#that leather jacket being so tight. That's killing me
jellogram · 8 months
None of my clothes fucking fit me anymore and I'm like leaning over the bathroom counter gritting my teeth going "this is fine this is fine this is fine" because I'm trying to dress cute for my night out but I haven't dressed cute in so long that none of my cool clothes fit me and I look ridiculous and I want to cry. I'm trying really hard to be okay with my weight but I have this really nice leather jacket I got for my birthday a few years ago and it's too small for me now.
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Military!Biker!Price ?
I mean... Repaired a motorcycle, ride a biker
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I love you Cali ❤🫂
I love you too @leixy and I’m so sorry for the wait!! Hope you enjoy the story 🩷🩷
Storm Chaser
The rumble that you heard just outside of your garage may have been mistaken for thunder. The skies were gray, and as they rolled across the firmament, you knew they’d linger, soaking the ground and making the soil black with its fallen waters. But, this wasn’t a thundercall. This was a Triumph. 
A giant, hulking man, laden with muscle and black leather gear, rolled into your mechanic shop’s driveway on a blacked out, stealthy Triumph Storm GT. Its rider’s face was covered in a full helmet, and as he slowed to a stop, his heavy boot dug into the shale, catching the center of the bike and sitting up straight, killing the enormous engine.
He looked at you. You knew he was looking at you because there was no one else to look at. You saw yourself in the black mirror of his visor, and all around you were the empty fields surrounding your shop, the tall grass roiling in the wind. 
The gloves came off first, and you indulged in his hands. They seemed monstrous; a thin dusting of dark hair covered his skin, and each finger looked like it might have been wider than two of your own. His nails were clean, which surprised you for some reason, and there was a nasty scar along his right palm. 
He fiddled with his helmet, unlatching the buckle, and then yanked it over his head. 
Shit. You cursed inside of your mind. He’s hot as hell.
You’d been drooling over the bike, but the man sweetened the deal. He was ruggedly handsome, and his movements were so easy. It was like being in the presence of a magician, as if he knew all the secrets and delighted in hiding them from you. He was so certain, so sure of his tricks, and you waited on him to break the spell he’d put on you. 
“Alright, love? How’s it goin’?”
He held out his hand for you to shake, and it warmed you like a fire. His grip was firm but careful, and he let you go without a shake. You smiled,
“All good. Slow day,” you pointed upwards, “No one but you out in this weather.”
He chuckled, and you fell for him even harder. His mirth was contagious. He looked up at the darkening sky and told you,
“Aye, it was pourin’ cats and dogs a few minutes ago. Chasin’ me here, I’ll wager. Thought I’d wait it out here. Maybe get the service I’m due for.”
“This bike’s brand new,” you scoffed, “How did you put ten thousand miles on it already?”
He gave you a half-grin and admitted with a shrug,
“I like to get away.” 
You nodded, and he dismounted, unzipping his jacket for comfort. You gave the bike a once-over, checking for any signs of trouble. As new as it was, you’d already been trained on it, so you felt confident you could help him. You mentioned your plan,
“Oil, brake pads, filters. Check your sensors. My Triumph cert is up to date, so we’ll just clean her up by the book. How does that sound, mister…?”
“Price. John Price. Sounds class, love.”
“Waiting room just in there, John,” you pointed over to the tiny little sitting room you’d added to the garage, “Got a library and some coffee. Should be fresh. Just made a new pot a few minutes ago.”
“Cheers,” he smiled, and it was the most handsome one you’d seen in a while. His full lips stretched into his cheeks, and his tanned skin crinkled up to his eyes. 
The eyes themselves were a problem. They were a hue of blue you’d never seen, and they pinned you down like a wild animal, a hunter and his prey. But, all of that ferality was tied taut, held by a rope in his clenched fist, and his gnashing hungry teeth were kept from biting you, controlled by his tight-laced civility. All of that chivalry made you wonder what he was like when he was allowed a little freedom. 
As he walked away from you, you ogled him. You weren’t even ashamed to do it. He was everything you wanted in a man. Him and his bike oozed a primal sort of power that you’d been craving, and you wanted a taste of that freedom. 
His bike was his escape, that was for sure. Ten thousand mile service after only a few months of ownership was impressive. This man liked to ride long and often. There was plenty of evidence of wear and tear, but as rough as he had been with his ride, there was evidence of his love as well. The clean body, the mended tailpipe, evidence of a scuff polished away; it was all proof of his affection.
The service was easy and quick. As you were checking his sensors and finishing up the job, the first pitter patter of rain began to fall into the gravel drive. In the beginning, it was soft and sweet, just a few drops here and there. Then, over the short span of mere moments, it came down in a torrential pour, slamming itself into the ground and pummeling the pavement. 
You watched it slip and slide off of your metal roof in sheets, and you got close enough to the edge so that you could feel the cool spray from the downpour, a few droplets spitting onto your nose and cheeks. A bright blue bolt of lightning streaked across the cloudy pall, followed by a deafening roar of thunder that resonated in the hollow of your chest. 
Cleaning the oil from your hands as best you could, you went to deliver the bill to your customer. To your sick delight, he’d be trapped with you at least until the storm passed, and you crossed your fingers that he could do with a bit of company. 
He was sitting on the wide couch in the waiting room, his hands prying open a book. When you looked at the spine, you noticed that he was deep into the first few chapters of Moby Dick.
“Having fun yet, John?”
“Enjoying the rain on this tin roof of yours. Makes me want to kip down here on your sofa. Love to fall asleep listenin’ to the storm.”
“Me, too,” you admit, nodding towards the book, “Has he caught the whale yet?”
John shook his head,
“No, we barely got out of the harbor. You work fast. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me though, love. I don’t fancy a ride out in this mess.”
“No problem. Take all the time you need.”
“D’ya mind?” He dug around in his jacket and pulled out a short, fat cigar. 
You waved him on, motioning that it was alright with you, and he happily lit his stick, working an ambery, glowing tip until fiery smoke spilled from the end. You were about to turn and hide somewhere else, anywhere that you wouldn’t need to smell his burnt, woodsy scent. It was making you hungry for a puff of his cigar and a long lick of the inside of his mouth. 
A little self-control please… You begged yourself. 
He caught you as you started to leave, and the feeling of his hand on his surprised you with its warm sincerity. You looked down at him, but you didn’t pull away. 
“Stay… for a bit. I was just gettin’ to the good part,” he said with a sly smile, holding up the book as if to offer it to you. 
“Alright,” you replied, your voice sounding too small and too quiet in the small space. 
You sat next to him, worrying over your oil-stained nails as he read aloud to you, pausing every now and then to smoke his cigar or to turn his pages. Slowly, you started to relax, and as you leaned back into the couch, the sound of his voice and the drumming of the rain blended together into a soporific haze. You caught yourself looking at him — staring at him — with hooded eyes, studying the way his lips and tongue and teeth formed his words. The dark bristles of his beard giving you a clear view of every micro-movement of his face. 
He was looking at you, now, too. Staring at you. Every now and then, he’d glance back at the book, read a few lines, and then take a long pause to smoke and to meet your gaze. 
Suddenly, he seemed to make a conscious choice. He sat forward, and his huge shoulders cast a shadow over you. He held out his cigar and asked, 
“Fancy a smoke?”
You didn’t reply, but you took it from him ever so slowly, as if he might bite, and put the end in your mouth. You sucked in the smoke to taste the rich tobacco, and you let it roll around in your mouth before releasing it, letting it hit him in the chest and neck, billowing around his stoney jawline. 
Then, he said something to you in a new voice. It was one you knew, but you hadn’t heard it in a very long time. It was desire,
“Pretty little thing, aren’t you, love?”
You let his compliment wash over you like the downpour outside. It soaked through, right to your bones. You took another drag from the cigar, earning yourself a deeper chuckle and a pleased, approving grin.
“You should see me when I’m out of these coveralls,” you quipped, certain that your smudged cheeks were now a rosy shade of crimson. 
He took the cigar back from you and put the book down, leaning closer to you, positioning his knee between yours, forcing you to spread your legs. He smoked, filling the space between you, taking another drag for himself, breathing in and breathing out, trying to test the waters,
“Care to show me now?”
You met his smoldering gaze. The tip of his cigar had nothing on the glow from behind his eyes. He was poised and ready to pounce, a lion on a lamb. 
You didn’t answer him. You simply watched as he unzipped your work coveralls and let the sleeves slink down your arms. You pulled them free, revealing what was underneath. You were braless, letting your heavy tits lay unbound in the soft fabric of your ribbed tank, preferring comfort over fashion. 
His hand came up to cup your cheek, rubbing some of the smudged oil with his thumb. He leaned forward even further, breathing heavily with you, panting like he had run for miles, all for the sole purpose of brushing your sensitive bottom lip with his own, teasing you with your own taste, hungry for your body and ready to consume you in every way he knew how. 
He began to kiss you slowly, languidly, as if you were both trapped in some world of slow motion where time need not exist. You need not be bothered with the past or the future. The present was enough, and it stretched between you forever. Each kiss deeper than the last, each touch more sensual, making your breath catch in your chest. 
John pulled away from you, slowly untangling himself, looking at you as if he had been keeping some smoldering question inside of his chest. He moved so slowly, telegraphing his motions so you would know his intent. Rapt, you watched his hand drop to the hem of your tank, his thick fingers dancing along the seam, carefully pulling it away so that his warm hand could slide underneath. 
Your whole body shuddered as his palm spread across your soft belly. His callused hands were rough against your skin, and the way he grabbed at you, greedy yet slow and savoring, made you feel like he had hypnotized you. You were frozen in place, submitting to his desire. 
He looked up into your eyes, checking with you to see if you would allow him to venture further and then moving further anyway, unable to quell his lurid hunger. His fingers found the swell of your breast, the heavy flesh hanging like ripe, sweet fruit, ready to be tasted. A thumb slipped across your nipple, encouraging it to tighten into a little peak, just plump enough to fit into his wet mouth. 
Without lifting your shirt off of you, he bent his head and suckled on your taut nipple through its fabric. He wet the cloth and your skin, and when he pulled his mouth away, the dampness lingered, teasing you with the memory and lingering on you, chilling your flesh. Another swipe of his thumb and you heard yourself let out quiet little mewls, whining and needy. His immediate, chuffed grin made you blush with shame. 
So, you took your revenge. You reached your hand across the supple leather of his riding pants and found the tip of his fat cock hanging trapped and turgid halfway down his muscular thigh. You used your finger to draw tiny circles around his head, knowing he could feel it. To your satisfaction, his eyes fluttered closed, lost in the sensation. 
Then, his hands plundered under your top, scrunching the fabric up to your collar, revealing your skin to him. As you messaged his heavy cock, you watched him sigh as he admired your curves, drinking you in like a desert palm, his hard root stretching towards its oasis. 
“Take me out, love. Please,” he begged you softly, kissing you between his gentle whispering words, and you knew what he wanted. 
You yanked at his button to pop it off, and you pinched at the zipper, listening to the metallic whir of its teeth as you freed him. 
He wasn’t wearing anything under his leathers, which drove you wild. He must have been so sensitive during his ride, feeling every bit of the garment’s texture and folds as he straddled his machine. 
You reached for him and he let out a dark groan. His voice became threatening all at once, and he grabbed at you with all of his might, drawing your attention with his words,
“Both hands… ungh, ahh, please. Please touch me with both of your hands, love.”
There was plenty of his length for you to comply, and even with both of your hands, his swollen, rigid girth was still a challenge to manage. You focused on his head, watching as his whole body responded to your touch.
John pulled you in for another kiss, forcing his tongue down your throat, filling your mouth with his heat, crushing you to his chest, abandoning all of his earlier tenderness in favor of lustful fury. 
As he ravaged your mouth, you felt his cock slipping through your hands on its own and you realized that he was using his hips to thrust himself through your grip. You tried to help him, matching his pace, but that only spurred on his carnal want. 
He was moaning into your mouth, and you could feel the hum of his joy against your lips. With each shameless thrust, he cried for you in that dark brimstone timbre, aching and full of longing. 
“John…” you whispered, breaking away to catch your breath, saying his name like a prayer. 
Adding to the drama, a long peal of thunder shattered the sky, killing the lights in your shop. But, you were both so worked up by one another, the shock of a blown fuse paled in comparison, and your eyes stayed locked on each other’s, bound together, unable to look away. Unwilling. 
But, he paused, staring at you, wanting something from you, something more. 
You gasped when he lifted you, rumpled clothes and all, right off the couch. He shouldered the door to the tiny room and walked quickly to his bike sitting you sideways on the seat. You braced yourself with one hand on the tank and one on the tail, waiting for his next whim. 
He was working on your clothes, peeling off your coveralls and shucking off your layers until he found your panties. When he saw the fabric, he paused. You fretted for a moment until you felt the cool, stormy wind blow across the damp gusset. Then, you knew what he was looking at. You were soaking through your panties, and there he was, transfixed on the darkening stain. 
“Wanna taste you, love. Want you in my mouth…” 
John fell to his knees in a flash, his cock still free and flagging up and down, wet with his precome. You squirmed a bit, unsure of your scent and your sweat from your earlier work. 
Those gentle eyes had been replaced with a sinister warning. He pinned you with them as if to say, move away and I’ll bloody drag you back. 
He didn’t bother to kiss the softness of your belly nor your thighs. He wanted one thing, but you didn’t expect him to take you quite like this. He didn’t peel down your panties, instead eating you right through the thin cotton, sucking on the wet cloth and making lewd squelching noises, lapping his tongue over your soaking lips and sucking at your flavor with his eager lips.
“Oh, shit…” You lamented, feeling your body go slack, submitting to him and his power. 
“Fuck…” He said between bites of his meal, “You’re so sweet… Let me… ungh, fuckin’ hell…”
He used his thumb to tug the fabric aside, revealing your gleaming pink flesh. And when he tasted you, skin on skin, John became obsessed. He was pushing his strong jaw so hard into you, working you with his mouth, making you rake your fingers through his hair just to hold onto something, you were afraid the bike might tip. 
In one ruthless motion, he tore your panties from you, ripping the sides and tucking the ruined fabric into his fist. Then, he put that same hand on his cock and began to jerk himself off, rubbing your wet cloth all over his cockhead. 
With his free hand, he grabbed the handlebar of the bike, pulling it down towards him, preventing it from falling, now able to eat you with as much reckless abandon as he liked. 
His mouth moved in long, deep thrusts, fucking you with his scruffy face, suckling at the hardening body of your clit. His tongue pressed into your swollen lips, moving between them with forceful need. As he licked you, he moved lower and lower towards your wet hole, hoping to thrust his writhing muscle inside of you, wanting nothing more than to lick you dry. 
Finally, he reached it, and the tip of his tongue slipped into your pussy, pressing through your slit and fucking you like his cock wanted to. You heard him elicit a gravelly, smoldering whine when he tasted your smooth center, and you watched as his eyes rolled back in his head, his brow furrowing in disbelief. 
Meanwhile, the rain pounded in the open garage doorway, swirling and spitting under its ebon shroud. John cared very little about it, nor did he care that you and he were nearly naked, in full view of the street. The idea that anyone could drive up and see you there, caught in his jaws, made you lose control. 
You tried to hold your voice down, but once he felt you start to come, he did everything he could to set you ablaze. His hand abandoned the handlebar, preferring instead to sink two of his large fingers inside of you, working with his tongue to stretch you open, giving him more of your ripeness to devour. 
You keened like you were on fire, and maybe you were. You thought, as the flames licked up your legs and down your arms, that maybe you would burn right up. Maybe you were a flare, ready to sear a bright scorching light through his mouth, burning his throat like whiskey, brutal and cruel. 
Your whole body had given in to the feeling as if you were an orchestra at the mercy of its conductor. If he wanted your kindling to catch, it would, and you would burn for him. You were his opus, trapped in a perpetual crescendo of his lust, an expression of his own fiery fate. 
His mouth only left your body to cry out in his own right, growling out a breathless groan as he spilled his come into your panties, smearing his cock through his own emission and mixing it with yours. 
Unable to maintain your balance, and unwilling to jeopardize his bike, you sank to the floor with him, feeling the cold concrete on your shins. John tugged you into his lap, panting into your neck, smelling strongly of your scent, his face and beard shining with it. 
You breathed together, fondling what you could reach, cradling each other as if you’d found one another again after years apart. Penelope clutching at her Odysseus, recognizing him through a sea of lesser men. 
“You alright, love?” John asked, still catching his breath, petting your cheek absentmindedly. 
You nodded, affirming your well-being,
“Mmhm. You?”
“Aye,” he smiled, laughing quietly to himself, “But, now you’ve gone and done it.”
“What?” You smiled, enjoying his joy. 
“Didn’t think runnin’ from the rain would be such a fuckin’ good time. Now, when it rains, I’ll be craving you.”
You smiled at him, letting him kiss your neck and cheek, planting his affection like little promises, deep under your skin. 
“You’re always welcome back, rain or shine.”
“How about tonight at six; dinner at my flat?” He looked up at you, hopeful. 
“As long as I get to ride this bike, it’s a date,” you teased. 
He raised his eyebrows at your challenge, and then he gave you a lascivious grin,
“Don’t worry, love. I’ve got just the ride in mind.”
Reblogs and comments are much appreciated!
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inkonparchment · 2 months
sentinel - re4r bodyguard!Leon x college student!reader.
Leon offers you a piggyback ride.
The ache in your heels feels so good, hands gripping Mia's with a huge smile plastered on your face as you bounce off beat to the music. The atmosphere is lovely; conversation drowned out by the music, bodies huddled together in someone's house, a makeshift bar standing in almost every corner.
You stifle a giggle when you notice a flash of Leon's blond mop, obscured from your view with the expanse of the makeshift dancing floor between you. You know he's not happy to be here, something about being "too old for this kind of crowd" that had made you roll your eyes, reminding him that he was barely even thirty and also without a choice.
He blended in well enough, a black ensemble of t-shirt - god were all his shirts so tight - and pants and his leather jacket that was probably hanging around somewhere. Leon would blend in better if he lost that permanent scowl on his face, offering you one whenever you would give him the suggestion.
Mia pulled you towards her, helping you avoid crashing into a particularly drunk person stumbling behind your back. You shared a look with her before dissolving into a fit of giggles, the alcohol finally catching up to you, not so much to plaster you but enough to make the world fall away a little.
"Here you are ladies," Johnny greeted cheerfully, red solo cups in both hands and a plastic water bottle stowed under his arm.
"Oh thank god," Mia groaned, taking one of the solo cups and immediately taking a swig. "All this dancing is killing me."
You laugh at your friend, wiping her lip as some of her drink dribbles out, "God Mia, I raised you with better manners than that."
Johnny gives you a kind smile, handing off the water bottle to you. You like him, he's nice, good company, makes Mia laugh louder than anyone else and always makes sure she's okay. "Hey uh, I don't know how this fits in your whole situation but I think your guy may be in need of some rescuing," He nods behind you.
You turn, confusion etched on your face. 'Your guy'? Leon and him needing rescuing? What a laughable sentiment. The ball drops in your stomach when you finally spot him, Johnny's words making sense.
Leon's practically pressed up against the wall, defiantly looking anywhere but at the trio of girls that have him surrounded. All pretty nails, giggling forms and trying their hardest to take him home. Anywhere is more fun than here, they say to him, batting their eyelashes.
You want to laugh, so bad, but something stops you, maybe it's the acidic sensation that's beginning to pool in your stomach. His face drops down, locking eyes with you across the room, the crease in his forehead flattening. The rumble of the music falls away, the ache in your feet fading into the background.
Your eyes flicker to the swipe of one of the girls hands across his chest and you find yourself moving, muttering a "I'm gonna head out" to Mia. Leon's gaze doesn't stray from you, keeping you in sight as you approach.
It fills you with satisfaction when he straightens, shuffling away from the girls and coming to meet you halfway. You can practically see the "Are you okay?" lingering on his lips but you beat him to the punch. "Let's get out of here."
And it doesn't take long for the two of you to exit, smirking at the girls who can only watch you walk away with Leon, jackets on and beginning the walk back to the dorms. It's a nice night, quiet with no one around as you walk through campus grounds, your heels clip-clopping satisfyingly against the ground.
Leon strays behind you, not too far but not too close, his presence a comfortable warmth in the cool breeze. Your heel catches in one of the cracks, making you stumble with pathetic grace thanks to your drinking. But before you meet the cold pavement, a hand steadies you on your forearm, calloused fingers gentle against your skin.
You look up, nose only a hairs breadth away from Leon, your stomach lurching at his close proximity, the cerulean blue irises focused fully on you, searching your face.
"Are you drunk?"
"What are you a cop?" You shoot back.
The corners of his lips twitch upwards. He sighs, guiding you to one of the benches and gingerly making you sit down. You blink at your hands, finally remembering the bottle of water that you were holding. You go to open it, only to have it swiftly plucked from your grip, a quick twist of the cap and then thrust back in your palms, Leon's own encouraging you to take a few sips.
He crouches down infront of you, looking distastefully at your footwear. "I'm surprised you haven't started complaining about your feet yet."
You hold away the bottle from your lips, offering it to Leon silently, unable to find the cap. His palm comes up, wrapping around the bottle, engulfing your hand in it's warmth, the sensation shooting up your arm, making you avert your eyes from his.
You focus on the ground, hand still in his as he twists the cap shut. "I was just warming up. What would you like for me to start with?"
Leon's fingers brush over your thigh, lingering for a second, the feeling electric under his touch, as he stuffs them back into the pockets of his leather jacket. "Your bad choice in choosing shoes."
You gasp offended, straightening your leg to show him your heels, "These are designer! How dare you?"
"And how do your feet feel?"
You huff, folding your arms over your chest defensively, mumbling, "They hurt."
"What's that?" God, that teasing tone.
With a harsh roll of your eyes, you say again but louder, "They. Hurt." You shake your head, "We're still a long way from the dorm and you best bet I'm gonna chew your ear off about- what the fuck are you doing?"
Leon's turned away from you, back to you as he's still leaning. He gestures to him. "Hop on?"
"Excuse me?" You ask incredulously.
"You said it yourself," He shrugs, "We're a long way from the dorm. And I'd rather not explain to your father that the reason his daughter has a beat up face is because she got plastered at a party and fell on the ground face first."
Fury rises in your chest, "I am not plastered!" He doesn't respond. And you don't relent. "I weigh a lot."
At that he turns around with a raise of his eyebrow, an unimpressed look on his face. You grow heated under it, fingers fiddling your thumb. "I can walk by myself."
Leon sighs, turning fully to face you again, looking up from his bent position. He puts one hand beside your thigh, other hand coming up to fix the collar of your jacket, making it more tighter around your body. "I know," He hums, taking a softer approach, like you're a deer ready to scamper off at any moment. "But you don't have to do everything by yourself."
You gulp, almost wanting to curse the celestial beings hung up on the sky and how they always soften Leon under their glow; the sun, the moon and the stars united in their agenda. The iridescence of the moon almost offers him a halo, deepening the shade of his baby blues. And it all makes it so hard to say no.
"Okay," You whisper.
Leon positions himself again, your heart beating quicker as you slide your hands over his shoulders, feeling the ripple of muscles underneath. His big palms come to rest on your thighs, pulling them firmly against his waist and locking them. Leon airily asks if you're ready, you tighten your grip around him and nod. And he stands, without any hesitance, without any stagger. Your rock.
You rest your chin on his shoulder, his hair strands tickling your face, caressing your cheeks with the scent of his vanilla shampoo. He feels warm, back sturdy on your chest and fingers secure under your thighs. You thaw under his heat, unravelling defiance from your form, settling comfortably in his assuring grip.
"Thank you," You mumble against his ear, the ache in your feet a memory of the past.
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tomssexdoll · 3 months
Dangerous love
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Tom and y/ns gangs are fighting, he shoots at her, aiming for it to go past her, scaring her but his aim is off, instead shooting her in the stomach..
A/N: ily all
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), breast and nipple play, eating out, mentions of guns, blood, being shot, violence
Tom and I were apart of seperate gangs, ones that happened to be enemies. We had this feud for years, after one their men betrayed our old gang leader, stealing our money and guns.
From then on it has been non stop fighting, shooting at each other's homes, stealing each other's cars, you name it. When people hosted get togethers their gang was always blacklisted if we were to attend, fearing the worst would happen.
There was no one I hated more than Tom Kaulitz, one of the men in that gang. We had been enemies for years, despite what happened between our gangs it was just because we had this deep hatred for one another.
Anytime I saw him I resisted the urge to just bash his head into a brick wall. He always got on my nerves, giving me dirty looks or yelling out insulting things with his buddies. One day, we were scheduled for a fight. I knew we were going to win, we always did. I just put some jeans and a tight top on, finishing it off with a black leather jacket my father gifted me.
As we arrived I scanned the area, we decided to meet at an abandoned warehouse, a suitable place for a fight, if anyone got killed they would easily be left there to rot. We parked our cars, getting all our guns and knives out, we always arrived early to a fight, wanting to get the advantage, something they never did. I decided on a handgun, something small and easy for me to carry.
As he entered the abandoned warehouse, Tom stood tall, his cold eyes locking onto mine. The tension between you two was palpable, the air thick with unspoken animosity. He was flanked by his gang members, all of them armed and ready for a brutal confrontation.
I smirked and turned to my gang members, nodding, signalling for them to start. As soon as they got my confirmation they started to shoot, bullets errupting around the warehouse.
Tom was quick to react, pulling out his own weapon and returning fire. Despite the chaos surrounding him, his cold gaze remained locked onto me. He was taking this personally, wanting nothing more than to put a bullet between my eyes.
As everyone else shot at each other, it seemed we were only focusing on each other, trying to get the first shot.
Tom smirked, taking cover as he reloaded his weapon. I could see the determination in his eyes, locked onto me as if I was the only one worth fighting. He moved quickly and suddenly, firing off a series of shots directly at me, only aiming to scare me, not hurt me.
As I stood up to shoot at him, one of the bullets hit me, the adrenaline filled chaos had made his aim off, piercing me in my stomach, making me wince and fall down to the floor.
Horror filled his face as he realised what he'd done. He rushed to my side, kneeling beside me as the chaos of the battle rages on around us. His hand, still gripping the gun, trembling slightly as he takes in the crimson stain spreading across my shirt. "Fuck," he muttered, his usually icy demeanor cracking for a moment.
"STOP THE FIGHT!" he screamed, panic in his voice as everyone turned to us, seeing me on the ground, wounded. "What the fuck?" "What is he doing?" some people murmured amongst themselves.
Ignoring the stares and whispers, he carefully lifted me up, cradling me in his arms as if I was the most precious thing in the world. He shouted orders to his men, snapping out of his momentary lapse as he switched into boss mode.
Everyone was surprised, seeing him so worried about me, despite us being enemies for years. As Tom ran to his car, he placed me down on the passenger seat, quickly removing his belt, fashioning it as a makeshift tourniquet above the wound to slow the bleeding, his muscles rippling with the effort.
"What the fuck are you all doing standing there? HELP ME!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the building. His men springing into action, running to my side and grabbing some aid tools they had packed incase they'd gotten hit.
They grabbed some gauze, wrapping it around my stomach urgently, some even taking their shirts off and wrapping it around my stomach too, trying to stop the bleeding as Tom stood there, tears in his eyes, watching the life slowly slip away in my face.
Tom took my hand in his, squeezing and reassuring, his grip never faltered as he climbed into the back seat beside me and gave his men the signal to drive. The car sped off into the night, leaving chaos in its wake. "Hold on, just stay with me," he choked out a sob, running his fingers through my hair.
As we arrived to their gangs "medical centre", Tom carried me out, rushing inside and panicking, asking the doctor to help me.
