#that acts like a magnet to gay guys
ziracona · 5 months
Love that everyone in Breaking Bad gets fucked. So funny. Like every single montherfucker is in jail, dead, or if let slightly off the hook or incidentally involved (Skyler, Walt Jr,), life ruined. All of them. 87 years jail for the looney tunes lawyer, Stoic Dad 2 is dead, the gay classy bitch got Harvey Dent’d fatally, Walt doesn’t even get to die on screen, Marie loses everything, it’s a tpk. Every bitch in the show straight up Hayes Code’d.
Except Jesse
Who gets to go live free and start over in Alaska.
Unreal. And like god bless if anyone ever deserved to be a creator’s pet, like straight up earned it, to such a degree it is “We’re going to kill you in S1 Mr. Paul” to S5 “You can kill me off but everyone will quit watching” Jesse Cap’N Cook Pinkman. The acting Oscar worthy, the breakdowns, the range, climbing into a box to see if a body would fit, go-karting sadly, ‘Yeah bitch! Magnets!’ to the revenge killing, truly, he had it all.
Kid went through enough in s1 to last a lifetime and then Walt just kept on happening again and again after. Even the ethics rules of the show’s universe unmatched by the power of a pathetic little guy literally everyone is rooting for. God bless enjoy Alaska bitch you earned it.
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b0nebroth · 9 months
Headcanons :3
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pics by @/D8llas on pintrest
FEM DNI!!! Boys only party
Warnings: Little homophobia but not really
My first actual post so pls dont judge if its bad :,D
☆‧° He would be so confused at first
☆‧° Dally had always liked girls, so how come he felt the same things for you? A guy!???
☆‧° Definitely some internalised homophobia
☆‧° BUT, when he got over that stuff and yall start dating he is the sweetest guy EVER!!
☆‧° Obviously you couldn't be all couple-y in public because its one thing being a greaser but being gay AND a greaser?? Hell nahAlso Dally has a rep to keep up; if people knew he liked dudes no one would be scared of him!
☆‧° But, If yall are hanging out in public places he will try to casually swing an arm around your shoulder or he'll give you his jacket or something.
☆‧° However, when you're just hanging out in private he's ALL OVER you. Arm around your waist, head on your shoulder, holding hands; its like a magnet to steel, He just can't keep off!
☆‧° If you're out doing something late at night he'll steal a little kiss :3
☆‧° Dally says he hates sappy songs about love but, when its just you two in his car, driving to nowhere, he LOVES them.
☆‧° Love language is definitely gift giving or acts of service
☆‧° He'll give you little presents every now and then, like a packet of cigarettes or a candy bar
☆‧° Or if you ask him to do something for you like getting the groceries? YES SIR! he is ON IT
☆‧° SUPER jealous if any girl comes remotely close to you
☆‧° Once a girl tried to get your number when you were at work and he stormed out the door (dramatic style) and sat in his car on the verge of tears for an hour
☆‧° Just so dramatic. So. So dramatic.
☆‧° When you told the rest of the gang they were super supportive!! Except Darry and Pony who thought that Dally is just gonna get you in trouble all the time... which is true- but they just want what's best for you!
☆‧° Overall he'd be a good boyfriend :33 and he's definitely a homo.
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sapphiresterreart · 11 months
Inspired by this post: where Shadow finds Super Sonic and ONLY Super Sonic attractive. Sonic's normal self is not wanted.
It made me cackle because I couldn't help but picture Shadow deciding to explore this gay awakening in the most convoluted way possible. Cue me getting carried away with the idea and scribbling a rough scene.
Stuffed under the Read More.
At one point after seeing Sonic's glow-up into Super a few times, Shadow's brain latches onto an idea and goes insane until he scratches the metaphorical itch.
He zooms around the entire planet to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds AND the maximum amount of rings a single person can hold.
Randomly shows up at Tails’ workshop/house one day, looking particularly deranged to the poor fox because the guy's spent the past month running himself ragged and is now gunning for his older brother for some unfathomable reason. Eggman couldn’t possibly have recovered from the last beat down in such short time! Something’s clearly wrong.
Shadow’s carefully manicured quills are in utter disarray. Gunk and grease coat his muzzle. Gloves notably tattered and inhibitor rings tarnished. There’s a suspicious smearing of red all over his typically immaculate chest fluff. Worst of it all are his eyes: near feral in their intensity as they pin the fox in his computer chair from afar.
The surly hedgehog snarls. “Where’s Sonic?”
All the while, Shadow has to keep ahold of the seven emeralds that prolly act like magnets and want to repel away from each other. His sanity’s hanging on a thread. 
Luckily Sonic shows up soon (instead of late? First time for everything! What a relief) after a brief, albeit frantic call from his lil bro.
Sonic does not expect Shadow to look like such a wreck. He does not expect his usually composed rival to yank an absurd amount of rings from the pocket dimension everyone had in their feathers, fur, or otherwise back part of their body. He does not expect those same rings to be shoved into his hands and quills, forcibly stuffing them into his own ‘inventory’ of a pocket dimension. 
He does not expect the rings to keep coming until he can’t hold anymore.
He does not expect the Seven Chaos Emeralds to immediately follow after.
“Shad–” Sonic tries, absolutely baffled.
“Transform.” Shadow gives him nothing except a haggard sort of desperation. “Now.”
And. Well. When asked like that? Damn. He won’t say no but that’s some voice his rival has on him. Hmm. Still. He doesn’t go super just yet because there’s only so long a transformation can last and he’d like some of the facts first. Especially if the situation’s as dire as Shadow’s making it out to be.
“What’s up?” He tosses out a tense smirk and a quip to lighten the mood. “Got yourself in trouble with the law again, Shads? Need me to use your own money to bail–“
“Transform.” Shadow staggers and oh no he’s gonna pass out isn’t he? He straightens before he can truly fall. 
Sonic lets the smirk fall. This is too unusual. “Not until you tell me what’s going on! What the heck Shadow?”
The glare intensifies. He looks weirdly… hungry? Oh. He hopes that's not some alien DNA comin’ out to play. Sonic’s not in the mood to be eaten. At least… not in the way his shoot-first-questions-later friend would likely consider.
“…Transform first and then I’ll tell you.” 
What an oh-so generous counter-offer. Sonic’s tempted to refuse on principle but the guy looks ready to collapse and there’s only so long Sonic himself can hold all seven emeralds at once before they launch outta his grip. 
He sighs. “Yeah, alright.”
Sonic closes his eyes. Concentrates. Feels the power humming in the gems, lets them push away from him with him as their center of gravity to orbit. Momentum builds as they whirl around him. His focus deepens. A zen sort of calm settles over him like a familiar cloak as he pulls the gems back into his core sense of being. A spark ignites and he’s set aflame.
His feet leave the floor as the power repels him against the planet. Feels the gems thrumming alongside his veins as he opens his eyes. The world glitters a beautiful gold but he doesn’t have time to smell the roses. Rings are burning like a candlestick’s wick, after all.
“Start talking.”
Shadow does not start talking. Instead he stares. Only stares. It’s… kind of concerning, actually. 
“Shadow?” Super Sonic frowns, spending more energy concentrating on maintaining the sheer power humming in his soul than on coming up with a funny joke. “Are you alright?”
Shadow doesn’t make a sound. Is he even breathing? Super Sonic’s brow furrows and gently glides from near the ceiling to hover in front of his rival. Red eyes track the movement like a predator intent on its prey but Super’s not worried about that. Not right now, at least.
Keeping his expression soft, yet unwittingly focused, Super examines his rival’s disheveled state. For the Ultimate Lifeform, he looks ultimately wrecked. He smirks, just a lil, and Shadow hones in on it like a laser beam. Super blinks, smirk twisting into a puzzled smile as he tilts his head, before slowly grasping Shadow by the shoulder. 
“C’mon focus, Shadow. You with me?” Wide, red eyes blink dumbly and Super huffs a laugh. “How can I help?”
Shadow. Doesn’t respond. Merely gapes at him like he’s drinking in the sight. It’d be flattering at any other time but right now it’s just frustrating.
“I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s goin’ on. On a time limit here–“
“You have full inventory.” 
Finally! He speaks! But lacks sense. “What?”
“Rings.” Shadows answers though that doesn’t answer much. Choosing instead to fall silent once more and continue staring.
Super doesn’t know what to do with any of this so he turns to someone who might. “Tails? Any clues?”
“N-no…” His lil bro trots over to them, visibly disturbed. Good. Glad he’s not the only one confused here.
“I’m burnin’ rings.” Super settles for instead. “Thought you said it was urgent?”
“I thought it was.” Tails gestures at the catatonic state of their friend. “I mean look at him! What was I supposed to say?”
“Well.” Super starts strong only to trail off.
He pivots in the air, still hovering in front them both. Cups his chin with a thoughtful frown. Absently skims the cluttered workshop as he slowly spins in place before re-centering with a shrug. It’s surprisingly hard to keep focus and maintain the super form when there’s no imminent threat. Without anything to go on, he's just wasting power. So. His gaze returns to his battered rival.
“If nothing else I could try this?”
He drifts closer to the still stunned speechless ‘hog. Frowns slightly at the white part of Shadow’s eyes. They’d reddened significantly. Had he blinked once in the past minute or two? Nothing worth worrying over, he supposed. Not if this worked.
Super reaches a hand, still glowing a vibrant gold and soft flames of light emanating off him, and gently braces a palm against the side of Shadow’s face. Shadow doesn’t even move as Super closes his eyes.
