#that 50 year old needs to take a chill pill
fabreezescentedpiano · 4 months
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I’m still mad at that ginger clotpole
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
Obviously, everyone can have their opinion but in my view that’s not Luke. He dresses better than this for one 😀
That man in the pic has puffy cheeks and a beard we never saw Luke sporting since the pandemic. His hair also seems different and too messy for lack of a better word.
Regardless, people turning on Luke because of that pic (even if it were him) it’s weird. No wonder he’s laying low and not active on SM anymore. Some people, especially on X need to take a chill pill.
Okay, let me just nip this concept in the bud.
Luke does not dress better than this unless his stylist is picking out his clothes.
Up until last year the man legit looked like a 50 yo old dad with most of his personal style choices.
When he wasn't rocking the dadwear he dressed more like a skater which is what he said he is most comfortable in.
Even now though his style is pretty simplistic and god help us if A starts dressing him.
He'll have just one outfit in 16 different colors
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hostilemuppet · 4 months
After a close call with her and Clay’s egg, Viva realises that… she almost made a terrible mistake. She’s been so far gone, so sure that she had to make sure Clay couldn’t leave her, that she didn’t even think that… maybe she just needs to make him not want to? God. She almost killed her own child, because… what? She wanted blackmail material? She’s pathetic. She’s an awful mother, an awful wife, she can’t believe herself.
Viva traces her thumb over the small crack on the egg, it’s not enough to hurt the baby but it’s there and it’s all because of her she did it to them, and she decides that this is it. She’s not going to let it get this bad again. She’s going to pull herself together, she’ll make it up to the kid, she’ll make it up to Clay.
She’ll make it up to herself.
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Charlie is a mischievous little scamp, always looking to turn a quick buck. Even if that means roping his cousins (mostly Ha’Penny) into his various get rich quick schemes, which are totally unnecessary since his family’s already rich but you don’t understand! He wants to earn it! It’s like the thrill of the hunt, except the “hunt” is “tricking his similarly rich classmates into purchasing what he claims to be a hair strengthening tonic but is actually tap water mixed with lemon juice and sriracha sauce”. Regardless of the non-product he is advertising, he always manages to sell out, because he is one hell of a showman.
Despite being primarily driven by his need to amass wealth (he is 5 years old, so “wealth” for him is like, 50 trollars), that doesn’t mean he lacks a heart! He cares for his family, and part of the reason he loves money so much is because he always wants to see his parents’ faces brighten up when he brings them a gift, whether it’s something as small as a chocolate bar or something as… concerning, as a piece of very expensive jewellery, which a 5 year old shouldn’t have been able to purchase? Don’t ask. He also gets along really well with his cousins!
Ha’Penny Hatch is, of course, his partner in crime. They also occasionally double as his fall guy if a scheme goes south, but it’s okay because they would NEVER get in trouble; who the hell is going to go after the 4 year old, mute, heir to the throne? Only someone with a death wish, that’s who. Besides, Penny is more than happy to return the favour; Charlie’s crazy antics are often the highlight of their day!
With Angelina, they don’t actually talk that much, but they get on fine! Even if she does not see it as a compliment when he calls her Raggedy Ann, but it’s just a nickname! It’s supposed to be cute! Take a chill pill why dontcha, Ann?
Brad, however… the two have a bit of a rivalry, you could say. Brad always assumes Charlie’s up to no good, which is totally unfair, because Charlie’s only up to no good, like, 45% of the time! That’s the minority, Brad, he thought big kids like you were supposed to know all about percentages. 🙄
(cocreated with @8biteyesight)
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bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
👩‍🏭 🌈 ( what usually inspires you to write all your fics?) 🧠🖊 👀 📥
Fanfic Ask Game Answers!
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
Omigosh, huhhhhhh... My Genin!Hinata/Jonin-sensei!Naruto dubcon WIP, I guess? 😅 50-50 either stuff happens when she's 12yo or 14yo, but the part of me that's a coward and doesn't want to invite drama gonna shoot for when she's 14. 😅 12-13yos gonna be emotional manipulation stuff. 🤔
🌈 What inspired you to write all your fics?
The age regression sequence in The Last is solely at fault for my Age Difference obsession. Sometimes it's something I see, for example, "be the end of me" is only because I saw an Asian female customer with super long hair but most of it was bleached blonde. Or "Handsy" is because I saw yoga equipment. My brain just handles the rest. I get hit with a semitruck of narrative and it's a WIP! Soaking up online discussion or other people's fics help too. Sometimes I'll jinx myself in reverse and tell someone "I'm stuck, I don't know how to handle this part, it's sooo boring", and then something hits me after and it's kind of embarrassing because I have to tell them "Nevermind" and ugh. 😅 Songs, too ofc! So many songs! I have playlists and everything.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I answered this one with Wicker-Mayne's ask, but let me see if I don't have another. 🤔 Maybe my Shibari AU? I still have to read the rest of the book and taking notes will help me remember the material, so I really got to find the time and do that. But it shouldn't be a hard one to write. I have an old post with the 3 or 4 variations that I thought of before, but all-in-all, it's just hentai doujin material. Hinata and her Shibari Instructor or sShibari Partner, whichever one I choose to do.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
From Work Friends Chapter 3
She thought porn stars were supposed actors. Her previous co-star certainly was. The penetration was real. His hands on her body were real. But the angles weren’t for her benefit and his thrusts had been too shallow. Even with his decently sized cock, she felt like very little sex had ever occurred. She thought she wouldn’t mind if the next five years of this went on like that. Even though the world would doubt her purity and consider her used goods, someone out there would know better. Someone out there wouldn’t find her disgusting. Because it was all just acting. But this man. This man… She squeezed her thighs tighter together and nibbled on the hard lip of her water bottle. God, were they done yet? Menma was busy going over details with the director as they watched the playback together multiple times, sitting where she had been earlier, right behind the front passenger seat. He sat with one leg bent, his thick, muscled arm perched atop his knee, the other leg laying straight out. He took up twice the space she did, had to hunch beneath the ceiling when he stood up earlier, giving her a tantalizing show that made her mouth water. She tipped her bottle back, taking a furtive sip of chilled water to clear the unrestrained insanity plaguing her imagination. His commanding voice in her ear was going to haunt her dreams later, she was certain of it. That hungry aggression telling her to grab his cock. And he stained his sweats when she touched him. Was he really that aroused by her? Or was it something he was on? He’s old enough to need to pop blue little pills, but she doesn’t know much about them and how they work otherwise.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Only the WIPs inside my mind, lol. 🤭 I honestly don't have anything I've written that I'm too scared to post. If I'm writing it, I'm usually planning on posting it. 🙈 Any WIPs that are ancient or incomplete count, I suppose. And so far, I still haven't properly shared the entirety of "Kotatsu" something-something. It was a flash in the pan kind of thing and I just lost all motivation to clean it up. 😅
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
All of them! 💖 But especially anything that's new, haha. I need that first chapter reception to feel like I'm good to move forward. 😁
Thank you so much for all the questions!
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footytea · 4 months
i think all of those freaking out need to take a chill pill and relax, there's no need to send anyone related to jude anything, because it really isn't that deep at the end of the day. if gossip about jude or anyone for that matter affects you this much, maybe being on gossip blogs isn't for you
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papirouge · 1 year
Do France have passport bros? Those guys that fly overseas to other countries expecting foreign women to love them for being western with money because apparently all western women are whores/too masculine/only care about money when those same guys also expect those women to be feminine, submissive, and family oriented while ALSO going 50:50 on bills
My brother just came back from backpacking all across the damn planet and got his ass HANDED to him by every woman he tried to date. He was the type to obsess over red pill videos and complain about how all girls in the west are old miserable single cat ladies and he convinced himself that he deserved a submissive wife. So he traveled a lot. He went to east Asia (Japan and Korea), got rejected. He flew to Vietnam and the Philippines and couldn’t find a girl there to stay with him. He went to Baltic countries and told my parents how he was scared of the men there when he tried to ask out the women. And when some girls did talk to him, they quickly left him. He couldn’t get a girl in Dubai to even look at him. Like, girls in the west have him a chance but none of these supposedly submissive girls did. Why? Well he would tell them that they needed to pay their bills for dinner while also telling them how he liked them for being feminine and “knowing their place”. So they ignored him and moved on. They expected this “alpha male” to be the provider which he thought wasn’t right because he was used to going 50:50 on dates. I’m embarrassed for him but also he had been bullying me for years for going to college and studying to be a doctor soooo 💀
Hm passeport bro aren't really a thing here tbh.
The whole incel wave contagion is becoming a thing on french internet but IRL there aren't men dedicated to go out of their way to marry women oversea.
Traveling to get married isn't really a novelty but rather a boomer thing here though. It's mostly old celibate men who go to matrimonial agency to marry eastern women (there are agency spefically for French men looking for eastern women) - but they are looked down by younger generation as losers lmao. technically these men aren't "passport bro" though because in the EU we can travel within the whole continent without passeport lol
The average french man is a bro choicer libfem ally so they wouldn't stand a traditional wife reluctant to split bills, not very pro abortion, housewife, etc. That's why "liberated" french women remain french men preference (there are still foreign women fetishist ofc - esp the nationalists ones 👀 one of the most infamous far right trolls here has a fetish for Black women for example)
And looking into the story of your passport bro brother, I'm not surprised he got rejected. Foreign women are starting to get the memo. Ofc there will always be pickme but even oversea women of value don't hand them over the first Western guy who gives them attention. Because they too know their worth. Western men are truly overestimating themselves. Beside, they aren't the only one in the market: Arab, Nigerian, East Asian men are great prices in the game of high value men. That's where all the new money is at. Not Joshua with a backpack.
Those women are smart. They are waaaay ahead Western women when it comes to hypergamy strategy that's why passeport bro get real shock when they realize that average women have such high standards. They won't have sex with them without a ring on. They won't split the bills. They won't accept Netflix & chill or 'taking a coffee' as a decent date. Passeport bro feel entitled to high value men privilege, while providing average men credentials. That's why it will never work out for them.
And let's not forget that the oversea women men won't let them go like that. Don't passeport bro get regularly assaulted, scammed or beat up in the shady countries they're going to? Men can be very protective of 'their' women, and that's something passeport didn't anticipate. Passeport bro are losers, so of course it would never occur to them to protect their women (especially Black diaspora men who are the most anti traditional and fail abiding in their masculine role of protecting women - African men stil abide in traditional roles though) but when they face men from other demographics actually doing the job they get shook. That's why the passeport bro movement couldn't become a thing of great amplitude. One time or another, those countries men would stop them from flocking over there (blocking their visa, like some countries did with Westerners adopting children because they championed child abuse 💀)
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dollarbin · 1 year
Dollar Bin #7:
Art Garfunkel's Watermark,
Special Melted Edition!
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Good news, people. I traveled to Portland and hit one of their dollar bins last week, emerging victorious with 10 or so new-to-me titles for a grand total of $32, and all of them are candidates for future posts. Everyone's been clambering for my take on Art Garfunkel and Bob "whoops, I just shaved off my eyebrows" Geldof, right? Please?
We'll get to good old Artie Funk in a moment, I promise. I'm sure he has a huge international following who gather in silent support every time his entire limo gets arrested for way too much pot smoke, but all you Garfolks need to just take a chill pill for a minute because there's some bad news to follow my good news, the kind of bad news that will leave you crying in your beer. (Stop reading right now and go get some beer to cry in if it's not already in hand.)
Dear reader, I left those Portland Dollar Bin records in my rental car during my trip, figuring it was all good because, after all, I was in Portland. But when I visited my stack three days later, I found the following Gertrude-chugging-the-poisoned-wine level tragedy had occurred:
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Take the rag away from your face friends; now's not the time for your tears. The record above is a $1 copy of a soundtrack by Luna's Dean Wareham for a Noah Baumbach movie I'd never even heard of beforehand called Mistress America starring Barbie's very own Greta Gerwig. Nice title, Noah! What's the sequel called, Senorita Canada?
I like Sideshow by the Seashore as much as the next guy and I still remember the bizarre but edgy decision to lay Street Hassle over the climax of The Squid and the Whale so I figured $1 was a very safe investment for the soundtrack. But reading just now that the Financial Times finds that a "neo-screwball" sequence in the movie "exemplifies the film's themes of love, art, and betrayal" makes me want to melt Baumbach's entire face, so I'm no longer too broken up about the record's destruction.
Having just read that previous paragraph, my famous brother, who's surely interviewed Dean, is no longer crying in his locally sourced organic sour beer; rather he is silently cursing my woeful ignorance while hitting speed dial for Greta at the Barbie Dreamcastle so as to swiftly disassociate himself from The Dollar Bin forever. Sorry bro!
But let's move now to the real tragedy in this saga. Do you know how many vinyl copies of Fairport Convention's Live at the L.A. Troubadour are currently for sale on the internet? (We are not talking about House Full here, people, we are talking about the original release.)
Two copies. Two. Total.
That's right, while there are surely 6.4 million copies of Catch Bull at Four out there to be had, there are just two copies of Live at the L.A. Troubadour available in the whole wide universe. But last weekend I found a third one in Portland, one that no one has played or even looked at in its 50 years of Dollar Bin dwelling. That third copy was good as new and it cost $12. $12! That'll buy you half a Michelada at a Dodgers game; so finding that record and getting it at that price was as lucky as picking Mike Piazza in the 498th round.
And what did I do with this coveted find? You already know.
I melted it.
Bury the rag DEEP in your face, because I basically melted Mike Piazza. What kind of shlub am I? Next time you invite me over for drinks, don't pour me the good stuff because I'll just spill it all over your birth certificates, your Picassos and your tiny children's handwritten thank you letters, complete with heart drawings, for grandma. Rather, serve me a cheap domestic and give me a bib.
This is only my second experience with music melting. How many have you had? 25 years ago I left a CD copy of Mule Variations in my Ford Tempo and returned after a full day of work to find that the whole thing had turned into a flame broiled platter of creeping destruction. What the hell was I building, you ask? Melted Music, I respond. I was bummed back then. But that was nothing in comparison to last weekend's woe.
