#that I am GOING to be the most qualified individual that applies
bahorell · 2 years
Spam musubi 10/10 I could die happy
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Someone Having A Disorder Doesn't Make Them Qualified to Educate About That Disorder
Let me be clear: I believe that any person with a disability or mental condition has the ability and right to speak about that condition, and that their own personal experiences should be trusted and believed.
When this becomes dicey is when these individuals think simply having a condition makes them an expert in it, and that they are an absolute authority in all of its presentations.
This came up recently when debating a singlet who made a post stating endogenic plurality wasn't real. Their attempts at "debunking" studies into endogenic systems showed desperation to prove their point, ignoring the opinions of actual psychologists and psychiatrists. Most of their post was misinformation based on a single Carrd. The sources they cited never even claimed what they said they did.
That blog talks about a lot of disorders and I said in my response to them that I don't think other people should put their trust in them on matters of other disabilities they talk about like autism.
The problem with this user and others like them is that they want to be seen as an expert and are presenting themselves as such. And I'm sure they do know more about autism than plurality, having it themselves. But I'm also sure that they're going to make broad assumptions based on their own experiences and try to apply that to everyone with ASD when you can't do that, and they'll present those assumptions as facts.
I am not saying to not trust them as a member of an endogenic systems.
I am saying to not trust them as a member of a system diagnosed with ASD ourselves. I do not believe people like this are trustworthy sources of information for my disorder, nor any other disorder.
All of this was before their reply, which only solidified my earlier opinions, and then some.
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This is one of those posts that is just so bad that I need to break it down piece by piece.
It's not unethical to be part of a demographic you're studying. People with ASD can study ASD. DID systems can study people with DID. Muslims can study Muslims. Native Americans can study Native Americans. And Tulpamancers can study tulpamancers. Being a tulpamancer does not invalidate the study in and of itself.
This was why I gave the Varieties of Tulpa Experiences study that they ignored. It is true that the study they're referring to, Tulpas and Mental Health, was written by a tulpamancer. This was the source they initially tried to "debunk." Furthermore, what they didn't mention is that the journal it was published in is less reputable than others, and the author was a student rather than an actual expert. This is why I don't often cite that one as an example of evidence of endogenic plurality.
In contrast, Varieties of Tulpa Experiences was written by a psychiatry professor at McGill University and was published by the highly esteemed Oxford University Press. There is zero question as to the Journal's credibility or the experience of the author.
Transabled people identify as having disabilities. No, tulpamancers and other non-disordered plurals are not, by definition, transabled. We are multiple, but we do not have DID or OSDD.
And for the record, I actually have studied plurality. I'm not formally educated in psychology or psychiatry and would never pretend to be an expert in such, but I'm confident I've read more papers about different presentations of plurality than this singlet who only cites Carrds and blogs as sources.
I also know the difference between neuroscience and psychology... And maybe this is a petty point, but the fact that all their posts claim to be about neuroscience while focusing mostly on psychology and psychiatry is another huge red flag that they probably don't know as much as they pretend to.
Now, to the big one...
If you're trying to be a leader on mental health topics, don't be so blatantly ableist!
If you place the worth of a person on how "intelligent" or "competent" they are, perhaps you shouldn't be in communities for people with mental illnesses and disabilities at all.
These are extremely harmful and gross comments.
What you (readers) should take away from this: Take all advice on Tumblr with a grain of salt.
Yes, even on this blog. Be skeptical. Ask questions. Think critically. Double check people's claims when you can.
Don't blindly assume that just because someone has a disorder, like Autism, that they must be an expert in that disorder and that they'll be able to answer all your questions. Trust their own experiences. But have a healthy doubt of any broader claims they can't source.
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klanced · 1 year
mx katie klanced are we voting voltron straight through in the worst fandom poll or genshin. your troops await
i am so sad i missed this poll. i am now going to hold you all hostage and force you to read my outrage. i know this ship sailed literally two weeks ago but LISTEN TO ME!!!!!
anyway i cannot BELIEVE that voltron lost to south park. the category was "most annoying fandom." this is distinctly different than "most annoying show" or "worst show," and it is NOT synonymous with "most unhinged fans." okay? for this poll, what matters is the group character and cultural staying power of the fandom that organized around the show.
an annoying fandom must be:
incredibly vocal and prominent, to the point that even the most reluctant and detached layperson still has some vague idea of the fandom's biggest discourse/fights, usually entirely against their will; and
annoying, in the sense that the fandom's presence (or even a mere reference to their presence) is enough to actively disrupt or impede one's ability to enjoy online internet spaces; and
the fandom is annoying BECAUSE of the source material in question.
point 1 is fairly subjective, as it's all based on one's own experience or perception of a show's cultural diffusion across the broader public consciousness. so i weigh it less heavily when ranking how annoying a show is.
for point 2 i would argue that south park is annoying, and south park fans are annoying, but the south park fandom itself is NOT as annoying (i.e., the fandom is the least annoying aspect of south park). this is because i firmly believe you can differentiate between south park fans versus the south park fandom.
[[actually if i can be frank -- does south park actually have an organized fandom? obviously they have fans, i have seen them in the twitter wilds (usually in the context of out-of-context incredibly well-developed yaoi art/content of? 10 year olds ?????????). but is there actually a cohesive fandom that routinely interacts and develops concepts together? is there a collective identity ??????? my gut reaction is no, but this is very much an online space i don't enter, so what do i know? i also have no idea what that fandom can even talk about, other than the yaoi (although you could easily say this to the voltron fandom as well). whatever, for this argument i will presuppose that there IS a organized south park fandom with a fairly coherent and cohesive identity.]]
anyway, what i wanted to highlight is that there are certainly incredibly annoying individual south park fans who are outrageous, vulgar, and vile. so you would think that, if you put all these annoying individuals into a single collective, that single group would have skyrocketing amounts of annoyingness. but that doesn't seem to happen. i cannot recall any specific complaints about the south park fandom; personal stories involving individual south park fans, sure, but what does the fandom actually do on a broad scale?? if there is any sort of discourse or mobilization, it seems to be fairly contained and localized.
so how can a collective fandom somehow be less annoying than its individual parts? this brings me to point three: an annoying fandom MUST be annoying BECAUSE of its source material. and this does not apply in the south park fandom's case.
to qualify as an annoying fandom, it is not enough to be a group of annoying fans loosely connected by a shared interest; rather, the source material ITSELF must be the inciting incident that galvanizes the group to organize and THEN become annoying.
is the south park fandom annoying? to some extent yes, of course. but i would argue that the south park fandom is annoying, not specifically because of the show in question, but rather because the fandom is comprised of persons who were already predisposed to being annoying, regardless of whether or not they had ever watched south park. this is a subtle but incredibly important distinction.
south park's vulgar and vile humor certainly enables its most annoying fans, but the continued annoying activities of said fans are NOT dependent on the show's existence. a shithead south park fan was always going to be a shithead, now they just have cartman to idolize.
i have spent a lot of time talking about south park. let us now move on to voltron and the voltron fandom.
