#that could be read completely not how i meant it lol but whatever why am i still talking :D
duskyvenus · 10 months
Super Blue Moon: What you need to hear right now
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This is a general intuitive reading meant for entertainment purposes. Take whatever resonates. I am still practicing my intuitive ability so feedback would be really helpful :))
Pile 1
You might be wanting peace, a quiet life. I'm seeing walks in the nature, consuming healthy unprocessed food, lots of fruits. You might like red or orange colored fruits (could be any). I'm sensing changes in lifestyle. Maybe you will relocate or renovate your home (changing your aesthetics and style). Your soulmate(romantic) or current partner or future partner(whatever resonates) is sending you messages of affirmation. Also they might like to stare at you and admire your features lol. I'm hearing: It's all about the little things. Maybe this is something you believe in or it is about to become a theme in your life in the near future. A short trip or holiday might soothe your nerves a bit, preferably somewhere cooler. Overall, I think change is coming your away; there's this picture of letting things go and relaxing in a lodge in the mountains while sunlight creeps in through the window. Yeah lots of sunshine imagery in this pile. It's about how the sun slowly warms you up. Slowly and surely you will be moving to the next stage.
Pile 2
Similar to pile 1, I think you might be in need of some sunlight lol. I'm seeing something about hobbies, so maybe you need to get back to them? You might not have completed a previous painting, book, blanket or whatever. I'm also seeing cakes which means some kind of celebration. It might be your friend's birthday soon. Yeah I'm hearing about a dear friend, someone you think is your soulmate (for some of you, they are :] ). Or maybe a connection where either person has romantic feelings and the other feels neutral. Some of you might be studying hard and preparing for your future job and you're trying to keep a positive mindset. I see so many drawings and scribbles in a notebook. This is the student pile. I'm also seeing baked food and the aroma of cafes. Maybe you like to do your work in a cafe with a cup of coffee and some cake. Also you might be secretive and like to keep things to yourself. Might be a homebody. You are working to chase a reward and you're feeling frustrated because the path is so long. Don't be too hard on yourself. Set small goals and reward yourself for finishing them.
Pile 3
Whimsical and airy vibes for this pile. I'm hearing that you might have witnessed something paranormal? Or something that just can't be real. Hmm existential crisis? Questioning the universe? Questioning yourself? I'm seeing wings. You might be wanting to just fly away lol. Or they could be angel wings. You might be feeling lonely. Recently you might have ended a friendship or relationship OR you might have lost someone so you feel empty. I'm really sorry for your loss :( A big phase of your life suddenly came to an end so you're feeling lost. Old memories flashing in your head. Though I also feel that someone wants to approach you with hopes of making new memories with you. They seem like a very doting person and also calm. 'Calm'; your head is a mess and you feel like you're not able to think clearly. You might be asking yourself, "Am I seeing/hearing things?", "Why am I not able to do such a simple task?" Maybe your spirit guides or guardian angel want(s) to communicate with you and for that I'm hearing lavender and mint. Meditation may also help you to sort out your thoughts.
Pile 4
This is the happy-go-lucky pile. I'm seeing you have so much fun with your friends! You seem like the type to uplift people's moods. It feels empty when you're not around. You might feel pressured to keep up this cheerful image. Lately someone might have been rude to you or accused you of something or just bad-mouthed you. You might have felt taken aback because of this and tried to reflect on yourself. Don't worry, they're just jealous. Maybe you started thinking about the time when your demeanor was very different from now; you were not a cheerful person to begin with, but you started acting this way because you wanted to be treated differently. Now that there has been a sudden rejection that is asking you to re evaluate your choices, you are considering reverting back to your old self. Or maybe you think a lot about your friendships and just feel overwhelmed by the love :( This is so wholesome. You feel deeply and often wonder about the outcomes of your actions. I think that's why you wanted change, you genuinely wanted to be of help to someone. Your friends really appreciate it even though they won't admit openly (for some of you, your friend is a tsundere lol)
Pile 5
An ethereal energy in this pile. Stargazing and being mesmerized. You know that feeling you get when you look up at the stars and wonder if someone is watching you? I think your guardian angels want you to know that they are always there for you. If not a guardian angel then a deceased loved one. You have big aspirations but you often feel intimidated. You may have doubts about the path you're choosing. I just want to say that you have the star quality and you're blessed. I'm hearing fate and good luck. If you have been manifesting, try using candles or star shaped objects. You can even use them as a lucky charm. "You drew stars around my scars" - this may apply to you and someone you know. Something about light at the end of the tunnel. 'Hope' ; someone or something gives you hope to keep going. You're working really hard, you just wonder if you'll get the results. This kind of reminds me of pile 2 so you might want to check that out. "Funny how all dreams come true"
Pile 6
You might be talking to someone and you don't really know where this is going? You can say it's a situation-ship. Or you're crushing hard on someone. Either way this is making you giddy. You might also be transforming yourself and so all the changes are making you feel giddy. A very new feeling. You're trying to look at things differently. You're trying to concentrate. You're craving some form of affection. The message I'm getting is that self care will help you get that faster. Also I'm hearing that you have a vibe that is easy to mesh with. People often find you attractive even when you're not doing anything. "Aphrodite's blessings" - you may get the glow-up you've been waiting for. Similar starry night vibes as pile 5. You're also really good at giving compliments and appreciating the beauty of the smallest things. You are a very loving person if you are given the space to do so. "Hang in there baby." - your future partner could be very devoted to you.
A channeled message for everyone: Please eat well !! And have some good sleep!! Take your vitamins!!
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blackdragoness · 1 year
1) Pile 1 - 10 of Pentacles
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2) Pile 2- Page of Wands
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3) Pile 3- 5 of Pentacles
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Pile 1 - 10 of Pentacles
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What makes you standout:
- wifey material
- stable
- patient
- kind
- sustainable
- efficient
- workaholics
- might come from a great family or upbringing
- endurance
- "you better shape up, cuz I need a man but my heart is set on you" sandy from grease
- temptation
-public speaking
-might be great with animals
-high standards and high morals
Tarot Cards:
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You are the TOTAL PACKAGE. Hot Mami Tamale 🔥This is why you are wifey material. You are the calm of any storm. You are a great problem solver. I'm channelling alot of masculine energy. A lot of men think about you. You may be surrounded by men a lot either in a work environment or friend environment, etc. Men know they can rely on you to complete tasks that may be too heavy for other women to carry. You may have many suitors. Early on you may doubt your self worth because many of your suitors may not take you seriously at first but then fall madly in love as time goes on. You may be extremely attractive whether you care to admit it or not. This is why men don't take you seriously at first. They think you are nothing but a trophy and a good time. That is until they open up Pandora's box and find out all there is to know about such a beautiful alien creature that you are lol. Men realize you are not one to play with because you aren't afraid to walk away from anything that doesn't serve you. You may be "the one that got away" for a lot of people. This is not a love reading but I am channelling alot of romantic feelings from the opposite sex (not gender specific). You may be perceived as someone who never struggles in romance as you have lots of romantic offers. You always seem to glow up and level up every time you close a chapter in your life. A lot of people from your past miss you and wish to reconnect. What makes you standout is how people react to you. People notice the various reactions you evoke in those you interact with. Even those who are widely known for being the Eeyore of the crew will crack a smile or laugh during an interaction with you. You make everything seem effortless. I'm hearing legacy. Those who chose this pile are destined to leave behind a legacy. It could be positive or negative, but it's your choice to write your own story. Whatever it be, it will be what your bloodline is known for for generations to come but also be what you guys are skilled at. People don't realize what you meant to them until you walked away but things seemed to be effortless for you once you walked away and chose yourself. You stand out for your self love and your love for others. You want everyone around you to succeed and thrive. Everyone feels more inspired and motivated when you are around. You are many peoples muse. Keep shining bright like a diamond hunty.
Channelled Movie: Land Before Time
Channelled Song: You're The One That I Want - Olivia Newton John & John Travolta
Pile 2: Page of Wands
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What makes you standout:
- limitless potential
-breathe of fresh air
-thinks outside the box
-talkative and communicative but in a way that grabs your attention for a long period of time
-leadership qualities
-strong aries vibes
-lone wolf
-menace to society
-catalyst for change
Tarot cards:
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If you chose this group, the thing that makes you stand out is that you have an undercover celebrity vibe about you. What makes you stand out is that you do not see just now truly magical you are to other people. Whimsical. You seem like a fairy when people first meet you and they wonder why you settle for the life you choose. You might live a very simple mundane and minimalistic lifestyle. Nothing wrong with that but you stand out to people because they think you should be living more lavishly. It's like if someone who looked like Jennifer Lopez decided to settle for a basic 9-5 career while rocking Shein's and being okay with that. Granted, she would still slay but do you see why you stand out? You look like something that waltzed right out of a Disney movie. "if there was anyone who would make it big from this small town, it would be that girl!" A lot of people see you as a celebrity in the making. Like you could be a model, an actress, a super star! But you are at peace with working a basic job making minimum wage. You make people want to invest in you. However, there's Something about a lack of motivation and being stuck in between two worlds. Indecisive energy. This may keep you awake at night. Wondering about your stability and your future. You are a rollercoaster! When people meet you, they aren't prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions you take them through. You are hard to comprehend and understand. Some of the things you do may at face value seem completely disrespectful and inhumane. But as time goes on and people pick apart the incident, they come to understand the innocence of your actions. As much as people hate it, they can't resist it. People can become very addicted to you and lose sleep over you. People can develop very jealous feelings towards you wondering if you are entertaining others or if their partners are secretly entertaining you. Lots and lots of birds in your life. Lots of talk. Lots of chita-chatta. You stand out because you are very humble. You are okay with the simple and mundane things in life. A lot of people think you could be famous or widely known for the ideas you come up with but you don't seem to care for the recognition. This is why you stand out. You are very talented and skilled in many things yet you do nothing with it. You are someone who shines bright without even trying. you may not like the spotlight or being the center of attention but when you do open up and share parts of your world with others, they feel so warm and gooey like warm honey lol. People don't understand why you aren't utilizing your talents. But it's only because they are addicted to your honey! They wish they could have it 24/7 but they disregard the fact that you are a human being as well. You may like a lot of time alone. Inner peace. Boundaries. You see the world differently. You choose to develop and master your talents in private and use them only when needed. Fame is not what you are after. It's skill. But not many people understand that or know. You may not even know that yourself. That is why you do not care to show off your talents.
Channelled Movie: Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile
Channelled Song: Anti-hero: Taylor Swift
Pile 3: 5 of Pentacles
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-selfless , will take the shirt off your back to help someone in need
-Icy Queen vibes - you colddddddd AF bitch 🤣 I'd like to see a mf TRY!
-cut off game strong
-spiritual to the point where people think you are a little kookoo in the noggin
-out of touch, out of reach, out of sight
-known for overcoming deep struggles and being victorious
-Soldier energy
-teacher, mentor energy
-moves in silence
Tarot cards:
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You stand out because of your resiliency and your indestructibility. Whoever chose this pile, you have been through the war field many times in your life. Wounded. Stranded. Deserted. Left out. Shamed. Abused. Manipulated. Betrayal. So much hate and malice thrown your way and still you rose. Gahhhh dayum Pile 3, y'all some muthafuckin' souljah's, lets just say that! Your world could have been flipped upside down And tossed around and yet you still rose from the destruction and created opportunities for yourself. Dayuuuummmmmm. This energy is huge and it's intense. Who tf are you? When people think of you they are AMAZED at your inner strength especially after they find out your history and all the battles you've fought. You are valiant. Chivalrous. Immovable. Courageous. Unstoppable. Warrior spirit. Phoenix rising. People may have seen you come out victorious from a very tumultuous time. It's shocking and astonishing. You see the silver lining in everything so even the sourest of life experiences, you are able to see the sweetness of it all. Real life influencer vibes. "N*gga, F*ck your twitter, bitches follow me in real life" -J Cole. In a league of your own. In your own world. Superhero vibes. Super Villain vibes. GOAT. Go getter. Midas touch. Alpha dawg. Regina George/Sharpay Evans vibes. Pristine. Prim & proper. Upperclass vibes. The popular girl in school. Girl next door vibes. Confidence on 30000x. Beyonce of your own world. Fierce. Magnetic. One in a million. Unique. Straight to the point. Cut-throat. No bullshit.
Channelled Movie: The Blind Side
Channelled Song: Scars to Your Beautiful - Alessia Cara
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acotar-taylorsversion · 3 months
So for some reason I got lost in the Elucien side of tik tok and, of course, they are convinced they are endgame. They are the ones who think Elain avoids Lucien because she’s trying to suppress her attraction to him and what not, but I just think that’s silly. Even though I agree with them about how we don’t know what’s going on in her head, I just find that theory ridiculous, especially when you look at the overall text that surrounds Elain and Lucien.
I am an Elriel supporter and have been since 2017, but I always have that “what if” in the back of my mind because we all know Sarah can just completely forget about what she’s written and do something totally different. My biggest fear is that I won’t ever accept Lucien. Like, I only really support him when I read those tiny moments when he’s talking about or with Vassa, because I can see that. But I’m scared I won’t ever accept Lucien or Elucien because of what we know.
I’ve never truly connected with Lucien. I always saw him as the annoying one. I never could understand why everyone finds him attractive or charming. I moved on quickly when we learned about his history, it didn’t really affect me. He’s just annoying to me. And I know he’s not a bad guy, like I don’t hate him. I just don’t care for him. I literally forgot all about his character in acomaf until he showed up again to kidnap Feyre, and I was totally dumbfounded when he said Elain was his mate. It was the most random thing to me. I remember reading that part 3 times because I thought I was crazy. And I was so so happy when he volunteered to go search for Vassa because that meant he was going to be gone for a while in acowar, and then I forgot about him again unless he was brought up. He’s just a very forgettable character to me and it’s going to take a lot for my opinion to change. Like I honestly hate that someone like Elain got mated to someone like him. It’s the most random thing.
Like 3 brothers x 3 sisters just makes so much sense to me and it’s so perfectly even and symmetrical. 2 brothers x 2 sisters, 1 sister x random guy, 1 brother x random girl just doesn’t make sense at all.
I don’t think I could enjoy the series anymore if Sarah has planned for Elucien and gwynriel all this time because why spend all that time building up Elriel? And I’m sorry, but people who say that they didn’t see Elriel moments as romantic clearly didn’t read them. I know we interpret things differently, but y’all are just delusional if you can’t see that.
I’ll go ahead and say it. The main reason I support vassien is because it gives Lucien a happy ending while elain is free to love who she wants and not who she is told to by the cauldron or whatever. I hate that she is being forced to make a decision that she should never have to make. And it’s not like we don’t have a reason to support vassien, there are some cute little moments between Vassa and Lucien. But even, with a vassien pov, I don’t think I would enjoy Lucien’s part. Another thing, I could totally see him dying. I’ve always thought he would seeing how he was becoming feyre’s friend and what not. That usually happens to that type of character in fantasy stories.
Who knows, though 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’m just over all these things with the fandom here lately. From the doxx threats, forcing artists to quit creating art for us because of the hate they receive, the teasing from Bloomsbury, and this stupid ship war, I’m just mentally exhausted from it.
Sorry for the rant, guys. I’ll be more positive next time, hopefully lol 😆
Hope everyone is doing good after all that’s happened ♥️
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honeyatsu · 5 months
Loner 4 (Junpei x Reader)
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PREV | Masterlist
TW: mention of suicide
Hiiii ~ T_T it's been so long since i've written lol! I am sorry if its not good....im kinda rusty! I found this draft after trying to fix my laptop and going thru my things....I figured why not finish it!!! :D I loved working on this fic even tho the only thing done is the outline/draft...i missed writing so im just getting back into a hobby I once loved again ((: I am sooo sorry if my writing style is no longer enjoyable lol but only way to get better after a too long break is to keep writing :D !!!
You decide to take matters into your own hands when Junpei doesn’t return to school the next two weeks – literally.
If the empty desk next to you and continuous lonely lunches weren’t offensive enough, he had the audacity to not even open your texts anymore. Leaving your texts on delivered as opposed to the checked read notification you would often see desperately checking your phone at the end of the day, along with sending your calls straight to voicemail. Sometimes you think you would feel less offended if he just blocked you.
So, you generously speak to your school advisor, showing concern in your friends’ absence and inevitable fate of falling behind – you offer to take his missing work to him and help him catch up, not a complete lie. You weren’t one to be ghosted— ever. A shot to your ego mixed with a concern of your best friend, you decided if he was going to ignore you, you would just go to him. Even if it meant getting his address through the school, no matter how creepy it sounded, whatever context you would put it in.
