#dont have family events ppl they just make you Too Busy
illogicalvulcans · 1 year
hi i've been SO busy i missed u all filling up my queue today xoxo
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
He won't leave my fucking friends alone.
#tales from diana#sorry this is about that bad friend i have to break up w that ive posted abt on and off the past couple weeks/months maybe#i still have to send him that final 'i dont wanna speak to you ever again'#ive been fucking busy ok. my summer has been full of family events and obligations#i have one brother getting married and the other having a baby!!! i have a LIFE and SHIT TO DO and PPL TO BE THERE FOR other than YOU!!!#i havent spoken to him in over 2 months too and he knows it's bc i don't want to#he's so difficult bc you can't fucking tell him the truth. you can't!!! he can't handle it!!! do you know how hard it is to handle???#the things i have to do to cut him off. because he doesn't respect normal fucking boundaries. make ME feel like im in the wrong#like im the shady person and the liar.#i can't drift from him bc hell pull me back#i can't communicate w him bc he won't hear anything i have to say he'll just turn it around & make it abt himself.#he literally does not understand ppl having motivations to do things that don't relate to him#and he has no sympathy for what he does to other ppl. nothing but self-pity for how they don't like him anymore.#if he dealt w someone who put him through half of what he put ME through. no he couldn't actually.#i only allowed him to manipulate me for so long because i cared abt him. who i thought he was.#and he just point blank period doesn't care about other ppl. so he could never go through what ive gone through w him.#i feel like all this friend breakup has proven to me is that im actually a good person and it can be used against me by ppl who arent#some fucking lesson i needed to learn huh?#i hate feeling as negatively towards anyone as i do towards him. it's so hard for me not to have at least#a little spark of hope deep down for everyone. even ppl ive removed from my life before. i dont HATE them#theyve disappointed me or insulted me or mistreated me but at least their motivations seemed simple and clear#and MOST of them seemed to understand SOMEWHAT that they were in the wrong#even if they don't admit it to me or still find an excuse to hate me. whatever#i can see them as ppl who might feel remorse someday and grow from it#i do not see it in this guy. bc if you have a problem w him he'll only make it 20 times worse.#he's so selfish it genuinely baffles me to think about it. and he's one of the least honest ppl ive ever known.#he'll never see the error of his ways. i do not believe he has that capacity.#and will i say none of this to him? no#im just going to say thanks for leaving me alone these past couple months. it's been good for me.#i don't think i can continue our friendship anymore for my own sake.
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lightgriffinsect · 1 year
happy 1 year anniversary to fnf vs radi muzix medley
the friend of my friend is my enemy
(Friday Night Funkin')
Words: 2058
"Yeah, so uh, it's not just gonna be us here," Void casually brings it up with the two of them over coffee. "Oh?" Sumire's gaze snaps up eagerly. They're still getting used to being in the same room as their idol on a regular basis. Void doesn't blame him. Who wouldn't be, when it's A.C. Void? "Oh?" Radi also glances up at him, much less enthused. Ugh. He could try to show a little cheer. "Mhm. I have another, uh, friend coming. He's a psychic." "Ooh! What's his name?" Sumire is really eager. "Psychic."
Posted on 24th September in honor of Muzix Medley's 1 year anniversary. Hap annivers to Radi and Lofie!
Psyfic taglist: @y010isaghost, @s0methingmoonlit, @flurriethefox, @hoodiehydra
Let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!
btw did you remember to tell radi and sumire
Oh right
I'll tell them now
they'll be chill dw
And if u already know they're here why r u worried
yeah i bet
because they don't know about me
Bro relax it'll be great
Sumire loves ppl
don't call me bro
and uh
radi exists too
and you know how much he likes people like me
especially me
No one says we have to tell him
he's going to think dd was playing the long game
and that you were complicit
and he'll probably try to kill you
and me
but sure i like this
Keyword TRY
And he knows I would never coop with DD
Cmon u can't back out now cousin
technically cousin i could
Dude no Accretions are hard to find
And how will u get back without a chauffeur
i can drive
unlike some people
but fine
I should cancel you
can't have air conditioner void caught up in public family drama tho
But fine. Sure.
thanks for sparing me cousin
now go spoil the plot twist to radi and sumire
don't want to give them a heart attack
Okok fine bye
"Yeah, so uh, it's not just gonna be us here," Void casually brings it up with the two of them over coffee.
"Oh?" Sumire's gaze snaps up eagerly. They're still getting used to being in the same room as their idol on a regular basis. Void doesn't blame him. Who wouldn't be, when it's A.C. Void?
"Oh?" Radi also glances up at him, much less enthused. Ugh. He could try to show a little cheer.
"Mhm. I have another, uh, friend coming. He's a psychic."
"Ooh! What's his name?" Sumire is really eager.
"And you didn't tell us this before?" Radi scowls faintly.
"I mean, I think you can handle it," Void can't help sniping back. "He's fine. He doesn't bite. You've gotta relax, man."
“I know, I’m sorry, I just…” Radi gives a little sigh. “You know I’m not very good with new people. I just wish you had let us know sooner so I could feel…more prepared.”
Void raises a brow.
“But I’m sure you know him best, so I’m willing to let it go,” Radi adds hastily.
“Great!” Void claps once, letting the grin overtake his face once more. “Thank you, Radi.”
“How’d you guys meet?” Sumire prods, ignoring his coffee now, all too intrigued by Void’s little info drop. This is why he never tells anyone anything about his social life. Blegh.
“We were…uhm. We were at the same music event thing. A couple years back now, I think.” Truth. Kind of. They might’ve gotten off on a better foot from the beginning if Psi hadn’t been clinging to his beloved Dearests, Void recalls with a bitter smile.
“Oh, he makes music?” If there’s one thing Void would change about Sumire, it’s their habit of getting way too invested in other people’s business. Always the same with fans-turned-friends. Starts out endearing, flattering, among a sea of annoying faceless supporters. Ends up just another one of them.
“I mean...yeah.” Half-truth. Void angles for more of a well duh, fool tone rather than the initial I dunno, I’m just bluffing about his life so you guys don’t panic.
It’s not even a bluff, technically. Psychic can sing. Irritatingly well, in fact, and it’s a miracle Void’s managed to get even that much out of him. He’s still trying to get the guy to spill his big secret; how he beat the little blue brat in a song battle.
“That’s great!” Sumire, clueless as ever, practically jumps for joy. “We’ve all got that in common, so this should be fun!”
“Exactly.” Void smiles. Fun.
He and Psi better not regret this.
Radi probably shouldn’t have let it go so easily.
The front door swings open, a cold breeze sweeping through, as a well-dressed young flamehead nonchalantly lets himself in, to a whoop from Void.
He’s taller than Radi expected. And more purple. If they weren’t so obviously two separate species, Radi might have assumed Psychic and Void were somehow related. Fourth cousins, or something like that.
Although, Radi’s not entirely sure what he had been expecting. Someone more…stereotypical? Someone tiny, lugging around crystals and amulets with the scent of burning incense trailing behind? Someone who’d likely speak in crypts and vague allusions?
Psychic is none of those things. As he greets Void and turns piercing magenta eyes on the two friends-turned-outsiders, Radi can’t help but feel like this man knows him.
He resists the urge to step protectively in front of his friend. It’s a little silly, he knows, Psychic is barely Sumire’s height, but something in his confident stance, the way he surveys Radi with cold, newfound interest, is more intimidating than it should be.
He should have known better, really. A.C. Void is not one to make friends with a stereotype.
Psychic doesn’t extend a hand. Neither does Radi. They just sort of not-glare at each other while Void not-glares at both of them to Get Along Before He Blows Apart This Entire Star System.
Psychic speaks first. “Well, hi. You must be Radi and Sumire.” His voice, low and smooth, echoes throughout Radi’s mind. Not a voice. Telepathy?
“And you’re Psychic, right? It’s great to meet you!” Sumire pipes up before Radi can say anything. Their sunny-side-up attitude is his only source of reassurance right now, that he’s not alone.
Psychic blinks, his shoulders easing. “That’s right. Pleased to meet you as well.” His gaze flicks between the two of them, eyes narrowing as they land on Radi. “Void’s already told me a bit about you two.” He knows how to be civil. He knows how to lie. Okay, Radi notes.
Void, far too self-absorbed to talk about anyone else, now and forever, herds them away from the door and down the hall. "You guys need to help me peer pressure Psi into revealing his big secret."
Big secret? Radi can believe that. Psychic has been watching him too intently for too long now.
"He beat Boyfriend-dot-freakin’-XML in a rap battle." Void makes a face, does a little flourish. Oh. That. "And he's gonna tell us how he did it. Right, Radi?"
You are not dragging me into your weird spat with that kid, Radi wants to retort. The problem was never he beat me in a rap battle. The problem was he wouldn't leave me alone and what if Lofie finds out where I’ve been because of him. He can't trust anyone, after all. Except his baby sister. And she can't be that for him anymore.
Void doesn't get it. As always.
“Right,” Radi presses his lips together. “Psychic, Void mentioned that you make music.”
“Ooh, yeah, right!” Sumire jumps in enthusiastically. “Is that like what you do for a living, or is it just a hobby?”
Psychic stiffens, giving Void a side scowl. Does he not want anyone knowing he sings? That’s a heavy contrast, isn’t it, given Psychic is supposed to be friends with A.C. Void? “Sometimes,” he relents, almost tentatively. “It’s only a hobby, not really something I do very often. My real interests lie elsewhere.” He avoids looking at any of them.
“What else are you into?” Sumire encourages.
"I like to read,” Psychic answers immediately, like it’s a default response. “Classics, mostly. And mysteries. What about you?”
“I don’t read a lot,” Sumire admits, “but I like manga! Usually I just listen to music and hang out with Radi.”
"Mhm.” Psychic glances back at Radi and Void before resuming conversation with them. He seems to be taking kindly to their constant stream of questions. At least Radi’s friend should be okay.
Void flashes a too-blinding grin at him. “I told you he doesn’t bite.”
“Yeah, I got it.” Radi manages a small, conciliatory smile. “You were right.”
Psychic doesn’t seem particularly fazed by the... Voidness of this house. He treats it with a sort of familiarity, like he’s accustomed to the grandeur, the almost arrogance of it all. It makes Radi wonder what background he comes from, how he got so used to being friends with someone like…well…
Void’s nice enough, but there’s a sharpness to him Radi has never entirely been able to shake off. It’s been there since their first song onstage together. A pointed focus not on their friendship, not on his fans, but on something else entirely. Radi still hasn’t figured out what it could be, what drives Void to be so…what he is.
The most prominent thing about Psychic is his stare. Even as he’s talking to Sumire and Void about books and music, every once in a while his intense gaze will snap back to Radi, as if trying to catch him off guard and see into his mind. He’s been regarding him with unnerving confidence, as if he knows something Radi doesn’t and wouldn’t hesitate to use that to his advantage. Radi swallows.
He could never be like Void, like Psychic, with their cool gazes and smug demeanors and the sparks of unearthly power in their eyes.
“So, Psychic, you’re from Earth, right?” Sumire is saying. “I live there too! Which area are you from?”
“I’ve been living in Newgrounds City for most of my life,” Psychic responds casually. He doesn’t confirm whether he’s actually from Earth, Radi notes.
Sumire stops dead. “Really? That’s insane, so have I! How have we not met already?”
