#that I'm not nuisance that I'm not causing problems and ruining everything that it's not better for everyone if I just wasn't in the picture
spaceratprodigy · 4 months
sorry for how slow and sparse I've been getting around to everyone. I'm doing my best but genuinely rn I desperately need to take care of myself instead of always putting others first.
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its-ashehausen · 2 years
Another preview for my current Hookhausen fanfic I'm working on. (Some writing could be subject to change)
Soon as the door was shut, Hook brought his fist to the nearest locker with intent to bruise his knuckles until they shone inky purple. Anything would be better than feeling what he was feeling, over a damn bag of chips. Hook must've really had lost it. But none of that would've been possible if Danhausen would've just left him alone like he asked, it could've all been avoided. But, no. He kept following him around, he kept trying to get in his head.
He thought he had the upperhand he thought he had immediate control of the situation. He believed that he would just have to fight him, defeat him to a point where he would no doubtly be forced to give up on this facade.
But even their supposed match went awry. That dumbass Tony Nese and his nuisance of a lawyer, they just had to ruin everything, and god damn Danhausen for trying to gain his trust, for trying to get him to be his friend, his partner.
News flash: he didn't do friends and he certainly didn't do tag team partners. Or so, he believed. He glanced at his new found bruise on his knuckles
"You should put some ice on that." He glanced up to discover the bane of his existence, the reason why he's beginning to feel this way in the first place. "What the fuck do you want? Haven't you caused enough problems?" He pressed a pressed a finger to his lips. "No swearing."
Hook shaked his head in annoyance "Danhausen just wanted to make sure that Hook was okay. He heard lots of thrashing around and loud noises" Putting his hand through his hair he attempted to get Danhausen out of his line of sight but it didn't work since he was still there
"I'm fine, or I was just two minutes ago until you showed up"
"Don't lie to Danhausen. You can't hide that bruise from him. Danhausen knows everything" he despised how he could read him like an open book.
"Okay fine, I punched one of the lockers out of anger, and that's the truth. Are you happy now?" Danhausen eyed Hook naively, "why would Hook do such a thing?" He glared at him intensely. As Danhausen shrugged his shoulders not recalling what he's done these last few weeks.
"You're telling me that you don't remember following me around in my locker room numerous times, following my uber driver that one time, and may I remind you that time you disguised yourself as a waiter during lunch with my dad. You don't remember that?" He briefly scratched at his eyebrow attempting to act all oblivious "um, no." Hook tried to conceal his grin that was determined to break free "you know, you're ridiculous. You know that right?"
"When has Danhausen been ridiculous? He was telling the truth. Are you trying to blame Danhausen?" Instantly scoffing under his breath, he quickly hit him with the same hand that he used against the locker prior to this conversation. Causing him to groan in pain "no I wasn't, but stop playing dumb already--ugh" His foolish comical act dropped very quickly "alright, enough. Danhausen is going to take you down to the medics, to get you checked out."
"It's not that bad, just a little bruise. I'll be fine" Danhausen hates how stubborn Hook is. "It's clearly not fine, you're obviously in pain. That is why, Danhausen will take his good friend Hook to the medic place and get him checked out."
"First off, we're not friends I never agreed to that--" Danhausen covertly glared at him, believing that he was just lying to himself. "Secondly, I'm a grown man, I can take of myself--" that was until he felt the stinging in his knuckles "it doesn't look like it from here. Thus Danhausen has decided that he will no longer listen to Hook's plea's and excuses. Danhausen has heard enough, you're going to get your hand checked out before it gets worse." Hearing Danhausen being serious for once. Directly caught him off guard
To make sure that Hook understood him. He grabbed his hand. As he briskly dragged him out of the locker room and down the hallway.
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years
That scene where Slade is about to beat Grant with his belt, in the night, in middle of some forest, nonchalantly smoking a cigarette was horrible and broke something in me tbh. It wasn't about 'discipline' more like Slade wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp because he was annoyed that Grant lives and exists in the first place. It ruined the whole 2016 run for me and also made other scenes completely invalid. Why did Slade wanted to avenge Grant later on? Why did he go back in time and hugged Grant like he's Slade's most precious person in the world??? Where. did. it. come. from???? There was this family photo of Slade with his sons, where Slade looks very pissed off that he has to even be there. And then I was thinking "okay, there has to be some sort of explanation. Surely there will be at least some hint why Slade has such negative emotions towards them. Maybe Addie did want children and Slade just,, went with it?? or something??" Nah. There was no explanation. Slade goes from despising his sons to absolutely loving them in a milisecond. There is no character arc. Just one big mess. In conclusion: fanfics>>>>>>>canon. fuck Priest 0/10
Again I think this problem stems from a lack of depth the character suffers from in Priest's run, because as you say, we see one thing and then a completely different one and they feel irreconcilable.
Now - and I don't want to make any moral judgement of Slade or his actions and I'm talking from a purely logical, narrative standpoint, just to be completely clear - I do think that if we had some sort of explanation (like why Slade has negative emotions towards his kids), and also if we could see how he went from point A (being wildly abusive, not giving a shit) to point B (grieving Grant, hugging him like that, clearly crying under the mask while calling him son as he's dead in his arms) we'd be able to contextualize Slade's actions.
I'll make you an example. Slade didn't want kids and neither did Adeline, they were born just because they didn't use precautions and it happened. Slade went from mildly annoyed when they were small to full on using them like recipients of his own issues, and therefore we get that scene in the forest.
Then the incident with Joseph happened, when he got his throat sliced because Slade called the bluff, and almost died. AT THAT POINT Slade understands that this kid is important to him - not just a nuisance, a fastidious presence in his life, but someone he truly cares about. And same goes for Grant, even if he's already ran away at this point.
Slade came from an abusive household, enrolled in the military where he learned to kill people and to employ physical violence, and he's only ever loved only two people (Billy and Addie) his whole life. The idea of having kids and LOVING them might have been simply unacceptable to him; it made him feel weak, reminded him of his own abusive father, made him feel trapped in a situation that he hated (that of The Good Husband™), which is why he turned so violent in the inability to deal with his own emotions. But then Joseph almost dies, and it's HIS FAULT, and he gets a cold shower and realizes that he does care but it's too late - Grant has already been brainwashed by HIVE and the next thing that happens is that he dies between Slade's arms, underlining just how much Slade failed and caused his own sons' death and muteness.
I came up with this from the very top of my head and might still be not enough, but I hope you get what I mean when I say that it's the lack of care these writers use when handling the characters that causes the major issues. I too don't buy Slade's genuine and human grief about Grant's death if the last thing I saw was that Slade was about to beat him to a bloody pulp, looking like it was an average Tuesday night.
We're just supposed to accept everything that happens and every choice the characters make, despite there's very little sense of continuity (or sense at all) to them, and that's very frustrating.
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evereinefaust · 1 year
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Norway (Lukas Bondevik) X afab!Reader
Trigger Warning: Character death, bullying, self-harm, suicide
Sypnosis: All I ever wanted is to feel loved and accepted... Is that too difficult of a request? I guess I'm just too broken to care anymore...
Word Count: 2,139
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'You should transfer schools already!'
'You are nothing but a nuisance!'
'Puny! You can't even defend yourself!'
'It's a wrong choice to befriend you!'
'We're sick of you!'
'Die, you bitch!'
That, those, and these are the words they say to me. Those mean words and phrases would break my heart every day. I have no one, no one to protect me from those bullies. I was now 18, I am in high school, and had a good life. I got high grades and befriends all of my classmates and other students, and I'm the most famous student in my school. And because I am beautiful, smart, kind, and famous, perfect was the only thing that my friends would compliment me, and this is the cause why I am being chased by guys. All was perfect, that was only until when a certain person came and ruin my life. Her name is (bitch's name). She was the queen of bitches, and the leader of bullies.
It all started when she had hate for me, we were close friends before. We attend the same preschool and grade school, and we were only an average student studying there. We were called the best of friends by our other friends at that time. I did everything for her, and she did too. She was my savior from bullies, that was the reason I met her. But she changed after I started to study hard and became a famous student in school because of my high grades, she became cold towards me and befriend the bullies in our school. I tried to talk to her but she would shove me away, my parents said that she must have troubles and told me not to be close to her for a while and just focus on my studies.
But that was the reason it got all worst, she would try and make my life miserable. And when my parents heard of this news, they immediately transfer me abroad. I came back when I started high school and the good things came back to me, but she won't give up already, when she knew that I returned, she followed me here. She would tell lies about me to my friends and they were easily fooled by her. She made them her underlings and order them to start my day in hell. And that was the reason why I am in this state.
I've been thinking if it's good to end my life since my life became worse and worse every day passed. Nobody would stop me, right? Everyone hated me now, because of the lies that bitch told them. I wanted to be with my mother and father again, why? They're already dead. They died in a car accident, actually, it wasn't an accident. (bitch's name) did this, she made sure that my parents were dead in that so-called accident. I wanted to curse that bitch! But hey, life would be easier if I were gone. She would be the most popular student in school, she would rule all the other students and her life will be perfect. And she won't have any rivals again...
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"And five..."
"There, all done! All that I need is to jump off this bridge" I chuckled like a maniac as I covered myself with cuts using our sharpest knife. "Oh! But before that, I would leave a call to my only dearest friend, Lukas Bondevik"
He was my closest friend when I started high school but he is always far from me. He was always been busy and don't have the time to hang around with me, we only met when he had the time in his life. We had different schedules and he couldn't help me with my problem, since I never told him. I don't really care if he wouldn't stop me from doing this, he was perfect after all. He was also being chased by that bitch, that's why I always got bruises cause whenever I'm with him, she would be jealous and would beat the carp out of me when he was not around. The only reason I'm letting him know is because I cared for him. He was the first and most precious friend I made, I loved him very much. And I wanted him to have a better life, so that is why I kept my problem a secret from him. I wanted him not to be part of this. I am always been a burden to him, but he would never throw me out. He would welcome me in his loving presence whenever I had problems. But this time, it's different. I wanted him not to worry about me, that's all I wish for. 
I got my phone out and dialed his number, and since it was midnight, I assume that he wouldn't pick it up. He is always busy and needed sleep to be energized.
"Hallo? [Name]? Is that you?"
That's that. I was shocked by this. I never expect him to pick his phone up. His tone is a bit sleepy and had an emotion in it, which is unusual. He never, ever had this kind of emotion when he was talking to someone, even on the phone. 
"Why did you call me at this hour? It's midnight, and where are you?" He asked, worried.
I hesitate to reply, I don't know how to respond to his question. The tears that were built up are slowly falling down to my pale cheeks.
"I-I was just going to tell you something important..." I cracked as my breath slowly dropped. " I needed to go..."
"Go? Where are you going? Are you leaving? What do you mean?" He asked again, his tone more worried than earlier.
I didn't expect him to be like this, he was known by his monotone voice and expressionless feature. But now, I made him change, I turned him upside down. He was now concerned about me, am I needed to be concerned about? Especially from him? I regret what I did, but there isn't any more choice to pick. I bit my lips as I cried.
"[Name]? Are you okay? Please answer me. What's going on? Where are you? I'm going to come to you" Lukas said. I knew that he was going to find me, but it's alright, I am well prepared for this. He wouldn't know where I am.
"No Lukas! You don't need to come here. And I'm alright, nothing is wrong. It was just your imagination. You needed some sleep" I told him, but my sniffs can be heard from the other line.
"[Name], please... Tell me. We're close, right? Friends should tell their problems to each other. Please, tell me..." Lukas actually begged me, the well-known emotionless hot Norwegian is now here, begging me to tell him about my problems.
This time, I almost drop my phone from too much shaking, my legs can't even handle it anymore. My almost lifeless body is now shaking to death, one wrong move and I'll fall to my grave.
"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry, Lukas. There is no more place for me now, everybody from school hated me. They wanted me dead, and I'm here, granting their wish. My life is ruined, I wanted to end it before it's too late. I'm already tired, tired to live, tired of continuing this life of mine. You will be happy when I'm gone..." I said my final farewell. "Goodbye Lukas, I love you..."
This is it, the time I've been waiting for. I let myself fall towards the cold water of the bridge, I wanted to welcome my new friend, darkness. They will be the ones who would take care of me starting now. Goodbye, world... Goodbye, Lukas...
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"[Name]? [Name]? Please answer me [Name]!" I yelled. I held my phone tightly, my body shaking uncontrollably. I quickly changed clothes and then exited the house. 
I wandered around town to find any signs where [Name] could be. I spotted a familiar phone lying on the bridge where we always met. I hurriedly ran towards it and then kneel down to grab it. It was broken and it has blood stains on it, I looked at the screen and saw 'Call Ended' with a little crack. I saw the blood drops near the phone and then toward the end of the bridge. There I saw a knife with blood stains, I went over it then saw the water. The water seems calm but I saw a glimpse of a certain [hair color]-haired female, the water near her seems so red. Then I realized, it was [Name]! I dived towards the water without any hesitation. I grabbed the waist of the female and then carried her head up, she's so cold and pale. I went to the nearest ground with [Name] on my back, luckily, there's a stair that leads to the upper ground. I hurried upstairs with her still on my back and ran in the direction of the nearest hospital here. Finally, I arrived there then slammed the door open. "Anyone, please help us" I begged as looked around, my eyes filled with fear and worry.
Then, several nurses appeared at my side with a gurney. They took the girl from me then placed her on it, then hurried toward the emergency room. As we arrived there, one nurse told me to wait outside and then gave me a blanket. I thanked her and then sat down, waiting patiently for [Name] to be okay. After a while, I yawned and then fell asleep.
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"It's too late, she ran out of blood. There's no way we can save her anymore" The doctor said as they were busy saving the pale [hair length] [hair color]-colored girl. She was just there, laying on the bed, her face as white as a ghost. "But doctor, her friend is out there. He wanted her to be alive" One nurse told the doctor. "I know, but we can't contribute blood to her, she doesn't have any blood inside her now" The doctor replied. The room felt silent, the only thing that was heard was the machine near her. The short beeping sound turned into a long one, she was dead.
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[Name], please be okay. Lukas woke up early in the morning. His clothes were now dry and he was still on the same chair where he sat yesterday. He can't wait for [Name] to come out of the room. He can't wait to see her smiling face again. He can't wait to hug her and tell her 'welcome back'. His heart was pounding rapidly, and his face turned slightly emotionless. He was surprised because of the door of the emergency room, he thought that it was that girl that he loved who opened the door, but it was only her doctor. Lukas stood up to face the doctor. "How is she doc?" He asked. The doctor only looked at him with pity and then looked down. Lukas knew the motion, his eyes widened as he hurried to enter the room. There he saw her, sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. He can't believe his eyes, the [Name] that he loved is dead. He walked slowly to her and touch her face, she was cold. "[Name]... I'm glad to see you again. Please wake up now" He muttered to her, even though he knew she was already dead. "Sir! Please don't touch her!" Two of the nurses held the Norwegian's arms and were about to pull him away from her. "Don't touch me!" He snapped as he struggle to get his arms released. The nurses didn't hesitate to pull him away from her again, but this time, with the help of the other male nurses. Lukas kept screaming her name after he was outside the room. The nurses released him, then he looked at the door with tears bubbling in his eyes. He just can't believe that it's true, [Name]'s dead, he couldn't save her back then.
After the death of [Name], the other Nordics knew the news from Lukas. Lukas stayed inside his room, not bothering to answer any of the other Nordics who call him. He just sat on his bed, crying. He can't stop, his pain is just too much for him to handle. He just wanted to be with her again, but no one can ever repair his broken heart.
