#that man can get through video games so fast when he wants to so he'll probably beat me
skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
my beloved older brother has slotted yakuza 0 pretty high up in his video game queue and every time he mentions he's gonna play it i start shaking, vibrating with motion over it,, I'm so excited heehee
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dadvans · 1 month
i like the idea that tommy doesn't have a fucking clue about what he's getting into with buck and being pleasantly surprised at every turn. through chimney and hen he's heard about buck as like this, well-meaning labrador of a man who is always finding himself in Situations, and then he and eddie become friends and it's like, okay, your brave stupid hot friend sounds really silly and nice, and christopher is like, and then he rescued me from a tsunami and he doesn't let me win at video games (but i beat him anyway) and the only reason i'm not dying of scurvy is because buck can boil water (my dad can't), and tommy is like, shocker that this nice and dopey guy is good with kids (not), and then the brief interactions tommy has with buck, it's like, these things are all surface level true: he's a nice guy, not the sharpest tool in the shed (i think this is an open channel! who cares!), VERY easy on the eyes, tommy will probably have a very luxurious jerk off session thinking about his fat mouth! he has his expectations securely in a "could be fun" box. he is NOT putting up any defense to prepare himself for a guy who cares so deeply and loudly he's like an open wound. he's not ready for a guy who owns his fuck ups and dusts himself off and tries, tries, tries again until he gets it right, and tommy sure as hell isn't ready for buck to start desperately failing upwards into a relationship with him. he probably asked buck out thinking it could be another good campfire rule hookup where he'll send buck off after a few good orgasms and a kiss at the door back into the world ready to play fast and loose with his sexuality and he'll smile quietly to himself whenever eddie or hen or chimney bring buck up, because it's not like buck is the sort of guy to stick around, right? he's just a very handsome, charming "not my turn with the braincell" kind of guy who is here for a good time, not a long time. it's going to be so earth shattering and exhilarating and unexpected to find out so quickly and suddenly that buck plays for keeps and that buck wants to keep him and it's going to be so GOOD for him, guy who for decades let himself be controlled by all of society's ugliest expectations of men, when he finds out what it's like to be wanted back by someone like buck, when buck makes him realize he deserves to be loved like that. he's not ready for it. not even close. i can't wait.
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ln444 · 8 months
dating lando. . .
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cw: mentions of sex, f!reader, fluff, slight smut.
notes: my first post 😭 i'm not very confident abt it but i hope you guys will like it! my requests are open so don't hesitate if you have any suggestions or just want to talk ! enjoy<3
physical touch; i feel like lando would be incredibly touchy, even if it's just his hand on your thigh or sitting beside you with your shoulders touching. he simply needs to feel close to you every chance he gets. in public, he might dial back his affection slightly because he treasures those private moments, but that won't stop him from stealing sweet, discreet kisses when no one is watching or quietly holding your hand because he just can't keep his hands off you. in crowded places, he's the kind of person who instinctively puts his arm around your waist to ensure your safety. when it's just the two of you, lando can't help but be hands-on. he'll find any excuse to touch you, whether it's running his fingers through your hair or playing with your hands while you're chilling. he'll pull you closer every time you're beside him, or even have you on his lap while he's engrossed in some random pc game. kissing you is practically an obsession for him, and it's not limited to your lips. he adores exploring every inch of your skin, planting kisses on your neck, nose, cheeks, hands, and thighs. however, his absolute favorite place to kiss is still your lips. every kiss from lando feels as passionate and full of adoration as the first time, and he can never get enough of it.
quality time; he would definitely message you whenever he's available to spend time with you and invite you to hang out. he absolutely loves your company, even if it's just the two of you relaxing on the bed, watching entertaining videos and tiktoks, or having silly conversations. however, his favorite moments are when you embark on fun dates, like going to the arcade or go karting. his heart is full of joy from seeing you happy during these moments and he wants to tattoo every second of them into his memory. lando likes all types of dates because his primary desire is to share time with you. it might depend on his mood; sometimes he just wants to chill with you all day, staying in bed or playing games together. other times; he wants to venture out and go dance with you all night or go for a midnight swim. in the end, what really matters is that you are together.
words; in the early days of your relationship it was kinda hard for lando to express his feelings, he felt a bit uneasy because he was not used to vocalizing his feelings, he's more the type to keep everything for himself. but, with you, he learns surprisingly fast to talk about how he feels, both negative or positive emotions. you became his safe place. he would always praise you when he has the chance to even if it's for small random things, he would always remind you how much he's proud of you (and you do the same too ofc). even if this man loves teasing you, he also knows when to be serious and how to make you feel valued and loved. he uses a lot of nicknames like "angel", "love" or "sweetheart" because he knows how much you love them and how special it makes you feel. you were definitely the first one to say i love you, not that lando didn't want to say it but he was just too nervous to do it but since you did, he can't help but say it everyday.
sex; lando always makes sure you feel safe and comfortable when you're having sex. it doesn't mean that he doesn't like it rough tho, he absolutely loves having rough sex with you, even more when he's stressed or frustrated because of a race; hair pulling, spanking, face fucking, dirty talk... but always while making sure that you're okay. when it comes to vanilla sex, lando can become the softest man ever, he would whisper sweet things to you like; "that's my pretty girl", "i'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girl just for me", "you're doing so good angel", accompanied by gentle touches and kisses all over your body or when he's softly making love to you. his favorite thing is eating you out, he's literally obsessed with your pussy and will find any excuses to get a taste, even more when you ride his face while your eyes are locked with his.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Besties, hear me out! The papas with their afab s/o who gets really horny when they ovulate
Loud and clear, love. I, too, am horny. - Jez
Papas with an afab s/o who gets horny during ovulation
He knew your ovulation might be an issue when he started dating a younger darling.
He's knowledgeable and he helped you with your period multiple times.
He'd buy you pads, tampons, painkillers, personally prepared herbal tea... Everything for you.
And I mean everything.
He may be old, so it might take a bit longer, but he absolutely can get it up, just with the right touches.
He can last for quite a long time, honestly. So if you need to fuck it out, he'll help you.
And even if he might have an issue with erection, he's good with his fingers and mouth and he'd love to help you out.
The first few times he just raises his brow at the sudden displays of your horniness.
But then he notices the pattern. Secondo is very good at noticing patterns. So he notices that it's always around the same time.
And since he's a gentleman and not a coward, he has brought you pads other period products multiple times before.
And his blood kink very happily accepts period sex, too. Any sort of period sex.
The point I'm getting at is that he has a pretty accurate knowledge of your menstrual cycle. So he does figure out that you're ovulating.
Sits you down and talks about it. You both disliked the feeling of a condom, but he was willing to deal with it so you can get your satisfaction without getting pregnant.
But then your horny self begs him to fuck a baby into you.
And he caves in, making sure to fuck you through your ovulation.
"Oh? What's this? Did you miss your Papa?"
He would hum, entertained by how touchy-feely you were. He's touch-starved. He loved feeling your hands all over him.
He would smile at you, pulling you closer and kissing all over your face.
He doesn't ask unnecessary questions, he feeds into your desires. He wants you to be happy, and if his cock inside you is what makes you happy, so be it.
He's delighted if it ends up with a baby! He loves babies!
And once the baby starts making small sounds giggles, it's like he goes into ovulation and begs you for another one.
You probably were just hanging out together, playing video games in his room, when you started to lazily stroke his thigh.
He makes a small sound out of surprise, but since you don't say anything about it, he just tries to focus back on the game.
But your hand moves closer and closer to his crotch before you cup him through his pants.
And now he's blushing furiously, but you still don't say anything. And he's a good boy, he won't stop you. He'll just be good and let you touch him however you please.
He groans when you actually put your hand in his pants to stroke him and kiss his neck.
"Wouldn't you rather play with me, Papa?"
And then he loses it, throwing the controller to the side.
And since he's not very aware of your cycle, he doesn't realize what's going on and he'd be very surprised if it ended up with a baby.
Old Nihil
Nihil is old, but he is a horny little simp.
You act touchy and horny? He's excited as fuck!
It does not make sense at how fast this bastard can get it up??? It's like??? Completely unreasonable???
He's way too excited about it, too.
Ride it out, ghestie, ride it out.
He does cum a bit prematurely, tho. Keep that in mind.
He wouldn't mind watching you use toys on yourself, tho.
Just as long as you jump on his dick as soon as he gets hard again.
Young Nihil
Listen, he's a simple man.
If you're horny, he's horny.
And he's fucking clueless about periods and ovulation.
So if you start getting touchy with him, he's very eager to pull you into him, maybe even throw you over his shoulder to bring you to bed.
Unfortunately, dude is pretty fertile, considering he makes kids easily.
So if you're ovulating, you will probably end up with a baby.
"Damnit, not again..."
Yeah... He's not thrilled about potential babies. He's got three kids already. One of them is an adult. He doesn't want more.
Drag his ass to responsibility.
Taglist: @firefirevampire @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo (send an ask if you'd like to be added! read the pinned post before asking!)
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neotomiccccc · 9 months
Anyway. Here's some assorted Shane headcanons of mine about his life after marrying and moving onto the farm, enjoy
🌄 Morning:
• It is difficult to get him out of bed. It probably always will be. That's okay, because getting out of bed can be really difficult.
• Usually the farmer leaves him to get up in his own time.
• On some difficult days he won't get out of bed at all except for necessities like the bathroom, and water.
• Otherwise, once he's up and awake he tends to put the TV on as background noise while he makes breakfast (if it's his turn to make food)
• He's not the best cook ever, he's just learning and it's difficult, but he can do eggs on toast and an omelette - failing those, cereal.
🏙️ Daytime:
• When the farmer is gone, which is often for long hours of the day, Shane has to find some ways of occupying himself.
• The most obvious is that he spends time with his chickens - he tends to them daily and always spends some time sitting with them.
• He also lounges around and watches TV a lot. Sometimes he brings Charlie in to watch with him.
• If he can't find anything interesting to watch, then he might practice his cooking skills for a while. He's trying to become good at it!
