alixennial · 4 months
For the OC asks! "11. What was your OC scared of as a child? Are they still scared of that?
As a child, Indie was afraid of the dark…
…Though it wasn't really The Dark she was afraid of, that was just the trigger. As with most kids, it's either a fear of what monsters could be lurking in it or (in Indie's case) the emptiness and loneliness of it - the fear of being abandoned. I imagine this started when she learned of her adoption, I mean who was to say she wouldn't be dumped somewhere again if she became a problem?
She still has this deep-rooted fear, exacerbated by the loss of so many loved ones, but as an adult she isn't triggered by the dark so much* and she's found ways of managing it to some degree.
*The one time it did hit hard - and made her feel as frightened and helpless as she did as a child - was during her journey down to the Turquoise Trench. That is one exceptionally dark, lonely, disorientating experience and she Panicked.
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Have a pic of the beautiful Shisui of the Violet Tides at the end of that particular journey that she went to save from the darkness, of all things. It was worth it.
Thank you for the ask 💖
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witchlenore · 6 months
Im seeing ads for ai palm readings, my fav tarot app has an ai reading subscription offer...what.
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jehans · 2 years
okay SO there's this a/b/o fic i really want to write that i have completely planned out but is REALLY hard to summarize because i kind of took a few common a/b/o tropes, threw away the rest, and then made up the entire rest of the rules of the universe myself?
title: The Pack Omega
under a cut for nsfw:
briefly: "packs" and "families" are two different things. packs tend to be sexual as a group, and specifically, most packs have only one or two omegas that...service? i guess?...the whole pack. omegas have suuuper high sex drives and tend to be very needy, so they kind of need an entire pack to tend to their needs, which means it's a very mutually-beneficial relationship for packs who opt for this arrangement (of course people have widely varying preferences for relationships, but this is a common deal). also, pack members who have partners outside of the pack will often fuck the pack omega with their partner so long as everyone involved is cool with that.
people in this world basically have two puberties. the first one is actual puberty, which is also when they present as their type; alpha, beta, or omega. the second is called maturation, which is when they go from adolescence into sexual maturity. people who are pre-maturation have a particular kind of scent that's very different from their post-maturation scent, and there just isn't really crossover in attraction. pre-matured teens are attracted to other pre-matured teens, post-matured adults aren't really attracted to pre-matured scents at all. maturation USUALLY happens between the ages of 20 and 25, with most cases happening at 22-23. however, a number of factors can mess with that timeline. most notably, prolonged trauma in childhood has a tendency to make those kids reach maturation early.
that's the world (there are WAY more details, but that's the gist of it), here's the story:
reverse-robins, so Damian (alpha) is the eldest and Dick (alpha) is the youngest with Tim (beta), Steph (alpha), Duke (alpha), Cass (beta), and Jason (omega) in between. Dick and Jason are close in age at just a year and a half apart, but Dick, at 22 and change, is right on the cusp of finally reaching maturation, and Jason reached his five years ago when he was 19. before that, Dick and Jason were sweethearts, each other's first kisses, and they were planning on losing their virginities to each other when Jason unexpectedly matured really early and a biological mental block slid into place for both of them that kept them apart sexually and romantically for FIVE YEARS even though their feelings for each other never changed. Jason is the pack omega now and regularly has sex with the whole pack, an arrangement that's comfortable and makes sense for him and his crazy high libido and all his needs.
but then Dick matures. and that really special bond between Dick and Jason suddenly gets much more intense. and the rest of the pack is watching Dick act like Jason is actually his, thanksverymuch, and the rest of them have been just like keeping Jay warm for him, and BOY OH BOY is this gonna screw up the dynamics of the group, isn't it?
there are also a number of other complications, but this is long enough lmaoo.
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ceejayheff · 3 years
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mbrainspaz · 7 years
mini-rant, anyone?
