#thats him thats the one thats his match and his soulmate
mishy-mashy · 4 months
Soulmate AU but AFO's soulmate is the glowing baby
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y2niki · 11 months
# thats when <3
→ bf! 니키 x you
warnings? none, gn pronouns!
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when he...
kisses your cheek; he whispers soft words of love, and he has the the sweetest smile gracing his face. “you’re so beautiful”, “you’re my everything”, “I love you forever”. thats when you know you’re lucky to have him.
says the dumbest things possible that come out absolutely hilarious. “why do some people say zed instead of zee? does zed mean multiple zees?” it gets you cracking up. thats when you know you’ll always smile whenever you are around him
grabs your waist and pulls you close, your chest resting against his, the way he whines that he misses you as he hugs you close which always leaves your heart racing. thats when you know no matter what, it’ll always be like love at first sight.
dedicates things to you. when he shouts out “this one’s for you babe” and your face flushes, with embarrassment knowing he’ll miss. thats when you know he is unashamed of loving you.
stargazes with you. he looks to the area of the sky he says he swears he’s seen something like this before. he says he’s seen it in you. that same beauty. thats when you know you feel as if you too are floating through those stars in the sky. 
is that loser boyfriend from american high school movies, with his matching socks, matching t-shirts that say “I love weird, I’m weird” he is glued to you 24/7 and claims he can’t detach himself from his soulmate. also in those instagram comments, boy, i know he’s crazy. he’s all like wow you single hottie? schmoking hot 🔥🔥🔥 their boyfriend is so lucky (im the boyfriend). thats when you know that between you two, your love will always be sweet.
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rinnstars · 8 days
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third’s times the charm!
in which you try to confess three times before rin finally understands your feelings
itoshi rin x reader : mainly just fluff, a bit of angst of readers part, no proofreading + likes n reblogs r rlly appreciate ily <3
rin has always been an enigma, as if hes from another world - an alien like figure on your life yet a constant, like an orbit from another galaxy orbiting around you. slowly, youve grown fond of him and suddenly, its no longer just a friendahip - your heart is pumping weirdly, your palms are sweaty, your throat goes dry the second youre beside him (which is most of the time but hey!) maybe its part of growing up, you tell yourself, but deep down this is the “love” you’ve seen in storybooks, manga, movies. denial is always the first thing, avoiding rin during break times, opting to go with your other class friends. eventually, you fall back to the same routine, beside him for lunch in class, stealing the candies he brought (specially for you, he wants to confess but he doesnt.) and of course with love, the next step should be confession as all fourteen year olds rationalise, and thus began your attempt at rizzing confessing to itoshi rin who has become your star.
as all mangas and love story dictates: a gift during valentine practically screams a love confession, if not already hinted by the hearts clumsily pasted onto the heart-shaped box containing your own hand-made chocolates. of course, it comes with a sort of insecurity - what if he doesnt like it? what if he doesnt see me that way? what if our friendship forever changes? what ifs? yet, you held on tightly to the chocolate, walking into class to rin. until you see your own desk beside his flooded with valentine chocolates addressed to rin himself where all of the sudden, you wished to run away far away, you wished to live just in solitude by the ocean, you wish to pretend to be sick and go back home and cry again and again. its stupid, you think, youre just another person in love, youre nothing special. yet, when rin looks at you with sparkling eyes at your chocolates unlike anyone else, you feel as though youre at the top of the war, youre like diamond amongst the rest, that maybe rin sees you differently.
“is that for me?” if he didnt looked so expectant, so hopeful, you might have just not given it to him, simply from the pile of chocolates (that you hope hell pass to you after valentines, and he does.) on the desks. you nodded, passing it to him with a awkward smile. he doesnt get the hint you think, as he opens it without hesitation to eat one - his usual grimace that melted into a small smile changed into a grin, chewing happily onto the overly sweet chocolate you made. you want to be mad, that youll always be in competition with everyone, but when he smiles like that, youve got no choice but to look at him like hes built the very world for you, like hes your star in the dark, like hes your own galaxy.
its now or never. whats the worst that can happen? - that your friendship is forever broken, that your heart is shattered by his own hands, that youll never ever see him the same way again And he’ll never see you again?! “i.. i like you..!” courage, right, thats what those mangas would call it, but deep down it was just an impulse, as if you were born to say it to him, born to love him, like you were soulmates. he doesnt even blink, replying back with about the worst thing someone can hear when they confess : “i hope so? we’re friends.” with the most deadpan voice that had you question everything. nothing like this happens in those romance mangas - he should have either said yes or no! not an in-between?! this doesnt match up to any calculations, not by your friends, not by romance mangas, not by any youtube videos could have prepared you for that response.
nonetheless, you went home with a plastic bag with all of itoshi’s confession chocolates. thats a win? sort of. but its clear that you need a more straightforward approach to get your romantic intention, NOT platonic intention across.
after long months of cringing at the first failure attempt at confessing, and long days of rereading cheesy love mangas to gather ideas, it was finally time for round 2. this time not because of simply encouragement, but from the bursting butterflies in your heart. ever since that, your lovesickness have only gotten worst - if hanahaki was real, no doubt flowers would be pouring out of your lungs from the amount of love that has grown roots into your heart. every moment felt like straight from a k-drama through rose tinted lenses, every action of his felt like a confession, every second with him felt like heaven. and enough was this barrier called embarrassment, fear, cowardice to stop you from pursuing. another year had passed and now each second is like diamond - counting down every second to when lunch starts, to a free period, to after school, to after club - anytime where you can maybe, just maybe spot rin even if he ocassionally runs off for football training that had only lasted longer until the sun sets after the argument with his brother.
deep down, even though youve never met sae, you wished you did just to punch him - for now rin has only grown more distant, whilst your feelings had grown more deeper. like oil and water, you no longer merge together as one, and perhaps this is the last chance to confess before he eventually disappears. growing up is hard, but maybe losing him would be the scariest and hardest part. yet, here you are, still attending all his football matches, waiting for him in the air-conditioned library until the clock ticks to when the school gates closes to find him, waiting for him to come back to you.
flowers. longing and yearning - cameilia and carnation replied back all those cliche love mangas. and so, you saved up for weeks just to buy an overly expensive bouquet - one that seemed out of place with your bags or rin’s everexpanding confession gifts. would it be a rejection, a success? a repeat of the previous year, another retry of last year’s failed confession, just that this time he might just get the idea? hiding the flowers in a separate bag, because certainly this could count as romantic, and youd rather do away with gossips or talks. yet of course, fate strikes again.
