#that's not language you would use if you were planning on disbanding!
sanstropfremir · 1 year
Wait while we're talking about Hybe's business philosophy, something that has has been bothering me for ages is that period of time where hybe would acquire a company with fairly successful groups and then? those groups would disband? like i was only a casual nu'est enjoyer and am by no means a fan of gfriend but i've been struggling to find a reason. nu est was probably some sort of internal disagreement bc they at least had a final album, but it seems like gfriend were dropped like a hot potato. idk. firmly believe society is better bc of it tho! it just nags at me a lot and i was curious if you had any thoughts on it.
oh gfriend got canned bc they had a nazi scandal, so that one was deserved, but nu'est got nuked without warning like a month before their ten year anniversary + album. from the verbiage used by the guys when they've talked about it, it appears like hybe essentially didn't offer them a contract renewal as a group. the two guys who stayed with the company have extant commitments (minhyun i believe is on an acting contract/had some acting gigs lined up and baekho does a huge chunk of songwriting and producing and would probably lose all his copyrights if he left), but the other three had nothing to keep them there without the group. obvs we're probably not going to know actually what happened but the general consensus is that the members and perhaps even pledis staff got blindsided by the decision, because the guys were talking about their anniversary and looking forward to the future with the group at their winter concerts (if they had known they were disbanding on the anniversary we would have also known bc they're all criers) and there straight up was a bus ad campaign that ran in seoul until AFTER they had already disbanded? which why on EARTH would a company pay for a whole ass ad campaign if the group was about to die? there's also a theory that their last album was just meant to be a tenth anniversary cb with galaxy as the actual title track, bc it's much more in line with a tt from them, and again was meant to be the anniversary song bside. the guys are pretty close (mcing/going each other's fanmeetings, ren's guested on aron's podcast at least twice) and they fought like HELL to stay together as a group for the last ten years (they're literally the group that pioneered the survival show flop revival) so them disbanding was extremely out of left field. as for why hybe would have incentive to not renew them? nu'est have a fair amount of domestic popularity and a very stable and loyal fanbase BUT not a very large intl one and not one that was actively growing. they were quite large in japan as well, but they never hit big with a western audience and as we know, that's the only audience hybe cares about. plus, as ten year veteran idols and staples of the industry they would have likely had a lot of negotiating power during contract discussions. hybe probably knew that they wouldn't be able to beat them in line with their company vision if they stayed together so the easiest solution was to just disband them.
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underthetree845 · 10 months
ADA Members as High School Students- Headcannons
All the characters are of high school age, except for Fukuzawa who is a teacher.
I might do the older ADA members as teachers eventually, but I wanted to focus on them all as students for now.
Includes: Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Ranpo Edogawa, Atsushi Nakajima, Kyoka Izumi, Miyazawa Kenji, Yosano Akiko, Fukuzawa Yukichi
Cws: mentions of suicide (because it's dazai), mentions of school fights, school life, mentions of bullying, school counseling
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Dazai Osamu:
Would mess with the underclassmen by sending them on a wild goose chase for the nonexistent school elevator or something like that. 
Takes advantage of his friends and always gets them to do his assignments for him (that habit obviously carried into adulthood). 
Proudly holds the record for the most unexcused tardies in one school year. 
The teacher keeps trying to call on him to answer a question when he seems like he’s slacking off but Dazai always answers correctly, that devilish little unapologetic grin on his face. 
Literally never studies. 
The teachers can’t tell if he cheats or is just really intelligent, but if he were cheating, they wouldn’t be able to catch him. 
(He doesn’t cheat by the way, but he never explicitly denies it). 
Has been confessed to at least three times, (he scared them away when he asked if they’d be willing to commit double suicide with him). 
The guidance counselors keep trying to schedule a meeting with him to talk about his “suicidal tendencies,” but then he just shows up on mushrooms or something and they’re like “Nevermind.” 
Drama queen. 
Used to be part of this questionable after school club (Mori was the faculty advisor) that got disbanded. 
Pulls pranks on the faculty and other students (mostly Chuuya), particularly ones he has some reason to hold spite against.
Never gets caught. 
Smooth liar. 
Completely up with the gossip too. 
Those career path quizzes never know what to do with him, he gets a jumble of results. 
The underclassmen have no idea who Oda is, but they know you should never bring him up around Dazai.
Lots of rumors circulating as to why he wears his bandages. 
Probably hides Kunikida’s glasses so he can’t see the board. 
Surprisingly good at writing, language arts is his best subject.
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Kunikida Doppo: 
Constantly threatening to snitch on Dazai but never does. 
This audio. 
The kid that asks for clarification on assignments and ends up reminding the teacher that they meant to give homework. Doesn’t see the problem with it. 
Does. not. condone. bullying. He’ll push up his glasses and emotionally destroy the perpetrators before filing a fancy report to the faculty advisor. 
Keeps a planner notebook. Very meticulous and organized, he’s proud of it. 
Probably class rep. 
Takes way too many things way too seriously. 
Has never missed a deadline. Ever. 
Every single one of his pencils is somehow always sharpened and perfect. 
Strongly believes that wooden pencils are superior to mechanical ones. 
Good at math, but also art. He sees the canvas as a kind of graph, does particularly well with landscapes. 
Very serious about getting proper nutrients from what he eats and drinks throughout the day, he plans his lunches for the week ahead of time.
Does very well in debate class too.
Always perfectly in uniform, scolds Dazai when he has his tie loose or didn’t button up his blazer or something like that. 
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Ranpo Edogawa: 
Does favors for people when it gets close to Valentine’s Day to make sure he’ll get some chocolates. 
Do I even need to say it- ALWAYS snacking in class. 
Coerces as much free food out of other students as possible. 
Eventually they pick up on his game and stop feeding him. 
Snitches on people flawlessly in the middle of class, the culprit fuming, the teacher dumbfounded. Maybe he can get away with snacks once in a while. 
When people ask him to help them study he usually just redirects them to Atsushi. 
That kid that’s always leaning his chair back way too far but never falls.
The faculty has basically given up on punishing him. After school detention?- more sleeping time. Extra homework?- doesn’t even break a sweat.
Knows exactly who is cheating on the test, gets offered bribes from both the students cheating so he doesn’t tell on them and the teachers who want to know who it is.
That one kid that just shoves looseleaf crumpled paper into their backpack, seems like they’ve never used a binder in their life. Somehow turns everything in just fine. 
Says he doesn’t have gum on him when he’s literally chewing a piece. 
Always goes and visits/annoys Fukuzawa when he can. Fukuzawa actually doesn’t mind and Ranpo enjoys getting to talk to his favorite teacher. 
Doesn’t even check the board when tests results come out, he already knows what he got, and can easily guess the others’ scores too. 
Most people couldn’t actually tell you what his eye color is. 
Fukuzawa is the only teacher Ranpo will actually take a lecture from seriously, the other administrators have to call him over when they need to scold the boy.
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Atsushi Nakajima: 
The only one who did their part in the group project. 
Always offering to help the teachers, tutors other students, etc. etc.
An angel, really. Akutagawa is the only one able to make him upset. 
Extremely apologetic, would probably help the janitor clean up if he ever accidentally made a mess. 
Probably tried out for a part in a school production at least once. 
Turning heads from around the room when he reveals that he plays piano. 
So shy about it though, he probably didn’t even mean to say it. 
Dazai gave him a pep talk before his first performance. 
After that, he starts to come out of his shell in music class, does well in music theory too. 
Would literally die if he ever received a love letter or anything of the sort. 
Doesn’t like to share who his favorite teachers are out of fear of hurting their feelings. 
Definitely has a bond with at least one facilitator, is probably friends with the janitor and cafeteria cooks. 
Wouldn’t hesitate to give his umbrella to someone if it were raining after school.
Found a blue-eyed kitten on his walk home once. It’s his now, he kept it, and Dazai absolutely adores it. 
Always has index cards or post-it notes on him to quickly write something down or give someone a piece of information. 
Makes specific playlists for studying different subjects. 
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Kyoka Izumi: 
When she entered school, there was a lot of talk about her past; it ranged from what happened to her parents to saying she’d kill you if you even looked at her. Became a social outcast. :(
As soon as Atsushi caught wind of the rumors, he immediately shut them down, jumping to her defense whenever he could.
Now she’ll death glare at anyone being mean to him. 
Doesn’t understand the concept of a school dance, she only went because the others seemed excited about it. 
Actually ended up having a great time, replaying the fond memories in her head the next day. 
A sucker for bunny keychains. She has the one on her phone, yes, but also a few on her backpack and maybe pencil pouch.
Atsushi gave one of them to her for her birthday, she doesn’t even know how he found out when her birthday is.
She refuses to allow her phone to be confiscated (for obvious reasons).
Doesn’t use it in class or when she’s not supposed to or anything like that, but if a teacher is having a particularly bad day and decides to try to take it from her, her grip is unassailable.
Fukuzawa knows what happened to her, so he usually steps in to diffuse the situation and get the teacher to let it go.
She finds watercolor time in art class pleasantly therapeutic. 
The only one who helps Atsushi with the group assignment. 
Fukuzawa’s favorite student. They get each other. 
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Kenji Miyazawa: 
Literally every teacher wishes they had him in their class. 
His only issue is that he keeps forgetting you have to wear close-toed shoes to school, he can never remember to change them.
So many athletic teams want him to join them, but he remains loyal to the garden club. 
Has impressed the school nurse with his home remedies. 
Has (unknowingly) talked down a few fights. 
Smiles so brightly in his school photo every year. 
Does well in the environmental/botanical portion of science class. 
Incapable of holding a grudge. 
Really dislikes doing dissections. 
The meals he brings from home are the BEST- everyone always wants to try a bite. Kunikida has to shoo the others away so Kenji doesn’t give away his entire meal. 
One time at a school soccer match, Kenji was watching from the sidelines with some friends and one of the players kicked the ball his way. He got hit smack in the face and fell over, everyone thought he was out cold and was ready to call an ambulance, but he just stood up and brushed it off like it was nothing. His nose bled a little, but he assured everyone that he felt fine.
They had him checked out by the school nurse that day just to be sure. Yosano had a look at him too. 
Returns every single pen and pencil he borrows. 
Had never seen mechanical pencils before coming to Yokohama, was absolutely fascinated. 
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Yosano Akiko: 
No one actually knows what the inside of her bag or locker looks like.
“When you first meet her and wonder why she’s single and now you’re three months into the relationship and you know why.” (No Yosano hate, I just feel like this has happened to people who thought she looked approachable at first glance). 
Keeps a hairbrush and bobby pins in her bag.
Checks every box, the prime example of that friend everyone needs. She’ll stick up for you, provide you with things you need, is really nice to talk to, gives AMAZING advice.
Some people are afraid of her, which is kind of fair. 
Hands-on learning experiments in science class are her favorite. 
Actually enjoys dissections. 
The butterfly clip is OFF LIMITS. Absolutely no one is allowed to touch it. 
Hardly ever has to use a calculator, she excels at quick mental math and long division problems. 
Completely prepared to perform CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, etc. at all times. 
I feel like she would keep houseplants on a shelf somewhere. Simple ones, dark leaves and pretty blossoms. 
Professor Mori, the psychology and human behavior teacher, is the only person in the entire school who can give her the chills. 
Has known she wants to be a doctor since the beginning of her school life. 
The teachers have tried to encourage her to at least consider creating a plan B, but she refuses. 
Probably critiques the school nurse and their methods so hard. “No, the gauze needs to be tighter than that if you actually want to stop the bleeding.” “Apply heat if you want the muscles to relax, not cold!” “Do you even know how to use an epi-pen?!”
I feel like Yosano can sing, she would probably do well in choir.
Could be persuaded to sing onstage for a school production if provided a good enough reason. I’m just saying it’s not completely off the table for her. 
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Fukuzawa Yukichi:
The only student that knows his complete backstory is Ranpo, and he won’t tell anyone else because Fukuzawa pays him off with snacks in exchange. 
I could only really see him as a literary teacher.
One time he accidentally mentioned that he has a cat in class. Every student erupted into a series of exclamations and demanded pictures.
Now they get him cat-themed gifts on holidays and for his birthday, the man could not be happier. 
Naomi likes to come talk to him about random thoughts she has, things her brother does, she treats him like another one of her friends. 
Has the scariest serious voice, it’ll make any student shut their mouth. 
Likes to eat his lunches outside. 
Kyoka is his favorite student. Ranpo too, of course, but Fukuzawa and Kyoka hold a special kinship.
A handful of students can sense the mutual war between Fukuzawa and Mori, the psychology professor across the hall. (I considered anatomy or something like that for Mori, I just feel like psyche would be more fitting for him to actually teach). 
Fukuzawa and Mori are the faculty members that have been at the school the longest.
One time Atsushi brought Fukuzawa a warm turvis of his favorite tea because he “just looked a little tired yesterday” and that’s when he knew that he would be keeping his job for a long time. 
Always cooks his own meals and brings them for lunch, would rather die than have to survive off of instant ramen or something like that. 
His class is the only one ever completely behaved during the fire drills. 
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lucaasunn · 1 year
☆ do you want somebody (like i want somebody) ☆
koga oogami x gn!reader
word count: 1.9k words
info: fluff, probably inaccurate lore, reader isnt in the idol course but also not a regular student or producer, maybe counts as a song fic ☾ditto - newjeans☽, npc friends that i couldn't think up good names for whoops, minor language near the end.
a/n: i wrote this while at a cousin’s house HELP. this is purely self indulgent because i’ve been thinking about newjeans recently LMAO.
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You can remember every moment you’ve shared with Koga ever since you first met back in your first year at Yumenosaki. His ups, his downs, and everything in between, you were there for it all. You remember comforting him whenever Rei used to go overseas, and eventually DEADMANZ’s disbandment. He always tried to be so indifferent, but you could always tell. Of course you could. He would never let anyone see him like this but you. You supported his impulsive B1 DreFes performances, even if you did get in trouble with the council. You can remember the scolding you two would receive from Keito. Your other friends would always see you sulking when you got to your building afterwards. Everything he did, you were always by his side.
Of course, Koga was always there for you too. Whenever he could, he would make it to your practices. When he did, you never really got any progress done. You would always goof off before he “scolds” you for not being on task. and then he proceeds to distract you further. You’ve had to ban him from the practice rooms a few times. In the middle of your own performances, you could always see him somewhere in the crowd. Every time you walked onto the stage, you would scan the crowd to find him. He found out and would purposefully blend in and make you scan even harder. If you never saw him, he would come up to you after your performance and boast about his “win”.
As the years passed with him, you started to view him differently. Your heart would start to beat faster around him. You could feel your face bloom into warmth when you would accidentally brush hands. You’ve spent nights thinking about his touch, how it would feel to hold his slightly callused hands. And since when did you start staring at his lips when you walked together? You would rant to the friends who shared the same course as you.
“That is seriously sappy. You are so head over heels for him,” Shuntaro teased. You glared at him before you heard another voice speak up.