in contrast to south park, the voltron fandom qualifies as an annoying fandom because its annoying activities were entirely dependent on the existence of voltron the show. would individual voltron fans still have been annoying even if they had never stumbled upon voltron? of course. but the voltron fandom was an organized collective of people that specifically came together to BE ANNOYING ABOUT VOLTRON. and then they made it everyone else's problem.
the voltron fandom was like an ouroboros devouring its own tail; a symbol of infinity, referencing the literally never-ending fighting; and it survived entirely by maiming and cannibalizing itself. the voltron fandom actively ruined every online space it entered. i saw the greatest minds of my generation destroyed by voltron.
honestly, i would argue that the voltron fandom's impact has completely altered the way online fandom functions to this day. the voltron fandom capitalized on the momentum started by the steven universe fandom and other early 2010s online fandoms, and spawned an entire new flavor of fandom discourse that was obsessed with morality and virtue. truthfully, it feels disingenuous to frame what happened as something innocuous as "fandom discourse"; it almost feels like a disservice to the levels of personal faith, passion, and vitriol people poured into voltron. the terms "pro-shipping" and "anti-shipping" have been around for ages, but the voltron fandom turned "pro" and "anti" into genuine identity markers.
this post is already way too insane so i need to quit while i'm ahead. but i would just like to conclude by reiterating that south park has annoying fans but not necessarily an annoying fandom, whereas the voltron fandom was annoying specifically BECAUSE it was the voltron fandom. i think the south park fandom could dissolve tomorrow and assimilate into other similar fandoms without a problem. whereas the voltron fandom was like lightning in a bottle; the activities of the voltron fandom are quintessentially wrapped up in the specific details, characteristics, and attributes of voltron. if voltron's characters or story was even slightly different -- if, say, every character was a college-student for example -- then the nature and activities of the fandom would have been irrevocably different.
and that is why voltron is the more annoying fandom and SHOULD HAVE SWEPT SOUTH PARK IN THE POLL.
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thecurioustale · 9 months
Liking Things that Go on to Become Popular Kinda Sucks
I have the unfortunate tendency to be something of a social contrarian. For instance, just as a throwaway example, I learned recently that my favorite whiskey, Jameson's Irish Whiskey, is also America's most popular whiskey. You might think that I was pleased, as someone who almost never holds majority tastes in anything, but in fact all I could think of was, first, that I'd been usurped, and, second, that this will inevitably lead to the collapse of the brand once it stops being the current hotness. I am a very, very light drinker, but I would still be sad if my favorite whiskey became hard to find.
My contrarian streak is not for the sake of arguing. I don't actually like arguing, for the most part. Rather, it's often a mixture of feeling personally displaced (like I mentioned above) and internally cringing at the coarseness and imprecision of popular opinions (which is also a form of displacement, but subtler and more involved).
The first reason is pretty easy to understand: I've been a social outcast my whole life and have therefore come to have a strong sense of individual identity. When something obscure that I like becomes popular, I feel like I am seen when I don't want to be seen, like I am getting unwanted attention via my interests and affiliations. This is pretty simple human psychology and I don't have much to say about it that's worth making you read through.
But the second reason is more interesting: I have this incredible compulsion toward precision in my life. Anyone who has listened to me speak in person, or read my nonfiction writing at length, will know that my sentences are often extremely heavily qualified, full of asterisks that anticipate the inevitable objections to my clean general statements in their basic form. There is almost nothing of great importance that I could say as a general truth without being at need to qualify it.
When something that I like becomes popular, it is almost always the case that the prevailing appreciation or popularity in question is unbearably simplistic to me—leading directly to one of the things that makes me chafe more than anything else: being misunderstand through oversimplification. If someone else likes something that I like, but for extremely simplistic reasons, and their understanding of the thing is what ends up being promulgated through society, then anyone who sees me and my interest in the thing will, without knowing better, be apt to classify me as just a typical fan of the thing—when in fact my particular liking of the thing is likely far more esoteric and elaborate.
It's a form of erasure mingled with misrepresentation, and of course I don't like that. This too is fairly simple human psychology, and well-spoofed in characters like Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons. (Though I try not to be insufferably gatekeepy about it like he is. We all like what we like, and I'm not gonna tell other people "the right way" to like a thing.)
I should note that this doesn't apply to things that I come to like because they are popular. If I'm jumping on the bandwagon like everyone else, that's much less jarring than if I had previously liked a thing which goes on to become popular.
It doesn't always happen that I'll get upset if something I like becomes popular. In fact, it usually doesn't happen. What needs to come together for me to feel put out is either what I described above about the whiskey, where the thing I like is likely to become harder to enjoy once it inevitably loses its popularity, or it needs to be the case that the thing which becomes popular is something that I not only like but which I also pour some measure of my identity into. That's the cut in the skin that lets the act of being erased really sting.
And if this all sounds moderately petty and animalistic to you, it totally is. I am not claiming otherwise and not idealizing any of this as something you should aspire to. But maybe it's interesting to read about anyway.
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ashleywool · 12 days
but getting older means more awkward situations
Turned 37 yesterday. The 34 guilty convictions were a very nice present. Probably the best present I've ever received, including last year, when my present was a literal Broadway contract (ok, technically we found out on June 22, but tomato/tomahto).
A less nice present was the letter from my building management informing me that if I renew my lease (which I won't), my rent will be raised to what would have been 33% of my net income if HTDIO was still running. It was about 29% before, which is still a lot, but worth it for the ability to have no roommates in a decent apartment.
And when I say "decent," I mean decent in that it checks most of the basic boxes amenable to a reasonable quality of life. That is, if you don't mind having a walkup with a perpetually dysfunctional kitchen ceiling light, a radiator that you can't turn on, water damage on the ceiling due to other people's radiator dysfunction, construction outside your window during the day, aggressively loud pedicabs in the evening, and squeaky garbage trucks at 1am. So basically, a decent quality of life for heavy sleepers (which I am not) with fully functional body temperature regulation (again, not me) and no mobility issues whatsoever (I do check that box, at least for now).
The plus sides are: it's right in Hell's Kitchen, and within walking distance to most of the places I regularly go, it's a reasonably sturdy and non-fire-hazardy building for its age (which means I feel comfortable leaving my cats there) with functional plumbing and electricity (except the kitchen ceiling light), never had a pest problem, the refrigerator and microwave are brand new and excellent quality, the oven is younger than me, although it's small, and only one of the burners doesn't work.
I'm no stranger to the horror stories of NYC apartment living. I know I'm still more privileged than most to live in a place that's decent.
But it's not "you need a six-figure income and perfect credit just to APPLY to live here" decent.
It's not "you owe $9K in deposits and broker fees before you even move in" decent.
It's not "you must have either consistent exorbitant wealth or significant supplementary generational wealth in order to stay here" decent.
"So just get a job. Just get a roommate. Just put up with more problems. Suck it up. Or move back in with one of your parents again."
Sure. Okay. I'd love to. But.
When the minimum wage is $16 an hour, this isn't a "just get a job" problem.
When you're a highly trained professional at the highest level of your field and you're unemployed because corporate landlords were mad that your show wasn't selling $800 tickets in the middle of January like your neighbors at Merrily, this isn't a "just leave the industry" problem.
