#that’s uk fathers day!! don’t panic!
zees-little-blog · 1 year
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father’s day card for my dad tomorrow!! please don’t repost or use ^w^
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Rachel Daly x Reader
White Tape Kisses
Sitting patiently in the stands waiting for the game to start and hoping you will see your girlfriend score tonight, the lights dimmed as the light show was about to start. This was your first ever England game and if your friends from America saw you now you knew what they’d be saying. You could hear their chants ringing in your ears at seeing you wearing an England shirt but you swore the only one you’d ever wear would be one with Daly on your back. You and Rachel have been together for almost a decade; meeting at college then both being drafted to Houston Dash together. When she made the decision to move back to the UK, there was no question that you would join her.
Watching the light show as the flags were rolled out you thought you heard your name being called from a distance, shrugging it off as hearing things among all the noise. That’s when you noticed the calls getting louder and if you weren’t mistaken, it was Rachel.. but she’d be in the tunnel by now with the team? Looking around to where the voice was coming from you were surprised to see her running along the side line towards you. Appearing in front of you with tears welling in her eyes and her hands shaking. “They’ve done it wrong, it’s too tight, get it off me, get it off!” she spluttered while waving her wrist at you in visible panic. Clasping your hands onto her cheeks to quickly analyse her facial expression and behaviour to realise she was in the midst of a panic attack caused by the tape on her wrist being too tight. Looking down at her hands that were shaking, she was desperately clawing at it with her fingernails trying to get it off. Instinctively bringing her hand up to your mouth and ripping it off quickly with your teeth letting the tape fall to the floor. You threw your arms around your girlfriend with the barrier wedged between your bodies to hold her until you felt her breathing had returned to normal, a few tears were shed in relief as the lights flashed around you.
“Can you put it back on for me please, Millie’s not here” Rach croaked with sadness tinged in her words. You knew how she liked the band from Dash and Villa game days - not too tight, wrapped around twice, on her left arm, the letters in large capitals in black pen, written over multiple times to make the letters bold and noticeable.
You were part of the Daly family and was treated like a daughter by her mum and dad so knew how much Rachel adored her father. You’ve been there every difficult step of the way, it was you who suggested the tape bracelet when he first passed and now in this moment of panic you were putting it on her for the first time for an England game.
It was a whole process, but one you and Millie had down to a tee and with her bestie injured, she had to enlist another teammate to help her with it - someone that hadn’t been as knowledgable when it came to your girlfriend’s match day quirks. Rachel passed you the roll of tape that she had in her pocket as you unravelled enough and used your teeth again to tear it. “Be careful, don’t break them” her hand softly stroked along your jaw line. “Someone didn’t bring any scissors did they” you joked which raised a small smile from your beauty. Gently wrapping the tape around her wrist as she watched you seal it intently. You then asked a fan nearby if they had a sharpie and carefully wrote DAD on the inside of her wrist, bending down to kiss it then raising her arm up to her lips for her to kiss it too. Rachel’s eyes never left yours as you emotionally anchored each other, your connection so strong you could read each other like a book. “Is that better?” Rachel nodded gently “I love you so much”, “I love you more, now go score for him” holding her wrist towards your lips for one last kiss before running back to her team who were starting to lead out onto the pitch. Swiftly joining the line up with minimal distraction to the others as she proudly sang the national anthem.
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This is How I Fight My Battles
Yesterday I wept. Today I pray for you, for the Trump family, for our country and for freedom loving people all over the world.
"The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5
Aaron's Blessing Numbers 6
22 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 23 “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,
24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance[c] upon you and give you peace.
27 “So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them.”
2 Chronicles 20:17-19
17 You will not fight in this battle. Take your positions, stand, and watch the Lord deliver you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Don’t be afraid and don’t panic![b] Tomorrow march out toward them; the Lord is with you!’”
18 Jehoshaphat bowed down with his face toward the ground, and all the people of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem fell down before the Lord and worshiped him. 19 Then some Levites, from the Kohathites and Korahites, got up and loudly praised the Lord God of Israel.
The Lord Is My Shepherd A Psalm of David 23
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters
3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,I will fear no evil,for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Way Maker
You are here, You’re moving in our midst
I worship You
I worship You
You are here, You’re working in this place
I worship You
I worship You
Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, my God
That is who You are
Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper
Light in the darkness, my God
That is who You are
You are here, touching every heart
I worship You
I worship You
You are here, healing every heart
I worship You
I worship You
You are here, turning lives around
I worship You
I worship You
You are here, mending every heart
I worship You
I worship You
Even when I don’t see it, You’re working
Even when I don’t feel it, You’re working
You never stop, You never stop working
You never stop, You never stop working
Written by Osinachi Okoro
© 2016 Integrity Music Europe (PRS) worldwide at CapitolCMGPublishing.com excluding the UK & Europe which is admin by Integrity Music Europe [email protected]
Matthew 6:9-13 ESV
9 Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Isaiah 54
15If anyone stirs up strife, it is not from me; whoever stirs up strife with you shall fall because of you.
16Behold, I have created the smith who blows the fire of coals and produces a weapon for its purpose. I have also created the ravager to destroy;
17no weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindicatione from me, declares the LORD.”
Psalm 91
1As for you, the one who lives in the shelter of the Most High and resides in the protective shadow of the Sovereign One
2 I say this about the Lord, my shelter and my stronghold, my God in whom I trust—
3 he will certainly rescue you from the snare of the hunter and from the destructive plague.
4 He will shelter you with his wings; you will find safety under his wings. His faithfulness is like a shield or a protective wall.
5 You need not fear the terrors of the night, the arrow that flies by day,
6 the plague that stalks in the darkness,
or the disease that ravages at noon.
7 Though a thousand may fall beside you, and a multitude on your right side, it will not reach you.
8 Certainly you will see it with your very own eyes—you will see the wicked paid back.
9 For you have taken refuge in the Lord,
my shelter, the Most High.
10 No harm will overtake you; no illness will come near your home.
11 For he will order his angels
to protect you in all you do.
12 They will lift you up in their hands,
so you will not slip and fall on a stone.
13 You will subdue a lion and a snake; you will trample underfoot a young lion and a serpent.
14 The Lord says, "Because he is devoted to me, I will deliver him; Iwill protect him because he is loyal to me.
15 When he calls out to me, I will answer him. I will be with him when he is in trouble; I will rescue him and bring him honor.
16 I will satisfy him with long life, and will let him see my salvation.”
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winterwrites23 · 2 years
Has Ireland ever had a moment or situation involving North where he's like "oh no my baby is in trouble" instead of "oh no my younger brother is in trouble?"
Yes, several times. Ireland was ready to raise North as his own when he found him, but circumstances led him to the decision that it was better to raise him as his little brother instead. He actually made his brothers swore to never mention this to North no matter what, much to their disagreement (especially Scotland, who vehemently believed he was making a mistake and still hold it against Ireland to this day). 
Even if Ireland claimed it would make things easier for everyone and being like ‘trust me, I know what I’m doing guys’, there were moments where he couldn’t stop himself from going all ‘dad mode activated’ on North. 
Here are a few examples:
He would call Scotland whenever he had a bad feeling concerning North. Call it father intuition, but Ireland could tell whenever North was distressed, even if they don’t live together or tensions were dangerously high. Scotland, tired of being in the middle of a live-action soap opera, started to refer to him as the “estranged divorced dad”, much to Ireland’s annoyance.
When Ireland heard about the malevolent magical creature that tried to snatch baby North in England’s home, he all but brought an armada worth of wards and protection sigils. The brothers’ houses are already warded but Ireland took it to another level and turned England’s house into the equivalent of the high security Alcatraz prison. It took hours of convincing from Wales to tone it down a little bit to let the friendly faeries in (such as Flying Mint Bunny & co.)
It’s one of the main reasons Ireland gave North his necklace when he officially left the Commonwealth in 1949, an action that shocked the others since he never took it off since he was a child.
In modern times, with the arrival of cellphones, they prefer to text than call, or more precisely Ireland would call, but North would hang up but text him back a second later. So you could imagine the first time North intentionally called him. Ireland was ready to drive all the way up to Belfast when he got a call from North in the middle of a panic attack at dead a night.  
During WW2, the UK bros thought it would be best to send North with an officer/babysitter to Belfast to keep him safe and away from the war. Ireland was against the idea (same with the other brothers) and suggested taking him in since he was staying neutral (and didn’t want some random person to watch over North) but the British government didn’t budge on their decision, mostly because they didn’t want to risk Ireland ‘brainwashing’ one of their nations.
When the Belfast Blitz happened, Ireland was part of the group of firemen that were sent at the request of assistance from the North. And although he did help in organizing and helping to dispatch the firemen, his main objective was to find North. Luckily, North lived in the outskirts of the city but being a Nation, and a young one at that, the Blitz affected him heavily. Ireland was horrified to find that not only North was on the brink of death, but the officer that was supposed to watch over him was indifferent on his well-being, claiming that ‘nations always bounce back, he’ll be fine.’
Ireland decided right there and then to take North to Dublin, to hell the political backlash that would inevitably happen. He just looked at the officer dead in the eyes and said: “He may be a nation, but above all else, he’s a child. Do not forget he’s a six years old child.”  
So after several days of shouting, of accusation of kidnapping, of threat of invasion, and many more, the British government reluctantly accepted letting Ireland take care of North for the remainder of the war under the condition the officer would be present at all time. It was a compromise nobody was happy about but it was better than nothing. 
It was in that time that North and Ireland grew closer and where Ireland had the most trouble keeping the ‘treat him like your little brother’ line in check. Even with a hovering, apathetic douchebag over his shoulder, Ireland made sure to give North a few years of relatively safety amidst the horrors of war. 
So in summary, Ireland was more direct in his involvement when North was a baby/child. But as years passed, especially after WW2, he put a distance between them, a part to protect himself from the pain to let go (again) and to not let North get too close. Unbeknownst to him, that action hurt North more than he realized and caused a festering resentment from North for the next decades.
Now, in modern times, their relationship is much better and they’re on friendly terms. Sometimes Ireland would slip into his more paternal side because he always sees him as Seán first than Northern Ireland, but would quickly step back in fear to make North uncomfortable. But even if North would look at him weirdly or roll his eyes whenever it happens, a part of him doesn’t mind it and brings him back to nostalgic memories from those handfuls of years they lived together. 
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rodrickstudios · 2 years
My Potential Projects 1: “Chicken Little Hard-Headed”
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Alternative Title: Chicken Licken Hard-Headed (UK)
Latin Spanish Title: La nueva Chicken Little (The New Chicken Little)
Direction and Writing: Mark Dindal, Rodrick
Writing based on the original script/draft for Chicken Little (2005) by Mark Dindal and Randy Fullmer
Production done at Walt Disney Television Animation, with traditional animation provided by Mercury Filmworks, Toon City and Snipple Animation Studios
Character Design: Omar Lozano
Character design adapted from Omar Lozano's illustrations for the graphic novel Far Out Fables: Chicken Little Saves The Moon Base, by Benjamin Harper (published by Stone Arch Books)
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In a world of talking animals, 12-year-old (and 6 acorns tall) Chicken Little's overactive imagination and proneness to panic attacks have made her an outcast at home and in her hometown of Barnyard Warnyard. Her father, Randall Rooster, just wants to have a regular kid like everyone else, which most of the time leads to her questioning about being a "freak" due to how often she seemingly witnesses vampires, ghosts, aliens and monsters lurking around. Because of this, Hailey Hen, Chicken Little's mother, has to constantly keep her husband in line so as to avoid Little from wrongly believing that he doesn't love her after all.
At Barnyard Warnyard Middle School, things are even harder for Little, as a group of bullies led by Foxy Loxy and also formed by troublemaker Goosey Loosey, nerdy Ducky Lucky and airheaded Henny Penny (who often makes the other three wonder why did they included her in the group to begin with) doesn't stop reminding her of how much of an outcast she is. Principal Owl Powell isn't also of help either, as he also sees her as crazy. But then things take a turn for the worst.
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One day, Chicken Little gets hit on the head by an acorn and thinks it's a piece of the sky, so she runs from one end of Barnyard Warnyard to the other yelling with all her might "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!". All of the townspeople freak out at this warning. Soon enough Little has unintentionally incited civil unrest across the town, so much so that she almost destroys it. After discovering it was just an acorn what started it all, everyone is angry at Chicken Little for raising a false alarm. Thus, almost all of them (including Mayor Turkey Lurkey himself) force her to shape up in order to avoid another incident.
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Pressured by this, Little convinces her parents to sign her up at Camp Yes-U-Can, a summer camp set outside of Barnyard Warnyard and meant to improve self-esteem on animal young ones. In fact, even its motto is “Of course you can! At Camp Yes-U-Can!”. To Little’s dismay, Foxy and company end up going as well, and the bullying towards her isn't stopped. Despite this, the little chicken is comforted at camp after meeting other outcast animals from across the land that also have challenges of their own. 
Cygrus "Ugly Duckling" Mallard is a down-to-earth bird from the Pondey Ponds town. He was adopted from the local orphanage by Mrs. Mallard, who already had ducklings of her own. Nowadays, Cygrus is constantly bullied by them (as they don’t take the fact he’s a swan very seriously) and by his school peers. He feels different from the rest and can’t wait for the day on which, according to what his mother always tells him, he will become a beautiful swan.
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Runt of the Litter is the smallest of twelve pig siblings and now weights 700 pounds. Still, he sees himself as a “wee, helpless little pig” because of his constant comparisons with his other brothers and sisters, who (believe it or not) are way more colossal than him. However, despite his low self-esteem, he is very open to meeting new friends.
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Lane “Black Sheep” Flock is a rebellious yet friendly ewe who isn’t seen well by her upper class parents and relatives. She’s one of those animal young ones who prefer staying at home and reading magazines rather than going to an important family reunion. Because of the pressure her family puts her into, she wishes to know if she should just be herself or get used to their fancy lifestyle.
Fish Out of Water is very silly and playful, but not completely accustumed to the lifestyles from dry land yet. The whole fish family, being the parents very prestigious scientists, have moved from their ocean hometown in order to study the behavior of terrestial animals. At land, Fish has problems socializing with other animal young ones. While, for example, sea animals play ball by letting it float in order for another player to catch it, at land one’s supposed to toss the ball directly. Fish hasn’t still get accustumed to this and other aspects from terrestial culture, and is viewed as a weirdo by the land kids. 
Chicken Little gets really well with those animals, who understand her worries as a whole. However, she soon realizes the bullying from Foxy Loxy will be the least of her problems there, as the three sheep who are camp counselors may not be what they seem. She discovers they, led by Counselor Matt, are cooking up a very evil plan for the end of the summer. Thus, she will have to use a lot of courage in order to foil them. But she isn’t alone. Will Little and her new friends obtain the fruits of their personal growth in time to save the day?
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NOTE 1: Fish Out of Water and Goosey Loosey will not talk, but rather have a voice actor doing their respective animal noises á lá Frank Welker.
