#that black turtle neck never fails
loidloid · 8 months
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loid looked so cutie in the new chapter
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aealzx · 1 year
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“Uhhhh, we got more company,” Mikey announced unnecessarily, gaping up to try and figure out if this was a friend or foe. It only took only a moment for the smoke to clear enough for them to see green among the black, signifying it wasn’t one of Augustine’s soldiers. After that the first thing Raphael and Don noticed from the newcomer was the purple themed bandana and attire, then an unusual amount of bandaids on his limbs, and the rather familiar bo staff in his hand as his gaze swept the room. The next thing Raphael noticed was the quickly mounting rage behind the yellow eyes that locked onto their huddled group. Raphael had always known his brother Don was a soft soul, and probably couldn’t intimidate anyone to save his life. But his counterpart apparently had just absorbed all the venom, and Raphael felt Don tense beside him when the other Donnie’s gaze met his. A prickle of danger stinging the backs of their necks as the younger figure took in the situation, eyes rapidly flicking from them, to Lil Mikey held close to Raphael, to the blood on Lil Mikey’s arm, and the gauze in Don’s hands.
For a moment Raphael thought they were going to have to do some lightning fast explaining before getting a rage filled brother trying to bash their heads in. But instead a mostly transparent barrier began constructing itself over the huddled group even as the bay doors behind them began creaking open. The sturdy purple shapes reminded Raphael of the back of an armored vehicle, possibly even a tank, and it pulled his gaze for a stretch.
“Help him, or else.” The voice of the second mutant turtle that Raphael and Don had seen in the transmission sounded surprisingly fragile, and came as a hiss, but it still sent shivers unwillingly through Raphael’s form. Definitely Don’s evil twin.
“Oh yeah? And what are you going to do to help?!” Mikey shouted, cutting off in a yelp and ducking low behind the previously felled machine as more mechanoids clomped into the room and sprayed additional bullet fire. The bullets failed to come even close to the group huddled behind Donnie’s barrier though, bouncing off the newly formed shield and clattering against the wall and floor harmlessly.
“Fascinating. It’s like a shield constructed from ballista glass, yet it doesn’t seem to have the exact properties-”
“Don! Focus here,” Raphael snapped. He did not like the way Little Mikey’s movements were getting more erratic and sluggish, half cries of his brother’s name being whimpered.
“Right- Right,” Don twitched back, resuming his task of pressing the clean gauze onto Lil Mikey’s wound.
With Don back on track Raphael’s focus switched to the new Donnie, wanting to check on his physical well being as well as make sure he wasn’t going to get shot as well. There were new mechanoids in the room after all. He’d heard clattering behind him continuously from moments after Donnie had spoken, but he’d thought it was just some different machines than before being sent to kill them.
He was apparently wrong.
“I WARNED YOU AUGUSTINE!!” The younger Donnie’s crackly loud voice was followed by a familiar hiss of missiles that Raphael knew all too well from the spats they’d had with Hun and the Purple Dragons over the years. But even though Raphael braced himself for their barricade to be blasted to bits, the impact never came. Not to his back anyway. The shudder of the floor was dampened by distance, and the secondary familiar noise of a reactive combustion from machines being destroyed greeted his ears instead. Giving another glance to Don to make sure he was still focused, Raphael stole another peek over the barricade and the sight made his eyes widen in mild disbelief. Six more missiles the same hue as the barricade encompassing them constructed themselves in the air before blasting into the mechanoids coming into the room. Along with them various forms of blast canons pieced themselves together and thumped heavily on the ground, firing pulses of lasers into their enemies. And in the center of all the return fire Donnie’s form floated, suspended by whirling turbines jutting from his back.
Okay, the little Mikey had magic chains, and the little Donnie apparently had a magic arsenal. Wonderful. “.... Holy shell…,” Raphael muttered involuntarily, taking a moment to let that fact settle in his mind. This kid was demolishing a military arsenal on his own, with nothing physically on him but a fancy stick and backpack. At least they didn’t have to worry about mechanoids stepping on them. Now they just had to worry about accidental friendly fire. And the hiss of gas spraying from canisters clanging into the room was also a problem.
“More poison,” Raphael hissed, raising his hand to his mouth automatically and looking for the gas mask he’d discarded.
“It looks like the barrier will keep it out, but we can’t let Lil Mikey get exposed to any more of it,” Don responded, hands working fast to wrap a tight bandage around Lil Mikey’s shoulder so they could stabilize him until they got back home.
“Yeah, I think the other Don has that taken care of,” Mikey commented from where he was pressed low against his hiding place, eyes wide and holding the floor like a lifeline. While he was all for making their escape, they were still missing one brother, and he didn’t think they would be getting any words in to Donnie around the explosions. At least the young lad didn’t seem keen on leaving this room.
And at least it didn’t seem like Augustine’s army was endless. After one more barrage of missiles the mechanoids were reduced to smoking heaps on the floor, Donnie’s figure descended to the floor amidst the destruction. The settling silence allowed Mikey to breathe a sigh of relief, and Raphael drew a tense breath as he prepared to talk to the new Donnie. The lad still looked pissed, but also strangely detached from the situation as he landed lightly on his feet and turned to brokenly start walking towards them. What Raphael was going to say was cut off by Don catching sight of a small figure in the clearing smoke.
“Watch out!” Don shouted, having finished giving Lil Mikey first aid and lurching forward to his feet. Donnie’s eyes semi focused on him before he turned to look over his shoulder, a soft click and whir being his only heads up for the oncoming pain. The same mystic nullification energy from the previous machines blanketed the room through a rippling pulse originating from Augustine’s hand as she delicately stepped over the rubble. But this time it seemed the energy was either less refined, or higher in concentration. Donnie let out a strangled yell and flung his hands to his head, barely keeping from crumpling to his knees as his remaining constructs were ripped to particles, while Lil Mikey whimpered and pressed his head into Raphael. Augustine could only watch with barely contained disgust, a blaster gun sliding out from the only undamaged panel in the wall on her command.
“And I warned you to behave yourself,” Augustine almost hissed, anger seething under a maintained exterior.
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Hey 8'D I actually had this part, and the next one already typed along with the previous one. Just had/have to get drawings.
Also I totally spammed the Ultimate Weapon no. 7 remix of Emil's theme in Nier Replicant while drawing this X'DD
(someoddmix your comments recently have made me laugh so hard and are so motivating. thank you! X'D everyone else who comments regularly make me smile too)
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soft--dragon · 8 months
Snow Day
Just a small drabble for you guys to snack on before I post the bigger one :D
Word Count: 1,177
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Casey was practically vibrating with excitement, booted feet doing mini stomps - a stim he’d picked up from Donnie at a young age - as he looked out over the white powered landscape of New York City Park. Mikey, who was stood right beside him snickered at his child-like behavior, giving a friendly grin.
“You’ve really never seen snow before, huh Junior?” 
Casey shook his head rapidly, eyes so wide as if he was trying to memorise every single detail of the park. “There was never white snow in the future, it was like ash, but this… Michelangelo, this is amazing!” 
Mikey’s brow dipped slightly at the mention of the harsh, desolate future Casey had come from, but he gave the boy a gentle nudge to dispel the memory. “Mikey, Casey, call me Mikey,” he reminded lightly.
Whether Casey registered the soft words was up for debate, the boy’s spellbound expression never wavering when Leo seemed to drop out of nowhere to sling an arm around Casey’s shoulders. 
“Not a bad view, aye Casey?” he grinned.
“It’s incredible,” the young warrior murmured, his smile lifting his eyes.
“Well what are you waiting for? Come on!” Leo grabbed his students hand and ran, dragging along Casey who almost fell flat on his face from the sudden force.
“Wait up Leo!” Mikey yelled after his brother, taking off right behind the pair, with the rest of the family in tow. 
Leo didn’t even hesitate before he dove into the snow with a gleeful whoop, dragging Casey into the soft powder and laughing when the boy just about screamed.
“JESUS! It’s cold, Leo!” “Welcome to the ice age, Jones!”
There was an audible scoff from above the two. “Incorrect Leo, the ice age was thousands of years ago when creatures such as mammoths used to roam the earth and- hey!”
A snowball smashed into the back of Donnie’s head from non-other than April who was grinning similar to a Cheshire cat. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” 
“Yes actually, I was trying to educate Leo on his very historically inaccurate claim- ow!” A second snowball had splattered straight into Donnie’s face, the teen being thrown to the ground with the force of it. “APRIL!”
Raph high fived the girl in passing, moving to Leo and Casey who were still lying in the snow. “Don’t you two go catching a cold alright? We don’t want to get the whole fam sick.” “We’ll be fine, Raph, don’t worry,” Leo smirked up at his older brother, “We’re well protected from the cold.” “Yes, but some of us aren’t that used to winter, remember?” 
“Oh, I know.” Leo’s hand planted itself in Casey’s mop of unruly hair, messing with the black locks and making the kid yelp and squirm in protest. “I’ll keep an eye on the snow baby.”
Casey baulked from under Leo’s fingers. “The- the snow what?” Raph sighed with a small, fond smile. “If he gets sick you’re taking care of him.” “Don’t I always?”
“Fair enough.”
“I’m right here you guys.” “Hush snow baby,” Leo scooped up some snow and shoved it in Casey’s unsuspecting face, trying and failing to hide his grin at the boy’s wild screech of alarm and offence. “The adults are talking.”
The snow removed, Casey tried leaning away only for Leo’s hand to come back and to pinch his cheek. “Augh! Stop! Your hands are freezing!”
“Oh, are they actually?” Leo’s hands were then diving under Casey’s scarf to press them against his neck, and the scream the boy gave was almost ear splitting.
“NO! Off, off, off! Get away from me!” Casey scrambled across the snow to escape, only for Leo to follow with an evil gleam in his eyes. “Guys help!”
Casey, who had fallen victim to Leo’s schemes more than once, knew the outcome of this dilemma, and scrambled off the ground in an instant. He was running laps of the park, laughing over his shoulder at the turtle who was pursuing him with outstretched hands and taunting loudly. 
“Should we stop them before they fall into the lake?” Mikey asked with a laugh.
Raph shrugged, smirking. “Eh, let em tire themselves out, it’ll be easier to get them to sleep later.”
“I concur, I do not want to deal with a hyperactive Leo,” Donnie raised a hand from where he was still lying on the ground from April’s snowball attack.
The green jacketed girl rolled her eyes. “Donnie, get up.”
“Can’t. I’ve been shot.”
A scream echoed through the park, making the group whip around in alarm to where Leo and Casey were tussling on the ground, the blue coded turtle pressing his fingers underneath Casey’s scarf to target his neck. The raven haired teen was screeching at the chill spreading through his skin, bursts of laughter mingling with his yelps as Leo refused to let up. 
“LEHEHO! Stohohopihit!” 
“What? Can’t hear you Snow Baby, sorry, I’ve got ear muffs on.” 
“Invisible ear muffs are the modern style Case, I thought you’d know that cause you’re from the future.”
One of Casey’s hands came up to shove at Leo’s face, the other trying to push away the turtle’s fingers assaulting his sensitive skin. “Thahat’s soho duhumb!”
Leo’s mouth dropped open and gasped loudly. “How dare you insult my invisible earmuffs, that is so mean.” 
Casey cracked an eye open to peer up at Leo smugly. “Thought you couldn’t hear me with those ear muffs?” 
Scoffing an incredulous laugh, Leo furrowed his brow playfully. “Alright, wise guy, you asked for this.” Leo lightened his touch enough so that his fingernails were just grazing along Casey’s neck, causing the boy to try and turn into a turtle himself and scrunch his head down, all the while in fits of panicked giggles.
“DahAHAamnit LehehEHEO!” He cried, grappling with the turtle’s arms to dislodge his freezing fingers. “Nohohoho!”
Using the tassels of Casey’s scarf to dust along his cheek just to be annoying, Leo cooed, “I warned you bud; insult the muffs, get the fluff.”
Pressing his cheek into the snow, Casey batted at his mentor with horribly uncoordinated movements. “Yohou suhuck!”
“Ouch, what a burn. Good thing we’re surrounded by so much ice that I can treat it.”
Casey landed a smack on his shoulder, rolling his eyes so hard it was a wonder they didn’t roll right out of his head. “Dork,” he bit out between peals of laughter.
“Oh I’m a dork now am I? Wow, really laying it on thick with the insults today, kiddo,” Leo snorted. The attempts of ‘insulting’ Leo really weren’t really that cutting at all, he was gonna have to teach this kid some curse words to help him along. Raph may kill him for it, but he was the sensei of Jones Junior, not his big brother.  Casey did end up catching a cold from the snow, though Leo held up his promise and was vigilant during the boy’s recovery. This was his kid after all, he was always going to look out for his Snow Baby.
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banana-pancake5 · 3 months
Chapter 2: Broken Promises (Part 1/3)
(I call it chapter 2 but it’s more like a random short story that takes place way after chapter 1)
Leo and Vita soared through the sky as they jumped across rooftops. They weren’t on any real mission, they just thought it’d be fun. Perhaps it was a celebration of their recovery.
“See that Bestie!? You did nothing!! We’re doing GREAT!!” Vita yelled out in spite and mockery to the Krang trapped in another dimension.
Leo laughed at the sudden spiteful shouts. He had become used to how she acted, and honestly he enjoyed it. It was fun to just yell out to the Krang; Krang Prime couldn’t hurt them anymore.
“Yeah! Take that Krang, we’re still going!” Leo joined in.
“Tell ‘em Lee!!”
“You’re the one trapped and we’re both free! How does it feel to have failed so miserably you piece of chewed gum!!”
“HAHAHAHAH!!!” Vita freely laughed though the sky, no more awful coughs from never ending injuries, no fear of the Krang, she was free and she loved it.
They continued shouting at the Krang and laughing as they jumped through New York.
Then Vita stopped. Not just the laughing and joking, but she physically stopped.
She stared up at the large neon sign that read ‘Nexus Hotel.’ Memories began seeping into the front of her mind. Memories of laughing and playing in that very building. She wasn’t just laughing by her self though. She was with someone. Who was is it?
Her sister! It was her sister!! Fi Fi! Nonononnono did she forget who Fi Fi was!? No Fi Fi was her sister, Frida. That’s her. She didn’t forget. She didn’t forget! What… what did she look like?
Vita searched her foggy memories. Looking for her sister. Desperately looking for an image. A visual.
Leo was saying something.
Who cares!? She needs her sister NOW.
She jumped off the building she was perched on. Diving right down into the streets of New York. The wind roared in her ears. The ground grew bigger and closer. She heard shouts from Leo above.
She quickly summoned a ninpo whip and rapped it around a light post. She swung from light posts and stoplights reaching the Nexus Hotel in quick blurred motions.
All the while she couldn’t remember a single clear image of her own sister. She dug deep but all she could remember were blurry smudges of Green and Red. She knew she looked similar to Lee but couldn’t retain any finer details.
“AGHHH!! Remember! Remember! REMEMBER!!! YOU STUPID BRAIN REMEMBER PLEASE!!!” She unintentionally screamed the words aloud… oops. She didn’t have time to think about that.
She landed on the edge of the Hotel and didn’t waste a second trying to find a door.
She leaped through the broken window and silently moved through the building. Everywhere she turned she was hit with a huge wave of nostalgia.
She moved as if she were back home- well I guess it’s actually called the Prison Dimension? eh same thing. She thought as she swiftly traversed the halls.
She moved as if she were still stuck in the ruins of some ship with the Krang seconds away from discovering her most recent hideout. She moved as if the Krang were in the same halls listening for her every move, her breaths, her footsteps, her pounding heart.
She stayed completely silent.
Alarm bells rang; she ignored them.
She stopped within the shadows. Her eyes locked on a figure next to an important looking door. She focused on the figure with arms behind their back. She seemed to be wearing a red and white mask with a strange green necklace around her neck. Her body was covered head to toe in black wraps, and she wore a hooded cloak that draped down to her knees. Vita’s mind was screaming with a feeling of familiarity.
Then it clicked.
That was Frida.
She didn’t recognize the hood or the wraps, but she did recognize the turtle shell shoulder pads, memories of her and her sister finding fake decorative turtle shells in the hidden city came to mind. The way the figure stood was the same as when Frida would pretend to be serious. She remembered Fi Fi designing a mask for Halloween with a pair of red eyes. It was the same one. The exact same.
It was her! It was Fi Fi! It really was! it was her! it was her sister!!
Frida rushed out of the shadows without a second thought and ran toward her sister. It had been 6 years.
She stood right in front of her sister. They were face to face after 6 years and her sister didn’t even flinch. Frida was standing, unmoving like a statue.
“Fi Fi? HEY!! ITS ME!!”
No reaction.
“Frida!? Frida come on it’s me!!”
Vita’s legs felt weak. Her arms were shaking and her heart was beating out of her chest.
“Ha… haha… you forgot me, didn’t you?”
Frida’s posture didn’t change. Nothing did.
“YOU FORGOT ME! NONONO YOU PROMISED!! YOU PROMISED!!!!” Vita collapsed to the ground as she desperately screamed, begging Frida to remember, to react in some way, even if Frida just screamed at Vita for leaving. She just wanted to hear her sisters voice. She felt hot tears forming at the edges of her eyes
People surrounded Vita, they grabbed and pulled her off the floor. They held her arms back. She wanted to fight but her arms wouldn’t move. The tears fell. They rushed down her face and dripped off as she desperately screamed out one more time, “Please… FRIDA PLEASE! YOU CANT FORGET!! YOU PROMISED ME!!!”
Frida made no move. She didn’t even watch as Vita was carried away by the Employees.
Vita was roughly thrown out of the Nexus Hotel. Luckily it was the back door so she wasn’t in view of the humans.
She dried her tears and sat in the alley. She felt sort of numb. She needed a little bit of time before her brain would fully register what happened. She didn’t really recall the promise she was yelling about but she knew Frida broke it.
In only a couple of minutes a blue portal opened in front her and Leo stepped through.
“What is wrong with you!? What was so important that you nearly got both of us spotted by practically everyone in New York!? You gave me a heart attack Vita!”
