#thanks fandoms-forever-United for saying you wanna see it
bkglove · 2 years
In Bloom (chp 1)
Summary: You, a girl with a plant quirk and a suspicious story transfer into UA mid second year and Bakugou wants to figure out what you’re hiding - his reasoning has absolutely nothing to do with the stupid warmth and annoying fluttering in his chest he gets from hanging around you. None. At. All.
Fluff, angst, friends to lovers, mutual pining, secrets, SLOW BURN, strangers to friends to lovers(?) (I may add more tags but you get the gist)
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
“Watch where you’re going, moron.”
You looked up, just catching the scowling face of the boy you’d bumped into as he stalked away. You watched him go, a frown on your face. 
Some hero school. You thought before scrambling to collect the papers you’d dropped. “Suppose not everyone here’s gotta be nice,” you grumbled to yourself. 
Though you couldn’t be too mad about it, it had been entirely your fault after all. You’d been too busy staring out the windows, ogling the oversized classroom doors, and basically looking anywhere except for right in front of you when you’d bumped into the blonde. That didn’t mean he had to be so rude about it though. 
You didn’t need some random picking up your papers and looking through your stuff but a polite “excuse me” or even saying nothing would have been better than what he’d said. You let out a frustrated breath, so much for new beginnings. 
“Where is it?” You rifled through the hastily cleaned up papers, this day was just getting worse and worse. 
You couldn’t find the sheet that let you know where your new classroom was located. You knew you should have just waited outside the principles office for the homeroom teacher like you were supposed to but you were bored and had, had all the necessary information needed to find your own way when you’d opted to walk around.
“Aha!” There it was, the paper had drifted a few feet farther than others resting right at a turn of the hallway, probably why you hadn’t spotted it sooner. 
You went to reach for it right as a voice called from around the corner “Bakubro wait up!”
You watched with a defeated sigh as the newcomer’s foot landed right on the paper.
Absolutely fantastic first day. You rolled your eyes.
This boy at least had the decency to stop once he realized he’d stepped on something and spotted you staring at the paper under his foot. He grabbed the paper. “Hey! Sorry about that,” his grin was big and welcoming despite housing razor-sharp teeth, he held out the paper. “Wasn’t really looking where I was going.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
Okay, so this school was not made up entirely of self-righteous assholes . Hopefully, that last guy was the outlier and not this friendly boy in front of you. You did your best to smile back at him “That’s okay, there really was no helping it.” You took the paper back from him.
“I’m Kirishima,” his grin never faltered, “I haven’t seen you around before, are you a general studies student or?” He let the question trail off.
“I, uh, I just transferred here. From a different school. I’m a hero student.” You tried not to outwardly cringe, the half-truth falling stiltedly from your lips, all things considered, you were surprisingly awful at lying. 
“That’s awesome! I’m a hero student too! Do you need help finding your class or anything?”
He’s like a golden retriever puppy , the thought brought a more genuine smile to your lips, okay so maybe not the worst first day ever .
“That would be amazing. Though, I don’t want to hold you up from meeting your friend.” You recalled he’d been running after someone before spotting you.
“That’s alright, I’ll see him in class anyway.” The redhead, Kirishima, you would do your best to remember his name, waved his hand as if physically trying to dispel your worries.
“Thank you so much,” you handed him back the sheet of paper he’d stepped on, pointing to where it read your classroom.
“Hey cool, we’re in the same class!” He looked between you and the paper excitedly.
“Well, that’s convenient.” You couldn’t help the little laugh that escaped you, his enthusiasm was infectious. Maybe making friends here wouldn’t be as hard as you’d feared.
“I’ll introduce you to everyone.” He grinned and the two of you started walking. “Oh wait, I don’t think I got your name,” he looked at you sheepishly.
“Y/N.” You replied easily, having decided long ago it was inevitably going to be easier and safest to just use your real name, even if it made your palms a little sweaty.
“Well nice to officially meet you Y/N,” Kirishima replied assuaging your nerves as the two of you continued on your way to the classroom. 
You had to hold back a frown when he opened the door and you spotted a familiar swash of ash blonde hair and a scowling face, all the good feelings and hopes for the day, and the class as a whole coming crashing down around you. 
One asshole and one super nice guy , you thought glancing around at the rest of the students, hopefully, most of them will be nice too . though your hopes for that were not high, you’d experienced firsthand how cruel even kids in a hero course could be.
You looked around for the teacher, part of the reason you’d left the hallway was to find him, assuming he’d be held up in the classroom but it didn’t seem like he was around. Before you could ask Kirishima about it a voice rang out.
“Whose the cutey Kirisihima? Your girlfriend?” 
You looked up to see a boy with electric blonde hair a black zig-zag running through the top glancing between the two of you, eyebrows wiggling.
“No man.” Kirishima spoke first, cheeks pink, “this is our new classmate. I met her in the hall.”
“Well in that case,” the blonde stood up and walked toward you in what you could only imagine was his best attempt at a swagger “Hi hottie, I’m Kaminari. What’s your name?”
“Not interested.” Were the first words out of your mouth before you could think better of it. These were new people, you were supposed to be trying to make friends .
He looked a little sad at the immediate shutdown but others in the class who had been drawn to the conversation chuckled, helping to loosen the knot of tension you’d felt growing in your gut.
“Ah, I mean,” you spoke again, waving your hand around a little, “I’m y/n.”
“Well,” Kaminari perked up, “it’s nice to meet you y/n, I’ll have to do my best to woo you.” He winked and then winced when a girl with short black hair jabbed him with what looked to be aux plugs from her ears.
“Stop being an idiot and leave the poor girl alone.” She scolded him before turning her attention to you. “I’m Jirou, it’s nice to meet you.”
“You as well,” you could only imagine how awkward you must have looked, face flushed, shoulders squared, palms sweaty, heart beating fast, you’d been out of the making friends game too long. 
Fortunately, you were saved from any possible further embarrassment as a tall boy with thick glasses and short dark hair stood in the center of the classroom and called for everyone to be seated as class was about to start.
Unfortunately, you still hadn’t found the teacher and were now left standing alone at the front of the classroom no idea where you were supposed to sit. "You have no one to blame but yourself for this" was going to be a mantra of yours at this rate. 
You weren’t left waiting long, almost as soon as the students each found their seat and quieted down did Aizawa enter the room. You’d met the teacher a few times before, in fact, he was a big part of the reason you were able to be transferred to U.A. and given this chance at all.
“Everyone should be seated, class is about to start,” He announced, glancing at you as he took up his spot at the front of the classroom behind a podium. “Right, we have a new student everyone, I expect you all to be welcoming.” You couldn’t be sure but it seemed like the professor had left his eyes a little longer on the angry blonde as he looked around the room. “Okay, go ahead and introduce yourself.” He said looking at you, voice tired and uninterested not giving you the vote of confidence you kinda needed.
“Oh, uh-,” your eyes darted around the classroom. You spotted Kirishima giving you a big grin and a thumbs-up before you let your eyes settle on a blank wall at the back of the room so you didn’t have to think so much about where to look. “I’m y/n. I moved and had to transfer schools. I’m very excited to learn with you all.” The practiced words fell from your lips smoothly and you could only hope it would be enough to not raise too many questions about your past, you couldn’t go through being the immediate outcast again when you swore you’d try your best to fit in with this group of hero wannabe’s.
The class immediately erupted. 
“Hi y/n! We should-”
“What’s your quir-”
“What school did yo-”
“Where’d you mov-”
The students spoke over one another so you couldn’t hear the end of any single question.
“Quiet,” Aizawa spoke, hair-defying gravity as he used his quirk to get everyone’s attention. The room was silent immediately. 
“y/n go take a seat. Everyone can ask their questions after class.” He gestured to the back of the classroom where you spotted an empty desk, quickly making your way over, ignoring the angry red eyes that followed you as you walked past. 
You knew this was the top hero school in the country but damn did they have to take their secular study classes extremely seriously too? You already felt behind and this was the part you were expecting to be good at. Lunch could not come fast enough.
The second the class was dismissed you were surrounded. It seemed, besides the one blonde outlier, this was an extremely friendly class. Or they were all really good fakes but that seemed unlikely. And, against your better judgment, you felt yourself actually getting excited about your future here. Amongst all the offers to sit with you at lunch, you opted to go with Kirishima as you’d already spoken to him and he felt like the safest bet to have the least awkward lunch experience. Besides, there would be more time to get to know the others later. 
It did not take long for you to regret that decision.
“What’s the fucking newbie doing here,” A gruff voice asked after you’d settled into the lunch table. You looked up to see the same asshole from before.
“Same as you, I expect,” you responded automatically, not that you really felt bad being snarky with him, he of all people definitely seemed to deserve it. Based on the snickers from your new classmates around the table it had been the right move. It was almost imperceptible but even his own deep frown seemed to quirk up into a small smirk for a moment as he sat down.
“C’mon man.” You heard Kirishima reprimand the blonde, as the pink girl, Mina you’d learned her name was, put a comforting hand on your arm.
“Don’t worry about Bakugou he’s just a grumpy old man,” She said seriously.
“I’m not a fucking old man.” The object of her teasing scowled at her.
“Didn’t argue the grumpy part,” Kaminari replied with a grin.
The blonde, Bakuguo, (you were doing your best to remember all the names but it was beginning to be a struggle) just grunted in response.
“He’s becoming self-aware!” Kaminari declared falling back with an over-exaggerated swoon onto Sero. The table erupted into laughter.
You risked a glance at the grumpy blonde, you were a bit surprised, at your old school he would have definitely been the type to do the making fun of not the one taking it. You knew that because it had been you. Standoffish and aggressive as a way to cope with the idiots and assholes you were forced to go to school with or face worse punishment. 
Before you could get to in your head about it, Mina patted your arm once more to get your attention. “So where’d you transfer from? What made you come here?”
“I was at the American School of Heroics, so it made the most sense to transfer here once I was moving.” you gave an easy practiced smile. Sure there were way more complicated details than that. But at the end of the day, it wasn’t really a lie so you knew it would pass with no one the wiser.
“A.S.H.! That’s like the top hero school in America right?” Sero, who you’d also been introduced to when you sat down, said excitedly. 
You nodded.
“Woah, so you must be really talented. What’s your quirk?” Kirishima asked.
That seemed to draw even Bakuguo’s attention as you noticed his eyes flick from his food to you back to his food. Not that you were paying him any special attention, or that you cared if he listened, you just happened to see it happen, that was all.
“I can control plants. Well, it’s a little bit more complex than that but that’s the easiest way to explain it.”
“That’s so cool!” Mina exclaimed.
“Can we se-” Kirishima started but was cut off by Bakuguo.
“Sounds lame as shit.”
“Excuse me?” You were taken aback. You see the rest of the table sigh, ready to call him out but he continues before they can say anything to wrangle him in.
“You heard me.” He shrugged again glancing at you for just a second before looking back at his food as if you weren’t even worth looking at as he spoke to you.
“I bet me and my lame quirk could still take you down ass-hat.” And shit, there goes your attempts at being nice. Well, whatever, it wasn’t your fault he was being a big bag of dicks.
“You wouldn’t even be able to land a scratch on me,” he retorted. That seemed to have gotten his attention as he now glared solely at you.
“A scratch?” You scoffed, ”I’d cut that whole scowl off your face.” You leaned forward.
“You sure you wanna make that bet Flower Girl.” He leaned forward too, eyes narrowed the way he said it sent a shiver down your spine, but you were in too deep now.
“Any time, any place.” You crossed your arms.
“Training. After lunch. You’re dead.” He stated in such a matter-of-fact way you kinda just wanted to deck him right then and there. 
The others at the table were quick to apologize for their friend but you could tell they were kind of excited to see what would happen.
You risked a glance around the lunchroom, expecting to see more angry eyes looking toward your obnoxiously loud table but were surprised to find no one had even looked your way. You supposed if he was always like this the people in this school must be used to it and no one really cared to notice anymore. The thought comforted you in a weird way. 
You should have been mad at him, but honestly, the arguing was kinda nice, took your mind off the anxiety that built up any time you thought too much about your future at this new school. Besides, you didn’t really know any of these people, for all you knew the kindness, and friendliness could have been fake. But anger, especially at a random person, that was real. And, in a weird way it made you find him to be a sort of calming presence, you cast a slightly less heated look his way before going back to nodding along to whatever Mina was explaining.
Chp 2
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bananashemmo · 7 months
Hi Julie!
I can’t believe you’re still here!!! I think last time I read your blog was in 2017, I miss those times. I was feeling nostalgic so i came to check your blog, so happy that you’re still here. 🥰 How are you, what are you doing these days? I think if I remember right you graduated high school, did you study anything after that or are studying something? I’m glad i found here back and even after all these years it’s fun to read your writing and they still gives a little bit comfort🥺💖 when i read your writing it’s like going back in time🙈 Did you went to see 5sos on their last tour?
T: Anonymous reader since 2014🫶🏻
omg????? This message, I feel like I wanna cry 😭🙈🫶🏼
2017 was such a good year, dammit. I cannot believe it is 7 years ago. Like what the freak happened? I must say, things aren’t the way they were back then, the 5sos fandom is withering … but I like to come back here once in a while to reblog stuff and keep up with what’s going on. ✨ also just reading all the messages people have sent me. I somehow can’t wrap around my head that 30.000 people wanted to follow me, hear me talk about period squad and read my stories 😅
Yes, I graduated high school back in 2016 and had two gap years where I was a part of Wattpad futures, getting paid to write fanfiction. Then I went to college and got an ap degree in multimedia design and since then, I’ve been working as a graphic designer. Still writing romance novels, just no longer with 5sos. I’m currently rewriting The Math Teacher on Wattpad, it’s called Forever Could Be Ours. Thinking of self publishing it once it’s done.
I sometimes do read my own writing too, because it’s been so long and I’ve honestly forgotten half of it. I’m sometimes like where did I get come up with all this creativity, it was like a full time job and I was in high school most of my writing process??? I get why my grades sucked, I was too busy with fantasies and being on tumblr 😏
5sos, those freaking rude asses, haven’t planned tours in Scandinavia since the pandemic happened. So I haven’t seen them since 2018 which is driving me nuts. My boyfriend has promised me next time they go to Manchester, we’ll go to their concert ( in favour of watching a Manchester United game with him, haha)
Can i just say thank you for taking the time to write me this message, it has been the highlight of my fucking week. I felt like all of you were like my friends and it's definitely been sad to see the fandom leave for other interests 🤠🌻
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cobbbvanth · 6 months
B and W for the ask game
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind
and if i said canon romantic buddie 🙈 before i properly got into 911, to me they really were just two guys standing next to each other, especially when people tried to call them the new destiel lol. but a certain tim minear came back on board for s7, and with all the interviews given by him and the actors this year, i'm in the clown car now. to be fair though, i always thought there was no platonic explanation for the way mr evan buckley says "you wanna go for the title?"
i'm ALWAYS betting on gay, but i'd also be really happy to see their little family unit remain platonic
also for the lols, mako x prince wu from the legend of korra started out as a crack ship and now i'm accidentally very attached aksjfks
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom
love triangles forever and always. i've never seen one that's interesting or well written, and they're especially despicable if cheating is involved. it's just so boring!
thank you for asking :)
send me a fandom ask!
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 3 episode 6: what the FUCK is up with that (delayed broadcast edition)
next merch: critical role [latex wound coverings]
(I'm late bc I was discussing my fma 03 fandom trauma with my partner)
Fantasy Never Have I Ever
imogen temult neurodivergent queen
the episode of wandavision where vision swallowed the gum
"I'd love to see your insides"
"NO >:["
dorian's a rockefeller
"why do you use the word cock for that" "why wouldn't you"
"I'm 12" and what is this
"they WILL say fuck"
taliesin too real dial it back
I've been stewing about this exact thing re: the word "love" lately, get out of my head critical role
liam ur face
fearne looking at dad for confirmation
"I love her so much" SAME
"1: refused 2: lied" "true fey spirit"
dorian sounding kinda xenophobic
laura: [gay panic]
baby psychic imogen
laura too real dial it back
this is a fucking smorgasbord for fantasy therapist fresh cut grass
oh no...our robot...it's broken...
he's a BABY
(he's pearl stevenuniverse)
"are you a zombie? you have to tell me if you're a zombie or it's entrapment"
oh she was a BABY
"I wanna live. I wanna experience the universe and I wanna eat pie." friendship with undead de rolo sibling theory ended, briarwood warlock theory is my new best friend
I would absolutely watch that show tho
wait what if this is how the vecna hand comes back
has anyone heard from joe manganiello
[tears down old conspiracy wall, starts building new conspiracy wall]
give him a minute he'll get there
imogen knows his social security number now
oh no it was either sad or cute or both
I started playing FF12 a couple weeks ago so now it's just my whole mental image for marquet
oh laudna
my upcycle pinterest witch
"I didn't even know the feywild was a real place"
mr grass
"I wanna look in there so bad"
hear me out: fcg piggy bank
they just keep coming back to the SHITS
"you're like the cool side of a pillow"
I just. love delilah so much.
"don't think, ever" one step ahead of you
what if she just gets really used to their thoughts and it forms like a white noise, like "you don't count as people" for people with anxiety
forever dragging liam for the tinfoil hat
"thank you for roleplaying with me"
"hi mom, hi dad" "glad you're fuckin watching"
pl...please don't pick "the troubles"...
