#that's also why I'm scared of getting a meal plan
painisntn33ded · 1 year
the frustrating thing is if i ever genuinely chow to recover id have to stop being vegn for good because it's too mixed up in my ed
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numetalkids · 3 months
what to do when your roommate eats all your food. without aksing.......... she mostly eats from my veggie spreads and everything else that comes in a glass/jar, like honey, tomato sauce etc. She literally scoops out so much that she almost empties a glass shortly after i've opened it the first time. A few months ago i just noticed she would snack on my stuff from time to time and i was like ok i know she is going through a difficult time, she may be stress eating (why eating my stuff tho?) and i let it be. But now she just basically empties all my stuff so that i have nothing left to eat and i dont get it bc she ALWAYS has more food in the frigde than me, she has more money and she can afford snacks and yet she decides to eat my food instead like WTF
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smoooothoperator · 3 months
What Was I Made For?
05: The Loneliest
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Charles POV, jaeloussy, Melanie (you'll see), maybehelovesherbutheissoidiottoadmititsohepreferstoactlikehehatesher.
a/n: Hiiii!!! I hope everyone is okay and excited because today is race day!! And Lando is onpole yayyyy. Also, I hope everyone has a great start of summer :3
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If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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The first time the Morelli family met my family was during a trip we made to Greece during summer. Our families sat close to each other during the meals in the restaurant and our parents talked with each other, making us, the kids, hang out together.
The first time I saw Dafne Morelli, she was wearing a pink summer dress with little flowers in it, with her long chocolate hair tied in two pigtails, and her tiny hand wrapped around a plushie of a cat.
At first, we were friends, as friends as you can be with someone you just met. Her sisters and my brothers were the same age, the two of us were middle kids, and somehow we understood each other. 
The first time she said she hated me was a day I was feeling completely sick, wasted. That day I woke up with a stomach ache and I tried to hide it, not wanting to worry my parents, and somehow not wanting to miss the fun of the day.
Our families went together to a beach near the hotel, planning on spending the entire day there, having lunch in a restaurant that is on the first row in front of the beach. I tried my best to seat something, but that made it worse and the nausea kept growing, making me feel anxious.
“Charlie, are you okay?” Dafne was the first one to notice that something bad was happening to me, looking at me worried.
“Yeah, don't worry” 
I barely went to the water that day, staying in the towel, sitting there alone. Until Dafne came to sit next to me.
“Are you sure you are okay?” 
I nodded, looking away and making her sigh. But she stayed there with me. For a moment I thought I was feeling better, so I got up and looked at her, reaching for her hand.
“Let's walk to those rocks, I saw a cat over there” 
She got up with a jump and grabbed my hand, walking with me and searching with her blue eyes for a cat.  And when we found it, she smiled wide. She clapped her tiny hands softly, looking at the calico cat.
“It's so cute!” she gasped, pointing her finger to the animal. “Did you know that in Japan they think that a calico cat means luck?”
“Oh really?” I smiled looking at her. 
“Yes! They think that they scare the ghosts, that's why the men that work on the ships brought them with them. To scare the ghosts” she nodded.
“How do you know that?”
“I'm a cat lover”
I laughed and she looked at me, then at the cat. 
But what happened next was what started it all.
She held my cheeks with her hands and pressed her lips on mine quickly, making me flinch and keep my eyes closed. That was my first kiss.
Maybe it was the nerves because of it, or the fact that I ate when my stomach refused to be nice, or maybe it was the smell of the sea. 
But the moment she took a step back, looking at me with a wide smile, I threw up right in front of her, coughing and gasping.
I heard her gasp and fall back, making her hurt her hands and cry. I gasped once I felt my stomach empty, looking at her, watching how her hands had blood and tiny rocks in it and her eyes full of tears.
“I hate you, Charles Leclerc!” she cried, trying to get up and running away from me. She never called me by my full name.
Dafne Morelli. My first kiss. And the one that hates me the most.
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When I started karting, my family invited her family to join us. 
Dafne never talked to me again, and somehow I felt bad because of it. It was like I didn't exist after that incident on the Greek beach. Even if I tried to explain myself, she always walked away, hugging her cat plushie.
I got confused because of that. At first I thought it was because she felt embarrassed, because I threw up just the moment after she kissed me. During all that week when our families were together for the first time, Dafne and I were stuck to each other, playing together and taking naps in the same bed.
At first I thought it was because she discovered the boys were disgusting. But then I saw her with Jules, smiling and talking with him, blushing. 
And somehow, that feeling I never knew I could feel, grew wild. Jealousy. I was jealous. But of what? Of who?
I saw her talking with other boys, smiling and laughing. And when she was near me, everything I received was a glacial gaze, with her blue eyes freezing me even on the hottest day of July.
But what I hated the most is that she started karting too. That Jules was helping her too. That sometimes she was better than me. That, no matter what, she always had her chin up and a proud smile, even if she lost a race or her engine stopped working. 
I started to hate her confidence. How people helped her. How, after she took me out of a race and I was practically sent to the mud, everyone ran to her to check if she was alright.
“Why do you hate her?” Jules asked me after I recognized, for the first time, that I hated her. “She's not bad”
“She is” I groaned. “She makes mistakes and people still congratulate her. It's because she's a girl? I'm doing better than her and no one comes to celebrate my podium like how they go to celebrate her points”
“You are jealous” he sighed. “You have to understand that girls do not always succeed in this sport. People cheer for her because she's brave and she tries. Why do you keep making it harder for her?”
Jules always knew that my career was going to be brilliant. He helped me be on the teams I liked, talked about me to the team principals. And he did the same with Dafne.
And I should feel proud that a woman I know was becoming famous, getting the credits for everything she did. 
But why couldn't I? Why did I always have to keep fighting her, teasing her? Why did I have that need of challenging her to see where her limit was? 
At some point, I forgot why I hated her. Was it because I was jealous? Or maybe because I
was afraid of who she would become if no one stops her? Maybe because people like her more. 
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The morning I woke up next to her I felt somehow familiar.
That scent, one that never changed, was next to me again, making me dream with my childhood and those beaches with crystal clear water. It was warm and soft, making me remember that little girl that always asked me to take naps with her.
But when I noticed it was her, I immediately knew that it was a mistake.
Her loud voice made my ears ring, starting a headache I would have for the rest of the day.
When she made me look around the room I understood it. I slept with her.  And our naked bodies and the clothes spread over the floor said that it wasn't only that.
The anger she held in her eyes was something I never saw and it made my heart squeeze tightly, making me swallow thickly and take a step back.
But then, again, words started to blurb without control out of my mouth, making me dissociate from my own body and not understand what was happening. Why am I insulting her? Why is she screaming? Why am I provoking her? Why… Why did she say she slept with Mick? Why, why, why?
The moment her heel hit my chest and threatened me I knew I had to leave before things started to get worse.
This time I fucked up. Big time. 
Jules would be so disappointed with me. So, so, so disappointed. And disgusted.
When I closed the door behind me I gasped, turning around and just facing the door of my own room. 
I thought it was my room. I had sex with Dafne thinking it was Melanie. 
I clench my jaw and search for the key to my room, opening it carefully. But then I found something that, somehow, I knew it could happen.
Melanie with a random guy on my bed. Of course.
“Get out” I said, standing in front of the bed and looking at them. “The two of you. Now!”
They woke up and gasped, hiding their bodies with the blanket. I scoffed, shaking my head and grabbing clean clothes, searching for my phone.
Fuck, where did I leave it? I couldn't find it last night. Where is it? Maybe in the club of the hotel.
“You better be out of this room once I come back” I told Melanie and the other guy. “And whatever that you thought that was going on between us, is done”
I groan and get dressed in the bathroom, not looking at them before walking out of the room.
My mind was spiraling, getting flashbacks from last night. The words I said about Dafne. How angry she was. How did I get to this point? Why? Why can't I stop?
When I went to the club and asked if they found a phone, I knew someone stole it when the guard said there wasn't a phone on lost objects. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I groaned, walking away and going back to the room. Thankfully, Melanie and that guy were no longer there.
I sat on the bed and sighed, looking around. Where is my phone, God damn it. 
After searching all over the room, and not finding it, I gave up and packed all my stuff to leave the room and go home. I'll have to give up the private jet and go home by car, using the GPS of the car and probably listening to the radio.
I walked out of the room with my backpack and suitcase, going to the hall and looking around to see if I could find my family. But they probably left already. Great.
I sighed, going to my car and placing my things there, starting the engine and driving out of the city, driving through the road on my way home.
Nearly four hours of silence, only with the occasional voice of the GPS. I hated it, but I started to think about everything that happened.
Did I really say that Dafne sucked dicks to get on her seat? That she doesn't deserve to be in Formula 1? Who was saying that? Me? 
Twenty years of knowing each other and I still can't understand why I hate her and why she hates me. And it feels that the only thing we know to do when we are around each other is to fight. Why can't we stop? It's so exhausting fighting with her. Why can't I go back in time and tell that little girl that I was feeling sick, that I needed to throw up and stay in bed? 
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The moment I opened the door of my apartment I felt my body heavier than ever. I was exhausted, my head was going to explode and the only thing I wanted to do was sleep until tomorrow. 
But I knew I had to do things. I had to go to the bank to cancel my account, just in case whoever stole my phone decided to give themselves a feast and use the card of the phone to buy things. I had to go to the phone company to cancel my card and ask them to give me a new one. I had to use my laptop to close all the social media on my phone.
It felt like I was isolated. Things were happening without me knowing it. People were saying things without me knowing it.
I spent most of the day out, taking care of things and even buying a new phone, assuming I wasn't going to see my old phone anymore.
At first I didn't notice it, but everyone I found in the street or people from the stores were staring at me. Not in a good way, that's what I noticed after the fourth store I walked in. The smiles and welcomes were inexistent. No one walked towards me to take pictures with me. 
When I went back to my apartment, there was another pair of shoes at the front door.
“What are you doing here” I frowned, leaving the bags on the table. “I think I left it clear that I was done with you”
“You actually don't hate her, do you?”
I frown looking at her, clenching my jaw. What is she talking about?
“It’s only a facade” she said. “Come on, it makes sense! And it's perfect for marketing. What was the fandom calling it… Oh, right! Enemies to lovers”
“What are you talking about, Melanie” I frowned.
“You know, at first I was curious when I found out about you” she nodded. “When we matched on Raya I searched for you on Instagram. And there was something that caught my attention. You like brunettes. But not only that. Brunettes with blue eyes”
I clench my jaw, listening to her. There's no way she's saying what I think she will say.
“And then I saw her” she laughed. “Your so-called enemy, Dafne Morelli. How curious, huh? Brunette and blue eyes. You clearly have a type. And that made me think… You dated girls that look like her because you can't have her? That's so ridiculous, you know?”
“Who I date is none of your business” I frowned, trying to defend myself.
“Don't worry” she laughed. “In fact, I helped you to make it more obvious that you hate her. Just so no one will suspect about you being in love with your teammate”
“You are crazy” I groaned. “Me in love with her? Don't make me laugh”
“It wasn't me who went to her room last night to fuck her” she said. “And here's your phone”
I frown and look at her, grabbing her bag and placing my phone on the table. She had it? All this time?
“You should thank me” she smiled. “I probably saved you from telling a lie in public”
“A lie?” I frown.
“Oh, yeah” she chuckled. “Your boss sent you a text asking you to apologize for the words you said last night. I mean, you know what they say about drunk people, that they always tell the truth. And yesterday you were wasted”
I clench my jaw and grab my phone. She knew my code, I told her. What the fuck did she do?
“What have you done” I frown while reading the messages. 
“What you deserve” she laughed, getting up and walking past me. “You wanted to win? I helped you. You're welcome”
Before I could say anything to her, the door of the apartment closed behind her. I grabbed my phone and read everything. The messages I didn't write, the punishment I'll receive. Then the posts on Twitter and Instagram about what happened last night. The hate towards Dafne. 
What have I done?
Days went by. My family stopped talking to me disappointed by my actions. I don't blame them, I deserve it.
I tried to talk with Dafne's sisters, but none of them texted back. 
The days I went to Maranello she wasn't there, somehow she found a way of avoiding me just by looking a t the schedule. 
Everyone in the factory was mad with me, disappointed. And it's all my fault. I reached the limit of what was acceptable. And even if I thought about going to talk with Fred and explain that I didn't write those texts, I knew he wouldn't believe me. Why would he? He knew about my rivalry with Dafne.
So I had to accept the blame. I felt ashamed of myself.
“I just don't get it, mate” Pierre sighed, sitting next to me after we went to the golf course. “I knew you and Dafne were rivals since forever, even during karting. But what you said the other Sunday… I'm sorry, but I never imagined you would say something like that”
“I guess… I guess I'm jealous” I sighed. “And I know it sounds childish, that's the worst. But somehow, whenever I see her near me I dissociate and let my body work, watching how it acts alone without me knowing what's going on”
“And why can't you try and talk with her, to explain?” he sighed.
“Believe me, I tried to do that twenty years ago” I sighed, shaking my head. “And she just ignored me, running away. And I probably made her family hate me. So… Hurray…”
I sigh and hold my head with my hands, taking a deep breath. 