Chicken Little - Holly Hunter
Randall Rooster - Danny McBride
Hailey Hen - Maya Rudolph
Cygrus Mallard - Sean Hayes
Mayor Turkey Lurkey - Tom Kenny
Counselor Matt - Penn Jilette (when in evil mode)
2nd Counselor - Erica Lindbeck (when in evil mode)
3rd Counselor - Tom Kenny (when in... you get the idea)
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NOTE 2: I've priorized the Latin Spanish/Mexican cast here because I'm an actual Latin American myself and also a big fan of Latin Spanish dubbing. All voice actors listed below are accompanied by one of their characters in parenthesis. I want them to use the voices of those characters when taking their respective roles in Chicken Little Hard-Headed.
Chicken Little - Fernanda Gastélum (June in the 2017 Ducktales reboot)
Randall Rooster - Ricardo Tejedo (Rick Mitchell in The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Hailey Hen - Berenice Vega (Linda Mitchell in Mitchells)
Foxy Loxy - Jessica Ángeles (Catra in She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Ducky Lucky - José Antonio Macías (Bert in Sesame Street)
Henny Penny - Erika Langarica (Sonata Dusk in My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Sunset’s Backstage Pass)
Mayor Turkey Lurkey - Gerardo Reyero (Humongous Chicken in The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland)
Cygrus Mallard - Yamil Atala (Dexter in Dexter’s Laboratory)
Runt of the Litter - Miguel Ángel Ruiz (Joey Felt in Atomic Puppet)
Lane Flock - Rossy Aguirre (Buttercup in The Powerpuff Girls)
Counselor Matt - Arturo Mercado (Bob the Builder) when in good mode; José Roberto Pisano (Death in Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) when in evil mode
2nd Counselor - Rubén Cerda (Horton in Horton Hears a Who) when in good mode; Carla Medina (Bellwether in Zootopia) when in evil mode
3rd Counselor - Adriana Núñez (Miss Rabbit in Peppa Pig) when in good mode; Rolando de Castro (Dr. Wolfowitz in 3 Pigs and a Baby) when in evil mode
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/06/whistleblowing-banker-who-went-to-prison-speaks-out
Whistleblowing banker who went to prison speaks out
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By Andy Verity
BBC economics correspondent
A former Barclays trader jailed in connection with a $9bn interest rate rigging scandal has said telling his father about it was “the hardest day of my life”.
“I burst into tears. I felt like I’d let him down,” Peter Johnson told the BBC, as he struggled to compose himself.
In an emotional interview, Johnson revealed the devastation caused not only to his life but that of his family by what is now regarded by some MPs as a state-level cover-up, followed by a whole series of miscarriages of justice.
Jailed for four years for “manipulating” interest rates, Johnson was released in 2018 after serving two years.
He was later revealed to be one of the original whistleblowers of the scandal.
Speaking for the first time since his release, he says when he was put on gardening leave by Barclays in 2011, he descended into depression and avoided being seen in the streets near his house or informing his family about his predicament.
In 2012, Johnson was sacked by Barclays after more than 30 years’ service and faced the risk of prosecution by the US Department of Justice (DoJ), which could lead to up to 30 years in a US prison.
“[When I woke up] I’d have about five seconds when I thought all was well with the world. And then I’d realise that it wasn’t. And I’d go around all day with a sort of a weight pressing against my chest. I’d wait for six o’clock before I started self-medicating with alcohol. I had panic attacks,” he says.
“I spent years trying to suppress my emotions because I don’t want to get upset and bitter and twisted and everything else.
“[But] this is too important to forget – to sweep under the carpet. People need to know and once they know the full facts, they can make their judgements on whether what people did was wrong or right.”
Such was the psychological pressure on him that when he was charged with a crime in the UK, rather than the US, it came as a relief.
“It was ridiculous. There I was feeling relieved that I was going to be charged with a crime. And it was good! I mean, it’s just stupid. It just shows how mad things were for me at the time.”
Johnson’s lawyer Tony Woodcock, now retired but then a senior partner at prominent white-collar crime specialists Stephenson Harwood, sees his former client’s prosecution as an outrage.
Senior MPs including former Brexit secretary David Davis and former shadow chancellor John McDonnell have come to share that view after reading a book I have written exposing the scandal.
“In over 30 years in practice I never had a case in which I felt so powerless and bullied and where the smell of politics was so rancid. Hopefully all the evil lurking in the mud will be found out,” Mr Woodcock says.
One reason he feels so strongly is that Johnson, who worked as a cash trader for Barclays from 1981 to 2011, was the original whistleblower of the interest rate rigging scandal, in which banks paid nearly $9bn in fines and 37 traders and brokers were prosecuted for “manipulating” Libor and Euribor, two benchmarks that track the cost of borrowing cash.
From 2007 to 2009, Johnson repeatedly alerted the US central bank and the Bank of England to other banks publishing false, low estimates of the interest rates they’d have to pay to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars at a time – so-called “lowballing”.
He tried to publish higher, more honest estimates, but kept getting instructions from above to be no more honest than any other bank. Leaked audio recordings indicate the pressure on Johnson to lie came first from the board of Barclays, then from the Bank of England, then from the UK government.
Evidence revealed in the book indicates that then-Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s head of policy, the late Sir Jeremy Heywood, was one senior Whitehall figure who wanted Barclays to lower its Libor estimates of the cost of borrowing dollars.
“I thought they were wrong,” says Johnson. “But I didn’t feel I had any choice but to go along with them. You’re being asked by the UK government and the supreme financial establishment in the land to do something. It’s very, very difficult to say,’no, stuff you!'”
Bank of England implicated in Libor rigging
The whistleblowing bankers who were sent to jail
Interest rate ‘rigging’ evidence ‘covered up’ by banks
Yet four years later, on 27 June 2012, suppressed anger towards the banks at the lack of accountability for the 2008 banking crisis exploded into the media when Barclays was fined a record £290m by US and UK regulators for rigging interest rates.
Both Labour and Conservative MPs angrily condemned 14 unnamed traders – which Johnson knew included himself.
“When something like that happens to a major corporation, there’s usually a scapegoat. And I sort of felt that maybe it might be me.
“Quite justifiably, the public was outraged at what they saw as excesses in the banking industry. And they wanted heads on a pike. And I became one of the heads,” he says, adding: “I think they could have chosen better ones.”
Criminal authorities on both sides of the Atlantic, co-operating with lawyers working for Barclays, lined him up for prosecution.
He was not prosecuted for lowballing, but for manipulating rates on a much smaller scale by accepting requests from traders between 2005 and 2007 to nudge his Libor rates up or down very slightly.
In 2014, Johnson became the first banker to plead guilty to manipulating interest rates. But it was only because he felt the odds were against him and he had no choice. Barclays had cut him off from any financial support with his legal fees.
Because of the very high cost of defending himself, he feared he might lose his home, his savings and therefore his ability to support his children and grandchildren, even if he were found innocent.
“I didn’t feel as if I’d done anything wrong. But I could see the way the whole thing was going and it didn’t look good for me.”
Johnson, a 68-year-old grandfather, was sentenced in 2016 to four years and jailed alongside three other Barclays traders.
His first jail was HMP Wandsworth, which he describes as “pretty basic, pretty horrible”.
“There was a shortage of prison officers… and there are some times when we were not let out of our cells, apart from for 10 minutes to get our meals, for 54 hours at a time.”
He was later transferred to Ford open prison, where he decided to improve his fitness by walking around the perimeter of the prison, clocking up 6,000 miles and raising £3,000 for charity.
In the US, all 19 convictions for interest rate rigging are being overturned at the request of the DoJ – the same body that originally declared conduct like Johnson’s to be illegal – following a US appeal court ruling that the prosecution case was misconceived.
The trader requests that Johnson was jailed for, it found, were not illegal – and didn’t even break any rules. Many of those convictions arose from guilty pleas, made under the threat of prosecution in the US, which the DoJ no longer views as sound.
The UK is now the only country where making or accepting the requests is viewed as criminal. David Davis, John McDonnell and other MPs, peers and senior lawyers have written to the Times saying the cases must be sent back to the courts.
“In my most optimistic view, I would like my guilty plea to be revoked. I’d like to basically have my reputation restored. And I’d like senior people to be held accountable,” says Johnson.
Asked who they are, his reply is simple: “The board of Barclays Bank, the Bank of England and the government of the UK.”
Barclays declined to comment for this article.
A spokesperson for the Serious Fraud Office, which prosecuted Johnson, said its cases were based on evidence. It said nine bank traders knowingly rigged rates for their own benefit. “Separate juries and the Court of Appeal agreed they committed a crime.”
A Bank of England spokesperson said: “The Bank fully co-operated with the Serious Fraud Office’s investigation into Libor manipulation, responding to all requests for information and documents.”
The Treasury said in a statement: “The government did not seek to influence individual bank Libor submissions.”
Follow Andy Verity on Twitter @andyverity
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thaisibir · 2 years
Digimon Survive headcanons - Aoi as an adult
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An extension and elaboration of my first post on the Survive gang 15 years later. (Headcanons referencing truthful route spoilers under the cut!)
Age: 30 Profession: MI5/Security Service agent
-Due to years of residence and schooling in England, Aoi becomes fluent in English and speaks with a southeast London accent. Her first exposure to English, however, dates back to a time before she ever set foot in the UK. Her father is a big fan of classic American and English rock, and would share his CDs with her so that she grew up a fan herself of bands like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Queen. Her peers were taken aback when they learned that the quiet, polite honor student liked foreign rock for study music. Even with a more formal education later on, Aoi attributes her fluency in English to her father's CDs that she listens to so often.
-The first time Aoi used a gun to take down a criminal, she was on the verge of something between fainting and a panic attack. Her hands couldn't stop shaking. For days, she had nightmares of the criminal coming back for her, his eye blown out from her shot. She almost quit her job. Remembering Labramon's evolution to Cerberumon, that great power can be wielded responsibly and for good, gave her the reassurance and comfort she needed to keep her head in the game.
-To the surprise of absolutely no one, Aoi is an excellent mother to her kids: kind, loving, and attentive yet firm when she had to be. During her middle and high school years she used to be a babysitter, where she learned how to take care of kids. Since then, she wanted to have her own.
-On video chats with the Survive gang, Aoi is often seen corralling her herd of hyperactive kids, dividing her time between catching up with her friends and distracting the little ones with toys and bouncing them on her lap. Aoi constantly apologizes about the kids, but her friends don’t mind the videobombs at all and find the kids incorrigibly cute.
-Due to her dangerous line of work in law enforcement and taking down criminals, Aoi ends up being the most athletic and physically fit among the group. She doesn't like to flaunt her strength, but one time the gang pressured her into having an arm-wrestling match with Kaito (which she won).
-Also because of her role in law enforcement, Aoi is the only one among her friends who knows how to fight with knives and guns. Of course she considers force and violence as a very last resort, but when push comes to shove she has nerves of steel. She's skilled enough with close quarter combat to fend off a Sealsdramon on her own.
-Even as an adult, she continues to wear the ring her father had given her when she was a kid. She wears it on her pointer finger along with the wedding ring on her fourth.
-Living in England had made Aoi develop a fondness for pubs and Irish beer. During her time as a single college student, she enjoyed nothing more than a table to herself with a mug of beer in one hand and a good book in the other. When she gets together with her friends at a bar in Japan, she can drink everyone under the table.
-The Chronicles of Narnia are some of Aoi's favorite books. The story about kids wandering into another world full of magic and talking animals reminded her very much of her own adventure through the Kemonogami world. Besides loving the story for its nostalgic value, the language is simple enough for her to understand and enjoy when she had started out learning English. When she became a mother, she would read Narnia books to her kids.
-Aoi has mostly done away with the unconscious habit of holding her own hand in front of herself, though it resurfaces when she becomes particularly stressed or anxious.
-Aoi’s MI5 colleagues admire her calm, collected authority and confidence, and how she can keep it together in the most charged, intense situations. Only her friends truly know what she went through and how hard she had worked to achieve that level of confidence.
-Labramon absolutely adores Aoi’s kids and is fiercely protective of them. When the family goes on walks to the park and the playground, Labramon likes to take on her Dobermon form to guard the kids from potential bullies and kidnappers.
-As smart as she is loyal, Labramon learned to understand and speak English along with Aoi. She would be Aoi’s study buddy even though she couldn’t enroll in school. They used to spend many late nights practicing grammar and vocabulary with each other.
-When Aoi started dating the man who would be her future husband, Labramon didn’t start off on the best terms with him. She was suspicious of him at first, going into full-fledged guard dog mode, and didn’t make it subtle at all what she’d do to him if he dare hurt her partner. She briefly worried that she’d have to compete with him for Aoi’s attention and affection. Eventually she was won over by how much he made Aoi happy, which was the most important thing to Labramon.
-Not only does Labramon learn what a police dog is, she becomes one. Her keen sense of smell can effortlessly sniff out clues and whereabouts of suspects. If a situation escalates, she can evolve into stronger forms to provide more firepower.
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shades-of-stony · 3 years
Royalty Stony AUs
A King for Christmas by iam93percentstardust
Summary: In 1867, Tony Stark flees New York after refusing to marry the alpha his parents chose for him. His money runs out in the small kingdom of Dacia, ruled over by King Steven of the Rogers line. Somehow, and he’s not entirely sure how, he ends up accepting the position of nanny to the king’s four children: Harley, Peter, Sarah, and Morgan.
Tony bonds with the children easily but their father is harder to get to know. Steve is still grieving his wife’s death four years earlier. His continued mourning has turned the once bright halls into dark and somber shadows of their former glory. Tony isn’t entirely certain what he can do but he knows that he has to do something or else the whole country, so attuned to their leader, will sink into despair. He begins by reconciling the king with his young children.
Meanwhile, the children have decided that it’s high time their father fall in love again—and Tony is the obvious choice. They concoct elaborate plans to force the two together, hardly realizing that Steve and Tony are falling in love, not through their shenanigans but through the quiet moments they share bonding over the love they have for the children.
A Higher Form of War by sabremc
Summary: Tony is a King with a surprising number of people out to kill him. Steve and the rest of the Avengers are fighting for Pierce's rebellion and end up with Tony as their prisoner. Oops.
Basically one of those bodice-ripping romance novels I don't read (ahem) but with far more gay.
rearrange my heart (to fit your smile) by starklystar
Summary: "You dare," Howard's chair makes an ugly noise as it scrapes against the stone floors, the chatter of the room shifting into hushed whispers and stolen glances. "I am your father and your King!"
"My King is my husband," Tony tips his chin up, defiant. "And I refuse to hear you suggest that my husband has been anything other than good to me."
Next to him, he feels Steve's shoulders stiffen in surprise.
Howard's fist slams loud on the table. "Your husband does not even love you!"
Tony jerks back, burned. He knows that. Knows that Steve did not marry him for love – does not need any reminder of the cold truth, of what he desperately yearns for and can't even hope to have – but the harshness of Howard's words was scalding, and Tony can't afford for this to go any further.
