#thanks naomi for tagging me!!!
kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
hii again!! thank you for answering my asks hehe 😊🤭
Going off from your response (about the bsd ladies ✨), I have some random questions for you 💗
Who is your favourite bsd *female* character?
Who is one female character you'd want to rewrite?
And who is the female character you see the most wasted potential in?
No pressure btw!
Omg hi thank you so much for this ask I love sharing opinions almost as much as I love talking about women 💞💞💞
Favourite bsd *female* character?
All of them LMAO. But Kyouka holds a special place in my heart <3 I mean, I think she's quite objectively the best written female character in this series, if anything because she gets an actual character arc beyond the two occasional chapters of spotlight. I really like the inherent duality of her character in being both a skilled assassin and a little girl (and how it can be both tragic and hilarious! The versatility). Her character arc is sincerely compelling, I'm a sucker for any character who's just doing their very best to be a good person even when it feels like going against their nature. Her backstory is so tragic! Her relationship with her ability is so interesting! But I just love how truly… Strong-willed she is, how determined and resolute she can be; she's truly inspiring. If you ask me, she's got that charm of magical girls anime: sometimes you really need to see little girls defeat unimaginable evils with the power of love to heal your heart. And the fact that she doesn't really fit the trope of happy-go-lucky girl is all the more capturing!! Again, I really love the interior conflict - or coexistence - between her dark, ruthless side, and the side that likes bunnies and crepes and girly things; it makes her so authentically and unmistakably Kyouka. I appreciate how she's the only character who can sort of keep up with the protagonist role to ss/kk and s/kk, and she's only 14 eheh. And I LOVE her interactions with the other characters, so much!!!! I adore her relationship with Atsushi (truly. Not even remotely close to how much I talk about them), and I feel like they truly deserve each other in a lot of ways. The way Kyouka's sharp attitude and blunt personality fit and mitigate Atsushi's eternal indecisiveness and insecurity and the way Atsushi reminds Kyouka every day that she can do good and that she is good. How they saved each other and how they keep saving each other every day. I've said it a lot of times that Atsushi is profoundly selfish and that all good actions he does are to be traced back to some twisted conception of self-survival, but if there's really anyone Atsushi loves selflessly and unconditionally, that has to be Kyouka. If there is such a thing as platonic soulmates, Kyouka and Atsushi definitely are for me; they're just so siblings in a way I can't even put in words. AND AND AND her relationship with Akutagawa I've talked about endlessly before!!! Her relationship with Dazai!!! KOUYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Kyouka and Kouyou chapter my beloved aka the only bsd chapter to pass the Bechdel test). Omg potentially Yosano!!!!! Kenji Kenji Kenji!!!!!!!!! I just. Love Kyouka a lot okay she gets me emotional. Kyouka supremacy forever. (Also, she's dubbed by beloved tpn Emma va Sumire Morohoshi :') )
*Catches breath*
One female character you'd want to rewrite?
Ah, as of now, definitely Teruko. Here's the story I imagine her having: she fought the Great War by Fukuchi's side, as her second in command; despite what her appearance may have looked like back then, she's about the same age as him. She doesn't love or worship him, but she surely admires him a lot; they were comrades and she learnt from him a lot of her ideals on how soldierse have to stain their hands and do horrible, ruthless things in order for the majority of citizens to live safe and happy. She learnt to adore the cause because of him, and she's very loyal to her uniform. She started dressing as a young girl after the war ended, as a way to negate the cruel and traumatic experience of war in her mind and withdraw to the unknowing, happy times of childhood (while still staying her and self-aware; it's just an ephemeral relief). The rest of the story proceeds pretty much as it is in canon, but when Fukuchi reveals to her that he's actually a terrorist working with the doa, she doesn't side with him. She actually feels throughout betrayed, because he had been this pillar of justice and integrity for her, and knowing he was actually a terrorist left her shell-shocked. She DOES act like she's following him, because she is smart and experienced and she knows that she can't take him on her own (differently from Tachihara and Jouno who faced him alone with no backup. Lol. They're a little stupid.), and waits for the moment he lets his guard down to strike and impale him. AND NOT BECAUSE HE ASKED HER TO. WHICH IS HONESTLY TERRIBLE UNDER EVERY ASPECT. Insert here a flashback with her backstory and how Fukuchi himself taught her that justice comes before anything else, because it's the prime tool to serve citizens and pursue world peace. Interior turmoil and trauma for killing the person she respects the most ensues. Now that's how I would write Teruko, because I care about her.
Female character you see the most wasted potential in?
Probably Naomi!!! I love how sly and ingenious she is even in spite of not having an ability, I really hope we'll get to see more of her. I like the theory of her being a projection of Jun'ichirou's ability, although I acknowledge it's problematic in the way it takes away even more agency from her character; even then, it would be cool if she took the form of some kind of sentient ability like Gab in 55 Minutes, or if Jun'ichirou himself was a projection of Naomi (eh. a girl can dream). I really like @frankenjoly's headcanon that she and Mori would be besties, I think about it a lot ahah, I can really see it.
ALSO Higuchi and her ability C'MON I know it's there!!! It MUST be there because bsd so far has been following a very strict pattern where all characters named after writers have abilities, while non ability users are named after novels' characters or non-writers irl people (not to talk about Sakunosuke Oda's The Literature of Possibility passage that's mentioned at the start of the Dark Era novel, with the novel creating a DIRECT connection between writers irl and ability users in the bsd world). I really really hope after this arc is over we'll get an Higuchi arc!!!!
That said, pretty all characters I feel have wasted potential pffttt. Give Lucy and Yosano more screentime!! BRING KOUYOU BACK!!!!!! Finally elaborate on Agatha who's the only female organization leader!!!!! Gin!!!!!!! Wells!!!!!!!!!!
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sucktacular · 1 year
tagged by @lightyaoigami <3!! rules- shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people!
Hayloft II - Mother Mother
You Stupid Bitch - Girl In Red
Char - Crystal Castles
Letter From A Thief - Chevelle
Cigarettes & Feelings - The Haunt
Permanent Reblellion - L.S. Dunes
I Hope You're Happy - Blue October
Guilt - Radical Face
The Middle - Jimmy Eats World
Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore - Paramore
tagging @cat-boy-girl @oberon-vortigern @mothscales @tuffcatdad @taekonaut @backalleysamurai @apheliavampire @chiefyartsreblogs @ohkaiden @l3irdl3rain & anyone that wants to join in!! <3
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
feel so so free to ignore this but I saw in your tags you had some IF concepts with Pacific Islander ROs in mind 👀 I am eager for details (on the IFs or the ROs) but no pressure!!!
It's fine. Because they will probably stay concepts forever or become linear stories (because coding intimidates me), but there is a small part of me who dreams.
The first character is gonna gender flippable (even though I dislike that word. Is there another word?): Naomie/Noel -> Naomie Tikaram (F, she/her) and Noel Tikaram (M, he/him). FCs: Veronica Pome’e and Nemani Nadolo.
They're 6'3" and thick, because that is important to me. I don't remember where I said they're from but they're mostly raised from their teen years in an AU!Haiti. Basically the concept of the story is a Haiti that was never charged to pay back France or was never fucked up by America or the UK, etc. And the concept is lowkey Kings (except I haven't seen Kings, yet, so what I imagine Kings is). There's a prophecy, MC is the "chosen one" ... except not. Sorta, yes. They're connected to two other characters, tl;dr it was born of my desire of wanting more IFs that dealt with politics and corruption but in a sorta Shakespearean like vibe (where's my the Borgias IF? Where's my Scandal remake? Where's my kingmaking! Where's my Xanatos speed chess!)
N (haha) would definitely be one of the RO options and definitely the Lionheart to MC's King. To quote a friend, N's vibe was meant to explore a "character born into violence being thrust into the sudden gentleness of love." Even for a MC not romantically interested, the vibe is meant to be platonic life partners. Regardless if whether or not MC liked them, they're MCs guard and the direction of the story/MC would probably be inspiration for N.
A snippet from my ramblings: What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Salvation. I almost said hope, but differently than Danys. With Danys MC was light, fun, and even brightness. A joy. For N, MC is a saving -- from the mundane, from the past, from a lack of direction. It’s like MC is both a fixation and a fixed point. A part of them was drowning and MC was the hand that stuck in to grasp it.
My second character is from a story more likely to definitely end up linear (mostly because I'm thinking it might actually be more interesting as a regular story/book). Basically, it is magic as a metaphor (the first one is too actually but also will probably have far too much Catholic undertones, soz. Not soz. I did say Kings.) but for growing up when you're in your 30s. So many IFs (and STORIES IN GENERAL) have people in their 20s and 30s and they're TOGETHER. Or if they're not it's ... in a, IDK secluded way? And basically this story is about a bunch of 30 somethings (and one 20 something. And one ancient being), who are figuring out their issues and life and the various ways they've disappointed their families / their families have let them down. And while a couple are successfulTM job wise ... in other ways ....
Isaako Malaitai. My trash baby. Isaako is what happens, in short, when you let misconceptions fester. His Character Sketch ->  He definitely gets misconception as rough and “dumb”, and I think he plays that up. But he’s actually REALLY clever. And maybe even a businessman (maybe he’s the underestimated son).
In truth, his very clever but people just see him as the party guy.  Charming but an asshole/catty. When he actually has more heart to him. (Though the only living person [he has dead parents issues, if I recall right] who knows it - or rather BELIEVES it - at the start of the story is probably his BFF Ariel.) He’s either gonna be the “bad guy” or a decoy to the actual bad guy (who I’m pondering is being his sibling. Basically MC inherits a B&B that’s connected to this magical hot spot, and it draws all the characters to it. Most of them are non-human, but I don’t know if they know it yet.)
Anyway, Isaako is partially Samoan and fc is Roman Reigns (but suited up Roman). 
Hope this were satisfactory details! But I’m starting to nod off. 
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saturnville · 2 months
…stays in madrid [2/2]
pairing: jude bellingham x black oc (naomi sinclair) summary: what happens in madrid… warnings: small small reference to sex. tags: @emjayewrites @cocobutterqwueen @neeville @neewrites @blueaetherr @vile-harlot + anyone else who likes football fics? let me know if you want to be added! an: love naomi and jude down bad.
fc: renee downer
part one: what happens in madrid
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1 year later.
She received an offer. To start a career in a new city—Madrid. To network with the most experienced and knowledgeable fashion. icons, to hone in on her craft of designing, to get one step closer to creating her own brand. She received an offer to be an Associate Director of Development and Design and she took it.
At the first opportunity, she packed her degree, all her belongings, sold her home, and jetted to Madrid on the first available flight. There, she was greeted with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine on her kitchen island in the center of her new condo.
Congratulations, it read. I’m so proud of you and all you’ve done. I hope you enjoy Madrid as your home. Can’t wait to see you. Xx Jude.
Naomi smiled softly. Still as sweet as he was a year ago when he desired her attention. She brought the bouquet to her nose and inhaled softly. The scent of tulips would never get old. She made a mental note to keep flowers in the kitchen as frequently as she could.
Naomi spent the next few hours unpacking and organizing her home. By the time she’d come to a reasonable stopping point, her bedroom and bathroom had been unpacked and organized. Her kitchen and living room required some work, but they would be priority for later.
She huffed and prepared to sit on the edge of the bed but was halted in action by a loud knock on her door. Naomi whined loudly and clenched her teeth. With her feet planted firmly, she rolled her shoulders bag and trudged toward the door. 9:42pm. Who could…?
“Fix your face,” she heard once she opened the door. Her features immediately softened, her shoulders relaxed, and her eyes lit up. On the other side of the door was Jude, leaned up against the doorframe, another bouquet of flowers in one hand while a large backpack occupied the other. “Can’t be that upset to see me, can you?”
Naomi smiled softly and ushered him in. Jude nodded as he glanced around her apartment in approval. Proud was an understatement. She’d done the damn thing and he couldn’t have been happier for her. “Looks good, babe. You need help with anything?” Jude hardly emptied his hands before Naomi’s chest was pressed against his and her lips claimed his. His large hands circled around her waist and snuck downward to caress her bottom. She smiled against his lips. Three months was too long without him, and now, she’d see him almost everyday.
“Not right now,” she said once she pulled away. Her thumb caressed his face in endearment. She wiped away the remnants of her lip gloss and giggled. “Thank you for coming. I wasn’t expecting you until later this week.”
Jude shook his head. “My girl’s in Madrid and you thought I wasn’t coming today?” He blew a raspberry and waved her off. Naomi held her hands up in faux defense, “Alright now, Mr. Bellingham.”
“You eat?” he asked, sauntering to the counter top. Naomi shook her head. He began to dig into the backpack and pulled out containers of food—a variety to choose from. And of course, her favorite wine along with chocolate and packs of popcorn. “Jude…”
He was just so him. So considerate and kind. So generous and lovely. Her eyes began to water. Who would’ve known that the man who approached her a year ago at a dinner would be in her new home wining and dining her. Blessed couldn’t even describe how she felt.
“You’re amazing. Thank you,” Naomi said, wrapping her arms around his waist. Jude pressed his lips against her forehead, his heart fluttering at her touch. “Gonna take a shower. Did you bring clothes?”
Jude nodded, his stomach clenching. “Yeah, why, what’s up?”
Naomi pulled away and raised her eyebrow suggestively. Jude smiled softly and tapped her bottom as he followed her to her bedroom. “Yes ma’am.”
“Right there, baby?” His warm breath tickled her ear and scratched at her insides. Speechless. How had she never known the beauty of making love? It was so rich and warm. Maybe it was because of his gentleness and patience.
The way he caressed her so softly, encouraged her so boldly, and expressed his adoration so freely, had her mind going in circles. How had she gotten so lucky?
Her words were gargled as she tried to make out a simple statement. He found amusement in her struggle. She swallowed thickly. “Yeah, right there…”
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Liked by judebellingham, adyajalyn, alexandraaaaa, and 789 others.
naomisinclair from madrid, with love.
View 167 comments.
jobebellingham get a room. jk love u
— naomisinclair love u dork
adyajalyn miss you already
— naomisinclair i miss u more. come visit soon
justineskye so happy for you!
— naomisinclair i’m gagged. thank you!!!
judebellingham i love you
— naomisinclair i love you more
judebellingham liked your comment!
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Jude whispered. “I know you’re not here for me, but you being here means everything to me.”
Naomi smiled. She placed her food on the bedside table and threw her arms over his body. “I’m glad I’m here too. I love you.”
Jude seared his lips against hers. To be close to her was everything. To know her was a privilege. One that he’d never take for granted. Ever. “I love you.”
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cartierre · 2 years
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU lewis hamilton x fem!black!reader
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, sza, lizzo and 493,327 others
yourusername visiting home made me realise how much i missed brooklyn and my girls
view all 3,294 comments
user1 she's so ungrateful? lewis literally made her who she is today and she keeps complaining? ⤷ user2 because she said she misses home? y'all need to chill fr
lewishamilton you're glowing babe ⤷ yourusername the air pollution here is crazy tho my acne is skyrocketing ⤷ user3 see, everytime she opens her mouth she's complaining. what a spoiled lil child.
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, sza and 382,384 others
yourusername my favourite people on earth
view all 2,340 comments
yourbestfriend where can i get a lewis myself, i need one ⤷ yourusername i can only recommend it to you
user4 i bet lewis feels old in between all these twenty-something year olds ⤷ user5 wait i always forget y/n is like 26 or so ⤷ user6 how can you just forget a 11-year age gap ⤷ user7 maybe because she's mature?
lewishamilton my favourite person on earth ⤷ yourusername are we about to kiss rn
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, anokyai, sza and 405,127 others
tagged: gucci
yourusername used to work for you, now i'm sitting front row at your show
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yourbestfriend tell 'em babe!
user8 say "thank you lewis for the money and fame" rn ⤷ user9 i love how everyone is pressed because they wish they'd be y/n
lewishamilton damn
user10 not thanks to your own effort lmao ⤷ user11 she makes it sound like she got there on her own lmfao no babes gucci wouldn't even know who you are without lewis by your side
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, yourbestfriend, lizzo and 389,117 others
yourusername today i thanked God for being able to spend time with everyone i love on my birthday. cheers to 27!
view all 1,932 comments
user12 don't thank god, thank lewis ⤷ user13 y'all are mad over every thing it's so funny
yourbestfriend thank you lewis for not only being a professional driver but also the designated driver because i know i was hammered ⤷ yourusername at least you were able to go to sleep after the club, my night didn't end just there ⤷ user14 y/n talking about her and lewis' sex life is so funny to me ⤷ user15 i just know lewis has a lot of stamina
lewishamilton for many more birthday's to be celebrated together to come. i love you baby.
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♡ liked by yourusername, naomi, pierregasly and 639,041 others
lewishamilton happy birthday to the girl that made me believe again
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, sza, pierregasly and 639,041 others
yourusername monaco my love
view all 2,394 comments
lewishamilton no words can describe the love i feel for you ⤷ yourusername babyboy <3
user16 okay but see how much she's changing her style when she's in "posh" monaco compared to brooklyn? ⤷ user17 because she's wearing a nice dress? you do realise people can have multiple styles? ⤷ user18 but it is suspicious how clean she suddenly gets as soon as she's surrounded by rich people ⤷ user19 heavy side eye
yourbestfriend okay but when are you flying me out to monaco ⤷ yourusername pull up
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♡ liked by arthur_leclerc, formula2, wseriesracing and 598,837 others
tagged: yourusername, lewishamilton
f1 The paddock fashion game is back in business! #BahrainGP
view all 7,302 comments
user19 y/n's so beautiful i actually cannot
user20 why do they give me kim and kanye vibes tho ⤷ user21 wait- ⤷ user22 because he probably also dresses her lmao
yourbestfriend purr
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sapphicvqmpires · 21 days
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ who are we?
vampire series | shuri udaku | part 2
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Pairing - vampire!shuri x black fem!reader
Word Count - 19.4k (listen…either grab your popcorn or keep scrolling lol)
Contains - smut (18+), fingering, cunnilingus, clit play, overstimulation, choking/breathplay, biting, edging, strap-on sex, blood drinking, descriptions of blood, homophobia, angst, fluff, Shuri being a hot vampire asshole
Divider From - @firefly-graphics
Sneak Peak - As the words fell from your lips, a wave of warmth surged through Shuri’s undead heart and she swears she felt it beat for a second. Each word and syllable echoed through her vampire mind, a mind that knew loneliness and despair like no other but in came you, the light at the end of the tunnel and she swears she could die from how much she loved you. "Turn me," you repeated one last time, your voice carrying a soft insistence rather than a question. You caught a fleeting change in the color of Shuri's eyes, though she quickly masked it but you definitely noticed the subtle shift.
Tags - @inmyheadimobsessed @amplifiedmoan @vampzxi @heejayy @shurislover @shurismainbxtch @shuriszn @naomis-daydream @prettymrswright @pocketsizedpanther @gardenof-venus @tiii-iiiiii @ihearttish @playhousedistee @somethingcleaverandwhitty @niyahwrites @tishsrealwife @oceean @sookiesookie @cafehyunji @ventingfanfics @marsology @desswright29 @sweetalittleselfish-honey @kisskourt @dayedreamm @mcqueeferson @dejaonline (comment if you want to be tagged in future fics, 18+ only)
Writers Note: I’m so so sorry, this took so long, but I wanted it to be perfect and I had so many periods of being unmotivated, I didn’t want to force myself to write when I wasn’t feeling it. But thank you so so much to everyone that stuck around and was patient with me, I’m sure all the sneak peeks and shit were frustrating but we’re here! Grab your popcorn and enjoy my loves :) ❁ཻུ۪۪♡
Part 1 - who are you?
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November 23rd, 2411, New York (continued…)
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ You were at a genuine loss for words, and it appeared she felt the same way. It had been quite a while since the last time you spoke with her, and even for a vampire, it truly felt like a long time ago. You broke the silence with the first thing that came to mind; the simplest way to ease back into the dialogue and it was a question you truly wanted to know the answer to.
“How…how have you been? Where have you been?” Your voice shook with the vibrations of sheer astonishment, still attempting to comprehend the sight of her gracefully seated before you.
"I've been... well. You know, just wandering the world, experiencing new things. Nothing out of the ordinary I suppose," she responded, and you couldn't ignore the subtle reduction in her once thick accent. It wasn't a dramatic change, probably not noticeable to human ears, but your keen senses detected it. How could you ever forget the voice that once made your own heartbeat falter?
“Your voice…”
She raised an eyebrow. “What about my voice?”
“You sound…different. Your accent…it isn’t as thick as it used to be.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No, I just…it just caught me off guard is all.”
"Hmmm," she hummed curiously. "But your voice hasn't changed. You still got that annoying whiny voice," she teased with a smirk, and it was the most familiar you had felt with her so far. That confident grin paired with the sarcastic comment, your undead heart could almost swell at how it made your body react. It reminded you of just how much you truly missed her. You playfully flicked her on the shoulder, and it sparked laughter from both of you. Oh, how you missed her laugh. You missed the way her adorable face would scrunch up, and her perfectly aligned teeth would come into view. It made your stomach flutter, reminiscent of the days when you were human, and you couldn't help but get lost in that familiar feeling that you had almost forgotten.
“Well I’m glad not all of you has changed. You’re still a dumbass,” you reply half-jokingly, making you both laugh once more. Once the laughter subsides, you find yourself aching to know more about her and what she’s been up to.
“So…you’re back in New York, I see,” you comment.
“I could say the same about you, s’thandwa.”
“Yeah well…you know…what better place for a vampire than the city that never sleeps, right?”
Briefly, Shuri falls into silence but you can see it in her eyes, the way they glisten that she feels a moment of intimacy.
“You remember that?”
“Of course I remember that, Shuri. I remember a lot.”
Shuri graces you with a crooked smile, highlighting the glossy sheen that coats the irises of her dark eyes. For an instant, a comforting warmth embraces you, as if this is precisely where you were meant to be at this exact point in time.
“And what about you, y/n? How have you been?”
You stop, your body tensing as you contemplate the myriad of responses you could provide. In all honesty, the years without her have been a collision of tides, a shifting wavelength of emotions and experiences that have caused you to both love and resent Shuri. There are moments when you despise her, yet miss her with every fiber of your being. As she poses the question, a fleeting hint of anger threatens to surface, but you inhale the breath you don't need before proceeding to answer.
“I’ve been…everything, I guess? I’ve felt everything, learned everything, and now I’m just lonely. I’ve been so full and empty at the same time…I don’t know, Shuri. It’s just been—”
But Shuri interrupts with the gentle stroke of her thumb on your cheek. Her tender caress seems to fill the void that has haunted you for nearly two centuries. You can't help but feel a pathetic sense of vulnerability as her small touch impacts you, but you permit yourself to experience it fully. You embrace the warmth she imparts with that simple gesture because, in this world of loneliness, few things compare to the solitude of a vampire. You needed this.
“I know, angel. I know. Open up to me. I’m here.” Her voice drew you in like a siren's song like it did so many years ago, guiding you to the profound depths of your emotions as you shed the first tear you had in years. She gently wiped it away with the pad of her thumb before enveloping you in the warmth of her hold, and you surrendered to her care.
“I’m here, y/n. I’m here.”
April 20th, 2022, New York
It had been approximately two months since Shuri unveiled her true nature, two months since you both professed your love, and two months since you posed the unanswered question that you still desperately held in your heart. You were reluctant to press her on the matter, yet it gnawed at you that she hadn't responded. Of course there would be good reasons as to why she never answered you, but what could that reason be?
You were together, entwined in your bed sheets as the moon light shone through your window, passionately embracing her as she kissed you. The depth of your love for her and her reciprocal feelings made you wish for this moment to quite literally be everlasting. The sensation of having her in your arms was something you could never tire of, so you reveled in what she was offering at that very moment.
“You’ve been kissing me for a long time now,” you say with a smile, lying beneath her as her smile mirrors yours. She plants another kiss on your nose before resting her head on your chest, nestling her soft curls into your skin.
“I just love you,” she replies, and she chuckles under her breath at how your heart skips a beat.
“That’s not fair, Shuri.”
“What’s not fair?”
“You laughing at the way my heart reacts to you…I know you got your incredible senses or whatever but you need to quit making fun of me.”
With a quick and fluid vampiric motion, Shuri changes positions, now leaning against the headboard while you straddle her. It almost takes your breath away, even though you should be accustomed to her rapid movements by now.
��Shuriiii, fuck,” you say, trying to keep calm the dizziness.
“Shutup,” she comments, bringing your lips back to hers. “You’re so beautiful, y/n.”
And you can’t help but scoff a little. “Yeah maybe for now, until I turn old and wrinkly.”
“You humans and age. Being old does not equate to being ugly. Aging is a blessing.”
You let out a pained sigh at her statement, not satisfied with the way she tries to keep you human. “Well that would be easy for you to say. You’re gonna look young and hot forever.”
Shuri raises her eyebrow, one that shows you she has a smart remark to say.
“You think I’m hot?”
“Fuck you!,” you reply, playfully hitting Shuri’s shoulder. “You’re annoying.”
“I wasn’t so annoying when I let you ride me the other night, now was I?”
You felt your cheeks flame up in embarrassment.
“Shuri, oh Shuri! Right there, yes!,” she mocks before she subtly laughs at you. You pick up the pillow beside you and slam it against her.
Shuri could not help but laugh at you and as you attempted to hit her once again, her vampire reflexes caught you off guard, halting you before you got to her.
“Show off.”
“Only sometimes.”
Once more, her lips capture you as she draws you closer. This kiss is unhurried and seductive, syncing with the rhythm of your heart as you encircle your arms around her neck, surrendering to the intoxicating sensations she evokes within you.
“You look beautiful by the way…when you work for it.”
“Really though. I should make you ride me more often. You’re so sexy like that.”
Her words nearly elicited a moan from you, but you held back, keeping your lips connected to hers as she spoke. You were determined not to give her the full satisfaction.
“You’re a dick.”
“Watch your mouth.”
