#that Odin's morning tea was made just of that.
holylulusworld · 4 months
Unworthy (1)
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Summary: Thor doesn’t think you‘re a good friend to his brother.
Pairing: AU!Thor Odinson x fem!Reader, AU!Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader (platonic/best friends)
Warnings: past addiction, mentions of drug abuse/addiction (Loki), angst, classism, Thor being an ass, BBF trope, mentions of spiked drinks
Unworthy masterlist
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Thor doesn’t think you‘re a good friend to his brother and won’t stop telling you, his parents, and Loki so. 
You’re not rich, and don’t come from a wealthy family. You’re just you, and that is not enough in Thor’s eyes.
“How can you believe she wants to be your friend,” Thor’s voice booms through the hallways. You sigh and try to focus on work, not the fact that the brute is yelling at your friend again. “You’re blinded by lust!”
“Y/N and I are only friends. I know you cannot be around a woman without getting between her legs, but I cherish my friendship with Y/N. Stop trying to ruin our bond.”
“Bond,” the blonde snorts when you step out of your office to come to Loki’s aid. “Ah, there she is. The she-devil.”
“What is going on here?” You glare at Thor, not afraid of the tall man. He’s much taller than you and easily towers over you. “People try to work here, Mr. Odinson.”
“He tried to ruin our friendship again,” Loki defensively says. He moves closer to you, seeking your closeness. He’s still not out of the woods, and the confrontations with his brother do him no good.
You straighten your back and try to look taller while glaring at Thor. “I know you cannot understand that people want to be friends, but this doesn’t mean you can argue with your brother about our friendship all the time. This is ridiculous. Why do you hate the fact that Loki is my friend? There is no harm in being friends with me.”
“Says you,” Thor huffs as he eyes you up and down. “I know exactly what you are up to. Loki is just too blind to see who you truly are.”
You gently take Loki’s hand when he starts fidgeting next to you. He needs someone to help him with his insecurities and not fall back into old patterns.
Drug addiction is a dead end. If you don’t find a way back out, you are stuck. Loki is doing well. You’re a big help and the constant he needs to stay clean.
Thor doesn’t get that you are Loki’s anchor when the world gets too much again.
“How about we get you something to eat, darling,” you wrap one arm around Loki’s shoulder to guide him toward your office. “My office is a haven. Don’t worry. You’re safe, and I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Thor watches you guide his brother away from him with angry eyes. One day, he’ll find a way to get rid of you.
He doesn’t care that Loki and his father think highly of you. Thor Odinson swore to himself to remove you from his brother’s life, and he won’t stop until he succeeds.
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“Son, I won’t argue with you again. Y/N is a hard-working woman. She’s smart, eloquent, and always professional. Stop trying to make her a bad person,” Odin warns one last time. Thor tried, once again, to get you fired.
“I do not trust her. Father, she’s not like us. I know there is something wrong with her. Why would she want to be friends with Loki during his darkest times if not to take advantage of him and his vulnerability.”
“I’m right here,” Loki rises from his seat to glare at his brother. “I’ve been clean for almost a year. Y/N was one of the reasons I did not have a relapse. She’s a good person and a kind soul. Stop being a classist!”
“I’m not a classist!”
Loki pants heavily. “YES YOU ARE!” 
“Sons!” Odin slams his fist onto the table. “Thor, stop right there. Do not go any further.” Odin’s features soften seeing Loki’s hand tremble. “Loki, we believe you. Y/N is a good person and she’s always welcome here.”
“Thank you, father,” Loki nods before he turns to leave the room. “Please excuse me. I lost my appetite.”
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“Morning darling,” you try to cheer Loki up. He told you about the scene Thor made during dinner. “I got you breakfast and the tea you like some much.”
“You’re the best,” he grins and takes the offered tea. “I’m sorry for chewing your ear off last night. I know I can be…too much.”
“Loki,” you cup his chin with one hand, “let me stop you right there. We are friends. You’re never too much. If you want to talk, even if it’s two am, come over or give me a call. That’s what friends are good for.”
Thor watches you run your hand up and down Loki’s arm. He squares his jaw and huff.
“Only friends. Who are you trying to kid, woman…”
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Thor feels like he defeated a dragon. He crosses his arms over his wide chest and smirks as he watches your downfall.
Odin didn’t waste time. He’d do anything to protect Loki. Even if it means to fire one of his best and most reliable employees. 
It took one old picture to ruin your life. Thor didn’t let up until he finally found something he could use against you.
A snapshot of you, stoned and barely awake as you hold a drink in your hands. To anyone else, it’s a girl partying during college. To Odin, it’s a picture of a woman bringing drugs and alcohol into his drug-addicted son’s life.
Your ears ring from the yelling you received from Odin. He called you an addict, and a bad influence. You don’t care that you lost your job. The only thing that pains you is that Odin forbids you to see Loki again.
“Are you done?” You coolly reply. “If so, you should know that I do not drink and that I didn’t take drugs. That’s a very old picture taken by someone I didn’t even know.”
“I cannot have someone like you near my son or at my company,” Odin regrets his harsh words, but Loki is more important than an employee.
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You angrily wipe your eyes while Thor watches you clean out your desk. 
This is it. He made it. You not only lost your job, but your friendship with Loki is over too.
His father will not allow you to keep in touch with his son. Not after his golden boy made him believe you’re a bad person. You knew the first time you met Thor Odinson that he would be your downfall.
“I knew you’re a bad influence,” he sneers when you look at him with teary eyes. “You’re tears and pout won’t work on me. I’m not my unstable brother eating out of your hands.”
“Do you think I care?” you choke on your tears. “Did you…” You take a deep breath. “Did you dig a little deeper? Did you find out that the picture was taken after some rich, entitled frat boy spiked my drink to show the poor and shy girl what happens when she turns his advances down?”
Thor blanches at your words. He doesn’t want to believe you, but your eyes give the truth away. “I—” It’s the first time the tall blonde is at a loss of words. He doesn’t have an answer or a comeback. 
What if he just destroyed your career and friendship with Loki over nothing? 
He was so blinded by his ignorance and jealousy that he did more than damage your career. Thor Odinson destroyed you completely. Your reputation and career lie in ruins all thanks to him. Everyone saw the picture you desperately tried to forget.
What’s past is past you told yourself whenever the memories flash back up. You tried to move past what happened back then and you believed, at least for a while, that you succeeded.
“Did you find out that I ended up in hospital, and that I only got lucky because a friend found me before that very same frat boy could finish his plan?”
“Why would he do this to you?” Thor’s tone is softer now. 
“Well, he was just like you. A rich boy who never heard the word no,” you throw the last knick-knack into the box and pick it up. “He believed he can tell me to suck his dick and I’d happily oblige. That guy didn’t get that I’m not the kind of girl seeking attention from guys like him.”
“Wait—if that’s true,” Thor touches your arm, but you shake his hand off. “I talk to Father and explain my mistake. We can figure something out.”
“Save it,” you huff. “He didn’t believe me. I was nothing but loyal to your father and the company. All I ever wanted was to do a good job and be a good friend to Loki. Just you know, I stopped Loki from taking drugs anytime life dragged him down. I hope he finds help soon.” You sniffle. “I’d hate to watch him fall for the poison again only because you made it impossible for me to be there for him.”
Thor swallows thickly when you storm out of your office. You brush past Odin and Frigga who heard every word you threw in Thor’s direction. They feel as guilty as their son when their eyes meet Thor’s blue ones.
“Is that true, son?” Odin questions while you walk away, holding your head high. You didn’t do anything wrong. All you ever did was to support Loki.
“I don’t know yet,” Thor hastily says. “I’ll find out and then…” he trails off watching you walk past your co-workers. None of them even says goodbye, even though, you’ve been there for them whenever someone needed help. “I’ll make amends.”
Part 2
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freckled-words · 18 days
Animal Transformation
This took way too long, but that tends to happen when you don't have a really strong idea for the plot. I'm also super rusty, but I think I got my swing back towards the end.
Hope you enjoy the read, and let me know if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Turns out even frost giants have allergies, and it has the funniest effects on a certain trickster’s shapeshifting control.
Darcy watches as Loki loses control of his shapeshifting magic, and she just can't resist a furry face.
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“Community service” was the polite term used to describe Loki’s return to Earth.
“Doing whatever the Hell we say” is the more accurate description, as coined by Director Fury during the initial meeting.
Thanks to a curse/spell from Odin, Loki’s magic and strength was moderated by whichever task Loki was assigned to at the time.
When he was sent out to clean up trash in Central Park (disguised and under Natasha’s supervision) he was as strong as an average citizen.
If he went out with the Avengers to deal with a threat, he was allowed just enough magic and strength as was needed to defend himself.
In-between his assignments, and back in the Tower, he was set to about mid-level Godly might (just in case a Hulk suddenly appeared or an accidental arrow went flying his way.) 
The combination of ‘cursed weakness’ and menial labor, unsurprisingly, lead to a consistently pissy Loki. The closest thing Darcy had seen to a smile on him was the trademark smirk, right before he said something snarky.
Even though Darcy hated Loki’s guts for all the death and destruction he’d brought to New York, she also couldn’t stop herself from adding him onto her ‘Take Care List.’ Much to most everyone’s surprise (Jane had long since accepted that Darcy couldn’t help herself.)
She didn’t go out of her way to kneel and curtsey around him or anything, but she did make sure he got a mug of tea or coffee when she was doing the rounds in the morning. As well as a decent portion of food like the other bottomless pits that had to be fed (with Thor back on Earth, the grocery bills knocked up another couple hundred.)
Anytime Loki bothered to acknowledge Darcy, it was never in a polite fashion, and Darcy made sure to give just as good as she got.
“I see Midgardian cuisine is just as lacking as the people.”
“I see your manners didn’t make the trip from Asgard.”
“If you’re going to offer me food, at least make certain it's cooked.”
“Gee why didn’t I think of that? Oh right, dumpster fires don’t get a say in what they get.”
It became something of a routine for them to exchange barbs at least once or twice a day, and by Loki’s second month in residence, the other members in the Tower stopped bracing for Loki to lash out at Darcy.
Darcy just came to accept this as part of her new normal, and rolled with whatever weirdness that came along with it.
Right up until the weirdness took a detour into ‘omg wtf’ territory.
“...Avengers were seen fighting against what was described as a hoard of mutated bi-pedal flowers.”
Anytime the Avengers were called out for a mission Darcy kept the TV on in the background so she could get updates on what kind of mess she might be helping to clean up later. JARVIS was great for giving her updates on everyone’s physical well being, but he couldn’t necessarily predict how the team’s mood was going to be once they got home.(When there was a HYDRA mission, it was home-made pizza night. Apparently slamming around a massive ball of dough was very therapeutic for Bucky.)
The news being a bit slower than actual events, Darcy wasn’t surprised when JARVIS announced the team was returning in the next 10 minutes, along with a cryptic note of, “No major injuries to report, however Dr.Banner does advise no immediate physical contact.”
The last time JARVIS passed on this kind of note, the Avengers had gone up against a T-Rex made of enchanted septic waste (sometimes D&D nerds manage to get their hands on blackmarket magic, and it never ends well for anyone.)
Having (barely) survived Death-By-Foul-Poo-Stank, Darcy figured her nose could handle some overly strong floral perfume coming from the team’s gear. With Jane’s blessing, she was ready and waiting for them in the kitchen 20 minutes later. She’d brought out multiple boxes of kleenex, a handful of neti pots, and every brand of allergy medication in existence.
The first waft of thick flowery perfume drifted in with Steve, and nearly had her choking as her eyes watered, “Cripes Steve, how is this almost worse than the Fecal-Rex?!” Grabbing a handful of kleenex she blew her nose and dabbed at her eyes.
“Just be lucky you’re getting this, and not the full bouquet. There was every kind of flower there, and everyone but me, Bucky, and Bruce nearly dropped from an immediate allergic reaction.” Steve grabbed one of the neti pots and looked over the instruction card that came with it.
Darcy could just imagine Tony having to flip up his face visor to keep from coating it with his sneezes, while Clint cursed trying to zero in on his target with his eyes burning and watering.
“Wait so even Thor -”
What had to be the loudest sneeze in existence went off, followed by the lights flickering erratically throughout the room.
Thor entered a moment later blowing his nose into a wad of paper towels. The skin around his nose and eyes were bright red, evidence that he’d been rubbing at them for a while already.
“I didn’t think anything on Earth would be able to infect your whole Godly-Alien-Race?” She asked while pushing a box of lotioned kleenex towards him. 
Thor accepted the softer tissues and yanked out ten to hold in his hand, ready for the next sneeze, his voice was congested when he answered, “Nor did we. Banner believes their mutated state amplified their pollen’s properties.” He blew his nose again, and Darcy winced at the sound of his tortured sinuses.
“What about Loki? He’s not human or Asgardian, how is he faring?” Thor had explained his brother’s origins to everyone over drinks the night before Loki had been brought to the tower. A couple members of the team concluded that Loki’s destructive behavior must have been a kind of psychotic break, what with his whole life being flipped upside down and dipped in ice water.
Thor and Steve exchanged a look, one that nearly had them both coughing back a round of laughter.
Squinting Darcy pressed, “What happened to Frosty the Snow Giant? It was something good wasn’t it? Give me the deets ~” She crept closer to Thor, wiggling her fingers towards the box of kleenex as though she were going to snatch it back.
Thor grabbed the box and turned away, his smile spreading, “During the fray, Loki was met with the misfortune of having his entire head swallowed by one of the flowers.”
Steve’s smile curled towards ‘I enjoy trouble’ and added on, “Turns out getting a nose of the stuff is worse than just breathing it in.”
“So Loki is…?” She prompted already knowing the answer had to be good.
“Hiding in his room.” Natasha supplied, slipping around Thor to grab a box of lotioned kleenex herself. Unlike Steve and Thor, she’d gone straight to her room to shower and change into clean clothes.
Images of Loki with a purple rash all over his face, or icicle snot hanging out of his nose popped into Darcy’s mind. 
“Well if he’s feeling that rough, then I’m sure he’d appreciate some tissues and allergy meds. I’m just gonna…” Darcy grabbed the extra strength Benadryl, the last box of lotioned Kleenex and one of the Neti pots.
Her arms full she made a beeline for the elevator, and chose to ignore Steve’s question of, “Is she still safe?”
One quick elevator ride, and a hop-skip down the hallway had Darcy standing in front of Loki’s door. 
Since her hands were full, Darcy called out,“Loki, you in and decent? I’ve got a sniffles care package for you.”
“Go away, Serf.” 
Darcy rolled her eyes. ‘Serf’ was Loki’s default nickname when he couldn’t be bothered to think of a better insulting name. 
Even through the door she could hear the rapid fire sneezes that followed, as well as a muffled cough. 
“You can either let me in, and choose what state of dress you’re in, or JARVIS opens the door and I get to see just how much of a rash you have on your ass right now.” It was a shallow bluff at best, but she couldn’t just walk away without trying first.
The annoyed noise that traveled through the door sounded an awful lot like a growl, more so than the usual one she was able to get out of him when she pushed his buttons.
A second later the door opened.
Biting down on her lips to try and not smile too smugly Darcy marched in, “Good choice Frosty. You’ll thank me later when you’re not missing three layers of ski…nnnnyah?” 
With all the apartments in the tower having the same layout Darcy had gone straight for Loki’s small living room to place her bundle on the coffee table. 
She’d glimpsed Loki from the corner of her eye as she’d breezed into the room, and hadn’t spotted any bright red or pink on him. When she straightened and faced him properly, her brain and mouth had a disconnect. 
Loki still stood by the door, which he was still holding open, his battle gear was gone and his hair was damp from his shower. Like Thor the skin around his nose was chaffed from blowing, and his eyes slightly puffy, and for reasons that Darcy’s brain couldn’t fathom there were two black, white tipped fuzzy ears on his head and a twitching, fluffy, black, white tipped fox tail peeking out from his back. 
“Make your jokes, then leave.” Even congested Loki’s tone was clear in his frustration.
Darcy held her hands up, “Hey there’s no shaming here, just confusion. Last time I checked, allergies didn’t turn people into furries.”
“I am not…” He broke into a fit of sneezes, “Whatever nonsense term that is. I’ve simply…” More sneezing, “Been struggling with my Seidr.”
Darcy hummed and nodded, not really understanding but didn’t think it smart to push him into a more in-depth explanation. His sneezes were so close together and harsh, she was getting worried about the amount of air he was getting into his lungs.
“Regardless, maybe some meds will help. I suggest taking like, 4 of the Benadryl. If it works it’ll knock you on your ass, but it’ll also stop the sneezing and congestion.” She was making her way towards the door as she spoke and stopped just by the opening, “Any chance I can-” She reached towards his twitching tail.
“I’ll come check on ya in a couple hours!” As badly as Darcy wanted to touch the fluffy tail, she was not ready to die for the attempt.
~~~~ THREE HOURS LATER ~~~~~~~~
Darcy juggled the three tupperware containers of food in one arm while she did her best to knock with the other, “Loki you good? I’ve got food.”
She didn’t hear any approaching footsteps, and was startled when the door was opened.
Darcy barely got clear of the door before Loki shut it. Turning to face him, she just about dropped the food.
“I can’t tell if this means the Benadryl helped or not.” She offered as an opening for him to explain.
Loki still had the ears and tail, but now there was fur around the edges of his face, covering his hands and feet, his nails had blackened into claws, and there were definitely whiskers growing out of his cheeks.
Loki blinked down at her, his nose twitched (was he about to sneeze or was he testing her scent?) and she saw something shift in his mind as his pupils widened then shrank, he blinked and his usual scowl returned to his face, “How did you get in here?”
Darcy cocked her head to the side, “You let me in, just now, and almost hit me with the door. Did fur grow inside your brain too? Do I need to call Bruce?”
Her concern crossed from surface level to genuine as she watched Loki look down at his hands and wiggle his clawed fingers, his expression was hard to read with his eyebrows blending into his new furry hairline but she was certain he was looking confused himself. “Damn.” The word was uttered so quietly Darcy might have missed it if she weren’t standing so close.
“Loki, you’re seriously worrying me dude.” Again his ears twitched in her direction.
“I’m touched.” Darcy took the dry sarcasm as a good sign, “The only thing you should be concerned about is keeping your blithering trap shut. It was bad enough when it was just the ears and tail. If The Oaf hears of this, there will be no end to his ridicule.”
The more Loki said, the more Darcy relaxed. It was a sad reflection on her life when she was happy to have the mass murdering alien give her a hard time.
Opting to ignore his bluff (she’d long since realized that he could bark all he wanted, if he ever hurt her he’d immediately be kicked back to Asgard) Darcy went to his kitchen and put down the tupperware containers, “Don’t worry your fuzzy little head, I won’t tell anyone…” Faster than Loki could anticipate, she whipped up her phone and snapped a picture, “I will show everyone though, unless you let me touch your ears or tail.” She shoved her phone down the front of her shirt and between her boobs, uncaring of the extra cleavage she was flashing him in the process.
Loki’s upper lip drew back revealing some rather pointy canines, “Impudent wench.”
Darcy smirked as she rocked on her heels, “Oh come on Fuzz Butt, you can’t tell me no one’s ever wanted to see what your transformed fur feels like.”
“None have ever been so brazen or foolish to try.” Loki bit back. He was becoming so agitated his tail was swishing, and his ears had flattened on his head.
‘Dammit, now he’s just looking cute.’ 
He was also looking a little unsteady. With each swish of his tail, Loki wobbled the slightest bit, and his eyelids seemed to be struggling to stay open.
“How many of those Benadryl did you end up taking?” She hadn’t heard him sneeze once since she came in, and the skin around his nose and eyes had returned to normal.
“The four you recommended had no effect, so I added another five. The sneezing stopped just before…” Loki caught himself before he could finish outing himself. Shaking his head he staggered off towards the couch, “Leave Serf. I require rest.”
She really, really wanted to push her luck and remind him about the whole Fuzzy Picture threat, but it wasn’t as much fun if the other member of the party was spiraling towards a crash. Cause damn, NINE?! If one Benadryl was enough to turn a regular human into a zombie, then nine must be bordering on a coma.
“Fine, but don’t think this isn’t over. I’ll come back in an hour and make sure you’re still breathing.” 
She saw a feeble, black fuzzy hand lift up to acknowledge he’d heard her.
Darcy left but made sure to leave the door unlocked. Quietly she called out, “JARVIS keep an eye on his vitals and let Bruce or Thor know if his heart stops or something.”
“Of course Ms.Lewis…Shall I let you know when it’s been an hour?” 
Unsurprised that JARVIS had been listening in on the conversation in Loki’s room, Darcy gave a thumbs up to the nearest camera she could see, “That’d be great J.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 45 MINS LATER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Ms.Lewis, I thought I should inform you that there has been a change in Prince Loki’s condition.” Darcy tried not to cringe too much from having JARVIS say this directly into her bluetooth headphones (a welcoming gift from Tony.)
Glancing over to where she could see Bruce working at his station she figured this wasn’t a life threatening change to Loki’s condition. Not many realized just how much intelligence Tony’s AI had, but Darcy was no fool. She grew up worshiping the internet, and treating ‘The Matrix’ and ‘The Terminator’ like prophecies. 
If JARVIS thought this was something only she needed to know about then she’d take it as the gift that it was.
A quick elevator ride later and she was back at his door.
She knocked lightly and let herself in, “Loki? JARVIS says you might need help.”
There came a slight whimper (or was that a whine?) from the living room.
This late in the afternoon the sunlight had moved away from Loki’s windows, and none of the lights had been turned on. Everything was cast in shadows and patches of darkness, making it hard to see anything.
Darcy hit the switch for the kitchen light so she didn’t accidentally blind/enrage the half-transformed frost giant.
Able to see Darcy watched as what she had initially thought to be a deep pocket of shadows uncurled from the bottom of the coffee table. 
A black fox the size of a St.Bernard stretched out like a cat as unfocused green eyes blinked in her direction.
“Oh my Gods.” 