• He still likes his video games although he doesn't often buy new ones. He's pretty comfortable playing the same thing over and over to beat his own high score. The farmer likes to get him new games sometimes for his birthday or the winter star.
• If the weather's nice and he has the energy, he might go outside and do some woodworking - he'll help to clear trees and stump so that there's less for the farmer to do. He also likes repairing the fences and paths!
• He has tried to pick up knitting, but it didn't stick. He could not stop dropping his stitches even after Emily helped him a lot.
• He likes writing. Sometimes it's stories, sometimes it's poetry, sometimes it's something he just needs to get off of his chest. His therapist recommended he write down his feelings and since then he took it up. He's quite shy about his writings and doesn't like to show anyone.
• He snacks a lot through the day - sometimes it's boredom, sometimes it's stress, sometimes he just wants to. His husband can never keep the fridge stocked for very long lol
• Almost every day, at some point he is going to take a nap. Usually on the sofa, and he often leaves the TV on for background noise. Sometimes the farmer will pop in during the day and find Shane and Charlie fast asleep pm the couch.
🌅 Evening:
• In the evening, he's always happy when his husband comes home. He doesn't particularly love being alone and enjoys the company of his partner.
• He can be clingy and loves physical touch from his husband. He'd hate it from anyone else but when he's with someone that he deeply trusts, he loves to cuddle, hug, kiss, hold hands, or just brush against each other. Verbal affection is difficult for him unless he turns it into a lighthearted joke or pun, so this is his main way of showing love.
• Speaking of jokes. Neverending dad jokes.
• Depending on the sort of day he's having, he can get really emotional. Some days it's happy tears and other days not so much. He still struggles with self loathing and alcohol relapses are inevitable.
• He's trying his best and just having someone who loves him no matter what is enough to make him start getting all mushy..
• Absolutely wants to cuddle and watch TV, cuddle and take a nap, cuddle and eat pizza, you get it
🌌 Nighttime:
• This man never sleeps a full night know that much. He's always up a few times during the night
• Can be found eating leftovers out of the fridge, pacing back and forth, having a turbulent shit, or if the sun is coming up, sitting on the porch.
• Other times he wakes up and doesn't want to leave the bed because he feels like shit. He gets clingy to the farmer when this happens.
• He snores. Loudly and obnoxiously. (But his husband doesnt care because it means he's sleeping and that's all that matters)
• He likes to sleep on his back, unless he's cuddling with his hisband in which case he'll sleep on his side. He has a knack for finding the most fucked up sleeping positions known to man and insisting it's comfortable.
• His consistently disrupted sleep is a big contributing factor to his daytime naps.
• He does like to co-sleep with Charlie and his other hens but it's not something he does all the time.
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ebonyslasher · 10 months
Spicy Alphabet: Cloud Strife
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
With a chiffon blush blooming and sweat glistening on his gorgeous face, he catches his breath. Cloud adores the sight of your eyes, the feel of your skin against his, the softness in your form as he holds you. It's corny to think this, but he is lucky to share this experience with you. Cleaning can wait until later...although it's starting to get uncomfortably sticky.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Cloud could admit that his face was pretty nice. Well, more than nice. He was a gorgeous man. Pouty lips, beautiful bedroom eyes, and amazing skin. He did consider just becoming a model so he wouldn't deal with the bullshit anymore.
But if he did that, he wouldn't have been able to meet you. Hear you. The voice you have has a strong hold on his mental and emotional being. Your cadence and tone, with differing emotions and inflections, made him feel at home. Speak low into Cloud's ear, the goosebumps it gives him shows how your voice affects him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Thick white spurts adorn your brown skin. Beautiful. But, he is embarrassed about how much he comes. It makes him feel like a whore.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves feeling like a whore.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
No. Too awkward. Also, he's always going through some shit that complicates his life.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Serious. If anything goofy happens, he'll just avert his eyes and continue.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He prefers to be fully shaved. When it grows back, it's the same color as the hair adorning his head. Just not as spiky.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Somewhat, it's going to be very awkward until it's just not. You'll have to rely on physical cues to see how romantic he is.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Cloud feels silly, jerking his cock like this. It felt good, dick bobbing each time that he rewinds the video he's focused on. It was a man, fucking a sex toy with fervor. Something called a pocket pussy. The weirdo had one in the shape of a beer can, but Cloud wasn't too focused on that. However, as he kept pleasuring himself, Cloud couldn't help but think that getting a toy would be much better. Much more suited for him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He’s into what you are into plus cross-dressing. He's a pretty open blank kink page you can start writing on.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere, doesn't care.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Being affectionate, wearing revealing outfits, showing compassion, showing strength, singing, whispering in his ear (or any bedroom-type voice), cross-dressing, and treating him like a whore.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Don't mention Sephiroth or anything related to his (tragic) past. Being mean, hostile, and/or pushy. Super high-pitched voices. Acting weak/incapable.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Has a preference for receiving, especially sloppy bjs. He's pretty good at giving head himself, but he gets insecure about it. So, Cloud always uses his fingers or a sex toy as his assist.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Will do what you request.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’d be down, just let him know when and where. It'll be more entertaining than doing chores for people all day.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Yes, with some forwarning. Although, if it's too disgusting, it will be a very quick shutdown.
"You want to do what? I don't do that shit."
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
High, but he's not going to have sex all day. 3-4 rounds, 30 min each
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yes, he would prefer to use toys to masturbate. Doesn’t feel as weird and silly. He would be very excited to use toys on you or during sex. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
When he’s in a snarky mood, he can be teasing. Otherwise, no.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Cloud's soft, wispy eyebrows scrunch as he attempts to be reserved. At some point, he lets the sounds leak. It's low, filled with intermittent gasps, intakes of air, and baritone groans
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sometimes his sex dreams include getting beaten up and degraded by you. He has no idea why this is reoccurring for him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Moderate. He doesn't have time to think about having sex all the time. He'd be too unfocused and flustered.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cloud will either: stay up to ponder or slowly drift to sleep
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
it is midnight and that means its saturday so i am here for my matchup 🤭 in all honesty i have been wanting to request one from u for so long bc i love the way u write your matchups loll, but ANYWAYS! could i pls get a haikyuu matchup? i go by she/her, im straight nd i’d like a romantic matchup 🫡 so im like 5’2 i think, dyed black hair (goes a bit past my shoulders and my natural color is brown), brown eyes, and i have a lot of freckles on my face. i have my septum and both sides of my nose pierced along with a few ear piercings.im an ambivert so how i act definitely depends on the environment im in but with the right people im very outgoing (very chatty lol). but my social battery also gets drained v fast so after big social gatherings i need some time to recover (usually recovering = taking a long nap). i get really snappy if i my social battery is drained so the whole recovery thing is v important lmao. i am also a very sleepy person, my friends like to joke that im chronically tired lmfao, i take naps almost every day and if im in a car, sitting down in class or doing something like that i probably will fall asleep. i cannot control it T_T i also trip, run into things, drop things, etc. all the time. my house could be dead silent and then out of nowhere u just hear a crash and “what the fuck” yea thats me sorry 🤫🤫 i also like to tease ppl a lot, not in a flirty way more like in a provoking way (i cant flirt i have 0 rizz). moving on!! some things i look for in a relationship r someone who can be patient with me and dont mind reassuring (if they do it without me asking its 100x better). i love when show theyre thinking abt me through little things like “oh i was at the store and i saw your fav candy so i picked it up” or “i saw your favorite flowers on my walk home and thought of you” id cry. also someone who isnt afraid to show they care (not in a sense of like pda but moreso they arent too prideful to do dumb stuff like dance with u at 2 am in the kitchen). anyways my type! they dont have to be like 7ft tall but maybe 5’9 or 5’10 +. i like funny guys but not funny at the expense of others. i also really like guys that are able to actually respect me as a person. i pride myself on being really smart and mature (when i need to be lol) and i genuinely would not be able to stand someone that saw me as any less than that. OK MOVING ON! hobbies/ interests! i love music. so much. music is my creative outlet and how i express myself. i annotate song lyrics. i connect with music through personal experience its just so so important to me. i am learning how to play the electric guitar so i can connect with it even more. my favorite artists rn are the 1975, mitski, ptv and sleeping with sirens:p although im always open to expanding my music taste!! i also like to play some video games(obsessed with animal crossing lately lol). aand my love language is words of affirmation. sorry if this is really long T_T and if you dont get to this no biggy but if you do tsym!<3
WHEN I TELL YOU THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD THIS MORNING LMFAOOOOO. and that little note at the beginning is so sweet! i am so glad i am able to do a matchup for you anon!! okay, so i have a perfect little dude for you, but it may be random so bear with me. i love this man, so i hope you do too!
the character I chose for you is...
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ukai is flippin hot
i would love to be in your shoes
(he's my fav haikyuu character besides tanaka, so you're lucky frrr)
he would love your piercings
he's a piercing fella himself (he's what made me want to get my second ear piercings lmfaoooo)
like he thinks it's high key hot
he's also an ambrivert, so both of your personalities match up really well
he is totally understanding of your drained social battery (plus, he gets the same way) so he'll just let you nap while he works or leave you alone if needed
like will hold you in his arms and nap a whole day away when he gets the day off
you will always knock over things in his shop and he'll just laugh or wait for you to pick it up while dead staring at you lmfaoooo
he'll definitely know if you walk in when he hears a whole ass display get knocked over
he thinks it's cute when you tease him even if you say it isnt about flirting, his dumbass thinks it is which is fine by you so you can tease him more often
the real reason i picked this guy is because of what you said about him bringing you things that made him think of you
like this man will roll up with a chocolate bar and shove it in your hand with a pile of chips shoved in his mouth and say "I thought of you today at the store and grabbed this"
he doesnt see it as much, but you are over the moon about it
when he finds out about how much you love it, he will keep doing it
he is very patient and caring for you and literally only has eyes for you
he also always gets you to laugh, which always makes his day
please play music for him
he will have heart shaped eyes if you do
he will 100% play videogames with you, but you have to teach him how to play half of the time lmfaoooo
he will always tell you how much he loves you and how pretty and amazing you are frfr
if you go to any of his practices or games when he is coaching, he will brag about you
(i am so sorry this took so long i forgot it was in my drafts. i hope you love it nonetheless though!!!)
matchup rules --- pinned post
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occultation, earthshine, and libration for whoever you'd like! 💚💜
Hello friend!!!