“Literally! It sounds like it came straight out of a romance novel!”, Hikari exclaimed. You groaned, feeling the heat creep back up your cheeks. You really didn’t want to admit it, but it was very obvious to everyone.
You��re in love with Koga Oogami, your best friend.
“HnhnhnnnggAAAAHH!! God I hate this… I don’t know what to do…”, you complain, your hands gripping the sides of your head before dropping them. You prop one of your arms on the table where the three of you sat, resting your head in your hand.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe just go up to him and tell him you like him?”, Shuntaro suggested, a teasing grin lying on his face. You and Hikari turn to face him, you staring at him with a deadpan expression, and Hikari looking at him as if he murdered someone.
“Dude, they can’t just do that! This is their best best friend. They can’t just casually walk up to him and say ‘Hey, I like you and have liked you since the start of our second year!’”, she argues for you, but you shake your head.
“No no, he’s right. But I’m not doing that. No way,” you look at Hikari, a small almost apologetic smile on your face. She nods. Silence washes over the three of you, not that you minded too much. It takes a bit, but finally someone spoke.
“So, how do you plan on confessing to him?”, Hikari asked you. You didn’t really give the confession much thought. You told yourself that you’d find a way to do it later constantly, even before this conversation, but you never did. you thought about it harder. You want something direct, but still romantic. not abrupt, but not beating around the bush.
What can bridge the two together, you wonder.
“Heeeeyyy, you still there??” Hikari waves a hand in front of your eyes while you blink, focus back on your friends.
“My bad.. I thought about it for a little bit, but I think I have an idea.” You motion for them to lean in and whisper in their ears.
God this was so stupid. That was the most cliché thing you ever thought of. But it’s too late to go back. Your friends are rooting for you now, and you are not chickening out.
Walking next to Koga, you could feel your heart beat out of your chest. You’re not sure what exactly it is. Is it just your feelings for him or is it the anxiety of confessing? The nervousness of messing up your dream scenario? The uncertainty of your best friend becoming your boyfriend or said best friend rejecting you and slowly drifting away afterward? You wish someone could tell you.
Despite all the nerves in your body telling you not to, you managed to ask Koga to wait for you by the front of the school.
“Huh? why d’ya need me to do that? miss me walkin’ you home?”, he teases, leaning forward slightly. You can’t deny that. He has been busy the past few months that you haven’t had time to do so. Still, you jokingly push him away.
“That doesn’t matter right now. I just need you-“ “Hah! You didn’t deny it!” You were cut off short by Koga. You can feel the familiar heat return to your cheeks. This man can be so annoying, but you won’t lie, it was kinda cute.
“If you could let me FINISH, I just need you to meet me there. It’s something important.”
“What’s so important that you need me there? Can’tcha just text or call me?”
All of a sudden your nerves are telling you to back out. To tell him never mind. To keep your relationship the way it is. Don’t ruin it.
“I.. I just need you there, kay?”, you mustered out. He looked at you, admittedly confused, but he left it alone. Whatever it was, he’ll find out later anyway. The two of you make it to the gate and part ways to your respective buildings.
Once you’re sure he’s out of sight, you open your bag, peeking inside before reaching in. You grab a pristine envelope, a paw print sticker sealing the flap shut. You check for any folds or wrinkles, relieved to find none.
‘Even in the worst case scenario, I can at least hope he at least appreciates the effort.’, you thought to yourself sarcastically.
After school came a lot faster than you thought it would. The confession was plaguing you all day, and it was obvious. At least to your friends. You kept thinking of the possible outcomes. Thousands. Thousands of outcomes came to you, some more unrealistic than others.
To say you were anxious was an understatement. But still, you trudged on anyway. You made your way to the front of the main building. It wasn’t difficult to spot Koga, but it was difficult to reach him. The wave of students walking up to friends or leaving made it harder than you thought to get to him him. Still, you made it.
“There ‘ya are. Took ‘ya forever to get here.”
“Not my fault my building is further away from the main building. Besides, don’t you see the sea of other students? I had to weave my way around just to get here!”, you complained. You should’ve thought about this more. There’s way too many people around.
“Well ‘ya should’ve-“ “Yeah, I know, I know. Tell you to meet me somewhere else. Well now we’re going to that somewhere else, okay?” Before he could answer, you grab his hand and run back into the building. You were too focused on getting somewhere private that you didn’t realize that the two of you had intertwined fingers, a pink flush prominent on Koga’s face.
You finally made it to an empty hallway. You let go of his hand. You both take a second to catch your breath.
“What was that for?!”, he yelled.
“I know I said this was important, but I forgot to mention this is also private.”
“Well what is it? I’ve got no clue as ‘ta what this could be.” The question you dreaded, but had also been anticipating for so long. You reach into your bag and hand him the letter.
“To the idiot receiving this letter,
I hope you know I put my whole heart and soul into this.
As you know, we’ve been friends ever since the start of our time at Yumenosaki. Everyday I’ve spent with you has made my life so much better, even if I don’t say it out loud. You’ve been there for me through every important event in not only my performing career, but in my life.
As the days have passed, however, I couldn’t help but feel different around you. I didn’t know what it was at first. I just thought that maybe stage fright was getting to me, since I had a show that week. but it never went away. It only grew. When I sat down to think about it, it all clicked.
My heart would skip beats every time you were near me. I started actively looking to impress you, even in more mundane situations. I looked your way much more than I ever did before. When I lay in bed at night, my thoughts were always filled with you.
My feelings for you, like the memories we share, have grown so big.
I’m in love with you, Koga Oogami.
He looked over the letter for what felt like an eternity. The entire time he read it, you couldn’t even look at him. You looked anywhere but him. The silence between you was deafening. He finally spoke up, but he didn’t say anything you expected.
“Say it.”
“Say it.”
Out of all the outcomes and scenarios you had envisioned, you never thought he would say this.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to make me say?” You tilt your head in confusion.
“And you call me an idiot. I’m sayin’ to tell me what you wrote to me. Directly. I want ‘ya to.”
And all of sudden, you’re stunned. Your face flushes at his words. Never in a million years did you think this would happen.
“I… I’m in love with you, Koga Oogami.” You feel his callused hands grab hold of yours.
“I’m in love with you too, [name, last name]. ‘Have been for so long.”
You really feel like you’re in heaven. Hesitantly, you go to cup his face, searching for any signs of refusal. Instead, he looks at you with an unfamiliar, yet all too familiar look of tenderness in his eyes. His golden eyes. You always thought they were beautiful.
Subconsciously, you and Koga leaned your faces in closer. Before you knew it, you closed your eyes shut and felt a pair of lips against yours. You've dreamed of this moment for so long, and now it's a reality. His lips fit perfectly against yours, just as you had hoped. You could feel his arms wrap around you, as if ensuring you wouldn’t pull away too early.
Finally, he pulls his lips away from yours. You take a minute to just gaze at him lovingly before cracking and snickering. It isn’t long before he joins too.
“What? We both just confessed to each other and now you’re laughing? Damn.”, he says in between laughs.
“God this was so fucking cheesy.”, You chuckle out.
You wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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puggemon · 2 years
* Dustin’s Babysitter *
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You are Lucas’ substitute
for the big game.
[ TW: Cursing ]
If someone had asked you earlier on in the day of the big game what you would have been doing later that night, you definitely wouldn't have suspected you'd be in a dark, ominous, room filled with Eddie Munson and the group that everyone deemed "Freaks". But you'd been approached by Dustin Henderson during lunch time, who was clearly in distraught, as he rambled to you the story of why he needed a substitute for the Hellfire Club meetup.
"Lucas backed out on us and left us missing a player for tonight," He sighed, pressing his hands together in a begging motion, and sticking out his bottom lip in a pout. "And you're the first person I thought of!"
He'd done this puppy-dog bribery many times before, every time you babysat him and he wanted something that was on the list of things his Mother wanted him to avoid. Any violent movie, or sweet snack that could possibly induce a sugar coma.
"What's in it for me?" You spoke sarcastically, knowing that in no way could you say no to the young boy who you'd grown super close to. But that didn't mean you couldn't tease him, exactly like an older sibling would.
"You can have one of our t-shirts! They're handmade. And we all get one." He pulled the fabric in between his fingers and smiled a big, dorky, smile. "Super soft too,"
"Fine, Dusty. I'll go. But I definitely want mine in [FAVORITE COLOR] or I'm not wearing it. Deal?" You held out your hand for the not-so-secret secret handshake the two of you have.
He let out a sigh of relief at you agreeing to the DND session, before playing into the handshake. "Deal."
Thus how you ended up here, creating a DND character and living out in a fantasy world, under the gaze of a few males you'd never even introduced yourself to, and Dustin's friend, Mike Wheeler. You didn't know what to expect out of this game, but it was definitely different than what you expected. Everyone was genuinely enjoying their time, knocking back Mountain Dews and bantering back and forth, going through the scenes that the Dungeon Master, Eddie Munson had created.
That was, until he revealed the ultimate plot twist in the map and everyone grew tense, as they all fought against Vecna, who was supposed to be dead. Multiple people from the group of players, got downed along the way, until it was just you and Dustin...
"We have to just give up, there's no way we can win this," One of the guys said, as all of you were huddled in the corner, away from Eddie, discussing game plans. "Give up? But he's on such low health!" Dustin argued, looking over to you, hoping you'd agree with him.
"Dusty's right. We've basically got this guy in a body bag,"
"Did they even have body bags in medieval times?" Questioned the other party, in attempts to settle the situation down. Each one of you let out a soft chuckle, before Mike spoke up with his opinion. "I think it's pretty risky, but there's only two of us left, so I think it should be their choice."
They all turned their attention to you and Dustin, who were already looking at one another. Silently, you agreed to continuing the fight with a nod of the head. That's when the circle disbanded and all of you went back to the table.
"What did the jury decide?" Eddie asked, a smirk on his face as he looked between you and Dustin.
"Let's kick some ass," Dustin spoke up from beside you, making you give a side eye and scold him on his foul language. You were still his babysitter, after all.
"Sorry, let's kick some butt." He reworded his sentence making Mike snort from the sidelines.
"It's all or nothing, one of you two must roll a twenty on the dice, or you'll be at a loss." Eddie explained, hand holding out the blue die. You grabbed at it, your hand briefly brushing against Eddie's, making goosebumps form along your arms. Your eyes were locked with his as you handed the dice to Dusty, who was impatiently waiting beside you. "I'm going in," he spoke up, blowing the dice in between his hands for good luck. It was at this moment that you broke the staring contest with Eddie Munson, heart beating out of your chest. Your eyes wandered down to the dice that Dustin had just let go onto the board. 12. Everyone groaned, Dustin facepalming at the sight of not meeting the goal. It was now your turn.
Eddie watched carefully as you took your turn, checking you out, his eyes going up and down your figure. How had he never met you before tonight? He'd never even heard Dustin talk about you. He actually didn't even know Dustin was young enough to have a babysitter. But with Dustin's Mom being who she was, he wasn't surprised about it. The fact that you would actually be seen around with them, as you'd walked around campus with the group, meant that you were just like them, even though you looked nothing like them. He dug it. Totally and utterly, dug it.
In fact, the first moment he saw you he thought you would be mean. He thought that nothing was going to work out, and you'd probably piss on his gameplay. But as you started getting more into the game, he started getting more into you and your presence.
"Oh my god," Dustin whispered, watching the dice fumble around the board, before landing on a 20. "OH MY GOD! [Y/N] YOU DID IT!" He screamed, happily, wrapping you up in a giant bear hug. You reciprocated the hug, and everyone around started cheering you on, excited that the one in a million chances you had, was enough.
It was at that moment that Eddie had deemed you to be a permanent part of the HellFire Club. Knowing that if it needed anyone, it needed you, and solely because he had a fascination with the idea of having someone who looked like they didn't belong, belonging.
Everyone stepped out into the night sky, a smile swept across all of your faces. You'd really enjoyed your time, and was thankful Dustin had thought of you first, to play the game with him. "Goodnight guys," Mike spoke up, receiving a few goodnights in return, before running off towards his chained up bicycle.
"Thank you for coming today," Dustin said, happy that he got to spend some bonding time with you outside of babysitting and school. And because you saved his ass.
"No problem, Dusty." You ruffled his curls, causing him to groan in dissatisfaction. He bumped his shoulder into you, playfully as the two of you continued walking along the concrete path.
"Hey, wait up!" Eddie called from behind, in a slight jog, trying to catch up to the both of you. Once he was finally beside you, he smiled, and it was the cutest thing you'd possibly ever seen.
"What's up, Ed?" Dustin asked, looking towards the leader of his club, awaiting an answer.
"I don't think I properly got to introduce myself to you before the game. I'm Munson. Eddie Munson." He held out his hand for you to shake, which you took happily into your own. "I know who you are, I'm [Y/N]."
Eddie wasn't quite surprised at the fact that you knew of his existence, considering he was called the biggest freak in school.
"Well, just so you know Hellfire Club is every Friday night, and you're welcome to join anytime that you like. What you did today was pretty great."
"Enough flirting kids, I'm ready to go home." Dustin interrupted, taking both of you aback. You shushed him before playfully pushing him away, to the side. "But you're my riiiideee," he whined, before taking the hint to leave and walking over to the other group members who were in another conversation.
"I should probably get him home, but.. it was nice finally introducing myself to you, Eddie."
"Not quite the freak you thought I was, huh?" He laughed, twirling his hair in between his fingers, mocking the actions of a flirtatious woman.
"I never said that." You retorted with a playful tone of voice, and a wink, before walking off to collect the kid that you had to take home for the night.
Eddie was left there with an extra beat to his heart, and a newfound desire for you.
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the-crimson · 11 months
I’m watching the second debate from last night and q!Forever keeps frustrating me so much XD
He keeps invalidating the council and resistance ideas with the “u might get brainwashed” argument as if that would only affect bbh, Bagerah, and gegg’s plans but like… dude
If u are going to invalidate peoples platforms with that and say they shouldn’t run on that because they could be brainwashed and it might not happen… then why is anyone running at all.
You can’t use the “you might get brainwashed so your promise will mean nothing!” Train of thought for only select candidates. You have to apply it to everyone, including yourself. Bbh said that several times to his chat during th debate and he’s right!
The people who want to use the power themselves are at MORE risk of being brainwashed then the candidates that want to disband the government and create a council because it would be easier for the federation to keep that hidden from the public. BUT a candidate that promised to disband the government not doing that because they were brain washed immediately tells the public something is wrong!
Like Forever’s insistence that bbh, Bagerah, and gegg’s plans aren’t valid because “they might get brainwashed” is so hypocritical and stupid XD
Forever, I love you buddy, but please get ur head out of ur ass XD
(This could be a language barrier thing, if so please let me know if his thoughts come off differently when he talks about it in Portuguese)
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allgather · 1 year
one liberation begets another: the uchiha & jewish themes of resistance i was thinking a bit today about how historically jewish people have used the celebration of our holidays as a guise to gather in order to hide the fact that they were planning rebellions against their oppressors in the present. and this is interesting to me bc jewish holidays are largely thematically about uprisings by jewish citizen's militias who were able to defeat the large military forces of their oppressors ( best examples are jewish people winning their freedom from slavery in egypt which is what passover is about and the maccabees, which were a very small militia of jewish people who successfully fought to take their temple back from the roman emperor, which is the story of hannukah. these and other holidays commemorate actions jewish ppl took to reclaim their freedom and liberation ).
there is a passage from the passover text, the haggadah, that explains this and gives a historic example that really resonates with me:
A tale is told of five rabbis who were holding a seder in the town of B’nei Brak, and talked about Pesach (passover) until dawn broke, when their students had to interrupt them saying,“Rabbis, it is morning and time to recite the morning prayer.”
