#that time i got reincarnated as a slime x reader
luxthestrange · 3 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#62 He has a type only you 2-
Y/n: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one Diablo: Oh,it’s nice to see your smile when you win y/n-sama~
later in the afternoon, you have Rimuru on your lap as you both munch on tea-time snacks
Y/n: He was probably just staring at my ass, wasn't he Rimuru: Yeah, probably
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Interviewer*Holding a mic to diablo*Ass or Tits?-
Diablo*Without even blinking*Y/n-Sama & Rimuru-Sama BLEEPS on my face~
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an-idyllic-novelist · 10 months
rimuru tempest with fem!tanjiro!reader headcanons
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Hey guys, welcome to another collaboration with @deathmetalunicorn1, though the credit on the concept of the pairing and these headcanons go to my dear friend. I really hope you will enjoy what we have written. If you'd like to see more content like this, or an extended version of these headcanons, please let us know!
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy! :)
Although Rimuru Tempest  knows his significant other and her little sister are strong, he will not stop worrying about Tanjiro!reader’s wellbeing, especially when she and Nezuko  leave Tempest on a mission, and he is unable to join them for whatever reason. His anxiety will increase tenfold when his relationship with the former Demon Slayer evolved from being friends who just happened to stumble upon each other’s paths as soon as he left Veldor’s cave to being lovers. 
It will be very hard for the demon lord to sleep for the first few nights when he is so used to curling up next to Tanjiro!reader and Nezuko, the latter sprawled out and almost always in her toddler form. However, when she does return, Tanjiro!reader will always bring back a souvenir from wherever she traveled to, normally a tasty treat or a cute little knick-knack she saw at a market. 
[To ease his lord’s worries, Diablo will mobilize a few of the Black Numbers to keep a discreet eye on the Kamado siblings, personally delivering periodical reports on their whereabouts to Rimuru when it was an appropriate time between meetings and inspections around the capital. After all, an excellent butler must be able to anticipate his lord’s every need and alleviate his concerns so that he may continue to focus on his duties in the land. If something does happen, Diablo will act immediately and make sure Tanjiro!reader and Nezuko return to Tempest safely.]
Tanjiro!reader unwinds from her journey with a big hug from Rimuru in both his slime and human form. Rimuru would receive affection from Nezuko if she isn’t sleeping in her box in the form of bone crushing hugs or his hair being ruffled by a clawed hand. If Rimuru hadn’t eaten, she would whip a simple home-cooked meal that is either a traditional recipe from the Kamado household, or one that Mitsuri, the Love Hashira, had taught her when they were alive back in her old world. 
Rimuru will definitely join in and help, even all she’ll allow him to do in the kitchen is wash the dishes. 
After he had been reincarnated in this world, he took the Japanese cuisine he had eaten for granted, even the microwaveable ramen noodle cups he’d heat up in the company break room when he had to work late at the office. Back then, Misaki Satoru didn’t care much about his health so much as worried about forever remaining a virgin because he couldn’t score a date with a cute girl. 
He honestly couldn’t have anything resembling his homeland’s cooking until his country was developed further, including the dwarves’ metal-working and the orcs’ infamous work ethic. He couldn’t remember how many times he had told Geld and the others to rest even when they insisted that they kept working. Now, he could share a meal and enjoy a hot bath with someone he loves very dearly.
Nezuko is, of course, welcomed to join them in the bath since she loves swimming around the large hot spring he had built in the back of his home. When she joined them, Rimuru reverted to being a slime to protect Nezuko’s innocence.  If he’s alone with Tanjiro!reader, he’ll either be a slime or his human form, depending on his mood. 
Speaking of which, Nezuko is the little sister everyone in Tempest adores and will be fiercely protected. Rimuru is her favorite person, but when Milim decides to stop by for a visit, she is Nezuko’s new favorite, no matter how much he bribes her with newest confections that were created or toys. But between these two….Nezuko will always pick Tanjiro!reader, if she’s an option. 
Rimuru’s love language includes quality time, words of affirmation, and gift-giving. But what he enjoys the most is having afternoon tea on the porch, him sitting in her lap as a slime and munching on sticks of mitarashi dango or different flavored onigiri.  
If anything happened to either Tanjiro!reader or Nezuko because an enemy nation was jealous of Tempest’s flourishing economy and thought it would be a brilliant idea to hold them hostage or try to hurt them….they had better be prepared to have another kingdom falling into ruins. 
Remember what happened to Falmuth?
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master-muffinn · 1 year
That time i got reincarnated as a slime
When their s/o sitting on their lap in public.
The first time you sit on their lap they get extremely nervous and blushing. They look around them to see peoples reactions “What will they think? Is this really ok?” are their thoughts. Poor souls aren’t used to this kind of thing. They probably tell you it is inappropriate but they don’t have the heart to push you away, they love you too much for that. Where are they going to put their hands? On your shoulders? On your thighs? Around your belly? Or should they first ask for your permission to even touch you? Help them s/o!! Try not to do it around too many people or even in front of their friends/leader, they might die of embarrassment!
Even when you have done this a couple of times they are still blushing and are a little nervous, but now they can put their arms around you and be a little more confident.
^ Benimaru, Souka, Geld? ^
These people LOVE it when you sit on their lap! You can do it whenever you want! When they sit and talk with their friends? Yes! While they are working? Of course! During the meetings? No problem! They will basically drag you to their lap and hold you with such pride and happiness. If you decide not to sit on their lap they might even look a little hurt and pout, but it gets over quickly.
If anyone questions it, they will be greatly offended. Like “How DARE you question us?” Is pretty much their reaction. (They might even start a fight, depending on who it is). They will continue to hold you anyway, it’s none of other people's business, they do as they want. 
^ Veldora, Milim, Shion, Rimuru, Ranga, Rigurd ^
They get surprised at first and blushing, but they adapt pretty quickly. They don't mind at all, in fact they think it’s cute and nice that their s/o want to sit on their lap. It makes them feel happy that you trust them enough and want to protect you even more. It’s fine anytime, as long as it’s not in the way of work or during meetings. These people are pretty confident so they don't care what people think and say, what are they gonna do? Push you off? Then they must be very brave. However if their leader (if they have one) would tell them it’s inappropriate then they would simply tell s/o so, but if not then they would continue holding their s/o and looking at them with that loving and found smile of theirs. 
^ Souei, Diablo, Shuna, Treyni, Guy, Kaijin, Shizu, Rigur, Carrion ^
“No dear s/o! No PDA, all cuddles and lap sitting is only for privacy!” They probably told you already from the start. If you decide to do it anyway, they will push you off and give you a glare that pretty much says “Not now. Later”. Teasing won't work either, sorry. BUT when it is finally just the two of you, they go all out! They hold you while they work, giving you a little peck sometimes. Putting you on their lap and might even feed you little sweets <3. If anyone disturb them while they have their bellowed alone time with s/o they will glare at however disturb them, still holding on tightly around their s/o. “Is it very important? Someone dying or what? No? If so, please leave”. 