“Are you taking those to Junpei?” you turn to see your underclassman and teammate, Ino, staring at you with her large doe hazel-eyes, her naturally flushed cheeks spreading from one corner of her face to another.
Cute, Ino was cute. You offer her a simple nod, the white pages your fingers were buried under slightly slipping from your grip, Ino catching it, leaning it towards you again before they could fall. “Do you want me to come and help?” Her tone was sincere and kind, you could say her voice was almost as angelic as her face.
Your stomach churned, body becoming stiff as she stood in front of you, batting her doe-eyes at you with a smile. She annoyed you.
“It’s fine. Gotta go.” You mutter, gripping onto the folders and sheets tightly, speeding your way past her.
It’s lively here, the area you need to walk through in order to get to his home. There are students, chatting, taking up the streets and shops as they lounge around after school. When you walked passed Tatsu Ramen, you tried to not let the bitterness linger around, seeing familiar (yet not so friendly) faces eating there. You flick your tongue against your teeth, wondering if Junpei decided to finally stop ignoring you, where would you two go now. You try to avoid them, quickly shuffling past them, using the stack to cover your face.
The walk wasn’t a short one, nor a long one. It was far enough to make your ankles ache, holding onto the heavy workload – you weren’t sure if you felt bad for the missing work he was going to have to do, or the scolding you were mentally rehearsing to give him.
Either way, it was a headache he deserved, you thought.
The lecture that wasn’t ready was going to have to come sooner rather than later, as you spot him walking toward his home, his clothes baggy and even from the distance you were at, he was more relaxed than you’ve seen him ever be at school. You were at the top of a small street-hill that came before his house, the slope only aiding your speed as you ran towards him, shouting his name, gripping the folder and paperwork that were fighting to slip through your hands.
The closer you get to him, the sloppier your moves are, your nerves reaching all the way to the tip of your toes, the crack on the street not helping as you trip over it. Junpei’s arms reaches out, stopping you from falling into his chest with both hands placed on your shoulder. You stare him in the eye, chest heaving and breath loud and messy, you don’t care that you’re practically blowing your breath into his face. Seeing him felt like seeing a ghost — but seeing his wide eyes turn into a small scowl felt like seeing a ghost who just punched you in the chest.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, his eyes squinting as he observed the piles of work placed on your hand. He scoffs at the sight.
“You’re not in the right to ask questions! Do you even know how a phone works?” you huff out, trying to catch your breath and put your adrenaline at ease.
A look of shame left as quickly as it came as he let go of you giving you a slight shove, his lips pouting as he faced the opposite direction of your face, “Don’t tell me you’re here because you’re worried about my coursework.”
“Well, for us to graduate together, you kind of need to pass. I just thought I’d do you a favor.” Your lower your arms to remove the work that was covering half of your face, displaying your frown even though he was refusing to look at you. You take a deep breath as you contemplate your next sentence. “Plus, I was wo –”
“Us? There is no us,” You were interrupted anyways.
Your mouth opens but no words come out, Junpei finally turns to you. Looking into your eyes, challenging you, just daring you to say something next. You feel the heat of embarrassment rise to your cheeks – or maybe it’s anger, you weren’t exactly sure how you felt at the moment. At the sight of someone who was supposed to be your best friend staring at you with such disgust, almost as if he regretted getting to know you at all.
“You’re all the same.” He started out. His eyes never left yours. “Did you know we’ve gone to the same school for years? By chance you finally noticed me, and because you were too afraid to sit in the front. You think that makes us friends?” His dark gaze was going right through you, burning. The tension couldn’t be cut with a knife as he tried reading you, scanning you for any reaction.
You give him one, taking a slight step back, mouth thinned. You’re still holding on to the stack of papers, crumpling them between your fingers. He waits for you to reply, but you don’t.
“That’s not what bothers me. Your friends, they’ve been picking on me for years. How are you just now noticing? What – because you think we’re friends you finally think I’m worthy of being saved?” He gives a dry, coarse laugh. “You’re no different from the rest. You think you are, because you became friends with poor Junpei, right? You finally decide not to turn a blind eye, barley. The same way everyone else pretends to not notice, you did too! You let them get away with it. It’s not just me that gets picked on! And unless they’re your friends, unless they’re worthy of kindness, you just let them! Everyone does! Teachers, other students, you!”
You don’t dare to speak; you simply shove the assignments to his arms. You don’t look up, you don’t want him to see your lips quiver at his words – you don’t want him to see you fighting to keep your eyes dry, fighting to tune him out. Your attempts fail you, feeling your own wet lashes against your cheek, a single, suppressed tear managing to escape.
“I never needed you. I never needed your pity, I never needed you to save me!”
Of course, he’s mad at you. You don’t know what you did, but you figure that you abandoning him when there was something clearly wrong the other day had something to do with it. You knew something was wrong, yet you still left. And you feel guilty, so guilty for being such a bad friend, just like he says. You feel guilty, thinking that you could just march to him when you’re the one who is in the wrong. You weren’t a good friend, and Junpei knew his worth. You were convinced you were in the right, that it was okay for you to be mad at your friend for abandoning you, but you abandoned him first. You’re ready to turn your heel, turn back and leave him alone for good, and you almost do.
“What’s going on here?” A strong voice asked from behind you. You turned your head to be met with a tall slender woman, short black hair, and holding a cigarette in her left hand.
His tone changes, along with his facial expression. His eyebrow twitches when he realizes who has arrived (at the worst possible time, for him); It did not take you necessarily long to realize who she was, her and Junpei practically sharing the same face. If you weren’t so hurt and angry, you could imagine how humiliated you would feel. Weeks of begging Junpei to let you come over, introduce you to his family — and here you are, face to face with the woman who brought your favorite person into this world (even if he was being an ass right now); snotty nosed, eyes glossy, and an ugly tight facial expression because no, you didn’t want him to see you cry.
“She’s bringing my missing work, just a classmate–”
You cut him off, introducing yourself by giving your name, “I’m his best friend.” you snuck in, bowing to his mother while grabbing a work folder, pointing to it. “I brought his classwork. And being honest, I was concerned. I wanted to see for myself that he was okay.” Considering the fact that he seemed to forget how to use his phone and turned into an asshole, you thought to yourself, but you knew to leave that thought to yourself, not wanting to push any of his mother’s buttons, determined to make a good first impression.
“The ramen girl?”
Your eyebrow twitches, turning to Junpei. It almost shocks you, how after his speech of how cruel he tried to make you out to be, this is what offends you. “Your mother knows me as…. the ramen girl?” Junpei stares at you in disinterest and shrugs.
“It’s not often I get to meet a friend, let alone a best friend.” She grins in amusement, “Do you wanna come in and help him catch up with work?”
“Mom, not necessary.” Junpei mutters quietly.
“It wouldn’t be a problem at all!” You chirped in response, grinning from ear to ear as you follow them into their home, ignoring Junpei’s face twisted in irritation.
Their home is welcoming, fit for a small family of two. His mother (you find out her name is Nagi), goes straight to her fridge, taking out a bottle of beer while settling on her counter.
“I appreciate you doing this for him. I understand school isn’t for everyone and honestly, it isn’t as big as you kids make it seem. “ She takes a sip of her beer before continuing, “but I would be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate this. Or you. I’m just glad I finally got to meet the girl who’s worked wonders you’re not even aware of.”
The praise makes you flush — your body heating up. You swiftly look towards Junpei’s direction, seeing his face tinted red, from his cheeks to the tip of his ears. He was avoiding his mothers gaze along with yours, looking to the side and pouting, arms crossed. He looked like an angry toddler, and you would laugh, normally — if you didn’t feel he hated you at this moment.
“ — Oh, I’m sorry, am I keeping you guys waiting?” His mother replies with a grin, “You’re free to go on, help your best friend catch up on his work!” She takes both of you, leading your way to his bedroom with her palm on both backs, lightly shoving you through the door.
Junpei is standing beside you, sheepishly, his guilt showering his face as he sees you softly close the door behind you and fist your palms as a way to calm yourself down. You’re nervous, and you can tell he is too, the blush never leaving his face. And as awkward and unpredictable this current situation is (meeting his mom in the middle of a fight and having her throw you into his bedroom, awkward is an understatement), you still know there are things you need to talk about. You slowly take a few steps towards him, each step causing you to take a deep breath before you trap him in a tight hug.
“I should’ve been a better friend.” You mutter into his chest. Still holding onto him, you look up at him and nearly laugh at his surprised expression. “Please don’t think you don’t matter to me. Or that I feel bad for you. I mean – ouch – because of how you judge my character. You are my friend. I care about you, a lot. And I’m sorry for making you feel otherwise.”
The gold locket you usually kept hidden in your shirt was brought out, it felt so delicate in between your fingers, but the feelings and memories with what was inside laid heavy in your heart. You took one last, slow, deep breath before you opened the heart-chapped locket, revealing the photo of your deceased father. “He was bullied at work. My dad. They treated him horribly, told him he wasn’t worthy of being man of the house, or something like that.”
Don’t cry, You try to tell yourself, don’t cry.
“Well, one day it all got to him. And he decided it was easier to leave me and my mom, than to ‘burden us with his pathetic excuse of a husband and father’. At least that’s what he said in the letter. If he asked me, I would’ve said he was great.”
You sigh, closing up the locket and placing it back into your shirt, “I should’ve paid more attention, you’re right. No one wants to believe people are bad, or people with hearts can be capable of being so cruel. I always thought people were just people when my dad died. When I read his note, it was so sad. Life seemed so dimmed in his perspective. I guess I didn’t want to experience my life like that, I became ignorant to those around me, especially my shitty friends. I was around bullies and was too dumb to even see it.”
Your arms quickly found their way around his waist, bringing your head to his chest and looking up at him, the small tears that still haven’t fallen glistening in between your eyelashes. “What I’m trying to say with all of this is, I’m sorry. I understand what they do is fucked up, and I’m sorry for just staying silent. My ignorance isn’t an excuse, it was never okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you. And I’m not enabling those friendships any longer. You’re my friend Junpei, I care about you.”
Junpei wraps his arms around you, pressing his body tightly against yours. He would’ve never guessed you felt as bad as you did — he would have never imagined you having to go through something so tragic, yet remained so strong, so willing, so vulnerable to the world around you.
It’s silent, the forgiveness that’s communicated between the two of you. After the embrace you look up at him, your eyes still glistening but your smile turns into a small curve, your teeth slightly showing before you start giggling, hitting his chest. He follows you after — laughing at how vulnerable and serious you two were with one another, and he’s happy, because this is new. He hasn’t experienced a true friendship, a falling out, or making up after, being vulnerable.
The next few hours are peaceful as you two sit sprawled out on his bed with the textbooks and folders with weeks worth of school work. You promised to help catch him up as long as he promised to stop skipping class and ignoring you, especially during times he needs people most.
Junpei spends five minutes staring at a problem, not quite understanding what he was supposed to do. He calls your name for help, but you don’t respond. “I really need help right now,” he states, bringing his attention to you, lifting his eyes to meet yours; His eyes softened at the view in front of him, the world around you became a blur — you being the focus point, the soft beating his heart slowly becoming rapid, his body becoming flushed seeing you laid across his bed, your mouth agape and slight drool dripping from the side. He stares and thinks to himself, he’s always thought you were pretty, but this would have to be the prettiest he’s seen you.
He slowly lifts himself off the bed, tip-toeing around to make sure he doesn’t make the slightest noise while going to your side, being sure to not wake you from your sleep.
Junpei takes your leg that was hanging from the edge and takes the piles of work spread across his bed and neatly places them onto his desk, sitting beside your sleeping figure and taking his blanket, covering your body. He then lays beside you, on top of the covers so there is a barrier between the two of you. His eyes trace the shape of your body, looking at the little details and appreciating every blemish, every texture, every line on your face. Without even realizing he brought his face closer to yours, in awe at how at peace you look laying beside him after all he’s put you through.
He takes a moment, taking in a deep breath as he decides to swallow his pride, whispering an apology.
And to his surprise, he hears you accept his apology faintly, right before your quiet snores echo around the room. He smiles at the sight, laying down besides you
As you two fell asleep with one beside one another, close but not close enough, his mother barged in, holding a tray of tea, about to offer some until she noticed the sight before her.
She then smiled to herself, wanting to wake you guys up, or just take a picture to tease you two with it later. She decides to let you two have this moment, because something tells her there would be more to come.
When winter comes, it comes quietly — the snow falling sneaking up on the world, the same way your feelings for Junpei seemed to. You don’t exactly remember when his presence alone would have your heart beating out of your chest, you don’t remember when you would feel heat rise in your face when he would give you a simple compliment, but it made you uneasy — and confused. Because he was your friend, later on you realized that these physical setbacks weren’t supposed to happen around your friend.
Your friendship with Junpei slowly got better, it was like starting from square one, but he got comfortable fast — you’d say things were getting to how they once were, but you’d argue that they were better. Junpei smiled more, he laughed more, he even got bold and would initiate physical contact with you. It should make you happy, that he has become more open, more willing to shed his light not only to you, but others as well. He developed a better friendship with his club members, he even started to acknowledge people that even shocked you, and it should make you happy.
It should.
One moment you’re urging Junpei to smile more. He’s president of a club filled with classmates with the same interests as him, you jokingly tell him if he can handle being your friend he should have no problem making more. One moment you’re skipping down the halls, holding a bag with a surprise for him – a gift, there was no special event coming up, but you saw the item and thought of him. One moment you’re excited to start off his day with one of his warm laughs, and wide smile you’ve come to adore – and now, you’re trying to be still as your legs wobble, witnessing something that makes your stomach turn in discomfort.
Junpei is laughing – an honest, joyful, (almost too joyful) laugh. The gift bag almost drops to the ground, but you gripped it tightly as it nearly slipped out of your palms, your jaw suddenly tensed up, and you feel like even blinking would be impossible. His eyes are practically glistening as he looks down at the pink hair, doe-eyed girl you knew all too well. She looks up at him, reaching towards his upper left arm, grabbing it after giggling something you couldn’t make out to him. Junpei doesn’t flinch, in fact, he doesn’t react at all. He accepts her physical touch as if it was the most natural thing to him, and something in you bursts. It was as if a fire was casted in your chest, as if the devil himself pushed you far enough to run into Junpei’s back, nearly pushing him further into Ino if you weren’t able to catch the back of his school shirt before he got a chance to fall.
Before you realize what you’ve done, you feel Ino’s large eyes on you, a curious look on her face quickly switching to her sweet smile that has the rest of the school on the palm of her hands, and Junpei looking back at you curiously. You remove your hand from his shirt, slowly bringing it to your side, you lower your gaze to the floor, gripping your gift, wishing to any god out there to have you disappear from the scene itself.
“We have things to go over, Junpei.” You try to state as calmly as possible, but it comes out bitter, a shaky voice followed by a nervous hand reaching for his wrist, not waiting for a response before you attempt to drag him to the opposite direction of Ino.
You peak over his shoulder when he doesn’t move, seeing Ino hold onto his other wrist, keeping him in place. You try to imagine how this looks to the classmates around you, Junpei in between of two classmates, both pulling him into the opposite direction. You try to imagine the amount of self control it would take to not grab one of the most popular first years by the head and drag her down the hall without it becoming a big scandal.
Your breath hitches as Ino looks you in the eye, her smile never faulting. You watch her with a blank stare, your eyes staring at her hand gripping his wrist until she drops it. When you look up she looks back at you innoccently, as if she didn’t just send you into an internal war with her. “I asked Junpei to the Lantern festival.” Ino announces, clear and to the point, her eyes staring directly into yours.
“Just…just the two of you?” You blink back, letting go of the grip you have on him. Your gaze switched from staring directly at her to Junpei, “Did you say yes?”
“No!” Ino laughs out, and it pains you to admit how melodic it was, how you get why Junpei is so comfortable with someone he barely knows. “Chifuyu and Hori are coming. I didn’t want to be the only girl, so I asked Junpei to come along with you. You know them right? They’re in your art classes.”
“I’d like to go.” Junpei states softly. You try not to glare at him, huffing to yourself as you mutter back “whatever.” You pull Junpei rougher, which leads Ino to let go as you drag him into the empty art club room.