The doctor's calm, professional demeanor was a stark contrast to Tom's frantic energy as he laid me down on the operating table. Tom's hands shook as he held mine, his knuckles white with tension. "Do whatever it takes to save her, damn it!"
"Just calm down Tom, panicking won't save her," the doctor sighed, taking all the material off my stomach and sliding my shirt up, inspecting the wound.
"Since you've jam-packed her wound and stopped the bleeding she'll be fine, let's just get this bullet out and conceal the wound," the doctor grumbled, grabbing some tools and slowly picking out the bullet.
Tom's gaze never left my face, his expression filled with relief as he saw the doctor successfully removed the bullet. "Thank you," he said, gratitude etched in every line of his face. He leaned down and brushed a gentle kiss to my forehead, "you're going to be okay."
The doctor quickly stitched the wound, making sure it wouldn't reopen, applying a thick bandage, ensuring my safety. I was still weak and pale, the doctor kneeled down "what's your blood type sweetheart?" he gently asked, "O positive" I mumbled, my eyes flickering to his.
He nodded, fetching a pack of blood, attaching me to the IV. As the blood began to reinvigorate me, Tom's tensed muscles relaxed fractionally. He watched the color return to my cheeks, my breathing evening out, and a glimmer of hope sparked in his eyes.
The gang members who came with us snickered to themselves, laughing and mumbling about us. "What's so fucking funny, hm?" Tom turned to them, his gaze piercing.
His jaw clenched at their mocking words, his fingers digging into my hand hard enough to bruise. He rose to his feet, towering over the snickering bastards in front of him, his gaze boring into them with an unsettling intensity, "you don't know what you're talking about."
They smirked "it's weird how you "hated" her, yet you're here saving her? I thought you were supposed to be enemies" they laughed obnoxiously, even the doctor started to get annoyed.
"Oh we don't?" they said, "since when did enemies save each other, cry over each other and demanded a gang fight to stop, how stupid are you Tom?" they gritted their teeth, their words harsh and cold.
Tom's eyes flashed with fury, his nostrils flaring as he took a menacing step forward. The air seemed to crackle with tension as he glared at them, his voice a deadly whisper, "you talk about her like that again, i'll break your fucking neck, you don't know who you're messing with." (ok alpha tom)
They held their hands up in surrender, rolling their eyes and scoffing, walking back to the car. I slowly sat up, my head spinning slightly, "easy there, don't hurt yourself more than you already are.." he rushed to my side, holding my hand again.
"Why did you even save me Tom? It doesn't make any sense, we've been enemies for years," I turned to look at him, my droopy eyes meeting his. He gave a small shrug, averting his gaze for a moment before looking back at me, "I don't know. Maybe it's because deep down, I never really wanted you as an enemy. But I hate seeing you hurt, even more when it's by my own hands.." he sighed, "I guess we kind of had to be enemies, considering our situation" I gently rubbed my thumb over his hand.
His expression softened, chuckling softly, "maybe you're right, but things don't have to stay that way," he turned over my hand, pressing a gentle kiss against the back of it.
"What are you implying Tom?" I raised an eyebrow, a smirk played at the corners of his lips, "i'm impying that perhaps we could be....friends? Or more than that, if you're willing," he leaned in closer, his breath hot against my neck.
"That's impossible, how are we even going to convince our gangs? You're thinking too fast Tom!" I sighed heavily, the idea comforting but reality quickly setting in. He lifted his hand to my cheek, gently caressing it, his eyes longing into me, "I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes, I'm tired of pretending I don't want you" he said, "and if we can come to an agreement, our gangs will follow."
"But, how will my father even agree? He despises you Tom, and your father too..." I groaned, resting my face into the crook of his neck. His jaw clenched at the thought of my father, the endless battles he had with him, a flicker of anger crossing his features before it was replaced with determination.
"I'll deal with my father, and yours. We'll find a way to make it work, we have to," he squeezed my hand reassuringly. I nodded and lifted my head to look at him, gently placing a soft kiss to his lips, "you don't know how long I've wanted you too.." I whispered against his lips, looking up at him.
His eyes widened slightly in surprise at the sudden kiss before a smirk tugged at his lips, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss. His tongue explored my mouth, marking me as his.
I smirked, swiftly pulling away, "we need to stop before they see," I motioned to the gang memebers in the car, "they're not parked far away y'know, we'll get killed for even trying something like this," I giggled. His eyes darkened with a mix of desire and irritation at the reminder, his hands flying to my waist and pulling me onto his lap.
"I don't give a fuck what they see," he growled, his voice low and husky. "Watch the IV!" I bursted out laughing, rolling it around to where I was.
He chuckled, his strong arms encircled around my waist, pulling me flush against him as he maneuvered the IV stand into a more safe place, "you're a menace, you know that?"
I giggled, "a menace? That's new, where's the more harsher words like bitch, slut, or even whore, hm?" I tilted his chin to look up at me. "Oh, you want me to call you those words huh?" he grinned, I leaned in, whispering in his ear, "maybe in bed..."
His grip on me tightened, his expression darkening, "don't push your luck, angel. I might just decide to show you what those words really mean.." he grunted, pulling me into yet another rough kiss, his lips moving passionately against mine.
His kiss was rough and demanding, his tongue sweeping into my mouth as he explore every inch of it. His hands moved up to tangle in my hair, holding me in place as he deepened the kiss.
As things were getting heated, the gang memebers who were parked outside started to beep frantically, I jumped slightly and grunted, annoyed at them cockblocking us. Tom broke the kiss, his forehead resting against mine as he exhaled deeply, visibly annoyed.
He shot a quick glare towards the car, removing his hand from my hair and picking me up, placing me down on the door. "Fuck sakes.." he muttered under his breath, before turning his attention back to me, "we'll continue this later princess," he took my hand, leading me back to the car.
As we got into the backseat of the car, the gang memebers snickered and threw lewd comments about me and Tom's earlier display of affection, "keep your fucking mouths shut, both of you" he growled, his jaw clenching at each word they spat out of their bitter mouths.
As we were approaching my house, I looked out of the windows and noticed the sky had turned shades of pink and red, signalling the sun setting, I was surprised I was out for so long, me and Tom's special moment in the medical centre only feeling like a few minutes.
I smiled, gently cupping Tom's cheek and placing a soft kiss to his lips, "call me, ok?" I grabbed his phone from his pocket, typing in my number and saving it as a contact before waving and getting out, walking towards my house.
As soon as I opened the door I was met with 12 raging gang memebers and my enraged dad, all worried about my whereabouts. "Who the fuck was that dropping you off?" one said, "why were you in a car with a random guy? Don't you know how dangerous that is! What have we taught you over and over again!" another yelled.
All of their yelling and arguing fell silent with my fathers shake of a head. "Why were you with Tom Kaulitz, I thought he would've just dropped you off and left you for fuck sakes," he grumbled.
"Well, he stayed the whole time and held my hand, where were you guys? Hm?" I snapped, angry at all their rejections of Tom, only if they could see the real him.
"Well, you know that if we stepped foot in there we'd probably get swarmed and killed, it is their base afterall.." my father scratched the back of his neck, finding excuses for his absence. "Oh really? Bullshit.." I rolled my eyes, storming into my room and slamming the door shut, locking it behind me.
I just blocked out their yelling and sat on my bed, sighing. As soon as I started to think about Tom, I heard some tapping at my window, like something was hitting it.
I curiously strutted over to the window, my eyes widening as I saw Tom there, standing and waving, signalling that he was going to sneak in. He climbed up the pipes with ease, I slowly lifted the window and let him climb in, his gaze softened as he saw me, walking towards me slowly and engulfing me in a soft hug, resting his head on the top of my chin.
"I couldn't wait to see you, I needed to be by your side again," he mumbled in my hair, "oh wow, you can't last even 5 minutes without me? I'm flattered," I giggled, looking up and him and leaning in, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
"We have to be quiet, if my dad finds out he'll kill you and me," I moved my hands off his torso, interlocking my fingers with his and walking towards my bed. I sat him down and climbed on his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist and smashing my lips into his again.
His hands gripped my hips tightly as he kissed me back fiercly, his tongue plunging into my mouth with a possessive hunger. We had been starved from each other for so long that we couldn't help ourselves, touching each others bodies, feeling each others bumps and curves.
"God, I need you so fucking bad..." he groaned, gently laying me down on the bed, trailing kisses from my face, to my neck, to my chest, down my stomach and even further, his hand roaming over my curves as he worshipped every inch of me. He paused at the waistband of my jeans, unbuttoning them and sliding them off.
He smirked at my lacey thong, his fingers teasingly tracing the delicate fabric before hooking them with deliberate slowness and pulling them down my legs.
Toms eyes flicked upward to meet mine, the gaze between us both heavy with desire. He lowered his head pressing a tender kiss to my inner thigh, slowly going up to my folds.
He stuck his tongue out, gently parting them and tasting me for the first time. "You taste amazing.." he groaned, wrapping his arms around my legs and pulling me closer, slowly and sensually dipping his tongue into my wetness, then going up and softly sucking my pulsating clit.
"Mmmh..." I moaned softly, moving my hands down and tugging at his braids. He smirked against my pussy, loving the ffect he was having on me. His tongue flicked and circled, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body.
He teased and sucked on my clit, almost torturously slow before plunging his tongue deep inside of me, again and again. "Oh!" I gasped, the sound a little too loud, putting us at risk.
"Shhh baby...be quiet for me, you don't want to make your dad suspicious.." he chuckled softly, pulling away for a second, grabbing my remote to my tv and turning it on, putting it on a random channel and turning the volume up.
"There, now we can be a bit louder.." he murmered, diving his head back in between my thighs, his fingers gripping tighter on my thighs. As much as he loved hearing me moan he really didn't want to be killed by the hands of my father.
His tongue moved more quickly, in and out of my wetness as he expertly brought me closer to my peak. I whined softly, bucking my hips into him, throwing my head into the pillows, the pleasure getting almost too much for me to handle.
He growled lowly, enjoying the sight of me trying to maintain control. He sucked harder on my clit, reaching up and slowly sliding 2 fingers inside of me, his fingers curling at my g spot making my eyes roll back and grip the sheets tightly.
The sounds of the voices on the TV blurred out, my only sole focus being Toms low grunts and moans as he devoured my pussy. His eyes darkened with lust as he felt my climax approach, my pussy wrapping around his fingers, instantly redoubling his efforts, sucking harder on my clit while pumping his fingers faster inside me, coaxing for me to let go.
"That's it princess..let go.." he egged on, his voice gentle and comforting, nothing like how he usually was. His usual demeanour tough and intimidating.
With one last flick of my aching clit my orgasm crashed down, my cum spilling on his wet tongue, he smirked and lapped his tongue at my hole, collecting every bit of juice he could.
"Fuckkk.." he chuckled, slowly crawling up, his large frame hovering over me. His hands landed on my shirt, slowly dragging it up and throwing it somewhere across my room. His hands wrapped around my back, unclipping my bra and letting it fall off, revealing my perky tits, my nipples hardened.
He gasped, lowering his head, taking one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking gently before giving it a little bite, "ah!" I yelped, "tom!" I giggled, smacking his arm playfully.
"Whattt..I had to.." he smirked, latching onto my nipple again, his hand coming up to my other breast and kneading it possessively, as if he was trying to claim my tits as his.
I grew impatient, whining loudly, "I need you..now.." he chuckled against my breast, slowly removing his mouth from my nipple and growling softly, "you want me inside you, hmm?" I nodded eagerly, desperate for him.
He nodded, his eyes flashing with hunger as he looked down at me, his erection straining against his pants. He quickly removed his clothes, revealing his muscular body. Tom settled between my thighs, rubbing the head of his cock at my entrance, teasing me, "mmh..put it in.." I whimpered, wrapping my arms around his neck.
Tom finally pushed inside of me, burying himself to the hilt, his hands gripping my hips as he held himself still. He looked down at me, his gaze burning into mine, "I hope you're ready for me.." he grunted, beginning to slowly move.
He started to thrust in a slow and steady rhythm, the sensation making both of us moan in pleasure, he leaned down, capturing my lips in a soft, passionate kiss. We moaned against each others lips, his cock hitting a spot inside of me that made my legs tremble.
As he started to pick up his speed, he grabbed my legs, throwing them over his shoulder and reeling himself even deeper into my cunt. With my legs draped over his shoulder, he started to piston into me with renewed vigor, each thrust driving him deeper.
He tried so hard to not let the headboard hit the wall, his abs flexing and contracting as he powered through, his eyes locked onto mine, drinking in every moan, every twitch of pleasure on my face.
As my moans got louder Tom placed a hand over my mouth, muffling my moans as he continued to roughly thrust into me, his hips rolling and smacking against mine. His other hand reached down to play with my clit, adding an extra layer of pleasure to his rough fucking.
I whined into his hand, his tip annihilating that gummy spot in me, making my face contort in pleasure, his grin widened as he felt my pussy tighten around him at the sensation.
His thrusting became faster and harder, his hips snapping sharply with each movement, he wanted to fuck me so well that I wouldn't be able to walk straight for days.
"You like that, hm?" he taunted, his breath hot and heavy against my neck as he fucked me with unrelenting hunger. He reveled in the way I squirmed under his commanding touch.
I nodded, breathing out a soft 'yes', the noise vibrating against his hand. His pace increased, his cock plunging deeper and faster, the sound of skin slapping softly echoing in the room, muffled by the sounds of the TV.
He could feek his orgasm building, his balls tightening as he chased his climax, "i'm close baby..cum with me," he whispered, removing his hand from my mouth and replacing it with his lips, my moans escaping into his mouth as he kissed me passionately.
I could feel tension grow in my stomach, my orgasm dangerously close, his shaft slamming into my sopping hole over and over again, wet noises filling our ears as he reached closer to his climax.
"Cmon you little slut, cum on this cock" he growled, his voice hoarse with lust. I rolled my eyes back, my pussy clamping down onto his throbbing cock, I let out a loud moan into his mouth, muffling it with the kiss.
He gasped, quickly pulling out and shooting his thick cum all over my stomach. He pumped his cock several more times, coating my stomach completely in his sticky seed. Breathing heavily, he leaned over me, his eyes dark with satisfaction as he looked down at his cum marking my skin.
"Look at that, you're a real mess now, aren't you?" he chuckled, I rolled my eyes playfully, "yeah, no thanks to you," he grabbed a tissue from my nightstand, cleaning up the evidence of our love making.
He layed back with me, pulling me swiftly onto his chest, running a hand through my disheveled hair, "how did I get so lucky..I never knew you'd share the same feelings I have for you, I thought it would be fucking impossible," he whispered, looking into my eyes lovingly.
"That's exactly what I thought," I giggled, placing a gentle, yet passionate kiss on his lips, Tom draped the blankets over us, covering our sweaty, naked bodies. I felt safe, secure in his arms, this is where I wanted to be, I just wanted to be like this all day, all night, everyday for the rest of my life.
I knew it would be hard, convincing my father to accept Tom and make ammends with his gang, considering the betrayal that occured, hurting his father who was the last leader of the gang.
"I really hope your dad accepts me, I mean, I'd do anything for you, I need you so bad it's crazy, you occupy my every thought, there's not a day where I'm not thinking about you.." he said gently, I looked in his eyes, searching for any sign of deception but the only things that I could find was sincerity.
"Tom..." I muttered softly, "I mean it, I want to spend every waking moment with you, I want you by my side everywhere I go," he caressed my cheek gently.
"I really want that too..I'm sure we'll find a way to convince him, afterall he is my father and always wants the best for me, he always has," I smiled, giving him the reassurance he needed.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @tomsonlyslut
tags: @bkaulitzlover @bills-wife-1 @20doozers
tags: @miyukafujii @ella1289
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cherryc1nnam0n · 11 months
It's feeling scared not horny | Scare actor!Eddie Munson x Afab!Reader
Spooky season isn't over for me, have this treat I based off this TikTok I found, enjoy <3
Summary: You go to Horror Nights with your friends but didn't expect to get hot and bothered by a certain character
Cw: Eddie being flirty, kind of Kas!Eddie, strangers to lovers kinda, unprotected sex, public sex, voyeurism, fingering, mask kink, horror kink(?, big dick Eddie, breeding kink, degrading, primal kink, Dom!Eddie, AFAB reader pronouns not mentioned
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The night had been going great with your friends, lots of scares, cool attractions and lots of screaming and running around
You were laughing with your group when you suddenly saw him
Wearing ripped black jeans, chains dangling from his side and his neck, leather jacket, vampire wings on his back, a mask with teeth that covered half his face and those penetrating eyes with black liner
He was just, stunning...
You locked eyes with him and he walked towards you, taking your breath away instantly
His curly hair made him look like an 80's rockstar, which had you hot and bothered in seconds, he tilted his head at you and then slid towards you making sparks come out of the pavement
You shrieked as he approached you, looking into your soul with his big doe eyes, you bit your lip not to moan at how hot he was
He crawled to you, still looking into your eyes
"You look shocked, did I scare you pretty thing?"
You just stood there looking at him, from his position on the floor he rose up to his full height, making you have to look up, you swallowed heavily
"Oh wow" was all you could say
He tilted his head again, noticing how you squeezed your thighs, he chuckled darkly
"I see something I like..." He said grabbing your hair placing it behind your ear then he whispered into it "Wanna come with me and have some fun?"
You just nodded dumbly following where he led you, he could want to kill you and you wouldn't care
He took you to a dark alleyway, some people could be seen walking by but none really looked the way you guys were
"You're a pretty thing aren't ya?" He said in that sultry voice that was hypnotizing you
You were just dumbfounded looking at him
"What's up? Cat got your tongue?"
You gulped "N-no I'm just... Really horny..."
He laughed "Bold are you? Well, I can definitely help with that"
Soon you had his fingers deep in your pussy, his mask pressed against your neck as he inhaled your scent, his grunts were primal and animalistic, really playing into the role of a bat
"You like that baby? Yeah? Like how I'm fingering you? Yeah?"
You nodded along with him, your tongue lolled out and gasps leaving your mouth
"Want me to fuck you baby? Yeah? Want my fat cock deep inside you?"
"Yes please, please fuck me"
"Fuck baby yes come here"
His arms held your thighs up, holding you against the wall as he maneuvered to get his cock out of his pants
"Fuck baby, gonna fuck you so hard, fucking breed this pussy"
He lowered you down onto his cock, splitting you open to the brim with his big fat cock, your head fell back, eyes rolling back and mouth falling open to moan
"Oh fuck!" You shut your eyes
He started pistoning his hips into you, the sounds of skin slapping against each other was loud in the alley you were in, you couldn't stop moaning, his grunts were primal again, groans rumbled in his chest
"So fucking tight baby, fuck- making me go out of breath, you're so nasty, letting me fuck you even when you don't know my name or what I look like- shit, but you don't care do you? You only wanna fuck me because of the mask don't you?"
You nodded, bitting your lip as you moaned
He pulled you away from the wall, moving you up and down his cock
"Gonna fucking breed you baby, gonna make you pregnant for me, and you'll never know who the father is, fuck!"
"Yes fuck yes! Ah!"
You were so close to your orgasm, feeling your legs tremble in his hold until you heard a familiar voice
"What the-" it was one of your friends, frozen as she watched what was happening
"Oh well, look what we got here, we got some audience, well, might as well give them a show" he said going back to fucking you
That was a long night...
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white-poppie · 9 months
VROOM'ING INTO YOU HEART ⎯⎯ ♡ biker!Getou x reader
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Synopsis: a surprise, late night, romantic date with your Biker bf Getou at a silent beach with just two of you, the sea and the moon Genre: FLUFF!! Warnings: fluff so cute you will want to take a bath with your toaster, also sugu being all breathy n' shit.. (twirls hair) wc: 0.9k+
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Getou’s standing outside your house, leaning on his voguish bike. The steel of the bike glints like dark tides under the moonlight; a fitting imagery for the way his bike glides on the road like the lapping ocean torrents.
He's clad in a turtleneck, hugging his pectorals like a vice, dark leather pants topped by his signature biker-gear, leather jacket.
And of course, his air tied in his hslf up, half down, signature Suguru man bun.
His gaze is stuck to the screen of his phone, eyebrows furrowed in a soft arch. Behind him are two helmets, perched prettily on the bike. A larger black one for him and a white one for you.
As soon as Suguru hears the door close open, he puts his phone inside his pocket, greeting you with a soft lift of his lips into a smile.
"Took you long enough," he jests, walking a step closer such that he just has to peer down a bit to graze his nose against yours. The smell of his label perfume permeating through the air
You smile and point at your pretty outfit, styled hair and makeup. He chuckled, gloved hand coming to your face to gently caress your cheek. Cute excuse, nonetheless he accepts.
Getou hums a random love song, taking the helmet from the seat, putting it on your head, adjusting it to your size. A soft smile on his face as he peers down at at you from the bottom of his lashes, his arms flexing in the tight material of his turtleneck.
“Ready.” You exclaim and he tsks, smacking the helmet gently like you would a naughty cat.
“Not ready, you wanna freeze in the cold or sum’?” He crosses his arms and locks down at you as he clicks his helmet on, his eyes glinting through the helmet vizier; you can never miss the tender glow in them when he looks at you, nothing else.
Suguru removed his leather jacket and drapes it over your shoulders, his wooden turtleneck enough an insulator for him. “There you go, you look even prettier when you show me off.” He him, mounting his bike and lets you to the same.
“Okay backpack, here we go.”
“Hey!” You retaliate at the nickname and he just sniggers, looking back at you as you mount the bike too.
He revs up the engine, gearing the bike with a slight jerk which causes your body to lurch forward and hit his back. Sly mf. Sighing you wrap you arms around his waist and he smirks, turning the gear as the engine revves alluringly as you drive off into the night.
The wispy air hits your face making you shiver as you rest your head against his back. He chuckles slightly, the muscles of his back relaxing involuntarily as the engine hums in the night.
"Hold on tight," he says and takes a sharp turn that has you clinging to the fabric of his jacket for your dear life. His low voice muffled against the roar of the engine and sizzle of the night air against your helmet. His low laugh rumbles through the night.
"Where are we going? Sugu?” you scream, his perfume musk wafting through the the harsh air.
“Just somewhere.” He mumbles, kicking off, speeding off into the night.
You both come to stop at a beach, getting off the bike and handing the helmet to him. You wrap his jacket tighter around yourself, eyes fluttering at the seascape. The moonlight shines on the waves that stir and hit the rocks, silvery sand and dark waters.
Suguru hops off the bike, his dark eyes just calmly looking at you, the moonlight reflecting in your irises, your pretty lips parted as you look at the sea. You would kill him one of these days with how pretty you are.
He looks at you as you take small dazed steps towards the shore, taking out you phone and then clicking a few pictures. He follows suit, his hair blowing in the wind.
You look over at him, he's literally the ocean, dark, silvery, soothing and albeit dangerous. You hear a soft crunch under your shoes and bend down to see some sea shells, scraping them from the sand, you hold them in your palm and Suguru chuckles breathily.
Eventually squatting to help you pick some shells, his thick fingers searching through the sand, trying to find the uncracked ones in the dim light. It were a silent 5 minutes, eventually the two of you collected enough to fill the pockets of his jacket.
The two of you sit on sand, side my side, knees drawn to your chests. Your arm is flush against his, sighing as you play with his hair and he lets you.
"Having fun, angel?" he asks softly and you chuckle, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek.
"So much fun, Sugu. Thank you for bringing me here." You say, looking into his eyes as they gleam with adoration when you peck him.
Getou reaches over and grabs your jaw slightly, your eyes flashing with the sight of your hairtie that he always keeps on his wrist, before pulling you close. He presses his lips flush against yours, your trembling fingers gravitate towards his face, you can feel his skin heat up.
"M' pretty baby." He whisper, parting only slightly. His eyes flicker up from your lips into your eyes, a soft, breathy chuckles leaves his throat at the lovesick look in your eyes.
"Are you trying to make me over heat?" you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck as you tilt you chin upwards. Getou smiles, his silver ringsand that one chain you gifted him on your 3 month anniversary, glowing in like moonlight shimmering upon the surface and you are underwater.
"Is it working?" He smirks, before he leans in again, knocking the breath out of your lungs.
He's the ocean in the night, and you are drowning.
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© white-poppie 2023. all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or translate without permission. do not claim work or layout as yours.
"Of Vengeance and Ashes” -> BUY NOW!!!! [Synopsis: Read full synopsis HERE ... The year is 1759, London. Shakespeare’s new estate is set on fire by Reverend Francis Gastrell. History repeats itself, 250 years later when Luna Gastrell stands in turmoil due to her ancestry taking a sinister turn. A ploy of vengeance, illusions, betrayals, blooming romance and morally conflicting measures, and the cards lie in favour of none.] I am a 16-year-old author who needs support, I assure you it won't disappoint! It's okay if you don't buy, it would be enough to share the link with someone else who might be interested! I humbly request you support my career as a child author by purchasing my book. This would help me to write more books in future!
Also Check out: L'appel du vide (✔️) (Synopsis: Your husband, Hanma Shuji is dead! With no memories of what transpired two days before his death, you team up with Tachibana Naoto, Chifuyu Matsuno, Ryuguji Ken and Mitsuya Takashi, you go on a journey full of betrayals and twists. Can you find out what really happened to your husband? )
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— JUJUTSU KAISEN - Fanfictions
TAGS: @httpshujii @akumicchi, @nanaseishiro @cleaningfairylevi, @buttercupspotify, @euphoricbi @ynjimenez
﹒ Taglist   (lmk in the comments in case you wanna be added and the link doesn't work!)
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screamforyani · 1 year
family ties
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pairing ↠ miguel o’hara x (f) shapeshifter!reader
genre .. warnings ↠ angst, violence, recurring mentions of death and murder, shapeshifter!reader, non-spiderperson reader, enemies to lovers esque, parenting!au, neighbor!au
summary ↠ six years ago, your ex-fiancé and the father of your baby was killed in a fatal incident involving the head of alchemax. ever since then, you’ve devoted yourself to a life of crime to take care of your daughter. by day, you fall deeper in love with your neighbor, and by night, you come face-to-face with spider-man.
word count ↠ 14.5k
a/n ↠ most of this is set in mc’s universe so anything’s canon here. this is a repost!!!! feedback is appreciated!!!!!!
if anybody asked, you would tell them that doing a crime lord's bidding was nothing to write home about. it was assignment after assignment to keep a roof over your head and putting up with a nineteen-year-old (at least you think he's nineteen) with a reckless mouth. his tongue had gotten him into unimaginable trouble, that was for sure. not just him, but you. curse you for being benevolent enough to not let the poor kid die.
but on the other hand, it could sometimes be rewarding. sometimes.
the venue was sizeable and bustling with rich people. as expected, given the occasion. rod malone-fisk would be hosting an event with his daddy’s money, though most significantly, somewhere upstairs lodged their family’s priceless gemstone.
drawn to your partner’s chest, you could easily pass for a lovely rich couple eager to stuff yourselves full of expensive appetizers, which you had to subtly swat hobie’s hand to keep him from grabbing. he was sporting a tailored red suit to tone with your deep crimson gown, each of you donning masks to match (given that it was a masquerade). 
it was strangely foreign to see hobie outside of his typical punk fits. none of the boots and chains and leather jackets - which looked cool on him, not that you would ever admit it - though he still had his unshakable attitude.
your partner in crime scanned the menu with disdain. “have you seen the menu? what the hell is a beef bourguignon?”
“you butchered the shit out of that,” you told him none too politely, wincing at the horrid pronounciation. “and stop being a baby. i can make you something later if you want.”
hobie dramatically put his hand over his heart. “you know, you treat me like your own son.”