Occultation: How quickly did you come to trust your FO? How quickly did they trust you? Were there many barriers that needed working through, or was it easy to get to know each other?
Hmmmmm I think I'm gonna answer this one for Eizen and Demyx! Water people!
Eizen, my beloved 1000 year old morally fucked up Reaper pirate, is not always the easiest man on the sea to get along with. He's known to be kinda violent, and is known as the Reaper because he's cursed to bring bad luck to those around him. He's not always a people person.
That being said, he's also a massive nerd. Mention art or history around him and he'll go off.
He's also not human. He can be a little iffy around humans at first, but when he first meets Ash, he quickly realizes that she's not human. It's not just the red of her hair, but he can feel it. So immediately he's a little curious. Someone like him, someone who has been around as long as he has. But, although Eizen's element is earth, Ash's is fire (haha get it? Ash? It's a pun!).
So point is! Eizen was a little distrustful of Ash at first because what's some lost little girl have to do with him? But when he senses the magic she has and just how strong it is, he's curious. Curious, yet still cautious. As he takes her back to the ship and she makes a little passing comment about a painting he likes, he's even more curious because he thinks he may have found someone just like him, both in terms of being a lover of the arts and also being a Malakhim.
They're fast friends. Normally Eizen doesn't let his curse dictate who he spends his time around, but it's a horrible feeling seeing the one you love getting hurt because of you. There's a period of time of him distancing himself from her. But blah blah blah they talk it out blah blah they kiss, so on and so forth-
As for Ash, she may be a fun pirate in game, but she was very not used to the pirate life when they first met! If anything, she was pretty afraid. You see, Eizen has a scene where he snaps a guy's finger like it's the most casual thing ever. Ash is intrigued because a handsome Malak pirate found her, but she's also... mildly intimidated. It's not often she sees one of her own people that's not being enslaved by the Abbey, but a pirate?! A criminal?! That's not okay!!! Breaking the law isn't right!
Funny, since she breaks the law all the time in game- Eizen is a great influence!
Anywho. Other water guy! Demyx! Dance, water dance!
Demyx isn't used to having friends. Ash's memories are fuzzy and barely there. They bond over a love of music, but Ash just doesn't remember a lot of things. Demyx is pretty quick to be chill around her since she's a very hard-worker! In fact, Xemnas sees her as quite the useful tool.
So Demyx assumes he can get away with Ash carrying his weight on missions. He never knew he'd fall for her.
Ash is a little quick to trust him since she can't remember much, and some other members of the Organization are honestly kind of frightening. They get along well after a while, but it's a slow start. They need to start talking because they really feel a spark.
Though Ash did thing Demyx was very cute at first glance! After all, I fell for him the first time I saw him!
Earthshine: Do you live together? Do you ever argue over interior decoration choices?
I'm gonna answer this one for Kyohei! My beloved husband!
Yes and yes.
They happily life together, but the thing is that this Ash S/I is pretty similar to me. She owns a lot of books, she owns a lot of albums and figures and video games. As a result, she likes to have a lot of bookshelves.
Her and Kyohei don't really fight very often because of how open they are with each other (Kyohei is the #1 wife guy after all LMAO), but Kyohei is a little tired of her constantly wanting new shelves and needing his help displaying things.
A lot of their dates are them building shit from IKEA together haha! Ash always teases about how since he works in construction, this shouldn't be anything new! He rolls his eyes and says that what he does isn't this, but he loves seeing how big his wife's smile is. In addition, Ash is kinda short, so Kyohei is always helping her put stuff on shelves and grab things for her.
Sometimes he even asks her for a kiss as payment. Ash gives him two.
Overall, Kyohei honestly loves how much Ash works on personalizing their home. The pictures (he keeps a picture of their wedding in his wallet too) on the walls, some of Ash's cosplay stuff, all the shelves and funky colors... It really makes it feel like a home. He loves his wife! And his wife loves him too.
Libration: Are they the type for jewelry? What style would they wear? Gaudy or minimalist?
Oh man oh man oh man- Great question! I love jewelry a lot, and you will never see me not blinged out. I have a huge collection and I never go out without my earrings and rings. Jewelry is totally my jam!
Kyohei wears a simple wedding band, but that's about it. He also has a necklace that was a gift from his wife that he wears under his jacket. He's not the biggest jewelry person, so he prefers things that are morw similar.
I think a more casual Demyx when he's not in his Organization robe wears a lot of jewelry! He thinks it's stylish and has several ear piercings.
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en-hale-archives · 3 years
Can I request an all of the member scenario on their favourite cuddling positions, all wholesome and stuff ? :)
༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚⊹ Enhypen's favorite Cuddle Positions ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ˚⊹
pairing ⑅ Boyfriend!enha x gn!reader
warning ⑅ Suggestive for Hyungs. Cussing. More fluff than anything.
author's note ⑅ This is the CUTEST thing ever. Anyways, happy enha comeback Day !!!!!!11
Heeseung ⑅ You can always find Heeseung lounged out on the bed with his hands behind his head, fast asleep. He loves it when you decide to join him and lay your head on his stomach. It gives him a good reach of your waist and ass, where he can go to touch and massage. He'll sometimes even give you sleepy back rubs or comb his fingers through your hair. He get a bit embarrassed when his stomach makes noises cause you're right there to hear them, but it makes you giggle and he loves hearing your voice, so it's not all that bad.
Jay ⑅ It's the middle of the night and you're sleeping peacefully on your stomach. All the sudden, you feel his body on top of yours. He loves to just lay right on top of you so that he can feel your warmth from below. He'll nuzzle super close into your neck, so you spend the rest of the night listening to his soft sleeping sounds (and occasional snores). He does this when he's half-asleep, so he doesn't ever realize that he's doing it, but you love it. It can get a bit sweaty and hot at times, you know, cause his entirety is covering you, but you love feeling his body, his warmth surrounding you, and the security of him having you in his arms.
Jake ⑅ Jake is an ass man. So he'll always ask you to politely turn on your stomach so that he can lay his head right on your tush. And it's super comfortable for him too! He's usually fast asleep in minutes if he's not massaging or kissing or groping your ass. It not the most comfortable for you, just because you can't move your legs or else it'll ruin his position, but you love watching his soft face when it's resting and relaxing. It also makes for great photo ops that you post to your private story to brag about how cute your boyfriend is. (you just have a whole album dedicated to pictures of Jake sleep on your ass haahahahahahahah)
Sunghoon ⑅ He loves when you spoon him. He might act all manly and masculine, but after a heated night, he just wants you to wrap your legs around his and snuggle up to him close. It makes him feel loved and secured (he sometimes can feel vulnerable), like it doesn't matter because he's with you. And you love it too, you get to wrap your arms around his muscular build, and feel along his biceps and abs. You nuzzle close into his neck and drift off within seconds.
Sunoo ⑅ Sunoo is such a lover. All he wants to do is kiss and love on you when you both cuddle, so he tangles his legs into yours, you both wrap your arms around each other and gaze lovestruck into each other's eyes. He'll kiss along your face, causing you to giggle. You both drift off in each others arms, foreheads connected, somewhere in dreamland.
Jungwon ⑅ He likes his space, so cuddling isn't his number one thing, but when he does, he likes to usually just hold your hand right before you drift off. You feel his warmth and can't help but smile. If he's feeling really cuddly that day, he might actually spoon you, nestling close to your body and giving you fluttery kisses on your cheek. But it doesn't last long cause he get pretty hot pretty quick and moves back to his spot (lol).
Ni-Ki ⑅ While he's playing video games or you both are watching a movie on the couch, he loves when you sit between his legs and lean back against his chest. He'll sometimes give you massages or feed you food while you both laugh at the screen. You might drift off occasionally, but Ni-Ki likes to tease you, (poking your face, tickling your sides) so you have to move off of him and lay on the couch for actual sleep.
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buckyhoney-library · 3 years
nsfw alphabet, b.b
A/N: so sorry it took so long! hope you enjoy! sebastians & nomad!steve should be out sometime this week(end)!
reblogs/likes/feedback are greatly appreciated & highly encouraged
However, do NOT repost/steal ANY of my fics on my blog!
Warnings: 18+, language, smutty thoughts, sorry for any missed typos!
chris evans nsfw alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex)
bucky takes aftercare so seriously! he makes sure that you have everything that you need and you're taken care of first. showering you in praises, holding you close, getting you water or snacks- he is at your beck and call.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part on themselves and on their partner)
thighs. thighs. thighs. He loves laying between them with his head resting on your stomach. His fingers tracing patterns on your skin- peppering kisses on the inside. bucky's arms are hooked around them while he is giving you head, rubbing small circles on the outside.
bucky has grown to love his vibranium arm, because of how much you love it. he has changed arm usage from a weapon to a useful tool in every situation. being able to cool it and playing with temperatures, pinning you down- making sure you go nowhere- or even being able to cause it to vibrate.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
he loves to paint with his cum. as much as he LOVES to cum inside you and make you hold it- there is something so pretty with his cum plastered on your back or on your tummy. "you look so pretty with my cum on your thighs," bucky is especially fond of watching it drip down your breasts or leak down your thighs. bucky just stares in awe of how it glistens against your skin.
D = Dirty Secret (What do they secretly want)
he wants you to praise him. bucky lives off of praise and when you whimper how good he's making you feel or how he's such a good boy? it throws him over the edge, encouraging him to go faster and harder. he'll never ask for them, but when you start hyping him up, fuck he enters a state of nirvana.
E = Experience (Do they know what they are doing?)
1940's bucky as we all know was very experienced but after eighty years of nothing? he needs a little help regaining his confidence, but man will he practice and have no problems asking for help. he'd be a little embarrassed of cumming early or not being able to satisfy like he used too, but bucky watches porn and experiments like no tomorrow, catching up on all the new toys/techniques/positions etc.