I told my grandma I can’t help her with her work tomorrow because I need to work, but it’s also because I can’t handle the sheer tide of ignorant racist bile for another day. She didn’t miss a single opportunity to sneer at hispanic people today. It didn’t matter if they smiled at her or held doors for her or minded their own business. She was just chalk full of hate and what’s worse is that she expected me to join in. I called her out every single freaking time to let her know I won’t be a part of that but she just kept on goin’. Stopped by police? “Probably Mexicans.” Stolen merch at the store? “Mexicans.” Waiting too long for lunch? “Slow Mexicans.” Cutting her off in traffic? “Those Mexicans!” (side note: in at least two of these instances it was definitely white dudes anyway, but that’s not the point.) So no, I’m not going to help tomorrow, and she can drive around town with the stupid Trump bumper sticker and be annoyed by spanish christmas songs all alone. I need the time to catch up on Duolingo anyway. I’m still psyched about the fact that I could actually understand most of what the hispanic families in the stores were saying today and all those lyrics to the spanish christmas songs! And I’m still reeling from the fact that she just stood there, surrounded by hispanic employees and shoppers, and complained loudly about a spanish song on the radio. Helloooo. We were the only two white people in the store! Not everything has to be about YOU! (Not only that but it was ONE song, so I mean... just shut up, honestly.)  “Why don’t you just learn some Spanish instead of complaining about it?”  “I won’t,” she sneered (there was a lot of sneering going on all day). “This is America! We speak English!” At which point I mentally shut down to dodge any more verbatim Right-Wing News quotes she feels like tossing around. Gosh. Heavens. No more. I am so sick of realizing how racist some of my family can be. You’re probably thinking the Trumper Sticker was a dead giveaway but I honestly expected them to be better than this. Can ya’ll just not
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baboonstudios-blog · 5 years
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Inktober dia 1 ( atrasado 😭 ) @jakeparker @inktober #inktober #inktober2019 #therobitt #lordoftherings #jrrtolkien #bilbobaggins #drawing #lustration #inkpen #sketchbook #literaturainfantil #Fortaleza #ilovemywife❤️ #ilovemysons #thanksverymuch (em Fortaleza, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3HkRdhhmxJ/?igshid=1j9cg8ag9fm0o
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the-traveling-nurse · 6 years
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But first #poolside #mojito #thanksverymuch #venaca #latergram #atitlan #guatemala #jaibalito (at Club Ven Acá) https://www.instagram.com/p/BspADVQnp2b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1k0dav458xjeu
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semibakedwords · 6 years
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Haven’t seen this thumbnail used before! NOW WHERE’S THE TRAILER.
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missoneminute · 2 years
Highlights from the UTB shows
We (myself and Sarah, @suchasinistergame) waited around outside the venue for absolutely hours before the boys arrived quite late for soundcheck on a bus all together around 5.30pm. Andy warned us we shouldn’t stop them as they were behind schedule, but Gary came off the bus first and came up to us all for a hug and chat so that went out the window haha. Peter came off the bus next, and he was looking very dapper in his suit and carrying a cane. He was rushing so I just handed him the gift I had for him – an old cigarette tin with a few dozen old cigarette cards in it which I had legitimately spent the entire pandemic slowly collecting. He called it a ‘dream gift’ and leaned in for a hug. I gave him a side hug because I didn’t want to get my red lipstick on his shirt, as he’d kind of collected me into his middle, which, honestly, I was just dying to squish into. He’s so soffffft. John came off the bus next and stopped for a quick chat, and he was more chatty than usual, before Carl appeared in his sunglasses looking quite cool. He fussed about whether he should have removed them for the photos we took with him as if it was a little pretentious to have them on haha, but I assured him he looked really cool. I handed him some gifts we had for him, including the pfennig necklace from the Netflix series Dark (which he’d said he enjoyed so much when he was on that livestream the boys did during lockdown) and an old shipwreck coin from a wreck that had gone down near Margate. He didn’t immediately recognise the pfennig from the show (he told Sarah last night he felt really bad about that and loved it when he worked it out, what a fucking sweetheart to worry about something so inconsequential – but he had remembered it by the time I next saw him in Edinburgh anyway). He also joked that he had doubts about coins that came with authenticity certificates, which the shipwreck coin did. It’s very much the real deal thanksverymuch, I have a few of my own so I assured him it was legit. I also said that we wanted to find him a cool coin after the ‘coin debacle’ (see Sarah’s posts