#that’ll be my tag for this project for now lol
tahopo · 6 months
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50s-esque slasher to romcom pipeline
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vocaloid-homestuck-au · 2 months
Pinned post!!!
Yo! This is the mod here! Just wanted to say a few things about this!
First, you can find the first post here and start the adventure!
Secondly, I just wanted to say that as of the moment, this is currently like a background project that I’m working on by my self (though idk if that’ll change?). I know with things like this my motivation fluxes, and I can’t promise any consistency in uploading, though I’ll definitely try my best! Maybe in the future I can make a side blog for this side blog (lol), for like, extra content or for a sort of QnA about the comic and answer questions and things, but for now, my main blog works! (Which is @jkapocalypse)
Also! I feel like it would be cool if during certain parts, I turn it to the audience for a what to do next! I feel like that would make it more interactive, and honestly it would be fun to involve the community! Probably with those posts, they won’t have a link immediately, so until there’s a link, feel free to drop suggestions! Or I might tag with with like “what will you do next?” Or something! Idk, thought I should say that too!!
That’s all, and have a fun read!
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ghostly-penumbra · 7 months
20 Qs for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @summerssixecho!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Thirty-six as of now! Most of them are still from events (I put all the filled prompts in one work per event, don’t @ me), but when I really like one of these I post it as a stand-alone :) and I have a few fics outside events too! Woo!
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
132,746 as of right now, but I’ll still finish Ectober so that’ll change quickly. (and as I said before, some fics I post "twice", in the event's work, and as a stand-alone)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Danny Phantom almost exclusively, the exception are the CrossOvers :p
I love The Sandman and Supernatural ones. I’m into DPxDC as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Seven Ways to Summon the Ghost King (1,187 kudos): Seven different ways in which a tired, stressed and sleep-deprived King of Ghosts can be summoned!
Results may vary.
Holiday Gift 2022 (439 kudos): ALL ghosts need to honour the truce. Including those who don't know they're considered part ghost.
Poison Blood and Weighted Crowns (408 kudos): The Justice League asked for help to the Ghost King.
The King demanded Jason Todd in exchange.
Jokingly, Robin accepted.
King Plasmius had the deal be honoured.
Ectober Week 2021 (365 kudos)
DannyMay 2021 (243 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
YUP. Sometimes I forget and only see it years later tho. But I do like answering comments so I try my best! If I don’t answer is ‘cause I can’t think of anything else to say but I still try! (I don’t really answer in FFN anymore tho, because I forget if I’ve already answered and I don’t remember how to check that, and I don’t want to accidentally answer twice lmao)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhh… not a big fan of angst, and even though I tried my hand at it in the past don’t remember where I put it anymore
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Dragon :') Danny gets dental! (lol ok, I can’t really tell, idk)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
My fics ain’t popular enough to get hate I believe lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL. I WROTE LEMON ONCE. YEARS AND YEARS AGO (almost ten year now. I was fourteen). After that, I haven’t, but I have an idea for a fic and if I actually get to write it I know it would be explicit.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
asdfghjjklñ I fucking love CrossOvers so much. I’ve written some "niche" ones but I believe the craziest/crackiest was Doors :))
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
None that I know of. (Again, not popular enough lol)
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Other than ramble with the discord buddies, nope I haven’t.
13. What's your all-time favourite ship?
None tbh, I do like some ships but I’m aro and I don’t really have an OTP.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not much in the way of WIPs but I do have several plot bunnies I entertain before discarding.
On DPxDC I had a demon twin AU where Damian killed Danny as a kid with pressure from Ra’s al Ghul, and they met again after many years, with Damian as Robin and Danny as the Ghost King… and Danny didn’t forgive Damian. I had a lot planned and wanted to include a lot of worldbuilding, but ultimately I decided I couldn’t give Damian’s character justice as I was projecting heavily on my broken relationship with my abusive brother, and Damian deserved better than to be compared to my brother.
Also DPxDC, the aforementioned explicit work, which would be Danny/Valerie/Jason, with them dealing with being ecto-entities with the ecto-acts in place, Danny dealing with being King and trying to be an astronaut, Valerie coping with her feelings on her nature and her Wayne scholarship, and Jason being a crime lord with a family of vigilantes, and their broken yet existing relationships. As they navigated the complex ensuing dynamics, they dismantled the GIW and took down the Ecto-Acts.
I would also like to do more for Dragon, but I really don’t feel like it rn
16. What are your writing strengths?
Instrospection and mindscapes, if I can say so.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Anything that isn’t introspection and mindscapes.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Naruto :)
20. Favourite fic you've written?
aughdabdsufsda, I don’t really know, I love several of them for different reasons, but maybe Father and Sons? I love Clockwork and I love my Sandman crossovers, so I liked mixing both.
I’m not tagging anyone, but I encourage anyone to try! It was really fun!
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roosterbox · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday 3/24/23
Title: Abduction Seduction
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: X-Men: First Class (2011) - Fandom, X-Men (Movies)
Relationship: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Characters: Erik Lehnsherr, Charles Xavier, Original Alien Character(s)
Additional Tags: Aliens Made Them Do It, Fluff and Crack, First Time, Love Confessions, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Content, Aliens Are Voyeurs, Happy Ending
"Seriously," Charles said, and stared at the alien. "Seriously. No."
"A successful mating demonstration will earn you food," the alien reminded them helpfully, from the other side of the clear glowing door.
A bit of a blast from the past for today’s rec. In that it was first posted, damn, nine years ago. Nine years ago exactly in two weeks! Maybe I should have waited and posted this rec on its anniversary?
Nah. Still, decent enough timing I must say. Absolutely not planned at all.
It may be an older story, but I can assure you, it is well worth checking out. And I’m not just saying that because both of the authors are dear friends of mine. No, this fic is truly amazing. It’s my personal barometer of quality for ‘crack treated seriously’ fics, because that’s exactly what it is. It’s the most cracky premise you could ever think of - aliens made them do it - and yet… yet…
It’s so soft. And tender. The emotions are strong and real. Every now and then, the crack pokes through, but it never feels like mood whiplash. You might not think you could get that much emotional mileage out of a premise like this, but somehow, it manages - and then some. The love scene is almost unbearably beautiful, especially for a fic about being abducted by aliens who just wanna watch the characters fuck, lol.
The ending is perfect. A sublime, hilarious, “well, that happened” cap on a fic full of tender emotions and cracky comedy that makes me laugh (and sigh dreamily) every time I reread it.
Truly magical.
Next week’s rec: Hmm… You know what I’ve been reading a lot of lately? Steddie. And I just added a couple more fabulous fics to my bookmarks. How about one of those? I’ve been trying to keep the recs a bit diverse in terms of ships, but that’ll only last so long, lol. Plus, I really like what I’ve been reading.
Until next time!
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sutastufful · 2 years
new pinned pozt ig??
hello i felt like i needed a new pinned pozt so uhh here ig lol
firzt of all, herez my carrd for my byf, dni, and all that good stuff: https://mmjpasta.carrd.co/
uhh anywayz hi im emmy, im 17, aroace, and my pronounz r he/they/it. im rlly into project sekai az of now and i like ena shinonome and mafuena a normal amount. im alzo into witchs heart, yttd, and like. omori a little tiny bit but ur prob not gonna get that much from thoze fandomz from thiz blog lol (dont mind that the pfp of thiz blog iz literally zizel ill prob change it). thiz blog iz gonna b like 96% my prsk fanart, and occazionally ramblez. i upload randomly whatever and whenever the hell i feel like so dont expect any kind of schedule lmao.
uhh i dont rlly have a byf / dni thatz specific to tumblr except that i have a typing quirk (if u cant tell lmfao) so uhh if that’ll piss u off i dont think u shold follow. i will alzo probably occazionally talk abt my diztazte for the ship between kanade yoisaki and mafuyu asahina from project sekai: colorful stage (featuring hatsune miku) so if that’ll piss u off i alzo dont think u should follow lmao.
btw if u ever wanna reblog my art of 2 or more characterz together i rlly dont care if u tag it az ship, even if it waznt meant to b shipart or itz a ship i hate, az long az itz not like. akito and ena or smth. if ur gonna do that plz leave lol.
(alzo im juzt going to say i hate mizuena to piss off my friend immy lol (i actually dont))
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could-have-beens · 3 years
miss maam,,, could i ask for some gin n tonic headcanons of yours??? could be from tlocc or just in general. i just love the way you capture and portray their dynamics haha
im prev anon (about gin n tonic) i just realized i didnt know your pronouns!!! sorry that i presumed it!! aaa so sorry about the miss maam part
Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you like their dynamic in TLOCC! Ginny and Tom's relationship is such a joy to write, and it means a lot that you enjoy reading about them. And no worries, I use she/her 😊
As for headcanons, that's pretty much most of the fic. Why and how Tom opened the Chamber, his dynamic with the other students, how his fear of death began, Ginny dealing with the aftermath of COS, what her interactions with the diary was like, to name a few.
Here are some other headcanons I haven't had the chance to include in TLOCC:
Ginny is a foot shorter than Tom. It was the first thing she noticed about him. Height difference, my beloved ❤️
She's also the shortest person in their year. When Tom found out she was actually older than him, he almost made a joke about her height
But he didn't, because he knew she'd immediately retaliate and roast him without hesitation. While he doesn't mind how tall he is, he can't stand it when people point it out. No, he's not insecure, what the hell are you talking about
Ginny knows more about Tom than she realizes. The diary was honest with her about the little things, like his favorite drink, his fondness for Transfiguration, how much he dislikes the cold, stuff like that. But after everything that went down in COS, Ginny naturally assumed everything the diary told her was a lie and tried to forget about it. For her, Tom's most humanizing moments are seeing those half-forgotten details with her own eyes
Tom covers up his accent by imitating Alphard's. No one knows this but Margot, who only noticed it when she became seatmates with Alphard
Tom dislikes Quidditch, but he likes flying. If it wasn't for Abraxas, Tom would have tried out, if only to see if he was any good at it
Ginny and the diary bonded over their love of flying (and inability to afford their own broom) and magical creatures
Her experience with the diary made her resistant to Legilimency and the Imperius Curse. If you pit her against a more experienced wizard than Tom, she'd have a harder time fighting them, but it's not unlikely she'll be able to throw them off with enough practice
Tom is a natural Legilimens. Not like Queenie in FB (which isn't how I imagine Legilimency at all btw), but in that he's more sensitive to what people are thinking/feeling. It's why he's able to learn how to read people's minds relatively quickly, and why he reacts to Ginny the way he does when they first met
He's surprisingly good with animals, but only with snakes and magical creatures. Ginny strongly suspects Fawkes likes him better than her, and it irks her to no end
Their duel in the Chamber is Tom's first actual duel. The closest he'd ever come to dueling is his practice runs with Margot
He hasn't found his fighting style yet, so he just throws every spell he knows while trying to imitate Dumbledore, Ginny, and other people he admires looks up to tolerates
Remember the whole love triangle story Tom came up with? He got the idea from Margot, who made an offhand joke about Alphard possibly liking Ginny because he stared at her so much after they met. Tom encouraged the idea primarily to mess with Alphard, not Ginny.
Because Tom knows Alphard isn't romantically interested in her. He knows that. But Walburga? Abraxas? Briseis? They sure don't, and Tom knows Alphard isn't going to tell them. Joke's on him though, because look how that turned out
What Tom finds most frustrating about Ginny is how oblivious she is to the impact she has, how little she cares about the image she projects. On the flipside, his hyperawareness about his image, how much he cares about the impact he has on people, is what Ginny hates most about him (besides the whole, you know, Voldemort thing)
Not saying this is going to happen in the story, but assuming they're all alive and getting along post-Hogwarts (aka fics of my fic that I'll never write lol):
Tom briefly works for Borgin and Burkes. Ginny, jobless and not sure what to do with herself, goes and bugs him during his shifts. He pretends to hate it
She never calls him Tom, but she called him Thomas for a whole month, in retaliation for that one time he tried to call her Ginevra
He'll never admit it on the pain of death, but Tom goes to Dumbledore for Ginny-related advice
Ginny and Alphard meet up and get drunk every other weekend, with Tom tagging along as the designated sober friend (boyfriend? chaperone? Alphard knows better than to ask whatever the hell is going on with Ginny and Tom)
At some point, Alphard complains about his family's matchmaking attempts and half-seriously goes fuck it, I'm gonna travel the world to get them off my back. Ginny points out that it won't solve anything, they're still going to badger him about getting married. Alphard, drunk out of his mind, realizes that yes, you're right, we should get married right now, that'll show 'em. Ginny, also drunk out of her mind, agrees. Tom, wishing he was drunk out of his mind, is too busy fuming to convincingly talk them out of it
"What do you mean this is a bad idea? Name one good reason why we shouldn't — why're you twitching?"
Eventually, Ginny remembers that she's supposed to be a half-blood, and that the Blacks would rather have their line die out than marry anyone who wasn't pure-blood. Tom is livid that this, THIS is what stops her from Apparating with Alphard to the altar
Ginny and Alphard laugh about the whole thing the next day. Tom doesn't talk to them for a week
Alphard ends up going on his world tour and signs his letters to Ginny with stuff like "to my dearest bride" "from your handsome fiancee." Tom threatens to murder him every time
The last letter Alphard ever sends to Ginny is signed "my beloved widow"
Ginny also decides to travel, but not with Tom or Alphard or anyone. She checks in on them regularly, sends them souvenirs, but she never asks them to go with her. Tom isn't bitter about it, of course not, why would you even suggest —
Dumbledore insists on monthly family dinners with Ginny, Tom, and Aberforth. It's the most mortifying thing, but Ginny grows to love it, as much as she acts otherwise. Tom has . . . conflicted feelings about it all
Ginny goes to therapy. Tom also goes to therapy. They all go to therapy
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Upcoming Fic Alert!
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→ Pairing: getaway driver!Jimin x reader
→ warnings/tags/genre: SFW, Jimin is a getaway driver because why not, reader is a gem, fluff, humor, hint of angst, e2l, pickpocketing, annoyed minivan, shameless flirting, Jimin gets rejected lol, kinda a mafia au I guess?
→ a/n: here’s a preview for the next summer request I’m working on! Thanks guys for all the fun suggestions/requests! @dulce-pjm​, this one is yours! I’ve never done an au like this before, so let me know if this sounds fun! As always, I appreciate and love hearing from you, you offer so much motivation!