"short guy, low blows"
someone do something with fcg being full of coffee and the incest commercial
[at this point the author became ill and missed a full hour of programming, electing to wait until the next day to finish the episode via VOD rather than try to catch up]
oh cool the vod starts at where I turned the episode off. which is unfortunately not where I actually started missing content, but it's still cool
also I can pause and take notes!!
taliesin miming matt's narration
"with more fucks"
gdi I left RIGHT before break AGAIN
I just realized I didn't get a bingo card for this week :(
fearne/annie enemies to lovers 50k
A Rich
one unit of rich
anni that's rude
fcg don't volunteer dorian for shit
I love how robbie plays dorian and his complete lack of confidence in his music
the second-hand embarrassment is real and it's extremely infectious
"pulls out a fiddle" is there a hickory stump
HA yes my reference is validated
every time liam druidcrafts a flower my lingering vaxleth damage flares up and I have to stare at the ceiling for a minute
he CAN pass performance checks!!
natural 20 in defense of his outfit
liam's eldritch influence
robbie doesn't know how to roleplay a passing check
"anni are you okay?" l a u r a
"hopefully it's not a death threat"
"it was the stagework" it was orym's gay flower
every time he mentions the krook house I picture something between the physical kids' cottage from the magicians and like a co-ed fraternity house
"loot drooooop"
"oh god he's an anglerfish" stares in tma
oh what is THIS voice
"cracked one" that feels rude
fearne just absolutely falling for the creepy owl man
"a bird who's a friend of mine and I named him dr nesbitt"
I hope taliesin remembers the bits he redacted (I would not)
lmao orym trying to stand on his toes so he can read
"you usually don't bring people to private time?" "...god, you made that sound weird, I'm impressed"
"please don't sue us - koozies"
The Eclcetic Company
fcg no
everbody jumping on orym for backstories
imagine all these tall folk just leaning over poor nancy and shouting questions
their reaction to asking how they became friends is my reaction to being asked how I met my partner
(it is a long and ridiculous story)
yes, I am very sweet
"sweet bells" sounds like a my little pony
"she's like a stick"
zhudanna being absolutely enamored with fcg is the fandom's response to fcg
laura pantomiming stew
oh wow I spelled her name ALL wrong
"it's just cayenne" JUST cayenne he says, as I cringe away from my screen
in a tiny bedroom in a grandma house
tbf at least orym doesn't take up much space
"deep into the anus of the city"
marisha's little smile when liam mentions keyleth
orym: I just work here man
"if only you could go back in time and change things" samuel
imagine thinking you could kill keyleth. imagine thinking you could SCRATCH keyleth.
"does she have any gambling debt" keyleth fell on hard times after vm split up
imogen needs a new glasses rx
"[ashton's skincare regimen] is a dremel with a polishing wheel"
oh I WAS reading the subtitles right, it was MATT that fucked me up
fcg is she DYING???
liam: "if you volunteer as an usher you can see it for free" everyone else: [ptsd flashbacks]
dorian what have you been hoarding
imogen your laura is showing
matt just nudges the sun into the right position
"I'd pay to see otters fly" "would you pay TEN PLATINUM?" "for flying otters? wouldn't you??"
sam's face as he just directly questions the theatre owner about his patrons getting snatched
"sir ur robot is being nosy"
(fr tho how tired do you think fcg would get of that. or like would he? being fcg?)
"I don't need to sit, I don't got legs"
so many whispers
"whitestone joggers.....exist."
I love when they start making industry-specific jokes at each other and just crack themselves up
(I also love when liam just collapses against laura from laughing)
fearne: excuse u, who bought these seats
"I'm in the mood to punch something" ashton control yourself
dorian don't split the party
"we'll talk after" death flag death flag
liam that's gay
(genuinely can't decide if I prefer "would literally die for his friends" orym or "gay polyamorous orym/dariax/dorian")
[starts scribbling on conspiracy wall in crayon]
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bvckleydiaz · 4 years
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400 Follower Celebration 🍾
I’m finally getting around to do this post (hold for the applause 👏🏼 ) I’m currently at 423 ha. I’ve been trying to figure out what to say and what to post about this.. I mean it’s taken me almost a week to finish it. That being said, I think I’m going to take a page out of @burzekbrettsey’s book and share some of my favorite blogs who’ve helped me get to where I am and ones that you should be following too!
@kelly-severide: Nikki! Oh my sweet sunshine. I could go on and on for hours talking about her. You are the definition of a soulmate best friend. She’s been such a supportive person from the very beginning. She doesn’t believe it, but she’s an artist is every aspect of the word. The content she makes continues to blow me away every time something new gets put out. She’s legit one of my favorite people on this planet. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you🧡
@loveyourownsmiilee: Juju! Oh lord where do i even start. I swear you are my other half. She has the “oliver sense” that comes into play whenever Oliver posts something and deletes it. I mean she snatches those ig stories like it’s her job! We constantly talk about Oli and Ryan. Those are our boys and no one can say any different. She has one of the most positive blogs out there! She has such a bright, beautiful, and kind soul. I’m so glad we found each other 🤍
@burzekbrettsey: Sky! My bestie. We haven’t known each other for long, but I feel like it’s been ages! You are my favorite person to freak out with over Jay Halstead and his thigh holster. I mean that’s such a beautiful sight! Secondly, you are an AMAZING baker!! Have y’all seen the things she can make?!! When she opens her own bakery later in life I’m going to be her number one supporter! I have a feeling it’s always going to be you, nikki and I against the world. Forever homies 🧁
@matan4il: Alice! First off, if you aren’t following her, you are MISSING OUT! Her stories are everything! Since day one I’ve called her the smut queen and she has never disappointed. Her friendship is something I cherish so much in life. She’s the absolute sweetest. If I’m ever having a bad day, she somehow knows it, and helps talk me through it. I’m so grateful for you! ❤️
@fernnette: Fern! We go WAY back! You’ve seen me at my worst (aka the twitter fandom) and yet you still wanna be friends with me.. I don’t know why, but I’m grateful! I can’t even put into words how awesome you are. I’m so glad you made the discord when you did. I feel we’ve grown closer and we’ve made some amazing friends out of it. You are SUCH A TALENTED WRITER. I’m forever stuck on you and your writings. legit the first thing that comes to my mind when i think of you is #horny-jail. Also, as I’m typing this up you are in the discord writing your ass off and it’s v inspirational. like i wanna hop on over and write some. i can’t wait to see what’s coming up next from you 💛
@kenroczen: Jamie! My twin. Eddie Diaz simps unite! Although we get sad when we get someone new in the discord and we lose them to the evan buckley simps, Im glad we got each other! I love being able to talk all things ryan and eddie with you. Oh and don’t even get me started on the big bird gif! I die of laughter every single time someone is talking eddie/ryan with me and you come in out of nowhere. You are the best! ❣️
@doctornineandthreequarters: Jaime! My GGG buddy!! I never would’ve thought I’d bond with someone over buddie and that lead me to bonding over Guy’s Grocery Games. You’re writings are phenomenal! I don’t know how you do it, but you get those fics out so easily. You put so much into your fics and it shows! You’re such a talent! 🖤
@ineedapuppyandsomevodka: Mikayla! I truly didn’t think I’d ever find someone else who has the same inappropriate mindset like me, but here you are! You are relatable in every aspect. Your writings are some of my absolute favorite! Even the same drabbles have me weak. You’re so supportive of me in the discords and I hope I’m at least half as helpful as you are. I’m super grateful for you 💙
@buddie-buddie: Ella! First off, if you don’t know Ella, she’s the mastermind behind the White House AU universe!! She’s BRILLIANT! Whenever I see you in my notifications I can’t believe it. I’m sorry but this amazing writer and human being is in my notifs?!! What even? I know we’ve only become mutuals recently, but I’ve been following your writings since the beginning. I can’t tell you how excited I get when I see an email saying you updated. You are the absolute best! I hope we get to know each other more in the future! 💗
@sneetchestoo: You are so freaking supportive! I can always count on you to be in my notifications. You give me opinions, advice, and help me through hard time. You’re such a sweetheart 💚
@woodchoc-magnum: Felicity! We don’t get to interact very often, but let me tell you when you followed me?!! OH MY LORD I WENT OFF THE WALL. You are in my top 3 favorite writers of all time. You are such a glorious writer. Like all props to you my love! I swear I fangirl a tad bit whenever I see you in my notifs. Thank you for sharing your talents with us 🤎
and the honorable mentions: there’s so many others that I’m grateful for. I say it often, but i don’t know how I have this many followers! Thank you all for being so kind and supporting this, all over the place, blog 💝
@maygrant @trkstrnd @sixringss @siriuslyjamie @seik-o @shameless-aquarius @sometimesimfandomtrash @princessfbi @javachik @imaginebuck @captaincasey @gins-potter @thisissirius @hotchsbabygirl @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @blakestrand126 @selenaurrr @sunshinestrand @tkandbuck
Cheers 🥂
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mythicamagic · 4 years
In the Company of Wolves: Inukog oneshot
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Summary: Every place feels like a temporary home for a Hanyou. Kouga offers Inuyasha a welcome respite within his wolf pack. Inukog oneshot
Written for @gaykagome​, who has been a lovely, encouraging commenter and fandom friend ^^ thank you for your support bud.
Rated T
7,000 words (you can also read this on ao3 via the same username)
In the Company of Wolves
Leaping through sprawling trees, thick white hair flew out behind a red figure. Inuyasha landed on a sturdy branch, legs bent, muscles coiling and springing free as he leapt forth again. He smirked, a fang hooking over his bottom lip.
"Nice try, but you ain't got a hope in hell."
The deer fleeing for its life beneath the branches had skittered to the left, racing through dense undergrowth. Perhaps it hoped to lose him, or maybe it was running scared. Either way, this would be over quick.
Stepping from branch to branch, long fingers flexed, claws catching on sunlight. Pushing off from a tree trunk, Inuyasha sprang down with every intent of landing atop his prey.
He fell within range, closing in- only for his foot to collide with a mass of thick black fur.
Inuyasha's eyes flew wide, crashing into the beast and hitting the floor in a tumble of limbs. The deer merrily pranced away out of sight.
Snarling and lifting his head, Inuyasha cradled his throbbing skull. "Damn it, what the-!"
A large bear-sized wolf staggered to its feet, rumbling a noise of complaint. Two cobalt blue eyes glared at him.
Inuyasha stopped, "Kouga?" he rose a bushy brow.
There was no mistaking that smell. He'd never seen the mangy wolf's true form before though. In all honesty, it was kind of surreal. Hell, the guy even looked a bit more dignified.
Kouga tilted his head, standing. As he shook himself, yellow, static powder fell from his fur like gold dust, swirling into a whirlwind of youki. In a matter of moments, Kouga's humanoid form stepped out, hands on his hips.
"Why'd you get in my way?! You lost me my meal!"
White triangular ears flicked and pressed back against his skull. Fuck taking that. Inuyasha stood, hands balled into fists.
"Your meal?! I've been tracking that deer for at least an hour! You weren't even in the picture, I didn't smell ya chasing it once!"
Kouga tilted his chin up, flashing a cheeky grin. "Tch, that's what happens when you track from downwind, Dog Breath," he muttered, ignoring the pissed off Hanyou and looking around. "How come you're out here huntin' anyway? Isn't Kagome with you? She always carries some goodies to chew on. Tastier than venison too."
Inuyasha glanced away moodily, crossing his arms. "Shaddap. Like it's any of your business."
Kouga hummed, scratching his jaw. Odd. There was no bite in his tone. Sniffing a little, Kouga picked up the faint scent of sadness clinging to the robe of the fire rat.
Inuyasha's face heated. He quickly bared his teeth, "quit with that! She's just busy, alright? Besides, I can still hunt for myself. Ain't you a little far from your territory to be hunting out here?"
Kouga blinked, mildly concerned despite their history together. "Uhh… where do you think you are, Dog Breath?"
Frowning, Inuyasha glanced around. Clearly no answers were forthcoming from the forest, so leaping up, he climbed a tree, digging claws into rough bark to hoist himself up. Minding the tallest branches aside, Inuyasha gaped as he surfaced from the sea of greenery. Sprawling, picturesque mountains met his startled gaze.
How far did I chase that deer?
And why'd it have to lead him to Kouga's turf, of all places?
Dropping down to solid ground again, Inuyasha avoided eye contact. "I just got caught up in running, that's all," he answered the silent question hanging in the air.
Kouga tilted his head slightly, "… right."
A rumbling sound rang out between them. Inuyasha grit his teeth, ignoring the impatient gurgling of his stomach and swiftly turning. "Whatever. See ya," he started walking.
"Hey-" Kouga called, causing him to nearly trip in surprise and frown over one shoulder.
The wolf winced, looking awkward and weirded out to even be asking. "We got leftovers. If you want some," the offer was casual. "Don't want you keeling over on the way back, Kagome would kill me."
Inuyasha stared. Maybe he'd hit his head or something because for some reason, the offer sounded like a tempting one.
"Keh," he grunted, pivoting on one heel and trudging towards Kouga's territory instead. "Better be good," he complained with no energy behind it.
"Its free food! Be more grateful to your host," the wolf snarked, jogging to keep pace with him.
Mutters echoed throughout the cave, causing white ears to twitch and swivel atop his head. Inuyasha ignored the curious wolves, digging into tough boar meat. Uncooked. Miroku and Kagome would've called it ghastly. His lips twitched at the thought, soon wiped away. Something squeezed his chest instead.
"Hey, blabber-mouths! Keep it down!" Kouga's booming voice caught his dazed attention.
Ginta and Hakkaku quickly shut up, apologising. The rest of the wolf pack fell quiet, though their eyes blazed with questions.
Inuyasha rose a brow and glanced at the Wolf Prince. Did he think the gossiping bothered him or something? Weird guy. He should know a Hanyou would be used to it.
Kouga's tail flicked as he strode through regular wolves, minding some beasts aside. He then threw himself down beside Inuyasha on some soft furs, stealing a rib. Not having the energy or inclination to snap at him for it, Inuyasha merely flashed his teeth, grunting and continuing to eat.
"So what brings you to us, Inuyasha?" Hakkaku asked bluntly. Ginta gasped and fretted, clearly having wanted to ask more delicately.
Inuyasha drew into himself slightly, noticing a hush fall over the atmosphere within the damp cave.
"Was just in the neighbourhood is all. If ya wanna blame someone for dragging me here, look no further than your precious leader," he snorted, sidestepping the question.
Kouga elbowed him and chuckled in a deep, rich baritone. Triangular ears flicked upon hearing it. "Aw c'mon! You practically tripped over yourself getting here you were so eager," glimmering blue eyes swung to his pack, giving a shit-eating grin. "He's just too proud to say 'thank you for the meal' because he lost his prey and is still being a sore loser about it~"
Inuyasha blinked, noticing his verbal diversion and change in topic. Kouga was... helping him?
Sure enough, the wolf demon gazed at him, brows raised in challenge, trying to encourage a rebuttal.
Relief touched Inuyasha's face for a moment, before snorting loudly and thrusting his nose up in the air, turning away. "Me? You're the one who got in my way, Mangy Wolf."
"Dog Breath!"
"Flea Bag!"
The wolves glanced back and forth between them, noticing the lack of malice in their nicknames. Their scents were calm, giving them away. A touch of humour and enjoyment radiated from them as they bickered.
"Alright, prove it-" Kouga suddenly threw out. "Hunt with us tomorrow. Then we'll see who's better at it," he jabbed a thumb at his chest. "Obviously, it'll be us wolves! I've provided for my pack as leader for tons of years and I'm faster than you."
Rolling golden eyes, Inuyasha picked up a stone, hollowed out cup of water, taking a sip. "Keh, wouldn't be the first time people have underestimated me. Won't be the last," easing slightly closer to get in Kouga's face, he bared sharp fangs in a feral grin. "I'll beat you just like I've beaten everyone else who figured a half-breed couldn't measure up to a full demon."
Kouga stared, a funny look crossing his face- both palms shooting up to wave slightly. "Huh? Nah, you've got me wrong," he grunted, straightening his spine. "I was just trash talkin' you as competition, not because you're a Hanyou. I honestly wasn't thinkin' of that," his voice trailed into a musing tone.
A stab of surprise and disorientation swung through Inuyasha. There was no time to recover, however, as the demon kept talking. "Though now that you mention it, you're probably used to hunting alone, right? We'd call you a Lone Wolf if you were one of our kind. My pack will win through sheer teamwork."
Inuyasha huffed. So clearly it was more like 1 vs 30 rather than a fair fight. Coward.
Ah well. Looking down at the bones he'd picked clean, he gave a rough shrug of his shoulders. Not like he had anything else to do. He could stick around a little longer.
"You're on."
Many hours after the sun had gone down, taking its vibrant colourful sky with it, the moon had opened up her blanket of stars. Inuyasha sat at the mouth of the wolf pack's cave, hands thrust inside his sleeves. Tetsusaiga rested against one shoulder.
The wolves had finished singing their melodies to their mother, the moon, so they'd settled down.
Golden eyes slid towards their sleeping forms. They'd packed themselves tight against one another to retain some heat. Only a few had broken off in pairs to cuddle by themselves. Ginta and Hakkaku were well and truly wrapped around one another, swathed in furs.
They all looked comfortable. Trusting, together. A family unit.
Inuyasha stared. The most annoying part about it was that he could never pinpoint exactly what he was feeling, looking at groups like this. It made him uncomfortable, a reminder that they had something he didn't. Maybe he had, for a time, but his friends had all split off to live their own lives. Shippo was growing up. Miroku and Sango had their own family now.
He wasn't needed anymore. Their quest had been over for a long time. He should be over it by now.
Staring at the pack was like looking into a store window in Kagome's time. Unseen glass forever separated him from what they possessed.
Kouga lifted his head from where he lay, noting a chill in the air. Inuyasha met his gaze, quickly turning to face the other way and pretending to look at sprawling scenery. A snort sounded out in the cave before sharp, static youki fanned into the breeze.
Transformed, Kouga stepped around his pack and lay down towards the entrance, blocking out the night's chilly breeze with his thick fur and large form.
Inuyasha glanced behind him with mild surprise.
Kouga was maybe, actually, kind of…
... a good leader.
It started at midday.
The pack immediately flooded the forest, racing through it like droves of rats. Inuyasha shared a look with Kouga, before smirking and starting to leap from tree to tree.
Hunting with wolves nearby started to look next to impossible, considering how eagerly they dove and ran through the undergrowth, loud and clumsy. However, the second they caught wind of a herd, they split off into different, smaller groups. Inuyasha watched them from his vantage point above.
Scouts ran on ahead. Kouga kept towards the back of his pack, signalling orders with mere grunts, growls or gestures of his hand. Inuyasha followed the scouts, dropping down to run alongside them. They were slightly younger demons, teenage boys and girls, lithe and built for running. They stared at him but gave tentative grins.