She wanted to take all the pictures, but she also wanted to try touching him. When he was still humanoid the fur had looked silky, as a full fox it looked absolutely luxurious and Darcy just had to get her fingers into it.
She had never interacted with foxes before though, and didn’t know how unhinged Loki’s brain was going to be with all that Benadryl in his system.
Finished stretching he ventured a couple steps closer, his nose to the air to scent the new presence in his home. Some of Loki’s consciousness must have been working, cause the fox’ ears went down and it spun around to hop onto the couch.
‘I’ve just been brushed off by a fox.’ Loki could brush her off a million times and she wouldn’t bat an eye, but Fox-Loki showing her such little interest just felt like a bitch slap.
Going over to the couch she watched as Loki laid down with his head resting between his two front paws. His eyes closed and a rather un-fox like sigh came out through his nose. 
Darcy crouched down to eye level and told him, “You know you make a very pretty fox.” Other than his ear twitching Loki didn’t acknowledge her.
“May I please pet you, your Foxiness?” Murderous Asshole or not, Darcy wasn’t going to touch without consent. 
His eye cracked open, regarding her for a moment then closed and another long sigh was released. Darcy took it as one of resignation and beamed. Finally she could get this out of her system!
As gently as she could she placed her hand on his head; he didn’t move away or twist around to snap at her, confirming that he had given in. 
She stroked down along his spine, marveling at the feel of his thick, silky fur. Bringing her hand back to his head she lightly scratched around the base of his ears, the fur there was much softer and she had to bite her lip to keep from gushing out more praises to him. 
Her petting was kept strictly to his back and the top of his head, areas that most animals considered to be safe zones. As much as she wanted to touch his tail she didn’t know how sensitive it was and didn’t want to push it. 
Darcy cut herself off after about five minutes, plus her legs were screaming in protest from holding that crouched position so long. 
A woman of her word Darcy dug out her phone and deleted the picture of Loki the Were-Fox. Satisfied she whispered to Loki, “There now no one but me and JARVIS knows what a half fox, half Frost Giant looks like. I also won’t tell anyone that you totally lost control due to overdosing on allergy medicine. You’ll be back to your entitled asshole self by tomorrow morning.”
This got her a small indignant huff. 
Darcy let herself out and made sure the door locked behind her. 
It was only after the door’s lock had clicked that Loki released his animal shape. It took a bit slower than usual, but he wasn’t quite back in focus just yet. 
Back in his usual form he resettled on the couch. With not a single piece of clothing on his body, the material didn’t feel quite as comfortable as it had in his fox shape. 
The Midgardian medicine had thrown his control off balance, just not as much as he’d let Lewis believe. He could have reverted back to his proper state a half hour ago, and gone back to his bed for a proper rest. 
Instead he couldn’t resist seeing what the woman would do when faced with the full transformation. He’d been somewhat hoping she would startle or scream and flee, calling for Thor’s protection. Instead she’d looked at him like he was the most beautiful animal in existence. It was a delicious boost to his ego.
Loki chuckled to himself, picturing her face when she might learn that her ‘petting’ along his fur had translated to the feeling of a lover’s touch on his skin. 
There would be sputtering, possibly some shrieking and all the threats and profanities. 
The image was so entertaining he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. 
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
May I ask an extremely less sensitive teen! Reader with the RoR family finally having a mental breakdown, like reader is always extremely logical for their age and unhinged but slowly starts to crumble under mental pressure cause that's exactly why children shouldn't worry about adult matters
-You were considered a bit of an oddball by your family, you were always so levelheaded and calm, always seeming to have everything together.
-Under pressure or stressful situations, usually at school, you were the same, facing everything with levelheaded coolness.
-Many in your large adoptive family admired that about you, seeing that you were always calm, no matter what, but certain members were beginning to see the downside to that.
-Adam was the first one, followed quickly by Odin, when you were balancing school, personal life, and a part-time job, giving most of your paycheck to your ‘parents’. When he asked why you were giving most of your paycheck to them, rather than spending it on things you wanted, you just smiled, “I heard you guys talking about how food cost was rising and it was getting harder to buy certain things.”
-While you were at school, there was a family meeting, discussing what you had told Adam that morning. Nikola looked worried for you, “She shouldn’t be worrying about things like that- we can handle things.”
-Zeus agreed, giving a small nod, “Children shouldn’t have to worry about the problems of adults. Y/N should be out having fun- not worrying about bills.”
-You were surprised when you arrived back home and Odin gave you your money back, putting it back in your hand. You were confused, “But don’t you all need this to help with bills?”
-Odin lifted his hand to your head, ruffling your hair gently, “Don’t worry about it- keep your money for you.”
-Odin wasn’t prepared for you to start crying, you calm façade leaving you as you panicked, “But- but I want to help!” he could easily see what you were trying to do- you were trying to prove to them that you were useful and contributing to the household. With him refusing it, refusing your help, you were taking it that you were a failure, not able to help them.
-Adam was quick to rush to your side when Odin sounded the alarm as you were quickly panicking, panting heavily almost to the point of hyperventilating, trying to plead with them that you could help them.
-Your family was quick to realize how anxious you actually were, always helping others and going above and beyond to help because you wanted to feel useful. You had it in your head that you were only useful if you were helping others, and being unable to help, or others, like your family, rejecting your help, made you panic and feel like a failure.
-Beelzebub ended up having to sedate you, as they weren’t able to calm you down and your family had another, emergency, meeting, that they needed to make sure you weren’t doing things like this to yourself.
-Once you were awake and Kojiro prepared you a mug of hot herbal tea to keep you calm, as you were ready to burst again, your family told you and assured you that you did plenty to help out around the house and that you didn’t need to give them your hard earned money from your part-time job. They would be able to survive without it and it was for you to spend on things you wanted.
-It took a while, a couple of weeks of gentle but firm reassuring from your family to help you relax a bit as well as Odin, Zeus, and Adam telling you to enjoy your youth and not worry about things like bills just yet.
-You were so happy to have such a supportive family in your corner, supporting you just as you support them.
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I am kind not complacent Chpt 3
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Howdy, here is Chpt 3
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sorry it's a bit shorter than usual but I promise the next one will be longer. I have been very sleepy all the time. As always, thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged. I truly appreciate you all.
thank you so much to @engardeitsme, @lunaryasha, @nokolla💜💜💜
Chpt 3: 3.8 k words
Heimdall x fem reader
Multi chapter
A/N: im going to take a moment to add chapter summaries and make a master list
It had been a few weeks now since YN had been brought to Asgard, and though her first day was less than ideal, she had found her place close to Mal and in her teachings with Mimir, while staying far from Heimdall and Thor. Since the instance on the first morning of her arrival, Odin had been especially wary of when the girl interacted with other people, going as far as suggesting Mimir put wax in his ears to be able to hesitate any “suggestions” she may make. Mimir however felt no need, as he had built a strong rapport with YN and the two had started to grow fond of each other. After all, she was eager to learn, excited that Mimir did not shy away from any and all details and facts. The man in return was thankful for someone who was grateful to listen to every part of what he had to say, for once.
 This morning had started like they had for weeks now. YN had now learned to wake before the rest of the lodge. From there, Mal and she went into the kitchen as the sun barely peeked over the horizon while the cooks and bakers were still making breakfast. They would help with prep in return for cakes fresh out of the oven and porridge hot off the stove. Then Mal would bring YN to her balcony to drink tea and eat at their leisure as the sun rose and they got to hear the chaos downstairs they had narrowly dodged. 
YN blew on a spoon of steaming porridge and hummed as she ate, the heat warming her cheeks and the steam escaping her mouth as she shook her head. 
“ Hah- it’s hoth-“ she gasped as she forced herself to swallow, her eyes squinted shut in pain. Mal sat across from her, peering at the girl from the corner of her eye, and smirked into her tea cup.
“ You need to be more patient. You do this every morning.” YN smiled sheepishly before taking another bite.
“ Hah-, I can’t help it, I think it tastes better this way. I don’t want it to get cold.”
“ You’re burning yourself.”
“It’s okay, I like it when it’s hot like this… it feels hot all the way down my stomach and warms me up for the whole day.” Mal chuckled, shaking her head. 
“ You must have blisters in your mouth. Must be nice having godly healing.”
“ Do you not, Mal? Heal like me? 
“ Me? No dear, I'm just a mortal.”
“ Oh,” YN halted slightly at this, her spoon sinking slowly into her porridge as she peaked at Mal through her lashes. Mimir said the mortals didn’t live very long compared to them, and YN remembered thinking it a pity. She didn’t know there were mortals in Asgard, and she never thought to ask the people around her if they were mortal. Mal watched as YN had stopped eating, and fidgeted in her spot, guilty of her ignorance. Mal simply smiled.
“ Honestly, what’s that pout for?” she tutted, setting her cup down and crossing her arms as she leaned back lazily in her chair to look at the horizon. YN looked up at her, watching as the sunlight twinkled in her eyes framed by crow’s feet, how wrinkles curved around her small smile, and the grey hairs peeking through the top of her bandana. YN thought from the moment she saw her, that she wanted to look like Mal when she grew old. But that would be centuries from now, and Mal would be long gone… The thought made YN droop even further.
“Oi!” YN shot her head up at Mal’s exclamation. The woman now glared down at her, leaning across the table, grabbing a piece of bread. “Now, don’t you pity me. There is no shame in the span of my life.” She sighed, grabbing the jam, “Honestly sometimes I don’t know how the gods do it. I’m so tired already.” She took a bite and looked back at YN, just making a pathetic little sound, obviously, still overthinking. Mal reached over and tiled her chin up, her face firm and unwavering. “Don’t you worry, I’m a tough old bird, you won’t be getting rid of me any time soon. My job as your lady-in-waiting is to make sure you’re taken care of. Understood?” Mal smiled, pinching YN’s chin a bit tighter. YN giggled at the extra pressure, shaking her head free. 
“Ok, I understand.”
“Good. Now hurry and eat. You’re lesson in twenty minutes.”
“Alright, Lass: pop quiz”
“What’s a quiz?”
“That’s not important: first question: who are the Jotnar?”
“Oh! I know! They’re the most ancient beings thought to be the first to emerge from  Ginnungagap. They um- they’re skilled in physical and mystical powers. Not all jotnar are large in size and can vary from frost and fire giants to different forms of animals. An example of this are Skoll and Hati who reside in Vanaheim!” YN started to ramble excitedly about Jotnar culture and how she had watched them from afar when they walked around Vanaheim. How she saw one move a mountain range once and how she was mesmerized to watch the wolves change night into day. Mimir held a hand up to stop her, chuckling slightly.
“Alright, alright! Maybe that one was a bit too easy.” he grabbed at the scruff of his beard, humming in thought. “Let’s move on to Asgard’s history and politics.” YN’s face dropped and she groaned, dramatically throwing her head back. 
“I’m no good at politics, Mimir.”
“Which is precisely why we need to work on it. You are an honorary Asgardian now, and it’s important you know the roles of the royal family as well as your own role in relation to the nine realms. Now start with the easy ones.” YN sighed but straightened in her seat, starting at the top.
“Asgard is the realm we are in now, it is ruled by Odin and his family. Until fairly recently, Asgard has been at war with the other realms, notably Jotenheim and Vanaheim. You, Mimir, have aided in the creation of peace between these realms by building a rapport with the giants and suggesting the wedding between the All-Father and…” YN sighed, her shoulders drooping, “Freya, the former leader of Vanir, now the queen of the Valkeries.” Mimir nodded, urging her to continue. 
“Odin is the All-Father, ruler of Asgard. He is the god of the sky, of wisdom, healing, um…poetry?” she faltered but nodded in relief as Mimir silently agreed with a nod. She continued, “And the god of divination. He built Vallhalla to reward Asgardians who have gone through a warrior’s death and grant them new life as Einjar. He…He’s a mystery to me, Mimir…”
“What do you mean, Lass?”
“I mean… I feel like I should want to be indebted to him… That I should trust him and want to serve him… but I feel this pit in my stomach…I don’t know, maybe I’m just still anxious about being here…” Mimir wanted to comfort the girl. Tell her what she was feeling was her mystical logic at work, giving her intuition. But that would mean admitting to himself that Odin was not the most trustworthy, and that just wasn’t smart. Mimir cleared his throat, getting the girl’s attention. 
“It’s alright, Lass. you’ve been doing well here. The All-Father will find a place for you here and you will see there’s nothing to be worried about. Now let’s continue.” YN sighed then nodded, giving a short summary of Freya, Odin’s wife who hails from Vanaheim as she does. How the Vanir were a formidable foe and that Freya herself was a powerful warrior. The queen of the Valkeries was of great interest to YN, and she wanted to meet her soon and ask about their home. Maybe she could even ask to learn about Vanir Magix and fighting. She told Mimir she remembered meeting her just once in Vanaheim, and that she had brought her food when she was injured, but they never saw each other again. Despite this, YN saw her as the ruler of the Vanir, and when she left, the realm was heartbroken. 
YN then went on to the sons of Odin. Thor, god of the thunder, and his job as the enforcer of the Asir. He was Odin’s right hand and trained to be a machine on the field. He was physically the strongest and tasked with training his brothers as a result. Since they met, Thor made it clear he was not a fan of the girl, making sure to let her know whether it be by pushing her out of the way in the halls or making fun of her during her sparring with Heimdall and Baldur. Next was Tyr, the god of war in Asgard. He was strong and tall and despite his title, was a gentle soul from what YN could see. He had made YN feel welcome, unlike his siblings. Mimir introduced the two of them, saying that the three of them would be working together after she’s learned more about her role here. The idea of one day being able to travel outside of Asgard with them made her giddy. Tyr would sometimes entertain her and Mal at supper with stories about his travels. 
YN groaned as she spoke on Hiemdall.
“He’s the second youngest. God of foresight, order, foreknowledge, the scion of the Aesir, blessed with enhanced sight and hearing, blah, blah, blah…” YN rolled her eyes as she spoke. Mimir patted the desk she sat on, warning her not to get distracted. 
“Don’t get fresh, Lass. I told you it’s not worth it.” 
“ I Can’t help it!” she groaned in frustration. YN had been trying her damndest to try and get along with the young god, and everything seemed to blow up in her face. She thought maybe bringing him snacks from the great hall or handing him his weapon when they would spar would make it easier for him to stand her, but he would just take what she offered and leave. “He’s so rude! And-and all he does is judge me and take things!”
“Yes, that’s his job. To judge people.”
“I hate it.” she mumbled, folding her arms on the desk and resting her head in them. Mimir sat down across from her, crossing his own arms. 
“Listen, little sister… I know you may not like him, and you don’t have to. But try to put yourself in his shoes for just a moment.
“How do you mean?’ She asked, peaking up from her arms. Mimir simply smiled, knowing by now it didn’t take much for the girl to sympathize with others, and that it may be the best way to encourage some semblance of allyship between the two.
“Well, he’s the god of foresight, but like you, he’s just a child. He can’t control his powers well yet and as the son of the All-Father, you may imagine he carries a great deal of pressure from his family to perform up to their standards. This is the case for all of Odin’s sons.”
 “At least Baldur and Tyr are nice…” YN whispered, just loud enough for Mimir to hear.
“That’s true… but between you and me, I believe the boy may suffer from some form of overstimulation from his powers at times, causing some of his..hm… irritability.”
“What makes you say that?” Mimir simply shrugged, standing back up. 
“Just pay closer attention to him next time you see him. Hm?”
“Ok, I guess…”
“Good, back on topic then. Tell me about Baldur.” Mimir urged. YN sighed but obliged. Baldur was the god of light and a bit younger than her, but they got along fairly well. He was a bit shy but was kind to YN. He was a good fighter and seemed to be a favorite amongst the Aesir. He was definitely the apple of Freya’s eye at the very least.
After more discussion of Asgard and what YN’s role would be in the future, Mimir ended the lesson, suggesting YN enjoy the beautiful day before her sparring session. 
The day seemed to crawl at a snail's pace. Since the first time they fought, Odin would sit in and watch to make sure nothing “regretable” would happen, in his words. YN noticed when she was against Heimdall today, he was rather sluggish compared to his usual movements, not carrying as much snark in his voice and seeming to focus on her much harder. 
“Why are you already thinking about dinner? It’s not even sunset.” YN flushed in embarrassment. 
“Stop doing that!” she stomped her foot. Heimdall rolled his eyes and lunged at her, poking her side with the practice sword.
“Hit. reset,” Thor called from the sidelines. The two spaced away from each-other again, waiting for Thor to call out “start” before they continued fighting. It was all so boring, the dodging, the hitting, the resetting to just do the same set of moves over and over. 
“You’re telling me…” Heimdall mumbled, dodging an attack without trying. “At least when we were trying to kill each other you were vaguely entertaining. This is just pathetic.” YN clicked her tongue, dodging a half-assed attempt at a hit. 
“At least you're still getting something from this, practicing to read my mind. Which I hate, by the way,” she stated, blocking a sword swing to her face, “Have I said that already?”
“A thousand times.” Heimdall sighed, pulling away only to come back and swing three times in succession, pushing YN towards the border of the ring with each hit she blocked, “and trust me, I get nothing from hearing your annoying little voice whining about how hungry and bored you are.” YN clicked her tongue at the statement and knocked Heimdall back, lunging in short quick jabs, moving them back to the center of the ring.
“It’s not my fault. Your father is the one watching us like a hawk, making sure we barely touch each other. We might as well be dancing. He’s such a control freak” Heimdall growled, suddenly moving to grab YN by the collar of her shirt. Despite the threat he posed, she was excited at the idea of actually doing some kind of real fighting. Their dreams were dashed however as Odin called out from the distance.
“Heimdall. Put her down.” 
“But father, she insulted you!”
Heimdall growled at the girl before roughly dropping her collar, making her stumble on her feet to not fall into the dirt. She straightened her posture and fixed her shirt as Odin strode up to them. He looked down at the girl, concern on his face.
“You think me controlling, child? I suppose I have been keeping a bit too close an eye. I’m just worried is all.” At the hurt YN seemed to hear at the back of his throat, her stance softened and she offered a small bow.
“No, I apologize All-Father. I thank you for worrying about my well-being. I suppose I’m just getting a bit antsy at this routine I’m still getting used to. After the sun sets, I feel I cannot go outside, so I may be a bit more rambunctious during sparring as a result. And the slow pace is getting to me.” Odin chuckled, shaking his head.
“Is that all? Well, dear, I assure you Asgard is quite safe, if you find you want to wander after the sun sets, you are welcome to go anywhere from the lodge all the way to the wall. You are no prisoner. And you can do whatever you’d like outside your lessons. I encourage you to see how the moonlight changes the scenery tonight.” YN smiled at this, nodding in agreement.
“Thank you, All-Father, I will make sure to do so.” Heimdall seemed to fidget in place, his hands tensing and his mind racing as he listened to the two speak. YN pretended not to notice.
At supper, YN sat with Mal and Tyr, listening to him talk about his latest journeys and the interesting people he met. YN only half listened as she felt a pair of eyes on her from across the dining hall, turning to meet a magenta gaze and tilted her head in confusion when the boy suddenly looked away. Heimdall seemed to shuffle in his chair, holding his head with one hand as he slowly took small bites of food. His eyes seemed to close tightly every once in a while and his hands tensed in his hair and around his spoon. He turned to Odin, whom he sat next to, and asked something, only to be silenced with a shake of a head. YN could see some form of frustration in Odin’s gaze as he looked down at his younger son trying his best to stay still and ignore whatever it was that was bothering him so much. Heimdall looked up and their eyes met again. She tried to give a smile and wave, but the boy just frowned and looked back down at his food. YN’s hand slowly fell back to her side and with a shrug she turned back to Mal and Tyr, listening to his stories with a smile pulling at her cheeks. 
It was late in the night and most of the lodge was asleep. YN fidgeted in her bed, unable to sleep as the clock at her bedside ticked along with the soft crackle of the fire in her room. Back when she was alone, she was used to sleeping in shifts throughout the day in order to stay alert at night. This also stopped her from sleeping deeply enough to experience her nightmares to their fullest extent.
 She had been in Asgard for nearly a month now but still wasn’t used to sleeping throughout the whole night. YN would often wake in the middle of the night, humming to herself as she read a book that Mimir had given her, and wait until she was tired again to sleep more until Mal would come get her in the morning.
 She rubbed her eyes with her palms and groaned, sitting up in her bed with a sigh. YN thought of how Odin had said she was able to walk around the grounds at night if she ever wanted to, and hesitated for a second before pulling the covers off of her and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She pulled a wool sweater over her white sleeping gown and slipped on her leather house slippers. The lodge was dark, with only a few candles lit in the halls to give any semblance of where anything was. YN stepped slowly down the main staircase, the wood creaking with each drop of her foot. She winced as the plank at the bottom screeched and waited for a beat as the floor settled underneath her. YN tiptoed passed the kitchen, then stopped and puttered back to it, slipping in to grab a bag of roasted nuts and dried lingenberries. After all, a midnight snack never hurt during a little stroll. 
The cool air fluttered through YN’s hair as she pulled open the exit to to the Great Lodge and she pulled her sweater closer to her chest, sighing at the relieving chill. She opened her little parcel and ate absentmindedly as she walked down the main trail leading from the lodge down to the wall, following the moon as it hung in the center of the sky. YN hummed a soft tune, dragging her fingers along the tall grass and wildflowers that lined the trail, watching as Asgard’s nocturnal creatures scuttled through the prairie. Foxes wandered for prey, and weasels emerged from their burrows. It almost felt like home, the way everything moved and shifted around her, unbothered. 
As YN got closer to the wall, walking up the stairs, she hear what sounded like whimpering. The closer she got, the louder it became. From whimpers to sobs, and finally, she could hear whispers.
“Just go away, go away, go away.” the voice whimpered between sobs. YN stuttered her steps, worried but wondering if this person wanted to be left alone or if would be better to help. 
“Hello?” she called out softly, “a-are you ok?”
The voice didn’t respond, continuing to sob out into the night and beg for silence, despite it being the only noise out there. YN took a breath before peaking up over the ledge of the wall. There, Heimdall sat, curled into his knees, sobbing with his hands over his ears, rocking in place. His voice hiccuped as he trembled, continuing to beg. 