The room is silent for the first few minutes. The sound of you ruffling through your bag to get things out and place them onto the desk is the only thing that echoes through the room. The two of you avoid eyecontact with one another – Junpei looking at anywhere but you while playing with his hands, you take out pictures you’ve printed, sprawling them across the desk, neatly lining them up to one another.
A majority of them were selfies of the two of you. If the air around the two of you wasn’t as heavy due to the last encounter, you probably would’ve smiled – chuckled, even. These photos were the visual documenting of the friendship the two of you shared, a visual timeline of seeing his comfortablility with you. From looking awkwardly at the camera (you were lucky if you even got a smile), to some blurry pictures of him shying away, they blossomed into him
“You know,” you started off, pretending to look into the pictures as if you were inspecting them, “When I said you should show the more open side of you more often….I didn’t think you’d do it so easily. Especially with other girls.” You try to sound nonchalant. You try to make it sound like a friend teasing another one.
“I – I just,”
“It’s not a problem. It’s just crazy. Lookin’ at these pictures, y’know? How long it took you to get comfortable with me but you talk to Ino as if you’ve known her for years.” You don’t know what you’re implying or why you’re implying anything at all – Junpei is just your friend and it’s not not fair to act like you own him, that you’re the only girl in the world he should be laughing with.
It shouldn’t bother you that he’s getting more social thanks to his friendship with you. This should be a happy moment. But you can’t help the way the memory of him laughing so easily with her causes your skin to burn, or the heavy fall you felt in your chest when you saw Ino’s hand touch him. The red flush that spread around his face didn’t make it better either.
“I feel like I should say sorry.” Junpei admits, “But I don’t know why I’m apologizing.”
“You don’t need to.” You mumble to yourself, still refusing to look up at him. You sigh as you’re shuffling through the pictures, none of them working for you. The selfies themselves were nice, two friends just savoring memories with one another. Staring at them all heeds the realization that these pictures were nothing but mere proof of your friendship with one another, the word friends sitting grudgingly in your mind. “None of these are good enough.”
You feel Junpei tower over you, his eyes similarly scanning the photos you’ve laid out. He brings his arm out, it hovers over you, lighty grazing your shoulder as he grabs a photo that’s caught his eye. Your breath hitches when his chest presses up against your back due to the movement – your body freezing, this physical contact alone having your breath to become uneasy, using every ounce of your strength to not lose the balance onto your legs. Hesitantly, you turn your head to look up at him, his dark eyes glistening, staring at what he’s just picked up with nothing less than stars in his eyes. He brings the picture closer to him, unintentionally wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
Your eyes shift towards the picture he’s holding. It's one of the first ones where he actually felt comfortable enough to look into the camera and smile, his arm wrapped around yours and a peace sign being held up to the side of your face. Your gaze landing on him once again, you tell yourself not to overthink the small grin spread on his face, the red tint that’s just barely making itself visible to you. If you weren’t in such close proximity to him, truthfully, you wouldn’t have even noticed.
“Can I keep this one?” Junpei barely whispers to you. He looks down at you for approval, eyes widening at how close your face has gotten to his. He looks down, noticing it was him who has pressed himself to you, and quickly looks back up into your eyes – face growing redder the more you two look into each other's eyes. You imagine the two of you share the same expression, a mix of being flustered and afraid. His arm wrapped around you stays frozen, afriad that moving would bring you closer or bring your bodies farther from one another. Junpei was unsure which one made him the most uneasy between the two.
Neither of you are sure who brought their face closer to the other, his nose touching yours being the only indication that the two of you were even moving. The quiet room wasn’t silent enough, the beating in your chest too loud for your comfort, convinced that Junpei could hear the way he was making your heart jump. Attempting to break the ice, you open your mouth, closing it just as quickly when you see Junpei scanning your face, his eyes landing on your lips. He tenses up, watching the way it closes and seeing your lips subtly pout.
Seeing Junpei watch you with so much want, feeling his chest rise and fall unevenly on your back, this whole situation became overwhelming for you. Here you stand, a few moments ago trying to rid yourself of the jealousy that was clouding your mind, to now find yourself trapped against him. As close as you two are, it still doesn’t feel close enough. You slightly look away, overwhelmed. Noticing in the corner of your eye the gold sparkly bag making itself noticeable to you on the tabl besides the one with all the pictures.
Whether you were even looking for an escape from the situation or not, you took it, quickly removing yourself from Junpei’s hold. Your cheeks heat up as you shuffle yourself away from him, quickly turning and grabbing the gift back. A deep breath escapes your lips as you turn to him, ignoring the look of rejection spread across his face. You chuckle awkwardly, lifting your arms straight and pushing the bag into his chest.
“I got you something.” You announce too quickly, the sentence almost sounding like one word mushed together. Junpei blinks as he stares at the bag, hesitantly grabbing it and removing it from your hold. Whatever confusing feeling he had left for the time being as he opens it, pulling out the movie Killer Klowns From Outter Space disk.
“I thought you hated this movie.”
“I do. That’s why I’m giving it to you. You can keep it, you said it was hard to find a copy. My mom was gonna toss it anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. It was my dads. I would rather give it to someone who matters to me just as much than just throw it out.”
Junpei smiles, a soft “Thank you” leaving his lips while he pulls you in for a hug. You can’t move for a moment – nor speak. Just leaving one awkward situation where your bodies were almost too close for comfort right into another one. You slowly wrap both your arms around him, feeling his grip on you tighten.
While it no longer feels awkward, to deny you felt anything other than your stomach doing flips and feeling so at ease in his grip all at once would be a lie.
pls let me know thru my ASK box if you want to be added/removed! It is easier for me to check and add that way, thank you ^_^
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pokenimagines · 2 years
hello! can i request sfw headcanon for arven and nemona? Basically mc\reader being lazy and reading some manga\books instead of prepering to tests, without preporation reader just passed that test with an A (recently i was lazy to prepare for math test, but without any problem i get an A lol)
So I was halfway through writing this when I noticed you asked for headcanons...so here's a fic. I am not perfect. Everyone I know can attest.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Nemona and Arven: A Lazy Study
"Hey, little buddy, I know you're smart and all, but..." Arven said, nudging you. You couldn't help but groan in annoyance, looking up from the manga you were currently trying to enjoy. Arven and Nemona were hanging out in your dorm room after Arven suggested you three tried studying. Nemona was almost completely failing her language classes and needed help, meanwhile Arven was currently dying in biology.
"But what?" You asked and Nemona sighed, slamming her book down.
"Why do you get to slack off while I have to study?" The girl pouted, wanting to be doing anything other than studying, "I know, how about we battle to get some excess energy worked off so we can focus on studying!" Nemona suggested; her mind was really one tracked all the time.
"Can't I just finish this series in peace? Penny is only lending it to me for the week." You sighed. Studying was also the last thing you wanted to do, so you simply decided you weren't going to. Winging it seemed like the best thing for you. Besides, you battled pokemon all the time, you knew a thing or two...probably.
"You know midterms are tomorrow, right? There's gotta be one subject you're worried about." Arven said, nudging at you.
"Nope, not a single one." You explained. It seemed the two finally let you off, which meant you could enjoy all the content you wanted on your new manga series.
"This is unfair...you didn't even study." Arven groaned. The school had posted the leaderboard on who got the best scores in the school. While you weren't number one, you ranked far beyond most of your friends. The only one who ranked higher in your mini group was Penny, but that was a no brainer.
"No way, did you study in secret or something?" Nemona asked, poking your side, "You cheater." She teased.
"I did no such thing; I hate studying. I just decided to wing it. It was all common sense, anyway." You explained, recalling how east the tests were.
"They're right, you know." Penny said and the group turned towards the smaller girl.
"Says the person at the top of the leaderboard." Nemona groaned before smacking her cheeks, "Whatever, at least I know when it comes to battle strategy, I have it all in the bag!" She chuckled.
"No wonder you scored low, you have one thing in your head at all times." Arven mumbled. Thankfully Nemona didn't hear the last comment.
•❅──────✧❅✦❅✧──────❅• Thank you for reading! Did you know we have a discord? It has everything from RPs, General Discussions, and even an 18+ area to go hog wild in! We even do announcements early for when the inbox is opening for requests, as well as other events! Come in and join us!
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Pink Scarf - PART 7 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: SEX. Cussing. Infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline.  
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)        ||     Word Count: 3327
A/N: This part has a bit of a different flow to it, so I hope you enjoy! A lot is happening for our reader (big things are building!), and I wanted to get that across and still keep the story moving.
To all the babies, honeys, and lil' mamas supporting me out there, your reactions, reblogs, messages, and comments mean the absolute WORLD to me. Seriously, I am blown away. This little bitty one-shot about a scarf has turned into a full-blown story that (along with EP) has taken over my heart and soul, so for those of you still with me, and to all the newcomers, I'm sending you all the love! And I promise there's more good stuff coming ahead, complete with more smut, angst, and tension.
If you feel so moved, please let me know what you think or how you're feeling (or send me asks since now I know how they work lol)! I put everyone on the taglist who requested it, but please let me know if there are any issues.
I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat! 
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch. 
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When Elvis kisses you this time, it’s soft but oh-so-loaded with all the unsaid things, the unsaid questions, rolling between you. Your heart drops. He presses his forehead to yours, and you cup his neck, running your thumb down his jaw.
“When am I going to see you again?” is the only question you can voice. You know between his grueling two-shows-a-day schedule and the fact that you two must be so careful about sneaking around, that it will be difficult to be together.
“How long are you here?” he asks, his voice nearly a whisper, his nose nuzzling yours.
“I’m set to head back to Memphis with the girls in two days.” The fact feels like a punch in the gut. Only a few days ago, you would’ve been happy to leave Jack here in Vegas doing whatever shit he was getting up to, but now, now everything has changed. You absently play with the gold TLC lightning bolt around your neck, the one that marks you as his. Funny how you’d been wearing it all these years without truly grasping what it could mean.
Elvis pulls back from you and frowns, lips pouting and his brow furrowed. Knowing him as long as you have, you know he is not happy with this information. His eyes change, narrowing and intensifying, as if trying to solve a problem in his head. Then his lip quirks, a small smile playing slowly across his face. You know that look. That look meant Elvis was looking to get what he wants, no matter how many people he had to go through to get it.
“Darlin’, I want you to stay with me tomorrow night. I want all of you, all night long.” The newly smoldering, insistent look in his eye sends warmth straight to your core. “No interruptions, no sneaking out, just you an’ me, spendin’ some quality time together.” He begins laying soft kisses on your forehead, down your cheek, along your jaw.
You sigh, both with the pleasure he’s inflicting on you now and the promise of what he’s offering later. Your heart just about explodes at the thought of it. But you can’t see how it’s going to work—it’s just not plausible in your situation, not with Jack and twenty of your closest friends roaming about.
“E, I’d love that,” you breathe as his lips move to assault yours, “but there are a multitude of reasons why that’s not gonna work and a million ways it could go wrong.”
Elvis stops, grabbing your jaw gently to look at him, his long fingers cupping your cheek. There’s fire in those crystal eyes now, burning into you, as he speaks low, “I want what’s mine. And I always get what I want, sugar.”
Oh, god.
And you have no doubt he’ll find some way to get it. Everything about that statement and the way he says it has your body responding in ways you can’t control. A full-body shiver runs through you, warming both your heart and somewhere decidedly lower, as evidenced by the wetness you can yet again feel pooling in between your thighs.
Him claiming you like this, his pure possessiveness, shouldn’t make you feel this thrilled. But he cares enough about you to move heaven and earth to be with you, and right now, that means everything.
“D’ya’ trust me, baby?” he purrs, his hand rubbing up your thigh, under the towel.
All you can do is nod in reply, distracted by how your body is buzzing for him.
In one fell swoop, he flips you back on the couch, laying you down, and opens your towel. Maneuvering between your legs, Elvis hovers above you, trailing kisses down your neck to your breasts. Your chest heaves and you can’t catch your breath in the best way possible.
“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” he says definitively before taking the bud of your nipple in his mouth and swirling it with his tongue. You gasp, arching up into him.
“You are going to come to both my shows tomorrow night.” It is not a request, but a certainty.
He laps at the other nipple, giving it equal attention. “I want to know you are in the audience watching me, getting wet for me,” he says, staring you in the eyes as he swipes his fingers through your folds. He smirks when he discovers how slick you already are.
You feel like your heart is going a million miles an hour. You don’t understand how he does this to you, how you just fall apart before him, again and again. It scares you a little, but you like it, and that scares you, too.
His fingers travel to the already well-served sensitive bundle of nerves above your slit. He plays there for a moment, watching you pant and keen under him.
“I’m gonna send Jack far away on an errand,” he says, undoing the knot on his robe. It falls open, revealing that he is rock hard. He grabs his dick, and with complete restraint runs the tip through your folds, up and down, up and down.
“It’s gonna keep him gone all night long,” Elvis says, lining himself up to your entrance.
You lie there, listening, your body reeling with want, ready to take whatever he wants to give you.
He enters you fully with a soft grunt, his steel blue gaze fully locked on yours, unwavering. “And then you’re gonna come to my room,” (He rolls his hips, a gentle but firm press, causing a sharp intake of breath on your part) “and I’m gonna take you, however I want you, all night long,” he says calmly, as if he weren’t saying scandalous things, as if his cock wasn’t already buried deep inside your pussy.
And it’s so fucking hot, you think you are going to combust right there and then.
“Afterwards, you ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He rolls his hips again, his rhythm slow and deep. “You’ll fall asleep in my arms, and when you wake up, I’ll take care of you so good, you won’t have any care to think about nothin’ else.”
Your whole body is shivering with need, want, doused in his promises. But he keeps his pace even, steady, slow. So well controlled while you are coming to pieces under him.
“Mine,” he whispers forcefully, taking you to the brink.
You can’t argue with that.
You explode, part of you knowing you’ll never, ever be the same.
After slow-fucking you into oblivion, Elvis has to go show face upstairs and you are utterly exhausted from the roller coaster this day has been. Heading back to your room in a daze (panty-less, as promised), you fall into bed and drift off to sleep without so much as a cohesive thought.
Knock knock knock
The rapping on the door startles you out of your slumber. Blinking rapidly, sunlight streaming under the curtains, you realize you’ve been asleep for quite a while.
Knock knock knock
“Hold on, I’m coming!” you croak out, willing yourself out of the bed and pulling on your robe. You barely have a chance to open the door before a whirlwind flies past you and into the room.
“Good god, y/n, are you still asleep?”
You wipe the sleep from your eyes. “Sandy? What are…?”
Sandy, your best friend, and Jerry’s wife, turns around and looks at you concerned. “We were supposed to go down to the pool, remember?”
Things are starting to come back to you. “Yeah, of course, the pool,” you say, nodding your head.
“What’s up with you?” she asks as only a best friend could, then looks around the room to make sure you’re alone. “You’ve been acting weird the past few days. And you completely disappeared on us last night.” She looks at you expectantly.
Blood rushes to your cheeks and you skirt into the bathroom to splash cold water on your face, not only to wake up, but to cool the burning on your skin. In your current state, you have no excuses ready.
Finally, you decide on partial truths. You aren’t ready or able to divulge your relationship (is that what it is?) with Elvis, but you can at least explain some of your behavior.
“I saw Jack making out with some groupie last night backstage, after the dinner show,” you say, hating the taste of it as it leaves your mouth.
“Oh, shit, y/n. I’m so sorry,” Sandy says, immediately pulling you in for a hug. “Did you say anything to him? Slap him silly?”
“No,” you shake your head, “he didn’t even see me. He doesn’t know that I know.”
“What a fucker,” Sandy says vehemently, pulling you to sit with her on the bed.
You are surprised by the hot tears that fill your eyes, and you wipe them away furiously as they fall down your cheeks. Having it out in the open makes it feel so real. But your tears feel slightly hypocritical now, considering how you spent last night.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t already suspect…” you sniffle out.
“Still. It’s incredibly shitty. You want me to punch him in the nuts?” she says seriously.
You can’t help but laugh through your tears. Little Sandy could be fierce as hell when she wanted to be, and you wouldn’t put it past her.
“No, not for now at least. Maybe later,” you say putting your head on her shoulder.
“Well, let’s get some food in you, then a Mai Tai or three down at the pool. Some sunshine should do you good,” she says, ever the caretaker.
You don’t have the heart or the willingness to deny her, so you just nod.
Knock knock
Sandy and you look at each other, questioning who else might be knocking on the door. You open it cautiously.
