#thanks to everyone who has submitted prompts and fills so far!
cricketnationrise · 11 days
Took me forever to send you this because I couldn't decide which Beyoncé lyrics to send (if the ones I picked aren't inspiring, feel free to request different ones, there's so many to pick from!) so I hope i'm not too late 🙃 this is so fun, thank you for organizing this fest!
9:26pm, the brownstone, Alex Claremont-Diaz, "Private show with the music blasting / He like to call me Peaches when we get this nasty", rated E 😈
My Ao3 username is Calou 😊
fitting that you were right under the wire in submitting because it took me almost five months to get to this prompt. i hope its worth the wait!
a big thank you to everyone who submitted and to everyone who's been reading and commenting along the way. i love doing the ficlet fests, the prompts are always a delight and let me get out of any writing funk i find myself in. yall rock.
as a parting gift for Ficlet Fest 500, please enjoy exactly 1000 words of straight gay up filth, as requested in the GC.
read the rest of the ficlets here
9:26pm, the brownstone
Alex’s brain falls out of his head when Henry comes downstairs. He apparently took Pez’s dress code seriously for once; he’s dressed to fucking impress. (Alex is so far past impressed he’s having heart palpitations.) Henry looks good in everything, from a full suit to sweatpants, but when he lets himself relax, lets himself lean into being one hundred percent himself, he ascends to a whole other level.
His white shorts are going to be the death of Alex. They’re short, showing off strong calves and stacked, polo-playing thighs, and just this side of respectably opaque. But if there’s a strong enough backlight, anyone who isn’t intimately familiar with Henry’s particular topography, will be. The shorts would be enough to cause Alex a factory reset, but then he notices the shirt. It’s halfway unbuttoned, straining to accommodate Henry’s wide shoulders, and short enough in the torso that he’s baring midriff. And it’s one of Alex’s shirts. The novelty ice cream cone print has never looked so fucking good. 
Alex can see the tops of Henry’s hipbones—they’re mouth-wateringly obscene. Henry shouldn’t be allowed out of the house like this; he’s a danger to everyone around him. Drivers will run their cars off the road, pedestrians will walk into poles, et fucking cetera. Really, Alex has a fucking duty toward public safety to tackle Henry onto their couch and take him apart with his teeth. 
So he does.
Henry makes a noise somewhere between a squawk and a whimper and Alex wants to lick it out of his mouth. He captures Henry’s lips in a kiss as they land, barely letting him breathe, let alone put up a token protest because he feels like they should be social. Henry groans and melts into the cushions, letting Alex do whatever he wants. The trust Henry puts in him is heady, and Alex spirals that much higher when Henry throws his arms around Alex’s neck to keep him in place. His own hands are busy mapping every bit of exposed skin on Henry’s chest, slipping beneath Alex’s own fucking shirt to reach the scant inches that are still hidden below fabric. Alex takes advantage of Henry’s gasp of pleasure when Alex scratches lightly at his bicep to slip his tongue inside Henry’s mouth.
Both of them are already breathing hard, the sound of spit and panting filling the air. Alex manages to stop kissing Henry’s mouth, but only to nip down his throat, pausing at the pulse point to bite down. Henry always complains about having to be careful of covering the marks Alex leaves, but he never actually asks Alex to stop. (They were thirty minutes late to meet Nora for brunch last month when Alex caught Henry pressing down on a hickey in the bathroom and Alex had to bend him over the sink about it.) Henry’s moan at the graze of Alex’s teeth against his neck is a siren song; the way he tips his head to the side to give Alex more room, a gift from the gods. 
Henry pushes at his head, directing Alex with a pleading whine. Alex is only too happy to oblige, nipping and licking and sucking down Henry’s sternum, fingers fumbling to open the shirt. He spends a few minutes teasing Henry, alternating kisses with quick bites across his soft belly. Alex noses along his waistband, inhaling the scent of sweat and something uniquely Henry. Alex’s hands tighten on Henry’s thighs involuntarily when Henry’s fingers find a home in his hair and pull tight. Alex can’t wait another minute to get Henry’s cock in his mouth.
Alex liberates his curls from Henry’s hands and rearranges them so that Henry is sort of upright and Alex kneels on the floor between his legs. Alex means to dive in at once, but he has to take a second to fully absorb the fucking daydream of a man in front of him. Henry’s eyes have darkened, pupils blown wide and clouded with arousal. He’s sagging into the couch, relying on the furniture to keep him sitting up, seemingly unable to count on his muscles to do the job. Henry’s flushed from his cheeks to his hips, his hairline starting to darken with sweat. Alex’s gaze keeps snagging on the hickey he left—one fine day he’ll give into the desire to leave a whole goddamn collar of them.
Henry shifts, drawing Alex’s attention to his erection, straining against the white fabric of his shorts. Alex can’t help but to give him a firm stroke to his bulge, delighting in the strangled gasp it pulls from Henry. He can feel Henry twitch beneath his palm, can feel Henry’s racing pulse through the fabric, and then he’s moving—undoing Henry’s fly and pulling down his shorts and briefs in one fell swoop.
Henry actually shouts when Alex takes him to the root in one long smooth motion—he’s never been more glad for his lack of gag reflex. He stays there for a moment, breathing through his nose, the tip of Henry’s cock right at the back of his mouth. He looks up at Henry through his eyelashes. Henry’s practically shaking with the effort of holding himself still. How unnecessarily gentlemanly. Alex pries Henry’s hands out of the couch cushion and back into his hair before moving his own hands to Henry’s hips. He blinks twice, their nonverbal green signal, just to really drive the point home. With a mumbled curse, Henry starts thrusting and Alex closes his eyes, groaning every time Henry’s cock dips into his throat.
Alex’s jaw aches from the stretch, and his own cock is leaking and pressing uncomfortably against his zipper, but he couldn’t care less. He’s got Henry filling his mouth, surrounded by his hands and thighs and noises and taste—
They’re definitely going to be late to Pez’s party, if they even make it out of the house. Alex couldn’t give less of a fuck if they don’t; there’ll be other parties.
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nahoney22 · 10 months
hey, honey! congratulations on 3000! you deserve it and so much more for your incredible work. could i possibly request fox with gn!reader and the prompt “why are you really here? to mock me? to... make me hate you more?” “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.” ? thank you, and i love you 3000 (lmao i think i'm hilarious)
3000 Prompt List Celebration
Commander Fox X GN!Reader
word count: 1.8k
“Why are you really here? To mock me? To make me hate you more?” • “No, none of that I came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.”
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warnings: Gender Neutral reader, platonic or romantic relationship reader can decide. Slight angst. Reader stressed with Job and Fox being a difficult man but redeems himself.
authors note: so sorry for the wait. Enjoy. Love you 3000 💕
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Working for the Coruscant Guard had been a dream come true for you personally, but the reality of the job proved far more grueling than expected. The constant barrage of files and responsibilities heaped upon your shoulders was enough to exhaust even the most resilient individuals.
Though despite the demanding workload, there were silver linings.
You managed to form friendships with some of the Corrie guards during your shifts. Surprisingly to you, they managed to keep their tempers in check, resisting the urge to smack a certain Supreme Chancellor who often pushed their limits.
And during the rare moments of respite when the workload lightened, you quite enjoyed your time being stuck in an office with a bunch of rowdy clones. Which is quite funny seeing as they’re meant to be the strictest of the lot.
However, such peaceful and carefree moments were interrupted by a certain Commander. When he entered the room it felt like life was sucked out of it.
For reasons unbeknownst to you, Commander Fox seemed determined to keep a watchful eye on your every move. He persisted in requesting double-checks of your work, even when you were confident of its accuracy. It felt as though he was intentionally trying to catch you off guard and embarrass you.
Nonetheless, you refused to fall to his tactics.
Inevitably, a day arrived when the mounting pressure became too much, and Commander Fox seemed to have the upper hand. Weariness weighed heavily upon you as you mustered the energy to address him once more. "Commander, I assure you, everything has been thoroughly checked and is accurate," you stated with a hint of frustration and a suppressed yawn. The lack of sleep over the past week was taking its toll on you.
Fox's piercing gaze intensified behind his visor as he swiped his finger slowly through the files, creating an almost agonising atmosphere. A nervous knot now formed in your stomach, sensing that something was wrong with doubt beginning to gnaw at you.
"I... I believe so," you replied, attempting to sound confident, but your wavering voice betrayed your uncertainty. The room that was once filled with silent chatter fell into a now hushed silence as the clones you worked alongside subtly tuned in.
Fox's chuckle, laced with a hint of mockery, only added to your growing unease. He seemed to relish the moment as he posed the pivotal question, "Then please tell me the date you had added to all these files?"
