#thanks anon my love i'm going to think about this forever <3
milliesfishes · 2 months
𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚𝓬𝓸𝓻𝔂𝓸'𝓼 𝔀𝓲𝓯𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓼 𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓷𝓳𝓾𝓻𝔂𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓼 𝓼𝓷𝓸𝔀
(requested by a lovely anon! I hope things get better for you lovey <3)
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"Beautiful," Coriolanus emphasized as you emerged from your walk-in closet. He stood from his spot on your bed, coming to meet you and taking your hands. Holding them out from you, he observed your body, covered by a red dress that clung to your body.
"You like it?" you smiled, swishing your hips so the skirt fluttered.
Coriolanus chuckled, his hands finding your waist. "Darling, I love it. You're stunning. As always, my love. Slight hunger entered his eyes as he looked over you. "Maybe we don't have to go to the gala..."
Laughing, you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, moving past him to sit on the bed and begin to fasten your shoes. Tall heels as pale as your last name.
Your husband furrowed his brow when he saw your choice in shoe, picking up the one you'd just fastened and frowned at it. "Is this truly the best choice? What about your-"
"My ankle will be just fine," you countered, struggling a bit with the strap of your other shoe. "You're so much taller than me, I don't want to be looking at your shoulder the whole night."
He put a hand over yours at your foot, stilling your actions. Blue eyes firm, he muttered, "Sweetheart. You're going to hurt yourself."
You smiled softly, your hand gracing his cheek. "I'm alright. I've gone to plenty of events in heels."
"But-" he was helpless to you, melting under your touch as always. Huffing slightly, he reached for the strap of your shoe, doing it up easily. Kissing your ankle once he was done, Coriolanus stood up, wordlessly holding out a hand for you.
Smiling softly, you took it, standing up and kissing his cheek lovingly. "Thank you, my love."
He gave you a look, then kissed your head, sweeping you up in his arms. "Your feet are going to hurt later. Let's delay it as long as possible."
Your heart nearly overflowed with love as he carried you carefully down the stairs all the way to the car. You gave him appreciative kisses all the way to the event.
Although you didn't want to admit it, his worries about your ankle were valid. It had ailed you for years, and an endless amount of doctor's visits had done hardly anything for it. The only thing that had any guarantee of fixing it was a surgery, and you had protested that. Truthfully, you found it silly. All this fuss because your ankle hurt every once in a while?
Coriolanus was at the opposite end, wanting to do everything in his power to ease your discomfort. He argued with you over and over about whether or not you should get it. The cost was no burden, and he didn't want you to be in pain. But you waved him off, insisting you were fine.
Now, in the middle of the gala, as your ankle throbbed, and you tried your best to smile through it, you semi-regretted it.
You did your best not to wince every time you took a step, deciding the best policy was to just stand still. All your drinks came from passing waiters or your husband, and you hardly had to move to talk to anybody. That was the nice thing about being married to the president. People came to you.
Sneaking a glance at your ankle, you noticed the sheen of it was slightly green. That wasn't good. Grimacing slightly, you looked back up, trying to ignore it. Maybe the problem would go away if you stood still.
Coriolanus tightened his arm around your waist slightly, looking from you to your foot, which you shifted slightly to hide under the skirt of your dress. You could feel him looking at you, but you ignored him, greeting another wife of a diplomat.
But you couldn't avoid the pain forever.
It was hardly midnight when you were beckoned by your husband, who'd gone to speak to someone elsewhere. Not even thinking about it, you moved toward him, but quickly tripped over your heels, stumbling. Instantly, Coriolanus was at your side, holding you by your elbows, eyes sharply looking over you. "Darling."
You felt a wave of disappointment wash over you. Through the look on his face, you knew your night was over. Shaking his head slightly, he leaned down and scooped you up, silently carrying you out of the gala. He ignored the stares he received from those surrounding.
The ride home was silent, and you dreaded the conversation that awaited your return. You could practically hear him thinking beside you.
He insisted on carrying you all the way to your room, setting you on the bed. Pushing your skirt aside, he began to undo your shoes, considerably more carefully than the way he'd fastened the strap earlier. Sliding your shoe from your foot, you couldn't help the little intake of breath that emerged from you.
Your ankle was not only green, but swollen, turning other dark colors as well. When Coriolanus brushed a single finger over it, you whimpered in pain.
He looked up, meeting your eyes. "You're getting the surgery." When you tried to protest, he gave you a firm look. "I won't hear any protest. First thing in the morning I'm making an appointment."
Sitting back, dejected, you looked down. Ashamed for not being able to ask for help, upset at yourself for letting it get this bad. Your eyes filled with shameful tears, and you sniffled. Coriolanus removed your other shoe, setting it aside, and then coming over to sit on the bed with you, taking your body in his arms.
Reaching back for a pillow, he maneuvered it under your afflicted ankle, soothing you when you gave a little cry. "Shh, shh, I know. I know it hurts, sweetheart. Just let me do this. It'll help." Once your foot was settled, he got behind you, so your back was resting against his front. "Shh, it's okay. We're going to get you help, darling. I promise." Kissing your hair, he stroked your side. "I will exhaust every resource until you can get better."
The surgery went better than anybody could have hoped. You were an anxious mess going in, but Coriolanus held your hand the entire time before you went under, assuring you everything was going to be okay.
When you awoke, the whole world was blurry. There was a hand in yours, and when you blinked away the haziness, you saw the ceiling of your bedroom. Humming a little, you shifted, feeling something wrapped around your ankle. You turned your head to the side, seeing Coriolanus there, at your bedside.
He smiled when he saw you. "Sweetheart. How do you feel?"
Groggily, you lulled your head back. "Mm, Coryyo."
A grin cracked on his face. "The doctors said you'd be under the influence still."
Sitting up slightly, you got a better look at your ankle, delicately wrapped in bandages. No high heels for you for a long time. Coriolanus sat on the bed beside you, supporting your back. "Darling. You should be resting."
Tugging at his hand, you cuddled into his shoulder. "Can I have some tea? I realllyyy want some tea."
"Of course, darling. Anything you want," he murmured, kissing your hair. "How are you feeling, my love?"
"Funny," you giggled. "My ankle doesn't hurt though."
"Very good," he smiled a little, getting up. "I'm going to call for some tea."
"And strawberries?" you begged, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
Chuckling slightly, he nodded, squeezing your hand. "You're adorable. As you wish, sweetheart."
After the tea came, he brought you a cup with a kiss to your temple, balancing the bowl of strawberries on his thighs within your reach. He kept you close, kissing your hair occasionally and asking you every so often about your pain levels.
All through your recovery, he was nothing short of doting, hardly leaving your side for a second. He took a ridiculous amount of time off work, sending in reports and documents by letter. Coriolanus was always making sure you had whatever you wanted, bringing you books and sending for tea. He made sure you took your medications every night, was always on you to sleep more.
Eventually, when you were able to walk, he still accompanied you everywhere, always at the ready to sweep you into his arms or offer an elbow for support.
"You're doing so wonderfully, love," Coriolanus said to you as he followed you through the garden, a hand ghosting your back as you bent slightly to smell the roses.
Looking up at him, you smiled and lifted yourself, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him softly. "Thank you."
"For what, sweetheart?" he murmured, pecking your cheek as well.
"For caring more for my health than I did," you whispered, nuzzling your nose against him. You could always see it in his eyes when he looked at you- how pure his love was for you. It was truly beautiful- you counted yourself lucky to be what you were for him. "I never would have gotten the surgery if you hadn't pushed me."
"I love you," he vowed, the sincerity behind his words a gold mine of wonder. "I'll always take care of you. Especially when you don't think you know how."
You smiled softly, kissing him in the light of the setting sun, the roses casting shadows over your bodies. Of all the love and heartfelt things in the world, you were happy to have his.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen react to their s/o doubting themselves in their relationship
requested by anon: So this is a very specific request and you don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable or do not like it/are uninspired by it. But how would they handle it if you're in a relationship with them but start doubting whether you're good enough for them? It's a bit sad but I'm curious. Thank you <3
notes: the super soft fluff and the super sad angst are Both my strong points. i love them both so much.
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seungcheol, jeonghan, hansol 
he's noticed the way you've been hesitating around him lately, no longer throwing yourself on top of him for hugs and no longer responding as well to him nudging your heads together to ask for kisses. he's worried, and he's incredibly adamant that Communication is Key in relationships (and he's right) so he asks you during a lull in the evening one day why you're being so distant. it takes a while, but he's patient and he just wants to know you're okay, and eventually when you break and tell him everything he gets really sad and starts hugging you as you cry. begins to cry himself, bc he didn't realise you were thinking that way, and tells you over and over that he loves you and he's with you because you make him the happiest ever and there's no need to worry about something like that. he's going to be with you forever and ever, whether you like it or not. 
joshua, junhui, dokyeom
incredibly perceptive when it comes to these things. knew that you were upset and he's been constantly asking you if you're okay, but you just continue to brush it off until he walks into your room one day to find you silently sobbing to yourself in the middle of the room. immediately drops to his knees on the floor beside you, making those gentle shushing noises to try and calm you down, and when you push him away he makes that small wounded noise, worried that he's done something wrong. he's gentle with you, like you're a fragile creature, when you tell him that you've been worried that he's too good for you. tells you very sincerely that he doesn't think anyone will be able to put up with him as well as you have and that honestly, he's not sure if he'd like anyone else to. for him, there's only you. asks if he can touch you, scoops you up into a big and warm hug that lasts until one of you needs to pee (him) 
wonwoo, jihoon, minghao
the conversation was probably brought up through an almost-argument. you're tired and insecure, which makes you snappish, and he's tired too, leading to biting exchanges that gradually get worse until you finally grit out that you're afraid he's going to leave you because there are better people out there. that makes the anger leave his body instantly, eyes widening. he didn't know you felt like that in the slightest, and he slowly tries to go over and touch you, stepping back if you move away. he feels like it's partly his fault for maybe not being as affectionate in the relationship as you'd like, and promises to do better and make you feel more reassured in the relationship if that's what you need. even if you say it's okay, he'll promise it anyway, because he knows how awkwardness can make him distant sometimes, and he never wants you to think he's going to stop loving you someday
hoshi, mingyu, seungkwan, chan
i think he'll start overthinking your distant nature, taking it as a sign that you don't think he's good enough for you, and comes to you all wobbly-voiced to very genuinely ask if you're tired of him, because he knows that he's not the easiest person to handle at times and if there's something about him that's bothering you, he'll try to fix it for you. it takes you by surprise, because you were afraid that he was tired of you, and yet he's come to you and said this. you end up embarrassedly telling him the reason for your distance, and both of you are crying and laughing because it's a little ridiculous and you're both just in love with each other so much that it has managed to lead to complications like this. you end up pinky-promising each other that neither is undeserving of the other, and exchange sappy 'i love you's for about an hour straight
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request guidelines
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vettelsvee · 4 months
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THIS IS ALL MY FAULT | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | requests or let's talk!