F = Favorite Position (Self-explanatory)
bucky's favorite position would be cowgirl or where you're laying on your side, so he could hold you. cowgirl because he gets the perfect view of your body and everything about it.
with an honorable mention of missionary- but missionary with your legs in the air spread for all can see. if he's feeling a little spicy, he'll press on your lower abdomen, adding extra pressure.
G = Goofy (Are they serious during sex or goofy
BOTH. There is a time and a place for serious, rough, passionate sex (and boy does he enjoy that), but for the most part, Bucky wants you to feel good and he wants to learn- which means there will be some mishaps and failed moments, but he loves those moments just the same.
H = Hair (Are they well-groomed?)
he is well kept and clean. bucky isn't hairless, but he does make sure that everything is trimmed up and clean.
J = Jack Off (Do they masturbate?)
bucky only does when you're away or he's gone for a mission. when you're home, he has no problem telling you he's in the mood. when he does masturbate, it is to your pictures/videos you've sent or through facetime/phone calls. he doesn't watch porn unless that is the only option or he is looking for new things to try with you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
oh boy does he have loads of kinks! bucky loves praise (receiving or giving)! during the more passionate and rough sessions, he is into degrading (but not too crazy) innocence kink. if you have met after his second sexual awakening? god, how he loves to ruin you. he loves the idea that he gets to teach you and that you're at his mercy. ice play/warming (idk what the word is) he loves when you call him sarg does this man have a filthy sarcastic mouth. dirty remarks of comments that leave his mouth- god, it's enough to you off in seconds.
L = Location (Favorite place to do it)
he is a traditional man at heart, so he loves the bedroom. bucky gets to be as loud as chooses and go as long as he wants without the fear of someone walking in or interrupting.
M = Motivation (What turns them on or gets them going?)
leggings. jeans. short shorts- anything that enhances your thighs or when you shoot back firey/witty comments matching his energy. The more traditional turn on's as well, suggestive comments, touching his chest letting it fall to his belt, lingering kisses on his lips and neck. "it's like you're begging me to fuck you silly,"
N = No (Something they will not do. Turnoffs.)
nothing with bodily fluids (other than saliva or cum) & i don't think he'd be fond of being too open in public- he's a private guy, but he doesn't mind the simple pda and light touches.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skills, etc.)
okay let me tell you- bucky loves getting head. your lips make him cum faster than anything else. "open wide, darling" he loves the ability to do it virtually anywhere (privately of course) and the quick clean up-but he mostly loves watching you take his length completely, hitting the back of your throat. "fuck, such a good girl taking all of me," hearing you moan into him and gag makes him go FERAL. bucky isn't a head pusher, but he does grip your hair.
bucky does love going down on you too. his cock throbs at the sight of your legs shaking and squirming. the sounds you make encourage him more, but he doesn't stop when you cum- he licks up every last drop of you. "im not stopping, so i'd stop moving if i were you," he'll occasionally pop his head up to make sure that he's doing everything right and you're enjoying yourself- the last thing he wants is for you to fake it (which only happened when he first re-entered the dating world)
P = Pace (Are they fast or rough? Or slow and sensual?)
there is a time and place for everything. bucky loves sensual sex because he feels the most connected to you and he has been without physical/emotional connection for so long that it's become a must. it is also where he feels the most control and the best, when he can be 100% vulnerable- something never thought he could do.
fast and rough is for those needy moments where he can't get his hands off of you- complete feral mode. when you've been teasing him relentlessly and he needs to remind you who's in charge. those nights are when the kinkiest of kinks come to play.
Q = Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than regular sex)
quickies are reserved for dinner parties, group outings, etc. where you look too good and he can't keep his hands off of you. "i wanna see if you taste as good as you look". quickies usually consist of fast rough sex that leaves bruises or marks. they also mainly consist of giving/receiving head.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
oh does he! he has almost ninety years of sex trends/toys/etc to catch up on. it will be the middle of the night and you'd be fast asleep only to be woken up by him shaking your arm and going "baby, we have to try this!"
bucky isn't a risk-taker in the sense of public and potentially getting caught, he is a risk-taker in the sense that he is willing to try anything once.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go? How long do they last?)
bub is a super-soldier. his stamina outlasts yours by HOURS. you'd be panting and lying sideways and bucky would be ready for the next round and you'd have to tap out. he would chuckle and hold you, teasing you about how you can't last. "can't handle this cock? i thought you said you could go all night?"
T = Toys (Do they own or use toys on themselves or partners?)
bucky has a whole drawer dedicated to the greatest quality toys. "only the best for you, dollface." he loves seeing how far he can push you with the vibrators. tying the vibrator to your clit and watching you be sent over the moon. bucky wouldn't be too crazy about using toys on himself, but he isn't opposed to being handcuffed (or pegged)
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
BIGGEST TEASE in the galaxy. Touching you, grazing your heat, kissing your neck, rubbing the inside of your thigh, (stuffing a vibrator inside you while you're on the phone), or whispering dirty things in your ear- but God forbid if you tease him back. there will be hell to pay if you try teasing him back. "you better rethink your next move, darling," "i think you forgot who's allowed to tease who."
V = Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
bucky is pretty quiet, with the exceptions of grunts and whimpers. His mouth is filthy and he dirty talks like there is no tomorrow! he is also a cocky little shit and sarcastic- which doesn't stop in the bedroom. "your cunt feel so good around me," "open your eyes, i want you to watch as i ruin you" "look at you, you're soaked for me"
W = Wildcard (Random headcanon for your character)
cockwarming. babe lives for cockwarming. early morning lazy sex, but too lazy to pull out of you. you'd be laying on your side with your leg over his, with his cock buried inside of you. "no, honey, just stay" he would mumble with his head resting in the cook of your neck, placing small kisses on your neck, but falling back asleep.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
baby, that serum did wonders. bucky is packing that seven to eighter. his cock would poke through your tummy and he won't stop talking about it for weeks.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
HIGH. VERY HIGH. he is ready whenever and wherever the time calls.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterward?)
bucky's stamina is so high that he probably is starving. he would perform aftercare for you, but once you'd have cared for- he is standing naked in the kitchen making a sandwich.
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mystic-wolf · 3 years
first time with the boys // karasuno
This is first time with the boys so not all of them are actually first times. You'll know what I mean when you read xhdujdjd.
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He's your first.
This man is the definition of perfect.
He asks if anything and everything is okay before going ahead with it.
Tells you if its too much or you want to stop to tell him straight away and he will.
He'd strip your body of your clothes and get on his knees to kiss your ankles to your thighs before landing between your legs.
Pulls you to the edge of the bed and puts your legs over his shoulders whilst he eats you out.
He'd get you used to 3 fingers before sliding in. This boy is thick.
He has to stop himself from pushing all the way in when you grab his shoulders and tell him to go slow.
He fucks you so slow and soft and holds you close the entire time.
You dig your nails into his shoulders and cry his name when you cum.
If you say he can cum inside you it would be almost instant otherwise he'd pull out and finish himself by hand and cum across your stomach.
Covers you in kisses and orders your favourite take away before cuddling up in bed in matching pjs.
You're both little shits tbh.
Happens super early into your relationship as you both have experience.
He'd text you at 3am asking if he could come over. Obviously you said yes.
Pushes you onto your bed and says he's gonna fuck the daylights out of you.
You're both clumsy pulling each others clothes off and accidentally hit him with your elbow. He'd just laugh and kiss your elbow.
You cover his cock in lube and get him to hardness before switching places and pushing him onto his back so you can ride him.
He'd ask if you can turn around so he can see your ass and you'd just laugh and tease him about it before obliging.
He grabs handfuls of your ass and digs his nails in as you ride him.
Definitely gives you words of encouragement and tells you how good you look like this.
You cum at the same time with a string of swears and moans.
Slaps your ass before pulling you off and into a sweet kiss.
You're each others first.
This man is so romantic he'd take you out for a fancy meal and then bowling before carrying you home because your hells were killing your feet.
Definitely puts candles and petals on the bedside table.
He unzips your dress and peppers your shoulders in a million and one kisses.
Lifts you off your feet to carry you the tiny distance to the bed and gently lays you down in the pillows.
You two spend nearly an hour just kissing and grabbing at each other in your underwear before he asks if you feel ready yet.
His hands shake when he takes your underwear off and you kiss each one of his fingers to calm him down. God he's so in love with you.
Asks you what position you want to do and what he can and can't do with you. You just pull him into a kiss and tell him to get on with it.
When he fully slides in you just hold each other for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being so close before he starts to slowly move.
You push your hips up to meet his and he'd be a mumbling mess of incoherence, saying how good you feel and how much he loves you and how he won't last that long.
Pulls out and cums on the sheets beside you. He's too far gone to ask if he can cum on your and wouldn't dare try without your permission. He's a good boy.
Eats you out to finish you off and he looks up between your legs when you eventually come to watch how beautiful your face looks.
You get a bubble bath together afterwards.
You're his first.
He's a mix of excitement and nerves. He's so excited to lose his V to you, he loves and adores you so so much but he's a little nervous because you have so much more experience.
His hands shake when he slides into you and you have to take over.
You wrap your legs around his waist, heels digging into his ass to push him the entire way in.
The noises he makes are bloody sinful.
Noya doesn't last very long, he's so sensitive and the way you tighten around him makes his eyes roll.
His nails dig into your thighs when he pulls out and cums on your stomach.
Super apologetic for coming before you and ends up fingering you to orgasm.
Cleans you up because its technically his mess and then runs you a hot bath and carries you there.
He's an angel.
You're both full of experience and your first time would be a fuel of lust and anger.
He's super flirty with you but too scared to actually ask you out so just teases you until you end up snapping and pulling him into the storage cupboard one day.
You'd call him an idiot and say how annoying he is but shove him against the wall and grab his cock through his shorts and demand he man up and fuck you.
And ofc this man loves a challenge so he'd happily accept.
Probably rips your panties trying to pull them off and spits on his fingers to stroke his cock.
