#the “cant see danger” the “too much danger” and the “lets study the danger”
xylophone888 · 5 months
autism is a spectrum and the spectrum in question is between twoflower ponder and rincewind
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small diagram of what im saying
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nekomim1 · 8 months
Nona the ninth is like,
Imagine you are a girl, and you woke up sixth months ago and thats your earliest memory. You dont know who you are. Your name was chosen for you seemingly at random, because nobody else knows who you are either. All you know about yourself is this: you cannot let anyone see you injured, or they will kill you. You are inhabiting a body that the others recognize, but you dont. You are probably one of two people, but nobody knows which one. You dont know these people. You dont know yourself. And deep down maybe you know you're not either one of them.
You are happy anyway.
You live with three people, who love you and who you love back fiercely. One of them is inhabiting a body that doesnt belong to her. She understands you, but she also doesnt. The other two are sharing a body, so intertwined that you can never be sure which one is standing right in front of you, unless you study them closely and know them well enough to guess. They understand you, but they also dont. They expect you to be one of two people, but you arent and you dont know why. You dont know who (what) you are.
You are happy anyway.
The world is crumbling around you. Your life is on a time limit and your soul is trying to claw its way out of your (her) body. The people you love are in danger but you dont know why or how to stop it. You are in danger, and the people you love know how to save you. You dont belong in this body, everyone knows that now. You are too big, too much, and the rest of your essence is trying to claw its way into your mind, becoming whole again, but you cant let it. You cant let it because if you are whole then you will be different, you wont be Nona anymore and you will not be that girl who loves and who is loved. But there is no choice, you must go back or risk killing yourself and the girl whose body you inhabit. You may remember your time as Nona, or you may not, but either way you will never be the same again. You might not be loved anymore. You might not love.
But you are happy anyway.
Because at least you know this. You cannot take loved away.
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lowkeiloki · 3 months
Private is very smart, right? Hes great at using resources he has on hand to get himself and the penguins out of a sticky situation. He comes up with the idea to pretend to be skipper to take shot for him, he covers himself in cockroaches to use as a camouflage from officer X etc. Hes also quite inventive in times of crisis as seen in "the untouchable" and "when the chips are down" And hes really skilled in combat, arguably the best in the team besides skipper. He manages to fight all of the penguins off in "cute-astrophe" he saves the penguins multiple times through the show and in the movie, hes all around badass and its annoying when the fandom portrays him as a helpless uwu baby that cant defend himself and relies on others in everything.
but on the other hand some people avoid babifying him so much they go the whole other direction and try way too hard to make him some sort of bad boy that is secretly edgier than he looks and bla bla. Like thats a guy that genuinely believes unicorns are real and thinks badgers are the scariest thing on earth, his weapon of choice is a twilight sparkle toy and the worst insult he can say is "liar liar pants on fire". He can and will fight and hes good at it, but he'll almost always seek a peaceful resolution first. He makes excuses for characters when all evidence points to them being bad guys (savio and space squid). And ofc looking for good in everyone isnt inherently stupid, but letting all your guard down in those situations kinda was. The guy was literally gonna walk into savio's enclosure when he invited them, his absolute worst fear are badgers, yet becky and stacy got his trust just by offering him his favourote candy, he travelled alone with a leopard seal to the freaking antarctica specifically into the leopard seal territory. He will drop his guard on a whim at the opportunity to help or befriend someone. And you may not like it but he is the baby of the family and its an important part of his character. The penguins see him as more childish and clueless than he actually is, but he is not fully caught up with them. He passes a dangerous trial and gets promoted to a first class soldier just to read a joke he ends up not understanding. He wants to be taken more seriously by other penguins while also having very childish interest which is honestly so relatable [from a person who is writing the penguins of madagascar analysis instead of studying for their college finals]. He can be badass smart and skilled fighter while still being a genue sweetheart with bit of childish worldviews without anything dark behind it. God forbid a man is full of childlike whimsy.
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jwanniie · 8 months
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Someone requested G!p Kazuha but I can’t find the ask😭 here it is tho!
Warnings: might be cringe, not proofread, unprotected sex and just smut.
The smell of ciggaretes filling your nostrils and the crowded place blasting music is damaging your eardrums already, you came to your best friends Yunjins frat party. You are not much of a party person, but you still decided to come since Yunjin practically begged you. You and Yunjin met in middle school, both are like the sun and moon, opposite attractions. You a bit introverted student, pretty but not popular, good in studies and the perfect image of a schoolgirl, while Yunjin the popular girl with the hottest friends and a wealthy family. So, it wasn’t very unfamiliar for her to throw frat parties every weekend but it’s just that you never came to her frat parties.
When Yunjin saw you, her face was like seeing a ghost, eyes widening and jaw dropping. She immediately excused herself and came running towards you “you are the last person who I thought would come to this party…after my ex of course” she uttered rolling her eyes playfully laughing afterwards, you just laughed at her statement. “weeelll…I just thought why not have some fun you know” you said, laughing awkwardly while scratching your neck. “Exactly, but let’s talk about how fire you are looking right now” she said while looking at you from head to toes, a light pink shade taking place in your cheeks. “Let me introduce you to my friends, come one” she grabbed your hand and led you to the table her friends were sitting in. “ I have someone to introduce you guys, this is Y/N my best friend and Y/N this is Sakura, Kazuha and Chaewon” you smiled at her friends and they returned it, all of her friends were good looking but one specifically had your attention…Kazuha, throughout the conversation you kept stealing glances her way and she seemed to notice, a smirk taking place on her lips. “uhm it was a very very nice conversation, and pleasure to meet all of you but I am going to the restroom” you awkwardly excused yourself, honestly you just couldn’t keep looking at someone this fine and being close with someone this fine aka kazuha.
You decided to wash your face with cold water, while splashing water on your face eyes closed you felt something pressing against you. You immediately looked back seeing Kazuha pressing her bulge against your ass, you couldn’t help but gasp. “See baby this is how hard I am for you” she said while brushing hair strands out of your face, lips dangerously close to your soft cushion like ones. “hmm why so silent baby, have you never felt a dick against you?” she said while giggling darkly voice full of lust and desire. “n-no” you barely said voice whispery. “aww how cutee? well do you want to experience how good I can make you feel” she uttered voice an octave even lower, you just didn’t know what to say, you really wanted to agree and so you did.
She grabbed your hand leading you to one of the rooms Yunjins house has. As soon as you both arrived there, she locked the door and pushed you on the bed immediately hovering over you and taking you in a kiss, soft yet enthusiastic. you swore you could have melted right onto your place. She is unbuttoning her shirt and pants sliding them off, then she lead her hand onto your back unzipping your wine red dress. Once you were completely naked she started kissing all over your body, “Fuck baby, you look too beautiful” she mumbles between kisses. you cant help but feel ticklish giggling slightly. She just smiles and adores you. She frees her cock from her boxers, and slides her tip against your folds and clit you cant help but let out a breathy moan once she hears you she asks “Are you ready princess?” you nod humming a little yes. In one swift motion she slides herself all the way in earning a loud pornographic moan from you. The stretch was deliciously painful, her little groans making your head heavy and eyes roll back, your tightness swallowing all of her making her eyes roll back. Her once steady pace turns into a fast and rough one making sure to make you take all of her. The delicious stretch making you so close, she starts rubbing your clit while playing with one of your breasts with her free hand, twitching and squeezing the nipple, That’s it one twitch and squeeze from her made you feel your climax. you started squirming under her, your hole clenching and unclenching uncontrollably. The way you were now tighter while clenching on her length made her twitch then filled you with her seed. Luckily the loud music blasting covered all of your sinful noises!
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starrybl1ss · 9 months
Enchanting secrets ✧˖°.
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★senior/quidditch captain/slytherin!ellie williams x senior/gryffindor!reader ★warnings: making out lol, swearing, (smut in part 2 that is complete link below) ★inspo: so basically yk the drarry ships?? this is kinda basically it but with ellie & reader and the hogwarts!ellie headcannons ★please read! harry potter fans please don't come at me because the timeline of this fic is probably not accurate from the books and movies. and yes, i did watch the movie but im not really in the fandom that much so i did as much as researching as i could.
Hogwarts has been a big journey for you and all the wacky magical things happening. as now you are in senior year, the last year in hogwarts, after that you'll have do the N.E.W.T.s test that is known to be increadibly difficult.
Your really nervous, luckly your friend, Dina is a fellow gryffindor as well. And she's a smart student.
You really want to do well in the test. magic isn't as easy as flickering a wand in the air and boom! your a frog. Its much more complex than that. theory or practice, its hard.
Your now in the library with Dina, studying your ass off. its quite stressful with all the subjects.
Tomorrow is the quidditch match. your house versus slytherin. you can't wait to watch it. its always so much fun watching quidditch. you never really liked playing quidditch since it all looks so exhausting and dangerous, not like hogwarts is not itself. but you rather focus on your studies.
"Dina, im going back. real tired. you coming?" you ask the black haired girl. "Yeah all go back after its actually time for students to get back and sleep" she replied. "Cya" you left the library grabbing your books.
You walk all along the school corridors and went on the anoyying stairs that always move to a different place. its still quite busy. but only with all the seniors. running up and down.
You suddenly bump into someone. an auburn haired girl making you drop your book. "shit, sorry let me get them for you" she bent down to your knees grabbing the books you dropped.
The girl hands out the books back to you. "thanks... ellie?" you thank her while a bit skeptical if thats her name. "no problem" she replied and continues walking down the stairs.
You were right, Ellie williams. captain of the slytherin quidditch team. You see her a lot. she's a big deal. the some what 'anoyying' quidditch captain that always makes their team win in quidditch the past years shes been in hogwarts.
You continue walking up the stairs towards the 'fat lady' painting. You stood infront of the painting. "fibbertigibbet" you said as the painting opened and you step in.
Your basically the first senior to enter since everybody was busy studying while you cant take it anymore. you were too sleepy. so you changed in to your pyjamas and went to bed
Your sleep was interrupted by Dina. "wake upppp, it's already time for brekfast!" she shook your unconcious body. you quicky open your eyes and saw that it is perfectly 7.30 in the morning.
Your sleep felt so quick. "wait up, im gonna get dress" you got up and dressed up as Dina waited in the common room.
"Let's go Deen" you went outside the gryffindor house and quickly went down the stairs to the great hall where brekfast is served until around 8.
You went ahead and sat down and grabbed the food you wanted. chicken, again. your kind of obsessed with eating chicken by now.
You glaired at the slytherin table where you saw, ellie williams again. for some reason, since you two bumped to eachother on the stairs, you couldnt seem to get her of your mind.
Dina waved her hand infront of your face trying to stop you from zoning out and daydreaming too much. "who's the lucky guy your gonna take to dance after the exam?" Dina looks at you hoping you already have a guy to take out to the last senior prom.
"Oh uh, dunno" you slightly shook your head. "who we're you looking at anyways?" she asks curiously. "no one, just uhh.. someone that helped me grab my books when we bumped into eachother last night"
"see? i dont think thats a 'no one' after all! who is it?" she shook your shoulder excitedly. "a girl... you know? slytherin's quidditch captain?" you said nervously.
