#that'll give me a good excuse
placeofwonder · 11 months
today i walked through the park to the bus stop for my 8 am class and the leaves were green and red and yellow and orange, and there was mist hanging over the river and three swans gliding through the mist, and I didn't take any pictures because I didn't want to miss the bus so you'll have to take my word for it, but sometimes the world is actually just so beautiful
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sigilcatt · 2 months
your recent seb fic was so cute!! could i request some general sebastian dating headcanons :3?
☆ Sebastian dating hcs ☆
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• The fact that you managed to get him as a boyfriend is a win in itself.
• I mean, at first you figured Sebastian hated you, considering the way he would constantly taunt you for your errors, blaming any failure on your incompetence followed by a snarky remark.
"I'm sure the door with breathing behind it is completely safe to open...Urbanshade must be very lucky they have you."
• But despite this, one thing lead to another aaaand now you're dating a 10ft sea monster! Lucky you!
• How did he even fall for you? His guess is as good as yours.
• He lets you stay in his shop as long as you'd like. Tired? Use his tail as a pillow and he'll gently wrap it around you, as if trying to shield you from the creatures outside.
• sometimes you don't even realize you've fallen asleep on him until you wake up to him glossing over a file before smiling down at you. "Sleep well?"
• He'll listen to you rant about whatevers on your mind, a few "Mhm"s and "Really now?"s being his only responses. It's not that he isn't listening, he just finds your rambling endearing and prefers to watch your face practically glow when talking about your interests.
• Petnames aren't too special- He'll randomly throw a "Hun" or "Sweetheart" your way when conversing. I dunno, he just seems like the type to prefer those.
• Prepare to be picked up and placed on his shoulder at least once when around him. He hardly ever gets to be eye-level with you due to the significant height difference, so randomly snatching you up without warning is his best way of doing so.
• He tries to be as gentle as possible, knowing his claws could easily hurt you. Sometimes he'll run a single claw softly down your back. Or maybe he'll use it as a gentle hook to pull you close to him.
• Don't expect the constant teasing and banter to end so soon-in fact, now that you're dating, it seems to have only intensified. But thats a mutual thing between the two of you.
"Give me that flashlight, I need it."
"Ask nicely, then maybe I will."
"Fuck you."
• Blind him with that flashlight of yours if he gets on your nerves, that usually shuts him up.
• But he does secretly get concerned when you leave the shop. He doesn't enjoy the lingering possibility that you could get hurt.
• He might even use a few excuses to get you to stay longer.
"You don't have to work yourself so hard, y'know."
"That crystal isn't going anywhere, why are you rushing?"
"Take your time, hun."
• If you do return to him looking insanely beat up and in desperate need of a medkit, he'll scold you out of concern.
• He can be a huge flirt, loving the reactions he can fish (ha, fish get it?? I'll shut up now.) out of you.
• More about that height difference, since I love that way too much:
• Sometimes you'll find that one particular item you need just out of reach so that you have to ask Sebastian for help.
• It's possible to get him a little flustered, too! Call him pretty/handsome/whatever, that'll do it.
"Yeah, yeah, you're cute. Quit looking at me like that."
• Overall perfect partner.
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I'm sooo normal about him. Hahahah lollll *twirls hair* I'm so normal about this guy
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mcflymemes · 6 months
PROMPTS FOR FAKE DATING & GOING UNDERCOVER *  assorted dialogue for muses going undercover as a couple and having to maintain the illusion that they're dating, and all the chaos, feelings, and whatnot that come with it, suggested by dollhidden, adjust as necessary, send "reverse" for the reversal of action prompts
come on. at least pretend that you like me.
if we hold hands, that'll sell the illusion even more.
what petnames do you think we'd use if we were actually dating?
please don't make this too difficult on me.
stop letting go of my hand.
you're going to pay for this later.
that was way too close of a call.
[petname]? that's what we're going with?
could you at least look like you like me for an hour? is that so hard?
admit it. i'm not half bad.
didn't think i would enjoy this as much as i am.
did you take acting classes growing up?
excuse me! i'm just trying to sell the illusion!
do you think they bought it?
you don't look like you love me. you look like you're constipated.
way to lay it on thick. i think you might have done too good of a job.
pretend to laugh at one of my jokes.
i guess i didn't expect you to dress up for this. i'm impressed.
you know, if you treated me like that on the regular, i might actually start falling in love with you.
they have to believe we're together. how hard can it be?
quick, pretend like you're about to kiss me.
you clearly care more about the tiny appetizers than you do me.
i'm just here for the free champagne.
you clean up nice.
that honestly wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
they're looking over here. quick, say something funny.
that... was surprisingly smooth of you.
you don't date much, do you?
we should pretend to date more often.
hey! my eyes are up here!
shit, they're coming. kiss me.
ACTION PROMPTS all of these are written as if both parties are fake dating and going undercover at some specified event, but feel free to add your own scenarios if you'd like!
[ hand ] sender quickly takes receiver's hand in public to avoid getting caught
[ waist ] sender quickly slides an arm around receiver's waist in public to avoid getting caught
[ propose ] sender stages a dramatic fake proposal to further sell their relationship to the crowd, catching receiver completely off guard
[ fake fight ] sender and receiver stage a coordinated fake fight/messy breakup in front of the crowd
[ kiss ] realizing they need to sell their relationship to an important person/people, sender and receiver kiss for the first time
[ coat ] noticing receiver is cold, sender gives them their coat
[ entrance ] sender and receiver approach the entrance of the secret event and discuss their plans for selling their fake relationship to the crowd
[ slip away ] sender slips away from receiver in order to take a break from pretending, and receiver goes to find them
[ off limits ] sender and receiver are exploring an off limit portion of the event space, get caught, and are forced to try to explain how they got lost
[ the big kiss ] to conceal the fact that they're exploring an off limit portion of the event space, sender kisses receiver dramatically once they're caught
[ introduce ] sender introduces receiver as their lover/date/partner to a very important (and potentially dangerous) person at this event
[ family ] sender introduces receiver as their lover/date/partner to their family, who just so happens to also be at the event
[ lost ] sender loses receiver in the crowd and rushes to relocate them before their cover is blown
[ flirt ] when someone else shows interest in receiver, sender steps in and makes it clear they're "taken"
[ exit ] sender and receiver have successfully accomplished their goal, and now must sneak out of the event as covertly as possible
[ spill ] sender accidentally spills their drink on receiver and rushes them to the restroom to clean them up
[ private ] in a brief moment of privacy between the two fake daters, sender admits to receiver that they don't think receiver is as bad as they thought
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mj0702 · 2 months
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@tasha95 put in some effort and thought of something... so I put some effort in too
“Bubs.... come on... final is starting” you heard Lucy yell from the living room where she sat on the couch Ona leaning against her
On the other side there where Laura and Keira leaving a small space for you in the middle
“Yeah... don't stress the cook” you yelled from the kitchen
“She making popcorn in the microwave” your sister mumbled rolling her eyes which caused a round of chuckling from the others
“And you won't get any” you said as you basically threw yourself in the space they left for you
“Play nice you two” Keira scolded you both smiling as she took a handful out of your popcorn bowl
“So... Laura... you're sitting here with one spaniard and three english... who are you rooting for?” you smirked challenging
“As an Austrian I support Austria” Keiras girlfriend smirked back
“It's the Euros Laura... not the World cup... you Austrians only want to rule the world... not quite successful at that but you tried before... The final is Spain against england... I don't see any Austria... I mean we do sport the red and white colours but.... england or Spain?” you kept poking her
“I'm Switzerland” the Austrian player didn't give in on your poking
“No you're not... england or Spain” you smirked loving the relationship that formed over the past couple of month with the new girlfriend of your “mom”
“Then Germany...” Laura smirked
“Uuuuhhh... I don't see any Germany... well...” you tilted your head “... so didn't the english Troops 1945... wasn't their leader an Austrian?”
“Bitsy!!” Keira exclaimed shocked
“Bubs!!” Lucy squeaked just as shocked
“Of the english troops? How should I know... isn't that your countries history?” the Austrian said her eyes glinting challenging
“Oh we had a fantastic leadership 1945... King Georg VI was an amazing Leader... not to mention his Daughter... did you know that the late Queen Elisabeth met the man your country pissed off by not accepting him at that art school and pissed him off so bad that he wanted to take over the world?” you grinned back
“You just wait little Scott... we'll succeed one day” Laura smirked
“That'll only happen when the last Piper stopped playing” you said putting on your thickest Scottish accent
“You two are unbelievable” Keira groaned but at the same time she was happy and grateful that you accepted Laura so easily
“Back to the original question... england or Spain” you nearly crawled over Keira to get into Lauras face
“Since Spain is a little outnumbered here... I'm going for the red and yellow colours” the Austrian quickly snipped your nose making you scrunch up
“You suck up... you don't need to support the enemy to get on Onas good side... just bake her some Catalonian stuff” you said trying not to sneeze when you felt Ona lightly kick your ass
“Excuse me?” the spaniard said fake upset “Laura can support whoever she wants”
“Not if it's the wrong whoever” you exclaimed holding on to Keira so Ona won't push you off the couch
“Whomever” your sister corrected you smirking
“You didn't correct her” you whined as Kei started to laugh
“English isn't her first language...” Lucy pointed out as she pulled Ona tighter into her embrace
“It isn't mine either!” you exclaimed
“If you say now your first language is Scottish I'll kick you into next century Bitsy” Keira looked at you darkly and you decided to better shut up and cuddle up against the blonde smiling sweetly
“And you called me a suck up” Laura mumbled under her breath seeing how you relaxed against her girlfriend your legs over Onas your feet against Lucys thighs taking up the whole couch
“At least I just suck up and don't suck her” you smirked at the Austrian who bursted out laughing while Keira slapped the back of your head lightly
“Touché Schnucki.. touché” the Austrian laughed as she got more settled behind her girlfriend
“This is painful to watch” you groan against Keiras chest as England gave away another opportunity to score
“It's pretty level...” Lucy tried to find something positive from the first 45 minutes
“Level?? Them spaniards just didn't lead by 18 – nil because of Jordan... he saved them asses...” you got upset
“Bitsy... can you get me another glass of wine please?” Keira gently nudged you feeling how your anger boiled to the surface
“You can...” you started to argue
“Bitsy...” the blonde interrupted you quite firmly “... could you PLEASE get me another glass of wine?”
“Red?” you grumbled knowing Keira send you to calm down
“I'm sorry...” Ona said quietly the second you left the room
“Huh?” Keira looked at her friend confused while Lucy shook her head
“I'm sorry Spain is upsetting her” the spaniard looking guilty
“Oh Ona stop being daft...” Keira waved off “... she's not upset because of Spain... she's upset because she sees all the mistakes and can't yell at them directly... Bitsy sees things we don't... you noticed how she always groan before something is happening? That's because her brain works different and she somehow knows what's going to happen... It's not Spain... and it's not something you need to apologize for”
“Yeah Babe... don't worry about it...” Lucy said softly hugging her girlfriend lovingly from behind
“I don't want her to hate.... us...” Ona said quietly
“She could never...” your sister whispered against Onas hair
“If Spain beats england...” the spaniard started but stopped talking as you came back with Keiras glass filled to the BRIM
“I filled it up a bit more..” you grumbled “... so I won't have to run again”
“Thank you Bits” the englishwoman said sarcastic “So thoughtful”
“Hey Schnucki...” Laura looked at you “... what's going to be the final score”
“2 – 1 Spain...” you huffed as you fell backwards against the couch again “... I predict 1 – 0 around 50' … 1 – 1... ehrm... like... 65'... and then Spain in overtime... just like they did against Germany... your favourite country to invade”
“You seriously milking them jokes...” the Austrian rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless
“WE didn't start the fire...” you said upset
“That was before your time” Laura snorted while Lucy and Keira bursted out laughing
“Come here Bits...” Keira said softly after she calmed down pulling you against her when she saw how emotionally upset you were “... calm a bit okay...”