But I promised you good news, and more good news is coming! Firstly, my famous friend Greg's frig, located outside of Portland, was full of Miller High Life, The Champagne of Beers. So I had some.
Secondly, I soon discovered that the lower down I went in the record stack from the car the less melting had occurred.
And guess what was located far enough down to still be playable without any audible disruption? Live at the Troubadour! Sure, watching it go around on my turntable is like watching my cat try to shake off her fleas but I plan to never sell a single title in my Dollar Bin and I know that when my children inherit my dumpster of a collection they will cherish it forever and probably never even notice that my Troubadour record looks as sloppy as my t-shirt collection. So what the hell do I care?
Okay, at this point the Art Garpeople who joined this blog just to hear my thoughts on Watermark, Godfunkle's 1977 third outing as a solo artist who neither wrote songs nor played an instrument, are demanding my immediate destruction. I guess I'd better talk about the record.
So let's drop the needle already!
Uh-oh. Either Watermark is a big deal, unlistenable concept record (like Pink Floyd's The Wall) about bobbing about on the deep seas of regret, troubled water all about and nary a bridge to be seen, wherein Artie shakes his famous high tenor and the whole band way down to deepest bass every fourth syllable OR my copy of Watermark was higher in the stack of Portland heated mutilation and is now warped to the point where Gargie's version of a What a Wonderful World unintentionally sounds like What a Woooooooonderfil World.
(Yes, I mean what I said just now about The Wall. Bob Geldoff shaving his brows in the film is the best thing to say about the whole thing; Roger Waters, post Animals, makes Stephen Stills sound like a reputable songwriter.)
But relax, all you Artie G fanatics. I will ease your mi-i-ind. I'm not going to judge Watermark based on my very wavy copy. So cool your jets, adjust your giant perms and trust me. I promise to buy a second, unwarped $1 copy of Watermark and write all about it, asap.
Before we go, I must sorrowfully report one final tragic occurrence from this whole sordid episode. While hunting the Dollar Bin in Portland I had my eye out for Stephen Stills records. The fact is that at some point I need to place my entire, rapidly blossoming reputation as a Dollar Bin influencer on the line by actually listening to entire Stephen Stills records. If they are good, I'm finished. So, sadly, I've got to go out and buy some.
But the Portland store I visited, ridiculously, had marked its more than a dozen copies of Stills 2 at $2 each. Memo to the store: no one wants Stills records at $2 a pop. Ever.
The tragedy here is that I did not find any of our favorite villain's records cheap enough to buy, so I did not proceed to place them on the top of the stack in my rental car, thereby melting them out of existence. Thus the world is still saddled with copies of Stills 2.
Next time I melt music I promise to do so more thoughtfully.
(P.S. If you are still reading this, please know that my school year just started and so my pace of posting here will surely slow. My goal is to write once a week and I really do appreciate you letting me ramble. Hunting in The Dollar Bin requires your patience!)
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thatcasualgamergirl · 5 months
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Whenever 16-year-old CAZ travels to a fictional universe, there’s a 50% chance that she’ll run into Z plotting a way to steal the “best girl” of the universe. After all, that’s how their “rivalry” started when he tried to use the Super Crown on Bowser to make Bowsette his wife. But what CAZ never expected to be in was Z’s home universe. A upside-down version of her Earth, and his adopted Android daughter…who happens to be an altered version of herself.
“You shouldn’t have come here, this place is fine without people like you.”
“You got a problem against tourists or somethin’? How was I supposed to know that a universe where ‘Earth but different’ exists?”
“Well maybe if you’d done your research on this world like you should’ve with the others, we wouldn’t have this problem!”
“What do you mean?! I usually complete a game or finish a saga before I go in.”
“That’s not enough!”
“Geez, you need to take a chill pill.”
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spideyobsessed · 2 years
Fly For Me || p.p.
peter parker x reader
Synopsis: Bad luck always seems to find its way to you… until you meet your good luck charm.
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It all started the day you were born. Seriously. You were born October 13th on a Friday. You’re not sure why you were dealt these cards. Maybe your mom walked underneath a ladder with an upside horseshoe in her hand and then immediately broke a mirror when she was pregnant with you.
Either way, bad luck has you in a chokehold, no matter how many superstitions you vowed to avoid. Find a penny face down? Leave it be. Need to look in the mirror? Just making sure you aren’t in breaking distance. No umbrellas, no ladders, no cracks in the sidewalk.
You avoided it all, but sour luck was your best friend. Whether you liked it or not.
You’re 12 years old, the ripe old age of awkward preteen, and you’re at your first coed party. Awkward might actually be an understatement here. You and your friends did what you thought all kids did at parties based off of movies. You had a dance party, watched scary movies, and played spin the bottle.
You’ve never kissed anyone before. You’ve never even been alone in a room with a boy until today. “Y/n, it’s your turn!” One of your friends giggled.
You wipe your sweaty palms on your pants before giving the empty coke bottle a good spin. You’re almost sure the sound of your pounding heart is loud enough for the person next to you to hear. The bottle spins for an eternity until finally it lands on—
“Germy! I mean, Jeremy.” Another little girl giggles as the nose of the bottle lands on Jeremy Welch, the boy with year round allergies.
He was actually a pretty cool dude once you get past the constant snot running from his nose. You watch him obnoxiously wipe his reddened nose with his sleeve, trying so hard not to make a rude face. “Ready?” He asks with another sniffle.
“Ready.” You squeak.
Reluctantly, you crawl over to his spot. You slowly lean in with your lips already puckered. ‘Please don’t sneeze. Please don’t sneeze. Please don’t sneeze.’ You think to yourself. Your lips practically hover over his and all you have to do is connect them. At the speed of light, you peck him on the lips, feeling accomplished for finally getting your first kiss over with. Just as you were about to celebrate, “ACHOO!”
Your muscles completely stiffen as you feel a spray of liquid cover your entire face. You hear a chorus of “Ew!”s and loud screams as the circle of children surrounding you quickly disperse.
“I’m sorry!” Jeremy exclaims.
You remain in the same position, frozen, eyes still closed and your mouth parted… unfortunately. “I-It’s okay.” You insist when in reality you were holding back the most horrendous gag.
You decided coed parties aren’t all that great after this.
Freshmen year of high school. You’re 14 years old. You weren’t too unlucky this year, aside from the occasion slipping in the hallway or missing the bus. You can barely contain your excitement as your science teacher explains how to conduct the experiment in front of you. Science is your favorite subject, and you always enjoy lab days.
“Make sure you only pour 50 mL into the beaker. Any less won’t show results and any more will be a problem.” The teacher explains loudly before allowing the students to begin their experiment.
Your lab partner, Gwen, paid little to no attention during class, but you didn’t mind doing most of the work. She sits there with her head resting on the desk while fiddling with the bunsen burner.
“Can you not do that?” You ask her. “I don’t think these chemicals should be around an open flame.”
She rolls her eyes before turning her attention to you. “Take a chill pill, teacher’s pet. You really think they give us real chemicals?”
“Uh yeah. That’s why we have lab coats and goggles on.” You point out as if it weren’t obvious enough.
Gwen scoffs, “Whatever.”
She goes back to the same position, continuing to flick the burner on and off. You let out a defeated huff as you try to ignore her. Once you’ve gotten the measurements correct, you’re ready to pour the chemicals into the beaker for a final result. The liquid inside the beaker is supposed to change states of matter and shoot colorful bubbles into the air.
You smile to yourself as you stand up to reassure you pour the perfect amount. As your arm goes up to begin pouring, Gwen happened to flip the burner on and the sleeve of your lab coat catches fire. You noticed the heat immediately and panicked.
You let out a scream while you accidentally pour all of the chemicals into the beaker rather than the 50 mL like you were supposed to. A giant explosion of bubbles burst from your beaker, but you’re still more concerned about literally being on fire. You shake your arm wildly as you back away from your desk. In doing so, you bump into another student and they also pour too much into their beaker. This somehow starts a chain reaction. One by one, each student’s experiment explodes with a mess of uncontrollable bubbles. No one, except for the teacher, is upset by it. This result was way cooler than what was originally planned.
You and Gwen ended up in detention for being unsafe and a disturbance to the class. You weren’t completely out of luck that day though— you ended up with a best friend.
“Right there! I saw another shooting star.” One of your friends shout as they point at the night sky. It was clearer than usual tonight.
It’s currently the last day of summer break, and tomorrow is your first day of junior year. You turn 17 in 2 months.
You’re sprawled out in a grassy field with Gwen and a few of your mutual friends. Stargazing has become a hobby for you this summer, although you can never make out any constellations. The stars are still pretty to look at. Your friends “ooh” and “ahh” as they take turns pointing out constellations they recognize. You kept quiet off to the side, knowing there was no point in even trying. You just can’t make out the shapes and you always miss shooting stars by seconds.
Gwen nudges your shoulder, pulling you out of your deep thoughts. “What’s wrong?” She asks.
“Nothing’s wrong.” You shrug.
She props herself up on her elbow to get a better look at your face, “You’re lying. You’re being all sad and sulky.”
“I am not sad and sulky.” You chuckle, sitting up to gather your things. “But I am gonna go. It’s getting late.”
She frowns, “No, it’s so nice out! You can leave whenever you finally catch a shooting star.”
You laugh again, “I’d be here all night. Shooting stars never fly for me. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You say goodnight to all of your friends as you begin your walk back home. You didn’t want to say anything, but you’re really worried. The first day of school never goes well for you, something always has to go wrong. Like on the first day of 7th grade when the electricity went out at your house while you were straightening your hair. You had to go your entire first day of school with only half of your hair done.
As you walk up the steps to your house, you take one more look at the night sky. You pause for a few seconds, hoping that maybe you’ll see your first shooting star. You look and look, but nothing. You choose to close your eyes and make a wish anyway.
“Please give me a break this year.” You beg the universe before entering your dimly lit home.
The next morning, you woke up surprisingly refreshed. You were able to go through your entire morning routine without a single problem. Everything ran smoothly, which you find odd, but you aren’t going to complain.
You walk through the halls with Gwen and the same group of people from last night, showing one another your schedules to see which classes you have together.
“Y/n, you have gym with us?” One of the girls ask.
You nod your head excitedly, “Yes! I’m gonna try out for the volleyball team this year, remember?”
All of them except Gwen trade skeptical looks with each other. A smile cracks on one of their faces, “We thought you were joking.”
“Um no.” You chuckle, feeling a little less confident, “I really want to give it a try this year.”
Again, they all go silent and trade looks with each other as you all continue walking. “No offense, Y/n, but we don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“Are you serious, guys? Come on.” Gwen pinches the bridge of her nose. You look at her confused, but all she does is shake her head in annoyance.
“Is there something I don’t know about?” You ask out loud.
One of the girls sighs before stopping in her tracks, causing the rest of you to stop as well. “We don’t want you joining the team because everyone knows you’re bad luck.” She tells you straight up.
You’re a little taken aback, and quite frankly, hurt by her bluntness. Sure bad things happen to you more than most, but for someone to call you the bad luck stings. Regardless, you try to laugh it off.
“I-I am not bad luck!” You chuckle, hoping the louder you talked, the more believable you’d sound.
Another one of them speaks up, “Y/n, the first day we met I had to go to the hospital.”
“How is you having a peanut allergy my fault?!”
“You broke my EpiPen!”
You open your mouth to argue back until you realize she was right. You had forgotten about that incident.
“Ugh whatever. I’m gonna prove you guys wrong.” You declare as you begin walking away from them backwards.
“Be careful.” Gwen warns, but you ignore her.
You continue, “I’m trying out for the volleyball team and I’m gonna make it!”
She steps towards you cautiously, “Y/n-”
“No, Gwen! I’m serious. I’m gonna join the team and we’re gonna be national fucking champions all because of—” Your rant is cut short by a sudden drop in your stomach.
You hadn’t realized it, but you started walking backwards right towards a staircase. That’s what Gwen was trying to save you from. She launches herself forward to grab your hand, but barely misses. You squeeze your eyes shut and prepare for the worst. You expect your body to go tumbling down the several steps below you, but instead you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist. You gasp and stumble a bit as you try to regain your balance. The person who caught you keeps their arms around you until your feet are firm on the ground.
When you look up, you’re met with the most delicate pair of brown eyes. His hair is nearly combed down, but the curls near the nape of his neck managed to escape. The boy’s eyebrows are knitted with concern and you’re reminded that he literally just saved you from falling to your death.
“You gotta be careful. There’s stairs here.” He says. His voice is sweet and gentle, and it matches the way he looks perfectly. You instantly grow nervous and all you can do it smile like an embarrassed idiot.
“Yeah. Right. I should pay more attention.” You chuckle, “Good thing you were there though. Um, thank you.”
Just when you thought this guy couldn’t get any cuter, he smiles. You swear your heart grew wings and flew away in that moment. Gwen still stands there, smirking at the way his eyes wander up and down your body.
“The pleasure’s all mine.” He says suavely, “I’m Peter.”
Of course he has the most perfect name too. You outstretch a hand and he happily takes it, “Y/n.” You introduce yourself.
“Well I hope to see you around, Y/n.” Peter smiles again and then continues his trek to class.
He leaves you absolutely speechless. You look over at Gwen in disbelief before squealing enthusiastically. She pulls you into a tight hug and jokes, “Fuck volleyball. Serve me a piece of Peter.”
You laugh at your friend’s dirty joke and decide it’s time for you to also head to your next class. You tried your best to pay attention during your remaining classes, but Peter never stopped running through your mind. The feeling of having his arms wrapped around you is something you find yourself beginning to crave.
The last bell of the day rings and the tension in your muscles melts away. You’ve nearly made it through the first day of school without staining your clothes, catching on fire, or embarrassing yourself for the thousandth time.
You practically skip to the front doors, a certain boy still lingering through your mind. All day long you’ve been questioning how you’ve never seen him before. He surely has a face you would never forget. You haven’t seen him since he saved you by the staircase and as much as you hate to admit it, that bummed you out. Midtown High is a pretty big school, so what if you never cross paths again?