She looked up at Leo and he flinched when saw the wet streaks down her face.
“Cool cool cool, you know what, it’s fine.” He sat down next to Vita, “can we head back? We can talk back at the lair, okay?”
“Heh, sure thing Lee.”
She walked through with Leo into the lair. He brought her over to his room and pulled out a beanbag and a weighted blanket for her and sat across from it on his bed.
“I’m here whenever you’re ready to explain what happened. I’m… just gonna read a comic until you’re ready.”
She scrunched herself up in a ball on the beanbag, holding her knees to her plastron. She didn’t say anything for a while. It was nice he was reading a comic, it put less pressure on her to start speaking.
Leo looked at her and spoke up, “You can leave if you don’t want to be here…”
She shook her head and stayed silent on the little blue beanbag.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes before she let out a small laugh. Leo immediately looked up from his bed.
“Ha… hahahaHAHAHA SHE FORGOT ME! SHE- She really forgot me. Haha…”
Her laughs shifted to quiet cries in seconds.
He quickly got off his bed to sit beside her. She could feel his weight leaning against her bean bag and it was comforting. She wiped the tears off her face and stayed curled up on the bean bag.
“How you doing, Vee?” Leo asked after a moment of silence.
“Hahaha! I’m doing just great Lee! My only family just completely forgot about me! Isn’t it stupid? I’m crying because she forgot me but I literally forgot myself! I had no clue what my own name was ‘till a couple of weeks ago!!”
“Hey! what do you mean your only family forgot you? I’m literally your brother! Or wait— Gasp! Do I not count?!” Leo put an offended hand against his plastron.
“What- Lee that’s not what I meant.”
“Ok, so since I apparently don’t count, much offense taken, how about Raph? Or Mikey?”
“Heheh, you forgot Don!”
Leo stood up in shock as he exclaimed, “Exuse me! You count that eggheaded weirdo over moi!? How dare!”
“BAHAHAHAHA!!” Her laughter sent her flipping backwards off her beanbag and onto a pile of comic books behind. The second she made contact with the comic books she stopped laughing. She and Leo stared at each other with dead pan expressions before they both burst into a fit of laughter.
That night ended with a movie marathon on Leo’s phone and a selfie added to Leo’s 3AM album.
MasterPost // Pt. 2
Another chapter woohoo! And what’s that part 1/3?? GASP! I wonder what that could mean! Anyway I hope y’all enjoyed this good ol brother sister bonding time with totally no angst attached :D
Tag list: @jadetheblueartist @cookiedoesart64 @exhaustedwriterartist @theplacewhereidumpmyinterests @anglepsycho (please tell me if anyone would like to be added or taken off the list!)
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sweetandscarlet · 2 years
“you wouldn't want everyone to know that the most powerful witch in the world is secretly a brat now, would you?”
notes: hiii, some of y’all requested bottom wanda and i’m here to deliver :) ps, my apologies if the russian i used isn’t proper, blame google :’)
warnings: 18+ hard spankings, hair pulling, bottom!wanda, top!reader -if any of you have specific ideas, feel free to send asks! minors DNI!
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wanda was an impatient woman. you had known that from the moment you met.
she was always needy and desperate when it came to you, never failing to beg and plead for her to get what she wants.
it was hot, to say the least, you loved putting the redhead in her place, forever reminding her of who was in charge and as much as she complained in regards to your rules. you knew wanda felt the same.
once again, you had warned the sokovian (before a party you had both been invited to); when she waltzed into your bedroom, wearing the prettiest red lacey dress you had ever seen and high heels to match. she wore light makeup, her hair curled and she honestly looked like she'd been sculpted by the gods.
"wow, baby you look beautiful" a compliment instantly spilled from your lips the moment you laid eyes on her. your eyes bored into her hungrily as they scanned her from head to toe.
freckled cheeks instantly turned bright red and she bowed her head bashfully. "thank you, malyshka and you look.."
green eyes looked you up and down as the older woman took in your attire.
black jeans hugged your waist and thighs along with a silver-buckled black belt that wrapped securely through the hoops of the pants. you adorned a black turtle neck, a white button-up over the top of it; leaving a few undone so you could show off the silver chains you accessorised with it and lastly a black suit jacket to finish off the look.
you had just finished doing black eyeshadow to match and wanda gulped hard at the sight of you.
"cat got your tongue?" you teased, a small smirk playing on the corner of your lips.
green eyes soon glowed red as wanda inched closer to you, her sokovian accent shining through as she muttered "there are no words for how delicious you look right now, moya lyubov'. are you sure we have to go to this party? i don't think i could handle going all night with you dressed like this"
you arched an eyebrow in amusement and watched as she reached one of her hands out and trailed her fingers over the belt buckle. your hand gripped her wrist when you noticed her fingers trying to work the leather and undo what you had just put on moments ago.
"patience, princess" you uttered in response as you gave her wrist a squeeze for good measure. "be good for me tonight, you wouldn't want everyone to know that the most powerful witch in the world is secretly a brat now would you?"
a needy whine fell from plump lumps at your words and she arched into you, already growing impatient and it showed as she darkly muttered. "well maybe you should think before dressing yourself up like this, it's not my fault"
your eyes narrowed at the response and you pulled her closer to you until your breasts were pressed flush together. "watch your tone wanda or this belt will be coming off, just not in the way you hope"
the threat of being spanked by the thick black leather caused the redhead to sink into submission and her bottom lip jutted out in a pout as doe eyes quickly faded back to their usual beautiful green.
you smiled at that, leaning down to peck her cheek. "you can do it, baby. be on your best behaviour, and i might be nice enough and take you home"
wanda slightly perks up, her pout turning into a small smile, and the feeling of hope settles in her chest at the promise. she lifts upwards on her tiptoes and leans in to press her lips chastely against yours. it takes everything in you to not melt into the kiss, throw her on the bed and have your way with her but no. you had a commitment. and you told natasha and the rest of the avengers you would be there.
“are you ready, bub?” you asked as you pulled away from the redhead's lips. “the longer we stay here the later we’ll stay at the compound”
you watched as wandas eyes widened at the realisation.
“then what are we still doing here y/n?? let’s go!”
you chuckled, shaking your head as you watch your girlfriend quickly turn on her heels, rounding the corner as she rushes out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
“y/n! wanda!” an all too familiar voice calls out as you both step into the compound's main room, hands locked together and wanda gives your hand a tight squeeze as she eyes the room.
you immediately know she’s anxious.
‘i’m sorry baby, i didn’t realise the party would be so big, i thought it was a small get-together’ you think loud enough in hopes that her telepathy picks it up.
thankfully, wanda turns to you and smiles in understanding. “it’s okay, medovyy. but i do hope you know, I now expect a reward after this”
you quirk an eyebrow at her as she looks up at you, a smirk playing on red painted lips. “oh is that right? let’s see how well you behave first”
wandas brows furrow in disapproval and before she retorts a comeback you tug on her hand and pull her through the sea of people, heading towards where natasha stood with her sister.
"hey nat.. lena" you greet, your lips stretching into a big smile at the sight of the two women. "how're you both? god, it's been like.. what? a month?" you scratch your head in thought with your free hand.
"i'm good thank you, and it has.. i guess the bad guys decided to be kind enough to give us a break" natasha retorts playfully and unbeknownst to you her eyes fall to scan your outfit.
wanda doesn't miss it though and it takes everything in the sokovian not to tell her, and her wandering eyes to fuck off.
she knew the other redhead liked you. you on the otherhand were blissfully unaware of the crush, but when the older woman can read minds, it's hard to ignore loud and intrusive thoughts that echo in her own.
you turn to face the blonde and smile. "how're you yelena? are you settling in well?"
"as well as i can, i'm still getting used to everything but having kate around helps" there's a slight blush to her cheeks as she mentions clint's protege and you bite back a grin, knowing full well what that blush means. "but enough about me, how is the happy couple?"
"nat! come here, we need another partner for bear pong!" a voice rings out and you recognise it belongs to steve.
the redhead turns, catches his eyes and nods before turning back to the three of you. natasha utters an apology and briskly walks away.
"we're good" wanda speaks as she gives a gentle squeeze on your still interlocked hands. "хотя, прямо сейчас она заноза в заднице"
yelena, who was mid-sipping her drink snorts into the plastic cup. "дай угадаю, никакого секса?"
you glance at the blonde before turning your attention to wanda who chews on her bottom lip in hopes a laugh won't slip out at the confusion written across your face. thoughts immediately run wild through your head, your brows furrowing in perplexity at what could have possibly been said in this sudden secret conversation.
"anyway" yelena interjected, her lips twitching into a grin. "let's get drunk and play some crappy american party games"
you and wanda laugh at the comment, following yelena as she heads towards where natasha and the rest of your friends stood.
hours pass and although playing pool, beer pong and a few quick games of uno distracted you, you couldn't help the nagging thoughts entering back into your mind at what yelena and wanda were talking about. you wished you had a chip implanted in your brain that automatically translated for you but alas you didn't and now that you were sat down, a drink in hand, it's all you could think about.
wanda who was perched on your lap and an arm around the back of your neck had to bite back a smile every time the thought swam through your mind.
"what're you thinking about, malysh?" wanda whispers innocently into your ear, the hand around your neck coming up to scratch the back of your head.
the redheads' voice pulls you out of your thoughts immediately.
you clear your throat and shake your head. "nothing baby, was just daydreaming"
you shift your arm that was displayed around her waist and squeeze softly at her hip in reassurance.
"do you want to know what i'm thinking about?" wanda drawls, her voice low as she speaks and her breath hot against your ear that threatens to send a slight shiver down your spine. she repositions herself on your lap so that your thigh presses against her clothed clit and you swallow hard.
you tense your leg at the sudden movement and just pray to god no one notices the way wandas mouth falls open at the extended pressure. she shifts her hips slightly, her cunt throbbing as your thigh rubs against her clit.
blunt nails dig in at the back of your neck and you don’t know whether to be pissed at her impatience or turned on at the fact she’s being such a sly little slut in public.
you ignore the latter and push the thought out of your mind as you swiftly move your free arm under her legs, swooping her up to cradle her.
“i’ll be right back guys, wanda’s not feeling too good” you shoot everyone a lopsided smile and just hope they believe you. “i think she’s had too much to drink”
wanda’s head rests in the crook of your neck, her eyes closing as she inhales the perfume you’re wearing and her nails stay at the back of your neck, scratching impatiently at the skin and the other hand is limply placed on your chest.
no one seems to care as they shrug in response and before you know it your feet move on autopilot as you walk out of the main room and down a hall. your body moves with purpose and wanda knows she’s in trouble as you puff out a frustrated breath.
you shift to the side, pushing open one of the many doors that situate in the hallway and kick it closed with your foot.
wanda looks up at you, a sheepish smile playing on her lips as she tries to hide the hunger that settles in her eyes.
you let her down gently and the redhead almost seems hopeful at the gesture but the feeling soon fades when her back slams into the wall behind her and your hand move to wrap around her neck.
“what did i tell you, wanda? what did i warn you not to do?” you spit, your eyes narrowing as you tower over the helpless woman.
“i- well.. i can’t seem to remember now”
feigning innocence. cute.
“let me jog your memory shall i?”
wanda watches as your hands drop to your waist, tugging slowly on your belt and as soon as you unbuckle it you pull it out of the hoops in one swift motion.
you see your girlfriend visibly gulp and you can’t help but smirk.
with the belt in your left, you use your other hand to grasp red thick locks and your fingers tighten as they thread through them. you spin her around and a loud gasp escapes plump lips when her face presses against the cold concrete of the wall.
“before we left” you start, your hand moving down to pull her dress up to her waist, leaving it there bunched up; her delicious ass now on show just for you. “i told you to do one simple thing and if you couldn’t, i’d do one simple thing”
your eyes drop down to see a red lacey g-string that matches perfectly with her dress.
your mouth waters at the sight and your pulse quickens at the thought of seeing her now bare ass turning bright red.
“i guess it’s not your fault you have a dumb little whore brain, but it’s okay. you’ll learn your lesson one way or another”
wanda whimpers, arching her back when she feels the cold leather of your now folded belt stroke along the inside of her thighs before moving upwards and over her clothed cunt that you just knew was already wet and ready for you.
“now..” you ponder, raising the belt to smooth over the swell of her ass. “how many shall i give you, slut?”
wanda whines at that. “none. please, i’ve learned my lesson, let’s- let’s just go back to the party”
the delicious sound of leather hitting bare skin echoes through the small room and you smirk as she cries out, her body jerking forward at the contact.
“that was one, baby. now tell me, how many more should i give you?”
“i- fuck.. i don’t know! if i take them all can i at least have a reward?” wanda asks sheepishly, bowing her head as she tries to focus on anything else other than the harsh sting and throbbing.
you hum in thought, your free hand rubbing against your chin. “give me a number and we’ll see if it’s good enough”
another slap echoes through the room and one of wanda’s hands fly to her mouth to muffle the scream she knows is about to come spilling out.
your eyes drop down to assess the damage and you’re pleased to see two thick bright red lines slowly appearing as welts on each of her ass cheeks. you squeeze your legs together at the sight, taking a deep breath; willing yourself to focus.
“y/n please, i don’t- twenty? as many as you want.. i just want to feel you inside of me, i’ll do anything”
the third smack comes down on wanda’s ass harder than the last and she can’t help a sob that escapes her lips, tears form in the corner of her eyes at the relentless force you’re using.
“you deserved those three to be hard for misbehaving. now here’s what’s going to happen, pretty girl” you say, reaching out to thread red locks through your fingers and grip hard, yanking her head back. “you’re going to take the rest and then we’re going to go back out, have another drink with our friends and then we’re going home. got it?”
a strangled cry spills out from plump lips and all wanda can do is nod desperately, gasping out a ‘yes’ as her legs tremble, threatening to cave out from underneath her.
“such a good girl for me” you whisper as you lean into her ear. “if you stay quiet, i’ll let you pick which strap we use when we’re home”
wandas heart skips a beat at the promise of having some sort of relief from the ache and constant throb she’s felt all day between her legs and as much as she wanted to; she would never touch herself without your permission. would never touch what’s yours.
wanda knows better.
her heart, body and soul belongs to you only.
pt 2
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spiderdreamer-blog · 1 year
My Adventures With Superman: “Adventures of a Normal Man, Pts. 1 and 2″ Review
Since the end of Superman: The Animated Series, Superman has not had an animated series solely dedicated to himself as an adult in the intervening 23 years. He’s certainly been part of team shows like Justice League/Unlimited or Legion of Superheroes (albeit as a teenaged Superboy) that had his character as a key component. And there have been no shortage of movies, live action or animated, that starred him either. But it feels like something’s been lost, especially on the live action end, where interesting ideas by Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill largely failed to coalesce into a compelling character (and also were a major contributing factor in the current disaster zone that is Warner Bros. Discovery, so, that doesn’t help). But we finally have a new series starring him in My Adventures With Superman, and its two-part premiere has finally surfaced. How do things shake out for the Man of Steel?
Rather than start with the standard origin, the series picks up with Clark Kent (Jack Quaid, The Boys, Star Trek: Lower Decks) arriving in Metropolis to start work at the Daily Planet as an intern alongside his roommate Jimmy Olsen (Ishmel Sahid, Cousins for Life). They quickly meet Lois Lane (Alice Lee, Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist), a fellow intern who dreams of bigger things, but is currently stymied by the Planet’s gruff editor-in-chief Perry White (Darrell Brown, Gabby’s Dollhouse). Lois drags Jimmy and Clark along on a story about military tech stolen by mercenary Leslie “Livewire” Willis (Zehra Fazal, Voltron Legendary Defender, Amphibia, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), which pretty quickly spirals out of control. Clark quickly leaps in to save the day, and now the question of who or what this “Superman” is becomes THE question.
The first, most striking thing about My Adventures With Superman is its look and tone. Aided by the ever-capable Studio Mir, the character designs are bright, expressive, and far more rounded than the stripped-down, angular DCAU look of old. Clark in particular has an appealing sweet softness to his farmboy frame, Jimmy being black has been done before but never quite this excitable, and Lois is now a full-on tomboy with short hair and dark skin, much to the consternation of idiot YouTube grifter screamy men everywhere. This spreads downward to the tone, where producers Jake Wyatt (DuckTales), Brendan Clogher (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), and Josie Campbell (She-Ra) basically position the proceedings as a shoujo/josei romantic comedy that happens to have superhero action scenes.
Nothing against them, of course, they’re very well done (and fix a core problem I had with She-Ra in that the action scenes were, number one with a bullet, the weakest part due to jank). But just as much attention is paid to loving close-ups of Lois and Clark blushing as they realize they might LIKE like each other. Needless to say, I find it incredibly charming, especially after years of SnyderBros breathlessly insisting that Cavill’s dour, contemplative lonely god Superman who SNAPS PEOPLE’S NECKS is the best version of the character instead of some pussy who, I don’t know, saves kittens from trees.
(Full disclosure: Cavill is a fine actor in other projects and I have a great deal of admiration for Zack Snyder as a filmmaker, just...not them together for the most part)
In particular, a Clark who’s unsure of himself gives things a bit more of a mysterious tone than usual, particularly in the most intriguing plot hook so far: the Kryptonian ship that he came in contains the usual hologram of Jor-El, but he speaks in garbled Kryptonian that Clark can’t understand and is frightened by as a child. This, the ship creating The Costume (though Martha adds a humanizing touch with a belt and shorts), and a flash of a space battle when he unhooks a piece of damaged tech from Livewire’s back hint that it may be harder than usual to reconcile his Kryptonian and Earth selves. Which I’m not opposed to. While, as said in my STAS review, I don’t generally like the idea that Krypton was some cold unfeeling society with no value to Clark, this could be going a different, more interesting direction.