“She's mean to me” you whined throwing Laura a death glare
“I know....” the blonde smiled softly like you were five again “... so mean”
“Yeah” you huffed out but relaxed when Keira started to lightly scratch your baby hairs
“Congratulations friendly spaniard... the better of the bad teams won” you said seriously at Ona before standing up leaving the room to get some air
“She hates us” Ona said her voice wavering
“No... she hates the fact the men not listened to what she yelled at the TV” Lucy calmed her girlfriend down
“She is very patriotic Ona... she's a very proud and competitive englishwoman...” Keira said softly squeezing Onas knee “... she couldn't hate you even if she tried... she's just upset because she couldn't change anything... with us she can yell and scream and even throw things until we play like she wants us too – to be fair she's an amazing with the analytics and tactics... but now she couldn't get it out of her system... just give her some space and tonight she'll end up in your and Luces bed again”
“I thought it was your night to take her” your sister looked at her ex shocked already planned out the night
“It originally was but I asked you Wednesday if we could swap weekends because my mom is visiting next weekend and she wants to see her grandkid anyway... you said it was okay” Keira said knowing beforehand that Lucy will forget
“Oooooh riiiiiight...” Lucy wrecked her brain trying to remember the conversation “... tell you what... once in a lifetime offer...”
“Nope... I'm not taking today and next week” Keira smiled smugly knowing what her ex would propose
“Come on Kei...” Lucy begged pulling her ex a little aside to mumble “... it's been weeks”
“Same here...” the blonde mumbled back
“If you both don't want me I can go to Mapís” you grumbled pushing right threw them
“It's not that we don't want you Bubs... it's just... you know... I would like to spend some... time with Ona” your sister stammered
“Oh ew...” you exclaimed disgusted “... definitely staying at Keiras now”
“No you won't Bitsy.... I haven't had time for my girlfriend since we played in Frankfurt... and even there we didn't really had time for each other” the blonde said sweetly
“Oh EW...” you heaved out “... I'm staying... somewhere”
“I just texted Caro and Irene... your choice” Lucy smiled happily
“Mapí” you said pouting
“Caro or Irene...” Keira chose her exes side
“They scare me” you huffed out
“Bullshit...” your sister chuckled “... Caro it is then”
“I hate you” you pouted
“I love you too Bubs” Lucy sing-songed while texting the norwegian back
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ecstasyhighway · 4 months
no feelings | toji fushiguro
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cw: toji is lowkey an asshole here guys, small amount of texting at the beginning, toji catches reader masturbating, no use of y/n, pet names: good girl , pretty , princess , baby , babygirl. pussy eating, deadbeat asshole!toji (sorry its canon i fear) backshots… pussy and ass slaps, cum eating if you squint, squirting. unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it chat) toji cums in reader, the tiniest amount of overstimulation and edging. hes rough with reader.. reader had like two drinks so shes not drunk but tipsy. if i missed anything lmk.
a/n: so why tf did this take me ten years to write…? anywayss. no but fr i need him guys.. like why is he so bad actually like… ALSO this is inspired by fanart on pinterest!! okay enjoy sillies
also not proofread and lowercase intended
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you and your friends had just spent a night out at the bar, you had a couple of drinks and you were feeling very emotional and needy. you're in an uber headed to your flat. the small amount of alcohol in your system is clouding your judgment. you head inside dropping all your shit on the floor before plopping down on the couch. you thought to yourself, you need a good dicking down right now. you and toji have been fucking on the low for a year and a half now and you really like him, terrible idea to like the toji fushiguro, but he treats you so well when he wants to… sending toji a text about how you were feeling was definitely not a good idea. yall were just fuck buddies, strictly no feelings attached, but the more you got to know him the more you started to develop feelings for him. you reach for your phone and send a text to toji.
'i lovre yoh <3'
'wtf? yk I said no feelings. do i need to come over there and fuck some sense into you?'
'why are you acting that way? are you drunk?'
'i habd two drinkds im just a little tipsky'
'ok…why'd you send me that stupid braindead text hmm?'
'cus i missd yoouh'
'well then be prepared pretty. imma fuck you til you can't think straight.'
you felt yourself getting wet at the thought of him, you rub your thighs together trying to get some friction. You felt so light headed, just thinking about his body and how good he always fucks you. without thinking your snake your hand into your pants, you begin to rub your clit through your underwear. Needy whimpers leave your mouth as you try to relive the aching feeling in your body. You were so lost in trying to get yourself off you didn't even notice the faint sound of keys jingling, and the door opening.
"what are you doing?" your hear toji's voice echo through your brain and you look up. He looks displeased with you. "y'knew I was coming over right?" you sit up and look at him through your lashes and you nod, feeling embarrassed. "then why are you touching yourself hmm?"
"i jus couldn't wait you were taking too long, i jus' need you so bad" your voice sounds pathetic and he can't help but look at you with fake pity.
"so lemme get this straight, you text me talking about you love me, knowing that'll make me mad.. then you touch yourself knowing I was headed this way which you knew would also piss me off…then you give me some pathetic excuse? oh…" he grabs your face forcing you to look at him "you must want me to break you huh? you want me to fuck you until you can't walk? until you forget your own name? how embarrassing…" he laughs slightly and lets go of your face "get up and go to your room, sit there and wait for me, I'll be there in a minute."
you go to your room and sit there patiently waiting for him to come upstairs. Your heart was beating so fast you could hear it in your ears. It feels like years go by as you wait for toji to come upstairs, you consider going back to the living room and seeing what he was doing but… you know that that'll just make him even more angry.. so you wait, but the feeling in your core is getting harder to ignore. after what seems like hours, finally you hear heavy footsteps from outside your room. The door swings open and he walks up to you, you feel his eyes staring into your soul so you look down, not wanting to look him in his eyes.
he grabs your face making you look at him. "look at me" his voice is harsh and demanding, sending shocks to your core. You look up at him and he smirks, "good girl…" he strokes your cheek with his thumb softly, still looking at you with that sadistic smirk. "please.." you whine trying to get him to stop teasing you. His expression turns cold and he lets go of your face.
"lie down" you listen to him and you sit back on your bed. Toji slowly takes off your leggings. Once he sees the wet spot on your lacy underwear, he rubs your clit through them which causes you to buck your hips at the subtle contact. "you're so wet… all this for me baby?" hes still rubbing small circles on your clit, you whimper and try to grind on his hand to get more friction but he holds your hips in place stopping you from moving. "you're so needy" he laughs before tearing off your panties throwing them over his shoulder. the cold air hits your exposed cunt causing you to try to close your legs but he stops you.
"toji please.." he slaps your pussy and you yelp. He doesn't even give you a warning before begins sucking on your pretty clit "fu-fuck" your hips jerk as he eats you out like he was a starved man. you feel him insert two fingers into you, the mixture of both his fingers and his mouth on your cunt has you seeing stars. The sounds of his slurping and your moans are making you want more, you begin grinding on his face and he groans into your pussy sending vibrations up your spine. His assault on your clit doesn't stop, his fingers pumping in and out of you, hitting your g-spot every time. "mmfh m'gon- please ughfm dont stop m'gonna cum" your voice is loud and breathy, you grind on his face faster feeling your stomach knot up, suddenly you no longer feel him anymore causing you to open your eyes.
"noo..why i was s'close" he doesn't respond to you, he just takes off his pants letting his dick free, pre-cum leaking from the tip. He gives it a couple of strokes before walking up to you and throwing your legs on his shoulders, holding you by your thighs. He rubs his tip against your clit, coating his cock with your slick, he groans as he continues "fuck- you think you can squirt on my dick babygirl?" he doesn't even give you a chance to respond before he slides his dick into your cunt, bottoming out, you mewl at the feeling, clamping down on his cock. He groans above you "you're takin me 's well pretty" he begins thrusting into you, a slow and agonizing pace "fuck toj' faster" he takes a hand and puts it around your throat, squeezing slightly, thumb stroking your bottom lip softly. "y' want me to go faster? nah imma take my time." he continues with his slow strokes, you can feel every inch of him. his tip kissing your cervix with each thrust "look at that baby… hahh fuck- your pussy is so pretty- just swollowing my cock" he reaches down and rubs your puffy clit. its taking everything in him to not just go crazy on you yet, he wants to draw this out as much as he can. "toj' umhpf please-" you're so cock drunk you're just babbling incoherent nonsense. his pace is still slow pulling in and out of you, his balls hitting the plush of your ass softly. your moans are like music to his ears, making his cock even harder. he pulls out and slaps your pussy harshly. tears began to well in your eyes "that hurts" you pout. he leans down to suck on your bottom lip, moving to your neck, leaving dark hickeys on your jawline "awwh does it hurt? thats too bad… stop cryin" he says while wiping the tears from your cheeks.
"turn over." his voice was deep and demanding. you slowly turn and whine when you feel him slap your ass then knead the flesh before landing another harsh slap on your soft skin. "you are being such a good girl baby" he pushes your head into the pillows and spreads your lips while groaning before licking a thick stripe up your slit. "you taste so good princess" he purrs, licking and planting kisses on the sensitive bud. he gives your pussy another slap before getting up and stroking his dick. "mmhf tojii ah stop doin that" he slaps your ass "shut up you're fine" with his cock in hand he slams into you, "ah uhmf toj' so good" he pulls out and slams back in, his pace speeds up with each thrust into your sopping wet cunt. the noises of his balls hitting the plush of your ass, your moans and the sound of your pussy was enough to make him cum right there, but he can hold off just a little longer. he grabs a handful of your hair so he can fuck deeper into you, he finally has a steady pace and rhythm that has you seeing stars and squeezing around him. "ah ah ah ah ah shit keep going" he pulls your hair back, making you arch your back into him. you feel that familiar knot in your stomach "fuh-toji uhmf m'gonna cum" his pace quickens and he lets go of your hair, placing his hand on your lower belly adding pressure "go ahead princess cum on my cock, make a mess on me" you squeeze around him, the pressure he added and his words drove you to your climax, "shi- m'cumming hah" your eyes roll to the back of your skull as you shake from the overstimulation of him still thrusting into you. "you can give me one more right baby?" as he continues to stuff you with his cock he starts rubbing your clit. your brain is hazy and you cant think straight, the only things leaving your mouth is his name and a string of broken moans. "jus one more c'mon cum on my dick again baby" he watches as a ring of your cum covers the base of his dick "m'gon-fuck toj m'cummi-" the clear liquid spurting out of you cuts you off mid sentence, covering his dick in your juices, this is what throws him to the edge. the feeling of you squirting on him, covering both you and himself in your liquids has him losing his rhythm, you notice this and begin fucking yourself into him "wan your cum toji cum in me please" "oka- shit, m'gonna pump you full with my cum- uhmfuck shit" he holds your hips in place while thick ropes of his warm cum paints your walls white, you moan feeling another orgasm build up in your core. you shake from overstimulation, tears staining your cheeks as you let yourself go, you whine and pant, fucking yourself onto his cock to ride out your third orgasm. he pulls out of your warm cunt, watching both his and your cum leak from your hole. he stuffs it back into you, then licks his fingers tasting the salty sweet mixture.
he gets up and puts his clothes back on, leaving your limp, cum filled body on your bed. "alright baby, imma go, you uhh clean yourself up, don't text me with that bs again aigh? oh and i know you're on the pill but still i don't want kids so make sure u ain pregnant, get that mornin after pill if you need too, aigh im out princess" he gives you a final slap on your ass before leaving. you hear him go downstairs, grab his keys to your flat and leave, locking the door behind him. leaving you there full of his cum, tears rolling down your cheeks, body still coming down from the three orgasms you had. you just lie there for a minute, will you send him an i love you text again? maybe… he normally pulls up for a quickie. so for him to fuck you like that… you need it again. you stand up on your sore legs, almost falling over before you head to your bathroom to clean yourself up.
yeah chat i might need him asap… hope yall enjoyed fr
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kadwrites · 1 year
desperate measures | T.S
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or check out the series masterlist
summary ; you finally take on the role of the tommy's bride-to-be.
warnings ; arranged marriage trope, typos? , idk, slow burn.
a/n ; let me know what you guys think! , also , i wanted to ask if you guys would want smut in this series? idk lmk
goosebumps prickle your skin all over, your eyes are glassy when you look down. thomas shelby is down on his knee, kissing your hand.