“J-just leave me alone,” he whispered, “I just want it to stop… stop it!” Heimdall paid no attention as YN slowly moved closer, crouching down in front of him and waiting for him to realize she was there. His breath was ragged and his hands shook as his eyes darted from side to side, the picture of fear and paranoia. “It won't go away, it won’t go away, it won’t, it won’t it won’t!” he cried out into the air. YN reached a hand out gently and Heimdall gasped, staring her in the eyes as her fingers brushed over his forehead, covered in a cold sweat. Despite the fact they looked right at each other, Heimdall’s gaze was far off and desperate. He continued to whisper frantically as he shook his head. “Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!” His eyes squeezed tightly shut as he tried to get what he so wanted: silence. YN didn’t know what to do. Fearing that speaking may only make things worse. As Heimdall sobbed, YN pulled herself closer to him, sitting on her knees. She sat in his crying, letting it rake over the both of them as the cool breeze blew. She thought for a moment before slowly, bringing her head to rest against his, their foreheads pressed to each other. 
‘I…I don’t know if you can hear me… but if you are feeling overwhelmed by the voices in your head… just focus on mine, ok?’ she focused on these thoughts, letting them take over her mind so that he could hear them and only them. YN swore she could feel him reaching back out to her as his body trembled against hers. ‘It’s ok… just focus on me… just focus on one voice…” he stopped his trembling slowly, but he cried out still, shallow sobs racking through his body. His hands still clamped tightly to his ears and tears trickled down the swell of his cheeks, dribbling down onto the rock beneath them. She sighed softly and brought her hands to rest on his, beginning to hum softly: the song passing both through her lips, and the melody taking over her mind and streaming into his.
They stayed like this. As the crickets rang in the night. As the wind whistled between them and the hollows of the wall. As critters crawled through the brush. And as their breathing started to match, Heimdall’s heart finally started to settle as his sobbing slowed to sniffles and light gasps, until there truly was nothing in his mind but the girl’s soft humming.
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supraveng · 1 year
Princess of Asgardia
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Summary: You are Thor & Loki’s younger sister, unfortunately you are forced to find a husband...royalty AU
Warnings: language
Pairings: Reader x James Bucky Barnes, Reader x Clint Barton, Reader x John Walker 
Square Filled: Unrequited Love
Word Count: 6237                               Main Masterlist
A/N: @avengersbingo  my first and long over due entry to Avengers Bingo Rd 4
Sneaking out was always easier than sneaking back in, you tried your best to make it home before sunrise and today you almost made it.  Of course, luck wasn’t on your side and you knew the staff would be around so you had to decide whether to trek back through the hidden passageways or tiptoe through the main rooms of the castle without being found out.   At this time of day, neither was a great choice, but you quietly took off your shoes as you slipped through the main entrance to the palace and held your head high, as a princess should, as you passed the guards.  
No one said a word to you, most likely knowing that tattling on the princess of Asgardia at this time of day would only become more of an issue for them, putting Odin or Frigga in a bad mood first thing in the morning would be no good for anyone.  You began to relax, turning down the final hallway to your room, only to be greeted by your mother and your personal security, Brunnhilde, waiting for you.  
“Mother, what a pleasant surprise first thing in the morning” you were trying your best to avoid any questioning on your whereabouts.  
“Well, my dear, I wouldn’t be here if you were here when I came to you last night” she raised an eyebrow challenging me “and before you start formulating some plot in your head, I also asked the guards to notify me of your return.  And yet all night, not a single person in the palace knew where you were.”  
You knew you were caught, she knew you were caught and yet, you couldn’t find it in your heart to concede, “well then, it seems that I am once again the Hide & Seek victor.”  Turning and entering your room, knowing the conversation wasn’t over, but you were too tired to argue with anyone right now.  
“Before you even think about sleeping, Nebula will be here momentarily to prepare your bath, and I expect you to look presentable for breakfast with your father” you looked at your mother stunned, it’s as if she could read your mind. 
 “Why would father want to have breakfast with me when he has your beautiful face to admire?”  Unfortunately that didn’t work as you had hoped, your mother just laughed as she walked out of the room with Brunnhilde, reminding you that your flattery will get you nowhere.  
You took your time getting ready before heading to breakfast with your family, normally you wouldn't want to disappoint your parents but you had been up all night and there was little you could do to make yourself move any faster. Somehow you managed to make it to the dining hall just before your father, so you take that as a win, even if you hadn’t been able to sit before rising to greet him.  
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“Well, isn’t it nice to have the whole family together, it’s been so long” Odin looked around the table and seemed happy to have you all gathered together.   You were immediately suspicious and looked to your brothers, trying to figure out what was going on.  
Loki appeared to be as concerned as you were, but Thor seemed to have his normal idiot smile on his face and seemed more interested in the food being served than anyone at the table, typical.  Rolling your eyes, you immediately grabbed your coffee mug, needing caffeine to make it through the morning in one piece.  
“Since we are all here, why don’t you tell our children about the exciting news” your mother smiled around the table before picking up her tea.  Loki immediately looked at you, you both knew something was going on and not liking it one bit.  
“Right, of course my dear.  We are hosting a gala, inviting all the surrounding kingdoms.  Oh and my darling daughter, you will have a new security detail, he will be starting this afternoon after he is finished with Quill. And I know I don't need to remind you to be on your best behavior” your father eyed you with a small smirk, knowing that a suggestion to behave was pointless for him to make but decided to do so anyway.  
You were doing your best to hide your emotions that were triggered by his statement, but watching Loki smirk in your direction while he ate only angered you more.  “Thank you father, but Brunnhilde is excellent and I’ve grown quite fond of her.  So, really, there’s no need for someone new” you smiled at your parents, holding your breath that your attempt would work, and hearing Loki snicker at you didn’t help your nerves.   
“Be that as it may, the Valkyrie have important training and she is needed there.  Don’t worry, it’s already done, you will be well taken care of and not cause any problems" with that, your father rose from his seat, all of you following suit and heading out of the dining hall.  
You needed a few hours of sleep before worrying about your new security detail and how to get out of the palace by yourself.  After your nap you decided a ride on your horse, Chocolate, was the best way to enjoy the day, so you were dressed and heading to the stables.  Riding around the back pasture behind the palace was not your ideal choice, but if your parents found out you were out again without security, you wouldn’t hear the end of it.  
The ride helped to clear your head a little, maybe a change in your security detail wouldn’t be so bad, you adored Brunnhilde, but would much rather have her as a friend to celebrate with rather than a watchdog, always on duty, never having fun.  Taking your time to make it back to the palace, you notice your brother approaching and roll your eyes as you try to walk past.  
“First day with new security and you decide to hide, tsk tsk sister”.  
Rolling your eyes at him trying to irritate you more than you already were, “really Lokes, you of all people should be helping me here, not making matters worse!”  You were toe to toe with him, and even if he still was several inches taller than you, you weren’t intimidated by him in the least.  
He merrily scoffed at you “how am I making anything worse?  I’m simply pointing out the error of your ways, I’m trying to help, unlike Thor” the last part muttered under his breath and made you freeze.  
“What do you mean by that?”  
“Oh, you’ll see soon enough” and just like that he had disappeared as quickly as he had arrived. 
You were debating if you should take the time to bathe Chocolate yourself or allow someone at the stables to handle it, now that you heard Thor was being  himself more than usual, you didn’t have a choice and left the stables to investigate on what could have happened in the few hours you were away.  
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Making your way back into the palace, you headed for the kitchen first, just a small snack needed to tide you over until dinner.  The staff was never surprised by your arrival, even if they did feel the need to bow, you always felt more like one of them than your royal lineage.   Maybe that’s why all these changes were making you irritated, you knew what was expected of you, but you still hoped that your requests would be considered, marrying for love rather than obligation or convenience, it shouldn’t be too hard to ask for.  
Heading back toward the throne room, you were stopped by Peter Quill, your father’s personal secretary.  “Your Highness, I’ve been searching everywhere for you.  You have a new security detail that you need to meet.  Will you please follow me?”. 
Deciding to get this encounter out of the way as quickly as possible you followed Peter to the throne room where you found your parents chatting with a rather handsome man.  
"Ah, there she is, come daughter, you need to get acquainted with your new security detail.  And remember, you are to be by her side at all times'' your father stated as you approached.  
"This is Clint Barton, he will be your personal security going forward" Peter tells you as you smile at the new face.  
"It's a pleasure to meet you Sir Barton, and father don't scare the man, he didn't mean at all times, just outside of the palace" you smile trying to make the encounter a bit more lighthearted. 
"I know what I meant child, until you can prove that you won't be sneaking out unaccompanied at all hours of the day, then Clint will be with you at all times" his tone left no room for argument, but you were about to try and plead your case only for Peter to whisk the king away for something or other, you weren't really listening. 
Sighing, you tried to give a genuine smile but felt too embarrassed to put any effort into it.  Before you could decide what to do next you heard Thor's booming voice from the doorway, "and there is my beautiful sister, we've been searching for you".  
As he approached, you noticed a man trailing behind him, he wasn't as tall as Thor but had the same arrogant demeanor about him and you could only hope he had nothing to do with what Loki had mentioned. 
"This is my dear friend, John Walker" Thor patted the man on his shoulder as he pushed him closer to you. 
"It's actually Duke John Walker" he immediately corrected but pretended to be humble to the title.  
You were instantly irritated and wanted to run and hide but instead you smiled politely "Sir Walker".  
At this point, the nicest thing you could do was to simply acknowledge the man, since it's not his fault your idiot brother dragged him around looking for you.
 "Why don't the two of you go to the sitting room and I'll have the staff bring you tea" at that point you might actually ring Thor's neck if he opened his mouth again.  
"Wonderful idea, Princess, shall we?" John held out his arm and you thought the day couldn't get any worse until you remembered your new, and very attractive, security that began to follow behind you towards John.  
Instead of saying anything, you took his arm and lead him out of the room and down the hall.  He immediately started commenting on the decor and how it differed from his estate, was this guy serious?  But of course you could only smile, knowing speaking your mind would only cause a problem for you.  
As you turned to the sitting room, John finally noticed Clint following the two of you and spoke up. "Thanks for the escort, but the princess and I will be spending tea alone" his arrogant and entitled tone rubbed you the wrong way but you were curious as to how Clint would react.  
"As her personal security, she will not leave my sight" Clint told him as he made his way to the corner of the room with no intention of leaving.  Realizing this could very quickly escalate into something ugly, you decided to intervene 
"Sir Barton is very dedicated to his craft, so why do we sit and chat, I doubt we will even notice his presence" you motioned to the sofas and chairs in the center of the room.  
Opting for a chair in order to leave as much space as possible between you and your brothers friend, you sat and waited for him to choose his seat.  
"Of course, anything for you princess" he smiled at you and it nearly made you ill.  You were raised to know exactly what to expect from people and what they expected from you, but moments like this, you had hoped you could just freely speak your mind and put entitled diplomats in their place.  
John immediately got comfortable on the sofa next to you and began telling you all about himself. What a surprise.  He drones on for what felt like hours. You were only slightly relieved when Anya arrived with a tray of tea and cakes. 
"Thank you, it looks wonderful. Can we get another serving set for Sir Barton?" you motioned to Clint in the the corner as Anya nodded before slipping out of the room.  
Stirring your tea you heard John scoff and looked at him questioningly. "Is something amiss?" trying your best to remain calm, you could guess what caused his reaction by the few minutes you had been around him so far today.
"Why are you thanking one servant and offering tea to the other?"  You nearly laughed at his utter disrespect to another human solely for the reason he had a title and they didn't.  
"Well, first of all, they are staff not servants and secondly, they are human beings.  Everyone deserves kindness". You are looking at Clint when you make the final statement and see the slightest hint of a smile.  
"Oh princess, how naïve you are" John chuckles and you immediately tense up as you watch him mock you.  
At this point the smart thing to do would be to stay quiet and remove yourself before you threw a punch, but today was not that day.  Glaring at the Duke, you decide to unpack everything on him, why the hell not?  
"Tell me Duke, do you know my name?" That instantly caused him to quiet down before scoffing, 
"of course I do". 
"Just wondering, since you haven't used it since we met.  It seems that you only have used my title" taking a bite of the cake on your plate, anxiously awaiting his response.  
He didn't respond right away, presumably trying to recall your name but apparently came up blank.  "Your position is power, princess.  I acknowledge and respect that about you" he seems smug, as if he had just given you a compliment. Was he expecting you to thank him, boy was he going to be disappointed.  
"My position seems to be more important to you than it is to me" you knew challenging him wasn't the best idea but you were hoping for him to get frustrated and storm out.  "So tell me John, what is my name?  Just wondering if you actually remembered it". 
He looked shocked and you decided to push him further, you just wanted to get him to leave.  
"Do you usually have trouble remembering names?  What's the name of your mistress?" this time you waited for him to respond while sipping your tea.  
"I beg your pardon? What sort of question is that?". 
"Which one? You haven't answered a single one of my inquiries". Holding his eye contact was not nearly as difficult as you thought it might be.  
"Why would you ask if I have a mistress?" 
You shake your head "I asked her name, or do you frequent brothels?"  
At this point he was turning red and completely flustered. "I have never been so insulted in all my days.  Please give Thor my regards" as he stood, gave a pathetic excuse of a bow and stormed out of the room.  
Humming happily you continued drinking your tea before turning to Clint, "you are welcome to sit and finish your tea.  The chamomile tastes nice with the lavender shortbread" 
Clint simply nodded before sitting in the middle of the sofa, rather than closest to you as John had. You weren't sure if striking up a conversation with him was the best approach but we're relieved by Anya returning to check on the tea. 
She smirked at you the moment she entered the room, "scared him away did you, your highness?"  Anya had been like an aunt to you since you could remember and knew you better than most, 
"it seems I have, he was much more fragile than I expected.  The tea is wonderful as always, it's a shame he missed the opportunity to enjoy it properly" you did your best to remain calm but a giggle escaped and Anya simply rolled her eyes. 
Turning to Clint she whispered, making sure to be loud enough for you to hear "was she awful or did he deserve it?"  
You held your breath, not sure how Clint had taken your encounter with John, you had yet to have a conversation with him and wasn’t sure what to expect. 
“Walker's disrespect shouldn’t have allowed him into the palace, let alone a private meeting with Princess Y/N”  
Relief came over you by his response, not only did he agree with Walker's attitude, but he used her given name.   Wondering if it was just his nature or if he was actually agreeing with your reaction to Walker’s behavior, you weren’t sure, but you felt at ease with your new security, more than you had anticipated was possible in such a short amount of time.  
“Well, I am going to try and get a nap in before dinner, thank you for everything Anya” smiling, you turned toward Clint. “Please feel free to stay and finish, I can assure you, I will be in my quarters until dinner” 
He stood almost immediately, making you believe he didn’t trust you at all, until he spoke “I’d like to make sure you make it safely, seeing as Walker may be lurking about”  then he opened the door for you with a smile.  
Making your way back to your room seemed to take longer than usual but maybe because you were enjoying Clint’s company. He didn’t say much, and neither did you, but the quiet between you was comfortable and you decided that maybe the new security detail was a better idea than you had initially thought. 
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Once you were well rested, you dressed for dinner and were surprised to find that Clint was just outside your door when you opened it.  The sight immediately put a smile on your face and he offered his arm to escort you to the dining room.  
“I hope you weren’t waiting here all this time, that must have been quite boring” He simply smiled, 
“I will do whatever is needed to keep you safe”.  The simple comment made your heart skip a beat.  You had never met someone so genuinely kind and handsome at the same time.   Reaching the dining hall seemed to happen faster than you wished, but you entered the room, seeing you were the first to arrive, you wanted to prolong your time alone with Clint.  
“So tell me, is you being assigned to me a punishment for improper behavior?” you smirked.  Clint merely chuckled under his breath, and made his way to stand at his post during the meal, as you made your way to the table and immediately enjoyed your first glass of wine with a smile on your face.
Dinner nearly passed as any other until your father asked about your visitor.  
“Oh yes, my dear friend John, how did that go?  Will you be seeing him again?” Thor responded with a large grin on his face.   
You simply stared at your brother, curious as to how he could lead an army into battle, and yet not see the true nature of the people he was closest to.  
“The visit was fine, father.  And no Thor, I won’t be seeing him.  I would appreciate it if you kept your mind on your strengths on the battlefield and not match making.  Your dear friend John, is nothing more than a title chasing misogynist, and I only hope his blatant depravity does not corrupt you as well” trying your best to seem unbiased while leaving no room to question your distrust of the man you were forced to have tea with against your will.  
The gasp your mother had made gave you the relief you needed in that moment.  Her simple expression of shock let you know that John Walker would not be welcomed back.  
Thor on the other hand seemed confused, “did you not find him handsome?”  Looking at Loki for some clarity as to what that had to do with the situation only made you ask for more wine in order to endure the rest of the meal.  
Thankfully your mother and father took over the conversation with Thor and what sort of man you should be introduced to, allowing you to somewhat enjoy your meal.  Not really paying attention to much of the rest of the conversation, you waited as patiently as you could for the dinner to end.  
Once your father rose from the table, you were dismissed and made your way to the back gardens, with Clint’s accompaniment of course.  Knowing you were to find your future spouse in the next few weeks was the only thing consuming your mind.  If all of your suitor options were as dreadful as John Walker, you were certain to rather die a spinster than commit to anyone. 
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The following days were filled with your mother fussing over the details of the gala, the invitations and food preparations as well as you needing a gown.   Thankfully, Clint was a better companion than you had anticipated and helped make the dreadful tasks so much better.  Small talk came easily and you felt as though your life had been missing Clint this whole time and was now, finally, how things should be.  
The night of the ball was no different, Clint by your side, making you feel secure and protected from anything and everything around you.  Once your entrance was announced, something you utterly detested, you slowly made you way around greeting guests.  
When you spotted John Walker, you took a deep breath before heading in his direction, Clint immediately stopped you.  Without saying a word, but giving a pointed look, it was as if you were reading each other's minds.  
Raising your head high you turned and were immediately approached by Lord Barnes, bringing a smile to your face.  
"Princess Y/N, would you do me the honor of a dance" his smile nearly took your breath away.  
"Of course, James, it would be my pleasure".  You had always found Lord James Barnes handsome, a blind person would, but he was also the kindest and strongest man from the neighboring country of Brooklyn.  
Dancing with James was wonderful, for such a large man, he was rather graceful on the dance floor.   However, you knew a marriage between the two of you would never happen, as he was very much in love with Prince Steven.  And against your better judgment you inquired on how the two were doing.   
“Well, Steve is courting Duchess Margaret” James advised with a strain in his tone.  
“Oh James, I had no idea, I’m incredibly regretful for mentioning him” you attempted to show your empathy, but you really had no idea what he was going through.  
“Nonsense, I knew he would need to find a queen in order to take his rightful place on the throne.  That is why I am here, I too am in need of a lady to carry on the Barnes lineage” James kissed your knuckles and bowed as the song ended.   
Initially you were shocked by his comment, but you supposed that there were certain expectations that no one could avoid.  Surprisingly, the remainder of the ball was enjoyable, you danced most of the evening.  Meeting new people was a normal part of the monarchy, and although most seemed nice enough, no one captured your attention enough to allow yourself to be courted.  
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The next several weeks were more of the same, entertaining gentlemen from all of the surrounding kingdoms, making their intentions known to almost everyone they came across.  As flattering as it was, there was not a single one you felt any sort of connection to, luckily, during this time you also had Clint to keep you company.  
The two of you spent as much time outside of the castle as possible, riding horses and he occasionally provided you with lessons on archery, as it was his specialty.  All too soon you were back in another family dinner centered around your possible suitors and who they would allow to court you properly.  
“With all due respect father, I believe I should be the one to determine whom I allow to court me.  It is, after all, my future we are discussing, my opinion should be the determining factor” smiling as best you could while trying your best to remain civil.  
“Of course, we understand that,  don’t we dear” your mother quickly spoke up before your father could make the situation so much worse.  Odin sighed heavily, thoroughly exhausted with the situation still taking place, and did nothing to hide it.  
“My dear, your future and happiness are the most important, however, I feel you may be quick to judge and I don’t want you to miss out your best option solely for the fact you think someone better might come along” your father immediately looks at your mother for confirmation on his statement, and you did not miss the small nod of approval she provided.  
“Thank you father, and I promise to make a wise choice for myself and the good of the family” you responded, trying your best to appease him “however long that may take”.  You smiled as politely as possible, you had no intent of choosing someone just to get it over with.  
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That evening your mother came to your chambers to assure you that your father only wanted what was best for you.  
“My dear, remember that love, although incredibly important to a successful marriage, may not be there from the very start” the queen smiled as if that made any sense to you at all.  
“How am I to marry for love if there isn’t love there?” you questioned immediately.  
“Well my lovely daughter, a friendship built on trust and respect can turn into love, eventually.  Look at your father and I, our marriage was arranged by our parents.  We built a friendship first, it wasn’t until just before you were conceived that we truly fell in love with one another” she spoke with a smile on her face of the fondness of the marriage she had endured for all these years.  
You were shocked to learn that their love story didn’t begin until after both Thor and Loki were born.  When you were about to question the secrets she just revealed, she stopped you immediately.  
“I know what you are thinking, my duty as queen came before all else.  Our marriage was an agreement, and bringing heirs to the throne were our first priorities for the kingdom.  During that time, your father showed me the man he truly was, through his respect and devotion to me and our children.  Along the way, we both fell in love, and love produced you.  My life has produced more happiness than I could have ever asked for, and only with your father by my side.” she kissed your head before leaving you for the night.  
 Presumably to sleep, but after that revelation, you were sure if you could possibly close your eyes without your brain running in every direction.  
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The next morning was much the same as every other day, except your mind kept reminding you, trust & respect, trust & respect. Knowing you wouldn’t be good company at the dining table, you had your meal brought to you in your room. Deciding the best way to get all the thoughts out of your head, you grabbed your journal and began to write.  