"are you kidding? ellie? you mean ellie williams? she's bad news!-" Dina said out loudly as you stopped her to make her a little more quite since there was a lot of people looking at you two.
"My god, she's so anoyying! she's our rival y/n!" she looks at you. "i knowww, but-" you stopped talking trying to think what to say next.
"but what? okay, i could quickly find you a good looking, smart, green flag gryffindor guy in a minute! it'll be easy, almost every gryffindor wants you. not to meantion, a lot of other boys from other houses would want you"
"i'll just worry about it later, whats the point of having a 'guy' that wants you but you don't want them anyways?"
You couln't focus the whole time in potions. you kept having your eyes on ellie making it difficult. you exited the class and went towards the bathroom to wash your face.
You went inside hearing someone crying and ofcourse it is moaning myrtle. the ghost who haunts the girls bathroom.
You saw another girl infront of the sink. you got closer and it was ellie. god, you meet her everywhere. you went to the sink next to her as you turned on the faucet.
Ellie looks at you "hey, never really catched your name last night" slightly tilting her head. "I- im- uh, y/n" you introduced yourself.
"nice meeting you"
"y-you too!" you said nervously.
"whats your next class y/n?" god, she said your name making you blush a little. suprised that she brought up a conversation. "defence againts the dark arts" you replied.
She looks at you while not sayying a thing. just admiring your face making your heart skip a beat. you couldn't handle the tension anymore.
"i should get to clas-" you stepped a bit further from her but she grabbed your left arm. "the teacher wouldn't mind you being late right?" she said teasingly.
"y-yeah he wouldn't min-" suddenly ellie pulls you in a kiss. fuck, you didn't know this would happen so quickly. you kissed her back. her hands on your waist.
"c-can we a go somewhere a little more private? Just incase...-" ellie grabs you and puts you two in one of the stalls locking the door from behind.
She pins you to the door and started giving you hickeys on your neck with you letting out choked up moans as she lifts up your sweater.
You hear someone sniffing, moaning myrtle. "Looks like things are getting a little too spicy in here. you stupid kids forgot i haunt this place? Jeez, get out!"
Shit, you totally forgot about her being her- fuck! Your missing out on professor lupin's class!
"El- ellie im missing class i should go-" you push her back a little. "See you after the match?" You nod as you went outside the stall
You ran around the corridor. 14 minutes late into proffesor lupin's class. luckly it was him teaching so he didn't make a fuss about you being late and you just said you were in the bathroom constapated as hell and he led that slide without you telling him you hooked up with the slytherin quidditch captain.
"were you that constipated? your lucky proffesor lupin isn't absent or you'd be in hell!" Dina did made a fuss about it.
You rolled your eyes and continued writing in your notebook.
This evening the weather is perfect. Not too hot, a bit cloudy but no sign of rain. The quidditch match had begun 15 minutes ago.
Slytherin are currently in the lead. Brooms going back and forth in lightning speed.
You could care less about the match, you were drunk in love admiring ellie on her broomstick. She was your house biggest rival!
Your mouth accidently slipped "Go ell-!" Dina looks at you confused. "Shes our rival! Snap out of it!" You stayed silent gazing at ellie like your some dumb 12 year old thats so drunkly inlove.
The match has ended with slytherin, again. everybody went back inside the school corridor as the slytherin kids all cheered for ellie and her team.
you were completely starstruck by her. shes so... mesmorizing its driving you insane.
suddenly you felt someones arm touching yours in the crowd. you looked at your left to see... ew! its that icky popular gryffindor guy that cant seem to get your hands off you.
"hey, i was wondering if you'd want to come to the dance with m-" you cut off his words. "sorry, fully booked" you tilt your head with a smug face.
You were lying, theres been a lot of guys asking you but you just rejected all of them.
You walked away from him without looking back. as the corridor got a little less hectic, ellie approaches you. "hey, about that..." she stopped. "would you go to the yule ball with me after the exam? any chance? you already got someone... dont you?"
You giggled "i don't, ellie" you smile. she smiled back at you and pulled you in for a kiss infront of people including dina.
★read please!
HIIII soooo its donee, sorry if i misspelt stuff. ik the pole i did alotta people voted for smut but i wanted this one to be clean???? so if you want to read the next part (that has smut) you can read it here!
lmk if you wanna see the yule ball part after the n.e.w.t.s!
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comphetkoncass · 11 months
6 or 27 for the promts both seem soooo good, i cant decide
here ya go! 6: “Don’t move, you’re still hurt.” Kon/Tim – injured tim, kon keeping tim’s blood where it’s supposed to be <3 (cw medical)
Tim wakes to ringing in his ears, and a sense that an unknown amount of time has passed since he was previously conscious. He was on a mission, Tim thinks – that much is clear given the pressure of his Red Robin uniform against his skin. He can’t remember which team he was with though, or what he was fighting. He definitely doesn’t remember losing consciousness – never a good sign, given that he could very well still be in danger. 
Tim hopes his team – whichever it is – has bailed him out. No one’s actively wailing on him, sure, which points to someone helping him or at least losing consciousness far away from the action – but he should really check for himself.
So, groaning, Tim tries to open his eyes, tries to sit up.
But sitting up is impossible – what is with the elephant on his chest? – and even the briefest glimpse to the world around him sends a dizzying blast through his skull. Light is the enemy, Tim decides. Meaning he’ll have to use his other senses to figure out what’s wrong with him, where he is, and what he needs to do to get home. 
Fortunately, as soon as he started to move, he hears something start to break through the ringing. 
“Rob?” someone asks. “Rob, can you hear me?” 
The voice is too muffled to make out. A guy, Tim thinks. Probably. 
“Mngh,” Tim says eloquently. 
The guy chuckles. That, above all, tells Tim who it is. 
“Kon,” he manages, his friend’s name like a sigh. “Did we win?” 
Kon hesitates for a minute. Then, reluctantly, “Not sure yet. Cassie’s handling it.”
“Then what’re you doing here?” Tim tries to get up again, but the elephant remains on his chest. That’s when he realizes the rest of his limbs can’t move, either. For a second, he’s terrified – but then he realizes Kon just has him in a full-body TTK lock. “Let me up.”
“No can do,” Kon says. He sounds like he’s in intense concentration mode, which Tim grudgingly appreciates. He’d hate it if Kon’s TTK accidentally immobilized his heart or lungs – but seeing as all that could just be avoided if Kon just let him go…
Tim fights against him again. 
“I’m serious, Tim,” Kon says, voice low and warning. “Don’t move, you’re still hurt.” 
That, more than anything, tells Tim what he needs to know. He goes stock still. “How bad is it?” he asks, because ‘How long do I have left?’ sounds dramatic.
“You’ll be a lot more okay and a lot faster if you let me concentrate.” 
Tim clamps his mouth shut.
That’s when he recognizes the tang of iron in his mouth – oh. He has internal bleeding, he realizes. Kon probably knows about it already. Tim decides not to point it out, given Kon sounds awfully strained. 
As Tim lies there for a while longer, he slowly checks in with himself. Tries to see which body parts are in danger. Internal bleeding causing blood in his mouth means something happened to his lungs – maybe his digestive system. A knife to his stomach, maybe? Punctured lungs?
Yet, to Tim’s surprise, he can’t feel much of anything. Little to no pain. With serious injuries, that’s clearly a bad thing – it usually means he has minutes left, if that. 
Yet somehow, there’s a nagging suspicion that wounds to his torso are the least of his worries.
Tim almost risks opening his eyes again – but the blinding light make him think there’s a head injury, and if he only has a few minutes left, he’d rather not spend it in blinding pain. It’s enough to know that Kon’s here. It’s enough that his last moments won’t be alone. 
The ringing in his ears has waned though, and Tim slowly listens for anything else around him. Anything to tell him where he is. 
He realizes, far too long after starting, that he can hear wind, far away, but absolutely roaring outside. That’s about it. 
“I’ve been studying field medicine,” Kon tells him, breaking the silence. Tim feels something strange in his lungs. “When I’ve got time, I just… I sit in the sun and crack open a medical book, cozy up with Krypto if he’s in a lazy mood. Then I learn all I can about how people’s insides are supposed to work.”
Tim makes a soft sound in the back of his throat. He’d suspected, after noticing several medical books appear on the credit card he’d given Kon a few years ago. The one he swears he doesn’t track. 
“Yeah?” Tim manages, still tasting blood in his throat. “How are mine?” 
Kon breathes through pursed lips. Winces, audibly; Tim feels a sudden flicker of pain in his right lung. “They’ve definitely been better.” 
“Can- you tell me what it was?” 
“Thrown into a building,” Kon says. “Like, really hard.”
It should be embarrassing, Tim thinks. He’s survived a lot worse. But instead of shame or regret, all he feels is pain. 
“You’re going to be okay,” Kon insists. Leans down, even, to kiss his forehead. Tim feels floaty; he still doesn’t know how Kon’s managing to keep the worst of the hurt at bay, but he appreciates it. For now, he chalks it up to forehead kisses. “I’ve got you. I’m just here to make sure you can still breathe until an actual surgeon can take care of you. And making sure your brain doesn’t leak out – always said your brain was too big for your head.”
Tim wheezes a laugh. It hurts. 
“Sorry – forgot to mention no laughing.” 
Tim squeezes his eyes shut tighter, and hopes that if this is their last moment, that Kon knows Tim doesn’t blame him. 
“How far away is help?” Tim asks, voice feeling far away. 
“Don’t pass out,” Kon says urgently. “Five more minutes, give or take. A magic user with healing powers. Raven, I think. Someone. Once they get here, you’ll be okay.” 
Kon says it like he really, truly believes it. Five more minutes of limbo, five more minutes of Kon keeping his organs where they’re supposed to be, keeping his blood flowing instead of spilling out. Five more minutes of traumatizing his best friend with what has to be the scariest moment in his life, literally holding Tim’s life in his hands. 
Tim distantly realizes that if Tim does die here, Kon will see it as his own failure. 
That, more than anything, keeps him alert. “You’re doing all you can,” Tim says. A clumsier attempt at comfort than usual. “Thank you for trying.” 
“Don’t say that like you’re saying goodbye,” Kon warns. “I swear to god, Tim, if you let yourself slip away right now-” 
“Jus’ in case,” Tim manages. His words taste even stronger of iron now. “Don’t want you feeling guilty. I know you’re trying.” 
Kon’s voice is thick with tears. “You’re going to be fine, damn it. If I have to keep your heart beating myself, I’ll do it. You hear me?” 
Tim does, but Kon’s voice is growing fainter and fainter. The ringing in his ears is back again, and getting louder, and louder.
Tim’s last regret is not being able to open his eyes and see his friend’s face one last time. 
But with his eyes already closed, and his body so numb when the shards of bone aren’t actively puncturing his lungs, Tim can’t help it. 
He slips away – and it feels like a freefall. 
Tim is surprised when he wakes up. But he does.