This story takes place during the rule of the Roman emperor Hadrian, who ordered that the Temple be moved so he could put a temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount. In the year 123 of the Common Era, a guerilla insurgency began, which resulted in a crack-down by the Roman authorities. B’nei Brak was the headquarters of the rebellion against Roman occupation, a rebellion of which one of the Rabbis was a leader. Because of rebel activities, the Roman authorities had forbidden gatherings of Jews, on pain of death. The seder described in this passage was used not only as a chance to discuss the liberation from the story of passover—but also to plan a strategy of resistance against current Roman occupation. The students were standing guard, ready to caution the rabbis to disband at daybreak, lest they be caught.
 This tale may be read as a story of how one liberation begets another.
and i've always been really taken with the phrase "one liberation begets another" when we got to this part in passover because it is the gathering and speaking about a historic liberation that provides the opportunity, the cover under which to plan to fight for a present liberation.
so i was thinking about this in the context of the uchiha ( and whether you view these practices as actually the customs of jewish people or if you understand this more as an allegory to the uchiha as outsiders with their own customs that the people of the leaf are unfamiliar with, and see this all as a sorta allegory or common theme, that is up to you! and i’m happy either way! )
so the uchiha are an ancient clan with practices the rest of the leaf are unfamiliar with, who are viewed as inherently different, as outsiders, who are kept siloed away in their own section of the village. and i can see so clearly how they would use these holidays or cultural practices/festivals that no one really understood as a guise to gather all the adult members of the clan together to talk, without suspicion, about their circumstances in the leaf and to plan their uprising against it. who use the fact that they are viewed as outsiders with a strange set of customs to use those gatherings in order to have non-suspicious meetings to plan their rebellion and insurrection right under the leaf's nose.
and i can see it so clearly, the clan gathered in dining rooms, by the candle light and all the customary table settings of the holidays. from the outside it looks like every other observance. but this time their prayer books are lined with maps of the leaf and surrounding area which they study and mark up together. and perhaps they speak in their own language, one spoken ancestrally by their clan but not shared by the people of the leaf ( and in the case of judaism, perhaps it is hebrew or yiddish ) and it sounds like all the other old prayers they speak in that vaguely sing-song way. but they aren’t, not this time. they are planning, discussing tactics, organizing themselves in a tongue only they are familiar with. using celebrations about rebellion as cover to plan for their own rebellion. one liberation begetting another.
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loverontheleft · 1 year
Sarah didn’t “win” anything ??? Having a baby is a choice on both sides of the parties involved. Brendon said in the Sirius XM interview that over the pandemic he took a step back and evaluated his title and job (if he’s just a celebrity, a face, etc…) vs. his personal life and that most likely involved discussing the prospect of getting older and wanting children with Sarah. Things change and people change their minds all the time. This is such a big sacrifice for everyone and Brendon is the only one who chose to focus on family full time. Some artists can handle both, but the schedule of touring takes away so much time from his family. Tbh I think he deserves this time away. He’s been working since he was seventeen years old. And with the way the world has been sending him so much hate for the past two years, his family deserves this privacy and peace. I know it’s painful and you’re allowed to feel upset about Panic! disbanding, but it’s not like Sarah was planning all of this/doing this on purpose.
First of all: if this is you, you probably should just unfollow me now. Maybe I’m reading condescending and scolding tones where they don’t exist because I’m upset, but I have two fucking masters degrees in the English language. I’m pretty fucking good at picking up what someone is saying through writing.
Obviously I think he deserves time away, I have always advocated for him taking time for his mental health, but this isn’t time away, this is the end. Maybe he’ll change his mind, maybe he’ll come back, but why would he? I’m equally livid about how people have treated him. He’s been driven away. I’m heartbroken at how he’s been treated and his well-being and happiness are always my top concerns. If you don’t know that about me, you must be new here.
Oh and don’t worry— I fully comprehend how having a child is mutual choice and people can change their minds. And yeah, obviously this whole thing wasn’t some big scheme Sarah had; that’s batshit. But reposting something that she has to know caused so much pain with a heart was a deliberate choice. We were blindsided with loss and the true fans are grieving because it’s not unreasonable to assume we’ll never see him again. He’s incredibly protective of his family; I’ve always admired that about him and respected him for it. Part of why I love him is his devotion to Sarah. So he’s going to be just as protective of his child, understandably and as he should be, and what reason would he have to do anything for us? Panic is done. He’s focusing his energy on his family. We’ve lost him. He’s gone. All of that, and she fucking loved that shit. Literally. The nicest interpretation of it is that her post was insensitive and badly timed.
Ultimately, I have very mixed feelings, because on the one hand, yeah she’s probably getting a ton of undeserved hate right now and she’s allowed to be a little petty and celebrate. Of course she should celebrate. Her husband, the father of her child, is making a very public choice, and he chose her. On the other, it still fucking hurts, and I’m. allowed. to. be. upset. I lost someone I genuinely love. I have been in his corner since fucking 2007; that man has gotten me through some of the worst moments of my life. And he is gone.
Don’t bother replying.
I’m just going to delete it.
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redandyellowziam · 2 years
They, being label/mgmt. no. Sorry for the confusion. Label/mgmt. assumed that because 1D was a band that was thrown together that they would eventually, on their own accord want to go their separate ways. Thus, enabling them to convince the one or two lads they wanted to resign with them. What was unanticipated was the relationships that developed within the band. It's these relationships that made it impossible for them to pluck the one or two members they wanted to retain under contract. I believe they wanted to focus on solo acts. The band however, wanted to remain a band. On their own and for many reasons 1D decided collectively not to renew their contract. Label/mgmt. saw that their plan would not work. Not only would they not have solo artists or a band but also, they were going to lose 100s of millions in future profit. They could not have another label/mgmt. swooping in, sign 1D to a contract and garner the 100s of millions in profit that they felt they should be getting. Hence the subsequent narratives. To paint a picture to the industry and public of disbanded, infighting, girlfriend/baby having dysfunctional lads. Unappealing and unmarketable.
If you look through all muck of the various narratives, you will see that the original contract is still in full force and effect for all of them. They simply have different trajectories to give the illusion that they are all now out on their own with no ties to 1D. One way to know that the original contract is still in full force and effect is that the "babygate" stunts are still enforced. The lads are not going sign with a new label/mgmt. and carry with them a narrative from their old label/mgmt. It is one of the primary reasons they did not renew their contract in the first place. Additionally, new label/mgmt. is not going to sign a new artist with an existing narrative that they have no control over. They have no control of the image clause. Thus, no control over the marketability of their new artist. How would they gage the artists potential profitability? In a way label/mgmt. is getting what they wanted. At the moment Harry and Louis are in solo mode. Coincidence or plan? The profits are going to original contract. I believe the "babygate" narratives will have staggered endings. To do otherwise I think will make it all to obvious that there are in fact narratives and that label/mgmt. are in control of them. Some in the fandom and public may be blind, but they are dumb. The original contract has one expiration date by 23/24. I believe that's when all the lads will be free.
Nothing special here. I just play close attention to what the lads are saying. They are all very smart and give very good clues. In songs, on stage antics, tattoos, body language, etc. In other word, I don't have a life. Also, follow the money. Who has it and who doesn't?
So basically what you're saying is that Ziam (and Larry) - and the friendships - made it impossible for management/label to throw each of them in different directions? But now that they're actually going solo, they succeeded with it? I understand, meaning because of the ongoing 1D contract they're all still connected?!
And what you said about no other label wanting to sign someone with a narrative they'll never be able to control makes sense to me too. But they all have separate contracts with label's, right?
I pay attention too, but I could never know what you know, or maybe I could have guessed a few things you're saying, but put it in such a smart way? Never.
The money goes to management, we know. We've been here before with having an 'expiration' date, but nothing ever happened. You said you saw 1D blogs talk about it, I've never seen anyone use 23/24 as THE year in which they'll finally be free, so what exactly makes you so sure? What makes you believe that after all this year's we'll finally see an end? Because of a picture, which could easily be fake?
Thank you so much for always replying to my questions! It makes me feel a bit more patient and understanding about everything, so please continue.
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*Warning Adult Content*
A NEW SIDE TO AHOTE - Chapter 13
"Do you want to go inside?"     
Ahote's question could be completely innocent but his body language made me read it differently, it was so much more than a simple suggestion and I had a feeling of where this was going.  
It made me nervous, I didn't reply to his question, instead, I tore my eye away from him and fixed them on the flowers below.
It wasn't that I didn't want to sleep with Ahote, I did, I really did but I was worried that something had sparked in him to suddenly want this.
If I knew anything about Ahote it was that he wasn't hasty and ruminated over his thoughts for days before deciding on something, this seemed too sudden.     
"Is everything alright?" the worry in Ahote's tone made me look up at him, I bit my bottom lip, feeling bad for making him panic, his face was flushed and he looked panicked.     
"Everything's fine," I replied, reaching out to hold his arm.
His eyes moved to my hand that was touching his skin before it looked back at me, we shared a knowing gaze and I could see the lust from before return in his eyes.
As much as it excited me it also left me puzzled, I wondered if he was on heat and was masking his scent, I couldn't think of any other reason why he would suddenly be like this.     
"You should come inside before you freeze to death."
I smiled at Ahote's continued attempt to get me inside the house, sure, it was a little chilly because it was still early in spring but I was far from being cold.     
"Alright," I replied, deciding to go inside, I knew for a fact that once I got anywhere near him, he would keep edging me.
His roundabout way of going about things was cute, I was used to him being blunt about what he wanted and how he wanted it but I guess spontaneous Ahote was a little shyer about his decisions.   
 Ahote gave me a smile when he heard my answer, he took his hands away from the window sill before disappearing into the kitchen, I headed for the front door, realizing that he was planning to meet up with me.
As I waded through the crowd to get to the stairs leading to the front door I got a few nods of acknowledgment as well as some smiles here and there, it made my chest feel warm and it in a way reminded me of the times I would group up with some wolves during my travels before disbanding later on.
We didn't know each other too well but we were acquainted enough to at least acknowledge each other's existence when we met later in other regions and countries.     
Throughout the time I've been here, I still felt out of place but the trip with the hunters made me feel more welcome.
Within the three days of the hunting trip, I had bonded with the wolves and the seemed to be impressed by the knowledge I brought along with me from being a Kappa in my previous pack.
Lapu also warmed up to me during the time and he had pulled me aside earlier today to have a talk with me, he had given me a hard time when I first got to Peace River but after our talk, I could say that I understood his perspective more and to have his blessing to be with Ahote made the situation ten times better. 
I chuckled a little as I shook my head, I had wanted to talk to Ahote about that but he hadn't been paying attention, the one thing I've noted that is taken seriously here was family.
Although we were gone for three days, the hunters spent most of the time hunting talking about their families, I would admit to feeling left out because I didn't have much to talk about but I had been edged to talk a bit about my former park and my parents and friends from before.
I'd lost everything but it was nice to dwell in the memories of the past... the memories before things became unbearably lonely.     
"You took your sweet time," Ahote whispered when I walked past the door.
He had been standing to the side of it and had now positioned himself in front of me with folded hands, his doe brown eyes twinkled under the red fluorescence light and he had a teasing smile on his face... flirty.
He closed the space between us before moving in to give me a hug, I noticed how the fingers of his hands traced my back through my clothes and I felt the feeling bulge press between my thigh for a millisecond before he pulled away.
I blinked when he chuckled a bit and took my hand, leading me through the crowd of mostly Omega female wolves that had just witnessed the scene, I don't think I've ever experienced Ahote flirting and the thought suddenly made my chest feel full and my heart rate quickened.
Here was the man I wanted... wanting me back... in full force and putting it on display.
I guess I was used to a shyer unsure version of him that played push-pull with our undefined relationship and my emotions.     
"Where's Elan?" I asked as Ahote pulled me past the small prayer room that connected to the many hallways.     
"He's asleep. You'll meet him in the morning," Ahote mumbled as we walked through the hallway that led to his room.
I felt the beating of my heart in my ears and the sound of my blood pumping through my veins when Ahote pushed his door open and pulled me into his room with him.
He didn't waste any time and he turned immediately to take a hold of my face before pressing his soft lips against mine, I had expected things to play out exactly like this but it wasn't enough to subdue the shock that taken over me when Ahote moved to kiss me.
I let out a low grunt, reaching out steady him from the small of his back before turning the both of us until he was pressed against the redbrick walls, he let out little mewls that got lost in the sound of our tongue meeting and breaths hiking.     
He put a hand between our chests, letting his palm brush me through the thin cloth before letting his palm settle on the belt of my jeans.
He let it sit there as he pushed the material of my shirt up a bit with his lean fingers, playing with the little blonde hairs I had in the area as he pressed his knees upwards to tease me, I swallowed down the moan I was about to let out, coughing up a shaking sigh instead as I leaned in to kiss him with a feverish passion.     
"Are you in heat?"
In the middle of our rendezvous, I still shut my sex preoccupied brain to ask the important question and Ahote just blinked, looking at me with a little frown that seemed to be his way of saying no but I refused to accept nothing but words as answers.
"Are you?" I asked again, making him mutter a little no as his face deepened in color, he licked his lips, leaning forward so that he could kiss the stubble of my beard.     
"I didn't see you for three days," he said as if it explained his sudden change in behavior.
I didn't want Ahote to do something he would regret later, pushing my way into his life and forcefully occupying space wasn't something I wanted to do, at all.
"I want a baby," if I was lost in my thoughts before, I certainly wasn't when Ahote said those words.
I pulled away from him, shocked, to say the least, I took a few steps back until the back of my legs met the wooden bed frame, I sat down, looking at Ahote who was still leaning against the wall.
He didn't look deterred, in fact, he looked surer of this than of anything he had ever been sure of.   
"Today I looked at you in the crowd and I thought that... that I wanted a baby," he said, keeping eye contact with me.
"I..." he started but paused as if he had decided against telling me something he was going to, he looked away, staring down at his nails as he picked at them.     
"Of course, it's not like that would happen now, I'm not in heat if that's what you're worried about..." he trailed, seemingly rambling to himself.
"And it doesn't mean I'm going to just insist on having one with you. I don't necessarily want one with you. It's just an insist you get as an omega if you really like someone, you know."
Ahote kept rambling in an attempt to explain himself and I guess my silence wasn't helping matters, I would talk but I was just too shocked to form any words.
"I know it's weird and probably unnerving but..."     