When finding a new career that would pay anything near what you need to live in this city would require taking out a small fortune in student loans to get another degree just to qualify for entry-level jobs that still won't pay your bills until you significantly advance, this isn't a "you majored in theatre, what did you expect" problem.
When you're autistic and chronically fatigued, fastidious about cleanliness and clutter, and religiously adhere to schedules and routines and predictability in your own space, this isn't a "just get a roommate" problem.
When you are a more-famous-than-average individual whose autism is directly tied to the things you're best known for, and Reddit is full of nightmare stories about what it means to have an autistic roommate, and Reddit is also rife with lies and rumors about you specifically, this isn't a "just get a roommate" problem.
And while I love my parents and have great relationships with both of them and they are doing everything they can to support me...for complicated logistical and personal reasons that are none of the Internet's business, "just move back in with your parents" is not a super helpful solution either.
But if I don't find a miracle between now and the end of August, that's probably what I'll end up doing.
And the crazy thing is, the fact that that's even an option for me STILL makes me more privileged than MOST people.
Nobody should have to face the situation I'm facing, and yet millions of people--especially disabled people--face this and worse, with far less support than I have. A cornerstone of my advocacy has been pointing out this inequity as often as I can, and trying to use my privilege and platform to help and amplify people who don't have those resources.
At this point in my career, I am supposed to be throwing down the ladder. Instead, and in spite of everything, I'm clinging to the ladder for dear life while the rungs crack beneath my feet.
And it all comes down to the landlords.
Legislation that limits the acquisition power and earning power of property owners, and enacts strict rent caps for residential AND business buildings, would solve 98% of my problems and approximately 75% of everyone else's problems in this city. (Please don't quote me on these statistics, they are sourced directly from my ass and are for idealistic illustrative purposes only.)
Anyway. Um.
34 felony convictions is still a beautiful thing.
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non-plutonian-druid · 11 months
Sex repulsed asexual AFABs, birth control, and "what the fuck am i supposed to do about that anyway?"
This isnt going to be answering that question. because i dont have one, and also im not even a little qualified to answer it. I'm just going to be talking about a gaping hole in every single resource I've ever seen about reproductive health, and why it bothers me that the hole is there.
(I dont talk on my blog much, and when I do its not usually serious or TMI, but hi there! this is serious. and maybe TMI.)
So first of all, for those of you in the audience who are not sex repulsed asexual AFABs, I'm going to walk you through the experience of reading resources on birth control when you are one.
You read a pamphlet or an article or a blog post about the options that exist for birth control. This is already a privilege, because many AFAB people have little or no access to any information about their own reproductive health. The pamphlet or article or blog post talks about birth control pills, or getting an IUD, the arm implant, patches, and so on. You say, "Cool. Is this something I need to worry about at all?" The pamphlet or article or blog post does not answer because the pamphlet or article or blog post is written with the assumption that all of the people reading it will ever be in a situation where they would have sex willingly. Possibly in situations where they would have sex willingly, lots of times. And you never, ever will.
So you're kinda left to just.... guess?
Should you do some kind of birth control even though it costs money, and hormonal birth control changes your hormones (a minor change to your body, but still a change to your body), and might even involve surgery, when you're not even going to want to have sex, just because it's physically possible to get pregnant? That's probably safest, but it feels like a waste. Should you ignore it entirely because it's not going to apply to you of your own free will? Seems a little risky but why would you live your life wearing a bicycle helmet in case someone forces you to ride a bicycle? Is there some kind of in between?
I dunno. I don't have an answer. I don't think the medical community has one, because I don't think the medical community, as a force, realizes that there are people that exist who will never ever want to have sex. And thats like... a problem?
It's not even only sex repulsed asexual AFABs who this applies to. That's just the Most Emblematic demographic that I picked out, mostly because I am one. There are asexuals who aren't sex repulsed who would still never have sex, and there are people who aren't asexual who are still sex repulsed, or who for one reason or another don't ever want to have sex.
Individual medical practitioners would probably answer this question if you asked them, but WHAT would they answer, and would their answers really be based on what is best for people who are never going to have sex, or just what everyone else should do because "yeah they might change their mind", or whatever their own personal best judgement is?
Let me give you a hint: i am pretty sure that zero research has been done on the best way for sex repulsed asexual AFABs to engage with birth control that balances both practicality and risk of pregnancy, so it CANNOT be the first one. Research about what the first one even is doesn't exist.
So like what do we do!! There might be a very simple answer. But we don't know what it is!! Even over the course of writing this, I've swung wildly between "it's smartest to just bite the bullet" and "no why would you when sex isn't even something you do ever?"And the places I'm supposed to go to get reliable information can't help me because they don't know I exist.
And this brings me to the more emotional, less practical section of my essay-rant, because the thing that I've been dancing around this whole time, which you might have picked up on, is the fact that the only time birth control for us would ever be useful is in case of rape.
Any birth control that you give to someone who can get pregnant but would never ever have sex willingly is in case of rape. If its a pill, they're taking the pill every day and every day it's because someone might rape them. If they're getting something surgically implanted, they're having that surgery to prevent pregnancy if someone rapes them. And for no other reason.
Hey, making decisions about the internal pieces of your body literally only because someone might rape you... sucks! it sucks to be thinking about and it is the ONLY thing for us to be thinking about. Other people who take birth control... it would protect them in case of rape but at least usually for them its intended purpose is for sex they want.
Thinking about birth control when all you would use it for is rape blows lol
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eliteprepsat · 3 months
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Think about how well you and your college counselor know each other. How often do you voluntarily talk to him or her? Counselors can be a tremendous resource of information and support beyond just enrolling you in classes, so if you don’t already, try regularly setting up times to meet with them.
To make the most of your time together, go in with strategic questions based on your curiosities and needs. Here are 6 questions to get you thinking:
The college or university that is right for you might not be the same one you’ve heard about from your friends, parents, or favorite TV show. Each school has a unique set of characteristics, and finding the one that best fits your preferences will set you up for future success. Imagine a place you would thrive in. Consider factors such as size, location, academic programs, extracurriculars, and overall campus culture. Your counselor can provide guidance for how to assess which schools best meet your criteria and are most likely to admit you.
If you already have a list of colleges that interest you, you can ask your counselor if your list looks balanced or if you could benefit from modifying it. He or she can also inform you of any upcoming college fairs where you can consult with individual college representatives.
Depending on what grade you are in, your counselor will have different recommendations for how you can best prepare for college. It’s helpful to devise a road map of sorts so you know you’re not missing any key steps. You can discuss topics such as choosing between the SAT or ACT, taking SAT Subject Tests, planning testing dates, stepping up your involvement in extracurricular activities, and making the most out of college visits.
The requirements for which high school classes you must take vary by college and they may differ from your high school’s graduation criteria. For example, UC and CSU schools have what are called “a-g” class requirements, which stipulate the minimum type and number of courses you must take to be eligible to apply to these schools. Navigating these details with an expert can give you peace of mind as you piece together your schedule.