Inuyasha blinked and offered a slight smirk, soon powering on ahead and leaving them behind.
Sniffing out a herd of deer that the wolves intended to close in on, Inuyasha kept to his vantage point in the trees. He rounded one side of a large clearing, heart thundering.
It had been a long time since he'd hunted seriously. It took him back to old times. Kagome had spoiled him with ramen, and complacency softened his body. But now rusty instincts were awakening, shaking the dust away. His fangs ached. Demon senses kicked in, blood pumping. He could hear and smell everything, down to the blades of grass, fusty scent of deer and pungent odour of wolves.
As predicted, Kouga's scouts halted at the opposite side of the treeline. Lower-ranking wolves and wolf demons alike burst through into the meadow then, causing the herd to take off running.
Right towards Inuyasha.
Dumbasses. Didn't they figure they were leading them right to him?
Grinning, Inuyasha's clawed nails elongated slightly. Waiting as a few deer ran beneath his position- he suddenly lept. Free-falling and spreading both arms wide, he tackled a stag around the neck, yanking it down with him using his weight.
Grabbing it by the antlers the second he recovered, Inuyasha gave a quick jerk, snapping its neck cleanly.
Panting and grinning, he raised triumphant eyes-
Only to see Kouga bent over a felled deer not too far away. His mouth was bloodied. His prey lay dead on one side. It was obvious from the number of adults mid-way through their meal that they'd taken it down much quicker than Inuyasha. They'd had the same idea, flushing out prey and leaping upon them from the opposite direction. Somehow they'd evaded even his detection.
Younger wolves looped around, waiting pensively for their turn.
Kouga licked his lips, maintaining eye contact. Dark hair hung loose from its typical ponytail, claws stained crimson. Inuyasha's heart skittered. His breath halted.
The demon drew bloodied lips back over his fangs when a lower wolf sniffed too close to his food- a loud, powerful snarl thrumming through the clearing.
An answering rumble built in Inuyasha's throat, unbidden. Blazing, twisting heat hooked low in his stomach, cock twitching.
Golden eyes snapped wide, realising just what the fuck he was reacting to.
Kouga's feral expression softened back to normal, shooting him a surprised grin and happily digging into his meal, none the wiser.
Shaken, Inuyasha grimly started tucking into his own, busying himself with eating. He then offered some scraps to some salivating teens, ignoring the amused demons watching. He wasn't above dining with pups. Especially if it meant never confronting what had just happened.
"So you and Kagome broke up, huh?"
Inuyasha jolted, wondering how obvious he'd been about it. Frowning at Kouga, who seemed content to laze within the den after the hunt, he gave a long exhale. "Have been for a few months now."
"We're still friends though, so don't even think about sniffing after her again."
"I ain't about to, Dog Breath," Kouga flashed him a wolfish grin, slowly sobering, "you wanna talk about it? Only it seems to be eatin' at ya."
Running a hand through his hair and giving a dusty sigh, Inuyasha stared blankly at the forest down below. With no other wolves around, he felt somewhat better about talking so plainly.
"Nothin' much to talk about, she's with someone else now. Seems happy."
Kouga made a noise of affirmation, showing he was listening while picking at his teeth with a pinky.
"I've got a crappy track record with relationships."
"You've got a crappy track record with women, yeah."
Inuyasha whipped his head back to stare at Kouga, wondering what he meant by that. If he meant what Inuyasha thought he meant.
Kouga remained in a reclining position, meeting his gaze easily. The late afternoon sun touched his skin, giving it a warm glow, hooded eyes seeming to darken. "You ever think about trying to be with someone else, rather than pining after the same soul over and over?"
Inuyasha's lips thinned, cheeks heating.
"I dunno. I was with Kikyo and then after being sealed to the tree- I woke up and met Kagome like no time had passed," he grunted. This would usually be the part where he clamped up. He didn't like talking about something so vulnerable. Self-preservation had taught him not to divulge too much, even to friends like Kagome. Kouga could easily mock him. However…
Looking over, no sinister motivation seemed to compel the wolf. He was genuinely interested. Inuyasha's insides screamed at him as he reluctantly continued. "It was like… it made sense to be with her, but I barely had a chance to process losing Kikyo. Things just kinda happened," he shook his head slightly. "Startin' fresh? Sounds like a fairy tale."
Kouga chuckled deeply, causing Inuyasha's ears to twitch again. His stomach did a nervous flip, but there was no cruelty in that rich tone. "Kinda set in your ways, huh? You're like a human in that respect."
"Keh, well what about you? Been with anyone recently?" Inuyasha asked flatly. He wasn't fishing or anything.
Kouga stretched languidly, yawning and exposing sharp-pointed canines. Blunt claws flexed wide, before curling into his palms again. "Nothing permanent. My last 'relationship' was with a guy for a couple of weeks. Just casual stuff. Heh, bet that's unthinkable to you, right?"
Inuyasha bristled, cheeks reddening. He tossed his head and huffed in answer.
"Oi, I don't mean anything by it. I think it's great you're such a loyal pup and have soul-consuming relationships instead of flings. Still, it sounds kind of exhausting to me," the wolf shrugged.
"I thought 'wolves mated for life', you sure tried that line on Kagome."
"We do," Kouga muttered, looking at him, "but only after we find someone special. We got an expression, us wolves. It basically translates to 'my heart and liver.' You gotta find someone that really fits your needs, who you pursue like they're a missing organ inside you. Till we find our chosen one, we're free to pursue who we want."
Inuyasha snorted, "and Kagome was that person to you?" he drawled sarcastically.
Kouga shrugged, not catching it. His earnest, blunt disposition was somewhat refreshing, if Inuyasha were being honest. "I figured so. But after three years of thinking about it, I kinda dove headfirst into loving her without really knowing her. I pursued her so hard that I forgot to think about why I was even running."
Unbidden, a smile came to the Hanyou's mouth, a fang hooking over his lip. He chuckled, eyes warming. Something heavy lifted from his shoulders. "We're both dumbasses," he said, golden eyes dancing. It felt kind of good to not be alone in that. To know they both should've done better.
Kouga blinked, gaze roving over his face. Slowly, he gave an answering, amiable smile. "You get a snaggle-tooth when you grin," he pointed out teasingly. "It's cute."
"Don't think you can flirt with me just because we bonded for a second, wolf," Inuyasha rolled his eyes and forcefully snuffed out his grin.
"No I'm gonna," Kouga chuckled, tail thumping beside him.
Something dissuaded the Hanyou from hotly shutting this down. His heart sat a little lighter in his chest, shoulders relaxed. If the dumbass wanted to keep saying stupid shit, who was he to stop him?
After that day, Inuyasha resolved to stay- at least until he caught a kill quicker than the wolves during a hunt.
Kouga became somewhat more shameless and flirty. It started out subtle. Well, subtle for Kouga.
One time, Inuyasha had leisurely taken a sip of his drink, setting it down and not noticing the wolf sit beside him. Kouga then proceeded to pick it up.
He crooked his wrist as he lifted the cup so that his lips landed squarely over the same place Inuyasha's had just occupied. He'd performed the manoeuvre so quickly that Inuyasha wasn't sure at first of what he'd seen. But as Kouga drank, he glanced at him, and Inuyasha knew then that the move had been intentional.
There were other small, maddening things. Kouga's tail brushing against his hip in passing. How he always brought over a slab of meat from a fresh kill to Inuyasha first during evening meals. How he offered over and over to take a 'friendly' dip in the waterfall together.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes at the attention. It never strayed too far into 'Miroku' territory, but it also wasn't something to take it seriously. The other wolves by now had caught on and sometimes teased their leader. Kouga laughed it off yet continued undaunted. When he next offered Inuyasha a pot, the Hanyou blinked.
"Are those stingers?" he grunted.
Sure enough, bee stings dotted bronze skin. The idiot hadn't removed the stingers from his hand.
The wolf chuckled, gesturing to the covered pot. "Ya mentioned that honey goes well with meat, so I got some for you."
Staring and feeling weird again, Inuyasha heaved a sigh and grabbed Kouga by the wrist, tugging him to kneel beside him. "Hold still, idiot. Do your feet run away with your brain or somethin'? You have to take these out," he bent over his hand, clawed fingers grasping a stinger.
"I was just eager to get it back to y- OW!"
Huffing, the Hanyou continued in his task, ignoring the whimpering demon. Despite his gruffness however, he leaned Kouga's arm over his knee, one hand gripping the back of the wolf's to keep it steady. He could feel Kouga's sharp inhale close to his cheek.
Finally removing the last of the stingers, Inuyasha's dog demon side betrayed him. As natural as breathing; he'd bent his head and swiped a careful tongue over a red sore to soothe the wound unthinkingly. Human embarrassment kicked in then, and he dropped Kouga's wrist like a rock, lurching back and standing.
"There! Tend to your own damn hand now!"
A ripple of laughter washed over the pack as Inuyasha stormed away, leaving Kouga to stare at the spot of saliva on his hand like it were a dewy jewel.
When next hunting, Inuyasha set off on his own under cloudy skies. He didn't keep track of the mass of wolves flooding the forest. Closing his eyes and removing the robe of the fire-rat to leave him in his white underlayer, he sank into a crouch. Burying Tetsusaiga somewhere safe at the base of a tree, he exhaled. The hanyou then began the process of shedding.
Shedding didn't entail fur. Rather, for him, it meant shaking off the layers of bullshit that weighed on his mind. He even stopped thinking about himself as a person. His mind turned blank, running through the forest like an animal.
He hadn't hunted via pure instinct in so long. He forgot how to speak with a human tongue, letting out grunts and growls. Saliva pooled in his mouth. Unknowingly, golden eyes tinged red. Faint markings cut across his cheeks. Fangs and claws elongated, youki pounding through his system with every thunder of his heartbeat.
A hare darted out from the bushes- and Inuyasha lunged.
He was barely aware of Kouga looping closer until he jogged out from the trees. "Hey, mutt- no luck for us today. Think that last hunt scared the herd too far awa-"
The creature hunched over spun around, a mangled kill hanging limp from his mouth. It hit the ground with a sickening thud as long white hair bristled, puffing up. A deep, rumbling snarl deafened Kouga's ears.
Inuyasha gazed at him, unblinking, panting with ragged breaths.
Kouga stopped and stared. Unbidden, the wilder, fiercer side of his nature reared its head. Teeth and claws gleamed, interest piqued.
However, something was wrong.
Inuyasha gasped and grunted, bending low and whimpering with pain. His body began fighting with itself, his demon blood coursing too strong for his hanyou form to withstand.
Kouga didn't really know anything about hanyou kind. However, he knew enough about the situation to realise a particular sword was missing from Inuyasha's hip. Turning tail and hurrying away, it was a simple matter of tracking Inuyasha's scent all the way to the base of a tree.
The fog cleared from crimson eyes, and Inuyasha blinked, panting. He flexed his shaking hand around a muddied Tetsusaiga, the partial transformation leaving him worn and ragged.
Kouga was squatting next to him. Concern probably wasn't the right word for it, but he gazed at him seriously for a moment before standing.
"Don't do stupid stuff just to win bets, Mutt Face."
Coughing, Inuyasha slowly adjusted back into his old senses, gripping his sword so tight his knuckles bled white. "Yeah... fine, whatever... Mangey Wolf."
The 'incident' as Kouga called it was not an isolated one in terms of throwing him for a damn loop. After bathing at the waterfall in a nice, refreshing midday dip, Kouga noticed an absence immediately.
"Where's Inuyasha?"
Ginta looked up from polishing some armour.
"I'm not sure. He started getting fidgety and sniffed around- then he looked at the sky and took off without a word to anyone. I think he looked a bit pale."
Kouga frowned. In a few hours, it would get dark. Tracking him would be more difficult.
Wasting no time, Kouga lept from their den, sailing down the side of the rocky mountain face. His black hair and wolf tail flew up to flutter in the breeze. "Be back later!" he called, ignoring Ginta's confusion.
Bursting into a mini tornado of power, Kouga started running, lifting his nose to scent the air. Locating Inuyasha's unique smell, he sprinted into the gloom of the trees. It seemed the Hanyou hadn't wanted to be found. His scent zig-zagged everywhere, even travelling upriver, perhaps intending to lose anyone tracking him.
Kouga smirked. As if that would work on a full demon.
By the time dusk settled in, however, Kouga felt antsy. Still no sign of the mutt, and it was getting dark. Even his scent had become strange and diluted.
Stopping beneath the canopy of trees and frowning, Kouga shifted his attention to the waning light above. The moon was out, but faint.
Kouga's eyes widened slightly. A new moon.
Hearing a sigh and the crunch of weight shifting on dried leaves, Kouga turned, nose twitching.
A willow tree sat relatively still and serene, located near some stretch of water. Weeping, draping branches were parted by Kouga's rough palms. He peered into the shadows behind the sweeping curtain, finding a familiar face.
Inuyasha stood, eyes incredibly dark. Midnight locks of hair split down broad shoulders. He stood weary and watchful, gripping a useless Tetsusaiga.
"What are you doing here?" Inuyasha muttered.
Kouga gave a look, as though it should be obvious, stepping into his private space beneath the darkening tree. "I came here to find ya, obviously."
Dark eyes widened slightly at his blunt honesty. Sighing anew, Inuyasha rubbed at his forehead. "Dumbass. I'm guessing you forgot what night I transform despite seeing it yourself before?"
"Kinda," the wolf demon shrugged, resting both hands on his hips and walking around the tree, glancing at the fresh kill of a rabbit. "Glad ya fed yourself at least. C'mon, let's go back before we lose any more light. Unless of course you wanna stumble around in the dark, forcing me to hold your hand?" he teased.
Inuyasha gazed back soberly, causing the mirth to leave Kouga's eyes. Both fell quiet.
As a human, Inuyasha lost many things. Animal ears, a keen sense of smell, golden irises that gleamed like a treasure trove. He also lost a certain harshness. The thick wall of defence usually built up around his heart had crumbled.
Like this, Inuyasha looked much softer. In more ways than one.
"I don't want to go back looking like this," Inuyasha muttered. "And neither do you."
"What're you yappin' about?"
Bushy brows pulled down, and he backed up slightly. "Listen, you've had your fun little charity experience including a Hanyou in your shit, but I know how full demon society works. I'm not stupid. You're all fine with me hanging around as some little project to measure yourselves against, but when it comes down to it, you don't want to confront this part."
Kouga's heavy brows pulled down, a sneer marring his lips. "Ah, I get it. Ya think my pack will mock you because it's your human night? You're a fucking idiot," he sighed. "I was in love with Kagome. Ya think anyone's gonna say shit? Admit it, you just feel vulnerable because you got baby skin and no fangs."
Inuyasha's expression flickered; an open book. His hands balled into fists, stubbornness setting his mouth into a thin, grim line.
Kouga gave an exaggerated sigh, grabbing his arm, "quit bein' stubborn-"
Yanking himself free, Inuyasha gave a poor imitation of a snarl, exposing blunt teeth. "Get lost!"
Growling, Kouga blurred in the air- appearing behind him and grabbing the failing human around the waist- lifting so that his kicking feet left the ground. "We're going back, it's cold out! Your baby skinned, barely furred ass will catch a cold, and I ain't dealing with that!" he started walking.
With a yowl of outrage, Inuyasha swung his elbow back into Kouga's face. With a grunt, he was released, only for the two to snarl and grapple once again. Heels dug into mud- foreheads smacked, palms clasped and muscles strained on Inuyasha's end to match the power of a demon, failing. Kouga licked at his bleeding nose, before giving a hard shove. Landing on forest ground and losing themselves in senseless scrapping, sharp teeth closed around a curved ear.
Inuyasha yelped, dark eyes flying wide. Did he just?-
He had! Kouga had reprimanded him like a damn pack member.
Sensation burst within his chest, boiling over, consuming. He didn't know how to react to it. Therefore, Inuyasha didn't stop to think about his actions. When drowning in feeling, his mind turned blank, and he acted on impulse.
Curling coarse fingers in dark hair and latching tight- he yanked Kouga down by the back of the neck- mouths colliding.
Teeth knocked. Lips strained against hard pressure. Inuyasha's grip tugged Kouga's hair tight against his scalp. It was painful. It was uncomfortable. It was brilliant.
The wolf demon reeled, inhaling hard through his nostrils. His senses flooded with Inuyasha's human scent.
There was a reason Kagome's slap had cemented her into Kouga's head as a potential mate. He wasn't used to being opposed. Everyone listened to him, and he talked freely. But a push back, a stubborn, fierce 'no!' made his world tilt on its axis. It was exactly what he needed. Someone to raise their voice and get his attention. An opposing view to clash with his own. That was what leaders primarily looked for in partners, not meek obedient types.
And Kouga couldn't say he personally disliked it either.
Releasing him, Inuyasha panted. His face suddenly paled, realisation dawning. "Shit," he muttered, drawing back and falling silent.
Kouga opened his mouth, then closed it. There were no words he could scramble together in his currently fried brain. What he did know- was that the weather still felt chilly, and Inuyasha needed a place to sleep. He kind of felt the desire to prod for more, but judging by Inuyasha's closed off, guarded look, that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.
They picked themselves up, standing. Inuyasha wiped some mud from his ashen cheek.
"You won't come back to the pack tonight, right?" Kouga asked.
Mild relief seemed to touch his features as he nodded glumly.
"Gotcha, well, don't kick up a fuss. I'll take ya somewhere else for the night," the wolf demon stepped away, youki swirling around his form, tumbling faster into a fierce gust. Inuyasha watched as a 10ft tall dark-furred wolf eventually lept out of the whirlwind. Kouga then knelt down as best he could, jerking his head to indicate Inuyasha climb on.
"You've got to be kiddin' me?" he grumbled. It didn't take much prompting for him to give in, burned out from nerves and high tension. The new moon always messed everything up.
Grasping onto thick, feathery fur, Inuyasha climbed onto his back, sitting behind Kouga's shoulder blades. The wolf demon flashed him a toothy smile, pushing off starting to run.
