#that look just like them at your local forever 21
killbaned · 1 year
omg wooooooooooow a skinny white cis ~*~*alternative~*~*~ girl with a modeling career yes kween you’re breaking barriers we need to see more 😍😍😍😍😍
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taeraemisu · 11 months
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delusional ; matthew zb1
synopsis ; in which reader is desperately holding onto the very thin thread of wanting to meet their childhood friend again even though they have lost all contact with each other
genre ; childhood friends to lovers, reader did not give up hope woah, a sprinkle of a cafe au, fluff !!
pairings ; matthew x reader, taerae being reader’s good friend
word count ; 1.5k words
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“am i being delusional?”
“yes, one hundred percent.”
you and taerae were closing up the cafe you both work at, ten minutes till closing. just like any other night or waking moment, you were complaining to your dear friend taerae about a certain guy you could never forget.
“but hear me out-“
taerae puts his hands up, stopping you from speaking any further. “let’s look at this logically. you last saw him when you were 10, we are currently 21. the chances of him being here, right at this moment, is very slim.”
you groaned at the dimpled-boy. he was not wrong, but could he blame you? there wasn’t one moment where you have ever forgotten about his existence. and how could you? no one could forget the seok matthew if they ever meet him. he was someone who would be stuck in your head forever, a certain boy you will see passing by on the street and you can’t seem to ever forget him despite knowing nothing about him. that’s the kind of guy seok matthew was.
“okay, okay but just hear me out!” you said as you sweep the empty cafe. “maybe, and just maybe, he’s an exchange student right now and is currently here!”
taerae rolled his eyes, looking at you with the ‘really’ eyes. “think about what you just said, as slowly as you can, and what’s the probability of that.” he was washing the cups as he talks to you, so prepared to shoot down your delusions once more. “out of all the ideas you have mentioned to me, how many times has it been true? and how many times have i been right?”
you groaned. you hate how he was always right. there was once you were so convinced matthew would walk past you on the street right at that moment. did it happen? no. or the time how you and taerae were having dinner at a local restaurant and you were so convinced he was working there as a part-timer, about to serve the both of you your food. but did it happen? no.
maybe that’s why the both of you got along so well. one was delusional while the other is logical and shoots down the other’s delusions.
“just you wait, he is going to walk through those doors at this moment and order a drink,” you flashed a grin at your friend. taerae shakes his head, wiping the cups and putting them away now. he glanced at the clock. “i hope not, we are closing in a few minutes-“
the bell rings, making the both of you snap your head to the door. a foxy looking guy walks in, smiling sheepishly at the both of you. “it’s probably really late but is it okay if i could order one drink to go?”
the both of you stared at the guy in shock. taerae glanced at you, bewildered. you were right?! he could not believe this. the seok matthew was standing in front of the both of you. he had seen matthew’s photos so many times before, having you to thank, and he was so disappointed he recognised the guy instantly,
you, on the other hand, could not believe your eyes. seok matthew, the guy you have always wanted to meet again, was standing in front of you, right at this moment.
“if you guys are closed i could go-“
“no!” you said, a bit too loud. “i mean, we could make one more drink. you can stay as long as you like, we were both planning to stay to study anyways.” words jump around your head, trying to form proper sentences. could you even speak?
taerae looks at you, looking at you as if he is saying is-studying-really-the-best-you-could-think-of.
“yeah, we could make one more drink. what would you like?” taerae took over, while matthew walks over to the counter, leaving you standing in your spot while you stare at him. you remembered him, but does he remember you?
“does ice americano work?”
“of course!” you say a little too quickly before you behind the counter to prepare his drink. “name, sir?”
taerae rolls his eyes. you definitely knew more than just his name. “i mean, aren’t i the only person here?” matthew chuckles.
“procedures we have to follow,” you gave a soft smile while you prepare his drink. he returns a smile, eyeing you. “matthew, seok matthew.” you made his drink and gave it to him. you were trying to make it as slowly as you could cause when would you ever see him again?
“thanks!” matthew took a sip of the drink. “oh, wow, i might actually come here more often.”
“please do,” you said a little too quickly again before you realised you were staring at him. you could not think straight around him.
“so matthew, do you go to any schools nearby or did you just happen to be here?” taerae took over once more, looking at you with the you-owe-me look before looking back at matthew.
“i am actually! i go to zerose university nearby! i’m the new exchange from canada! what about the both of you?”
you stared at him in shock, you were right again! 
“no way? we both go there too! maybe we will be seeing you around more often,” taerae grins before you both bid a goodbye to matthew who leaves the cafe. you just stare at taerae in shock. “who’s the right one now?”
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weeks and a little over a month have past since you first met matthew again, and he started to appear at the cafe you work at a lot. he would be there before you even start your shift and leave till closing. you never had the courage to talk to him though, even though you recognised him. what if he doesn’t even remember you?
“here’s your matcha latte,” you smiled at him as you serve his drink, looking at how all his papers and books were spread all over the table. “how’s the assignments, woohyun?” you asked, finally making small conversation and not relying on taerae to do most of the talking. “honestly professor kim gives the easiest-“
“how do you know my name?”
you stopped talking and looked at him. “you told me your name? matthew?”
he was now eyeing you. “not that one, my korean name. woohyun.”
you paused, instantly going red. how is it the one time you talk to him you messed up? he doesn’t even remember you so now he probably thinks that you are a stalker. “i … oh look! customers, i have to go!” you speedwalked away, leaving matthew in his seat while you turn red all over. how could you mess everything up?
after serving customers, you stayed in the break room, not daring to go out. taerae and your other co-workers took care of the rest of the shift while you panic. i can’t lose him again.
once again, you and taerae were responsible for closing. when you finally get out of the break room, matthew was still there in his seat, in a deep sleep. you were so embarrassed you could not even look at him. “taerae, what am i going to do?” you whispered to your friend. “i can’t face him anymore.”
taerae grins at you. “you should wake him up, everything is already cleaned up and we can’t just leave him here.”
“cant you do it?”
he shakes his head, nudging you towards matthew. you sighed and consciously walked up to him, shaking him softly to wake him. how could he still be gorgeous while sleeping?
he woke up instantly, flinching in his seat. “i’m so sorry!” you apologised, playing around with your fingers. “it’s closing time and we have to close—“ you turned back to look at taerae who was long gone, no where to be seen in the cafe. oh this bitch. “—actually, i have to close. so sorry for waking you up.” you bit the inside of your cheek and thought about what happened earlier. “and for earlier, i swear i’m not a stalker i just-“
matthew cuts you off, giving you a hug. “i know you yn. so sorry i did not recognise you sooner. you did look familiar i just didn’t want to assume.” he pulls away and cleans his things up. “if it weren’t for taerae or your woohyun incident, it might have taken longer for me to remember you.”
you tilted your head. taerae?
“oh, you didn’t know? after you called me woohyun and disappeared off, taerae explained how you recognised me and how we knew each other since we were kids,” matthew chuckles. “he heavily emphasised how you are not a stalker.”
you grinned, oh you owed your friend so much. “he did one thing right,” you mumbled. matthew grins at you and pulls his bag over his shoulder. “which was a very good thing because …” his voice trails off. “i have been wanting to ask you on a date.”
you widen your eyes. “a date?”
“you can say no! no pressure or anything just-“
you cut his words off, giving him a peck on his cheek. “i would like that, actually.”
you have so much to thank taerae for.
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© taeraemisu do not copy my works !
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matttgirlies · 1 month
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Matt & Me🎀
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a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - none
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 19
Matt and I often talked of having children, but we certainly weren’t planning on having them right away. Then one day we were at the ranch. It was early afternoon and Matt was still asleep. I lay in bed and felt a strange sensation in my stomach, a sensation I’d never felt before. I lay staring at the ceiling. No—it couldn’t be. Again, the same feeling. I slid out of bed. I’ll call Patsy, I thought. She’d know. I went to the phone in the next room.
“Patsy, when you found out you were pregnant, did you feel strange?”
“Strange like what?”
“You know. I mean, what did you feel?”
“Well, I missed my period.”
“But didn’t you feel something in your body, something strange?”
“I really don’t remember, y/n. Why?”
“Because I think I’m pregnant. I know I am. I’ve never felt this before.”
“Maybe it’s nerves.”
“No—I just have a funny feeling. I’ll talk to you later.”
I didn’t tell Matt right away: I couldn’t. But he saw that I was quiet and preoccupied.
If I were pregnant, I knew that our plans to travel would have to be postponed. I wouldn’t be able to head off to some exotic locale and leave my child with nurses and maids. For the first year, I truly wanted to be alone with Matt, without any responsibilities or obligations.
For a few days I was angry with Matt. Before the wedding I asked him if I should start taking birth-control pills, but he had been adamantly against it.
“They’re not good for you. I really don’t want you taking them. They’re not perfected yet, Baby. There’s all kinds of side effects.”
A week passed before I told Matt my suspicions. I expected him to react with the same mixed emotions I’d felt, but he was ecstatic. He made arrangements for me to see a doctor right away, accompanied me to the doctor’s office, and sat anxiously in the waiting room while I was examined.
When I came out I put my arms around him and said, “Guess what?”
“What? What?” He was barely able to contain himself.
“You’re going to be a dad.”
He couldn’t believe it and immediately wanted to tell everyone. Just then his father, who had driven over with us, came into the room. Matt grabbed him.
“Dad, you won’t believe this. y/nn’s gonna have a baby. You’re gonna be a grandad.”
“Good Lord Almighty,” James said, stunned. “You’re kiddin’ me.”
“No, Dad. We’re telling you the truth.” Then Matt teased him, saying, “You’re going to be a gray-headed granddaddy.”
I loved seeing Matt happy, but I was still uncertain about how my unexpected pregnancy would affect our marriage. This was supposed to have been our time alone. I wanted to be beautiful for him; instead, my debut as Matt’s bride was going to be spoiled by a fat stomach, puffy face, and swollen feet.
As far as I was concerned, the less people mentioned about my looking pregnant, the better. I intended to prove that a pregnant woman did not have to get fat. I wanted to refute Matt’s claim that “women use the excuse of their pregnancy to let themselves go.” Although the doctor said that a twenty five-pound gain would be fine, I immediately dropped from my normal one hundred ten pounds to one hundred. During the next four months, I regained just five pounds, and only nine more by the time of delivery. Eating one meal a day and snacking on apples and hardboiled eggs, I prided myself on never needing to buy a maternity outfit. My doctor advised that in addition to taking multiple vitamins I should consume plenty of dairy products. Being vain, I amended my doctor’s instructions and lessened my intake of dairy products. I did not want to gain weight and get stretch marks. As a further precaution I resolved to slather myself with cocoa butter for the next eight months.
A few days after I learned I was pregnant, we left Boston for L.A., where Matt was to begin preproduction on a new film, Speedway. It was to be the last drive in our customized bus before it was sold. During the trip, Matt and the guys had a ball, punching each other and playing practical jokes. I played photographer, clicking away at everyone. But when I kept smiling and laughing I still felt very ambivalent about my pregnancy. I wanted a baby, just not so soon.