You took a steadying breath, trying to maintain composure. "Today's date," you answered firmly, as it was the truth.
Though you couldn't see his expression hidden behind the distinctive red helmet, you had a gut feeling that he was smirking. He handed the files back to you, and for a moment, he said nothing. The silence in the room was palpable, and everyone's attention was fixated on the exchange.
Then, in a commanding voice that reverberated through the room, Fox broke the silence. "Perhaps you should now triple-check the work you submit."
The weight of his words hung heavily in the air. You fought to remain composed, but beneath the façade, your nerves were fraying. Fox walked away, hands clasped behind his back and you could sense the watchful eyes of your fellow clones.
As soon as you realised your mistake, a sinking feeling washed over you, and frustration mixed with embarrassment began to build inside. All those files, painstakingly worked on, were now marred by a glaring error of you signing the wrong date. You couldn’t help but feel defeated.
The mounting tension in the room weighed heavily on everyone present as you finally snapped, unable to hold back your emotions any longer. "Do you have a problem with me?"
Gasps and sputtering sounds of someone spitting their caf everywhere echoed throughout the room as the unexpected outburst startled your colleagues. Their eyes darted between you and Commander Fox, unsure of how the situation would unfold. Fox, though surprised by the confrontation, halted in his tracks.
He turned around to face you, and you met his gaze through his visor with a glare that could pierce beskar. The tension grew even thicker, but to your surprise, Fox's response was not the belittling or combative reaction you had anticipated.
"Do your job properly, and then we won't have a problem," he retorted sternly, maintaining his composure. His words cut deep, but they were not entirely unjustified. You knew that he had high expectations for the members of the Coruscant Guard, and your error had obviously fallen short of those standards.
His next words, however, were what stung the most. "I expect you to stay here after your shift and correct all 700 reports you did wrong." And with that, he left.
You were in for a long night.
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As your weary eyes struggled to remain open, you lost count of the files and reports you corrected during the hours that stretched far beyond the end of your shift. The weight of exhaustion bore down on you, and despite your best efforts to stay awake, sleep finally overpowered you. Your head fell onto your arms, the makeshift pillow offering a moment of rest.
You had no idea how long you had dozed off but the rustling sound nearby gradually pulled you back to consciousness.
Blinking your eyes open, you were met with the sight of a pair of gloved hands adorned with red armor along the arm. A very familiar colour. It took a moment for your drowsy mind to register who was sitting beside you, but when recognition struck, it felt like someone shot a cannonball to your head.
"W-what are you doing here?" you stammered, quickly sitting up and attempting to arrange the scattered files neatly, hoping to convey that you had not just been sleeping on the job. Yet, glancing at the time on one of the control panels, you realised with a sinking feeling that you had managed to nap for at least an hour.
The figure beside you, none other than Fox himself, remained impassive behind his helmet, his expression unreadable to you. He had caught you at a vulnerable moment, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment.
Before you could utter any further explanation or apologise for your unintentional nap, Fox finally spoke in his usual stern tone. "I came to see your progress," he said simply, giving no indication of whether he was displeased or approving of what he had observed.
You straighten your posture, trying to shake off the residual fatigue and regain your composure. "I've been working to correct the mistakes.” You attempt to inform him but he says nothing.
As you both continued working in an oddly comfortable silence, the initial shock of finding Commander Fox assisting you in correcting the files lingered in the back of your mind. He seemed entirely engrossed in the task at hand, efficiently working through the documents you had messed up, and you couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't woken you. Moreover, the sight of the multiple cups of caf nearby suggested that he had been there for quite some time.
After a few minutes passed, your curiosity got the better of you, and you mustered the courage to break the silence. "Why are you really here? To mock me? To make me… hate you more?"
Fox paused momentarily, sitting up straight and finally turning his head to look at you. The visor of his helmet was still impassive, but there was a sense of sincerity in his response that caught you off guard. "I'm here because I really enjoy filling out files," he said flatly.
Though, he actually was offering a hint of humor, it didn't seem to elicit the response he might have hoped for.
He sighed, and for a brief moment, you wished you could see his face to gauge his expression better. "No, none of that. I came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now," he admitted candidly.
The unexpected exchange between you and Commander Fox revealed a side of him that you hadn't anticipated. While you initially wanted to dismiss his offer of friendship, you couldn't deny that his actions spoke louder than his strict demeanor. He had shown a level of kindness and consideration you hadn't seen before, and it made you reassess your perceptions of him.
"I was not aware that you hated me. This kind of information should be passed on so we can move you to an environment you are more comfortable in," he mentioned, sounding genuinely surprised. You realized that perhaps you had been too quick to assume hostility in his actions without fully understanding his intentions.
"Okay, maybe hate wasn't the right word to use, Commander, but I just always feel like you're harder on me than others," you admitted, acknowledging that your feelings might have influenced your perception of him.
Fox turned to face you fully, and the swiveling chair made a soft sound as he did so. "Naturally, I have to be strict with beginners. It’s how I was treated when I first started out. However, I can now see that the workload has had an impact on your sleep," he explained, offering an understanding perspective.
You felt a bit embarrassed by your moment of vulnerability but appreciated his attempt at openness. "I'm so sorry for falling asleep," you apologised, still feeling a sense of responsibility for your earlier mistake.
He waved away your apology, putting you at ease. "No need. I would have woken you if someone of high importance was to enter. Also, don't think I haven't nodded off once or twice while working," he admitted with a hint of humor, surprising you with his forthrightness.
Your smile grew, and you felt an actual change between you both. "Really? Ever got caught?" you inquired.
"Of course not," he chuckled, his amusement infectious. He then tapped his helmet lightly, explaining, "That's why I wear this. It scares some of the shinies when they show up here, though. They just think I'm glaring at them nonstop when I'm actually catching up on some lost sleep."
You chuckled at the image, realising that even the seemingly unyielding Commander Fox had his moments of vulnerability. "You don't sleep much?" you asked, looking back at the multiple cups of caf by his side.
"Can't you tell?"
The two of you continued with this surprisingly good small talk and it comes to no surprise to you that some of his brothers had offloaded their work unbeknownst to you onto you.
You could definitely feel the tension between you both fade as you continued in through the night and you couldn’t help but feel like a bond was formed when he gently pushed a cup of caf in your direction.
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Prompt Works
Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @oohyesplease @theroguesully @mustluvecho @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @blustalker @by-the-primes @the-bad-batch-baroness
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omegaharryfest · 1 year
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Massive thank you to everyone that participated in this round! Whether you submitted a prompt, wrote a fic, or read and reblogged our stories, this has been an incredible time thanks to all of you.
You can find every fic submitted for the fest below the cut. Happy reading! Remember to leave kudos and comments to our talented writers.
See you for Round III!
✧ and i would search the night sky to find you by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain
Harry Styles is a high class, well-bred Omega attending Bosworth Academy - a prestigious boarding school looking over the small town on Kinsey. He has his whole life already planned for him, learning his place as the potential mate for an important Alpha, practicing his home making skills, and be obedient above all else.
When he attends a school trip into town though, he meets Louis Tomlinson - a blacksmith and mouthy Alpha who doesn't particularly care for the standards of high society nor for the people in it. But things are not always what they seem and a past grievance may change the lives of everyone involved forever.
✧ Nest To You by Neondiamond / @neondiamond
Everybody knows it’s in an Omega’s nature to nest, and Harry is no different. From the very first nest he builds to comfort himself when feeling homesick to the nest he one day brings his new pups home to, his Alpha Louis is there to witness it all.
Or: Ten different nests Harry builds throughout his relationship with Louis.
✧ there's no pleasure in this resisting (so go ahead and kiss me) by etherealbliss / @givesuethemoon
“No, Harry, you don’t get it. Like, I can hear you.”
When he notices Harry’s disbelieving expression, Louis takes a shuddering breath before continuing. “I don't know how else to explain it. I can hear every breath you take, every song you sing along to, every sweet thing you mumble when no one is around, every sigh, every gasp, every moan…” Louis rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands. “It’s like my senses are heightened to the max, but only when it comes to you.”
Louis stares up at him, eyes imploring, like he’s begging Harry to understand. “I can’t fucking sleep, because all I can think about, all I can focus on… is you.” He looks away, scoffing as he shakes his head, “And I don’t even know you.”
When Louis, a gorgeous alpha, moves into the flat next door, Harry's attention is immediately piqued. However, after a misplaced noise complaint and a series of interactions with the man that inspire a litany of fantasies, Harry soon realizes his attraction goes far deeper than he had initially assumed.
✧ flood it (like a tidal wave) by abaddxns / @momrryrights
After a revealing night out, Harry finds himself uncharacteristically transfixed with a particular bedroom activity he has yet to try out himself. Unfortunately, he's not having very much luck doing it on his own.
