#that I should just continue On and if I rlly wanna make up for that I can do a Second Playthrough but. !!!!!!!! no!!!!!!
chipjrwibignaturals · 5 months
I have a chronic illness called “unable to pick up a game again mid-game” that prevents me from actually playing persona 5 (the game with a 10 hour long tutorial)
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talesofely · 6 months
The (Wo)Man Who Can't Be Moved
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Pairings : Natasha Romanoff x GN/Fem!Reader
Summary : Natasha's your ex-girlfriend, she broke up with you without giving you a solid reason as to why. Obviously, you want her back. One problem, she's unofficially dating Bucky Barnes. So you decided to solve it with a little performance.
Warnings : Angst, Fluff, Hopeful Ending (?), Swearing I think, reader is mostly gender neutral but i envisioned it as a fem!reader soooo, pls tell me if u see anything else
Note : I rlly wanna make a part 2 of this, lmk what u guys think thooo
Word Count : almost 2k
Save My Tears - Part 2
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Tony decided to host another one of his famous Stark parties. This time, his excuse was that you are single again, and that Natasha and Bucky had something going on. What he didn't know was you and Natasha didn't quite end in good terms, cause she broke up with you. And of course... that you still miss her so god damn much.
So there you were, in your room, mentally preparing yourself to see the love of your life with her soon to be boyfriend. You didn't want to go, you absolutely wanted to just run away. But you couldn't. You had to show that the break up didn't affect you as much as they thought it did, even if it really did.
A knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Come in." The door opened and revealed a redhead. You smiled sadly at the woman, it wasn't your redhead. It was Vision's.
"I told you I'm fine, Wands." You tried your best to give her a genuine chuckle. Wanda didn't seem to be convinced though.
"You look good, L/N. Trying to impress somebody?" Wanda said as she leaned against the closed door of your room.
"You already know the answer to that." You said as you shook your head, standing up to apply perfume.
"Just tell her, Y/N/N. I mean, you should shoot your shot before it's too late. I heard Buck's gonna ask her to be his girlfriend officially tonight." Wanda announced, watching you intently as you try desperately to calm your nerves.
"What am I supposed to say, Wands? Please take me back, I miss you so much, I know you broke up with me but I want you back?" You sarcastically said as you scoffed. "Plus, I don't wanna ruin what she has with Bucky. She must like him so much if she made their relationship public within three days of seeing each other."
"She isn't happy with him, and we both know that. I care about Natasha too, Y/N, I want her to be atleast happy with who she's with. Plus, how can you know she doesn't want you back if you haven't even asked?" Wanda asked with a raised brow. You didn't dare to make eye contact, just staring at the perfume bottle on your hand. "Think about it, alright?"
Wanda left your room, leaving you alone with more thoughts than you had 30 minutes ago.
Stark decided to go to the next level for this party. He had a stage in the middle of the living room, a bunch of speakers, and a mic stand.
The party was more lively than normal. Everyone was teasing the future couple, much to your annoyance. Natasha and Bucky were the center of attention.
Apparently, Bucky loves getting all that recognition and attention, but deep down you know Natasha doesn't. Your ex-girlfriend loves parties, but she doesn't like it when she's the center of attention. Bucky doesn't seem to know it considering he's showing her off like she's just a trophy.
You sat at the bar, alone, drinking your Aunt Roberta cocktail. Clint approached you, Tony right behind him. You didn't acknowledge them, just continuing to watch the 'It Couple' as Tony calls them.
"You okay, Y/n?" Clint asked with a small smile. You're guessing he didn't know what happened, you didn't know if Natasha told him how she broke your heart. You just nodded in response, drinking down the last of your cocktail.
"They're such a nice couple, right? Natasha and Bucky? I'm not glad you and Nat broke up but I'm glad they found each other." Tony said with a grin, oblivious to the fact that you want to punch him in the face.
"Mhm." You responded with another nod. You couldn't do this sober, but the alcohol wasn't doing anything.
"Hey, Y/N, you should sing! You have a great voice, right!? You used to sing for Natasha when you were still together!" Tony slurred out, obviously intoxicated now. Clint nodded in agreement, both trying to convince you to sing.
You didn't want to, you weren't in the right mood to put on a show.
However, when your eyes drift to Natasha and Bucky slow dancing to your song, 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton, the same song you two always danced to, you snapped.
You cleared your throat to steal Tony and Clint's attention. You stood up and fixed your suit's jacket. The polo you were wearing underneath had three buttons unbuttoned, showing just enough for men and women to go wild.
"I'll go sing, Anthony. The tablet beside the mic is connected to the speakers, right?" You asked as Tony nodded eagerly. He always liked it when you sang, saying you had a specific vibe he couldn't get from other singers.
Before you could fully walk away, Clint shouted at you, making you turn around and raise a brow at him.
"Go get your girl back." He mouthed then winked. You rolled your eyes at him before flipping him off.
When you reached the stage, Steve got off and handed you the mic with a smile. You sat down on the chair, everyone was surprisingly cheering for you. Mostly everyone's eyes were on you, excited for the song you were about to play.
You didn't dare to look into the audience, in fear of meeting those green eyes you used to call home. The fondness in them wasn't for you anymore, anyways.
"Hey, everyone. I hope y'all are having an amazing night. I do hope you enjoy these songs I'm about to play." You said as you clicked the instrumental version of the song you chose, on the tablet.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"
(Italics are flashbacks)
Three days after Natasha broke up with you, you decided to drive to a park where you two always went on. You sat on the exact bench where you asked her to be your girlfriend. Not a lot of people walked by, it was a slightly secluded area.
You stared at the lake in front of you, watching as the ducks you always used to feed with Natasha swim towards you. One duck in particular, the one you named Nibbles, the one you considered your child, approached you and stood on your foot.
You smiled sadly at him, caressing his fluffy head.
"Hi, Nibbles. Your mama isn't here, I'm sorry. We won't show up together anymore, buddy. I still promise to visit, okay?"
People were giving you weird looks but you didn't care. You just gave the duck a piece of bread that he dipped in the lake before waddling back to you so he could eat it beside you.
And how can I move on when I'm still in love with you?
You met those green eyes while singing the particular line. You couldn't read it, it had too many emotions for you to decipher. You saw her smile faltered though. You gave her a small bittersweet smile as everyone around you was singing along to the song and nodding their heads to the beat.
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
"Where the fuck is Y/N, Wanda?" Natasha asked, barging in the younger redhead's room.
Wanda's head snapped to her door. She saw Natasha was holding the letter you left in her room over and over again, memorizing every sentence. A few tears escaped, but she immediately wiped them away. She saw how the 'Love Always, Y/N.' was smudged, like it got wet from a teardrop.
"What do you mean, Natasha? I thought you knew she left. She's gone, Nat. She left for a no-contact mission, even Fury doesn't know when she'll be back." Wanda said flatly, standing up to kick Natasha out of her room.
"Why'd you care anyways? Miss her?" Wanda said sarcastically with an eye roll.
"She didn't tell me." Natasha murmured, stepping out of the room.
"Why would she? You broke up with her, remember?" With that, Wanda closed the door to her room, making sure to lock it.
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
You walked around the park, even walking the streets where you two would 'window shop' but you end up buying her everything she looks at. Your feet stopped when you saw the familiar ice cream parlor on the corner of the street.
You remember taking her there on your first half-anniversary, right after you two finished a mission. The mission was rough, it didn't physically hurt any of you but it did take a toll on your mental states. You wanted to cheer her up and distract her so you made up an occasion to convince her to go eat ice cream.
Policeman says, "Son, you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year.
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go"
Your eyes met Steve's and he gave you a small smile. He remembers it too.
It was your first winter without Natasha. You were sitting on a swing in the park right in front of the compound. No one else was there except you cause it was cold and snowing really hard.
You felt someone sit on the swing beside you. It was Steve. He gave you a small comforting smile, nodding his head to greet you.
"You can't stay here all night, Y/N. It's cold, you should come in." He said in a low voice, trying to stay as casual as possible.
"I'm fine." You said, giving him an unconvincing smile.
"You're still waiting for her?" He asked. You looked at him but he was staring ahead.
You nodded timidly. "Always."
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world
"You're my world, Natasha." You murmured into her hair. You were cuddling in bed, her head on your chest.
She looked up at you, her ethereal green eyes staring up at you, filled with adoration. She smiled, that same smile that never fails to make your heart flutter no matter how many times you've seen it.
"I love you, детка." She whispered as you leaned down to press a soft kiss on her lips.
"I love you more, my Natalia."
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
When the last note ended, some were clapping, some were silent and looking at you in worry. You furrowed your brows, realizing a tear was currently rolling down your cheek.
You saw Clint giving you two thumbs up while Wanda was smiling sadly at you. You tried looking for your redhead, but you couldn't see her anywhere. Even Bucky wasn't there.
You bit your lower lip, trying to control your emotions. Did they leave together? Were they currently having the time of their life in Natasha's bedroom? Did Natasha bring Bucky to the rooftop like you two used to? Why did she leave?
You sighed and decided that you're going to take her absence as an answer to all your questions.
She moved on.
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heyyo, wanted to request an imagine about jensen. maybe they’re best friends who met on the boys or supernatural, she’s been confiding with him about this dude she seeing but jensens kind of into her and is jealous so he doesn’t rlly wanna talk about it, they have some drinks and he says something like “i just don’t think he’s right for you” and ends with smut and happy ending? if that’s okay with you 🤍
a/n: hi! thank you for requesting 🩵 love your idea, but i'm gonna tweak it so that it's dean instead of jensen. hope that's alright! anyway, enjoy love! and i'm so sorry it took me a while!
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pairing: dean winchester x female reader
genre: fluff
warnings: smut, 18+ only, mdni, unprotected sex (don't be a hog, cover your log), oral f receiving, dean is huge.
dean is enjoying his night alone. sam's out with a girl, you're out with a guy... alright, he's not enjoying his night as much as he'd like to.
mainly because you left for your date 4 hours ago and you're still not back. it was supposed to be a lunch date, and you're still out. what's taking you so long?
dean grits his teeth. he's being jealous again.
to be completely honest, his perfect night would be a night spent with you in his arms, cuddled in his bed while an episode of your favorite tv show played. but of course, you're both nothing but friends so that's not happening.
not long after, he hears the front door open and rushes to see if it's you. it is, but he wonders why you look glum.
"hey, you're back early." he doesn't actually think it's early.
you sigh as you take your heels off, dropping them on the floor and lying down on the couch.
"didn't go well?"
you groan in response.
dean's heart melts a little. he scooches you over so you're lying down between his legs, resting your weight on his chest.
"wanna talk about it?"
you sigh once again, uncovering your eyes from your arm. "it was actually not that bad. not great, but not terrible."
dean's silent. "what? you want me to get into the details?"
he shrugs, "if you want to. not too detailed though."
"well, not much happened anyway." you say, "we had a long lunch, then we were back at his place making out, and i don't know, the way he was kissing me was a little weird. it was very stiff-"
"sweetheart, it's meant to be stiff-"
"you know that's not what i mean." you hit his arm.
he laughs. "sorry, continue?"
"as i was saying," you emphasize, "his tongue was like jabbing my mouth and for some reason he kept bumping his teeth on mine-- it was turning me off so i left."
dean laughs again, "wow. i'm.. so sorry."
"oh shut up, it's not like you've never had a bad date before."
"that's not what i'm saying. well sort of." he says smugly. "i'm saying i'm sorry you encountered a bad kisser. never happened to me before."
you roll your eyes. "yeah, sure."
"i'm serious." he says.
"dean, you're working all the time, you've never even been with that many women -- i think?"