“somebody has to,” you mumbled under your breath.
hobie obviously heard that, and before he could make a comment that would more than likely blow your cover, marsai interrupted through your ear pieces, “um, guys?”
hobie, sobering, asked, “any updates, mar?”
“i just hacked the surveillance system. as expected, the door to the diamond room has tight security. now, i can get you a distraction in roughly two hours, but the rest of the weight is yours to pull.”
marsai was your guy in the chair and that was her way of saying that she could get you both in, but she couldn’t get you out. 
“got it,” you said. 
for half an hour, you and hobie pretended to give a damn about what rodney had to offer, other than his father’s precious gemstones. even through the mask you could tell hobie was bored half to death by the monologue and the second it was over he didn’t hesitate to drag you to the dance floor.
the plan was etched into your memory. including the initial, backup, and safety plan. you were just waiting for marsai to give you the go-ahead. biding your time, one would put it. then you’d bolt upstairs, steal the gem, and book it.
this boring event being a test of your patience was your only concern. it gave you too much time to fret, to worry about what meadow was doing and if she was alright. of course, she’s alright, you thought to yourself. you left her in the most trustworthy of hands. nobody else would do.
“marsai, you’re killing me. it’s been fifty-leven hours,” hobie groaned impatiently for only you and the woman in his earpiece to hear.
you snickered tiredly and added in agreement, “give me any more chances to drink vodka and i might not be able to walk in a straight line. let alone carry out the mask.”
“okay, okay. give me, like, five minutes.”
devon, your getaway driver, tapped into the line and said, “hurry up. i’ve been waiting outside for like an hour.”
“only an hour?” you asked curiously. to be honest, he had been so silent that you’d forgotten he was even there. 
“oh, yeah. i got hungry and went for a burger.”
hobie snarled, voice dripping with obvious envy, “lucky you.”
you laughed.
not even a minute later, the fire alarms began to cry, alerting everyone about a potential fire. you immediately made a beeline for the stairs in spite of the crowd of people flocking towards the exit. you wanted to throw your stilettos over the railing and possibly hit rodney square in the head.
hobie was right behind you. the diamond was in a room down the hall on the far right end of the corridor. it was the perfect place to corner a potential thief.
you looked suspicious running the opposite direction as everybody else, but fortunately for you and your partner, everyone was too scared for their life to question you. even if they noticed, they sure as hell wouldn’t stop and ask why. not with their lives in jeopardy. 
marsai announced in your ears, “most of the security have evacuated their posts, but there’s a couple coming upstairs. they’re not far behind you.”
“i’ll take care of it,” hobie said without leaving much room for argument. he spared you one little look before spinning on his heels.
you drew your gun from the slit in your long gown and continued to pace down the hall, never stopping no matter what. time was most valuable in predicaments like this and you had very little. you needed to be calculated. 
there was no security guarding the door when you arrived. piece of cake, you thought to yourself smugly. and jotted down a mental note to definitely reward yourself with a sickly sweet desert after tonight. 
barging inside, you instantly spotted the gem and wasted not another second to swipe a tiny device from your thigh holster, hurling it at the glass case. it ruptured on impact, shattering on itself. you swiped the jewel and turned.
another voice spooked you and abruptly said, “thank you. i’ll take that.”
the stranger didn’t even let you get a word in before he was snapping the priceless gem out of your clutches, and in a blink, he was running for the door. it only took one glance for you to recognize your unexpected company as the masked vigilante known as spider-man. 
you hated that guy. kind of. on the one hand, you weren’t against him making new york city a safer place for your daughter, but on the other hand, all he did was get in the way of your work and you needed to be able to provide for her.
you aimed your weapon, but spider-man was quick to smoothly slip to the side, quite literally dodging a bullet without even turning around once. “nice shot,” he taunted, pursuing his escape unscathed.
hot on his heels, your stilettos clicked loudly against the cool marble floor. spider-man couldn’t even made it out the door before you were on him, sending him off of his feet. he swore under his breath but never dropped the gem, and you feared he would destroy it with with his grudging clasp. before you could move again, he stole your gun no longer strapped to your thigh, grabbing it with his webs and tossing it across the room.
“how clever,” you snarled, snatching the gem and running the opposite direction.
the masked self-proclaimed superhero charged after you with featherlight, nimble steps that you matched with a graceful agility. you didn’t bother to try to take back your weapon, because you weren’t aiming to wound or maim and there was no need for a body count. 
the two of you danced around the broken case, careful not to slip in glass shards. it reminded you of children playing tag. with you holding the weapon now, you were undoubtedly it.
spider-man pranced around the glass, walking in a circle. he could have easily taken you down and he knew it. he was bigger than you, quicker than you, and stronger than you, but he didn’t particularly want to use his strength on you.
“i don’t want to hurt you,” admitted spider-man in a way that almost came off as a warning. he was stepping around you in the way someone would walk around a sleeping dragon.
you scoffed, “oh, don’t worry, baby. you won’t.”
the feeling was not mutual. you promptly grabbed some glass shards in your black gloves - never taking your eyes off of him - and chucked them his direction. the stranger missed them narrowly, dancing out of their way. you had to give credit where credit was due. this human spider was better than any opponent before him.
in the second it took him to skate out of harm’s way, spider-man inched closer to you, enough for the diamond to be at arm’s length of his body. you slid, the jewel taking to the air. he smoothly caught you and the diamond in his arms all in the same breath, and your shock granted him a few seconds leeway for escape.
for a second, you were too stunned to take action. then, you noticed he was getting away and it wore off as quickly as it came, with you right behind him. 
you took off one of your stilettos and chucked it towards him with superhuman speed like a weapon, and he swore again, whirling around quickly enough to catch the other one before it could strike him too. “woman, you’re insane,” he hissed, eyeing you darkly as you approached him.
“i’ve heard that one before,” you teased, eyes still on the prize. “do better.”
you reached for his mask and he quickly caught your hand before you could reveal his identity, though with your spare hand you snatched the jewel while he was off guard and made a beeline for the exit, your bare feet slapping against the floor. jesus fucking christ, where the hell was hobie when you needed him?
spider-man flung the broken glass case in front of the door with his webs in a final attempt to prevent you from fleeing, immediately giving chase. it was too bad that you had already suddenly shifted towards the window, making him stop short of the broken shards, and stood at the edge of the tall window with the gem pressed to your bosom.
“this has truly been fun, spidey,” you told him, just as you fell out of the window. 
and he would have caught you. he would have stopped going easy on you, would have wrapped this tango up if it weren’t for the fact that you were nowhere to be found. he peered out of the window and saw nobody falling to their death. he crawled up the building and swung from place to place, but it was like you had disappeared in the shadows.
crawling undetected across the gloomy crevices of the building before taking to the air, you made it to the other side of the building and to the getaway car.
hobie was sitting in the backseat and was baffled when he heard the gem drop just before he saw a jet-black raven that he recognized as your go-to bird identity. “oh, hey,” he said coolly. “how’d it go?”
you transformed back into your original form and hobie glanced away. it was never a process he wanted to look at. not some perfectly animated transition like in the movies. you ignored him and said, “devon, drive.”
“it’s about time,” devon said, speeding off.
“my bad. i had a surprise guest,” you droned, massaging the balls of your feet while hobie placed the gem in the front seat and even wrapped the seatbelt around what would’ve been its chest if it had one. which wasn’t the most brilliant idea, given that rodney was definitely going to report it missing and though the windows were tinted, the roof of the car was down.
devon pushed, “as in?”
“as in spider-man,” you replied coolly. jesus, your feet were killing you. marsai should not have let you walk around in stilettos for hours.  no matter the reward of your sacrifice.
hobie was none too pleased by the intervention. “how in the hell did he know we were going to be there?”
you could see devon’s baffled face from the rear-view mirror. “that’s something to have marsai follow up on.”
you shook your head, bemused and engrossed in thought. your first encounter with spider-man. how exciting. “he caught me when i was about to fall even after i threw glass at him.”
“you were about to fall?” hobie asked, amused. “what is it you always say? never get caught slipping? you quite literally-”
“never get caught slipping. i know. thanks,” you finished, finally clicking your seatbelt into place. 
“aw, shit. she’s in love with spider-man,” devon quipped, earning a sharp glare from the backseat.
hobie laughed. obnoxiously. 
“can you guys shut the hell up already?” you hissed. “i’m just surprised. he treated me better than the two of you even as i came for his life.”
“alright. don’t call us when he throws you in a prison cell,” hobie said blankly.
you rolled your eyes.
the drive was longer than usual because devon wanted to ensure that there were no cops tailing him, aimlessly coasting around town for a while until ultimately taking a very elusive route to your house where he eventually dropped off you and hobie, who didn’t hesitate to remind you about that dinner offer.
when you opened the door to your house, you barely even stepped inside before meadow forwent her coloring book and ran over to you, shouting, “mommy!”
“hey, baby,” you said, watching her short arms wrap around your leg. “how was your day?”
“it was fun. tt took me to the park and she said we can go again tomorrow!” meadow exclaimed giddily, literal stars in her eyes. nothing made you more soft than the sight of your baby girl at the end of a long day.
“that sounds like loads of fun,” you told meadow, gently patting her back.
meadow went to hobie next, calling out for him, and he picked your six-year-old daughter up in his arms. “‘ey up, cheeto. did you make any friends at the park?”
cheeto was the nickname hobie had given your daughter four years back after he saw her eating a bag of cheetos. for whatever reason, it just stuck. everyone called her that, even you every now and then.
“i did,” meadow said, noticably less enthusiastic than before. and it took a lot to get your daughter down in the dumps. she was just so full of life and you wanted her to hold onto that innocence for as long as she could. “but there was this bully. he wouldn’t let me get on the swings.”
that got hobie’s attention, as well as yours. he sat her back down, flexing his muscles and making punching motions. “what? do you want me to handle him for ‘ya? look, i learned some new moves.”
meadow was her giggly self again, watching hobie box the air. 
you, on the other hand, were not happy. you crouched to be eye-level with her and said gently, “if there’s somebody bothering you, cheeto, i can always take to their parents.”
“that won’t be necessary,” came another voice, and you quickly glanced up to see your best friend of many years, lani lee. she was also the one and only person you trusted to babysit your daughter, although you would consider letting hobie watch her for forty-five minutes maximum. “i already talked to the little boy and his parents. he won’t be bothering her any more. i made sure of it.”
“what would i do without you,” you said, standing up to pull your best friend in for a hug while hobie entertained meadow. 
“die of paranoia, probably.”
you rolled your eyes, though she wasn’t wrong. it eased your nerves a lot bit to know your daughter was under the watchful eye of someone like a sister to you. you pulled back, noticing she had her purse in hand, and asked, “you aren’t staying for dinner?”
“oh, no. i can’t. i have a… date,” lani said, the fleeting pause and her constant awkward glimpses between you and meadow making her implications obvious. 
hobie, who also got the memo, snickered. “a date, you say?” 
“stay out of grown folk’s business,” you and lani said simultaneously. 
“mind you, i’m nineteen! i can drink!”
“in london, yes. in brooklyn, no,” you said under your breath, almost hoping he didn’t hear you. you weren’t inclined to have this conversation for the umpteenth time.
“well, i’m gonna head out. you kids have fun,” lani said, slipping out of the house before hobie could make a quip. 
instead, hobie turned to you and asked, “yo, mind if i crash here for the night?”
“you know you can stay whenever you want, hobie,” you told him, heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner. 
“sweet. i’m going to go settle down and i’ll watch cheeto while you cook.”
that’s sweet of him, you thought. you acknowledged him with a nod and immediately washed your hands.
after steaming up the kitchen and donning a more casual outfit you called the youngins out for dinner. hobie, the gentleman he was, helped you set the table and the three of you ate dinner together as if you were one big family. you didn’t mind it. usually, meadow was fed and asleep by the time you got back from work, so you warmed up whatever lani had cooked and ate alone. if lani had time, she’d stay to chitchat, but what was even more rare was you getting home early enough to eat dinner with your daughter.
you made sure lani had whatever resources she needed to take care of meadow and herself. she insisted that you didn’t need to compensate her, but you didn’t care. you couldn’t thank her enough for stepping in when you couldn’t be there like you wanted.
meadow got sleepy after dinner, like she usually did after eating, and you tucked her in, whispering, “goodnight. mommy loves you very much.”
“goodnight. i love you, too. very much,” meadow said sleepily, snuggling her favorite stuffed animal. it was a dragon named cheeto junior, much to your amusement.
you giggled, pressing a kiss to her forehead and turning on her nightlight before shutting the door behind yourself.
then, you grabbed a plate you’d set aside and wrapped up and you even made a total of twenty steps to the front door before hobie appeared out of nowhere - you could of swore he was washing the dishes a minute ago - and asked nosily, “is that for the miguel guy you’re crushing on?”
“jesus fucking christ, hobie. i’m not crushing on him,” you said, maybe a little in denial. sitting at the table eating dinner with someone other than your shadow made your chest hurt, which factored into the denial. “he just helps out a lot. mows the yard and… stuff.”
“and stuff,” hobie repeated with air quotes, because apparently you needed an echo, as if you weren’t loud enough. “that’s rubbish.”
you groaned, “look, i’m just repaying the favor. not that that’s any of your business. go to sleep, kid.”
hobie threw up his hands, mumbling, “fine, fine. but only because i’m knackered.”
you slipped out the front door, somewhat antsy, not that you would ever admit it. you just got all jittery around miguel for whatever reason. maybe it was because he was attractive, which you had no problem admitting. very attractive.
you remembered the first time meeting him. 
it was a saturday and you were cleaning the kitchen, scrubbing down every surface and wiping every dish clear of stains and clearing out the fridge. you’d only taken your eyes off your daughter for a second before you looked back up and noticed her absence. 
your heart immediately sank with panic. “meadow?” you called out. 
no answer.
you had to have flipped over the entire living room and been on your way to her bedroom before you realized the front door was more than a little cracked just as you passed by the foyer, impenetrable fear spreading through your body like wildfire.
you immediately stepped outside of your house, frantically calling out, “meadow!”
“is this who you’re looking for?”
you spun around eighty degrees, spotting meadow walking through your yard with your neighbor. you sighed out in relief, rushing over to swoop your baby girl in your arms. “sweetheart, i’m so glad you’re okay,” you told her. then, you your tone turned chastising. “don’t you ever leave this house again without me or tt, you hear me?”
meadow looked confused for a split-second, but seeing your brows furrowed with worry and your features tensed with panic, she seemed to have understood that she had messed up somewhere along the line. “‘m sorry, mama.”
you sat her down, noticing the dollar bill in her hand. “now where on earth did you get that?”
“i asked mr. o'hara if i could have a lollipop but he said it’s very bad to take food from strangers, so he gave me a dollar.”
that was when your vision panned to your next-door neighbor, miguel o’hara, who was standing there with a small smile on his face. your eyes were watering and you tried not to let them fall, repeatedly telling him, “thank you.”
miguel shook his head, a palm flat on his hips. “it’s no problem. i just wanted to make sure the little girl got back home safe.”
ever since that moment, you’d been extremely grateful for miguel. to say nothing of the fact that he did a bunch of yard work out of the sheer kindness of his heart. he insisted multiple times that he didn’t need any reward, but you had to argue. there was a chance you might not have ever seen meadow again had he not brought her back to you. if you lost your daughter, you would have nothing left.
so, your idea of compensation happened to be food, which miguel didn’t mind at all. you loved to cook. you used to cook all of the time, every meal from breakfast to dinner.
that was a while ago, though. standing on his front door now with a hot plate in hand, you tried desperately not to go down memory lane. 
not too long after, miguel opened the door and spotted you standing in his doorway. “good evening.”
“good evening, miguel. this is for you,” you said with a polite smile, extending the plate. 
“thank you,” he said graciously, accepting the food with a matching smile. “may i ask what for?”
you didn’t really know the answer yourself. the yard had already been mowed and there didn’t seem to be any other issues that lani couldn’t take care of herself. “just in case you were hungry or something. but if you’re not, you can always save it later.”
“i’m starving,” miguel replied, smiling with his eyes. they were beautiful. much like the rest of him, you might add. his broad shoulders and dark hair and the way his muscles poked out of his t-shirts.
“well, then. that solves that,” you said with a laugh. “have a goodnight, mr. o’hara!”
“you, too!”
miguel watched you back off his doorway, just until he was certain you were safely back in your house. you could feel his eyes on you like a sixth sense, but didn’t dare turn around, shutting your front door behind you.
“you’re seriously telling me you weren’t checking him out?” came hobie’s voice from your couch. 
rather than startle, you took off one of your slippers and said, “you have until the count of five. one, two, three-”
“c’ya,” hobie said, darting down the hall. 
you shook your head and let out a sigh.
miguel shook his head and heaved a breath. 
peter, who had taken a kind of passion to his job, was none too thrilled by the news. “you let a thief wanted in forty-two counties get away?”
“forty-three,” lyla chirped.
miguel glared, on the verge of letting out an animalistic roar. normally, this would be something miguel yelled at the others about, so it was a very unwelcome change of pace. “we have a back-up plan,” miguel reminded, pinching the bridge of his nose. “i’ve got it under control.”
“you sure that you’ve got it under control?” gwen asked, definitely pushing miguel’s buttons in ways that she shouldn’t have. “and not-”
“stop,” miguel hissed. “everyone go. i need to be alone.”
nobody wanted to contend with that tone, so gwen dragged miles out of the room in case miguel decided to take his anger out on him, with peter quickly following. jessica stayed behind, closing the door behind them, and lyla was, well… a computer.
miguel really did have a plan, because of course he did, he was never without one. in fact, not having a plan to follow made him lose his mind. so it was safe to say it wasn’t the fact that his mission had failed that was making him upset. it was you.
“hey,” jessica said, brushing his shoulder. “what’s on your mind?”
“i’m fine,” miguel said a little more harshly than intended, though it was to be expected with him. 
jessica snickered, putting her hands on her hips. “well, when you say it with that mean ‘ole tone of yours, i know you’re lyin’.”
look at him. a grown man sulking. it was hilarious, not that jessica would say that aloud. right now.
not too many people knew the actual plan. jessica knew. lyla knew, because of course she did, but miguel deliberately told the others that the plan was to catch you because you were a threat to the multiverse. which was the half truth, but the part about you potentially destroying the multiverse was just feeder for the birds. he didn’t want them to ruin things.
in reality, he did intend to catch you, but not because you were going to destroy the multiverse. he wanted you to help them save it. he’d been watching you for a while now, gauging your power. battling you for the first time was merely a test. he could have taken you down in no time if he wanted, left you for the cops to grab, but that would only put a dent in his plans.
miguel had seen what you could do. now, he was ready to bring you in.
you were running, a bit more comfortably than last time considering this thiefing ordeal didn’t require you to wear painfully long heels and a dress with a huge slit down the front. just your typical mask. you burst out of the door that led to the rooftop, heaving, given that you’d just ran up what felt like fifty flights of stairs.
you were just about to shapeshift into your signature jet-black raven until you felt something stick at your feet and realized you couldn’t move. glancing down, you saw red webs, and threw your head back with a groan. not good for takeoff, you thought, in spite of the fact that you absolutely could not get caught. maybe you could still fly, but if the webs got stuck to your feathers, it was game over.
spider-man emerged from the shadows of night, moonlight glimmering on his suit. “going somewhere?”
“well, not anymore, looks like,” you grumbled, irritated. 
little did the police know, you had already dropped off the stolen item. so you would still get your next paycheck. though the expenses for having to get you out of jail could’ve potentially taken a toll on it, depending on how benevolent your boss was feeling.
spider-man chuckled, approaching you. “what did you steal this time? an emerald? a ruby?”
“wouldn’t you like to know?” you hissed.
“you got me there,” replied spider-man, although there was a kind of arrogance in his tone that really pissed you off. “i’m not letting you get away this time.”
you cackled, almost like a witch. “you can deter me, spider-man, all you want,” you told him, trying to break out of the webs, but to no avail. “but i’m unstoppable.”
spider-man took one look at you, struggling to free yourself from your restraints, and cackled. “here. let me help.”
you sucked in a breath when his talons started to protrude from the tips of his fingers, but they were gone after the mere three seconds it took for him to slash the thread of string to bits. you stepped back an inch, as if you were testing your freedom. then, you threw him a baffled look behind your mask. there was no reason why the same man trying to catch you just set you free. unless it was a trap.
now was your moment. you could have shapeshifted and been on your merry way, but something told you to stay put. just for now, as if you were going to miss something. 
“i think she went up here, boss!”
hearing those voices, your first instinct was to take flight, but spider-man had different plans and you quietly gasped when he shoved you behind a wall, placing a sheathed hand over your mouth. it was the only part of your mask that wasn’t covered. breathing issues.
there were footsteps. you glanced at spider-man, who was looking at you. the two of you said nothing, but there had to have been a billion thoughts warring through your mind and they each blurred into each other. 
“don’t move a muscle,” spider-man growled, stepping from behind the wall and approaching the police. for whatever reason, you listened, despite the fact that you should have fled while you still had the opportunity. some nerve this guy had telling you what to do.
spider-man donned his friendliest tone, greeting, “everything alright, sheriff?”
“we got a tip that a woman ran this way,” the sheriff said, glancing around the rooftop. now would probably be a great time to shapeshift into a chameleon. or literally any small critter.
“i didn’t see a woman. i can assure you it’s just me up here,” spider-man said, scratching his head. “but i can help you find her.”
the sheriff seemed to mull it over, from the brief pause you noticed him take, but ultimately responded, “no, no, that’s okay. you do enough around here, spider-man. we’ve got this one.”
“alright. you have a good night, sheriff.”
your eyes flickered, hearing the footsteps of the sheriff and his team fade. did spider-man just protect you - again?
“why did you do that?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at him from behind your mask. you didn’t like this guy, if it wasn’t obvious enough. you felt like he was trying to get you off guard, and that made you dig in your heels even more.
“because if anyone’s gonna turn you in, it’ll be me,” spider-man said in a low tone, cornering you against the wall and trapping you in front of his chest. “i want to take you down all by myself.”
you snickered. that had to have been the most amusing thing you’d heard all day. you placed your hands on his shoulders, purring, “really now? you think you can take me down?”
“i know i can,” he told you, his words whispering to you with the rustling of the wind. “and i will.”
“hm,” was all you said, bringing one of your hands down his chest. he sounded so certain. 
spider-man cocked his head. you couldn’t see, obviously, but there was a little grin dancing on his lips. “do you touch every guy like this or am i special?”
“i loved a man once,” you told him. not that it was any of his business. you cloaked the wistfulness in your voice with sultriness. “didn’t end too well for either of us.”
spider-man paused, like he was surprised by the sudden confession, but wasted no time to recover. “is that why you’re here?”
you chewed your lip. he was right on the money. “i’m here because i choose to be.”
“but if you had the chance to be something else, something… better,” spider-man started, tracing your lip with his concealed thumb. “you would take it, right?”
of course, you would. those kind of opportunities just weren’t something everybody was fortunate enough to have. you had it all and then you lost it in the blink of an eye, watching it all crumble before your feet. if you were being honest, you were cheating death.
“i guess we’ll never know,” was all you said before breaking out of his arms and jumping off of the building. 
spider-man watched you, but he knew you would be alright even before he saw the raven come up and disappear into brooklyn’s dark evening sky and he couldn’t tell you apart from a star.
with your line of work, you had quite a few days off. but that was because you didn’t have a fixed schedule, which was a blessing and a curse wrapped into one. when your boss called, you answered. even if it meant having to haul ass out of bed at four in the morning.
today was one of those days off. you insisted lani didn’t need to do anything, sending her money to make sure she was set since she was basically your daughter’s full-time babysitter. you made meadow breakfast, dropped her off at school, and went back home. 
thinking about meadow and if she was safe always made you nervous. since you could afford it these days, you enrolled her in a private school. it didn’t hurt, even if she hates the uniform at first. you just wanted to decrease the chances of something bad happening to her.
miguel was on his front porch when you pulled into the driveway, your houses not significantly far from each other. every now and then, you let your eyes wander, and then you let your mind wonder why a man as fine as himself lived all alone.
“hey,” miguel said, waving you over. “you’re home early.”
“so are you,” you replied, shocked that he was home. this was a man that worked a typical nine-to-five, so he should have been gone longer than you, technically speaking. though he did tend to disappear often. “i admit i was a little curious when i saw your car still parked when i went to drop meadow off.”
“off day,” was all miguel said, flashing you a full set of teeth. jesus fucking christ, this man had a mesmerizing smile. “what are your plans for today, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“oh, you know. just catching up on sleep and throwing something on the stove,” you told him offhandedly. like any other working individual on their day off, you just wanted to rest. “there’s nothing like a nap on a full stomach. what about you?”
miguel rubbed his nape. “well, i was going to do some extra paperwork and some work around the house, but your plan sounds better than mine.”
you chortled, because you couldn’t even politely disagree. “in that case, you can always come over, if you’d like. no one’s home but me and i don’t bite.”
though you didn’t realize until it was too late, miguel had gotten very close to you. you could feel his warmth on your skin, although your bodies didn’t touch. his arm was just shy of yours. “no, no. i couldn’t,” he said. 
you waved him off. “of course, you could. you’re not a parasite, miguel. we both give to each other.”
“are you sure it’s okay?”
“positive. we’re both grown adults. you don’t need anyone’s permission but mine to come over to my house, you know,” you joked.
miguel visibly mulled it over, his brows furrowed in deep thought, almost as though he thought you were going to eat him or something. but then he bobbed his head and said, “sounds like a good time.”
you broke into a smile that you hadn’t made in years, leading miguel to your house. ironically, it was the first time he had been inside. you hadn’t had any indoor issues that you or lani couldn’t take care of on your own so far, which meant he stuck to yardwork. foolishly, you were a little nervous.
“tidy,” miguel remarked while he followed you to your kitchen. you didn’t see the way he smiled at the tiny pairs of shoes on the rack in the foyer. he noticed that there were a lot of pictures of meadow hanging around, ranging from when she was a mere infant until now.
“very. thank god for lani. i used to think i was a good, but that woman is a different breed of clean,” you said after washing your hands, grabbing a bunch of ingredients from your cabinets and refrigerator. 
miguel observed from behind your island, leaning up against it. “you two seem very close.”
“i trust her with my life. and my daughter’s life. she’s like a sister to me,” you told him, smiling. for a split-second, miguel swore he saw something wistful. “she almost was.”
“almost,” you whispered, plopping a bag of peppers onto the counter. 
miguel didn’t press. if you wanted to talk about it, you would. the two of you weren’t exactly close, no matter how blurry the lines between just friends and neighbors had gotten over the years.
reading the room, miguel expertly shifted the subject, “what are you making?”
the stars were back in your eyes as you gushed, “it’s a family recipe. my mother used to make it all the time. i feel bad now for complaining about how much she did when i was a kid. it’s mouthwatering perfection.” you deliberately left out the part that you felt bad because you would never get the chance to eat her food again.
“i hear you,” miguel replied, watching you cut the peppers. he didn’t like how sharp the knife was. “let me help.”
you brushed him off. “it’s fine. sit down.”