Or, King Steven marries Prince Tony, Tony is pretty sure he shouldn't panic when he falls in love with his own husband, and Steve tries his very best not to cause diplomatic crises.
Keyword: try
Fealty by  Lasenby_Heathcote and Robin_tCJ
Summary: Steve Rogers is Lord of America, and was gifted his corner of the kingdom of Starkland after amazing acts of heroism in the war against Hydra. A long, brutal winter forces Steve to go to King Howard for aid, and Howard agrees – under the condition that Steve bond with his Omega son, Tony. Steve agrees, of course, for the good of his people. Prince Tony is a trained Omega Consort – an Omega of status sent to a prestigious academy to become the perfect Consort Mate to high-status Alphas throughout the kingdom. At this academy they learn diplomacy, negotiation, proper manners, and, of course, the various ways to pleasure their Alphas.
I will wait by Shellhead616
Summary: Prince Stark was to marry a Prince he never met, for money he never wanted, to reign over a realm his father didn’t care for. But the Prince did care for his people. So he ran away, accidentally joined a group of misfits calling themselves the “Avengers”, with their fierce leader “The Captain". Although, when he discovers the secret the Captain has been keeping, everything changes.
one day by mvrcredi
Summary: One day.
One day Prince Steven would be king. One day he would have all the qualities to be an even better king than his father.
And maybe, one day, Tony would be his husband.
(But maybe, before that one day, Steven should reveal his secret to the man.)
My Loyalty to You by Hazein, Shi_Toyu
Summary: The Israelite nation has gone to war, Howard is acting erratic, and it’s everything Tony can do to argue with the war council to find the most advantageous strategies for their men. Then Thanos strides out of the enemy ranks and issues a challenge unlike any Tony has ever heard. If an Israelite can defeat him in one-on-one combat, their entire army will surrender. Too bad Thanos is twice the size of any man they have. Enter Steve Rogers, local sheppard and the king’s newest harp player, who claims he can fell this giant with nothing but a sling and a stone.
Whether he can manage it or not, Tony is just trying to figure out how you get to looking like that by tending sheep...
Arranged by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Summary: Royalty AU-- Howard arranges a match between Tony and Steve, but when Tony tries to run away with Tiberius instead, Steve goes after his betrothed and brings him home. Things are difficult between the couple at first, but an impulsive kiss leads to softer moments, and finally the arranged pair find happiness together.
Knight of Wands by  Sineala
Summary: Steve has reigned as king for ten years, and in a few days peace will finally come to his kingdom. Representatives of the Kree Empire are soon to arrive for the negotiations that will end the war between them once and for all. Steve is looking forward to settling down, with his hand-picked Avengers at his side -- led, of course, by the masked knight Iron Man -- and also his trusted advisors, the most beloved of whom is Tony, his court magician, the most powerful mage in all the land.
But when Steve's life is endangered, Tony makes the greatest sacrifice of all to protect his king, a sacrifice far greater than his life. And when Tony disappears under mysterious circumstances, Steve learns that even his closest friends keep secrets that he could never have suspected.
Chasing Daydreams by comecatchmeifyoucan
Summary: “Promise you’ll be there?” He mumbled into Steve’s chest.
“Of course.”
“Good.” Tony separated from Steve but his hand was still gently gripping the blond’s wrist. “Because the party only starts when I arrive, and I’m obviously not going if you won’t be there.”
Steve felt the brunet’s hand slip down to graze his, and he let it linger there for a second before it was suddenly pulled away from him. He could only hope that he had hidden his disappointment well.
Fortunately, Tony didn’t seem to notice Steve’s abrupt drop in mood.
✧ ─────── ♡ ─────── ✧
After years of pining for the brunet, Steve was finally going to get his chance to confess his feelings for Tony. If only he could find him in the crowd of masked-people first...
Luckily, when his hopeless crush is nowhere to be found, Steve meets a beautiful stranger to keep him company throughout the night.
heavy is the crown by theappleppielifestyle
Summary: “Why did you pick me? As a match. Howard forced you to marry, but you had - there were other options. Many of them.”
“Maybe I wanted to help you,” Tony says. “To help - anyone, for once. Your people needed it.”
Oh, Steve thinks dully. So it wasn’t about him at all. It’s - a comfort, in some ways. In others, it’s… less so.
“And-” Tony hesitates. "Everyone said you were kind. I thought… if I had to marry, I’d prefer to marry someone kind.”
(Or, Arranged Marriage AU.)
The Crown- the stony au nobody asked for by Jo_StClaire
Summary: Tony is the sole Omega prince of Angsold, who falls in love with the Alpha Army Captain of a neighboring nation. When his father, King Howard, suddenly falls ill and passes, Tony's life is thrown out of wack when he becomes a reigning monarch at 25. Follow Tony through the struggles of being a newly-wedded Omega as well as a leader of a nation. He must learn to balance his love for his people with his love for his husband Steve. (Loosely Based off of the Netflix series The Crown)
No More, No Less by ABrighterDarkness
Summary: His father had been discussing it again, amongst his advisers. He was barely eighteen , what did he need of a wife at eighteen? Frankly, he was already tired of hearing about it. Tired of meeting the daughters of the various men that were deemed important enough. None of them had caught his attention in the least and he suspected that they never would. Not when his daydreams already consisted of intelligent brown eyes, rich brown curls and a wickedly charming grin.
Protea by Anonymous
Summary: After witnessing the injustice done onto his parents, Steve Rogers sneaks into the Ferrite Royal Palace to try and find answers. Fate decides to saddle him with solving shady scandals while unknowingly becoming involved with the nation’s omegan king, Anthony.
And deal with all the baggage and drama that comes along with it.
A Concubine!Steve AU
they're both princes in this one by vapaad
Summary: Steve Rogers is the first son of the United States The entire nation sees him as America’s golden boy. Handsome, smart, charming, and overall perfection– Steve is an icon to the youths of America. But Steve, well he has one little issue. He thinks Prince Anthony, yes the british prince, is a big jerk. Arrogant and an overall asshole.
So when an encounter between the two results in chaos, Steve and Anthony “call me Tony” are thrusted into a PR stint of being best friends. But soon enough, they both come to the realization that they want more, and there, bloomed a secret relationship between the first son of the united states, and the prince of England.
tell me i'm your national anthem by oopshidaisy for chasingconstellations
Summary: Red, White & Royal Blue AU. Tony Stark is the unwilling First Son of the United States, whose rivalry with beloved Prince Steve threatens UK/US relations. After an international incident involving a wedding cake, Steve and Tony are forced to fake a friendship for the public eye - a fake friendship that evolves into something real, and dangerous.
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rebelwrites · 3 years
Tumblr media
Bad Boy 
Jax Teller x Reader 
Your mom stood leaning against the door frame watching you grin at your phone screen as your fingers darted across the screen so fast she thought you was gonna dislocate your thumbs.
She knew who you was texting, she knew this would happen, as soon as you came back home and it scared the shit out of her, at the end of the day you was her daughter and the similarities was scary.
You couldn’t help but grin as Jax’s face popped up on the screen.
“Isn’t texting good enough” you giggled.
“Nope, I wanted to hear your voice darlin’” he chuckled. “So you coming to the party tonight?”
“I wouldn’t miss it” you smirked twirling a piece of hair around your finger. Hearing your mom cough in the hall made you panic. “I gotta go mom is coming”
“Babe we aren’t 15 anymore” Jax laughed “you embarrassed by me?”
“Never, I will explain later okay” you sighed ending the call, sliding your phone in your pocket as your mom came into the room.
“I know who you was on the phone to” mom said no emotion in her voice.
“It was just a friend mom, don’t worry” you nodded.
“Look I’ve told you about him, he is just gonna break your heart, he’s on the wrong side of the tracks and is just a bad boy” she said leaning against the side “I don’t want you around that life”
“You are one to talk mom, look at pops he was a bad boy and you didn’t listen to grandma” you snapped “pops was part of that life and if you didn’t want me around it why the fuck did you ask me to move back home”
“Y/N please, I want better for you” she sighed “and being an old lady isn’t all what it’s cracked up to be. The club was the reason your dad isn’t with us any more”
“I’m not listening to this mom, you don’t even know Jax so don’t even judge him” you said grabbing your helmet and keys.
“Where you going?” She asked.
“Out” you said sharply before slamming the door behind you.
It was no secret your dad was a part of the sons, you grew up around the club until your mom made you move to the UK to live with your auntie when you was 15, just after dad passed.
She hated the fact that you and Jax got on like house on fire and wanted to put a stop to the blossoming relationship. She didn’t want you following in her footsteps apparently.
Pulling into the TM lot, you parked your bike, pulling your helmet off shaking your hair out.
You had only been back in charming a couple of months so nothing had happened between you and Jax, just a lot of flirting, reconnecting and some sex.
Swinging your leg off your bike, you placed a cigarette between your lips with a small smile on your face as your god father made a b line for you.
“Aye you just missed the blondie lass” Chibs laughed pulling you into a bear hug.
“Maybe I didn’t come round for him” you laughed as Chibs moved his grip resting his arm on your shoulder. “Maybe I came to see me uncle chibby”
“How’s your Ma?” He asked.
“Still pissed” you laughed “that’s why I’m here uncle Filip, needed to cool off, she’s like a broken record yet she’s the one that begged me to come home”
“The whole I want better for you than this life speech?”
“You know the one” you laughed sitting on the top of the bench. “She keeps saying she doesn’t want me hanging around with the bad boy”
“Let me guess that bad boy is Jax” he laughed passing me a beer. “You know Jax actually reminds me of your old man when he was Jax’s age, don’t let her get to you lass, we know deep down you aren’t gonna go on the straight and narrow, you have the heart of an outlaw”
Hearing the familiar sound of a rumble a smile appeared on your lips.
“Well that smile just says it all” Chibs smirked knocking your shoulder.
“Piss off” you laughed playfully punching his stomach.
“Just tell him lass” Chibs said softly wrapping his arm round your neck pulling your head into his chest, kissing your forehead “or I will”
Before you could respond Jax had parked his bike and was stood in front of you.
“Oh I see how it is darlin’ no love for me” he smirked flashing the grin that made you want to pounce him.
Wiggling of Chibs’ grip you jumped off the bench onto Jax, luckily he wrapped his arms around your waist as your legs went round his waist, stopping you from falling.
“Much better” he chuckled.
“I’m gonna leave you two love birds alone” Chibs smirked
“You may be my uncle but I’m not afraid to kick your ass Telford” you giggled as Jax placed you back on the floor.
“I didn’t think you was coming till tonight?” Jax asked lighting a smoke.
“Yeah well mom was kicking off again and needed to calm down, you know this place feels like home” you mumbled lighting another smoke yourself. “Home has always been where the reaper is whether she likes it or not”
“Come on I wanna show you something” Jax smiled placing his hand on the small of your back.
Jax led you into his room at the club, after a few minutes of rummaging through a draw he passed you what looked to be a photo album. Flipping the pages it was filled with photos of you and the club, well mainly you and Jax.
“This is the real you, I don’t care what anyone says, you aren’t not princess girly girl, you have an outlaw heart” Jax said sitting next to you.
“Not the first time I’ve been told that today” you laughed resting your head on Jax’s shoulder as you ran your finger over one picture. It was the day before you turned 14, your dad was riding his bike round the lot and you decided to hop on the back and stand on the seat holding your arms out, both you and your dad was rocking massive grins, the next photo shows you in a heap on the floor from falling off. Laughing softly at the memory. “I miss him Jax”
“I know baby, we all miss him” Jax whispered “it stung when you left, in away you are exactly like him so it felt we had completely lost Xav. Look I know you know me and the boys are nothing short of dangerous but I want you by my side Y/N I always have. I even think you dad knew we’d end up together”
“You’ve done some things you can’t take back, I see straight through that” you said taking a deep breath preparing your self for the words that was to follow pointing at another picture of you and Jax messing around, his arms tight around you waist with goofy grins on your faces “And that boy is the one I love”
“Say That again?” Jax said in shock.
“Jax I can’t hide it any longer. I love you, fuck I’m in love with you” you whispered looking down.
Feeling him place a finger under your chin lifting it up so you was now looking him dead in the eye.
“Thank fuck for that” he smiled “I’ve been dying to say the same thing but didn’t have the balls. Y/N I have been in love with you since we was 14”
“So what happens now Jax” you whispered placing a hand on the side of his face.
“We deal with obstacle number one, your mom. I know she doesn’t like you being with me or around the club so gotta try and convince her” he whispered “but first this”
Within seconds his lips met yours kissing you slowly, tangling his hand in your hair, pushing you down on the bed without breaking the kiss. Yes you had kissed before but this time was different.
“Come on let’s go see momma bear” he mumbled against your lips.
Walking out to Jax’s bike you got a few odd looks, mainly from your uncle. He could tell by the grins on your faces and the slightly swollen lips that things had been admitted. Climbing into the back of Jax’s bike you wrapped your arms tight around his waist as he took off heading to your moms.
“Look Mrs Y/L/N, I know you don’t like me but please give me a chance with Y/N” he said linking his hand with yours “I have loved this girl since I was 14, I’d lay my life down for hers, and I know you don’t like where the club has headed but I’m making plans to take the club legit now I’m president. I don’t think I can do it without Y/N I can honestly say she’s the light in a currently very dark world of mine”
“So long as them old habits don’t come back, boy, you can see my daughter” mom nodded “You know the club is how she lost her dad, I don’t want her losing another person to it”
“You have my word” Jax smirked kissing the top of your head
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wallwriterstuff · 4 years
When You’re Lost, I’ll Leave My Gaslight On ||Yandere!Alec Volturi x Female Reader||
A request by @tiger-khans-blog Part 1: Obsession  Part 3: These Violent Delights 
Warnings: Yandere!Alec, obsessive behaviour, unhealthy relationships and implied non-con later on. This is possibly one of the darkest fics I have ever written so please be aware if controlling behaviour, gaslighting etc. is triggering to you, do not read this fic. 
The following link will take you to a Citizen’s Advice Page that have resources regarding Domestic abuse and violence. They detail various organisations offering support, refuge and advice for both women and men in abusive situations, however these only apply to the UK.
I am from the UK and therefore am not sure about what resources may be available internationally, however I know many of you are from places outwith the UK. If you have any resources you know of that would be useful or helpful to add here then please do! You can reblog this post with link in or message me a link to have me edit it into the original. I will post this link and any that get added in all three parts of this fic that I post.
Words: 4,436 
Summary:  Alec’s actions earned him some time in the dungeons of Volterra, and he really seems to be trying his best to behave himself the second time around. However, as your relationship with him blossoms, you find yourself growing more and more insecure, unsure if things are really as they seem to be. Your descent into madness seems much slower than Alice’s fall down the rabbit hole. 