“You know she's receiving hate, right?” he sighed. 
“I know… and it's my fault” I groaned. “And I can't apologize because Melanie just did the stupidest thing ever and no one will believe me”
“I told you that girl was suspicious and you never heard…” Pierre laughed weakly, patting my back. “But maybe you should find another way to apologize. I don't know… Use your imagination”
“Yeah, sure” I sighed. “Can you… Can you ask Kika to keep an eye on her? I know they are friends”
“Of course” he nodded.
When I went back to my apartment I frowned when the receptionist called me to give me a letter.
“Seems important, sir” he said. “The mailman came asking for you to give it in hand, but I told him you were out. He asked me to give it to you personally”
“Thank you” I nodded, grabbing the letter and going to my apartment.
I sighed, sitting on the couch and looking at the envelope, opening it. 
And then my breath hitched when I read what it said.
She reported me. She really reported me for defamation.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @apollosfavkiddo @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
reconciliation — mat barzal
some barzy smut for you all :) wanted to wait posting this but those videos of him playing guitar just came out so we are all in desperate need for this rn!! as a reminder: video one two
word count: 2.9k
warning: SMUT (18+) & undisclosed fight (sorry I was too lazy to come up with a better backstory so just know it was fairly bad fight and this starts a couple hours afterwards)
You laid awake, desperately trying to fall asleep, but your fight with your boyfriend played in your head over and over again. It was so stupid and you hated that you were still mad, especially since he was leaving for a few days the next day. But you were too stubborn to be the bigger person and turn around and apologize.
Mat felt the same, though, the sleepless ness getting to him and turning around to face your back. He wrapped an arm around you and gently kissed your cheek. "Hey," he whispered, pulling himself closer to you until you were perfectly nestled to him. "We said we'd never go to sleep angry. I'm sorry. I love you."
You nodded, but didn't turn to face him. Your hand lifted to cradle his cheek and with an 'I love you, too' you both were finally able to fall asleep.
You spent the next few days alone, Mat being gone on a roadie. While you hadn't exactly talked about your fight, you mutually decided to just drop it since neither of you wanted to stay angry at each other. You face timed every day like normal, although there wasn't any spicy time that you would usually share. You saved that for after he hung up.
You could hear the music blasting from your apartment before you even stepped inside. Mat was back, since the early afternoon actually, but you were stuck at work. Yelling for him when you stepped foot inside the apartment wouldn't work, so after getting rid of you jacket and shoes you went to look for him. And what a sight when you did. He was dancing and singing along to the music, while attempting to chop an onion.
"Whatcha doin?" He jumped at your voice, dropping the knife and almost cutting himself.
"Don't scare me like that!" The shock on his face claimed after a second and he went to turn down the music and wash his hands before he pulled you in for a hug. "Missed you."
"Missed you." After a long kiss, you looked around to figure out what he was doing. "You're making dinner? For me?"
"Hey! I cook for you."
"What? I do! You're just better than me that’s why I don’t do it so much." You patted his chest with a chuckle and kissed him again, shutting him up.
You helped him prepare the meal for a bit, before you went to go take a shower. Since seeing him today, especially in the kitchen, you had felt incredibly horny and devised a plan on how your night would go. But shower first.
After lotioning up and making you smell irresistible, you slipped into some sexy matching lingerie. You pulled on of his boxers overtop to be comfortable, but also show off your ass, and one of his white tshits that would show him exactly what was going on underneath.
You set the table when you came back and not long after you sat down for dinner. Throughout eating, you brushed your hair seductively and made some inappropriate noises, to get him riled up. And he did, but he could see exactly through what you were doing, so he didn't make a move. While he did want to flip this table to get to you, he just sat there staring at you, looking at wherever you wanted him to.
"This actually was pretty good," you said, taking a sip of you water. "I just hope desert is better."
His eyes darkened while you smirked at him. You were both staring at each other, fueling the heat in each of your bodies until you got enough.
"I must be getting my period or something, because I have been so horny these past few days," his body twitched, wanting to reach out to you. "Too bad you weren't there."
You got up to take both of your plates to the sink. "But don't worry, our pink friend helped me out a lot."
"What?!" You smiled at him from where you leaned against the kitchen island, showing off your legs. "And I didn't get a video or a call? Baby, come on." He was frustrated and tried to stand, but with a show of hand you got him to sit down again. You stalked over to him until you stood directly in front of him, looking down.
"I guess I was still mad at you," you said and slowly let you hands trace his cheek. Then you sat down on his lap where he immediately gripped your hips. Then you leaned down to whisper in his ear, "and I thought you should earn to see them."
"So... So, you did take a video?," he asked, his voice stammering.
"Maybe." You lips traced his jaw. "Maybe there's more than one." You let your hip roll, meeting his hard erection. "What are you going to do to earn the right to see them?"
He groaned as his head fell back. "Fuck, baby, anything. I'll do anything."
With that, you finally let him kiss you.
"Well? Show me what you got." And he did. You gave the control over to him and without hesitation he had you up and pressed down on the dining table. With a hard pull, your boxers and panties were off and he was staring down at you like a wild animal.
"God, you're so hot." His hands massaged your thighs before pulling your shirt up to expose your breasts contained in your black lace bra. He bent to to trace the outline of your tits with his lips. Swiftly, he ripped both cups down, exposing them all the way.
"Yes, suck them, Mat. Please ... please suck them," you begged, the sound so desperate that he complained immediately with a moan. He cupped your breast in his hand, squeezing it hard as he sucked your nipple between his lips. You moaned together and your hand got ahold of his head, pushing him into you. He played with both of your tits, sucking, nipping, licking, and squeezing, until you both got impatient and he got back down on his knees with a smirk. "Ready?"
His mouth descended onto your slick pussy, to which your pelvis shot up to meet his face. "Oh fuck." Hands still on your thighs, he took long, languid strokes with his tongue. You squirmed beneath him as he lapped away at you, never fully pushing all the way in against your clit, just staying around the outside, prepping you for what he had planned.
With two fingers, he spread you wide, exposing your clit, and then lowered his tongue to just above it.
And he hovered, letting you feel his heavy breath and the scruff of his jaw against your inner thigh.
"Mathew," you moaned. "Please."
With his hand that wasn't spreading her, he moved it back up your body, and just as he pinched your left nipple between your fingers, he press his tongue against your clit.
"Oh my . .. fuck." Your eyes squeezed shut, arching into him. He did it again. And again. And again. "More," you begged. "I need more."
In response, Mat pressed his tongue against your slit and lightly flicked at it, creating a vibration against the nub that caused you to grip his head and dig your fingers digging into his scalp. "Fuck, Maty. Oh my God . . . keep going."
His eyes lifted, to keep them on you to watch your reactions as he continued to pleasure you at a relentless pace. Your body grew tighter and tighter and your breath picked up as you got closer and closer to the edge.
His tongue attacked your clit more aggressively, pushing against it, sucking it. Your moans grew louder and your body tensed. Then your orgasm crashed over you, sending you into full body tremors. "Fuck... fuck." Mat sucked and licked you up until the tremors subsided and you laid there, limp, on the table.
Mat got back on his feet and bent over you to kiss you gently. His lips pressed small wet kisses along your neck and collarbone, until you had recovered enough to gain function over your limbs again. Your first act was to pull his shit off his chest, then you clung to him, wrapping both your legs and arms around him.
With his strong arms, Mat picked you up and set you in his lap when he plumped into your living room couch. "I love eating your sweet little pussy, feeling it clench around my tongue," he whispered into your ear as he pulled your hair. "But I love feeling it clench around my cock even more."
You moaned as your head fell into the crook of his neck. You were ready and desperate for him again and he knew immediately by the way you were rocking your hips, searching for his cock.
"You love that, too, eh? Feeling my dick pulsing deep inside you." You nodded quickly, hoping it would get him to do something faster. And he did, pulling his dick out of his sweatpants, pumping it a couple times in front of your eyes. Then he pulled on your hair, making you sit up straight while he leaned back. "Ride me. But don't let me inside you. I want to see just how slick that pussy is."
Your hungry eyes connected, but both of your heads soon fell back with moans as you slowly moved your wet cunt over his cock. "Oh my God, Maty, this feels... incredible."
"You feel incredible," he says in response as you fell forward, bringing your breast into him mouth. He focused on your nipple, swirling around it with his tongue, flicking and then nibbling just enough that you sucked in a sharp breath of air. With his hand, he did the same thing to your other breast as you continued to rock on him.
"I can come just like this," you say, your hands falling to his chest and your pelvis lifting just slightly to get a better angle. "Fuck, I'm already close."
"Then come. Use me, fuck me like this." His moans spurred you on, driving you closer to the edge. 
Your lips pressed together, as your eyes squeezed shut and your pace picked up. Your thrusts became more erratic until you reached your orgasm. "Fuck!" Your body shook and spasmed as you rode out your orgasm until there was nothing left to take. The you collapsed on top of him.
"That was so hot," he whispered, his voice raspy. "Now be a good girl and lie down." You obeyed, falling into to cushions exhausted. "Turn."
When you did, he gave your ass a hard slap, the echo of your skin filling the air. Then he moved a pillow under your pelvis and gave your ass another slap, before he moved his thumb over your arousal, swirling it around your entrance, and positioning his cock where he wants it.
With gritting teeth, he pushed his hips forward and with a hard thrust he pushed in his cock in your pussy until he bottomed out. You both moaned loudly and his grip got tighter on your hips as he tried to restrain himself. "More," you moaned as you started moving your hips.
"Babe, don't move. Please... fuck." You moved your pelvis anyway, and he matched the thrusts because he was as desperate as you. "I won't last."
"Do it, Mat. Fuck me as hard as you can." With a groan, the grip on your hips tightened again as he started pumping into you relentlessly. He had no control, all he was doing was fucking you chasing his release. Your pussy gripped his cock so tightly, spurring on both of your thrusts. He was pushing into you so hard, that the sound of your skin slapping was so loud, you thought the neighbors would be able to hear it.
"I'm right there. Fuck, I'm there," he groaned and moaned until he exploded inside you. Thick, warm ropes of his cum coated your insides. "Fuuuuck."
Out of nowhere, you started shaking as you reached your third orgasm. Your vision went black and your breath hitched while milking the last drops of his cum. Your body felt like jello as you came down from your high. Mat collapsed next to you, but you barely registered it. You were to exhausted to move or speak, so you laid there catching your breath.
Eventually, Mat's arm snuck around you and turned you to pull you into his chest. "Good enough to get that video?"
"Mhm," was all you answered and he smiled victorious, but little did he know he wasn't going to see it for a couple more weeks...
You had expected the call. After finally sending him the video of yourself playing with your pink vibrator, you had expected him to call you. For your own pleasure in the situation, like you hadn't had enough fun messing with him, you had sent the video at a time you knew he would see the notification but wouldn't be able to open it for another few hours. You reveled in the fact that he would be on the edge, dying to open that video, but couldn't because he was with his team in mandatory meetings.
You had expected the call. Which is why you were already ready and waiting in bed. What you didn't expect though, was to see Mat's fist wrapped around his cock moving up and down, instead of his face.
The camera flipped to show his face after a moment, revealing a very turned on Mat. "You little slut. You enjoyed that, didn't you? Torturing me even more by dangling that video in front of me?"
You smiled as you sank back into your pillows. "Yes."
"Turned you on, eh? Messing with me like that." He moved his phone so that you could see him from his thighs up and, god, nothing beat that view. "See what you do to me? Fuck, baby, that video was so hot. Screaming my name like that when I wasn't even there. All mine. You're mine." You were on edge and your hand itched to slide between your legs. "Did you have fun without me?"
"Wasn't that video proof enough?," you teased him again, but you knew it wasn't as good as it was without him.
"Tell me the truth or I'm hanging up."
You rubbed your hand over your panties and gave in. "Nothing feels right when you're not here." You need him and hear his voice to get off. "God, Maty, I'm so on edge right now. I need you." You positioned the camera so he, too, could see your body.
"Alright, I'll be nice. Strip. Take those fucking panties off and let me see your wet cunt." You did as instructed, even taking your bra off. "Now glide your fingers up and down your body and around your breasts without touching your nipples. Just like that, baby. Slower, I want you to feel how soft your skin is."
As your hand slid across your skin, you regretted teasing him for so long because you had a feeling he was going to do the same to you. "Slide your fingers closer to your pussy, tease yourself the way I'd tease you. Get close to your slit but don't touch yourself."
Your hand lowered and, when you got close enough, your pelvis lifted. "Don't fucking touch that cunt. It's mine."
"Don't make me wait," you groaned, throwing your head back in agony.
"Now who's talking."
"You liked it, I know it." You smirked, then dared to move your hand closer to your center.
"Shush. Spread your legs more and slowly spread those lips for me." You did, moaning at the sensation. "Fuck, look at you. I wish I was there, eating that wet pussy. Sucking on your clit, driving my dick so hard inside you that you can practically taste my cum in the back of your throat."
"Maty, I need more. Please," you begged as you breathing increased. You were so wet already and so close to your orgasm when you hadn't even really touched yourself yet. When you looked to your phone, you saw Mat started pumping his cock again.