You'd press open mouth kisses against his jaw and neck and suck on the sweat ridden skin whilst you finger yourself.
Picks you up and fucks you against the wall.
His fingertips would leave bruises against your skin from how hard he'd be holding you. And you'd leave bruises against his neck and shoulders from biting so hard to muffle your cries.
He makes sure you cum first before he quickens his movements.
You cling onto him from overstimulation and tell him how good you feel, how much he's stretching you and how you want him to cum in you.
When he does he'd sit you on his shoulders and press your back to the wall so he can eat his cum out your cunt.
And him being the cheeky bastard he is would ask if its the same time next week.
You're each others first.
Neither of you are that nervous, you trust each other with your life. You know Tsukki would never hurt you and he knows you'd stop if he asked.
He's surprisingly gentle with his touches, kissing all down your body and running his fingertips up and down your arm.
He'd eat you out and get you to cum first so you're super relaxed and ready for him.
Still burns because he's so big but he doesn't move until you say.
Fucks you in missionary and holds both your hands the entire time.
He definitely calls out your name when he cums inside you and gets all flustered and embarrassed. You just laugh and kiss his flushed cheeks.
You get a shower together to clean up and then watch your favourite movie cuddled on the sofa.
You're his first.
He's ridiculously nervous because he has no idea what he's doing and a little scared you'll laugh at him.
You kiss him and reassure him until he stops rambling. And once he gets past the initial nerves he's just so focused on making you feel good.
Trails his fingers across your skin and kisses all your little scars and freckles.
He'd toy with your nipples between his lips and you'd pull a delicious moan from him when you tug on his hair. You do it again and decide its your favourite sound.
Trails his kisses down your body until he reaches your core and drags his tongue across your cunt. Spreads your thighs and laps at your wetness until you're practically dripping onto his tongue.
He asks again if its okay and when you say yes he slides in with the most pathetic moan you've ever heard from him.
Can't keep his pace and stutters slightly because of how good he feels.
You eventually tell him to lie on his back and you take control, riding him and watching his face the entire time.
His eyes are closed and cheeks bright red and his nose is scrunched up a little. Its sinful how good he looks.
He'd cum first and roughly grab onto the sheets as he arches up into you.
You'd keep him inside you, cum slowly dripping out as you frantically rubbed at your clit to make yourself cum.
He'd be getting hard again already at that tbh.
He lets you take the first shower whilst he picks out a movie and pours you both a drink. And he'd carry you to bed once you're dressed like the gentleman he is.
He's your first.
Although Hinata's already lost his virginity he's still a bouncy nervous mess when it comes to you.
He wants to make it special but you tell him to not make a huge deal about it and it'll happen when its meant to.
You'd be playing video games late into the night and the kissing would end up going further and further until your lying naked on your back with Hinata above you.
He laughs to cover his nerves but you eventually just kiss him to calm him down.
He'd finger you gently and get you mewling and squirming beneath him before covering himself in lube and pushing in a little too fast.
Way too apologetic and you have to kiss him - again - to shut him up.
Puts your ankles on his shoulders so he can fuck you deeper and you start seeing stars he feels that good.
You tug on his hair and whine at his dirty talk.
Who knew he was this good?
He makes you cum so quick between his voice, thrusts and the thumb against your clit. You dig your nails into his scalp and say how much you love him.
He has a dumb smile on his face the rest of the night.
You're his first.
This man is so dense and has zero idea what he's doing tbh.
You was his first experience with a girl ever so he can hardly believe you've stayed with him for so long.
Straight up just asked if you can take his virginity for him.
Lets you take entire control. He just lays there and does whatever you ask him too regardless of how embarrassed he is.
You suck him off a little to get him wet and rock hard and use a bit of lube to make him feel better. He's scared he'll hurt you cause he's so big but you take him so well.
You ride him and pin his wrists to the bed.
He tries to hide his face in the pillows because he knows how pathetic he looks but you tell him he's gorgeous and love how flustered he is.
He'd free one of his hands to rub your clit and you'd lean down and moan into each others mouth between soft kisses and lip bites.
You arch your back when you cum and whisper out his name which cause him to cum too.
He'd feel super embarrassed afterwards and hide under the covers but happily let your naked body cuddle up against him.
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phoenix-manga · 3 years
Okay so imagine this; Posie is getting tired and she wants uppie, so she goes to the closest person and extends her arms out and ask for uppie. How would everyone react? Also I can imagine Lilia using this opportunity to stea- I mean run off and adopt Posie
Long answer below!
Riddle is flustered at first, he's an only child so trying to be the big brother is new for him. Not to mention he's struggling to pick her up with his twig arms. If Posie wants to be carried, he will do so when he's sitting down to make it easier for himself.
Ace and Deuce always find themselves giving her a ride on their shoulders. They don't know why but it just felt like it wasn't enough to carry her in their arms. Deuce though, walks cautiously and slowly because he doesn't wanna lose his balance and send the poor child onto the ground.
Ace on the other hand, he will zoom through crowds and is yelling at the others to make way because he's got a child on his shoulders.
Trey is used to carrying his little siblings so with Posie, it's no problem at all. He'll carry her in one arm while mixing batter in the other. He's a multitasking man, probably give Posie a spoon with leftover batter for taste testing.
Cater is vlogging himself giving Posie a piggyback ride. Though someone has to video him first, last time he did that by himself, he nearly toppled over.
Leona... no, just no. Posie may be quieter than Cheka but he's not a babysitter.
Ruggie though, he would do this thing were he puts Posie on a large piece of cloth and drags it all over a smooth floor. He thinks it's much more fun this way than just riding on people's backs.
Jack would definitely jog with Posie on his shoulders with no problem. Heck, maybe even have her sit on his back while he does push ups. His siblings do that to him all the time so this was nothing at all. Imagine the Pokémon join Posie though, it's a cute image.
Azul... well his human arms are noodle weak. If he was on his octopus form then it'd be a merry-go-round not just for Posie but with the Pokémon too. But he would do it in private because he has an image to maintain.
Floyd causes heart attacks by running all over the halls so fast that he bulldozes his way through the halls. Seven have mercy on poor Posie and Mr. Sweets.
Jade of course, carries her on his arms. He's much calmer than Floyd as he points to her the different mushrooms he was growing.
Kalim doesn't carry her... they're both on a magic carpet riding through the clouds. 
Jamil carries Posie in his arms but it's more of a cradle kind of carry because he needs to make sure she doesn't fall off and get injured.
I would like to think that Vil has a soft spot for children, he has her sit on his lap instead and she gets her hair fixed with nice ribbons and pretty hairclips. Then Vil would carry her so delicately yet secure, the students thought they were like siblings at one point.
Rook would carry her to a field of flowers and through a nice walk in the woods. He'd point out an animal or two for her, telling her all about what he knows.
Epel may look weak but he's probably helped carry hay bales in the farm. He gives Posie a shoulder back ride and would try to look tough. Pretending to be a steed being riden on by a warrior who is Posie.
Idia... i can't see him carrying her but she will sit on his lap as he plays games. She'll probably doze off an hour later and Idia doesn't know what to do, it's like the situation when a cat falls asleep on you but with a baby.
Ortho becomes a jet ride for Posie... not literally but he zooms around the halls going "whoosh".
Malleus is like that situation with Maleficent and little Aurora except Malleus gladly gives her a shoulder ride. Posie just grabs on his horns to keep her from falling but Malleus doesn't mind it a bit. Anything for the little child of man.
Lilia can only carry her if there was a supervisor to make sure he doesn't whip out the adoption papers again. He's acting like a child when the others tell him that Posie has to go back to the main building and he just whine like, "Nooooo! Don't wanna"
Silver doesn't carry her but she does fall asleep on him. Its very cute, all the animals all around the two, sleeping under a tree ina perfectly good day.
Sebek is kinda stiff when it comes to handling kids. He doesn't know if he was even carrying her properly, it ends up in an awkward hold
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atsuwiee · 3 years
accidentally confessing to your bestfriend! enhypen.
because, this actually happened to me irl- they ended up liking me back as well so this scenario (?) is purely based on what happened to me lmaoo
warnings: i think i put in some swear words- and slight angst on jay's part lol
also this is kinda long so be rEadY ?? anyways enjoy wie woo
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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it was a normal weekend hangout at your place with heeseung, though he had noticed you were acting a bit strange when he arrived. both of you were at your room and your eyes were glued to your phone, thumbs moving at a fast pace, while heeseung was on the floor playing a video game alone. for the longest time you've had a crush on heeseung and you had planned on telling him countless of times but you didn't know when to- while texting your other friends about him and them persuading you to go on and tell him now- you feel your phone get grabbed out of your hands. "hey give me that!" you say as you reached for your phone only to be pushed back into the bed (playfully) by heeseung. "you're texting your crush, aren't you?" he said playfully as he kept your phone out of reach. "shut up and give it back, lee heeseung!" heeseung didn't listen to you at all instead he got on top of and started to tickle your sides. "tell me who! and i'll stop" he said as he got closer to your face, slowly the redness of your cheeks become evident. "as if!" you scoff as he continued to tickle you. "gosh, okay, okay! heeseung it's you!" you say in between laughter only for this to stop when you realized what you had just said. "i- okay i didn't mean that-" you say as you cover your mouth. "you like me?" "yeah dumbass-" you were cut off by his lips that pressed onto your cheek. "i like you too, cutie"
playing the famous game never have i ever with jay at a literal ungodly hour, out of boredom, you both had been going back and forth at each other for any potential blackmail material you (both) could use. jay paused for a little longer than usual, trying to formulate his question. "aw, did you run out of questions?" you teased him. "no- oh i got one!" he says excitedly. "this is going to be such a cliché question but, never have i ever fallen in love with my bestfriend" jay said with a cheeky smile. "i want to hear your answer first" you say, trying to hide whatever you might spill out of your mouth. "never" he said, this only made your heart ache knowing he doesn't even like you back. "uh-" you paused for a bit making jay raise a brow "what? cat got your tongue?" he said in a playful tone. "well, i have... never..." you say while avoiding eye contact. "are you lying?" he asked as he got closer to your face. "me? lying? why would i be lying about having a crush on..." "crush on?" he asked, prodding into your attempted lie. "you" you say out loud. "you have a crush on me?" jay asked he distanced himself a bit from you. "yeah jongseong, so what? you don't even like me back" you say as you stood up. "i wasn't supposed to tell you until i was ready" you say. "i'm sorry" jay apologized. when you had left, jay wanted to tell you that he really liked you back- but how could he? he said "never" when he actually had a crush on his bestfriend.
jake continued on and on, discussing about the topics you were struggling in physics. you had called him over to tutor you, but when he came to your aid, it appears you had gotten more distracted and jake noticed this as he saw you writing on your journal instead of taking a look at your notes and your textbook. "hey, y/n, are you even listening?" jake said while he snapped his fingers in front of you. "yeah, i am-" you said and quickly looked up from your journal. jake nodded and continued but once he did, your head was in your journal again- eyes glued to whatever you were writing. "okay, clearly you aren't listening, give me that-" he said as he grabbed your journal out of your hands. "i am listening!" you protest, jake was curious on what you were writing so he took a look. "i think i can't focus because of him... why am i even in love with him? wait- you're in love with me?" he asked as he pointed to himself. "stop reading that!" you say as you grabbed your journal out of his hands. your cheeks grew red, and you were quick to grab your textbook to cover your flustered face. you could hear jake giggle and moved the textbook from your face, he kisses your forehead softly and smiles. "well now we got that clarified- shall we continue, y/n?"
