#that being said if you work there and you're reading this. sorry about that. hiiiiiiii. im a very employable nice young man dont scroll dow
sergeifyodorov · 8 months
oh dear i forgot to edit the word bitches out of piece of sample JOURNALISTIC writing for a REAL HUMAN JOB APPLICATION. it's fine i wasn't gonna get it anyway we're all chill here.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 7 months
CONGRATS FOR YOUR MILESTONE!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! And you're one out of the only 5 twst/om writing blogs I have notifs on for, your writing and blog aesthetic makes me so happy!!!
For a request, could you write Kalim sparring with a reader who's a good fighter? It's my personal hc that Kalim can throw a punch of two due to Jamil drilling various self defense techniques into his head. But the whole sparring thing is very lighthearted and fun, since Kalim is not really interested in fighting anyone (especially the person he has a crush on, wink wink 👀) and his fighting partner is not interested in hurting him either. Everything just turns into them being silly and getting into a tickle fight instead or something.
If it's not something in your comfort zone, that's okay! I still wanted to drop by and congratulate you for your hard work. Requests or no requests, writing is content that deserves to be praised and celebrated to thank you! Sorry for the long ask erifidnwyrkd ~ray
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COMMENTS: THANK YOU! 💖 I'm always so happy when people tell me they like what I write that much. That's why I love writing this. This is where I feel most appreciated. 🥰
In fact, I am a coward. 😅 So I'm not very familiar with knowing how to fight. But still, I hope I got around it well. As you can see from the number of words, I ended up having fun writing it. I hope you and all have fun reading it too. 😉
CHARACTERS: Kalim Al-Asim x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader
WORD COUNT: 1.150 words
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CONTEXT: Jamil and Kalim used to train from time to time. One way for Jamil to guarantee that, in an emergency, where he wasn't present, Kalim would have any chance of defending himself and escaping or something like that.
But that day, due to some complication at the basketball club, Jamil couldn't train with Kalim. However, he remembers that he already saw you defending yourself against some NRC students, and thinks you might be a good replacement. And maybe, in a way, it would be an interesting idea to have Kalim fight against you, knowing that he has a crush on you.
So, he calls you and asks you for this favor, and assured you that he would somehow repay you.
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You arrive in Scarabia, without Grim. He knew that in Scarabia they liked to have banquets from time to time and he loves to eat. But Jamil wasn't there to cook a feast and probably most of the food he would get is the food that Kalim likes to shove down his throat. So he decided he would be better off with just tuna in Ramshackle.
You've just walked through the front door when...
“HIIIIIIII!” Kalim greets you, while running towards you. He has the cutest smile on his face. “How was your day? Do you want to eat anything? Jamil left some really good things in the fridge.”
You tell him that you already ate some time ago, so you would be ready to train with him as soon as you arrived in Scarabia.
“Train? Train what? AH! Is there a test I forgot?!”
You say no and ask if Jamil hadn't told you what he had told you.
“Oh! That. Ha ha HA HA! Sorry, I guess I got so excited when he told me you were coming that I forgot to pay attention to the rest of the conversation. Hum... Don't tell him that, pleeease.”
You promise you won't say anything and he thanks you with an appreciative smile. You remember that Jamil had said that he had left some papers with instructions for training somewhere. When you ask Kalim about this, he doesn't know where they are, but he can guess by knowing Jamil. Or maybe Jamil only knew where to put them because he knew Kalim would forget.
You see the papers and as you would expect, they are all self-defense techniques, where you would be Kalim's aggressor. Techniques for him to defend himself from punches, knives, being grabbed by the arm, neck, etc. You didn't like the idea of even pretending to attack Kalim, but it was the instructions and it was for his own good. Right?
“Can I see the papers?” Kalim asks you when he sees the slight discomfort in your expression. You hand him the papers, he takes a look at them and smiles. “Ah, the same as always. Don't worry, this seems to be just a review. Jamil does this a lot since he says I'm very forgetful. It's okay. Nothing very difficult. You just have to pretend to attack me.” But your discomfort doesn't leave your face. “Hum? What's wrong? You're not feeling well?”
You tell him that you don't want to hurt him and that you don't really like the idea of attacking him, even if it's just pretending.