"tommy..." your voice is softer than you thought it would be
"ya need to be proposed to right? to be engaged?" he pulls away , his thumb slightly caressing your knuckles
neither of you have moved, you just look at each other.
you chuckle again, your eyes go to the diamond ring that rests on your finger "tommy, it's perfect."
"i wanted it to be perfect."
your heart feels like it's going to explode, maybe celest was right, maybe he isn't all that bad.
he stands up, your hand still in his "now we're engaged" he's still giving you that soft smile.
"we are." you can't help the smile that's on your lips
after he left, you hear the sounds of your friends stampeding down the stairs, as if they knew something has happened. anna helps renne down the stairs.
"let's see it" renee has a hand behind her, supporting her back and a hand on her belly, looking at you with genuine joy and excitement.
you move your hands, showing the big diamond ring, the ring shines and as soon as everyone sees it, they all gasp.
"he went down on one knee..." you whisper as you look at it, recalling what had happened, still smiling. you couldn't stop smiling, even if you tried
fiona is screaming and squealing , madeline is grabbing your hand and looking at the stone
"oh my god"
"he did what?" fiona says , her voice loud as she stares at you excitedly
anna giggles, looking at renee "who would've thought thomas shelby had it in 'im aye?"
abraham is also there , standing next to anna "that's a big fucking rock" he mutters.
"i know" you couldn't believe it either,
"oh my god, it's gorgeous" celest whispers as she stares at the ring, a hand over her mouth "let me see, let me see"
you push your hand in front of her and she takes it in hers eagerly "good lord, this must've cost 'im a fortune"
"god i'm still shaking" you laugh, your hand is unsteady "i almost dropped face first into the fucking floor." you can almost still feel his lips on your skin.
the butterflies in your stomach were still there whenever you'd remember that moment, even days after.
oliver had dropped you by tommy's office, you both needed to go over some things for the party, and you needed to go see a seamstress that'll be making your engagement dress, tommy is coming along to pay.
you walk through the halls that are now familiar to you, heading for his office.
"congratulations" the blonde woman spoke with a smile,
you stop walking, is she talking to you?. you turn and look at her "um thank you."
"i bet it took a lot of convincing aye? to finally give ya some sort of ring, some sort of.... acknowledgment" her voice is so sweet you almost wouldn't catch the malice in it "how sweet of 'im, he was willing to do something like that"
"excuse me?"
"i suppose he felt like he was lookin' for a woman who was not as ... demanding perhaps ?" her head tilts to the side "desperate times call for desperate measures"
you compose yourself, somehow you kept your anger out of your voice "ya don't know what you're talkin' about , miss carter. if i was you, i'd keep my mouth"
"oh please." she rolls her eyes, a mocking laugh is accompanied with it as she leans back in her chair "mr shelby is a good man, with a good heart, he probably did it out of pity." she coos "ya two hardly look like a couple."
"ya mind repeating those words to me, miss carter?"
tommy moved so quietly , you didn't even know he was standing beside you until he spoke.
"mr shelby..." she tries to smile, she stutters
he was watching, he always somehow is. he watched you walk, watched how you responded to her, how you held yourself.
"start talkin'." his voice was cold, it was ice cold.
her eyes widen, she licks her lips nervously "sir"
"she said that we don't look like a couple, that you're marrying me out of pity" the words that polly spoke to you, that first time you ever came here were ringing in your ear.
"is that so?" he didn't take his eyes off of her "is that so , miss carter?" he repeats.
she doesn't respond , she's just looking at him as if she wanted the earth to part and swallow her whole.
"and i'm sure that it doesn't look like i fucked 'er till her back gave out last night but looks can be deceiving, aye?"
with the way he spoke, even you almost believed him.
you held back a laugh, you tilt your head , mimicking how she spoke to you not even two minutes ago, with a small smirk on your lips. was it petty that you enjoyed this? probably, but you didn't really care.
his words did have an affect on you, but you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind.
her eyes dart between you and him, she tries to speak but he stops her
"i will go out with my fiancée, and when i come back i better not find one fucking trace of ya in this place."
your eyes snap to him, watching him now.
"i'm not the good man ya think i am, not to the likes of ya. the only reason i'm being forgiving today , is because my bride is next to me. next time , i wouldn't be so charitable."
he turns, his hand rests on the small of your back, taking you with him. you give the woman one last glance before you go.
she looked as if her blood stopped flowing, as if it froze in her veins ,her eyes still stuck on where tommy was.
taglist; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 , @warrior-of-justice , @mgdixon , @babayaga67 , @goblinjnr, @justaproudslytherpuff , @budugu , @twlegit , @amberpanda99 , @aesthetic0cherryblossom , @capswife , @lets-turn-and-burn , @affabletimelady
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kremlin · 7 months
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@wikwalker hi sure yes anything to give me an excuse to procrastinate the post i should be writing right now. here are all teh drugs and how to manage them. you can trust me, a drug addict
first of all: https://www.erowid.org/ , erowid always
don't be afraid of drugs, if they're the right drugs, you should do them since they will be a blast regardless and overcoming fear is also good (but outside the scope here)
OK to do as much as you want: alcohol - social benefit greatly outweighs health effects, no reason to avoid if predisposed to abuse since that'll happen sooner or later. what can i say? don't be a fucking dork. when you start drinking, really overdo it as much as possible without dying and get a few real nasty hangovers under your belt so you know how much is the right amount to drink.
weed - innocuous enough to be fine but will make you stupid in the long term. make sure to only buy from a real drug dealer and never some legal institution. cut it out when you're a "real adult". don't smoke weed and watch TV routinely, go out and do things so you naturally grow to hate it. good to go through this as early as possible to minimize the time you spend as a cringe weed enthusiast
i guess those are the only two.
ok to do infrequently (annually): "lsd" - or whatever it is, probably not lsd, blah blah blah, if it works and is sold on blotter its fine and won't make you go nuts or whatever. opt for a better psychadelic imo. see psych rule at bottom of section
mushrooms - better than acid since you know what they are. rule of thumb is to always do more than you think you want. minimum 1/8oz. see psych rule at bottom of post
dmt - if you somehow have a dmt hookup you don't need to be reading any of this. lasts 10 minutes which leads to tendency to way overdo it, don't do this, my favorite webcomic artist is permanently crazy from exactly that. using a crack pipe is also not the uhhhh most dignifying-feeling thing to do either. it's harder than you think.
mdma - for use at electronic music event or rave. overuse causes brain lesions or something.
coke - wait until you're in your 20s, have maxed out your roth IRA for a couple of years in a row, and havent missed a car payment in a similar timeframe. better still if you've worked a very shitty low paying job and know the value of a dollar. if you still find yourself buying candy you're not ready. too expensive to be worth it to get hooked on. know that you are VERY ANNOYING to anyone who also isn't high. don't fuck around with the guy selling it to you. avoid discussing or thinking about business ideas. you can't afford to make it a habit + kinda turns you into a piece of shit after a while, but at least a very interesting one
ketamine - another sick drug that rules, but save it for a special occasion. don't try and go into the k-hole your first time
rule for psychedelics - you get one good strong trip a year and that's it, make it count, always opt for doing a bit more than a bit less. but don't make it a habit, otherwise you turn into a very stupid very annoying "hippy" style cliché and believe in ghosts, aliens, crap like that.
ok to try once prescription opiates/benzodiazepine (xanax), valium, this kind of shit - worth trying so you can go "holy shit, this stuff is way way way too good to ever use responsibly" and then never do again. especially if you're white. for some reason we just can't handle this shit. if a doctor prescribes it to you, idk, that's your call to make.
ayhuasca - this is just dmt in a different form. do some other psychadelics a number of times before you do this. once you realize the whole "substantial visual hallucinations" thing is made up, its time. do exactly this: -buy root online (legal). receive box of dirt -boil dirt into "tea" (read erowid for exact recipe) -take over-the-counter anti nausea medicine or anything that will give you a stronger stomach -drink tea (its nasty as fuck, get it down quick) -have someone bigger than you keep an eye on you for the next five hours. -have the experience, which is absurdly intense, has no bearing to the real world, etc etc. don't be a bitch and throw up, if you do it'll only last an hour or so. again there is no way to provide a consistent description of the experience except that you will meet god. you only ever need to do this once and never again. trust me
peyote/salvia/etc - try em if you want, you'll never ever want to again afterwords. these are drugs for idiot teenagers too lame to get real drugs. imagine being very very sick from poison and utterly terrified at the same time. No good
whippets/nitrous oxide - just find a dentist that uses it and don't bother creating hundreds of pounds of trash on your floor for this crap that lasts ten seconds. you have to understand the extremely short timeframe coupled with the cost makes zero sense. go to a phish concert parking lot and do some people watching -- you do not want to be these people. only use is as a motivator to get routine dental exam. also if you somehow manage to make it a heavy habit your fucking legs stop working, no shit, but they start working again once you quit.
don't ever do heroin/meth/pcp - is is truly a mystery why you should never do these 🙄
synthetic weed/k2/shit from the gas station - it is so funny that they sell this as "weed that won't pop you on a drug test". its not weed. it is some dubious chemical sprayed on yard waste. smoke it to have a terrible time and go nuts. only buy drugs from legitimate drug dealers!
kratom - anyone's guess as to why this is legal but it's heroin for pussies. its still heroin
dxm/cough syrup - do you ever wonder why it is exclusively teenagers robotripping? it's because it sucks ass. is like a cheesegrater on your brain in terms of health effects with repeated usage. you're better than this king
inhalants - these are at the bottom of the list for a reason. do not huff gas. don't huff paint. do not consume computer duster. not fun + fastest way to make yourself a complete, uh, (word i can't say anymore) and then dead
not listed quaaludes- unavailable due to no longer being manufactured. these ruled apparantly
sincis2c - unavailable due to not existing, i just made this up
amphetamines - cannot provide objective take here. they're my albatross, lifelong (posted 4:55am natch)
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 1 month
Ruggie Bucchi with Ice Bear reader
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• The cafeteria was pretty packed with hungry students standing in line. When it was finally your turn, Grim kept pointing at every dish displayed like a child picking their most desired toys at a mall.
Grim: "Hey, henchman! Pick that one for me! Oh, and that one too! That one also looks good, pick it for me! Hurry up, I'm hungry!"
Ice Bear: "... Ice Bear will pick food. Grim go wait on table."
Grim: "Aawww man..."
Ace: "Oh? Does baby Gwim feew sad?"
Grim: "Fnyagh! You wish!"
Deuce: "Can't your hunger wait for the food? It'll only take a minute."
Grim: "The Great Grim ain't waiting on any table on an empty stomach! I'm gonna stand here until I get my food!"