Tails shifts beside them. “Try what?”
Super hums. “We’ll see if it works first, buddy.”
The sound vibrates in his chest and makes its way down the arm connecting him to his rival. The rings are burning slower than usual but once he starts this, they start burning like they would in battle. 
Super focuses the gem’s energy from their raw state of chaotic power into something he can channel into another person. He smoothes corrosive edges, softens acidic potency, gentles the sheer intensity of it all and funnels them through his own energy. Pours bits of his own chaos mixed with the gem’s through that funnel in his palm. Pushes it from there into Shadow’s own energy.
Shadow doesn’t do anything more than gasp sharply and let him do his thing. Super mentally shrugs, privately delighted by the fact Shadow was letting him touch him at all especially his face, and continues his foray into healing via chaos energy. 
The rings are gone even faster than in battle and soon after the last wound has closed and Super’s pulled away, the power keeping him aloft drains completely. The golden glow fades from his quills and they drop back into blue as he returns to the ground, his normal self once again. His grasp on the chaos emeralds slacken and the tension that had been building between the seven finally releases. The gems launch themselves harmlessly out of him like a slingshot and scatter once more.
He bounces a step from the residue energy crackling inside him and beams at his rival. “So now that that’s over with, mind telling us why you came all this way looking like you crawled outta a dumpster caught on fire?”
That of all things has Shadow snapping back to himself. Any awe lingering in his rival’s face vanishes. Fully returns to his normally composed self as he straightens and crosses his arms with a muted huff.
“Merely an experiment. Good day.” Whirls on a heel with shoes revving, dips his head in what might’ve been a polite farewell at his lil bro. “Prower.”
And leaves. He leaves. The cryptic jerk leaves.
Sonic gawks. “Whuh–? What was that?” He spins to face his brother. “Did you see that? Did you see?”
“I saw.”
“Didn’t even say goodbye to me! Me! He was the one who asked me to come all this way! I was next in line for brainiac dogs over in Spagonia, you know. Not as good as chili dogs but it was buy one get one free day! What the heck?”
His younger brother can only shrug helplessly with a puzzled smile, twin tails swishing behind him. “Don’t know, big bro. He did say it was an experiment.”
“Experiment in driving me insane, maybe! Now I’m gonna go crazy trying to figure him out.”
“You mean you weren’t already?”
“Tails!” He grins and hooks an arm around his annoyingly adorable baby bro. “I’ll show you who’s crazy!”
His bro only laughs and swats at the fist digging into his hair. Futilely fighting against the inevitable noogie but he's got him secured by the shoulders. “Have mercy! I’m not the one who spent the past month looking for seven whole emeralds and an entire inventory’s worth of rings.”
“I’ll give ya that!” Sonic cackles and lets him free. “What was up with that anyway?”
Elsewhere, unbeknownst to the brothers, one Shadow the Hedgehog was having a crisis of epic proportions. He had discovered a new, albeit incredibly difficult goal in life: to have Sonic turn Super more often than not because wow did he look alluring with a face of focused intensity framed by golden hues.
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Hob and Dream are both straight, okay.
They're dudes, pals, roomates. And when they are between (pussy -- Hob) (eww, steady girlfriends -- Dream), they fuck. Okay. It's not that big a deal.
Okay, it does seem like lately their periods between girlfriends/steady pussy are longer, and so they're sleeping together more and making plans with each other that could be construed as ,,,,, dating.
But Dream is eyeing some spikey art bitch (with shitty art, if you asked Hob) and Dream is pretty sure he saw Hob aggressively flirting with a pod of freshers. (And he's ABD, geeze, so much to Dream disgust). So it's not like they're serious about each other, besides They. Are. Totally... Straight.
It's not like Hob dreams about Dream's mouth and how great it is to fuck him (and it's not like thinking about Dream is a sure fire way for Hob to rub one out quick.). It's not like going to watch Hob play in pickup games of footie or that shirts/skins rugby game on the lawn got Dream all hot and bothered (or like Dream was the first to reach Hob when he took a hard hit.).
They are so not into each other like that......
Hnnnnng yeah I love these dipshits.
Hob is known as the pussy magnet of their little friendship group, you know? He's a perv, he doesn't give a shit, if the girls are over 18 then they're fair game. Hob will flirt and act the part of the mature, sensitive slightly older guy. Everyone wants him! But then again, no one knows what happens when the bedroom door closes and Hob gets those girls alone. There are no rumours about him being a creep or an asshole. If you actually asked any of "Hob’s girls" about their time with him, they'd tell you that he didn't sleep with them, put them to bed when they were drunk, warned them about genuine creeps, and bought them breakfast in the morning.
The only time anyone has actually seen Hob do a real "walk of shame".... is when he's leaving Dream’s bedroom.
And then there's Dream himself. He's a serial monogamist. Girlfriend after girlfriend after girlfriend - before he's finished with one, he's already onto the next! And none of them have any major complaints about him. They don't break up because he's abusive or nasty. If anything, he's rather apathetic. He never wants to go on dates or have sex, he's always busy with Hob. Talk about you and me and your friend Steve! Dream’s girlfriends feel like theyre the third wheel in the relationship!
Everyone in their social circle knows that they're in love. It really seems like Hob and Dream are the only ones who haven't worked it out. When Hob finally does get his phd, the logical nest step is for him to move in with Dream (again). A proper little bachelor pad. With two bedrooms. Or one bedroom and a hobby room. Dream needs room for his art, its only practical!
Just like it's practical for them to get married, 5 years later. They're not GAY, ok? They're just... bros who love each other. A lot.
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formulapookie · 2 months
soo i’m writing a marcmarc fanfiction and Im going to make it multi chapter, it’s going to explore a bit Bez’s internalised homophobia and his path towards the light (fucking with Marc)
and i’m going to upload it both here and on Ao3, if you like it i’d love for you to leave kudos, no pressure tho obv <3
I took a bit of inspiration by @anitalianfrie and some ideas from @yeastinfectionvale because the two of you are the most dangerous marcmarc psychosexual supporters I relate with
Below you can find the fic, if u enjoy reading on Tumblr more than on Ao3❤️
2024 pre-season
It was cold, but still, Marco was sitting outside the ranch, it was around 3 in the morning he supposed, thoughts clouded by the joint he was still finishing up.
He was trying to reflect on something that had been seriously affecting his life lately, or rather much someone.
Marc Marquez.
Since he had signed with Gresini the Spaniard just seemed to continuously pop up into his life, whether it was on track or not, like last week for example, he was out with a group of his friends and who did he meet at the club he went to? Marc Marquez, drinking with a guy he thought was a friend of the man, but the more he thought about it, the more he remembered strange details, like a hand lingering a bit too much or a few glances casted in a very lustful way.
He archived the memory as a made up one, a result of the not so little amount of alcohol he consumed that night.
Plus, Marc had a girlfriend, and even if he didn't, everyone on the grid was straight.
All the jokes, flirty ones even, were always platonic and between friends, he did that too with Pecco, and it wasn’t like he was…gay.
He had had a girlfriend until a few weeks prior, when she decided it would’ve been a good idea to cheat on him and dump him via text of all things.
The joint was coming to an end, and with it all his will to stay outside and freeze, looking for a warm blanket and a snack instead.
Memories grew along with his hunger, and the frames of his mind ran back to the night he saw Marquez at the club.
Shirt buttoned just halfway, a silver necklace adorning his neck and bouncing slightly every time he moved.
His smile, a painfully magnetic one, drawing people to him like moths to a flame, like his eyes, profound and deep.
But what Bez remembered the best were his shoulders.
Broad, muscled, tanned and glowing with sweat, moving up and down rhythmically when he laughed.
If he focused enough, he could remember peeking the outline of one of Marc’s scars from the hem of his shirt, and something similar to a hickey on the juncture between his neck and shoulder, sinfully on display.
Fuck, why did he remember those things? He was pretty sure that a blonde flirted with him that night, he was sure she was hot even, but he couldn’t remember a single detail from her, just from that small fucking bastard
As his mind stopped wandering Bez realized he was back into his room, an half finished protein bar in hand and an obviously painful bulge in his pants.
Fuckfuckfuckfuck how did that happen? was it the blonde? it couldn’t have been Marquez, could it?
The answer came when his dick twitched at the mention of Marc’s name.
He was conflicted: should he let it go away on its own or act on it? because he knew the moment he would’ve touched himself thinking of his rival it would’ve been over for him.
Seeing him in the paddock, on insta or at one of the clubs would’ve meant remembering this.
No no no he hated Marquez, this was just the smoke speaking for him, he always got a bit horny after smoking, it wasn’t different from other times.
Except it was. It was so much different, this longing he felt for the older guy, the need he had to just lick his lips and bite down on those delicious looking shoulders, grabbing his neck and crushing their lips together.
Bez also remembered the cologne he was wearing; it smelled like woods and fresh, he didn’t know much about perfumes but that was surely a smell he wasn’t going to forget it easily.
“Maybe it’s not that bad. Just once, one time and then I’ll forget about him”
he thought while sliding into bed and slowly slipping his hand into his pants.
It was embarrassing how quickly he became vocal about it, softly of course because he didn’t want the other guys or worst, Vale, to hear him moan out Marc Marquez’s name and finding him like that.
He stroked his cock with growing speed, twisting his wrist when he came close to the tip, gritting his teeth and grabbing the sheets with his free hand.
