#that’s why I rb ed this
grocerystoreanxiety · 1 month
what's with someone making a very generic "I want to lose weight"-esque sentence, copy pasting it a billion times (usually in pink text), adding every ed tag under the sun, and it having like 4567 notes. Like who is reblogging that, what's the appeal there,??I don't get it
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giomagnetism · 1 year
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i’m a day late for transgender day of visibility but it doesn’t matter, they’re trans they’re awful and they’re better than you!
shiloh belongs to @shadowsplice!
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skapediem · 1 year
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apollo 15
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1pcii · 9 months
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the amount of money I'd pay to go through this blog
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iero · 5 months
Once again thinking about the person who I enjoy talking to the most and I talk to every day or almost every day is my aunt. Let me repeat that: MY AUNT. Who is a family member...
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heartsoji · 1 year
stupid post won't let me rb in a rb game so uh here
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this can just be a gtkm
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gokufangirl · 2 years
i hv the bestest idea for a gochi fanfic but i hv exams and idk how to expand filler scenes someone help
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lovelenivy · 2 months
hey I just wanted to give you a heads up that a blog you reblogged fma/Roy and Ed art from @/niaojirou posts royed as a ship :( their bio says that they depict characters as 18+ but the ship is still really gross since Roy is an grown adult
hey ! while this was probably sent with good intentions, please understand that i actually don't really care what other people are doing in their own space because it's literally none of my business ( – no offense btw! ). i just have always believed in "ship and let ship" and don't think it's necessary to attack anyone based on ships they have. plus im only here to chill and have fun and rb what i want, not get into fandom drama or whatever. :3 thank u tho.
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 7 months
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The way that some swifties try to make everything about Taylor’s ed is just so bizarre. I just don’t understand it.
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beachboysnatural · 1 year
My relationship to food is so crazy fr and by that I mean just this side of unhealthy
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freyzrc · 1 year
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Day 98 I drew today's Inumaki out of spite. 🤣 rant under the cut
I rarely ever rant on Tumblr but I was kinda put off by it so.. Someone actually rb-ed one of my previous Inumaki post tagging 'he looks so weird without having his mouth covered' 'give his scarf back' and it pissed me off because the audacity of some people to consume free content on the internet and still try to dictate what others should draw is like ?? Sometimes I just don't understand why people can't just move on from a post instead of having to comment something rude when they don't like it. Just because something doesn't fit your taste, it does not give you the right to bring others down. If you want an Inumaki that caters to your own taste then by all means draw it yourself. Nobody's stopping you. I'm an artist and I am my own person. I don't draw to cater to a single person, I'll draw whatever I enjoy drawing. So here's another Inumaki without his face covered. ♥ Anyway I really do appreciate the love everyone has given to me on my art thus far, especially on the Inumaki ones. I am very grateful for all the cheers and kind words and I hope everyone continues to enjoy them as much as I enjoy drawing them! Remember to eat, have a good rest and a good day! ILY ♥
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librarycards · 7 months
hi sorry i saw u rb posts on veganism & i was wondering how you reconcile that stuff re: ED's (for context i am vegetarian -which ik isn't the same thing- for eco/ethical reasons but also have loved ones with eating problems that i never never never want to shame for eating ever)
this is a good question! I've addressed it a few times before on here, but in brief: veganism is a philosophy and ethical orientation around all forms of consumption and relationality. food is, for a number of reasons (many of which also contribute to the prevalence of eds - fixations on false ideas of 'perfectable' heath; desirability politics; etc) a hypervisible component of vegan life. this is particularly true given that there is a massive imbalance in the ways that we collectively gather. a focus on food-themed events marginalizes a wide variety of disabled people and/or people with religious/ethical food restrictions, and in this case, being vegan and living with an ed are actually pretty similar re: exclusion and frustration.
given the above, more and more people these days have been delineating between "vegan" and "plant based". to be vegan, here, is to have a certain set of political commitments - toward multispecies + climate justice, via critical analysis and collective organizing regarding what we are, literally and figuratively, expected to swallow under settler colonial capitalist hegemony. to be, or eat, a plant-based diet, is no more than what it says on the tin.