Ice Bear: "sigh"
• You can only grab whatever food you can afford. You chose an omelette for yourself and a sandwich for Grim. Once you give him the sandwich first, you ordered him to wait on the table with Ace and Deuce. By the time you got your tray, Grim was already running to you crying about someone stealing his food.
Grim: "Fnyaaaagh! Henchman! That scumbag thief just stole my sandwich!"
Ice Bear: "?"
Deuce: "Stole it? You gave it to him."
Grim: "I did not!"
Ace: "Yeah, you did. We saw the whole thing."
Grim: "I didn't wanna do that! My body moved on its own!"
Ace: "Just cut it out already, man. If you wanted a smaller sandwich you could've just said so earlier."
Grim: "Fnyaagh, no one believes me?! Henchman, just get that guy already! I swear, he did steal it!"
Ice Bear: "...Ice Bear will share food."
Grim: "Fnyaagh...."
• Despite complaining about the loss of his sandwich, Grim ate most of your food. You think that this might be the time that you must go grocery shopping in order to save money and pack lunches for the two of you.
• You've heard about Sam's Shop from the ADeuce. Since the shop has almost everything a student needs, you decided to stop by on the way home and shop there.
Sam: "Hi there! Oh, you must be the monst-- I mean, Bear I've heard about so much! Welcome to my shop! If you need anything, just ask me."
Ice Bear: "...Ice Bear needs food."
Sam: "Aha! Then that'll be on that aisle over there. Anything else?"
Ice Bear: "Nothing. Ice Bear says thank you."
Sam: "Hahaha! You're one funny bear!"
Ice Bear: "?"
• You didn't mind Sam's comment and just strolled through the aisles. You take a nearby shopping bag and fill it with all the things you need for this month as long as it fits your budget. You spot a can of tuna and thought of Grim, so you reached out for it. Your paw stopped after you feel a hand reaching for the can.
Ice Bear: "?"
Ruggie: "Wha..."
Ice Bear: "..."
Ruggie: "....."
Ice Bear: "......."
Ruggie: "...Uhh hey... You takin' that one?"
Ice Bear: *nods*
Ruggie: "Sorry but I really need this thing, y'know, and uh, this is the last can..."
Ice Bear: "..."
• You don't seem to show any movement of letting the can go, so Ruggie thought of two ways to get it. First way is to make up a convincing excuse...
Ruggie: "Look, I get how much you need the can but I have to get this can. You see, Professor Trein ordered me to fetch this for him so he can feed his cat, Lucius. And if I don't do it, he'll give me a failing mark... So please, could I have this?"
Ice Bear: "..."
• Your paw is still holding on to the can as well as Ruggie's hand. Ruggie awaited for an answer from you but you still won't let go. For some reason... You think that Trein is NOT the type of person that just abuses their status for his personal gain. You stared at Ruggie and your instincts tell you that he's tricking you. You take the can and apologized.
Ice Bear: "....Ice Bear is sorry for you."
Ruggie: "Wait, hey!... Ugh..."
• Welp, looks like the old sad excuse failed. Now there's only one way... Take and run for it!
Ruggie, pointing: "Hey look over there!"
Ice Bear: "?"
Ruggie: "Shishishi!"
• You looked at where Ruggie pointed and the hyena beastman saw an opening. He steals the can before you could react.
Ruggie, running: "Better luck next time!"
Ice Bear: "!"
• You ran after him but it looks like he has experience in running away more than you think. You ran to an aisle displaying pencils and pens. Quickly, you take three unsharpened pencils and threw them at Ruggie before he could ring up to the counter.
Ruggie: "Almost there-- ACK!"
• One behind his right knee, he slows down...
Ruggie: "H-hey... OUCH!"
• Next one at his hand, he drops the can...
Ruggie: "GAH!"
• Last one at the nape, he collapses...
Ruggie: "...Uhh...."
• You take the can after you send him a glare. Fortunately, Sam and the counter are two aisles away so he couldn't hear the commotion. You place your items on the counter and Sam handed your change.
Sam: "Thanks for shopping here! May I also interest you in these buy-one-take-one bags?"
Ice Bear: "Ice Bear is fine."
Sam: "Alright! Have a nice da-"
Ruggie: "Damn. All that for a tuna can?"
Ice Bear: "😠"
Sam: "E-excuse me, are you ok?"
Ruggie: "Yeah, this guy just got his hand on the last tuna can."
Sam: "Ah! Darn it, I forgot to restock those..."
• ... So yeah, another bad first impression but hey, after the whole Savanaclaw Trying To Cheat fiasco, you two actually managed to get along. Sometimes.
• That one time when you and him are partnered up for Chemistry class, you avoided him. Then you realize that you have zero knowledge on potion making which resulted in failure. Ruggie laughed and offered to teach you, only if you apologize and give him something in return. Although you labeled him as a 'scumbag thief' as Grim says, you don't want to have a failing grade. Reluctantly, you accepted.
• Ruggie happily chowwed down on the food you made for him. He's never eaten anything that good for a long time. Either you owe him or not, he'll steal food from you now. Good luck.
• If Ruggie owes you something, then it's going to be him handing you test answers from when he was a first year. Aside from giving him food, you also help him around Monstro Lounge. He keeps pushing you away from the kitchen to waiting duty because he doesn't want Azul or Jade see you cook. If they find out about your talent, that'll blow away his chance to get free food, now won't it?
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kikyoupdates · 1 month
Love Bite ⭑˚🩸⭑ 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑒
yandere!vampires x f!reader
yandere, reverse harem, original characters, vampire!ocs x fem!reader
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Desperate for money to pay off your debts, you sign up for a program that allows you to sell your blood to vampires. At first, everything is fine, and you’re finally able to make ends meet. But they soon begin craving more than just your blood.
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Certain people are dealt a shittier hand in life than others, and unfortunately, you are one of those people.
Life has never been easy for you. As far back as you can remember, it's been one shitstorm after the other. Your parents are as good as dead to you, because all they ever did was make reckless choices and run away, leaving you to clean up their mess. That's how, at the young age of twenty, you've already got more debt than the average person could ever fathom.
Still, you make do. You hustle as best you can to get through one day and move on to the next. It's exhausting, and sometimes it feels like you're ready to give up, but against all odds, you persevere.
"That'll be 50 credits," the cashier says.
You let out a sigh and give her your card. Everything is so goddamn expensive these days. Even a simple grocery trip feels like a big slap in the face.
"Oh. Sorry," she blinks. "It's been declined. Do you have any other form of payment on hand?"
Shit. This one too?
You mumble an apology and dig through your wallet again. Thankfully, you happen to have enough cash to cover the cost. Just barely.
"Thank you for shopping with us," the cashier recites monotonously. She packs your groceries in a bag and hands it to you, then gestures for the next customer to step forward.
You leave the store the same as always, feeling worn-down and discouraged. You'll have to apply for a new card, but who knows when they'll send it to you. Goddammit. You're already scraping the bottom of the barrel as is. You hardly have enough emergency savings to last until then.
It's a shitty day, and unfortunately for you, it's about to get even worse.
"[Name]," a distinct, familiar voice mutters. You flinch at the sound, nearly dropping your grocery bag in the process. There's a man standing outside your apartment complex. A man that always makes your stomach crease in discomfort.
You instinctively step back. "I don't want any trouble, Johnny. Please, can I just get through?"
He ignores you and walks over, and while you stand there, stiff from fright, he peeks into your grocery bag and hums, visibly amused.
"Not exactly a lavish dinner," he chuckles. "But I guess you've got no choice but to be frugal, huh?"
"I just want to go home," you plead. "Please. Don't do this."
Alas, Johnny has never been one to give a shit about your circumstances, and today is no exception.
"I haven't been getting the money you promised me," he glares. "You've been late on your payments, and I'm really starting to lose my patience here."
You try to protest, but he wraps his hand around your throat and forcibly pins you against a wall. He isn't applying too much pressure, not yet, but the threat is there all the same.
"You owe me money, [Name]." His pupils constrict, a telltale sign that he's furious. "I'm done with your shitty excuses. If you can't make good on your promises, then you pay the price. This is the way the world works."
He holds you there, just so he can watch you whimper and cower in fear, then he eventually releases his hold on you and steps away.
"I'm giving you one more week," he says. "If you don't come up with the amount we agreed on in one week, I might seriously have to kill you. And don't even think of running away like your parents did. I'm sure as hell not gonna make the same mistake twice."
Johnny walks off with a steady, relaxed gait and his hands buried in his pockets. It's that easy for him. He can threaten an innocent woman and not think anything of it, the sick bastard.
You sniffle and resist the urge to cry. Fuck your parents. All they ever did was ruin your life. You have no idea where they're hiding right now, but for their own sake, they had better not show their faces around you ever again.
Still. There's no point in lamenting what can't be changed. Your parents are gone. It's up to you to remedy this situation and pay that disgusting loan shark back.
The question is, how?
How in the world will you pull that off? You barely make enough to eat two meals a day and cover your rent, let alone the steep cost of your debts.
It just seems like a lost cause. You've been working yourself to the bone, but you still can't even make a dent in what your parents owe. It's all too much to bear. It makes you want to forfeit your life entirely. At least then, you might finally be able to rest in peace.
Weighed down by the hopelessness of your situation, you trudge into your crappy studio apartment, chuck the groceries in the fridge, and plop down on the couch, defeated.
I guess it's time to look for another job. Something I can squeeze into my schedule. I can probably survive without sleeping a few days in a row, right?
You chuckle brokenly and scroll through your phone, looking for anything you might have a shot at. Finding a good job in this city is yet another hopeless dream for someone like you, who didn't go to college and doesn't have any other notable qualifications. All of your current jobs may as well be paying you dirt, which is why you can never meet Johnny's ridiculous demands.
You're just about to give up and go make yourself a rather pathetic dinner, when suddenly, something catches your eye.
[𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗠 𝗟𝗔𝗨𝗡𝗖𝗛]: 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱. 𝗦𝘂𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗳𝘂𝗹 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘃𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝘀-𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘀.
Vampires. Not long ago, a law was passed, granting vampires access to the city. More and more of them seem to be moving here, the central hub of the country. Of course, most people felt uncomfortable with this change, but it seems to be a necessary step in fighting back against years of discrimination. Humans naturally fear vampires, and the government is doing everything it can to integrate them into society.
Since drinking blood by force is considered a crime, this program is most likely a way for vampires to obtain their blood safely and without any consequence, just so long as people are willing to sign up for it.
You take a moment to assess your situation. You have almost no money to your name, and there's a greedy loan shark that's just itching to torture you if you fail to pay him back in time. If you don't get some money, and fast, you're probably headed for the afterlife.
That being said, you've never encountered a vampire before. You've heard all sorts of horror stories about them. That they're physically stronger than humans, have more acute senses, and could easily bludgeon you to death if they wanted to.
But even if that's actually true, how is it any different than what Johnny will do to you if you don't pay him back?
You press your lips together. Perhaps there's no harm in trying at least once and seeing how it'll go. It's not like you're guaranteed to get accepted for the program anyways. And besides, this is being implemented by the government, so surely, they won't allow any humans to come to harm in the process.
Above all else, you are incredibly desperate, with very little to lose.
So, you decide to take a gamble.
Your luck might finally be changing for the better, or maybe they're just desperate for applicants, but either way, you got the job.
It was a bit tedious. The screening process was rather lengthy, and they made you do quite a few medical tests to ensure you didn't have any infectious diseases or anything like that. You suppose having a clean bill of health is the one thing required for this position, considering you'll be giving your blood to someone else. Thankfully, even though your life is shit, you've always been rather sturdy, which is the only reason you've lasted this long.