"are you free today?" sunghoon asked. "well, i'm not doing anything at the moment so, i guess i'm free today- also are you alright? you sound sad" you say hinting out the tone of his voice. "i just feel tired..." he says. "so uh- do you want to go to the amusement park with me?" he asks. "didn't you say you were tired? you need rest" "please? i just want to unwind with you for a bit" you then said yes later on to his offer. "okay meet you there in twenty minutes" you said as you hung up on the phone so you could get ready. both of you were having fun on the rides and games- not until he pointed to the rollercoaster and practically begged you to go on it. "i-" "pleasee, i'll hold your hand if you're scared" he said with a smile, you couldn't resist this man so both of you went on it. sunghoon knows nothing about your fear of heights so when the ride was about to drop from it's peak you held his hand tightly shouting "i fucking hate rollercoasters- i also wanted you to know i love you a lot, hoon, like a lot lot-!" sunghoon had heard everything and held tight onto your hand. after the ride you both had sat down on a bench. "did you mean what you said?" he asked then faced you, your face growing pinkish. "ah so you heard it... yeah i meant everythi-" you were cut off by his soft lips pressed on yours. "i just wanted you to know i love you too, like a lot, y/n"
it was a normal afternoon for you both, sunoo was seated on the couch while you lay down placing your head on his lap, he played with your hair while you played a game on your phone. sunoo brushing your hair with his fingers and at times he'd braid some strands of it too. you were starting to get bored from your game and decided to exit the app to go onto your social media, but sunoo was watching and something on your screen caught his eye. "is that me on your homescreen?" he asked and you were quick to put your phone against your chest. "uh, what?" you asked trying to act clueless. "you used my picture as your wallpaper, you adore that much, don't you?" he said playfully. "ew, who says i have you as my wallpaper?" you asked back while he just scoffed. "i saw it y/n, don't lie~" sunoo said and you sat up from laying down on his lap. "fine" you mumbled out your answer. "do you have a crush on me~?" he asked, more onto the teasing side but you had accidentally spilled your actual answer to him. "haha you bet!" you say with awkward finger guns. "i- uh, need to use the bathroom, be right back!" you say as you quickly headed to the bathroom. sunoo knew what your answer meant, so now he's left there- smiling and giggling on how his best friend likes him back.
you had been planning on telling jungwon about how you left through a letter and planned on telling later on the walk back home from school. "y/n" your classmate called before you exited the classroom. "you're a friend of yang jungwon, right?" she asked and you nodded. "could you please give this letter to him? it's regarding the quiz bee thing, i'm one of his teammates" she said as she handed you the folded paper, similar to the love letter (for jungwon) you were holding. "oh okay, i'll give it to him!" you say as you got the letter. "oh thanks, y/n" she said and bid her goodbyes as she left. as you walked beside jungwon back home you remembered the letter from your classmate. "oh jungwon, my classmate said i should give you this letter- its about the quiz bee thing" you said as you stopped walking and looked for it inside your bag. "ugh it's probably another reminder to review" he said as he opened the letter, but then you can see confusion evident in his face. "uh-you give me butterflies every time i see you... uh i don't think this is about the quiz bee-" "what do you mean, let me see?" you say as he shows you the letter. "i- oh my god! i didn't mean to give you that!" you say as you look into your bag again and give the other letter. "here-" "i'll read it when i get home, let me read yours first" he said with a soft smile and intertwined his hands into yours.
"i leave for a minute to use the bathroom and now my phone is missing- riki where the hell did you hide it?" you say, literally flipping all the pillows in your room. "ugh even one of my earbud is missing" you say. "why are you looking at me like that?" riki asks, trying to act clueless. "why are you always hiding my stuff? this isn't even your house!" you say as you walk around your room trying to look for your phone and one of the missing earbud. "please tell me where you hid it" you say as he just laughed and laid down on your bed. "what do i get in return?" he asks playfully. "i'll buy you some bungeoppang" you say, hoping he'll give back what he hid from you. "sounds good! here's your phone now" he says taking it out from under his shirt. "uh, my earbud though?" you say as put your hand out, signaling he give it now. "ah- that's for another deal" he says. "riki just what the fu-" "is jay hyung your boyfriend?" he asked. "no he isn't, where did you get that from?" you asked back. "people were talking about it at school- and i was really offended that you didn't tell your own bff" riki said with (yet again) a playful tone and with a pout. "i don't know why they would say that- because the only guy i'm in love with is you" you impulsively. "you what?" he asked. "i what?" you asked back. "you're in love.... with me?!" riki asks pointing at himself. "you know what- give me back my earbud when i get back, i'll go buy your bungeoppang now- bye!" you ran out the door leaving riki who's a flustered mess now. he then punches the air and you could hear his screams of victory "woo! y/n likes me!" you can hear which makes you more flustered as well.
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
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I have a massive headache right now and I'm suffering mentally but you know what can make it better? yuuji 🤨💓 so these are headcanons.
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OKAY STARTING OFF BEFORE ANYTHING, I like to base my hcs off of Canon characters.
it's Canon that yuji doesn't really like hoodies, he just wears them on a wim. But if you wanted to do those little "my boyfriend gave me his hoodie" type of thing, he'll be BUYING THOSE MFS.
Yuji also likes TV, so if you guys ever hang out—expect to binge watch shows
I think yuji would be willing to try k-dramas
I also think yuji is a sucker for romance genres 😋
He doesn't say it but I can tell he thinks they're interesting.
He'll pick up things from the show/manga and do them with you
Yes, it's also Canon yuji reads manga. Said so himself 🙄🙏⁉️⁉️
He's literally the perfect guy for a person who likes anime
Eats spicy food
I can see him eating spicy Ramen a lot lol
You'll just come to his room and see his trash bin filled with empty plastic bowls of spicy Ramen
He's talkative
Not in a bad way? At least it's always interesting and funny. Especially because of his face expressions
For me, I typically like people who talk a lot or are extroverts. I only feel comfortable talking a lot around my siblings.
Even if he doesn't show it, yuji not knowing his parents really makes him upset. :/ (IM NOT A MANGA READER***)
Since he likes TV, most definitely plays video games
But he only play passive games such as Animal crossings and minecraft. Roblox...? Eh, but he does have an account.
He also plays Genshin, smash bros and Mario cart.
He mains Kaeya, I don't make the rules.
Texts? Funny asf, he sends memes and reaction photos/videos. I see him sending short messages. Ex:
"Wanna go get some"
I think Yuji favorite romance anime would be "Say I love you" or "fruits basket".
That doesn't mean he's lonely and wants a s/o, he just finds them interesting and very warm/cute
Is a good cook
I mean he used to live by himself? Since his gramps was in the hospital. I doubt all that time he just ate junk and snacks
He also taught megumi how to make meatballs 😋
He likes it when you kiss those scars under his eyes while you run your hands through his hair.
Always uses your lip balm
You pester him to buy his own but he says he keeps forgetting. Which is the half truth, he just like sharing things with you.
Smell? Well...when he's fresh back from a mission—musty as hell💀🙏
Idk, I feel like he seems like the type to smell bad easily because they sweat fast.
His body wash scent is most definitely Hawaiian.
At first he was using yours because he hated how the guy ones smell and the names....
The boys soap: "backwoods grizzly bear balls😈👹⁉️🐻🦾🦅💀👺 " vs the girls: "sweet vanilla flower field ☺😚💗🌸🦄🦋🌺"
Itadori refuses to smell like a bear's ballsack cause wtf.
You got tired of finding your soap 1/4 everytime you were about to use it
So you started buying him his own soap
You didn't want to him to smell to girlish, so you settled on a neutral scent; Hawaiian.
Ever since then, he's been buying that scent
Ofc he didn't care if he smelled like a "girl".
Yuji would just shrug it off and say it smells nice
Most definitely likes to kiss your neck
Sometimes you'll just be chilling in his lap and his lips are all over you.
He even leaves hickies/markings
When you asked him about them, he just scratched the back of head and said "uuhh."
Yuji isn't a possessive person but it doesn't hurt to show a little every now and then
He placed them there to mark what was his
Doesn't care what you wear at all! He's so amazed and would egg you on to buy more outfits like that.
But in public, he'll wrap his arm around your waist just incase people were looking at you.
Sukuna doesn't talk much to you.
Only to say comments to yuji that's all.
Likes feeling your body BUT NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY
You two could literally be cuddling and he'll slide his hand up your shirt and leave it there, some time he'll cup your breast.
Hes a small soon but doesn't mind big spoon.
Grabs your ass randomly.
In public, he'll walk past and give it a little squeeze and pretend nothing happened.
