#thanks for the ask nonnie :D
irrfahrer · 10 months
15.) What were they like as a child in their crèche?
From the age of six months to seven years, Ziv was known to be a very weak and easily exhausted child who would be gently picke dup by her clanmembers and carried everywhere so she would not be too easily exhausted or get sick. At that time she was very quiet and while not espcially amused by being handled like a oversized puppet by her clan-siblings, she was allowing that because her siblings were stronger and bigger than her. In the same manner due to he rmindshield, Zivs inner uncomfortableness was hardly picked up by her clansiblings and small children are not always especialy elegant with their usage of words. To avoid beeing this often babyed by children of her age, Ziv would redraw to the Temples archives and read which played in her natural antisocial tendencys. When she hit a growing spurt at five years old and entered puberty, the sudden stabelizing of her health gave Ziv enough self confidence (and bodily strenght) to actually say out loud that she does not want to be handled this gentle anymore and if she was not heard she would start to bite to make her point. She had given up on explaining her standpoint by talking by (although that was just the time where she and the children would ahve been in the age in which they had learned articulating their needs and wants perfectly, but Ziv was jaded in waiting for her siblings to understand her) now and would very often be seen reading or training to keep up this strenght that helped her showing her standpoint. She talked much, but she was nost discussing but stating and ordering. This formed Ziv into a very solitary young girl, and she build up a habit of "if things should go right, she would do so on her own by herself". Naturally this lead eventually to the happening with Joon and was the reason why she was send to the AgriCorps: As a way for her to learn to communicate with the world (plants as an example) and connect with it.
However, just because Ziv and her siblings had no proper way to communicate, does not mean she does not love them or that she was not just as loved. Ther is and was love, but they were not communicating in the same ways and that lead to great misunderstandings and some grudges (mostly on Zivs side). She would even say she loves Joon, even if she also would glady rip his face off with her claws. But in general- thats just how siblings are.
On the other hand: Ziv was in the Hawkbat Clan, so the living together of all the twenthy children of the Clan was also rather explosive and tempramentful from the beginning. The members of the different Hawkbat Clans are known to be creative, caring, determinated and very intelligent and have the potential to be mischievous, if not even very cunning just as the animal Hawkbats who are considered to be  elegant animals but also an animal on whichs bad sides one should never end up. In a group the animals were strong and could take down any prey. They adjusted to the life on planets like corouscant through intelligence and teamwork and became the symbol of many pirate-groups due to their slyness and ableness to adjust to their changing enviorment (Like hawkbats adjusted in Legends to the new biological components on Coruscant after the Yuuzhan Vong War). The animals personality features are very good features to have in a personality as learning children, especially the social side of it, but also give birth to very colourful characters in adults- Like Ziv is one obviously, who is with her intelligence, willingness to serve the community (or flock if one wants to stay in Hawkbat terms) and determination that often grows into cunningness a typical personality found in a Hawkbat Clan. The task of growing up in such a Clan is to balance those features- to make sure that ones determination does not grow into obstinacy, to make sure that ones caring nature does not grow into giving oneself up for others, to make sure ones creativeness and mischief does not grow into cruelness. Eventually the children had loved eachother and lived with eachother, but considing the corefeatures in their personalitys they always had been a hard to manage bunch and naturally considering this features, they did held grudges longer than nessecary.