Matt was extremely sensitive to my moods. He missed his little girl’s “twinkling eyes,” her “bright, smiling face.” Finally, in Flagstaff, Arizona, at a small roadside inn, he sat me down and said, “What do you want to do, Little One?”
I broke down and answered, “I don’t know. What can I do?”
“What do you think?” he said. “I’ll back you up whatever you want to do.”
Instantly I knew what he was talking about. He was leaving the decision up to me. “It’s our baby,” I said, sobbing. “I could never live with myself, neither could you.”
There were no words, only his smile of approval; he held me tightly in his arms as I cried. The two of us, bound by love, accepted our new little creation wholeheartedly.
When I first felt my baby move I suddenly understood the full joy of carrying our child. My smile returned when Matt delicately placed his hand on my slightly swollen stomach and said, “How can such a little person carry another little person?” The pregnancy was bringing us closer. He would call me from the studio every day, just to say hello and make sure I was fine. It was because of the baby that we decided to buy our first home in Los Angeles instead of leasing as we’d done in the past. While he was filming I searched the Beverly Hills-Bel Air area for a place that would suit us.
Later that fall, when we were in Arizona for location filming on “Stay Away, Joe”, I saw an advertisement in Variety for a house that sounded perfect: a beautiful home in Trousdale Estates, completely furnished, three bedrooms, a guest cottage, pool, and good security.
I flew back to L.A. The house was owned by a prominent landowner who was recently divorced. With a built-in bar, antique furnishings, and collectors’ art, it was a far cry from Rocca Place, where each room was decorated to each employee’s specification—a different carpet, a different color, a different style in each room. Unfortunately, I’d tried to satisfy everyone’s taste, and architectural indigestion was the result. This time I would be able to live with everything the way I liked.
As soon as Matt returned from Arizona we moved into our new home and began preparing a room for our baby. All I could think about was how happy I was, how wonderful life was.
Naturally, I got a lot of advice about what I should and shouldn’t do while I was pregnant. Steeped in her Southern superstitions, Grandma was especially solicitous, telling me I couldn’t brush my hair over my head or else I would wrap the umbilical cord around the baby. She also said I shouldn’t stand on my feet too long or my legs would swell and I wouldn’t be able to walk again. She was as concerned as any doting mother and some of my activities gave her reason to worry. I still kept up with my ballet, rode my motorcycle and my horse Domino, right up until the eighth month of pregnancy. Matt thought I was absolutely incredible to keep up with him in every way. That made me happy. I was pleasing him and still by his side every day.
Then I began hearing rumors about Matt and Madison Beer, the same rumors that I had read about in Germany: that she had a passionate crush on him, that they were having an affair. I was extremely sensitive and quick to cry. Matt assured me that I was just being oversensitive because of my condition. I agreed. Six months into my pregnancy Madison called and said she’d like to give me a baby shower. I didn’t know her that well and thought it a little strange that she was so accommodating. But Matt assured me that she was very nice and that I should get to know her. It was agreed that I would go to the shower under one condition, which Colonel suggested: All the pictures that were taken that day were to be handed over to me. That way, there’d be no shots popping up in the national movie magazines. It turned out quite nicely. Madison was very friendly and very supportive. I found that I liked her and I decided to ignore the rumors.
Life takes such surprising turns. Just when you’re getting confident, along comes the unexpected. I was upstairs at Graceland when Matt called me to his office, the one adjoining my dressing room. “y/nn, I have to have time to think. Things just aren’t going right. It’ll be good for the two of us to take a little time off, like a trial separation. Be apart from one another for a while.”
I wanted to die. I was seven months along and could not believe what I was hearing. It had to be a joke. “What are you saying? What did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything, Baby. You don’t understand. It’s not you. It’s just that I’m going through some things. I think it’d be better if we took a little break.”
I looked at him in silence, feeling a new strength. If he excluded me at this time, then he didn’t deserve me at all. I stood up and said, “You’ve got it. Just tell me when to leave.” I went into my dressing room and closed the door.
I was numb. This was not the man I knew. I instinctively withdrew, my affection numbed, my thoughts suspicious, my heart aching.
I don’t think Matt really intended to leave me. It wasn’t his style. I later realized he too had questions about how a baby would affect his life. Would his public accept him as a father? He wasn’t even sure if his fans had adapted to his becoming a husband. How loyal would they be?
Within a short time Matt’s sensitive nature brought him back to his senses. Two days had passed. The idea of a trial separation was never mentioned again. We both acted as if nothing had been said. It was at times like this that I wished Matt and I had the ability to truly communicate with each other, to confront our insecurities, fears, and frustrations instead of pretending these feelings weren’t there. We probably would have been surprised at how much understanding we both really had. I could not escape the impact his words had on me, leaving me with a sense of doubt.
As my pregnancy progressed, we still played hard. I wanted to be included in everything that everyone else did. That Christmas we went to the ranch and rode horses, had snowball fights and went on hayrides. Matt would sit up front in the wagon and call out to me, “How you doing, y/nn? That’s my girl. How’s she doing back there?”
I’d call back, “She’s doing pretty good. I’m okay.”
If we’d go horseback riding, he’d always ask me, “Are you sure you can do this? Did the doctor say you could?”
“Yes,” I’d answer. “I can do it.”
I was determined not to ask for special treatment.
It was only in the last month or so that I slowed down at all. Instead of sitting through two or three films a night, Matt would take me home after just one.
He arranged his schedule so that he could be home with me at Graceland during the final month. To be absolutely prepared for the big day, we even performed practice drills for the trip to Baptist Memorial Hospital. As my time drew near, Matt became more and more nervous.
On February 1, 1968, I awoke about eight o’clock and found the bed beneath me soaking wet. Frightened, I called my mother in New Jersey and she suggested I ring the doctor immediately. He told me to head straight for the hospital. I gently woke Matt up and told him the big day had arrived. Matt groggily asked me if I was sure. When I said yes, he called James and told him to notify everyone, then yelled downstairs, “She’s ready! y/nn is going to have the baby!”
Ignoring his frenzy, I disappeared calmly into the bathroom and applied my ever-so-black mascara and teased my ever-so-black hair. Later at the hospital I requested special permission to keep on my double set of lashes.
Downstairs there was pandemonium. As planned, the decoy cars raced off first, Steven and Nate frantically waving for the fans to follow them. Then we took off, but despite the rehearsals we headed straight for the wrong hospital. We had changed hospitals, but obviously Jerry, who was driving, hadn’t been informed. Charlie Hodge saved the day, convincing Jerry it was Baptist Memorial, not Methodist. Luckily we arrived in time.
Our daughter, Charlotte Grace, was born at 5:01 that afternoon. The nurse brought her into my room and I cradled her in my arms. I couldn’t believe she was mine, that I had borne this child. She was so tiny, so beautiful. Matt came into the room and kissed me, thrilled that we had a perfectly normal, healthy baby. He was already in love with her. He watched me holding her and his eyes misted with happiness. Then he took us both in his arms and held us.
“Baby,” he whispered, “We have a little baby girl.”
“I know,” I whispered back.
I asked if he wanted to hold her. He looked petrified at first, but then he started to touch her. He played with her hands, her feet. He was in awe, saying, “I can’t believe that I made part of this beautiful child.” Matt knew that I had wanted the baby to have dark hair like his, and Charlotte had been born with lots of silky black hair. “She’s so perfect,” he said, “even the color of her hair is right.”
We stayed in each other’s arms for a long time, caressing our infant and each other, a young couple sharing the first pleasures of parenthood.
The man in my hospital room that day was the man I loved, and will always love. He didn’t have to try to be strong and decisive or sexy, he wasn’t afraid to show his warmth or vulnerability. He didn’t have to act the part of Matt Sturniolo, superstar. He was just a man, my husband.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - this is the cutest chapter ill write i swear its so so cute🎀
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jpitha · 1 year
Just a Little Further 24
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This is new at least.
I've never had to quell a riot before.
Empress, please. This is more a brawl. When there's a riot, we'll let you know. We have seen riots, and this is no riot.
Okay, fine. There's something like two dozen people here and I see what looks like to be more security people, Mariens and Aviens and some Azurians on the edge of things, trying to get a handle on what is going on. Note to myself, I should go visit their offices later. Chairs from nearly restaurants have been taken and broken into clubs, and there is shouting and smoke and the clashing of flesh on feather on bone.
Wait, why is there smoke?
"Ava, Um'reli is there a fire here? I see and smell smoke."
"Um, one moment Melody.... Yes, there is a report of a small fire, but there's also this warning - it says something like Fire Suppression Offline, local assistance is needed." Sounds like we had some kind of Starbase wide fire suppression system but it doesn't work anymore."
All the Builder controlled parts of this place are broken. What is going on here? Was it on purpose or did they just fail because nobody was around to maintain them? "See if you can get it back online. It doesn't have to work forever, just to see if we can knock down the smoke. Turn the air scrubbers and air cycling too here, I don't want people getting ill from the smoke."
"On it, Melody." Um'reli is checking into it while Ava is helping with an overview of the area. It's a wide open area, kind of like the promenade on the lower level, but this area is... nicer? It has parks and gardens! We need to come up here more often. Why is it so drab down closer to the docks.
Well, it's nicer when a riot isn't going on I mean.
Sigh. Fine. Let's stop the riot and figure out what is going on. I take a moment and concentrate, and my crown and wings spring into existence. In fact, let's make those wings bigger and brighter. I'm going to need to be seen and heard. I connect to the Starbase, locate the local public address system - mentally wave to Um'reli and Ava as I go by! - and then...
S̴̨̲̗̥̯̯̩̤͒̎̔̽͊̐̚ṫ̸̝̱͈̙̆͋̌o̴͎͗̌̿̀̍̏̿̚͝p̸͚̐̀̕ ̶̯̌̈́f̵̤͙̪̖̗͖̳̼̺̐̏̊̒͒̈́̀̚̚i̵̡͈̼̱̭̼̻͖̳͋͒̄̊̾͌g̵͚͐͆̀͂͑̌h̶̛̤͙̆̋̍̄͑̓͠t̶̘̖̪͒́i̴̢̞̜̠̠͋n̷̛̪͚͙̞͚͒̀̃̔͂͊̊g̶̢̡̠͍̥̙̹̼̓̃͗ͅ!̶̨̥͎̄͘͝
I swear, it never gets old. Like I pressed pause on a video, everyone immediately stops. I put some work into my command this time, I specified fighting so that they can still move and breathe, but sure enough, everyone stops.
I put a little extra oomph into my presentation and tower over everyone. They turn towards me, fearful and I have their attention.
"Now then. What is going on here. Why are you fighting?"
Everyone starts talking all at once.
"-They started it when-"
"Those liars said that the Empress wasn't-"
"-There isn't enough food for-"
Wait that one. Another one about food? I heard a few of those at the presentation earlier.
"Cease your chatter. You. What was that about food?" I point to the Azurian close to me who mentioned food when they were all talking at once.
"Empress, the results of the last two harvests have been 15 and 20 percent lower than in previous seasons. The population here isn't dropping either. If this keeps up, the garden planetoid won't be able to support us!"
