#that's why i started making those plot wishlist posts for my characters which!! i need to keep doing
tvrningout-a · 1 year
good morning ( and almost afternoon ), friends! i'm feeling foggy-brained today, so!! i'm gonna try to get some writing done offline before trying to put more stuff in the queue. i might tentatively do a lil plotting call as well? though it might come with a condition or two, like having a muse and/or general plot in mind that you're wanting to discuss. i do like to make these things easier on others, but in doing so, i think i make it tougher on myself, too, which contributes to my social battery burning out quickly. and i wanna stop that bc i'd really like to talk to more of you uvu
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rpbetter · 3 years
I often see multis post that they want to make a new muse, at the same time as they're backed up on threads and asks, and they get their followers to "enable" them to make that muse in the post replies. What is your take on this? Is it a they-can-do-what-they-want situation, or is it reasonable to be annoyed when I see this? Or both?
Hey, Anon!
I mean, as usual, this is my opinion of an opinion-based matter. This isn't an equation that has an objectively right to wrong scale, it isn't actually hurting any living person or thing. But...it is incredibly annoying and can be hurtful.
They can totally do what they want, and much of the nature of genuine creativity is exactly that - the allowance of doing whatever you so desire. It's something I support rather adamantly, but it's also something I support trying our best to do responsibly and without being hurtful to anyone in a hobby that involves more than ourselves.
This isn't deciding to write another fic when you've not finished the previous four or five that others were interested in, or never finishing any of your original fiction, but continually starting new projects. While others might be enjoying those things as well, you didn't agree to interact with them. They're audience members, not participants.
When others are participants in a hobby that has to work both ways, it's different. Your actions do affect other, real human beings.
So, I totally feel like you've a right to be annoyed every time you see that happening. I do. I tend to unfollow people who do that repeatedly, as we're not pursuing the hobby in the same way. I'll argue all day that someone has a right to their, sometimes literally, eighty-plus muses they never develop or stick to, but that doesn't mean I want to engage with them as a writing partner.
For those of us who want long-term writing partners with the same, well-developed muses, this kind of thing just is annoying. As is everything else that comes with it.
As in...
They're constantly posting "talk me out of adding x" as code for "talk me into writing x."
No one actually wants to be talked out of it, which was probably more obvious to everyone else here than it was me for a little while lmao I tend to take things rather literally. This was, as one can imagine, not appreciated! Telling someone in total earnestness, "I really don't think that's a good choice. You're always saying how overwhelmed you are and just dropped multiple threads yesterday, so adding another muse is going to make you feel worse eventually. Don't do it! :)" is so not what they were looking for. As was evident by the return meltdown over how they could do what they wanted, like I said they couldn't or had any authority over what they're doing with their time.
It's an obnoxious bit of pandering for a foregone conclusion.
Have you ever seen anyone who posts that sort of thing not pick up that muse? I haven't. I've only seen muns who are legitimately on the fence about it asking others in private conversations or testing out the muse decide against it. The thing that makes this incredibly irritating is the attention-seeking and need to validate something they must know isn't a great choice, otherwise, they'd just do it. They're aware that they're behind on drafts, asks, and other things - aware that this is maybe a dick move when they owe everyone already. So, they're seeking "permission" with full knowledge that multiple mutuals are going to hop on that post with encouragement, even some of the ones being messed over by this choice.
It puts people in a bad situation.
Some of those people genuinely don't care, they just want to interact with any muse, and I'm going to be awful and say it - they don't care about totally interchangeable muses and have them themselves. That's fine, this isn't a problem for them. It is for the mutuals who are hoping that maybe if their writing partner gets into this new muse, they'll get a reply to their threads with that energy, or that they'll stick to this one and they can have consistent interactions with them. It is for the mutuals who feel pressured to respond positively because they fear not responding at all will make them seem like bad rpers.
One more thing playing into the counter logic excuse for shitty behavior of "it's just a hobby" is one more thing too many, and it does exactly that.
No one wants to be accused of being remotely too invested in RP anymore, of taking it too seriously, or having any emotional investment in muses, stories, or muns. Not accepting every choice someone makes that negatively impacts you with a grin on your face while you dump confetti on them for it just isn't a comfortable option for a lot of muns anymore. Honesty isn't a comfortable option. While the other option isn't either, it seems better than that mutual noticing you're the only writing partner who didn't hop onto that post with support any of the multiple times they reblogged it. It's only a hobby in which everyone can do what they want until what one wants clashes. Then, you're getting a callout for being addicted to RP.
And the way it tends to clash most is in having expectations of others. Ones that would be totally normal in any other hobby requiring interaction with other people.
Like not overburdening yourself at the expense not only of yourself but those on your "team." That's what is being done when someone knows they cannot keep up with themselves, but continues to add to the situation with new muses.
Not only are you no longer getting responses already while they're intending to add even more to their overflowing plate, you'll be dropped again when they have to "fresh start" their blog because they're burned out.
I have to put that in quotations because I don't know how it's a fresh start when you keep everything but the blog layout the same. All the muses and all the behaviors, including adding a new one despite not having the time or interest necessary to do so, is inevitably maintaining the problems that led to burnout. Dropping every thread, changing the URL, a new blog layout, new aesthetics, isn't fixing the issue even if it temporarily reinvigorates the mun.
The mun is definitely doing things that are not helpful to them, it's stressful and upsetting to experience burnout, but it's at least that mun's choice. Both to do it and to become defensive over fixing it, thus, never fixing it. It isn't anyone else's choice to be repeatedly dropped or ignored, though...unless they just keep sticking around for it.
Again, we're supposed to respect everyone's choices. That's fine when it really works that way, when it is truly everyone. But it's not an acceptable decision to see a multimuse of twenty or more muses and say that's your limit, that you've experienced too many muns who are serial muse-adders not being able to keep up with themselves, so you don't interact with these blogs. If one feels that way, they had better not put it in their rules or ever be upfront about this as a reason, when one is demanded, for not following back or interacting.
It's not acceptable to see a writing partner adding another muse after they've owed you for months, just wiped their inbox, and keep expressing being overwhelmed/behind and become annoyed. Let alone dropping them or explaining to them why you are doing so.
The only "acceptable" course of action is hoping that they totally forget you exist so you can quietly slip away.
I don't feel like that's especially fair or mature. It certainly isn't helping the communication problem we absolutely do have here in the RPC when only one party is allowed to communicate without fear of being labeled, rather ironically, as a bad RP partner.
While this problem seems to be most prevalent in more casual RPers, it's certainly not isolated there. I feel like it's necessary to say that I've had muns I both interacted with and were simply on my dash alike who were not on that more casual side who went from being multis to being muse collectors. Once they hit over fifteen of them or so, they stopped even bothering to try to refrain from picking up at least one muse from every new piece of media they consumed or were inspired by.
It was more annoying because they had been capable of writing truly unique characters they stuck to, and even if they were, with full and upfront admission before interaction, slower to respond, those responses were well worth any wait for the quality of writing and storytelling going on. That's so much worse than someone who was always at a lower skill level as a writer, didn't have a good grasp on characterization, and wasn't especially dedicated to anything. It's depressing and disappointing, but it's also not what you think you're getting into when trying to carefully pick who to write with. Like everyone else, my time to enjoy this hobby is far from twenty-four-seven as well. It's important to me to try to choose muns I'll work out with well so that neither of us is wasting the other's time. And that's what it feels like - the investment of time was a waste because their hobby became adding infinite muses, or rather, the idea of muses.
So, yes, while it is fully everyone's right to write what and how they want to (even if it amounts to not writing at all), it'd be nice if we were all as committed to doing so in a way that was adult enough to respect commitments we've made to each other as we are, as a RPC, to losing our minds when someone merely drops the words "commitments" or "respect."
For the inevitable muse-collectors running across this:
Fiction is inspiring! That doesn't mean you needn't be inspired by anything, just that picking up or creating a whole other muse might not be the best way to follow this inspiration.
If you're considering another muse, but you find yourself already behind and/or overwhelmed? Try one of these instead:
create a plot based on it! Write up the idea and put it in your wanted plots/wishlist tag. Bring it up to partners you think might be interested in it as well, or seek out a crossover from that fandom
make it a new verse for an existing muse! This is as close as you get to creating a new muse without actually doing so, and in many ways, it takes even more creativity. How is your muse different in this AU than they are in canon, how are they the same? In the ways that they are the same, what similar events but done in a way that is natural/logical to this universe have happened to maintain that? Get really creative!
for either/both of these, make some moodboards and aesthetics with that energy while you're waiting on someone to take you up on these new things. Answer some HC asks or tag games using your new verse, or write an independent HC for the verse or plot
talk to writing partners who already love that muse about their new verse/your desired plot! No, not pressuring talk, just normal conversation between friends, but maybe they will be interested in starting a thread
simply be inspired to include some aspect of what you liked in an existent thread. A particular scene you could pull ideas from, the overall mood of a film, or the way something was written in a book - include that in your replies somehow! RP is creative writing, be creative
There are so many, honestly more organic, directions to take inspiration than bluntly adding a new muse. Especially when you're already overburdened, not holding up your end of replies, and/or not able to portray each muse as their own character properly.
Sometimes, it's not just not a great idea to add a whole new muse, and that's alright. There seems to be a serious problem with fomo going on with this whole issue, too. You're not going to miss out if you do not immediately add this character to your multi, and you're never going to fully keep up with what is trending anyway. Do it because you still want to write this muse in four months instead, they're obviously not going anywhere if that's the case, and they'll be a better developed, interesting portrayal for that.
And people do have a right to be annoyed when they feel sidelined by you seeing a shiny object and repeatedly pandering for validation in dropping them for it. Particularly if you're a mun who, further, expects everyone to be just as interested in every new muse you make as the last. As in, you're annoyed when you keep creating muses no one is falling over themselves to interact with, guilting, shaming, or outright demanding that this new muse is interacted with before they have access to the previous ones.
They don't have a right to be mean you to, but they have a right to be annoyed and to drop you. They even have a right to politely decline explaining this to you if they feel unsafe, or to politely explain it to you before they move on.
Absolutely everyone's right to pursue RP and every facet of it as they so please, but no one else has to like what you're doing.
If this response grates on some of you out there? Consider the other options you have, how you might be making others feel, and that it's actually completely okay to tell yourself no. You won't perish if you tell yourself no to taking on a new muse when you, honestly, should not! It'll be okay! Maybe, you just need to evaluate if there is another muse, or more than one, you should remove before adding one. Maybe, you just need some time to reorganize how you reply before you add this one. "No" when told to yourself can simply mean "no, not right now, it isn't a good time/situation."
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Magical Melody Remake - A Wishlist
Based off my post from yesterday that I wrote!
MM generally gets a bad rap, I think, from the fandom overall. Which is fair, in all honesty! And as a kid, it was frustrating to play! But now as an adult, I treat playing MM as a challenge to overcome, and once you get past the clunky controls, it’s actually a very fun game to play!
So, if I were in charge of remaking MM for the Switch, here’s some of the changes I would implement, or like to see.
The controls are the first, obviously. MM is so notoriously slow, with how it takes a few seconds to get your character moving into a run, the menus, pretty much...Everything. And there was no real reason to have it like that, so I would hope that would be the first thing to get fixed lol.
Proper volume control!!! I dunno how I put up with it as a kid, but now as an adult, I can’t stand hearing all the little “beeps” and “boops” when I’m going through all the menus. I now turn the volume of my tv way down, or just off when I’m playing the game because there’s no option to turn the SFXs off. I have the same issue with basically...All older HM games. But that’s probably just a me thing :’D
So I actually am a fan of the layout of Flowderbud Village 2.0! MM’s unique gimmick is that you start off with 1 of 3 properties to build on, then start buying up more and more as you progress, to the point where you can basically own more land than the town itself! I really enjoy this system, and I feel it makes the farming experience much more unique being able to have your “main hub” kinda anywhere on the map. 
So of course we gotta talk about the character models- Most people have an issue with everyone looking like weird chibi baby things. I personally was never too bothered, but I wouldn’t mind them getting “updated” either. Not like the models that are in the current FoMT game, but something that just doesn’t make everyone look like...that lol. I wouldn’t mind it as much if they were also given portraits as well when you talk to them.
And not just updated models, but also updated designs as well! So the cast of MM is a mix between characters that appeared in SNES AND in Save the Homeland/Hero of Leaf Valley. The SNES characters did get some updated looks, as they’re not those EXACT same characters, but I would love to see everyone get a wardrobe update that set them apart as brand new characters, or as the decendents of who they’re based off of. 
Interesting to note though, that some of the characters who share a name and likeness to SNES...Are actually their grandkids! Or, most of them are! Eve will mention that she’s named after her grandmother, who she looks very similar to. The implication is that Eve from SNES is her grandmother! I think she’s the only one who mentions it, but other SNES bachelorettes are also clearly based off those counterparts. MM!Ellen works on the ranch, but she loves to bake, and your rival for her is Carl, a patissiuer. Ann is an aspiring inventor, just like her SNES counterpart. Maria, the Mayor’s daughter, was also his daughter in SNES and also worked at the library. Nina looks basically the same, and also works on the farm that sells seeds, and still loves flowers! There’s a lot of hidden lore for these characters that you can only learn about if you happen to catch them at the right places (usually at home, try it out sometime!)
I would...Totally get rid of their “voices”. Some of them sound okay, but others...Ahheehhhh. May as well just dump ‘em altogether lol.
Let! Us! Continue! Playing! The! Game! If! We! Marry! Jaime!! In the original Japanese version, Jaime was just like all the other bachelors/ettes, and in that same version, there were rival marriages! Both these features were removed for the North American version. I’m not sure if they were put back in for the Wii re-release, but I doubt they were.
Which speaking of marriage...Of course the chance to romance both bachelors and bachelorettes!! But also, keep Jaime androgynous! The original (English) player booklet for the GCN mentions only one that Jaime will “always be the opposite sex” of your character. But even then, Jaime is never referred to with pronouns or gendered language in the English version of the game. I know something similar happened with Inari in Trio of Towns, so I just hope xSeed would continue it!