Not only can your counselor help you plan your class schedule so that you time everything appropriately, but he or she can help you choose the classes that will increase your competitiveness for college admissions. For example, if you’re thinking of applying with a major like engineering, you’ll want to take as many rigorous STEM classes as you can to demonstrate your interest and ability in that field.
As part of getting to know you, colleges like to see how you spend your free time. Summers are a great opportunity to explore and develop interests and further your academic career. Your counselor can help you decide what to do this coming summer–whether it be an internship, enrichment course, paid or volunteer job, or academic summer program–and provide resources for finding such opportunities.
College, as you may have heard, can be surprisingly pricey. Harvey Mudd, for instance, estimates the cost of attendance for the 2019-2020 year at about $79,539 per year. Fortunately, you can find plenty of financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, and work study programs. Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is the best way to ensure you qualify for as much of this aid as possible. The form can be a little confusing, so you might ask your counselor if your school offers any events that walk students and parents through filling it out.
Your counselor will also likely know about additional local or national scholarships that you may qualify for. Each independent scholarship has its own application requirements, so finding out early can help you budget your time and not allow any deadlines–aka free money–to pass you by.
Especially if your counselor knows you well, he or she may have some additional tips for helping you get into your target colleges or universities. Perhaps you will be applying to schools that offer interviews and could benefit from interview pointers, or maybe your priority should be fine-tuning your college essays, increasing your GPA, or taking the SAT again to reach a target score. A great thing about talking with your counselor, rather than exploring the sea of online information alone, is that you get access to an interactive expert who knows you as an individual, able to tailor specific answers to your specific situation.
Hopefully you’ll use these six questions to get thinking about what topics you want to bring up with your counselor. Think about what areas you’re most unsure of, keeping in mind that the quality of the information you get depends on the quality of the questions you ask.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Hello! Just wanted to start by saying that I absolutely adore the care and responsibility that you take when answering fandom questions. It is super refreshing, rather invigorating to read (even when I don't agree with all your points), and overall a joy to have you in the fandom I've just discovered! I am curious, however, after reading one of the "cold takes" in a poll you posted, involving Malia and her immaturity on the show, in regards to her dating other teenagers. I supposed I missed something, but isn't it implied that she is much more immature than the others in her cohort? I'm also aware that the show itself is full of Bad Wrong things at every turn, but it always bothered me that she wasn't allowed to "grow up" in a sense on the show before ending up in a relationship. Regardless of whether or not you read this, take care of yourself. It's all supposed to be fun in the end. <3
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Before I grapple with your question, I have to ask: what is maturity? According to the definition it means something that has fully grown. When applied to human beings, it could be referring to physical maturity, sexual maturity, intellectual maturity, or even emotional maturity. To me, that makes it a very complex descriptor, much like intelligence, and as such is not particularly suitable for blanket comparisons.
It also reminds me very strongly of the arguments over whether Scott is "stupid" or not -- an entire section of fandom employed an ad hoc judgment to essentially argue that Scott shouldn't be the lead protagonist -- because he got Ds on tests and had to go to summer school, even while managing to go toe-to-toe with villains like Peter, Derek, Gerard, and Deucalion. Fandom was able to do that by reducing a highly complex phenomenon to a ranking system, the way various social forces have cajoled humanity into doing to its detriment for centuries.
This influence feeds exclusion and, sadly, ableism, where people are prevented from working towards achieving their needs and wants because, due to an ubiquitous urge to rate everyone against everyone else while denying the uniqueness of each individual's situation, they're determined as not qualified to do so, even when that's not the case at all.
Now, to Malia.
I will start with one of the principles I use when analyzing the show. Fully shifted werecreatures possess the cognitive abilities of humans, not animals. There is plenty of textual evidence for this. Talia understood the importance of the pack meeting at the distillery and timed her entrance for maximum impact as a high-status alpha. Derek recognized the tactical situation at La Iglesia and made decisions accordingly. Malia was able to analyze the crime scene with Alex’s parents while a four-legged coyote.
The fact that she spent eight years in the forest as a werecoyote -- not a coyote, as Scott pointed out -- does mean she lacks certain skills that human beings learn through socialization and education. But it doesn't mean she stopped maturing physically or emotionally simply because she was living in a way different than most human beings. The production underlined her drawbacks in two areas -- ethics and educational exposure.
She didn't seem to me to be emotionally immature as compared to the others. The production provided us with several clues to indicate that in my opinion. For example, the doll. Yes, she kept the doll at the car wreck as a memorial to her sister. Not only do animals not do that, but the production pointed out that Stiles and his father did too with the flowers at Claudia's grave. In addition, she recognized the complexity inherent in telling her adopted father about her condition as a werecoyote and the possible harm she might cause in revealing to him that she might have killed her mother and sister, as she explained to Stiles in Echo House (3x20). Her frustration with Stiles in that episode wasn't someone who wasn't emotionally, physically or sexually immature. She demonstrated herself capable of restraint, aware of the sophistication of her own feelings, and -- while many parts of the fandom might hate the scene -- her sexual encounter with Stiles did not even come close to being animalistic.
As for her ethical deficits? I will grant you that they exist, because ethics develop over time through practical interaction with others. But is she really that ethically immature compared to Stiles "I say that if it keeps him from killing someone, we chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake?" Stilinski? And, in many ways, she's far ethically superior to her own biological father. She may have suggested that she would abandon Kira and Lydia, but she didn't, any more than Stiles may have been in a position to make out with a drugged-up Lydia, but he didn't!
So, while ethical weakness and the necessity to catch up to years of missed educational opportunities are parts of Malia's character, I don't see how you could say that Malia hadn't 'grown up.' She did grow up, she just didn't grow up in a way that is considered the standard. I don't find any evidence of a lack of maturity that damages others. Bluntness by itself is not an indicator of undeveloped emotional control; it's a lack of practice in social situations. Take the scene in I.E.D. (4x05) where Lydia and her are trying to get the next keyword for the dead pool. Malia's anxiety about knowing if she is on it is not immature. Her recognition of Lydia's frustration is also not immature; she sees Lydia is struggling and offers to help, without judgment, but also without polish. When Lydia blows up at her in the hallway, she immediately understands that she mishandled it. Lack of finesse is not an indicator of immaturity.
I think the idea that Malia should experience a period of "normalness" before engaging in a romantic relationship is rather narrow-minded and not a little Puritan. It is weird that parts of the fandom can be comfortable with a supposedly immature teenage girl fighting to the death against assassins, mad scientists, and extra-dimensional marauders, yet feel that dating is a pursuit she's not quite yet ready for, until she experiences life like everyone else.
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mareenavee · 1 year
From the OC asks, but I am a cheaty mc-cheat and an incorrigible crow, SO... these are for your version of Ondolemar, in your future project. Yes, I'm mean like that. Hey once an NPC is a POV, that's pretty much your OC, same rules apply. :-P 2, 14, 29 and just for fun and to balance it out, 33.
Skyrim NPC-to-OC ask for a technically-unannounced spin off fic I have brewing in the background LOL (Please feel free to ask more of these! Post is here.)
You really are an incorrigible corvid, aren't you LOL But no, thank you for this!!! Really. It's only been brewing in the back of my head, and in tiny fragments, so I really had to put some thought into these answers!!