“Marc-“ a suffocated plea leaving the boy's mouth, but remaining painfully present in his room, floating around as a curse.
The more he thought about the Spaniard the harder he got, he wanted more more more.
He wanted Marc, in all his stupid perfection, he wanted him to choke on his cock, or bouncing on it, he wanted Marc to be as desperate for him as Bez was for the man.
“Si si si” a trail of words left the boy’s mouth to get lost into the silent and cold night in Tavullia, alongside with Marco’s orgasm, which hit him hard and fast, ropes of white liquid staining his abdomen and part of the sheets.
He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and getting cleaned up, being extra careful not to wake anyone up.
He looked at himself in the mirror, cheeks red, puffy lips and glassy eyes, pupils still blown wide from the smoke and the excitement of the recent jerk off session.
He knows he will have to face what he just did, because what if it wasn’t just Marc? What if it was men in general? Could have he been bisexual? To be fair he was a bit scared to know, what if Vale or one of the guys found it disgusting? what if his family did?
Could’ve he kept that secret for long?
He doesn’t think so, honestly he’s scared of loosing both families at once for something like that.
No no, he ultimately decided.
If he understands he likes guys he’s going to keep it for himself.
It’s going to be better for everyone that way
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dykesynthezoid · 7 months
The thing about Sam’s pod vision is that if you take it to its logical conclusion (she’s gay) there’s then an implied combination of comphet and gender envy she would have surrounding Miguel that would honestly make her sooooo crazy like I think it explains so much about why she feels this pull to him but also panics whenever things feels too intense
Like bc he’s the Nice Boy, he’s kind, he’s almost perfect, and if she can’t be happy with a Nice Boy, then what’s wrong with her— She should be grateful, right? Grateful that there’s a guy actually willing to put up with her. Bc she’s A Lot, right? People act like she’s A Lot.
But the gender envy aspect— I think that’s where Sam’s internalized feelings about him move past guilt into something else entirely. Because jealousy is a very bitter feeling, but it’s also magnetizing. She looks at him, at the way he holds his shoulders, his clothes, his smile, his hair, and she wants— And she assumes it’s him that she’s pulled towards. Because it should be, right? It should be.
But it isn’t. Sometimes she sees him talking with Hawk or Robby or Demetri and she gets that feeling in the pit of her stomach, like a pull, but she also feels inexplicably angry. It feels like there’s something… unfair. Which doesn’t make any sense. What’s unfair about Miguel standing there talking to his friends?
But, still it makes her throat hurt, her stomach clench. She knows there’s a lot of things about Miguel’s life that are doubtless harder than her own. She knows this. But— Boyhood looks so easy on him.
It’s in his body, in his arms and legs and shoulders, his height, the tousled curl of his hair. His voice. The boys always listen to him, too. They look him in the eye. There’s a casualness in all of their bodies when they convene, huddling and joking and talking. It’s something Sam thinks maybe she’s never felt; never felt that at ease, never felt that comfortable. Thinking about it makes her feel sick. It’s not fair. She wants— What does she want?
It’s so easy for him, with other boys, and if that weren’t enough, he even gets along with girls, casual and friendly and unanxious, in a way she’s never mastered. He’s so easy to be around, for a girl. It’s no surprise they like him, want to be around him. She does too, right?
Why is it so easy for him? He doesn’t even have to try. It hurts to look at. She can’t stop looking. And deep, deep down in some awful part of her, she almost hates him for it. Which is terrible, it’s terrible— and there’s the guilt again. And the guilt is bitter on her tongue. Her mouth tastes like acid. She’s the problem— she’s so tired of being the problem. She hates it. It’s never his fault. It’s her fault. Why can’t she just be normal? She hates that it’s never his fault. She loves him, loves his kindness and goodness and courage. She hates him for never being the wrong one.
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silicon-tmblr · 11 months
What are some Sexuality headcanons you have for danganronpa
Ohhhh I have so much to say you have no idea
I'll go with my DRV3 post-game headcanons because that's generally what I think about!
Shuichi: Disaster bi. I recently had the thought that he'd actually be awesome as nonbinary, but I feel like he's the type to realize that in his mid 30s or something
Kaito: Bigger disaster bi than Shuichi somehow. I like to think that, while he's iffy/confused about gay people, he accepts trans people without a thought (he's just like "oh you're actually a guy/girl! okay") and just demands that they "act like their gender" bahaha
Ryoma: I know this is a controversial thing to say but. Straight. cis/het. But he's like the biggest and nicest ally ever because well his entire friend group is very queer
Rantaro: I don't see this enough!!!! Aro/ace Rantaro!!! His love hotel is literally him being a tutor with no romantic or sexual undertones!!!! His character concept is probably "playboy with no interest in romance"!! But yeah aro/ace, romance and sex-repulsed
Gonta: Probably pan, but fairly heteronormative. I feel like he gets married in middle age because he's really not searching for a relationship for most of his life and more busy enjoying his hobbies!
Kokichi: Obviously very gay! I generally have him as a trans guy who, due to some shenanigans that happened in his childhood, thought he was a cis guy (until puberty hit and he had to figure out why he was freaking bleeding). Ironically, I like to call him "the cissest of cis guys" haha
Korekiyo: Ace! Not looking for a romantic relationship but I like to think he has a strong platonic partnership with Tenko
Keebo: Aro/ace, romance-positive and sex-neutral. He doesn't experience romantic or sexual attraction but is totally open to a romantic relationship. Intersex and he/him nonbinary, but he generally keeps it to himself and only tells people he trusts
Kirumi: Gay gay lesbian gay. She loves GL (Girl's love genre) but keeps it a secret
Himiko: Aromantic and bisexual! She tends more towards girls than guys
Maki: PSA Maki is gay and was straightwashed when they put her in Danganronpa 53. I mean, Tsumugi really said "I made you fall in love with a guy for plot!" I like to think Maki gets out of DRV3 and her first thought is "why was I straight" (for legal reasons this is a joke and bi Maki believers are based but. gay maki)
Tenko: Bi Tenko bi Tenko I KNOW people insist she's a lesbian (and you people are based) buuut I think even in Danganronpa Tenko is bi. People don't choose who they're attracted to, so her being raised to hate men doesn't mean she can't be attracted to them! Okay that's my ted talk about bi tenko
Tsumugi: Her orientation is none of your business (is what she will say, but I will expose her as the bisexual she is)
Angie: Pan! Kinda heteronormative but she learns not to be
Miu: Pan. I think she would meet someone on the internet that she clicks super well with and then they fly out to meet each other and get married
Kaede: Lesbian! So lesbian. I will insist forever that she isn't actually interested in Shuichi and is just super awkward around him because she doesn't want to lead him on when she's gay
That's it for V3! I don't have as many for the other games, mostly since I'm not as interested in or familiar with them (I like to joke that V3 has the gayest cast and everyone in DR2 is straight (obviously untrue, the irrefutable evidence: Nagito)), but here's a few I like:
Chiaki: Trans girl! She's also straight bahaha
Hiyoko: I used to think she'd be the type to act homophobic "as a joke" but then I realized she's super gay. She'd probably still act homophobic though
Nagito: Bi, for the sole reason of: I think he should date Chiaki
Akane: Seems ace!
Mahiru: I think she's straight, but she's a total lesbian magnet
Hajime: Bi (duh). Cursed to be maidenless
Chihiro: Nonbinary, he/they in conversation but always they/them in writing
Junko: This lady is very heterosexual and cisgender
Mukuro: Bi
Makoto: Bi
I also like to joke that all the girls in DR1 are straight and all the boys in DR1 are gay because everyone is in love with Makoto (obviously false because there are some very gay girls and not so gay dudes)
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chasing-chimeras · 10 months
Preview of Chapter 19 of Green Zone - "Woven Into the Lives of Others"
below the cut
Liam’s lips are on him. Liam’s lips are always on him these days. On his neck, his collarbone, his left ear, his hands, his hip, his stomach. Liam blankets him in kisses; chapped lips against his skin. He leaves spots of dampness in his wake, which Theo dutifully pretends to be irritated by. The truth is that he could be drowning in Liam and he’d never come up for air.
That should terrify you.
“Let me?” Liam pulls Theo down from the heights of his dangerous delight with hands on his waist, thumb prodding at the button of Theo’s jeans.
“We talked about it,” Theo says without elaboration. They did. Sort of. It was more like Liam badgered him with endless attempts to get into his pants and Theo finally conjured up a rational explanation as to why he's hesitant. Not a true reason, but one that would make sense to any normal person.
Liam's not normal, so the lesson hasn't really stuck.
“Theo, I’m dying,” Liam whimpered and pressed his hips into Theo’s torso as the older boy placed a kiss right above his bellybutton.
“What happened to ‘waiting never killed anyone’?” Theo referenced back to their conversation between the pallets.
“You can wait as long as you want.” Liam’s tone fell to a flat sincerity that felt so alien in the darkness and sluggish heat cradling their bodies. “I just want to know why? It’s not like I can get you pregnant,” Liam complained, immediately earning a derisive sneer in return.
“There are a lot of assumptions in that sentence,” he spat back, trying to conceal the flattered heat in his cheeks. Luckily, it was Liam, so he was overwhelmed by his own disordered anxieties.
“I don’t know how any of this works!” Liam complained, hoarsely, dropping his forehead to Theo’s stomach.