“It’s a large area,” Void points out quickly. “And I think he’s in a different part of the city than you guys. It’s, uh, it’s not that surprising, honestly.”
“Obviously,” Psychic mutters. “I don’t actually go out that much either. I’m usually too busy for that.”
“What do you do?” Radi knits his brows. How much can he find out about this man before Psychic catches on?
Psychic and Void exchange an uncomfortable look. They were planning something beforehand, he realizes. But before Radi can say anything, Psychic starts, “There’s this family whose business I help…manage. It’s good pay.” His tone makes it clear that’s all he’s saying.
“And part of that includes beating Boyfriend-dot-freakin’-XML in a song battle?” Radi can’t resist. “Or does that count as a hobby?”
“Radi—” Void and Sumire yelp at the same time.
“No, no, it’s okay.” Amusement gleams in Psychic’s eyes. “Both.”
“Yes.” Psychic doesn’t elaborate.
“Well, do you ever plan to explain how you managed that?” Radi tries. He’s trying. Void can’t say he’s not trying.
“Well.” Radi turns to Void. “I have done all I can do.”
“Oh, come on!” Void bursts out. “You hate him just as much as I do, why aren’t you gonna do this for us?!”
“Because it’s more complicated than that,” Psychic sighs.
“How can it possibly be more complicated—“
“Guys,” Sumire interrupts pleadingly. “That’s enough. You can fight about Boyfriend later. Can’t we talk about something else?”
The way Psychic and Void both glower at him, Radi hopes Sumire hasn’t sealed his own fate.
“...Fine,” Void yields. He turns to Psychic. “But if you keep holding out, I might actually cancel you.”
“Uh-huh.” Psychic scoffs. “‘Course you would, cousin.” Cousin? The absolute can of worms that is this pair’s relationship.
“Come on, already.” Sumire rolls their eyes, dragging Void into the kitchen. “Let’s get a snack! Let’s watch a movie or something! Psychic, do you like Marvel?”
"I hate Marvel.”
Void brightens. “That’s perfect, actually! We can make fun of the bad storylines together! And talk about how much better I could do as a director!”
“Exactly!” Sumire cheers.
"That…actually does sound fun,” Psychic admits. “Okay.”
“Okay,” Radi echoes. Maybe he can gauge Psychic’s true intentions better if they spend more time doing casual stuff like this. Maybe it will be fun and Radi has just been paranoid this whole time. Maybe he’s been reading too deeply into Psychic’s mannerisms, the numbing cold in his eyes every time they meet Radi’s.
Probably not, but it’s a soothing idea to think about. He holds on to it anyway.
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rhfffas · 1 year
PLZ stop comparing heartstopper with c dramas
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This is so upsetting to read, before you defend chinese danmei dramas I urge you at least do some research abt real queer experience in China. 
China is a totalitarian state and anti-lgbtq, the government do not allow actual queer content showing in tv or even in web series. So even if the mangas the books are abt actual queer characters, the live action tv adaptation is QUEER ERASURE. It’s not even queerbaiting cuz queerbaiting shows usually do acknowledge queer ppl existence. BUT Chinese censorship do not acknowledge queer ppl existence. Queerness is NOT allowed appear in tv. So the danmei/yuri c dramas are strictly “brotherhood””sisterhood”, with comhet. Yes, the Compulsory Heterosexuality is everything to China officials cuz they believe its the root of the family and the country. Also, you know China is a place where multiple ethnic group exist right? BUT those tv shows (well not just danmei/yaoi) almost exclusively showing Han Chinese characters, I wonder why.  (re: the Uyghur genocide) Don’t even get me start with the whitewashing of actors/characters in both canon and fandom. And the homophbia&biphobia in fandom is crazy too. Many fans even do not support lgbtq rights, in fact they actively anti-lgbtq cuz they only love those imaginary danmei stories, but do not care abt real queer ppl. Ccp anti lgbtq propaganda is worsening it, so fans prefer cut themselves off from lgbtq community. The homophbia comments are everywhere. Not that diversed and progressive. 
As an opressed chinese queer, I’d say I HATE those danmei/yaoi chinese dramas. They never are my representation and they never will be. They are Cultural Appropriation. They mock at my existence. They are not made by queer ppl they are just money maker for those who have the power to make the show. If you find yourself enjoying those media, suit yourself, just do not say they are more progressive than western media, they are NOT. They are even weaponized against chinese queers who just want to fight for a chance to live, cuz conservatives be like, YOU QUEERS LITERALLY HAVE SO MANY DANMEI/YAOI SHOWS HOW COME YOU SAY YOU ARE OPPRESSED?! But those shows just rly are not queer representation. We chinese queers are still fighting for BEING SEEN. 
Plus, the only Pride event used to held in Shanghai is now banned in China, and just recently China closed the last LGBT center in China. Ppl can get arrested or killed for being trans but media will not report it. Judging ppl by if they go to Pride events or not are so wild, and also, it’s not like danmei/yaoi writers are queers. So many of them are cis straight women. So thats the reason why I dont like chinese danmei/yaoi works cuz they are not realistic. But again, if you enjoy them thats not my business. Just dont say they are real chinese queer experience on my behave.
The point is, if you dont even know anything abt real chinese queer struggles, stop comparing Heartstopper with chinese danmei/yaoi shows and think heartstopper is less than them or just arrgantly say danmei/yaoi authors dont go to pride events! I know so many chinese queers and me included who feel so happy while watching Heartstopper!
Platforms like netflix favor cis white mlm but put zero effects in promoting poc queer shows and queer women shows and cancelling queer women shows is NOT abt c dramas. Dont be that whataboutism. AND dont romanticize c dramas.
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lordiavolo22 · 2 years
oh i hope i'm not late but!! lucifer for for the character ask if you still up for it!
never too late to talk about lucifer!!!!!!!!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: def bisexual. like theres no question in my mind abt this one. on like whose hes slept w... although as much as it GRATES MY TEETH!!! im sure lucifers first was a human or demon woman. Killing her twice since it was thousands of years agoo. also off topic still but i dont think he was uhm. sexually active for a while prior to the beginning of the game. he doesnt seem like hed ever dated anyone before. just too busy and uninterested. demisexual ish???
Gender Headcanon: i dont really think the demons or angels have... a gender? like i think theyre all non binary but wouldnt use a specific term for it. obviously theyre all gnc, and ok with "dressing" as "women" as seen in the dames event! but i kinda love the hc that lucifer could be a trans woman. its not my canon, but id definitely love to explore it.
A ship I have with said character: dialuci and oBVIOUSLLY me and lucifer should be everyones otp 🙄. i think diavolo and lucifer arent ... dating but have some weird thing going on. theyve fucked, and lucifer was diavolos first and only (till eve SORRY i never shut up abt her/me.)
A BROTP I have with said character: i think it was you who said simeon!!! and i have to agree bcuz they are a fun pair. i love how simeon teases him lmfao.
A NOTP I have with said character: obviously any of his brothers, and mostly anyone else too i guess bcuz im JEALOUS!!!! i think sololuci could be interesting tho
A random headcanon: he can be silly and fun but its not often and its in his own way. you wont see him posting memes but he did do the face game in the anime. hes absolutely submissive with anyone hes actually interested in. hes absolutely into hamilton LMFAO. i can convert him into a lesbian . theres a few.
General Opinion over said character: love love lpve love love love love love love lo. ❤️😍😘💕💗💖💞❣️😻👩‍❤️‍👨💏👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏩🫶❤️‍🔥
hes not. a daddy dom or a bad guy. ik ppl give him shit for everything he does but i think he is legitmatwly a good guy whose hardworking, and wants to protect his family. he has a hardtime being sympathetic to others struggles, but i think its something he works at especially after mc is in the picture. i dont even see hol as super wealthy, but like ik thus is RIDICULOUS but lucifer is more blue collar than he is a jumin han? he doesnt ever seem to take a break and works late into the night p much wverytime we see him. even his sleeping ur+ was him sleeping in his office. i dont think hes a sadist or evil like wveryone makes him out to be. hes just kinda blunt and old man who dry texts. but he can also be fun !!!! he likes fun things !!! he gets super special interest over plays and even is a talented actor !! fr guys leave luci alone.... orz
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thetatutraveler · 3 years
So, Ive been thinking a lot about this since I first watched the movie, im not saying if whatever was intentional or not bc it dont rlly matter the intention but it is the way I percive. And I see a lots of clear ADHD symptoms and experience on her:
Mirabel's extremely clumsy: she's constantly bumping and stumbling on things and ppl. The film pass through 2 days (not counting when they lost their house), and through theses 2 days, she bumbs at least 10 times and def this isnt a neurotypical amount of times for someone who already uses glasses. Adhders have this tendency to be extremely clumsy bc of distraction and problems with balancing themselves in general
She's overtalkative: isnt just bc she's main character, there's a least 3 situations when she's nervous about something and she tells to somebody, she does talk lot and very fast. This is a hyperactivity symptom that is called mental hyperactivity, when the hyperactivity happens within your brain, so u think faster than the neurotypicals. And if u think faster, u'll wanna talk a lot and faster to catch up with your thoughts.
The feeling of being always left behind, make more effort to do less. This can be compared to family's gifs as a metaphor, they're better and more efficient at doing stuff than her and bc of this, she have to run to try to reach them and tries to compansete her gift-less (neurodivergency/ADHD) but failing at doing so.
Mirabel couldnt wait for abuela alma to finish her talking about isabela's proposal during the louch time to talk to luisa about the magic, even when she's especificly asked to wait. This both a trait hyperactivity and impulsivity (both are part of adhd). It is comon for adhders to interrupt ppl while they're talking to talk before bc 1) it's more dificult for them to wait their time to do something, 2) they wanna share something sooner as possible before they forget what they wanna say (atenction déficit, basically being distracted), before is too late.
I can consider too she hyperfocoused on solving and saving the miracle at the point she completely looses the whole preparation for the dinner with mariano's familly and her sister proposal. Wich was important too and her entire family were preparing themselves for the event while she was the only one who couldn't pretend to ignore what was happening to la casita. She couldnt bc for adhders it's way hader to concentrate on something that arent genuine interested on, mirabel definitely was "too busy investigating the house's cracks to think about other things".
Side notes for this one: you see she only got after her sister and talked about the proposal when bruno's vision lead her to do it. What I mean is when her hyperfocous about the miracle converges makes her think about isabela and, consequently, her proposal.
That's it for now. How i couldnt find a single post talking about adhd mirabel, I had to be the one to say it to the world.
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wolfsneedles · 3 years
My Re-read of a storm of swords and i just cant get over how interesting it as book with iconic lines and carefully crafted dialogues and some miserable important deaths of some of my fav characters. Like this book, is really the iphone of asoiaf lol. A fine wine. Arbor gold. It starts from same events left incomplete in clash of kings but only that now every person meets their consequences and disastrous results of wrong moves & mistakes end so perfectly and painfuly in conclusive way. A feast for crows obviously focuses more on king's landing events and some of the riverlands with brienne and jaime. Might say it isn't my fav book yet since im reading it too apart from some breathtaking prophecies and aemon declaring how prince that was promised could be --> dany
However, ASOS is best best book ever. So much mess and bittersweet endings.
You see catelyn, robb and riverlands arc ending in the most tragic way as result of all small excusable mistakes to the reader that piled up and finally execution of red wedding with bangs and drums, not to mention this event was so catatonic and an irreversible tragedy that almost all characters had visions and dreams of it (patchface, Ghost of high heart, theon, daenerys, jon perhaps later) knowing half of these characters never met the victims of the red wedding.