The child growing up into an actual, well, child! Back in the day, your son (and yes it was usually always a son) would learn to walk at most, and then that would be it! He’d be stuck in diapers and his little mouse hat forever! I would love for the child to now wear clothes, take off the hat (or maybe wear a baseball cap??), and be able to talk to you and participate in events around town.  As for the look of your child, I’ve always been a sucker for “your child physically resembles who you married but dresses like you”. 
Make training the horse freeaaaaaking easier!!! I’ve never won a Horse Race because I couldn’t figure out beforehand how to properly train my horse. It’s based off hearts but also star level?? But getting the horse in and out of the barn is so tedious that I just...Don’t bother half the time. Sorry horsey!!
And speaking of the barn, and the coop for that matter, an actual, proper bell that you can use from the outside. Also, maybe not use up stamina when using the makers?? I don’t know why that was a thing to begin with, but it’d be real annoying to waste stamina on that first BEFORE getting to water your crops. Luckily, this was back in the day when crops only needed to be watered once a day but still.
The whole stamina system would need a re-do. I hate that just about EVERYTHING cost stamina to do, requiring you to basically stop playing for that day or to go out of your way to get food to restore it. This is especially annoying in your first spring before the inn and the bar are built, and money is harder to come by.
Keeping the tools separate from the inventory? I really hated how this became a thing moving onwards, where tools would take up precious item slots in your tiny rucksack. And since the basket didn’t really make a reappearance in this game in particular, it was extremely difficult trying to explore and forage in the early game with all your tools taking up space. I make a routine of running in and out of my house and keeping the tool box right by the front door to swap them in and out, and...I shouldn’t have to but that’s the best system I have. So it’d be nice to Not have to do that again!
Music Notes; I can take ‘em or leave ‘em. I don’t mind the challenge of them being there, and it feels kinda nice to always have something to work towards. I know they’re a part of the plot, but it’s still so exciting to even now unlock them at random.
That’s all I can think of for now! Did you think of something different? What are you feelings on Magical Melody as a whole, and what would you like to change about it?
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stagcharmed-a · 4 years
there’s a post going around about shipping and I was gonna rb it but then I thought I’d just make my own because then I can save/edit and reblog so
even though doecharmed is my exclusive lily and my main verses are pretty set because james do be,, extremely Taken in the later school/war years I am still open to shipping with people with other muses outside those time periods it just needs some plotting
especially in my alt verses or crossover verses those really are fair game and I would like to write in them more in GENERAL
the only thing I rlly don’t ship and basically never will is james/sirius I just see their relationship as too close to brothers even in the alt verses bc like,, their relationship being what it is makes up a large part of james’ character always
I am a ,, slow burn shipper ALWAYS idk im bad at throwing two characters together and just being like ‘we’ll make it work’ i prefer plotting/writing together first and letting it develop but also it depends bc like.... sometimes it just clicks
like THAT SAID, if u come to me with an idea like ‘what if our muses xyz’ shippy plot I will always be down for those because I like writing them and if worst comes to worst and for some reason I’m RLLY not feeling it we can just not end it shippy
I also really like messy and unproductive romance arcs so like,, I am always down for ships that aren’t necessarily ‘happy ever after’ ships 
I like shipping with people I know ooc SO much more mostly because I truly do not do Casual shipping like I get so invested in them and want to talk about it always without feeling awkward but that said if we don’t talk heaps it’s OKAY still feel free to approach me just know I won’t ever be casual about anything i ship aodks
with that said as much as I like shipping I do like having a variety of relationships which is why I say I dislike casual shipping like,, if we’re shipping I am going IN DEPTH WITH IT also because james isn’t a casual person anyway so it kinda doesn’t work to have like,, surface level ships
if u throw headcanons at me I swear to god I’ll get to excited and invested like ‘imagine them blah blah’ I love it
so I’m generally pretty terrible at asking people if they wanna ship and taking the PLUNGE so,, maybe u will have to work w me though ofc I am always trying to be a better communicator and stuff but yeah
also! shipping does not have to be romantic but if you hit me up with anything though mostly I’m referring to romantic bc I think people find them the hardest to navigate
right this is so long for no reason but there is my basic run down of shipping here idk I am not TRYING to be annoying I just am kinda weird w shipping sometimes not for any reason its just that I get so DEEPLY invested in them so I care about them a lot and making sure everyone is comfortable. 
honestly feel free to always hit me up though even if we don’t write much like ‘I could see the potential of x thread and x relationship’ admittedly I cannot guarantee I will always agree but I’m willing to discuss and I have been SURPRISED BEFORE (like sometimes I say I don’t see a ship and then I’ll write more between those characters and start shipping it so) but yeah! plus honestly right now I would like more ship dynamics of lots of different kinds cos I feel I am missing that
also check out my wishlist tag I post dynamics I want there (I know its empty as atm I intend to fill it once I switch my old tags over here is my old wishlist tag too)
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huntershowl · 5 years
Tumblr media
SPEED: for the most part, when muse is high, i am high activity. recent events and a preference for discord has waned my reply speed significantly in recent days, but it seems like i’m starting to get back into the swing of things now? fingers crossed. anyway, i tend to be very fast if i’m into a thread, but that doesn’t mean i’m trying to pressure you into also replying fast.
REPLIES: i try to match length, but usually end up going a bit over, and make threads longer than they started out. this is because hellhound is extra as hell and always has a lot of inner narration that needs to be written down. as for order etc, i don’t usually queue, because i’m lazy and i don’t care to. i reply to the things i want to reply to the most – this is a hobby and i’m doing my best not to let it feel like a job, so if i only reply to one thread for a wholeass week or two, i’m ... not gonna apologize? it’s my blog and i run it in the way that’s most fun. the muse wants what it wants! as a general note, also: please do not get passive aggressive about your partners not replying to threads. that’s really rude.
STARTERS: i used to post opens frequently, but not as much lately, as i very rarely get replies to them. starter calls are very difficult for me because of hellhound’s unfortunately cagey nature, so i much prefer starters born of plotting, or, honestly? even memes. 
INBOX: if you send me multiple memes in one go (which i love), i’ll usually pick one or a few that are most intriguing to answer and delete the rest, to keep feelings of obligation and inbox piling low. not only does this help pick out potential threads and develop them, but a response to something less interesting would be half-assed, so what’s the point? anyway: most of the time, i write meme replies with the expectation that the sender wants to have the option open to turn them into a thread. you never have to ask to do this, always feel free to.
SELECTIVITY: i am pretty highly selective – hellhound is hard to write with, and if i forced interactions with muses that just don’t click with her, this blog wouldn’t be as fun to write on. if i don’t follow back, it’s just because i can’t see our characters interacting very well, it’s nothing personal. and if, over time, that feeling develops after i’ve followed back (and we aren’t friends ooc) i’ll generally softblock. the same goes for people who show absolutely no interest in interacting over time. though, if you followed me over from my old blog, i generally won’t unfollow or softblock even if our muses don’t click. because sentiment (but you’re free to do so if you want, of course)
HONEST NOTE: plotting is really important to me, as is treating hellhound with respect. respect does not mean your muse liking her. respect means understanding that she is a very fucking fearsome person in whatever setting i put her in, and not belittling the rumors about her/just assuming they wouldn’t believe them. please understand that misconceptions are supposed to dictate hellhound being a ruthless fucking murderer. she does not scatter information about her targets after the fact. she does not tell people why she kills those she kills, even if they ask. it would take a lot of digging to find out that she has a pattern in the first place. while the rumors vary, they are generally publicly understood to be true. nothing makes me happier than when a muse is genuinely angry at or scared of hellhound because of what she’s told to be at the beginning of interactions. it’s fine if your muse doesn’t believe the rumors, but please go forward with the understanding that that is VERY RARE, especially in a setting where magic/myths exist! people not taking her seriously despite the things she’s done is one of my pet peeves. unless your muse is blatantly not scared of, like, serial killers, or people who tear others apart, i ask that you take her seriously and don’t undermine her fearsome nature. thank u v-v
TAGGED BY: thiefed from @legendmade​ TAGGING: thief it!
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venenorita · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
Mun Name: Mercy      Age: 27      Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Bambi, Candice, Giselle, Loly, Tier, Emilou, Nanao, Hiyori, Kuukaku, Yoruichi, Ariugrette Tsetsara (OC), Tatsuki Arisawa, Kobu Merani (OC), Ajora Faengerhol (OC), Medusa Gorgon, Subida Roja (OC), Noriko Tsunayashiro (OC), (I’m gonna stop here for my own sanity @n@) Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Bambi, Loly, Tier, and probably Noriko.  Current Fandom(s): Bleach presently.  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Errr, none really? Not that come to mind at least. My language(s): English Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for:None Really dedicated to any particular genre or theme. Not that I’d be unwilling to make some. AUs are my jam. 
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / Depends / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting:  IM  An IM will usually do the trick since I usually don’t go about giving my Discord in most cases. But yea, literally just send me an IM, preferably with an idea in mind. Alternatively if you’re particularly bold you can send an ask or a meme. 
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  .  I dunno how to really word this one in particular. I  usually don’t like overplotting, so be open to some flexibility. Frameworking is fine but I don’t wanna script stuff from the getgo. Also please work WITH me? If I’m the one throwing out ideas and all I’m getting is a simple ‘eh’ or ‘no’, or just in general if you’re not helping contribute. Like....I get being anxious but I need something to work with? Suggestions. Recommended alterations to my ideas? There’s nothing more absurd to deal with than someone who agrees to plot with you only to contribute nothing and just shoot stuff down. 
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  I’ll try my best to work with it. Some people aren’t great with cranking out ideas, I get that. Heck sometimes I myself don’t feel like coming up with a lot of stuff. But at some point I’m gonna ask them to put in a little effort if we’re not getting anywhere. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?: I at the VERY least give input. Ask questions, things like that. I’ll generally come up with a few off the top ideas to try and get things rolling. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?:  I wouldn’t mind a poke, but I know stuff can be complicated. Wether you’re busy, losing muse, or you just don’t know how to progress a scene? I’ve certainly had plenty of threads, enjoyable or otherwise, where I say to myself ‘.....I think this is fine here’. Or ‘I don’t know where I’m supposed to go from here’. So I don’t mind if you kinda let it slip into the night. Though a heads up is always appreciated.  - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?:  Kinda outlined up above. But MOST of all, don’t be AFRAID to let me know. I’ll understand 
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  . Business, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, not knowing how to progress. Or characters that clearly do not want to interact with my muse icly. I know some people really like playing these sorts of individuals, but like yea...uphill battles of that kind can really take it out of me.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  As much as I don’t really require it, because well, I know people have a lot of followers and such, I do feel like a rapport while not required is definitely very constructive to interaction. And honestly, communication tends to help smooth out drama a bit. Which honestly is one of the only big negatives to this kinda community.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?: Absolutely! I very much encourage people, off anon (though I understand if they prefer the metaphorical mask), to inform me of something they may not like about me or my muses. Even if it may hurt my feelings, I enjoy being able to address and explain things. Cuz it sure beats the hell out of people making assumptions.  - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:   Enjoyment. This is a hobby, and I think some people take this a bit too seriously. I’m here to have fun, explore my muses, and that of those I interact with. Get messy, make mistakes, and for pete’s sake chill. 
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  Nothing comes to mind speeeecifically... Honestly for most of my muses, just having someone who WANTS to interact with them is golden. Though I admit to being a bit of a ship goblin from time to time. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  Nothing outright disgusting or gratuitous. Torture, psychological trauma, ect is fine. That’s how things roll, and I don’t mind them being part of a scene. What I don’t get into is something that’s there for the sake of it. Am I ok with my character being tortured for information? Absolutely. Will I indulge in a thread that’s just some kind of weird torture porn? No. Don’t let it get out of hand. I won’t judge you because cmon, it’s rp. But I reserve the right to decline being a part of it. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: Anything tbh. The only real awkward starters are like.....really specific shoehorning. Or like, an immediate conflict at my character’s detriment. I get having an unusual introduction. I’ve had people who start with shit like “WHAT ARE YOU DOING BREAKING INTO MY HOUSE?” Like cmon. Number one, even I don’t know why my character would break into your house, so they probably Didn’t. Please do not assume the worst and START things off on a bad foot. 
What type of characters catch your interest the most?:  Multifaceted. Not that I judge anyone for being more ...affixed on a particular aspect of their character. Some people are very keen on getting a certain type of rp. Some people just outright play a character who isn’t really shown to be anything other than one thing. But I enjoy exploration of a personality. And a personality, no mater how dull, stupid, or simple someone is, is NEVER monofaceted. I enjoy a muse that has something to dig for or explore emotionally. 
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  Asocials. I’ve had some decent rp with them SOMEtimes? But like....there’s nothing more aggravating than trying to interact with a character who wants to be left alone and be isolated. Especially ones that are AGGRESSIVELY against it. Especially since I have to WORK to MAKE my character even want to interact with them. 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  MY.......errr....en...thusiasm? I don’t actually know tbh. My malleability with my muses perhaps? Errr I like thinking about stuff. IF you ask me a question, I will do my best to answer it and explore the realm within that question. I dunno what you would exactly call that though... I am ...headcannony?
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: I am flaky. Sometimes it’s cuz of real life getting hard. Sometimes it’s because I need a break from tumblr. Sometimes I just poof and forget about tumblr for like a while. But yea. I have a tendency to vanish, it’s something I’m working on but it’s something that happens. 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  It can go either way? Sometimes things develop that way because of specific characters. But I’m not gonna lie, sometimes its just for the heck of it. Sinday and all that.  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  Interactions with Real life people as a muse. I respect people doing it. If people wanna rp as Miley Cyrus or whatever, more power to them. But leave me out of it, it just makes me uncomfortable. This also applies to a lesser degree with real life face claims? But I’ve learned to kinda make my peace with that one tbh. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO / Sometimes? Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  The Nuts and bolts. Sure the honeymoon phase is alright. And bunny-rabbiting has it’s fun times. But what I love most about a ship is finding out how they work as a dynamic. What do they argue about? How do they absolve issues? How do their world views mesh?  - What is your smut tag?: nsfw
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO / Depends - And what kind of ones?: I like a good premise. Just a nice kickoff point, ya know? Soemthing to get past that first awkward phase if anything/ 
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  She’s a bitch. But a bitch for a reason? She’s an absolute piece of shit, but a complicated one. She will never EXPRESS appreciation or affection outside of just sexual indulgence. She won’t ever SHOW fluffy affection, or gratefulness to most people. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t FEEL it. With Loly you will get to see a gal struggle with her own inability to trust or love people, while also trusting and loving people. Also ngl she kinda hot? I guess some people consider that a plus?