By morning, you had a better idea of how to navigate your next steps with your options in courting.  The day had progressed like any other, but you were definitely more astute to your interactions with Clint.  You needed to know that the trust and respect was reciprocated before approaching him and your offer of marriage.  
The more you spend time with him, you realized it had been much more than just trust or respect, you had begun looking forward to your time together, especially when it was only the two of you.  By the end of the week, you had come to the realization that you were falling in love with Clint, and that excitement could barely be contained.  
It was after a late dinner with the family, when Clint was escorting you to your chambers that you decided to address your feelings for him.  
“Would you mind staying a moment, I have something I wanted to speak with you about” you motioned for Clint to follow you into the room.  
He merely nodded and followed you, looking a little concerned when you began pacing the room.  Taking a deep breath, you turned toward him and smiled, there was no reason to be nervous, you knew Clint and that he would be kind to you, no matter what.  
“Since you’ve become my security, I’ve become rather fond of you,” you paused briefly to gauge his reaction, only to see the same stoic face you’ve grown to love. 
Giggling to yourself you continue “you have become a dear friend with whom I trust and respect, but I’ve recently realized I am falling in love with you.” Seeing that his expression hadn’t changed, you decided to lay everything out to him in order to move things along as quickly as possible. 
“This whole finding a proper suitor has been daunting, but it’s because I’ve been looking in the wrong place.  You’ve been here, with me through all of it….and I know it’s not customary for a princess to make such a scandalous request, but I know, that if we married, we could both be very happy for the rest of our lives” you were smiling at Clint, waiting for him to break out the charming smile that he saves only for you, but his expression hadn’t changed while processing everything you had just divulged.  
“Y/N….I can’t marry you” barely above a whisper, but you heard it loud and clear.  
Rushing to him and grabbing his hands in yours, doing your best to reassure him “we can marry, my parents only want me happy, your status doesn’t matter”.  
He looked deep in your eyes, giving you a small but sad smile, “it’s not that, I can’t marry you as I am already married”.  
The anger at his blatant lie sprang up in you immediately, stepping away from him and dropping his hands as you crossed your arms over your chest. “You can just tell me the truth, you don’t need to lie to me” trying to sound strong but feeling completely defeated.  
“I assure you, I wouldn’t lie to you, and especially not something this important.   Laura and I have been married nearly 5 years now, and we are expecting our first child in a few months” he calmly explained but it only confused you.  
“Clint, we have been friends for months, you have never once mentioned a wife or child on the way.  You needn’t spare my feelings, you can just say that I’m not what you want, I can handle the truth.”  Shaking your head you began pacing the room again.  
“Y/N, it is true, I don’t discuss my personal life at work, but Laura expecting was what made me leave the active infantry and work in the castle.”  
And that is when it hit you, this was a job for him.  He didn’t even consider you a friend that he could confide in, you were just a job to him.  
Your embarrassment was something you had never felt before, you couldn't even face him to ask him to leave your chambers.  The only thing you could do was walk into your private bathroom, locking the door behind you, before attempting to draw your own bath.  
The running water had hopefully drowned out the sound of your cries, once the sobbing had started, you weren’t sure you would be able to make it stop.  You weren’t sure how long you sat there before the bathroom door was forced open and your mother came in, immediately pulling you into her arms while the maids completed getting the bath ready.  
Once you had calmed down, your mother assisted you in getting in the bath and washing your hair.  It had been so long since the two of you had quiet moments like this, and it was exactly what you needed while your heart was breaking.  She never asked any questions, only took care of her youngest child as only a mother could, even cuddling with you in bed until you woke the next morning. 
“My darling” she kissed your forehead as she stroked your back “you are the strongest woman I have ever met, you needn’t make any decisions today.  We can stay here all day, take our meals here, read every book in the library, whatever you would like” her smile reassuring you that everything would turn out fine.  
“Thank you mother, but I would rather be alone today, if that is alright” giving her the best smile you could muster.  “Of course, whatever you need.   I will have your meals sent in.  I do have some things to take care of today.” Stopping her as she made her way to the door, “Mother, can you also have them bring me some paper and a quill?  I have a letter I would like to write.”   
As the sun was setting, your letter was written, the Asgardian seal embossed to it and ready to be delivered to its recipient.  The only person who had come into your chambers today was your mother, the queen not allowing anyone near you was the most helpful in making your decision.  
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The next morning you exited your room, with a new determination, and a completely different outlook on your future, one that surprised even yourself.   As expected, Clint was standing guard outside of your room, as you made your way toward the dining hall, but was wise enough to not say anything to you, allowing you to handle the situation you had put the two of you in. 
Reaching the room seemed to take longer with no conversation, but it was for the best that you move past this with as much dignity as you could.  Once he opened the door, you turned to him, he looked expectant and almost hopeful that your comradery would go back to how it had always been, but that was impossible now.   
Instead you handed him the letter you had written yesterday.  “Can you please have one of the palace footmen deliver this today?  It is quite urgent” you gave him a small smile.  
“Of course Y/N” he nodded, offering you a small smile as well.  
You could have left it at that, but decided to make one final statement to him that would solidify your decision, so while he was still within earshot you replied “thank you Sir Barton”.  
His shoulders immediately sagged when he realized you were putting up a barrier between the two of you that hadn’t been there since his first day in the palace.  He wanted to say something, explain himself, but he knew nothing would undo the damage he caused by not being honest from the beginning and allowing you a false sense of hope, something he hadn’t intended but was nonetheless solely on his shoulders. As deemed by his position, he merely bowed at your request and made his way out of the dining hall.  
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The following day the castle was buzzing with excitement before you had even finished getting ready for the day.  Not sure what was happening, you sent your maid to find out as much detail as you could before you even allowed her to pick out your wardrobe for the day.  Once she made her way back to your chambers you demanded every last detail you could get.  
“Well Princess, it seems there is a suitor here, demanding an audience with the King and Queen.  We all know that only means one thing, he is bypassing courting you properly and is arranging an engagement with your parents!”  she was shocked that any man would attempt such a thing, your strong willed reputation was known throughout the realms.  
The smile on your face grew as she fastened your corset and you began picking up your jewelry.  “As long as it’s Lord Barnes, that is not an issue” hearing her gasp at your comment made you begin to giggle. 
“How do you know it’s Lord Barnes, I was saving that for the shocking reveal” 
 “Oh, I apologize for thwarting your plan.  But Lord Barnes is here because I summoned him” you winked at her as she finished pinning your hair back.   
Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor, “you summoned a suitor?  Is that allowed?” whispering to make the innocent question seem scandalous.  
“My dear, as Prince of Asgardia, the only way I will ever get what I want, is by taking it”  you stood and made your way out of the room, not even glancing at Clint who was at his post as usual.  Making your way to the throne room, you tried your best to walk at your usual pace, but today you had a mission to accomplish.  
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november-rayne · 1 year
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Chapter Seventeen: A Kingly Visit
Summary: Odin and Loki share a father/son moment. Loki learns a long-held secret of his father's. Odin offers Loki some practical advice.
Word Count: 2400
Rating: Mature
*This story is for mature audiences only.* 18+
*Minors DNI*
Tags: Family Fluff
Chapter Index
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Loki was eating breakfast the next morning while thinking about the day before. He had declared his love for Sigyn and spent several happy minutes with her firmly in his arms. She also admitted her love for him and made him the happiest man in the Nine. He resigned himself to giving up his current apartment. He formally apologized to Thor, paid him back the gold he owed him, and admitted a secret tryst. He finished the day with an emotionally charged conversation with Sigyn’s parents.
Last night’s dinner had been somewhat awkward. While relishing Sigyn's caresses and adoring looks, he could not help but notice Lady Anderson staring at him and barely touching her food. He needed to get to the bottom of her claims and put both of their minds at ease. And the sooner, the better.
He was less than two weeks from becoming a married man. He already had Sigyn’s ring purchased, but he still needed to decide which apartment they would move into, pick out furniture, and be fitted for his wedding clothes, not to mention the surprise that Thor was planning for his stag party. ‘Oh well,’ he thought, ‘one thing at a time.’
He finished his breakfast and went to his desk. He quickly wrote three messages and called for his chambermaid, “Margit?”
“Yes, Your Highness?”
“Could you please see that these messages get where they need to go?” he asked as he passed her the parchment envelopes.
“Certainly,” she accepted them and stuffed them in her apron, “I can deliver them after I take care of these breakfast dishes.”
“Thank you.” Loki turned his attention to an unfinished budget that he had been working on the night before when there was a knock at the door.
“The Prince?” Margit asked as she made her way across the room.
“He never bothers with knocking.” Loki watched as she made her way to the door.
She opened the door only partially, gasped, and then sunk into a very deep curtesy before opening the door wide. Loki stood and quickly strode to where his father, the King, stood in the doorway. Loki bowed.
“Good morning, son. May I come in?”
“Of course, please.” Loki motioned for him to enter. “Margit, please bring tea to the sitting room.”
“Margit?” Odin asked, sounding shocked. “Margit, by the stars! It has been millennia! Lovely to see you again.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Margit blushed and gave the King another curtsey.
“I heard you retired.” He placed his hand on her arm and rubbed it with his thumb.
“Oh, I got so bored sitting around the house. I returned to work in the kitchens part-time until the Queen asked me to come and work for the Prince.”
“Wonderful. The palace is lucky to have you back. I trust my son is treating you well?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. He is a very kind young man.”
“Good, good. How’s the family? You married Kristoffer, right? The guard?”
“Yes, he is well. He retired but volunteers at the elder home, delivering meals to the residents and engaging them in conversation. Whew, does he come home with some stories,” she laughed.
Odin regarded her tenderly, “He is a good man. I am glad you two found each other.”
“Yes...” she looked down at her hands clasped tightly, “I have had a happy life.”
“That is all I ever wanted for you.” Odin looked like he would reach for her again but clasped his hands behind his back instead.
Loki cleared his throat to remind the pair that he was, in fact, still in the room, “You two know each other?” he asked.
“Margit was my chambermaid when I was a young prince. My apartment was just down the hall from this one.” He motioned with his hand, not taking his eyes from Margit.
“I see.” Loki realized that they had been intimate but kept his face neutral.
Margit blushed, “My, that was so long ago.” She put her hand to her cheek, “Let me get you that tea, Your Majesty.” Odin nodded and watched her as she curtsied and walked away.
“Please, have a seat.” Loki motioned to the sitting room. Odin sat in Loki’s favorite leather chair, and he took a seat on the sofa. Loki used his seiðr to bring the fire back to life. Odin tapped his fingers on the arms of the chair and looked about the apartment.
Loki waited patiently for Odin to speak. When he didn’t, he asked, “Is this about the budget? I was finishing that up when you arrived.”
“No, son. I wanted to talk to you about your upcoming life event,” Odin gave Loki a tight smile.
Loki’s heart rate picked up a bit. Aside from polite small talk, his father rarely spoke to him about anything besides work. Margit returned with a tray of small cookies, a teapot, and two cups.
She poured the tea and asked, “Is there anything else, My Prince?”
“No, thank you, Margit.”
“Very well. I will see to your messages.” She curtsied, “Your Majesty, Your Highness.”
“It was lovely to see you again. Give your family my best.”
Margit gave the king one last look before nodding and slipping back to the dining room to gather the breakfast dishes. Odin occupied himself with his tea and a cookie until he heard the front door close behind the chambermaid.
He brushed the crumbs from his beard before he spoke. “The wedding is fast approaching.”
“Yes, Father.”
“And you are prepared for… all that marriage entails.” Odin looked very uncomfortable.
“I am.”
“Let me stop you right there. I know how babies are made, Father. I have been practicing for centuries.”
Odin chuckled, “Yes, I am aware. What I meant is that you are expected to produce heirs. My concern is… I hope you will take the time to enjoy your children when they are young. Do not make work a priority as I did. My only regret in my very long life is that I did not spend as much time as I would have liked with you and your brother while you were little.” Odin set his tea on the table. “The years passed so quickly. One minute you were a babe in my arms; the next, you were a young man with ambitions of your own.”
“You are the King. Your duty to the realm came first. I understand that.”
“And as the King, I could have delegated part of my duties while the two of you were small. It was just not done in those days. But times are changing; a man is not only measured by his work but also by the family he leaves behind.”
Loki nodded, “I promised Sigyn that I would prioritize our future children.”
“Then I do not doubt you will be a far better father than I was.”
“Are you not my father still?”
Odin was taken aback, “Well, yes...”
“Would you be agreeable to spending more time together in the present so I might get your advice on more than just work?”
Odin considered that momentarily, “If that is what you would like, I would enjoy that.”
“You and Mother have had a long and happy marriage despite…” Loki waved his hand toward the door Margit exited.
Odin leaned back in the chair and squinted his eye at him, “So you picked up on that, did you? Always so clever.”
“Well, you were about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Even Thor could have pieced that one together.”
Odin laughed, “That was thousands of years ago, before I was betrothed to your mother. I was younger than you are now. I was a young prince, falling in love with every maiden who crossed my path, getting my heart broken, then falling in love with someone else the next day.”
“It is hard to believe you were such a romantic.”
“That was before I knew what true love was.”
“When you met Mother?”
“I had affection for your mother, but it took some time to fall in love.” Loki gave his father a puzzled look. “I met your mother for the first time on our wedding day. We were not permitted to court each other in those days. Our parents arranged everything. I was fortunate that Frigga was so warm and caring. It was easy to fall in love with her eventually.”
“That is what you were hoping for with me? That Sigyn would capture my heart eventually?”
Odin nodded, “Your mother assured me this was an auspicious match.
“I must admit, though, your marriage to Sigyn was, first and foremost, a political move on my part to strengthen our family’s ties with the North. We depend on their resources here in the capital and throughout Asgard. If I somehow fell out of favor with them, the whole realm would be crippled, making a political coup a genuine possibility. With you as the Warden and Thor as King, everyone in Asgard will remain healthy and strong. The viability of those resources is crucial in keeping our citizens fed.”
“That is a lot of responsibility.”
“I could think of no one I would rather take Lord Anderson’s place.”
Loki sat back on the sofa. His father’s words hit him like an tidal wave.
“I am a King with only one kingdom but two sons. I do not have a second kingdom to offer you, my son, but I am giving you the second-best thing that I can. As Warden of the Northern Territory, you will oversee those lands. All the Northern Lords will answer to you; you will only answer to the King.”
Loki nodded, letting the weight of his words sink in, “Thank you, Father.”
“In the meantime, you get Sigyn. Not a bad trade-off, wouldn’t you agree.”
Loki’s heart did a little flip, “Sigyn is...” his smile widened, “the most,” he shook his head. “Ah, Father, I do not even have the words.”
Odin laughed earnestly, “I know, my son. I know.”
“She loves me, Father. She told me this, and I saw it in her eyes. There was no lie in her words. That beautiful spirit of a woman…” Loki shook his head again, “I do not know what I did to earn that love, but I will do everything in my power to make her happy.”
“I have not seen you this happy since you were gifted your first pony.”
“Sigyn makes me a thousand times happier than that, and we have yet to even…” Loki stopped himself from finishing his sentence.
Odin laughed heartily, “Saving it for the wedding night? There is nothing wrong with that.”
Loki’s cheeks flushed, and he looked at his hands in his lap, “Mother made me promise, but Sigyn is becoming…frustrated.”
“You will learn this lesson soon enough, but my first piece of marital advice: Your bride’s happiness must take priority over your mother’s.” He gave Loki a wink with his one good eye, “Maybe there is a compromise you could come to with Sigyn without breaking your promise to your mother?”
“You are a very wise King, indeed.” Loki grinned.
“The happiness of my subjects is my top priority.” They shared a laugh before Odin asked, “Is there anything else you would like to talk about?”
“As a matter of fact, there is. While I have your ear.” The King nodded for him to continue. “Have you given any thought to whom Thor will marry?”
Odin shook his head, “No, there have been no offers I would consider beneficial. Why do you ask?”
“I was talking with him when my betrothal was announced. He wants to get married and start a family. At first, I pitied him for being so idealistic, but now, after picturing my future with Sigyn, I want him to be as happy as I am.” Loki leaned forward in his seat. “I would ask that you consider letting Thor choose his own wife. Pending the Crown’s approval, of course.”
“Is Thor courting someone at the moment?”
“I am not at liberty to say, Father.”
“I will take that as a yes.” Odin steepled his fingers in front of his lips. “I will have to think about it. We are currently at peace. I did secure our family’s future with your marriage. I would have to broker something with the girl’s family if she is suitable. Hmm… I will talk it over with Frigga. This is not a yes, but it is a maybe.”
“That is all I am asking. Thank you, Father.”
Odin nodded, took another cookie, and asked, “Did you choose a man to stand up for you at the wedding?”
“I asked Thor.”
Odin gave him a proud smile. “Good choice.”
“I do not know what he is planning for the stag party, but I would be honored if you could make an appearance.”
“Ha! I have not been to a stag party in ages. I will get the details from your brother; if it is not too risqué, I would love to come.”
“Risqué? This is Thor we are talking about.”
“True.” Odin tapped his fingers on the arm of the chair again, “I must go hold court.” He stood; Loki followed. “You will have that budget on my desk before the next council meeting?”
“Yes, sir.”
“If you need anything…” Odin clasped his hands together in front of himself and shifted his weight from foot to foot.
Loki nodded, “Yes, thank you. Here, let me walk you out.” He motioned to the front door.
“Son, about Margit. No one needs to know about…” he waved his hand in the air, “ancient history.”
“No. No, of course not. You have my word.”
“I am not ashamed, mind you. But I do cherish your mother; I have remained faithful to her all these years. There is no need to cause her undo distress.”
“No. I understand.” Loki gave him a reassuring smile.
“My door is always open.” Odin clapped a hand on Loki’s shoulder as he opened the front door for his father. Odin’s guards bowed as he exited to the hallway.
“Thank you for this. I appreciate the visit.”
“I should have done it sooner.” Odin hesitated in the hall. He went to speak again but stopped himself. He nodded to Loki, then took his leave, four guards following close behind.
‘Love you too, Father.’ Loki thought as watched him turn the corner.
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The Promise Of A King Pt. 6
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: still nothing really lol
Genre: mostly fluff
Summary: When your parents surprise you with the news that you are going to marry one of Asgard's princes you're not exactly thrilled. It's not made any better by said prince giving you the cold shoulder from the very moment you arrive. Now, not only do you have to worry about acclimating to an unfamiliar place but you must do so while preparing to marry someone who seems to absolutely detest you before you've said five words to him. You know you're duty-bound but why does it have to be so difficult?
When you return to your bedroom, your maids begin preparing you for dinner. Lily insists you change after being outside all day, so you let them swap your clothes and change your hair and makeup to match.
"So how was your tea with her majesty?" Ella asks as she fixes your hair.
"The queen has decided to take my relationship with Loki, or lack thereof I suppose into her own hands." You say.
"What do you mean?" Anne asks.
"She set me up on- essentially a blind date with him. Blind-sighted us both actually."
"Really?! Did you have fun?" Anne asks.
"Fun might be too strong a word Annie dear." You chuckle.
"What happened?" Lily asks.
"Well I beat him to the gardens so of course when he arrived he was not happy to see me. We argued, unsurprisingly but the guards were told not to let us leave for an hour. Everything I do seems to agitate him." You frown. "Oh we did have a moment- I said I wanted a pastry to be warm and he warmed it with magic. It's the only kind thing he's done for me since I got here actually. I was surprised."
"Oh that's cute." Anne gasps.
"So did you argue most of the hour other than that?" Ella asks.
"Actually most of the hour we just sat in silence, but when we did talk, it was definitely a back and forth. I called him some names I normally wouldn't use but he's just so rude- most of the time."
"If you were only required to spend an hour together what did you do after that?" Lily asks.
"After he left I walked around the gardens with one of the guards for a while."
"Which guard?" Ella asks.
"Sir Ulf!"
"Oh he's so hot!" Anne gushes.
"Annie!" Lily tsks at her.
"Yes he's- attractive. He's also very sweet."
"Most of the guards are really kind here." Ella nods.
"You should head to dinner before you're late." Lily says.
"You're correct. I'll see you girls in the morning."
"You don't want us to wait for you to return to help you to bed?" Anne asks.
"You don't have to. I'll get myself ready tonight thank you. Enjoy your night girls!" You say as you leave the room. When you enter the dining room queen Frigga smiles at you before you even sit down.
"Lady y/n! Hello!" Thor says cheerily.
"Hello Thor. How are you today?" You ask with a smile as you begin eating.
"I'm great. I didn't see you at all today."
"Oh- were you looking for me? I was in the gardens most of the afternoon."
"In the gardens? By yourself?"
"For a spell." You nod.
"Did you enjoy your time in the gardens child?" Frigga asks with a smile.
"I did. Though I might be alone in that opinion."
"Who would disagree with you?" Thor frowns. Loki lets out a clearly frustrated sigh.
"Speaking of, mother, I would appreciate it if you didn't meddle so heavily in my affairs." Loki says.
"These affairs you're speaking of, I'll remind you Loki, do not just affect you alone." Odin says.
"I'm definitely missing something." Thor mutters.
"I don't need you setting up playdates for me like I am a child." Loki grits out.
"It was afternoon tea, not a playdate Loki." Odin rolls his eyes.
"Your parents surprised me and Loki today by arranging for us to have tea together in the gardens without telling either of us." You say to Thor when the frown of confusion on his face deepens.
"Oh! Now I understand. Loki doesn't want to go on dates with you." Thor nods.
"In no uncertain terms, that is correct." You manage a chuckle even though Thor's declaration does cause a light pang in your chest. After all, it's not easy to know that your husband to be has absolutely no desire to know you.
"I didn't say that." Loki snaps. "I said, I don't want our parents setting me up like I'm a child. If I want to go on dates I can manage to do that without help." Loki sighs.
"But you've made no attempt to do so with Lady y/n and she's to be your wife. So- you don't want to go on dates with her." Thor says.
"This is not about if I want to or not it's about mom and dad and their meddling."