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ruikablooey · 2 years
Should I really keep going I'm in so much pain I've been suffering practically all my life there's nothing I could hope for from this world there's nothing I want from it either other then a chance to restart but hell knows there's no way I could my only idea of getting to a better place doesn't even sound that good either way it'll probably be lose lose both equally horrible everything really is a lose lose situation keep living and suffer for as long as it takes or give up and ruin everyone else's lives I've accepted that there's no possible way I could ever be happy because why would there be it's always so shortlived and it never goes on for long so why stay for those 5 minutes of joy when there'll be a lifetime of worse before and after it if a dog could be killed because of its suffering why can't I is it cause it's not enough physically do I have to go through worse will I have to keep enduring this pain until I'm numb enough to just ignore it there's nothing good to live for anymore there's nothing there for me nor will there ever be I'm so sick of acting like it'll be better in the next few days just because something slightly good will happen when every other day is filled with nonstop suffering I want it all to end I want everything to end the few people who could even get me help don't care I can't get myself because woohoo I'm only 14 I want to bleed out till there's nothing left in my stupid sruouf stuoug body live life cause it'll end soon is suvh a stupid thing to go keep going cause you'll never know what could happen sure I'll try despite the fact every single day is a living nightmare there's nothing good about this world everyone and everything I'll ever love will turn on me and hate me and die and I can't do anything about it because if I die then I'm just being a fucking nuisance to everyone else I hate living I hate trying to keep going I hate my body I hatr my life I hate everything about me there's nothing good about me there's absolutely fucking nothing I don't have the energy you keep going I don't have the energy to try I don't even have the energy to move anymore everything is so hard I can't take it anymore I can't do basicmath I can't read basic sentences I can't write I can't draw I can't take care of a plant I can't die I can't just let myself hang from a fan because everyone I've ever loved will mourn the loss of a stupid idiotic narcissist with mental problems I never deserved any of them or them why do i love them it's only been a few months why do i have to keep going when i know that it'll never get any better it hasn't for so many people going through exactly what i am so why try why do i have to hide in a bathroom to get privacy to have a breakdown why do i have to constantly be in a mood close to snapping every single day why is everything so horrible
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Syrenne turns hearing the alarms sound from inside the estate, her eyes flitting back to the demon before. Gone is Sebastian's look of complete rage, replaced with a confident grin. His arms are folded over his chest eying her like a bored instructor may a sleeping student. His demeanor was like night and day, like taking off a mask.
"Something wrong Syrenne?" He asks, thin lips curling in question, he's amused because he knows something she doesn't.
A Trick.
The she-devil sneers, "It doesn't matter because your out there. You may think you have the upper hand Michaëlis but you don't, you don't have anything! Now if you'll excuse me I think I've a naughty kitten to correct." A grin of wild insanity breaks across her face. " you know when I'm done I'll be sure to bring you the leftovers."
Sebastian narrows his eyes, not quite loosing his edge but still hoping his plan has worked. Ciel is smart enough to know if he sent Dante there is a reason he didn't come himself. Although, in his mates current stat the crow can not be to sure if the once earl will be lucid enough to make the connection. All he can do is hope that in the commotion the barriers key will be destroyed enough for him to enter.
As much confidence as he has in Ciel; Syrenne is a predator with nothing to loose. She knows her plan is disintegrating in her hands and she will not allow herself to be on the losing end again. She will take any semblance of victory she can, and killing Ciel would do that.
The panther stalks down through the halls as the sound of thundering footsteps' grows louder. A pair of large icy blue eyes flash fuchsia in the darken halls as fine Italian marble is coated in a sheet of ice.
Ahead the guard skid to a halt, looking with fearful eyes at the massive creature slowly prowling toward them. One of the guard raises a gun in his trembling hands. However before he can shoot a small flash of black races down the hall and leaps at the mans hand.
Dante's fangs sink deep in the flesh of the mans palm causing the gun to shoot up into the ceiling and his arm to fling wildly.
Ciel's roar shakes the display cases and cracks the glass.
The little cat is thrown of by her attacker and strikes the wall with a hard thud. The men realize there mistake in harming the small animal as the demon cat launches at them. There is the repeated echo of gunshots in the enclosed space. The sounds turn to pitching screams as they are torn limb from limb and blood paints the walls.
Misha watches from a security camera upstairs in his office, his hands shake violently before the man flings a crystal decanter of liquor at the wall. When he looks back at the video feed the beast is gone. "Syrenne!"
"Sic vis pacem para bellum - if you want peace, prepare for war."
― A.J. Darkholme, Rise of the Morningstar
Chapter 20: Rage of a Serpent
Chapter Text
Syrenne stalked down the hall her heels clicking on the hardwood, or rather stomping on it as her gate was as agitated, the thick burnish aura coming off her in waves. She had planned everything to the letter and yet again that damn crow had managed to ruin all of her hard work. She should have killed them both outright, but no she wanted to savor this like a fine wine. She wanted to see the look on that ravens face as she crushed his very heart.
How dare that little blue haired nuisance ruin her plans!
This was all Ciel Phantomhive’s fault, Misha’s little pet had become a liability that she would have to correct.
Before she could go down and amend the problem a certain bumbling human rounded a corner, his hands shaking as they grabbed her shoulders.
“Syrenne! You must protect me!” Misha cowered, his face ashen with worry as another chorus of screams lit from the lower levels of the estate. More of his staff being slaughtered by the demon panther as he made is way up through the Estates lower level.
The she-devil looked bored as her eyes flitted to where the human’s palms clutched at her desperately. With a delicate hand as is flicking of an offensive incest she plucked his grip away from her person. “Misha dear your wrinkling the Dior,” she stated impassively, brushing past him.
The man sputtered where he stood and shouted after her, “I don’t care about your damned clothes you promised me that that demon would be immobile and now he’s gone on the lose, he means to kill me don‘t you understand?!”
Syrenne looked over her shoulder, eyes flashing dangerously. “Foolish mortal, I never promised you anything. In-fact I believe I said once Ciel was captured he was then your problem. I never gave a damn about that runt. The only reason I’m going to go down there and put the cat out is that he has annoyed me. I do nothing for you Misha; your usefulness has run its shelf life. Now if I were you I’d get out of here because when I’m done with the kitten and his crow I might just get hungry.”
Troyeski shivered as the woman’s fans dipped over her garnet lips. He had played with a devil and lost. The human turned and ran, keen on heading the demons warnings.
“Here kitty kitty, I have a saucer of milk for you?” Syrenne sang in sweet false voice, her reptilian eyes adjusting to the dark of the lower corridor.
The backup generator had failed and the florescent lights lay in piles of glass on the now frosted floors. The only light in the narrow winding halls was the intermittent blinking of red alarm lights. The pulsing crimson casting eerie shadows.
“You’ve set quite a stage for yourself Phantomhive, right out of a made for television horror. Tell me am I supposed to be impressed? Am I supposed to be afraid of the big bad cat?”
Her footsteps crunched on the flecks of glass as she walked, the resounding tip, tap, of her designer heels following the crushed echoes.
A voice from the darkness replied, “Afraid? No, I do not expect you to be afraid of me personally. However, I believe I know what might instill something to that affect. I must admit, Sebastian did not give your talents nearly enough credit. Truly creative, I suppose that little display of death was jarring for me. Unfortunately, I never was one to shy away from the things that cause me pain. I just had to go back for a second look.”
The snake followed the voice into the darkness the air growing colder the deeper she descended into the lower levels of the compound. The demon had to step over the half eaten corpses of guards and staff members. “Let me guess, you swore to avenge the desecration of their final resting place? Perhaps you even wept and discovered the last remnant of your humanity. Now you are going to tell me what a monster I am for separating you from your one true love. Really dear I didn’t bring my pocket tissues.”
A low slow chuckle lifted from the murky haze just ahead, throbbing red light flickered to illuminate the cold thick rolling fog of white. A figure walking through the miasma could be seen in the signal shine, a man with blood dripping over his bare body like sweat. He carried himself with an air of nobility, his once cobalt locks now inked black with carnage. “Monster? Oh no dear, I’ve meet monsters and you Syrenne… your just a vindictive woman. As for vengeance for people who have been dead over a century? Now that’s just a waste of time isn’t it? I tasted that revenge long ago, served to me by one who knows how; so no there was no weeping or epiphany of what I shall do to exact my pound of flesh.”
She paused crossing her arms, the she-devils eyes narrowed into slits. Growing tired of the demoness soliloquy. “Then what prey-tell is this little speech of your suppose to mean to me? Other than to aid in dragging your feet to the grave?”
“You see Syrenne in your whimsical need to have flare for the dramatic you neglected something.” Ciel said holding up a small medallion of glass. The little sphere spun as it caught the light, the intricate etchings over it surface glittering and casting prismatic lines on the blood spattered walls. “A child’s memories of his mother are quite good, and mine never wore jewelry beyond her wedding band.”
The demoness’s eyes widened. “..No.”
It had been a spur of the moment decision to hang the barriers talisman around the remains of the former Lady Phantomhive’s neck. She wanted to enjoy the idea it being right there, freedom right in Ciel’s face and he would never know it.
She underestimated him, Sebastian’s words flashing in the serpents mind.
Ciel snapped the little babble between his fingers with a theatrical ‘oops’. The demon smiled as the air around them suddenly swirled and warmed with a flurry of jet-black feathers. “Now, if you’ll excuse me Syrenne, I have to go express my dissatisfaction of my stay here at this establishment with your employer. You on the other hand have an appointment with my husband.”
“Hello Miss Valencia.”
The she-devil turned slowly to see a pair of glowing crimson eyes behind her. The subtle glint of his fangs as large wings arced in the narrow hall, the feathers flexing and scraping the walls like knives.
Ciel strode right past her pausing at Sebastian’s side to press lewdly against the man‘s side, melting to his mates side to indulge in a moment of comfort. “Kill her, that’s an order.”
“Yes. My love.”
“You wanted to drown in a woman. Here's your chance. Drown in her blood"
~Violence(Maddox)” ― Gena Showalter, The Darkest Night
Chapter 21: Wrath of a Panther
AN: As always with my work, music inspired this chapter heavily!!! So here's a short play list I has rolling while writing, feel free to check it out.
Blood is all I need -by- Twiztid
Death of it all - by - Rob Zombie
Been to hell - by - Hollywood Undead
These make writing violence better and what not XD. Also I'm taking a lot of liberties with demonic powers in this one, so I hope you all don't mind that. Its just my head cannon with Sebastian there is a lot of imagery with fire through out the series so I feel like Ciel would be ice, my supporting cannon for that is he is born in December and the character pallet is always very cool colors, the imagery of the white roses = snow, I don't know, I just really get that. So I hope that makes sense in the way I'm presenting this. Any who enjoy this chapter.
Warning: Violence, Gore
Chapter Text
Ciel continued down the corridor absentmindedly humming along to a tune in his head, Dante marching proudly, if limping a bit, behind her master.
Entering the main floor the estate seemed deserted, until Ciel walked from the foyer into the dining room. He smirked at the sight of littered bodies all with dinning forks impaled in their skulls.
"It would seem Sebastian did a bit of tidying up on his way down." The neko commented, receiving an affirmative mew from his little companion. "Dante stay,"
With the command, the feline limped off into the parlor bounding up onto a silken cushion, turned a few times before settling down.
Ciel directed his gaze back toward the dinning hall, the doors had been torn off and glass from the broken windows powered the floors like fresh snow. The demons eyes flared as he looked around the room, so much death. He vaguely wondered why no reaper had made it to the scene, considering all these bodies with three demons on the premises and none of them with a viable contract. Though the neko had to wonder if perhaps someone had ordered the shinigami back.
Crossing the dinning hall the demon stopped noticing a smear of blood on the door jam. Ciel raised his head breathing in the tick coppery tang of the air, easily pulling out the speck of life under all that carnage.
"Hiding is so unbecoming Mr. Troyeski... So cowardly. I truly expected more from you, if anything you should welcome this death as it is far more interesting than any way you could have gone out had this whole mess not transpired." Ciel spoke allowed as he walked from the dinning hall and stood before the grand staircase.
The palm shaped smudge transferred onto the while railing and trail up to the second floor. He sighed sounding very put out to have to continue this meaningless little game of hide and seek. "What did you hope to accomplish by running up here I wonder, surely your not so foolish as to trap yourself. Oh but you are only human after all, you see this is why mortals should not meddle in the affairs of the underworld." Ciel said as he walked slowly up the staircase, following the droplets of blood down to the door to the master bedroom.
The demon eyed the closed entry and trailed his fingertips over the glass doorknob. Fleshing his palm his claws elongated scratching as the drug over the clear glass. With a single tap, the clear decoration fell away in cut cubes. "So fragile..."
Ciel leaned against the door, his voice low and sultry verging on the obscene as he pressed his warm body flush against the wood grain. "This is what you wanted wasn't it? To see me in all my glory, the beautiful specimen that your ignorant mortal mind thought it could cage. Tell me ... was it worth it?" Ciel took a steep back and kicked the door in sending the frame exploding off its hinges into the room.
Stepping inside the demon rolled his eyes at the sight of feet behind the curtain. "Seriously?"
Misha threw the curtain too the sides reveal the shoot gun in his hands pulling the trigger in an instant. The demon flew backward his eyes wide with surprise as his body crashed against the wardrobe and lid down to the floor leaving a wide streak of red.
"Ha...ha . . . Ah! I did it! I did it! Not so all knowing now you see! Your time is done your no more mythical or frightening than any man or mutant!" Misha laughed wildly gazing down at the neko's body that lay with a gaping wound to this abdomen. "I won! Me! I am the master of this house!"
The human ran from the room panting and laughing on a high of victory.
"Oh you know that was rude, really it was Do you have any idea how long I had to wait to grow into this body?"
Misha turned at the voice, still trembling and clutching the weapon. There walking out of the bedroom behind him...was Ciel Michaëlis.
The demons wound closed before his eyes, Ceil coughed once hacking out the shrapnel buck shot. " lovely, I'm going to be doing this for days now. So disgusting..."
Misha dropped the gun and fell backwards on the carpet scoot backwards babbling nonsense and pleading for mercy.
"What's the matter Mr. Troyeski? Are we not having fun anymore? To be honest I had hoped for a bit more, you see I have always been partial to games, so how about you play one of my favorites shall we? Hide and Seek, I will even give you a head start." Ciel said prowling closer until he leaned down face to face with the spoiled billionaire. "Go."
Misha ran, his first thought was to bolt out of the main doors but as soon as the human was in sight a thick shards of ice spiking up from puddles created by the grounds sprinkler system.
"Now now, you must stay in the bounds of the game."
Misha looked around his eyes fearful and wide as the demons voice seemed to materialize out of thin air.
The human darted to the left intend on running to his hidden office, unfortunately when Troyeski flung open the door to the suitcase he was face with the creeping black smoke. His hands clutched the door from looking between the lit parlor and the decent into darkness. Frustration bubbling in his chest, Misha pounded his fist against the wall.
He could not leave and he could not stay. This was not a game he was going to win, the only choice remaining were he would make his last stand. Would he die here on the Persian rugs of his grandiose library, or in his office - his sanctuary of power.
The darkness suddenly looked more inviting.
Troyeski made his way down the spiral staircase and into the dark room below; there was a humming sound before the light about the massive fish tank lit. The greenish white light cast an eerie glow through the room. The human allowed his eyes to adjust; he quickly noticed the drop in temperature. His breath coming out in puffs of condenses air.
Misha looked around the room scanning the area for movement. Nothing. It appeared he was alone but appearances could be deceiving.
Suddenly the ground shook with a loud boom from below, Misha fell to his hands and knees and crawled under his desk. This should have never happed, he had taken every precaution; everything was planned out flawless.
Troyeski looked up at the ancient fish that moved slowly through the murky water. This is what he did, he possessed beautiful things, rare things, However; most things did not bite back.
The human had reached to high, he wanted to much and now he would pay dearly for it
"Cowering under a desk like a frighten child? I expected more."
Misha froze at the sound of the demons voice, he covered his own mouth to keep from screaming.
There was a thump and sudden weight on the top of the desk. He breathed as quietly as possible willing himself not to look.
"I know your under there, tell me Mr. Troyeski, was lining your self with that slithering b!tch all you thought it would be? You never answered me when I asked you if it was worth it. I'm truly curious" Ciel asked as his claws dug trenches into the mahogany desktop.