The awkwardness also adds great dividends to his interplay with Lois, who he generally has to keep up with anyway. Jimmy is also boosted in terms of already having an interest in extraterrestrial stuff, and he feels like a genuine part of the ensemble instead of a third wheel. The supporting cast is also going in some interesting directions, with a wearier Perry White than usual as a solid semi-antagonistic force, Livewire standing out as a smart, canny villain even before she busts out the Electro powers, and an excellent read on the Kents, with Jonathan and Martha warm and supportive, but fretting about losing Clark to this new persona. (Hey, Snyder? That’s how you make the Kents conflicted about Clark being Superman, not “idk, maybe you should let kids die rather than reveal your secret”)
All of this is aided by an incredibly strong voice cast. Quaid is my favorite Clark voice in a long time, affecting a soft dorkiness rather than going for a slightly formal patrician vibe. His comic timing is also great, such as in an early scene where he first meets Lois and is quickly embarrassed. Lee matches him well by switching out Lois’ usual businesswoman vibes for “overcaffeinated”, as well as self-aware enough to admit her mistakes, though not enough to cop to her immediately becoming smitten with Clark. Sahid is a funny, excitable Jimmy, taking the edge off what could have been an eye-rolling “CONSPIRACY THEORIST” gag, and his interplay with Quaid and Lee is often a highlight of the show. On the supporting end, Brown wisely dials down to be a straight man, Fazal is credibly tough and intelligent as usual, Kari Wahlgren gets those aforementioned great beats as Martha, and Azuri Hardy-Jones is immediately endearing as Flip Johnson, a gender-flipped version of the leader of Jack Kirby’s Newsboy Legion (now the NewsKIDS Legion, given some other gender-swaps in the group); she’s very much a believable scrappy kid, worrying at one point if they should call the President or “my mom”.
(Sidebar: the funniest, most unusual casting here is Chris Parnell as an anime twunk-ified Slade Wilson/Deathstroke, who appears as an ominous figure that tries to get intel out of Livewire, fights her, then captures and interrogates her with Amanda Waller and seemingly Sam Lane in attendance after Superman de-escalates the situation. Now, Parnell is an excellent voice actor with a long resume at this point, but his stock in trade is usually characters like Cyril Figgis on Archer or Jerry on Rick & Morty, who are most charitably described as weak-willed sexual obsessives. It’s a head-trip to hear him take on a role previously essayed by deep-voiced gravel pit legends like Ron Perlman, Will Arnett, Mark Rolston, and the late Miguel Ferrer. Though perhaps wisely, he doesn’t try to imitate those guys and leans into his own tones, just more of a smarmy asshole variant. His delivery of “We’re the good guys” at the end of the premiere is wonderfully insincere.)
Overall, My Adventures With Superman is immensely promising and I hope it has a decently long, unimpeded-by-Discovery-fuckery run. By going off-book but also appealing to the fundamentals of the character, it’s a fresh take that I am keenly interested in seeing develop and grow. Also, it’s just really dang cute, sue me.
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be-the-creature-fan · 2 years
Wild Kratts Season 2.
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One sentence review (1 being the worse - 10 being a masters piece) Hope you enjoy :)
Bad Hair Day: It was an alright start to Season 2 but why did the WK crew leave the paint on the lion cubs for that long? 7/10
Race for the Hippo Disc: I'M SORRY BUT CHRIS SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ZACH DIE, it would have solved so many problems in future episodes (sorry zach fans) 8/10
Creature Power Challenge: Zachs drawings were hilarious but not as funny as Jimmy and Zach's conversation also acorn powers return (this whole episode wouldn't have happened if Zach was offed in the previous episode) 7/10
Neck and Neck: All I can think about is what would Martin's life have been like if they weren't able to fix the problem and how technically chronologically you can take off the suit at any time sooo.... ._. (6/10)
Happy Turkey Day: Chris and the WK kids trolling Gormond is pretty funny also R.I.P Martin's tail feathers. (8/10)
Termites v.s Tongues: This episode was overplayed on my local pbs station but the moment when Chris thought he was too late in saving was very heartwarming (but why did Koki and Aviva scream "help me" like that?) (4/10)
Bugs or Monkeys: I just love how when Chris looses Martin he's just like "Oh no Martin is gone ._. But when Chris is lost, Martin be like
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Also Martin with Grabsy are some of the best moments in the show (9/10)
Secrets of the Spiders Web: Donita creates a spider sweatshop, you know for kids ( and why did the WK crew send the fabric to Donita? She doesn't deserve it.) (7/10)
Shadow the Black Jaguar: (One of my personal favorite episodes because Jaguars are my favorite animals) The Jaguar CPS suit should be used more often if it's capable of turning into a Shadow like that. (10/10)
To Touch a Hummingbird: insert gif from THAT one scene (10/10) (Martin's trumpet 4th wall break was also great)
Rainforest Stew: Martin's Gormond voice is spot on, Chris sounds ummm... bizarre with sloth powers, but is it concerning that Gormond knows what the Kratt Brothers smell like? (7/10)
Seahorse Rodeo: Martin having an awkward conversation with Donita while Chris dies from 2nd hand embarrassment never fails to make me laugh. Also poor Dabio (9/10)
Speaking Dophinese: The dolphins were pretty cute but beef stems from them having a full episode of them saying Sharks are not the bad guys, but then in this episode they make a Shark the bad guy. (6/10)
Aqua Frog: Those Frog CPS are lowkey cursed and WHY didn't the WK Crew review Zach's invention journal? (F-f-f-frog/10)
Tortuga Tune Up: Robbed of a freshwater turtle episode just because Jimmy wanted to SEE TURTLES, though the shark chewing sound effect was very satisfying for me and I don't know why. (8/10)
Blowfish Blowout: I loved the water balloon fight intro and how it connects to the final battle, also poor Martin and Dabio. (9/10)
Snow Runners: Spends the majority of the episode thinking that we were getting our first Hare CPS then Aviva going JK and making a Lynx CPS for Martin and makes Chris suffer in a basilisk CPS while wearing Santa hat and bunny costume then almost getting his bucket kicked by a Lynx, I love it. (8/10)
Road Runners: An amazing homage to the Roadrunner and Coyote cartoons and HOLY CRAP! how did they not die from that fall? (10/10)
Rocket Jaw Rescuer of the Reef: How is Donita on the same intelligence level as Zach? (7/10)
Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens: Chris has a voice crack and gets his brain rattled while Martin chases himself. (10/10)
Rattlesnake Crystal: Jimmy almost kills the Tortuga and not gonna lie I was on the edge of my seat during the climax, and Chris almost dies. (7/10)
Skunked: HOW IN THE CREATURE WORLD CAN JIMMY MISTAKE A SKUNK FOR A CAT?! But to be fair how he was interacting with the skunk was very cute, also Zach loves tomato soup the more you know. (8/10)
Gilla Monster Under My House: WHY is Zach spying in on Children?! Also why did the WK Crew help Zach out again? (7/10)
Desert Elves: Chris' being a drama queen?!? I'm all for it (10/10)
Groundhog Wake Up Call: Finally someone mentions the dangers of deactivaing a CPS at the wrong time, also Groundhog Creature Powers lowkey sucks. (7/10)
Journey into the Subnivian Zone: Aviva and Koki destroys a habitat, R.I.P Freezy (8/10)
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Not sure if the letters are full yet BUT I thought I would go ahead and try my luck!! (Love your work btw)
⬥ ⭘ ★ ⬦ ⧗ △ ◍
¡About me!
5’2 • roughly 158 cm I think-. I don’t wanna sound self absorbed but I have a pretty nice figure, nice ass, nice thighs, small waist, kinda small bust though🗿ngl my figure is mostly just bc of volleyball and I work out a lot, lmfao
Studying software engineering, used to do art professionally and won a couple of contests but got bored (plus my professor sucked) I still do art as a hobby tho. I also really like singing and have been doing choir since I was like 3, also did it competitively and won a few all region contests. (POV parents that need you to be the best 😩)
I also sew! My style is mostly alt/academia(??) AND I LOVE THE ACCESSORIZE . Think black tights, black skirt, Mary Jane pumps, white collared shirt, and white vest with black accents
Combat boots, ripped black cargo pants with chains, fishnets under the cargos, black turtle neck crop top, and gray zip hoodie.
I also have REALLY bad social anxiety. Idk what it is about being around people, it just makes it hard to breath. For reference my freshman year of Highschool my attendance was 40% 😃.
I realized this is kind of a long ask but I was really curious 🧍
(For reference 🧎)
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ik i said dis already but!! if this was truly up to me, i would've matched u with myself!! but that's not the name of the game so please play nice with your match hehe >u<
→ 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗱!
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𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗹 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺: 𝘆𝗮𝗲 𝗺𝗶𝗸𝗼! ←
'100 percent was always the goal. no more, no less; to fail was humiliation and to overachieve was pathetic. to be accurate is the desire. the presence of one so revered and electric in not only vision but in nature seemed to hammer relentingly into the heads of others. yet, you seemed to be the exception. perhaps it was a form of half-hearted apology.'
miko had practically raised you. growing up around the shrine and constantly being urged to success led you straight into the Guujis arms. in a way, she was more of a mother than the one who birthed you. constantly looking after you, making sure you were well fed, dotting on you when others wouldn't... the list of her favouritisms towards you seemed never ending. in return, she garnered your lasting trust; you'd always rely on her over anyone else. and that proved to be the truth when upon returning to the shrine after three years abroad.
you had accepted the offer of tea and found yourself succumbing to a sense of lightheadedness. cooing softly, miko offered for you to lay down and regain your strength. yet, here you were, spread out on an infirmary bed in the back of one of the shrines small buildings with her face in your cunt. she lapped away at your sobbing hole while occasionally nipping at your swollen clit with sharp canines. though fuzzy in the brain your body felt as though it had been placed in front of an open fire. pleasurable heat seared through your lower half as she took her time playing and prying you open for two long fingers to slide in. if you could've lifted your hands you would be pushing her away or pulling her closer; you were conflicted. to receive such an action from the woman who nearly raised you fully felt wrong, yet, you couldn't deny just how skilled she was when sucking greedily at your pussy.
'some apologies are better than others. in part, mikos generous laths across you seemed to be for the time spent without her. an apology worth accepting? if you could get over how filthy it all felt, maybe.'
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axdently · 2 years
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                                                             ( 𝑼𝑵𝑲𝑵𝑶𝑾𝑵 𝑻𝑶 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑷𝑼𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑪 )
To Paxton Saint Honoré , the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of DEATH SENSE grows a little stronger.  They are a SWAN shade aligned to HOUSE BELTRAN. For THIRTY-TWO years, they have survived a world of magic with both their CONSCIENTIOUSNESS and INTROVERSION. They work as a MUSIC SHOP OWNER, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to escape living through his loved ones’ deaths.
                                                      THE LONELY MAESTRO SKELETON
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the lingering smell of death was a scent you couldn’t describe as a young man. it’s bittersweet, torturous, beautiful, and, in your own, hopeful thoughts, cyclical. try as you might, you’ve never succeeded in hunting down the words to describe these intricacies. your own writings, compositions and other inept words fail to paint a pretty picture of everlasting expiry. you can’t explain it. – you often don’t know what to do with the information handed to you by higher, sickly powers. so you cage yourself. avoidance is far easier than reading demise upon faces and auras. you, as a result of this, come off as cold. loneliness is home to you.
your father shared with you a secret you were meant to keep. hauntings and nightmares would prick at the hairs on your neck in the most serene of moments. he would later teach you how to cope, defend and manage your abilities, even though he never wished for you to inherit these gifts from your mother. you were supposed to be a perfect human boy– but he feared for you,
a music shop gifted to you through inheritance ties you to your father’s research. an eclectic wiry man binds you to a reputation that doesn’t suit you. father was kind, welcoming, and loved to share his knowledge of music. you, instead carry with you your mother’s sharpness, her silent smiles, and her cold demeanor.  years have swept by, and though you weren’t planning on keeping the shop for your own, there is a pipe organ in need of repairing.
NAME: Paxton Saint Honoré NICKNAME: Pax DATE OF BIRTH: november 13, 1989 GENDER: cisgender man HEIGHT: 5′ 9″ MARKINGS:  sullen eyes from a lack of sleep, trimmed fingernails, and perfect posture. TATTOOS: none PIERCINGS: none DECORUM: turtle necks, cable knit sweaters, the occasional crisp button up and black slacks, billowy coats, and his signature leather gloves. SCENT: bitter coffee, a hint of antique must, aged manuscript paper and an old woody musk masked by blue spruce cologne GOALS: pay off his father’s debts, and escape living through his loved ones’ deaths. FEARS: Death & birds, specifically ducks POSITIVE TRAITS: benevolent, calm, & earnest NEUTRAL TRAITS: absentminded, conscientious, & private NEGATIVE TRAITS: cowardly, envious, & treacherous ZODIAC: Scorpio Sun - Gemini Moon - Cancer Rising ALIGNMENT:  true neutral TEMPERAMENT: melancholic ELEMENT: water PRIMARY VICE: envy PRIMARY VIRTUE: pride TROPE: nervous wreck, control freak, the problem with fighting death, endearingly dorky, no social skills, shrinking violet INSPIRATION: the phantom from phantom of the opera, the pied piper of mythical lore, victor van dort & ichabod crane with trace amounts of arrogance from mr darcy, squilliam fancy pants & prince naveen of the princess and the frog OCCUPATION:  technically, a retired orchestra flutist- music shop owner, English Street Music Company ( where he conducts research on the organ™ & where he sells instruments) he also provides music tutoring / lessons in his home for piano, and plays in jazz bars every Wednesday night. RESIDENCE: The loft above the music shop. HOBBIES:   playing the flute, trumpet or piano– he’s new at the violin, long walks, he won’t admit it but he’s also fond of slow dancing–– but he’s very picky when it comes to partners, is very fond of poetry & theology HABITS: he picks at his fingernails when he’s nervous, cleans ( especially dusts ) when he’s upset and therefore sniffles in high times of stress, as well as talks over people when he’s heated or angry. he will also point out in any moment that smoking kills, and will sour around secondhand smoke. he’s very closed off when it comes to making new friends, and doesn’t particularly like small talk because it means making friends.
The ability  to sense the coming of death or the actual act of dying. The user can also determine when someone has died, if others have died in a specific location, or if one has a mark of death on their hands or in their aura. This extends to both passive and active abilities, some of which involve protective spells or religious objects to keep the user from seeing death.
Terminus is a touch-based sense involving visions of death that are uncontrollable which is steadily active and must be contained by wearing gloves, by magic of spells or in possession of religious totems. Any instance of touch can trigger the sense of death, and too much of the sensation can cause black-outs, exhaustion and even physical sickness/weakness. The user can also fall into fugue states that interrupt daily life which may involve special rituals to pull the user out of, if the visions get too out of hand.
The ability to identify death or murder on others, in specific locations or upon items that have been used to end life.  The user can tell how much death has occurred within the essence of others and decide how threatening they are based on the amount they sense. Events and visions can be triggered by certain objects or locations that contain too much death. Additionally if in the presence of a recent death, black-outs will occur.
Triggered, through eye contact and new meetings, a supernatural phenomenon that occurs as irises turn void. Pupils will also grow larger and sclera turns black. The dreams can happen during consciousness or in a sleep-like state. The user can see and detect the lifespan of others by perceiving the remaining lifespan or in major cases, the cause of death. In high times of stress, the side view of a person's face is enough to be able to trigger dreams.. A protective religious totem must be worn at all times to avoid this.
1.  LUCK BLADE : a chipped, worn, and ancient dagger passed down by generations that is said to hold a luck stone at the center of its cross guard. The blade is a good luck charm, but also aids in cutting vegetables and smaller tasks.
2. NECKLACE OF PRAYER BEADS : This necklace has magic beads made from aquamarine, black pearl, and topaz. It also has many non magical beads made from stones such as amber, bloodstone, citrine, coral, jade, pearl, and quartz. If a magic bead is removed from the necklace, that bead loses its prayer magic.
3. SPELLWROUGHT TATTOO: Produced by a magic needle, this tattoo contains a single spell wrought on the skin. To use the tattoo, hold the needle against the skin and speak a protective spell. The tattoo glows faintly for the duration of its protection.. Once the spell ends, the tattoo vanishes from the skin.
4. CANDLE OF INVOCATION :  The candle's magic is activated when the candle is lit. After burning for 4 hours, the candle is destroyed. While lit, the candle sheds dim light in a 30-foot radius to help dispel evil spirits. 
5. PIPES OF HAUNTING :  A magical flute used to create an eerie, spellbinding tune. Each creature within 30 feet that hears the tune will become frightened.
6. CLOAK OF MANY FASHIONS :  The wearer of this cloak can change the style, color, and apparent quality of the garment. The cloak's weight doesn't change. Regardless of its appearance, the cloak can't be anything but a cloak. Although it can duplicate the appearance of other magic cloaks, it doesn't gain their magical properties.
7. FIGURINE OF WONDROUS POWER; GOLDEN LEOPARD : a small magical statuette the size of that of a grown man's hand and in shape of a golden leopard.
8.  DECANTER OF HOLY WATER  : Purified and blessed water to ward off demons and evil spirits.  
9.  RING OF WARMTH : While wearing this ring, one and everything they wear or carry has resistance to cold damage. 
1. UNVEILING WHISPERS : The ability to listen to the voices of the deceased. Through specific rituals only, the user is able to connect to a supernatural network that broadcasts messages about the deceased or dying. This also gives them the capability to hear the voices of people who were murdered or previously died. Although the user has the ability to listen to the dead, they have no way of communicating with them.
2. PIERCING CRY : First using a protective spell to encircle and encase the piercing cry, otherwise the effects of scream will pierce the ears of others to cause deafening harm. It is a spell that has the power to emit a highly enhanced scream of a high amplitude in order to drown out whispers of death and clear the mind from cursed souls.
3. LAMENTING LIGHT : the ability to cast a spell of divine light that washes out from the palms to coalesce in a soft radiance to purify the location of cursed spirits and help soothe lamenting souls.
4. REPOSE REVEAL : A ritual used to outright detect corpses that have transpired– thus perceiving in detail the state of the corpse and seeing the cause of death.
5. TRACE OF QUIETUS : . A spell that allows one to sense the direction of a particular object’s location, as long as that object is within 1,000 feet of one and has a trace of death. If the object is in motion, the user also knows the direction of its movement.