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:   I mentioned it before, but muses who aren’t interested in interacting.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  Anyone willing to interact with her! Wether that’s to help her, harm her, or just witness the mental gymnastics this little centipede will go through to keep her mental restrictions intact. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  Power, Indulgence, Being a rotten Bitch, maintaining the survival of Las Noches,  Hot people, Strong People, anything that can benefit her in some way.  - What do they desire, is their goal?:  She wants to be able to escape her fear of her own kind.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  Wether or not they are a threat to her survival, if they have something to offer her.  - What do they value in a person?:    Lack of Aggression, Visual Appeal, Power.  - What themes do they like talking about?:  Herself or someone else she is interested in. Her Race. The state of the world.  - Which themes bore them?:  Criticism of her, Anything about Aizen. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Aizen’s Betrayal, Grimmjow’s assault on her, Yammy’s attempt to kill her. The Quincy Invasion.  - What could possibly trigger them?:  Grimmjow, Yammy, the subject of Aizen.  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  People trying to kill/maim her arbitrarily.  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  Aggressively trying to kill her, making it clear you have no intention to let her live peacefully again. 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Aizen. Orihime. Hueco Mundo. Being a Hollow/Arrancar.  - Is there someone /-thing they love?:   Menoly, People that try to help her.  
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO / Kinda - Best ways to approach them?:  It’s a little complicated. But if you’re persistent enough and you genuinely want a positive interaction with her, she will bitch about it but she will eventually soften up. Especially if she feels no reason to fear you. She absolutely won’t trust you at first and it’ll be an uphill battle, but its doable. 
For Antagonists ehh.....just give her breathing room? Feel free to torment her but like....if you get real incessant about it, or outright try to kill her she will actively avoid you like the plague. And if you corner her she WILL try to kill you, and her venom means that no matter how strong you are, she MIGHT pull it off if you are careless.  - Where are they usually to find?:  Verse dependent, but tbh she could be found just about anywhere. She’s usually in  Las Noches, ut she sneaks off to all kinds of places for some peace and quiet, or just to try and enjoy her generally unpleasant existence. 
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Patience WILL pay off eventually? And she’s not a bitch 24/7. Sometimes she’s too tired/bored to be her usual bitchy self. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  Stolen from @pacifv Tagging:  WOOF, this is a REALLY long one lol. So uhhh anyone who WANTS to do it? 
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zombiequincy · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Hela     AGE: 21       CONTACT: IM
CHARACTER(S): Giselle Gewelle, Yumichika Ayasegawa (inactive)
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have gory Bloodborne au but that one just exists in my head on my lonesome.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English and one very specific Middle Eastern dialect.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
PREFERRED THREAD TYPE: CRACK / casual nothing too deep / SERIOUS / DEEP AS HECK. (i love it all sorry I am quite the mixed bag lmao)
IS REALISM / RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN CERTAIN THEMES?:   YES / NO. i gotta know what certain human body parts taste like u know
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. it’s SO BAD FOR ME RN ASGLDKJDJKA i’m very inconsistent i’m so sorry.
HOW LONG DO YOU USUALLY TAKE TO REPLY?: 24H / 1 WEEK / 2 WEEKS / 3+ / months / years. / a lot of it has more to do w my general writing mood and if the thread im writing catches my interest, and rn im writing a TON of really wonderful and fascinating threads so they’re all super captivating for me and i try to reply asap
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. (i have a lot of stupid shit sorry) 
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING: just send me a tumblr instant message, i know it sucks shit but im not comfy releasing my discord w everyone just yet cause i use it for personal use as well. i check tumblr on the daily so if you send me a message chances are i’ll see it and respond!
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  i guess just be able to put up with my rambling and stopping and starting, a lot of characterisation choices i do go through various stages and its pretty messy so when i communicate that with others it usually ends up equally messy. just be patient with me please.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  i don’t mind! sometimes ppl have more ideas that they want to share first and i’m always super happy to listen to those ideas !! sometimes its nice to have someone with a clear guide or structure and be able to work around that rather than trying to fumble through a plot together.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  i try to map out some basic info abt their characters that i otherwise don’t know from their bio or verses and try to pick out points of confrontation or similarities to expand on with giselle that can be used as points for like a starter to happen. its either that or sometimes i have really stupid ideas i just toss out there like ‘LMAO THEYRE BREAKING SHIT AT DISNEYLAND’ and go buck wild from there if the other person is down. i also always try to warn people or get a gauge for what subjects to avoid and steer clear of considering that giselle is a bit of a Freak(tm) and will say and do bad things.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if there’s something giselle did or said that upset you, i would love to know not to repeat it again (since i do still feel pretty new to the rp game, theres still plenty of time for me to make stupid mistakes). if its just a general lack of interest or uncertainty of where the plot should go, then you dont have to tell me i wont take it personally i promise ! 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: sometimes i can be made uncomfortable by certain things mentioned... it happens but its rare 
- WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. i don’t want to upset anyone personally and sometimes explaining the ins and outs of my discomfort make things ten times worse so i just. would rather not.
- AND WHY?: i am the most nervous person you can meet and my brain is always giving me misinfo abt paranoia and random shit so i having clear concrete communication between two parties abt if something is going wrong or is being received poorly means the world to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGA1TIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: i need it !! i still feel relatively new to all this and i need to know whats going wrong to improve !! 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: to help with my confidence in writing! i have v bad anxiety when it comes to sharing my works and i write a lot of other pieces alongside this blog on ao3 and i want to develop my writing skills just in general. when it comes to like the nuts and bolts of why i rp giselle specifically, its mainly to just have fun and have a laugh w my friends who are really awesome quincy writers
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  OH SO MANY! ive managed to fulfil a lot of my wishlist threads with like, giselle talking to characters she’s already zombified and i love all that angst but i want to do more stupid shit. i want to make it my personal goal to bully every quincy man and woman on sight. although a REAL dream would be if i got to write a thread zombifying a character who managed to escape giselle’s clutches. and more fighting! i want to get better at describing action and fights and i love to write giselle getting beat up and beating people up! more more more!! 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   hohoho theres a LOT... uh r*pe/dubcon threads for one, even if yeah i know writing it doesnt condone it, it makes me intensely uncomfortable to put my muse in that scenario, i feel like i have an obligation to like, protect her from that shit you know? racism is one i don’t want to transgress, even though i’m a poc, its not really cathartic or groundbreaking to write abt racism in threads its just... really fucking upsetting. also i know the quincy’s have this very close parallel to the whole n*zi imagery and ideology thing going on and i am not about to start even daring to thread that into my writing or bring those allusions and references of real life tragedies into giselle’s threads. i’ve already talked at length abt exploring giselles trans identity in rp and why im not comfortable doing so, so.... yeah! all those i guess.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: i like starters where giselle can just immediately get right into being a piece of shit. mise en scene and all that! cut out the build up and just get to the intense horror !! i don’t like starters where its not immediately clear where the characters are standing and what they’re doing and what’s happening around them. those really disorientate me and leave me kinda floundering because i always need some allusion or mention of a setting to ground giselle in a time and place other wise i cant tell what her response should be
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN. also just characters i can wholeheartedly clown on, or also characters who have hidden depths to them and have a single panel of screentime. honestly it’s just all over the place!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  angry old men GSADJDKSJA i could never rp yhwach for example or yamamoto because idk. theyre just so crummy and boring to me. i also couldnt rp characters who always have an upper hand in battle like aizen. i like my dumbasses and i like them stupid and adaptive not just, ‘yes i know this because i Know this.’
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: i think im nice...? FKSJDKDJSA idk i hate trying to toot my own horn. sometimes i also think i make funny jokes and im pretty chill and laid back
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: my writing style is inconsistent and adapts to whatever i’m reading so sometimes it’ll be really good and i love it and other times it reads like really bad fanfic and i get carried away far too easily and write novella lengths for threads which should be much shorter. i also get shy a lot and dont think i communicate very effectively but HEYO we’re working on it!
DO YOU RP SMUT?:  YES / NO/ DEPENDS. haven’t had anybody brave enough to try yet lol
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: more for fun i’d imagine because that’s just giselles own attitude to sex and relationships where she doesnt want anything deep. it might show character development in one way of just showing how she regards others in a romantic sense to be used rather than actually appreciated as their own person and show how selfish she is but yeah, more out of fun
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  theres a few kinks and such but i dont think they’d ever really come up. again, just mainly no r*pe/dubcon.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO lets hope this doesn’t make me sound like an asshole, but its more like a fun little side thing than anything important to giselle’s actual development and characterisation. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. again, hardly anyone is brave enough to try to romance this evil cannibal.
ARE YOU:  MULTI-SHIP / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  MULTIVERSE / Singleverse.
- WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: more how giselle likes to give over her power or dominate in different circumstances depending on who she’s with and what’s being done. BUT AGAIN, not a whole lot to explore yet.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - i mean im down for p much anything if it vibes w giselle.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: if you want an evil woman to taunt and mock and hurt your muse, she’s your gal. you want her to zombify and ruin your muse, shes also your gal. you want her to insult and maim and injure, she’s also YOUR GAL. basically, if you want to do anything fucked up or sad or scary, she can help with that.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  uh muses who get really angry quickly or don’t rise or respond to her jabs and are just kinda like a flatline. theres only so much pestering and annoying she can do until realises its not working and just wanders off
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  to find a goal worth living for.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  appearance she always takes an interest in girls almost right away. age as well because she judges old people. 
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  a good set of guts to ruin and strong muscles.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  women, gore, murder, herself, music, stupid memes, gossip.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  politics, history, quincy ideology, soul reaper ideology, hollow physiology.
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  her family tried to force the burden of upholding the quincy lineage onto her shoulders, she was thrown into the wrong prison and held in isolation, then pressured to become an undying monster in service of a god and then was nearly killed by that same man and left wandering without guidance or purpose. so, yeah?
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  transphobia. even a whiff of it in her direction and she’ll gut you like a fish.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  the twink soul reaper who outted her.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  if you’re smart, you’ll bring a big bone for her to chew on and distract her while you ask whatever you want.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @bazzardburner​ cheers chicken boy !!
Tagging: @hyouketsu​ @blooming5th​ @viciousvizard​ @glacies-tempestatem​ and whoever else wishes to do this!!
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maesterkenobi · 4 years
how I run my blog
Tagged by: as usual I’ve stolen it from @mynameisanakin  Tagging: no one, i am too lazy and i follow like 14 people so. just do it if you want to.
SPEED: is not my forte. I try my best, but there are several factors that work against me in this aspect: 1) I’m a chronic procrastinator 2) I’m scatterbrained 3) I have more than one blog 4) I almost never write replies that are less than two paragraphs and I want it to make sense and be good and be enjoyable for my partner, so it takes time. I almost never reply the same day (MAYBE on discord, because there my replies are way shorter and it’s mostly to my best friend), and you’re lucky if I reply within a week. I really try to be faster on this blog because I made a promise to myself (and I was doing okay until the whole virus thing happened and I ran into a bunch of personal problems) AND I am keeping a low profile on this blog so it doesn’t get overwhelming. Long story short, if you are looking for a super active daily replies partner, I am not it for you. If you’re okay with waiting for a while but getting more developed stories and longer replies in turn, then we should talk :)
REPLIES: Are on the longer side on this blog. I don’t really have the patience for one liners because they tend to go nowhere and then feel like bread crumbs of randomness all over my blog. They’re okay sometimes, but more often than not they feel like crack. Writing replies is really exhausting for me sometimes, but I try to force myself because I WANT to do it, I’m just having issues concentrating on one thing at a time so it takes me forever.
STARTERS: I don’t write welcoming starters because 8 out of 10 times they get ignored or are so random that they lead nowhere. If someone writes me a welcoming starter, it depends on the content but usually I’ll try to make it work for me and reply. I don’t often like starter calls because most people write absolutely pointless starters. For example they’ll write a paragraph of explaining what their muse did all day (unrelated to my muse), then walk into some random place they’ve never been to (e.g. a shady bar) and suddenly get surprised by my muse being there, and/or, my personal favorite, say something like “what the hell do you want from me”? Which I struggle with for several reasons. One, if you create a setting but don’t bother explaining why we’re there, you put the entire weight of explaining that (aka creating the actual setting) on ME, but you add an additional complication by making it something that I didn’t come up with, so now I have to introduce a world YOU invented with 0 idea of why you chose that particular location in the first place. Second, you put my muse in a situation that makes no sense for them and again force me to explain that, without even giving me a good reason to. And third, I play very different muses, but most of them are going to lose interest in the conversation immediately if the first thing you say to them is rude af. So, yeah, I actually really struggle with most random starters. Please just plot with me and then I will love you forever for writing me a plotted starter that I know will not create 400 questions in my head that I then have to bother you with, which makes me feel like a nuisance. (Or at least keep the setting neutral? Or try to come up with something that seems reasonable for my muse? I always try to do that and when I am unsure, I message the person who liked my starter calls.) Speaking of which, I rarely post starter calls, because.. well, like I just kind of explained, it’s comes with responsibility and work. And I’m lazy.