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sebastian vettel x platonic!photographer!reader
based on this request: Okay! So after watching the run Sebastian organized at Imola, I has the idea of reader being someone that works for him (not sure what for though) maybe getting really sick for running in the rain that day, which ends up with Sebastian feeling guilty over it. It’s a silly idea, really, but I think it has a lot of potential to vibes similar to what Sebastian seems to have with the drivers, kind of playing dad to the grid 🥺.
summary: you work as a photographer during the forever senna tribute seb prepared, but you end up being sick
word count: 1618
warnings: none of them really! seb feeling guilty because he thinks reader got sick because of him.
a/n: I'm finally back! sorry for not posting at all during all this past month, university has had me really stressed but I'm finally free from it until september! idk if this is actually something well written because i haven't written anything for a month! also, hope you anon like this even it's definitely crap 😭
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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The rain kept falling on the circuit, but that wasn't such an excuse for Sebastian and his team to cancel what they had been working on for months.
The run that the retired driver had decided to organize on Thursday not only with Formula 1 drivers, but also with those from Formula 2 and 3, and even other members of the sport, in honor of Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzenberger, was more than perfect. It was an absolute success. And Sunday, when Vettel would drive the car that once belonged to the Brazilian pilot who died 30 years ago on that same circuit, hadn't even arrived yet.
You had been busy taking photos of everything, as you were Sebastian's official photographer. Now, you were gathering all the equipment you had used because the cold you were enduring was barely bearable. You had been out in the rain all day, following Seb wherever he went, which had made you feel increasingly worse. Now, your hands couldn't stop shaking, and you felt like you were about to faint at any moment.
"Y/N, are you okay?" one of the team members asked.
"Yes, of course," you replied with a weak smile. "I'm just a bit cold. I'll be back to be the same me as soon as we get back to the hotel."
The man nodded, not wanting to press you further despite not being very convinced by your words after seeing your completely pale face.
You decided to continue with your work, ignoring anyone who approached you to exchange even the slightest word. You tried to ignore the growing headache, the fatigue, and the tightness in your chest, which seemed to be worsening. Although the rain had stopped and you were in one of the garages, the sky remained dark.
You were surprised to see Sebastian, still wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, just a few meters away from you. You shook your head, trying not to pay attention, and certainly not to worry. He was just your "boss," so to speak, and he was old enough to know what he needed to do to avoid getting sick. Well, he also had Britta, who was like a second mother to him.
A sharp pain pierced your temples. You staggered slightly, and if it hadn't been for your momentum making you lean your back against the wall behind you, you would have fallen to the ground.
"For God's sake, Y/N, you look terrible," he said as calmly as he could, though you could sense his nerves in his tone of voice. "You should go and have a rest. Like… now."
"Seb, we still have a lot to do. It's not just packing up the equipment, but also transferring the photos to the computer, editing them, then preparing the posts for you Instagram account..."
"Y/N, I love your work, but you've done more than enough for today," he interrupted, putting a hand on your shoulder, running his fingers carefully over it. "Now, I'll talk to Britta and we'll assign it to someone who knows what they're doing, okay?"
For a moment, you considered protesting, reproaching him that this was your job, and that's why he wanted you on his team since shortly before leaving Aston Martin, but the way he looked at you made you stop. He seemed worried, very worried. That's why you ended up not only reluctantly accepting but also letting him guide you to a nearby chair.
"Stay here. I'll bring you something warm."
As you watched Seb walk away, you sighed, managing to relax somehow. You saw him enter the Red Bull hospitality, and you assumed it was where he felt most comfortable. A few minutes later, you saw the blonde with two small steaming cardboard cups. As he reached your height, he offered you one of them.
"Thank you," you murmured, wrapping your hands around the cup and taking a sip. Chocolate, something you loved, and Seb knew it perfectly.
"Do you promise you'll go back to the hotel as soon as you finish your hot chocolate?"
"I promise," you assured him. "But I can't promise that..."
"Y/N, just no work for today," he cut in, seeing that you weren't going to fulfill what you had promised. "I want you to spend today and tomorrow resting. Sunday will be a tough day for us. You can do it, at least for me, or am I wrong?"
You nodded your head as if you were seven years old again. You knew you were going to rest as much as you could in your hotel room, but that didn't mean you weren't going to do anything. As you had already planned, you were obviously going to continue with your work. You couldn't disappoint Sebastian, not on such an important weekend like this.
Sebastian accompanied you to the door of your room, and despite having exchanged a couple of messages with you on Friday, having let you rest all afternoon and part of Saturday morning, and having agreed that you would come to a meeting room in the hotel at 12pm on Saturday to finalize the details of tomorrow's tribute, he didn't see you there.
"Have you seen Y/N?" he asked Britta directly, a little distressed. "She told me she would come with no doubt."
"And she did come," the ex-pilot's PR commented, "but I sent her back to her room as soon as I saw her shivering. Her forehead was burning, and she said she had a slight fever. It wasn’t just a slight fever, Seb," Britta assured him.
The man nodded but became even more worried. Quickly bidding farewell to Roeske, he headed towards your room. He saw the door slightly ajar, possibly your mistake. He knocked softly before entering, and the sight that greeted his eyes made him feel bad instantly.
You were curled up in bed, trembling uncontrollably. You had a small towel on your forehead with cold water to see if you could control your body temperature since you couldn't take your medicine again until the corresponding hours had passed, which was already the next day.
Your face was completely flushed, and your breathing was labored.
As soon as you realized Seb's presence, your eyes welled up with tears. You tried to force a smile, but all that came out were tears from how bad you felt not only for Seb to see you like this but also for ruining something so important.
"Seb... You didn't have to come," you stammered, your voice barely audible.
"Of course, I did! Don't be ridiculous!" he responded quickly, sitting beside you. He placed a hand on your forehead and realized Britta was right. "My God, Y/N, you're burning up. Why didn't you tell me you were feeling so bad?"
"I... didn't want to worry you," you admitted between tears of frustration and exhaustion. "Tomorrow is an important day. You need to be resting to give your best tomorrow. There are people who have come just for you, Seb, you can't let them down."
You noticed him tense a bit at the mention. His lips curved, and his jaw tightened. He took a deep breath and took your hand almost without thinking.
"This is my fault..." he whispered softly. He seemed overwhelmed with guilt, and much of it. You cursed yourself for making him think that when it was all really your fault. "Nothing is more important than your health, Y/N. I'm so sorry, really..."
"Seb, it's okay, really. These things happen; it's completely normal. There's probably someone else like me..."
His silence was the response you partly expected, but it didn't hurt until you saw him shake his head.
"I just wanted to give my best so that the photos would turn out perfect and you would have content worthy of all the work you've put into this..." was all you could say.
"You're already the best, Y/N," he said softly, tucking a strand of hair away from your face. "In fact, you're so perfect that you should stop being so perfect to start worrying more about yourself. And since you don't worry about yourself... let me do it for you, okay?"
Although you didn't agree with him and didn't believe you deserved his praise, you were too weak to argue.
Sebastian stayed with you all day, including the night. He made sure you were as comfortable as possible, brought you water, and soaked the cold cloth in water to lower your fever as soon as possible, miraculously something that worked. He didn't leave your side, not even when you had a coughing fit or sneezed without covering your mouth.
Your fever began to lower in the late hours of that day. Your breath calmed down, and the color seemed to return to your cheeks. Seb sighed with relief, quickly hugging you while continuously placing small kisses on your face and playing with your hair, making you laugh incessantly.
After ordering room service for dinner, since your appetite seemed to have returned, you fell asleep, at least apparently. To avoid disturbing you, Seb went from lying down next to you to reclining on a sofa next to the bed. His eyes were heavy with tiredness, but that didn't stop him from staying alert in case you needed his help.
"Rest, Y/N," he whispered, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead before caressing it. "I guess I'll have to take you out to dinner for the damages I caused."
You smiled at the last thing Seb had said, grateful that every time you got sick, you didn't fall into a deep sleep, and wishing that what Seb had said was true.
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Hello! Can I request for Soulmate AU of your choice for Leona, Idia, Floyd and Malleus? Thank you in advance!
Characters: Leona, Idia, Floyd, Malleus
CW: Leona & Idia being haters, Floyd is Floyd. Maybe OOC, Not proofread
A/N: Hello Anon! I am not too familiar with writing for soulmate AU so this will definitely be interesting. I decided to go with the red string one because It's the only one I sort of know.
A/N: I am so sorry if these are short I really do not write for soulmates at all.
If you liked Reblogs and Likes are appreciated <3
Soulmate?? PSHHHHH Leona doesn't believe in soulmates. Or so he thought.
His brother met his soulmate and well we all know how that went. Leona had given up on soulmates in general since he could never find the said person.
Going to NRC he didn't think he'd meet them.
When he came across Yuu he saw their strings joined during the spelldrive incident. But that wasn't the topic of conversation that was for another day.
When they came across him again Yuu realized they were soulmates and their eyes gleamed. Leona was like Ugh an was constantly trying to fight it, he didn't really care, but Yuu of course kept pushing. He snapped at them one day and was like
"You're annoying I don't care that you're my soulmate." and then walked away.
Eventually Leona secretly began to miss Yuu's prescense but would never admit it out loud. One day he got fed up and went to go look for them. Some students were ganging up on them and he well scared them off.
"Be careful herbivore I'm not cleaning up your messes again." Liar he would.
At first he hated the soulmate thing, but he's not saying he likes it just doesn't mind it.
He is a special case. He doesn't care enough, but he also does care. He's neutral to the soulmate thing, but if he ever did find his soulmate he'd be super stoked to meet them.
When Yuu came to Mostro Lounge to make the deal he found out Yuu was his soulmate then. However he was currently busy so he couldn't do anything about it although he's now super interested in Yuu.
After the whole ordeal he attaches himself to Yuu to learn everything about them, and just to get to hang out with them.
(Yuu literally has to force him to practice because he won't leave their side)
Eventually when they do start having a relationship he's even more loving and affectionate knowing he can kiss and cuddle his little shrimp as much as he wants.
He can barely handle a social interaction what make you think he will find his soulmate.
He's literally a shut in who is mainly on his computer either programming, doing school work, or gaming he'd not one for social situations.
The only way he found out Yuu was his soulmate was because he coincidentally went outside for club and he ran into Yuu and learned Yuu was his soulmate. Yuu figured it out too and he pulled out every excuse in the book to go back to the dorm.
Bro is not ready for the level 100 boss
Ever since then, he has tried to avoid Yuu. Emphasis on try as Yuu would probably be pushing as he is their soulmate.
Ortho at some point tells him he can't keep pushing away. He won't give up, but Ortho literally invites Yuu over forcing them to hang out.
It will take a while and some work before Idia can work up to the idea of a partner and a relationship, but he eventually does get there.
The second Yuu starts talking about marriage or a baby Idia would ramble about how he's not ready and tell Yuu to slow down.
Poor boy has been lonely forever a soulmate would make him feel less lonely and he'd be happy that he has someone to be around. He's been excited to meet said soul mate. He'd been dreaming what they'd look like what kind of person they are what gender they are (Not that gender matters to him)
When he was outside ramshackle and Yuu came out he realized their strings connected. He was happy he found his soulmate and would be even happier if they felt the same way about him.
When he came back from Diasmonia that night he told Lilia he found his soulmate. Lilia was happy so was Silver. Sebek was like WHAT? but he will get over it. (Spoiler he ends up liking and tolerating Malleus's s/o)
Peep Malleus planning the wedding with Lilia as the officiant.
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ponderingmoonlight · 5 months
Hi! I just love your levi fics so much!