“I don’t know Liam, but I’m pretty sure you don’t volunteer the other guy to take it up the ass.”
“You’ve been gay for a week and you’re suddenly an expert?”
Theo had raised his brows in response, holding back a smile.
“I could just…you know?” Liam lifted his head and followed up with the most grotesque and excruciatingly humiliating miming of what he wanted to do to Theo, and that’s not even mentioning his poor technique.
“I want to wait.”
“Okay.” Liam dropped his pushing, affecting indifference, but Theo could feel the disappointment rolling off of him.
“It’s just not safe,” Theo lied in attempt to console him. It wasn’t. Not for the usual reasons, but because of what Theo might do to Liam; how he might see him in the aftermath of an act which has never been anything but pleasurable friction and release for him. How could he be certain that the consuming pull, magnetic and tortured, wouldn’t be diminished if he and Liam were to go to that sickeningly casual place together? Nothing with Liam has been casual.
“I’m a virgin,” Liam pathetically reminded Theo. He was no longer pushing, having accepted Theo’s rejection and crawled back up to lay beside him. “I don’t have anything. Is…” He froze, realizing the degradingly invasive nature of his question.
“I’ve always used condoms,” Theo said, erasing that fear before it could take root in Liam’s imagination. “I’m pretty sure that I’m good on that front. But you never know, I guess.” It was as good enough a reason as any. And Theo would rather Liam think he’s partial to a healthy over-caution, rather than knowing that he’s terrified of sex that wouldn’t be just sex.
“Is…” Liam paused to think, but typical to his nature, didn’t think hard enough to reel back his sincerity. “Is it bad that I kind of don’t care?”
“Jesus Chr—yes, Liam! Yes, that’s very bad. Didn’t you have like a health class in school or something? What is wrong with you?”
Liam shrugged. “There are zombies outside. I feel like there are bigger things to worry about than STDs.”
“Even the kind that slowly rots your brain over decades?”
“That exists?” Liam’s eyes widened and his lips parted in dismay.
Theo shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe. Better to play it safe.”
That reignited Liam’s fire to fight and he set his jaw, staring into Theo’s eyes with grave solemnity. “If I get bitten by a zombie and die a virgin, I’ll have rotting brains anyway. Would you have sex with me then?”
Theo rolled his eyes. “Sure Liam. If you get bit, I’ll sleep with you in your final moments.”
“Really?” Liam sounded almost touched.
“I’m gonna kill you myself.”
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hughungrybear · 8 months
Me watching Only Friends Ep 11:
1. B*tch, this show has no right to make me cry in the first 5 minutes of this episode so early in the morning. 😭😭😭 I feel so much for Yo. At least Yo and Plug are back into each other's arms.
2. Again, Mew irritates me. He decided to give his relationship with Top another shot, but the way that he is acting shows that he has already checked out of this relationship. Why even bother with second chances? For revenge? Why waste your time??? Just cut Top loose and move on.
3. I'm not saying Top deserves another chance (imo, he doesn't) but I'm with him in this one. Again, it was Mew who decided to give their relationship a go. He could have walked away and cut all ties with Top. But nooooo. He wants to prolong this sh*tty love story, for what? For the angst???
4. I hope Nick can still have his dream job after he eventually comes clean (and breaks Daddy Dan's heart) 😔
5. Oh, is Sand finally blocking Ray? Looks like it. 🧐 <after five minutes> Nooooo. Gods dammit. This the second time I'm crying and its just the first part of Episode 11. WTH.
6. Finally. Some healthy communication between Ray and Sand 😭😭😭
7. So, after failing to cause significant havoc on TopMew's life (because let's face it, those two don't need another reason to be toxic to each other), Boeing would try to wreck Sand's life? The fvck.
8. Nick and Boston. As I said in the previous episode, no matter what they decided their relationship is going to be (open, poly, etc), it looks like is going to be healthy as they are both accepting of each other's faults at this point. Also, Nick helping Boston with his Atom problem is 🤌
9. Boston and Nick truly said to Atom: "This is my villain origin story" 😅😅😅
10. Boston to Atom: "How can you love me when we only slept together once? Just because I'm the first guy you slept with?"
Yeah! That's my question too! Seriously, Atom's got (mental) problems and Boston ain't one of them 😂
11. "But you turned me into gay!" Atom, b*tch, you did not go there. Being queer is not contagious. Don't make me slap you. 🤬
12. TopMew. I am exhausted just looking at you, two. 😑
I did not see any ForceBook series in GMMTV's Up & Above trailer party. I think I might need to re-watch A Boss and A Babe after this series just to remind me of sickeningly sweet (without ulterior motives) ForceBook moments 😭😭😭
13. It is clear - only the lesbians have a semblance of healthy, thriving relationship all through out this series (CheumApril and Mew's mums) 😅
14. Let's just say, Ray's confidence is giving me life 😂
15. It's a good thing Cheum's relationship with April is solid. Otherwise, the girl is an idiot. She has known Boston for a long time. Granted, it was her little brother doing the slandering but the least she could have done is give Boston the benefit of a doubt.
16. Boston committing to a monogamous relationship? Really? But I get Nick. Nick's fear was essentially the same as Yo's fear.
17. It's a given that Boeing is trash, but can't he at least be trash somewhere else? 😂 Leave Sand alone. Sand being a magnet of trashmen is just 😔 At least, Ray is working on improving himself for Sand.
18. Ray's offence is the best defence is, again, giving me life 😂 It's the battle of the trashmen 😂😂
With that preview, looks like Boston will cross paths with Boeing too. Now, I don't know how to feel about things LOL. Let's hope the final episode will give us a good conclusion. I'm not even sure if I would want a season 2. This series is stressing me out 😭😭😭😭
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deadsnothere · 1 year
I've never requested anything before so sorry of this is in the wrong spot.
If you're still taking requests could you do one with Cynthia and popular girl? Kind of 'Little Miss Perfect' thing
Little miss perfect.
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Synopsis - After agreeing to fake date potato, Alias runs into a little bit of trouble with their manager and Cynthia gets wedged into the equation, from a fallen jacket.
Request - YES!!
Word count - 1.8k
Speak Ali! - Got motivation randomly.
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…This feels wrong- this feels so wrong- but here i am!
My name is Alias Foreman.
My brother is Shy guy, he's on a very different popularity level than me but he's also one of my favorite people. He's a part of a ‘gang’ called the T-Birds, their affiliated with the girl gang The Pink Ladies.
And i would never ever say this to any of my friends, but i absolutely adore them. I mean Jane was bold enough to run for president after being humiliated by the people i call friends! And Olivia is amazing, she's just got her head stuck in the wrong place. Nancy is bold, she's talented and amazing! and the prettiest in my opinion, Cynthia. I know it's hard to believe- I mean my brother has a crush on her! but she's just so…Magnetic! She's funny and cute, and reckless, and downright rude, sometimes...but i'm just so pulled towards her!
I adore all of them, but I act like I don't so my parents won't suspect anything…I've been "popular" and "smart" and "perfect" since grade school. If I mess that up now I'm screwed. Which is why I needed a cover, and I knew just the person.
“Potato! Can we talk before you leave?” The pink ladies, and T-Birds sat in the same car, obviously all stuffed in as the car is way too small to hold them all. They all stared at me like, I was a threat to their name or something. It made me want to crawl up and die. “Uh- What do you need?” I smiled softly trying to keep a smile on my face as I got glare’s all over. “Uh can we talk inside?-” I pointed to the front door, opening it up for him as he jumped out of the car, almost everyone groaning, realizing their going to have to wait longer now.
“Alias this is really unlike you- what's up?” Patato, who was clearly confused, looked at me like I was crazy. I was looking down at my feet and trying to pull all my thoughts together- “You like Nancy, And- I-I like Cynthia.” When I spoke I immediately closed my eyes, only opening them a bit, to look at his face. Which looked more shocked, than anything. “Y-You know I like Nancy!-” I opened both eyes and looked at him confused. “You're not surprised I like Cynthia?” Now he looked at me, confused. “Not really, Me and the T-Birds have been making jokes about it for years-” My face dropped a bit, before he explained himself. “Not! not because your gay or anything but because both you and your brother like her!-” My face turned into a smile again, laughing. I jumped to hug him. “Oh my god- Ok wait, so now that we both have that established- Do you want to fake date to get their attention?”
He hugged me back for a moment, pulling away as soon as I suggested the fake dating. “Your crazy!-” i interrupted him almost immediately. “But just think! Nancy is going to notice you! Someone will have what she wants- and I'll be able to hang around you guys more- and maybe you can get the gangs to listen to my songs when i perform at the frosty palace, I can send Cynthia messages through them!-” I'd be lying if i said i didn't have this planned out for a while, Like months.
He still looked unsure. “What about your brother?-” I sighed softly, looking out to see if anyone was looking from the car. “I love him, and he's the only one who's truly there for me, but look at cynthia. She is not straight- She is a circle amongst circles.” Potato nodded, solemnly. An idea popped into his head. “Get your coat! You're coming with us-'' My eyes widened in shock. “I can't- I have to perform at the frosty palace!-” Potato thought for a second before grabbing my coat off the rack and putting it on my shoulders, dragging me out holding my hand. “Guys! We're going to the frosty palace instead!”
I could feel them staring at us, feel them stare at me. “Uh- Hi?” A few of them rolled their eyes but either way I somehow got into the car and sat down in between my brother and Potato, who has his arm around me. Nancy was glaring at me, Cynthia and Ant (Shy guy) were glaring at Potato.