“thanks..? its alright to not get gifts for my football matches win though, its nothing major anyways.” and suddenly you take it back. you rather he just thanked you for it platonically. in what world do friends get romantic flowers with ribbons and all sort of decorations for a simple congratulations for a no-name match?! perhaps you two were never meant to be, and this had to be a sign from the gods or something, you concluded. you blinked and laughed it off, your mind spinning with all sort of thoughts - was this his way of rejecting you?! was he truly this clueless or is he trying to let me down?! suddenly all the fantasies and daydreams had fallen flat - this is real life. there is no true school romance, that rhese are feelings left better unsaid as your parents and adults in your life say. teenage love never last, they say - but in this case, they dont work, or at least for you. maybe, your teenage life would be the same mundane, boring ones - filled with just waiting for rin, doing homework, talking with friends, one that is filled with love and normalacy but never the exciting and romantic films you see on tv.
and maybe, just maybe, youve given up on pursuing itoshi rin romantically for the time being. but thats alright, as long as you were friends, youd stay together forever right?
youve lived the rest of your mundane life, completing routines after routines as if its a time loop. maybe, that failure had affected you, brushing off datdreams quickly. growing up meant to be logical, to not blush like a teenage kid, to not linger on hopeless love and dreams - you tell yourself. and rin is still here, like the sun to the earth, always orbiting around you. as long as the world continues to hold you two together as though connected by red strings, itd be alright.
yet, it stings when he tells you about blue lock. its evil, its bitter, its jealousy, its anger that pumps through your very veins. just as rin and you were falling back to back then, where you guys were connected by the hips, to when you had first been enchanted by his star-like eyes. you want to blame the world, the universe for being so cruel. you want to lock yourself, trap yourself in your room, throwing away the key. yet, theres only limited days with itoshi rin, and youd rather die than not be with him until the very end. even if its to the end of your friendship, your dream, your life with you and him together. whether that is to bring him to old arcades where tou two once played, bring him to the old now run-down convenience store where you and him went after school to get lunch, bring him to the mall to take your final photos and lucky charms with him. each moment now even more precipus than previous ones - and suddenly you understand the saying ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’. its love. you know its love, you knew since you were 14 when you gave him the chocolates, you knew since you were 15 when yoi presented him a bouquet, and you know now that youre 16 about to send him off to another world you can never reach.
its selfish when you blurt it out as he was half-way out of your door after your last sleepover. its out of desperation, out of feelings youve kept hidden in an bottle that is now exploding. its impulsive, its unconscious - the way youve just confessed to him that you loved him. “i love you” theres no way to misinterpret that. maybe he’ll tell you theres bo need to be sentimental, that hell be back (you were convinced he wouldnt.), that its cringe. yet, its silence that fills the room and all you wished to do was to run back to your room, to cry into the pillows, to read all those hopeful love mangas.
“.. i hope you meant it.. i love you too.” its anticlimatic, theres no dramatic scene of profession of love the way mangas portray it, yet you think that theres nothing more than you need. its the most itoshi rin (though youve never thought hed ever say love in a context outside of horror movies and games) and yet, its the words that you longed and yearned for for years by now, its the dream youve been daydreaming in class and in bed, its the life yoive envisioned as you look at him from the stands. and perhaps the world has finally answered your prayers, your musings, your complaints.
third’s the charm they say - and you for once agree with those stupid sayings because on your third attempt of confession did you finally get to be with itoshi rin.
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zxdnmw · 2 months
katsuki bakugou x emo or goth reader because why not — word count: 448..
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I feel like in your guys first year he noticed you from your strong quirk, quietness, and respect. You respected Bakugou more than anyone else could. You always spoke in your nonchalant tone even if he started to yell at you. And you didn’t tease him nor point out his mistakes. You guys manage to actually become friends..?
As you guys continued to grow a relationship you guys started hanging out in each others dorms. Mostly yours cause he doesn’t like people in his personal space. — “You should totally let me do your makeup.” You nonchalantly say as you put individual press on nails on your nails. “Why would I-“ “You’d look hot as a emo boy.” Bakugou’s eyebrows furrow in annoyance. “I’d never be an emo. Not like you nor that bird for brains.” Your eyes widen. “Uh- Are you talking about Tokoyami?!” You start chuckling to yourself causing him to roll his eyes. “Come on, pleaseeee! Its just a bit of eye makeup and lipstick-“ “And thats when you stop talking.” You whine. You put down the nail glue and show off your hand to Katsuki. “You like them?” He stares at them for a few seconds. “No.” You laugh. “You know you do.” You gasp loudly making Bakugou jump a bit. Hes never heard you that loud before. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” “CAN I AT LEAST PAINT YOUR NAILS-“ “FUCK NO!”
“You look so hot Katsuki.” “Shut the hell up..” Bakugou has a paler face from the makeup. Exaggerated eyeliner. Black eyeshadow. And black lipstick on his upper lip matching his black nails. “Ok, picture time!” Bakugou grunts. “No!” “Please! I’ll keep it for close friends only on Instagram!” “No, I’m cleaning this off.” You grab his face and bring it to the side of yours. You flash a cheeky smile as Katsuki grabs your cheek just in time for a cute picture. “You dumbass!” He still has hold of your cheeks. “AH! These are too cute to be private!” You show Bakugou. He stares at it for a few moments. You tilt your head in concern as he STILL has hold of your face. “Katsu-“ “Send that to me.. and not to anyone else..” He lets go as he turns. Despite the makeup on his face you see a tint of pink on his cheeks. “Awwwww!” “SHUT UP!”