Slowly, her mouth trailed down to your throat, kissing tenderly against the scar that she left from the first and last time she drank from you.
“This is healing nicely.”
“Yeah…well,” you comment with an attitude you swore was subtle but Shuri knew you better.
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong with what?”
“You, y/n. Are you ok? Did I upset you?”
You said nothing.
“I know you have something to say, princess. Spill it.”
You could feel the nerves kindling within you, unable to escape the realization of how apparent it must be to Shuri that something was tugging at your heart.
“How come you don’t drink my blood anymore when we have sex?” Not exactly what you wanted to ask, but it was a question that was burning at you nonetheless. Shuri sighed, peeling her eyes off of you for a moment before proceeding. “Did I do something wrong? Do I taste weird or something??”
“Don’t do that, y/n. It’s not on you. And trust me…you are the best I’ve ever tasted.”
“Then what is it, Shuri?? I don’t get it.”
“Of course you don’t get it. How could you?”
Shuri took a momentary pause, a brief silence hanging in the air, as if collecting her thoughts or contemplating her next words.
“I do not want to lose control again. I almost…I almost didn’t stop the first time. I don’t want that to happen again.”
“But you did stop, Shuri. You did. You need to cut yourself some slack. You did so good and it felt so good for me and I know it felt good for you too. I want you to drink from me again when we fuck.” You couldn't avoid appearing somewhat needy, maybe even a tad bit whiny, but you were unbothered by that. The desire to experience that closeness with her again was paramount, and you were confident she shared the same longing.
“But what if I—”
“Ssshh, Shuri. You won’t hurt me. I just want us to be able to experience each other to the fullest. You’re a vampire and I love that about you. I want you to know that I’m ok and that I want you to drink from me, especially when we have sex.”
Your words made Shuri ache, her pussy clenched at the way you craved her the way she craved you. “Ok but…if I hurt you—”
“Ah ah! You won’t, baby. I trust you.”
Once again, her gentle lips found yours as she moaned into you right before she abruptly detached from you.
“Ok, now what is it you really want to say to me?,” she questions, her deep understanding of you almost angers you, especially when you wish to simply just run away from certain situations.
“Do not play stupid with me, s’thandwa. You cannot run away from me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
“Uh uh. Speak.”
You sat there on her lap, admiring her beautiful features, the stern yet soft look she gave you now made your stomach churn, wanting to run away from your burning desire but the more you choked it down, the more it became harder to breathe.
“I…why did you never answer me when I asked you to turn me?”
The softness in her face diminished to something harsher, her features melting into seriousness and it frightened you a bit.
“It’s not what you want, y/n.”
You sneer at this, annoyed at how easily she makes that claim for you. “If it wasn’t what I wanted, I wouldn’t have asked you. Now would I?”
Shuri shakes her head at you, a smirk appearing on her face before speaking. “This mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one day.”
“Please Shuri, can you be serious for one second. I’m not joking.”
“I know you aren’t.”
“Then please just…stop messing with me.”
“I’m not messing with you.”
Your words were halted by Shuri's finger pressing gently against your lips. Her eyes scanned your entire face before settling back on your plump lips, swollen from your fervent yearning for her.
“Just please…shut up for a second.”
As the all-too-familiar sensation of her lips meeting yours washes over you, you whimper into her, yearning for her and everything she embodies as you welcome her intense kisses.
“Please.” It was all you could say, and you weren’t even sure what it was you were asking for at the moment. What you do know is that your body is aflame, your mouth ablaze as her tongue glides between the curves of your sweet lips.
“I want you forever,” you moaned into her mouth.
"Mhmmm," she responded, surrendering as you trailed your kisses along her angular jawline, deepening them the further you descended down her body. It didn't take much time before she took off her shirt, providing room for your mouth to explore the curves of her abdomen, and your sloppy tongue made Shuri’s pussy clench in anticipation. Slipping your hand beneath her shorts, you ran your fingers through her boxers, chuckling at how damp she already was. All this mess between her thighs as a result of her love for you, her desperate need for you. Your poor baby was absolutely soaking the whole time.
“You’re so wet, Shuri.”
“Fuck,” she moaned, bucking her hips forward for the friction she evidently craved.
“Let me eat your pussy, baby, yeah? I wanna taste that mess between your thighs.”
“Fuck. Yes, y/n. P-please.”
Hearing Shuri trip over her words as you pleasured her was a sound you would never get tired of. It made your body ache with a passion, to hear her voice diminish down to desperate pleas as you pressed your tongue against the swell of her clit, and it didn’t take long for your mouth to find her pussy. Once you ripped off her clothing and admired the shimmer that reflected off her needy cunt, you took your fingers and splayed her folds open and your mouth found her clit like a magnet, wrapping your lips around her sensitive bud before your tongue ran laps around her.
“Oh,” she faintly moaned, a habit she would do as she struggled to contain her moans but you always took it as a challenge, making sure you left her in nothing but trembling shambles as you pleased her. It was easy to see she was trying her best to hold in her moans, the way her throat let out choked whimpers every time you lapped up into her but the minute you spat on her pussy and inserted two fingers inside, you made it a challenge on her to contain the sounds of pleasure that reckoned to rip right through her.
“OH…y-yeah…yes, y/n, just like that. Oh fuck.”
Your lips lifted into a smile, proceeding to suck on her pounding clit as you felt her pussy walls clench around your fingers. She was so needy, so evidently desperate for you and you felt nothing but the same for her.
“You taste so sweet, baby,” you hummed into her. “Cum on my face. I want you to cum on my face.”
“M’kay, okay…fuck, baby.” Her high pitched whimpers made your pussy throb, the sound and smell of her squelching cunt made you fuck into her faster and harder, continuously tapping that spot inside her that you knew would make her lose it.
You gaze up at her, convinced that the sight alone justifies your yearning for eternal life. The radiance of her sweaty dark skin, the rhythmic contraction of her abs as her pussy closes around you, but her face was the purest of all. Her mouth hung ajar, jaw slack, singing profanities of pleasure, her eyes grappling to connect with yours as she resists the urge to roll them back. In this moment, she is at her most vulnerable, her weakest, and observing her let her guard down is something you desire to witness for the rest of your days. And that was not even the best part; the best part was what was to come next, as you wrapped your lips around her, siphoning her swollen clit and plunging before her body released right onto your face as she came.
“Princess! Oh…UNH!”
And there it was: your favorite part. Observing the transformation in her face as her orgasm resonated through her. The shift in her irises to a deep red hue, her fangs extending to their fullest length, all while she fought to maintain control over her body amid the orgasm wracking through her was truly a sight you alone could cum from.
“Yes, baby. Keep fucking my face. Give me all of your cum.”
Her pussy is hard to let go of, something you latch onto even as she’s whining and shuddering in overstimulation. You lap her up like you're starving, slurping every drop of her warm juice before she grabs your hair and forces you off of her. You whine at this, wanting more but you knew she had reached her limit as you rested your head on her chest, waiting for her body to cease its trembling.
“You c-can’t do shit like that, y-y/n. I could hurt y-you,” she struggles to say and that sight makes you smirk with pride.
“Awww, poor baby. No way you can hurt me when you’re shaking like this. You must’ve cum hard as fuck,” you taunted in faux sympathy.
“Sh-shut up. You forget I could s-snap you,” she tries to snark back, but her struggle to come back down was not helping her tough image. You chuckle before kissing her pouting lips.
“Talk like that all you want, baby, but we both know you love when I put my mouth on you.”
You kiss once more before she decides to take matters into her own hands.
“It’s your turn,” she comments, suddenly pinning you down beneath her and your body is heated, writhing in anticipation before you are inconveniently disturbed by the sound of your phone ringing.
“Fuck,” Shuri spits.
“Shit. My mom is calling me.”
Shuri groans in frustration, rolling over beside you dramatically as you answer the phone.
“I know, babe, but she never calls me. Could be an emergency.”
"Fine," Shuri seethes, with an exaggerated eye roll, and you can't help but chuckle at her flair for drama. Shuri tunes into your conversation, vampire ears catching your mother's voice on the other end of the line, and you're well aware of it.
“You were listening, weren’t you?,” you question once you hang up.
“I was.”
“You’re so fucking nosey.”
Shuri just shrugs her shoulders. “Soooo, are you going to go see your parents like she asked?”
“I really don’t want to. I already know what they’re going to talk about and I don’t wanna hear it. But I guess I should go. I honestly haven’t spoken to them since Jon…”
You chose not to finish your sentence but Shuri had no problem doing it for you. “You mean since I ate your asshole of an ex??”
“You know, I have yet to meet your parents. I’ve known you for just over a year now, and you almost never speak about them.”
“And what is a year to you? Aren’t you like 500?”
“You think you are so funny.”
“You love my jokes,” you tease. “But really, there’s a good reason as to why you haven’t met them. Trust me, you do not wanna meet them.”
“I think it would be good for me to meet them.”
“Yeaaahhh, no. Not gonna happen.”
“Why not?”
“Because I said so, Shuri. I don’t get along with them. And besides they’re…old school. They would never accept you and me.”
Laughter escapes Shuri, finding you incredibly adorable as you worry about what her meeting them might do.
“Do you forget who I am, princess? If there is anyone who understands old school, it would be me. I would love to meet your parents. I understand you might not have the best relationship with them, but I think it would be good for us to go together. Just tell them you’re inviting a friend, there is no need to tell them that we are in a relationship if you do not want to. You do that on your own time. But I would love to meet them,”
You say nothing.
“You know what? Fuck it! Fine! You can meet them but don’t be surprised when things go left. I’m warning you, Shuri. They’re weird.”
“I’m with you, aren’t I? I can handle weird.”
“Fuck you!,” you say, playfully hitting her once more with the pillow and she lets you this time.
“Wait…how am I supposed to tell them that we gotta meet them at night?”
“Just tell them what I told you. Tell them I’m allergic to the sun.”
You take a moment to ponder the situation before agreeing. She nods quietly and then departs, leaving you with your thoughts, the absence of her presence leaving a lingering sense of contemplation in the air.
Sitting at the dining room table, where Shuri had left her food untouched, and your parents bombarded you with questions about your future, felt like your heart could plummet to the depths of your stomach. The atmosphere, filled with nothing but painful memories, was sheer torture. Although you were aware that having Shuri witness the deceitfulness of your parents would be difficult, you were never truly ready for the frustration that would ignite beneath your skin.
“You barely touched your food, Shuri. Is there a problem?,” your mother asked.
“I told you she wasn’t hungry mom, just leave her alone,” you groaned, making no effort to hide your irritation.
“That is no way to talk to your mother, y/n,” your father chimed in with his unwanted comments that always made your blood boil.
There came an awkward silence, with nothing but the sound of utensils scraping against plates with all eyes unmistakingly fixed on you, including Shuri’s.
“What happened to you?,” your mother asked, pointing to the scar on your neck and you could just sense the subtle smirk on Shuri’s face.
“It’s nothing.”
“It doesn’t look like nothing.”
“Can ya’ll just say what you wanna say already?,” you slightly burst. “I know why you called me here and I think it would be the best for everyone here if we forget the fucking scar and just get on with it.”
Your parents looked at each other before looking at you, both with a stern look that truly did frighten you a little but you wouldn’t dare let that show.
“Your future, y/n. The passing of Jonathan has left you with no money for your future. He was the plan all along and now he is gone…what do you plan on doing now with yourself??,” your father asked, his demeaning voice and commanding presence reverberating through the room, making the patter of your heart quicken. Your discomfort was evidently apparent to Shuri, and this was made known with the way she discreetly rubbed your thigh beneath the table.
“Listen to your father, y/n. We say this because we care for you.”
“Care for me?? Well that’s a first, isn’t it??,” you snarked beneath your breath, purposely loud enough for their ears to catch.
“You need to find a new partner soon. We think we have someone who is interested…”
The rest of what was said drifted from you, nothing but the sound of static overcame the nonsense that you just knew was pouring out of your parents mouths. You felt nauseous, like the wind had just been knocked out of you and you could pass out at any moment. You just wanted to be free, free from the expectations your parents have put on you since you were a child; free from them using you as a pawn to bring more wealth into their family. You wanted out.
“Y/n,” Shuri chimed in, trying her best to comfort you. “Breathe baby, breathe. I’m right here,” she said not with her mouth but with her mind.
“And who are you, may I ask?,” your father interrupted, his deep voice breaking the calm that was once Shuri’s voice and you were afraid of what his confrontation would escalate into.
“Dad, please don’t start,” you muttered with a feeling of knowing exactly where this was headed. You knew Shuri and you knew your father and neither of them made room for disrespect.
“Hey…it’s ok,” Shuri murmured to you as her gaze softened in reassurance. But the look in her eyes didn’t escape your father’s notice, rather deepening his suspicions. You could see the anger simmering behind his heavy glare, that look that always made you fearful of him as a child. His demeanor shifted, the tension thickening as he repeated his question.
"Who. Are. You??,” he demanded, each word laced with venom. You knew instantly that he’d figured it out. Your father was an observant man who never failed to hide his disdain for the gay community. His hatred ran deep, and it was precisely one reason why you had always feared introducing Shuri to him. When his cold gaze shifted to you, a wave of numbness washed through your entire body.
“You brought a dyke into my home, y/n?”
“Dad…please, not right now.”
“Oh, we are doing this right now.”
The tension in the room was suffocating, hanging thick in the air like a storm about to break. Every sound seemed sharper, every movement slower, as if the very walls held their breath.
“Sir, if I may speak—”
“And why are you here with my daughter? Who are you and what are you doing here??”
A change flickered across Shuri’s face, the look of someone ready to face a challenge and it was an expression you recognized all too well.
“Shuri…please,” you softly begged.
“He’s disrespecting you and I don’t like that.” But her eyes stayed locked on your father’s. The silent exchange between them spoke volumes, a tension mirrored in the cold expressions of both your parents. Panic rose to the brim of your throat as you shot to your feet and grabbed her wrist, desperately trying to pull her toward the door and away from this place. But she stood her ground, unmoving and frozen.
“I am her father. I’m the one who raised her. Who are you to come into my home and talk to me that way??”
“Your daughter does not want to marry whoever it is you think you have in mind. She is a grown woman and her own person. She does not want him. She will never love him. And she sure as hell will never marry him!”
“And why is that?? Because you came into the picture?? A good for nothing dyke? You are a perversion of humanity, a disgust to God’s eyes and you do not deserve to know my daughter! I will never allow this!”
Shuri’s anger flared, and you noticed the faint red glow in her eyes. Just as you moved to intervene, she did exactly what you feared; she lunged at your father, her anger uncontrollably lashing. In an instant, she was on him, sinking her teeth into his throat with a terrifying, blood-fueled rage.
Your mother’s scream pierced the air as your father struggled, desperate and terrified, trying to shove Shuri off him. Panic gripped you as you shouted her name.
It was the desperation and fear in your voice that pulled her back to you. Her fangs retracted, and her eyes slowly returned to their usual color as she turned to look at you. Your fathers blood stained her face, dripping down her jaw while your trembling father reached for the gun hidden in the drawer. He did not hesitate to point the barrel right at her and you felt as if your heart was going to burst out of your chest. In a second, a deafening BANG rang through the room before the bullet struck Shuri in the abdomen, but she didn’t even flinch. Blood flowed freely, yet the wound sealed itself almost instantly, faster than you could exhale. The complete and utter terror on your parents face as your father shot once more, only to have the same outcome, was enough to make you almost collapse and pass out.
“Stay away from me de-demon…,” your dad stuttered while your mother held onto him for dear life, and you had never felt so afraid for what was to come next.
“Y/n, I need you to leave the room…now,” Shuri said sternly in such a matter that you knew she meant it but you did not care.
“I’m not leaving, are you crazy??”
“Now! Before I actually hurt them!”
Her words smacked you in the face, and the look in her eyes told you she was leaving no room for disobedience. Reluctantly, you stepped away, but stayed close enough to overhear what was unfolding. What you caught were only snippets of Shuri’s voice and an unsettling silence from your parents. Curiosity gnawed at you, and you held your breath as you peeked around the corner. There was Shuri, speaking to both your parents as if she had them under a trance. Your parents stood frozen, their bodies unmoving, and a chill ran down your spine, goosebumps prickling to the surface of your skin. The sight made you shiver as you struggled to keep from collapsing. Why hadn’t she told you about this when you first questioned her about being a vampire? The realization dawned on you: mind control. And now you couldn’t help but wonder if she had ever used it on you.
“Fuck. You weren’t supposed to see that,” Shuri snarled, grabbing your wrist harshly as she pulled you both out the door, out of your parents' presence, and into a painfully quiet car ride.
“What the fuck was that?,” you irritably asked.
“Do not start with me right now, y/n.”
“Don’t sta—? Excuse me?? Have you lost your fucking mind??”
Shuri flopped down onto the sofa assertively, sitting man spread as she leaned back, rubbing her face with an air of agitation and impatience. It seemed as though she was deliberately ignoring your words.
“Hello? Earth to Shuri?? What, am I talking to myself here??”
“Might as well be.”
“You are…so fucking fucked up. My dad? Really, Shuri??”
“He’s lucky that’s all I did.”
You felt a jolt of shock, your eyes widening as you were rendered speechless. The nonchalant tone in her words stirred frustration in your stomach, and you struggled to contain your rising temper when upset.
“So what? Someone doesn’t like you and what, you kill them? You’re fucking unwell!”
She didn’t answer, just scoffed like you weren’t even there.
“And when were you going to tell me about how you can control minds or whatever the fuck that was?? Don’t you think that’s important information about you I should know?!”
“So you did see that…?,” she whispered under her breath with a subtle chuckle, her head bowed in shame as she fought to connect her eyes to yours.
“Yes I fucking saw that. Like you really just fucking looked at my parents and made them forget all that shit right infront of my fucking eyes like it was nothing…like you really just did that and never thought to fucking tell me??”
“So what, y/n?? Did you want me to let them remember that I almost killed your father?? Would that have been the rational thing to do?!”
“I’m only saying it would have been nice to know! That’s information I deserve to know, is it not? I’m your fucking girlfriend, am I right?!”
“If I had told you, you would walk the rest of our relationship questioning if it was real, correct?”
You said nothing.
“Yeah, that is what I thought. I have my reasons as to why I do or do not tell you things. Do not question my decisions to do so…”
“Yeah whatever, Shuri. Let’s be all dismissive and inconsiderate. Let’s all just get angry and eat people like fucking psychopaths!,” you yelled in a sarcastic tone but your anger was anything but sarcasm.
“And you want to be just like me, right? Is that not what you want? To be a vampire for the rest of your days? Let me tell you something…that is what being a vampire is!”
“I don’t believe that.”
“Don’t piss me off, y/n.”
Her words were delivered in an almost quiet and restrained manner, as if they were small and insignificant. But beneath the surface of calmness, you sensed a simmering anger that was on the brink of breaking through her skin; the intensity of her emotions was palpable despite the softness of her voice.
“Do you see what I have to go through everyday in my life?? THAT is what I’ll have to deal with and THAT is what I want to run away from. As long as I’m human, they are all I have! And I’m nothing but a tool for them! A means to bring in wealth to their pockets because they’re nothing but scum and I want out!”
“Have you not listened to a word I’ve said?” Her sudden change in tone sent a chill down your spine, its sharpness and intensity striking a nerve. “How it has been hell on earth for me??”
The hurt in her eyes and the pain in her voice gave you an immediate pang of regret and empathy.
“So what?? You want us to be together until I die? And you move on?” Your voice caught in your throat, choked by the effort of holding back tears. Each word felt like a struggle as emotions welled up inside you, threatening to spill over.
“Yes. Because that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”
You were consumed by a mix of hurt and anger, emotions swirling within you like a turbulent storm. The room around you fell into an oppressive silence, a quiet that was deafening, emphasizing the profound impact of the emotional turmoil you fought so hard to keep at bay.
“When your dad said those things to me, called me those names, it stirred up old memories I thought I'd forgotten and I simply lost it. The way society used to treat people like you and me, it was so difficult to live even as a vampire. I used to be called every name in the book, treated like scum because where does a black lesbian woman fit into society in the 1800’s? How about in the 20’s? Or the 50’s? There was none. You guys have no idea what it means to not be who you are meant to be.”
“Why didn’t you leave?”
“You’re a vampire. You could live anywhere in the world and anytime you wanted. Why would you stay in America of all places?”
A soft chuckle escapes her, followed by a small tilt in her smile as she quietly rolls her eyes. “I did the stupidest thing a vampire could ever do.”
Confusion washed over you like a wave, leaving your expression visibly puzzled.
“I fell in love.”
“I had been alone for so many years and that was the first time in my 100 years of being a vampire, had I felt alive and full…and human.”
“Who was she?”
“She was…perfect.”
A small smile appeared on your face before it quickly washed away. “Was she…the girl in my dream? The one you gave me…”
She nodded.
“She wanted you to turn her.”
“Did you?”
She shook her head.
“Why not? You loved her. You wanted to be with her forever, right? So why not just turn her??”
“I know what you’re doing, y/n. I’m not doing this right now.”
The air between the two of you grew still and quiet, filled only with the weight of unspoken words. The silence stretched on, punctuated by the sound of distant waves rolling outside her home. It felt like there was a physical barrier between you, leaving an uncomfortable tension in its wake and so you raised your voice a little.
“Why don’t you just answer my question??”
“Do you not understand?? Being a vampire took everything I’ve ever loved away from me. That is what I’m trying to tell you. My mom, my friends, my family…the list is endless.”
You walked over to her and took your place beside her, leaning your head gently on her shoulder as the fabric of her shirt collected your tears before you kissed her shoulder. Despite the sorrow that filled both your hearts, your presence conveyed a quiet reassurance for Shuri as it always does. And that’s why she loves you; you shared an embrace in the face of emotional vulnerability.
“I’m so sorry life was unkind to you, Shuri, and I’m sorry being a vampire has been nothing but hell for you.”
You looked up at her with swollen, beady eyes; the aftermath of your tears evident in your pout.
“But the difference between you and me, Shuri, is that vampirism took from you because you actually had something to lose. You had a home, a family, friends, status…I don’t have anything. Nothing. You’re all I have…and I don’t want to lose you too.”
Shuri gazed down at you with a mixture of hurt and love in her eyes, a complex blend of emotions that spoke volumes. As she leaned forward, her lips brushed gently against your forehead in a tender gesture and you exhaled in relief before she abruptly stood up.
“I’m going to go take a walk.”
“But the sun will be up in a couple hours,” you respond with genuine concern.
“I’ll be back. I just need fresh air.”
A few hours passed by and you grew concerned as you waited anxiously. Finally, you hear sounds of movement emanating from the kitchen, and a wave of relief washes over you as Shuri returns.
“Finally, I was beginning to worry.” You approach the kitchen but she doesn’t respond. “Shuri?”
But it wasn't Shuri. Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest with fear as you entered the kitchen to find a total stranger making herself comfortable in Shuri's kitchen. The stranger was strikingly beautiful, with a deep and flawless complexion. Her hair was intricately braided in goddess braids, a wave of intertwined hair and curls that fell down to her hips, and her lips had the rich fullness of a summer rose in full bloom. All her features harmonized to form one of the most beautiful faces you had ever seen. What intrigued you the most, however, was the uncanny familiarity of her face, despite being certain you had never met her before.
“Who…who are you?,” you stammered, your shaky voice hard to contain but the woman did not answer you verbally; instead she returned your answer with a soft smile that should have been comforting but the glassy conceit in her eyes sent shivers through your entire body.
“Who are you??,” you asked once more, raising your voice a bit but still, she said nothing.
“I’m going to call—”
“Who?? Shuri??,” she cuts you off, a villainous smirk graces her face, a twisted expression that holds genuine amusement and you could feel your heart quicken beneath your ribcage.
“How do you know Shuri?”
“Oh me and her go way back,” she says so ‘matter-of-factly’.
“Wait, are you a—”
Once more, she interrupts you, appearing in front of you in a mere millisecond with a gust of air that brushes against your body. You gulp slightly as she stares you down, her eyes tinged with judgment. Fear envelops you like a suffocating cloak, yet you remain still, unwilling to challenge the woman who seemed delighted in the fear she instilled upon you.
You hear the door open behind you, and a slight sense of relief washes over you. The woman behind you breaks into a full, sinister smile.
"At last," she whispers, taking a seat on the island in Shuri's kitchen. When Shuri entered the premises, it was the most frightened and shocked you had ever seen her, her eyes seeped in fear and confusion at the image before her. But it isn’t too long before that fear is stripped away with anger, her fists balled up in frustration as both her and the unknown woman stared each other down.
"Shuri... Who is she?," you ask, breaking the stomach-churning silence.
“Please answer her, she’s already asked me twice and it's getting annoying,” the woman snarked.
“Adanna…you…you’re alive??”
“Oh, I very much died, but you know how the rest goes, I suppose,” she replies with a smirk.
“Who is she, Shuri??” Your voice takes on an edge, the words clipped and pointed. There's a noticeable tension in your words, as if each syllable is strained through gritted teeth.
“Ugh, answer your pest-of-a girl!”
Shuri's demeanor shifts noticeably as a veil of shame descends over her, her shoulders lower with a weight of embarrassment. For a moment, she does what she usually does in times like this, avoiding direct eye contact before she speaks.
“Remember that dream I gave you? The girl I showed you…? Well…that’s her.”
You remember in an instant. Recollections flood back, including Shuri's words about her passing from old age. The anger you feel is overwhelming and beyond words.
“The girl from your dream??”
Shuri nods, not even looking at you, her eyes still on the other woman.
“You…Shuri look at me!”
And she does. Without question.
“You told me she died of old age. You lied to me??”
The woman bursts into a cynical laughter. “Really Shuri? I ‘died’?? Well y/n, tell me more. What else did Shuri say about me? I’d love to hear this,” she chuckles but her admiration was sincere. You glanced at Shuri, almost seeking permission to proceed, but the notion of needing her approval quickly faded as you uncomfortably settled into the situation you were in. You were eager to uncover more about Adanna. Things that Shuri had never disclosed to you.