“Ms. y/f/n l/n? Delivery for you,” the hotel employee says in a chipper voice, handing you a huge pink box tied with a darker pink ribbon.
“Oh! Okay, thanks?” you say, utterly confused before he turns and walks away.
What the hell?
“Ooh, what’s that?” Sandy asks over your shoulder, curiosity in her voice.
You can’t answer because you have no idea. Bringing it to the bed, you carefully open it, a blank white envelope sitting atop a mound of tissue paper. You open it, pulling out the small white cardstock.
“When you walk through that showroom tonight,
I want everybody’s eyes on you.
I take care of what’s mine and
you were born just for me.
Your heart threatens to leap out of your chest with how fast it’s suddenly beating.
You can’t believe he is so bold, so oddly romantic, though he obviously knew better than to sign the card in case of prying eyes.
You were born just for me.
Your eyes threaten to fixate on that phrase, your heart galloping at the implications of the statement. Thrusting the card back in the envelope, you shove it into your pocket before Sandy can see what’s written on it.
Sandy just watches you with eager curiosity. “Well, are you going to open it? I’m dying here!”
So, you do, you open it, slowly, as if something might jump out to bite you.
Underneath the tissue paper is Elvis’ gift. The dress (if you even could call it that) is trendy, flashy, sexy, obviously expensive, and so, so very Elvis.
It’s a floral pink, two-piece outfit, the cropped top having a low-cut v in the front, with a multitude of soft, pink draping fringe that would (theoretically) cover your stomach. The matching skirt was a little high waisted but mini in the legs.
The shock that resonates through you is palpable, and you can’t hide it from Sandy, who’s jaw is nearly on the floor.
You lay the outfit on the bed and discover there is a matching set of lacy pink underwear at the bottom of the box.
Oh, sweet lord.
“What in the world…?” Sandy says, looking up at you with so many questions in her eyes. “Y/n, girl, you have some explaining to do.”
You are speechless, your brain unable to come up with any sort of plausible explanation for this. You are too busy thinking about how you are actually going to have to wear this tonight.
“I…I…Sandy, don’t want to lie to you, but I can’t…I just can’t tell you anything right now,” you finally sputter out.
You can tell she’s a little hurt by the look in her eye, but Sandy is smart enough to know that whatever is going on is more complicated than she originally thought.
“Alright,” she says suspiciously, “but I can’t promise that I won’t try to figure it out on my own if you’re not gonna tell me!” She is playful about it, but you know that she’s also telling the truth.
“Please, Sandy, don’t say anything to anyone, okay. This is…delicate,” you practically beg her.
“I’m a vault,” she says crossing her heart, “and god knows you need a little fun right now, but please be careful, okay?” she says sincerely.
I’m well past careful.
You nod in reply, squeezing her hand.
“Now, let’s go get you a tan to match that sexy new outfit!” she smiles.
“Hello, my treasure,” Jack says, then looks you up and down. “You got some color today. Looks good on you, babe.” He kisses you on the lips and you fight every instinct in you that wants to pull away from him. It’s the closest you’ve been to him since the incident. Your stomach knots with fury and sadness and guilt.  
“Thanks, sweetie, I went down to the pool with Sandy,” you reply, forcing an even tone in your voice.
“So, EP is sending me and Billy out to LA to take care of some things tonight. You know how he is—he gets a bug up his ass and things all of a sudden have to get done right now. I know you are heading home tomorrow, so I’m not sure if I’ll see you before I get back,” he says with a fake tinge of regret in his voice, as if he actually cares that you might be gone, as if there’s not some bimbo out in LA who he’ll see when he’s there. The knot in your stomach tightens even more, for different reasons this time, realizing that Elvis has indeed put in motion what he set out to do.
“It’s okay, hun, I understand,” you respond. You feel like screaming.
And a part of you hates that you are glad, so glad to be rid of him.
It shouldn’t be like this.
But it is. So you both feign your regret and he grabs his stuff, kisses your cheek, and leaves.
Your new outfit has garnered quite the attention. It fits you perfectly, right down to the underwear, and sporting your new tan, you have to admit that you do look damn good. It certainly is nothing like anything you’ve ever worn before, and while you start the night self-conscious, it ends up making you feel confident and powerful.
The one hiccup of the night is that Sandy has insisted on going with you to both shows. Even though she can’t figure out exactly why you want to see Elvis again, she’s too curious, watching every man in sight like a hawk as she tries to pin down who has bought you this getup and why.
Thankfully, she seems oblivious to the obvious, but you are doing everything you can to appear neutral and it’s nearly killing you. Mostly because watching Elvis perform is doing exactly what both of you knew it would do, so you feel caught in this slow foreplay of delicious torture, but with a side of your nosy best friend.
You keep shifting in your seat, arousal flooding through you and pooling in your pretty new panties. As usual, he looks and sounds amazing, and you swear to god that he keeps looking toward you, even though he can’t see you with the stage lights. He just knows. Which makes everything even more salacious.
You try not to think about how dangerous this is for you. How if you and Elvis get caught, a shitstorm will fall upon you, and most of the consequences will affect you more that Elvis. You try not to think about how a lapse in judgement a few nights ago has become an affair in a matter of days. You can’t deny it, not after Elvis has maneuvered the people around you to ensure he gets you all to himself. But it’s not just that—it’s the deep gut feeling you have that there is much more to this than sex and that Elvis has no intention of letting you go any time soon.
“I take care of what’s mine and you were born just for me.”
The problem is that it all excites you more than it should. Yes, part of you is terrified of what might happen if Jack finds out, or if anyone in the group other than Jerry finds out. But for the first time in a very long time, you are doing something for you, something that makes you feel good. Elvis makes you feel things you didn’t think you could feel anymore (or didn’t deserve to feel anymore).
Logically, you know you are likely setting yourself up for a world of hurt on both fronts. Your marriage is already in shambles. Your lover is one of the most famous people on the planet, the best friend of your husband, and notoriously promiscuous. While you would love to think that you are the only woman sharing Elvis’ bed right now, that you are somehow special enough that he would forgo all the other women throwing themselves at him, you know that would be incredibly naïve of you.
As romantic as your heart wants to be right now in thinking that Elvis will whisk you up and magically solve all your problems, that a man like him might truly have feelings for a woman like you, your mind screams at you that it’s an impossible fairy tale, warning you to not get caught up in this web of half-truths and hope.
Emotionally, you are putting a lot on the line, and you know it. You know you aren’t in your right mind. If you were in your right mind, you would’ve smacked Elvis upside the head when he kissed you in his room a few nights ago. You would have instantly thrown him out the moment he burst into your hotel room. But you didn’t. As much as you tell yourself this is all just about sex, all just about getting back at Jack, that not-so-little voice in the back of your head is whispering sweet-nothings about just how wonderful life could be if Elvis chose you above anyone else.
Which is why tonight feels like more of a precipice than the first night you spent with him. Tonight feels loaded. Premeditated. Serious. For the second time this week, you feel like everything will change after tonight. Maybe it’s the idea of falling asleep and waking up in his arms, as he’s promised you. Maybe it’s the words on the card that are haunting you. Or perhaps it is the look in his eyes, the one that overwhelms you, the one you can’t really let yourself dissect because if you do, you’ll go tumbling over into that abyss so fast that you won’t care about the mess you’ll leave behind.
Regardless, it’s all incredibly risky, and you know it isn’t right, but with Elvis, it just feels worth it.  
And perhaps the thing that scares you most of all, the thing that really frightens you, is that even knowing everything you do, you’ll still risk everything for just one more night with him.
@atombombbibunny @yesimwriting @uselessbutinteresting @mirandastuckinthe80s @dark-as-love
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hi tumblr you get to hear my insane sgdlr ramblings theories whatever about mr vein which mifht be wrong but I DOTN CARE
ok sooooo first i connected the dots with cheng xiaoshi and vein bc they had the same shadow that dropped from the top left in the anniversary pv’s. most people reacted with “you didn’t connect shit”, but i’m telling you, i connected the dots.
what caught my eye on the shadow thing is that vein’s shadow didn’f have the same circular borders as liu xiao and xia fei who were obviously meant to be the same style. so they deliberately kept it at just the top left (to cover him up also). and did i mention cheng xiaoshi looks like he is trapped behind glass in the anniversary artwork? no i didn’t. i personally think all of the anniversary artworks are supposed to represent a special part of each character (qiao ling stepping out. you know).
i have not fully analysed vein’s outfit design because frankly i’m not sure what else to search up but. i’ll talk about the parts i did find
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so. first of all the pattern on his shoulders looks like blood. isn’t rhat fun!
second of all the little knots around his design, i’m pretty sure are ‘round brocade knots’ which represent “balance, completeness, good fortune”. i haven’t made exact ties between that and vein myself yet but it’s worth noting it.
i didn’t find out anything else about his design. the necklace is cut off just perfectly to not be able to see what it is (like liu xiao’s)
anyway. i’m just gonna jump to my theory. i think he is connected to either cheng xiaoshi or the disappearance of his parents!!!! wow. it might sound unlikely i am aware but this is what theories are for.
the biggest reason i came up with this is because we don’t need a new villain. we don’t need to be introduced to someone new when we already have liu xiao. but you know what liu xiao wouldn’t do? GET HIS HANDS DIRTY. at least, most likely, he strikes me as the type to work behind the scenes.
so what other reason would there be to introduce vein? “you could make the same argument for xia fei” well yeah but xia fei is a pushing force in how cheng xiaoshi and lu guang discovered their powers (probably. idk)
okkkk back to vein and cheng xiaoshi’s parents actually. why i think it’s likely they’re either missing because of vein or, if they’re dead, their bodies got disposed of for some reason? it’s because if they were caught in the earthquake THEIR BODIES WOULD BE FOUND BY NOW. at least that’s what makes sense to me lore wise. and i don’t think they would just ghost their child for like 12 years. and because from narrative storytellijg it would make sense if vein was the one that did something. (let me redirect you to pattern that looks like blood on his shoulders)
of course this could all be a red herring but the last time i said something was a red herring it turned out to be true. so i choose to stick to it this time!
the other possibility (or actually, both possibilities could ring true) is that vein was the one who shot cxs. who else would? (feel free to debate lol) i don’t think xia fei would have interest in that after the whole overseas trip business, liu xiao wouldn’t want to do it himself (he’d make someone else do it) and li tianchen is an option but we don’t know if he will be the one to do it in the end. so
i don’t have a good way to end this weird theory bit. if i think of something else i will add it. it has been plaguing at my mind. thank you tumblr user for reading my weird theory rambling and feel free to debate me. if i tjink of anything else myself i will edit and add it
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the-owl-tree · 9 months
I fr don’t know how the erins wrote such a twisted, triggering abusive couple and story line again and again. they don’t even answer for it in a way that takes into account their audience who reads their books and sees their parents doing this exact shit. this is some shit that would send me into a spiral as a kid. I am genuinely shocked and appalled that they’re still making books. not to say warriors should end but… they are actively producing harmful content marketed towards children
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had to take a little women & cooking break from this book lol
i'm not done the book yet so i might be shooting myself in the foot....but at the same time i'm pretty confident i've identified some of the reasons why this book is the way it is. for how awful the book is, it is pretty revealing:
-Okay, get the obvious one out of the way: Warriors does not treat its female characters and its male characters equally. This bleeds into ALL their writing, and this super edition is just as impacted by it. Whether or not we like these characters or not, this double standard is at play.
-The books believe that Squirrelflight and Bramblestar's fighting makes them better, that their disagreements make them a good team and challenge each other. Squirrelflight in particular is considered argumentative by her clanmates, something which is treated as comedic in the early chapters:
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(note the wording, squilf is the argumentative unreasonable one).
Obviously, this isn't true. Their quarreling does NOT make them stronger and Bramblestar frequently uses his position to actively punish her when she disagrees with him to the point he'd forbid her from arguing with him in public. Squirrelflight disagreeing with him is shown by the narrative as her doing what's right (which is good!) but the fact Bramblestar CAN and WILL use his position to shut her up is bad. These fights are not equal and the authors won't acknowledge that, so the rest of the cast in ThunderClan also don't see this as bad.
-Bramblestar isn't meant to be seen as right and we're SUPPOSED to see his actions as cruel and heartless....but the authors want you to think about how pressured and stressed he is. They do not want to acknowledge just how bad his actions are. People act like Squirrelflight is piling shit onto him (this is not true and i actually kind of want to make a post about just how this plot point as been taken out of context and misused by people who want bramblestar to look good but another time another time)....but the book does not want to see this as a repeated part of his personality because the authors do not see Bramblestar as a bad person at heart, just that he's misguided and not acting rationally. Not true! We've seen this behavior prior. But that leads to my next point-
-While the narrative isn't trying to convince you that Bramblestar is correct, it still wants you to think that Squirrelflight has done something to earn this treatment. Her going behind Bramblestar's back is treated as wrong and Squirrelflight's narration has her imploring the reader to think about his perspective. The writers want you to believe that things could have gone better had she just talked to him...but fail to acknowledge that the Bramblestar they've written is completely unreasonable and acting irrationally. He actively does not listen in earlier chapters but they still want you to believe Squirrelflight disobeying him is worth her being flamed as well.
Note: this is a repeated pattern. she apologizes to him about her suspicions about hawkfrost....despite being completely right.
-The authors use characters are situational antagonists (and often repeatedly use these characters! Thornclaw and Blossomfall have the consistent trait of being actively xenophobic and cruel to outsiders) but they refuse to address these as bad or have these characters be confronted for this. Bramblestar falls into this category, he is antagonist for this book but because he apologizes and is secretly good at heart or whatever, the authors don't have to interrogate just how much harm he is doing to those around him. They needed conflict, used Bramblestar for that, and once the conflict was resolved, went back to use him as a main character without examining the shit he did as an antagonist.
Thornclaw is like the prime example of this he is routinely bigoted and awful and yet is just treated like a normal member of the Clan. So it's not just a Bramblestar, this is a broader writing issue.
aannnd those are my little theories based on this reading. it sucks ass and i need bramblestar to die asap.
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godtier · 11 months
hi guys, i been busy but i needed to rant about the trashfire that is FFXVI. so an obvious warning: this is spoilers for FFXVI, proceed with caution, read at your own risk, etc
so i am at the point in the game where dion is in bed and joshua is awake from his injuries. he has a conversation with clive and jill, discussing ultima and his plans.
clive, being the dumb slut he is, is like “BUT WHY ME” wrt to being ultima’s target vessel (as if ultima didn’t talk to him about it directly back when cid got murked but idk i guess i can forgive him for not remembering since his bf had just gotten filled with holes) and joshua has to explain the fucking obvious to him by saying that dominants are beholden to their eikon’s elemental affinity. meaning, joshua can only cast fire magicks, jill can only do ice, etc. clive is different for this reason, since he currently shares a headspace with now five eikons and can use their powers at will (concurrently with his blessing of the phoenix, which i still get confused about that. maybe i forgot or missed an explanation but it’s just weird to me idk)
that’s all well and good, because it’s what i had assumed from the start. eikons represent a specific element. if you’re basically the vessel for that eikon, it makes completes sense that you only have access to their elemental prowess. 
this creates a hole. a minor hole (unlike the ones that were put in cid lol), but a hole nonetheless. an oversight that, while minor at a glance, kinda throws off the lore and logic the game has established up to this point.
what, exactly, does this information contradict? well, i’m talking about this scene in particular (clipped to the correct timestamp): 
if the video doesn’t load for whatever reason, the scene i’m talking about is when benedikta is talking to that group of magistrates or whatever and then decides to light her pipe with her finger, using magicks.
the issue? benedikta’s eikon was garuda. garuda is the eikon of wind. 
well you don’t, silly
because it’s very clear in the scene that she wasn’t using wind, she was using fire.
which begs the question: HOW.