A few years later you both are in a happy relationship. You have a wall that you have pictures of you and his old UA days. The one you and Katsuki took that day is at the top. Because that was the moment Bakugou accepted the fact that you were his soulmate ❤︎︎
ajdgajkm i love him im definitely making a drawing out of this
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Freelancer is Gavins soulmate but Gavin isnt their's.
"but rat! thats not how that works! also Erik doesnt do soul mates in his contect!" shh i know. let me speak my truth. in my opinion, a soulmate is a person who changes you for the better, a person who makes you feel whole. tell me thats not how Gavin feels for freelancer? soulmates are also normaly "love at first sight", you meet this person and your life is instantly changed. look me in my eyes and say thats not what happened to Gavin, becuase he littarly said in his confection vid that he didnt know why he kept going back to them at first, he said he loved them long before he even knew he could feel that way for a person. he has felt this uncontrolable need to be with them for the momment he met them. Tell me, how many random strangers have you talked to made you feel as if you had to find them again? how many have made you need to find them again, just so you can see them again? this isnt a normal thing for him or for anyone! Freelancer is Gavin's soulmate.
but hes not their's. dont get me wrong! they are a perfect match, their relationship is perfect (in my opinion) but it doesnt change the fact freelancer has a few 'non canon' vids where we see them in equaly healthy and loving relationships with each of the DAMN bois! their is a reason the DAMN polycule is so poupular in fics and fanart, Freelancer works well with everyone of the boys. this is one, becuase they are arguably the listner with the least amout of personality (this isnt saying alot since like every listner character has a crap ton of personality to the point if you showed me a drawing of each of them with out a lable i could point out everyone correctly 85% of the time) and two, because they just dont have a soul mate. a soulmate is supposed to be a person who makes you whole, its supposed to be the only person to make you whole. freelancer can have healthy loving relationships with all of the boys, but Gavin would have never become the person he is now without Freelancer.
thank you for comeing to my ted talk
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just-queue · 28 days
Final thoughts on Five x Lila situation
I get it. But I don’t want it.
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I get it because of the following:
- Five deserved a piece of happiness after his long sad lonely life
- Five also acted totally in character the whole time. He retired and found connection with someone. Of course he didn’t want to leave. But also of course he eventually revealed he found a way home, because he knows it’s right.
- Lila was struggling with suburban life, and allowed herself to fall into this fantasy of living off the grid with someone who treasures her. The SECOND home was found, the fantasy broke and she didn’t run from it.
- Lila didn’t “trade suburban housewife with being a cottagecore wife”. Her life with Diego involved a pessimistic husband, organizing loud children’s birthday parties at arcades, living with family, balancing children schedules, etc. The time in the greenhouse involved survival, which is more “adventurous” than suburban life. It’s also paradoxically more peaceful.
- The mental vs physical age thing and age gap isn’t a big deal in canon for these characters based off their previous work fucking with time
- I did love seeing two hard-ass stressed badass characters be soft for one another.
- After six years, the growing hopelessness and realization they may never go back home, you’re going to intimately connect to each other in ways no one will ever be able to match, regardless of your past experiences with them. This is a very common troupe in fiction.
- Technically it was cheating, but I think the post-apocalyptic space-time forced proximity desperation is a very valid excuse and shouldn’t be seen as cheating, ESPECIALLY when she went back home the second she knew she could.
- Aidan as an adult gave consent to the scenes. We need to realize he isn’t a kid anymore, he can decide what he wants to do and we should respect it.
I don’t want because of the following
- I still feel icky that Lila knew Five with a child body, and now has romantic feelings for him? THATS the taboo troupe I personally can’t get behind. Age difference? Weird but fine. Knowing them as a child? Nope. But I also get this is a personal preference/feeling/reaction with the fiction I consume. And I know I said before their previous professions shows they know different mind/body age, but that doesn’t change the fact he had a child body when they met and she watched him grow up.
- It also feels icky the importance the writers put on Five having a romantic subplot RIGHT when Aidan was of age. Especially cause Five / Aidan are so sexualized. It’s not necessarily WRONG, I just feel icky about it.
- It was shortened because the season was short, so it didn’t land as well as it could.
Here’s the main reason I didn’t want it.
I am aroace. I understand that deep intimate connections can be made without romance. Similar to how everyone says Frodo and Sam were gay lovers when in reality strong platonic bonds can reach that level of devotion and intimacy. Not every character needs a romantic partner, and Five never displayed any romantic or sexual affection for ANYONE until this.
(Before you say anything, YES he did have Delores, but that was also just a need for connection when alone for decades. That doesn’t change the fact she’s not a real person, and he would very unlikely be attracted to her without the traumatic apocalypse world.)
ROMANCE. ISNT. NEEDED. FOR. DEEP. CONNECTIONS. we could have had two platonic soulmates living a happy life together, with kisses on the top of their heads, sitting shoulder to shoulder reading books, holding hands while looking for scrape metal. BUT NO. IT HAD TO BE ROMANTIC. UGH.
Like the stuff post-subway could have been similar still without a dumb love triangle. Five could have been Lila’s person, like Meredith and Christina in Greys Anatomy. And when Five sees Diego and knows Lila’s feelings about their marriage and such, he would go into protective mode.
I will admit I’m bitter about media putting romance on a pedestal. And I’m also not saying Five should be canonically aromantic and/or asexual. I just feel the weird parts of the situation would have been “fixed” if it wasn’t romantic, just a true platonic bond.
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magisland · 2 months
chapter XV : tell us something we dont know
wc: 413 words + screenshots
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“by the way,” seokmin said before taking a bite of his ice cream, “i know why youre doing this and i appreciate it”. you looked at him confused, “doing what?”