"i'm a natural, what can i say?"
you scoff and turn your body to look at him, laughing and looking so smug. and looking so good in that shirt that accentuates his muscles in just the right way.
you'd be lying if you said you don't have a crush on dean... to say the least. you've liked him for ages, maybe even love him, but you're almost 100% sure you're not his type.
but now it seems like he's dropping hints and flirting with you, so... might as well take your chances right?
"alright, should we put it to the test then?" you ask.
you pull yourself closer to dean by gripping his shirt and press your lips to his. he's taken aback at first, but slowly moves his lips with yours and circles his arms around you, easing you into his hold.
you've been dreaming about kissing his lips for a long time. he also always looks and smells so good around the house it's annoying.
what's also annoying is that he wasn't lying when he said he's a good kisser. he's taking your breath away and you feel like melting in his arms.
his plush, soft lips, his gentle but firm tongue teasing yours, the bites he leaves on your lips, tugging and definitely bruising.
you try to push him away to take a breath. "come back here," but he just grabs the back of your neck to kiss you again.
a moan escapes you when he readjusts your position so you're now sitting on his lap, and you gasp when you feel something poking your ass.
"sorry," dean chuckles and readjusts himself. he has a smug look on his face, especially when he sees how disheveled you are right now.
"so," he starts, "how did i do?"
you gulp and look away, not sure how to answer him.
he cups your chin so you'll look at him and say, "do you want me to continue?"
you nod slowly.
"words, sweetheart. i need to hear you say it."
you bite your already swollen lip. "i... i want you, dean. i need you. p-please."
he smiles, kissing you again before picking you up to take you to his room. "good girl."
you didn't think dean's words would affect you that much, but it just did. you're clenching around nothing.
dean's having a hard time believing this is happening himself, but the smell of your shampoo, your perfume, the taste of your lips... fuck he's in love.
the door to his room slams shut and he lays you down on the bed.
"sure you want this?" he asks.
"i want you," you say more firmly this time. "only if you feel the same."
"sweetheart," he chuckles, "i've wanted you for a long, long time now."
you roll your eyes at him despite the blush creeping up your cheeks.
"i'm serious." he says, pulling you closer by the waist, his hands roaming around your back until he finds the zipper. "since the moment i saw you."
he zips your dress down and you let out a shaky breath when his hands touch your naked skin.
"i'm.. i'm pretty sure i was covered in dirt and blood when we first met."
he hums, pulling your dress down and tracing his hands closer to your breasts. he's leaving kisses and bites along your neck before licking your ear. "nothing sexier than woman who knows how to fight for herself."
you gasp when he cups your breast, pinching and twirling your nipple while he drowns your moans in his kisses.
you're gripping his shirt, fumbling with the buttons before finally reaching his skin, feeling his toned body, and going down to unbuckle his belt.
he slaps your hand away, trailing kisses down from your lips, and while maintaining eye contact with you, he licks your breast, flicking your nipple with his tongue.
"fuck, dean."
dean twitches in his pants hearing you moan his name like that.
"a thong?" he smirks, pushing the tiny pice of fabric to the side so he can get a good look of your pussy. "fuck you're so wet already."
your legs instinctively try to close, but dean keeps them open with his hands, slapping your thigh in the process. He can't hide his smile when he sees you clench around nothing as he does that.
"stop smiling like that." your face turns red.
"like what?" he knows exactly what you're talking about. grinning, biting his lip, driving you crazy.
"you know, it's quite unfair." you say, squirming under his touch.
"what is?" he asks, breath hitting your exposed sex and fingers inching closer.
you buck your hips up wishing for some sort of friction and groan. "i'm naked, and you still have your pants on."
He hums. "i kinda like it like this. you're spread wide and so.. so.. pretty..." he suddenly licks a stripe up your slit, lingering and circling your clit. "all for me."
"holy shit." you throw your head back.
dean doesn't stop there. He keeps licking and sucking, dipping his tongue inside you every once in a while. he traces your slit with his fingers before pushing two digits in, curling them and making you arch your back.
"dean," you moan his name, tugging his hair as he's about to make you come.
he keeps his eyes on you, and you're staring back at him before the coil inside you finally snaps and your toes curl, your orgasm washing over you.
dean slows his movements, still toying with your clit to help you with your high until you're flinching away, the sensation a little too much.
he chuckles seeing your worn out state and stands up, his five o'clock shadow covered in your juices.
as you catch your breath, you reach for his belt again. he doesn't slap your hand away this time, letting you take it off and undo his jeans.
"fuck," you whisper to yourself when you see his size and how hard he is.
dean takes the rest of his pants off and joins you in bed, kissing you and guiding your hand to touch him. he lets out a shaky breath when you finally grab the base of his cock and start pumping a few times.
"god you're beautiful," he says.
you chuckle, lining his cock with your entrance.
"and impatient." he teases, nudging his tip while coating himself in your wetness.
"dean, i swear-"
he pushes in one swift motion, knocking the breath and words out of you.
"mm. fuck." he moans. "you were saying?"
you moan before pulling him down to kiss you. "move... please."
he pulls almost all the way out before pushing back in, slowly increasing his pace. his grip on your waist is almost bruising, but the look he has on you is going to leave a permanent mark for sure.
dean's hand cups your cheek, and you turn your head slightly to take his thumb in your mouth, sucking gently while keeping his gaze.
"son of a...." he groans out loud.
dean almost rests his weight on you, allowing you to cling to him and pull him closer. your orgasm is approaching quickly, and you squeeze around him to hold on just a bit longer, clawing his back in the process.
"dean, i'm gonna come." you moan, "fuck you're gonna make me come."
"yeah?" he smiles, thrusting a little harder and deeper. "let go. come for me."
you let your orgasm wash over you, and a moan escapes when you feel him filling you up. you two stay like that for a minute, in each other's arms, his head buried in your neck leaving kisses while you play with his hair.
"so," dean says, lifting himself off of you. "let me take you to dinner?"
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scarleart · 1 year
hellooo i heard you’re taking requests for elliee
could i request ab riding with ellie..?
like omg its so hot imagine riding her abs and it gets so wet and slick… but now there’s no more friction cause all your juices are everywhere :(( and then you get all whiney and noisy cause you just want more more more…
but its okay cause ellie will help her darling right?
AHHH IM GOING INSANE also its perfectly fine if you can’t write it ❤️ take care
p.s. i really love your writing!!!! its rlly good <3
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a/n : WTFF I’M ALSO GOING INSANE OHMYGOSH. also thank you so much babe :( you’re the sweetest!!
omg this right here? i’m dying
imagine you’re just straddling ellie’s tummy, her toned and firm abs were being the delicious friction that were making you lose your mind. up until you got so fucking wet that you couldn’t do any sort of movement without slipping and losing your rhythm immediately :(
it just felt the slippery, drenched skin glide along your cunt. no pressure, no friction, nothing to sooth your ache. and ellie?
ellie watched as you struggled to try ANYTHING to feel that sensation on your puffy clit once more. a shit eating smirk breaking out on her face as she seen your hips stuttered, the whines of defeat leaving you continuously. you then placed your hands on the bed behind you, gaining leverage so you can try and ride her once more.
once again… it was nothing but a slippery goddamn mess. nothing there to please you :(
after a few moments, you did the last thing you could think of. you raised your hand to travel down to your weeping pussy, only to be stopped by a firm grip on your wrist.
“did i say you could touch?” the low voice that belonged to ellie rings out, her intense gaze intimidating as she kept staring at you.
“b-but baby—“
“no. did, i say, you could touch?” the freckled girl reprimanded slowly, her slit eyebrow lifting. silently telling you, you should start speaking. ellie was unable to hold in the chuckle that left her when she seen you throw your head back in frustration, your pouty lips turned downwards in a frown. a quiet, broken, “no, els no” then came from you, answering her question.
“yeah? s’why you do it, pup” she questions you in a sympathetic tone. she couldn’t help but to smile softly as she heard your whimper in response. god you were so cute when you were sexually frustrated. ellie eyes flickered down to the mess on her tummy, her abs just glistening with the shiny essence that belonged to you, you practically soaked her.
she then brought her fingers down to your wet, raging clit, rubbing at the poor button with care. she did that for a couple of seconds before bringing her fingers away to then lift them to her mouth. her tongue seeping out to lick at the digits before dropping it back to your pussy. ellie went back to rubbing at you before licking her fingers again.
she repeated the actions a couple of more times with a curse and a bite of her lip. seeing your sexy girlfriend moaning at your taste would be the cause of your death, you’re absolutely fucking sure.
“hm? y’ jus wanted to cum, huh pretty baby?” she murmurs softly, eyes holding an understanding as she nodded at you. at the firm circles on your clit, you were breathing heavily. eyes low and hooded, mewls exiting you left snd right.
you nod feverishly at the green eyed girl.
“un huh, jus wanna cum” you mutter with a pout. ellie smiles at you, her fingers picking up its pace quickly.
“yeah? i can do that”
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murdrdocs · 1 year
just a little bit | e. landry
description. the heat of nightingale, the campers running around, the bus waiting for your departure, none of it matters when you're with your now-frenemy ethan landry
includes. SMUT 16+, afab!anatomy, frenemy ethan landry, slight bickering, heavy make outs, fingering, very slight public sex, chad meeks martin woo!
a/n: ello! no p in v this go around folks but i rlly like this entire setting so i'm down for whatever in the future. also barely proof read but thats okay
word count: 2.4k+ words
The crunch of leaves alerted you every so often, reminding you of not only the obviousness of your location, but also of what was going on around you. Laughter of kids, screams of enjoyment-filled terror, all of it repeatedly telling you that if you were going to do ... what you were going to do, you should probably do it in someone's cabin. Not outside of someone's cabin.
Ethan Landry, your ex-frenemy now just friend (?), continued to kiss at your neck, either unaware or uncaring of the lack of seclusion, his hands gripping at your waist, fingers bunching up the yellow fabric of your camp tee.
You know that you were the one nagging him earlier, begging him to let loose on the last night of camp and just have fun with you once. Your irritation sprung from Ethan’s new status as a Head Camp Counselor, leader of the Wombats, something he’s wanted since you both were young friends on the playground, both growing your final sets of teeth. You have been head of a cabin group for the second year in a row now, the Quokkas, and you’d attempted to tell Ethan that just because he was head of a cabin group didn’t mean he had to abandon all fun. 
He’d only started to believe you today, where his responsibilities mostly ended after encouraging his team during the start of the color war, when the mammals all teamed up against the amphibians. It wasn’t until you cornered him against the outside of his cabin, looked up at him with doe eyes, and pouted all prettily with sweet begs leaving your lips, that Ethan’s resolve physically melted away, and he finally started to give in to the relentless flirting you’ve subjected him to for the past few weeks. 
Which led you here, getting what you wanted, although now you’re starting to reconsider if this really is what you wanted. 
Ethan sucks a hickey at your collarbone, giving himself access with the way one of his thick fingers curls under the fabric of your shirt, and your moan is cut short when you hear what sounds like a twig snapping. 
Your hands instantly create fists at Ethan’s shoulders, your head turning towards the sound, and your eyes squinting in an attempt to see through the approaching darkness. “Wait, Ethan,” he pulls away from your neck, the silence of the forest alerting you of how wet his mouth is. “What was that?” 
In your peripheral, you see him turn his own head, brown curls bouncing with the movement. “I don’t hear anything.” 
He turns to face you and you do the same, your noses almost touching with the proximity. You instinctively push yourself further back, your head colliding with the wood of the cabin behind you, but the distance between you doesn’t feel right so you end up where you started. 
“Are you sure? I swear I heard someone coming.” 
Ethan smiled reassuringly. “There’s no one there. I swear.” 
You have no other choice but to believe him, but there’s still something nagging at you. “Are you sure you don’t wanna go inside? Or go to the bathroom?” 