“i wasn’t asking,” miguel said sternly, his feet already moving. 
you blinked. “oh. okay.”
miguel maneuvered around the island, grabbing your waist while he walked past you, which admittedly made butterflies flutter in your gut. you chided them, begging them to keep the excitement to a minimum, but it was no use when you saw miguel had rolled up his sleeves and taken the knife out of your hands.
you pretended to look at the vegetables, though it couldn’t have been more obvious that you were watching his bare, exposed forearms and the taut muscles tense with his every movement. then, reminding yourself that there were other things you could have been doing, you tried to concentrate on the meat.
absentmindedly working, your thoughts were still on his arms, though for more chaste reasons. there were some lingering scratches on his skin, like he’d gotten into a fight or two. you wondered if he was taking care of himself. 
something particularly paralyzing hit you when you realized that that was all you could do - wonder. you didn’t really know miguel, nor did he know you, and you had long convinced yourself that it was better that way. you kept your family a distance from others until they bared their souls to you.
miguel was different. there was an air of familiarity to his presence. like he had half a soul that was completed by yours.
after forty minutes of what felt like reckless conversation featuring the two of you cooking instead of the other way around, lunch was ready and it was noon. you offered miguel wine and chattered over a meal and through your wine drunk haze. 
good thing he only lived next door.
“you know, you cook the best food i’ve ever tasted,” miguel told you, not a single sign of insincerity on his face. 
you perked up, glancing at him from across the dining table. what a kind gentleman he had been, refusing to let you set the table. or carry the dishes over. “really?”
“i wouldn’t say it if i didn’t mean it,” he said. “such great flavor.”
“thanks,” you chirped, breaking into a broadening grin. “i’ve been hoping to pass it down to meadow so that the legacy doesn’t die. she loves watching me cook. her grandmother would be proud.”
miguel cocked a brow. “no other family?”
you shook your head, fidgeting with the near-empty wine glass now that you’d finished your meals. “nope. my mother was single, my father is god knows where, so it was just me and her for the longest. and you know how i said lani was almost my sister?”
“mm-hm,” miguel hummed, brows furrowed as a sign he was listening deeply. 
you sucked in a breath. you had never admitted this to anyone before. “she was my fiancé’s sister. he, uh, yeah. work incident. six years ago.”
miguel’s features softened, the ache on your face conspicuous. hurt recognized hurt. he grabbed your hand from underneath the table, gave it a gentle squeeze, and said, “i’m sorry that happened.” 
“me, too,” you mumbled.
you deliberately left out the part that you were involved in that incident. it was a dinner at alchemax with the man you were about to start a family with and his boss, who had sent the rest of the company home. you wished you would have seen it coming, wished you would have known your drinks were spiked before your almost husband sipped from that glass.
the dosage had killed him, but mutated your dna. you should have died. it was a miracle your unborn baby at the time survived. instead, you turned into a shape-shifting entity, a mere test subject.
though there weren’t any signs, you were always wary, wondering if meadow had been affected by the dosage, but the doctors declared her very healthy at birth and during checkups.
“i lost my family, too,” miguel confessed, much to your and his mutual surprise. “i wasn’t always a lonely old man. i had a wife and a daughter.”
that piqued your interest. “have you looked again?”
“have you?”
that was fair. “no,” you said. not particularly, came a voice in your head, but you didn’t let it speak. “mainly because i have a daughter. i’m careful who i bring into her life. and with work, i don’t have the time to do background checks on who i date.”
“you’re a good mother,” miguel said after a moment or two. “meadow is lucky to have you.”
you smiled gently. “i like to think so.”
minutes of conversation turned into hours with miguel, but you didn’t forgo your plans of napping. almost the second you put on the movie, both of you were fast asleep, your head on his shoulder. 
when you woke up again, your head had fallen to his chest and his arm was tightly secured around your waist like a seatbelt. it wasn’t time to pick up meadow, you had set a time just in case you got a little too distracted, but you noticed a text from lani insisting that she would drop your daughter off since she was in the area of her school and wanted you to rest.
for a little while, you let yourself wallow in the feeling of miguel’s warmth and the sound of his soft snores. it wasn’t very often that you actually let yourself enjoy things.
you were too paranoid. too vigilant. it was nice to put your guard down for a second.
the doorbell rang after a while and you felt miguel’s arm flex protectively around you. he was awake.
“it’s lani. she dropped off meadow,” you whispered, feeling his protective grip slacken. your heart fluttered at how instinctively cautious he was over you.
standing to your feet, you opened the door and greeted your daughter. you made small talk with lani at the door before she said she had places to be and drove off. 
“hi, mr. o’hara,” greeted meadow when she entered the living room, plopping on the couch to watch cartoons. 
“hey, cheeto,” miguel greeted gruffly, sitting up. “you don’t have any homework to do?”
“nope,” meadow said, popping the p. “we don’t have homework on friday’s.”
“oh, silly me,” miguel said, making you poorly stifle a laugh.
meadow giggled, too. 
miguel cocked his head at you, standing beside him, leaning against the arm of the chair. “who are you laughing at?”
you raised your arms defensively. “nothing.”
“i said,” miguel started, donning a playfully monster-like tone, probably for meadow’s amusement. you gasped when he switched your positions, though he was rather gentle when he pushed you into the couch. “who are you laughing at?”
when his fingers started to dance over your skin, you couldn’t even get the words out, convulsing in a fit of giggles as he tickled you and pressed you for answers. you squirmed and writhed, laughing uncontrollably.
“meadow,” you called out for help, but she simply covered her ears and kept her eyes glued to the television screen for all the times you tickled her. but you saw her lips twitch into a mischievous grin.
there was almost tears in your ears at this point. miguel’s fingers were merciless, almost killing you with how much they made you laugh. 
“oh my god, miguel, quit it…,” you chanted, your cheeks hurting. 
“what’s the magic word?”
“wrong answer.”
“please,” you blurted, a line of tears rolling down your face as you writhed beneath him. “please!”
miguel let up, at last pulling back from your frame as your chest heaved and you tried to catch your breath. meadow lifted up her hand and high-fived miguel, both of them looking like nothing but trouble.
miguel plopped back on the couch, asking, “are you okay?”
“i almost pee’d myself,” you admitted through ragged breaths. 
both miguel and meadow laughed. 
once you could breathe again, you called meadow into the kitchen for an after school snack since she insisted that she wasn’t very hungry. “mom,” she called out, standing beside you. “a boy told me he liked me at school today.”
any other parent would have had a heart attack, but you knew your daughter well enough, and asked expectantly, “and what did you say?”
“that he’s icky,” she told you with a straight face. 
you snickered in amusement. “atta girl.”
“do you like mr. o’hara?”
now that almost gave you a heart attack, but you feigned some kind of semblance of calm, asking, “what makes you think that?”
“it just looks like it,” meadow chirped, but she was quick to get distracted by the snacks in the pantry and asked for a blueberry muffin.
but that was the million dollar question. did you like miguel o’hara?
“it’s about time you got here,” was the first thing hobie said when you arrived at the warehouse.
the abandoned warehouse was rusty and run-down, and it wasn’t too much of a leap to make that it hadn’t been used in years. you swore you saw a critter scurry away upon your entrance.
“hello to you too, hobie,” you greeted levelly. “cutting to the chase, where’s michael fontana? you didn’t leave a live body alone, did you?”
hobie scoffed, “ay, do i look like an amateur to you? follow my lead.”
you followed hobie through the warehouse littered with clutter, boxes cast aside that were presumably filled with old junk and spiders. the job was supposed to easy. tie the guy up, press him for answers, and relay the information. it could have been a one-person job, but your boss preferred having multiple witnesses.
hobie’s fingers curled around a doorknob, turning it and pushing the door open. but the room was void of life. your brows furrowed, glancing up at hobie, uttering, “there’s nobody here…”
you screamed when you felt somebody grab you from behind, assuming it was an escaped michael fontana. this is why you don’t hire nineteen-year-olds, you thought grumpily to yourself.
struggling in his arms, you shouted to your partner, “hobie, the gun!”
hobie didn’t move a muscle, much to your shock, shooting you an apologetic wince. “sorry, mate. it’s nothing personal. i actually like you,” he said. “but boss’ order.”
you glanced back, the sting of brutal betrayal settling in with the mind-numbing realization that the person grabbing you wasn’t michael fontana.
before you could shapeshift, you felt a needle poke your arm and hissed, just a grand total of seconds before your body went slack and the world around you vanished.
when you regained consciousness, the first thing you noticed was how bright it was in whatever room you were in, sunlight filtering through the blinds. the second thing you noticed was that your hands were cuffed behind the back of whatever chair you were now sitting in, followed by the pain flaring through your right arm. 
glancing around, you opened your winced eyes. an interrogation room with an outdoor window. that was a first.
“she’s awake!” you heard someone calling out, craning your head to spot two teenagers. if you had to guess, they didn’t look over seventeen. the boy waved, but the girl tugged his hand back down.
they must have heard someone coming, but they moved out of the way, letting them cross the threshold between their room and yours, the door already open. like they knew for certain that there was no way you could escape.
spider-man came to sit in front of you, across from you. your last memory was of him standing behind you. you narrowed your eyes, sneering, “you.”
you didn’t wonder how he knew who you are, remembering hobie had betrayed you. he must have been ratting you out for the longest. marsai had been looking into how spider-man seemingly always knew when and where you’d strike, but found nothing. you guessed you had your answer.
“not me,” spider-man said, deactivating his mask. “me.”
shock paralyzed you, not that you could move very much in the first place. this had to be some kind of dream. or, better yet, a nightmare. “miguel?” you gasped.
it all made sense now. the disappearances at random hours of the day and ungodly hours of the night. the scratches and bruises you sometimes noticed on his skin, and lord knows you hadn’t even seen half of them. it was because he was out fighting evil, out fighting you. 
“i’m not your enemy,” miguel said, his voice stern like it had been in your kitchen.
“yes, because only my ally would set me up, drug me, and cuff me to a chair,” you droned, voice dripping with sarcasm.
you shifted as much as you could,  uncomfortable at the thought of being drugged. the last time it happened, you lost a fiancé, the future you always wanted, and - on the brink of death - turned into a shape-shifting creature. you were also a little hurt, not that you would show it on the surface. you’d trusted miguel, even liked him, much to your daughter’s suspicion.
wondering how long he knew was even more maddening. this man was posing as your kind next-door neighbor all the while knowing where you were and what you did when you left your home everyday. and all of it was for what - to capture you and cage you like an animal?
miguel lolled his neck. you could see the exhaustion in his eyes, weighing him down. “it was for your own good. you would have tried to shapeshift and get away from me, no?”
you chewed your lip, saying nothing. you didn’t want to admit that he was right. much to miguel’s amusement. 
“about that,” came one of the two teenagers, the boy, you noticed. “we really wanted to ask you about being a shapeshifter. i mean, that’s so cool. i’ve never met a shapeshifter before.”
“most people haven’t, kid,” you said stiffly. “who are you two?”
“i’m miles morales,” the boy introduced himself, stretching out his hand for you to shake. 
wiggling your fingers behind your back, you droned, “my hands are kinda tied here, kid. literally.”
miles made a face, immediately rushing to uncuff you after miguel unceremoniously tossed him the key. 
“i’m gwen stacy,” the girl said as your cuffs slackened and your hands were freed. “can you please tell us what it’s like to be a shapeshifter?”
“no, no, and no,” miguel said for you, clearly against the idea for whatever reason. 
“but why?” gwen pressed. then, an idea hit her and she looked to you, continuing, “miguel didn’t mean any harm. he has a good reason for doing all of this.”
“i’d sure like to hear it,” you mumbled under your breath.
“miguel hasn’t really told us, either,” miles added. “i mean, i thought-”
gwen covered miles’ mouth before he could say anything that would undo and hender their progress and convincing either you or miguel. 
from the looks if it, though, miguel was unimpressed to begin with, a blank look on his face. “whatever you’re trying to do, gwen, it’s not working.”
“it’s her choice,” gwen reminded, returning her attention to you and clasping her hands together against her chest. “please, please, please? we won’t bother you ever again.”
you glanced at miguel, who was glancing at you, both of you trying to read each other. there seemed to be a telepathic communication going on between you both before miguel visibly relented and you said, “alright, fine. go ahead. shoot.”
“can you shapeshift into anything?”
“animals and other humans, but not objects. and only living things that i’ve stored dna from.”
“do your senses get enhanced, like superhuman?”
“my senses depend on whatever - or whoever - i’m inhabiting,” you explained. “like, if i were to shapeshift into a bat, my hearing would be keener. but when it comes to humans, i only don their appearance.”
“do you have weaknesses?”
“next question,” you mumbled. of course, you did. your abilities were impaired when you were sick or injured, and downright disarmed it you consumed or came into close contact with something that you were allergic to. it was your kryptonite, not that anyone needed to know that.
“how long can you stay in shapeshifting form?”
“depends on my health.”
“alright, that’s enough,” miguel said. “both of you. out.”
strangely enough, miles and gwen didn’t argue, seemingly content with your answers. they bid you goodbye and left the room chattering amongst themselves.
you cocked your head, meeting miguel’s stare. “well, cap, what’s your motive?”
miguel got comfortable in his chair, like he was about to give you a monologue. “you’ve been on our radar since you mutated. i was going to just lock you up and throw you with the others at first, since i assumed you were hurting innocent people.”
“you think daddy’s boy and his family are innocent?” you asked with a hint of amusement. 
“rodney malone-fisk?” 
you groaned at that name. “you call him rodney. i call him a spoiled brat.”
“i know what his family did to you. what they took from you,” miguel started, making all the blood drain from your face. “your fiancé didn’t just die in a work incident. he was killed as a lab rat. fisk was trying to test out a mix that would grant him dimension-traveling abilities but it ended up being a shape-shifting solution instead. you were supposed to die, too, but the dosages weren’t measured properly.”
you said nothing. there was nothing that you could say. just thinking about it made tears sting your eyes.
miguel grabbed your hand over the table, squeezed it like he had the other day. there was tenderness he had for you that he hadn’t felt in a long time. you understood him. “you know why i asked if you had the chance to be something better, would you take it? because i know that you’re more than this. you’re not a bad person. you just do bad things to survive.”
“i can’t,” you whispered, swatting his hand away. “everything i touch, i destroy.”
that miguel understood on levels he didn’t want to nor care to admit.
you fought the tears with all your might. after your fiancé died, you lost everything you had. except for your family. you had meadow and lani and built a safe haven for them from the ground up, swearing to protect them with your whole heart.
“i want to give you that chance,” miguel said stoically. “on a silver platter. i want you to join us.”
your eyes flickered. “join you? to do what?”
“you obviously have useful skill that could be put to better use. but kingpin and his son are going to destroy your universe as you know it if nobody stops him. and if anyone deserves to take him down, it’s you.”
that got your attention. kingpin wanted to destroy the universe? your fiancé always talked about his boss wanting to cross different dimensions, but you never thought it was humanly possible.
though considering you could shapeshift, you figured anything was possible nowadays. but your major concern was your daughter, your eyes widening with the realization that you should have been with her already. you could feel a tingle, sensing that something just wasn’t right. 
you didn’t say a word as you immediately hopped to your feet and ran out of the door, miguel immediately giving chase, but you ultimately disappeared into a crowd of spider-people and although it couldn’t have been too hard to differentiate you from them, you were already on the loose.
running as fast as you could, you didn’t stop, although you didn’t really know where you were going and with all the many spider-people roaming around that resembled each other, it felt as though you were running in circles.
then, you came face-to-face with hobie, and scowled.
“move,” you hissed. 
hobie called out your name. “ay, mate, no hard feelings.”
“all the feelings i have for you right now are hard,” you snarled, pushing past him. you would be affording miguel the same amount of animosity when you were certain your daughter was safely in your arms. right now, he was in your way, and anyone stopping you from being with your kid was going to be met with a snappy attitude.
“wait,” hobie called out behind you. 
you turning around, pointing an accusing finger towards him, and snapped, “i was supposed to be back with my child by now and because of you i’m not. so unless you’re going to help me get to her, i suggest you move out of my way.”
“that guy sucks anyway,” hobie said, not having to even think about which option he preferred. “follow me.”
you hesitated, because he was the whole reason that you were even here, but eventually followed him down the hallway, careful to move quiet and stealthily. you were also wary that it could be trap, but truth be told, you had no other way out.
though you probably should have questioned how or why it was so many of them, that was the last thing on your mind. lani was probably worried sick about you. you didn’t have a clue what time it was, but it didn’t take a genius to know that hours had passed, and you said you would be home way before now. 
the hall broadened towards its end where you saw a gathering of spider-people, all looking like they were scouting somebody out. “blast, he’s got them looking for you,” hobie grumbled under his breath. he walked you back around a corner and handed you something around his wrist. “here, take this.”
“what the hell is that?”
“it’s a wristband. it’ll open a portal to your universe. but you’ve gotta go now,” hobie explained, tapping some kind of button. 
you were more than a little surprised when an orange warp portal opened.
“go,” hobie said, glancing around for anybody. “i’ve got your six.”
hearing footsteps approaching, you neared the portal and almost entered, but there was a gnawing question that you couldn’t ignore. you whipped around, asking, “where do your loyalties lie?”
“in myself,” hobie answered without a second of hesitation. “and in the people that mean the most to me.”
you scoffed. “what happened to boss’ order?”
“i’m my own boss. that was in your best interest,” hobie replied, leaning against the wall. “c’mon. get outta here.”
turning around, you sucked in a breath, and walked through that portal. 
you returned right back at your house, just near the road. glancing around, nothing looked too out of the ordinary. lani’s car was parked in the driveway, meaning she had to have been there. didn’t she?
running to your house with all of your speed, you prepared to search yourself for your keys, only for your heart to drop when you realized that the door was already wide open.
heart racing, you burst through the foyer, and the first thing you saw when you entered your living room was lani sprawled out on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath her. 
“lani,” you gasped out, crouching down beside her. 
lani’s eyes were fluttering, a tremble in her weak voice as she whispered, “i tried to stop them.”
“stop who?” you asked, trying to stop the blood flow. she had been shot, lying here for only god knew how long. you threw off your jacket and pressed it to her gut, apologizing when she winced out in pain. 
“kingpin’s men,” she croaked. “they took meadow. they want you.”
you gritted your teeth, bristling with anger. hadn’t that man taken enough from you? you let him get away with killing your fiancé, but your daughter was crossing the line and you’d show him the mistake he’d made. even if it cost you everything. “where?” you asked. 
lani lifted up her arm, and that was when you noticed that it was also coated in blood, but there were symbols carved into her skin. 
it was the symbol of an abandoned alchemax building.
“go,” lani said, tensing as though it took all of her strength to say that one syllable. your fingers were clenched into fists. you would kill everyone involved with your bare hands if you had to. 
“no,” you balked, shaking your head. “i can’t leave you like this.”
lani grabbed your hand, lacing her fingers through yours. “your daughter is more important.”
thinking about what they could have been doing to meadow right now made you shudder with a fear you had never felt before. 
“i’ll take her to a hospital,” came a voice from behind you. you turned immediately, recognizing it. there stood miguel, still clad in his spider-man suit. “go save your daughter. i’ve already sent the team.”
you stood, coming face-to-face with miguel, and hissed, “if anything happens to her…”
“i know,” miguel said, as if he understood you wholeheartedly. “go.”
miguel scooped lani up into his arms, and it hurt you when she hissed in pain. you turned to her. “i’ll come back for you.”
lani smiled weakly. “i know you will.”
and with that, you were out the door, shapeshifting into your signature raven and flying across town.
the abandoned alchemax wasn’t exactly old. it was the building where your fiancé was killed and they covered up the incident as the result of faulty equipment, which ultimately led them to build an entirely new facility. you landed on top of the building that somehow hadn’t been demolished yet, transforming back into yourself when your feet were against the ground.
there wasn’t really an entrance all the way up here. the rooftop door was blocked and bolted as preventative measures. guess i’ve got to make my own door, you told yourself, undeterred.
spotting a stray piece of metal debris, you wielded the pipe in your hands. there was always the option of the lower-level entrances, if you wanted to get caught immediately. kingpin’s men were probably staking the place out, waiting to ambush.
you stepped back, holding the pipe, and charged towards the door as you shattered the window open, glass shards flying everywhere. cautiously stepping over the glass, you fitted your way through the gap you’d created, craning your head downwards until your feet plopped against the floor.
you were in. 
there were two halls on either side of you and though you didn’t really know which one went where, you followed your gut and took the path to your right.
the whole place was eerily dark and empty. duh, it’s abandoned, you cogitated. not that it made things any better. all you could hear was yourself, your own feet against the cold floor, though it would be naive to believe you were truly alone.
someone was here. kingpin’s men were everywhere but nowhere at the same time, waiting for you to make yourself known. and miguel had told you that he sent the team that should have been here by now, making you wonder how they got in and if they’d been detected.
you couldn’t explain it, but it felt like you were being watched, like there was somebody on your heels ready to strike you in your back when you least expected it. though to be honest, you always felt that way. always alert. never safe.
what you would give to live in peace again, to rest your heart and mind even for just a second. but you couldn’t afford not to be careful, not when you had a daughter to live for.
walking by a door, you cried out in shock when somebody grabbed your arm in pulling you inside, instinctively shapeshifting into a venomous creature, but withdrawing when you saw that it was only hobie and his friends.
“i almost killed you,” you hissed to him after donning your normal appearance again.
hobie threw his hands off, feigning innocence. 
there were two people you didn’t recognize tagging along with them. gwen shut the door, while a lady approached you, introducing, “i’m jessica. i work with miguel. and listen, we really need your help.”
your brows furrowed. “what’s going on?”
“kingpin’s making this weird space-traveling machine that’s really a doom machine because he’s gonna kill everyone,” some kid rambled. “oh, i’m pavitr.”
miles looked surprised, like nobody told him what was going on, and asked, “you got evil kingpin in your universe, too?”
“unfortunately,” you mumbled. 
“he’s out of control. he doesn’t know what he’s doing,” gwen told you frantically. “we’re making a device that will deactivate the accelerator but it’s taking some time.”
“so what?” you asked, trying to get to the point. “you want me to stall him?”
“he’s got cheeto,” hobie reminded. “there ain’t no telling what he’ll do to her if somebody doesn’t stop him.”
you gritted your teeth, filled with unadulterated rage. god, you felt murderous. you tried to speak levelly, “so, what’s the plan?”
“we split up into pairs,” jessica said. “we find where he has the accelerator. that’s where he’s keeping your daughter.”
hobie declared, “i dibs miles.”
miles didn’t protest. jessica insisted it was best if the younger ones were supervised, so she volunteered to take pavitr and the device that they were cooking. which left you with gwen. “guess it’s just you and me, kid,” you said, stepping out of the room.
“i think it’s really cool that you can shapeshift,” gwen told you while you stealthily crept down a hall with her. “i mean, it sucks how it happened to you, but…”
“shh,” you whispered, tugging her behind a wall. she seemed surprised, but then she heard the footsteps, too.
someone was coming.
“i’m gonna do something really weird,” you told her lowly. “and i need you to play along.”
“what are you…”
you shapeshifted into kingpin. 
“oh my god. that is really weird,” gwen mumbled. 
you grabbed her arm none too gently, reminding her to play along, and approached the man that was working for kingpin. “found this one lurking around.”
“i knew i heard something from over here,” the guy said, shooting gwen a scowl. “you want me to take her off your hands, boss?”
“take her to the accelerator. now,” you ordered, handing gwen over, who was doing a good job at looking dejected. “i’ll follow behind.”
the man didn’t hesitate to follow orders, leading you to the room where the accelerator was. that was far too easy. 
it was a lot of walking. apparently the accelerator was at the very bottom of the building, beneath the first floor, heavily guarded by kingpin’s men. it was a good thing you were wearing something even better than a hyper realistic costume.
the room was white and starkly bright compared to every other inch of the place, though all of that could be chalked up to the fact that it was the only room in the whole building currently using energy. and lots of it, too.
when you finally saw your daughter sitting in a small cage above the accelerator, between bars like an animal, you almost killed everyone in the room. instead, you kept your cool, ordering the dude to unhand gwen.
“anything else, boss?”
just as you opened your mouth to speak, the unimaginable happened. the door swung open, revealing the real kingpin, who seemed more than baffled when he saw you standing there. until it hit him that he knew of a shapeshifter. 
“you fool,” kingpin bellowed, glaring at the man. “that’s her!”
“fuck,” you swore under your breath. 
the man turned to you, watching you visibly break into a sweat, and called out, “hey, you’re not my boss!”
that cry got the attention of everyone in the room, all of kingpin’s very armed men. you gave gwen a look and shouted, “now!”
gwen started to shoot webs, restraining men that turned to put their weapons on you, and you shapeshifted into a wolf, attacking the man that had been under the impression that you were his boss until he was nothing but a bloody course. 
and the cycle repeated. kingpin ordered more of his men to move in and attack you, keeping his distance seeing as you were currently in a form of a wolf that could bite his head off if she so pleased. some of his men took him somewhere else in the room, away from you, and crowded him defensively. 
all the while, your five-year-old daughter was watching. she was almost six, and she was brilliant, and she was watching you attack with something that surprisingly wasn’t fear. almost like she thought she was watching a movie of some sorts, anticipating the next scene.
you were trying to get to her, but kingpin had made it so that if you really wanted to, you would have to get through him first.
blood quickly started to pool around and it wasn’t yours. there were bodies everywhere, dropping like flies. though you desperately wanted to cover your daughter’s eyes and spare her from the horror of seeing multiple people die at your hands in real time, you were in too deep of a rage to stop and nothing would keep you from fighting.
then, it happened. you didn’t move quick enough. the bullet tore right through you, making you howl out, and you glitched back into your true form. the wound was there, blood dripping around your calf.
gwen gasped, coming to your side, but she was caught and forcibly restrained. 
“mom!” meadow cried out, gripping the metal cage bars. 
kingpin cackled in amusement. “bravo, bravo. you know, i really do have to applaud the show you put on right there. this could have been painless if you would have just complied.”
“let my daughter go,” you snarled with vitriol. 
“i will,” kingpin said, like she was the most insignificant part of this little scheme of his. “after you give me what i want.
“what don’t you understand? i don’t have anything,” you shouted, fingers reaching to your wound and becoming stained in your own blood. “you took everything from me!”
“the code, woman. what’s the code?” kingpin hissed. “your fiancé was working on it. he cracked it. the code to the accelerator.”
for a second, you genuinely had no idea what he was talking about, until it hit you. your fiancé talked at length about a device at work that he’d been programming under his boss’ order, but he wanted to sabotage it. he said that it was unsafe. that kingpin didn’t realize the mistake he was making. it was an underdeveloped device that could destroy the whole planet.
you quickly realized he’d been talking about the accelerator. he’d worked many long days and nights on it and still thought that it wasn’t ready for use. that was what kingpin had been developing for all these years, completing your fiancé’s unfinished business.
“damn that code,” you snapped irritably.
kingpin was furious, and started to ramble, “your fiancé died at his own hand. he signed a contract. it isn’t my fault that the mix killed him, but if you don’t telling me everything i need to know about this damn machine, i’ll kill you and i’ll kill-”
“boss,” interjected one of kingpin’s men. 
“don’t you hear me speaking?” roared kingpin. 
“but boss, the baby,” the man started. “she’s gone.”
kingpin’s eyes flitted up to the cage, immediately noticing the absence of your five-year-old daughter. “what? how did she escape? what did you do?”
“i didn’t do anything, boss, i swear! i…”
the man’s words interrupted by a blood-curdling cry as a small but ferocious animal attacked him to the ground.
it was a baby wolf. and more importantly, it was your baby.
“capture that thing!” roared kingpin. 
not on your watch. you mustered the strength to rise to your feet, snatching a gun out of the man closest to you and briefly knocking him out with it just before doing a complete three-sixty and shooting in every direction.
all the while, meadow was agile and too quick on her feet, and it didn’t hurt that she was super tiny. you jogged over to gwen, wincing as you limped over, dropping to the ground to avoid facing the barrels of guns and shooting at the men that were restraining her.
gwen wiggled her arm, probably sore from how tightly they were holding her. “thanks.”