This event also meant - northern power of houses and faith of independence and somewhat retribution they deserved or wish they had is thwarted now and almost all of them die there esp strength of dustin, manderlys along with boltons betraying them and roose coming out as an iconic cold hearted brute and villain somewhat.
This book also shows how stark sisters had their paths turned after the tiring chasing and running away like arya through war torn lands and sansa finally fleeing KL to Vale with littlefinger - in a way a complete revival again of her and arya embarking on to braavos with an entirely different name now and somewhat purpose we dont know yet also ends her arc of sadness and despair she felt when chasing and running towards her lady mother and robb at the twins. kind of tragic tbh more for her how she saw or heard almost every death of a stark. near to her or family, she saw horror unfolding in front of her eyes.
You have lannisters coming off as victorious ( not really then...) since tywin and tyrion's last scene is iconic. Its like how the might of house lannister which in case tywin refers to himself is broken on a freaking privy - somewhat bittersweet ending since we know cersei and jaime are already not so in a good mental state to make up for heir of casterly rock - and then we have tyrion fleeing too again, once more, finally, to essos as we know. This ending of his arc in KL is also imp since he entered this city like tywin as hand of the king and is leaving like a prisoner. Idk seems perfect to me how he runs and tywin who came as hand of king replacing his son, now goes back in ehh coffin...glory indeed.
You have bran and rickon already parting in ACOK, BUT now the most importent part of brans journey also begins somehow. and therefore him abandoning winterfell and that side of north for further journey is too sad for me too in a lot of ways. His connection to his own home as the last stark who was residing there has ended too (prob bloodraven has more action for my boy i hope).
You have Lysa Tully in the Vale before sansa arrived there with baelish, and she also ultimately gets too much of frightening end in same castles and doors she never opened for anyone - even refusing to help her sister during war because now i wonder had the vale signed for stark side, how different circumstances would be but then tywin wanted to play rains of castamere so bad (i hate him sorry)
Jaime and Brienne still were busy in their road ventures and romantic comedy but him arriving as cripple and maimed to KL, is again of uttermost importance since he in his thoughts lose a lot of confidence in himself now not really making him a perfect candidate for so many things,,, again he has to sort out some issues with his big of bully sister and not-so-accommodating power hungry deluded father but he chose to argue and decline offer for heir of rock and also confessed his utter disregard for poor kids he have, joffrey especially. Idk im so confused what this golden lion & a trained chivalrous warrior is onto since jaime's chapter is like a realistic slap on your face & we see his POV in ASOS only and then he just goes thru huuuge turmoil lol. (not good day or year for him tbh)
Lastly we have daenerys who then vows to settle in mereen making it evident in way how she isn't obsessed with utter power and throne of her ancestors as some ppl speculate, ofc she appears in ADWD again but her freeing slaves and singing dracarys is my another fav momet of ASOS, since dany is really not a frightened confused child she was, she is getting hold of things in realistic way too, and meets barristan, gets to know abt their betrayals, basically gets Unsullied, idk a major iconic moment if u see in contrast to how everyone is losing war now in westeros and wo5k is coming to kind of an end, with balon dying, robb and joff dead, and stannis...(well he is another spiritual case) going to the wall, we see how horrifying brutal war did come to an end in ASOS in the end eventually with tywin also dying. So dany getting an army of unsullied opposed to all other armies kind of dissolving in westeros is quite a distinction. ( bonus points she is young and woman and alone and has 3 dragon )
On the Wall - jon plays and practiced swords with emmett and then struck by memory of him and robb playing & above all how he wants to be lord of winterfell. In the end Jon Snow wins the vote in a landslide victory and is named the 998th Lord Commander. His entire journey from start of ASOS was with ygritte and Wildlings and then finally giving up on mance and returning to Wall with no expectations of him being commander after having spent moments alone and with wildlings and others with him just a ranger.
Realising in the end now, how storm of swords puts people in power like jon and dany and others like boltons and freys in north & riverlands, at the same time starks and lannisters are in way battered and struck by at a time tragedies. Half of people who were away from their families unite or return back like jaime while other half return somewhere more far (arya sansa at vale and braavos with bran more far from winterfell, rickon too), most of the 5 kings are dead too. Also aftermath of war at end of ASOS and AFFC also describes perfectly the attitude and responses of smallfolk towards whoever results in being the king of no concern to them. Most of the small roads and inns were damaged and plundered with woman and children killed or raped and men usually dead too. When we see arya or jaime and brienne usually, we read their POVs, we also see the wrenching elements of war too and how main message could also be that lords play their game of thrones but peasants suffer dreadfully more, we also see how smallfolks have no trust or loyalties towards any house or liege lord. They usually refer to starks and lannister conflict as 'wolves came...or lions did this'. Major point i noticed.
not to mention again, in essos and on the wall 2 different realities and places that mid westeros, we see dany and jon and their ingrown different experiences and attitudes towards smallfolks. freeing of slaves and getting some loyalties tied to you, while living with wildlings and seeing how they rule and eat and sleep like a commoner is so important. The Wall also gives meaning to how real breathing humans are segregated from westeros and other houses as result of prejudice and inborn enmities. The slaves in chains indicate how their little lives in Yunkai is not of importance when they are...utterly children. some of them.
ASOS has major shifting thoughts and stories tbh. Its like gospel of asoiaf for me.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
3, 5, 14, 32, and 42 for Thurwen, 9, 12, 25, 44, and 79 for Espira, and 14, 79, 18, and 70 for Valkya? :)
3. How do they dress?
She wears her warden armor most of the time, maybe not all the heavy plate but she likes to have the weight of it on her. She finds it comforting plus it lets ppl know not to fuck with her. When she's not wearing a warden insignia ppl still mistake her for a servant sometimes and that doesn't end well for anybody :/ When she's not wearing any armor or insignia at all she dresses pretty plainly- maybe a tan tunic with cropped sleeves to show off her arms and brown laced breeches with a pocketed belt loosely slung over it. No jewelry except the warden's oath amulet and maybe some sharp rings that both show her station and give an extra bite when she punches someone in the face.
5. How big is their family?
On the small side? For a long time it was only her, her dad and her cousins Soris and shianni. Sometimes but not often met with her aunts and uncles but travel is expensive from alienage to alienage so only for very important events like funerals or weddings. Now that she can afford to pay for travel she meets with them more often and pays for their travel too- she's met a lot more family and has made it a point to get them all together more often. And with Soris married and having kids soon it's especially important to her to stay in the picture.
14. How do they react to someone dying?
She's definitely more on the stoic side of things- you'll get no wailing or weeping from her but she will cry if she knew them well, as silently as shes able. Plays more the role of comforter for other people reacting to the death, will postpone her own reaction until she's alone. If it's someone she really cares about it will be more like she's choking on her tears and will excuse herself to scream into her hand, bite her arms and punch trees and headbutt the wall until it passes and she's left on the ground bleeding.
32. When faced with a difficult decision do they get stronger or break?
I wouldn't say she gets stronger but she definitely doesn't break. She's had to make a lot of difficult decisions in her life and she's never backed down from it or refused responsibility for anything. Probably takes too much responsibility for things and makes difficult decisions for others when they're unable, then deals with the consequences herself.
9. Why is their name, their name?
She was named after her great aunt on her dad's side who died defending their home during wartimes
12. How do they cope with struggles?
More likely to turn inward and spend more time alone, kind of unintentionally secludes herself. Prone to overthinking. Once shes become aware of this shes more likely to go to others for advice, people she knows and trusts. When shes feeling really unsure will hike up to the throat of the world and have a chat with Paarthenaux, who she considers like a grandpa.
25. If they were given the task to prank someone, who would it be, what would they do, and would the prank work?
Ooooh she would definitely prank her little brother Riley. She needs some help setting it up, though. Years of his prankster antics have to be repaid in full. Shed want to do something really elaborate and multi staged, something that ends with him covered in chicken feathers and dangling upside down.
44. How do they speak? Examples - Are they soft spoken, hot heated, vulgar
She speaks fairly quietly but it has the kind of effect that makes people quiet down and want to lean in to hear more of it. Soft spoken and puts a lot of care into her words. Kind of has a.. Dragony deep aspect to it? Kind of the undercurrent of a rumble when she gets angry, like a thunderstorm held underneath it. Idk how to explain it but she speaks quietly because her voice is very unique- she is the dragon born, and you really dont wanna hear her shouting.
79. Is there someone in their life that they care about more than themselves?
She cares about everyone because that's who she is, but at the top of that list are Serana and the kids and Riley. She'd do anything for them.
14. How do they react to someone dying?
She feels…. Something?? It really varies on the time and who it is. Over so many years shes seen more death than any of my other ocs and with that comes a certain amount of separation. Used to be a lot more empathetic but shes become so detached from the very idea of death shes just kind of like “oh hot girl bummer :/” gsdgseh. Valkya now is a very different person from freshly 30 year old valkya before the whole immortal thing. At her worst when shes in a totally drugged up state and cares about nothing besides pleasure she treats it like a game and has no pity or real care about mortals who drop like flies. In her better states shes more respectful about it and is capable of feeling deeply for those the deceased leave behind. It depends on how shes doing!
79. Is there someone in their life that they care about more than themselves?
Valkya is both obsessed with herself and hates herself, so yes and no. She used to care about everyone deeply way more than herself, but watching everyone she cared about die? Seeing that no matter what she does everyone dies and theres nothing she can do? She tries not to care about people anymore, just Dem and Hakon. Shed give herself up back to Coldharbour if it meant they would be okay.
18. What flaws do they have?
Oh lord, let's go. Self obsessed. Martyr complex. Loud, obnoxious. Capable of great apathy and cruelty. Hero complex. Starts fights for entertainment. Brash. Loudmouthed braggart. Cocky, arrogant, hedonistic, immature, lewd, inserts herself wildly into other peoples business, gossip, nosey, etc.
70. Do they like themselves?
Complex question, yes and no. She used to like herself fine, but over the years it's evolved into both an intense love for herself and an intense hate which coexist unhealthily. Both thinks shes the best in the entire world and the worst to ever exist. Will never admit to hating herself unless shes entirely wasted though, otherwise its all only the self adoration she exaggerates to cover her insecurities.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
A Letter To Bee
Positivity muffin basket for the Bee!!! I actually have a third party version of tumblr that shows me my browsing history off a button on my feed, and i use it to bookmark my favorite accounts, and both this account and the IC one are on there.
i have made it a habit every morning that i will come and check both accounts, and i have notifications on, for both, and ye, i love the world you have created for us all to immerse ourselves in, and project onto and i love that you let us all put forward HCs and you accept some, and expand on them, and we’ve inspired mini-fics, and that you seem genuinely excited to have us around to read it.
I know it seems a little like its taking credit from you, but it really does feel like this AU was a team effort? I know you did all the heavy lifting and writing, and I respect that it is 75% yours, but woah I love the group, team feeling of the blog. 
It’s a small thing, but I love that you leave the interpretation of each of the characters genders up to the reader too, cuz it certainly helped me to feel even more seen, cuz I never get to indulge both my trans-ness and my agere in the same au, so, to know that I don’t have to see everyone as cis if I don’t want to. It’s relieving.
I love that you have the lists of anons so everyone can see what they can identify with, it makes me feel special to see my little yellow heart there, in pride of place, and I love how you think of all of us as friends, and how you seem to bounce when someone pops up who you haven’t seen for a while.