First I'll say this fic is going to be a thing. It's not necessarily a sequel, but more of a spin off. I hinted at it in this post here.
As the ask states, this one is for Ondolemar (:
2. Do they worship any deities, be it aedra or daedra?
Maybe not worship specifically, but he does acknowledge the Aedra and not just to put on appearances. He will repeat the general Thalmor things regarding Auri-El and the other divines when he has to. He admonishes Talos when he has to, and, truthfully, he doesn't actually understand the point of that god to begin with, even without the influence of the Concordat.
He's truthfully not overly religious, really, but he feels indebted to Mara, the goddess of compassion, among other things. Without spoiling too much of the fic, one of his main goals is to help his people get out from under the thumb of the Thalmor. Considering his legacy and parentage, he could have easily been as indoctrinated as the rest of the Thalmor, but he isn't and doesn't subscribe. Something or someone cared to spare him from that or gave him the strength to be able to avoid falling into the whole thing far too deeply to get back out again.
On the other hand he finds Daedra worship repulsive, again due to backstory things that will spoil World and this fic, so I can't reveal here. (:
14. What's their morality like?
It definitely would depend on who you ask. By association with the Thalmor, a lot of people assume he's terrible and evil. He leans into this to keep up appearances, but certain characters know it's not like that at all. He might not be the kindest person on the face of Nirn, but he's got noble goals in the grand scheme of things. Those who really know him and his goals know to trust him, even in situations that would seem otherwise impossible.
The thing is, he still needs to keep up appearances in order to further his goals. Sometimes he has to do things in the name of the Thalmor he'd rather not to protect himself, because he absolutely cannot be caught. Too many lives depend on him. This can sometimes bother him, he does still have to deal with the consequences of behaving in the expected way. He likes to pretend he doesn't care and will do whatever needs to be done, but certain things will weigh on him. Imprisoning a Talos worshiper for appearances? No. But other things will be much more of a struggle for him.
29. What do they think of Skyrim politics? (Jarls, Thanes, empire, high kings, etc)
Skyrim itself is not his primary concern, personally, but because of his job and his status within the Thalmor's presence in the province, of course it has to be front and center in his mind. He needs to know the details of all of this in order to function and to keep blending in. In all, he doesn't mind the idea of Jarls governing huge swaths of lands and working together to select the most qualified High King/Queen.
He believes it could, under normal circumstances, be a decent, almost fair system, if not for general hubris and corruption that power often brings. But then again, he's used to something of a totalitarian government in what's now called Alinor. Now regarding the Empire...he's not impressed with how they've failed to stand up for its people. But he deeply, deeply understands that individual states cannot easily stand up to the Aldmeri Dominion. He knows how bad things can and will be under their complete control. So while he doesn't like the idea behind them at all, and honestly, in another life, would prefer if they'd just collapse already, he recognizes them as perhaps the last line of defense against a greater evil.
33. Do they have a specific color scheme?
WELL. We kind of know his color scheme already, at least in his Thalmor regalia, right? Black and gold. But I'll describe him more generally, I suppose, for this question.
So yes, he still wears his black and gold uniform. He's got a very warm, gilded skin tone. He's a little more on the light skin tone side, probably by virtue of being stuck in Understone Keep more hours than he'd normally prefer. In my hc, he has grown out his hair in recent years, but still keeps the sides shaved/undercut more or less. He ties it back out of his eyes, normally. I figure occasionally, he'll wear a man bun instead of a ponytail lol. Speaking of, his hair is silky, shoulder length and silvery-blonde. His beard is the same color, when he lets it grow out more than it already is. When he's in civilian attire, he'll usually wear light gray clothing. Maybe a slate blue-gray travel cloak, depending on what he's up to out of uniform, anyway.
I know this was only little glimpse of this project, but I hope it was fun to read anyway! And that there's some hype for the story, maybe? (:
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quandaryitem · 2 years
a way in which i am getting stuck
I've noticed a way in which I am getting blocked (or blocking myself) when looking for jobs. Here's what happens:
I see an advert for an exciting and interesting job. Some of the skills listed on the job ad are things I have experience in, some are unfamiliar to me.
I decide that in order to prove to the prospective employer that I am qualified for the job, I should take some time to learn about the unfamiliar skills listed on the job ad.
This becomes a project or an attempt to read some textbook.
After hours or days or weeks, I give up, with nothing to show for it (https://twitter.com/djmicrobeads/status/1553879990726434818).
I never apply to the job.
What's going on here? I want to apply to jobs. I am attracted to jobs that offer the chance to do something that I haven't done before, but that inherently means that I risk not understanding the new thing and FAILING. So I try to prepare, but most things worth knowing can't be cram-studied for like I am passing an exam.
Why don't I have more confidence? If I simply believed that I could adapt to new problems then I wouldn't need to prepare for things in advance. Not to mention the fact that in tech, doing a mundane job that is aligned with your present skillset will inevitably involve learning about new technologies and problem domains anyway. Sure, they might not be exciting but it's still learning, I still have to confront the fact that I don't know everything.
Am I sabotaging myself? I feel like it's easy to get into a spiral of guilt when I think about being "blocked" as self-sabotage, as if there is a part of me (a part that represents a deep truth about myself) that is deciding to stop me, maybe because what I am trying to do is misaligned with what I "really" (?) want or because it will harm me in some way that I am not yet conscious of. Nothing good (https://twitter.com/djmicrobeads/status/1537751354034233351) has ever come of me doing things through self-coercion, either I end up doing the bare minimum or it comes through in a warped and inauthentic-feeling way that doesn't really make me feel stronger.
Ok, those are some thoughts. I wanted to write this to bring it to my attention, for all I know this might be enough to dissolve it. Maybe the individual parts of it can be unpicked carefully. I don't know. I'm curious about what anyone reading this might think, though.
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doraambrose · 26 days
What's the best part about being in college to become a veterinarian? Are there a lot of pets to examine? Can you pet them? (i have no idea what a college course for veterinarians looks like btw)
And what's the worst part?
Hello friend!
So, I'm kind of an anomaly. I had originally attended Purdue University in West Lafayette for 2 semesters before getting dropped for academic deficiency. I had a lot of mental health issues and even some psychosis due to a medicine I was on. So, I just completed my second semester at Ivy Tech Community College in Fort Wayne.
Basically, there's a lot of different majors to choose from. When I started college, my major was biology. I was told a general biology degree was best to start out with in case I decided to pursue a different science related interest. However, I did a lot of research and even had a zoom meeting with the head advisor for the Animal Science major at Purdue because I'm the type of person who needs a plan. So maybe I should just start at the beginning.
