaths. You run your fingers through your hair before rolling onto your side to face George who stares at the ceiling. A small smile is on your lips as you place a hand on George’s chest. He turn his gaze to you and a toothy grin is on your face as you giggle, George pulling you close to him with a breathy chuckle. He places a kiss to your temple. The two of you cuddle next to each other, naked underneath your sheets, happy to be resting in each other’s arms. 
That is until George speaks, “You didn’t really wash my jumper did you? You were trying to keep it in hopes I didn’t notice, weren’t you?” You can hear the smile in his voice as you roll your eyes. “You were!”
You sit up, “I was not!”
George laughs, “You cheeky little thing! You were trying to steal my clothes from me after we broke up!”
The two of you are in a fit of laughs, laying next to each other, enjoying the feeling of skin on skin next to each other. You rest your head on George’s chest as he rubs your back. “I wish we could be this happy all the time,” you confess as George sighs, wishing the same thing. But the two of you knew that this wasn’t working anymore. The break up was for the best. 
“I do too, my love,” he agrees. “But I don’t want to focus on what we wish could happen. Let’s just enjoy tonight while we have it, okay?” he speaks as you nod, cuddling further into his touch. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
Minutes later, the two of you had fallen asleep, entangled in each others arms, the last words on your lips being confessions of love. 
The morning comes as quickly as you fell asleep. You stretch your arms out and pat the area of the bed next to you, searching for George. But you quickly realize that your George wasn’t there. 
In his place was a piece of parchment that had scribbled onto it, I didn’t want to leave before you woke up, but work calls sadly. Thank you for last night. It was the best night of my life. I love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will. That will never change. You are my angel. Love always, Your George. P.S. You can keep the jumper. It looked better on you anyway.
A few feet away from the note was the jumper on the edge of the bed, laid out in it’s glory as a small smile made its way onto your face. You reach over and pull the jumper onto your naked body, inhaling the fabric that smelt so much of George, making your heart flutter. “Maybe someday,” you whisper. “Maybe someday, my love.”
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