“going out with me this much and making sure i avoid checking my social media”, you gave him a small smile and took a bite of your ice cream, “i just dont want you to stay at home seeing all those hateful comments towards you and seulgi, you don’t deserve any of that. plus, thats not the only reason im always asking you to go out with me”
“isnt it?”
“no,” you chuckled, “i really like hanging out with you, seokmin. your company makes me happy, i like the way we got closer to each other”
seokmin’s heart skipped a beat, his company makes you happy. he felt his cheeks burning so he quickly looked away, watching the people walking around the mall with their friends, family or loved one, “so my company makes you happy, huh? i guess i can say the same to you”
“good to know, cause i was getting scared you were starting to get tired of me”
seokmin looked at you, he wanted to immediately deny and tell you how much he adores to go out with you, no matter when or where, but he went silent. he noticed the corner of your lips had ice cream on it and his first instinct was to wipe the ice cream on your face with his thumb.
you froze, watching him looking at your lips with concentration on his eyes and his thumb touching the corner of your lips gently. you couldn’t tell why, but you felt butterflies inside your stomach.
“there was.. huh, there was ice cream on the corner of your lips” seokmin spoke softly, slowly taking his thumb off your face. you brought your hand to where his thumb was, a weird part of you missing his touch already, “ah, really? thanks..”
he nodded and looked at your wrist, noticing almost instantly that you were wearing the bracelet he gave you, “the bracelet looks good on you, it matches you”. you smiled and looked at the bracelet, “yea, i really liked it, its really pretty”
then you two fell silent, you could almost feel the silence until the moment seokmin cleared his throat and broke the silence, “do you want to keep shopping? or maybe just walking around the mall..?”
“yea, sure. lets go”
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in a world where when you turn 18 you share an invisible string with your soulmate that only you and your respective soulmate can see it, seokmin, also known as dokyeom, is an actor in the musical theatre world that doesnt have a soulmate and keep it as a secret. meanwhile, yn works in a bookstore and doesnt seem bothered at all by the fact of not sharing a string with someone. is it possible to change the destiny and find your soulmate even tho you dont share the invisible string with anyone?
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Hii i wanted to share my thoughts on the soulmate for Oisín Sanji if thats alright
I voted for Zoro myself (even thought honestly they would all be sweet/funny) but i think the situation with Zoro is the funniest like-
imagine all your life till this point youve been training the be the greatest swordsman of them all and you has your eyes set on this one guy all this time and also in the back of your head youre aware he has a kid thats around your age (based on the wanted posters when they stopped updating) and you see it as someone to help you get closer to your end goal
Que you becoming a pirate and later meeting this pretty asshole of a cook who you quickly become head over heels for when he shows his spark when fighting, he's your equal and you havent had that since your best friend died
And then you find out he is the kid of your rival but somehow instead of it being heartbreaking it only makes it better because even in the time you didnt know, he takes care of your swords with so much love and care, he helps you get a proper swordsman diet like he has done it a thousand times already and- he has a swordsmans soulmate mark!!!
Idk i just think zosan for this would be very funny but at the same time very sweet (love sick Zorooo 💥💥 he loves his spicy boy friend)
But i also think it would give mihawk a giant headache so thats also funny
No, no I get it. Trust me. It is the funniest option but also gives Mihawk the largest headache-especially if Zoro never connects the dots fully until they meet up on Karai Bari. BUT BEFORE THAT???
Zoro who hasn't had a decent match since Kuina died. He's had his eyes set on Hawkeye since he was a kid and joined the dojo and wanted to be the best since. Not because Hawkeye was the best then-he wasn't but everyone knew he would be and he had a kid around his age and the kid has a twirly brow with a dumb name. Then the posters stop updating and Hawkeye becomes a warlord then Kuina dies. He takes Wado and leaves to fulfill his and Kuina's dreams. He becomes a bounty hunter because he needs the money and the roads and islands keep moving on him. He keeps his eyes out for the guy around his age who could be Mihawk's kid. Then he gets tied up in a marine base and is freed by a guy who wants him to become a pirate. He agrees. They get a crew, a navigator and then a liar/sharpshooter and when they get to this fish restuarant? Sure he loses to Mihawk and gets bisected and the prettiest guy he ever saw is yelling at him to give up his dream but he doesn't die. It's fine, it's fine~. He's alive and the blond guy is hot and he can kick ass and he doesn't use swords.
Also the blond guy's name is Sanji and Zoro doesn't use his name at all. He is whatever nickname Zoro calls him in that moment. He's an equal and Zoro tells him all about his plans to find Hawkeye's kid when it's time for a rematch and draw him out to a duel, twirly always laughs at him for it, keeps saying it's a one way ticket to dying. He says it with a dopey smile though. He cares for Zoro's swords when he's on bedrest and isn't allowed to move, doing so anyway despite Chopper's protests. Also they know they're so soulmates, Zoro's whole back covered in blue and fish. Sanji's shoulder braided like the hilt of Wado Ichimonji and just as beautiful. Zoro wishes he knew what Oisín's soulmark looks like because it would be so much easier to find him.
After Sabaody when he's on Kuriagana and wishing he could have been there for his captain but he's training against his dream, with the man who holds his dream and it's good. Even if ghost girl is there and he's away from his soulmate. When he asks Mihawk where his kid is and Perona is curious because he never came to warlord meetings with the kid. Mihawk is like 'yes, that was part of the deal I made becoming a warlord, they would stop updating his bounties. As for his current location, no idea.' because he has his own dream and he's not taking his father's mantle, doesn't want it. Zoro yells that he's no help and Mihawk asks if he wants to follow suit of the people who tried to take his son before him, just because he's stronger doesn't mean he's strong enough yet. Zoro takes massive offense to this.
When they get back together and are leaving Sabaody Zoro is absolutely complaining about this to Sanji despite saying he's stronger and Sanji is laughing his ass off again. Sanji points out that Zoro seems to be overlooking the fact the kid was raised by Mihawk and Zoro grumbles and just buries into his side. Of course after WCI and Wano Sanji is prickly, even to his soulmate, even after the death pact. Zoro is absolutely never letting Sanji out of his sight again so when they go meet Mihawk and the rest of the Guild on Karai Bari the crew is nervous. Except for the monster trio and Robin.