Yuji is a switch for sureeeee
I always have this image in my head when yuji is sitting down in a chair while we're hovering over him, jacking him off as we're making out🙏🏃🏾‍♀️💨
then his face is all hot and bother UAGWGEHEHEH. God, I wish I was blessed with the ability to write good smut.
He has a thing for mutal masturbation
Or he'll tell you to sit on his lap as he fingers you while whispering sweet praises into your ear.
"You're doing so good baby, cum all over my fingers—m'kay? "
he's down for whatever. I feel like he would try out everything you wanna do, even if he thinks he won't like it.
I dont he'll be into pegging? But he MIGHT try it.
Most definitely likes ball gags, maybe tie him up even.
Likes when you edge him
He's also a big fan of giving.
I feel like he cares more about pleasing you than himself.
He enjoys eating you out more than fingering.
Despite being an ass guy, he likes missionary a lot.
That doesn't mean he won't do doggy style every now and then
Likes it when you ride him, reverse cowgirl 🙄🙏
You know how some guys don't really moan during seggs? They just groan/grunt well that's not yuji.
Baby's a moaner <3
He doesn't really realized how much of an affect he has on your body.
He could be overestimulating you but too busy focusing on how cute your little mewls are and you squirming under him.
Only after you're a complete mess and breathing heavily, he realizes what he does to your body. "Damn, I really did that?😦"
He would literally finger you under the desk at school and wouldn't even care.
You're up there twitching while you're trying to write notes.
When the teacher calls on you, his pace will speed up.
Once you're done, he'll use your underwear to wipe his fingers off.
After class you'll ask him why he did that and he'll just respond with "hm? What?😦"
The bad thing is, his composure is completely normal and calm. He doesn't seem guilty in the slightest.
He just grabs your hand and pulls you down the hall, asking if you'll hang out with him completely discarding what he's done in classroom 😭
Has a thing for creampies
I feel like Yuji comes a heavy load 😭 so be prepared to fill completely full by the first round.
Okay, that's all folks for today. 🤨 I'll write more about yuuji and maybe even a smut one shot when I get the hang of writing it 😭. I wouldn't mind HELP AT ALL (I'm actually asking for help, I need guidance 😋).
Imma take some advil for this headache, cause man. Thank you for reading! I also take request. 👀
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emeritus-fuckers · 6 months
Hi! Getting this in before requests close, would love some headcanons from all the Papas (and maybe even Jim) for a boyfriend who’s a workaholic and getting him to relax whether by coercion, cuteness, or force
Papas and Father Jim DeFroque with workaholic boyfriend
TW: mentions of drugs and alcohol (Father Jim DeFroque).
He used to be the worst workaholic in the world.
Still somewhat is, with his gardens and his butterflies. But he does understand, and he also worries.
He will gently try to get you to stop working, soft touches and gentle words. He will hug around your shoulders and somehow convince you to get back to bed.
Its a blur, one moment you're at your desk, and the next moment you're stripped down to your boxers and on top of his chest, arms wrapped around you. And Primo is chuckling proud of himself.
Honestly? A worse workaholic then you are.
He will work until he passes out. He's done it before, but, when he started dating you, he tried to keep his workaholic-ness down, after all, who want want to date someone who is always working?
He will bully you until you come to bed. He will pick you up and force you into bed, and hand feed you if he has too. And shove water down your throat.
This man does not know what the word 'work' is.
He only works if he absolutely has too. Refuses to work any time else.
He can and will flirt you out of working.
It's soft touches, gentle words and soft pleas, and then its breathy whimpers and hands trailing down your chest and groping at all the skin he can get too.
And then it's full on whines and whimpers, pressing up close to you, begging you to come to bed and turn his brain off, full on grabbing your crotch and hiccuping into your ear.
And how could you say no?
He gets it. He didn't get to be Papa by sitting on his ass, after all.
But he also knows that is horrible for you, and will use his stupid cuteness to lure you into bed.
Will come over holding his rat, wearing a rat onesie. And he just smiles and invites you to come and play his video game with rigatoni.
If that doesn't work, he frowns and walks over, and just hold rigatoni in front of your face while pouting.
"Amore.. how can you say No?"
And how could you.
Old Nihil
Haha, not allowed.
First, he's way too clingy to let you focus on your job.
Second, he's way too clingy to let you focus on your job.
This man will not let you work in peace like... ever.
Comes up with excuses to get you away from work.
Somehow, the excuses usually end up looking suspiciously like dates.
And on the very rare occasions that he does his job, he needs you to be in the room with him so he can take breaks to stare at you.
Will pout like a kid unless you look at him, too.
Young Nihil
Listen, his reaction to pretty much any stress is like that one song.
Sex, love, rock and roll. As well as various substances.
He will attempt to get you out of the Ministry to have some fun.
It might be something wild if you're up for it, but if not, he'll gladly drive you to your favorite fast food chain or restaurant to get food and then find a secluded area just outside of the city so you can chill out.
You two probably end up sleeping through the night in the car in said secluded area.
Father Jim DeFroque
Haha, "boyfriend".
Let's be realistic here, this bitch doesn't date. You're either a toy or a friend with benefits at most.
Still, if you manage to become his friend, he does somewhat care about you.
His solution is, of course, night-long party.
You get a white powder and white liquid combo. Can't focus on work if you're high, wasted and fucked out, now can you?
Papa I-IV written by Zenith/Jasper.
Papa Nihil & Father Jim DeFroque written by Nosferatu.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @igodownjustlikeholymary @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back @choco-meow69 @emo-mess
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liibrii · 3 years
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Chapter 2: Tattered 
Ojiro Aran x fem!reader
Series Masterpost || Ch. 1
wc: 3.2k
warnings: swearing, internalised guilt and shame, intrusive thoughts, self doubt, depression.
a/n: I don’t really have anything to say other than I’m enjoying writing for Aran so much. if you wanna be tagged in future chapters lemme know, and as always feedback is greatly appreciated! 
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Aran knows people don't always mean what they say.  Even he had done it before and it destroyed a few of his relationships. Knowing that doesn't make your words hurt any less.
He tries to convince himself you didn't really mean it, still a part of him wonders if that's how you really feel. How you've always felt. For all those years he was assured of your friendship and now you've pulled the rug from under his feet. None of your words align with the image in his head. Perhaps you've never been the person he remembers. The you in his mind is just that, a memory, a perfect picture he created from bits and pieces he chose. Has he truly always seen only what he wanted to see?
Thoughts of you run through his mind as he stands on the back line. One more serve before he wraps up. Bam.
To always see good in people is what he was thought growing up and what he still tries to do to this day, even if years had thought him people aren't only their good sides. He always thought of you only at your best and failed to even get to know you properly. What kind of friend does that? You're in pain and he can't help because he has no idea where the wounds are. He has no idea where to look for them because he refused to see. 
Perhaps he is a terrible friend after all.
Bam. The ball gets caught in the net and falls. Aran watches it roll away before picking up another. He breathes deeply. It's all about focus, he reminds himself, even when his mind wants to slip he has to remain focused.
All of his teammates have left already. Home, to their partners, their families. What will he return home to? An empty apartment with take-out he'll eat on the couch. Alone. Maybe he should get a pet. But when will he have time to care for it?
He should call home. Check on his friends. Maybe if he had checked on you more often then-
What use is pondering over what could've been? With each serve his palm aches more, his muscles already sore from practice but he doesn't want to stop yet. One more.
“There's a difference between training hard and overdoing it, you know?“
Perhaps life is just memories of days long gone sipping into present.
When he turns to face you uneasiness rises in him. Any other time he'd be elated to see you. Now even words to greet you with escape him. You come closer, shoes softly squeaking on the gym's floor. “Doorman let me in. After a little bit of convincing.“
“No, I slipped past while his back was turned. How long are you planning on staying? I saw all of your teammates leave already.“
Aran turns the ball in his hands. It's becoming slippery from all the sweat. He can't bring himself to look you in the eyes. “My serves are gettin' sloppy. I need more practice.“
You stay where you are, watching and fiddling with the strap of your bag, until you can't bear the silence anymore and speak up. “Aran, I actually wanted to talk to you. About you know... what I said.“
“T's okay. I know ya didn't mean it.“
“I did.“ Your voice eerily echoes in the otherwise empty gym. “As shitty as it is, it's how I felt.“ You're eyes stay fixed on the floor. “I'm sorry.“
Aran catches the ball he just threw in the air for another jump serve. When he looks over at you you're still intently focused on your shoelaces, gripping the strap of the bag so tight your knuckles turned white. Why are you beating yourself up so much? If you feel something, you feel it. What reason for it do you need to have? Knowing how you felt hurts, that much he can't deny. And yet he can't hold it against you.
He puts the ball on the top of your head, just like boys used to do back in high school to annoy you. “If ya really insist on apologisin' then I guess I have no other choice but to forgive ya.”
As his words sink in you shyly glance at him. “You sure?“
“'Course I am,“ smiles Aran, balancing the ball so it doesn't roll from the top of your head.
“You're not angry? At me?“
He takes the ball and starts throwing it from one hand to another. “Not really. Very surprised. A little hurt.“
“I'm sorry-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know,“ he cuts you off. “Set for me and we'll call it even.”
“Aran, my sets are in no way near the level you're used to.“
“So?“ he asks already walking over to fetch the ball cart. “Ya still remember where to stand, right?“ he teases, cackling softly when you roll your eyes and take off your bag and jacket, all while trying to hide a smile creeping on your lips.
It takes a few tries for you to remember how to make an overhand set. Aran's filled with giddy warmth when you manage to send the ball in the right position for him to spike it over the net. Perhaps all those lessons with Atsumu years ago didn't go to waste after all. Your little victory jump makes him burst into laughter and he rewards you with a high five.
It really is an echo of history.
Your skills are rusty, something that makes you apologise profusely every time you mess up, even after he reassures you he doesn't mind, and ruffles your hair.
With each set you relax more, till every smile and laugh seem sincere. Only now Aran realises how he missed this carefree side of you. Time always flies too fast when you're around and soon enough, out of breath and wiping the drops of sweat from your forehead, you call an end of this individual practice.