"My dick is so hard, baby. Shit. Yes, go, finger yourself. I need to see you touch yourself."
Finally, you got two fingers to slowly circle your clit. "Oh, fuck," you yelled as head fell back again and your eyes rolled back in ecstasy.
"That's it, baby, keep up the pace. I need you to match my strokes. Pinch your nipple too. I want you to mark yourself."
Your hips lifted as your fingers sped up, chasing your release. And it was getting close. You looked to your phone, where Mat was still grunting while he worked himself. You saw a big bead of precum spill out of the tip of his cock, then he moaned loudly. "I'm there. Fuck, I'm gonna cum."
"Me too." You had no idea if he heard you, but your orgasm started crashing over you and you lost track of all of your senses for a moment. Your spams started slowly and then descended into full body shudders that left you screaming his name.
While you caught your breath, you turned to take your phone back into your hand. You saw Mat with a small smile looking at you, hand still around his cock, but his sticky cum spilled on his skin.
"You are an evil little woman," he said, which made you laugh. "But, god, what I wouldn't do for you."
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ericshoney · 1 month
Weight ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
Tumblr media
Summary: Nick, Matt and Chris find out about your eating disorder.
Warnings: possible swearing, eating disorder, anxiety, weight, fear of food, mentions of throwing up, bullying, crying, angst with a fluff ending
It started with one word.
You ignored it. Knowing how teenagers could be, how judgemental and horrible some could be.
Then it got worse.
Fat. Cow. Bitch. Overweight. Chubby. Ugly. Heavy. Large.
You tried hard to ignore it, but it was too hard. You didn't want to bother your family, so you took matters into your own hands.
Breakfast was easy to miss. You would rush out the door, shouting a quick bye to your parents and brothers if they were home and head to school.
Lunch was also easy to miss on school days, as you just wouldn't buy anything. Only drink water and chat with your friends.
Dinner was the hardest. You would sit at the table, the smell of food you once loved and enjoyed, now made you feel sick and anxious. You would sometimes say you weren't hungry, but knew that wouldn't always work, so you had a back up plan.
Eat and then throw it up.
It would work if only your parents were home. Having the excuse to go to your room after dinner and sneak to your bathroom, throwing all the food up.
When Nick, Matt and Chris were home, it was much harder. They would want to go out and get ice cream, saying they would treat you and get snacks. Something you loved to do, before your disorder developed.
In the back of your mind, you knew you needed help, you knew you had to talk to your family, but you were scared. What if they got mad? Or didn't want anything to do with you? So many thoughts ran through your mind. So you kept it to yourself.
At the moment, the triplets were home in Boston. You were at school as they had gone out to see Nate for a bit, only to come home and see your parents sat at the kitchen island, both with sad expressions on their faces.
"What's going on?" Nick asked first.
"Honestly bud, we don't know." Jimmy answered.
"Please explain." Matt said.
"Your sister has been acting differently and we really don't know what to do anymore." MaryLou mentioned.
"How different?" Chris asked.
"She doesn't seem herself. She also doesn't eat as much as she used to, or stick around after a meal. We thought it could just be her teenage faze, but she's got thinner." Jimmy replied.
"Want us to try and talk to her?" Nick offered.
Their parents nodded, hoping they could get through to you. Nick, Matt and Chris went and sat in your room, waiting for you to get home.
When you arrived home from school, you shouted a hi to your parents and ran to your room, only to see three of your brothers there. You were slightly shocked to see the identical three sat on your bed, wondering what was going on.
"Hey guys." You greeted, placing your bag by your desk and kicking your shoes off.
"Hey kid, we gotta talk." Nick said.
"Okay, what about?" You asked, trying to remain calm.
"Sit down, petal." Matt said.
You sighed and sat on your bed, in between Chris and Matt, as Nick sat on your desk chair. As the three looked at you closely, they could tell you were a lot thinner than the last time they came home.
"We want you to be honest with us, bub." Chris began.
"Are you not eating?" Nick asked.
"I...Yeah." You mumbled.
"Are you skipping meals?" Matt asked.
You looked at the three, their blue eyes filled with worry, which made it harder to lie.
"Yeah." You admitted, looking down at your lap.
"Why?" Chris asked softly.
You sighed and told them everything, to the comments on socials, to the verbal comments in school, to the bullying that happens. How you wanted to not be a burden to them, Justin or your parents. As you confessed, the tears streamed down your face.
"Sweetheart, you were never ever any of those words." Matt said, pulling you into his arms.
"And you're definitely not them now." Chris added.
"I'm scared to gain weight." You admitted.
"We're going to help you, babe. Okay?" Nick said, making you nod.
"You're not in this alone, you have us, kid." Chris added.
"I'm sorry." You whispered.
"Don't be sorry, petal. It's not your fault. We're not mad, we're so proud you've told us. We understand it's hard but we're going to help you like Nick said. The first step is to tell mum and dad, okay." Matt said gently.
You nodded as your brothers each hugged you. You knew it would be hard but having their love and support would make it easier.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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henrioo · 1 year
Part one — Parte two
Child! Shanks x Child! Reader ( x platonic! Edward Newgate)
Synopsis: "A confusing encounter with a red-haired child ends up changing his day completely."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,6k
Notes: Pronouns should be neutral but because of automatic translation they are masculine, I'm sorry, it was written with a neutral reader in mind. Forgive the bad English too, Google is not one of the best
Revision: @waitingmydemons
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Today would definitely be your day! After weeks of trying to convince your brothers and especially your father, you had managed to get permission to take a tour all alone around the next island the ship stopped. It might seem silly, but living surrounded by men who saw danger in everything made your freedom being compared to one of a bird in a cage. Of course, you were more than grateful for all the effort they put into protecting you, but sometimes you just wanted to run around and play with other kids instead of being followed by famous pirates who scared anyone who came near.
That's why you couldn't hold back the anxiety of finally being able to live a little adventure completely alone! You've prepared very well, choosing fresh clothes that won't get in the way of playing or running, took a purse with a generous amount of money that you collected according to the days and choose the best and most resistant shoes! Everything was perfect, you couldn't even swallow your food during lunch. You were so busy, as soon as the meal was over, you said goodbye to everyone and ran towards the port, excited to explore the place.
Even if walking around and spending money on silly things wasn't exactly the most fun thing in the world, just being able to experience all those new things by yourself and maybe even make a few friends was enough to get you excited. There weren't many young people in Whitebeard's crew, you ended up being the only child and the youngest member which left you a bit alone. Of course no one refused to play with you, Marco and Thatch would spend hours distracting you if that made you happy, the point was that they were adults and eventually needed to take care of their responsibilities, leaving you alone.
Your plan was to buy some candy and maybe find some kids your age to play with, you couldn't wait to get some attention from people who would also like to play. You walked carefree through the big city market, there were countless merchants, mothers, workers, all walking around in their own worlds and duties. You'd eventually stop and look at the fruit, jewelry, or anything else that looked like fun, but you weren't focused on shopping. You were humming absently around, not really caring about your surroundings when you started to hear footsteps approaching.
When you turned around to try to figure out what was going on it was too late, a person collided directly with you but before he could knock you to the ground, he pulled you by the arm away from the main road. You were dragged into an alley and soon a hand covered your mouth, when you regained your senses you could hear more and more footsteps approaching, a crowd running! You frowned in confusion as you listened to what people were saying. "Are you sure you lost them?" You tried to peek down the alley and you could guess they were sailors by their blue and white outfit. "Shit, those little brats! I can't believe they robbed us…" they argued among themselves "Let's keep looking, they can't have gone far".
So when the men walked away you decided to pay attention to the situation you were in. You looked to see who your captors were and came across two… children? The boy holding you had blue hair and a huge red nose, he was holding your mouth while his face had a terrified expression. Next to him was a boy with red hair and a nice hat, he was carrying what looked like a bag of coins and he also looked extremely nervous about being chased. Whoever they were, you knew they'd robbed the sailors, but that didn't mean they weren't a risk to you.
When you were sure the sailors were gone you used all your strength to step on the boy's foot and then bite his hand. You might be small but you weren't harmless, growing up with powerful pirates had taught you a trick or two.
"Ouch! You bit me!" The boy screamed as he held his own hand.
The redhead finally seemed to notice that they'd dragged someone else into the mess and looked at you confused.
"You kidnapped me!" You countered by crossing your arms.
"You kidnapped them?!" The redhead exclaimed looking at his friend in shock.
"They were in the way!" The other tried to defend himself "And you bit me! I was about to let you go!" He was still angry but you didn't care.
"Think before you kidnap me! You're lucky I only bit you, if I told my brothers they would do a lot worse!" You exclaimed proudly of your family.
"Sure, like I'm going to believe a snotty brat" the blue haired one rolled his eyes.
"You called me what?!" You exclaimed with fury as your cheeks burned.
"Snotty brat" he said again with a smirk, looking satisfied with having turned the tables.
The problem was that the boy had underestimated you, one thing you definitely lacked was patience. You learned very early that you shouldn't tolerate offenses against yourself or your family, so you let anger win that fight. You quickly punched the blue-haired boy in the middle of the face, the one who fell on his butt with a scream.
"Buggy!" The red-haired friend screamed and went to help him.
"I'm not snotty!" You said stomping your foot on the floor.
The red-haired boy looked between you and the companion, his gaze showing shock and… fascination? He looked at you like you were a bedtime story hero, someone amazing and you couldn't understand. Shouldn't he be angry? You had just hit his colleague and he seemed fascinated by it?
"Wow…" he exclaimed looking you up and down.
"Humpf! Idiot" you said without patience and then you turned to leave the alley "You're lucky I won't tell my brothers, Marco would finish you off" you said and then left the place ignoring the red haired boy who kept calling you .
You were nervous and frustrated that visit to the city had not gone as you planned, so you decided to go back to the ship earlier. Luckily you would stay a few days in that place, there would be other opportunities to explore and meet kind and fun children, no more children who irritated you. It wasn't long after returning to shore that the crew set up a small camp to store the new supplies while the ship was refueled. There, you found Marco fiddling with some papers and further away you could see his father giving orders to some other members.
You sat with a sulky face while eating a candy you bought in town, Marco looked at you curiously and approached with a characteristic smile.
"What's wrong birdie-yoi?" He smiled and sat down next to you.
"I… I met some annoying kids" you decided it was better to omit what had happened, as much as you wanted revenge, you understood that the confusion had been a misunderstanding and you didn't want your siblings worrying about something so silly.
"Wasn't that fun?" He nodded when he saw you deny it. "Don't worry, you can still meet other kids in the next few days" he smiled trying to calm you down "And if nobody wants to play with you, let's get Visa and Jozu and have a tea party, how about that?" He offered, knowing you were always happiest spending time with your brothers.
"Promise?" You looked at him sullenly.
"On my honor" he smiled as he saw you clearly getting more excited about the idea.
After a little chat, Marco had to get back to work and you decided not to bother him anymore. So to distract yourself until dinner time you decided to walk along the nearby beach and look for some shells to collect, you were still thinking about the boys from before, especially the redhead. He was looking at you with so much emotion that you couldn't help but feel your stomach churning, no one had ever looked at you like that… It was so weird and it made you so confused, what was that? Some noises in the nearby forest caught your attention, being curious that you were, so it didn't take long to approach and look for who was there.
"It 's you!" You said in recognition of seeing the red hair from before.
"Shhhh!" He asked for silence and you covered your mouth, looking around for any threat "Are your brothers here?" he asked quietly.
"They're over there…" you pointed into the distance and he seemed to agree silently "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk to you again" he admitted looking at the floor, his cheeks were slightly pink and you felt your body getting warm.
"Why?" You asked timidly.
"Because your punch was super cool!" His eyes sparkled "You hit Buggy right on!"
"Is he not your friend?" You asked confused.
"He is… But you were just defending yourself! He shouldn't have called you snotty… You're not snotty, you're too cute to be!" He confidently admitted.
"Do you think I'm cute?" Your cheeks were now on fire.
"I do…" he smiled shyly "I'm Shanks, what's your name?" He approached.
"(Y/n)" you smiled.
"Cool, I didn't know Whitebeard had someone in the crew with my age"
"How do you know I’m in the Whitebeard’s crew?”
"You said you had a brother named Marco, I know him! And my captain said Whitebeard was in town, so that had to be it," he said with pride in his little investigation.
"Your captain? Are you a pirate too?" You were curious now.
"Yes! I'm from the Roger Pirates!" he exclaimed with pride.
That's when your face became sad... You had heard about this crew countless times, all your life you grew up hearing that they were your father's main enemies and that you could not, under any circumstances, approach them.
"I shouldn't be talking to you!" You finally realized and tried to run, but Shanks was quick and grabbed you.
"Wait! Please! I don't want to hurt you!" He begged as he held her wrist gently but firmly.
"How can I trust you? You kidnapped me this morning! And we are sworn enemies!" You snorted.
"But I don't want to be your enemy…"
"You don't?" You let your emotions get the best of you.
"No… I… I want to be your boyfriend!" He declared with fire in his eyes.
"Boyfriend!?" You stuttered in shock, your face was hot and probably red, your eyes were wide in shock.