He shakes his head, one of his hands rising to trace your lips since he isn’t kissing them right now. “Not the bathrooms, Mack and Will are cleaning them tonight, remember? If you wanna go inside, we can.” He swiftly places a kiss on the other side of your neck, coming to face you again. “But you wanted to do this here, remember?” 
He’s got you there. You were the one who suggested how useless it was to go inside whenever none of the campers would be coming to the counselors quadrant. 
You watch a grin come onto Ethan’s face, realizing that he’s purposefully playing on the fact that you’ve always refused to go back on your word, or even – in the absolute worst case – back down from an argument. It’s something that’s made you a great counselor, and something that’s made you a fun frenemy. 
“Fuck you,” you mumble, a smile unable to be forced from your lips. 
Ethan grins, leaning closer to you, his cheek brushing against yours as he brings his lips to your ear. “Oh, I hope you do.”
You decide to shut him up by sandwiching his face between your hands, pulling him to meet you halfway. You take a second to stare into his eyes, admiring the deep brown of them, loving the way he looks enamored with your existence. Then, you kiss him. 
It’s just a little bit softer this time, a little more tentative. There’s more emotion in this kiss, the feelings felt from your childhood crush resurfacing for a second to allow you a quiet, peaceful moment with the guy you’ve dreamed of kissing for years. 
Ethan is the one who changes it. His hand slides down to run over your ass, before it comes around to the front of your denim shorts. 
There’s anticipation in your system. 
You push your back more securely against the wood, praying you don't somehow get a splinter, and tilt your hips more towards Ethan. He takes it as a good sign to slide his hand down, long and thick fingers playing with the frayed ends of your shorts. 
You sigh, hands slinking around to the back of Ethan’s neck, fingers digging into his hair. When his hands just sit there, not doing anything, you grunt and warningly tug on the ends of his hair. He laughs against your lips, clearly loving having something over you. 
But then his fingers nudge up in the small gap of your shorts, and the tips of them tease against your cotton panties, and just that ghost of a touch has you lagging, lips pausing for a second before you pick up the action again. 
Your shorts are shorter than they should be, and earlier today you self consciously commented on it to Mindy, not wanting to wear something too revealing. After Mindy reminded you that you’ve been walking around Camp Nightingale in tiny bikinis, you shrugged and buttoned the pants, thinking in the back of your mind that the pants provided the easiest of access, and also made it easy for you to flash someone your white panties if your legs were spread far enough. 
Now, you’re grateful for the loose and revealing bottoms. They allow Ethan’s fingers to slide further up just enough for him to press against your cunt with more pressure, touch just a tad off from your clit. 
It’s welcomed either way and you pull away from Ethan to heave in a large breath of fresh air, the smell of campfire distant yet still greeting your nostrils. 
Ethan takes that as a good sign and he continues, pushing the pad of his finger in the center of your cunt, running the digit along the expanse to separate your lips and give him more access. In his journey, he feels how wet you are, a sound that sounds like a mix between a choke and a gasp with a bit of a sigh in there, released from his lips. 
“Jesus, fuck.” His pink tongue darts out to lick his lips and you have a thought, hopefully a premonition, about what his tongue would feel like between your legs, stuffed deep inside of you, straight nose nudging against your clit while he loses himself in the action. 
Your slight fantasy-slash-premonition makes you unaware of Ethan’s fingers probing at the edge of your panties, and you don’t come to until he has the elastic band separated from your skin, air greeting your slicked core, and his fingers soon doing the same. 
The sound you let out is completely unattractive in your eyes. Deep in the back of your throat, a hint of bass in it, but it’s mostly a squeal. One that sounds similar to the squeals of frustration you would let out at Ethan up until late last night when things took a turn in your relationship. 
Ethan, however, seems to take pride in the sound, and it spurs him on to continue. He takes his hand out of your shorts for a second, and you're already huffing frustratedly, mouth opening to say something a little offensive, but it instantly shuts whenever thick fingers are forced into the cavern, Ethan staring at you expectantly. You want to be a brat about it, maybe bite down just to piss him off, but the way he's looking at you makes your cheeks hollow out around the digits, and a sucking motion comes shortly after.
Ethan grins, like the asshole he is, and your eyes roll, but you don't stop. You continue as he uses his other hand to unbutton your shorts, undoing them quicker than you thought it would've taken, and then your zipper is down and Ethan takes his fingers out of your mouth. You watch as he uses the dry hand to pull the band of your panties back, and then the wet hand slips down, resting between your lips.
Your head thuds back against the wood, your eyes closing with a sigh as Ethan starts to really work you. His fingers slip down to your entrance, one singling itself out to probe at your entrance. It slips in easily, a little embarrassingly, but it feels so good so you're not ashamed of how ready you are for him.
The first finger is barely there before you're begging for the second to join, Ethan clearly also in a better mood than usual as he gives you what you want without any teasing from his end.
He steps closer into your space, free hand clutching your waist gently, his head burrowing in the crook of your neck where he presses a kiss into the skin. "That feel good?" he asks, voice low and gravely and so fucking hot. Your hips push into his hand, you nod, hand reaching behind his head to hold him in place.
"Yeah, E. Feels good."
Another kiss is pressed into your skin and your hold on the back of Ethan's head tightens, nails scratching into his scalp. Ethan takes the hint and his lips wrap around your skin. He sucks, and licks, and nips, and you tilt your head to give him more access.
It's risky, letting him mark you up, but its dark and you have makeup back at the cabin and you want something to remember this moment by.
His fingers reach deeper, if even possible, and you're sure that they would've reached the spot in you that only one other person has been able to. You're sure that Ethan, as receptive and observant as he is, would've noticed your reaction and he would've given you what you want, maybe after some healthy teasing, and then he would've given in, working you to an orgasm. Which, probably would have happened. If it weren’t for the distinct sound of footsteps from around the cabin. 
You flinch aggressively, a swear escaping from your lips as your legs instantly close around Ethan’s hand. It takes him a second to pull his hand from between your thighs, and for you to at least get your pants buttoned, and a second is all you have before Chad is walking around the cabin to face you both, a look of shock and entertainment on his features.
His dark eyes look between you two, Ethan wide eyed, clearly having just been caught doing something, and you behind him, with your arms crossed, eyes narrowed as you attempt to pretend like nothing was just happening between you two. 
None of you say anything, then Chad licks his lips, takes a breath, and his eyes widen just a bit. “Oh,” he says, dragging out the exclamation. You think that you’re caught, and that Chad will never let you live this down. But when you take a closer look at Chad, you see this he looks a little more relaxed than usual, and there’s a slight sway to his stance. 
“I see what’s going on here.” And you do, too. 
“Do you?” you challenge, eyebrows raised. 
“Yep,” Chad pops the ‘p’, clearly proud of himself for coming to whatever conclusion he’s reached. “You two are still on the outs, huh?” A weight instantly lifts from your shoulders. Chad already isn’t the most perceptive (he never knows when people have crushes on him, for example), but add slight intoxication, and he wouldn’t know anything if it knocked on the door and introduced itself. 
Chad nods, hands resting on his hips as his lips purse for a second. “Yeah, mhm. That’s what it is. You’re over here bickering and arguing and fighting off that sexual tension but hey! I say give in to it, you know. You’re only young and horny once!” And that’s all Chad has to say because he’s waving dismissively to you both with one hand, going up the steps and reaching for the handle, and he’s stepping into the cabin, the wood slamming against the doorframe acting as a goodbye. 
You turn to face Ethan, still a little flustered yourself, and he’s still a little flushed. His hands twitch at his sides, and you mindlessly bite down onto your lower lip. 
“So, do you wanna continue?” he asks, words low, and he’s back to being awkward. 
A small smile on your face, your foot steps behind the other, your thumb hooks over your shoulder. “I should probably check on my kids …” You trail off, Ethan doesn’t say anything, so you turn around and take a step in the other direction. 
You don’t make it far before Ethan has a hand wrapped around your wrist, tugging you back, and the other finds your waist to keep you steady against him. He kisses you, and you melt into it, chest pushing against his, hands fisting in the bottom of his shirt. You’re willing to stay like this a little longer, but the footsteps get louder from inside, and it acts as an alarm, warning you of Chad’s incoming arrival, which comes just as you two pull away with enough room between you both to be deemed slightly platonic. 
Chad doesn’t acknowledge you both again, whistling to himself as he walks away, and you and Ethan stay silent until he’s far away enough for either of you to speak. 
“Still wanna check on your kids?” Ethan asks, eyebrows raised knowingly. 
You take a second to think about it, eyes scanning over Ethan’s brown curls, his pretty eyes, his pink tinged cheeks and his even pinker lips, the way they’re swollen with enough evidence that you were there. And you have your decision when your eyes reach his shoulders, strong even under his shirt, a piece of his body you’ve seen during lake days but you were never really allowed to ogle due to wanting to seem professional. 
“I’m sure the others have them handled.”
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moth-nana · 6 months
hii! how are you doing? i hope u dont mind, this is my first time. may i ask for tokyo revengers Mitsuya, Draken and Rindou where they compliment or appreciate in general (words of affirmation) to their s/o but she reacted to them by crying? because she doesnt rlly get that much of attention and praises, so she gets emotional when she heard it. i wanna see howd they react to that. i hope this is okay!
Takashi Mitsuya, Ken Ryuguji, Rindou Haitani
Prompt: TR boys compliment/tell how much they appreciate the reader and the reader starts crying because she doesn't get to hear that as much/often as she should.
Words: 1 k
A/n: I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I got so excited when you asked this and had so much fun writing this. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do 🫶 ps: leave me reguests any time you want. I love making these🫰
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Takashi Mitsuya
You and Takashi had started dating three weeks ago and you had just been introduced to Luna and Mana, his little sisters, who had been so nice. You had a really good time. You had played with them as Takashi had prepared supper for you four. Luna had given you lots of questions about yours and Takashi’s relationship and you had answered any questions as well as you could.
In the end all four of you ended up eating Takashis cooked curry chicken and rice that tasted so good. You were so happy just to be there with him and his sisters.
You sat next to Takashi on his bed listening to music that was coming from a radio he had turned on minutes ago. You leaned your head to his shoulder. You felt so calm and happy.
Takashi turned to look at you with a big warm smile on his face. “I really appreciate you being here,” Takshi nudged your shoulder in an affectionate way before continuing, “I really appreciate and care about you,” You had listened to him and held back tears. They weren’t necessarily tears of sadness. They were more like tears of happiness that came out of being cared for the first time in a long while. Your eyes couldn’t hold back those tears anymore and they fell down your cheeks like rain. Takashi looked slightly taken back before he hugged you. He brought your head to his chest, caressed your hair and whispered calming words to you. “Hey, it’s okay. You're okay.” He whispered to you. You nodded your head as you tried to stop the tears from flowing down your cheeks to your neck.
When you had calmed down he had whipped all your tears from your cheeks away with the sleeve of his shirt and smiled at you the whole time. “Don’t cry or you’ll make me cry” Takashi kissed your cheek and a spot under your eye. “I’m sorry… I just don’t ever get told anyone appreciates me like that.” You sniffled and he kissed the tip of your nose. “You should be.” He whispered.
Ken “Draken” Ryuguji
You and Draken had been on a date for the third time ever. He had taken you to eat at a restaurant. It wasn’t fancy but it was what you wanted. He had tried to pay but you had been quicker and paid for both of you which had stunned Draken for a good two seconds.
Draken had never really been that affectionate in public but you both had had long days and taking a walk when the sun was setting was something that seemed good after eating at a restaurant. You had exited the restaurant hand in hand.
You two had hopped on his motorbike and he had driven you to a place near a river that flowed down calmly. Your hands were attached to each other like it was the most natural thing ever as you two made your way to sit on the grass.
“I hope this won’t stain my jeans.” You laughed as you sat down next to Draken. He gave you a loving smile. “I don’t think it will.” He said and you giggled.