"No comment? Funny you were awfully chatty during our visits. Or was that because you had that little toy of yours to keep me compliant?"
"I.. I'm sorry please.." Misha stuttered out
Ciel rolled his eyes and stood up on the desk, turning a Amber paperweight over in his hands. Inside the golden stone lay some prehistoric insect, forever frozen in time. "Yes because your apology touches my heart." He said, words dripping with sarcasm.
"Unfortunately I'd rather touch yours...right through your rib cage" With that the demon flung the small stone with the speed of a bullet at the wall sized fish tank.
The sound was like a bomb exploding, a wall of glass shattered in an instant sending gallons of water flooding into to room.
Misha scrambled as he was swept out from his hiding place by the sudden surge of aquarium water. He hacked and coughed as the disgusting water filled his mouth and nostrils. The human tried to stand and run only to slip and fall in the mixture of underwater foliage, sand and broken glass. Troyeski was soaked to the skin floundering on the floor. Behind him the aquarium light fizzled and blinked.
He looked around desperate for an exit, Misha jumped at a heavy slapping sound; only to find one of the massive fish flopping on the floor a few feet away. He pushed his hair back with a wet bleeding palm, the crimson liquid running down his face.
The humans heart pounded with each flash of light throbbing in the darkness, he squinted his eyes trying to locate the demon in the strobe.
Ciel swaggered through the wet floor, his skin washed clean of the blood from his initial escape. The demon cast an impressive figure, long and lean. The shadows playing on his face, removing any lingering boyish fullness in his features and highlighting the hard-line of his jaw and cheekbones, the dip of his cupids bow. "Your making this all very boring for me, I hoped that I would have some satisfaction from this. Your all the same though begging in the end."
The room shook again with an other powerful crash from below. Ciel smirked glancing down. "sounds like my mate is having fun."
Misha struggled to his feet, "How do you know, it could be Syrenne is winning... she, she might come up here and kill you next!"
"Oh and what, that your she devil will be your savior? I know you're not that stupid, one way or another demon will kill you." Ciel said in smirking at the human as Troyeski trembled with fear.
The temperature began to drop and the water hazed from murky transparent wash to a lazy gray as it solidified into ice. Misha found himself stuck by the ankles in the ice, there was no escape. The human panicked tugging at his legs in a futile effort.
"How dose it feel being trapped?" Ciel asked stopping a few feet from his prey, eyes glowing with ill intent with each step he closed between them.
Misha's eyes were wide with terror, the demon grabbed his face holding it steady and staring deep into his eyes. As if measuring the worth of his very soul. He tried to scream as he felt the claws piercing through the tender flesh of his cheeks, scraping against his teeth and filling his mouth with blood.
"So pathetic, this is what passes for cunning in this age. I was dealing with men with twice your ambition and only half the intelligence when I was just a boy. What is the matter Troyeski? Cat got your tongue?" Ciel smirked at his own cruel joke before snapping his wrist in a quick motion to the right. The loud pop and scream that left the human as his jaw broke echoed through the room.
Misha crumbled to the floor when the demon released him, blood pouring from his mouth as he cradled his ruined face.
"You kneel so wonderfully, I can see the attraction in it now... having someone prone in subservience. I used to enjoy it myself once upon a time. However, you lack poise." Ciel said snapping his fingers. A spike of ice shot up from the ground and up through the human's right shoulder.
Misha howled as his back was brought straight and he was forced to stare up into the face of his death. The demons once fine porcelain sin was now tinted black fading to grey blue up his limbs. Blood painted the ice below him and began to freeze a dusky rose color. He could not speak to beg for his now shattered mandible.
Ciel reached down winding his fingers in the human is salt and pepper hair griping the strands and tugging the humans head back. The moment was silent looking into the mans dark eyes wide with fear and glistening tears.
Misha Troyeski felt the impact in his chest; he felt his torso jerk back and forth but his brain did not compute the feeling as belonging to him. There was a strange sense of floating in the cold and then. Horror. He looked down as the demons hand soaked in blood retracted from his cavity.
He had always loved oddities, seeing and possessing things that others did not. In those last few moments as the demon took his hand and placed the warm trembling organ in his own hand; the concept that this was his own heart seemed so far away.
The final few neurons firing in his brain as his vision and motor function ceased he looked up through the dying light and said... "No"
None of this was worth it.
"Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men."
― George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman
Chapter 22: Salvation of a Raven
AN: This is our final full chapter, we will see what Sebby has been up to!!! I'm really sorry if this seems...idk anti climactic. I'm honestly not that good with fight scenes at least I don't think I am. I tried though so I do hope you enjoy this chapter for what it is. Fear not though dear readers there shall be an epilogue. There will be a 3rd book, it will deal in mpreg so if you dont like that then yep dont go to that one then XD
As soon as the barrier dropped Sebastian was unleashed on the estate like a tornado, killing everything in his path to get to his mate, his Ciel. A singular focus in the mists of destruction, take back what belongs to him.
Making his way down disposing of any unfortunate human to stumble across his path, they were no different than the snake that stole his love and they deserved death.
Once Sebastian fooled the screams into the depths of the Troyeski manner he knew his love was well. The trail of dismembered bodies and walls painted with blood stood testament to his beautiful panthers rage.
Seeing that beautiful body dripping with the blood of his kills made the bluenette all the more desirable, the dominant demons primal brain sang with contentment. 'Our lover is strong and vicious' it purred.
Now he had to reestablish his dominance before reclaiming what was his.
To do so Syrenne was going to pay for what she had done, he would not be able to kill her but he could send her back to hell. There she would receive her just deserts at the hands of their kind.
"Hello Miss Valencia."
The she-devil turned slowly to see a pair of glowing crimson eyes behind her. The subtle glint of his fangs as large wings arced in the narrow hall, the feathers flexing and scraping the walls like knives.
Ciel strode right past her pausing at Sebastian's side to press lewdly against the man's side, melting to his mates side to indulge in a moment of comfort. "Kill her, that's an order."
"Yes. My love."
Syrenne sneered baring her fangs "This doesn't mean anything Michaëlis! You haven't won!" her tone marked in disdain for the male before her, why must they always ruin her plans?
"Of that I am aware since I have yet to send you back to hell." Sebastian smiled his eyes glowing in the darkness.
Her hands clenched into fists at her sides."Enough of these games!" The she-devil shrieked, her lower body leaving its illusion and becoming the massive serpentine tail her kind was known for. Moving the powerful muscles and launching her self at the younger demon.
Sebastian's form moved in a blur dodging the snake to kick her in the back, propelling the demoness into the floor.
Syrenne growled and contorted her body in the cramped hall to round on the raven, only to find nothing but a trail of feathers in the flashing red warning lights. Enraged the snake flew deeper down the hall, her massive tail batting the wall as she slithered at such speeds. The flashing light bursting from the impact, she would chase down her prey and end this for the last time.
The hall way opened at its end to a service room, it held the electrical, gas water systems for the entire estate and featured its own elevator to the main floor. The snake weaved into the tight quarters slowly, "Running and hiding are we Sebastian? How cowardly of you, did you learn this little trick from your little pet?"
"I've learned a great many things from him actually," The velvety baritone echoed off the pipes.
She turned her head to the voice and narrowed her eyes in the darkness; the copper orbs slit at their center and glowed, a vertical inner lid blinking over them shortly as her vision adjusted to seek out the male's body heat. A glimmer of movement in the far right corner had the serpent coiling her body to move but then a sharp ping to her left distracted her. "What the..."
A dart in a pipe.
Her curiosity was short lives as the pipes pressurized contents bucked the intrusive little weapon and burst, sending a stream of boiling hot steam in the she-devils face.
She screamed trying to bend and move away only to feel something heavy land on her back, disoriented by the trick she spun to her back in an attempt to pull her large tail forward and coil around the demon.
Syrenne however forgot the close-nit quarters she was currently in. She had been trapped, lured in and trapped.
Sebastian grinned down her as his hands wrapped around her throat. "I'm going to enjoy this!"
Grabbing the male's wrists Syrenne let her lower half return to its human guise and wrapped her legs around Sebastian's torso in an attempt to throw him off, rolling them both into a wall. She could feel his claws sinking into her flesh as the blood pooled around his fingers. Reaching out blindly the serpent took hold of metal cord running up the wall ripping it loose. The wire sparkled blue as it was torn free and the snake jammed the live end into the younger demons side.
The electrical current sent Sebastian off his opponent shaking his entire body, it was then the familiar metallic taste he had felt across his bond entered his mouth. Therefore, that was it; they had been electrocuting Ciel to insure his compliance.
Rage surged through the demon as he got to his feet, glaring at the battered snake as she wielded the cord still attached to the wall. "You have been so very vocal about honor among our kind but now look at you Syrenne. I may have fallen for my contract but at least I didn't willing become a lap dog for nothing."
"I did what I had to in order to survive! Thanks to you, I was banished from hell, left to rot in this mortal realm. You sold me out for a reaper!" Her hair was wild and clothing torn, her bloody scalded face was not healing. She had spent all this time on revenge and cared little of contracts, revenge had consumed her.
Sebastian took a step back eying the mad woman carefully, "I did not sell you out Syrenne, I would have to have some feeling toward you in order to enact malice and I can assure you I was indifferent to your existence. I simply had a very attractive offer at my fingertips. As for the reaper, well you did that to yourself didn't you? An act of antisocial aggression; you knew the consequences and yet you did not care."
"SHUT UP!" Her voice cracked waving the wire wildly.
She didn't even notice the subtle movement of the Michaëlis as his fingers deftly loosened a small nozzle labeled. 'Danger flammable.'
"Oh but I'm not finished yet," Sebastian grinned, "Say hello to my brother for me."
Before Syrenne could question the raven tore the nozzle from the propane tank and spun his body away to the left, wrapping his black wings around him to guard from the explosion. The gas shot out in an invisible mist, Syrenne had no time... The fumes caught the spark of the wire and her body was engulfed in a ball of flame.
Sebastian was knock off his feet from the blast as pipes all around the service room began to burst, the flames being half eaten by water and half feed by other gasses. He peered over as the demoness's form melted to a streak of ash against the concrete wall.
It was over.
Sebastian bounded up the elevator shaft to the main floor. The main floor was silent, he could feel Ciel was nearby. Actually he could smell the neko a good bit as well, Ciel had been forced into heat. Sebastian had know that the moment he steeped on to the property but now it was permeating the air with thick stick aroma beckoning him closer. However, there was a sickly undertone he did not favor. His mate had been through an ordeal weather or not Ciel was willing to admit it.
Walking through the halls Sebastian finally located to parlor, spotting the bluenette wrapped in one of the satin window treatments on the sofa.
"I take it you have had a word with Mr. Troyeski?" Sebastian commented, eying his mate with a smirk playing on his thin lips.
"You could say that, no hurry up and take me home birdbrain." Ciel groaned twisting in the fabric, arching and contorting against to soft pull of the satin.
Sebastian nodded heading over picking up his mate in his arms and taking a sleeping Dante up by her scruff and placing the feline in Ciel's arms. "As you wish."
"In war, the key to victory is the ability to surprise one's opponent."
― Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light
Chapter 23: Epilogue
AN: Here we are Loves, you don’t have to read this bit unless you want to as it’s…ahem…well I think we all know what this chapter is. It is for the grown folks. So that said, you know how I do things I’m not terribly graphic at least I don’t think I am I tend to lean more on feels but hopefully it will be enough for you fangirls and boys.
In addition, this was inspired by the song “Love me like you do - Alice Olivia version” Incase you were wondering…
Warnings: lovin, discussion of mpreg - if don't like it why are you here?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
The house was dark when they arrived, silent as a tomb as the raven ascended the staircase. Each board creaked his under bare feet. The long white satin drape that the neko was swaddled in skirted the hardwood floors as they walked. The couple’s way lit by decorative candles that flared to life as the demon passed carrying his precious cargo.
The bluenette wrapped his arms around his mate’s strong neck and threading slender fingers though locks black as the night beyond their walls.
The bedroom door creaked open in an unseen wind, the master bed in the center of the room fitted with beige Egyptian cotton and black fur. Luxurious textiles that kissed and caressed the skin.
Sebastian lay Ciel down on their bed snatching away the submissive’s covering in fluid motion. The fan of snowy satin drifted to a heap on the floor as crimson eyes fell on the supple body before them. “Your exquisite.” he said reverently before letting his fingertips dance over impassioned flesh. Tracing every dip and valley of the sweat-stippled skin, from the slender males pectorals, oblique, and abdominals that fluttered under each touch.
The younger demon arched, his face painted in flush and eyes hazed with want. “For the love of …ah…everything unholy! Nghh…Se-Sebastian hurry will you!”
The raven smirked as he took his time unbuttoning his dress shirt. “Patience my love, I intent to give you the best of me. I want you to be well aware of who I am to you…” His voice dripped with promise shedding the garments and climbing on top of the younger man.
Ciel keened opening willingly to his lover and offering his neck. “Do not just tell me then. Show me… impress me you arrogant old crow, make me scream if you think you can.”
Sebastian trails the tip of his tongue from the hollow of his loves throat and up along the jugular arch, “I am your faithful servant, your lover, your husband, and soon the Sire of your children.” He punctuated each statement with a luxurious open-mouthed kisses. Laving the neko’s peach skin from his neck and along Ciel’s jaw line before claiming the lean male’s mouth.
Navy lashes fluttered closed as Ciel moaned into the kiss, arching his hips and coiling his legs around the taller demons waste. His mind went blank and the world outside his dominants lips, ceased to exist. This was his world caged by these strong arms, he was brought to life by the other mans breath. Every inch of his skin set on fire by skilled hands and wandering lips.
The younger demon took a deep shuddering breath as their body melded together, the delicious burn of being stretched open and held down. Black nails digging into his pale lovers shoulder blades, raking down leaving trails of red.
Shadows moved in unison over the walls as every corner echoed the desperate breathless words; “More”, “Yes”, “Don’t stop.”
Sebastian looked down, the sweat rolling from the bridge of his nose and down his chest. His mate never looked so handsome than now, the vague feeling of de ja vu tingled the edge of his senses. Some far away dream from long ago. This was better than any dream because it was real, it was here and it was now. Gazing at long navy hair that had darkened to black with perspiration as it fanned over the pillow. The once soft rounded features that had gained beautiful definition over the years. Pouted open lips now ruddy and kiss bitten. Dilated eyes of royal blue that looked at him with such reverence.
“Se..Sebastian.. I want it... please.” Oh that voice, that rich warm tenor with just a hint of childish lit. The fact that it could be so posh and yet sound so deliciously debauched.
Warm palms ran up over his chest and over his shoulders drawing him down in a sweet kiss, so much sweeter than a demon should be worthy of.
Wave after wave of frenzied and slow love making, screaming names and cracking the headboard. Hours turning into days and days into nights. Moments between spent pampering his little lover like as he would have over a century ago, only with a bit more care and a lot more possession. They had grown used to this over the years; the custom of the season. This time however was special; Ciel could feel the warmth inside of him and wanted to believe it meant something wonderful. He was not as snappish in between and allowed Sebastian to fawn over him, as the elder daemon had wanted to do in these times.
Things would be different now, Ciel was ready for that. They were ready for that.
The last evening as they lay in bed Ciel curled to his lover’s chest, Sebastian looked up at the ceiling painting in the golden glow of evening. Feeling the warm summer breeze as it ruffled through the curtains and the cicadas singing in the distance. For all they had gone through, he hoped for more moments like this. In truth a seed of pride grew in his heart at the thought that perhaps one day in the near future this moment may be shared with another.
A small perfect little being made from the one soul he loved more than anything, a living breathing new life that would be theirs. It was freighting and thrilling all at the same time, but things change and evolve.
It was time for the next adventure.
“But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
To know the pain of too much tenderness.
To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
To rest at noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy;
To return home at eventide with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise on your lips.”