HOW did she use fire if she supposedly is beholden to garuda’s element of wind? if what joshua was saying was true (which admittedly, it makes sense given the rest of the framing of how magick seems to work in the world) then why wasn’t this seen as a bizarre quirk she was able to do? 
i’ll tell you why
it was a lazy oversight. and though it was a minor scene, it was one that was framed in a way that drew direct attention to the action itself and used to clearly define the differences between people in this world. 
right before she lights the pipe, a man was using a crystal in the foreground to fill a cup with water. the scene was meant to illustrate the disparity between those who are not magick users (thereby forced to use crystals for simple magick tasks, or bearers if they can afford them) and those who are magick users. it was framed to show that benedikta wasn’t beholden to the limitations of using crystals for magicks. she could do it herself. 
but she shouldn’t have been able to.
the problem therein is that you used a character who, by the self-proclaimed logic of the game, would have no way to use fire like that naturally. though the scene itself was very effective and framed well, imo, it ultimately breaks apart the rules of the world building they’ve established (or at least come to fully establish by the point i’m in; it was pretty much implied if you ask me).
from the start, i had figured that eikons were only able to use their assigned element. when i saw benedikta do that, i had thought “oh... maybe there are some exceptions? it was a pretty small flame, maybe they can only do minor magicks that aren’t associated with their eikon?”
but then i thought about it more. if their power comes directly from eikons and not the crystals (which to my understanding is how bearers are able to cast magicks) how would garuda bestow even a slight ability to produce a flame? garuda is entirely wind. there are no powers she has that hint at being fire-adjacent (such as in some games classifying water and ice magic as the same “family,” is what i’m getting at). there was nothing to indicate any cross-contamination, of sorts. their powers are from the eikons and the eikons alone, not the crystals directly.
so while this is a scene that many may forget about or brush off, i think it honestly creates a larger hole in the logic than most might first think. it totally contradicts everything joshua had said, it also makes clive not that special if benedikta was able to use fire as well.
ultimately, i think that it was a very lazy oversight. they wanted to show the disparity between regular people and bearers/dominants. but they thought about it for a min, and went “well the only other dominants that can use fire wouldn’t be in this scene. we can’t use them to illustrate this. and we can’t exactly have benedikta use her wind powers to make a mundane action more convenient... so let’s just have her light it with her finger and move on.”
the game was so disjointed in its logic/world building that they just straight-up forgot that they had benedikta do that at the start of the game by the time they got to writing out the rest of the story. i think this one is the more likely option; they just were so bad at keeping a lore bible or referencing it at all that they stupidly forgot that they had benedikta do something she should not have been able to do by their own established rules. or the rules weren’t even established at all until the point joshua talks about it! who knows!
to get an idea of my immediate reaction to joshua’s lines, please witness this conversation between myself and @sapphire-weapon​
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anyway, i’m not ready for how bad the game apparently gets as it goes on. it’s such a shame because overall? i do like this game. it’s fun to play. i like the characters a lot. but my god the story... the backbone of any game, imo, is the story. it could play like shit but have a banger story, i’d suffer through it. but it’s so much worse to me to have a game that has really fun gameplay and characters, but an abysmal story. 
don’t get me wrong, i like the overall idea of the story. i like the overall framing. it’s the details that pile up, the weird choices in narrative movement (like clive’s coming to terms with “killing” joshua??? makes no sense at the point i’m at anymore!) that are really wrecking it for me.
anyway thanks for comin to my rant. enjoy ur day pls.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 85. brb x oc
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a/n: * monke noises * AAAAAAAAAAAA yeah.
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: fluff,Bea misses Rooster and Rooster misses Bea, Bea is hearing ghost children ( or is she )
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes
He was struggling to say the least, not with his job because he was very good at what he did, but he was struggling with Beatrice’s absence. He couldn’t use his phone for a few hours or days at a time, he knew she messaged him, he could see the red dot next to the icon but that’s been a few days ago and he just wanted to reply for God’s sake.
And Mav knew he was fidgety, not in the field, but as soon as he was on land Bradley’s fingers would twitch and near his hip bone only to remember he was wearing his flight suit and not his casual wear. Honestly, Pete found it hilarious - and very endearing - to see his nephew be so smitten for Beatrice. He didn’t feel his marriage premonition was wrong, he felt that Rooster was going to marry Beatrice soon and the only reason he didn’t yet was because he was deployed.
His nephew was painfully easy to read, just like his father was.
And Pete knew that Beatrice’s presence meant a lot to Bradley. So when Rooster was finally able to check his phone, he disappeared from his uncle’s view, undoubtedly going to the bunk to have some sort of privacy. Bradley closes the door behind himself, kicks his boots off and then lies on the small lower bunk while unlocking his phone.
His lips immediately curl into a smile when he saw her message, God he missed her so much, hard to think it’s been three weeks since he left. He tilted his head when he saw the folder she sent him, furrowing his eyebrows but tapping on it so it’d download as he typed a message back.
Roos’ (21:34)
Baby I miss you too! I’m downloading the folder you sent rn, I’m excited to see what it is ;) but fr, I miss you, I miss you a lot. How are you? How’s the house? Are you and Jojo okay? Tell me what you’ve been doing,gorgeous, I want to hear from you. I love you <3
It doesn’t take too long for the gray bubble to appear underneath his message, his smile widening as he gets comfortable on the bunk.
Bea (21:36)
Brad!!! Hi! Omg sorry I was finishing some stuff and I’m about to have lunch! I’m fine, Michael has been keeping me company these days, not often but he does stop by when he can and he also helped me set up a security camera! And a few more security thingies. I am doing some DIY in our kitchen :)! I think it’s looking fine and now I’m a bit of a DIY-rush because I wanna do more stuff! Lol, but yeah I’m fine, Jojo is fine too, she made friends with the doberman puppy across the street.
Roos’ (21:41)
Thank Michael for me because I was thinking about doing that before I left. I do feel a bit better knowing you are now extra safe and that he’s been staying over. 
Roos’ (21:42)
Damn, baby, i don’t know if it’s my phone’s data or something but it’s taking a while to download whatever it is that you sent me.
Bea (21:44)
Oh well it’s a few things inside, so that’s why. But let me know when it finishes!
There was just a tiny bit of the blue bar left to be filled, one he kept his eyes on until it reached the end. Once the ‘download completed!’ popped up he let her know it was done and he’d finally see what it was. Maybe it was the pictures of her DIY projects that she was so excited about and wanted to share, or maybe Jolene with her new friend, but his mind went completely blank when he opened the gallery.
Rooster’s eyes moved to each picture, his jaw going slack and he had to adjust himself on the bunk bed to have a better look. It was Beatrice, it was her photo shoot. He inhales sharply, looking back at the door then his phone, trying to make sure no one would bother him right now because he needed time to recover. He knew she’d look good, he knew she’d be amazing but he had no idea that the photos were like that.
Yes, most of them were swimwear pictures, something he was expecting but not mentally ready for. She looks so sexy. And the poses complimented her body even more and there was one taken from above that showed her back and butt and why was he miles away from her for six months???
He swiped through every picture, his lips parting even more as the others came into view, his throat vibrating in a quiet moan, “Fucking Christ…” he mutters, unsure which ones he liked best. The ones with the black swimsuit were fucking great too and- wait a minute, Beatrice said that Marcus gave her the clothes she wore as a gift so she had those somewhere in the house and he’d see her wearing them in the flesh.
Why, again, was he miles away from her??
But it wasn’t until the final picture that he finally allowed shock to take over. He squinted his eyes a bit, seeing it was a building and a smiling Beatrice was looking right at it and next to the building was– “No way.” he pinched the picture to zoom in more, “No fucking way.” it was Beatrice, his girlfriend, on a billboard poster looking like the goddess she is. The horniness from before dissipates for a bit, being replaced by the utmost pride when he sees it.
“My girlfriend is on a billboard.” he whispers, his lips curling into a smile, laughing breathily with his eyes locked on the picture. He couldn’t believe it, his girlfriend was the face of Marcus’ new collection!
Roos’ (22:05)
Bea (22:06)
Roos’ (22:09)
Bea (22:12)
Thank you Roos! <3 I had no idea Marcus would have a physical poster, I thought it’d be only online. I’m really happy about it though. Did you like it?:)
Roos’ (22:13)
Of course I did baby, of course I did. How can I not? It’s you. Damn, my girlfriend is the face of a clothing collection. I’m over the moon, I really am.
Bea (22:15)
And you liked the other pictures too?:3 <3
Roos’ (22:18)
You know I did. You look so fucking hot, Bea. Honest to God I will have a wonderful night of sleep because of these. Promise me you’ll show them all when I get back? 
Bea (22:22)
Of course Roos :), don’t worry about that.
Bradley smiles looking at his phone, his heart going wildly just at the thought of her dressing up for him. But his smile drops and he groans, rubbing his eyes with the tips of his fingers, sighing heavily through his nose, “Shit.”
Roos’ (22:31)
I’ll be honest, gorgeous,I miss you a lot, you know?I’ll be fine it’s just…I miss you. And I miss having you with me.
Bea (22:32)
:( I’m sorry Roos. I know that feeling because I miss you too…but pls don’t let that distract you, so you can come back sooner than planned, you know? I’ll be waiting for you and I can’t wait to see you. Counting the days.
Roos’ (22:34)
So am I gorgeous. We’ll talk again soon, okay? I gotta sleep right now. l love you.
Bea (22:35)
Okay! Sleep well Roos, I love you so much! Hope you have wonderful dreams. :3
Rooster chuckles at the last sentence, he didn't even have to hear it to know the teasing connotations his girlfriend was now learning to have whenever they spoke. He goes back to the gallery where he could once again see the pictures, he was going to show Mav and the others just this one because it was special.
And it just showed her face and he didn’t want people to see Beatrice’s pictures like that, they could see it in the official website if they wanted to but these are his own.
He places the phone away, running his fingers through his hair as he looks up at the top bunk. Maybe he should let Mav know what he plans to do, his godfather would love to be aware of it he was sure, and maybe…he could help him organize some things, he had an idea in mind that needed more than one person to work.
He was really serious about it. If he was asked this months before, hell maybe even years before he’d look at them as if they were crazy. But no, Beatrice changed a lot in him, to the better and he couldn’t imagine his life without her. Bradley adjusts himself on the bed, sighing yet again and then looking back at the phone where his background remained their dancing picture at her aunt’s wedding.
He really missed her and he hoped he could come back soon. There was nothing else that he wanted more than to see her again and ask her. He was a bit giddy about it, wait not a bit, a bit would be an understatement.
He was very giddy, he was excited and nervous, he was going to be going one step further in their relationship. He knew what he had to do and now…he had the time to think about it.
He hoped she was having those types of thoughts too.
“Oh my God! This was the worst idea I’ve ever had!” she growls,erasing the sketch and putting her head in her hands. She decided, since she was done with the kitchen project, to paint something in her new backyard because it was such an inspirational place too, why not use that to juice up her creativity?
Except she was having a very hard time coming up with an actual idea. She was sitting on the soft grass, rubbing her forehead  as she thought about what to do. She could continue the secret painting, but she…didn’t want to look at it because it’d only make her miss Rooster even more. So she decided to toss all her watercolors around her - with Jolene not far behind chewing her sock monkey - and hope for the best. 
Holding one of her watercolor brushes between her middle and index finger, Beatrice looked down at the paper then at her surroundings, “This house is beautiful, how am I not inspired?” she mutters,pushing herself to her feet so she could walk around her yard. It had some plants around, but there were some spots with fresh dirt she could put something…maybe some herbs like her father’s garden. Or some roses? Roses can be inspirational but it wasn’t helping her think of anything.
So she walked further, around their pool. Pool, water, ocean? Ocean themed baby room– no.Not a baby room, a watercolor painting, “Oh my God! This can’t be true!” she slaps her forehead “I need to think of something.” she wondered if her new neighbors could hear her turmoil through their windows, she hadn’t met them yet - she just met the couple who had the doberman puppy, they were very kind - and she hoped they wouldn’t think she’s some crazy lady who moved in.
Beatrice sighs, propping her hands on her hips as she chews her lower lip, looking up at the sky and seeing the white fluffy clouds move lazily to the left. She blinks, tilting her head as she sees a random shape slowly turn into something else. It was like…a duck? Like those tiny white ducks that looked so soft and unreal.
Oh she could do that. She kept looking up at the sky, squinting her gaze a bit, almost feeling like she had to see that but she couldn’t say why. Beatrice then nods to herself, going back to her watercolors and sitting back down on the warm grass, sketching something already. It was just a white duck on a pond, with soft blues and light teals with brushes of orange to represent the sunlight reflecting on the water’s surface. 
With her being in the zone now, she heard her phone vibrate but didn’t look to see who it was thinking it’d be Shells. They were going to go the Hard Deck a bit earlier tonight to help Penny with some extra stock, so she just swiped to answer the call and pressed the speaker icon, “Hello?”
“Beatrice? Hi!”
That was not Shells’ voice.
“It’s me Lilly Ann! I sent you a message a few months back and I wanted to know if you changed your mind about going to our reunion?”
Beatrice blinks in the phone’s direction, then clenches her eyes with a quiet ‘shit’ leaving through her gritted teeth, putting her painting supplies aside to grab the phone, pressing it to her ear, “Oh, hi Lilly Ann um…well I…” she rubs her forehead with her fingertips, “I don’t know, I-I’m not sure if I’ll be able to, I work on weekends–”
“We changed the date for next week!” her former classmate adds quickly, almost desperately, “On a friday! Will you be able to come?”
“I-I work on Fridays.” she mutters, apologetically and she could feel the other woman deflate “Unless…um what time will this be exactly?”
“One in the afternoon! And it’ll go until eight!”
Shit. She could go. “Oh uh…” she chewed her lower lip. She pondered about going to the reunion ever since she got the message months ago. She even mentioned it to her therapist who suggested that maybe it’d be good to heal some wounds she had as a child, close a chapter in her life so she’d no longer worry about them. Beatrice sighs, rubbing her palm heel against her eye, “Ah…fine,I…I’ll go.”
Lilly Ann exhaled out in relief, “Oh thank you Beatrice, thank you so much!I can’t wait to see you!I’m sure it’ll be wonderful to revive memories with everyone. We’ll meet at the old ballroom hall at school!” Beatrice just hummed with a brief smile, waiting until she finished the call so she dropped the phone to her lap, running her hands through her hair in exasperation and then returning her gaze to the unfinished watercolor painting.
She said yes, she really did say yes to the reunion. If Rooster was there he could offer her some insight, let her know if it was a good idea or not…but he wasn’t and she had to figure it out herself. Besides, it was her past issues being brought up and while he was her boyfriend - and she loved him immensely - he couldn’t fight those demons for her.
Beatrice just groans, then shakes her head when she feels the anxiety slowly climb up her spine, “It’ll be fine, it’ll be just fine.” she repeats, returning to the duck picture and gently swiping the colors on the watercolor paper, using that as a distraction instead. 
She was in a much better place now, wasn’t she? Yeah, she was in a great place. She could handle seeing her former classmates again, she wasn’t a child any longer, for Christ’s sake, she was a grown woman with a man who loved her and with a new confidence. The little Beatrice inside of her was unsure, hiding behind her brain as if she was scared of going.. and she understood what her therapist told her.
It was about healing her younger self, it’s about holding this girl’s hands and walking through the fire, that’s what it was all about. And Beatrice knew it’d be important, she suffered a lot back then, she went through so much she deserved closure. And of course, it’d be possible she’d see Eric but…doubtful he’d come and talk to her after she smashed his nose. 
Beatrice felt different now, a little smile curling at the corners of her lips, “I can do this.” she whispered, looking at the finished picture of the cute little duck in a pond, “I can do this and I’ll make sure I’ll look amazing doing it as well.” she already had an outfit in mind too, she couldn’t help but be weirdly excited about it. 
She nods with finality, gathering her painting supplies and taking it all back to her art room where Jolene followed her to. She was about to put the little duck drawing away, but she stopped, tilting her head to the side as she looked down at it.
Normally, her style was a lot more realistic, so to see this little cartoony duck smiling up at her was..interesting. She looked around her art room, even with the walls blank of pictures she still felt it wouldn’t belong there…then where?
Beatrice chews her lower lip, holding already dry watercolor painting out of the room, pressing it on the hallway downstairs, then in the bathrooms or even in Rooster’s office, but no place looked right for it.
That’s when she went up the stairs, trying it on the guest room and their bedroom, sighing in confusion as to why no place was working. She was about to put it back into her art room either way, when she stopped right in front of the blank room from before, the door still closed like she left since last time…she slowly turned the door handle, watching it slowly creak itself open and reveal the empty room.
Beatrice hesitates, holding the painting with both hands, watching the blank room stare back at her. After a few seconds she forces herself to walk forward, her feet echoing in the empty room until she stops right at the center, looking at the huge window then at the wall closest to her.