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werspinna · 1 year
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
In general Wolfs formal clothes look like her normal day-today clothes just with a little more details. In Wolfs case she has a few chemise that she can change everyday that are just simply long -sleeved undyed linen dresses whichs sleeves she usually pulls up with leathercands. Her normal -day-to-day-dress is a anklelong red tunic with a round neckline, elbowlong sleeves so they would not get dirty during work like the chemise sleeves, and a embroidered blue stripe of cloth around the collar, the sleeves, the edge of the dress and two stripes running vertically from her collar to the edge of the dress over the front of the tunic. Wolf lives in Italy, so her clothes are distinctively byzantine in style. Her formal clothes, which is just in general her weddingdress- looks similar to her normal-day-to-day dress just with more details. This tunic is blue with red details and in the red stripes are embroidered with red threads flower-patterns in whichs middle are sewn sweetwaterpearls. And thats it about it. There is barely any difference in her normal tunic and her formal wear, as she is a not especially rich person-in fact she lives in a convent and literally has no property- so it is shown in the simpleness of her clothes. She does not even has a veil for her hair, which for one she does not need because she is still unmarried and lives in a convent, but also she is as said not a rich person spcifically in Pisa so she is also not expected in the sligthest to wear a veil like a noblewoman would have to in another town and country. For Wolf with her social background clothes are a statussymbol and while she shows in her formal dress that she is trying to show what she has in poperty, the pearls on her dress are still cheap sweetwaterpearls and the embroidery is still made by her- its beautiful, as Wolf is a skilled seamstress and weaver- but it is clearly ot especially expensive. For her clothes are for one the statussymbol and also a pragmatic tool because she needs clothes for protection, so she does not dress up or has fun in it. It is just something she has to do and when the occaion calls for it, she will wear the other dress instead of her normal day-to-day dress and thats about it. There is a certaine arrogant streak to that: she does wear her hair long and she does has spend a lot of time embroideirng her formal dress t oshow that she is a person that can clean up nicely and has (the illusion of) property, but it is not in a feeling of "feeling beautiful and showing that she is beautiful", but more in aiming that "she has worth and is allowed to take part in society because of that worth that is clearly visible in her fine little dress".
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nemo-in-wonderland · 25 days
You know what?
While drinking my coffee just now, I was brainstorming between myself and myself regarding my own OC for Gale, and while I have *finally* a general idea of how I want her to look (palette is ready to go and also the general vibes to her)and about her personality ("A Tranquil Mischief"- I basically decided to make her Puck to her Archfey Patron Titania), when I was working on which class would she be, I was leaning to a multiclass Bard/Warlock.
But then I thought, "You have Aranea as a warlock already, are you really going for another one?"
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(not even my own brain can tell me what I cannot do. I would do it out of spite, just because lol)
To which I replied to myself: "I can and I will. And you know what, I will retcon Aranea's original warlock concept, and so Gale's love is going to be a freaking Archfey Warlock - because fml it suits her mischievous personality to a T. Like, blame the fact that yesterday night I was rereading "Changeling: The Dreaming" for inspiration for something else entirely, and this morning my brain just connected everything together.
I have *finally* a concept to start building on, so now we will see where this will lead and if I will finally have an OC that sticks for Gale (I need to have an oc cuddling him fml. I need. it's a physical need at this point).
Also also, I haven't forgotten about my own Azriel and Asra, absolutely not! For Asra, I am going to pair her up with Rolan (because my no-nonsense druid can and will match his pompous energy to a T, and will bring him down to Earth when the Hubris starts flying too high). I can see them butting heads like there is no tomorrow, and EVERYONE can see that they really like each other, but they will deny this to the end of the Earth and back.
Azriel, instead is a mystery. While I want my swashbuckling tiefling to run around Faerun (because honestly, her whole design appeals to me on a whole other level) I am still pondering on HOW to use her, and part of me was actually thinking to reconnect her to be the youngest daughter of Mephisto and Aranea, born much later in life and that wants NOTHING to do with her Hellions family (which is something that is actually solidifying more and more in my mind tbh).
here you have your morning bulletin on what's going on in Nemo's mind before and while drinking coffee lolol
Now, if you will excuse me, I will fix myself some breakfast and doodle a bit while I am at it, because I will soon need my second coffee and I cannot do that with an empty stomach lolol
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sillyfairygarden · 7 months
would you ever consider coloring your own dtiys challenge ? it’d be fun to see !
should i…. 👁️
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happi-tree · 1 year
whats your favorite song?
Ooooooh, that's a tough one, Nonnie! I think I'd have to say Vanilla Twilight by Owl City, though YOU AND I by Dreamcatcher comes really, really close!!!
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wanderingsongbird · 2 years
A man walks through the door. He doesn’t say anything or make a special noise, he walks to Kate and puts a blanket around her shoulders, secretly he also gave her a knife to stab the shit out of a killer with just in case, then he leaves through the door again
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Please click to see the full version of the image. I think Tumblr my crop it weird with the small versions
But thank you, nonny. Kate shall be the menace she was always meant to be!