He can even open his eyes this time, even though the world is still a bit too bright, he can at least make out the room he’s in. It’s the Titans Tower. He’s a little surprised – somehow, he was expecting to wake up in Wayne Manor with Leslie, or the Watchtower. 
He supposes that the Tower is better, though. Raven has healing powers, and Cyborg is further in biomechanical advancements than any other human on Earth, except for possibly his dad. 
Tim’s in good hands, he decides. But he remembers the hands he was in before, and he frowns as the gravity of his injuries hits him. He really should have died. 
He doesn’t know how much later now is, compared to when he was hurt. It could be hours later, or even days. He shouldn’t expect Kon to still be here; Tim isn’t even sure he can remember those final moments properly, considering he still doesn’t remember the actual point of impact. But he does remember Kon holding him together. Kon’s TTK being the only thing between Tim and bleeding out, or worse. (Probably worse.)
He no longer feels that pressure of that TTK field. Whatever it did, it’s long gone.  
Its owner, however, is much closer. Tim realizes too late that he can hear snoring, a distinctive hnkkkk-sss that could only come from one super. (Tim still doesn’t believe Kon, that a heartbeat can sound distinct enough to track. But he will always be able to recognize Kon by his snoring.) 
It takes a while for Tim to sit up enough to turn, but when he does, the movement startles Kon awake. 
“Hey,” Tim says.
His mouth doesn’t taste like blood anymore. 
Kon stares at him, bloodshot eyes wide and hopeful. Tim didn’t even know he could get bloodshot eyes. “Hey yourself.” 
It doesn’t escape Tim’s notice that Kon’s sitting in the windowsill. He must have needed an awful lot of sun to regain energy. 
He doesn’t seem to care about recharging now, though. Tim blinks, and Kon’s on the edge of his bed, sitting on him without actually putting any pressure on him. Tim can’t tell if it’s TTK or true flight, but it’s nice. 
“You passed out even though I totally told you not to,” Kon says, faux-sternly. “Guess you can dish out orders in the field, but you can’t take them.” 
A laugh bubbles out of Tim’s throat. This time, he realizes, it doesn’t hurt. 
Tim didn’t realize at first, that there was a haunted look on Kon’s face. Whatever Kon had to do to keep Tim alive, it must have stuck with him. But when Tim laughs, it passes, if just for a moment. 
“It’s good to see you awake,” he says honestly. “Cyborg and Raven weren’t sure you were gonna make it, but I wouldn’t let them give up on you.” 
“Yeah?” Tim wonders just how close he got to dying. Wonders, briefly, about just how far TTK can go to keep a body alive after it stops keeping itself alive. Remembers what Kon said about his heart. A chill runs up his spine as he realizes that technically, Kon might have been telling the truth. A heartbeat wouldn’t be that difficult to replicate artificially. 
Given the look on Kon’s face, Tim had better not ask. 
“Well, you kept your promise,” Tim says, and reaches for Kon’s hands. He squeezes, and it seems to be the right move. Some of the tension bleeds out of Kon’s shoulders. “I’m fine. You can stop worrying now.” 
“Never,” Kon says, but there’s a smile on his face, and he looks a thousand pounds lighter. 
[For my own reference, and for everyone else’s pain: Tim ended up with metal plates in his head and three replacement ribs. Kon actually still had to help with the medical process; he had to fish out the ribs that punctured Tim’s lungs so that Raven could heal Tim’s lungs. Kon had to get over his fear of a laboratory setting by being present for the whole surgery. 
Last fun fact: After Tim passed out, he would have died, but Kon did in fact keep his heart beating. The uses for TTK are absolutely limitless.]
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thegnomelord · 8 months
- 🦈
(Alright Brainrot time! Lets shake some stuff up a tad.I spun a wheel and it landed on gaz, (thats i lie he needs more love) This is a bit long so get ready! A song i listen too was breakfast by half alive. It was so good.
Gaz always loved the night sky, despite how much his mother caws at him that it's dangerous to be out flying in the dark. What if you hit a skyscraper, you cant tell where the coulds are, what if you fly into a jet engine or out to sea?!
Gaz would try and calm his mother from lossing her feathers. "Its fine ma! Everything has lights now!" He would coo, giving her a good hug before taking off. As true as it is, he dosent tell the whole truth of where he flyes off too.
The forest pitch dark and void of any light, perfect for the stars to shine without any pollution made by humans. Night after night he'd always love the feeling of flying on his back and just gazing at the stars.
He knows that there's a possiblity that theyre dead, but isnt it just the more beautiful. You're witnising the efforts, the energy of a giant ball of pure flaming gas long after its been gone. It gives him the hope there's always something after the life he lives. That there's always more then just the void.
And the void adores him for it. He dosent know the stars stare back at him. Twinkling, blinking and cooing, burning as much as their mass as they can, to alluminate the tricks the happy harpy would make in the night.
The void always reaches out to him, wishing to just pluck him from the earths atmosphere and craddle him in the cold vaccume of their arms.
The closest they could ever get to them were their dreams. Lucid and fragile, if Gaz were to ever focus and try to remember their face, they'd poof and wake up drenched in sweat that he'd have to clean from his feathers.
He'd beg. Whenever he'd be just a bit concious. To tell them anything, anyway they'd could meet up. To see each other and actually be there to hug him, to love him.
The void tries, with all they have, to tell him. Their rituals, their cults, their practices, anything. But after being forgotten into the times of the past, it was hard to hold a conversation that gaz could actually remember.
So the only word, that he void knew gaz could recall was their name, one that mortals could utter.
It nearly drove Gaz mad when he couldn't find anything. Not a word of their exsitence. Seriously! He studied latin for this?!
One thing that keeps him going, keeps him sane, is his dreams.
He'd meet people he felt were real, people who were just as smitten with the void as him.
A werewolf that would have the funkiest mowhawk even when he'd bring along his wolf soul. They'd tustle and play in the fields of tall grass their void would create for them just to playi in.
A dragon-born with the prettiest wings. Snarky and daredevil attitude, challenging gaz to th stupidest ideas. Where they'd challenge each other to races, practice arial performances and get tossed around by the void.
A human, with a horrendous home life. That the void was his only safe space away from all the horrors. Gaz would tell him stories and recipies his family would cook, in attempts to share the love. Their void would craddle them in better warmth then when his mother would wrap him in a hug before he grew in his plumage.
He knew these people were real, they held coversations he could remember, their face grew with the passage of time they knew of each other, their faces and their names, their likes and personalities. They were all consistent.
He just hoped that one day, they could meet.)
IDK why but this reminds me of that one post on here where the earth is wrapped around the wings of a giant raven and the moon is it's eye. And the raven is absolutely in love with the world and the little people on it, but most of all it loves the beings that stare up at it's star speckled wings with adoration.
oh oh, what if it's not the first time Gaz has met them? What if they all fell for the void beyond their world countless millennia ago, meeting up when they all inevitably died to be cradled by the thing they loved most.
But eternal life is boring for those who weren't made to be eternal, so after hearing their wishes you let them return to earth, casting their souls to be reborn and live and die and reborn again just like the moon waxes and wanes. Sometimes they meet to fall in love all over again, sometimes they live in times of peace, sometimes they're born on opposing sides of the same conflict, never sure why the face of their enemy feels so intimately familiar until death reminds them of everything.
And you're there, watching, waiting, seeing that same love in their eyes be born over and over and over again.
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quirkle2 · 6 months
THAT GORE IS SOOOO GOOD!! PEAK WRITING IF YOU ASK ME TBH (i love feral zombie mobu, he has my heart) will you be publishing your zombie au oneshots on ao3 or just here on tumblr?
also one last question (or not. >:D), how was zombie mob's dynamic/relationship with tome tho? i assume in this au that they didn't know each other before mob got turned? did they form some sort of relationship in a way that he eventually start to recognize her? or did mob stayed seeing her only as a stranger :o
- 🪻 (i think i'm just gonna go by this emoji from now :3)
ill prolly just stuck to tumblr for the one shots! i usually like to stick to longer stuff for ao3, so tumblr it is
and yes, mob Does grow to recognize tome as a friend instead of a stranger! it's a bit of a weird dynamic at first, bc when tome meets ritsu, the boys r separated. ritsu is adamant that zombie mob isnt violent, but tome begs to differ...
when tome led mob away from ritsu so she could get him back to the settlement, she ended up tying him to a random utility pole w rope from ritsu's bag she totally rifled through. in any other circumstance she'd prolly just let the patrol guards kill him, but mob is the one that got her attention and Led her to a sick ritsu, and she finds that they're traveling together.. (their labeled water bottles in ritsu's bag is the biggest sign; saliva can infect u so ritsu has to be careful abt not drinking after mob) this zombie is Behaving Strangely and tome is too curious abt this wack ass setup they've got goin to just,, let this zombie die or wander off. the only method she has of keeping him in one place is to tie him somewhere :/
zombie mob doesnt seem to rly care at first, he's just worried abt ritsu, but then when tome doesnt come back for a bit ??? the next morning when she returns (with food and water for him !) he is vicious toward her. he cant do anything tied up like he is, but he's constantly snapping his teeth at her, hissing and spitting and snarling, and trying to wiggle free
all that mob knows if that he tried to get help from this girl, ritsu is gone now, and he's tied to a pole. that pisses him off and all his addled brain can rly process is that ritsu is In Danger somewhere he cant get to. and in tome's perspective, this strange kid she saved has been traveling with a fucking demon, but somehow isnt infected.they checked. he's miraculously not
when ritsu is well enough to hold a convo, tome tells him she has his zombie friend safe somewhere, bc even in his delirium ritsu was mumbling abt his brother (tome voice ah! they're brothers... inchresting i see the resemblance if i remove the horrid eyebags from mob's face). ritsu says mob is an extremely docile zombie by default. tome says he's literally one of the most vicious ones she's ever seen. neither of them believe each other and ritsu is convinced she has the wrong zombie and that mob is still out there somewhere, wandering the settlement grounds just Asking for a patrol to kill him
when ritsu is better, she sneaks him outta the settlement to see his brother. as soon as tome comes around the corner of mob's sad little Utility Pole home he gets riled up and starts snarling, but when another figure follows behind her, he Instantly settles. he sees ritsu's face, still a bit pale but otherwise alive, and every alarm bell in mob's head is cleared and he relaxes like a switch in him was flipped
ritsu saw that viciousness for a split second tho, and is Shocked by it. nevertheless ritsu is so relieved he's okay, so he basically rushes at mob and envelopes him in a Hug and tome watches this, kinda stunned. the way his brother instantly settles in the hold ?? maybe ritsu Was right, in his eyes... maybe being around ritsu just calms mob down, so ritsu's only seen his tame side
tome joins the gang after that (her joining might seem strange, given she hasnt much of a motive, but trust me, for tome, getting to study this enigma of a dynamic is basically her dream. also she has a backstory that motivates her more but im not getting into that now). and it's very odd how mob seems to,,, be largely ok w her now ?