“Right, right!” Namjoon barks from the passenger seat, sitting low and clutching a suspicious looking package close to his chest. “Jimin, I said turn ri-”
Reaching forward and cranking the music a little louder, Jimin effectively drowns out Namjoon’s angry shouts as AC/DC’s “TNT” blasts through the car. There’s a  small gap in cars passing through the intersection, the green light turning yellow. 
“JIMIN!” Namjoon screeches as the light turns red and cars begin to move. Jimin smiles wickedly, looking like a kid in a candy store as he floors it, throwing the car to the left and narrowly missing a FedEx truck that blares its horn at him. 
Namjoon peels his face off of the passenger side window with no shortage of disgust, glaring over at a still-smiling Jimin. He opens his mouth to speak, however no words come out as Jimin maneuvers onto a side street and turns into a parking garage. 
“Where-” Namjoon begins, but Jimin simply leans over the console and unbuckles Namjoon’s seatbelt. 
“Take that elevator,” he points to a gleaming silver elevator less than fifteen feet away, “up to the fifth floor. Mr. Bianchi is waiting.”
Namjoon gulps audibly, making Jimin chuckle under his breath. “I- I didn’t know that he was here.”
“That’s the point, Namjoon.” Jimin goes the extra mile, reaching across the dumbstruck passenger and pushing his door open. “Out you go. Been a pleasure.”
Namjoon still clings to the package, offering Jimin a nervous looking nod of his head before stepping out of the car. 
“Oh, and Namjoon?”
“Wipe your drool off of my window. It’s not a good look for me.”
Namjoon’s face is flushed a deep red as he sees the spit lingering on the passenger side window, no doubt a result of the crazy left turn just a couple minutes prior. Once it’s been wiped with his pristine suit jacket, Namjoon silently turns and heads to the elevator. 
The second he inside and out of sight, Jimin lets out a long sigh, rolling his neck. He whistles a merry tune as he pulls the car into a stall alongside a sleek black Mercedes, which will serve as his discreet car for now. Police will come snooping sooner or later for a bright red Ferrari. They’ll find it, abandoned in the parking garage with no trace of Park Jimin. 
Although they may be interested to find Kim Namjoon’s wallet inside the console. 
Jimin laughs to himself as he throws the wallet inside, remembering how Namjoon was none the wiser as Jimin slipped his wallet from his pocket in the act of unbuckling his seatbelt. No, he was too scared by the idea of Mr. Bianchi to notice that Jimin was the real threat. 
Locking the Ferrari after double checking that he’s left no trace to his own identity, Jimin slips into the Mercedes and starts it up. Grinning at the sleek interior, he rolls out, heading toward the exit. 
He slows to a stop at the toll booth, rolling down his window and grabbing the pay ticket. 
“Ticket, please.”
A soft voice speaks to him, making Jimin blink. He’s so accustomed to the deep and rough tones typically associated with his line of work, he’d nearly forgotten what normal people sound like. 
Jimin starts, clearing his throat and offering a small smile. “Oh, right. Here you go,” he mumbles, passing his ticket along to the girl in the booth. 
You’re pretty, Jimin notices. Not in the usual, once-over kind of pretty. Here, in the strange lighting of the parking garage, your hair falls into your face as you scan his ticket and purse your lips a little as you wait for another ticket to be printed off. 
“Aren’t you too pretty to be working down here?” Jimin drawls, leaning out of the window just enough for you to see him clearly. He knows he looks good; clad in a dark suit that matches the interior of his car. His hair is light, freshly dyed and perfectly styled. A little wind-blown, but surely nice still. 
You hardly glance his way, though. Instead you’re grabbing a pen and circling something on the new ticket. 
“That’ll be $24.73. Are you paying with cash or card?”
“I-” Jimin coughs, the words quite literally getting stuck in his throat. “Excuse me?” He manages, mouth falling open at your response. Did you just ignore him?
“Cash or card, sir.” You reply, finally turning in your stool enough to face him fully. When Jimin can’t seem to form a response, you lean forward with a twinkle of amusement. “Take your time, I’ve got all day. The people behind you, though...”
The way you give a pointed look behind his car has Jimin jolting a bit, afraid that the police are on his tail. Instead he notices a minivan behind him, waiting to get out. The mother at the wheel looks absolutely exhausted, resting her head against the window as her child screams in the backseat. 
“Oh, ha...here, card, please.”
He all but throws his card at you, toes curling in excitement when his fingertips brush up against yours. 
What has gotten into him?
Did he or did he not just assist in pulling off a major heist?
“Would you like a receipt?”
A smile tugs at the corner of your lips, and Jimin finds himself leaning a little further out of the car at the sight. 
“You sure about that?”
Jimin completely bypasses your teasing though, taking his card back and staring up at you with furrowed brows. “Did you really not hear what I said earlier?” 
Now it’s you leaning out of the window, and Jimin finds himself holding his breath as you give him a long look. Mirth sparkles in your eyes, and a hint of something else. Something harder. 
“You really think I’m too pretty to be working down here?” You ask innocently. Jimin hates the way his stomach flips at the way you’re gazing down at him. 
He attempts to put on his best smolder, running a hand through his hair. “Oh, most definitely.”
Your grin is so at odds with the innocent look you had just a moment before. With a perfectly manicured finger, you motion for him to come closer. Jimin complies before he even realizes it, frowning at the way his body has quickly betrayed him. He’s practically hanging out of the window now, hanging on to your every word.
“I’m too pretty for you, too.” Then, with a flourish, you punch the button that lifts the barrier. “Have a nice day, sir.”
You give him a cheery wave, and Jimin has half a mind to get out of the car right then and there, but he’s caught between asking you to marry him or demanding free parking passes for your belligerent attitude. 
You notice his predicament, grinning when Jimin jumps a little as the minivan behind him honks their horn. He groans, settling down and shooting you a glare. 
“I believe that’s your cue, Mr. Park,” you croon, sending him off with a wink. 
It’s only when Jimin has made it several blocks and nearly combusted with annoyance at his rejection that he realizes with a sudden chill that something about that whole interaction wasn’t quite right. 
He never told you his name.
this was just a lil preview for an upcoming project/request! thoughts?? I wanna know what your guys’ thoughts are on this kind of au!! I’m excited for this to come out soon!
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 29 March ‘21
Stevie Nicks told a story about Harry (jokingly) out diva-ing Adele-- she says after a couple times in a row of dedicating Landslide to her little muse Harry, she gave Adele a turn, and “after it was over, Harry comes back and he’s like, ‘You didn’t dedicate Landslide to me. What’s up with that?’ And I said, ‘Harry, you already had two dedications this year!’ I said, ‘Adele came back before the show and Harry, she cried.’ And Harry’s like, 'I can cry! I can CRY! If that’s what necessary.’” LOL, that’ll teach you to put Baby Harry in the corner. The Australian APRA Awards (not to be confused with the more significant ARIA Awards, this one is given by the organization that does licensing and royalties for music in Australia and celebrates ‘the artistic excellence and [mostly this it seems] commercial success of music creators’) have posted noms and Harry got one for Adore You being the ‘Most Performed International Work’. One might wonder if this category was extra weird this year with no one playing shows, but it seems they actually they mean radio play. Oh to live in Australia where Adore You apparently got more play than WS!! I wish.
One of Louis’ two stylists tagged the other one (they are both now contributing editors to the Guardian’s fashion section, so still working together, neat) in a picture showing all three of them backstage at the X Factor finale, a new pic of Louis. That WAS a look to be proud of, they did good getting him dressed to win it all! Louis continued show his interest in the whole NFT thing by following more twitter accounts related to the phenomenon, raising the unhappy spectre of him doing some kind of project that I… ugh I can’t say it, it’s too painful. That I… won’t… be interested in :(. Louis, no! But we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, I’m not giving up my faith in the future (and Louis) just yet...
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pfreadsandwrites · 4 years
Kakashi NSFW Alphabet
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Okay, attempt 2 - That’ll teach me to try ever posting from the mobile app. This is a rewrite from scratch and I’m way too tired to reread and see if it makes sense or if there are typos, it’s probably not a good thing this is longer than the original though.
No one asked for this, no one at all, and I know everyone’s done these but hey, it’s Kinktober, and you can never have too many Kakashi headcanons, right? Right? Right. I hope you enjoy these!! Goes without saying that these’ll be smutty. It’s also about 6.4k words. There is some real filth ahead, very nsfw, seriously, the thirst is so real. (I hate myself), so, this is 18+ only!
Also, I'm tagging @allthingskakashi​ because she asked me to (i really hope these aren’t disappointing)
Side note: This is all written from the view of an established relationship. I can kinda remember most of what I said, so these will be still be very long despite being a rewrite from scratch. Apologies for any rambles and tangents I might go on, since I was rewriting this, my brain got weird and tired, but I wanna take you through my thoughts. I’m also very concerned about keeping things in character and not self-indulgent/self-projecting of what the writer’s personally into so I won’t be doing that here... You’ll see what I mean as I go on. But I still wanna make it hot so i’ll try lol. I’m new to writing but I’m even newer to writing dirty stuff so i’ll try my best. And with this post goes my dignity
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Straight after sex is one of the rare times where Kakashi feels completely at ease and relaxed. He’s pensive, often quietly mulling over what you two have just been doing and trying to come to grips with it, his hands gently running through your hair or along your back. He’s probably at his most affectionate here too. Expect gentle, lazy caresses, little kisses here and there, soft, easy conversation. He might not always be the most talkative, but post-coitus is where you’ll most likely hear him say something earnest and romantic compared to other times. You’ve gotta understand, you’re a miracle, and you being in his arms is like heaven, but he can’t really believe it? But he’s also overwhelmed and tired to let it bother him too much, so he’s able to let his doubt and restraints go a little easier and just breathe. He feels safe, he feels at home and that’s a rare thing, so he’s really just happy to bask in the afterglow and the quietude of it all. It’s the safest, easiest thing in the world for the both of you.
If he’s been on the rougher side, he’ll definitely make sure you’re alright and be more gentle in comparison. and he’s generally more attentive than usual. He’s usually nice about cleaning you up, too, a gentleman lmao.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Kakashi quite likes his upper body, or his torso more generally. He’s lean and broad, but not in an overbearing or obvious way, and he really likes the reaction he gets when you actually do get to see him shirtless. He’s also a little sensitive on his back (and he doesn’t mind if you end up scratching it). But if you rub his shoulders or massage his back or chest, he’s putty in your hands.
When it comes to a partner? So the fandom seems to be consistent in thinking of Kakashi as an ass man, and I’m inclined to agree. He just loves to grab it, slap it, just look at it tbh or whatever, but even if you don’t think your ass is that great, there’s very high probability that he does anyway. But honestly I think he’d have a hard time picking a favourite part of your body.
Some other body parts he definitely loves that don’t get mentioned though: he just loves your waist and how it curves in and out into your hips. He’s mesmerised by it.
plz imagine Kakashi’s nice big hands running gently running along your waist while he thrusts into you deep and slow, your back arching and then they settle on your hips?
Also, he loooooves legs, how they feel wrapped around him, the soft thighs omg. When you wear stockings or heels or other things that accentuate them, ahajhfkaj have mercy on him. Also, wrists and ankles? They’re so pretty and delicate he’ll just grab them where he can. If you both are in some kinda position where he can, he’ll definitely give you lil ankle kisses. also wear an anklet to see him blush
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
So uh, I’m really doing this, huh?
Soooo hear me out. Kakashi’s diet is impeccable. I don’t take criticism here lmao, it’s been mentioned multiple times how much he hates deep fried stuff and sweets (yeah yeah he’s one of those weirdoes that enjoys healthy food most, Kakashi we get it) and he’s always feeding Naruto veggies (or trying to). My point? His cum would taste good, okay? Or at least, not strong or bad at all, very neutral if not good. (You have zero problems swallowing)
Also, he cums a pretty good amount. He tends to try and hold back his orgasm so when he does come it does build up. Coming inside you is his favourite, just the intimacy of it, of filling you like that.
But…. he’s pretty ashamed of it at first, but he does love coming on his partner. Whether it’s on your face (ughhhh when you lick up some of his cum around your mouth after a blowjob), or your breasts, or your back, or wherever tbh. He doesn’t know whether it’s the visuals, the eroticism of it or even a territorial aspect? He doesn’t wanna ponder it too much it’s just hot okay.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
So this one was hard… because, unpopular opinion, I don't see him as into anything too crazy or depraved?
But here’s what I came up with: he’s totally fucked in the Hokage’s office. It’s only a dirty secret because of how improper that is, how inappropriate it is that the man in charge of the whole village is having sex in the very epicentre of where he’s supposed to be doing that, when other Hokage have been in that room before him… but it’s also why he’s into it.
Also, he’ll die before he ever admits to you exactly how many times he’s jerked off to the thought of you. And after you got together into a pair of your panties when you were away and he missed you too much
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Short version: Kakashi’s not as experienced as you might think, but this doesn’t translate into lack of skill in any way.
The long version: Ahhh so I go back on forth on this but I’ma attempt to think this through here. Okay, so, fandom has generally two sides when it comes to Kakashi and this topic. He’s either the completely suave, smooth ladies’ man who has all the one night stands or on account of his issues he’s a passive, stuttering virgin who’s constantly flustered.
Neither of these are that accurate. So I do get ladies man Kakashi to a point. It comes from the fact that he is quite smooth? And women do seem to like him quite easily in the series. And Kakashi definitely has the capacity to be a charmer, and is quite good at flirting when his job requires it or it’s a stranger etc. He’s good at reading people and winning them over. This is more complicated when he’s faced with someone he’s attracted to, or that has the potential to mean something to him. He still might be charming, but he’s very good at using this to keep you further from him, so you can’t really get to know him or get close to him so it’s not quite the same. It’s his way of controlling the distance between you.
Now, when it comes to experience, I don’t think Kakashi’s incapable of using casual sex as some kind of a coping mechanism (it’s not the healthiest), but if he was going to do this, it’d be during the latter part of his ANBU years. I can see him having sex as just a means to forget and remember he’s alive, and quell an urge, with basically faceless partners, or maybe complete strangers on missions. This does make him feel even lonelier after a while though, and it’s not really what he wants. Eventually having sex with women he’ll never see again serves to make him more miserable, and I think by the time we see him at the beginning of the series he doesn’t really do this anymore. So I wouldn’t say he’s completely inexperienced sexually at least, though he definitely is romantically.