― Kahlil Gibran
Authors Note- Book three
Ok dear hearts yes there will be a book three and it is called Kuroshitsuji: The Empty Room.
OUT NOW! (or like 5 mins of this post..you get it )
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 3 of Kuro after years Next Work →
0 notes
dabifixation · 3 years
the importance of knocking
Tumblr media
dabi x fem!reader
summary: When Dabi told you to wait at the bar because he was going to "Take care of things" you shouldn't have humored him. You shouldn't have gotten drunk on a mission. And most of all you shouldn't have ignored your gut feeling by looking for the blue flame user and discovering exactly what he meant by taking care of things.
warnings: nsfw, smut, voyeurism, unprotected sex, squirting, MINORS DNI
word count: 2.4k
You really didn't like villains. They were temperamental bigots who were hard to work with and cared very little about their environment.
Blue eyed, flame wielding, two-toned nuisances were not the exception to this.
If anything, having Dabi tag along on your mission didn't really help with your dwindling impression of the man.
Said mission was going downhill very fast, losing your chance to achieve funds from your organization's formidable benefactors, all because somebody thought it was funny to set Mr Park's hair on fire after the man passed a comment on somebody's unprofessional attire.
You hated him for that. Truly hated him. However you knew he wasn't just messing up your mission for his own amusement. You weren't stupid, you knew a field test when you saw one. This mission was set up to see how well you'd do now that the Meta Liberation Army was under siege from the League of Villains. Dabi was your examiner.
And you failed the test.
So it came as a surprise to you when the bane of your existence suggested that he'd take care of things, which made you wonder if he was a comedian in his past life cause what could he possibly do to fix things.
You spent the next hour by yourself with an endless supply of whisky in hopes of coming up with a good plan in order to leave Japan undetected.
When the next hour passed by you began to wonder where your flame wielding partner went and how long he'd be. You were convinced that he was just hunting down one of the benefactor's and stole their suitcase filled with money. But you doubt killing someone took a full two hours, so you began to worry.
Not for him of course. That would be out of character for you. You were just worried about disappointing Shigaraki by coming empty handed and not on time. At the end of the day, you were a sucker for praise and didn't mind getting it from someone who ruined the goals and reputation of the Meta Liberation Army.
You had a serious problem.
Checking your wristwatch one last time, you decided now was a good time to phone Dabi. Snickering to yourself when you saw his contact was saved under 'If Menstruational Pain Was A Person'. You clicked on his contact, hoping he wouldn't be those annoying people who answered after the fifth ring on purpose.
He wasn't.
"Whoever this is, it better be important. I'm in the middle of something." He sounded slightly out of breath, and from the soft rustling of something in the background you could tell he wasn't in any danger. It made you sigh in relief.
"Where the fuck are you?"
"Oh it's you. Miss me already?" You didn't need to see him smirking on the other end, cause you knew he was.
You ignored his question, "Where are you?"
There was pause that lasted long enough for you to hear a muffled cry in the background and an unknown squelching sound. You didn't take him for someone that tortured his victims.
You learn new things everyday.
"Room 3406." You heard a groan this time, making you frown. Why was he dragging his torture session out so long, the least he could do was put the poor person out of their misery and take their money.
"You're still in the hotel. You damn asshole I thought you were dead in a ditch!" You raised your voice, not caring that people passing by gave you concerning looks.
"Didn't realize you cared so much about little old me." He let out a sound crossed between surprise and a laugh, which caught you off guard.
He hung up before you could give a response.
That was weird.
You looked down at your naked arms, noticing the goosebumps.
Yeah, very weird.
It didn't take you long to find the hotel room, thanking your lucky stars when you found out the room was unlocked and didn't require a key card.
Once you entered the room, you glanced around noticing that nothing was out of place or broken. There was no signs of struggle, which was a good thing. It made cleaning up easier.
Your eyes landed on a pair of familiar boots placed adjacent to a pair of red bottom heels that were laying on its side.
You picked the heel up, examining it to see if there was any blood on it. There wasn't.
That's strange.
Your head snapped in the direction of the main bedroom when you heard the sounds of someone whimpering in pain. The warning bells in your head grew louder when you decided to check out what was going on.
The bedroom door was slightly ajar but not enough for you to see what was on the other side. You heard a deep groan as your fingers brushed the doorframe, your heart in your throat at what you'd find. So you pushed forward expecting everything but what was in front of you.
You didn't dare move.
There Dabi was, hands gripping tightly on some woman's hips. The muscle in his arms flexing, and his legs out stretched beneath her. Her hands were buried in his obsidian locks as he set the pace for her, bouncing her up and down his cock. Each time he brought her down, she'd let out a R-rated moan. She swiveled her hips as best as she could, but from the way her thighs trembled from the pleasure, you could tell it was too much for her.
Dabi's eyes were shut in bliss, letting out a breathy moan when she opted for grounding on his cock instead. From her quick movements, you could tell she was close.
"Yes, yes, yes –oh fuck!"
Dabi immediately flipped her over, preventing her from reaching her climax. His heavy cock slapped against his abdomen, smearing moisture against his defined stomach. You quickly looked away, focusing on the woman instead.
It immediately clicked in. You knew who she was.
Yui Murukami, the 34 year old heiress and CEO to the company that supplied our friends in capes with support items. She was a rich and powerful woman known throughout Japan, and one of the benefactor's that pulled out their sponsorship after finding out that the Meta Liberation Army was infiltrated with "heretics."
The same heretic that's narrow hips she currently had her long milky legs wrapped around.
What a hypocrite.
You got a good look at Dabi for the first time tonight. Your eyes traveled down his lean form. What he lacked in muscle, he made up for in flexibility. The position he was in was a testimony to that.
The subtle red hair trailing down towards his impressive length caught your attention. So he was a natural redhead? That or he had some weird hobby of dyeing his pubes.
It made you shudder.
He pumped at his veiny cock, gathering the pre-come dripping from the pink and angry head, and used it to lubricate himself further. The golden piercings keeping his two skin types together stretched as he did so.
You thanked whatever God was out there for Dabi not noticing you. They surely had your back. Now was the perfect time to escape. Dabi was clearly lost in the throes of pleasure. But just as you stepped back, the floor beneath your feet decided now was a good time to announce your presence.
Dabi's eyes immediately snapped open in your direction.
Those ocean blues stared at you intensely without a hint of shame. You were frozen in place as you held his heated gaze, eyes falling to his lips when his tongue jotted out to lick them. It had you entranced and you almost missed the way his lips broke out into a full grin when he knew exactly what position he had you in.
Hook, line and sinker.
He was taunting you, waiting on you to storm out of this room in embarrassment and anger. Dabi was a sick individual who'd take any and every opportunity to test you and your loyalty to the Paranormal Liberation Front. If you walked out now, despite how badly you really wanted to, that would be the same as failing. You weren't about to fail twice in one night.
He raised an eyebrow when you didn't barge at his challenge. Shrugging, he guided his cock back inside the woman with a soft sigh. He broke eye contact first, looking down at where their bodies joined and bottomed out into her. She let out a ridiculously high-pitched moan.
He kept her thighs far apart as he continued his ministrations despite knowing you were watching.
Your face was hot as you clenched your fists tightly.
Slapping and squelching sounds filled the room as their movements picked up. The air growing heavy with the smell of sex. Dabi was rutting into her in a way that had her breasts bouncing in a particular rhythm.
There was something so enticing about the way she pushed herself back onto him every time he gave short deep thrusts. She clawed at his chest, trying to push him away but he wasn't having it. Instead he drove into her faster and more ruthlessly as a warning.
This moment was too intimate and private, but you couldn't bring yourself to look away either.
It was intoxicating.
Suddenly a long keening sound left her lips, hands digging into the once pristine sheets, almost tearing them apart. Dabi hit a special spot inside of her that neither of you could see.
Heat rushed to your belly in an all too familiar feeling.
He continued hitting that spot, her body violently shaking and writhing. The way his hips were angled, it brushed against the little button at the top of her mound perfectly.
That was the last straw.
She came so hard, no doubt clamping tightly around his cock. Causing him to throw his head back in eye rolling pleasure with a deep throaty groan. His movements began to filter in order to prolong the feeling, but he quickly regained his composure and picked up where he left off. Triggering her into squirting all over his abdomen. Not once, twice but thrice.
His abdomen glistened with her juices and his added sweat. The way his hair fell into his eyes and clung to his neck had your heart skipping a beat.
"Does this make you feel good?" He asked her as his hips bucked up. Voice deep, too deep.
Fuck yes.
She responded in a tired moan.
"I could have you like this underneath me every night if you just–" he snapped his hips into hers to accentuate his point, "–begged nicely."
She continued to mewl, clawing into the sheets as she neared her second orgasm.
"All you got to —fuck— say is please and I'll be scratching every itch inside of you that those fingers can't reach." He toppled over her, dropping both hands on either side of the her head.
"Uh huh." She let out, eyes squeezed shut in concentration.
"I don't like being ignored." He looked at you this time, making you jolt. One of his hands reached out to grip around her throat, making her gasp as he controlled her airway.
When she responded in a broken moan, he ignored her and kept his eyes focused on you instead. He narrowed his eyes, something dark flashing in them before he looked back down at her. A deep growl in his throat.
He was talking to you the entire time.
You rubbed your thighs together to ease the aching between your legs.
It didn't go by unnoticed, as much as you hoped. Dabi gave you a look that made him seem so vulnerable at that moment. All his walls came crashing down and for once you could read his facial expression. He desperately wanted you to be the one underneath him.
"Touch yourself." He commanded, hips bucking in urgency.
He was close.
Yui was long forgotten as it felt like it was just the two of you in the room. You did as he said, ignoring the voice in your head that was calling you a 'fucking idiot.'
You unzipped your pants, enough to give him a view of the shape of your pussy and the increasing wet patch at the center of your lace panties. You pushed your hand into your pants, while the other bunched your shirt up. The moment your fingers brushed against your drenched folds through your panties, you closed your eyes and let out a silent moan. Everything felt hypersensitive. You didn't care that this wasn't enough to send you over the edge, all you cared about was imagining it was him touching you like this, rubbing your clit in tight circles as he fucked you into next week.
"Fuck." He let out after a long time of being silent. "Good girl, just like that–"
A loud groan ripped out of his throat before he could finish his rambling.
Not too long and the rhythm Dabi started with began to stutter when his hips bucked up irregularly. The woman underneath him putting on a whole performance but he continued to ignore her in favor of you.
He gave you a needy look as he gave one last sloppy thrust, waves of pleasure being sent to your pussy.
Dabi let out a moan that was so guttural and so deep as he came inside of her wishing it was you instead. He chased his high in quick juvenile thrusts, making sure every last drop was emptied inside of her.
His hips continued to twitch from his intense climax, a pained hiss leaving his lips. The oversensitivity finally catching up to him.
He gave her a slow open mouthed kiss after they regained their breaths. Pulling his softening cock out of her with a wet pop. He nuzzled his face into her neck, causing her to giggle and hug his form closer to hers. And he allowed it.
He looked back up at you, an indescribable look passing through his eyes. It was quickly gone as it had come, being replaced by a smirk and knowing wink that said everything you needed to know.
Dabi was an incredible actor and you were just another one of his victims.
You left just as Dabi started getting hard again, obviously he could go for another round, a round you wanted no part in witnessing.
You weren't going to be used by him again in order for him to find a quick release. To hell with him and his twisted version of testing someone's loyalty. You felt utterly humiliated and dirty. All you wanted was to go back to the PLF hideout and crawl into your bed and forget this all happened.
How could you be so stupid. He had this all planned out from the start. No wonder he was so quick to help you when the mission started going downhill.
You hated him so much.
You wanted to scream when you realized he told you the room number on purpose despite being in the middle of that. He wanted you come up and catch him in the act, and that's why he had no problem in you watching him do those things to her. He wanted to see what you'd do in that situation. This was all one big joke to him.
Yet you couldn't understand why you were still so horny and soaking wet.
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Family Meeting Pt 1
Plot: Katsuki feels it’s time to meet families. Little does he know his omega isn’t so keen on the idea.
Genre: A/B/O, Omegaverse, Fluff, BNHA, Alpha Bakugo, Fem Omega Reader
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and, you were happily surrounded by your Alpha's scent. Sitting on the couch with Katsuki watching a documentary on almight's pasts battles. You've been dating Katsuki for half a year now. Finding yourself falling for him more and, more everyday. Everything was perfect. You snuggled closer to him, laying your head against his chest letting out a sigh of contentment. Katsuki chest rumbled in response to his omega's happiness, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you as close to him as possible, leaving a small gentle kiss on the top of your head. Yes everything was perfect.
"I think it's time we've met parents." He said breaking the silence.
You felt yourself freeze. Yes everything was perfect until right at this moment. Can we rewind back to 10 seconds ago and, just live in that time space for all eternity that would be great. You tilted your head up to gaze at his ruby eyes.
"Parents?" You squeaked out.
He frowned at your timid reply. Was it even a question? You've both have been with each other long enough to be considered serious. His mother had been nagging at him to bring you over to introduce you as his new partner to the family. He felt he had given it enough time to do this so, why did his omega seem so reluctant.
"What's wrong?" He asked giving you a long stare. You felt as if he was trying to piece a puzzle together with your soul.
"You don't think it's too soon?" You smiled up nervously, you already knew your scent starting to change into a slight bitter scent and, there was nothing you could do to stop it.
His stare hardened looking at you suspiciously. "No I don't, i think we've been together long enough to meet each other's families."
You sighed placing you face into the crook of his neck, refusing to stare at his soul searching eyes any longer. "Can we delay meeting my family for a bit?" You stated with a small voice. You felt him stiffen from under you.
"Y/N does your family not know about us?"
Fuck the one question you wanted to avoid entirely. The air around you started to contort into bitter burnt smell, nothing like his comforting firewood scent. This isn't how you wanted this conversation to play out. You didn't have a bad relationship with your family, no that was far from truth in fact it was the opposite. They loved you too much. Over protective was an understatement, every time you got into a relationship your family would find some way to drive them off. The same response would be given every time if they were really meant for you this wouldn't drive them away. No shame at all! You family consisted of two brothers and, of course both of your parents. Your mother is an omega like you while, all the males in your family were alphas.
Usually omegas were categorized in two slots a nuisance or, a blessing. The way society's view things is ridiculous but, that didn't mean you were ungrateful for your fortunate circumstance. You loved you family and they loved you but, being an omega, an only girl and, the youngest of every one did not help at all!!!
"Are you ashamed of me omega?" The anger in your alpha's tone brought you out of your thoughts. You quickly straddled his hips grabbing his face in your hands.
"Never" You stated with finality. Your eyes soften while, staring at his ruby eyes. You let out a comforting scent cooing at your alpha. "I would never be ashamed of you, it's just my family is a little much." You sighed looking down at him, "I just don’t want them to ruin what we have."
His chest rumbled at your answer, he leaned against you rubbing his face against your sweat gland. Katsuki wrapped his arms around your waist locking you in place. You began to run your fingers through his surprisingly soft hair, he hummed in response. He placed soft butterfly kisses against your neck.
"There is nothing they can do to ruin anything, our relationship isn’t so fragile to be easily broken"
Your heart swelled with joy at his words. You purred happily pulling back to kiss his lips. You smiled  brightly at him. "Ok let's meet the family then."
A few days have past and, you were FREAKING OUT! That same day you called your family with your alpha present letting them know about your relationship with katsuki. You of course played it safe, calling your mother over everyone else. You did not need a interrogation over a phone call with your alpha beside you. Your mother being an omega herself understood your point of view. That didn't mean she agreed with your method. After arguing for a bit with some pleading she conceded deciding it was best to let them know the day before your alpha and, you arrived. Rather than to blindside them completely.