about that – he gave her crap no less than four times because she had given Peter the same antique Good Old Days gambling token that she gave Carl, and he was annoyed Peter had one too when he tried to show it off to him - but trust me it’s been the funniest saga and she’s not offended haha). Carl was deeply entertained over my reference to the coin drama, he did one of his hard to describe dramatic reactions along with a very sweet chuckle. We took some pics with everyone then headed into the show, which was excellent albeit fairly rough – a lot of shoving and a fight broke out. They played really well and P+C appeared to be getting on excellently – lots of smiles and eyeball communication. After the show, we caught Carl again and he introduced us to his two cousins who were with him. Peter appeared too and schooled me on which cigarette cards I had given him that he liked and which were reproductions – he said he’d been ‘caught out himself’ before. He literally held up cards he liked to explain which I had done well on, it was so fucking funny, the entitlement (what is it with those boys, they’re like submitting something to Antiques Roadshow haha!) He was also surprised when we said the crowd had been quite rough. We mentioned that we wanted to go to his solo show in Tynemouth in a few days but had missed out on tickets, and he said ‘you want tickets? Andy!’ he called out, pointing at him, and sent us over to talk to Andy, who called us over to the doorway of the bus. He headed off onto the bus after that. Andy was there with the other road crew having a red wine, and quickly organised for us to go along to the show, which we were so immensely grateful for. While we were talking to Peter, I had left my tour shirt that I had bought laying down nearby and someone nicked it. I went off to look for it when Andy caught wind of what had happened. He said don’t worry we will get you another shirt (he never did get around to it but I was perfectly happy to buy another and it was an incredibly sweet offer –  everyone in and around this band is the best fucking human). We stood chatting to Andy for a while. Gary came wandering out of the bus while we were standing there chatting and showed us a magazine he had been contributing to, and he had a chat to us about how important the sense of community is around the band, and he very sweetly complimented us on having that energy on our Instagram account. Suddenly a very drunk Carl appeared on the steps of the bus, smiling madly. I have zero memory of why this was brought up but Carl started talking about watching The OA, a show Sarah and I happen to LOVE. He broke into the interpretive dance that is critical to the plot, which was so amusing. I think that marks the third time I’ve had Carl break into an impromptu dance in front of me for… reasons. He then told us that he and Peter had been comparing the monetary value of the gifts we gave them to work out who got more, which was, oh my god we cannot stop laughing about this, it’s just the pettiest possible level of competitiveness, so fucking cute. At some stage I showed Carl my tattoos of his lyrics, and had showed Peter some earlier too, and he read out the one on my arm that said ‘at the palace gates’ in a lovely soft voice. I can’t remember why I was flashing them haha, it’s actually something I find quite embarrassing but I’d had a few drinks. I cannot for the life of me remember what else was said, but Carl gave us both a hug and we headed off after that on a total high.
We were kind of starstruck getting to see Peter at such a small venue. Well I certainly was, it was just surreal. We stood right in front of him and he was literally inches away belting out songs to maybe 60 people max in this tiny little café in this strange little town by the seaside. It was a dream and so wonderful. We were we glad that we sucked up our pride and asked for tickets, because this was once in a lifetime stuff. For me especially, I couldn’t believe my luck that this was announced right before I came. At first when we missed out on tickets we sort of said oh well, it’s an extra several hours drive and we can miss it, but the closer it got the more I thought this may well be the one time in my life that I ever get to see Peter do a solo acoustic at such a small venue. We figured we would ask Peter directly and he literally just pointed and called out ‘Andy!’ and sent us over to sort it out. It was so cool, honestly, I can’t get over it. He was insane live, his voice is so gorgeous just on its own, just that voice and a guitar, and you could see he absolutely relished playing to such a small crowd, and I think that was more evident to me than ever, how much he just loves to do those sorts of tiny shows. He was immensely passionate and every song was delivered so beautifully. We said no more than a quick hello because he was rushed in and literally sped out in a van just minutes after he finished the gig by Andy, so they could get back to Edinburgh on time. Massive kudos to Andy, that man runs a tight and infallible ship. I was keen to share video but most of the time I just had the phone down, I just wanted to live it so badly and more than anything to be present. One of the coolest things that has ever happened to me hands down.  