“That’s all she said about you. But…she showed me you…in a dream. You were human. You wanted Shuri to turn you. She drank your blood.” The details from the vivid dream began to replay and flood back into your memory. Adanna’s expression softened, resembling the poor, desperate girl that Shuri held in your dream.
"What happened to you?" Shuri interjects, genuine concern etched across her face as she observes her from a distance. Adanna's attention swiftly shifts from you to Shuri, her whole body radiating hurt and rage before she speaks.
“How dare you…” The words were spat in such a way that made your muscles tense. “You happened, Shuri! You came into my life and now what?? You are going to do the same thing to her!”
“No…I will not.”
“It’s too late, Shuri. You’ve already thought of it. I’ll tell you what’s going to happen…” She smiles devilishly, casting a quick glance in your direction before striding towards Shuri, the sound of her heels echoing loudly in your ears. “You’re going to fall desperately in love with her, if you haven’t already, you’re going to live a short life with her and then she will grow old and die. And that’s if she’s one of the lucky ones, you know how fragile they are. As long as she’s human, death will always be simple for her.”
She moves swiftly behind you, using her speed and strength to press your body against hers, as she gently wraps her hand around your throat, not to choke you, but to evoke fear in both you and Shuri at what she was capable of.
“Don’t even think about it or I’ll hurt her.”
“Please Adanna, leave her out of this.” Worry clouded Shuri’s eyes and it broke you.
“I can tell you really love her. So why won’t you turn her?? Why keep her this fragile and pathetic human being??” Her grip on your throat slightly tightens and you thickly swallow beneath her.
“You know why.”
“Oh I know full well…but does she??” She lets go of your throat, before taking a finger and caresses the thick artery that runs along the side of your neck, Your heart is pulsing in absolute terror and she chuckles at the way your body reacts to her.
“Don’t you dare hurt her.”
“Shut the hell up!”
You unwillingly tremble at her loud words.
“Oh baby, don’t look so scared,” she taunts. She skims your throat again, caressing the fang work from Shuri’s indulgence of you. “I see she’s had her fair share of you.”
You swallow, your throat bobbing beneath her touch.
“She’s really good in bed, isn’t she?”
Fear grips your eyes as you glance at her, and she giggles at your visible apprehension.
“It’s ok baby, you can admit it. I know all too well. She used to fuck me stupid too. But back in the day, people were not as…accepting of our lifestyle. I mean, really? What could be worse than being a gay, black woman in the 1920’s?? But that only made it so much more fun, right Shuri?? We had a blast didn’t we, babe? On the bar after work hours, cars in the back lane, under my dress at speakeasy tables?? Hotel rooms, back rooms…the fear of being caught… what a thrill.”
“That’s enough!”
She smiles and strides confidently toward Shuri, standing slightly over her in tall heels. With a sudden gesture, she lightly grips Shuri's jaw, catching the both of you off guard.
“Or what? What are you gonna do, baby? Kill me? We both know you never could.” She lets go of her jaw and trails her finger down her chest, admiring Shuri’s beauty and the sight makes your stomach twist; a surge of jealousy and protectiveness washes over you but what could your fragile body possibly do in a situation like this?
“You’ve gotten even sexier over the years, mm mm mm. The way I just wanna…this same chiseled jaw, used to drive me crazy.”
“I guess I should, the sun will be rising soon. Or…I could just…stay here.”
“Loosen up a bit, I’m joking.” She strides confidently toward you, locking eyes and observing the rise and fall of your chest with each labored breath.
“It was nice meeting you, y/n.”
She departed swiftly, her presence lingering like a chilling echo in the room long after she was gone.
The silence that engulfed the space between you and Shuri after Adanna's departure was suffocatingly dense. It echoed with the weight of unanswered questions and unresolved emotions, leaving a void that seemed to amplify with each and every heartbeat and breath that escaped you.
You allowed the silence to linger before stepping up to slap Shuri—a stinging blow that likely hurt you more than it did her, though you refused to show it. Shuri adjusted her jaw slightly from the impact, further fueling your building anger.
“You got something to say?!”
Shuri scoffs and starts to walk away, leaving you feeling as if your skin is melting.
“Hey…hey! I’m talking to you!”
She paces and smashes her table as if it were made of sand. You flinch, almost afraid of her intensity, but you're determined not to show your fear.
“So you turned that bitch but you won’t turn me??”
Finally her eyes meet yours. “Have you lost your damn mind, y/n?”
“Nah, I could ask you the same thing, Shuri! Because what was that?? All of that, what was it?? You gonna talk to me about how your 100 year old ex-girlfriend that apparently died from old age, was just in front of me? As a vampire…Shuri you LIED to me!”
“I did and I do not regret my decision to do so.”
The feeling of hurt and betrayal began to manifest in your body in physical ways, a sharp pain jabbing into your chest as if your heart was physically pierced. Your throat tightened up as a rush of heat and cold scattered through the thinning veins beneath your skin. Your body physically ached for her truth.
“Shuri, what is this?? What are we?? Do you like being in control? Powerful?? Is that it?? You like that your mind games are easier to play on my human brain? I don’t understand!”
“Don’t even start with me right now, y/n. I’m not in the mood.”
“You’re not in the mo—oh…ok. Ok then. I see how it is. Here you go with this bullshit. Explaining to me at your convenience! Leaving me in the dark and for what?! You know what?? I’m not doing this right now. I’m going home.”
“Yeah, that’s what the fuck I said.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, y/n.”
“You gonna stop me??”
“You are not going out there! She could be out there doing god knows what!”
“I’m not scared of her.”
“Well you should be!”
“And why is that, Shuri?? Because she’s a vampire?? Because she kills people?? Last time I checked, so do you. And I’m not afraid of you. Fuck you!”
“You are…fuck…you are pissing me off.”
“Boo hoo.” You roll your eyes, a gesture that pushes Shuri dangerously close to the edge. The last thing she wants is to lose her temper like she did in front of your parents.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Put your shit down, you are not leaving here,” she comments as you start packing your things but you ignore her.
“Fuck off!”
As you're about to leave and reach for the door, she rushes behind you and slams it shut with a bang, blocking your escape.
“You won’t make me.”
You turn around to face her, finding yourself trapped between the door she has forcefully shut and her imposing figure. Despite her menacing presence, her face betrays a hint of worry, making it challenging for you to maintain your anger.
“Let me go.”
You arched your eyebrow, letting out a slight chuckle while Shuri stood puzzled. What could possibly be so amusing to you at this moment?
“If you need company, I’m sure Adanna is wandering around somewhere and since you’ve fucked her brains out too, I’m sure she’s all too willing to come back and give you a mind-blowing night,” you snapped, struggling to conceal your jealousy, though by now, Shuri can easily read you like an open book.
“Now you are just being childish.”
“No. I’m leaving because you’re pissing me off.”
Your second attempt to leave was as successful as the first time, with your back against the door and Shuri's hand gently snaking your throat, careful not to cut off your oxygen intake. In that silent moment, your eyes locked, conveying a power dynamic that both thrilled and frustrated you. As long as you were human, this imbalance persisted; a blend of love and resentment. Even now, Shuri's proximity was irresistible, her scent enveloping you and despite the anger you felt, the strength she had over you went beyond mere physical, vampiric strength.
“Why must you be so difficult?”
Both of you were engulfed in anger towards each other, driven by a mutual fear of losing one another. Your actions appeared selfish and impulsive, but deep down, you both dreaded the thought of being alone, knowing that each other was all you had.
“I’m not being difficult, Shuri. My request is simple. I’m only asking you to turn me.”
“And don’t you think I would have a long time ago if it was the right thing for you?” Her voice was gentle and soothing, a juxtaposition of the rage she felt.
“This is the right thing for me. You are the right thing for me.”
Your eyes softened, and hers mirrored yours. Your breathing picked up immensely and Shuri did not even try to hide her gaze plastered on the way your breasts rose with each sharp breath you took in. Her glare evolved from soft and gentle to intense and purposeful, reflecting the shift from a pure emotional connection to a more primal and physical desire. She was lustful and so were you.
The tension in the air thickened quickly, like a weight settling over the both of you. Unspoken emotions and anticipation hung heavily between you, making every moment feel charged and intense. Gazes lingered longer than they meant to, words became unspoken, and the way Shuri’s palm stayed on your throat made you gulp in desire, wanting her to push your limits like she always does.
“Drink from me.” Your words were tinged with an unmistakable craving for her and you could not help but be slightly embarrassed; how pathetic you were to beg after trying so hard to stay mad at her. “It’s been too long, baby, I need it.”
Her palm sits fairly firm against your windpipe and you inhale sharply as you feel the warmth between your legs dampen.
“I can smell you, princess.”
“See, this is what I mean. This power imbalance between us…it drives me nuts. Nothing is fair between us if you keep this from me.”
Shuri hoists you closer to her by your throat, bringing your lips in for the ghost of a kiss, an exchange of warmth before she fully presses her lips against yours and she moans into your mouth, a sound that nestled so deeply between your thick thighs.
You jump into her arms before she carries you to the bedroom, not once detaching her lips from yours. As she steps foot into the bedroom, she places you roughly on her vanity, clearing space for your plush ass to hit the surface. Shuri tears your clothing aggressively, greedy to see your beautiful body as she leaves you in nothing but your undergarments. You gasp as goosebumps rise to the surface of your skin due to the mix of sudden cold air and her warm touch. It didn’t take long before her hands found your bra and ripped that off too, getting caught in the beauty of your breasts and the way they jiggled with your pretty gasps. For a moment, your eyes connected before her gaze trailed down to the wet patch seeping through your panties and Shuri can’t help but release a condescending laughter.
“I thought you said I pissed you off. But look at you, s’thandwa. You’re so wet. Do you hate me or want me?”
"Both," you exclaimed with a desperate intensity, feeling the anger towards her fueling the fire beneath your skin, expressing just how much you craved her touch.
"Mhmm," she murmured as her hand trailed down to the damp spot between your thighs that grew by the second, creating slow circles with the pad of her thumb and you cried with ache. Shuri adored your soft pleas of desire above all else. While she relished your moaning turning into screams of overwhelming pleasure, it was your gentle whining and whimpering that stirred her vampiric instincts to the brink, challenging her ability to suppress her true nature. You were aware of this, and you reveled in it. You enjoyed pushing her to her limits, knowing she would never physically hurt you.
With care, she slid the thin panties to the side, watching the way your sticky arousal clung to the fabric. She carefully slid a finger down your slit, just enough to be overwhelming yet not quite satisfying enough.
“Oh,” you breathed out as she caressed your beating bud, her lips attacking your throat once again as your fingers cling to the coils on her head.
“I don’t care about a power imbalance…until it comes to this,” she whispered to you, bringing her hands down to your thighs, kneading the flesh before she spread them open a bit more. Her mouth on your throat went from kissing the skin to sucking it, a gesture that was sure to leave bruised marks and your heart quickened at the anticipation of feeling her sink into you.
“Breathe, baby, breathe. Your heart is pounding…why?”
“Tell me.”
“Drink my blood. Please, baby, please.”
A crooked smile appeared before she looked for any hint of hesitation in your eyes but there was none to be found. You wanted this, needed it, just as much as she did and that made her turn insatiable, almost afraid that her crave for you would overcome rational thought.
She grabbed your jaw, forcing your gaze up on hers. “You want me to drink from you, y/n?”
You nodded with such urgency that it felt embarrassing. She smirked, lowering her mouth for a fleeting kiss just above the side of your throat. Your heart raced, nearly bursting out of your chest. Yet when she offered only a light kiss without delving deeper, you felt annoyed and disappointed, still craving the satisfaction that had consumed you.
“Please, Sh—,” but you were cut off with a slender finger to your lips, giving you one last peck on your pouted mouth before she gets down on her knees in front of you, placing wet, devoted kisses from your stomach down to the area just above your pussy. Shuri loved dragging you to your release, watching your body flare in desperation made her wet each and every time.
“You know what I love about your human skin?”
"Hmm?" Your thoughts were clouded, making it difficult to speak, and Shuri chuckled softly underneath you.
“I love that I can mark you up. Claim you as mine. As a vampire, you would just heal. Is that what you want?”
You didn’t reply, but simply gazed down at her beautiful curls settled between your thick thighs but Shuri was not pleased, and the way she lightly slapped your pussy over the fabric of your panties proved that.
“Oh,” you stuttered softly to her delicious touch.
“I asked you princess, is that what you want?”
“Hmmm…that’s what I thought.”
Shuri planted several affectionate kisses on your clit, the final tender gesture before you received what you had been yearning for; the exquisite and familiar sting of Shuri’s fangs piercing your skin only this time, her head was buried between your left thigh, marking her territory with her fangs as she drank the crimson lifesource. The sensation was exhilarating, a familiar mixture of pleasure and pain, the boundaries between the sensations melding into a blurred ecstasy.
“Shuri,” you moaned out, overwhelming her sanity. She quickly detached from you, sending her love in equal measure to your opposite inner thigh, pushing your panties to the side to make room for her fingers to settle beautifully inside you.
��Hold this here,” she demanded, wanting your own fingers to hook the fabric to the side so she could focus on tending to your mind and body. And you complied, holding your panties in place before you felt her sink two fingers into you.
“Unh,” you softly whimpered, spreading your legs to the best of your ability to give your girlfriend more room to continue her work, the duality of her drawing blood from your inner thigh as she pumped into your thumping pussy walls had your heels digging into her back, your own back drawn into a soft arch as you worked her face.
“There’s my girl.”
Her persistent fingers continued their relentless nudging against your sensitive spot. She was cautious not to draw too much blood from you. As you neared climax, she withdrew, returning to meet your face now adorned with a pout, eyes brimming with an eternal longing for her to bring you to completion.
"I was almost there," you complained, your eyebrows softening along with Shuri's, before she swiftly positioned your body to press against hers, your back against her front as your reflections stared back through the vanity mirror. Her lips were stained in a deep red hue and the irises of her eyes matched the tone. It was an image that should have frightened you but it was your favorite look on her, Shuri in her true nature; predator and prey in its most sensual form.
“I know you were, but you know the rules. You cum when I let you cum, understood?”
You nod quickly.
“Good girl.”
Shuri grabs your breasts, kneading them as she kisses the crevice between your shoulder and your throat.
“Shuri…baby…m-more. I need more.”
And with your words, one of her hands travels upwards towards your throat as the other roams south, pushing her fingers beneath your now soaked panties as she skimmed your delicate clit, circling the bud before she dips her fingers into you with the goal to finish what she started.
“You know what else I love about your human body?”
“Hm? Wh-what’s that?”
“Your human breath and how easy it is to just…cut it off.” Her hand clasped your throat firmly, not hard enough to hurt you, but hard enough to make you feel lightheaded. “Can’t do this if you don’t breathe. And I know how much me choking you gets you wet, nkosazana, do you really want that gone?”
You squirmed briefly while she maintained her grip. You looked so beautiful in your helpless state and not once did her fingers relent their persistent and calculated strokes inside you, paying close attention to the way your pussy walls responded to her presence. She had one hand beneath your panties, the other around your neck, pulling constricted whimpers from you as you struggled for air. Your little sounds got to her, and she let you go.
“Aww, you’re ok. You’re gonna let me do it again, right?”
“Yes please, choke me again, Shuri. Please. I’m so close.”
And she does, because why would she deny her love? She clasps your throat once more, your hips canting along with her thrusts, running towards your sweet, sweet release.
“That’s it, baby. Let all your frustrations out. Good girl, let it all out.”
“Sh-Shuri…,” you choked out, pouting at the way you felt your walls tighten in pleasure around your girlfriend’s determined fingers. Shuri releases you, listening to your intake of air before she gently caresses the side of your throat. Her eyes locked with your reflection in the mirror, bracing you for what's to come. She took hold of your throat again, tilting your jaw to the side to expose the same spot she had fed from the first time. The familiar mix of slight pain and intoxicating pleasure surged through you, heightening the sensation of your impending orgasm and hearing Shuri’s soft moans of satisfaction as she drank from you only deepened your bliss. Not once did her fingers halt, her palm grazing your sensitive clit drew you nearer to the end until you let out a high pitched moan that made Shuri’s pussy clench in ache.
“Unh…Shuri, Shuri…yes! Fuck!”
She took one final taste before reluctantly pulling away, but not without struggle. Your blood was like fuel to her, and once she got a taste, it was a challenge to let go and although it should frighten you, it didn’t. Turning to face her, you met her gaze with your drowsy eyes, falling into the depths of her bloodshot irises. She looked unsettlingly beautiful, and in that moment, you realized how much you missed this, how deeply you needed it. The smirk on her blood-stained lips spoke volumes of how much she felt the same.
“You always do so good for me, princess,” she spoke with softness, slipping her cum-coated fingers between your lips as you sucked the remnants of your release off of her. You let go with a wet pop, batting your eyelashes at her before you spoke.
“I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you more.”
As soon as you both finish cleaning and tending to one another, you slip back into a deep sleep, resuming the dream where you left off a few months ago, with the woman in your arms, the one you now know to be named Adanna.
➳ the dream:
The dream setting is the same as before, with Shuri allowing you to experience everything from her perspective, as if you were living it yourself. Once again, Adanna is in your arms, pleading for you to turn her.
“I want you to do it, Shuri. Turn me. Please. I want this.” Her dark brown eyes shimmered with a perfect blend of desperation and love. You were terrified, afraid of crossing your boundaries once more, but the thought of not being with her forever frightened you even more.
"Please," she pleaded one final time before you pressed your lips to hers, savoring the warmth of her human essence before trailing down to her throat, delicately grazing your mouth across her skin and her pulse whispered against your lips. Opening your mouth, you descended, piercing her veins with your teeth and you moaned as her life source flowed into your mouth, embracing the flavor you desperately needed. As you continue to drink from her, your struggle to detach your lips from her throat grows more and more and Adanna becomes frightened, soon coming to realize that she had underestimated your thirst.
“Shuri,” she softly pleads, her mind growing fuzzy as she feels life slowly drift from her. “Shuri, please…you’re hurting me.”
You tried to fight it, but you were lost, intoxicated by the blood as you sank your teeth deeper into the one you loved. Drinking from her was unlike anything else; hunger, love, and lust blurred together and you could not decipher which was which. Her blood brought you the closest you'd ever felt to heaven, your senses heightened and explosive. Yet, in that overwhelming euphoria, you couldn't feel or hear her struggling beneath you, death latching closer and closer to her.
“Shuri…Shuri…it’s too much!”
You thought you could do it, bring her to the brink of death and then feed her your blood to restore her but you could not stop.
“I love you…need you so bad,” you mumbled against her, feeling her lifesource flow through your dead body made you feel more alive than you ever felt.
"SHURI!" she screamed one final time before you felt an enormous impact that sent you flying, landing on your feet as if you were a superhero. He came out of nowhere, a tall man who stood before both you and a dying Adanna. In that moment, you realized the gravity of your actions. You had crossed a line you never intended to, and now the consequences were clear: Adanna, helpless and nearly lifeless, was pleading for the man to save her and take her away from you. It broke your heart to see her so terrified of you.
"St-stay aw-ay from... me," she said with weakness, gasping as death knocked at her front door. You wanted to help her, to save her, but as you moved towards her, the mysterious man dashed in front of you with a speed that startled even you, revealing his vampire nature. It was evident he had been around for a long time, the first vampire you'd encountered since your maker left you many years ago.
“Let me help her!” You yelled in terror, attempting to fight the much stronger man.
“No,” the man gently stated, as if you were not weeping in fear as the love of your life lay dying as a result of your inability to control yourself. “You will kill her.”
“No…I can do this! Let me go! Let me help her!”
“You have yet to master the art of control. You cannot do this or you will kill her.”
“And she will most certainly die if you do not get your hands off me and let me help her!” You were in a state of panic, more frightened than you ever thought possible, and your heightened vampire senses only intensified your fear and anger.
“Stay a-way…don’t touch m-me…”
“Do you hear that? She does not want you to help her…perhaps it would be better if you let me handle this. Let me take care of her. Let me rid you of the burden of having to turn her yourself and you can be free.”
At that moment, his words made sense. You felt like a burden, and the scent of Adanna’s blood still lingered within you, making you afraid of what you were capable of.
"Let me handle this," he assured once more. It took you a moment, but Adanna was dying, losing blood by the second. With every drop that hit the ground, it became harder for you to resist the urge to go and drink it, to savor her last moments as she slipped away.
"Leave." It was a command, not a suggestion. You took in the sight of her one last time before you ran, seizing this final chance before you lost all control, leaving Adanna and the man behind. That was the last moment you saw her, the last time you held her weak body as you struggled with your instincts. In that moment, you lost all hope. You were doomed, cursed to a life of loneliness. Everything you touched, you destroyed. Everyone you loved died by your hands and you wanted no part of it. You ran and never looked back, fleeing into endless darkness until you finally woke up.
You woke up to darkness, realizing how much you had adapted to Shuri's lifestyle as you drifted off at sunrise. You sensed her presence beside you on the bed, your back turned to her. Taking a moment to process the dream she had shared with you, a window into her past, you turned around. There she was, sitting with her elbows resting on her propped-up knees, her head bowed in shame, struggling to meet your gaze, afraid you would never look at her the same way again. For a moment, you both sat in silence, the sound of your soft breath and the absence of hers filling the room as you pondered what had just witnessed.
“I thought I put that day behind me, but revealing it to you stirred up old memories I wish I had forgotten,” her trembling voice broke the silence. “It’s an indescribable feeling, the all encompassing, wretched, mind-shattering feeling of drinking from someone you love, especially if you are doing it in hopes of turning them.”
The silence settled like a weight in the room, each passing second stretching longer than the last.
“Feeling love as a vampire is much much much harder than any human love, I can assure you. Once you are turned, everything becomes magnified, including human feelings. Love as a human is already too much in itself, as a vampire it’s the most burdening feeling when you constantly crave their blood as well, not wanting to hurt them but wanting a taste…it’s overpowering.”
You sit up in front of her, taking her hands in yours for a gentle kiss.
“The guilt I felt was mind blowing, doing to her the exact same thing my maker did to me. I left her, and left her to him. I had no idea who he was or what his intentions were. I was not thinking clearly at that moment and to be fair, with all her blood rushing through me, there was no way I could think properly. I was out of my mind, high on her blood and thirsty for more.
“At first, I was not sure if she was turned or if she died, and I did not want to find out as both answers frightened me. But once I heard of all the killings that were happening in the city, I figured they were coming from her and I wanted so badly to intervene and help her, be a mentor but what kind of mentor would I be?? I could barely control myself, never mind a new vampire who was abandoned by who she thought was the love of her life. I did not intervene out of fear, and because of that, she is the monster she is now.”
“No…Shuri, you can’t put that on yourself.” And you meant it. How could she place such a burden on herself? “I understand that you feel a sense of obligation to fix her, or be there for her…whatever it is, but Shuri…baby look at me…who she is, is not because of you.”
A small grin graced her face, appreciative of your efforts but did not believe it.
“At the end of the day, Adanna is her own being. Everything she did was a choice she made on her own. And she can blame you or the world or whoever she wants but we are all responsible for our own actions. Life isn’t fair to anybody, but we have to deal with the cards we are dealt with, Shuri. You were abandoned too, baby…remember that.”
She smiled gently, resting her cheek against your cupped hand.
“I remember once she had this crazy idea on turning all the black people in the city of New York into vampires so we could collectively take over colonial powers. It was tempting.”
She chuckled and so did you.
“So…why New York?”
You take the pad of your thumb and gently caress the final tears that escape her.
“You could go anywhere in the world…why some random house just outside New York? You could’ve literally gone anywhere and you chose to be here…”
“I suppose when you hear of a city that never sleeps, that is alive during the night…well which vampire wouldn’t want to go there??”
“Fair point.” You feel a fierce urge to ask her the question, fearful that it might ignite jealousy inside you or resurrect old emotions within her.
“How did you meet her?”
Shuri rose her brow, unsure if this is really what you wanted to hear right now. “Are you sure you wanna hear about my past love life?”
“No, but I can’t help but be a little curious,” you respond with a gentle smile, pecking her plush lips with a kiss before she speaks.
“I went to a speakeasy one night, and she was there singing on the stage. She was so beautiful, singing with one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard and I just could not let her go. That was my mistake, of course. She could have lived a long and fruitful life without me if I just stayed away.”
“I’m not a good person, y/n.”
“I don’t believe that. I believe your life was taken from you and you were learning to survive on your own. Everything was a first for you. Loving as a vampire was a first for you. Drinking your lover's blood was a first for you. Turning her, that was your first time. You had no idea what you were getting yourself into. You made mistakes. Big mistakes? Yeah. You fucked up, Shuri. But name me one person who hasn’t.”
“You need to stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Painting me like this pure person, I’m anything but. I’ve done some terrible things, y/n.”
“And we can talk about that later, but I see what you’re trying to do here. You’re trying to scare me away, make me change my mind and it’s not working. I know what I want. I wanna be with you. Forever”
“Uh uh. Not good enough. No way I’m turning you because you love me. What happens if it doesn’t work out for us down the road? And now you’re stuck as a vampire forever. What then?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“We don’t know that, y/n. And I’m not saying this because I doubt your love for me or vice versa, I’m saying this because I’ve been around long enough to see how the world works. How people change. How life and circumstances change people.”
“So then what do you want me to say, Shuri?”
“Give me a reason. A real reason as to why you want this and then I can make a decision from there.”
You pause, weighing your many reasons before you speak.
“Ok. How about this…I have nothing to live for. I have no money except my parents' money, and they cut me off. No siblings. No friends. No future.”
“And you want this to be your future?? To live with an everlasting urge to hunt and kill…”
“I’ll choose not to kill.”
“It is not that simple, y/n.”
“Maybe not. But the difference between me and you is you had nobody to teach you. No guidance. No mentor. But I’ll have you. You’ll teach me to be good, I know you will. I trust you, Shuri.”
“Bast…you’re driving me insane.”
“Come on, my love…what are you waiting for?? Don’t you want to be with me…forever?”