Bella didn’t even write to you. Nor did Alice or Edward, or Emmet or Jasper. Only Carlisle had bothered to contact you, expressing his deepest regret you had gotten tangled up in all of this and his promise to speak to Aro on your behalf. Carlisle’s efforts had granted you your own quarters on the opposite side of the castle, smaller and far less grand than the ones you had woken up in but entirely yours to decorate how you pleased; at least, that was what Felix and Demetri had decided. The silence from back home was bad enough but on top of that you had to come to terms with the fact you were now forced to live with vampires who had little to no respect for human life, one of which had a mental gift she had loved to use on you as punishment for turning her brother against her as she put it.
To say you were depressed would have been an understatement.
It felt beyond impossible to consider feeling anything remotely positive when nothing seemed to go right for you. The secretaries who brought you food were the only interaction you had for the first few days and they were mostly too afraid to stick around and talk to you after hearing you were Alec’s mate. You had been utterly and entirely alone. Unbeknownst to you, this was a test, one you failed miserably, and after they hadn’t seen hide nor hair of you by day 4 of your stay with them Felix and Demetri had taken it upon themselves to visit you. They were quite patient, letting you stay as far from them as you wanted while they invaded what had become your safe space, those unblinking red eyes taking in the sparse walls and boring, plain wood desk and doors. It was then that Felix had spoken up about decorating and Demetri has enthusiastically agreed this was a wonderful idea.
Felix, it turned out, was quite the talented artist. Looking at the brute you’d never imagined he could hold a pencil without snapping it in half, but he had drawn up the most beautiful sketches you could imagine as you told them what your bedroom back home had looked like, and how you had wanted to decorate it with your father. They had let you cry again at that point and looking back on it it was rather amusing to watch the two immortals – who physically had lacked the ability to tear up for over a millennia now – share a panic stricken look and throw tissues at you. By the end of the week, they had come back to your room with everything they would need for their DIY project and helped you start painting your room. You had been a little overwhelmed at their kindness, but both had waved it off as nothing and whenever they got the chance over the next week, they had helped you decorate.
You had shared music tastes, let Demetri try to interest you in poetry (even if he had failed dramatically) and even sat to watch a movie with them once while you had lunch. Still, it didn’t feel like home, just an escape from an abysmal reality.
“You know, he will be freed tomorrow.” Felix said quietly. You were in the middle of stringing up some fairy lights around the canopy of your bed when the news rendered you immobile. You barely remembered to breathe until Demetri very gently touched your waist and helped you down from your bed before you fell.
“I don’t want him to be.” You whispered, eyes ducking away from theirs. Alec had been their friend for far longer after all and the confession was cruel. Demetri sighed slightly.
“We have visited him once or twice, spoken to him. He truly does feel awful about what happened.” He promised you. It was very obvious on your face you didn’t believe him, and even if you did you were certain Alec’s behaviour was not normal, it didn’t eradicate your fear to know he wished it never happened when it seemed like he had had no control over it in the first place. If he couldn’t control it, it could very well happen again. Felix watched you carefully as you sat back against the headboard, curling your knees to your chest.
“Why…why was he like that? Is it – I mean could he…will he be like that again?” you swallowed, mouth a little dry as your heart fluttered in your chest. You felt sick, suddenly no longer curious about whatever dinner the new secretary might bring. Gianna had stopped showing up two days ago and you didn’t need to ask to know why. They shared a side long look, Felix going back to putting together the bookshelf you had repainted with him. It was a bit of a pattern, that Demetri handled your more sensitive questions – Felix just didn’t have the tact or patience for them.
“You remember our discussion on the transformation process? How we are frozen at the stage of growth we are at when we turn?” he questioned, waiting for you to nod before continuing, “Alec was turned no older than you are now, just 16, you know yourself from growing up I’m sure what a volatile time that can be. It is not that Alec wishes to scare you, just that the violence of his feelings is something he will have to learn to control.”
“The violence of his feelings?” you asked warily. Demetri hummed, head tilting.
“We feel emotion far more intensely than you, little human. Our bodies are frozen but heightened, so that we might experience everything to the fullest extent and therefore miss out on nothing. Alec is essentially a teenager seeing the girl he has a rather potent crush on for the first time, the mate pull was both entirely unexpected and strong. He admitted himself he had no way of controlling his own actions but he has meditated and spoken to master Marcus for help since. He really does not wish to put you through that again.” Demetri assured you.
“You have to give the boy some reprieve, he wasn’t exactly having fun either. Alec prides himself on his self-control, your appearance tossed it right out of the window.” Felix pointed out. You hung your head, brows furrowed. It sounded an awful lot to you like they were defending the inexcusable behaviour. He’s just a boy, he couldn’t control it, it’s not his fault…well, it didn’t change the fact it had hurt you. It had traumatised you really, so much so that even when you replayed Demetri’s words in your head in an effort to help calm yourself you still found no sleep that night knowing Alec would be at your door tomorrow.
Except he wasn’t.
He didn’t come the next day, or the day after that, or the day after that, and you hated that you were beginning to wonder if he was ever coming at all. Was this a new, peculiar kind of torture? Making you wait for him? Every knock at the door made you jump the first day or two but after that you slowly began to unwind, your heavy heart coming to the conclusion he maybe wasn’t coming back, that he felt it better to stay away from you. You almost passed out when he finally did show up at your door, standing behind Demetri as still as stone and looking jut as perfect as any sculpture could. It really wasn’t fair the boy was so pretty. Demetri gave you a warm smile.
“Good evening Y/N, do you mind if we come in little human?” he asked. You hesitated. Did you want Alec in your safe space? Your room was your sanctuary, decorated how you liked with no trace of Alec inside it as of yet. He seemed to notice your hesitation and you were surprised to see just how much anguish it brought him.
“If you prefer, we could take a walk around the Gardens? Demetri says you haven’t left your room much.” Alec said. His voice was softer now, no longer did it have the rough edge to it it had held in the throne room. You swallowed thickly, slowly nodding your head, and moved to get your shoes from by the door. Alec inhaled sharply as the shirt you were wearing rode up slightly. His arms had left to sizable bruises on your torso and he had obviously seen them. You weren’t expecting him to look so torn up about it. Demetri glanced between you both, his eyes knowing.
“I would suggest a jumper, the evenings can be somewhat chillier.” He advised. You nodded, crossing to your closet. Once you were ready, you shut the door firmly behind you and stuck close to Demetri’s side, much to Alec’s obvious ire, but the boy kept himself in check with remarkable discipline that gave you hope he could maybe be better.
“How are you?” he asked, his voice strained. Your hair fell, covering your eyes until you pushed it back with a quick nod.
“I’m okay. How are you?” the small talk was entirely forced and thoroughly unpleasant, but Demetri stood firm between you two, absorbing it all. You were more than a little grateful.
“I have…been better,” Alec confessed, “Demetri explained the…difficulty, I’m having in being around you?” he asked. The strain in his voice was growing more obvious again now but one look from Demetri forced him to settle as you shuddered, memory flashing to the violent grip his arms had on you. If he noticed your hand subconsciously go to your bruised flesh, he didn’t comment on it.
“He told me you couldn’t control your feelings.” You said quietly. Alec huffed, eyes flashing with irritation.
“It’s as upsetting to me as it is to you, to think a mere human would make me so…so…” he trailed off, trying to choose the right word. You prompted him, curious to see what he would choose. “Obsessed.” He settled for the word with such a flat tone you couldn’t help but wrap your arms around yourself, mind reeling. It wasn’t a good word. It wasn’t your preferred word. Carlisle and Esme had been mates, hadn’t they? Rosalie and Emmett? Alice and Jasper? They had proven to you if nothing else that mates should be loving, kind. It was a relationship based on mutual attraction and desire, caring, not one person’s obsession with another. It was an unhealthy word.
“Why don’t you tell Alec of our trip to the market the other week?” Demetri hedged. He was clearly acting as chaperone today as you headed out into the fading sunlight. The Gardens of Castello Volterra were magnificent, kept tidy and neat and bursting with colour. A massive expanse of green dotted with vibrant hues of flowerbeds and glorious leafy sculptures in shapes you could recognise. Horses, chess pieces. Your answers were short, quiet, and Alec seemed to have moments he was incredibly open and vulnerable before he became a little more robotic, his control slipping when he found his emotions getting the best of him again. The amount of effort he put into his composure really astounded you, and by the time you were half-way around the Walled Garden you were actually starting to feel a little bit bad. Clearly your presence really did make him suffer.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” He admitted finally, fists clenched at his sides. With a sharp exhale, Alec turned to you, ruby red eyes darkening as soon as they made contact with your own Y/E/C.
“Y/N, I have tortured myself over the way I behaved towards you. I am truly sorry I ever laid a hand on you. I hope that as I work on controlling myself around you, you work on being able to forgive me for that.” Alec cut Demetri off, his body rigid with tension and eyes flickering to the very slight gap left between you and the tracker as you moved closer out of instinct to the person you trusted most out of the two of them. His nostrils flared, seemingly annoyed by it.
“I…can try. But you need to promise me Alec, promise me you won’t hurt me like that ever again.” You said. Truthfully you were intrigued by him. Demetri had told you you would also feel the mate pull eventually, though not as strongly as Alec did, and your curiosity to know more about the witch twin was the start of a very deep dark hole you were about to fall into. The air turned almost ominous, like that strange moment between hearing thunder and waiting to see if there would be lightning.
“I won’t make you promises I can’t keep.” Alec’s voice was all that was left of him, as he was gone by the time you blinked again. Demetri sighed slightly, though he tried to perk up his expression when he realised you were looking helplessly to him for answers.
“Well, that went rather well, do you not agree?” he asked. What had Alec meant? He had done so well today. Clearly he was getting the hang of controlling his emotions, he could be less of a threat. You had rather liked the sweeter side of Alec you had glimpsed today, the side that told you about how Jane had planted the peonies and had chased Felix quite literally out of the city when he accidentally trampled on them once, just to hear you laugh. You liked the side of Alec that had quietly complimented the way your hair reflected the dying light while you stood and admired another topiary.
A month passed this way before you finally felt comfortable enough to be around Alec on your own. He had really tried hard to become a better man for you and it showed. His smiles were more natural and he found it easier to relax in your presence, no more uptight Alec that left you wandering when he would snap. Felix and Demetri had continued to chaperone your dates for all that time until you finally asked one night if you might be allowed to be with Alec on your own for a little bit. Demetri had enthusiastically agreed, both Guards seemingly happy you were finally letting their friend have his chance. Alec seemed to sense your nerves when you appeared in the library, where you’d both agreed to meet for an hour to two to test the waters. He was more relaxed than you’d ever seen him, leaning back against the sofa with his eyes closed while he listened to some far-off birdsong you couldn’t hear, or so you imagined.
“I wasn’t sure you would come.” He admitted. You smiled slightly, pulling your sketchbook from your bag as you sat on the opposite sofa to him.
“I said I would,” You reminded him. Alec smiled slightly, head bobbing in agreement. “What are you reading?” you asked. Alec glanced to the book beside him.
“The Picture of Dorian Gray, though I confess myself bored of it. Wilde has never been my preferred author.” Alec answered, sitting up and eyeing your sketchbook with interest. You didn’t notice, too busy flipping through your pages to find the sketch you were working on now. The lines were already drawn, you had just wanted to finish your shading today.
“How is Jane?” you asked. You wanted to chase away the silence and figured it would be a nice way to maybe broach the topic that she had avoided you like the plague. Alec didn’t answer you and when you looked up to see why you saw his eyes fixated on your sketch, nothing but awe painting his face. You flushed a deep shade of red.
“Beautiful and talented, little human.” He breathed. You were fairly sure you weren’t supposed to hear, but it only made your blush darken. It was nothing worthy of a spot in the Louvre, just a sketch of the view from the fountain in the plaza looking down one of Volterra’s many alleyways. You tucked some hair behind your ear with a small smile.
“Thank you,” you said softly, “I started it the other day, when Demetri took me to that café I told you about? Where they do those really nice pastries?” As if a switch had been flipped Alec’s face shut off, all expression wiped away and an impassive mask replacing it. It had happened so fast you were unsure anything other than apathy had ever painted his face in the first place.
“Demetri takes you out often.” He noted. There was nothing his tone or his face to give away his feelings about that, but a strong sense of foreboding settled in your gut. You shut your sketchbook, knowing deep in your chest that the damage was already done. The atmosphere in the room had changed drastically, becoming charged and electric, like it was filled with current just waiting to frazzle and consume you whole.
“Yeah…it’s nice to get out of the castle, and it’s not like I’m a prison so why shouldn’t I see the city I’ve got to live in now?” you rambled ever so slightly, voice wavering a bit, but Alec’s expression changed so quickly you were sure he was trying to give you whiplash. With a laugh he nodded his head.
“Of course.” He made no further comment and you descended into silence again until it was time to leave, your sketchbook long abandoned and your eyes fixed on him, waiting for his mood to shift again. He was perfectly respectable in every other way however, his silence easy to brush off as nothing when he kissed your knuckles chivalrously after walking you back to your room. He still hadn’t set foot in it yet despite his obvious intrigue, waiting for you to invite him in personally. When the door closed behind you, you released a breath you didn’t know you had been holding. The whole evening had gone far better than expected even with the few minor road bumps. In fact, Alec’s mood seemed to do an entire 180 compared to how he had been when you first met. He was pleasant, charming even. That was where the problem started.
One night, he bought you flowers and a pastry from your favourite café, remembering the exact kind you liked and bringing it to your door so you could enjoy a walk with him in the Gardens once more, watching the stars come out. You’d passed Felix in the corridor and waved but the giant had hurried by as though he hadn’t seen you. A few days after that Alec had promised to take you out to the markets, but the weather had been too bright for him apparently even though you had argued it was overcast enough that the chances of him exposing himself were slim to none. He had come to your room with new sketching pencils that night, an apology gift to make it up to you, he said.
It had become a theme though, you noticed. Alec would promise to take you somewhere, and then he would find one way or another to weasel his way out of taking you out.
“I never promised you anything, I said we might, your imaging things.” He would dismiss it the same way every time and always follow up with a nice gesture that made you feel bad for questioning him on it. He really did feel guilty about you not getting to go out, didn’t he? It wasn’t just that though either, it was Demetri and Felix’s absence in your life that had grown concerning. You were conscious you hadn’t seen your friends for quite some time, Alec always claiming they were busy with guard duty or some other task, yet when you caught Demetri in the corridor once he had brushed you off with the enough regret in his eyes that it made you question Alec’s entire story.
“But they always found time to at least say hello to me before, so why-“
“Y/N, my love I don’t wish to upset you, but do you really think they were ever your friends?” Alec asked. You blinked, frowning in confusion.
“Of course they’re my friends! We decorated my room together and they helped us get to know each other. I just don’t get why they aren’t around anymore.” You huffed. Alec ran his hand down your arm gently, your skin tingling at the ice-cold contact. He had slowly started to incorporate physical affection into your relationship, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t thrilled with the little touches. It was a far cry from the rough embrace he had given you nearly two months ago.