Okay that's serious, but it's not like ' drop everything and have a riot' serious - at least not at the numbers they gave me. What else is going on?
"Thank you, it's important to learn this. Please come to the Throne later and explain to me in more detail about your concerns. That's not enough to have a riot though, is it?"
"Oh the riot? No, that's not about the food supply. It's about them-" They point across the plaza "-not believing that you're holy."
One of them, a Aviens, shouts from across the area "You're just someone who showed up and got lucky! You're not holy at all!"
Hisses and curses from this side of the plaza.
Well hold up now. This isn't fair to me. I never said I was holy, they just decided.
You did elevate The Smell of Soil After Rain to bishop during that presentation yesterday. I wonder if they're going around causing trouble in your name.
I stride out across the plaza to the other side. As I approach the people who think I'm not holy they shrink back. I wonder why for a moment and realize my wings and crown are still burning bright. Oops. Nothing like trying to convince people to stop arguing about my alleged godhood while looking like an angry God. I tone down the wings and crown (but I don't remove them entirely) and approach the Aviens who yelled that I wasn't holy. "Was The Smell of Soil After Rain coming around, giving you a hard time?"
The Aviens visibly crumbled. "They said that my family would be forgotten if I didn't attend services. That you ordered it. They said they'd remove my children from school."
"What? No. Absolutely not. I am Empress, I don't need to be your God too. So long as you recognize me as Empress and Builder that's enough. Worship the way you please, or don't worship at all. Atheism it not forbidden."
I turn back to both sides of the crowd. "I will not punish those who choose not to worship me! So long as you accept that I am Empress, that I rule here, that's enough. Nobody here has to also worship me. I will... speak to my Bishop about their... enthusiasm. Nobody here will be compelled to worship. So please. Return to your homes after you assist the security forces here in cleanup."
Everyone looks around at each other, then back at me, still with crown and glowing wings, then back at each other and starts picking up litter and broken pieces of chair.
I turn back to the Aviens who I was talking to, put away my wings and crown and kneel down gently to speak just to them very quietly. They look up at me wide eyed.
"Just for your own information - and if pressed by anyone else I will deny it forever - you're right. I'm just a person who did something stupid, and now I'm Empress. My name is Melody, I like coffee and computer systems and being able to have time alone to read." It's almost a whisper.
They blink in surprise. This was completely unexpected for them. "Hi Melody, my name is Roar of Thunder and I work in an office building down on the docking level. I'm not entirely sure what our job is, but it's not difficult work. I enjoy cooking during my free time."
I stand back up. "It's wonderful to meet you Roar of Thunder. I love your name too." I look around as people continue cleaning up. "Tell you what Thunder. Come up to the Throne tomorrow. I bet we can find a more... stimulating job for you with us."
"That's... that's a wonderful opportunity Empress. I will be there tomorrow."
I spend a few minutes helping clean up the riot. I mean, why not, I'm here already, everyone will love it, and it's something to do. In the meantime Ava and Um'reli seem to get the fire supression going enough to fog some water over the smokier parts of the plaza and soon enough the smoke has dissipated and things are - if not clean - then at least cleaner. I give my thanks and as I get up to leave, one of the Mariens in the security coloration approaches me.
"Empress, thank you for coming up. We didn't even get to report back to headquarters that a riot had broken out yet, how did you know?"
This time I grin impishly. "This is just one of the things that can happen now that the Builders are back. We have eyes and ears all over and can assist quickly when needed. If you'll notice, we even got the old fire suppression foggers going in this sector. Hopefully soon we can get them operating everywhere again."
The Mariens looks amazed and salutes me sharply, then bows. "I am known as Kilad, Empress. I know my supervisor would love to thank you personally."
Ah wonderful! I was hoping to go see more of the security forces. What a nice coincidence.
"Please lead the way Kilad. I would love to meet them."
Kilad walks me across the plaza and through a park. There are trees and greenery, but of course I don't recognize any of the plants. They're very dark green and fragrant though. I wonder if they originated on a planet that has a dimmer star than Earth or our other colonies. Less light might cause them to evolve darker coloration to squeeze every drop of energy out of a weaker star.
We walk through the park and come out in another plaza, just like the one near the train station. At the far end of this one is another large, original looking building made out of the same stone as the Starbase and Administration offices and Bank. Clearly some of the institutions here were original - or the buildings were and they have been repurposed.
Kilad opens the door and I follow. Inside is a bustle of activity. Mariens, Aviens, and all the others are here. The Mariens are all colored the bright yellow of security while those without chromatophores are wearing smart yellow uniforms. Kilad walks up to a low desk in the back of the atrium. There's an Azurian sitting there in a yellow uniform with silver piping along the top. They must be the supervisor. Kilad salutes the Azurian and gives a report.
"Kilad, returning from the suspected riot near the hub station. Suspicions were confirmed, it was a riot between people arguing about the holiness - or not - of the Empress. Luckily the Empress herself showed up to quell the riot and explain that while people can worship her if so desired nobody will be forced to. She also explained that she will speak to her new Biship, The Smell of Soil After Rain about his proselytizing and ask him to tone it down." Kilad gestures behind themselves to me. "Additionally, the Empress herself is here, she'd like to speak to you."
At that, the Azurian looks behind Kilad and nods. I love how it seems like every single Azurian doesn't really care that I'm the Empress. It's refreshing. "Empress." They nod. "Thank you for your assistance, and for the official confirmation that nobody is required to worship you."
"It's quite all right. I'm glad to be able to get the word out that worship is not compulsory. Everyone is free to worship - or not worship - however they see fit. Can you explain to me what the role of your forces is here? It doesn't have to be a whole history, just the basics."
"Yes, Empress. We are the Security force on Reach of the Might of Vzzx" He pronounces Vzzx with a pop on the end. "This station is 100 people, and there are at least a dozen more across the whole of the Reach. We mostly help settle small disputes, assist with investigating petty crime and quell the occasional riot. For the most part, the residents of the Reach are relatively calm and open to working together. There is friction here and there, same as with anywhere, and with living spaces so tight conflict can break out. But, there is a strong sense of collaboration and community here too. You probably saw people cleaning up the riot they caused after it was quelled. That's not because you were there, that's a normal occurrence"
"Do you know any history? Do you know the role of your forces when they Builders were here in force?"
They indicate no, and seem a little sad about it. "Few records exist from then. When I was young, I asked some of the oldest staff here and they made it sound like things were much the same back then as now. It was probably different in that there were Builders able to detect and react to things sooner - like you and your Builders did today - but I imagine the day to day operations were much the same then as now."
"Thank you for the history lesson. What's your name?"
"I am Commander Sep."
"Thank you again Sep!" I incline my head slightly and walk out. I do wonder if I'm being too casual with everyone for a moment, but really this is who I am, how I want to rule. I hear FarReach's words and I'm reminded that she thought I was changing. That's not what I want to happen. I'm going to keep on walking around and talking to people and trying to learn as much about my new home as I can.
My new home. That's what the Reach is.
And I'm here to protect it and its residents.
I spend the evening up here visiting shops, talking to people, trying to learn as much as I can. It turns out most everyone here went down to the Throne this morning, so people are open later today to allow folks who missed their morning shopping to be able to get things.
I stop by a restaurant that looks nice and go to get dinner by myself. After I shoo away the entire staff who practically fell over themselves to be the one who took care of me and gently remind them they have other patrons who also need help, I enjoy my meal and even try out some of the tea that everyone here seems to drink. It's no coffee, but it's pleasant in its own way. It's hot and sweet and herbal and smells slightly of anise. I should see if I can get more to bring back. I think Um'reli might like it.
After dinner, I stroll slowly back towards the train and connect to the Reach and look for Ava and Um'reli. "Ava, Um'reli, where are you?"
"We're back at the Royal Dawn. Where are you Melody, it's so late!"
Is it? Hmm, I should figure out timekeeping here. It's hard to believe it's only been a few days since I left FarReach, I'm probably still on ship's time.
"Oh, after the brawl, I went and met the Security forces up here, and then I walked around talking to people, and got a nice dinner. Um'reli you have got to try this tea they have! I think you'd really like it."
"Oh? Thanks Melody, I will check it out next time we eat. Um, are you coming back? Omar is back too, he has a report about the High Line."
"I'm walking back to the train station now, I'll be home in a bit. No more than half an hour probably. Omar, do you want to tell me about it now while I walk or wait until I get back?"
"How about when you get back Melody. It still odd talking to people like this, it feels like I'm having a discussion with myself."
"Sure thing Omar, see you in a bit."
I make my way back to the hub station just as a train pulls away. As I watch it go, an Aviens is running down the platform. "No no no no, I can't miss my train! They're going to be so mad!" They reach the end of the platform and their feathers ripple and they look despondent.
"What's wrong? What about the next train?"
They look up at me and then see who I am and jump a little." E-Empress! I didn't expect to see you here. Um" And they bow.
"Yes yes, that's fine, but not really necessary unless I'm like, doing royal stuff. What's the matter? You sounded so sad."
"Oh Empress, that was the last train! There isn't another until tomorrow! I have to get back down to my home, my parents are going to be so upset to find out that I missed the last train home again and have nowhere to stay." They're practically in tears.
"Oh no! Well, I have to get down a level too so I can go home. I had no idea that was the last train - I'm still getting used to time here, it's different than where I'm from. Let me see what I can do. What's your name?"
"Oh, thank you, thank you Empress! My name is Sound of the City."
"It's so nice to meet you Sound of the City! Let's see about finding a way for both of us to get home."
I lead them to a seat on the platform and sit next to them. They snuggle up next to me and yawn deeply. Surprised, I look over and realize they're so young! It's just a child. If they were human, they might be a teen. All the more reason to get them home. I lean back a little and connect and search for the train subsystem.
Ah, there it is. They were right, that was the last scheduled train. Luckily though, when you're a Builder, you don't have to worry about things like schedules. Let's see, what train is closest... hmm? Whats that? There's something here marked 'Royal transport - offline' and it very close. Looks like it's over in a siding near here.
I dig a little deeper and it seems like it's a whole train just for the Empress. They must have used it when the previous Empress was traveling around the Reach. I remember in my dream how proud Aeche was of the transit system, I wonder if this was related to it? Well, it's the closest train, and this way I won't mess up tomorrows schedule either. I touch the train gently, and it activates. Basic systems check indicates nothing is wrong. I call the train. After only a minute, there's the trilling chime that indicates a train is coming.
"Sound, look. I found a train."
They blink sleepily and look up and gasp at what they see.
I have to admit, it is impressive. The Royal Transport is a subway train, but turned up loud. It's royal blue and gold and gilded with sweeping flowery designs. It's only three cars - the other trains seem to be between 6 and 10 cars - but what it lacks in length it makes up for in elegance.
I'm almost sad that the station is empty, this is something that needs to be seen.
"This train is beautiful, Empress! This is how we're going to get home?"
"Yup. It's the Royal Transport. It was designed for the Empress to move around the Reach in style."