Generally after that, Kakashi’s gonna reserve sex for someone who he has a deep emotional and physical connection with, but God forbid he ever calls it what it is - a relationship. Basically, if he’s sleeping with you, he pretty much loves you whether he knows it or not. And if he’s comparing that to his past experiences, he really feels the difference and cherishes it all the more (but it still scares him and he won’t admit it to himself.
So here’s how I see it. There’s always been a sexual chemistry between him and you, and a physical and romantic attraction. But of course Kakashi is Kakashi so he does absolutely nothing about it and doesn’t want to let you do anything about it. Still, you’re surprisingly persistent, and you do become close to each other in a friendly capacity, in whatever way Kakashi’s able to participate in that. Eventually, ( I haven’t thought this through quite yet) you do end up fucking and Kakashi tries to convince himself that he can just do that, that he can keep up having great sex with a great friend and that you don’t mean the world to him. You try to do the same, for his benefit, but you’re in deep and neither of you can’t deny there’s a bond and your connection is so strong that you’re basically in a relationship - and you kinda are by the time you start having sex - but he doesn’t really have the balls to actually call it that till after the 4th shinobi war. (I have some thoughts about how the war impacted Kakashi’s psychology but it’s generally then when he’ll genuinely feel comfortable enough to fully commit himself to you and see a future for himself, which he’s never really had before, and a future with you to boot).
To bring it back to this (I’m sorry what a fucking tangent), Kakashi’s maybe not had sex with a large amount of women, but he’s a quick learner and has natural skill. He also learns your body and what you like quickly. So whilst he’s not as experienced as he seems, he’s definitely more skilled than he has any right to be.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
When it comes to positions there’s very little he wouldn’t enjoy tbh. He does have an affinity for positions like doggy style, just the visuals and the power it gives him. It’s easy for him to get a bit carried away though, but that’s his go to when he’s feeling rougher.
When it’s more romantic and slow and sensual, he also loves variations of missionary, because he loves the intimacy of the eye contact, and how your body is so close he can hear your heartbeat but his absolute favourite positions are missionary variations where your legs are on his shoulders, or where he’s spreading your thighs as perpendicular as possible and really testing your flexibility are probably his favourite cuz legs, and he can go even deeper and get an amazing angle.
But he definitely likes it when you ride him too, whether you’re facing him or away, it just feels too good when you’re bouncing on him like that. Also it’s nice to relax a bit and not have to do more of the work… plz take care of him from time to time…
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He definitely has the capacity to be a fucking dork, as we know, and this has the potential to translate to his sex life. It’s a sign of complete ease if he can laugh and joke with you during, and he loves to have fun and play around with you, but at the same time, he does prefer to be serious most of the time. This means a lot to him and he’ll make sure you know that. He’s also gonna get a bit exasperated if you don’t seem to be taking it as seriously as him, or if you’re too into jokes and giggles for his liking that day. Probably will try and shut you up one way or another.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
(Ughh okay so the idea of Kakashi with a silver happy trail leading to a messy shockwave of hair down there really does things to me okay, I’m sorry, I’ll see myself out)
Okay so… Have you seen how Kakashi manages his hair? Spoiler alert: he doesn’t. I don’t even know if this man owns a hairbrush. So I can definitely see him not being assed about shaving his bush. It’s probably kind of wild, or at the very least more on the unkempt side.
But then again he’s assed enough to keep his face clean shaven so he can wear his mask, so maybe he does, like I do head canon that he’s a very clean person and he probably feels like it is a *bit* cleaner that way but I’m leaning towards nah he just leaves it alone, but will trim it from time to time when it gets too wild or if it bothers you. I do think he probably has slightly more body hair than you’d expect tbh, but his hair is so light especially against his complexion so it’s not really noticeable. Oh and obviously, the carpet matches the drapes. (Idk why this made me imagine Kakashi with a ginger bush..  LMAO there’s a thought)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It does depend on the mood between you, what kinda day he’s had, what position you’re in etc but he places a lot of value on sex in your relationship, for the intimacy and emotional bonding, not just the physical pleasure. So there are a lot of times where he’d be super intimate. Kakashi’s a man who chooses his words and actions very carefully in normal life and during sex he allows himself to let all that go. His actions really convey the depth of what you mean to him, what being with you like this means to him. He’ll hold you close to him, running his hands all over your body just to feel you everywhere, kiss you everywhere you can whilst he moves, bury his face into your neck, breathe you in - he just is very overwhelmed by this and there are times during your most intimate moments where he’s so in awe and so happy that he could die right there.
That being said, if he’s fucking you over his desk in the hokage’s office and it’s rough and fast, it’s a little harder to feel the intimacy and the romantic connection. Still, it is underlying every moment between you too. You’re the only ones that see these sides of each other, and make each other feel that way, and he really values that. He’ll still make it feel tender somehow and not just mindless fucking (no matter how blank he makes your head feel)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I don’t see him as being a particularly frequent masturbator tbh. He strikes me as disciplined and he can probably go a while without it, especially if he’s busy, but more than just that, he kinda sees it as an inconvenience he just has to do sometimes? To blow off some steam, or when he’s not had sex in a while or something got his mind racing and it’s a distraction because he literally can’t think about anything else. He’ll probably use his books, but he prefers to use his imagination tbh, though the books can start as a seed for that.
He also doesn’t like having to put too much effort into jerking himself off? He doesn’t like to overcomplicate things when it comes to his sex life, and especially when it’s just jacking off.
He just kinda wants to get it done so he can move on to something more productive or fall asleep or something. So he’s just happy to pump himself off until he gets there.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Okay here’s where I’m gonna lose some of you.
Kakashi’s just not that kinky. Or maybe not kinky by tumblr/fic standards. Like I said in the previous head canon, he just does not see the appeal of making his sex life more complicated than it needs to be and his kinks aren’t gonna be too crazy. He just wants to feel good with you and he’s not that difficult to get going. With that in mind, here are some things he likes:
Spanking ;)
Dirty Talk (to a point, anything too stupid sounding or too dirty might make him laugh or take him out of it…)
clothed sex (where you are so horny for each other you can’t even wait to get undressed properly)
semi-public sex (he would hate the idea of actually being seen but the idea of *almost* being caught is kinda hot to him, not that he’ll ever let that happen if he can help it),
body worship (is that a kink)
LIGHT dom (I’ll mention it more later but he’s not too extreme into this stuff, but if you call him Hokage-sama or captain he might get a little too into it… not that that’s bad) I heard someone call him general during the war arc and that shit SENT me
he maaaay do a a threesome with shadow clones (either two of his if you want that, but two of you seem kinda hot… that being said, this might delve into that ‘making things too complicated’ so Idk, this might just be hot to me cuz I would like two Kakashis to rail me and I do think he’d enjoy it if two of you focused on him),
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The bed is fine but that’s really what he associates with either morning sex, or romantic, intimate lovemaking type stuff. When it’s more raunchy and playful, he really likes bending you over stuff tbh, his desk, kitchen counter etc most surfaces work well. He likes the shower too. Also, one time you both were just so hot for each other and didn’t make it to the bed and went at it on the hard floor and it was so wild and rough.
But he really loves fucking you up against walls, doors, mirrors, etc, Wall is his favourite, it’s just so intense and he gets animalistic and yeah it’s so good.
WAIT, how did I forget, sex in front of the mirror?! This is something he enjoys more with a more flustered or shy s/o who’s not used to looking at themselves. I have been thinking about writing something for this
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Kakashi’s more on the traditional side in terms of what he likes but it’s really not that hard to turn him on. He loooooveeees when you wear lingerie for him, anything pretty and lacy but also stockings and all that. But then there’s something about when it’s simplistic too, like when you’re just wearing his shirt and nothing else? That’ll get him going too. But yeah, plz surprise him with a sexy outfit when he comes home from a long day of work and he’ll love you 5ever.
I dunno why I’ve always thought this, but I also think he’s turned on by subtle, understated signs of femininity? It’s just such a contrast to what he’s used to and he really appreciates it and is just mesmerised by you tbh. It’s things that are natural, the way when you sit down your hips get that crease where they meet your thighs, you might sometimes look down when you smile softly, the way you walk, pretty hair. If you have a really classical, elegant/sophisticated kind of style he loves that. Kinda hard to explain what I mean with that but like, say a dress or skirt that shows off your curves but isn’t too revealing? It really gets his mind racing. That make sense? (No worries if that’s not your style either, like I say, it’s not that hard to turn him on) But I also think he kinda likes when you wear jewellery? Like nothing too ostentatious but if you’re naked beneath him and the only thing you’re wearing is a necklace or some fancy earrings he just thinks you look so beautiful.
He also likes the comfortable, gentle teasing and flirting in the conversations you have, the jovial aspect to them, the connotations they carry. You could say one comment and not mean a whole lot by it and it might get his mind racing. He’ll think about you all day.
I mentioned before but offering to massage his back/chest/shoulders is his favourite, and if you kiss his jawline or neck even innocently it might not be innocent for very long ;) just when you’re generally affectionate and gentle with him.
He’d definitely enjoy it if you were confident, but I also feel like he’d like a shyer s/o too? If you were a little easier to fluster than he is, he finds it much easier to be confident and make you feel that much better ;) he likes making you blush.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Okay, here’s where I’m definitely gonna lose some of you. But hang with me.
Short version: He doesn’t really like BDSM, be nice to him and let him be
Long version (I’m sorry guys):
By the time Kakashi’s in a loving relationship with you, he’s shown you his vulnerability and he trusts you, and he’s happy to try things within reason, but he has boundaries. And he expects you to respect them, just like he respects yours. You’re gonna frustrate him and make him close off if you’re wanting to push him to try new stuff or go out of his comfort zone. He can be set in his ways. If he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t want to. So if that’s not cool for you, that’s a turn-off.
He’s not into role-reversal. This is a tricky one to explain (and I’d explained it better in my first version of this that got lost to the void but alas this is where my memory is getting hazy), but though he’s a man with a lot of power and responsibility and control, these things aren’t necessarily things he’s insecure about or that come unnaturally to him. They’re not a persona or things he’s necessarily putting a lot of effort into being. He just is. He’s self-aware of his own abilities and strengths and he’s very a-matter-of-fact about them. I guess what I’m saying is, the more masculine attributes of his personality and demeanour that make some people say he’s DaddyAF and others say he’s probably not like that sexually, are just who he is naturally. He’s not putting effort into being these things and does not see the appeal of working to reverse this in the bedroom, or better yet, doesn’t really understand it. It’s way more effort for him to do that than it is for him to just be who he is. I could go way more into the psychology of this but this thing is long enough already but part of that accepting him for who he is is just letting him be. I’m saying he’s in no way a sub, basically.
But he’s not a huge dom, either. He’s actually really not into anything hardcore when it comes to dom/sub or bdsm stuff like at all. Like he’s not gonna be your daddy or your master or anything like that. He really values ease above all else and is happy to just enjoy the two of you and your body without adding extra layers of extreme power dynamics and kinks on top of it. He’s happy to be more on the authoritative side, which is why I say light dom, and it’s more natural for him to take the lead, but he’s not thinking about it too hard. I also don’t think he’d be averse to some mild power play - in that mean he likes it when you get a little cheeky, tease him, you can make fun of him, there’s a bit of cat and mouse between you, but if you’re too much into control or power that actually might bring out his rougher dominant side a bit more than normal. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not incapable of lying back and letting you do your thing.
…But he is still a bit of a control freak at heart and he doesn’t want to feel like something could go wrong, so if you make him feel like he can’t do anything about the situation or having no control at all is likely gonna be a bad experience for him.The other thing is that Kakashi doesn’t feel like he’s had control over his life where it counts, and he still feels pretty shitty about himself a lot. He’s not gonna wanna relinquish all control during his sex life, no matter how much he trusts you. He’d hate feeling completely passive, and if you humiliate him you’re just gonna make him feel shitty. He doesn’t wanna humiliate you either. So what I’m saying is, he’s just not into femdom or extreme male sub stuff or anything like that, sorry not sorry. He’s felt shitty enough in his life for you to turn it into a kink. He’s a pretty chill guy, but he still has his comfort zone, and he trusts you enough to be vulnerable, don’t take advantage of that. Be kind to Kakashi Hatake 2020.
With everything I’ve said so far, he’s never gonna let you peg him. It’s not something that really appeals to him visually or psychologically, plus any kind of receiving anal stimulation is just not really his thing. Leave Kakashi Hatake’s asshole alone 2020. Also, he doesn’t like the plastic/artificialness of toys in general, he’d much rather genuine skin on skin contact and feeling your body and you his, and just yeah you having to use toys on him will turn him off or seeing you in a way, that’s you know, not you, with an artificial appendage is just, a big no for him. Probably has the exact opposite effect you’d want. 
He’d also never wanna hurt you, or be into you hurting him. If it doesn’t trigger his PTSD or his tendency to self-loathe like all the other things I mentioned, he’s been getting hurt his whole life so he’s likely not gonna enjoy this in the bedroom, it’s either banal to him or a complete turn-off at the least. He’s self-aware enough to know it’s not gonna be the healthiest thing for him to sexualise it. He’s also hurt too many people to do something that could potentially hurt you, so no weapons, ninja techniques, things like that. I don’t think he’d even be into choking you. He just wants to relax, and enjoy himself and being with you in a way where he can feel safe, but not passive, and he loves having a partner that can allow him to do that.
So a partner being too dominant to the point of making him feel shitty and weak would be a turn-off, or just generally one that’s impatient or unkind. You’ll need to be empathetic and warm to get anywhere with him anyway, or at least you’ll struggle otherwise. Also, he wouldn’t ever want a threesome. It’s taken so much out of him to build up trust and intimacy between you, he’s sure that introducing another person, even if it’s only a one time thing, would ruin it. He also doesn’t want anyone other than you to see him in that way, or vice versa.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
So I don’t know why but I feel like Kakashi sees eating you out as such a special, intimate act? It’s a big deal, and this is something he probably wouldn’t do with someone he doesn’t have a strong connection to, or not as much. But when he does love you, your responses and the whole act are just mesmerising to him. Maybe it’s how vulnerable delicate you seem, how your moans are more gentle and delicate compared to when he’s fucking you, how he’s up and close against your most private parts, how he’s the only one that sees you like this… It really gets him going tbh, but it also takes a lot out of him? It just ends up meaning more to him than a blowjob might mean to you. So he might actually end up receiving more than he gives, despite the fact that he enjoys it and is very good at it. I don’t mind I’ll suck his dick 25/8
Like most men, he’ll be putty in your hands if you give him a good blowjob. It’s one of those things that never cease to amaze him or drive him crazy, no matter how many times you’ve done it, the sight of you on your knees, sucking him down. He’ll feel guilty but he face-fucks you sometimes, and it feels amazing, but he honestly might let himself get carried away. So he’ll sometimes grab your hair or clench his fist instead, otherwise he’ll just try to gently guide your ahead along sometimes. His moans during blowjobs are also damn hot as well. Like guttural groans and moans, he’s louder than normal.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends with Kakashi! Whether it’s a quickie, the position, where you’re doing it. He has a penchant for slow and sensual though. He wants to savour you, the sensation, the moment, the sights, everything. He really wants to bask in the intimacy of what’s going on and go as deep as he can and take his time. He likes taking it easy.