At some point either Mihawk or Sanji slip up, it's just habit as they cook together on the Sunny since Mihawk is the only one to get along with the Straw Hat pirates. They're chatting idly and the crew is there just to make sure and Sanji points at something and is like 'hand the salt over, dad' and Mihawk just hands it over 'Oisín, you're an adult, really?' before they both pause and sigh. The crew is absolutely losing it in different ways. Nami is pissed that Mihawk wasn't there for WCI, Zoro is pissed that Sanji hid being Oisín, Luffy is laughing really fucking hard and asking Zoro how he didn't know, Chopper and Usopp are despairing. Robin hums and asks Mihawk if he knew Zoro was Sanji's soulmate and Mihawk sighs long and loud and Sanji asks if Zoro was telling him the same shit he was telling him for their whole relationship, Mihawk says yes and that Zoro is a fucking moron.
Do I also have something utterly heart breaking and wrenching for acesan in Oisín!sanji? Yes. Was this fun to write? Yes.
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larrythefloridaman · 27 days
Thinking about Dani talking about J0hn and Larry in terms of romantic tropes of knights and damsels (calling j0hn 'larry's knight in shining armor,') and how Larry played a role for so long it became a part of him even when he acts like he hasn't changed and how Dani came away from a Comforting Offscreen Peptalk about the fictional nature of reality with her old friend Larry, the apparent takeaway for her from whatever he said being essentially 'sorry j0hn this might not make sense but if im Made and Exist to be a Winner and kick ass then that Rules actually.' and Larry expressing an appreciation for Bing's normalness because it's what allows guys like Larry to really shine. Larry, being especially... touched? Comforted? By getting a positive answer from us in the nelson expressing that we care what happens to them and how they feel after discussing Spectrum's powers with us, clearly knowing what we are, his heart apparently put at ease by the thought of an audience, a loving god who wishes them well?
Thinking that. maybe. Lawrence Home has undergone some Ideological Shifts in the spiritual sense in the past seven years. With regard to his knowledge that hes a character in a story and Spectrum and the Audience drive the world. and is maybe taking his beloved for granted just a bit. On account of them being clearly matched soulmates at the narrative level.
And thinking about how ryan compared j0hn and johannsen in terms of the most important people in their lives being missing from it for a long time, an animal described as loyal like a dog is and who has a clearly very rose-tinted impression of that loved one and is deeply distressed by the idea that they could be hurting at all let alone in ways he doesnt understand, because they should know, theyre too close not to. and how j0hn's in therapy but Larry isn't because he doesn't want to contribute to Therapuppy's overworking herself and insists he's over it all anyhow but then has a brief episode of forgetting where and when he is just seeing Dr. O walking around uninhibited in a dream and is explicitly uncomfortable with Susan, whom j0hn has apparently grown friendly with. And then he makes a deal with crimson which rather conveniently means he will not be in the lab he spent years aiding and abetting and committing scientific atrocities in with that woman's evil and fucked up counterpart for an extended stretch of time and.
Not actually have to talk to j0hn about what's bothering him. Because its been 7 years and on some level he IS Different now and even if he wants to trust that things will work out fine and loves him and believes still that they were basically made for eachother, he still hasn't had to have a serious talk of this kind with the love of his life in almost a decade. and thats. Scary. its Awkward and Uncool and a little too Real and Vulnerable for a guy who's been a mental lockbox for 7 years and embraced the performance based reality of being fictional at this point even if hes forced to go off faith a lot of the time since he has no innate sixth sense for any of it. this is a guy who said it was Embarrassing of all things that we knew he died offscreen at one point Larry is not.doing normal and hasnt been in a LONG time
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nagisaspolyeden · 5 months
okay i need to get really obnoxious about the new nagisa and hiyori solos for a second
(before i go further i adore them, obviously. they are absolutely perfect for them and their character growth, all four of edens solos are, i am blown away by what theyve done with these and i could go on and on about how much i love them individually but in this post i want to go on about something very specific)
seeing hiyoris solo name, Accept My Love, i had some expectations for this song- namely that i expected this to be an overwhelmingly hiyojun song (in the way that other solos have obvious nods to important characters in their lives without being Explicitly About Them (Wandering Clown and Crystal Pleasure being obvious examples of this)) which i was excited for! and i think you can absolutely see it that way!
there are also some nods in Accept My Love that feel more explicitly nagihiyo that have me absolutely struck- both in the references that seem to be links between both of their solos, and the links in Accept My Love that feel like theyre referencing back to some of the kiseki stories from ! era
i just want to pluck the examples i can think of, starting with just the solos (and also with the caveat that this is from one particular person's translations so there may be different interpretations, this is just me drawing conclusions from the ones ive found)
first, from nagisas:
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and hiyoris:
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poking at this, i can draw a parallel at the very least visually- nagisa finally stepping out into the world where the wind blows, and hiyori standing behind him calling to him to remind him hey, im right here, pay attention to me too...!
but then, going a little further
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and then, hiyori:
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now this i dont feel i even have to say anything about. the obvious parallels between nagisa struggling with the concept that trying to connect with others being a sin while hiyori just lightly dismisses it as not even something worth considering. loving sigh
and then!