We approach the door and I step in. It's carpeted! It's so plush. Sound of the City stands at the door, not coming in.
"What's wrong Sound? Come in"
"A-are you sure? It's a train for the Empress."
"And as Empress, I'm telling you it's fine. Please, come aboard. I'll take you home. It's only two stops."
I reach out my hand and they nervously take it and step in. The doors hiss shut behind us. I lead us to a seat and we both sit down. Only after we are seated does it begin to roll away, nearly silently. Sound once again snuggles up and is nearly asleep instantly. While we ride I search the train mentally. Oh! There's a log! The last time this train was used was...
74 years ago? That's it?
My head spins a bit. That's not that long at all. The Administrators had said that there hadn't been an Empress for 'three generations' I guess if they're not that long lived that could account for it. Also, given the robustness of what we build for space on our side of the galaxy, it would explain why things didn't really break down over here. It would also explain why the Gate system was almost completely intact. 74 years though. That's hardly any time at all in an interstellar empire.
But, the K'laxi! My last memories were of touching the Gate and doing an upload before going to visit them. They said that their histories and religion that mentions me and the Gates is a thousand years old.
What happened? Why were the K'laxi ignored? When did the last Empress touch the directory stone? The timing of everything doesn't make sense.
I really have no way of finding out here. Once High Line has been refitted, I think I need to go to the Wilds of Besmara, that mostly destroyed Starbase we saw first and see what happened there.
Then, the train rolls to a stop. Just as silently the doors hiss open and were back at my station. "Sound, wake up, we're here." I say gently. They rustle and blink and realizing they were sleeping on the Empress jump up, embarassed. "I'm so sorry!"
I laugh gently. "It's find Sound. I'm pretty tired too. Let me walk you home."
This is the latest I've been out, and the Reach is so quiet! The lights are down low, but it's still easy to see. Sound said they lived close to the station and they lead me there. It's a little block of apartments in between the bank and the Administrative offices. Convenient location, I bet this place was expensive.
As we approach the door, an older Aviens opens it ahead of us. Clearly upset they point a finger. "Sound of the City, you are late. How did you even get home, the last train arrived a while ago. Were you wandering around causing trouble after you got here?"
"No Father! I was working late to help Gemli finish up inventory and ran to catch the last train. I missed it, and thought I was done for when..." Sound gestures behind them to me. In the low light, I flare the crown and wings just for a moment and darken them again. There's a gasp and the adult Aviens bows low. "E-E-Empress! What are you doing here?"
"I too missed the last train home, and ran into Sound of the City weeping that they were going to be in trouble and had no way of getting home. I was able to call the Royal Transport and bring them and myself back home. I just wanted to make sure they made it home safely. I don't believe Sound should be punished, it seems that they got caught up helping a friend."
"O-of course Empress. Sound, get inside and wash up, it's past bedtime." Sound of the City hesitates a moment, then runs up and hugs me tight. "Thank you, Empress." and they wave and run inside.
"You're very welcome Sound of the City." I look at their parent and narrow my eyes just a bit. "They did not bother me, they did not put me out, I was helping because I wanted to. Do not give them trouble about this."
Their head bobs a nod. "Of course Empress. Thank you Empress, I really am grateful you brought them home. They get caught up helping friends and lose track of time. It's a regular occurrence with them."
"There are worse problems to have than being late because one is helping friends. People like that are what makes the Reach home."
"You're absolutely right Empress. I will do well to remember that."
"Good night then."
"Empress." The bow again and close the door gently.
I walk home, my head filled with worry about why the timeline for things isn't lining up. Something is wrong here.
Part 25
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Indie Sleaze: 5 item shopping list
My non-negotiable 5 clothing items to live your indie sleaze truth, written as 2000s/2010s fashion historian.
Ballet Flats
Worn by school-teachers and it girls alike, ballet flats have always been a staple in fashion history, especially in the late 2000s and 2010s. For a first time wearer a simple black flat is a safe bet as it can be paired with anything, but if you want to sleaze it up, opt for a metallic or glitter variation. Something to note about indie sleaze fashion is that the more extra it feels, the better it looks, so don't hold back on cool, funky, flats. These can be found in thrift stores, department stores, and all over Amazon.
Metallic Fabric
Since the dawn of rave/party culture, glamorous lamé fabrics have used for just about every article of clothing possible. Cheaper spandex alternatives rose to popularity as The Cobra Snake era partying merged into mainstream. Shiny red leggings paired with a black cropped tank was peak casual 2010s sleaze attire. A great place to find styles like this is Los Angeles Apparel aka American Apparels re-brand. Though they no longer sell the fun colored disco pants and shorts, the lamé collection offers a variety of shiny colorful items with that trustworthy AA quality. Other places to look are party supply stores, poshmark/depop/ebay, rave shops, and of course Amazon.
Ultra Feminine Dresses
One of the most underrated pioneers of indie sleaze fashion is model and t.v. personality Alexa Chung. While Alexa is often grouped with the Twee (shopping list coming soon) and hipster aesthetics of the 2010s her ability to blend soft girlish dresses with last nights makeup allows for an uber sleazy effect. Mini shifts, polka dotted a-lines, and vintage baby-dolls all work as long as you pair them with unkempt hair and grungy tights to keep the edge, bonus points if your dress has a peter pan collar or your tights have rips. You can find these practically anywhere but start at your local thrift store as they usually have large selections of outdated dresses that were popular during this time period. Alternatively look at department stores, vintage/antique markets, and you guessed it Amazon.
Ringer Tee's and Shorts
Before athleisure was an over-saturated mess of "flare leggings" and Lululemon we took inspiration from student athletes everywhere with the iconic ringer tee's and ringer shorts. Getting their name from the contrasting ring of fabric outlining the seams of the article, ringer style pieces were seen everywhere and worn with everything. Both such versatile basics that could be kept casual or dressed up that you might see a ringer tee with a skirt, or ringer shorts with stockings and a blouse. Los Angeles Apparel has great options for both the shirts and the shorts, places like Walmart and Target often carry ringer shorts, and Forever 21 with great ringer tees, and as always Amazon.
It doesn't matter if they're black, white, multicolored, fish-netted, or opaque, stockings always find a way to elevate a basic look and is often what takes an outfit from mainstream to indie sleaze. Don't worry about buying a super nice quality pair as stockings look best with ripping seams and enormous holes. But don't tear them with a fork like those tiktok girls did in 2020, it screams try hard as a real indie sleaze girl would rip them via dancing, curb sitting, and drunken stumbling. Just like the dresses, you can find tights anywhere. However I don't recommend secondhand as they are technically an undergarment and it's hard to ensure the level of cleanliness.
Spacehey saw it first https://spacehey.com/theseasicksailor
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neon-junkie · 2 years
Please Take Me Home - Part.1
Summary: Best friends since childhood - you and Eddie Munson are inseparable! A right pair, friends to the very end.
That is, until Eddie begins chatting with a stranger at a house party, and in your drunken state, your jealousy gets the better of you.
And your feelings.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!Reader
Tags: Best friends to lovers, Drinking, House party, Drunken confessions, Jealousy, Angst, Vomitting, Arguments.
Word count: 2.7k
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[Part 2 - not posted yet]
Notes: I just love best friends to lovers, like not realising you have feelings for your bestie until something angsty happens. Ahhh!!!!
Loosely inspired by 'Please take me home' by blink-182, my fave band :>
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"Which one?" you ask as you flick between two tops, pressing them against your torso in an attempt to mimic how they would look on your body.
"Either," Eddie shrugs. Ugh, no help. This is why you don't ask a man for fashion advice!
With a groan, you turn away to look at your reflection in the mirror, deciding for yourself. Back and forth, you flick between the two shirts, and eventually decide fuck it, and settle on one.
You hook the losing shirt back on your rail, and begin shimmying out of your current clothes, completely unfazed by Eddie who is sitting on your bed. He's seen you in your underwear countless times, as you've seen him in his - you're best friends, why would you be fazed about a little skin showing?
Best friends. Ever since you and your single father moved into a trailer in Forest Hills, back when your adult teeth were still coming through, and when scraped and bruised knees were somewhat of an accessory on you.
Eddie was timid back then, shy and nervous, with his short, almost buzzed hair, and curious doe eyes. You were the one to bridge the gap, offering to teach him how to ride your bike, back when he couldn't afford one of his own. His uncle has done everything in how power to provide for Eddie, even more so when he left his old job and started working at the Plant.
Middle school came and went, followed by High school, only Eddie wasn't fortunate enough to get out when you did. You're both 21 now, old enough to drink and party, and perhaps, one day, graduate.
Well, you graduated years ago, and the idea of college is still on your mind. Maybe one day, when you can afford it, but as of right now, your career in your local arcade is progressing, seeing as you're Assistant Manager.
Eddie loves calling you by your title whenever he pops by.
Speaking of Eddie, he's currently sprawled out on your bed, gawking at the stipple ceiling as you finish putting your outfit together. Your hair and makeup were done long ago, and you were praying on Eddie's fashion advice when he arrived, only it seems he's left your prayers unanswered.
"You okay, Eds?" you question as you take a seat beside him to pull on your leather boots.
"I'm just... not entirely excited for this house party, you know?" Eddie says with a soft shrug.
Ah, yes, the house party that you specifically were invited to. One of your co-workers is hosting, and has urged you to invite as many people as possible. "I wanna trash my new place," he explained when he verbally handed you the invite.
Eddie Munson alone is more than enough for the task, but you decided to invite a few of your own friends, and Eddie's band, seeing as they never leave that grubby garage of theirs, forever held up with sharp music, and sweat from hours of jamming. Fuck, they really stink.
"It'll be fine, you've met my co-workers many times before," you explain as you double-knot your laces. As you stand, you give your toes a wiggle, testing the tightness of your shoes before offering Eddie your hand. "Come on, we still need to pick some booze up."
"Ughhh," Eddie groans as he allows you to pull him up from your bed, his fingers automatically entwining with yours as you pull him out of your room, and through your trailer.
Your father exchanges goodbyes with you, along with a laugh, "call me if you get too drunk, and need picking up."
"We will do," Eddie replies, and sends him a salute before following you out of the trailer door.
Your co-worker's place is a twenty-minute walk from yours, and on the way, you pass a shabby corner shop. Perfect. Neither of you are driving, meaning you can get as fucked up as you please!
Eddie perks up on the walk; the crisp, late Summer air must be doing wonders for him, even more so when he has his first beer in hand. Your co-worker's place comes into your line of sight, and there's already people lingering around outside. The music can be heard thumping through the cheap walls, and you need not knock, welcoming yourself in without any issues.
Greetings are made, not just work your co-worker, but with many others that both you and Eddie recognise. Before you know it, the party is in full swing, and you find yourself tied to a game of beer pong with one of your co-workers frat friends.
Yeah, a frat boy. Who would have thought that such a man would be willing to mingle with a freak like you? Perhaps they aren't so bad, after all.
Either way, you're kicking his ass, not that he seems to mind. "Nice to have a lady in charge," he laughs before downing another one of his beers, followed by crushing the plastic cup in his grasp and tossing it to the floor, as if that was such a difficult task.