“Fuck. Of course I want that. More than anything in the world.”
“Then what’s stopping you??”
“It did not end well for me the last time.”
“It won’t be like that. You can stop.”
“We don’t know that.”
“Maybe not, but I trust you. If you can stop while you’re fucking me then you can stop while turning me.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Shuri, pleaassee. Bring me to my final breath, and then give it back to me. I’ll be strong and free…just like you. I won’t be this fragile, weak thing that you have to worry about all the time. I’ll be able to fend for myself and I won’t be a burden to you anymore.”
“You’re not a burden to me.”
“But I am. Even if you don’t see it. I slow you down, babe.”
Her gaze narrowed, brows furrowing slightly as they peered into the distance, lost in contemplation.
“Plus, I don’t want to grow old while you stay young. It’ll look weird on my part.”
You both laugh and she shakes her head in sympathetic disbelief.
“Soooo is that a yes?”
“Most definitely not a yes.”
“Is it a ‘maybe’?”
“Well that’s not a ‘no’.”
“I guess it’s not.”
“So we’re getting somewhere??”
She refused to acknowledge it, to admit how you were pulling at the strings of her undead heart. She had never felt so desired, so wanted in her life, not even by Adanna, and it was driving her to madness. She longed for you in every way imaginable, wishing it didn't have to be this way, replacing your breath with one that hungered for blood above all else. Yet, Shuri was always selfish, never one to deny herself what she desired. So, for a fleeting moment, her heart and mind softened, indulging in the realm of possibilities.
“Yes princess…we are getting somewhere.”
Several days had passed since the incident, spent in peaceful solitude with Shuri. One evening, you chose to rise a little earlier to catch the sunset. Despite having largely adapted to Shuri’s lifestyle, you remained human, with an innate need for sunlight and its comforting warmth.
You sat on the shore, watching the sunset painting the sky as the day gently faded away. Pastel hues glistened before your eyes, sparking a feeling of wonder and awe. It was a moment for contemplation, a brief respite from life's chaos where time appeared to stand still. As a vampire, you understood you would never have this experience again, and a part of you found solace in that. You were willing to relinquish these small, inherently human moments if it meant freedom from the limitations that came with being one.
Even after the sun fully set, you sat outside for another hour or so, enjoying your own company. You looked back at Shuri's house, finding her silhouette beaming through the window and knowing she was there drew comfort.
“I love you, y/n,” she said to you through her mind, and you smiled, impatient for the day you could telepathically say it back to her.
“I love you, Shuri,” speaking as if she was right next to you but you knew her vampire ears picked it up with ease.
“I love you.” Another voice entered your mind, a mocking one, and it left you utterly confused. It didn’t sound like Shuri’s voice, but who else could it be?
“Did you say something?,” you asked, hoping Shuri would hear you again.
“I did not,” she replied to your mind. “Why do you ask, s’thandwa?”
“Oh nothing…I just thought I heard something.”
“No baby, I said nothing,” she assured once again.
You continue to savor your moment with yourself when an unfamiliar rustling in the trees catches your attention. Startled, you glance around but see nothing. You looked at the window and Shuri wasn’t there anymore. The rustling sounds again.
"Shuri? Shuri, this isn't funny." You knew your girlfriend loved to play games and tease you whenever she had the chance, but now she was nowhere to be found. "Shuri??"
A gust of wind struck your back, accompanied by a dark presence looming over you, forcing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
“You’re still as beautiful as ever.”
Your heart thudded erratically in your chest, a frantic drumroll that seemed to echo through your entire body. It pounded with such intensity that you could feel it in your throat. That all-too-familiar voice that swept through your mind, bringing back memories of darkness and unhappiness, left you in sheer terror. It was impossible. How could this be? But as soon as you doubted, the feeling vanished, replaced by the unmistakable sensation of rough, clammy hands skimming your shoulders, making your body shudder in fear.
“Turn around my love. Let me see your pretty face,” he whispered into your ear and you complied, coming face to face with him; the man you hated beyond the hatred you’ve ever felt for anyone.
Only now his face seemed harsher and more sinister; his eyes glowed a vivid, unsettling red, like twin embers burning with insatiable hunger. Your first instinct was to run, but you knew better. There was no way a human could outrun a vampire. So, you stood frozen in your spot as he extended his fangs.
“You’re probably wondering where Shuri is, right? Why hasn’t she come to your rescue…?? She’s rather…occupied at the moment with her first love. Who gave me permission to kill you if Shuri even dares to come save you.”
You say nothing.
“But that’s the problem, y/n. I don’t want to kill you…I just want you.”
He reaches out to graze your face, and you dodge his touch; something you never would have dared to do when you were with him, fearing his reaction. But now, you are filled with anger with no outlet. How dare Shuri lie to you again? You felt manipulated and used, as if she had deceived you to win you over, treating you like a pawn in her own little vampire game.
Jonathan cocks his head at the action, shocked at how you so easily avoided his touch.
“I see your time with your little dyke has made you forget your manners.”
“Go to hell.”
He smirked so deviously, like the human Jonathan you used to pretend to love but even now, you could feel how becoming a vampire has heightened the terrible person he already was even before his transformation.
“I’m going to find Shuri,” but as you walked away, his vampire speed blocked you once again in a millisecond and your heartbeat quickened.
“Get out of my way,” you whisper in malice, your eyes buried into his scarlet ones as you pretend to not be afraid. But as soon as he gripped your arm with sheer vampire force, one that could have snapped your bone if he had gripped any harder, you yelled.
“Let go of me!”
“I swear to god, if he hurts you, I’ll rip him to fucking pieces!,” she spoke to your mind, and even though you could not directly hear her words, her fear for you was still utterly discernible. But that moment of ease washed away as soon as you and Jonathan both heard intense crashing and banging coming from inside the house; sounds that made you fear for Shuri’s immortal life.
“Hold on baby, I’m coming for you.”
Shuri burst through the door with Adanna right behind her, the two of them locked in a vicious physical fight as they sped toward you with such velocity, it seemed as though they were floating rather than running. Both bore scars on their faces and bodies, healing rapidly, but you hardly noticed in the midst of their chaos. Before you could comprehend what was happening, Shuri lunged toward Jonathan with nothing but the intention to destroy him. With her years of experience, she could easily overpower him—but Adanna intercepted her, stepping between the two of them. Shuri tried to push past, but Adanna had grown stronger over the years. The entire scene was terrifying, three sets of eyes glowing and fangs bared.
Shuri is consumed by rage, too blinded by her fury to notice little ol’ you trembling in the corner. Her only focus is tearing Jonathan apart. The three vampires clash violently, with Shuri's power overwhelming Jonathan, who looks bewildered as he struggles to defend himself. Adanna, nearly as strong as Shuri, fights fiercely to protect him, their movements a blur of speed and raw strength.
You stood frozen in terror, your fear for Shuri's safety overwhelming you more than anything. Desperate, you screamed her name, and in an instant, the chaos ceased. All three pairs of eyes turned toward you, but only Shuri truly felt the depth of your fear. Her anger immediately drained from her, and her blood-red eyes faded back to their dark brown, her fangs retracting as she softened. She ran toward you, but as she drew closer, you instinctively backed away. Jonathan made a move to follow, but Adanna held him back, her curiosity piqued by what was about to unfold.
Shuri's heart broke at the subtle gesture of you backing away from her. You were just as terrified of her now as you had been when she first revealed her true nature, and she could sense it. The pain in her eyes was unmistakable, and in that moment, she realized how deeply the fear had taken root.
“Y/n? B-baby what’s wrong?”
“You lied to me,” you whispered to yourself, but of course her ears heard you perfectly. You looked so small and helpless, curling into yourself.
“What?? Baby, no. I didn’t lie to you. I’m just as shocked as you are.”
"Stop lying!" you screamed, your voice trembling as you felt yourself losing control. Shuri's face was etched with shock, while Adanna looked on with a knowing smirk. “All you have done since the moment we met was a lie!”
“No! No nkoszana, I’m telling the truth!”
Shuri reached out to touch you, but Jonathan moved to hold her back. In an instant, Shuri had him in a chokehold, a position where she could decapitate him easily if she wished. Adanna mirrored her actions with you, gripping you firmly. She clicked her tongue and waved her finger in a silent gesture of warning.
“Let her go, or I’ll kill him!”
“You first.” Adanna tightened her grip on you, applying more pressure to intimidate Shuri, causing you pain. You whimpered in her hold, pleading for her to let go.
“Let. Him. Go.”
“What do you want, huh? Why have you come back? After all these years, why are you here tormenting me?”
Adanna smirked, then roughly tossed you to the ground, the impact nearly knocking the wind out of you. As you struggled to catch your breath, Shuri kept a firm grip on Jonathan, who looked terrified for his life. Slowly, Adanna approached him, her eyes cold as she scanned the fear etched across his face.
“I turned him.”
Shuri stood silent in confusion.
“I saw you that day, you took him out here in the middle of nowhere thinking you were safe. I saw you drain the life out of him, but you didn’t actually kill him…and there was your mistake. You left him for dead, had you drank anymore from him, he would have died. But you didn’t. You just…left him there. To wither away with his thoughts, ran away from the crime scene you invented and I came in…and saved him.”
“A quick death would have been too easy for him. He deserved to suffer.”
“Why? Because of how he treated her??,” she says in disgust. “What makes her more deserving than me??”
“So this is what it is about?? Revenge?? I know I hurt you Adanna and that is something I have to live with for the end of time but your anger will not change the situation!”
“Maybe not…but it will make me feel better.”
Adanna moved with terrifying precision, driving a thick stick into your side with a swift, calculated thrust. The pain was searing, a torment that seemed to stretch on endlessly, enough to potentially kill you slowly, but not immediately. The world around you twisted into a blur as the pain took hold of you.
You remembered Shuri’s anguished reaction, even through the haze of your suffering. She let go of Jonathan immediately, racing to your side with a desperate urgency. Jonathan, unable to resist the overwhelming scent of your blood, stumbled after you but Shuri anticipated his move, intercepted him by driving a thick stick into him with equal force. Although it didn't pierce his heart, it was enough to weaken him drastically, sending him sprawling to the ground; his new vampire strength unable to withstand the attack.
Your memories were fragmented and disjointed; fleeting images of Shuri crying out for help as she held your limp body in her arms, the echo of chaotic footsteps in the hallways, and blinding flashes of light as everything around you dissolved into a painful blur.
“What was the incident??”
“I-I don’t know, she just…” Shuri's panicked cries fade into the background as you struggle to cling to life.
“Send her to the E.R.!”
"Stay alive, my love. Please don’t make me turn you this way," her voice echoed in your mind, compelling you to fight to stay alive. You struggled until everything around you went silent, enveloping you in a deep, profound slumber that brought you into a dreamlike state. You found yourself free, transcending the limits of your mortal existence. You were powerful and flawless, feeling an exhilarating strength that made you believe you could conquer anything. The world outside was cloaked in darkness, but you felt no fear. Instead, you felt invincible, where every shadow and obstacle seemed insignificant against your newfound strength. Your senses were heightened; the night air was crisp and alive with possibilities, and you reveled in the freedom and dominance that being reborn gifted you.
You drifted. And drifted. And drifted. Into an inevitable nothingness; claiming you for what seemed like an eternity.
You had been confined to bed for a while, the painkillers draping you in a shroud of sleep. Gradually, consciousness nudged at you, and you fought to pry your eyes open against the blinding whiteness of hospital lights. As your surroundings started to come into focus, a sharp gasp escaped you, accompanied by a stabbing pain in your side; lingering reminders of your wounds. A gentle breeze brushed past, and you turned to see Shuri swiftly by your side of the hospital bed. Her presence was peace to your weary soul, her eyes filled with relief and affection, warming you even as your mind struggled to fully awaken.
“A-am I a vampire now?,” were your first words as you fought the effects of the heavy medications.
Shuri chuckles, tears rolling down her eyes as she plants the firmest kiss to your forehead. “Nurse! She’s awake!”
“Shuri…what happened??”
“It’s okay baby…you’re ok now, you are going to be ok. I love you so much, do you know that? Please say you know that…”
In a fleeting instant, the memories surged back, crashing over you like a tidal wave. The faces of Jonathan and Adanna flickered in your mind, their actions replaying with a vividness that made your breath catch. You could almost feel the crushing weight of terror that overcame you, the harrowing brush with death that had nearly consumed you. It was as if you were reliving the torment all over again as you struggled to grasp the reality around you. The emotional sting is almost as painful as the physical one, as though it might pull you under once more.
“Why didn’t you turn me?”
Shuri stayed quiet, her brows knitting together in a wordless expression.
“Let’s talk later princess…the nurse should be here shortly.”
After a series of tests and a checkup, you were finally cleared to leave. As you settled into the wheelchair and were brought to the car, you noticed a stain of dried blood on the passenger's seat, a haunting reminder of that day’s events. The car ride home was quiet, tension thick in the air but the moment you arrived, Shuri used her vampire speed to grab the wheelchair and bring it to you before you could even open the door.
“I don’t need that,” you scoffed.
“S’thandwa, do not be stupid. Sit in the chair.”
“No, I’m not a cripple. I can do this myself.”
“I said no.”
There’s a brief pause before she smirks, then suddenly scoops you up, cradling you in her arms as if you weighed nothing. You let out a startled yelp as she lifts you effortlessly.
“You want to be stubborn? Fine, be that way.”
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips, one you tried to suppress, hoping she wouldn’t notice. But, of course, she did. Nothing ever slipped past her.
As you entered the room, she carefully laid you down on the bed, her touch gentle and reassuring. She leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before settling beside you. Silence shook the room once more, but your mind was anything but quiet. Thoughts swirled in an endless stream, each one begging for attention, leaving you unsure of where to even begin unraveling them.
“I’m so so so sorry, y/n,” Shuri mutters. “I should have never brought you into this. This was my fault. And now they are both out there, bast knows where, most likely scheming against me which most likely involves hurting you because she hates how much you mean to me.”
You remain silent, letting it all sink in. A lone tear slips down your cheek, soaking into the fabric of the pillow beneath you.
“So why didn’t you turn me then?” Your voice was broken and bruised, beaten by what seemed like Shuri’s innate fear to make her like you. She turns around to face you, but your gaze remains on the empty ceiling. “It was the perfect opportunity. You could have just let me bleed out a little longer, pull me to the brink of death and then turn me.”
“Because that is what she wanted, princess. She wanted me to turn you in hopes that I would have the same fate with you as I did with her.”
“So what? Does she want you back or something? What does she want from me?”
“She wants revenge. She hates to see me happy after what I had done to her. She cannot fathom me being with the person I love while she rots in anger.”
You scoff, wiping the tears from your eyes. “Well she’s dumb and needs to get a hobby.”
Shuri softly chuckles before speaking. “I also did not turn you because that’s not how I wanted it to happen.”
“If I would have turned you right then and there, it would not have been because that was your choice. It would have been because of unfortunate circumstances and that is not fair to you. When I turn you, I atleast owe you that luxury I was never given.”
You struggled to process the words spilling from her mouth, disbelief tightening in your chest. Slowly, you turned to face her, your movements deliberate as you drew in a few deep breaths, trying to steady the ache building within you.
“Shuri…?” You had to make sure you were hearing correctly.
“This was never my intention, to let it get to this point. You were beautiful, and I was simply tired of being alone, and I selfishly took it upon myself to weave myself into your life and now we are here. I guess it was bound to happen.”
“Shuri, what are you saying??”
For a moment, she lay there, caught in the disbelief of the words she was about to speak, as if hesitating to give them life. She reaches out to caress your cheek, eyes locking in an instant and her gaze softened before she said the words you craved since the moment you truly knew her.
“You leave me no choice, my beautiful princess, but to turn you.”
A wave of beautiful relief washed over you, lifting the weight that had burdened your heart for so long. You felt as light as a cloud, as if, for the first time, everything might actually be okay. Shuri pulled you close, your face nestled against her chest as silent sobs shook your body. She understood immediately that these weren’t tears of sadness, nor were they tears of joy. They were tears of overwhelming relief.
Life had not been kind to you. People had walked all over you, leaving you feeling small, helpless, incapable of standing on your own. But Shuri was different. She made you feel like you were worth something, like you were worth fighting for. All you had ever wanted was to be free; nothing more, nothing less. And Shuri knew this. She felt it in the way your tears soaked into her shirt, as if the warmth of your need could breathe life into her dead beat heart. You needed this. You needed her. And she needed you too.
“I know baby…I know. I’m so sorry.”
You sobbed into her, inhaling her comforting scent into you, the scent you wished to breathe in for the rest of eternity.
“I’m so sorry I made it so hard for you to convince me. It’s not that I did not want to be with you forever…I was just so afraid.”
You lifted your face up to hers, her beautiful tear stained face locked in yours.
“I know, Shuri. It’s ok. I understand you.”
This was all you needed: a moment of comfort so profound that it felt as though it could last forever. And you yearned for it to be timeless, untethered by the fleeting time of your human days, existing beyond the limits of mortal time.
Weeks went by, and with each passing day, you grew stronger, your body healing and regaining its strength. Through it all, Shuri stayed by your side, every step of the way. She encouraged you to savor the human experience for as long as you could, and you agreed, finding joy in the small, everyday moments before they slipped away. Life felt more peaceful than it had in a long time, and Shuri was every bit a part of it.
“I’m ok now, love,” you giggled, as Shuri scooped you up in her arms.
“I know, I just get so worried about you.”
About 2 months have passed since the incident, and you were feeling much better. Here you were, in Shuri’s arms as she carried you to the bedroom like a princess. Your human lungs still drew in breath, and your heart continued to beat as you waited patiently for Shuri to fully bring you into her world.
When you both lied on the bed, you got the urge to try something. You straddled her, startling her as you took her mouth into yours. It had been so long since you had her, and you knew she resisted out of fear in hurting you but you missed her. Missed her touch and missed the way she made your body feel. But Shuri quickly detached from your lips and you whimpered at the hurtful act.
“No. Not yet. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Please…please just let me,” you pleaded in desperation.
“I said no”
“Why?? Stop acting like I’m easily shattered. We used to fuck so good and everyday I go without touching you…tasting you…I literally lose my mind. I know you’re afraid and seeing me like how I was when I was hurt probably scarred you but I am not a child. I can take care of myself and right now…I want you. All of you. I miss you. I miss your gorgeous, sexy body and I miss feeling you inside me.”
She raised a brow.
“Don’t you miss me?”
She gazed intently into your soft eyes and your pouting lips, shaking her head with a playful sigh. She leaned her forehead into yours before she spoke.
“More than anything, my love.”
“Then what are you waiting for??”
Shuri hesitated, but her feelings of love and desire burned even stronger, overwhelming her uncertainty.
“Just this one time.”
“Just this one time,” you repeated. Your lips met slowly at first, the hesitation giving way to a rush of heat. She gripped the back of your neck to pull her closer, deepening the kiss until it felt like you two were breathing the same air. The world around you fell away, as you rekindled that fire that had not been burned in so long.
It did not take long for clothing to start coming off, shirts being removed first from the both of you as you lay on top of her. You pull her pants off so she’s in her undergarments only, slotting your knee between her pretty thighs until it comes in contact with her pussy that was pounding with a rush of pleasure. In no time, she begins to whimper, rubbing herself against you as your parted mouth swallows her moans. She looked so beautiful like this, caught in a desperate longing for more of you and no matter how hard she tried, she could never resist you.
“S-s’thandwa,” she stuttered, clearly nearing her peak as her movements grew more frantic. But you pulled yourself away from her, a sly smirk spreading across your face as you pushed her closer to the edge of madness.
“Want you to finish inside me,” you coaxed, whimpers caught in the back of your throat as you felt the warmth between your thighs flutter in ache. And that was all the confirmation she needed. She flipped you around with her vampire speed, testing the waters to see if you were ok and you were. She smiles and kisses your nose before she goes down to your mouth which quickly becomes the valley between your breasts before she wraps her mouth equally around each sensitive nipple.
“Please.” You struggled to hold back the subtle urge to beg, but being deprived of her touch for so long made your body impatient, eager to know what she had planned to do with it.
“Are we begging already, nkosazana?,” she teased with that amused expression that always had your heart pounding and it made you so embarrassed because you just knew she could hear it. You shook your head in challenge, trying to calm your whines but as soon as you felt her remove your bottoms, all the thin patience withered away. She kissed your inner thighs, plush lips meeting the scars she left from that day she marked you there and your chest was heaving.
“You should see how fucking wet you are right now…all because you need my touch that bad?”
“Use that mouth you love to run so much, princess. Tell me what you want.”
She inhaled your scent before planting soft kisses to the swell of your clit and your body trembled at the touch. But you knew she was not going any further until you spoke.
“Need you, baby…I want you inside me…please.”
“That’s a good girl. My needy little princess.” You nodded, because that is exactly who you were.
Your girlfriend smiles at you, her eyes dancing as they meet your desperate gaze. Shuri rose to her feet, abs all on display before removing her boxers and reaching for the vibranium toy she adored using on you. Shuri wasted no time, her eagerness clear as she longed to stretch your tight pussy walls. She grabs hold of your jaw, pressing her lips firmly against yours with sincere passion before she holds her shaft and pushes it into your leaking hole, your pulsing walls welcoming her in with ease while you both let out the filthiest moans into each other's mouths.
“I missed you, I missed you and your pussy so fucking much,” she whispered, her pace quickening as your cries grew louder. Your body shuddered violently against hers, overwhelmed by the intensity of her gaze, which made you squirm beneath her. Shuri's love for you was overbearing, and you felt the same for her. You longed for this moment to last forever. She dreamed of the days where she no longer had to be a vampire's gentle touch when having her sexual way with you, imagining how wonderful sex would be when she could fully express her body’s need for yours without the fear of breaking you.
“Just wait until I turn you, nkosazana. I will fuck you so good without destroying you.”
“You could do it now,” you playfully replied through your heavy panting. “F-fuck me like a true vampire right now…I d-don’t care if you b-break me.”
“You are fucking crazy, s’thandwa sam.”
“You love it though.”
“Yeah…yes I do, baby.”
You could only whimper in response, your eyes glistening with want and desire as she continued to push into you. It didn’t take long for you to reach your first orgasm. Or your second. Or even your third. You missed her deeply, and your pussy ached for her even more. Yet Shuri didn't pause, her thrusting never haltered because she knew that her favorite part was a few strokes away. She relished in overstimulating you, watching as your body quivered, breasts bouncing as you struggled to be good for her. And your girlfriend could always tell when you were; the way your eyes would go glossy, your lips pouting as you breathing picked up, grappling to put coherent words together. And you did it all for her. That was what she cherished most…the way you fought against the overwhelming pleasuree because of your love for her.
A tear escaped your eye and Shuri brushed it away with the pad of her thumb.
“Awww, my poor baby. Look at you…you're so helpless.”
“W-want your c-cum inside me. P-please. Unh.”
“I’m right behind you s’thandwa, do not w-worry.”
She kept going, not too fast because she knew you were overstimulated, but enough to allow you to maintain it and bring you both to the finish line. Your orgasm washed over you like tidal waves do, an intense surge of pleasure that left you both breathless and disoriented. Every nerve in your body seemed to ignite, it was an explosion from within that had nowhere to land and your mind could only think of one thing: how you desired this, desired her more than you ever wanted anything else in your entire being. You could not wait any longer. Not another week, or day, or even another hour. You needed this, now and infinitely.
“I want you,” you whispered with big, doe eyes. Your voice trembled as tears clung to your dark, damp lashes streaked with the evidence of your longing. She put her fingers in her mouth, salivating those dangerous fingers of hers before bringing them down your body to circle your puffy clit and your body jerked up. Oh, how she loved to see you like this.
“Mhmm, keep going.”
“I want you forever, Sh-Shuri. Right here. Right now.”
She wore a look of confusion, her brows furrowing as she continued to rub you. She was right here with you and had no intention of leaving, but you proceeded with your unfinished statement.
“Turn me, baby. Please. Today. Now.”
She said nothing, only looked down at your plump lips and your round breasts. You were so beautiful in her eyes, and she wanted all of you.
“No…I mean it. I want you. F-fuck…I w-want to be a v-vampire…with you. Oh.”
“You don’t know me.”
“But I do.”
“Who am I to you?” She slowed her movements on your clit, her strap still lingering inside you as she awaited your words. You whimpered one last time before you inhaled to speak.
“You are the most fucking selfish being I’ve ever met. You want what you want and you go after it. You get angry quickly and I know you live everyday fighting the urge to suck every ounce of blood inside of me and it scares me sometimes when I really think about it but I also know you’ll never hurt me. I know you’re hurt and I know you carry a lot of pain and anger inside of you, Shuri. And I know you try to hide it from me to protect me but your transparency only makes me want you more, no matter how dark your past is. I know you love me and I truly do believe that because I’ve never felt this before. I never felt so wanted and desired beyond what I look like on the outside. And maybe I’m just as selfish as you, because no matter how many people you’ve hurt or how many lives you’ve taken, you love me. And that’s all I care about. And now I just want to be with you for eternity.”
As the words fell from your lips, a wave of warmth surged through Shuri’s undead heart and she swears she felt it beat for a second. Each word and syllable echoed through her vampire mind, a mind that knew loneliness and despair like no other but in came you, the light at the end of the tunnel and she swears she could die from how much she loved you.
"Turn me," you repeated one last time, your voice carrying a soft insistence rather than a question. You caught a fleeting change in the color of Shuri's eyes, though she quickly masked it but you definitely noticed the subtle shift.
She returns her love to your clit, pulling you into your final human orgasm before she pulls out of you and you leak everywhere.
“I love you so so so much, y/n. More than anything in the world. More than I ever loved anyone before and I did not think I was capable of loving harder than I already have, but you, my most perfect girl, have proved me wrong.”
“I know Shuri…I know.” And you believed it.