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luvrhyune · 2 years
YOU’RE ONE OF THE FUNNIEST PEOPLE OUT HERE OF COURSE I DO!!! and you’re welcome 🥺 thank YOU for all that you do!! i get so excited seeing every time you post and i’m always here impatiently (i mean this in the nicest way possible akdjs <3) waiting for your next amazing fic to drop. thank you for never failing to brighten my day! (and may i claim 🐶 anon?)
i’m going to eat you (affectionate). GOSH UR SO CUTE THANK YOU SO MUCH 😓😓😓😓
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yooniesim · 2 years
are you planning on updating your serendipity eyes for infants? they are my absolute favorite! <3
yeah!! :3 the human defaults are already updated in the original post so you can go ahead and download that if you're using the defaults, I just gotta do the nondefaults/facepaint versions soon. and the heterochromia will be updated after the new s4studio is out.
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
im feeling chatty!! what are your top 5 favorite colors!!! and also top 5 favorite foods!!! also. top 5 favorite ships heeheehoo (doesnt have to necessarily be in order if you dont want it to be)
heeheehoohoo!! what a cute ask!!
My top five colours are: dark emerald green, dark wine red, bright nuclear blue, bright electric turquoise and gray!
My top five foods are: dark chocolate, marzipan, macaroni cheese, pad thai and guacamole!
My top five ships are: batjokes batjokes batjokes batjokes and batjokes
(just kidding: batjokes, kakagai, obikaka, beauyasha and koss from tfp!)
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tmae3114 · 2 years
the scene where Tomix comes back and he goes to find the hero who is at Serenity's statue and they don't believe its tomix at first, the think its a dirty trick by Remthalas. for the ask game.
(also how does apollo's gift of prophesy feel?)
Ask game: what scene from one of my fics, if any, still sticks in your head?
!!!!!! I am delighted to hear that that scene has stuck with you because when I wrote it, it was one that I really hoped would stick with people! I'm still really proud of it
(honestly, as much as I love the Apollo's dodgeball jokes, I'm a little uncomfortable applying them to myself, but also, I think it's far funnier to look at this as the DF team and I apparently having very similar storytelling approaches re: "there's a dead best friend and an enemy who fights with dreams and I Can Use This To Hurt People" XD)
(you know the "same hat!" meme? that's how I felt when Remthalas using a dream of Tomix to fight us happened. I was mentally waving and Verly and Dove going "same angst brain!!)
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echoingkarma · 2 years
Number 7 for the ask meme?
7. Do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?
Personally I like 'outlining' because for me that's basically just another sketch layer, it's not a proper lineart where things are perfect, its just cleaning up whatever my initial rough sketch was! It means the idea is already there and I don't have to stress about that, and also isn't as long a process for me as colouring!!
I do like sketching itself but I have aphantasia so it can be really, really difficult for me and I often struggle with even coming up with ideas to put down because I can’t visualise any of it ^^
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elfcollector · 3 months
Hi, I enjoy your content often and thought It'd be fun go go trough a dive. Are you okay with mass likes/reblogs? 💙
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happi-tree · 1 year
I assume that your favorite flowers are probably blue and purple! Dunno what flower - maybe bellflowers? - but those colors seem like your vibe.
You're partway right - my favorite flower does come in a bluish-purple color (which also happens to be my favorite variation)! Although not exactly like a bellflower, some hyacinth flowers kind of have a similar shape? They also smell really lovely and I like the myth about them 🥰
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My favorite wildflower also happens to be a blue-purple color! I loved picking bachelor's buttons/cornflowers as a kid <3
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hydeomonster · 4 months
Are you also HideOmonster on ao3? Because if you are, the biggest kudos to you, and if you aren’t, then I‘m sorry to bother and recommend you read some of their fics because they are so good 🤝🤝
i think you mean Hyde ?:0 if yes, then yes, that is me and thank you sm anon !!!
love getting asks about my fics, so im glad to hear you like them :heart_hands:
unfortunately i dont know any hideomonster tho x")
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chris-continued · 6 months
🌧️🐶 for the ask game!
🌧️: does your f/o have any bad habits?
(I’m so projecting in this), Livio has a habit of overthinking and doubting their relationships with others. They fear they’ll ruin things but they’re just a gentle giant <3 they also bite the inside of their cheek a lot and tap their foot a ton, albeit quietly.
🐶: if your f/o turned into an animal, what animal would they be?
I think Livio would be a cute little stingray!! It suits them, I think. All peaceful and just minding their business. They’re so cute like that :)
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