#that was super personal. sigh
xulips · 4 months
I need more info in the freakvamp au. like. does akito have organs? if not, does that include a brain?if n brain, how think? if have, why? if no blood, there's no way to get water around his body? no blood vessels? so uselessly existent organs??????? HELP
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but to answer ur question, kinda! he only have those that's beneficial to his daily activity, like his digestive and respiratory system. for example he doesn't have a heart to pump blood because he has no blood to begin with.
the way it works is that akito only digest meat (carnivore moment) and the nutrients from said meat (extracted thanks to the help of his special digestive system) helps his internal organs work just like normal, even better if the meat is fresh + has blood on them. more nutrients means an even stronger body
and for the brains and other parts of the organs, it's really just.. pure meat slob no bones whatsoever (this might make people believe he's weak in general because of no skeletal structure underneath him but his muscle power are way beyond comprehension to balance it out) (he's still an anomaly afterall, he can't be easy to kill)
i didn't actually plan for this au to become a real big thing in this account so i haven't done much research BUT! here's what i think about it so far :3c
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 2 months
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His insurance premiums must be outrageous.
And pencils and inks!
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the-binding-blade · 13 days
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so you fought with my brother…
then it’s over.
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snail-studios · 2 months
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my zora oc so far! all i know about her is she's inspired by an orca and link does nooot like her
ask me about her to help me flesh her out, if you want xD and lmk what to name her!!!
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thepoisonroom · 6 months
i know modern dating is a hell because i once went on a date with this lady and when we were about to kiss i pulled back and went "oh sorry i thought we were a vase for a second" and she didn't like that in the least
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cregan-targaryen · 3 months
after watching the borgias, it really puts into perspective how disappointing (and boring) the costuming for hotd is
which isn’t to say that hotd costumes aren’t nice (because some of them are) but they could certainly be better
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flowey-apologist · 21 days
Ggughg struggling so hard to make anything proper.. Save me Kaze
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lilyharvord · 6 months
Mare sure was talking a big game in War Storm about how she didn't care about Cal Tiberias for someone who wouldn't stop looking at him in every situation she could.
You say you're over him, but you just happened to notice that his boots were polished and that he was wearing the new winter collection of the Calore wardrobe? Okay girl whatever you say.
Not to mention she went out of her way twice (2x, otra vez), to tell two powerful people who make important decision that he has to live by the end. Like sure girl, you're over him, we believe you 🙄
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slimmestslime · 1 day
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it my bday today yay
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graveyardcuddles · 5 days
Aaahhh every time I see adorable dadstarion fanart it makes me wish I had money to commission an artist to draw my lil tavstarion family but I should prolly just focus on buying groceries instead lmao.
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hokkienmee · 10 months
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"Hiroken Forever!" Bokutachi no Konai Hoso (2023)
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xamaxenta · 2 months
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themintman · 7 months
i will never understand people's hatred towards therians. I just got a video of a group of five therians on my TT fyp and started crying because they were so cute and sweet and happy. Goddamn. I want to be a fox therian with a friend group of therians and we would run around forests and practice barking. Sigh.
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forest-hashira · 2 months
an irl hug from a tumblr mutual would fix me
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Headcanon that Yunmeng Jiang is well established as The bisexual sect and everyone knows that for whatever reason 99% of the sect - all of the main family, most of the disciples, hell even the aunties and uncles who sell snacks to the kids- is bi. Except for wwx who would always just assume that any same sex couple in lotus pier was a pair of really close friends : )
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dootznbootz · 5 months
opinions on helen of sparta being compared to prey animals? blink blink
*blink blinks back* Then immediately sits like this because of the question.
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It's a good question that I'm happy to answer! It just makes me mad.... I sincerely hate the wording of "prey" being used to describe her.