"Ahote," I said and the man looked at me with uncertainty, he looked scared... like he had just noticed the gravity of his words, if only he knew that deep down, I had more obscure fantasies, I wanted kids, I wanted a family.
These are things I've always thought about but when I imagined a mate by my side and the children I would have the faces would be blurred but now I saw Ahote and I saw his little boy Elan and that's why my senses were flooded with happiness and I couldn't stop myself from playing back the words Ahote had told me.     
"Come here," I said, tapping the space beside me on the bed, he stared at it and after some hesitance, he strolled over before taking a seat on the space beside me.
We both sat in silence for a while, I turned to him, staring at his tensed-up figure, is shoulders were stiff and he had his legs brought together and fisted hands rested on his lap. 
I reached out to take a hold of his hand, rubbing it until he loosened the fist and let me entwine his fingers in mine, his fingers were leaner... softer and I loved everything about the feel of them.     
"I just wanted to make sure where things were going was where you wanted them to," I said, trying to address the scene that had played out.   
"Lapu and I made up. I'm not sure if you heard me, when I called out, by the window," I said, still talking in a soft voice as I rubbed a circle into his palm, I wanted to ease Ahote up... make him feel less tense.     
"That's great," Ahote finally said something in reply, joining me to change the subject. 
"Though, I'm not quite sure what he would think if he woke up the next morning and got a whiff of us."
Werewolves could smell every and anything on each other and there were few things that were as strong or similar in scent to sex, if you had sex with someone everyone within a smelling radius from you in the next twenty-four hours knew.
Ahote chuckled at my joke and I smiled, happy to see the frown leave his face, I moved in and watched at Ahote turned to face me with wide eyes, I gave him an assuring smile before capturing his lips with mine.
We kissed for a bit and Ahote's hand found a way under my shirt as one of my hands went to steady his back as the other pushed strands of his long dark hair away from his face, he was wearing it freely today, no tied pieces, no braids, no nothing.     
Ahote bucked against me when I moved a hand between us to touch him between his thighs, his face got redder and his eyes had gotten wider and more lustful.
"I have to tell you something," he said in a breathy voice as I rubbed over his bulge one more time before moving to unzip his pants.
He didn't say anything after that and I assumed he had forgotten what he was about to say or he was waiting for me to give him the go-ahead.     
"What is it?" I asked after a while, slipping my hands into his underwear and watching him buck again, he was more or less sitting on me now, he held on to the fabric of my chest as I touched him and the little whimpers he made had my heart racing and my wolf pacing.     
"I've only ever had sex two... no, three times," Ahote said the last part in a short breath, shaking in my hands when I moved a hand under his shirt.
I let my hands feel his cool skin for a while before tugging upwards and helping him take it off.
"It all happened so fast, I can't really remember what I did... what he did. Everything happened very fast," he continued talking, falling into his habit of over-explaining things.   
"I want this. I want this a lot but I'm not sure if you'll enjoy it because I don't know how to do anything," he continued saying as I kissed his jawline and moved lower until I flicked my tongue over his nipple, he sucked in a breath and I peppered his chest with kisses.
I didn't say anything in response to Ahote's words since it seemed more like he was venting and just needed my ears, not my input.
I raised my head, picking him up before laying him on the bed and hovering over him, I started taking off my clothes took and I saw a look of both fear and anticipation take form on Ahote's face.     
"Are the things we got that day here?" I asked and Ahote nodded, immodesty understanding that I meant the condoms and lube from the convenience store when we took the road trip.
I got up from the bed, heading over to his drawers to receive them before heading back, Ahote had curled up into a little ball before I got back... hugging his knees to himself.
I sat at the edge of the bed, rolling a condom on myself since Ahote didn't look like he was ready to help me with that and when I was done, I opened the bottle of lube, shifting closer to Ahote before touching his waist. 
"You'll have to spread your legs a bit for me, alright?" I whispered, wondering where his self-asserting performance had gone, he didn't say anything but he turned, laying on his back before pressing the soles of his feet on the mattresses and spreading his legs.
I could hear his heart beating, it was loud and fast like the flapping of a small bird's wings, I was trying my best to avoid anything that would be too risqué.
Ahote had lived here all his life, had sex with one person who didn't take time to experiment with him and would probably be shocked beyond comprehension if I moved into foreplay that he wasn't familiar with, I kept reminding myself that there were going to be other opportunities and I could limit myself just this one.     
I pressed a finger against him, easing it inside before making for a stroking motion, he eased up to me quickly and I was soon able to go for the second and third, I've had sex with humans and other rogue wolves here and there, men and women alike.
Omega men just had an easier time adjusting to things but that didn't mean I wouldn't help Ahote ease up first, he was shaking and bucking his hips as he let out low moans.
I used my free hand to stroke him, keeping eye contact as I gradually moved to kneel between him, I brought both my hands to hold on to his waist, positioning him properly before easing myself into him.
He tensed up for a while but then eased up, reaching out to hold my hands and run his fingers over them as I hovered over him, I leaned in, pressing a kiss on his lips as I started moving.
If I thought Ahote's moaning was cute before, I thought they were one hundred times more endearing now that he was tightening around me with every thrust and doing most of the moaning against my ears.     
Things didn't last very long, I guess just the experience of being inside Ahote caught me off guard but he didn't seem bothered by it at all, Ahote looked content, he kept running his hands over my back and face, I wasn't moving anymore but he seemed just fine grinding on me and working on things himself.
He came as well, eventually and at the moment we shared a drowsy smile with each other I knew we had both committed to something we couldn't step out of now.
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A Music Box from the Attic of my Memory
I was cleaning out my laptop, because this 2015 MacBook Pro offers only 120GB of storage and I stubbornly refuse to buy myself a new one, when I discovered these songs which I had saved during high school and which I had forgotten when I was introduced to Youtube Music and Spotify. This is a music box from the attic of my memory, songs which characterized the years and friendships and emotions of high school, seven years later.
爱在深秋 (Alan Tam)  The title seems especially poetic. 
Mine Mine (Jay Chou) 明明就 (Jay Chou) Sure, I still listen to Jay Chou now (at twenty-five years of age), but my earliest Jay Chou song choices raise an eyebrow now.
五月天 (S.H.E.) My morning alarm clock song for so many years.
童年 (Sylvia Chang)
兰花草 (刘文正) 外婆的澎湖灣 (潘安邦) 乡间的小路 (齐豫) 橄欖樹 (齊豫) 送別 (齊豫) 龙的传人 (李建复) A collection of childhood Chinese classics, mostly given to me by Mom. 外婆的澎湖灣 is bright and cheerful. And of course 龙的传人 is the song that every Saturday Chinese school kid sings at the year-end performance.
忘情水 (劉德華) One of the songs from Our Times, that Chinese movie that I watched too many times.
再回首 (姜育恒)
180度 (孫燕姿)
今天看我 (小虎队) 天堂海 (小虎队) 庸人自扰 (小虎队) 愛 (小虎队) 放心去飛 (小虎队) 星光依旧灿烂 (小虎队) 祝你一路順風 (小虎队) 紅蜻蜓 (小虎队) My beloved 小虎队, even though they’re such an old boy band that they disbanded before I was even born. Still, these songs were among the first on my Chinese playlists. The only reason that 蝴蝶飞呀 is not on this list is that it still appears on my playlists now, seven years later, and it holds the title of my unofficial “all time favourite song.” 
我的未来不是梦 (張雨生) This was the kind of music that Mom wanted me to listen to, even though the singer’s story is quite tragic.
隱形的翅膀 (張韶涵)
生如夏花 (朴树) This song still occasionally appears on my 2022 playlists.
滿天星 (李玉璽)
晚秋 (童麗) 難忘今宵 (童麗)
如果有来生 (谭维维)
逆來順受 (關心妍)
花开那年 (魏晨)
山楂树 (黑鸭子)
天路 (龔玥)
美麗的草原我的家 (龔玥) I think this was one of the first instrumental songs on my iPhone 4. I’m not sure why Mom listened to so many of these northern Chinese folk songs.
日落日出 (周柏豪)
I Wanna Believe (林欣彤) A cute, energetic song that reminds me of first year.
灰姑娘 (梁詠琪) Another pretty song that reminds me of first year.
我就是我 (鄭俊弘)
Beating Heart (Ellie Goulding)
Stay the Night (James Blunt)  High school was weird.
Falling In (Lifehouse)  My second-favourite English song during high school, after What Makes you Beautiful by One Direction (which was a sort of guilty pleasure). Nowadays, though, this song carries more nostalgic memories, and I’m much less embarrassed by it than that One Direction song.
Fire In the Rain (Måns Zelmerlöw) Heroes (Måns Zelmerlöw) Hope and Glory (Måns Zelmerlöw) Songs that I listened to while running on the treadmill, because Mom was determined that I exercise. I particularly enjoyed the music video for Fire in the Rain.
Good Life (OneRepublic)
Good Time (Owl City) Somehow, I always mixed up Good Life and Good Time. Glad there was so much positivity, though.
Jet Lag (Simple Plan) Ordinary Life (Simple Plan) Rest of Us (Simple Plan) You Suck at Love (Simple Plan) Jet Lag was one of those songs which I heard for the first time and immediately knew would become one of my all-time favourite songs. A feeling as certain and definitive as that is rare. And given my long-distance friendship with Ewen, it was certainly very fitting. 
J’ai cherché (Amir)
Vivo per lei (Andrea Bocelli)  Somehow, I had downloaded versions of this song in Italian, French, Spanish, and German.
L’amoureuse (Carla Bruni)
Le serviteur du mal (Aya_me) I went through a weird phase of listening to European-language covers of Japanese music. 
Adieu (Coeur de pirate) Ava (Coeur de pirate) Cap diamant (Coeur de pirate) Danse et danse (Coeur de pirate) Golden Baby (Coeur de pirate) Hôtel amour (Coeur de pirate) La petite mort (Coeur de pirate) Les amours dévouées (Coeur de pirate) Lève les voiles (Coeur de pirate) Loin d’ici (Coeur de pirate) Place de la République (Coeur de pirate) Prince Arthur (Coeur de pirate) Saint-Laurent (Coeur de pirate) Verseau (Coeur de pirate) Berceuse (Coeur de pirate) C’était salement romantique (Coeur de pirate) Comme des enfants (Coeur de pirate) Corbeau (Coeur de pirate) Ensemble (Coeur de pirate) Fondu au noir (Coeur de pirate) Francis (Coeur de pirate) La vie est ailleurs (Coeur de pirate) Le long du large (Coeur de pirate) Pour un infidèle (Coeur de pirate) Printemps (Coeur de pirate) Crier tout bas (Coeur de pirate) Drapeau blanc (Coeur de pirate) Oublie-moi (Coeur de pirate) Tu oublieras mon nom (Coeur de pirate) Where do I even start with Coeur de pirate? That first French class, perhaps, where we listened to Comme des enfants, like so many French students who embark on their journey in this language. Her live concert, where I encountered so many of my classmates from French courses throughout undergrad. Messy attempts at translating the lyrics of Printemps in the back of a car during a long road trip, surrounded by towering trees on either side. A song on repeat on my iPhone 4. Early mornings and dark nights with Oublie-moi. Cap Diamant is pretty, and Place de la République is powerful, and Verseau is energetic, and Oublie-moi is haunting, and Comme des enfants the most special of all.
Je reviens au berceau de l’Acadie (Grand Dérangement)  During Explore 2017 in Chicoutimi, one of our assignments was to give a presentation on a song. This was by far both my and Megan’s favourite. 
Dernière danse (Indila) Feuille d’automne (India) Dernière danse was definitely the more popular one, but I liked Feuille d’automne better.
Ma référence (Jena Lee) Vous Remercier (Jena Lee)  Her name isn’t very French, but Ma référence was the second most-frequently played song in my entire iTunes library, beat only by 蝴蝶飞呀.
Les Champs-Élysées (Joe Dassin) Very much a classic, and it reminds me of Québec even though it should for obvious reasons remind me of France.
C’est la vie (Khaled)  Such an energetic song. Megan loved the music video.
Toune d’automne (Les Cowboys Fringants)  Marie-Elizabeth, the first classmate that I ever talked to in first year, told me one morning as we were studying together for our third-year French class that she particularly liked this band. 
A nos actes manqués (M. Pokora) Voir la nuit s’emballer (M. Pokora) Juste une photo de toi (M. Pokora) Someone presented Juste une photo de toi for that assignment during Explore 2017 in Chicoutimi. Was it Megan and her group? 
Envole-moi (Génération Goldman) Là-bas (Génération Goldman) C’est ta chance (Génération Goldman) I particularly enjoyed the music video for C’est ta chance.
Un coup sur mon coeur (Marc Dupré) Another pleasant song that reminds me of that class in Chicoutimi 2017.
Elle me dit (MIKA) Not my type of song, but this one is a classic.
Pas toi (TAL) Je prends le large (TAL) Le sens de la vie (TAL) Marcher au soleil (TAL) Le sens de la vie was another one of those energetic songs that I listened to for motivation during long nights of studying.
On va s’aimer encore (Vincent Vallières) One of our animatrices told us, that day in Chicoutimi, that she wanted this song to play at her wedding one day.
Alice e il blu (Annalisa Scarrone) Diamante lei e luce lui (Annalisa Scarrone) Non cambiare mai (Annalisa Scarrone) Senza riserva (Annalisa Scarrone) Tra a due minuti è primavera (Annalisa Scarrone) I’m not sure why I listened to so much of Annalisa Scarrone, but her songs must’ve characterized my early Italian phrase. My favourite of these by far was Diamante lei e luce lui, which I often played on repeat on my iPhone 4.
Dove ci siamo persi (Giada) Siamo amore (Giada) Of all my Italian-language songs, Giada’s were never among the ones closest to my heart, yet the lyrics ‘con il cielo negli occhi e il sole nell’anima illuminiamo la notte’ have served as my Instagram biography for years.
Dove resto solo io (Laura Pausini) Limpido (Laura Pausini) Se non te (Laura Pausini) De tu amor (Laura Pausini) Benvenuto (Laura Pausini) Celeste (Laura Pausini) Le cose che non mi aspetto (Laura Pausini) Non ho mai smesso (Laura Pausini) Io canto (Laura Pausini) Strada facendo (Laura Pausini) Gente (Laura Pausini) Strani amori (Laura Pausini) Dove sei (Laura Pausini) La solitudine (Laura Pausini) Non c’è (Laura Pausini) Incancellabile (Laura Pausini) Seamisai (Laura Pausini) Bellissimo così (Laura Pausini) Mille braccia (Laura Pausini) Primavera in anticipo (Laura Pausini) E ritorno da te (Laura Pausini) Il mio sbaglio più grande (Laura Pausini) Siamo noi (Laura Pausini) Tra te e il mare (Laura Pausini) I think I was obsessed with her at one point. Maybe because I mentioned her to my French teacher, Mr. Cassino, and he said that she was very famous and he listened to her music too? Anyway, she featured very, very prominently in my high school playlists. Benvenuto reminds me of New Year’s spent on the downstairs couch with my parents. Io canto was the song I listened to for inspiration and motivation during the preparatory period leading up to IB exams. Or maybe that was Strada facendo — the memories blur a little, now. Gente was the song that I listened to as I rode ski lifts up the mountains, my fingers so cold that I couldn’t even feel them. Strani amori reminds me of a celestial canvas full of stars. La solitudine and Non c’è and Siamo noi were classics on my phone.