But there’s always gonna be moments where he can be pretty damn animalistic and rough and he’s pretty good with that too. Though, where he has the time to do so, he likes to build up to it? Occasionally he’ll be too pent up/frustrated or too short on time to really do it but like if time and space allows he doesn’t wanna start ramming into you like right away, he wants you to adjust, and will slowly fuck you until you’re really want it as crazily as he does.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He likes a good quickie, or rather, they’re his only option sometimes. He’s a busy guy who can’t always plan his schedule, and this goes tenfold when he becomes Hokage. So whilst his favourite will also be something longer where he can take his time and enjoy your body, you’re gonna have to accept that there will be periods where all you’ll get is quickies in his office, or in the morning before he has to leave.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
So despite all that stuff I listed about all the things he won’t do, he’s willing to try a lot of stuff with you. He does enjoy experimenting and he thinks it’s fun and brings you guys closer together, but within reason. He doesn’t wanna do anything too complicated or too strange by his standards, but he’ll be up for new locations, new positions, and he is risky in the sense that he won’t mind doing some stuff in public, or semi-public at least.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
So it’s definitely better when he doesn’t have his sharingan constantly sapping his energy anymore, but not to the point that you really noticed there being a problem before. He just puts a lot of effort and concentration into not cumming before you, and he’s pretty good at that. Depending on how pent up he is, he can last a decent amount of time. But if he has lasted quite a long time, when he finally does cum, he might not be in the mood to go again.
I see him going for like, one short round and one long one. Or if it’s shorter his recovery time’s pretty decent. But if you get ever happen to get three or more rounds of him in one go you should definitely praise him or take care of him cuz that’s pretty difficult and his dick might be broken for the next few days.
The only time his ability to hold back his orgasm goes to shit is when you’re having his way with him by riding him or sucking him off. You’re just too good have mercy on him But he’s better able to control that stuff and slow down and take breaks when he needs to when he’s the one leading things.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Nah, this harkens back to the whole thing about him not wanting to overcomplicate things and just have fun without thinking too much. He can’t be assed with toys and won’t use them on himself. I also mentioned earlier that he doesn’t like the fakeness/artificiality of toys, just the gimmicky-ness of it, the plastics... Nah. He wants to feel something real. Besides it’s canon how crazy this man’s physical skill is, his hands, his fingers… He’s completely satisfied with just his hands. And you are too
If it means a lot to you, he can use toys on you. But let’s be honest I really don’t think you’ll feel the need.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kakashi is a little shit, we all know this. He loves to tease and edge, and he just loves seeing how frustrated you get, your scolding, knowing that you still can’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do, your annoyed little whines and huffs… But he always more than makes up for it later.
He is so bad at receiving teasing though, he cannot withstand as much as you can, which is lame, considering how much he can put you through.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not that loud, though there are times he can be. When he’s getting close to cumming, when he finally does are probably his loudest. But generally, his noises are so so nice. He makes soft little grunts and pants mostly, but he’ll growl and groan, whisper your name.. But sometimes you can get a semi-loud moan out of hiim and omg it’s so so hot.
He’s a little louder when he’s tired, or first thing in the morning? He’s more sensitive. When he’s not having to concentrate so much or think too much about what’s going on, he’ll get a little louder. He’s also louder when you’re riding him than in other positions.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
You know what I’ve gone in so deep with this head canons that I can’t think of a random one and I can’t remember what I wrote yesterday.
So Kakashi really appreciates just physical contact with you, wherever it might be. It doesn’t necessarily need to be sexual either but it makes him feel at ease. I said this already too, but Kakashi loves the comfort of just being vanilla. Nothing special, nothing elaborate, no gimmicks, just him on top of you, with your legs around his hips, as he drives into you. It’s literally just you and him in the world and that’s all there needs to be and nothing’s ever felt more right than that.  
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It’s canon Kakashi is big need I say more. Okay I’ll say more. So it’s pretty long and thick. It’s not like monster huge but he’ll definitely take some adjusting. Probs uncut, and the same girth all the way down. Also kinda veiny, there’s some big ones on the underside. You’ll definitely feel him throb inside you.  But his body is nice too, but we been knowing that. He’s lean, and muscular, but in an understated way. He also has really nice legs? Like his thighs are good. The only time I saw his legs was in ep 101 of og Naruto but I was very pleased tbh. Like they’re well-trained but not crazy muscular like those men who work out a lot get… do you know what I mean? The round calves and stuff? He doesn’t have that. He also has a very nice ass. Gets flustered if you stare at it or slap it. Please do though his reaction is so cute.
Anyways, back to his dick, the colour is slightly darker than the rest of his body and the tip a tad darker than that. I remember seeing a picture on twitter and omg I couldn’t like it cuz I need some semblance of keeping my twitter professional but omg I saved the link, this is it though, the artist gets him perfectly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s high but nothing ridiculous. He’s controlled enough where he can go a while without it, but this is harder once he has a partner.
Once you guys have settled into each other and grown comfortable, he’s probably up for it 3-4 times a week, but depends on you and both of your schedules too. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes less.  But he’s a busy guy and has tons of things going on so as much as he’d like to, he can’t think about having sex extremely frequently. He’s also gonna have periods where he physically can’t see you that much, so the times you do see each other might be spent having sex so it might feel like it’s crazy high, but it’s more that he’s making up for lost time.
As he gets older his sex drive does decrease slightly, but not by much tbh. He’s very adaptable to your needs too. If you wanna fuck a lot that’s all great but if it’s like twice a day every day then calm down dang you might need to satisfy yourself. But if yours is a lot lower than is, he might struggle, but eh, he can manage.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex definitely depletes him and makes it easy to sleep, but he’ll normally wait for you to fall asleep. It’s a control thing and a protective thing, but he just feels a lot better about sleeping once you’re already there dozing off in his arms, and after sex is one of the rare times where he feels relaxed enough and his mind is empty enough where he can get a good night’s rest without any issues.  
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asteristories · 3 years
1 Year Anniversary!
Checks calendar. What do you mean it’s been a year already since I posted the first update for Nevermoore?!
Ok but seriously guys, it has been such an incredible journey for me to have reached this far. Even with all the writer’s blocks, my initial doubts and insecurities on the project (oof those were some bad thoughts I don’t want to remember 😅), and uh...2020 in general, I honestly don’t regret a thing with what I started.
I genuinely do enjoy working on this little project of mine, and I loved meeting all of you guys through this! Your constant support and interest in this is what has been keeping me going! There’s honestly so much more I want to say but I’ll just be repeating myself on how awesome you guys are haha.
Heads up this post is going to be long because I have a bunch of announcements and other messages I need to share with you, so I’ll be putting them under a ‘read more’!
1) So first thing, the special anniversary art. I had already contacted and commissioned Red last week, but he’s still working on it. I don’t want to rush him so I don’t mind waiting a few extra days because I know it’s going to be great in the end.
I had a quick sneak peek of what it looked like so far, and I think you guys are going to enjoy it a lot! It has a very slice of life feel so look please forward to it soon! And of course, the RO versions that’ll be starring in the piece are the ones who won the poll.
2) The rewritten update is not going to be up today, I’m really sorry guys! There’s just a lot I need to fix up and need to go through several rounds of editing until I think it’s good enough to share. I am so so close however, and I decided to make the end of January my new goal!
3) Because the rewritten update is going to give Nevermoore a fresh new coat of paint, I’m going to update my policy in answering/receiving asks for 2021. Like whether or not I’ll be willing to answer NSFW questions, for example. I will post a more in-depth ‘ask rules’ when I actually update the game!
4) And speaking of asks, because of how much the story/setting/characters have been changed over the course of the year, a lot of the previous asks I’ve answered are now outdated (Ex: ROs reacting to-, Lore asks, etc). 
I’ll still keep those asks up for old times sake but yeah haha. After I post the rewrite, all future asks will be tagged with something new that’s not #nevermoore asks so you guys can differentiate asks between pre and post rewrite. You’re still more than welcome to send in a question that was asked before to see how much or how little the answers have changed! 
5) Keeping in line with ‘Nevermoore’s new start’, I am also aiming to edit and clean up the blog’s theme so it’s more presentable, adding character pages, and even create a proper intro masterpost that I’ve seen other IF authors do! 
And also, I really need to fix and update my tagging system whoops.
6) Lastly, remember that ‘good news’ I sort of teased a while back but didn’t say much because I needed a confirmation first? Well, that good news came through!
I won’t go into too much detail but basically now I’ll working on Nevermoore as a full-time project instead of just a side hobby that happens after classes! As of now, I only have this time until the end of April but hey, more writing for me! 😎
...Aaannnd I think that’s all what I need to say so far! I swear there’s something else I’m forgetting but that’s a problem for future me lol. 
Again, thank you all so much for you amazing support and interest in this little story of mine. Let’s see what new milestones we’ll reach for next year!
I hope to see you guys soon when the rewrite update rolls in! It’s going to be pretty awesome if I do say so myself 🥰.
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Secret Santa fic!
Heya @all-eternity it was me all along! I hope you enjoy this :) very much looking foward to actually being able to follow you after this without looking sketchy lmao
Also shoutout to my lovely beta reader @keepersandqueens as if I don’t talk about Salas enough here lol
Warnings: underage drinking, drinking in general, hangover, drugs/medication mention (not abused, basic over the counter stuff dw), mentions of vomit (not described)
Pairings: Kam, background marelinh, ex titz
About: Kam coffee shop college au 
Word count: 5,205
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added or removed): @cadence-talle @ruewen-and-rising @lemontarto @a-lonely-tatertot @clearlyvacksen @percabetn @sewersewersewercouch @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @enbies-and-felonies @blxckh0les42​ @rainbowtay-11 @callas-starkflower-stew @impostertamsong @appalyneinstitute1 @stars-and-splendor @anna-without-an-e @mistythegenderqueermess @we-have-no-bananas-today @we-wont-dissapear @jadenightthewriter
Tam stumbled into his first 8 am class, anxiety making his heart feel like it was pounding out of his chest and stomach doing backflips.
If he could survive bouncing between foster homes, a short stint at juvie, and worst of all high school, he could survive college.
Well he thought he could until he saw a familiar person right next to the only available chair in the room.
God fucking damn it.
"Hey Bangs Boy!" Keefe waved him down, causing a scene. Tam had no option but to sit beside him, both because of the lack of chairs and the fact that everyone was now staring at him.
Not a great start.
"What a coincidence! I notice you still haven't taken my suggestions on your hair, I'm telling ya' you'd get all the girls and or guys and nonbinary pals with a man bun." Keefe looked smug at the fact he'd be able to taunt Tam for another semester, minimum. Tam was already making a mental note to check when he could swap out of classes.
"Keefe, if I knew you were going here I would've just gotten myself back in jail, oh wait, you were the one who got me in there in the first place." Tam shot him a look, praying that he'd suddenly develop superpowers and shoot lasers from his eyes.
"Hey, just because I came up with the idea...and helped with some of the execution, doesn't mean I'm responsible for you trashing your parents house. Besides, you were only in there for like 3 days max before you got out," Keefe said, shrugging as if 3 days in jail was no biggie.
"Most peaceful 3 days of my life," Tam sneered, turning back to the front of the room as the professor walked in.
"Good morning class!" the prof turned to the white board, writing his name. "I am Dr. Harding," he tapped it for emphasis.
The class was silent.
"And you say good mor..."
"Good morning Dr. Harding," The class said in unison, they all sounded tired and bored.
This wasn't going to be fun.
"Grande ice vanilla latte for...Hen-are-y?"
The man shot Keefe a look as he grabbed his coffee.
"Henry." He dropped a tip in the jar, fifty cents. How generous.
He had come in before, and never left good tips. Keefe made it a game to pronounce the names of anyone who wasn't a college student and left bad tips wrong, no matter how much they came in. It was a wonder he hadn't been fired yet.
As he turned preparing another drink, the bell at the top of the door rang. He ignored it at first until he heard a quiet, "Fuck," come from behind.
"Bangs boy!"
"Why are you here?"
"I work here obviously," Keefe walked up to the counter. "Now, what'll it be?"
Tam sighed. "Iced caramel macchiato with two extra shots of espresso."
Keefe whistled thinking about how much caffeine that was as he wrote down "Bangs Boy" on the cup.
"Alright, that'll be 5.75, may I ask why the insane amount of coffee? I believe I remember you saying caffeine makes you anxious in high school."
"Yes, but it also helps me focus, and I have a quiz tomorrow I haven't studied for."
"Fair enough," Keefe said, going to prepare the drink. "It'll be ready in five."
Tam nodded, walking off to the side and scrolling on his phone. Keefe made the drink, occasionally sneaking looks over at Tam. He didn't seem to notice, thank God.
Soon after, they finished the transaction.
"See you at class," Keefe said, he was trying to be genuine, but it came across more taunting.
Tam grimaced, muttered "Thanks for the coffee," and walked out the door.
The class fell silent as a disheveled Dr. Harding walked in, a pack of gatorade in one hand and bottle of tylenol in the other. He popped one as he sat down.
"Hello class it seems today I have the worst headache imaginable, just give me about 5 minutes of silence and we will go over your assignments."
Keefe leaned over to Tam's desk.
"Well, we know what he got into last night," he whispered. "Heard the bar on the corner of 5th was giving out two for ones for professors."
"Isn't that place run by the alumni?"
"Exactly. Gotta thank Alvar tomorrow, Fitz said it was his idea."