“They were fulfilling a duty tesoro, you required a room and at the Masters request they built you one, and do you really think one little human can go unguarded in this place? They were your sentries, not your friends.” His expression was so sympathetic you wondered how you couldn’t not believe him, and he’d held you to him as you cried over their obvious betrayal. As weeks dragged into another month though your anxiety only grew, and it didn’t make sense. Things between you and Alec were really good. He had much more control now and he was affectionate and sweet, always giving you little gifts and making time in his day to see you even if no one else would, but something was just…wrong. You were sure you were going mad.
You wrote home frequently to the Cullen’s so they could pass letters on to Bella, but those letters sometimes went missing and despite being sure you wrote them, Alec assured you you hadn’t and he had never seen them materialise. As sweet as he was Alec always put down your clumsy little accidents to you being human to, laughing when you tripped into his arms or holding his breath as he cleaned up scrapes for you with that dreaded little saying of his.
“You’re only human Y/N.” he chuckled, as he carefully placed a band aid around the finger you had accidentally cut while cooking yourself dinner. You sighed dejectedly.
“I wish you’d stop saying that.” You admitted. It felt like you weren’t good enough. Your human needs were a bother to him, that much was clear. He always had to take time to make sure you had something to eat when he really just wanted to spend his free hours with you. Most of the time when he was free you were asleep and you could only imagine how boring it must be for him to have to spend so much time alone when you were across the castle, sleeping peacefully. Bathroom breaks were another thing that gave you almost nauseating anxiety now to, and you’d scrubbed your body pink on multiple occasions wondering if your personal hygiene was assaulting his nose or not after a day or two without showering.
You needed to clear your head, you decided, so a trip to your café was in order. Alec wouldn’t be able to take you you knew, not with the sun as bright as it was right then. It would fade quickly given the late time of year but you left a note just in case Alec wondered across your empty room. It felt good, to get fresh air and to sit in a window seat, watching the world go by without a care as sweet pastry melted in your mouth. You had brought a book with you to enjoy to, a fantasy world to escape to for a little bit before your old anxieties came crawling back in. Though your relationship with Alec was as yet undefined, you felt like you were to blame for that due to your inferior status. After all, what could you possible bring to a relationship with him that would make him want to call you his mate? You were only human after all.
“Now what are you doing here little human?” Demetri’s voice startled you so much you dropped your book to the tabletop with a gasp. Heart fluttering, you couldn’t help but laugh breathless, if only to ease the tension.
“Demetri, god you scared the hell out of me.” You swallowed, not liking the way he was frowning at you.
“Well you can consider us even then.” He said, arms folding across his chest. You felt a lot like you were a child being scolded in that moment.
“What?” you asked.
“You heard me. You cannot just leave the castle Y/N, not without telling someone or at least leaving a note. There was an uproar when Alec found you gone, we thought something had happened to you.” He chided. Your frown deepened.
“But I did leave a note, I taped it to my door so Alec would see.” You protested. Demetri’s eyebrows rose.
“Not according to Alec. He found no note and I did not see anything resembling one when I came to your room to see what the fuss was about. Come on, you have had your fun. A harmless misunderstanding it may be but you will be in for a scolding from the Masters.” he sighed, holding a hand to help you out of your chair. Your stomach twisted. You were going to have to see the Masters because you’d gone out for coffee? How had Alec missed your note? You were sure you had left it on the door for him! You remembered the schluuuuck sound of sticky tape and everything as you taped it up!
“But Demetri, I swear I left a note.” You said, packing away your things as your good mood crumbled. Demetri was quiet for a moment.
“Perhaps you did and it was overlooked, either way you have scared us all enough for one day.” He took your bag from you like the gentleman he was, escorting you back to the castle. You were so sure you had left that note for Alec, as sure as you were about your own name, but what if you hadn’t? You resolved to steel your nerves for now, take your scolding and ensure you left one next time. Hell, next time you would even tell the secretary to go and tell Alec in the throne room just to be safe. You weren’t going to worry your mate like this again, it wasn’t going to become a pattern.
How wrong you were.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Dark Antoni: The Job
In another universe, Antoni took out Mr. Davies - and set himself up as a talented, discreet hitman-for-hire. His latest assignment takes an unexpected turn. Features @comfy-whumpee‘s Jax Gallagher, used with permission.
CW: Intimate whumper, character death, severe trauma dissoci@tion, noncon touch, noncon kissing, implied noncon (interrupted), referenced noncon, long-term captivity, conditioned response
Antoni watches through the scope as the target's husband gives her a kiss, a faint smile, places the drink in her hand. Through his earpiece, he hears her voice, low and sultry, as their fingers brush. “Come sit with me.”
The husband moves like a man pulled by someone else’s invisible strings, sitting next to her on the chaise, letting her turn his head with the barest brush of fingers over his chin. She pulls him in for a kiss.
Antoni’s well-hidden, and not worried they'll see him, finger hovering over the trigger. They’re lined up perfectly like this. He could kill them both, one-two shot, drop the target before her husband’s body even hits the floor.
Something in the way the husband moves, though, stops him.
He bugged the house two days ago - or rather, he has the existing bugs feeding into his own earpiece now, the target’s own obsessive need for total control and security turned against her. The cameras are off, he took remote control of those and switched those screens to black.
He wonders if the husband knows about all the cameras, or if Savannah Marcoset had them placed without his knowledge. Maybe she’s worried about infidelity. Maybe she’s suspicious about assassination.
If she is, he hasn’t heard her say anything about it.
He's listened to them for two days while he planned the kill. Antoni has been privy to every gentle I love you, every moment they spend together, more than a few moments he would rather not have heard at all.
The husband is to all appearances utterly devoted, entirely in love, and…
Something isn't right. 
He needs to pull the trigger and finish the job - his client specifically wants them both out of the picture. If she goes, he goes. They’ll be together, they’re never apart, but I can’t have any witnesses who can be questioned after the bitch is dead. 
Too great a chance of retaliation by the family, and the client was sure the husband would be little more than a liability. Antoni doesn’t like liabilities, and he doesn’t leave witnesses.
Still… his instincts are screaming at him not to drop the husband, too. 
He hesitates, equivocates, waits far too long as the woman downs her drink and lays back, laughing softly, pulling her husband down on the chaise with her. Her dress, a flimsy, filmy thing she wore to the gala they have just returned from, drapes just so against the velvet fabric of the chaise. Her husband’s suit is perfectly tailored, and she undoes his jacket buttons with one hand while they kiss, her other hand behind his neck, tangled in his brown hair.
She murmurs something even the bugs don’t pick up, and laughs. The husband smiles back, and drops his head, kissing along the column of her neck, pale and draped in heavy jewels that contrast with how thin her dress is. She hums, tightens her fingers against his nape, arches her back to press against him.
He makes a sound, an exhale with just a touch of voice, and an alarm goes off inside Antoni’s head, one that stubbornly refuses to explain itself. 
Antoni can’t figure out what he’s missing here, crouched up at the railing of the stairs with his rifle still aimed, watching as she slides the jacket off her husband’s shoulders, nips playfully at his lips, his nose, his chin. 
“I love you,” She whispers against his lips, and even from here Antoni can see his responding shiver.
“I love you, too.” His voice is low and soft, barely audible. The hand at his neck pushes his head down towards her chest, her other making quick work now of the buttons on his crisp white shirt. She rolls her hips up against his, her hair a waterfall of shimmering dark brown, nearly black, curls and waves. She looks like a Renaissance painting.
They look like a portrait of two people madly in love.
“Do you want me?” She asks, in a tone that says she already knows the answer, head tilted to watch him, hand slipping into the open front of his shirt to run down his stomach. He exhales loud enough for the bugs to pick it up and translate the sound into Antoni’s earpiece.
“Of course.” The husband’s accent is faded, but there - English, fits with what Antoni saw in the description of the assignments, his research files. “Of course I do, Savvie.”
Finger still hovering millimeters from the trigger, Antoni thinks over his files again.
Savannah Marcoset, queenpin of a human trafficking empire.
Run by her father's family until her paternal uncle's sudden death by car accident six years ago, shortly after Savannah married her longtime partner. 
Savannah Marcoset, a violin prodigy that burned out young and faded away from the spotlight, reclusive until she took control of the family business, now a sparkling socialite. Married to one Jackson Marcoset, neé Gallagher, UK resident by birth. Unclear how they met or became romantically involved. Estranged from family. 
Something is wrong about this picture.
“Of course I want you,” The husband says, in a low voice that could very nearly have passed for desirous. “I always want you.”
Antoni knows, all at once, exactly what his intuition is trying to tell him.
Jax Marcoset is just like Chris, and he has been like Chris for a very long time.
Antoni makes the decision in an instant, following his instincts where they lead him. When Savannah Marcoset hikes up the skirt on her dress and pushes her husband’s head down between her legs, Antoni aims and fires in a single silenced shot.
Savvie’s body jerks as the bullet goes right between her eyes.
The husband looks up, staring blankly, then scrambles back in belated panic as he sees the single small hole in her forehead, empty glazed eyes. “S-Savvie? Savvie, what-... what’s-”
“Hands in the air,” Antoni calls out, pitching his voice low and authoritative, standing slowly and keeping his rifle aimed just in case he’s called this wrong, in case the husband will attack him or try to call for help. “Move away from the body, Jackson Marcoset, now.”
The husband pushes slowly to his feet, hands up, standing in his suit pants and unbuttoned shirt. Antoni can hear his heavy breathing through the earpiece, echoed faintly even across the room into his other ear. He turns, very slowly, to look up at Antoni-
And the soft, supple black leather collar buckled tightly around his neck is suddenly visible, no longer hidden by the high neck of his shirt, the bow tie he’d been wearing when they came home. 
I was right, Antoni thinks, a lick of violent triumph running up his spine. I was right, he’s like us, I was right.
He keeps the gun trained on Jax Marcoset, anyway, walking slowly towards him down the stairs, each foot placed carefully, one by one. Neither of them speaks, although Antoni catches Jax Marcoset looking over at the body of his late wife, hands fallen limp to the side now, skirt still hiked high up on her thighs. It’s indecent, really - Antoni tells himself to pull her dress back down before he leaves.
He tries to give the bodies a little dignity - after all, every death since the first one has been strictly business and nothing more.
He left so little of Mr. Davies.
He’s tried to improve on that, ever since.
“Are you going to be a problem?” He asks, keeping his voice level, his accent smoothing off his vowels, sharpening the consonants. He reaches the landing at the bottom of the grand staircase in the entryway, rifle aimed through a large open doorway into the sitting room where the chaise was, right at center mass. “If you are a problem, I will kill you. Do you understand?”
Jax Marcoset seems to struggle to speak, or operate on a delay. For a beat there is a weighty silence, and then he says, just barely audible, “I won’t… be a problem.”
Antoni can see scars that run down his stomach, like he was clawed until he bled, again and again, to make them. The collar, the way the husband isn’t looking back at his dead wife any longer, wholly focused on Antoni, shifting submissiveness trained by violence and fear immediately to the next threat, to appease, placate, and hopefully survive.
It’s all familiar, sickeningly so.
It’s the way Chris acted, when they met. Antoni’s assignment then had been to take out a household of drug runners. He’d found Chris in the alleyway bartering a place to sleep, trading his body because he had nothing else to offer them. Antoni had started firing just after hearing them agree to the trade, but only if Chris would take them all at once.
Once they were all dead, Chris - terrified and teary - had started trying to trade himself to Antoni just to keep from being slaughtered.
It’s all exactly the same, no matter the differences on the surface. 
“I cannot leave you here alive. Do you understand?” He expects fear, or begging. Some kind of plea. But all Jax Marcoset does is slowly nod, hands still held in the air, and stay right where he is. He doesn’t ask to be spared, or for one more goodbye to the dead woman six feet away. He doesn’t beg, or go to his knees, or do anything at all.
He looks exhausted, emptied of all feeling, incapable of bringing anything up but resigned certainty. “Yes, sir.”
Too far gone, maybe.
But Antoni has to try.
“You may lower your hands.”
Jax’s hands drop like weights, down to his sides, where his fingers curl into fists. Antoni knows, from his own experience, that if he were to tell Jax to show him his palms, he would be obeyed, and there would be a row of half-moon scars there.
Just like Antoni has.
He lowers the rifle, slowly, ready to aim and fire again if Jax moves, but he doesn’t. Just stares dully at Antoni, waiting for whatever happens next, utterly incapable of making a choice for himself. Antoni moves over to Savannah Marcoset’s body, pressing two fingers to where her pulse would be and finding none. Not that he expected her to survive a direct shot to the head, but you never know.
He pulls a wipe from one pocket and wipes what might have been left of his fingerprints from her neck, then turns.
Jax Marcoset hasn’t moved a single muscle except to turn his head to watch Antoni’s movements around the room. 
Antoni hums - job done, more or less, and no one needs to be the wiser that he’s left one of the targets alive - and turns to leave. He pauses, and gestures. “Come on, then,” He says, and Jax Marcoset falls in beside him, almost jerking into motion like a puppy trying to find someone new to hold his leash.
The night is dark and silent except for the crunching of Antoni’s shoes on gravel, and even that is barely a whisper of sound. Moonlight glints off the platinum wedding ring Jax Marcoset wears, off the matching lip ring and ear piercings. It briefly illuminates the buckle of the collar at the back of his neck, his eyes focused firmly on the ground in front of him, never looking up. 
Antoni’s car is hidden, of course, and it takes them some time to walk there in silence. He keeps expecting Jax to ask a question, or cry, or do anything. But all Jax does is remain perfectly quiet, pliant, and empty.
He slips off his shirt willingly enough when they reach the car, lips thinned a little, and looks maybe mildly, just barely, surprised when Antoni hands him his spare shirt to put on instead. Their hands brush and Antoni feels the telltale roughness and scarring he expected.
Through it all, his intuition whispers, he’s like Chris, and he needs help.
Once they’re in the car, driving down a small two-lane highway, cutting through the late-night darkness, Antoni says quietly, “You are coming home with me. I cannot have you questioned, or have you speak to police. You will stay with me for now.”
“Yes, sir,” Jax mumbles, looking down at his hands, folded in his lap. He hasn’t tried to remove his collar or his ring, and Antoni knows how hard taking off your collar the first time can be for someone like them, and he doesn’t ask.
Instead, he offers, “Would you like to choose a station on the radio?”
There’s a long silence, Antoni aware he is being studied, Jax Marcoset watching him with utmost care, deciding what he will do or say. What he wants, Antoni thinks. Appease, placate, survive. It’s all the same, in the end. Even though he noticed Jax has no barcode when he changed shirts. If Jax is a pet, he isn’t a legal one and likely never was.
Jax slowly moves his hand, hesitating before he touches the dial as though he thinks his fingers will be slapped away. He changes the station, scanning until he reaches 90.1 FM.
Classical music drifts from the speakers, and Jax pulls his hand back quickly, folding them back in his lap, and closes his eyes. 
“Will you miss her?” Antoni asks.
“Yes, sir.” His voice is barely audible, underscored and nearly overwhelmed by the sound of a single violin.
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xtoothless · 3 years
One Match
This is my first TommyInnit / Reader one-shot. Second POV and you play Cake-Wars with Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur. 