“And you’re sure you want this? You want it right now? There is no turning back. This is permanent. This is for as long as eternity lasts for us. I don’t think you think you quite understand the meaning of immortality. ”
“And I never will if you don’t give it to me.” You reached up to cup her face, taking her in as you actively appreciated the pain of your beating heart. You could sense that these would be the last moments you could feel the patter against your ribcage, feel the breath entering your lungs, and the last moment you would feel at a human level before your emotions exploded like any immortal would.
Shuri removes her strap, so there’s nothing between your two beautiful dark naked bodies, holding you in her arms as a tear caresses her cheek.
“What’s wrong, my love?,” you questioned.
“Nothing is wrong…I’m just scared.”
“You have nothing to be afraid of. I believe in you. You can do this. You love me enough to stop.”
“But what if I don’t stop? I would not be able to live with myself…what if I hurt you??”
You gazed up at her with a look of sympathy, fully aware of how difficult this moment was for her but your belief in her remained unwavering. Gently, you drew her closer and pressed your lips to hers in a tender kiss before speaking.
“Then I’ll die happily in the arms of the one I love.”
Shuri's grin widened as she drew you in for one last, fervent kiss; a final, passionate exchange between human and vampire. This was the last moment you shared as a mere mortal before her fangs emerged, her irises shifting to the deepest red you had ever seen and you smiled at what was to come.
She leaned her head into the curve of your throat, pressing a soft kiss there before positioning her fangs above your artery, which seemed destined for her bite. Then, you felt it; her fangs piercing your skin with a depth that was unfamiliar and excruciating. Her bite wasn’t the bite of sexual pleasure or even to satiate her thirst; this was a transformative pain, a profound shift as she began to mold you into something like her.
You clung to her curls, tilting your head back to embrace the searing pain and the sensation of your life ebbing away with every second. Shuri reveled in the intimacy of the moment, her moans vibrating against your throat as your blood flowed into her. As you approached the brink of nothingness, stars danced in your fading vision, and death almost seemed to beckon with open arms. Almost. For a moment, there was nothing. No sensation, no sight, just darkness as you drifted into unconsciousness.
But then, you tasted it: Shuri’s blood. It was rich with power and possibility, a final, potent essence that completed your transition. As your life slipped away, all that remained was the true void, the absolute nothingness as your life faded away from you.
A few moments had passed and Shuri began to worry.
“Y/n…? Y/n…can you hear me??”
But you remained silent. Your mind ceased to think, your lungs no longer drew in air, and your heart fell still. You were dead.
“Oh…oh fuck…no, no, no, no, no…Y/N!! Baby, can you hear me?? Do not joke with me right now…please wake up!”
You were still. Nothing. Lifeless.
Shuri broke down, sobbing uncontrollably, her hand pressed to her mouth in a desperate attempt to muffle the convulsive cries tearing through her throat. How could this be? She had done everything right this time. She was certain she hadn’t killed you; she had felt your heart faintly beating when she gave you her blood. What could have possibly gone wrong?
“I am so sorry, baby…I’m so sorry, I should have never come into your life! I SHOULD HAVE LEFT YOU ALONE!! I’m so sorry, so sorry, so so sorry!”
Her sobs turned into a furious outburst as she began to tear apart her house, shattering everything in her way while she wrestled with her own existence. Overwhelmed by guilt and despair, she felt she could never forgive herself for what had happened. Consumed by the conviction that life without you was meaningless, she was determined to end it all.
Gradually, life began to draw you out of the void. Memories of your entire existence, from infancy to the present, surged before you in a torrent of vivid images, both the good and the bad. The light at the end of the tunnel grew nearer and nearer until, suddenly, it stopped. You were there. You were here. Your eyes flew open in panic, and the first thing that hit you like an excruciating ton of bricks was the one thing that made you understand what Shuri fought so hard to keep you away from, an overpowering wave of something you never knew but your body understood: the smell of blood. ❁ཻུ۪۪♡
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Twilight who????? If you actually read that whole thing, I love you so much omg! I hope you enjoyed and don’t forget to comment and share (why do I sound like a YouTuber), I absolutely love reading your comments! Thank you so so much again, for your patience, I know it was a long as wait and I hope it was worth it :)
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cloveroctobers · 7 months
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A/N: This will probably flop since it’s basically a ghost town in this tag but here I am! Plus it was also requested for me to write for Bode (again) lol which I don’t have a problem with, we love that guy over here. They’re wrong for going on break after giving us what they gave us! I also just want to say that I really miss Max’s curls but here it goes!!
PROMPT IS FROM HERE + I’m using: 18.  “Damn, I hate pollen.” + 8.  “IT’S A DEER!” “Yeah, and?” “I CAN SEE IT!”
<- read my previous anthology prompt here.
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Eve was lucky you loved her.
Being up this early on your first day back in Edgewater to give her a ride to Three Rock (her car was in the shop) was a lot to ask! Not really! but what kind of friend would you be if you didn’t complain a good portion about it on the ride up to camp?
“If I get you an iced coffee, would you love me again?” Eve pinched the space in between her brows, elbow resting against the car door.
You hummed while using one hand to tap on your chin, “Add in a Mozzarella, Pesto, and tomato bagel then we’ll talk.”
Eve twisted her lips upwards, “…that’s a thing? Whatever happened to a simple cream cheese with eggs and avocado?”
“You���re lucky I’m not asking for a soft boiled egg stuffed with caviar.” You respond as you reduce your speed once you cross the bridge, spying the familiar deli spot up ahead.
Eve scoffed as she side eyed you, “oh yeah, Switzerland done made you bougie.”
Which earned a laugh from you as you pulled the Toyota 4Runner into the small parking lot. If you weren’t a bundle of nerves you would have got out of the car with Eve to see what changed about the deli you spent many afternoons in with your old friends. However you let your mind wander a bit as you stared out into edgewater’s view.
You were home…except your childhood home was just a memory now that your divorced parents no longer resided in Edgewater. So you crashed at Eve’s although you were completely fine staying in a hotel since Jake talked you out of an air bnb after watching some movie called, “Barbarian,” and you were tired of hearing the statistics and other real life horror stories he pulled out of his ass. Eve was your number one best friend and she was more than willing to open up her place for a friend like you.
As you took up a interest in archery and later turned into a professional Archer, you were inspired to see what the world had in store so the sooner you got out of Edgewater, the better it was for you. Some just didn’t get it (your parents mainly, with your mother being an orthopedic surgeon and your father a fire chief before his MS took over) and expected you to start your own roots here. It was kind of a thing here in this small town, that you were to begin again and build your own legacy. However you were in the tiny group of odd’s that wanted more than the expectations hanging over your head.
Which is why you were proud to say that you’ve been participating in the Olympics every few years because of your passion for archery. Of course you had people down your neck all throughout your career but you still stood as tall as you could.
Now you were back home in the place that was full of doubts but the tightness in your chest wasn’t as noticeable the closer you got to camp.
“Thanks for dropping me off, I appreciate it.” Eve starts as she spots a few inmates hanging around on the yard already, “If you stick around for a minute I’ll even do you a solid and send Bode your way. Since I know it’ll be difficult otherwise.”
Taking a deep inhale you say, “I still can’t believe he’s here.”
“Yeah well…if he stays on the right track this time he’ll be out even sooner.” Eve tells, “He’s still a big pain in all of our asses but I think it would do him some good to see you…you did come all this way.”
It’s been years since you last saw each other but you came back for Riley’s funeral and you reached out to Bode when he moved away to a few towns over and changed his last name. You tried to be there even being ocean’s apart but when Bode felt low, it always felt like he wanted to take the world on his shoulder’s and find a way to make it spin again. Yet that landed him in prison and Eve had no problem filling you in on everything in between.
Would he even want to see you? It’s not like your relationship turned sour or anything…it’s just been awhile being in contact with each other. You weren’t nearly this anxious seeing Eve and doubted you would be when you had lunch with Jake and Cara—which was still weird to you—But being near Bode was different from everybody else and you knew that.
“I did…didn’t I?” You loll your head to face Eve, who studies it for a moment before dipping her head.
She tapped her hand against the outside of the door, whispering into the spring air, “it’ll be fine. He’s in a much better headspace and you’re still family no matter where you disappear off to, you got that?”
A watery smile goes Eve’s way before she leaves you to collect yourself. You’re pulling your mirror down from the sun visor, patting underneath your eyes and beginning to second guess yourself. You were here for two weeks and there was no way that you planned on not seeing Bode. You ran into his parents just last night at the bar, craving some wings before heading to Eve’s, just to be received with warm arms and classic banter from the Leone’s.
They were the parents you could talk to more than your own. If you weren’t crashing at Eve’s then you would definitely be at the Leone’s but then Bode and Cara happened so that’s when some of the distance was created. They didn’t last, like most teenage relationships but out of respect you felt like it was the right thing to do.
It felt right being back, even if it was only temporary.
Maybe that’s just how you had to view Bode’s situation. He wasn’t a temporary kind of friend although you couldn’t socialize as much but you tried to be hopeful. Even climbed out of the car pacing back and forth, not paying much attention to anyone around until you spotted the green dust decorating the navy car.
Scowling in disgust, you swiped the arm of your jacket around the hood of your car before cringing at the greenery you wiped on your sweatpants afterwards.
“Damn, I hate pollen.” A voice comes from behind, which makes you slowly stand up straight and glance over your shoulder.
There he was.
Bode Leone, standing in the flesh, hands deep in his jacket pockets, and a small smile on his lips.
You fully turn to face him and tilt your head to the side, “Didn’t I tell you once before that Orange isn’t your color?”
Bode lifts his shoulders with humor in his blue-green eyes as he motions towards the spot on you, “yeah, well maybe green isn’t yours either.”
You scoff as you motion to your outfit, “what? You don’t think I’m pulling it off?”
The blond chuckles as he takes a step towards you, “As long as you don’t start itching then sure, whatever you say.”
“Oh,” you scratch at the back of your hand and shoot a glare at the man who’s got crinkles by his eyes now, “why did you have to go and say that Bode! Now I’m doing it!”
“Sorry! It’s just that I sorta remembered that you were sensitive to almost everything including air.” He says to you, teasing somewhat, now standing face to face with you.
Rolling your eyes you couldn’t help but to smile at that. You didn’t know what it was growing up in high school, you were highly allergic to almost everything which landed you in the nurses office a lot but it seemed to relax as you reached your twenties and moved away. You always joked that maybe it was Edgewater that was making you sick. Yet the longer you stood in this town and interacted with not only Eve but Bode, you knew that wasn’t completely true.
“It’s good to see you, Bo.” You lightly shove his shoulder back while he nods in agreement, “can I give you a hug?”
Bode blinks the furrow of his brows away as if you were being ridiculous, “of course you can.”
And you’re cradling the back of his head while his fingers are at your spine, swaying from side to side in a firm but gentle squeeze. Then he’s burying his nose into your shoulder and the feel of the embrace tells you that this was meant to be.
When your eyes open, you realize that you could live just fine in Bode’s arms. You remember your final kiss goodbye in Drayscott, one month before you left the country and one month before Bode attempted to pull off a robbery—it was the sweetest thing—the kiss obviously! because it should have been happened. It didn’t come out of nowhere, it was full of intention, full of wonder and love but you were aware that it wasn’t the right time to be something more.
Maybe some day it could be.
Little did you know, Bode kept that memory not far away. He was kicking himself for the what if’s but when he manages to pull himself out of the blue, he thinks about the best possibility being you.
The both of you could be good together, could see the world together and he wasn’t sure how it all looked but he was willing to imagine.
A gasp makes Bode pull away, alarmed.
“IT’S A DEER!” You point, over Bode’s shoulder.
He glances over his shoulder to in fact see the said brown animal, peering at the two of you, “Yeah, and?”
“I CAN SEE IT!” You attempt to lower your voice but the excitement got the best of you as you almost bounce on your toes.
Bode’s still lightly has a hand resting on your waist now, as they watch the beautiful creature sniff at the grass and carried on deeper and away into the woods.
“Are you telling me they don’t have deer out in Switzerland?” There’s amusement in Bode’s voice as he peeks back at you.
“I’ve been in the city mainly but it’s been awhile since I’ve really been one with nature, you know? Which reminds me, I’ll have to make time to go off roading with this baby one of these days. Or hiking.” You jam a thumb back at the car.
Bode nods, “you’ll be careful won’t you? Don’t get so easily impressed with animals, not all of them will have the best intentions.”
You were an animal lover back in the day, so much to the point you wouldn’t dissect a frog sophomore year, which landed you in the principal’s office.
“What?” You blow a raspberry, “I’m like freaking Princess Aurora. Animals love me.”
Bode squints his eyes, “…didn’t you get bit by a goat when we were like what? Fourteen?”
“You’re really killing my vibe man and I don’t like that.” You yank on the end of Bode’s hair who laughs again.
He raises his hands in surrender and grips your wrist from his head, “alright, alright. My bad but if it makes you feel better, I still have that scar after that horse kicked the shit out of me when we had too many drinks partying at Tamsin Kadoka’s farm.”
Bode nods, “yeah, right on my lower back and it’s shaped like Utah.”
You meet each other’s gaze before bursting out laughing in unison at yet another memory. He’s gripping your shoulder again while he’s got your attention, “just promise me when you’re out there in those woods that you’re careful. I’d hate it if something happened to you.”
“Well the feeling is mutual, Bo.” You state, “you just had to go on and choose firefighting huh?”
Bode shrugs, “Must be in the Leone blood.”
“Yeah, must be.” You murmur, staring at him like there’s stars getting ready to rise in your eyes and Bode can’t help but to lean forward to place a lingering kiss on your forehead.
His facial hair pricks you but you don’t mind.
“Leone!” A guard calls out, which means your time is up for now.
You hold his hand, interlocking your fingers, which he squeezes with a smile to match, eyes wandering all over your features, almost as if to tell himself that you are in fact really here.
“Until next time?” He questions.
You smile, “See you soon, Bode.”
And he grins at you, those crinkles by his eyes returning before he slips his hand from yours.
This was brief but sweet and you’re mentally kicking yourself for thinking that this could go wrong.
You’re watching Bode walk away from you and he can’t help but to jog backwards to get another look at you. Almost as if you would disappear again and you would never see him again. When he turns back around, heading to the guard on shift who announces the inmates need to get ready for line ups inside at the bunks, he meets up with Cole on his way.
“Who was that?” Cole nudges his chin in your direction.
You’re seated in the driver’s seat, window down, leaning on your arm as you watch the men in Orange make their way back inside.
Catching Bode’s eye, you wave before rolling your window almost all the way up and pull away from the camp site.
“Someone i would like to give the world and more to once im out of here.”
Cole is smirking but appreciates the honesty as he claps Bode on his shoulder, already knowing what that look is for. “Then let’s make it happen, Leone! Nothing sweeter than having something on the outside to fight for, you know?”
“I agree.” Bode pulls his gaze from your retreating car, finding himself standing up straighter as they awaited for Eve to start their day.
When Eve’s brown eyes set on Bode’s, he just barely tips in his head in thanks, which the woman echo’s as she carries on along the line.
Bode already can’t wait for the next day he can get reconnected with you in person again so, he bites his smile away.
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Continue with my spring anthology prompts here.
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jordie-gvf · 6 months
heartsick slumber, Jake Kiszka
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pic creds to @jakeforsakeher on twitter
title creds to @tripthelightfatality
creds to @ourlovegrows and @positivegvfthings
warnings : angst, cursing, accusations of cheating, cigarette smoking, use of Y/N, mentions of being drunk, slight issues with body image, allusions to sex, i think thats it, please let me know if i missed any!
word count : 2.1k+
thank you guys for being patient with me! i appreciate it more than you know
Whenever you got home from work, you would go upstairs and take a bath to decompress from the day. 
When you got home, Jake's car wasn't in the driveway, you figured he was still at the studio. You put your purse and lunch bag down onto the counter and went upstairs to relax. You shimmied off your outside clothes and headed to your bathroom. 
Your favorite part of your new home was the bathtub. You turned the faucet almost all the way to the left and grabbed your candles and bubbles. As the tub was filling, you grabbed a book from your bedroom. 
You lit the candles and added the bubbles. You put your hair up into a claw clip and settled into the bath. You had your phone next to you on the bathtub just in case Jake called you.
You opened your book and relaxed backward into the tub. You read for about thirty minutes before you start to feel hungry. You went to get up from the water when your phone vibrated next to you. You had a text from your best friend, Kylie.
Kylie Girl ❣️
Girl, you need to go look at Instagram, now.
You started panicking and immediately checked your Instagram. You opened the app to see pictures of Jake with a woman who looked completely opposite of you. She was skinnier, prettier, skinnier. 
The closer you looked, the more upset you got. He had his arm around her, kissing the side of her head. You checked the tags and zoomed in, making sure it was Jake, sure enough, it was. You found her name was Naomi.
You got out of the tub and got dressed in some simple shorts and tee. You locked your phone and went downstairs to start cooking dinner. 
You were halfway done cooking when Jake walked into the house, guitar case in hand. “Hey, Baby. How was work?” he asked you.
“Fine,” you replied, in a monotonous tone, not wanting to talk to him that much. 
“Okay,” he dragged out, not believing you. He walked into his home studio and put his guitar case down. He came back out to help you with dinner. 
“Can I do anything to help?”
“No, I can do it.”
“Baby, let me help you.”
“Jake, I’m fine.”
He put his hands up in surrender and walked into the living room to let you finish dinner. You made the finishing touches on dinner and called him into the kitchen. He put his guitar down on the couch and walked over to the dining room table. 
“Mm, you made my favorite,” Jake said, pulling out his chair and taking a seat. You grabbed him a beer from the fridge as well as a chilled glass for him.
You made honey glazed salmon, coconut fried rice and garlic parmesan knots. You served Jake his dinner and brought him a fork before you sat down. He said thank you and you decided to keep quiet.
“Okay, what’s wrong with you? You've barely talked to me.” 
You shook your head and pursed your lips, “Nothing’s wrong with me, I’m fine.”
He sighed at your response and proceeded to eat dinner. You picked at your food, nothing going past your lips. Once Jake was finished, you grabbed the plates and continued to the sink. You put the dishes in the sink and grabbed all the pots and pans for you to wash. 
You started the water and started washing everything before Jake came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He reached in front of you and turned the water off and said, “The dishes can wait, let's go make some noise.”
You scoffed and turned the water back on. “Go make noise with Naomi,” you said, coldly. He froze and removed his hands from your waist. “Seriously? That's what this is about?! Are you seriously not talking to me over this? She’s a friend from high school. I haven't seen her in a long time.”
“I’m staying at Kylie and Dave’s. I don't want to see you right now,” you firmly told him, silently telling him that there was no negotiating in you staying home tonight.
“Fine. Fine! Walk away from your problems and put your head in the sand!”
You turned your back to him and quickly went up the stairs to your bedroom. You locked the door and called Kylie, asking her if you could come over.
She picked up after two rings, “Hey, Y/N. You okay, baby?”
“Can I come over? I can’t look at him right now.”
“Of course you can, I’ll get the guest bedroom set up.” 
“Thank you,” you said through tears, gasping for breath. 
You promptly hung up and packed enough clothing for the next five days. You walked into the bathroom and grabbed all your toiletries and everything you needed. You put your shoes on and grabbed your car keys, ready to peel out of the driveway.
You clutched your phone to your chest and all but ran down the stairs and straight to the garage. Jake wasn't in the kitchen, but all the dishes were done and everything was put away. You heard the strum of his beloved girlfriend coming from his music room. 
Before you left, you grabbed a piece of paper and left him a note,
I’m at Kylie’s. Don’t bother texting or showing up. I’ll be home soon.
You had been gone for about 10 minutes before you started getting phone calls from Jake. You answered the phone after the 17th call, tired of hearing the constant ringing. 
“Where are you?”
“There’s a note.”
“Y/N, where are you.”
“McDonalds. Bye,” you hung up the phone, and sipped your Dr. Pepper. You texted Kylie and told her that you were on the way and that you got her an oreo McFlurry for letting you stay with her. 
When you got to Kylie’s house, Dave greeted you at your car and gave you a big hug, letting you know that you would be all right. 
Kylie came out shortly after him and brought you inside while Dave grabbed your stuff. She had her arms wrapped around your shoulders and put you down on the couch. He brought your stuff into the guest bedroom and went to their bedroom to give you and Kylie some space to talk.
“So, what happened?” She asked you, wanting all the details
“When you texted me, I was in the tub. I looked at instagram and did some snooping and eventually found out that it was him. When he came home, I knew he knew something was wrong with me. I didn't even touch dinner and when I went to do the dishes, he wanted to go upstairs,” you took a second to calm down, getting sad at the thought of leaving him by himself. As much as you hated leaving him, you couldn’t fathom looking at him right now. 
You continued, “I told him to go be with Naomi and that’s when it got heated. I never thought he would do this to me, not once. We love each other, whenever we get into arguments, we work it out. I’ve never left the house like this, he can’t sleep without me next to him.”
She grasped you tightly and kissed your head. “Go get some sleep, my love. We can talk about this in the morning.”
Dave came back downstairs and put his hands around your shoulders and told you, “Everything is set up for you, take your time.”
Kylie let go of you and helped you up off the couch to get you upstairs and asleep. You knew where their guest bedroom was, so you told Kylie to sit back down, that you could get up there yourself. 
You crested the top of the stairs and jetted for the guest bedroom. You opened the door to see the bed beautifully made, the pillows were propped up, and Dave had on Gilmore Girls for you. 
You sighed and lazily walked over to the bed, dropping your phone onto the bedside table and smushing your face into the soft pillow. 
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You woke up the smell of pancakes being cooked. You checked the time, 11:03 AM. You got up out of the warm bed and trudged down the stairs. You saw Kylie at the kitchen table and Dave at the stove, flipping pancakes. 
Kylie smiled at you as you walked into the kitchen. “Here, I made you a cup of coffee. Brown sugar and milk.” You smiled at her and gladly took the cup of coffee, sipping gently on the warm liquid. 
You heard a knock on the door. Kylie popped her head up and said, “Don’t worry, I called in backup. It's Trysta.” You smiled at her kind gesture of inviting one of your best friends over. 
Kylie answered the door and in came your best friend, kindly smiling at you. “Hey baby girl, how are ya,” she asked. You gave her a light and quick smile, “utterly terrible. How are you?” 
She chuckled and said, “Dealing with drunks in my bar, had someone get on the bartop and moon everyone.” You laughed in response to her night. 
“How wonderful. I found out my boyfriend cheated on me, so that's how my night went.”
She gave you a downward smile and drank her coffee. You reluctantly turned on your phone, expecting to see a shitload of messages. 
“Oh Y/N, I never told you. Jake came in last night and drank. We had to get the bouncer to tell him to leave. We called him an Uber, I couldn't let him drive like that.” Trysta told you. 
“Thank you for not letting him drive. He say anything to you?”
“Yeah, that it wasn't true. That she was just a girl from high school. Honey, I really don't think he did it. You know what they say, the truth comes out when you're drunk.”
You nodded in agreement, sipping your coffee and eating your pancakes. “I should probably go see him, knock some sense into him.” 
Kylie perked up, “Are you sure you're ready for that? It might be a little hard on you.”
“Yeah, I'm ready. I was ready to go back as soon as I left. I know he can't sleep without me. Let me finish and I'll be out of your hair.” 
Trysta gathered her things and left a kiss on your forehead and left. After you ate, Kylie packed your stuff while you showered and put everything in your car. 
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When you got to the house, you saw the familiar white jeep truck and an orange tesla in your driveway. You grabbed all your stuff from your trunk and made your way into the garage. Once you stepped foot into the kitchen, you heard Jake and his brothers on the back porch talking.
“You know you have to tell her, right?” You heard Josh say. 
“Tell her what? That I dated Naomi for two months in high school is now a lesbian and I definitely didn't cheat on her?” Jake exclaimed, throwing his hands up before taking a drag of Sams cigarette.
You stayed in the kitchen and listened to their conversation before pulling your pack of reds out of your purse and walking to the back porch. “Hi Jake. Boys, give us a minute?” 
Sam and Josh quickly nodded, Sam handing you his lighter, because he knows you always ask for his. You smiled at him quickly as he walked into the house, closing the back door. You motioned for Jake to sit with you on the bed swing. 
He followed suit as you laid down with your reds and pulled out a cigarette. Jake quickly grabs it from you, as per Jake, “I'll never make you hold your own cigarettes.”
You smiled at him, even though you were upset, he was still your polite Jake. He opted not to smoke with you, due to him and Sam smoking earlier.
He started first, “You know I never cheated on you. I wouldn't dream of it. I could never see you with another man. I'm the only one who knows how you like your tea. Your coffee order. You like to do puzzles before bed. You shampoo your hair twice, then brush it. You love watching movies with Josh. You can't sleep until I'm in bed with you. You love making love under the stars, and no one else would know that you love getting your tits sucked while you ride me. No one else knows you like I do.”
“I know you didn't, I heard you. I'm sorry for being such a bitch.”
“Youre sorry? Plum, you didn't do anything wrong. I should have explained it to you as soon as I got home. I’m sorry, sugar plum.” 
You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a big kiss. By now, you were finished with your cigarette. Once you stopped, you smirked at him and said, “Still up for making some noise?” 
taglist : @indigofallingsky @hellowgoodbye @ourlovegrows @gretnavannfleet @feilores @haileygvf @tripthelightfatality
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Hi, for your 6000 celebration (congratulations btw) could you pls write Daniel Riccardo x Hamilton!sister!reader soft launch where Lewis doesn't know until they post about it and he kinda freaks out a little bit, thank you and congratulations again 😁
I really liked how this one turned out // all photos are from instagram and/or pinterest -- face claim: naomi schiff - @naomischiff on instagram!
off limits.. sorta?
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamliton, carmenmmundt and 33,293 others
ynhamilton: lover of all things mercedes
tagged: lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1
view 923 comments 
mercadesamgf1: love when you come visit yn! 
danielricciardo: does that mean mclaren too ?
↪️ynhamilton: wrong M team Danny boy 
↪️danielricciardo: we use merc engines soooo 
lewishamilton: love you sis
lh44fan: you look so pretty this weekend!!