The sun was setting. It looked beautiful and all those golden and orange lights made you look like a goddess in Drakens eyes. He was admiring how beautiful you were. He had always thought that you were beautiful but oh, how beautiful you were now. Nothing had been prettier before.
“You are so beautiful.” Draken had whispered under his breath and that made you look at him. He had this look of awe on his face. And then he looked concerned as he noticed that a lonely tear had fallen down your cheek. “Hey, don’t cry.” He whipped it away but those words made all the tears that were sealed into your eyes flow down your cheeks and he was in a loss for words. You sniffed and nodded your head. You hadn’t been complimented like that ever before. He had cupped your face to the palms of his hands and he was wiping tears away with his thumbs. “Thank you.” You sniffed and then laughed. He kissed your forehead. “My beautiful girl,”
Rindou Haitani
You had had a long day. Your winter holidays had just started but all the stress of the last school week was not gone yet. You had three exams the past week that had taken all your energy. Now that you were sitting next to Rindou on the train towards your place after a date you were on you felt tired. You were happy but tired at the same time. If you could just close your eyes and fall asleep, your head on the shoulder of your boyfriend, you would.
You fell to your bed as soon as you and Rindou had made your way into your apartment. He watched you with a big smile on his lips as you were getting comfortable on your bed. You weren’t that tired anymore but feeling the softness of your mattress was comforting. You made space for Rindou to lay down next to you and he did.
You laid there both on your sides and faces inches apart. He had removed his eyeglasses that he had on a few minutes before so they wouldn’t get bent and you had been watching him. He looked eternal to you.
Rindou was admiring your face for all the little details that set you apart from other people. He had the urge to trail his finger along every line of your face, to memorize it entirely. “You are so pretty.” He whispered with a soft and affectioned voice that held so much adoration and love towards you. His compliment made your eyes fill up with tears that you couldn’t contain. Your tears fell to the pillow under your head. Rindou brought his hand to wipe away all your tears gently. “Hey, don’t cry.” He whispered “You are beautiful, gorgeous and my darling” He whispered trying to comfort you, succeeding to make you cry even more. Your lips held a smile but your eyes cried tears that contained all the frustration from the week before and the lack of compliments and appreciation you hadn’t received in a long time. “Thank you.” You whispered.
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strxwberry-milku · 10 months
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𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 🍰 : Jey Uso x Fem!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 🎀 : 18+ themes, Sloppy makeout session , Spit play , Choking , Daddy kink ( that should be it )
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 🍰 : 1,267
𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 🎀 : You and your cherry lipgloss rlly gon make Jey act up . He can’t stop looking at your lips and imagining all the nasty things he could do to you .
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It was over with from the moment you walked your sexy ass into the living room , i meannn…. cmon now you should’ve have known what was gonna happen when you decided to wear that cherry lipgloss , knowing that it makes your lips look so juicy and suckable . But oh well if only you could turn back time and warn yourself . To be fair you shouldn’t be complaining cause you already knew Jey would fuck that ass up .
𝐀𝐧 𝟏𝐡𝐫 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫
“ Baeee , have you seen that new lipgloss that i recently bought ?” You shouted from upstairs in your shared bedroom . He paused the show and replied “ Nah i ain’t seen it bae , maybe check your makeup purse ”. You grumbled in frustration after searching for this damn lip gloss for the past 15 minutes. “ Ok thank you baby ” you turned around and sulkily went back to doing whatever you were doing .
“ This show goofy as hellll ” Jey laughed as he watched some girl on the screen trip and fall down the stairs because she was racing to meet her boyfriend downstairs. He heard light footsteps coming down the stairs but couldn’t be asked to take his eyes of from the screen “ Bae have you found-” It was all going in slow motion for him , his heart started racing like it was the first time he met you . “ Babe you ok ? ” You asked bewildered by him zoning out that fast . He couldn’t understand on why this lip gloss had such grasp on him , maybe it was the way it glistened on your plump lips or the way he could imagine him kissing you and your mouth tasting like the whole fruit market.
Snapping back into reality he took a deep breath and respond “ come over bae , i wanna try sumn ”. Looking at him quizzically you pursed your lips and strode towards him . You were about to take a seat next to him when his colossal hands reached and placed you right onto his lap . Letting out a squeal from his sudden action you turned to face him in confusion but all you was met with was a pair of plump lips sucking on your mouth . Giving in you allowed it to happen and warped your hands around his neck deepening the kiss and swirling your tongue around his mouth . Temporarily pulling away he said “ Shit ma , look how you got me actin ” not even letting you process what he said he dove right back in and started sucking your lips like a child would to there mothers breast .
Finally being able to snap out of this trance that he got you in , you pushed him away gently “ What has gotten into you baby? “ you asked as you studied his face . He took and deep breathe and looked you up and down slowly “ Do you not see how you look mama ? ” he leaned in next to your ear and held onto your hips tightly “ A whole snack that i could feast upon , and you want me to just sit and let you walk past ? nahh see you got me fucked up ”. You let out a giggle as you finally realised why he was acting so rabid . Grinding your hips teasingly on his now already hard clothed dick you whispered to him “ So this is why you were acting like a bitch in heat huh ? ” you said teasingly as you continued to grind on him , watching his facial expressions change into pleasure. “ All because of a little lipgloss you wanna act like you ain’t just ate my pussy an hr ago , if you were still hungry you could’ve just said that daddy ” smiling in satisfaction when he groaned and braced his head back into the sofa.
“ Well if i had known that lip gloss would have such an affect on me- , matter fact why am i even explaining? turn yo ass around ” his eyes piercing into yours as he breathed heavy and ragged from the intense make out session you just had . Turning around you took of your panties and flung it somewhere across the room , normally you would’ve took your time to tease him but the way he acting got you feeling some typa way so you had to speed it up a lil . “ You wanted to act like a lil attention seeker , now i’m finna give it to you ” scrunching your eyebrows you turned your head around and said “ how am i acting like an attention seeker when you-”silencing you he gave your ass a hard slap “ Ion wanna hear no back talk when i speak , ya understand ? “ after not get a response from you he grunted and used his legs to spread yours and began to harshly rub your already swollen clit “ i SAID do you understand ? ” looking at your already shaking form begging and babbling nonsense. “ Oooo yes daddy i understand ” you moaned out quickly forgetting about the attitude you had .
Using his hand he let a string of saliva drop into his two fingers and rubbed your pussy until it was fully coated and glistened, he prodded his two long and thick fingers into your slick pussy and started to finger fuck you roughly until all you heard was your pussy squelching around his digits . “ Fuckkkk daddy please-ee moree ” you hiccuped already feeling your orgasm quickly approaching . Grabbing your neck from behind with his other hand he leaned in and said “ you really wanna cum baby ?” looking up at him you nodded your head fast . “ well to bad ” he slipped his fingers out you and let go of your neck .
“ now since you wanna give people attitude you can take yourself somewhere else ” He picked you up and placed you beside him and turned the volume up . Looking up at him shocked at the fact that he thought this shit was ok to do , you spoke up “ Now Jey you know damn well this shit isn’t fair , c’mere and gimme that big daddy dick ” attempting to rub the growing bulge under his boxers he flung your hands of him and gave you a stern look “ don’t make me have to repeat myself, i hate to have to extend me giving you no dick for another two days ” turning back to the tv he laughed a little at the thought of you being all hot and bothered by a little rubbing .
Kissing your teeth you stood up and grabbed your panties “ but it’s a problem when i do it ? nigga fuck you ” you muttered under your breath while stomping up the stairs . Slightly turning his head he looked up at you with a smug grin “ Hmm what was that ? i couldn’t quiet hear with all that mumbling you was doing ” reaching the top of the stairs you turned around and gave him the middle finger and entered your shared room . Snickering he turned of the tv and got up to go into your bedroom knowing damn well he was only bluffing cause he need your pussy fr .
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 : Thank y’all for reading this , ik it took long to post . My bad 🙇🏾‍♀️.
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coeurify · 1 year
yeah but knife kink ellie cutting her name on your legs or something because she got jealous of a guy flirting with you at a party??? like “now everytime someone tries to get in between your thighs they’ll see who you belong to” yeah
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ under the cut, knife kink.. obviously. also rlly possessive ellie and some biting.
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: oh wow 🫣(this is slightly more tame, i didnt wanna take it toooo far)
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“He was all fuckin over you,” Ellie muttered against your neck, biting harshly at the skin. A bruising grip holds your hip to keep it still as you try to buck up into her, the pain that made your head rush causing an involuntary response.
You can barely think, mumbling a few incoherent words before you finally get ahold of your tongue, ironing out how words are supposed to sound, something you had forgotten the moment Ellie pressed you against the wall of the bathroom at the bar in Jackson, and stuck one hand into your skirt, the other holding you in place against the wall.
“He didn’t-“ whimpering brings your words to a halt again as she thrusts a second finger into you, the wet sounds of your cunt welcoming the intrusion playing in your brain on a repeating tape. Blinking back into focus, your neck throbbing, you continue, “didn’t know we were t’gther el,” you pant, only making her grunt.
“He should have, everyone fuckin’ knows you’re my girl,” Ellie finished, eyes set on the fabric of the pretty skirt she had found you on a supply run moved with her hand at every press into your sopping folds. You are too blissed out to even notice the hand pull away from your hip and to thr pocket of her jeans. Nothing catches your attention until you hear the telltale sound of her blade flipping open, drawing a shiver from you.
It wasn't the first time Ellie had brought it out in times that were not exactly the most pure or needed, and flashes of the sharp tip pressing to the skin of your chest clouds your vision, sending you into a woozy memory. That night she had asked a million times if you were sure you wanted it, wanted the cool blade against your skin to tease, to nip at clothing threads. You had begged for it, claiming she could use it whenever she wanted.
Seemingly, she took that to heart.
“Guess they need a reminder, hm pretty girl?” Ellie questioned, skillfully curling her fingers in you as the other hand held the blade to the skin of your thigh that had been on display due to the bunched up skirt.
“I think you do too,” Ellie admits, pausing her fingers inside of you, smiling when you whine and bump your head against the wall in frustration. Your walls pulse around them, and you move your hips to find some relief. You squeeze again when the blade pushes gently into the fat of your thigh. Your girlfriend scoffs at that, mumbling a soft “whore,” under her breath before finding her way back to her original thought.
“You didn’t even turn him down,” She accuses, freckled cheeks moving as her jaw clicks at the memory of you at the bar, blushing a bright red as some new guy offered you a drink. Ellie had walked away one second, and the hungry wolves had already descended.
“I did El, I didn't answer him—“ you whine, trying to defend yourself, hoping it will get her fingers back to moving inside of you. You really didn’t give the man any mind, turning your head as you blushed at the straightforward remark he made. But it didn’t matter now, Ellie had made her mind up.
Ellie huffs in response, “No one else can have you, you know?” the blade drags down your skin, pressing enough to leave a scratch in its wake. A few beads of blood follow in its track, just enough to burn now, and turn into pretty red marks that would eventually fade later.
You feel the blade lift and turn, another sting follows, a new wave of wetness pooling around Ellie’s fingers at the ache. It should be embarrassing, how turned on you got from this. Ellie would surely point that out later when looking to paint your cheeks a pretty red.
When you look down and realize shes made a tiny “E” on the flesh of your thigh, your legs go completely weak, wobbling as your belly tightens. Your head spins at the sight, squeezing your eyes shut to try and calm the way your eyes blur. She had carved her initial into you, left a personal mark on you. The bits of blood drip slightly, making you shiver.
“If someone else even tries to get between these thighs,” the blade is removed from your skin, tucked safely back into her pocket. “They’ll see who you belong to,” Ellie seeths, finger wiping to rid it of the bubbling redness, choking another whimper from you at the burn it brings.