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again, a very easy to make comparison. hiyori has always been light-coded, and light in the darkness is a very easy metaphor to make for human connection and love, but i like drawing the parallel regardless as its used in both of their solos
and now... i also want to bring attention to something else.
in kiseki revenge match, thats when hiyori talks about nagisas backstory, and in the midst of it all, he says this
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thats how he describes nagisa. and i truly believe that it came from anxiety, and a sense of inadequacy. hiyori poured all of his love into nagisa, and it helped- it undeniably helped, and nagisa has stated as much time and again, that hiyori brought him to life, that hiyoris light saved him, that hiyori is his sun. but hiyori alone couldnt be his whole world (no one person can, even if theyre soulmates (which they are (to me))) and so hiyori, whos sense of self worth is tied to his ability to love and to be loved and to heal, felt insecure over it and started to see nagisa as hopeless. as a bottomless hole.
this now brings me back to Accept My Love
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do you think there is a limit on how sunlight radiates?
this is so, so stunning to me- because hiyori has come so far, because he believes that his love is endless and healing, because- reading it the way that i am- he can see his love as enough, that his love and giving it isnt hopeless anymore. and he wants to give it! he wants it to be received! accept my love!
and, the final piece that really tops all of this off for me
again, from hiyoris solo
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in this journey with no destination.
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Friends to Lovers Tournament: Round 1, Side A, Match 9
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propaganda under the cut!
1. THEY ARE SO FUCKING FLUFFY AND COLOURFUL AND PURE AND ADORABLE AND—*chokes on emotions* anyways they're literally the most wholesome and supportive of all ships like i can't even begin to summarize how much they care for each other
2. THEY CANONLY CALL EACH OTHER SOULMATES and even if clara and azz don't understand what a soulmate is (they're demons) they're just happy to be close to iruma. 
3. whenever one of them is upset or bothered, the other two form a team and they go ALL OUT to lift the third person's mood!!! they try to solve the problem but if that's not possible, they just stay with that person and try to make them feel better so that they can face their problem with a better mood and more strength
4. they're ALWAYS together. and none of them are bothered by it!! and instead of being toxic about the need to stay close, they establish boundaries! like they have their own secrets they can't tell the others and that's totally fine! no pressure at all in their squad
5. listen these three help each other become better people!! like they bring out the best in each other and it's the most wholesome, encouraging, healthy, lovey dovey ship ever!!! like clara becomes more responsible despite her need for chaos bc she wants to make sure azz and iruma can depend on her! azz stops putting up walls and allows people to approach him because he wants to get involved in the other two's lives! and iruma learns how to set boundaries with these two where he could never say no to anyone!! like if that isn't the most awesome and perfect relationship idk what is!!!
6. one tol and two smols that's all.
ok listen their relationship is extremely important to the plot of the game so they get a lot of focus and a lot of the stuff they say abt each other is like????? bro thats kinda fruity ngl??????? theres like. a lot of stuff i could say about them. like a lot. too much actually
so instead ill just, idk summarize their relationship and then give some fun facts abt them
Sunny and Basil are best friends! They're shown to be very close to each other, closer than they are to the rest of their friends. They rely on each other to listen when they need to vent, and like to read books together! Before the events of the game, Sunny and Basil become involved in an incident that basically tears their friend group apart. Basil keeps the secret of their involvement from everyone because he cares too much about Sunny to let him get in trouble. They then don't talk for four years, and spend the entire time pining for each other!
Basil hopes for four years that Sunny will finally come back to him, meanwhile Sunny has retreated into a perfect dreamworld he uses to cope. All of his friends are there, and everyone is happy, and the dreamworld is full of things Basil loves. The most common food item is tofu(Basil's favorite food),  there's an entire race of plant creatures that adore tofu(Basil likes to garden + his favorite food), his garden in the dreamworld is huge and has lots of flowers that represent each of his friends! Also, an important NPC says this abt Sunny and Basil's relationship: "He is special to you. A string of fate ties you together." A string of fate you say? Hmmm, I wonder why they phrased it like that...
Also, when Sunny and Basil finally do start talking again, Basil says stuff like this: "W...Wait... P-Please, SUNNY... Don't leave me... Not again..." "After all this time... you've finally come back for me. But... tomorrow... you're going away. H-HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!?!? That's mean, SUNNY. That's so mean!" Yeah... he's not doing too well...
But don't worry! After a year or two of therapy I'm sure these two can have a happy, healthy relationship!
Obviously I have a lot more to say abt them but it's all literary analysis and context clues and stuff, I just wanted to point out the more obvious stuff!
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cartoonrival · 11 months
HEY YOU Hit me with some Julie Su propoganda cuz I'm mostly lukewarm on her character and don't know all that much about her.
OK OK ... well baseline info she's the daughter of dark legion general luger, and half sister of lien-da and kragok, who are twins and both high ranking legion soldiers. when their mother (merin-da) died and luger remarried, ld and kragok hated his new wife (julie-su's mother) (mari-su) so bad they orchestrated her death, info which was they kept on the DL for a long time until js eventually found out about it. memory situation, js is raised by other folks who actually love her and doesn't learn who her blood family is until later. she joins knuckles because she feels inexplicably drawn to him (soul touch) (echidna soulmates) so she defects from the legion to join the chaotix. the soul touch thing sucks and i hate it but this is how it goes. ill talk about my au version of her at the end lol bc things ive built on top of canon are part of the reason why shes one of my fave charas in the series lul
ANYWHO i honestly find it pretty frustrating when people talk about js as just being pink knuckles, shoehorned into the story to give knuckles an obligatory girlfriend, because it really demonstrates that they like. weren't paying a lick of attention to anything because she genuinely has a LOT of personality but since people just go in anticipating anything penders touched to suck they don't even bother to think about her for longer than half a second.
js fills a niche that, imo, could always use filling, especially with regards to girl characters, which is to say shes a well meaning asshole. shes incredibly blunt, she's pessimistic (immediately assumes knuckles must be dead when enerjak returns and they cant find him, tells knuckles not to search a fallen ship that his mother was on because shes probably dead and she doesnt think he'd want to see that). shes terrible at handling interpersonal conflict (knuckles confesses to her that he feels guilty and stressed over all the pressure put on him as guardian and she scolds him and says "this isn't just about you", which results in a minor shouting match when she really had zero intention of starting an argument), she's almost constantly beefing with vector (tbf its because hes sexist he refuses to see past her history as a member of the dark legion). these might suond like cons but i love characters like this LOL and they fit especially well in archie where people love to get mad at each other and make dumb mistakes and it just feels very genuine and interesting and endearing to me. shes rough and difficult but she's also DEEPLY loyal. she'd die for knuckles and the chaotix and the way she interacts with them always makes me soooo ........ im just gonna give some examples i can find.