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liked by danielricciardo, lewishamilton, natalie_pinkham and 30,403 others 
ynhamilton: racing runs in the family 
comments turned off
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liked by ynhamilton, maxverstappen1, landonorris and 344,094 others 
danielricciardo: can’t get me away from the car 
ynhamilton: worst caption ever 
↪️danielricciardo: please hush 
landonorris: yn posted a similar photo, are you copying her? 
↪️ynhamilton: he is 
↪️danielricciardo: I am not 
dr3fan: not lando calling them out 
lewis44: yn and dan interacting with each other so much is… sketchy ?? What’s going on ? 
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liked by georgerussell, landonorris, danielricciardo and 40,293 others 
ynhamilton: this doesn't mean im supporting mclaren but I suppose daniel can get a pass 🧡
tagged: danielricciardo
view 993 comments 
lewis44: I knew it!!
↪️landonorris: me too 
lewishamilton: this was now how I expected to find out you were seeing someone yn. 
↪️ynhamilton: you always says it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission lew <333
dn3fan: I want what they have!!!!
danielricciardo: thanks for not using ugly pics of me babe 
↪️ynhamilton: keep those for your birthday lover boy 
lnxdr34: the lando comment, the lewis comment, the daniel comment my head and heart are exploding!!!!!!!!
670 notes · View notes
trashbin-nie · 1 month
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CHAPTER 3: Car Ride Home
Do NOT copy/translate my fics. Reblogs are always welcome!
TW: mild sibling violence (typical sibling things)
Summary: Rosa Winters NXT women's champion, cousin Trinity (aka Naomi), introduces her to Josh Fatu, her boyfriends brother, and they hit it off this is their story
Hehehehe, you guys commenting brings me joy! We gon’ pretend there wasn’t like a 3-week break in between here. Also, Spanish is NOT my first language. It’s also super rusty, so lmk if the grammar/sentence structure is off
Anyways, enjoy chapter 3. It's kinda short though apologies
Tags: @reignsboy19 @yana3sworld
Rosa fell asleep
Also, these two are my very first tags, so thanks, guys. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far 🥹
(Josh POV)
She fell asleep.
Damn near right after her story too. 
She went to our school and had a crush on a guy who slammed her with a football during my senior year. I was on the football team, and, of course, what luck, she conveniently doesn’t remember the guy’s name! 
This has to be some sick joke.
“Hey man, sorry,” Jon said glancing back at me. I guess Trin fell asleep too, didn’t have time to notice, all wrapped in my head and shit.
“Nah uce, it’s fine. She don’ know who it was,” I shrugged and continued glaring out the window with my arms crossed.
Jon sighed and shook his head. “Lil’ bro c’mon we both know it was you. You da only one on the team that damn near murdered a cheerleader our senior year!”
“Jon, ain’t neither one of us knows that for sure. Could’ve been anyone else she talked to afterwards might not have been me. I can’t even remember,” I said waving him off. I could feel him rolling his eyes.
“Boy- You gon tell me that you don’ remember us walkin’ home after that day you sent that poor tiny girl flying off that people tower and talkin’ ‘bout “bro that girl was fuckin’ hot as all hell” and a bunch of other things? I ain’ buying what chu sellin Uce,” he said. 
“You both are real lucky that girl could sleep through a damn nuclear bomb cuz you ain’t quiet,” Trin said adjusting her position.
“Sorry Trin, but he trippin,” Jon said pointing at me.
“I ain’t trippin Jonathan,” I said shaking my head.
“You are Josh. I only brought it up cuz Jon was tellin me ‘bout it a while ago,” She said, unmoving. “I’m sorry she couldn’t remember your name, or whoever’s name if you’re insisting.” She raised her arms feeling my glare.
“Can you three musketeers shut the hell up? Some of us are trying to fuckin’ sleep in this damn car an I’m tellin you right now it’ll be all queen of hearts, hablando mal de la cabeza. Pendejas,” Rosie said groggly.
She angrily threw her pillow on my lap, ripped off her seatbelt, and slammed herself onto it on her side quickly going back to sleep.
We all froze.
“Trin… I thought you said she'd sleep through a hurricane?!” I whisper-yelled holding my arms up avoiding touching the girl suddenly sleeping in my lap
Trin stared in shock, “she's never woken up through talking before!” She yelled.
Thankfully the rest of the ride went smoothly, Trin fell asleep an hour after the fiasco, and I wasn't far behind. Jon woke us up when we arrived at the girls house.
It was a large two-story home painted white with stonework by the door and a black roof. The lights were still on when we pulled in, so someone was awake.
Jon shook Trin, waking her up.
“Oh good, the twins are still up,” she said, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She unbuckled and got out heading to the door, and before long two tall skinny men emerged from the house. Jon and I both slid out of the car, me more gently trying not to wake Rosie.
“Guys, this is David and Daniel, the Winters twins, and Rosie's older brothers,” Trin said.
“Sup, names Daniel, just call me Danny. I take it the ray of sunshine is passed out in the back seat as usual?” He asked, All of us nodded. “Well, David, its yo’ turn I woke her ass last time, and I'm still recovering from the  black eye.”
“I never-” David started, but after a dark glare from his brother changed his mind “ugh fine!”
David slowly shuffled his way to the back seat on the passenger side and slowly, with a shaky hand patted his sister's shoulder lightly she adjusted a little but stayed asleep  Danny rolled his eyes telling him he had to shake her harder. He looked at his twin with the nerves written on his face. 
He shoved her a lot harder and we heard a groan.
“I thought I told you that I was trying to sleep!” She groggily yelled, her brother being met with a shoe to the forehead.
“Well, you ungrateful whelp. You're home now so go to yo’ damn bed,” David said.
“Just carry me,” she said. David rolled his eyes.
“Absolutely not, you can walk in after that nice black eye you just gave me,” He said.
Rosie gave him a stank face ripping her bag from the floor, slamming the car door, and stomping up to the door.
“Damn worse than usual what did y’all do?” Daniel asked holding a fist to his mouth.
“Woke her up in the car,” Trin said, laughing as we watched a big beefy Rottweiler jump on Rosies half asleep form. “Now Dexter is all riled up.”
Jon and I shared a look.
Ain’t no one told us there was a big ass Rottweiler here!
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jamdoughnutmagician · 22 days
Three Minutes (18+)
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Mechanic!Eddie Munson x Fem!Hairdresser!Reader
Set in the A Cut Above The Rest universe, because I was missing them. I really want to write some more, smaller one-shots for this series about some of the milestones in their relationship, but until now, have this!
Word Count:2,098
Warnings:Unplanned Pregnancy, mentions of illness/being sick, little bit of smut, unprotected sex, Eddie being a two-pump chump (but we love him anyway), fluff. I think that's it for warnings, but if you want something tagged, don't hesistate to shoot me a message.
Masterlist // Eddie Munson Masterlist
Waking up feeling the same as you had going to sleep the night before was not how you wanted your day to go. The previous night you had gone to bed earlier than usual, your body tired from being on your feet all day, and a headache from the radio playing the same songs on repeat in the salon. Not to mention you had been feeling really sick all evening, that even eating dinner had been a struggle that night, to the point where Eddie had very graciously held your hair back whilst you emptied the contents of your stomach down the toilet. 
After very kindly bringing you some painkillers and a glass of water to wash them down, Eddie held you close in his arms all night, laying soft kisses against your forehead as you drifted off to sleep. 
Waking up to your boyfriend already half-dressed in his work's dark, grease-stained coveralls, a white tank top underneath, whilst the suit was unbuttoned and the arms of the sleeves were tied around his waist. The scent of coffee drifted in as he made his way over to where you were still very much cocooned under the duvet.
“Figured you might want this.” He says holding out the steaming hot mug, as you begin to unravel yourself from your bed sheets to sit up and take it off his hands.
“Thanks Teddy,” you smile weary as you take a sip before setting the mug on the bedside table, “Suppose I better start getting dressed or I’m going to be late for work.” you huff as you start to fling the sheets off your body.
“Ah ah ah, oh no you don’t.” Eddie shushes, as he gently eased you back into bed. “I called the salon, I told Madison you weren’t feeling too hot, and now boom! You’ve got yourself the day off!” 
“Eddie!!” you cry but he’s quick to silence your worries with a kiss to your forehead.
“Don’t worry about it, she told me that Naomi could cover your appointments, and you’re clearly not well enough to be on your feet all day.”
“I’ll have to give Naomi a bunch of flowers when I see her, I was supposed to be doing Mrs. Truman’s hair today, and you know how much of a nightmare client she can be.” 
“..But you don’t need to worry about that for now,” Eddie assures you, picking up the mug from the bedside table and handing it to you once more. “I just need you to focus on feeling better.”
You roll your eyes at him, as you take a sip from your coffee.
“Yes, Doctor Munson.” you begrudgingly agree.
“Good, that’s what I like to hear. I’ve got to head down to the garage for a few hours, but I’ll try to get home early today. Don’t do anything crazy today okay? I love you.” and with a final kiss pressed to your lips, he was out the door.
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You allowed yourself the time to finish your coffee in bed before deciding to get up. Throwing on one of Eddie’s old Black Sabbath shirts, because wearing it was like being hugged by Eddie, the all too warm and familiar smokey scent of his cologne clinging to the fabric .
Deciding that one solitary cup of coffee was not a substantial enough meal for yourself, you head off into your small apartment's kitchen to make yourself some breakfast. A few slices of bread are popped into the toaster and sure enough as they pop they are then promptly spread with a quickly melting layer of butter.
However, no sooner than the two pieces of hot toast are eaten is it before you are rushing to the bathroom once more, bending over the porcelain of the toilet, only for your breakfast to make an appearance for the second time this morning. The bitter taste of bile burning in your throat as you stand up, flushing away the evidence with a groan.
You reach for your toothbrush in the cup on the counter next to the sink, smiling to yourself for a moment at how domestic you and Eddie had become in the short few months of you two moving in with each other. You vigorously brush your teeth, in a desperate attempt to rid your taste buds of the vile taste stinging the back of your throat, before rinsing your mouth with a swill of mouthwash.
It’s only when you look up, that your eyes land on the small hamper of pads that you keep in the bathroom, that you suddenly realise that you don’t actually remember getting your period last month, and suddenly everything feels way too overwhelming. You couldn’t possibly be pregnant, right?
As your reflection stares back at you in the mirror your thoughts rush back to the annual Harrington Halloween party…
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With enough alcohol in your system to make you gleefully giggly, and Eddie wearing the same rogue pirate costume that he wears to every single one of Steve’s Halloween parties, you let him tug you by the hand away from the hubbub of chatter coming from all the other party-goers.
“C’mon, they won’t even notice that we’re gone.” he purrs nosing into your neck with soft kisses. “You’ve been driving me crazy all night with this fucking costume too y’know?”
Truth be told, that was the plan with your choice of Halloween costume all along. A matching bright yellow plaid outfit, with a skirt that was just short enough to enticingly flounce around your thighs. White thigh-high stockings and white kitten heels complete your costume, a near perfect recreation of Alicia Silverstone’s costume.
He leads you upstairs, away from the party, away from where the music pounds from the stereo below.
He takes you down the hallway, checking to see if the coast was clear before ushering you into the Harrington’s master bathroom. Locking the door behind him he all but pounces on you. His lips colliding with yours in a sloppy clash of tongues eagerly sweeping into your mouth, tasting the sweet mix of alcohol and fruit punch. His strong arms easily pick you up and sit you on the ledge of the bathroom counter, your legs wrapping around his narrow hips desperately trying to draw him closer to you.
HIs wandering hands creep down your body, roaming underneath your skirt, whilst your fingers unbutton the few buttons holding your yellow cardigan together. You were just about to slip off the offending item of clothing when Eddie voices his protests.
“No, no, leave it on, you look so fuckin’ sexy” he growls against your lips.
Your own hands wander down between your bodies, and sure enough there’s the insistent bulge pressing eagerly against the fabric of his tight dark denim jeans.
Eddie shudders with anticipation as your nimble fingers drag down the zipper of his jeans, before digging into the waistband of both his jeans and boxers. His ruddy cock surges forward, the tip already glistening wet underneath the dim bathroom lighting.
“Don’t think I’m gonna last very long this time, Sweetheart.” He murmurs as he hooks your panties to the side and his fingers skate across your folds, slippery arousal coating his fingertips. “I promise I'll make it up to you later, I just gotta have you right now.”
And in one swift push of his hips, he fills you to the brim with every inch of him. Hips drawing back enough with a shallow thrust before angling back towards you again and again.
Your heels are digging into his back, as his thrusts get sloppier, eager to chase his high.
And when he feels your tight heat clenching down on his throbbing cock, he’s done for, muffling his moans in a deep kiss pressed to your lips as his hips stutter out his release, spilling rope after rope deep inside you.
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The bright fluorescent lights glare down on you from above as you stand in the ‘health and beauty’ section of Melvald’s general store.
You were thankful that today it seems pretty quiet, and as far as you can see, you’re the only customer in the store. 
It always sounded like an exciting thing to do with your partner, heading to the store, buying a pregnancy test, and waiting together to find out the results.
But here you were, by yourself, buying a can of orange soda and a pack of Oreos to make buying a pregnancy test seem less conspicuous.
With your items in hand you make your way over to the cash register.
Fuck. Joyce is working here today. 
“Just these items please.” you say as calmly as you can as Joyce begins to scan all three of your purchases. She gives you a knowing smile when she scans the pregnancy test catching your nervous features.
“Don’t worry your secret's safe with me. I hope you get the results you want, either way.” she says reassuringly, putting your items in a small plastic bag
You hand over the money and take the bag from her with a nod and a small smile.
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Three minutes.
That’s how long the instructions had said it would take before you had your results. 
But three minutes suddenly felt like an eternity when you were waiting for potentially life-changing news. Three minutes was enough time to have your mind spinning with all the thoughts that came with taking a pregnancy test.
You hadn’t even really thought about what you would do if the result turned out to be positive. Did you want kids? Eventually yes, but it wasn’t something that you had planned as soon as now. Did Eddie want kids? You’d never talked about this with him, so whatever he thought about this was a mystery to you.
 Just as your thoughts spiral there’s the sound of Eddie unlocking the door and letting himself into the apartment.
“Honey, I’m home!” he calls out cheerfully. “Where are you?”
“I’m in the bathroom.” you call out to him.
He knocks on the closed door of the bathroom with a cheery knock.
“You alright in there, Sweetheart? Can I come in?”
You tell him to come in and the door swings open, he sees you ducked down with your head in your hands, and soft sobs shudder your body.
Worry fills his chest immediately as he’s quick to rush over and wrap his arms around you.
“Sweetheart what’s going on? Are you okay? Talk to me, please.”  he asks with a shaky voice as he tries to tilt your face to look towards him.
Opening up your hand you reveal the pregnancy test to him.
Something akin to shocked, and scared pulls at his features, his big brown eyes unblinking nervously. 
“I-is this real?” Eddie manages to stutter out with a suddenly very dry mouth.
“I haven’t looked at it yet, I’m too scared too.”
“Do you wanna look at it together?” He offers, taking your shaking hands in his.
You nod and as you turn over the test in your hands there it is, clear as day, two little pink lines.
“Is that…are you..Are we having a baby?” Eddie asks softly, his voice full of emotions.
You didn't trust your voice not to crack so you give him a silent nod of your head, and as soon as you see how excited he looks you can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy. The tears start to flow freely from your eyes. 
“We’re having a baby..” you breathe. “We’re having a baby!” you repeat, with giddy enthusiasm as the fact of the matter starts to sink in.
He’s quick to pick you up in his strong arms and whirl you around in a tight hug.
“Oh Sweetheart, this is the best news ever!” he babbles with a peck to your lips. 
He settles you down on your feet, and his big brown eyes flicker down to your stomach as if asking for your permission. 
“It’s okay, go ahead.” you smile.
He kneels down gently placing his work-hardened hand on your stomach.
“Hi baby! It’s your daddy here, I know your mommy and I have only just found out about your existence, but we’re both very excited to meet you.”
“You know the baby’s probably only the size of a grape right now.”
“I just want them to know how much I love them already.”
You rake your fingers through his dark curls as he rests his head gently against your stomach, smiling to yourself when you hear him let out a small contented sigh.
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“Baby steps, Teddy. Baby steps.”
@penguinsandpotterheads @mrsjellymunson @eddiesxangel
@aphrogeneias @ali-r3n @seatnights
@munsonsbtch @keeksandgigz @xxbimbobunnyxx
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Welcome! You have found the madness of my blog. 
You can call me Darcy, Darce, Ash, Angel, or a nickname. I do not care (also if I tell you that my name is Angle, I meant Angel, I just can’t spell 😭)
I use she/her and they/them pronouns. I am a demigirl :)
I identify as asexual and panromantic and a burden
I reblog a lot, put random polls, and post random things about my life.
My other account: my oc: @a-poetic-apollo-kid
Lee Fletcher: @the-forgotten-apollo-kid
Naomi Solace: @best-country-singer
Naomi Solace for a closed rp for demigod’s mortal parents: @all-time-alt-country-singer
Cabin 7 ask blog: @cabin7-chaos
I created different Naomi blogs cause they are apart of two different closed rps, and I run the second one
how I run my blog:
Feel free to message me, i promise I’m nice, if you just want to talk or need to vent. I support everyone, (unless you’re a dick - homophobic, racist, sexist, etc) 
I use ‘girl’ ‘gurl’ ‘guys’ ‘dude’ and ‘bro’ as gender neutral terms, if you’re uncomfortable with it or sm just let me know :)
also I use <3 platonically, again let me know if you’re uncomfortable with it :)
a list of my moots here lmk if you want to be added (as long as we are mutuals)
poll tag list if you want to be apart of my tag list for polls please comment on this to be apart of that
Things I follow: 
(There might be more tbh)
Heartstopper -Anything Alice Oseman | Good Omens | Young Royals | Red, White, and Royal Blue | Avatar the last air bender | Percy Jackson | Doctor Who (a bit-not really) | Anything gay/queer/LGBTQIA+ | Hamilton 
There’s more, I’m just forgetting lol 
I love music and books- please if you want to, send in recommendations.  music peoples I listen to:
Cavetown | Conan Gray | Baby Queen | Olivia Rodrigo | Wasia Project | Orla Gartland | Taylor Swift (a bit) | Beabadoobee | Girl in red | JVKE | Bailey Spinn | Alexander Steward | Au/Ra | Natalie Jane | PEGGY | Lauren Spencer Smith | Billie Eilish
(These people all have more than one song on my main playlist)
Tags: Darce has a question - for polls
Ash shares their vast knowledge - for asks
Angel shouts into the void - for vents
Darcy needs you to see this - for reblogs
rambling Darce - for rambling
Darcy has a lot to say - for my headcanons
I’m going to try my best to use these :)
Extra: I have a YouTube channel… I post edits/videos of heartstopper and Percy Jackson
picrew: here
I think that’s it, please be nice :)
I do it for the girls and the gays
(gays being anyone in the LGBTQIA+)
credits: thank you soooo much @bleep-bloop-boo for the name and @ ideas
Thank you @homocidalpotat for my tag names
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lightlycareless · 6 months
Hey I'm sorry for spamming you again 😭
But... imagine Y/N and Naoya pulling this prank on Naomi. I get that Naomi would be so mad at both of them
Sorry for the late reply, but I have to say, this never left my mind. This was really cuuuuuteeeeeeeee!!!!!!! I just had to oblige omg and don't worry about spamming me, I love it keep it coming!!!
You know what I think? Naoya is actually the one to suggest this. By doing so is when  when you know he’s completely accepted his role as a father and is enjoying doing so. Jfc thank you for sending in this NOW ONTO THE DRABBLE.
Warnings: none. Fluff. Naomi is a growing baby :’).
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Naoya didn’t have any social media presence before you.
No, scratch that. He had a presence, only that it entailed stalking following you back then when he barely started to know you.
Once the two began to date, you convinced him to open up a proper Instagram, mainly so you could fill it with posts of you and him together, tag him on your pictures, and to make it easier to share things whenever the two are apart.
However, when you two finally have a beautiful daughter named Naomi, everything changes.
Besides opening an account of her own (only for friends and family of course, everyone else can jump off a cliff for all they care) to record of her day by day, from the cute matching outfits you’d dress her in, to her achievements, or simply anything she did that you found remotely funny.
Naturally, Naoya keeps up with every single thing that you post + all the messages you send him regarding his family; he is the first one to like and react and all in between as soon as you post them, and soon, he’s even looking for inspiration on what else to fill her feed with…
Or simply spend time with Naomi.
Thus, he begins to follow family content, accounts that suggest activities and places to go to with his lovely daughter… or innocent pranks to partake in.
That’s how the video came to be.
“What do you think? Shall we do it?” Naoya says, offering his phone to you.
“Oh… well, I don’t know.” You murmur, and not because you didn’t want to, but rather… “Naomi is too sweet, I don’t think she’s going to do anything besides giggle!”
“We don’t lose anything by trying.” He insists. “It’ll be funny if she does something, though. Might be able to record it too.”
“Alright, alright!” you quickly agree, not that really need much convincing. “We can do it once she wakes up from her nap!”
Thus, after little Naomi wakes up, as well as checking if she’s neither hungry nor in need for a change, Naoya is the first one to assume position, getting beneath the soft, warm covers and subsequently closing his eyes, ready to act as if he were asleep and let this prank begin.
“Go with papa, pumpkin!” you whisper once gently placing on the futon, just beside Naoya. She’d then begin to crawl over to him.
Naoya tried his best to not laugh at Naomi’s adorable coos and babbles, the ones clearly intending to call for her father’s attention, only to cruelly receive none of it.
She’d persist on by grabbing onto a handful of his hair and pulling it, hoping that by this he’ll finally stop acting the fool and look at her!
But after a few attempts, Naomi eventually gives up and instead does the most unexpected, cutest thing that either could’ve hoped, which was to nuzzle against his chest, close her eyes, and fall asleep once more.
How the two managed to not screech out of happiness is a mystery to remain, as well as his resistance to keep still while Naomi laid on him, perhaps the most difficult endeavor he had to endure in his whole life—no special grade mission could compete!
Either way, it was an adorable reaction that amounted to taking a few pictures, which both would fondly look at in the future.
Yet, your curiosity still demanded to know what kind of reaction Naomi would have towards you, thus, in another occasion, you’d replicate the same scenario although now in Naoya’s shoes, silently hoping that you’d also get a semblance of Naomi’s adorableness, not that you weren’t getting much of it any other time of the day, but you couldn’t allow yourself to be left out!!
So, you lay on the futon, with your husband placing Naomi besides you, doing your best to not giggle when she begins to prod at you, repeating somewhat of the same actions as she did with her father… though there was to be a slightly more aggressive edge to her actions, almost as if she’d caught onto their intentions and grew annoyed by it.
Perhaps… too annoyed, for this would be the first time either saw a new side of Naomi, the one that described far beyond a simple baby that radiated nothing but happiness and sunshine, a personality to be discovered, if not handled, because these negative emotions would be the first she’d ever experienced, and thus, ignorant on how to deal with them—unknowingly taking them out on you.
“Ouch!” you immediately shriek when Naomi’s small hand sharply slams against your cheek, repetitively doing so across your face until you eventually intervened by grabbing her arms. “No, don’t hurt mama!”
“Naomi!” Naoya gasps, quickly lifting her away from you. She whines, trying to fight against his hold while trying to reach out for you again. “No, Naomi, stop!”
“Nnghh bah!!” she protests, furiously trying to squirm her way out of his arms but failing. “Mah!”
“I won’t let you go back to mama if you’re going to keep hurting her!” Naoya declares, and for the briefest of moments Naomi seems to understand, enough for her to eventually quiet down and cease her rebuttal, but not from pouting or crying.
“Naomi… I would never ignore you intentionally!” you say, stretching your arms to hug her. Naoya lets her go with much hesitance, although by that point, Naomi could only express her regret. “It was just a silly prank, no need to be upset.”
Naomi pouts, as if embarrassed before resting her face onto your chest, sniffles eventually turning into hiccups.
“But that doesn’t mean it’s ok to hurt me, sweetie.” You add. “You hurt mama very bad.”
Naomi whines, and both know that even when young, she wholeheartedly regrets her actions.
Once tiring herself by crying, as well after eating a bit, Naomi would eventually fall asleep, giving both parents the perfect moment to ponder about what transpired and how to approach this situation.
“Why did she react that way? I never thought our little pumpkin had it in her, always so adorable…” Naoya sighs, crossing his arms as he relaxes against the wall while watching you prepare the food for that day.
“Well, not that you mention it… Naomi always whined whenever I had to peel my eyes off her.” You admit. “I thought she was being talkative, or simply acting like any other baby would when away from their mom, but I guess it was something deeper than that.”
“Who would’ve thought our daughter was the jealous type?” he snickers, you smile.
“Since she’s got you as a dad.”
“I’m not jea—”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Fine, alright. But I would never hurt you.”
“She’s just a baby, a cute, adorable one that is starting to discover her feelings and how to react to them.” You add. “Naomi must’ve been upset that we tried to do the same thing on her twice, when she just wanted to play.”
“Or that she called for us and we didn’t answer immediately.”
Like we usually do.
You sigh.
“Oh, I must’ve spoiled her horribly!” you cry. “I was advised against giving her too much attention, that it’ll make her more demanding and whatnot…”
“By whom? My relatives?” Naoya frowns, you look away. “I wouldn’t take advise from people that leave their children to their own whenever committing mistakes…”
“I don’t want to do something that will hurt Naomi in the long turn” you quietly admit, looking back at him. “But I’m also scared of reprimanding her, of seeing her upset!”
Raising a daughter was not to be an easy thing, as enthusiastic both were. Her fate, the way she’ll grow up to be, all the achievements she’ll obtain and more greatly rely on what you, as her parents do; in that case, there is no room for mistake…
But luckily for Naomi, she had both her mother and father wanting nothing but what’s best for her, and after understanding what needed to be done, the two began to help her channeling her emotions into something more positive—something that will hopefully branch out into sorcery when the time is right, Naoya hopes.