Once we arrived at the frosty palace, I could hear someone screaming from the inside. “ALIAS BETTER BE HERE-” Oooh fuck- My eyes widened as i jumped out of the car, grabbing my jacket, Potato grabbed my arm before i could run off. The only one who looked worried was Shy guy, but that's also because Shy guy knew what happened behind that stage. “Alias what's wrong?-” I smiled and patted his hand, acting like i wasn't going to get slapped and punched as soon as i got backstage, i was supposed to be there at 8:00 it's currently 8:02 and my manager is going to be pissed. “It's nothing! My manager just gets a little rowdy sometimes-” Nancy looked over to me with her eyebrows furrowed- “Sometimes? I've seen that women get so pissed-" - “Anyways! I gotta go before I get any later- Bye everyone, thanks for the ride!”
I ran into the frosty palace as fast as my flats would allow me to. As soon as I got backstage, I threw down my stuff on a vanity set there for the performers to get ready. Taking note of my missing jacket which I swear, I grabbed.
“MS.FOREMAN.” Oh shit. I quickly tried to get myself together, grabbing my bag and holding it close to me. “Do you understand how horrible you being late looks to us? Do you really think anyone is going to sign with you if you continue this laziness, you inconsiderate slut!” I stood there, I could feel my body trying to shake as she stood in front of me. I clenched my entire body, stopping the shaking before it could get bad.
“You’re such a brat!”
“I do all of this for you and you come in late!”
“Other clients have never shown me such laziness.”
“I could quit- right now! and everyone would believe it's your fault.”
Two slaps on each cheeks.
I stayed quiet, not showing any weakness. She just laughed and scoffed at me. “Cant even have to decency to show some remorse.” Once she walked away, I sat down at the Vanity. Taking makeup out of my purse and starting to cover the redness is my cheeks.
“You shouldn't let her do that to you.” “OH MY GOD-” i jumped, almost falling out of my seat as Cynthia came out from behind the curtain I usually pulled back to change. “It's- Fine..What are you doing back here? only staff is allowed back here-” She scoffed leaning into the wall beside my vanity as i went back to covering my cheeks with powder. “You dropped your coat, your boyfriend told me to bring it to you.” I grabbed my jacket from her, our hands touched as she passed it over.
She didn't move from her spot as I continued to finish my makeup, inspecting my face. “Tell someone.” I stopped and looked up at her. “What?” She looked at me like I was stupid. “Tell someone what she's doing-” I stood up from my stool and went to her face to face, even if she's a few inches shorter than me. “I can’t- You don't understand-” She interrupted me. “Yes I do! Stand up to her, Stop it!” I rolled my eyes and started to put my makeup away. “No you don't Cynthia. I've been dealing with her since I was five- I told my father! I'm not sure how perfect Anthony has set our home life up to be, but I promise you it's not.” Cynthia looked at me, shocked. “Shy guy hasn't said anything about your home life..”
“Well good- If my home life got to the school I'd be ruined- i’d be killed socially-” Cynthia scoffed and laughed sarcastically. “Come on? Is that all you're worried about- Your social level, shallow Alias.” I rolled my eyes, I could feel anger bubbling up in my stomach, or its butterflies-..I can't tell. “No- it's not all i'm worried about, if it got out to the school i have to take care of four children by myself while my dad gets drunk all the time, I’d be fucked because they would call CPS.” I rolled my eyes again, closing my purse. A stage manager opened the door slightly, not looking up from her clipboard. “Foreman you're on in 10!” I waved at them, with a smile watching as they walked out with no other words.
Cynthia didn't say anything, she wasn't sure what to say. “Listen, that isn't even what we're talking about-! You shouldn't put yourself through that!” I leaned onto the vanity, my head rocking back as I sighed, my eyes closing. “I've tried to tell my dad, he just laughed in my face and told me I probably deserved it.” Cynthia looked around, trying to figure out another way for me to get out. “Listen- I have a contract with her I can't defy.” I finally stood up again once the same stage manager came in, still focused on her clipboard. “I was wrong that last time- Five til!” Watching her leave, I sighed and shook my head fixing my hair softly.
“Listen Cynthia, I’m stuck. I don't know what else you want out of me.” She now stood in front of me, blocking my way to the door. “Just!- You have to look out for yourself to-” I rolled my eyes, trying to get a way out. “I have four kids to look out for, there's no time for myself.” She blocked my way cornering me at my vanity.
I kissed her. My hands slipped! They slipped onto her face as I leaned down to kiss her. Ok so maybe it was stupid decision- but there was so much in me screaming at me to kiss her, and i just had to give in. I had to. It felt amazing for the few seconds she kissed back, but she almost immediately pulled away. When we were both staring at each other, neither was sure what to say. I panicked when her face twisted into some feeling. I couldn't tell what it was but- I was so sure it was disgust. “I-I…I’m so sorry- I have to go!” I was quick to grab a pair of gloves from behind me and run away from her as she tried to grab my arm. I ran into the stage director on the way, telling me I had seconds until I had to be on stage.
The stage and the heat of the lights around me felt comforting for the first time in years.
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skye-huntress · 3 months
She’s so Cheeky for a Commoner Volume 2 Thoughts
I’m back, and incidentally, I’m still be doing I’m in Love with the Villainess content. For clarification, She’s so Cheeky for a Commoner is a spin-off series that follows Claire’s point of view of the many events early in the series. However, it is not a complete retelling of the series, it only retells certain key moments, while sprinkling in entirely new scenes, new characters and story arcs, as well as occasionally giving the perspectives of different characters. It does not serve as a substitute for the original light novels, and you should still read those first if you don’t want to be spoiled.
Anyway, this particular book only covers Chapters 4 through 6 from the original series, with Chapters 7 and 8 presumably being covered in Volume 3. Spoilers below.
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Starting off, we have the Scales of Love arc. My first point of interest was how much more conscious Claire was of Rae’s change of behaviour, and yet so oblivious to the cause.
The first big change is the conversation with Loretta and Pepi about their doubts and suspicions about Manaria. To be fair, those two didn’t become actual characters until the manga fleshed them out. Interestingly, they actually asked Rae for her opinion and took her observation into careful consideration. Turns out, Loretta also had another more personal reason why she was weary of Manaria.
Follow that up with Rae nearly dying in Claire’s arms and her going off at her precious Manaria for it. She seemed harsher here than in the anime.
It makes sense that after the “breakup” the first person to truly get a chance to console Claire without any ulterior motive would be Catherine. They are roommates after all. Also, we finally get to see what Catherine looks like. She’s so adorably and sweet, it’s all the more unacceptable that the rest of her family (who will likely be the death of her) are all complete scumbags and criminals. So Catherine manages to convince Claire to patch things up with Rae, unfortunately, while this conversation was happening, Manaria was escalating things yet again.
Personally, I think the anime did the confession best. Actually, my last post was a reblog of that scene.
Okay, so Claire is being congratulated and teased by Misha, the Princes and the minions. First interesting thing, we’re establishing the Rod is already into Rae and intends to pursue her but is letting Claire have her turn, I guess. Second interesting thing, everyone assuming it is a given that Rod will snatch Rae from Claire. To be fair, it is assumed at this point that Rod will be King, and none of them could imagine that Rae has such a fundamentally different view on marriage than the rest of them.
So now we enter that very weird stage in Rae and Claire’s relationship. They’ve finally acknowledged that Rae’s feelings are genuine and are requited, but they’re not actually together-together, yet. In Claire’s case, the issue is that all her social conditioning is telling her it is always the guy to make all the moves.
Apparently, Claire can get anxious whenever Rae acts overly familiar with anybody of the opposite gender. She knows Rae is gay, and will never fall for a man, but she doesn’t want any of them getting the wrong idea and thinking they can hit on her Rae.
Okay, so Loretta is also in love with Claire. I’m not surprised that so many characters are in love with our protagonists, but I find it somewhat comical that the canonically bi one only has other women falling for her, and it’s the lesbian who happens to also attract men. Claire is such a girl magnet, she might give even Manaria a run for her money if she really tried.
Also, unsurprisingly, Pepi has fallen for Loretta. Looks like that ship still has a chance to sail.
Dole is a master strategist and he knows Claire well. Even if Rae didn’t tell him, he would know Claire has a growing interest in anything to do with Rae. He likely acted the way he did on the trip to Euclid to intentionally make Claire feel she couldn’t stay in their summer home, and make spending the night with the Taylor’s seem all the more appealing. An underhanded and effective way for Claire to get first-hand experience on what life as a commoner is really like.
One thing the original novels didn’t touch on was what Rae Taylor was like before she met Claire. I know the manga has been exploring what BC Rae was like. My impression is she was a lot like the Pope, Clarice. A very stark contrast to how the present Rae acts, it’s no wonder the minions were so confused. It is a wonder why Misha never questioned it sooner.
I feel like this whole chapter was more for Loretta and Pepi’s development. There wasn’t much going on on Claire’s part we weren’t already aware of.
One of the more interesting developments is Pepi being tutored by Misha on using siren magic. There is no way they are proposing the idea of using a magical instrument to boost Pepi’s magic without following through. Considering the potential consequences, Pepi is not likely to use it unless Loretta is in imminent danger, and the only major conflict left is the revolution, so that’s concerning.