I love how (on the in-character blog) you make the effort to mention if someone has to go somewhere, and, in some cases, to change the message to reflect that, like Ro dropping off in the middle to bounce, or a clearly smol Vee trying to type from his cgs lap, or Lo transcribing, or even just someone going “I’m gunna go change vee so I’ll leave you with…” idk, it feels real.
And on that note, I like that you had hesitation about the diaper thing, and that adult vee has a different opinion to little vee and I like how we don’t often see it cuz most writers are afraid of going down that route but you aren’t (it males me feel even more seen, and I understand that it’s a projection, which makes me get all fluttery in my tummy that I’m not the only one that feels that way and ye idk, that’s a different thing, but it makes me feel like I have a friend on that front).
I love how sometimes you have events that last the day, like Remy taking over, or the kids when the cgs are at the meeting, or how Ro will comment on little things that are going on. And I love how you tag the tickle related stuff, no matter what, even on the IC blog, and I love how you’re so talented as to make each character distinct and have their own sign off, and their own cadence of speech and their own opinions on things, and I like how everyone has their own 3 dimensional life, that they’re not just flattened down to “this agere au is soft”.
I like that everyone has ups and downs in moods, and that they tease each other, and that they know when not to go too far, and I like how easily we can fit ourselves into the AU without being intrusive, and how even the existence of the account has it’s own lore (that its Virgil’s old one). And that we are technically all in that world with them (i love that detail), and that each character is so distinct and has their own way of reacting to thing and speaking about things, and the little games you play sometimes, and the fact each post is dated so we can search for that date if we’re looking for something, and that it literally seems like a family.
That there’s ups and downs and Christmas lists (and different beliefs on santa) and a committee for Ro to sleep, and breakfast is a religious tradition, not just an after thought and that Logan has work days where we actually cant reach him, and that it has noticeable adverse affects on mood and relationships and that sometimes whole days are affected by how everyone felt whilst Lo was busy, and that, like with Vees reaction to Janus, work isn’t always something that everyone is gunna be comfortable with. And idk I think you’re really good at making it realistic seeming.
I love that you have separate tags for fanart and fanfic and cosplay and that you have inspired so many people with your silly little hobby (I say that kindly, I love it, and I know its important).And I love that you created a way for people to do things that they never thought possible before they found themselves in your fic, and found a community of people who love and accept them for who they are and that we can identify with not often seen things that you put in your fics, and i love that they aren’t all one happy family.
I love that there’s tensions in there to be worked through, and i love that it doesn’t seem to have a foreseeable end and most of all, i love you Bee. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. From Luke (tearful-Babi) xx
Bee: hhhhhhh i.. like dont actually have words.. i’ve kept this in my inbox for a couple days trying to think of a meaningful response but you’ve genuinely just made me speechless.. so just thank you so much i’m so glad that my writing and my blogs can mean so much to ppl <3
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ywyunho · 5 years
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     *     hewwo so late but just finished an exam and this intro will reflect the exhaustion i currently feel so please excuse me but yw’s open ! ! 🥳🥳🥳 will list a couple points down below and some plot ideas until i can get a proper page up but here’s his profile for some stats and that’s about all i got. please feel free to like this if you’d like for me to roll into ur ims or please. also feel free to just roll into mine, i also have discord if that’s easier, just lmkk. but anyways this is kim yunho, km2 canon, a bro that pretends he has a personality. 
kim family, influential, involved in local politics and yunho doesn’t get the hype?? but it instills the belief in him he’s always got to be the polished, good-mannered son bc he is a reflection of his family and doesn’t wanna let them down................. or so he says
indecisive as shit, grows up doing a multitude of things in hopes of finding a definitive passion, is a quick study so its easy to go thru the motions w different hobbies or interests but boredom is like a disease that never stops giving . 
one hobby that happens to stick the handcrafted violin his grandfather gives him and he accepts it with an :o *insert sparkles all around his face* expression bc this feels like trust . this feels like a sign .
breaks said thing but initially in fear and desire to make reparations to grandfather (and himself) begins to look into violin-making and the craft of lutherie and there begins his first long-term interest, something he still does in spare time to calm himself when feelings n existence is too much
is a bit of a (used lightly) delinquent growing up, but nothing serious . more like following rules??? when u can ignore responsibilities and explore as a child???? its all done in the name of boredom!!!!!!! and privilege can make one very. haughty
but is a good boy, as seen thru his innocent features that old ppl just luv ok, overall despite dramatic tendencies when things don’t go his way, excessive pouting, silent treatment, brief phases of anger that don’t last long and are quick to exhaust him and have him wondering what was the point of feeling that much
leaves for university, forced to take something not. crafts related basically bc his parents dont trust him NOT to get bored and stress the vital importance in finishing THIS degree (major in business administration, minor in political science) before he can do much else, hoping it’ll make him settle down and stop chasing wanderlust 
makes it three years in, loses grandfather mid-way thru but pushes it all down, after the third comes the loss of a friend that he will basically never talk about now (tho people probably know ig?? considering. small town and his family at the very least were told), leading to him citing life is short and drops out to go on a backpacking trip thru europe like he thinks rich kids do and then stays with a couple friends in the states and basically . months pass and what was supposed to be his final year comes and passes before he finally promises parents to come home. its all very controversial
he is a disappointment and he knows it (so he says and thinks quite bitterly)
now works as desk clerk @ hot springs to get away from being at home at the time,  does not talk much about his time away, is a little more detached in hopes it’ll keep people from talking to him / about him when he’s still around . knows rumours probably fly around about the potential he had and the lack of results but . he pretends he simply does not care 
the end this was long and boring
to SUMMARIZE: boy doesn’t know what to be, is told to fit family mold, fails that and comes back a little broken.
possible connections???
childhood friends he used to hang around with until he left for university, probably awkward now and yes its prob entirely his fault, sue him
he used to declare u public enemy #1 and was so goddamn annoying........... except now he’s completely forgotten who u are and it’s ANNOYING.
he goes on morning jogs and maybe u join him . or maybe he joins u. maybe its cute. maybe it becomes a challenge and both tries to out-sprint the other . or maybe its just yunho 
parents once entertained/joked about the idea of the two of u getting married when yall grew up and excuse me. its like. 2020 . but hello could’ve been betrothed, how are u
you’re good at something and he wants to master it now. he is annoying.
you both used to share everything w each other and maintained contact when he left yangwon until he disappeared over the grid and now that he’s back u keep asking him how time outside of yangwon was and he keeps tries to actively get away from u with very badly exercised excuses . little do u kno its bc hes not ready to talk about his feelings and every time he sees ur face he wants to do just that
alternatively he sprints in the opposite direction every time he sees u and u dont know if he hates u for some reason or if hes full of himself or if u smell (cue edward cullen montage here) but god forbid........ its a cr*sh?
high school exes................... there is a lot of ways this could go
pseudo siblings, older or younger, bc yunho loves the concept of family
ur so c*te he literally trips when he sees u. insert a million other embarrassing events here
slightly antagonistic, but for the 100th time, yunho is annoying growing up with bc he oozes ‘im a good son, please love me’ pheromones with that disgustingly sweet smile of this but now that he’s back and not so faux perfect and theres some talk and u find maybe he’s not So annoying anymore
he likes to walk thru the rain and let himself get soaked and u are genuinely concerned bc what the f*ck dude . or u join him. what happens next may or may not warm ur heart .
works @ hot springs....... maybe he sees smth....... he shouldnt........?????????/ or maybe........ u want him to............????????/ god idk
this is so hard ill take anything .
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sirvalrigard · 5 years
genuinely cannot figure it out. cann you please tell me what the fnaf series is about
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OK OK so like we’re extremely off our shits rn but lets try to make this coherent
edit: this actually turned into a fucking wall of infodump bullshit so adding a cut lol
1970s. a gay furry dad named henry emily decides to make a furry restaurant cause he’s passionate abt animatronics and making kids happy. he opens the restaurant with a man named william afton as his business partner. henry makes animatronics and william handles idk being fucking creepy and handling money is my best guess. the restaurant is called Fredbear’s Family Diner, featuring Fredbear and Spring Bonnie (after a year or two it becomes popular enough for henry to have money to build bonnie, freddy, chica, and foxy too!) 
ok so shits fine and normal until william billiam is like ‘hmm im gonna be a child predator now’
on a rainy night one of henry’s children, Charlie Emily, is locked outside the pizzeria somehow, where william finds and kills them. the security marionette that henry built to protect his kids drags itself outside to their body, and thus is possessed by their spirit
obviously henry is fucked up but no one knew who the killer was, so henry was able to reopen another location, this time under the new name of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, with the now familiar friends Bonnie, Freddy, Foxy, and Chica to join the original two! multiple locations are eventually opened, and things are going just fucking fine until WILLY billy does his bullshit again!!