Once again, you’re so lost in your own thoughts that you don’t notice the big sign on the door telling you not to use it. Unbeknown to you, on the other side of the door is a maintenance man touching up the paint outside of the school. He’s at the very top of a tall ladder with a bucket of paint perfectly balanced on the ajar door— the one you stupidly push open with all your might.
It all happens in a matter of seconds. The man fumbles desperately, trying not to fall backwards on the ladder while the bucket of white paint tips over right in your direction. However, before you can even process what’s about to happen, you feel something sticky on your arm and then a strong force yanks you to the side. You gasp in shock as you land in a familiar pair of arms and watch as the paint splatters where you stood just seconds ago. Once you look up, you see none other than Peter.
“We gotta stop meeting like this, Y/n.”
“Uh yeah, yeah we do.” You stammer. The sound of your name rolling off of his tongue sends chills throughout your body.
He loosens his hold on you, but keeps a hand on your back. “Are you okay? I didn’t pull you too hard, did I?” Peter asks you.
“No, but now that I think about it, how did you do that? You must’ve been standing about 4 feet away from me.”
He blinks as his mind goes blank, “Uh, I’m just really fast.”
You snort, “I feel sorry for your girlfriend.”
Peter drops his jaw and let’s out a surprised chuckle. “Okay 1. I don’t have a girlfriend and 2… no comment.”
You smile and laugh along with Peter as he is now the one blushing like a fool. The two of you easily fell into a conversation, almost like you’ve known each other for years. After bantering back and forth for a few more minutes, Peter strongly recommends that he should walk you home.
“Just for safety reasons! You always seem to be a hair away from trouble.” He points out.
“You’re not wrong. I guess I’ll let you walk me home. Just this once.”
Peter finds himself walking you home everyday after school and texting you all day on the weekends. You both clicked immediately and the more you learned about him, the more you began to fall for him. The constant talking goes on for weeks and you couldn’t help but notice that your bad luck has seemingly washed away. Something would come so close to going bad, but Peter was always there to save the day.
It’s like he’s your shield— the only thing that could protect from the punishments of the cruel world. Peter is your smart, dorky, kind shield. You’re worried that the universe is finally giving you a good thing, just to snatch it out of your grasp when you get too comfortable. Losing him would be the ultimate form of bad luck, and that terrifies you.
“Hold on. Your shoe’s untied.” Peter stops you. He bends down on one knee and begins to tie your shoe in the middle of the hallway, “I don’t want you to fall.” He smiles sheepishly.
You reciprocate the smile and thank him shyly. Walking you home everyday soon turned into walking you to class every period. You’re amazed by how he can manage to pick you up from one class, drop you off at another, and still get to his class on time. It’s like he’s superhuman. No one has ever tried this hard for you. You’re used to people avoiding you like you’re a black cat, but not Peter.
Your hands continuously bump one another’s as you walk side by side like they always do, but this time Peter confidently intertwines them. You don’t even bother trying to hide the heat burning on your face for once. You give him a squeeze and happily lean into him.
Soon, you arrive to your classroom and it’s time to say bye to Peter— for the next hour at least. You turn to face him, still hand in hand, and both of you look at each other like lovesick puppies.
“So I was thinking about having lunch off campus tomorrow. Care to join me?” You offer.
His smile falters and his shoulders drop, “I forgot to tell you. I have a decathlon competition tomorrow and I won’t be at school all day.”
“Oh.” You frown, “I forgot I’m with a genius.”
Peter raises his eyebrows at the sound of those words coming from your mouth. It takes a little bit longer for you to register what you just said, and you immediately slap your hand over your mouth.
“What do you mean by ‘with’, huh?” Peter laughs incredulously.
Your face burns and you want to sink into the floor forever. It’s clear that you and Peter both like each other, but you didn’t want to be the first one to actually acknowledge it.
“N-Nothing. I meant that I’m, like, well… Shut up, Peter.” You shove his shoulder lightheartedly as you try to push past him to walk into your class.
“Hey I’m kidding, I’m kidding. C’mon.” Peter gently grabs your shoulders and makes you look at him, an amused expression still on his face. “I’m glad you said it first. It’s an honor to be with the prettiest girl in school.”
He nudges your chin before closing the gap between your chests. Your faces inch closer and closer together, and you can feel your heart starting to race. You can’t help the smile tugging at the corner of your mouth, “So, does this mean we’re… ya know?”
Peter chuckles lightly, “Yeah we’re.. “ya know”. And I want to kiss my “you know what” now, if that’s alright.”
You don’t trust yourself to not squeal with excitement, so you nod your head eagerly instead. He brushes his thumb gingerly over your cheek and stares into your eyes with his pupils dilated. Peter smiles before finally beginning to slowly lean in.
“Heads up!” A husky voice bellows, but you’re so caught up in the moment you can barely hear it.
Luckily though, Peter was able to quickly pull his mind from the drunken, lovesick state. Without ever taking his eyes off of you, he reaches up with one hand to catch a football that was flying directly towards your head. Your eyes widen when you see how close you were to a mild concussion.
Once again, Peter (quite literally) singlehandedly saves you from total embarrassment and a ridiculous injury. You break out with an impressed grin, “How did—”
Before you could press him for an explanation, he wraps his arm around the small of your back and pulls you in for a kiss. You relax into him, but you didn’t feel a spark like every cheesy romance novel describes. There’s no electricity, no fireworks ignite. Instead, it feels like everything in the universe is perfectly aligned. For once. You think to yourself, ‘This must be what it feels like to be a shooting star.’
The kiss was passionate, but short. Surprised by his own sudden bravery, Peter pulls away with rosy cheeks and the lingering taste of your coconut flavored chapstick. He looks at you as if you’re the reason the sun rises. “Wow.” He mutters under his breath, but you can still hear him.
“Wow.” You reiterate.
“Wow.” A third, disembodied voice coos, “Young love at its finest. Can I have my ball back?”
One of your school’s football players stands there, having witness the kiss. You didn’t even realize Peter still had the ball palmed in his hand.
“Oh yeah. Sorry.” He mumbles as he returns it.
“No problem, bro.” The football player tucks the ball under one arm while hooking the other one around the back Peter’s neck and walking away from you, “So, have you ever thought about joining the team?”
Peter looks back at you with an apologetic smile as you laugh, “I’ll see you after class!”
After a torturous 60 minutes pass, you’re greeted outside of your classroom by the curly haired boy as promised. You go on about your day being more affectionate than usual. Lunch may or may not have been spent making out underneath the bleachers in the gym.
It was the best day you’ve had in a long time, unfortunately, followed by the worst. First thing in the morning, you overslept and ended up late to first period. You tried not to let it get to you because it was only one little hiccup. But one hiccup turned into two, which turned into three, and so on and so on.
It was like every little thing, every corner you turned, something bad was waiting to happen. This is the first day you haven’t seen Peter since you first met, and it’s like all the bad luck he was preventing bubbled up for too long. Now it’s all unleashing on you, all at once.
You fell in the hallway, accidentally wore different shoes on each foot, got your hair stuck in your locker, forgot your homework at home, and dropped your phone in the toilet. This was all during the first two hours at school. After someone spilled iced coffee on your favorite white shirt during lunch, you couldn’t take it anymore and decided skip the rest of the school day. The universe showed no mercy at this point, however. On your walk home, you got attacked by a bird and chased by a small dog for rest way.
Frustrated tears welled up in your eyes as soon as you made it through your front door. You slug through your house, trying to carefully make it to your room. You decided you’re just going to lay down for the rest of the night. Nothing bad can happen if you stay in bed. Or so you thought. The universe has one last “fuck you” up its sleeve. When you finally make it to your room, you almost immediately stub your toe on the leg of your desk.
A loud yelp escapes your lips as you crumble to the ground. You actually just end up staying there, afraid of something else happening like the ceiling collapsing right on top of you when you get into bed. The worst part of this is that you can’t even text Peter, let alone hear his voice because of your phone. He’s really all you need or want right now. You curl up in a ball on the floor as your heart aches with sadness. Your eyes flutter shut and you hope that when you wake up, it’ll be the next day so you can see Peter again.
Hours go by and the sun is now set. The only source of light in your room comes from the full moon shining through your open curtains. You’re brought out of your sleep by the sound of low growling.
“I better be dreaming, I swear to god.” You mutter sleepily.
As your eyes open up, you see the tiny dog that chased you for 3 blocks sitting in the doorway of your room. Your soul jumps out of your body as you sit up and scramble backwards towards your bed.
“Oh, you’re up now! I would’ve told you to get in bed, but you looked so peaceful.” Your mom appears and casually picks up the demon dog.
“Did you mean to let that thing inside? I can call animal control for you.” You spit.
Your mom lets out a hearty laugh and continues to cradle the dog, who is now the perfect angel, in her arms. “No, silly. This poor thing was sitting outside. She doesn’t have a collar or anything, so I think I might keep her.”
“Perfect.” You groan, pulling yourself into bed.
“But I’m assuming you won’t be calling anyone any time soon.” She says.
You look at her in confusion before she pulls out a ziplock bag filled with rice and your wet phone. You spring out of bed, having forgotten all about taking care of your phone until now. Your mom explains that she put it in the bag hours ago, but there’s a chance it was a little too late.
With a sigh, you thank her anyway and shove the bag into your back pocket. “Where are you going?” She asks when you begin to walk to the front door.
You throw on a jacket and zip it up, still wearing your coffee stained shirt. “Down the street to Delmar’s. I’m hungry.” You explain.
“I don’t want you going alone, sweetie. It’s dark out. Is that nice Pablo boy going with you?” She asks.
“Yeah, mom. I’m meeting Pablo there.” You give her a weak smile as you step out the door. You feel bad for lying to her, but today was too much for you. A short walk might help take things off of your mind.
You tuck your hands in the pockets of your jacket as you stroll down the sidewalk absentmindedly. You’ve never been one to throw a pity party, but tonight is an exception. Tonight you’re going to let yourself be pissed at the world all because of some spilt coffee and a stubbed toe. What was originally supposed to be a walk around the block turned into a walk in the dangerous part of your neighborhood. Nothing too crazy, just the usual battery and robbery.
By the time you realized where you were, it was too late to turn back. It was safer to stare straight ahead and walk faster until you get to a better part of the neighborhood. You start to get the unsettling feeling that someone was tailing you, but when you look back, you’re completely alone. Your stomach twist with anxiety as you walk even faster now. The sound of your heartbeat pounds in your own ears and you begin to sweat. At this point, you don’t even know your way back home.
You go to quickly turn a random corner when you see the figure of a man stomping right towards you. “Hey! Have you seen my dog?”
You’re too scared to even process what he asked you. In a poor attempt at escaping what you thought was potential danger, you try running across the street. However, your stupid shoelaces were untied. You smack on to the gravelly road and groan in pain. You just want to give up and lie there exactly like you did in your room. Still, you power through your misfortune and sluggishly push yourself up to your feet.
Just as an exasperated sigh leaves your lips, you noticed two growing lights rapidly heading right in your direction. You freeze like a deer, and per usual, all you can do is close your eyes while you prepare for the impact. Thankfully, the only collision you feel is a strong chest and an even stronger arm wrap around your body. You shriek as your feet are lifted off the ground and wild wind begins blowing through your already messy hair. Just as fast as it happened, you’re being set down on the cold floor.
You open your panicked eyes and see—
“Y/n, are- I mean, uh…” He suddenly forces his voice to go deeper, “Random citizen, who I don’t know, are you okay?”
You want to be excited that you’re meeting the famous neighborhood hero. Not only meeting him, he just saved your life! But you’ve finally reached your limits. In the blink of an eye, tears begin to slip down your face as your body racks with heavy sobs. “I’m not. I’m not okay.” You cry, falling to your knees.
“Hey, hey, hey. Don’t cry.” He tries to sooth you.
You cover your face with your hands and continue to wail, “Today was the worst day of my life. I almost died! My shoes didn’t match today. The dog is evil. My shirt is ruined.”
You cry and cry, but it’s not making any sense to Peter. All he can think of to do is give you comforting pats on your knee.
“I just want today to be over.” You sniffle, “I just want to see m-my boyfriend.”
This, he understood. He can actually do something about this. “Y/n, Y/n. Look at me.” Peter urges.
He mindfully pulls your hands away from your face and wipes your tears with his gloved hands. Your eyes flutter open, the wet lashes making them feel hooded. Once you’re finally face to face with Peter, he slips the mask off of his head to reveal his biggest secret. Your breathing halts and your eyes go wide, but not because of the secret. You had this reaction simply because it was Peter stood before you.
“I’m sorry I was following you, but you haven’t answered your phone all day. I-” Peter begins but is interrupted.
You waste no time engulfing him in a hug. It finally feels like you can breathe again. You cry a bit more while you melt into his arms. “I missed you so much, Pete. I had a horrible day.”
He hugs you even tighter and kisses the top of your head. “Tell me all about it, love.”
And you do. You break down every last detail of the day to him, and he listens carefully to all of it. After venting to Peter about today’s events, you already felt 100 times better. The two of your even got a good laugh when you showed him your rice covered phone. You pull it out of the ziplock bag and repeatedly pressed the power button, but to no avail. Peter noticed your frown when your phone didn’t come on.
“Can I see it?” He sticks out his hand.
Without thinking twice about it, you give him your phone. After a few seconds of blowing air into the charging port and holding down a few buttons, the bright white screen activates. Your eyes light up just as bright, making Peter chuckle.
“You’re literally amazing.” You gush as you take back your phone, happily going through it to see what all you missed today.
There’s a few Instagram notifications, a couple of emails, messages from Gwen and your mom, but what catches your eye is a photo from Peter. He sent you a goofy selfie of him in his decathlon uniform, posing with a trophy. You smile softly as he peeks over your shoulder and immediately cringes.
“Oh god, I didn’t expect you to open that around me.” His face turns red with embarrassment, causing you to laugh.
You rest your head on his shoulder contently as you both sit in a comfortable silence. “The sky is really pretty tonight.” Peter comments. You wordlessly nod in agreement, gazing at the twinkling stars above you. “Look! There’s the big dipper. That’s the only constellation I can ever find.” He chuckles and points at a blotch of stars.