The letter wouldn’t last longer than two weeks, but it still feels extremely permanent for you two, Ellie enamored by the branding on you, green eyes set firmly on the E for a long second before snapping back into it, your shaky breathing pulling her back in.
“My fuckin’ girl,” Ellie says every word with a push of her fingers into you, finally focusing on your needy center again.
“Yours, El,” you whine, hips moving with each thrust, pleasure pulling at all of your nerves, and shocking your whole body. Its only made to be better by the slight ache now on your thigh, paired with that of the soreness on your neck from all the marks.
“All yours.”
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beefboyandbabygirl · 1 year
can i request pleasee? wonwoo oneshot based on taylor swift's song "the very first night" because i'm in need of smutty with extra fluffy in it ☹️😔
Very First Night
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
pairing: ex!wonwoo x fem!reader
genre: smut, fluff, exes to lovers
warnings: this is SMUT MDNI!, oral (f receiving), regular smegular missionary, making out, exes getting back together, brief mentions of clubbing and alcohol, petnames (baby, darling)
quotes from beefboy: "it's FIERCE" (sorry thats the only one i dont feel like scrolling thru all our messages AHHA)
wordcount: 1k
a/n: first request yaaay!! i know im a little late into the game by now (my summer vacay is pretty packed lol), but in case ur confuuuuused, hiii im the bbygirl to the beefboy (aka user @joshibambi), im taking care of all the requests xx. And im gonna be v honest here and say i hadn't heard this song until this request lol, but i took this task SERIOUSLY and i love basing fics on songs (i make a playlist for all of beefboys fics, its true), so like keep em coming. i rlly hope u like it!! (this was a v long a/n lmao i promise they wont all b like this).
You watched his name on your phone screen, displayed in your contacts in a row amongst many other w-names. Wiliam, Wade, Walter- Who the fuck was Wylan? You tried to pay attention to any other name but his.
And then you thought, fuck it. It wasn’t like things had ended on bad terms. They had ended on we-are-busy-and-maybe-we-should-try-something-new terms. It was easy. An honest talk on the couch during a chilly Friday afternoon, and you had decided it was the best option. For the both of you.
And it was only after the fourth weekend out with your friends after the breakup, you realized what had happened.  
You missed him. You missed him so bad, you wished you could abandon the strong drinks and sweaty air of the bar that reminded you so much of your very first night with him. But you didn’t. You didn’t say a word as you danced under flashes of pink and red with strangers. Nobody knew.
Nobody knew how much you missed him. Not until now.
He sounded confused, maybe even a little startled when he answered your call. Maybe you should have told your friends so they could have talked you out of this afterall.
“Hey Wonwoo.”
You realized you hadn’t actually planned what you were going to do from here. 
“Do you- Like, wanna come over?”
It went silent on the other end again, and the question echoed in your head, suddenly sounding pretty wrong.
“I mean- Not like that, just like if you wanna talk, you know? Catch up and stuff, I just wanna make sure you’re okay and-“
“Y/n, let me stop you right there.”
Well. That didn’t seem too good.
“I, uh- Okay, fuck, this is really embarrasing, but I’m- I’m already here.”
“…What the fuck?”
“Yeah, and I was gonna do this whole- I don’t know this whole thing, and now you’ve ruined it, actually. So thank you.”
The familiar sarcastic tone of his voice made you giggle as you got up from the couch and sauntered towards the door.
“Really? What kinda thing?”
You were teasing him now, but hell, you had already decided to call your ex on a lonely late night. Might as well go all out.
“This whole…Romantic thing, I know it’s stupid, I’m sorry, but I just-“
Before he could continue, you pushed the door open, and there he was. Not a particularly spectacular sight, to the average person. Dressed in sweats with his glasses (your favorite pair. The slutty ones), sliding down his nose a little, exposing the fact that he probably ran all the way up the stairs. 
And still he was beautiful. The most beautiful you’d ever seen him.
“…So do we talk first, or do you wanna-?”, he asked. 
“I was thinking fuck first, talk second?”
“I wanna kiss you first though.”
“Kissing is an integral part of sex.”
“I know, but I wanna kiss you now.”
“Was that your romantic thing? Burst into my apartment and kiss me?”
He shrugged.
“I figured you’d like it.”
You took a step closer to him.
“You were right.”
At some point during the kiss you both made it past your doorstep, lips pressed together tightly and limbs intertwined in all sorts of impossible ways. 
Once again you were brought back to your first night together. How you practically jumped into his car, and he pressed the gas as hard as he could, and the lights and neon signs were so pretty it felt like they were there just for you. How you stumbled through the hotel room door all smitten and giggling, the sounds of the busy city life behind the window not even coming close to drowning out the sound of your pounding hearts. It was written in the sky that night, the longing, the want, the need you felt for each other. 
You were brought back to the present when the air got punched out of your lungs, as your back hit the mattress of your bed. Wonwoo crawled on top of you, his eyes meeting yours. 
You kissed again. Your limbs intertwined again, and clothes flew all over your room as you scrambled to get back to each other after all this time. you knew then and there that your very first night together was going to be incomparable to this feeling. This feeling, in this moment. 
His lips kissed their way down your body, not leaving a single spot missed until he met your clit, his nose brushing against it ever so lightly. 
“Don’t tease, Won- Ah.”
He couldn’t dream of teasing. Not now, when you were right here, and even though he didn’t get to tell you the words he had memorized, he couldn’t really care. Not when all he could think of at this moment, with his lips wrapped around your clit and tongue prodding at your hole, was you.
“God, so fucking good, missed this fucking pussy”, he mumbled into your dripping core as you gripped his hair tighter and gave in to the inevitable urge to grind against his tongue. 
“I know you’re close baby, come on. Cum for me darling.”
With one last flick of his skilled tongue you were falling over the edge, a rush running through your body that couldn’t compete with any other feeling.
Still in a daze, his chin coated in your wetness, Wonwoo made his way back up your body until his lips were on your neck and his hard cock was grinding against you. 
“Need you Won, need you so bad, please.”
Your voice was barely a whisper, as you ran your nails down his toned back and nipped at his earlobe in a desperate attempt to get him to do something. Anything. Everything.
“I know, I know. Need you too baby, you have no idea.”
He was almost panting, and soon enough his struggling breaths became a long content sigh as your sweet pleas and whines had him pushing into you, your familiar warmth sucking him in.
His thrusts were sharp and deep and fucking perfect. You didn’t want it fast, didn’t want it hard or rough, you wanted it real, wanted it to be just him and you and nothing else.
“Do you know-“
Now he was truly out of breath, heavy sighs and grunts tumbling from his swollen lips right next to your ear as you shut your eyes in pleasure.
“-How much i missed you? Missed you so fucking much, I should have never, fuck, never let anything get in the way.”
God, how nice it felt to know he had missed you. And how nice it felt for someone to finally know how much you had missed him. 
Between a hundred more I missed you-es, you dragged each other through the fall, him after you (ever the gentleman), and between many quick kisses and a few drowsy ones you fell asleep in his arms. 
Just like the very first night.
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whatdudtheysay · 11 months
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Annoying roommate Gojo
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Cw - angry sex, unprotected, light spanking, no foreplay, Gojo's mean, degrading words
A/n - So sorry I haven't been active just been busy w lots of shit and planning stuff❤︎ - the rest is a mini rant
plus I got another Gojo X reader coming out but it's really long and the writer's block is hitting hard ❤︎
also sorry this will be kinda shortt cause I really wanna finish my drafts and get back onto Tumblr writing n I rlly hate this lnee → part 2! Part 3
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
"Satoru! You're so annoying!" You complained, walking to where he was lounged on the couch, controller in hand as he focused on the TV.
"What did i do now, princess?" Gojo hummed, continuing to click the buttons.
You shot him a nasty glare at the sound of his little nickname he gave you. Sometimes you wonder if you should've just decided to take up your friend's offer of the spare room at her place but instead you decided to be 'independent'.
"First of all, stop leaving milk out and second of all, stop bringing your fuck buddies over."
Gojo sat up at this and you thought you'd get some sort of apology but instead he just shrugged. "No. My apartment, my rules."
You narrowed your brows at him, the urge to rip out his perfect white locs almost dominating over you. But instead you just decided to head back into the kitchen, slamming the now spoiled milk carton onto the kitchen island.
Before you headed into the bathroom, you heard the sound of Gojo's phone, instead leaning against the open doorway to eavesdrop.
"Hm? Yeah sure, we said nine didn't we?" Gojo hummed.
At first, you thought he'd be talking to getou but you noticed how his voice slightly dropped to a more seductive one, automatically letting you know he was talking to a girl he'd be inviting over.
Mentally, you sighed, knowing you'd spend another night either with ear plugs in, trying to ignore the obnoxiously loud sex Gojo had or you'd be sat trying to ignore it while watching Netflix - both being equally depressing.
Just as you began to make your way to the bathroom, you halted for a moment as a thought wandered over your mind.
Just a little revenge plan to get back at him.....
You could hear them before you saw them, the breathy moans, the door slamming was all the warning you needed to know.
"Ah, Gojo-"
Just then, you decided it was time. You rushed into the kitchen to see Gojo and a random girl on the couch, Gojo's shirt already off and resting on the coffee table.
"Satoru!" You gasped, faking shock, allowing your brows to furrow together.
The girl quickly pushed Gojo off of her, hiding her chest as her head bowed in shame.
"Again, satoru? I thought you told me you'd stop! That I was the only one for you-" you rambled, watching as both of their faces turned into shock.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well, your girlfriend is talking about how you promised to stop cheating on me!"
The girl immediately got up, looking between you and Gojo.
"Girlfriend?!" She asked.
Gojo was about to defend himself but you interrupted.
"Yeah! Girlfriend." You scoffed. "Now I'll give you about 30 seconds to get out of my face."
The colour from the girl's face practically drained as she scrambled to grab her purse, quickly leaving the apartment afterwards.
As soon as she was gone, you sighed, smirking at Gojo's glare.
"The fuck was that about?" He questioned, stalking towards you.
You just shrugged, moving to walk back to your room. You would've if it weren't for Gojo's hand grabbing your wrist.
"Answer my question." He stated, his voice more flat.
"Well, someone's tired of hearing your annoyingly loud sex almost every night and you aren't the only one who lives here. That simple enough for you?"
Gojo narrowed his eyes at you, his hands tightening around you before pulling you closer.
"Well maybe someone wouldn't be jealous if she actually had someone who'd want to fuck her?"
It was your turn to narrow your eyes now, jabbing a finger to his chest.
"Well maybe I should bring a guy over, hm? Then you'd actually hear how it sounds when women don't fake an orgasm-"
Gojo roughly pushed you against the wall, shutting you up immediately with a heavy hand squeezing your neck. He looked down at you with an unreadable expression, the only thing you could tell was that he was so close to snapping.
"Think you're funny? Chasing my date away like that?" Gojo murmured, his hand squeezing your neck ever so lightly.
"Date?" You managed to get out. "That's funny-"
Gojo cut you off once more by grinding his hips against yours, his bulge making your eyes widened.
"Well. Since you started this. You're gonna end it."
Before you could respond to him you were already being manhandled, pushed up against the wall, your pajama shorts and panties being pulled down.
"Go- fuck-" you let out a load grunt once you felt his cock pushing into your entrance. Obviously you knew Gojo would be thick but his length is what had you feeling feral. His tip was already reaching amazing spots inside you to the point where you didn't know if you could stand properly anymore.
"Shut up- fucking whore," Gojo mumbled, landing a harsh slap against your rear that made you yelp, your walls clamping down on him as a reflex.
Sure, you wanted to piss him off but you didn't think you'd end up taking that girl's place and now you couldn't help but feel bad that you'd stolen this from her. With the way Gojo's hips snapped against your ass you couldn't help but feel good with his cock hitting all your soft spots.