You're currently walking through a glossy white corridor. The building you're in is polished and sleek, some kind of medical company that's been researching vampires for quite a long time. They call themselves Plasma Inc., which is a bit tacky, but you're certainly in no position to judge.
The doctor escorting you holds a clipboard against his chest, and glances over at you every so often.
"We're almost there," he says. After a brief pause, he adds, "There's no need to be nervous."
Honestly, you're a little nervous, but only because you've never done this before. Giving your blood to a vampire... it all sounds so farfetched. You really didn't think this was something you'd ever be doing.
But beggars can't afford to be choosers.
"For the client's privacy and peace of mind, there aren't any cameras inside the room. We will not be able to see or hear anything that happens in there. You signed the confidentiality clause, so please keep in mind that you will be liable for any private information that you happen to disclose."
You knew as much going into this. There's no point in psyching yourself out. Everything's going to be fine. This is all perfectly safe.
...it should be, at least.
"Whenever you're ready," the doctor says. He's stopped in front of a door, and you instinctively gulp as you imagine what—or rather, who—is on the other side.
Okay, then. No reason to back out now. You chose this. It's a desperate measure, and sure, you'll lose a bit of blood in the process, but if it helps you pay off your debt and get back on your feet, then it's easily worth it.
"I'm ready," you say.
The doctor nods briefly, offers you an encouraging smile, then opens the door.
It closes behind you right away, and your eyes instinctively search the room until they land on a motionless, seated figure.
It's a man. Well, a vampire, but still a man. Deep down, you'd been hoping that it might be a woman. A man seems somewhat more intimidating, although you suppose all vampires are stronger than humans, so it wouldn't have made a difference either way.
He's beautiful, though. Vampires are scarce in numbers, and they don't usually go out during the day, so it's unlikely that you would have ever passed by one. But you've only ever heard people speak of them in frightening terms. Never in a million years did you imagine they'd be so utterly gorgeous. Or perhaps this particular vampire is simply an exception.
You don't quite realize how much time you've spent fawning over his appearance until he suddenly stands up.
Instinctively, you flinch, and it's clear that it doesn't go unnoticed.
He narrows his eyes. "If you're not comfortable doing this, you're welcome to leave. I was told that the humans who signed up for this program were all completely willing. I have no intention of taking your blood without your full cooperation."
"Oh. S-Sorry," you stammer. "I'm not uncomfortable. I guess I'm just a little bit starstruck. It's my first time meeting a vampire."
"There's no need to gawk at me. I'm not some animal trapped inside a cage."
He has a rather harsh tongue, but again, you're in no position to judge. Perhaps your reaction offended him, unintentional as it may have been.
"Sorry," you say again, then you offer him a weak smile. "Um... I'm [Name]. I'm not really sure what the etiquette for this sort of thing is, but it's nice to meet you."
It takes him a while to respond. He studies you quietly with those mesmerizing eyes of his, and the silence is awkward, to say the least.
"I'm Xavier," he finally replies. He frowns a bit. "But I didn't come here to chat. If you're ready, I'll like to move on with this as soon as possible."
Right. He's here for the same reason you are. It's not an opportunity for the two of you to exchange pleasantries.
You're here to sell your blood, and he's here to drink it.
"Okay," you swallow. Now that it's come down to it, you can feel your heart beating faster by the second. But this is fine. This is nothing. Compared to all the shit you've already been through, this may as well be a walk in the park.
You walk over to him, taking slow, careful steps, then you sit down in one of the chairs. He does the same, staring at you without blinking the whole time. You watch as he shuffles a bit closer, and he uses his fingers to pull down the collar of your shirt slightly. You shiver at the sensation of his skin brushing against yours. God, his hands are cold.
Xavier stares right into your eyes. "This is your last chance to back out. If you tell me to stop now, I will, but otherwise, I'll take it that you've agreed to move on."
"I'm fine," you reassure. Despite the fact that your stomach is a bundle of nerves right now, you're determined to press on. You need this. There's simply no other option.
You'll do whatever it takes to live on, even if it means selling the very essence that grants you life in the first place.
"Okay," Xavier says, and he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. His jaw unhinges, and the last thing you see before you squeeze your eyes shut is the pearly-white color of his bright, glistening fangs.
He bites into your neck.  
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r3starttt · 5 months
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SUMMARY: Dina watching u edge yourself before a concert | request
CW: fingering, pet names, praise kink, a little tiny bit of plot, kinda mean-toxic dom! Dina and sub reader duh, finger sucking, overstimulation/edging? (good girl, whore, mama)
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She's tried so hard, so exhaustedly hard to overwork and keep her mind busy, to focus solely on her job, her dream. The band and the fans, standing up in heat for hours just to see her.
But there's no way she acomplish that mission her mind made up in such desperate attempt to give her best for the public and respect her bandmates. Not when you're walking around her in those clothes, ones that hug your ass just perfect, ones that show your tits in just the right amount for her to squirm at the sight. And definitely not when you keep denying her that craving she's been dealing with for so, so long.
Dina knows how the industry works, knows the benefit of going outside with hickeys, leaving your body aggressively bruised and making you post a picture about it. But that'll mean there's people from all around the world seeing you and her in such way that should simply stay as something in between the two of you.
That's what's kept her from fucking you since day one of bringing you touring with her. The idea of people hearing you or seeing you in such submissive way, when that's a sight that should only belong to her.
Idea that's out of her mind at the moment, having you sitting on her lap, with her hands around your waist, in front of all her staff. Those legs, begging her to be touched, your lips, deliciously plump and tainted, your tits sitting perfectly under your shirt, and those eyes, looking at her with batting eyelashes. You look fucking inviting, and letting aside that you're doing this on purpose, the idea of such image being available for everyone else near you two, it's driving her insane.
"Stop" dina commanded, holding your hips still. You chuckled at her, mocking her obvious desperation. "Stay, fuck- just... still" Her hands kept you in place once more, the moment you tried to tease her just a bit more, excusing both out of the room that started to feel claustrophobic.
The way her fingers wrapped around your waist, dragging you around somewhere backstage, you knew you were fucked in all senses, starting by how insanely she had you just with the sight of her hands on you.
"Why're you dressed like this?" She laughed at you, shamming you for putting in so much effort just for her. "Why do you think I'm dressed like this?" You laughed back, for trying to play as if she wasn't already pooling just by the sight of you.
Your hands pushed hers away, dragging your fingers along the back of her neck, attempting to get a taste of her lips as you craved so much. Which she denied. "Nuh uh"
"Can't go outside smelling like sex" her fingers made a path along the sides of your arms before harshly pushing them away. The way the fell over your body echoed in the almost empty room. You simply rolled your eyes at her. "I'm regretting you here" she didn't mean it, well, you thought that. But either way that hurt.
"What? You can go around playing with me but I can't?" Before you could even speak back she stopped you, hesitating a bit before letting the words out "sit"
You obeyed her, not daring to make the situation harder for you. Her heels stepped the cold ground, slowly approaching back to you as her hands dragged a chair with her.
"What're you doing?" Her legs started spreading, making room for your. The palms of her hands rested over her knees, patting her fingers over them. "What does it look like I'm doing?" She mocked your earlier comment, signaling over her lap so you would come closer.
"Open" your mouth was already watery, making a trail of saliva interrupted by the pads of her fingers slowly making room inside your mouth, resting at your tongue. "Now, suck" and so you did, tasting at the very tip of your tongue the rings that covered her fingers. It was her subtle way of not letting you have the full proper experience, her way of torturing you without limitating herself so much, not because she's feeling humble today but because the space doesn't allow her to, such a bliss for you.
The wet sounds coming out of your mouth elicted such cocky smile out of her, aprutbly fading once she noticed you were enjoying it maybe a little bit too much. Her fingers pulled out of your mouth, passing by your lips to get rid of that extra saliva you've left.
Along kisses, dina trailed a path down your body, pressing her lips over your skin, already warm. Once she got to your chest she left her head rest there, opening her mouth to taste every inch of them.
"No panties, no bra? fucking whore" she laughed. Her fingers went directly to your clit, making small circles over it before easily sliding them in between your wet cunt, teasing your arousal at the same rithym her mouth left another kiss over your tits.
Your breathing hitched, you could feel and almost see your heart pumping harshly rapid, your boobs under those thight clothes feeling like they were choking you. You tried to move your hands to the back of her hair, which she stopped almost immediately with a very subtle tap over cunt. You simply wined at it, so stubborn.
Her fingers slid inside you, curling them at ease. "So wet for me, mhm?" You nodded, feeling her lips curl at how stupid you've become already. "Ride 'em, yeah?"
So you did, moving your hips gracefully over her fingers, working for your pleasure. Work that got interrupted by the music going louder, making the public outside increase their cheers for Dina. So ironic, who would ever imagine she'd be backstage fucking her girl?
"Gotta stop, don't wanna make a mess" she murmured in between kisses, slowering her pace in between your cunt. You whined at it, letting out repeatedly soft pleads, trying to make her look at you while positioning a hand over her cheek, forcing her to look at you.
You were so close, that knot on your stomach growing every second that passed by. If she just kept going for just a little bit more- "no, fuck- D, babe, please"
Her fingers left you empty in such aggressive manner, on purpose, or so you thought at the way her lips curled up. "Need to go with 'em" no she didn't.
"Please, please I'm so close, I'll... fuck just, please babe" you gave her what she wanted, those pretty pleads, desperately coming out of your mouth like that.
She didn't intend to, but the way your thighs glistened by the light that covered them the moment she pushed you away, fuck you were desperate. "You can take care of it on your own, can't you?" You shocked your head, squirming under her pure looks.
Dina ran her fingers along her hair, making sure it didn't look stupidly messy but more as in a purposely mess. She really tried her best to ignore you, but those legs, rubbing against each other, and those tits almost flashing her, fuck she couldn't. The mirror in front of her kept reflecting your persona, begging for more of her.
"I know you can, come on" letting out a sigh she sat once more "do me a favor and use those pretty hands for me, yeah?" The pads of her fingers cleaned themselves as they ran over your legs, spreading them wide and open just for her.
"Put them there" she stopped, dragging your middle and index fingers down your clit "and rub yourself until I'm done"
You could see your reflection right in front of you, it was so pathetic. Dina, on the other hand, kept as busy as posible to retouch her hair and make up, after all it got messed because of you. Her clothes were also a bit messy, nothing that should take too much but fuck she had to make it slow.
Every time her fingers dragged along her skin, her hair, her clothes, you kept on torturing yourself. Her smile only grew wider, taking her time to clean herself from the mess you've made on her just some minutes before.
You tried hard to contain yourself, until you simply couldn't, letting out a poor attempt of muffled whines and moans, some groans whenever your hand on your clit got too painful.
"Doing so good f'me babe, almost done" her finger dragged along your clavicle, leaving a insatiable kiss over your lips to shush you for a second. "Can't... s' too much"
"Didn't you ask for it? Fucking take it" she hissed, narrowing her eyes at you and your voice that suddenly became harsh and rude.
Your thighs got covered in your juices, letting out such obscene sounds every time the pads of your fingers passed over your clit, sometimes in between your cunt to try and give yourself a bit more. It had become painful.
"What're you doing?" She groaned at the sight of your legs trying to rub with each other. You could hear her taking, shaking her head. "Can't fucking trust you can I?"
You couldn't even reply, too focused on not loosing your mind. You could feel the wave of pleasure start forming on your stomach, making you even dumber than you felt already.