this time he lures them into the back by wearing a Spring Bonnie suit, and kills four children and stuffs their bodies into Bonnie, FReddy, Foxy, and Chica, where Marionette (charlie) finds them and binds their souls to the animatronics
but even though willish addon was employed at the very location he killed kids at, AND he was even convicted as the killer, since police couldnt find the bodies (and are useless) he didnt go to jail which is honestly so accurate its the scariest part of the franchise
so like henry at this point i imagine is like “fuck this” and sells the restaurant line to—you know what? honestly? i would love to know who runs Fazbear Entertainment. with the way help wanted was going i rlly hope we get an expansion on that with them as the villians (destroy capitalism) ANYWAY–
“Fazbear Entertainment” becomes the parent company of this mess now and theyre like :)……oh lets hire that william guy again hes fine
and at this point wwillus is making his OWN fucking pizzeria and his OWN animatronics and is actively kidnapping, torturing, and killing children to steal life essence from their souls! during the process of testing this, he gets his own ‘daughter’ Elizabeth Afton killed!! yeah im not fucking making this up!! (ppl in the fandom really defend this guy lol)
1983. so as Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzas are expanding,  Willard Afturd somehow? got himself some children. like to raise. like as a “““father”““. personally i do like 2 think a mother was involved but honestly he totally coulda just fucking kidnapped some random children to raise as his own and im starting to think thats more plausible  actually BUT ITS NOT GAME THEORY TIIME
one of these kids he is personally torturing! his own “son”! incredible! long story short this traumatized child ( unofficially named CC Afton ) is forced into the mouth of Fredbear by his brother Michael Afton and his friends, aaaand he dies ( and is guided by Charlie to possess Fredbear )
even after years of rumors about dead kids being hidden in animatronics, its this accident is the last straw for Fazbear’s Pizza and they are finally shut down. then WILL rubs his nasty hands together and tries to open his OWN pizzeria with his original OCs do not Steal™, Funtime Freddy, Bon Bon, Ballora, Circus Baby ( possessed by Elizabeth) , and Funtime Foxy and theyre all. probably possessedtoo cause theyre used 4 his kid torture fetish
uh ok so Aphton is like hey michael go clean up my child abuse for me anyway brb so his son Mwanders into his father’s Pizzeria to find his sister elizabeth . long story short…………he finds her and she does the “we’re brothers but closer” spongebob meme but also with her friends
ANd they leave! hooray! from then on the story is about Michael, whos zombified now after being used as a husk to hide an amalgamation of 5 animatronics fucking trying to find his shitty fuckass dad, and to help the anguished and vengeful spirits inside
but the first location to reopen after having been shut down, Wilson AAAAA is employed AND KILLS SOME MORE KIDS who would have guessed omg amazing..stunning.. and michael is employed there JUST a week too late like it happens RIGHT before he’s employed so Wumbo Man gets away again and Fazbear Entertainment gets shut down AGAIN, in 1987
not too many years later Fazbear Entertainment tries to open restaurants yES AGAIN and theyre still using the original animatronics that are still rotting and bloody on the inside . somehow this place stays open for a bit, and michael is employed there still looking for Worst Father Ever, and the children attack him due to rage and confusion, and when they kill another employee, the restaurant is shut down for like the trillionth time
but then for some reason Whenwillhedie Afton is like im gonna go try to dismantle the other haunted animatronics at the shut down pizzerias cause i dont actually even know i have shit for brains and also probably wanted to melt them down for life juice BUT
theyrelike FUCK OFF and the spirits of the children materialize in front of Wellington Well Done and force him into the old crusty spring bonnie suit that he’d murdured in before nd spring is like FUCKy ou and crushesAlton with their animatronic parts aand smush him. trapped now #springbonnieisgoodguy
the spirits go to rest in animatronica, the events of fnafworld happen when: 30 fucing years later in like the 2010s some jackasses thought it would be a good idea to mak e a haunted hoiuse attraction based on fazbear’s pizza and use actual shit from the restaurants and of COURSE this fuck shit up hardcore and disturbs the spirits from the rest that they were in ( until it turned intp the events of FNAF World ) and then they were ripped back into reality when Fazbear’s Fright was built
also! they found WWWacky smacky Acky all rotting away inside Spring Bonnie (now called Springtrap) and were like yeah this is good. definitely not a robot struggling to hold back the influence of a murderer predator and definitely wouldnt haev a problem with being set free
basically michael hears about this thing when it opens and is the first employee there and proceeeds to burn the whole place down as soon as he sees Willmont stuck inside ofs Springtrap
buuuut it doesnt work and Springtrap and other various spirits and haunted robots are still wandering the fuck around and Henry at this point is like Okay I Need To Do Something About This Cause This Is Entirely Out Of Fucking Hand and he reopens a Freddy Fazbear’s location himself, but advertises for a manager who wants to build their own pizzeria
you know who pounces on this like a purple cat? MIKE hes like FUCK yeah egg boys gonna kill his dad and be ann egg MAN today
with the help of Henry’s use  of luring mechanics and michael’s endurance and survival skill they gather Scrap Baby (elizabeth), Lefty (charlie), Scraptrap (springtrap, unfortunately  who has a rotton raisin inside him ), and Molten Freddy (the remaining animatronics that  had jumped into michael’s skin lumped together)
soon as theyre all there ? boom . henry lights the place on fire just like mike had and THEY BOTH JUST SIT THERE AND DIE IN IT TOO LIKE ITS SO METAL and it burns everyone else as well
and all the kids are like
and drag william afton into HELL!! and they get to torture him for a while together and get the revenge they deserve hell yeah tbh UCN is so iconic
BUT Fazbear Entertainment drinks the capitalism so theyre like…. :((( we’ve been so bullied we totally didnt haev an employee who killed countless children… .pleas,e,e,, buy our mehrch, , n,,jdn
SO they employ an AU version of scott cawthon to make, essentially, the games that we’ve all been playing, but like, in-universe, – so the company in universe has fnaf video games made in order to make light of and cover up the actual murders that happened in the canon. is this too meta yet?
okay i lied this is also the scariest part of the franchise bc of how accurate it is to corrupt business hGJFSKDLHDSS
therefore, they create Help Wanted, the recently released VR game (also a game in-universe) and they use salvaged circuitboards and shit from all the old animatronics to program the game, but of course that just ends up transferring everyone’s soul into the game – the kids, the animatronic AIs, and BASTARD MAN
spring bonnie, now called Glitchtrap, is in a deteriorated mental state and is weak to Afton’s influence, and the fuck is able to manipulate an unknown amount of people into helping him out of the VR game and into the in-universe real world. one of these people was jeremy fitzgerald, michael afton’s childhood friend and a former employee at Fazbear’s Pizza during 1987.
he was involved in a lawsuit against the company making the game, and we don’t know what has happened to him yet. but he’s very important. evidence points to him being one of the kids that helped michael put CC’s head into Fredbear’s mouth, and that in 1987 when working at freddys he was bitten and is somehow functioning without a frontal lobe (but like, michael at this point is functioning with insides made of pudding and rotting skin so . basically theyre both too gay to die )
but we DO know that theres at least one person communicating directly with Glitchtrap, who he seems to have convinced to help set him free, someone whos made their own rabbit mask but doesnt seem to be willingly doing this, and might be brainwashed
also, currently, (this is really weird because we are currently living in the same time as the fnaf timeline is at right now) Fazbear Entertainment is planning on a “service program” that is basically sending personal animatronics to peoples houses and GUESS how fucking well THAT works out bc theyre STILL ALL HAUNTED YOuf g
and it seems like theyre planning on opening a new location in 2020, and that might be when we can learn more about the reluctant follower of springtrap and who has the camera while everyone moshes on william aftons corpse
basically the games are about childhood trauma, recovery, the love of family and friends, and justice against many kinds of evils
also where the fuck is sammy
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xp-egg · 5 years
paranoia/mental illness/disturbing tw.. related to the post i made on my main blog
So im about to drive up to see my mama for hanukkah, alone as i do each yr. redacted THING happened a few summers ago but essentially bc of it she believes ppl from [Japanese automobile corporation] tried to m*rder her on the job nd now cant keep a job or a place to live so she lives w my baba . i havent talked to her in a year for reasons i will explain ...so we r texting abt my travel plan, cooking plan, talking for the first time all yr besides birthday wishes n stuff, shes talking normally, we say our goodbyes/cantwaittoseeyous. bht 12ish hours later she sends me, un-explained with no preface, a cryptic list of what i slowly figure out are license plate numbers out of nowhere n says ppl are trying to run her over n cackling (this is not new.. just i havent had to deal w it all year and i was hoping she could let it go for just a few days....), i ask if she has gotten to a safe place and ofc she says shit like 'well unfortunately natasha i will never be safe. they follow me at all moments and one day you will read abt ur mother having been killed, etc etc.' like omg i just cant talk to u. At all. Anymore. can i not have one day.. without this... please g*d... she cant be around ANYONE bc she thinks they are all working w [car company] conspiring to m*rder, slander, whatever her.. shes lost 12 jobs in the past 4 years. everytime we go out in public she screams at people for even glancing at her/smiling at her and claims they were [doing some weird threatening thing they certainly werent ? .. like sometimes ppl with certain names or wearing A CERTAIN COLOR is enough to be a SIGN and she loses it and starts telling them loudly to fuck off and stop looking at her.... my non-hallucinating brain as a witness] and im mildly concerned someone WILL kill her in retaliation for her being insane in their face.. (she had some guy start yelling back at her and she recorded it as 'proof'. He was clearly very annoyed at her saying terrible accusations at him when he was trying to mind his fucking business.....it was indescribably scary but like can i blame him? she was being highly inappropriate publically.. SHE was prob scaring HIM. she scares me lmao) like she has been so mild mannered and rational her whole life.. she has a degree in chemistry and a literal genius IQ. its like watching a loving animal slowly go violently rabid. It Sucks
last year she finally accused ME of also being paid off/threatened by [company] to conspire against her JUST bc i went to visit her older brothers family (my aunt n cousins who are the family members ive been closest to our whole lives aside from my mother nd baba) w my bf at the time bc i wanted him to meet my non-insane family members..... JUST FOR VISITING MY OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS BC THEY ARE EXPECTING ME TO VISIT N THEY LOVE ME ? Like they love my mom too but multiple years of being accused of being bought off, or [company] threatening to m*rder my cousins (she always says the most brutal and disturbingly specific details too) if they didnt do whatever thing would intimidate my mom, [in this case purchasing the most affordable reliable new family car they could from [company] ..it WAS right after she told them about her initial event but likethey needed a new car and her claims are literally delusional. i rly dont want to disown my other family for that but its a hard decision.. terrible situation], but being accused to conspire to m*rder her gets tiring so they gave up a while ago. when she accused ME even tho i have been the literal last person to stand by her for the past 4.5 years.. i never made her feel like her claims were impossible even when literally everyone else did bc i figured she needed a buoy.. i said fuck it i can't talk to you anymore. i will start going insane too . we have all tried to comfortingly reason w her (well i didnt for a while, i just wholly accepted her story without trying to reason with her INSANE JUMPS IN CORRELATION.. fully bizarre and delusional.. bc i wanted to support her), i spent so much more money getting a less reliable car just to avoid buying from [company], supported her contacting the authorities (obviously they can't help bc she is making insane claims), make her feel as safe n protected.. did as much as we possibly could but like... theres a limit. this is year 4.5 of this, every day, every hour. EVERY year she says well the dirt on [company] will get out this year.. youll see.. ill be validated (essentially). she went to inpatient treatment and she said they accused her of having barbituates in her system when she arrived (what) nd the only diagnosis they gave her was 'rule out paranoid delusion' (bro come on... she thinks EVERYONE is trying to k*ll her.. help) so she wont get any more help. i want to at least try and save my baba bc she is old and puts up w this every single day. but on top of having my own problems, by saving my baba id be damning my mother, or myself. i never know what to do....
but well anyways i love driving hours into a fucking hornets nest each year. at least there are latkes ig
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kewltie · 6 years
Hi! The 'what's wrong with secretary kim' sounds super, super interesting and I have a burning curiosity to know when Izuku gained the name 'guillotine'?
Hi anon!!!
thanks so much for the interest and to answer your question:
it happened around izuku 2nd year w/ the group and katsuki is still trying prove himself to his mother and the board of directors that he can handle the job so he’s extremely critical of himself and those around him. one of the things he’s paying close attention is a small tech company. katsuki’s family owns MANY other smaller companies in variety of field as a large conglomerate but katsuki had acquired this v v v tiny tech company (w/ only 20 employees strong) all by himself (so it’s his in every way) that made software for people with varying disabilities as they go through day to day.
it’s not like a hugely profitable business bc their target audience was a minority group but katsuki knew there was value in it esp as technology advances and more and more people want to have their need met and accommodate in society w/o feeling left out just bc of their disability. so he invested in that company and bought it over so he can nurtured its growth and bc he saw a future in what they’re doing. so that company (let’s say X) was currently in competition to land a contract with a large and famous game company that is planning to make their all their future games accessible to people with disability. that’s a HUGE contract!!!!! X company was suppose to come up with a proposal and a project idea on how to carry it out but there are other competitors of for the huge contract (it’s not like X is the only company to create that kind of content but THEY ARE the only one who has more than 80% of the employees have some form of disability or another so when they’re making software for their intended audience they KNOW exactly what they’re looking for). 
as soon as katsuki knew they were in competition for the game company’s contract, katsuki made it his mission to get it and he pooled in all his resources and hours to make it happen for his company. izuku was with him every step of the way as katsuki steered X company to a completion of the proposal and near GUARANTEE to get it bc he has utmost faith is in employees capabilities to carry it out (katsuki only wants the best and OFC HE ONLY HAS THE BEST) even though katsuki visits their floor everyday to hound them and he made them pull last minutes allnighters to work out the kinks of the project so there’s no error. he drove them INSANE by going over each of the detail with keen eyes and look it over and over again until he was satisified and JUST AS THEY WERE ABOUT TO LAUNCHED THEIR PROJECT and show it to the gaming company somebody else beat them to it and its… and as similar pitch idea as theirs. 