INBOX: is open for memes at all times, and questions of any kind. I often don’t get notified, so I sometimes see certain messages months later - when that happens, I usually don’t reply anymore if they’re anon because I’ll assume that person forgot or isn’t even around anymore. Sorry about that! It’s an issue I’ve had on several blogs and I don’t know how to fix it. Anon hate is deleted without comment, unless I feel there’s a point in replying to it publicly, or if it’s entertaining. I don’t roleplay via inbox and therefore any “ic” questions or interactions posted in there will be treated as a one-time meme, if I can reply to them at all. Asks of sexual nature from complete strangers will usually be ignored because Obi-Wan isn’t the muse for that at all. As I’ve stated in my rules I only roleplay with mutuals and therefore won’t roleplay with someone I don’t follow, even if they ignore that rule and start rping with me via inbox. I don’t mean to be dismissive, but I have these rules for a reason and I ask that people read and respect them.
SELECTIVITY: I am selective with whom I follow because I have limited time and energy for this blog (and all my blogs) and therefore find it irresponsible and pointless to accept 600 followers and threads when I know I can’t possibly reply to even 10% of them. Before I follow someone (back) I look at their blogs; in particular at their writing (to see if I like their style and their portrayal), their rules (to see what they like/dislike and if our general understanding of the RPC, roleplay, and in a way social interactions in general go well together), and sometimes their OOC posts to get a feeling of how the other person is. (Obviously I also sometimes don’t follow back when I don’t know the muse or fandom at all.) Blog rules and ooc posts can say A LOT about a person, and there are plenty of people in the RPC (in any fandom) that quickly rose to tumblr fame with shiny graphics and fancy formatting and dozens of well-developed verses and headcanons, but they straight up suck as people outside of writing. My rules state very clearly that I discourage hateful comments, mob mentality and callout culture, and unfortunately many “popular” blogs use exactly these tools to execute their power (which comes from being admired for all the wrong reasons). So, I know many people think being selective means you only pick partners with fancy graphics and poetic writing, but for me it actually means I want decent human beings as partners. I don’t give a shit if you format your posts (as long as you cut them) or if you have a blog with a fancy theme, or just a rules google doc, or if you use icons or not. If I like your writing and you seem like a nice and reasonable person, I’m good to go. If you talk to me about dogs I’m even better to go.
WISHLIST: I always try to have one because I find it very helpful when looking for plot ideas with new partners. I will look at yours if you like a plotting call or something too, but I know not everyone has a wishlist~
HONEST NOTE: I’m not a teenager anymore and I’ve been rping for over 14 years. I work with lots of strangers, I study for a job with lots of strangers. I think about philosophical concepts a lot, about morality and human behavior and I’ve come to the conclusion that kindness, empathy and compassion are some of the core values every single person should focus on to make the world a better place. I have no patience and no interest in engaging in the absolute toxic and harmful hate movement that’s taken over this website (and other social media platforms) in whatsoever way. Occasionally I’ll make a salty comment about it, but only because I’ve had it up to here. I am here to enjoy fandom the way I used to, and the way it used to be meant to be enjoyed - not to completely ignore real issues like world politics, economical and environmental crises, in order to entertain witch hunts on people who happen to enjoy a fictional ship that isn’t 300% approved by puritan statutes of the 1600s. I am responsible for the content I seek out online, and so are you. Does it suck when I see something I dislike? Sure. Is it the fault of the person who posted it? No. Especially not when I read their rules first, like I’m supposed to, and they clearly state that the thing I dislike will appear on their blog. And even if they didn’t, it was my choice to go on their blog and look at their content. If you can’t handle taking responsibility for the content you seek out online, then you are probably not old enough to use the internet unsupervised. I am free to write, read, and post on my personal blog whatever I want, as long as I am not breaking the law. Liking a fictional ship that involves an age gap? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship that involves siblings? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship in which one party was abusive to the other at some point? Not illegal. Liking a fictional character who killed your fave? Not illegal. It’s fictional. Get over it. And if you really think that seeing fictional characters or ships online that YOU consider “problematic” is hurting people in real life, then you should join those politicians who burn books that are “corrupting the people’s morals and minds”, who ban video games because they “make gamers violent”, and censor songs from the radio because they “present biased views on people of public importance”. Please reflect on your behavior. Destroying someone’s life because they liked something you don’t, telling them to commit suic/ide, ruining their chance of making friends who maybe share their love for a ship or character.. that’s bullying. Some of the cases I’ve seen on here were so severe, they qualify as serious cyberbullying and should be reported to the police. I don’t give a fuck if you hate Rey/lo or Damon Salva/tore, or the Joker. You don’t go and send someone messages telling them to kill themselves because they RP it. Because that is the real crime. And finally, if you feel the need to “educate” someone you consider “problematic” for whatever reason and you actually approach them - make sure you’re actually there to educate and discuss, not to throw an opinion at them and get aggressive when they don’t immediately magically agree. Because chances are they won’t. If you choose to open a dialogue, make sure it IS a fucking dialogue and not a condescending monologue. Learn how to shape an argument, find evidence to back up your claims - because not only will you become better at talking to people in any kind of situation, you’ll also maybe realize that your opinion wasn’t as well-founded as you thought.
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fasterthanmydemons · 5 years
I feel so intrigued by your Nothing Left's Pietro! I've been reading your post about how he would act in a Dead!Wanda AU and I LOVE Wanda but I would like to see this very angry, darker version of this ray of sunshine who likes to run fast and make jokes. That open starter really caught my attention but 1- I really CAN'T write, 2- I wouldn't know which character I should rp as xD I love angst, it helps me cope with angst irl. When you can, please write some headcanons about NothingLeft!Pietro
(This anon is referring to an open starter I posted entitled “Nothing Left,” in which Wanda died in Sokovia instead of Pietro, and Pietro is reacting to her death with volatile anger. You can read it here if you like.)
Thank you for reading my starter and I’m so glad you liked it! And before I jump into headcanons, I just want to say that if you ever feel you want to start an rp blog, go for it! You don’t have to be perfect at everything or write like an award-winning novelist to still write good stories and have a great time. And as far as picking a muse, generally I don’t choose a character as a muse unless they won’t leave me alone for weeks. Haha, what I mean by that is I find myself thinking about them a lot, wondering “what if,” feeling maybe they deserved better, and having ideas on what interesting plots and AUs I would love to explore with them. If you have enough ideas on your own to get started, that’s a great place to start. With canon characters anyway. Obviously if you want to make an OC, you have to build everything yourself from the ground up or mesh them into a fandom/world. But for canons, you can turn your ideas in to open starters, your interests in “what ifs” and AUs into an rp wishlist, your random plot ideas into little drabs or one-shot stories... and just post things like that with tags for your character and fandom, and that’ll get you started. Someone will wander onto your blog and be like hey, I had that same idea. Or hey, I found this really interesting, let’s do it. You never know until you give it a try. =)
I will also say that, fittingly, the gif I used for Pietro’s reaction in the starter, namely this one:
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...is from the movie Savages (I really enjoyed it, but it’s really heavy on sex and graphic violence, so take care if you watch it and are bothered by those things), as ATJ’s character is freaking out and getting very angry about the fact that the woman he loves has been kidnapped. His friend is trying to reassure him that everything will be okay, but he’s freaking out nonetheless. Ironically, I didn’t know what was going on in the scene before I used the gif, so I didn’t know how appropriate it was, haha. 
Okay now on to Pietro. XD In this starter, Wanda has died in the Battle of Sokovia instead of him. I haven’t specified how, just to kind of leave it open because I don’t know which muses might respond to it, so it’s left to the imagination whether or not he saw her die or how she might have met her end. Nevertheless, the starter assumes that Pietro goes to America with the Avengers as Wanda did in canon, but he’s not coping so well with Wanda’s death, as one might imagine would be a very realistic thing to happen. Unlike the other starter I did with this theme, “Carrying On," that depicts a heartbroken and suicidal Pietro, this starter deals with an enraged, volatile, erratic Pietro who meets concern and reassurance with harsh, colorful language and explosive moods. Both starters deal with parallel paths I could see Pietro taking in this situation as far as how his grief manifests from a psychological and personality point of view as well as how he is choosing to manage it.
So for “Nothing Left”!Pietro, there are two reasons why he’s boiling over with anger instead of breaking down with sadness like in the other starter. 1) Anger and defensiveness are easier for him to express than vulnerable emotions like sadness and fear. He was only ever comfortable showing his vulnerable side to Wanda. And 2) he has a lot of guilt over Wanda’s death because he feels like if he had protected her well enough, she’d still be here, and he’s turning that guilt into anger. He feel like her death was his fault. Just like the first reason, anger directed at others is a lot easier for him to express than anger toward himself. So, in short, this version of Pietro is choosing to funnel all his pain, guilt, and grief into being angry and pushing others away rather than processing what he feels, reaching out for help, or being vulnerable in front of anyone which is frightening for him.
This version of Pietro will self-destruct if left to his own devices. He will probably eat and drink himself to death with sodas and junk food and fat and caffeine and all that, and he will likely pick a fight with anyone who looks at him cross-ways. Well, any men who do. He’s not given to fighting women who aren’t actually trying to kill him. With women, he’ll probably curse them out, tell them to leave him alone, tell them they don’t understand, etc. With men, he would do the same and if they don’t, they’re getting punched in the face. He would be looking to fight not only to sate the rage inside him, but also to burn off energy, because feeling that angry for a very long time is not sustainable mentally. So he’d rage until he was tired enough to sleep, then wake up and do it all over again.
It is going to either take a female muse he’s not willing to come to blows with getting him to somehow talk about his feelings and show some vulnerability to start getting to the root of his anger... or... a male muses willing to fight with him to the point of exhaustion (probably more than once) until he gets to the point of actually listening to what they have to say. Until one of those things happens, he’s going to persist with his destructive behavior until he ends up with health issues from eating total crap, heh, or he suffers serious injuries for picking a fight with the wrong person.
I think for this version of Pietro to begin to work through his grief in any kind of a constructive way, he would have to be turned into “Carrying On” Pietro, heh. I mean the brokenhearted part, not the suicidal part, although... that might be unavoidable and will have to be dealt with as well. But what I mean is, no one is gong to get through to him and he is never going to start facing his pain and guilt over Wanda dying until someone can help him shed the defensive anger and get him to stop avoiding his feelings. Once he trusts someone to the point of letting them in enough to show any vulnerability, then the sadness and regret and longing and all that will hit him like a ton of bricks. He won’t want to stay here in this world without Wanda, so he’ll need someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to ensure that he gets over the extreme hump of negative emotions and seemingly bottomless grief that he will experience to bring him to a point of no longer wanting to do anything drastic.
So I guess this version of him is practicing a lot of avoidance and releasing all the tension and restrained grief as rage. He’s running from his problems instead of letting them overwhelm him or dealing with them in a healthy way. He needs an intervention to help him process his grief in a healthier manner, big time. He’s also, sadly, joyless now. Without Wanda, he has no more desire to smile, laugh, joke around, flirt, or do anything he was somewhat known for previously. Her death has affected him so much that it has actually changed his personality. I’m not sure if he could get it back again, or how long that would take, but for now that side of him would be essentially broken.
I don’t know if this explanation was what you were looking for, but if you have any more specific questions about this version of Pietro, feel free to send them my way! =)
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myupostsheadcanons · 5 years
Books “Read” in 2019
I am going to rank these by how much i enjoyed them vs. any actual literary quality. often well written books aren’t always the most entertaining books.
Note: i listen to many of these books at work, which is why i am able to go through so many of them in a year.
List from 2017 List from 2018
------- My Favs of the Year ----
Novels from The First Law:
Best Served Cold (#1), The Heroes(#3), Red Country(#4), Sharp Ends(#5).
A Little Hatred (#2) (Age of Madness, sequel to The First Law)
I read “The First Law Trilogy” about a year or two ago and finally got around to reading the rest of the books, just in time for a new series taking place in the same world to start up (Age of Madness) and now i am waiting like everybody else for the next two books to come out in 2020 and 2021. A Little Hatred shouldn’t be read as a stand alone, a lot of what goes on is dependent mainly on knowledge from the first trilogy and in The Heroes, then bits and pieces from Best Served Cold and Red Country. So much of your enjoyment of each book is based on what you’ve learned in other ones (character development or seemingly useless information being not so useless later).
Age of Legend (Book 4,  Legend of the First Empire)
This is more-or-less an “aftermath” book where the main characters are still reeling about what happened in the previous book and are trying to make plans for what they are going to do next. I still like the characters and the world/setting it takes place in.
House of Assassins (Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, Book 2)
I’ve been waiting for the next book in this series to come out the second i finished the first book in the series. It is one of those Science fiction in the disguise of Fantasy settings and I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see how that plot/revelation comes out (I am certain that the location the story takes place is Earth, more specifically around Asia/India, but in a post-invasion apocalypse setting where nobody remembers anything prior to the invasion). I also really like how much of a badass Ashok is... i have a thing for emotionally stunted badass characters, especially when their flaws are held up to a mirror and have real consequences.
R. R. Haywood’s Worldship Humility & Extinct (Extracted, Book 3)
I love the way Haywood writes characters and dialog. I was at-first iffy about WSH, but was won over after i warmed up to the new characters.
Shades of Magic Trilogy (A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, A Conjuring of Shadows)
Solid multi-verse and magic system world. Well-written characters, some minor nitpicks on plot points, but can be easily ignored. LGBTQ rep, the gays don’t stay buried.
“Don’t you have enough [knives]?” “You can never have too many.” [me, every time: LOL]
One of the few times when a character deserves a redemption arc, doesn’t really get one, dies, and i am perfectly fine with it because it is done well.
Assassin’s Fate (Fitz and the Fool, Book 3)
I read this one in book-book form, but i already knew most of the emotionally painful parts of the book by spoiling it to myself when it first came out a couple years ago. The main appeal is the inner monologues of the two main characters, even if like 50% of this trilogy is basically spending weeks/months trying to go from Point A to Point B, when many other books would have glossed over the details of travel.. but you can really feel the stress as they dwell in their thoughts and struggles.
Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles & Circe
Re-Imagining of the Iliad and The Odyssey. Focusing not on the characters of Achilles or Odysseus, but on Petroclus (Achilles’ lover) and Circe the sea nymph witch that Odysseus had an affair and child with.
The Spear of the Stars (Cycle of Galand, Book 5)
Still love Dante and Bleys... This is where they really get into the meat of world building and solving the mysteries of the Arawn Cycle (the book/bible) and peel back the layers of their reality.
Dust (Silo Book 3)
A great ending to a good series, it answers whether or not humanity can or has survived what had caused them to be locked away in the silos.
Blackthorn and Grim (Dreamer’s Pool, Tower of Thorns, Den of Wolves)
I like the premise of the books, the two main characters first seeking out revenge, but end up wanting to become better people due to magic shenanigans.... One part Fantasy, One Part Mystery, One Part Lovestory.
The Dispatcher (Audible Free Book) 
I want a whole series based off this novella. It is John Scalzi so he can write a good story. I had previously read Android’s Dream by him, which it didn’t make it into my top-10 that year, but was still decent, even if the subject matter was a bit gross... The Dispatcher world is a Sci-Fi Noir, not quite Cyberpunk, where people don’t die by anything other than natural causes. The Dispatcher’s job is to kill people before something goes does wrong and the person “resets” to when they where safe and sound.
---- this is the “Above Average” Zone ----
All the Pretty Horses & Blood Meridian: Or the Evening Redness in the West
The master of bleak and depressing fiction. if regular Dark Fiction isn’t enough for you.... there is Cormac McCarthy books. Get use to the “purple prose” that fills up pages with no dialog.
The Golem and the Jinni
Supernatural world of the far past dealing with Edwardian New York and Immigration. It not only is a “fish out of water” story of the two main characters trying to fit in with society but they are among communities that are also new to America and trying to find their own place in the world. There are love subplots but most of those kind of fizzle out.
The Axe and the Throne: Bounds of Redemption Vol. 1.
“Discount First Law” book... it is lacking the dark humor that made TFL series far more entertaining.  This was also the book that was prefaced by warning people about how grim and dark the setting was... Hahahaha. I still found it entertaining none the less, and hope the rest would show up on audible soon.
Black Snow, White Crow (Audible Free Book) 
Another one of those short stories that should have a larger saga to its name. Fantasy Industrial Punk. It has the whole equality role reversal thing going on, it isn’t done quite as well as Left Hand of Darkness (but that book leaned onto the boring side of things).
Stephen King’s IT, Pet Semetary, and Carrie
It’s Stephen King. Classic King. Not much else to say.
Watership Down
Depressing Rabbit Book. Though I did like all the stories and mythology the rabbits had.
Bloody Acquisitions (Fred the Vampire Accountant, Book 3)
A series that is always fun to listen to. I wish the audio books were cheaper because they are rather short.
Lethal White (Cormoran Strike, Book 4)
shuddup, i don’t care if it is Rowling... i have a low-key crush on Cormoran.... he just hits that big-burly tragic-backstory man-shaped soft-spot of mine. These stories are also her “for adults” writings so...  expect more racism and garbage values.
The Eye of the World (Book 1, Wheel of Time)
Classic set up to a long running series, though i am reluctant to go further as the middling books in this series are said to drag out the story too much.... It’s not as self-centered as Wizard’s First Rule and the characters are more relatable and stick to their fantasy tropes. This is the “mold” that other modern fantasy try to subvert by going “darker and edgier.”
The Exorcist
If you like the movie, read the book. There is a lot of back story that the movie wasn’t able to adapt.
---- This is the “AVERAGE, but Still Good”  Zone ---
The Iliad and The Odyssey
Classics. I am still on the hunt for an unabridged version of Jason and the Argonauts story. I also have Virgil’s Aeneid in my wishlist to get too soon.
Phillipa Gregory’s Plantagonate Novels (The Lady of the Rivers, The Red Queen, White Queen, The Kingmaker’s Daughter)
Sometimes it is like reading the same book 5x in a row. other times you end up not liking the previous protagonist in a book you just finished reading because of how the current protagonist sees them from their POV.
Return of the King (Lord of the Rings, Book 3)
Read the other books last year and didn’t get around to this one for a few months.
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Fuck... I’m a janitor... why can’t i afford a house?   If you liked Stephen King’s “IT” go back and read this book.
Alien Franchise Dramatizations: Alien: Sea of Sorrows, Alien: The Cold Forge (Audible Free Book) Alien III (Audible Free Book)
I don’t mind that they all are done with a full cast. Though often I end up wanting to find the actual book and listen to them with just one narrator and descriptions.
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Narnia, Book 1)
I would like to get the rest of the books in this series, but for books that are only 5-7 hours long they want 20$ a book for them. It needs to go into an omnibus.
Stephen Fry’s Victorian Secrets (Audible Free Book)
It’s Stephen Fry... he’s funny and a good narrator.
Wizard’s First Rule (Book 1, Sword of Truth)
I don’t like Richard. He started off alright, but even before he got tortured 2/3rds into the book, i was starting to dislike his personality.  Other than that, the side characters and world are solid, but it was like taking an R-rated movie and cutting it down for TV. There is somethings that are vaguely described when i am use to harder fiction like ASoIaF, The First Law, Dresden, and McCarthy books actually describing those things.
Halloween (2018, movie novel)
Like I said when i first read the book, it would’ve benefited by a second re-write before being published. But, i like the movie and so I liked the book.
Don Quixote
Another classic read. I did find it hilarious that the Author spent a good chunk of the second book complaining about Fanfiction of his own book... in the 1600′s.
The Princess Diarist
I listened this book instead of going to see TROS. worth it.
Smoke Gets in Your eyes: And other Lessons from the Crematorium
Non-Fiction, If you want to know the ins and outs of the funeral business and get told in an informative yet non-clinical way with lots of tidbits and history facts tossed in as well as a semi-autobiographical account of the Author’s life.
--- These Books are “Alright” ---
Frank L. Baum’s Wizard of Oz books
I ligit got into an argument with a 70yo man in a comic book shop about how Canon the other Oz books were post Baum’s death. He was looking for Oz comic books and I brought up reading the first 14 books, and he’s like “There’s over 100 of them” and i was all “but all those are written by somebody else.” and he got all “they are still canon...” 
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
If you want to know about the In//cel ideology in a classic literary form, this fits the bill. So much man pain.
A Christmas Carol (Tim Curry) (Audible Free Book)
Tim Curry, guys.....
The Poetic Edda (Norse God Mythology)
I listened this book twice. I bought two Edda books thinking I’d get some extra content, but no... same book just different production teams and readers. Returned the one with the worst translation.
Treasure Island (Audible Free Book, dramatization)
I need to read the actual book sometime, but i did like the cast and thought they did a good job.
Wally Roux, Quantum Mechanic (Audible Free Book)
A YA coming of age story about diversity and acceptance... with wacky science fiction. 
Carmilla (Audible Free Book, dramatization)
The vampire before Dracula. Victorian Lesbian love story.
Even Tree Nymphs get the Blues (Audible Free Book)
A novella from one of those “love on the Bayou” romance series with supernatural creatures. Could practically take place in the same world of either True Blood, Dresden, or Fred the Vampire Accountant.
Mystwick School of Musicraft (Audible Free Book)
Harry Potter lite. For 10yo girls.
A Grown-up’s Guide to Dinosaurs (Audible Free Book)
I like dinosaurs.
Rivals! Frenemies Who Changed the World (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
Interesting way on telling us about the Fossil Wars and Puma vs. Adidas.
True-Crime from Audible: Body of Proof (Audible Free Book),   Midnight Son (Audible Free Book), The Demon Next Door (Audible Free Book), Killer By Nature (Audible Free Book)
Why is True-Crime or YA fiction the only halfway-decent things Audible is giving us? But yeah, these are basically the type of reporting that the two journalists from Halloween were trying to do. Where they go around and gather up information about semi-famous cases and present it in a Podcast-like format.
---- Meh... ---
Camp Red Moon (Audible Free Book)
Would’ve been better if they were actually written by R. L. Stein.
More Bedtime Stories for Cynics (Audible Free Book)
No... half of these aren’t written very well.
The Darkwater Bride (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
The setting is nice, but it is far too .... Soap Opera Dramatic.
Junk (Audible Free Book)
A cross between Alien Invasion and Zombie outbreak, read by John Waters and written as if it was a bad version of a Philip K. Dick Novel.
Rip Off!! (Audible Free Book)
Most of them are duds and boring. I don’t even remember half of them without having to look them up. The two that stood out the most for me where the “Other Darren/Bewitched” and the “Dark and Stormy Night” stories, the rest were rather garbled.
--- Garbage... ---
Dodge and Twist (Audible Free Book, Dramatization)
No, you are not being edgy or kool.
Siege Tactics (Spells, Swords, & Stealth. Book 4)
Triumphant (Genesis Fleet, Book 3)
Earthsea (Tehanu and Tales from Earthsea, i am going to re-listen to the first three before i get to these)
Into the Wilds (Warriors, Book 1)
Pout Neuf (Audible Free Book)
House of Teeth (Audible Free Book)
Viva Durant and the Secret of the Silver Buttons (Audible Free Book)
The Other Boleyn Girl (Phillipa Gregory)
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azurexalacrity · 5 years
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( I dunno how I even thought of this in a slew of nearly two hours, but this just randomly popped into my head and I felt the uncontrollable urge to jot this all down before I forget about it the next day, so here it goes:
Team Sonic Role Swap AU
As in: Their roles are swapped between the three of them. A part of me thought about having a Heroic Knuckles, Guardian Tails, and Mechanic Sonic, but I dunno how to work that out. So, I went with this route instead: Heroic Tails, Guardian Sonic, and Mechanic Knuckles. While their roles are swapped, their ages remain the same. The same goes for all the other characters.
Now, not exactly everything will be swapped, as there will be loads of things in the lore to twist and turn around. Maybe it could be in due time if I figure it out or something, but for the time being; this is just a major AU brainstorm/Work-In-Progress/Random Plot Bunny, as I only thought of from Sonic 1-3 as of now.
So... without further ado, -cracks my knuckles- Let’s do this!
> Tails The Fox is a young lad with an abnormal quality. Having a second tail is one thing, and it’s one thing that labeled him as one of these “defects” of his family. Because of that, he is sent to a local orphanage in Emerald Hill, where he is sadly ridiculed for the same thing.
He tried his best to make the other kids like him, as helping them with their homework and whatnot because of his high level of intelligence. Unfortunately, it didn’t make as much as of an impact as he hoped. And, in turn, he becomes frustrated. Frustrated enough that he stormed out of the orphanage, tears spilling out of his eyes and all.
And ever since he’s met Robotnik, he hasn’t returned since.
> Once he saw the first little army of Badniks that roamed across the land, it agitated him. He wanted to know what was going on, and it made him even more anxious to find out. Soon, he found this man creating these horrid robots, and he didn’t hesitate to do what he can in order to save the little critters. Thus, he started his journey to grab the seven chaos emeralds and show this man who’s boss (and even shove it in his bullies’ faces that he’s done something spectacular).
> After the first adventure, he becomes exhausted, and comes across this hut in the middle of a massive forest. Curious, he stumbled into it and found too many inventions for him to count. There was even a plane in the far back, which piqued the fox’s interest. However, such a discovery didn’t last long as an angry echidna caught him red-handed.
> Here comes Knuckles, who still has those spiked fists to put a dent in Badniks (and people’s faces). He wasn’t fond of strangers or trespassers intruding his home. And, just before he attempted to kick Tails out, he’s seen how scrawny and roughed up the kid is. That convinced him enough to nurse the kid the best he can and fill him up with all the fruits he’s gathered.
> They have a talk for a while, discussing what they’ve been doing and all. Knuckles told Tails of where he’s got his gift of building mechanics from. Which is: His kind are aviators, building the greatest flying machines known to Mobian kind. However, Knuckles wanted to branch out of it with his own special talents. It made him more of an outsider to his said kind so he decided to do his own thing and live on his own merits.
> Eventually, Robotnik comes to the scene and with a new acqauntice/his first friend, Tails tagged Knuckles along for them to thwart the doc’s plans by any means necessary. During their adventure, the two have bonded and have become good friends (even though Knuckles has his moments of messing with Tails, but it’s all in good spirit).
> Now, for the third game (AKA Sonic’s appearance), this is a major game changer. The lore surrounding him and the emeralds are completely different. Sure, there are some qualities of canon still present to it, such as how the emeralds function and all. Now, here we go with what is figured out for our blue boy here:
> Millions of tourists have talked about a crashed site, spreading information here and there and alerting both Tails and Knuckles. There have been reports of a mysterious floating island that has the broken remnants of an alien spaceship littered all over it. People have gone paranoid, believing extraterrestrial beings have threatened to take over the planet, and that spurred enough courage for the two heroes to investigate.
> So, thanks to Knuckles’ plane, they landed on the island and explored around the crash site. A crash site that has the remnants of a massive UFO wrapped up in nothing but foliage and fauna. Curious yet cautious, they looked around the ship, seeing if there are any living beings that are lurking. Funnily enough, they’re right.
> Unfortunately, this being is anything but friendly. With bristled quills and gritted teeth, the hedgehog ran into them with the speed of a bullet train, spitting them out of his ship. This hedgehog, isolated without any contact to civilization, has become hostile and is protective of his territory. So, thanks to his speed, he attacked the heroes with all of his might...
And, miraculously, stole the emeralds that the said heroes just previously collected. Which, to no surprise, aggravated Knuckles.
> Shaken to the bone, the hedgehog escaped, frightened that he’ll be captured by them. He didn’t want to be captured. He needed to be free. Freedom is what he needs. He desires. He doesn’t care if it’s selfish or foolish. It’s all he wanted ever since he came to this planet.
And, just like he wished upon a shooting star, this man came to him and spoke of ways that made his eyes sparkle. That promised him that he’ll return home to be free and happy. Although, there is one condition: He must take down that darn fox and echidna.
He had no idea that this man would take the precious thing he’s guarding: The Master Emerald.