Gaping and swaying from the momentum, Inuyasha ducked down and gripped his hackles. Kouga talked a lot of shit, but he got one thing right; he was fucking fast.
Muscles coiled and shifted, prowling through dense undergrowth with quick footfalls. Kouga panted softly, paws thundering over chilled forest floor, scattering leaves.
Inuyasha ducked to avoid a few low-hanging branches, feeling the wolf's sturdiness and warm form beneath him. Despite being in human form with his dulled, dim senses, the silence of the forest combined with Kouga's rhythmic noises made him feel strangely wild yet lulled. He was a creature again, not a man nor demon. It comforted him.
Kouga's breath fanned out in visible puffs of curling smoke by the time they reached an abandoned cave beneath a slightly upturned tree- it's hanging, frozen roots slightly obscuring the entrance. Snowdrops littered the ground- crunching under Inuyasha's feet as he dismounted and quietly entered.
More snowdrops awaited him inside the mouth of the cave, and he sank down exhaustedly into the flowers, cheek cushioned by soft petals.
Kouga huffed, staring down at Inuyasha's near motionless body. Shifting, he settled beside him, acting as a shield against the elements.
Inuyasha's feet were turning blue. Knowing he'd probably be insecure about holding onto him in inhuman form, the wolf shifted closer, bumping against his side.
Making a tired noise, a dark brown eye cracked open. With a sigh- Inuyasha's coarse hands met Kouga's fur, settling closer into the mass of warmth. "This means nothing," came his muffled voice.
Resting his head upon enormous paws, Kouga ignored this, tail thumping slightly behind him.
"Thanks for... coming to get me."
At that, Kouga stiffened with surprise, lifting his head to look at him.
Inuyasha's breaths evened out, and in the quiet hush that followed, it was difficult not to notice how his dark hair seemed to mesh and meld so naturally into the wolf demon's own black fur.
In the morning it would be harder still not to stare at sprawling wisps of long white hair blending into the snowdrops.
Kouga's blue eyes blinked, nose twitching. It was then he realised he was probably in danger of something much larger than either of them could've expected.
Predictably, Inuyasha acted as though nothing had happened.
He stuck around the wolves for a few days longer, before finally approaching Kouga, arms thrust inside trailing sleeves.
"So… gonna be headin' out soon."
Kouga continued sharpening his knife. He then stood, rolling one shoulder and keeping his tone casual.
"For good?"
"Yeah," Inuyasha muttered, face guarded. "No point in sticking around here any longer than I need to. Keh, I ain't in the habit of getting in people's way."
Kouga heaved a sigh, putting the knife away and folding his arms, walking from the cave and out into bright sunlight. Rounding one side of the mountain and following a rocky trail, his tail swished with agitation. "You ain't in the way, Dog Breath. I made that pretty clear. You wanna talk about the kiss or not?"
Inuyasha made a noise behind him. He then scrambled for something to say, "we don't gotta talk about it! Weird shit happens when I turn human! Stuff I wouldn't usually do-"
Kouga cut him off with a dramatically loud groan, turning on his heel to face him. Inuyasha jumped, feet skidding to bring him to a stop- rocking forward with momentum and ending up nose to nose with the wolf.
Cobalt blue eyes remained flat, "dunno how Kagome put up with your damn wishy-washy ass. I ain't about to listen to that crap when my nose can sniff out lies unlike her. Since you're so bad at this, I guess I'll be the mature one; and that's how ya know you're being an idiot, stupid mutt."
Inuyasha blinked, opening his mouth with an irate expression.
"I want ya to stay," Kouga said bluntly. "The kiss didn't bother me. In fact, I kinda liked it and I'm open to doing more of that stuff, weird as it sounds saying it out loud. I was into it," he shrugged broad shoulders. "But if you're too busy getting yourself worked up about feeling like an outsider, that's up to you. As pack leader, I'm telling you you've got a place here, dumbass. You can quit being a lone wolf if you want to. My group won't mind."
Inuyasha stared at him, completely stunned. He put a little distance between them, ears pressing flat.
His expression rapidly changed with a multitude of conflicting thoughts. He opened and closed his mouth, eyes flickering to the scenery, to the rocks, to their bare feet. Heavy brows drew down.
Kouga sighed and scratched his pointed ear, figuring he'd be stubborn about it. Not like he could force him to stay. But still… an odd sense of disappointment weighed in his chest. He'd had fun. He'd had a lot of fun with him around.
"I don't do casual," came Inuyasha's reluctant reply.
Kouga's brows rose. Oh. That's what he'd been having reservations about?
"Fuck- I'm bad at this," the hanyou gazed stubbornly at the horizon, cheeks heating. Hands curled into fists at his side.
Blinking, Kouga let out a rasping chuckle, shoulders shaking. It immediately won him Inuyasha's attention. "You really are," he agreed, tone turning into a teasing one. "I didn't know you were that into me."
Growling and bristling, Inuyasha seemed to assume he was laughing at him, so Kouga held up a hand. He then used it to grab hold of the robe of the fire rat, bridging the distance between them.
Inuyasha's breath rushed out of his nose, exhaling sharply. He froze, becoming completely still. Kouga's mouth remained against his in a firm kiss, before shifting into a yielding one, eventually drawing away.
Kouga grinned, "if you wanna get stuck with me, then I'm totally capable of being serious too."
Inuyasha slowly relaxed. He snorted, lips quirking as golden eyes warmed. "Dumbass," he mumbled, tugging him back in again. This time Kouga's ensuing chuckle came out muffled against his lips.
"Heh, you really do have dog breath."
"Do I gotta keep shutting you up?"
Kouga lifted a shoulder, flashing him a wolfish grin, tail thwacking his thigh. "If that's the method you're going with to do it, I guess so."
Inuyasha's gaze flattened, feeling large hands slide around him to rest on his shoulder blades. Oddly comforting. The warmth of a wolf was a strange, foreign thing, but one he could get used to. Kouga had a strong scent. He could feel it saturating his clothes. The robe of the fire-rat would reek for weeks.
And that was okay too.
Their noses bumped, and they huffed with amusement, teeth nipping. They'd be clumsy for a while, but sticking around suddenly didn't sound so heavy. Inuyasha resolved to stay for a few more weeks.
And then maybe he'd linger for a little while after that too.
The wolves always howled in their true forms, conveying their love, heartbreak, hunger, stories and other things into their haunting songs. They were beautiful, powerful, twisting, waxing poetic about nothing and everything.
Inuyasha stepped out onto the summit of their mountain that they gathered upon. When he threw back his head and howled suddenly, it startled the others out of their songs.
His voice strained, held back by untrained vocal cords. It wasn't wild enough and held no finesse, too tempered by humanity. Imperfect.
Kouga beamed upon hearing it. He then transformed, black silky fur receding.
Throwing his head back, he let out a loud howl, hair dancing in the breeze. Inuyasha finished and looked at him breathlessly, heart drumming loudly. His throat hurt, cheeks stinging from the cold bite in the air. It felt fucking fantastic.
The rest of the wolf pack demons followed suit, transforming into their mockery of human appearances. Their inhuman forms joined in, baying with hoarse, powerful voices.
If someone had happened upon the pack that night, they'd have found the wolves packed in close, huddling for warmth in their cave. And at the very centre of the pack would be one hanyou, nestled amongst their slumbering, monstrous forms, nose buried into windswept fur, heart in sync with theirs.
It would be a few weeks later when Inuyasha would return to Kaede's village. It had been two months since he'd left.
Kouga jogged around him on the trail, sniffing the air and chattering animatedly. He loved travelling. Inuyasha grunted a few replies but was content to listen to him. It kept his mind off inevitably seeing a certain someone again.
That person seemed to spot them almost immediately as they approached the village.
Kagome came rushing over, causing Kouga to grin and call a greeting- his words going completely ignored as the miko drew back her hand.
Inuyasha blinked at the ensuing slap. His cheek stung like hell.
Salt peppered the air then, causing guilt to sink heavy into his gut.
"H-how dare you!" Kagome's watery eyes blazed. "You disappear for months- without a word to anyone?!- and then just swan back here like nothing happened? I searched for you! Do you have any idea how WORRIED I was? You jerk! You're such an absolute JERK!"
Inuyasha slowly stepped closer and brought her into a hug just as she burst into tears.
Kagome thumped her fists weakly against his chest, shuddering and prattling nonsense.
"I just… needed to get away," Inuyasha muttered, ears pressed back tight to his skull. "Didn't feel right being here."
Letting out a rush of hot air, Kagome drew back slightly to look at him. "N-nothing had to change. I told you that," she hiccuped. "Just because I'm in a relationship with someone else- it doesn't affect us. We're still friends. Your place is here. Miroku, Sango and Shippo were worried too."
"They were?"
They'd seemed so busy with their own lives before. Too busy to hang out with him- or maybe he'd been alone in thinking that? Had he put distance between them unknowingly because they'd all changed but he'd stayed the same?
"Idiot," Kagome and Kouga sighed together.
Noticing their wolf companion, Kagome wiped her tears and turned to Kouga. She gave him a much gentler reception, hugging him tight with gratitude.
"So he was with you the whole time? Thank you for looking out for him, Kouga."
"Heh, no worries. It's actually been pretty fun."
Kagome pulled back and rose a brow, glancing between them. "Really? You two haven't been fighting?"
"Sometimes," Inuyasha scratched his nose, combing some claws through his hair. "That hasn't been so bad either, though."
Completely lost, Kagome tilted her head. She then located a hickey on Inuyasha's neck, the skin bruised and red. She reddened herself, meeting Inuyasha's awkward gaze.
"Oh," she put the pieces together slowly. "So… are you just visiting?" she asked quietly.
Inuyasha nodded slowly. "Yeah. I got…" he took a breath, words faltering. He then continued, voice full of conviction. "I got a place to return to now. The wolves ain't a bad bunch to stay with now that my nose has adjusted to their damn smell."
"Hey-" Kouga scoffed.
"I'll keep coming back here though," he continued. "I'm just-"
"It's okay," Kagome soothed. "That makes me really happy to hear. Sometimes new things are good. Different, but good."
It was the same thing she'd said when trying to talk to him about her new relationship. Inuyasha nodded slightly, rendered mute by the heaviness of her words. Change was inevitable. It had freaked him out enough to run from the only real family he'd ever known.
Sadness flitted through her gaze before acceptance gentled matured features. Ageing had changed her too. That was partly why they'd broken up as quickly as they had. They were too different now than how they'd been at 15, swept up in a whirlwind teen romance. There was a sadness in never being able to return to their glory days, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing to move on.
Kagome scrubbed at her eyes and smiled for him. She always smiled when he needed it most. Grabbing both of their coarse hands, she tugged. "C'mon, everyone will be wanting to catch up. There's also some ramen I saved with your name on it."
Inuyasha's slack fingers twitched in her hold. He then adjusted them, squeezing her hand. Something brazen, fragile and guarded in his heart soothed and healed. His shoulders relaxed. Finally, he felt a sense of peace sweep over him that he hadn't experienced for some time; ever since they'd been flung out of orbit from their romance and back into friendship.
Meeting Kouga's amiable, enthusiastic gaze, Inuyasha bit back a snort. Golden eyes danced, lips twitching- before tilting up. A fang hooked over his bottom lip, snaggle-tooth peering out.
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ladyanput · 5 years
Ah lee lee, my favourite internet cousin I need a fic saltier than the Dead Sea Alya salt (in the Daminette universe uwu) maybe at a high school reunion? Or seeing the couple on TV OR she accuses marinette of sleeping with Damian just to get jumpstart her career (she says this on Twitter) and a lot of people are like ‘hmmm ok, sure honey’
I'm in the mood for salt tonight, so let's work on this one, from my favourite cousin.
A high school reunion was always an interesting affair. Some people didn't show up because they hated high school, thinking it's hell incarnate and never want to revisit it again. Some go just to catch up and see how old friends are doing.
But, honestly, most go and show off how successful they are in life, trying to be the best amongst their peers.
At least, that was the case, many noticed, for Miss Bustier's former class. Many people who had been in the same year at them stared as they entered, greeting their former classmates loudly and bragging about their accomplishments.
But anyone could see most of them were blowing smoke. They all knew the stories from forever ago, it had been a running gag for many of the students at DuPont.
Lila Rossi told someone that she'd get you in contact with someone in the industry to planned on entering, when you heard nothing, she'd feign that they were busy or some bullshit like that, then when you didn't get the job or internship because you didn't bother even applying, thanks to you being gullible enough to believe Lila's lies, she'd go about convincing you that the company or whatever was too blind to see how amazing you were, and that you deserved better.
It was a cycle. And it was hilarious because now most of that former class were at low end jobs. Kim wasn't the Olympic swimmer he had dreamt of being; instead he taught swimming lessons at the local pool. Max never became the scientific genius he thought he would be, no,he worked at the school as a tech teacher. Most of that class were in the same scenario, save for the people who hadn't listened to Lila's bullshit. Juleka was a famous model, her wife Rose was the lead spokesperson in a field dedicating to taking care of and curing sick children. Nathaniel and his husband Marc had a bestselling comic book series.
Even Nino made a decent living, working as a DJ and a an upcoming director.
When Lila arrived along with Alya in a stretch limousine, everyone watching pitifully as Lila's followers from high school quickly grovelled to her, as she went on about marrying Damian Wayne, everyone knowing he had a wife, but the wedding had been so private, rarely anyone knew who she was.
"My dearest Dami would be here, but he's away in Japan right now, an important contract for Wayne Enterprises needed some of his expertise." Lila went on to say. She had her signature hair style still, making many grimace at the sight of it.
"But you promise that I can still interview him,right?" Alya spoke up, the past ten years having been the hardest on her. She had gained weight, mostly around her middle. She was squinting, as she had abandoned her glasses, due to Lila saying real reporters never wore glasses, as many people found people without them more appealing, there for more willing for an interview, but Alya couldn't afford contacts, so she was stubborn with being basically blind. And she dyed her hair blonde.
Enough said.
But there was one person they were eagerly waiting to see. And when she arrived, she didn't disappoint in the least.
Marinette strode into the gymnasium, looking as stunning as she always had been. Her dark hair had been grown out, framing her beautiful face, her trim body clad in a dress of pale pink, one of the newest designs from her latest fashion line.
And the man on her arm made many men and women stare in envy. Tall, dark, handsome, he reminded them all of a dark prince, with his muscular build and piercing green eyes.
"Is that Marinette?" Someone asked rather loudly, drawing everyone's attention from Lila's wildest tale and to the lovely designer as she strode in with her husband.
"Marinette, how was Taiwan?" Juleka spoke up, smiling as she and Rose strode over to greet the couple, Nino, Marc, and Nathaniel quickly joining them.
"It was lovely. I'd like to thank you again, for being able to model for me last week, you were a lifesaver." Marinette giggled softly, pulling Juleka in a tight hug.
Alya crossed her arms, scowling as practically everyone swarmed Marinette and the man she came with. She couldn't help but feel envious at the sight of Marinette, looking so beautiful and well put together.
Lila wasn't doing much better, wishing with every fiber of her being that she was basking in that attention.
"Who is this with you, Marinette?" Alya strode up, her hand always slipping into her purse, reaching for her cell phone. "A man you had to blackmail into marrying you? I feel sorry for him."
"... Is she serious?" Marc's brows shot up, sharing a bewildered look with his husband.
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Damian, Damian Wayne." Damian smiled cooly towards Alya and Lila, his eyes narrowing a fraction. "You must be the undesirables my wife had to deal with during her time here, aren't you?"
"... Nice try, Marinette. Seriously? Hiring a guy to pretend to be Damian Wayne? You're so pathetic, Lila is married to Damian, if you bothered even to check your facts." Alya snorted, crossing her arms as she glared at Mari, scowling again. "You've ruined enough lives already, you ruined mine and Nino's relationship, so you can just fuck off and go home. No one wants you here."
Damian stepped forward, cold fury written clearly on his face, but Marinette's gentle touch on his shoulder stopped him. She merely put on a kind smile and stepped around her husband.
"You're still believing her lies, Alya? All of you still are? That's pretty pathetic, if I'm being honest." Mari's smile sharpened a bit as she crossed her arms, her blue eyes alight with fire. A fire no one had known was there. "You're the biggest hypocrite I know, Alya, as you've never checked a fact in your life. You tend to jump to conclusions before getting all of the facts in the first place. That's what ruined your relationships, I didn't think of you once for the past ten years."
"You don't need to talk to Alya like that, Marinette! You're still the biggest bully ever!" Lila sobbed, wiping away her tears. "Wait until my Damibear hears about this! We'll sue, ruin that tacky brand of yours."
"Highly unlikely." Damian stepped forward, his expression morphing into one of cool calm. Then a smirk twitched his lips. "At least I know who has been throwing around my name to get into places, or to get things for free. My lawyers will love to take care of the messes you've been causing me and my family."
"I beg your pardon?!" Lila felt the blood drain from her face, but she teared up, sniffling, desperate to keep her façade. "Damian, you've been cheating on me with Marinette, I was just trying to help you save face!"
"Oh give it up, Lie-la, no one is buying your bullshit." Chloé strode in, her hands gripping Kagami's and Luka's as they entered. She gave the liar a haughty look, diamonds dangling at her ears and her neck. "Except for Alya. But she must have one good barbed tongue, if you keep letting her kiss your ass and such for all of these years."
"Chloé! You fu-" Alya's face went red and she and Lila began advancing on the trio, but no one noticed as Rose 'spillt' her drink, causing both girls to slip and go stumbling. Juleka stuck out an elegant leg and Lila went tumbling back into the punch bowl, toppling it all over herself. The screech she let out was so satisfying.
Nino pretended to grab hold of Alya to steady her, but her hands 'slipped' from his grasp and she was sent falling onto the food table. A bit of revenge for her destroying his DJ equipment seven years ago, after their break up.
"I guess coming here wasn't a waste of our time afterall." Damian's rare smile appeared as he took his wife's hand and kissed her knuckles.