Pairing: You/Tommy
Word Count: 3,707
Summary: You play some Cake-Wars with a couple of your comfort streamers :)
Ao3 Link
[TommyInnit is Live]
You clicked on the notification from Twitch so fast you thought you broke your mouse. It was 4 pm in your hometown of Elkhart (1), Wisconsin. School had ended a few weeks before for the kids, including for you; your Junior year. You were to be a Senior next year, your last year of high school. Most everyone was outside enjoying the weather of mid-June, the warm sun lighting the fields where kids played and adults watched or played along. It seemed like everyone was outside enjoying the sun. Except you.
You were in your room, watching a live video from one of your comfort streamers; TommyInnit. The 17-year-old British blonde from the UK. Like most, you never had any bad days when you watched his streams. Whenever you did have a bad day, it seemed like one of your comfort streamers knew and hit that "Go live" button. 
Tommy was playing Minecraft with a couple of his friends - a couple of your comfort streamers - WilburSoot and Tubbo. They had just started a new survival world, to see who could speed run the quickest. 
The chat on the side of the screen exploded with their answers. A lot said Tommy, others said Tubbo, and a fair amount said, Wilbur. You thought they were all very good at the game but considered it was down to either Wilbur or Tommy. Wilbur was the calmest about it, being quick but also taking his time. Tommy was a ball of chaotic fury; trying to be quick but stressing about beating the game.
"Wha- How the fok does Will already have diamonds?" Tommy screamed, trying to get his character to mine the iron in front of him. You smiled at the screen as he joined Wilbur's voice channel to yell at him.
"Well, Tommy. You just- you just gotta get good at the game." Wilbur's voice said through Discord. 
Tommy leaned back, his mic quieting the sound of him groaning in annoyance, "Ughh, fok off, you little- you know what?". He left Wilbur's voice channel and went to Tubbo's. 
"Tommy?" Tubbo's small voice echoed through the channel.
"I say we team up against Will." Tommy started, making his character jump out of the cave and mine more spruce wood from the mountain he was on, "Look- he's already got diamonds m'kay, let's work together." 
It took a second to hear Tubbo's reply. "...okay?"
"Great. Do you have any iron?"
As they all continued to play, you left to use the bathroom and grab snacks. On your way down the stairs, you rubbed the warm back of your black and white kitten (2) that was sitting on the windowsill. Once out of the bathroom, you check the kitchen cupboards for any snacks.
You found a bag full of fruit candies, caramel suckers, and some off-brand chocolate bars. They were technically your fathers, but he wouldn't notice if some were gone. You grabbed a handful of each and a can of Coca-Cola that was in the fridge. You then ran back, your kitten following up the stairs. 
Once you were seated, you continued to watch the stream with your kitten purring in your lap. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo were all trying to fight blazes in the Nether. Tommy already had 4 blaze rods, while Tubbo had 1. 
"Tubbo, kill that blaze-" he then screamed in fright as his character caught on fire, "Foook! There's one behind. Dammit Tubbo." he then laughed as Tubbo also screamed in fright.
You laughed as you turned to your second monitor and loaded up Minecraft. Your computer loaded it up fairly quickly, given that you were also watching the stream that took a ton of internet to watch. Given that, you decide to play CakeWars. As you joined the round, you looked at the stream as all three made it to the end. 
They all teamed up and were trying to fight the endermen and the ender dragon. Your attention was on your own game that you didn’t realize they had killed the ender dragon and were now declaring victory. Tommy took all the credit as Wilbur laughed. Tubbo giggled and then hit Tommy’s in-game character with his own. 
With that, they decided to play servers. More specifically, the same server you were going to play CakeWars in next. You failed to notice when your screen flashed with the red lettering, “Your cake has been eaten.” 
Your teammates tried their hardest to stay alive, but unfortunately, the Yellow team was stronger with their armor and weapons. As you tried to run away, one threw an ender pearl and teleported in front of you.
Using your iron sword, you tried to defend yourself, but their diamond enchanted sword dealt more damage to your leather and iron armor; you died after a couple of hits. You groaned in frustration as you quickly hit "new game". Your kitten got up and sat by your monitor, staring at the loading screen before you pushed him toward his bed.
"Hopefully my teammates are better next round." 
You joined a new game, too focused on that to see that you were on the same server as Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo. The game started saying that you were part of the blue team. You looked over at your teammates and read their names. It took you a second until you recognized Tommy's skin and the name "TommyInnit" over his head. "Oh, my god." You looked at your other monitor and saw that Tommy was looking at your character (3). 
"Hello, [Your Username]." His character punched toward you and crouched a couple of times. 
"Hi!" Tubbo's character punched toward you too. 
You crouched back, punching at all three. Wilbur nodded up and down, crouching all the same. You typed into the in-game chat and typed only to your team. "I'm honestly kinda freaking out right now, ngl."
Tommy read it out loud before laughing, "Oh, there's nothing to be afraid of. I see you're a woman- you all know how much I love women." 
You heard Wilbur sigh and Tubbo laughed from the stream as you replied with, "Yes, Tommy, we know how much you love women XD."
He read it out loud and laughed, "I like this one. Hey, [Your Username], do you have a discord?"
Your hands began to shake and get clammy as you read it over a couple of times. As you collected your bricks to upgrade, you typed, "We win and I'll give it to you."
Tommy ran over to the villager selling things for bricks as he read it, "Okay, guys, we need to win. If we do, I'll talk to a girl!" 
That made you laugh, as you covered your cake with endstone and blue wool. The chat on the side of the screen exploded with "Women POG", "TommyInnit talks to a woman???", and - your personal favorite - "Tommy simps over a probably 6-year-old". You laugh out loud as a dono pops up, talking in a robotic voice. 
"Tommy, that could possibly be a young girl. Maybe you shouldn't hit on her?" 
Tommy stumbled over his words as Wilbur and Tubbo laughed and agreed. To save him, you type, "Don't worry chat, I'm 17, thanks for looking out for me though X'D". 
As the game progressed, your team had two emerald points, endstone, obsidian, and blue wool covering your cake, and all members decked in diamond armor and a diamond sword. The other three teams were fighting each other as your team collected and planned your attack. Tommy and Wilbur were going to attack the middle point while you and Tubbo guarded your cake. 
They set off as you and Tubbo collected the bricks and emeralds beside your cake. The two of you just crouched and punched at one another until they came back. Tubbo continued to laugh on stream and Tommy questioned what was going on.
"Me and [Your Username] are just crouching at one another," Tubbo responded, laughing as you jumped and punched at him. 
As you leaned back and closed your eyes laughing, you heard footsteps in your headset and quickly grabbed your mouse. A red member in full leather and an iron sword was running toward your cake. You appeared in front of him as Tubbo finally realized and screamed quietly. In a couple of hits, he died, barely taking away three of your hearts.  
"Tubbo? Tubbo, what happened?" Tommy asked, panic in his voice. 
"There was a red team member attacking our cake. But [Your Username] attacked 'em." Tubbo explained as they got back to their island.
Wilbur came up and jumped in your face, punching at you, "Good job, [Your Username]"
"Thanks." You typed, then another message, "I have a feeling we're gonna win this, but I don't wanna jinx."
You heard Wilbur laugh, "Don't worry. Let's just let the other teams fight and then join later." 
"Yeah, we can sweep up what's left of them!" Tubbo agreed. 
You nodded in-game, collecting the nether stars below you. As soon as you reached 10, you upgraded your resources. You also wanted to get protection but then the green team had taken the middle point. 
"Here you go [Your Username]" You heard Tubbo say through the stream. You crouch in response as a cluster of nether stars were thrown at you. 
Soon after, Wilbur and Tommy did as well. "Let's be honest, [Your Username] is more responsible - other than me, of course," Tommy said.
"Then why don't you take them?" You typed into game chat, challenging the blonde.
The other two laughed as Tommy stood in front of you crouching, "Okay, fine. Given 'em back bitch." 
"Because you called me a b****, I'mma keep them." You said, walking over to your ender chest and putting them inside. You looked at Tommy and crouched once before covering your cake with more wool. 
"Way to go, Tommy, you made her mad," Wilbur said, crouching, having his back to you. 
You laughed once more, falling back into your seat before typing, "I'm not mad, just playing." You retrieved all 12 of the nether stars and upgraded your protection twice. 
As you turned around, you saw a green member - decked in diamond armor - bridging toward your island. You race to the edge and crouch, punching in their direction. They looked up and punched at you, as three more green members also in diamond armor appeared behind him. 
Tubbo alerted the other two and they all crouched at the edge, sword in hand. You clicked on your bow and shot an arrow at the first player. The ringing of a hit echoed through your headset as one got hit back. 
The one you hit looked back up before his teammates switched to ender pearls. You back up, guarding your cake as you watch the green eye fly through the air. 
You ignored the screams of the others on stream as you focused on one green member. They turned as you hit them a couple of times in the back. As they took off around your island, you ate a golden apple and chased after them, cutting them off and landing another blow. 
They turned and tried to hit you, but didn't realize how close they were to the edge and fell. You turned your head to see your teammates fighting off the rest of them. Tubbo was losing a fight by a player who was continuously eating apples. You ran over to him and hit him. Distracted, he tried to fight you but Tubbo's blade had killed him. 
"Thanks [Your Username]!" You heard Tubbo say as Tommy stopped screaming. The rest of green had fled or died. Wilbur had said nothing during that all while Tommy's mouth never seemed to shut. But you've been watching Tommy for so long, it didn't bother you; if anything, it made you laugh as you fought. 
Wilbur's voice echoed through the stream, "Everyone good?" 
Tubbo and Tommy said "Yes", while you nodded in-game. Your cake was never harmed, so you didn't need to rebuild. All your teammates were fine, other than Tubbo was missing more than half of his hearts. 
You all collected emeralds that were still popping out from the ground. Everyone was stocking up on ender pearls and golden apples, roughly a stack of blue wool and arrows. As you closed out of the menu, you heard the sound of breaking blocks as the game said, "Everyone's cake has been eaten." 
Tommy gathered you all around and said some "inspiring" words, "It's just 3 Red, 2 Green, 2 Yellow, and us left. We are the largest, therefore, we should be able to win this. Besides, we are probably the best PVP-ers in the whole match." 
"Don't get too cocky, Tommy." You typed to them, crouching and uncrouching once. 
Tommy laughed and then shrugged on camera, "Well, he's always cocky." Wilbur’s response came through. 
"Hey, you fooking- never mind. Let's attack yellow, they're closest." Tommy said, before turning back to you and Tubbo.
You nod as he led the three of you down the one-block road and to the middle point. One yellow member in iron armor was trying to capture the point from red but panicked when they saw you coming. You ender pearled in front of them and started your attack. They got distracted with you that they couldn't fight off Wilbur from behind. 
"Let's goooo!" Wilbur yelled, running down the three-block path to Yellow's island. The last person panicked when they saw the charging diamond armor and tried to ender pearl away. But the ender pearl hit the side of an island and they fell to their death. 
"Now I feel bad." You quickly typed into game chat. 
"Nah, there's nothing to feel bad about, it happens," Tommy responded to your message. "Now, let's attack Green." 
The four of you charged forward as Red and Green were fighting. Tubbo yelled out and you all stopped. "Let's wait to see how this plays out." He said as you agreed. 
For the next few minutes, you watched as the red team shot at Green as they tried to bridge across. You kept looking around, always cautious if another player tried to scare you. 
A green player got knocked off their bridge and the other was attacked by a red who threw an ender pearl. "Okay, [Your Username], shoot at them to get their attention. You guys ready?" 
Once everyone said they were, you looked down and started building up while crouching. As soon as you got about 8 blocks high, you selected your bow and aimed at the nearest red. You heard the ringing of the bell as the arrow hit them. They all turned to look at you as you started to dig down. An arrow whizzed past your ear as another hit you, making your character fall 6 blocks. 
Your teammates all stood in front of you as the red team came charging. Eating one of your many golden apples, you started to regain health. 
Wilbur fought one Red member with an enchanted diamond sword and enchanted diamond armor. Tommy attacked one member in full enchanted diamond armor and sword, who was building up, which reminded you of Fortnite building. Tubbo and you attacked the last one you was full enchanted diamond armor and sword. Your team had protection 2, but no sharpness on your swords. 
All the sounds around you were swords swinging, characters jumping back from being hit, and Tommy's screaming coming from the stream. You hit the Red member repeatedly, while Tubbo stood back to heal. 
You were down to about 6 hearts, your armor protecting most of your body. Trying to get away quickly, you started to build up; you were dangerously close to the edge. Making sure your character was okay, you started to shoot arrows from above. 
However, you didn't see the Red member who was fighting Tommy ender pearl up and shoot an arrow at you. "[Your Username]! Look out!" Tommy yelled as you were hit. 
Your character fell off the pillar and down toward the abyss. Having only a second to react, you quickly hit your ender pearls and threw one at the pillar. It connected and you teleported. You quickly placed a block underneath you, surviving with 3 hearts. 
"Ohhh! Oh my god!" You screamed as you ate two golden apples. "Holy shit!" 
As you hit 8 hearts, you joined the battle. Tommy was on 2 hearts and was being chased. You ender pearled behind him and attacked the Red member. Tommy must have had gotten him low because you hit him with two swings and he was dead. Tommy stopped running and saw you. "You're alive??" He seemed shocked. 
You crouched a couple of times, nodding. "You gotta tell me how later."
You nod once and turn to help your friends. As you returned with Tommy behind you, you saw that Wilbur was fighting one off and the other had just knocked Tubbo off the edge. You heard him scream as he fell. 
The red member saw you and quickly ate a golden apple as you charged him. You managed to hit him a couple of times in a row and his character got punched off the edge. At the same time, Wilbur had just killed the last Red member. 
You heard the "Let's goooo!" from the stream and jumped up and down. 
You quickly pulled up discord and got your information before pulling up Instagram on your phone. You found Tommy and opened a chat, sending him your discord. All you had to do was wait for him to open it. 
You also added next to the link, "Wait till after stream." 
As a new game was 20 seconds from starting, you realized that Tommy was talking to you. He wanted you to join another game with them. Of course, you agreed and you all selected the green team.
A couple of hours went past and it was getting later and later. The sky outside darkened and you heard your parents coming home from work. You were an only child, so no siblings were trashing the house with their stuff. 
Your kitten kept sitting in front of your screen, watching the particles in-game. You accidentally let the yellow team eat your cake and then died trying to defend it. Wilbur has just died as Tommy and Tubbo ran for their lives. 
But unfortunately, they had to succumb to defeat and Tommy had to end the stream. As he said his goodbyes to chat, you closed out of the stream and stared at your phone. You waited for it to go off, but it didn't. Not until then minutes after. 
When it eventually did, you were on your PC playing Overwatch. The match had just ended, so you checked. It was a discord text from TommyInnit.
You calmed your inner panic before opening your phone. You accepted his buddy request with no hesitation. Another message went off and it had one single word. "Call?" 