"Yes! You're super strong and cute!" He said without a care and then let go of your hand "Unless you didn't like me…"
"No! I did like you…!" You admitted with embarrassment "But… I never had a boyfriend… What do they do?"
"They… They" he stammered in embarrassment "They hold hands… Kiss on the cheek and go on dates!" He said with embarrassment.
"Oh!" You exclaimed with as much embarrassment as he was. You thought about holding Shanks hands and your stomach started to turn, it would also be really cool to be able to play with him.
"It's cool, isn't it? We can be sweethearts!" He tried to convince you.
"(Y/n)?! Where are you? It's getting dark and we should go back to the ship" You heard your father's voice approaching.
"Shanks?! Where are you?!" Another unknown voice came from the middle of the forest.
Before you could run away the fearsome encounter took place, behind you was your father and behind Shanks must have been the much talked about Roger, his captain. You both widened your eyes in terror when you realized what was happening, but you didn't dare open your mouth to try to explain.
"Can you explain why your brat is talking to my child?" He quickly put a hand on your shoulder and pulled you back.
"Good question, what's up Shanks? Did you come here to talk to the old man?" The captain chuckled, he didn't seem to be mad at Shanks at all.
"I… Well…" the boy mumbled incoherently with embarrassment.
"Did he do something to you?" Your father asked, looking at you calmly, he didn't seem mad at you at all, which calmed you down a bit.
"No…" you mumbled shyly and grabbed his leg.
"Hm, maybe they just met and had a chat" Roger theorized "Or are they secretly flirting, huh Shanks? You naughty, came for the riskiest one" the man teased.
"Don't talk nonsense Roger, (y/n) can't date you, brat" His father said as if that was nonsense.
"I can't?" You asked with some sadness in your voice.
"They can’t?" It was Shanks's turn to look sadly at his captain.
The two men stared at each other in shock, they seemed to slowly understand what was going on between the two of you.
"Don't tell me… Did you like this piece of junk?" your father asked in shock and nervousness.
"Hey! No need to offend other people's children!" Roger defended "Shanks isn't that bad… He's just… He" the man shrugged.
"Like you understand" Edward rolled his eyes.
"Come on, we were young once!" Roger laughed "Let the kids date and have some fun, nothing bad will come of it"
"No" Edward gave the final verdict, but when he felt you pulling his pants and making your huge lost puppy eyes with tears threatening to fall he started to rethink the idea "(y/n)..."
"Please?" You asked "I promise I'll help more often in the kitchen if you let me..." you tried to bargain, you liked Shanks, you didn't want to be banned from dating him, even if you didn't know exactly what boyfriends did.
"Heavens… Who knew having kids would be like this…" He sighed tiredly "You guys can date" Shanks smiled "With some conditions!"
"Conditions? That's not fair!" He huffed angrily.
"Calm down little one, he's the father, he has the right to decide that, you have to earn trust and permission" Roger said quickly, Shanks seemed more resigned.
"First you need to grow up a bit, I can step on you now and I won't let such a small and young brat date my child!" he said quickly.
"Uhum!" The redhead's eyes sparkled.
"Second, you need to be strong! I will not tolerate a weakling having my child as a partner, you need to be able to face me without fear to have their hand"
"Yes! I'm going to be really strong!" He smiled looking at you and you looked away shyly.
"And finally, when you have those two things, the most important one" Shanks listened attentively "You need their acceptance" your father put his hand on your head "If you have both requirements and my child still loves you then I won't be the one going to stop you" he chuckled.
You smiled happily as you looked at Shanks who also looked confident.
"You'll see old man! I'm going to marry them!" He proclaimed with pride.
Roger just laughed praising his apprentice while your father looked frustrated and stroked your hair. You smiled thinking about how cool it would be to have Shanks as your boyfriend, you really didn't see the time to be able to be with him.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ• ────── ✦ ────── •
Notes: I hope you enjoyed! There will be a part two showing what happened to them as adults, if you can leave what you think it will motivate me a lot because I'm new here! If you want to ask for something feel free! I'll make the best imagines I can, thanks for the support and see you soon
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pupyuj · 9 months
Can't get vampire gaeul out of my mind;;;
Also, can I be ⭐️anon;;
let's fawking goooo gaeul ask 😈 and welcome ⭐️ anon!! so sorry this is super late, again 😭😭
[cw: vampireeee, blood.]
she would definitely not hide that she's a vamp just because she preys on people's (men's) fantasies about having a vampire lover lmaooo vamp!gaeul would be really scary despite her easy-going nature and unfortunately you had an amazing bullshit detector so the moment you made eye contact with gaeul at a party, you knew she was something else 😰 of course, gaeul doesn't let you out of her sight for one second! sure you'd make a pretty good meal but she also can have you cause a havoc in the party and blow her cover 😵‍💫
her cornering you in a bathroom,, luckily for her you were a bit buzzed so it didn't take long until she had you melting,, her making you face the mirror and coming up behind you, getting her so excited to taste you because you just so happened to wear an off-shoulder blouse and she was so close to you she could practically smell how sweet you were.. "i can definitely see why you attract such a crowd, (y/n)-ssi..." while she's brushing your hair aside, leaving the softest trail of kisses on your shoulders all the way up to your neck and only stopping behind your ear.. "you're not scared of me... why is that? you know what i am." her pressing herself up against you, chilling red eyes piercing through yours as you stared at each other in the mirror..
"i don't know..." bcs your head was clouded with the booze in your system and the sheer intimidation you felt being around gaeul's presence :(( you were completely helpless—just how she likes it 🫠🫠 the initial plan was to suck you dry in that bathroom, but the moment you pressed your ass against her groin, gaeul lost her composure and allowed her desire take over her hunger 🫠 her turning you around and immediately crashing her lips into yours,, letting you feel her sharp fangs for yourself when she lets your tongue inside her mouth 😩 you reeked of both booze and other people's scents.. two of which gaeul absolutely loathed,, it only made her want to ruin you more 😵‍💫
her lifting you up and putting you on top of the counter beside the sink with ease,, she was delighted that you wore an off-shoulder top! it made it easier for her to just slowly graze her teeth on your skin, relishing in the way you shivered in fear but looked at her with desire,, "i work better when i'm fed." and before you knew it, she had sunk her fangs down your collarbone only slightly, but it hurt like a bitch 🫠🫠 tasting your blood for the first time was nothing short of euphoric and fuck gaeul should really just suck you dry right there but that wouldn't feel right.. she has to have you screaming her name first 😌
she would only feel a deeper kind of hunger for you when she feels how your cunt clenches around her fingers,, gaeul usually doesn't like to waste time but watching your expression as she slowly fucked you was worth it 🤭 gaeul would really just stare at you, relishing the way your moans sounded in her ears... she'd use her entire fingers' length and watch you squirm and reach for her, grabbing onto her shirt and pleading pathetically 😵‍💫 "please, let me cum..." you'd say it right up against her bcs you don't want anyone to hear and you know what? it would give gaeul chills! (which was weird considering her skin's already ice cold but yk—)
and since you asked nicely ofc gaeul would oblige for once and give you what you want! pulling her fingers out of your cunt only to replace them with her tongue 🤤🤤 her sharp nails having your thighs in a death grip while you pushed her head further against your pussy :(( throwing your head back and filling the air with your moans as well as gaeul’s name… nearly losing yourself when she wraps her lips around your clit and sucks harshly, making you grip and pull on her hair… god, her mouth was too good 😵‍💫💔 glowing red eyes piercing into yours, a smirk making its way to gaeul’s pretty face as tears well up in your eyes bcs of the pleasure 🥺
now see this—you’re cumming after her mouth has done its work, and ofc your head was clouded so gaeul takes this opportunity to sink her teeth down your thigh 😵‍💫 it hurt a lot but the sight was kinda hot so you don’t complain 🤭
omg getting disheartened when gaeul exits the bathroom without a word but you don’t hear her warning everybody outside to not enter the room… then she comes back with a tall glass of juice a few moments later and bandages to cover up the bite on your thigh 🫣🫣 she’d even help you wrap it around your thigh! “here’s a deal: you don’t tell anyone i’m a vamp and i keep it a secret you like getting fucked in bathrooms by strangers.” she’d say, as if you’d even dare to tell anyone! she’d probably hear it from a mile away and snap your neck before you even realize 😭
in conclusion, vampire!gaeul wouldn’t be all bad.. especially if a pretty thing like you would keep her company from time to time 👀 whether or not you were her blood bag or sweet little fuckdoll 🤤
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a-complex-joke · 5 months
The Farmer, The writer, and the Parrot
Farmer x Elliott (x Leo!platonic)
Farmer is nervous to ask Elliott if he would be up to adopting Leo, or any kids in the future. Farmer is also worried about how Leo might react to the offer.
The farmer had been frantic all morning, they had done all their chores for the day.
Yet they had been avoiding even looking at their partner, Elliott the whole time.
For the past week since Leo had moved to town, The Farmer seemed deep in thought and even a bit skittish. 
Elliott had indeed taken notice of their behavior, noting the fact that they hadn’t even come home that night, opting to stick by the mines.
Was he worried? Sure. but the farmer often lost track of time and would return later than reasonable, while still waking before himself.
Elliot found it admirable, but Ignoring him was a step too far.
“So where are you going?” Elliott said standing between them and the door.
“I was going to the mines, Clint requested way more Iron than I already had” they smiled not meeting the redhead’s eyes.
“Farmer tell me the truth, have I done something to cause you to grow so distant… is there someone else?”
It broke his heart to admit the insecurities he had been feeling, and on the flip side, it saddened The farmer that they had made him feel so.
“No! There is no one else who could ever compare to you” They put a hand to his cheek.
“Then why have you been ignoring me”
The farmer looked to their feet, mumbling something.
“Darling, you know I can’t hear you when you do that” He lifted their chin.
The farmer took a deep breath before letting it out.
“I know he never really discussed the whole if we wanted kids or not and I know it all of a sudden, but seeing Leo living all alone with no one to take care of him, it just feels like a pin is stabbing my heart. So I've been bringing him meals every day, and last night he was already asleep when I got there but I could tell he was having a nightmare so I just stayed there to comfort him. And what I'm trying to say is I want to adopt Leo, but I was scared of how you’d react” 
There was a loud silence in the room as The farmer caught their breath.
“Oh thank Yoba, I thought you were going crazy and acutely doing an order for Clint there for a second, Harvey was on speed dial,” Elliott said releasing a breath himself.
“That’s what you're focusing on, I just spilled that I want us to raise a child together.”
“Hun, I'd love to raise a little army of children if you wanted, honestly the fact that you want to bring Leo into our lives just makes me love you more,” He said embracing his partner.
“But what if that is not what he wants, Linus is perfectly content with being somewhat homeless, and they are close as can be. What if he takes it as an insult” The farmer vented, tears threatening to fall.
“The worst that could happen is that he chooses not to come live with us. Even if we don’t adopt him, he’ll still be in our lives as will we in his. And we’ll care for him no matter what” Elliott said kissing their forehead.
“How did I get so lucky to marry such a caring man”
“It came with the job I guess” He joked.
The two decided to wait till they could commission Robin to build another room, even If Leo rejected the offer they weren’t gonna give up on the prospect of being parents.
To say Robin was ecstatic at the news would have been the biggest understatement since the town ‘learned’ of Mayor Lewis and Manires Affair.
A month had passed before the pair decided they were finally ready to ask Leo. A room decorated with a large window looking out towards the farm, what more could he want?
“Hi Leo, how are you today” Farmer asked sitting down next to him.
“Oh hi, Farmer, I'm good, are you and Mr. Elliott all right, miss Robin said you guys were doing something life-changing, that's why your house was under construction right?”
Oh, Robin and her loud mouth.
“Well, yes we are planning on doing something very different, and it actually why where here. We needed to ask you something really important” Elliot said now getting down to his level.
“Now before we do we want you to know that you can say no, and we won’t hold it against you” 
The child nodded.
“We wanted to know if you’d like to come live with us, we want to adopt you. You’d be our child and we’d be your new parents” The farmer was starting to struggle a bit.
“You’d still have the tree house of course but, maybe this could be more of a clubhouse for Jas, Vincnt, and you.”
Leo stayed silent before speaking in a hushed voice
“What if I lose you like I lost my real parents” tears poked out of his eyes.
“Oh hun come here” The farmer pulled Leo onto their lap, ushering Elliott to come closer.
“We don’t plan on going anywhere, and even if we did that won’t be for a long while”
“Will I still be able to visit with the parrots?” Leo questioned.
“As long as they don’t eat all the crop” Elliott tried lightening the mood.
The three sat cuddled in the tree house till Leo had become tired, falling asleep in the arms of the farmer.
“You know I can carry him” Elliott offered as they walked back home.
“no I've got him, he’s really light, we’ve got to fatten him up,” the farmer said a little concerned.
“I'm sure Gus would love to have a taste tester with an exotic pallet”
“Don’t you think we spend enough money there?” “Crab cakes are good, not my fault
They had finally made it home and placed Leo down in his new bed.
“Good night, my little Parrot,” The farmer said kissing him on the forehead
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mikachacha · 10 months
𝙷𝚛𝚜 & 𝙷𝚛𝚜 (𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚔𝚊 𝚂𝚑𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝙸𝚍𝚘𝚕! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: you really didn't believe in love before but then you met Monika who changed your whole view.