"Wait Fitz goes here too? Why did I not-"
"Boys!" Dr. Harding practically yelled. "I am tired of the racket." He put his face in his hands where his elbows rested on the desk, bald spot showing to the world.
"We were whispering!" Keefe made a 'what the hell' sort of gesture. Tam glared at him, hoping he could communicate 'I will kill you myself if you say another word' with just his eyes.
"Sencen, do I look like I care?"
Keefe winced a bit at the use of his last name. That was something Tam could understand.
"Look, boys," Dr. Harding stood up and turned to the chalkboard, writing something down. "If you all like talking so much, you'll love this next project."
He walked to the side, revealing the board, that read '10 page essay, due the 25th'
"With the person next to you, you'll be writing a 10 page essay on um...the importance of keeping your oil changed in your car. You'll then present it to the class. It's worth 25 points."
A student raised their hand.
"Sir, I thought this was a psychology course?"
"It is. You are all excused."
With that, he left the room with his tylenol and gatorade in his arms. The students glared at Keefe and Tam as they all got up, muttering amongst themselves about the pure bullshittery of it all.
"So..." Keefe said, slowly standing. "Does the library tomorrow at 3 work? I have work until then, so it can't be any earlier."
"Yeah, sure." Tam promptly walked out of the classroom as fast as possible, he didn't know why but his anxiety was spiking. He tried to tell himself it was just because he was a useless gay that didn't know jackshit about cars, yeah, surely that was it.
Just a useless gay.
Tam waited at a table in the library, it was 3:05, Keefe was late.
He didn't know what else he expected from him, he always seemed to do stuff like this. At the same time, Tam didn't have the energy to be particularly mad at him. This was going to be the stupidest essay ever written in the history of man, might as well put it off.
The library door slammed open, and in came Keefe. He balanced a large stack of papers and books along with four drinks. He stumbled over to Tam and practically threw them down on the table.
"Sorry I'm late, I thought it would be nice to, like, get you a coffee, but I didn't know how much caffeine you wanted, so I got one decaf caramel macchiato, one normal, and one with an extra shot, and also hot chocolate for me."
He sat down in the chair by Tam, as if getting three different coffees for someone you were forced to do a project with was totally normal.
"Um...thanks, I-I can pay you back-"
"Don't worry about it." Keefe turned to him and smiled, bright and friendly. Tam was frozen. "Okay, now it's car time." Keefe turned back to the desk.
They were silent for a while as they researched, Keefe going through his piles of papers and books and Tam on his laptop like any sane person would.
Tam finally worked up the nerve to talk.
"So um...this is out of nowhere, but I think you mentioned Fitz went here?"
"Oh, yeah." Keefe put down the absurdly large textbook that was set up in front of him. "He's my roommate, he uh thought it would be best not to tell you after everything, I guess."
"That's fine," Tam shrugged like he didn't care. "I'm over it."
He was, really. They only dated like 2 weeks, sure it ended with a...pretty big fight after Fitz claimed he wouldn't be able to date someone who had gone to jail and Tam reminded him it was his best friend that got him in there in the first place, but he was still over it. There was still something bothering him, nothing to do with Fitz himself but...something. He just couldn't put his finger on what.
"Alright, I'll take your word." Keefe shrugged, setting his giant book back up in front of him.
Tam felt the need to start talking again, but didn't. They were mostly silent for the next 40 minutes or so, just researching and the occasional word exchanged between them.
Keefe checked his phone.
"Shit," He got up. "Work emergency, I gotta go. Same time tomorrow?"
"Yeah that works."
"Chill, see ya' later."
Keefe waved (with a wide grin Tam would've called idiotic in high school) as he went out the door.
Tam found himself with a smile on his own face, he quickly stopped, hoping no one saw.
Keefe hurried into work, pulling his apron on as he saw the absurdly long line and a panicked Marella frantically making coffees behind the counter. She sighed with relief when she saw him.
"Thank God," She said as he stepped behind the counter with her. "There was a scheduling error, Forkle's useless at that stuff."
Mr. Forkle, their well-meaning but often mistaken manager, was out of town at the moment. The fate of the Starbucks rested on two college kids, what could go wrong.
And so they went, Keefe taking orders and Marella fulfilling them until there were no more to serve.
Marella, quite literally, threw in a towel she had wiped her face with. Promptly going to the back, presumably for her break. Keefe followed her.
"Alright, I think you can probably go back to whatever you were doing before this now if you'd like," said Marella, inspecting the small braids in her hair in the nearest shiny surface.
"Nah I was just doing a project with Tam for Harding's stupid class, he's probably left by now, I might as well rack up some overtime."
Marella turned back at him, clearly caught off guard at the name.
"Tam? As in my-girlfriend's-brother Tam? As in you-had-a-massive-crush-on-in-highschool Tam? As in dated-Fitz Tam? As in you-got-him-in-jail-"
"Yes! Yes! Why does everyone remind me of that, it was one time."
"When you get someone in jail, people tend to remember," Marella went silent for a second, thinking, before looking Keefe in the eye. "Wow, that must be awkward as hell, I mean seriously, if I were you I'd straight up file a restraining order just to avoid him. Maybe move to another country. I hear Estonia is lovely this time of year."
"Eh, it's not as bad as it seems. I mean it was awful at first, mostly because I tried to resume right where we left it on the taunting front, but I think it's ok now."
"Hm. Well good luck with that," Marella turned back to go to the front, but Keefe grabbed her arm to stop her.
"Uh, actually I need your advice on something. It has to do with Tam."
"Well I was thinking of maybe, I don't know, asking him out or something? Look, yeah, it's an awful idea but is it 'he never wants to talk to me again' awful or 'he attempts to strangle me' awful?"
Marella looked him up and down, eyes uncomfortably cold, as usual.
"I mean, no hetero, but despite your annoying qualities you're a decent looking guy. Plus Tam's, like, super anxious according to Linh, so maybe he'll be too awkward to say no. You can probably squeeze at least one date in there."
"Wow, thanks Mare," Keefe mumbled, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Yes, I try. Also don't call me Mare."
"Alright Ella!" Keefe called as the front door's bell rang, signalling a new customer. Marella went off to take care of it, unable to respond she growled back at him.
Tap tap tap tap tap.
Tam glared from across the table.
Tap tap tap tap tap tap.
"Why do you keep doing that?"
Keefe looked up, muttered a simple "Fidgety" and went right back to it, tapping his pen against the table. Tam said nothing more.
Keefe had been quiet for this entire meeting, something highly unusual for him.
"Ok, seriously dude, what's up? I haven't seen you this quiet literally ever."
He only seemed to get more fidgety at this question, his bouncing leg shaking the library table.
"I...um..." he looked down, running a hand through his hair "I have a test I need to cram for and no one to study with and keep me accountable. Y'know, ADHD issues."
Tam didn't overthink for once in his life but the moment the sentence was out of his mouth he regretted it.
"I have a test too, maybe we could study together?"
Keefe smiled his annoyingly charming smile.
"Sounds good."
Tam quickly looked back down at his computer, trying to look like he was still doing car research when in actuality he was processing he just actively offered to spend more time with Keefe Sencen.
If Linh found out about this he'd never live it down.
He didn't think he cared.
Dr. Harding walked through the classroom door, clearly much less hungover than his last appearance.
The students waited, would they get an apology? Any sort of remorse?
"Alright, who wants to read first?"
Apparently not.
Keefe raised his hand with too much confidence for what their essay looked like. Tam gave him a confused look. He had his scheming face on, never good.
"Mr. Sencen!" Keefe winced at the use of his last name by the doctor. "What an amazing start, it's only appropriate. One of you boys come up and present."
Tam gave Keefe a look of 'do you want me to do it?' Keefe just smiled and got up from his chair. This would either be really good or really, really bad. Tam was all too familiar with the scheme face.
"Doc, I did depart from the source material a bit here, hope you don't mind. And I use 'I' because Tam had no involvement in this, he deserves full points for his essay."
Keefe cleared his throat, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Doctor Harding deserves to get fired: an essay. (And it's only been a week!) Paragraph one, his drinking problem-"
"Sencen! Back to your seat now. I will see you after class, or I will not see you in my next class, understand?"
Keefe gave a thumbs up as he sat back on his chair with a thud.
A few minutes later, in the middle of another student's essay, he passed Tam a note with his loopy handwriting.
"The amount of comebacks I had for 'see me after class' is absurd but if I get kicked out there's no way Elwin is helping me pay tuition a second time."
Tam tried not to smile, certainly failing, as he wrote his response.
"Yeah I think the time you talked back to Miss Cadence she wanted to expel you. Lucky Principal Alina had a thing for pseudo-dad Alden."
"Oh God I haven't talked to him in a whiiiiiile."
"You haven't heard? Yeah, he sorta found out like ALL his kids were ell gee bee tees and freaked out. Della found herself a new gf though!"
"Sounds like a lovely extra punch in the gut for a queerphobe."
"Yep. Honestly I recommend looking through his Facebook sometime. Just a million rants about how the gays destroy everything, great entertainment."
"Duly noted."
At that point it seemed like the doctor started to take notice of their note passing, and they stopped quickly. Tam wouldn't be surprised if he did the whole high school read in front of the class thing with the way he had been acting so far.
Tam was 100% sure tenure was the only thing keeping this guy's job intact. Apparently being a drunk asshole wasn't near enough to get a person out of their position. He tried to ignore the professor's annoyingly smug face for the rest of the class.
Keefe sat in his usual spot at the library, Tam sitting across from him, his brown eyes dancing across the textbook page and lips mumbling along the words. He didn't have much to do, often finding himself just staring at Tam, quickly looking away if he seemed to notice.
Eventually he sighed, sitting back.
"Ugh, this test is in a week and I have so much other crap to do, I'll never get this all memorized by Friday."
Keefe silently thanked his brain for managing to get around the having to study thing. Yay, photographic memory!
"Oh, uh, well I'm free to study more tomorrow if that would help? We could do, like, flashcards or something."
Tam seemed to repress a smile. He did that a lot. Keefe always noticed.
"That's okay, I'm sure you have better things to do. The Starbucks is always pretty packed."
"Eh, sometimes you have to get away from Marella. She's mean to me."
"Not just you, once she told me if I ever made fun of Linh's cat's name again she'd make me cut off my own bangs."
Keefe nodded sagely. "The shorter you are the closer to hell. That's why you're worse than her."
Tam flicked a stray rubber band at Keefe.
"I'm at least 2 inches taller than Marella...we measured."
Keefe thought up about 12 inappropriate jokes he couldn't make before flicking the rubber band back.
"Two inches only counts in roller coasters, none of which you can ride."
Tam stuck his tongue out before returning to his studies. Unlike Tam, Keefe didn't hide his smile.
Tam strolled into the Starbucks that Friday morning, no longer surprised to see Keefe working the counter. He could barely hold still in line as he thought about the amount of cramming he'd have to do in the next few hours.
When he reached the counter, Keefe said nothing, just busily worked making a drink.
He stuck it right out at Tam.
"One venti iced caramel macchiato with 2 extra shots of espresso because you have a test today in political science and still haven't studied everything and also a muffin because you probably haven't eaten today. On the house. Good luck with the studying."
Tam froze.
"I- um- th-thaks. Y-you too...sport."
Oh, you fucking idiot.
He quickly scurried out of the Starbucks with drink and muffin in hand. Wow, he had screwed that up.
He remembered his order and that he had a test and that he forgot to eat when he was stressed holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit-
Okay, deep breaths Tam, you got this. You can totally handle a frustratingly cute guy showing care for you this is fine...
Not fine, not fine, gotta tell Linh.
He called Linh with no forewarning. Despite the fact that she was currently across the country at a different university, and it was about 3 am for her, she picked up. He barely let her get out a groggy "Hello?" before explaining everything. She only seemed to think a moment before responding.
"Hm. Well it's good to know that college is going good for you. Do you need advice or comfort?"
"Well, first of all, everything's gonna be okay. And I know that doesn't help much but just try to remember we're eighteen, and it's not the end of the world. Second of all, try to ask him out or something. It doesn't have to be framed as a date, like Marella and I got together on a walk in the park, seriously it can be anything."
"Thanks Linh."
"No problem, also can you hug Marella for me?"
"If she doesn't try to kill me first, yes."
"Nice. Okay go do what you gotta do, also don't wake me up at 3 am again or else I'll sic Purryfins on you, I had just gone to bed."
With that she hung up and Tam continued on his way, still trying to not completely freak out.
Keefe stared blankly as Tam walked right out of the door. Marella appeared by his arm.
"So, how'd it go?"
"Well, he called me 'sport'."
Marella inhaled through her teeth.
"Yikes. Comfort, advice, or distraction?"
"Distraction, please." Keefe replied, absent-mindedly preparing a cup for the next customer.
"Uh, well I meant to ask you what ended up happening with that ass of a teacher, but I got a bit distracted at your attempt to woo Tam-"
"Hey I said distraction not reminder. But basically I just got a slap on the wrist because, and I quote, 'Your father is Cassius Sencen! He wrote half the books we use in this class, I'm sure he can straighten you out!'"
"There's absolutely nothing papa Sencen could do to make you straight, I'm pretty sure he tried that, and it obviously didn't work."
"He actually tried a few times and it most definitely did not. Lucky he doesn't have my number anymore or else I assure you he'd keep trying."
Marella laughed.
"Well, moving on from grade A assholes, I'm supposed to tell you there's a party tonight. I'll have to send you the address later, I have it on my phone though, I am told there's gonna be booze, so I'm going."
"Eh, I'll probably go. Just to get my mind off everything."
"Thata boy." She lifted her phone. "And my shifts over in three, two, one, and I am out of here! See ya' tonight Hunkyhair."
"That's Lord Hunkyhair to you."
She just rolled her eyes and clocked out, leaving Keefe to deal with both the customers and his own thoughts.
Tam sat in his dorm room alone, constantly refreshing his grades for the possibility that his 70-year-old professor would post the test results at 1:30 am.
His roommate was gone for the weekend, actually he was gone most of the time. Tam didn't think they'd even had a full conversation before.
He jumped as his phone began to ring, a call from Keefe of all people. He hesitantly picked it up.
"Tam! Tam Tam Tam Tam Tam" Keefe's slurred speech was too loud for a phone call, Tam held his phone a bit away from his ear. "...fuck wait why did I call you..."
There was a long pause, neither said anything.
"Oh yeah! I needed to tell you something...but uh I uhm I forgot what it was."