Forse un angelo (Studio 3) The song that I associate most closely with Cinzia, that first tumblr friend. Such a bright, happy tune, full of bright, happy memories.
Verrückt nach dir (Beatrice Egli)
Mehr als perfekt (Christina Stürmer) Seite an Seite (Christina Stürmer) Wir leben den Moment (Christina Stürmer) Millionen Lichter (Christina Stürmer) Ah yes, this is a familiar tune. It reminds me of German classes and long conversations with Ewen.
Der Morgen (Daniel Bertram) Unser Himmel Atmet (Daniel Bertram) Long, foggy roads. The house lounge in Ross House. My friendship with Sophy. Echoes in the mist.
Geiles Leben (Glasperlenspiel) Nie Vergessen (Glasperlenspiel)
Atemlos durch die Nacht (Helene Fischer) Auf der Suche nach mir (Helene Fischer) Ein kleines Glück (Helene Fischer) Es gibt ihn also doch (Helene Fischer) Fehlerfrei (Helene Fischer) Marathon (Helene Fischer) Mit keinem Anderem (Helene Fischer) Phänomen (Helene Fischer) So kann das Leben sein (Helene Fischer) Von hier bis unendlich (Helene Fischer) Didn’t Atemlos durch die Nacht become a meme at some point? Regardless, I quite enjoyed Helene Fischer, which I often listened to on repeat. 
17 años (Dvicio) Crucigrama (Dvicio) Enamórate (Dvicio) Justo ahora (Dvicio) Paraíso (Dvicio) Rebeldes (Dvicio) Se Te Olvido Quererme (Dvicio) Oh man, Dvicio. Ewen and I spent so much time talking about how cute these Spanish boys were. I once saw someone on the bus who looked like the lead singer.
Contigo hasta el final (El sueño de Morfeo) I don’t remember this song, but that band name is cool.
Somos aire (Motel) Esferas (Motel)
Creo en time (Reik) Tu mirada (Reik) Ciego (Reik) Con la cara en alto (Reik) Noviembre sin ti (Reik) Tu fuiste de aquí (Reik) My first foray into Spanish music began with Noviembre sin ti, which reminds me of afternoons spent in front of the computer in the computer room, and conversations with Cinzia — was that her name? — who was among my first tumblr friends, when I was just a fledgling little language blogger trying to find my place on the internet.
Ai Kotoba (Hatsune Miku) The ever-iconic Hatsune Miku, although I preferred Shounen-T’s cover by far.
Just Be Friends (Vocaloid)  Definitely an iPhone 4 song. Why did I listen to this so often during high school? 
Orenji (Kagamine Len)  This song was pretty, if nothing else.
Aku no Meshitsukai (NicoNico Chorus) Calc (NicoNico Chorus) Fire Flower (NicoNico Chorus) From Y to Y (NicoNico Chorus) Futariboshi (NicoNico Chorus) Hoshi No Uta (NicoNico Chorus) Karakuri Piero (NicoNico Chorus) Senbonzakura (NicoNico Chorus) Souzou Forest (NicoNico Chorus) Twinkle (NicoNico Chorus) Vocaloid was an entire playlist by itself. I learned so many random Japanese words by listening to these songs on repeat, and they often accompanied my artistic exploits or those long hours spent on the treadmill. My favourites among these were Calc, Futariboshi, Hoshi No Uta, Senbonzakura, and Souzou Forest.
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mishiisms · 2 years
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hi my precious petals !! i’m ur admin angel and i’m 21+, in the est, and i go by she/her. i have a discord if it’s easier to chat n plot there,, just send a lil message for the user ! ♡ or dms here (also on ren, jian and chaerin’s) are always open but !! anywho onto my lil cactus of a muse, somi / michelle.
& i have her profile, plots, stats n a pinterest set up for her
ʚɞ —— welcome to infinite entertainment! it’s JEONG SOMI (MICHELLE), who is SOLOIST (1). i’ve heard whispers that the 25 year old is pretty PASSIONATE but lowkey ALOOF. also, doesn’t she remind you of KWON EUNBI?
somi was born and grew up in melbourne, australia under a wealthy family
her dad’s a CEO of a big tech company n her mom was a model but now just helps with the company
she has 3 siblings, an older brother, an older sister and a younger sister so she got caught the case of a middle child syndrome djsksl
her and her siblings were raised with the highest expectations ofc with hopes they’d either inherit the business or become a lawyer or doctor
so of course naturally, somi was the black sheep of the family
she felt restricted and suffocated growing up so she often rebelled, sneaking out and doing things her parents disapproved of including going to dance classes
from there, it had become such a huge passion and even provided comfort for her and that made her decide she wanted to pursue it further
when she brought it up, her parents were not happy and they got more strict with her
she grew tough skin growing up around them and that’s how the walls around her grew so high
it’s why she’s v prickly when u first meet her, the cold exterior almost like a defense mechanism
she doesn’t keep in touch with her family, except maybe her brother but it’s rare
she was scouted by infinite when she was 16, leaving to korea shortly after to train 
 at 17,, she was set to debut in infinite’s first girl group ; NOVA (think bubbly/bright concepts), which debuted 2014 and disbanded 2 years later due to too many infrequent comebacks
during her NOVA years,, she came across as shy and quiet but determined and passionate. it was only after her solo debut that she got the name ‘ice queen’ by the media that she still has today
the company saw too much potential in her to let go so they trained her for a solo career, debuting again as a soloist at age 20
the public was v used to her old image in NOVA but that wasn’t her at all, a confident concept was right up her alley instead and that shifted into the mature/sexy, comfortable in her own skin-like concept she has now
and that came to a shock to many so they weren’t happy lmao
she’s big on dancing, she excels most in jazz and contemporary since that’s what she took classes in as a kid but she loves learning new styles to spruce up her performances
somi is v much involved with the stage outfit planning, she likes to help out her stylists with designs
with her friends, somi melts and becomes the clingiest octopus. she rly treasures those that manages to get past the walls
her love language is definitely thru actions, she’s not used to compliments so it’s hard for her :’)
her hobbies are fashion, knitting, n sketching outfit ideas in her off time
english is her first language but is also fluent in japanese bc she grew up on that too, and of course korean having learnt it during her NOVA days
overall prickly cactus on the outside, teddy bear on the inside once u melt her icy exterior !
i think that covers it all hhhh i hope that wasn’t a lot but !! would love to plot so lmk if ur down or i’ll just hit u up idkidk ,, anyways can’t wait to chat n write with u guys !
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years
Why do they bother calling it an "honor code"? The name implies that it's run on the honor system, but they accept tip-offs, even anonymous ones, and investigate based on that. Calling it an "honor code" is an Orwellian use of language.
I like the way you framed the question, you make a good point. "Honor" should be removed from the name, not just because it's not an 'honor system,' but the treatment of LGBTQ students under the Code is not honorable
Here's a brief timeline of the Honor Code & BYU policies, especially regarding LGBTQ people and topics:
Most universities have a Code of Conduct. BYU's Honor Code originated in 1948. It was written by students and originally outlined policies related to academic honesty. In addition to the code, students formed the BYU Honor Committee, which acted as the enforcer of the honesty policies.
Over the years, student support for the Honor Committee and Code waned, with students citing its standards to be a “strict legalistic approach” to honor. This is exactly what anon was saying, it's not 'on your honor' if you're strictly enforcing it.
In 1957, BYU President Ernest Wilkinson suggested the addition of LDS moral standards to the Honor Code.
A "live and let live" attitude had been the leaders’ attitudes toward lesbian, gay, and bisexual BYU students. That ended in 1962, school administrators and two apostles decided that "as a general policy...no one will be admitted to the B.Y.U. whom we have convincing evidence is a homosexual." The general authorities would turn over to BYU any information on homosexuality which they might obtain through ecclesiastical channels, and BYU would give the general authorities information on individuals at BYU who were suspected of being Gay.
The Honor Code expanded in the 1960s to become what we know it as today, it includes rules about chastity, dress, grooming, drugs and alcohol.
In 1965, President Wilkinson publicly announced to the student body, "We [at BYU] do not intend to admit to our campus any homosexuals."
The 1967 version of the Honor Code stated that "homosexuality will not be tolerated."
Also in 1967, President Wilkinson implemented a new plan. A questionnaire was sent to all Mormon bishops affiliated with BYU. The questionnaires required the bishops report to the school lists of students who were "inactive in the church or...not living the standards of the church," effectively breaking the secrecy of the confessional. Because of this new policy, the numbers of students visiting the Standards Office (which later would be renamed the Honor Code Office) soared dramatically. That first year, the Standards Office counseled 72 students who were "suspected of homosexual activity." The questionnaires eventually turned into the ecclesiastical endorsement students would be required to obtain annually (and can be withdrawn at any time) in order to attend BYU.
This dramatic increase in identified Gays and Lesbians led the BYU administration to begin what is often referred to by Gay Mormons as the "Witch Hunts of '68". The administration was convinced a large "homosexual ring" was located on campus. Extensive security files were kept on students suspected of homosexuality, and all new prospective teachers had to be interviewed by a general authority before being offered a position at BYU.
In 1968, the administration took over the Honor Code, making it no longer student-run. The Honor Code Committee and Student Senate were disbanded. This was the height of Vietnam War protests so the Honor Code was rewritten to include requirements to respect national and state appointed authority, to register all student organizations, to not enter or occupy university facilities without authorization, and to not use psychedelic drugs.
Some time in the 1960's, the Honor Code added that students must report any infractions of the Honor Code to the Standards Office, and even allowed them to do so anonymously.
In January 1969, the Board of Trustees adjusted the “no gays allowed” policy by making an exception, they decided that "homosexual students would not be admitted or retained at BYU without approval from the General Authorities".
Dallin Oaks replaced Wilkinson as President of BYU in 1971.
In 1972, the Honor Code and its accompanying dress code received approval of the Board of Trustees. It would be almost 20 years before the Honor Code would again be changed.
In 1973 President Oaks partially undoes the policy banning gay students. BYU would permit students who were not “overtly” gay. BYU would allow students who had "repented of" homosexual acts and "forsaken" them for a "lengthy period of time". However, BYU security stepped up actions to find and entrap gay students.
In the mid-1970's, long hair and beards were made completely against the dress code for men, and women were allowed to wear slacks and pantsuits, but not jeans.
In 1980, President Oaks is replaced by Jeffrey Holland as BYU president.
in 1981, BYU female students allowed to wear jeans.
In 1984, albums by popular singer Boy George were banned on BYU campus because he portrayed "transvestitism and homosexuality"
In 1989, Rex Lee became the next president of BYU
In 1991 a revised version of the Honor Code and Dress Code was approved by the Board of Trustees. Students could wear shorts and sandals to class for the first time and socks became optional. It included the phrase "I will follow all other rules and regulations of the university." Also, BYU's unwritten rule about no "overtly" gay students was incorporated into the Code with language making it against the Code to tell others you're gay.
Merrill Bateman became president in 1996.
In 1997, a poll of over 400 BYU students found that 42% of students believed that even if a same-sex attracted person keeps the honor code they should not be allowed to attend BYU and nearly 80% said they would not live with a roommate attracted to people of the same sex.
In 2000, 13 students were kicked out for watching the television show Queer as Folk
By the early 2000s, university policy had progressed to where students were no longer punished for identifying as gay, lesbian, trans, or "SSA." No "homosexual conduct" or "cross dressing" was allowed, and nor was "advocacy of a homosexual lifestyle" (which included indicating support of gay marriage or going to Pride parades). Also forbidden were "behaviors that indicate homosexual conduct, including those not sexual in nature" (holding hands, lingering hugs, and so on).
Cecil Samuelson became BYU president in 2003.
In 2007, BYU reworded its Honor Code policy on homosexual behavior. "Homosexual behavior is inappropriate and violates the Honor Code. Homosexual behavior includes not only sexual relations between members of the same sex, but all forms of physical intimacy that give expression to homosexual feelings."
A policy change implemented in 2010 removed the ban on LGBT BYU students gathering together in a group. LGBT and straight students began weekly meetings on BYU campus as USGA (Understanding Same Gender Attraction but later renamed Understanding Sexuality, Gender, and Allyship) to discuss issues relating to homosexuality and the LDS Church. Attendance was regularly 70~100 students.
In 2011, a revision was made to the Honor Code to remove the ban on "homosexual advocacy." This permitted students to openly support and affirm queer relationships and legislation, and attend Pride activities.
In late 2012, the BYU Board of Trustees demanded USGA be removed from campus. Ever since, Church leaders have continued to deny all requests of BYU LGBT students to form a club on campus.
In 2015 Kevin Worthen becomes BYU president.
In 2020, the Church removes the entire section about homosexual behavior from the Honor Code. Then 2 weeks later issues a letter clarifying that the same rules apply even though the language no longer exists in the Honor Code.
The reversal of the Honor Code changes led to protests on BYU campus and at Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
In 2021, Color the Campus lights up the Y on the mountain in rainbow colors in March to mark the anniversary of the Honor Code reversal
In September 2021, Elder Holland gives his infamous "musket fire" talk, which called out the growing acceptance & support of LGBTQ people & issues by BYU faculty and staff. He spoke of his love for the Y on the mountain lit up in white.
October 2021, Color the Campus again lights up the Y in rainbow colors
January 2022, BYU comes out with new policies banning protests on campus or at the Y on the mountain, this is seen as supporting of Elder Holland's talk and a reaction to the protests after the Honor Code reversal.
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
diamond trail I — myg
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Plot: The theft of his most elusive and mystery possession leads to a web of trickery that threatens every large syndicate in the country. (alternative: Yoongis’ prized possession is stolen but he’s not the only gang leader being betrayed)
Pairing(s): Mafia Boss!Yoongi x Consigliere!Y/N
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 4k+
Genre: Mafia | Marriage | Mature Themes/Fluff/Smut
Tags & Warnings: criminal activities, mentions of past abuse (outside of the pair), explicit smut (spanking and very brief anal play), mild violence, coarse language.
Authors Note: it’s here friends!! i’m still a little rusty in terms of writing fanfiction after a while so please be kind lmaoo
A huge thanks to @casuallyimagining​ and @aroseforyoongi​ for helping with the proofreads! 
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Gold Dust held patronage of all heads in the underworld, allowing them to orchestrate the most exclusive and grandest auctions. You and Yoongi walked through the vault doors, hands intertwined with one another as two suited guards led you down the velvet lined stairs. Your footsteps silenced amongst the beating music of the club above. Your chest relaxed as soon as the soothing violins and piano touched your ears in the underground facility. Black marble walls and pillars encased you along with the sea of Italian silk suits and satin gowns.