She blinks, holding the drawing up as if she was measuring on the wall and…for some reason, she liked it. She presses the paper flat against the wall, imagining it with a frame, with the walls painted differently with- 
Beatrice gasps in surprise, dropping the paper and leaping back from the wall, looking around and to the doorframe, only seeing a curious Jolene peeking her head inside instead. Beatrice’s chest heaves with nervous breaths, was she going crazy? She was going crazy. It was the baby fever, that’s all it was…or the house was haunted and there was a Victorian child victim of tuberculosis running around their house. Nevermind this house was built in 2014 and it has the Mediterranean style common around Cali.
She looks back at Jolene, then at the fallen drawing at her feet and then rubs her face with both hands, “I’m losing it. I’m losing it,Jojo. Should I cal a priest??” her pittie just looks at her, the subtle movement of her tail wagging was her only answer, “Probably not,I’m just…tired. And having baby fever! Which is…a bit bothersome.”
She could swear she heard the giggle again, looking over her shoulder only to find the room was empty, “...I think I might call Michael to sleep over tonight again. He’s going to make so much fun of me…” or not, maybe he’ll believe she’s hearing childish disembodied voices just in this room…right?
Beatrice frowns, “Come on Jojo.” she gently ushers the pittie out, closing the door behind her with the duck picture held tightly in her hand. She bites her lower lip, then marches back down to her art room, placing the watercolor painting inside one of the lilac colored folders she usually keeps her art, latching it shut and then falling back onto her old couch.
She paid attention to see if she heard the disembodied voice again, looking up at the ceiling then back at the door…almost fearing she’d see a tiny figure running past the threshold but thankfully she only saw her hallway.  Beatrice sighs, sinking deeper into her old couch and pursing her lips in a little pout.
Her eyes dart to her soft stomach, furrowing her brows a bit before placing both of her hands on top, gently massaging the soft flesh, trying to imagine what it’d look like…well she knew the possibility was minimal since she was taking the birth control shots at the clinic - the last one was a few days before Bradley was deployed - but what if, you know? 
She wanted kids, she did, and she had a feeling so did Brad considering how he was with Bianca…”I need to stop this.” she whispers to herself, slapping her cheeks, “I stop worrying about one thing only for another to take its place. That’s not normal.” Jolene, who walked back into the room with her sock monkey within her jaws, looked at her curiously, “Let’s go on a walk Jojo,” she barely finished the sentence, seeing Jolene rush out of the room excitedly, tripping over her paws and sliding all the way to the front door. “I feel like we’ll both need this walk.”
Beatrice grabs her keys and phone, unlocking the front door, about to step out but pausing to give the upper floor one last look. She could see the door from where she was, still closed, no ghost children ominously standing in front of it with glowing eyes and menacing grins, nothing, just silence. “...yeah, we are going to take a long walk Jojo.” she says after closing the door, “A really long one.”
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 104 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence
Another ambiguous episode title? Sneak Preview. We get a glimpse at what the Unknowing is going to look like. But we also get foreshadowing of Tim's fate.
Eduardo Acosta, right up there with Hazel Rutter. The statements we never got to hear.
Martin squealing is one of my favorite moments of him.
TIM: [Dourly] "I’ve been moving boxes in here for a while." MARTIN: "You… have you?" TIM: "Yeah. Everything alright?" MARTIN: "Yeah, I guess. I kind of… zone out a bit when I have to read a statement." The statements seem to seriously affect Martin. Maybe that's why he got cosy with the Lonely so fast he could turn invisible after just a few months. He already got plenty of experience from the Eye. Also Tim sounds dreadful :(
The viseral hate when Tim says "Statement begins". He seems to like "statement ends" though. He says it in MAG 80, just to make his point and I think he does that again but I can't remember/find where...
TIM: "We didn’t really talk much, me and Danny. We were still pretty close, and he’d usually keep me updated on whatever his latest obsession was." My sister and me are like this (though, I'd say we talk fairly much). I’m Danny, the younger sibling. She actually has a career and a degree and I always get into silly things, lol.
TIM: "He tended to throw himself into a thing completely for about six months, and well, then he’d get bored, and something new would catch his eye." I am pretty much like this! Though usually my obsessions last a bit longer. My shortest was about a year and a half?
TIM: "that was when I first heard the name Robert Smirke." Finally we find out, why Tim is so obsessed with Smirke!
I googled Covent Garden Theatre. Didn't really find much about it being urbex-able (is that a word...?). There's plenty of history though. Smirke designed what was already the second theatre in this place, as the first one had burned down in 1808 (and the second theatre also burned down in 1856). 2 years before the first theatre burned down, Joseph Grimaldi performed at Covent Garden theatre and his performance was revived at the second theatre. He made his name there.
TIM: "He mumbled something then, very quietly, and I couldn’t really make it out, but it sounded like the name ‘Joey’." Let's check wikipedia: "Grimaldi was an innovator: his performance as 'Joey' introduced the clown to the world, building on the existing role of Harlequin derived from the Commedia dell'arte." -> If anybody ever was confused by the name drop (because I was), that’s the reference. 
Ahhh, the calliope music when Tim describes Danny's drawings of Grimaldi.
TIM: "To the auditorium? No. If I had, I… I don’t think they’d let me leave a second time." That's what I meant about the episode title. Tim will return to the Circus. And he will not leave a second time. Things will happen on his conditions at least though.
MARTIN: "I mean, 200 years is a long time, but…" TIM: "Yeah, it’s him, though." First time we hear about non-End-avatars getting really old, is it? Does that Archivist thing count? I mean, it was human once, but I think it didn’t look much like a human anymore (not like Simon or Maxwell or Jonah).
TIM: [Incensed] "Oh, oh, you mean it? Oh well, that’s different. Okay, well, let me tell you what. If you want me to ignore everything that’s going on, forget my brother and everything that’s happened over the last two years, how about you kill me?" Tim is completely lost, it's sad...
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moonstone27ls · 1 year
The Owl House Finale..
Warning spoilers....
You’ve been warned.....
.....Oh and warning of opinion. I ask no hate, disagree okay but I don’t want a fight. This is my opinion/my thoughts....
.......Spoiler warning.........
Last one............
............ You’ve been warned....
First of all kudos to Dana Terrace and the animation team. Sooooo many amazing moments, its no wonder she had to take a break. Given the crunch time Disney put her on, she had to work SO hard to get what she wanted/or needed to make this finale great! Just everything was perfect! I was on the edge of my seat and all I wanted was for Luz and everyone to be okay (except maybe Belos... screw you Philip 8B)
Anything that surprised me... I guess that someone was right that it was a titan in that realm Luz saw. I also admit was somewhat surprised the Collector didn’t really know about what happened in regards to King’s species. Though it makes me wonder... what happened to their siblings. They mentioned them when Luz died... so ... what became of them...
Though speaking of Luz’s death... why did she die when touched by whatever that attack was by Belos? Buttt... not Raine? I mean granted he used it as an attack but the attack/fungi whatever was affecting Collector and they were genuinely worried for Eda when it spread. I mean I’m not complaining I wanted Raine to live for Eda. But I’m... “how come Raine wasn’t affected?” Raine was just put under restraint?oO
I admit Luz’s death really got me. On so many levels for her heart. And the irony, cause the Collector was only trying to do what she advised him on. (no not blaming him just saying big picture cruel irony). But also dang was somewhat impressed when Eda and King went beast mode on Belos for that.
And just random was also impressed that Amity was able to wake up/or fight that toy spell the Collector put on them. I dunno just did pointed out that Amity is stronger than she’s given credit as a witch. Luz’s ultimate titan magic/witch mode was both beautiful and AWESOME! Just fantastic design.
Loved King’s dad, lol. Feel like in another life King’s dad could had been roomies with Eda. LOVEDDDD the epilogue, just was glad to see Luz did finish school and got a writers scholarship :). Though.. seeing that Hooty photo... does that mean the human world knows about the demon realm? Or did they just do more visits now that the portal’s fixed. Also Hooty anime eyes so cute:3!
Also was happy that she and Vee graduated together. Because that meant Camila adopted Vee and loved her just like her own child. And omg they had a photo of Stringbean in a cute pet hat XD! Classic... though who was Vee playing baseball/or softball with... Masha? Loved everyone’s grown designs:). And the Flapjack tattoos so sweet:3 !
Sooo happy for Hunter that he’s got a happy ending. And I assume a family with both Darius and the Clawthorne’s. NO ONE will not convince me he’s become part of both families. And his new Palisman is a bluejay, sweet! Uhh thought it was funny/cute Lilith considered putting a disco room? (that corner was hard to read). That we also got to see her Raven harpy design? (she is a raven right?oO). 
Also loveedddd her quinceanera party they did. A very Owl House style Cinderella dress complete with that adorable mouse XD. Loved how the Bat Queen has one of her kids going emo/goth?.  Was I shocked the magic was returning/glyph wise... no. Not really magic’s not exactly nature. But it makes me think of that Jurassic Park quote “life finds a way”.
Also HUNTLOWWWWWWWWWW!! Haha sorry/not sorry.
That being said did I see anything I wanted done differently or wished could had been changed. Don’t get pissed I LOVED the finale. But I can admit it was rushed. But I’m also noting that I AM NOT blaming Dana Terrace or the crew/staff... who do I blame? YOU DISNEY! I FUCKING BLAME YOU!! AND I WILL CONTINUE TO BLAME YOU UNLESS YOU DO RIGHT BY THE CREATOR/AND STAFF.
Moving onnn... I’m just gonna say what I wish could had been done. Again I do not blame Dana Terrace. I know Disney did her an EXTREME wrong and she was not even given a PROPER third season. Unlike her other tv shows... like Big City Greens.. who got a fourth season and a movie >3>. I know she was crunched for time and was just dealing the hand that was given to her.
So to start....
I’m gonna bite the bullet and I admit the finale instantly made me wanna see ships explored/or finished.
Like Alador’s marriage... we never saw Odalia so I’m gonna assume he divorced her. And its clear the children have nothing to do with her but still wanted some clarity.
Also... was there suppose to be a hint of Darius/Alador.... I dunno. Felt like there was. I’m not against the idea. Could have gone with the flow that they were rivals/with chemistry. Plus heyyy new stepdad for Hunter.
Also... whats Steve’s relationship with Lilith? No not like ship... I think he’s too young(ages aren’t my strongest suit unless clarified better). Was he suppose to be her Luz?oO
Kinda wish The Blight twins could had been explored... would had like to had known Ed’s date who were theyyy...
Also what was Viney/Jerbo’s relationship. I don’t even care if they weren’t dating. Just was dying to know the story of why she was so pissed at him to call him traitor once oO
And hate to be the dummy but did Eda/Raine get married? oO I didn’t see a ring.. or do they do something else for Demon World?
Would Gus had found an love interest? Or Vee? Or Lilith... again I’m biting the bullet ship idea wise. Or were Gus and Lilith suppose to be asexuals? (will get to Vee later)
Wish we could had known MORE about the Coven Heads. We got a little but not much. I don’t even know why Vitmir wanted the throne? I guess I get why with Terra and Adrian dude.
We also don’t know what became of the rest of the Coven
How did Kikimora go from hating the group to putting her feelings aside and helping Lilith?
What became of the Bat Queen and the palisman during Collector’s brief reign. I never saw them turned into toys...also would Luz ever find her owner. Part of me almost wonders if it was originally the Titan(aka King’s dad)
Speaking of which wish he and King could had met.
In addition... IS NO ONE GONNA TALK ABOUT HOW A HOOTY THING IS IN HIS EYE?!!Was that suppose to hint he made Hooty? Was Hooty there for him to guard King?
What became of Collector’s family? Are they the reason that Owl curse got spread.... What was that final print in Collector’s book... felt like they avoided that for a reason would it had summoned them? Or caused more harm?
Also why haven’t Eda/Lilith been free of the curse? I assume since Alador is finding a way to undo the draining spell, that means its possible for them to be free as well.
Anything else...
I admit I wanted to know more of what became of Caleb... Yes I know the rumor was Dana Terrace wanted to do a prequel going into his and Philip’s background... but Disney is a moneygrubbing little worm.... so unless they think they’ll make more money out of that.... I’m not holding my breath. Would have liked to know what became of his wife/girlfriend Evelyn? Were fans right is she the ancestor of Eda’s family. 
And I’ll address an elephant in the room... Philip himself. I do feel his ending was a bit rushed for the finale. Yes he gave us a fight but his literal end felt... sorry “Starvstheforcesofevil/ Ludo” set. Kinda mooted if you get my drift..... what would I had wanted? 
I admit I dunno... Unlike some of the fandom I have mixed feelings with Belos/Philip. On one hand he’s an amazing/ EVIL villain. On the other hand... I don’t have a lot of sympathy for him. I had more for the Collector. Now again this could had been because Terrace had more planned and that was crushed due to Disney. Its just I dunno how to explain it... I did see the possiblity of a “oh redeemable villain” it was done with Andrias from Amphibia... but Andrias had more hesitation even in his actions.... Belos didn’t really have that. We weren’t given a Darth Vader ending where he regrets or we see his “spirit”. And while I do think even if she wanted a prequel... I don’t think she was mincing words with us as fans. When she had King’s father call him out on his behavior. We can see what triggered/pushed him all we want. But at the end of the day, Philip gave up his humanity. 
He quit caring, he may have been innocent once. But he threw it away for Christian radicalism, angry that his brother wasn’t following the script, and was willing to commit MASS genocide for it. At most I think those visions of his brother and the golden guards were the closest he had to coming to terms with his past and chose to ignore it. I dunno what I would have liked for his ending... maybe see that his plans would always fail? Maybe see a spirit of Caleb call him out one more time? Or I dunno something other than a simple stomp 8B. I dunno at most all I can say... would have LOVED to see Camila hit him for hurting her child.
Also... I do wish if the series had continued Vee could have been involved more. I feel like from that tarot card reading from Masha. That it wasn’t just aimed at Luz, I feel like the story hinted she would be involved with this story/fight against Belos.
see Vee/Masha end up together. Sorry/not sorry but they felt like role reverse Amity/Luz.
Wish Luz could have made friends with more humans, feel like due to the obvious storyline she wasn’t given a chance to bond with the new kids/or Masha’s camp friends and they felt like they were important. Heck they could have helped her. I think but thats my opinion.
I WANTED A HUNTLOW KISS!!! buttt I’ve learned from anime it isn’t all about the kissing. Just acknowledging can be enough. I think thats why we didn’t see Raeda kiss... or did I miss that?oO
Hmm I think thats it. Again no hate please. Will delete if I do 8B.
I am gonna miss this show and wish we had more. //le sigh//
Again thank you Dana Terrace and the cast/staff of Owl House for making that the best show! I wish we could have had more. 
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So I started writing basically this post as a reblog of something else, but then I closed the app by accident without saving it as a draft, and apparently drafts don't get autosaved on the mobile app, so let's try this again.
(Lol, okay, and then I did it AGAIN. Wrote a bunch more and then didn't save my draft before switching over to the Firefox app to look something up quickly >.<)
Basically, the post I was responding to was arguing that increased awareness of anxiety as a medical condition had led to people expecting that others should be expected to manage their distress and prevent them from being triggered rather than doing the work of reflecting on if their feelings were rational or irrational, if their reaction was proportional to the real threat presented if it did exist, and why they had that reaction to the trigger in the first place. And just, like, generally getting better with situations that provoked discomfort and recongnising the value and validity of things that were uncomfortable or even distressing to you (even if not to you then to others).
And, like, it's not that I entirely disagree with this take, but I do think there is nuance to be had here. I do not think that the binary proposed by that post, where you could avoid triggers as much as possible and ask that other people help you to avoid them (which is the wrong thing to do) OR you could work on your distress tolerance so that you could manage being triggered better and work on desensitising yourself to things that trigger you so that it was less of an issue (which is the right thing to do), is a useful framing of this topic.
I think that it's entirely reasonable to assume that the OP never meant their post to be read as a universal mandate and that they just kind of wrote it off the cuff and thought that the nuances were obvious and didn't need to be spelled out explicitly, because they didn't expect people other than their followers to read it, so no hate to OP (who I believe is deactivated anyway, and so unlikely to read this, but, y'know).
But, anyway, here are my thoughts on this.
The TL;DR (and boy is it ever TL) here is: it depends.
I think that it is not always maladaptive or unreasonable to avoid triggers. I also don't think it is unreasonable (usually) to ask people to accommodate you in helping you avoid them. However, I don't think that it is (always) unreasonable for people to say that they cannot or are not willing to accommodate you and that you should then try to find other strategies to manage or avoid potential distress.
To give an example: I have an extremely severe phobia of rats.