Now here you were sitting in the passenger side of Katsuki's car in a light baby blue dress that fell just above your knees with some pale blue ankle strap heels to match. You always dressed up when you were nervous, it was a habit. This was your battle armor, your hero suit, you have self confidence sure but, it helped boost it just a little with dressing up. Your hair was perfect, your outfit matched, you had just the right amount of jewelry on, and a light amount of make up. You always tried to make it as natural as possible. The drive was a long one, which didn’t help the bad thought of everything exploding in your face go away.
Seeing you in distress was placing katsuki in a protective mood. He reached over interlacing your fingers with his, squeezing slightly to reassure you he was not going anywhere. He let out a comforting scent to calm his anxious omega. He gave a small smile when, he noticed your shoulders loosen up with your fingers relaxing in his hand. You gave a small squeeze back smiling up at him.
That's right everything will be fine. Everything will go smoothly. The second the thought passed your mind Katsuki hit the brakes making you lurch forward causing the seat belt to dig into your chest. You let out a distressed chirp at the sudden stop. When you finally opened your eyes, you came face to face with a very pissed off looking alpha, which so happened to be your brother. He stood a couple of feet away from the front of the vehicle staring angrily at Katsuki. For the love of-!!? Do you have a special hate for my positive thoughts that you have to shit all over it or, do you think its funny universe. You cursed to yourself in your mind.
Katsuki growled removing his hand from yours, unbuckling his seat belt. No no no no no! You haven't even gotten out of the car or, even made it to the house yet! Why?! Dear god why, is your brother starting a fight already! Before you got the chance to do anything Katsuki was already out of the car.
"Oi! What's your problem you fucking idiot!" Katsuki yelled out at your brother. You flinched...ahh goodbye romance. Marriage? Kids? Love life? What's that?
"You’re my fucking problem! You think you can just show up here with my little sister and, not get your teeth knocked in?!" Your brother yelled back. He then moved his heated glare towards you. You could see the hurt and, betrayal in his eyes. You already knew what the reason was, it was the simple fact that you didn't tell him.
You already knew he wasn't mad at Katsuki, he was just poor soul that took the blunt of his anger. He was upset with you. You’ve always been close with your brother. B/N was the middle child of your family, you were as thick as thieves, you always told him everything even about who you were dating but, this time you didn't. The overwhelming fear of your family not accepting Katsuki stopped you from telling him. Yes, B/N would jump on the band wagon of terrorizing your partners but, you always told him first before anyone.
"You must have some big balls to say that shit to me" Kasuki smiled but, you already knew what that smile was and, there was nothing pleasant about it.
You quickly unbuckled yourself getting out of the car "Wait! Wait! Wait! B/N please listen" You went to your brother's side pumping out your scent to calm your brother's inner alpha. You grabbed ahold of his arm pressing it against your chest. You suppressed the small chirp that wanted to come out due to the pain but, pushed through it. You didn't realize how hard the seat belt pulled against your chest until now.
"Oi Y/N, what's wrong?" Katsuki was instantly by your side checking on you. Meanwhile your brother was uncharacteristically quiet, now also glancing you over. You looked up at your alpha giving him a smile. You knew better than you lie to him.
"The seat belt hit a little too hard against my chest. I think i'm just a bit sore"
"I'm sorry" You heard your brother give a small apology with a sadden tone.
"We'll just call it even" You smiled.
"I don't" Katsuki glared down at your brother. "I don't care if you are her brother. That shit you pulled isn't ok. Grit your teeth" He growled out, the bitter burnt scent filled the air. He was pissed.
Katsuki grabbed your shoulder tugging you lightly to pull you away from your brother. Before you could even say word of protest out; Katsuki pulled his arm back, swinging his fist forward connecting to your brother’s cheek. Your brother was immediately knocked on his ass, his body meeting the asphalt. You gasped running over to your brother.
“Oh my gosh! B/N are you ok?!” You got onto your knees checking over him. Your brother let out a small groan, rubbing his cheek.
You turned glaring at your alpha, “Katsuki! What the hell!? I said, it was fine. It not like i was majorly hurt!”
Katsuki frowned crossing his arms, you knew he wasn’t budging from this. “It’s not alright and, he knows it.” He growled out. Katsuki’s ruby eyes never left your brother’s view.”I don’t give a fuck how angry you are at someone, it is never ok to hurt someone you love.”
“No one could have guessed this would happen!” You argued
Your alpha then moved his beautiful ruby eyes at you, “He forced us to stop the car causing you to get hurt. He needs to own up to the consequences of his actions weather it was intentional or not.Your safety is never up for debate.” He stated firmly with no room for further discussion.
“Y/N it’s fine. He is right.” Your brother stood up, bringing you up with him. “Which is why i didn’t move when, i saw what he was going to do.”
Your alpha grunted a acknowledgment at your brother. Katsuki went over to you bringing your body to his chest.
“Are you in pain?” He whispered in your ear while, rubbing your back gently. You felt your body relax into him with just his scent filling your senses.
You sighed in his touch, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Nothing a ice pack can’t fix” God, you loved your alpha.
You heard your brother clear his throat. You looked over at your brother refusing to relinquish your comfortable spot.
“Let’s get home so we can both get a ice pack. Your boyfriend packs a punch.” He whined. The anger he once held was gone and, was now replaced with a look of peace or, relief...maybe both.
You pulled back slightly to look up at your alpha. “Do you still want to meet the rest of my family?”
Your alpha smirked at you, “I don’t back down on something, I've started.” Of course he wouldn’t. Katsuki pulled away from you to start heading back to the car. Until you brother called out to you both.
“Hey isn’t that Ground Zero’s Insignia on the hood of your car?” You looked over to see your alpha’s hero symbol on hood of his car.
You smiled brightly at your brother “Yup, Katsuki is our all star pro hero. Which as you can see, he is none other than Ground Zero himself.” You turned away from your brother getting into the car.
“..holy hell...wait till everyone finds out about this” Your brother stated with a shocked expression.
I feel like it was a bit rushed. OH WELL! Part 2 of Family Meeting will come out soon. Of course it will be about Reader meeting the Bakugo Family. I hope you enjoyed this! Like Share Comment :D 
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viostormcaller · 4 years
JSE Fic- An (Almost) Unhappy Birthday
AN: I know it’s a day late and the drawing I originally planned isn’t done, but I had to post SOMETHING for the sad dad’s birthday, so I settled on something I know for sure I’m good at. And hey, late is better than never! This took me SO long and I swear I cried every time I read through it to edit it. But I’m really, really proud of it and I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much as I did writing it!
((TW: Alcoholism, suicidal ideation))
Chase sat in the back of his car, splayed out across the seats. He stared out of the windshield from where he was, watching the wind rustle the low-hanging branches on the trees that lined the sunlit street. He didn't know whether to be grateful for the pleasant weather or wish for rain to better match the mood. Luckily, it wasn't hot enough to need the AC, so he had that going for him, he figured.
He sighed, running a hand down his face before allowing his arm to fall limp against the leather seat. He looked over to the bottle beside him. It was half-empty. He never drank and drove -- he wasn't stupid -- so he would only pull out the bottle when he was in the forest, at the cairn he made in honor of love lost. But today… he didn't care. He didn't plan on going anywhere. He just wanted to sit and drink and do nothing else until the day ended.
He'd been paying attention. He knew what day it was. April 11th. His birthday. But he didn't plan on celebrating. What the hell was there to celebrate? His miserable existence? Chase scoffed and rolled his eyes, shaking his head bitterly. No, all he's known since the day he was born was pain and heartbreak and suffering. He tried to be that ray of sunshine he wanted to be, he really did. And despite everything, he succeeded, for a time. But the day he lost his wife, lost his kids, lost everything… it all went downhill from there and only got worse as the years went on. His best friend is in a coma, has been for three years now. Chase already resigned himself to believing Jack was dead. And for a time -- nine months exactly -- Henrik was gone, too, leaving him with nothing but Jack's channel and the job to take over while the YouTuber was out of commission. He had no one to turn to, not really. And sure, Marvin was watching over him, protecting him, but… he wasn't a therapist. He wasn't about to bug Marvin with his problems. That wasn't his job. His only job was to keep Anti away while Chase recorded, while he wore Jack's name. And forget about Jackie -- hell knows where he went. Hadn't heard from him in years. So he turned to whiskey to ease the pain, and while he still had hope left, visited Jack as often as he could.
But you all already know this story, don't you?
Chase wrapped his fingers around the familiar neck of the whiskey bottle, keeping them there and making no moves to pick it up. He laughed to himself, absentmindedly wondering how much whiskey it would take to get alcohol poisoning. He glanced down at the paper bag on the floor of the car, seeing that same, familiar cap peeking out, this one new and untouched.
Today, he planned to find out.
It's not like anyone would fuckin' find me, anyway, Chase reasoned. No one can see through my windows, and I haven't heard from anybody in fuckin' forever so it's not like they'll be checkin' up on me. Chase felt himself tearing up again as he pulled the bottle close, unscrewing the cap. The familiar smell hit him, strong as ever. A strange comfort, for sure, but the only comfort he had left.
"Down the hatch," he whispered. He was just about to press the bottle to his lips when out of the corner of his eye he saw his phone light up. Not a second later it began to buzz. Chase sighed, screwing the cap back on and setting the bottle down. He picked up the phone with reluctance and read who was calling.
Henrik. Of course he was.
Chase debated on just letting it ring, just ignoring the call. He didn't exactly feel like talking. All he wanted to do today was (quite literally) drink himself to death in peace. He wondered if Henrik would even care, if he would even think to call back if he didn't answer. Would he come looking? Would he be worried? Chase sat and debated and pondered over this, and by the time he went to react, the vibrating had stopped and the car was silent once more. Chase tossed the phone aside and slumped back against the seat, blowing his unkempt hair out of his face.
Would Henrik miss him if he was gone? Of course, Henrik's saved his life before, but things were different now and he knew that he hadn't exactly become the easiest person in the world to deal with since all this happened. He wondered if Henrik would care, or if he would be glad to be rid of him, of someone who's just become a nuisance. He went to reach for the bottle again when his phone lit up once more. A glance told him that it was Henrik calling back. He didn't make any moves to pick up the phone, just letting it ring and ring and ring until it stopped. No use ruining Henrik's day with the same depressing bullshit he always spews. Just because he wasn't happy didn't mean Henrik had to be unhappy, too. The man already suffers enough.
Though he refused to touch the bottle, just in case he changed his mind.
Once more the phone lit up, the generic ringtone filling the still air of the car. Chase didn't move, just staring off into space and stewing in his thoughts. And once again, the phone eventually fell silent.
Though a second later, it lit up again. This time, it was a text message. And then there was another. And another. And Chase finally gave in and picked up his phone, reading the messages -- all from Henrik, of course.
Henrik: Chase?
H: Chase are you okay?
H: Answer me please
Chase unlocked his phone and stared at the messages. A moment later a new one came in.
H: Please tell me you are safe. Please.
Chase couldn't help but feel bad. He didn't want Henrik to worry, that wasn't his intention. His thumbs hovered over the keyboard, unsure of what to say. Finally, a final message came in.
H: Chase, please do not tell me you did what I think you did. Please, answer me!
Chase's heart was in his throat and a pit opened up in his stomach. He began to type out a short, two-word reply when he was interrupted. Henrik was calling again. He let out a breath to calm his nerves. No way he was ignoring him now. Out of all the things Chase was, what he wasn't was an asshole. He slid his finger over the answer button and held the phone up to his ear.
"Chase! Oh, danke dem Herrn oben. Chase, I am so glad you are alright. I was so worried about you, my friend! I thought… I thought something had happened to you!"
Chase chuckled humorlessly. "Don't worry, I'm okay."
"Were you busy?"
"I was…" Chase sighed. He was going to say he was driving, but he didn't want to lie to him. It would be wrong of him to make him feel foolish on top of scaring him half to death. "I'm sorry. I… didn't wanna bog you down with my bad mood. Just because I'm always sad… that doesn't mean you should be, too."
"Oh, Chase…"
Chase grimaced. He could practically see the pitied look on the doctor's face.
"Chase, you know that I am always here for you, yes?"
"...yeah," Chase answered reluctantly. Though everyone always says that, yet no one ever stays.
"You may not believe it," Henrik continued, "but I like helping you. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, you know."
"...so you're saying that I'm hard to deal with?" Saying that out loud caused a sharp twinge to resonate in his chest.
"Ch-Chase, no! That-- that is not what I am saying at all!"
"It's whatever, Henrik. I…" Chase sighed. "I know what you meant."
There was an awkward, strained silence between them before anyone spoke again.
"What was it you were even calling me for?" inquired Chase.
"I, um… I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight. You know… for the occasion. Like we used to do."
Chase bit his lip. Right, like they used to. Only it used to be him, Henrik, and Jack. He quickly wiped away the tears that threatened to spill.
"U-uh… n-no thank you, Henrik. I'm… I'm good."
"...Are you sure?"
Chase's heart lurched at the blatant disappointment in Henrik's voice. "Y-yeah, I mean… I'm not really… not really in a state to be goin' out anywhere…"
"Have you been drinking?" Henrik asked curiously.
"Huh? Oh, no, no," Chase answered honestly. "It's not that, just… I don't have any clean clothes and I haven't showered in… a while. Tch, much less fuckin' brushed my teeth."
"Oh, is that all?" Chase could hear Henrik laugh over the phone. "Well, those are an easy fix! You can clean yourself up at my place, and I have plenty of clean clothes for you to wear. We do wear the same sizes, after all. Come on! What do you say?"
Chase sighed. He had no excuses now. And hey, maybe it was for the best, he figured, if he spent his birthday with someone rather than alone. Plus, the whiskey he bought will still be there by the time the day is over and he's back to living out of his car. He can still do what he planned to, even if it's a day later. So he could take today to make his last meal with his closest living friend a good one.
"Alright," Chase decided. "Text me your address and I'll be over in ten."
"Oh, great! Yes, I will do that right away. See you soon, Chase!"
"Yeah, see you soon, Henrik."
He let Henrik hang up the phone, keeping it in his hand until the text message came in with Henrik's address. As he waited he couldn't help but grin to himself, recalling the sheer excitement in Henrik's voice. It's been a long, long time since he's heard him that excited. Though, to be fair, there was nothing of late that would ignite such excitement, not with everything going on. As soon as his phone buzzed and lit up, Chase moved to open the door and step out of the car. He opened the driver's seat door and turned the car on, rolling down the windows to remove the towels he'd draped there as makeshift curtains. Once the back passenger door was shut, his "curtains" laying bunched up on the back seat, he finally got in the car, buckled his seatbelt, and entered Henrik's address into the GPS. As he began to drive off, he was thankful he held off on drinking. He wouldn't be driving to see Henrik right now otherwise.
It took Chase about a half hour or so to reach Henrik's house. He always loved how big it was. Of course, doctors make a lot of money and Henrik was a doctor of more than one degree, so he was, needless to say, doing very well for himself.
And, of course, you can't exactly get evicted from a house you bought if you leave for nine months.
Shaking the thought from his head, he stepped out of the car and headed up the steps to Henrik's front door. Just looking at the exterior of the house made him feel gross. Henrik's place wasn't a mansion, exactly, but it was a really nice house. Very clean and well-kept, which Chase was not. Not currently, anyway. Suddenly he was really looking forward to that shower. He raised his hand and began to knock.
Chase could hear a faint call of "Coming!" from behind the door, and not a moment later the door swung open and Henrik was standing there, arms outstretched and eyes sparkling. Chase gratefully accepted his hug, biting down hard on his lip to keep himself from crying. It's been so long, too long, since he'd gotten a hug from anyone. He didn't realize just how much he missed it. How much he needed one.
"Oh, it is so good to see you, my friend!" Henrik beamed, squeezing Chase lovingly. He then pulled away, stretching out his palm to welcome him inside. "Come in, come in!" he ushered.
Chase headed inside, hearing the door click shut behind him. A sense of what Chase could only describe as warmth washed over him. Of course, he'd been over to Henrik's place many times over the years, but this time it felt… different, somehow. He couldn't place why.
"House looks great as ever, Henrik," Chase smiled.