now all their hard work WAS FOR NOTHING bc that rival company (let’s say Y) MANAGED TO BEAT TO THEM THE PUNCH AND it wasn’t just similar content but an exact raw copy as though it was stolen. and IT WAS. apparently they had a spy who stole their data and remade it with Y company mechanics and content but the core was ALL THEIRS. they can’t even say well Y copied theirs since Y launch theirs first and katsuki is so DAMN PISSED. it was one of the biggest setbacks for him bc he and the rest of X company put so much work in it :///. now to see it all gone… it was heartbroken. katsuki didn’t blame them at all NO HE BLAMED HIMSELF FOR LETTING IT HAPPEN FOR NOT CATCHING THE SPY FIRST. the spy was actually bought over with a better position in Y company and more $$$$$ and also bc they hate katsuki lol. not everyone was happy when katsuki bought their company esp when katsuki didn’t make himself endearing to them but nearly all of them was eventually won over bc they realize katsuki didn’t buy them to observe them into his family’s empire but to make sure they stand on their own two feet WITH ALL THE FINANCIAL BACKING THAT KATSUKI CAN OFFER bc he saw what they also saw in the future of their company. but there’s just one person that didn’t get along with katsuki and hATED katsuki for buying them out and thinking he know anything about what they’re doing by interjecting his opinion in their work etc etc. 
so yea katsuki made an enemy and that inadvertently cost his company a HUGE contract and a lot of money too bc how much they had invested in that proposal. so he’s incredibly mad at himself for it bc his ppl work their ass off for it and HE SCREWED IT UP FOR THEM. izuku was there with them and watched it all happen. he brought the employees food & drinks as he tried to console them about their lost but even as he smiled izuku knows they’re not going to just leave it like this. THIS WAR IS NOT OVER YET. 
katsuki had no plan to accept it either and izuku knew that very well so as soon as katsuki was done venting out his frustration, he immediately put izuku to work with v v v v specific orders. izuku research the large game company that handed out the contract & realized that the reason the game company was trying for inclusiveness bc the chairman of the company’s youngest granddaughter was born with only the use of her left hand so that apparently motivated him enough for his games to be more diverse and inclusive bc he wants his granddaughter to feel like she’s not alone and that SHE TOO can play games like other children. so with that knowledge that izuku had gathered (which wasn’t like in the news but izuku had made the connection of the granddaughter’s birth w/ the abruptly change in the chairman’s opinion about inclusive bc sometimes it take having someone close to us being affected for us to take notice of a problem), izuku planned for a way for katsuki and the head to meet up in some formal tech event. izuku gave katsuki all the necessary information for katsuki to properly sway the chairman to their side bc if you why bother with dealing with lowly peons (lol like the MIDDLE MANAGEMENT IS LOW) when you can just go to the very top instead? 
katsuki’s tongue may be sharp but he doesn’t cut around the corner, just get straight to the point and never going into a negotiation if he doesn’t have all the cards on the table and fully aware that he’ll win 110%. so yea, he won the chairman’s favor by showing the chairman exactly why X company is worth his time, $$, and investment for future endeavor bc if katsuki can’t get to make future games as part of his company contract than HE’LL DO EVEN BETTER.  so instead of having a line of title games (which will be small but slowly grow with time) that people can play he’ll make it so they can play W/E GAME THEY USE past, present, & future by CREATING A GAME CONSOLE THAT AIM TOWARD PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY.  it’s actually something katsuki been thinking for a v  v long time and he knows his company have the capability to do something like that with his backing. so the chairman CAN HAVE IT ALL if he chose to partner with them OR if he doesn’t katsuki will take his project somewhere else and surely they WILL take it bc the market for that WILL BE HUUUUUGE. 
so the chairman decide to cancel out the contract w/ Y company bc they’re not going to make games w/ inclusiveness but NEW CONSOLES altogether with the X company instead bc better profit in long run, they dont have to section a few titles just for being inclusive, better pr for their company (bc they are working with X company which is widely known to hire people with disability to work for the so yea), etc. Y company took a huge hit with the cancel contract and izuku saw that opening to swoop in and stole all their best programmers, developers, etc for katsuki and completely gutted Y company in the process bc Y company tho is much bigger than X, like w/ 100 more workers, but COMPARING THAT TO KATSUKI’S EMPIRE is… lol not even a competition. izuku used katsuki’s money and influence to offer Y company best employees all the benefits of working for katsuki with better paid, benefits, and freedom to do w/e. now that Y company was stripped it bare bones X company swallowed Y company up so they’re one company now but under katsuki’s management and izuku arranged all that to happen in one easy seamless takeover once the head of Y company realize they have zero choice and this was the better outcome. 
and the traitor who sold out X company’s secret to Y company? izuku made sure the guy never got hired again and was blacklisted from the industry. he made sure the very person who damaged katsuki’s reputation doesn’t make it out of this takeover alive and that’s why izuku is call the guillotine. he’s katsuki’s sword and executioner, carrying out his orders absolutely w/ knife like precision. 
SORRY LONG STORY but tl;dr izuku helped katsuki take over a company and almost kill someone for betraying katsuki. 
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nathangreene · 6 years
( DANIEL SHARMAN, CISMALE, HE/HIM ) I, NATHAN GREENE am a REGULAR student and would hereby like to submit my application to Kingswood Boarding School. I am 18 years old and will be a SENIOR. I would describe myself as GUILEFUL and STRIKING, but also STANDOFFISH and POWER-HUNGRY which I plan to work on during my time here. This is my request to join the EDWARD building as a house MEMBER and look forward to hearing back from you. [ IDIOT CHILD, 20, EST, SHE/THEY.]
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i havent changed this blog at all yet, so yes this is just amos’ tumblr djsgfjh i’ll get to fixing it up eventually but i really just wanted to get this up before i pass out xoxo.
tw: cancer, death. implied self destruction, drug mention,
nathaniel green grew up happy, albeit perhaps a lil dorky--but ultimately, the young boy was happy.
he loved his parents, his brother, the quaint town they’d grow up in--it was a supportive environment, enriched with love
so how did little nathan grow up to be such a massive prick? the leader of a secret society?
he’d always grown up the more responsible twin, the one who kept life organized and tidied and always did his homework and extra credit and really...just, stayed close to his studies.
the kinda boy who loved flowers but dared not pick them, knowing they’d die if he did so
it was a naive lifestyle.
when the boys were 12, their mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
nathan had never known heartbreak until he heard the news, and he did everything a 12 year old could possibly do to keep his family happy in times so dark
ultimately; it was not enough. she passed away before their freshmen year and a part of the young boy had died as well.
as noah delved into a life of partying and drugs, nathan had stuck strongly to his studies. more so than most young boys, really. with their father struggling both emotionally and financially, nate had determined that it was up to him to restore their family’s financial security. 
his ambitions have always ran high. and he always found a way to succeed.
even if it required getting his hands dirty
never allowed himself to get below an A, because he was not a failure--if his grades ever did slip, he was sure to punish himself. it was only right.
the joy in the boy’s eyes had died, and nathan was no longer the sweet boy his family had known and loved
kingswood had never met that child, in fact.
he’s all about business, and achieving his goals. there’s no room for kindness when you’ve got an empire to conquer.
involved himself in as many clubs and sports as he thought he could manage, as a means to put himself in positions of power.
though just a regular student on a partial scholarship, his ambition is what led to him being welcomed into edward
his junior year he had started his very own cybersecurity freelance business, funded by a select few...connections the young man had made networking during the school’s more prestigious events, including a few members on the board of trustees.
this is when the boy really started making money
like...a lot of fucking money
he had created his own security program, y’know? just. a lotta fancy shit.
it was also the same year he had been approached by the shadow brigade, having been recruited the summer before his junior year.
they saw his potential; wanted to harness it. so he joined.
was it strenuous and at times painful? yes.
but was it oh so worth it
when he turned 18 is when he turned his cybersecurity business into a full-on company, with his own workers. effectively made himself a CEO.
like homeboy is probably going to be accepted to multiple ivy leagues for his intelligence and ambition
the same year, his senior year, he’s been...promoted, in a way, in the society. as their leader.
yes this means he’s mc’smuggling drugs
yes he’s super full of himself. 
still sorta keeps to himself, though. reserved but well known.
uuuhh what else... hmm...
ran away for a month or two his senior year with this chick who was NOT the girlfriend he had been in a committed relationship with for several months prior.
it was a business thing, more-so him being dumb and in love when he decided to run away, okay?
her father was a fairly influential man and nathan had decided the best way to gather his attention was to run off with his daughter.
i mean...it worked.
came back to kingswood purely because the brigade alumni had enough of his childish foolery
not nathan’s proudest moment, but he still holds his head high. he got what he wanted, so why should he be ashamed?
the school population likely thinks it’s ‘cos he loved the gal, but, nah.
not really sure if nathan’s capable of love anymore.
anyWHO. most definitely not going to use his cybersecurity company for good lmao. right now he’s building it and gaining it a reputation
but...who knows what he’s going to do in the future?
i wouldn’t call him a...millionaire, just yet, but he’s the man whose children go to kingswood as legacies because of the mark he leaves on the country, or world. either/or.
has become a lil popular in the media because of his fast-rising success. but a mans is doing what a mans should do.
sends money to his father ‘cos somebody’s got to.
GOD he loves his brother but thinks noah is just. a moron. they’re pretty estranged.
he’S LIKE...kind of an asshole ?? very honest but also a fucking liar. tells it how it is but is shrouded in mystery and fishy business.
absolutely judges you for the smallest things.
is...a lil charming, though, when he wants to be.
i mean mans is HOT.
will use you for whatever means. like he’s just...like that
i’d consider him a strong lawful evil.
has maybe cared for one (1) person in his entire life outside of his family
so...don’t be fooled if you think he cares for you.
finds his reputation to be extremely important, would do anything to protect it.
im tired n i cant think anymore
wanted connections
his ex gf from before he ran away is reese dupont, HOWEVER; whose the gal he ran away with, huh?? may send a connection in for this since...y’know, they did run away
fellow edward pals. preferably with the same sort of mindset of ambition.
hookups. he’s not on his brother’s level but...c’mon
maybe another ex gf from his underclassmen years
ex-hookups too
people he’s using because he finds them useful in some sort of way.
maybe a genuine friend or two.
a ride or die
a weak spot lmao, somebody who gets on his mind too much
a thorn in his side. a general annoyance.
maybe an enemy or two, actually a lot djgdkhfgjh he’s not friendly
gimme some brigade members gdi
i mean im p much down for anything as long as ur aware that nathan is a mean mean dude.
people dealing drugs for the brigade, esp.