Even when I tell people this they usually don't understand how badly I am affected by this phobia being triggered, because apparently a lot of people are a bit mildly icked thinking about rats due to their bad rep, but then when they meet a nice, cuddly pet rat they are won over, even when the cuddly rat in question is sprung on them unexpectedly.
If I see a rat in real life, it often takes me hours to stop shaking and months to stop having intrusive thoughts about it.
This is completely irrational. The real danger of me being physically harmed by a rat is vanishingly small (particularly when it is dead, which I will also be triggered by to the exact same degree).
Also, they are very friendly pets who are loving and intelligent and many of my friends have had/currently have/would like to have rats because they find them so nice. But knowing that makes absolutely no difference.
I know exactly why I am phobic of rats—I was told a scary, but fake thing about them as a very young child about their bites making you die immediately of the Black Plague and that if they saw you they would, at all costs, bite you. I was then told by another child, who I told about my fear of rats, that you are never more than ten feet away from a rat. I guess I thought I was having constant near misses with a series of extremely unobservant rats? But whatever. I got so badly upset whenever I did see a rat that, even after I knew both of these things weren't true, the panic response had become hardwired.
As a child, I used to be so afraid of rats that there was a period of time where I couldn't be outside in my own garden without immediately climbing a tree, and I would only come down when one of my parents could carry me from the tree to the door. And when I found out as an adult that rats are good climbers and, if they really wanted to, they could have climbed up a tree, I got severely triggered. "Are you afraid they are going to get you in the past?" my sister asked me. Yes. Yes I was.
So... rationally examining and understanding this anxiety is not going to, on its own, make it go away or make it easier to tolerate.
This phobia severely impacted my quality of life back when I was hiding in trees every day and couldn't sleep at night because I couldn't stop obsessing over rats and triggering myself, and I could have benefitted from exposure therapy that would have desensitised me to my phobia at that time.
It is not as limiting to me now though. I am now usually only triggered when I actually see them, and, although being triggered does affect me badly (still not as badly as when I was younger though), it happens infrequently enough that it is not preventing me from doing things that I want, or have, to do.
I do not currently want to pursue therapy to help me overcome this phobia, or make being triggered by it specifically less distressing, because the distress I would experience putting the work into doing that, combined with the time commitment and expense involved, is not worth it for me, given that my current strategies for avoiding the trigger work most of the time.
This may change in the future, if the cost-benefit shifts.
If a close friend whose home I visit, or someone I was dating, had or wanted to have a pet rat, I might want to pursue exposure therapy so that I could go to their place to see them without being triggered (currently, I would be triggered, although not as severely, by knowing it was in the house even if I never saw the rat and was never in the same room as it). It would be completely unreasonable for me to ask someone not to get a pet rat so that I could continue going to their house and, while it would not be unreasonable, imo, to not go to someone's house anymore if going there would trigger me, I would like to have the option in those cases. Particularly if the hypothetical person with the pet rat would be inconvenienced by only being able to see me outside their home and it would make it harder for them to maintain their relationship with me.
Also, while we have not had an infestation in years at home and the last several times it happened it was just mice*, I would, ideally, like to be able to cope with that eventuality better than I currently would be able to. I would also like to be able to help with dealing with a potential infestation, because I don't think it would be fair to put the people I live with in a position where they were forced to deal with everything alone if that happened. Currently, I live with enough people who this is not an issue for, and it's such an infrequent thing, that I don't think I am taking advantage. But, again, this may change in the future and I may want to proactively take steps to be in a position to help if we have a rat infestation.
So, while it may be something I revisit in future, I'm okay with just being phobic of rats and avoiding that phobia being triggered to the best of my ability at the moment. And I think that's okay and not maladaptive of me!
Now, there are obviously some phobias and triggers that limit people's quality of life and options available to them. Apparently buttons are a very common phobia and some people with severe button phobias have trouble leaving the house. In my opinion, it is a better option to try and work on distress tolerance and desensitising yourself to the trigger in those situations. But I don't think that even then it's an all or nothing thing where you have to go straight from not being able to leave the house in case you see buttons to not trying to avoid them at all. While you are working on these things, I imagine that it is probably helpful to manage potential exposure in stages that may feel distressing, but not unmanageably so, especially when you do not have a trained professional to support you when you're dealing with being exposed to the trigger.
There are also triggers and phobias that, I think, you have a social responsibility to work on to the best of your ability.
If you are a white person who is made anxious by being around black people because you are afraid of them then your anxiety is real and the feelings are real, but you are also still being racist. These kinds of anxieties can have potentially fatal results for black people who someone felt "threatened" by.
Similarly, if you are anxious, due to trauma from sexual violence, about the potential for predatory men to enter women's bathrooms while posing as women, with the intention to harass and abuse, then some of the solutions you propose might be effectively mandating trans women out of existing in public spaces. That's not okay! Ever! The fear you feel is real and the traumas that caused it are real, but your anxiety is not based on the true likelihood of this ever happening and making sure you never feel this anxiety by policing who goes in what bathroom is, not might, going to harm others in very real and material ways.
If you can't, despite your best efforts, overcome these kinds of anxieties, then the smaller harm to society is for you to sometimes be distressed by irrational anxieties rather than accomodate your anxieties in ways that encroach on the human rights of others.
And anxieties do not have to be based in bigotry to be unfair to others and for accommodations you might want to be unfair.
If, for example, you had a parent whose feelings you had to tiptoe around or they would explode in anger or distress, and as an adult you cannot communicate boundaries or tolerate disagreement to the point that everyone in your life is tiptoeing around you and analysing their interactions with you hypervigilantly, or that's what you expect of them, then that's something that you should work on for others, even if you're not motivated to do it for yourself.
You should also, when avoiding triggers, try to take as much responsibility as you can for limiting your exposure to them. If you read something that has a content warning that would have let you know that it might be triggering for you, and you are then triggered, then the person who wrote the thing that triggered you is not at fault. They are also not necessarily at fault if they did not provide a content warning.
You are perfectly within your rights to unfollow or block people/not read the work of people who enjoy things that trigger you. If you do not want to do that, you are also within your rights (usually) to ask them to provide a content warning. They are also within their rights to say no, and the appropriate response then is to find other ways to either avoid the trigger or improve your distress tolerance.
To return to my rat phobia example, I have every conceivable tag relating to rats that I can think of filtered on Tumblr. Photos do not trigger me as badly as real life rat-viewings, but they still do affect me and I want to limit how much I see them as much as possible. If someone posted a lot of rat photos, I might unfollow them. If I didn't want to unfollow them, I would ask them if they could tag for rats, and if they were unable or unwilling to do that I would unfollow them with no hard feelings and, if we had an existing rapport, might ask for other ways to stay in touch. If they agreed to tag for rats, but then couldn't always remember to do it, I also might unfollow them.
I could do more to limit my exposure to photos of rats on Tumblr, however. I tried filtering the body of posts as well, briefly, but that was taking out 70% of my dash and the vast majority of the posts filtered were not rat related at all (I think the filter was catching everyting with the letters r-a-t in that order). So, given how infrequently the issue came up, I accepted that sometimes I would see an untagged rat photo.
If I couldn't accept that, I would have either dealt with never seeing any words with the letters r-a-t in that order on Tumblr, or I would have stopped using the site. It would not have been reasonable to expect everyone to stop posting rat photos, or even expect everyone to tag for them.
Now, I said that it was not usually inappropriate to ask if something could be tagged, so when, in my opinion is it inappropriate to ask? Again, when it is an anxiety based in bigotry or which is harmful to express to the person you are making the request to.
For example, if you are triggered by seeing self harm scars then that is an entirely valid trigger to have, and one that can be extremely distressing, but asking someone to trigger warn ordinary images of their own body, as opposed to images specifically and intentionally depicting self harm injuries and scars, is not really okay imo.
Requests like this can also sometimes be unreasonable, depending on the context, even if in other contexts they would be entirely okay to ask. For example, it's very reasonable to DNW depictions of or references to incest in a fandom exchange sign up, but if you also request Jaime/Cersei fic then it becomes a much less reasonable request.
Similarly, if you are on Tumblr, you are implicitly agreeing for your posts to be reblogged and liked by others, unless you make them private or unrebloggable. It is reasonable to expect not to be harrassed or verbally abused in reblogs, but it is not reasonable to expect that people will self-police themselves to make sure they're not on your DNI list before they like or reblog a post of yours they see randomly on their dash.
I, for years, requested that people ask me before they reblogged original posts, because I had several text posts get a lot more notes than I wanted, which provoked a lot of annoyance and/or anxiety for me. But, like... people absolutely could have said no and that would not have been unreasonable of them. I was basically asking people not to use the website in the intended way, because I was born in the 80s and I still used my Tumblr as a LiveJournal. And, like, if people really couldn't or wouldn't agree to not reblog my original posts, then "no one is forcing you to post to the 'reblogging stuff' website" would have been a very fair point to make to me.
Tbf to me though, I did realise that if I put something in a tag that people were likely to be browsing, it would be unreasonable to expect that they would have read my bio and known that I didn't like my original posts to be reblogged without being asked, so I didn't do that as much as was possible to try and limit the potential for things breaking containment on me end. When posts with specific words started showing up in the tags for those words, that kind of screwed that up for me, tbh, but I did what I could. I think I blocked like one or two people who reblogged my stuff without asking first, but I generally just gritted my teeth and moved on.
Now that you can make posts unrebloggable, I just do that if I don't want it to explode on me. When I like... remember I can do that. But if someone reblogs something and I realise, hmm, should have made that unrebloggable, I just turn reblogs off so it doesn't happen again.
But, anyway, long story short: if you lie down with dogs (post rebloggable, public posts on Tumblr) you can expect to get fleas (have your posts interacted with by people, who you may not like or agree with). "DNI if you are over 25" is not a reasonable boundary, imo, and certainly "Freaks DNI" is not. My "DNI: anyone" request probably wasn't very reasonable either.
Long story even shorter: you implicitly agree to being exposed to some things, or to risk being exposed to them, when you actively choose to engage with certain works or activities or go to specific places.
By reading a fic tagged "balloon animals" you are agreeing to read about balloon animals (and, if you have a balloon animal trigger, then you have to weigh up if it is worth the possibility of reading something with untagged balloon animals before you click on a fic, because it is not something most people would think to tag for). By watching a movie with a certain rating, you are agreeing to potentially see the things that are required to have that rating. If you go to your friend's house after you know that they have a pet rat, you are agreeing to be in the same house as the rat (and if you go to someone's house without asking if they have a pet rat, you are agreeing to the risk that they might have a pet rat and you will be in the same house as it).
You can still be upset by it and you can leave/hit the back button/turn the movie off, but no one did anything wrong to you.
I don't think that if you have certain anxieties that you should just suck it up and it's your fault for having the problem in the first place and the only appropriate response is to just Not have the problem or to have the problem and deal with the distress without taking any measures to limit your exposure to things that make you anxious. I also think it's totally okay to ask for someone to tag for balloon animals if you like their other posts but the photos of their clown college coursework is provoking anxiety or triggering you.
So I guess the slightly longer TL;DR of all this is:
Having irrational anxieties is not a choice and understanding that they are irrational does not always help you to not have them.
It is okay to try and avoid having those anxieties triggered.
It is usually okay to ask for people to help you avoid things that trigger you. It is also okay for them to say no.
You should try to be aware of what triggers your anxieties and find ways to manage them, whether that is by limiting your exposure to them or improving your ability to tolerate the distress caused by them or working to make them less distressing to you.
Sometimes it is not reasonable or acceptable to ask for certain accommodations to avoid certain anxiety triggers and you should find other ways to manage your anxiety in those cases.
Sometimes your reaction to your anxieties and how you try to deal with them can be harmful to others and you should try your best to be as considerate as possible of other people with how you react to distress and how you avoid it (ideally, though, not to the point of scrupulosity that is harmful to you and makes you avoid asking for help when you are struggling, in case it is difficult for other people to deal with... this is a hard needle to thread, personally).
*Which was also triggering, not because they were mice (unusually compared to most people with similar phobias, I am not phobic of other rodents), but because I was worried they were rats and the sounds of them in the walls was triggering.
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imagine Request: sweetheartlizzie07 
Imagine: Clark has a huge crush on you, a shy powerful, Sorceress despite you having a son from a previous relationship who’s a mommy boy 
Authors note: I am So sorry this took so long, between Life and I started re-playing Sims 4 and I fell down that rabbit hole I got distracted lol but I hope you like it! 
Did I proofread?: Look I want to say I did, but I didn’t lol 
Tumblr media
: WHY! Why do teenage boys and music have to combine and be SO Loud? you were sitting in the living room reading a book as your Son Jackson was playing his music far too loud. luckily you had No Neighbors the closest ones were the Kents and they were a few miles away but still you were sure Clark could hear the Awful music. if it was good music you might not mind. but it was whisper Rapping then thrown into the mix. heavy rock. it was awful! 
you had a rule in the house No using magic. Mainly because out of the two, Only you had powers. In your family Only the first female in the family gets powers. so when your Dad started having kids .. your three brothers were like him. ordinary and boring. but then you came and you had powers. unmatched powers by your family. and you have whisked away to be trained to be a great sorceress-you Literally had the power of the world in your grasps. stumbled upon the different heroes the Flash, Aquaman (who was one of your favorites you love talking to Auther.) Superman gave you a warning early on after you become free from your family’s expectations and were able to start living life. that power meant responsibility. you rebelled you spent almost 20 years locked away studying every magical book, learning to use your magic for defense, and also to make whatever your heart desired. but it was all a beautiful allusion. then you met your ex-husband. a Sorcerer it felt like everything was falling into place he was a rebel. and like you was confined in his studies and never had Fun. so he was making up for last time. and you joined in. too Only get married too fast and then when you got pregnant he and his family celebrated knowing your child would be far more powerful than both you and him. that’s when you broke his bubble about your family’s magic heritage. 
He in turn was furious that you kept that from him, and was now wishing his little Sorcer would be a sorceress. Throughout your entire pregnancy, you felt this sudden shift in your relationship. You knew exactly the root of the problem. your baby. you realized if it wasn’t a girl he would Leave. and you realized. if it was a girl or even a boy you were leaving. so you decided to. you stuck around until the birth. just cause you felt he had a right to be there. but once it was a boy. he demanded you both do a magical spell fixing him to be a female. and that is when you flung your hands making a portal and sent him to China. he could easily return but by then you and Jackson were already gone. 
you moved to Smallville soon after to raise Jackson, using your magic to forehead the future for the stock markets to live comfortably while you also got enough money to open up a candle shop where you laced your candles with faint spells. Love spells, protection, fertility spells. your candles were legends in town. but tonight. Tonight you wanted to just read your book listen to a Jane Austen movie and relax. and your sixteen-year-old moody boy was complaining that the boy in school he had a crush on didn’t like him back. you asked if he was at least polite about declining him and he said he was. telling you that it was Jonathan Kent. 
you knew Jonathan from football, and his brother. and their amazingly extremely HOT father Clark. unbelievably attractive Father. when they first arrived too town, you had to mentally remind yourself how to breathe. It got worst when you learned where he lived, and that his best friend was Lana. your best friend.  Clark was Funny, Goofy. a Complete Dork your Sort of Guy. a respectful Kind father who is an active member in his kids’ lives. you have mentioned a few times to Lana while you were both wine drunk watching the bachelor how Attractive Clark was. which always made her laugh and tease you to actually talk to him. 
You were generally Shy by nature- but Clark Kent.. Made your small ability to talk. disappear. you were unable to speak a sentence around him. a word. hell most of the time you just Nod and keep reminding yourself to Breath because of your Brain. turned to Mush around him. it was the smile it did you in. or the sparkle in his eyes, the broad shoulders and muscles didn’t help the fact that you were basically mute around Clark. Lana thought it was adorable you found it incredibly annoying!  Unknown to you- Clark felt the exact same. 
since his Wife decided two years ago. that she needed more danger in her life, a steady job, and being the only person Superman would talk to. she realized her husband was holding her back career-wise so she asked him to start interviewing other people to give her a chance to get more “serious” work that didn’t involve him. Clark slightly hurt by her request did what she asked. he would do whatever Lois said. So he did. and then when she started getting jobs in war zones. Clark said No. they fought a lot. and in the end. they realized they both wanted completely things in life now. He wanted to raise his kids in Smallville and give them the life he had. and teach them values he was raised on and slow down since in the city it was always going to go. While Lois wanted danger and excitement and her life away from Superman all in general. which meant away from him. At first, the two were heartbroken that their parents broke up. but once seeing them happier they had to learn to accept it. it helped that Lois wasn’t around so they didn’t have to see their mom dating someone and their dad was their dad. Jon was convinced he would die alone. but then he noticed his Dad after football practice he was fumbling grabbing the bags of football once seeing you.  you were talking to Lana and Jonathan watched not only his dad stumble over his own feet, but he tripped over a gym bag and fell face-first onto the ground. which Jonathan instantly reached over to help him up as Lana and you asked if he was alright. and Jonathan noticed his dad was unable to talk at all. He had seen his Dad shy. and he couldn’t believe it was Jacksons’ mom making him a bumbling idiot. 