For a request I was hoping for something like this -
Levi & reader had grown up together along with Isabel and farlan, when the group gets sent off onto their fateful mission levi thinks reader died alongside with Isabel and farlan. (Angst)
Only to discover years later that reader was alive and actually doing very well for themselves, well known and a strong fighter. Just a very cute reunion fic maybe? Maybe romance 👀 thanks! <3
🦅- Anon
this was an emotional rollercoaster I'm still crying babe but here you go, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do <3
Levi thinking he lost his sun forever only to find you again after years
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Pairing: Levi x fem! reader
Word Count: 3,3k
Synopsis: It's been 1869 days since you were killed by the abnormal titan Isabel and Farlan lost their lives to as well, 1869 days of missing you and regretting that Levi didn't tell you about his true feelings when you were still alive. Little does he know you aren't so easy to get rid of and that you are still out there...
Warnings: death, blood, war scene, depression, full on hurt to comfort, super duper fluff in the end, as usual not proofread because I need to go to bed now hehe
Notes: Finally my first Levi fic after literally MONTHS! I know a lot of you were patiently waiting for more attack on titan content and I'm beyond sorry it took me so long babes. Please let me know how you feel about Attack on Titan content so that I might do more and especially regular fics in the future <3
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He can’t take his eyes off you. To be exact, the sunlight suits your facial features so well that it seems impossible to ever let go of your sight.
You have been friends since he met you on that day exactly 6 years ago, when you tried to steal a load of food for a heavy pregnant woman. Since then, he was captivated by your beauty, your brain, your skills. But somehow, this makes the stinging fact that you sit beside him even worse.
“You shouldn’t be here, (y/n)”, he speaks out before he’s able to stop himself.
Immediately, your gaze drifts away from the dreamy scenery to him, eyes widen in surprise.
“What are you talking about, Levi?”
Don’t say his name while looking at him like that, not with that gentle tone in your angelic voice. He told himself over and over that you are nothing but a close friend, maybe considered family like Isabel and Farlan.
He huffs to himself. What a filthy little lie.
“This mission is dangerous. I don’t want you to get-“
“Hurt? Killed? You told me about all those things more than once and I’m happy to repeat myself again for you: I will not leave you, Farlan’s and Isabel’s side. After all, we are friends, right? And friends don’t leave each other behind.”
You gift him with your usual breath-taking smile while his heart skips a beat.
A friend.
He has to remind himself over and over again, force his orbs away from you. You are nothing but friends. And he will never risk to lose you over the potential of something more.
-the evening before the mission-
“I thought I’d find you here”, your teasing voice shouts from behind.
You are probably the last thing he wants to see this evening. Not because he doesn’t enjoy your company, but because he wasn’t able to convince you to stay in safety. Erwin Smith made it very clear that this mission is dangerous, that multiple survey corps member already died behind those walls. And even though you, Farlan and Isabel showed your skills countless times before, he can’t stop his train of thought. You, getting grabbed by a titan. You, getting ripped apart, your blood scattering onto the ground. He won’t have the chance to stay by your side during all times. One wrong movement, one thoughtless decision and you’d be gone.
“I don’t even have to ask in order to know what you’re thinking about right now, Levi.”
The second your hand brushes over his shoulder, he is too lost in the feeling of your bare hand against his shirt to worry any further.
“You don’t have to worry about Farlan, Isabel and me. After all, you’re the one who taught us everything we know.”
“Tsk. You were already doing fine when I met you.”
“But you were the one who showed me there is still hope, something worth fighting for. If it wasn’t for you, I would have died down there without ever seeing the sun once in my life”, you reply.
All of the sudden you place your hand on top of his and squeeze in gently. That look on your face, is it…Affection? He shakes his head firmly, doesn’t allow himself to get lost in that oh so sweet idea. A woman like you will never fall for a cold-hearted man like him, not when the whole squad fell head over heels for you the second they got to know you better. You are a true sweetheart, everyone’s favorite, a ray of sunshine. He, on the other hand, is none of that.
“Stop praising me or else I’ll puke and make a mess onto the freshly cleaned floor.”
No, he doesn’t deserve your kind word, doesn’t even deserve that spark in your eyes. You are better off without him, even as a friend.
“You’ll gonna clean it up anyway”, you bite back with a wide grin.
“Actually, there is something else I want to talk with you about, Levi.”
The sudden change in your voice paired with the warmth of your hand leaving his lets his gaze wander to yours again – only to catch you already staring.
“What is it?”, he questions instantly.
“If you have to decide between Isabel, Farlan and me…Just promise that you’ll safe them before even thinking about my ass. Please look after them and don’t worry about me.”
His eyes widen just the tiniest bit, reveal his surprise and…his resist. Not thinking about you, leaving you behind? The urge to shake you becomes almost unbearable when he grabs your arms passionately, gaze locking with yours.
“There is no way in hell I will ever leave you behind, dumbass. Don’t you dare to die on me, got it?”
“Promise”, you urge.
“Promise you’ll look out for them first.”
He has to close his eyes in order to stop staring at your perfect lips. This might be the last time he ever sees you alive so unbothered by his side, the last time he witnesses the way the dim moonlight lights up your hair.
This…might be your last night alive.
“Please, I can’t live with the thought of being without them. They are still so young.”
“What about you, though? What if I don’t want to live a life without you? What if I die myself?”
You smile at him sadly, your hand caressing his cheek oh so gently.
“We all know you won’t die out there, Levi. It’s us who might not be here with you tomorrow. After all, that’s why you wanted to stop us from coming with you, right?”
He swallows hard. Every single one of you is a skilled fighter. Hell, you even survived the underground with countless enemies chasing after you. But this? This is something completely different. For the first time since getting to know all of you, Levi isn’t so sure about your abilities anymore.
“I promise”, he replies with low voice.
“Thank you”, you breathe out.
“Now, let’s get some sleep, shall we? We have a big fight ahead of us.”
Oh, there is no doubt in the fact that Levi won’t close his eyes this whole cursed night, pondering about a way to safe all of you. But even though you are very aware of that, you turn on your heel and smile at him one last time.
The brightest smile of them all, making your face gleam in nothing but affection.
“Oh, and Levi?”
“What is it, dumbass?”
“When I was talking about the sun earlier…That sun was you.”
And then you’re gone in the dark, leaving him with his heart almost beating out of his chest and feelings clustered all over the place.
Him, your sun?
-the battle-
Your eyes widen in sheer horror, the violent scream escaping your lips not reaching your ringing ears. Those powerful orbs…There is no doubt in the fact that this is her, that this is Isabel. Tears stream down your face uncontrollably, mix with the bitter coat of rain that sticks to your face uncomfortably.
Your friend is dead. And you were not able to protect her.
The monster standing in front of you doesn’t look like the other titans you’ve seen before. Eyes red like crimson, lips curved into an evil grin. This thing is absolutely aware of the agony it causes you and enjoys every tear you cry.
You grab your blades even tighter, narrow eyes fixating its nape.
“I will make you suffer”, you press out through gritted teeth.
“I will make you regret that you even touched her!”
You dash forward only to get greeted by thin air. Fuck, this thing is so fast you didn’t even realize it was gone until your blade crashed into the muddy ground. Why do your hands suddenly start shaking, your knees felling weak? It’s just you and that thing. The other corps members around you? Scuttered onto the floor in bloody pieces.
You escape its clutches by a hair’s breadth, the monster’s stinging smell of death and rotten flesh making your guts turn. You need to focus, need to control your fear and anger. Otherwise, you’ll die just like all the others did.
Levi…Is he dead as well? There is no one around, no one showed a single reaction to your multiple cries for help, your signs. Maybe you’re the only one who’s left. Which means that Farlan and Levi are gone.
Levi, gone? Fuck, you should have told him about your true feelings yesterday, you should have pressed your lips against his like you always dreamed about. This was the last opportunity to tell him how much you love him before both of you die.
And now it will be forever too late.
Just when you’re about to dash forward, the arm of the titan yanks towards you with breath-taking speed. Your eyes widen in sheer horror as all you can do is stare in sheer disbelief.
Is this how you will die? Through the hand of an abnormal titan, eating you alive?
You always dreamed of a life on the surface with Levi by your side. Maybe a small cottage on the edge of a busy city close to a river. Having a little farm with a few animals here and there, Levi working for a local business while you stay home and care for your home. For a brief moment, you allow your eyes to rest, to get lost in the life you will never have.
If only you had told him sooner. Maybe then it would have been different. Maybe then you wouldn’t feel your bones crack against the sheer force of the titan’s flat palm, throwing you into the air like a ball.
As soon as your body hits the ground, everything goes black.
-5 years later-
He opens his eyes against the way too harsh sunlight. Another night he hasn’t slept more than 2 hours. Day 1869 of missing you.
“Good morning, Captain Levi!”
He doesn’t even care to reply, feet carrying him down the hallway monotone. His days have always been the same since the day he lost Isabel, Farlan and you: Getting haunted in his sleep, waking up alone, surviving another day in this living hell. It’s almost ironic, how he already hated the world when you were in it. Little did he know how much worse it would get when you’re gone.
There is no day since back then that doesn’t revolve around you. You, with your hair down in the sun. You, beating up some tuff guys and showing them their place. You, that fucking cursed night before you had to leave.
Until this day, he hates himself for not being there. By the time he arrived, everyone was dead, brutally murdered by an abnormal titan. And even after searching for your corpse for hours in the pouring rain, he didn’t even manage to find a single limb left of you. This should be a good sign. After all, it might mean that you somehow managed to survive.
“The chances of (y/n) surviving and managing to flee on her own are 1 against 500.000”, Erwin said back then.
Maybe it would have actually felt better, knowing that you’re dead. Maybe this would spare him from getting haunted by your giggling and fucking gorgeous face each and every night.
But…If getting haunted by your presence is all he has left, he shouldn’t complain about it.
“We are heading out today. It is said that there are countless abnormal titans roaming around a city nearby”, Erwin explains briefly.
“How the fuck did these things even manage to get in there?”, Levi grumbles in response while taking a sip of his way too hot tea.
“That’s not what I care about. What I’m more interested in is the fact that a group of villagers managed to trap one of them.”
Levi can’t help but put his cup of tea down while Hange bursts out in sheer excitement next to him. A group of villagers, trapping an abnormal titan?
“Former corps members?”, he questions.
“Apparently not. Maybe they are interested in a new job”, Erwin replies, getting up from his seat and straightening his uniform.
“We are leaving right now.”
“Right now? Over some brats who were lucky to not get eaten by that titan?”
“You can’t deny that these ‘brats’ have to be skilled in order to trap an abnormal titan, Levi.  Also, I heard the head of them is a woman.”
Levi huffs to himself. Skilled, huh? Lucky is definitely the better fit.
You sink your blade straight into the eye of the disgusting creature lying in front of you, watch in sheer satisfaction how it squeals underneath.
“Hope you enjoy that as much as I do”, you mumble, twisting and turning your sword painfully slow.
“(y/n), d-don’t you think that’s enough? What if it escapes?”, the man next to you cries out, holding safe distance between himself and the abnormal.
“So what? Listen, you little shit. If you even try to escape, I will kill you without even blinking, got it?”
You rip your blade out. In, out, in, out until everything around you is covered in crimson.
Just like back then.