"See? That's a good girl" her voice echoed proudly on your ear, your fingers kept on moving over your clit, already sore by how much you were taking to give you the satisfaction of finally releasing. "That's so pretty mama, almost done, promise"
It'll be such pathetic lie to say the anger had fade away at such scene in front of her, at those sounds coming out of you because of her and just for her. She was ten times wetter than you but where was the fun in that?
She contained herself to not rub her legs together, such temptation considering the textures on her fit might bring her the biggest pleasure ever. Yet, you almost crying at such painful teasing was enough to calm the satisfaction she much craved.
"Cum for me, yeah?" Your stomach knotted at those words. Such delicious pleasure waving over your body. Fuck you needed it.
The scenery in front of her was dign enough for a porn movie. Your mouth open wide, your legs squirming under your own touch and your thighs all wet, such glorious scene for her long work awaiting outside.
You ketp your fingers in place some seconds before you were done, closing your legs together as you tried to contain yourself form fucking giving up right there. Dina stepped behind you, holding them for you. "I'll see you later babe, have some rest”
You heard her voice but it all sounded like a bunch of mumbles, that until someone from her staff knocked the door, forcing her to leave.
The room was filled with such aroma, you weren't in all your senses but, maybe you should in fact take some rest for whatever is waiting for you in some hours.
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da-rulah · 11 months
Omg I love your writing! Could I request how each of the ghouls would react to an S/O who gets flustered easily? Maybe the s/o is like a sibling of sin?? Idk, whatever you decide :)
Howdy-doody! I'll keep this one gender neutral my dear, but reader is a sibling of sin and in an established relationship with the pairings (all at once or not, that's up to you... 😂)
Gonna stick to the Ghouls today, but if you'd like the Ghoulettes let me know and I'll try and figure something out for them!
NSFW 18+ content so MDNI!
(Thank you to @her-satanic-wiles for helping me out with this one. The brain fog was real, but your help has cleared it!)
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He's thinks you are adorable.
He likes to mess with you by doing out-of-pocket cute things for you, things no one ever expected Sodo to be the type of partner to do.
He comes home to you with flowers, thoughtful gifts, snacks. He loves to see your cute little reactions to them.
You always get a bit shy about it, even you don't ever expect Sodo to shower you in these little gestures. He always seemed like the grumpy Ghoul, the one who'd hiss at someone for breathing too loud near him.
You were his weakness though, as much as he was yours.
He feels a protectiveness over you that he can't explain, and has since the day he met you.
His favourite thing to fluster you is pulling you into his lap when you're in public or with other people. When his arms wrap around you you usually squeak, and he holds you tightly against him possessively.
And no, it's not his favourite thing to feel you wriggling against him while he holds onto you at all. How dare you suggest such a thing.
Rain is a soft soul too, and so when you get flustered? He gets flustered.
It doesn't take much to fluster you, but he loves how adorable you are.
Like Sodo, he brings you gifts that soften you up. Your favourite is a teddy bear he bought you with it's own Ghoul mask he'd doused in his cologne for when he was away on tour.
When he'd come home from tour, you'd made the bear it's own little bass guitar - oh, how his heart had swelled at that.
Quite often you'll find yourself in a giggle-off. He usually starts it, making you giggle. But your giggle makes him giggle. And his giggle makes you giggle. And your giggle makes him giggle. And his giggle makes you gigg-
The only way to break out of the loop is to silence you with a kiss - one that'll knock the wind right out of you and have you blushing and clawing at him for more every time.
Oh my Lucifer, he likes to tease you.
Mostly teases you because of your size. But it wouldn't matter if you were tall or tiny, you'd still be dwarfed by him and he only does it because it makes you so flushed.
If he teases you around others, it's innocent and playful. A poke to your ribs during Mass or a light shove into a bush as you walk down the sidewalk. Sure, it flusters you, but he thinks it's hilarious watching you compose yourself.
Most of the teasing happens behind closed doors, because he can really go for it then. He knows how much he can get away with in public before you get too flustered and it does more harm than good, but at home? He can wind you up as much as he likes.
He likes the little tantrums he can induce by teasing you - it gives him an excuse to coddle you and be sickeningly sweet to win you back over. Not that it ever takes much...
The worst case scenario is he has to go the extra mile to win you back over, but... that's not really a worst case scenario for either of you. He loves to please...
Total shitbag.
This man thrives on flustering you in public. Anything he can do, usually of a sexual nature too.
You'd taken him shopping one time and he'd very loudly asked for your opinion on a lace babydoll and asked if you'd like to see him in it. He'd revelled in the blush on your cheeks all day long.
He pays attention to details that fluster you, like when he rolls his shirt sleeves up as he plays guitar, or when he boops you on the nose with a wink in front of other people.
The worst thing he ever did was embarrass you in front of Papa, when he'd very loudly told you he would see you after band practise was over and he would 'bring the whipped cream this time'.
Also a shitbag. But he's sneakier about it.
This fucker looks through your tiktok fyp, your search histories, your conversations with your best friends to find out what makes you tick.
The worst had been when he'd seen you liking videos of men in corset waistcoats. He'd gone out and bought one, wearing it under his jacket to dinner with you and your friends.
He'd basked in the glory of flustering you - and your friends who you'd talked about the videos with - when he took his jacket off at the table.
He'd also found out about your involvement in booktok and the exact romance novels you had read from your storygraph profile and began roleplaying the scenes to rile you up.
The first time he'd pushed you up against a wall, you'd squeaked and cowered under him. He loved that. Now, he'd do anything to hear that squeak again.
He finds it hilarious, and it usually ends in a long night for the both of you culminating in absolute bliss and loving embraces.
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ilovechuuy4 · 5 months
S/O gifting Chuuya a puppy for his birthday? ≧◡≦
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I Was Meant For You, Baby. Being With You Makes the Flame Burn Good. ✧٭*꙳
Warnings; none other than thicker paragraphs
Description; Giving your boyfriend a pet for his birthday!
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A/N; Sorry if this took so long! I wanted 2 wait till chuuyas birthday since it isn't too far from nikolai's! Hope you enjoy!! Also I was flooded out my house (literally) so please bare with me! (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BEAUTIFUL BEST WIFE!1!1!1!!1!2?2?2?2?1!1!1!1!) (F/N is friends name)
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You glance at the clock on the wall, 5:23PM a nice Sunday evening on the 28th of April. You had a day until Chuuyas birthday but you already knew what you were getting for his present, that's why you were sitting in a pet adoption center right now. There were dogs barking, cats meowing and other animals noises. Needlessly to say, it was loud.
You were waiting for a specific dog to come out. It was the perfect one for Chuuya. You waited a bit longer until you saw the door open that led to the animals and there runs a puppy, it was a golden retriever. The puppy's coat was this bright shiny golden blonde with these soft brown eyes. Maybe the energy of the dog was different from chuuya's but surely it'll mix well no matter what.
The golden dog's tail was wagging frantically as the employee let go of the small leash, letting the dog go as it jumped in your lap, licking at your face. You laugh softly, running your nails in the coat of the new fluffy companion.
You reach into your pocket and grab your wallet and take out the money; paying the employee. They take the money with a soft nod and fill somethings out before letting you go. You had to keep the dog at a friends house for only a day since chuuya's birthday wasn't until the next day.
You drop the entergetic animal off at F/N apartment for the day while you not only go shopping for a cake but for the puppy too. You make your way to the closest store, making your way to the small bakery built inside. You talk to the baker who was at the front, telling her exactly what you want and what time I'd be picked up, around 3pm tomorrow; Monday, April 29th. You watched as she jotted the details down and she nodded. "Alright ma'am/sir, that'll be around $20 (around 335 in pesos and 3,086 in Japanese yen.) tomorrow when you pick it up." The kind woman said with a thankful smile.
Once you pre-ordered, you scurry off through the market, grabbing chuuya a new fedora to add to his collection along with a nice red wine. You then make your way to the pet isle. There was a lot but you got the essentials; dog food, specifically wet food since it was only a puppy, chew toys, treats, bowls etc. Then you walk your way to check out spending around a good $150(23,197 yen or 2,557 Pecos) you sigh, the hat was pretty expensive, it was around 80-90 USD. You rub the back of your neck as you leave the store, bags in hand.
You drive home, entering the house but keeping the bags in trunk of your car. Once you are inside the house, slipping off your shoes and coat, you are met with a slightly upset blue eyed man, your boyfriend. His arms crossed over his narrow chest, his bright blue irises dangerously showing his mood of anger. "Where were you? You're usually home hours before I am, but I'm here hours before you are home?" Chuuya questions, he was very serious.
"Well I was uhm.." You stamppered, you couldn't make up a good enough excuse. "I was at my friends house, F/N? them?" You said, rubbing the back of your neck. You were obviously lying, nothing could get past the ginger even if you tried. "I won't push, doll. But you gotta tell me when you won't be home. I was worried." He stated, he never pushed you to tell him where you were, he wanted to it come out naturally with no force, he didn't like trying to push answers out, it felt odd to him.
Chuuya walked forward and embraced you, holding you close, hands holding your hips. "Let's go order some food and watch a movie, yeah?" Chuuya recommended, gently grazing your lips with his. You smile and nod as you follow him to the couch. The night grew and the both of y'all became tired. "Let's go to bed, darlin'." He said, gently lifting your to red body off the couch and into yalls shared bedroo, laying you don't and slipping under the covers with you.
As the night wore and the day grew you shirt confortably in the bed, waking up with a yawn. It was 2pm, Chuuya had let you sleep in since you were out so late last night doing god knows what (or at least he didn't know what you were doing.) You yawn, stretching your bones as they pop and crack, the sounds sending shivers down your spine. You yawn onces more before getting out of bed.
You scurry around the bedroom, taking a shower, drying your hair and putting on your clothes you were going to wear to pick up and cake and the puppy. Nothing big, something simple. You grab your bag with your wallet and walk out the house, getting into your car and driving to the same store. You were only a couple minutes early but that was always a good thing as you walked to the bakery section. The same lady greets you with a welcoming smile as he walks to the back, bringing back the cake.
The cake with a simple French vanilla. Thick, swirly dollops of icing, boarding around the top and bottom. The bottom layered with dark chocolate shavings, those also layered at the top on top of the swirls of icing. In black icing, a neat, swirly cursive wrote; "Happy birthday Chuuya." You take out your wallet to pay the kind lady with a smile before taking your card back and walking out the store.
Once leaving the store, you stop by F/N house and pick up the fluffy compainion. It was jumping around, barking and other nonsense in the back seat of the car as you pull up to your house. You reach back, putting the leash on the collar and helping the puppy out the car. It runs inside the house as you squat down to feed it, pouring the food into the bowl in the back room where you sadly had to keep the cute golden for a few minutes more before your boyfriend came home.
You put the fedora and red wine in a small bag and stuff it with tissue paper. You gently place it on the marbled counter top as you take out the cake from the fridge and placing it beside the gift bag. Before you knew it, you heard the rustingly of keys and the front door unlocking, the hinges on the door squeeking as it opened, and there behold your beautiful boyfriend.
"Doll, I'm home. How ar-" his sentence cut off, his eyes going to the gift and cake, a smile spreading on his face as he looked at you. "You know, you shouldn't have?" He said with a chuckle, walking towards you and wrapping you in a hug, hands going around your waist. "I uhm.. I have another gift for you." You said with a nervous giggle before you could say anything else there was barking in the back ground, making chuuyas eyes widen.
"You got a dog?! Where?" Chuuya exclaimed, his eyes wide but he seemed excited. You gently pull away from Chuuya, scurrying to the room the dog was confined in, opening the door. You watched as the puppy hopped and jumped, running around before going to the taken aback chuuya. His eyes widden in gleam as he squats down to pet it was a smile.