There were hints of it earlier, but now it is confirmed we have a human trafficking conspiracy, and of course poor Catherine’s family is in the centre of it. It doesn’t even seem like they are trying too hard to hide it so it’s only a matter of time before their house of cards crumbles. The only problem with that is just like with what happened to the Aurousseau’s, typically in this world the whole family is punished for the same crimes regardless of their involvement. If Claire were to decide to take matters into her own hands, that a-hole, Clément wouldn’t hesitate to use Catherine as a human shield, figuratively and literally.
Enter everyone’s third favourite character, who apparently can never catch a break, Lily.
And now we’ve found out that Pepi’s father is part of the aforementioned conspiracy. Which means now I have to worry about her AND Catherine, AND Loretta since her fiance that her family set her up with is also in the thick of this mess. As much as Pepi is worried about her father, I say he should go to hell with the rest of them. Pepi should worry more about herself (and her future wife).
Wait, wait, wait. If even Catherine, who is viewed as less than a pawn by her family, knows about Yu, how well kept is this secret? Could Yu’s potential reign have been any more compromised? If the royal family wasn’t already screwed by Dole’s schemes, what Rae did would have been considered a huge favour to them.
As Catherine rightly points out, Claire has yet to make her own confession, which is a huge part of why her relationship with Rae is stalling.
Hold on, did we ever establish before if Lily’s alter ego had a name? Okay, I just checked and in Lambert’s part in the previous volume, he did refer to the nasked stranger as Alter. It’s been a year since I read that and the name doesn’t appear anywhere else so I’m not surprised I forgot.
I would not be surprised if Salas was using the Achard’s human trafficking operation for his supply of test subjects. Bastard was doing all sorts of human experimentation, so he had to get his victims somehow.
It took me a moment to realise where Misha’s train of thought was going, but I will grant her it makes a lot of sense for what little she knows. I actually wouldn’t have held it against her if she turned Rae in. Rae might not have either. Claire definitely would have, though.
One thing I’m glad they addressed even if it didn’t occur to me, how does Rae cast antidote magic without a wand? She’s in prison, she shouldn’t have a wand, but apparently Dole pulled some strings on the sly. Anything for his partner-in-crime/future daughter-in-law.
As for the Misaki vision, since I finished the series, I’ve actually suspected that was TAIM’s doing, since she’s pulled similar stunts before.
And as soon as Claire returns from visiting Rae, she immediately wants to declare war on Queen Riche. Which I’d be down with. That bitch got a better ending than she deserved.
Volume 3 will probably be the last. Will Pepi and Loretta get together? Will Catherine finally be freed from her family of criminals? Will the Achard’s finally get their comeuppance? And what the hell was Claire up to during the whole revolution chapter since she ditched Rae?
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cordycepsfem · 11 months
Pageboy Readthrough, Part Eight
your reviewer had to read about EP's sex life with her own two eyes
this included the bizarre phrase "magnets sucking" which, I'm not going to lie, has possessed my entire brain since reading it
I'll be just sitting at work thinking work thoughts and then all of a sudden I'll magically hear a voice saying magnets sucking in my brain and remember why it is that 30-somethings should not be writing memoirs
anyway the rest of the chapter was about being homophobically attacked
your reviewer went off on a tangent about why Umbrella Academy Season Three sucked
we had a brief "we live in a society" moment
and then we had a much longer digression about anger being useful
by the end of it all EP owed me $64.80 (CAD) for everything I had to read with the only two human eyes I'm ever going to have
Also, I want to go off on a longer digression about this today: it finally hit me why this book is hard to read...
It's not well-written.
There's a lot of jumping back and forth between things that are happening now and things that happened previously, and then when we're reading about the now there are lots of side tangents about things that are also happening now or recently happened. There's not a straight line through a chapter.
Maybe this is what it's like in EP's head and for that she has my sincerest sympathy and understanding, as I don't think anyone's mind truly works in a linear way. But she also had, I assume, an editor or two who had the thing in front of them and could have helped but didn't. Again, this is my entire soapbox about 30-somethings writing memoirs: as a group nothing's happened to us miraculous enough to fill a memoir, and we're also not emotionally ready for people to tell us we're actually not that brilliant, so many of us would have a hard time taking direction. I don't know if EP's celebrity "wowed" whoever her editor was, and they just slapped a "You go guy!" sticker on it and sent it to the publisher, but... if I turned this in I would be embarrassed to read it back, partially for all of the embarrassing childhood things I would have shared but also because I wrote it in a way that says "linear plot line? fuck her" and expected everyone to love it.
But what do I know - I'm not on the New York Times bestseller list or anything. (Or am I? You don't know.)
Chapter Ten
EP tells us about being cast in An American Crime and meeting Catherine Keener
having not seen the film nor having any idea who this woman is, let's read on
ah, yes, I remember now:
An American Crime is about the horrific abuse of a young woman named Sylvia Likens
obviously acting in this role was a lot for EP, as it would be for any actor
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this part of the book is actually really tender, and I appreciate the detail EP puts into talking about how she would try to get the feeling of playing a horribly abused young woman out of her head
and for all I said about it not being written well, these two paragraphs felt absolutely solid in my chest:
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(apart from the fact that a metronome sets tempo, not speed, because again, I am a very specific type of asshole, and today apparently it's "pedantic about music" asshole)
EP talks about going to a restaurant in a train car that only serves pasta and I am once again jealous
she also talks about her eating disorder, smoking, drinking, and not sleeping as her basic routine, and I am once again saddened
she dates a guy who tells her she's not gay while they're having sex (see, this is where the whole timeline thing comes in - in a previous chapter she'd already come out, and now we're back before that happened)
when EP returns to Halifax she weighs 84 pounds (38.1 kg)
here are some other things that weigh approximately 84 pounds, according to the internet:
ten gallons of water
a baby rhino
2 bushels of gooseberries
a fiberglass canoe
16 bricks
2 sandbags
EP's mom is worried about her
a therapist gives her bad advice
EP gains some weight back and then goes to audition for Juno
we learn that before EP's mom was a French teacher she worked for Air Canada but is afraid of flying
we also learn that EP's mom is the daughter of Anglican minister
EP enters a sexual relationship with Olivia Thirlby and hangs out with Michael Cera and Jonah Hill and they make music and get stoned and walk around town together
oh and also they make Juno and it is good and EP loves making it
and things are better
and the next chapter opens with vomiting so it is here I must stop for the night
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t4tails · 1 year
oh you've seen the doll now lmao. this was part of an arc where Strange was jealous of Batman's "masculinity" and "raw power" and of his "magnetic effect on women" and the way he dealt with that was getting that sex doll and his own Batman suit that he put on in the hopes of feeling the "animal power and masculinity" that he thought Batman surely must feel every time he's in costume. He also kidnapped a woman while wearing it, iirc because she had rejected him before? he was acting like an extremely violent incel basically but because he's a Batman villain that means he also seemed really horny for Batman himself. They let this guy run Arkham
this is like when shounen gets so misogynist it becomes gay. he wants to fuck batman
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: January 13, 1997
Just tell me what you've got to say to me
I've been waiting for so long to hear the truth
It comes as no surprise at all you see
So cut the crap and tell me that we're through
Now, I know your heart, I know your mind
You don't even know you're being unkind
So much for all your highbrow Marxist ways
Just use me up and then you walk away
Boy, you can't play me that way
Well, I guess what you say is true
I could never be the right kind of girl for you
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
When I saw my best friend yesterday
She said she never liked you from the start
Well me, I wish that I could claim the same
But you always knew you held my heart
And you're such a charming, handsome man
Now I think I finally understand
Is it in your genes? I don't know
But I'll soon find out, that's for sure
Why did you play me this way?
Well, I guess what you say is true
I could never be the right kind of girl for you
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
Oh, I could never be your woman
Well, I guess what they say is true
I could never spend my life with a man like you
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
I could never be your woman
Oh, I could never be your woman
Irving Wallman / Bing Crosby / Prakash Mishra / Max Wartel
"Your Woman" is a song by British music producer White Town. It was released in January 1997 as the lead single from the album Women in Technology. It features a muted trumpet line taken from a 1932 recording of "My Woman" by Lew Stone and his Monseigneur Band. The song peaked at No. 1 on the UK Singles Chart. Outside the United Kingdom, the single reached No. 1 in Iceland, Israel and Spain, peaked within the top 10 on the charts of at least 12 countries, and reached No. 23 in the United States.
In the booklet of their 1999 album 69 Love Songs, The Magnetic Fields' frontman Stephin Merritt described "Your Woman" as one of his "favourite pop songs of the last few years." In 2010, the song was named the 158th best track of the 1990s by Pitchfork.
Jyoti Prakash Mishra, White Town's sole member and the writer of "Your Woman", had garnered some notoriety within the United Kingdom's underground music scene in the years leading up to the song's mainstream release. In 1997, the song was heard by Mark Radcliffe (a BBC Radio 1 presenter at the time) who played it, helping Mishra gain much recognition in a short time.
Mishra has stated that the lyrics could stem from or be related to multiple situations. He says "When I wrote it, I was trying to write a pop song that had more than one perspective. Although it's written in the first person, the character behind that viewpoint isn't necessarily what the casual listener would expect".
Mishra wrote that the themes of the song include: "Being a member of an orthodox Trotskyist/Marxist movement. Being a straight guy in love with a lesbian. Being a gay guy in love with a straight man. Being a straight girl in love with a lying, two-timing, fake-arse Marxist. The hypocrisy that results when love and lust get mixed up with highbrow ideals." Mishra admitted that being signed to a major label (EMI) did not allow him to express creative control, and the loss of his anonymity due to the song's popularity drove him "mad".