"You've made it clear you don't want to Loki. I don't know what you're bothering to argue with Thor about it. Your Majesties, I know you're well-intentioned but there is no benefit in forcing Loki to interact with me, all we do is argue if we bother speaking to each other at all. We will get married as intended, we don't have to like each other to do it." You say rubbing your temple slightly.
"Y/n-" Thor frowns.
"If it's alright with you your Majesties, I'd like to be excused." You say, refusing to look at Loki.
"You're excused y/n. I'll send for you later this evening. If you're up for visiting me tonight, please come." Frigga says with a softness in her eyes.
"Yes your highness." You nod and leave. When you enter your room you sigh. You almost wish you hadn't dismissed your ladies so early, it'd be nice to talk with them after that. You draw yourself a bath and take your time undressing and undoing your hair. You sink into the water of your bath with a relieved exhale. The water is warm and you poured your favorite essential oils into it. It's a knock at your room door that finally pulls you out of the bath, thoroughly relaxed and skin clean. You open the door to find one of the queen's ladies at your door.
"Sorry for disturbing you Lady y/n, Queen Frigga would like to see you in her chambers, but only if you feel up to it. You are allowed to decline." She rushes out.
"Tell the queen I will join her shortly. I just need a moment to get ready." You say with a small smile.
"Of course." She nods and leaves the room. You rub lotion into your skin and put on one of your nightgowns, covering yourself with a long silk robe that has a feather trim. The sleeves are large and the end of the robe trails behind you slightly. You make your way to the queen's chambers and when the doors are opened she greets you with a hug.
"Hello my child, I'm glad you came!" She tells you kindly.
"Hello your highness." You say.
"How are you feeling?" She asks.
"I'm alright, I was just enjoying a bath before I came here." You tell her.
"And your tea with Loki this afternoon?" She smiles and the glint in her eyes when she does makes it clear that Loki takes after his mother in many ways, his taste for mischief included.
"It was fine Queen Frigga, though like I said at dinner, Loki and I either argue or simply don't speak to each other. I don't think your plan really helped with that. But I enjoyed my time in the gardens."
"Yes, the gardens are lovely, aren't they?" She hums.
"Absolutely." You nod.
"You seemed a bit stressed at dinner, I wanted to check on you because of it."
"Just- I know Loki doesn't like any of this, which is fine- it's just tiring. I'm alright your highness, thank you for asking though." You nod.
"I know you've resigned yourself to Loki's coldness but I think he will come around. It may be hard to believe, but I do."
"I admire your optimism, your highness."
"But you don't believe me?"
"I want to! I barely know Loki and he is your son, if one of us could guess what will happen it's more likely to be you. It's just that- save for one moment this afternoon it's hard to believe he cares for my presence at all."
"There was a moment this afternoon? What happened?"
"I mentioned I wanted one of the pastries warmed and he warmed it with magic that's all. It was following a string of contentious conversations though, everything I do seems to bother him. Even my friendship with Thor." You shake your head.
"That one- well without getting into too much detail, Loki has always felt in competition with his brother. Perhaps your friendship with Thor makes Loki feel like he has one more area to compete in."
"The irony of that is Thor's kindness to me is a direct response to Loki's lack of it. I'm sure Thor is friendly with everyone but he's obviously trying to make up for Loki's coldness by making me feel as welcomed as he can manage. Besides, Thor would never try to take something from Loki or anything."
"We know that- though truthfully Loki has trouble believing that anyone is looking out for him, besides me and himself. Of course that is not your problem and you always have your get out card." Frigga says.
"I know you said you wouldn't allow me to walk down the aisle until Loki was kinder to me but I don't know how beneficial it will be to delay the union indefinitely. Even if Loki doesn't speak to me at least I know his harshness will not go beyond words and I worry if my parents set another match for me I won't have that."
"Your standards are a man who won't hit you?" The queen looks shocked at your concession.
"When I have no control over the kind of man my parents choose for me to marry, that's the only thing I can hope for." You shrug.
"My dear child, we have every intention of seeing you become part of this family. I just want to see a smile on your face when you have to walk through that great hall."
"Even if my marriage is not one from fairytales, I will be content having you to call a mother and Thor to call a brother." You tell her, and you truly mean that.
"Now it is my turn to admire your optimism." She chuckles.
"We can move forward with the ceremony whenever you and king Odin see fit. You have my go-ahead. I don't need Loki to love me."
"A loveless marriage can be a painful one."
"There are many things I can love even married to a man who can hardly stand the idea. I intend to find them all." You hold your head up high as you speak. "I've already found plenty. The library, the gardens, laughing with Thor, the music room-"
"You play music?" She gasps.
"I do." You nod.
"You'll have to play something for me one day."
"Of course your majesty." Queen Frigga glances out of an open window momentarily before turning back to you.
"I've kept you for quite some time, my dear. I'll let you go now, please rest well." She smiles.
"Goodnight Allmother." You say leaving her room. You make your way through the winding halls of the palace, humming quietly to yourself as you return to your room. Your chats with the queen are another thing you've found to love and you hope to have them with her often.
"Lady y/n!" Thor's voice booms through the library where you've curled up in a chair with a book. You stand and walk out of your corner to where Thor can see you.
"Hi Thor. What brings you here?" You smile at him.
"Well I was looking for you and your maids said I could find you in the library."
"Yes, I'm here pretty often when it's empty."
"When it's empty?"
"I've noticed Loki also has an affinity for the library so I plan my visits around his."
"That's actually what I wanted to talk about."
"Me avoiding Loki in the library?" Your brows pinch together.
"Well no- not that particularly but your relationship with him."
"Oh Thor- you are your mother's child." You muse.
"What do you mean?"
"She asked to see me last night to talk about Loki too. You're both so thoughtful."
"I worry about you, about how indifferent you act to his coldness. Asgard has been hard enough on you without Loki being so unwelcoming." Thor frowns.
"I appreciate it Thor, I really do. You don't have to worry though. I'm not so easily shaken that Loki's misplaced resentment will keep me up at night."
"I know you mean that as a comfort but that is exactly what worries me. You're his bride and you both seem so unconcerned with each other."
"I'm going to marry him because that's what I've been told to do. It doesn't matter if we are concerned with each other at all. In truth, I would like us to at least get along but this is an arranged marriage so- I'm not so foolish that I'm holding out hope that this will be my happily ever after. Like I told your mother I will find ways to make the best of things."
"If you want to get along why not make more of an effort to do so? You avoid him. How will that help things?" Thor asks.
"I avoid him because he's rude and cold. I'd like to be friends but not at the expense of- well anything really. Why should I have to force him to talk to me? We're getting married and he can barely stand to be in the same room as me. It's embarrassing. I won't make it worse by begging for his kindness Thor."
"I don't recommend doing that at all. I do think Loki just takes a while to come around so- maybe don't give up on him yet. Okay?"
"I have to marry him Thor, I won't subject myself to emotional damage but we do have a long time if he ever decides to sort out whatever problems Loki has." You shrug.
"You can always come to me- you know if things get any worse. You'll always have my support."
"Thank you Thor. I know." You smile.
"Good. I'll leave you to your reading then. See you at dinner."
"Of course. Enjoy whatever you do this afternoon." Thor shoots you a smile and leaves the library. You return to your corner quickly, not noticing someone entering as Thor exited.
"You spend far too much time with him." A voice calls as you disappear behind a bookcase. You back up and find Loki striding towards you.
"What?" You frown.
"Thor. You spend too much time with him." Loki says. You roll your eyes and return to your large chair as you respond.
"I can spend my time however I want to Loki. Especially since that time isn't yours." You open your book.
"Who said anything about it being mine? There are simply better ways you can spend your time." He shrugs.
"Thank you for your worthless input that I did not ask you for."
"Are you angry with me?" Loki smirks.
"And why would I be angry with you?" You ask flatly, focusing your eyes on the pages of your book.
"Because you know I'm correct."
"You are so insufferably arrogant. I don't think you're correct I think you're annoying. My friendship with Thor is very important to me, so spending time with him is invaluable to me despite your- difference of opinion."
"Invaluable." He chuckles. You huff and stand up, intent on ending this conversation by leaving. "Wait-" Loki says before you can even round the corner and despite your instincts, you stop. "You don't have to leave." He sighs.
"I don't want to hear you pass judgment on the ways I pass my time here. I'm alone in a foreign place and besides your mother, Thor has been the kindest to me since I arrived. You can turn your nose up all you fucking want but you have no idea how isolating this is for me." You point at him with the book so aggressively for a moment he thinks you might hit him with it.
"I'm sorry. I know what isolation is like."
"Do you now?" You scoff, putting your book back on the shelf. You're not in the mood to finish it.
"I do." He frowns, frustrated that you seem unbelieving. "But you don't believe me."
"To feel isolated in a world that's meant to be your home is something I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for you to understand."
"Meant to be your home?"
"I'm going to marry you Loki. Asgard is your home and therefore it will be mine. I'm obviously not welcome here by anyone except for Thor and your parents though I'm sure Odin is only interested in the political benefit of my being here. The point is- it is easy to pass judgment from your position of comfort but I am a stranger here, a fact you confirm every time you look at me."
"Do I?"
"You don't want me here. You make it clear. How am I supposed to feel as though Asgard is my home if the man binding me to this place doesn't even pretend to welcome me?"
"Every time I think I'm beginning to understand you- you throw me for another loop."
"If you only ever pay attention to one thing I say let it be this. I am not a piece of artwork that you can dissect by simply staring at me from afar. If you ever want to 'understand' me at all, Loki of Asgard, you will have to take a more involved approach."
"Your typical passive observation will not help you."
"How do you know I-"
"At the ball. You talked to very few people and your eyes were everywhere. Watching without engaging."
"You seem to do the same."
"I do, you can learn much by watching- as long as the people you're watching remain unaware."
"What do you mean by that?"
"When people know they are being watched they are usually not themselves. You can't learn anything from people who are performing the version of them that they want to be seen."
"I suppose you're right about that." Loki muses. "Is that why you say I can't learn about you from watching? Because you know I'm watching?"
"Not just you. I am not comfortable in Asgard so I am hardly ever going to be myself when others are present."
"You seem comfortable with Thor."
"More so than I am with most here. Thor and the queen, they- create spaces where I feel something akin to comfort yes but even they are... unfamiliar to me. I am most at ease here in the library. Alone of course. And in the gardens."
"Alone there as well?"
"Maybe- though it's easier to find myself completely alone here than outside." You shrug.
"I too prefer my own company." Loki offers after a moment of silence.
"Is that why marriage doesn't appeal to you?"
"Bold assumption." He smirks.
"Yes well, we're finally having a conversation. I'm taking advantage of that." You say.
"Smart girl." Loki comes off the bookshelf he was leaning on to sit in the chair beside yours. "It isn't that marriage doesn't appeal to me- it's that this- is growing increasingly out of my control." When you don't say anything Loki continues, "I didn't mean to upset you, with what I said at dinner."
"What?" You blink at him.
"The thing about going on dates- you seemed upset by my addressing my parents, and arguing with Thor."
"I wasn't. I knew you had no interest in being in the garden with me. The conversation was just growing tiresome the longer it went on and I wanted it to end. Even if I wasn't personally hurt by your comments it's not exactly fun dinner talk to hear your betrothed complain about spending time with you." You muse.
"That wasn't the issue." He says softly.
"I don't need your explanations."
"Maybe not- but I offer them anyway. Like I was trying to explain to Thor, we're not children. We don't need meetings to be orchestrated under false pretense."
"Loki, it's clear to everyone in the castle that you have no interest in us having meetings of any sort, orchestrated or not. Why go to such lengths to defend your decision to avoid me? Nobody is asking for your justification and honestly it feels like you're just doing it to get me to care about how little you want me here. Just so we're clear I do get that you don't want me here but I can't change anything so I won't cry about it. You can stop telling me you only hate me because of our circumstances. I don't care."
"I don't hate you."
"I'm being hyperbolic. Don't get so caught up in the verbiage Loki. My point still stands."
"I don't know how to make you understand how I'm feeling- I don't hate you, I don't dislike you. Gods I don't even think I want you to leave. I hate feeling like none of this was my choice. I hate that you feel trapped here, trapped with me. I hate many things but you are not one of them. Honestly, if it weren't a union forced by my parents I would be excited to have a life with you but I thought- perhaps, with enough obvious dissonance my parents would be convinced this union was a bad idea and call it off but no matter what I do you grin and bare it. You scold me and I feel bad for being an ass- a girl I hardly know makes me feel guilty for being rude- trying to free her from a union she's already decided would be an unhappy one! It's- bewildering."
"I wouldn't feel so trapped if you had been nicer when I arrived. Or even if you had been honest with me. Instead I was met with cold glares and indifferent silence from the moment I got here- of course I expect an unhappy marriage- you wouldn't even speak to me." You frown.
"I'm sorry- I thought we'd both be better off if I could get this whole thing cancelled, even as a grew to admire you."
"Your mother offered me a way out. I don't know how easily she would've convinced the king but- she told me once if things got any worse that I should tell her right away and she'd call it off."
"Ouch- no confidence there." He half jokes.
"I think she knew you were treating me coldly as a form of protest, and I think she feared you were more committed to your protest than to accepting me. I guess she hoped my sense of self preservation would kick in if it got out of hand, but she did want us to get along and- I guess she thought if we just spent time together you would quit protesting so hard."
"Hence the surprise garden date."
"Did she tell you all this?"
"In many more words, it was implied. Although she didn't tell me the garden date was going to happen. She told me she had a plan and would alert me when it was time. When her servant came to call me to the gardens I thought she'd be telling me what she planned only to instead trap us for an hour."
"You seemed quite alright with that."
"Well, I had tea, and flowers, and pastries- and sometimes your frustration is amusing."
"I can't believe my mother did all that to try and put a stop to my very genius plan."
"Did it work?" You ask before you can talk yourself out of it. Loki is quiet for a long while before he answers you.
"I think it did." He nods.
"You'd never know from your reaction."
"Yes well, I spent the first thirty minutes mad about it- I couldn't quit then."
"Ah- is that why you warmed the pastry? Like a little tsundere."
"A what?" Loki blinks at you as if you've grown another head.
"It's a Midgardian thing. A Japanese character type- angry and mean on the outside but very soft on the low for their person."
"Well I'm certainly not that." He crosses his arms.
"I didn't say you were I said that moment was akin to one from what I've read."
"Do you read a lot of Midgardian literature?"
"When I can. Also, your plan wasn't genius at all, quite the opposite actually."
"It would've worked if you weren't so- outspoken."
"What?" You chuckle.
"Very few people would scold the prince, or call him names for that matter on multiple occasions. You're much more resilient than I would have expected."
"Pleasantly surprised actually. After all, the wife of the silver-tongued prince should be able to keep up with him no?" Loki smiles standing from his chair.
"All of a sudden you're much more open to this." Your eyes narrow at him.
"I think this has been a valuable conversation. I will see you at dinner, my bride." He nods to you.
"For all your shit I've put up with I expect at least one grand gesture of an apology you asshole!" You call after him as he turns the corner.
"Anything you'd like lady y/n!" He laughs as he disappears. You sag into your chair once you hear the large library doors shut. Loki is a complex and confusing man. How do you differentiate this open and communicative Loki from the cold stares he gave you before? What changed? And will it change again? 
Part 6/???
Tagged Users: @moonlightreader649 @crimson25 @kaogasm @just-someone11
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woodelf68 · 2 years
A late fill for the @sifkiweek prompt "Expecting".
When he hears the news
He is both overjoyed and terrified.
He cannot help but think of blue skin and red eyes,
A giant freezing her from inside,
Growing too large to be born.
Sif waits for his response
As he remembers you were small for a giant’s offspring,
And his mother’s voice, later, adding
But just the right size to fit into my arms.
His size is his own in either skin
And by all the laws of shapeshifting
Any children should take after
The form he sired them in.
He’d made as sure of that as possible
Before wedding Sif;
Both his parents had seemed confident of it
And he’d found naught in books
To suggest otherwise.
He takes a deep breath,
And Sif, watching, takes his hand,
Guessing something of what he is thinking.
Eir says I am fine, she says, firmly.
The sickness is normal.
Sheer force of will has gotten her much in life
She refuses to entertain doubts not shared by every Aesir couple
Until given reason to do so.
Their babe will be perfect.
He takes her into his arms,
And reassures her that he wants this
But he does not hide his fears, either,
For they have sworn there will be no secrets between them,
And it helps, to say them out loud
So they cannot eat at him from the inside.
He brings her ginger tea every morning
And dry toast
And holds her hair back when needed.
At lunchtime she eats heartily.
Count yourself lucky, says Frigga,
Ecstatic with the news of her coming grandchild.
I had it all hours of the day with Thor.
She remembers her exhaustion, and weight loss,
More than was healthy
And Eir fearing she would lose the child.
She remembers Odin swearing
That he would not ask her to bear another.
It had passed at last, though,
And Thor had been worth it;
She had been ready to ask for another child
(Second children were oft easier, they said)
When Odin had returned from the war,
Save that her second son had been laid ready-made in her arms.
She looks at Loki and smiles.
She would have borne it all again, for him,
The nausea and the birthing pains and all the rest.
She does not regret missing them
But she would have liked the memory
Of Loki growing strong within her.
The scale balances.
Sif counts her blessings.
The nursery is opened up and aired out,
Dust sheets removed.
In the outer room is a couch
And two armchairs facing the hearth.
In the small dining area a cupboard
Holds child-sized cups and dishes.
There is a window seat looking over the gardens,
Low bookshelves waiting to be refilled,
And best of all
A wooden longship
Just the right size for two boys
With a cloth sail that can be raised and lowered.
Two wooden shields hang over the side;
Two black ravens on a green field adorn one,
A red dragon in a blue sky the other.
It was only supposed to be one raven, says Loki wryly,
But father’s ravens kept arguing about which one of them I had drawn,
So I had to paint another.
Sif looks at the raven which is centered neatly on the shield.
Which one had you drawn?, she asks.
Munin, he says. He liked posing.
He looks wistfully at the mast,
No longer towering above his head,
And remembers the days when the painted hull
Could hold all of his dreams
And Thor’s too
As they told each other stories
Of what they would do one day,
Quests and battles and magic and ruling side by side.
They used to fill the hull with pillows and blankets, says Frigga
When they were done adventuring for the day,
And fall asleep curled up together like puppies.
Sif is delighted by the image.
Loki thinks he's never had a cosier nest to read in.
Frigga fetches rugs for the floor
From a closet down the hall,
Emerging to pass one to Loki.
He lays the thick fleece down in front of the fireplace
Needing no instructions;
Sif thinks of sitting in the timeworn chairs
And watching their babe play on the soft, warm fleece.
It will feel odd to take Father’s chair, says Loki
Running his hand along the rich tan leather.
You may bring in another, says Frigga,
Loki sits down in the chair, experimentally.
No, he says.
Frigga thrusts one end of the second rug at Sif.
In the corner with the ship, she says
Unrolled, the pattern is all cheerful, bright colours
And Sif feels excitement stir
As do the white curtains at the window
Blowing inward with the breeze
Filling the room with fresh air.
This a warm and welcoming space
A good place for a child to grow up in
Almost she can hear the laughter of the two young princes
And can easily see them in her mind’s eye,
Loki snuggled up with a book in the longship,
Thor playing soldiers on the floor
Frigga watching them and smiling
As she spun thread for her loom.
The empty shelves beckon her to fill them.
And as if reading her thoughts, Loki heads for the closet,
Big enough to walk into, Sif finds as she follows him in.
He lifts the lid of a chest and passes it to her,
Picking up another with a grunt at its weight.
A princely collection of books and toys.
They sort through them, choosing those suited to earliest childhood    
To return to their shelves,
Leaving room, on Frigga's advice,
For more mundane things like baskets of diapers 
And other daily needs.
Frigga sits down in the rocking chair by the window,
Remembering far-off times with a child in her lap.
First lesson, she tells Sif
Is that babies like to be rocked. 
She notes her son has started flipping through a book
And reminds him there is more yet for Sif to see
And he can re-read his books later.
Sheepishly Loki puts the book down
And gestures Sif down the hallway.
On one side is a large bathroom
And a small bedroom for a nursemaid.
She only slept here when we were little, he says,
He remembers her changing his sheets
In the middle of the night
When he’d wet the bed
Without a word of fuss or censure
And wonders what she is doing
And whether she would be interested
In the care of another royal baby.
Across the hall is the larger bedroom,
And Sif is charmed by the two neat beds,
The head and footboards beautifully carved, Well able to remember the young princes
She’d once played with.
She follows Loki’s glance to the side
And sees the horse, pure white,
Suspended in mid-charge on its rockers
No tame mount this
But a warrior’s steed with flashing eyes
Elegantly caparisoned
With flashing eyes
And open mouth
Across which a real bit lies    
Attached to a real bridle
Which a child might buckle and unbuckle
The leather still soft and supple after all these centuries
Preserved no doubt by magic
She strokes the saddle
(A functional girth, adjustable stirrup irons)
And wishes with all her heart that she were a child again
For the pleasure of riding it just once.
Always they played in the gardens,
Or the public areas of the palace
And she is about to demand why
She was denied the pleasures
Of wooden ships and horses
But then thinks she understands.
This was the heart of their home,
A place for family,
A sanctuary at the end of the day,
And the horse could only hold one rider at a time.
She wonders why.
He was Thor’s first, Loki explains.
By the time I was old enough to ride him
Thor had a real pony
And he let me have Cloudspinner most of the time.
If Cloudspinner had a friend, Sif says
Two children could rock side by side
And pretend that they were racing.
We haven’t had our first yet, says Loki.
Thor might provide the second, Sif says.
Frigga looks pleased at the thought.
We could easily fit another horse in here, she says,
And more children besides, she thinks, 
Envisioning bunk beds
And a new generation of children
Playing happily together.
She pulls something out from a corner
And lovingly uncovers the cradle.
Loki traces the highly polished wood,
Runes for protection and health and happiness, 
And peaceful sleep and sweet dreams
Carved into its surface 
Amidst beasts of the field and forest.