Warnings: mentions of abusive past relationships, cursing and suggestive theme 🫶🫶
(A/N: I'm slowly working on the requests i received and hopefully i get all of it done by the first week of December and also thank you to my bestie @sun-nyy for letting me use her name 🥺🥺 love ya bestie 🫶)
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You tried to deny it. You tried to fool yourself that you're not falling for your backup dancer, Monika Shin. But then whenever your gaze meets hers, you could feel a spark of electricity flow throughout your system. It's like the more you look at her, the more drawn you are towards her. She makes you feel things you swore that you'll never feel again for someone after your last attempt at a relationship.
"Hey Y/N? Hey.. Are you okay?" you were snapped out of your thoughts as Monika nudged you, handing you your water bottle as you were working on a choreography for your new song.
"Yeah! You hungry? I'm already starving.. Wanna go grab some food together?" you asked and she raised an eyebrow at your question. You normally would just ask if she wanted something and order it but today is different. You actually wanted to go out and buy a meal with her. She wanted to smack herself in the end as a smile made its way to her lips, her delusional heart keeps telling her this is a date and not just a normal meal between co-workers.
"Yeah sure. I'm just gonna go grab our bags then we're off to get some food." she says and you nodded your head. You put on your jacket and watched her gather both your bags. Your eyes wandered to her figure then to her tattooed arms. Oh how much you wanted to wake up being embraced by those arms.
Monika approached you and handed you your bag before both of you went outside and to a nearby restaurant to eat. You had to remind yourself that you're just eating together and it doesn't mean that you're on a date with her even if you want to. It just wouldn't work. Well you wanted to believe that it wouldn't work just because you're scared that she's just gonna break your heart like others did. You didn't want that kind of heartache again. Too messy and you'd rather focus on your career rather than a silly crush.
You didn't expect to spend time and talk with Monika. You planned to grab a quick bite but then it turned to two hours of talking and getting to know each other. Taking pictures and just being silly together. The more you talked to her, the more you wanted for the moment to never end. You could stay there, spend hours talking to her, hearing her laugh and you'll never get bored. You just couldn't get enough of her and she feels the same way unbeknownst to you.
Monika could tell that you're a bit guarded but then that meal together changed a lot of things. You opened up bits of your life that you normally don't share with anyone, some stories before you became this beloved idol that everyone wants and how people broke your heart that made you not believe in love anymore. Monika wanted to just hold you and promise you that she'll never do that but then she also knew that you won't believe words, that you'll need more than words to convince you that love isn't just full of pain.
Weeks go by and you grow closer with Monika. Even on days that you're not practicing the choreography for your new song, you'd often meet up for coffee or just to hang out which felt weird to you but you couldn't stop yourself from going or from inviting her. There were some allegations that you're dating each other which your management tried to shut down but you're often seen with the dancer so it was no use.
"So.. What's really going on with you and Monika? Are you two dating??" Natalia, your best friend and a fellow idol, asked and you just rolled your eyes at her question. Why would she think you're dating Monika? Were you too obvious about your crush or is she being weird?
"What? No! Why would you think that??" You asked and she just laughed at your reaction before looking at Monika then back at you, a knowing smirk on her face.
"Bitch, I have eyes and everyone could agree that you and Monika are really into each other. The way you move around each other, those in love looks and don't get me started on the sexual tension. I'm surprised you haven't slept with her yet." Natalia says and you thought about what she said. Were you that obvious with your feelings for Monika?
"You're being crazy.. Anyways, I'm off to rehearsals because my manager will put me in a sack if I slack off again." you told her and playfully kissed her cheek before jogging off to where Monika is waiting for you.
Meanwhile, Monika watched your whole interaction with Natalia. She couldn't hear what you guys are talking about and she doesn't really care but what you did just made her jealousy boil. She knows you're very close to Natalia, you'd sometimes jokingly tell people that you're girlfriends and would often spam each other's posts with hearts and 'i love you' but seeing you kiss the other idol's cheek really didn't sit well with Monika. She should be the one receiving your kisses. She knows she sounds delusional at the moment but it felt like a huge blow when she saw you kissing someone else, even if it was just on the cheek.
"Hi, are we rehearsing now?" you asked Monika and she just looked at you, face stoic yet there's some anger in her eyes and jealousy before she pulled you inside the studio reserved for your rehearsal. She locked the door and pushed you against the door, her body preventing you from going anywhere and then she kissed you. Her kiss was passionate yet it was also careful enough to not hurt you by accident. You were taken aback by her actions, it didn't fully sink in your brain that Monika is kissing you until she pulls away, forehead resting against yours.
"I'm sorry but I just couldn't stop myself anymore, Y/N.. I've fallen so hard for you.." she apologized and you could swear your heart skipped a beat from her words. So it wasn't a one sided love situation after all. She's also in love with you like how you're in love with her.
"Less talking, do it again.." you told her, arms wrapping loosely around her shoulders and body pressing against hers. Monika just chuckled and pressed a light kiss on your lips that made you pout as you wanted more of her kisses.
"So bossy.. I could spend hours and hours kissing you.." she says before kissing you once more and this time you kissed her back. You don't know how much time passed as you were way too busy making out with Monika. Your manager will be so pissed if she finds out you're just slacking off. That instead of rehearsing, you're just making out with your choreographer without a care in the world but you just told yourself you'll worry about that later. You just wanted to focus on Monika's lips against yours and her arms roaming under your loose shirt.
You only stopped making out because someone knocked on the door. You laughed and helped each other freshen up. You were about to unlock the door when Monika pulled you back and placed a kiss on your nape that sent shivers down your spine.
"Let's go out for dinner later then you can crash at my place if you ever want some kisses.. I don't think you had enough.." Monika whispered to your ear that made your cheeks heat up and a wide smile appeared on your lips.
"I'll take you up on that offer, Ms. Shin.. But just so you know, you won't be able to bribe me with just dates and kisses if you want me to be your girlfriend." you told her and she nodded her head, a smile on her face as she just held you in her arms.
"I know, Y/N.. But just so you wait.. I will love you like no one else has done before so you better be ready." you taught yourself to not believe in words alone but hearing her say those, you could feel your heart believing every single word and holding on to those dearly.
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itsbeeble · 9 months
Say Don't Go
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SUMMARY: For too long you had been waiting for Vernon. For too long you had let these feelings fester. Now all you can do is wait and beg for him to not let you leave.
GENRE: Angst
PAIRING: Vernon Chwe x afab!reader
WC: 1.6k
PERM TAGLIST: @juyeonszn @winterchimez
SERIES TAGLIST: @captain-brie @nobraincellmode
WARNINGS: hurt no comfort, Vernon is an asshole, toxic relationship, implied friends with benefits, mentions of blood/knives but no one actually gets hurt it's just a metaphor, people being nosy at restaurants, a waitress is extra nosy, swearing, brief mentions of alcohol, friends to fwb to ???, ending is open-ended
A/N: I'm planning on finishing this series asap because good god I've been working on it for TOO LONG. Hopefully I'll be able to finish by mid-January jghisrghuis. Also this is NOT edited so i apologize for any mistakes.
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Sometimes you wonder where it all went wrong, when you and Vernon went from something to nothing in his eyes.
Even as you lay in his arms now, you know that he would rather be anywhere else but with you in your living room. There’s a coldness in his hand as it brushes your arm, a discomfort in the smile he sends you at every comment you make about the film on your TV screen. Your fingers play with a loose string on his t-shirt and you exhale quietly, letting your body deflate against him. 
It had been months now since you and Vernon started messing around. You weren’t dating, no, Vernon hated the idea of being exclusive with someone while he was so young. This was…this was something else. You knew he slept with other people, knew that every night he found someone knew but on the weekends he crawled back to you. He made you think he loved you. You wonder if he knew that you’d only ever slept with him. That he was your first everything, and that it broke your heart every time he left you.
“You’re thinking.” And then he does this. He knows you so well it scares you. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” Vernon lifts his head off the arm of the couch, straining to look at where you lay on his chest. 
“You’re lying to me now?” A crooked smile, playful yet curious, is flashed in your direction. Your stomach churns uncomfortably, knowing that despite him being able to read you so well, you knew nothing of what he was thinking. Not anymore, at least. 
“Why would I lie to you?” Your eyes are drooping, and you nuzzle deeper into his chest. His hand slowly trails up your arm and rests on your head.
“Why wouldn’t you?” His voice sounds faint. 
“Because I love you.” 
He says nothing, and you don’t expect him to. Not anymore. In the past, before acceptance had hit you, maybe you would’ve hoped he would. Maybe you would’ve begged him to say it back, and maybe he would’ve. He would’ve let you believe that he loved you, but you know he doesn’t. 
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You should’ve known better than to believe that Vernon would show up. You should’ve known better than to convince yourself that he wouldn’t forget you at the restaurant, that he wouldn’t choose someone else over you. 
Now, three hours later, you’re finishing up another drink, picking at the dessert you’d treated yourself to after the meal. You weren’t going to let your own naivety ruin your night, even if the tears welling in your eyes have been threatening to spill over like a waterfall. You’re glad you’d chosen a booth for yourself, facing away from the door so you don’t get your hopes up every time it opens. 
The knife in your heart has been twisted far too many times, the blood spilling down your chest for all to see. You were tired of it, so why were still holding out hope for him?
Someone sinks into the booth across from you, out of breath and leaning his head back for a few moments. 
“Shit, traffic was bad.” Vernon gasps out. A lie. “And— and then the parking. Shit, the parking was awful.” Why is he lying?
“Stop.” Vernon stares at you, his lips still parted as he catches his breath. “Stop lying to me, please. For once.” 
His lips draw into a thin line, and he adjusts his position to sit straighter. It almost hurts to see him so dressed up for you, but then you see the lipstick on his collar and your anger comes back. 
The waitress returns with your check, shooting Vernon a dirty look. She’d pieced together the story on her own, not that it was hard to figure out. A heartbroken girl, alone in a booth for two hours. Who wouldn’t be able to figure out what happened?
The two of you sit silently in the booth as you fill out your bill, sliding your card into the book and placing it near the edge of the table. 
“You’re mad at me.” Vernon concludes, and you scoff.
“Yeah, sure.” You cross your arms, and Vernon bites on his tongue. 
“Why— why can’t you just tell me what’s wrong?” He tries to keep his voice down, his hands tightening into fists. Your eyes scan him, scan his tense posture and the muscles ticking in his jaw. 
“I feel like it should be obvious, no?” The ice in your glass of water has melted and you take a small sip, letting the cold liquid slide down your throat slowly. 
“Well, I’m sorry to say this, but it’s not.” You sniff, whether in distaste or to hold back your tears you can’t tell. “Sometimes you have to actually tell people what you want.”
“I have, Vernon.” You hiss and smile at the waitress when she grabs the check again. “I have voiced everything to you time and time again, and yet you seem to ignore it. It’s like you don’t care about me— and I’m not talking about our fucking sex life.”
He opens his mouth to talk, but you keep going. 
“Did you forget that we were friends before this?” You ask him, and for a moment he thinks it’s rhetoric. When you don’t continue speaking, he stutters out a response.
“I— no, I didn’t, but Y/N—”
“If you didn’t forget then why do you act like this?” Your eyebrows are furrowed, your lips pursed. “All— All I ever asked of you is to prioritize our friendship over anything else. That— that if you thought things were getting past the point of no return, then we’d break it off. But you didn’t, and it’s like you couldn’t give less of a damn about me anymore. Why, Vernon? Why the fuck didn’t you break it off when you figured out I was falling in love with you?”
It’s like a bucket of ice-cold water has been tossed over him, the heat from running to meet you being entirely replaced with a cold sweat. He knew, of course. How could he not have known when you made it so obvious?
“You— you’re blaming me for this?” He asks. “You’re the one who agreed to be in this relationship— no, you’re the one who brought it up in the first place!”
“Because I liked you!” The tables around you are turning their heads, and you lower your voice. “I knew what I was getting into when you first kissed me at that fucking holiday party at Seungcheol’s, but it’s your fault that it got to this point. It’s your fault for stringing me along even though you knew the whole fucking time.” 
Your heart is pounding, your chest rising and falling rapidly, and your head feels like it’s going to explode at any moment. 
“So— so this is it then?” Vernon sinks back against the uncomfortable booth. “You’re throwing away six years of friendship because— because what? You couldn’t control your fucking feelings? Well, I’m sorry but I’m not gonna be part of your fucking pity party.” You hear a gasp from the booth behind you, as well as hushed whispers, and suddenly all your anger is replaced by embarrassment. 
“I— I can’t believe you.” You whisper, staring at him with wide eyes. “I— why would you say that?” 
Vernon’s mind races, thoughts of regret and fear pushing forward as he watches you grab your purse. 
“Y/N—” he starts to stand but you raise your hand to stop him. His hands are on the table, the only thing keeping him from falling to the ground. 
“I…I loved you, Vernon.” You try to control your breathing, but it feels impossible with the rush of emotions hitting you. “I’m sorry that I meant nothing to you, but do not blame this shit on me.”