You stumble back when a wave of nausea hits you. The sight of Isabel’s lifeless head, her limbs scattered across the muddy floor. Back then, you weren’t able to save her, weren’t even able to save yourself. If it wasn’t for your crew, you’d be dead by now. Just like her…
“How about you take a break for a sec? You’re drifting off again.”
Her gently voice pulls you out of your nightmare just like her tender touch. Petra has been the greatest support since that fateful day. In fact, the only reason you are still alive is her. When she found you, you were already on the brink of death. Only due to her passionate and long-term care, you learned how to walk again, learned how to fight again.
“Sorry”, you mumble, allowing yourself to rest for a moment against her strong shoulder.
“(y/n), I’m sorry to interrupt you like this but…We spotted members of the survey corps?”
“The survey corps?”, you repeat in sheer disbelief.
Rage starts flooding your veins in an instant, forcing you to pick up your blade again. If there’s one thing you will never forgive the survey corps for, it’s the fact that they left you standing in the rain. The countless people who died with the wings of faith embroidered onto their jackets, eaten alive by a titan while your desperate cries for help remained unanswered until this day. For Erwin Smith, you were nothing but canon fodder, nothing but a bait. And you will forever hate him over the fact that he is partly responsible for the death of Isabel, Farlan and Levi.
You storm in the direction your scout sighted them, jumping from tree to tree in order to catch them by surprise. You will definitely not tolerate survey corps members around your area, especially when you just caught an abnormal titan to study and torture.
“There they are.”
Their disgusting green cloaks fill you with thick anger, almost force you onto the ground to knock every single one of them out. But you know all too well this isn’t the way to go. No, you will wait here until the right time comes to throw yourself at their captain.
There are five of them, walking towards the direction of your village. Just wait a few more seconds until the one who walks ahead is underneath you, one second and you…
You lunge yourself at the person with full speed, forcing them to the ground. Him, to be exact. That firm chest exposes all too urgently that you just attacked a man.
“Are you out of your goddamn mind, brat?”, he barks at you, rough hands grabbing your wrists so tightly that your bones threaten to shatter.
You aren’t able to defend yourself, though.
That voice, the way he called you brat.
Is it really possible that…
You allow your eyes to look up at him and for a moment, time seems to stand still.
You breathe his name out like a prayer, as if your dream might become reality. These grey and unbothered eyes look just like you remember his, the dark hair framing his face oh so perfectly.
“Levi, is that you?”
He can’t comprehend his feelings. Just a second ago, he was under attack of a stranger. But your eyes aren’t foreign. They hold the spark he dreams of each and every night, the memory he cares about so deeply. Is it really possible, that…
Everyone was so sure that you died on the battlefield, that the titan must have eaten you alive without leaving any remains. But maybe there was nothing to remain. Maybe you actually did manage to survive. Is it possible? Is this really you?
“I thought you died.”
Your voice is nothing but a fade away whisper, tears streaming down your usual so composed face like rivers when your memories begin to crash down on you like a house of cards. All those years, you were convinced Levi lost his life on this battlefield as well, that you were the only one remaining. But now you’re sitting on top of him, taking in his clean scent while he glares at you the way he used to.
“Everyone tried to convince me that that fucking abnormal ate you back then, that there is no chance you survived. Now look at you, dumbass”, he breathes out, very own eyes now coated in a thin layer of glimmering tears.
There is no time to waste. With a swift motion, you lunge yourself at him again, wrap your arms around his strong torso as if your life depends on it while resting your head against his chest and crying your heart out.
Words will always fail to express how much you missed him, that you thought about him each and every night since the day he was taken away from you so roughly. But now, you will never let him go again. Now you won’t waste another opportunity to tell him how you really feel.
“I love you, Levi. I loved you since our days in the underground city, I loved you through all these horrible years of grief. I love you. I love you”, you finally blurt out.
“I love you too, (y/n). I always did.”
Gently, he rests his hand against your nape while lifting your chin up with the other.
The second your lips meet, your world feels complete for the first time. All the pain, the grief, the things you had to endure. The countless nights of imagining him right by your side, the thought of never seeing him again. And now he’s here, right in your arms while kissing you so passionately that you fail to breathe.
“I love you”, he repeats so softly that your heart melts away like butter.
“I love you…”
“I finally found my sun again”, you smile against his lips.
You snuggle yourself onto him even tighter, your grip around his torso firm. Oh, you will definitely never let this man go again. Not after it took both of you so many years to meet again, not when he’s all you ever wanted.
Levi Ackerman, the love of your life.  
“Who’s that woman throwing herself at you from a tree and then getting a smooch from you?”
“Shut up, shitty four-eyes”, Levi barks at the person standing behind him.
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@hellkaiserinphoenix  @chilichopsticks @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain (hope you noticed I actually named reader's bestie after you babe) @polarbvnny @kentocalls @kayleegomez
First divider by wonderful @cafekitsune - check out the banner I used here!
Second one as usual from the best @saradika-graphics - I worship the ground you walk on honey
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anton-luvr · 11 months
can you do childhood enemies to lovers with sungchan please 🤞 i love ur writing!!
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𖦹 childhood enemy!sungchan x fem!reader | fluff | ce2l au 𖦹 note ; tysm for requesting anon!! i had so much fun writing this i love sungchan </3 thank u for waiting and i hope u like it!
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Sungchan's yawn changes into a frown when he notices the pair of unfamiliar shoes by the door.
His aunt never mentioned about having guests over.
Thinking he had to endure another awkward social interaction, Sungchan sighs as he takes off his own shoes.
Don't get him wrong, he loves his aunt to bits.
But oftentimes, the friends she had over would nag him till his ears were ringing, endless questions about his college and non-existent dating life thrown his way.
So when he steps into the hallway to see that it's only a girl about his age with his sister in the living room, he's instantly relieved.
Until he notices his aunt is nowhere in sight.
"Somin," he calls out suspiciously, making his way over to the living room. "I'm home!"
The little girl squeals in delight, and she rushes over to hug Sungchan tightly. "'Chan, meet my new friend!" she says excitedly, pointing at you.
The smile on Sungchan's face freezes.
When he last saw you more than ten years ago, he had celebrated the fact that he would never have to see you again, but here you were: standing in his aunt's living room and staring right back at him.
Memories rush through his mind like a rollercoaster: childish fights over ice-cream, competitive glares exchanged when the teacher gave back your grades, and the promise he made to himself to hate you forever.
"S-Sungchan?" you sputtered, snapping him out of his thoughts. "What are you doing here?"
And just like he used to, Sungchan gets defensive. "What are you doing here? This is my aunt's house." he asks back, tone sharp and bringing an edge of hostility.
"She's the new babysitter!" Somin replies, unaware of the situation. "Her name is Y/N, isn't she nice?"
"Y/N, this is my brother! His name is Sungchan." Somin continues, grinning brightly at you.
You bite on your tongue to hold back from snapping back at Sungchan, feigning a surprised expression in response to Somin's introduction.
"Okay, bye! I need to go watch TV now." she sings, dashing off.
A heavy silence settles between the both of you as she leaves you alone, and Sungchan fakes a cough to break it.
"Sorry about that." he muttered.
"Oh, it's fine." you lie, shifting uncomfortably on your feet.
Sungchan shakes his head strongly at this, making his way into the kitchen.
"No, it's not. It's our first time meeting after forever, and this is how I treat you." he sighs. "Here, let me get you something to drink."
Not saying another word, you simply follow him into the small but cozy kitchen.
You watch as he pulls out two cans of soda from the fridge, and a small smile rests on your lips when you recognize the brand.
"I didn't know they still sold these sodas." you said, sliding into a seat by the kitchen counter.
They had been the most popular ones when you were a kid, and you would save your allowance to buy them during the scorching summers.
Sungchan makes a huffing noise as he places them on the counter, sliding one towards you. "You won't believe how expensive they are now." he complains. "It's almost five dollars a can!"
Hearing him complain like a grumpy middle-aged man, you couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?" he asks, confused as he takes a sip from his can.
"You sound like an old man." you giggle, pretending to dodge when Sungchan picks up his soda as if to throw it at you.
The silence from earlier returns as your laughter dies down, and you wrack your brain to think of something to say.
Thankfully, Sungchan beats you to it.
"So... how's life? How have you been?" he asks.
Shrugging, you take a sip. "Not much. I'm on summer break from college, so I thought I'd earn some money at it while resting."
Sungchan hums, leaning back on his chair.
"And my aunt hired you to babysit my sister? Yikes." he mumbles jokingly.
You scoff, rolling your eyes. "I see that you're still the same, huh?" you retort.
As if you had accused him of a great crime, Sungchan gasps and dramatically clutches at his chest. "Hey, if this was us back then, we'd already be fighting and screaming at each other on the floor!"
The fact that it's happened before makes you chuckle, shaking your head.
It was crazy to think about how you used to hate him with all your guts, but here you were, having a conversation with him in his aunt's kitchen.
And as if on cue, you hear the front door rattle open and the loud chatter of ladies fill up the house.
"Oh God," Sungchan groans, mortified as he buries his face in his hands. "My aunt brought her friends over again."
You didn't understand his reaction till they swarmed over, chatting away like a coop of chickens.
"Oh wow, who's this gorgeous lady?" one of the ladies asked, waving enthusiastically at you.
"Is this your girlfriend? You never told us you had one!" another lady teases, whacking Sungchan on the shoulder.
He chokes on his soda, shaking his head frantically. "W-We're just friends! She was taking care of Somin, that's all!"
"Hmm, and maybe she can take care of you too!" one of them adds in, smirking at Sungchan.
"Someone's turning red!" Sungchan's aunt notices, laughing along.
Sure enough, his face was the color of a strawberry. Embarrassed, he stands up quickly, pulling you up with him by the hand.
"Okay, it's getting late, I have to take her home." he rambles, tugging you after him as he squeezes his way to the door.
"You do?" you echo, following him in surprise.
"Aw, our Sungchan is all grown up! He's bringing a girl home, how sweet!" one of the lady coos, and Sungchan's eye twitches.
"Bye!" he shouts, slamming the door shut behind the both of you.
All noise fades the moment he does, and the peace of the night wraps around you like a hug.
"Sorry about that. My aunt's friends are... something." Sungchan mumbles, annoyed.
"It's fine." you say. You were sure you had at least five aunts from your family who were the same, if not worse.
"Wait, but are you actually going to take me home?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at the brown haired boy.
Eyes widening, Sungchan plants his hands on his hips. "Of course I am! What kinda douchebag do you think I am to let you go home alone in the dark?" he scoffs, seemingly offended.
Shrugging, you laugh as you walk away. "Well, let's go then, Mr. Considerate."
He catches up to you with a "Hey, wait for me!", your footsteps falling together in a rhythm as you make your way home.
"Anyways, how about you? How's life?" you ask.
Sungchan hums at this, kicking a random rock on the sidewalk. "It's good. I'm finishing up my degree in engineering, then I'll probably start working."
"Oh, cool!" you say softly. "I would never have guessed you wanted to be an engineer." you laugh. "You were so obsessed with being a fireman back then."
Your words unlock another memory for Sungchan, and he smiles to himself.
Silence falls between the both of you again, but it felt more comfortable this time.
And as you continue walking together, Sungchan can't help but look at you from the corner of his eye, the old hatred softening away into unfamiliar adoration.
And he realized his aunt's friends were right. You really were gorgeous.