At that very moment, you heard your mother shout out to you. You turned back to your phone before responding with, "Yeah, sure, just give me a minute."
Your mother wanted you to eat dinner; which was macaroni and cheese with chicken nuggets (4). You took a plate to your room and set it down on your desk, watching your cat. He seemed to ignore you but you knew he was waiting for a moment when you're not looking. 
You opened your phone and typed in your chat that you were back. Almost a second after you sent it, you were getting a call from Tommy. You accepted the call and said, "Hello?"
"Okay, well, hi- sorry, I really want to ask. How the fuck did you pull off that bow and arrow kill earlier?" You heard his voice on the other end. He seemed nervous but also knew exactly what he wanted to say.
You laughed, "Well, I've always been good at archery. On video games, of course, not so much in real life." 
"Hm, archery. That should be my next vlog- but anyway! How did you survive that first round? I saw you fall. Was it lag?" 
"Nope, I had ender pearls. I just used one quickly. To be honest, I was as surprised as you were. I was not expecting it to work." You responded as you picked up your cat who was trying to sneak over to your food. 
As the two of you talked, a smile never left your face. You two laughed like you were old friends greeting each other for the first time in years. You kept battling your kitten, which entertained Tommy. You talked until it was 9 pm in America. You previously found out from school that it was a 5-hour difference between the US and Great Britain.
"Wait, wait, wait, Tommy? Isn't it like 2 in the morning for you right now?" You asked after he hummed. 
"Uhh, no- wait, yeah, yep, yep, it is. That explains why I'm so tired-" he started laughing which in turn, made you laugh. 
"Ugghh, I should probably go to bed." He yawned midway through his sentence. 
You nodded, although he couldn't see you, "Yeah, you yawning is making me tired." 
"Oh, I'm sorry, well, it was nice meeting you [Your Name], and um, maybe we can play sometime soon." You heard him say.
"Yeah, it would be fun.” You said, “I would love to play some more sometime. I’m sure you can find time in that “Busy schedule” of yours.” 
You heard Tommy laugh from the other end, “Well, I mean, I’m not that busy. But we’ll see. Don’t tell anyone, but more vlogs are coming soon, so, I’m pretty busy this week.” 
“Alright, I won’t keep you up too late. Goodbye Tommy, it was nice meeting you.” You said. 
“Yep, you too. Goodnight!-” he ended the call as he dragged out the last of his sentence. You leaned back in your chair and looked at the ceiling, a smile on your face. That day was one of your best days.
You were definitely looking forward to the next match you would play with TommyInnit.
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You know when some girlfriends/boyfriends are a bit insecure and they’re in a long distance relationship and they get a little anxious when their partner took some time to answer their texts or to call them back? They will say things like “why you didn’t text me back?” or “why you took so long?” or even “were you with someone else?” I know it’s not healthy for a relationship, but sometimes people are just too hurt about a past they had or too insecure. Sometimes it’s really bad for real. Would you consider writing something that shows Lando being like this with Carlos? Set around the time Carlos was already in Italy and had to spend a lot of time with the Ferrari team and Lando would understand this, but at night when he thought he would have Carlos’s attention, he didn’t. Some evenings he didn’t have a text back, but that was because Carlos was working late with the team and his phone died off, something along this. But Lando being insecure, he would freak out with his boyfriend in the next day.
Yeah, I exactly know what you mean, anonym - haven’t we all been there once? Or at least haven't we asked ourselves those questions at least once, when someone didn’t answer instantly? I can so picture Lando to be that way, even without wanting so and also actually exactly knowing that it was “wrong”, because he has no reason to feel this way with Carlos, but still he does and gives himself more trouble than necessary with it.
I have written a little story to it - I hope you will like how it turned out in the end 🤗
Thanks for the inspiration! ❤️
This was definitely the part of being a Scuderia Ferrari driver Carlos hated. It wasn’t like he had done it on purpose to break his promise once again, to postpone their date night again, to take another night shift at the factory or that his phone had died off at some point during the evening, before he could inform his boyfriend about anything of it.
It wasn’t like he could ask someone to borrow him their phone, so he could call Lando and break so his already tattered heart into a million pieces with telling him that they also won’t be able to spend this evening together like he had actually promised him this morning, because no one knew about them being a couple.
The Spaniard had tried to stay focus the whole time long at the factory, but thinking about his boyfriend, sitting there all alone in his house back in the UK and waiting for him to finally call him, after they hadn’t been able to talk properly to each other the other day and also not the day before, broke Carlos’ heart as well and he felt like he was the worst boyfriend ever.
He was so sorry about how things had turned out lately between them since he had moved to Italy. Carlos, actually they both, had been aware about that things won’t be easy for them and for their relationship, but still it had turned out to be even more challenging and harder than they had even dared to think about.
With Carlos, Lando had his first relationship with, not only with another man but also in general. So the Spaniard was aware about that the younger one never had it easy since they were together with everything being so new to him, also not in the beginning, when their relationship was still developing back then, but Lando had got used pretty quickly to always have him around, to always have him close whenever he needed him in a weak moment, but now this close and also kind of clingy relationship had turned into a long-distance one and even when it hadn’t already been easy for Lando before, Carlos couldn’t even imagine how difficult it had to be for him right now.
Lando needed him in so many ways and it just broke the Spaniard’s heart to know, that he won’t be able to pull him close tonight, show him how much he loved and adored him and how important he was for him as well. When his work for today will finally be done, he will have to come back home to an empty, quiet flat, while the young Brit probably cried his eyes out in desperation miles and miles away from here.
Carlos was everything Lando had in that regard, because no one had a clue about them being a couple. He couldn’t talk with anyone else about it or how he felt. Why he was so insecure, thoughtful, even anxious all the time. Why he always felt so lonely.
By the time Carlos was finally able to plug his phone into the charger at home, he was breathless from running all the way from his car up to his flat, taking three stairs at once and making himself the biggest guilty conscience ever.
The few minutes he had to wait, till he was able to turn on his phone again, he wandered all nervously and worrying up and down his place, before he decided to use the time and take a quick shower. Also because he would have probably become insane if he had kept on like that.
When he was finally able to turn on his phone, it got instantly floated with plenty of missed calls and even more unread messages. All together he counted eight missed calls, all from his boyfriend and twelve unread messages, where especially three gave him chills
“Why you don’t text me back?”
Carlos knew that Lando was afraid about that he will forget about him once he will be in Italy. About that he will start to find him annoying with all those messages he will write him, with all these calls every evening, with all the attention he will need, even more now that Carlos will be gone. That he will become that frustrated about having such a clingy boyfriend that he will simply stop to text him back at one point.
“Why you take so long?”
Lando was worried about that Ferrari will become more important for his boyfriend than he, even when Carlos had already promised him so often that he will always stay the centre of his life, no matter what. Yes, this chance here with Ferrari was important for him as well, but he would never leave the younger one behind only to follow just one dream of him any more. Because Lando was his dream as well and he just couldn’t imagine a life where he couldn’t have both.
“Are you with someone else?”
That last message of his boyfriend made Carlos feel like he was the worst person ever, because he exactly knew that this right here was Lando’s biggest fear. He had always been afraid about, and sadly he also still was, to not be enough for him. The younger one was concerned about that his boyfriend could meet someone in Italy, someone so much prettier and better than him, that will show Carlos how blind he had been all the time to be together with someone like him.
And even when the Spaniard had told his boyfriend already so many, many times, that he really didn’t have to worry about that at all, because for Carlos he was the most beautiful, funniest, cutest, most adorable and loveable human on this planet, he could still see deep inside Lando’s eyes his fear about that Carlos could replace him so easily if he only wanted.
But for the Spaniard, Lando was perfect, everything he had never even dared to dream about and even more. Carlos felt so blessed and also proud about calling him his boyfriend, but Lando always thought so low of himself, his look-like, his being, his behaviour and also about his experiences and Carlos just hated it whenever he did so, because if Lando would see himself through his eyes, he would see how strong he actually was.
So much stronger than he was even aware about with his still so young age. How beautiful he was, in- and outside. How brave he actually was all the time and how proud he made Carlos with it, because he really knew that this all here wasn’t easy for him, but still Lando had not only agreed to first find out about what those feelings they had for each other really meant, but he had also supported Carlos in his decision to leave the team, when their relationship and everything that came with it was still pretty new and they both hadn’t known in which direction it was going.
Lando also had understanding with that the Spaniard will spend a lot of time with his new team at the factory in Italy at the beginning and also through the whole year. He had never complained about it, because he knew how important this was for the older one, but he had at least thought that the evenings will belong to them, that Carlos will be all his during the nights, but now everything had turned out different and it felt like the two of them weren’t even on the same planet any more.
With lightly shaking hands, because he was afraid about in which state his boyfriend will be, Carlos called his number and waited all impatiently for him to finally answer it. But he didn’t, not by his first try and also not by his fifth.
But the Spaniard was aware about that after an evening like this, Lando wasn’t able to find any rest. He was probably still crying his eyes out, while thinking about the worst possible scenarios.
Already all worriedly, Carlos tipped quickly a message into his phone, because he was concerned about that the younger one was maybe already close to a panic attack or maybe even worse. He wrote Lando to please answer his calls, because he just knew that he was still up and he needed to talk to him.
The Spaniard waited some endless moments, but his boyfriend didn’t try to call him and he also didn’t text him back. Carlos quickly checked the just-in-case, saved phone number of Adam Norris on his phone, because if he won’t be able to reach Lando in the next few minutes, he will have to call his boyfriend’s father, even when it would mean that they will find out so about their relationship with asking him to please look after his son, because he was so worried about him.
Carlos sure as hell won’t find any peace tonight if he won’t be able to reach Lando soon and make sure he was alright. But luckily it didn’t have to come that far, when after his unsuccessful FaceTime calls, the Spaniard tried to just call the younger one this time and Carlos’ heart almost stopped to beat, when he got it that his boyfriend had really accepted his call.
“Lando?” But Carlos wasn’t even surprised, when the other end of the line stayed quiet. But he knew that the younger one was listening, just still too upset to say anything yet. So he finally went on with the softest and most compassionate voice he could manage at this time of the night and with all his worries.
“Oh, mi corazon. I’m so, so sorry. I know it’s a bad excuse, but my phone died, I have forgotten my charger at home and everything has taken longer at the factory than I have expected it to be once again. I’m so damn sorry. It really hasn’t been my intention to make you worry so much. I know you have probably waited all evening long for me to finally call you back and answer your messages, but I promise you, I haven’t forgotten about you, not one second. You were actually all I was thinking about the whole time long. I just wanted to get back home, call you, see your pretty face, talk to you, watch a movie with you together, listen to your voice, watch you falling asleep. And believe me, I wasn’t with someone else, mi amor. I would never cheat on you, you exactly know that. There is no one out there I could ever love the same way as I love you. I know how you are feeling at the moment, but there is actually no reason for you to feel that way, mi corazon. No one will ever be able to replace you in my life, because I actually need you as much as you need me.”
No words came from the other end, but still Carlos knew Lando had listened to his words, because all quietly he could hear him cry into the phone. “Don’t cry, mi corazon. It’s okay, I’m finally here and I promise to be there for you now and I will even stay awake the whole night with you together if you want me to. I’m so sorry my little, precious boy.”
Carlos had to swallow down his own tears and the tight knot inside his throat, because he had to stay strong for his boyfriend and make him feel better with any cost, because Carlos himself had been the reason why he was in this state right now.
“I know I’m horrible.” It suddenly still came from Lando. It was actually only a quiet, almost inaudible whimper, but Carlos still caught it with already being trained to how his boyfriend’s voice did sound, when he was crying and sad.
“No, you are really not, mi corazon. If someone of the two of us is horrible, then it’s definitely me with breaking my promise once again. Don’t say things like that about yourself, while I’m actually so damn proud about you. I know that this all isn’t easy for you, mi corazon, but you are doing so well so far. Not everyone would do this, to stay right by my side and support me, even when it means for us being far away from each other and making so things even more complicated than they already were. You are not horrible, mi corazon and definitely also not weak. I know it’s still difficult for us, but we will get there, I promise. And now please stop crying, mi corazon. Stop thinking those things about yourself or about things that won’t ever happen anyway, because I won’t ever leave you. You and I belong together, no matter how many miles are between us. And in less than two days you will finally have me back and I will be all yours for the next few days and I won’t let you go for just one moment.”
“I miss you.” It came from Lando, still tortured and tired, but already less teary. “I also miss you like hell, mi corazon. I would give everything right now to cuddle with you, but I will make up for it all again, you will see. No one will ever be able to take me away from you for long, mi corazon. I’m all yours. Te amo la luz de mi vida.“
It needed some more soft, soothing words from the Spaniard to finally calm down his boyfriend through the phone, which always took longer and was more difficult, because Lando usually needed much body contact, especially when he wasn’t feeling good and needed some comfort.
But like already so many times before, Carlos somehow made it and finally dried those tears on the younger one’s cheeks, stopped his running nose and finally even managed a smile on Lando’s from the many tears swollen lips.
They both knew that it won’t be the last time for Lando to cry his eyes out while being all alone, missing his boyfriend and thinking about the worst possible things to happen, but it will become easier with time.
Lando was still so young, insecure and also inexperienced when it came to their relationship and everything that came with it, but Carlos will be patient, because he just loved Lando too much to give him up or what they had so easily. Even when it meant to repeat those words over and over again, till he will finally believe him, that he won’t forget about him, that he won’t ever replace him, neither with Ferrari nor with someone else, because Lando was irreplaceable for Carlos.
They will fight for what they have built up, together they will learn and find a way to be happy together, even with such a distance between them.
But what mean just a few miles, when it comes to the love of your life?
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foragergnome · 3 years
drops my lord fly headcanons on you all at once....... I'm 98% sure I forgot someone, so I'll just add to this list later. meanwhile, enjoy :)
- when he's angry or excited, his voice gradually speeds up until you can't even understand him anymore
- "wanna see me climb that tree really fast, do a flip off of it, swing from a branch, and land on the ground on my feet? okay then close your eyes."
- talks in his sleep. usually small mumbles, but when its intense, it could be full on yelling.
- adhd
- abandonment issues
- has a dark and self-deprecating sense of humor
- can be very sarcastic
- he's surrounded by idiots
-  pyromaniac
- doesn't like to cuss, but does so when he feels it is necessary
- sensitive nose and hearing
- not straight. denies it tho
-  perfectionist. has very serious OCD
-  the rich kid
-  takes his problems out on other people, especially those who seem like a lower class
-  also has some family issues. both parents are high-class. his father has very bad anger issues
-  sarcastic, but only when in a bad mood
-  he is very protective of the choir tho and cares about them immensely
-  picky about food
-  cusses a lot, but not around his family
-  absolute beaut when it comes to singing
-  very loud when talking. you could probably hear him on the other end of the hall. "oh, boy, here comes Jack Merridew and his choir."