^ Leon, Gazel, Luminous, Hinata ^
These people are most likely the ones who are sitting on YOUR lap. Don’t get me wrong, they LOVE it when you sit on their lap, but they prefer to be the little spoon and getting ALL their s/o attention. They don’t care if people stare, in fact they get a little cocky and get a confident/ego boost. “Yes this is my s/o, aren’t they amazing?! And only I get their attention. It’s fully understandable if you get jealous”. They would most likely be a little jealous if you pay your attention to someone else but them.
^ Gobta, Milim, Gabiru, Ramiris, Rimuru? ^
Thank you for reading! If liked, reblogs are very appreciated! :) 
I do not take requests.
Post made by @master-muffinn
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
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Guy Crimson & Diablo ‐ Flirty Himbo Male Reader
Okay! So after many many months, I have rewatched 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' so that I can finally write and post this ask. If I'm being completely honest I'm pretty sure Guy wouldn't be too affected by flirting. Diablo too, probably. I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you like this, I did my best. —Benny🐰
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👹 Well aren't you easy on the eyes. Consider this Primordial Demon Lord very interested. Guy can't help but wonder how in the world you're so muscular. He himself is quite physically fit, but you? Give him some tips will you, maybe you can work out together. Guy definitely won't mind the meal his eyes will be feasting on during that endeavor. Huh? Leon who? Not important at the moment, he's too busy getting an eye full of this hot ass man in front of him.
👹 Guy certainly noticed that you aren't the sharpest sword in the armory and he finds it kind of hot. Don't get him wrong, he likes having intelligent conversation with people, but the way that you look at him when you have absolutely no idea what he's staying just does things to him. Guy can't really explain it too well, but having a handsome empty-headed boyfriend to go to in his free time is wonderful way to take a break.
👹 Your lack of intellect also has him assuming that you don't actually mean the words that you say in they way that he interprets them. Guy doesn't think that you understand quite how much he's holding himself back from doing as he pleases with you. Usually he just watches you in amusement as you "tease" him, chuckling at how truly bold you were to behave in this way towards Guy of all people.
👹 I don't believe that Guy is the flirting type. He's a strait foreword guy so even if a wild himbo appears and starts to flirt, he would get his message across pretty easily, no flirting needed. If he's interested, which in this case he would be, you would definitely know. To be honest, Guy wouldn't be fazed... Like, at all; considering how direct he is with Leon about how he's down to fuck. He would be really happy that someone that he thought was interesting was reciprocating for once, though.
👹 You want to do him favors? Why? Guy has maids and underlings for something like that. However, he just chalks it up to being your love language and just let's you do simple things that he could easily do on his own. Like getting him something to eat or grabbing him that book off the shelf over there. Your his boyfriend, Guy's not really keen on sending you away to deal with anything major, he'll do that on his own.
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🦇 Ah? Why hello there, handsome sir. Aren't you a sight for this primordial demon lord's eyes. Give him a little twirl so he can get a better look at you. But Diablo is a gentleman, so he will only permit himself to look respectfully. Very intensly; but respectfully. You don't mind, do you? Diablo really can't keep his gaze away no matter how hard he fights it. So forgive him, okay?
🦇 So you're a bit on the dim side? That's okay! Diablo will sit you down and describe anything you need him to in heavy detail. You don't need to worry your pretty little head about anything at all, he'll take care of it for you. Anything for you! Diablo wouldn't want you to think too hard, now. He doesn't want you to strain yourself. Just let him serve you as he does Lord Rimuru.
🦇 Now, Diablo knows he's handsome. It's not hard to understand considering the lingering gazes he gets from many people on the daily. However, this poor primordial demon lord was not prepared when the handsome man he had his eyes on started to flirt with him. Diablo couldn't help but be flustered; it was you who was showering him with compliments and innuendos instead of the other way around, after all.
🦇 While Diablo is a gentleman, he can certainly lay it on thick with the words of affirmation and occasional innuendos, but only when it comes to you. I like to think that he'd only return the favor in a private setting, he has an image to uphold. Such uncouth behavior is unbecoming of a butler like himself. But in all honesty, Diablo can let loose some raunchy shit when the time is right; the shit that comes out of this man's mouth could make even Guy Crimson blush a little.
🦇 No. He will not allow you to do any tasks or favors for him, that's his job; Diablo lives to serve and serving you is no exception. However, he will let do a few of the smaller tasks with him if you continue to insist. Acts of service are his love language so he prefer to do everything on his own, but if you sit him down and explain it to him Diablo will give you very small and simple things to do whenever he can.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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saltyfruitbat · 1 year
For tensura, could you do Rimuru adopting a baby slime in any of the heartfelt scenarios you write, pls?
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This tiny slime had followed him around the forest while he was patrolling. It would chase him everywhere, how could he ignore it, it was so cute.
Ah… you found out he adopted a slime. He didn’t mind the slime, he thought it was cute. He had showed you it and it made you happy. It actually made him happy that you liked it, it was like both of you had a child together.
When he thought of it like that, it made him blush. It didn’t help that you would baby it, which in return made him baby it. It didn’t help that the small slime was clingy towards both of you.
He’d pick it and cradle it, feeding the small slime snacks, during dinner time, he’d feed it food from its own plate, like a baby.
Since you both shared a bed, the small slime would sleep with you both, he would wake up with the small slime laying in one of his arms, while you hugged close to him.
You can imagine the surprise with your close friends and Allies when they thought you and him had a child together, it didn’t really help that the slime was a mixture of both your slime colors.
You both named the slime Yao Yao after a game character from a certain game.
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sunshinearc · 2 years
I have a busy life so do not come for me if I don't do your request fast.
This is a mlm/nblm blog only. Fem aligned dni
When requesting as state character, plot and gn or male reader along with whether or not you want fluff, angst, smut etc.
No scat piss or rape
I do cc x cc as well although this is mainly a x reader blog
I will do some ships as well as other posts besides reader such as character angst. Feel free to request no readers or ships, as well as angst.
Fandom list + characters I write for.