Your eyes still had the mischievous glint he used to hate, your cheeks a soft pink from the cool autumn breeze, while the orange street lamps overhead cast a soft glow on you - almost like an angel.
His face burns in realisation when he catches himself admiring you, and Sungchan's about to slap himself when you stop in your tracks.
"Alright, this is it. Thanks for walking me back." you smile, pointing at the apartment complex you stayed at.
Sungchan smiles back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. "No problem," he says. "It was nice seeing you again."
You nod, waving as you walk up to the entrance.
"Goodnight!" you call, pulling out your access card.
But the beep of verification has barely gone through when it's cut off by Sungchan, shouting.
"Y/N, wait!" he calls.
"Do you want to go get a coffee or something tomorrow? J-Just to catch up." he stutters, eyes shining with what seems to be nervous anticipation.
"Sure," you say immediately, surprising yourself. "Text me the details?"
"I don't have your number though." Sungchan says, smiling sheepishly.
You face palm yourself, dumbfounded. "Sorry," you laugh awkwardly, taking his phone from his outstretched hand.
He watches in amusement as you type in your number, failing at least twice because you kept pressing the wrong number keys.
God, you were so cute.
"Still struggling with numbers?" Sungchan teases when you pass his phone back to him, and you slap his arm. "I passed math in high school, get it right." you scold lightly.
He grins, slipping his phone into his pocket. "Well, you can tell me all about it tomorrow," he says casually.
His words make your cheeks warm up, and you nod.
"Bye!" you call out, stepping into the lift.
Sungchan waves back as the lift doors close, and he can't help but smile like an idiot.
It seems like he wasn't going to hate you forever after all.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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valley-of-headcanons · 4 months
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bachelorettes' first kiss with farmer || headcanons
sharing such a magical experience with your lover is better than you could've ever imagined! <3 part one here!
warnings: penny mentions pam and hints towards abuse :( a few unconsentual kisses, ruh roh :/ all fluff!
requested by: anon! hi, hope you enjoy! keeping this short and sweet since it's a part two. thanks so much for the cute request! :)
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• It wouldn't take Abigail too long to kiss you once you've started dating. It wouldn't be before, but she has no problem with kissing you pretty soon. Abigail invited you to hang out at the cemetery one night, wanting to show you her favorite hang-out spot. She set up a few candles, sitting against one of the tombstones. A bit disrespectful, but she doesn't think they mind. You two were cracking jokes and having a wonderful conversation about Abigail's parents. They seemed so stressed out about her, and she wasn't making it any better.
• She laughed loudly, “Uh huh, my parents would be pissed if they saw us out here together! Or if they knew we were dating period! They'd probably flip their shit if they saw us sneaking around town, and if they caught us doing anything? I would be fuckin' dead! Hah ... imagine if they caught us kidding? ... would that be such a bad thing?” She was definitely a tease, but she loved seeing the cute look on your face.
• After seeing that you weren't exactly upset with the idea of kissing, she leaned closer to you. She slowly put a hand on your cheek and kissed you happily. Passionate, but playful. Like a sparkler being twirled around by a child. Wild and chaotic, yet beautiful and lovely. Feeling her lips against yours was a moment you wish you could keep in your back pocket forever.
• Emily wouldn't wait to kiss you. She doesn't have any worries about kissing you, even before you've started dating. She doesn't mind being open with you in this way. You two were sitting on the bench close to the saloon, relaxing after a hard day's work. She was showing you her crystal collection, which she brought outside because she said she needed to feel the sun. You go, girl.
• “This one is rose quartz! It represents love and romance. Hmm, I wonder what I've been using that one for,” she said with a cheese-y smile, giggling like a mad man. This gives you a little blush, to which she puts the crystal in your palm and closes it. “Close your eyes and feel the moment. Feel the vibrations transfer from your hand to your heart ... do you feel this?”
• Emily then firmly planted a kiss on your lips, excited that her little plan worked. When you kissed back, it was as though the stars had aligned to create this moment, and you had a sneaking suspicion that Emily had something to do with that. The crystal wasn't exactly the reason you were finally sharing your first kiss, but you would let her win if she argued in its favor. It was wonderful regardless.
• You and Haley would share your first kiss before you start dating. Haley is a romantic, and what's more romantic than a spur-of-the-moment kiss? You two were walking around Pelican Town, Haley dragged you along on one of her nature walks to take photos. Below your farm, you were standing by the lake as Haley snapped some. She then flipped the camera towards you, playfully taking a few photos.
• “C'mon, give me a good pose! No, I'm not going to show this to anyone, I promise these are just for me! Fine- let's take some selfies instead then,” Haley laughed before getting closer to you. “Give me some silly poses, but not too silly, they still need to be good pictures!” She snapped a few, changing her pose every few seconds. She leaned up, kissing your cheek. When she checked the photos afterward, she noticed your red face.
• “Aww, you're all red from just a cheek kiss! ... wow, you're still red ... is it that you, uh ... wanted more?” she suggested, a soft smile of her lips. Her cheekiness faded away as you nodded, her own face just as red. She was incredibly nervous, slowly creeping toward you. She wrapped her arms around your neck, touching her lips to yours. It felt like you two were flying through the air, soaring as you two felt each other's warmth. The nervousness wore off, and it felt like a dream came true. Maybe taking pictures together wasn't such a bad idea after all.
• Leah would like to wait for at least a month or two to have your first kiss. She wants to make sure this is the real deal, so kissing you right off the bat may not be the best option. Leah was relaxing at her cabin when you stopped by. She was working on a new sculpture, which you complimented with a smile. It warmed Leah's heart to know that you loved her work so much. You then presented a bouquet of flowers for her. Not the ones you asked her to be your girlfriend with, but some similar.
• “Oh, hon ... you always go out of your way to do stuff for me, and I really appreciate it. You're just so sweet,” she smiled, getting up from her work and smelling the bouquet. She put it in some water before walking back to you, wrapping her arms around your neck. “What could I ever do to repay you for everything you do for me? You've put me into insurmountable debt, my dear. I guess there's something that I could do to repay you ...”
• Leah looked up at you with loving eyes before leaning into you, planting a careful kiss onto your lips. Her lips painted a picture with more skill than her brush. Colors exploded in your mind as you held her close. It was as though nothing else mattered except you and her. A moment in time that would never fade.
• Maru is a bit cautious to kissing you at first. She has a lot of common sense, and she wants to make sure that you're not a bad partner beforehand. It would take her maybe three or four months. Maru had brought you out stargazing, sitting outside her room under her telescope. You two had been here many times before, but this night felt different. It was as though Maru had a mission, her mind had been set.
• She looked nervous, staring down into her lap instead of up at the gorgeous stars. She took a deep breath before taking your hands in hers and looking into your eyes. “I'm sorry for obviously acting a bit nervous, I've just been thinking about taking things a little further. Not insanely far, but ... I want to share my first kiss with you, if that's okay. I know that it's not exactly ... romantic ... me asking like this, but I want to know that we're on the same page! So ... what do you say?”
• You don't say anything, actually. You let a soft laugh escape your lips before wrapping your arms around her. You press your lips onto hers under the glow of the stars. She looked so beautiful like this, you were thinking about kissing her too. It felt so sweet, like strawberries on a spring afternoon. A taste that you want to keep going back to forever.
• It would take Penny a while to warm up to the idea of kissing you. Maybe around the six month mark, she would finally be okay with it. She's not used to physical affection! Penny had stopped by your house to see if you needed help on the farm. Well, she really needed to get away from Pam for a bit, and you were her safe place. You had finished your work, so you two ended up hanging out in the kitchen. You decided to cook a meal together, but Penny's cooking skills are a little ... less than desirable.
• You tease her about her cooking skills, to which she starts to pout. “Hey, I'm trying for you, I promise! I was just never taught! I'm watching how you do it though, and I promise I'll get it eventually!” She had taken your comments too seriously, for which you apologize and reassure her. “... I'm sorry I got so defensive, I ... I really appreciate you, and how understanding you are and how patient you are with me ... I just- ... I just really love you.”
• You rest your hand on her cheek, staring into her eyes. You ask if you can kiss her, and she thinks momentarily before nodding. Her face was as red as a poppy as you leaned in, planting a soft kiss against her lips. Gentle, like you were kissing the petals of a gorgeous flower. It was like you two were surrounded by a flower field, far away from anything wrong with the world. She really needed this, something to truly clear her mind.
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gyupinkys · 1 year
thinking about absolutely insane yandere cheol n hoshi x knife/gunplay .. just imagine .. they’d be so ruthless with you, making sure that both of them are forever engraved in your brain .. and the STAMINA ugh anyways
also I feel like cheol would have a daddy kink whereas hoshi would have more of a sir kink? idk what are your thoughts
I just found ur account not too long ago but I’m obsessed with your works!!! thank you for being such an amazing writer <3
p.s not sure if u do anon tags but I’ll probably be active on here since I love ur works sm so if you do end up having anon tags could i be your 🐇 anon?
I'm glad you enjoy my work and tysm for reading!! I absolutely agree that Cheol would have a daddy kink whereas hoshi would have a sir kink. And this ask.. right up my alley. 
WC: 1.6K
WARNINGS: Yandere, murder, kidnapping, gun play, DUB CON, fingering, unprotected sex, degradation, slut shaming, double penetration??, choking, daddy/sir kink, creampie, sex tape
You tried to listen to Cheol’s words. No one is fucking stalking you, those things only happen in the movies. No ones stealing your panties, they're just getting lost in the dryer. Those stains on your sheets? Probably from your lotion. And the gifts, flowers, random envelopes of money? Just from a friendly neighbor who is probably too afraid to say hi to you. You tell yourself these things as you hear your bedroom window slide open. Too afraid to alert the man in bed next to you, too afraid to move, to breathe. You tell yourself these things as you hear not one but two sets of footsteps walking around your bedroom, nearing your bed. You tell yourself these things as you make eye contact with Cheol, a hateful look on his face as he grabs the man by his hair and slits his throat, the blood flying over you. It’s the last thing you tell yourself as Hoshi whispers “Just close your eyes, my flower.” in your ear as you feel something sharp pierce your neck. 
You're so uncomfortable and so hot. You're on a very comfortable bed yet your body is twisted and It feels like heat is surrounding your body from all around, making you groan. 
“Look who's up.” Cheol speaks into your hair, inhaling deeply. 
“Cheolie?” you whimper.
He grabs your hair and forces you to look at him.
“It’s daddy to you, my love.”
“What? Cheol let go of me.”
You hear a gun cock and feel a cool metal press to the side of your head from behind.
“Don’t misbehave, my flower. I wouldn't want you to make your  punishment worse.” Hoshi says from behind you.  Well that explains the heat.
“Hoshi, what are you doing?”
He presses the barrel harder into your skull making you whimper.
“I want you to call me sir.” he whispers into your ear. You groan, this is so embarrassing.
You go with the better of the two.
“Sir, what's going on?”
“I couldn't wait anymore baby, you were getting too scared, too suspicious. I especially couldn't stand to see you fuck that son of a bitch. It’s your fault he’s dead. If you kept those slutty legs closed none of this would happen.”
You start to cry. What is happening?
“So it was you two stalking me?” you say in tears.
“Bingo baby.” Hoshi says, patting your head. It seems like he’s the good cop in this situation.
