#that a great ceo!
demacianpuppet · 8 months
You know that the worst thing with the new lore retcon is? Riot Games haven’t actually done anything to solve this problem at its source, which is 100% a bad faith manager who knows nothing about his job and has all other power and no good will to do anything.
Because every single problem they try to “solve” wouldn’t have existed in the first place… if they simply would have listened to the narrative writer in the first place.
Then Riot Games finally started to earn their “s” in the name, they probably had discussed about canon and if it is shared on all of their Runeterra IPs. It seems that they clearly decided against it back then - because making sure everything is canon you have to manage so many different teams, which is so much ressource and time. I can almost understand it. They clearly didn’t care enough about their IP to do the work properly but it is, on a manager level, more than reasonable.
The actual problem starts with the Sentinel of Light event. I know, we all hate it and it was obviously an awful lore for so many reasons. And the fault was because the skin writers wrote the light novel instead of the normal writer… which is not really what happened.
First of all, I’m pretty sure the narrative writers worked on that event as well. Second, this whole event was a mistake of management. People enjoyed the Spirit Blossom Light Novel, which was light-hearted, so they thought it would work with SoL.
So some higher up said it had to be like the SB event. The narrative writers explained that it wouldn’t make work for this kind of story and this resulted in firing three writers, some who have done some of the best work in the Runeterra IP.
The event flopped, because surprise, people don’t like if their champions are treated like dirt and Riot Games apologizes… without truly gasping that the problem was.
After that and the success of Arcane, the higher up didn’t do anything with lore (aside from the Riot Forges games, which have been in development for some time).
They told us that they are moving away from written media, because the engagement is not high enough, while refusing to give us a tab in the League client or fix the Universe website.
They say they want to do more interactive media, but this is awful for archiving purposes (see the Briar teaser in the client) and takes so much more time and resources to do.
A longer short story can be written, edited and translated into a few weeks and it would all take less time and resources than any cinematic.
Cinematic and written media are not even competing in the same narrative niche. Cinematics are great but these are just so much more shallow, in the end.
So, we have a higher up who clearly knows nothing about narrative writing - instead of listening to the people who know their craft, they fire them and produce an event which everyone acts like never happened.
At the same time, they lack the insight and/or willingness to make lore more accessible and try as usual to explain that “people are not engaging enough with it” even if enough people complained about the lack of updates outside of Riot Forge.
(I promise you, if that higher up would have any power over Arcane, the quality either would have suffered immensely or it would have never been made. Quite simple.)
And I promise, that higher up earns so much more than these three narrative writers they got fired.
However, this is a tech company. So of course we can expect that kind of person to ruin even more lore. Because of course they keep their job even though they know nothing about the power of well-written IP.
It is that simple - you don’t develop lore to make money with it, at least not a video game like League.  You create it for customer loyalty. This is not 2013 anymore. The main selling point back then was that League could run on any PC. It still does, but the competition is much higher. Fortnite, Roblox, cheap Steam Games.
It is not that easy to win over the new player but you have to make sure to keep the ones who are still playing. And making them invested in the IP is an excellent strategy.
Somehow, they are unable to grasp that.
It is a pity that so many good writers have to try to create good work while your management is only trying to sabotage them. Only for them to be erased because their management was unable to think more than two weeks ahead. That a pity indeed.
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muchymozzarella · 2 years
Listening to the podcast with Tumblr's CEO about how Tumblr is running on debt because he believes it's worth keeping up because of how unique and good it is as a blogging platform and honestly it warms the heart
And how Tumblr may have been purchased for 3 million but at one point cost 60 million a year to run and they decided it was worth slowly fixing and honestly it warms the heart
And thinking about how Musk bought Twitter for way above its valuation when in fact he was also getting all of its debts and liabilities since Twitter was, like Tumblr, also running on debt, so he actually owes way more than 44 billion dollars and that's why he's no longer the richest man on earth and that's why he's floundering and losing his mind, and honestly it warms the heart
And about how Tumblr are happily poaching talent from Twitter and investors are looking at Tumblr as a worthwhile investment and the debt is going down in part because of Twitter's fuckup and honestly it warms the heart
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linipikk · 10 months
They really spent a lot of time pointing to the second coming for Apolaypse 2 electric boogaloo
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all 3 minisodes are about ... humans dying and being brought back to life, or more like, how that is not possible...and how Heaven and Hell have worked around that
In A Companion to Owls, Job kids never died even when they should have, Heaven didn't know enough to distinguish that they were the same children and Sitis quickly got that the miracle was... that their children didn't die to begin with. Once they are dead it is game over and Crowley and Aziraphale refused to let them die
In The Resurrectionists (it is literally called The Resurrectionists!!) and it is how one girl is shot and they can't do anything once she is dead. And Crowley still goes off of his way to make sure the other one doesn't kill herself, risking everything. And we know hell's extreme sanctions are probably what makes him ask for insurance, for holy water. On the other hand, this episode is called The ResurrectionistS, plural, but we meet only one of them ..while in the other side of the sign is Christ himself.