Twisted Wonderland
Leona Kingscholar
Ruggie Bucchi
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Rook Hunt
Seven Deady Sins
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Kim Dokja
You joongyhuk
Genshin Impact
Obey me
Literally everyone
Luke is sfw only
Dc Comics
Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Jason Todd/Red Hood
Tim Drake/Red Robin
Damian Wayne/Robin (sfw only unless aged up)
Black Clover
Yami Sukehiro
Nozel Silva
Finral Roulacase
Zora Ideale
Luck Voltia
Fuegolian Vermillion
William Vangeance
A Certain Scientific Accelerator
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Rimuru Tempest
Blue Exorcist
Rin Okumura
Tokyo Revengers(this includes bonten,etc)
Hanagaki Takemichi
Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Percy Jackson and the Olympians(includes Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo)
Percy Jackson
Nico di angelo
Will Solace
Jason Grace
Leo Valdez
Avatar (James Cameron Movies)
Jake Sully
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a-weird-writer · 1 year
i think for me, breeding kink falls under the claiming kink category, which… i’m sure i’ve made it clear where i stand with that.
but would leon actually have a beloved, or would he more view them as an… entourage?
A mixture of both, in my opinion.
Leon Cromwell is very capable of romantic and general attraction. You can sing praises and devote yourself to the devil, can love him.
But how could the devil love you back?
How could anyone love someone like him in this lifetime? How can you ever possibly justify loving a Demon Lord?
Love is such a specific human feeling. A feeling Leon is wary of ever experiencing, given everything he's done and will keep doing, he is more than aware of his less-than-ideal influence upon the people around him; Leon is a lot of things but delusional isn't one of them.
His choices don't make him any less of a monster, pitiful as the true reasons are. (As seen in his brotherly relationship with Chronoa, but I'll tie those spoilers under wraps.) Leon's logic and personal regards are warped and selfish, at times hypocritical in Shizu's case.
Nothing hints about Leon's emotional state. It is a personally crafted safety mask, a blank façade of apparent indifference. No openings, no weakness; A hollow shell of humanity, an eroded stone wall.
Leon's past is tragic and complicated; whatever innocence was maintained in his previous world lost itself after the distortion incident, further coated in malice thanks to Leon's current status as a Demon Lord. Not above committing the most heinous crimes and atrocities known to mankind if beneficial to him in the long run.
Leon can and will be mean if he wants too, the sheer definition of cold and cruel to his bystanders. Very tightly wound on himself and his self-driven goals. Even when his "softer" side shifts, shown to very very few people that actually know him for far more than his status, he may still come off as too blunt and careless. Barely expressive.
Leon Cromwell just doesn't grasp emotions too well...
Through the eyes of surrounding observers unfortunate enough to have to deal with him, your existence is just barely regarded with any sort of harsh twitch or grimace.
To his beloved, he seems not to consider you at all, constantly riding on the edge of your surface tension.
But there is a however. What Leon lacks in expressive vocabulary, figurative or opposing, is later proven contrary through actions and acts of service in sacred chambers.
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aritsukemo · 26 days
Other Anime's/Games I Have Watched/Played and May Write About Include.. ( Page 2 )
Last Updated: Aug. 28, 2024
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⇴ Master Detective Archives: Rain Code ( Watched an entire playthrough of the game )
⇴ Naruto & Naruto Shippuden ( Currently re-watching.. )
⇴ Sally Face ( Seen the entire playthrough of the game )
⇴ Sk8 the Infinity ( Watched the entire anime )
⇴ Solo Leveling ( Watched the entire anime )
⇴ SpyxFamily ( Watched up to season 1 )
⇴ That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ( Currently watching in order; watched up to season 2: Part 1 )
⇴ Violet Evergarden ( Watched the entire anime and movie 'Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll )
⇴ Your Turn to Die ( Seen the entire playthrough of the game an plan to either play it myself or re-watch said playthrough at a later date )
⇴ Yu Yu Hakusho ( Watched up to the Dark Tournament Arc )
⇴ Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters ( Watched the entire anime )
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Previous Page | Disclaimer: There are more animes/donghuas that I know like aot, tcgf, mdzs, black clover, and more but they will not be added to this list ( yet ) because I have either not watched it long enough to get a feel for the characters, I haven't started it yet, or I have to re-watch it first.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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luxthestrange · 5 months
TTIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#52...No
Guy: I told Y/n that his ears turn red when he lies~
Leon: Do they?
Guy: No~
Leon: Then why did you tell them that?
Guy: Because I can do this~
Guy: Hey Y/n! Do you love us?~
Y/n*Not covering their ears with a blank face* No.
Guy & Leon:...
Diablo*Appearing from your shadow with a silver tray and your mid-day snack*Do you love me, Y/n-sama?~
Y/n*Freezes and covers ears, squinting eyes at him*...Nnno...
Diablo*Gleams at you as he serves you, but smirks at the two demon lords*
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Shout out to @lunatheroyal
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yersang-dreams · 5 months
Okay, listen to me.... Yandere rimuru...
Yandere rimuru! There's not much yan content! rimuru, is it like what would it be like? Or rather how would he act?
Oh gosh, I love Yandere Rimuru, and I'll be honored to do it! I also agree since there are rarely any Yandere content of our slime!
Might I warn that there is some spoilers from the LN here.
Characters: Rimuru Tempest
OS / HCS / IMG: Head-Cannons
ROM / PLATN: Romantic
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He would be obsessed of you and very possessive of you dearie, like what happened with the Falmuth war?
Mhm yeah, he will do anything and I mean ANYTHING to keep you safe.
He loves you, a lot A LOT, he likes to worship and compliment you anytime anywhere baby.
He isn't overly jealous when you are around women like Shuna, or Shion, or any female/woman in the nation.
But for the men let's just he's a bit cautious around them, he trusts his men like Benimaru, Souei, Diablo, Hakurou, Geld and more to be around you since they know Rimuru is obsessed with you.
He makes sure you are protected and loved by his nation, his people? They cherish and love you! They sure you are included in activities that aren't very dangerous for you to not get hurt, knowing their Lord hates you being hurt or anything in general.
When he isn't around for awhile, he orders his Black Numbers Diablo, Ultima, Carrera, and Testarossa to guard you to make sure no one dangerous can even touch a single hair strand of yours.
He's overly sweet and gentle with you, when he sees you he immediately melts like the slime he is.
He loves being close to you or touching you, cuddling in his human form or slime form? Yes sir! Sitting in his lap during a conference/meeting with his subordinates? Definitely!
He will give you anything he brings back from his travels, jewels, fabrics that he thinks you will like and will ask Shuna to make it for you, anything!
Overall, he's very caring and sweet but he's willing to do anything in his power to keep you safe and sound from any dangers or anyone who dares to take you away from him.
Even after his evolution as a True Dragon, now that he's much powerful than ever when he was a True Demon Lord back then. He will protect you with everything he has.
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I completely forgot about this in my drafts for weeks, and I didn't notice since I got too busy with personal stuff so I'm really sorry for the late post!