"I agree." Marinette giggled, ignoring the screaming coming from Alya and Lila. Instead, she turned to her friends. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, we're meeting Adrien and Tim after this, would you guys wanna join us for dinner at our home here in Paris?"
Alya felt hot tears of frustration as she glared at the blurry Marinette, grinding her teeth. That couldn't be Damian Wayne, Marinette couldn't be married to him! Because... Because that would have meant Lila had been lying. Lying about Marinette, lying about Nino cheating on her with multiple men and women, lying about Alya's chances with New York Times.
And Lila wouldn't lie to her, she just couldn't!
Alya felt the hot tears steam down her cheeks as Marinette and Damian walked off with their friends, looking so... So happy.
Something that she hadn't felt in such a long time.
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
hi essbie!! you seem super awesome❤️❤️ if you would like to talk to me about the west wing i would love that! i’m watching for the first time now and i’m in LOVE with it- tell me all your thoughts! otps, favorite episodes, arcs, characters... anything!
oh my god, this is my FAVORITE ASK THAT I HAVE EVER RECEIVED EVER. i’m so happy to talk about the west wing because the fandom that’s still alive today seems to be TINY (although high-spirited!!). thank you for asking!! i will endeavor to talk a lot.... which isn’t hard for me, lol.
(psst, before we begin, can i recommend you check out @donnajosh, who posts gorgeous new gifsets of tww pretty regularly [and also has gifs tagged by episode so you can find the right post to reblog when you’re liveblogging, shh], @etraytin, who’s written some AMAZING multichaps that have gotten me through this very stressful week, and @cassiesinsanity, who’s just plain genuinely amazing?? okay. now that that’s out of the way.)
i tried to figure out from your blog where you are in the show, but i can’t find anything more detailed than “probably has finished in the shadow of two gunmen”, so i’m just gonna keep things anti-spoilers. there are some really, really cool plot developments in tww, and i don’t recommend you spoil yourself for things on purpose! but also like. i DEFINITELY spoil things for myself all the time. so what the hell, don’t listen to me lol.
(i tried to put this under a cut, but tumblr glitched. sorry, peeps who don’t care about the west wing. also, WATCH THE WEST WING.)
my ALL TIME, dearest headcanon is adhd josh. i just. i love my boy so much. i love my impulsive, ridiculously-sensitive-to-perceived-rejection, loud, hyperfixated boy so much. i don’t know everything about adhd, but from what i know josh is TEXTBOOK. or at least he’s a lot like me! and i’m reasonably sure i have adhd. so. i’m REALLY, REALLY into that headcanon and everything about it. (i actually wrote a fic in which i wrote him the way i see his adhd presenting, because i love him so much. hmm, i should write a fic about josh being adhd. what kind of stims would josh like??)
i love and adore josh/donna, like many many other people. i like zoey/charlie, just because i think they make each other happy and both of them deserve that. i... like cj/danny? sorta? i think they’re adorable, and they have some REALLY good moments (no spoilers but. oh my god. danny really out here chugging his respect women juice and i love him for it). but also i am EXTREMELY ATTACHED to cj/toby and more specifically cj/toby/andy.
HEAR ME OUT. cj has EXTREME wlw energy and cj and toby have A LOT of married energy but then toby and andy... love each other so much, it’s so clear, in literally everything they do, i don’t know if you’ve gotten to the end of s5 yet but i cry. so like?? obviously, because i am who i am, polyamory is the answer! basically the rundown is: andy and toby are a typical couple except that they fight a lot. cj is kinda in the middle. if gay marriage had been legal / socially acceptable in the 80s (because god knows this ot3 has been thinking about optics since they graduated college), cj and andy would’ve gotten married and toby would’ve come and gone depending on who he’d pissed off recently, and everything would’ve been perfect. instead, andy and toby got married and it didn’t work because they really just couldn’t function as a unit, especially since their getting married meant that cj isolated herself a bit more. definitely cj and toby have a couple of SCREAMING arguments about the whole relationship. idk.
but just like. imagine with me, if you will, cj and toby... not dating, while working in the white house, but being exes. friendly exes. friendly exes who are still in love with each other and know it. please imagine that and then think about “i love you desperately / i know” and “you wanna make out with me right now, don’t you? / well, when don’t i?” and “we had it good there for a while / yeah, we did” and then join me in the pit of sadness.
(sidenote i have a sense8 au for the west wing and the second story is just me being emotional about their cluster for 5k. i have another story vaguely planned that i’ll probably never write about the development of the ot3 and about their cluster and how it functions. but don’t read that story until you finish... the first half of s7? or thereabouts? actually probably you should finish the show before you read the sense8 au in general if you’re avoiding spoilers.)
(when i say “i’ll probably never write”, i mean “until the next time i get obsessed with the west wing”. which will probably be years from now. oh, well, we can all hope the muse actually does something efficient for once.)
so yeah. those are my ships. i know a lot of people shipped josh/sam, but i don’t really see it? sam always seemed Way Too Straight for that to work lol, although i DO like the idea of sam pining tragically for josh for years just like donna does. (can you tell i read such a winter’s day a few days ago? it’s amazing. i haven’t left a review yet because i have not been a human being recently, but go read it!! it’s awesome!!)
also, i love the idea of bartlet/abbey/leo, although i can’t really visualize it lol. but there’s some amazing fic for them out there. maybe one day my stupid brain will realize the angst potential and actually let me write something for them, hopefully within the sense8 au. (sam also has a cluster! and i would love to write about them! .....but my brain doesn’t do what i tell it to. ever.)
my favorite arc.... i don’t know. i really loved the early seasons, which were a little more episodic, but ALSO i actually really liked the tone after aaron sorkin left after s4? it takes some getting used to, but it’s WAY more emotional, and i am ALL HERE FOR THAT. i definitely have a least favoite arc, or at least a least-favorite way-that-they-handled-a-storyline (spoiler alert: i hated how they handled the end of bartlet’s presidency in the white house. like. SHE’S ALL ALONE IN THERE- anyways. trying not to give detailed spoilers!)
favorite episodes: hmm. i love the thanksgiving episodes. i loved any episode with the ainsley-and-sam dynamic. noel is a phenomenal episode. 26 could make anyone weep. the flashbacks are the best. the fucking- the fucking what’s next motif.
honestly, probably i’d have to say my favorite episode is either 4x20 (evidence of things not seen, for “stupidly noble cluster” reasons and cj/toby reasons and bartlet & charlie reasons. also i feel like there’s some good josh/donna there too but i can’t remember exactly?) or 7x21 (institutional memory, because i’m pretty sure the writers reached into my id and pulled out EXACTLY what i needed from them to be okay with the show ending. jesus CHRIST i have never felt so satisfied after an episode. literally everything i ever could have wanted happened in that episode. i’m STILL reeling. it’s a perfect episode.)
my favorite characters are... literally everyone? i know that’s cheating but i love them all SO MUCH (except mandy and amy, of course). josh is my favorite, always and forever, but i love cj more than words and sometimes i can’t breathe for love of toby. leo and bartlet and charlie and sam and donna- here i was thinking i was gonna resent will forever but i LOVE will. ainsley is an amazing woman. abbey is such a good character, god, talk about a flawed woman who’s allowed to be a good person.
AND THEN THEY MADE ME ROOT FOR A REPUBLICAN. again, i doubt you’ve gotten to s7, but the republican nominee in the last election... jesus christ. i love that man so much. arguably, i’m very biased, but also how D A R E they expect me to root against him. how DARE.
(i swear this will make more sense once you meet him. i just love the actor a lot, okay?)
anyways. this got ridiculously long. i would LOVE to talk about the west wing with you, feel free to reblog this with your own thoughts or tag me in your own post or message me or something. i would love to hear your reactions!! it’s such a good show, and such a smart show, and every character is so mcfreaking good at what they do and i adore it. enjoy the ride because there’s nothing as perfect and as quality as the west wing. if you’ll please excuse me, i’m going to go cry about 7x21 again.
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Fic rec anon here, and I'm blanking in the moment! I know you have a lot of recs and I love them all. Maybe your favourite AUs? Broadly speaking? Seeing some of them might help jog me into more specific categories ! xx
Gotcha, sort of like my prison rec list, only I like to think of it more in terms of what would I have on my phone to read when I’m bored and traveling, lol. Obvs, this sort of list is super hard, but having it focused on AUs kinda helps? At any rate, this isn’t a deep dive, it’s just my top level, so hopefully it’ll spark you. These are in no particular order, so come back if you want more!
Tuxedo Dress-Up, by Blake (honestly, ANYTHING in this fandom by Blake, I file this one under hot and hilarious, but every line is just swooooon). Louis is an aspiring song writer by day, a makeup artist for drag queens by night, and masquerading as a full-time real estate agent for his third most famous (and first most handsome) client Harry Styles.Or, five times they fail to fuck in a closet, and one time they get it right.
Once Upon a Dream, by objectlesson (again, ANYTHING by Phoenix, and most of it is canon, but where to even start with her AUs, jesus god, I struggled to rec just one, so I went with the AU she gifted me, ilu!!!!). “M’not gonna half-ass our fake relationship,” Louis almost snaps, voice sharp with a defensive edge, like Harry wandered too close to a bruise with needy fingers. “Now kiss me again. We’re gonna make every shitty tourist here wish they had stayed in the Midwest. We’re gonna burn Disneyland down with our gay.” Or, a fake dating AU where everyone is lying and they happen to be at the Happiest Place on Earth.
knock knock, i love you, by @thelovejandles aka beautlouis (another one of my fave authors in this fandom, proof that wips DO finish, and they’re absolutely worth it). Harry and Louis get kicked out of a statistics exam for passing a knock knock joke note, and subsequently fall in love. Harry's a virgin, there's a cat, a hot cocoa date, a lot of sex, even more knock knock jokes, and everything is lovely and happy.
Tied Down, by @ham-palpert (the twists and turns here, my goddd, just masterful) The most interesting case in Liam and Niall's careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. The investigation yields an unexpected yet satisfactory outcome for Liam and Niall. For Harry and Louis, however, things are far more complicated.
Alien Roadtrip! by @helloamhere (needs ao3 account; I love desert roadtrips, and this captures that vibe perfectly, plus it’s hilarious). For the first time in his life, Louis doesn’t know where he’s going. Harry doesn’t mind. Or, a roadtrip with desert feelings, too much snack food, and empty motels. Harry is definitely absolutely not an alien. That would be ridiculous.
Harry Styles Cooks..., by @magicalrocketships aka sunsetsmog (aka the very best wip on earth, I weep with joy whenever I get the notif). In which Louis Tomlinson can’t cook, there’s a very special shower curtain, and Harry Styles used to be a baker. Or Louis owns all of Harry Styles’ cookbooks, and he never intends to cook a single thing out of any of them.
just call me inspiration, by @hereforlou (in which I *am* Liam Payne, porn editor!) The truth is Louis knows he’s going to hell, if there is such a thing, but it isn’t because he writes erotic fiction for a living. If anything, it’s because his muse, the reason he’s inspired to write about people shagging in increasingly creative ways everyday, is the sweetest, loveliest, most genuine (and completely oblivious) future children-book illustrator in the world.
Buried Like Treasure, by @becomeawendybird aka quickedween (marcel marcel marcel!!!). Prince Harry Styles is very private. He chooses to keep himself out of the public eye but feels lonely and isolated while surrounded by people in his hectic royal life. When he finishes his dissertation, he decides to take a solo holiday to one of the royal family's properties in the Swiss Alps. Semi-retired thief Louis Tomlinson has been pulled in for one last job: steal a painting from an uninhabited mansion. Neither one of them expects a natural disaster.
into another serotonin overflow, by @mercutionotromeo (this story packs a LOT into a little, it helped inspire my sideblog with smaller fic recs, actually). Harry's the yearbook photographer who's been assigned to take pictures of Louis, the new captain of the football team. Harry's got a massive, obvious crush on Louis and somehow, Louis feels the same way.
Turning Page, by @daisyharry aka purpledaisy (pretty much every on-set picture I see of Harry these days just makes me tag it for this fic). “You wanna buy Harry a drink?” Louis lets his eyes drip back to Harry, to his wide eyes and the way his shoulders curve down. He really is pretty – Louis will be the first one to admit it and the last one to ever say it out loud. Louis almost smirks and his lips twitch as he tilts his head, “Not particularly, no.” An AU where Harry Styles tries to get lost in a place he’s never been. Louis Tomlinson has been perfecting the art of being lost for years. What they don’t expect to find is each other.
hush. by wankerville (this story is achingly evocative of just about every shitty small American town, but my god is it beautiful, the sweetness of how it ends). “I don't like you like that, Harry.” “See,” Harry starts, Louis can hear the smile in his voice, “that's where I think you're lying.” Or an AU where small towns suck, louis is losing it, and harry’s just too perfect.
Three French Hems, by @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (I wish I could pick just ONE of my top three from these two, but alas...do persimmons smell like come? discuss).  In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
Thought the Song Was Sung, by @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (see above, pretty much, and how happy I am that the tweets still show up! with Dame Julie Andrews even!!). Louis never auditioned for the X-Factor. Years later, Harry's just another gay ex-boybander who lives alone with his cat... until Niall decides to take matters into his own hands and set up a profile for Harry on a dating website.
Wild and Unruly, by @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy (Iconic, even the abstract is iconic, everything still holds up. oh for cute, etc. etc.). Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? by loadedgunn (another one that inspired my sideblog dedicated to short fics! So much greatness packed in, Jesus, it’s in my top five for sure). Louis reenacts his first time, and Harry wants to be his good girl.
“burn this flame” by @rainbowninja aka rainbowninja167 (anytime I reread this, I smile...filed under hot and hilarious). When Harry gets invited to play in a celebrity charity match with Louis Tomlinson, Manchester United's star player, he's determined to impress him with brilliant football skills. The only flaw in Harry's otherwise foolproof plan? He has absolutely no football skills, brilliant or otherwise.
Challenging Nature: A Look into Male Lactation, by @jaerie (hands down, one of my fave kinks, handled fantastically well...and this isn’t the author’s only one!).  Even taking into account all the bizarre things Harry has subjected himself to in the past for the sake of an article, Harry has received his strangest assignment yet. It comes up as a random misunderstanding in a meeting and builds into a conversation — can men breastfeed? Internet searches reveal documented cases of male lactation popping up at different times throughout history, but are any of them true? Can a man will himself into lactating? Harry has two months to make it happen.
like how your hands feel me up and down, by ballsdeepinjesus (this author wrote a lot of my faves back in the day, I have so many ~thoughts about the amazing writers in this particular era). “It’s -- you’re tight,” Louis chokes. “It’s tight, I mean. It’s. Yes.” His hand is curved around his hip now, squeezing lightly. “Tight’s good, right?” Harry murmurs, batting his eyelashes. He almost can’t believe himself. “Very good,” Louis grunts. Or louis works in a halloween shop and harry needs a costume.
baby look what you've done to me, by ballsdeepinjesus (see above; even the username kills me). The next day kind of turns everything upside down, though. Louis gets another lingerie catalogue addressed to Harry. He’s about to toss it when he sees a personalized note stuck to the front; it thanks Harry for his previous purchases and offers him a complimentary six-month subscription to their magazine free of charge. Or louis moves into harry's old flat. harry gets a lot of mail.
Take Our Bodies Higher, by @littlelouishiccups (I’m something of a connoisseur of the phone sex trope, so the way this author flips it and makes *Harry* the operator plus what ensues? chef’s kiss!). Harry wasn’t often caught off guard at his job anymore. He called different men Sir, Master, or Daddy for work almost every week, but he’d never been told he was a good boy in a voice quite like that. In which Harry is a phone sex operator and Louis dials a wrong number.
Make a Dime Go One Hundred, by @screwstyles (I’d rec this for their jobs alone, but everything in it, just wow). “Do you think you could trust anyone enough to have full control over you?” he asks into the night, hoping his sentence won’t break their bubble. It doesn’t, if the way Harry’s eyes meet his is any indication.“What do you mean?” Harry’s voice is barely above a whisper, rough from the singing they had done earlier. Louis wants to keep this memory forever.“You know, if someone wanted to, uhm,” he coughs, “to tie you up, or blindfold you.” Or a friends to lovers AU where Harry volunteers to help Louis experiment with bondage. Things don’t go exactly to plan.
it ain't trickin' if ya got it, by sarcasticfluentry (needs ao3 account; I often stare at the wall and wonder what another installment in this universe would be, fuckkkkk, it’s so good, I only wish the social media was still in it). 28-year-old blockbuster actor Louis Tomlinson rushes home to give his 20-year-old model boyfriend Harry a good seeing-to after a particularly provocative Instagram post and, in his excitement, alerts the entire world. Featuring daddy kink, anal beads, and feelings.
If You Asked Me if I Love Him (I'd Lie), by allyasavedtheday (needs an ao3 account; it’s a sequel, but I reread it over and over vs. the first piece).  Or the one where Harry and Louis eloped but neglected to mention it to anyone. Meanwhile Lottie is getting married and the only way for them to not steal her thunder is by pretending they're just friends for the weekend. Featuring Harry and Louis as terrible liars who don't know the meaning of the word platonic and some Tomlinsons and Styleses who definitely don't believe them.
Damn, I could go on, but I’ll stop! My sideblog dedicated to short fics is @marathonficbreak, and it has some smaller ones, if this is too intimidating, lmao...hope some of them are new for you, enjoy!
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Home Again”: Ben Hardy Imagine: PS Reader: Military Reader
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Ben Hardy Imagine Ben Hardy x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Military Reader
(A/N:  So this request  is near and dear to my heart because my brother's in the army...and also currently deployed.  So it's little ping in my dark little heart.  Hope you enjoy!)
Imagine being on leave and surprising Ben...
The army was pretty much all you'd ever known.
Well, that's a lie.
It's what you'd known for quite some time but it was familiar to you anyway.
You had family who served and it seemed a natural fit for you.
You never realized how much you'd actually love it until you got into it.
You loved your country.
Regardless of who was 'running' it- you loved your country and the people in it.
And you loved being a soldier.
You'd served one term overseas and put more time in than you cared to admit on your home soil.
That's really how you met Ben.