6.  BEACON OF HOPE : This spell bestows hope and vitality through the act of prayer and calls forth spirits to protect the user and the user’s party.
7. PURIFY WATER : all non magical water within a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of the user’s choice within range is purified and rendered free of poison, disease, curse or evil.
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The Freaks Sister (part II)
summary:Y/N is a transfer student living with Eddie who has joined the cheerleading squad for her college application. This is where she met arguably her least favourite person, Jason Carver. The pair bicker constantly, but to everyone other than them there seems to be tension behind it.
warnings:some cursing, none others
word count:3624
A/N: Heres part two, i really didn’t think i would finish it because i am notorious for not finishing fics. Gareths gf is based on my friend but you can insert who ever you want
Ever since his screaming match with Y/N and Nancy, Jason had been noticing her and her band of freaks around school more and more. Up until that point Jason had always just considered the whole group as Eddie’s goons. A bunch of freaks by association. That was all he saw and it allowed him to just write them off completely and ignore them. They really faded into the background compared to Eddie’s loud and semi-frequent public outbursts. None of the others were standing on tables and screaming which next to Eddie seemed damn right normal. The only way he had ever been able to identify the group was the matching club t-shirts.
However, since his run-in with the girls in the hallway, Jason had noticed that Eddie's group was bigger than he had thought initially. He had always known that not all of the group wore the t-shirts, he’d never seen Y/N wear one, or Nancy, or Robin. None of the girls did. He noticed that not all of them sat at the Hellfire club table either, most moved about multiple friend groups. But every day, without fail, he noticed the big group gathering in the car park after school. It caught him off guard, which is the excuse he would give if ever asked why he stared at the group so often. And, according to him, it wasn’t staring nor was it too often, more just a curious glance or two.
During these occasional glances, Jason had picked up on the group's dynamic, at least a little. The whole group seemed more affectionate than Jason was used to. It wasn’t uncommon to see someone wrapped in a hug or an arm thrown over someone's shoulder. More than once he had seen Y/N leaning her head on someone to use as a pillow after a long day of lessons. He didn’t know what a group of friends had to go through to be this close, but he was internally a little jealous of it.
On Monday he noticed movement at the Hellfire table and looked over to see if Eddie was going to make a scene today. Instead of Eddie standing on a table, he saw Y/N walking up to the table wearing a black and white plaid high-waisted skirt with a white turtle neck. He saw her walk over to the table, greet Eddie then turn and start laughing at something one of the others said. He hadn’t seen her laugh that hard before. Then he saw her turn around and lean down towards one of the boys at the table as if trying to hear him better before her face fell and she jumped back a little before hitting him in the arm and turning a little red. 
Now Jason loved pressing her buttons. He took great joy in watching her face fall and eyes roll. Considering how expressive Y/N is, she’s just a very fun person to mess with. Jason had seen a lot of her reactions so a lot of different things. He’d seen her mad, he's seen her eyes roll into the back of her skull, and he's even had the joy of watching Y/N get shouted at by her coach for getting caught flipping him off. However, one reaction Jason had never been able to get, at least not to this extent, was flustered. The guy with a red jacket on over his hellfire shirt seemed to have no issue getting this reaction. Jason rolled his eyes at this but didn’t look away from the blatant flirting. 
He kinda wished he had looked away because watching Y/N tuck her hair behind her ear and wink with a shit-eating grin before Eddie burst out in a fit of fake gagging. That was when Jason looked away having enough of the freak show. When he did finally look back at his table and zone back into his friends’ conversation that had continued around him. The only person who seemed as quiet as Jason was Patrick, who was sitting across from him with a weird look on his face. It was somewhere between thoughtful and knowing, it looked like he was just finishing up a puzzle that Jason had just started to piece together. It was the same look Patrick had been giving him when everyone else was talking about Y/N in the Locker room at practice last Tuesday. 
“What are you thinking -” Before Jason could finish asking Patrick to explain what he was thinking about a loud shout rang out across the cafeteria.
“STOP FLIRTING IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN!” Obviously, Eddie had to stand up and scream grabbing the attention of everyone around them. When Jason looked over he saw Y/N smack Eddie around the back of the head while saying something Jason couldn’t quite make out, while the “child” in question seemed more offended than anyone else the mystery guy in the red coat, Jason still didn't know his name, was just smirking at the scene in front of him. Jason didn't like the look of him, with his cult t-shirt and fluffy hair and smug little smile. Even if Jason had never met him before he didn't like the guy's vibe.
Y/N walked over to Eddie's table to double-check he was able to give her a lift home and wasn’t staying for a club activity. 
“Yeah I can give you a lift, but we're going to Gareths’ for a last-minute Corroded Coffin practice, so you gotta tag along,” Eddie said while poking at his lunch. “It shouldn’t be a super long practice so you can just sit at the side and watch.” he waved his fork in Y/N’s general direction. Y/N turned to the others at the table to get their opinions.
“You guys okay with me crashing your practice today?” Y/N asked.
“You can come watch me play anytime babe” Gareth replied with an exaggerated wink. Y/N and Gareth had been jokingly flirting for years now despite being, as Robin would say, Platonic with a capital P. It's just a well-known joke amongst friends, made even funnier by Gareth's girlfriend who regularly joins in on the flirting. 
Gareth's teasing only earned an amused eye roll from Y/N before she joined in on the tables conversation, not in the mood to go sit with the cheerleaders today. As sweet as those girls were they could be a little overwhelming. Gareth said something to Y/N but due to all of the background noise, she didn’t hear it and had to walk over to him and lean down so he can repeat it.
“Is that a new outfit?” He asked seemingly genuinely confused.
“Yeah I got it when me and Nance went out thrifting, it’s a little seventies with how short the skirt is but oh well,” she explained.
“Has Gf/n seen the outfit yet? I'm sure she wouldn’t complain about the skirt.” Gareth said with a dumb smirk. Y/N jumped back in shock and smacked his arm.
“You dick. Don’t flirt with me for your girlfriend.” she said trying not to go red as she was known to do. 
“Why, you rather she flirt with you herself?” 
“Obviously.” Y/N said tucking her hair behind her ear trying to play into the flirty cheerleader role.
The next time Jason was forced, and by forced it means he stuck his nose in their business out of “curiosity”, to bear witness to the freaks flirting. They had to be dating or extremely close to it because Jason swore that every time he looked at that group the two of them were doing something. And every time it made him mad. It made him feel even worse that he couldn’t understand why he was so angry. 
At first, he thought that he was just upset that he didn't have any friends that he was that comfortable with physically, but he was really close with his friends. Even if they weren't always hanging off each other and he can’t remember a single time he’d ever winked at Chance or Chrissy, he knew they all loved each other so that wasn’t it.
Then Jason considered that maybe he was just upset that he had been single for too long. Maybe the PDA from the couple had sparked something due to his lack of love interest. He wasn't interested in anyone at the minute but that didn’t mean he would say no if the right girl appeared. But then he realised that Andy and Chrissy had never sparked anything like this even with their PDA. He only ever felt happy for them.
Jason was walking down one of the empty hallways leading towards the locker room before practice when some giggling coming from an empty room. When he got closer he heard a familiar voice and he didn’t like what he was hearing it say. He stopped a little down the hallway to listen.
“...drive out to Lovers Lake and turn the back of your car into a fort with a blanket and cute little lights. I’d bring music and we could sit and listen to music and stare at the stars or talk about whatever. Go for a walk in the dark and see who pussies out first or even hang out the Hideout and listen to some shitty bands.” Y/N spat out ideas and with each one, Jason felt his heart leap. They all sounded perfect but the idea of her doing them with this Gareth guy hurt him for some reason.
“Hey,” he said through a laugh “I happen to think that the bands that play at the Hideout are amazing.” 
“Yeah you would,” Y/N giggled a little, “I’m sure if I ask for your unbiased opinion, they're all also totally hot and amazingly strong.”
“Obviously, have you seen all the equipment we have to lug onto stage.”
“I've seen the equipment Eddie and Vivi lug onto stage. Fuck, I’ve helped Eddie pack it. But the Hideout has a drum set, all you have to carry are your “lucky” sticks” Y/N said and Jason heard feet hit the floor. “Anyway, I have to head to practice see ya round.”
“See ya round for that amazing date.” Jason heard Y/N let out a laugh at that.
“Try not to damage yourself lugging around your heavy drum sticks before rehearsal. Bye loser” Y/N said as she walked into the hallway and straight towards the locker room, not even noticing him standing frozen on the other end of the hall.
Gareth emerged a few minutes later having packed up the rest of his stuff. When he came out into the hallway and saw Jason standing stuck in place looking like a puppy whose foot had just been stood on, it didn't take much to figure out what had happened. Obviously, he’d overheard something that he didn’t like and considering the conversation Gareth had just ended he didn’t think it would take a genius to figure out what that was. Never one to pass up a golden opportunity to piss off the jock.
“Don’t you have a practice to get to Carver?” He said as he passed. When he didn't hear back some sort of response from the basketball player he looked over his shoulder and added, “What, Y/N got your tongue?” he winked as he said it, then laughed at his own joke as he walked off humming something Jason didn’t recognise. 
Jason didn’t understand why that conversation hurt him so much. Or why the idea of Y/N lying in his car with him at lovers lake sounded so appealing. Or why the idea of it being anyone else walking through the woods with her makes him wanna throw up a little.
“I have literally no clue what to plan for date night this week and it's my turn, please I'm literally begging you to throw me a bone.” Gareth looked desperate as he started to haphazardly throw his pencils into his bag.
“You are so in luck, we literally just talked about our ideal dates the other day.” Y/N replied smiling because she knew for a fact she had the upper hand right now.
“Come on spill,” Gareth said before changing his strategy “ just tell me one, please. You know how stressed she’d been with school and moving and stuff.”
“You are lucky I love her.” Y/N started “she said that her ideal date was to rent a movie from family video, romance or horror up to you, then go back to your house away from the chaos and set up a home cinema in your garage. Then order a greasy pizza and fall asleep together. She isn't hard to please.”
“You are a lifesaver,” he said with relief that he was going to be able to cheer up his favourite girl. He continued “but now I'm curious, I gotta know what your ideal date was.”
“I don’t know Gareth, my ideal date would probably be to drive out to Lovers Lake and turn the back of your car into a fort with a blanket and cute little lights. I’d bring music and we could sit and listen to music and stare at the stars or talk about whatever. Go for a walk in the dark and see who pussies out first or even hang out the Hideout and listen to some shitty bands.” She never wanted fancy dates and big presents, just someone to spend time with was enough.
“Hey,” he said through a laugh “I happen to think that the bands that play at the Hideout are amazing.” Y/N gently smacked the back of his head before laughing at his joke.
“Yeah you would,” she rolled her eyes laughing at his defensiveness“I’m sure if I ask for your unbiased opinion, they're all also totally hot and amazingly strong.”
“Obviously, have you seen all the equipment we have to lug onto stage.”
“I've seen the equipment Eddie lugs onto stage. Fuck, I’ve helped Eddie pack it. But the Hideout has a drum set, all you have to carry are your “lucky” sticks” Once she was sure he knew the details of how to go about his date with his girlfriend she went to head out. “Anyway, I have to head to practice see ya round.”
“See ya round for that amazing date.” Gareth laughed, referring to the study “date” Y/N had reluctantly agreed to tutor him at.
“Try not to damage yourself lugging around your heavy drum sticks before rehearsal. Bye loser” Y/N said as she walked into the hallway and straight towards the locker room, not even noticing him standing frozen on the other end of the hall.
Jason was off his game all practice. In sharp contrast to last week, he could barely shoot for a single point. His guard had so many holes in it that the freshmen were getting past him regularly and even coach called him on it. It had been a total shit show.
His friends had grown really concerned. He came to practice looking like he’d just witnessed a baby be thrown out a second-story window and refused to say anything more than was absolutely necessary. The practice continued like this with Jason consistently messing up and his friends and coaches giving him worried looks.
About halfway through the practice, the boys were taking a water break when one of the cheerleaders who Jason vaguely recognised as one of Chrissy’s friends bust through the door in a hurry.
“Coach do you have anyone free to help?” she asked in a panic. “One of the girls fell and we can help her up to the nurses and Miss says she can't leave us unattended.”
Before the coach could answer Andy asked who was hurt, presumable stressing that it could be Chrissy.
“It’s Y/N. She took a pretty bad fall and her legs don't look too good,” she replied trying to ease Andy’s concern. While she did ease Andy Jason's heart rate spiked. What had happened? Was she okay?
“Coach,” Jason said “I’ll go, I’ve been in my head all practice so I might as well go help” The coach thought it over for a second before seemingly agreeing.
“Carver! Go give a hand and get some fresh air. Chance, you’re captain for team two now!”
“Yes coach!” both boys responded before Jason got up and ran to the door to go check on Y/N. The other boys shared a knowing look because that was the fastest he had moved since he got to practice. Even the coach seemed to have figured out that fresh air wasn’t the only reason Jason was so keen to lend a hand.
Jason followed the cheerleader to where the girls were practising for the day and found Y/N lying on the floor with her leg at an odd angle.
“Guys I'm okay. It wasn’t a serious fall, I’ll be good in ten minutes.” Despite trying her best Y/N was not convincing at all. Seeing her stubbornness nearly brought a smile to Jason’s face though, nearly.
“Miss!” The girl shouted upon entering the gym, “ Jason came to help carry her to the nurse.” The cheer coach seemed relieved, evidently, she too was not buying Y/N’s “I’m fine” routine. Jason walked up and kneeled beside her.
“Hey, where does it hurt?” he asked in a soft voice.
“My nose. Where the fuck do you think Carver?” She said voice dripping with sarcasm but just quiet enough not to be heard by her coach. Jason rolled his eyes a little before positioning his hands under her knees and one on her back.
“For this to work you’re gonna have to hold on, okay,” he said, uncharacteristically nice.
“Just don’t drop me okay,” She said as she wrapped her hands around his neck and braced to be picked up.
Jason, to his credit, picked her up easier than she thought he would and walked towards the door without saying anything else. As she was leaving through the door Y/N made the big mistake of making eye contact with Chrissy as she left. Chrissy had this shit-eating, feral grin on her face as if she couldn’t believe that Y/N wasn’t fighting this more. To be honest, Y/N could barely believe that she wasn’t fighting this more.
The walk was pretty quiet on the way to the nurse's office, neither really knowing what to say. When they did arrive the nurse looked her over and explained that it was only a strained muscle and would require a week off practice, some over-the-counter pain meds and an ice pack if the pain got worse. Both were pretty relieved to hear that it wasn’t serious. The nurse left them alone as it was the end of her work day. Both of them sat in surprisingly comfortable silence for a few minutes before Jason broke it.
“So how’d you fall?” He asked quietly as if he was afraid talking any louder would break the temporary truce they seemed to have.
“It really wasn’t serious, I just fainted and twisted my leg when I went down.” She replied at about the same noise level.
“What do you mean “you just fainted”?” He asked, almost as concerned as he was when he found out she fell. How could she be so casual about fainting, that could be a symptom of something serious? 
“Sometimes I just collapse. It's worse if I haven’t eaten much that day.” Y/N said under her breath, looking away from Jason.
“What have you eaten today?”
“Not much, I had a banana and a can of coke at lunch.” She was still avoiding eye contact at all costs, embarrassed that she had caused this whole mess whether unintentionally or not.
“That's not enough, especially when you have practice on that day. You sat with the Hellfire table today. How did none of them notice you weren’t eating?” he asked working himself up into a state of offence on her behalf, those were her friends. Fuck, one was her boyfriend. How could they not care enough to notice? “What about your brother or your boyfriend? How did one of them not notice?”
“I brought lunch, but Dustin forgot his lunch so I gave him mine and just ate the banana because he hates the things.” Y/N explained before pausing “ and what do you mean by my boyfriend?” she asked confused.
“ Your boyfriend? The one with the curly hair and red jacket?” Jason asked as if it was obvious.
“Gareth?” You asked laughing when he nods. “We aren’t dating, never have been. Never will be. Platonic with a capital P. I swear.” Y/N laughed at the common misconception.
“I heard you two planning a date.” Jason asked confused.
“He’s in a relationship, I was giving him ideas for a date with someone else. I just flirt with him because that's what we’ve always done. I flirt with his partner too.” She continued to explain the dynamic amongst the friend group.
“So…” Jason added heart a little lighter with that information. “... You’re single?”
“Why Carver?” Y/N asked suspiciously hoping he wasn’t going to try setting her up with one of his friends.
“Are you also free on Friday?” He asked. Y/N smiled at him and paused for a second before answering.
“For you, I could be.”
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Now we all know that the subway bros rule over Nimbasa's Gear Station, but what are they like when their s/o drags them to other locations in Nimbasa? The Pokemon musical, roller coaster, Ferris wheel, etc!
● Dare you drag the Subway Boss from his train or apartment out into the open? Quite often, yes. He gets busy and forgets that he can do things outside of existing at home or work, so you come in. Plan dates ahead of time, and he'll definitely try to get off on time. Sometimes, it's just impossible, despite his best efforts.
● His hat and coat are dropped, and he looks almost unrecognizable (if it weren't for this weird hair sideburns). His outfit varies on the outing, which means you get to see Ingo in different clothing, a surprisingly rare endeavour. It's adorable how casual he looks; it's almost as if he's another person entirely. Gone is Subway Boss Ingo; here is Ingo wearing a ribbed turtle-neck in 32°c weather. He doesn't even break a sweat. Is he human? Perhaps the twin truly was a robot created to run the subway efficiently. (Don't let him catch you saying that, he'll pout and cross his arms. You, of all people, should know how plainly human he is.)
● Embarrassingly, he is a massive fan of the Musical Theatre. There's something so adorable about watching pokemon acting, singing, and dancing on the stage. He tried it a few times, but, unfortunately, his party are not stars. Chadelure nearly set multiple props on fire, Haxorus refused to work with other pokemon, and Klinklang wasn't expressive enough. While, Garbodor was passionate about a debut on stage, a manager cruelly denied them their stardom. Crustle made the cut, at least, but Ingo felt bad about denying his other team members the option. You can have your pokemon act together with Crustle, and he starts ugly crying and yells bravo much too loud. He's so proud of your pokemon's acting. Your best dates will always be at the musical theatre because he never fails to be excited.