He hurries with showering and changing into fresh clothes, not wanting to leave you waiting for too long, especially since you have morning lessons tomorrow. He buys you a drink from the vending machine. It's not much, but staying hydrated is important, he tells you when you tease him about it.
“You know, that brought back a lot of memories,“ you say while walking to the train station, then poke his shoulder. “Thanks.“ The smile dancing over your lips makes his cheeks warm up. You glance over to the sky hiding behind a golden halo that city lights cast over the rooftops. “Do you ever miss Hyogo?“
“I miss the stars.“ You kick a small stone from your path. “You've become quite a star too you know. With all the fans and attention I really wonder, do you get lonely?”
Your question catches him off guard. “I'm too busy to get lonely,“ he lies.
“I get lonely sometimes,“ your eyes still search for a glimmer of a distant star. “And tired. Some days I just want to sleep all day. Do you ever get the urge to do that? Skip practice and stay in bed?“
“No. If I skipped practice how will I become better?”
You purse your lips and nod. “That's why you're a professional athlete and I'm just trying to figure out why I have to separate blue and red laundry.“
“Those are two very different things.“
“Both are just some pieces of cloth. Why do I have to separate them? If they got problems with each other they should grow up and talk it out.” 
That’s not what he meant, but your slight annoyance over technicalities of doing laundry still makes him laugh.
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In the coming days Aran checks his phone every chance he gets, just to see if you already wrote back. No matter what you talk about he wants to hear it; be it about your day or the delivery man being late with your order. His teammates notice and tease him about it yet he denies you're anything more than just a friend, and they exchange knowing looks when his back is turned. Even if his entire body heats up at the sole mention of your name Aran isn't ready to admit to himself, let alone others, he wants you to be more.
Not when he isn't sure if his feelings for you are being muddled by his memories.
That Tuesday you grab a dinner together that turns into a late night walk through the streets. It's not a date, Aran keeps reminding himself. It's just two friends hanging out as you've done a thousand times before. So why is his heart threatening to thump it's way out of his chest?
After that night weekly hanging out with you becomes a regular occurrence. Sometimes you go out to eat, sometimes you drag him along when you go shopping, saying he has a good eye for colour combinations. It has nothing to do with the fact he buys you ice cream every time. Some days you come to his place to play video games or watch movies. Seeing his favourite series making you laugh warms his heart.
As you become more comfortable around him your facade slowly, bit by bit, starts to crumble. He's scared to see what lies beneath yet at the same time he wishes it would break already. He can't help you if he doesn't know, can he?
Whatever is troubling you he wishes you'd trust him enough to confide in him. In the back of his mind lingers the question he's too scared too ask.
Does Kita know what's on your mind? Do you still talk to him?
You used to be close to the team. The one they relied on. The one who so lovingly tapped their fingers before each game. Do they know your eyes are puffy? Do they know every sleepless night that goes by makes the dark circles under your eyes harder to hide? Do they know his heart breaks every time he sees the tremble of your lips when you force a smile?
No matter how bad he wants to hold you, tell you it's going to be okay, the mere thought of reaching out paralyses him.
What if you don't want his help?
If you did, you would've asked already, right? Not even practice can stop him from thinking about you. His disappointment grows a little when he sees no new messages. Perhaps you don't want to talk to him after all.
He's just leaving the gym when his phone lights up and seeing it's your name makes his heart flutter. He eagerly picks up. “Hi!“
“H-hey.“ Already in the first word the strain in your voice is apparent. “Um, am I interrupting you?“
“No, of course not. I just finished with practice. What's up?“
“I-“ He hears you take a deep breath. “Um, I don't, I don't feel so good...“ Your next words are almost a whisper. “Could I come over?“
“'Course ya can come over. I'll be home in about an hour.“
By the time he arrives you're already there, standing by the entrance nervously stepping from one leg to another. You give a shy wave when he approaches. He noticed you've been acting weirdly sheepish around him and he's not used to it. You're friends. What's making you so nervous?
You trail behind him, hands tucked deep in your pockets. You don't even pull them out when taking your shoes off.
“Tea?“ he offers when you make your way towards the sofa.
“Sure,“ you nod, sitting and tightly hugging a pillow. “Sorry about that,“ you say when he joins you with two cups of tea, “I just... bad day, you know? Didn't want to be alone.“
With a smile he assures you it's no problem. You're welcome to come by whenever you want.
You tell him about college, about work. “Boss is a shit bag,“ you complain. The working hours make you late for your lessons and even professors are getting fed up with you always being late. Not to mention your classmates aren't keen on lending you notes to copy.
It's all too much, you say, work, college, the pressure of everyone's expectations. Your fellow students give you funny looks sometimes, you tell him. It's only a few years but you're still older than them, at the age where your parents are asking when you are going to settle down. Have children. Get a stable job. Well how could you when you haven't even gotten your degree yet? It all makes you feel like a failure.
And yet something tells Aran that's not why you're here. Maybe it's the nervous fumbling with the hem of your clothes. Maybe it's because you don't look at him at all. A silence falls on you as you sip your tea. Aran considers asking out right but you gather the courage before he does.
“Shin called.“  
“Ah.“ That's all he manages to say.
“He's doing good, in case you're wondering. He asked if we have any plans on visiting any time soon.“ Your eyes skim over his face. “That would be nice, don't you think?“
Aran forces a smile. “Sounds great.“ Once again your words threaten to shake the ground he stands on. All he hears is 'seeing Shin would be nice'. His grip on the cup tightens and he puts it away before he'd crack it.
“Do ya miss him?“ he asks, words coming out more choked up than he intended. He clears his throat when he leans back on the couch's backrest.
You think over his question. “I miss my best friend.“
He asks. Even if he doesn't want to know the answer, he asks. “Will you get back with him?“
“No.“ Your answer is quiet, but firm. You readjust yourself to lean on the backrest, facing him, the pillow still tightly squeezed in your grip. “Shin is a great guy just... not the right for me. Wasn't easy to accept but that's how it is.“ You fumble with the thread sticking out from the stitch. “I wasn't good for him, you know?“ you quietly continue. “He protected me since we were kids but at some point it all just... fizzled I guess. I was so used of always being by his side the thought of living without him terrified me. He was that stability I craved. For a long time I believed he would give me a goal in life, or something similar.“ You chuckle. “Try getting through seventeen-year-old-me's head that's not how relationships work. I knew we wouldn't work out. But I stayed because I was selfish and stupid... and scared. I think he knew. And it started to take a toll on him. So I left before he'd break.“ Tears start forming in your eyes. “Shin could never understand why I'm so sad without a reason... Maybe if I left sooner... well, it doesn't matter now.“
“Ya can still go back,“ hearing his own words shatters Aran's heart, “once ya feel better.“
The brief laugh you give almost sounds like a sob. “Can I?“ You forcefully wipe the tears away. “Even if I could it wouldn't be the same as I remember now. It's hard to explain but somehow, what’s in your memories is always better than reality. Know what I mean?“
He knows. Memory is the thief of future.
The lump in his throat grows larger, heavier as he watches you try to hide tears starting to run down your cheeks. He's lost, not knowing what else to do but to pull you closer, tucking your head under his chin. He hugs you and softly caresses your back. “It's alright,“ he whispers when you apologise through sobs and tears. He keeps repeating, it's alright. What else could he possibly say?
You relax in his arms and your sobs slowly turn to muffled sniffles. Aran only wishes you feel safe in his arms, your head leaning on his shoulder, your arms shyly wrapping around his middle. It's not the most comfortable position but he's to scared to readjust. He hears your hitched breathing sync with his own as he runs his hands up and down your back and, exhausted from your crying, you're soon fast asleep.
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Perhaps for the first time in his life Aran's starting to really understand you. It pains him, knowing your struggles. You, who were always so full of light, you who were the pillar, tall and unyielding, one he could always lean onto. How memories managed to muddle his perception of you so much is beyond him. The only thing he can do is promise himself to never let them deceive him again. After all, who needs memories?
He messages you more frequently. Not too frequently, he doesn't want to appear nosy or pushy. Just often enough to let you know he's there for you if you need him.
You've been busier with college lately, so weekly hang outs turn to late night phone calls. Hearing your voice feels like a refreshing cool breeze on these hot summer nights.
He collapses in his bed, only half listening to your rambling on about one of the professors. He didn't catch her name.
“Aran? You still there?“
“Yeah, I'm still here. T's been a long day, t's all.“
He hears you hum and he can imagine the way you lean your head to the side. “Coach in a bad mood?“
“Not really. I'm just not feelin' my best. Couldn't sync with Aritsura's sets. But ya know, more practice 's all we need. How was your day?“ he asks, forgetting you just told him a few minutes ago.
“It was alright,“ you say instead of repeating what you already told him. “Actually, I wanted to apologise. About last time. I shouldn't have dumped all my problems on you.“
“How many times do I need to repeat it's okay. I'm here for ya.“
“Still. I'm sorry. It was a lot. I... I don't want to be a burden.“
His brows furrow. How many times does he have to repeat it? Why don't you get it? “Yer not.“ Your low chuckle makes him irritated . “I mean it. If ya ever need to talk just say, alright?“
“Yeah, yeah I will... Thank you. It's just that... I don't want to ruin this friendship too. That's all. Tell me when I become too much. Please.“
What are you talking about? “Whatever is on yer mind I promise I can handle it.“
“Can you? So you not being able to play your best has nothing to do with me dumping all my problems on you?“
Something in the way you say those words pushes the wrong button. He's only trying to be here for you, why can't you see that? “I don't care enough to let it impact me.“ Fuck. Even before the final word leaves his mouth he knows it came out wrong. “I'm sorry, fuck, y/n, I didn't mean it like that-“
“It's okay,“ you interrupt. “You're right.“
“Get some sleep Aran. You have practice tomorrow. G' night.“ You end the call before he gets the chance to say goodbye.
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Ch. 3: In the light, your name
Tags: @rosecaffelatte, @aonenthusiast
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