Lana was holding a football viewing party and Everyone was invited, the twins were sitting in the kitchen with the Lana and her daughter Sarah getting platters ready, Y/N was outside helping set up the chairs the tv was outside to enjoy the warm weather as Clark was helping BBQ. 
Sarah craned her neck over to the window seeing Clark was completely ignoring the Grill and was just staring at you. while you fixed your son’s hat. Tell him the importance of your team winning. “he’s going to burn everything..” 
“who?” Jordan asked as Sara explained to his father as Lana looked over seeing the two. love-sick morons. she sighed, “they need to just get over their fears and talk. your dad ever talk about Y/N?” 
Jordan shook his head as Jonathan spoke up, “No but he drools whenever she’s around and his heart beats really fast.” Lana smiled hearing that as Clark came in as he spoke, “hey need any help in here? I have been kicked out of helping with the BBQ Kyle’s order. Lana chuckled saying they were found as she spoke, ‘why don’t you socialize- Y/N  doesn’t know many people here. why not keep her company.” 
Clark nodded, saying sure as he walked off. to find you to see you nowhere. 
you Hated Leaving Lana’s Party early. thankfully your boy was covering for you. saying you had fallen Ill. you hated leaving. you wanted to gawk at Clark from a distance but work called. 
well- Not Work. Work implied you got paid. this was Just Family drama you had to deal with. your Mother warned you about Superman’s Brother sniffing around searching for the power to do something. whatever it was you had No idea. you tried to keep your magic to a minimum since you knew your boy was slightly jealous that he didn’t have magic and he learned last summer he’s father didn’t want him because of it. so you tried to cancel your magic for his sake. But you got a text. you knew it was coming you knew you had to pick a side eventually. Those you were hoping your cousin would have dealt with Suman’s oddly attractive brother. He was No Clark but he was handsome. your Grandmother called you at the party. Tell you that you had a meeting with the Man in 30 minutes. you barely made it to the location when he arrived.. you might have magic but 30  minutes to go from Smallville to the city was not an easy task especially when you had to get changed into your Badass outfit so he couldn’t tell you were a complete fraud you weren’t a fighter. you hated fighting. but he didn’t have to know. 
 standing on the rooftop you held your arms as you leaned over the railing to look out at the city view. 
“Breathtaking view isn’t it?” 
turning to see Superman you stumbled on your own feet turning as you gasped, “Holly crap Superman! you scared me!” 
Superman was standing far off holding his arms tightly to himself as he looked at you. he heard rumors of a powerful sorceress who was causing havoc around the area. he had no idea you would trip however and mumble “fumble sticks’ under your breath as you tried to stand up straighter to look intermating. Superman has been around enough bad guys to know instantly. you. you weren’t a bad guy. misguided but not a bad guy. 
“you here for your brother or to take me down?” 
“what does my brother want from you?” 
you shook your head, ‘oh Not me! he was dealing with my cousin- you know families- I mean of course you do. your superman and you’re brother is.. well- your brother. so you get it. I’m just here- I was told to come here to correct his thinking.” 
Clark doesn’t get surprised often but hearing you- a lady who just mumbled “fumble sticks” under her breath for tripping and who was humming a country song as she waited for his brother. he didn’t think you would be much of a fighter. or that you would try to fight his brother. 
“you fight?” 
“when the occasion calls for it- but if you want to pass on the message to your brother- to leave my family alone. I would not damage your only brother- well birth brother.. unless you have another one? Or adopted brothers. Do you have another brother?” 
Clark chuckled softly shaking his head and lowering his arms knowing he wasn’t in danger with you- you mumbled too much to be dangerous. “No. Just hIm.. and I will.” 
you nodded your head as you rubbed your head, “well this has been a waste- I mean Not a waste it’s great to meet you Superman- but I was at a party, and the Guy- well you don’t want to hear my ramblings anymore.” 
Clark couldn’t help but chuckle as he spoke, “it’s alright- I was at a thing also where I had to leave someone I wanted to talk to.” 
“Boyfriend?” you asked casually you were always curious about the superhero. the rightest world’s greatest hero. you knew basically nothing about him. Only that he looked great in a suit, saved a lot of people and his butt was Amazing in that outfit. 
Clark walked over as he shook his head, “No- She is- well a friend of a friend and she is- special.” 
you looked out at the view as you breathed deeply. before asking, “how do you do it?” 
“Do what?” 
“be this super Hot hero, and be ordinary in your personal life? I mean- I can’t even seem to speak to Anyone- Only my Kid- well. I shouldn’t have told you that.” Number 1 rule of Being a masked Anything! Don’t talk about personal stuff! you wanted to hit yourself in your own head when you realized you spilled the beans on your Son Jackson. But it was Superman he was so easy to talk to Plus it’s the world’s Mightiest bravest, Truest hero! you quickly reminded yourself it was probably Not overly bad informing him about Jackson.  Clark couldn’t help but grin as you smiled back weakly feeling your cheeks Burning red.  “I don’t do this Superman- I put this life- behind me.”  
“what made you change your mind on this sort of life?” 
“Honestly I will rather be At home. safe, in my secure little Home. with my Kid... and just waiting.”   
“Waiting for what?” 
you chuckled weakly as you spoke, ‘for me to Grow some courage. I can- do whatever I want with my hands. I can make whatever I desire come true. But this Guy... this impossible. adorable. unbelievably Amazing. Hot Guy. I get around him. and I’m like a teenager. Unable to talk- and I get all calmed up and nervous!
Superman smiled as he spoke, ‘i have the same problem with the girl I like. I can’t even talk- actually I’m pretty sure the last time I spoke to her. I just made sounds. My friend had to come over to save me.” 
laughing at that you shifted to look at the hero, “Superman is scared of a girl? I find that hard to believe.” 
“Says the source who can make anything within her imagination.” 
laughing loudly. you shook your head, “Sadly.. that sort of magic doesn’t work on me. Not-Self inflected. And I’m too strong to be subsumed by my family’s magic.” he chuckled softly rubbing his neck as he spoke, “Is he worth it? this  guy?’ 
you smiled brightly as you nodded your head, “yea.. he seems too perfect those. if that makes sense. everyone in my town loves, him, his best friend is My best friend, he has great Kids. an Ex-wife who he is friends with, and No bad feelings.- too good to be true.” 
the chat with Superman ended soon after he was called away as you shuffled home. Clark after saving the day also returned home to sit on the sofa rubbing his face as he felt his phone Bing. he looked down seeing it was y/n. 
Y/N: hey it’s Y/N Y/L/N. Sorry to text so late. and Lana gave me your number. I just wanted to say I’m sorry I missed chatting with you at the party. Jackson said the party was great. 
Clark smiled brightly as he typed back instantly. 
Clark: No problem. I’m glad you texted I was thinking about you.” 
Y/N: you were? 
Clark: Yea, so how was your day? 
three months later. Lana, Tal, Jordan, Jonathan, Sarah, and Lois all had bets going on when you Or Clark would ask each other out. Kyle was involved in the Deal Until he tried to persay you to ask him out on a Tuesday. which was the day he picked and he was kicked out of the pool for interference. Lois was tired of hearing about you. she just wanted Clark to Man up and ask you out. but then she remembered her courtship with Clark. She ended up asking him out after he waited too long. And hearing that you were Even Shyer than him. she wasn’t holding her breath the two of you would get together without help. 
it became a common thing in the kent house for Jon and Jordan to tease their dad about his massive Not so subtle crush on you. Every morning Jordan would make sure to tell his dad to tell him goodnight and good morning. Even Jackson was teasing you about Clark. 
Sitting in your Shop Clark came in as you smiled brightly instantly noticing him as he spoke, ‘whoa it smells great in here.” you laughed as you walked over. over the three months you can now utter words to each other and even Hug. your cheeks still turn a beet-red color whenever you get too close to that Hunk of a man Clark Kent. 
“thanks- what you doing here?” 
actually, I came to see if you wanted to go out tonight. for dinner. ifyou’rer free?”
naturall,y you said yes. but you also Knew about the bet. Jackson was a Horrible liar. so you told Clark to keep it between you as you mentioned the bet. he chuckled agreeing. 
for Six days you were able to keep it a secret until Jordan caught the sound of his dad and you making out in the barn and it was over. 
the winner? Sara 
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tuliptic · 1 year
Feedback for Personal Career Reading 🎆
First of all I really love the format of your reading. I think I've said this before but I'll say it again. I love how your reading is divided into ten different questions each looking at different aspects of the topic. They give me a well-rounded view of my situation. I really love the questions you came up with aside from the ones I gave you. Your reading is A+++ in terms of structure, detail and accuracy. I also really love the banner you put up on the first page with my name written on it. Actually I rarely get personal readings so that's really a nice personal touch, like a lovely gift!
One card to symbolise you
I'm really happy to see a confirmation that I embody this energy of being a catalyst of change because my life for now is pretty stagnant structurally. I try to do things in a different way as a teacher to foster interest in students and not just force them to do stuff when they actually have no idea what they're doing. That's good then, this card feels like a report card for me lmao. I actually have no idea how impactful the things I do are, it's awesome if they are, although I feel it largely depends on the people receiving it too, like they have to allow themselves to open up to the knowledge in order for it to actually make an impact. I'm honoured to be the messenger.
1. What job are you meant to do?
Changing the world is really one of my dreams, whether it's little by little or in whatever way. I know that it's one of my life purposes so this part really resonates. The Saturn energy you mentioned sounds like my higher self because that's usually how she presented herself. I like how well you're able to pinpoint my energy. She could be a little stern but still caring when she actually gets to teaching. That's very different from my usual casual attitude. So I can see the discipline teacher part xD
2. Why? What are qualities you possess that will help you in this particular career?
You're right. I've always worked well when I'm alone and able to see to things with my own standards, methods and goals. I actually am a tuition teacher. Actually I think tuition is way more relaxed than in a school setting because schools have very rigid activities and teaching flow that you have to follow through.
With that being said it would absolutely be better if I could be a private tutor complete with my own freedom but not every parent wants that they usually want the system in tuition centres lol.
3. Should you change your job?
It's true that taking that step out is not what I usually do because I have different things to consider. Yes discernment is key. I'm very, very, very afraid I'm gonna make a wrong move and everything just comes crashing down.
4. What should you go for?
I usually am the one people go for advice. I don't know how well I could do as a counsellor though, probably with a lot of trial and error as like most things I do. Healing work is a large part of my practice so to do it as a job would be amazing. I like that this appeared in the reading because it has been crossing my mind lately.
5. What do you want to achieve from these? What is your main goal?
Emotional satisfaction is very true. Even now with the games and the healing work, they provide me rewards in terms of emotional satisfaction. They give me a sense of purpose, direction, skill improvement and accomplishment. I believe that the darker themes I have to go through I have to learn from them so as to provide others insight as to how another person went through that. All things require a sacrifice, a give and take. If energy is this sacrifice then it is a worthy one.
6. How can you hone your skills?
You are right that there are noises in my head from different things. You are also right that the one screaming the loudest right now is this conflict of whether to change my job. You said I can make use of this noise, that it serves a purpose. I'm so happy this message is there because I like to take opportunities when bad things happen to see what use I can make from them other than the inconveniences they are. I've never thought to make use of the noise other than to see their roots and work through things. You gave me an idea, thank you. This is my favourite message in the wonderful reading!
7. Who can you confide in? Who can help you?
Such a person... they seem cool. I hope to meet them soon. I feel very hopeful.
8. What opportunities are coming your way?
This is my second favourite part of the reading because it gives me a feeling of an adventure. Hahaha the attending certain courses part had me chuckling because my boss has been talking about it. It doesn't surprise me because you've always been very accurate in your readings but it does give me more confidence that it's gonna be successful.
9. How would you approach the opportunities coming your way?
I usually hesitate a lot, like I'm the type to uhhh walk round and round the shop trying to decide whether I want to buy that little thing or not... But when it comes to some things especially when it's on my mind a lot I can usually make up my mind right then and there so you're correct.
The Hermit message is my third favourite thank you. Lighting my own path, I'll remember that. To me I think it's to not let my inner conflict dim the light but instead letting my core values guide me amidst the screaming emotions and let it be my light. "Don't burn yourself to warm other people." I don't know what this refers to, maybe it has to be about what I'd go through in the future. Thank you, I will remember it.
10. What messages do you need to hear?
I don't have enough belief in myself despite my desire to. Trial and error is a recurrent theme in my life especially when I work on new things. It's very reassuring that you said I have what it takes to get me through challenges. This won't be the first time I step into things I have little book knowledge of so here we go again *shrugs*
Overall message
Hard work and practicality. They're not difficult and they're not particularly easy either. They require a certain level of discipline. Them being the overall message really feels grounding to me. It feels like there would be different opportunities presented to me? I hope so. That would be amazing.
Last but not least, thank you for doing this reading for me! I'm so glad I decided to get a personal reading from you. I never doubted that you'll be able to deliver insight and information that would help me see my future better and rest my worries. You did very, very, very well. This reading will undoubtedly be one I'm gonna read over and over again because of the peace of mind and confidence it gives me.
Hi!! Thank you for this detailed feedback! I never expected it to be towards each of the questions I've answered! I've subscribed to Canva so it'll be such a waste to not put them to good use ahahahaha
I just... I'm slightly overwhelmed by how detailed your feedbacks are, and most of all, I'm glad it resonated with you and brought you the clarity you needed. Thank you for getting a reading from me. It brought me out from my slump (slightly). I'm actually taking a break from tarot this month and probably half of next month as well (not prepared for Aries season AT ALL) and yeah, as you've seen my reaction in the dms, you noticed how shooketh I was when you came for a reading. It mean so much to me to be able to do a reading for you!
Oh I forgot, that there's another part of the reading that I forgot to include: the lyrics. There's this part of the lyrics message that I've gotten for you: Good luck, let's go and meet the new me in the future. I'm seeing it as luck will be coming to you and there's a chance for you to transform anew, a brighter path that's coming towards you as you step out bit by bit!
Once again, thank you a lot! For this feedback and for everything you've done for this community!
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
I wasn't going to say anything because honestly I find conflict really overwhelming. This is a situation very similar to when artists say "this person is ripping off my art style", etc. If the person took entire paragraphs and pasted them into their fic I could understand why you would feel nervous. However most of the proof you listed (which i did read, as well as writing from yours and theirs) and it comes across completely different. Another argument you had was similar set ups and whatever. First of all its The Grabber, and a kidnapper fic. Where do you expect it to be extremely different? It's taking place in his house with a character who is set up a certain way. The lying thing is a character trait of his. The interaction, the need to punish the reader etc, that's all things he's shown as being capable of doing. Also the list of words you supplied i am genuinely stunned that you're gatekeeping so many words? They are words, again like if they copied your entire work thats one thing. You have also said numerous times you're irritated about not getting enough interaction on ur fics and its like ??? i can understand feeling jealous but going out of your way to dig through someones entire writing style and then say 'you ripped me off' when there is no proof. im sorry, words don't count. people use similar words i have read tons of fics containing all those words you put out there. especially keen and jarring, super common, sorry. You should honestly not have posted that callout post, being irritated and jealous is one thing but you went out of your way to try and tell people youre being ripped off when in reality , if anything there is a chance they couldve read your work and been inspired or even just happened to write similarly. people write similar all the time especially in 1st pov fanfics with the SAME character. this witch hunt is ridiculous and shame on all these people who are agreeing with you over writing. Cuz at the end of the day it is writing and meant for fun. youre jealous and i understand it but like, make a vague post and leave it at that, ask people to interact more, dont start accusing another human being of being a thief when you can't steal writing styles, dude. honestly this is so pitiful lol.
I’m beginning to think y’all the same person. Because you STILL ignored the exact lines stolen. How about you do what I did and give some real evidence to back it up? Just saying “no you’re wrong” isn’t a solid argument.
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