Fortunately for him, though, Louis is willing to help with that.
✧ I Can Be Your Fantasy by ShatteredGlassHouse / @larryislove
Harry was struggling, but the last thing he wanted to do was be a burden on his friends. Being the only omega in a group of alphas and a beta, he felt he had to prove that he was an independent omega who didn't need help. When his job at a coffeehouse wasn't helping his bills, he turned to a strip club. Luckily it was only for the bar, but when a dancer calls in sick, Nick is in a panic and asks Harry to fill in. He wasn't the best in heels, but what was the worse that could happen?
Or the one where Harry works at a strip club to pay his bills, which he hides from his friends. The secret gets exposed when Louis Tomlinson, his crush and best friend, is in the audience, watching him.
✧ sister of the moon by finelinegynandromorph / @finelinegynandromorph
harry's new to the whole werewolf thing and her new alpha louis is more than happy to help her figure things out!
✧ Every heart but mine by rainblou / @alphalouis
In the years leading up to his presentation, Harry hoped that his soulmark would appear, that his soulmate would present first and Harry would have irrevocable proof that his other half was out there, waiting for him.
Years later, he's given up on waiting and with a heat coming up, his eyes are set on Louis Tomlinson to help him through it.
✧ You’re so sweet (let me sweep you off your feet) by Crashing_Shadows / @shadowscomefromthepain
Harry had a rough life up until Zayn Malik
✧ in a land of gods and monsters i was an angel (looking to be fucked hard) by ineverateakiwi / @ineverateakiwi
"Harry could feel the man across the street staring at him for the past twenty minutes. He was inside a white van and a bit far from the light pole so only a part of his face was visible from afar. He wasn’t old as Harry expected him to be – men with vans were usually grandpas looking for some adventure. Not this one, though."
Harry is a prostitute getting ready to meet a new client when Louis comes crashing and, quite literally, saves his life.
A Pretty Woman inspired fanfic with an exciting twist.
✧ wish that you would hold me (or just say that you're mine) by chamomileharry / @chamomileharry
Louis’ thoughts were interrupted suddenly from the loud noise the white racket made as it hit the green concrete. There was silence only for a few moments before the omega in the little green tennis stomped his white shoes on the ground and began to rant. The alpha only caught the first bit, something about how useless everyone was before he was getting up from his seat.
The beta from before was quick to rush to Louis’ side and smiled politely. “Is there anything I can offer you, Mr. Tomlinson?” He asked though the alpha only waved him away.
“I’ve seen enough.” Louis threw over his shoulder as he walked away, cutting off the sounds of the little prince’s yells once he closed the balcony door and left the country club.
✧ i couldn’t want you anymore by landh28 / @landh28
“Harry leaned his elbows onto the table, focusing in on the details of Louis' face. He watched as Louis blazer stretched tight over his upper arms as he pointed dishes out on the menu and the way the skin around his eyes crinkled as he smiled politely. He honestly couldn't believe how he could have gotten so lucky. He had scored this beautiful, gentle and sweet smelling alpha and he couldn't help the way his omega preened at the thought of keeping Louis forever.”
Or five times Harry should have told Louis and the one time he does.
✧ Court Wine by enchantedlandcoffee, red_PANdaaa28 / @enchantedlandcoffee, @red-pandaaa
Accept. Harry had laid out accept. Louis felt like his cheeks were hurting, he was smiling so hard.
Asking to court someone wasn’t as common anymore and these days it basically was just a fancy way of asking someone to date them but Louis had always liked the idea and practice of traditional courting.
Giving his Omega little gifts and tokens of affection, finally getting to scent them properly and maybe even offering clothes to be added to the Omega’s nest.
Harry accepting was worth the world to Louis and he couldn’t wait to get to show his best friend, his Omega, how much exactly he meant to him.
after a misunderstanding during a scrabble game, Alpha Louis starts courting Omega Harry without the latter being aware of it.
✧ can't keep my hands to myself by DaddyAlphaLouisBabyOmegaHarry / @bottomhaztoplou
Harry and Louis try something new in bed.
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sxf-rarepairweek · 3 months
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hello everyone!! i wanted to give a huge THANK YOU for joining us in celebrating the rare pairs of Spy x Family! to everyone who submitted and to all who have read or shared or commented, thank you so so much!!! this last week and everything leading up to it has been so filled with excitement and anticipation it's hard to believe it's already over.
i'm so so proud of our little community and how many works we've received! as of typing this there are 25 total fanfic submissions (23 works on the AO3 collection (+1 including chapters for each prompt) +1 submitted on tumblr), 9 pieces of fanart, 1 gifset, and 3 headcanons for a total of 38 submissions!!! it's been an incredible turnout, please give yourselves a pat on the back!!
we've reblogged all the submissions we've found, so if yours hasn't been shared yet, please shoot us a dm/ask either here or on @sxf-rarepairs or @ this account so we can reblog it!!
REMEMBER!! even though the Rare Pair Week itself is over, late submissions are always welcome! as they say, rare pair week may be over, but our love for them goes all year long uwu i have a fanfiction or two i'm planning on finishing and submitting myself, so please don't hesitate! this was so much fun that we at the Spy x Family Rare Pairs discord are already planning more events, so please stay tuned!! if you love rare pairs or even if you just have one you ship ironically (for now), we'd love to have you! there's plenty of seats here at the brainrot circus 💜🎪
once again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for making this week a success!! <333 if you'd like to see more charts and statistics, there will be some based on this year's rare pair week below the cut!
hello, welcome to under the read more, because it was already getting quite long!!!
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first off, i know i said the number of submission types we received before, but here it is in pie chart form! it's easier to visualize it this way and i think it's fun nwn
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plus i made a chart for the totals of submissions each ship got! loid x franky was the most popular, with a whopping 7 pieces!! and there are, of course, plenty of singular works for other rarer pairs (9, to be exact! that's like half the total number of ships!!) i think i had more ideas for other charts and statistics but they have unfortunately fell out of my head in the span of time between starting to write this and actually making the graphs and posting it 😔 so if y'all have any ideas or further questions about this year's week, feel free to send them over!!
if you've read this far, thank you again!!! hope to see y'all in future events! 💜
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seasonsofcapri · 1 year
Seasons of CaPri Fest Claiming is Open!
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We are delighted to announce that claiming is now open for the second annual Seasons of CaPri Fest! The theme this year is Cycles and Circles. The full rules and FAQs can be found HERE. The full prompting list can be found HERE.
To claim your prompts, fill out the claiming form. You can find the link after the rules and guidelines below; please read and familiarize yourself with them!
Rules and Guidelines
1. You must be 18 or over to claim a prompt and create for this fest. 
 2. Claiming by proxy is allowed. If you are claiming by proxy please complete the form as if you are the participant. 
 3. You may claim a prompt someone else has submitted, or create for your own prompt. 
 4. You can list up to three prompts you would like to claim in order of preference, so we can assign you second or third choices in the event your first choice is no longer available. You are under no obligation to list more than one, however. Please claim using the Prompt ID number on the prompt spreadsheet, which is the same number as the row the prompt appears.
 5. This is not a gift fest so you can do what you like with the prompt you claim! However, if you wish to gift it to the prompter, we do ask that you abide by any squicks/ special requests they may have. 
 6. Each prompt can be claimed three times. Once for FIC, once for ART, and once for OTHER FANWORKS (podfics, moodboards, etc). 
 7. You can sign up as a team, whether as collaborating authors, artists or author/artist etc. Please just include details of all collaborators in the sign up. 
 8. You may claim additional prompts when your first piece is completed. If you wish to claim additional prompts please submit your first piece before claiming a second.
 9. The fest is not anonymous so please feel free to chat widely and freely about your creation! 
10. We want this to be a low-pressure, easygoing fest, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. We understand that life can sometimes get in the way, so if you need to drop out, just let us know as soon as possible! 
Ready to start claiming? Here's the claiming form.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the fest so far; we can’t wait to celebrate the submissions with you all!
❤️ your mods
[ID: A banner with a semicircle of fire in the bottom center. Photo followed by text reading: Seasons of Capri. Claiming is open! /End ID]
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musical-shit-show · 1 year
showed up just in time
Pairing: Dewey Finn x Reader
Inspiration: Prompts #12 (“don’t move, i’ll be right there.”), #35 (“i’d be lying if i said i didn’t miss you.”) and #82 (“you’re really warm. it’s nice.”) from Prompt List 2 with a little bit of “Afterglow” and “This Love” by Taylor Swift in there somewhere
Warnings: alcohol consumption, drunkenness, vomiting (sorry), mild angst, cursing, reader is a ball of anxiety, fluff at the end
Word Count: 3,550
Author’s Note: This took me a LONG time but I’m so glad that I’m writing for Dewey again. I know it’s not as popular as my BJ one shots (and don’t worry, I will be continuing to write those as well to fill the sandworm-sized hole in my heart after the Broadway production closes) but I think it’s important to give Dewey a little bit of love every once and a while. As always, if you like these kinds of fics, please like/comment/reblog and check out my Masterlist, About Me page, and Prompt Lists if you want to submit a request! Thanks to everyone who has interacted with my posts so far; it really does mean a lot. Happy reading and Merry Christmas!