Yoongi huffed at the very sight of them. All of these blank slates were products of a long-running nepotism. He might’ve been the only one alive who succeeded a popular gang leader. Then again, his father lived far too long for his own good and had way too many wives to be considered human.
What annoyed him further was the organization. Only the benefactors received private booths. The non-patrons had to be squeezed in with a potential rival in order to provide more benefits for the ones funding these events.
The suited guards stopped at the front booth on the right. Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek until it almost drew blood when he saw their seating partner.
“Min! Didn’t expect to see you crawl out of your hole.” Kim Namjoon wore the smile of a champion with the attitude of a diseased rat. Since he was part of the three oldest gangs alive, there was much respect to be handed to the man. Except Yoongi had no interest giving him the satisfaction.
So Namjoon made a goal to make his life a living hell.
Namjoons’ eyes flickered over to you, smile softened but gaze sharpened. “The beloved consigliere.” He raked up and down your form. “You look a lot better without business clothes, my lady.”
Yoongis’ grip on your hand tightened as you sat down on the other end of the booth. You pat the back of his hand as a silent comfort.
“Remember why we’re here,” you whispered.
Yoongi nodded. “I know.”
Normally, Yoongi brushed past events of pure greed and showy behaviour. However their syndicate suffered from a planned robbery a week ago. Only one item taken with precision: his mothers’ diamond gun. Everything else was untouched, barely shifted. They knew what they were doing.
You managed to trace it down to Kim Taehyungs’ annual auction. It’ll be natural to assume that Taehyung was the thief but most auction presenters had nothing to do with direct theft. More often than not, they were connected to the thieves to ensure that their place in the web of connections was concealed. Or at least delayed until they could escape to a safe house.
The room darkened; a spotlight shone down the stage. Kim Taehyungs’ lean figure stood proud, adorned in a red silk shirt and his hair curled. A ruby clip glimmered on the side of his head while his rings practically danced on his fingers. “Welcome my beautiful patrons to another friendly exchange of luxuries.” A calculated smile tugged at his lips. “I must say I’ve never seen such variety in a small listing before so this will be one for the ages. The underworld is aware of our rich history, our legends and ancestors who built this country without a trace of credit.”
Taehyungs’ words silenced the crowd to a point where you had to check they were still there.
“Tonight, I have items from each of these legends. Specifically the eight who strengthened that foundation.” Taehyung held a fist up. “Are you all ready?”
An applause indicated their approval earning a satisfied grin from Taehyung.
“Our first item belonged to Don Hayoon of So Pa.” He waved his hand for an assistant to roll the stand into center stage. “A vase made from ox bone and inlaid with gold to create this beautiful marble pattern. Don Hayoon allegedly made it himself during his years of retirement.”
So Pa disbanded eleven years ago due to a police raid in majority of their warehouses but they must’ve missed a few things. Yoongi wondered whether it was taken from the police or the gang itself. The whole retirement story must’ve been a ploy. Don Hayoon had arthritis which is why he had to retire in the first place before embarrassing himself in front of rivals.
Obviously none of these idiots would know that and Taehyung was milking it for what it’s worth.
The price was called and the cards flew up. Anyone with that vase in their house would gain prestige in seconds. It’ll be talked about from all corners of the underworld. Eventually a smug woman in a red suit won the bid.
“I’m surprised you didn’t hold your hand up, Min,” Namjoon spoke. “Considering you’re probably the only person who’s met Don Hayoon.”
“I’ve met him. I’m sure that’s enough for me to go on.” Yoongi landed his hand on your thigh, soft pink chiffon under his rough palm. He squeezed for some kind of comfort and glue to stop him from losing brain cells too early in the night.
“Considering the nature of your parents, I expected you to have more style.”
Nails dents could’ve formed your skin with the way he dug into your thigh. “Darling.” You pulled off his hand.
“Sorry.” Yoongi rubbed the area to somehow soothe it.
“The second item on our list belonged to Don Chun Hei of Mal Pa.” The assistant pushed in the second stand, holding a rose gem necklace which stood on a black velvet altar. “Chun Hei was best known for working closely with the mayor. Her reforms are the very reason these auctions and many other underworld events can be held with elegance and class. This necklace was a gift from the mayor himself. The rose gem is meant to be a culmination of diamond and rose quartz. Whoever made it has long since disappeared but this necklace has carried on this wonderful legacy.”
Chun Hei was someone both you and Yoongi could respect without question. Mal Pa had no age or prestige in the time Chun Hei made a connection to the mayor. She took her simple street gang and turned it into a professional syndicate that still lasted to this day.
You wondered if her descendants knew just the impact she had to the underworld. This item caused a stir amongst the crowd, suffusing the air with an eerie atmosphere of confusion and even anger. As the prices were called out, you noticed two people constantly raising the stakes to the peak until one of them gave up when it stretched too far. Except the one who gained the artefact didn’t look happy. You discovered that the anger came from them. The diamond gun may not have been the only thing stolen.
How many gang leaders was this thief trying to anger?
The power of auctions was the need to be elegant and impressive. Despite a small portion of the crowd knowing what was going on, they couldn’t say anything. Underworld events are where no leader has ultimate power. Everyone had to stay quiet and let the auction proceed.
“The necklace would’ve looked lovely on you, my lady. Perhaps I could buy it off as a gift.” Namjoon rested his hand out on the back of the couch so his fingertips were a breath away from your hair.
“No thank you,” you stated plainly.
If Yoongi didn’t have enough fuel to kill Namjoon before, it was brimming now. Every ounce of patience layered around him so he could sit still on his chair and let the auction go smoothly. He wasn’t going to raise his voice nor his hand first.
“Our third item is a notorious one at best. The famed Sapphire Assassins’ ledger.” Murmurs of recognition spread across the crowd. “Her true name was Mishil, right hand to Don Sungho of Jwi Pa. Sungho was an ambitious gang leader who believed the country’s underworld should have an ultimate master. He anointed himself and hired a professional assassin to kill everyone off on his hit list. Mishil listed all her killings down in this very ledger.”
Excitement coursed through your body seeing the battered old ledger. The blue covers patched with black ink splotches and the pages were tinged brown. You imagined the different ways she could’ve formulated her assassinations; the connections she had to make to be successful in such an elaborate scheme.
“As most of you might be aware, Mishil succeeded in the deaths of many gang leaders. However three gangs were able to execute her and Sungho before chaos could reach its full potential. To this day, no one has ever pulled a deed this vast and destructive. Not a friend to most of our gangs but there is surely a sense of power by having her failed ledger displayed in your home.” Taehyungs’ smirk marked success as soon as he called out for the prices.
Power was a key word to this crowd. While the more hardened members like Yoongi and Namjoon knew it was just a play for sales, Taehyung didn’t relish in the shouting any less.
While your angle wasn’t for power, your fingers still twitched to raise a card. Curiosity tugged at the back of your head, wondering how Mishil managed to gain that many openings and occurrences. Her techniques would’ve been useful in future assignments. All the syndicates you could manipulate for deals and contracts. Getting out of contracts. Anything. So many pieces of information must’ve been overflowing out of that ledger, calling out to you like a siren song. With a small sigh, you calmed the adrenaline pumping through your veins. This auction wasn’t a pleasure trip. You needed to focus.
The ledger was handed off to a man in a navy suit. At best, he would display it on his study like a fool. What a waste.
Reaching into your crystal clutch, you brought out a notepad and pen. If you couldn’t get the ledger now then there is a chance something could be arranged later. The auction was reaching its halfway point which meant the most valuable items are to come now.
“This fourth item belonged to Don Daeshim of Tokki Pa. The gang leader who drove away international syndicates striving to take over the country’s underworld. A bit of a hero. Rumor has it, he took a few drops of blood from each of those international associates and filled this goblet to the top.” Taehyung waved his fingers over the goblet mouth, mesmerizing the crowd like a herd of animals.
You observed the price calling with a brutally sharp eye. It might not seem valuable in the business sense but international associates may have had families and the like. Someone who might want compensation at the right time. You scribbled the description of the one who received the goblet. Thankfully, they had a noticeable scar down their left cheek with a distinguished citrine ring that was only sold by two jewelers.
“I wonder what it’s like having to work for someone you’ve married. Must be a pain hearing requests left to right.” Namjoons’ comment caused another stir in Yoongi but you stayed calm.
“If you think a consigliere simply takes requests then I feel sorry for yours. God forbid they find out they might be worth something more.” You narrowed your gaze.
“The Lady has venom.” Namjoon chuckled. “I mean no insult, of course.”
Yoongi tried to hold in a scoff, biting the inside of his cheek.
Silence spread amongst the three of you as Taehyung announced the fifth item: a gold mask once used to suffocate the Don of Yang Pa so his son could take over quicker. The sixth item was a First Lady’s dress which held at least a kilo of cocaine, hidden in every rhinestone and gem in small portions. It was later confiscated by the police but Gold Dust always knew how to make use of their connections.
Then seventh item caused a stir in Namjoon. For the first time in the night or ever, you noticed a sense of true and pure fury twisting his features.
“Our second to last item is a jade bracelet that belonged to Don Nari of Sutal Pa. A gang as full of mysteries and tragedies as its main rival, Gae Pa. Don Nari was the default leader after a tragic fire struck the Kim family. Leaving her and her young brother the only living descendants.” Taehyung lightly pressed on the bracelet, causing sharp gold spikes to spread out of it. “This was her weapon of choice. People had the habit of grabbing her wrist when they wanted to make a point so she had this bracelet made to show that she was untouched.” He blinked slowly.
“You son of a bitch,” Namjoon whispered under his breath.
“You’re not the only one riled up, Kim. Calm down.” Yoongi glared at Namjoon both as a warning and courtesy nudge to protect himself from embarrassment. “Don’t raise your hand.”
“Fuck off,”
“Namjoon,” Yoongi warned.
Namjoon shifted on his seat, fingers itching to grab onto his gun and shoot the auctioneer right in between his brows.
For once, Yoongi shared his anger. Of all the things they could take from them, they had to target the most precious object tied to a painful memory.
You noted down the buyer immediately. Park Jimin. He was a chain restaurant owner distantly associated with Yoongi but he soon began delving into arts dealing. He should be the easiest one to track down.
Yoongi had been slightly distracted by Namjoons’ downward spiral. His heart jumped before his mind caught up at the sound of his mothers’ name.
“It’s my honor to present to you our final item. The Diamond Gun of Min Areum.”
The gun rested inside a glass case lifted by a velvet lined platform. Lined in gold, encrusted with diamonds, glimmering brighter than the stars in a country sky. Everyone in the audience murmured in excitement, eager to lift their cards for the bidding.
“She was the First Lady of the oldest syndicate alive, Gae Pa. Her life as the wife of Don Min wasn’t pretty and filled with troubles. One day, she took her son to a mysterious jeweler and gave away all her diamond and gold jewelry. See this jeweler specialized in beautifying weapons and he made this priceless work of art. The same gun, Min Areum to shoot down Don Min and take over as Don herself.”
Yoongi could’ve sworn that Taehyung directed a smirk at him. Mocking him of the fact that he had such a prize in his midst. Flailing it right in front of him as a form of public humiliation.
Cards practically flew up to the ceiling in their sheer speed. Prices thrown from the left to right giving Yoongi a headache. He could hear his mothers’ voice, the small purple bruise on left eye as she took him to the jewelry shop every week. It was their only time of peace.
You reached out and touched his thigh, bringing his attention back.
Then a familiar voice brought you both to a still.
“Sold to Kim Namjoon!” Taehyung announced while the crowd huffed and cheered.
Yoongi glared at the man.
“What? You never said I couldn’t buy your shit.” Namjoon relaxed back on the couch, unrelenting in his own glare.
As the auction concluded, Taehyung announced that an afterparty will be held at the top level of Gold Dust. You noticed most of them were ready to jump off their chairs and kill him but he’d already disappeared backstage. Most likely straight to his vehicle so there was no time for anyone to act.
Yoongis’ body radiated a thick air of heat and the glares shared between the two leaders were sharp.
“We’ll settle this where there’s less people, gentlemen. Calm yourselves.” You glanced around at all the patrons and attendees either excitedly murmuring or harshly whispering. It was a strange atmosphere tonight. One can only wish there won’t be any bloodshed.
“Are you fucking serious? You know fully well it was stolen from me!” Yoongi growled. Both gang leaders were toe to toe in a dark corner of the club. Others were mingling on their own problems and issues with the auction and some were close to losing their inside voices.
“And I bought it fair and square. Don’t you think it’s a little childish that you’re simply asking me for it?” Namjoon spoke through gritted teeth. “Now get the fuck out of my way. I have business to deal with.”
Yoongi pressed a hand on his chest. “I could give Jimin one word and you’ll never find that bracelet even if it was up your own damn ass. So stay put.”
“I’m the last person you can scare with status, Min. You know this. I’ll snap my fingers—” he raised his hand and snapped his fingers. “—and your wife will be on her knees for me.”
Yoongi pulled out a small silver blade and pressed to Namjoons’ neck. Eyes darkened in fury. Hungry for a taste of his blood staining the floor, for that face to twist in despair.
“Stop it. Both of you.” Your voice struck firm as you pushed them apart. “Don’t you understand why this auction took place?”
Yoongi and Namjoon stared at you in confusion. You sighed in annoyance.
“Someone is trying to play with your minds. Causing you to drop blood so they don’t have to get their hands dirty. Why do you think all those artefacts were dumped into one auction? Where almost all the gangs of this country were attending?” Your eyes flickered from Yoongi to Namjoon. “Doesn’t that sound a little strange? From the naked eye, you’d think they were just silly but clearly—” You gestured at the both of them. “—whatever they’re trying is working. No one knows who the thief is. That causes suspicion and rumors.”
“We start blaming each other for spilling information,” Yoongi continued.
You nodded, relieved that some understanding spread through their faces. “We need to regroup in a neutral zone. Gold Dust isn’t that anymore. Once we find a place and time, we’ll figure what needs to be done. For now, separate.”
The leaders shared another sharp glare at each other before Namjoon walked away. Some of the heads that were turned to them now moved back and Yoongi hid his blade.
“Where’s the fucking restroom?” Yoongi hissed. You took his hand and led him over to the left side of the room, slithering through the crowd.
Two guards were already situated at the doors as Yoongi kept a grip on your hand when you walked into the restroom. The bright lights made him groan in annoyance.
Anyone who saw them enter immediately rushed out. The tension in the auction was so high that nobody wanted to be found near an angry gang leader.
Yoongi leaned forward on the marble sink, breathing ragged and his limbs shaking from anger. The last memory of his mother now rested in someone elses’ hands. Why couldn’t she come up with something less physical? Something that couldn’t be stolen. Namjoon was holding it now. I’ll snap my fingers. He was right. He had the power. There was no ultimate leader to call the shots. Just however reached the flag first. And if he reached first—no. He shook his head. Namjoon wasn’t the problem right now.
He let the water run, wanting the sound to drown any visions or thoughts that made bile reach up to his throat.
“Yoongi,” you muttered, rubbing his arm. “You okay?”