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master-muffinn · 5 months
Tensura slime
Y/n: How do you kindly tell someone to “fuck of”?
Milim: Punch them in the face!!
Veldora: Fight them!!
Diablo: Stab them.
Rimuru: Guys, stop! That’s not how we handle all problems!
Shuna: Have you tried telling them to just leave you alone?
Y/n: Yes, it’s not working.
Rimuru: What did they do? And what do they look like?
Y/n: An annoying red-haired guy follows me around and flirting with me.
Shion: HOW DARE HE!!
Shuna: Y/n i will have a serious conversation with my brother for you. 🙂
Benimaru: Wait- I haven't done anything?!
Hakurou: That’s right, he has been training with the youngsters today.
Rimuru: Y/n can you tell us more?
Y/n: Weird black clothes that show his belly and lower chest…
Rimuru: Okay, I think I know who he is..
Souei: Y/n let me kill him for you. Where are you?
Rimuru: Don't be stupid! He’s a demon lord, you don’t stand a chance!
Diablo: I can stab him for you! 😊
Rimuru: NO!! Why do you always choose violence to solve problems!! STOP!
Rimuru: Y/n come to my office, i will talk to him. See if we can solve this pieceful.
Guy Crimson: I don’t know what you are talking about~ 💅
Diablo and Souei: 🙂🔪
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 years
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Rimuru Tempest
With a Flirty Himbo Reader (hc) ♂️
Guy Crimson
With a Flirty Himbo Reader (hc) ♂️
Leon Cromwell
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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saltyfruitbat · 1 year
May I add you to my ror writers list ? And do have any rules?
Of course you can!!
I can write: Romantic, Platonic, Angst(hurts me too much sometimes)
I can’t write: NSFW(can’t write smut to save my life 🥹), Incest, Abuse, or anything triggering to you and to others.
Oh and I write faster with a song the matches the theme, so I definitely recommend sending me a song that you think matches with what you want ☺️
Right now I’m really into Record of Ragnarok, That time I reincarnated into a slime, Welcome to demon school Iruma-kun and Tokyo Revengers, but I have watched many anime so if you want a character from a different anime, just give me their name, from what anime they are from and a picture of them. I’ll make sure to watch the anime or research them.
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coolkat223 · 4 months
Once again another idea coming from me which might be interesting A reader that's the dictionary definition of opposite from death-seeking. A reader that can go straight in and out of Imposter AU and be alive (Though not unscathed) and the next time anyone see's of the reader they are either: "How the fuck is this imposter still alive???" or "I'm starting to believe you're the actual creator"
Now this one I have to research this to think of what type of character the reader will be like. The first thing that I thought about is Rimuru from That time I got reincarnated as a slime. To me this is more straightforward for this idea.
Idea concept
~Base intro~
When the reader died for the first time they immediately noticed that they had self-resurrection ability from going back and forth to each world.
Now this will branch out to other ideas depending on how the reader reacts to this resolution. Along with other characters that go from this.
Rimuru route: they will get stronger from the help of the monster because they recognize the reader being the real creator. They will give the reader some parts like a broken mask, scroll, cores, pretty much enemy drops that the reader absorbed and give them more buffs that they be hard to die fast. It pretty much became a game of chase with an endless lives with the reader running from one region to another and dying along the way to their next destination. Once they are done and no longer dying they straight up start to fight back and make the characters see some sense that they are the real creator and the one they have on the throne is the REAL imposter. The characters are in deep shock of the truth and everyone immediately went to kill the REAL imposter that tricked them to hunt down you, their real creator.
Mare Bello Fiore (Overlord) route: I focus on his nature magic and nothing else. I believe that every time they died and come back the more that the reader is connected to Teyvat to the point that Teyvat will just outright mess with the characters like random weather like heavy snow, constantly raining (where Neuvillette explains to everyone that it was not his doing.), open random holes in the ground, make them be lost in a forest or cave. Make it harder and harder for the characters to get the reader. To the point that they have to believe that the reader is the real creator because of Teyvat.
Blade (HSR) route: Pretty much like a loose version of Blade. They are fighting back, get 'killed', teleported to their world to heal, come back again and repeat over and over again. Once the reader reaches where the REAL imposter is located at they then throw their sword at them stabbing them on the shoulder to show the characters that the REAL imposter is bleeding red instead of gold. Proving them that they have deceives them to hunt down them, the real creator.
That's all that I can think of with that concept. It sure is fun to think of a different way it could happen.
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
It's interesting that Diablo doesn't stir even in front of an eldritch entity, any human would probs go mad when seeing an eldritch true form but Diablo keeps together. I love all the little details you mention, especially when it comes to the descriptions of madness and the inhuman similarities he and eldritch reader share. Honestly he would prefer the true form probably.
Thank you, I love writing horror!
Gore gives me brain rot; I'm melting beneath the monsters that wanna rip me apart and the horrors that wanna destroy the planet. Eldritches and the moral concept of the mind, horror and scares send me in a massive spiral, with the drama and suspense packed into it? Amazing!
It's a whole lotta fun to run deep into, and its great practice if you ever want a feel for the horror genre. There are so many things you can do, more things to experiment with. I own a bookcase full of horror I admire revisiting, my inspiration mainly stems from them and other books I grew up with.
It made sense to me that Diablo wouldn't flinch in front of an Eldritch, given why and how he acts in TTIGRAAS canon. He is by no means a fool, and even more merciless. Less so to his kind and those separate in inhumanity, to which you are an upmost product of. A pinacol of extreme strain furthest thing from human, a foreign definition of unbalance further then demons themselves. Just more reasons to show no weakness, with you at a level of 'supernatural' Diablo could never physically reach no matter what form he evolves or achieves.
It takes an enormous amount of effort to intimate, let alone flinch, Diablo the slightest bit, head straight and his back even straighter. He is pretty fearless and cares not for the contrary. I said multiple times before, Diablo is completely unmoved by appearances all together, even ones meant to...
'unhinge' the brain.
The thing with Diablo is not only is he inhuman, but also extremely experienced. In other words, knowledgeable in more ways than one in good and evil. He knows quite a lot and knows exactly how useful-and dangerous-such knowledge is. Well informed of the powers and possible secrets beyond his world. As there are always shadows, he has only seen near all. Powers ahead and behind, in between and hidden, waiting for the light to drive them out. You are just another shadow, in need of studying, yet another secret to be revealed.
Uncovering thought and purpose is what Diablo specializes in, leaving no stone, vein and magicule unturned. Pride is Diablo's sin, and he absolutely shows it. There is no silliness with Diablo-even in the games he plays-only a master of the chess board, who aims to use his pawns to the fullest potential and predict the moves of his opponent long before they make it. In fact, it's something he is passionate about; the excitement, the amount of pleasure and satisfaction he gains from unveiling an ancient mystery, unraveling the world's lost wonders over yonder.