That didn’t mean Naomi would stop demanding of either your or Naoya’s attention (specifically yours) though in a less aggressive manner. She’d still a bit overzealous whenever others attempted to sway you away from her, (Naoya included) but that wouldn’t last long until she was doted on by the same people that tried to distract her—always loving the attention, Naomi was never one to deny them.
Though her behavior could sometimes become concerning, Naoya and you knew well to enjoy these short moments with her, for it wouldn’t be long before she’d grow up and leave these antics behind, just as most kids did, replacing them with a bit of… apprehension for said demonstrations of affection.
Or preference for pranks, that is.
“When will you two stop doing that?” Naomi would eventually ask after the nth prank that week—at first, they’d make her laugh, then confused, but now, irritated. As expected of a young teenager who wanted nothing but to not appear humiliating to her friends.
“Probably never, little pumpkin.” He answers with a chuckle. “Not when your reactions are hilarious.”
“And when will you stop calling me that?!” Naomi frowns, cheeks red. Naoya laughs once more.
“See?” he shrugs. “You’re not helping yourself, Naomi!”
“Ugh, whatever.” She rolls her eyes, turning around to leave. “Have fun with your lame and old jokes.”
“Old?? I’m not—I’m not old!”
Long are the days where adorable little Naomi would scurry to her parents whenever she could, chubby little hands reaching out for them so they’d carry her, giggling as soon as her cheeks where peppered with kisses.
But she’ll always remain their little one, the one that taught them love at first sight does exist, the wonders of parenthood, as well as what it’s like to be the embarrassing parent for once in their life—a bane they never thought to experience, thinking themselves to be cooler than average, a reality that was quickly shattered with Naomi's sharp refutal.
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It's like a cycle, y/n and naoya preaching that they could never be uncool and then... Naomi comes along. hahahah
Anyways, I envisioned for a long time now that Naomi is quite aggressive when it comes to getting what she wants; she probably never shows that because you and naoya just endlessly dote on her—but it becomes quite apparent in situations like this, and of course, when she has siblings.
though with hard work and dedication that stops :> she learns that being jealous about something like that (something that she'll always have) is not the right way to go on with her life and it's also a waste of energy so, she moves on :) I wish naomi could stay a little baby forever tho, writing naoya and y/n as enthusiastic first time parents is 🥺❤️
I truly enjoyed writing this little drabble, it warmed my heart 🥺❤️ thank you so much for sending in this!! I always appreciate whatever you share with me 🤭 I look forward to the next hehe.
Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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saturnville · 3 months
what happens in madrid… [1/2]
pairing: jude bellingham x black oc (naomi sinclair) summary: what happens in madrid… warnings: none. tags: @emjayewrites @cocobutterqwueen @neeville @neewrites @cosmic-parker + anyone else who likes football fics? let me know if you want to be added! an: when I tell you this took me forever…I truly hope you like my delusions put into a fic 🩵 and this gif!!!
part two: …stays in madrid
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“Let me take you out. Make your trip one to remember.”
Naomi considered herself a smart woman. University-educated with street smarts that were more profound than a person would assume for her age. She intentionally thought through every scenario; understanding that everything she said, thought, and did came with a consequence.
She didn’t know what it would take to see a six-foot man with caramel skin and chocolate brown eyes approaching her at a local restaurant and boldly attempting to woo her, to let go of all her inhibitions and throw her common sense out the window. She knew him, yes, but she didn’t know him. Hell, he could kill her within the next five minutes.
Did it phase her? No. For once, she let her curiosity outweigh her logical mind and fell victim to his gleaming smile and charming nature. She was on vacation, she tried to reason the best she could. On vacation and being pursued by a fine young man who insisted she have a good time during her stay. So, she pushed her hair over her shoulder and gave him a smile that raised his eyebrows in interest. “Pick me up from here tomorrow.”
“Well aren’t you beautiful,” he complimented as she walked toward his vehicle, dark and brooding, much unlike the man he’d presented himself as. His comment had her lips curling upward to a smile. She thanked him, accepted the kiss on her cheek, and tried not to fold when he guided her to the passenger’s seat.
“Thank you,” Naomi replied after some time. “You are dually handsome, sir.” And that was a fact. She appreciated his subtle approach to fashion. Everything he wore was high-end, that was evident, but it wasn’t flashy. His aura and confidence spoke for him. He wore the black button-down and matching short set with an easy confidence. The dark sunglasses over his eyes completed the look, only emphasizing her thoughts.
Jude smiled and proceeded to drive out of the hotel lot. They engaged in small conversation, picking up from where they left off the previous night. They were different but had a lot in common. She, too, was the oldest of two, save she had a sister rather than a brother. Unlike her, her sister didn’t take an interest in football, rather participated in cheerleading and went to university on a cheer scholarship.
“That’s amazing,” Jude commented genuinely. “She graduated right?”
Naomi shook her head. “Not yet; she’s still got time. She’s a first-year, but she’s already planning her graduation trip. She wants to go to England.” His ears perked up and a sly smile crept on his lips. She rolled her eyes playfully but accepted his proposal to share places she should visit whenever her sister went to England.
“You know,” Jude spoke minutes later as he guided her out of the vehicle. She took his extended hand and thanked him, straightening her thigh-length skirt. “I don’t hear Spain as a place for solo travel often. What prompted that?”
Her response was delayed by her infatuation with the sights above her. They were outside of a museum. Not just any museum, but the National Archaeological Museum. She was inwardly awed. He took note of her love for history and art and took her to the museum. She could kiss him right then and there.
“Glad you took my advice and wore comfortable shoes.” They both glanced at her New Balance sneakers that complimented her neutral-toned outfit. She wore a gray cropped top, knee-length distressed shorts, and a white fitted cap to match. “We’ll be out for a while. I know a good lunch place not too far away if you want to go later.”
Naomi smiled. “Looking forward to it.”
“Oh, it’s so beautiful!’ Naomi refrained from touching the meticulously handcrafted bust in front of her. Her eyes gleamed with wonder and adoration. She adored museums. They were where art and history kissed and refused to gasp for air. There was nothing like it.
From behind her, Jude nodded slowly, not paying much attention to the busts, but rather her child-like excitement and sun-like glow. He could have cursed himself for doing all of this for a woman he’d met less than 36 hours before, but the feeling deep within him outweighed the logic his brain tried to present him with.
A pretty woman whom he just happened to speak to at dinner had agreed to let him take her around Madrid for vacation. Just as he did, she’d taken such a liking to him that she agreed to spend time with him until she left ten days later. He had ten days to be in her presence and he’d been damned if he let his mind ruin it.
“Yeah,” Jude spoke up after some time, his eyes following her. “Very beautiful.”
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Liked by adyajalyn, tomjones, alexandraaaaa, and 341 others
naomisinclair such a beautiful city
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adyajalyn girl who took that picture and who’s arm is that
— naomisinclair 🌚
adyajalyn you go out of the country once and start befriending strangers like a dumbass
adyajalyn is he cute though?
— naomisinclair very
judeb pretty
— naomisinclair liked your comment!
— naomisinclair judeb thank you boo
—judeb liked your comment!
“So, do you plan on returning to Madrid in the future?” Jude asked as they walked in a local park, hand in hand. Naomi tilted her head to the sky and swung their hands together. “Or was this a one-time trip?”
“I’ll be back. Especially if I have a reason to return.” She turned her head to meet his eyes, which were already awaiting hers. She saw something within them--excitement, interest, and desire. It made her stomach clench and her face grow warm. “So, hopefully, I will.”
The wheels began to turn in his mind. She’d be gone in ten days. He’d go on break in fourteen days. Would he be insane to try and get to know a woman who was nowhere near Madrid? Maybe. But, who doesn't like a little crazy?
After some time, Jude spoke up, “I’d like to think you will.”
Her eyes twinkled. She said nothing after that but the step she took closer to his body said more words than her mouth could and he accepted it gratefully.
“You can come in if you’d like,” Naomi said shyly as they stood outside the door of her hotel. Her fingers fondled her braids as she awaited his response.
Jude’s lips spread in a content smile as he nodded. “I appreciate that. Give me some time to shower and I’ll be back.”
Naomi grinned like a kid in the candy shop. They exchanged their goodbyes and she was left to freshen up and keep her mind occupied as she waited for his arrival.
Shortly after her shower, she got a phone call from Adya, whose face was filled with interest as she immediately asked, “Who is he?”
Naomi chuckled, “Well hello to you, too. And to answer your question, he’s a nice guy I befriended at dinner one day. Just showing me around the city. And before you call me a dumbass, yes I know it was dangerous.”
“As long as you know,” Adya shrugged. She then smiled softly. “Is he treating you nicely at least? Not a total creep?”
Naomi nodded. Jude was more than nice. He was incredibly kind and attentive. The thought of her leaving the following week drove her mad but she tried her best not to ponder on it too much. She’d enjoy the present moment.
“He’s a nice guy. Sucks that I’ll leave, but that’s why I’m just basking in the moment.”
Adya hummed. “If you’d like to make it work, it could be possible. Would take a lot of effort, but it could work if you both wanted it to. I think you might have to build a friendship first, though.” That drew a small laugh from Naomi who agreed wholeheartedly.
Just as she was peeped to respond, his name dropped down from a banner.
— Hey, pretty girl. I’m outside.
Adya, not blind to Naomi’s sudden grin, hollered and said, “Girl, go talk to that man and call me in the morning.”
“Bye Ady!”
Naomi tossed her phone on the bed and kept off the mattress. She patted her braids, soothed her sweatshirt, wriggled her manicured toes, and strode toward the door, opening it wide.
Jude stood on the other side, a smile on his face as he held up a dark bag. “I come bearing gifts.” Naomi moved out his way and allowed his entry. “This is a nice room.”
“Thank you. The booking company gave me hell so they upgraded me to a suite.” Naomi pointed to his bag and tilted her head to the side. “What do you have there?” She sat on the bed and he joined her.
“Heard through the grapevine you like popcorn, chocolate, and good movies.” Out of the bag came varieties of chocolate, a large bag of popcorn, and his laptop, fully equipped with any streaming service of her choice. “Figured we would watch one or two together.”
Naomi grinned like an idiot for the hundredth time that day. He was so considerate it almost hurt. Without much thought, she said, “I could kiss you right now.”
The way Jude’s eyes widened made her heart quicken but the feeling of his lips on hers shortly after caused it to nearly burst in her chest.
He was such a good kisser, she noted, appreciating how he took control yet was very gentle with her. His hands didn’t roam below her waist and he didn’t try to force his tongue down her throat. It was the perfect blend between respectful and polite and grown and sexy. Just as she liked it.
“I like you,” he whispered some time after they pulled away. Naomi’s eyes softened at his confession. She noted how he tried to catch his breath, how his cheeks were rosy from his body temperature rising, how his lips were slightly swollen and smeared with her lip gloss. He was so beautiful.
He didn’t let her finish. “I like you and it’s crazy because it’s been less than 48 hours but Naomi, there’s just something about you.” Swoon. “You’ll go back home and I’ll be here, but I want to see what my life could look like with you in it. Give you a reason to come back.”
Naomi laughed lightly. Not because anything he said was funny, but because of the insanity of it all. She’d fallen head first for a man she’d known for two days and blushed at every word he said like his sentences were crafted by Shakespeare.
“I like you too,” she admitted. “And I feel crazy saying that because we’re strangers.”
Jude’s eyebrows raised as he nodded. That was the unfortunate fact, but, “We’ve got a few more days to become more than strangers.”
And that they did.
“Jude!” Naomi squealed as he tapped her shoulder, causing her to fall in the pool. She didn’t get the opportunity to wipe the water from her eyes before Jude jumped in beside her. She squealed loudly then giggled when he scooped her into his arms.
“That wasn’t nice,” she said, pouting playfully. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her manicured fingers combed through the thick curls on his head, an action that made his eyes flutter. “I’m gonna get you back.”
“Is that so?” he asked, fingers caressing her thighs that were locked around his waist. Naomi nodded, eyes dropping to his lips. “Gonna have to get me first.”
Naomi, as flirtatious as ever, only has to bat her eyelashes a few times and brush her lips against his for him to crumble immediately. The perfect way to get him distracted enough to wriggle herself from his grip and dunk his head into the water.
Her laugh was loud and boisterous, but he enjoyed hearing it all the same. Jude wiped his eyes when he came up from the water and gave her a look. Naomi giggled as she tried to back away, but her movement was restricted by the water.
Once again, she was scooped into his arms. “You play dirty,” he said. “I like it.”
Naomi smiled. The feelings she felt with him were unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Her face always hurt from smiling, she felt giddy whenever he arrived at her door or called her phone. How would she possibly be able to deal with the distance?
“I’ve got to go, Jude, or I’ll miss my flight,” Naomi whispered, tugging her hand out of his grasp gently. “I’ve got to go.”
The dreaded day had arrived. Naomi had to go back home and they’d be without each other (physically) until their schedules aligned again. It was something neither of them wanted to think of but like always, time brought reality back to them.
“I don’t want you to go,” the footballer admitted, swinging their hands back and forth. Naomi smiled sadly, using her free hand to caress his face.
“I don’t want to go either, but we’ll call, text, and FaceTime as much as we can, and we’ll figure it out. We can figure it out.”
Jude’s lips parted to respond but her flight being called over the speakers cut him off. He sighed heavily. Naomi bit her lip to pierce her quivering lips. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you,” Jude replied. He pressed a kiss against her lips.“Call me when you land, alright?” Naomi nodded and took her roller bag in her hand and began to walk toward her gate.
“Bye Jude.”
He waved sadly.“I’ll see you soon, Naomi.”
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Liked by adyajalyn, judeb, judebellingham, and 673 others
naomisinclair until next time, madrid.
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adyajalyn favs
naomisinclair and judebellingham liked your comment!
— alexandraaaaa you knew she got a footballer fr in madrid and didn’t say anything??!
— adyajalyn wasn’t my tea to spill 🌚
judebellingham 🩵
— naomisinclair can’t wait to see u again
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— judebellingham in due time, love
naomisinclair liked your comment!
saturnville and so it begins!
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atlabeth · 5 months
now that the dust has cleared from the chaos for me irl, i want to officially thank you all for 3000 followers!! because wow. where do i even start?
this isn't a milestone i thought i would ever reach. i made this blog during my junior year of high school when i was bored as hell in online school, not knowing what would come of it, and honestly not expecting anyone to read anything i’ve written. i exclusively wrote avatar fics (kind of embarrassing that a series i started at the beginning of my blog still isnt finished huh?) because it was what i had been watching most recently. i started to gain some recognition, made some friends, and slowly but surely i carved out my little corner of the internet. and now, 3 years, 3000 followers, and almost 500,000 words later, i’m going into my junior year of college with some of the best online friends a girl could ask for (shoutout to my day 1 @simplysolo for still being around and still being the best ever, and shoutout to all my other tumblr friends that have deactivated over the years</3 i miss you guys) a whole array of fandoms that i’ve dabbled in, and a newly discovered thing for middle aged men. cool 
i truly cannot thank you all enough. i’ve always been a writer, but this blog has given me a sorely needed creative outlet and made me more confident in my writing skills than ever. at the end of the day i’m just writing silly little x reader fics, but i’ve truly had so much fun doing it! every single fictional man im in love with is also in love with me isn’t that crazy!!!
a special, extended shoutout to the loveliest mutuals i’ve picked up over the years. i wouldn’t be half the writer i am and i wouldn’t have half as much fun on here without you all. @simplysolo for being around since the beginning and truly being the greatest person on this app, i love you intensely, @sokkadora for being another one of my ogs (we dont talk anymore but i see you every so often on my dash and you’re doing great!!) @mcallmestiles for being one of the first avatar fics i ever read, traitor encouraged me to be a better writer and i hope you’re doing well with your medical career!! @tangledinlove for being my most famous mutual, the kindest person in the world, and being brought together through the power of lockwood, @giyuji and @milkiane who are both inactive but who i have to tag because i love them and i hope they’re doing well; naomi you got me into the grishaverse and liane we were in the trenches of the stranger things revival together, @boneblushed for dealing with so much but still being phenomenal and lovely in every way, @tommymcartney for being so sweet all the time, my biggest cheerleader and encouraging my insanity in every fandom ive been a part of, @nghtwngs for being the only person who loses it over nikolai lantsov as much as i do, to all my new/more recent mutuals @hotchfiles @ma1dita @moowithmidnight @emiliehornby @supercutszns i can't wait to get to know or keep getting to know you!!! you're all so lovely!!! and all the mutuals i don’t talk to as much as i should, i love you all and cherish you in my heart regardless of if we talk every day or have never said a single word to each other!! i don’t want to tag you all because i don’t want to bother you, but if you’re looking at this and thinking am i talking about you, i am. i love you. it takes a village and im so lucky to have you all as mine 
i can’t believe it’s been 3 years, i can’t believe i’m halfway done with college, and i can’t believe we hit 3,000. truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading my fics and letting me be some small part of your lives. i can’t wait to write more for you all. keep a lookout for my 3k celebration post! 
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sapphicvqmpires · 1 year
❁ཻུ۪۪♡ wouldn’t change a thing
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Pairing - sub!shuri x dom black fem!reader
Word Count - 6.8k
Contains - smut (18+), sub!shuri, dom!reader, fingering, masturbation, voyeurism, overstimulation, edging, strap-on, choking/breathplay, brat!shuri, jealous!shuri, kinda possessive!shuri, brat tamer!reader, shuri rolls tf outta her eyes in this one cuz she got a little attitude
Divider From - @firefly-graphics
Sneak Peak - “Do me a favor and go sit on the edge of the desk for me, yeah?” And she complied, for it was in instances like these that her royal title, her professional achievements, and her intellectual brains held no significance. In these moments, it didn’t matter who she was to the country of Wakanda, that they looked up to her, relied on her, and even bowed to her, it all faded away; she consistently yielded to your dominance.
Tags - @inmyheadimobsessed @amplifiedmoan @vampzxi @abenomeiiii @heejayy @shurislover @shurismainbxtch @shuriszn @naomis-daydream @prettymrswright @pocketsizedpanther @gardenof-venus @tiii-iiiiii @verachii @ihearttish @playhousedistee @somethingcleaverandwhitty @niyahwrites @tishsrealwife @oceean @sookiesookie @myaraines @cafehyunji @6-noir @ventingfanfics @ririslove @marsology @imjusthere2readbruv @desswright29 @mqiswrld @ooglyboooglybitxh @sweetalittleselfish-honey (comment if you want to be added, 18+ only)
Writers Note: Special shoutout to @inmyheadimobsessed and thank you for being real patient, I know you wanted this bad! I really enjoyed writing this one, it’s just pure smut for all you filthy people (just like me!), but anyways, hope you all enjoy this read!
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❁ཻུ۪۪♡ Another day unfolded at the lab; another day filled with complex equations that your mind effortlessly processed. It was a typical lab scene in Wakanda, where the brightest minds convened to work on various projects. Amidst the hectic environment, your girlfriend, who happened to be the most brilliant of them all, shot disapproving looks at you from across the lab. You were busy assisting someone else, another girl, helping her with difficult equations only you and Shuri had the brains to solve in a minimal amount of time. Despite the girl's subtle attempts at flirting, you provided her with the help she needed, choosing to overlook her flirtatious mannerisms. But Shuri, she was angry; seething in jealousy as she watched the way you fessed up to the needy girl beside you.
For another fleeting moment, your eyes met Shuri's, but she averted her gaze quickly, causing your stomach to churn with unease. You were well aware that as soon as the door to your bedroom closed, you'd have to brace yourself for her inevitable whines and complaints that would leave her lips and slip through her body language.
As the sun began to set and the lab gradually emptied, you made your way back to your room. Finding your bedroom unoccupied wasn't surprising, given that Shuri typically lingered in the lab until late hours. And so you proceeded with your night, changing into a more relaxed attire and prepared a snack while anticipating Shuri's eventual exit from the lab to join you, readying yourself for her likely complaints. The minutes ticked by, until finally, your girlfriend entered through the doorway.
“Hey,” you muttered, but she completely ignored you, making her way to the bathroom for her daily shower. You were utterly astonished, taken aback by the extent to which she was willing to make her point and you were growing frustrated and impatient.
After what felt like an eternity, Shuri eventually came out. Her curls retained its dampness from her shower, and your gaze traced the tattoo situated behind her left ear, which extended down to her hand. The sight of your girlfriend made your stomach flutter. She was always ridiculously sexy and the thought of having your way with her at this very moment was enticing, yet Shuri had alternative plans. She takes her place beside you on the bed, continuing her performance of silence as she proceeds to ignore you and your most obvious frustrated presence.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on with the attitude?,” you spat with a harsh tone, breaking the silence that hovered between you two.
“What attitude?,” Shuri replies, eyes still nowhere on yours. You let out a hefty sigh, one that was accompanied by an aggressive eye roll.
“You know, you’re really starting to piss me off,” you mention.
By this point, your patience with her and her demeanor had worn thin. You seize her jaw, possibly with an aggression that you hadn’t initially intended, forcing her gaze to meet yours as you were teetering on the edge of reaching a breaking point.
It’s not that you weren’t aware of why she was upset, you knew why. But you didn’t believe your actions deserved this type of behavior from Shuri.
“Shuri, baby, talk to me or don’t start.” You let go of her jaw, an act of permission to get her to speak. Shuri rolls her eyes in response, a sly smirk subtly peeking through her lips as you move your hands to firmly grab her throat.
“Baby…” A word of warning as you pressed down a bit further. Shuri bit her bottom lip, her face softening as she willingly brought her gaze to yours for the first time tonight. You let go of her throat, getting lost in the way it bobbed once she swallowed.
“You know why I’m upset, nkoszana, so I’m not even sure why you’re making me say it.”
“Because I was simply doing my job, and you’re getting upset Shuri, like what is it you want me to do?”
“I don’t care. I don’t like her. She clearly has a thing for you and you’re just kissing up to her obvious flirtations.”
“Shuri, I’m not doing anything but my job. She asks for help, and I give it to her in a polite manner. Whatever other motives she has is none of my business and I don’t give a fuck, I really don’t. But I have to do what I’m required to do, right? You’re the boss, so you tell me.” Your tone was clipped and straight to the point.
“Whatever. I don’t care.”
“No, you clearly do care, so tell me what I should do, princess.”
“Do what you want.”
Once more, you let out a forceful eye-roll, your frustration evident as you massage your temples in an attempt to ease your upcoming headache. Dealing with your girlfriend's constant complaints was nothing new; you were aware of her challenging nature even before you entered into the relationship but your determination to set things straight was one of the numerous reasons that made you her perfect counterpart. You had every intention of properly dealing with her attitude, but tonight, you decided to grant her a head start….but just for tonight.
You turned over in the bed, shifting your body to fully face her as you grasped her face once more, this time with ease as you spoke your gentle words.
“Look, my love, I’m sorry. Ok? I’m so sorry,” you cooed as you began caressing her chiseled features.
“Forgive me?,” you asked with doe eyes as Shuri shifted her body to meet yours. You quickly pecked a kiss on her lips, forcing a smile to creep through her.
“There’s my girl,” you muttered lovingly, as she softened her attitude with yours. Shuri grabbed your body and wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into her chest as she placed a kiss on the top of your head.
“I’m sorry, I just don’t like seeing people trying to take what’s mine,” she whispered into you.
“I’m always going to be yours, Shuri, and you know that.”
“I know…but does she know that?”
“Forget about her, baby. Just let me fall asleep in your arms tonight, yeah?” You move your face from her chest to meet her sleepy eyes, raising your head to gently kiss her button nose. Shuri's face brightens with a smile, and she playfully wrinkles her nose, breaking into a gentle laughter as you embrace each other once again. The two of you drift off into slumber, finding a peaceful interlude before the inevitable storm.
The following morning unfolds with ease, your time in the lab offering a less hectic state as your previous days have, but this was short-lived as you spot the familiar figure of the girl approaching you once again for assistance. A deep sigh escapes your lips, not directed at her, but rather because you knew what would happen as a result of it.
Beyond her annoying flirtations, you do understand why she came to you for help. You were one of Shuri’s best lab assistants and it was no secret that Shuri was not keen on the other girl, therefore she came to you.
Shuri's piercing gaze was far from discrete, juggling her attention between attending her tasks while also casting a vigilant look your way, a stare brimming with unmistakable jealousy. She observed every action, ensuring you stayed well within the boundaries she had set, and you were more than aware. The intensity of her glares grew distracting, making it difficult to attend to your duties and so you had to cut it short.
“Hey, I’m sorry but I got to take care of something real quick. I’ll be right back.”
As you approach Shuri, her gaze drops, redirecting her focus to her task while she inhales deeply. Your face clearly displays frustration as you bend your knees to align with her seated form.
“You’re being a brat,” you whispered, keeping an eye out for any nosey lab assistants.
“I don’t give a shit,” she spat back instantly.
“Shuri…” Your tone was a warning, but Shuri persisted in keeping up her facade, rolling her eyes with a subtle smirk and that act alone pushed you to your breaking point. You seized her wrist, leading her into her vacant office space. You lock the door and push her into the office chair. Leaning forward, you positioned yourself to meet her eyes, intentionally highlighting your lifted cleavage and Shuri’s gaze was anything but subtle.
“You, my love, are really starting to piss me off and get on my nerves,” you said, lightly grasping her jaw.
“I do not care. She’s obviously into you and I don’t like it.”
“So what you gonna do Shuri? Fire her and put that poor girl out of a job cuz you don’t like her??”
“Sounds enticing…”
“What?? I don’t see why she only goes to you anyway. I’m the smartest in the lab, she could come to me for help if she really needs it.”
“Now you know damn well why she won’t go to you, giving her the nastiest looks and all.”
Another eye roll manages to escape her, crossing her arms as she sits manspread in the chair in front of you. You've reached your limit with her bratty behavior, allowing her to hold the upper hand for long enough. Now, it's your moment to employ what you do best. You squat down, meeting her seated eye level, grasping her face between your thumb and middle finger as you exert a pressure that makes her flinch in response.