● He's also an enjoyed of the Ferris wheel. (With you. Emmet thought it'd be funny to see if he could get the gondola to swing. He could. Elesa takes pictures of the city the entire time she rides it.) It's intimate how close you both are to one another in there, always just the two of you alone. He wants this in his life more often. His hand never leaves yours as the gentle rotation lulls you both into a sense of ease. You lean into him and his heart swells. You'll kiss as the wheel stops for a moment.
● Does not enjoy the roller coaster, on the record as saying 'bastard failure of a train' about the amusement ride. He enjoys the mechanical aspect of them, he does NOT enjoy the actual ride. Do you want to ride a vehicle that travels by rail? He is taking you back to the station and pointing at the train. He throws up from the motion of the roller coaster and didn't visit Elesa when her gym was located there. Ingo will refuse to go on it (unless you give him baby doll eyes. He'll relent and scream loud enough for Arceus to be concerned as it zooms around.)
● He's not the biggest fan of the Big Stadium and Small Court, as he doesn't generally enjoy sports. Ingo will watch them if you're a fan, but he's not getting in it. There's something interesting about the team aspect of it all, yet everything else is boring to him. The massive crowds of people yelling and cheering also make him feel less like he's out with you. He'd much rather a more intimate outing.
● Take him to the Battle Institute, and he just gives you this expression of pure disappointment and discontent. So, this is what you're cheating on his Battle Subway with? He understands, he does. Absolutely dominates the building and leaves without many words. What do you think he does all day on something called a Single Battle Line? At least drag him out to Black City for the tower if you want to do something like that with him. Unreasonably offended by your actions.
○ If you don't take him out; he's taking you out. Emmet loves to explore Nimbasa and enjoy the sights with friends, but there's something special about going out with you. You're his love, so it's highly important you have quality time together. Your dates are likely one of you going “I want to do this” and the other agreeing instantly.  He loves going out with you, so he'll never turn it down.
○ Also drops the hat and coat to become a cool and casual Emmet. He tends to throw in whatever since most of your outings are spontaneous, yet somehow he never manages to look bad. His style is comfortable and presentable, so he always looks like he belongs. Fans still recognise him sometimes, but it's funny watching him vehemently deny his identity as Subway Boss Emmet. Clearly, there is a third, turning the train twins into train triplets. (His choice in bags would be a belt bag, which wears facing forward around his torso. Casually whips out treats for his pokemon midconvesation.)
○ He's pretty indifferent to the Musical Theatre and thinks it's boring overall. Emmet likes exciting things that make his blood rush through his veins. Pokemon dancing and acting is not that. Emmet knows Ingo loves these and thinks they're super cute, but Emmet can't even find cuteness in this. Watch him yawn throughout the entire show, he doesn't bother to hide his disinterest. (He snuck some Joltiks in to entertain himself. It's cuter when they attempt to imitate the pokemon actors on stage.)
○ Also loves the romantic factor of the Ferris wheel. Unlike with Ingo, he won't attempt to shake the gondola because he won't want to ruin the precious moment with you. (He will, however, if you'd like to. Group effort. He loves to see it. You both get told off by the ride attendant.) His arm is wrapped around your shoulder as he pulls into his side and watches the city from the windows. Your loving warmth makes his smile grow as he turns to kiss you deeply. He never wants to leave your side.
○ Loves the roller coaster, unlike his coward of a brother. If you go to the amusement park, you're definitely riding it once. He loves the motion, the thrill, and the way you cling to him. Emmet will hold you back, of course. The younger twin never screams or even seems panicked on the ride. He can explain how it functions to you and compares it to how trains work happily. His smile is giddy, and his hands move constantly as he goes into detail. The Subway Boss is terribly cute in those moments.
○ Goes to the Big Stadium and Small Court with you. He also has no interest in sports, like Ingo. Here's the catch: he will root for the opposite team you support. Friendly competition, he claims. In actuality, he gets really into it and starts attempting to predict movements, like he does in a pokemon battle. Your boyfriend turns into a monster over this, and you'll regret taking him. Emmet likes winning more than anything else, after all.
○ “Darling. This is the Battle Institute,” Emmet states, pointing at the building. “Yeah, we're going to challenge it!” You tell him with an excited smile. He suddenly grabs your hand and drags you to the Gear Station. Inside, he takes you to the Super Double Line. In detail, he explains the rules of the Battle Subway. Emmet then gets on the train and says that he'll see you in forty-eight battles. You are left dumbfounded. (You get on the train.)
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eremiie · 4 years
a change of heart;
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❥ nsfw | 6.1k words | eren x reader
❥ an annoyingly arrogant childhood friend has never seen the light of day in your eyes... until he does. eren jaeger was an anomaly that you thought you had figured out.
❥ content: cum play, choking, slight size kink, rough sex, unprotected sex
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saying you liked eren was an understatement. you weren't fond of the boy— like at all.
it was something about him that you couldn't pinpoint, maybe it was the way he always had something smart to say back to you when you made the littlest comments, the way his eyebrows were always furrowed together as if he was constantly upset with you, the way he was just so aggressive— a handful if you must. you never liked the way he acted towards you, or anybody else for that matter so you never tried your luck at getting close to him.
or... maybe you didn't like that slight way your eyes widened when you first met him, or that run of his eyes over you on your first meeting. or was it the way you somewhat hoped to get into an argument with him just so you could bicker? something about your arguments thrilled you and sent a feeling you couldn't pinpoint through your body.
nevertheless, the bigger issue at hand was the fact that you couldn't seem to escape eren jaeger.
you were so unlucky and were deemed even unluckier when your mom happened to be the sweetest person on earth. she was the kind to bake a welcoming gift for the neighbors on your street, the kind to knock next door and ask in a sickeningly sweet voice for extra sugar for a recipe she was whipping up.
she'd done both of these things to your next door neighbor, which happened to be carla, carla jaeger.
once again, unluckily carla also happened to be such a sweet mom and you almost felt bad that she was blessed (cursed) with eren jaeger as a son. she was the type to bake something in return and gladly give you a small container of sugar that you would promise to bring back.
she'd done both of these things for your mom.
there advances were so continuous, and over the course of a couple years they became the most best friends imaginable, indulging in every mom-ly activity you could imagine together. this only forced you and eren to spend every unwanted second together.
you knew eren for only a couple years, yes, and you could still remember when his hair was just draped above his shoulders, an awkward length that you never failed to make weak jokes at just to see him get mad. but what you didn't know— or failed to realize that he would get even more annoying then the first time you met him.
maybe you were getting annoyed with the fact that his hair was no longer that awkward length and you couldn't throw the same lame jokes at him, because the length that it was at now? where it touched his shoulders and he threw it back into this awfully messy bun. maybe you were getting annoyed with the fact that now he was older and more occupied with the summer before college, you weren't forced to spend as much time with him, so you didn't see him much.
over these couple years though, your mom (being the doll she is) never failed to throw an annual barbecue that of course, carla always came to, not only did she come but they practically planned it together and had you and eren help out, unwillingly. they claimed it was an opportunity for you and eren to "actually get a long." because trust me— they knew about the tension between the two of you that they tried to break for years.
one of those annual barbecues seemed to be today, at the very minute, actually. you were standing next to eren, both of you with a tray of food in your hands as you awaited instructions, an irritated expression crossing both of your faces.
"okay, take those over to the buffet table you two, and then before you guys go crawl away to god knows where, one of you grab some utensils, napkins and plates and lay them down at the end of the table, and one of you turn on the speaker, guests will be flooding in soon." you chuckled at carla's comment. that's one thing you and eren had in common— the two of you almost completely hating this event if it wasn't for the good food. you would always sneak away to your room and eren would sit in your chair and mind his business while you'd lay on your bed doing your own thing. "and tell your mom i need her, _____!"
it was never an uncomfortable silence— no, as a matter of fact it wasn't always silent, lots of aimless arguments would arise and sometimes, eren would get really angry, but he never dared to leave the safety of your room rather than be surrounded by adults who claimed they'd known him since he was little.
"what?" eren asked you as you reminisced on the thought while the two of you began walking.
you glanced up at him, snapped out of your own head, him already peering down at you with furrowed brows and a slight frown on his face. "none of your business." that's not even what you meant to say but a smart retort was almost instinctive when it came to eren.
albeit your smart response he didn't send one back as he usually would, he just rolled his eyes and sat the food down on the buffet table, you doing the same. "i'll grab utensils and shit." you murmured in slight embarrassment from your quick comment eliciting no reaction. eren didn't look your direction, so you took that as a hint that he heard you as his body headed towards the direction of the old speaker that you knew'd be blasting old "parent" tunes.
you head inside, the smell of food grilling leaving your senses and the something in the midst of being baked filling them instead. you turned the corner of the dining room to enter the kitchen, your mom closing the oven after checking on the brownies baking. "hey, sweetheart, how's it going?" she asked you, smiling when she caught sight of you, all dressed nicely too, which was rare from your usual style; the black slip dress you wore coming mid thigh and lightly hugging your body. you were only wearing socks though, you didn't see the point in walking around in shoes when you'd just be retreating to the hole of your room and lounging around for as long as possible until your mom called you to help some more or to greet someone familiar.
"fine, me and eren just put down the last of the food already cooked. i'm about to set up cutlery and sh— stuff." your mom raised her eyebrow before nodding her head and watching you open up the cabinet at your feet to grab the grocery bag full of a new box of paper plates and napkins." all for the "save the turtles!" magnet your mom had pinned on the refrigerator. "hey, where are the plastic cutlery?" you asked, questioning its lack of presence in the plastic bag.
your mom turned her head towards you, from where she was wiping at her hands. "hm? oh! sorry, honey— i placed them in that cabinet up there because we had extras from that one family get together we had a couple weeks back.”
 ah, yes. you remembered that family get together. despite it being family, somehow carla and eren found their way into the gathering, and not to mention that being one of the last times you saw eren, and one of the most embarrassing times.
you see, the argument you had gotten in with eren that time was over him accidentally walking into your room in the middle of you changing for the event. you had yelled at him even though it was an accident, and that was one of the first times eren didn't try his hardest to win that argument, his face too flushed red, and his apologies and excuses seeming to not calm down your anger that hid your embarrassment.
but geez, for days after you were reminiscing on the drag of his eyes going down your back and over your ass before flickering back up to your eyes and only then realizing the situation at hand. you were just happy the encounter didn't make the next time you were seeing him, being now, too awkward.
your eyes drifted towards the cabinet above your head, the one your mom was eyeing at, and you sighed. "okay, thanks, and by the way miss carla wants you." your mom's eyes widened before she placed down the rag in her hands and scurried out the kitchen. you heard her speak a few words to someone but you weren't paying much attention as your fingertips began to reach upwards to pull at the cabinet doors. when it swung open a groan left your lips when you almost immediately spotted the brightest blue box of plastic cutlery at the top shelf.
"okay, _____... you can't reach that." you opted for climbing on top of the counter, and you did despite you wearing a dress, the fabric stretching as you propped yourself up on the surface, knees together while you used your hand to try and reach for the box.
your hand barely grazed it, but that didn't matter as eren's hands reached it for you, his back pressed against yours as he used his tippy toes and the stretch of his fingertips to knock the box down and grab it in the air before it could drop to the ground. the warmth of him behind you disappeared as he backed up and looked you over from your position on the counter. "if you couldn't reach it you should've had me get the stuff."
it was your turn to roll your eyes, heat rising to your cheeks before you climbed off the counter slowly and adjusted your dress. "shut up."
eren's arm came out to hand you the box. "since when did you start wearing dresses?" he asked abruptly, once again, those thick brows coming together in curiosity as you grabbed the box from his hands, stepping forward slightly.
"i've been wearing dresses, you're just too dumb to notice." your own gaze gave eren a once-over. he never dressed formally for any of these events like your mom made you. carla could never seem to get him into anything nice. plain black jeans with an almost too tight white shirt, and you could never fail to mention the key necklace draped around his neck that he once told you his dad gave him when you had asked "why do you always have that stupid necklace on?" he had gotten really defensive and only today you realized how insensitive that comment may have been considering the fact that he rarely saw his dad— as did you. you could only recall seeing the man twice, and at one time was at one of the barbecues. "i wore one... last time."
eren's eyes went up to the ceiling as he recalled "last time" realization dawning on his face, but before you could wait for his reply you were walking past him with your head pointed towards the ground as you told him, "you can go ahead and go up to my room, i'm gonna go put these down." and he watched you walk away before scratching his chin and doing just that.
you did what you had to do, placing down the cutlery and slipping past both your mother and carla before they could get you to do anything else.
when you opened the door to your room you were surprised to see eren sitting on your bed, shoes kicked off at the edge. you narrowed your eyes at him as he looked up from his phone at you. "what? your chair's broken." your eyes glanced to the chair that sat idle near your desk before you remembered— it was broken— no it wasn't broken, one of the wheels had just been screwed off and you nor your mom had the patience to fix it.
you lowered your suspicions at eren and merely nodded your head. you really didn't mind actually, the chair was eren's self proclaimed spot, he continued to sit their his self after the first barbecue, you never actually told him to.
"wow, i'm surprised you're not throwing a tantrum." he scoffed as you climbed onto your bed stomach flopping down next to eren who was propped up against your wall. your dress had ridden up in the slightest but you made no efforts to fix it, and you didn't make an effort to grab your phone either which was sat on your desk.
your arms held up your head, elbows on the bed as you looked up at eren with a raise of your eyebrow much like your mom. "you can get out." you half joked, eren looking down at you with lagoon green eyes.
"so you can leave me down to suffer with all those people? hell no, i'd surprisingly rather be up here with you."
you tilted your head at eren. "oh? why the change of heart?"
his stare sent a prickly sensation up your bare arms, and you turned over to your side so that your one arm propped up your head, your other draped across your waist. this was basically the first time you had a simple conversation without the two of you bothering each other, the first time you were somewhat amused by the words coming out of his mouth.
where was the old eren jaeger? this new eren jaeger couldn't help but think you looked... good, not to say he's never thought this before; the subconscious thought always in the back of his head, but now it was prevalent to him. the straps of your black dress so thin, and the way it hugged your body in the slightest was almost tantalizing. you didn't seem to be wearing a bra either, he could tell by the lack of support and straps. "huh?" you added when he didn't respond right away, eren's eyes snapping back up to your face.
he whipped up a quick response; "there wasn't a change of heart. you know i'm always up here... and you're tolerable today." he placed down his phone, interested in the conversation at hand. something was laced between your words, almost taunting, almost aware, more aware than you were earlier when the two of you had that encounter in the kitchen, more aware than you were when he accidentally walked in on you a couple weeks prior.
you felt confident today, you weren't sure if it was the mere maturity between the two of you that seemed to just decide to pop up today, you weren't sure if it was eren's new attitude, or if it was your attire that gave you the confidence you possessed. you always enjoyed you and eren's arguments, you loved seeing him riled, but today the snark to his own comments instead of him getting completely heated sent an even better thrill, if you could call it, down your spine. "hm, then it's not surprising you'd rather be up here with me, jaeger... and what makes me more tolerable today?"
eren let his eyes roll to the back of his head for a split second before deciding that the best response to that question would be no answer, lying wasn't healthy anyways.
"what? is it the fact that i started wearing dresses?" you mocked his earlier words, your hand flying up to create quotations in the air.
that was one reason.
"trying to get your little dick wet eren? that little blondie wasn't doing it for you, yeah?" you joked, but the way his eyebrow twitched and his eyes darkened, lowering as a very small smirk formed on his face told you maybe your joke was more than that to him.
he let out another small scoff, face turning away from you so his jawline was visible, the tiny brown hairs that wouldn't fit in his ponytail skimming his neck and forehead before he side eyed you, then turning his head back to you and not even noticing how he scooted forward as he brought his knee up for his arm to rest on. "little?" was all he could manage to get out. he wasn't gonna lie— your comments felt quicker today, and they were catching him a little off guard.
you flipped back onto your stomach before sliding your upper body and shuffling forward to sit back on your knees diagonal from eren. you weren't gonna lie— eren's comments felt quicker today, and they were catching you a little off guard. "did i lie?"
"i beg to differ."
eren's hand went to his thigh. even though his dick was on the other leg, semi-hard, he wanted to tease you with the leg closer, rubbing up and down the fabric of his jeans. "wanna see then?"
your eyes glanced down to his lap and widened, jesus— this was not the eren you knew, nor the eren you expected tonight. you let yourself fall backwards onto your pillows, grabbing one throw pillow and placing it over your face as you hid your true expression. although your voice was muffled you let out an "jaeger, stop! i'm supposed to hate you."
the bed dipped underneath you as eren shuffled forward until he was peering down at you again, grabbing the pillow with one hand, your hand flying up to grab his wrist, then his coming up to pry your fingers off him. after a small tussle he pinned your hand to the bed, grabbing the pillow and chucking it off the bed to see your face.
your lips were shriveled in an embarrassing smile and you turned your head away from eren, only then realizing the presence of his cold gold pendant tickling your chest, and how close he actually was, his thigh pressed up against your side, and his untucked hairs gravitating towards you. those green-blue eyes seemed even more intimidating up close, and the dangerous slight upturn of the corner of his lips didn't seem to help in you feeling small under him.
eren jaeger, an anomaly. who knew people could change right before your eyes.
"jaeger," you brought your other hand to his chest, pushing at his sternum with as much force as possible which didn't budge him, eren only grabbing your other hand with a low chuckle and placing it above your head, bringing both of your hands together and keeping them there with one wrist. you let out a soft whine of the word "move," that made eren's lip twitch before you brought your foot up to kick him.
"kick me and i swear, ______—" and so you did— well at least you tried, eren grabbing your ankle and holding your flailing limb. you guys looked insanely stupid, and it made your little whines turn into small laughs that seemed to be contagious as eren began to laugh too. your body went limp as you soon realized that eren was pretty strong, which the old eren wasn't.
he let go of your leg, dropping it to the bed on the other side of him so he was sitting between them. "i'll let go if you admit that you don't actually hate me." a small goofy grin was on his face and it made you reciprocate.