“I don't want to hurt you either. Not even Jamil, despite what he tells me to do. But we don't need to do this training like the ones I do with Jamil, right? I really hope not, otherwise I'm going to lose all the rounds.” He says with a slightly embarrassed smile. You ask why. “Because like I said, I don't want to hurt you, so I think I'll end up letting you win every time. Ha ha. AH! That's it! Why don't we play fight? Some of my siblings like to do it. We don't need to take this so seriously, we can just have fun. Right? What do you think?”
You think about it and agree. And both of you also agree that it's okay as long as Jamil doesn't get upset. Or finds out.
The "training" started normally. But it was when he got to the part of training to defend himself from knives that Kalim had an idea. He went to get one of those thick markers, took off the cap and said: “You know paintball right? The goal is not to get hit by the paint. Why don't we try to do something like that?” He hands you the marker. He removes his coat and other accessories from his torso until only his white shirt remains. “You're going to try to paint me and I have to dodge it. It'll be fun, you'll see.” he says with a big amused smile.
You ask if he doesn't think Jamil will be upset with him for ruining his shirt.
“Maybe, but don't worry, I can buy lots more where this one came from. Ha ha ha.”
He was right, that was fun. You forgot that you were training self-defence and looked more like a couple playing. At one point, Kalim managed to grab your wrist and steal your marker. And he looked at you with that rare mischievous smile of his. “My turn!”
You seemed surprised. What does he mean his turn? Weren't you the attacker? But then he looks at you and straightens up.
“Oh. You should take off your coat first. I'll get a better see if I catch you with the marker on your white shirt.” You hesitate. You don't have many shirts like that. “If I ruin the shirt I can buy you a new one, or two, or as many as you want. No problem!... Pleeease? I'm having so much fun with you!” He's making puppy eyes.
You agree and take off your coat and accessories. You continue that "training" until there comes a time when both of you have kind of given up on defending yourselves and are already covered in paint streaks on your shirts, arms and even your face. You realize you dropped the marker and can't find it.
“You lose your weapon?” Kalim says “Well, it looks like there's now only one way to find out who wins.” And he attacks you with tickles. “Surrender!”
You try to resist, but end up really surrendering. Kalim was too good at tickling. And as soon as you know it, the two of you were on the floor, practically hugging each other. He smiles affectionately at you.
“I wish you were in Scarabia. We could have fun like this every day. I could see you and be with you every day for much longer.”
Your noses were almost touching when Jamil appears and drops his training bag to make a noise that would get both of your attention. He looked bothered. “WHAT?! Why are you two-? OH, for the patience of the great seven.” he sighs.
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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stephaniebrownslover · 4 months
It was really a bad entrance but WHO CARES???
I came to place 'cause I want to learn Creepypasta's close friends/friends in your main AU, really I don't know why I feel so curious for this..
Have a good day/night sweet person <333333
Omg I'm about to cry. Amazing writer???? You guys really want to give me a heart attack. I got so excited whenever someone asks me something and you can't even guess what I feel when someone says they like my writing.
I think you asked this because of that relationship chart but I also want to assume you read some of my posts because I always end them with saying "long ass post" lol
And my AU is mostly a BFF universe and lol don't worry you're not making me tired or something and I'm more than happy to write for your request!!
Ps: If you guys need elaboration on any of this friendships, let me know so that I can make a short post about it!
Also I want to apologize for the delay but I had no energy or motivation because of my upcoming finals. I wanted to write for the other 13 normal friends but I didn't want to postpone this request more. So I apologize for lack of writing!
It may seem short but actually this is almost my longest work for this AU
Frindships in my main AU
Year: 2014
Close friends
Toby and (Eyeless) Jack: In general, it can be said that they have a close relationship. If Toby is still conscious when he is injured, he refuses to go to another medic that is not Jack, and although it is actually a bit dangerous situation, Jack likes it. Jack generally listens to Toby's conversation about the newest topic of his interest and asks him what he is curious about. Toby often visits Jack's cabin because he really likes his company and knows that Jack is very lonely and doesn't want that. Jack shouldn't be alone unless he it is necessary. And Toby is volunteered for this. Despite the occasional arguments, they have a really friendly and close friendship relation.
Jeff and (Eyeless) Jack: They have a one-sided close friendship, mostly in the form of Jeff seeing Jack as a close friend to himself. Of course, they're friends, and they hang out and talk together sometimes, but if it's up to Jack, Jeff is just an annoying friend to him. Jeff, on the other hand, considers Jack as one of his closest friends. Despite the fact that he made fun of him countless times. However, Jeff never makes fun of Jack's past because he knows his limits and truly respects the eyeless demon.