The '>Abort, Retry, Fail?_' message that appeared on some inlay cards was explained by the artist: "Well, this cheerful message became a kind of shibboleth for me and sort-of characterises what's been going on for me the last few years." The song was created using free MIDI sequencing software for the Atari ST and a cheap multitrack cassette tape recorder.
The accompanying music video for "Your Woman" was produced in black and white silent film style. Most of the outdoor scenes were filmed in Derby.
In the video, there are numerous elements of acting, cinematography and editing that suggest an old fashioned film style. The exaggerated gestures of Chloé Treend, the hat wearing woman, helpless and fearful, and those of her quick tempered lover hint at the acting style from 1920s expressionist films. The ostensive metaphors, such as the use of hypnosis on the woman by the man or the recurring shots of crossroad signs bearing names of romantic relationship related attitudes, remind of the 1920s and 1930s efforts to express subjectivism in film.
The use of circular masks, as to emphasise focal points or for a mere elegant look, also belongs to the aforementioned period. At the point where the woman first enters the man's bedroom and in the final rope scene, match cuts are used in a manner resemblant of that from silent experimental films. Mishra can be seen for brief moments on television screens in the background.
There is also a scene where the woman closes the door on the man's arm, as she tries to escape from his advances. This is a direct reference to scene from Salvador Dalí and Luis Buñuel's surrealist film Un chien andalou (1928).
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allhappyandgay · 1 year
Rink-O-Mania: Bonus Content
First things first, we have the scene transition from Hopper being tortured by suffocation to Mike and El hopping out of the SBP van and joining hands—which can be added to the long list of fucked up mileven associations lol. seriously though, way to remind us of the stifling parentification of Mike by showing El’s dad yet again in the process of being killed mere seconds before a seemingly innocent mileven hand-holding…
I have so any feelings about the next few minutes, let’s see if my translation does them any justice.
So El goes to parties here… and Will does not. but he did clock the socks they sell at the counter, and he’s looked Mike up-and-down enough times since he arrived to know he wasn’t wearing any. Will, you devious dog. who said Will left his spite back in s3? no, the fight they have just a few scenes later is when he leaves it behind.
Of course, in reality, neither Will nor El actively goes to parties there, but El’s the one who forgot about the socks. she simply looks to Mike expectantly after telling him nothing more than the fact that he needs them; did she even know there were socks available at the counter for this exact type of situation?
Either way, Will did. but if this is only his first or second time at Rink-O-Mania (did he come to the party held there for Joyce’s work too? or was it only El, and Will just knew about it? if it’s the ladder, he’s never been; if it’s the former, well… he doesn’t strike me as an open-toed shoes kinda guy), how’d he know they sell socks at the counter unless he noticed them when they were getting their skates? even Mike was looking right in their direction despite being in the middle of sneaking one of his many peeks at will—but to be fair I don’t think he’d care anyway, he was fully ready to put his feet into those skates without protection until El said anything.
But Will jumps in to save the day with a brush (let’s be honest, it was more of a light slap; a well-deserved light slap) against Mikes bare leg with the back of his hand—anything to be as close as possible after, but not exclusive to, his rejected hug at the airport. Sigh. that Gay Teen Moment when your best friend, whom you’re in love with, starts avoiding your touch like the plague out of nowhere. *shudders*
Mike reacts to this gesture as if it shocked him—are they? are ‘friends’ electric, Michael? and this is the main thing I want to talk about; mike and wills behavior around each other as both best friends and romantic interests, because they interestingly swap places in a way right at this moment that will touches him.
Mike was introduced at the airport as physically distant, cold, and indifferent toward Will. he could barely hug him, and then proceeded to act unbothered and uninterested, never initiating conversation. know what this reminds me of? the classic “if you want her to like you, make her think you don’t care” spiel that dudes on TV give each other when asked for advice with girls. and what do the girls in question always end up thinking about this? “seems like you’ve made it super clear that you’re not interested in anything I have to say.”
There’s a lot going on in Mikes head right now, but after the awkward reunion I think his jealously surrounding the painting is at the forefront. he’s holding on to these feelings tight by bringing them to mind each time his eyes move to Will out of curious habit, as if he’s a magnet he can’t help but bore holes into; his grown face asking to be memorized, somehow illuminated in the dim blue and yellow covering the rink like an encapsulated cove, oblivion of natural light. there’s only a few things that would make him say ‘fuck it’—subconsciously or not—and let his grudge fade to the back of his head to give Will the level of attention he wants to. the most Mike will give him right now are looks, but Will’s barely talking anyway, strengthening Mikes jealously and fueling his attitude.
Will is ecstatic; these past few months he’s been so lost without Mike. He waits next to El for him to come into view at the airport—eclipsed by his own rose-tinted world, clutching his very love for this boy in his hands, ready to give it to him. he can’t stop smiling, overtaken by the anticipation of that butterfly inducing, heart dropping feeling when you register the person you’re looking for, and then flooded with a familiar settling of nerves among the crowd of strangers. he’s practically jumping in place waiting his turn to hold Mike, to feel his body click into place around his, for Mike’s chin to fall onto his shoulder again; it’s been missing since last summer.
Then we come full circle back to Will grazing his leg, directing him to the counter at Rink-O-Mania. Mike’s head spins at the contact, his brain rewiring itself as he gets up to do what Will told him. It’s not the same as the hug; he could feel Will begin to pull him in, gripping his pack behind him as to never let him go, but Mike implemented what was possibly already rehearsed, and held back then. now he’s walking up to the counter and it’s like nothing else matters anymore, sparks going off in his chest and on his leg where he can still feel Wills hand. maybe it’s just for a moment, but suddenly Mike is back at school and his crush has saved a seat for him. he comes up with a shitty joke and makes his way back to Will and El, legs moving faster by their own volition when he spots the Byers boy through a sea of people. now instinctively, not only are his eyes drawn to him, but his entire body, and he throws himself at Will—popping both their space bubbles as he takes back his spot between him and El. he brushes his leg against Will’s, the desire to be closer is now a need, even if subtle, even if your legs are already spread ridiculously far apart…
There were a good 6 inches between Mike and Will before he went to get socks, and now their knees are touching? after Mike quite literally lunged at him as if he was shot out of a cannon—Will had to move out of the way because Mike got so close—his hand almost lands on Will’s own, but he moves it just in time. the space gets obviously smaller as Will and El have their talk while Mikes gone; first Will scoots a bit to our right, then slowly turns inward to the space between them. then when Mike comes back he almost sits on El’s hand because he’s halfway turned to Will, and then scoots over to him more so that he’s in the middle. very interesting choices, directors.
Mike hasn’t directly spoken to Will on-screen since the airport; whatever was keeping him from doing so has melted away, if only momentarily, and he looks Will straight in the eyes as he asks a question that may or may not require a response depending on the circumstances. here I think Mike just meant to get a laugh out of it; whether at the oddness of requesting vomit green, the fact that the request was delivered, or his attempt at joking with Will itself—his own olive branch. as he does this, Mike gradually leans his leg needlessly closer to Will’s, bringing them together.
Mike takes a breath of air and bounces his knees after the skit misses with Will, similar to the breath he draws after Will turns away, flustered, at his “you didn’t have to [say it],” later on. these small expressions sort of let us in on Mike’s awareness of the situation; that it isn’t just Will at the rink who’s being rejected or ignored, but Mike who is trying and failing at interacting with Will as well. if he really was just giving Will the cold shoulder this whole time, why show him trying to keep his cool after getting the same treatment? this shows the audience that the situation is more complicated than that. it’s simple body language.
Alright, onto what got me writing this in the first place:
What is Will thinking after Mike’s sock joke???
I was watching this scene and all I could think of was text-posts of his death glare with things like “what is wrong with you” or “why am I in love with you” or “you embarrass me, you beautiful bastard,” you know, love/hate shit like that (but actually clever and not off the top of my head), and I had an epiphany about their friends-to-lovers relationship.
We return to The Leg Touch.
“They- they sell them at the counter.” Im staring at this stammer directly in the face, folks. obviously it could be nothing, but delivery is everything.
Now Im gonna digress for a minute and talk about crushes. or rather, the way people act around crushes, and people they like.
When you like someone, you want to impress them, and you don’t want to disappoint them. think of Mike with Eddie; he walks around his words, laughs at his insulting jokes, lets him throw food at his head without consequence. you sort of let them get away with anything because you’re focused on the parts of them that you’re drawn to, everything else can slide. that’s what makes a crush, a crush. and we see Eddie being more authentic around the other older teens, while around Mike (since he’s not there for his Eddie’s arc) he’s got this extra layer of ‘cool’ on in the comfort of the school and in the eyes of who he deems ‘lost sheep’ compared to, well, everything that follows. we learn who Eddie truly is as the season progresses, but Mike does not—he’s got a romanticized version of him in his head. and a crush can turn into something more, you may like what you find after getting to know someone you’re lusting over, but that’s the beauty of the friends-to-lovers trope; this process sort of goes backwards.
Mike and Will are best friends first. they’ve known each other their whole lives, and their feelings aren’t new—although presenting in a new light considering their age and time spent apart. this doesn’t mean they aren’t down bad though, especially Mike (I’ll come back to Wills side of this later).