“thank me later,” you said, panting for breath.
“wait!” gwen called out behind you. “you’re hurt. can you still shift?”
you exhaled a sigh. “remember when you asked me about my weaknesses?”
when you turned around, you saw meadow still kicking ass. just a second later, one of kingpin’s men grabbed her and your maternal instincts immediately kicked in, ignoring all of your pain and suffering to parade over there and take action.
it was like you blacked out. you didn’t even know what happened. one second, you were marching over there, and the next, meadow was safely in your arms and the guy that had dared to lay his bare hands on her was floored with more than a couple of broken bones and was certainly no longer breathing.
“are you okay?” you asked, cradling her to your bosom. 
meadow nodded, nestling closer to you. you were almost elated to tears, unable to describe the relief you felt knowing that she was okay. though it was a shock, you were pleasantly surprised that she had inherited your ability. 
worried, but pleasantly surprised.
“do i need to make any other examples of what happens when you come between a mother and her child?” you shouted out, watching a couple of men cower.
in the next second, there was another shattering noise, like the one when you broke into the building through the window. and then you quickly realized that it was a window being smashed into, fractured glass pelting everywhere.
there was a blur of blue and red, but you still recognized it, especially when the intruder’s feet skidded across multiple faces, successfully knocking them out, until he dropped his red string and came to a land before you.
“miguel,” you gasped, more than a little surprised.
“lani is fine. they said she’ll make it,” he said, knowing that you would ask. that was what was most important to you right now. “i didn’t leave her alone. her mother came.”
you nodded, content with that. you weren’t on speaking terms with lani’s mother - she’d never liked you - but you knew she cared for her children deeply and that was all that mattered in that moment.
“oh, how sweet. a reunion,” kingpin barked sarcastically, looking at you both with pure hatred.
miguel’s jaw clenched noticing your injured form, and he immediately caged you and your daughter behind him, bellowing back, “we can either make this really easy or really hard.”
kingpin cackled. “hilarious! i was thinking the same thing.”
miguel growled, reaching for the person nearest to him, and you covered meadow’s eyes when he went to rip them to literal shreds. she had shapeshifted back to normal now, still as tiny as ever, though.
dropping the guy’s remains, miguel glanced around, red eyes making contact with the startled ones of kingpin’s men. he didn’t have to say anything else. they all immediately surrendered, even the ones intended to be defending kingpin. 
“you know, good help is really hard to find these days,” kingpin groaned.
“save it, doucheface,” gwen said, swooping in to wrap him in her webs.
the doors burst open, revealing jessica and pavitr holding an orange, radiating deactivator, followed by hobie and miles.
jessica gave a nod. “it’s ready.”
“catch!” exclaimed pavitr, throwing the device in the air. 
you caught it in your hands. if anybody deserved to destroy this machine, it was you. and you wanted to do it with kingpin helplessly watching, just like how you watched your fiancé die in front of your own eyes, unable to help.
“say goodbye to this piece of shit, kingpin,” you taunted, handing meadow over to miguel as you approached the accelerator. 
“no!” kingpin roared, restlessly flailing in his restraints, but to no avail. 
nothing felt as satisfying as when you latched the deactivator on the accelerator. the whole machine started to groan, jerking in place, and you backed away. the surface started to crystallize and you watched in pure uncertainty of if this was even going to work. 
for a whole minute, the entire room was deadly silent, only watching. like nobody could tell if it was starting up or breaking down. then, it started to ebb out, atom by atom.
piece by fucking piece.
“it’s over!” gwen exclaimed. 
you bobbed your head. it really was over. this was closure.
“i’ll handle him,” jess volunteered with a sigh, throwing kingpin an unimpressed look before glancing between you and miguel. “y’all got things to hash out.”
you avoided miguel’s eyes.
it felt like hours that you were waiting inside the hospital lobby, so the second that the nurse came up to you and told you that lani was finally available for visiting, you politely thanked her and attempted to rush the whole way to her room with meadow in yours arms.
“lani,” you exhaled when you opened the door to her room. 
“hi,” lani rasped. she was hooked to lots of different things, paler than usual. though, to be fair, she did almost die. meadow rushed over, handing her a bouquet. “oh, wow, are these for me?”
meadow bobbed her head, beaming proudly. “i picked them all by myself.”
though her every moment was obviously taxing, lani flashed a smile. “you have a great eye, meadow. how’d you know tt loves pink?”
meadow giggled. 
you stepped closer, feeling your heart warm and a tear escape your eye, but you quickly wiped it. “i’m so sorry.”
lani gave you a displeased look. “oh, quit it. this is absolutely not your fault.”
“but it is,” you insisted. “i should have known this day would come. it could have been avoided. you should have left town like your mom or...”
lani called out your name and grabbed your hand with all of her strength. “hey, hey, hey. listen to me. you are my sister and i love you so much. i don’t care what the law says or what happened and what didn’t. there is nothing that would stop me from being there for you and i’d take so many bullets for you both.”
your eyes dampened with tears. 
“it already happened. it’s over,” lani whispered. “let it go.”
you bobbed your head, squeezing her hand back. she was the strongest women you knew, though you had a feeling she would have a contrasting opinion.
meadow inspected the stitches on lani’s arm. “tt, what are you going to do about the stitches?”
lani made a face, as if to say that that was a good question. “well, that scar is for sure never going to fade away and i will indefinitely have some scientific research company’s symbol craved into my skin, but on the plus side, i ironically think i’m officially over my fear of needles. so i’ll probably get a tattoo.”
meadow’s eyes were glimmering and she looked to you. “mommy, can i get a tattoo?”
“when you’re old enough, sweetheart,” you cooed, gently patting her on the back.
meadow pouted.
you threw lani a skeptical look, scoffing, “you of all people are seriously thinking about getting a tattoo?”
“not just thinking about it. i’ve decided,” lani told you matter-of-factly. “i figured that if i could survive a knife in my skin, then a needle is nothing. it’s like i unlocked a superpower.”
you shook your head in disbelief. leave it to lani to always make something out of nothing and the best out of everything. “speaking of unlocking superpowers, you won’t believe what happened today...”
lani furrowed her brows, trying to guess, but when she saw you wiggle yours, all the pieces came into place. “no way.”
you grinned. “yes way.”
“i want to see,” lani said, glancing towards meadow. 
“she can’t do it on command yet. trust me, we tried,” you replied with a chortle. “but i saw it with my own eyes. my baby’s got a gift.”
lani breathed out a sigh of bliss. “she sure does.”
speaking of gifts, there was a knock on your door, followed by an exclamation of, “special delivery!”
you recognized that voice, and seemingly so did lani from the smile on her face. even meadow looked happy. you went to go open the door, revealing miguel, dressed in normal clothes for a change. 
he approached lani, carrying a care package that he sat on her bedside. “i hope i’m not intruding. i wanted to give you a get well soon gift. i got you some chocolates in there, by the way, but don’t eat them too soon. they make your blood sugar levels increase, i heard.”
he definitely heard that from lyla, but he wasn’t going to mention that part.
“thank you, miguel,” lani said, glimpsing through the bag. “how you’d know i love ferrero?”
“someone mentioned it in passing,” miguel said, scratching his nape. 
your heart fluttered. he remembered something that you mentioned in passing?
lani nodded in approval, ever so grateful. there were also some soft blankets in there on top of other things. “well, i appreciate it.”
“it’s no problem,” miguel responded, then he glanced towards you, an unreadable look in his eyes. “we need to talk.”
“right,” you drawled. “lead the way.”
miguel turned his back, heading for the door. before you walked out, lani mouthed to you, “he’s a keeper.”
your heart skipped a beat. 
you closed the door behind yourself, looking up to meet miguel’s eyes. “well?”
miguel kissed you. in front of all of the hospital staff roaming the halls, in front of the loose patients, but you didn’t care. all you gave a damn about was his lips on yours and the way his broad shoulders felt in your palms. it was slow and sensual, a first kiss between lovers.
nothing else mattered in that moment. you forgot all of your pain and agony, all of your fears and woes. you forgot the past because you were so deeply rooted in that moment that nothing else occurred to you anymore.
when you two parted to breathe, you jokingly rasped, “i sure like the way you speak.”
miguel chuckled, placing a hand on his hip, before he sobered. “listen to me. i know i lied to you, but i wasn’t doing it to hurt you.”
“i know,” you whispered. “i’m not mad anymore. but i’m not sorry for storming out. my baby...”
“i know,” miguel finished. like he knew the feeling. “she means the world to you. and lani.”
you nodded. 
“i’m… i’m sorry for taking you away from them. she might’ve been okay if i hadn’t,” miguel apologized, much to his own shock. you unlocked sides of him that nobody else had seen, pieces of him he didn’t even know were still there.
“it already happened. it’s over,” you whispered, as a wise woman had once told you. it was water under the bridge. “let it go.”
miguel almost seemed nervous, which was a surprise. you had literally never seen this man nervous.
grabbing his hand and inching closer to his chest, you asked softly, “did you mean it? when you said you lost your family?”
miguel swallowed. “yes. i know how it feels.”
“then you know that it’s hard,” you started, scrambling for words. “you know, reopening yourself to people. being vulnerable. becoming a slave to your feelings because you don’t want to risk getting hurt again.”
miguel was silent, but you knew from the look in his eyes that he understood you completely. 
“but i want to give it a try with you,” you said, voice hardly the frequent beeping scattered along the hospital floor. “and the team.”
miguel’s eyes widened. “you want…”
“yes,” you cut him off. “i want to be on the team. although, i’m not sure how i’ll fit in. i’m not a spider-thing after all.”
miguel groaned, “who gives a damn? i’ll change the whole name for you.”
you giggled, wrapped your hands around his waist.
miguel found himself doing the same to you, holding you as he stared at you with all the affections a man had to offer. he just couldn’t wrap his head around it, or what it meant for the two of you, but he knew you’d both figure it out. 
“you’re always welcome to be a part of my family,” you whispered gently, voice muffled against his shirt, though he heard you loud and clear. 
miguel’s eyes fluttered closed, holding onto you like he never wanted to let go, like he’d finally found a refuge in you. somewhere where he felt safe enough to let go. “you’re a part of mine now, too.”
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despairots · 9 months
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a special oneshot!
description, it’s special to know how the other feels. to communicate is the best, though, dazai isn’t one for words but it’s fine, you’re the same. neither of you can put the feelings you have into words.
— story contains, angst, established relationship, swearing, suicide mentions, depressing talks, “no longer human” connections i think?, r! psychoanalysis’s i guess?, mental health, trauma talking, character deaths, if i missed anything let me know! gender neutral! reader.
“why are you writing this?” bc dazai is one of the characters i heavily relate to on another level. hes so much different from mizuki akiyama and satoru gojo. and this is just me talking a lot about dazai’s character and analyzing him… btw, r! wears a black blazer (or leather jacket) white button up with a black waist coat, either brown shorts or pants (maybe black of u want), underneath the shorts or pants are like black tights and slip on penny loafers.
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long before you started dating dazai, there was an obvious connection that you only saw and felt. obviously, you were friends during those time periods because you worked in the same place, everyone there were friends.
though, the friendship you two had were entirely different from the rest, had the same humour but showing it differently. you wouldn’t lie and say that dazai flirting with you just to ask for a double suicide didn’t concern you, because it did. there’s no doubt that he’ll try and eventually succeed (although, death doesn’t accept him).
there’s nothing that can kill this man, no matter how hard he tries. you picked that up during one of his failed attempts, it almost succeeded if kunikida wasn’t there, you thanked him a ton. all he said in response is that; “i have to look over that idiot one way or another.” no matter how much dazai annoys his coworkers, they still care.
when dazai tries to commit and somewhat fails, it’s almost like he’s punishing himself for still being alive. you know his past, after all, you were in port mafia with him, even though you two didn’t work together or how he didn’t know you during that time, you sure knew him.
he was surrounded by death, in the port mafia and the ada, it follows him yet never accepts it’s his time to come to the afterlife. he makes these plans that somewhat end up succeeding though he hurts himself in the process, always worrying you. what if eventually death actually accepts him at some point?
dazai has been extraordinarily smart every since he was a kid to the point where he’s been dehumanized by dubbing him; “the demon prodigy”. you didn’t know anything about his parents, you did know what drove him to be tired of living. he’s tired living, bored by life and the people around him, to him, they are easily predictable and manipulated that nothing can surprise him.
he can’t find sense to the world but most importantly, he doesn’t find sense in life, he ends up reverting to extensional depression, continuing the cycle he lives in.
dazai has been exploited ever since he was 14 and taken into the port mafia by mori. he was kept alive by mori, by chuuya, by everyone. he was used until there was nothing left. he never had any love nor hope (that he’d ever have someone to understand him) until a friend he later brought up to you, oda.
he truly believed he deserved everything that happened to him in the port mafia.
you believe that younger dazai never believed that he could be better, but if he’s changing now than he always had the ability to change, just never tried. he was sure the mafia was the only fate he had and the only place to escape of living.
then oda died. dazai was free, with ango’s help of wiping his criminal records. without ango’s help, he would’ve never been free from mafia, though he knows his past will always haunt him, he’s accepted that. he also knows that his indebted to ango, he knows he owes him.
since oda’s death, dazai’s trust had ran thin and he’s always on guard, his ability to open up to anyone had been cut off because he can not lose anyone again. the things he cares about and didn’t wanna lose, is lost the moment he gains it.
his plans always evolve other people, rather to manipulate or exploit. you don’t blame him, if it meant surviving, you would do it too.
he is someone who jokes but never opens up nor can be his true self. he’s a wreck who will drag anyone else down with him, that was a price you had to pay for dating him. he repulsed the idea of love and being in a relationship with you because of how he’ll be afraid of losing you.
dazai dated you as a joke, to see how thing will end, until he realized that you were somewhat different. you were always one step of ahead, had almost the same ability that involved contact, and you had this missing glint in your eyes. that’s just the surface though.
dazai knows there’s more to you— he doesn’t know about your connections to the port mafia though— but he doesn’t bother bringing the topic up to you though nor does he like talking about it.
at nights like this, where he’s staring aimlessly somewhere and devoid of emotion, he’s completely vulnerable in your shared dorm. sitting on the couch, cheek on the palm of his hand as the other searches the cold touch of your hand, seeking for some company.
—and you’re there. sitting on the couch with him and a book discarded in your lap, only staring at dazai with a look of curiosity and content, he looks peaceful despite the war going on in his head.
(you were memorized by the destruction he creates and has, it was peaceful to know what beautiful destruction that dazai carries with him).
when dazai feels the cold skin of your hand, he could feel his ability cancelling yours out as your hand covers his, holding it tightly yet so soft that he wonders if you’re even there. dazai finally looks at you, face still devoid of emotion, watching you reopen your book.
“morning, sleeping beauty.” you hummed softly, an amused tone with your words. dazai groaned and knocked your book off your lap, kicking his legs up into your lap and laying down, now staring up at the ceiling.
hearing dazai go silent wasn’t rare, it was rather common when you two are in your shared dorm, but not hearing him say something stupid back confused you.
you turned your head to dazai, taking notice of his eyes that threatened to pour tears in front of you, “you okay, ‘samu?” knowing him for a while now, he wouldn’t open up and talk about his feelings. it’s fine though, you’re like that too, and you wouldn’t mind waiting forever even if it didn’t come.
dazai didn’t respond.
he never did.
he closed his eyes and if you listened closer, you could hear the shaky breath that he exhaled. taking his hand in yours, you placed a chaste kiss to his palm, the contact making dazai open his eyes slowly and sit up on his elbows.
“when are you gonna leave?” he’s says stupid shit all the time, it doesn’t effect you, none of his words effect you. it should’ve effected you but it didn’t, and dazai could tell by the unamused look on your face, “when are you gonna take your life seriously?” you lightly jabbed at him, hearing him scoff and mutter ‘hypocrite’ underneath his breath.
dazai sat up properly, scooting closer to you and grabbing your hand, setting his head on your shoulder. dazai’s touch starved but refuses any contact that doesn’t involve him initiating it, you’re an expectation, you’ve always been every since the relationship started.
silence took over you, the fan in the background aswell as dazai’s calming breath stirring you into a tired state, laying your head on dazai’s head (knowing the neck pain wouldn’t be worth it tomorrow).
“y’know i’d wait, right?” dazai hums underneath his breath as a response, “how do i know you’re not lying?” and you scoff. rolling your tired eyes, for a guy like him to ask you that question is amusing. “we’ve been lying to eachother for a while but i’m not lying about this, ‘samu.”
the former executive makes himself more comfortable in the crook of your neck, forcing you to lay down and keep him close, “i know.” the words came out muffled, and alas, his eyes are shut again and his sleeping in your arms that are now warm.
with him being asleep, you could pick out the smallest details about the boy in your arms. in your arms, he isn’t the former demon prodigy, in your arms, he isn’t a former port mafia member, in your arms, he isn’t a dehumanized person.
he’s just a boy.
osamu dazai isn’t one for words, but it’s okay, because you’re not one for words either. it’s gonna be like that for awhile, or forever, only time could tell. dazai knows this; you know this. and since dazai’s betrayal to the port mafia, he’s changing, but if he’s changing now, he was always capable of changing, he just never cared enough to try.
osamu dazai isn’t one for words, neither are you.
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abbysbasement · 2 years
Abby choking reader with her biceps!
AN; Sorry this took so long, its been killing me for fucking ever and I got stumped. Somehow I found a way to write something I could be a little bit proud of, so I hope ya'll like it!
content tags: Asphyxiation (2 in a combat context, one in an erotic context. r! receiving all three times,) fingering (r!receiving,) cunnilingus (r!receiving,) a normally degrading pet name used in a sexual context, abby is kind of mean in the beginning but warm sup at the end, reader is one of like a billion orphans that live in the tlouverse, sadge. mediocre action scenes. breast play (r!receiving,) abby gives r slurp and she didn't even pull her pants down
wc: 6.4k (woah...)
proofread?: i've rewritten this 4 times and never want to see it again.
The forest was dark and cold, wind whipping around you, through you, as you traversed deeper into darkness. It was getting dark, your radio had died a long time ago, and it had been hours since you had seen a WLF stronghold, or a stationary transceiver to call for help on. Your assignment was entry-level, sweep the grounds in WLF territory for any raider camps or pockets of traveling scars, but you were separated from your squad, and now, without any way to communicate with them, you had to find your own way back to the FOB before nightfall. You were turned around, in scar territory, alone; following the moon, sidearm drawn in your trembling hands. There was a ringing in your ears, cut only by the bumping of your anxious heart; pitifully, you wouldn’t be able to hear the cracking of rustling leaves and snapping twigs underfoot over the sound of your own fear.
There was a great cry as a shadow swung into your vision. You missed the blow narrowly, sliding backward as a body lurched into your vision. It rushed you, taking you by surprise, causing you to stumble as your pistol arm shot up wildly in the tight grip of your attacker. There wasn’t enough time for reaction, and before you knew it, you were carrying their weight. The two of you were thrashing, a bloody tug of war through the bushes and debris, you were fighting, the way that one fights before they die. It was a tornado of bodies, a cacophony of screams the clatter of a gun hitting the floor, and then the blackness of being blind as your head slammed into the trunk of a tree. Thick blood and spit shot from your mouth as you crumpled to the forest floor with a heavy thud, seeing stars. 
You fought unconsciousness as you tried to regain your footing, but your assailant was too fast, grabbing by the collar of your jacket and dragging you across the tractionless, muddy ground. You were chest to the ground, pressed down with the full weight of two people as a hand fisted through your hair, holding your face to the dirt as you struggled with the last of your remaining power. 
“Fuck– no, get the fuck off of me–!” You screamed, thrashing wildly on the ground, your torso pinned. An arm hooked around your throat.  Your hand slapped wildly at the ground, looking for something, anything that could grant you escape. There was nothing; but as your fingers inched out, there was your gun. Before you could sweep it into your grasp, pressure bulged against your eyes, crushing your throat, tightening the skin of your face. Hands flew up, spurred on by true survival instinct to claw at the scar’s flesh, but the leather of your brown utility gloves only pawed weakly at the clothed bicep. Your lips pulled into a grimace, blood rushing to your brain as you fell in and out of consciousness. Like sick irony, there was nothing; but then, pressed to your temple was the cold metal of your sidearm. Your eyes squeezed closed, anticipating the bang.
“This is the part where you’d end up getting your brains blown out with your own pistol, rook.” The arm currently strangling you loosened, freeing you from its grapple. The disembodied voice- no, it was very bodied, actually, and still laying across you- jostled your temple with the dummy gun, exploding in mock recoil as a sardonic ‘–pchew!’ blew against your ear. It lifted away from you and you finally had the space to expand your chest more than a couple of inches. You rolled over onto your back, drawing a deep, reactionary breath, soothing the throbbing skin of your neck with a hand. 
The woman towering over you in the darkness grimaced, unimpressed, leaning her weight against the tree trunk she had just used to nearly brain you. Anderson was your training captain; ruthless, built like an ox, and the top soldier out of anyone in the WLF, right hand to the Big Man, and you fucking hated her. 
She was an unforgiving mentor; running you on drills long after everyone went home, failing you, hard, and was dedicated to kicking your ass for real every time you had a sparring match. This, in fact, was your third field scenario attempt with Anderson, and they never got better; the first time, throwing dirt into your face and ‘slitting your throat,’ then it was ‘shooting’ you in your abdomen and finishing you off with another to the chest, and now? Taken out after getting ambushed in a dark forest and having your head blasted open. She’d suck her teeth, cracking the vertebrae in her neck with a terse, ‘that’s how it is in the field, kid’’ as you walked behind her, winded. 
“That… wasn’t a pass, was it?” You choked out, scooching yourself across the wet mud to sit up, drawing harsh, ragged breaths. 
Anderson wrenched up a brow at you, unimpressed. “You really need to be told that wasn’t a pass?” 
The matter-of-fact tone she took left you dumbstruck, crushed, burning from the inside out of embarrassment, the heat nesting in your cheeks mingling from the stinging pain from the fight. You were humiliated and more importantly, you knew she was right. That you had shit the bed, going 0 and 3.  You wouldn’t be getting promoted to assignments, and if you kept dragging your feet, you’d be reassigned. But you could convince her, you had to convince her. “But everyone else from my class made mistakes, and they– they still passed!” You tried to seem firm and level-headed, but your throat got tight all of a sudden, and your voice was whiny like a child’s. 
“Doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t train everyone else from your class.” She blew out flippantly, not even meeting your eyes, barely giving your pleas the time of day. It was her job to push you past your limits, to see how far from your comfort zone you were willing to go. To see how badly you could be beaten before you talked, how long they could torture you with guns or knives or burns before you gave in. But right now? She was more irritated than anything, and the truth she was biting her tongue on was that you were a completely lost cause. 
Anderson cut the distance between the two of you and leaned in, closer than ever, towering over you like it was easy, looking at you as if she was seeing you from the inside out. Her smirk faded, falling to her barely-masked anger as she kneaded together her lips. Your eyes brimmed with tears as hers filled with indignation, annoyance, like you were an itch she couldn’t scratch; perpetually pissing her off. “You don’t have a clue in the fucking world, do you? The reality of what they do in the open city you’re in such a rush to get out to? What they’ll do to a wolf, out there?” 
You did know, or at least you had heard stories. It was all common;  rookies overhearing what deployed soldiers would bring back from their rotation, then telephoning it back in the barracks before lights out. The stories were always the same, scouting duos going out deep into the unclaimed territory, never to come back. It was no man’s land. it was suicide. After some days, they would stop calling into WLF frequencies. After some weeks, a new unit would be sent behind them, stumbling upon the bloated, swinging bodies. it would take another three days for recovery to get them back to the FOB, they would get buried in a large plot of land at the back of the stadium, reserved only for soldiers. It was nothing special, but the ones that were too high up would just stay there. Sometimes, it would keep you up at night, honest. You looked at your feet, almost submissively, trying to hide the tears that were threatening to leak. She was right, you fucked up, you kept fucking up. You forced your tiny voice to speak. “I’m sorry, I ju–”
“This a fucking joke to you, YLN?”
You looked into her eyes, she was tired of you. Tired of your constant excuses, how you never seemed to improve, how everything you did wrong ended up coming down on her shoulders. You had gotten bounced around from training class to training class on account of repeated failures, and at some point, they threw you at Anderson’s feet. She protested, she didn’t do fucking charity work but of course, the task manager gave a bullshit excuse, saying that was the direct orders from the big man himself, that if anyone could “fix” you, it was her. You were always fucking around, lackadaisical, terrible at your job. Always cornering her before the end of evaluations, begging for a good word, begging for extra credit. They called you ’tornado’  because you kept busting your ass during physical drills, which turned into ‘twitch’ because you couldn’t stop your gun hand from shaking during on-field drills. You were picky, even, complaining about the smell of the barracks on your first day in training camp. 
Your mouth was open, gobsmacked, tripping on syllables, tongue dry all of the sudden, too dry, and you tried to blink back the wetness in your eyes before it dampened your cheeks. You couldn’t say anything because there was nothing to say. “No, I just– no, this, this is really serious to me. It’s really important to me.”
 “But you want me to pass you? So that you can get your whole squad killed? So that they can ship your bagged-up body to the morgue? Fine, then. I’ll pass you. See? ‘You passed,’ easy– since we just like bullshitting each other.” The woman deadpanned, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly, muscles bobbing under her skin, eyes dangerous, fed up. The harsh words had you simmering over with a quiet rage; at yourself, for fucking up from the beginning, and at your coach, for always being so hard on you. 
“You’re not ready, kid, and I don’t think I can help you, either. Want my advice? There are a lot of other jobs they’ll give you at the stadium, but whatever it is here that you think you’re cut out for– you’re not.” She spoke through a tight jaw, and you could almost imagine sadness in her voice, but that couldn’t be right. She turned on her heels, heading back to the jeep the two of you rode out on, not waiting for you to follow behind her. 
If she was nothing else, Abigail Anderson was a woman of her word. You had gone to pick up your evaluation records early in the morning, while the stadium was still quiet and everyone in the barracks was still asleep. It had become an odd kind of spectator sport to see how many consecutive fails you could rack up from mentor to mentor. In turn, it had become your ritual to collect your papers and make them disappear before anyone could ask. Your hands were heavy as you cracked open the envelope, opened it, and gazed over the lettering. There was a boxed-in ‘Instructor: A. ANDERSON’ in the top corner, and your face burned remembering the cold lecture that brought you nearly to tears. 
whatever it is here that you think you’re cut out for– you’re not.
You hated her for it. For always being on your ass, for making everything so damned difficult.  But you were disappointed in yourself for thinking that it would be easy in the first place. Disappointed that years passed by, watching from the sidelines as literal teenagers were deployed before you. Deep down, you knew she was right, that you should give up; but your eyes widened when you saw it. 
She did it to spite you but you didn’t fucking care, it was one step closer out of the program. You paced around, giggling to yourself; if anyone was up to see you, they’d think you were fucking insane. But no one was awake, and you’d be back in bed before all rise, so it didn’t matter. so you pressed the paper to your chest, as though you could absorb it through your skin. Fucking pass; you could lay down on the floor and die right here. You had to look at it one more time, just to make sure you weren’t dreaming. So you did, eyes flying all across the paper, your first pass in months; no, years and all you had to do was cry a bit. Wonder if Anderson would let it slide all the way to deployment. 
Then you saw it. 