We arrived a few hours early hoping to catch the band, but the problem fan was there waiting too, so we were told that none of us can come near the band because ‘that stalker is here’. It was a really stressful situation for them I think – they put the band behind barriers over near the back entrance, and the other band members came off the bus and waved to us but Carl was literally hidden behind a screen, since he’s the target of this person’s obsession. There were a lot of fans waiting who we got talking to, and it was so disappointing for them that they didn’t get to talk to the boys because of this person. We were really sad for everyone and for Carl too having to deal with this all the time. The show was amazing – P+C were really cuddly and playing so well, some of the best versions we have heard of certain songs like Plan A (we told Carl how good that was later and he seemed pleased to hear it). Carl stunned us all by planting a kiss on Peter’s lips and Sarah and I, predictably, had a meltdown haha. It was so fucking adorable and I could not be more delighted to have seen that in person. We sadly didn’t get any footage and it happened so fast, but another fan did and she kindly let us share it, which was such a relief, we wanted y’all to see it so bad! After the show Peter and Gary got onto the bus without coming over to us all, but John came by for a chat (about Bingley and the canal Sarah tells me as I cannot recall!) They were placed behind a fence so no one could hassle them. Carl came out quite late and did come through the gate and talked to everyone waiting. He said he had waited as long as possible to come out so he was sure the problem fan had left. We chatted to him once more about various nerdy things such as my theory about the OA being about OCD. Carl didn’t agree (“jury’s out on that one!” he said in a very comical fashion) but he said he also does those rituals people do to stop bad things from happening. He said he had “saved us all so many times” that way, which we found really touching and candid. Sarah tells me he did the dance from the show AGAIN but I had forgotten that haha. We also got talking about manifestation, and he said he is a huge believer in it. ‘It’s a science!’ Carl stated with extreme seriousness. ‘Erm, I don’t think it is?’ I replied. ‘It is, it’s a SCIENCE’ he said again. Seriously Sarah and I have not stopped losing it over that statement and his deep conviction regarding it, and since we are huge nerds for manifestation we super enjoyed learning that he’s also prone to various forms of magical thinking. He called himself a massive nerd at some point too, which he has lately really been into saying about himself haha. He said he has watched so many Netflix shows that he can’t remember what he’s already seen - relatable. Carl also spoke about a new medication he was trying for his mental health but admitted he’s not great at staying on medication, and I said I could recommend some haha. I asked him if he could write out his favourite lyric he’d ever written so I could tattoo it, and he said I already had one of his favourites (“sew it up kid have some clout”) and he took my arm to look at it quite affectionately while running his thumb across the lettering, which was lovely and I had BIG EMOTIONS over. I said I was glad he actually wrote that one as I wasn’t sure, and he reacted with extremely dramatic mock horror. “Well it’s a band! It’s a democracy!” I insisted, and he agreed haha. He struggled over it a while trying to think what to write, then wrote out “you’ll find me somewhere over the railings” on my forearm. He gave me and Sarah both a hug and a kiss at the same time, which was so sweet. It was a super fun chat, I wish I could remember more of what we all said but Carl was on fire, he was being so fucking funny and animated.
Oh boy. Oh boy. This was madness. We had booked to stay at the Albion Rooms on the 17th of August months and months before that show was announced. When we spoke to Carl in Edinburgh and said we were heading for the Albion Rooms, he told us to DM him and that he’d do something special for our visit, honestly what he meant was kind of unclear. Then we got a tip that said BE THERE ON THE 17TH and something special was happening. We were literally already booked to stay that day! It was NUTS. We didn’t dare to dream that it would be a show, but low key we both desperately hoped it was. It seemed too big to hope for, but we kept our eyes peeled every day for an announcement – and then one was made. We bought tickets immediately in the middle of the street and were just, literally screaming haha. By then my boy BFF was with us as well having flown in from LA so it was just so perfect for him, too, since we had never seen the Libs together and he has never met any of them. On the day we waited out front hoping to run into the band arriving. Gary turned up and chatted to us for a long while, about his holiday to France with his family, and showed us the various books that he had bought in Margate for his sons. Andy turned up too and had us googling gluten free food in Margate for him to eat haha which we found very amusing. The problem fan was there again, which was just exhausting, so Carl snuck in the back way. Peter came in the front later, wearing shorts and a shirt with Katia in tow. My boy BFF was coming down the stairs as Peter was coming in and literally collided with him – and that was his first time meeting his hero haha. The band hid in the studio for some time together doing a rehearsal. We waited for them to leave the hotel but were warned that they weren’t coming out till everyone left, likely to again avoid that certain fan, so we headed to the bandstand and then they just came barreling down the stairs and played that blessed show. It was a really small show ultimately, the bandstand was barely full and we were able to just stand on the steps of the bandstand to watch. It was short and sharp, just the hits, but searing fun and widely covered – NME, Channel Four and others were there including a documentary crew so imagine there will be lots of