“I don’t see it.” You admit, “I can never find any constellations.”
Instead of shrugging his shoulders and letting you be, Peter smirks as he pulls you in between his legs. With your back leaning against his chest, he points back up to the dark sky.
“Follow my finger.” He instructs, “There’s the weird little half square that makes the bowl and as you move your eyes diagonally, you’ll see the three stars that make the handle.”
You gasp dramatically and grip his thigh, “I see it! Oh my god, I see it.” You turn around to face him, “Peter, I’ve really never seen a constellation before.”
“Well there’s a first time for everything.” He laughs fondly at your excitement. Peter loves that despite having a bad day, you still manage to find joy in the little things.
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss, now straddling his lap. Peter lowers himself onto his back as the kiss becomes heated, his hands carelessly exploring your body. You eventually break the kiss to catch your breath, not wanting to get too carried away out in the open.
You both chuckle shyly as you slide off of him, still cuddling into his side. You shamelessly admire his soft features that are being illuminated by the moonlight. Everything that occurred today is long forgotten. You forgive the universe and officially end your occasional pity party. Your cheeks before sore from smiling so much, but you couldn’t care less.
You let out a satisfied sigh as you finally turn your gaze to the stars. Much to your surprised, you turned right on time. You witness a fast zip of light zoom all the way across the sky for the first time ever, and it stunned you into speechlessness.
“Woah, a shooting star! Did you see it?” Peter looks down at you.
“Mhm.” You hum, eyes still fixed on the sky.
He brings you in closer to his side, “Well, go on and make a wish!”
You look at him tearfully with a loving smile.
“It already came true.”
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Hey guys!! Here’s a one shot for Peter since I haven’t posted a chapter for Just Another Trope in a while. I promise I’m still working on it, but hopefully this holds you over for the time being :)
Like always, positive feedback is welcomed and encouraged.
Sorry about any typos, I write late at night! I’ll proofread later lmao
Thank you so much for reading <3
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specsforwoo · 3 years
Son of Notus | Demigod!Ten
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Parent Deity: Notus ( God of the Southern Winds)
Allegiance: Aether
asldkfjaslkj Airhead much
Okay he is actually really smart
But he hates showing it because he doesn’t want to be stuck up
Like top of his meteorology class
But also top of of his modern dance class
He really likes dancing
It makes him feel like he is flying
Which is the best feeling in the world if you ask him
Kinda found out he was a demigod on accident, but he doesn’t even know he is a demigod asldfkgj
So maybe he got a little too heated in an argument and a desk was flown into a wall
And he didn’t touch the desk
Notus is known for being the most temperamental of the Wind Gods
And it definitely passed on to his son
But he is also probably one of the most laid back of his friends beside Johnny
His personality really changes depending on who he is around
He likes to act silly around Taeyong and Yuta because seriously those two need to take a chill pill and down it with a Piña Colada
But when he is around his half-siblings and younger demigods he turns really protective really fast
And when he is around say Johnny or Chenle or Haechan he becomes the somber one because someone needs to stay calm when those three are together
So he actually got brought to camp rather forcefully
Because apparently when a monster is hot on your tail it tries to directs you to other demigods
Which is exactly what happened
Remember that desk that flew into a wall, well the person he was arguing with was actually a cyclops shrouded by the Veil
Good job, Ten
And the monster chased him all the way to the camp
But like he wasn’t claimed yet and had only known about his powers for a few mere hours, the poor boy
So he crossed the borders to camp and suddenly the cyclops stopped chasing after him? But he was open in the middle of the woods?
Until he turned around and he saw this huge green field with a pavilion and a lake and what looked like 50+ cabins in the distance and an amphitheater
And he was even more terrified because what in hell is this place and how could I not see it before
And suddenly this young girl who was probably around 5 years old with green skin came up and latched onto his leg
And now he’s even more scared bEcAUSEe GreEEN SkiN
But then a normal human walks up to him and sees the cyclops outside the border and kinda just goes oh, new demigod? Have you been claimed?
And honestly he is ready to pass out
Which he does
So apparently after he passed out (the little girl started crying because the cute man is hurt) that random demigod called for help and helped carry him to the pavilion before calling the Apollo/Achelios Camp Leader to check him out
After he woke up it took him a realllllly long time to process everything
And that night when he went to sleep in the Hermes cabin he was still super confused and kinda scared. Because did his mom know where he was? His cellphone dropped into a river while he was being chased. Did he even know where he was? Was he a freak? A million thoughts were running through his head at once
After barely sleeping a wink he woke up to an blow horn and 3 campers cackling around his bunk
Which got him mad and when he clenched his fist the blown horn popped
So basically he was in the Hermes cabin for around 3 months because no one had claimed him but he had also shown powers limited to demigods so he definitely wasn’t an outsider
And he actually got into the swing of things
Archery was cool, he was okay at it
He didn’t like swords that much but he could survive
But wow, flying on a pegasus? That was the best feeling in the world
He loved the go to the track and fly around after dinner until midnight
And suddenly one day while he was training with his pegasus, Tadd, he got bucked off the saddle while everyone was watching
It was at least 30 feet high
And he landed on his damn feet
And the next thing he knew he had a shining silver cloud erupting in flames over his head
And a voice in the back of his middle, deep, gruff and spiky was talking to him about how he was ready to face the challenges as the son of a god, a specific god: Notus
And Ten was really happy, so was everyone else because 1) they had never had a son of Notus here before and 2) Everyone could tell Ten couldn’t wait until the day he found out who his father was
So Ten has probably been at this camp the longest except for Jaemin but that’s a long story
And the one thing he does do during the summer is go out into society to look for other demigods
Which was how he met you. He had tracked you to a small town outside of Seoul and you were just like any other person
Music blasting in your ears as you walked down the street, humming along, eyes glued to your phone
And he almost thought that he had tracked the wrong person
Until he noticed your little obsession with gold.
Not like you were robbing banks and jewelry stores but as he got closer to you in order to bring you to the camp he realized you like to sew clothes with gold colored thread, Your jacket had gold embroidering. Your phone case was gold
When he brought it up you just laughed and said that your mom had told you all your life that gold was your dad’s favorite color and for a while you used to use it to give a connection to him but soon it became your favorite color as well.
And one day while he was meeting you up for coffee at a local donut shop, he noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye but decided to ignore it
2 hours later he was gripping your hand running down an alleyway trying to pull drachma out of his pocket so he could hitch a ride back to camp and away from the Griffin currently chasing you down
Apparently waiters don’t like it when you try to send cold coffee back
He finally got you in a Hermes Cab and spent the entire time to the camp explaining what had happened
Let’s just say you took it a lot better than he did and didn’t have to be carried inside the camp borders
He was about to take you to the Hermes cabin when a Sun and Lyre appeared simultaneously above your head
You had been claimed by Apollo in the mere 5 hours you had been aware that you were a demigod
And Ten had to admit, he was jealous, why did he have to wait 3 months when you had to wait 5 hours
But he was also happy because he knows the feeling of finding a missing part about the puzzle that was a demigod’s life
So he goes and introduces you to your half-siblings and you immediately fit in
And he usually leaves new campers here, their cabins will take care of them now, but he doesn’t want to leave you
But has to because Johnny keeps Iris messaging him from the Aether Cabin about some party he needs help setting up
And to his dismay it seems like you don’t even notice him leaving
Or even his presence for the next 3 weeks because you have been getting along with your siblings really well
But one day Johnny is throwing another party and it spread across the entire camp, but he just wasn’t feeling it
He seemed even more bitter about the party than Taeyong
And you were there of course, talking with Sicheng (your Camp Leader) and Taeyong but kept noticing Ten just sitting in the corner reading a book? It was about modern dance okay
So you excuse yourself from Tae and Sicheng to go and plop down next to Ten
They were both totally giving you wiggly brows and side eyes
But he looked up from the book, startled to see you sitting across from him
You were the first one to speak
You're usually the life of the party, what’s going on?
Just not feeling it
It was easy to tell he didn’t want to talk about it, at least to you
So right as he went to pick up the book again you cut it
And you realized what you said right after you said it causing you to jump out of your seat, racing pasting a chuckling Sicheng and Haechan while blushing
Did I mention Ten is also Track Captain at camp because Wind Gods are super fast and that passes on to him and Johnny just hates running
So he caught up to you right in front of the lake holding your arm
I think you are cute too
And he leans down, kissing your cheek
And he walks you to the Apollo Cabin, kissing your cheek again before going back to his own cabin
It’s the first night since his first day at camp that he can’t sleep
But he doesn’t mind it this time
They think I’m cute too. *cue unmanly giggling at 4 am followed by a pillow thrown from Johnny’s side of the room*
And the next day it’s back to when you didn’t know you were a demigod
You and Ten are practically joined at the hip
While he helps you with agility and reflex you help him with archery
And you both are great flyers
And while he practices dance, you play the harp to create simple melody for him to follow
You guys really just compliment each other in every way
Making you the perfect team
Especially when chariot racing is on the table
You are a much better marksman than he is and he is a much better driver than you lol
So basically every time you 2 team up for racing
No one else wants to join because they know you will win
So the Camp Director forces you two to be on separate teams with in your own cabins
Which means you are paired with Sicheng, who is a great driver and an even better shot
And Ten is stuck with Johnny, dear god
Actually Johnny is really good with a Javelin and Sword so you know you are going to have to watch out for him
And you two get competitive
Remember how I said you make a perfect team?
You might make better enemies lmao
Ten tried to drive your chariot off the track so you Stuck a javelin in his back piston
Sicheng fired a flaming arrow into their hold so Johnny sawed through half of your reins
In the end you won
Shhhh, Ten wants a recount
Okay but he is really excited, jumping out of the chariot and racing over to you while Sicheng is trying to pull at your arm to go to the pavilion to be crowned with a golden laurel
And Johnny is silently sulking on the second place pedestal
But once you and Sicheng are hoisted onto the first place platform and you are crowned he is screaming and hollering and just overall being a really supportive boyfriend
But when you guys go onto the track competition he whoops your ass and doesn’t think twice about it
But you are there in the crowd screaming and hollering and being an overall supportive girlfriend
And later that night the camp decides to hold a sorta dance to commemorate the competitions and their winners
And everyone takes it seriously
Like after a straight week of pushing each other into mud and water and falling of pegasi in the sky and pushing your way through monster infested forests
Everyone wants to dress up and be slightly classy
So the Aphrodite and Eros houses have had boys and girls alike weaving in and out of their common areas because they offered to help everyone look their best for this event
And you and Ten agreed to not reveal your outfits to each other until you met up at the pavilion
And you were in a light blue dress that you got an Aphrodite kid to enchant so it would look like clouds moving around the ripples in the dress
And Ten was in a flowy gold top, half tucked into slacks and a couple buttons undone. An Eros kid temporarily threaded his hair with gold
So basically he forces you into the middle of the dance floor and does that cheesy slow dance in the middle of everyone else jumping around and headbanging
But DJ!Mark totally notices so he switches the song to a self composed one that has a nice melody to it and soft vocals so he can create the mood for you two
And you are both slightly swaying to the music, nothing too fancy, definitely not what everyone was expecting from Ten
But you have you head on his shoulder, his hand encaptured in yours with his other on your waist as you both whisper a small conversation
And he mentions he’s met Apollo once
Which totally shocks and scares you… because he’s met your dad? The god?
But he just chuckles under his breath, and whispers in your ear about how he made Ten promise to never hurt you or he would face the full wrath of a god
Which got you even more scared because Ten… pls dont get hurt
But he laughs under his breath again and lets go of your hand to pull something out of his back pocket
And it’s a charm bracelet with a lyre and a cloud on it with a cursive T too
And as he slips it onto your wrist
He whispers about how he told your dad that he would quicker marry you than hurt you
a n y w a y s
Ten is a really soft bf and demigod and person in general
Unless it comes to hurting someone he loves
Then he can and will seriously injure someone
But other than that
Everyone looks up to him
Not just because he has been there forever
But because he has shown he has what it takes to protect the camp and how much everyone in it means to him
Especially you
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 6
a/n: Are you seeing these posts? If not i don’t wanna spend my time editing the fanfiction for nothing…
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    The familiar knock on the door woke Scarlett up in the morning. It was none other than Severus Snape. He was standing there with their breakfast.
"Did i wake you up...?"
"Yeah..." Scarlett murmured sleepily. "Whatever come in."
"Sorry, i thought you'd be awake..." he put the plates on the table.
"The pills make me sleepy all the time... You help yourself, i will be back." She headed to the bathroom.
While he was pouring tea into the cups, she came back and sat down the chair.
"I went to the owlery earlier and there were couple of letters for you so i took them, here."
"Oh thanks."
She looked through them; Leo, Carina, dad... and there was a package. She wondered who sent it so ripped it open since there was no name tag on it. There was a grey cardigan and a note inside of the package, she immediately recognized the cardigan because it was hers. She was very confused, so she picked up the note and read it.
I didn't have any thick clothes with me that night and after Sirius and his warmness left me all alone in the cold bed, i had to borrow that from your wardrobe. You lost your husband but you can have your cardigan back.
Love, Arabelle
Scarlett took the cardigan and the note and threw them into the fireplace while tears running down on her cheeks.
"How dare she!?" She punched the wall next to the fireplace and fell down the floor crying hysterically. Severus run up to her immediately; he was shocked at her reaction, that was so out of character.
"Scarlett, Scar calm down. What's wrong?"
"I want to kill her!" She was screaming and crying with anger. "I hate her! She ruined everything!" She was digging her long nails into her palms as she clenched her fists.
Severus was so confused and worried at the same time. He hasn’t seen her like this before and he wasn't sure what to do because clearly talking wouldn't work at that moment so he just held her close to calm her down. Scarlett was resistant at first but after a while she leant into him and just cried her eyes out until there was no tear to shed. Sometime have passed like that and finally she was no longer crying and moved away from his embrace slowly.
"I am sorry, that was so pathetic of me..." She whispered while looking away from him.
"There is no need to apologize Scarlett." He stood up and gave her a hand then he led her to the table.
"I feel so ashamed... I can't control myself at all..."