CADET #549226 
“I don’t know what you’re complaining about. Chung will give you all the passes you want.” You were towering over Anderson, who lay flat on the weight bench, adjusting the bar of weights over her head, angling and curling herself in preparation. She didn’t meet your eyes, only looking over a second in irritation as she saw you burst into the then-empty gym. You had planned to give her a piece of your mind, or at least beg and plead. It wasn’t working. She was flippant in the way that she always was, how she could reduce all of your feelings to petty quips and take the air completely out of your sails at once. She lifted the bar, barely any effort showing up as a kink in her brow, pressing it to her chest and then dropping it back down onto the stand jutting out from either side. Her muscles rippled, a thin mask of sweat dusting over her and twinkling in the light
that was a soldier, and she reminded you of everything that you weren’t. 
“It’s not just about the passes. Everyone just–” against your will, a lump formed in your throat, and you turned to the side so that she wouldn’t get the satisfaction of seeing you cry. “Everyone just fucking gives up on me.” You weren’t a stranger to being passed around, but it was something new that hurt; a unique level of disappointment at everything, at yourself, that made the tears pool and run down your face. Trained by the best of the best, and you still couldn’t hack it. 
It really was a dead-end for you. 
Everyone knew the jokes and the rumours of the cadet that just couldn’t make it, but nobody could pinpoint just why, no matter how hard life kicked you, you wouldn’t give up. 
Being a child in a QZ was hard. None of you were happy, or living particularly well, but you had your family, and small joys, Until it all fell down, until FEDRA abandoned one post for another and you were left, a child, at the mercy of the world. You blew around, another fringe society, another QZ. Those fell too, and the only thing you could remember some nights was that everyone was gone now, and it was just you. That was when you joined the WLF. Because you wanted to save the world because it was your only choice.
 You tried to work hard, waking up extra early to run drills, trying to build up your form or your reflexes against all odds. You were like a fish, the way you could hold your breath underwater. Your pistol hand still shook from the chronic anxiety of the life you had lived before, but you could take your sidearm apart and put it back together faster than anyone else. But nobody ever noticed those things, just your fuck ups. Nobody saw you, just saw twitch, or tornado, just a compendium of everything you couldn’t be.
If you couldn’t do anything else, then maybe the suffering you went wasn’t worth it. Maybe what happened to you was just common. You *had* to be a hero.
Or die a martyr. 
The words rolled out before you could stop them, and you were blubbering, tears rolling down your face, a thick coating of snot and drool coating your lips and chin as you sunk down, crying. Your hands fisted that damned form, crumpling it, and it rippled and burst under your fingers. This really was pathetic of you, groveling and begging at the feet of a woman who didn’t care, and deep down you were still planning your strategy of how to exit this room now that you firmly couldn’t play it off. You couldn’t face her anymore, or anyone, for that matter because Anderson would definitely talk. Your only option was to defect, ride out at dawn with nothing but the clothes on your back, no, dig a hole in the stadium and live there, with nothing but a straw in your mouth for breathing, no, shit idea, maybe you should just swan dive off the high side of the FOB and save yourself all the trouble, no, mayb–
And you were still talking, like a dumbass. “–and i know i fucked up but– if you could give me one more chance i just need one more chance you don’t understand how much this means to me how important this is to me– please i’ll do anything and i get it if you just want me to get the hell out of your way but i just thought i just thought i could i just really really”
“Kid, stop talking,” Anderson was holding your hands gently in her own. Looking up at you from her now seated position. There was still the ever-so-slight crook of indignation in her brow, but she was speaking to you, gently, leniently. She felt bad, and there was a black spot of shame growing on her back from how she had treated you.
She was remorseful, and there was a dark spot of shame growing on her conscience for how she had treated you. She was hard on you because you were just going through the motions and cutting corners a lot of the time, but there was a determination that hadn’t yet been broken down and you were dogged, like she was once; and deep down, she did have a soft spot for your annoying ass. 
“I’ll help you. I’ll help you out” Anderson spit out, watching a spark ignite in your watery eyes. Before you got too excited, she put her hand up, holding all of your hopes in midair for just a moment. “But– fuck, stop crying. Thought I was gonna have to get you on a damn psych watch.” 
You nodded jerkily, exposed once again in front of her, wiping your tears with the sleeve of your thermal shirt, a windy inhale passing through your nose and dislodging the mucus in your throat. “Shit– fuck, fuck. Sorry.” 
Anderson stood from the bench, barely giving you time to react before she angled into a striking position, feet shoulder-width apart, planted firmly on the rubber floor. Her fists were clenched, muscles working in her arms and making her look ten times bigger as she stalked around you, chin down, scanning for an open. “What are you waiting for,” she chided, cracking her neck to the side. It was weird, like she was trying to… encourage you? “Scenario three, from last week– remember?”
Then she advanced, walking you backwards into an empty space in the room, striking at your head before you had a chance to react. You swooped down, diving under her extended arm to barely miss the shot that probably would’ve knocked you out. 
“Put your hands up, rook– they’re not gonna wait for you.” Anderson grunted and slammed down with locked elbows; this was your in– and you charged, albeit off balance to make the first connection, a glancing blow to her chin. The two of you fought around the room, exchanging blows and blocks, kicks and punches. Somehow, you had managed your way into her blindspot and swung to try and land a grapple around her neck with an impassioned “I got you!”
It was then, like a flash of light that your arm was intercepted and you were turned over onto your knees, Anderson crouched beside you squeezing your neck in a submission hold. Her bicep pressed into your throat, that ragged pressure that tightened every muscle in your body and turned on that sheer animal instinct to survive. You clawed above you, nails catching on the flesh of her exposed chest.
“You don’t have to announce it, its not a damn movie.” She spoke, trailing off into a whisper. It was all over, you did it again, miraculously continuing your 0-for-infinity losing streak. 
But she let you go, and it was crazy but you swore that her hand lingered in your hair for a second as she stepped away. You laid on the ground, heaving. Anderson looked over you, looking at the rapidly darkening red welts on your throat, bruises on bruises layered from yesterday night. In the back of her mind, she could hear laughter, a conversation over drinks while her team was on recess.
“You’re fuckin’ brutal on the kid, Anderson. Trying to kill her?” Chung laughed, taking a heavy swig from his beer. A hand clapped against her shoulder from behind, swaying her from side to side, sloshing liquid out of her cup and onto the wooden table they were gathered around. Before she could protest Manny’s voice cut through the raucous laughter ringing off the walls. 
“Bet you two shift swaps that Abs makes YLN drop out of the program before deployment!” He cried, drunk off his ass, jabbing his finger in any general direction before loosening his spider monkey-like grip. Abby’s back burned, her jaw clenching unconsciously with thinly veiled anger, they were her friends, but fuck these guys, honestly.  She forced a coy smile, becoming the face of drunken jest. 
“You guys fucking done?” She tried to conceal the sound of her discomfort with a laugh, but it was tight and terse and frankly, after years together anyone at the roundtable could pick up on her unconscious cues. 
“What, Abs, going soft on us? Or maybe… you’re tryna’ catch another type of body– huh? huh?”
She watched you, fisting your hands together on the floor in a quiet sort of frustration. Tears threatened to pool in your eyes but you blinked them back, cutting your eye at her for a split second and then looking away. It was embarrassing, of course, but at this point, you were defeated. Anderson sat down beside you, hooking her hand under your arm and lifting you to sit upright. 
“Anderson I–”
“–just, Abby.” She whispered, palming your knee, trying her best to commit to her insurmountable task: being comforting. The woman watched as your face tensed up and then went slack as you dug teeth into your bottom lip, looking off into nothing. “It’s not going to matter more, just because you die. You know that, right?” You didn’t speak. Nails ran skittishly against your shirt as you ran your hands up and down your arms, trying to self-soothe, unable to hide your grimace. 
“Yeah.” You nodded slowly, as though you were trying to stave off your own denial. “Yeah.”
The hand on your knee became firmer, heavier as it stroked over your skin, her thumb rubbing a small circle where it began to meet your thigh. “I was serious– when I was talking about other jobs, you know? You can just live a good life, and that can be enough. There’s nothing waiting for you outside of the wall, kid.”
 If it were anyone else, you could’ve been angry, you would’ve lashed out; but it was coming from someplace real, one of the only times you had ever seen Anderson��� Abby, be anything more than a cold, stony prick. She had been stern with you because she saw herself in that tiny rage you had, the anger just below the surface that she could see in your eyes right at this moment. Because when you’re that driven about anything, the only certain thing to look forward to is a darkness that keeps on coming. It was the hard realisation, and you swallowed heavy. “Guess not.”
There was a vulnerability in the air, and before you knew it, you were leaning into her touch, pressing your body to hers, side to side. Your superior didn’t move, didn’t keen away or tell you off, just sat there, never stopping the motion of her hand. It was a long silence between the two of you, but then she stopped, began to stand, and like your body wasn’t yours you grabbed her arm, willing her to stay without a single spoken word. There was this weird, small flash on her face that you couldn’t place, until she just nodded, using her strength to lift you to your feet as well. 
“Coming?” Was all that she said, and you nodded. Yeah. 
It was what you had always wanted, the big luxury box in the sky. It was as though you could see everything from your place at the window of Abby’s room, the barracks, where everyone was still sleeping tucked in the corner behind the greenhouse, the sun slowly overtaking the dark sky, the very tops of the skyscraper tucked into the clouds, the FOB, overlooking everything ominously.
 “It’s all yours?” you asked, no higher than a murmur as you looked through the parted curtains. 
“And Manny’s,” Abby dropped her bag in the corner of the room, using her foot to kick it under her bedframe. “On an overnight, though. So it’s just me. One of the many perks you have to look forward to if you become a top soldier.” 
“Fat chance.” You quipped bitterly.
There were footsteps behind you, but you didn’t think much of it as you closed the curtain. You turned away from the window and in a second the two of you were together, the blonde placing a hand on the small of your back and taking your mouth into hers. It was as though you were covered in white light, how everything became so blinding, so warm, extremely surreal in a way you couldn’t place. You’d wake up in your bunk, you were sure of it. Had to wake up in your bunk. But as the wet of her tongue played over your lips, you thought, maybe you didn’t want to wake up. You could dream forever and that would be fine.
“You know, you’re really hard on yourself, rookie.” The taller woman breathed, pulling away to speak. “Wouldn’t be a good mentor if I didn’t give you a morale adjustment.”
You moaned, leaning into it, the thickness of her thigh now ghosting against the spread of your legs. Her hand came up to run fingers gently through your hair, thumbing away the thin layer of sweat that formed on the nape of your neck. Her cockiness did something to you, and it was as though you couldn’t get enough skin to touch as you gripped her bicep deeper, feeling the muscle bulge with her effort. Her tongue disappeared into your mouth, swirling against yours, depositing the slick of her saliva down your throat. It was heavy and wet, built up like her own body, and it dominated yours easily, just like she had done in the gym. 
“You with me?” She peppered a soft kiss, groaning as she took a fistful of your thigh, heaving it up to lock against her waist, the seam of your pants unwittingly pressing into your crotch through now-dampened panties. She pulled from you and you wanted to chase her, a deprived whine ringing out of your throat before you could stop it. Unbeknownst to you, the noise sent a shockwave to Abby’s clit, and she could feel her channel begin to slicken. Fuck, you were pretty. Her eyes narrowed, looking over your features. This should be against her ethical code, probably against proper conduct guidelines, but she wanted you so bad it was infuriating. She heard Chung’s voice again. 
…tryna’ catch another type of body?
Oh, fuck you, man. 
You nodded, and a frown overcame her. “Needa hear you, kid.” You looked down, pressed your face into her chest, kneading fingers into her open grey sweatshirt. It was embarrassing to say, and a part of her wished that she was as bad as you had always said she was, that she would just… do whatever this is and not make you vocalise how much you wanted her. The pit of shame in your stomach got deeper, but she soothed a thumb over your brow and it was like you melted. “We don’t have to do anything if you d–”
“I’m here. I’m with you.”
There it was; the confirmation, the greenlight she needed to lift you up, both legs under her strong hands now, and carry you to the two pushed-together twin mattresses of her bed. She looked down at you, laying on your back, blown-out watery eyes squinted as she lifted your shirt up just a hair to reveal the plush skin beneath. “Fuckin’ hell.” She whispered to nobody specific, running a thumb against your torso. 
Abby met your eye, asking, and you nodded. She exposed you easily, lifting your shirt up and leaving you in just a bra from the waist up. Deft fingers locked under the straps and she pulled her hands down, mouth agape as your breasts spilled forward. If she believed, she would’ve compared the sight to viewing the kingdom of heaven for the first time, singing angels and all. A calloused hand trailed up to palm one, a thumb rolling across the pliant bulb of your nipple, the sensation causing it to rapidly harden to a stiff point. She took it, rolling it between two fingers and her thumb as she leaned in, taking the other in her mouth and grazing it between her teeth. A ragged breath was forced through your lips as you tried to regain your spinning consciousness. 
“Fuck, nghh– Abby, fuck.” You moaned out, delirious. The double stimulation didn’t stop, and instead, Abby slid her jaw forward, biting one nipple firmly and gripping the other between two knuckles to pull, and you cried out. She sucked as though she was nursing, the slopping popping noises of her mouth filling the air in tandem with your moans and whimpers.
“Goddamned gorgeous, you know that?” She groaned, slapping your free tit with her hand lightly before walking her fingers down to your belt loop. With one hand she slipped down your sweatpants to your ankles, leaving you in nothing but light, stained briefs. Your cunt had soaked pathetically through the fabric, clit standing at attention. You were so wet that the thin cloth was practically see-through, the rouge of your cunt catching Abby’s eye. Through your underwear, a calloused thumb toggled your clit, ripping a half-sob from your body. 
It was as though you were an overflowing spring of endlessly pure water, how the wet spot grew and grew. You fucked your hips upwards, trying desperately to rock harder into the new assailant, but Abby lifted her thumb away, depriving you of the sensation. It was so much, everything was spinning; your head, the room, your soul out of your body. Your cunt clenched around air as she drew designs on your thigh with a finger absentmindedly. 
“Gotta be patient, little.” She didn’t look up, but there was a smirk on her face and a smile in her voice as brought her thumb back down. “Gonna take care of you, don’t worry.”  
Her finger ghosted over the wet spot in your underwear and you twitched unconsciously. The blonde captured a thin sheen of your drip between two fingers, stretching the line back and forth. “So fuckin’ excited for me.” She pressed her nose down into your crotch, and you closed your thighs reflexively. Fine by her. She took a deep inhale of your pussy, and lathed at the wet liquid with her tongue. The rough texture of the fabric dragged over your clit, bringing the little red bulb to a fever pitch, as she sucked and slurped through it, catching salty-sweetness in her mouth. Her tongue pathed its way to your covered clit, flattening roughly over the sensitive bundle. The dual stimulation was driving you mad; the hard abrasion of wet panties slipping between your cuntlips, in and out of your hole as she licked and prodded, and the firm muscle of her tongue kneading at the pliant flesh. 
Like she was showing off a party trick, Abby maneuvered her tongue, skillfully weaving it inside of your underwear to taste your ambrosia from the tap. Rough hands grabbed hold of your ass, palming and gripping as she pushed your thighs up and over to situate your feet over your head in the perfect position where your gooey pussy was squished together, oozing directly into her mouth. You kicked the sweatpants the rest of the way gone, and they flew into the corner of the room, never to be seen again. There was a groan like an animal, and you weren’t sure which of the two of you was the source as Abby tore your panties open, the two halves drooping weakly, and pressed your feet next to your ears. She devoured you with newfound vigor, catching a second wind the moment your walls clenched around her tongue, fucking you in and out as hard and deep as possible.
“Abby! Shit, shit, more. Please.” You whimpered, looking down to see where her disappearing nose bumped against your clit over and over again. She wanted you to fuck her face, grinding her head back and forth so that her lips massaged yours, her tongue searched for every spot, and her nose abused your sloppy nub, driving you crazy with sensation over sensation. You were coming over the bend fast, too fast, and everything flashed white and black in spades as your body trembled. Again, her thumb came up to drum against your clit, and your orgasm tore you in two, red hot. Your juices siphoned into the blonde’s waiting mouth, and she drank from you like an oasis. 
Her body came over, you, shrouding you in darkness and the rolled over to lay flat on the bed, scooting over to plant her feet on the very edge. You were still trembling, still drooling from the slit in your legs that was happily prepped and used. The throbbing shook your whole body as you tried to catch your breath, and Abby’s arm jutted out, pulling you across the bed and onto her, chest to back. She hooked her knees through yours, and you could feel the force holding you open to give full exposure to your greedy hole. She licked a hot stripe up your neck and you whimpered, biting your lip. She pulled it free with your thumb, replacing it with a finger that she fucked in and out of your hot mouth. “Wonder where this is going, huh?” She angled her knees down, spreading you further, your pussylips slipping apart, cool air running against your clit. “Gotta see if it’s just your hand, or if you have a twitchy pussy too, baby.”
The moniker that usually filled you with red shame was now engulfing you with hot-pink lust, your cunny leaking down onto the bed. You were dumb and fuck-drunk as Abby pushed one of her thick fingers into you, slowly at first in order to get you used to the stretch of the tight ring. She curled her knuckle to press against your g-spot and you saw stars. She sped up her filthy pace, the sloppy sounds of your wet cunt reverberating in the air. Then, it was instant, her strong, rippling arm coming around to clench your neck again, palm rubbing your head gently. Abby added another finger, palm smearing your clit harshly as she fucked you deep, pace quickening. Her fingers scissored back and forth as she closed her elbow tighter, cutting off your breath and inviting the pressure you were by now so used to. You couldn’t tell her you were on the verge of cumming, a red-hot fire in your stomach burning hotter and faster as the plowed through your juices. 
You were suctioning her fingers, barely letting them slip from your folds. She pulled them out nearly all the way and drilled back in, tiny splashes of liquid raining down on the mattress. You ground your hips as best you could in the compromising position, chasing your orgasm, so close to your own personal bliss that you started panting like a whore with no concern. Abby pressed open-mouthed kisses to your cheeks, to your lips, the taste of you still on her and mingling with your own saliva. You were dizzy, be it the pleasure, the slowly depleting oxygen in your lungs, or the fact that your mentor was currently palm-deep in your pussy, but you couldn’t keep your composure. 
Your walls clenched around her, and you could hear her muttering in your ear. ‘such a tight pussy, Twitch, baby. Such a good pussy.’ And it was like you were summoned, cunt spasming as you came hard and messy, squirt shooting from you and sprinkling loudly through the ground. She fucked you through it, releasing your throat as your vision blurred, not letting you close your legs and bringing her free hand down to rub your clit in tandem. You tried to buck away from her to no avail, your cunt clenching wildly, juices bubbling over, lips red and sore from the sustained abuse. Tears rolled down your face as you took hungry breaths, your deprived lungs fighting for all of the air they could get. 
The two of you lay together, panting, hearts beating against the other, and Abby pulled her palm away from the throbbing expanse of your swollen, used cunt. She unhooked your thighs, and the pressure of closing your legs again sent a ripple into your pussy that made you whimper something fierce. There was a long, pregnant silence, and then you spoke up, cheekily. 
“So are you going to still swap me?”
“Not sure… it’s, whadotheycallit–? A conflict of interest.” She said, turning over and throwing a heavy arm over your chest, rubbing your bicep absentmindedly.
“But I’ll tell you what, champ; I’ll make sure to put a special training session on my schedule whenever you’re up for it. If you’re up for it.”
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moralesmilesanhour · 11 months
okay okay, i have had this one thought in my head about a platonic gender-neutral (or male/masc-leaning) reader fic. this is for either miles (more so 42 than 1610 bc i can imagine his face of exasperation). imagine just being his dumbass friend, like yeah your smart enough to be in visions, but goddamn!! you leave your braincells in your school locker once the final bell rings. your self preservation instincts are questionable at best and the only reason you're not dead yet bc you're proving that quote "you can't kill stupid" as a true fact. at least you bring homemade food over everytime you visit his home and his mom likes you, so you're not completely hopeless in life. (i've had this rotating in my brain for days and still haven't written it myself) -☁
a/n: I went the masc route with this one with a sprinkle of gender envy if u squint
You thought doing homework on a rooftop would be a nice change of scenery.
Dangling off of the rooftop? Not so much.
A tiny group of pigeons had been hanging out near the edge, and you had the idea to try and feed them with the bag of sunflower seeds you'd brought with you. Carefully, you step forward toward the flock, until some unknown force of nature causes you to trip over your own feet and sends you careening over the edge.
Somehow, you manage to grab hold of the railing of the fire escape just below, but your palms are sweaty. You heave as you use all of your upper body strength to hold yourself up while desperately trying not to look down.
It's not enough.
Just as you lose your grip, a strong arm catches you. It's covered in purple leather, ending in a familiar clawed hand.
"Again?" Asks an amused modulated voice as wind rushes past your ears.
"You make it sound like a daily occurrence."
You feel a jolt as the masked figure swings and lands in front of an alleyway before putting you down. As you adjust your crooked glasses, the mask whirs and splits in two before receding, revealing the smirking, deep brown face of your friend, Miles.
"What happened this time?"
His voice is low and nearly too soft to hear, a stark contrast to the tinny high pitch of your own. No amount of lowering your larynx or whispering could ever get it like that. Part of you wishes you could steal it sometimes, or borrow his voice modulator, at least.
If only.
"Tripped," you answer, rubbing your upper arm as a side effect of the claws' tight grip. "Dunno how you always manage to catch me."
"Easy," Miles explains as he unzips his black duffel bag. "I see that ratty ass gray hoodie you always got on and swing right over."
With a whir and a clank, he removes the claw on his right hand, then his left, tossing them into the bag.
"How does carryin' those around like that not damage them?" you blurt out suddenly. Miles snorts.
"You gonna fix 'em for me, genius?"
"Thought so."
Finally, he removed the grappling hook strapped to his back and tied his jacket around his waist.
You say his catchphrase before he does: "Let's bounce!"
This earns you a burst of laughter from Miles as you make your way out of the alley.
"What, I say it wrong?"
"No, it's just..." he catches his breath and claps you on the shoulder as he passes by. "You make it sound so friendly."
"Whatever, man."
"Yo, pay attention, dude!"
You feel Miles' hand yank you backwards by your hoodie as a car horn blares past you. Once you look up from your phone, your eyes widen.
"Oh, shit."
The car had barely missed you.
The streetlight across from you finally turned white, and the two of you crossed. Miles keeps glancing back at you until the short journey to the opposite sidewalk is completed.
He stops, crossing his arms. "How many times are you gonna almost-die today? Lemme know so I can adjust my schedule."
"Until someone finally finishes the job," you joke before remembering something. "Ah fuck, I hope the brownies survived."
You swing your book bag off of your shoulder and kneel to open it, revealing a small Tupperware container filled with home-made brownies stacked on top of your textbooks. Thankfully, there is only a bit of chocolate smudged on the sides; the pastries themselves remain (mostly) intact.
Miles raised an eyebrow. "You know taking the textbooks home is optional, right?"
Zipping your bag closed, you reply with a shrug,"I like re-writing my notes. I need to access the source material."
"I need to access the source material," Miles mimics you in a nasally voice before strolling past you. "If I were a worse person, I'd shove yo' ass in a locker."
You laugh, breaking into a jog to catch up to him with your 'source material' weighing you down.
"Just for that, I'm telling your mom the brownies are just for her-shit!"
A piece of cracked and lifted cement trips you up and scuffs your sneakers. Your hands shoot out to break your fall, planting themselves onto the ground. Your glasses aren't so lucky.
"Aw, man, I just got these!" You frowned as you dusted off your khaki shorts with one hand, holding your glasses in the other.
One of the frames now has a crack right down the middle.
"That's tough, buddy," Miles remarks.
He had spun around as soon as he heard you yell in case of another near-death experience, but was now trying desperately to hold back laughter that escaped through his nose as he walked backwards towards his destination.
"It's not funny!"
"It's a little funny. You're like a Looney Tunes character."
You laugh, "If an anvil falls on my head, it's your fault."
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shady-tavern · 1 year
A Hero’s Return
Continuation of this little short story. No particular warnings, but let me know if I should tag something.
'Ready when you are.'
It felt as though the message was burning a hole into your pocket as you stared at your hero costume. Freshly laundered, repaired perfectly after your fight with that telekinetic villain and just as practical and flashy as before. It shouldn’t be scary.
Your hands weren’t trembling when you put it on, but it was a near thing. It helped to know that Silver was waiting on the other side, not a floating terror ready and willing to kill. If you failed, no civilians would get hurt or killed. You would not die knowing you had been utterly useless, or wake up miraculously to find hundreds of people dead because you hadn’t been strong enough.
You had grown stronger, you knew you had. Enough so, in fact, that the hero association had recently bumped you up to Class B. Which was a little frightening, you had never played in the upper leagues before and while you knew you were part of the bottom crowd of Class B, it was still very different to your comfortable, quiet little Class C.
You took a few deep breaths after buckling the last of your gear in place and you stared at the mirror, realizing that the costume didn’t fit like it used to. You had gained muscle and a bit of weight and…it didn’t look right anymore. The colors seemed too bright, the little fluttery accents you had once added to the design on a whim too useless.
You took another deep breath and turned away from the mirror. Now was not the time to get into an existential crisis over your costume. You could always order a new one from the association later. You grabbed your phone, staring at the most recent message for a long moment, your heart pounding nervously.
'Ready when you are.'
You could hear Silver’s voice in your mind as you read those words, could see his reassuring smile, the kindness in his mercury eyes that didn’t quite manage to hide patient anticipation. He was looking forward to this, you knew. He had been there every step of the way, as you had dragged yourself out of the hole your failure and terror had shoved you into.
You didn’t feel ready to be a hero again, but you had decided that it didn’t matter. You would never feel ready. You could run those obstacle courses and simulations Silver built a hundred thousand times and not feel ready.
'Ready' you typed back and hit send before you could stop yourself. 
The hero association already knew you would return to active duty today. The substitute hero had left the city last night, looking relieved. His stay here had been exceptionally boring, since Silver had refused to challenge him in any way. Aside from bugging him a bit for fun, but his pranks were always harmless.
You flexed your hands and for a moment you felt all the scar tissue pull tight, stitched up wounds and surgery scars and broken bones that had taken months to heal. You weren’t ready, but you were sick and tired of sitting around at home.
You were sick and tired of being scared, of worrying. Of thinking about the next Class A villain that could show up with murder on their mind. You wanted to be a hero, still, even now. You wanted to protect people and help them where you could. You straightened your shoulders and walked forward, projecting a confidence you did not feel.
It was showtime.
You watched civilians cackle in delight as they were pelted with marshmallow butts the size of half your palm. Silver was bouncing a bit on his toes at your side, grinning so wide it must’ve hurt his cheeks.
"Well?" he said with a grin. "Aren’t you going to try and stop me? Oh no, darling, dashing hero!" He pretended to fall into a faint, hand theatrically pressed against his forehead. 
He tipped over with thoughtless trust, knowing you’d be there to catch him. And you did, hands pressed against his signature leather jacket as he draped himself over your arms with exaggerated drama. He continued, "Whatever shall I do, my evil soul quivers!"
You couldn’t help but laugh, tension you hadn’t been aware of sliding off your shoulders like water off a duck’s back. When you caught your breath again, looking down, Silver had the softest smile on his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked far too sweet for someone proclaiming he had an evil soul.
He straightened from his pretend fainting after a moment and tugged his jacket properly back into place.
"Good first day back?" he asked quietly, barely audible over the huffing and puffing noise of his Ass Kicker 50, it’s wheel of used but thoroughly cleaned and disinfected boots merrily pelting butts into the growing crowd.
"Yeah," you answered just as quietly. "Glad to see me again?"