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Don’t call him.
Do not call him.
Under no circumstances should you be calling him.
Your alcohol-addled brain managed to scream at you as your eyes flickered over your ex’s contact photo. You knew it wasn’t the smartest decision, but what other choice did you have?
The phrase ‘absolutely shit-faced’ rang in your head. Despite the prep work—eating a sizable meal beforehand, drinking water, strictly adhering to the liquor before beer rule—the world around you was tipping on its axis, the ground feeling more precarious with each passing second.
Maybe it was the lemon drop shots. It was always the lemon drop shots.
To make matters worse, you’d barely know where you were sober, let alone when you were on the verge of a blackout. Your friends, who were even drunker than you were at that point, had lost you somewhere along the way on your yearly holiday bar crawl. It wasn’t exactly their fault; the group was incredibly intoxicated, and you tended to wander.
You wouldn’t have been in this predicament if you and Dewey hadn’t broken up only weeks before. More accurately, you wouldn’t have been in this predicament if you hadn’t broken up with him when your brain decided to concoct a delightful cocktail of abandonment issues and anxiety. That was always your M.O. in relationships; duck and run before you could get your heart broken.
But it was cold. And dark. And in your impaired state of mind, you had no one else to turn to.
So, there you were, standing on a deserted sidewalk, in the frigid air, calling the last person in the whole city who wanted to see or hear from you.
After three agonizing rings, a hesitant voice answered.
“Did, uh, you mean to call me?”
“Dew,” you breathed, “Thank god. Uh—I need you. I mean, I’m out and lost and I just—”
“You’re drunk.” His tone wasn’t accusatory, but was instead tinged with concern. 
You sighed heavily, leaning up against the brick wall of the convenience store that inhabited the street corner where you stood. You tried desperately to steady your breathing as a wave of nausea approached.
“Yes. I am,” you said, trying your best to not to sound too wasted, “And I’m sorry. I wouldn’t be calling if it wasn’t serious. But I’m by myself and fucked up and don’t have my fucking keys—”
“Don’t move, I’ll be right there.” Three beeps and the call ended abruptly. The thought of him actually coming to get you snapped you back into semi-coherence. You suddenly became acutely aware of your skimpy dress, disheveled hair, smudged makeup.
You looked like a fucking wreck.
Like lightning, you whipped open your camera app and frantically smoothed down your strands and smeared your eyeliner off with a few swipes of a finger. More presentable, but only slightly so. If your phone call wasn’t enough of an indication, your appearance would certainly let Dewey know that you were sloshed.
Even more jarring was the fact that time was now slowing. Your drinks were finally catching up to you as you felt a throbbing in your right temple. Luckily, you didn’t have much time to think about how drunk you were, because a familiar screech of tires made you blink your eyes open to see a mess of wavy brown hair poking out the window.
“Get in,” Dewey said urgently, surveying your immediate surroundings, “Please.” Without a word, you scurried behind the back of his van—which was somehow still miraculously running despite being at least two decades old—and got into the passenger seat.
You sat in a tense silence, the liquor still churning in your stomach as he slowed the vehicle to a stop at a red light. His fingers tapped frantically, rhythmically on the steering wheel.
“Thank you,” you breathed awkwardly, unsure of exactly what to say. Luckily, Dewey had plenty on his mind.
“Are you crazy?” he asked incredulously, exasperated as the light changed from red to green. He stepped on the gas pedal lightly despite his disgruntled demeanor, “You’re lucky some creep didn’t try to harass you or worse. And where are your friends? Or are you making a habit of going out by yourself these days?”
His words were harsh, but you could tell his nerves were rattled. You knew something like this would happen, but you didn’t really have any other option. Dewey was always protective of you, even with his reputation of being somewhat unreliable.
You blinked at him stupidly and sat back into the worn leather seat. “How did you know where I was?” you asked, completely ignoring his line of inquiry with your own, less imperative one. Dewey couldn’t help but let out a cautious chuckle.
“You uh, never stopped sharing your location with me,” he said sheepishly, “I guess it came in handy tonight, huh?” You nodded silently, your heart pounding in your chest. Pathetic didn’t even begin to describe how you felt. “You didn’t answer my questions.”
A heavy exhale left your throat dryly, fogging up the passenger side window, “Does it matter?”
“Yes, it does fucking matter if you’re getting trashed alone at weird bars. I’m—I’d be worried about you.”
Crossing your arms like a petulant child, you couldn’t bear to look at Dewey. Since when was he the responsible one and you were the hot mess? “I didn’t go alone,” you muttered quietly, “I was with my friends, we all got hammered, and I wandered off.”
“God, I hate your friends sometimes,” he said with another dry laugh, “They should know to keep you on a leash whenever you drink.”
“Hey!” you punched him lightly in the arm as he turned onto his street, “You can’t be mean to me, I’m drunk.” Dewey shifted the van into park and unbuckled himself with a flourish.
“I can definitely be a little mean to you, seeing as you made me drive out in the freezing cold to get your plastered ass.” In a flash, he was opening the door and helping you out onto the pavement. You were finally getting your bearings when your heel caught the edge of the sidewalk and making you trip. Right into Dewey’s arms.
You looked him up and down, a sheepish smile on your face as he propped you back upright, “You’re really warm,” you remarked dumbly, his body heat radiating off of him as he hooked his arm around your waist to keep you from falling again, “It’s nice.”
“Jesus Christ, kid, you are drunk.”
Maybe it was a reflex, but that single pet name made your stomach do a somersault, lemon drops be damned. As you neared his door, though, you felt your throat tighten, and it wasn’t due to your ex’s arm wrapped firmly around your body.
The alcohol was finally fighting back, and you knew you were vastly outmatched. “Uh, not to be that person, but…” You were choking out your words as Dewey swung his front door open, “I need to throw up. Like, now.”
He raised his eyebrows but his expression remained unsurprised. “Alright, superstar. Let’s go,” he walked you to the bathroom as quickly as he could without upsetting your stomach even more. He took one glance at your face, which had quickly turned a pallid green color.
Dewey couldn’t help but laugh at this situation. When the two of you were together, it was you who would take care of him nearly every time he’d have one too many at the Roadhouse. Having the tables turn like this, when you were broken up no less, made him feel like he was in an alternate universe.
As soon as you laid eyes on the door, you rushed into Dewey’s bathroom and slammed it shut. Your last three drinks emptied into the toilet bowl, the acid from your stomach burning your throat. The bitter taste made you gag even more, and in a few moments, your stomach felt void of all contents.
Hot tears of embarrassment fell onto the tile as you leaned up against the door. The cold floor was almost soothing as heat radiated throughout your body, but it did nothing to quell your distress. You jolted at the sound of a light knock behind you.
“Hey, you okay?” Dewey asked softly.
“Oh, just peachy.”
“Yeah, sounds like it. Want me to hold your hair back?” You could hear his smirk through the door. You couldn’t help but chuckle to yourself.
“Not to be gross, but, uh, there’s not much left,” you said queasily, “It’s the sewer system’s problem now.” You heard him let out a small laugh himself, which caused your throat to grow even drier. “I’ll be out in a sec, just gotta’ freshen up. Thank you, though. Again.”
A beat passed, but you knew he was still at the door. You clawed at the skin around your fingernails, a favorite nervous habit of yours. “Don’t mention it,” he said finally, “But you so owe me one.”
After some soap and water, a decent amount of mouthwash, and swiping a t-shirt and pajama pants that you had unfortunately left behind only weeks earlier, you exited ready to face the shame of barfing in your ex’s bathroom after one (or four) too many.
“I see you finally finished hanging your collection,” you said, gingerly sitting down on his couch. With his new tutoring gig, Dewey was able to afford a few more guitars, which were now prominently displayed on the wall. He emerged from the kitchen, a tall glass of water in one hand and two Advil in the other.
He sat down next to you, making a point to refrain from any physical contact, “Well, I’ve had some free time.” That stung. And Dewey knew it. Both of you wore your heart on your sleeve, which meant you could read each other extremely well. “Sorry.”