she thought it'd be difficult, given his obvious hatred of her after their first meeting, but it seems that her eventually bringing back ritsu erased most of the distrust there. he's typically pretty cool w her around; the only times he gets testy is when she shoves ritsu around when they're bullying each other. after all this time of walking w a gentle ritsu alone, mob doesnt rly know the difference between fun roughhousing and actually hurting each other, so he typically growls at her lowly until she stops
later on in the journey, he shows genuine trust in tome, particularly after moments where she saves him or ritsu from getting shot. and way later on, when tome is in trouble, mob even attacks another zombie to keep them away from her
eventually he sees her as part of the gang, and tome sees him as less of a Vicious Monster and more of what he actually is; somebody's brother that is sick, and is one of the only zombies in existence that is actually being taken care of and accommodated for
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doyouremem8erme · 7 months
ask game time! 💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
somebody told me that terezi was a bad character on instagram so im gonna write an essay on why shes my fave character
first off her sheer chaotic energy is fucking iconic. the complaint on instagram wasnt about that because it cant be denied but shes just fucking insane and i love her for it. i think shed bite off my fingers and then insult the taste of my skin. shes just so crazy and weird and murderous and nerdy and i love her for it. we all know this. but theres a lot of her character that is so overlooked.
heres an essay on why metatextually and narratively, terezi is one of (if not THE) most important characters in homestuck and how that connects to her relationship with vriska.
vriska and terezi are described by hussie like this:
This is the most important character relationship resulting from all the sound and fury of Hivebent's chaotic dispensation... It's the arguable axis around which the whole epic revolves, when you really study all the ramifications from the fallout resulting from their rivalry, ensuing revenge cycle, and mutually floundering struggle for redemption, in the warped way each of them defines that idea.
so i mean even HUSSIE acknowledges that theyre important. and of course we all know vriska is obsessed with trying to be at the center of the narrative and you could say she pulls terezi into that but thats NOT what happens between them.
so terezi meets vriska at some undetermined young age and they flarp together and become close very quickly as seen in terezis memories in remem8er. and when all the drama in hivebent goes down you really see that they arent just stable in their quadrants but that their codependency plays into this vacillation in a really twisted way.
Another snapshot of the tortured Scourge Sisters dynamic, in a long tale of angst and ambivalence concerning justice and morality. Terezi wrestles with this eternally. She wants to bring Vriska to justice. But she doesn't. She does, doesn't, does, doesn't. Vriska thrashes back and forth in a different way. I'm sorry, see how sorry I am? Isn't being sorry ENOUGH? What more do you want? I'm sorry, not sorry, sorry, not sorry. And being not sorry takes the form of lashing out, incrimination, daring Terezi into action, calling her bluff, etc. So her vacillation is more like, I'm sorry, fuck you, I'm sorry, you don't have the guts, I'm sorry, just kill me already! The dangerous dance goes on and on.
so yes. vrisrezi good. vrisrezi complex. but what makes this even more tragic is how they act as the ultimate doomed yuri. before remem8er, terezi talks about a lot of heavy feelings she hasnt really let on before.
she talks about her sense of incompleteness in a way that reminds me of the way you see space players experience loneliness--which is cool given that mind as an aspect has some parallels to both space and time. and she talks about how shes never been complete on her own. going back to the instagram post i saw that said she doesnt feel rounded enough on her own--thats the point. so much of her character is defined by vriska that its a part of her own identity and a tragic part of her actual experiences. theres another hussie quote which is about vriska but still applicable--
For instance, you could write dozens of paragraphs of meta on Vriska alone. But the moment you stop writing about Vriska in a vacuum, and start writing about Vriska x Terezi, the avenues of analysis seem endless. It's a circuitous, psychologically tortured mutual arc of competitive codependency, which on closer inspection serves as the axis around which virtually the entire plot revolves.
her codependency with vriska is one of the most central components of the entire narrative. without terezi's internal torment over vriska there would be no homestuck as we know it. [s] flip and the aftermath of game over (F1X TH1S) are among the most important moments in the entire story and both are defined by vriska and terezi's dynamic.
im including this stuff without much commentary because it just acts as illustration of how much more depth to terezi than just crazy murdery lawyer dragon girl. yes, shes tormented over vriska and how she lost her in another timeline and all the choices shes made in different worlds but its also about her. her dependency on vriska is a symptom of this deep deep loneliness she holds inside her. theres something to be said about her lack of a lusus and specficially the fact that her lusus's egg was held on a scale weighing it against sburb-associated machinery
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the prevention of her loneliness is always doomed. she has no lusus--but in order to have one, the world would have to end. she has vriska--but she loses her in every single timeline without fail. she flirts with the humans--but kills john in one timeline and dooms a dave in another. she cannot pursue intimacy or friendship or any form of relationship without losing both her loved ones along with everything else. its not just that she doesnt have a lusus--its that her lusus hatching will end the world. its not just that she loses vriska--its that in no timeline we see do they get a happy ending, and the closest they get in being erased from reality in each others arms.
she is tormented by so much more than just vriska. and i talk about this through so much angsty and dramatic words but its really true that shes so tragic. and tragedy isnt the only reason to love her because shes also so silly and crazy and weird and offputting etc but the instagram post that pissed me off so badly said that she became uninteresting after the earlier-comic characterizations of her with her bloodthirsty lawyer/executioner persona.
she says it here. yes she is weird and silly but beyond the parts of it that are engrained into her personality it seems to be (at least in part) an act to cover up how messed up she feels inside. she is so full of shenanigans and whatnot and doesnt display her issues the way a lot of characters do (even the prospit kids who are so known for repressing their emotions show more signs of distress that terezi does, to the point that hussie made sure to note that her distress was genuine when her lusus died!)
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More great and very imaginative sound effects. "GENUINE" seems like maybe it's an unnecessary qualifier, until you consider that Terezi is so full of shit, many things she does could be considered ungenuine. So it pays to point out when she is sad for real, like when her newborn baby mom dies.
vriska, downright infamous for being surrounded in discourse around the context of her actions, is even more obvious than terezi. she too plays up an act of her unfazed coolness about all the stuff she does but shes less extreme about it in such a way that its more obvious when she slips a bit in that facade. when terezi is distressed she usually doesnt show it at all because her layers of weird silliness are too thick. shes just a lot better at the whole violent killing stuff than vriska is! you can see this in vriskas breakdown in vrisky business:
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vriska has a total breakdown over realizing shell need to learn to hunt after losing her arm and she says this:
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bascially saying that that prime difference between them is that vriska, yes, has learned to be ruthless and violent and manipulative (and was never a good person in the first place but it was her lusus that shaped her into being like this) while terezi never had that stress. she could do whatever she wanted and be as wild as she wished which is why she grew into the crazy troll girl who is the most important character in homestuck. with why i love her out of the way its some analysis timeeeeee.
i already mentioned how important flip and f1x th1s are but i wanna dive into that.
terezi exhibits an understanding of sburb's timelines better than anyone else, even time players, letting her do things like lead dave to her own doomed self on his quest bed, and it becomes clear that this is the nature of her mind powers, combined with a seer's intuition. she has many traits that involve seeing through different barriers, if that makes sense--she can navigate the world by forming a mental image of her surroundings by smell and taste after going blind, and she sees through the layers of sburb's bizarreness just as easily.
[s] flip is one of the first places this ability is used in a way this vital to the progression of the main plot--she uses her powers to stop vriska from dooming them all.
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Any divergence from this path to my knowing will taper into blackness like rotting roots. But if I was a Seer, such offshoots would be fully within my domain... A Seer would support her allies in battle not with her weapons, but her vision. She would sift through dross of her comrades' poor tactical inclinations and examine the grim consequences. A Seer would not charge into the fray headlong but direct it as a conductor with a baton. She would have the sight to eschew the obvious gambits, and find the path to victory disguised cleverly as setback, or even imminent defeat. She would behold the fortunes of friends and foes in totality, and appraise the contrivance of luck itself...A true Seer would know where luck is a given, where it is absent, and most importantly, where it doesn't matter at all. And she would know victory doesn't matter in a reality where all else is doomed to fail.
being from doc scratch this is ofc not 100% reliable information but its still some good meta. the last couple lines really emphasize her narrative place--as a seer, she is aware of the big picture, and as a seer of mind, she is more specifically aware of the branching timelines formed in sburb. she is a mastermind behind the plot but lacks the tools to truly direct it. (and i will also go ahead and point out the line about acting as a conductor since thats a very important symbol in homestuck representing movements of the story much like an orchestral symphony.
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the actual conductors we see are the cherubs, calliope in particular. calliope and caliborn are characters with actual narrative power (caliborn takes over the whole story!) so its pretty impressive to be compared to that.
but it turns out terezi does in fact have a place in the story almost at this level of power.
it's revealed that the initial version of the events following the coinflip were in terezi's vision:
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and that she turned around on that initial path to prevent it from happening. on its own, this isnt that significant. but this moment is the moment that the retcons revolve around, with an entire axis of the plot centered around this single moment between vriska and terezi woven together with terezi's visions and powers.
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john may be the one to carry out the actual retcons, but terezi is both the one who ordered him to do so and the orchestrator of the entire narrative rewrite. this is the moment when she raises the conductors baton. this is why i refer to terezi rewriting the universe, not john.
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all john did was use his powers to carry out the list of instructions that terezi used her powers to develop. most of them are of arguable vitality but the one that truly changes everything is the rewriting of vriska's death. by doing this, terezi is the reason why homestuck does not end in the disaster of game over. were it not for terezi, homestuck would have a far more tragic ending that the bittersweet conclusion we're actually left with. there are many characters who display a level of narrative control--vriska pulling the spotlight towards herself and being somewhat aware that a narrative like homestuck exists; the very existence of john's powers; doc scratch's role as a stand-in narrator on a level comparable to hussie's avatar; caliborn's narrative takeover in act 6 and ascension to lord english; calliope's role as a storyteller of the existing narrative--the list goes on. but terezi's actions are perhaps the most significant, even if her level of control is nowhere close, rewriting the story of homestuck entirely. she does get the password pages in there, which i'll definitely count as a sort of metanarrative presence in the presentation of the comic (like caliborn and doc scratch's site rethemes). yes, john does the necessary actions to achieve this end, but would not have been able to do so without the anchor points of terezi's direction of the plot.
and once again, this is inseparable from her relationship with vriska. yes, she does this to give another timeline a chance at victory, and to carry on her story in another life as she dies in the pre-retcon timelines, but it's also for vriska. killing vriska broke terezi as much as it broke the narrative and so rewriting canon for vriska gives that other version of herself a second chance. there is not point in leaving vriska out of this because the relationship between the two and the push and pull of their tumultuous dynamic is what is at the heart of the narrative--not one or the other.
and even with such a significant role, she is still bound to her fate outside of the changes john can make. im gonna bring back some dialogue from earlier--
she does not have the godlike narrative position that the cherubs achieve. shes not even a godtier! and thats another part of what makes her so tragic. she knows enough about sburb to navigate it and play it to her advantage but not enough to gain the self fulfillment she wants.
highlighting this part, her seer abilities are both her greatest power over the narrative and one of her most tragic parts.