"nope," you popped the p, eren quirking his brow at you before letting his eyes wander down. he had you in quite a position; your legs on either side of him, your hands pinned together, and your dress scrunched up just enough so he could see the black underwear you adorned. you watched his eyes trail back up, stopping at your lips, his tongue sliding over his own before coming back up to your eyes. "but it's obvious you don't hate me."
eren let out a small laugh and your stomach churned— so did his. 
"nope," he popped his p just like you. "that's just some weird shit we were on when we were younger... you're not that bad." he hummed, leaning down a bit so he was hovering over your face, and god did he look amazing.
maybe he was right— maybe it was just one of those weird things that leave with age, and you were fine with it leaving, especially if it gave you the eren jaeger in front of you right now. your lips parted in effort for you to speak but you choked on your own words, not sure what to say. but you didn't have to say much because just like eren, you let your realization hit you on how he had you, how he looked, and your gaze stopped at his lips too. he took that as his cue— his face inching way too close, but not like you minded.
"the way you're looking at me doesn't seem like it, ______."
you squeezed your legs on his sides as you felt the fabric of his jeans rub against you from the proximity. "well, i—" he didn't let you finish his lips connecting with yours and you almost forget how to kiss for a moment, eren's lips being the only ones moving until he let go of your hands and you cradled his jaw, kissing him back just as fervently.
eren hummed against your lips in content, them beginning to move together as if the two of you were made for each other. something felt like it was lifted off your chest, and you really relished in the moment at hand. one of eren's hand coming up to your hair and pushing your head more towards him, the kiss becoming rougher while his other hand settled at your side gripping roughly as if you could run away any second.
you felt desperate, practically swallowing eren's lips up, him biting at your lip before pulling away for air. he looked down at you with a lustful expression, his lips parted and flushed red while his eyelids hung low. "finally, you shut up."
you looked up to the ceiling with a smile gracing your face. you didn't know if you were in shock at the fact that he could still throw quick comebacks after such an event or if you were in shock at what just happened. "you shut the fuck up— and come here," 
you lifted your head up to connect your lips back to eren's, your tongue sliding over his bottom lip, and he quickly got the hint, pushing you back down to the bed as he parted his lips so that your tongues could collide gently. the kiss was wet, and passionate, you could practically taste the lust that both of you were so oblivious about for years. you could taste how long he craved your lips on his and you almost wanted to apologize for leaving him waiting for so long.
eren's tongue licked around your mouth, doing all the work while you laid back and guided your tongue to follow his almost like a recited dance. his hips moved with yours, beginning to grind against you to relieve some of the ache in his dick, and he was glad you were wearing a dress. his hand on your hip grasped the black fabric and aggressively yanked it up, your hips lifting to help him out a little bit until your lower half was completely unveiled to him.
his mouth disconnected from yours so he could peer down at you. "fuck..." he muttered. his hand slid under your dress, smoothing over your stomach before nearing your breasts, looking back up to you as if to ask if what he was doing was fine. you gave him that confirmation and let your eyes drift close as his warm palm relaxed itself over your tit. the contact that his fingers made with you nipple as he moved his hand down to toy at it caused them to harden and you to whimper.
eren ducked down to your neck so he could kiss it, nibbling at the sensitive flesh which elicit your hand to fly to his messy brown locks. "yeah..." you sighed, elated with the feeling of him sucking at your skin, his tongue occasionally licking at the spot and his teeth grazing over it as well before he completely pulled off, hoping a distinctive hickey you would have trouble hiding from your mom would begin to appear sooner or later.
his hand slid back down to your side until it went over the curve of your back and trailed down your ass until it met your supple thighs. he grasped at your skin, the fat underneath his fingertips leaving his imagination to wonder what it would be like in between your thighs. he brought his other thumb to your plain black panties, pressing it against your clothed entrance just to get a feel and your head flew back so you were no longer watching him— eyebrows turning upwards and mouth parting as uneven breaths left you mouth.
you were so hot and bothered, you needed him now— any way you could take him.
"need you... right now, eren." you mumbled, your hand retreating between your dress to cup at your own breast.
eren looked up at you another smile playing on his lips, and he would be the death of you. "first name basis now that you want to be fucked by me?"
"oh my gosh, just hurry."
you brought your legs closer to your body as eren's hand came to the hem of the fabric that was the only thing separating you and him. he pulled it over your legs and down your feet tossing it to the side. when you didn't part your legs for him immediately he brought his hand to both of your knees and with some resistance parted them for you, the sight of your glistening cunt going straight to his dick.
you were so pretty to him, yet he didn't want to boost your ego any more so he held his tongue and untucked his lip from his teeth before stepping off the bed, grabbing your ankles and pulling your body to the edge of the bed.
your pussy fluttered as you watched eren fumble with the button and zipper of his pants. he stopped for a brief moment, groaning in annoyance before looking back to you. "i don't have a condom."
your hand flew to your forehead and you felt yourself squeeze around nothing at the thought of eren sliding into you without one. "you're clean right?"
eren scoffed. "yeah."
"okay well then hurry!" you repeated, eren going back to pulling his pants down until they were pooled at his ankles, as well as his boxers. his dick was finally exposed to you, and you stifled a moan when you saw it— pretty, hard, big and flushed red in anticipation for you not anyone else. he took himself into his hands and smeared his pre cum over his length while his head tilted back and his jaw dropped at the slight relief.
"this is about to be the best dick you've ever had." he half joked as he grabbed your hips and pressed at your entrance, leaning overtop of you again.
"we'll see about that, ja—" you couldn't even get the rest of your sentence out as you felt his tip slide more into you, a gasp leaving your throat, your walls clenching his tip causing him to let out a slight moan.
he stopped for a moment, bringing his hand up to steady himself on the bed. "eren, not jaeger."
he pushed in a little more, your hand flying over to your mouth muffling your, "eren!" which caused him to smirk. "shit... you—" a little more, your eyebrows coming together like his as he tried filling you up even more.
"me what?" he breathed out, pushing in a little more.
your back arched and your fingers came to wrap around his wrist beside your head for support. "it kind of hurts." you mewled out. of course you wouldn't tell eren this, but it had been awhile since the last time you had sex, prone to getting yourself off instead, and eren's size wasn't helping either.
"well..." he started, sheathing himself more inside you as your grip on his wrist tightened, and small pathetic half-whines left your throat. "you gotta take it." your eyes screwed even more shut as his words rang through your head. you were practically throbbing for him and you wanted this just as bad. "don't start something you can't finish." and with that the brunette let his length fill you up completely, ignoring your slight displeasure until he bottomed out, shushing you and letting his hand come down to rub circles on your clit to soothe you.
a sigh left your lips and your hand relaxed from eren's wrist. "okay."
"you can move." and eren wasted no time doing just that, his hips moving backwards and sliding against your walls causing you and him to groan at the same time.
when you were fully adjusted, and any discomfort you felt had drifted away, eren moved faster, almost fucking you how he wanted to in the first place. he lifted himself from the bed and put his hands on your hips, dragging you onto him as he pushed in and out of you, basking in your moans of pleasure and the feeling of your tight walls trying to consume him.
"yes," you said with gritted teeth as the way eren thrusted into you with purpose felt amazing and left you wondering why you didn't confess to your attraction to him sooner. "fuck, eren..." his hips stuttered from the way you sounded moaning his name. he wanted to hear it again, and again, wanted to hear it so many times that he could hear it when he fucked his fist to your pretty face. "like that, just like that."
"again." he demanded, and the low octave of his voice ordering you to repeat his name sent your head into a spiral. you grind against him, your wetness smearing on his abdomen. eren brought his hand to your hair again, pulling your body up off the bed and you winced at his tight grip as he continued to fuck up into you nicely. "i said again."
"eren," you repeated more like a plea. he pulled your head forward more, smashing his lips to yours again briefly, just wanting to feel more of you, wanting to feel you crave him.
"what do you want me to do?" he asked. he wanted you to tell him how bad you wanted him, how bad you wanted him to fuck you— and with the way his cock stretched you out so well, fucking into you with ease, like it's what he was made for, you were willing to do just that. "hm?"
"fuck me good, make me cum, eren, please."
"if i do you're gonna stop acting like a little brat when we're together right?"
"yes, yes, yes," you babbled not even realizing what he said that had you nodding your head hastily.
eren chuckled at the lack of hesitance in your response, softening his grip on your hair and letting your head fall back to the bed. "good girl." he murmured while slowing down his pace causing you to roll your hips into his as a silent plea to go faster. eren pushed your dress up some more until it was bunched up right to your chest, then having you pull off the straps to free your tits. he stepped out of his jeans and boxers, pushing you higher on the bed to create space for himself, not leaving you once, leaving your cunt fluttering around him as he did all these motions.
the little sad cries that would leave your lips begging him to hurry up so that he could fuck you again made you sound so stupid for him, so impatient and so dirty. eren didn't mind at all though, when he shifted himself up on your bed and pressed your legs to either side of your body so he could hit deeper, he complied with your wishes. "open your mouth." and you complied to his, parting your lips and sticking your tongue out, eren coming down to let his spit drop into your mouth, and the second his saliva came in contact with the muscle you squeezed his member from inside of you, he could feel you tighten around him and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you swallowed. he watched your throat bob before wrapping his hand around your neck to create leverage for himself.
when you felt him drag himself out and back into you so forcefully, your body jolting as he continued the motion, fucking down into you. he was drilling that soft spot inside of you, and he didn't stop you when your hand trailed down below his arm to touch yourself, rubbing at your swollen clit while he drilled you. "you're gonna cum?"
you were too incoherent to form words, the nods of your head telling him enough. he was on the verge of coming too, but he wanted you to come first, he wanted to feel you pulse around his throbbing cock, spill your slick all over him. "shit, then cum all over me, _____. right on my dick, let me feel it." you let out a sultry moan, eren letting go of your neck going to grasp one of your bouncing breast the other grasping your thigh and pounding into you hard while you got yourself off with your middle finger.
small cries spilled out of your lips as your orgasm slowly approached until it finally did, your vision blanking out, pussy squeezing eren impossibly tight, and every nerve being pinched in your body. your hand unconsciously flew to your blanket, gripping the fabric tight as you moaned a drawled out sound resembling eren's name. you felt like you were the only person alive, like the guests downstairs didn't exist, like your parents weren't just outside your window along with them, not even like eren was there when your climax washed over your body, blurring your senses.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah—" eren was having trouble holding back, but as soon as he felt your juices coat him, and the sound of his name from you he let go of your thighs and chest, pulling out of your wet heat and jerking himself to completion, hot cum spilling all over your lower stomach as to avoid your dress. "shit.." he panted, watching his seed sit idle on your pretty skin.
he felt hazy, almost in disbelief that he just fucked your lights out, almost quite literally as you hadn't opened your eyes since your orgasm.
eren took it upon himself to gather some of his cum with a swipe of his finger then prod at your swollen lips, you lazily opening your mouth to taste the salty taste of his cum. "good?" and you hummed, letting your head fall back to the blankets and closing your eyes.
eren tucked himself in, leaving to head towards your bathroom, and soon enough coming back to help you clean up. when you felt the warmth of something slide over your lower abdomen, you too out of it to open your eyes, you relaxed against the bed. eren adjusted your dress and slipped your underwear on for you, shaking your arm to wake you up. "your mom was out there. she was about to check on you when i walked out the bathroom. that would've been embarrassing."
you were too tired to respond, blinking at eren before picking yourself up and sitting up in front of him, his height allowing him to still be looking down at you even though you were on a bed. "i'm gonna head down cause i'll probably be leaving soon... i'll tell her you're sleep."
you nodded your head at eren before crawling to your bed and under the blankets, turning away from him. eren eyed you for a moment before coming forward and deciding to press a kiss to your ear, then grabbing his phone and slipping on his shoes. he grabbed the damp paper towel and threw it in your trash, shutting your lights and shutting the door quietly.
eren jaeger, an anomaly you thought you had figured out who happened not to be that bad after all.
maybe you did like eren— just a little bit.
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1K notes · View notes
An imagine for adeuce please! They hang out someplace in their hometown during vacation but awkwardly run into crewel. I think treys family bakery would be a nice location but the setting is your choice in case you want to limit the dialogue and number of characters
Ps. I personally feel like the game needs more interactions between the students and teachers. Hopefully we can get more in the new event
Teacher-student interactions are so much fun! We definitely got more from Vargas Camp (which I’m really thankful for), and I hope we keep getting more!
So far, my favorite teacher-student dynamic has been Vargas and Azul. I’d feel bad for octoboi if I wasn’t laughing so hard at his flying fails--
I really liked this prompt, so I wrote more than my usual ~1000 word imagine; please enjoy!
***Mild spoilers for chapter 4!***
Imagine this...
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The Rose Kingdom was aptly named for the flowers that bloomed in nearly every corner of its land. In the summer time, they blossomed magnificently, perfuming the warm air with their heady aroma—but in the winter, those delicate rosebuds were banished by a spell of frost. Without fail, a great cold would wash over the region every year, casting their famous red flowers in a thick layer of white.
It was a pattern that the kingdom’s residents had long since grown accustomed to. This was, after all, their beloved home—amid the roses, frozen as they were.
“Oi, Deuce! Hurry it up, will you?!” Ace called, tossing an annoyed glance over his shoulder.
His friend—wearing so many layers that he resembled a moving blueberry more than a human—lagged several paces behind.
Deuce attempted to return the sass, but his words caught in the scarf bound tightly around his mouth, coming out muffled instead. The puffball on his winter hat furiously bobbed up and down, as though communicating his frustration for him.
“If we don’t pick up the pace, they’re gonna sell out of hot chocolate and fresh pastries!” Ace rushed back, grabbed Deuce by the arm, and tugged. “C’mon!! I thought you were in Track and Field Club or something—so let’s get moving!”
Deuce loosened his scarf with his free hand and, glaring at Ace, declared, “No way am I running with the roads this icy. That’s a recipe for disaster.”
“Hah? You serious? I already got wasted enough time waiting for you to dress in your 101 layers of coats,” Ace grumped, gesturing to Deuce’s ridiculous outfit. “It can’t hurt to be a little quicker about it.”
“Mom wanted me to stay warm,” Deuce countered stiffly. “I’m gonna respect that, no matter what.”
Ace rolled his eyes and waves dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, whatever—enough talk, we really gotta get going...!! I’ll be damned if I freeze out here.”
“The Clover Bakery isn’t that far from here, so we don’t need to rush.” Deuce indicated a warm building at the end of the block, which gave off delicious fumes—spun sugar, baked bread, and spices. “Slow and steady wins the race.”
Ace groaned loudly. At this rate, it would take all day for them to waddle on over. He was about to bury his head in his hands when an idea dawned on him.
A mean, but clever, idea.
“Betcha I could make it there faster than you,” Ace chirped, his voice casual.
“It’s not a competition,” Deuce reminded him sternly.
“No one said it was, dummy! I’m just saying I could definitely beat you at your own game.”
“Tough words for someone shaking like a leaf in the cold.”
“Oh yeah?” Ace’s grin was wicked. “Prove me wrong, then.”
“I don’’t have to prove anything. It’d be dangerous to run in this weather, anyway.”
“I bet it’s way more snowy in Pyroxene—and Jack’s probably totally fine with running through it!”
“That’s Jack, and this is me. I said I wasn’t going to rush things, and I meant it.”
“Yeah? Too bad~” The redhead gave an exaggerated sigh and a shrug. “Backing out, huh...? Oh well. Guess if you snooze, you lose...!!”
“Hey, I never said...” Deuce’s voice trailed off, for Ace had shoved by him, darting off in the direction of the bakery. “H-Hey...!! Ace...!! ACE!! GET BACK HERE!!”
He tore after his friend, shouting at him all the while—and Ace, with his (cheating) head start, only laughed in return. Deuce soon caught up (no thanks to his club conditioning), and they were neck-and-neck for first place.
Windchill, knives upon their faces. The biting cold seeped into their lungs, making it hurt to breathe as they hurtled toward their destination. Yet they sailed on, determined to outdo the other.
Both boys launched themselves at the bakery entrance, grasping the handle at the same time.
“EXCUSE US!!” Ace and Deuce yelled in unison, yanking open the door (struggling to cram through the doorway at the same time) and stumbling in.
They were greeted by a blast of warmth and the smells of sweet cakes and toasted breads. The employee manning the counter glanced up, startled at the duo’s sudden appearance. When he saw who it was that had barged in, he sighed and calmly readjusted his glasses.
He looked a little different than usual, wearing a white shirt with green plaid that showed off his broad shoulders. The sleeves were rolled up to reveal thick forearms forged from years of lifting flour sacks and kneading dough. A brown apron was slung over his attire, four-leafed clovers sewn on the pockets.
“If it isn’t Ace and Deuce. How are the two troublemakers of Heartslabyul doing?” Trey asked, his smile lopsided as his underclassmen approached.
“A-Are we really troublemakers in your eyes, Clover-senpai?!”
“I’m just kidding,” he reassured Deuce. “Well, you are troublemakers, but more for Riddle than for me.”
“Geez... thanks for the vote of confidence...” Ace grumbled, casting the third year a cheeky look. “Some senpai you are, huh?”
“Now, now... I’m allowed to have some fun, aren’t I? We’re all ‘off-duty’, so to speak.” Trey said light heartedly. “Anyway, what brings you guys to the Clover Bakery? I’m assuming you’re not dropping by just to say hello.”
“Hehe. Obviously we’re hungry, so we came by for some grub!” Ace held up his index finger. “One large hot chocolate, and a plate of assorted butter cookies for me!”
“I’m okay with a small spiced apple cider,” Deuce chimed in, “please and thank you.”
“Gotcha. I’ll get you your drinks in a bit,” Trey nodded, “but as for the butter cookies, I’m afraid I won’t be able to sell those to you.”
“Huh?” Ace’s face collapsed. “Why not?”