You shoot back another sly comment, earning a laugh from the crowd - but no laugh from Eddie.
Speaking of Eddie, where the fuck is he?
He had excused himself minutes ago to "go and piss," as he phrased it, but you're pretty certain Eddie doesn't take this long in the restroom. Whatever. He's a free man, and you're a free woman with a single cause - a cause to get shitfaced.
Beer pong soon finishes, and victory is yours! Chad, as he introduces himself, congratulates you after finishing his beers, making yet another comment about how nice it is to have a woman put him in his place. "Especially in those boots, woah!" Chad exclaims as he notices your chunky leather shoes.
"I take it you're not used to socialising with us freaks, huh?" you laugh, sipping on your drink with ease.
"Hey! I support everybody," Chad cheers. "Freaks and sluts, the lot of you! Everybody is welcome in my house!"
Okay. He's quite the character. Even if this isn't literally his house.
It's nice to have a frat boy on your side, as weird as it feels. You swiftly get hooked into a conversation with him, leaning against the kitchen counter, half-watching another game of beer pong between Eddie's band, and some of your co-worker's friends.
Speaking of Eddie, where the fuck is he? It's been... what? Half an hour since he vanished?
Fearing the worst, you excuse yourself from Chad, muttering something about needing a piss. Your co-worker's house isn't very large, and within minutes you find Eddie, lingering out the back on the porch.
However, he has company.
"Eds!" you gasp as you finally find him, only to lock eyes with his new-found friend.
Eddie casts you a salute, and to your surprise, he seems somewhat irritated by your presence. His new friend is another freak like you, covered head to toe in leather, lace, and fishnets, with heavy makeup, and hair so wild that it can never be tamed.
Okay, you see what's going on here.
"I thought you'd fallen into the toilet," you excuse, giving a reason behind your sudden intrusion.
Intrusion. Fuck. That doesn't sound right. He's your best friend, why the fuck would you Intrude on him? You two don't keep secrets, you're both open books, only now you fear that, perhaps, there's a new chapter brewing that he isn't too keen on you seeing.
"I did, but this Princess pulled me out," Eddie explains as he gestures to the stranger, earning a soft laugh from her. "This is Raven," he introduces, before exchanging your name with the stranger.
Raven, ugh. What a stereotypical goth. You've only just met the woman, but for some reason, you hate her.
Maybe it's because her style is far better than yours, or because her dark eyeliner is complimented with a separate layer of gold eyeliner, creating a contrast against her dark skin. Shit, maybe it's because she's pretty. Really fucking pretty.
Too fucking pretty.
"Nice to meet you," you cast her an awkward salute, and she dares to sweetly wave at you, followed by complimenting your shirt.
The shirt that you weren't sure you should wear tonight. "At least someone here has good taste," you sarcastically comment, casting daggers at Eddie.
Raven chuckles at your joke, and okay, maybe you do understand why Eddie is sending her those puppy dog eyes and cheesy smile. You know, the one he usually makes at you.
It seems you've been replaced.
"I'll uh- leave you two to it," you shrug, not wanting to feel any more unwelcome than you already are. Or, well, than you've convinced yourself. Sure, they could just be mingling, two outcasts who currently don't feel like diving head-first into the party.
Or they could be flirting.
Yeah, the second option seems more likely.
Eddie is the type to flirt without realising it. You've had countless people assume you two are a couple, seeing as he speaks to you in such a way. Sweetheart, Darling, Babe, Honey - all pet names, but to you, they're just nicknames.
Just nicknames.
Just friends.
Best friends.
Before either can reply, you duck back into the house, and nudge your way into the heart of the party. Your eyes scan the perimeter; Chad is talking to a small handful of similar looking guys (his frat pals?), your co-worker is sitting on the couch with a few mutual friends, and Eddie's band members have taken up the dining room table.
You go over to your backpack, stored by the front door, and pull out the bottle of sambuca that you brought earlier. It's cheap, and lukewarm, but give yourself a few shots, and the taste will no longer matter.
You grab a cup of punch on the way over, and make your presence well known as you settle down with your friends. Your friends. Not just Eddie's, despite the fact that he introduced you to them. They welcome you with open arms, but also disgust, seeing as you're carrying poison in your grasp.
"May I entice you gentlemen into a drinking game?" you suggest as you take your seat.
Glances are shared between them, and despite their disgust, they agree. "On the condition that we can wash the taste down," Gareth agrees, not wanting the lingering taste of anise in his mouth. Nor do the others.
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You've pulled.
You're in luck.
The man of your dreams is on your lips. He's smooth, pale, gorgeous, and accompanying you through this sea of regret and bad decisions.
After rinsing your mouth out with lukewarm water, and wiping your lips with toilet paper, the man of your dreams goes flush! as your latest batch of sick swirls and disappears in the toilet.
How did it come to this? The decor of your co-worker's bathroom spins and swirls, but sets into place as you focus on the sink, sitting down on the bathroom floor. Finally, you no longer feel your guts sprinting up your throat, and for a split second, you feel nothing but peace.
Until there's a knock at the door.
As your eyes move, your surroundings take a second to flow with it, lagging before finally coming into focus. Ugh, someone's pounding at the door, probably desperate for their turn with your man.
Heavy boots meet the tile floor as you push yourself up, clutching onto the chilling walls as you slowly walk over. "Hang on," you groan, before finally introducing your sweaty palm to the doorknob. You unlock the bathroom door, and swing the door open, expecting someone to dash past you and spew in the toilet, unbothered by your presence.
Only, they don't.
"Are you alright?" Eddie questions, his body leaning against the door frame.
Oh, yeah, you almost forgot he existed. Eddie Munson, your best friend of a million years, the man who has seen you through everything, only to drop you for some pretty goth girl that he's met at this house party.
Yeah, beeeest fuckkingggg friiendsssss!
"Baby, I'm stellar," you say with a laugh. "Fucking bitchin', or whatever the phrase is," you groan, and push yourself out of the bathroom, your boots coming into contact with the shabby hallway carpet.
"I heard you chucking your guts up," Eddie states as he fishes his arm around your waist, and pulls your arm over his shoulders. You do nothing but stand there, undecided on your next destination in the party, or target, depending on what you're up for.
Your drunken mind speaks for you, enraged with jealousy. You don't have feelings for your best friend, you totally don't! But it would have been nice for him to, at least, consider you an option before making a move on that stranger. "You heard me over your girlfriend?" you laugh.
"Girlfriend?" Eddie repeats with disgust. "Are you talking about Raven? We've only been hanging out. Not in the mood to party hard, like you," Eddie grumbles, seeming rather appalled by your words, but he makes no effort to remove you from his grasp.
"Oh, so she's a quirky social outcast like you, huh?" you say with a laugh.
Eddie sternly mutters your name, and shrugs your arm from around his shoulder, taking back the helping hand that he offered moments ago. "What's got into you, huh?" Eddie grumbles, his brows furrowing.
You've only seen that expression once before, but there was kindness laced within it. Back in Middle School, you made the foolish decision of chasing after a boy that was only stringing you along, and Eddie was there to lovingly tell you off after he warned you about the mess you were about to put yourself in.
And now, it seems you're in another mess, only there is no loving gaze laced within Eddie's expression.
"Alcohol," you mindlessly shrug, and let out a soft laugh, attempting to lighten the situation.
Eddie huffs, "I see what's going on here," he mutters. His eyes flick to the stairs, mentally calculating how he's going to assist you down them, before focusing back on you. "Come on, I'm taking you home," Eddie practically orders.
To make things worse, you stir the pot even more. You peer over your shoulder, and let out a laugh as you reply, "huh? Oh, you're talking to me? I thought Raven was behind me!"
Eddie is visibly seeing red, his fists bunching up at his side. "I'm not dealing with this," he abruptly huffs. "Either you let me take you home now, or you can... shit!"
"What is it?" you grumble, and reach out to hold onto the wall, keeping your unstable body upright.
Subconsciously, Eddie begins drumming his foot against the floor. His hands cross over his chest, and he refuses to meet your gaze. "I was going to tell you to make your own way home, but I can't do that to my best friend, alright?"
His eyes meet yours, and only now do you feel bad for riling him up. Shit. Best friend. He's your best friend in the whole wide world, and you've got worked up over a girl that he met only hours ago.
"Best friend," you scoff. Your feet begin moving for you, and before you realise, you're slowly making your way down the stairs. Best friend.
Best. Friend.
"I'm staying for a little longer," you explain on your slow decline, not looking over your shoulder at Eddie, who is watching you from the top of the stairs. "Go back to your girlfriend," you scoff, biting the bullet once more.
Your feet meet the bottom of the stairs, and under your breath, you mumble, "it's not like I was ever an option," before making your way back into the heat of the party.
Eddie, who, for once in his life, is relatively sober at a house party, heard your drunken mutter. His fists clench tighter, and without a second thought, he makes his way into the bathroom. Silence. A moment alone. A minute with his thoughts. That's all he needs right now, some time to consider if your drunken rambling is just that - drunken rambling - or a confession slipping through your lips.
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cinnagall · 1 year
☆Welcome To My Gyaru Blog☆
♡ Intro ♡
Hiiiiiiii! My name is Jax, I’m 23 years old and from NYC! I’ve been gal for almost 2 years now. I don’t consider myself a vet gal by any means (obviously) but I’d like to believe that I have a good basis in the style and makeup! I don’t think my blog posts will be very formal at first but I want a space to share my opinions and document my journey.
I found gyaru and J-fashion through early Tumblr (around 2013/2014), and then rediscovered it in 2020 and fell in love with it all over again. I love gal because of how much tan skin is appreciated! Japanese gals created a space in a colorist society where you could say “I LOVE your tan skin!” I think that’s pretty amazing!!! I also love how gyaru as a style is very hyperfeminine but with a twist. Since becoming a gal, I have learned to care much less what people think. I’m not afraid to express myself or dress in a way that other people might not like. I am unapologetically myself and I partially have gal to thank for that! At first I was really inspired by Ganguro/Old School, I loved how early gals pulled inspiration from Western fashion trends, especially African American Y2K fashion. Though, I should acknowledge that there is a conversation to be had about appreciation vs appropriation, which I might talk about in a later post.
I’ll answer some FAQ that gals get so you guys can understand a bit more about my personal philosophies on the style:
💄 Do you need makeup to be gal?
Yes, there are many, MANY different styles of gyaru makeup and all of them are valid, but the only thing that has stayed consistent across gyaru “substyles” is the makeup (and hairstyling/nails), but the defining feature of gal is the makeup. This is a sentiment that has been echoed in both the Gaijin and Japanese gal communities. You don’t need to wear heavy yamanba makeup every single day, it’s understandable that some days you might not have time or energy to do your hair, money to do your nails, ect. The important part is that you do these things as much as possible as well as incorporating gal into your life in other ways!
🌺Can you be gal if you’re white or not asian?
Yes, anybody can be gal!
👛Do you need brand to be gal?