He watches you walk away, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. Stunned is not quite the word for what he’s feeling at the moment. Confused? No…no he’s not confused. Vernon knows exactly why this happened, and knows that the only person to blame is himself. 
You hesitate at the door, your hand reaching for the handle slowly as if waiting for something. He wonders if you’re waiting for him to say something, to chase you and tell you not to leave. 
He doesn’t, and he watches you leave the restaurant and shudder under the frigid weather of mid-December. 
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Your waitress clears her throat, that same dirty look on her face.
“She forgot her card.” She explains, thrusting it back into his hand. “Make sure it gets back to her.” 
“I…I uh—”
“I get that you’re a stupid bitch,” she whispers harshly to him, and his head jerks back in shock. “But that girl waited two and a half fucking hours for you. If you give even the tiniest shit about her, you’ll run out the door right now and fix it.” 
Vernon’s mouth is hanging open as the waitress walks away to her next table, a fake grin plastered onto her face. 
You waited for him.
You waited for him, knowing that he wasn’t going to come, and now he’s fucked everything up beyond repair.
His feet are moving before his mind does.
The bell above his head chimes and his breath is knocked out of him once again when he takes his first gulp of cold air. 
Don’t go. Please, please don’t go.
Don’t leave me.
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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sweetbunpura · 1 month
I… don’t think that’s it. Souly because I am 99.9999% sure Azul would much rather curry favor with a king than make a deal with Leona. Aka, if it was “Leona tried to kill Cheka” Azul would have more to gain from ratting him out then he ever could through making a deal.
I agree it’s probably something to do with Ruggie lol
I mean, Azul does wanna try and get on very prominent figures good sides: Vil, Malleus, Kalim, Riddle. Leona wouldn't be any different in this scheme, Azul's just annoyed and possibly scared of Leona because of his Unique Magic (We saw what it did in Book 3).
Though it is like 90% plausible that it was because of Ruggie. Ruggie and Leona's relationship is interesting. While Scar used the hyena's for his plot, which backfired on him and he got mauled to death (and possibly eaten). Leona and Ruggie make schemes together, Leona plans it and Ruggie carries it out. They know each other quite well, which means for the two years that Ruggie was in Savanaclaw, he was interesting enough to Leona to learn more about him.
Ruggie's like the only person, outside of Yuu, to actually get Leona to do something. For Ruggie, it could be a "That's my meal ticket" situation that evolved into "That's my friend."
But like everyone in NRC refuses to talk about their feelings and the friendships they've made with others.
Which is why I'm also advocating for when Leona returns home, he makes Ruggie his adviser and part of the council (Meaning that Leona just gave the middle finger to Kifaji and made someone whose both poor and from a non prominent family have a say in their decisions)
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enhastolemyheart · 2 years
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PAIRING | bf!heeseung x fem!reader
GENRE | est. relationship, idol!au
WARNINGS | mentions of food, reader gets scared (but not really lol), hee and reader whipped for each other nothing new lol, sharing of the same utensil, mildly suggestive in the end (depends on how you look at it), proofread but please do tell me if there are any mistakes.
PROMPTS USED | give them a taste of your own meaL, with your own cutlery, by own hand (this is not my prompt, I saw this somewhere and thought that it would be a cute fic to write with, so creds to the original person!!) and no this is not requested!
WORD COUNT | 1.5k +
A/N | help why does this fic theme look the same as my Niki one??!?!? like- it was so unintentional😭😭 anyways, IM BACK and I’m here with a fic for you guys, yes just for you. Hope you guys like it, it took me literally weeks to write, cus I was so busy but it’s here!! Request if you have any ideas, I’m always open to it. Feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated!! I also wanna dedicate this to @hee-pster idek if she will ever read this but it’s her fics that make me very delulu abt hee 😩😩 Enjoy!!
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It showed 8:00 pm on the clock above your dresser. You had made plans with your boyfriend today. He would finally get a day break and today from his busy schedule, he decided to come over to your place and stay the night over. 
You got out of your bed, your neck and back hurting as you stretched. Your muscles have cramped because of the vile position you've been sitting in for the past three hours inside your little ‘cocoon’ of your bedroom. 
You trode over to the closet, opening it and looking for a hoodie to wear. It's like after you leave the comfort of your blankets, you suddenly feel way too cold. You grab your boyfriend's hoodie and wear it, the fabric swallowing you whole. 
You exit the room and make your way to the kitchen. Wanting to make a hearty meal for your beloved Heeseung, you look up a recipe for a simple white sauce pasta. You get all the ingredients, lay out all of the needed equipment for the said pasta. You put on an apron and get started.
Meanwhile, Heeseung is on his way home, their manager taking him to your place. His headphones are in his ears, blasting some music from the playlist he made to listen to when he was reminded of you. His eyes are closed, thinking about what to do for the night with you before finally hitting the bed. His fingers acting like little drum sticks as they tap to the beat flowing through his ears. 
Once he reached your door, he took out his –your– keys (you gave him a spare in case of any emergencies), and opened the door leading to your humble abode. 
He walked into the kitchen to be met with you in front of the stove observing the boiling pasta. To an outsider, it looked like you were having an intense staring contest with the food in front of you.
He softly smiles to himself before scurrying his way over to you and wraps his arms around your waist, face giving you a peck on the cheek before looking at you. You tensed before him because of the contact but immediately melted into his touch. 
You put one hand over his and the other softly stroking his cheek, "you scared me hee, I didn't see you walk in."
He chuckles while moving his hands to either side of your hips, "I used the spare keys you gave me. Plus, your reaction was cute when you got startled." 
His attention turns to the food that's being made on the stove, "what're you making?" He takes a look at the pasta over your shoulder that is close to being done.
"Since I have you to myself for the whole day tomorrow starting from now, I decided to make something different for us. Think of it as a 'I'm proud of you for working so hard’ treat." You turn around in his arms and look at him with sincerity in your eyes. 
His hold tightens on you and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear before cupping the side of your jaw in a gentle but firm hold, “well thank you very much, my love.” He smiles as he leans in and presses a kiss to your forehead. You smile up at him, pressing your chin into his broad chest. He lightly chuckles and then swoops down to give you a kiss. you wrap your arms around his waist and his going around your shoulders. 
“You look very pretty in my hoodie by the way,” he says as he looks at you, winking.
You let out a soft chuckle with a small roll of your eyes as you pull away, not letting Heeseung see you with your cheeks burning, because you know he would tease you about it. getting out of his hold, you glance at the pasta and seeing that it’s done, you turn off the stove. You make a step towards the island of your kitchen, Heeseung watching you intently while leaning against the island beside you facing the stove. You roll up the sleeves of your hoodie and turn to your man beside you, “want to help me make the sauce?” He turns himself around and looks at the white sauce recipe displayed on your phone on the side.
“Of course I would love to help y/n.” he says as he rolls up the sleeves of his crewneck. You ask him to get the flour as you put the butter in the pan and as it melts, you request him to add in the flour in the needed measurement. He does so, and you add the milk next. You start to mix the components together till it should turn creamy.
Heeseung wraps his arms around your torso and glides his palms inside your hoodie, his hands resting against your skin giving you warmth. He also leaves little packs on your bare shoulder, at the skin where the hoodie is too loose to cover. You let out a little smile at the little gesture. Your man has always been the one to communicate using physical gestures, he believes that actions speak louder than words. 
“Here, let me help.” Heeseung says as he tries to take the spatula from your hand, to which you just shake him off, “no it’s okay Hee, go rest.”
He smacks his lips as he takes the spatula from your grip with more effort, “no, let me help please.” you mutter a fine, only because your hand was getting tired. You let him take the cooking tool and he steps in your place before he starts to stir the mixture again. You watch him intently from the side, with a grateful smile on your face. You rest your head against his bicep as you watch him stir. He looks down at you with a smile, kisses the crown of your head before going back to work.
 * * *
Heeseung helps you by setting up the table and even offers to carry the hot steaming pot with the delicious Italian delight that you both had made together.
Seated across each other at the table, you serve some pasta on his plate before serving for your own. You gather some of the pasta on your fork, blowing in it to cool it down a bit before lightly holding Heeseung's chin as you feed him the pasta with the other hand. He takes it in with a big bite, looking at the ceiling as he eats, bursts of flavour dancing in his mouth before he takes a sip of water. 
“How was it? Does it need salt or something? Do you not like it?” 
He looks at you with a fond look on his face, chuckling lightly at your worry, “no love, it’s perfect.”
“Don’t lie.” you squint your eyes while pointing your fork at him.
He chuckles, his eyes molding into crescents, “well if you don’t believe me then try for yourself.” he gathered some pasta on his fork before feeding it to you. Your eyes widen as you chew, the food actually tasting good. You look at your boyfriend with the biggest grin and he reciprocates, he loves seeing you so happy no matter what the situation is.
"Wait, this stuff is actually good!” you exclaimed. Heeseung just laughed heartily at your antics, whipped. He raises his hand up, you reciprocating, giving a high-five, intertwining your fingers before letting go.
“I know right, I could eat your pasta everyday.” Heeseung says with his mouth full while pointing to the masterpiece you have made on his plate with the fork.
* * *
You both are cuddling on the couch, you lying down on your back and him lying on top of you, head nestled into the area where your neck meets your shoulder. You wrap your arm around his shoulder while the other one is in your boyfriend's hands, him playing with your ring clad fingers absentmindedly. 
“Thank you for the meal y/n.” he squeezes your hand in his as he looks up at you. You look into his eyes, the very chocolate ones that you often found yourself lost in.
you give him a small peck, “you’re welcome hunny.”
“That’s it? want more.” he pouts.
You chuckle at your cute boyfriend before leaning in again. You kiss him and as you pull away, he swoops back in for more, resulting in wet yet sweet pecks all over your face and neck, making you laugh.
He smiles even brighter in his kisses after hearing your angelic laugh, his favourite melody in the world that he can never get tired of. 
“I love you y/n”  You look up at him as he hovers over you, eyes gleaming and spilling out all the love he can’t express in words, same with yours.
“I love you Hee.” He leans in, giving you a deep, intimate kiss. Sticking your foreheads together after pulling away. He suddenly smirks and detaches from your hold, you raise you eyebrow at him, questioning him in silence.
He yanks you up and throws you over his shoulder, making his way to your shared bedroom. The gesture makes you squeal as you ask what he was doing. 
he laughs, “I’m going to show my girlfriend how much I love her.”
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A/N | thank you so much for reading! again requests are open, so is the taglist!! send an ask or comment to be added! see y'all next time!
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© ENHASTOLEMYHEART ON TUMBLR, 2023 — do not translate, copy, modify, or repost any of my works as your own in any platform or form of use.
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dotster001 · 2 years
May I ask for Octavinelle with a gn!reader who is very scared of the ocean like to the point where they cover their face and cry or cling to nearby things. Not swimming pool or streams but the actual ocean. May I ask for boys to help them overcome the fear. As like a comfort fic.
Comfort from the Depths
A/N: this fic came out longer than I initially expected...but I really enjoyed it in the end! I hope you like it too! Tag list still packed so good luck 😂
"We want you to come home with us for spring break!" Floyd shouted excitedly, causing Azul to sigh, and Jade to smirk.
"What happened to our plan, Floyd?"
"I got excited!"
The three looked expectantly at you, but all you were doing was gritting your teeth, and trying not to cry.
"That's…. that's so great, guys, but I don't think I can. I made other plans."
"No you didn't. Jade checked," Floyd said with a grin, not seeming to catch onto the hidden signs you were giving off.
"Oh, did you?" You glared at Jade. "Well, uh, I only recently made plans, I'm sorry."
"Then cancel them," Floyd said matter of factly, his scowl making you miss Jade and Azul sneakily sharing a look.
"Such a shame," Azul sighed, "of course we understand, I'll just have to tell my poor mother that our human friend will not be staying with us. And she was so very excited to meet you too…"
"I'm sure we can return the extra ticket to the concert, and the extra ticket to the museum, and the one for the sea princess symposium..."
"Yeah, and Mama Ashengrotto can return all the ingredients she bought to make your favorite meals, so that you'd feel more at home on your first night," Floyd said sadly.
The three of them released a synchronized sigh of disappointment.
"No, no, I know what you three are doing. You're trying to make me feel bad and change my mind."
"Seriously, I mean it!"
"Sevens! Fine! I'll cancel my plans!"
The three smiled knowingly. 
"Excellent, we leave at 7 am tomorrow," Azul said.
"Tomorrow?" You squeaked out.
"Unless there is some sort of issue?" Jade asked.
"Nope. No. No issue," you said, voice cracking.
"Grim, how hard would it be to flee the country?" You asked, laying flat on your back, staring at the ceiling.
"I dunno, why are you asking me?" 
"You're the one from here!"
"Why do you want to flee anyway? Aren't you supposed to join the scary fish trio on a trip over spring break?"
"Yeah, that's what I'm running from," you flipped onto your stomach, burying your face in your pillow.
"Wait, you're scared of the ocean? But you swim in the pool all the time?"
"The ocean isn't that different from a pool. I mean it's deeper, and has more fish poop, but-"
"Fish poop should be the first thing you think about! What are you even talking about? Calling me crazy," he trailed off with a pout.
You flipped back over onto your back.