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THEN in 1941, we have ZOMBIES, the literal living dead walking around, and Furfur states that he can't make them living people again due to a clause and just leave them as zombies to roam the earth. We see how cursed they are, rotting and bound to eat brains but not human.
EVEN! From episode 1, we get a big Clue: miracles are measured in lazarii, and resurrecting someone is no easy feat. They were telling us to watch out about coming back to life... and how only the mightiest of archangels are able to use that amount of power (or an angel and a demon holding hands...)
and I do want to point out that part of the things Gabriel remembered was this line
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Job kids didn't die, in victorian england Wee Morag died falling in the hands of a resurrectionist, and the Germans died and came back- just not quite alive. Every day it is getting closer,
... they are telling us that the second coming is afoot, but they are also showing us that there is no second opportunity on this earth. Once you are dead, you are dead.
and Crowley, in the direst time when Aziraphale is breaking his little demonic heart, says
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And now, the plan to resurrect one human to make the end of the world happen is in Aziraphale's hands.
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idontknowtheend · 2 months
guys steven lim is not some crazy super villain controlling them
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cozylittleartblog · 1 month
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if star wars was pitched for the first time in today's entertainment industry it would be turned down. and so would any other thing that's currently a "big IP". where do idiot executives think the IPs come from to begin with???
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mrghostrat · 5 months
wait just remembered, did anyone ask about the PA/CEO wip?? Bc 👀👀 v curious what those different versions entail
anon i’m kissing you on the mouth. this one sits there untouched and unthought of, except once every few weeks i will suddenly remember it and start foaming at the mouth
i’m heavily leaning towards version 2, but both are SO good is the thing, i don’t have it in me to delete ver 1 from my notes. i like to sit there and stroke it lovingly from time to time.
CEO/PA au, aka Boss x Assistant.
1: CEO Aziraphale, PA Crowley
aziraphale is the boss, very capable, but he’s WAY too nice and overdoes his work + life + human/human boundaries a lot. crowley is his rabid guard dog PA who is so fucking snarky and mean some of the employees can’t comprehend how he’s got a job, but he’s indespensible because but he keeps aziraphale in line and swoops in to be mean and say ‘no’ to people when aziraphale obviously wants to but can’t stand to.
2: CEO Crowley, PA Aziraphale
crowley is the cool, suave, incredible creative, but slightly disorganised boss and aziraphale is the constantly underestimated PA who keeps the whole operation running smoothly. he calls crowley up on weekends to yell at him to finish a deadline he’s been procrastinating, brings wine to his house as a reward if he finishes his tasks, but sits there at arms length with the bottle in his lap, watching (and inadvertently tempting) to make sure crowley actually gets the thing done.
edit: version 2 has officially brainwormed into Author/Editor au 👀
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bleaksqueak · 5 months
Okay, if you like fromsoft games or love bloodborne/love a challenge/love horror juxtaposed against endearing whimsy, please check out Lies of P.
The part of me that couldn't stop laughing at the game's name and the concept of "Edgelord Pinnochio Bloodborne Clone" can no longer fathom thinking of the game as anything other than "AMAZING!!!!!!! SO GOOD!!!!!!!! THAT TEAM SHOULD BE SO PROUD!!!! WHAT AN ASTONISHING CREATIVE ACHIEVEMENT!!!" I already knew I was on the "i'd recommend this to anyone who likes these types of games or wants to try them" team, but now that is 10000% And even better, it has filled me with so much art inspiration after exploring its world and collecting beautifully designed costumes. The world building/world design is so, so so so very actualized and charming.
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puhpandas · 7 months
The fnaf cookbook of Gregory’s notes and him telling about ballora while also ballora being in help wanted 2 show has a bigger chance of GGY prequel.
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sorry im just more suprised about gregory even having a menu in the cookbook????? he fucking loves pulled pork good god😭😭😭
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wraith-caller · 1 month
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@chiefexecutiveofnir tagged me for this picrew game. You're supposed to do yourself and a single blorbo but I just had fun making rogier, so I had to make a Darian too.
Heres some no-pressure tags for @no-braincells-inc @blakedeadly @hoarah-babylon @nightingale-ghost-writer @tarnussy @alberichfanpage and anyone else who wants to have a go!!