And what greater mystery then you?
A glitch, tearing solar wind in space, and a mistake in natural design?
No degree of science, experience in this universe or understanding could ever comprehend you, not when they measure with normalcy. No one who is normal, no one who is human could ever hope to survive singularity, your unstable, unchained self.
Your existence, the proof of a where above the atmosphere, requires a substantial amount of sheer will power and understanding-assuming you could be understood entirely-to even keep oneself' together, so much so you have to stabilize and simplify yourself beyond to walk amongst people,
even then it's still a stretched maybe.
Seeing as Diablo is a primordial demon that committed his fair share of atrocities within or outside Rimuru's rule,
no person in their right mind would call Diablo normal.
Diablo is a demonic weapon of mass destruction. He witnessed madness and insanity aplenty in his line of work, in all his centuries of walking the Earth. Downfalls of angels, humans and their greedy spiral for power and wealth. As well as fellow calamities, falling victim to their destruction and despair. Evidenced further by the primordial Demon Lords and their flow in the natural world, the innate fear they strike and the mayhem-all life devested within their range-they bring forth. To both innocent and deserving.
While Diablo is not immune to trauma, he experiences it vastly different than how normal people do, as expected from an ancient demon.
Cold as ice, incredibly discreet and ever most loyal to a fault. An enigma as you are, unpredictable and crafty as they may come. A shadow in a shadow, a secret of secrets. A riddle designed to confuse and overwhelm the morals, driven with very keen interest in the unknown and the mysteries of his world, the offers on the harsh outside.
Diablo is one of the few people who will effectively stand up to intense beings like Eldritches and some of the fewer that can come to understand them-or in this case you-individually and carefully. Or relate to them on certain scales.
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frayaziwriter · 2 months
I'm A Spider - Wait, What?
Chapter 1
You weren’t sure what was happening.
One minute, you’re dying and the next you’re-
Actually, where are you? It feels like you’re in some sort of container.. You squirmed a bit, and the thing pushing against you on all sides rocked back and forth, but you couldn’t seem to break through. 
Huffing, you tried again. You felt something give way and pushed once more. 
Crack. Crack. CRACK.
You topple out of whatever container you were stuck in and land harshly on the hard rock below. What the hell?? Where-? Turning around, you catch sight of - is that an egg? Did you just come out of an egg?
What was going on??
You frantically glance around, your eyes searching for something you weren’t quite sure of what but were confident you’d know when you found it. And all you saw were similar eggs to the one you just climbed out of.
The hell??
A shadow loomed over you and you glanced up. Flinching back, you skittered back into the remnants of the silver egg. Above you stood a giant yellow spider. 
‘Holy fucking shit!’ You thought. Your feet moved instinctually and you found yourself skittering across the rocky ground away from the monster spider. ‘What the hell is that?!’
[Answer; an Arch Knight. Arch Knights are a type of spider monster. This one belongs to the Golden Spider Clan.]
‘What - what - what - what?’ You screeched as a golden egg beside you started cracking. Skidding to a stop, you watched dumbfounded as the golden egg broke apart to reveal - another giant yellow spider.
Even though they were roughly the same size as you, they were still bigger than you and it was terrifying.
The spider crawled out of its egg and met your eyes. A moment passed and then-
A loud screech stabbed your nonexistent eardrums.
You swore your soul left your body a second time. ‘Okay - what the fuck?! Why the hell am I surrounded by giant spiders?!’
[Answer; you are in a spider-hatching cave.]
‘Yes, I got that thank you, but why?! And what the frick are you?! Why are you in my head?!’ You jumped when more golden eggs around you started cracking. Out came more bright yellow spiders, and suddenly you were being bombarded on all sides by cries from unreasonably big baby spiders.
[Answer; I am your {Unique Skill; Chiron}.]
‘Okay.. That explains nothing. ‘Skill’? What are those? And why am I here?!’ You flinched when the Arch Jurogumo behind you suddenly dropped a giant snake-like corpse. All the spiders around you rushed towards it. Your stomach rumbled. 
[Notice; you are running low on energy. Suggestion; eat. The Arch Jurogumo delivered sustenance.]
‘So, you want me to go to the giant spider that may or may not eat me in the hopes of getting food? Do you want me dead?!’
[Suggestion; if you do not want to die, eat the Black Serpent.]
‘...I’m hallucinating. This is a fever dream my brain made up as I’m dying.’
[Notice; you have already died. You have been reborn as a Small Lesser Taratect.]
You froze. ‘...I’m a what..?’
[Answer; you have been reborn as-]
The world went dark.
[...Notice; starting {Auto Pilot}. Hijacking body in three...two...one. {Auto Pilot} is now on.] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
When you woke up next, you were eating something and yet you weren’t in control of your body. 
‘What the fuck?!’
[Notice; you had fainted due to low energy levels and high shock levels. {Auto Pilot} had been activated for safety.]
‘You can hijack my body whenever you want?!’ You thought as you gobbled up another bite of food. ‘That’s creepy!’
[Notice; you were going to die. Deactivate {Auto Pilot} now that you are safe from dying?]
‘Yes, please!’ And suddenly your body was yours once again. You peeled yourself away from the food and shook your new body. You were full now, so you backed up from the Arch Knight and - shit, that is a really big snake. You eyed it one last time before turning tail and making your way to what you assumed was a stream of clear water.
It was coming from some sort of crack in a wall and was pooling into a hole. You studied it for a moment. The hole was smooth at the edges, showing that it’s been smoothed down by the water for years upon years. Eying the cracks in the wall showed the same smooth edges as the pool.
The water itself looked clean, but... There was always that lingering doubt in the back of your head. ‘Is this even safe to drink?’
[Answer; yes.]
‘...Oh. Thanks?’ 
Reaching a leg down, you poked the water’s edge. Ripples spread out from your touch and you watched, transfixed, as the image of your new body came into focus.
‘So.. I really am a spider.. Heh, this is so weird.’
It was..a bit jarring to see a pure white spider with eight red eyes staring back at you instead of your old human face. Actually, scratch that. It was downright unsettling! There was still a part of your brain convinced this was a fever dream, but..the more time you spend in this cave, the more you realize that it wasn’t a fantasy your brain made up to soothe you in your dying moments. 
This was real. 
And you had no idea how to handle it.