You shook your head, “No, uh, that’s…that’s warranted.” He handed you the pills and the water, and you couldn’t help but smile. “My savior.” Dewey let another smirk creep onto his face.
“Sorry, but could you just say that one more time, for the record?” he asked as he whipped out his phone, “I need some audio proof of that little nugget of gratitude.” You barked out a laugh and shoved his arm away from you. He smiled back at you, but you could so clearly see the sadness filling his eyes. “Uh, you sure you’re feeling alright? Sounded pretty gnarly in there for a while.”
Your face reddened again, but the look of genuine concern on Dewey’s face made your pulse slow. “Yeah,” you choked out, “I mean, I still feel a little woozy, but ten times better than before, I swear.” You threw the aspirin into your mouth and gulped down the majority of the water. “But just know, if you ever tell anyone about tonight, I will have to kill you.”
“I won’t tell a soul,” he crossed two fingers over his heart in mock reverence, “Scout’s honor.”
“You weren’t a Boy Scout,” you deadpanned.
“Not in practice,” he dropped his regality and tucked his arms across his chest, “But I just know I could’ve crushed those nerds in knot tying.”
Even though you couldn’t stifle your laughter at his corniness, it was almost unbearable trying to bring yourself to look at him for more a few seconds. “So…how are the kids?” The best course of action was to change the subject. Dewey smiled softly and sat down next to you, making sure to leave a considerable distance.
“They’re, uh, good.” Now it was his turn to not meet your eye. “Little shitheads, but they somehow manage to blow me away a little more every day.” Your heart squeezed in your chest every time he mentioned the Horace Green kids. They all idolized him of course, and he adored them in return. “Need anything else? Another blanket? Glass of water? Maybe another round of tequila?”
You shuddered at the thought. “Absolutely not, Dew,” you giggled, despite your head still pounding. A pit formed in your stomach despite his lightheartedness; he was being so sweet after you had been so shitty. “I’m sorry. Again. I just, I don’t know when I became such a fucking trainwreck.”
Dewey sighed and grabbed a blanket that was draped over the back of the couch and placed it on your shoulders. “You’re not a fucking trainwreck. Everyone has bad nights. I just can’t believe you called me of all people. Pretty sure Ned still wouldn’t trust me to pick him up when he was wasted.”
“Well, he should,” you muttered softly, heartache radiating through your entire body, “You’re a good person, Dewey. A great person. I’m just, I’m sorry that—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he cut you off, “We don’t have to. I mean, it’s okay. I understand.” He took your palm gently into his, absentmindedly rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. The small act of gentleness almost made you uncontrollably sob.
And as time passed, you found it was becoming harder and harder to blame the alcohol for your actions. Your harrowing experience in the bathroom meant you were only sobering up faster, and you couldn’t stop yourself from spilling your guts to Dewey. Metaphorically, this time.
“No, I—I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss you, Dew,” you voice trembled as you finally met his gaze, which was partially hidden behind his mess of wavy brown hair. You couldn’t bear to look at his sad puppy dog eyes for long and involuntarily shrunk in on yourself, pulling his blanket closer to your chest. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
You felt a few hot tears fall from your eyes, and quickly wiped them away regretfully. This whole night was like a long, agonizing parade of humiliation, and Dewey had a front row seat. And the worst part was, you were the one who had invited him to the shitshow.
Dewey closed the distance between you, his hand still grasping yours. You were now shoulder to shoulder, his stocky frame comforting you despite your discomfort. “Why don’t we talk about this tomorrow? I think we’d both agree you need some rest.” You nodded, like a sleepy child finally agreeing to an afternoon nap.
You rested your head on one of the throw pillows, the fleece feeling plush against your cheek. Dewey teetered on the balls of his feet for a moment, running a damp palm through his messy hair. You were already starting to drift off, your eyelids heavy with sleep. The final phase of a drunken stupor always seemed to result in you knocking out fairly quickly.
After quietly tidying up, he couldn’t help but smile at how fast you had drifted off to sleep as you laid peacefully on his sofa. Gently, he placed a light kiss on your forehead. You didn’t stir. Dewey’s affection for you still felt like second nature, even while you dreamt.
He missed you. He never stopped missing you, loving you, but it wasn’t his place to take you at your word when you weren’t sober.
No matter how much he wanted to believe you meant what you said, he couldn’t bear to have his heart broken again.
The sun was your mortal enemy. Every ray that peaked through Dewey’s curtains pierced you like a knife to the chest. You groaned angrily, grabbing one of the surprisingly soft pillows from behind your head and pulling it over your face. Maybe you would suffocate and save yourself from the indignity of the previous evening.
“Ah, I forgot how much of a morning person you were,” Dewey drawled dryly from the kitchen. You removed the pillow and sat up. He was sitting peacefully in his flannel pajama pants and Iron Maiden t-shirt. You remembered picking that shirt out for him at the thrift store.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, the aroma of coffee wafted towards you as Dewey sat on the couch with a mug in hand. “Like you’re one to talk,” you replied, still squinting, “I distinctly remember someone saying waking up before noon was ‘early’ in your book.”
“People change,” he shrugged. You muttered an unenthused “Yeah,” as you pulled the blanket towards your chest. You wished you were a magician so you could throw it over your head and disappear. “Here,” he held the mug in your direction, “splash of cream, one sugar.”
You chewed on your bottom lip, which had become chapped overnight. You hadn’t been nervous in front of Dewey since before you started dating, and now you could barely look at him. “Thanks,” you took it from him, your fingers brushing against his as you grabbed the handle. You instantly felt your heart flutter.  
“I was a total idiot last night, wasn’t I?” You set the coffee down and threw your head into your hands. You did always have a flair for the dramatic. It’s one of the first things you and Dewey bonded over.
He nodded, “Oh yeah,” he winced, “How much do you remember?”
Your mind instantly flashed to an image of your body crouched over Dewey Finn’s toilet bowl.
“So, you don’t remember sucker punching that chick who was flirting with me when I picked you up?”
“I did what?!” You knew you could get feisty when you drank, but you had zero recollection of talking to anyone when you left the bar, let alone fighting some random girl. Before you could ask any follow ups, Dewey burst into a fit of laughter, throwing his head back effortlessly. You blinked at him before narrowing your eyes in suspicion. “You little shit.”
“What, is it my fault that you’re so goddamn gullible?” he choked out between cackles. You stewed unconvincingly before cracking a smile. Rubbing a stray tear from his eye, he cleared his throat, “Or maybe it’s believable that you’d still fight for little ol’ me?”
You dug your fingernails into your palms, which had already begun to sweat. Dewey knew exactly what he was doing with that one. He always made it seem like he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but you knew he was much smarter than people gave him credit for. More perceptive, too. Which meant he could read you like the newest copy of Rolling Stone.
Now it was you who was shedding tears yet again. “Whoa hey, hey,” he said, immediately noticing your eyes glazing over, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…I shouldn’t have joked about that.” He inched closer to you, but you turned away, still guilt-sick from the events of the past 12 hours.
“No, Dew, the thing is…you’re right,” you said with a sniff, a tremor overtaking your voice, “I would’ve. I would’ve fought for you. I should’ve. But I was fighting against myself. And we all know what a losing battle that can be.”
Dewey shifted on the couch restlessly, hesitant to try and console you; no matter how much he wanted to grab your hand, tell you it was alright, that you could work it out, he knew that he needed to hear you out first.
“I meant what I said last night,” you murmured, finally able to meet his gaze, “I miss you. A lot. I think about you all the time, and I feel like such a fucking idiot for ending things between us, because, well. Because I love you. I still love you.”
Dewey usually had a comeback or snarky remark ready to go, but not now. He was completely speechless. For a long moment, at least. You watched as a relieved smile spread across his face, unable to contain the joy he was feeling at the thought of getting back together.
“Oh, baby, I love you too,” he said, finally wrapping his arms around your torso. You could smell his body wash, earthy and clean and comforting, “You drive me absolutely insane, and don’t ever think about leaving a bar by yourself again, but I missed you so goddamn much.” He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, and for the first time in weeks, your body relaxed.
Throwing your arms around his neck, you played with the unruly waves that fell at the base of his neck as you deepened the kiss. “Whoa, easy there, killer,” he smiled, his lips grazing your cheek, “You better sleep off the rest of this hangover. And since I’m so generous, I’ll let you sleep in my bed.”
You couldn’t help but quirk an eyebrow, “What’ll it cost me?” Dewey smirked; you knew him all too well.
“Dinner. You’re paying, obviously.”
“And drinks.”
“Okay.” He was really milking this for all it was worth.
“And of course, makeup sex is always a must in these situations.”