"You really got a fuckin' dog?" He said unbelieved, running his hand down the dogs thick coat of fur. "I mean yeah. I know you wanted one so, what do you wanna name her?" You ask with a smile. "Princess." He said, he was straightforward with it and he meant it, this dog's name was gonna be princess and you were well aware it was going to be spoiled like one.
"Mhm alright, princess it is." You say with a slight laugh. You watch as Chuuya stands up and walks over to you hugging you tight. "You don't know how much you; and this. means to me, darlin'. I love you so much." He murmurs softly, kissing your lips slowly, Princess directly between yalls legs.
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
no better version I could pretend to be tonight
written for ‘charm’ wc: 548 | rated: m | cw: eddie munson's near-death experience and description of panic attack/nightmares @steddiemicrofic
Eddie wakes up screaming. 
It’s how he experiences the crushing weight of living when he was so certain he would die beneath that fiery, starless sky. No one sees the hollowed out face of Death and comes back through the veil unscathed, but if the only sacrifice Eddie makes for his life is his right nipple, some flesh, and peaceful sleep, he figures it’s a bargain. 
Every night for the last several months, a hole cracks open in his chest where his lungs once were that bottoms out and refuses to hold the oxygen he desperately tries to pull in to fill the void. His skin feels too tight, his throat hoarse, his palms sore from the clenching of his fingers into fists that swipe at nothing. The taste of blood and rust coats his mouth, a phantom sense that nothing but time dissolves. 
Casual shrugs and black coffee disguise his discomfort when asked if he’s okay. 
Never better. I’m alive, aren’t I? He jokes.
That should be enough of an answer for his new friends. And it is, mostly. They don’t believe him, but they leave well enough alone. 
That is, everyone but Steve Harrington. 
Steve’s proven himself to be an enigma, wispy in Eddie’s grasp. He can’t quite get a handle on him, but he’s been nothing but good to Eddie besides his relentless insistence that Eddie try sleeping at his house. 
“Just give it a shot, Munson. I’m tellin’ you, I’ve got this sleep charm.” 
“If you wanna get me in your bed that bad, you’re gonna have to try a little harder than that.”
“If that’s all I was doing, this would be a lot easier.”
The kicker is that he does. He trusts Steve, and maybe he just wants an excuse to pretend that Steve’s his to wake up to but the next time he wakes up screaming, he gathers his shit, scribbles a note for Wayne in the kitchen with shaking hands, and drives across town. He parks, walks up to the door with a pillow under one arm, and knocks loudly, unencumbered by the liminal space that is Loch Nora at two o’clock in the morning. 
Steve opens the door before detaching the deadbolt, sleep rumpled and adorable– save for the nail bat just barely visible through the crack of the door. He’s shirtless in just a pair of pajama pants, blue and green stripes that hang a little loose from his hips. 
“Eddie?” Steve mumbles, his voice croaky and low as he rubs at his right eye. “Fuck.” He closes the door just long enough to undo the deadbolt and holds his arm out, ushering Eddie into the quiet of the house. 
“Here for your sleep charm, or whatever.” Eddie looks around the room, dimly lit by the motion sensor porch light through the window and doubts himself. “This is stupid as shit. I can just—” 
Steve shakes his head and places a hand on Eddie’s lower back, gently guiding him upstairs to his bedroom.  “Don’t even think about it. You’re here, and we’re gonna get you some sleep. C’mon.” 
It won’t be the last time Eddie wakes to the tickle of Steve’s chest hair against his nose and the gentle press of lips to the top of his head.
there's a version of this that's 3k that lives in my google docs and maybe one day, that'll end up on my ao3 [update: the 3k version did, indeed, end up on my ao3]
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firewasabeast · 1 month
Uncle Eddie (part 4)
Each part of this series can be read individually. If you'd like to start at the beginning, here you go. You can read this installment here or on ao3.
Originally, Juniper had been staying with Maddie. Tommy and Buck needed a couple nights away, and Maddie loved any excuse to have girl time with Jee and Junie.
Then, on the way back home, Tommy came down with a stomach bug. A stomach bug that came with a fever, severe nausea, and vomiting.
So, Juniper stayed another night with Maddie.
And the next day, Buck was just as miserable with the same bug.
So, Juniper stayed another night.
The problem was that Maddie and Chimney had planned a getaway of their own, while Jee stayed with the Lee's.
That's how Juniper ended up at Eddie's place.
It was his own idea. Buck had asked him if he'd pick her up from Maddie's and drop her off. Neither he nor Tommy could risk being away from the bathroom for too long. That's when Eddie suggested he stay with her for a couple nights.
“You know she's gonna get whatever you guys have if she comes home,” he said to Buck on the phone. “And you know she never pukes into the toilet.”
“Oh God, I know, it's always projectile.”
“Couple nights, you guys will be good as new, and Juniper will stay vomit free.”
It wasn't difficult to convince them. They took turns speaking to Juniper over Facetime, and she informed them she she was fine and, “Super-duper-party-pooper excited to stay with Uncle Eddie!”
Apparently that was a good thing.
At least, that's what Buck told him before he had to leave and go throw up again.
Two days later, Eddie got the text that neither of them had a fever anymore, the vomiting had stopped, and their appetites were back to normal. It was already evening, and Eddie knew they'd have laundry and house cleaning to catch up on, so he offered to keep Juniper one more night and he'd bring her home in the morning.
“That okay with you?” Eddie asked Juniper once he'd cleared it with her dads.
She responded by sticking her thumbs up and jumping up and down while shouting, “That's super-duper-party-pooper perfect!”
He'd been hearing that phrase for days now and, while internally it drove him absolutely insane, outwardly he smiled and said, ���Great!”
She continued jumping for a few more seconds, then stopped abruptly and gasped.
Eddie startled. “What? What's wrong?”
“Oh, we need to make Daddy and Papa cookies!”
Eddie took a breath, settling back on the couch. “You scared me, kid.”
“I'm serious, Uncle Eddie. So, very, very serious. Daddy always makes me, um, the, um the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies after I was sick. We all love them.” She folded her hands together and brought them to her chest, “Please, Uncle Eddie, please, please, please-”
“Okay! Okay, that's- that'll be fine. We'll have to go get the stuff though.”
She started moving her arms and legs mechanically, becoming a robot as she headed off, “Get-ting rea-dy for gro-cery store to make coo-kies for Pa-pa and Da-ddy.”
That lasted until she got about halfway down the hall, then she was skipping the rest of the way to grab her shoes out of the bedroom and bring them back to the living room to put on.
As she was doing this, Eddie grabbed up his phone and sent a text to Tommy.
I need Buck's peanut butter chocolate chip recipe asap. Also, if a certain 4'1 minion ever asks, I never sent this text.
It only took him a few seconds to get a reply.
Ha! Gotcha! I know Evan has a copy in his recipe box. Give me a sec and I'll send it.
Eddie got his wallet and keys while Juniper finished tying her shoes.
“Go use the bathroom before we go,” he instructed, waving her off down the hall.
“But I don't need-”
“Go use the bathroom before we go.”
“Ugh!” Juniper rolled her eyes ever so dramatically as she marched off to the bathroom. Just as she closed the door, Eddie received the recipe from Tommy.
Thank you! He texted back. Also, this conversation can no longer exist.
Deleting now. Good luck! She's tougher than a drill sergeant when it comes to following a recipe.
Oh, so exactly like Buck. Good to know!
I would argue worse, but she definitely gets it from him. Like I said, good luck.
Eddie took in a deep, cleansing breath, readying himself for whatever he was about to get into.
Eddie would have to remember to give all the leftover baking stuff to Buck once they were done. He found it absolutely ridiculous he had to buy entire containers of baking soda and baking powder when all he'd need was a teaspoon.
“Why do we even need both anyway?” he asked Juniper as he set out all the ingredients. “They can't be that important.”
She shot him a death glare. “Every ingredient is im- important when baking.”
He held his hands up in surrender.
So it begins.
“Okay, oven is preheating.” He stared at his phone, studying the recipe. “Apparently we mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and then the wet in another bowl, then combine them.”
“How'd you get my daddy's recipe on your phone?” Juniper asked, heading to the sink to wash her hands.
“Oh, um, your dad gave it to me a long time ago. I was gonna try to make them but I didn't.”
It was a weak lie, but she was seven- well, seven and three quarters if you asked her- so the lie didn't need to be all that great.
After she finished washing her hands, Juniper sat at the table and clapped her hands together. “Let's. Get. Started!”
The mixing of the dry ingredients went well. Juniper, tongue poking out between her teeth, measured out the flour perfectly, along with the baking soda, powder, and salt.
It was when they got to the wet ingredients that things began to fall apart.
There were so many instructions that seemed to need to be done all at once. The butter needed melted, then vigorously stirred with the peanut butter until it was combined. Eggs needed cracked, and one yolk needed separated from the white. You had to make sure the butter was melty and warm enough to cream with the peanut butter but not so hot that it made the eggs scramble. And maybe this wouldn't have been a problem for literally anyone else, but Eddie was not a baker, had never been a baker, and had no desire to be a baker.
So it was a problem.
It didn't help that Juniper was every bit as bad as Tommy warned.
“You don't do it like that.”
“You have to mix slower.”
“That's not how you se- separate the yolk.”
“The butter isn't melty enough.”
“I think the butter is too melty.”
“Oh, this is not looking great,” Juniper shook her head. “Daddy always smushes the brown sugar to make more sugar fit. You need to smush.”
“I'm smushing,” Eddie replied, wiping the back of his hand over his forehead.
My God, he was sweating! He wondered how he ever got to the point in his life where baking was a strenuous task.
“And I- I know we have to do two teaspoons of the vanilla,” she said, picking up the six dollar bottle of pure vanilla extract that they had to get because the two dollar bottle of imitation vanilla was met with a gag by Juniper. “Not three teaspoons. That's too much.”
“Okay, okay.” He grabbed the teaspoon and poured the first one in. On the second teaspoon, his hand shook slightly and half the bottle spilled onto the table.
“Shi- Shoot!” he exclaimed, grabbing up paper towels to wipe the mess.
Juniper grimaced. “Yikes. Daddy says a messy kitchen is not a happy kitchen.”
“You should tell him to follow that rule in the kitchen at work,” Eddie mumbled, tossing the paper towels into the trash.
She scratched at her nose, transferring the flour that was on her hands. “He says that's or- org- organized chaos.”
“I'm sure he does. You can read right?”
She sighed. “Of course I can.”
“Read how many chocolate chips we need.”
She leaned over the table to get a look at the recipe. “Two cups,” she said, letting out a, “Uh-oh,” as she sat back down.
“Uh-oh? What's uh-” he stopped when he looked over and saw her holding her hair, a grimace on her face as the wet ingredients dripped down her curls. “What happened?”
“My hair went in the- the mixture!”
Suddenly, she was on the verge of tears. Her face scrunched up in a mix of panic and sadness. "We cannot let these cookies be musty-dusty-crusty, Uncle Eddie. I- I will just die!”
Eddie made a mental note to tell Tommy that while she may get her need to follow a recipe from Buck, she most definitely got his flair for the dramatic.
“I promise you these cookies will not be musty, dusty, or crusty, Chewy,” he reassured her. He grabbed a towel and wet it in the sink, then lifted her out of the chair and sat her on his lap. “Your dads are gonna love them.”
She rubbed at her eyes, wiping the tears before they could fall. “Are you sure?” she sniffed.
“I'm positive.” He took his time making sure her hair was free of the peanut butter mixture before patting her leg to get her to hop up. “Okay, ready to get back at it?”
“Do we need to start over?”
He lifted the bowl of wet ingredients, searching around for any sight of hair. “Uh, no. Nope, we're fine.”