You decided to deal with this later. So, you dipped your leg into the pool and cleaned the droplets off of the spiky fuzz on your pointy leg. ‘Now that I have a clear head.. How the hell can I eat regularly? Spiders don’t have the same kind of digestive system as humans! Does this mean spider monsters in this world aren’t actually spiders?’ Then, you paused. ‘I just realized.. I’m the only spider here that’s white.. And everyone else has a different body shape, too! I wonder why..’
[Answer; you are the first and only Jorogomo of your clan. Congratulations.]
‘Huh. Thanks.’ You paused and turned back to your reflection. ‘Hey, you mentioned earlier a ‘yellow clan’. What’s that about?’
[The Golden Spider Clan is the fourth spider monster race to appear. They belong to the monster species “Jorogomo”, commonly known as “Giant Spiders”. There are currently three older clans before the Golden Clan; Obsidian, Bronze, and Ruby.]
‘Does that mean...I’m clanless? I’m a different color than everyone here..’
[Answer; you are the first of your race. Congratulations.]
You huffed. ‘So, I’m currently clanless.’
[Answer; correct.]
Moving away from the pool of water, you face your siblings. (Were they actually your siblings? You knew regular spiders can have hundreds of children at once, but your new form isn’t exactly just like a spider..) ‘Nice to know. So, uh.. Why do they look different?’
[Answer; the Golden Clan are known as the warriors of the Jorogomo species. They have evolved for battle.]
‘I..see. This implies that Jorogomo races have separate abilities, correct?’ You clicked your chelicerae together. ‘Since the Golden Clan are the ‘warriors’?’
[Answer; correct. Would you like to learn the other races’ purpose?]
Humming, you shake yourself in a quasi-shrug. ‘Sure, why not? Should come in handy later.’
[The Obsidian Clan are known to the surface world as “Black Spiders”. They are the oldest clan of the Jorogomo species. Their purpose is espionage and planning. The Bronze Clan is the second oldest. They are the species’ builders and have carved out the underground colony the species lives in today. The Ruby Clan are the medics and farmers. They provide sustenance and medicine for the species. You already know the Golden Clan’s purpose, and your clan’s purpose is currently unknown.]
You would sigh if you could. ‘Because I’m the first.. Got it. Okay. Um, thanks! Now, do you have any suggestions on leaving this place?’
[Notice; it is not recommended for a Small Lesser Taratect to travel outside of a hatching cave. Especially one belonging to the Golden Clan.]
The chelicerae clicked again. You eyed the hulking form of the Arch Knight just...staring out over the sea of golden spiders. What was up with it? ‘How come?’
Just then, a spider hatchling near you shrieked. You turned around just in time to see it pouncing on another hatchling. The two spiderlings screeched and clawed at each other, and soon a few more spiders got caught in the fight. You shrank back as more and more hatchlings joined in, and then you found yourself skirting around individual fights to find safety.
[Answer; the Golden Clan is prone to fighting each other, especially in the first few stages of evolution. Golden Spiders live by the rule of, “Survival of the fittest.”]
‘Oh great!’ You think frantically while you skitter around pouncing spiderlings and flying claws. ‘I just had to be born in the most belligerent family ever!’ You swiftly found a rock column and climbed it. 
Turning back once you deemed yourself high enough, you watched as all hell broke loose down below. You shuddered. ‘Glad I escaped that..’
“Damn, it started already? Not even an hour into life and they’re already fighting! Nice!” You jumped at the sudden voice echoing through the large cavern and glanced up at the Arch Knight. That was the first spoken voice you’ve heard since you died! It took you a few moments, but you eventually managed to spot the speaker.
And once your eyes landed on her, you double-take. What the hell? What’s a girl doing here?!’
Standing right next to the Arch Jurogumo was a girl with beautiful golden hair. She was decked out in full armor and a weapon was held tightly in her hands. Her red eyes flitted across the sea of fighting baby spiders and a grin spread across her face. You estimated her physical age to be around mid-teens, but something told you that her looks were deceiving. (She looked so...unassuming. Like the kind of person who rarely got angry.)
[Notice; that is not a girl.]
‘Then..who is she? What is she?’
[Answer; that is the Golden Queen Spider.]
Holy shit, the queen was a human?! Wait.. queen? Like a queen bee?
[Notice; the Queen Spiders are the leaders and mothers of the clans. They are not human.]
Oh. But, she looked so..human-like. 
“Hey, hey,” The queen patted one of the left forelegs of the Arch Knight impatiently, “You said you had something to show me? What is it?”
The giant spider turned to look up at you before raising its first right foreleg to point at you. You felt your heart skip a beat. (Wait, do you even have a heart anymore? Does it even pump blood like human hearts?!) The queen followed its leg and her red eyes were suddenly on you.
‘Oh, shit-’
An even bigger grin stretched her face while her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. She raised her weapon (which you belatedly realized looked a lot like a spear) and slammed the butt of it down on the rocky ground. The sound echoed around the cavern, and all fighting ceased.
You clung harder to your little pillar. ‘I’m about to die, aren’t I?’
“HEY! WHITE SPIDER!” She screeched and pointed the tip of her weapon at you. (That wasn’t a spear.. What was it? An ax? No..) “GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!”
‘Oh, hell nah. I’m staying here, thank you very much.’
You cowered and skittered back up the pillar. ‘Why is she so scary?! She looks so nice! It should be illegal!’
[Answer; the Golden Clan are warriors who abide by-]
‘I know why she’s so aggressive, it’s just that her looks are completely throwing me off!’ You huddle in a nook high up the pillar. You could hear the queen seething down below and snuggled deeper within the hidey-hole.
Can she even get up here? You have a suspicion that she can in fact get up to you.
..On second thought, maybe it’s not wise to piss off a warrior queen.. Especially when she has an army of children right below you..
“THREE! ALRIGHT, YOU ASKED FOR IT, BITCH!” And silence. And more silence. 
..Huh. Maybe she wasn’t coming-
“MOTHERFUCKER GET OUT HERE!” Oh shit, there she is! The queen grabbed ahold of your foreleg before dragging you out of your hidey-hole. You screeched and squirmed in her hold, trying desperately to wriggle your way out of her grip, but surprisingly she was strong. (You hated it.)
“Oh, come on,” She huffed as she glared down at you, holding you up with just one hand. If you could cry, you would be doing so right about now, “Even those weak fucks down there can put up a better fight than that. Where’s your fighting spirit?!”
You glanced down and shrieked even louder. She was floating?? Queen Spiders can do that??
[Notice; all Queen Spiders have the {Skill; Thread Manipulation}. They can use strings to manipulate objects, including people.]
‘S-So, this is just her being held up by strings?’ A glint caught your eye, and you peered closer to see a mass of thin strings just under the queen’s feet. ‘O-Oh. Fun. W-What’ll happen if she drops me? Will I go splat, or..?’