Just the thought of his name could make you sigh.
He was an actor- a damn good one- but more importantly he was the best person you knew.
And given your line of work- you'd met plenty of really good people.
But Ben- Ben was special.
You met during some down time for you.
Well, it was less down time and more just inactive.
You'd been back from your most recent deployment for about a year and a half and while your mother's construction business was good work- and you had a degree to get a job elsewhere....something just wasn't right.
And a buddy of yours knew this.
Suggested you run security for an upcoming movie his aunt was attatched to.
You landed the job easily and with good reason.  
Your unit was fucking sharp and you kept a tight ship.
Security was an easy one for you.
Did people think you were a bitch at first?
Yes, of course, because you weren't there to make friends.
You were there to keep everyone safe.
There was a reason your unit called you Stonewall.
You had nerves of steel and didn't give a fuck about pleasantries when it was time to get down to business.
Did Joe Mazzello make it his personal mission to befriend you?
Of fucking course he did.
Because the film you ran security on was Bohemian Rhapsody and that lanky bastard followed you around as much as possible.
You'd handed his ass to him on more than one occasion.
And it was there that you met Ben.
Such a sweet guy.
All blond hair and lovely light eyes and those impossibly beautiful lips of his.
Damn him for being so attractive.
And he was fucking sweet too which made it all the more worse.
If he'd just been an asshole you could've brushed him off.
You tried to more than once actually and his face flushed and he just kind moved away.
You felt awful and tracked him down...in like two seconds, lol.
You apologized and the two of you pretty much because inseperable since.
You were so close because no one had ever understood your schedule more than him and the same applied for him.
You both had to be away for long periods with sometimes unreasonable hours.
It was crazy.
But you actually wanted to be together and that was what mattered.
For Ben....the hardest thing was your latest deployment.
He tried so hard to keep it together as you stood in that airport together.
The reality is...no one knows if your moments together will be your last but with military....
Well, it's just a lot more real.
He cried so hard.
You didn't want to leave him.
He apologized and you kissed him so hard his knees locked up on him and he nearly fell.
Leaving him to get on that plane was the hardest thing you'd ever done before.
It was harder than leaving your family the first time.
It was harder than being in Iraq on the phone with your brother as his wife had their first baby.
It was the worst.
But nothing, not all the bad feelings, could even come close to feeling of love and adoration you had for him now.
Now, you stood just out of sight as he sat in a chair facing an interviewer.
She was a nice, young lady who was a part of the plan and was so patient with the whole ordeal.
She asked a few questions before she brought up the subject of a girlfiend.
"So, I gotta ask about your girlfiend." she said. "We've seen pictures of your occasionally and you two are just so adorable!"
You could barely contain your smile as you watched him figit and the tips of his ears go red.
"Yes, she's amazing." he said. "Love of my life."
"And she's in the military right?" she asked.
"Yeah." he said. "One of the strongest people I know.   I mean, I can't really talk about her job much you know.  That's all private.  You know how it is."
She nodded, "Of course.  I hear that she's deployed right now.  I'm sure that's tough. I know a lot of significant others of military members can sympathize."
"Yeah." he said running a hand over his face. "It's probably one of the most difficult things I've ever had to go through but I love her more than anything.  And she's so strong and brave and - she's just so smart.  I have no doubt in her ability to do anything. I mean, I worry, of course but she's honestly like a real life superhero."
"Oh! That's high praise coming from an Xmen!" she teased and he laughed warming your heart.
"I'll never live this down." he laughed and shook his head.  
"Oh, not proud of your xmen days?" she asked.
"No, no." he said. "I am.  And very grateful for the opportunity.  I just don't want to be forever remembered as the shirtless guy."
She nodded, "Well, I have one last question for you and then I promise I'll let you be."
Ben just nodded.
"If your girlfriend were here right now, what would you say to her?" she asked.
Ben blowed a sigh from between his lips.
"Oh, man.  I- well, I'd say a lot. I always do.  Poor girl probably thinks I never shut up when we get those chats together.  I'd tell her a I love her, I suppose.  She knows that though.  Actually, no- I'd tell her that I know she took my tshirt with her and that's she's a liar." he laughed.
"I damn well did not!" you defended and snatched the small curtain back before you could get ahold of yourself. "Joseph Mazzello took it for Cardy B!"
You watched as he tensed and then slowly turned around.
His eyes zoned in on you and you watched them water for a second.
"Babe?" he asked, softly.
"It was supposed to be more romantic than this." You offered with a small smile. "But you accused me of theft."
He bolted from the chair and snatched you into his arms.
He was already crying at this point and naturally- so were you.
That man had you fucking whipped sometimes.
The interviewer called for the cameras to be turned off to give you a bit of privacy and you sent her a thank you while she went to finish up in the other room.
" What?  When? Why?" Ben rambled.
"When?  I got off the plane this morning and drove straight here." You said. "And why?  We're home baby.  For a while.  Possibly...for good."
He damn near crushed you in a hug.
And then he glared at you with a look that could've melted your soul.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" he pressed.
"To be fair, I wasn't able to say anything until I was back on home soil." you said with a shrug.  "And seeing as how that was the case- I figured...I could do a little surprise.  I knew you were working.   I may have called your publicist."
He rolled his eyes.
"He helped me set everything up."  you said. "Which reminds me,  I need to take him out to lunch because he pulls off an unholy feat in like six hours.   Where is he?"
You turned to leave but Ben trapped you in his arms with a laugh.
"Baby, I haven't seen you in eleven months.  Do you honestly think I'll be releasing even one moment to anyone for like- at least a month?"
"Now, Benjamin." you scolded him.
"Whatever." he said pulling your lips to his. "I'll suffer the consequences, Captain."
"Drop and give me five." you teased.
"How about five orgasms, how about that?" he teased biting your ear.
"Ben!" you laughed as he wound you up in his arms again.
Whether you were New York or Japan or even France...home was in his arms.
And it was damn sure good to be home.
Heeeey, smoochies.  Excuse me why I go cry and be emotional because personal reasons. Waaaaahhhh!!!!!
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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atruththatyoudeny · 6 years
MONTHLY READS | October 2018
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Happy 1D Fanworks Appreciation Day! Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your stories and the courage to share them with us! I am so grateful for all the amazing authors in this fandom. Here are the fics I read this month, as always, Top 5 + 16 (!!) more under the cut (to not clog up your dash) 
The Road Less Travelled
by freetheankles | Lumberjack Louis | angst | slow burn | slow build | hurt/comfort | mutual pining | banter | minor character death | 98k Louis was a lumberjack happy to be living his life alone in what could qualify as Middle Of Nowhere, Canada. Every morning, he went out into the woods, cut his logs, then came home at dusk to a scalding hot shower and a good book by the fireplace. Rinse and Repeat. He had a good life, quiet and peaceful; simple. Not a secluded one as Niall annoyingly claimed. Louis certainly didn't need some chatty trespasser dropping into his life, his forest, his home. Invading his space, his circle of friends, touching his stuff, asking questions about his husband. His late husband. A trespasser who wasn’t supposed to crawl under his skin, occupy his thoughts, and steal his heart from where Louis had locked it safely away, only to put it right back on Louis’ sleeve — where it once laid. No, Louis definitely didn’t need Harry.
I Wanna Be More Than Friends
by 2tiedships2 | a/b/o | accidental bonding | friends to lovers | fluff | childhood friends | 20k He hadn't meant to scent Harry. They were best friends and that was it. Scenting best friends wasn't exactly socially acceptable. "Lou," Harry whispered. Louis jumped at his name and sat up straighter to provide a bit of distance between himself and Harry. "You can't scent me, Lou," Harry stated. Which of course Louis couldn't scent him. They were best friends. "I mean," Harry continued. "I wouldn't mind exactly, but if I can't scent you, I don't think you should scent me." "What do you mean you can't scent me? I mean, I get it because we're best friends but..." "I mean I can't smell you, Louis. I fucking can't smell you. I can't smell anything, okay?" Or the one where Harry’s an alpha with no sense of smell, Louis’ an omega who isn’t allowed to scent his best friend, and that’s all they’ll ever be. Obviously.
We'll Never Fall Apart
by GMTYUniverse for 1D Pet Fest | post break-up | pre-make up | exes to lovers | famous/ not famous | angst | fluff | 20k Harry’s hand seems to tremble a bit as he takes the pen from Louis. Louis pretends he doesn’t notice. It’s not his right anymore to notice, he thinks to himself. Or maybe it is – as friends. He’s not sure what being just friends entails, if he’s being entirely honest. He’s a bit confused where they’ve drawn the line, or will be drawing the line. It's just - it’s not really clear where they stand at the moment. Despite all the paperwork surrounding Oliver, there's so much left unsaid. Then again, maybe everything already has been said and Louis is just scrambling for reasons to keep holding on. or the one where Louis and Harry's relationship falls apart after 7 years, but the rescue dog they raised together doesn’t understand the joint-custody agreement they’ve hashed out.
Stars are guiding me back
by coffeelouis | Bachelor AU | post break-up | 78k Directing the first ever season of The Bachelor with a bisexual star is a huge career move for Louis. After throwing himself into his career, he finally has the opportunity to prove himself as a director with a unique vision. For Harry, being cast as the first ever Bi Bachelor means finally putting his ex-boyfriend behind him and starting anew. He's taking a chance on finding love and determined to do it right this time. They didn't exactly think this through. [or, the BACHELOR AU where Louis directs his ex-boyfriend Harry in his season as America's first bi bachelor.]
Dirty secret
by iilarryii | Mulan AU | a/b/o | enemies to friends to lovers | war | mpreg | character death | 122k "Dad, you can't go!" Louis yells to his father as he watches him pull out his sword. "Louis, you know that I have to. It's the pack leaders orders," Dan says calmly. "I need you to promise me that you'll take care of the family if I die." "So what? You'll just give up?" "Of course not. I am just willing to die for my family's safety." "So am I." The Zoely pack is attacked by rogue alphas and the pack leader orders all alphas over the age of eighteen to protect their pack. Dan Deakin is one of the strongest alphas in the pack, but there is one problem. He has a wife and six kids to feed and look after. Louis is the oldest child and the one who wants to protect their family. Or a Mulan AU where Louis is an omega who takes his father's place in the war.
To change how you see and what you believe
by jaerie for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | unplanned pregnancy | I didn't know I was pregnant AU | friends to lovers | graphic description of birth | 12k Harry and Louis are best friends who just happen to fall into bed with each other sometimes, it's not a big deal. After a drunken night of discussing their kinks, they wake up naked together. They don't remember what happened, but they've done it before and they'll probably do it again, but five months later, a surprise changes everything.
Baby We Could Be Enough
by lovelarry10 for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | mutual pining | angst | natural birth | 74k Harry Styles has always wanted a family, but his boyfriend doesn’t. When an unexpected pregnancy leaves Harry feeling alone and terrified, he feels he has no choice but to give up his baby. He finds a family with the adoptive parents, and maybe something more. ~ Louis Tomlinson and his wife, Jess, have been trying for a baby for years. Their hasty marriage after they first got pregnant has only led to a series of miscarriages that have put a strain on their already precarious relationship. When they meet a young man desperate for a home and someone to raise his child, Louis realizes that he may have been moving in the wrong direction all along.
He Saw His Own Eyes
by SadaVeniren for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | doctor/patient | angst | friends to lovers | 16k Dear Child, By the time you read this I’ll be dead. Here’s how I think it’s gonna to happen. Your mum - whoever they are and I’m sure they’ll be a smashing person - will read this letter, realize I quoted a very old and niche video, and teleport to my exact location and strangle me. I know sense of humor is not genetic but if it was I hope you’d get mine. I hope you don’t get my nose - it’s pretty big, and if you get my height I hope your mum evened it out with some grace and coordination so you didn’t spend puberty impersonating Bambi on ice. I’ve finally grown into it but it took awhile and I once almost fell into a bonfire because of it. Maybe I’ll tell you about it when we meet up! Please know that if you decide to reach out to me I will be receptive, so don’t let that cause you any anxiety. I hope that your life has been good so far. I’m sure your mum (and dad or other mum or other parenting figure) loved you with everything they are. Yours, Dad P.S. Then two cops will read this letter and shoot each other. AKA Louis conceives a child from an anonymous donor and Harry’s the midwife.
Shut your mind off (and let your heart hear me)
by BeHappily for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | ballet | kid fic | friends with benefits | 13k Harry wants Louis for a while, Louis wants Harry forever, but emotions and a little human get in their way. Or, an AU where Louis is a single father to cute twins, Harry is a ballet dancer who doesn't want any relationship, and they foolishly become friends with benefits, but maybe it wasn't so bad after all.
A Perfect Reason
by Chelsea Frew for HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 | mpreg | royalty | fluff | famous/not famous | natural birth| 29k During a visit to a charity he'd like to support, Prince Louis--next in line to the throne of the United Kingdom--meets Harry, the man of his dreams. Trouble is, Louis is not out, and the law says his heirs can only be born of a woman. Louis is determined not to let that stop his pursuit of Harry. His determination doubles when Harry accidentally becomes pregnant. He and Harry will have their little family--and change the monarchy while they're at it.
Does it Look Devious or Something?
by haztobegood for 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names | sex toy store | homophobia | 4k When someone complains about Louis’ new business, he must defend his sex toy shop to the city council. Written for Prompt #231: The amazement at how much hot air people manage to produce.
Beneath the sound of hope
by YesIsAWorld | sexual confusion | high school | 1990s | 6k After Louis Tomlinson leaves the set of the Smashing Pumpkins’ “1979” music video, it’s not the band or the experience that he can’t stop thinking about—it’s the curly-haired boy he met while filming. Determined to track that same boy down, he sets off on a short journey and ends up figuring out some truths about himself along the way.
Better Late Than Never
by reddhede | establishes relationship | mpreg | past abuse | break up | unplanned pregnancy | angst | 72k After an unstable and abusive childhood, Louis finally has the life he'd always dreamed of - a good flat, a good job, and the best boyfriend. But one little plastic stick turns that life upside down.
by nikogda | vampires | established relationship | 7k Louis took his hand and walked him over to the up escalator and felt him squeeze it tightly as he stepped on. And that is how it went, up and down as Louis watched Harry from the seats by the puzzles near Starbucks. He could see Harry as he went up the escalator and down, only to repeat about twenty more times. Louis sighed, because he loves Harry of course he does. So he would put up with this and the amusement that wore off a while ago. Yet for Harry, this newness was still very exciting to him. Louis couldn’t wait to show him Netflix. Wondered if Harry had seen a television. He stood up as Harry neared the floor and walked over to him. “Babe, do you know what a television is?” Louis questioned, reaching for Harry’s hand to keep him from going towards the up escalator. “I’m not a complete idiot, Lou.” Louis could see the glint of Harry’s fangs as he smiled, his hand covering his mouth quickly. “Have you ever watched one?” He tugged Harry to the exit. “No,” Harry said quietly. Or, Harry finally rejoins a world where everything has changed but the most important thing is exactly the same.
I love your demons (like devils can)
by ariadne_odair for One Direction Big Bang: Round 3 | Girl Direction | homophobia | internalised homophobia | angst | 60k "I am right here," she says loudly, and she can almost hear the crack when Louis' head whips around to stare at her. "Why?" Louis asks, and Harry feels her insides shrivel up and die. Harry didn’t plan to join the football team. She didn’t plan to sleep with the captain of the football team. She definitely didn’t plan to sleep with the closeted captain of the football team, who promptly acted as if nothing happened and left Harry a pathetic, pining mess.
Sea Salt and Chocolate
by cupcakeL | strangers to lovers | friends to lovers | coffee shops & cafés | cheating | fluff | 10k “How can I help you?” He looked at the customer and wow, Harry was pretty sure this guy had the bluest eyes he had ever seen. When the guy opened his mouth Harry could almost feel the venom in his voice. “Do you have some kind of truffle that passive aggressively says ‘fuck you’?” Or Harry owns a confectionary/café and Louis is an aspiring musician who needs to break up with his boyfriend via truffles.
We'll Paint the Town
by kotabear24 for Larry Abroad Fic Challenge | Say Yes to the Dress AU | Kleinfeld's | famous/not famous | 4k For the Larry abroad prompt: Kleinfeld's, New York. This is a Say Yes to the Dress fic. In which Louis can't flirt, Lottie does all the work, Harry just wants to get her in a damn dress, and Niall is an aggressive affirmer. It ends well for everyone.
Knot Safe For Work
by jaerie | sex shop | knotting | sex toys | wizards | werewolf | magic | spells & enchantments | potions | 5k The world is magical, Louis is a wizard, Harry is a Were, there are spells for lube and supernatural kinks are definitely a thing.
The Things You Hide
by LiveLaughLoveLarry for HL Summer Exchange 2015 | spies Á secret agents | angst | undercover missions | 27k Louis has been an MI6 agent for four years. Now he wants out. Unfortunately, his superiors have other ideas. Their solution: a 'mission' in the Greek Islands, one that's more vacation than actual work. Harry is an avid photographer who shows him around the area. He's open and carefree and everything that Louis wishes he could be. Along the way they fall in love, and maybe Louis learns a little about love, a little about lies, and a whole lot the meaning of home.
Say It First
by Rearviewdreamer | Butterfly Effect AU | time travel | high school | pining | uni | angst | infidelity | domestic fluff | adoption | happy ending | 25k When it comes to Louis, Harry feels like he has spent a lifetime getting it wrong, but on a chance night together where time mostly seems to be on his side, he gets the opportunity to try it all again. And again, and again, and again in an attempt to finally get it right before it's too late.
Take Our Bodies Higher
by littlelouishiccups  | phone sex | dirty talk | Daddy kink | Dom/sub | 21k Harry wasn’t often caught off guard at his job anymore. He called different men Sir, Master, or Daddy for work almost every week, but he’d never been told he was a good boy in a voice quite like that. In which Harry is a phone sex operator and Louis dials a wrong number.