Ben and Jeff: Close friends that causes a terrible headache. Together they are determined to make everyone else crazy, and everyone hates their relationship. They constantly play games, make fun of each other and others, talk about silly topics and do a ton of other stupid things. Actually, even though Jeff is 20 years old and Ben is 12 years old, Ben generally has a mixation of adult and child mentality, and they can get along because Jeff's own mind is normally like that. Even though it sometimes doesn't seem like it from the outside, they really value each other as friends. Still, it's better if they're not friends.
Sally and Ben: Sally was a pretty angry ghost at first, and that's why, unlike Ben, she was acting younger than her own age, 13. When Ben came to the mansion, she refused to talk to him because she did not want the attention to shift from herself. However, Ben did not give up on his goal to talk to her, and eventually Sally overcame her hatred for him. They're pretty good friends now, and even though Ben is the younger one, he's being incredibly protective of Sally in general. When Ben sees something nice, he takes it and gives it to Sally, and Sally makes gifts for him with her own hands. It's a relationship that Slenderman approves of because he thinks it's good for Sally.
Ann and Dina: Actually, they don't really have a friendship at all. Dina hates Ann, and Ann believes that they are the closest friends. And she thinks that the reason Dina attacks her every chance she sees is because of a big mistake Ann made, and since Dina has a forgiving mindset anyway, Ann doesn't mind dealing with her. The reason Ann believes this was because Dina, who thought Ann was still alive when she came back to life, tried to help, but when Dina found out that she was a zombie, she hated Ann because of her hatred towards supernatural things. Ann thinks that she is someone from her previous life that she does not remember, except for medical information.
Jane and Liu: Jane actually never hated Liu. She even felt sorry for him. Moreover, since she thought that the right to revenge belonged most to Liu, but she still wanted it for herself, they made a deal. The first person who found Jeff was going to kill him. Their relationship, which began when Liu visited Jane in the hospital and told her what had happened, was strengthened by their desire for revenge and eventually turned into a real friendship. Liu is a writer known by an anonymous name, and Jane is a secret agent working for the government. Since they both want to stay hidden from the public eye, they can easily understand each other, this is their common denominator. In fact, Liu is one of Jane's few friends.
Tim and Brian: They don't have exactly a friendship anymore like they used to. It's more that they have a relationship like two lonely souls who understand each other in endless suffering and do their best to alleviate this pain, with understanding each other. Even though too many events have come between them to allow them to be friends again, they have managed to overcome it. It's just that their new life doesn't allow them to have fun the way they used to. However, this does not mean they are completely unhappy, they feel peace from each other's partnership, and Tim, in particular, is ready to sacrifice everything for his last remaining friend Brian. They understand each other better than anyone since they are on of the few of the proxies who still have their memory.
Nina and Clockwork: They have a pretty good relationship that started with Clockwork helping Nina out of pity, and then developed with Nina not letting Clockwork go because of her dream of having a girlfriend for the first time. Their relationship is quite intimate and sincere. They really care about each other, and although Clockwork has trained Nina in self-defense, she still instinctively tries to protect Nina in every dangerous situation. They are both each other's first girlfriends as people who have only been bullied by other girls before, and therefore there is a special bond between them. Even though Nina sometimes bores Clockwork with her excessive energy, the bond between them is too strong to be deconstructed by such things.
Nina and Toby: Nina actually met Toby through Clockwork and immediately felt close to him. On the other hand, although Toby was quite cold to her at first despite Clockwork's words to be nice, Nina managed to melt the ice of Toby's heart over time. They definitely have a very chaotic relationship, and when the two of them get together, it becomes a complete nightmare for other people. Especially during the manic periods when Toby's energy is high. Nevertheless, Nina, who knows that this period is dangerous, and tries to distract them both with activities that will not harm Toby. Toby then brings her random beautiful items he found from the forest as a thank you. Nina has a growing collection of fancy stones.