"Of course, darling." His soft smile got a mischievous edge as it grew into a smirk. "But you must be losing your edge, you haven’t even disabled my baby yet."
You couldn’t help but smirk back, tapping a piece of plating. "Dead switch is beneath this thing, isn’t it?"
He looked startled, then cursed and grumbled, actually looking like he had no idea if he was frustrated or delighted and instead settled on a weird mix of both. "I was hiding it so well! How the fuck did you know?"
You gave him a small shrug. "It’s the only place that works and from the way the thing’s set up and built, it had to be in this area to avoid messing with the machinery. And it’s the only plating that’s not bolted down. Pressure opens it, right?"
You pressed down experimentally on one side and the plate popped open easily enough, swinging aside to reveal the big red button. Because of course it was a big red button. That was so very Silver.
When you looked up, his mercury eyes were bright and intense and that elated-frustrated look was still on his face. "And you once asked me why I fight you," he said, his quiet voice carrying a particular tone that you couldn’t quite place. It made you feel faintly flustered, though.
You fiddled with the plate for a moment, before closing it again. "Yeah, well, I’m just glad I’m not boring."
Silver drew up to his full height, actually looking affronted. "Boring? How dare you?"
The smile tugging at your face felt far too earnest and touched by half, but it seemed to soothe his insulted affront.
"I’ll have a conversation with whoever put that thought into your head," he said, pointing a finger at you. "And if it was you yourself, we are going to have a long talk."
Hearing a round of loud, delighted noise from the side, both of you looked over to see a group of goth teens cackling as they pocked little holes between the cheeks of their marshmallows butts.
"Ah, I knew I had forgotten something," Silver muttered and you dissolved into helpless laughter, ending up leaning against his shoulder and gasping for air.
By the time you calmed down, you were out of breath, your belly aching in the best of ways and you reached up to wipe some moisture away. Silver looked very content and happy, standing there and watching the machine pelt away, people jumping to catch the butts wrapped in paper to keep things sanitary. So they could be picked up and still eaten if they fell to the floor.
He was always so thoughtful, you thought, still leaning against him and not moving away. You had no idea what he got out of being a villain - well, aside from tax fraud, a bunch of other illegal activities and some very, very strange substances you were not going to touch, ever - but you were happy to see him happy. He deserved it.
"They needed that too," Silver said in this moment, nodding at the crowd. "This city hasn’t quite been the same since that villain attacked. They’re relieved to have you back and seeing us fight harmlessly should put more demons to rest."
You hadn’t even thought about that, too caught up in your own trauma as you had been. You looked back at the people and you saw that he was right. There was a visceral relief on many faces, a giddiness that was born half out of the silliness of the situation and half out of a release of fear-filled tension.
They had been even more helpless than you had been. Civilians with no combat abilities and absolutely no chance to survive the Class A villain. All they had been able to do was run while they had to watch you bleed and break and still stand up again and again.
A quiet realization struck you down to your core. You had wondered why people had been polite but not overly warm with the substitute hero. He had sent you regular updates on villain activity and how his patrols had gone, even if it had taken you a while before you had gotten the guts to read it all instead of only the summary. 
He had mentioned that people didn’t seem all that curious about him and he had sulked about that a bit.
All this time you had thought that you had failed them, these people who grinned and waved when they saw you. Who didn’t hesitate to call you away from the street and ask for help or offer you sweets or lunch when you had been patrolling for hours. People who let you hold their babies or hugged you when you brought their lost pets back.
But they hadn’t seen a failure that day months ago. They had seen you, standing between them and certain death and refusing to give up, no matter what. All because you wanted to protect them with all you had.
"Hey, what’s wrong?" Silver’s worried voice cut into your thoughts and when you glanced at him, his brows were furrowed. "Why are you crying? Do you need me to switch off my baby and back up?"
"I’m fine," you croaked weakly, though you totally were tearing up. "I’m just glad to be back, don’t read too much into it."
Silver’s face softened with a quiet bit of relief and he hummed in understanding. "I’m glad, too, by the way," he said after a moment. "To have you back that is. I may have been a wee bit lonely."
You raised an eyebrow, glad that no tears had spilled over. "You saw me almost every day."
"But not like this," Silver said. "Don’t get me wrong, I love watching you destroy the machines of the obstacle course or absolutely ace the simulations, but I missed going up against you like this."
You rubbed the back of your neck, straightening from your slouch against him. "You always say things like that with a straight face." You both admired him for it and felt envious. Sometimes you wished you could just simply say what was on your mind as well.
Silver smiled, a little lopsided and crooked. "Life’s short, so who cares what others think," he said. "All I care about is living every day the best I can."
You knew what he meant by that. He had told you a bit more about his fight against Terra after modifying some more simulations for you. You had even seen a glimpse of the patchwork of scars that fight had left on him, many of them surgery scars. He had barely survived his debut as a villain. His ever first fight and it had been against Terra.
"You know, I wanted to make the butts bigger," he said before you could say anything, smoothly but obviously changing the topic. "But there was only so much I could fit into Ass Kicker 50 and that just wouldn’t do."
"Are you going to run out of butts soon?" you wondered.
Silver hummed thoughtfully. "I guess there is a minute of pelting left at most."
The two of you waited until the machine stuttered and began to slow, the wheel of boots no longer finding marshmallows to kick into the crowd. Silver gestured grandly for you to go ahead and you pressed the dead switch with a small smile.
"Well then." He clapped his hands together. "I guess I should say hello to my favorite warden. He is ever so happy to see me every time."
You couldn’t help but snort, then you hesitated. "You know, you could just…go."
Silver actually looked a little insulted. "Don’t ruin my date with prison, my dear." He beckoned you closer with a finger, presenting his hands. "I want to see if I can walk out the front door dressed like a futuristic clown."
You blinked, in the middle of pulling out your cuffs. "What would that look like?"
He smirked as you reached out towards him. "I guess you’ll have to find out." He leaned in as your hands closed the cuffs around his wrists, warm skin pressed to warm skin and cold metal between. "I’ll make sure to make the news for you."
"Alright," you said, bemused and curious in equal measure. You noticed how warm he was, this close to you, your hands covering his. His breath smelled faintly of peppermint. "Come on, there are two new officers on the roaster who are eager to prove you can’t slip past them."
His face lit up. "Oooh, fun." He chuckled, low and menacing and for once sounding like the villain he was. "I do love ruining their day. Shattered dreams taste ever so delicious."
You rolled your eyes fondly, waving the waiting police over. They hurriedly hid the marshmallow butts they were snacking on and bustled over, trying to look important and menacing. Even if Silver was a very polite and very wonderful villain, he was still wanted for a number of crimes and the state really wanted to prosecute him.
"Be gentle with Ass Kicker 50," you told the clean-up crew who came in to tow the machine away to a storage facility. "She’s done good service."
When you looked back over to Silver, you caught the warm, unbearably fond smile as he watched you on his way to the police car. He cast you a wink as he got in, mouthing, 'Clown'. You playfully wrinkled your nose at him and saw more than heard him laugh as the door was closed.
"Um." A soft, hesitant voice made you look over and you immediately recognized the girl who had approached you. The teenager who had nearly died at your side months ago. "I’m very happy you’re back and that you made a full recovery." She thrust out a small gift. "Thank you, for saving my life."
"And mine." One of her friends bustled over, holding a little wrapped gift as well. "If not for you, I wouldn’t have made it."
You felt speechless, accepting the gifts hesitantly and that seemed to open the floodgates. You were swiftly surrounded by people thanking you and expressing their concern and relief in equal measure. Your arms soon overflowed with gifts, flowers from the elderly, drawn pictures from children and baked cookies from grateful parents. It nearly made you cry.
You did cry a little when you got home, sniffling as you sat in a pile of gifts, reading letters and smiling at the graceless but enthusiastic scribbles of a five year old. Suzie was curled up in your lap, fast asleep as a small bundle of warmth.
You taped all the pictures to one wall and pinned the letters to an old, large pinboard you had gotten a few years ago. You put the food away and the flowers into a vase and scattered the rest of the gifts across your flat in a smattering of decorations.
It had mattered. Ever single moment you had felt helpless and terrified had mattered. You hadn’t been a footnote on some document, lamenting a too early death. Because of you, so many futures still existed, those bright, burning lives not snuffed out by a cruel hand.
You would continue growing stronger for them all, you vowed to yourself. Even if you needed Silver to end the fight and save you again, you would be there. Standing between evil and everyone else as many times as it took.
For the first time in months, you felt like a hero again, too.
You dozed off with the news channel on and jerked awake sometime in the early morning hours just in time to blearily watch a repeated clip of Silver, dressed as a sparkly, futuristic clown, moonwalk dancing out of prison. There it was, his famous, Class A skill of getting out of trouble in the most ridiculous ways.
You were chuckling softly to yourself, reaching out to fish your phone from your coffee table. You already had a message waiting for you.
'Watch me, darling.'
You were still half asleep when you answered, a golden feeling like honey on warm bread filling your chest, 'Always.'
You hesitated, then tapped out one more message, 'If you have any more inventions, I’m ready.'
He answered immediately. 'Oh, darling.' It read and you could hear the glee in his voice in your mind, could imagine the way he brightened. 'I was hoping you’d say that.'
You loved this ridiculous, wonderful man so much, you thought, still bleary and half asleep. Your heart felt so full with good things it felt as though it was spilling over to the point where you had to squeeze a pillow, hiding a wide grin against it.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 11 months
Immortal Love
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader x Sam Winchester (no wincest)
Word Count: ~1k
Warnings: none
Request by anon: Hi can you do a imagine with both the Winchester polyamory, where the reader is a immortal hunter (a demigoddess of Kali, Hecate or etc) that is a big deal in the supernatural everyone know about her and the monster are scare about her and meet the Winchester in a bar? Fluff with funny
Summary: You're Kali, the Goddess of Death and Destruction, and you're an immortal hunter. Monsters fear you. When you walk into a room, heads turn, and two very handsome ones catch your attention.
Square Filled: love triangle (2022) for @spndeanbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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Your style of clothing has evolved with the rest of the world. There was a time when you wore frilly dresses with underwires to make them puffy and tight corsets that made your breasts push up uncomfortably. It was always dresses of different styles until about the mid-20th century when women were allowed to wear pants. That opened a new avenue for women all across the board. It wasn’t normal for women to make those styles your own but you did whatever possible to stand out.
If you’re going to walk into a room, you’re going to turn heads.
The other reason why you’d turn heads is because you’re a Goddess who has made herself very well known in the supernatural world. You’re Kali, the Goddess of Death and Destruction. Not to mention immortal and a hunter. You’ve been hunting monsters for centuries and love every bit of it. You love being immortal because you get to see humanity thrive and evolve into the best versions of themselves.
Your sleek high heels click against the floor when you enter the bar, your skinny jeans are tight against your body, your shirt flows around you with ease, and your black leather jacket completes the look. The bell on the door rings and heads turn to see who is entering. On the outside, it’s a normal bar for the public. On the inside is much more sinister. It’s home to demons, angels, and other monsters. Only the best hunters dare to enter this place.
As soon as everyone sees you, three demons smoke out of their meatsuits and run straight back down to Hell. Being there is better than being in a room with you, and you smile at the thought. The people you pass by look away in fear that you’ll kill them on the spot when in reality, you couldn’t care less about them. You’re not a monster. You don’t go around killing people left and right, but it doesn’t hurt for people to know what you’re capable of.
You walk to the bar and watch as the bartender refuses to meet your eye. He kind of cowers behind the bar counter at the thought of serving you, and you give him a sweet smile.
“Give me your strongest drink. Make it a double.”
He mumbles something you can’t recognize as he makes your drink. As you’re waiting, you hear someone whisper your name from across the bar. The chatter was loud before you entered and has quieted since your arrival. You can hear a pin drop from across the bar. You turn your head slightly to get a glimpse of the gossipers and find the King of Hell with two men you’ve never seen before. They’re not demons or any kind of monster you’ve seen so they must be humans… Hunters.
“Who the hell is she?” Dean asks and knicks a striped ball into one of the pockets.
“Her name is Kali, the Goddess of Death and Destruction. She’s immortal so nothing can kill her. She’s dangerous and lethal and she shows no mercy. She’s done a number on my demons, and if you’re smart, you’d stay the hell away from her.”
“She doesn’t look all that scary,” Dean scoffs and hits the cure ball again, but it misses the pocket.
“Are you an idiot? The bad ones never look scary and she is the baddest there is. She’s an immortal hunter.”
“A hunter, huh? Time for introductions.”
Dean leaves Sam hanging even though the younger brother just took his turn. Crowley whispers a quiet prayer and touches his forehead to his chest to both of his shoulders. Dean gives him a weird look as he walks with Sam to the bar counter. Dean takes a seat to your right and you look straight ahead.
“That seat’s taken,” you mumble and sip your drink. Dean gets up and takes the seat to your left. “Can I help you?”
“My buddy over there says you’re a hunter.”
“Goddess hunter,” you correct and swirl your chair around to look at your visitors. God damn these are two very attractive men. Who the hell are their parents? They must have really good genes if they look like Gods themselves. “If you want to be technical. Kali but call me Y/N.”
“You’re immortal?”
Your fangs slide from your teeth and you grin to show them off.
“See, Sammy? She’s not so scary,” Dean shakes his head. “I’m Dean and this is my brother, Sam.”
“If you knew what was good for you,” you chuckle, “you’d know I’m as scary as they come. You should be afraid of me.”
“Sweetheart,” Dean smirks and leans in closer to you, “I’m not afraid of anyone. They’re afraid of me.”
You smirk and down the rest of your drink, so you lean back and cross one leg over the other.
“Sam and Dean? As in Winchesters?” Both of them nod. “I’ve heard of you two. Nearly destroyed the world.”
“True, but we didn't,” Sam points out.
“You’re cute,” you grin and let your eyes drink him in, “like a puppy dog. I like puppies.” Sam’s cheeks darken deliciously and you move onto his brother who hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you. “You’re like a teddy bear, and I love to cuddle with teddy bears at night.”
“Listen, do you want to hunt together? Sam and I are on our way over to one right now if you’re not busy.”
“You sure you can handle me?” you chuckle.
“Sweetheart, are you sure you can handle me?” Dean flirts.
You laugh like you haven’t done in a while.
“Challenge accepted. However, on one condition. I’ll hunt with you if your friend doesn’t go.” The demon the brothers were with hasn’t stopped staring at you since you entered. “He’s kind of creeping me out.”
“Crowley’s scared of you.”
“You wanna see something funny?” Sam and Dean shrug as an answer. You get up and disappear from sight only to reappear behind Crowley. He’s looking frantically around for you when you tap on his shoulder. When he turns, your eyes are bright red, your fangs are out, and you give him a malicious grin. “Hi, Crowley.”
He screams like a little girl and disappears from the bar altogether. You, Sam, and Dean laugh as if you’re friends and that was the funniest shit ever.
“I like her. Let’s keep her,” Dean declares.
“Dude, she’s not a dog.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Come on, we got a hunt to get to.”
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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cubicle-eyes · 2 years
Can I request just general hc for blizø with a succubus s/o (preferably gender neutral but it's ok if its more male leaning!!)
Blitzo x Succubus!Reader Headcanons
Yes yes you can
TW bc this is an 18+ show. May include cussing, sexual content, and more.
- when you and blitzø meet he's on edge bc hey, he doesn't have good history with demons from the lust ring
- but youre.. not quite like every other succubus out there.
- it doesn't take very long at all for you two to hook up, and he's more surprised when you're still there in the morning then the fact you admit you'd like to try a relationship with him
Blitzo was staring at Y/N, waiting to see when they'd wake up and leave. Get dressed, exit the room, and maybe give him their number. His stomach churned, fingers digging into the pillow as he frowned. He moved to roll over and stand up, but two arms wrapped around his middle and pulled him back down.
"Getting up already?"
"I don't want another round."
"Oh Satan, me either."
Y/N laughed and Blitzo blinked. They were still half asleep, but holding him tightly. He swallowed thickly.
"Does your leg still hurt?"
"Your leg?"
Y/N gently pulled the covers off, sitting up on their elbow and resting a hand on Blitzo's hip, using their thumb to gesture to a spot slightly below.
"I bruised you on accident."
"That shit doesn't hurt."
Blitzo cracked a grin, sitting up to. The pair stared at each other until they bust into giggles.
- you're probably taller than him let's be honest
- loves that. Size difference >>>
- also loves when he's able to steal your clothes and he's swimming in some of the oversized ones.
- every now and then he'll go to the office and you'll already be there, wearing one of his leather jackets and he just *💀*
- speaking of the office you're probably useful to I.M.P
- makes it easier to lure some of the more competent victims if you're helping seduce them.
"Aw. You're a little excited, aren't you?"
The target nodded excitedly, and Y/N opened their arms, inviting them in.
They got about a step closer before Blitzo shot them through the head and they fell forward unceremoniously. Blitzo hissed and Y/N laughed.
"You were supposed to wait." Y/N kissed the Imps forehead and he muttered something about "dirty hands".
"I'm just doing my job. Protect you, kill people."
"And you're doing a great job. I'll prove that to you later, okay?"
Blitzo immediately perks up, tail swishing behind him.
"Hell yeah!"
- your relationship is closed romantically, but open sexually to allow for your own succubus needs and Blitzo's arrangement with stolas. You're both still plenty loyal to each other and there's no doubt in either of your minds
- except for blitzo because he's always 100% sure that every slipup he makes will turn into a breakup.
- you just gotta help him realize you aren't leaving any time soon
Y/N was sitting in Bitzo's chair, the imp curled into his chest and completely silent. This wasn't something that happened often, and Y/N made sure their grip on him was tight and reassuring. They had a small fight earlier about something that escalated quickly. Blitzo's words were still fresh in Y/N's mind, but they pushed them away, burying their head against Blitzo's.
"You're quiet."
"You don't have to be quiet."
Y/N presses his lips to Blitzo's forehead as the imp sniffles, clutching onto their chest. Y/N sighs, letting the imp sob. Outside there's barely any noise, it's early in the morning, no demons want to he awake at such an hour unless they were forced too. Blitzo's tail curls around Y/N's leg and the succubus pulls his head up.
"I'm sorry I fought with you."
"We.. already did the apologies."
"I'm saying it again. I love you so much. I'm sorry."
Blitzo makes a noise akin to a whimper, burying his head in their neck.
"I love you too."
- very show off. Especially when he's nervous or anxious about you being around other demons bc he's so jealous constantly
- so you'll be like in a bar, and he'll start singing a rock love ballad in a drunken state because there was one (1) (uno) demon that brushed your arm and you shut them down quickly.
- still you cried about it later because it was so cute and blitzo thought he did something wrong and was a very big baby about it.
- when you're both drunk you put on stupid music and cuddle. That's it. Nothing else happens. You could both be high as balls and be listening to "As The World Caves In" and singing and sobbing until Loona practically duct tapes your mouths shut.
- Also loona absolutely loves hates you.
- she thinks you're perfect for Blitzo and wants to make you get married kill you around every corner.
"Loony! Y/N's staying the night."
"When aren't they staying the night?"
She scoffed, tensing her shoulders. Y/N simply laughed, setting a black bag down in front of her.
"I got you a present, bark."
The affectionate nickname came from when the pair first met and Loona straight up barked at them because she didn't see them when she walked into Blitzo's office. She rolled her eyes, opening it and starting her prepared thank-you speech.
"Oh wow. A gift. This was very unexpected
I love it so.. much."
"It's not a lot. Your phone case was cracked so I got you a new one, a few stickers for Verosika Mayday, and a new shirt. I hope you don't mind."
"Uh, thanks, Y/N."
Y/N blinked as the hellhound stared at them. They grinned, ignoring Blitzo's sniffle at the scene. Y/N pat her head affectionately and her tail swished slowly across the floor.
"No problem. Now, what're we making for dinner?"
I could go on forever and ever about how Y/N does all the cooking in the house hut I won't I'll end it here.
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albatmobile · 9 months
I need another fic where jayroy x reader is in the league for… reasons 🫣
I also now need this 😫
the other fic (x)
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a conundrum of redheaded proportions
next: [2] || ao3
𓅪 Rated: E | 4k includes: misunderstandings, confessions, selectively mute!reader, blow jobs, vaginal sex, deep throating, praise kink, spitroasting, begging, lots of smut y'all ur welcome, voyeurism, jealousy, Justice league AU
𓅪 previous hookup fem!reader x jason todd, eventual fem!reader x roy harper, eventual fem!reader x jason todd x roy harper
my Hero OC! Cardinal comes from this series: tumblr [1] [2] | ao3
It's a well-known fact amongst The League that you like redheads.
From your first fling with Wally, drunken kiss with Kori, to your summer romance with Kate and that one-time thing with Jason back when his locks were more fiery than his personality, you’ve always seemed to gravitate towards red. 
Hell, he’d even heard rumors that you’d been in a threesome with Babs and Artemis on your mission to Themyscira a summer or so ago. 
What Roy can’t figure out is why you’ve never even talked to him let alone looked at him.
Is he a defective redhead or something?
Just approach her, they said.
Just introduce yourself, they said.
Well, he’s fucking tried.
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You aren’t one to talk in uniform and only the redheads in the league, excluding Roy, know what you look like underneath your infamous, skin-tight burgundy vinyl. 
And then, there you are.
Right in front of him.
Roy doesn’t realize his breath’s stopped until his head begins to feel faint and he’s forced to gulp in air desperately like Spongebob in that one episode.
And then you’re walking toward him.
Jason shifts beside him, but Roy’s more focused on you.
Your hips sway hypnotically with each purposeful step you take closer, pulling Roy deeper into your unforgiving trance.
Your hand makes a tiny wave, so tiny Roy’s sure if he blinked he’d miss it, right at him.
No fucking way.
Roy’s hand shoots up with a nervous wave back that stills as soon as you shoot him a questioning head tilt. He hears the leather of Jason’s jacket shift from behind him and looks just in time to see his friend finish waving at you.
Roy isn’t salty.
“There’s no way she’s hot under that shit,” he mutters lowly to his friend once you’ve passed by.
Roy’s salty.
“I fucked her,” Jason says the statement like it’s an actual response and not just a blatant brag.
“Yeah,” Roy huffs, focusing back on packing up his gym bag, “so?”
“So,” Jason quirks a knowing brow, “you dissing my taste in women?”
“No!” Roy cries out, then slumps back against the locker room bench with a groan. “Is there something wrong with me, Jay? Am I the ugly one?”
“What does your mug being a mess have to do with her?” 
Jason’s never had a quiet voice. His baritone growl always demanded attention whether he meant it to or not. Unfortunately for Roy, this time it seems to have attracted your attention because your usual confident gate stutters just slightly enough for Roy to take notice.
As soon as you’re out of sight, Roy smacks Jason in the arm, yelping slightly when he retaliates with full force. 
“Jesus, dude. You tryin’ to kill me, or something?” Roy groans.
“You tryin’ to offend me, or something?” Jason mocks him.
Roy finishes zipping up his bag with a dramatic zip and huff, “Course not. Sorry, Jaybird.”
Another quick hit to Roy’s already undoubtedly bruised arm.
“Not here,” Jason chastises him, his nose wrinkling easily at the offending nickname. 
Roy watches as he looks towards all the hidden cameras in the room, something they’d both mapped out within the first few days of being welcomed aboard the Watchtower.
“For sure,” Roy agrees distractedly as he catches a glimpse of Barry’s outfit and briefly mistakes it for you. “Sorry, I’m just out of it today.”
“So I see,” Jason says, raising an easy brow. 
“Nothing gets passed you now, eh?” Roy tries to joke but Jason only returns him with a knowing, read: asshole-ish, look like he’s already figured Roy out and, hell, he probably has. He catches a whiff of his uniform and winces, picking distastefully at the fabric on the chest of his sweaty Arsenal getup. “Fuck off, man,” he huffs. “Let’s just eat so we can get the fuck out of these monkey suits.” 
The cafeteria is nearly empty at this hour, Roy notes with a pleased hum. He quickly becomes distracted, however, by the heavenly smells coming from the kitchen.
Algie and Rita are behind the counter again tonight, so Roy knows the food’s going to be fire. 
“Ladies,” Roy greets playfully with a waggle of his brows at the elderly women. As a result, they award him with an extra scoop of mashed potatoes. Score!
Jason greets them politely before following behind Roy to the closest table.
It’s always quiet around this hour, though it doesn’t mean heroes are necessarily holed up asleep in their rooms. Mission stragglers, graveyard shift Watchtower workers and heroes zeta-tubing in for their debriefs are constantly ongoing. In quiet moments like this, though, Roy really does feel like it’s just him and Jay in space.
“So, you going to tell me what’s been bugging you tonight?” Jason asks though Roy thinks he already knows.
Roy glances around the empty cafeteria, save for a single table taken in the way back, before leaning in to whisper anyway. “It’s that chick.”
Jason shoots the redhead an unimpressed look. “Chick, seriously?” he admonishes Roy.
Roy sighs, pushing around the mashed potatoes on his tray, “I’m not gonna say her name when you already know.”
Jason simply hums in response as he unlocks and removes his helmet to eat.
Roy has never been quiet when it comes to the people he’s interested in and, sure, that’s how it started off with you, but you’re different. 
No, literally, you don’t speak. 
Not that you can’t, per se, just selectively and never to Roy.
Except one time. Your first mission alone with him.
Roy was usually unable to understand your movements, signals and signs outside the costume (not that you were ever caught dead on the Watchtower out of costume). After all the years of battling side by side on missions, Roy knows your battlefield code like the back of his hand. Slight shift of your head to the right: back you up, shift to the left: back up, all the way down to your cute little hand movements that call out battle strategy. 
Quiet but mighty. Never one to mess with. 
Roy knows firsthand.
The one thing he’d never known until that one time, though? Your voice.
It was during the midst of a battle with Enchantress and Gorilla Grodd. You and Roy had been put in charge of reconnaissance for team Alpha when a henchman strayed way too close to the tree Roy was stationed behind. 
You’d clicked your comm button three times to alert Roy, but it was already too late. 
The guard startled and went for his radio, forcing Roy to draw an arrow. Though the hit itself was quiet, the thud of the man’s armored body was loud enough to draw the attention of everyone in the general vicinity. 
Cutely enough, you turned to Roy, watching as he drew his bow and nodded to you as you got into a defensive position. 
He then proceeded to watch you take on tens of henchmen at a time, disarming their guns before they could even aim them. It was a shame that Roy’d been so preoccupied with your safety, no, namely distracted by how the shiny material of your suit stretched across your huge ass, to focus on protecting himself.
Up until that point, everything had been going smoothly. That is, until-
You weren’t supposed to use names other than alias’ out of the field, but your slip-up had seemed so unintentional he didn’t need to see underneath the mask to know you were panicking. He could hear your regret in your loud silence for allowing your voice to slip through and leak into the chilly night air.
Your body crashed into his with such a ferocious force, that he had no choice but to shift out of the way. He hit the ground and you landed on top of him just in time for him to avoid the deadly ray of Enchantress’ incantation. 
You, however? Not so much. 
By jumping in front of Roy, you’d taken the brunt of the attack practically head-on.
The shock of hearing his name from you lasted mere milliseconds before you were on the ground, screaming bloody murder under the intense pain from the spell you’d just saved Roy from. He’d never thanked you for taking a proverbial bullet of kinds for him, but it wasn’t like he hadn’t at least tried. You’d been conveniently absent from the post-mission debrief and, after checking out the empty med bay, Roy hung around outside the women’s locker room long enough to get booted by a wary Supes. 
Eventually, Roy gave up trying to catch you and, thus, his ‘thank you’ went unsaid.
And now, here you are. Again.