He smiles to see the two ravens carved into the headboard
To guard over a babe’s sleep.
Did Father have this made, he asks.
Yes, she says, it has held two princes;
Your child will be the third.
She gently sets the cradle to swinging.
Munin  used to perch on the side
And demand to be rocked;
Hugin had too much dignity to ask
But figured out how to get it moving himself,
Much to your delight. 
No wonder, thinks Loki, 
That he has always liked his father’s ravens.
The queen brings out one more box of baby things
And seats herself next to it on the nursery rug
As if she were still a young mother about to play with her child
Instead of a soon-to-be grandmother.
She pulls out the box’s contents
One at a time
Each one rich with memories to be shared
Until Sif can see a baby Loki in her mind’s eye
Grabbing for the golden rattle
Or for the rainbows dancing in the air
From the prisms of the mobile moving gently above him.
Loki leans into his mother’s shoulder,
Sure of his place there
And takes a soft toy she pulls out with a smile.
The love is tangible between them.
Sif is not sure what kind of a mother she will make
But she wants that to be her and her child one day
With a box of memories to share between them.
Names are suddenly important.
Names are for life.
They keep an ongoing list of names they like
Adding to it and crossing off as the months go by.
Loki pondiers names whenever his mind is free
And wonders how his mother chose his
When presented with a babe with no warning.
It was as if the Norns whispered it into my ear, she says.
The Norns are whispering nothing to him
He wonders if he will know the perfect name when he sees it
Their list narrows when they learn they are having a boy.
The morning sickness passes and Sif glows,
Radiant and demanding, 
Her desire for her husband sharp
Loki is an eager and willing lover;
When his body is wrung dry 
And will no longer rouse again for her
He still has hands and a mouth;
He will not leave her unsatisfied.
But even he has his limits
And one night, exhausted,
He creeps away once she has fallen asleep
And seeks a respite in the quiet of the night kitchens
And a restorative drink.
His father finds him there
Nursing a mug of something warm and fragrant
Odin puts down the bottle of wine
That he has brought up from the cellars
And considers his son, and the tousled mess of his hair.
You look like you’ve been ridden hard, he says bluntly,
And put away wet.   
Loki nearly chokes on his drink,
For it is an apt description.
Sif has been…demanding of late, he says delicately.
And then decides he is too tired to mince words.
In bed, he clarifies,
Though their activities have not been confined
To so limited a space.
Odin’s face clears,
For there are some things a man never forgets.
The first time he felt Thor kick under his palm
And the time that Frigga swept into the throne room
And nearly dragged him into his study
In front of all the court,
Saying she had urgent need of the king
And then proceeded to show him exactly what she needed him for
Are both vivid in his memory.
Ah, he says, it took your mother that way too.
Loki tries not to think about this;
The fact that it was only Thor who affected their mother in that way does not help
For he then wonders if Frost Giants are affected by pregnancy in the same way,
And that is even worse.
Odin stands and clasps Loki’s shoulder sympathetically
Enjoy it while it lasts and find your sleep when you can,
He says, one husband to another.
There will be a dry spell after.
He holds up his wine cheerfully.
Your mother is waiting, I must go.
Loki does not think too hard on what his parents might be doing tonight
But hopes that one day that will be him and Sif
Still in love, growing old together
And embarrassing their children.
In her rooms the queen weaves a welcoming gift for her grandchild
(Concealed under a cloth from visitors' eyes,
For she will have it be a surprise.)
Sif’s mother crafts soft ivory baby gowns
And tiny, colourful caps and booties.
We will plant a tree for the baby when they come, Frigga says,
Another choice to be made.
Thor had an oak planted for him,
Loki, a birch,
Its papery bark as white as the Jotunheim snows;
They grew tall and straight together.
Perhaps their child shall have a willow, Loki thinks,
With limbs that bend and do not break.
Sif is round, heavy with child when she wakes from a dream
Of a child with laughing blue eyes who looks up
When she hears her own voice calling his name.
It is one of several still on their list,
The babe still a few weeks from coming.
She tests the sound of it out on her tongue.
Ullr, she whispers into the dark.
Having seen him (beautiful, perfect),
She knows it is right.
Loki stirs behind her,
His hand resting protectively over their child.
Hm? he asks, and she heaves herself over to face him
Because this is important.
Ullr, she says. Our child’s name is Ullr.

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dialnoisenow · 2 years
15 Day deity devotional Challenge
Odin Day 15: What do you want to learn? Where are we going?
This is going to be one of those posts that's like a blog recipe. First I'm going to tell you a story that is vaguely related to this and I might get sidetracked and start going on about an entirely different recipe than the one you came here for. "Wait, Day 15? What is the oven temp supposed to be?!" Trust me, the roast is fine.
I won’t lie to you this experience was a challenge, as it's supposed to be and I slipped up a few days. I’m not that disciplined. One time I told someone I was going to make them 12 pies in a year, one for each month as a present. (He got other things. It wasn't a complete disaster) I hyper focused on that project, carefully planning each month according pies and recipes. There were themes. I got through 2 months when the drive left, got depressed and then just stopped. I still owe him those pies. I’ll make them someday. 
There were a few days there when I was just too tired or something in life came up that prevented me from doing it. I started this challenge January 11th, on a Wednesday. I sat down with my computer, a cup of tea and my notebook. I dedicated at least an hour of my free time to researching Odin, every night for almost 15 days. It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s what I can do. It’s what I can sacrifice, my free time. After the work day is done, after dinner has been made and eaten, after the kiddo is all taken care of and in bed, and I get that small window of spare time before “I have to go to bed, I have to take a shower, work in the morning”.  
He’s a god of sacrifice and knowledge after all. Always chasing the knowing. 
For Odin, this challenge was a deep dive*. I knew some basics about Him going into this and I knew the big myth concerning the runes because our relationship is mostly rune work. He doesn’t have an altar in my house or in my yard and I’m not sure if I’m going to make that commitment anytime soon. But I do like reading the myths and researching. And as far as devotionals go, I plan to set aside a bit of my time on the first Wednesday after the new moon for Him, to start. I know what I’m capable of. I know I get distracted and tired. I know that I have 7 other Gods I’m going to be doing this with. But the whole exercise is to refresh my practice, like a spritz of religious febreeze on the me couch. 
This is day 15 and I’m posting this first as a reflection piece. Next 15 is going to be all my research and thoughts pertaining to the other 14 days of this challenge. I plan to continue this work, as stated, and may just put everything in one of the fancy notebooks I’ve hoarded. 
Thank you for reading if you have. 
*deep dive for me. There are way deeper dives out there. I don't think I even went that deep. Like, I'm in the part of the pool that's just starting to slope. I'm in the shallow end right now but not the kiddie pool or stuck on the steps waiting for the pool floaty to come my way. You really can't learn to swim strongly with the pool floaty. It's just comfy for breaks with something in a glass that has a paper umbrella.
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vitasmp · 8 months
preparing a gift for vitas had been the most time-consuming but xianjun didn’t mind. he wanted the gifts he had in mind to be absolutely perfect because vitas’ health was of utmost importance to him. so, when xianjun was ready, and before he went off to meet with vitas in the morning of february 10th, he had delivered two packages to vitas’ apartment which the other would see after coming home late that evening. one box held a traditional tea set, with a tin of evening dragon herbal tea and another tin of passion fruit black tea. inside that same box, xianjun had added two homemade honey lollipop stirrers to use together with the teas. the second box was bigger and definitely heavier. inside the box was an assortment of hand-picked fresh fruit for good health. xianjun had asked ( read: begged ) houtu for her help in acquiring this selection of fruit which some had been imported by the goddess herself. only the best ones had been put into this box, which had been filled with love and attention from xianjun. a note with the gifts in xianjun’s bad but legible handwriting stated that xianjun wished vitas a happy new year of the dragon, and that he wants vitas to always be happy and healthy. 
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        Though the son of Odin had procured a few gifts for his…friends…(and one Lord of Diyu who he did very much respect), Lunar New Year was not the Norse demigod’s holiday, so he had not expected to receive anything.  Even if it HAD been a Norse holiday, Vitas STILL would not have anticipated receiving any gifts.  In fact, he was somewhat surprised to arrive back at this apartment after celebrating with Xianjun to find…a gift from the beekeeper waiting for him.  Once taking it inside his otherwise monochromatic apartment–save for the subtle cream glow of twelve hexagonal panels arranged in a triangle pattern on the wall–the bright red packaging certainly stood out against the black of the kitchen island.  Oddly enough, he didn’t mind the vibrant color this time.  Of course, he recognized the hand writing immediately and maybe, just maybe, there was a just the most subtle smile daring to ghost over his lips.
        While Vitas did not like tea, he still accepted the gift; the tins and set may live eternally in his his pantry, untouched and unseen, but certainly not forgotten.   Perhaps someday, he may actually…drink it.  On second thought, yes, yes he will give it a try…after the fifteenth day, though; let the ‘good energy’ absorb to its fullest before diving in.  The honey stirrers, however…he would use those for his coffee later, without question.
       The fruit elicited a couple rapid blinks of surprise.  Fresh fruit?  Again, so colorful–such a stark contrast to the clean and sleek black countertop.  He did need to eat more fresh foods, he knew this–a pantry full of snack bars and instant meals was more than telling and he knew that when he was with Xianjun, the beekeeper always made sure he ate well and healthily.  Knowing the strawberries to generally the fruit in the assortment that would expire more rapidly than the others, he chose to consume those first, putting them in a separate bowl to be washed before eating and putting the rest of the box in the fridge to keep them fresh until he was ready to eat them.
        A few minutes later, he sent Xianjun a quick video of the berries being washed, hulled (using the straw method), and then popping it in his mouth with a thumbs up before the video ended.
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s-lily · 3 years
Loki in Thor
So I decided to watch Thor's MCU movies (again), this time paying special attention to Loki's POV, and oh boy! You know, I've always had a problem with Thor (2011), aka Loki's First Existential Meltdown, but this time it was too obvious and painful to watch (especially with access to all deleted scenes).
Spoiler ahead (but you know... from the 2011 Thor movie)
Let's take just a second to acknowledge that after he's told he was adopted, Frigga is the only one who validates him. She goes >>You are my son, and I love you. Here is Asgard, it's yours until Father awakes, my King<< he was so confused at the moment, and he didn't even want to take the scepter! A very important piece in Loki's journey, so what the studio decided to do? They deleted it! They justify everyone's (mostly the Warriors Three and Lady Sif) suspicion about him being evil. Well, he's not!
Honestly, Thors' friends are a little dense. Even without the deleted scene, let's recap the events: The King is indisposed (Odin is having his beauty sleep), the firstborn unavailable (Thor's has been exiled), and the apparent Regent unwilling (Frigga is worried for Odin and wanted to stay at his side), but somehow making the second born, Loki, the acting ruler is so treacherous. He must have surely stolen the throne! (note the sarcasm here)
Ok, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt because he didn't want to undo Odin's last order (although it's not like they need Thor back. Asgard was not in imminent danger or something. Basically, they are just unhappy that their best friend can not go out to play because he was grounded). But - insert frustration mannerisms here - Seriously? What did they expect? It's not like Odin is dead. He is going to wake up, and when he does, who will be the one in trouble because Thor is back? Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly! Loki.
Not to mention the emotional turmoil in which Loki is at that point. He's not Odin's son, plus he's telling himself he is unworthy, a monster, a relic waiting to be used. He wants to prove him wrong, that he is worthy. He even goes to Earth and tries to lift Mjölnir, but he can't, and again he is reinforced with the idea that he is unworthy.
Now that we're are on Earth, let’s talk about why did he tell Thor that Odin is dead because of him? Surely he is evil, isn't he? Well, not really. I admit that telling Thor that was mean, but I think he is merely projecting his own feelings. Remember, Odin fell asleep meanwhile he was arguing with Loki. It's Loki's fault Odin is vulnerable, he feels guilty, but at the same time, Loki hasn't had the opportunity to overcome his existential crisis when talking to his father, and Thor is the only one who is available to work it out.
What about Frigga? You may ask. Frigga already validated him. She loves him, and he loves her. There is not more unfinished business with her. On the other hand, he has a lot of issues with Thor.
Sibling rivalry is normal, even Disney's perfect duo (Elsa and Anna) has some of it. Do you remember Anna's song about being like a little extra button? Probably not, because it's an outtake song - insert frustration mannerisms here - but look at it, and you'll know what I'm talking about. (More Than Just the Spare is the title). The point is that all the unspoken brother rivalry has multiplied it with the revelation of his true nature. Every single favor Odin had with Thor over him, no matter how minimal, now it's an open raw wound. He's envious more than ever.
Funny thing. Loki is the most sincere in this movie. In the deleted scene before the coronation, he said to Thor that sometimes he is envious, but never doubt he loves him (why delete it! it was only 3 minutes long! and the brotherly banter was great). He said to Thor in the final battle that he never wanted the throne, that's clear as crystal in the deleted scene when he is made King (again! why deleted such important 4 minutes!), and it's proved it again when he told Laufey he only showed them the way into Asgard to protect it from Thor's idiotic rule for a while longer. Please pay attention to the "a while longer" it means he has accepted Thor would be the king, he was at peace with that (even when Odin has told them both were born to be king), but he knew his brother was not ready, so he put that stunt with the Frost Giants in motion to prove himself right (he never intended to put Asgard at risk, he knew, as Odin said, it was the act of a few doomed to fail, he only wanted to ruin Coronation Day). He is sincere and confesses to his brother's friends he is the one who told the guard to go for dear daddy to stop them (which backfires because now Hogun and Sif think of him as a traitor. Just because he did the right thing to do! Even when all of them knew that going to Jötunheimr was a bad idea).
The sad thing is that Thor doesn't even know what is happening. He's on Earth having his Hero Journey until his friends find him (and gave him their version of the facts) and now his little brother suddenly turned vicious, and he doesn't know why.
Now, I want to rant about Heimdall. I understand the Warrior Three dislike for Loki (he is Thor's annoying little brother who always tags along, most likely to be the snitch, and who to Asgardian standards is not a skilled warrior because he prefers to use magic and tricks instead of brute force). However, Heimdall is supposed to be this wise man, yet he treats Loki, a Prince (don't forget about it), with disdain and disrespect. He has watched all of Loki's life. He's watched him grow. He knows he is a mischief kid, probably a little spoiled. (who would blame him? If someone messed with him, here comes big brother Thor at the rescue. If the thing turned serious, he is the second born of All-Father Odin. I would like to see somebody fight that. And hell sure, he's mommy's little boy, so he probably got away with a lot of things. Actually, that's probably what made him the Good of Mischief. Ok, I'm rambling now, back to the main issue) Heimdall knows he is clever, and honestly probably more apt for political affairs than Thor at this point, but when Loki is named king, he seems unable to show a little bit of loyalty. He's blind because Loki bypassed his all-mighty sight. Yikes! Chill out!, now he knows how everyone else feels.
Finally, the last blow. Loki said to Odin (and still refers to him as Father - I'm not crying, I'm not crying) that he could have succeeded. Wipe out all the Frost Giant, he could have eliminated all trace of his monstrous side. He said "for you" as in for you to be my only father, for you to accept me as your son, and not a relic to trade with, and what Odin said? No. (I'm well aware Odin said "No" more in like >>that's no the way, you're my son no matter what<<, and not like >>I don't accept you<< ) Loki is in a lot of emotional distress here, and he is hanging off the Bifrost's cliff, he feels rejected, he feels unworthy, so he let himself go. He drops loose from his father's scepter lets himself consume in the void of space.
And the hope of surviving wasn't on his face.
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
A Love like Disney
On your second date Steve told you that he’d never seen a single Disney movie you’d been, shocked. You’d grown up watching Disney movies, from the classics to new releases you’d always enjoyed a Disney movie. Even now you watch the new releases in Tony’s state of the art theatre in the tower the moment that you can get your hands on them. Thanks to Tony that’s usually the day the movie comes out and the team has started to join you for opening night movie nights.
Steve had enjoyed Frozen so much that it hadn’t taken long to convince him to watch every, single, Disney movie you could find. You started with Snow White and went down the line.
Some of the movies were, well, you fell asleep so really they just weren’t your cup of tea. You’d made sure to play The Fox and the Hound when you’d been barely able to open your eyes because you don’t do dog movies, they make you cry too much. When Disney had found out the the Avengers had Disney movie nights they’d started to invite you all to the premieres and you and Steve had gone to a few, the best one so far had been Lightyear, if you didn’t know better you’d have sworn that the actor who voiced Buzz was Steve. When you’d mentioned this to him he’d murmured, “To infinity and beyond.” Into your ear in an almost perfect impression of Buzz that it’d made you laugh.
“Hey Belle,” Steve calls one morning as he came into the library. He’d given you the nickname after watching Beauty and the Beast due to your powers, you read it and you’re an expert on it. You don’t forget a word if you decide to recall it.
“I’m in cooking.” You tell him and you hear him chuckle then make his way toward you. When he rounds the bookshelf you see he’s got a bag over his shoulder. “Do you have a mission?”
“Nope, we have a vacation. I had Wanda pack you some stuff in this bag. Come on.”
“Wait, where are we going?”
“You’ll see.” He tells you holding a hand out for you. You give him a little shrug, a wide smile and then take his hand. You take the Quinjet and after a few hour flight it lands in Florida.
“Disney world?! Really?” You ask with a little bounce and Steve laughs and nods.
“Yep my pretty little bookworm! We’ve got four days, one park a day, I watched all those video blog things you’d told me to watch and I have a plan for everything.”
“Vlog, they’re called vlogs and I love you.”
“I love you too, now, let’s go!” You start at Magic Kingdom, an excellent choice to really throw you into the magic on day one. You take a video for your instagram of Steve getting his first glimpse of the castle down Main Street and then you take photos off to the side of the castle. You do as many rides as you can and eat as many snacks as you can stomach. You meet many of the characters, Mickey and Minnie are a must, Goofy is amazing with Steve pretending to be a super hero too, you both cry at the fireworks show and then fall into bed at the end of the day thrilled and exhausted.
Epcot is the second day, you try a drink in each country that you can and FaceTime Thor when you’re in the Norwegian part to show him the area that they have about him, Odin and Loki. The water, music and firework show Harmonious brings you to tears it’s so beautiful and wonderful.
Hollywood studios in the next day, the Star Wars area is incredible and Steve decides to make a droid and you go with to watch. You ride Tower of Terror six times, and when a little girl recognizes you and Steve you get swarmed for a bit and end up taking some photos with people until security comes and insists on giving you the VIP tour for the rest of the day. You hadn’t wanted to do a VIP tour but you also don’t want to cause the park any issues.
You start at Animal Kingdom bright and early, starting at the safari ride the guide offers to let Steve help feed the lions. You don’t get the same offer but since you’re not a super soldier that doesn’t surprise you much. The animal walk is really cool, and so are the other rides that you do Expedition Everest being your favorite of the day. There’s something about a roller coaster that you can’t help but love. After you watch the tree of life’s little light show you head back to the Quinjet in your silly matching tee shirts and the Minnie ears Steve had bought you.
“Steve, this was amazing.” You murmur as you settle against him on the flight. You know you won’t be awake for long.
“I’m thinking Disneyland next month.”
“Yea, how does that sound to you?”
“Like a fairytale.”
Thanks for the prompt @pagina16ps I hope this was okay :)
Tag list:
@pokey-hedgehog @foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll
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loki-hargreeves · 3 years
Loki x Reader - Married in Secret
Warnings: a lot of fluff, implied smut, more fluff Word Count: 3,1K  Summary: After you and Loki get engaged, Odin is trying to make a huge wedding happen for you against your wishes. So you and Loki get married in secret. Loki has another surprise for the two of you... {there are a couple choices at the end for you to choose from!}  Author’s Note: I’ve always wanted to write interactive fanfiction. Better start late than never, right? Please enjoy <3 also pls don’t hate me for the vows, I did my best ok??
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Questions about the tiniest, most ridiculous things were bombarded at you from each direction as you walked in the palace,
“Do you want dark green or light green curtains in the ballroom?”
“We’ve already invited 500 people to the dinner party, can we stretch that to 600?”
“Should we pair the roses with orchids or gardenias?”
Ever since you and Loki had announced your engagement, Asgard had gone wild. The servants were tasked with making the most fantastic royal wedding, and it was getting exhausting. Loki hadn’t asked for this and neither had you. Odin was orchestrating it all, and it was definitely not from a good will.
The old man cared so much about appearance and he wanted to show the people what it meant to be royal. After all, Loki was a prince and you were about to become a princess. Odin wanted to put up a facade, and dare you say it seemed like he wanted to show that royalty was much better than the common people. To throw luxurious parties and waste so much gold on an unfathomable amount of flowers and other unnecessaries. To put up a show and conceal the love you and Loki had for each other. You were supposed to act cold and proud that day, but it wasn’t what you desired.
Truly, all you wanted was to be with Loki and celebrate the love you had for one another. Nothing more than that.
After days of circus Odin had created, you were done. You felt like slamming the door to your soon to be shared bedroom, but didn’t do it as you realized the door itself hadn’t done anything to you. Loki was sitting on an emerald green armchair, book in hand and he looked up to you with almost a worried gaze. It softened when he realized that it was you, not another poor servant who was terrified of getting any details wrong. 
“Bad morning?” Loki judged the look on your face. Your shoulders were tense and it looked like you had been spun around like a music box doll everywhere you had been. 
“You could say so,” You sighed deeply and made your way closer to Loki. Although the day had begun poorly, you felt immediately much better when you were with the Trickster you had fallen for. 
Loki put the book down on the coffee table next to an empty cup of tea and he stood up, meeting you in a loving embrace. You relaxed in his arms and for a moment, you closed your eyes and let yourself get lost in the moment. 
“I chose a dress,” You let him know. At least, that was done now. One less thing to worry about.
“I’m sure it’s beautiful,” Loki sounded excited. He couldn’t wait to see you in your bridal outfit. The thought alone made his heart race in his chest. Oh how lucky he felt to have you.