Kate and Toby: Since Toby is the first person who doesn't act like a monster to Kate, Toby is the person Kate feels closest to as a friend. In fact, they have a twin siblings style relationship more than a friend relationship, they hate each other, but actually care about each other quite a lot. Toby is constantly makes fun of Kate, and Kate, who knows that he doesn't feel pain, responds in a way that is not physically extreme. They constantly do arm wrestling tournament challenges and something like this. Kate definitely doesn't let anyone hurt Toby but herself, and Toby is trying to help Kate communicate more people by introducing her to his friends.
Toby and Clockwork: In addition to being two lovers who care about each other more than anything, they are also each other's first friends, and they met even before everything. Both lovers and best friends. From time to time, they may be jealous of each other from others, and then they can make a top 10 celebrity list that they would like to date together. Toby always puts Clockwork at the top of this list, and Clockwork also says that she's not a celebrity, but actually she finds it very stupid and cute. They spend time together in a friendly way, except for romantic affairs, because they are not only lovers, but also friends to death.
Toby and Cody: Although Cody is only 17 years old, he is mentally able to adapt to Toby, who is 19 years old wonderfully. Cody's intense love of science combined with Toby's endless curiosity are not very pleasant things, but Cody incredibly enjoys teaching him. Cody is happy that he has finally found someone who listens to what others consider impossible nonsense and really tries to understand, even if Toby does stupid things. And Toby is happy that he can show off to everyone what a smart friend he has. Also, when Cody first arrived, Slenderman gave Toby the task of observing Cody. They have more of a two stupid brother-style relationship.
Cody and Ann: Although it's a relationship that seems surprising, there's a solid foundation of respect between the two of them. Ann found Cody annoying at first, but later decided to keep him with her because his being so curious evoked strange feelings in her. She thinks that these feelings belong to her previous life, and she thinks that a child with whom she feels close can help her remember her past. At the same time, Cody is Ann's assistant, and Ann taught him important medical knowledge. Cody and Ann understand each other and know how to respect the other person's boundaries. Besides, it's nice to have a silent partner once in a while.
Zero and Dina: Although they are two people who met through Helen and Puppeteer and their personalities are quite opposite to each other, they usually get along well. In fact, they can almost be called better friends than Helen and Jonathan. One of Dina's few friends is surprisingly Zero, even if their personalities don't match up much. Zero is constantly chasing after Dina and dragging her from there to there. Dina, on the other hand, enjoys it because Zero is the person who cares about her the most after her lover Helen. Even though they do the activities that Dina likes from time to time, they usually do Zero's suggestions since Dina fits into almost every plan. Zero is an extremely rip-roaring person, and Dina is usually a calm person, but they get along well.
Zero and Clockwork: It could literally be the most dangerous and crazy relationship in the world. When the two of them get together, something definitely goes wrong for someone. Even Toby and Nina are afraid of the relationship of those two. They tried kissing once before when they were drunk. Even if it doesn't look like it, they both really care about each other. Although their personalities are compatible, no one knows how two such difficult people met and Clockwork and Zero are determined to keep it a private secret between them. They are also among the few people who know each other's real names, and despite this, they use the names they want to be called because of their respect for each other. Truly a terribly chaotic friendship.
Helen and Jonathan: Although others sometimes wonder how they put up with each other, they mostly get along, and that's reason enough for them to be close friends. Helen hasn't been able to get along with anyone except Dina since high school, and Puppeteer is a good exception for him. Even though Jonathan takes incredible pleasure in annoying him. They've even introduced other friends who are the most important to each other, and every now and then the four of them hang out together. Although the two of them have big arguments from time to time, usually the cause of this argument, Jonathan, somehow manages to make amends to Helen. He is lucky that Helen doesn't hold a grudge against his friends.
Rouge and Kate: Although they have a strange relationship, more like Rouge acting like a mother to Kate, Kate prefers to characterize their relationship dynamics as friends. Rouge, on the other hand, puts Kate in the place of her own daughter and acts overprotective and maternal towards her at every chance. Even though such familial love bothers Kate because that makes her feel confused, she knows that Rouge has no bad intentions, so Kate cares and respects her. Also, it makes her feel better to know that Rouge acts like a mother not only to her, but also to Toby. She knows Rouge's real name, but prefers to call her Rouge instead of Heather unless they are alone.