“You are reealllyy starting to piss me off, baby.” Your voice turned into a low, husky murmur, a sound that caused Shuri's pussy to pulse beneath your firm grip, a fact you were well aware of. You had an eye for detecting when she began to soak her boxers, the subtle gentleness in her eyes and the accelerated rhythm of her breath never escaped your notice.
“Do me a favor and go sit on the edge of the desk for me, yeah?”
And she complied, for it was in instances like these that her royal title, her professional achievements, and her intellectual brains held no significance. In these moments, it didn’t matter who she was to the country of Wakanda, that they looked up to her, relied on her, and even bowed to her, it all faded away; she consistently yielded to your dominance.
“You know baby, I’m starting to think this little attitude is simply because you want something from me,” you cooed seductively, playing with the waistband of her baggy shorts and she gulped beneath your touch. She would consistently attempt to maintain the illusion of holding the upper hand when dealing with you, a charade that only Wakanda believed. However, once the doors were closed, she would abandon her strength, discard the influence of the heart-shaped herb, and surrender complete control of her body to you.
You ease your hold on her face, letting your hand slide along her throat until you arrive at its base, where you apply a subtle pressure, eliciting a soft gasp from her, a sound that sends a pulsating sensation through your own pussy. As your grip tightens, she draws her final breath, savoring the dominance you exert as you deny her the ability to inhale.
“Nod if you’re ok.” And she does, frantically clutching your wrist as she intensely longs for more. You briefly release your hold on her throat to remove her baggy shirt and sports bra, and she helps you with equal excitement, both of you impatient to indulge in each other. You unbutton her baggy shorts and eagerly slip your hands beneath them, encountering the outcome of your actions through the mess between her legs. Her reaction is visceral; her mouth opens in astonishment as you circle her clit through the fabric, and she wastes no time pressing into you, seeking more friction.
“You’re so needy, you know that? A fucking brat, for real.”
“You what? Wanna be punished baby? Is that what this is all about? Just wanna be fucked good, huh?”
“Mhmm,” she moaned with a nod, biting on her bottom lip but it wasn't enough for you. What you craved was the sound of the voice, the quivering words that attempted to escape her; observing how she struggled to string together coherent sentences while you toyed with the heat between her legs. Your other hand sought her throat once more, a location it favored when it wasn’t occupied in her snug cunt. You applied just enough pressure to milk a strangled gasp and she knew exactly what it was you needed from her.
“Y-yes,” she responded, but you still weren’t pleased and so you pressed firmer into her windpipe.
“Sentences, Shuri. You know I don’t do that weak shit.”
“Yes, y/n. I-I w-want you to p-punish…me. P-put me in my place,” she struggled to say amidst her airflow being restricted and your hand down her pants, but she smiled her way through it, her smile fading into a breathless moan as you slip your hand into her boxers and come head on with her saturated pussy. Her slick was audible and sticky, clinging to your fingers as you pranced through her plush folds, purposefully toying with her clit to drive her insane.
“Ssshhh, my pretty girl, I’m getting there.”
You grabbed her chin and forced her gaze on yours. Her eyes were so desperate, so sleepy and she shut them completely when you finally sunk them into her without warning.
“Oh, shit…y/n, baby.”
Your fingers were well equipped with Shuri’s pussy, familiar with the walls that paved the way to the spot that always led your beautiful girl to her sweet bliss. It didn’t take long before your pace quickened, your fingers soaking in everything Shuri’s wet pussy had to give you. Her walls hugged your fingers, weeping around them as you plunged into her g-spot.
“Bast…ewe...ewe! Nceda ungayeki…” (Bast…yes….yes! Please don’t stop…). Per usual, Shuri’s body became needy, her hips bucking forward to meet your thrusts, her breasts bouncing frantically and the sight of her body being so overwhelmed by you made you wet.
“Look at you Shuri…so fucking needy, yeah?”
“Mhmm. Yeah.”
“Such a brat, you’re frustrating as hell. I can feel you squeezing my fingers real good already…you gonna cum soon?”
“Yes, y/n! Y-yes…I-I’m gonna cum,” she whimpered, her pussy walls clamping down further and further with each thrust you gave her.
“You think you deserve it?”
“Oh? You sure?”
“Mhmm, yes y/n…I deserve it, just…fuck.”
You released your fingers from her cunt, tapping her lips as a signal for her to open wide and taste herself and she obliged.
“Mmmm,” she moaned at her own flavor as you swooshed your fingers through her mouth, hitting the back of her throat to make her gag just once and you chuckled at the tears that began to brim on the outer corners of her tired eyes. And instantly your hands are back into her aching cunt, milking her as her whole body trembles beneath your touch.
“I’m gonna ask you one more time…do you deserve it?”
You cut her off mid-answer with your palm slapping her drenched pussy lips, a whimper falling off Shuri’s tongue at the gesture.
“Answer me, princess. Properly this time.”
“N-no…I don’t deserve it.”
“What don’t you deserve?”
“To cum. I do-don’t deserve to c-cum.” A pout formed on her face and you responded with your own pout, mocking her with a fake frown.
“Poor baby,” you taunted.
“Y/n…pleeassee. I’ll be good. I’ll d-do better, just…unh…please let me cum for you.”
And you so badly want to give into her, fulfill her bodies desires and make her soak your whole hand but you were in control, carrying the power over her approaching orgasm and so you ripped your fingers from her tight pussy as she was on the brink of releasing, a full pout forming on her face as the knot in her stomach remained there.
“Wha--why? Nkosazna, please.”
You gave her no answer, but wrapped your lips around your fingers, savoring the intimate taste of your girlfriend as your gaze connected with hers.
“Do you know why I didn’t let your pretty pussy cum, baby?”
But Shuri says nothing, angrily rolling her eyes as she tries to regain an ounce of dominance; also secretly hoping you may continue “punishing her.” She attempts to push her way around you but you would not allow it. You pushed her chest, forcing her to sit back onto the desk. You clutched her jaw, almost painfully this time, a reminder of her place.
“I’m not gonna ask again.”
“Because I was being needy.”
“And jealous.”
“What else?”
“And a brat.”
“Yes you were, my perfect girl.” You let go, gently caressing her face before you pull her lips into yours. She moans into the kiss, her flavor still lingering on your lips and you both feel like you could stay there forever.
“I love you,” she breathed into you, not wanting to let you go.
“I love you more,” you replied, finally breaking the kiss.
The rest of the day goes by fairly well. Shuri works diligently at her desk, putting on her best behavior but you notice her slip up every now and then, subtly rolling her eyes at you because what is your beautiful girlfriend if not a spoiled brat?
As the evening draws near, you make your way to your room. As before, you're met with an empty bedroom until the sound of running water reaches your ears from behind the closed bathroom door. You get comfortable, waiting for her to emerge. And just like that, she appears once again, exuding an even greater sex appeal than before, dressed in a pair of gray sweats and a wifebeater. The waistband of her boxers peaks above her sweats, and a dainty set of gold chains adorns her neck, as if she needed the accessories to be any more attractive. She looks stunning, and you find yourself wanting to give her everything she didn’t deserve, a desire to untangle her until she’s your good girl again.
Shuri didn’t notice your presence until your voice broke the silence, casually startling her in your tracks.
“Bast, baby, you’re killing me,” you said, and you most definitely meant it. “Come sit here,” you gestured to her to come on your lap. For the gazillionth time, Shuri playfully rolled her eyes, smirking as she made her way to straddle you.
“You and this damn attitude…what I gotta do to take it out of you, hm?” You pull her in for a kiss, both of you needy with your grip and movements as she softly moans into your lips, causing you to smile against her.
“What is it you want, Shuri?,” you asked, your voice was low, your gaze even lower, admiring the way her nipples pierced through the fabric of her shirt.
“I want you to finish what you started,” she replied, her plea soaked in impatience.
“Hmmm? Attitude too damn loud, I can’t hear you over it.”
She sighs heavily before proceeding to speak. “You know what I want and if you won’t give it to me then I swear to Bast, y/n, I’ll just touch mys--”
But you cut her off as you swiftly raise a finger to hush her parted lips. Her immediate compliance sets a promising tone for the evening ahead, aligning perfectly with the intentions you had planned for her. You taunt her, daring her to finish her sentence, yet she refrains, her face contorting into profound yearning for your touch alone. Drawing her closer, your lips meet hers once again and she whimpers into your mouth and that sound in itself almost forces you to give in to her, to succumb to everything she wants without a fight on her end. Almost.
“You know that thing you said you’d do? Yeah, I’m gonna need you to do it.”
“Imma need you to play with yourself. Make yourself cum at the pace I allow, my girl,” you softly command, caressing her cheek as you watch the way her face falls into your touch.
“I wanted you to do it,” she pouts, but you raise your eyebrow in question, challenging to see what’d she do but it shuts her right up instead. Good girl.
“Ok but…I need you to do something for me while I’m touching myself…please?”
“Hm? And what would that be?”
“I want you to choke me. You know how I like it, sthandwa.”
"Absolutely, I do," you respond, drawing her in for a final kiss before you begin to remove her clothing and undergarments soon after, leaving her in nothing but her dainty gold chains that have been driving you crazy. You orient yourselves just as you would if it were your own fingers about to sink into her cunt, your legs spread apart as she nestled between them, her back fitting snugly against your chest. Shuri mimics you, spreading her own legs as you set your gaze on her juicy, undeniably tempting pussy that catches the light in the mirror positioned before you. It was one of your favorite things about her; the deep, plump lips fixated between her thighs was nothing short of art to you.
You grasped her hand gently, guiding two of her fingers into the basin of your mouth, generously coating them in your own saliva. You hummed softly around her tattooed digits just before she trailed them down to her most sensitive area.
“Play with your clit, baby. Don’t go inside just yet,” you guided and she obeyed, nodding her head as her mouth opened the instant her fingers found her clump of sensitive nerves. Your girlfriend was easily influenced when it came to her pussy, making it a brief process for her whimpers to grow into mellow cries. With each push she placed onto her clit, her legs trembled, patiently awaiting your orders.
“Keep it going…don’t stop until I tell you.”
“Choke me,” she said, her plea coming out more demanding than begging. “Choke me, please.” There was the beg.
You take hold of her face, redirecting it towards you, granting her a final kiss before your hand glides down to her neck. A gasp escaped her lips in response to the sensation but her fingers did not halt, her juices becoming louder as she swished her clit.
“You look so beautiful like this Shuri…fuck.”
You applied a gentle pressure to her neck, your palm following the curves of her trachea and you sensed her throat shifting with every forceful swallow she took.
“Harder,” she softly begged, and you do, pressing further into her.
“Harder, y/n, harder. Choke me.”
“Damn, baby, you’re so nasty,” you teased, obeying her desperate plea. Gently, she begins to choke; her moans, soft gasps, and wet pussy become the sole sounds that reach your ears, forming a sinful melody. You lift your gaze to the reflection ahead, entranced with the sight, although Shuri's expression doesn't quite match the moment. She removes herself from your hold, turning her body around to face you before she begins to remove your leather belt.
“Shuri, what…what are you doing?”
“Shut up,” she says quickly, taking you by surprise.
“Hey…hey, this isn’t about me Shuri. This is about you, I don’t need-”
“Ssshhhh,” she says, cutting you off by colliding her lips into yours as she proceeds to remove your belt. Once it’s off, you understand her intentions as she wraps the leather around her neck like you would your waist, slinking it down until it’s firmly hugging her throat. “Choke. Me.”
While her request startles you initially, you eventually give in, pulling at the leather as Shuri proceeds to play with her clit. A second tug follows, leading to the sound and sight you've been longing for. The hoarse gasps that come from the depths of her throat, mingling with her escalating moans, a blended sound that made your pussy throb.
“Oh-ok…y-yes y/n. I-I’m gonna…I’m s-so c-close,” she struggled to say with the material that compressed her windpipe.
“Do what I love, princess. Choke for me,” you demanded and she knew exactly what you meant. Shuri stuck her tongue out with a playful grin, her eyes connected with yours in the mirror's reflection. The jolt in her clit gradually intensified as her walls became tighter and tighter. It was one of the sexiest things to you, watching her tongue stick as she left you in charge of her oxygen intake; drool pouring off the tip of her tongue as she choked and circled her clit in unison, making your drenched pussy clench around nothing but air, your clit aching for a sense of relief but they would have to wait.
“Nod if you’re ok, baby,” you say, pressing harsh kisses into the side of her neck. Shuri nods.
“Just tell me to stop if you need me to, ok?” She nods again. You pull a bit tighter, earning another choked response from her.
“You’re doing so well for me, just keep doing that. Keep rubbing yourself just like that.”
She was so beautiful like this, whining beneath her own touch as she left her breathing to your reign and even though she had full power to stop the assault on her clit whenever she pleases, she knew not to without your direction and it made you desire her that much more. Shuri’s clit grew enlarged, her pussy lips puffed out as her drool oozed down the valley between her breasts. Your pussy ached for her, wanting to give her everything she did and didn’t deserve.
“Cum, baby. Give it to yourself.” And she did, letting go at that very moment while her staggered, breathless moans echoed through the room. You slapped her hand, creating space for your own fingers to rub her through the aftermath, tugging the belt hard into her windpipe, momentarily cutting off all her airflow and the act intensified her climax; it was the most elated feeling for Shuri.
“Y/n…unh,” she struggled to say. Her clit jolted under your touch, her cream pooling out of her thumping cunt as she collapsed into you. You removed the belt, allowing Shuri to consume oxygen once more and she coughed in delight, absolutely pleased with her orgasm but you were nowhere near done with her. She got what she begged for and now it was your turn.
You dipped your fingers into her, pumping a few times and she jerked from your touch, still throbbing from her orgasm, though her pussy seemed excited with the way she immediately clenched around you at the contact.
You played with her pussy for a few moments longer, gliding your fingers through her dewy folds and she flinched every time you teased her clit. Her chest grew heavy, making it harder for her to breathe as you tantalized her through her slow, descending climax. You place your fingers on her neck, beginning to caress the tender skin and she winces.
“Are you ok?,” you ask, with genuine concern. Shuri nods along with a small laughter.
You lay her down on her back, beginning to kiss her throat with love as you caress her sore skin with your gentle lips. A soft hiss escapes her as your lips make contact, the tenderness a contrast to the pressure she endured earlier, the pressure she begged for. You bring your lips to hers, kissing her as your hands trail down her body, stopping at her clit and she moans instantly into your mouth. You smirk against her. Her sensitivity made you feral.
You press soft circles into her beating bud, caressing her just enough to drive her insane. Her folds were so plush, sopping wet with her arousal.
“Y-y/n…I need…shit, unh…”
“What do you need, princess?”
“I want y-you in…inside.”
“Hmm? I can’t hear you baby.” Your taunting gaze met her desperate one, sliding your fingers until they met her entrance. You didn't dip inside just yet, though you wanted to, but instead pressed firm circles against her entrance as you watched the way her mouth dropped open and her eyebrows furrowed together in pleasure. The sight of her made your already soaking panties even more wet.
“Please y/n, just fuck me alreadyyy.”
“Look at you…so fucking needy. You want me to fuck you with my fingers so bad, yeah? Is that what you want?”
She nods so quickly and the gesture makes you smile. She is completely under your reign. She begins bucking her hips, desperately wanting your fingers to meet the depth of her clenching cunt and although you aren’t buried inside her, you feel her on the surface of her entrance; the way her pussy craves you, needs you to fill her up and make her whole. She closes her eyes, her head slightly tilting backward, but you seize her chin and direct her to face you before her head can fully lean back. For a brief moment, you maintain this posture, locking eyes with her longing gaze while teasing her. Her puffy clit collides with your palm with each buck against you and you allow it.
“Please y/n…I ne-need you. Please.”
“Where baby, where?” You were being mean.
“Inside, y/n. Unh.”
“Do you know why I’m doing this?”
She smirked, struggling to bring back her bratty side as you teased her hole.
“Because why, baby?”
“Because I was being a brat.”
“Yeah that’s right…what else?”
“Unh…I was be-being too ne-eedy and jea-lous.”
You chuckled. “MY beautiful bratty girl. Always so needy for me.” You press your lips against her cheek, tilting your head into the curve of her shoulder as you dip your fingers inside her and you're greeted by the most seductive, sinful sound of love and lust that emanates from Shuri's mouth, ringing directly into your ear.
“Yeah…YEAH…oh fuck, y/n.”
Even though you can’t see her face, you just know her mouth is hung open, her eyelashes clinging together in ecstasy as you suck the skin on her sore neck.
“I wouldn’t want you any other way,” you assure, fucking your needy girl with precision. You raise your head a bit, aligning her lips with your ear, eager to catch her filthy moans. You return to meet her gaze, greeted by her perky breasts bouncing in unison with your rhythmic thrusts and her creamy pussy draws you in, captivated by her glossy slick that paints your fingers. But it's her eyes, those defenseless eyes that convey all the essential messages of the pleasure that was coursing through her.
“Yes, my angel…keep making that helpless face while you’re fucking down on my fingers.”
“You’re so beautiful Shuri…the prettiest girl ever.”
You bring her in for a slobbery kiss, swallowing her moans as the squishy sounds down below get stickier.
“I love you, y/n…I…fuck.”
“I love you too, baby. Cum for me. Do it.”
And so she does, her hands fluttering to either side of your face while her unwavering gaze stays fixed on you. Tears gather at the edges of her stunning eyes as her cunt oozes in pure bliss.
“Yeah, y/n…unh…BAST.” She completely stops rocking against you but you don’t stop thrusting into her, causing her whole body to tremble.
“Y/n.. sthandwa…please stop.”
“Hm, baby? I didn’t quite catch that.”
“I want you…unh…”
“I can’t hear you my love, speak up.”
“Stop, please…stop.” She’s trembling, her voice shaking, but you knew her body, you knew it all too well. Protest might’ve been falling off her lips, but the grip her pussy contained on your fingers told you otherwise. You brought your thumb up, pressing the pad of it into her clit and she squirmed at the pressure, her pathetic tears continuing to swell in the corner of her eyes.
“Tell me one more time baby. Tell me you want me to stop and I’ll stop.”
But your perfect girl said nothing, nothing but the sound of whimpers came out of her swollen mouth. A faint smile broke through lips but swiftly vanished, replaced by her face that felt nothing but pleasure.
“That’s what I thought.”
“Bast…mmm.” Her sobs were pretty, her helpless state being one of your favorite looks on her.
“You think I can’t tell when your pussy’s had enough baby? She still wants me so badly, squeezing the fuck out of my fingers…so needy for me.”
She was a mess, becoming entranced by your words and cocky grin. She moaned without any concern for passersby because she did not care who could hear Wakanda’s protector submitting to your authority.
“You’re gonna give me another one,” you say, and she almost protests but she knows better. She doesn’t want you to stop anyway.
“You’re gonna cum around my dick this time, you think you can do that for me princess?”
“Of course you can,” you say with a grin. Shuri helps you strip down, observing the way your wet slick adheres to the fabric of your thong as you glide them down your legs, creating a sticky string with your arousal. Your skin was so beautiful to her, its profound richness harmonizing with the textured curls that sat on your head. She admires your stretch marks that lead the way to your thick thighs and plush ass, the hues of brown in your inner thighs deepening the closer the skin got to your pussy. Bast, she was in love with you.
Shuri also helps you strap the vibranium toy to your hips, her most perfect invention that allowed you to feel her perfect pussy each and every time it sank into her. You lie on your back, motioning her to come on top of you and she obeys.
“Ride me, baby. Fuck yourself onto me until you cum around my dick.”
Shuri situated herself on top of you, firmly gripping the dildo before gently pushing it into herself and you both moaned in unison. It's a sensation that never loses its hold on you, the feeling of being inside her resonates, her pussy wrapping around your dick with her willful clench. Her pussy lips opened up for you, effortlessly gliding alongside the dildo and it was amazing to watch.
“Y/n! Oh yes…right there, nkoszana, right there…I..yeah.”
Her words mold unto putty as you consistently strike the nerves inside her, that tender spot that has her chasing both your orgasms. She dips her head back, pinching her erect nipples as her dark complexion glimmers with sweat. She appears heavenly on top of you, like she was floating, and the picture of her nudges you closer to your own pleasure.
“Look at you…you’re so fucking beautiful…sexy as fucking hell…god.”
“I…UNH…ooooo fuuuckkk.”
“You’re gonna cum aren’t you?”
“Don’t you dare s-stop fucking y-yourself. Don’t, Shuri…fuck.”
“Y/n…I-I can’t. I’m gonna c-cum.”
Her breasts bounce with each thrust she pounded onto you, her pussy milking your dick and you could feel your orgasm crying to be released. You grip her hips harshly, fucking her down onto your dick and she wails in pleasure, her eyes rolling back as her jaw drops. She takes one of her hands off her nipple, bringing it down to rub her clit and you swear you could cum right there. She was fucking amazing.
“You’re such a fucking whore, baby, huh? Wanna cum that bad?”
“Yeah, keep crying like th-that. K-keep squeezing my shit like that.”
It took about five more slams and Shuri released once more, an explosive squirt that coated your abdomen and trickled down her thighs. But you didn’t stop fucking her, so close to your own high and she let you chase it.
“Fuck, baby…k-keep f-fucking yourself like that. Use my pussy, y/n, c-cum in me…mmmm…ugnh.”
“Yeah, princess…I’m s-so close just…fuck, shit!”
Shuri fucked herself onto you, ignoring the fact that her pussy was aching to the point of slight pain but she wanted to make you cum, watch her girl that she needed so much to unravel before her.
“Cum, y/n…pl-please? I want you to c-cum inside me.”
The both of you were blubbering messes, minds unfolding into mush as your vision became hazy. Her pussy squeezed you so good, caressing you just right and you spilled right into her.
“Oh fuck, Shuri…FUCK…I’m cumming baby, I’m cumming…shit.”
“I know…I know.”
“Ooooo fuck…GOD. Your pussy is so good, always so g-good for me…UNH. K-keep squeezing me just l-like that…yeah.”
“You’re so beautiful, y/n. Cumming so hard inside me.”
“Only for you. Always for you.”
After moments, Shuri squirted one last time; an orgasm that caused her to falter beside you, both of your chests heaving up and down as you struggled to regain your composure.
“Fuck, Shuri.”
“I love you, y/n.”
“I know you do…my bratty girl. I love you too.”
You pull her in for one last kiss.
“My beautiful, bratty girl.”
The next morning approached. You and Shuri were about to arrive late to the lab and it didn’t help that Shuri was, per usual, being difficult.
“Sthandwa, I don’t think the makeup is necessary,” she comments as you apply a generous amount of concealer to hide the bruises on her neck.
“Do you see yourself? Look,” you remark, pointing to the mirror where her marked up throat from both your passionate kisses and the impression of the leather belt reflects back at her. A sly grin appears on her face as she appreciates the reflection, tilting her head to gain a clearer view of the results of your actions.
“People are gonna think you’re dating a fucking psychopath,” you add as you continue covering up the bruises.
“Maybe it’s cuz I am dating a fucking psychopath,” Shuri responds, wincing when you press too hard, and you mockingly fake a frown.
“My poor baby.”
“Shut up.”
“Oooo…such harsh language,” you joke, and Shuri rolls her eyes before you both begin to laugh.
“Hurry up, y/n, I got work to do.”
“Be patient, I wanna make sure I cover you up good.”
Another chuckle escapes Shuri’s lips. “I don’t get how you do this makeup thing almost everyday. It’s exhausting just sitting here now.”
“Well I happen to like doing my own makeup, and cuz I can actually do it unlike your ass. Remember that time I got you to do my makeup??” You burst into laughter as Shuri glared you down in annoyance. “That crooked ass eyeliner you gave me! Oh! And what did you call mascara again?? Say it again!”
“Shut up, y/n.”
“Pleaaseee, baby, say it one last time and I’ll leave you alone,” you lie, biting your bottom lip as you try to contain your laughter.
Shuri sighs, rolling her eyes before she says it. “I called it an eyelash enhancer.”
You burst out into laughter and Shuri sits there unamused, trying to contain her own laughter at the sight of you laughing over something so small.
“You’re just too fucking cute. An eyelash enhancer?? PLEASE BABE.”
“Well I wasn’t entirely wrong.”
“No…you were definitely wrong.”
“I forgot what it was called, ok?”
“Hey, hey…don’t be like that baby, you know I’m just teasing you. You’re just too cute. Wait, hold still…I’m almooosttt…there! I’m done. How’s it look?,” you ask, redirecting her to the mirror.
“Mmmm…I think you missed a spot,” she jokes.
“Huh? Where? Hold up, lemme cover that shit.”
Shuri laughs, amused at your concern. “I’m just playing, nkoszana. You did a good job.”
You smile, bringing her in for a kiss. “Don’t ask me to use a fucking belt for a while, Shuri, I mean it.”
“Hmmmm…might have to give you a reason to use it again then, y/n.”
“Oh, you fucking nasty,” you playfully remark, slinging your arms around her neck and she flinches when you accidentally press her bruised skin. “Oh shit! Sorry!”
Shuri laughs. “It’s ok, sthandwa. I just love you.”
You cock your head to the side, biting your cheek as you fight to contain a cheeky grin but it’s no use. She draws you closer by your hips, causing your pelvis to brush against hers before she begins kissing you.
“Shuri…we’re late,” you say, as she begins trailing kisses down your neck.
“How about…let’s just not go?”
While the temptation was undoubtedly strong, now was not a suitable time. The lab needed you both.
“We gotta go, princess.”
A prolonged, annoyed whine escapes Shuri's lips before she releases you. "Fiiinnee," she draws with exaggeration and you can’t help but chuckle at her neediness.
“You’re so goddamn needy, baby.”
“Mhmm. And you said you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
And she was correct. You wouldn’t have it any other way. ❁ཻུ۪۪♡
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And thank you so much for 700+ followers on here! Appreciate every single one of you that takes their time to read my work 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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