> So, throughout Tails and Knuckles having their own mission of stopping Robotnik, Sonic had his mission of stopping them. He encountered them the second they come across Robotnik and sent them to their doom. Evidentially, he’s fought them too but has been beaten.
> Yet, it didn’t end well for him and the others. The Master Emerald has been stolen, much to Sonic’s demise. He tried to stop Robotnik but ended up critically wounded. Thus, realizing his mistake, he helped Tails and Knuckles reach Robotnik in time and get up to the Death Egg to stop him once and for all.
> After defeating Robotnik, Sonic told them the truth of why he’s been guarding the Master Emerald for so long and to an extension; the Chaos Emeralds. He’s been planning to gather them together so he can attempt to use their energy in some shape or form to get back home... even though his home isn’t technically there anymore.
> See, Sonic’s hedgehog kind are space voyagers. They roamed throughout the deepest, darkest areas of space in order to see it all. Sadly, they approached an asteroid belt, tearing their ship apart and causing them to all be separated. Sonic was one of them that escaped, and he’s landed upon the planet Earth (or Mobius for those who prefer it).
> In the ruins of his spaceship and exploring the island, he’s found the Master Emerald. He has no idea where it came from and who it belonged to. All he knew was that it appeared to be powerful and thus he decided to guard it so that it doesn’t get into the wrong hands. Granted, he had his own selfish reasons for it, but it was because he wanted to head home.
> In the past few years, the isolation has made him paranoid and made him the not sociable person. Yet, after meeting Tails and Knuckles, befriending them, and being able to get off the island for the very first time, his personality has shaped to be more similar to Canon Sonic in that regard.
Sooo yeah, here’s my whole long post about this plot bunny that’s been stuck in my head for a while. Wishlist plot? Most likely. New AU added? Most likely as well if there’s enough interest. I thank y’all for reading this and if you want to chuck in some ideas, feel free to do so! )
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jq37 · 6 years
I'll be the one that bites the bullet. Fantasy High episode 11--thoughts?
**spoilers for cool kids, cold case**
Hoo boy. 
That could be my entire write up honestly because, geez ya'll. 
Let's break it down. 
Sidenote, I just got mildly into Overwatch so every time I say that and I say it a fair amount, I hear Lucio in my head. 
Anyway, like I said in an earlier post, I'm now pretty sure that the bloodrush fight didn't go the way Brennan expected. Like either he didn't expect them to win or that they would win but not kill Daybreak because there was so much exposition and change and repositioning in this episode. It was a lot like the first session with all the setup. It's like he needed to get them on a new trajectory so he took an episode to time jump and change the status quo before--BAM. But we're getting to that.
In another show or even another episode of this show, the opening convo with Ragh might have been the wildest part of the ep. There’s just so much to unpack there.
Fig making him kowtow to Gorgug and everyone being like dude, stop making it weird. 
Before she did that, Emily paused and you could just see every other person looking like “What insane thing is gonna come out of her mouth now?”
Kristen getting the scoop on his super gay dreams. 
Adaine trying to get him to got to therapy (and also to realize that he's gay). 
The group whole ass making him cry for possibly the first time?
Fabian trying to shut everything down.
“You’re cumming from your eyes.”
 Kristen, please stop. I’m begging you. 
As I suspected, the group reached the point of yeah, we NEED to call Riz's mom this ep. Like, they *had* to call her. You can only realistically take shenanigans so far before it becomes straight unrealistic to not just call a responsible adult. 
And, speaking of, yay! We got to see a little of everyone’s parents just like I wanted/predicted. 
We actually got a lot of stuff from my wishlist. There’s so much time jumping and stuff in this episode I don’t even know where to start. 
This is probably the wrong place to start but I remember wondering what their Christmas equivalent was because they can’t have Christmas because of the Christ thing so when they were like Solstice I was like, oh duh. It’s literally right there. How could I miss it.
OK I guess 
Christmas Solstice party at Gorgug’s house! I knew his house would end up being the hang house.  
Sklonda handled the situation pretty close to how I thought she would. I really think Brennan was forced into a, “This adult is too responsible to not wipe out my next ten plot points over the course of a week,” corner and that’s why he had to pivot. More on that later.
Fabian just refusing to eat any of the fast food she got them.
I totally forgot Adaine has diplomatic immunity. Which actually means she’s the ideal Bad Kid to do anything shady they need done, even though that’s not really her style.
Unlike, other people
We’re getting there
I’m glad Brennan drew the line at Kristen’s parents actively being in a cult. He was like, OK no. They’re willfully ignorant but they’re not PART OF THE CULT.
I also think it’s interesting that they didn’t actually kick her out? Like they sorta kinda did but not really because it seems like she’s couch surfing of her own volition a little and staying home sometimes too? I wonder how her brothers are doing.
Both of Fig’s dads just work at her school now. I wonder is they commiserate about her w/ Goldenhoard.
I can’t believe Brennan is letting her just ruin the life of this random, full-adult dwarf doctor. Like, imagine if any adult in her life found out about that.
Brennan says bud a lot. Almost as much as he says rad.
Gorgug choosing playing the drums as his proficiency, but not well. Just, like, a simple drum beat. Bro. Why.
Adaine’s makeover!
I knew we were gonna get to see that. Or at least I really hoped we would.
And it was in boutique setting similar to what I imagined. A little surprised that she went straight for the jeans and t-shirt thing but dope. I want fan-art. 
Also, if I hadn’t already been convinced, that scene would have convinced me that Fabian got everyone the gifts (before it was confirmed later).
“You’d look nice as a sailor.” Is that like a pirate thing, bro?
Real talk, does Fabian for-real, for-real have a crush on Adaine low key?He’s complimented her looks more than once, which he hasn’t done with the other girls. They’re at a similar social class which might be a factor. And he clearly has a thing for blond elves.
I am Concerned about Adaine’s jean jacket, regardless of how dope it is.
Someone needs to talk to Fig about the rat thing. Possibly also Emily. 
42069 LANE (or whatever it was). I hate that I love Brennan for that.
“The worst thing about you is that you’re rich.”
But aww, Fabian. I’m glad it ended up being him (and shoutout to the anon who pointed that out to me). This is exactly the character growth I wanted from him.
When Gorthalax said that tryouts had already happened, I was legit upset for Fabian for a sec. Also, how did I know Gorgug was gonna somehow end up on the bloodrush team?
Guys I feel like there’s still a million more things to talk about.
Adaine finding out about Riz’s dad. God I hope there’s a heart to heart soon but she won’t just drop that info unless she has a really good reason.
GILEAR. I can’t believe that was him on a NAT 20. God, he has zero game. Also, imagine Fig and Riz as siblings. Lord.
The return of Tracker. I was concerned that she was in college but she’s like a Sophomore so Kristen is good to go as soon as she stops being a total disaster so actually that’s probably a moot point. 
Sidenote, kinda surprised that she’s a cleric. I thought she was off religion totally but I guess she just switched. But I feel like it’s hard to be totally non-religious in a world where gods 100% for sure exist?
Adaine going, “Mrs. Gukgak. Actually Captain Gukgak,” to her racist-ass dad gave me life. 
OK so re: the whole conversation about perditional contradoxy and treaties and war and such. How much of that was in the plan and how much of that was last minute retooling by Brennan? Because, I’m going to be honest. If it wasn’t for that comment by Siobhan, I would never have guessed that we were off the rails. But, with that in mind, this feels like the work of a GM who needs to keep the game going because things ended up moving too quickly.
It does answer the question of where the story is going now that the Harvestmen seem to be taken care of. I was a little surprised when Brennan was like, “Yeah Riz’s mom gets them all arrested,” because I’d assumed that the bad guy was going to be just the higher guy on the totem pole. 
OK, I’m sure I’m missing some things because this was a JAM PACKED ep so, if I missed something you wanted my thoughts on, please tell me and I’ll be super happy to write more words but let’s get into that scene. 
Before we start, I’m so pumped about all of this development but I hate how often I’m going to have to type the word Eolwyn because my fingers refuse to accept that that’s how that’s spelled.
Dude, the pacing, switching between Adaine and home and the rest of the gang at the party. Like, I knew what the reveal had to be as soon as she walked in but I was still like, “Oh my God. Oh my GOD.”
Sidenote: It was very convenient for Brennan that Adaine never actually read those books because it was an easy and non-cheating way to dole out exposition now, later in the game.
What were the mechanics of Adaine not being invited to that party? Did Eolwyn specifically get her not invited? Did she actually get invited but couldn’t go because of the dinner at home? Did all her friends still decide to go, knowing she wasn’t invited? Was she OK with that? How exactly did that go down?
BUSTING into that party
Magicking up a bunch of LOVE SLAVE PUPPETS
SNORTING magic coke
Playing Spin the Bottle DEATH ROULETTE 
DAMN BRENNAN, I did NOT Expect you to go THAT hard.
Assuming they all live, I can’t WAIT for the, “YOU KISSED MY SISTER????” conversation. 
Which means they’ve either never met Eolwyn or only in passing and not enough to remember her. 
Shoutout to Riz for being the only person to give Adaine a heads up. 
Her eyes glow blue when she does certain types of magic so I’m just picturing her walking into that room, eyes blazing blue, ready to F up her sister (even BEFORE she finds out what’s going on).
I don’t remember if she called Eolwyn a c**t in this ep or the promo for next but I was like, “Oh damn.” Like you got her to escalate her cursing that much that quickly? Damn.
Also, I love that when she’s really upset, Adaine skips the magic and just starts hitting people. 
OK, so remember in the first ep when Eolwyn tried to have Adaine steal that book? The book that I’m pretty sure is the one they mentioned as having wards on it to keep monster stuff from happening at school? So, here’s what I want to know. Has Eolwyn always been a part of this? Because, clearly, it looks like she is right now. But it’s possible the original intent was that she wanted to get Adaine to do it as a prank, not knowing it was important and then, Brennan checked his notes while salvaging the plot and decided to work it in.  
Also, unlikely, but imagine if Eolwyn somehow induced Adaine’s panic attack during her entrance exam to Hudol specifically so she would fail, have to go to Augefort, and steal the book for her. Wouldn’t that be wild?
Idek what else to say about that last ten minutes or so that isn’t just incoherent, Ally-esque screeching.
I have to say, battle eps are never my faves but I’m looking forward to this one more than any other one so far. 
Man, I can’t believe I thought Eolwyn asking for that textbook might turn into a sister bonding moment. Lol @ past me.
Anyway, kick her ass Adaine!
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raeofalbion · 5 years
Sheriarty for 002, please. :)
Meme - Thank you!
When I started shipping them:
I knew I was in trouble at “Hello, sexy.” And could feel myself starting to fall with all the phone flirting. And then two seconds into the pool bit I knew I was fucked and I never really recovered. …and why would I want to?
My thoughts:
Not trying to make anyone feel bad or anything, but I don’t understand why this ship is so difficult for people to write or understand. It kinda mystifies me because, if you can write Sherlock, then you can write Jim. And vice versa. It’s essentially the same character, but with different bits highlighted (ie. Jim builds things where Sherlock rips them apart, etc.). And that’s also the biggest point of their dynamic–”I’m you and you’re me and I’m lonely and bored but you noticed I exist so won’t you play with me?” They’re two spoiled children in a sandbox and somehow they’ve figured out how to turn it into a chessboard. And it’s still not enough for either of them.
What makes me happy about them:
Can you imagine how it must’ve felt at that first proper meeting? To have spent all those years feeling alone and being called weird or a freak and now there’s someone who is so much like you and they understand!! They know what it’s like!! And they’re fascinated by you!! And that that last meeting ends with a handshake and an acceptance of similarity!! Like…maybe it’s not total happiness, but it makes me feel…good? Like they both got something very necessary out of that and, even if it hurts, I’m still oddly glad for them. It happened, it meant something; maybe it was worth the pain.
What makes me sad about them:
Sherlock doesn’t seem to have considered things beyond the context of the game until it’s too late and it kills me because there’s so many signs? So many things Sherlock could’ve done differently if he’d just looked at Jim as a person instead of another player. Why didn’t he call? When he’s getting those texts from Jim, why not pick up? Why not push for more when they’re face-to-face? Why not gently test limits to find out more? For someone like Sherlock, who needs to know, it must’ve been painful to be so clueless when he’s finally got someone who’s like him around, so…why didn’t he try to do something with their connection even if it was just to learn more? And Jim, ffs, you’ve been pining in some capacity for twenty years…why?? Why can’t you idiots just talk to each other??? Uuuugh.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I’m gonna just go for the top ones. That trope of Jim kidnapping Sherlock in order to rape him has me exhausted in the worst possible way. Like…I get why people are into it and I’m not going to shame anyone for wanting to write/read it even if I’m not into it, but…I’m bored to tears of it and it really doesn’t feel like it suits their canon dynamic. Moving on. Using John as a weird plot device between them…especially if his involvement becomes a stepping stone to shame Sheriarty shippers and force things into another ship. (I’m all for “relationship didn’t work out and Sherlock moved on” kinda things–that’s cool, that’s great, people do that irl–but when the entire fic’s written specifically to be hateful and upset fans of that ship? Just fuck off, please.)  Uh…oh. When they’re both entirely stripped of their entire personalities and Jim’s reduced to murder-time-fun-time while Sherl’s turned into a terrified, quivering-virgin stereotype and neither of them at all resemble their canon selves. Please give them back their brains? They kinda need those…
Things I look for in fanfic:
EQUALITY BETWEEN THEM. That they retain themselves and are believable in the setting they’re in. Chemistry/tension.
My wishlist:
Again, equality between them and mutual respect. I don’t really care either way if they end up having sex, but I really do want depth and complexity to the mental and emotional parts of their relationship. If the fic has any hints of dealing with mental illness, I’d really like to see people handling it right instead of for dramatic effect. I’d also like to see both of them completely fucking up at relationship stuff and there being consequences…which leads to growth. More quiet moments. More happy moments. And, last but not least, I’d really love to see more Sherlocks taking the lead in their relationship, or, at the very least, meeting Jim head on…because, honestly, nothing about his canon behaviour suggests he wouldn’t be capable of doing that and probably surprising the hell out of Jim.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not eachother: 
…I honestly don’t know. I don’t really have any ships that I really think would suit either of them long term–actually, let me rephrase that: I don’t think either of them would really suit any long term relationships. They’re too easily bored; the world is too small and they know how people work too well.