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she has access to infinite timelines and choices and can tell how things will turn out but she cant simply unlock those realities and memories beyond her experiences. having the access to the memories of a better life also isnt necessarily a plus.
the access to this knowledge seems to be a part of why she is so internally desperate for answers. the solution is right there seemingly but just out of reach. and in this desperate moment of trying to unlock those answers?
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she remem8ers. (and i know the title of the flash is a reference to the song used in it but i will also point out just how vrisrezi it is to have her desperate attempts to recall her other self's memories be written in vriska's typing quirk)
at the end of this flash, terezi and vriska are about to be literally wiped from reality forever. and yet, they face that end smiling in each others arms. they are no longer relevant. there is no narrative significance to this moment. but its still what terezi needed to see in order to fulfill that part of herself.
um. i spent all day writing this in my free time. enjoy.
terezi save me. save me. terezi. terezi. terezi save me
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enby-crisis · 1 year
Favorite Criminal
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
Summary: With everyone ignoring you and your best friend still sick, you snap at Sebastian, while Ominis thinks of a way to fix this mess they pulled you into.
Word Count: 1632
Warnings: Mentions of depression, anxiety, and Unforgivables.
A/n: Yeah so this one is hella long but also will have other parts :) Feel free to leave requests. I have too much free time this week and will see what I can do.
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You try to be supportive. For Anne. Be there for Sebastian when he needed you. You knew this road he was down was a dangerous one and despite both you and Ominis begging him to be careful- to protect him yourselves, he still was set on a path of destruction with his new best friend. You knew it hurt Ominis more then you that Sebastian spent the whole year choosing someone he just met over the lifetime the two boys shared. Sebastian knew something about this character that you and Ominis couldn't puzzle out. 
Often you and Ominis would sit in the Undercroft later at night and whisper about what you could so to clear Sebastian from the crimes he has already committed with this new student. Thinking of new lies to cover up where those two went sometimes. Ominis didn't want to get his best friend in trouble and you couldn't watch Ominis beat himself up over something that was not even his fault. Though you did have far less involvement in the matter then the pale blonde, since he helped them find the relic in the first place, but he was already blaming himself for that so voicing it would only earn you a sarcastic remark and make him fall deeper into the hole he helped these two dig. 
You tried everything. All of the lies and cover ups are catching up to you and Ominis and after they used the Cruciatus curse on you, then the Imperius curse on Ominis, it was only a matter of time before Sebastian's new accomplice used the killing curse on somebody. Your paranoia was unavoidable nowadays. You felt there were people around you who knew what the two of you were up to. 
You think about running from this. Hiding from the suspicious eyes of professors and students alike. Who knows what these criminals are up to now? Where are they? Who else has this power-driven newbie dragged down with them? You can't focus on studying for your OWLS due to the stress Sebastian's new escapades have clawed into your chest.
It has gotten to the point that Ominis has started to hide things from you. You feel betrayed by the way two boys you've know most of your life cast you aside so easily. Now the only one who tells you anything is Anne.
You miss her everyday. Just being able to take a break from the boys and gossip with another girl. The school still has a spot for her in the dorms. Your dorm. A clean made bed with fresh linins that haven't been in use all year. When you miss her the most you sit on her bed, her name carved into the wooden post of the bed. 
Tonight you cant sleep, you can't handle the feelings anymore and go downstairs to sit at the window. Keep your mind off everything by listening to the water bubbling by the underwater bay window. It is very much your spot so being nearly one in the morning you were not expecting a certain brunette to be sitting there with a strange book.
"What? Telling everybody in our year about the Undercroft wasn't enough for you, you had to steal my spot to?" You snap at him, causing Sebastian to startle before meeting you hard gaze.
"No, I though you would be with Ominis at this hour. And I didn't tell everyone about the Undercroft, just one other." He says, giving you attitude right back with ease.
"Save it. I don't care that much, and why do you think I'd be with Ominis? Did he not tell you?" Your line of questioning confuses him. You scoff. "Oh let me guess. Too busy replacing him with someone who actually enjoys your obsessions?"
"Enjoys?" He puts his book down to talk to you, "Maybe if you and Ominis were more willing to help I wouldn't have had to find someone who was." His anger is evident in his loud tone.
"You are unbelievable you know that." You counter him with a whisper, "I miss her everyday. between you and that- that fifth year making problems for the rest of us and Ominis trying to stop you from getting arrested  I have been left with no one. Have you even asked your sister about what she wants? Have you even seen her? I mean of course you have. With your new best friend! In Feldcroft before Holiday Break. Four months ago."  You stop, catching your breath.
"She is MY sister! No one misses Anne more then I do (Y/n)! I just want what's best for her." He argues.
You roll your eyes, "You want what's best for you Sebastian. Stop going around pretending you care about anyone but yourself. You-"
"Will you two shut it!" Ominis causes both you and Sebastian to turn and face him. "If you don't you will surly wake the whole house. Not to mention it is way past curfew and neither should be down here."
Sebastian grabs his book off the window seat and shoves past you to the boys dorm, knocking into your shoulder as he storms off.
You turn to face Ominis, his face blank, still in his school uniform. "How much of that did you hear?" You use a softer tone with the blonde then you did with his friend.
"I was there the whole time. Waiting for you actually. I'm blind not deaf." He gives a soft smile.
"Sorry." You whisper, embarrassed about your outburst.
"Don't be. I whole-heartedly agree with you." 
You smile at him.
 "However I think there is a time and place to do it."
Your face drops again and with your help, you guild Ominis to sit with you in the bay window.
"When was the last time you two spoke?" Ominis asked, cocking his head to the side.
The last time you have even seen Sebastian was the night at the Scriptorium. You tagged along, much to the dismay of the rest of the party. Sebastian and his companion were more annoyed then anything else, but Ominis was enraged the agreed to let you tag along. When they tried to talk him into using an Unforgivable, on you no less, he was fuming, ranting about you safely and how those two dodo-brains put you in danger. Since then both Sebastian and Ominis have been keeping you at arms length. Ominis less so, he will still have dinner with you and sit with you in classes you still have together but any of his free time is devoted on keeping his only other friend out of Azkaban.
No one really worried about you. Maybe they should have. It wasn't fair on you and Ominis for your only group of friends to split in several different directions and expect a blind guy to fumble the ground for the pieces.
"(Y/n)?" He reaches for your hand. As if you left him. As if you evaporated into smoke.
"That night we went into the Scriptorium." You let him slip his hand into yours, and, though its a platonic gesture, you blush. Hard.
'(Y/n) that was months ago."
"I know." You sigh, "Haven't seen much of our troublemaker since then. Seems he's been avoiding me. Or perhaps I am avoiding him."
"Well then. He definitely deserved that tantrum you threw." Ominis snickers.
You smack his shoulder, "It was not a tantrum!" You huff, but his smile makes you give one in return.
"I would call it a tantrum." He rubs circles into your hand, staring into the blankness that is the other side of the common room. Not that he know.
 "Why were you waiting down here for me? We only ever talk in class now. These meeting only happen when Seb did something wrong." You change the subject, trying to not argue with the only person who still makes an effort to talk to you nowadays.
Ominis shakes his head, "I think they're planning something."
He pauses and you wait for him to continue, knowing it'll be something bad. Your chest tightens with rising anxiety.
"I might need your help to stop him- them," He corrects, "When they went to the catacombs, he was looking for this relic. I think they found it. Sebastian is going back in a few days to test it. he thinks it can cure Anne." 
"I think we should stop helping those two. Let them dig their own graves Ominis." You cut him off before he can explain further.
"Listen I have to go. Not for Sebastian but for Anne. I don't think he is being honest with her." "Why does that not surprise me." You once again interject.
"(Y/n) I- would you please stop interrupting me!" Ominis says, annoyed with the input you give.
"Sorry.." You blush.
"They told Anne I lead them to the Scriptorium alongside you. Sebastian is very careful with his words. Anne thought we knew about what the relic does. I told her what I knew and she did the same. Those two have been lying to all of us! Even each other. It has gotten to where Solomon wants to leave. Move further from the school. We have to stop this before it's to late." "Ominis." You whisper, "I think it's already too late."
When his face drops you know that wasn't what he wanted you to say. For a moment you understand the new fifth year and their willingness to partake in anything Sebastian throws at them. They- much like you- act out of love. You love Ominis and only want him to be happy. This new student must have a crush on your friend. They do what they do because they care about Sebastian. Its toxic but just like them you cave.
"But if you think this is for the best I will help you. I can't promise Anne will to please that either of you dragged me into this. However if you need me there, I'll go."
Ominis smiles.
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gepardling · 11 months
night-time rendezvous II w/ gepard .
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desc. : another short chapter. serval is nice she doesn't bite ( i promise ) gepard tho i cant promise 4 dat one. keeping track of time in this is soooo haaardd my own mental clock is confusing me so much when i picture these scenes ( wc : 787 )
tags / cw : sfw, but mentions of blood, injury and vampirism, gn!reader, (they/them used), vampire!AU for the Landaus, reader is a human, this is slightly cliché but I LOVE MY CLICHES, proofread but lore may change
index : prologue, part 1, part 2
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— Day 1
A few hours passed as you slowly regained consciousness, and as the first light of the moon passed through the curtains, you arose from your slumber. Gepard hurriedly ushered you to your feet, and together you made your way to the villa's gardens. As you reached a secluded spot amidst the foliage, a strong presence lurked behind you. Gepard swiftly positioned you behind a tall, flowering bush, concealing your injured form from view. The scent of the blossoms masked your presence, at least to some extent. Just in time, his older sister, Serval, emerged from the shadows. The moonlight played upon her ivory skin and accentuated her glistening fangs, making them appear even more dangerous.
She looked at Gepard with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. "What are you doing here, Gepard?" Her voice was a velvet whisper, belying the tension that lingered between them.
Gepard's eyes met hers, and in that silent exchange, a myriad of emotions passed. His loyalty to family, his newfound connection with you, and the weight of secrets carried over millennia clashed in that moment. As Gepard attempted to weave a half-truth, Serval's sharp eyes caught every tick of his body language. She knew him too well, and it was impossible to hide anything from his older sister.
Serval's gaze pierced through the garden's shadows until she locked onto your concealed form. "Who do we have here?" Her voice retained that velvety edge, concealing her true intentions.
Gepard hesitated, torn between his loyalty to family and his desire to protect you. Finally, he nodded subtly. "This is... a traveler who was injured. They needed shelter for the day."
Serval's gaze didn't waver as she studied you, and there was a hint of something unreadable in her eyes. After a few moments, she let out a sigh, and a rare hint of warmth entered her tone. "Very well, you can stay... for now." Her cryptic response left you uncertain about her true motives. She approached you with a grace that only a being of her age and experience could possess, her hand trailing through your hair as if consoling a distressed sibling.
"You should know better than to treat a guest like this, Gepard," she tsked gently, her fingers cool against your skin. "You poor thing, you're so tired you can barely stand..." Gepard looked at his sister with a mixture of confusion and gratitude, knowing that her soft demeanor could change in the blink of an eye. For now, her unexpected kindness was a lifeline.