"Keefe, where are you?"
"At a paaaaaarty, well, actually just outside a party because it was hot in there, but now it's cold out here so uh yeah."
Tam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Okay, send me the address, I'm coming to pick you up. Wait right there and don't move."
"Okie dokie."
Tam heard a thud sort of sound and the rustling of grass from the other line before Keefe hung up and soon after got a message of his location.
After 20 minutes of walking in the cold, Tam came up to what seemed to be a frat house with Keefe sitting on the lawn in criss-cross, patiently waiting in short sleeves and basketball shorts, way too little clothing for the weather. His ruddy face smiled as he saw Tam approach.
"Tam! I remembered what I was going to tell you." He stood up, face falling right after. "Oh no wait I forgot again. Ooh! You need a drink."
Keefe grabbed Tam's hand, pulling him towards the house. Tam stayed in place.
"Hey, let's get you home dude."
Keefe pouted.
"I don't wannaaaa."
He slouched down, pulling on Tam's arm like a child having a tantrum.
Tam pulled him back up to his feet.
"C'mon, if you go to your dorm without fuss I'll buy you ice cream tomorrow."
Keefe seemed much more ok with going along with Tam with the ice cream deal. He pulled off his own coat and placed it around the very drunk boy, he didn't complain.
Keefe began humming some annoying song from the early 2000s that was playing from the house earlier as they walked back in the direction of the dorms.
Suddenly, Tam remembered something.
Fitz was Keefe's roommate.
"Hey uh do you think Fitz is at your dorm?"
Keefe nodded confidently.
"Yep! Said he was gon' study. Wouldn't come to the party because of his 'reputation' or whatever."
Around reputation he did exaggerated finger quotes, nearly knocking Tam's jacket off his shoulders.
"Hm...in that case let's go to my dorm, ok?"
Keefe shrugged, apparently willing to go along with most things in his current state. Thank goodness Linh had made Tam bring extra pillows and blankets to college, he could sleep on the floor and just hope Keefe didn't get sick on him in the night.
It was ridiculously hard to lead Keefe back to his dorm. He tried to pull down his pants halfway there and Tam almost had to carry him up the stairs but soon enough they got there. He sighed with relief as he led his inebriated friend into the room.
"Okay, you can stay here for the night. I'll sleep on the floor."
Keefe plopped himself down on Tam's bed laying flat for only a moment before sitting up with a snap and a look of realization in his eyes.
"OOH! I remember what I was gonna tell you again!"
"Oh?" Tam said playing along, expecting him to forget again.
He patted the spot next to him on the bed, Tam continued to play along, sitting next to him.
"So Marella said that I should just tell you this, and it worked for her, so I'm gonna. And uh and you have to promise to listen 'cause I'm not sayin' it again."
At this point Keefe grabbed his face with both hands, staring right in Tam's eyes and squishing his cheeks.
"You're listening right?"
Tam nodded, mostly to shake Keefe's hands off his face.
Keefe took in an over dramatic breath as if he was preparing to preform in the Olympics before getting another grin on his face.
"I really like you."
"You really like me?"
He nodded mumbling "mhm".
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I like you. Like, like like you."
"Like...as a friend?"
"I said I wasn't gonna repeat myself. As a booooyfriend." At this point Keefe fell back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. Tam's cheeks were burning.
"How long have you liked me like that?"
"Mmmm..." Keefe seemed to ponder for a moment, "Prolly high school."
"Oh um...good to know. You should get some rest. I'll be down here if you need me."
Tam shut off the lights and Keefe started snoring quick. Tam could only stare up in the darkness, unable to sleep.
Keefe woke up that morning in a room he didn't recognize to a killer headache and dead phone.
He turned to the side, seeing a pile of blankets and pillows with a large gatorade, bottle of tylenol, and a note next to it. Suddenly last nights memories came flooding back.
Oh, shit.
He scrambled out of bed, headache and nausea hitting him harder as he stood up.
Despite the fact his head was spinning, he picked up the note from the ground and read it.
Hey, meet me at the reservoir around 6, we need to talk -Tam
F. U. C. K.
Had he really said all that stuff last night? Surely it was a dream, right?
Oh God.
He gathered his few belongings, plus the things to help the hangover, and left the dorms as fast as possible. Only having to stop once along the way to throw up in one of the campus trash cans, hopefully no one would notice.
Keefe didn't have anything to do and he really didn't want to face Fitz so he went about his day in last nights clothing. Then again, it was a college campus. Someone walking around with rumpled clothes carrying a gatorade probably wasn't that big of a deal for most people. By 5:30 he sat impatiently in the empty park where the reservoir was located, it was colder closer to the water.
Just as promised, at 6 o'clock he saw Tam approaching on the horizon.
Tam was damn near a panic attack as he walked around the park attempting to find Keefe. Eventually he found him, sitting on a bench still in his clothes from last night, face once again ruddy from the cold. He sat next to him wordlessly.
"So," Keefe started.
"So," Tam replied, looking down at his lap.
"Tam I-" Keefe turned to face him. "I'm sorry about everything last night, I probably just made everything super awkward. Not to mention it's a giant violation of the friend code to even have a crush on your best friend's ex-"
"Yeah, about that."
"You're gonna maybe kill me for this but uh," Tam pulled on his bangs. "I sorta talked to Fitz about it, I figured you wouldn't and apparently I was right. He said he was okay with it as long as we were ok with it."
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
Tam sighed, "Perhaps."
Keefe once again wore that shit-eating grin of his.
"Can I hear you say it?"
"Why don't you have to say it?"
"Already said it last night! Your turn now. Why did you take care of me while I was drunk?"
Keefe stared at Tam excitedly waiting for the answer. Tam sighed.
"Because I love you, little shit."
"Ooh you said it-"
Tam smashed his lips against Keefe's, both quickly melting into it. After only a moment they pulled away.
"Agh, you taste like gatorade and vomit."
"Well you taste like salt so really what's worse."
"Definitely the vomit."
Despite this, Tam leaned back in. This kiss was a moment longer than the last, and when Tam pulled away Keefe chased it.
"Ok, look I'm sorry but you look like shit Keefe you have to go change." Tam removed his jacket, throwing it around Keefe once again and helping him up from the bench. Keefe laughed.
"Yeah, you're right. Ooh now that we're a thing you need a new nickname!"
"I do?"
"You do, how about 'Bangs Boyf' ooh or maybe you can be my 'provoked partner' or my 'snappy spouse' my 'agitated accomplice' perhaps."
"Do you just have these ready and prepared for any situation?"
"A magician never reveals his secrets."
"You aren't Houdini, you're an 18-year-old boy that currently reeks of frat party."
"Eh that's basically the same thing. I've seen some 18-year-olds at frat parties preform tricks Houdini could never dream of."
Tam sighed dramatically. "It's a good thing you're pretty, you know."
"Hey!" Keefe jokingly shoved him.
For the first time Tam's smile wasn't repressed.
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nock-and-bolt · 3 years
First Lines Meme
Omg wait this is actually such a fun concept? @pinkwebby Thanks for the tag, dude! <3
List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I only have 10 fics total as of now haha, so ima just do those. Most of them are DBH, a couple aren’t, so let’s sort them lol
Connor was frozen with dread. (On the Other Side)
Topping the list with my ongoing longfic cause why not xD
Statistically speaking, it was a highly unlikely confluence of events that led to the entire ordeal. (Not What It Sounds Like)
Most recent fic, and honestly probably the most fun to write
Sumo was never the most obedient of dogs. (A Machine’s Best Friend) 
This first line is very important—if you’ve read it you know what I mean haha it comes back around
The RK800 was losing. (Ouroboros)
Yes, I might’ve bent the “first line” directive, but I wanted to give a bit more than just the date lol
“Accidents” were common at Urban Farms of Detroit. (Birds of a Feather)
Spoiler alert: a lot of them aren’t actually accidents (also, a friendly fandom PSA that Rupert and Ralph deserve more love xD)
The glass door of Fowler’s office banged shut with such force that some might have feared it would shatter. [Five Times Nines Got Gavin Coffee (and One Time Gavin Returned the Favor)]
One of the fics (if not the fic) nearest and dearest to mi heart, for a number of reasons <3
“I can’t believe that fucker.” (Of Memories and Maelstroms)
Just try to guess whose line this is. 😂
“Monkeyfeathers!” Katara yelped after ramming her shin on yet another un-identifiable piece of furniture in the dark. (Uncomfortable Truths, ATLA fandom)
My most popular fic on AO3 haha (though I strongly suspect that’s cause the fandom base is the largest of those I’ve written for lol)
Sometimes, Reid wished he wasn't so good at misdirection. (Magic, Criminal Minds fandom)
Because if you’ve seen CM, you know that Reid’s season 2 ordeal/resulting drug addiction was ridiculously mishandled
Morgan would have screamed. (Checkmated: A Reflection on Zugzwang, Criminal Minds fandom)
Just a short drabble of pain, as you do. Lol what a one to end on
There is technically one more fic I’ve kind of written that still theoretically exists on the internet but I wrote it in middle school lmao and it’s kind of actual trash and also not on AO3 so we aren’t going to speak its name here xD
So! Patterns! I’d definitely say what stands out is the general succinctness of them all. I like to start with short statements that grab le attention and create questions readers want answered. Not really descriptions or dialogue so much as statements, it seems, though there is a bit of everything.
My favorite opening line: Hmm, you know what, I’m actually going to go with the one for “Magic.” Like gosh darn it, the trip down memory lane this post took me on, and the story behind each of these stories tho...but yeah, Magic’s opening line, cause:
It’s very closely tied to the whole theme of the piece and a sort of constant thread throughout, which, I will always love intentionality like that, whether from my own writing or others’ 
It’s a pretty good example of what appears to be my “style” of opening lines haha
I wrote it a while ago and even though it was only three chapters, it was the first multi-chapter thing I ever finished, so that’ll always hold a special place in mi heart, that sense of actually accomplishing something xD
Also screw the tag limit, cause I got a lot of writer pals: @lobsterslovewhump @veilder, @the-exploding-toaster, @timebird84, @pechoraflow, @headfulloffantasy, @chicago-reeed, @viva-la-trans, @acechill666, @cingulomaniac, @dat-carovieh, @msquarmby, @rk-frog, @connork1000, @sv926, @gavinisqueer, @shurbington, @coffeeboy900, @mollyinthewater aaaand that doesn’t even cover all of it but yes anyhow haha, no pressure to do this if I tagged ye, tho I will say it’s a fun lil exercise that brings backs some memories :))
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salty-stories · 3 years
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01/22/21 - Update on the Way!
The week has been a weird rollercoaster. Well, really the month has been up and down. I’m gonna do a post IF-wrimo post mortem talking about it but yeah life happened alot and it really kept me from writing as much and often as I wanted. But things did turn around and I can finally say I’m done writing the prologue! 
What remains is editing and coding and since I did those steps for the previously written scenes, it shouldn’t take too long. What might take me a bit is testing and little css changes. I’m tentatively putting the update date to be next friday, that’s when the newest draft with the full prologue will go live. The wc is subject to change as I make edits but right the total word count(not playthrough) is 35k, which boggles me. 
some minor blog changes: I’ve updated the theme to be more minimal and easier for those with bad eyes(me, basically lol) There’s a dedicated navi page with a description of my wips(eventually I’ll post some of my side project stuff, key word being eventually) and links to relevant posts and tags
There’s some asks I owe that’ll hopefully come out next week, now that I’m done with the “hard part” of the update. But really thank you all for being so supportive and kind, your messages and asks really make my day and I’m so lucky to part of such a positive community<3 Stay safe and take care of yourselves!!
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navyhyuck · 4 years
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week one | previous | masterlist | next
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↳ a love letter a week, and it has you wondering who’s your secret admirer. you have nine weeks, eight candidates, and one story to live. will you find out who your ‘jay’ is?
a/n :: hi hi hi fellas here’s the first part (technically, since the other one was an intro) <3 uhh a little fun fact! this project mentioned in this chapter was one that i actually had to complete last year (before corona lol) and i thankfully got a good grade on it even tho my teacher swore on all gods that it was very difficult,, he also let me put up nct posters in the classroom <3 enjoy :) [also, i may have missed some tags!!! if you aren’t here and you sent in an ask before, please do so again since it’s been some time since i last updated this!! ty mwah]
wc :: 2.2k
taglist: @childofthecycle @takoyakkun @the8luvr @staywrites @chocolattees @cherry-jaemin @cloudzume @babytoadz @cherrystay @sandaigdigan-reads @hoes4hoseok
couldn’t tag: @x-dawna-x
let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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There have been far too many unfortunate events unfolding in your day so far, starting off with the stupid guy that had parked just a little into your spot (that still had you thinking more than you had to do for any science test, and you were highly tempted to just smash the car instead) and then moving onto your English class where you were given a pop quiz on the third act of Romeo and Juliet, and then finally, the situation you’re in now.
It’s the last period of your day, which is supposed to be the most laid back in certain cases, but you’re slumped in your desk in the AP Chemistry lab room for a new assignment of partners. You’ve already attempted to convince Mrs. Choi to let you continue being partners with Chaeryeong, who was looking equally as gloomy from the opposite side of the room, but she had passively dismissed your request with something that went along the lines of ‘expanding our knowledge as a class.’ Not only did that sound like bullshit to you, it actually was, but you didn’t do anything more than stay put as she called out the assignments of partners.
“...Chaeryeong and Jisoo. Beomgyu and Yuna. Y/N and Jisung.”
You’re frozen at the sound of your partner’s name, slightly expecting your teacher to pair you up with one of the overachievers that usually sat in the back and talked shit about the ‘untalented’ kids, but you’re also pleasantly surprised. Turning your head, you meet the said boy’s eyes from a distance, shining into yours before a smile spreads across his face almost immediately. You return one back (probably forcibly from the shock you’re experiencing of the Han Jisung actually recognizing you and smiling at you) before whipping your head back to the front, gulping deeply.
“Now that we’ve split into pairs, there is a list of chemical compounds on this table. Come up with your partner and choose one wisely. After everyone’s chosen, I will tell you what your assignment is.” Mrs. Choi gestures vaguely with her hands, turning away as the rest of the students move around to find their partner. You stay planted in your seat, eyes barely staying open as you quietly continue to try and calm the beating of your heart. You’re sure that it’s not healthy, the erraticness overflowing to every single vein and artery in your body until you’re filled with the filling remembrance that your teacher just paired you up with the single most attractive boy in the school. Well—you purse your lips, thinking about that Hyunjin guy from yesterday—Jisung still causes more heart palpitations than some new guy could ever.