"Oh, why thank you!"
"New table, I see?"
"Oh, yes," Henrik headed over and stood by the kitchen table. "Yes, it was time for a new one. The other one was getting old."
"How long have you even had that for? Almost as long as you've had a house you've had that table."
"Yes, it has been years. It was bittersweet, letting it go, but… in with the new, out with the old, as they say!"
I'm sure he said the phrase backwards, Chase chuckled to himself.
"Now, while I am in the kitchen, can I get you anything before you take your shower?"
"Uhh… no, I think I'm good. Thanks, though."
"Oh, is nothing. I will grab you a change of clothes. Wait one moment."
"Righty-o," Chase replied.
"Oh, um, feel free to take a seat. You do not have to stand around. Go on, make yourself at home! I will be right back." With that, Henrik ducked out of the kitchen and headed up the stairs to his room.
Chase just nodded to himself. With how dirty he was (or at least, how he felt he was), he didn't feel all that comfortable sitting on the couch. He didn't want to dirty the new table either, but wood could be more easily cleaned than fabric, so he opted to sit at the table.
He agreed with Henrik on how bittersweet it was to let go of his old dining table. He didn't realize how much he missed the familiar squeak the chair made as he sat down until it wasn't there anymore. But he knew that, with time, this chair, too, would become worn with use and have its own signature squeak.
Though Chase knew he wouldn't be here for that.
He sighed heavily, resting his head in his hand, his elbow propped up on the table. He could feel that familiar ache blooming in his chest, threatening to swallow him. He sighed again and shivered, teeth chattering even though he wasn't cold. And then he yawned. He hadn't realized just how tired he was. Of course, sleeping in the back seat of your car every night meant you never slept well. And even before that, he was always tired, always worn down. But that's what a hopeless life will do to you, he knew.
Before long he was pulled from his thoughts, hearing footsteps bounding down the stairs. Henrik came into view, a bundle of neatly folded clothes in his arms.
"Here you are, Chase," Henrik said, handing him the pile of clothes. "The bathroom with the shower is upstairs."
"Mm, yeah. I remember. Thanks, Schneep."
"Is no problem at all! Now, go wash up. I will be waiting in the living room."
"Yeah, alright."
Chase headed up the stairs, one hand cradling the bundle of clothes and one hand remaining firm on the hand rail. It may have been forever since he'd been here, but he knew the layout of the house like the back of his hand. He could see Henrik's room at the very end of the hall. On the right was his office, and on the left was the bathroom. He ducked in, not hesitating to turn the shower on and get undressed.
Chase could have cried, feeling soap and hot water enveloping him for the first time in what felt like ages. He gave everywhere a good scrubbing, running fingers through his now-untangled hair, letting the hot water hit his body, taking in the smell of steam and body wash. He regretted all those times he didn't have the energy or motivation to shower, swearing that he would never take it for granted ever again.
Though, he remembered that it was going to be his last. That same melancholy opened up in his chest again and he sighed, movements slowing as he mulled that over. It was almost funny, how easy it was to forget his plan. He scoffed to himself, knowing that that probably meant he wouldn't have the balls to follow through with it when the time comes.
He decided he'll see what happens when that moment arrives.
For now he stepped out of the shower, drying himself off with the towel Henrik had laid out for him. He pulled on the fresh pair of boxers Henrik gave him alongside his clothes, and--
For the first time, Chase took a good look at the clothes Henrik gave him. He stood, befuddled, mostly surprised that he hadn't noticed. Did this man really just give me a suit? Chase questioned. What the hell kind of restaurant is he taking me to?! Whatever it was, it was going to be fancy, clearly. Chase wasn't sure he was ready for all that, but it was too late to back out now. He sighed and looked around the bathroom. Now that he was clean, he realized just how awful his breath tasted. A glance at the sink allowed him to find a clearly new toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste laid out side-by-side, as if put there on purpose. He knew it wasn't Henrik's -- his toothbrush was in a little plastic cup by the faucet. This new toothbrush could only be meant for him, then, since Henrik lived alone. Chase headed over to the sink, thinking that the smarter idea was to brush his teeth before he got dressed, just in case he spilled toothpaste on his suit jacket.
He chuckled to himself as he brushed his teeth, remembering the time he did that before a date with Stacy. Hardly anyone noticed, but god did he feel ridiculous the entire time. He could only laugh now. It was funny that, at one point, a toothpaste stain was the only thing he had to worry about. Something that mattered so little at the end of the day.
And now look where he is, what's happened to him since then.
He shook his head to clear it, pulling himself back into the moment. He brushed his teeth well, rinsed with mouthwash, spit, and wiped his mouth. As he breathed in, he could feel how cool and minty and fresh his breath was. Brushing his teeth was another thing he wouldn't take for granted.
Chase looked up, staring at himself in the mirror. The first thing he noticed was his eyes, deep, purple rings around them, no doubt from constant exhaustion. He shook his head. I look like a raccoon, he thought bitterly. As he did this, he watched his hair flop back and forth. He brushed it out of his eyes, thankfully staying in place because it was still damp. He needed a haircut; it was far too long for his liking. But he could deal for tonight.
For what felt like the billionth time within the last few hours, he pulled himself from his thoughts. He went to get dressed, slipping his arms through the sleeves of the white shirt and buttoning it up. Next came the pants, which he pulled on and tucked the shirt into. Then came the tie -- which had been hidden underneath the shirt -- and finally, came the jacket. He looked himself over in the mirror. He looked… good. He actually looked good. He couldn't help but smile and puff out his chest a little. Of course, the pants were a tiny bit big, but he knew Schneep had a belt he could borrow. He was a little surprised, though; he figured he would have gained weight thanks to all the crap he's been forced to eat. But at the same time… it was rare for him to have much of an appetite nowadays, so he ate a lot less than he used to. Maybe that was why, he figured. But, no matter. He threw his dirty clothes into the hamper on instinct, though after doing so wondering if that was the best thing to do. He wasn't sure if Henrik was willing to wash his clothes. He'd have to ask later. For right now, he headed out of the bathroom and down the stairs.
Henrik gasped when he saw Chase, hands flying to his mouth and eyes sparkling. He looked like a proud father. Even more so, since in the time Chase showered, Henrik seemed to have also put on a suit of his own. "Oh, Chase, the suit looks so nice on you! Does it fit okay?"
Chase couldn't help but blush, looking away sheepishly. "Uh, y-yeah, it fits fine. Gonna need a belt, though."
"Ah, no problem. I definitely have one lying around. I will grab it for you."
"Thanks. Um…"
"What is it?"
"What kind of restaurant are we going to, exactly?"
"Oh, um…" it was Henrik's turn to look sheepish. "I, um… Well, I know it was a bit of a, how you say, ballsy move to do this, but… I made reservations for a nice restaurant downtown. I passed by it sometime last month and knew from the very moment I saw it that I had to take you. I remembered your birthday was coming up, so I figured the timing was just right and made reservations over the phone as soon as I got their number."
Chase couldn't help but feel touched. Touched, and really guilty that he'd originally declined. Henrik must have noticed it flash briefly on Chase's face, because he was quick to reassure him.
"O-oh, it would have been alright with me if you did not want to go. I know I did not tell you beforehand so you would not have known. And I could have easily canceled, anyway. No need to worry about that."
Chase just nodded, looking away. Finally, he drew in a breath to speak. "I… I dunno what I did to deserve you, man, but… seriously, thank you. This… this means a lot to me. It really does."
"Aw, is no big deal. I would do anything for you. And I know that you deserve to have a good birthday, one that is not spent in the car all alone and drinking yourself away."
Chase flinched a little when Henrik said that. He knew he probably didn't mean anything by it, but… that was exactly what he had planned to do, quite literally. It was impossible, of course, but he couldn't help but wonder if Henrik knew more than he was letting on, if he read him so well that he knew that that was his plan. He shoved the thought to the back of his mind, instead just chuckling nervously.
"Uh… what time is the reservation for?"
"Six-thirty. It is…" Henrik glanced at his watch. "four o' two now, so we have about twenty or so minutes to kill before we should head out. You know how traffic is."
"God, do I," Chase agreed with a roll of his eyes.
Henrik patted down on the spot next to him, beckoning Chase to come sit. Chase obliged, sitting himself down next to Henrik. He sighed pleasedly -- it had been so long since he'd been on a couch. Yet another thing on his list of things he wouldn't ever take for granted.
And so the pair talked and caught up, and Henrik nearly forgot about the reservation entirely until he just so happened to check his watch and saw that they were two minutes past the time they should have left. Henrik shot up with a curse in German, hurrying up the stairs to grab a belt for Chase, and then coming back down and putting on his shoes. As Chase was buckling his belt, Henrik set a pair of black dress shoes identical to his own over by Chase's feet, mentioning that they were for him to wear. Chase nodded, pulling them on, and as soon as they were both ready they hurried out the door and into Henrik's car.
The ride was pleasant, thankfully the lessened traffic saving them a bit of time. The pair talked and laughed and joked the whole ride through -- they were halfway to their destination before Henrik remembered to turn on the radio. They arrived at the restaurant just as the sun was setting. It made for a pretty sight as they both stepped out of the car.
The restaurant was prettier, though.
It was dimly lit and very, very classy. For one thing, the carpet leading to the check-in counter was red, and the nearby rope partitions were gold with red rope, so that was the first indication of how high-end this place was. Chase looked around in awe as Henrik went up to the ornate, wooden counter -- there seemed to be ornate wood everywhere -- and stated his name and the reservation. And soon Henrik was beckoning Chase along, effectively pulling him from his trance, as a waitress guided them to their table. Chase couldn't help but feel giddy as the waitress set the menus down at a small booth seat meant for two people. Chase always loved the booth seats. He wondered if Henrik remembered that when making the reservation.
"How do you like it so far, Chase? Is nice, yes?"
"This place is… wow." Chase was breathless. It's been so long since he was somewhere this fancy.
"Well, let us hope the food holds up." Henrik noted.
"Oh, for sure," Chase nodded, agreeing.
The waitress came by, asking for their order of drinks. Henrik and Chase both got the same thing -- Diet Coke. Chase wanted a glass of wine to fit the mood of the place, but decided he wouldn't have any alcohol since Henrik couldn't have any. In the meantime, the pair looked over the menu.
"Have you decided on what you want to eat, Chase?" Henrik asked.
"No idea," Chase answered. The menu was so… expansive. He was having trouble deciding. It had been so long since he'd ordered from a menu like this, on top of that. He didn't even know what he was in the mood for. He was thankful, however, that on today of all days he had an appetite. It was probably because he didn't eat breakfast, but still. Well, he at least knew what he didn't want, which was a hamburger. He's eaten enough of those.
"Hm… I think I will get…" Henrik hummed, adjusting his glasses as he looked over the menu. "Well, the veal parm looks good. Maybe I will get that."
"Mm, I still need longer to look, I think," Chase responded.
Just then, the waitress came by, dropping off a small loaf of bread and a tiny ramekin of butter, as well as two small plates -- along with their drinks, of course. Chase and Henrik thanked the waitress as she passed by.
"That smells so good…" Chase commented. It took all he had in him to keep himself from drooling. He was so hungry.
"Ooh, I am definitely having a piece. I assume you want one as well, Chase?"
"Yes, please."
Henrik smiled, cutting Chase a piece first and spreading butter on it, placing it on one of the plates and passing it to him, before cutting himself a piece of his own. Chase thanked him gratefully, picking up the bread and taking a bite and--
Chase felt his eyes well up. One hand squeezed into a fist and he took in a breath through his nose as he chewed. Do not cry, Chase, he willed himself. Do not cry. It was just… so good. The bread was warm and lightly sweet and the butter was salty but not too salty and melted perfectly on the bread and god, he'd forgotten entirely what it was like to eat real food. He'd missed this desperately. All he'd known these past few months was cheap dollar-menu cheeseburgers and unsatisfying, tiny breakfast sandwiches.
"Are you okay, Chase?" Henrik asked, brows knitted in concern.
"'m fine," he spoke through a full mouth. He realized how impolite that was and swallowed. "I'm fine."
Henrik nodded, watching as Chase took a moment to compose himself before going back to eating. He understood, of course, after all he'd been through. He certainly wasn't judging him for it, but he did worry. And he wasn't oblivious. There were a lot of little hidden cues he's picked up on. From the scare over the phone this morning to how hopelessly sad he looked up until he got out of the shower, he knew that Chase needed him now more than ever. And Henrik would be there for him, he swore, until his dying breath. It's what Chase needs, and it's what he deserves.
Despite knowing what he wanted, Henrik had gone back to absentmindedly flipping through the menu. He spotted the salad section and perked up.
"Oh, Chase, did you want to order a salad with your meal?"
"Oh, yes please. I desperately need one of those. Something healthy for once after all the junk I've been eating."
Henrik laughed at Chase's response. He's gotten so mature over the years. At one point he'd gawk at getting a salad, and now he's completely on board with it. Henrik felt a strange sense of pride swell up within him at that.
The waitress came back over finally and asked each of them what they wanted. Henrik got a house salad with Italian dressing and he decided on the veal parm. Chase got a wedge salad (Henrik was sure it was the bacon bits that enticed him) and a steak with grilled vegetables on the side. Chase swore it was the most adult meal he's ever ordered at a restaurant -- usually he doesn't go for steak, but this time he felt he should get one. Just because. The waitress marked down their orders, thanked them, and left, heading to wherever the kitchen was, the pair assumed.
"Are you enjoying yourself so far, Chase?" Henrik asked.
"God, yeah," Chase nodded enthusiastically. "I'm probably gonna say this a bajillion times, but seriously, dude, thank you so much for taking me here."
"Oh, you are very welcome, Chase!" Henrik beamed. "It makes me happy to see you happy. And that is all I want. I just want you to be happy."
"God, dude, stop it, you're gonna make me start cryin' again!" Chase laughed, wiping his eyes. He seriously had no idea who blessed him to have a man like Henrik in his life, but he knew for certain he'd be nowhere without him.
Actually… without Henrik, he'd, quite literally, be dead. If Henrik wasn't in his life, who would have saved him? He doubted another doctor with his level of expertise and deft of hand even… existed. He owed this man his life and more. He wished there was a way to properly repay him, but there wasn't anything bigger than life itself he could give.
He'd definitely have to think of something.
For now, though, he spent his time enjoying Henrik's company. They talked about everything under the sun, they joked and laughed, and before they knew it, their food had arrived. It was funny how quickly time passed when spent with someone you're close to.
"Ooh, this looks delicious!" Henrik exclaimed.
"It looks like a lot," Chase commented, staring at the massive wedge salad and the huge steak. It was… very intimidating, to say the least. "No way in hell am I finishing all of this."
"Well, eat what you can and take the rest to go. Just… save room for dessert, hm?"
"Oh, duh. Like I would pass up dessert!"
Henrik laughed, shaking his head as he picked up his utensils and began to eat. He hummed pleasedly -- the food was very good, indeed! He'd definitely remember this place. Maybe all of them could go, once everything is back to normal and Jack is awake? That was a bittersweet thought.
Chase looked between the salad and the steak, trying to figure out which beast he should tackle first. He chose the steak, because he already knew what salad tasted like, but every restaurant makes steak differently. He picked up the steak knife, cutting off a piece and sticking it in his mouth.
As soon as the steak touched his tongue, everything hit him all at once. This wasn't just a measly piece of warm bread. No, this was real food. An actual meal. Something he hasn't had in months. All he'd eaten was fast food once or twice a day, if at all, depending on if he was hungry or not. And one of the things he missed the most was being able to go in his kitchen whenever he wanted and make himself something to eat, something he liked that wasn't just the same few things every day. Even when he was so depressed that he couldn't eat, he'd at least have something in the cabinets or fridge ready for him when he could. But he didn't have that anymore. He had no idea when he'd have that again. For another few months, maybe even longer, after tonight this could very well be his last true meal. After all of this, it was back to his normal. Back to suffering and drinking in the back seat of his car with the towels covering the windows so no one could see him crying, or in the forest by the little rock shrine he made with the picture of his ex-wife and youngest son placed delicately against its base.