"Come inside, dear," Serval said, her cold hand in stark contrast to your warm one, and offered a polite smile that barely masked her sharp fangs. Gepard walked beside you, still trying to steady his racing heart. Serval led the two of you back inside, and the familiar scent of your blood was picked up by her keen senses. "How bad did you say your injury was?" She asked, her voice holding a note of genuine concern as she led you further into the estate. Gepard followed, glancing between you and his sister.
"Not... That bad," Gepard was lying through his teeth, knowing just how much blood you had actually lost. He shot you a quick, apologetic glance, trying to maintain the facade he had crafted. Serval's sharp, crimson eyes settled on him for a moment, as if she could see right through his words, but then she turned her attention back to you.
Her elegant fingers brushed a lock of hair from your forehead, and a shiver ran down your spine. Her touch was almost unnatural, and yet strangely comforting. "We'll have our family physician tend to you," she decided, her voice softening slightly. "You're a guest, after all. And it seems like you've grown quite attached." Gepard's eyes widened slightly, but he couldn't deny the truth in his sister's words. You had become more than just a passing traveler; you were someone he couldn't bear to let go of.
"You may sleep in the guest quarters for tonight, but..." Serval paused, inhaling deeply through her nose, "I suppose you'd already gotten comfortable there." She chuckled softly before walking away, her footsteps echoing in the vast corridors of the villa. 
Gepard breathed a sigh of relief as his sister's imposing presence retreated. He turned to you, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Well, it seems you can stay for a while longer. My sister can be... quite persuasive. You should rest, you've been through a lot." Gepard escorted you back to the guest quarters, where you could finally get the respite you needed. The events of the night had taken their toll on both of you, but with Serval's peculiar blessing, you found yourself under Gepard's protection once more.
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literally insane tht's what u are. ur circadian rhythm is gonna get all messed up
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1-800-c0sm1c · 2 years
꒰you get me so high !꒱
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your old best friend (whom you very much still have feelings for)  is the last person you were hoping to see when you get into trouble in avidya forest.
character x scholar!gn!reader
includes tighnari !
warnings : none.
word count : 3914
a/n : sorry for being inactive ! i just got back from an mcr concert recently so i wrote the last half of this exhausted, i hope its coherent still ! i am so very normal about this fox boy (lying).
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youre not sure whether youre just abnormally clumsy, or dangerously stupid, but tighnaris best guess is a little bit of both. 
you should know better than to walk around the rainforest by yourself, its common knowledge, but you were far too stubborn to listen to anyone elses warnings before you set out on your travels this morning. the most embarrassing part was that you didnt even find the items you needed for your latest research project for the akademiya before you wound up in trouble. 
you had made the rookie mistake of wandering away from the designated path throughout the deep forest, and before you knew it you had tripped and found yourself caught in some vines. no big deal, at least at first. attempting to free yourself, you found the hold around your body had become tighter instead of loosening up, and at that moment, you had realized youd fucked up.
the thorns had begun pricking into the skin of your arms and legs, and you cursed yourself for wearing a short sleeved shirt and shorts. you finally managed to swallow your pride and call for help, praying that you wouldnt draw attention to any hungry animals in the nearby area.
not too far away, a familiar pair of ears perked up at the sound of your distressed voice, making a quick pace over to where you were, quite literally, screaming from. although tighnari knew it was you the second he heard you, he still couldnt help but feel slightly shocked at seeing you in person again. he cant recall how long its been since you were studying side by side at the akademiya.
"alright y/n you can relax. struggling will only make the vines tighter, as youve clearly already figured out, and your screaming really hurts my ears." your eyes widen at the figure standing in front of you. out of everyone who could have stumbled upon you in the forest, tighnari was the last person you were hoping to see.
"oh.. hi tighnari. uhm, fancy meeting you here, huh?" you awkwardly laugh, hoping he doesnt ask you for an explanation before helping you out of your predicament. he raises an eyebrow at you. "any particular reason youre so far off from the designated trail? i thought something so obvious could get through your thick skull, but i guess i was wrong." you cant help but scoff at his comment, he hadnt changed a bit.
"you can lecture me all you want, but can you at least help me out of here first?" he sighs before examining the root of the vines, presumably figuring out how to free you while damaging the least amount of the forest possible. he looks at you for a moment, silently asking if its alright for him to touch you, and when you nod your head you feel his gloved hand firmly wrap around your upper arm. "your muscles are too tense, relax them." he states. you try to let go off all the tension in your body, but when you do you only feel the thorns dig deeper into your skin. you can begin to feel blood drip down your limbs.
tighnari gently unwraps the vines from around your arms, being careful to not rip the thorns from out of your skin. he places them on the ground next to you, before kneeling in front to unwrap the ones around your legs as well. youre not sure why, but something about the position change makes this whole situation just that more flustering, and you try your best to hide your red face from him. of course he notices it, but he simply assumes its just from embarrassment and continues his work.
after all the vines have been unwrapped from your body, tighnari grabs your hand and leads you back towards the path. he mentioned something along the lines of "not trusting you to walk behind him without getting into more trouble" under his breath as you walked back to the ranger station.
you cant stand the awkward air between you two, and casually ask "what were you doing all the way out here, anyway?" without even looking back at you tighnari quickly responds with "its my job as a forest ranger to patrol these areas, is it not?" ah right, you probably could have guessed that. you mentally beat yourself up for that one. but although tighnari seemed uninterested, hell never grow tired of your seemingly stupid questions, despite yourself being a scholar, he finds it amusing. a cute smile is secretly on his face the rest of the journey.
upon arriving, tighnari leads you to his workshop, and instructs you to sit on the lone bed while he fetches the remedies for your wounds. you glance around the room, there isnt much personality in the decor but you suppose theres only so much you can do while in the middle of avidya forest.
not long after tighnari has returned with supplies in hand, and silently begins work on patching you up. you feel small under his stern gaze, and eventually opt to staring at the floor like its the most interesting thing in the room. both of you can sense the tension, but whether its not commented on because of fear or stubbornness is a question that may never be answered, no matter how many knowledge capsules one may use.
you hiss when tighnari applies ointment to some of the deeper cuts, and he fights back the urge to apologize. of course its going to hurt, its stupid to even try to comment on it, he thinks. but he still finds himself muttering a soft "sorry" under his breath as his cheeks grow slightly red. he tries his best to ignore it, the awkwardness is all in his head anyways, after all.
"how humiliating to be made of flesh, am i right?" you notice tighnaris ears slightly twitch at your statement. "what do you mean?" he refuses to meet your gaze, for fear his face will end up warmer. you hesitate before answering, "well, for starters, you finding me like that in the forest was not how i expected us to meet again" you both feel your body slightly tense up again, talking about how you felt was never really a common occurrence between you two even when you were close. feelings only get in the way, its the research that matters at the end of the day. a bit of a stupid rhyme but you and tighnari were even more foolish to believe it.
tighnari debates on if what you said is even worth commenting on. nobody necessarily wants to be found like that, but hes not sure how he feels about it being you of all people that he stumbled upon. he refuses to ponder about it any longer and instead, he silently nods his head, before entirely ignoring what you said and letting out a forced laugh. "you know, that other line you said is probably the smartest thing ive heard from you." you pout slightly at his words.
hes not the easiest person to talk to when its not about botany, you know this, but you cant help but feel that maybe your time apart had finally changed that aspect of tighnari, especially since its what you hated the most about him. 
he was so incredibly observant, his ears definitely helping with that, but yet he had an awful time reading the room, specifically when it came to you. or, more accurately, he chose to ignore any lingering thoughts, for reasons youre unsure youd be able to understand.
tighnari, on the other hand, disliked your stubbornness. he wishes you would at least listen to all his warnings about the forest, since its what he knows most about, but yet you would (and still do, apparently) wave off his words, invalidating not only his knowledge, but him. hes not sure how you havent gotten yourself killed yet, but deep down hes glad youre managing to stay alive somehow, even if its off of spite alone. 
that, and of course he wishes you would just ignore the tense atmosphere like he does, so you can both save your breath. many were surprised you had managed to find a friend in tighnari, as not many were able to say the same. they claim that opposites attract, and that couldnt be more and less true at the same time.
back then you both knew that something had grown between you, and yet you both refused to let it blossom for reasons the other cant comprehend. tighnari pretended the feeling wasnt there, inevitably drowing himself in research instead, and you werent going to be the person to say something first, so instead of something more, you had both ended up silently resenting each other. the longer this continued the more strain was put on your rocky relationship. when tighnari had announced he was leaving the akademiya, you had hit a stalemate. 
you assumed that the first night he was gone youd sleep better than you had in the entire time youd known him, but unfortunately you had found yourself unable to sleep. tighnari was usually there to the rescue when your insomnia was at its worst. but he was long gone now, and that was when you regretted holding in your thoughts before he left.
you swore the next time youd see him, youd either have finally moved past your emotions, or have the guts to tell him the truth. now that you had finally meet again, you wanted to scream at yourself for accomplishing neither.
shortly after, tighnari finished dressing your wounds, and mumbled a "finished" under his breath. he takes a seat on the bed next to you, silently stretching his back and neck. before you even notice what youre doing your hand finds itself stroking the base of one of tighnaris ears. your brain is on autopilot at this point, and you wish you could blame your actions on the medicine. 
tighnari was hyper aware the second you touched him, and he almost pushed you off the bed and yelled at you with how sudden your actions were. almost. he noticed the glazed look in your eyes, and he feels a little guilty for not connecting the dots earlier. youre exhausted, the stress from today seeming to be almost too much for you. so tighnari decides hell let you continue, since its so very obvious that you need it and he absolutely doesnt.
by the time you realize what youre doing tighnari is a flustered mess, a deep blush all across his face and neck. you can see his tail swishing behind him and him holding back any noises he might accidentally make like his life depended on it. you immediately retract your hand and he puts a hand over his mouth to muffle the whine that leaves him after you pull away. hes not sure if hes ever been this embarrassed in his life. 
"s-sorry. force of habit, i guess." you apologize, and tighnari refuses to meet your gaze. "its…. fine. you already know i dont mind if its you." he almost dies on the spot after his own words process in his head. hes immediately sputtering out "because we were close friends and all! and… i dont mind if its…ugh…" he facepalms, this is exactly what he was trying to avoid. you know he didnt mean to, but those words made you feel a pain in your heart nonetheless. were close friends, but not anymore. you knew it was true, but it felt taboo to even mention it.
what were his feelings toward you the entire time tighnari had been helping you? sure, you hadnt ended on good terms but he certainly wouldnt have come to your aid if he hated you, would he? he was all the more hard to read when hed trip over his words like this, tall ears falling flat.
desperate to change the subject, he glanced outside to see the setting sun, and swallowed his pride to ask you to stay for the night. "its late, you know. i think its best you stay here until morning if youre comfortable with that." you were now sure that the plant from earlier had killed you, there was no way he was seriously asking that, was he? you squeak out an "okay", surely the akademiya will understand why your research was a day late.