“We’ve only got a few dozen left, and they’re reserved for a client that preordered them. Sorry.” Trey pointed to a neatly wrapped box already set upon the counter, done up in a bright green bow.
Through the plastic window in the box, Ace could see that the cookies had been converted into little sandwiches. Each pair housed a generous dollop of cream, caramelized raisins threaded throughout it.
“What? Who needs that many butter cookies? And why are there gross raisins in them--“
The door to the bakery flung open, summoning a gale of cold once more. A bell suspended above jingled, ringing in a new customer.
“Ah, speak of deville the devil,” Trey said—while his underclassmen balked in terror.
There, in the doorway, was a tall man in black faux leather gloves and a voluminous fur coat—striped, black and white. Beneath that, he boasted a crimson turtle neck and a blazer, half solid white, the other half a black , checkerboard pattern. This, paired with his slicked back hair, steely eyes, and regal face, made him appear as though he had just strutted off the runway, were it not for the leashes he gripped.
Two Dalmatians—one in a blue coat, the other in a red one—stood alert by his feet. They caught Ace and Deuce’s eyes and barked in greeting, but the two boys were far too fixated on the Dalmatians’ owner to gush over dogs.
“... Sensei?”
Ace and Deuce glanced to one another, then back at their Alchemy teacher.
“Wh-What’re you doing here?!” Ace demanded, pointing an accusatory finger. “School’s out for winter break...!! You... You didn’t hunt us down to make us do our homework, did you?!”
Crewel snorted. “Spare me your theatrics, Trappola. Your instructors are granted a vacation for the duration of winter break as well. Were you not aware?”
“I-I knew that! I just didn’t know you lived in the Rose Kingdom, too!”
“I thought teachers lived at school...”
“... Seriously, Deuce?!”
“The more you know.” Crewel narrowed his eyes at Ace. “But speaking of homework, I trust you pups are keeping on top of your assignments? Being on break is no excuse to slack on your studies.”
“D-Duh! Of course I haven’t been slacking!” A lie, Ace grimaced, thinking to the piles of homework he had abandoned in his bedroom in favor of hanging out with friends. Whatever, he could just pester his brother for help later. “Right, Deuce? Back me up here!”
“I’ve been diligently studying and working on my homework bit by bit every day, Crewel-sensei!”
“... But have you done it accurately?” Crewel asked, raising an eyebrow. “Simply writing down an answer does not guarantee full marks, Spade.”
“... Errrrrr, okay, maybe I need to work on it a little more.”
“You’ve got your notes and a reliable Science Club member to count on for assistance,” Crewel quipped, gesturing to Trey with a gloved hand. “There is no excuse for why you should not do well. That goes for you as well, Trappola.”
“Crewel-sensei, I think that’s enough interrogation,” Trey called, waving for him to come to the counter. Outwardly, he wore a smile, but inwardly, he sighed. For the love of the Great Seven, don’t offer my help for me. “Here, I have your order prepared--oh, but be sure to keep your dogs at the doorway. No pets allowed beyond a certain threshold for health and safety reasons.”
“I am aware, yes.” Crewel’s eyes passed over to the two scared stiff underclassmen. “... Trappola, Spade--come here. Do your professor a favor and tend to my Dalmatians for me.”
“What? You want us to watch your dogs?”
“I’ll do my best, Sensei!!”
“Don’t just blindly agree to it, Deuce!”
“It will only be for a moment,” Crewel insisted, shoving his leashes into Ace and Deuce’s hands. The boys fumbled, but held firm--the Dalmatians eagerly staring up at them.
“... Oi, don’t give me those looks,” Ace grumbled. “You’re... You’re too cute looking and innocent to be Crewel-sensei’s pets.”
The dog in the red coat gave a happy bark, as if pleased with the compliment. Its partner, in the blue coat, panted with delight as Deuce gave it a firm head pat.
Crewel received the box of raisin butter cookies--but allowed his eyes to quickly a scan the glass display case as he strode up. “Do you have dog treats in stock as well?”
“We do.”
“Then add two to my total, please--peanut butter flavor.”
“Alright, you’ve got it.” Trey ducked, retrieved a pair of tongs, and fished out two bone-shaped biscuits. He dropped them into a paper bag and handed them over to his teacher. “That’ll be--”
He was cut off by several bills being fanned out on the counter.
“I’ve ordered enough from your bakery to know the general prices,” Crewel smirked, tucking his wallet away into his massive fur coat. “If there is a discrepancy, you may keep the change.”
“Ah, thanks for that. Hope you and the dogs enjoy--” Trey paused, cut off this time by the sound of several small footsteps from the back room of the bakery. He groaned, already knowing what was coming. “Oh no...”
“Trey-nii!!” A chorus of high-pitched voices piped up, startling Ace and Deuce. “We heard bark-barks!! Did Mr. Fluffy Coat bring back his doggies?”
Three heads of green hair poked above the counter--just barely. One girl and two boys, probably elementary school age, all of them sharing Trey’s mustard yellow eyes.
“Guys, not now. Big bro’s busy with the customers,” Trey warned. He passed an apologetic look to his underclassmen and teacher. “Sorry, my siblings are excitable sometimes.”
“I wanna pet the doggies!”
“I wanna feed’m snackies!”
“I wanna dress them up!”
To the boys’ surprise, Crewel merely chuckled. “No worries. Fellow canine lovers are always welcome.”
“Mr. Fluffy Coat!! Can we feed your doggies?”
“Pretty please with candied violets on top!”
“Please, please, please!!”
Crewel barked with laughter. “Perhaps I can allow it, little ones--permitted that your brother grants his permission.”
All three Clover siblings looked expectantly at their eldest sibling.
Trey heaved a sigh. “... I guess I’ve got no choice. Go ahead.”
Excited squeals filled the interior of the bakery. The Clover siblings nearly tripped over themselves racing over to Crewel’s dogs (they nearly trampled Ace and Deuce’s feet, too).
“Hey, watch it! We’re the ones babysitting these dogs, not you!” Ace cried as the kids descended on the Dalmatians. I’ve only had these dogs for five minutes but if anything happened to them, I’d kill everyone here and then--
“We can share, Ace!”
“Spade is correct. There is plenty of the pups to go around,” Crewel interjected. He produced two dog treats and broke them into smaller pieces, offering them to Ace, Deuce, and the Clover siblings. “Go on, then. One for each of you to feed them.”
The Clovers cheered and eagerly claimed their pieces, holding them out and allowing each Dalmatian to sniff and lick the treats straight out of their palms. As soon as the food was slurped up, the Clovers proceeded to vigorously pet the pups. But the first years hesitated.
“You’re... being awfully nice,” Ace noted, eying him suspiciously. “Are you gonna spring a pop quiz on us as soon as I take the treat?”
“Keep biting the hand that feeds you, and I just might consider it,” Crewel warned with a dark smirk.
“W-We’ll take the treats!” Deuce snatched up two pieces, shoving one into Ace’s hands. “Come on, let’s not worry too much. We’re on winter break, after all. Let’s just relax while we still can.”
“You’re right, you’re right! Let’s not sweat it!”
They exchanged a brief laugh before kneeling and offering up their own dog treat pieces to the Dalmatians. Just as the dogs’ sloppy, wet tongues connected with the boys’ hands, their cell phones went off.
“... Huh? Did you just get a text, Deuce?”
“I think I did. I heard your phone ping too, though. Did you get a text too?”
“I can check. One sec...” With his free hand, Ace fished his phone out of his coat pocket and consulted it. He immediately paled. “Oh, shit.”
(“Hey, language!” Trey shouted--but his protest seemingly went ignored.)
“What’s wrong?” Deuce asked, frowning.
“Check your phone. Check it right now.”
“Is it something seri...” Deuce’s face dropped as soon as he looked at his messages. “Fuck.”
(“I said, language!” Trey tried again, only to be snubbed a second time.)
The distressing text they had received?
Ace and Deuce abruptly stood and bolted toward the exit, much to everyone’s surprise. They paid no mind to the concerned shouts of Trey, nor Crewel, or to the excited barks of Dalmatians no longer held by leashes.
All that remained of where the duo once stood were soggy, half-finished peanut butter dog treats.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Shuriken (Jang Hanseok)
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Summary: Y/N is a mercenary with a particular knack for knives and torture. Hanseok hired her as his new body guard against Vincenzo, little did he know that her and Vincenzo have a history. A dark history.
Characters: Jang Hanseok x mercenary!reader (implied sex), Vincenzo x mercenary!reader (past lovers), Jang Hanseo x reader (platonic), Ms. Choi x reader (platonic)
You hated jet lang with a passion. You would think that since you're a mercenary, that you're fine with traveling but you really hated it. You pull up your turtle neck to cover your maliscous scar across your neck. It's not that it bothers you to show it, you just didn't feel like explaining to others that someone tried to kill you and failed.
You take a taxi from the Incheon International Airport to the location your employer asked you to meet him. He was explicit with making sure that you get all the luxuries plus the 500k and that you never leave his side. He's definitely paranoid. But this isn't the first time you've had a paranoid employer.
Hopefully, he's not a crazy one. You'vs had enough with the crazy employers. The taxi drops you off at a fairly large, modern-looking house. But from the looks of it, it does not take much to break in here. You'll suggest installing some deadlocks and bullet proof cameras.
You pay the driver before hopping out of the car with your luggage. He drives away and just as you approach the gate, the door buzzes open. You walk in and are instantly greeted by four people, three men and a women. Two of the men looked young, they're probably brothers. The other man and woman looked older.
"I'm Jang Hanseok, this is my brother, Jang Hanseo and my lawyers, Ms. Choi and Mr. Hanchul. This is Y/N, the Slicer." "I see you did your research," "A little. Had to know who I was dealing with." "Yeah, and that nickname did not give me any justice. That's one of my least favorite names given to me."
"There's multiple?" "Yeah, there's Ninja, SheWolf, Shredder, Grim Reaper, Death, Queen of Hell, and my favorite, Shuriken." "Shuriken? How did you get that name?" "A talented magician never tells their secrets," you say. "Now, where's my room?" You add.
Over the passed few days, there is not much action to be on high alert. Which leaves random conversations about favorite foods and TV shows.
He doesn't seem like a terrible guy, he has a messed sense of humor though. He even asked a if you've ever been in love before. You answered by pointing to your scar and saying, "Once, unfortunately,"
You were walking through the parking garage to get the car after having dinner with Hanseok and the rest of his crew when you hear tires screeching. There was a black van next to you and the doors flew open Instinctively, you push Jang Hanseok behind you.
A dozen of guys with masks pile out of the car with their own weapons. They rush towards you and you take out a few thin shurikens from your sleeves and flick your wrists forwards. They hit two men in their throats and you duck under the arm of a man with a wrench.
You grab his arm and throw him to the ground and just when another man headed towards you, you take out your ninjato sword. Clicking the button, it springs into it's full length and you slice across the man's chest.
His blood sprays across your face before he falls to the ground and the man you threw to the ground is starting to get up.
You cut his throat and knee him in the face before ducking and weaving through their blows, cutting their backs and faces along the way. One managed to take your ninajto sword from your hands so you took out your daggers.
Stabbing his heart, you take out the blade before drop kicking him towards his remaining four comrades. They all fall to the ground and before they could get up, you threw a dagger through one of their eye sockets.
The three of them rush towards you and you swing your leg under one of them, tripping him. Then you one with a roundhouse kick and the other with a jumping back kick.
"Now, which of you wants to run back to you boss and say that Shuriken is in town?" You ask breathlessly. They look to each other and one of them hops into the van and drives away. "Well.." you state and before they could run away, you use two more shurikeins that cuts through their throats.
You turn around to see Hanseo, Ms. Choi and Mr. Hanchul looking at you with both fear and shock. You tried to wipe away the blood from your face as you look at Hanseok. He smiles at you with a dark look in his eyes. "Let's go," you suggest.
Since you fought those amateurs in the parking garage, Jang Hanseok has been more around you a lot more than usual. It's almost like he was attracted to the fact that you killed people without blinking. He buys you everything from food to jewlery.
He doesn't mention who I'm protecting him from. He doesn't even allow his comrades to say his name. They just call him Mafia Bastard. They were celebrating a victory over said Mafia Bastard. It wasn't until he admitted to killing his mother that you realized just how similar you guys were.
Sitting at the table, you read your book and leave your glass of champagne untouched. You started to zone out after they continue to ramble about the Mafia Bastard.
You felt some tensesness in the room when Ms. Choi said, "Did you really think that you would betray the Chairman and I wouldn't find out about it?"
You still don't look up from your book until you heard a silenced gun shot and Ms. Choi's screams. You reach into your belt and aim your gun towards the perpetrator.
His expression matched yours when you realized that it was him.. Vincenzo. The man you loved and betrayed you. The one that gave you that hideous scar.
Without a second thought, you shot his arm and chest. He kneels on the ground and drops his weapon. "Thats impossible, you're dead." He groans. "There were times when I wished I was." He spits out some blood and says, "Y/N, I.. I'm sorry."
You raise the gun again to kill him but you remember Hanseok saying he didn't wabf the Mafia Bastard dead, not yet. "Get the hell out of here," you say, setting your gun on the counter. He stands up from the floor and staggers a little before opening his mouth to talk to you. You raise your hand for him to stop and he complies.
He holds onto his chest and walks slowly out of the building. That's when you notice the dead man on the floor. From the looks of it, he's was tortured to death. He must have been the one who killed his mom. "Why didn't you kill him! We didn't hire you to let people live! We hired you to kill!" Ms. Choi yells.
You look to Hanseok and ask, "You said to keep him alive, is that correct?" "Yes, I did. And we didn't hire anybody, I did, so watch your tone."
You approach her and take out a dagger from your ankle holster. You press the dagger against her throat and said, "Question my intentions like that again, and I'll slit your throat."
With that, you walk out of the lounge room and went into Hanseok's room where the balcony was. "So he's the reason why you have that scar," Hanseok says, stepping on to the balcony with you.
"I don't want to talk about it," you say flatly. "He's the one that's trying to kill me, so you better talk about it."
"Look at me," he adds, turning you around and pressing your back against the railing. "Why do you care? What matters now is that I'm willing to kill him. No, I'm more than willing. I want to kill him." You say as you throw him to the ground and apply pressure to his chest with your knee. Taking out your blade, you press it against his throat.
"I'm not your brother. Put your hands on me again and I will kill you, do you understand?" You add. He nods and you release the pressure from his lungs. You tuck your dagger away in your ankle. When you try to stand up, he pulls you back down and flips you onto your back.
He pins your arms above your head. "What are you doing?" You ask. "I'm trying something," he says before capturing your lips in a burningly slow kiss.
Oddly enough your body eases under his touch and he lets go of your arm. You sit up to pull off your shirt and he pulls off your jeans, slowly kissing up your stomach.
Meanwhile Cha young walks Vincenzo out of the hospital and to his chair. The bullets were through and through, so it didn't take that long to clean and stitch him up. "Who did this to you?" Cha young asks. "I deserved it," "No one deserves to be shot... except Hanseok."
"I.. I don't know how, but I'm going to make it up to her." "Her? A woman shot you?" "A very special woman that I once loved," "Wait, now I'm even more confused. If she was so special then why did she try to kill you?" "Because I tried to kill her."
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May I request something where Leonardo and reader are really good friends and reader gets kidnapped and turned into a mutant. Leo blames himself, but reader reassures him it’s not his fault and they end up kissing. 💙💙
I'm To Blame [Leo x Mutated!reader]
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Being turned into a mutant becomes the least of your problems when your closest friend believes it to be his fault. No one could have predicted what was going to happen; no one can control everything in their life. If only Leonardo would have realized that.
It started as leverage-abduction. The Turtles confront them, or you be pumped full of mutagen. Or worse.
The bait had been set, and the boys had no choice but to take it. Hook, line, sinker. You were held in a Foot-controlled lab, bound next to a glass canister of the ooze, a line in your arm and only the clan scientist in control of the drip standing between you and a possibly grotesque fate. You struggled and squirmed, but it was no use; there was no escape on your own.
There was a crash outside the lab doors, men shouting, guns firing, but bursting through the doors were your four saviors. Your friends, allies, and family. Leo fought his way to the front, a new kind of urgency consuming him as the gravity of the situation hit him. Any closer, and you would be mutated.
"Halt!" a soldier shouted over the clamor, a team of heavily armed men forming a semicircle around you and the scientist.
A hand grabbed hold of the back of your neck, yanking you toward him. He forcefully stretched your arm out and displayed the tube, making a note of their predicament, and the boys grimaced. Raph growled that deep, rage-fuelled rumble, while Donnie felt a shudder run up his spine seeing the canister of mutagen. What DNA the concoction was infused with, they had no idea of. There could have been anything in there. If the dosage wasn't carefully monitored, she could be killed!
"Weapons down, turtles, or this girl will be transformed right in front of you," the scientist said coolly. Leo stepped forward, blade drawn and teeth bared, but a warning shot was fired into the wall next to them. Mikey yelped and ducked into Raph, who blocked him partially with his huge frame. The scientist leaned down and inspected the canister, humming, "It seems like this batch is highly unstable. Is this a game you want to play, mutants?"
"You're bluffin'," snarled Raph, and his hands gripped his sais impossibly tighter.
The scientist raised his brows, his free hand wandering to the activator to the mutagen. One tap of a button, and your humanity would be ripped away. "Perhaps. But can you really be sure?" he inquired almost casually. "Only one flex of my finger, and we'll see."
Clenching his jaw, Raph shifted, lowering his weapons a little.
Leo mentally gauged the man power that was currently present. They could take them, he knew they could!
But Leo couldn't trifle with the canister currently attached to you. Breathing heavily, he dropped his swords, which clanged loudly on the floor. His eyes met yours, solemn, and you broke into a violent fit.
"Leo!" you cried out, lunging forward as he told his brothers to stand down. "Don't do this! Please, please, get out of here!"
He only shut his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, they all let go of their weapons in succession.
"We're not going to leave you!" Donnie yelled in return, his voice shaky.
There was a deafening silence in which it felt like a standoff, the boys panting, trying to formulate a battle plan in their heads. Leo stared at the scientist with one of the most hate-filled gazes you'd ever witnessed.
