#that does Not make sense
jayktoralldaylong · 1 year
Some people genuinely be wilding. TGCF and all the other mxtx books are dark novels. I couldn't read that if I was younger, no one should be reading what they cannot stomach. Cause some people be acting offended that a dark novel is dark.
"The Land of Tender scene came out of nowhere."
So you guys....are conveniently forgetting (SPOILERS), the man and his child at the kingdom wall during the Xianle arc? Or the scene with the baby at the temple where Xie Lian got pincushioed? Did you guys...forget all that? XD Or is it only 'ick' if it's sexual?
They bring up the 'ghost rut' but never mind that Hua Cheng canonly slaughtered children. It's all a part of the same novel guys. 💀 It is definitely not for people who can't stomach it.
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bandzboy · 4 months
genuinely if there weren't people who took their time to find out work arounds for this site's awful bugs and etc we would be doomed 😭
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honestlyhiswife · 8 months
tired of it all!! i am tired. tired of being a strong girl. i am tired of having my head up high. i am tired of it!! i want to be taken care of too!! i want to know i can relax in someones arms!! i want to give some of my independence to somebody. key word: some.
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thetisming · 2 months
every month is autism month if youre autistic
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 8 days
best depiction of the batfam will always be "You grew up to be the person who would have saved you" but it applies to them each respectively and that's why none of them can see eye to eye and also get up their own asses about things and go to such great lengths to defend their personal brand of justice. Because they can never stop trying to save themselves from their own history.
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stuckinapril · 6 months
lived my whole life in guilt bc i thought i was responsible for people's feelings. newly realizing that other people are responsible for their feelings and reactions, even if they make it seem like i'm the problem. a lot of the time it really has to do w them and their own emotional regulation. i can't keep thinking i'm not allowed to have space bc of other people's insecurities. like i literally refuse to dim myself. other people are responsible for their feelings just as i'm responsible for mine.
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little-eye-guy · 6 months
well i had to redo part of the fae base after already doing a few genes for it but at least it was before i did A Lot of genes........
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rwsdarw · 4 months
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pretend this is a good caption
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plaguedocboi · 3 months
“Haha mermaids were probably just sightings of manatees how lame” you fool. You don’t want to get in the water with her? You don’t want to go for a swim with her? Fuck you
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inkskinned · 10 months
hard 2 explain but. barbie movie is kind of like astrology. if you're normal yes we can have a conversation about how it's def not the epitome of feminist praxis but was fun & largely harmless. if ur a weirdo about it & use it as an excuse to mock women: congratulations it's now my single favorite movie and i love it and nothing is wrong with it literally at all and it's actually better than any movie ever made
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campcomputers · 3 months
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maygrcnt · 2 months
i think that buck needs to be bisexual before he can realize his feelings for eddie, but eddie needs to realize his feelings for buck before he can comprehend his sexuality
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ponytailzuko · 26 days
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[ID copied from alt text: A comic depicting an alternate universe where Season 1 Zuko is a mermaid. He's shown on a beach, hiding behind a rock watching Aang and Katara practice waterbending. He thinks to himself, "The Avatar is supposed to be an airbender…" He watches Aang and Katara talk, while continuing his thoughts, "He has the tattoos… and he was waterbending…" Aang notices Zuko hiding and points him out to Katara, who turns. Zuko notices them looking at him and he ducks his head down behind the rock. Aang and Katara straighten up as they notice him disappear. Aang and Katara start running towards where Zuko disappeared, yelling, "Wait! Hello!" Zuko has his back to the rock, scared and thinking, "Shit, shit, shit." Another comic. It shows Zuko laying on the beach. He thinks to himself, "I'm so close to going home." He sits up and says, "Avatar, here I come!" showing that he's no longer a mermaid and has legs. After a moment of silence, he asks, "How do I walk?" End ID]
mermay means i make a little mermaid book 1 zuko au.
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goodieprocter · 1 month
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This was literally all I could think during that scene.
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sameboot · 10 months
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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