He didn't want to live like that. He didn't want to suffer anymore. And yet… he had no choice. This was his life now, whether he wanted it or not.
"How do you like your food, Chase?" Henrik asked without looking up. After a moment too long he didn't hear a response, but he did hear Chase sniffle, which caused him to look up. At first, his brows furrowed in confusion. Chase was staring off into space and--
Wait, shit, Chase was crying.
"Chase? Chase, what is it? What is wrong, my friend?"
Chase, hearing Henrik's voice, was pulled out of his trance. His breath hitched and he swallowed what was in his mouth.
"F-fuck…" He realized he'd started crying, though now he couldn't get himself to stop. "Fuck," he repeated, his voice nothing more than a shaky whisper. He propped his elbows up on the table, his hands holding up his head as he kept his head down. He grit his teeth, trying to hold back his sobs as best he could.
Henrik quickly rose, moving to sit besides Chase and pulling him close. Chase shivered, crying a little harder now. "Shhh, shh, shh, shh, shhh…" Henrik soothed. "I am right here. Let it out, Chase. You are okay."
Chase held on tightly to Henrik, weeping into his shoulder. He was trying his hardest to make himself stop -- especially since a fancy restaurant is not the place to be bawling your eyes out -- but more tears just kept coming. Especially with Henrik encouraging him to let it out. It was helping, sure, but… not in the way he wanted it to.
A waitress who just so happened to be rushing by glanced over at the pair and paused. She knew she was in a rush but she couldn't help but be concerned -- someone crying in a restaurant (who wasn't a child, anyway) wasn't a normal sight.
"Is he okay?" asked the waitress.
Henrik quickly looked up, turning towards the voice. "Hm? Oh, yes, my friend, he… he is fine. He is just… having a moment." he explained. "Um, he… has not had a proper meal in very long of a time, and the world has been very unkind to him, so I decided to treat him... you know, for his birthday, because it is the one day he deserves to be happy, if he cannot be every day."
"Oh… I see."
Chase swore he would never stop crying at this rate. He just held tighter onto Henrik. This man's compassion, his kindness… it was too much for him to handle sometimes. Or, rather, most of the time.
"But do not worry!" Henrik reassured. "He will be okay. With time, he will. He always bounces back. He just needs this moment, right now."
"You're a very kind man," replied the waitress. "This world needs more people like you."
"Oh, I am just doing what any logical human being would do," Henrik dismissed. "When someone needs me, I am there. Is my job as a doctor, and as a friend. And I want my friend here to know that."
"What are your names?"
"My name is Henrik," he answered, "And my friend's name is Chase."
Chase wanted to greet the waitress properly, or at least say something, but he was still trying to reel himself in.
"Well, it was very nice meeting you both. And, Chase? Stay strong, okay?"
Chase nearly broke down entirely right then and there. He managed to get out a shaky, teary "thank-you" before the waitress left. Henrik kept hugging him tight, not letting go, allowing Chase to recompose himself. And soon enough, his crying slowed into hiccups, and then he was just sniffling and wiping his eyes and Henrik was guiding him to take deep breaths to calm himself.
"Are you okay, Chase?" Henrik asked, his voice gentle, his tone similar to the one he used for younger patients but a lot more… personal.
"Y-yeah… I… I th-think so…"
"Good, good. Do you want to head to the restroom and clean yourself up a bit?"
"Yes, please," Chase nodded. He wanted to blow his nose more than anything at this point.
With a nod, Henrik got up from the booth and Chase followed right behind him. They headed for the restroom, finding it eventually, and Chase went to blow his nose and wipe his face. His eyes were still red and teary, but he felt calmer now. After a few more deep breaths, Chase washed his hands and both him and Henrik left to return to their table.
They found their food had cooled a bit since they left, but it was still warm, at least (aside from the salads, obviously), instead of burning hot. Henrik continued to eat his food, and Chase… he ate reluctantly at first, worried he'd start bawling again. But after a few bites he found he was fine. It was just that first bite that threw him for a loop, he figured. And so he relaxed and allowed himself to enjoy his meal.
"It's really good," Chase spoke up, his voice meek.
"Hm?" Henrik looked up, hearing Chase speak. He then registered what it was that he said. "Oh! Is it?"
"Yeah, it is. It's… the best thing I've had in ages." There was that melancholy again, boring a hole in his chest. He forced it down.
"I am glad to hear it. Very glad." Henrik gave Chase a warm, heartfelt smile. Chase returned it, but it wasn't as bright or as wide as it should have been. He was still feeling pretty down, Henrik could tell. He did expect, however, that an experience like this would be a bit overwhelming for Chase. His only hope was for Chase to have a good birthday, one he could look back on with contentment or even bittersweet joy instead of resentment or sadness or regret.
Chase decided to take a break from eating the steak, moving instead to tackle the salad. It took a little effort, but he managed to get a good forkful of it.
"Fucking vegetables, thank god," Chase muttered to himself.
Henrik, who had been sipping on his soda when he heard Chase's comment, quickly clapped a hand to his mouth and ducked his head away as he tried his hardest to control his laughter and willed his body to swallow the soda that hadn't already gone up his nose.
"What? What's so funny?" Chase asked through a full mouth, a small smile beginning to tug at the corners of his lips.
Henrik swallowed and started to cough, laughing in between breaths. "F-fuck, I-- I am sorry, just…" he coughed some more before clearing his throat. "That made me laugh very hard."
"Oh, what I said about the salad?"
Henrik nodded, already going back to giggling. Chase snorted.
"I mean, you know how fuckin' long it's been since I've had a fuckin' vegetable, man? Not even a baby carrot. Like, I need my greens, bro!"
Henrik was trying so hard and failing to contain his laughter. And seeing Henrik laugh made Chase laugh, too. And then they were both laughing and trying to reign themselves in so they could get back to eating before their food got any colder.
The rest of their dinner was spent laughing and joking and talking, with Henrik feeling relieved that Chase seemed to be in mostly good spirits again. Their waitress came over and offered boxes for their unfinished food; Henrik said yes, while Chase said that he had nowhere to keep it if he did. Plus, he wasn't one to just casually eat leftover steak, anyway. So the waitress brought back over a box for Henrik, and with that, all that was left for them to do was wait for the check.
Or… so they thought.
The pair were kind of just looking around in content silence when they heard it. Clapping, a lot of clapping, all in unison. They didn't pay much mind to it at first, until it grew louder. Closer. Chase and Henrik looked at each other in confusion. And suddenly they were surrounded by a dozen waiters and waitresses, and one of them was carrying a monster of an ice cream sundae, complete with brownies and fully-lit sparklers sticking out of the top. They set it down on their table and began to sing the restaurant's "happy birthday" song to Chase. They all cheered when they were finished and then dispersed, but not before Henrik caught the glance of the waitress who checked up on them earlier. She winked at him. Henrik knew immediately this was her doing. He looked over at Chase, watching him with that warm, parental gaze and gleaming eyes, and he saw Chase was tearing up again, but they were happy tears this time. And Henrik swore, this is the widest Chase has smiled in a long, long time.
"Ho-ly shit," Chase laughed. "Dude… you gotta help me finish this. There's no way I can do this on my own."
"Oh, with pleasure!" Henrik agreed.
"Yeah, grab a spoon!"
They both blew out the sparklers first before digging in. They hadn't planned on actually getting dessert here, but this sundae was far too good to pass up. Chase swore it was the best ice cream sundae he's ever had in his life. Henrik could easily agree. They never did end up finishing it, but they got a good way through before they both threw in the towel, at least. Finally, their waitress dropped off the check. Henrik, who was the one paying, immediately took it. He was pleased to find that the dessert was on the house, but the note written in pen at the very bottom is what made him smile.
"What?" Chase asked, trying his hardest to fit one last bite of brownie in.
Without a word, Henrik slid the bill over so Chase could read it.
"Our entire staff wishes you well! Stay strong, Chase!" There was a little smiley face at the end.
For the third (and most likely not the last) time that night, Chase's eyes welled up. He bit his lip, smiling wildly. He really, honestly and truly was touched. They didn't have to do all that… and yet they did. That meant more to him than they would ever know. He took that copy of the receipt and folded it with care before sticking it in the front pocket of his pants. He'd stick this somewhere in his car, he decided. Somewhere where he'll always see it and remember this moment, remember those people who cared when they didn't have to.
Henrik paid for their meal, making sure to leave a very generous tip, and the pair got up and finally headed out, saying goodbye to the staff members they passed by and thanking them as they left. The night air was quiet and calm, albeit chilly. Chase felt that surreal feeling he always got when he headed into a building during the day and didn't come out until dark. He sighed when he got in the car, buckling his seatbelt and getting comfortable. Henrik did the same, just sitting there for a moment before turning the car on.
"Dude… even though I was a crybaby the whole time, that was the best restaurant experience I've ever had."
As much as Henrik wanted to validate him and say that he wasn't being a crybaby, that he was having valid emotions as a person dealing with trauma, he held off. Now wasn't the time for a therapy session. "They are getting a very good review, I will tell you that much!"
"More than worth the money, definitely," Chase agreed. He let his head hit the headrest with a sigh. "I am so full…" He realized then how long it had been since he felt full. Another contender for the "stuff Chase will no longer take for granted" list.
"Mm, agreed… I feel like I will be full for days. Weeks, even."
Chase snorted at that.
"Ready to head back?"
"Yes, please."
With a nod, Henrik started the car and off they drove, traveling down the highway. Thankfully there wasn't as much traffic now that it was getting late. Chase turned on the radio and on the way home they belted out stupid song after stupid song, laughing the entire time.
It was funny how much being with Henrik made him forget, Chase thought. He'd forgotten all of his troubles, his worries, and his plan. They would come back to haunt him, he knew, but right now, in this moment, none of that mattered. It was just him and Henrik, making the best of the time they had.
It didn't feel like any time at all had passed when they arrived back at Henrik's house. As soon as they got inside, though, they both shrugged off their jackets and kicked off their shoes with a sigh. Chase went to go sit on the couch, but Henrik stopped him before he could do so.
"Uh… Chase, could you… come to the kitchen for a moment?"
"Hm? Oh, sure." He did as such, though as soon as he saw Henrik duck into the fridge, he paled a little. "Oh, god, you didn't."
Henrik made a knowing face. "I, uh… wasn't expecting to have dessert at the restaurant," he explained sheepishly.
"Hen, I can't fit another bite into me. I'll explode."
"Pfft, do you think I am eating any of this now? Definitely not!" Henrik said with a laugh. "But… it is your birthday, and I did not want to go the day without singing "happy birthday" to you."
"Ah, gotcha. That I can do."
"I will grab the candles and get the lights. You go sit."
"Okay, will do."
Henrik did exactly that, grabbing the candles he bought and stuck them all into the cake -- one for every year Chase was alive. Quite a lot of candles for one cake, but he managed. Judging by the box, Chase knew it was a bakery cake, and his point was proved when he saw the words written in cursive on the top. It was a very nice cake, covered in vanilla frosting and with bright, primary colored sprinkles coated around the sides. It was decorated with red icing drizzling around the top edges and his name was written in blue. And then the candles were lit and the lights were dimmed and Chase was peering at Henrik's candlelit form through the darkness of the kitchen.
"Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday, dear Chase,
Happy birthday to you!"
Chase smiled, making his wish and blowing out his candles. He imagined his kids beside him, helping him out, and there was a longing pang in his heart. He didn't know what to wish for this year. There was so much he wished was better that it was hard to choose just one. So he wished for a better life, if not for him then for the others. He wished for things to get better and for it all to return to normal… whatever their "normal" was before all this happened.
Henrik smiled, turning the lights back on. He pulled the candles out of the cake, tossed them, and then closed the box and put the cake back in the fridge. They could have some tomorrow, he reasoned. Then, he turned to Chase.
Right. Time to come clean.
"Hm? What's up?"
"Um… I… I must confess something to you," Henrik admitted.
Chase felt a twinge of worry at his words. Was it something bad? He hoped not. "Which is…?"
"The reason I wanted you to come over was… because I have a gift for you."
A gift? "What kind of gift?" Chase asked curiously.
"It's upstairs. Um… it's supposed to be a surprise, so I will take you to it. Take my hand, close your eyes, and follow me."
"O-oh, uh… okay." He almost hesitantly took Henrik's hand and held his other over his eyes, allowing Henrik to carefully guide him up the steps. He was led a good way down the upstairs hallway before Henrik stopped. Then there was the sound of a door being opened.
"You can open them now."
Chase opened his eyes, looking into the room, and his hands slowly went to his mouth.
It was Henrik's office, but… his desk and file cabinets were no longer there. Instead, it looked like a bedroom. A very well-furnished one, at that. A bed, nightstand, desk and chair, cabinets and drawers to store stuff in, familiar posters taped to the walls...
"It, um… took me a few months to move and reorganize my things to the lab downstairs and furnish this room how I wanted it to look," Henrik explained. "I wanted to tell you sooner but it wasn't ready until recently. But anyway, um… this… this will be your room from now on."
His room, his mind echoed. That meant… no more living out of his car. No more junk food every day. No more sleeping in the back seat and waking up sore. For the first time in months, he had a home. A roof over his head. A warm bed.
It was finally over. He was no longer homeless.
Chase fell to his knees, burying his face in his hands. His breath hitched and he was crying, sobbing, reveling in the utter relief of knowing that he didn't have to return to how he was living. He didn't have to suffer like he was anymore.
For the first time in months, he was thankful he was alive. And for the first time in months, he didn't want to die.
Henrik crouched down besides Chase, rubbing his back in slow circles, although he couldn't help shedding a few tears himself, on behalf of his dearest friend.
"Happy birthday, Chase," Henrik said finally, his voice low and gentle in Chase's ear. "And welcome home."
Those final words only made him cry harder.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So the idiot across the street is still harassing our son and is making dumb noises right now so we're going to visit him and pull him out he's been doing it for years okay years of hearing that stupid crap that you hear it is unbelievably stupid and they start blabbing on TV hey go ahead and do so they get off the screen after blabbing and we take them in.