Silence. ‘C-Chiron? Hello?’
Still silence. ‘Dammit, Chiron! Don’t leave me here to die!’
“Alright, you tiny little maggot,” The queen glowered at you, “You’re coming with me. Don’t even think about running!”
‘I’d rather not go anywhere with you-!’
And then she carted you off to...somewhere. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
The caverns were quiet when she forced you out of the hatching cave. Not a single other spider was in sight - well, besides her guard spiders. They looked similar to the Arch Knight but smaller. Does that mean they were of a different rank or something?
[Answer; they are Knight Spiders. They are the highest evolution male spiders can achieve while female spiders can achieve the evolution rank Arch Knight. Due to this, they are primarily male spiders.]
Ah. Okay. You trill softly as you skitter along nervously by the Queen’s heels. ‘This is starting to sound more and more like an RPG mixed with regular nature. Back home, male spiders were normally smaller than females.’ At this, you paused. ‘Hey, does that mean that Arch Knight is technically my mother?’
[Answer; Arch Knights and Queen Spiders are the only ones capable of reproducing. Arch Knights are also in charge of child-rearing. They do this through a nest rotation.]
‘So, that’s a maybe. Got it.’
“Damn, you are one stubborn bitch, aren’t you?” The Yellow Queen huffed as she crossed her arms over her armored chest. You angrily clicked your chelicerae at her. ‘Don’t insult me when I can’t insult you back!’ She smirked, pausing to drop into a squat beside you. You flinched back as she examined you. “There you go! Now that’s the kind of fire befitting of the Golden Clan! You really did come from one of my offspring, huh?”
Then she popped back up and continued to stroll leisurely with her weapon laid across her shoulders. “Anyways. We should hurry it up; the caverns will be crawling with my kin soon, and we don’t wanna keep Blackie waiting! She’s a certain type of angry that scares even me!”
‘If this Blackie person scares this monster of a girl, then how strong is she?!’ You quivered. Suddenly, you really don’t want to continue following her..
“HEY!” You flinched at the fierce glare she sent over her shoulder. “HURRY IT UP, HALF-PINT! WE DON’T HAVE ALL DAY!” You skittered after her with a small shriek. Seemingly satisfied, she turned back around and hummed. “You know, despite how annoying you are, I kinda can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish!”
You hissed, and she laughed at your obvious indignation. ‘How rude! I’m not annoying!’ The Queen turned around and walked backward, sending a feral grin at you. Your hissing cut off and you shrank back from her.
The spider-girl heaved a heavy sigh and grumbled. “Now I’m starting to wonder how you ever came from my clan. You’re feisty, but you’re so-so-so... timid! It’s mind-boggling.” 
Huffing, you stomped after her. ‘She’s so rude..’
“So, might as well get this out of the way now!” She exclaims, turning the corner. You glance down the other way. Nothing but more tunnels. How are you ever going to navigate this place?! “Welcome to the Colony. The land of the Jorogomos! There are currently four clans watching over it - ah, fuck!”
You jumped at her sudden shout and she turned to glare down at you. “You’ll end up making us fuck with the maps! We just got everything established, why’d you come now of all times?!”
(You had no idea what she was blabbering about, nor do you want to know. ‘She’s so scary..’)
“Anyways, four clans were watching over it. We’ll need to adjust some things, again. Dammit.” Why the hell was she glaring at you?! You didn’t do anything but hatch! “We Golden Spiders are in the far west. Our job is to keep that fucking Church in line.” Church? What church? Is it like the Catholic church? “The Obsidian Clan is found in the southwest, our closest neighbors. The Rubies are in the southeast. And then the Bronze fuckers are all the way to the northeast. Don’t know how the hell they haven’t been caught yet by the surface dwellers..”
You glanced around you as your little group trudged through the tunnels. ‘Surface dwellers, rock tunnels.. Are we seriously underground?! Ugh, I hate that! I wanna be outside!’
“But,” The Queen continued, “Keeping the Church out isn’t all we Golden Spiders do. The full picture is to protect the Colony from all threats. Obsidians are the info-gatherers and strategists, Bronze are the architectures and archivists, and Rubies are healers and farmers.” Do you have to sit through this? Chiron already explained all this to you.. “Your clan will be in charge of something else once it grows. Who knows what it’ll be; I for one thought we had all we needed. Apparently not.”
‘Right.. Each clan has a different ability..’ You look away from the Queen. ‘So, what’s mine?’
[Notice; I cannot give you that answer.]
If you could sigh, you would be doing so. ‘So this is something I need to find out for myself.. Yay.. Cue the stereotypical inspiring speech from an elder or something-’
“Hey, what’s taking so long?!” The Yellow Queen snapped at you. “Don’t make come over there! We’re already behind schedule!”
You squealed and ran after her. ‘So scary!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
It was an hour or two after you had left the care of the Golden Clan, and boredom was numbing your mind. Your two escorts were eerily quiet and you still haven’t figured out how to use that Thought Communication ability.
‘Hey, Chiron? What’s the evolution tree look like for Jorogomos?’
[Answer; Small Lesser Taratect, Lesser Taratect, Medium Taratect, Greater Taratect, Knight Spider, then Arch Knight. The Small Lesser Taratect stage is the shortest one.]
You looked up at the Knights before you. ‘How do I evolve then?’
[Answer; monsters normally evolve when taking in enough magicules. Most monsters are unable to evolve without the process of Naming, but some species can do so by consuming other beings with enough magicules.]
‘I’m assuming the Jorogomos is one of these few?’
[Answer; correct.]
Nodding, you tune back into reality. ‘I see.’
The earth was vibrating a little.
A thought hit you and you almost gasped. ‘Hey Chiron, did the Gold Queen have bigger eyes than normal humans?’
[Answer; correct.]
‘Her mouth was also looking a bit weird.. Huh. This is a prime example of the uncanny valley, and yet I’m not disturbed by it. That’s so weird.. Is it because I became a spider?’
Rumbling cut into your thoughts and you perked up. ‘What’s that?’ Your little group of three marched onwards, toward whatever was making that rumbling noise. Soon, you started to see other Knight Spiders crawling along the tunnel walls. You stared up at them as you moved along.
And then you came upon a problem.
Turns out giant spiders are kinda bad at keeping track of tiny spiders like you. Maybe that’s why you weren’t allowed to leave the hatching cave before the Queen kidnapped you.
(..Spidernapped? Oh well.)
Nothing had prepared you for the absolute chaos that was the intersections in this underground society.
‘Can I get through this mob?’ You thought to yourself as you stared out at the moving crowds of spiders much, much bigger than yourself. You flinched each time a sharp leg stepped too close to your body. Spiders moved every which way; up, down, sideways, forwards, and backward. It was hard to keep up with all the legs scrambling everywhere. ‘Is this where I die a second time?’ 