"Look, Grim, I know deep down it's "illogical" or whatever, I just don't know why I'm scared of the ocean. But whenever I'm near it, I cry, and scream, and claw scratch marks into whatever poor soul happens to be near me."
Grim thought for a moment.
"What if we ask Deuce to give us a ride to the beach on his blastcycle? Then we can try and fix you before you leave for your trip, in the morning."
"I don't know, Grim…"
"Henchhuman, I know what I'm  talking about. Besides,"he crawled up to your face, and rubbed his cheek against yours affectionately, "you're really close to those guys. I think you'll have fun if you are able to go."
"Thanks Grimmy, you're the sweetest."
"Yeah...but also Idia says if he gets to babysit me, I can play as many video games as I want!"
"Okay, I'll pretend I didn't hear that. Let's go!"
One call to Deuce, and a trip on the blastcycle later, you were at the beach. You assured Deuce you'd call him to pick you up when you were done, then changed into a swimsuit, and stood at the edge of the beach with Grim.
"Nope," you said, trying to remain cool, but already feeling the tears come to your eyes, and your body shut down.
"You're so close, Y/N! You just have to take one more step and you're-"
You turned to run, and bumped straight into something solid.
"If these are the plans you have to cancel to hang with us, then I must say, I'm offended you hesitated to agree to our plans."
"Jade," you stuttered.
"Shrimpy, the ocean isn't that scary, look!" Floyd laughed loudly, picking you up around the middle and running towards the sea.
"No no no!" You screamed and shut your eyes, loud enough to deter most people.
Floyd would never be most people.
"Floyd!" Azul yelled in a panic.
"You know Floyd is into immersion therapy, why would you invite him," Jade laughed, not seeming upset at all.
Meanwhile, you were clinging to Floyd, sobbing. 
"Open your eyes, Shrimpy," he whispered.
You shook your head.
"I've got you, I promise. Open your eyes."
Maybe it was how kindly he said it, but you found yourself slowly opening your eyes.
You noticed he had only gotten far enough into the sea the have his feet covered.
"I'm gonna take another step, Kay?" He whispered in your ear. 
You shook your head again.
He tightened his grip, and said," I will not drop you. Plus Jade and Azul are going to change and swim ahead so they can be there if something goes wrong."
"Azul would never," you said through your tears.
"Do you truly think so little of me?" Azul said with a sigh as he stared at the potion he and Jade were about to take. "Besides, if you have to face your fears, it's only fair I face mine."
Then he walked into the water, drank his potion, and dropped himself backwards into the ocean.
"Well, that's a tough act to follow,"Jade smirked, drinking his own potion and diving into the sea.
You and Floyd watched the ocean for a moment, and waited. Bubbles slowly rose to the surface, and out emerged Azul and Jade.
"Azul…" you trailed off.
"I know. Hideous," he groaned.
"No, no! You're beautiful."
Azul silently slipped back below the water, causing both the twins to laugh.
"Aw! I believe you embarrassed him."
"Come out, I wanna see you blushing!"
A single tentacle flicked water at Jade.
"Alright Shrimpy, can I take another step?" Floyd asked.
You nodded, clinging tighter to him.
He continued taking slow steps into the water, making sure to ask if you were ready before each one. You had slowly been inching your way up his torso, but now there was nowhere left to go, and the next step would mean you actually had to touch the water yourself.
"Can I-"
"No!" You shouted, squeezing Floyd tight enough to give him a run for his money.
"You've been doing a great job, we can take a break for a moment," Azul said.
"But we're so close!" Floyd whined.
"Floyd," Jade said, clearly a warning of something you weren't fully aware of.
Floyd pouted, but stood still as stone, while you dug your nails into his  scalp. You heard someone swim closer, and felt them rub your back soothingly.
You took a deep breath, and exhaled an "Okay, I'm ready."
The water was cold on your feet, but Floyd was warm. Warm and safe. Even though he definitely wanted to be fully in the water.
Which the other two seemed aware of.
"Okay, we're going to trade off," Azul said, reaching for you. 
"I'm not ready for another step!" You shouted in poor Floyd's ear, gripping him even tighter.
"We won't take another one. I'm just going to shift you over to me."
You nodded and shifted into Azul's arms. He was already wet, making you wonder if it would be easier moving forward with him.
Now free of your viselike grip, Floyd shouted, "Wahoo!" And dove headfirst into the water.
You and Azul giggled as he reemerged in mer form, and shook his head like a wet dog.
"Okay, Let's go," you said, softly smiling now that the tension had eased some.
Azul swam forward, and you continued your progress. Slowly. Slowly. But progress anyway.
"I think you're ready for your last test," Azul whispered, rubbing your back.
"Are you ready to go under?"
You stiffened, and he added, "Only for a second! Jade and Floyd will be right here too. You will be safe."
You felt the twins join your impromptu huddle, now appearing more like an intimate group hug. Stealing your nerves, you took a deep breath, and held it, as the four of you went under the water.
You looked around you and noticed the three of them glowing. They had told you about their bioluminescence, but up to this point you'd never experienced it. You reached out to touch Azul's cheek, and suddenly you were back above the water, hearing the twins loudly guffawing.
"Well," Azul coughed, refusing to make eye contact. "um, so yeah. We think you're ready to come with us. How do you feel about it, though?"
The three stared at you expectantly.
"Don't forget to write!" Grim said as he hugged you in front of the mirror.
"I'll only be gone a week!"
"And bring me back souvenirs. Lots of them."
"Okay, Grim. Be good for Idia."
"Yeah, Yeah…"
Jade put a hand on your shoulder.
"Are you ready?"
You looked at your three friends, nodded, downed your underwater potion, and took a step towards a new adventure.
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munsonownsmyass · 2 years
A Day to Remember
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Ryan x reader
Summary: Yours and Ryan's first date doesn't exactly go as planned.
Notes: This is actually part 3 in a small series I'm making for Ryan. My brain just didn't want to get part 1 and 2 done first 🤣
So part 3 came first and are a part of the Thirsty for Cox writing challenge. The prompt was "I didn't picture spending my Valentine's in jail".
Also.... reader has a name. Annabelle Dutton. This is used maybe 3 times in all the parts I'm planning. But it's for a purpose and it's still a reader insert. No descriptions of her appearance. Thanks to @e-dubbc11 for help finding the name ❤️
Warning: fluff, kissing, dry humping, protected sex (Ryan is very responsible and very scared of John Dutton 🤣).
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Stretching your back, you slowly start to feel the ache going through your body from the uncomfortable seat. The worn mattress on the bench beneath you had definitely seen better days. The coldness from the wall you’re leaned against is starting to set in and a slight shiver runs though you. Very cold and unwelcoming. As you shiver once more, you get why people hate it here.
Not long after a jacket is draped softly over your shoulders followed by a comforting hand on your head. “Well, I didn’t picture spending my Valentine’s Day in jail.” You chuckle softly, looking over at Ryan next to you. He just smiles before pulling you closer, trying to get you warm.
“Me neither, sugar, but you gotta admit. It’s a Valentine’s you won’t forget anytime soon.” He laughs, hands rubbing your arm and back gently. “And getting here was kinda fun.”
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Not many things could rattle Ryan. With the life he lived on the Yellowstone ranch, he’d seen and tried it all. Deaths, fights, shootings, you name it. Yet now, he feels his hands get clammy and the nerves settling in. This was by far the most terrifying thing he’d done. Walking up to the door, he exhales sharply. Right now, he’d rather wrestle a bull than get the potential wrath of John Dutton. Still, he rings the bell.
After a long wait, John opens the door, clearly confused to see Ryan there. “What do you want? Is there a problem?”
“No. Mr. Dutton, I-” Ryan pauses, taking off his hat, nervously brushing off some dirt. “I’m here to pick up your daughter for a… a date.”
John frowns, looking over his shoulder towards the house where the voices of his family can be heard in the next room. Looking back at Ryan, confusion washes over John’s face. “Beth?!”
“No, Sir. I’m here for-”
“He’s here for me, daddy.” You sing behind him, giving John a quick peck on the cheek before snaking around him to go out the door. As soon as Ryan lays eyes on you, his smile widens. You wonder if you’ll ever tire of his smile and the way he lights up when he sees you. You take a step closer, taking his hand as a soft blush creep up your cheeks.
“Oh my. Darlin’, you look-” Ryan starts, but is cut of but your dad clearing his throat. He eyes Ryan with a killer look. He takes a step forward, looking Ryan dead in the eye. “Have her home by 10.”
“Daddy, I’m not a kid! I-”
“I said 10.” He cuts you off, before looking at Ryan again. “Ryan. That’s my baby girl. If anything happens…”
“Yes sir. I understand.”
Before John can say anything else, you drag Ryan down the stairs and towards the truck. You finally had a date with him after all this time and not even your dad could ruin it.
First stop was a spot you were all too familiar with. Ruby’s Café. It wasn’t the fanciest place in town, but it did mean a lot to you both. It was here he’d picked you up after your first drunken night, where you’d shared your first lunch off the farm and where you had first realized you had feelings for him. You had looked at him and Rip at the counter, his smile and laugh so infectious. When he locked eyes with you across the room that afternoon, you’d known right away that your heart would belong to no other.
The meal was good as always and the hours flew by. Never once an awkward moment, lots of laughs and memories shared. He tried to catch you up on everything that had been going on while you were away and you shared what you had done the last few years. Mostly you kept coming back to how much you had missed him and every time Ryan’s face lights up.
“Where can I take you now? Want a drink?” He asks as you leave Ruby’s, his voice dropping low as he closes the distance between you. One hand snake around your waist, pulling you closer. His finger hooks under your chin, bringing your eyes to his. Leaning down, your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
“No. Take me to your favorite spot instead.” You smile. A bar would be fine. You wouldn’t mind a drink, but you’d rather have him to yourself anywhere else. Ryan just smiles, his face telling you he knows exactly where to take you.
He takes you back to Yellowstone, on the outskirts of the park. Bordering on your family’s land, there is a clearing by the river. In the summer it’s a really popular spot for hikers, but there’s rarely anyone in the winter months. The weather is still a little cold, but Ryan pulls some blankets from the bed of his truck and place them on the ground. It’s all so perfect. The view over the Yellowstone, the sound of the coursing river next to you, stars above and moonlight to illuminate it all. But most importantly, Ryan by your side.
“You know…” He starts as you both sit down on one blanket, pulling the other around you. “I always dreamt of doing stuff like this with you one day.”
“Ah, I wouldn’t have taken you for such a romantic.” You tease as you nudge his side. Deep down your heart is threatening to burst through your chest, but you try to keep it cool. You love him so much and you know he cares about you too, but a part of you, the part who grew up on the Yellowstone and knows how life can be, is afraid to hope for too much.
“Only for you.” He smiles, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. “But if you tell anyone else, I will deny it.”
“Of course you will.” You giggle, kissing his jaw. The whole ranch already knows how gone for you he is. He hasn’t been the same since you came back and honestly, neither have you. Ever since you got a second shot at happiness with Ryan, your whole world has turned around. A total cliché, especially on Valentine’s day, but the world is suddenly a better place with him in it and you never want to let him go.
Leaning into his touch, you kiss him. Softly at first, savoring the feeling of his soft lips against yours. But soon the kiss turns more passionate, hungry. Within minutes you’re straddling his lap, grinding against him, needy for more. You feel him harden, his cock straining against the zipper of his jeans as you grind harder.
With greedy hands, you open his jacket, slowly moving to open his shirt. His hands are on you, moving under your jacket. The night is cold, but you don’t even feel the gush of wind on the sliver of exposed skin. You’re burning, the desire enough to keep the cold at bay. With the last button taken care of, your hands glide down Ryan’s exposed chest. But just as you reach for his belt buckle, he stops you.
“Sweetheart, maybe we should-” He breathes out, swallowing hard as he pulls away from you. “Maybe we should head home instead?”
“Yeah? To your bunk bed or my room… who’s right next to my dad’s?” You ask, cocking an eyebrow at him. Ryan opens his mouth, probably to throw a sassy remark at you, but he just stops, smiling at you.
“Well, when you put it like that.” He shrugs before breaking into a grin. The grin quickly disappears though, when you grind your hips against him once more, making him moan under you. You’re playing dirty, you know it, but you want him and the hard bulge pressing against your already soaked core tells you he wants the same.
He lays you down gently, lips never leaving yours as his hands move to the bottom of your dress, fingers moving up your thigh as they push the dress up. Needy and unable to hold back any more, you open his belt buckle and pulling the zipper down. Any other time, you’d take your time, but right now you feel like you might die if you don’t feel Ryan inside you soon. So many years wanting this and you can’t wait a minute longer.
“Eager, are we?” He grins, sucking on your neck, surely leaving a mark that you would get teased about tomorrow. But you honestly don’t care.
“Shut up, Ryan and fuck me. Please.” You beg, not even trying to hide the desperation in your voice as you roll your hips against him. Pushing away from you, Ryan sits back on his heels as he search his pockets for a condom. When he finds the little foil packet, he frantically push his jeans down and fumble with the rubber. You can’t help it and giggle softly at his desperation.