with that important distinction aside, i actually want to focus on one part of your ask: the idea that to be vegan is in and of itself an act of shaming. i want you (and not specifically you, because this is something a lot of people should ask themselves) to think about why you find veganism itself to shame (verb) nonvegans. generally, there are a few reasons for this: perhaps it's just not having met a lot of vegans and only hearing internet scaremongering. perhaps it's a discomfort not unlike other unwillingness to look at the horrible shit that makes "our" lifestyles possible. it is hard to understand our own complicity in hegemonic violence, and, vegan or not, it is impossible to extricate ourselves fully from it. but we do need to look. veganism, at its best, provides a critical lens for looking, and a set of practices to minimize, as best we can, our buy-in.
truthfully, i think that people who feel shamed by the existence of a vegan in their midst should figure that problem out on their own. this includes psychiatrically disabled people, incl. disorderly eaters. this does not give any of us license to harangue vulnerable people for their eating habits, but it also doesn't morally obligate us to change our lifestyles for their comfort!
as a vegetarian, you probably don't have a whole lot of occasion to talk about your vegetarianism (outside, say, drs offices or food-based gatherings). people are often surprised when they learn that i'm vegan, because they assume all vegans must be "preachy" (i have yet to meet a vegan over the age of eighteen irl who is like this. i've met a lot of Big Mad protein bros, though, as well as MYRIAD preachy med professionals and laypeople who freak tf out that i'm a principled vegan anorexic). at the end of the day, you need to be able to live a life you can tolerate, one that best facilitates you to impart good in the world + in your relationships. one that allows you to understand the gravity and importance of your own survival, on your terms. if vegetarianism or veganism do that for you, those who love you will support it, even if it takes a while.
so, yeah. i'm not sure if you wanted explanation, advice, or both, so I gave both. sorry for the long answer (even though i promised brevity...) but i believe very strongly in bodily autonomy - this informs my veganism - anarchism - broad politic, and my answer to this ask. so you got an essay!!
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rabbit-heart4 · 7 months
why does ed's jacket only have one sleeve? rb w wrong answers only.
i chose to believe izzy went feral and chewed it off
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fairycosmos · 10 months
stupid question but why does food need a content warning
ive been asked a lottt by ppl with ed's / food issues to tag food if i rb it so i just do it for those who don't want to see it randomly x
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dicenote · 3 months
for the character bingo (not sure if you're actually doing it or if you just rb-ed because you were interested, but if you are) aizawa please!
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Thanks for the ask! Aizawa is one of my favorite Death Note characters, hence why he's not safe from a little projecting <3
I gave him "blorbo-in-law" because I feel like I didn't really get him all that much until I watched the anime with my nephew. Nephew seemed to really like Aizawa in the second half, so I got to thinking about him a lot more.
One thing that gets me "shaking him bartender style" (lol) is that one scene where Near straight-up tells Aizawa that he and the Task Force are basically useless in the fight against Kira. Like, I can't imagine spending nearly SIX YEARS on something, only to be told by the kid with the Legos that you can't do anything to make an impact anymore. That must've hurt.
In addition to that, Aizawa is so interesting to me because he doesn't ever blindly follow Near/L. That bit at the end of the anime where Aizawa chases after Light despite Near's orders is one of my favorite changes from the manga. Aizawa's desire to think for himself makes him really interesting (and kinda difficult) to write.
(Also, I marked him as a bi icon because, while he has a wife, aizaide and aizamatsu have me in a chokehold rn.)
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painisntn33ded · 4 months
i feel like i should put this reminder here again (i might just do it every few months now) but please please please do not rb my memes with ed tags. there's a reason why i post my stuff without tags, im not interested in getting the attention of the staff. everything i post is just little jokes about my own mental health but people who have never experienced these disorders will not understand that and will thus not hesitate to take down my account. im well aware that not everyone who rb my memes follows me or has read my intro but if you're new to my account, just please respect that i don't want any ed tags on my posts.
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