Chiron was suspiciously quiet. You couldn’t help but shrink in on yourself. Even the one thing meant to help you doesn’t believe in you..that stings..
‘Oh well. If I die, I die. I already dealt with dying once, I can do it again!’
And with that, you scrambled after who you thought were your escorts. 
You jumped through gaps between the legs and scuttled under giant bodies as quickly as you could move. Turns out smaller spiders are actually really fucking fast. You ended up scaring yourself on more than one occasion with your speed.
‘God, I hate this. Where’re my escorts?!’
You thought you spotted them turning onto a side tunnel and scurried after them. ‘Wait for me!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
Turns out you didn’t see them go this way.
It was a couple of hours after what you have decided to deem the “Intersection Nightmare” when you stopped.
Your escorts were nowhere in sight, and you’re pretty sure you stopped seeing other spiders about an hour ago. Chiron was unhelpful in locating the giant Knights, and all the tunnels looked the same. So you supposed it was time to face the music. 
Falling to your stomach, you grunted. You’re completely and irrevocably lost. Maybe you should have known better than to think you’d be fine navigating a maze when you’ve never done so before.. Guess you’re still a little bit human, huh? That’s comforting to know.
‘Chiron, I’m lost, aren’t I?’
[Notice; the probability of being lost is 99%. Suggestion; find a safe place and wait it out.]
‘That’s a good idea, but...’
A grumbling sound rumbled from your stomach, and you whined. ‘How long will finding me take?! There were at least a hundred different tunnels back there and I can still see so many down here! And I’m hungry!’
[Notice; there are around a thousand individual tunnels in the Black Spider section of the Colony.]
You stick a claw in the air and glare up at the ceiling. ‘That just proves my point! They’ll take forever to find me! God, where even am I?’
[Answer; you are in an abandoned section of the Obsidian Spider section of the Colony.]
‘Oh?’ You perked up and rolled onto your back. ‘Why was it abandoned?’
[Answer; humans sealed the Storm Dragon, Veldora, 300 years ago in this section of the caves. The Obsidian Spiders abandoned it to avoid detection by the humans. It is now known as the Sealed Cave.]
An echoing screech from down the tunnels caught your attention, and you worriedly got to your feet. ‘Hey, uh, Chiron? Is there anything else that lives in the Sealed Cave?’
[Answer; yes. It is home to several different monsters.]
‘And what exactly are they?’
[Answer; not including Obsidian Spiders, there are Monstrous Centipedes, Giant Bats, Black Serpents, and Armorsauruses.]
You skittered back as the screeching got louder. ‘And..how big are they?’
[Answer; bigger than you.]
‘That’s so descriptive, Chiron, thanks.’ You huffed.
[Answer; you’re welcome.]
...If Chiron was an actual tangible being, you would have tried to strangle it. (It’s a really good thing that it isn’t, otherwise, you would have probably died in the near future.)
‘So, what’s coming my way? And can I beat it?’
[Answer; a horde of Giant Bats. There is a high probability of your death if you face them as you are now. Suggestion; run and hide.]
You took one moment to settle your nerves before turning down a random tunnel and booking it. ‘Run and hide. Right. Tiny legs, don’t fail me now!’ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
‘God, I’m hungry..’ You whined as you sluggishly made your way down another tunnel. You had managed to outrun the Giant Bats and were now looking for a place to lie low for a bit. ‘Ugh, what I wouldn’t give for a nice, juicy steak right about now... Hey, Chiron? How long has it been since I got lost?’
[Answer; 7 hours.]
Your legs almost buckled underneath you, but you somehow managed to keep your footing. ‘..And how long has it been since I last ate?’
[Answer; 15 hours. Notice; energy levels are low. Suggestion; eat.]
And then your legs fell out from under you once more. You groaned. ‘But what am I supposed to eat if there’s nothing here?!’
[Notice; there is a nest of Monstrous Centipede hatchlings nearby. Suggestion; eat.]
You paused. ‘You want me to eat a giant bug? Something that was considered a pest and not to eat back home?’
Chiron was completely silent at this, and you let out a sigh before getting to your feet. ‘Fine, fine. I’ll go eat the baby monster bugs. How far-?’
[Would you like to use the {Skill; Spider’s Sense}?]
You tilted your head. ‘I have a skill? And it’s called Spider’s Sense?’
[Answer; correct. It provides a mental map of sorts of a certain radius in an area. Use the {Skill; Spider’s Sense}?]
Sighing, you shrugged. ‘If it’s gonna help me find that nest, then go for it.’
Suddenly, you could feel everything. You flinched ‘What the.. Is this-?’ 
Every movement, every crack or crevice in the walls around you, even the tiniest particles in the air were suddenly just - there! It was like you were that one character from Demon Slayer! It was so cool! (It was also a bit overwhelming..)
You snapped out of your awe at another painful grumble of your stomach and skittered down a tunnel and then up the wall. It led you to a spacious cavern, not unlike the ones you saw back in the Colony.
In the center of the cavern was a pit. Crawling closer, you could see a mass of long, wriggling centipedes crawling about. The closest one was about five meters long. 
‘Holy shit. And these are babies?! They’re bigger than me!’
[Notice; Monstrous Centipedes have the {Skill; Paralyzing Breath}. Suggestion; tread lightly.]
You shivered. ‘Duly noted. Thanks. Question; do they have more than one brain or heart?’
[Answer; no.]
Your forelegs, which were already sharp claws, glinted in the light when you readied them. ‘Good to know. Thanks!’
And then you drove a claw through the head of one centipede nearby. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
[Notice; evolution requirements met. You are now evolving into a Lesser Taratect. Congratulations. Suggestion; find a safe place.]
You jumped at the sudden notification, dropping the half-eaten bug on the rocky ground. ‘Wh-Wha?! Evolution?! Already?!’
It was only a day after you had become lost. You were still working on a little home nearby. Would it be safe enough-? You shook yourself and double-timed it. ‘It’ll have to be! Chiron, what’ll happen during evolution?!’
You spotted your new hidey-hole nearby.
[Answer; you will automatically fall into slumber. Notice; evolution will commence soon.]
‘Shit! That means I’ll be vulnerable! Hold on, I’m almost there!’
You ended up tripping and rolling into your hole. Slamming into the walls, you groaned.
[Notice; evolution will now commence.]
The world was engulfed in black as your stomach rolled with nausea. 
[Congratulations on your evolution to Lesser Taratect. Notice; you have gained new skills.]
notes: and this is the first chapter of this fic! hope you enjoyed! stay safe, and please remember that you're all AWESOME! XP
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