He poured some fresh tea for her and sat back down.
"Why do you feel ashamed? You just express your emotions that way and if it relaxes you, do it."
"I have bad thoughts all over my mind Severus... i don't even know what am i gonna do next. I am scared of myself..."
"Talk through them with me."
She took a sip from her tea and thought for a while. "Did Carina tell you anything? Be honest with me."
"No, not at all. She just said family issues and i didn't question it any further."
"I don't know where to start, so many things happened lately... like i can't perceive them at all." sighed deeply, Scarlett was feeling so distressed she was still shaking from the crying.
"Start with the easiest one for you."
"I am no longer the deputy minister, i quit."
"I read that in newspaper and i was surprised actually."
"It wasn't an easy decision. I love... loved my job and it was a good way to show my abilities but... i had to quit."
"Did you get a better offer from somewhere else?"
"Oh, i wish..." she smiled sadly "I am unemployed right now." She saw the confused look on his face. "And here is the shitty part..." she finished off her tea, hoping it would ease her a bit. But unfortunately, it didn't. She was scratching her hands unwittingly. Severus knew something bad was coming, this was never a good sign.
"He, Sirius, umm... cheated on me..." she bit her lip to stop herself from crying once again but the tears didn't want to stay in their places but run down on her cheeks. "With his co-worker... i caught them in our bed..."
Severus couldn't believe the things he just heard. Sirius literally would kill himself to be with Scarlett when he was young and when he finally had her, he cheated. Severus regretted his decision that he made 30 years ago, he shouldn't have believed Sirius. While he was busy with his thoughts, Scarlett continued.
"We divorced 10 days ago. 26 years of marriage ended in half an hour... and like this wasn't bad enough, after the court i came across with "the girl" and she humiliated me in front of many people. And the package was from her. She has borrowed my cardigan that night because after i interrupted their hot action, she was cold." Her anger was rising, and her face was turning red at the same time. "She wrote me that i lost my husband but i can take my cardigan back." She laughed angrily and then started to cry helplessly once again.
Severus was so angry and just wanted to find Sirius and put him in his place. Seeing Scarlett like this broke his heart into pieces but he didn't know what to do to make her feel any better. He could see her pain through her beautiful eyes. He would give anything to see them shine with happiness again.
"I am standing on a very thin line, if i let myself fall which i am close to... i won't be able to recover from this at all or it will be so hard... I don't want it Severus..." her voice had such a pleading tone and she was literally screaming for help.
"I am here for you Scarlett, whatever you want or need i will always be there to help you."
He was dying to hug her tightly and kiss her pain away. She was the only one he ever loved and his love for her never changed over years.
"Thank you, Severus." She smiled faintly.
He watched her while she was taking her pills with shaky hands.
"Would you like to do something today?" He felt like he needs to take her out of this room, she was stuck between the walls for days and it wasn’t helping her a bit.
"Like what?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, we can go for a walk to Hogsmade?"
She thought about it for couple of minutes.
"We can do that, maybe being outside will be good for me."
"Good then. I will be in my room, when you are ready just knock on my door." He picked up the breakfast dishes and left.
Scarlett sat on the chair for a while before starting to get ready. She thought about Severus, when he was here with her she felt so comfortable even speaking about such hard topics for her. He always made her feel so calm and peaceful. But another side of her was still hurt by him. She decided not to think about that now, there were already man problems in her life.
Some time has passed, and she was knocking on his door. He opened it with a tiny smile on his lips.
"Sorry it took a little longer, apparently i forgot how to dress up since the only thing i wear was sleeping gowns for weeks..."
"It's okay and you look beautiful whatever you wear." The sentence did slip from his mouth before he thought, he blushed a little after he noticed what he just said.
"Thank you, Severus."
She smiled lightly and the two walked out from the castle to Hogsmade. It was a chill November day, just like Scarlett likes it. She was a total winter person and the cold weather always made her feel better and alive. A tiny smile appeared on her lips.
"I was thinking the old days, i have never imagined that we would be on our way to Hogsmade in our 50s."
He chuckled softly. "But here we are. Just like we used to do while we were at Hogwarts."
"I would like to live a day from those good old times."
"We can live like one. First we go to Honeydukes and get your chocolates then we have our hot chocolates at Three Broomsticks and talk."
"Sounds good to me!"
He was happy to see her all excited about such a simple day. They walked the roads they knew so well, got her favourite chocolates and now they were enjoying their drinks.
"You never talked about your life, what's going on with you?"
"Nothing much. Just working and dealing with dunderheads..."
"I hope you are not calling my daughter a dunderhead." She joked.
"I wouldn't hire her as my assistant if I thought so."
"Ah good to hear that because she really likes you, you were always her favourite professor. She would be sad if you called her a dunderhead."
"Carina was my favourite student to be honest. She was such a good student."
"Like mother like daughter." She grinned proudly and flipped her hair.
"I see you very humble."
She chuckled softly while slapping his arm jokingly. Severus grinned at her, that was his Scarlett and he was glad to see her happy. They kept talking about random stuff and spent some more time at Hogsmade. They were back at Hogwarts before it got dark.
"Thank you so much for today Severus, i feel so much better." She smiled at him before she entered her room.
"It's my pleasure, i am here if you need anything."
"Thank you again, see you tomorrow."
"See you."
He walked into his room as well and laid down on his bed thinking about her. His heart was beating like a teenage boy who was back from his first date. She was right here, so close but yet again he couldn't hold her, couldn't inhale her sweet rose scent, couldn't kiss her delicate lips...
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opes-magnas · 4 years
those two days.
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A wise man once said, ”The bad news is, nothing lasts forever and the good news is, nothing lasts forever.”
That’s freaking bullshit. Whoever told that hasn’t gone through the amount of trauma I’ve been through, which made every single moment feel like an eternity. Oh wait! I should’ve explained it more graphically.
Every single second felt like I was being skinned alive and being rolled over in salt and then fried in burning hot oil, then my limbs being torn out of my body and I could probably go on forever. In short, my time as a mortal on this planet has been miserable.
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My mother and father were the epitome of love, they were the ideal couple who fell in love as soon they laid eyes on each other and the middle of their story is so cliché I’d rather let you imagine it in the most typical way possible and the end of it is, they got married!
They sadly never had their happily ever after cause they then got pregnant with me.
(After 9 months of my mother craving weird things)
He kept pacing the length of the waiting room, anxious, his face was dripping with perspiration and his brows were knitted in deep thought, his hands were clasping and unclasping and fidgeting with his jacket.
* Piano playing a sad note*
He hears the OR doors opening and rushes towards the doctor and shakes that poor guy until he’s pale. The doctor says that there were a lot of complications with his wife’s pregnancy and that they could save only one of them, and his wife told them to save his child and that he now has a healthy 4.5 pound baby boy.
He fell to the ground. How could he even live without his beloved wife! His moon and stars, his better half! He felt so utterly devastated.
Sometimes when people lose the very thing that defines their life, the very thing that they lived and breathed for, they lose faith and when that happens there is no coming back.
I think this was that moment for my father. I’ve always wondered how anyone could love anything so intensely. But I guess love is a very elusive thing which sadly won’t fit into the bounds of words.
I can try to make sense of though, from what I’ve seen, love is when my father returned home after a tired day of work and as soon as he saw the face that opened the door, he could find calmness in spite of all the chaos surrounding him. One of the biggest regrets of my life is that I couldn’t see and feel that pure unconditional love.
Anyways, in my bittersweet flashback my father also gets to know that it was my mother’s intentional decision to give her life in order to save mine.
So, from that day my father loathed to see my face. As every time he looked at me, I reminded him of the day he lost the purpose of his life. He became an alcoholic and just gave me money to do whatever the hell I want with it.
I never actually went to school regularly, used to bunk most of the time. But that didn’t matter because I passed somehow by cheating and my street smartness. But, it really hit me when I flunked my senior year and all of my friends went to Ivy League colleges, while I was left to attend my dreadful senior year AGAIN with a bunch of crackpots.
Though, that wasn’t the part that made me lose my sense of self- dignity. It was when the look of nonchalance on my father’s face when he heard the former news. Even this far in life I didn’t have goal or any plans to look forward to. This part kept me most of the nights and stole any little peace of mind I had left.
Then I attended community college in hopes of at least getting proper education. In college, I couldn’t stick to any one major for a year as I was pretty fickle minded about it.
One sunny happy day, birds are chirping, I’m braying Beyoncé’s halo and enter the college premises to see this guy snogging my girlfriend. My fury knows no bounds as I beat the shit out of him then I get to know that my girlfriend had been cheating on me with him for many months. But, it was too late to reconsider my actions as I had probably broken 50 of his bones oops!
Then I got slapped an assault case and got expelled from college for disgracing them. This particular joke that I’m about to say is a big touché moment but humour at my expense has been a trend I’ve experienced everywhere so hell with it.
I got expelled from a freaking community college with drug addicts, goons, people who have flunked their freshman year about 3 times go to. And I have been expelled from such a college for “disgracing them”!!!
Go on laugh yourself out.
But a tiny ray of hope appeared after a jumbo combo of disappointment with a side of bad luck and a dollop of ugly fate. I was discovered by the basketball scouts and got a chance to play in the local league and if I did play well, I had a chance of playing ball in college! They absolutely loved me. I had gotten so used to people being disappointed in me that I was so unsure of myself when people really appreciated me.
But as you know of my series fuck ups I had to screw this one too. But, this one was the most epic of them all. I had a few shots in before the game just to you know, bring that edge.
During the game, when I was passed the ball, my drunken brain thought it was the head of my ex-girlfriend and I started smashing the ball against my head (which my brain thinks as a pathetic attempt of kissing “her” or rather “it”). So, at the end, everyone thought I was some lunatic and I got kicked off the field (literally).
I finally let go of all the little self-respect I had and applied for a job as a cashier at McDonalds. And the reply from them was the single most embarrassing moment of my life.
I got rejected!
Then I heard a call saying that my grandpa had died but he had also left me the family mansion, which I assume is out of pity for being ignored for most of my life. This was just in time (not my grandpa’s death of course! Gee I’m not so devoid of emotion!) as I was being kicked out of my apartment due to not paying rent for past 3 months and needed a place to crash.
But, aside from that I was a 23 year old man with no job, no girlfriend, and no degrees to show for, no friends and absolutely broke. I should be the poster boy for the word “miserable” (at least that way I’ll make some profit out of my pathetic existence of a life).
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The mansion looks absolutely beautiful from outside. It has a huge dome at the centre with 2 parapets flanking its either sides. The entire dome is made of tinted blue glass which makes it look like it’s a part of the sky but a glistening one filled with hand painted butterflies, hummingbirds, Macau’s and various other exotic species of birds.
The front lawn is as exorbitant as a rare and secret meadow left untouched by mankind, where the flowers unknown grow at their own liberty, unrestricted where bees hover over them making a slight buzzing sound . The whole estate looks so unreal and glorious, it is like a medieval castle left untouched.
But, all I could feel by looking at it was dejection. I felt even this wonderful piece of architecture was looming over and looking at me in pity. I sighed heavily and gathered my meagre possessions and stepped inside.
It was even more splendid from the inside. I don’t know what I’ll do with so much space, I could fit all of my things in the pantry closet! I just lay down on the plush divan to take a small nap because thinking about my wretched life made my mind blackout and heavy like I’d had a few too many tequila shots.
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“Poor boy, how can anyone’s life be so tragic and pitiable!?” said pride, wiping off the tears rolling down its cheek, “I know what a troubled childhood feels like, even my mother was too haughty to admit that she had become too fat because of giving birth to me and she never looked at me with a hint of motherly affection, it totally damaged my self-confidence.”
“As if you ever had it to begin with! You appeared to be so full of yourself in front of people but deep down you’re a pathetic little wimp!”
“Stop it envy! See, you made him cry, aren’t you living up to your name! Always jealous of others! I know it’s like we can invade his privacy, by taking a peek at his thoughts, but this boy can’t even defend himself. He doesn’t get angry at all when people talk all sorts of things about him! How can he even live with himself!”
“Now now, anger you don’t upset yourself too much, your BP is gonna skyrocket. All this boy needs to do is to get laid man! He so uptight, he needs to loosen up a little and take a chill pill.”
“I totally agree with you, said Sloth, he needs to take some time out for himself and have a little self’-introspective nap once in a while right, Glutton?”
“All you ever do is take naps! And anyways he needs to round up and appear fuller, he’s such a scrawny kid! Eat more spaghetti and meatballs!”
“You’re awfully quiet Greed, speak up man this isn’t like you! You’re always complaining that you don’t as much time to speak”.
“Yeah dude, it’s just I’ve never seen any man not having even basic survivalist desires. We gotta help this fella.”
“Okay then roll up your sleeves gentlemen and ugh *cough* cough* sorry woman, we got some work to do!”
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I opened my eyes and nearly peed myself in the pants, in front of me were six men and woman, I screamed like a cat dunked in a bucket of water!
“Hey Yo mate, chill down, we’re just here to help”, said a boy who was in his teens clearly by the amount of acne on his face and the ripped jeans and hoodie he wore further justified my guess, he wore a badge called “sloth”
What a weird name, I thought. Who would like to be named after the sloth bear!
“Yo, for the fact the sloth bear was named after me!”
“Now, sloth you need to follow your own words, the boy must be scared shitless. By the way, I’m Greed, nice to meet you too and that rude fellow was Sloth.”, spoke a middle aged man with a rather baggy shirt and tight jeans.
“Guys let’s introduce ourselves to make it easier for him. Hello young fellow, I’m Glutton!”, said a shirtless man whose abs glistened with sweat as though he’d come from a workout.
“Hello kitten, I’m Anger.”, said a strikingly beautiful woman with a purple dress synched at the waist with a Gucci belt and black stilettos.
“Greetings from the better part of hell dear, I’m Envy.”, said a man with a formal attire and red horn-rimmed glasses.
“Morning, I’m Pride.”, said a tall man wearing an expensive Armani suit, reebok sunglasses and slick blonde hair.
“Hi, I’m Lust.” ,he whispered, God he must be the male-version of Aphrodite! He was enough to turn a straight man like me, gay.