You gave him one final playful shake of the head before pouncing on him, showering him with affection. Even though you were messing around, you felt your heart swell; no matter what happened, no matter how many times your fear of losing him reared its ugly head, you would choose this. This was real, here, now, and important. This was your love for Dewey, and you’d do everything in your power to keep it this time.
Thanks everyone for reading! Please comment/like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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thatbrokenpromise · 4 months
OKAY HI! I have a question for all the That Broken Promise Chaaras you feel like gaving answer: HAVE THEY EVER SEEN A POSSUM (north american one not the aussie one) AND WHAT DO?
(prompted by, seeing your au more often and staring to read it and also hearing my housemates freak out seeing a possum for the first time)
Thank you for the question! Yeah, I'm trying to engage with people more even if its taking a while to get some of my recent WIPs to a finished state.
I'm honestly not sure if I think Hyrule has possums, but in the general sense of "Reacting to strange new animals" (because goodness knows that's gonna come up for everyone at some point), a general list:
SKYLOFT: Absolutely will get himself bit being curious and happy to meet something new. In his case, this will include horses, although hopefully someone will save him before he loses any fingers.
MINISH: Curious but wary, and in addition many small creatures will react to him like they do a predator and be scared. I do not envy the group when they find this out, because, once again, this will include horses. The poor, poor stable owner. Ironically, Minish also tends to react to small predators this way despite the fact they're definitely not still 4 inches tall (eg. prey-sized) most of the time...
KOKIRI: After Termina, he's pretty blase about most new creatures and animals. Even blupees are probably going to get, at most, mild curiosity. He's not easily scared and has good enough reflexes something like a possum would get chucked into the bushes before it could bleed him.
OUTSET: A second "WILL get his ass bit." type. ALSO including horses, which he's never met! This is something I honestly think is a pretty typical Link trait but as above the details vary and just as many have more sense than required to fill a teacup as have less. Outset has less. Much less.
CHIEF: Loves small animals. Will NOT like horses. Also doesn't think much of cattle or pigs, especially given his usually associations with them are 'train hazards' which probably has not had pretty results on occasion. He'd definitely extrapolate and love cats and small dogs, but his discomfort increases with size.
ORDON: Loves everything. Everything loves him. He would probably be able to pick up a possum and love on it and the thing would be so confused by his confidence and aura as to just submit to being snuggled. This probably even extends to lizards. Ilia has never had a problem with mice in her life because they have a dozen cats. That kinda guy.
FOUR: Pretty indifferent to animals. He's confident with them, and will pet or cuddle a cat or dog or horse if it comes up to him, but he's not going to seek them out. He tends to be pretty distracted worrying about himself, so a new critter will mostly be assessed for 'does it want pets or not? No? Then who cares.'
PRINCE: Also in the 'does it want my attention or to be left alone' category of assessment. The only exception for adoring and doting on animals is his horses, and he's not interested in adding new things. A possum would be left well enough alone.
RABBIT: "Would get his ass bit" This man has ridden a winged bear, a dinosaur, and a kangaroo that is absolutely spoiling for a fight. A possum WILL get forehead kisses and it WILL like it. Thank all the Gods they cannot carry rabies. (Actual fact! Their body temperature is too low.)
SMITH: Not quite an animal person, although animals love her. She's a bit bewildered by the way other people react to horses and cats and things, because she's primarily been in love with her work but honestly she won't have an ounce of trouble despite never having been on a horse in her life Well. She won't get thrown or bit; she probably won't get where she's GOING but that's a different problem.
FAR: Very wary of new things because he's used to assessing danger or not. I imagine something like a possum would get pretty decent space, although honestly with his lifestyle the odds he's adopted one as a pet in the past is non-zero. New creatures will take him a little bit to adjust to, but if something offers him no threat he won't care much. Ordon and Rabbit are going to have some work getting him to adjust to horses.
HATENO: Loves Everything. Everything loves him. It might try to bite him, but he both will not care and will likely manage to avoid it. Pretty much equal with Ordon in terms of success with anything and everything he has to deal with. Will have his work cut out for him convincing Chief a horse doesn't mean any harm, but he's game to try.
Thanks again for the ask! God this reminds me of my first time seeing a ground hog and the "Dear GOD they're HOW BIG!?"
New creatures are the best, every time.
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hdsudsfest · 2 years
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Claiming for HD Sudsfest 2022 is now open!
We are delighted to announce that claiming is now open for HD Sudsfest! The full rules and FAQs can be found HERE. The full list of available prompts is HERE. You can also self-prompt - please use the claiming form below for all claims.
1. You must be 18 or over to claim a prompt and create for this fest.
2. Claiming by proxy is allowed. If you are claiming by proxy please complete the form as if you are the participant.
3. You may claim a prompt someone else has submitted, or create for your own prompt.
4. You can list up to three prompts you would like to claim in order of preference, so we can assign you second or third choices in the event your first choice is no longer available. You are under no obligation to list more than one, however.
5. This is not a gift fest so you can do what you like with the prompt you claim! However, if you wish to gift it to the prompter, we do ask that you abide by any squicks/ special requests they may have.
6. Each prompt can be claimed three times. Once for FIC, once for ART, and once for OTHER FANWORKS (podfics, moodboards, etc).
7. You can sign up as a team, whether as collaborating authors, artists or author/artist etc. Please just include details of all collaborators in the sign up.
8. You may claim additional prompts when your first piece is completed, if the claiming period has not been closed. If you wish to claim additional prompts please submit your first piece before claiming a second.
9. The fest is not anonymous so please feel free to chat widely and freely about your creation!
10. We want this to be a low-pressure, easygoing fest, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. We understand that life can sometimes get in the way, so if you need to drop out, we would appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible.
11. We will be capping the participants at fifty claims, so if you want to take part, please do make your claim sooner rather than later!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the fest so far - our hearts are bubbling over with joy at the fact that so many of you agree that washing your old archnemesis is something that we are all so very into!
[ID: A graphic with a teal backround and two images of harry and draco kissing each other in a bath, surrounded by vials filled with red liquid, by the artist bubblegumhead. Text reads: Sudsfest 22 Claiming! /End ID]
Claiming graphic art credit @bubble-gumhead
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zadrkinkmeme23 · 8 months
Weekly Update Oct 01 🎃
Happy Halloween 1st!
It's that time again, one and all.
(Sep 24)
(Kink Meme Info Post)
Super short update this week- there's been no new prompts! If you've been on the fence about joining, feel free to submit an anonymous prompt on our AO3 page, or if you don't have an account you can always submit your prompt ideas right here on this blog and we'll add it for you! And while you're on the AO3 page, make sure to check out the fantastic fic fills that have already rolled in and give them some well deserved love 💚 If you'd like to write for one (or more?) prompts but don't have an AO3 account, you can always post to tumblr and @ us and/or use the tag #zadrkmeme so we can find it ✌
And, as always, thank you so much to everyone who's already participated!
We do have one new fic, which I'll go into under the cut. As always, please mind the tags, and bear in mind this is an 18+ event & all characters are portrayed as adults.
We have a new fic this week!
'Closer' - (Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply) A fight between Dib and Zim takes a decidedly more lustful turn, forcing Zim to get creative in order to fully conquer his nemesis.
AKA - Zim uses his own slick as lubricant to fuck Dib.
Tags - Top Zim, Bottom Dib, Alien Biology, Zim Has a Penis & Vagina, Intersex Zim, Slick As Lube, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Teasing, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Edging, Biting, Light Breathplay, Power Play, ZADE
Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend. Happy Spooky Month! 🎃
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hpsugarfest · 10 months
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Prompting is Closed!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far! We're very excited to see everyone's ideas for Sugar Daddy Harry Potter!
You can no longer submit prompts, but you can still sign up for this fest and participate! It is not a requirement to fill a prompt to participate in this fest.
Our sign-up form is HERE.
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Prompt Claiming Opens: Tue 15 Aug 2023 8pm PT
Any claims made prior to this time will be removed. Claiming will remain open until the end of the event. Works can be submitted without a claim.
In the meantime, come join our Discord Server! 🍧
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911marchmadness · 1 year
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Round 1 - Results and Fills!
Hello all! Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has participated thus far in the inaugural 9-1-1 March Madness tournament! We know that creating fills in such a short time span is a challenge, and we really appreciate everyone who has risen to the occasion to support their favorite tropes/prompts!
On a minor silly note, thank you very much for thus far avoiding ties 🤣
Here are all of the creations that have been submitted thus far. Creators, if you'd like us to update this post with a tag to your tumblr, please let us know!
Battle 1: A/B/O - Omegaverse vs. Found Family
A/B/O - Omegaverse
◈ I misunderstood the (secondary gender) assignment by @screaming-universe Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 2105 Summary: Buck's new colleague is an alpha and he hates him. He's wrong on both accounts.