Seeing you twice in one night, Roy feels like he’s hit the jackpot. 
Jason, being the asshole he is, waves you over as soon as his eyes catch yours.
Your thick thighs move languidly, shifting from side to side with each tantalizing sway of your perfect figure. You’re stunning.
Roy clears his throat, coming back down to the present moment just in time for Jason to… introduce the two of you to each other. Huh?
Jason and Roy are the only ones in the cafeteria, Algie and Rita having reverted back to stirring pots in the back kitchen. 
It’d be weird if they made you sit alone, right? 
That has to be why Jason is doing all of this.
Your flashy red stops right in front of him before he has a chance to think further on the topic. At this point, you’re close enough that your enchanting perfume has slowly started to invade his senses. Your scent quickly takes complete hold over him, making you the only thing he can focus on.
At Roy’s silent staring, Jason clears his throat, “Roy, meet Cardinal. Cardinal, Roy.”
Even behind the security of his domino mask, Roy can practically see the mirth in the outlaw’s emerald eyes. 
Roy’s completely lost for words. 
Luckily, it doesn’t seem to be an issue with you very much being in the same boat. 
He watches your every minute movement diligently so as not to miss this crucial moment. His eyes openly flick over your curves while your attention is diverted toward the raven-haired man next to you. 
It’s been years since Roy’s been this close to you and he can’t help but greedily drink your hypnotizing presence down to the last drop like a fucking dog. If Elastic Man and Booster Gold hadn’t been occupying the only other table in the cafeteria, Roy would take you right here and now, Jason’s voyeur-ass be damned. 
Roy watches as you huff slightly and shoulder his best friend’s arm lightly. Jason laughs easily at the cute contact, leaving Roy to wish he knew you well enough to be in on the joke, too. Well, to be honest, he just wishes he knew you period.
Roy clears his throat, going along with unnecessary niceties by extending his hand out to you with a false confidence he definitely wasn’t feeling. “What’s up, babe?” he greets overly casual.
Your head continues to face him head-on. He’s pretty sure if he could see anything under the mask you’d be wearing a deadpan stare. The two of you have known of each other for years, working alongside each other the entire time- so, why are you being introduced to Roy and why is he acting like a douche?
He watches you turn to Jason and point at yourself, then your head, then Roy and Jason seems to understand immediately. 
“Yeah, well, I figured I’d just properly introduce you guys,” he says, running a sheepish hand through his grey streak. “I don’t know,” he trails off with a sexy laugh that has even Roy fawning over him.
Roy really doesn’t stand a chance with Jason here. 
Roy supposes you shoot him another deadpan glare because Jason, honest to god, giggles. 
How is Roy supposed to compete with Jay’s rugged attractiveness when Roy’s shorter with half the game?
What happened to the awkward Jason Roy’d met all those years prior?
No, seriously, Jason had always been an awkward fuck, but for some reason, it seemed to work for him. Roy, on the other hand, was spontaneous, loud, over-the-top and seemed to drive off every promising prospect in sight, namely you.
You give Roy a timid wave that has Jason raising a brow, but Roy just responds earnestly. “Big fan of your work, Cardinal,” Roy says, leaning in across the table to get closer to you before he can stop himself. “Even bigger fan of that suit, beautiful.”
The redhead watches as your arms subconsciously move to cover your stomach and instantly backs off when Jason pushes him back into his seat.
“You’ll have to excuse my friend,” Jason says. “He hasn’t gotten laid since he got sober.”
He hears your tiny “oh” whispered into the quiet of the cafeteria and nearly loses it.
He wants you.
He needs you. 
“It’s true. I’m pathetic,” is what he ends up choking out.
Your head tilts at him with your hand floating to where your mouth is hidden under your vinyl confines. You look Jason’s way again before Roy hears your melodic giggle. He swears the gates of heaven have opened. He can practically hear the harps now as he watches the little shakes in your shoulders move in time with the angelic noise.
Saint Peter, Roy pleads with whatever fuckers are out there, please call my fucking name. Preferably soon… No, preferably now while you’re still amused by his obnoxious, whore-like behavior.
“Would you want to sit?” Jason motions to the chair you’re standing behind which sits right between Jason and Roy. You glance down at your tray which has a grab-n-go sandwich on it from one of the fridges right next to the food counter then back up at Roy. “It’s cool if not. I know idiot over here can be a lot.”
“Hey, I resent that.”
“I’m sure you do, buddy,” Jason says, picking lightly at his chicken before finally taking a bite. 
Jason always said the food here was good, but Roy knows it’s nothing compared to Alfred’s cooking back home.
Your giggling cuts off their old-married couple banter just like that. In fact, your laughter draws the attention of both men at the table so instantaneously that neither has time to cover up their reactions to the unfamiliar sound they’ve been lucky enough to hear twice now tonight.
Jason’s fork freezes momentarily on the way to his mouth before he quickly moves as if it’d never happened. Roy, on the other hand, remains completely stupefied by your captivating, seemingly effortless charm.
He knows deep down that there’s no way you’ll actually stay, though it doesn’t stop him from fantasizing about you ripping off your mask for him to take in what’s been forbidden for all these years. Part of him still holds out hope that, because it’s just him and Jason, you’ll actually do it, that you’ll actually give in and stay. Maybe the ripping off the mask is a bit too extreme, Roy mentally berates himself. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll lift the mask up past your nose and, at the very least, maybe you’ll just stay.
He watches with bated breath as you glance down at the seat, only to have his stomach sink seconds later when you shake your head. You pick up your sandwich and motion with your head toward the exit. 
Your continued lack of verbal response further proves there’s no way you’d ever even think about lifting up your mask to eat with Roy here. 
He is defective. 
“No worries,” Roy says as he waves you off with a jerky, then overly casual nature. 
Holy fuck, why can’t he just act normal around you?
“We’re usually in here around this hour if you ever do want to meet up,” Jason adds helpfully. Roy’ll be sure to thank him later for it. That is, right after he finishes kicking his ass for putting him through this embarrassment. “It’s usually just us down here at this hour, anyway. It’d be nice to catch up.”
You nod eagerly at both of them, leaving Jason to laugh. 
Roy watches you rub anxiously at your forearm, only to spur into action when your tray nearly goes tumbling because of it. You catch the sandwich easily and Roy catches the tray before it can even get close to the ground, but that doesn’t stop you from bending down, too.
At the sight of the tray safe in his hand, you, still bent over, look up, causing your noses to bump. 
“I can take care of you,” Roy’s grave voice is nearly a whisper in the quiet of the large room. You gasp slightly and startle backward, causing Roy to backtrack in a slightly higher-pitched voice. “They tray, I mean,” he clears his throat until his voice reaches its normal timbre. “I can take care of the tray for you.”
You seem to be momentarily frozen, much to Roy’s surprise, though it doesn’t last for long. Soon, you’re nodding distractedly, backing away from their table all the while. 
With your wrapped sandwich in one hand, you use the other to give a hasty thumbs up.
Roy waves you off with a defeated smile, bidding you a cursory goodnight.
Then you’re turning on your heel, speeding for the exit at a pace even Wally wouldn’t be able to keep up with.
He fucked up.
Neither he nor Jason can pull their eyes off you as you saunter away. 
Roy bites down harder on his chapped, bottom lip with each stomp of your heels as it jiggles your infamous cheeks in the process. Damn, what Roy wouldn’t do to get his hands on as much of your ass as he could manage. He knows there’s no way your ass would fit in the palms of his hands, but damn, if the thought alone doesn’t leave him drooling.
He doesn’t even notice the tent forming in his lap until Jason shoots him an unimpressed stare. 
“You’ve got it bad, bro,” Jason mutters into his water glass. 
Roy does have it bad.
So bad that he makes his best friend take care of the raging boner you’d left him with.
Jason wasn’t lying when he said Roy hadn’t been laid since he’d sobered up around two years ago, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t jacking it almost every night. He’s found that the showers between the hours of four and five am are a safe haven for him to quickly get off, but tonight he needs something more.
Tonight’s different.
Roy presses Jason against the tiled wall and fucks into his tight ass all while imagining your wet pussy and fucked-out face. Roy comes embarrassingly fast, something Jason doesn’t let slide. He puts Roy to work, forcing his dick down his throat with a rough hand gripping his fiery hair until he comes all over Roy’s freckled face with a grunt.
It’s good and fine and whatever… Jason’s extremely attractive- that’s not the issue. 
The issue is that he’s not you.
Jason takes one look at Roy’s constipated face and sighs, wiping gently at the remaining beads of come on the tip of his cock with Roy’s discarded boxers.
“Just talk to her,” he says before leaving Roy to drown under the stream of his post-nut misery.
He’s rounding the corner to his dorm room in his towel when he runs right smack into you and you’re…
“Holy shit,” Roy can’t help the airy moan that escapes at the sight of you in a loosely tied silk robe- only a silk robe.
You’re breathtaking. 
Your billowing hair, gleaming eyes and, overall, sinful features leave Roy’s mouth hanging open. Speaking of mouths, your supple, pouty lips are screaming at Roy to slip his dick between them and choke you with his length until he sees tears in the corners of your sex-doll eyes. 
Even in the fluorescent lights of the Watchtower hallways, your skin softly glows, radiating deep down into Roy’s bones. 
He needs to get his hands on you. 
Your features all meld together perfectly in a way that makes sense and he wonders how he ever could’ve imagined you to look any other way.
You tilt your head at him but don’t make to pass. It’s like you’re captivated by his captivation and, if anything, it only serves to captivate Roy further. 
You seem somewhat startled, though it’s obvious you’re trying to hide it. Roy wishes he could control his reaction; he really does, but you don’t know what you’re doing to him. Your startled face steadily shifts, leaving Roy to wonder if maybe you do. Maybe you know exactly what kind of effect you’re having on him. 
The teasing glint in your eyes seems to point to the latter and it’s making Roy weak in his already wobbly knees.
The sight of your costumed-self in the past has been enough to render him speechless. Now you’re here, standing in front of Roy’s rabid form with your robe steadily slipping from your silky shoulder and further down your bicep. 
Needless to say, the one-on-one contact with you is dizzying. It’s as if he’s drowning in the thick syrup of your honey-sweet figure without you ever having uttered a word other than his name. 
A succubus of sorts, for sure.
You’re hypnotizing and Roy knows he’s yet to pick his jaw up off the floor but can’t bring himself to stop. 
A steady breeze tickles at his mid-drift and it’s then he realizes he’s also forgotten to pick up his fucking towel in the process.
While Roy’s been completely stupefied by your ethereal features, you’ve been staring at his half-mast cock with an unreadable look. Roy inwardly groans when he realizes that Jason would probably know what it meant but erases the thought as soon as it pops into his head.
Roy looks down at his freckled, pink-tipped dick, then back up at you, then back down again and back up.
“Jeez,” he spouts, scrambling to the floor to snatch up the Justice League embroidered towels they supplied in the locker rooms. “Sorry,” his voice is thick with want as he squeezes his words out from behind a lump in his throat you’ve conveniently caused. “Didn’t see you there,” he says once he’s popped back up and secured his towel. “You alright?”
Your eyes flick down to his now completely erect cock that’s covered once again by his towel, then back up to his light green eyes. He follows the motion self-consciously, eagerly awaiting your next move. 
You’re a wild card to him. He can truly say you’re one of the few people he’s unable to read and one of the only people that he never knows what you’re going to do next. 
You’re a captivating mystery, an enigma for Roy’s puzzle-loving brain to tirelessly work at. And here you are, revealing almost everything to him while still revealing absolutely nothing. 
You nod and he watches as a magnificent blush coats your cheeks, though not the ones he’s been carnally craving.
“Sorry,” Roy sputters again as you continue past him like nothing had even happened. Like Roy hadn’t been staring at you for two minutes straight. 
You shake your head easily as if to say you don’t care, but Roy hopes you do. 
You continue past him with your usual confident stride, leaving Roy to wonder how you can possibly expect him to move at all with the trance you’ve put on him. His wobbly knees struggle to remain upright as your silent padding grows more and more distant.
Your scent lingers in the air around him like a cruel reminder of what could’ve been.
When he’s finally able, he turns around to watch your ass jiggle further and further down the hall with a heavy heart and even heavier blue balls. His heart nearly stops when you actually turn around to see if he’s still there, only to blush and duck your head back around on account of his blatant staring.
And so, the chase continues.
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A/N: i’ve fully fallen in love w my characterization of roy and i’m absolutely WRECKED about it ok? i hope u feel the same and let me know if u do! ALSO ok I wrote this back in March (before I broke my pinky lol) but I did edit recently, but if it sounds a bit off from my current stuff that’s why :,P
Important: Cardinal is not usually mute, I take a lot of her hero design from Black Bat and thought it would be cool to include another aspect of Cassandra's character, hence this!
[next] || ao3 || pinned || ways to support
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Enemies of the Southside.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader.
A/N #1: This is a little different from what I’m used to writing, so please, go easy on me haha also there are some warnings further down so please check them out and if you are uncomfortable with what is mentioned, I advise you not to read.
A/N #2: I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, blood, a knife, and choking. If you are not comfortable with any of these things, PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED.
Translation: “Sestra.” Sister.
Word count: 2,171.
Being part of the Southside you knew not to wander deserted streets only illuminated by the moonlight, alone. But going home from your job required you to do such, and most times you weren’t worried, because sporting the leather jacket that you did gave you a sense of power that helped ease your mind.
But this night felt different.
This night you couldn’t help but feel like someone was following you, the realization causing a chill to run down your spine.
Cautiously picking up your pace, you make it about half way through the alley that leads you home, when you hear a voice suddenly whisper, “I’m sorry,” and you feel pairs of hands grab at your arms and legs, pushing at you as they pin you to a wall.
“Whoa, what the fuck! Let me go!” You shout as you squirm, trying to get out of the tight hold your are in. “Get the hell off me!” You say and continue squirming, until you feel a hand tightly squeeze around your throat. “Pietro?” You whisper, voice breaking slightly.
Pietro was your best friend that pledged allegiance to the Southside’s biggest gang when you were 15, he was one of the few people that initiated with you.
Which is why you’re so stunned to see him there, a black hoodie on his head and a pair of black gloves on his hands to match.
As your eyes dart around your perpetrators, you recognize a few more faces that you initiated with or you were once very close with and you can’t help the tears that spring to your eyes, causing Pietro to look at everything except you.
But once you manage to make eye contact with the silver haired boy you can see that your old best friend wants to do anything but hurt you and knowing firsthand how severe the consequences can be if he declines hurting you, you give him a slight nod as if to say, it’s okay.
Instantly regretting your decision when you see your ex-lover come out of the shadows, a blade in her hand.
“Hey! Wait, wait. No, no!” You scream, kicking your legs as hard you can to no avail, thinking you were going to endure at least a simple beating. Realizing a little too late that was not the case.
“Hold her tight,” Vision grits, hands tightening on your legs, and once they manage to subdue you he gives Wanda the command, “now go ahead Wanda, cut! Take off that damn disgracing tattoo!” He all but growls and your eyes widen as you realize what is about to actually happen.
As Wanda begins slowly making her way towards you, she makes eye contact with you and the green eyes that stare back at you are full of pain and despair, and your heartbreaks in your chest before the blade that she wields starts cutting into your skin as a way to remove the tattoo you sport on your right arm that you got when you were initiated into the Southside, a tattoo that represented what gang you were in.
“Please, stop!” You yell at the top of your lungs, your scream piercing the air.
A scream so chilling it would probably make a murderer rethink a killing, a scream so piercing it could make anyone go deaf.
But Wanda doesn’t stop, she can’t stop, even as her entire being protests she continues slicing. She continues slicing until the art you were sporting is off your arm and with that they let you go, your limp body falling to the ground with a harsh thud.
Thinking you’re dead you hear their footsteps as they run away once they’re done with you, and as you’re lying there losing consciousness, you hear someone crying.
“I’m so sorry, my love” the voice sobs, “I didn’t want to hurt you. I really didn’t, but I had to,” they say and you feel a hand softly caress your face.
“Wanda, please, we need to go, they’re going to come back to make sure she’s dead if we don’t leave right now,” another voice says.
“She’s dying now Piet, she is losing way too much blood! If we leave her here like this I won’t be able to live with myself if she dies,” the brunette sobs and Pietro quickly jumps into action, ripping a part of your shirt off to make a makeshift tourniquet to put around your arm to temporarily stop the bleeding.
“There Wanda, it’s the best I can do,” your old best friend says softly.
“She’s going to hate me Piet,” the brunette says affectedly.
“I know sestra, I know, she’ll hate us both,” he sighs sadly. “But we knew how grave the stakes could be when we pledged allegiance to the Northside, there is nothing we can do now but move forward. She may never understand why we did what we did, but she knows what these obligations mean to us, she too has her own.”
Wanda nods slightly, tears pouring down her face as she continues the caresses on your face a little while longer before completely pulling away, “I know she’ll understand why this happened, but by doing this to her, we are literally declaring war on the Southside P. There will definitely be hell to pay. I just hope she’s not in the crossfire, I’ve done enough damage today, I’d hate to see her get hurt even more than what has happened right now. I still love her you know,” you hear Wanda say.
“Well if you love her and still care about her then please, let’s go,” the silver haired boy pleads, “they’re going to get suspicious as to why we’re not with them and they’ll come back Wanda, they will, and if they see she’s still alive they might actually kill her, so we really need to go,” Pietro says anxiously.
Those being the last words you hear before their footsteps depart.
As you lay there still losing significant amounts of blood even with the tourniquet on your arm, you black out for a few minutes. Only waking up when you hear more footsteps making their way towards you and you begin dragging yourself on the ground, afraid that the Northsiders have come back to make sure you’re dead or that they’re back to do their job and actually kill you.
But when you hear a familiar voice call out your name, you know you're slightly safe and it isn't until you feel arms wrap around your weak frame and you take in the scent of a familiar cologne that you allow yourself to relax.
“Help! Nat, Steve, Tony! Please get in here and help!” A panicked Bucky yells, as he and Sam set you down on a nearby table, and in come the rest of the Southside’s strongest gang.
“Holy fuck, what happened?” You hear Yelena ask.
“Oh my god, Y/N!” Kate gasps.
“Give her space,” Natasha and Steve yell.
“Jesus Christ,” Tony says entering the room, “what in the hell happened?”
“I-I don’t know,” Bucky stutters, his hands shaking as he sees them full of your blood, “Sam and I were coming back home from the bar when we saw her bleeding out on the floor, we picked her up and came here as soon as possible,” the tall man says.
“Okay, it’s okay, calm down. Let me get a good look at her and I’ll call you guys back in a bit.” Steve says, handing the man a towel as they all walk out of the room.
While in the other room Kate and Yelena can’t stop their pacing due to the extreme worry they feel about not knowing your state. As the rest of the group sit and wait to be called in by their other friends and after several minutes of waiting Steve comes into the room.
“Hey guys, she’s stable, whoever put that makeshift tourniquet on her basically saved her life. You guys are more than welcome to come in and see her,” he says and as soon as the words leave his mouth all at once they go inside the room in which you are in.
“Hey Y/N/N,” Natasha whispers as she removes sweaty hair out of your eyes.
“Hey Natty,” you smile softly.
“Doll, what happened?” Bucky questions.
“It was the Northside,” you breathe and you swear you can see the moment everyone goes tense.
“Who exactly?” Sam asks angrily.
“I-I didn’t see their faces, it was too dark. I was just able to see their j-jackets,” you stutter.
“Bullshit Y/N!” Clint says, calling you out immediately, “who was it?”
“I-It was... Vision, Peter, America, and MJ,” you begin, listing off the names of the people that hurt you, but hesitating on mentioning two other names.
“And who else Y/N/N?” Yelena asks, eyes narrowing as she studies you, “I know you're holding back. Who else was there? Also, don’t even think about lying, we know you,” the girl says and you take in a deep breath.
“Please, don't make me do this," you whisper softly, voice full of emotion.
"Who else hurt you sweetie? We need to know, because they need to pay for what they did," Natasha whispers just as soft, her hand holding your own tenderly.
"Nat please, I love her," you say, tears rolling down your cheeks but nevertheless providing the names they are looking for, "Wanda. Wanda and Pietro also did this to me,” you say as you cast your eyes downward in shame and fear.
“Son of a bitch!” Yelena yells, kicking a nearby stool down, “are you kidding me?! The Maximoff twins did this you?! Oh, they are dead! Do you hear me? They are so dead!” She says, an anger welling in her eyes like you've never seen before.
“I’m with Yelena, they are dead! They want to mess with one of our own, I say we all go over there and kick their asses! Because this means war!” Kate says and everyone except Steve and Tony nod their head.
“No,” Steve begins, “we can’t do that,” the older man says calmly.
“What the hell do you mean Steve! So what? We’re just supposed to roll over and let this happen?” Bucky questions angrily.
“No Buck, we are not going to roll over. We are going to proceed with caution,” Steve continues just as calmly.
“Like hell! If we don’t do something now, they are going to think we are weak, and we are not weak! We can’t let them think we don’t care enough about our members to lie down and take this attack!” Clint yells and the rest of the gang start agreeing.
“Silence!” Tony yells, causing the members to seize their uproar, “Steve is right, we must proceed with caution. It is not ideal, I know, but we must,” he says. “I promise you, we will get our revenge. This heinous act of violence against the kid hurts us just as much as it hurts you. We are a family, we watch after each other so I will make sure we sort this out. But for now, our main priority is Y/N's health, we are so lucky she is here with us right now, so please, all of you go get some rest. It has been an emotional night. But I ask you, reserve this anger, reserve it for when we want to take action against these cowards.”
“As much as I hate to admit it," Natasha begins, "they're right. We are not thinking straight. We are thinking irrationally because we are angry, rightfully so. But we need a proper course of action so we can execute our plans, so for now let’s let Y/N rest, she’s endured enough tonight, goodnight.” Natasha says with finality and the gang huff but nonetheless oblige.
Once all but the three founding members have left, you look to Natasha, Steve and Tony, gratefully. “Thank you guys, for getting them to rationalize, I appreciate it,” you say softly, a small smile making it's way to your face.
“No problem Y/N. But please know, we do not take this attack on you lightly. I know you still love Wanda and care for Pietro, but this act of violence warrants a war, so be prepared for that. What they did to you today is only the beginning, a warning of what’s to come and I know you have history with the twins, but they knew what it meant when they agreed to do this to you and they will have to pay,” Steve says softly and you nod sadly, “now get some rest kid. We’ll see you tomorrow morning, we’re just so glad you’re okay,” he says a smile gracing his features as Natasha moves forward to place a soft kiss on your forehead and Tony nods at you with a small smile on his face.
Wanda, your ex-lover, now turned enemy has no idea what’s in store for her.
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carolmunson · 4 months
love ya pretty baby!! how about 5✨
He's going off 'cause they're not gonna let him in, Two and a half, the boy is rushing out his skin, He's got his charm with the girls that are smoking, He takes her arm, jumps the bar and now he's in.
babyasif!eddie - before the break up. (18+ drug use, drinking, oral - male receiving)
He stumbles out the back of Deleon, the rough shove of the bouncer making him trip over his shined shoes and into the wet bricks of the building next door.
"Get the fuck outta here," he grizzles, "And we don't wanna see you back, either."
It's not the first time Eddie's gotten kicked out of a bar for being beligerent, but at least he wasn't getting arrested. He trips moving forward, palms hitting the asphalt with a sliding crunch but he can't feel it. He's buzzing, jaw tight -- jittery.
As he makes his way out to the main street the light glitter in his eyes, too bright, too shiny. They float in and out of his vision while he makes his way down the street to the next spot. He does have a quota to meet after all.
His tongue runs over his teeth and in on itself, hot and cold and again, he chews on his bottom lip.
Bzz. Bzz.
He ignores it, catching his reflection in a shop window where he fixes up his hair. Finally happy with his appearance he makes his way further down the street until he bumps into the back of a long line for a new spot that opened up.
"Can you watch where you're g--oh, hi."
Bzz. Bzz.
His eyes travel over who owns the aggravated voice -- a light pink bodycon dress on tanned skin, caramel straightened hair passed her shoulders. When their eyes meet he sees they're a shimmering brown, the sparkle on her eyes and lips take hold on him. Easy target.
He smiles, "Hi, um, are you in line?"
"Yeah, me and my girls," she smiles, cocking her head over to two blondes and a red head -- all just as hot as the next. Little dresses and high heels, they'll get drinks bought for them all night. Certainly they can spare some change for good quality cocaine. The best Indiana has to offer from the best guy who could offer them.
"What's your name?" he smiles, eyes flitting from her manicure toes back up to her eyes, "What are a bunch of pretty girls like you doing on this side of town?"
He doesn't even know what he's saying, the charm just pools out of him. He doesn't care where she goes to school or what Blonde #2 is majoring in. He just wants to know what she looks like under that dress, how much money she's gonna spend, how quick it'll take her to say yes to sneaking to the bathroom with him.
Bzz. Bzz.
Before he knows it the group is saying he's with them and he's able to get by without a cover fee. Her tanned hand lacing with his pale one while they make their way into the club. Jackpot, he thinks.
It's a game of shots, one right after the other until he's comfortable enough to ask the girls if they want any of his supply -- he'll even give a discount since they're so sweet. They take the bait like bears to honey, dancing to house beats eith their hands in the air, eyes closed -- like a depression medicine commercial. It's too easy.
Once the cash is in hand he disappears from that group like a theif in the night. Befriends a bottle girl or two. Word gets around that the guy in the leather jacket has the goods and he starts to make a killing.
Tiff is her name, the girl in the light pink bodycon dress. He spots her again hours later, pupils as blown as he is.
Bzz. Bzz.
They both weave through people to get to each other, she stumbles on her high heels. He can barely see straight at this point, the liquor and drugs not balancing each other out quite right. The lights glitter the way they did outside but worse, he squints, and then gets to her. Another shot that makes his eyes heavy -- one too many. His hands reach around her to dance to the beat, feeling beads of sweat build on his neck. His eyes close, she's pressed up against him.
They open, he can taste her vanilla lip gloss. They close, he grabs handfuls of her ass over the soft fabric, slotting his knee between her thighs. They open, he's leading her to the back of the club.
They close, they make out against the wall until the bathroom door opens.
They open, his pants are half way down his thighs while Tiff kneels on the bathroom floor between his legs. The bass from the club does little the muffle the sound of how sloppy she's going at it. His eyes roll in his head when his tip hits the back of her throat, hand resting on the top of her head.
"Fuuuck, that's it," he breathes, half in pleasure, half bored.
Bzz. Bzz.
He fishes into his jacket pocket for his phone, wincing at the bright light while he opens the screen. He dims it quickly, as to not alert Tiff whose face is buried in his pelvis.
Three missed calls. Four texts.
Missed Call x 3 Sweetheart
New Message Sweetheart 9:54 PM
hey, you were supposed to be here an hour ago. where are you?
New Message Sweetheart 10:41 PM
are you coming still? gare said he hasn't seen you. are you okay?
New Message Sweetheart 11:55 PM
i'm going to bed, rick said you were working. i miss you.
New Message Sweetheart 11:59 PM
do you miss me?
He sighs, biting his lower lip when Tiff starts to use her hands too.
"Shiiiit, doll, don't stop," he groans out, holding her head in place while she groans back in response. He shoddily types out a response with his thumb.
ofc i miss u, baby i'll see u tomorro n get u something pretty
He shoves the phone back in his pocket when Tiff finds her way up his chest, sticky gloss lips at his neck.
"Fuck me," she huffs against his skin. He smirks, a low chuckle coming from his throat. He takes her by the hips, leaning her over the skin so that he can finally see what's under that little pink dress, "Like you even have to ask."
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