(I gave such detailed description of them, as they keep recurring and I wanted you guys to see them exactly like I did.)
“Umm. Hi, I’m max I guess.”, I blurted.
“God! We need to work on your self-confidence boy! Okay I’ll tell you why we’re here. While you were napping, we looked into your past and thought you might need a little boost to help you live a better life. So, each of us will help you in their own area of expertise and ooh! I almost forgot we are here only for two days, so buckle up!”
Have become schizophrenic?! I am hearing voices in my head!
“Relax honey, we are visible and audible only to you.”, Anger said.
“Humph okay, what should I do to get rid of you lot?”
Quit the sarcasm brother, first we need to get a good workout. Come on move your ass, and Glutton then pulled me away for what seemed like forever and made me workout like hell. The workout was so intense, I was so sore I couldn’t move a muscle and every time I got up my butt ached.
But, when I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t believe my eyes, my body looked like it was photo shopped! Six pack abs, killer thighs, amazing collar bone and to top it off a chiseled jaw! I looked like a Greek God!
Then, without wasting a minute, Sloth whisked me into the kitchen which was filled with amazing food and magazines. He told me, “You know what mate, you need to take some time out for yourself and make yourself happy once in a while.”
I never forgot those words.
I ate to my stomach’s fill, of course only healthy foods allowed (Glutton approved- check). Then my slot was with Anger.
We took a walk and were talking everyday stuff when she pulled me into a McDonald’s. I resisted as I had just eaten the feast of my life, but she insisted and made me sit down in a booth.
“Sometimes anger in the right direction is okay.”
Then a waiter came and asked for our order, before we could even blink an eye, he started bellowing out like a cow belching and started telling people that I was the specimen of a man who got rejected even from a McDonald’s job and thought a ball was his ex-girlfriend!
People around me started taking selfies and snaps of me and posting it on social media.
Anger whispered, “You need to defend your honour, sugar. No one is going to do it for you.”
I mustered all the courage I had left in me and punched that guy in his face. I pulled Anger away and we made for the run.
After the running all the way to house, I told her, “I never felt so exhilarated and satisfied in my entire life!”
“But, remember kitten, anger only in the right direction and for the right cause, like you defending your honour for example.”
Will remember, Ms. Anger.
Then Pride and Greed approached me together and took me into my room and gave my laptop.
“Listen son, you are quite capable and intelligent, all you need is to believe in yourself a little more and go after the things you want.” , Pride said. “So you need to write an essay to get into Ivy League colleges with full scholarship, so begin writing.”
I bit my lip. Just believe in yourself.
Then I wrote my essay by pulling an all-nighter and submitted it.
I could feel someone shaking me hardly, I rubbed my eyes and opened them reluctantly only to see Greed pulling off my blankets and telling me to get ready for a small basketball session.
We then drove over to the Baltimore city gym, I then realized he had brought me to the basketball try-outs for the city’s team!
Believe in yourself.
After almost half a day, we returned home then Lust dragged me into various clothing stores and dressed me up and told me to remember one girl who had impacted me the most.
Then, I thought how I could miss the one girl who stood with me through thick and thin! She never doubted me! Suddenly I could remember all the subtle hints she gave throughout the time we were friends, and I, a fool, never paid her enough attention, trying to go after girls who were popular!
Oh Sarah! Then I saw the smirk on Lust’s face and knew he was the one who helped me clear my thoughts.
He murmured, “Go! You moron.”
I rushed to my car and drove to Sarah’s house and almost punched a hole into her front door trying to knock.
The door opened, and when I saw her face, I found calm in midst of all chaos of my mind, guess I finally got to see the true love I always yearned for.
I gave her my true confession with gulps in between.
She told, “I thought you’d never realize.”
I pulled her waist close to me, and whispered in her ear, “Better late than never” and tucked the hair on her cheek behind her ear and kissed her like I’d never see her again.
Well, two days passed within a blink of an eye, and yet I have changed so much, grown into a better man. Oh! Only Envy hadn’t had his chance to speak to me.
I then told Sarah I’d see her tomorrow and drove back to the house to see all of them standing on my front porch. I got down and t and went and hugged each one knowing it was time to say our goodbyes.
Envy stepped forward, “Max, we always knew you were a special young man, but always remember that when you succeed, there are always gonna be people who will envy you and try to bring you down, you have to then remember how hard you worked to get there and say, fuck you assholes and stay put.”
“I love you guys; do you have to go?”
“Yes child, but we will be watching you, okay?”
When I was going to unlock the front door, I saw my reflection on the glass, and I then I realized that I was always like this, but I never saw myself for what I really am.
I measured my life by milestones and achievements all along, never realizing those small moments where I was the best possible version of myself.
I guess, the old wise man was correct.
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Epilogue – After a year
I am so busy right now, I don’t even have the time to write this, but I know you guys I are curious of what happened after that.
I got selected to play college ball for Princeton University with a full scholarship. Sarah and I are in a very serious relationship and we are thinking of getting married after college, oh and by the way, she also got accepted to Princeton.
I also work as a part time model for Vogue (who knew!) I think I may be playing for the NBA next year.
And I made things right with my father and actually forgave him of all his shortcomings.
I am so grateful and happy for those two days last year, though I still think my mind is playing tricks with me as I went back the McDonald’s store and asked the guy whom I punched if he remembered me and he gave this weird look .
Anyways, you guys might have thought I have finally achieved something, but I think otherwise. I am still so very insecure about myself in a thousand different ways. But when I wake up in the morning, I am so grateful for being given this life in contrast to before when I used to wonder my purpose.
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~ Lady Lazarus
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garbagepersonnn · 5 years
I have gained a lot of weight in the pasted few months and I am so not okay with it. I was looking at photos of myself from 2019, 2018, 2017 and I am not happy with that I look like right now. So, I’m not eating anything after 7pm and I’m drinking more water and BITCH, A BITCH IS HUNGRY! I’m gonna try to ride this out though. I have to chill the fuck out.  When I left my ex husband in late 2015, I started taking these shady ass pills that I bought at a nail salon for $30 a bottle and I lost 50 lbs while I was taking them. The thing about them was that I was not hungry at all. All my body wanted was water. I had to force myself to eat and when I did, all I could eat was yogurt or half a cup or cereal. It was either or, once a day. Anything more than that was too much. I felt bloated and very full if I ate anything more that that. That’s not okay but, I was happy with the results I was seeing. I’m not necessarily happy about that time in my life but I’m still happy with the weight loss that I had.  My weight has always been an issue for me. Growing up, I was very skinny. My metabolism was high as hell for years. For my whole childhood, I remember being able to feel my spine and see my ribs. I was always very petite. I was short and shinny. But I ate a hell of a lot. I did not eat healthy when I was a kid. I remember when I was 14, we all got weighed in gym class on the first day of 8th grade. That summer, I was 110. When I got weighed in gym class, I was 115. I went home and cried for hours. I sobbed and I self harmed. Mind you, I have been 5′2″ since then (I’m still that height right now). Being 5 lbs away from 120 was insane to me but, during that time, your body and hormones are changing. 120 is a healthy weight for my height but, I wasn’t having it. I thought I was incredibly fat. So, I watched how much I ate. When I was 15, I decided to stop eating meat but, that meant that I really didn’t eat much. We were really broke at that time and my mom was drug addict so if I didn’t eat what was in the house, I didn’t eat. So, I just didn’t eat. That was a pivotal point in my life. I realized that I could drastically control what I looked like.  I met my ex husband when I was 17 and that’s when my body really started filling out. I got hips and thighs and ass. My boobs got bigger. I filled out. But, after I met him, I started filling out in places I wasn’t expecting to like, my stomach and my upper arms and calves. It was because I was no longer allowed to leave the house. So, I just stayed in. I was no longer even the least bit active. So, I got big, fast. I got starting getting stretch marks on my stomach, butt, arms, behind my knees with in like, two months. I was horrified but I didn’t know what to do to make it better. I was not allowed to do anything to make things better. Not long before things fell apart between he and I, I said something to him about wanting to loose weight and he told me, “Why? So you can get hot and everybody will want you?” He didn’t understand that I just wanted to feel good about myself.  Since that relationship, I have never been small. My thinnest since then was 170 lbs and that in 2016 when I was taking those shady ass pills. Right now, I think I weigh close to 220. That is not okay for my height. I am the biggest of all of my siblings. I have 8 siblings and I am the heaviest. I take after the Garcia side of my family. Garcia women are bigger however, I am thinner than the others (cousins, aunts) who take after that side of the family. I may be big but I have mad curves in the right places. My waist is high but very small. That is one thing that saves me in my eyes. “At least I have curves.” “I might be big but at least I have an hourglass shape.” But, genetics or not, I’m incredibly ashamed about my weight. I beat the fuck out of myself about it every second of every day. The really fucked up thing about it all of this that I could be 120 lbs and still be unhappy about how I look. When I look at myself, I do not see someone who looks okay in the slightest. I’m too big here and there and everywhere. I know that I don’t see what everyone else sees when they look at me. I know this because other women will tell me that they wish they look how I do and men.. oh the men! I mean, Cute Guy’s roommate wanted to take me to bed with her and I old her that I was not there for her but for him. She said, “But look at you! Oh my god!” Cute Guy said to her, “Yah, I know! You should see her naked!” I was flattered but cringed and said, “Nah, you don’t want to see me naked. It’s not that good.” and laughed. Cute guy rolled his eyes. I just don’t see it. All I see are flaws and it’s bad and I know it but I don’t know how to not see it. I call it “knowing my truth.” I know that I am not “medically healthy” but even if I was, I would still want more. I would still want to be smaller; thinner. If I could afford a nip and tuck, you had better believe that I would be under the knife right now. No matter the risk. If I was at a healthy weight, I would want more. I know it. It’s hard to not actually love yourself. It’s hard to not accept yourself even if you were a healthy weight. So, I am willing to starve and be irritable to get where I want to be. I don’t want to live int he the body I have right now. I’ll do what I need to to fix that. 
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midnightbedroom · 5 years
Law of Attraction
I don’t know how else to explain it to be honest.
I feel like everything is just falling into its rightful places without having to direct them anywhere. All the firsts, all the experiences, all the love, it felt outrageously insane to feel these types of emotions that I never knew I would ever feel in my life.
It’s safe to say I’m beyond blessed with all the blessings I’ve received so far in my life. I’m thankful for what has been given to me and what is yet to be in store for me. I always like to think of what is there to come rather than focusing on the present. Because once we find ourselves stuck in the now, we forget to treasure everything else coming for us.
Recently, I’ve been doing both: treasuring the future and reminiscing the past. 
Presley just had came by from Vegas to see me for the first time, and never has anyone done that for me before. Imagine having someone who’s as dedicated to travel more than two hundred miles to see you. Yeah, that’s him. Scratch that off his Rice Purity Test score. I can’t believe he actually pulled through. Throughout all the complications and obstacles we faced through, it was all worth it after the first hug we shared, which I should say, was completely wholesome. I would never forget the feeling I got from that hug. I was lost, but in the same time, found. He made me feel things that I couldn’t even comprehend myself, which was insane. He let me love, again. I never thought I would find this feeling but with such a deeper meaning into it.
We spent the first night chilling in the old park, warming each other up. I felt so safe in his arms. Right then at that moment, nothing else mattered, just us two. We talked for a while, shared the first puff from the Sour Apple, and just genuinely enjoyed the moment as it lasted. I felt beyond satisfied. I gave him a back massage, and we were just hanging onto each other as if our lives meant on it. Although after a long day, we both managed to get some food from Vallarta’s to eat. I finally shared a box of Christian Fries, and man did that hit differently. It tasted better than it did the few other times I’ve eaten it.
After that share of fries and puff sessions in the bathroom, we decided to go back to the new park, and that’s when we shared our first kiss. What a hungry, careful, obnoxious, and purest moment it was. It was everything. I loved how we read each other’s wavelength so perfectly. No words are needed to be exchanged; we knew exactly how the other felt. 
After that long session, he had to leave, but I wasn’t scared or mad. I knew that I was actually going to see him again the next day.
I woke up and got ready for our day. I left with his gifts and settled in the Lyft car. When finally reaching the AirBNB they were staying in, I was actually amazed on how big the place was. It had that vintage feel. I saw him standing on the side of the road, waiting for me. My heart warmed. We drove up to the drive way and I met his family. I was surprised on how openly they welcomed me. 
We exchanged gifts inside, but regardless of the amount of gifts he got me, I treasured being with him the most. Just spending some time with him made my entire year. It felt like that was the only missing thing I’ve been trying to pursue. 
They took us to a brunch place nearby, and man we ate too little. I felt bad because I didn’t really have an appetite in the morning. Then, we came to a consensus on whether we should stay in or leave to go to LA with his family. We both decided to stay in. And it was the best decision ever.
We did what all couples would do if they’re alone in a house. Cuddle. Hah, gottem. Yeah we did other stuff too, we’ll get there. We shared a glass of wine, and found our way to his bed. And I’ve never felt a bed that comfortable until I laid my body on it next to him. I felt like we’ve connected more than we already have. It was amazing. I knew that feeling couldn’t be reciprocated, so I treasured it as much as I possibly can. 
Leading up to that point, we went at it. Like hard. It was fucking mind blowing holy shit. I let him do it twice. T W I C E. Who the fuck??? I’ve never let anyone do that, let alone let them do it twice. It was crazy. Who the fuck am I to let that happen??? But then again, after all that I had no regrets. I enjoyed every moment of it.
I took him to my work and got him a Mango Snowbowl and my two specialty taiyakis: Meat Lover’s and an Oreo S’more. I enjoyed it more than all the times I’ve worked there with free shit. Seeing his reaction in real life and sharing the same food I eat is way different than just showing him how to make it. 
And, oh yeah, I destroyed him in pool. Surprising? Yeah, kinda, just a little bit. I didn’t really wanna show off, but I knew my pool ways. I remember trying that geometry shit and the split and that shit was s p i c y. That was my first time pulling dumb shit like that off, and I’m surprised it did pull through. Kinda reminded me of the time when I destroyed Owwen and broke his pride for a while. Good times.