You parted from his embrace and sat down on the second armchair so you could stretch your legs. It had been a long morning. 
“I don’t wish to complain,” you started carefully, “but I don’t know how much more of this I can handle. This wedding is getting out of hand.”
Loki agreed with you, but hearing it made him worry. He was afraid you would get cold feet. If so, he would certainly blame Odin for it. But now, he wiped that thought away, for he had an idea. 
“My love,” Loki took your hand in his and he lowered himself on one knee right in front of you, just like he had a few weeks ago. He was so devoted to you, he made you feel special. 
“What if I told you I have a plan?” A familiar grin appeared on his face. The way his lips curled ever so slightly made shivers run down your spine. He was up to something.
“Oh?” You were certainly curious. Loki never had bad ideas. Well, it depended on how one would define ‘bad’ ideas. 
“Let’s elope, in secret. It’ll be just you and me and whoever shall wed us. No one needs to know until it’s official,” Loki proposed his idea to you.
And it was a brilliant idea. It was exactly what you had wanted. Something small and private. Away from hundreds or thousands of eyes which meant you could be comfortable. It wouldn’t be a show, it would be a loving moment just for you and just for him, one you would cherish forever. 
It was also slightly rebellious, which only made it so much better. You could already envision the smoke coming out of Odin’s ears, and the dumbfounded look on Thor’s face. The people would have something to gossip about. 
“What will your family think of it?” Honestly, you didn’t really care, but you played with the idea in your mind.
Loki put on a thoughtful look for a moment, pretending to be deep in thought, “I think...” He then returned his gaze to you and a playful gleam lit in his eyes, “that I don’t care at all. Perhaps my mother will be most understanding. Either way, it’s none of their concern, so what do you say?”
“Let’s do it,” You were convinced it was the best idea he could come up with regarding your wedding.
Loki was relieved to hear that and he quickly leaned close to you in order to catch your lips with his. The kiss deepened quickly. The way he held you was so strong and lively that you were afraid the chair would fall back, so you wrapped your arms around his strong torso to brace yourself.
When his soft lips pressed against the sensitive skin on your neck, you let out a laugh, “Loki!” You held onto him tighter, “if you’re going to kiss me like that, then maybe we shall move to the bed? This armchair wasn’t made for two.”
In a graceful manner, he dragged the two of you up to your feet, off of the chair, “if you insist, my love.”
The sun was beginning to set behind the horizon. It was still warm outside and the gentle wind cooled everything down. You were high over the water which allowed you to see most of Asgard, yet the place offered much needed privacy. Shadows cast on the stony pathway under your feet, which contrasted beautifully with the golden rays of sunlight that made everything look like a page from a fairy tale. Your eyes followed the trail of flower petals that smelled so lovely and sweet, and then you saw Loki.
He was standing there with a nervous smile on his face. The officiant who was going to wed you stood beside him and even he smiled as he saw you, but you could only focus on Loki. He wore his full Asgardian gear and the gold and emerald green looked fantastic on him. His raven hair was brushed neatly and it looked soft underneath his helmet. The emerald cape was flowing ever so lightly as the wind played with it.
In that moment, you felt like the luckiest person in the nine realms. 
You walked all the way up to him and then made sure your dress was smoothly cascaded around your legs and you wiped off any possible dust. It was the dress of your dreams and it made you feel so comfortable in your own skin. The jewelry you wore matched the dress and Loki’s gear, and you felt neat. You were truly a match made in the heavens. 
When your eyes met with Loki’s, your heart jumped to your throat. He looked so beautiful and happy. Joy was simply radiating from him and it was infectious. To see him like that was a sight you could never forget.
He took your hands into his and whispered, “you look ever so beautiful, my dear.” There was a tear in the corner of his eye and surely there were tears in yours. This was the moment you had waited for since you were small. It was your wedding day, when you and Loki would commit to one another for the rest of your lives. 
The officiant cleared his throat and you both turned to look at him. Asgardian weddings could vary so much. Everyone expected you to have the biggest wedding anyone had ever seen since Odin and Frigga’s, but here you were. It was just the three of you there. You didn’t recognize the officiant who was holding your rings, but it didn’t matter. The ceremony was going to be brief anyway and then you and Loki could do whatever your hearts desired. 
At first, the officiant spoke about your forefathers and mothers, asked them to bless you on your shared journey that was about to begin. He talked about Valhalla, and wished you strength and luck for your future. Eventually, it was time for your vows. You were slightly nervous then and you wondered how you would’ve felt if all of Asgard had been watching you. That would’ve been a nightmare. 
Loki took a deep breath as he prepared to speak. He had tried his best to remember his vows without having to look at a paper. Although he had known you for so long and shown you his most vulnerable sides, he felt jittery as he prepared to recite his vows to you.
“Y/N,” He began by saying your name. You gave his hands a comforting squeeze. You wondered if his words would make you cry. 
“You’re the love of my life. I still don’t understand what I did in order to end up with you, but I promise to make it all worthwhile. I assure you, I will stand by your side through thick and thin. I won’t let anything come between us, ever,” Loki seemed more confident after a few lines. He stood more comfortable and let the tension wash away from his muscles. 
“I will treat you like the goddess you are and I will support you through everything in life. You make me so happy, and I wish to make you happy too. I will cherish each and every day that I get to spend with you, because I love you. I love you for all that you are and who you will become as we grow. You make me feel like a better person and you make me want to be good.”
“...I want to listen to you, to be your rock. I want to go through good days and bad because now I know that I won’t be alone. I know that I am much to handle, but I will never allow my life to come in the way of yours. No matter where life takes us, I won’t leave you alone. As long as we’re together, I promise to be the best version of myself. For our future family, for us, for you,” Loki continued his vows smoothly. Each word seemed to come straight from his heart and soul. They certainly tugged at your heartstrings in the very best way. There was no doubt, Loki loved you as much as you loved him.
“I will love you, always,” He finished his vows with a pledge. If it wasn’t for the ceremony, you would’ve kissed him. Each cell of your being was practically begging for it, but you kept yourself together for just a while longer. 
He grabbed the golden ring carefully, afraid he would drop it. Then he held your hand and slipped the ring on your finger. It was a perfect fit and it looked amazing. The green jewel looked like magic as sunlight pierced through it from a million different angles. You would have to get used to carrying that on your finger, but it wasn’t heavy. It was just right.
Now it was your turn. Both Loki and the officiant looked at you expectantly. How could you match Loki’s words? You only hoped that he could feel the sincerity of your soft spoken words. 
“Loki, you are the light of my life, the reason why I get through even the hardest of days, and why I can enjoy the good days even more than I usually would,” You tried your hardest to stay composed. A part of you wanted to crumble because you were so overwhelmed with love. When you felt his hands on yours, you managed to stay calm and collected and you continued,
“I promise to be your ally in conflict, your partner in life, parenthood, crime,” You joked just to ease the tension you felt, earning a chuckle from Loki who hadn’t expected that, but he found it amusing nonetheless. This was exactly why he loved you. You were never too serious. Truly, you were his partner in crime.
“I promise to be yours forever. Being with you makes life feel complete. On hard days when we argue, I promise I won’t go to bed angry. I want to work with you through everything life has to offer. I will never abandon you. If you go, I go, right?” You paused for a moment and tried to remember the rest of your vows. You had written them down several times and you were happy you did so, because it made it so much easier to remember. The sentences came straight from your heart now.
Before you could go on, you decided to grab the ring that would soon decorate his hand. You held onto it for dear life.
“I can’t wait to grow old with you, Loki. I promise to give you my heart, my soul, my faith. Regardless of what happens in the future, I’m here for you. We will face it all together. From this day forward, until the day we die, until we are reunited in Valhalla, I love you. Always,” You felt immensely relieved as you finished your vows. It felt good to have said it all and know that soon you would be married. 
Loki let you put the ring around his finger, and his ring fit him flawlessly too. For a moment, you adored the way your hands looked now that you both had your wedding rings on. It was almost too good to be true. 
And when you tried to study Loki’s expression, you felt confident that the words had been enough for his ears. You couldn’t remember ever seeing him look so radiant. It was like you had stepped on cloud nine together and nothing could possibly drag you down. 
The officiant deemed you finished, so he spoke, “I say this before our forefathers and mothers so that they may bless this marriage. They may bare witness to the bond that you are about to form,” He turned to face the prince, “do you Prince Loki Odinson of Asgard take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until all eternity’s end?” 
The moment you had waited for was finally here
Loki faced you fully and he couldn’t dream of getting married to anyone but you. It was easy for him to say, “I do.”
The man nodded and then asked you the very same question, “Do you Y/N Y/L/N, take Prince Loki Odinson of Asgard to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until all eternity’s end?
Your heart was racing in your chest. It was like you were floating, that was how delighted you felt. There was no doubt to be found in your voice as you responded,
“I do.”
“Very well then,” The man failed to hold back a smile, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. May the gods and goddesses of Valhalla bless this marriage.”
Just like that, you were married.
Both of you were so ecstatic. When Loki leaned close to you and kissed you, it felt like you had entered paradise. Like all the flowers bloomed in seconds, like butterflies danced all around you, like you were bathing in sunlight and magic. You were enveloped in each other’s arms and your lips were sealed in a passionate kiss that felt never ending. It was your first kiss in the new chapter of your lives, and it was just for you. 
The officiant gathered his things and left as quietly as a mouse, which Loki and he had agreed upon previously. That you barely noticed as you were lost in one another. It wasn’t until you parted from the kiss that you realized you were alone, just the way you liked it, away from prying eyes. 
Loki wrapped his arm around your waist and then turned to look over the balcony. Vines were hanging over the railing and now you noticed the flowers he - or someone else - had set up. The sun was almost below the horizon and it painted the sky a beautiful mix of orange, gold and pink. Far away, you could already see a pool of stars gathering around the moons of Asgard. It was a beautiful sight. 
“We’re married,” Loki had to say it out loud. It was difficult to believe to be true. 
“Yes we are, my husband,” calling Loki that was thrilling. You wanted to shout it from the rooftops. 
My husband, he enjoyed the sound of that. He would never grow bored of hearing it, he was sure. Loki played with the material of your dress, finding it smooth to touch. He couldn’t wait to discard it. He wanted to make you get lost in pleasure and bliss that night. 
“I have a surprise for us,” Loki decided it was time. 
“You do?” 
“It’s our wedding day, my love. Of course I have more planned out for just the two of us,” Loki explained. He had been determined to make it special without guests. If others insisted on having a party later, that would be a problem for another day. You could celebrate without the judging guests and Loki’s family that could be a bit over the top. 
“Does it involve cake?” You wondered curiously as he offered you his arm to hold onto. As you accepted that, he began to lead the way.
“You’ll have to wait and see.”
~ select your surprise ~
[surprise 1]
[surprise 2]
[surprise 3]
A/N: choose wisely! Or read them all, it’s up to you. 
I tried not to make the wedding too earthly, you know? I hope you enjoyed it. Now please, enjoy the surprise ending of your choosing :)
Forever Taglist:  @iraniq  @embrycallsgirl  @blackroseyaz @badass-psycho  @r-alexandra01 @p3aches13  @your-pixels-are-showing @disasterren @iamsuperjenna  @yuna-belikova @ornella0910 @optimisticpeacecollector5 @thehumanistsdiary @your-pixels-are-showing @klanceiscannon14  @peterpanouat​
Loki: @yuna-belikova​ @ornella0910 @castiels-majestic-wings @lucywrites02 @myraiswack​ @prettysbliss​ @weirdfangirl2416​
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
Ivar x Reader
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(Warnings: None I think, but let me know if ya’ll want a part two!:3)
You continued to pick herbs, placing them in the basket you had with you and were about to get up when you heard a twig snap, your body freezing for a few seconds before you forced yourself to relax. It's probably just a deer, or a rabbit that went over a fragile stick, you told yourself, feeling your heart slowly begin to beat it’s normal rhythm again. You got up and continued searching the forest ground, bending every now and then and picking up herbs and mushrooms, though something caught your eyes, stopping you from your daily herb and mushroom picking, bending down and brushing off the moss and dirt that was hiding it, letting your basket on the forest ground as you kneeled down, the ground felt cold and a bit wet, since it was still early in the morning. Digging out the shiny thing that caught your eyes, you finally got it loose, brushing off the dirt and moss, blowing it away and examining it. It was a smooth rock, almost like glass, in the shape of none other than Odin, at least that’s how it looked to you. It was in the shape of a man with something covering it’s left eye, a viking helmet on it’s head, a hole in the rock right by the heart, under the ribs, made you sure it was Odin.
You turned the rock in your hand, examining the back of it, seeing nothing special you turned it back, brushing off some more dirt and continuing to examine it, so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t hear something approach you, it was only when you heard a voice behind you that you jumped a few feet “what is that?” you turned to see the owner of said voice, none other than Ivar, Ivar the Boneless, the youngest Ragnarson, your childhood friend. Once you had regained your composure you hit his arm “don’t scare me like that!” you scolded, Ivar looking at you confused “don’t be so easy to scare then” he snapped back, nodding at the rock in your hand “what is it?” he asked again, making you remember the smooth, cool stone in your hand, and a grin made it’s way onto your lips, a grin that secretly made Ivar’s heart beat faster, but he ignored it, like he always did. You leaned closer to show him the object in your hand, and Ivar could smell that sweet scent that always followed you everywhere, the scent that was unique to you, and you only.
He tore his eyes from you and to the thing in your hand “it’s Odin!” you said with excitement in your voice, and Ivar frowning, taking the stone from your hand and examining it for himself, turning it like you did to examine the back before looking at the front of it again “it is, do you know what that means, (Y/N)?” Ivar asked with a smirk as he gave it back to you, watching you shake your head no, which he thought looked adorable “it means you are special, Odin has chosen a great destiny for you, and you only, you are favoured by him” Ivar explained, and the way your eyes lit up and your cheeks flush with heat made his heart soar higher than the clouds. “You are teasing me, Ivar, it does not mean I’m special, I was just lucky enough to find it” you gently shoved his arm, and Ivar instantly frowned at your words, catching your gaze with his serious one “I do not joke about the Gods, (Y/N), you are favoured by them, special, it is a sign from Odin himself that you will do great things” Ivar made sure you knew he meant each word, and the sweet, adorable grin you gave him made him think he had died and gone to Valhalla “then I’m special like you, Ivar” you said in a sweet voice, and now Ivar KNEW he had died, he had gone to Valhalla for sure. Ivar scoffed instead and looked at his legs with a bitter smile “I am not special, I am a cripple, there is a difference” he joked, and now it was your turn to frown and turn serious “you may be a cripple, Ivar, but that does not make you any less special” your tone was just as serious as his was earlier, and for a moment, just a brief moment, he believed you, and you could see it on his face, the way his whole face softened, eyes soft and doubtful.
You got up, picking up your basket and putting the stone down in it “come on, Ivar the Special, let us go back” you smiled at him and began to walk back towards Kattegat, knowing he’d follow, and he did, crawling after you and matching your pace, you were one of the few who did not mind his crawling, or feared him. When you were younger you would even crawl around like him, at first he remember thinking you were mocking him like everyone else, but when he saw that you just didn’t want him to feel alone and left out, he fell for you, even when he was just a little boy, he fell in love with you, not that he’d ever admit it, remind you, he never would, at least not aloud, too scared that you would hear it, that you would judge him, laugh at him like everyone else.
He was too lost in thought to hear your voice, but luckily you always had the patience of the Gods, you simply bent down and gently nudged his shoulder to get his attention, it always worked, his eyes darting up to meet yours, about to apologize for not listening when you cut him off “so, were you looking for me, Ivar, or did you simply stumble across me?” you asked, making him smile and scoff as he continued to crawl, the two of you reaching the borders of Kattegat. Unlike so many others, you were not embarrassed being seen walking by him, you did not even react to their gazes “yes, I came looking for you-”
“How romantic” you joked, Ivar scoffing, hearing you giggle a bit, the sweetest music to his ears, Siggurd could only ever dream of playing something that compared in beauty. “As I was saying; yes, I came looking for you, I wanted to tell you something” he began to grow a bit nervous but kept his gaze away from you, making sure you couldn’t outright see it, but you were currently looking at the different things in the stalls in Kattegat, looking at the available things, “what is it?” you asked quietly, a necklace catching your eyes, but you knew you couldn’t afford it, so you put all your attention back on Ivar, who was already looking at you “that… that drink you made, the other day, for my pain… I was wondering if-” you cut him off by lifting your basket, showing it to him “what did you think I was doing out there?” you asked in a playful voice, Ivar outright blushing at the fact that you had thought ahead and had gone out of your way to gather the herbs and mushrooms ahead of time. “Come, I will make it for you, I made sure to pick more than needed, I can teach one of your slaves to make-”
“No. I’d… rather have you make it… they will only get it wrong” Ivar said the last bit to not sound so… sentimental… he always seemed softer around you, more careful with his words, he was truly himself, the wounded, broken, Ivar, instead of the angered cripple Ivar. You smiled and opened the door to your home, letting Ivar inside and closing the door after going inside, you took the Odin stone and put it on your dinner table, gathering the herbs and mushrooms, getting out a knife and cutting them up, squashing the mushrooms and making the sap run into a cup, placing the cut up herbs and mushrooms in the cup too, pouring some water in and putting it over the lit fire, sitting down next to Ivar, who had pulled himself up on a chair, fiddling with the stone. You took this opportunity to study him, his handsome features, everything from his nose, to his lips, his cheekbones, chin, brow, hair, everything, but mostly his eyes, his beautiful, beautiful eyes, you could get lost in them easily, and you would, if only you could.
His eyes moved up to meet yours and you instantly looked away, feeling heat burning your cheeks, daring to glance back at him to see him still looking at you, “so, do you think it looks like Odin?” you said, clearing your throat and fiddling with your own fingers, your eyes downcast, not daring to meet his gaze again, “I already said I did” Ivar said in an annoyed voice, making you feel smaller than you were. Ivar had this ability, he could make someone feel so small, so unimportant with just the tone of his voice, and that was how you felt now, eyes downcast at his demeaning voice, for all of his beauty, all of his talent and kindness towards you, he had his moments where he could seem cruel, but you always shook it off, you knew he didn’t mean it that way, so bearing that in mind you shrugged “you could have lying” you looked back up at him as you spoke, seeing him still looking at you, but this time you didn’t look away “so what makes you think I would not lie to you now?” Ivar asked smugly, a smirk on his lips as he studied you, another gift he had, he could play with people, like dolls, read their thoughts, read THEM, it never stopped amazing you, but you kept your composure, shrugging “your eyes, Ivar, you are clever, more clever than any other man alive I think, but no one can lie with their eyes” you shrugged once more as you spoke, watching his eyes as realization kicked in, his smirk growing bigger, eyes narrowing as he took you in “maybe you are not as dumb as you look” Ivar joked halfheartedly, making you roll your eyes and scoff “thank you, Ivar, you really know how to talk to a woman” you got up and checked the tea, hearing him chuckle low “I know, it’s a gift” Ivar joked back, now it was your turn to chuckle “among other things” you mumbled, getting out a cup and carefully pouring the tea into it, making sure not too many herbs and cut up mushrooms made their way into the actual drink.
You gave him the warm tea, sitting down across from him again “I will have to teach you to make it one day, if you really think your slaves will get it wrong, what happens if I am not around and you need it?” you half-joked, but you were also serious, seeing Ivar take a sip and shrug “I won’t need to learn it, I will have you” Ivar said as if it was the simplest thing in the world, your smile fading as you looked down at your hands “Ivar… I’m getting married…” you barely got the words out, Ivar spitting the tea he was drinking out, staring at you with wide eyes, but you kept looking at your hands “my father… he has found a good match… he does n’t live that far away from here, a day's ride at most, but he is rich, and says he will pay for my hand in marriage…” you explained, not daring to meet the eyes of Ivar. You weren’t dumb, you knew who Ivar was, he was bloodthirsty, he could be cold and cruel and demeaning, but he had never been those things towards you, he had always been kind to you, you knew of the things that troubled him, and he knew of the things that troubled you. After a longer silence you were about to add something when the door opened, your head turning to see your father home, who grinned widely at Ivar “Prince Ivar, what a pleasure!” he said cheerfully, not reading the room correctly.
You moved your gaze back to your hands, the situation growing ever awkward as your father just walked in, giving you a peck on the top of your head and putting his fishing gear away. “No” Ivar said suddenly, making both you and your father look at him confused, or well, for you it was more of a shock “you are not a slave or a horse, so why are you being sold like one?” Ivar sounded outraged, as if he was personally offended, your eyes growing ever wider, especially as your father got up and slowly walked towards Ivar, not in a threatening manner at all, but more of a confused one, his brows furrowed as he tried to figure out the situation “Prince Ivar, I am not sure I know what you’re-”
“Do you even love him, hm? Do you even find him handsome, would he be a good husband? Do you know that? Do you even know if he would lay a hand on her or not, or do you just offer her to whoever has the most riches?” Ivar now looked at your father, who was in utter shock, before looking back to you, and you knew he wanted an answer “I’ve… never met him, Ivar” your voice was timid, again, you weren’t stupid, you knew how violent Ivar could get, but even when it was you who annoyed him, he never hit you, so now you were more fearing for your father, your eyes meeting Ivar’s eyes once again, seeing them full of rage “you have not met him? How can you know if he will be good to you? How do you know, hm? Did he send a letter, saying he would be good to you?” Right now Ivar was more rambling than actually wanting answers, but your father made the mistake of thinking that he did “I’ve met him and-”
“Good, at least one of you has” Ivar said with false joy, throwing his hands up and leaning back in his chair “but you are not the one marrying him, are you?” Ivar asked, doing that thing where his tone made people feel small, and your father, a real viking, tall and strong, looked down almost ashamed, “how can you send her off like this? You know what? I want to meet him, go, get him, bring him here for me to meet” Ivar said casually, crossing his arms and relaxing in his seat, leaving you to glance at your dad as he quickly went outside to get his horse. Everyone knew Ivar wasn’t one you should disobey or anger, even your strong, tall, muscular father knew this, he had fought with Ragnar, slain many christians, but even he knew when to obey.