My happily ever after for them:
Oooh, I’m so torn. Part of me really wants to support Fangirl’s theory that they ran off together; along those lines, picturing them sharing a flat and peacefully coexisting (maybe working, maybe reading, maybe just sitting in silence and enjoying each other’s presence) is just sooo good to me? So good. But there’s also another part of me that is certain Jim’s happier post-TRF and that knows Sherlock has more than enough time to spend in his memory palace and plenty creativity, so…
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
10 Theories/Wishes for the Upcoming War between the humans and the Ignises.
I’ve seen people posting their theories/wishes as of late for what they think is going to happen in the upcoming war between humanity vs the Ignises in Vrains. At the time of writing this, we still don’t know what’s to come after the Playmaker vs Bohman duel so I feel like this is the perfect time to give out my list of what I think we are going to be see coming up as well as some personal wishes of mine that I hope will come to forwishen. Just as a side note, none of these are in chronological order unless stated otherwise nor in a top 10 order from least to greatest (they are seriously just randomized).
1. Bohman joining Yusaku/Playmaker’s side/gets deleted.
Considering this is going to be their third duel of the season, I feel like this has to be the point where we finally learn what the deal is up with Bohman, and maybe Haru, and after Bohman loses, because there is no way in hell he’s going to win with Playmaker getting his Synchro more then likely in this duel, I think Lightning might just finally deem him a failure and just throws him away which in turn will allow him to join Playmaker’s side, since Yusaku would be the one to free him from Lightning’s control, or Lightning will just terminate him all together if he really is just an A.I. he created to serve him. 
2. Spectre vs Takeru/Soulburner.
If episode 70 wasn’t hinting at a potential Spectre vs Soulburner in the future, I’ll be very surprised. Considering they are both Lost Children as well, this duel will be very interesting from that standpoint. It appears that Yusaku told Takeru about the Knights but we still don’t have confirmation if Takeru knows that Spectre is also a Lost Child and if he doesn’t know that detail, Spectre will inform him soon enough. And when Takeru does find out/already knows, how he will duel knowing that detail is what I’m mostly intrigued about. Like will he try to talk Spectre into siding with their cause of co-exist with the Ignises since he is also a Lost Child or just simply see him as an enemy he has to defeat in order to protect Flame?
3. Dr. Kogami making his return.
I’ve seen some people talking about this, of how Lightning might actually bring Kogami back from the dead and honestly, I can see it happening. Not like actually bringing Dr. Kogami back from the dead but creating an artificial copy of him with his memories (cause Lightning and his memory powers and all) to serve him. And if this is the case, oh boy hello “we are going to traumatize the hell out of Ryoken” with this plot line. After all the crap Windy said to Revolver during their duel, you know that is what Lightning is going to have his copy of Kogami due to his “son” in what I’m going to guess a future Revolver vs Dr. Kogami duel. I’m hoping that if we do get this duel, this will also be the point where Ryoken will finally get redeemed and finally stop being his father’s weapon and start thinking for himself and what he wants, not what his father wants. Just so much good character development for Ryoken all around if Kogami actually does make a return, which again I can see happening at least since he is such an important character in all of this. 
4. Ryoken/Revolver vs Takeru/Soulburner.
Look, you all know I want this duel. I never shut up about it so I’ll make this quick. They have a very high likelihood of dueling with Takeru being in possession of Flame and considering that Ryoken was the one to save Takeru from the Hanoi Project, if Yusaku told Takeru that or not remains to be seen, I want to see Takeru’s reaction to that info. Mostly I just want to see the albinos kill each other and to see Yusaku try and stop this duel and fail miserably.
5. Takeru/Soulburner getting Brainwashed by Lightning.
Look, the best friend character of the main protagonist of a Yu-Gi-Oh series always has something bad happen to them so they end up turning evil and in turn face off against the protagonist in a heartwrenching battle. Jonouchi got mind controlled, Johan got possessed, Bruno was an android, Vector was Vector, and Sora was a mole. Takeru is not in a ideal position right now, especially considering that Lightning can rewrite memories and rewrite Flame’s code to make him loyal to his kin. I see us getting a Soulburner vs Lightning duel in the future with Lightning just out right destroying him and once he wins, he will rewrite Flame’s code and through him, or just messing with Takeru’s memories, turn Soulburner into one of their solders for their war just like how Lightning did with Jin (from the looks of things anyway. Jin definitely doesn’t look like he’s doing this of his own free will). If that’s the guess, I’ve talked about this before, but this should in turn lead into a Playmaker vs Soulburner duel with what I’m hoping to be Soulburner kicking Playmaker’s ass, Yusaku getting brainwashed, Revolver comes in to beat Playmaker to unbrainwash him, and then Playmaker can go back free Soulburner from Lightning’s control. I don’t think that would actually happen but case and point, Takeru is kinda f*cked at the moment if the past has taught us anything.
6. Kusanagi’s betrayal.
Yeah...after that Jin reveal, it is only a matter of time before Kusanagi just out right snaps and leaves Yusaku. Maybe it is because he blames him or it is because Lightning is a manipulative bastard and will use Jin to drive a wedge between them, who knows at the current moment. Regardless of what causes it, I am interested to know what will happen when the split happens. If Takeru gets brainwashed and Ai gets captured as well, Yusaku will be left completely alone again like he was before he teamed up with Kusanagi and who knows what will happen to his psyche because of it. Yeah okay there is Ryoken but I doubt Yusaku will join the Knights if everyone leaves him for Lightning or maybe he will (that be a plot twist right there). Either way, I’m ready for the snap and to see what comes from it.
7. Meeting Windy/Aqua’s Lost Children and Aqua.
I’m still very adamant that Windy’s kid isn’t dead and I’ve seen some people suggest that Go’s secret mission by Akira is to find the last two Lost Children. I think that would be such a good use of his character at the moment and give him some good development as well, since he was the one that was throwing a tantrum and comparing his upbringing to what the Lost Children had to go through during the Hanoi Project. It would definitely be a eye opener for him if he got to see first hand the effects of what the Hanoi Project did to these last two children, especially Windy’s kid who god knows what condition he’s in now after what Windy did to him. As for Aqua, I feel like this would be the perfect opportunity to get Aoi and Emma involved in the plot again if Akira sent them to find her, similar to how Go would be trying to find the final children. If Aqua is actually with her human, that would be even better. Have Go get some development through Windy’s kid and have Aoi through Aqua’s kid, if you know, Aoi isn’t actually Aqua’s kid (cause I’m still waiting for the writers to throw that plot twist at us). 
8. Earth and Spectre meeting up.
Since it is all but confirmed at this point that Spectre and Earth are partners, those two should be meeting up soon which is going to be really interesting, especially if Earth decides he wants to side with the humans and actually goes to Spectre, asking for his help in trying to co-exist with humans. I’ve talked about this before but this would be such good character development for Spectre if he actually decides to go against his own group’s goal and tries to protect Earth (and only just Earth. He doesn’t care about the other Ignises, its just that no one is allowed to hurt his). It would also be interesting from the other side of the conflict as well, if Earth decides to side with Lightning which could lead to a Spectre vs Earth duel. Regardless of who wins that duel, since I can see it going either way at the moment, I don’t think the victor will end up killing, in Spectre’ case, or enslaving, in Earth’s case, the other. I still see them teaming up to bring this war to an end since they each might have learned something from the other during that duel. 
9. Yusaku/Playmaker and Ryoken/Revolver teaming up.
Regardless if you like Datastormshipping or not, Ryoken is still Yusaku’s main rival of the series and like many Yu-Gi-Oh series before them, they are going to team up against a common enemy, that being Lightning in this case (I would love Takeru to also be apart of this duel as well but I really think it might just be Playmaker and Revolver teaming up to beat Lightning/Jin if he is still under Lightning’s control during this duel). We have yet to get a tag duel for Vrains and just think of how epic this team up would be. I would love to see some kind of fusion (an actual Fusion Monster or just a combination of the two in Link form) of Firewall Dragon and Borreload Dragon. Don’t think that would actually happen knowing Firewall’s history and all but still, this team up would probably bring us one of/if not the best duel of in all of Vrains.
10. Emma and Kengo’s backstory.
Not completely related to the war but come on, what the hell is their backstory together? If Go can get some development through Windy’s kid and Aoi through Aqua’s, Emma needs some development as well through Kengo and considering we still don’t know what happened to Ghost Girl at the end of 63, I’m hoping that when we do find out what happened to her, it is when we get the full backstory of these two. Like instead of shooting her, Blood Shepherd says something to her, like call Ghost Girl “Emma” again, and she calls him out on it, making him finally explain to her their past together. Maybe that’s why we haven’t seen Emma for a while? She’s so shaken up about what BS told her that she hasn’t been able to work and such. Kinda a long shot on that one but seriously, I just want all of the original cast of characters from season 1, the really important ones anyway, to get some kind of development through the new characters that haven’t already as I’ve talked about above.
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comradecrossing · 6 years
hi do you have any tips/recs for someone who’s just starting new leaf? i had it a long time ago but i stopped playing, and now i want to start playing again but i don’t remember it well 🙈
Hi! This might be long but! When I restarted this last time I was worried it would get boring real fast like with my first save, so I planned out as much as I possibly could ahead of time.
Think of a theme that makes you happy! Do you love witchy/fairy things? A specific color? maybe a season? particular villager animal? Aliens??? If you can figure out a theme you can build around (and it can be ANYTHING) then you will have much more confidence when you first step foot in your new town!
Now I’m gonna use my town as reference, so, I really like the Witchy/Fairy aesthetic and I knew immediately thats what i was going to do. I’m bad at town names, but i like Pokemon and remembered they have a fairy town, so I looked it up and got my name and figured why stop there? That’s how Laverre City became one of my sole inspirations for my town. I was inspired to restart because of hackers so even though I cant hack, I think about things I might like to do, or really want to do when/if i ever can and i have some big ideas lol im so sad. So ultimately i settled on a fall themed town (not perpetual fall but looks best in fall and the dreamcode will be of the town in fall) with lots of pink cosmos and regular saplings to give off a resemblance to Laverre City :)I then looked at a lot of forest and dreamy type towns to get some inspiration like mushroom rings, layout ideas, and items or PWPs to use. I also checked sites like animal crossing wikia to make a list of PWPs I might like in my town and chose 30 possible options (you can only build 30) and check the space requirements.
Once I start for real with a vague idea of where I want to put things I look at all the maps available and if they don’t have specific traits i want (secret beach, desirable town tree location, diving cliff, ponds in places that wont get in the way of projects and landscaping ideas, good spot for the cafe, etc) I restart until a map comes up that I like. Once I arrive in town its time to check my native fruit and rock locations and make sure its up to my standards, and if a resident is important for you to have/not have make sure to check the map too!
Once you get a town you’re happy with and you’ve found the perfect place to call home its time to get serious >: |It’s time for your first shovel and axe.Now, I have always been anti-axe in previous games but this last save changed me. I got a hold of that first axe and chopped down every tree that wasn’t a southern cedar tree! (southern cedars are only possible at the start! If you plant them they’ll only grow in the North, thats the top half of your town.) Now your town will feel barren at first and this is the ugliest stage but also one of the funnest -imo- so lets open up your patterns and get started. Now that you have a blank canvas use your green & blue tiles to signify trees/bamboo and bushes, you can even redesign it and write “T” or “B” respectably and start laying them out. You can also use the Yellow to lay down where you want PWPs (make sure to surround two spaces further than the project requires. a 3x3 fountain should look more like a 5x5 area to ensure no one moves directly next to where you want to build). You should have lots of fruit piled up (remember to stack them) so you can layout bush tiles and plant fruit if you’d rather have a better idea of how its gonna look. I planted all my peaches and would later go back and replace certain ones with new fruit i acquired. Its good to have a “this is all a process” mindset because it will take a while to get your town done even if you time travel, but thats good! because the game is all about making your dream town!
So now you have a good amount of the town planned out and probably have some ideas of what to do next. The next few days will be spent checking out how things are growing and making sure you planted things in the right spots. if there’s anything you’re not liking - change it! Your town Your rules!
Now while you are waiting for things to grow and get pretty its time to gather aaaaaallllll the flowers you can find and organize them in a large free space so they are all diagonally touching (XXXX), this way you can get hybrids early on :)Make sure they are the same breed and check hybrid guides so you know which colors work best to make the hybrids you most want and make sure to water them everyday as they will wilt if you don’t have the beautiful ordinance. Hybrids are good to have for trades when you dont have much money.
After all this you should be off to a pretty good start. Try to keep in mind villagers you would like to have and try to make friends online or IRL that you can adopt from (I always post when i have some one leaving and who I am hoping to replace them with and I usually get an offer fairly quickly, even for villagers I was desperate to get out. No matter who they are someone likes them :)) But if your town is set up in a way that you’ll be devastated if your dreamie moves in that one perfectly made up spot, it might be a good idea to plot set &/ reset.Plot resetting is when you make a *NEW* character save to check and see if anyone moved in overnight, and more importantly, if they moved in an undesirable place. If this happens restart and select the new save option until the villager plots in a spot you like. Once they do that build your tent somewhere and save quit. This will make the new residents spot permanent and then you can select the new save once more and delete their home. This could take quite a while if you have lots of “open” space. “Open Space” is how I refer to non-tiled/pwp or house occupied areas and the way I go about this is covering my town in about 75% tiles and spacing out pwps to where there are as few places houses can plot in as possible. Houses wont build over tiles and will plot at least 2 spaces away from other buildings, rocks and projects and one away from clifs and ponds/rivers. They dont care however if there are trees, bamboo, items, bushes, or flowers so be sure to lay out tiles in any place at risk to being plotted on. I refer to this as “Plot Setting” as you can make 3x3 empty plots you surround with tiles which will help villagers know where to plot. If you do a good job and plot everything out just right, you’ll never have to worry about someone messing up your hard work.