When you deem yourself safe enough to finally use your legs without thinking about falling, you stand up, meeting your partner halfway in the middle of the classroom. He doesn’t say anything at first, possibly because you’ve found a newfound interest in your dirty Converse, but he chuckles as a few seconds pass by, making you look up. “Hey there, thanks for looking at me. Wanna go choose a compound?”
You blanch at his choice of words, but you nod slowly. “Uh-huh, yeah. Sure.”
You learn later, alongside Jisung, that your assignment was to successfully convert your chemical compound into another, with exact proportions being massed properly. Just as you listen to Mrs. Choi going on and on about proper dilution, you slowly start blanking out into the space of ‘why did my dumbass decide to take this class’ and ‘this isn’t worth the pain that I’m receiving.’ Thankfully, Jisung has an equally shocked look at his face as the explanation continues, and you’re sure that there isn’t a way the two of you would be able to complete the assignment properly. There was no way; it was practically impossible.
“I just want to remind you guys that this is definitely possible! Students have succeeded well in the past years! You and your partner should be working together as efficiently as possible, which is why I mixed it up a little this time. There should not be any distractions, understood?” Mrs. Choi finishes, nodding as if someone had actually answered her rhetorical question. “Also, I’ll be grading you on how well you manage your time, so if there’s unnecessary chit-chat, that’ll be points deducted from your grade. No exceptions. Got it?”
You think maybe she’s referring to the time you and Chaeryoung accidentally fucked up the entire experimental process by forgetting to set a timer (it was because the two of you were preoccupied by a TikTok dance, though you would never admit it to anyone), or maybe the time that Jaehyun guy almost set half the chemistry lab on fire by not disposing of chemicals properly. You’d think the school would be a little more careful considering they’re letting teenage students handle dangerous chemicals, but thinking of the time that your teacher told you it was fine to handle acid without wearing gloves, it clearly was never a practice.
You and Jisung start to prepare, with you carefully reading through the reaction process several times and measuring out the chemicals as precisely as possible while Jisung handles the rest of the equipment, bringing over pipettes and scales. As the two of you continued working for the rest of the class period, only till the very end did you notice that you were, possibly for once, actually using all of your class time properly.
“Are you going to homecoming?” Jisung asks as you set down the beaker on the scale, startling you with a non-chemistry related question. If you were being honest, you hadn’t thought about it; homecoming wasn’t too big of a thing at your school to begin with, plus, there wasn’t even the cliche dance that everyone thought they’d get as kids. It was one of the first home games played by the football team (which was pretty shitty, for the record) and they crowned a homecoming king and queen every year. Honestly, it was usually a bore.
“I don’t know,” you say honestly, trying to keep your voice as steady as possible. Maybe constantly reminding yourself every two seconds that Han Jisung was speaking to you would help, but you couldn’t get over it. At least not today. “I haven’t really thought about it.” He hums thoughtfully, taking the beaker from you as you pass it along.
“Have you ever gone to a swim meet before?” His question sounds rather interrogative in nature, and he seems to notice, stumbling over his words for the first time. “Um—I mean, have you gone to any of our swim meets before? You see, I’m on the team and I feel like I’ve seen you before at one of them, and it’s fine if you have gone! I’m just curious.” He holds up his hands in defense as if he’d said something wrong, the chemical splashing around in the beaker as you widen your eyes.
“Fuck, be careful,” you retrieve the object from his hand, placing it down safely on the table to ensure you weren’t going to take after the setting-the-classroom-on-fire guy. Jisung watches as you do so, perhaps overanalyzing the fact that your gloved fingers brushed past his in that moment, now an apologetic look forming over his face. “Sorry, you were about to spill it on yourself.”
“No, it’s fine!” He replies, the volume of his voice attracting attention from the nearby classmates, including Chaeryoung, who gives you a small smirk. You return a pointed glare in her direction, trying to calm down as you realize you’re overheating from the situation at hand right now. “Shit, sorry, that was kind of loud.”
“It’s okay, Jisung,” his name tastes unfamiliar on your tongue, only having been used around Ryujin earlier. Ryujin, you remember, my best friend that’s practically in love with the boy standing in front of me. “I’ve been to your swim meets before, I mean—no offense but—who hasn’t? You guys are undoubtedly the best team in school, who wouldn’t want to watch?”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he chuckles wryly, sounding a bit forced. You decide to ignore it and continue working on the project. Thankfully, your teacher gave the class a few days to work on it, or else it would be essentially impossible to finish. “Wait, aren’t you usually there with your friend? The one with the blue hair?”
You raise your eyebrows, somehow already feeling just a little more comfortable around him. He isn’t as stuck up as you expected, and he definitely doesn’t act like a cocky little shit either. Most importantly, he seems to be just as nervous as you. A small smile forms on your lips. “You mean Ryujin?”
“Ah, yeah! Her.”
“Ryujin and I usually go to watch swim meets together, or at least, she drags me around everywhere and that’s one of the places I’m forced to go.” You chuckle at the memory of her towing you towards the pool, swearing that she’ll buy you a hundred dollars worth of milkshakes for the next month if you keep her company. She never kept the promise, but you still remember the feeling of watching people competitively swim. More importantly, the seven most popular boys in the school at the time. “But I go voluntarily now. I think everyone has to have some sort of school spirit, right?”
You look up at him, your eyes sparkling under the fluorescent lights and you don’t notice, but Jisung gulps, avoiding your gaze after a split second. “Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Totally, definitely.”
The conversation awkwardly ends there, a little weird but better than having to continue talking about how many times you’ve seen him backstroke his way to a medal. You’re not sure if Jisung even knows how popular going to a swim meet is, because when you ask him, he answers with: “I thought all sports got the same audience.” They don’t, that’s confirmed, unless the dance team was performing as well.
The bell rings a few moments later, finally signalling the end of the day with a deep sigh from you. You clean up as quickly as you can, bidding your new partner (and maybe friend) a goodbye to the rest of the day. As you yank out your phone from your bag, going out into the hallway towards your locker, you spot Chaeryoung from the corner of your eye, brushing past you dramatically with a whisper of:
“You’re whipped already.”
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dear y/n love,
this is my second letter to you. hopefully, unless you didn’t receive the first one for some reason. but if this is the second one, hi! i hope you had a great day today and if you didn’t, i hope you feel better. i think you probably find this weird, the love letter sort of thing, it’s super cliche and everything so i’d get it if you decided to take this and, like, throw it out or something. but please don’t! please don’t throw it out, i’d be very upset. not that you’d know anyway, but :)
you’re also probably wondering, ‘why is this guy sending me stuff without telling me who he is?’ well, i’m glad to say that i have a purpose. it is, well, just to make you happy. life is hard, ya know, and i don’t think a lot of us would be able to get through everything without someone by their side. not that you don’t have anyone by your side! i’m sure you do, you have friends and family that support you as well, but since i unfortunately do not fall into either of those categories, i have to resort to written letters.
anyway, i’m ending this letter quickly considering my class is ending in hmm, like four minutes? i want to make enough time to get to your locker and give it to you, hopefully without you ever noticing, but if you did end up finding out who i am…just forget about that part. yeah, like my face and all? erase that memory from your pretty head. i’m so sorry, i just realized how much i just didn’t get to a point with this letter at all.
in a few days is the homecoming game, and i may or may not have a little surprise waiting for you there. if you’d like to come, that’s awesome, if not, that’s perfect as well. i know the last thing you’d do is trust someone you don’t know, and it might be a little hypocritical of me to say this, but trust me. in the least creepy way, i will say that yes, you do know me, maybe not as well as i know you. shitttt that sounds so creepy, i deeply apologize. i’m just your secret admirer, that’s it, not a stalker omg. now it sounds like i’m a stalker. okay, anyway.
please come to homecoming, i won’t reveal myself to you just yet (maybe not ever, but it depends) but i have something waiting for you. it’s NOT a death wish, cross my heart, for real.
signed, jay
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dallonm-archive · 4 years
So I Turned Church Mud Into A Novel Lol Oops | NaNoWriMo 2020
Folks the JOURNEY I have been on in the last 3 days. I’ve been on a great albeit chaotic Church Mud high and it led to? This? 
For those who don’t know, Church Mud is meant to be a ~7k words short story for my writing dissertation (and it still is). I attempted to do Draft Zero over summer, completely missed the mark, pretended it didnt exist for a month and here we are. One thing I learnt from that attempt though was that there is a much wider story to be told than what we’d see in those 7k words. Back then I was content with it only existing as a short story, not having all the parts told, because I liked the idea of Felix and Dorothy existing in this small window with a happy ending that’d otherwise be temporary. But I cannot help myself :)  I met my advisor on Wednesday and reaffirmed that I’m at a really good place with this story in terms of ideas, themes and character - what’s missing was just the plot. So that’s what I’ve been working on (and killing my sleep schedule over) since, and what happened was:  I realise most of my ideas wouldn’t fit the short story --> But they’d work in a novel --> So I guess I’m writing Church Mud as a novel after I graduate? --> But I kinda wanna write it now --> But I can’t --> But I want to --> Chloe your dissertation --> Hey you want more novel content? Here’s chapter titles --> God I Can’t Wait To Write This As A Novel --> Hey that thing where you write a novel in a month is happening soon...could be a...perfect excuse to...….,,,
So I had a ~revelation~ at 4am: why can’t I write it now? NaNoWriMo coincides with when I’m meant to brainstorm this story, so why don’t I take what I have and pants it as a novel, intentionally #LoseNano2020 and use what I wrote to infer what the short story will look like whilst also have a Draft Zero to work with/finish/rewrite next year? I debated if this was a good idea because it felt ~unconventional~ but I realised that a) I want to write this as a novel anyway and b) this is where I’m loving the project and that’s what matters and c) makes it feel less like uni work lol  I’ve spent the all day playing around with what Church Mud The Novel would look like, and not only am I o b s s e s s e d but it also taught me? so much? about the short story? I was worried it’d get complicated but from the vague plot idea I have, I have a clear vision of Church Mud The Short Story separate from the novel, but I also see how it would fit into the novel as a chapter, and seeing where it’d fit in has really helped me figure out where it sits in the twins’ lives and so many elements I hadn’t considered before. I believe very strongly in Writers Intuition and my intuition is telling me that this is the direction I need to go with this project. My only issue is Church Mud doesn’t fit as a title for the novel at all and was never going to be the title, but I really don’t care oop, I’m not titling it until next year unless I come up with a title so good I want to change the short story as well lmao. But other than that this is working so well for me and really catalysed the momentum I already had atm for this story. I’ve also wanted to rework how I share Church Mud things here and this is a perfect way to at least for the next month, but before I ramble more lets actually talk about where the story is!
Genre: literary fiction Setting: California (+ probably some other states? Idk I’m not American wtf is a state), 1986 POV: third person present + retrospective moments, split between twins Felix and Dorothy The Vibes: hazy summers, hot air, 3am, saltwater breeze, grainy photographs, empty roads at night, the moon blurred by clouds, arms resting out car windows, abandoned churches, telephone boxes, getting lost on purpose, cigarette smoke, dust from an old Bible Deals with: faith & the weaponization of it to control others, identity, perceptions of reality, chosen family, independence v co-dependence, free will, trauma & what it means to “let go”
CONTENT WARNINGS: religion/religious imagery (specifically Christianity), trauma, toxic relationships, inferred addiction (all updates will be tagged with these/any more specific warnings) 
This is still in very early conception, in the sense of it’s existence as a novel, but it’s definitely an expansion on the ideas I had for the short story, where these two seek to let go of their past together so they can live their own, new lives, and also restore their tangled relationship that could never be fixed through letters and distant contact.  When Dorothy left the controlling religious cult she grew up in, she never gave herself a chance to properly process the complicated emotions that came with that decision, or the trauma she went through, opting to cope with it by putting all her energy into building her new life and embracing her identity. Watching her brother navigate the same new, confusing path she took four years ago forces her to look back on her own experience, and the repressed memories of events that prompted her to leave in the first place. When Felix catches up with her, he struggles with the realisation that adjusting to this new life and world won’t be easy, and whilst it was the right choice, his impulsive decision has ramifications. Trauma does not necessarily stay in the place you associate it with and for Felix, it’s like seeing all of it from a birds eye view, all at once, including everything he blocked out. With his faith, his sister, and his drive to be a good person, he has hope for himself and the world, but the pain and anger he harbours will not make it easy for him. ^by no means a pitch literally just the copy paste of the quick summary I wrote for myself lmao
The most exciting part of this to me is how different, yet similar the novel feels. This version of the story isn’t necessarily happier, it’s still rough around the edges, but it’s definitely from a different mindset and there’s this haziness to it that doesn’t exist in the short story. It feels like a grainy home video that they’d never let see the light of day. I wouldn’t call it dreamlike or softer because of this, but there is this distinct tonal shift from the short story to the novel that I can only describe through the aforementioned Vibes. As I said, I have an idea of where the short story would fit into the novel’s timeline as a chapter, but they still won’t be the same. The short story is obviously more restricted to one singular event, and that turns the intensity and tension up high. This difference is also 100% influenced by the fact that the short story is set only at night (bar for some potential flashbacks), and the night plays a huge thematic and atmospheric role. Of course parts of the novel will take place at night, but the presence of daytime changes the mindset to me? In the short story it feels like they’re stuck in this perpetuate-esque night, whereas in the novel you know that the sun will always rise.
This story is also very different aesthetically, but at the same time elements of the short story’s aesthetic come into play and clash with the unique aesthetic of the novel, where they coexist, but are also in conflict with each other. As you can tell from these two moodboards where you can really see how for the second I gave up trying to make it coherent lmao: 
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To me there are two distinct aesthetics, and they are both very different and exist in different ways, but they are both inherently part of the story, and it feeds into this idea of perception of reality and these two realities that the twins perceive: the “outside world” and the gated world they grew up in.