“Just let me go.”
“And why would we do that? We just got you.” Cheol says as his hands begin roaming your body.
“Cheol stop.”
He gives you the scariest, darkest look you’ve ever seen.
“Daddy” you whimper, beginning to cry even harder.
“That's more like it, baby.”
“What is it, flower?” hoshi whispers as his hand travels to your ass beginning to squeeze. You groan feeling your mind and body begin to get conflicted. You hate them, you hate them because they know how you feel about them. They know you’ve wanted them for as long as you’ve known them. Why couldn't they do this the normal way? Why did they have to be psycho murderous stalkers?
Cheols hands move between your legs and beginning rubbing you over your panties. Hoshi moves his hands to your breast beginning to harshly rub and squeeze making you whimper out in pain. So much for being a good cop…
“Sir, it hurts.”
“I’m glad.” he chuckles, putting down the gun.
Cheol moves to hover over you taking in your tear stained face. “Don’t waste your tears baby, you're going to need them.” He pulls off your flimsy sleep shorts and panties beginning to rub your clit in harsh circles. You try to push at his chest only to be forced down by your throat. 
“Take it baby. I don’t wanna hear a word out of you if it’s not daddy or sir.”
You whimper. God you hated this but it felt so good. He thrusts three fingers in you, feeling zero resistance as you clench around him.
“Daddy please it hurts.” 
“If it hurts why are you so wet?”
Well, he got you there. 
Hoshi, probably tired of being neglected, turns your face and captures your lips in a heated kiss. You try to pull away when you run out of air only to be held in place. You begin to choke from the lack of air, feeling yourself begin to panic and squirm. 
“Fuck hosh, shes getting so much tighter.” Cheol groans.
“I want to feel.” Hoshi pouts.
“Wait your turn.” Cheol growls, pulling his fingers out of you and using your wetness as lube for his hard cock. “Baby, I’m gonna make you feel so good. Fuck you until all you can remember is me, well I guess the stockholm syndrome will help with that.” he smirks, pushing into you completely and ignoring your groans as he begins to thrust so hard you feel your thighs sting. He pounds you into the bed, hearing the bed creek with each movement. 
“Daddy.” you yelp, trying to find something to grip onto to ground you, yet you doubt anything will distract you from his brutal pace. He fucks you for what feels like hours, his huge cock, moving in and out, in and out.
“Daddy, can I cum?”
“You think you deserve to cum after you slutted yourself out?”
“No” You groan. “Look at you using that brain.” he says.
“You’ve had enough, it's my turn.” Hoshi harshly shoves Cheol and flips you around. He puts you on all fours and arches your back, quickly thrusting into you and begins to fuck you so hard you genuinely see white. You cant hear anything, see anything, think of anything but the feeling of him fucking you. You're harshly brought out of your daze when you feel something cold and wet probing your ass. You muster up the strength to mutter “Sir, what are you doing?”
“This hole is looking empty, baby. I’m gonna fill you up real nice don’t worry.” Cheol says with a slight laugh in his voice.
He begins to push the lubed gun into your ass, slowly thrusting it in and out of you while Hoshi picks up his pace. 
“I wish you could see this, Flower.”
“She can.” Cheol says and pulls out his phone, beginning to take pictures of the filthy scene.
“God, I’m gonna cum in this sweet pussy.” Hoshi groans as his thrust falters, bottoming out completely and filling you up completely. He pulls out with a sigh, admiring your swollen pussy, leaking with his cum. 
You slump onto the bed, only to be pulled up by Cheol. The gun being pressed to your head yet again.
“Don’t get tired on me baby, It’s my turn again.”
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bamnamuu · 9 months
31. with lee know? <3
if your oky with it can i be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon?
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w.count 578 | warnings typos mentions leeches | em’s note so so so sorry it took me so long to respond anon :( and of course, you can be /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ anon <3
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You two had been driving for what seemed like forever until your boyfriend Minho said something knocking you out of your daydream, '' we’re here babe.’’ you turned to face him, “Don’t jump into any random bodies of water this time okay.” you replied, causing him to start laughing at your request. “No promises babe!” This was an annual trip for the two of you. It all started about five years ago when your friends decided to go out into the wilderness for a camping trip, and you left with a pretty boys number. ever since then you and Lee know decided you would make it a year-round tradition to go to the place where you met. Last year on your 3rd anniversary Minho and you had just finished setting up the tent, both sweating bullets from the hot sun beaming down onto you. ‘’It's so hot I'm gonna die!’’ you said dramatically while your boyfriend went to the car to get you his tiny fan you had made fun of earlier that day, ''thank you’’ you said while reaching out to take it before he moved it away from your reach ''Nuh uh first apologize to my stupid fan’’ he said with air quotes. ''I'm so so so so sorry I called your fan stupid, can i have it now?’’ you said, giving him doe eyes. ''here.’’ he said, giving you the stupid fan and a sweaty kiss on your head. The two of you finished setting up and hiding in the shade till the sun calmed down, having enough of doing nothing lee know reached for your hand saying ''let's go on a hike!’’ groaning as he helped you up, you got your backpack and went on your way. It's customary for Lee know to point out random things he sees on the trail and tell you things about them, without actually knowing anything about wildlife creatures. ''that is a bird that lost its wings in war.’’ he said pointing at a small animal, ''babe, that's a squirrel.’’ you stated ''Agh same thing !’’ he said offended but then started laughing ''ohh that is the fountain of youth’’ he said looking over at a small waterfall, it's pretty to the point that you actually think he's right. ''I was giving you a 1 out of 100 chance of being right, didn't think you’d beat the odds!’’ rolling his eyes ''of course i’m right love, i come here all the time how else do you think i'm so handsome?’’ ''genetics.’’  ''i'll show you right now.’’ you were confused about what he meant by that till you saw him take off his shoes and walk off the trail to the pool of water and leap into it. You held your breath hoping he didn't hit his head on any rocks until he popped out of the water smiling ''aren't i even more handsome now?’’ He said his hair covering his eyes but he heard you laugh so he's taking it as a yes. ''minho there's a leech on you arm!’’ ''WHAT!’’ you were lying but it was funny to watch him freak out, and splash in the water like a cat. On the walk back to the tent you were holding your cold wet boyfriend who was now upset at your attempt at a joke but with a  couple kisses and millions of apologies later he forgave you on the condition that you had to drive the entire way home.
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
I'm having one of those days where, after a long day of work, I get home and just sit in my car. It's turned off, no music, and I wasn't even on my phone for the first 15-20 minutes of it. It wasn't necessarily bad day, just one that took a lot out of me.
Anyway, I was just sitting here thinking about the members of Ateez would react to an SO doing this.
Would they wait for you to recharge enough to come into the house, giving you space? Would they be waiting for you at the door with food and a warm drink? Who would be the one to just come sit with you in the car?
ateez reactions to their s/o staying in the car after a tiring day
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genre: fluff, hurt / comfort
warnings: cursing, not proofread
a/n: dear anon, thank you for your request. i hope you're feeling better, i do relate to what you've said. we all have those days :( i hope you enjoy this. anyone else who is reading, look at anons request to explain more about the context of this ask because i feel the title doesn't quite do it justice <333 thank you and hope you enjoy
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when hongjoong sees you parked outside the house, sitting in the car for a long time, he sense that you need a moment to yourself. he will wait for you. he doesn't want to intrude on your alone time. will, of course, provide you comfort when you finally come in the house to seek it. he has his arms wide open, a hit more clingier than usual because he knows you've had a rough day. he gives whatever support he can to you.
will go to you immediately. he's worried about you and wants to know what's going on. when he realises you want to just sit in the car for a bit because of your draining day, he starts to understand. but he isn't leaving you. nuh-uh, he's staying right by your side, hopping in the passenger seat and asking you questions about your day, allowing you to talk and vent to him about your feelings and what has happened. he's always there to listen to you.
he would be concerned when you don't get out the car. so, being in the outside, he will wave at you. when you barely respond, he will start playing pee-ka-boo on the other side of the car. will pull goofy faces and do the walking down the stairs skit when he lowers himself as he steps. all of this to see you smile. to make you laugh. he doesn't want his baby to be upset for too long <3
yeosang would join you. he sees you parked outside from his window and figures that today has been pretty rough. so he will slide in to the passenger seat and sit there in silence. he'll wait for you to speak. because if you don't want to, he's happy to just sit there with you in silence. he just doesn't want you to be sitting alone in the car by yourself. might end up suggesting going for a late night drive you end up at a mcdonalds drive thru
will state at you from the outside eif the car, his face inches away from the diver's window where you sat, trying to ignore him. at first he is looking intensely at you, as if trying to figure out what you're thinking. when you finally make eye contact with him, a small pout appears on his lips. he can see the tired and burnt-out look jn your eyes, and opens the door to give you a big bear hug.
sits in the car with you and starts taking about his day as a way to distract you. at first you're like 'this bitch is selfish af' until you realise that, actually, he's trying to make you laugh. his funny stories and over-exaggeration always gets to you, and his goofy triumphant grin on his face when he has broken your tired facade to see amusement in your eyes makes your heart flutter. he's so hard not to love.
"i'm not gonna wait for your forever, you know." this little so-and-so is not having you sitting in the car by yourself. he will stand outside, hand son hips, shaking his head and tutting. "stop moping about by yourself and mope about inside so i can cuddle you." will literally pull you out of the vehicle if he has to, kissing your pout away and placing a comforting arm around you. you're never alone when you're dating wooyoung.
leaves you in the car for a bit. he figures you want a little moment to yourself, so he gives you the space. however, when he waits and waits and waits and you're still not out? he gets more concerned. will make you a cup of hot chocolate and go out to see you, knocking on the car window for you to roll down. "thinking of coming in anytime soon?" he'll ask softly, waiting for you to tell him what's up.
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jackhues · 2 years
(mockingbird au!) late nights - platonic!hughes
request: I love mockingbird so so much. I was thinking of something involving Luke too. Maybe during some summer night, where yn finds him in the kitchen. He can't sleep or something because he is getting to know someone and is doubting. And YN helps him and then also Quinn appears and joins to the midnight therapy season. And Jack finds them later and he is like, all heart eyes because he appreciates how his brothers simply included you in their life's and how you are one more. Like, he knows he doesn't have to worry because eine way or another you will be okay. 
requested by: anon : )
notes: i'm so glad you all like this au! i was super excited to write this bcz i love the idea so much!! continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3
likes are good, reblogs are better &lt;3
mockingbird! au request rules!
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @zegras2crosby , @hockeyboysarehot , @ratkingbunting , @mysticaldonkey , @lam-ila , @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91 , @gavinbrindley @huggyhugh , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes , @mitchymainer , @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002 , @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73, @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog &lt;3
join my taglist!
gif not mine!
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you made your way downstairs, tiptoeing so that you wouldn’t wake anyone up.
it was your first time spending the summer with jack, and to be honest, it was going pretty well. everyone seemed to be so happy that you were there with them, and it was never awkward.
you felt like you belonged immediately.
it was the middle of the night, and you couldn’t sleep. jack had been knocked out, so you decided to come down to the kitchen, maybe grab a glass of milk, and then try to go to sleep again.
you weren’t expecting to see luke sitting on the chair, rubbing his temples with his phone out in front of him.