ppl he tutors also possibly
god i donT KNoW just hmu
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azenta · 2 years
Do a lot of 3s have emotional breakdowns bc that's me rn lmfao i think it's the pressure from everyone else and myself that's getting to me. You can just disregard this if you dont want to answer, i just dont want to talk to any of my friends bc i dont want to show this side of me to them and i think you provide good insight, if you do choose to answer this
Anyways i'm having a breakdown over the fact i regret opening up to a family member abt my depression bc i think they just invalidated my feelings (basically said dont be depressed :). And to not kill myself bc i am the so called "golden child" and that i do helpful things around the house. Like..wow ok thanks i guess so ppl only like me for the things i can do....not for who i am). I only told them about 1 event/person that has contributed to my depression. And they used that info to yell at me earlier and pretty much say it's normal amd to not let it bother me...I dont think they truly understand how much that event affected me. I guess its a good thing i only told them that and not all the other shit that i've had to deal with. I'm never telling them shit ever again. And them saying they have their own stresses too n shit like yeah i know everyone has worries but i dont think it was necessary to tell me that what i went through was nothing...Like as if i havent been downplaying my depression all these years and is probably why it's gotten so much worse now. Also they said all this while my siblings were in ear shot so now they sorta know about that incident. Which i didnt want them to know about so yeah im really not turning to them for anything anymore, that was the 1st time i ever told them something personal and they've fucked it up
The only thing i would want to tell them is how much they and this whole family makes me even more depressed so much...i fr only feel happy and relaxed when i'm alone or just not with them. I try to like my family i rly do but i just cant and my dislike of them just keeps growing more. I dont have a connection to them. I feel genuinely happy when i think of a future without them. I honestly think this family member is guilt tripping me and my younger sister with the fact that one of my older sisters had to drop out of college and get a job to help the family out. And my other 2 older siblings made some bad fuck ups that has led to more pressure and harshness on me and my younger sister to have a successful life/career. Idk why they have to yell at us about it, get mad at our mom who forced our sister to do that. I never asked to be born and tell her to do that. And they're always on my ass about my art business, they think i'm not trying and keep trying to force their advice on me like dude i got it !! Pls just leave me alone to do my own thing, art isnt easy, it's hard to get business going in tje beginning but i am really trying... they rly think my shop is gonna be popular in one week. Despite how hard it is, art is literally the only thing thats keeping me alive - to be successful in an art business and be recognized for my skills and all that is all i've always wanted. Its the only thing i'm passionate about and determined to achieve. I know what i'm doing but i really dont think they have any confidence in me. This is the only thing i've done that is genuinely for me... i've done most things to meet up their expectations, evem forced myself to go to a year of college bc i knew they wanted to me to go despite me knowing full well i didnt have the mental state to go. Im still trying to build a career for myself, but they really dont think im trying and probably think i'm gonna be a fuck up like my other 2 older siblings
Like fuck it maybe i should just die if it will make it so much easier for them. Like one less person to feed and to house. I've been wanting to die for years now, i should just do it. Sometimes i just wsnt to die to make them feel guilty lmfao but i wonder if they even care enough to feel that way. I'm most likely not going to tho since the thought of failing to do so stops me...i dont want to deal with the consequences of a failed attempt. And i'll be damned if i dont become a recognizable artist before my death. Maybe i should release all my pent up anger on them since they always seem to do that to me. Anyway. This is probablg rly over dramatic lol and stupidly emotional, i'm usually not like this, idek if i can blame my typology on this lol idk if other xntjs and sp 3w4s deal with their frustrations this way
I dont think it is related to being a 3 specifically, but rather this what made you a 3 core. The 3 core mechanisms is actually what makes you survive through this and makes you want to strive.
It's also beyond enneagram. Depression in itself is often the result of someone being stuck for lengthy periods of time in an environment and/or situation that doesn't respond to their needs or doesn't let them respond to their needs. As a side note, yes, depression can start as early as childhood, since a lot of parents are actually adults with lot of unresolved issues and who are just perpetuating a generational trauma without noticing. Some children have a temperament that makes them "adapt" to the trauma, or rather make them fit to the mold, while some other don't and feel how unfit and painful this mold actually is. Both type of children will suffer, but differently.
Being depressed even as a chronic feeling reflect how much the environment is either not suitable for the individual, even if it's family (by blood, I'd rather precise), and/or that the person is struggling to adapt to it. In any case, I would remind you it's not a question of being your fault or not, whatever they tell you and despite all the guilt you feel. It's far more complex than that. I know rationally you will get that, but it's your emotional side that need to be taken care of. You need to see what you can do to accommodate to this environment, while considering it might still be extremely difficult to near impossible for you to completely adapt to it. Lack of adaption and possibility to rearrange the circumstances (powerlessness) will result in stress, anxiety and depression, which has for goal to push you to eventually move out from this environment.
And you don't need to try to like them. You can learn to respect them as their own person, independently of you, but when you consider yourself in relation to them, don't fight the unpleasant feelings. Those feelings are here to inform you about the health of the relationship. It speaks about your need and how met or unmet they are in the given situation and relationship. What you can do is see if a compromise is possible and try to meet it. If despite your attempts your brain compute that it experiences far more bad experiences than good, then it is informing you this relation isn't that good for you (costs are greater than benefits), and from that, you do experience an instinctual response such as avoiding them in your case. Don't fight it, it makes you survive. When something costs more than what you can get, it's only natural you find ways to avoid it and that you feel depleted of energy, thus the stress, anxiety and depressive reaction I spoke above.
If you want to feel like living instead of surviving, then it will be to seek ways to rearrange your environment and circumstances little by little (which can mean changing of place, having less interaction as possible, etc). This dream you have is very important, cherish it and act on it the most you can. This is what will help you see and make the moves to create a better reality for yourself. It will take time, but each steps you take bring you closer to your goal.
Don't hesitate to seek any kind of professional help if possible. It can be a therapist, social worker, even life coach. Do little stuff that makes you feel happy or even just comfortable and relieving, even if it's just a little. Respect the days where you feel more depressed, and take the time to meditate on what are realistic goals for you this day. If you feel apathy or indifference, then your rational is having the lead, so take this opportunity to do things that would have been draining emotionally (tho your thoughts might be pessimistic when in apathy mode, those need to be tackled when you actually feel any agreeable or disagreeable emotions).
Anyway, I know you didnt ask specifically for advices, but I couldn't not say nothing about this. I just think it's normal you have this kind of reaction if you live in an environment that isn't the healthiest for you. It's normal to have emotional outbursts, especially if you usually repress all of it.
As I said, to resume, it's not a question of what type you are, even tho it speaks of what made you that type. Focus on yourself and your own aspiration, I understand it sucks to not be supported and even being discouraged from your goals. Look for ways you can "fit" in your environment that are not to costly vs the benefices you get, and work for the ways that will direct you toward the kind of environment that'll be best for you.
I know, easier said than done. See it as a big project you will need days and months to work upon. The biggest canvas/story you will have to work upon. Some days will leave you with the blank syndrome, some other the lines or color won't seem to do or fit as you'd like, and some other you will only be able to add one motif or line, but some other days it will just come perfect and you will be able to do more.
Anyway, I hope it could help you some bit. If you have any other questions or want some advices, don't hesitate to send an ask. I don't only do typology asks, I do self development and psychology kind of ones as well x)
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ughthatimagineblog · 7 years
i’ll see you tomorrow, boyfriend
  draco malfoy x reader | university!au
  requested:  Hey could I get a draco x reader au from his point of view where he meets her in uni and has a crush but tries to hide it? Maybe they become friends (he goes to her dance shows and orchestra performances and such) and he falls more and more until eventually he just blurts out that he's in love?
word count: 3614
  warnings: abuse, draco being edgy, lucius malfoy, maybe ooc narcissa a lil bit (its been 5ever since i wrote anything even mentioning her)
  a/n: this is an au soooo yeah idk how this went. i liked it. i added in extra plot to make it semi spicy. also if ur sensitive to abuse then pls go away no offense but youll be triggered and i dont want ppl to get upset so i warned u
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She caught him. And he was trapped.
 It was late winter. He was focused with school and everything was fairly easy. Platinum hairs like feathers ruffled in the cool wind under the hot sun and he took his time walking to his new class of the semester.    He was majoring in Business and Biological Engineering. Nothing would distract him from that. He had a goal. Make his father proud.
 Life had different plans. Of course Draco would fulfill his destiny of graduating in those majors, but not without a small distraction.  Walking into one of the core classes he had this semester he saw her. At first it was a glance. She was beautiful. He lowered his head and took his seat a few rows behind her.
 Class began not much longer and Draco could focus but hardly. He knew he shouldn’t have been distracted by some silly girl but this girl was far more than silly.    He noted she had the class with a couple of her friends and he would hear her laugh often. Sometimes she would get called out by the professor and shyly quiet down, her face turning red. It made his heart beat. He found it strangely poetic to note he had one. For so long he had disregarded emotion and feelings. Now, he had a new start.
 That ‘start’ began a year ago and life at university had grown on him. Nothing was to get in his way. He was a determined student who rarely spoke to people and when he did it was something snarky or completely neutral.  The seas of his life were calm. They were fine. You were the storm on the horizon.
The first day with you
Draco could feel the sun and cool air on his skin as he crossed campus to his English class of the semester. He wanted to sneer. The sun was nothing but a large ball of gas and flame to him today. The sun was not supposed to be out. Just another class to pass and then we move on. He thought to himself, walking into the B Block building. He saw a few kids rush into the building before him and they held the door open for him.
 He nodded a thanks, his mouth continuously in a tight line and continued to his classroom. It was fairly small. Only about twenty four students. He knew all of them from the past semester or the previous year.  Taking a seat about halfway in between the front and back, he opened up his binder and notebook, waiting patiently for class to start. Of course that meant other people were talking in that time. It was the same chatter, Draco knew. About him.
 “That’s Draco Malfoy.”
“I heard he didn’t need scholarships. His dad paid for his tuition.”    “He’s creepy. I heard he never talks.”
“Really? I heard he’s mean.”   “Probably, I mean how can you grow up with people like the Malfoy’s and not be rude.” “Malfoy? He’s a Malfoy?”
It was all the same and he had come to ignore it. It was best to go through school by himself than spend it with loads of friends. It was easier for him. If something were to disrupt that, he would be a goner. His grades would be a goner as well. His father would make him pay.
   Class started not much but five minutes later and the professor began to introduce themself. “Hello, class. I am Professor Eva Beverly and I will be your advanced English Composition and Literature class. This class will be easy if you pay attention. One should always be prepared here and if not-”  The professor was cut off by the door swinging open and a girl stumbling into the classroom. Your back was facing Draco, but he could hear you say ‘Thank you’ to an advisor in the hall. Once you turned around, his heart nearly dropped.  You were stunning and suddenly, his facial expression was one of shock instead of mysterious resentment. “Miss Y/L/N. You are late.” The professor crossed her arms. “I know Professor Beverly, I couldn’t remember which block this class was on so I had to go back to the advisors. I reality I tried to get here five minutes early and-”  “Take a seat.” “Yes, ma’am.” You had rambled. Draco, if it were anyone else, would have found it annoying. But it was you. ‘Miss Y/L/N’ If he could only learn your first name. He was in luck. Empty seats surrounded Draco and for once in his life, he thanked whoever would listen for being the kid not anyone would want to sit by. Of course anyone who had any sense that is. But this girl, Draco could see, did not as you chose the seat to his right, in the row in front of him.  To your right, a blonde girl wearing a simple flannel was laughing and Draco took it that she was this new girls friend. He recognized the blonde from the beginning of the semester. The both of you were freshman.  To his dismay, however, the blonde was also one of the girls whispering about him. He was a goner. No doubt she would tell his beautiful crush all about what a ‘creep’ he was.  As Draco dwelled on this, he couldn’t help but how much less of a creep he would be. . . with you.
Four months spent with you.