"Gojo- wait-"
"Gojo?" He scoffed. "What happened to you calling me satoru hm? C'mon, say it"
You bit your lip, still trying to get used to his cock ramming in and out of your cunt, your hand sheepishly moving between your legs to rub at your clit.
"Ah, ah, ah- wanna cum that badly?" Gojo scoffed, pulling both your arms behind your back with one beefy hand. "You know what I want, princess."
You grunted, your head feeling like pure mush as Gojo continued his assault against your cervix.
"C'mon, giving you a chance here..." Gojo moaned, stopping his thrusts momentarily to pull out of you.
At first, you were confused, your mind still slightly hazed as Gojo easily carried you, your arms linking around his neck, carefully sliding you back down onto his cock, a slow drawled out moan leaving your swollen lips.
"What? Too fucked out?" Gojo grunted, still thrusting deeply into your hole.
In all honesty though, you were. Your peak was so so close to the point where that's the only thing you were focusing on.
"Shitt-" satoru voiced, almost getting lost in your heat himself. "Gonna cum...gonna flood this little pussy."
You quickly nodded, the need to be filled taking over any smart thoughts that tried to come up. Gojo delivered a few more deep and rough thrusts before copious amounts of his cum spurted inside you.
Gojo huffed deeply, letting you drop down onto the floor in frustration. You watched as he walked into the bathroom coming back out a few moments later with his cock back in his pants and a wad of tissue in hand.
"You..-" you panted, watching his cum leak out of you and spill onto you the floor. "You asshole-."
Gojo raised a brow, half heartedly throwing the tissue towards you.
"What? Sad you didn't cum?"
You let out an audible whine at how sore you were between your legs.
"Maybe if you weren't such a brat and actually listened to me I might've helped you out."
Tiredly, you glared up at him the need to cuss him out feeling heavy on your tongue.
"Make sure you clean this mess up." Gojo yawned, making his way towards his room.
As you recollected yourself you knew one thing was for sure.
He's gonna pay for this.
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naomiarai · 5 months
(I don't know if this is the one you're talking about and I don't know I need someone to write this down as a whole damn fic because I dont know why I thought of this but now I'm having a breakdown--) I'M SO SORRY THIS IS NOW LONG-
But imagine scrolling down like around those pictures of Taehyun you saved in your gallery, ranging from his photo shoot pics to his own selfies, and THIS TAEHYUN is your IDOL BOYFRIEND!
So you brag about how he looks good, sexy, hot, mouth-watering, dick-devoting and pussy-devouring he looks in his pics. He's a praise kink guy, now he's so done with your bragging.
One day, he brings all his designed outfits, from all those that staff/designers designed to the ones he styled himself. Remembering every pic you've bragged about, he brought a whole damn huge suitcase. And he asked what picture is your favourite and you show him one. Taking your damn phone and styling himself exactly like that.
"Ruin me or I'll ruin you," He says, seating himself on the bed. In a switch-y relationship you and him have been, you didn't wanna lose this golden opportunity to ruin your favourite Taehyuns that's he so offering himself as.
Praising, Degrading, talking filth to him and humping & bouncing on his cock erected from the Zip of his designer pants, smooching his lips and making him sweat, ejacute like a multiple times and not at all, stopping so you could ruin him like how you imagine to do so while looking at his pics. Ruining him like this, in his designer & expensive outfits has become your (or mine) favourite kink.
Just going on about 3 weeks to a month because you've had so many pics you so wanted to ruin him in.
HOLY SHIT— idk who u are but oh my god i love this so much 😭😭
idol boyfriend taehyun who fucking looks good in practically everything, both in clothes and naked. you would know wouldn't you? but you have a cosmic OBSESSION with all his pictures in designer clothes, his selfies or even just him in a plain tshirt. the full of your gallery is filled with those breathtaking and eye-catching pictures of his, styled in fashionable n designer clothes; always praising him, saying how sexy, hot, handsome, n how “enough to make you drenched” they were. you simply couldn't stop, always on your phone for the exact reason.
but then one day, tyun brings together all of those breathtaking outfits, everything, even the ones he styled himself, thinking about how you dragged about each one while doing so. n then he asks what your favorite picture was of his, to which you show him one. what does he do? he grabs your phone and styles himself the exact fucking way. you're surprised, did he suddenly look better in real life?
ruin me, or i’ll ruin you he says nonchalantly. you're sex life was never defined with dom or sub dynamics because of the constant change. but the idea of ruining taehyun in these clothes peaked your interest more than it should have, you rlly couldn't miss this could you?. so there you go, you on top of him, designer pants pulled down to his thighs as you continuously bounce on his cock, he seems so out of it, your hands on his shoulders practically keeping him up as you peck his lips a few times.
its a mix of praise n degradation from you, scolding him for getting cum on his pants while praising him for cumming when you asked him to. this sure has become a new favourite kink for you :3 itll repeat itself for as long as it does, because youll have to ruin him in all those other favorite outfits don't you?
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chuuyasheaven · 10 months
I think you should listen to the voices in your head they’re on to something
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“—. . Hey, you’re doing great, love.”
Tags: Atsushi Nakajima / fem! Reader, virgin! Reader, softdom! Atsushi, rlly fluffy beginning, pet names, praising kink, mentions of scars (Atsushi), might contain grammar errors, rushed drabble, rushed ending, slight swearing, etc.
Notes: Hope y’all are satisfied with my voices winning (jokes), but srsly, enjoy!
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He was really patient with you, not rushing you to the slightest. Right now, he was kissing you passionately and softly, normally this would be it. No wonder he was taken aback when you spoke up about wanting to continue.
“. .Um, Atsu.”, you asked quietly. “Yeah? Is something wrong—”, he said, only to be distracted by your flushed face. “I need to tell you. .something, if that’s alright with you.”, without any eye contact, you decided you were ready to do it, you needed him tonight.
Atsushi looked at you, waiting patiently for you to continue. “I’m ready, Atsushi,”, you continued, “. . .I-i want you tonight.”, he only needed a few seconds to realize what you were on about, before his cheeks slightly adapted a flushed pink.
“. .A-are you sure? I don’t wanna force you.”, “I trust you, i thought about it and I’m sure. . I just need you to guide me through it.”, you assured Atsushi, making him smile gently. “If that’s what you want, then i will, love. . I will make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.”, he responded softly, promising everything he just said.
You kissed him again, Atsushi kissed back, he leaned towards you and making you fall on your back softly. As he was above you now, both of you let go of the kiss. Atsushi took off your shirt, revealing your bra. “Can my bra stay on?”, you asked him nervously.
Atsushi only smiled at you softly, responding almost instantly. “Of course, if it makes you uncomfortable taking it off, it can stay on.”, you smiled back at him, relieved he didn’t force you. Meanwhile, Atsushi worked his own shirt off, revealing his chest but also his childhood scars.
You stared at them at first and then gently traced over them. “They’re pretty, Atsu. .”, Atsushi’s hand was placed over your yours on top of his scars. “Not prettier than you, darling.”, he responded with a blushed face, probably appreciating the compliment.
When his hands got down to the waistband of your pants, he looked at you for consent. “Yes, you can, dear.”, you allowed him. With your consent, he revealed your panties slightly staring at them. As Atsushi snapped back to reality, he took off his own pants. Since the both of you were almost naked, you kissed one more time before Atsushi asked you something again. “Is it okay. . . If I take them off for you?”, you nodded, so he wasted no time removing your panties, taking his own underwear off after.
Looking at eachother, you could tell you both were excited. Making the bed shift, Atsushi made his way over to top you again. He leaned next to your face, getting ready to do ‘it’ with you. “Tell me to stop when it hurts too much, alright?”, nodding again, Atsushi started to enter your hole.
Your eyes squeezed shut at the feeling, small pain with an bigger amount of pleasure. Fully in, Atsushi asked to make sure you’re okay. “Is this okay? Do you need time to adjust?”, you opened your eyes to answer. “I-I’m fine. . everything’s fine, jus’ n-need time to adjust. .”, you slightly whined.
After the stinging sensation was over and pleasure washed over, you gave Atsushi the go. First, he almost pulled out, then slammed it back in, kinda harsh at first. “H–hah! . P-please be gentle, Atsu. . .”, you told him, he nodded and his thrusts got softer. When Atsushi made up a rhythm, which was soft and gentle, his hands went on to grab your hips. Yours gripped his shoulders, still careful to not leave a mark. “—S–shit, feels so good, darling. .”, you just moaned at that, since this felt way too good to be thinking straight.
As he kept on thrusting, Atsushi let More praises fall from his lips. “S–so good. . just f’ me.”, he would slur. “F—feels amazing, doesn’t it, princess?. . Let m–me know, please. .”, was also pretty common. “Such a–a good girl. . fuckkk. . .”, wow, this was. .unexpected?
All the praise and Atsushi fucking you, got you sent over the edge, making you orgasm around his cock. The way you creamed over his dick also sent him over the edge. “‘M close, want me t–to cum inside. . ?”, you shook your head as saying no.
“A–alright,”, Atsushi whimpered while pulling out and emptying his load on your stomach. Heavily breathing, you both tried to get down of your orgasms. After catching your breath again, Atsushi spoke one last time. “—Okay, j–just stay here. . Let me get you cleaned up. Do you want me to get you something?”
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Alright, eat up you sluts !!
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yourftmfriend · 2 years
anyways i just got the HORNIEST mf brainrot while in bus. so imagine it’s ur bday and without not rlly knowing what to gift u xiao chooses the one ☝️ thing he KNOWS u’ll enjoy.
and so it’s ur bday, u come back from work, exhausted bc who wouldn’t be🙄 and then bam! sweet little bby xiao is sitting in ur shared bed/nest wearing a super cute lingerie that reveals his everything and in the quietest, meekest voice says “h-happy birthday”
-xiao anon
Ahh Xiao anon my love I’m sorry this is a bit late I’ve just been lazy these days tbh😔I have one more req from you in my inbox and I’ll do that after this
It was a hard day
You got yelled at by your boss countless time
You almost hit someone with your car because you got distracted by a headache
You were exhausted at this point
You put you hands in your pockets looking for the key of your apartement
You tried a few keys till you found the right one and got in
The lights were off
You thought
Turning on the lights, you saw your baby Xiao
“Holy shit…”
“H-Happy birthday..!”
He was wearing a gorgeous lingerie
Fuck he looked so hot in that
It showed off his sugar pink nipples and cute little dick
You immediately started working on your suit, trying to get it off as soon as possible
You got on you shared bed as soon as you got naked
You told him to get on his hands and knees while you got the lube out and lubed up your fingers
When you got sure he was ready, you slid the gorgeous underwear to his knees and buried one finger in his ass
He moaned softly
You started playing with his insides, slowly getting him ready for the second finger
You carefully slid another one in him, making him moan out louder
You started fucking him with your fingers
You soon found his prostate making him cry out and bury his face in the pillow
You awe at the sight
You started scissoring him with your fingers, getting him ready for you
His pre dripping on the sheets, making a puddle out of it
When you decided he’s prepped enough you got your fingers out and got the lube on your hands yet again, lubing up your cock
You carefully lined up your cock at his entrance and roughly thrust in, making Xiao drool on the pillow
You started fucking him with rough but slow thrusts, making him bite in the pillows
You started giving him hickes and little kisses on his shoulders and back
You got your hands on his chest and started rubbing his sensitive nipples
He moaned at that, eyes rolling back when he came on the sheets
You gave him a few minutes to catch his breath and whispered in his ear
“Do you want to continue baby? or are you too tired?”
“N-No I wanna continue.. I w-wanna make you.. f-feel good..”