“luke?” you asked, coming around the counter. “shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
luke turned his phone off quickly, looking up to see you. he shrugged, laughing nervously, “i mean i could technically ask you the same thing.”
“couldn’t sleep,” you shrugged back. “i thought i’d grab some milk or something and then go back to bed. you want some?”
luke seemed to be relieved that you weren’t pressing the matter, “yeah, i’ll take a glass.”
you hummed in response, reaching for two glasses and pouring milk in them. on a whim, you grabbed the cookies from the cabinet, taking them out as well.
you and luke sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying your cookies and milk. even if you were new the the hughes household, you knew there was no reason for him to be up in the middle of the night unless something was bothering him.
“you okay?” you asked the youngest hughes.
“are you okay?” you repeated. “most people don’t stay awake all night for no reason. also, you’ve been looking a little stressed for a while. is everything alright?”
luke sighed, clearly debating whether he should share this with you.
“it’s just — i met this girl,” he muttered. “she’s smart, and kind, and funny. at first, i thought she was a little weird because she knows so much about everything, but she’s actually really cool. i just… i don’t know. i’m scared, y/n.”
you smiled softly, “hey, you don’t have to be scared about anything. if she’s nice, and if you’re happy with her, then that’s all that matters.”
luke shook his head, “no, you don’t get it. like, she’s — sometimes she’ll talk to me like we’ve known each other forever, but other times, she won’t even say hi when we pass each other in the halls. and it’s so weird, because i really like her, and i think she likes me too, but then sometimes i feel like she’s not as interested as i am. and then… and then she posts pictures of her enjoying her summer, and there’s some dude in so many of the pictures. i just — i don’t understand what to do.”
you sat there, allowing luke to rant to you, explaining the situationship that he had found himself in.
“let me see her posts,” you held a hand out.
luke raised a brow, but slid his phone towards you. 
you scrolled through the instagram account, finding three new posts since the summer started. two of them tagged an account for photo credits, the other one was a photo dump where the person was tagged in multiple pictures.
you clicked the profile that was tagged, shaking your head to yourself as you realized it was private. 
“one second,” you muttered to luke, who was completely oblivious and beginning to get antsy. 
after a little more searching and a few more clicks, you handed luke’s phone back to him.
“well, one problem’s solved,” you grinned.
“which one?” he seemed more lost than ever.
you pointed at the tagged account, “the boy you’re worrying about, that’s her brother. if you scroll further down on her page, you can see pictures of him when he was younger, and he commented on an old picture saying ‘younger brothers are the best’, referring to himself. you don’t have to worry about her being with someone else.”
“but what about when she ignores me in the halls and stuff?” he asked. “like, is there a reason? what’s going on with that?”
you sucked in a breath, “that’s another thing i wanted to point out.”
“what?” he sounded concerned.
“now, i’m pretty much pulling at loose strings here, but i think the reason she ignores you sometimes is because of you.”
“okay, wait, let me try to explain that better,” you said, raising your hands in defense. “some of the pictures, especially the ones of her in your team’s hockey jerseys, people have been commenting some nasty stuff.”
“like what?” luke’s brows furrowed. you wanted to wrap him up in bubble wrap and hide him from the world. he was far too innocent to be out there.
“she’s your friend, right?”
“yeah,” luke stated, as if he couldn’t understand why that was a problem.
“well, people notice stuff like this,” you explained. “especially because you’re a hughes, you’re well known. they’ve been commenting stuff, saying she’s only using you or that you guys are hooking up on the low—”
“we’re not!” luke’s face was becoming red from anger.
“i know you’re not,” you remained calm. “but people are cruel, and it’s hard to deal with their comments. i think that when the comments get too much, she tries to ignore you, but she can’t really.”
“no one should have to go through that,” luke shook his head. 
you smiled a little sadly. you knew that firsthand.
“honestly, i think you should just talk to her,” you explained. “call her, and ask her if she’s okay. let her know you like her, and you want to be more than friends. you don’t have to rush anything, you’re still young. but don’t waste this chance.”
luke smiled a little, “thanks, y/n. you’re the best.”
“what’re you guys doing?” quinn’s voice came from somewhere behind you two.
you turned, ushering quinn to the kitchen. “we’re just having a midnight therapy session. care to join?”
quinn looked at you guys, unable to figure out if you were joking.
“y/n gave me relationship advice,” luke nodded solemnly. “maybe she can give you some tricks to help build your game.”
you laughed, shaking your head, “oh no. i’m the last person you should come to for flirting tips.”
“you’re telling me you dealt with jack flirting with you before you dated, and you still don’t know anything about flirting?” quinn questioned.
“jack’s got the most game from the three of us,” luke agreed. “you’ve got to have picked up something.”
you shook your head, still laughing. “oh god, that man had no game, whatsoever. the first i saw him, he tripped — over his own words and then on the ground.”
quinn’s eyes bulged, while luke choked on his glass of milk.
“you’re joking?” quinn muttered in disbelief as you patted luke’s back. “wow, i would’ve never imagined jack to get tongue tied over someone.”
“when he said the first time he met you, he embarrassed himself, he wasn’t joking,” luke said, finally recovered from his coughing fit.
you shrugged, “he was a bit of a mess the first couple times we met. but he was cute, and clumsy in an endearing sorta way. don’t ever come to me for flirting advice because i have never flirted with anyone nor been on the receiving end of it. the fact that i’m with jack despite our first meeting shows how low my standards are.”
the two hughes brothers laughed, shaking their heads to themselves as they asked about more stories from you and jack meeting. jack had been cagey about the details, but you had no hesitation sharing them.
some time during your third story, jack padded downstairs, having woken up without you next to him. he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, smiling softly at you and your brothers, laughing and talking with each other.
he’d been nervous bringing you back to michigan for the summer, but there was no way he would let you spend the summer alone in new jersey. seeing you and his brothers get along made his heart happy.
he smiled to himself, listening to you talk. his smile dropped slowly as he realized the stories you were all sharing.
“okay, okay,” he stepped out into the kitchen. “i think that’s enough bonding for one night.”
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starlightiing · 4 months
I saw you were sad about your writing before you deleted that post. Wanna tell us about some WIPs you have? 🥺 ❤️ 💙 💜
Thanks anon I appreciate you. I kinda want to throw all my WIPs in the trash actually ahaha but uh lemme gather my documents and see what I have...
1. Car Crash fic. Pierre gets in a horrific car accident while they're in Texas a week before the GP. He and Esteban had a nasty break up and quite literally only speak for work purposes. Pierre, however, forgot to update his emergency contact and Esteban got the call at 2am. Tired and annoyed, he brings himself to the hospital with his proof of identity, expecting to hear that Pierre was stupid and broke an arm or something. It's much worse.
2. Android AU - Pierre is a very high tech android, the first and only of his kind. He's incredibly hyper realistic, so much so that he managed to fool a doctor. However, when he's debuted to the investors, they're afraid of how realistic he is. They tell the devs to turn him off and put him away for now, but Pierre was built with self preservation and he knows that means death. He runs away from them and seeks refuge with one of the mechanics that works for the company that created him - Esteban Ocon. Chaos ensues. Esteban steals this multi million dollar android and runs away with him to save his life.
3. Jurassic World AU - Pierre works at the hatchery with baby dinos. He's a "veterinarian" in a sense, and he plays with/mothers the baby dinos and makes sure they are socialized and enriched and such before they're put in their enclosures. Esteban works park security and special operations. When the park goes down, a series of events leads them both to miss the evacuation boat and thanks to Esteban losing his heart monitor in the scuffle, his security team sees him "flatline" and they think he's dead, so no one is coming for them, either. Survival AU for the boys.
1. Young Forever AU - this one is a bit odd, but it's a sort of "if you fall asleep you die" scenario, only its "if the music stops you die" - based on the line "the best of the drums keeps us alive" from the song Young Forever by The Ready Set - tying it into the beat of the drum being the beat of their hearts. If they're without music, they're without a beat, and therefore their heart stops. It sounds dumb. I promise it won't be. I'm still working out the kinks. It's going to be the strangest thing I ever write I think.
2. Soulmate AU - Don't want to go too far into this one, but Lando is a star that is humanized when he makes it to Earth. Yes, it sounds similar to the movie Stardust, no, it's actually not. Oscar has Lando's stardust inside of him, and so he literally lights up from his veins up to his heart when Lando touches him, because it's the stardust inside of him reacting to its host. Oscar has to help Lando figure out how to be human, they fall in love, there's issues, ect ect. Their bond is moldable. It's cute.
3. Flatliners AU - this one has a lot of pairings but the main focus is landoscar. Lando, Oscar, Pierre, Esteban, Alex, George, Charles, and Logan are med students in their residencies at the same hospital. Lando is focusing in neurology and has taken a special interest in "life after death" and what the brain does when the heart stops. He approaches his friends with a very casual, "I want you to stop my heart" to mixed reviews. Oscar's focus is cardiology and also he has the most sense out of them all so he highly protests such a stupid idea. Majority rules, though, unfortunately for him.
Lestappen / Galex / Landoscar / Pierresteban:
1. Angel AU - first part has been posted. Post apocalyptic world. Some humans started being born with genetic mutations: wings. Wings are worth a lot of money on the black market because the feathers have dust on them that are used for making hallucinogenic drugs. Humans are viciously hunting angels down to make a buck. A lot of underground bunkers from the apocalypse are commandeered by GOOD humans who set them up as sanctuaries to hide angels in. Alex Albon runs a sanctuary (he's also a doctor). Charles is his right hand man, and alongside Lewis, they lead raids and missions to find angels, save them, and take out hunters. Lots of subplots in this one, but it's a lot of fun. And a lot of pain.
1. Soulmate AU that I have not decided on yet.
1. Soulmate au with soulmarks. Featuring Pierre being rejected by his soulmate which causes the biggest downward depressive spiral when his soul make disappears and another doesn't manifest in its place. Lots of angst here. Yuki saves the day.
1.Inception AU - this can also fall under Pierresteban and Landoscar. It is literally just the dumb boys in the universe of Inception, invading dreams and doing very illegal things while dressed up in very fancy expensive clothes. Also they have guns.
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im-yn-suckers · 1 year
idol riki x idol reader (she/her pronouns used)
warnings-kisses, reader is sad but niki cheers her up. lmk what I missed not proofed but are we surprised? no.
the other day, you and niki wanted some ramen. "I'll be back guys! I'm going to the store!" you were rushing out of your room.
you lived in dorms with your 4 other members. being the youngest had its ups and downs, but nothing you couldn't handle.
"now where do you think you're going, y/n-ah?" big surprise! the leader taking responsibilities of you again. "to the store" "for what?" "ramen" "but, we have some" "c'mon unnie. im just going to go to the store down the street" "y/n-ah, you know you can't get caught." she was aware of your relationship, all of your group was, and all of enhypen was.