NO. Even the most well known gaijin gals own Western fast fashion brands. A lot of similar items to the ones Japanese gals wore can be found second hand or in your local mall. Obviously, finding a dupe for an item can be difficult if that item has a specific print like the Alba Rosa coat and some MA*RS sets (though Shein did have a MA*RS dupe dress last year), but other than that a lot of gal outfits are easily replicable. Magazine scans are going to be your best friend if you wanna get the style right, it is much easier to get the gal look you want when you have a clear basis/inspiration for the coords and makeup you wanna wear. Also, simply owning brand is not enough to put together a good outfit, a lot of people who wear a lot of brand lack inspiration and originality. I am not anti-brand by any means. I have a huge list of brand items I want, and I even ordered my first brand piece recently (a MA*RS handbag). But it’s just not necessary, and some brands are essentially the equivalent of Japanese Charlotte Russe or Forever 21. The brands are still fast fashion and a lot of second hand brand items are falling apart, smell, have stains, ect. Don’t stress about brand unless you really want it! It took me almost two years to buy my first piece, you’ll be okay without it! Learning HOW to style, is a lot more important than WHAT you style. A good gal can make almost anything gal, but “bad” gal can end up making anything, even brand, look cheap and tacky.
(hint, hint: a lot of it honestly is and that’s why styling really matters)
Substyles I’m currently into and why!:
So, when you think of agejo, it probably looks something like this:
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This specific type of agejo is what tends to be most represented on Google and Pinterest. Newbies to the style might think that pink, black, cheetah print, lace stockings, and big hair is all there is to the style. But boy would you be wrong!!!
Look at some of these scans from Ageha, most of these are from 2008-2012. Look at how many different types of agejo are represented! Of course the iconic pink and black MA*RS sets can be found in some spreads, but they’re much less common than most gals think!
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See how different the above images are? Agejo literally translates to “butterfly lady”, so in a lot of Ageha editions, especially in the spreads for more formal dresses, you will see a lot of butterfly motifs! Isn’t it crazy that the style that has butterfly in the name, yet it isn’t commonly associated with butterflies at all? I also learned from my friend Haruka (@otknoharuka on Instagram) that in Japan, Agejo is considered a style under the Hime umbrella. It actually makes a lot of sense if you’ve seen a lot of ageha scans.
I know, technically you can argue that some of the outfits in these scans could be considered another substyle. But let’s just remember that substyles aren’t real and they’re something Western gals came up with to make sense of the scans/information that was available to them at the time!
I really started understanding this style more when I started to religiously scour Ageha scans. At first I was an Egg girl all the way but I’m glad I actually took the time to read other magazines. Egg is iconic but it’s far from all there is in terms of gyaru magazine inspiration. I totally fell in love with this substyle when I finally tried out the softer, more dolly makeup look that’s common in Ageha magazine (example below). It suits my features so much better than the harsher gal make I used to do.
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An early attempt of mine at Agejo/Ageha inspired makeup:
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A more recent attempt:
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Personally I’ve never been into more “out there” styles like ya/manba. I don’t think they really suit me, and it’s just generally not the gyaru vibe I’m looking for. But Banba has recently been resonating with me recently. If you don’t know, the term banba comes from combining “barbie” and “manba.” It’s a more toned down and hyper feminine version of manba. I also find that it’s more beginner-friendly than some other substyles (in terms of coords).
A lot of the outfits are composed of muted colors, tans/browns, black, white, and animal prints. These are all items that are very easy to find, it’s just a matter of learning how to style them! I also love how glittery the makeup is, and the nails are to die for. I’ve actually been teaching myself how to make nails and a big part of it is because I don’t feel complete without them, especially when doing styles like this!!
Some banba inspo I’ve pulled from recently:
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Some recent attempts of mine:
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I’m going to end this blog post here!! I had a lot of fun making it and I’m excited to do more posts in the future!! I think my next post will be a unpopular gyaru opinions post, might rial some people up but in classic gal fashion I simply do not give a fuck.
I hope you’re having an amazing day wherever you are!!
TT & IG - @cinnagal
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hello! i'm here with the soft ask game <3
4. what flower would you like to be given?
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
7. what color brings you peace?
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
12. how are you?
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
23. favorite piece of clothing?
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
!! feel free to pick and choose! i look forward to you answers, have a lovely day :)
Ahhh, thank you so much for sending these my way, dearest! I love them so much. ❤️️
What flower would you like to be given?
Since we now have the Hungarian lilac season here and the flowers are in full bloom, I would love to be given those. I love their rich and fragrant smell that fills the whole apartment when you leave windows open and the breeze carries it further and further, and my grandmother used to adore them, so they also remind me of my childhood.
I also love sunflowers very much!
Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Oh, this almost feels like an impossible task with my perpetually self-conscious ass, but I shall try!
I have large, dark eyes inherited from my mother.
Recently, I have been obsessed with my ginger hair.
I believe I have a nice figure. Without having to try too hard to maintain it as I have the metabolism of a hummingbird.
I do not make friends easily but am a very loyal friend once I befriend someone.
I am a very curious individual and love learning a lot of new things. I also know a lot about certain areas of interest that are dear to my heart.
I try never to look away from the issues around us. It is very important to be aware of what is happening in the world and take any small steps you can towards improving it — even speaking out can help immensely. We live on this planet and in this society, and hence we have to do everything in our power to contribute.
What colour brings you peace?
Yellow! I am an ardent lover of black at heart, but yellow always boosts my mood immensely.
What’s something you’re excited for?
At this very point, just finishing all of my finals with moderate success and ending this horrible semester skdsksdjsks. I am currently working on my final assignment and trying to put my remaining energy into it to do it well, but I am so ready to decompress a little.
I am going to a concert next week, that is another thing! And then leaving for a week abroad for a sweet, sweet vacation. 🙏
I am also excited to finally have more time to do things that interest me. I cannot wait to finally catch up on all the comments, reblogs, and messages and get back to my loveliest moots, dust off the abandoned WIPs to work on them more intensely, and read read read.
How are you?
Exhausted as heck. Being killed by cramps. Desperately wanting to unwind.
If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
That all those bad days will be over at one point. She will gradually get older and get a hold of her life, make her own decisions that feel right to her. And that she does not need to be so anxious about her university journey, because she is not an idiot and will eventually excel.
Favourite piece of clothing?
Leather jacket, always and forever. ❤️️
What reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
Ooooh, definitely my mum's homemade szegedi gulyás. Sitting on the front steps in front of a grimy, ugly-ass communist-era block of flats. The smell of frankincense. Endless fields of wild grass. Locally produced cheese strings.
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http-suhaa · 5 days
00 . Introduction
Italics — Narration
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'Have you wondered what will happen to you in the future ?'
A girl was shown kicking a guy in the face
'Atleast the 21 year old me never thought something like this would happen in real life..'
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'My name is L/N Y/N just an ordinary 21 year old girl'
The supposed 'Y/N' was shown with her mother shopping vegetables, ingredients
'This is my mother, an caring mother with a loud voice..! But she has an optimistic outlook on life. I think I got that genes'
You sneezed as you wipes her nose with you're dirty hand leaving dirt on you're face. You're mother was done buying a vegetable when she turned to you "Ay.. how did you're face get dirty while we're buying a vegetable?" You smiles while you're mother wipes her face of with her hand. After that you and you're mother started shopping for more vegetables // ingredients.
In a while you and youre mother started buying a fish from a local stand, you're mother grab a fish and said "I'd like to buy this one!" When the owner of the stand reached for the fish, the fish slipped from youre mothers hand, she gasped as she luckily catched the fish that she liked to buy. Y/N was standing amused as you watch youre mother buy the fish.
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'Kimchi pork ribs is the signature of the L/N family, ever since I was a child I love eating what my mom makes, my moms food is always the best forever! No one can change my mind!'
"Wahh!! What smells so good?" You said as you filmed you're moms food that was packed in a lunch box "I wanna eat them so bad! It looks so so delicious!!" You sad enthusiastically, you turned around you're camera to you're mom as she says "done!" With a full plate of kimchi pork ribs. She plated them on the counter. You sneakily grabbed a piece but you're mom smacked you're hand but the food was still on you're fingers "Ay! Who says that you can have them? This is for the costumers! You already had enough for the past 21 years!" She says.
You flipped the camera so that the video sees you "I can't get enough of the pork ribs! You know that!" You said as you took a bite of the pork ribs
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'I decided that I'll get into decelis university's nutrition department'
You ride a bicycle to get to you're location that you're heading for.
'So that I could expand my moms catering business since i want more people to enjoy her food'
You rode the bicycle in a short time and arrived at you're location which is you're dad's work place. You parked you're bicycle in the entrance of the building as you get the things that was on the basket of the bike, you carried them as you're dad came running "My dear!" — "Dad!"
'This is my dad, He's just an ordinary logistics manager and a dad who really loves his family'
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A girl is shown pouring tea on a cup. 'This is my best friend and also my high school classmate back then, Xing-liang. She really loves tea, so after taking the college entrance examination we worked part time at this shop' you carried two containers that is filled with tea. You carried the container where it belonged as you narrated. 'It was a long.. and really peaceful summer, just like the last 21 years.. but the peacefulness was broken that day..'
You guys stood, facing eachother whilst having you're phones you're guys hands, you guys covered eachothers eyes and showed you phone to the other whilst having you're eyes covered, you guys counted in sync..
"3.. 2.. 1!"
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A/N !! :: why did they count tho.. to whoever watched meteor garden knows what will happen.. anyways I hope you guys like it.. this was supposed to he chap 1 but it's lacking a bit of smau so I'm making it a introduction, smau will be in the first chapter (I hope)
!! ;; Likes — Reblogs are appreciated
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fox-daddy · 1 month
Second, Gen au, I've been daydreaming about making a chose your own adventure fic for but lazy.
The word child is in '' because I mean 'child of' not necessarily that their a minor. Also, oc x cc for 3/4 of the parents.
Mc - Selasi's 'child' roughly 19-24 - the fool(?)/maybe a different major arcana
- Strong with magic (but doesn't use magic unless has to)
Aurora - The star - 20 (Asra/Kyle's 'child')
- Can sense magic (almost see in a sense but using her own magic can cause a positive feedback loop which isn't fun)
- loves painting and colors (is scared of strong wind and heavy rain)
^^ twinz vv
Solar - The Devil - 20 (Asra/Kyle's 'child')
- tries to be the best at what he enjoys (to the point if he feels like he should be able to do something he won't stop until he can do it. Great when it comes to reading not so much when it comes to picking locks.)
- super defensive about his twin and will protect her. (To the point of using magic to quickly deal with fights that didn't have to be fights.)
- may or may not get along great with the local street kids.
Piper - The Magician - 21 (Julian/Hunter's 'child')
- raised by Julian and someone who's a theater kid at heart. She can and will be dramatic for fun. (Tends to put others' needs above her own)
- high energy and able to keep up with a lot of stuff. (Keeps up to date with Portia on local gossip and the hottest new plays around the community theater)
- When not bugging Julian, Hunter, Nadia, or Portia, she's either running around looking for trouble or around the blacksmith. (She enjoys making accessories and items from the junk and scrap metal with permission and some help.)