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jolteonsblog · 5 years
so, here’s what happened at the concert yesterday!
i’m gonna cover what happened during every song (even the ments and the vcrs)
good god, the energy!
the set was GORGEOUS, with ionic columns and giant panther statues
and my boys looked absolutely ready to slay
i was literally screaming my head off
joon: you ready for this? (me: YES) you ready to get hyped up? (me: MY BODY IS READY)
not today
the performance of this song was EPIC
choreography, vocals, EVERYTHING
introductory ment
okay, but can we talk about how jimin and taehyung saying new jersey like ‘new jers’ is just the cutest thing ever?
namjoon: nice to meet you! (me: NICE TO MEET YOU TOO)
also him introducing himself as nj was ADORABLE
hobi: i’m your hope... (me: *screaming*) you’re my hope.... (me: DAMN RIGHT WE ARE) i’m j... (me, along with about a million other armys: HOOOOOOOOOPE!)
jin’s flying kiss almost knocked me over
all of them were just so cute during this bit
jin saying that we were their wings was just so precious and heartfelt
another high energy song 
it was just enough to get me hyped up
hobi and kookie’s vcr
aww, the boys look so cu- oh god tae’s gOT THE DOG HE’S GOT YEONTAN ABORT MISSION-
yaaaas kings dab on ‘em
as a hopekook shipper, this made my heart sing
the cutest part had to be when they’re both sitting on the couch and then kook lays his head down in hobi’s lap and then kook holds up his drink and then hobi drinks out of it *combusts from the cuteness*
i love these boys so much
just dance
hobi looked super cute and super handsome in his white outfit and glasses
everything about this song just screamed ‘HOBI IS OUR SECOND SUN’
everyone was chanting his name towards the middle of the song and he was just soaking it all in with a huge smile on his face
i was watching him just enjoy himself and my heart swelled with pride
my sunshine :)
look mom! you see him? it’s him! it’s jungkook!
he’s flying!
i hope he doesn’t fall
set him down gently please!
his high notes soared higher than the clouds :)
annyeonghaseyo jeoneun bangtan sonyeondan hwanggeum maknae jeon jungkook imnida!
best of me
everyone was having a good time, members and armys (and myself) included
jin and taehyung’s voices were on point 
absolutely a feel-good, get-up-and-dance number
joon and jimin’s vcr
two precious fluffy boys doing what they do best: be adorably handsome
it’s namjoon! it’s namjoOOOOOOO-HO-HO MY GOD
literally joon killed me
yes jimin! bounce on that bed!
me @ joon: he’s so fluffy i’m gonna die
here lies jolteon 💀
cause of death: witnessing jimin’s abs
there were parts in the song where his shirt would ride up and expose his cute tummy :)
if there were two words to describe perfection, park jimin could qualify
my eyes and ears have been blessed
i love you so much namjoon!
he loves us so much! HE IS SO PRECIOUS I CAN’T-
boy with luv
kim namjoon! kim seokjin! min yoongi! jung hoseok! park jimin! kim taehyung! jeon jungkook! BTS!
seeing them perform this live was a blessing
ment #2
my boys, being precious as always
they were absolutely amazing
dope/baepsae/fire medley
they had to omit joon’s verses from dope and fire :(
but this medley was perfect
and let’s just say that namjoon thrusting his hips at the camera during baepsae will forever be burned into my memory
you bet your bumbo i was screaming the words to namjoon’s verses at the top pf my lungs
 i think this was a remix, since the instrumental sounded different
tae’s vcr
this reminded me A LOT of singularity
in fact, when i found a video of it on yt today, i was able to hear little snatches of the song sprinkled throughout the backing track of the vcr
tae looks so pretty with those flowers!
and the mask looks so fancy!
here lies jolteon (again) 💀
he literally killed me, then resurrected me only to kill me again a thousand times over
and his voice??? absolutely perfect????
my ears are blessed
my knees were weak throughout the whole song
he’s the reason i joined this fandom in the first place
his green attire looked so pretty on him
and his smirk at the end just killed me
it was beautiful
fake love
of course they had to do fake love! it’s one of their best songs!
i’m so sick of this fake love! (FAKE LOVE) fake love! (FAKE LOVE) fake love! (FAKE LOVE)
jin and yoongi’s vcr
everyone rise for worldwide handsome and min suga genius jjiang jjiang man boong boong
looks? SERVED
handsome boys
my ears are blessed by yoongi’s deep, pleasant vocals
his red suit looked so good on him
a precious kitten
oh boy
where do i even start?
here lies jolteon (once again) 💀
kim seokjin, our king of visuals
the piano he was playing at the beginning looked so pretty (like him)
i wish i had a piano like that
my knees are weak (again)
there’s another two words that could best describe perfection: kim seokjin
truth untold
i had my eyes on jin the whole time
vocal line stans unite
these four are so talented you have no idea
the b/w filter on the camera and the green fiery accents were awesome
awesome effects for an awesome performance
mic drop
yay for b/w filters!
everyone just popped off (pun totally intended)
mic mic bungee! bright light jeonjin! manghal geo gatatgetjiman i’m fine sorry!
body rolls!
encore songs!
i’m probably gonna rant about how adorable they were playing on the bouncy slide
yeah, just the bouncy slide
the song is so infectiously catchy! i love it!
baby boys!
so what
get on your feet and dance!
let’s go!
another catchy song that i love!
make it right
vocals vocals vocals!
happy boys!
ending ment
photo time!
nj: beautiful beautiful beautiful! (me: JUST LIKE YOU)
the army bomb wave was something of pure beauty
nj singing ‘started from the bottom’ by drake with the lyrics changed to talk about seokjin was funny and sweet (#namjin)
new jers! new jers for the win!
namjoon pronouncing new zealand like ‘new jealand’ was adorable
we are the something that allowed bts to go from nothing to something!
bye boys! see you later! wait, I DON’T WANNA LEAVE! PLEASE DON’T GO!
i’d honestly forgotten how this song goes, so i’d like to thank them for refreshing my memory
my seven beautiful boys...
i know i’ll see them again someday.... :’)
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trumpetnista · 6 years
CMW2/Trumpetnista: True North
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Summary from FFN: CANON COMPLIANT AU WITH HEAVY SPOILERS FOR THE END OF SEASON 4 AND THE FIRST EPS OF 5; After the events of 'Not You, Too', Bruce is ecstatic that Selina is alive but he is about to truly lose it. Being the True North of his life, Selina enlists the one person who loves him more than her to help him escape Gotham's ruins.;Rated for words & imagery;4th in my 2019 SSS Project
Words from the Hooded GOTHAMITE: Your eyes are not deceiving you, folks. It's a double header! I'm really gonna knuckle down and update/finish at least one of my established stories in another fandom after this one, I promise but again, what the Muses want, they get. If I don't cooperate with them, they go away for ages. They really want Bruce and Selina right now. It is what it is.
Selina and Alfred's bond is one of my favorite on the show. I've always loved a good 'started from the bottom, now we're here' plotline and I'm glad that they've united. Other than Jim, they're all Bruce has so it's best that they get along. They've gone from enemies to frenemies to family and I really, really hope that the BatFamily can become some kind of an official thing in GOTHAM's endgame. If not, that's what fanfic is for.
Again, I just want everyone to be happy. Is that too much to ask?
Anyway, here's the follow up to 'Not You, Too' and after I do the aforementioned updating/finishing in my other fandoms, I will get started on my next big Baby BatCat fics. There is a need and I will fulfill it!
Disclaimer: “Honestly, it’s not mine!”
"I once said that the only reason he wanted to be with me was because I was literally the only girl he knew. That myth is just busted all to pieces now, ain't it?"
"Completely. You're the love of his life."
"He's a masochist. And I'm an idiot because I love him back. One of those Tangs for me?"
"Any vodka in it?"
"Unfortunately, no."
"Don't worry. I'll swipe some Goose from Barbara later. I gotta go see Tabby. Pay my respects."
"I'm sorry for your loss, Selina."
"Are you?"
"You cared for her."
"She tried to kill Bruce. Like really, really tried."
"Everyone has."
Laughing still hurt like hell but Selina Kyle couldn't help but do so. It wasn't like Alfred Pennyworth was wrong. Every maniac worth their salt in Gotham took a crack at Bruce Wayne at least once before their temper tantrum was done. That was what he got for being an overly noble piece of shit like Jim Gordon. Not to say that Gordon wasn't a good man (not that she'd ever tell him so to his face) but to model one's life choices after him really wasn't the best idea. It led to so much trouble.
Hopping down from the roof's ledge aggravated her injuries but Selina welcomed the pain. She welcomed the fact that she could climb and jump again. Even when she had nothing, even when she was all alone, she had been able to move. She had been able to run, jump and be free. Jeremiah Valeska had taken that away from her. He had shot her, nearly ruined her, but fate in the form of Bruce had intervened. He had gone out and found a Cure for her. He had risked becoming a living garden from Ivy Pepper Version 3′s venom for her. He had saved her and in turn, she would do her best to save him.
Eventually, she wouldn't be able to. It went back to him being an overly noble piece of shit but damn it, she would try. Bruce didn't get to die on her, not for a long time.
"How are you feeling?"
"I look the way I feel, Lurch."
"So, like a walking piece of roadkill?"
"Fuck off."
And it was very clear that Selina could not die on him. It wasn't an option. Jeremiah Valeska and his crazy girlfriend bitch had tried to kill her. They had damned near blown her up but she had made it out. She had managed to get out of her restraints and had been in the process of climbing out of a window when the explosives went off. That had sent her flying and while there was a bit of a blank, she remembered the feeling of weightlessness, the impact with the truck, and more importantly, the feeling of needing to get home.
Home was Bruce. Whether they were in Wayne Manor, The Haven, or anywhere, Bruce was home. She needed to get her ass up, pull herself together enough to function, and get home. If Valeska went after her, it stood to reason that he was going to go the whole nine yards. Her, Gordon, Alfred, anyone positive in Bruce's life had a bulls-eye on them again. Valeska wanted to break him. He wanted to convert him to his special brand of madness and the circus freak probably wanted his body, too. Bruce was damned fine to look at, like one of those angels in museum paintings. He had been adorable before but puberty had been very good to him.
However, the only person who would be touching the art was her.
Even if Jeremiah wasn't crazier than the cow that jumped over the moon and blew it up, the age difference was not good. Jeremiah was in his mid-twenties. Bruce may be 40 years old in the head but he had just turned 18. Jeremiah's Evil Twin Jerome, may he forever rot and burn in Hell, had ruined his birthday party when he took over that concert with exploding neck bombs.
The cake had been damned good, though. God, Selina missed cake so much. It was still possible to find the ingredients or a done one but it was more trouble than it was worth. The energy would be put to better use finding medicine or ammo.
Anyway, it had taken some time but she had gotten to the Twelfth Precinct, only to find a broken Bruce Wayne. He had thought she had been murdered. Jeremiah had said she was dead and instead of breaking in the way the freak longed for, Bruce had beaten him to death with a chair.
Jeremiah Valeska was very much dead.
Selina had demanded to see the body, just to make sure he was gone, and it had been a mess. Absolutely justified but a mess, all the same. Jeremiah's girlfriend had been catatonic but when three unfortunate saps tried to transport her to Arkham, she had murdered them and ran. Word was that she The Dark Zone's leader now and she would 'continue her beloved's legacy' or some other nonsense like that. As long as the demented bitch left Bruce the hell alone, Selina didn't care.
She would never forget the way he looked when Bruce came out of Gordon's office.
He looked as if his whole world had been destroyed but reborn in front of his eyes. The wild look in his eyes, the way he was shaking? It was the warehouse with Scarecrow's Terror Gas all over again, only a thousand times worse. All Selina could do was touch him, tell him to breathe, tell him to look at her but he hadn't got it. It had taken seconds for him to get it but it had felt like hours. Seeing him like that? God, if the motherfucker wasn't already dead, Selina would've gone after him. He already had a target on him for the bullet to her spine but hurting Bruce, breaking Bruce...
The hug he had given her had been so painful but she didn't dare pull away, not until she was sure that he was back. The anguish and relief in his voice as he cried in her arms, even as he responded to her would haunt her forever.
It also put a very heavy responsibility on her.
She had to stay alive.
She had to keep her remaining 7 lives close to her because if she didn't?
"...Selina? Are you up here?"
"Hey, B. You want some Tang? There's no vodka in it but it's still pretty good."
"No, thank you. I...I woke up and you were gone."
"Sorry. I needed some air and you needed the sleep. I didn't mean to scare you. C'mere."
Bruce came to her and hugged her, hiding his face in her shoulder. It had been 2 days since her supposed demise and Selina knew that he would cling for quite a while. Afterwards, he would be even more protective of her and she had to get ready to deal with it. Not just from Bruce but from everyone. Even though Valeska was gone, eliminating one of Gotham's biggest problems, she and everyone else was far from safe. The government was still doing its best to avoid helping them, meaning that the city would continue to fall apart. Eventually, even the good people would start turning on each other for the sake of survival and then, where would they be?
"You two weren't fighting, were you?"
"Nah. Truce is still on."
"You need to eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"I didn't ask if you were. You need to eat. I found a bunch of MREs and water. There's enough."
"Look, I get it. You thought I was dead, went full on WrestleMania on Valeska, found out I wasn't dead, and had the panic attack to end all of them. You're stressed out. You're feeling guilty for caving that asshole's head in, which you really shouldn't, by the way, you're still sad because the city's fucked but let me tell you something: I'm still here. We're getting by as best we can until we can get outside help. Valeska had it coming to him and all not taking care of yourself is gonna do is make Alfred worry about you and piss me off. Do you wanna do that?"
"You need to eat. And you need to sleep some more. I'll come down in a few minutes. I gotta bandage and ice my ribs, anyways. Eat. Talk to Gordon and get some damned sunlight, will you? You look even more like a vampire than usual."
Bruce let out a noise that was between a scoff and a laugh before looking between them.
"Anything to add, Alfred?"
"No, I think she covered things nicely."
"I don't know if I like this. You two ganging up on me..."
"Somebody has take the L. It might as well be us. Are you still here?"
"I'm going, I'm going..."
Stepping forward, Selina pulled him down into a tender kiss and pecked his forehead.
"Now, scram. Grab me some chili mac and a vanilla pudding."
Bruce looked at her fixedly, nodded, and headed for the staircase. He hesitated in the doorway and when he turned around, Selina gave him a tired but genuine smile. Relief visibly filled him at the sight and he was gone. Shaking her head, she let out a noise that was half sigh and half sob.
"For fuck's sake...Alfred, we've got to get him outta here. Enough is enough. I don't...he has been on the edge of the worst nervous breakdown ever since it all went down with his parents and now this shit, on top of all the other shit? We gotta get him the hell out of here, government bullshit be damned!"
"Agreed. How?"
"I dunno. I was hoping that you had an idea. All that gray hair. There ought to be some wisdom underneath it..."
"This gray hair used to be blonde."
"Oh Christ...don't tell me you were walking around looking like one of the bastards from The Bee Gees back in the day..."
"Okay, I won't."
"Ewww...I wanna see pics but ewww..."
"...we're all he's got. Us and Gordon and he won't leave."
"Gordon will help us get him out, though. Him, Bullock, and Foxy. Maybe even Barbara. She's always had a soft spot for him from back in the day. If not, she'll do it for me...or Gordon. Gross."
"Problem is that Bruce may refuse to leave. He sees Gotham as his responsibility."
"I'll change his mind about that."
"I don't think you're in enough good physical condition to do that, yet."
"First of all, where there's a will, there's a way. Secondly, you need to mind your business, Jack. I know you're his Guardian and I guess mine now but there are boundaries..."
"...and third, I don't think getting him to bounce will be as hard as you think. He doesn't want to lose anyone else he loves to what's left of this place. That's us. If we get out, he'll get out. Of course, he'll come back here to help as soon as possible because he's an overly noble piece of shit..."
"He's our overly noble piece of shit."
"...I know but...if we stick together, we can pull it off. Truce is still on."
"For Bruce."
"For Bruce."
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ging-snapped · 6 years
Thank You
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Title: Thank You
Fandom: Newsies (Medda Crusade Day 2)
Pairing: The adorable mother/son bond between Medda and Jack
Prompt: Medda Crusade- Day 2: Medda’s relationship with the newsies
Description: Whilst on the run, Jack Kelly seeks solace in the one place in New York (other than the Lodging House) that he considers home
Warning: FEELS, Snyder, overuse of commas.
A/N: Woah I’m writing a story and it’s not on my writing blog? (It’s going in my writing blog masterlist anyway idc) Here is my second contribution to the great Medda Crusade! Enjoy!
The cold wind of November whipped through the streets of New York as he bolted in all directions. He could hear the barking of dogs and the shouts of men behind him- distant, but still close enough to scare him. He could hear the barked orders of an enemy newly remembered:
At the sound of that voice, adrenaline pumped through his veins like never before. Jack Kelly thought he’d heard the last of that voice when the newsies strike was settled, but there it was again, chasing him through the streets. Snyder’s jail sentence was supposed to be for life, but somehow he’d got off early- and if the rumors were anything to go by, he was also independently running the Refuge again. The thought of going back there alone scared Jack out of his wits, but the thought of going back without city regulations was worse. Those thoughts washed away when he ducked into the area of town known as the Bowery, sighing in relief at the familiarity of it. He swerved into an old alley, ducking behind a crate and slipping into a window, unseen. Rather ungracefully, Jack tumbled into the backstage room, cursing himself for making such a racket.
“Hello?” A sweet and familiar voice called out, “Whoever’s in there, you better show yourself! Don’t make me call security!”
“Security?” Jack smiled, emerging from his hiding spot with hands raised, “Since when do you have security, Miss Medda?”
The woman before him grinned and laughed, pulling him into a hug, “Jack Kelly! You know I always have tricks up my sleeve, same as you.”
“Well, security or not, it’s always good to see you!” Jack’s smile faltered as he continued, hating to ask for yet another favour from the kind woman, “But, uh, we got a little situation out on the street. Is it okay if I hide out here a while?”
Worry instantly crossed Medda’s face as she held him at arm’s length, “Of course, of course! You know you’re always welcome here, sweetheart.” She paused, afraid to ask her next question, “Is someone chasing you?”