Fuck he was so cute…
“Okay Love…”
You started thrusting in him again, making him squirm from the overstimulation
You came after a few more minutes, pulling out of him
You carefully laid him on your shared bed, going to get a towel, water and some snacks to help him relax more
You got back after getting the items you were looking for and putting them on the nightstand
“I love you so much my love..”
“You were so good for me today”
You started wiping the liquid off him and gave him the water for him to drink
You sat on the bed next to him with the snacks in your lap while he drank the water you gave him
You take the half empty glass from his hands while he thanked you
“Youre welcome Darling..”
“I should be the one thanking you here”
“You gave me the best birthday gift I could ask for..”
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luvsae · 1 year
hii i just wanna say that i rlly love your writing!! is it ok if i can request for a cha hyunsu fluff??? i love him sm 😭🙏🙏
thank you so much and ofc! (this might be very short bc ive been quite busy but ill write a longer one soon :) )
pre-apocalypse short drabble
fluff <3
hyunsu x gn!reader
[ the love you and hyunsu share is heartwarming]
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Hyunsu loved you as if you were his whole world, the universe and the stars combined. You were so very special to him.
He loved coming home to you and hugging you, breathing in your love and feeling it throughout his whole body.
You loved him back, of course, the sweet boy you met a while ago and is an even sweeter boy now that you've got to know him more.
Dating him was a dream and you hoped it last forever.
"Come on, I'm tired." You laughed as your boyfriend continued to poke at your sides, a scream leaving you every few minutes when he found a sensitive area.
"You said you weren't ticklish!" He laughed as well. "I think you lied to me, Y/N!"
"I didn't want you to tickle me!" You smiled.
"I'm sorry," Hyunsu gave you a kiss before relaxing and sitting beside you. "Let's rest now, yeah?"
"Definitely," you replied back. "We should go out soon, on a date."
"I'd like that," he smiled. "Wherever you go, I'll come with you."
"That's poetic," you joked. "How come you dated me?"
"Huh?" The question was sudden, almost making Hyunsu choke on nothing as he looked at you. "What?"
You smiled at him. "I wanna know why you wanted to date me."
"Oh," Hyunsu was shy now but still had a smile on his face. "To tell you the truth, when I first saw you I was star-struck. I really wanted to talk to you and then you came up to me and- well, now we're here."
You suddenly reached for his hand, bringing in to your own and squeezing it gently. "You know, I was actually nervous to talk to you. I was afraid you would think it was weird."
"Never," Hyunsu reassured. "I was really happy to talk to you. I was nervous and everything, but you broke me out of my shell. I'm thankful for that."
"Anything for you," you lay your head on his shoulder, the familiar comfort coming back to you. "I'm happy we are here together. I'm always happiest when I'm with you."
Hyunsu still held your hand in his own as he traced along the back of it. This was something he often did when you two held hands. To you, it was comforting and it was to him too.
"I love you." He blurted out.
You chuckled quietly to yourself. "I love you too."
Hyunsu turned slightly to look at you, making you lift your head up and initiate eye contact.
A 'hm' left your lips before he got closer to your face. He pressed his lips against yours - it was gentle.
Hyunsu held your face, making you smile in the middle of the kiss.
He broke the kiss to look at your face, noticing the smile. "Was the kiss funny?" He joked, laughing.
"Kiss me again," you told him. "Your lips are soft."
Hyunsu smiled warmly before leaning in to kiss you once more. He loved kissing you but often wanted to make sure you were okay with it.
He loved giving you kisses whether it was on your lips, cheek, forehead - it was everything to him.
The first time you kissed, he was nervous. He didn't want to make you uncomfortable but you initiated it first.
He later confessed he didn't know how to kiss but you made him blush once you said you would gladly teach him how to.
All that work paid off as you loved his kisses - he was gentle and caring, the kind of kiss you want after a long day. The kind of kiss that's comforting.
It felt like the warmth after a cold storm and you loved it.
Hyunsu, forgetting to breathe before he pulled away looked at you. His eyes looked like stars but they were brighter than any star in the sky.
He looked at you like this all the time - you were everything to him and he hoped you knew that.
Sometimes he struggled to tell you how much you meant to him, but you knew how much he loved you - if he couldn't say it you could tell by the look on his face and you were forever grateful for this boy.
You brought your boyfriend in for a hug, feeling safe. "I promise to show you how much I love you everyday, Hyunsu."
And he would return the love back every single day.
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aisclosed · 1 year
Match Found ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ - 9. #Jungwon1stWin
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Synopsis: Jungwon is sick of his friends' constant teasing over his lack of gaming skills. Determined to secretly improve and prove enha wrong, Jungwon sets out to learn to play, except he has no clue where to begin. Luckily for him, y/n is a girl with too much time on her hands, a desperate need for distraction and is more than happy to indulge him. Only, things are never that simple and Jungwon soon finds it difficult to explain exactly what the pair have become.
prev masterlist next
smau + (1.7k) written work (ok i didn't go that overboard )
warnings: mentions of injury, cursing, uhhhh semi suggestive? nothing fun rlly, playfighting? mentions of throwing up, idk bruh
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“Yang Jungwon, why must you make my life so difficult.” You look up from your screen with an deep exhale. Your phone is discarded with a careless toss, landing somewhere in the dunes of your blankets. You fix an accusing glare onto Jungwon who's snuggled happily into your bed, looking quite pleased with himself.
He shrugs back at you, widening his eyes sarcastically in faux confusion, “ I have no idea what you mean Y/N? I was only pointing out that you didn't need to tweet me back?”
You hate the way that you almost want to believe him. Because how could someone with eyes that shine so bright want anything but the best for you? Especially when he's leaning in closer, blinking at you so innocently. It was so easy to almost disregard the shit eating grin he was fighting off his lips.
“Fuck you, don't pull that innocent shit with me you devious cat boy, I know exactly what you are,” you shudder, pushing his face away. “Hyuck is literally never gonna let me hear the end of this.”
Jungwon drops the act with a snort, smirking back at you smugly. “Good, it's what you deserve.”
You eye him suspiciously, “What’s your issue with me helping you out with the makeup for the festival anyways? Is it because you don't want me to watch you perform? I can go home after you're ready if that's what you want.”
He almost looks offended that you would suggest so, flicking your forehead with a scoff. “No you idiot, I was going to invite you to come anyways. I just didn't want to put you through the trouble.
I’m the leader, I should be able to handle it myself.” Jungwon mumbles the last part, playing with the free strands of your hair.
You shoot him an incredulous look. “Don't be ridiculous Garden, it’s not any trouble at all. Plus a good leader knows how to allocate and use his resources. I'm always here to help you.” You poke his sides until he relents, giving you a smile as he fends off your hands.
“Yeah well I still don’t feel comfortable leeching off your money,” Jungwon continues, before you cut him off with a sharp laugh.
“That's cute Won, but it's not like I worked hard for the money, it's all my dad’s so all the more reason to spend it.
It's going to a good place and trust me it's barely gonna make a scratch, much less a dent, in my funds. So that’s another invalid excuse,” you raise your brow with a challenging smirk.
Jungwon sighs, shaking his head in defeat, “Alright, fine, we can hire a shop. But don't worry about having to do our makeup yourself."
“Wait why?!! I swear I’m good at doing people’s makeup I've done it on Haechan and Yenny so many times!!” You protest, sitting up onto your elbows to look at Jungwon properly.
He only dismisses you with a wave of his hands “You’re injured, plus there’s no need if you're hiring professionals.”
“You’re so full of shit! Look!” You whine, flexing your fingers and moving your hand around, disregarding the slight sting as your skin strains under the bandage. “It's a cut, it's not like my hand is broken.”
Jungwon watches your antics with an amused smile, ruffling your hair teasingly, “Why do you wanna do my makeup so bad anyways huh? You tryna get all up close and personal Y/N? If you want to kiss me so bad just ask”
You respond with a low chuckle, “Oh yeah definitely Yang Jungwon, I’m dying to get my grimy paws all over your cute face. Who said I wanted to do your makeup anyways? Maybe I just want to do Sunoo's makeup or any of your other very handsome members.
Perhaps Heeseung was right, maybe you just don’t want me to help because you don't want me doing the same with all your friends? You jealoussss Wonnie?” you mock him with a wiggle of your brows.
“You fucking wish” Jungwon scoffs, shoving your head down into your pillows, paying no heed to your muffled yells.
Your phone begins to ring loudly, the tell tale sign of an incoming FaceTime and you both pause, lifting your heads to look over at your phone.
Hyuck 🤢💖 would like to FaceTime… glows brightly on the display.
Jungwon and you exchange looks in frozen silence for a second before instantly springing into action. Unfortunately, Jungwon’s much faster than you and he snatches your phone, grinning as you plead 'no no no no Wonnie please don't.'
Brandishing your phone just out of reach, he adjusts his hair answering the call with a bright smile.
“Haechannie oppa!!! How absolutely lovely it is to speak to you again.” He says smugly, ignoring the way you groan and burrow under the blankets, hiding from the camera.
“Ahhh Jungwonnie~~ my replacement! I see your tweet wasn’t just a fib. Don't you look cozy and comfortable.” Hyuck responds brightly, winking at Jungwon.
“Not just a replacement Haechannie~ an improvement too I think,” Jungwon winks comically back.
Haechan responds with a hearty laugh wiping a tear from the corner of his eye, “Oh I like you so much already Jungwonnie. Where's my baby at?”
Jungwon lies down next to where you’ve hidden, tilting the camera towards your bundled figure, “Say hi baby~” he coos teasingly.
You gingerly lift the blankets off of your face, giving a grimacing smile at the screen. “Heyyyyyy Hyuck, nice to see you buddy.”
He snorts in response, “Hi darling, nice to see you looking so well rested and comfy. Have a nice night of sleep? Certainly looks like it.”
You feel the heat rise in your cheeks and you cough, “Was just like any other night of sleep really. Nothing to phone home about,” you insist stubbornly, ignoring the way Jungwon grins at you knowingly.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure it was.” Haechan sneers. These two idiots don't even realize I can literally see him looking at her like she hung the stars in the sky right now. And they're all cuddled up in her bed at 11 AM in the morning. This is so obviously domestic, I’m gonna puke. I hate idiots in love, I'm redownloading Tinder tonight.
Rolling his eyes at his own internal monologue, Hyuck clears his throat and continues, “Anyways, y/nnie can I say the B-word now? Or is that still a taboo”
“Bitch?” You say quizzically as Jungwon simultaneously asks “Boyfriend?”
You both pause, turning to look at each other in bewilderment, Jungwon sputtering as he tries to defend his slip of tongue.
Haechan looks entirely tickled at your interaction, Oh I can't wait to tell Yunjin and Chenle about this.
“Uh… I was talking about birthday actually but both of those were wonderful guesses,” he snickers.
“Yes, you can say birthday Hyuck,” you interject quickly before he can begin his mocking you. Haechan yields, spending the next 5 minutes giving a series of corny and overwhelmingly sweet birthday wishes, complete with an theatrical song.
Jungwon and you applaud him heartily, as Hyuck soaks in your praises with several bows and waves.
“Anyways Chenle's too pussy to ask but I'm dying to know, what was so important that your Dad flew in to discuss with you? Is he sending you abroad to study or something?” Haechan prods.
You wet your lips in rumination as you figure out how to formulate a response, eyes flickering to Jungwon’s searching stare.
“No, well. I mean that was an option but he didn’t specifically say that. A lot of it was just paperwork and addendums to the will and company now that I’m of age and I have unrestricted access to my trust fund.
Basically he was just telling me about possible partnership or mergers with another company. And he suggested that I decide soon if I want to actually have an active part in the running of the company. I have a couple of options, like picking back up CEO / CFO training, going to university or just looking into being a board member and primary shareholder.” you list off, rubbing at your forehead wearily. Just thinking about all the possible choices made your temples throb.