Rouge and Toby: Similarly, Rouge also puts Toby in the place of her own unborn child, and of course Toby likes that she is ready to kick everyone's ass, including Tim, to protect him. It's nice to know that he has his own bodyguard, he just wishes Rouge wouldn't angrily take him to Ann when he's injured since he's old enough to make his own irresponsible decisions. He likens Rouge's attitude to the style of the woman named Connie in the memoir fragments in a way that he doesn't remember exactly why, and in a strange way, a feeling of both love and emptiness occurs in him. However, Toby has a lot of respect and love for Rouge.
Zero and Kagekao: They have a relationship that no one knows why they are friends, but everyone understands why they are friends. They both like a sense of fun that pushes the boundaries to the fullest, and sometimes they go hunting victims together. Since Zero and Kagekao's fashion sense is similar, they also get along better than others in this regard. Both of them are extremely annoying to each other and death threats are flying around, but they definitely wouldn't try to kill the other. After all, they are two cool friends with similar personalities to each other, and no one can be better than them. 
Jeff and Nina: Actually, Nina was madly in love with Jeff, but she eventually cooled off from him because of Jeff's bad attitude to her, and they never spoke until Jeff made amends by apologizing on the anniversary of Liu's death. Although Jeff doesn't remember that night, he gets along better with Nina because he's trying to be a less terrible person, and Nina appreciates his effort. Now they have a relationship more like brother and sister, and Jeff is protective of Nina against others, which Nina really likes. The common desire of both of them is that Nina's new girlfriend Kate tries to kill Jeff less. Although they don't usually hang out when Kate is with them, they meet up from time to time and spend time doing random things.
Total: 20
Jeff and Clockwork
Liu and (Eyeless) Jack
Kate and Clockwork
Lulu and Dina
Lulu and Jeff
Nina and Jane
Nina and Liu
Dina and Jonathan
Mary and Liu
(Laughing) Jack and Jill
(Laughing) Jack and Kagekao
Rouge and Brian
Zero and Jonathan
Total: 13
Sum of all: 33
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attorneytrash · 5 months
I really really really love Such Terrible Tales, it's one of my favorite fanfictions of all time!! I was wondering how you write a "period piece" so well with all the terminology, dialog, and flow of the work feeling so reminiscent of 19th-20th century novels! (It still has its roots and humor in the modern era, but you get me.) Do you do a lot of research and editing before you publish a chapter or does it just flow naturally for you? Did you read a ton of Jane Austen and bodice rippers before penning the Jackdaw? Have you you plotted out Such Terrible Tales in full before writing or do you just fly by the seat of your pants (or do you do a mix of both)? Sorry if this is nosy, I'm just so curious and invested and I'm looking into writing fanfictions that captures a similar feeling myself ^q^
OH MY GOSH HIIIIIIII wait i've never gotten one of these before. this is so exciting. fair warning my advice will be terrible but you did ask
first off thank you I can't believe you think i write a good "period piece" (what is the period? we just don't know) because I feel like i'm so slapdash about it and it's all Vibes. ANYWAY I'M REALLY REALLY HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING THE FIC. TRULY
genuinely one of the reasons I started writing STT in the first place was because I was on a kick of reading stuff that takes place in that general era (again, what the actual era is remains unclear). A few people have pointed out the Jane Austen of it all, and I think when I was in the middle of reading an austen novel you can tell because of the language in those chapters. basically, I don't know if this is true of everyone, but I tend to lean into the style of whatever I'm reading at the time. I also think it helps, if you like audiobooks, to listen to audiobooks in the style you want to write in! Especially with older works, audiobook narrators are really good at getting the flow and cadence of the language across, and it helps get your mind flowing along and sort of "hooked in" to that style. or it does for me at least!
ALSO I do jot down a lot of notes, specifically little turns of phrase that I like! so for example, I wrote down to use the word "directly" meaning "right now" (as in, "I will read you the letter directly") and "presently" meaning "in a short time" (as in, "we're expecting his arrival presently"). Little things like moving words around too ("what have you there" rather than "what do you have there" etc) give it that sort of feel. if that makes sense. i just take a lot of notes
One tip I will give is that a little really goes a long way with old-timey language. I notice it less when listening to the audiobooks, but in older books the sentences are LOOOOOOOONG which is what makes them so hard to parse sometimes. And often in romance novels that take place in victorian or regency era they'll overdo the language to the point that it makes you roll your eyes (though I'm sure I've done that once or twice too)
ANYWAY I'M PRATTLING ON SORRY as for the plotting. I have a bare-bones skeleton that has all the larger plot twists in it, so I can make sure to foreshadow things. That being said, I think part of what's fun about a serial fic is coming up with things as you go while still having to stay true to what you've already written. One thing I will say is that it's EXTREMELY helpful to keep a couple cheat sheets: one is a timeline, which keeps track of all the events that happened in the past, when they happened, etc. The other is a list keeping track of what every character knows and when they find it out. It's saved me many times when I've forgotten who's aware of what secrets etc.