Oh god, don’t remind me. The walk to Michael’s. That bitch took so long. We came all the way from PetCo to Michael’s, and I could NOT fucking do it. I was in my heels too jeez. We got nothing out of it, so we just picked up my stuff and left to go to the park until we said our goodbyes for our early day tomorrow.
And heck, it was early.
Imagine getting up at 5am during break. 
I left and packed all my shit up surprisingly that early. I left at six and got to his house around 6:50am. He woke up all of a sudden as I entered his room. I went to cuddle with him, and everything else was just set in place. The moment was perfect. Everything was just so pure. We tried to watch the sunset together, and lead off to going for an early morning session. I wish we could do that everyday if I’m going to be perfectly honest with you.
After it though, he showered and I just fell asleep on his bed countless times. We would always find ourselves cuddling right after, which was heart warming. I love the feeling of being next to him, or just by simply being in his arms. I felt like I was safe and warm without needing to worry about anything at all. I loved it.
We went to go get ramen to my go to place in Tajima, and fuck, again, that shit tasted so much better compared to the times I’ve been there. We walked to Up2You, and regardless of how full we are, we still managed to eat a whole ass loaf of toasted bread. That shit was amazing.
Even if our plans were a bit unorganized, we still got to Balboa and exchanged gifts. That was definitely a moment I can never forget. Being in a place filled with strangers and not giving a fuck about a single thing - that. THAT’s what mean. 
I gave him a nightlight jar, a painted treasure box, and a song. He gave me a bracelet with all our inside jokes and words I attempt to use as my comebacks. I can’t believe he actually remembered all this stuff just for me. I’m in complete utter awe.
Although that moment was short, I treasured it a lot. We shared a Bird back and damn was that an experience. Imagine traveling 2 miles in 5 mins, that’s insane. We drove to Fashion Valley and shopped a little, resulting to two matching caps, a beanie, and my first ever black bucket hat. 
We somehow found our way to Little Italy and got a black truffle lasagna and Extraordinary Desserts. It was really fulfilling, but not so much to my liking - you’ll understand it later. We walked around, got fooled by a stranger that there’s an ATM down the street, then drove back to the AirBNB. 
The ride home, we both passed out on each other, me being the first. I felt like I was just done for the day, but we just settled down and cuddled for a bit then rushed to being a kite. He and I both tried out a new cart, Forbidden Fruit, which will never be used again in my lifetime. When it hit, I was in another universe. I couldn’t feel my body, I could barely even move without putting 50% of my effort. I had no control.
With this sudden highness, I remembered to text my mom, which is honestly THE WORST FUCKING EXPERIENCE EVER. I had to settle my thoughts and say exactly what I wanted to say without sounding stupid, and it took so much out of me. I felt like the entire earth was crushing its weight against me, like damn. I was hyperventilating, and he was just supporting me. When I pressed send, a whole flush of relief just came and collapsed on me, and I felt so fucking tired. 
Of course, you already know what came next. That was a whole ass fucking experience. He ripped my jean zippers, and we laughed the fuck out. I was actually so relieved in some way, I knew that was going to happen somehow. We went at it, and I couldn’t stop myself from moaning so fucking loud. He even told me to shut the fuck up three times.
And that’s when I remembered to take my pill.
I couldn’t open my eyes to point directly where my bag was and where my pills were. He had to go through everything just to find it. My body was numb, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe prolly, I could’ve just passed out if I wanted to. He finally found it and gave me vitamin water, and yikes that was not a good combo with my current stomach.
I felt all the built up acid churning in my stomach, and before you knew it, I threw up. Jesus the mushrooms and acid from the truffles hhhhhhhhhh.
I just felt so fucking horrible afterwards so I proceed to sleep. lmfao.
Somehow, I found myself on him, naked, cuddled up, holding hands with the sunrise upon us. He woke up next to me, but we still passed out after a awhile. When we actually woke up for real this time, we washed up and took a shower. Yardy know what we did in the shower; something I never done ever for the first time. Shower sex. Imagine cumming inside for the third time but in the shower type beat.
We finished up and packed the rest of our stuff then made our way out. 
Then, I knew that it was our few moment actually together, and it kinda already drained me right then. He called my Lyft, and we said our goodbyes. I drove away and watched his frame grow smaller and smaller as the the distance between us grew.
I felt broken.
I never actually been with a guy four days straight in a row, and this shit slapped me real hard. I didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t know what to do either. I felt immensely lost. The Lyft driver’s starting conversations didn’t help as much either. 
I wanted to make a separate post of how I actually felt after. But for now, that was my first experience with my future husband.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
When a God Finds a Girl (Part 9)
Inside the diner, the air is crisp. It’s comfortable, old fashioned booths and mismatched tables at chairs. It could be any small town diner in America. You wave at a waitress in a hello you give someone you’re only a little familiar with, and she smiles, “Take a seat anywhere hon, I’ll be around with water and Coffee in a minute.” You beam, “Thanks, Gracie.” You lead them to table big enough for everyone and don’t bother with a menu. You and Natasha compare notes on coffee creamers, and Bucky tries to distract Sam, Steve tries to explain to Thor why biscuits and Gravy is a menu item. 
It’s a beautiful morning sipping coffee and eating breakfast. At least until your phone rings. You look down at the screen and sigh, “What, Flenner?” you say just barely containing an eye roll. You listen intently and sigh, “No, I’m on Vacation until Monday.” The change in the voice on the phone is noticeable, and your face gets stormy, “You better change your tone, quickly,” you say calmly, “You got me 50 shades of fucked up if you think that it’s my job to come in and clean up YOUR mess.” The person on the phone is shouting. Actually shouting at you. “You can’t fire me if I quit, Consider this my notice.” The voice on the phone is suddenly contrite, “This is not a power play. This is my notice. I’ll be in on Monday to clean out my office. I won’t be your fall guy. Enjoy sitting on a Death Committee.” 
Natasha pats your arm, and you smile. It’s a smile that looks brittle. “Well,” you say to Sam, “I guess I only have 83 jobs now.” Sam frowns, “What happened, baby girl?” You shake your head, “Our interim Facility director managed to actually kill someone. They snowed him out so bad he just... never woke up. He was trying to say that it was my fault since it was MY caseload and I should have been at work to prevent it.” Thor lays an arm over your shoulders and kisses your head. You shrug, “I have 6 job offers right now. I’m not exactly hurting. And I won’t starve or anything. I don’t really have many expenses.” It’s evident that the circumstances of leaving this job are breaking your heart, but no one can be too upset at you having one less responsibility to do. You smile, you talk, but your heart just isn’t in it. Sam won’t let you pay for your meal, and when you pout, he kisses your cheek, “Consider it a reward for doing something for your mental health. That job was starting to treat you like an abusive relationship that you were staying in for the kids.” You give him a look, and he smiles, “It’s true, baby girl,” he said, “You were overworked, underpaid, and they acted like you were disposable... I’m sorry that the client is gone, but I’m not sorry that you left.” You sigh, and he pulls you into a hug, “I know,” he says hugging you tightly.
Thor can only watch, he’s thankful that Sam knows what to say. Because he does not. Natasha and Stever drag you off to go look at the storefronts. Or at least Natasha does, and Steve takes your arm on your other side happily along for the ride. You all ramble the main street, looking in shops for the heck of it and all you really want to do is go home and hide in the lake. Still, it’s nice just being around comfortable people. It reminds you of Clay bringing buddies to the lake. The same banter. The same casual disregard for feelings. The same kid gloves when it came to your feelings for fear that an older brother figure would pound them to dirt.
Returning to the Lakehouse is soothing. It helps. There are no demands on your time. Everything outside this property doesn’t matter. You toe off your sandals and untie the halter of your dress, letting the fabric pool around your feet and expose your swimsuit. There are whistles of approval from Bucky and a groan of irritation from Sam. You whistle to Traeger, and before any of them can follow suit, you and Traeger both hit the water with a splash. It isn’t long before they all follow suit. Thor discovers the unique joy of swinging off a rope into the water and in the sunset, fireflies starting to glow, you and Natasha are calling out scores as the boys try to outdo each other.
Around the fire, there is music and food and more beer. Everyone is slightly foxed. Everyone is sunburned slightly. Everything is right. That night, as everyone sleeps, you sit on the dock watching the stars. The quiet moments are the worst. When all you can do is think. That’s why you had never done pot or heroine. Or any other drug that slowed you down. Taking life at a sprint, moving from one thing to the next kept these moments away. You wanted to call someone. See if you could get a hold of anything, but you knew it would break Sam’s heart. 
You stare at the sky, trying to count the stars. It’s a useless task. A worthless endeavor. But maybe it’ll keep your mind occupied. Perhaps it’ll keep you from grabbing your Adderall out of it’s hiding place. The need to be stimulated, to do something. To feel like you’re flying is like a physical burn. You take a deep breath, and you’re about to go get your pills and just go alphabetize your kitchen when muscular legs appear at either side of yours, and then strong arms pull you against his chest as he drops a kiss on your neck. “Nightmares?” he asked softly. You sigh, “I haven’t even closed my eyes yet,” you say. Thor frowned and cuddled you softly. “What’s wrong, pet?” he asked, kissing your shoulder, “Sad about your client?” You sigh, “Yes, but I’m mostly just trying not to let the existential dread set in.” Thor frowns and chafes your chilly arms with his hands. He’s never had to think about his place in the world. Never had to wonder. Never had to worry about what his path would be. He knows your life will be short compared to his. He knows the need to prove yourself. But he can sense this isn’t that. This is a different need. Something so raw and all-consuming you don’t notice the chill.
It hits him finally when he sees the involuntary movements of your hands and turns your words over in his mind. You want drugs. You’d rather be high than feel all the emotions pressing on your chest. You were fine when it was bright, and there were people around you could look after but now, in this quiet. Everyone in the world asleep but you. There is no escape from the pain. There is no way to block it from your mind. Thor tightens his arms around you reflexively and looks up at the sky with you. He can’t stop the pain, and he can’t bring himself to use sex to distract you, no matter how much he wants you. So he holds you to him, silent and watchful, praying to the gods that it was enough. 
Neither of you sleeps. You because you cannot and Thor because you can’t. In the morning as you make coffee, Thor stays near you, hovering. You fix his cup and then fix yours, and the god pulls you into his lap. “Are you feeling better, love?” he asked softly, keeping his voice out of anyone else's hearing. You nod mutely. You’re exhausted, but the need burnt it’s self out with the daybreak. Sam watches this with narrowed eyes. When you get up to make more coffee, he tilts your chin up to look into your face, and you rip your jaw out of his hand irritated as you slap it away. Hard. Sam watches as you whistle to Traeger and trot up the drive, working into a run, concern all over his face. Thor clears his throat, “So far as I know,” he said, “Nothing happened... I was with her on the dock. All night.” Sam nods, feeling like an ass. He’s seen you come down off lots of things. Mostly after being awake for days. After not eating. He should know better. He doesn’t mean to treat you like a child, but, in his heart, you are a child. You’re always and forever 8 years old.
When you come in from your run, sweating and panting to get water for the dog, Sam does what Sam always does when he’s hurt your feelings. He slips you a Cookies and Cream Hershey bar and walks away. It’s enough. A peace offering. If not an outright apology. You go to the shower, and Thor sits on the couch. The others are outside, lounging in the sun, enjoying the last full day at the lake house. You’re in the shower forever, and Thor gets bored, staring at photos and trying to stay awake. He noticed the CD cases and opens them. He’s overwhelmed when he sees the painstaking labeling. He’s heard stories, but he needs to know. He watches the first one he finds. It merely says “Birthday Message Afghanistan 2006″. He puts it in, and Clay is on the screen. He’s singing to you, a guitar in his lap,
...My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, your worries Stay small That you never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you’re out there gettin’ where you’re getting to, I hope you know  Somebody loves you and wants the same things too, Yeah, this is my wish...
It’s sung with so much love that Thor can feel tears sting the backs of his eyes. Clay wanted the world for you. He sacrificed his own happiness to give you the life he thought you needed. It was no wonder to the Asgardian why you cherished his memory and why his loss had affected you so profoundly. As the song ended, Clay beamed into the camera, “I love you, baby girl,” he said, “Happy Birthday! I’m sorry I’m not there, but I’ll be home soon. I hope this year if everything you want it to be.” He waves at you, and the video ends. Thor takes a deep breath, he feels like he’s intruding on something private. Some intimate part of your past that hardly anyone has seen before. He feels terrible, but he can’t stop watching the videos. He watches you sing with your mom, with Clay, with Sam. He watches you perform alone. It’s intoxicating, seeing the moments in your life where you were truly happy.
Before your foundations crumbled to ash. He’s so engrossed in a video of you accompanying your Mother as she sang that he doesn’t immediately notice that you’ve sat next to him. Not until you say, so softly, “Please. Turn it off,” you ask. Thor starts but complies. You aren’t crying or angry, you just look, tired. “I’m sorry,” he stammers, “I just, I didn’t know and then...” You hold up your hand to stop him, putting the case away. “Just... Can we take a nap?” you ask, “I’m so tired.” Thor nods, pulling you into his arms and onto his broad chest. You’re asleep so quickly he barely has time to get you settled. Thor smiled, holding you secure against him, one hand on your lower back and the other tangled in your long hair. It’s sweet, and you’re beautiful warm. It makes it so easy for him to drift off.
Tags: @thekairos @lancsnerd @amalthea9
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velvetfxexo · 7 years
The Star & His First Love (pt 1)
Characters: EXO D.O./Kyungsoo + OC
Type: Fluff
Length: 3K
Kyungsoo was always the quiet member of the famous boy group, EXO. He's famous for his serious, unmoving facial expressions. Fans love his voice, and how he takes care of his members. They say he has the look of a person who doesn't care, but he is in fact, the exact opposite.
Whenever their group goes on interviews and is asked about love, Kyungsoo always gives the same, short, and vague answer. He only fell in love once, and he got rejected. Nothing more, nothing less.
Years later, he meets his first love, again.
{Part 1} Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 1 - Coffee, Cream, and a Dream
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Darn it.