"I know, but with his promotions for dark blood and our promotions ending, we can finally see eachother!" she couldn't resist the charms of the rizz master, maknae of your group. she gave in and reminded you. "try not to get caught, y/n-ah." "I'll try! thanks unnie!"
and like that, you were running to the convenience store down the street. you met up with niki and ate your ramen together. being the gentleman he is, he walked you back to your dorm. "thanks for coming y/n. i missed you. with all the promotions going on, we barely nave time to see each other." you stood outside of your dorm, unaware of the 4 girls watching in the window. "I know, I know. i missed you too riki"
he hugged you tightly and pulled away. he almost immediately pressed his lips to yours. his hands were on your waist and you hands were massaging the back of his neck. "bye riki. I love you" "bye y/n, i love you too"
he walked back to his dorm and you went inside
time skip. ~ (🍔🍟🍕🍿🍫🎂🍪food bc I known ur hungry. and you haven't eaten, don't skip meals guys pls)
your stomach sank when you saw dispatches tweet. you called niki almost right away, voice shaking, onnthenverge of tears.
"y/n, I'm coming over, is that ok with your members?" "yeah, i-i think so"
a few minutes later, you heard knocking at the door. you stood up immediately from your bed and rushed over "I'll get it!!"
niki was standing outside in his gray tank top, green sweater and gray sweats. you hugged him as soon as he walked in. "I'm sorry riki."
"no, don't be sorry baby. it's my fault. I never should have asked if we could meet up."
"y/n, have you seen this tweet? I told you to be car- oh, hi riki. uhm, I'll leave you two alone for now"
"baby, what if the fans don't like the news?" you were starting to cry and niki continued comforting you. "they will baby. it's ok."
"c'mon, it's 9am. let go ask what we can fo about this." "ok"
you asked what to do about the situation and they said you could go live together and see how fans react. you had seen some tweets on Twitter and fans were happy about you two being you together.
you went live later that day and almost everyone was happy for you two. some comments were things like "have yall seen the way they looked at eachother while interviewing eachother at music bank???" and "she is such a prefect match for riki and I'm honestly so happy for them."
the live ended after awhile and niki definitely said i told you so. moso of the story, RIKIY/N FOREVER!!!!!
her you go anon<3 hope it was up to your standards (ur other requests will be written soon:>)
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one-green-frog · 9 months
Post Surgery Cuddles
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Hobie x ftm!reader
Thank you for requesting anon, and sorry this took so long as you know tumblr isnt really nice to me rn :)
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Y/N spent the day sitting on the couch and being pampered by Hobie, his lovely boyfriend. Just a few days ago, he finally got his top surgery, after many long nights working overtime and saving like a mad man. Hobie, the supportive boyfriend that he is, also occasionally contributed to the funds and Y/N luckily decided not to comment on the not so legally acquired money. Right now Hobie is in the kitchen preparing a neal for both of them, the surgery was draining for both of them. He was worried that soemthign might go wrong during it, but luckily Y/N came out drowsy and disoriented .
"They took my boobs" will forever be ingrained in Hobie's mind, and nothing will stop him at reminding his boyfriend of the many, many embarassing things he said while doped up on pain medication.
Y/N couldn't wish for a better partner in life, Hobie always prioritized him, he even "neglected" his Spider-man duties for him. The pre-surgery anxiety really hit him hard and he is so thankful that Hobie stayed with him all the time. Late night movies that turned into a cuddle session, home-cooked meals that turned into an eating contest, it didn't matter, Hobie was always there to take his mind off of any bad thoughts.
While this was great for Y/N you needed all the support and kind words Hobie offered his absence in a certain HQ caused some troubles. Especially for Miguel. But let's be honest, Hobie wouldn't care what Miguel thinks of him, his boyfriend needed him and that was all he could think about. Although he did forget to mention his leave to a certain group of spider-teens, who decided to take matters into their own hands.
Miles, Gwen and Pavitr all came to Hobie's dimension and started to look for him at their usual meet-up spots, but unfortunately they couldn't find him anywhere. As they ran out of places to look, Pav suggested tracking his watch, Miles was hesitant at first but he didn't have a better idea and they wanted to make sure that Hobie was actually alright. When they pinned down his location and arrived they weren't expecting to look through an apartment window at a romantic Hobie spoon feeding who was presumably his partner.
Sensing some eyes on them, both Hobie and Y/N turned to look out the window and saw 3 pairs of eyes looking back at them. Not wanting to force them to stick on the wall outside, Hobie opened the window for the teens to crawl inside. They stood there, embarrassed for being caught, but also glad that Hobie was still alive and well, the uncomfortable silence growing larger by the second as Hobie just sat down next to his partner again, a smug look on his face.
"Sooo.... uh, we didn't mean to..to interrupt you two, " Miles said awkwardly, removing his mask. "We were just worried since you didn't show up... for quite some time, 0" Gwen chimed in, all the while Pavitr used the time to admire the appartement and talk about how great it was decorated.
"Sorry, but my boyfriend here needed mew and thinking that my sudden absence would also piss of Miguel I killed two birds with one stone. Although I did seem to forget to tell you lads. "
Realizing that Hobie was alright while also hinting for them to leave so he could spend some quality time with his boyfriend, the teens left. Through the window.
Finally getting the peace and quiet back into the apartment, Hobie began to tell Y/N some stories about the gangs adventures while feeding Y/N, who still persisted that he didn't need that much help. The rest of the day was spent with his and cuddles and the occasional pill when the pain from the surgery intensified.
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Again I'm sorry this took me so long to finish, i hope you like it.
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Hello hello, it's anon from the flight! And how lovely it's this fandom that I got a moniker from an anon confession? I've read the messages and checked the reblogs and wow! I seriously didn't expect for my unhinged message to be this welcomed since I'm three years too late to this beautiful show! With this beautiful people and thank you so much to everyone who recommended me to listen to the Simon-not-actually-made-by-AI actor. AND SINGER! BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED. I'm still in disbelief he's real, like Omar Rudberg is so pretty AND has such a nice voice??? AND HE'S GORGEOUS and he's a great actor and UGH THE CHEMISTRY. With who I now know iis called Edvin and now I feel the need to see them acting next to eachother forever and ever, so much chemistry can't be wasted!! (looking at Netflix. I'm still so crossed I missed out of this beauty for three years wtf Netflix)
SO I binge watched the second season, patience isn't my name, and WHAT THE FUCK. Was not prepared for that rollercoaster. I gotta be honest, I almost stopped watching and went to sleep halfway through the season like ugh I fucking hate that Marcus dude, sure in the end I understand why he was a necessary evil for the plot but I fucking hate love triangles. I was a teenage girl during the height of love triangles in tv shows, I hate them. But I hate August the most. I think of his face and feel enraged.
BUUUUUUUUUUT UGHHHH. THE LOVE BETWEEN SIMON AND WILLE. That overpowered everything. Seriously, how am I supposed to be functional after being a witness to their valentine's ball kiss? And Simon's song? (Which I have been obbsessively listening on repeat WTF I understand nothing but I can feel FEEL the meaning on my bones. This beautiful dude's voice wtf. I can understand Wille's obsession, I'm practically obsessed too now wtf)
AND THE END OHMYGOD. A BALM FOR MY SOUL. I was kind of hoping to get heartbroken AGAin for shit and giggles but noooo, I got the best ending and I'm trying to not be too spoiler-ey since I'm sure I'm not the only human being living in this planet called Earth who's unaware the most perfect TV show exists and it's called Young Royals and beautiful people are in it to everyone taste no matter your sexual orientation (like hello Felice too!)(still shocked Omar Rudberg is a real person and not generated by artificial intelligence, maybe I'll be convinced after some proper sleep time, but for now he's too beautiful to be real. Not even exaggerating and I'm really good at that okay!)
I'm still processing the second season, I took a nap after I finished but I'm still tired since I cried and laughed and was left with the biggest smile in my face (and I also was in an 8 hour flight!) and then went to youtube and saw a clip from season 3 AND OMFG THESE TWO DUDES ARE TOO PRETTY FOR WORDS. Happiness and love look wonderful in Wille, like the literal heart eyes he's delivering there? That's how I feel when I see Simon too. Relatable character is relatable. What can I say about Simon without sounding crazy except I need to protect him at all costs??
I don't know what else to say except THANK YOU for reading me and thank you to everyone who has been nice to me in the comments even when I'm still anon, it means the world to me. I hope I'll be more coherent after eight hours of sleep and I won't be too embarrassed reading my own message tomorrow lmao and I don't know how I'm going to survive until 2024 for season 3, I'm sitting here taking notes for that too! I already know the answer it's fanfics so I'll be checking AO3 but also analysis? Meta? how are you guys for real? I was expecting a teenage fandom with just vibes but I guess I was wrong. And I love it. As much as I love the show and Simon and Wille's relationship and I gotta be honest, Omar Rudberg's face and voice. UGH.
Thank you so much for reading me again and for everyone who has left messages for me, I'll freak out more once I get some proper sleep!
Thank you and I'm sorry again XOXO
YAY thanks for coming back!! 💜💜💜
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leviismybby · 1 year
Hey Klara! I'm having quite a hard, stressful time rn. Could you write something cute about a clingy Levi, that just wants readers attention and cuddles? <3
Hey Kia! I'm sorry to hear that! Hopefully, your days get better soon! ❤️ sorry that this took some time :))
Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
No warnings just fluff and needy Levi :))
Levi scoffed when he sees you slumped over your desk again, eyes glued to the table as your hands sorted the different maps. He went out to get you something to eat, you haven't paid attention to him let alone ate something.
"Name." He says sternly setting the plate down next to you but you don't even look his way. "Name." Again he repeats this time his voice a little harsher.
You turn your head to look at him and smile. "Thank you Vi." You pulled the plate closer to you and continued to work. Levi slumped on your bed deciding rather or not he should try to get your attention.
When he hears that you started to write something down, he knew that you wouldn't stop working until you fell asleep at your desk. He took time off just for you today and this wasn't the treatment he excepted.
A pillow is thrown at your head and you glare at your boyfriend. "What was that for?" Levi rolls his eyes, isn't it obvious? "You're always fucking working." He says with an annoyed tone, thinking that you can't hear the underline of need for attention in it.
"Levi. If you want my attention just tell me?" It was hard to get Levi to admit that he wants your attention, you know it but if he really wants it, he is gonna have to work for it.
"Tch." He props himself up on his elbows, his ears going a light shade of red. "You know that I won't tell you that..." With a smile, you turn back around to focus on your paperwork.
"No cuddles for you then." Levi groans behind you, laying flat on your bed and looking up at the ceiling. You really get on his nerves sometimes.
With a hard swallow, he sits back up. "Name I want your attention. There are you happy?" He blurred it out so quickly that you nearly didn't hear what he said at all but it's a start.
"Very." You drop the pen and walk over to your bed pecking his lips as you lay back, Levi follows shortly after hugging you close to his body.
"I will never say that shit again." With a smile you muzzle into his neck, kissing his pale skin. "Why not? I thought that it was cute." You run your fingers on his chest and he scoffs again. "I'm not cute."
"Keep denying it." Levi kisses you on the forehead, fingers running up and down your back. This is what he wanted. You in his arms, he can stay like this forever.
It isn't long before he feels you doze off against him, tired from endless hours of paperwork. Levi doesn't sleep at all, just keeps you close to his body and pecks your face here and there.
"I love you." He whispers into your hair as his fingers play with it. Maybe he won't tell you those words while you're awake but he'll let you know through his actions.
Taglist: @lovolee3 @youre-ackermine @yakaaamoz @the-milk-anon @ackermendick @laraackerman @cometlevi @humanitys-strongest-bamf @evas-leslas @luvjiro @mrsackermannx @sixpennydame @svftackerman @levisbrat25 @notgoodforlife
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