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nando161mando · 25 days
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Another great meme I found online
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
a recording of the tumblr CEO Q&A that happened on tumblr live on 07/11/23.
some notes: the very beginning of the video is cut off, but the audio for it is fine. and there are a few small areas in the second half of the video where the audio drops in quality a bit.
all of that is because this whole video is actually frankenstein'd together from several different audio and video sources, recorded by myself, @xccentriktigress, and @fokron, and with extra help from @eiimblr and @sharksfood!
thank you all for working on this team project with me, and for helping archive this so that others can see it! yay teamwork! :D
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travllingbunny · 10 months
Say what you will, but you really can't blame Kendall Roy for thinking that his whole worth as a human being is defined by whether he can become the next Logan Roy, CEO of Waystar Royco. He's been brainwashed into thinking that his whole life, since he was 7. It took less than 39 hours of a TV show for a large chunk of the audience and people who write professional reviews to be brainwashed into thinking the same.
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I read your Immortal AU tag all the way back to August 2023. Love love love Perky!! Have you made/would you consider making an FAQ for the AU??
Holy crap August 2023??? Gee it's been that that long already?? So so so happy to hear that! Im pretty messy when showing them so I'm glad that tiny old fool is liked <3
I haven't made one! To be honest I kinda forgot those existed lmao. I should probably do that, even I sometimes forget what I've answered and what I haven't
Though b4 that I should probably figure out how to answer a few that have been sitting in the mail,,,
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the-heartlines · 1 year
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| felicity x pippa | sapphic aesthetic |
"something i cannot name passes between them, and then pip’s lips are on fee’s in a deep kiss, as if they feed on one another, their fingers entwined in each other’s hair." - the sweet far thing by libba bray
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
Becca the way I ran over here is insane I have to share this with you. Dbf ceo Bucky tying his tie around your throat pulling it back as he rails into from behind on his desk while he calls you his favorite cock warmer.
Wtf that’s so hot 🙃 like a really frantic, filthy, desperate quickie over his desk because you just couldn’t help yourselves and he needs a little relief
Maybe he’s had a long day and it's really taken it out of him. Some days just don't go smoothly for him and you know to expect that but the second you see his face, you know it's been a rough one.
He looks tired. His frown lines seem a little deeper set than usual and his jaw is clenched but apart from that, it'd be hard to tell he's had a long day because he hides it well.
"Everything okay?" You keep your voice soft, encouraging him to relax and you notice his shoulders drop ever so slightly.
"Bad day." He confirms but it's impossible to miss how he seems to focus on the hem of your dress. Your dress stops just above your knees, leaving your legs exposed for him to appreciate and he doesn't say much more before doing exactly that.
As soon as you're settled on his desk, his hands are drifting up that bare skin, starting at your ankles, roaming confidently up the back of your bare legs. You know he needs this. He needs an outlet for all that frustration and a warmth settles in your stomach because even when he wants to be rough with you, he's still awfully considerate.
He kisses the insides of your knees, trailing the tip of his tongue gently up the inside of one of your thighs until he's able to place a chaste kiss to your clothed sex. He gasps softly, marvelling at how slick the thin lace is under his lips, knowing he's hardly even touched you and you're already desperate for him.
"Bend over the desk." He orders and while you follow his instructions, he unbuckles his belt and unzips his trousers before freeing his cock. "You're so fuckin' wet." He grunts, rubbing his stiffening length against the drenched fabric of your panties, giving himself a moment to admire your ass.
"You." He begins, loosening his tie before tugging it off, keeping the knot intact. "Are just a hole for me to fuck for the next hour. You got that?"
"Y-yes." You whimper, pressing yourself back on his cock, shame burning in your cheeks when he laughs at how pathetic you are.
"You're a fucking cocksleeve." Oh God, he needs this. Everything in him is screaming at him to bury his dick inside you and he can't ignore his need any longer. "I don't care if you get off on this. I don't give a shit if you cum." You know that's not true but believing this is just a rough, frantic fuck for his pleasure makes it even hotter somehow.
"Use me." You whine, gripping the edge of the desk. He pulls your soaked panties to the side, slipping the loop of the tie over your head, keeping a nice tension in the length of it as he slides slowly into you.
"Christ, you're tight." He grunts, tugging on the tie so the pressure on your neck makes you yelp. The first glide of his length into your body is always pure bliss for you but it's that little bit better when you pretend that he doesn't care.
"Stupid. Little. Cockslut." He offers sharp, shallow thrusts with each word and there's no stopping the way your eyes roll back. His tip nudges the soft, velvety spot inside you with each thrust and you know if he keeps that up, you're going to cum, whether he cares or not.
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dropoutfailure · 2 months
heya boss, i know your whole bit is dadson, but what are your thoughts on a older brother who had to step up and raise their younger brothers?
aww well hey, that's almost dadhood anyway. except usually with a less drastic age gap, not having to experience the trauma of birth, a sense of competition, responsibility and resentment over the parentification and a lost childhood. and some sort of mutual guilt that comes with having useless parents and an unusual family structure.
lots of emotional tension and grief, but also a sense of understanding, like you just Get each other like no one else. like if no other relationship works out, if nobody else understands, you might end up experimenting with each other, because whatever, you were doomed from the start because your parents failed both of you... romantic!! incestuous comfort sex.
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