material. P+C seemed fantastic again, lots of mic shares and sweet looks. They ran back to the Albion Rooms after the gig and went back into the studio, with fans herded off to leave them be. We waited around outside and a surprisingly helpful security guard told us ‘if you’re waiting for what I think you are, head to the bar now’. We ran for it, and arrived right when Peter and Carl walked in. My boy BFF took centre stage here – Sarah took photos while I filmed, we really wanted him to have a moment with his hero and he did, he told Peter how much he meant to him, then Peter eyed his beer and asked for a sip haha. I took over chatting to Peter then about the cigarette cards, and asked if he liked any of them since I didn’t recall which ones he had shown me in Cardiff. I must have looked sad because he gave me THE most sympathetic look that I felt bad for making him feel bad! He listed off the war medals and hats as his favourites, and said to be ‘wary’ of the ones that are too brightly coloured or clean cos they are reprints but again said it was a dream gift. He is so fucking funny with the reprints (in fact the first time I gave him a stack of cigarette cards, in 2019, he asked immediately if they were reprints - they were not and he was thrilled with them, hence me collecting more for him). My boy BFF also got to speak to Carl and said he was ageing like Dorian Gray - he said Carl was very pleased with the comment hahaha. P+C then headed to the stage with John and Gary and played three songs real quick – it was absolutely mental. There was maybe 100 people crammed in that room, and P+C were absolutely smushed up against each other on the mic and just, god – in a few weeks of dream experiences this one took the cake. Seeing them play in a tiny room, let alone in the Albion Rooms, was beyond special. Sarah and I were just turning to each other like WHAT IS HAPPENING and I love those moments, they are weirdly what I always remember most: When someone you are at a concert with turns to you with those glazed, excited eyes, it’s a look like nothing else, and you just know you are looking back at them the same way. Once they were done with their songs the band all climbed out the window – a cool little reference – as it was easier than going through the crowd again, and it was such a brilliant moment. We went out front to catch them jumping on the tour bus and Carl gave us a hug and Sarah said to him, ‘Manifestation works!’ since this show had happened. ‘I manifested it for you!’ Carl said, and he was bundled off onto the bus with everyone else. And that was that, just the most insane few weeks of my life. I don’t think I will ever top it.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
summer rose works for salem -> summer learns that salem’s favored lieutenant killed both her daughters -> summer is going to make this salem’s problem somehow -> one way or another salem needs the summer maiden to open the vault under shade academy -> fair odds NORS + theodore will at least contemplate using the sword against salem, which would of course require opening the vault themselves, which is what salem needs to happen -> the aura transfer pod chekhovs gun hasn’t fired yet -> summer uses the aura transfer pod to steal the current summer maiden’s soul because that’s about the only way she can meaningfully fuck up salem’s agenda -> ripping some lady’s soul out of her body and stuffing it into your own to spite your boss who let her feral daughter kill your daughters is not going to make this psychological breakdown better -> summer rose becomes A Problem -> rwbyj escape void island -> summer gets talked down and dies or is persuaded to try to reverse the whole soul theft thing -> everyone expects ruby to inherit the maiden powers from summer but the actual maiden is like fuck you, i might be a disembodied soul trapped inside your cranium but i still get to choose MY heir thanksverymuch -> may marigold wakes up with the ability to shoot lightning out of her hands
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lokilickedme · 3 years
Hello My Lady! I'm slowly coming back to normal life after our camping trip, which was super fun, and catching up on things. 1. Saw on the post tracking site that the parcel was delivered, hoping it was at your house 🤞 2. That bitch of a neighbor and her dog from hell really need to get what they deserve. I don't condone violence against animals but that thing is a demon. Hope Little is well and Big is not too traumatized by the events. Keep us updated please! Have a nice day, Love ya
I got it yesterday! I was NOT expecting so many goodies, thank you so much!! Little claimed the ketchup chips (ate the entire bag in one day) and I hid the Coffee Crisps - nobody gets those but me.
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I'll share the other chips (god, so good, we don't have those here) but only if I deem the other party worthy. They gonna have to do some laundry or something.
The boys are okay, the neighbor (her name is Tisha and we've rechristened her Bitcha) has hidden the dog somewhere away from her house and the other 4 dogs seem to be gone as well, so it's been nice and quiet for a few days. She's barely shown her face since. I'm good with that :)
Glad you guys had fun! I got enough camping in my earlier years to do me for the rest of my life thanksverymuch, but I love that you guys love it <3
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spookytuesdaypod · 4 years
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so like no pressure @ ninian doff but where is the sequel where these four face off against the entitled rich 30-something children of the dukes and duchesses who maybe don’t have all the traditions down pat but DO want revenge and ARE mad about losing the family sword and WOULD still like to cement their place at the top of the pecking order of society thanksverymuch
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
Since you asked me, allow me to turn the question around. Will Nate and Piper ever have children? Or are Nat and Shaun enough of a handful as is?