YOU'RE NOT NOSY AT ALL and in fact I'm seriously thrilled to get an ask like this bc i could talk about writing for days. I hope your fic goes well and that you have fun with it ^^
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sunflouwerhabit · 2 years
hello !! good day to you !! :)
first, i wanna say that i've read and re-read all your completed fics multiple times and im waiting for write this down to be complete to read it (because im so terrible at waiting through cliffhangers, heh) and i love love LOVE your works so very much. everybody wants you ?? down the line ??? swear to be overdramatic ???? the DRABBLES ????? i love how Healthy relationships are portrayed and i love the tenderness between H and L and i love that you make your side characters so well rounded instead of just being a vent board to the main characters, so, THANK you for writing !!! and uploading your artwork !!!!!
secondly, i was just wondering, are real life healthy relationships (romantic and platonic, plus familial) genuinely that vulnerable and intimate as has been portrayed in the book ? like, there's a scene in the drabbles where H rambles to Elena that he's so happy that he has L and he never thought he'd get to a place where he'd be comfortable with his s/o going to the clubs alone, and that's. he's opening up, and he's actually talking about his feelings, and it's just . so good . and so honest . and i absolutely ADORE that chat .
i have trouble with social interaction and i don't know how much is deemed "socially acceptable" to share so i was wondering if it's realistic to just be so vulnerable . you don't have to answer this at all !! and im /not/ questioning the accuracy of your book, i was just genuinely wondering about real life relationships as im very very (very very very) socially inadept, heh.
sorry for the loooooong rambly ask ! you really don't have to answer if you don't wish to !! and i hope you're having a fabtastic day !! and that you're being kind to yourself :) <3
OH MY GOD HIIIIIIII <3 i am so, so sorry i did not see this a little earlier, but i am here to answer now :)
so FIRST thank you so so so so much for reading my stories and for those kinds words and just ???? AKLJFSLKJFSDFS ?????? you get sO many bonus points for mentioning everybody wants you :'))) (i forget about her sometimes, so you officially know my stories better than i do sdjfsfsdj). i am so happy you love them and that you reread them and i hope you enjoy write this down tooooo (she's FINALLY uploaded in her entirety! i also never read WIP because i am so impatient sdjkfsjlfj). getting to develop my characters and their stories (especially the side characters ?? they're so fun??) is such an incredible joy for me. i love world building so, so much :') for me, the most important thing in writing love stories is my need to feel like- if i were the reader- i would be rooting for the characters to be in a relationship and that i would want them to work out. putting myself in that mindset made developing healthy relationships easier, especially between louis and harry <3
and i also love, love, love that question? it's not one i've ever been asked and this answer will be a little long, but i hope it helps! :')
i completely understand what you mean because i am also NOT always great in navigating personal, intimate relationships (i'm a capricorn, so by natURE my typical response is bottling everything up and then making myself sick as i overthink every little detail), but over the past few years, i've met new people and made friends who showed me how much beauty there is in just being honest and communicating my needs and my hurt. i like to try to be as honest as possible because it spares people guessing games. i am an overthinker and if someone i'm close to words something in a certain way, or if they say something with a bit of a colder tone, i can spiral very, very, VERY easily and worry that they're angry or that i upset them. but i tend to find that my mental health and my outlook on relationships (and friendships) is much better when i'm close with people who i can have difficult conversations with without it feeling like the relationship is going to end or suffer irreparable damage
that being said, relationships are also really really really hard and none of them are perfect because humans aren't perfect. in speaking directly about harry and elena (i am SO happy you mentioned them they are MY BABIES), i can imagine myself being that open with two of my sisters (i have four), because i trust them with my life and i know they trust me, too. but, even so, we weren't always at that point and all three of us had a lot of growing up to do before we got to that point. in the context of harry and elena, they are the only two children in the styles household and it's implied that they were really all each other had growing up, which definitely aids in their closeness (but they're also not always perfect either, and that's okay :) in the pre-DTL story, they did have a massive argument about harry's relationship with vince that resulted in harry not going home for the holidays and (though i haven't written out that argument yet, i can definitely say neither of them were LISTENING as well as they could have been). we can try our very best to be honest and to approach disagreements well, but we're all flawed and the people we love are flawed, so. i think with that vulnerability, we also need to learn a lot about forgiveness, toooo <3