The stars of the show, my favourite disaster twins:
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Not fragile, but not made of stone either
Loves very hard, sometimes more than she’d like 
A protective and loyal soul, especially with those she loves, but she never wants to forget to protect herself 
If I’m in love with my best (female) friend, no I’m not <3
-goes to the edge of the pier and stares wistfully at the ocean so everyone knows that I am the main character- 
Loves her brother more than anyone else but is struggling to figure out his new role in her life. As teenagers she felt painfully tethered to him because they were always The Twins, and she had nobody else, as adults she hopes to find a balance between their deeply close bond and their harshly different lives 
Arc driven by defining your identity and then redefining it, and facing the parts of it you’d rather lock far away. Also deals with her experience growing up as a girl in a religious cult in the 60s/70s, and the relationship faith has with her feminist identity. 
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As of now, there’s more focus on him in the novel, since the short story focuses on Dorothy and I feel to write him from an observer perspective I need to get into his head first 
Just found out restarting your life completely is hard?
Trying to be a good person, wants to be a good person, but there’s an anger in him that he hates but it’s festering and it’s growing
But ultimately he is a sweet and soft person and that’s what he wants to be in life even though it’s hard, it shows especially with his sister
I think at some point he locks himself in a cabin and? I would too
Centred around perception of trauma and v influenced by my own experiences with that, where you think things will be easier as soon as you leave that situation but really it just makes you look at everything from a distance and be like “what the fuck?? that actually happened??” (which conflicts with the fact that you KNOW you’re in a better place and you would never go back, but it hurts and it’s hard especially understanding the placement of your trauma in this new space) 
I need to give this dude and his sister a happy ending for my own wellbeing. I don’t know how that’ll look but these two will get their happy endings. I actually don’t think I’ve loved two characters more and I love all my characters deeply 
And I think that’s all for now! This 100% was not the direction I expected to take but I am so glad I did, and I also love the opportunity to reintroduce this story because good Lord it’s changed so much (and this instance is the most change). I also think this is the perfect Nano scenario for me, as someone who’s never done it before, there’s zero pressure on me to “win” because I don’t expect to even finish this. I’m just going to see where it takes me and see what it’s given me at the end of the month.  I’m also not outlining this at all lmao, one because me and outlines do not get along but also my Preptober is just. the work I have to do for my dissertation anyway, which is reading and gathering a lot of fiction/nonfiction about cults/religion, and all the weird and unhinged takes on it. It’s very slow but it’s also fun! My uni work this weekend is literally to read The Girls by Emma Cline so I think I won here?? I also want to dedicate the rest of October to the short stories I planned to write for Nano (I was going to work on my collection).
I don’t know if I’ll do a taglist for this - I have the og Church Mud one but like I said I’m rethinking how I want to share this story and updates for this will only be regular in November so?? But chances are I will be constantly on my bullshit for the next month and a half with this story, pretty update or no pretty update 
My NaNoWriMo page is here, although fair warning I have No idea how this site works, this is my boomer moment. Excited to clown about this story though!
- Chloe 
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themonkeycabal · 3 years
Wandavision Ep 7 Spoilers
Spoilers below
Good morning. There's a guy power washing the sidewalks at 12:30 a.m., and the drone from the generator is drilling into my brain. So I will watch WandaVision instead of doing something I might regret.
Previously on: Wanda was getting sick of Pietro's shit. Vision knows/thinks his wife is behind all the creepy shenanigans, and he tried to escape the Hex, only to fly to pieces in the real world. I can relate.
Outside, Monica, Jimmy, and Darcy were banished from the SWORD circus by Acting Director Dick, because of course. They snuck back in, also because of course. Darcy hacked AD Dick's files and found out he's Up to Something. Then she ran to try and help Vision and got herself arrested and handcuffed to a jeep. Which is where the brave SWORD agents left her when they ran away as Wanda, attempting to save Vision, expanded the Hex, swallowing Darcy and the SWORD compound, turning it all into a sitcom circus. Well deserved. Well, not Darcy, but anyway.
AD Dick escaped. Unfortunately. But, so did Jimmy and Monica who were off to her mystery aerospace engineer friend to find a way into the Hex.
Also, Tommy and Billy have powers.  
The episode 7 summary is a delight: "Two super-powered beings living ideal suburban lives suspect that everything is not as it seems." You don't say, Disney+.
Wanda wakes, regrets everything, and hides under the covers.  Understandable. Cut away to her addressing the camera The Office style "Look, we've all been there. Letting our fear and anger get the best of us; intentionally expanding the boarders of the false world we created". (cut to screaming running SWORD minions lol).
The boys come to get her, their game is freaking out. The video game controllers can't decide what decade they're in and are glitching it up.
Billy says his head feels weird and noisy. Wanda isn't terribly responsive. Mommy needs some her time.
"As punishment for my reckless evening, I plan on taking a quarantine-style staycation. A whole day. Just to myself. That'll show me." lol
Wanda eventually rouses herself, goes downstairs in her robe and sweats, ignores the boys fighting over a video game controller, and goes for the sugariest cereal. The milk container keeps glitching, she tries very very hard to ignore that.
Interesting Office-style opening credits, where it's just her name on everything. Vision is only added at the end, with the tag "Created by Wanda Maximoff".
Out in the real world, what is the point of SWORD? Like how do they have jurisdiction? Where is SHIELD. Director Mack, wtf, dude?
Anyway, now that part of their camp has been swallowed by the hex, they're further out, staring at the angry glowing force-field. AD Dick is a dick. He wants to know what's happening with the broadcast. His little minion says the signal's gone. Ominously he says "we launch today". Mmmm, what delightfully heavy-handed dipshittery will we have to endure?
Back inside. Vision wakes in the field at the edge of town that is now a circus. And lots and lots of clowns. He gets yelled at by a strongman who seems to think Vision is the new clown and tells him he's late for rehearsal with the escape artist. Who is Darcy. lol
"I put in for the bearded lady. But this alabaster complexion wasn't fooling anyone."
Darcy is chained to a ye olde fire engine or tractor or something. Vision walks up to her making a weird face and kind of waving his hand back and forth between them.
"You don't remember me from last night? We locked eyes, there was an unspoken understanding." Darcy tells him "um, hard pass." lol She busts out of her chains and walks away, Vision chases after.
Back at home, Wanda wants to know if the boys have seen dad, they haven't, but Billy wants to know about that whole thing Uncle Pietro said about dad being dead again. Wanda says Pietro is not their uncle. The boys don't understand, and Wanda has a little rambling breakdown about how she has no answers and maybe there's no meaning to anything ha ha don't worry boys mommy's just having a little depression.
Agnes knocks and then, you know, strolls in, when Wanda magics the door open.
"Hi Agnes. I'd get up but I just don't, ahahahah, want to." If I was Billy or Tommy I'd mount a search for dad. Stat.
Agnes: "I think I got there in the nick of time, 'cause she was one split-end away from cutting her own bangs."
(It's 1 a.m. and I swear to God, that man is still power-washing the sidewalks.)
Agnes suggests the boys go with her and give mommy that 'me time' she so desperately needs. The boys are reluctant but Wanda is ecstatic.
Once alone with her certainly soggy cereal, Wanda settles back to watch crappy daytime TV. But, damn it, the furniture is glitching through the eras.
"I'm fine! I'm fine hahahah. *sigh* I'm fine. i'm fine. … I'm fine."
In the real world. Jimmy and Monica are still on the move. The file on project whatever it was from last episode (Cataract), that Darcy forwarded to Jimmy's email, has finally found its way to him. It's R&D reports.
Oh, that asshole, AD Dick was trying to bring Vision back online. Monica puts the pieces together "Heyward wants his sentient weapon back."
Jimmy says somebody has to tell Wanda.
Good thing they arrive at the other side of the Hex, I guess? Where Monica has another team waiting. An Agent Goodner. They brought her like some sort of big Mars rover thingy.
Vision is still trying to talk to Darcy. "You tried to help me." "Doubtful. I'm notoriously self-involved."
lol, some amusing back and forth. Darcy is an f'ing delight and I don't just say that because I am obviously hideously biased.
Vision distracts her with a mime and takes the opportunity to do his brain mojo on her, waking her up. "Part of me secretly wanted a guest spot on this show, but seriously that sucked."
"Dr. Lewis. I have questions." "I have answers."
And then they steal the funnel cake truck.
"Dr. Lewis, my questions. Are my children safe?" "That I don't know." "And who was that Pietro?" "Beats me."
Wanda is still working on her bowl of cereal. Give it up, sister. The house redecorates itself around her.
Uh-oh, in her talking head segment, about how she doesn't understand whats going on, the person behind the camera speaks, and asks if maybe it's what she deserves. "You're not supposed to talk."
Commercial time. For a depression medication. "Nexus, a unique antidepressant that works to anchor you back to your reality. Or the reality of your choice."
Back in Westview. The boys are hanging at Agnes's. Billy has a rabbit. As happens at your crazy neighbor's house. But, he says he likes it there, because it's quiet. "You're quiet, Agnes. On the inside." J'ACCUSE, AGNES!  
Back at Monica's backup camp, she's getting suited up in her SWORD astronaut suit. Jimmy's sad because Darcy's missing the fun. But, Monica will rescue her. SWORD is worse than SHIELD for slapping their name all over everything.
Monica and the little rover zoom off to the hex. Should she really go that fast? Maybe this is something to take cautiously? Oh, and look, she hit it hard and she's stuck. The Hex doesn't want to let her in, but she keeps trying. And now the Hex is eating into the rover — sorry, *re-writing* it. Well that was a dumb plan. Sorry guys, but come on.
Monica escapes, but the hex eats the rover and then spits it out, the front half transformed into a truck. Monica is shocked, Jimmy calls for a medic, and as they run forward, Jimmy, who has known Monica for like two days, recognizes she's got 'I'm a heroic dummy' face on and he's all "noooooo!". She runs for the hex and pushes her way in.
This is a really long sequence of her going through the hex. Like … too long. Sorry, but it is. There's a whole thing where she's hearing voices from moments in her life, and she hears Carol tell her how she's a tough kid, and now Monica is Filled With Resolve and breaks through the Hex, still in her Astronaut outfit, so like she resisted the sitcom wardrobe department.
I enjoy this show, but there are moments of hokeyness that I find very trying.
The hex rewrites you at a basic level as you pass through it. So, third time through and Monica's eyes are glowy blue and she can, like, see electrical currents, or electromagnetic fields (it looks like). Trippy. She can see power along the power lines, fields around streetlights. Closing her eyes and shaking her head makes it all go away. Of course.
Meanwhile, Darcy and Vision are on their slow-speed getaway in the Funnel Cake truck. She's trying to catch him up on what's happened since he's been dead. They keep hitting red lights and obstacles. Vision thinks Wanda's doing it to keep him from getting home. "I'm not amused," he tells the camera with a very not amused face on. lol
Vision is trying to understand what he is now. It's not going well. "My corporeal form was born from Ultron's plan for global genocide?" "Correct-o." Darcy might not be the best person to be explaining this to him.
"What am I now?" Poor Vision.
Darcy takes a deep breath. In fairness, she looks like maybe she'd rather not be the one doing the explaining, either. "Honestly, I'm a STEM type of lady, so I thought she just flipped a switch on your head and brought you back to life. What I don't get is why you can't leave the hex."
Vision is having an existential crisis. But, Darcy assures him that based on her week-long experience as a fan of WandaVision, he and Wanda do really love each other. So, there's that. "You belong together," says the shameless shipper.
Meanwhile, Monica has arrived at the Maximoff residence and busts into the house, breathlessly trying to tell Wanda it's all Heyward being a dick, but Wanda's stunned by the sudden entry and then too pissed to really listen. "The drones, the missiles, Pietro." "No, Pietro wasn't us." "All you do is lie." She's tossing Monica around with her powers.
Monica, friend, buddy, pal, was that really your plan? To barge right in and just … what? Talk fast and hope she didn't yeet your ass again? Okay, she didn't have a lot of time, I get that, but surely she could have come up with something. Like, she should have found Darcy and Vision first, and then the three of them could approach Wanda. But, no. Jimmy Woo would have a plan, Monica.
Well, fortunately for Monica she's been rewritten into Electricity Lass. She hits the ground with a staticky crackle and her eyes glow blue again. Wanda's all "bu-whu?"
"The only lies I've told are the ones you put in my mouth," Monica says all angry like. Mmmkay, I thought you were trying to help? Wanda does not care for this response. Because, no offense Monica, but the last time she heard your voice, she had a missile launched at her head.
Monica challenges her. "Do it then, take me out." Not an approach I’d go for, but it seems to work, and Wanda hesitates and Monica tries to warn her again, that unlike Wanda who isn’t actually violent and evil, Heyward will burn down Westview to get what he wants. "Don't let him make you the villain."
"Maybe I already am."
Next door, Agnes is looking out the window, watching them, with a considering look on her face. BECAUSE SHE IS IN ON WHATEVER THIS IS.
Monica is still trying to talk down Wanda. Agnes interrupts. Creepily. And shepherds Wanda away.
Vision and Darcy are thwarted in their journey again. "Oh come on! Kids? What's next? Puppies?"
Vision takes the faster way and intangibles himself out of the van and flies off, leaving Darcy at the endless intersection. "Go on! I'll just meet you there then?"
Back at Agnes's shack of creepy ladies who are freaking up to something. Where are the boys? Oh, Wanda notices the half-eaten PB&Js and the nightmarish kids' show on the telly. Behind her the bunny is in its cage. No sign of the boys. Agnes says they're probably playing in the basement.
Wanda wanders off to find them. But, there are no boys, only horror show creepiness. The basement turns into some weird sort of domed cavern with arches all around and in the middle a weird glowing rectangle.
Agnes comes up behind her. "You didn't think you were the only magical girl in town, did you?" I was wise to you, Agnes. Which, given she was a featured co-star, was probably no great insight on my part. BUT STILL!
"The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet you, dear." OH! LOLOLOL! OH, I didn't see that one coming. Wow, you got me, show. It never occurred to me for a second that it was Agatha Harkness.
And now a fantastic montage of Agatha doing tricksy things as Agnes through the series, with the best theme song ever "Who's been messing up everything? It's been Agatha, all along! Who's been pulling every evil string? It's been Agatha, all along. She's insidious. HA HA! So perfidious." Oh man, this is great. "And I killed Sparky, too."
LOL. Great ending.
Hey, an unexpected mid-credits scene of Monica trying to get into the house. Maybe Agnes's? Oh, yeah, she finds a storm cellar and opens the doors, to see a stone stairway with vines or roots growing all around it and zippy electrical sparks and such. Pietro appears behind her. "Snoopers gonna snoop."
Well then.
I KNEW IT! I didn't know what I knew, but I knew I knew a thing!
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