Jack bowed his head before nodding slowly, “Snyder. He got outta jail early. Word on the street is he’s got the refuge back up and runnin’ and he’s gunnin’ for me first.”
“I’m so sorry, Jack. That horrible man should’ve stayed behind bars, but so long as he’s free, you are always much more than welcome to hide out here.”
Letting go a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, Kelly smiled down at his feet, “Thank you, mama, I appreciate it.”
Realizing what he had said, he froze, eyes widening. He was so much in shock that he didn’t notice the small smile creeping onto Medda’s face.
“I, uh, I-I just said thanks for, uh, lettin’ me hide out. I appreciate it... Miss Medda.”
“Oh no, no, no.” she chuckled, “You are not backing out of that that easily, young man.”
The boy before her looked at her with something similar to shame written across his face, “I’s, I’s so sorry, Miss Medda. I didn’t mean to upset ya, it just slipped out-”
“Upset me? My dear boy, why on earth would that upset me?” she laughed, offering him a reassuring smile, “I’m actually glad you said something first.”
Grinning at him, she floated effortlessly over to a vanity across the room, the name “Medda” scrawled in pink across the top of the mirror. She opened up one of the drawers, pulling out a small pile of papers appearing to be stapled together. She glanced at them briefly before walking back over and handing them to Jack, explaining their importance.
“I’ve had these for quite a while. I’ve wanted to say something- do something- for forever, but I just could never find the right time. I suppose now’s as good a time as any.”
Confused, Kelly glanced at the stack in his hand, almost breaking into tears as he read the typewritten words at the top of the first page:
United States of America, State of New York Adoption Papers- Page 1 
Jack stammered as his brain processed what was happening, “You wanna adopt me? You really wanna adopt me?”
“I do, and I always have. You’ve always been so dear to me, Jack. I know I’d be more than proud to call you my son.”
Crying hysterically at her words, the young newsie tackled her in a bone-crushing hug, “Yes. Yes, yes, yes.”
“And once the papers go through,” Medda smiled, patting his back, “Snyder legally can’t chase you, no matter how much that rat wants to. You’re safe, baby, I promise.”
“Thank you, mama.” Jack cried, holding her tighter and practically sobbing into her chest, “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”
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confetti-cake-key · 6 years
Kpop Bigger Tag!
Tagged by the lovely @monbebana  💕 thank you dear!!
1.) 5 favorite groups?
2.) Top 5 on your bias list?
Key (SHINee), Kyuhyun (Super Junior), Daehyun (B.A.P), Sandeul(B1A4) and JR (NU'EST) [I did one member per group, or else they would all be SHINee]
3.) Ult Bias group and why you love them?
SHINee!! These boys have always brought me so much happiness through their music and by just being themselves. They were the first group that I really explored deeper discography-wise, and I fell in love with all of their music, they have never disappointed me. I love how they are not afraid to explore different music genres and yet still have that SHINee quality to them. Each album offers something new and exciting, and yet their older music stands up against time. Like I will honestly never get tired of listening to replay or love like oxygen. These boys work hard just like any other group, however I can really feel the heart they put into their work a bit more than others. And the fact that SHINee is a family devoted to each other, and that they are open and honest to shawols made me feel like SHINee world was a comforting and accepting place to be a part of. They have some of the nicest fans, and the boys themselves are some of the sweetest people I’ve ever seen. I love them so much and I cannot thank them enough for all the positivity they have given me.    
4.) Ult Bias and why you love them?
Key!! One of my SHINee boys <3. When I first learned the members of SHINee, I had the hardest time with choosing a bias let me tell you. Ultimately, Key stole my heart. He has such a unique sense of humor that I really appreciate, that is straight forward and honest. Not only that, but he is not afraid to express himself whether it be through his extra-ness or even his fashion. He really puts himself out there with a confidence I wish I had. Key also has a kind heart and is not afraid to express his emotions as well, he looks out for his members and he cares about others. Not to mention that he donates money to provide art supplies to school children every year so that they can have an outlet in which to express themselves creatively. His voice is also very unique and the fact that he can rap and also sing is amazing to me (I would love to hear a solo song by him). Lastly, his smile always warms my heart and I love seeing him be happy as well as the other members.
5.) Favorite Kpop Meme
This is so hard! There are so many good kpop memes!! These are ones I use often in my friend group chat:
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6.) Favorite pic of your ult? (I dare you to only pick one)
How dare you make me pick only one! I have so many faves! Therefore I will cheat the system!
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This is Key we're talking about here, so don't torture me with this 'pick only one' dare. He is very handsome and I'm gonna show it goddamn it!
7.) 5 Favorite Kpop MVs
Sherlock (SHINee), Rain (KNK), Fantasy (VIXX), Bounce (Boyfriend) and It’s Raining (Snuper). Bonus: Lilliliabbay (Seventeen Performance Unit).
8.) 10 Favorite Kpop songs?
[Not in any order + I’m limiting myself to one song per group]=> Rain (KNK), Fermate (B.A.P), Symptoms (SHINee), Witch (Boyfriend), Platonic Love (Snuper), Error (VIXX), Pray/I’ll be your man (BTOB), Crazy in Love (Seventeen), Only Learned Bad Things (B1A4) and Hello (NU'EST).
9.) Favorite Kpop crack video?
My best friend makes amazing Snuper videos, including snuper crack vids, check it out at @snupersstar for some quality content!
Also, the Gucci slippers SHINee crack video and the one for Jonghyun's solo debut part are also prime. The one that has voiceover and is basically just a lip-reading but the humor is so dry it's hilarious.
10.) Favorite content creator within the fandom?
I'm not really sure who all are content creators, but shoutout to all you content creators blogs! Thank you for keeping us updated! Honestly Tumblr is my main way to check in on my kpop groups, that's how I found out SHINee was coming to America for SWV and I was able to go see them live since I found out ahead of time, thank you!!
11.) What fandoms would you say you’re an active member of?
Shawols/SHINee world (SHINee), Baby (B.A.P), Swing (Snuper), Bana (B1A4), Monbebe (Monsta X), Tinkerbell (KNK) and Carat (Seventeen).
[I’m basing this on how up to date I am on each group, although I love a lot of groups]
12.) Take your top 3 biases- fmk
F - Daehyun
Marry - Key
Kill with kindness - I’d kill Kyuhyun with a bear hug but please don’t actually kill him
13.) If you could be best friends with any idol, who would you choose?
Minho (SHINee), Sandeul, Minhyuk (Monsta X), DK/Vernon/Seungkwan (Seventeen bros), Sangho/Sebin/Woosung (Snuper). I find this question hilarious since me and my best friend talk about this a lot hahaha.
14.) If you could date any idol, who?
Um, obviously I'd date all Six of my boyfriends!
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Hahaha, just kidding although I do love Boyfriend. I'd probs say Jihun from KNK so that he doesn't have to go to restaurants alone, because it was his one fear that they made him face on a TV show and let's be honest no one likes to be alone. Plus when it comes to Jihun, I would do anything for that boy. (I'm super Jihun bias that it's not even funny)
15.) What’s one Kpop album you think everyone should have listened to?
Sherlock/Everybody (SHINee), Noir/Carnival (B.A.P), Blueming (CNBLUE), Gravity Completed (KNK), A1 sauce (Seventeen), Meteor/Rain of mind (SNUPER), Janus/Witch (Boyfriend) and Rebirth (NU'EST).
16.) Are you a soft or a hard stan?
Both, though more-so soft stan because I like to live thanks. (Although a sharply dressed person in a nice suit or even leather jackets are my weakness)
17.) An idol that makes you go into soft mode?
Sangho (my ultimate son), I honestly love soft Sangho 10/10 would recommend. Honorable mention: Minhyuk from (Monsta x).
18.) An idol that makes you want to smash the empire state building with one single punch?
Anyone who is in violation with the CAA cops, being rude, lookin at you Wonho (monsta x) and even you Ooon (halo)!! 👀👀
19.) Favorite vocalist?
Kyuhyun, Sandeul, Jonghyun (SHINee), Taemin, Daehyun, Suhyun, Sunmi and Ailee.
20.) Favorite Rapper?
Key, Minho, Ravi, Yongguk, Zelo, Baro, Taewoong+Sebin, Peniel+Minhyuk, Jooheon+I.M, Hyuna and Amber (my queen). 
21.) Favorite dancer?
Taemin, Jihun, Sangho, Zelo+Jongup, Hoshi+Dino, N, Hyungwon and Sunmi.
22.) Things you have in common with your ult?
love for shoes/clothes, loves dogs, afraid of heights and loves ketchup/food in general.  
23.) The most beautiful trait any idol can have?
Humble & Respectful. <= Agreed (but also I have found a trend within my bias list, most of my biases are loud children of their respective group or they are the leader of their respective group.)
24.) Songs that will always make you jam along?
Baby Good Night, Baby I’m Sorry, Solo Day (B1A4) Platonic Love, Back Hug, It’s raining, Shall We Dance (Snuper), Stuck, Jealousy, Hero, Dramarama (Monsta X), BANG BANG BANG   (BIGBANG), Hello, Hello (B.I.G), Lucifer, Ring Ding Dong, Sherlock, Everybody, Like a fire, Perfect 10, Stranger (SHINee), U, Knock (KNK), Plz don’t be sad, Could be better (Hig5lig5t), Runaway, Gorilla, Shine (Pentagon), Crazy, Hate (4MINUTE), Gashini (Sunmi), Something (Girl's day), Electric Shock (f(x)). Clap, Trauma, Change up, Lilliabbay, Don't wanna cry, Crazy in love (Seventeen). Honestly I could keep going! 
25.) Your worst wrecker?
Jonghyun will always be my ult. bias wrecker. However, Mr.Sadman (Hyungwon) will also forever be a bias wrecker. Donghyun from Boyfriend also completely biased wrecked me into becoming my second bias in Boyfriend.
26.) Any kpop concerts you’ve been to?
B1A4 four nights (NYC 2017), B.A.P Party Baby (NYC 2017), SHINee World V (Dallas 2017) and KCON (Newark 2017).
This year I have tickets to go to KCON (Newark) and Monsta x: The Connect (Newark)!!
27.) Favorite choreo?
Definitely It's Raining by Snuper has to be up there, due to the footwork alone. Also U by KNK because it kills me everytime (Jihun is in his element and out to kill). And pretty much all of SHINee's choreography (though Lucifer and everybody choreo is legendary). Also I love the collab song between NU'EST W and Seventeen, Heaven, it's choreography is ridiculous and amazing. Also, Lilliabbay by Seventeen's performance unit is a work of art. Plus Pentagon's funny choreography for Shine gives me life.
28.) Favorite live performance?
SHINee: Almost any Tokyo dome performance, Odd eye live (the one with key's eye patch), Symptoms live, Selene 6.23 live and honestly tell me what to do live with all the members wearing chokers. Also taemin's sayonara hitori hit the stage with koharu.
KNK: Angel heart live, Rain (the live perf. with the cool laser lights as the rain)
SNUPER: Platonic love in the 80s outfits live, You=Heaven perf. with the sailor uniforms (Sangho is so soft), Almost every it's raining performance, every Tulips live too
B.A.P: That single One Shot performance where Daehyun goes insane during his high notes
VIXX: Havana performance, nuff said.
NU'EST W+Seventeen: Heaven (their dance practice is really good too), also I'm a sucker for crazy in love performances.
29.) Favorite debut mv?
SHINee (Replay), B.A.P (Warrior), NU’EST (Face), EXO (Mama), Knock (KNK) and Snuper (Shall we Dance).
30.) Recommend a rookie group!
31.) A kpop song you could listen to every day for the rest of your life?
💕  KNK: Sun, Moon, Star   💕
32.) Tag some cute mutuals you’d like to get to know better (and to do this challenge)!
@snupersstar , @wishfulunicorns , @1991shinwoo and anyone else who wants to do this!! I'm sorry for writing an essay ;_;
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malaysiankpopfans · 6 years
WANNA ONE and WANNABLE are ONE in Singapore
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Singapore, July 13 - Wanna One is back in Singapore after almost a year with their One: The World tour! This time, the concert is held at the Singapore Indoor Stadium and lasted for almost 3 hours!
Hyping up the stage with a robotic techno introduction, Wanna One fires up the stage with Burn It Up followed up by Never and Energetic. The 11 members boy group emerge with stunning white suits and royal look. Immersed with the powerful performance, Wannable (Wanna One’s fandom name) could be heard singing along loudly to the songs.
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Following up, Minhyun kick started the solo stages where he beautifully graces with the dance moves and then blindfolds himself with a black ribbon. This leads to Wannables chanting “Hwang Minhyun! Hwang Minhyun!” along with his delicate steps. Next up, Bae Jinyoung appears on the stage with a sexy dance solo followed up by Guanlin, Jihoon and Jinyoung with 11. The next unit’s performance with Minhyun, Jisung and Sungwoon, have the stage drizzling with gold flakes and glitters for Forever + 1. Wannables then sing along the chorus, creating a spectacular sight as the stadium is bathed with the gold flakes. Zooming over, Woojin and Jihoon’s take over the stage with their dance break. As the beat dropped: “Wing wing wing wing wing Boomerang”, everyone shouts loudly in unity.
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Wanna One then proceed with their introduction but before that, leader Jisung tells everyone to take a step back in the standing section as he worries about the fans safety. With that, the boys introduce themselves in English. Sungwoon then flaunt his sweet voice by singing Lean on me, leading Wannables completing the whole chorus. It is such an impressive and emotional moment that enough to give you goose bumps! Moving to the front stage, Wanna One once again reminds the fans to be careful as the pushing in the standing section could be really dangerous. It is really heart-warming to see that Wanna One is really worried about the fans safety in the middle of their concert.
Next up, it is the most awaited performance, Day by Day. The sexy and intense floor choreography get the fans screaming in joy. Calming down everyone’s hormones, Wanna one comes back with Beautiful. After that, the song smoothly transitions to Daniel’s dance break with the instrumental of Beautiful. Following up, it is Jaehwan’s solo. As expected from the main vocal of this powerful group, his singing is so stable and strong that it astounded everyone.
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When “Always” is being played out, Wannables hold up banners that say, “We will always be together” and sing along with Wanna One. Wanna One then stop singing to listen to Wannables who sing the entire chorus instead. At this moment, you can’t help but smile at the beautiful sight of the group with the fandom. When the song ends, Daehwi thanks the fans in English for singing along and says, “We will always be together”, just like what the banner said. This moment will surely leave tears in your eyes.
Cheering up again, the game segment takes place and the members are given different scenarios to act on. The first scenario is “the girlfriend is angry” and the members needs to act out the scenarios. Daehwi is chosen to start first and he cutely said, “I’m sorry I’m wrong I won’t do it again”. Seongwoo, pats the “girlfriend’s” head saying, “I am sorry”, cutely. Jisung bows 90-degrees and says sorry which confuse the members as it seems too formal so the members told him to try again and this time, he changes to “Jisunghamnida~” instead of “죄송합니다” (Sorry). Nice one, Jisung!
The next scenario is a reaction of after drinking a cold drink. Jaehwan learns “So Shiok!”, which means so good or refreshing in Singlish and drinks his water as a CF, with  “Ooooo so shiok!!”. Jihoon then takes off the straw from the bottle, looks at the high heavens, drinks it and says “Ahh so shiok” manly. The audience screams at the sight and the members tell him to do it again but in cute version. Jihoon then does it again and says “so shiok~”. Wannables can’t help but clap and laugh after that. Bae Jinyoung sucks his straw deliciously and shouts “So shiok!” before cringing at himself. Cute.
Next scenario is to react after having the Singapore delicacy, Chilli Crab. Daniel says, “Damn nice!” which gets Jisung surprised but he laughs over it right after. Jinyoung then choses Minhyun to do the scenario and Minhyun mentions that they had chilli crab yesterday. Minhyun uses Woojin’s hand as the crab claw and acts like he is eating it deliciously and adds, “Damn nice~”. Woojin, in return, uses Minhyun’s hands as the crab claw but he really bit Minhyun’s fingers which get everyone laughing in unison.  The members then expose Sungwoon, who licks all his fingers after eating and got the chilli crab sauce all over his clothes. Following that, he acts that he is binging on the crab roughly for the scenario. Boys, why so extra?
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When it is Guanlin’s turn, he does “Damn nice” with the popular ‘Boomerang’ dance. Resuming to the solo stages, Daehwi and Seongwoo perform with Sand glass. Daehwi is seen playing the piano while the VCR displays videos of Wanna One’s wins on music shows with Seongwoo excitedly dancing. Turning up the mood, Daniel, Woojin and Jaehwan perform Kangaroo which is a cute and playful song. After a really cute interactive VCR, Jisung aka DJ Hankki, is back with the DJ Station hyping up the mood. Next, We don’t Talk Anymore remix, Sungwoon’s solo dance, following up by Guanlin’s solo dance. These wrap up the members’ solo and unit performances.
The group comes back with Wanna Be, Pick me, ending speech and their last song, Gold. Fans are singing along Gold and as the song end, the crowd starts to chant “Wanna one! Wanna one!” “Encore! Encore!” to bring back the boys on stage. After a short break, Wanna One turns up with Light and the closing talk.
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Woojin says that he feels that Singapore has the most passion and he thanks the fans for singing, dancing and cheering along throughout the concert. Jisung also expresses his gratitude to the fans for being organised and obedient which lead the concert to a success and he will come back to Singapore again. Daehwi tells in English, “When you guys sang along, it was really daebak (Amazing).” Seongwoo says that his ears are still a little numb from the loud cheers from the fans and it is so loud and great that the numbness will linger until the next morning. Seongwoo also mentions that he will return to hear the cheers again. Guanlin says in Chinese that this visit made him learns a lot of Singapore culture, Singapore is a really cool city and he believe that they will come back soon.
Wanna One then sing I Promise U, putting a closure to the whole concert heart-warmingly. We would like to thank One Production for the generous invitation. Malaysian Wannables, are you ready to meet Wanna One again in Malaysia this weekend?  Coverage: Germaine Photos: One Production Editor: Ai
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