After being dropped, you can apply for readmission after 1 semester. For the Animal Science major pre vet pathway, you'd actually be attending the college of agriculture. The requirements for that are 12 credit hours in a single semester at a regionally accredited institution. You also can't have any individual grades less than a C-. There's also something about holds and then you have to write an essay, etc. I originally attended the fall semester of Ivy Tech, doing the Biology TSAP program, but I felt my advisor didn't listen to me and put me in Bio 105, a psychology class I already took and passed at Purdue, and a calculus class that was too advanced for me. Because I dropped the Calc class halfway through, I didn't have 12 hours, so I had to do the spring semester. That's when I did my own research, utilizing Purdues transfer equivalency guide, and communicating with the office of admissions. I took Bio 107, brief calculus, Chem 101, and anatomy and physiology I. As of this Tuesday, I passed every class with a C or better, so I qualify for readmission. I had my zoom meeting and we decided the best thing for me to do going forward is to take all the undergrad non Science classes at Ivy Tech (economics, speech, and she told me to take APHY 2 since I took the first class). Then, I'm taking all the general undergrad Science and math classes at PFW (Purdue Fort Wayne) to save money. That will include a physics class, some chemistry classes, and some biology classes. FINALLY, I will do the Animal science specific classes at Purdue West Lafayette. Those are the classes that specifically deal with animals. I also am doing an internship at our ER vet. The most important thing when applying to vet school is your experience.
Anyway, to answer your question, I'm not sure what a vet specific class is yet because I'm not there yet. It's a lot of general biology and chemistry and probably some Animal anatomy, nutrition, etc. And physics (gross). But chemistry and biology are very important, as you'll need them when youre working in the medical field due to anesthesia, pharmaceutical, etc. I would say the worst part is the chemistry and physics. Anything math related is a challenge, especially since chemistry is basically taking a lot of things that you've been taught in Algebra for years and throws it out the window.
Good luck if that's what you want to do! And sorry if there are any spelling or punctuation errors, I'm in the car with a friend (im not driving), but I am writing this on my phone quickly.
Thanks for the ask!
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abhishekdigi-blog · 2 months
Specific Requirements for apply canada pr visa if i am a Nurse
Canada is well known as the land of opportunities. The best part is that countries that offer skilled workers permanent residency, including nurses with ambitions of living and working in a friendly and developed country, extend such an opportunity to Canada as well. Besides, the healthcare sector and the nursing deficit are important factors contributing to the migration of nurses.
This article is supposed to guide nurses who want to be permanent residents of Canada. Here, the first part of the discussion will touch on the two principal routes to immigration – the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) through Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) – to include a complete description of their prerequisites, bring out the application process involved.
Why Canada for Nurses?
Canada's universal healthcare system forms a base for a steady demand for professionally competent nurses. The country offers favourable work environments, decent salaries, and leadership development opportunities. Moreover, the permanent residency program provides citizenship in Canada, so one cannot smell the scent of a successful and content life.
The Two Paths to Getting Permanent Residency
1. Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) through Express Entry:
The Express Entry fastens the application process according to the merit-based point system through which the candidates are ranked based on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). This will serve as a system that will award points for criteria such as age, education, experience, skills, and the pre-arranged job in Canada. Nurses with more successful certifications will be granted more time to perfect their files.
Critical Requirements for FSWP:
·Educational Credentials: Your foreign nursing training must go through the Canadian Nursing Association (CNA) to compare RN nursing license equivalence. As part of the process, prospective employment typically requires you to provide such credentials as transcripts, course descriptions, and a letter of reference from your nursing school.
· Work Experience: Having at least 12 months of successive employment in National Occupation Classification (NOC) 3011 – Registered Nurses (RNs') assigned in the last ten years is mandatory.
· Language Proficiency: Being fluent in English or French is more probable to become a recruit. You have to pass the approved language scores examination, and there can be many like the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index (CELPIP) or the Test d'Evaluation de Français pour le Canada (TEF). The minimum requirement for nurses under Express Entry is typically a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of 7 in all four abilities: reading, writing, listening, and pronouncing.
· Educational Credential Assessment (ECA): A credential report (ECA) that a designated organization will bear will attest to your foreign education.
· Funds: Once in Banff, you are expected to prove that you have enough financial means to support yourself and your family. The individual amount has to be computed by dividing the total by the number of family members.
2. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs):
PNPs are immigration programs designed by the provinces of Canada to address the regional trend of labour force deficiency. Several provinces focus particularly on nursing, helping nurses qualify for the faster permanent residency route.
Advantages of PNPs:
· Lower CRS Cut-Off Scores: However, compared to Express Entry, some PNPs may have lower CRS cut-off scores, and consequently, you will have a higher possibility of Being Invited to Apply (ITA).
· Targeted Programs: Some nursing programs in most provinces were made for nurses, which usually coincided with a smooth application process.
· Employer Sponsorship: Working with healthcare employers in a province that offers a PNP program can enhance your credibility.
Exploring PNP Options:
Every specific PNP has its eligibility criteria and an application process for people who want to immigrate. Prudently start by searching for programs that offer work in provinces with high nursing rates as the first option. Some popular choices for nurses include: Some popular options for nurses include:
· Alberta Advantage Immigration Program (AAIP): Refers to the AINN stream that is open only to the RN internationally educated.
· Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP): Nurses with occupations in the SOID stream who are given priority will be the persons to be nursed.
· Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP): The Express Entry Manitoba (EEM) branch caters to nurses who practice in the specified medical aspect.
The Application Process:
Regardless of the pathway you choose, the general application process for permanent residency involves:
1. Gathering Required Documents: These can be employment reference letters, educational certificate transcripts, results from language tests, the ECA report, documents proving the actual financial funds a student has, and a medical examination.
2. Creating an Express Entry Profile (FSWP) or Applying Directly to a PNP:
3. Receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA): Else, if your Comprehensive Ranking Score is above the lowest score of the Express Entry or your Prince Edward Island application has a successful process, they will provide you with an ITA.
4. Submitting a Permanent Residency Application: Detailed questions must be asked, other documentation must be submitted, and biometric data must be countered.
5. Medical Examination and Background Checks: You'll take a detailed medical exam, and your criminal records will be reviewed.
6. Landing Your Permanent Residency: Once your application has been approved, you'll receive a COPR document, the gateway into the country and the beginning of a fresh chapter in your life.
Profiles announced to be invited directly by MPNP under the Strategic Recruitment Initiative.
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pogoyarabelajane · 6 months
Like how autumn and relationships come to end in this approaching winter, this business venture journey comes to a close; to face another season ahead.
The last few weeks have not been easy. It was the weeks of revision, multiple product validation, and application of the things we learned from our Entrepreneurial Mind subject so far. In our final pitching, we produced the best that we can to give an output that would be qualified and substantial enough to call a ‘business venture’. Yet, the turn of events was never smooth at all. We faced multiple questions, errors, with nothing but embarrassment because we feel like we've never done it right, even after all the weeks and months of effort.
We were slammed with questions we've got no answers to. We came in confident and came out weary. However, we’ve learned from that experience how important it is to mindfully create the financial statements, to surely validate the feasibility of the business as well as the costs, and most importantly, to listen and apply suggestions and advice from mentors.
With those final moments, we've experienced a new type of feeling, but something we will never call ‘failing’. With all the sleepless nights, with all the struggles to make the ends meet, and to face our fears to speak in front of the panelists, makes the frightening final pitching a memorable and worthwhile experience.