"i will… leave you to rest now. goodnight." tighnari stands up awkwardly, before beginning to walk out of his workshop. you quickly grab his hand to stop him and he looks back, confused. "why are you in such a rush? we havent caught up in ages, you know. surely im not boring you that much, am i?" he stares at you for a moment, before silently sitting back down next to you on the bed.
he sighs. "you should also know then, that im not the most interesting person to talk to." "oh im more than aware." you snicker when he glares at you. "so what is it then?" tighnaris not dumb, hes known you had something on your mind since the moment you met eyes in the forest. but now that youve been the one to further push the conversation, he doesnt feel as scared about continuing it.
he cant help but roll his eyes when you respond with "oh, i have no idea." he refuses to let you back down. "dont give me that. if you have something to say, you should just say it now and get it over with." you laugh sarcastically at his comment. "thats rich coming from you… but yeah, i suppose youre right. nothing good is going to come from keeping it in." 
you take a deep breath in, and look towards him. "i just want to apologize." okay, now hes confused. "youre sorry? sorry about what?" "im sorry for the way i acted when you left. for just… completely brushing off our entire friendship simply because…. forget it, it doesnt matter." 
out of everything you could have said, an apology was not on tighnaris bingo card. it was scarily uncharacteristic of you to apologize, especially to him. plus, this had happened who knows how long ago, so did it really even still matter? "i dont understand why youre bringing this up now. if youve felt guilty this entire time… than perhaps it is me who should be sorry."
you shake your head. "no, its because of my own dumb ego that i couldnt be honest with you. truthfully, even just admitting to that makes me feel a little sick, but i dont want it to plague my mind anymore, and hopefully it hasnt been bothering you." tighnari almost cant believe what hes hearing. your attitude has changed drastically since when you had first arrived, and your words are giving him whiplash. 
he ponders for a momemt before responding. "well, to be quite honest, i cant say ive thought about it much in recent years." ouch. "but i know its far out of your comfort zone to admit youre wrong, so… even though i dont find it to be a big issue, i accept your apology." silence fills the air, and none of the tension from earlier has dissipated. its thick enough to be cut with the dullest of knives. you feel defeated.
"was there… anything else you wanted to tell me?" yes, but the words die in your throat. tighnari decides to take a leap of faith. "well, im sure youve noticed it too, but… i can sense some… lingering feelings." you sigh. "of course ive noticed. but youre insane if you thought i was going to bring that up." he plans his next words carefully. "is that because it had something to do with… the reason why we ended on bad terms?" he sees your body tense up again, and nows the first time hes realized how intense your heartbeat is.
you turn away from him before answering. "what are you implying?"  "oh, i dont know.. maybe resentment? or perhaps… infatuation?... no, actually. id assume a little bit of both." you whip your head back towards him. "...what makes you say that?" he casually shrugs, despite the blush on his face becoming increasingly noticeable again. "lucky guess? obviously i was just assuming the feeling was mutual. you dont think were that different, do you?" he retorts. you sigh. "no, i suppose not." finally, some progress. the path up to this point was rocky, but this was something you both could work with.
“well, your assumption was… correct.” you mumble under your breath, almost completely forgetting about the fox ears decorating tighnaris head. “hmm… are you sure? you didnt sound too sure of yourself there. perhaps this hypothesis needs further testing before we can draw a conclusion, what do you say?” you roll your eyes at him. “how very amusing it is to use my work against me, it makes me want to puke.” there was an unfamiliar glint in tighnaris eyes. youre not completely sure when it first appeared, and perhaps that was a mistake on your part for giving him the upperhand in the single handedly most important conversation you two have ever had.  however you both had already come so far, so you decided to let him keep up his act. after all, you know hes never been much of a charmer, so why not see how far hell take it? 
“oh? youre feeling sick now? are you sure this isnt just a ploy for me to stay longer? youre  at least clever enough to know you dont have to lie to me to get me to pay attention to you.” however, who said tighnari was going to have all the fun? “now we both know thats not true. after all youre the one who agreed to stay to begin with, so why would i pull a stunt to further it? you clearly have no intention of leaving now.”
the atmosphere was slowly starting to become more bearable, even if only by a little bit. youre 99% sure that its the homemade medications alone that are fueling the fire in you right now, that and the cute fox boy in front of you and… hold up what are you even saying? this however, is completely unlike tighnari, to be so forward, and you can only assume its because hes finally let his guard down enough for the first time since he stumbled across you this morning. its dangerous, the way youre making him feel right now. it all feels too sudden and not quick enough at the same time. was he growing impatient? or falling farther and farther behind?
he was a fool to ever be honest with you, is what he would have said only hours ago. but now, for the first time in forever, tighnari doesnt know what to think. hes saying and acting in a way he never would, especially in front of a friend- if he was even still allowed to call you that. but the best part about no longer being friends is there is no worry of ruining the relationship if it didnt exist to begin with. that was how he justified himself, nothing to lose and everything to gain, it was all going almost too perfect. his body was on fire, and if he werent inside he would have assumed he was (somehow) overheating.
“you are right about one thing.” tighnari starts, hes staring directly at you, his intense gaze leaving you feeling unfairly flustered. “that im not going anywhere this time.” you raise an eyebrow. “this time? are you suggesting that… you dont want to go back to being strangers?” he almost wants to laugh at your question, but one look at the scared look on your face and he drops any hints of a smirk immediately. “oh come on y/n, does this erase your doubts?” before you even realize whats happening, tighnaris hand is gently holding your face, caressing your cheek. he glances at your lips, then back towards your eyes. before he gets the chance to ask first, you quickly stutter out, “c-could you kiss me?”  tighnari leans in closer, until your lips are directly on his. as soon as its begun, its over, and he is yet again staring drunkenly into your eyes that you notice have been glossed over for the majority of the time hes been sitting closely next to you.
“are you positive youre really tighnari and im not just asleep right now? because this is exactly how i had pictured this going in a dream, not just your casual weekday… or weeknight, i guess i should say.” he shakes his head with a sly smile on his face. “if it were a dream i bet wed both be way less nervous.” “good point. but do you have to keep staring at me like that?” you hide your flustered face in your hands. “like what?” tighnari asks, back to his completely unaware self. “like… like youre in love or something!” he lets out a laugh that was unreasonably cute. “confidence. dare i say its even more valuable to me right now than a knowledge capsule is to… well you. it just took something to finally ignite it i suppose.” “well im glad thats all it was, for a second there i was thinking you were secretly taking shots while i wasnt looking.” you laugh. “that could have worked too, ill have collei remind me to pick up some alcohol the next time i head into sumeru city.” “make sure you stop by the akademiya to share a glass with me if you do!”  “oooh, drinking on the jobs not a very good look for a scholar now, dont you think?” you playfully slap his shoulder. “thats not what i meant! just come by during a break!” 
the silence that fell over you two was different this time, it was comfortable. you found yourself resting your head on tighnaris shoulder. hes the first to break the silence. “so i guess this means we can start talking again?” “more than just that. dont you think we owe it to ourselves at this point? think about it, this whole time we were both living with this regret and just… chose not to acknowledge it! im no doctor, but i dont think thats good for our health.” he chuckles. “well i cant argue with that. although i will mention i didnt hear an actual confession of undying love from you yet.” “oh, is that what you were expecting? good luck with that. lets just be glad we got this far.” he pouts at your words. “you mean i went through all of this and i cant even get an “i like you, tighnari”?” 
you sigh extra dramatically, and lift your head off his shoulder. holding his face in between both your hands, staring at him the same way he did to you earlier. “i like you, tighnari. a lot, way more than younger me would ever admit to. and im thankful for whatever force of nature that brought us together again.” you place a gentle kiss to his nose, and he stops you from pulling away to kiss you properly.
tighnaris been unsure about many things today, but one thing for certain is you get him higher than any psychedelic mushroom he could stumble upon in avidya forest.
inspired by you get me so high by the neighbourhood , give it a listen if you havent before !
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closure - J.S
evermore masterlist | marjorie | evermore
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Warnings: mentions of sex, morning after, allusions to death, war, breaking up
Summary: you knew your relationship was just for fun but when he broke up with you to protect you, you weren't going to let that happen.
Wordcount: 1.2k
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Your friends with benefits situation with jake seresin was complicated to say the least.
He was a naval aviator for the US navy and you were just a bar maid working in the nearby area. 
For the last 6 months you had been sleeping together, grasping the warmth of the lonely nights and holding him tight when it all got too much. 
There was something special about Jake seresin that you had never seen in anybody before. 
He was cocky and arrogant and it seemed like he was the epitome of a narcissist. But with you, he was soft and caring and seemed like he wouldn't even hurt a fly. 
It was something about him that you could study for hours, the switch of his personality when it came to someone he loved fascinated you. 
It was a no strings attached situation but very quickly into it, you had fallen head over heels for the tall blonde man in ways you never thought you would. 
His friend who was stationed with him, Phoenix, had warned you of his playboy ways. She had told you that he was known to sleep with girls and leave them quickly - although she did note that he seemed uncharacteristically attached to you. 
You couldn't care less about whatever anyone else had to say about your unconventional relationship, it wasn't hurting either of you and you were getting something good out of it. 
Or at least you were until one night as he held you under the covers, you could feel the tension in the air. 
He was holding a secret from you and though you tried to ignore it, you couldn’t bear it. You took a deep breath, looking up at him to see he was staring at you. 
“You know I can sense that something is wrong,” you said, not even looking at him. Something was going on and you needed to know. 
He took a deep breath, looking down at you, a hand coming up to caress your cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing your cheekbone. 
“Ive been called back to Top Gun for a mission and its going to be dangerous,” he explained, breath hitching in his throat, “I don’t know what its about, i just know that I might not make it back,”
You took a deep breath, averting your eyes from him. You didn't want him to see the tears pooling in the corner of your eyes as you thought about him not coming back. The words cut deep, down to the bone and you didnt know what you would do if he didnt come back. 
He brushed the tears from your cheeks once they spilled over your waterline. You sat up, one of his old shirts covering your frame and he sat up as well, the covers falling off to show his nude torso. 
He felt guilty for what he was about to do but he knew what was going to be the best thing for you, he knew he had to put something between you and him, something that would save you from the torment of losing someone. 
“I think we should break up,” he said. 
Your eyes darted to his, more tears spilling over as you contemplated what he had just said, “Excuse me?” You questioned, almost in disbelief. 
Jake took a shaky breath before looking at you, “I think we should break up, I cant let you get hurt,” he said. 
He thought that it would be the best thing for you, breaking your heart now before his permanent absence would 
Jake expected you to just be another thing he regretted a wrinkle in your new life. You weren't going to stay friends after this and he was ready to accept it if it meant that you were going to be saved from the heartbreak of it all. 
You were in shock, your upset turned into anger at his ridiculous reasoning. You weren't going to let him give up on the two of you so easily. 
“You can't push me away!” You exclaimed, “I can't believe that you’re treating me lie some situation in the Navy that has to be handled. Like a job,”
He sighed, “My job is why I have to end it with you, I’ve seen women cry over their dead husbands and I can't do that to you,” he explained. 