◈ Struck, Stuck by @sivan325 Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 561 Summary: Buck could see his own body lay in the balance between the ladder and the surface, unresponsive. He glanced at the others, as they all had shocked faces and they were worried. About him.
◈ Nightmare by SamDragneel Warnings: Violence, Non-Con; Rating: M; Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star; Pairing: Tarlos; Words: 561 Summary: TK's attacked while Carlos is on shift. It's not random, someone's targeted him specifically.
Battle 2: Coffee Shop and/or Bookstore AU vs. Fake Dating/Relationship
Fake Dating/Relationship
◈ by their side by @screaming-universe Rating: T; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 4768 Summary: Eddie needs to get his son to Los Angeles, even if they have to walk.
◈ Let’s Fall in Love for the Night by @theladyandthewolves Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 1026 Summary: Buck’s neighbors have been looking at him like he’s a lost cause since his break up with Taylor, regularly trying to set him up with any of their available relatives. Eventually he invents himself a boyfriend, hoping to get some respite. So when the neighborhood summer party is announced, Eddie agrees to pretend to be the imaginary boyfriend for the night. Of course, it doesn’t go as planned (in a good way).
◈ Just Play Pretend by @sivan325 Rating: T; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 1385 Summary: Eddie was glad that the firefighter was there saving his son, but the only thing that Christopher mentioned to him about the firefighter is that he was from Station-118, and Eddie was determined to show the firefighter how grateful he is for him, saving his son’s life. Christopher described to his dad about the firefighter that saved his life; taller, big bright blue eyes and has a mark on his face.
Coffee Shop and/or Bookstore AU
◈ Your True Family by @sivan325 Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 613 Summary: “I just want to say that your brother is missing you,” Eddie said. Turning around, he noticed his boyfriend and his son coming closer and catching up with him. “When was the last time you visited your brother?” “I… Ummm… I think… I don’t know. The last time I saw Evan, it was when my parents and I helped him with the bookstore and then life took on,” Maddie replied.
Battle 3: Different First Meeting vs. Enemies to Lovers
Different First Meeting
◈ Los Angeles Fire Riders by @screaming-universe Warnings: Non-Con; Rating: M; Fandom: 9-1-1, Temeraire; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 2041 Summary: Looking back, Evan Buckley should have known that joining the Fire Rider Academy would be just his thing: lots of adrenaline, the prospect of an important, fulfilling job and last but certainly not least: dragons.
◈ Maybe One Day by @theladyandthewolves Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buck/Abby; Words: 879 Summary: After bartending in Peru, Evan continues to travel in South America but eventually finds his way back to the Arizona, doing construction work here and there until he ends up working in a leisure resort in Scottsdale, where one encounter might finally change his life for the better.
◈ Cherry on Top by @sivan325 Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buddie; Words: 975 Summary: It’s been a year since Shannon died. His son always comes first, even when he keeps thinking about her. He knows he has his son to take care of, and his birthday date is coming soon. Eddie wanted to make his son’s birthday special.
Battle 4: Sick/Injured Character Being Cared For vs. Mistaken for a Couple/as Partners
Sick/Injured Character Being Cared For
◈ Captain's Responsibility by @screaming-universe 6x11 Spoilers Rating: T; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Gen; Words: 792 Summary: 'Bobby already had one firefighter to worry about; he really wished he did not have to think about another. But at least it gave him something to do.' aka Eddie got hurt when he fell off the ladder, Bobby makes sure he's taken care of
◈ I Want to Hold Your Hand by @theladyandthewolves Rating: GA; Fandom: 9-1-1; Pairing: Buck/Lucy; Words: 606 Summary: Lucy gets injured on a call, and Buck’s worried.
Round 2 starts tomorrow (March 19th) with A/B/O - Omegaverse vs. Faking Dating/Relationship, followed by Different First Meeting vs. Sick/Injured Character Being Cared For on March 23rd.
We can't wait to see what you come up with!
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countdowntotwinpeaks · 5 months
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Copypasted from the blog page because those aren't really visible on mobile are they. So, better safe than sorry. If you're on desktop, it's still all linked in the sidebar
Final edition in this format! What a journey this has been. Thank you, everyone.
How does this exchange work? It’s a fanworks secret santa. Participants sign up to create and receive one piece of Twin Peaks-related fanwork that’s as tailored to their tastes as matching will allow. First we will create a shared pool of characters and relationships to draw from (“nominations”). Then every participant will choose from that pool, submit their preferences and prompts privately (“sign-ups”) and, after sign-ups end, be matched to another participant, so that every participant will have one assigned recipient known to them and a different assigned gifter unknown to them. The finished works will be privately shown to this blog before the deadline, just to confirm that they exist, and will be posted by their authors on Twin Peaks day 2024, so that everyone gets to celebrate it with a present. When does it run? Nominations open: January 3rd, 2024 Signups open: January 12th, 2024 Signups close: January 19th, 2024 Assignments go out by: January 24th, 2024 DEADLINE: February 17th, 2024 Works are posted: February 24th, 2024
How do I nominate?
By submitting a list of up to 8 Twin Peaks characters, character groups or character relationships HERE (full nomination rules and formatting at the link)
You can find the nominations pool so far at the nominations page HERE
How do I sign up? By filling this form, which will be available after nominations end.
Please use an email address that you check regularly in case we need to contact you - and notify me of any url changes on your tumblr! Just shoot me a message, “hi I was X and now I’m Y”, it means a lot. I will need to contact everyone throughout the exchange. May I default? Of course, but please do so as soon as possible once you realize you can’t make it, because we’ll need to find a substitute artist for your recipient. Please. Just don’t disappear, okay? If you can’t make it, just say so. That’s okay. Disappearing is rude. Don’t be a Coop.
What if anything else goes wrong? Please contact me immediately through tumblr or replying to your assignment email and explain the situation! We’ll sort it out.
Who can pinch hit (aka substitute a defaulting participant)? Everyone. Pinch hit notices will be posted on the blog and will be claimed via message to this blog.
Does this exchange welcome treats?
Treats are additional prompt fills and they are very, very welcome. Are you done with your assignment and see another prompt you fancy, be it from your recipient or someone else? GO FOR IT. Are you not a participant but something in the prompts list catches your eye? GO FOR IT. Already written five things? WHAT’S ONE MORE (better still, make it two more because 6 is bad luck apparently) The sign-up form includes an option to make your prompts public. All public prompts will be listed on the blog, so that anyone can fill them to their heart’s content and give recipients even more nice things (even past the exchange’s deadline)
What can I nominate?
You can find both examples of how to nominate different types of relationships and the list of all the nominations so far at the nominations page HERE
All sources of canon are allowed, up to and including minor book-only characters.
You can nominate up to 2 crossovers between Twin Peaks characters and specific characters from any other canon.
This exchange does not allow ships with big age gaps, canon or otherwise. Rule of thumb is the “half age plus seven” rule.
Nominating original characters is also not allowed for this year (will be considered for next year if there’s a demand for them)
Contact me via Tumblr ask or message about any questions
What can I offer in my signup?
The exchange has a preliminary nominations phase since this show’s cast is just too big. Therefore, offers are a multiple choices list of all of this year’s nominated characters and character combinations that you can check to your heart’s content.
Offer anything you feel happy and comfortable producing. Having broad offers helps matching and broadening your range of characters and themes can be an interesting experience, but you’ll want to have fun creating too! What can I request in my signup?
Requests are also handled via multiple choices. You will select 4 to 20 options from this year’s nominations. There will be an optional space to prompt specific ideas for any of your choices
For getting an idea of how specific a prompt can get, you can check these old public prompts
While prompting, please keep in mind:
No glorification of abuse (which is not a blanket ban on unhealthy romantic/familial/whatever dynamics. Hell, it’s Twin Peaks)
No character bashing (eg please request all the Donna/Maddy your heart desires without insulting James in the process)
Request at least 4 non-crossover options
What do I do once I get my recipient’s request? Once you get an e-mail with all your recipient’s requests, you pick the one that appeals to you the most and do your best to create something that you believe they will enjoy! Fics have a minimum required length of 500 words, pics should show a comparable minimum effort. Just make something that you can be proud of and try to make your recipient happy. What do I do once I have finished my assignment? You submit it to this blog so I can verify that it exists and then draft it on your blog, tagging it #twin peaks, #wonderfulxstrange and whatever else you usually tag (and maybe mentioning in the description that it was created for countdowntotwinpeaks’ wonderful x strange exchange, for $recipient, filling $prompt). Alternatively, when you submit it to this blog, say “please post this for me” and I’ll take care of the posting.
Posting day is February 24th, why is the deadline one week earlier?