“I tried—I kept my cool but—when you mentioned you—” he rubbed his face roughly. “I—fuck—I could’ve killed him. I could’ve killed him.”
“But you didn’t.” You caressed the back of his head. “It’ll be okay. I know it feels like all the strings that surfaced are jumbled but they’ll come together. We’ve been through much worse than this, okay?”
Yoongi sighed. “I remembered her for the first time in years.” He chuckled sadly. “I thought I lost those memories a long time ago.”
You felt your eyes burn at his voice cracking. Yoongi never talked about his mother. There were only vulnerable moments in the dead of night when Yoongi couldn’t sleep. That was the first time he ever mentioned her. The first time she saw tears in his eyes. “We’ll get it back. No matter what, I promise.” That promise engraved in your mind.
The next morning, you rose in nothing but your champagne silk robe and sat at your study. Handwriting letters until your fountain pen emptied of ink and the steaming black coffee turned tepid. Park Jimin held the Kim familys’ prized jade bracelet and Namjoon held the Min Familys’ diamond gun. Clearly, the scandal spread further than the two gangs but your current priority is ensuring a war won’t break out between Namjoon and Yoongi.
Jimins’ death would also result in only chaos.
Gold sunlight gleamed through the white transparent curtains, beaming rays reflecting against the dark mahogany of the study table. Despite the mess in your brain, the morning itself was peaceful. You made sure Yoongi slept a few hours longer than normal so his daily alarm had been temporarily disabled.
Everytime he drowned in his emotions, Yoongi worked himself to the bone as if to make up for his vulnerability. You knew that would only taint the progress they had so far on the investigation.
You sent the letters out through different messengers. They will be followed through an underground trail until it finally reached the two gang leaders. Cupping your now hot cup of coffee, you let out a deep breath, emptying your lungs of the stress as you looked out the painted window of your study.
There was still time left to relax before they started work. Giving the empty cup to a maid, you walked back up to your bedroom.
Yoongi stirred underneath the white, cotton sheets. Bars of gold light shining down his pale skin through the blinds and a cool air kissed your flesh.
Door locked, you padded closer and gently climbed onto the bed. Yoongi draped a tattooed arm over your waist with a drawling hum under his breath.
“Where’d you go?” His voice vibrated through the fabric of the bed, cheek pressed against the pillow and raven hair covered his eyes.
“I sent letters out to the leaders for a meeting.” You kept your voice soft, caressing the dog silhouette on his arm.
Yoongi groaned in annoyance. “I really don’t wanna talk to that asshole. Can’t we do it another time?”
“The most important thing in the world to you has been taken. This is the meeting that’s going to help you get it and you’re going to back down?”
Yoongi rubbed his face before staring at you. “The most important thing in the world to me is lying down right here.”
You smiled, fingers tracing his chest. “The second most important then.”
“That’ll be our dogs.”
You chuckled. “Darling, you know you want it back. This is also going to prevent any brawl between Jimin and Namjoon.”
Yoongi hummed in agreement. In the moment of silence, he reached out and cupped your cheek. You leaned down and kissed him. You moved down, peppering kisses on his jawline and neck.
Yoongi let out a shaky sigh as your lips grazed his chest, gentle brushes against the tender skin where his prior wounds used to be. Trailing your tongue down his torso, the blanket slid off the edges of the bed.
Your hand reached down and gently cupped his crotch, earning a hiss from the man. Yoongi grabbed onto your hair, breaking the kiss so he could look at you. You graced him with a smile. Biting down your lips, you descended down his stomach. Slow pecks down his torso as your fingers hooked the hem of his boxers.
Pulling down the soft material, the tightening member sprung up, blushing at the tip. With another smile, you wrapped your lips around the tip and swallowed the length until it disappeared into your mouth. You closed your throat around his tip before pulling back. Yoongi hummed. Heat exuded from his body blocking out the cool breeze of the air conditioner, adrenaline seeping through his exhaustion.
Spit dribbled down your chin as you took his length again, bobbing you head. Your free hand wrapped around the base, squeezing until you heard a whine. Yoongi fisted the sheets and the other hand buried in your hair. Madness clouded his mind watching your head bouncing on him, drooling at the edges of your mouth and tears glossing your eyes.
Fire burning in the pit of his belly, he held onto both sides of your head and thrusted into your mouth. The tip hit the back of your throat making you whimper. He felt the tightness of his release just hearing the sound of your gagging. The way you obediently stayed still as he fucked your throat. Your panties felt heavy and hot with your arousal, desperately needing to be touched. One hand snuck under your robe, rubbing the soggy material.
Yoongi pulled his length out, enjoying the way you tried to catch your breath before staring up at him in tears. Pulling you back up, he flipped you both around until your body was bent over the soft bed, cheek pressed against the sheets. Pushing up your robe and pulling down your panties down to your knees, he positioned himself at your dripped entrance. Without another warning, he pushed himself in. The sheer squelch and stretch could’ve had you unraveling in seconds.
Vulnerabilities of the early morning had you dripping and softened to the slightest touch of ecstasy. Yoongi shared the same impatience as he fucked into you. Barely any remorse, arousal splattering at every thrust. Nectar dripped through the expensive sheets as the bed shifted from his movements. He grabbed your shoulder to push in deeper until the soft walls of your cervix hugged his tip.
Your moans and his heavy breathing melded together in a melody that reverberated throughout the bedroom. He nudged a thumb through your rim, pushing and hooking before pounding into you again. You fell full and overwhelmed, wanting to explode and fall apart.
You gripped onto the sheets until her nails dug into her own palms. Yoongi pushed your dress up further, caressing your back before smacking your bottom. Another whimper left your lips. He smacked it again.
Yoongi turned you around, lifting you onto his lap. Your back rested on the wood headboard as your arms wrapped around his neck. Sleeves of your robe drooped down your shoulders, barely hanging onto your body. Arousal squirted out of you making both of you laugh. Yoongi let out a blissful sigh as he quickened his pace. The headboard could’ve cracked from the pressure, breathing short and rapid like the speed of his thrusts. Lips latched on the curve of your neck as the pleasure trembled through you.
Before he could mutter anything, you felt the warm liquid burst inside you. Filling your womb until it spilled through the sheets. Yoongi snuck his hand between your legs, pushing you to the edge as your lips barely brushed against each other.
Bliss burst at the seams, ricocheting through every limb until your legs trembled, clasping tight around his hips. Yoongi kissed your jawline and your temple. “Fine.” He breathed out. “One meeting.”
You giggled as your breathing tried to catch up. “Good.”
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next chap >> 
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onceupona-chaos · 3 years
How Elain is connected to the plot
(Includind the Autumn Court situation)
A while ago I made this post right here, where I talked about the next plot. I divided it into the main plot (for Koschei, The Trove and the queens) and subplot for the Autumn Court situation. 
However, I’ve seen some comments about Elain not being connected to the Autumn Court. So here goes a post where I try to explain a little better why I think Elain is the most connected to the plot, including the Autumn Court. So differently from that post, this one will be focus on Elain.
NOTES: I had to repeat somethings to make sense, so I apologize. I won't be taking about any ship here, this is exclusively about the plot. As usual, English is not my first language, forgive me for any possible mistakes.
Elain and the main plot
I promise I'll try not to repeat everything.
We know there's a fourth object of the Dead Trove. I've seen people theorizing about who is going to located it, but let me remind you that the Trove has a sentience:
“Made objects tend to not wish to be found by just anyone,” Amren cautioned.
“You say that as if the objects have a sentience,” Cassian said.
“They do."
It's not a coincidence that Nesta couldn't see or locate the fourth trove. It didn't want to be found by her, therefore she couldn't see through the shadows. The same thing happened when Elain couldn't See the reason why Vassa was sold to Koschei:
Elain studied the table. “No. No—that is all mist and shadow.”
This fourth object will be found when it wants to be found, so it will call for someone (keep that in mind). So if it didn't present itself to Nesta, I think we can assume SJM is… saving it for another book. Specially because we don't know what this fourth object does.
You could argue that anyone could go looking for it, but as I said before, to locate a Made object, you need to be Made as well:
“Like calls to like,” Amren countered. “You were Made by the Cauldron. You may track other objects Made by it as well, as Briallyn can. And because you are Made by it, you are immune to the influence and power of the Trove. You might use them, yes, but they cannot be used upon you.” A glance to Elain. “Either of you.”
Therefore, Azriel won't be able to get close enough, he is not Made so he can be under the Trove's influence. The only characters now that can find and not be manipulated by the Trove are the Archeron sisters. That's why I think one of the POVs of the next book will be Elain's. We already know Feyre and Nesta won't have their POV, and Amren:
Nesta asked Amren, “You’re not Made?”
“Not as you were,” Amren said.
She wasn't Made in the same way. 
Elain and the subplot
Before anything, let me make something clear that I didn't in my previous post: it's all connected. I've seen people talking about how Elain is not connected to the Autumn Court situation and only to Koschei, but Beron is not acting alone. It's all connected.
My father is furious that his ally is dead, but he’s not deterred. Koschei remains in play, and Beron might very well be stupid enough to establish an alliance with him, too. I hope that whatever Morrigan is doing in Vallahan will counteract the damage my father will unleash.
Also, we know Vallahan doesn't want peace and didn't sign the treaty for a reason. They have their own expansion plans. Throughout the book we can see SJm hinted that Fae people may be interested in human lands, so it's not a coincidence. Vallahan wants war: just like Beron. 
I wouldn't be surprised with an alliance between Beron, Vallahan and Koschei. Think about it: Sarah already told us a war is coming, but Koschei is still bound to his lake. Bryllian is dead, but she had a deal with Beron. Beron made this deal because he wants to expand his territories and so does Vallahan. They all have a goal that can be achieved by starting a war.
A war that we already know is coming.
Sarah didn't made every antagonist to have the same goal for them not to join forces.
Therefore, those are not separate plots, it's all connected and will end in a war with two opposite sides (Koschei, Beron, Vallahan x The Night Court and other courts).
And what is worst: the humans queens are not done. We don't know what they are planning, SJM didn't give us much in ACOSF because they were "away", but they are the same ones that sold Vassa to Koschei, who planted words in their courts - just like he did with Bryllian.
“Because those stupid human queens are stirring—their army still isn’t disbanded."
“But know that Briallyn and the others sold me to him not through their devices, but his. By words he planted in their courts, whispered on the winds.”
The humans queens, Bryllian, Beron, Vallahan, Koschei... it's all connected somehow.
Side note: this explains why we didn't have a civil war in Illyrian and why SJM killed this plot line in two chapters. We need the Illyrians just like they are now: at peace and ready to fight again in another war. We don't have the luxury to afford a civil war among the strongest army in Prythian.
Now let's go back and remember: Koschei still wants to be freed from his lake, so he needs the Trove. There are only two ways of finding a Trove: 1) You need to be Made to locate it or 2) The Trove needs to call for you
The forth trove is lost for so long that the legends of today only count three. So it's most likely that the object itself will call for someone rather than someone go look for it, since the object is forgotten. Maybe it will call for Koschei, but maybe it could for someone else. Eris already told us that this is possible:
But if the Trove has a sentience like you suggested, if it wants to be found … I fear that it might also be reaching out to others as well. Not just Briallyn and Koschei.” Beron in possession of the Trove would be a disaster. He’d join the ranks of the King of Hybern.
But the true is: it doesn't matter for whom the Trove will call. If it's Koschei, Beron or the queen of Vallahan.
Because, either way, aside from Nesta and Feyre, there's only one person who can located and not suffer the influence of The Trove:
... Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.”
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claireingoldstein · 2 years
ShikaTema week day  4
Ice cream and Coffe + Tea - Warming you up
Warning: English is not my first language, sorry if there are some grammar mistake.
The Chuunin Exams are held to see the potential of Shinobi and appoint those who are worthy as team leaders. And this year, Konoha decided to hold a joint Chuunin exam by co-hosting it with Sunagakure. With the distribution of the first phase of the Chuunin exam will be held in Konoha and the second phase of the Chuunin exam will be held in Sunagakure.
Temari and Shikamaru stood before a group of shinobi who had passed the first stage of the Chuunin exam designed by Shikamaru. Next, the exam will be continued with the second round which will be held in Sunagakure, with Temari as the leader of the exam.
The participants seemed anxiously waiting for the next announcement. Temari looked at the participants, trying to count their number. It seems that there are still too many participants who pass.
"I'm Temari from Sunagakure. I'm the one in charge of the second round of this exam. Too many teams have passed the first round, so we'll reduce the number again," Temari said, glaring at Shikamaru.
Shikamaru could only shrug his shoulders. He himself also didn't think that there would be this many shinobi who pass. He was quite confident with the test he was planning, until Neji messed everything up and made almost all the teams qualify for the second round.
"Hey, what do you mean reduced again?" asked a shinobi from Sunagakure.
As soon as a commotion broke out, all the participants looked worried and whispered to one another. Temari stamped her Tessen to calm the participants.
"First, the second round is a battle between teams. Any team that doesn't have full members will be disqualified!"
"You must be kidding!"
" How could that be?!"
Temari ignored the protests that came from the participants.
"Besides, the second round will be held in Suna village. We will meet at the entrance of the demon desert. It will take 3 days to reach that place."
Temari turned to one of the Jounin and gestured. The jounin released the messenger bird towards the village of Suna.
"Messenger eagles have been sent to Suna with these instructions. Only 30 teams will be accepted, the rest will be disqualified."
The participants looked at each other anxiously. Only 30 teams, meaning many of them will fall.
"Finally, in the first round fighting is forbidden. But in the second round you can fight as you please. That's it!" Temari said.
Hearing Temari's statement, Neji immediately asked Lee and Ten Ten to move, he understood that Temari's 'that's all' was an indirect signal that the second half had started.
"He quickly grasped the situation," said Shikamaru with a smile.
"What's wrong? You guys still want to relax? You've been disbanded!"
The participants were still looking at each other in confusion, until one of them finally realized.
"I see!!! The race test has started!"
Hearing that panic occurred, all the shinobi immediately ran away from the place.
"Can't youat leat say that they can go ar its start now?" Shikamaru asked the girl next to him.
"This is the Chuunin exam not at the Academy," Temari said casually.
"This is troublesome ... next year we should just use the usual type of exam," complained the young man.
"Stop complaining, lazy boy. Now we have to move. Indeed Gaara and the others will welcome them there. But we also have to move quickly and get there to open the second round of exams," Temari said and left the place. Shikamaru walked after her.
After tidying up a few things, Shikamaru and Temari walked towards the Hokage's office. There was waiting for the Hokage, Tsunade and some Konoha Jounin who would help oversee the implementation. Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy will go with Shikamaru and Temari to Sunagakure.
"Well, for the representatives of Konoha I entrust the three of you. Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy, you will help Shikamaru and Temari to oversee the conduct of the second round of the Chuunin exams. And Temari, I entrust you to lead this team towards Suna. I trust you better understand the route to be followed," said Tsunade.
"Okay, Hokage-sama," Temari said.