Unnamed girl - The high priestess - 24 (Nadia/Portia'a 'child')
- very much knows what she wants and is trying to get it. (More perfectionist in the sense she likes things the way she likes them.)
- mainly interested in learning both secrets and basic knowledge. (Doesn't keep many freinds aside from a close few.)
- sharp minded and witty being able to keep up with Piper in any dramatic exchange. (Trades secrets with people, a secret for a secret. Knowledge for knowledge.)
Unnamed boy - The Hermit - 20 - (Portia/Nadia's 'child')
- prefer to be kept out of the spotlight but even in the spotlight is great at being as unnoticeable as possible. (Suprisingly really smart in a general sense but manly keeps it to himself)
- takes active internet in his mum's tinkering and even picked up the hobby himself. (Likes making the internal gears and mechanics more than actually designing the outside. Leading to a lot of boring looking items with interesting mechanisms.)
- despite not speaking a lot and occasionally stuttering, he typically says interesting or important things. (Although his voice is soft.)
Fern - The Hangedman - 19 - (Muriel/Bluebell's 'child')
- similar to his parents prefers to just stay in the forest away from people. (Although he does sometimes hang out with kids around the outskirts of the forest.)
- enjoys where he lives and how things are and doesn't really want it to change. (Pretty stuck in his train of thought and finds other ways people think confusing at best and straight up wrong st worst.)
- given the chance would keep things exactly how they are forever, no growing up, no changes. (Despite knowing things are always going to change for the worse or better he doesnt know yet.)
The full plot is WIP, and while I tried to shift the major arcana between kids, I gave up with Portia and Nadia's. Feel free to suggest names for the unnamed characters or just suggest ideas.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i loved your post about sirius and remus’ jobs! i was wondering what do u think the girls would work as?
hmmmm okay okay i don’t feel like i know them as well as characters so i’m just spitballing here
my gut says marlene & sirius work together at the diner. like imagine the vibes. the early saturday shifts and taking all the overnight weekend shifts nobody else wants during summer break. she’s got her apron with all her pins and buttons and her pen with the pink pom pom on the end that she uses to take orders. and her hair is always different colors and she does all these fun ponytails and braids and scrunchies and butterfly clips that make the plain t-shirt + jeans + apron combo so so cute
and when she and sirius are on shift together they’re putting the old radio in the back on the pop girlie station and irritating the manager and bugging the line cooks for “leftover” fries. she’s really personable to the nice customers and carries lollipops in her apron for the kids that don’t scream their heads off. she gets promoted to shift lead during summer break which means she’s technically sirius’ boss and she takes full and complete advantage of that and orders he make her and dorcas milkshakes and sundaes when dorcas comes in to see her ((he acts really put out about it but where james and lily are like his second parents, dorcas and marlene are like his cool aunts that travel a lot and like to gossip with him so he’ll bumble around and keep the place in order while marlene takes a long lunch if it means they’re happy)) ((remus pokes fun at him for it but secretly thinks it’s sweet when sirius only seats new customers in the back section so that the girls can sit at the cute sparkly booth by the window in peace))
dorcas works at the local library maybe? but as the person that sorts the shelves and puts the returned books back bc being at the front desk dealing with the assholes that don’t want to pay their fines is not her speed. she does the saturday kids story times sometimes and on those days she wears her sparkliest dangly crystal earrings and ties a few more into her locs because one time a little boy told her she looked like a crystal fairy and she’s never forgotten it
mary’s running a plato’s closet like the navy. she’s arguing with the weirdos that come in with fifteen year old forever 21 tops that ‘no, this is absolutely not worth $20, you’re delusional. you’ll take $3 of store credit or you’ll get the hell out of here.’ she’s sorting the shoes by both color AND size and the knits and dresses wall in the back is pristine on the nights she closes. she’s texting marlene that someone just brought in a bright yellow leather jacket or telling sirius that these big combat boots with chains just got dropped off and she’ll set them aside so they can come grab them if they want. everyone’s getting clothes for birthdays—she’s picking the ugliest, thickest grandpa sweaters for remus and the plaid miniskirts for marlene and the patterned maxi skirts for dorcas and the tiny tank tops that say “babydoll” for sirius. james is getting sweatshirts because he genuinely loves them and loses his shit when he opens the gift bag and finds yet another random college hoodie for a university he does not attend. lily gets all the best tiny purses and the belts with cute butterfly buckles
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The Sim Tag 💚✨
got tagged by local icon @cobycobsy2k!!! ty
1. What’s your favourite sims death? death by woohoo from the sims 4. someone add it into sims 2 NOW. 2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? As the reigning queen of true maxis match, my choice is clear. maxis aesthetics 5ever 3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? no? most of my sims are just skinny just bc that's how the game is, but when i make my own sims i try to make a balance of fat and skinny sims. 4. Do you use move objects? constantly. 5. Favorite mod? New Ltws, shiftable everything, ACR edited by simgigglegirl and mega sickness mod mashup (which is by me) 6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? A pirated version in turkish of the sims 2 base game 7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? aLIVE 8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Lyam Lelouche and Luisa Viejo 9. Have you made a simself? I've tried? but honestly recreating alot of my ethnic features is super hard in the sims lmao. I've gotten way closer in the sims 4 though. 10. What sim traits do you give yourself? Artistic, Eccentric and Cat lover :D 11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? luv them all 12. Favorite EA hair? for ladies: braidsup, punkflip, longbangsep9, ponytail, every hair from apartment life, midwavemature, feather and dreadsband for men: choppypeak, combover, david, peak, fauxhawk, gelledrock and willFavorite life stage? 13. Favorite life stage? Ts2? teens and children. and adults i guess. 14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? i only build if i need to. 15. Are you a CC creator? (looks at my over 200 cc posts) probably. 16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have tons of moots here, but i know i have a squad of "those moots". they're my squad (that's including you coby) 17. What’s your favorite game? TS2 4EVER!!! ts4 bc of pets and infants. 18. Do you have any sims merch? Nope! 19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I only have youtube for my constant old hollywood obsession. 20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I used to be super into downloading everything, then i was a 3t2 nhs girlie, then i removed all my cc and tried to start a clay era, now i'm true mm and that's the style i think i'll stick to 21. What’s your Origin ID? my sims 4's stolen i don't have origin. 22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? I have gigs upon gigs of it so there's tons of people. forever will love anyone who does tru mm though. also all of my moots cc y'all rock. 23. How long have you had a simblr? A year and a half? around that much time. 24. How do you edit your pictures? Smart Sharpen, 20+ brightness, 20+ vibrance and save. 25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I NEED A SIMS 2 FAME PACK COME ON. if it was about sims 4 i wish there was a pack where they cleaned everything up so it doesn't suck <3 i'm tagging @stevelacysguitarstrings @jellymoo @alanna-goth @letomills @nonsensical-pixels @spell-bloom @curiousxsubject @curiousb @hhelpyourselff and @juliabachelor !!
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dustofeve · 1 year
Do you have a fave website or sites where you buy your clothes from? There’s straight up no brick n mortar places to buy from in the city I’m going to uni in
Incoming long-ass fashion post, sorry😂
If there's no thrift shops near you, I highly recommend Mercari, Depop, and Poshmark for secondhand, brand-name clothes. I don't usually shop for brands specifically, but some of the names I own and have heard of that might help you search are Killstar, Disturbia, Lip Service, Tripp, Midnight Hour, Foxblood, Blackwood Castle, Dracula Clothing, Phaze Clothing, Punkrave, Dark in Love, etc.
Of course many of these have their own active sites that you can buy from, but I'm a big fan of secondhand shopping over buying fast fashion outright!
Also, I wanna plug some of my local small businesses & friends that carry apparel you might be interested in:
(Given they're small businesses a lot of it's sold out, but Rumors updates daily!)
99% of my basics wardrobe comes from thrift stores or places like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc. I found that a lot of my clothes from thrift stores come from H&M and Uniqlo, which you can buy online or through the apps I mentioned. I pretty much only wear plain black clothes in textures I like and then I layer the hell out of it with cardigans, jackets, jewelry, and belts!
In terms of jewelry, I don't have a lot (UNFORTUNATELY...) but I much prefer buying jewelry, belts, and other accessories and layering them over otherwise "boring" all-black outfits. I like Etah Love, Regal Rose, Tommy Vowles, Remains Jewelry, Raspberry Mazohyst, and secondhand Killstar and Punkrave. Some of my favorite pieces (like rosaries and vintage) come from antique stores, Ebay, and Facebook Marketplace. I also make my own necklaces from chain you can buy at Home Depot (you can probably buy chain on places like Amazon too). A plain black T shirt or band shirt paired with some rings or a chunky necklace is my go-to for everyday wear!
Speaking of, band shirts are pretty much the best thing ever. Bandcamp and Instagram are great resources for this and it's a win-win-win. In buying a shirt you support the artist, discover new music, AND you get to look cool hahaha
For shoes (my favorite and imo the most important element), I like Poison MX, New Rock, Gothic Shoe Company (defunct), Goth Pikes (defunct), Demonia, TUK, Fluevog, Underground, and secondhand H&M and Forever 21.
Last thing on clothes is that DIY is, besides buying merch from smaller bands, the best way to own pieces that are unique to you and your style. There's loads of tutorials out there, I like making patches with cheap paint and sewing them onto whatever, adding spikes/chains, and cutting up shirts and jeans to change the fit and make them more interesting visually. The possibilities are endless. In high school when I couldn't afford band shirts, I'd just make my own!
There's LOADS of threads on Reddit as well with links to clothing stores, I also like to see what pages my favorite jewelry/clothing shops follow on Instagram to see what else is out there!
I hope some of this helps you out, I went to a small town college myself and it's rough trying to figure out your style when there's nothing around in person to get inspired.
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onyxolay · 1 year
Archie meets Kritten part 3: Bar fight
By now it had been a good three months sesne the duo had met. They had become very good friends and their days consisted of having fun in the house, planting and gardening crops, and mining. They also loved to go to places they’ve never seen before and explore as well! Over all life was great, one morning though, Archie hears a knock on his door.
A human busts through the door, startling Kritten under the covers who had just woke up. “HAHA! YOU CANT KEEP OLLIE IN THE LOONY BIN FOREVER! Damn Archie who’s that? Did you get a boyfriend while I was gone? Sweet congrats!” “Huh- Wha..?” Archie had just woke up as well, rubbing his eyes. He looks at Kritten who is blushing under the covers, still startled by the kids sudden break in. “What- Ollie- no- they are NOT my boyfriend we literally met three months ago!” “That didn’t stop you from dating that other guy!” Kritten say up and looked at Archie with a kinda sad face, “what other guy..?” He was still very tired haven just woken up. “I- just an ex of mine, and Ollie you shut up! Now what’s really you doing here?” Ollie open a trap door next to the cooler Kritten hadn’t noticed before hand. “Ha- what do ya think short stack? Hiding!” Archie rolled his eyes. “Okay okay, just be careful alright?” “Alrighty then! Bai!” “Goodbye psychopath!”.