“Don’t laugh at me. The last thing I wanna do is get you pregnant. John would never forgive me.” He grins as he comes back down, hovering over you. Looking into your eyes, his soften, the desperation giving away to something more. His lips find your again, but gone is the primal hunger, left is only love. And as he kiss you deeply, he push in.
You gasp as he fills you, the stretch of his thick length beyond anything you could imagine. Slowly, he bottoms out, breathing hard at the feeling of you. “Fuck sweetheart.” He whisper against your neck, peppering your sensitive skin with soft kisses.
Little after little, he begins moving faster, thrusting into you harder. Your whole body feels alive under him and as he hits your sweet spot, again and again, you’re close to-
“Right, break it up.”
Frozen in place, you both stare to the side, finding one of the Donnie’s deputies pointing a flashlight at you. “Shit.” Ryan says through gritted teeth as the breaks away from you, making sure you’re covered. He helps you to your feet, doing his best to stand between you and the deputy until you’re decent.
“You have to come with me to the station.”
“Look, you’re clearly new.” Ryan turns and close his pants, reaching in to pull the rubber out. It springs off his cock, the end hitting his hand. He mutters under his breath, shaking off the pain, before he looks to the deputy again. “I’m Ryan. From the Yellowstone. Livestock agent. You don’t want to take me in.”
“Public indecency. There are campers on the other side of the river.”
And surely enough, further up on the opposite bank you see a small fire and some tents. Shit. You have no chance but to follow him down to the station.
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“You think dad will be mad?” You ask, snuggling closer to Ryan. His hand comes to a rest on yours, rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand.
“Yes, he will.”
Looking up, you see your dad standing next to Donnie, a sour expression on his face. The door to the cell slides open and John gestures for you to follow. Eyes fixed on the ground, you avert his gaze as you walk past him. He stops Ryan in the door.
“Not you.” John removes his hand, looking into Ryan’s eyes. “I tell you to take care of my daughter and you get her arrested? You can spend the night here, I’ll send Rip after you in the morning.”
Knowing better than to argue with the boss, Ryan throws his hands up in defeat, sitting back down. Taking a hold of the bars, you look in at him with a smile. “Hi, Ry.” He looks up, those beautiful blue eyes finding yours and even now he can’t help but smile when he looks at you. Grinning, you blow him a kiss. “Best Valentine’s ever. I love you.”
“No, you don’t.” John groans, pushing you away from the bars. Ryan just grins, running to the bars, closing the distance between you.
“You love me? I love you too!” He shouts after you. Giving hell to your dad, you run back and give Ryan the biggest kiss through the bars, grinning like a fool. “I’ll make you mine one day, Annabelle Dutton.”
Before you can answer, John drags you out of the station and into his truck. The entire way home, you think about Ryan, already excited for your next date. Your dad would come around eventually… You hope… He’s a Dutton after all, so you never know.
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@e-dubbc11 @itwasthereaminuteago @mindidjarin @misspearly1 @misspearlssideblog
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Happy Valentine's day (Y/N) 1.
(Y/N) × Pick your favorite character.
You're not a huge fan of festivities, especially Valentine's day, but your best friend is more than ready to make you change your mind and maybe he's also ready to confess to you something you have been waiting for so long.
Warning: grammatical errors, maybe bad short stories.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
He arrived one day before valentine's, just in time to bomb you with a thousand questions about the guy you dated in his absence.
- So you left the « situationship » in the air?
- Yeah, at this point I think he gets that I'm not interested anymore.
- thank God...
He murmured.
- Huh? did you say something?
- What? No, no. I'm glad you opened your eyes! He's not good enough for you Y/N
You laughed loudly, he loves the sound of your laugh, the melody he would certainly love to hear on repeat.
- Alright, so now that you're here... How would we celebrate? We can't do much with all these idiots in love though...
- You're so anti- cupid, but luckily I already have a plan, a very unusual but cool plan, something you've been asking me to teach you.
This malicious smirk, you love it so much, calm down Y/N he's your friend, keep dreaming.
- Oh really? That's why we are in a parking lot?
- it's not any parking lot, it's the parking lot of a huge shooting range, I reserved all the place for us, not an easy task but I didn't want you to hurt the rest of the people in the place... OUCH! OUCH! You hit like a girl! STOP!
You hit him, because he's annoying but also because you were excited, you've been wanting this so badly and he remembered it, he's the best, oh! he makes it hard to try to not catch feelings for him.
The shooting range was the best idea, Jhonny is sure of it, he's nervous but not for teaching you to shoot, he's nervous because he wants to confess his feelings for you.
Surprisingly you're a good shooter, he can't believe it, you're amazing in everything you do, it's time. He never had been more scared in his life but here he goes.
He caught your attention moving his hands, letting you know he would go to the car to pick some bottles of water, you nodded and continued, he came back but not with water, in exchange, he was holding a huge bunch of Peonies, your favorite flower and a McDonald's happy meal.
- Oh my god!... What's the meaning of all this? I can't believe it Jhonny... Oh god this is... W... why?
- Y/N, You... Are my best friend, we know each other since we're teenagers and all this time helped me to realize... You're the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with, so... Tell me now Y/N would... Would you be my valentine? Not only for today but... Forever?
You're speechless, there's no words, you can't believe what is happening and Johnny is getting impatient and anxious, he thinks he messed up.
- Y/N? Are you... Alright? If you think I messed up just tell me... We will pretend this never happened...
- Jhonny... I... You... You know I hate valentine's day well not anymore... Since everything I've always wanted is actually happening... Yes, yes I want to be your silly little valentine!
You jumped to him and kissed him, oh god you wanted this for a long, long time and it's better than you imagined it... You don't have a clue right now but Valentine's day will be your favorite festivity In the future.
You met Kyle in a very scary situation, you were a hostage in a store, he came in with some other guys but he was the one who saved you and the rest of the people around, you gave him information about what happened, the rest is story, you and him became good friends, your family adores him, your friends approve him too, and everybody feels the romantic tension between you, seriously everyone except him, or at least that's what you believed.
- Happy Valentine's day Y/N!!!!
- come on Garrick, you know I hate this day, get inside!
- I know, I'm just joking, what will we do?
- it's a movie night, we will watch movies, duh!
- okay, I'll pick the movie...
- Not an action movie, please! Something more interesting!!! I'll take a quick shower while you pick the movie!!!!
- alright, take your time... Stinky!
This is the perfect opportunity, he ran to his car and brought all the stuff he bought for you, a new pajama pants, he knows how much you love to wear comfortable clothes, he also bought a nice necklace with some Swarovski crystals, he thinks you have a beautiful neck and the necklace is a perfect match, bought your favorite food and beer, you're not a champagne or wine person, you hate fancy drinks.
He turned the lights off, when you came out of the shower everything was dark, is there any electric problem? Where's Gaz? You walked to the restroom just to check what was going on.
- Kyle? What happened with the lights? Don't try to scare me...
Suddenly, the lights in the room turned on, you saw all the presents on the coffee table, it was beautiful, and then, the tv turned on, a long video of you, Kyle recorded all the time, now you finally can see why he always did that. There you are, doing funny faces, looking pretty, eating cake at your dad's birthday, dancing, running, insulting, enjoying a huge cheeseburger. It took you a while to notice it but Kyle is standing at your side and with an arm around your shoulder, he whispers.
- no matter the angle, the moment, the weather, your mood, you're beautiful to me, you're my person Y/N, you're the person it makes me want to come back home as soon as possible... I know you don't like this day, but would you concede me the honor of being my valentine?
The shivers ran to your skin, are those tears? You looked at him, there's this spark in your eyes, his staring at every detail on your face, he knows your answer even when you're not saying nothing, it's clearly a 'Yes', a hug and a lot of kisses on your face and lips, Happy Valentine's day dear Y/N.
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
Hello my love! I love the way you write Frank (AND Matt, but im in a Frank mood tonight). I’m not sure if you’re taking requests rn, but if you are, I love to submit one!! Tbh I’m so sick of how douchey guys are these days on apps, and the “oh you just wanted a free meal” behavior and dating rn is the fucking worst. What’s your take on a situation where you’re friends with Frank and you complain about how badly men behave these days, and he offers to take you on a real date and treat you right? Bc I could use a Frank to rescue me and treat me right rn 😫
hello my darling! thank you so much, omg. you're too kind🥺
ok first of all when I say you are PREACHING to the damn CHOIR !!! I tried a few dating apps and I loathed every single one of them. straight up was not having a good time. it was an absolute travesty, so I feel for you so hard right now angel.
this is my first time doing a headcannon so this is super exciting and i'm happy we get to do this together!! because you absolutely DESERVE a frankie to rescue you and treat you right because you are a goddamn CATCH you are a GLOWING GODDESS and anyone should be so heckin LUCKY as to go on a date with you ❤️
headcannon is going to be below the cut bc y'all know I get carried away, especially with my baby frankie
frank castle & dating apps
first things first: frank castle is very old fashioned, so the idea of a dating app probably not only confuses the fuck out of him but also makes him grimace. like the man without a doubt hates texting, preferring an actual phone call instead, and most likely comes up with a million different threats to your security and worst case scenarios when you teach him about online dating
"don't you wanna meet someone the old fashioned way? how can you tell they're not a complete asshole just by a picture and a few words? what if they ain't who they say they are? you still got that knife I gave ya?"
frank already made you share your location with him a long time ago for safety reasons but now makes you text him the address of wherever it is you're going on these "dates" as well as check in with him every hour
he would probably be adamant about coming with you and sitting in a corner somewhere so he could keep an eye on you but you quickly shot that down bc it's frank and he's very hard to miss and you would have a hard time explaining to your date why that big guy across the room looks like he's seconds away from committing murder (you know exactly which look i'm talking about)
frank requests you send him a picture of whatever guy you're meeting just in case he needs to hunt him down find him if you don't check in or something happens, and never hesitates to offer a look of utter disdain and merciless judgment when you finally send it
"really? you're goin' on a date with this? the options on them apps that goddamn bad, sweetheart?"
frank is extremely shameless in verbally eviscerating every single guy you show him or tell him about and never misses an opportunity to make his opinions known
one night you storm into his apartment without knocking (a common occurrence he's finally gotten used to) and plop down next to him on the couch with a glass a wine (he made a mental note to keep the kind you like on hand at all times) and start to vent about your latest disaster date
the guy made you drive nearly an hour out of your way to meet him at a sketchy dive bar, spent the whole night talking about himself and cutting you off every time you spoke, and then had the AUDACITY to ask you to cover the tab because he "forgot" his wallet at home (this actually happened to me once)
frank can't take it anymore. this online dating thing has been going on for months and every time you vent to him about these assholes, it gets harder and harder for him to control his feelings for you because he's supposed to be your friend and the guys you've been going out with look nothing like him and as much as he wants to be with you, he's scared to ruin the one good thing he has. so, frank hatches a plan
"alright, I can't take this shit anymore. don't make plans friday night. we're goin' out."
he says it so nonchalantly, you almost don't catch what he means. you splutter out your wine, staring over at frank because there's no way he just asked you out on a date??? frank catches your look and offers a timid smile, reaching over to squeeze your knee gently
"relax. i'm just gonna show you what a real date should be like. you've been on so many shitty ones, I don't even know if you know what a good one is. let me help you raise your standards a bit."
let me tell you something, frank castle knows a thing or two about romance. this man goes ALL OUT. picking you up at your door (on time, early even), flowers in hand (your favorites bc he actually listens when you talk), is the most dressed up you've ever seen him (it's a dress shirt and jeans but he's usually covered in blood so), opens all the doors for you and pulls out your chair, takes you to a restaurant he knew you would love bc he knows your favorite dish & dessert, spends the whole night asking you questions about things he's always wanted to know about you, makes you laugh with silly jokes and stories, and tells you several times throughout the night how beautiful he thinks you look
you've always had a crush on frank (how could you not honestly) so you were a nervous wreck about the whole thing and what it meant for your friendship and if he was just doing this to be nice because he felt sorry for you or if he actually liked you back
but the date is not only the best one you've ever been on but also the easiest because it's frank and he's your best friend and you've never felt more comfortable or at ease with someone and when the check comes it makes your heart sink because you never want this date to end, even if it isn't real
the entire walk back to your apartment there's a palpable nervous energy between the two of you and his hands are in his pockets but you desperately wish they were holding yours and when you stop at your door there's a million thoughts racing through your head that you wanna say but the look in frank's eyes steals the oxygen straight out of your lungs
"listen I uh...know I said this was just to show you how a real date should be and what not, and I did mean that but...I really just wanted to show you how you should be treated ya'know. how...how I would treat you, if you'd let me. i'd give you the goddamn world if you asked, sweetheart. I don't know if I read tonight wrong, but I know I could be the right man for you, and I think you know that too. at least, I hope you do. there's nothin' I wouldn't do for you, honey. I understand if you don't feel the same way-"
you don't even let frank finish that sentence before you're dragging him down by his collar and crashing your lips together because holy shit frank, your frank, wants you just as much as you want him
needless to say you invite him up and show him just how much you want him despite his weak attempt at trying to continue to be a gentleman
"sweetheart, we can take it slow. I don't mind-" "frank I swear to god if you don't take your pants off right now, i'm never kissing you again." "yes ma'am."
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