A moment later, they had already gathered in front of Aun's gate. Everyone except Shikamaru. Unlike usual, that day Shikamaru was late. Since 10 minutes ago Temari was busy pacing in front of the gate. She holds back her anger.' Just watch out if we're late because of that crybaby, I won't forgive him!' Temari thought.
Finally, after waiting for some time, the pineapple youth appeared with a lazy look without feeling guilty. And that made Temari even more angry.
"Hey you kid!! Where have you been?! Just watch out if we're late because of you!" said Temari.
"Calm down a bit, troublesome woman. I've been scolded by mom at home and now I have to hear your nagging again," complained Shikamaru.
" What are you saying?!" Temari gets ready to reach for the fan.
"I'm just kidding! Calm down Temari," said Shikamaru a little scared.
While the other three Shinobi who saw the incident just smiled.
"Look at Asuma, they are so cute," said Kurenai with a small laugh.
"Temari huh? If she seems to be able to be a suitable partner for someone like Shikamaru," said Asuma.
Asuma had seen the girl's abilities in the Chuunin exams, and he admitted that Temari was also a great strategist, even though her abilities were still below Shikamaru's. They then left for Suna. And what Temari feared happened. Because they left late, when they reached the border of the Suna area, it was already night.
"It's all because of you, kid!" Temari hissed, she sighed "We'd better stop here."
"Hmm?" all the Shinobs looked at her in confusion.
"The temperature in the desert changes drastically at night. We could freeze to death if we force ourselves to move. We should rest, there is a cave nearby," Temari explained as she led the way to the cave. When they got there, they lit a fire and sat down to rest. Temari heated t water with tea leaf, and brewed it then poured the tea and gave it to Asuma, Kurenai, Guy, and Shikamaru. Then poured herself a glass.
She inhaled the aroma of the tea and smiled. The aroma of tea always calms her down.
"You don't drink? Don't worry, I didn't put poison in it," said Temari who saw Shikamaru just looking at the tea in front of him.
"I don't know, I don't think I'm thirsty," Shikamaru replied casually.
"Drink if you don't want to be dehydrated. In a desert like this you have to drink, thirsty or not. Because many Shinobi died because they didn't realize they were dehydrated. Plus, tea can help keep you warm," said Temari as she took a sip of the tea in her hand.
Shikamaru raised his glass and started drinking the tea. It turned out that Temari's words were true, after drinking it, Shikamaru's body felt warmer. He looked at Temari.
" WHAT?!" Temari was annoyed that Shikamaru kept looking at her.
"No, I was just thinking. I didn't think you could be this considerate too," Shikamaru said.
"Huh? Don't get me wrong, kid! I didn't do it because I wanted to, I just didn't want to bother carrying your corpse into Suna," Temari laughed and made Shikamaru scowl in annoyance.
"They're really cute..." Kurenai laughed while watching Shikamaru and Temari.
She thought the two shinobi were very cute. Shikamaru who always said everything was troublesome but still followed Temari's wishes and Temari who was always rude even though she really cared about the people around her, especially Shikamaru. 'They are a great couple, but it seems like it will take a long time for both of them to realize their feelings' Kurenai thought.
"You guys go to sleep, I'll keep watch with the spirit of youth!!!" Guy shouted excitedly.
They laughed and decided to take a break, of course after forcing Guy to share shifts with them so Guy could rest too.
Asuma and Kurenai sat by the bonfire while Temaru sat across from them, a bit away from the bonfire. Either because of the cold air or maybe fatigue, the girl fell asleep. But it looks like her hands are tightly gripping her body, it seems that she feels a little cold. Realizing this Asuma threw a blanket at Shikamaru while directing his gaze towards Temari, signaling the young man to cover Temari. Then Asuma returned to busy with his luggage.
Shikamaru looked at the blanket in his hands in confusion. He didn't bring a blanket because he didn't expect the trip to the desert to be this cold. To be honest, he was feeling quite cold now, and this blanket was enough for two. He decided to carry out his crazy idea, he knew that maybe tomorrow he would be flown by this Suna girl, but that's better than freezing to death right?
He took a seat next to Temari and then covered the girl's body and his body with the blanket Asuma gave him. Perhaps due to exhaustion, in an instant Shikamaru also fell asleep. Temari seemed to be moving, looking for a comfortable position, her head was now resting on Shikamaru's shoulder and Shikamaru's head was resting on Temari's head. They both seemed to be sleeping peacefully.
Kurenai stifled a laugh at the rare sight before her. Before long, Asuma approached Kurenai carrying 2 blankets. One for him and the other he planned to give to Shikamaru. Since then he has been busy unpacking his belongings. Due to stuffing it in a mess in a bag, he had to take everything out before he found the blanket. But before he could call Shikamaru, Kurenai withdrew his hand, pointing at Shikamaru and Temari who fell asleep.
Asuma smirked. Looks like the blanket isn't needed now.
Shikamaru and Temari felt very warm that night. Nobody knows, maybe it's because of the tea they drink, or the blanket they're wearing, or maybe it's because they're sleeping side by side like this?
Only Shikamaru and Temari knew the answer.
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lilxberry · 3 years
You Owe Me 20 Bucks - Steve Rogers
Steve just simply wants to protect you, you find it extremely annoying how his plans to protect you get in the way of you doing your job as an Avenger, and Bucky and Sam have a running bet.
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Warnings: A lil bit of language. Arguing. Mentions of violence. Mentions of betting. Wack ass stuff man. Fluff.
Words: 2,030
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader 
You walked into the meeting room, ready to be briefed by Fury for the next mission. This would be your first assignment in 2 months since your injury. Ever since you had woken up, everyone had babied you, especially a certain super soldier, which ticked you off to no end.
You took your place in-between Wanda and Bucky and prepared yourself for the droning voice of Fury and the nagging of Steve. “Hey, you good?”
You inwardly groaned at Bucky’s question. It was nice that the team cared so much but it was a bitch to deal with all their incessant babying and over protectiveness. “I’m fine, Buck, really.”
As if he could sense your irritation, he retreated and opted to leave you be. You signed in relief and sunk back into your chair. Just as you had gotten comfortable, Fury entered, followed by Maria then Mr. Patriarchy himself. “Avengers.” Fury simply greeted to grab everyone’s attention.
And so, the briefing had commenced and passed by, the only thing left on the check list was to discuss who will be part taking in the mission. “A team of 6 will be going in, the others will stay behind and only move out when needed. Stark, Barnes, Barton, Maximoff, Y/L/N, you 5 will be joining Rogers at the base.”
Before any body got the chance to voice their readiness, Steve had spoken up. “Y/L/N isn’t ready.”
You saw red as he had easily diminished your ability to be out in the field. “Like fuck I’m not ready.” You quickly stood from your seat so fast, the chair had scrapped against the floor before falling over harshly.
“If I say you’re not ready then you’re not ready.” Steve crossed his arms over his chest, standing his ground. Thing is, you were stubborn, every Avenger and agent knew that about you.
You walked towards in quick, long strides and stared him down, inches from his face. “It’s my body, I know when it’s damn ready.” You stepped back and looked towards Fury. “So, when we due to head out?”
“In an hour.”
“Great, see you guys at the jet.” You quickly turned on your heel and headed towards your room, ignoring the calls of your peers.
“I guess that’s all. Dismissed.” Fury disbanded the meeting, sending the remaining Avengers to prepare for their mission or go back to lazing around, ready to be called out as back up. Steve sighed heavily through his nose as her closed his eyes and pinched the bridge between his pointer finger and thumb.
As Bucky passed his best friend, he patted his shoulder and flashed him a tight-lipped smile, sympathising with his friend. This is gonne be one long mission.
The time came for the team to meet at the jet. You stepped on to the platform and headed over to the jet to meet with the others. Just as you placed one foot on to the flying metal contraption, the blonde of the 40’s due spoke. “I said you’re not ready.”
You rolled your eyes and chose to ignore his complaints. Ensuring your gear that you’re decked out in is securely strapped on, you made haste towards a free seat at the back off the jet, unfortunately getting blocked off by Steves’ broad and muscular form. You huffed and quickly side stepped him, proceeding to sit.
“No matter how much you nag, they’re still gonna tag along, dude. May as well give up before you’re driven mad.” Clint commented, eliciting a soft giggle from Wanda and a snicker from Tony, both trying desperately to cover their amusement up in any way available to them.
“He has a point. Maybe instead of butting heads, you could help her through this mission.” Bucky spoke directly to his friend.
“Or they could actually listen and not go.” Steve narrowed his eyes towards your ignorant and slouched form, folding his arms across his chest. Tony rolled his eyes before making his way through the jet to pilot it.
“Okay losers, can we all quieten down now. Daddy’s got a jet to fly.” And with that, Tony had the jet off the platform and heading to your destination. Steve huffed and sat opposite you next to Bucky. He stared you down whilst you continuously ignored him through the whole flight.
“What the hell, Steve?! I had it handled!” You yelled at your fellow Avenger as you all boarded the jet, ready to head back to the compound.
“Didn’t look like it!” Steve had replied, matching your volume.
You scoffed and threw your arms up into the arm in exasperation. “You have a seriously fucked up hero complex, you know that?!”
The yelling match continued between you both throughout most of the flight. By this point, the others within the small confides of the jet had pounding migraines and are in need of about 20 Advils each.
As soon as the jet landed back within the grounds of the compound, you both stormed out of the jet, heading to your separate rooms, both slamming them shut as loudly as possible, hoping the other would hear and convey how pissed you were.
“Ah, young love.” Tony quipped as his suit disassembled from around his form.
It had been a full week of you ignoring Steve. He had tried previously throughout the week, but you blanked him, simply as if he hadn’t existed. He knew he seriously messed up the second enemy after enemy headed towards you. He knew you could have easily defended yourself and have taken them out even easier but, you were right. He does have a fucked up hero complex.
But mostly, he always felt the need to protect you. Falling in love with a completely independent and able Avenger is a tough gig. Apparently.
Steve had had enough and decided he was going to talk to you, whether you wanted to or not. He marched with determination straight to your room and knocked brashly. He heard you groan from the opposite side of the door before the light patter of your feet pad along the floor. You swung the door open widely with a look of annoyance across your face, but it had quickly faltered as you tried to close the door just as hastily. He jammed his foot between the door and its frame.
“Leave me alone Steve.” He could easily detect the irritation and impatience within your voice. He pushed the rest of the way into your room and you groaned loudly once again. “You clearly don’t understand English, should I try Spanish? German? Ukrainian? Mandarin?”
“Okay, I get it, you’re pissed and you don’t want to see me. Well tough shit.” He stepped closer to you as you stood your ground. “We need to talk whether you like it or not.”
“Oh yeah? And what do we need to talk about exactly?”
Steve inhaled deeply before continuing. “About how you’re acting. You can’t act like a stroppy teenager whenever someone gives you a helping hand during a mission.”
You scoff, unbelieving of what he is saying. “That wasn’t a ‘helping hand’, that was undermining myself as an abled agent and my abilities to handle the enemy. That wasn’t a ‘helping hand’, that was throwing me to the side while you did all the work.” Your shoulders heaved up and down as your breathing became heavier the more anger filled you.
“Jesus Christ Y/N, I was trying to help! I led the mission that day and it’s my responsibility if any of you screw up. All I did was ensure none of you did.” Steves’ voice raised to match yours.
“NO! You ensured I didn’t screw up because “I’M NOT READY!”” At some point you had started to pace around the room in an attempt to calm you.
Steve ran his hand down his face as he groaned loudly. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, willing himself to calm himself down also. “I just care about you Y/N/N. Please, why can’t you just understand that.”
“Well, you should go care about someone else. I didn’t see you hounding Starks’ ass about being careful.”
“Jesus H Christ, I’m in love with you, alright?!” Steve had exclaimed loudly in exasperation. You froze on the spot and slowly turned, shock evident across your face.
“Wha-what?” You stuttered out in a quiet whisper. Steve registered what had just slipped passed his lips and opened and closed his mouth, attempting to come up with some form of excuse for what he had said. “What did you just say Steve?” You spoke, your voice raised, pronunciation clear.
Steve sighed and looked down before tilting his head in the slightest to gaze into your eyes as he spoke sheepishly. “I said I’m in love with you, I love you.” He searched your face for the slightest inkling of reciprocation in the mix of a million emotions displayed across it. It had been a good minute or so of silence as you comprehended what he had just told you. He began to feel self-conscious and paranoia presented itself within him deeply. “Please say something.” He pleaded, his voice quiet.
This seemed to have snapped you out of whatever trance had engulfed you and you swallowed thickly as you looked up at him with wide eyes. You willed yourself to be brave as if you were back out in the field. You charged forward and crashed your lips to his, the move bolder than what you were used to doing.
You grasp on to him tightly, afraid he would pull away, although, you knew that was not going to be the case for he instantaneously reciprocated the intimate action with as much gusto and desperation. His larger hands came to hold on to your hips, knuckles turning white from how tightly his hands balled up your shirt.
Sooner than you had liked, you both parted and laid your foreheads against the others as you panted, desperate for any intake of oxygen. “I love you too, Steve.” You whispered breathlessly, looking up into his beautiful, blue orbs. They had even seemed to have an extra shine in this moment as you gazed deeply into them.
He smiled a huffed out a small chuckle, his thumb rubbing up and down against your side in a soothing and loving manner. “God, you drive me crazy.”
You both continued to stand there for what felt like hours when in actuality, was only a minute or so. Suddenly, a loud knock at the door echoed throughout the room before opening and revealing Sam and Bucky on the other side. “Hey, you guys comin-oh, damn, our bad. We’ll uh, leave you to it.” And with that, Sam quickly turned and shoved Bucky out along with him as he closed the door behind them.
“I think you owe me 20 bucks.” You heard Bucky’s voice through the door which had muffled the sound slightly.
“Man, I was sure they’d go another week before one of ‘em confessed.” You heard Sam whine as you presumed while he fished out the bills from his pocket to hand over to his apparent betting partner.
Their interaction had caused both you and Steve let out a small bout of laugh before turning your attention back towards one another. “I guess we should head down for food, huh?” Steve suggested whilst he had a boyish grin etched upon his face.
All you could do was mirror his smile and release a near inaudible ‘yes’ as you nod and step back, taking his larger hand into one of your own. He quickly pulled you towards him to lay a final pure, sweet, gentle kiss upon your plump lips. “Let’s go.”
He led you out of your room and towards the elevator, ready to join the others for food. As you stood in the elevator, you felt Steves’ gaze on you. You turned you head and sent him a wolfish smirk. “Bet you 20 bucks that they told everyone.”
Steve threw his head back in laughter as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and brought you closer into his side. “You’re on.”
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Those pants are nice, yeah, just the pants, definitely just the pants I’m admiring, nothing else... *definitely is looking square at his ass* ...yeah man, nice pants...
I did a Steve fic, noice
I’ve been super sucky with fics recently but I mean, college stuff, losing family, this, plus messing my knee up badly yesterday after accidently yeeting myself down some stairs, it be like that 
I really hope you enjoy this
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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