Now mac daddy said something and we found it to be true and he doesn't want to say it cuz he wants some program this far too many idiots but it's absolutely true Trump is comprises the majority of the stupid comments and the dumb looks and the dumb motifs and the dumbass most of his work and he readily admits it and there's too many of them still they're all over the planet making these dumb noises celebrating bothering people bothering us to no end they're harassed it all over the world dumb jokes and then we'll see so we're hitting them and they go up where they're getting hit more and we can we hit them more there it's a process and we just keep doing it my son says just keep hitting him and turn it into a cleaning station everyone's got to move so we're doing it slowly in the movie people out and it was sent in Stars groups of them now big groups and there's huge numbers of these idiots pouring into these areas I went after the cloning and we're deleting it and it's going to be over for Trump he's going to be completely gone within a few days and it's probably Tuesday afternoon it hasn't happened yet such an a****** we're taking his ships too we're going to hit those ships out in the asteroid belt so sick of hearing from this a******
So Trump goes out and gets his jollies off messing up his room tries to pin it on her son it never works and he just keeps doing it and these people just keep watching them do it and don't pull them out of here so I'm going to keep pulling you around this isn't going to take advantage of it is nonsensical asinine attitude ridiculous commentary and stupid Acts
Right now he's headed towards Utah and we're going to pull the whole bunch of them out of there cuz they're all getting sucked up there and they're after whatever is left of our son's stuff and they say it's a foundation and the sun's going along who's going to start fighting him once they're there cuz he thinks he can take him there's a small now it's a huge fight and you guys spitting at me or going to jail and this a****** Jesus Governor Scott's another one he's a different trumpster same clan little bit healthier but he attacked Tommy favino he attacked a lot of people forces them to fight it causes incidents everyday here and punta Gorda follow us it's actually not very large I think she's this big guy one day his son's going to pop him so this girl figured out that he's a nuisance ruins everything they start going after Trump and now they're not going to stop whatever it happens they find out that he is a huge problem and she saw this that's actually Trump one of them know it's him with his Neil it's me on garth. She says you know me too and I said well you know it has to happen is Trump's need to leave
So we're mounting attack on the trumps and we're going into drawing them in and they go in like that like protesters some of them armed and they think it's a sneaking approach they come up and they see him and they're horrified because they look like a lot of them they look like the abomination and they have a huge gun and they say it's too late to turn around they all open fire and absolutely nothing penetrates him the crept up once with a whole bunch of hanging launchers and they blew their s*** out of themselves cuz he hit them with a array and his tentacles come up and it looks like creature the Black lagoon but bigger and he just zapped some bang they all blew up it's an amazing show these creatures kick ass and it's a perfect idea and we really needed it and we really have to just keep doing it because these guys they fall for it everyday every minute of every day I'm going to put more castles out and start getting much more aggressive as a matter of fact we're going to put castles out and start gathering stuff in the areas our sun stuff money and our artifacts and Trump has 90% of it and I can't stand it I don't want him to have any he's such a huge a****** in a f****** no mind and a jerk it looks just right in the face that guy needs to pay and he's going to pay now so we're going to do it on a sun says I think it's right and put a huge hardened bunker in like we had here that we have here but without the cap and then each and every area on Earth where he is and pull all the stuff out the money and everything else too and we will store the artifacts there in the items and we'll move them all here we might have to make this one bigger and really is to get rid of trump but he needs a break and that will give him a break I'm going to start building them now we got this huge idea and everybody's into it no nobody is accepted us cuz we don't want to lose our artifacts like our son might be so if they might try and force them here like they did already so we're going to town and getting this ready and doing it
Get another idea and it was to put a menacing facility in no the process of stuff and it was using light cycle facilities that we said were ours it knows like the cycle facilities are not ours and they're not crappy bill but they're not built right and they're not very cool and they're not functional like ours would be the walls are a foot thick and who cares it doesn't stop anything we're going to build some more and he says however many more that we can permanently man 100% right now by volunteer and they can all help build it and it's going on now getting volunteers
We approve this message wholeheartedly and we need volunteers for every aspect of everything and we're going to go ahead with this idea if you want to do a project volunteer if we have enough we go ahead with it and we have a list we're putting up too
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queennicoleinboots · 5 years
Peter turns into a Giraffe, and I am now a Jaguar (Xara POV)
If there is one human being I have hated more than life itself in the last two and a half years, it is Peter Parker. He is the most self-absorbed, immune-to-aging, immature, dense, airheaded, curly-haired NUISANCE JERK I HAVE EVER MET! I cannot take his bullshit anymore. I can't believe we haven't killed each other yet. He was so obnoxious today. He hit his all-time high of being the biggest, curly-haired, glasses-wearing, green-eyed, TALL douche on the face of the Earth.
My day with him was the worst ever in the entirety of my still 30-year-old body. I refuse to age if this dickwad can still look 40 while almost being 55. He can be 55. I'll remain 30 for the next year or so. Fuck him. Fuck him and his fountain of youth. His bullshit was INCESSANT. First, he purposely tossed his mold samples that he collected for the sheer purpose of fucking with me into his bath tub and made me clean them. Then, he snickered and placed an alive American roach into his toilet bowl while letting it swim until it was hiding in the rim. I screamed bloody murder and yelled, "Fuck you, Peter Parker!"
He laughed at me again because he is a son of a bitch. I threw a can of Pete's Liquid Gold at his fucking curly-haired head. I was so sick of his never-ending bullshit.
While he was peacefully cleaning up his room and making random noises to relieve mental anguish, I was dealing with yet another sample of mold in the guest bathroom. He had it in the sink and bath tub. I sighed and cleaned it, but believe me when I say that I wanted to shove the bottle of cleaning spray up his ass. And, I was so pissed because he even had a talking toilet in the bathroom.
"Hello. I wanted to let you know that Peter's shit is abundant and nutritious," the toilet said.
Peter laughed as he made his room look perfectly normal in between making random sounds that helped him relieve stress and anxiety. Those sounds made me laugh both out of sheer nervousness and high amusement.
A text message came in on my phone. It was Colonel America telling me that Gabby sent his regards. I read this text while Peter was going on his own tirade: "Happy extremely-belated Birthday. Again. You can't stop the aging process. Gabby can attest that. He sends his regards."
I sent this text while Peter still kept going: "GABBAYY!!! Thank you, Colonel America, but I refuse to be older than 30 until I am 33. Fuck 31. I hate that number. It's a name of a multi-level marketing company that sells handbags. It might as well sell tiny classified ads."
Because I can process more than one conversation at a time, I can tell you that Peter said, "If I am the biggest pain in the ass you've ever met, you have it made. Also, I am not the cause of half of the bullshit NEUROSES you have in your head. And good God there's a lot. Jeez. I've met a lot of women, but yours is up there Jesus Christ! Your life has been a pile of shit BEFORE you met me. I had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! Crazy. You're crazy. CRAAAAAZZZYY!!!!" He sang the word "CRAAAAAZZZYY!!!!"
"Ugh. Am not! Or maybe I am. It's your fault. Your drive me crazy!" I yelled.
"Again that's crazy. You were CERTIFIABLY INSANE before you knew I even existed," Peter said with an obnoxious laugh. Goddamn I wanted to punch him.
"Fuck you! I hate how much better than me you are than I am!" I screamed at him.
Peter laughed. "Some of us just got it," he said casually. "Nice redundancy! Ha! Ha!"
"Yeah, I know. Fuck you. You flaunt it in my face EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!!! I hate the English language, and I HATE YOU! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!" I screamed as I threw a bottle of multipurpose cleaner at his door.
The fucker laughed. "I only see you three times a week. Haha." He snickered before the small vacuum cleaner turned into Gabby. "Oh no. What the fuck?"
"THIS IS CNN!" Gabby said as he jumped on Peter's bed.
"What the shit is going on?" I asked.
"FUCK IF I KNOW! My vacuum cleaner turned into Gabby Hayes from CNN. WHY?! I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING NEWSWORTHY!!!!" Peter screamed.
"You exist, Peter W. Parker. That's newsworthy," Gabby said.
"GABBAYYYY!!!" I yelled as I charged into Peter's room to cuddle and kiss Gabby.
Gabby kissed me and then laid on top of me. "This is newsworthy. Thank you, Xara. I missed you," he said.
"Goddamn. You know the news has gone to shit when a Siamese cat appears in my bedroom out of my God-Forsaken vacuum cleaner, and it's newsworthy holy Shit. Get a recall on this fucking vacuum cleaner," Peter said as he scratched his head.
Gabby and I laughed. Gabby was laying on my stomach and purring.
"Why my Uncle Irwin decided to give short notice to his visit is beyond me. Maybe because his prefrontal cortex was malformed after a car accident. Ya know, a lot of shit has happened to my family because of car accidents," Peter said thoughtfully.
"Sorry to hear," Gabby said.
"Yeah, me, too. My sister died. Uncle Irwin's brain was damaged. My cousin Richard had a back injury... I had a black woman chase me while she was masturbating because I rear-ended her..." Peter trailed off.
Gabby and I laughed again.
I lifted Gabby off of me and put him on the bed. "I have to piss," I said as I went into the bathroom.
I lifted the lid of the toilet to sit down.
"Nice ass," the toilet said.
"Thank you," I said as I sat down on him and peed.
"Deelicious! Deelicious! DELICIOOOOUSSS!!! DELICIOOOOUSSS!!!
DELICIOOOOUSSS!!!" the toilet sang.
I wiped myself off down there before flushing the toilet.
"DELICIOOOOUSSS!!!" the toilet sang.
I washed my hands and continued to clean the bathroom. I opened the door to continue to speak. "Peter, I can't believe you made me come here bright and early again. I thought you learned from a year and seven months ago that waking me up early would cause mayhem and destruction in your life!"
"Blame Uncle Irwin. He's the one coming here at 3. He wanted to conduct business with my dad and hang out with me. I wake up bright and early, so I'm totally fine with it. You're the one on a weird schedule," Peter said as he walked in here.
I turned to him. "Only to avoid humanity," I said with a smile.
"That's your problem," Peter said with a smirk as he looked directly in my eyes.
"It's MY prerogative!" I said and danced to the tune of 'It's My Prerogative' by Bobby Brown.
"Great song! It's MY prerogative!" Peter sang along in an obnoxious high-pitched voice.
I laughed before he started laughing. We laughed for a few minutes before he straightened up and said, "Get back to work!"
I sighed. "Fine!!! Jerk," I said as I scoffed.
He sighed loudly. I sighed. He sighed again. I sighed again.
Gabby meowed loudly.
"Gabbbaaayyyyyyy!!!!" I yelled as I was finishing up my job in the bathroom.
"We have to make Irwin's bed," Peter said.
Gabby then announced, "THIS IS CNN."
"I'm well aware!!!" Peter said as he stormed to the guest room. I knew he stormed because I heard stomping.
I emerged from the bathroom to help that irate curly-haired pain in the ass. He was muttering swear words and struggling to make the bed while I was dusting his room.
"Sure, jerk," I said as I checked both sides of the bed. "A slight hair uneven on the right side." I went back to dusting.
"OH FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK, CAN YOU HELP ME?!" Peter screamed as he attempted to put a pillow case on the pillow before throwing it on the bed.
"I'm busy," I said as I stopped dusting before purposely messing up the bed by putting the wrong blanket on the bed.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Peter screamed before throwing his hands in the air.
I laughed. "Making the bed," I said.
"No. Fuck you. That's the wrong blanket," Peter said as he took the blanket off and threw it over Gabby who was watching in extreme amusement.
I laughed and then helped him put the right blanket on the bed. As soon as we attempted to straighten it, Peter huffed.
"Fuck it. It works. I don't care. He can sleep in it. If he doesn't like it, he can kiss my ass," Peter said loudly as he sat on the bed and punched a pillow.
I cracked up. "Are you okay?" I asked while falling on the floor and laughing.
Peter turned his head toward me and looked at me. "Am I okay? Yeah, I'm fine! My uncle Irwin is coming over, and I'm totally not ready. Yeah, everything's great, just great."
"All right! Maybe you won't mind being a giraffe then!" I yelled as I turned him into his favorite animal: a giraffe like I did two years ago. He was still tall, pale, and awkward.
He bleated and looked at me with a "WTF" look.
What the world doesn't know is that I can be a bitch at times, especially to Peter Parker. I have been trolling him for the past two years. I started when he was 52 years old and looking like a 40-year-old. It all started when I handed him a sheet of drywall from Mr. Williamson's garage. (Mr. Williamson was formerly known as Mr. Bright and Early.) Mr. Williamson and I thought it would be funny to torment Peter Parker with what he hated most: drywall. Plus, I am *still* pissed that he is more talented than I am at everything. Fuck him.
Peter turned 55 today. Two years ago, he turned 53. Peter doesn't look like he aged a minute except for a few gray hairs. He is an asshole, and I am jealous.
He seemed to have forgotten that I existed because he was dealing with everyone in his house being sick and/or crippled. We had developed a like-hate friendship that was special. He was the hero, and I was the villain. We argued, trolled, spoke, and had wonderful misadventures together. Then life told me to fuck off. I was unfulfilled because I couldn't hardcore troll Peter anymore. Well, fuck it, I turned Peter into a giraffe again out of sheer spite and frustration!
I laughed and slapped him softly on his side.
"Well, I can't very well continue to clean up being a giraffe," Peter said as he bleated and walked out the door. "Finish up. I can't take this anymore!" He bleated again.
I laughed and continued to clean his house before I turned into a jaguar. I howled in pride when my work was complete.
Peter was outside bleating. I noticed three Venus flytraps emerging from the toilets in the massive toilet garden. I grinned and then made the toilets come alive as though they were the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty.
The three toilets sang French opera as loud as they could outside Peter's house. Peter bleated loudly and joined in on their singing.
"Happy Birthday! Care to take your first poop as a 55-year-old?" the first toilet asked as she opened her mouth wide.
The second toilet said, "Super Coping Giraffe, we have been following you since you were born... 55 years ago."
The third toilet said, "We are inspired by your super coping poops!"
A bird was flying at full speed at Peter's long neck. "Care to reinact 9-1-1? This story is for the birds!" it squawked.
"Let's make like pigeons and shit on this story!" the second bird said as it was also flying at full speed at Peter's long neck.
"Ahhh!!! I'm a super coping giraffe that looks like a llama. I can't believe my housekeeper did this to me again! My life is so awkward!" Peter said as he started running down the driveway.
The pigeons took large shits on Peter's driveway and on Irwin's car before they flew away.
Uncle Irwin drove up the driveway and asked the giraffe, "Excuse me. Is this the Parker residence? Can you believe that my car just got bombarded with bird shit?"
"Yes. I'm Peter Parker," Peter said as he leaned his head down to Irwin's window. "And I just want to pretend that birds didn't shit all over my existence."
"Why the fuck is spiderman a giraffe?" Irwin asked.
Peter bleated loudly and started jumping up and down. "I'm Peter WALLACE Parker! I'm a fucking giraffe! I'm not Spiderman. I used to be Super Coping Man before I had a mental breakdown a year and a half ago! Goddammit!" he screamed.
Irwin beat on his steering wheel and started laughing hysterically. "Oh sorry, Peter. I didn't recognize you because you were a giraffe," he said.
Peter bleated loudly and rolled his eyes. "Do you need help carrying your things in?" he asked.
"No thank you. But I would like to get some sleep," Irwin said as he got out of the car and grabbed a few bags.
"Okay," Peter said as he walked to the mailbox to pick up the mail.
I pounced at Peter and Irwin to startle them. I threw in a loud jaguar growl for added effect.
Peter bleated in fright and dropped the mail.
Irwin dropped his bags and shouted. "Aaahhhhh! What are you?"
"Hi! I'm Peter's housekeeper, Xara. I'm a jaguar, but I look like Foamy the Squirrel. I'm glad you're here, Irwin, because your nephew is boring!" I said before I growled at them again.
"What universe am I in?!" Irwin screamed as he picked up his bags and ran inside.
"Why did you choose now to turn me into a giraffe? Fuck you," Peter said as he kicked me.
"Because it's funny, and you piss me off," I said as I pounced on his butt and started munching on the flesh.
A familiar basenji was charging up the driveway.
"Holy Shit! Tug?! What are you doing here?! I thought you were dead!" Peter exclaimed with a happy, long-lasting bleat as he jumped up and down.
Tug howled and ran up to Peter. They were playing together.
I jumped off Peter's butt before I said, "Happy Birthday, Peter. I finally was able to resurrect Tug for you. Now you have two pets named Tug and Ted."
Ted the Alligator was slinking near the toilets in the toilet garden. "Holy Shit, Tug returned!" he said. "We shall celebrate this day. Happy Birthday, Peter Wallace Parker. And happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for Tug's return."
Tug did his dance and howled with pride.
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justuwuthingsblog · 4 years
Imagine living a life where you get bullied and mistreated by your classmate and teachers at school, having so much stress over school work, come back home to getting insults from your father and you have no choice but to deal with it cause you still got homeworks and school reports to finish then sleep for only an our, get ready for school, also get a daily dose of insults from your father before you go to school, go to the school's restroom and cry about it before entering class, and then get bullied again then get a scolding from your teacher for having failing grades then yells you about ruining your future and being a disappointment to your family over a goddamn grade, then having another fight with your bully, come home from school again, get insulted once more being left alone at home with so much school work while you get haunted by the death of your loved one that mattered to you the most. All that bagage you had to carry while you try fighting your anxiety and depression. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. And people still hate me because I got everything and people be comparing their problems to mine as if they ain't that bad. Well congratulations!! You are stronger than me and I'm just a nuisance to the society. Fuck you for invalidating my emotions!!! Fuck you!! Yawa ka!!
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