Jungwon rubs your knee soothingly, “Don’t stress yourself too much about it. You have time to figure out what you want to do.”
“Jungwonnie’s right, honestly you can just live the rest of your life being a deadbeat and still have enough to support all of your kids so there’s no pressure okay Y/N? Just keep us updated, you know Chenle, Yunjin and I are always here to help you.” Haechan says soothingly.
“And me,” Jungwon butts in, snaking an arm around your waist.
“Yeah and you have yourself Jungwonnie now too,” Haechan agrees readily. “See, you're in great hands."
"Alright, I gotta start the stream now baby, it's been nice talking to you both. Let me know if you wanna join in okay? Chat misses you.”
“I think we’re good for the day,” you look up at Jungwon who nods at you in confirmation, “We have some work to do, but we’ll talk to you another time. Bye Haechannie,” you blow him a fond kiss which he catches through the screen and pockets it with a wink.
After several more minutes of prolonged goodbyes and cheesy aegyo hearts from all three participants, you hang up, cheeks aching from the pressure of smiling.
“Well, that was nice,” Jungwon says pleasantly, echoing the first time he had spoken to Haechan.
“Yeah it was,” you agree quietly, turning to look at Jungwon properly. “I’m glad you get along with my friends, you’re all really important to me and it makes me happy that they like you nearly as much as I do.”
Jungwon lip twitches at how easily the admission escapes you, but before he can think too deeply about the sentiment behind your words, you’ve already moved on, rambling about the different options for the makeup shops.
So he slots your words away in a folder in the back of his mind, one that he revisits when the moon is high, and sleep refuses to take him. And for now he settles for affectionately pinching your cheek, before nestling next to you, resting his head onto yours and scrolling through your phone together.
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a/n: jungwon but all he does is junglose. not this chapter tho! hope u enjoyed, some extra haechan for u all bc i am seeing DREAM TMR!! AHHHH jaemin come home <33333
ch 10 will prob either be late or just some smau w no writing, we shall see
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taglist: open! send me an ask to be added! <3
@woncloudie @itsactuallylina @ifearjwn @fadedluvv @mangowonyo @xiaoderrrr @shinsou-rii @aki1e @makiswrld @jaehaki @criyiy @ilovewonyo @zeraaax @climbingmandevillas @pkjay @flower-lise @koudnd @beomgyusonlywife @dimplewonie @lelamochi @enhacatalog @llama-lyna
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lunatiqez · 11 months
“PICNIC DATES” — Texas McCormick
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PAIRING: Texas McCormick x GN!Reader
GENRE: Romance
SUMMARY: Texas decides that your first date should be a picnic date.
A/N: I LOVE TEXAS MCCORMICK!!!! I will say though,, don’t rlly like this fic tbh. Anywho!! Requested by @mictodii and proofread by @lu-vin-it !!
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YOU AND TEX HAD BEEN DATING FOR A month. And, this being Tex’s first relationship, he didn’t want to screw anything up. He wanted everything to go perfectly, especially dates.
“Mace, me and Y/N been dating for a month! Can you believe that? One whole month!” Texas exclaims to his brother, his crooked smile showing how proud he was. Mason doesn’t pay much attention, instead he continues on reading the newspaper.
“Yeah? You take ‘em on a date?” He asks.
“A date? Of—“ Tex thinks for a second. “Of course I took them on a date already, c'mon man!”
In reality? Texas McCormick had never taken you on a date, not yet at least. It hadn’t even crossed his mind until then.
“You ain’t a very good liar, Tex.” Mason looks up at his younger brother, a smirk plastered across his face.
“What’re you talkin’ about? I’ve taken Y/N on a date! Why don’t you believe me?” He pouts slightly.
“Well first off, if you did already you didn’t tell me, and I know you woulda told by now. You’re head over heels for Y/N, so if anything, you’d be braggin’ about it.”
Tex looks away, embarrassed. Mace goes back to reading nonchalantly.
“Well, well just watch! I’ll take them on a date!” Texas says as he stomps off to his room.
The next day, Tex walked up to you in the hallways at school and started a conversation, as always.
“Say, Y/N.” He says after you move on from your most recent topic.
“Yeah? Everything okay?” You ask him.
“How ‘bout we go on a date tonight, huh? For our one month?” He suggests. You smile widely.
“Of course we can! Whatdya wanna do?”
“Uhh,” he thinks for a moment, nervously rubbing his hands on his jeans. “Let’s go on a picnic! Down at that meadow, a little ways away from my house.” You nod and set a specific time— tonight at 8PM.
“Am I bringing the food, or are you?” You ask.
“I could, but—“
“I’ll bring it.” You interrupt him, already knowing that he's going to make up an excuse as to why he can’t bring the food.
“Wha- no, I will! I can do it!” You chuckle in response.
“Alright, but I’m bringing at least somethin’” you say. It was mostly so you don’t feel bad that Tex had to provide everything.
After you finished your painfully boring day at school, you went home. By then, it was about 3:30PM; you had 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Your mom came out of her room, so you decided to ask her now before it was too late.
“Hey, mom!” You said, catching her attention. She looked at you, wondering what was the matter. “Can I go out with Tex tonight? Like, at 8? He wants to take me to a picnic.” She placed her hands on her hips and sighed.
“We won’t be back late, I promise! ‘N dad won’t have to take care of Banjo at all this week, I’ll do it all myself!” You said, trying to convince your mother to let you go.
“You’re supposed to be doin’ that already. She’s your horse.” You shrunk slightly.
There was an awkward silence until your mom broke it by sighing once more.
“Go ahead, but if you ain’t in this house by 10 I’m havin’ your father lock you out, you’ll sleep on the porch.” She rolled her eyes. You chuckled at her remark.
You let a few hours pass, and by now it was 6:30. You decided that you would get ready now, because you wanted to look and feel your best for your first date with your boyfriend. Suddenly, you got an idea to make cookies for Tex.
Cookies were his all time favorite food. Sometimes, you think he loved them more than he loved you. He would always go on about how much he craved cookies, and how his favorite cookies were chocolate chip. So that’s what you made.
You got all of your ingredients in order and began to make the dough. After that was done, you rolled them into small balls and placed them on a sheet. By now, it was getting close to 7, so you popped the cookies in the oven, set the timer for 20 minutes, and went to go get ready.
You hopped in the shower, making sure you used your best smelling body wash. After about 10 minutes, you got out and went to get dressed.
You took a while deciding on what to wear, but ultimately decided on your nicest pair of riding jeans, a navy blue button up, and Tex’s denim jacket that you stole from him a while back.
After you were done, you went to the kitchen and, right on time, the kitchen timer dinged— indicating that the cookies were done baking.
You grabbed an oven mitt and put it on, pulling the cookie sheet out.
The cookies looked delicious. They were a perfect golden brown, and not too hard, but also not too mushy. You smiled proudly and set them on the counter to cool off.
You threw the mitt on the counter next to the cookies and turned the oven off.
Then, you found a wicker basket. After another 10 minutes, the cookies were cooled off and ready to be eaten. So, you took a spatula and after getting them off the cookie sheet, you placed them delicately on a plate from your cupboard and then put the plate in the basket, leaving it on the counter and going to get Banjo ready.
You rushed out to the stable, excited to see your horse.
“Hey, Banjo!” You greeted the animal. She neighed in response.
After giving her some praise, you began to get her ready. You placed her saddle on her and tightened it around her stomach.
“Ready to go see your boyfriend, huh?” You asked her, chuckling at your joke. “Yeah, me too.”
After getting your horse saddled up, you went back inside to grab the basket. Before heading out the door, you grabbed a handful of carrots from your fridge and tossed them in your basket as well.
You went to the stables again, basket in hand, and balanced the food carefully on a thick fence, jumping up onto Banjo. You had her walk to the fence where the food was sitting and grabbed it, holding onto it carefully.
It was getting pretty close to 8, so you had Banjo hurry to Tex’s house, it only being a little ways from your house— since you both had horses, you both had to live out of town, making you essentially faraway neighbors.
Banjo trotted to Tex’s house, making it annoying to hold the basket still.
“You’re so stubborn, Banjo, can’t you just hold still?” You asked her as if she knew what you were saying.
Before you knew it, it was 7:58 and you were entering Tex’s yard. Mace was on the porch talking with Lem, Banjo walked up past the cars and you stopped her.
“Hey, Mace!” You said to him. He stopped his conversation with Lem and stood up to talk to you.
“Hey, Y/N, been a while huh?” He asked you.
“Mhm! Is Tex here?”
“Oooh shit!” Lem said. “Tex got someone? Huh?” You giggled.
“Uh huh,” you said as you subconsciously pet your horse.
“I don’t think we ever met,” Lem says as he walks over to you. “I’m Lem— one of Tex and Mace’s buddies. Bet you already figured that though, huh?” You smiled and nodded.
“I’m Y/N! Y/N Y/L/N.” You introduced yourself. Mason then informed you that Tex was getting Rowdy ready to go right now.
You went out to the back and shouted for your boyfriend.
He then came out of the dark stable on Rowdy, a basket in hand just like you.
“Hey, babe.” He said, his smile widening. “Was gettin’ scared, I didn’t think you’d show up.” You scoffed.
“You really think that low of me, Texas McCormmick?” You asked
“Well, no, I just— Y’know, it was getting near 8! I just thought you forgot or somethin’.” Tex rambled off, making you laugh.
“Let’s go, you got a blanket?” You asked him.”
“Uh huh.”
With that, you said your goodbyes to Lem and Mace and went off to a nearby meadow. On your ride there, Tex took notice of your basket.
“What’s in there?” He asked you, pointing to it.
“Surprise.” You smirked at him. He scoffed.
When you reached your destination, it was nice and quiet, the only sounds being a stream of water and crickets chirping.
The two of you hopped off your horses and Tex laid the quilt out on the ground, making sure it was perfect. To your surprise, he also pulled out 2 candles and a lighter. You giggled when you saw them.
“What??” He asked innocently. “It’s gonna get dark out, we need them!”
When he lit the candles, you sat down with him.
“Did you bring food?” You asked him.
“Course I did, see?” Tex showed you the food he brought.
Grapes, potato chips, and sliced apples. You laughed aloud at the assortment of food. Tex furrowed his eyebrows.
“What’s so funny??” He asked you, confused.
“Nothin, nothin.” You said as you stopped laughing and pulled your basket near you.
“I made us cookies!” Tex’s face lit up and he smiled wider than ever.
“Hell yea! I love cookies!” He cheered as he dug through the basket, throwing the carrots aside.
“Oh yeah, those are for Rowdy and Banjo.”
Tex immediately dug into the cookies, taking about 3 at a time.
“Hey, hey!” You shouted at him. “Geez, save some for me!” He laughed as he bit into his first sweet.
“These are real good, Y/N. Thanks for bringin ‘em.” He thanked you as he laid on his side, propping himself up on his elbow. You mirrored him so that you were facing each other.
“Tex, what made you think of a picnic, out of all things?” You asked out of genuine curiosity.
“I dunno.” He shrugged. “I just thought it would be somethin’ you liked. And of course we had to bring Rowdy and Banjo along.” Texas motioned to the horses as they grazed next to the two of you.
“I see.” You then changed your position so you were laying flat on your back and looking at the stars. Tex followed your eyes and that brought him to the sky, aswell.
“Stars are nice and bright out, huh? No clouds.” He commented. You nodded in silence.
Tex then brought himself to lay with you, placing his head gently on your stomach. You instinctively grabbed his hair and began playing with it. It was nice and silky, his hair was one of your many favorite things about him.
There was a moment of silence before Texas asked you, “How’s this for a first date? Did we do good?”
“I love it, Tex.” You responded softly. “You did good. I love you.” Texas chuckled.
“A lot of people do.” You flicked the side of his head.
“Ow! Cut that out!”
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