“Ivar, what are you going to do when you meet him, hm? Kill him?” you asked in a slightly scolding voice, Ivar avoiding your gaze, looking like a stubborn child, which made you sigh in annoyance “why do you even care, Ivar? I can still visit you, I can still make the tea” you continued, Ivar just furthering his gaze from you, making you sigh annoyed again, getting up “what are you going to do, Ivar?” you asked again, your back leaning against the kitchen table, arms crossed over your chest as you watched him carefully, you could practically hear him thinking, but when he didn’t answer you, you buried your face in your hands and nearly screamed “Ivar! Answer me!-”
“Do you love him?” his voice was so calm, his gaze still not meeting yours as you looked at him, eyes wide, partly in shock and partly in confusion “no, Ivar, I have never met him…” you pinched the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes to try and relieve yourself of your new found headache. Ivar mulled over your words for a second, leaning over the table, arms resting on it in consideration, and for a moment, just a single moment, he was about to ask you if you would marry him instead, but he didn’t, he simply sat in silence with you, even as it grew dark outside. As it grew dark you began to make some soup, none of you having said a single word yet as you served it to him, but he barely touched it, which just concerned you even more, and you finally decided that enough was enough, putting your spoon down and leaning back in your chair “Ivar, what is wrong? Why do you not want me to marry him? It is not the first time a father will arrange a marriage for his daughter, and it will not be the last time. I am not happy about it but I have nothing else, Ivar, the only things I have are you and now that stone I found, that is all, I have nothing else” you explained, your voice sad, and your face made it even more showing, Ivar finally looking at you, studying you as you looked down, gently biting your lower lip in thought, and he felt awful, not only for treating your father like a slave, since he knew you loved him, but also because of your own words, you had nothing, you had no wealth, your father was a fisherman who occasionally went on raids and you picked and sold herbs, he did not even pay you for the tea you made him. He sighed and leaned forward, arms resting on the table as he looked at the wood as if it had committed a terrible crime against him, your eyes moving to him at his sigh and staying on him, waiting for him to speak, patiently “I do not want you to be unhappy” Ivar admitted, and you sighed, leaning over the table, your hand on his arm, catching his attention “thank you, Ivar, but maybe I will be happy, maybe he will be a good husband” your words were meant as comfort, but only served to make him feel worse, but as he always did, he hid his pain “I bet he is ugly” Ivar sneered, making you laugh at his stupid comment, something that made him smile, just a tiny bit.
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queenjosielaufeyson · 3 years
Day Ten
Loki x Reader
Summery: Loki and Y/N go for a morning walk in the gardens
"Good morning my love." Loki said as Y/N slowly opened her eyes.
"Hmm I forgot how comfy your bed is here." Y/N mumbled
"Yes very comfy. Would you like some breakfast my love?"
"Depends do I have to see Odin, because after last time I am avoiding him this trip."
"I promise just us, but we do have plans for afternoon tea with my mother, where she will probably bug us about grandchildren again."
"I told you you shouldn't have introduced the kittens as our children."
"Yes well I guess I should listen to you more then." Loki said giving Y/N a kiss.
Y/N sat up stretching "Doesn't mean you are actually gonna listen."
"That's true my love but come I have a wonderful breakfast waiting for us in the gardens."
"Can you get me one of my dresses from the last visit?"
"Already pulled out the green one." Loki smiled as he himself disappeared to change.
After changing Loki escorted Y/N to the gardens where a picnic breakfast was laid out.
"Loki this looks wonderful!" Y/N exclaimed.
"It's all for you my love. Come sit."
Y/N and Loki sat eating their breakfast laughing together when Loki pulled out a flower crown for Y/N.
"Loki what's this?" Y/N asked
"I made you a crown because no Queen can be without one my love. I even enchanted it so that it will never die. Same as my love for you it will never die." Loki said.
"Loks that's so sweet!" Y/N said tackling him into a hug. Loki placed the crown on her head and gave her a kiss. Which was interrupted by three playful little kittens.
"You know, our little kittens are like having kids that constantly interrupt." Y/N laughed.
"Yes but kittens are easier to ignore," Loki joked giving Y/N another kiss.
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quartzwriting · 4 years
Green and Gold
Pairing: Doctor Strange X Fem!Reader
Description: During a visit to Asgard, Stephen is protective over you since Loki always seems to not be able to take his eyes off you. 
Warnings: Non
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Originally posted to Quotev / I like this one :3
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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The frantic rainbow lights disappeared and you stumbled to get your balance on the solid ground that you were thrown on. Stephen was there to help steady you, at hand at your waist with the other at the ready to prevent you from falling over. You wondered why you all could not just travel here through a slingring portal. But Thor insisted you take the Bifrost. To 'get the experience' he had said before he called for it. The knowing smirk on Stephen's face in that moment told you that you might regret this.
In little time you found yourself in Asgard.
Stephen would come here occasionally to discuss relations between mystical threats and threats to the realms. You came along this time. You wanted to see Asgard, Thor wanted you to come along, but Stephen was hesitant to let you come. He told you that someone needed to watch over the Sanctum while he was gone, you made Wong do it instead. He said Asgardian magic is hard to understand, you reminded him that you were advanced now in your mystical studies that you could keep up. He said that it would only be a night or two, you said that you did not want him to leave you for a night or two.
You won and had convinced him. So now you were at the entrance of Asgard, having just experienced being magically thrown across the universe with possible whiplash and your lunch threatening to come up.
Thor, holding his beloved hammer in one hand, looked over at you. "What did you think, Lady (Y/N)?"
"I think I'm gonna be sick." You mumbled.
Stephen patted you on the back, "You'll be alright." There was a slightly amused tone in his voice and that gave you a sudden urge to kick him in the shins.
You had ended up in the middle of a room that was golden and shaped like a dome. There were circular patterns on the walls and in the centre golden steps that lead to a little pedestal that held a sword. Someone was holding that sword, and you were introduced to Heimdall who was the protector of the Bifrost. He bowed to you like you were important and you returned with a bow of your head. Just outside the room, you could see the bridge sparkling with the same rainbow colours as the way you had gotten here. Beyond the long bridge was the castle in the distance.
Thor gestured for you to follow him, so you fell into step beside Stephen as you exited the small structure. You were now walking on the Bifrost bridge. The view you saw before you was absolutely breathtaking. The glittering bridge was just the beginning. Underneath it was a roaring river of clear water. The palace was beautiful, the structure standing as tall as the mountains in its background. The buildings of the surrounding city were sparkling everywhere. You have seen so much since becoming a sorcerer, but this was something else.
Stephen saw the smile on your face and the look of awe in your eyes. This made him smile, and he was suddenly glad he brought you here. He always loved showing you new things, fueling your curiosity and experiencing new things with you. But there was a little worry in the back of his mind that would not go away.
There was one reason, above all others, that Stephen did not want to bring you along.
Loki would be here.
He hated the way he looked at you. He hated his very being because of it. And the knowledge that you and him would be in the same place made his blood boil. Ever since that time Loki showed his face in New York and he had to take him to prevent him from doing anything, and he looked at you up and down like that, he disliked the god so much. And he was so nice to you, and you were nice to him. Whenever Stephen went to Asgard and ran into Loki, he would ask about you. Stephen did not like it.
But your reaction to the city and planet, and you had just gotten here, made the worry go away a little. He would be by your side anyways, to keep Loki away if he was going to try anything. He would throw the cloak around your shoulders to have it hide you away if he needed to. But at the moment he focused on being with you for your first impressions of Asgaurd and not worry too much.
You were awoken by a light touch and someone softly shaking you awake. The sleepiness was not shaken however, you groaning in protest as you cuddled up even more into the covers of the soft, silken sheets and thick comforter.
There was a chuckle and you new who it was from the deep tone. You lazily opened your eyes and saw Stephen looking down at you, already dressed and seeming wide awake. The sun was shining through the large window with the beautiful view of Asgard. It looked like the world was awake, but you were not ready to drag yourself out of bed.
"I have the first meeting this morning. Thought maybe you would want to come along but looks like you don't want to get out of bed."
You simply let out another sleepy groan.
Then you did a double take, noticing what he was wearing.
He had on his Cloak of Levitation, but underneath that was something different. He had swapped out his regular blue robes for an Asgardian version. It was made in a different style, but it still resembled his old robes. The blue was more rich in its colour, more royal and regal looking. The wrappings were lined with a golden fabric on the edges, it went really well with his signature red and blue. It was a very stark contrast between the one you were used to seeing him wear verse this new one. But you loved it. Seeing all the beautiful clothing everyone wore here made you happy, and seeing a piece like that on Stephen was astonishing.
"You like it?" He caught you staring.
"I love it," You said groggily but happily, running a hand through your hair and sitting up in the bed.
Straightening the cloak over his shoulders, he leaned over and kissed you on your forehead. "I should head to the meeting now. We'll be done before lunch." With that he left your shared guest room, closing the large door behind him.
You wanted to fall back asleep, but it did not overtake you. It was one of those moments where you just laid there cause you were already awaken. But you wanted to sleep. But you couldn't. So you stared out the window, looking out at the pretty mountain peaks and wondering what that first meeting was about. You also wondered about the other things you were going to do while on this foreign planet. Tour of the scenery, trying more of that delicious food (you were dying over it last night at dinner), learning about its history. Maybe you would learn a little Asgardian magic while you were here. The idea of that gave you a little excitement.
A little while later, while you were lost in a daydream, there was a knock on your door. You got up and grabbed a silk robe that was on a chair by your bedside. "Come in," You said, wrapping and tying the robe over yourself. Two women came through the door, maids of the castle you assumed.
One was holding a pile of neatly folded up fabric in her hands. You got excited.
The two introduced themselves and said that Frigga sent them to wake you and get you ready for breakfast. Since the meeting was going on between Odin, Stephen, Thor, and a few others, Frigga decided to have a little breakfast gathering for you. The women were so sweet, making small talk and asking you about Midgard as they prepared you a hot bath and did your hair in a fancy braid down your back that resembled a French braid.
The moment you were anticipating soon came, and they helped you get dressed.
The dress you were presented with was a deep forest green with golden embellishments. Silk fabric sat in long layers down the skirt, trailing out longer at the back. The neckline did not dive too deep down your chest, just enough for subtlety. The  short sleeves clung to the sides of your upper arms, shoulders exposed above the folded layers. The gold piece wrapped around your waist as a belt helped bring out the details. The length slightly dragged on the floor, looking elegant and glittering in the sunlight. You felt like an Asgardian princess wearing it.
It reminded you of someone. Then you wondered who had picked it...
One of the girls topped off your look with a golden pin in your hair, shaped like a flourishing lily tucked above your right ear. The two admired their work and you thanked them from the bottom of your heart. The girl you saw in the mirror was so different then yourself. You saw an Asgardian goddess, not a sorcerer.
You asked them for directions after thanking them a second time, knowing you would get lost in the giant palace. They told you where to go, curtsying to you as a goodbye. You did it back, pulling up the fabric of your dress to feel a little more into it. With one last look in the mirror, and pulling your shoulders back, you made your way out of your guest room and down the correct hallway.
You were directed to a drawing room that was down a tall staircase and a few doors to your left. There was a guard in front of the wooden door, but upon seeing you he bowed and held it open for you. The room inside was not too large, but the big open window gave the impression that it was. Decorated just as nicely as the rest of the place, this room was no exception to the royal aspect and medieval aesthetic to the palace. There were a few comfy chairs surrounding a low table, where Frigga greeted you with a warm smile.
Sitting in the seat beside her was Loki. You had not seen him yesterday when you had arrived. This made you wonder why he had not said hello to you then along with everyone else. He also was not at dinner last night. Weird. He held a tea cup in one hand as he leaned back in his chair, cradling its saucer in the other hand. Seeing Loki sipping tea from a pretty cup with his pinky finger jutting out was a different sight, a contrast to his darker persona you knew was hidden beneath.
You hugged Frigga, which she insisted on, and you sat down with them. You all chatted over breakfast and you sparking up conversation with Loki was a little awkward at first, but once you opened up a little it flowed easily. The tea was amazing and the little pastries laid out on nice platters were absolutely delicious. Frigga asked about your magic skills, and you both began to exchange stories about magic. You had a great time and you were glad you got out of bed for this. Soon Frigga had some business to take care of and had to cut this little gathering short.
When you left Loki caught up with you in the hallway.
"It has been a while since we have seen each other, Lady (Y/N)."
A lot of the people here were calling you that. And people you did not even know knew your name, which always kind of threw you off for a second or two. That told you that you were known here, from either Thor or Stephen talking. The whole 'Lady' thing was out of respect you assumed, and you did not mind.
"It has." You replied as you both walked down the hall together, "It was nice to see you again, Loki."
"How are you liking it here?" He asked with a smile.
"I love it!" You beamed, "It's beautiful, the food is amazing," You then gestured down to the dress you were wearing, "and the clothes are stunning."
He chuckled, "Green looks good on you."
"Easy for you to say, it's your favorite."
"No no," He sputtered, and you thought he looked a little...flustered? "You genuinely look beautiful in green."
A little heat ran up to your cheeks. "Oh, thanks."
There was a balcony up ahead where you saw sunlight streaming in. You picked up your pace to go look out of it, Loki right behind you. It was overlooking the back of the castle, where you could see a beautiful garden down below, before the landscape stretched out into more of the city and the mountains beyond.
For a second or two you wondered what was past those peaks. If the planet simply stopped there, or if there were forests or towns or lakes or anything else that you wanted to discover. This whole place was full of beauty and the idea that there was a possibility for more was just a little overwhelming. But you loved it.
"I'm happy you like my home." Loki leaned on the railing, looking out at the city with you. "Although it was not always considered my home."
"What do you mean?" You asked. You noticed a sadness in his eyes now.
"You know my history."
At that moment you realized what that sadness was. Probably memories flashing through his mind. You did know his history. Lied to all his life, being overcome by the sadness and anger and wrath and desire for revenge. You knew what that lead to, the New York event and everything that came with and after that. Right now, he was allowed freedom back in his home for 'rehabilitation' of sorts, offered a second chance. Not knowing what that was like, you could not relate, but you knew he had gone through pain. It was even painful to see it in his eyes.
"So do you consider it home again?" It was all you could think of to say.
He shook his head in a light nod after a second to think, the look on his features exchanged for one with a small smile. A weird thought crossed your mind, you had not seen Loki smile this much before.
The two of you stood there looking out at the city below, watching the people of Asgard go about their days. It was a calm silence that fell, not a line of tension or heavy weight of awkwardness at all. Just a calm.
"Hey," Loki said out of nowhere, and you turned your head to look at him as he spoke up, "your outfit is missing something."
You raised an eyebrow at him, coming off as almost sarcastic. "Oh?"
A smirk sneaked up on his face and you knew he was going to do something. You braced yourself for whatever it might be, good or bad or a mix of both. With a flicker of green magic, an object materialized in his hands. It was his helmet, shining gold with the curved horns. It was so polished that you could see your reflection in it.
Then he was holding it out to you.
"Oh no, I couldn't."
Loki cocked his head to the side and shrugged with a smile, again with the smiling, "Why not?"
A pause, you did not say anything because you had nothing to say. Something about it was very tempting, but it also felt forbidden. Like if you were to put it on you would be overcome by some spell or just a wave of emotion. Or just the thought of wearing something that was considered 'crown-like', because you were not royalty or a goddess or someone with high power. But it was all calling your name, with a glint of gold.
"I insist." Loki added.
After another moment's pause, you let him put the helmet into your hands. It was lighter than you expected it to be, with pure gold usually being heavy. Probably not made of pure gold then. Just a trick of the eye.
Without waiting anymore, you slowly rested the helmet on your head. Right away you noticed it was a little big on you. It was not made to fit your head, obviously, but you felt something while wearing it. Maybe honour, or pride. Or maybe just pure 'slyness', the same energy that Loki often channeled.
"Looks good." Loki beamed.
"I'm dressed like you," You snapped jokingly, "that's why you think I look good."
He laughed and you did too. Maybe I should wear more green, you told yourself.  
As you both continued to watch the city below and make small talk, from down the hall you could hear footsteps. Maybe guards or other people of the palace, you presumed. But as they approached, they got louder. And they got quicker. Heavy boots, you deduced. But suddenly they stopped.
"Nice view."
You nearly jumped out of your skin as Stephen had suddenly appeared right beside you. So those were his footsteps. You had not expected him to be out of the meeting for another while, but there he was. Him and that damn short-range teleportation spell he just loved to use for some reason. There were too many instances of him appearing out of nowhere back home and it resulted to you being more jumpy nowadays. He had positioned himself between you and Loki you noticed. Loki looked just as surprised as you were, the trickster being tricked.
"Where did you come from?" Loki scowled
"Down the hall." He answered blankly. You stiffed a laugh at his demeanor, sly and confident, when realization hit you that those were aspects of his jealous and protective side coming out. Oh boy, here we go...
"I'm surprised you're out of bed," Stephen looked down at you with a raised eyebrow, which made you chuckle. You saw a tiny twitch in the corner of his eye, and something told you that it had something to do with the god opposite you and the headpiece you were now wearing.
Stephen reached forward and gently lifted the gold helmet off your head, care in his eyes and shaking fingers. Once it was off, he (not so subtly) aggressively threw it at Loki's chest who stumbled to catch it, all trace of gentleness gone. Loki gave him a mock offended look, but Stephen's own hard expression was not phased. Your eyes quickly darted between the two, seeing the tension that had now thickened the air.
"Should't you be at a meeting with Odin?" Loki said. You noticed he did not say my father.
"Oh we finished early," Stephen replied in a light tone, trying to one-up the god while bringing out his ego's confidence. "we're having another one this evening however."
Loki looked like he did not know what to do, which made an amused smile spread across the sorcerer's face. Then he straight up asked, monotone voice dropping to sound flat and serious, "Why was she wearing your helmet?"
"Because...it matches her outfit?" The god struggled to find and answer only to come up with a question instead.
"Yea, sure." Stephen mumbled, "Wonder where she got that outfit."
"Some palace maids dressed me," You chimed in, but it felt like you were invisible at the moment. There was too much testosterone in the air that was covering your existence, which made you roll your eyes.
"Green and gold are nice colours." Loki said while trying to sound convincing and innocent.
"Coincidence she's wearing them?" Stephen shot back, suspicious.
"I had nothing to do with it, Strange."
"Oh sure."
"Oh my god." You slumped against the railing and rested your face in your hands. The two went on to snap at each other and argue for a little, but it felt like an eternity. after a period of you just standing there listening helplessly, the heat started to die down.
"If you'll excuse me, Sorcerer Supreme," Loki enunciated Stephen's title like it was a forbidden word, "I should be headed to attend some business."
He tried to walk off but Stephen cut him off, "Oh what kind of business do you have to do?"
"Business that does not require a mere mortal sorcerer to stick his clever nose into!"
"Well, it looked like it was no more important then taking my girl somewhere to be alone with!" The low rumble in his voice made it a little more threatening.
With that, Loki rolled his eyes so hard it looked like it hurt. And he walked away without another word, flipping his helmet over in his hands before jabbing it on his head with visible frustration.
"Well that was a show." You said, having stood there watching the whole thing like it was a theater drama.
Stephen shrugged, "I try my best."
You laughed, "Your jealousy gets to your head."
His facial expression recoiled, "Do you enjoy my jealousy? Do you enjoy his company?"
Your jaw dropped for a second in offence, "God no, why would I enjoy making you upset?" At that you shrugged, "Although it can be amusing."
You felt a pinch on your arm which made you let out a sound of distress. Stephen chuckled, and wrapped an arm around you lovingly as you leaned against the balcony railing together.
"He was just trying to be nice, Stephen."
"I don't think he can be 'nice',"
"He was nice at breakfast,"
"You had breakfast with him?"
"I was with Frigga. He just so happened to be there."
"Okay fine."
You laughed and he gently kissed the top of your head. After a moment of quiet and peace, you felt his softly shaking hand fiddle with the sleeve of your dress, "You look very beautiful."
Blushing, you looked up at him with admiring eyes. His expression mirrored yours. He was still wearing the new robes you last saw him in, the gold linings glittering in the Asgardian sunlight. You were about to say the same thing he said to you, when his expression changed. It was his thinking face.
Stephen must have realized something as raised an eyebrow, "There's magic in your dress."
Before you could react, Stephen waved his hand in a quick motion. Suddenly, green waves of energy flowed out of the fabric of your clothes. But they soon changed to orange sparks, Asgardian magic to Earth sorcerer magic. As they flowed over you, the colour of your dress changed. The green was replaced with blue and the gold was replaced with red. There was still a little gold here and there, lining the edges in a familiar way.
"I knew it. He must have tampered with it." Stephen grumbled.
Now your dress mimicked the colours of Stephen's clothes, their original colours. You laughed a little, the person who made your clothes thought they were clever. But also Loki thought he was clever to change it to his colours. You wondered when and why he did that, but you shrugged it off and instead admired the dress in this new perspective.  
"That's better." Stephen said, a little proud of himself for some reason.
"I like this more." You giggled.
"Me too."
The dress felt lighter and the fabric shined a little more. It was made for you, perfectly tailored to your body and with the perfect colours to match. It was perfect. And it reminded you of him so it made it all the more special. If they would not let you keep it, then you are just going to bring it home with you anyways.
"Well since the meeting was cut off early, lunch is not for another half an hour or so. What should we do till then?"
"Well~" You drew out, a smile creeping up your face, "I was looking at the gardens from here and I wouldn't mind going to see them."
Stephen smiled. He offered his elbow to you, "Then do you care for romantic stroll, Lady (Y/N)?" He put on his best English accent (which was surprisingly flawless), his naturally low voice making it all the more amusing.
With a giggle, you took his arm. Together you made your way through the castle in a swish of red and blue fabrics.
"Although," Stephen started as you both made your way down the last set of stairs that lead to the ground floor, "you did look good in the green. Even though I hate to admit it."
"Hate to admit it?" You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Well it was Loki's trickery, but you look good regardless. As always."
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