😱 Okay that’s fair!!
Yessss they do! :D ANd since I cannot be concise here is an essay about it!!!
I agree about birth control being hard to get in the apocalypse and probably also very unsafe or unreliable to use. But fertility would be absolutely wrecked by radiation/poor nutrition/etc so accidental pregnancies are very rare anyway. The real struggle would be having a kid on purpose for the vast majority of folks. 
I headcanon Piper’s upbringing and lifestyle reflects that reality pretty squarely and she believes herself completely infertile. Which she tells Nate before any intimacy between them occurs. Ergo, they don’t worry about being safe or having a plan for if a pregnancy were to occur because… it’s not supposed to be possible. In any other situation I think they would’ve been much more careful about it. Nate learned that lesson with Shaun being a surprise, and Piper grew up in the Commonwealth countryside where bad harvests could mean starvation. The Wasteland is not a good place for Oops Babies. … tbh if they’d actually thought it was a possibility I’m nooot sure they would’ve ended up having children xDD
BUT. A few years post main quest, as the Commonwealth starts to stabilize, better nutrition is easier to come by. Medicine, too. Nate’s a healthy partner, comparatively untouched by the radiation that plagues the general population. And the two are, to put it lightly, not shy around one another. All combined, it’s enough to tip the scale. Piper goes to Doc Sun complaining of radiation sickness one day only to get the bombshell that it’s not radiation sickness at all. ( I actually have a fic about this on ao3, it’s a personal fav :D )
Piper’s most pressing fear is that Nate might be upset, either at her or the situation. She has a hard time believing he could want to open his heart to the possibility of another child after everything he’s lost. Infants are susceptible to all manner of tragedies, not to mention the high-risk lifestyle she and Nate both lead to complicate things. Whether she wants the kid or not doesn’t matter, because it would be irresponsible to even consider the idea, and cruel to throw such a heavy emotional burden on Nate out of the blue.
But when he finds out, Nate’s… ecstatic, actually. He would never have asked her for it; trying to plan it would have scared him to death. And it’s still scary. Terrifying. But he loved being a dad. And having the chance at a baby practically dropped in their laps feels like nothing short of a blessing to him. Piper has to be honest, she does want this, in spite of the risks. His confidence in the possibility gives her courage. So they go into it together, committed, their love for each other stronger than their fear for anything else.
[Nate actually goes MIA (and is presumed dead by the Railroad/Minutemen) about halfway to term for Piper, which spurs a very fierce pregnant reporter to go tramping across the Commonwealth and drag her wounded lover home, because hell if she’s going to raise their child alone, and you, jumpsuit-wearing-dumbass, are not allowed to die thanksverymuch. But that’s,, another story]
Aside from that it’s a fairly uncomplicated pregnancy. Except that in the postapocalypic world, some things, like diagnosing twins, are a bit harder to do and so you don’t find out about them until the delivery. Yes. Twins. And yes. When he heard the news, Nate, who insisted on being present when Piper went into labor, fainted. Fell right onto the floor. He comes back around with a lump the size of a mirelurk egg on his forehead and two healthy baby girls to meet. 
They name one Glory, after their friend who fought so hard to free her people. The other they name Adlevia, after Nate’s mother. ( There is some Nate & Glory art here too c: ) I alsooo have a bunch of really rough sketches of the fam that I hope to finish someday xD
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Originally I’d planned on them not having kids. And then for a while I entertained the idea of a late-term miscarriage and a helluva lot of heartache. But the truth is I just… really like the idea of them getting to be a family. And having a happy ending. They are my safe place and they both deserve goodness :c Plus it warms me to think that the life Nate lost before the war, what he hoped and dreamed of building with Nora - he gets a second chance at with Piper. Doubly so! xD
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this-lioness · 5 years
The Witcher is far more enjoyable now that we have the captions turned on.  I may have to go back and rewatch the first couple episodes that I only understood 20% of.
I took one quick look at the Tumblr tag and noped the fuck out of the Tumblr fandom, though, thanksverymuch.
For once I just want to enjoy something without everyone making it super weird.
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thewhizzyhead · 5 years
i know i should be reviewing for a history test right now but NOPE I WILL LISTEN TO SIX INSTEAD WHILST IMAGINING THE SHOW IN MY HEAD THANKSVERYMUCH
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“Três coisas não podem ser escondidas por muito tempo: o sol, a lua, e a verdade.”  #thanksverymuch
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