Fortunate for Draco, the girl, who’s name he learned to be Morgan, had not spoken of him to you, which gave him the chance to speak with you. It was completely out of character, but he set limits for himself. He would not allow you to distract him. Too much.  He was in for a disappointment.  In a way, Draco was aware of this. In fact, he had been thinking about it on his walk to class that day. His walk, with you. “Do you have any clue the word count Professor Beverly wants to have for our essay this Friday?” You asked Draco. He shrugged slightly. “Shouldn’t be more than two pages or about nine hundred words.” He replied and you grunted, frustrated. “I was hoping it to be more.” He looked at you, a small smirk forming at his lips.  He had learned a lot about you in the past month. Your favorite color, what music you liked. He knew of the latter by looking at your phone from his seat. When you used it in class it was to switch from Spotify to Pandora to the Music app and back and forth. You were quite indecisive with your taste and the connection in the class was spotty.
 “What, like two thousand words?” Draco inquired. He also learned you were a performing arts major and loved literature as well. You actually were quite popular in the sense that you knew a lot of people and did a lot of things. You were in the theatre department, the University orchestra, a scout for the local charity and the choir.  Right now, you had been stressed trying to balance school work with the outside activities. That upcoming weekend, Draco remembered you had both a choir concert and a charity event all in the same day. You also had three core classes out of four periods on four days of the week. He wished he could take some of the load off of your hands and it killed him that he couldn’t.  You and Draco had been spending quite a lot of time together and you only started hearing the rumors about him a month after you were seen as friends. You didn’t believe them though. Draco had an intimidating look, but he was quite kind to you and had a fantastic sense of humor. You also found him extremely attractive.  The past four months had been filled with you working around school and extracurriculars all with Draco’s help. He went home once a month but you would see him again the Monday following the weekend and he always helped you study. Eventually you moved to sit next to him rather than in front of him and you couldn’t help but find yourself staring at him every once in awhile.  You and him did not compute well in your head though. There was something off about him. Something about his family seemed odd. He never spoke of his parents and when he did he used his father's first name but called his mother ‘mom’. You had asked if they were seperated but when he replied negative you left it alone. Unfortunately, this just added onto your worry.
 On the other hand, Draco was also worrying about a similar issue. Over the four months his grades had went down by two points. He still had A’s but if there was something Lucius Malfoy didn’t notice, it would be how big of an arse he is.  Draco couldn’t attend your events this weekend. And oh, how he wanted to more than anything. He had seen pictures of you at said events before. For the orchestra concert you wore a black dress that made you look stunning and at your last charity event, you wore a beautiful gown that made Draco want to kiss you right then and there. He wanted more than anything to see you look so magical in person, but this was his weekend trip home. He couldn’t miss it. Not on his father’s watch.
 “So, can you make it?” You asked, knowing what the answer would most likely be. “No, I have to visit my father. He wants to make sure I’m doing well in school.”  He wants to ask why my grades are still not as good as they used to be. He thought to himself. He subconsciously touched the unseen scars on his back from where his father had punished him many times before.  “Ah, well tell your mother ‘hello’ for me. And be sure to give her this. It’s for Christmas. I am a few months late but it took me awhile to get ahold of it.” You smiled and handed him a small box you had quickly pulled from your bag. He opened the box to reveal a medium sized necklace with emerald gems. “Y/N. . . You really shouldn’t have.” Draco was speechless. It was beautiful. And for you to do that for his mother, it was baffling. He really liked you.  “It’s alright, Draco. Let’s get to class.” You smiled, realizing you reached your classroom. You opened the door for him and you both entered, only for Draco to find it impossible to focus.
 The ride home for Draco was impossible. He lived an hour and a half away and it was not long enough. He was only waiting for the dread of going home.  Parking his car in the drive, he already saw his father in one of the windows. Checking the time, Draco saw it was six in the evening. Your concert had started and would end in thirty minutes and your charity event started at eight. He sighed, knowing he would be enduring a much worse night.  Subconsciously, he clutched your present in his jacket pocket as he approached the front door, his suitcase in his other hand. His mother opened the door and he almost felt relieved, but the feeling quickly left him as he knew his father was still somewhere in the house.   “Draco.” His mother smiled and pulled him in for a hug. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Mom.” He sighed in relief, wrapping his arm around her.  “Come in, come in.” She ushered Draco into the house and he left his suitcase by the door, only to be greeted by his father. “Father.” Draco greeted. “Draco.” Lucius said, much less fond than his wife. “I understand that your grades are still not well. Is it still because of this girl?” Lucius asked coldly and Narcissa put a hand on her son. “Lucius, not now. He just got home.” She sighed and Lucius shot her a glare.  “I will address whatever problems that need to be addressed. Draco?” He replied. “It’s not because of the girl.” He muttered, feeling small. “Is that so? You told your mother you met a girl about four or five months ago. When did your grades drop? Four or five months ago. Before then, nothing was wrong. Now you have some stupid girl around and suddenly your future is compromised.” Lucius spat and Draco felt his hand ball into a fist.  “She’s absolutely not stupid.” Draco said, harshly. His father scoffed. “Oh really? Do you know where she lives? Do you even know if she has both parents? If she even has money?” Lucius scoffed and Draco aggressively stepped closer to his father. “She doesn’t have both parents at home but I’m twice the man you are so even I can look past something as petty as being against that.” Draco spat and was met with a sting on his cheek.
  A sting, a gasp, a raised hand and the turn of a head.
The sting was delivered by his father's raised hand, causing Draco’s head to turn on impact and his mother to gasp and hurry to his side. Draco inhaled deeply, trying not to let the salt in his tears make his eyes go red.  He turned away from his father to his mother. “Mom, Y/N gave this to me to give to you. She said it was for Christmas and it’s a little late and she’s sorry.” Draco calmly handed her the box. He turned to his father. “She also said to apologize for not getting anything for you because she doesn’t know much about you or your interests, but she says she promises to get you a gift for Christmas next time.” Draco said with a sour look. A tear dropped from his eye.  “You don’t deserve anything she will ever give you.” Draco said, shaking with anger. His mother, behind him, had opened the gift from you and covered her mouth in shock. She saw the authenticity in the necklace and based on what Draco had told her about you, she knew that it must had cost you a fortune to afford that present for her. And here her husband was, insulting the girl who her son perfectly deserves, despite her social status.  “Lucius.” She said with a tight lip. “What?” He snapped at her, his chin tilted high.  “It’s not like he’s in love with the thing.” He spat and Draco balled his fists once more. “Actually. . .” Draco paused and looked at his crying mother. “I do.” She smiled. His father looked disgusted. “You what?” He asked.  “I love her.” Draco confirmed and turned to the door. He grabbed his suitcase and pulled his mother close. “I’ll meet you every now and again, but I refuse to meet with him.” He whispered under his breath and pulled her in for a hug. He kissed her forehead before opening the door. “Where are you going?” Lucius asked, angrily.  “A much better place to support the girl I love and I’m not coming back until you fix the way you see her.” He said harshly before slamming the door.
 Draco stopped at a gas station half way back to Uni so he could change into a nice black shirt and some trousers. The argument at home only took thirty minutes so he was making good time. The only problem was traffic.  When he did get to campus, however, he did memorize the building the event would be held in. He found a space to park and rushed in, catching the start just as the lights went down. There were a couple open seats in the back and he thought he spotted you towards the front but it was too dark to tell. He just waited patiently, not speaking to the others at his table.
 A few people went on stage and spoke about helping children with cancer as well as a few other charities said people were helping. It wasn’t until a blonde woman on stage mentioned your charity that Draco really paid attention.  “Now please welcome the founder for the Arts for Acknowledgment program, a program funded by donations here by students to fund educational programs and arts to acknowledge lost or underappreciated cultures, Y/N Y/L/N.”
  And then a girl stood up in the crowd and Draco could no longer believe he had ever known you previous to that moment. You were stunning. He knew it was a black tie event, similar to a gala but you looked like royalty. Your hair was pinned back and your gown was a long and beautiful golden dress that had an off shoulder top but flared out to a large bottom. 
 And the way you walked so graceful onto the stage. The way you smiled to the crowd. He couldn’t help but snicker in contrast to the first day the two of you met. You clumsily falling into the classroom gave him the impression you would do poorly in heels. He was wrong.  “Tonight, i would like to thank the help of my fellow classmates for supporting and donating as well as submitting suggestions and artwork. Thank you. I would like to thank my mother, for pushing me to pursue the goal of helping other people. By using my advantages to help those that had none. Thank you. I would love to thank my counselor who has helped me get through every anxiety attack or depressive episode I have had along the way. Really, without you I wouldn’t be as organized as I am with my life.” You laughed and Draco knew he was in love. He smiled.  “And finally, I would like to thank my best friend, Draco Malfoy, who has been a silent push these past four months ton really put everything together. He has stayed up late countless nights with me to help put together final touches on payment plans, architectural deals or gallery organizations. Really, he should get some of the credit. I love that man for everything he’s done for me. Thank you.” Your words wavered in the last sentence and Draco’s world was paused.  I love that man for everything he’s done for me. The words rang around his head like a pinball machine. Your voice wavered and it only happens when there was something behind your words you weren’t telling.
 Draco felt an impulse and he decided to act upon it. “I am here.” He said as loudly as he could without yelling. Heads turned, yours being one of them. One of the women close to the stage looked appalled. “Young man! I don’t think-”  “It’s alright.” You said, breathless yet a smile was glued to your face. The woman sat down with a huff and Draco made his way to the stage, his heart nearly exploding every step of the way. If he was wrong about this, he was about to embarrass himself in front of about, say, four hundred people or so.
  He reached the mic and away from the mic, you spoke in a hushed tone. “I thought you were with your parents tonight.” He smirked. “You’re much better company.” He smiled and you mirrored his expression. “Ladies and gentlemen, this woman that stands before you is absolutely incredible. Yes, it’s true I stayed up countless nights to help, however, I barely deserve a mention.     This project is hers and hers alone and to take any of the credit would be improper. How hard Y/N has had to work to get all of this done transcends me. But she has done it. For so many people. And she says she loves me for all I’ve done for her?” Draco spoke into the mic.     “No. I love her for her generosity and all she’s done for you.” He stated, giving you a quick glance and noticed you were tearing up. He turned to you, but made sure the mic was able to pick up his words. “For me to let her go and be with someone else would break my heart.” His heartbeat accelerated. Little did he know, so did yours. “Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? You are incredibly intelligent and ambitious with amazing morals. You are kind, funny, and smart both book and street and I would love to make you mine.” Some noises of adoration were heard from the audience. This only egged Draco on.   He got down on one knee. “I have had to keep these feelings inside for the past four months. But Y/L, I love you. Very much. Be mine?” He asked and you nodded. There were cheers from the crowd. You could barely hear them once Draco stood up and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips. Your heart was on fire. Once turned away, his arm did not leave your side. 
You delivered the rest of your speech and the night concluded itself with food, music, and lots of talking. By the end of the night, Draco was walking you back inside your dorm after driving you home. 
   “I never knew.” You both ended up saying. You both laughed. “Neither did I.” You said, reaching your dorm door. “You looked stunning tonight.” Draco commented, cupping your face. “You look handsome yourself.” You replied before he kissed you once more.    “Goodnight, I’ll see you tomorrow. . . Girlfriend.” Draco whispered after pulling away. You giggled and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow, boyfriend.” You replied and left Draco’s ears ringing with the word. Boyfriend.
hope you enjoyed!
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