It is due to ma'am Lovely being a responsible instructor that we learned how to cope with the aftermaths of our business venture. She, from the very start, has already reminded us how a start-up business requires strong will, determination, and multiple back-up plans until we’re left with nothing. She has taught us what it means to be humble, to persevere, and most importantly the essence of a business that does not only benefit the entrepreneurs but that it should have an impact and should benefit its community. She's a woman of empathy and compassion. We wouldn't have made it this far without her guidance.
Moreover, we believe that in this, we've put our utmost best. It was never as smooth as a marble countertop, and it was not always rainbows and sunshines. We don't always agree with each other’s opinions and ideas, but we have unitedly come to support each other hand in hand, from the crafting of the business title, to the making of PowerPoint presentations. Even in a short span of time, we learned a lot from each other. We learned how to be extra patient, to be understanding of the situations of others, to be open-minded to ideas, and to be cooperative. A goal would be hard to achieve when it's only a hand working. But with the group working together, we are able. It was never easy, but with people you know who got your back, everything feels light and bearable.
Hence, for almost four good months, this Entrepreneurial journey has come to an end. Thank you so much! To God be the Glory.
— For almost four months of entrepreneurial journey. I am very grateful for having these teammates. Working alongside such a talented and dedicated group of individuals has been an incredible journey, and I am truly thankful for the privilege of being part of this team. The challenges we faced as a team were definitely worth fighting for. Also, I am very thankful for all the lessons and advice from our instructor Ma'am Lovely L. Tecson, all of your advice will remain in our heads, we couldn't make it this far without your guidance and mentorship. What I learned from this course is you need dedication, creative/innovative ideas, accept defeat and do better next time, always go for the opportunity that is given to you for our own growth development and success. Moreover, I appreciate the unique strengths that each team member brings to the table, contributing to our collective success.
As we move forward, we will still continue to support and inspire each other because I believe that together, we will reach even greater heights. xoxo ♡
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[Documentation from the beginning of our entrepreneurial journey. August — December 2023.]
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lgcasami · 7 months
what do you think are your strengths right now?
Asami's answer comes out before she can even process the question properly. To be fair to her impulsiveness, it's not like she doesn't know her strengths. Even if she doesn't excel at anything, she knows she's good enough in her fair share of skills. "Music and lyrics composition," she smiles sheepishly and cocks her head, embarrassed. "I think I improved the most on those two skills this year, and to add to that, I think my performance also improved considerably. I'm aware other more qualified trainees focus more intently in those areas, but I'm making progress, which is honestly very positive in my eyes. I didn't think I would improve as much."
what are three skills that you would like to work on starting 2024?
She hums and crosses her arms in front of her. "Interesting. I think singing, and dancing are some of the most basic skills required to become an idol. Because I focused on other areas, my dancing was left aside even though I have a background as a ballet dancer, so maybe I should go back to it again. I also want to become better at singing since it helps when I'm composing. If I ever get to produce a song, for example, and I have a vision for it, I'd like to be able to translate that to the person singing it, so getting better vocals will help me, I feel. Besides that, I also want to go back to playing the guitar for similar reasons."
if given a chance, what types of gigs would you be interested in participating?
"Sincerely? I don't think I'm qualified to apply to any of these gigs," she tells the coach in front of her, embarrassedly. "I have no inclination for acting, to be honest, and no interest in that area, too. I could see myself being better at modelling if I put my mind to it. The same applies to hosting since there's usually a script I can follow and it makes it easier for me. Variety… I'm not funny enough to be in variety shows, so I don't think anyone would benefit from me showing up in those. So yeah, modelling since I think I can benefit from my looks, and hosting since I get a script to help me out."
during your time here in legacy, what are some of the lessons that you’ve learned about yourself?
"I'm a lot more greedy than I thought," Asami replies with a resigned sigh, "really, especially in the last few months, I realized that I want more and do more, and I expect myself to be better." Asami puffs her cheeks and then purses her lips in a thin line. "It has been almost four years since I joined the company. That means I've been here since I was 16 or 17? So a lot of the experiences I had while signed to LGC were somehow formative to who I am right now. I wouldn't say I'm competitive, though. Not with others, at least. Everyone has their set of skills and their individual goals. I'm competing against myself most of the time, as clichê and silly as it might sound."
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Scholarship FAQs: Your Ultimate Go-To Guide
Scholarships help students graduate with less student debt. However, they offer more than just financial aid. Scholarships can also help transform a student’s career opportunities.
But, before you find and apply for scholarships, you may have questions. So, let’s address the top 30 most frequently asked questions related to scholarships. 
Scholarship FAQs
What is a scholarship?
A scholarship is financial aid offered to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students for education purposes. 
How do scholarships work?
There are various types of scholarships with different application processes. Usually, you submit an application and wait to hear from a scholarship committee about the results. If you win, you receive the award money. 
Where can I find scholarship opportunities? 
Typically, you find scholarships online, at your school’s financial aid office, local library, or through your personal network. Finding scholarships requires strategy and can be a difference-maker in your overall success. 
How do I apply for scholarships?
The application process can vary. Depending on the scholarship program, you may have to submit a personal essay, a video, a letter of recommendation, or just your contact details. Always review submission requirements and get materials in prior to the deadline. 
What scholarships am I eligible for? 
There are literally tens of thousands of scholarships. Eligibility requirements for each may differ so research each award carefully. You may qualify for prizes based on financial need, merit, your year of study, race, gender, ethnicity, hobbies, athletics, and many other student-specific criteria. Given the range of factors for students receiving a scholarship, it’s likely that you are eligible for many awards. 
What types of scholarships are available?
There are many types of scholarships available. Here’s a list of the most common kinds of scholarships offered:
student-specific based on personal characteristics,
scholarships by major or career choice,
institution-specific scholarships,
athletic scholarships,
brand scholarships,
creative scholarships. 
What is the difference between scholarships and grants?
Scholarships and grants are similar. However, grants usually have a financial need requirement and are given out by federal or state governments. 
Can I get a scholarship for online courses?
Yes, you can win a scholarship while enrolled in an online program. Always check terms and conditions to ensure you meet the requirements. 
Are scholarships only for high school seniors?
No, you can win a scholarship for most accredited higher education programs. However, many scholarships are awarded specifically to graduating high school seniors or incoming college freshman. 
What is the average scholarship amount?
Individual scholarship providers offer varying award amounts. It’s standard for values to be $500, $1,000, $2,000, and as high as $10,000 or more. Full-ride scholarships cover most expenses associated with attending college. This includes tuition, books, program fees, and room and board. 
How do I write a winning scholarship essay?
A winning scholarship essay is one that stands out from the competition. It should be memorable, easy to read, and free from grammatical errors. 
How can I improve my chances of getting a scholarship?
You can improve your chances of winning a scholarship by understanding what a scholarship selection committee is looking for. Always remember, it is people that will read your application. Know your audience and submit an application catered to it. 
Do I need a specific GPA to qualify for scholarships?
Merit scholarships are based on test scores. Consequently, you may need a specific GPA to qualify for these prizes. 
However, there are many non-merit-based scholarships that do not have a GPA requirement. It’s a common scholarship myth that you need perfect grades to win a scholarship. 
Are there scholarships for international students?