Ollie dropped down into the hole and closed the trap door and Kritten was left confused as ever. “He-“ “yeah I know it’s consuming at first but you’ll get to know him better as time goes on! Come on let’s get our days started! HEY OLLIE YOU WANT ANYTHING???” “NAH MAN IM FINE!” “OKAY! Anyways! Eggs?” Archie smiled. Kristen smiled and giggled, “hahaha! Yes please!” Archie got to cooking the eggs as Kritten happily watched.
Later on in the day the sun started to go down and Archie decided to bring Kritten to a local bar with him. “Now listen, they will only let you in becuase You’re with me alright? Because of our size they will I.D us too make sure we’re over 21, so be careful okay?” “Mhm!” They walked into the bar and sat down at the well- bar. The bartender welcomed them both. “Hello Archie! I see you’ve brought a friend with you! Who might you be?” “I-I’m Kritten.” “Nice name! Welcome to the bar, what would you two gentleman like?” Archie held his finger up, “I’d like my usual with the chicken tenders, the honey bbq kind please!” “On it! And Kritten?” “I-I’ll have whatever he’s having.” “Great choice! Archie is a man of taste! I can tell by the way he brung you here! Haha!” Archie almost dropped his money. “THEY’RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!” Archie huffed and the bartender just laughed. “HAHAHAHA- alright then boys what tab will all that be on?” “My tab,” Archie replied. It’s Krittens first time here and he doesn’t have one.” “Okay then! Well I hope you come in more Kritten this place is great when there isn’t any fights!” “F-fights?” “Yeah,” Archie continued. “Sometimes people get to drunk and start a FI-“
Archie is immediately punched off of his chair and is picked up by a piglin. Kritten starred in fear and disbelief. “No..No fucking way you gotta be kidding me!!!” Holding Archie there was Uggub…the one person that Kritten was hoping to never see again. “HA! So YOU’RE the creature that has been giving that runt Kritten sanctuary! Say goodbye to your little boyfriend Kritten becuase you’re coming with me weather you like it or not!” Uggub punched Archie squarer in the face and all Archie could do was bite him till he got off of him. “NO! IM NOT GOING WITH YOU BACK TO THE NETHER WITH YOU! AND GET OFF OF MY FRIEND!“ Kritten gets Involved and runs to Uggub, hitting him with his golden axe. Uggub throws Kritten to the side and continues to beat up Archie. A few others got involved to try and break it up or beat up Uggub, nobody succeeded in stopping the fight until the bartender came out and saw what was happening.
“HEY HEY HEY BREAK IT UP! BREKA IT UP! YOU. PIGLIN BRUTE GET OUT!!!” “What-?” “GET OUT! I DONT EVER WANNA SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!” Uggub ran out and Kritten immediately got on his knees to check on Archie who was almost passed out on the floor. Archie try’s to sit up only for his head to fall on Krittens lap. “Oh my- Archie are you okay…?!” “Y-Yeha man who- who the hell was that..?” “That’s sad Uggub…I’m so sorry I didn’t know he’d be here..!” Kritten is nearly in tears and Archie reached to to rub his cheek. “There there now buddy it’s not your fault…” the bartender walks up to them, “Are you two okay? Would you still like your food and drinks?” Kritten replies: “I-I’d like mine yes- What about you Archie?” “Sure..” “okay then. You need to rest so I’ll just get you some wa-“ “No! I want my usual drink!” “Okay damn-“
As Kritten and Archie sit at a booth finishing their food Kritten holds Archies hand and looks at him. “Hey there Archie you feeling any better?” “Ugh..sort of~” Archies head fell on Krittens shoulder. “Ohh boy, you surely are drunk aren’t you?” Oh yeah~ heheheeheheheeee~!” Archie purred and scooted closer to Kritten, putting his arm around his waist. Kritten flinched for a second before sorta melting into it. He calmed down and let Archie hold him there. “So sweetie~ how we doin tonight~?” Archie I closer to Krittens face. Kritten scoots back a little bit away from Archie blushing, not sure what to do. “I must say…heh- you do look- *hic* very handsome~” “I-I-I-I- thank you-! I-“ Archie planted a little kiss on Krittens cheeks before eating the rest of his chicken and grabs the piglins hand to leave.
Archie just flirted more on the way home, Kritten was a blushing and confused mess and wasn’t to sure as of what to do besides to get Archie home and in bed. They get home eventually, Kritten helps Archie take his coat and boots off, getting him into bed and under the covers. Kritten joins him and turns to face the wall like usual when he feels Archies arms wrap around his body. “H-huh-“ “shhh…just sleep Krit.~..” “o-okay..!” Kritten blushed even harder, but he fell asleep eventually…
The next morning Archie woke up with a Terrible hang over, so that morning Kritten cooked breakfast. The whole morning Kritten felt an odd feeling of butterflies in his stomach remembering last night, Archie seemed to pick up on it though when Kritten sat his breakfast down in front of him and asked: “Hey Kritten you okay? You seem rather shy this morning. Are you still shook up Becuase of the fight last night?” “W-well yes but- no..y-you see uh- hehe- after the fight you got really drunk and..” “and what? Oh lord I didn’t hurt anyone did I?!” “What-?! No! You- we were finishing our food and you started to flirt with me..you kissed my cheeks and told me how handsome I was, you continued the behavior as we walked home! Even when I tucked you in, when I got in the bed you cuddled me to sleep.” Archie was shocked, he had a very blurry memory of what happened but he wasn’t fully aware of what he was actually doing. “O-oh shit man I am SO SO sorry if I made you uncomfortable- hey man listen if I ever pull some shit like that again just push me off and shit me up some how okay? I’m super sorry-“ “it’s okay..! You don’t make me uncomfortable at all, you just..surprised me is all hehe..” “o-oh, well okay then. What I said still goes though, if I ever make you uncomfortable PLEASE tell me to stop cause I don’t wanna make you feel that way EVER.” “Thank you Archie, and I will make sure to do that…” Kritten crawled up on the bed and next to Archie, leaving his head on Archie’s shoulder as Archie ate. Archie chilled and just kept on eating his breakfast.
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daisychainsandbowties · 8 months
7, 21, 29- wait, soz, 30 what's your favourite gluten-free non-pasta
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
okay it definitely changes every time i’m always hype to see whatever unusual local species an aquarium has. blennies are always so interesting they’re the littlest guys. any octopus of course but they play hide and seek a lot so it’s risky to be too excited for them. eels! for sure and any sea sponges (there’s one on Achill island here that looks like a headless naked woman 🥰🥰) yes i will show her to you.
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tell me i’m wrong but i’m not and then!!! there were these baby bois the last place i went to
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lesser spotted catshark pups aren’t they simply perfect? are they not flawless. um but yeah the thing i’m most excited to see is anything new or the unique animals in any aquarium. places of all time 🥺
21. a number that weirds you out
one. 1. <- fucking weird creature. i don’t like things that are only one where’s the fun in that? i appreciate him for prime numbers but he’s still such a little freak. ugh. all other numbers make sense to me but not positive integer one. -1 is fucking. sexiest man of the decade but his mirror is… just makes me hm. hmm
29. preferred pasta noodle (i’ll have you know you can get weird chewy or weird papery gluten boy pasta)
but god this is hard. because there’s penne which is like suck her off saturday. you can … 😳😳😳 you can suck the sauce out of those guys
so either that or farfalle because i like how chewy they are and fuseli just reminds me of the crappy pasta bakes we used to get when my mom was in chemo isolation for moooonths and my dad was always visiting her (kids banned forever because sickness insulators) we just had a load of pasta things because i had to feed my brother (who was two and ONLY!! liked pasta) objectively an okay shape but… yeah i have to say penne or farfalle
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x questions, y people
tagged by @iwrotemyowndeliverancesblog and @sleepyowlwrites Thanks!!
ooh boy, let's get into it cause there are a lot of questions haha
1 - do you prefer owls capybaras, or flamingos?
i'm going with capybaras. just the cutests biggest rodent there is<3
2 - what is your favorite soup?
my mom does this white asparragus soup that i love so probably that! Salmorejo as well.
3 - what is your favorite rock?
I'm with Sleepy on opals
4 - choose a familiar:
black cat. classic and gives me the ultimate big sister witch vibes.
5 - which planet do you feel would be kind of an asshole if you met them?
i'm going with netpune. or mercury.
6 - if you were a worm would you love me?
wait, but if I were a worm, would I keep my human conscience? would I wonder about existensialism and the short short life ahead of me? would I be my own conscience trapped inside the body of a worm?
7 - least favorite type of clothing?
puffy sleeves.... I like them on other people but get them away from me.
8 - you are now in a horror movie-so sorry. chance of survival?
oh I'm the horror part of the movie, don't worry about it :)
9 - would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache or the ability to talk to vegetables?
why would I need a mustache? and like I don't want to hear screams of agony and begs whenever I'm making a soup or something. So neither.
10 - what do you think of whales?
love them, deserve the best.
11 - are you named after anyone?
my mom, my grandma and my great grandmother. Fourth gen of Carmen's.
12 - when was the last time you cried?
like today cause I feel awful after my shot.
13 - do you have kids?
no, but i've adopted like five chaotic gremlins so now I'm an older sister of more people i'd say.
14 - do you use sarcasm a lot?
noooo me? neverrrr 🙄
15 - what's the first thing you notice about people?
their face. but more specifically their expression. I need to know what they think of me at all times or I'll die.
16 - what's your eye color?
okay wow that's a hard one. So i can say blueish grey with orange in the inside, but one of my eyes is more greenish grey so
17 - scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings. Maybe if I'm always around them I can find one for myselfl
18 - any special talents?
i like backing to destress and i've been told to be good at giving advice.
19 - where were you born?
at the hospital, luckily.
20 - what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, knitting and crocheting, drawing, fencing, baking and cooking and cross stiching.
21 - have you any pets?
a dog and two birds.
22 - what sports do you play/have played?
okay let's look over the extensive list: tennis, paddle, horse riding, basketball, hockey, swimming, ballet, flamenco, volleyball, badmington and fencing.
23 - how tall are you?
159 cms/ 5'2 inches.
24 - favorite subject in school?
english and history.
25 - dream job?
i'd love to go to a remotely coast english town and open a café that's also a bookstore and be friends with the locals and give them advice over a cup of coffee or inside a note of the book they choose.
26 - what kind of not-usually-classified-as-nice weather do you enjoy, actually?
rainy days. it's a peaceful soundtrack.
27 - if you had to eschew one color from your wardrobe forever, what would it be?
pink. or yellow.
28 - do you have a favorite flower. if you don't know the name you can just describe it. you can google one right now if you don't have an answer.
oh wow is it too basic if i say lylies of the valley?
29 - when you explain stuff to yourself in your head or out loud, do you imagine another person there who's listening, like a character from your current fixation? who's the rubber duck, or is it just you?
it's me talking to myself, there's nobody else
30. what's a candle scent that sums up your vibes? you can invent one.
hmm i'm guessing coffee and something cozy haha
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