-  acts like he doesn't care. he probably does
-  looks like he could kill you. doesn't have the guts to
-  biromantic :)
-  absolutely loves animals
-  also likes plants too
-  gets distracted very easily
-  loves to share
-  a very good listener
- his favorite season is the springtime. he loves the colors and the weather, and the bees that come out during that time.
-  has some family issues back at home
-  the smartest out of the choir boys
-  despite this, he says a lot of things that make no sense whatsoever and then never elaborates on it
-  "walking into choir practice and seeing the stupidity there is like waking up to pancakes and orange juice! :)"
-  best friends with roger, maurice, and robert
-  diagnosed with vasovagal syncope (in which there are periods where his heart rate or blood pressure will suddenly drop. the reason why he faints a lot. usually happens under overwhelming situations)
-  infodumper. usually infodumps about candy and the history and the choice of colors for the wrappers
-  sit down with piggy and he'll probably immediately spitball fun facts to you
-  gets embarrassed easily
-  a boy scout
-  mumbles a lot. talks to himself.
-  has serious anxiety. this typically triggers his asthma
-  smarter than everyone. like ralph, he, too, is surrounded by idiots
-  big sweet tooth.
- very clumsy
-  lost his father to the war. his mother left after that, afraid she wouldn't be able to take care of him.
-  tries to look aggressive. fails immediately.
-  short short short short s
-  a bully, this one is
-  currently going through his emo phase
-  you'd think his parents would like morticia and gomez addams from the addams family, but they're actually really happy and bright people
-  also has two little sisters (they're twins)
-  he never talks about his family
-  collects rocks and crystals
-  the only living things he can tolerate are snails and simon.
-  quiet. only talks when he needs to talk
-  very interested in the history of dead people
-  looks up to Jack for his confidence. follows him around, usually
-  (in a strained voice) "Death makes worms of us all."
-  G notes everyone
-  joined the choir because his father encouraged it. actually ended up really enjoying it, and he can sing very well
-  very, very close to each other. they can definitely sense when one or the other is in pain or in danger
-  argues about who is older and who is taller
-  sam is definitely the smarter, gentler of the two, while eric is more on the rebellious side
-  they stick together as much as possible
-  made nametags on the island because I said so.
-  but they like to confuse people and switch their nametags sometimes
-  "wow, it's very nice to be in your shoes, sam. but I'm afraid we're going to have to switch our names back because I think ralph is going to throw himself off the mountain if we keep this up."
-  they both smile a lot. it can be kinda creepy sometimes.
-  definitely finish each other's sentences, but only when they can actually sense that it needs to be done.
-  sam is a dog person, eric is a cat person
-  sam has more anxiety than eric does, probably because eric is always putting himself in danger and sam doesn't know what he would do without Eric.
-  nonbinary (he/they/xe)
-  gnc af
-  neurodivergent
-  had long hair before the island, and got it cut before the plane ride. it got long again, tho.
-  usually follows roger and Jack around
-  talks really fast. usually hard to keep up with him, but he'll slow down once you ask him to.
-  super clingy
-  gets flustered when someone tries to hold his hand, tho
-  the class clown. but somedays he's also calmer and quiet
-  roger likes the calmer maurice better
-  sometimes joins roger in the bullying, but stops when it gets to be too much
-  very good at singing, but can sometimes have trouble staying in time
-  collects old postage stamps
-  has the personality of a puppy.
-  "brb guys! I have to go pee with excitement!"
-  also gnc. he's just so casual with his outfits that sometimes he'll wear skirts and dresses and things
-  more on the calm, collected side. but can be chaotic when in the mood :)
-  "blimey, robert! look at that goose over there!"
-  mimicks animal noises
-  cusses a lot. but does it so calmly and smoothly that it sounds natural
-  mama's boy
-  he and robert are usually seen sitting in the back, talking with each other.
-  claims he's been in the war. he hasn't.
-  percival's older brother
-  "its days like these when I just don't give a fuck."
-  blind in one eye
-  because he is blind in one eye, his perception of depth sucks.
-  he runs into doors and trees and walls a lot.
-  has a very broad knowledge of plants
-  also very knowledgeable about ants, for some reason
-  mom friend
-  born in canada. moved to the UK at a very young age
-  bestest friends with bill and simon
-  gets queasy very easily
-  has some anxiety
-  self-conscious about his singing voice. that's why he never takes the solos
-  "I joined the choir because Bill joined the choir. I didn't think I would have to actually bloody sing in this godforsaken classroom."
-  encourages maurice's and roger's antics
-  likes his tea and coffee scorching hot
-  has a panic attack when they first landed on the island. bill and simon had to calm him down.
-  claims he has a disease that's contagious, which is how he gets away from social interaction
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gehayi · 4 years
It's possible that Tom Riddle seduced Merope Gaunt & later on she lied to get him to marry her or more likely she had symptoms of a false pregnancy & believed she was pregnant which led her to tell him she's with child. Given the social pressures of the time he left with her & the 2 likely eloped with Merope becoming pregnant later on but when Tom learned of this it lead him to abandon her anyways. What is your view on what really happened between Merope Gaunt & Tom Riddle Senior?
It’s possible, sure, that Merope could have lied about being pregnant or could have read the symptoms of false pregnancy wrong . But...well, I’ve been to school with rich privileged kids, and I find it more believable that Tom Sr. found the silent adoration of the ugly daughter of the local hermit amusing enough to exploit. 
I could see him having a bet with his friends about how far he could push this and for how long. I could even see one of his friends dressing up like a minister and Tom going through a mockery of a marriage both to reassure her and to make fun of her. She thinks that it’s strange, of course, but what does she know about how Muggles do things? And meanwhile, Tom Sr. is looking oh-so-serious and he wants this and he wants her and for once in her life, it seems like she has what matters.
Meanwhile, Tom’s friends are stifling their laughter and trying not to meet each other’s eyes for fear that they’ll lose it.
After the fake marriage--who knows how long?--Tom convinces Merope to come with him to London--in April 1926 at the latest. He drives them there, or they take a train. Either way, he arranges the transportation and pays for a hotel room. Maybe he tells her that this is going to be their honeymoon. Maybe he says that they’re going to set up their own house in London. It doesn’t matter to him, as long as the lie works.
Merope isn’t familiar with Muggle cities, Muggle tech of the 1920s, or Muggle money. (She may not even be fully literate; we know that she never went to school and that her father taught her and her brother nothing.)  London is an incomprehensible maze to her. And the hotel room is clean and warm and has soft carpets and pictures on the wall. There’s a box that produces music and stories and news. Lights come on with the touch of a button. And she doesn’t have to cook or clean anything. It’s luxury that she’s never dreamt of. 
To quote the very wise Ursula Vernon, “Relief feels like happiness, if you don’t know the difference.” 
Tom is pleased that she’s so easily satisfied; he doesn’t have to explain to anyone he knows why he’s with this ugly woman. He pays for clothes for her, but he doesn’t take her anywhere. When he’s bored with Merope, he tells her that he has to go out and then parties with his friends. She doesn’t question him. She doesn’t even consider doing so.
In May 1926, there’s a general strike. 
Roads all across Britain become impassible.  Buses have to barricade their windows. The strikers derail the train the Flying Scotsman in Northumberland. The government declares martial law. It even sends a warship to Newcastle. The world has turned upside down.
Merope hears about all this on the radio; it’s her main form of entertainment. She starts peppering him with questions. Why is the strike happening? Why is everyone so angry?
Tom is shaking and tense and can scarcely think coherently. How can these creatures, these underlings, rebel against the orderly system he’s been part of since birth?  And how can this--this daughter of a mere tramp question him?
He yells at her to shut up. He apologizes afterward, and Merope accepts his apology. But the bloom is off the rose now. She knows now that he can be pointlessly cruel, just like her father and brother.
She tries very hard not to know this.
The general strike ends after nine days. Martial law, however, drags on and on. So do transportation problems. And 1.7 million strikers are now out of work. This is not the bright, fun city Tom wanted to visit. 
June arrives. By now Merope’s adoration isn’t as intriguing to Tom, and her pregnancy is starting to show as well.  Like many men and boys of privileged backgrounds, Tom thinks of pregnancy as something that only happens if the woman wills it. He is sickened and outraged that Merope has gotten pregnant--to trap him, he’s sure--and he chews her out for this.
Merope, though, was painfully isolated while growing up. She knew only her father and brother. Her father warned her repeatedly  not to let a Muggle touch her...but he didn’t provide any clarifying details. She had no mother, no sisters, no female friends. She had no education to speak of. Porn was not conveniently available. And she could not read. 
So, faced with Tom’s rage, Merope is at sea, for nothing he says is making sense. She doesn’t know how menstruation, conception and pregnancy work. The world hasn’t bothered to tell her.
Also...partying would have eaten into Tom’s money anyway, but the general strike and its disruption of transportation has made goods like food much more expensive. Though Tom doesn’t want to admit it, his funds are running frighteningly low. He needs the good will of his parents to acquire more cash, and quickly He also needs to square matters with the  rich, upper-class, utterly suitable young woman he’s actually going to marry while assuring her that the Merope situation is no fault of his. 
Arguments begin breaking out daily, then hourly. Tom starts them, taunting Merope’s wall-eyes and ignorance. She despairs when she hears this--after all, mockery and derision are all she’d ever heard from her father and brother.   She loves Tom desperately, but he doesn’t love her.
She doesn’t yell, because she’s been trained since childhood not to. Instead, she begs him frantically, frenziedly not to leave her, because he's the one who knows how to handle this incomprehensible city.  But her panic repels Tom, who sees it as clingy manipulation. It’s only London, after all. There’s nothing to fear.
So one day he returns home--without telling Merope. She's escorted out of the hotel room shortly after that.  He didn’t stiff her with the bill, but not out of kindness. He simply doesn’t want anything, even a bill, tying him to her.
Merope is now alone and adrift in London.  No money. No marketable skills. No transportation beyond her own feet--she has no way of paying for buses or cabs, and she may not even know the Underground exists. And no home.  It’s August, maybe September of 1926.  A rainy August, a mild September.  She’s five or six months along.  And winter is coming.
It comes in October, with freezing cold for most of the month and a snowstorm on the 28th.
She’s been living rough for a month or two. The clothes she’d worn earlier that year aren’t warm enough for October, and the cold has begun to gnaw at her bones. She's starving, too, and by now she knows that countless Muggles, all more qualified for any job than she is, are also out of work, thanks to May’s general strike.
She doesn’t ask anyone else for help. She should, but Tom was the only Muggle she ever really knew--and he betrayed her. She can’t bring herself to  trust another.
And oh, she doesn’t dare go home. Even if she knew where it was and how to get there, her father would beat her to death for polluting the pure line of Gaunt with a Muggle’s get. And her brother Morfin would join in. Happily.
She begs--for food, mostly, though sometimes people give her money. Sometimes, too, they give her advice--to go to a church or a shelter or some government office. Merope nods and smiles and ignores the advice. She’s not going to trust the Muggle government after this past May, and she won’t shelter with dozens of Muggles. That would be suicide.
November 1926 is one of the wettest on record in the UK. Merope falls ill halfway through the month. She’s starting to have trouble breathing, and she’s tired and achy all the time. 
December is filled with bitter, Arctic chill. 
Merope has little strength left. She’s not getting enough air, somehow, and she’s constantly shaking with heat or cold, she doesn’t know which. Her vision is blurry, and even when she can obtain food, it’s hard to keep it down.
You’re dying, a voice says deep inside, and she knows the voice is right.
One day, she spots a building with lots of people caring for babies and children. She asks meekly, and someone--whoever tossed her a sixpence? another beggar?--tells her it’s an orphanage. Merope doesn’t know what that is, but she knows her baby would be better off inside the building than outside it. 
December 31, 1926 is a mild, sunny day. Merope thinks of it as a good omen...until the pains start.
Merope doesn’t know anything about childbirth; she simply feels as if she’s being ripped apart from the inside out. She screams, not even caring if the Muggles hear. 
Somehow, somehow, she manages to limp and crawl to the orphanage. She knocks on the door, which is the bravest thing she’s ever done. But her baby can’t survive a winter on the street. Maybe the Muggles will take care of him if they don’t know his mother was a witch.
She doesn’t even notice that she’s thinking of herself in the past tense.
A woman named Mrs. Cole answers the door and bustles her into a spare bedroom. It’s still unbearably cold, so cold that Merope thinks that her bones will shatter from shaking so hard, but there’s light and color and oh, it reminds her of the hotel room before everything went wrong. And Mrs. Cole is speaking to her in a kind, soothing tone and letting Merope grip her arms when the pains are bad. For the first time since Tom, Merope feels valued. Safe.
Her son is born at a minute to midnight, a scrawny scrap of humanity. Small wonder. Merope’s had little enough to eat for months. He has good strong lungs, though, which pleases her in a dim way. The world seems to be fading away, but that’s all right. She just wants to sleep.
She hears Mrs. Cole asking her something. Not her name--she told Mrs. Cole that before. Oh! The baby’s name.
There’s only one name she could give him--the one Muggle name that means anything to her. 
“Tom,” she murmurs. “Tom...Riddle...Jun--”
And a soothing darkness claims her.
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Katie McGoran, 21, who left the first “kill the bill” demonstration on 21 March before any trouble broke out, claimed she was mistakenly arrested after a male officer dressed as a postal worker tricked his way into her shared student house in north Bristol five days later. She says the disguised officer and at least three other male plain-clothed officers followed her flatmate up the stairs before revealing they were police with a warrant. They then burst into McGoran’s bedroom and handcuffed her while she was only partially dressed.
“It was frightening having all these policemen in my room after what happened to Sarah Everard and seeing footage of the vigil in Clapham,” she said. “I was only wearing a T-shirt, underwear and a short dressing gown. I felt really vulnerable. I started having a panic attack. I was so scared. I was shrieking and asking to call my mum but they said ‘no’ and told my flatmate to go to her room.”
The officers, she claimed, kept her in handcuffs even after they realised she didn’t match the picture of the person they were looking for. They watched, she added, as she struggled to put some joggers on: “I couldn’t put them on because of the cuffs. I was crying. It was really humiliating.”
McGoran said they eventually uncuffed her but didn’t apologise for the 20-minute ordeal. “They were making jokes when they had caused me to have a panic attack,” she said.
The same day the police are said to have used similar tactics to raid another all-female shared student house in the city. The family of Grace Hart, who is 16, claimed she answered the door twice to a male officer pretending to be postal worker with a package for her flatmate. Her father, Paul Hart, said she became suspicious so she started to close the door. The officer, he claimed, then barged in along with a group of at least three other plain-clothed male officers shouting “police” and pointing Tasers at her.
“They pushed her up against the wall. They had Tasers out. She had red dots on her body,” he said. “Three of those could have killed her because of the voltage. It’s an excessive use of force. It’s absolutely horrendous.”
The officers, claimed Hart, searched the entire house, including his daughter’s room, even though the person they were looking for wasn’t there and Grace didn’t attend any of the protests. Grace said she felt “violated” by the raid and added “I’m now really nervous to open the door when I don’t know who is behind it.”
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