so i think, in writing harry and louis in down the line as vulnerably as i did, it was me describing what i think a relationship at its very best looks like- it's one where you can be vulnerable and direct in your relationship, and you can also frame these conversations in a way that isn't an attack on either one, but rather a discussion that is like, "here is an issue we have and here is how it makes me feel, how can WE fix it?". i don't think that's easy, and louis and harry had to go through over 300k words of development (counting the drabbles!) to get to that point where they are that level of comfortable with each other <3 i also like to think about the scene in chapter eight of DTL, where harry gives louis the silent treatment after louis mentions maybe not returning to cleveland, and the way louis (calmly and without lashing out) makes them talk about it. they both discuss their points of view and it doesn't escalate and it's just a mature look into a really, really good relationship :) it's that point i hope to get to in all of my friendships and relationships, which is a work in progress (not to trauma dump on the main bUT i didn't grow up in a household where feelings were openly discussed or healthy conversations were facilitated after arguments, and now that i have people in my life who have showed me better approaches to vulnerability, i feel happier)
SO, LONG ANSWER SHORT I AM SO SORRY I AM RAMBLING, in my mind, louis and harry's relationship is the ideal and it takes a lot of work, trust, and comfortability to get there. it's definitely not easy, and i don't think i'm necessarily there in a majority of my relationships, but in the ones where i feel that level of comfort, i've found myself a lot happier <333 every relationship and friendship is different and develops differently, but i think we all deserve people in our lives we can be incredibly vulnerable with and know that they care about our point of view <3 in the meantime, we always need to be mindful of how we make others feel and how we can work to understand the people we love as well :-) relationships are always on-going and developing and i think a huge part of them is learning how to grow together :)
this is so long and i am so sorry sfjlslfjsf but i really do hope it helped and answered your question!!! if you ever want to talk more, my dm's are always open! (or if you'd prefer to remain anonymous, i will try my very best to nOT take ages to respond next time :D )
thank you so, so much and i hope you have a great day and are taking care of yourself :)
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burnedwriter · 2 years
Hiiiiiiii so I really like angst and kind of want to make myself cry bc why not so can you maybe do Diluc seeing you with another character and assuming you're cheating on him? Miscommunication trope WHEEEEE
I love reading your stories okay babaiiii 💖💖
A/n:sorry for the wait,this fic took me a long time to finish since i wanted to make it as angsty as possible,i was really hesitant at first because it didnt came out as i expected but i hope you like it :)
Warnings:sfw,angst to comfort,mention of cheating,fighting,screaming,petnames
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You and diluc have been together for some time now,you relationship was going great .everyday both of you would wake up and get ready to head to mondstadt.
you usually kept diluc company and also helped him with the customers,but today was different you told diluc that you would go to the antique shop to look and buy some stuff to decorate the winery before you come in the tavern to help him.
some time has passed and diluc started to wonder why arent you back yet? you told him you will be looking some stuff up in the antique shop and its been 3 hours since you were gone,you should be back by now.he tells Charles to take the bartender role for as long as he was gone to go look for your whereabouts and hastily left the tavern.
worry started to take over his body when he didnt see you at the antique shop,the possibilieties started to fog his mind,did the fatui took you?,diluc knew that the fatui were always keeping an eye on him due to his past and that he was the pillar of the wine industry in mondstadt,something that the fatui really wanted to take over for themselves
lifting his head up to look around it didnt take him long until he spoted you on the benches close to the windmills talking to someone,coming closer to see who it is ,he frozed when he realized that it was kaeya who you were talking to.seeing you both talk and laugh made his heart break into pieces,this couldnt be real he thought to himself,did you fallen for kaeya's charm like everybody else,he would lie to himself if he said that kaeya didnt have a way to pull people but he didnt expect you to fall for it too
he started to question himself,how long has your affair has been going on?is this the reason why you would always go to the antique shop just to talk to kaeya,were there any signs that he missed that you were unhappy and made you look for someone else?
the more he stared at you the more he felt his heart ache,he felt felt souless,was this really happening to him,defeated he made his way back to the tavern.