She eyed him questioningly. “We can't have it messed up.”
“One again, it will not be messed up. Start putting the dry in with the wet, slowly.”
He took another peek at the recipe, then quickly closed out of it before she could read the part that said 'let dough sit for 24 hours'. There were some thing's she simply did not need to know.
“So you and your dad make these a lot, huh?”
“Mostly after I've been sick,” she replied. “He mixes the ingredients though and I help scoop the dough. Papa says it's, um, it's because I- I go mad with power.” She looked up at Eddie. “I do not know what that means.”
Eddie put on a smile. “It means the next time your papa and I do Muay Thai, I'm gonna kick his butt.”
By some miracle, they got the cookie dough finished, scooped out, and put in the oven.
Then Juniper went to play on her tablet while Eddie spent the next fifteen minutes cleaning up the disaster that was his kitchen.
Once the cookies had come out of the oven and cooled, they each tried one. Eddie was a bit on edge, worried about finding a hair somewhere, but luckily he did not.
“These are great, Chewy!” Eddie exclaimed, exaggerating a bit with his bite. They weren't bad, not bad at all, but they were definitely not on Buck's level. He was certain of that.
Juniper nodded, melted chocolate covering her lips. “Mmm,” she hummed, shoving another bite into her mouth. “Yum, yum!”
When Eddie dropped her off the next day, both Buck and Tommy met her at the door.
Buck picked her up first, squeezing her tight. “I missed you, Junie!” he exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Missed you, Daddy!”
She reached out for Tommy next and he took her out of Buck's arms. “I think you grew, Miss Juniper,” he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “At least a foot.”
She rolled her eyes. “No, Papa, I would need new clothes.” She paused, then her eyes widened at the thought. “Can we get me new clothes?!”
“Oh dear.”
They all stepped inside, and Eddie placed all of Juniper's things in the corner near the entryway, except for one container he kept in his hands.
“Thank you so much for keeping her, Eddie,” Tommy said, Juniper still snuggled up in his arms.
“Yes, thank you,” Buck echoed. “You wanna come in for a bit?”
Eddie shook his head. “Nah, I gotta go, but Junie, do you want to give this to your dads before leave?” He held out the container and she gasped, wiggling out of Tommy's arms.
She grabbed the container and handed it to Buck. “This is for both of you,” she said, “for being sick.”
They feigned surprise well, excitedly telling her how delicious they looked and how they'd have to go share them together at the table.
“Let's go get the milk poured,” Tommy said, taking her hand and leading her toward the kitchen. “Thanks again, Eddie.”
“No problem. See ya, Chewy!”
“Bye, Uncle Eddie!”
“So,” Buck started once Juniper was out of earshot, “you baked with Juniper?” There was a smirk on his face that Eddie could only meet with a glare. “How'd that go?”
“Oh, you know, something I can add to my list of things I'll never do again.”
Buck laughed. “Tommy tried cooking with us one time and he, uh, he left halfway through mumbling something about war flashbacks. She's okay with me if we're cooking, but baking is... that's something else.”
“Yes, I'm aware now.” Eddie reached for the door, but stopped and leaned in close to Buck. “Also, if you happen to get a hair, no you didn't.”
“Oh... Um, o- okay? Do I wanna know?”
“Nope. Later, Buck.”
“See ya, Eddie.”
“Did you have fun with Uncle Eddie?” Eddie heard Tommy ask as headed out the door.
“It was super-duper-party-”
Eddie closed the door behind him before he could hear the rest of the sentence. Sometimes, the best part of being an uncle was the ability to walk away.
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brewed-pangolin · 9 months
Inspired by your thoughts on tea, since we know Soap makes fun of Ghost during the Alone mission for asking for a cuppa... do you think Soap would make tea for his wife? Tease her about it but always make sure her favored brand is in the pantry?
Umm...I might have gone a little overboard with this. Oopsies. (But I loved it so much!!)
Johnny would absolutely tease his love for your certain affection and acquired tastes towards tea.
Always muttering little quips under his breath as you meticulously scrutinize the herbal tea aisle of the grocery store for the better part of half an hour.
"Steamin Jesus, gonnae be growin' roots inta th'floor if this takes any longer."
You roll your eyes at him. Too lost in mulling over whether to go with the tried and true chamomile tea bags you've been using for years, or venture out and take a chance on the loose tea you've been reading so much about.
You decide, after much internal deliberation, to go with both.
Once at the checkout lane, you survey the ever growing line of products and can't help but notice that two of your newly cherished items seemed to have miraculously disappeared.
"What's th' bloody difference?" Soap's sudden interjection pulls your eyes towards him. Holding both boxes in his hands, eyes shifting back and forth to give each parcel a quick yet thorough inspection.
"Th's ones tea in a bag. And th's ones loose. So what, ones caged and th'others free range?"
"It's basic chemistry, smartass," you snap back. Snatching both boxes out of his hands, adding them back to the line along the grocery belt.
"You should know something about that, Soap. Being a demolitions expert and all."
"Aye, I am. Rarely havin' to deal wit botanicals though, sweetheart."
An amused sigh escapes your lips, shaking your head as you point to each box and explain in lamens' terms the difference to the ill educated Scot.
"Tea bags are good for quick steaps, inexpensive and easily accessible. But they also grow bitter quickly, are only good for one-time use, and generally have one dominant aromatic note."
You give him pause, narrowing your eyes and gander whether he's understanding your descriptive breakdown or altogether lost like a deer in headlights. His cocked eyebrow indicates the former, allowing you to continue.
"Loose tea has numerous aromatic tones, a longer shelf life, greater variety, and one scoop can be brewed multiple times. Yes, they're quite a bit more expensive and take longer to steap, but the pros outweigh the cons pretty unanimously."
"So why ya buyin' both then, bonnie?"
"The same reason you buy two bottles of the same whisky? One single malt and the other blended. Different brewing styles bring out different keynotes in taste. It's simple chemistry and, why are you looking at me like that?"
You question abruptly. His cerulean eyes gazing upon you with the warmth of a summer's dawn. And carrying with it a smile that would make any young mare weak and tremble at the knees.
"Yer so fuckin' cute when ya go on a tangent like that, bonnie. Cannae help but get lost in ya," he whispers. His thumb gently wrapping around the curve of your chin as he leisurely closes the distance between you.
"Um. Excuse me?"
A sudden, unfamiliar voice tears you both out of your enchanting eye lock, forcing you to break from his gaze and focus on the somewhat embarrassed expression of the young cashier.
"That'll be $78.95, ma'am."
Not even two months later, you turned John MacTavish into a class act tea brewing connoisseur. Something about the chemical intricacies of it seemed to pull at the explosive alchemy that flowed so easily within his mind.
Boiling the water to the perfect alloted time and temperature. Pouring it carefully over the filled infuser that he measured out like an artisanly skilled brewer. He even had an app that would indicate the steeping time for each distinct batch of tea leaves.
And as he brought the expertly steeped brew up to you in bed, you couldn't help but give yourself a theoretical pat on the back to turning the once tea scoffing Scot into a true master brewer.
"Simon would be proud, John." You teased, bringing the porcelain rim of elegantly decorated cup to your lip.
And Soap answered first with a icy glare, followed quickly by his typical brogish banter.
"Donnae fuckin' dare, lass."
Drabbles Masterlist
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showsandstuff · 1 month
Ways to make a Dale Dimmadome redemption work:
Hi! So, as a self proclaimed Dale Dimmadome redemption truther, I wanted to make this post explaining why a redemption is, in my opinion, very much possible. (I am not nearly as confident about this as I am pretending to be)
Buckle up, this'll be a long one folks!
First, why do I think a Dale redemption could happen? Let's go through it:
It's still a kids show. I find the conclusion to the story that Dale will never love his son a bit grim for a show for children. You could of course make it work by using the found family trope with Peri instead, plus there are plenty of kids shows that have used the evil father of secondary character/antagonist trope, without the father getting a redemption but I do think a Dale redemption is the most satisfying conclusion for this show.
Even Remy Buxaplentys parents started caring for Remy at some point, so I got hope. Though to be fair, they were incredibly one note.
His past with Vicky makes him a bit more sympathetic. Knowing what he went through in his childhood, it makes sense he probably wouldn't know what a child needs. I'm just saying it means there's room for improvement
He emotionally neglects Dev, but his physical needs are met. Which is something, right? Like Yay... And all...
We don't know if Dale doesn't love Dev. I think there's a possibility that he does care but just doesn't know it because he's taken his child for granted. That's not an excuse of course, but it would make a redemption more plausibel. If Dale genuinely does not love Dev whatsoever, I'll give up on my redemption hope.
How could they pull it off, if at all?
Assuming that Dale does love Dev, deep deeeep down, and just doesn't realize it because he's so focused on his company, the best way to show this is through a choice.
Dev doing things that benefit the company has never helped their relationship, Dale just gets happy because Money and it doesn't make him appreciate his son more, Dev just becomes someone useful to him.
But if Dev causes Dale to lose money, that's a good start to see what Dale truly prioritizes deep down.
Dale choosing Dev over his company is what I need if they decide to redeem him. I need Dale in one way or another show us that he truly cares. Maybe have Dale spend so much money to find and save Dev, that his company goes bankrott? Or have his company explodes and Dale's main concern could be Devs wellbeing. Or Dev goes behind his father's back and intentionally hurts the company, but instead of lashing out at Dev, Dale reflects on himself.
Now... That's all incredibly out of character for Dale and I would hate for an unearned redemption. I'd need there to be a lot of build up to that moment, some foreshadowing that hints at Dale not feeling entirely indifferent about Dev. Small moments, nothing too grand. Maybe he'd be worried if he finds out that he had left Dev with Vicky at one Point, and that could be the catalyst to show us that he isn't as awful as we were shown previously.
And after we had enough of those moments and already have a feel that Dale isn't all uncaring, we get to the grand moment where Dale shows us through his actions that in truth, he cares far more about his kid than his cash. It would feel earned and not be out of nowhere then.
Now before yall call me delusional, I know that this is extremely unrealistic and I'm just setting myself up if these are my expectations. Good thing they aren't. I do expect Dev to have something equivalent of his father's love at the end of the show, but that's it.
Here are some examples of what I actually believe would happen:
Hazel and Dev become friends (again) but this time their friendship is explored more. Maybe Dev also befriends Hazel's friends and finds fulfillment through that. (although I think that'll happen regardless and would be unsatisfying if that was all we got)
Involving Peri in this mess and giving him a character arc of his own would work as well. He realizes that Dev doesn't need a Fairy to be happy because, as Cosmo said in the finale, what Dev truly wants isn't something he can get through wishes. Dev, being super rich, is already used to getting "stuff", but love isn't stuff. So Peri basically becoming a parental figure for Dev, which is what he is supposed to be as a godparent anyway, could work. Besides, Peri already solidified himself in this role in the finale when he told Dev that he cared about him. It was a heartwarming moment. We all loved it so ofc we would want more of that.
Anything involving Irep, another Fairy or even Timmy. Dev needs someone that cares for him. My top three go to characters are obviously Peri, Hazel and Dale, but they're not the only ones that could fulfill that role. We just need to wait and see what the writers do.
So yea, a Dale redemption is my first pick for a season 2 finale (or technically my first pick is a hint at a Dale redemption in the s2 finale and the actual redemption happens way later because slow burn) but I do understand that it's pretty unlikely and would be very much satisfied with Peri becoming his godparent with Emphasis on parent, or even the power of friendship with Hazel, though that'd be harder to execute without it feeling cheap (I got faith in the writers)
So this was very long. And I am going to sleep now. Thanks for reading.
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