He seemed to think that breaking up with you and sparing you from being the girlfriend of a dead man was better then actually being there for him. He seemed to think that this was some sort of closure. 
“Would you have married me Seresin? Do you have these feelings for me because clearly you care,” you explained, asking him that important question. 
He sighed, biting his lip to keep the words in, “Of course I care about you Y/N and that’s why I can't let you get hurt,” he explained. 
You shook your head, disagreeing completely with his absurd ideas. 
“I’m going to leave now,” he said, standing up and reaching for his clothes, “I hope you have a good life babe,”
You knew he had told you not to come but you went to the air base with the second phoenix message and said that they were coming back. There were a handful of other people there, parents, husbands, wives, and a small child. You just couldn’t wait to see Jake again. 
Other people started rushing towards their loved ones and Jake just started to walk ahead, not thinking anyone had turned up for him. 
You froze on the spot the second you saw him, his hair rushed back in worry from his hands running through it and a defeated but proud look on his face. 
You called out his name and he froze. He turned to look around for you and the second he saw you standing there, his jacket wrapped around your shoulder all time stopped. 
He had told you to leave, that it would be better for you if you had no part in it all. This was the moment he knew that you were the one for him, the person he was ready to spend the rest of his life with. 
Once the shock wore off, a smile lit up his face and he started running, feet heavy on the tarmac as he englufed you in a hug, lifting you up and spinning you around. You grinned as you held him tight, glad that he was alive. 
As soon as he set you down and before you could talk to him and ask him how he was, he captured you in a kiss, a deep and passsionate kiss that meant that he loved you. It was a promise that 
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applesjuice · 6 months
How will the reunion between Akari and Juliana go? Or Carmine?
So this is like, two years post Indigo Disk at this point. Carmine is about 19 here, and Juliana/Florian as being 17 and Kieran as 16 here.
Carmine travels for her job, she works with researchers as a sort if body guard against wild pokemon in dangerous areas they're studying. Pretty much what she did with Briar as a student. So she is out of the region when Akari gets reverse eebied back. They're staying with Drayden in Opelucid City, since Ingo is staying there too (and Emmet he's not going anywhere). After Carmine finally finds out what's up from Drayton she demands to facetime immediately to see Kieran.
Akari vaguely remembers her, their memories are sort of coming back. They just feel kind of seperared from them. Staring at the face of god kind of scrambles your brain.
So they initially reunite over facetime but it's not exactly a coherant conversation on Carmine's end. She's too busy bawling so Drayton winds up having to have a private conversation with her about the situation. After that she drops everything calls her grandparents to tell them whats up and then THAT'S it's own situation becauase poor grandma thought she was having a stroke when they heard the news.
When she gets back to Unova and finally sees Kieran in person she's bawling again and appologizing to them like Drayton did so Akari is finally like why does everyone keep apologizing to me? I dont get it. So then she's even more upset lol. But Akari really matured in Hisui and does kind of remember a big sister so there super happy someone they're related to actually wants them. (Akari went through a phase where their memories of indigo disk era had them thinking they were a terrible person and everyone back home was better off without them)
She also has a few of Kieran's pokemon on her like Furret and Hydrapple and they are very emotional seeing Kieran again. It takes her a few days because she's so overwhelmed but she eventually reaches out to Briar and the Protagonist to let them know Kieran's alive.
Im just gonna use Juliana in this to make it easier, but Juliana is shook. Like she's moved on with her life, mourned Kieran, still has nightmares about the incident. Kieran is the ghost that haunts her. So she's beside herself too and Carmine gives her time. She tells her friends who like, all vaguely know Kieran through osmosis since the whole thing kind of broke her, and they help her work through what she's feeling. Same with her mom, her mom keeps a picture of Kieran in their house even though she never knew them. But like the fact that this kid died and her own kid almost did too is pretty devastating to think about.
So Juliana facetimes Carmine and Carmine shows her Kieran (they don't talk yet, the whole situation is a lot for these two) and she starts crying too lol. She's like "do you think he'd want to talk to me?" And carmine is like "well, they've changed a lot but its more like. Theyre back to their old self just, more sure seeming? Also i honestly dont know if they remember you"
So its a whole shitshow essentially. Just a bunch of people navigating a difficult situation. Akari is kind of facinated by Juliana like "wowzers i was friends with someone so cool? I cant believe i was so mean to her i should appologize" and theyre like kieran i think sort of dying kind of negates that you're fine.
Then comes the big bomb that Akari has a SMART PHONE. That is the biggest change of all. Cannot believe you went to the past and came back with knowledge of memes.
Eventually the two talk and they're like pen pals for a while (through texting) while Kieran is healing and doing rehab for some injuries in Opelucid. Carmine is staying in an air bnb there to help out. Eventually Juliana gets the courage to come visit and when they meet she's half crying in joy half having a bi panic because Akari is very pretty.
The end
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farfromcorrect · 9 hours
The critical community are just as much of fragile, egotistical little snowflakes who cant commit to their principles as much as vivi can (Aka. "we dont hate viv even though we call her a racist pedo transphobe on a routine basis who treats everyone under her like dirt to cynically advance her own career! WERE BEING CONSTRUCTIVE!!! WERE HELPING!!! YAY!!!) and you wonder why i feel like none of you are giving her a single reason to give a single flying fuck about what dirt you have against her. people stopped giving a shit about what you tumblr folks say sense Donald Trump was elected specifically to SPITE you for your fruitless peal clutching that distracts from real bread and better issues that people in the REAL WORLD actually care about.
the bottom line I'm getting at is, sadly, Her fans will defend her no matter what, because thats how idol worship works, putting personality ahead of principles and will double down on their support out of spite and to feel like they are part of something that validates them in a world that neglected them or looked down on them for being outside the neo-liberal overton norm. NO DIFFERENT THAN MAGA IN BOTH SPIRIT AND DEED! and vivziepop is basically a female Donald Trump at this point. letting allegations slide right off her from the sheer force of her no nonsense attitude and sheer charisma.
second, If you people actually studied your bible enough to do your silly rewrites, then you would know that idolatry is a sin for a really good reason and how blind loyalty to any person is basically selling your soul to them and how you are no longer in control of your own actions and judgements at that point. every fandom revolving around a person over the work itself is a cult. some more dangerous than others.
third, people didn't call themselves Tartakovsky or Antonnuci fans back in the days were fandoms were so hyper polarized, they were ed edd n eddy fans and Samurai Jack fans, the personality behind it didn't really matter because there was a great deal of respectable distance between them and us before social media created the scourge of parasociality thats driving both stans and haters batshit insane.
Trying to reason them into leaving will not work, because the deed has been done and they are hooked like any other addict. No different than Angel Dust himself.
The only real way to get vivziepop to care is to go for her bottom line, appealing to peoples better nature is just a naive strategy that doesn't get to the heart of WHY people are so adamant about defending this train-wreck of a show and WHY they feel the need to defend Stolas?
Nope. best to just bang the cancel culture war drums until you can extort concessions from her instead of getting a real job like any shady inner city construction union, as if thats not already getting increasingly old and ineffectual when you have been crying wolf most of the time with nothing to really back up your claims outside screenshots of tweets you dont even have the courtesy of providing hotlinks too just so people can corroborate what you shared outside of screenshots and anecdotes.
At the core of this all i see is the same crab bucket mentality i have been seeing ever sense tumblr became a thing, nothings really changed, and just because the person deserves the hate, doesn't make the way you are going about it any less pathetic and sad in your attempt to tear someone down just so you can cynically elevate yourself in the hegalian dialectic heiarchy of the progressive stack, not because you actually CARE, and i am calling all of you motherfuckers out because i actually DO CARE about the people shes harmed and stepped on to get were she is today.
Believe me, I knew her as far back as her 2012 zoophobia days! she was a petty, egocentric SVA grad snot rag then and she only got worse when she finally got money to her name and i have been waiting for years for other people to finally come forwards and vindicate what i have been warning people about her for a decade and a half, but only now are just beginning to recognize,only for the people to bring it to light being the worst possible people to do it: THE WOKE CROWD who hate everything that moves!! Lo and behold, the law of diminishing returns rears its ugly head to bring the whole woke train to screeching halt as it barrels into reality at top speed.
Well this will probably be my last tumblr post before all you fuckers try to get me banned off tumblr for being one of the only few people left online with the gumption to blow a gaping hole in your echo chamber. But unless we can hold ourselves accountable, then what place at all do we have to hold anyone else accountable for their shit?!
Oh well, it was a good run, see you all in hell! HAHA!
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scoonsalicious · 4 months
helllooo mother poookie🩷🩷🩷 I MISS U!! also bcs i feel like i havent yap a lot here hehehe
anyway i just wanna say after reading chpt 9.2, i feel like shits abt to go down… HARD but slowly.
idk why but it just feels like it😂😭 and i have to say i am EXCITED! i need the drama :) [ps: chp9.1 was satisfying, i need buckybaby to stand up against lily and her delusionalism again]
I do hope Rand will listen to Major though (that he’ll try to trust Bucky) but the percentage for that to happen is quite low. I dont think Rand will do something ‘bad’ to show off his disapproval. I cant say anything more for now.
[I have high hope for you Rand, do not mess this up!!]🫵🏻🫵🏻
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Now idk what Lily is planning but i could say, one of the things i can see her doing is burning the WarZone down (but this will not be her 1st plan) i could see her trying to seduce Bucky first (and she will try hard with this IF she knows about Major’s past). Mother pookie did say that Lily will ‘date’ someone, maybe then she made up smth like her bf is shitty and abusive and ask Buckybaby to ‘save’ her again, and use that as her advantage by ‘trying’ to manipulate bucky, seducing him at that point (maybe framing him) and when that doesnt work, she plan smth worse which is burning her warzone.
I don think Lily will ‘try’ to befriend Major (BUT SHE COULD BE) yknow, just bcs Buckybaby ask her too and then boom she use that as her advantage, making everything hurt 100x more. ITS JUST TOO MANY POSSIBILITIES!!!! HHIHIHIHIHI.
Okayy thats all. My uni entrance result is in September (i thought it would be earlier but it’s in SEPT😭😂) … oh and I also applied for a scholarship, Study in Romania (all because of Sebastian Stan)🫡 result is in July. ALL BECAUSE OF SEBASTIAN STAN!
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I love you mother pookie🩷🩷🩷 MISSS UUUU!!!! KISSES AND HUGGIES FOR U
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Hello, bestie! You changed your username! It's super cute!
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If you are looking to see more of Rand, you're in luck-- he'll be playing a role in Chapter 10! I don't want to give too much away, though, so I will stay tight-lipped. I will just say that I don't think he'll let you down. Or, at least, I hope he doesn't, anyway!
Lily's starting to put some plans into action very soon, like, within the next two chapters. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but she won't try to burn down The WarZone, lol. With how close all the buildings in NYC are, it would be too dangerous and risky!
Ugh, it sucks that you have to wait until September for your results, but I wish you the best of luck with your Romania scholarship! Fingers crossed, bestie! Love you!
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