I am so, so, screwed.
Doh Kyungsoo.
I can't believe it. He came. He really did. He came to our high school reunion. Of all the days.
I need a moment. I feel dizzy.
I never expected him to come - none of us did - not with his schedule. I thought my friend was just joking about him dropping by. They still have his personal number and tried to reach out to him but never got a reply. A lot of us scoffed because how can a famous, international idol drop by a small get-together? Surely he has other important things to do now, and surely there are far more famous people he can meet up with. But by jove, he was here and-- ugh, someone hold me. I feel like I'm gonna hurl.
It was already past 10PM. I was out on the 2nd floor balcony at the time, drinking wine and enjoying the night breeze, when I froze not because of the cold, but because I recognized the figure that got out of the car that slowed down on the driveway.
He was always one of the small ones in our class. I used to be taller than him by two or three inches and I teased him about it, but of course he grew taller over the years. He was wearing a simple black sweater, with jeans and comfy-looking sneakers. Despite also having a cap and face mask on, I still managed to recognize him. He looked like he just finished rehearsal, but still looked decent and presentable. I don't know why but I ran back inside as quickly as I could, and that's when I felt really dizzy.
"Dana? Where are you going? D.O.'s here!" my friend Clara said.
"Yeah, yeah, I saw him outside. I just need to take my meds for a bit.."
She looked at me worriedly. "Is it something serious? Need any help?"
"Nah, it's nothing. It's just my nerves. The usual," I waved her off. "Go and see him. I'll just go up my room in a sec." She gave me a look but nodded instantly, and told me to hurry back down as soon as I could.
I hurried up the stairs, because my vision was literally spinning. Why am I like this? And why did I even choose a room on the 3rd floor? I dragged myself to the last room to the left, my hand on the wall to keep me steady.
Great, this is my first time attending our high school reunion, and my nerves start acting up. I never took their invitations to these get-togethers seriously, because they do it every year. It's not even an official reunion - they just invite people from our class and catch up at a classmate's house - which in this case, is Clara's. I just decided to come this time because I needed to unwind.
And now, lucky me, it just so happened that the first time I attend is also the first time Kyungsoo accepted their invitation. What are the chances.
I finally found my way to the room Clara and I were sharing, and I fumbled for my meds in my handbag. I don't know why I still keep getting these episodes of dizziness and headaches at random moments. I've been doing therapy for two years and I've been getting good progress. But we still don't know what triggers these random spikes of headaches. Was it the wine I drank? I know I have low tolerance for alcohol but I didn't even sip that much earlier. Plus, I drink wine at some events that I attend, but I never get dizzy like this.
I took two of the pills to be sure, and drank from the water bottle at the bedside table. I wanted to go back down to the party but I was still really dizzy. Maybe if I lied down for a bit?
I rested my head on the pillow and shut my eyes tight.
I must've fallen asleep afterwards.
I felt someone shaking my shoulder lightly.
"Mhmmm?" was all I could manage to say.
"Ugh, go away.."
"Dana, wake up."
"It's the weekend, go away!" I cried, and pulled the covers over my head.
I heard a deep chuckle.
Why does that voice seem familiar?
"Okay, well, you need to drink this medicine so you won't have hangovers in the morning."
I heard something being placed on the bedside table but I didn't turn around to look.
"Mmmhkay I get it, just leave it there..."
"Okay, okay, I'm leaving it here.. please drink it."
That's what I remember when I woke up the next day.
Clearly, it must've been a dream. I wasn't even drunk last night. I just had a splitting headache and I think, a case of nausea.
I heard a knock on the door, and Clara's head appeared from the doorway.
"Finally! You're awake! You feel better now?"
I shrugged and gave her a small smile, "I guess. I'm sorry, I just slept the whole night away."
"Nah, it was fine. They wondered where you were but I told them you had a migraine." Clara said.
"So where is everybody? Anything fun happen last night?"
Clara sighed at this. "Some went home, but some ended up staying the night like planned," she sat down beside me on the bed. "Also, nothing fun. Same old. And oh, D.O. also slept here."
"He did? Kyungsoo?" I was startled for a bit because I forgot about him. I didn't even get to talk to him, but thank goodness for that.
"Yeah, he slept there," Clara nodded at the bed across from mine. "I let him have the other bed because there was no other room."
"He slept here?!" I exclaimed. In this same room?!
"Whoa, chill. Yeah, I didn't think you'd mind because we always had sleepovers with the guys. Plus, you weren't even in the same bed," she raised her eyebrow. "Why are you so worked up?"
"I just-- I just didn't notice." I faltered.
"Right.. well, he's still downstairs with the others. He's making breakfast."
"Wait what? He's still down--- and making breakfast?!"
"Are you really like this in the morning?" Clara went out the room but not before giving me a pointed look. "Come down when you're ready!"
Too many things happening at once. So Kyungsoo slept in the same room as me, but I didn't notice it. I'm a light sleeper so I should've woken up when he went into the room or something. I must've been really knocked out. Why did he even stay here? Didn't he have rehearsals or other schedules? Plus, he's making breakfast for them? Seriously, they made him do that? They made an idol cook for them?
But I slept in the same room as Kyungsoo. I can imagine what his fangirls will think when they find out about this.
I shrugged it all off and went to the restroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I started at my face in the mirror after drying my face with a towel.
"It only gets worse when you think of it." I remind myself, and went downstairs.
It was a mess, apparently.
Paper cups, unfinished soda bottles, and leftover snacks were still on the living room table, and I can hear splashing and chattering from outside. I guess they went to the pool already.
I went to the dining room and stopped short. Kyungsoo was sitting on one of the bar stools at the kitchen countertop, with his back facing me.
I was debating whether I should skip breakfast instead, when he suddenly turned around.
"Dana! Good morning." He stood up and greeted me with a smile.
His hair was noticeably longer than I remember. I didn't get to see it last night because he was wearing a cap when he arrived. He was wearing black sweat pants and a white shirt--different clothes from last night--and yes, he was taller than me now.
"Morning," I smiled meekly and made my way to the other side of the countertop. "Are the others finished with breakfast already?"
He turned around as I was walking. "Yeah, they just had waffles. What would you like to eat?"
"Uhm, waffles sound good.."
"Let me get you some." He started, then made his way near the sink where the waffle maker was.
"It's fine Soo, you don't have to." I said, and went after him. He was about to say something but he closed his mouth.
"Of course, the award-winning chef can prepare her own waffles." He smiled, and gestured at the waffle maker.
"What awards? Stop that," I laughed. "I'm not that kind of chef."
"Really now? I heard it in the news back then.. what was it now? One of Asia's 50 Best Restaurants for 2 years straight---"
"I have a lot more to learn!" I chuckled. He smiled happily at this.
Wow, I didn't expect talking with Kyungsoo would be this.. light. I was expecting an awkward atmosphere. It's been almost what, 5 years? I haven't seen him in a long time but talking with him felt just like picking up where we left off..
Which is something I don't remember that well.
"Do you want orange juice with that? Or coffee?"
I was brought out of my thoughts and I turned to see Kyungsoo looking inside the fridge, then at me.
"Oh, coffee's fine." I said, and placed my plate of waffles on the countertop. I was about to get some mugs when he already had two in hand. Before I could act, he was already pouring coffee from the coffeemaker.
"You want a little bit of cream with that, if I remember correctly?" he asked.
"Yeah, a bit," I paused, "Wait, how did you know that?"
He looked at me, puzzled. But he still smiled. "You told me, right?"
I stared at him while he put some cream in my coffee. Two spoonfuls, just the amount I wanted. "When did I say that?"
"Back in high school," he said, and handed the mug to me after stirring.
"Oh, in high school," I gulped, unsure of what to say. "I don't remember much of high school anymore, to be honest."
He looked startled for a split second, but his expression suddenly changed. He smiled and said, "Really? Well, it's been half a decade, I can't blame you for that."
"Ha ha, yeah.. been a long while now." I said, and took a sip of my coffee. He even knew how much cream I wanted. How much did I forget about high school? Did we even talk about coffee and cream in high school? Something's not adding up.
"Hey, I didn't know you drank coffee now." I suddenly said, because I saw him drinking from his mug. Black coffee at that.
"Yeah. Had no other choice actually. We don't get much sleep too." I nodded, because life as an idol does seem tough.
"But hey, you remembered that I don't drink coffee," he said. "But you can't remember that you told me about cream in your coffee."
I closed my eyes for a sec, because I was starting to feel the dizziness again.
Stop it. Thinking hard about it just makes it worse.
"I dunno either," I said, changing the topic. "Uhm, energy drinks. Don't you like energy drinks?" I had a vague memory of him liking energy drinks. When was it? Darn it, I can't really recall.
He raised both his eyebrows, surprised in the sudden topic shift. "Oh, I don't anymore."
"Because you don't like energy drinks."
I looked at him in surprise and he had a serious expression on his face; the expression that he always shows to the public. A somehow cold, and calculating look. It was like he was waiting for me to say something, but I couldn't think of anything.
He was right, I didn't like energy drinks, but what was his point?
“So, when are you two gonna join us outside?”
I almost jumped at the voice. I turned around and saw Clara by the doorway, with her arms folded and a slight smirk on her lips.
“Why, what’s up?” I asked, slightly thankful for the distraction - anything to break the staredown with Kyungsoo.
“Swimming! By the pool. You can use those clothes,” Clara pointed at my shorts and shirt. “And D.O, the guys have extra shorts if you need ‘em.”
“Thanks Clara,” Kyungsoo said. “We’ll be right out.” 
“Do they call you D.O. now?” I asked, after Clara left.
“Yeah, apparently they think it’s cooler.”
“Well, I like Kyungsoo better.”
“Thanks,” he smiled. “Do you remember what you used to call me back in high school?”
I gulped again. Why does he keep on asking about high school.. it’s so hard because I can’t remember. “Uh, no.. what did I call you?”
Again, he gave me a surprised look. “You-- you said it earlier--”
Before he could finish his sentence, loud splashes and laughter could be heard outside, as if a lot of people jumped into the pool at once. “Sounds like they’re having fun!” I said. I took the last waffle on my plate and wolfed it down. Seeing that I was in a rush, Kyungsoo promptly cleared the countertop and brought the plates and mugs to the sink. 
We made our way outside to the pool area where everyone was. Kyungsoo was quiet on the way out, but when I looked at him he just smiled at me. His smile caught me off guard because I almost slipped. His big eyes widened even more, and he quickly caught my arm in a flash. “You alright?” He asked worriedly. “I’m fine, thanks, the floor was slippery and these flipflops don’t help.” I said. He guided me to one of the lounge chairs, still holding on to my arm. I thanked him again and he left to change into shorts.
I didn’t notice that Clara was watching us until she plopped down beside me. “That was a cute sight.” She winked at me. “What cute sight?” I asked.
“Oh, don’t act coy, Dana,” another one of the girls said. “We all saw it.” Then some of the others cheered in response. “What? I don’t get it!” I exclaimed, looking around for answers but everyone was just smiling and teasing.
“Oh come on Danes. So how are you and D.O. now?” Clara asked. I shook my head in confusion. “Me? Kyungsoo? What about it?” The others just laughed again and kept teasing me, saying that they’ll just play along. But I really don’t get it.
“Any chance of you two rekindling the past?” Clara whispered.
My eyes widened at her question, but my face must’ve looked worried, because Clara’s smile faded to a more serious expression.
“Still nothing huh?” she asked. She immediately understood what I was thinking. I shook my head lightly. “I.. I tried, but I really just can’t.”
Clara squeezed my hand reassuringly. “So was it awkward? Did he bring it up?” I let out a heavy sigh. “I think he was trying to. He was asking about things from high school, and I can’t recall, you know. I didn’t know what to say.”
We were interrupted when we heard another loud splash in the water, followed by cheers. We turned to check and it was Kyungsoo who jumped in the pool, surrounded by the other guys. All laughing and cracking up jokes for sure.
“It’s okay Danes,” Clara said. “You don’t have to force it. You know what happens.”
“I think it also happened last night,” I immediately said. Clara’s eyes went wide when she suddenly realized. “You mean when you were taking meds last night-”
“Yup, it was when he arrived,” I nodded. I looked at the pool where Kyungsoo was. I spotted him glancing at me, and he averted his eyes when I caught him looking.
Clara let out a heavy sigh as well. “Wow, that’s.. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say, are you gonna visit Stiles again?”
“Yeah, I don’t know if it has anything to do with that, but I’ll pay a visit and see.”
“Take it off! Take it off!”
Clara and I turned to see where the chanting was coming from and we saw the guys urging Kyungsoo to take off his shirt while he was in the pool. That’s when I noticed they were all swimming in shorts only, and Kyungsoo was the only one with a top on. He didn’t look like he’d budge even though they urged him to, so they gave up soon after. Clara laughed and said, “They can’t make him do that, he doesn’t even take off his top for his fans.”
“Really? Why?” I asked. It’s not like Kyungsoo’s body was not well-built, it looked okay to me. Did he have baby fats he wanted to hide?
“I don’t know really, all the other members of his group have either stripped during concerts or on their shows. He’s the only one who hasn’t. That’s why fans make a big deal out of it.” Clara explained.
“Wow, you’re really updated with EXO aren’t you?”
“No, not really,” she said almost too quickly. “They’re just all over the place. You’ll see articles and their faces everywhere even if you’re not a fan.”
“Touché .” I agreed, remembering the numerous billboards of EXO when I visited Japan and Hong Kong just last year. I even took a photo of Kyungsoo’s billboard, but of course I wouldn’t tell that to them. 
“So who brought me hangover medicine last night?” I asked Clara, suddenly remembering the medicine on the bedside table. “You knew I wasn’t drunk.”
“Yeah, I knew. But I’m not sure who brought those. Maybe Kyungsoo knows.”
I glanced at Kyungsoo again, and found him looking at me again. This time, he didn’t turn away, and I just kept staring back. Then he smiled, and waved, asking me to jump in the pool with them.
God, there was so much I’ve forgotten, and so much I wanted to remember.
✨ The Star & His First Love
🌟 Story Masterlist
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