Because nothing ever runs perfectly and we’re gonna need a week for the inevitable cat herding. People disappear, people get last-minute issues! It happens. What will happen on September 3rd? Everyone will post their work(s) throughout the day! You are of course encouraged to show appreciation for your gift by reblogging it with love… along with anything else you might enjoy. It’s a party! Bunch of cool fanworks in the tag to celebrate the anniversary of pt18 collectively wrecking us!
So, in short…
By nominating, you help create the pool of eligible characters and character relationships for this year’s exchange.
By signing up, you commit to create one piece of fanfiction (500 words or longer) or fanart (a finished picture that’s more than a sketch) filling one prompt out of at least four, between July 24th, 2022 and August 25th, 2022, while another participant will be filling one of your own prompts.
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
ok, so. this is me officially participating in the event, so -- First off: Happy blog anniversary, Saturn~ ♥ o/ I'm super happy to have got to know you better through your blog and love being able to celebrate with you ♥
Obvs Bakugo, and since this is for your blog's first anniversary, let's do 1st (wedding) anniversary! I have no idea where to spend it, so I'm gonna say: stuck together at something work related/a work event, but if you wanna do something different, go for it. Mood can be anything you want, just no angst plz ♥! (unless it's like the tiniest smidge and it gets covered up in fluff afterwards lmao)
ALSO, will you be telling us how & where you and Denki are spending your anniversary as well? :D
Once again, congratulations, and thanks for spoiling us~ ♥
Tiph, Hi! 🥰💕
Thank you. Thank you. Getting to know you and being able to interact has been so much fun
Also: I got your other ask! Don't worry, you didn't submit before I closed the event. I closed it silently yesterday night because I didn't expect to get so many entries, but you'd already dropped an ask way before then. Either way, this was such a cute little prompt I couldn't not write it! 😘
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My Wife
-> Bakugo; A Work Event; 0.7k.
TW: Pure Fluff, Bakugo's a Sap and Very Proud to be Married to You.
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Bakugo hands you another flute, the palm on the small of your back pressing defensively forward when someone tries to slip behind you a touch too close. 'Happy anniversary, Princess.' He offers you a smile, although it tugs down at the edges. ''m sorry, I couldn't get out of this. Fuckin -.'
'Baby.' Twisting in his arms, you place the flute down on a near-by table and hook your hands over his shoulders. 'I've told you I don't mind.' Smoothing down his suit, you pat his chest gently. 'There'll be other anniversaries.'
A grin takes his lip, sharp incisors flashing below his lip. 'Loads more.' He promises. Setting his own glass down beside yours, he wraps both arms around your waist and presses his forehead to yours before pecking at your nose.
You're about to indulge him, about to lean into his chest and kiss him as deeply as the current venue's social policy will allow, but before you can there's a hand tapping at Bakugo's shoulder making him growl. You tap a fingertip on his nose, breaking the snarl on his lips before grinning over his shoulder. 'Hey, Kiri.'
Kirishima's eyes shine like rubies, a sheepish smile tugging at his lip as he hooks a thumb off towards the far end of the event hall. 'All Might's asking for you... Wants to introduce you to some of the high-up's in the commission.'
Bakugo swallows hard, Adam's apple bobbing as Kirishima's words wash over him. 'He wants me?.. Not – Not Deku?'
'Nah, asked for you specifically bro.'
'Oh, shit.' His grip on your waist tightens instantly, his thumbs shaking slightly where they brush against the material covering your back. 'Shit, it's happening... He's fuck. He's gonna endorse me, isn't he. Shit.'
Grabbing the lapels of his suit jacket now, you shake him gently and force him to look at you. 'Breathe... You deserve this, remember.' A smile takes your lip, butterflies filling your stomach as you get to watch both excitement and panic merge on Bakugo's features. It's been a long time coming – this... His chance in the starlight and it feels your whole body with warmth knowing that you're going to be able to witness it.
'Yeah, fuck.' Bakugo nods.
You cup his cheeks, brushing your thumbs across his skin. 'Now, go...'
Stepping back, Bakugo toys with the cufflinks on his shirt for a moment before searching through the crowd. All Might is stood in the far corner, his yellow suit making him stand out easily beside the group of executives and paper-pushers that surround him. The head of the commission is there, as well as two of the foreign liaisons and Hawks, who already has everyone laughing. He pauses, hauling in a breath and then, he offers his hand out to you. 'C'mon then.'
For a moment you freeze, staring at his hand. 'You want me to come with you?'
'Can't go over there without my wife now...' He looks at your incredulously, as if you've just asked to him to strip and dance on the bar. 'Can I?'
Licking your lips you take his hand and let him lead you weaving through the crowd until you reach All Might.
Toshinori beams when you reach him, stretching over Bakugo's head, he smacks the younger man on the back before squeezing at his shoulder. 'This is the man I've been wanting to introduce you to... Bakugo Katsuki, our next number one Hero.' He cocks his head and chuckles, low and loud; just like he used to. 'But, you may know him better as Dynamight.'
'I'm honoured to have been invited tonight, truly.' Bakugo offers out his hand to the commissioner and tries to regulate his grip, hoping not to break the man's hand as he shakes it.
'I can assure you -.' The man nods, but before anything else can leave his mouth Bakugo's speaking again.
His hand wraps around your waist, thumb kneading your side as he pulls you into him and beams, proudly. 'And this, this is my wife. I wouldn't be who I am today without her.'
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Uhm hello. A few things I wanted to say. Firstly, thank you to those that have submitted pairings for the tickletober prompts. I can be a bit indecisive when writing fics sometimes so these are gonna be super helpful. I'm still accepting pairings so feel free to send me more. I'll probably stop once I have atleast half the prompts filled out, which gets me to my next point.
I'm starting college once again next Tuesday. As you all know I've been posting fics pretty much daily for the past month but of course that's gonna change now. Obviously I'm still gonna write fics (and accepting reqs.) 'cause trust me with all the college stress I endure, writing these fics is one of the few things that keep me sane. Just know that I'll start releasing fics a bit more slowly compared to now. And this semester my schedule is a lot more packed so please bare with me during this process. Which is why I doubt I'll be able to do all the tickletober prompts so I think it's alright if I just do half just in case it becomes too much.
So uhh yeah I think that's about it. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around with me so far, I really appreciate it and I can't wait to keep writing more fics in the upcoming future :)
Ok I'll stop being a sap now lol, have a nice day.
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arcanekinkmeme · 2 years
Random Prompt of the Week - 12/6/2021
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Caitlyn/Vi with Jinx voyeruism
Jinx goes to check on Vi and finds her on all fours getting railed by Caitlyn. She’s disgusted at seeing her sister get fucked by the police, but stays to watch the whole thing.
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seasonsofcapri · 2 years
Seasons of CaPri Fest Claiming is Open!
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We are delighted to announce that claiming is now open for the first Seasons of CaPri Fest! The full rules and FAQs can be found HERE. The full prompting list can be found HERE.
To claim your prompts, fill out the claiming form. You can find the link after the rules and guidelines below; please read and familiarize yourself with them!
Rules and Guidelines
1. You must be 18 or over to claim a prompt and create for this fest. 
 2. Claiming by proxy is allowed. If you are claiming by proxy please complete the form as if you are the participant. 
 3. You may claim a prompt someone else has submitted, or create for your own prompt. 
 4. You can list up to three prompts you would like to claim in order of preference, so we can assign you second or third choices in the event your first choice is no longer available. You are under no obligation to list more than one, however. Please claim using the Prompt ID number on the prompt spreadsheet, which is the same number as the row the prompt appears.
 5. This is not a gift fest so you can do what you like with the prompt you claim! However, if you wish to gift it to the prompter, we do ask that you abide by any squicks/ special requests they may have. 
 6. Each prompt can be claimed three times. Once for FIC, once for ART, and once for OTHER FANWORKS (podfics, moodboards, etc). 
 7. You can sign up as a team, whether as collaborating authors, artists or author/artist etc. Please just include details of all collaborators in the sign up. 
 8. You may claim additional prompts when your first piece is completed. If you wish to claim additional prompts please submit your first piece before claiming a second.
 9. The fest is not anonymous so please feel free to chat widely and freely about your creation! 
10. We want this to be a low-pressure, easygoing fest, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. We understand that life can sometimes get in the way, so if you need to drop out, just let us know as soon as possible! 
Ready to start claiming? Here's the claiming form.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the fest so far; we can’t wait to celebrate the submissions with you all!
❤️ your mods, @shealwaysreads @beautifulduckweed @laurents-peach @nayona96 @captaindamianos
[ID: A graphic with a photograph of a plant's stems and several green leaves, all covered in a heavy frost. Photo followed by text reading: Seasons of Capri. Claiming is open! /End ID]
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