Will points Mike to the counter after giving El the opportunity of a few seconds to do it herself, with which she just looks on in silence—exactly as he’d planned. her eyes grow wide for a moment at the new information, which is why I really don’t think she knew about the socks to begin with. was Will saving the sock knowledge to see if El would come through, the way he ended up doing? or to watch on as her lies fall apart and a fight ensues? but Mike doesn’t question her lack of a solution for his naked feets (sorry) and instead starts to panic a bit. so Will nudges him—a short-lived caressing—and his mouth moves faster than his brain, making him stammer a bit. after Mike saunters off he decides to put down his skate and confront El because Mike is his friend and he doesn’t deserve to be lied to. right now Will is holding on tight to his and Mike’s friendship, the whole day a reminder that they can be nothing more—a reminder that he’ll never fall in love.
But this doesn’t mean he is unaware of how Mike (and El by extension) is treating him—he’s been a total third wheel all day, and Mike has made it super clear he’s not interested in anything he has to say. it’s been miserable.
But do you remember how he was introduced in this episode? full of love and giddiness, smiling with his teeth before Mike had even gotten there. he’d spent their separation channeling his heartsickness and infatuation into a piece of physical art, illustrating the Mike that he knows—that he’s known his entire life—a rendering of emotional value that he would one day gift to him. there’s no doubt he is in love with Mike. he isn’t giving off a desired impression, or making a fool of himself; he is simply in love with his best friend.
Remember when I said Mike and Will swap places? Mike comes back from the counter speaking directly to Will; he let his touch override his system—the one that was set to give Will the least amount of attention as possible (whether he’s been secretly stealing glances or not) up until now. meanwhile Will stares at him and El with the most ‘done’ look in his eyes lol. he’s not doing shit to fool anybody into thinking he’s having a good time; he may not say how he feels unless provoked, but he wouldn’t fake a smile for Mike even if he could.
It’s like in Young Royals, how Wilhelm thinks he and Simon are instantly back together each time Simon is nice to him, and Simon just gives him the silent treatment and essentially tells him to back off before going home to write songs about Wille with the sweater he stole from him up to his nose. Ah, young love, desperately wanting things to go back to how they were—and having the opportunity to do so—but also wanting to prove to yourself and to them that you refuse to take yourself for granted, no matter how little you actually care about what started the quarrel in the first place.
And I thought Will wouldn’t take himself for granted, expected him to pick up his spite and go if things turned out how they actually ended up turning out; arguments unresolved, tension at full blast, blame in all the wrong places. I thought of Will’s confrontational tendency, his lack of a facade to match Mike and El’s, like the miscommunication of the party’s coordinated halloween costumes two seasons ago.
But then I remembered the aftermath of the rain fight, how he wouldn’t accept an apology from Lucas, shutting down the prospect that he was even owed one—as if in that time he’d made up his mind on something about himself. I remembered his loss for words after Mike’s “why is this on me? why am I the bad guy?” and then, later, believing he deserved everything.
So instead he leaves it—his spite—in the confines of Rink-O-Mania. maybe in the employee’s closet where El hid from the truth, from her bullies, from her past; similar to Will’s own Castle Byers—the one he destroyed out of resentment of what he thinks he’ll never have—where he too hid from the same things; his sexuality, Troy and James, Lonnie.
When you’re rejected in every aspect of your life over and over and over again, you start to internalize it; you start to feel like a mistake. your brain learns to twist situations to make you think that you deserve the bad things that happen to you after years of experience. if Will believes he deserved the treatment he got since Mike landed in Lenora, what’s stopping him from feeling like being taken, possessed, and forever linked to that place—never free from that dark, cold, disease-ridden underworld—was something he had coming to him, simply for being different.
Something Vecna knows about him, has experienced himself, and even better, knows exactly how to exacerbate to a convinced sense of worthlessness of one’s self (pun unintended).
I was going to apologize and explain that I read A Little Life a couple weeks ago and I haven’t recovered (iykyk), but honestly… It is that deep.
Will has resigned himself to never having his feelings returned by Mike, or anyone at all for that matter. it’s just not for him, the thing that all his friends have, that his brother has, that his mom has. maybe that’s another thing he deserves—or, doesn’t deserve: to ‘fall in love.’
Mike drops everything in an attempt to win Will over with a stupid sock story, all because he went haywire over the slightest unexpected skin-on-skin contact, meanwhile what it takes for Will to drop everything—all the conflict without resolution—is the desperation to keep Mike as at least his friend.
So he does take himself for granted, and he decides he isn’t worthy of an apology or an explanation before Mike even tries to give one. he takes full responsibility without expecting Mike to answer for his shitty behavior; he just wants his friend back.
Will spent the first half of the episode overtly rolling his eyes, moping, barely talking—and possibly keeping helpful information to himself until the right moment (I see u spicy Will)—all because he was jealous of the attention El was getting from Mike; because he had to third wheel the love of his life and his girlfriend. he thought he had a rightful place next to El as Mikes life-long best friend, expected a similar level of interaction having not seen each other in what’s felt like a year—of which he’s called maybe a couple times but sent a book-full of letters to El.
I just can’t believe he actually buried his feelings and got to work at keeping them together—and by that I mean I can believe it, it is so believable because that’s all gay characters are for, putting a good word in for the secret love of their life’s significant other! if Will doesn’t have a chance, maybe he can at least put his feelings to some use by offering Mike emotional support and reassuring him about his relationship, no matter how badly it hurts.
He probably realized he’d been acting ridiculous at the rink, stupid for even thinking he was allowed to act on his feelings, to think he had the right to an opinion. this is their world, and he’s just living in it. he was being a total jerk to El, he did deserve it, because it wasn’t even his place to be upset to begin with.
But wait… what’s that? I hear a soft voice meant for Wills ears, and Wills ears alone… hark! could it be? Michael?
“No. no, no, no. you didn’t deserve anything.”
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
sorry if i’m sending way too many i just love hearing what u have to say abt these characters skjdjd now i’m curious, thoughts on carmen’s vile roommates (crackle, tigress, le chevre, el topo, mime bomb)?
How I feel about this character: mmmmmm he's. ah. he's extremely funny (not because of anything he says. just as a concept. crikeycore if you will). but i hate him a little bit! of the opinion that they should not have made him flirt with carmen!!!!! All the people I ship romantically with this character: tigress sometimes i guess? also i shipped him with chase once which was hilarious would do it again My non-romantic OTP for this character: really honestly and truly do not have one i do not know what the fuck is going on with him. he's either mean or tied up with carmen's plotlines My unpopular opinion about this character: they either should have fucking kept him as an operative or left him alone once they wiped his mind and i think the former would have been MUCH more interesting One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i guess i just said it above. i also think it would have been funny if carmen actually killed him
How I feel about this character: SHE CNA BE SHIPPED WITH EVERYONE SHE'S SO FUNNY also extremely special to me in fanon only. canon? she's fine. fandom tigress is where it's REALLY at though All the people I ship romantically with this character: OKAY tigess as i said is THE rarepair magnet. paper star, carmen, ivy, julia, cracker...which has done things with tigress man....she's either straight or gay and never both though My non-romantic OTP for this character: mmm?? idk it sort of depends on who i'm shipping her with at the moment yknow? if she's being straight she can have such friendships and rivalries. if she's beign gay she can have such friendships and rivalries. My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if i have one. i would have liked to see her get a little bit of conflict over evil carmen...some depth on that subject. idk One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: leaned into the catgirl thing more. they did. but at the same time making her a warrior cats kid on the playground okay? also i want her backstory
le chevre
How I feel about this character: hehe. goat man. idk he's funny. he acts so tough but he's just a little guy yknow? All the people I ship romantically with this character: el topo its always el topo My non-romantic OTP for this character: i actually love his and black sheep's (very limited) friendship when we see it. him offering to let carmen go and tell no one in boston..etc. My unpopular opinion about this character: i actually think he was handled very well and I like him! none here One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: gay sex gay sex gay sex (ok no im kidding. but yknow. more canon confirmation on jeantonio would have been awesome)
el topo
How I feel about this character: he's!!!!! yes. my little gay underground little guy. i actually wish they'd developed him just a bit more. that line in tsonts about being pawns- where did the belief come from? is he's so kindhearted, what drove him to vile? All the people I ship romantically with this character: le chevre its always le chevre My non-romantic OTP for this character: i love his friendship with absolutely everyone in the graduating class. tigress, crackle (he hugs him!! that was sweet!!), black sheep. he's just cool a cool little guy My unpopular opinion about this character: mmmm i dont think i have one here either. i like him and i think my views of him are pretty dead on with the majority of the fandom One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: GAY SEX GAY SEX GAY SEX (no im also kidding its pretty much the same wish as le chevre's was)
mime bomb
How I feel about this character: he's actually the funniest person here All the people I ship romantically with this character: slimebomb is a pretty cool ship i like that one. tigbomb is also pretty fun, but that sort of had its moment and then died loll My non-romantic OTP for this character: zack, thank you mangokat! also i think he and neal platonically is extremely funny also. him and carmen should have been friends My unpopular opinion about this character: i think it would have been cool if he was deaf, or used sign language in some capacity. i dont think thats horribly unpopular but idk there you go One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: well, what i said above, i guess. as a complete joke i think it would have been funny if they had fake outtakes (like the barbie movies?? do you know what im talking about) and had mime bomb come up behind tigress, say "no one will ever believe you" and then never say anything again
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