Now here’s the kinda sucky part of ACNL and that is The Limitations.Annoying programmed rules that seem to only get in the way such as the 2-space rule between pwps/buildings. This can mess up your aesthetic a lot and sometimes you will have to completely replan things due to a small fact you may have overlooked or not noticed and suddenly your garden isnt looking right so im gonna name off the biggest hassles and how I have gotten around some of them.
Bush + tree + bush: You can line up 12 trees/bamboo and bushes in a line. This works both straight and diagonally. only 12. Now you can leave gaps in some places that will reset the count or do intricate designs like one cedar in the middle of 4 bushes, a line of bushes with trees spaced out directly behind, a pattern of bushes and chopped bamboo, etc get creative. Visiting others towns or looking at pics people post can help you get lots of ideas. Bushes can touch each other but trees & bamboo still have the one space between rule.
PWP 2-space rule: now I’ve already mentioned this a few times but this rule is always the one that I seem to forget when planning. YOU NEED TWO SPACES. I cant tell you how many times i have planned project locations weeks in advance only to not be able to lay them out as i wanted because I got the space requirement wrong or only left one space between other objects :/
Beach Rules: You may have seen cool towns with pwps, cedar trees and hibiscus bushes scattered around their beach and Ive got some bad news; Those are hacked towns. The only thing that can be planted on the beach naturally is coconut and banana trees, flowers, and clovers. Nothing grows on the beach, not even weeds. No pwps can be built there either, even though it was initially programmed to be possible. I currently use the space for hybrid breeding since i have no space to elsewhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tear Down and Build Up: I will say though that even though only maybe 15% of my original plans came to life, my town looks way better than i had ever imagined it would. Don’t be afraid to tear things down and try out different locations or setups you might figure something out that looks amazing compared to your original plans.
Finally, while you can participate in the Happy Home Ratings, you dont have too. Decorate how ever the flip you want. Find new things to do everyday as the game can get old fast and you might get temped to Timetravel (which isnt a bad thing if thats what you want to do, but be careful you dont lose your villagers/flowers! Even though I have the Beautiful ordinance, I water all my flowers incase they pop out a hybrid. I try to earn all the badges, I visit dreamtowns for inspiration, redesign areas of my town, farm PWPs, make patterns, try hunting down items to decorate my house with, etc, this is another area where having a theme can help as you will find inspiration easier, and make you feel more immersed like you’re playing an RPG.
I’ve gone on a lot here and I have more to add but I’ve spent over an hour typing this, but let me know if you have any other questions or need clarification on anything :) I’m not gonna add pics rn but if you need photo reference send another message and I will address it separately and add it here later.
Now heres a bunch of links to help you get invested:MoriBD - A catalog of every in-game item and an option to make a wishlistHybrid Guide - By @nooklingPWP GuideVillager Adoption Further Info on Plot ResettingPWP Farming Towns/interiors I found inspirationalSome QRsHacking info (if youre interested)How to upload your screenshots & Make your screenshot pretty!
Pick the right face when you startOnce you get the QR reader (talk to sable 7 days) you can use these
Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help :)Just putting it out there too, I am always happy to help people get whatever they want/need for no cost whether it be fruits, bamboo, mushrooms, items, hybrids, etc, I will always do what I can to help you out, whether you’re just starting or on your 5th year.
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
A retrospective look at the Season 12 wishlist.
Back shortly after the season 11 finale I wrote out a wishlist of all the things I wanted for Season 12. Looking back at that list (here) It’s funny to see what I wanted with hindsight now that season 12 is over and season 13 is only a week away. I thought I would revisit my season 12 wishlist to recap the season and where I went wrong (and right!) before I post a wishlist for season 13.
Wish 1. Castiel gets his emotional arc resolved - This is a big one. As a Cas girl I was left unsatisfied with Castiel’s arc this season, HOWEVER, we KNOW from previous Dabb episodes that he loves to explore Castiel’s emotional story and I have no doubt that this will continue into season 12. Our angel still has a story ahead of him (hopefully ending in the love of a certain green eyed hunter.)
In Hindsight: Ah yes, my big number one on the wishlist was all about Cas getting his emotional arc resolved. Did he get this? Well, kind of. I don’t think any of us could have predicted that Dabb would give us THREE Castiel heavy episodes exploring his emotional past, present and future in ways which blew our collective meta brains out. Cas got lots of love this season and its why season 12 is now one of my all time faves. Where we are now is unknown in some ways for Cas but in other ways his past is clear. He has finally reached the transformation part of his character journey, and season 13 will bring us a Cas rising from the ashes like a beautiful phoenix shrouded in flames.
Wish 2. SUPERBRITISH - I am not going to stop going on about this. This is my land, My green and (fairly) pleasant land. The British are coming to Supernatural and I cannot stop being excited about it. Can I please have ALL the TFW in London head canons please? From traffic jams and silly accents to discovering the glory that is a bacon roll from Gregs on a Sunday morning whilst suffering a horrendous hangover.
In Hindsight: LOL. Yeah right. Am I disappointed? Totally. The British Men of Letters were for me, totally underwhelming. There was no trip to England, there was no grumpy Dean stuck on the M25. At the end of the day they served their purpose. They brought home the fact that hunting is not black and white. That sometimes it is humans who are the most monstrous. Honestly right now I just hope we don’t revisit it. I think its best that this story line gets dropped from now on. *sigh*
Wish 3. Awesome female characters continuing to kick ass - I adored the use of female characters in the finale. They all lived, no one female was a sexy lamp (sadly that role was given to Castiel) and no one got forced into unnecessary make out sessions. The women are smart, sarcastic badass queens who will RULE this show come October, and I for one, cannot wait. 
In Hindsight: Can I hear a cheer for the WAYWARD SISTERS! Hell’s YES! I mean, they have granted us what we wanted with the Wayward Sisters in season 13, but did we actually get this in season 12? Well, Lady Toni turned out to be a psycho, who died. Her British badass knuckle duster lady also died. Alicia and Tasha both died, so did Rowena and Eileen. It actually wasn’t a GREAT season for the girls. This is what happens when you give Bucklemming too much control over the main plot I suppose. *sigh*. So whilst the Wayward Sisters announcement definitely counts as a win, overall I can’t say this wish has been ticked off. 
Wish 4. Men of Letters vs Grand Coven - Yes this is a big one and I am hoping is the main story arc going forward into season 12. I want to see more of the Grand Coven of witches and their European battle with the Men of Letters. I am expecting more awesome women kicking ass thanks to this potential storyline.
In Hindsight: LOL. Again. Wasted. Potential. *sigh*
Wish 5. Mother Mary and family time - Mary’s reveal was pretty amazing especially since I think we were all expecting it to just be her ghost or a vision or something, but nope, Mummy Winchester is back on the scene and I can’t even begin to imagine what they are planning to do with this. All I am hoping for is that Mary’s influence will help Dean to accept certain parts of him that he loves to keep repressed (effeminophobia and his bisexuality being the big ones). Mary coming back will hopefully start to truly break down and destroy John Winchester’s toxic influence over his sons. I also really really want her to meet Cas and say the words “Thank you for watching over my son.” YES.
In Hindsight: Ok so this one I think gets ticked off. Mary’s purpose was to get Dean to let go of some of his major hang ups, to finally get some really heavy stuff off his chest, and to break down John Winchesters toxic influence. Also for Dean to finally take his mother off that pedestal he’s been keeping her on his whole life. I think the show, and 12x22 particularly, did an excellent job with this. We didn’t quite get a bisexual reveal, but the subtext was thick and heavy (12x11 was glorious). Mary also mirrored Cas continually throughout the season as two people both looking for their place in this little family dynamic and having Mary accept Cas as “one of my boys” really was the icing on the cake for any Cas fans out there happily sipping on hater tears.
Wish 6. Sam gets some distance from Dean, some other friends, maybe a girl, and definitely a dog - I think it is safe to say that Sam isn’t dead. Probably just shot in the arm or leg or something. I want him to be taken to England by Lady T and face the Men of Letters. I hope that they will warm to Sam (and his wonderful moose charms) and that Sam will get to bond with his British companions away from Dean (because Dean always steals the side characters away and bonds with them more than Sam ever does - except for Eileen). Maybe there could even be love in the future for Sam - either by bringing back Eileen or developing a decent and believable relationship between Sam and Lady T (I don’t want her forced into the love interest role, I think she is far too good for that already, but if she becomes a regular throughout the season like Rowena is then potentially a relationship could blossom slowly between them. It could work. I have been hoping for love for Sam for some time now and I can see the potential in this).
In Hindsight: Urgh so this is a yes and a massive NOPE at the same time. Bucklemming managed to ruin Lady Toni in the second episode of the season and then killed off Eileen in 12x21 (seriously fuck those assholes). I guess even the THOUGHT of shipping Sam with someone now gets a girl killed in this show even if she doesn’t go near his killer dick. Poor Sam. On a more positive note he DID get some distance from Dean in 12x22 and symbolically the toxic co-dependency has been broken. So that is one major point to mark off. (I didn’t actually even wish for that as I doubted it would happen myself!) Shame about him still not getting a dog though. WHY CAN’T YOU GIVE SAM A DOG DAMMIT! Sam has definitely moved forward in season 12 to a healthier place, though I think he still has far to go compared to Dean. Hopefully we will see him reach his full potential in season 13.
Wish 7. Lady T is a well developed, fully rounded, likeable character and not a sexy lamp or boring love interest - I already love her. I want to know more about her, her motivations, her back story, how she became a woman of letters, I want her to be a worthy adversary to the Winchesters before becoming a trustworthy ally. I want her to continue to take none of their shit, to put them in their place and therefore earn their respect. I also really want to see her face of with Rowena. That would be awesome. England vs Scotland right there! Potentially I would accept her becoming a love interest to Sam only if it was done right. If it was done in the subtext throughout the season and is only a very very tiny part of the storyline. It would have to be major slow burn. No forced kisses like in CACW (did you guys see that? what the fuck was that?). Only then, would I accept any sort of romantic sub-plot between characters.
In Hindsight: *ugly cries into pillow over how off the mark this was*
Fuck you Bucklemming.
Wish 8. More screen time for Dean and Cas = DESTIEL - Well obviously. It wouldn’t be a proper supernatural wishlist if it didn’t have Destiel written in big letters somewhere now would it? After all the build up in Season 11 in the subtext I am still convinced that this is going somewhere. The season finale has NOT destroyed my positivity at all. In fact it has only added to it. (come ask me about it if you want more info). At the end of the day, Dean and Cas are going to have to save Sam. This means spending time together trying to FIND Sam in a completely unknown city (hence my excitement over them renting a car and getting stuck on the M25 before ending up lost in somewhere like Surrey… Oh the fanfiction potential! I can practically taste it! I have faith in Dabb to bring us more destiel moments. he has always been good to us.
In Hindsight: *stops crying*
*jumps around in glee*
*remembers the end of 12x23*
*cries again*
Do I even need to talk about it? Every good wishlist should include destiel, but I NEVER would have predicted what they gave us. I NEVER would have seen it coming…
But seriously though? With the pining over each other in 12x09, the angel/human love stories and human weakness of 12x10, the LOVE CONFESSION of 12x12 and the MIXTAPE (among other amazing moments) in 12x19 where do I even START with season 12 destiel?!? The fact that they have ended it like they have KNOWING Cas is coming back… I mean… it is BEYOND ANYTHING I COULD HAVE DREAMED UP. There is a reason we call it season fanfic 12. Holy crap it was glorious. I’m marking this a big YES for the wishlist.
Wish 9. Following on from the above… HUNTER CAS - Dabb brought us the wonderful episode Hunteri Heroci which had Cas try out his hunting skills (and save the day I might add). We know Dabb loves Cas. I have every reason to believe that Cas will get more time as a Hunter. I want him in MOTW episodes. He will be soooo good in MOTW episodes please please PLEASE let this happen! (especially if the MOTW episodes are set in BRITAIN because the boys are still out there dealing with the MOL and the Grand Coven…. I see them dealing with ghosts that are 1000 years old and haunting freaking castles… it will be glorious.)
In Hindsight: Does “Agent Beyonce” count as Hunter Cas? Because I want to count it. It may not have been on the level of Hunteri Heroici, but I loved his grumpy married couple bickering with Dean at the start of the season, the lumberjack comment? That was genius. Give us more stuff like that SPN PLEASE.
Wish 10. More funny episodes - More witches doing ridiculous things to the boys. Give me ACTUAL MOOSE SAM WINCHESTER PLEASE! Give me the kind of silly witch stories we have been reading about in fanfics for far too long… come on show, its season 12! What have you got to loose?
In Hindsight: Well, 12x11 was witches and was pretty funny whilst being equally heart breaking. Plus it gave us the wonderful end scene of Dean riding Larry to his hearts content. None of us are gonna forget that in a hurry. I think it counts. Even though I am still royally pissed off that they killed Rowena. *sigh*
We do have a Scooby Doo animated episode in season 13 though which again I never ever would have considered possible but heyho, they love to surprise us.
Wish 11. Beach Episode - This is purely for @elizabethrobertajones. Maybe once they are done in Britain, they’ll head off to the med for a true European beach experience… They’ll be fine as long as they have Cas with them. He speaks all the languages. He can order the cocktails and ice creams. ;-)
In Hindsight: I TAKE IT BACK. NO BEACH EPISODES EVER AGAIN. Sometimes I swear Dabb lurks on Lizzy’s blog to read the kind of stuff we are dreaming up just so he can grant our wishes in the MOST PAINFUL WAY EVER. Cas DIED on a beach. All Dean wanted was to visit a beach once in his life, but they KILLED CAS on a BEACH. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US DABB? WHY?
*continues sobbing into pillow*
Stay tuned for my Season 13 Wishlist... Once I stop crying...
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