''you are back master diluc''charles greeted
but soon realised that there was something really off about diluc,he knew him better than most people and diluc was being overly quiet today more than normal
''is eveything alright master diluc''charles asked
''yes charles,there is nothing to worry about''diluc replied
walking behind the bar he continued to clean the wine glasses that were left off trying to forget what he witnessed by drowning himself into work
he heard the tavern's door open,he looked towards the direction of the door there was you standing there smiling with a bag on you left hand
''im sorry that im late diluc,how's work been?,i hope i didnt missed anything '' you asked him
''good''he answered.
''is there something wrong diluc?''you asked him but you were met with silence,what was wrong with him today,he was fine in the morning,did a customer made him mad while you were gone?he was always quiet but not like this.you went to ask charles if something happened while you were gone but he also didnt know why he was acting like that,making you worry even more,you cared a lot about diluc,and seeing him sad always made your heart break.
Thinking your night couldnt get worse,diluc avoided you through the whole shift,everytime you asked him ''what's wrong'' he would simply avoid both you and the question,so you waited until you went back to the winery to confront him in private
''everything is fine for the moment'' he turned to charles''if anything happens please let me know''he said, now turning towards you ''let's go home''
his answer was short and cold towards you,what ever happened really must have affected him badly.
Both of you arrived at the winery and you immediatly asked him again ''what's wrong'' but you were met with silence
''diluc just answer me already,im worried''tears of frustration started to run down your eyes
''why are you acting like you don't know''diluc said with his voice raised this was the final straw for him
''diluc what are you talking about'' it was the first time he ever raised his voice at you ,making you shake in fear
''you know what im talking about pretending to go to the antique shop and instead you are meeting kaeya''
''what!'' you said in shock,how could he ever think you will do something like that
''diluc you know how much i love you,how could you ever think i will do something like that to you''
''are you seriously playing dumb right now''
tears streaming down your face,did he seriously not believe you?
''how dare you accuse me of such act after everything we been through diluc''
''it's over,im done talking to you''diluc said still frustrated
and with that you both stormed in different directions. you went to your shared bedroom and locked the door behind you.laying on your on the bed the only thing you could do is cry.was your relationship over,you felt empty just by the thought of it,you couldnt think how your life will be without him,he knew how much you meant to him how would he ever think such thing.
diluc on the other hand went outside to take some fresh air,feeling himself finally calm and now with a clear mind, he thought,did he messed up and you were telling the truth this whole time,was this really the ending of you relationship just like that because of his stupid overthinking,he always pictured you as the person that will spend the rest of his life with,suddenly feeling a hand to his shoulder he turned around expecting to see you but instead he saw adelinde
''master diluc i heard what happened and im really sorry''she said
''its fine adelinde really,i messed up and it's my fault this whole started in the first plays''
''why don't go and talk it out master diluc,you know your mother and father also got into arguement and after they both calmed down they always talked it out and made up at the end''
he signed ''i guess it would be better if we talked instead of screaming at eachother''and processed to enter the winery again.walking upstairs he went to the rooom of your bedroom expecting that you locked yourself inside your and knocked at the door.
''sweetheart please open the door i want to talk to you''he said softly
breaking the silence he heard you scream from inside the room
''please leave me alone diluc''you said your voice hoarse and shaking from crying.
''i beg of you please love open the door''his voice full of worry.guilt started to take over him more than before,he knew he messedd up and now he was going to lose the love of his life because of that
''fine'' hearing the door click and swing open.there was you standing behind the door,eyes red from crying and the trails of your tears still visible on your cheecks
''what do you want diluc''you said your voice sounded souless stripped from all the happyness it had a couple hours ago
''i want to apologise to you,i wasnt thinking straight and overthought the situation,it's my fault this thing started in the first place please forgive me love'' holding your face with his hands making you look at him ''i'm just so afraid of loosing you that i didnt know what to do''
wiping your tears with his thumbs and bringing you closer to his chest, he placed his hands on your waist
''diluc how could you even think something like that,you know how much i love and i would never try to hurt you''you said placing a tender kiss on his lips
it was a soft moment between the two of you that you wished it didnt end,getting to see the vulnurable side of diluc unlike his usual fierce appearance,made you realise that how special you were to him
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