I can...see how people in ancient times may have used that word and still meant it in how she is a victim... but modern-day English-speaking people calling her that??? (considering how in different languages the word "prey" could have different meanings.) I'll just say that as someone who has been "prey" herself at one point, I REALLY hate that word as a descriptor. Just say victim or survivor. 👍
Honestly to call ANY victim "prey" is so fucked up. "Prey" to me, feels like "it's meant to happen." "Prey" are part of the food chain and so that's what happens. And to compare that to abduction and SA? Almost as if "that's our place"? It also kind of implies something being "eaten" or killed... Helen SURVIVES. She's traumatized and definitely needs healing and support but it's not like she can't find joy or peace ever again. Prey just feels so fucking gross.
Also, if someone calls victims "prey", I hope they know that Moose, Elk, Boars, Bovine, ZEBRAS, etc. are technically "prey". And these are VERY aggressive animals while still being "prey" for some other animals. And also that doesn't mean that "Oh, they're powerful! Clearly they should've been able to stop it." That's victim blaming :P
She is a clever, determined, caring woman who was ripped from her home for YEARS because Paris was a dipshit who decided he needed the prettiest woman in the world despite already having a wife. He didn't care about the fact that Helen didn't want to be there and was already married. He is so selfish that he will not let her go back even when THOUSANDS have died in the war! EVEN HIS BROTHER HECTOR AND PRIAM DO NOT BLAME HER! Granted, we do not know if Aphrodite would have let him undo their deal of "I want the prettiest woman" if he DID end up feeling bad for Helen and he wished to let her go home (I doubt it based on his personality though).
"Oh, if she is so independent/strong, then why didn't she just kill Paris and leave?"
AGAIN! Victim blaming!!! First thing, people who ask that have media literacy that is piss on the poor. You also have no idea about the political implications that would have happened if she DID kill Paris. She literally cries about staying there and argues with Aphrodite about seeing Paris, only to get strongarmed by Aphrodite as, guess what? A GODDESS WILL ALWAYS OVERPOWER A DEMIGOD. (This isn't Percy Jackson where he "killed" Ares as a 12 year old (Percy, you were my childhood, but that's bullshit.))
Even confined in Troy, she ARGUED with APHRODITE about going to see Paris! She is not some meek woman who just does as she's told with no pushback! She argued with a GODDESSS! Very few survive doing that!!!
She's not "Prey to fate", she's a "VICTIM of Fate".
#Thank you for the ask anon!!! :D It's a very fun question! I just really don't like the word of 'prey' being used to describe her.#...#Yes. there's poetic shit with writing. but if I heard someone say 'Helen is prey to Paris' I would be miffed and think that person's stupid#Prey just feels like 'one and done. You'll be a victim from now on and nothing else. You have no life after this.'#I mean you can probably say that if you simply mean that Paris is an abuser I guess. but...idk homies. I just really hate Helen being calle#that you know?#as if she could never be anything but prey in a way. as if she herself has never been the one pulling the strings or the trickster#Helen isn't a rabbit in an eagle's talons about to be eaten. She was a PRISONER. Who still lives and thrives afterward.#idk I'm probably looking too far into the word 'prey' and what it means to ME as an animal lover and survivor but it just feels#really bad to me. like wrinkling my nose and thinking 'out of all the words out there. that's the one you use?'#*sighs*#probably got quite fired up about this :P#ask#anon#yes I plan to write Helen as a big buff cheeto puff but again. she could never fight a goddess no matter how strong!! she's Mortal!#end of story!! I just want to write her that way as A.) it's fun. B.) Sparta upbringing.#(I got SUPER into ancient athletes stuff. (look up Pankration. it's so cool) and since I really love writing women. I just...like it :D#And no. everybody is strong in their own way even if they don't physically fight. I have plenty of women who are not fighters#but still have their own strengths and personalities and silliness#Leda actually doesn't like the 'exercising lifestyle of Sparta'. Ctimine loves running but that's it. Anticlea is the one who taught#Odysseus how to carve wood and is a 'trickster' but she's not really into athletic stuff. (she actually has a heart condition later on)#there's more too it but...tags are already long as hell#Mad rambles#shot by odysseus#my headcanons#kind of#If Helen is prey then she is “prey” like those clever mother birds who pretend to be injured to get predators away from their nest.#*shrieks into a pillow* I'm fine now :D
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