Yes! Just be sure to examine terms and conditions to know if you need U.S. citizenship or residency to qualify for a scholarship. 
Can I get a scholarship for graduate school?
Absolutely! In fact, as a graduate student, you may be able to win prestigious research scholarships only available to students at the master’s or doctoral level. 
Are scholarships available for vocational or technical programs?
Yes, many scholarships are offered to applicants in vocational or technical programs. In fact, it may be a good idea to look for these specific terms in your scholarship search. 
Can I get a scholarship for studying abroad?
Yes, there are particular scholarships for studying abroad. 
Do I have to repay scholarships?
No, a scholarship is not a loan and does not have to be repaid. 
Can I use scholarships to cover any of my expenses?
How you can spend scholarship money depends on the award’s terms and conditions. Some scholarships disburse money to accredited colleges or universities (i.e., the money goes directly toward your tuition), while others are paid to you. In some cases, money must be spent on tuition or specific education expenses. In other cases, you can spend money on whatever you choose. 
What are merit-based scholarships?
Merit-based scholarships are academic awards based on grades, test scores, or stellar extracurricular activities. 
What are need-based scholarships?
Need-based scholarships are awards based on a student’s personal or family income. 
Can I get a scholarship for sports or athletics?
Yes, scholarships for athletics exist. Depending on your sport and level of achievement, the process of earning an athletic scholarship can vary. 
Can I apply for multiple scholarships at the same time?
Yes, you can apply for multiple scholarships at the same time. However, if successful in your applications, some major scholarships do not allow you to hold more than one scholarship at a time. 
How do I maintain a scholarship once I receive it?
You may receive a scholarship more than once if you maintain your grades, student status (full- or part-time), or other relevant metrics. Not all scholarships are renewable, so do your research. 
Are there scholarships for specific fields of study?
Yes, there are scholarships for specific majors or career goals. 
Are there different types of scholarship applications?
Yes. In some cases, applicants must submit an essay, video, and/or CV. In the case of no-essay scholarships, just their contact details may be required. 
How do I ask for a letter of recommendation?
A strong letter of recommendation matters greatly for applications that require them. Ensure that your referee knows you well and has positive things to say about you and your application. Also, be sure to give your referee plenty of notice prior to the deadline. If you’re successful, write thank you notes to both the scholarship committee and your referee. A little gratitude goes a long way. 
What is a scholarship scam?
Scholarship scams may ask you to pay to apply or may phish for personal details. To be clear, you should never pay to apply for a scholarship. And, if a prize sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
Should I notify the Office of Financial Aid if I win an award?
It depends, but it’s usually good practice to do so. This is particularly true if you completed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and received federal or state financial aid. Winning a scholarship can change your reported income and you don’t want to be surprised by changes to your funding package. 
When should I apply for scholarships?
You can start applying for scholarships as early as junior year in high school. Beyond that, there are scholarship deadlines throughout the academic year and summer months, so anytime is a good time to apply!
Going Beyond FAQs
Now that your questions have been answered, it’s time to start searching and applying for scholarships! 
Remember, there are many scholarship opportunities out there for most students.
Given the cost of college, it makes sense to apply no matter what your grades or profile look like. Do your research, plan, and submit. Scholarships take time and effort, but the payout is worth it all. Just imagine an award letter with your name on it! 
The post Scholarship FAQs: Your Ultimate Go-To Guide first appeared on BridgesEDU Scholarships. Originally published here: https://bridgeseduscholarships.com/scholarship-faqs-your-ultimate-go-to-guide/
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eliteprepsat · 1 year
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Think about how well you and your college counselor know each other. How often do you voluntarily talk to him or her? Counselors can be a tremendous resource of information and support beyond just enrolling you in classes, so if you don’t already, try regularly setting up times to meet with them.
To make the most of your time together, go in with strategic questions based on your curiosities and needs. Here are 6 questions to get you thinking:
1. How Do I Find the Colleges or Universities That Are Best for Me? 🔍
The college or university that is right for you might not be the same one you’ve heard about from your friends, parents, or favorite TV show. Each school has a unique set of characteristics, and finding the one that best fits your preferences will set you up for future success. Imagine a place you would thrive in. Consider factors such as size, location, academic programs, extracurriculars, and overall campus culture. Your counselor can provide guidance for how to assess which schools best meet your criteria and are most likely to admit you.
If you already have a list of colleges that interest you, you can ask your counselor if your list looks balanced or if you could benefit from modifying it. He or she can also inform you of any upcoming college fairs where you can consult with individual college representatives.
2. What Should I Be Doing This Year to Prepare for College?
Depending on what grade you are in, your counselor will have different recommendations for how you can best prepare for college. It’s helpful to devise a road map of sorts so you know you’re not missing any key steps. You can discuss topics such as choosing between the SAT or ACT, taking SAT Subject Tests, planning testing dates, stepping up your involvement in extracurricular activities, and making the most out of college visits.
3. Am I Taking the Right Courses? 📚
The requirements for which high school classes you must take vary by college and they may differ from your high school’s graduation criteria. For example, UC and CSU schools have what are called “a-g” class requirements, which stipulate the minimum type and number of courses you must take to be eligible to apply to these schools. Navigating these details with an expert can give you peace of mind as you piece together your schedule.
Not only can your counselor help you plan your class schedule so that you time everything appropriately, but he or she can help you choose the classes that will increase your competitiveness for college admissions. For example, if you’re thinking of applying with a major like engineering, you’ll want to take as many rigorous STEM classes as you can to demonstrate your interest and ability in that field.
4. How Does My Summer Plan Look?
As part of getting to know you, colleges like to see how you spend your free time. Summers are a great opportunity to explore and develop interests and further your academic career. Your counselor can help you decide what to do this coming summer–whether it be an internship, enrichment course, paid or volunteer job, or academic summer program–and provide resources for finding such opportunities.
5. How Do I Apply for Financial Aid? 💰
College, as you may have heard, can be surprisingly pricey. Harvey Mudd, for instance, estimates the cost of attendance for the 2019-2020 year at about $79,539 per year. Fortunately, you can find plenty of financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, and work study programs. Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application is the best way to ensure you qualify for as much of this aid as possible. The form can be a little confusing, so you might ask your counselor if your school offers any events that walk students and parents through filling it out.
Your counselor will also likely know about additional local or national scholarships that you may qualify for. Each independent scholarship has its own application requirements, so finding out early can help you budget your time and not allow any deadlines–aka free money–to pass you by.
6. Is There Anything Else I Should Be Doing to Improve My Chances?
Especially if your counselor knows you well, he or she may have some additional tips for helping you get into your target colleges or universities. Perhaps you will be applying to schools that offer interviews and could benefit from interview pointers, or maybe your priority should be fine-tuning your college essays, increasing your GPA, or taking the SAT again to reach a target score. A great thing about talking with your counselor, rather than exploring the sea of online information alone, is that you get access to an interactive expert who knows you as an individual, able to tailor specific answers to your specific situation.
Hopefully you’ll use these six questions to get thinking about what topics you want to bring up with your counselor. Think about what areas you’re most unsure of, keeping in mind that the quality of the information you get depends on the quality of the questions you ask.
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