One of the soldiers in the back turned halfway around and whispered something into his earpiece.
The hefty metal doors right behind them flung open, a line of large men clad in black carrying what looked like modified cattle prods. The rods popped with electric currents as they closed in on the boys, who were only able to whirl around quick enough to meet the electrified weapons, and were instantly stunned. Currents no human could withstand brought them to their knees, Mikey shouting shrilly as he fell forward.
Groaning, Leo kneeled. He turned to the scientist at your side, his eyes darting between you and him. "You got us. Now let her go," he said. His voice was low and raspy.
Hand hovering over the button, the scientist spoke while he looked you in the eye, "You know, we were short of a healthy test subject."
Mikey gasped and planted his palms on the floor, "You can't do that, man!"
The scientist sighed and looked down at you, who was wildly struggling against your restraints. He muttered in a matter-of-fact tone, "But I can." It seemed that after a moment of contemplation, eyes going out of focus as they fell on your face and the tears running down it, he let out a reluctant groan, and motioned to one of the men behind him. "Take her elsewhere. We'll figure out what to do with her once we get these," he glanced back at the turtles, "squared away. Clear?"
"That wasn't the deal!" roared Leo, rapidly surging toward the scientist. Another electric shock was sent through him, but he kept on, and the brothers all followed suit.
You winced as the clamor rose and all hell broke loose, the boys ripping their weapons away from the men, guns being fired—your ears rang and a bullet even whizzed by your head.
Leo came at the scientist with his blade, the cowardly man trying to duck away in time. Two soldiers came up on their flank, one with a semi-automatic, and the other brandishing the electric rod. Except before they could get close to even shock him, Mikey's nunchucks landed a heavy blow on one of their heads, causing him to stumble toward you.
And fell right onto the button.
"No!" you heard both Donnie and Leo scream as the drip was activated, Mutagen flowing through the tube and into your body.
Everything became a blur. Within minutes you mutated, firstly writhing on the floor in agony as the burning liquid coarsest through you. Bones shifted, tissue changed, muscles spasmed. Your senses were temporarily blinded.
"Idiots!" snarled the scientist, backing away from you as you transformed. Raph was occupied holding off the soldiers. Mikey couldn't bear to watch. Donnie didn't know what to do, and Leo was...devastated.
Your strength grew. You broke free from your restraints. The firefight continued, this time aimed at you rather than just the Turtles. But the boys wouldn't let them hurt you. In your panic, you'd almost attacked them—your family. Leo hollered at Donnie and Mikey to get you out of there while they covered you, and seconds later, you were all barrelling out of the facility, alarms blaring, guns sounding, men shouting.
Yes, the Mutagen was highly unstable. You couldn't control yourself. And your body, it wasn't done reacting to the ooze.
You didn't know what happened next. You fell unconscious just after escaping. The last thing you can remember is Leo catching you in his arms. Him helping to carry you back home, to the lair. Your new home. You were one of them, now.
Breathing labored, you sat up on the metal table you had been laid on by Donnie. He'd checked your vitals already. Needless to say, so early in your mutation, things were not looking the best. But you would pull through; he was sure of it.
The first face you sas upon waking up was Leo's, worried. His eyes flitted all over you. You hadn't yet seen yourself.
"Y/N," he whispered, hands bracing against the edge of the table. "This...this is my fault," he said.
Donnie scuttled by holding a light and examined your eyes, then asked you to move a bit to see if there were any anomalies such as paralysis. You had some trouble adjusting to your new form, but so far, it wasn't dire.
Everyone came and went, hugging you, saying their piece about how happy they were that you were okay—as okay as you could have been—until Splinter noticed Leo's distress. He told the boys to let you two have a minute alone. Splinter left himself, as well.
The two of you now alone, Leo had a hard time speaking. He couldn't quite find the words to say how sorry he was.
"This isn't your fault," you drawled, still feeling a little loopy from the whole ordeal.
He leaned in, as you couldn't do much beside sit up. "If you hadn't ever gotten involved with us, this would have never happened," he said, lowering his head. "And now you're…"
He paused, and you finished for him, "I'm what? A mutant?" you asked softly. "Leo, I am so lucky to be alive. And it's all thanks to you." He sighed, not believing your words. "They would have killed me, Leo," you added, and took his hands in yours. He looked up at you, blue eyes meeting your own. Had your eye color changed?
"You didn't deserve this," he swallowed.
"Does anyone?"
He stood up. "This happened because I failed, y/n! As a leader, as a friend—"
Not caring about your current state, you slid off the table, landing on your feet with a thud. Your body ached, but you payed it no mind. Leo went rigid as you closed the gap between you two.
Still holding his hands, you told him slowly, "It is not your fault."
Your faces were only a few inches from each other. Unknowing, he gripped your hands. You swore that you could almost hear his heartbeat picking up as you leaned in, lips hovering over his. He looked as though he wanted to say something, but you stopped that thought. "You understand? Not...your...fault…"
His breath hitched when you gently pressed your mouth to his, at first going completely still. But then he closed his eyes, and his arms found their ways around your torso. The kiss was short and gentle, but he was stricken—only when you parted did he whisper a moment later, a new kind of hope inside, "You can live here, with us. You don't have to worry. You shouldn't ever have to worry, y/n."
"I won't worry, Leo," you muttered, letting your head rest on his chest. "Not when you're here with me."
He held you until eventually, everyone filed back in, Splinter smiling warmly at the sight.
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novelconcepts · 3 years
I love your filling in of the moonflower scene. Just the tenderness of it all 🥺
Do you think you might write a short piece about Dani finding the first grey in Jamie‘s hair in the future? Every time I see the gifsets of Jamie‘s (very sexy) grey strands I have to think about Dani‘s possible reaction
Jamie doesn’t tend to notice these things--little changes in her own appearance, little alterations made by the simple passage of time. Her attention, she scoffs when Dani laughs over her failing to pick up on a burr caught in her hair after a trip to the park, is better suited to other things. “World’s big,” she says, tilting her head to allow Dani to comb the remnants of whatever tree she’d walked beneath from her curls. “Why should I go wasting time starin’ at my own damn face?”
“Because it’s a good face,” Dani tells her. She doesn’t add that Jamie’s face, like everything about her, makes more sense than the rest of the world. That nothing about Jamie seems to come out of nowhere--every scrape and scar is accounted for with a story, every wrinkle turned out from the edge of her lips or around her eyes sparked by the familiarity of her frown, the inevitability of her smile. Everything about Jamie can be traced back to the honesty of time spent in the sun, or injuries incurred at work, or letting another year stroke its fingers across her skin. 
She notices the first gray hair maybe five years in. They’re on a camping trip, small tent pitched just upshore of a gently lapping brook; Jamie, crouched beside the water to inspect a turtle, looks up with a grin, and Dani notes a flash of silver at the crown of her head.
She doesn’t point it out. It’s too easy to anticipate Jamie’s amused drawl: “Got a gorgeous beast right here, and you’re worried about my hair?” She tucks the knowledge safely away, entertained by the idea that Jamie is carrying a secret upon her own head and has no idea.
She says nothing, but her fingers seek out the unexpected silver the next time Jamie comes close enough. She trails her hand through rumpled hair, watching the familiar warmth of brown cascade across her skin, pleased to find several more bursts of light wound in among the dark.
“What?” Jamie asks, smile crooking the way it always does when she senses Dani is about to poke fun. “Bein’ a weirdo again.”
“Am not,” Dani replies, and kisses her. 
It becomes a bit of a private game, an amusing turn of events: Jamie, the most naturally-observant human being in the world, has absolutely no idea she’s shot through with unexpected arcs of silver. No idea at all. At first, Dani thinks she’s intentionally ignoring the color leaching out of her hair; a flash of memory spirals back, Judy plucking what she called my little secret out by the strand and holding a finger to her lips as she reached for a box of red dye. Heavy maintenance is very much not Jamie’s speed, but maybe turning her cheek and feigning ignorance achieves the same goal.
A month goes by. A year. They’re turning up on their own time, these pops of colorless strands standing stark against dark waves, and Dani takes it upon herself to brush her fingers across each one she finds. She likes very much the depth they bring to Jamie’s hair, the way the sun catches a little differently when she turns her head. Likes the knowledge that each strand is a stamp of memory--proof of time spent. 
Likes, most of all, that Jamie legitimately seems to have no idea. Jamie, who tugs a black elastic band off her wrist with her teeth, raking the messy tumble out of her eyes, perpetually annoyed with the curls that always seem to evade her hands. Jamie, who spends hours with a book in one hand and Dani’s hair sifting through her fingers, and still has absolutely no clue what’s happening on her own head.
“You’ve never cared, have you?” Dani asks one afternoon, watching Jamie sort through their spectacular collection of cassette tapes, little plastic cases clicking comfortably to break up the quiet. Jamie, cross-legged on the living room rug with Survivor’s Vital Signs in one hand and REO Speedwagon’s Hi Infidelity in the other, raises her eyebrows.
“Seemed silly to go alphabetical while they were multiplying like fuckin’ bunnies, but now we’ve slowed down a little--”
“About looks,” Dani corrects. She’s hanging half off the couch, the tips of her fingers brushing Jamie’s knee. Life has been getting less predictable lately, messier around the edges; she looks into mirrors with breath held tight in her lungs, uncertain of what will look back. Touching Jamie has become less about habit and more a matter of lifeline. “You’ve never cared about how you look. Maybe the only woman I’ve ever known to say that.”
“I care,” Jamie says, with very little defensiveness. It is astonishing sometimes, looking back at the woman she’d met in that manor kitchen, how little defense Jamie seems to have for her these days. Questions are met in good faith, answered in kind, like Jamie knows there’s nothing Dani could ask that would intentionally bear teeth. “Care when I need to.”
“Like when?”
“At the shop,” Jamie says, tossing aside a Paul Simon cassette with a wrinkle of her nose. She finds Pat Benatar instead, sets it in the pile between The Beatles and Blondie. “Always look professional, don’t I?”
“But you don’t like--think about it? What you’ll look like in twenty years? Or fifty?”
“Fifty, Christ.” Jamie rolls back her head, grinning. “Be a hell of a thing, stacking fifty more years on. What d’you think you’ll look like in fifty years, mm?”
Dani doesn’t answer. It’s too early to tell what the smudged face in the mirror might mean--too early to panic--but the idea of fifty years more with Jamie seems terrifyingly unlikely. 
“Anyway.” Seeming to sense her unease, Jamie rocks up onto her knees, awkwardly shifting across the rug to lean against the couch. She braces a hand behind Dani’s head, her eyebrow arched. “You tryin’ to say I don’t pay enough attention to my looks? I don’t scrub up enough for you, is that it?”
Her fingers brush Dani’s ribs, digging in just hard enough to tickle. Dani squirms, laughter burbling out against Jamie’s neck. 
She doesn’t bring it up again, preferring the secret of Jamie’s slowly graying hair held within her own heart. The threads are becoming more insistent as the years drift by, joining tiny lines etched into Jamie’s skin. Her hands, put through so much work, are comfortably worn at knuckle and fingertip. Her smile pulls the skin around her eyes a little tighter as they celebrate eight years--nine--ten. 
She looks good with the extra age, Dani thinks. She wears it all so well, without pausing to prod at herself in the bathroom mirror; if she’s the least bit unnerved by the passage of time, she never lets it show. If Dani didn’t know better, she’d think Jamie never really looks at herself in the mirror at all. 
Too busy looking at me, she thinks, and tries not to ache at the idea that Jamie has forgotten herself beneath the need to keep her attention on what she considers more important things. Like watching for one of Dani’s moods to spike up in public. Like waiting for Dani’s shoulders to hunch against ghosts only she can see. 
Dani doesn’t look into mirrors herself much these days, either--though, every once in a while, a glimpse will sneak up. Just the barest flash of her own face in the passenger mirror of the car, or the idling bathwater. Sometimes--less and less often--the face waiting is even her own. 
It is so her own, those days, that Dani finds herself embracing a new concern. Something odd, something she’s only started to really see in recent memory. 
Jamie is starting to show her age, little by little. Not all at once, not in any way that is strange for a woman creeping into her forties--but the years are there, certainly, stamped gently into her skin. The years are threaded through her hair, these silver pops around which Dani’s hands seem to take on a mind of their own. There’s something wonderful, lively, even sexy about the way time is impacting Jamie--grounding her a little more every year, the natural wearing of all those hours hung like medals around her shoulders. 
Dani, catching sight of herself in the bathtub, can’t help but notice: no one could say the same for her. Not that time is beating away at her, not that time is turning her to stone before she’s ready--but that time appears to be doing nothing at all. Her eyes bear no extra marks, though she has spent just as much time as Jamie laughing, frowning, holding her breath as the world spins beneath her. Her hands look just the same as they had in 1987. 
Her hair is still stubbornly gold.
“Do you think it’s strange?” she whispers one night--not entirely sure if Jamie is even awake, not sure she can even bear the answer Jamie might give. 
“What is?”
She swallows hard, fingers carding gently through Jamie’s hair. The gray seems to gleam in the glow of the streetlamp through their window. 
“That I’m not...that I don’t look...”
Jamie pushes onto one elbow, peering at her in the dark. “You look like you,” she says, when Dani is unable to press on. “You look like Dani.”
She’s trying to answer the other question, Dani understands, the one being asked with greater frequency: am I here? am I me? what if I’m her, deep down, and have been all along? She shakes her head. 
“That’s not...I’m not...”
Jamie waits, brow knit the way it always has when she’s listening. Even when her expression smooths out into sleep, that small divot will remain, etched into her skin like a tattoo memorializing all these late-night conversations. Dani reaches up, presses her thumb gently to it now, her breath hitching when Jamie turns to kiss her palm. 
“It’s nothing,” she says. There’s no way to explain it without making Jamie worry more, worry again, lose yet more sleep watching for signs Dani is slipping away.
Jamie nods slowly, not quite believing, not quite daring to call out the lie. “All right,” she says, and the silver in her hair seems to burn, and Dani loves her enough to close her eyes and pretend everything is okay.
When morning comes, she wards off the thoughts. It’s easier, in daylight. Easier to turn her head, fix her eyes on Jamie, allow the familiarity of Jamie’s hands, smile, kiss sweep the fear back under the bed. The nights are long, the dark heavier than it has any right to be, but in sunlight, Jamie shines. The chain around her neck--the colors in her eyes--the silver shot through her hair. In sunshine, Jamie is the most alive any person can be.
And if she is, so must Dani be--because there is so much love in the way Jamie tips into her arms, so much affection in the sweep of her kiss, in the way she leads them around the kitchen in an impromptu waltz. Jamie, as always, burning away the shadows. 
Jamie, who dips her backward, drinking in her laughter with the biggest grin in the world. Who cuts her eyes to the right. Who tightens her mouth in surprise.
“Hang on,” she says, her hands still braced at Dani’s back and hip. “What the fuck is this?”
Dani’s heart gives a giant leap, her hands clutching at Jamie’s shirt for balance. This is it, she thinks. She can see her now. She can see her, not me, and it’s over, it’s all over, it’s--
“Dani.” Jamie is frowning, easing her back to her feet. She crouches down, gazing into the window of the oven. One hand rises to her head, her brow furrowed.
She sees her, Dani thinks, backing toward the sink. She sees her, and--
“Jesus, how long has my hair looked like that?” 
She blinks, shaking the panic away. “What?”
Jamie is looking at her, almost awestruck, her face clean and younger than usual with the last vestiges of sleep clinging to her eyes. “All that gray. Knew there were one or two, but--”
Dani is laughing. Leaning back against the counter, the mirth spilling out of her, she laughs. Jamie, straightening up with a low groan--her knees pop audibly, her head shaking--looks bewildered.
“Suppose you thought you’d just wait,” she says dryly, “and see if I ever noticed?”
Dani nods, cackling too hard to answer. It’s become so normal, counting the bright bursts amid Jaime’s natural hair color; she’s honestly forgotten Jamie ever didn’t have these silver sparks. Every inch of her, from the crow’s feet etched near her eyes to the tiny scars on her hands, is quite simply home. 
Jamie is plainly trying to look grumpy now, her hand tangling her hair. With Dani giggling like this, unable to catch her breath, she isn’t doing a very good job.
“Been this way a while?”
“Years,” Dani giggles. “Since I proposed. Before.”
Jamie rolls her eyes, slouching the two steps it takes to reach the counter and Dani’s shaking frame. “You,” she says in a mock-irritated tone, “are supposed to help with these things.”
“With what?” Dani brushes the hair back from her eyes. “You’re beautiful. And more than that, you’re...stately.”
“Stately,” Jamie repeats with a snort. “Haven’t heard that one. That’s a Hannah word, if ever there was one.”
They sober, just a little, the appropriate affection offered to memory. Jamie’s head bows against her own, her nose brushing Dani’s lightly. 
“I like it,” Dani says, her voice soft. “I like watching it happen. Like growing old...”
She trails off. She isn’t growing old, is the thing. Isn’t changing. Is as incontrovertible as a lake set into ancient grounds. She is not growing old at all.
Jamie’s fingers curl around her chin, tipping her head back. “Growing old together,” she says, firmly. Not denial, exactly--just certainty. Jamie, imposing her will on a world that tries so hard to have its own way with them both. 
“Growing old together,” Dani repeats, and even if it isn’t true in the strictest sense--even if it doesn’t look like it should--she knows Jamie believes it. Knows Jamie will fight tooth and nail to make the universe bend around her love. 
There are things, Jamie believes, that are natural. Organic. Exactly as they should be. There are things that can’t be changed by dreams, whims, magic spells. 
They will grow old together. That is, Jamie believes, the way the world works. The way it has always been and will always be. Jamie’s hair grows silver. Jamie’s skin etches with lines. Jamie’s hands are solid in her own, though she sometimes bends her fingers with a grimace, rubs her wrists when the weather angles toward snow. 
They will grow old together. For Jamie, there is simply no other consideration to be made.
“I like it,” Dani repeats, fingering the nearest strand of gray. “It’s distinguished.”
Jamie, shaking her head, is grinning as she leans in for a kiss.
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