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(knuckles is on the phone with her)
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^ this was the genuine conclusion of an argument they had and im obsessed with it because both of them suck with emotions so they both give the worlds strangest apology and know that the other means it and they move on. plus putting her arm in front of SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG while theyre confronting eggman even after watching him CHAOS BLAST, primarily because she feels like this is more her fight than his (its about knuckles).
theres def more and i could find them if i was more on top of archie but unfortunately im #narutopilled rn. BUT ANYWAYS. shes just a very fun character with a messy personality and fun interactions and she loves her buddies sm even tho she bickers with them. shes just very special. she fits well with knuckles in a way that makes their relationship actually feel plausible instead of just forcing him to have a girlfriend (tho ofc the writing is fumbled sometimes like. ITS ARCHIE. bffr. but thats the case with literally everything ever in archie so you take what you can and its amazing). also see below. BASED AS FUCKKKKKKK
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and ill discuss my au briefly bc u r asking me my opinion on js and that does play a large role in how i feel abt her, but rly im just expanding on elements of her story that werent discussed as fully as i wouldve liked. her relationship with lien-da is obviously BAD in canon, but theres not a lot of time spent lingering on precisely how lien-da and kragok feel about julie-su as the product of their fathers second marriage to a woman they KILLED because they hated her so much. ive also given her much more internal strife over turning away from the legion, originally joining the chaotix planning to betray them from the inside then being slowly convinced to join them for real after realizing how much she'd been brainwashed by the legion and what its like to have people who truly love and care about you. her story as someone who is trying to find herself outside of her history as a child soldier is something that TOTALLY deserves to be expanded on and its a bit sad that it wasnt explored. but i mean really im not changing her actual PERSONALITY at all because as i discussed shes oozing with it.... im honestly never going to make the full comic i wanted to so at some point im just going to compile all the lore and concept art and stuff into one big post to share. but thats like a spoiler free taste.
she also has a gun. which is fucking awesome because not enough sonic characters have guns. people make shadow the guy with a gun but he hasnt been seen with one since shth. hello....
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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Quill Kipps from the Lockwood and Co. books faces Sans Undertale from Undertale. Who do you like more?
Quill Propaganda:
"He's such a loser. Has beef with 3 16 year olds. He's like 4'10. Had one of the best character arcs ever. He almost died. His sword is bejeweled."
"guys vote for my son quilliam and his stupid little bedazzled sword"
Sans Propaganda:
“Fucking skelektion (i have the flu”
“funny skeleton :))”
“C’mon look at him just look c’mon look look at him and his genocide-related-depression c’mon he’s so sexy and”
“"Gosh dont even get me started, first of he's my husband my beloved my one and only my bonefriend my soulmate the love of my life the absolute perfect man to exist he's someone every guy strives to be he's just that perfect oh my gosh also did i mention he's my husband? Exactly, see my point? Secondly like how can you not like him! He's funny he's a nerd and is depressed! Just like tumblr userbase! Everyone can relate to him! And yk if you dont like him there's like bajillion alternative versions of him so go ahead pick and choose your favs there's surely at least one you'd like! (Which one i like best? HA! THATS CLASSIFIED (.... it's edgy version of him, of course it's the edgy version))Thirdly! He's so stylish like have you seen taht hoodie? Have you seen those gym shorts? The pink slippers? What a timeless look srsly! And one that everyone can recreate! Everyone can be as stylish as Sans! What an icon!Fourth-ly(?)! What a great brother he is! Supporting his brother jn everything whilst still annoying the shit out of him! Thats a true love for your sibling if i ever saw one! (That sentence doesnt make sense im sorry im tired) Fifth! He's hot. Okay thats it thanksies for your time <3<3<3"”
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sweetheartsaku · 1 year
ot5 txt ; moments with txt as lyrics..
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a/n ; [fem!reader] i was gonna put colonge by bea or moonlight by kali for yeonjun but the meaning.. also did u notic i like friends to lovers :) AND SOOBINS IS BASICALLY JUST THE WHOLE SONG IN FIC FORM
mayflower !
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yeonjun ; beside you - keshi ( coming of age )
" say i'm not your type but i know whats on your mind "
watching you fall in love with another guy who only played with you.. had enough of you getting heart broken.. " his love never felt right. i'll treat you better than all of those jerks did. ".. gently grabs your wrist.. takes you to the center of the city on a bridge.. warm lit lights.. his arms wrap around you by the waist as his face gets closer to yours.. the moonlight reflects off the river beneath you.. feeling the cold metal railing laced with colourful padlocks.. giggling together as you put a padlock on the bars.
soobin ; fairy of shampoo - tomorrow x together ( soulmates, quiet gentle love )
" whenever I see her, I'm not lonely. even with my sad heart, it disappears far away "
being eachothers comfort person.. walking through the school halls together.. watching from afar.. the rush sensation of watching you step off the bus into the school gates.. your hair flowing with a soft smile as you approach him.. his dimples clearly shown.. when talking to him is like walking on clouds.. like a feeling that cannot be explained. love like you'd see in the books or movies.
beomgyu ; best friend - laufey ( best friends to lovers )
" theres no one i'd rather fall in love with, and thats my best friend in the world. "
stargazing together.. standing together on the balcony of an apartment at the edge of the city.. warm fairy lights highlighting his stunning features.. the wind blowing his chocolate hair as it shifts in the wind.. admiring not the las vegas like city, but you.. giggling together at the syncing eye contact.. looking back at the city; " it's funny cause' you drive me half insane. " " hey! whats funny? " "how i'm in love with you." giggling, " i am too, gyu. ".. oh, the way his name rolled off your tongue.
taehyun ; apple cider - beabadoobee ( lovers cliche first love )
" and even if were just friends, we could be more than that. "
complimenting his jumper, making him wear it more often.. " we both like apple cider " having a common opinion on cola.. seeing him not being able to tolerate cola.. buying him cider instead.. going to the movies together.. hands touching while grabbing popcorn.. the silly and awkward but cute interaction making him smile.. the thought of : " this is why i'm i love with you ".. looking at you as if you hung up the stars themselves.
hyuka ; magabal - daniel padilla + moira dela torre ( childhood friends to lovers )
" at dahan-dahang magdidikit ating mga balat matagal ko nang gustong mangyari ito. " ( and our skin will gently touch, i wanted this to happen for the longest time. )
knowing every detail about eachother from being inseprable since childhood.. eyes say everything.. slow dancing in fields of endless colourful spring tulips.. rays of sunshine illuminating wherever you go.. summer dress flowing as he spins you around, giggling the sun away.. " hawak-kamay, pikit-mata ".. small picnic with gingnam red blankets.. the bouquet of flowers you collected together.. the swaying of tulips as the sun sets.. matching lockets.. the bike rides home.. getting home and thinking how you hit the jackpot.
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rachalixie · 2 years
a/n: for @moonacholy’s request for spooky fic with vampire hyunsung and witch felix and reader! sorry i lost your ask baby, i posted it and had to delete it and repost :(
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you giggle at hyunjin’s sigh as jisung applies another layer of white makeup to his face, and you follow in with a delicate swipe of blush just like you knew he didn’t want it. he’s wearing a ridiculous dracula outfit that shouldn’t look good on anyone, complete with greased back hair and a red lined cape. but hyunjin looks unfairly good in everything, so. he looks phenomenal.
“vampires aren’t even this pale. i should know. i am one.” he whines, kicking jisung’s shin much harder than he ever could kick a human’s. jisung, on the other hand, went the twilight route, with glistening sparkly skin and his glowy yellow eyes out on display. he’s wearing a shirt that says say it. out loud. it made you cackle when he first emerged from his room in it.
“oh really?” jisung feigns surprise, his red-painted lips forming into a perfect ‘O’. “i’ve never met a vampire before! what’s that like? what does blood taste like?”
“jisung shut up, you literally drank some of my blood last night.” felix rolls his eyes as he joins you all in the kitchen and wraps an arm around you. “the blood that i drew out for a really important potion, and i now need to wait for the next full moon to arrive to do. remind me to never let you drink witches blood again, by the way, it makes you way too hyper.”
you ignore jisung’s indignant squawk to turn towards your boyfriend and press a soft kiss to his cheek. he has star sequins dotting his face, one for each freckle you could find, and his tall and pointy witches hat matches the one perched on top of your head. it almost falls off when you lean in, but he catches it with one hand while the other squeezes you closer into him. he winks at you as you let some of your magic seep through the air, turning the tips of his hair bright pink and the fringe of yours a deep purple.
“are we going out?” you ask, glancing at the time on the microwave’s clock. it’s nearly 10pm, the day is almost over and you want to get out at least a couple hours of being out and about in your true forms, even if it’s playing pretend. you’re meeting your werewolf friend chan and his packmates jeongin and seungmin at a party, and you’re sure that felix’ fae cousin changbin and his mermaid roommate minho will be there too. among a bunch of unassuming humans too, but tonight thats the least of your worries. its halloween, the one night you all don’t have to hide.
“one more shot before we go!” jisung cries, pouring out a couple of blood shots for him and hyunjin while you pour out normal ones for you and felix. in different colored shot glasses, of course, you can only make the mistake of accidently drinking blood once before you learn quickly how not to mix them up.
you all stumble out of your apartment together, walking towards the full moon and enjoying each other’s company until you hear a series of loud kissing noises and a thump coming from behind you.
“but hyunjinnie!” jisung is pouting, draping himself over hyunjin’s shoulders and keeping his grip when the taller boy tries to knock him off. “you’re my soulmate!”
“maybe. doesn’t mean i want your lips anywhere near mine.” the blonde boy grimaces, taking jisung’s hand anyways.
“after over 200 years of being together, you think they would get tired of the bickering,” felix’ deep voice hits your ears, drawing attention away from the mess behind you and onto the boy whose hand your holding.
“you think we’re going to end up like them in 100 years?” you ask, smiling at him as if you know the answer already.
he just smiles in response, eyes twinkling like the stars as you continue to walk together.
soft hours
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loosingmoreletters · 8 months
Hello,, same anon as last time,,, Uhm. Prompts? This feels awkward to request but I am a sucker for soulmate aus but it was funny in my head so.
Fate is funny, is it not? Fate is fickle. All it takes is one butterfly to create a storm.
When Shin Junseo remembers, the universe recognizes this and gives him a soulmark. He does not notice this, because he did not have one in either of his lives and is not in the habit of looking at himself in the mirror
Yun Taeheon, on the other hand, notices this because he regularly goes into dungeons and has medical checkups, most importantly the fact that he vividly recalls NOT having a soulmark
This was funnier in my head because half of Yun Taeheon is not wanting Shin Junseo to not joing other guilds and the other half is trying to figure out if it's a one sided bond. They do not talk about it because no one ever talks about their issues until Elder Vampire Lesbian Cat asks about soulmates as her world didn't have any and then proceeds to ask Shin Junseo about his, and obviously he has one because it's right there, look into the mirror-???
On second thought this came out more of a setting that a prompt but. Go wild write whatever I am starving for more weapon creator content im so sorry I am so bad at keeping things concise I shall now vanish into the darkness to maybe appear again in the future
I do not know if soulmarks are words or images in this au but it's up to you!!! Just have fun!! (And if you don't end up writing it thats cool too!!)
Thank you for this wonderful prompt!!! I had a lot of fun writing this! I hope you enjoy it, feel free to leave me more prompts or just talk to me please.
Title: watercolor swords
Sometimes it takes a Vampire Elder to take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Yun Taeheon, meanwhile, has already been studying his soulmark for a year and wonders when he’ll have a proper conversation with his match.
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