pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Positive affirmation: “I am in control of my own happiness.” It is quite common, especially in today’s world, to feel as though everything is out of your control. Despite popular belief, however, control *is* possible! We all want to be happy, so let’s take the first step to gaining control of our happiness: believing that it is possible. Repeat this affirmation to yourself on a daily basis, and the change you see will be astounding! . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Artwork by Instagrammer @projectsoulcare 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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September is Suicide Awareness Month. Did you know that men are far less likely than women to seek help for mental health issues? There’s a stigma that men showing emotion is “unmanly” or “weak.” But emotions know no gender! Humans are meant to feel a wide spectrum of emotion and it can sometimes be overwhelming. Men should not feel extra pressure to seek help. Men: cry, laugh, feel your emotions. Do not suppress. Seek help if you are struggling. And disregard anybody who teaches you that men don’t cry. And to society: let’s teach boys from a young age that it is okay to cry if you are sad. Let’s raise our men to be strong, yet emotional! . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @sravya_attaluri 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Worldwide, anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder. Learning the best way to cope varies from individual to individual. Let’s talk about one of the most common ways to manage a bad anxiety day: box breathing! Box breathing has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety, improve blood circulation, improve digestion, and increase lung capacity. Here’s how it works! Slowly inhale for 4 seconds, making sure that you breathe into your stomach, and not your chest.* hold the breath for 4 seconds, and then slowly exhale on a count of 4. Hold for 4 seconds, and then repeat. It takes practice and persistence, but done properly, this breathing exercise is shown to promote calm, serenity, and peace. Give it a try and let us know if it works for you! *To help insure that you breathe into your stomach and NOT your chest, place one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach. When inhaling, ensure that the hand on your stomach is moving out and the hand on your chest is not. . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @_glass.half.full 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Do you ever wonder what happens when you dwell on the past, and how you can work towards focusing on the present? Read below for more information! . Living in the past can take a toll on you, both physically and mentally. It causes stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc. Focusing on past experiences can mess with your future, often leading you to avoid situations that you fear will end poorly. You miss out on friendships, relationships, learning moments, and many other life experiences. . “So how can I learn to focus on the present?” •Work through your past troubles/trauma. This won’t be easy, but it is possibly the most important tip. •Understand that what happened is done, and you can only work with the effects of it. •If the past created an unpleasant present, work on changing it-one piece at a time. •Don’t allow the past to stop you from taking chances and experiencing things. Things change, and no experience is ever going to play out the same exact way. •Use the past as a learning experience. . . . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @doodledwellness 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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What’s your favorite positive affirmation? This beautiful artwork by Instagrammer @hannah_neese has some amazing ones! “I am good enough.” “I am pretty/handsome enough.” “I am smart enough.” “I am strong enough.” “I am enough.” Do you have a positive affirmation that you always find yourself saying? What is it? . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Artwork by Instagrammer @hannah_neese 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Pay attention to what your mind and body are telling you. If they’re saying that you need a break, then you probably do! Taking a day to rejuvenate works wonders on your mental health. Not only does it give you time away from all of the stress, it also gives your body and mind time to heal. When you give yourself that time to heal, it is much easier to get back to working on your goals the next day. It helps you feel more creative, more productive, and more motivated. Mental health days are not just a myth, they’re a proven necessity. . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @jacquelinewhitney_ 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Do you practice positive self talk and reassurance? If not, here are just a few reasons as to why you should! Positive self talk benefits you both physically, and mentally. It reduces stress, reduces physical and emotional pain, improves immune function, and more! Consistently speaking to yourself in a positive manner is *proven* to improve your health, physically and emotionally. Yet not many of us put this practice to use. Are you going to start positive self-talk? Tag somebody that you think would benefit from/love this idea! . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Artwork by Instagrammer @keeleyshawart 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Crying is *not* a sign of weakness. In fact, there are many health benefits to crying! Crying has been proven to cause a calming effect. It releases stress, and it activates a hormone intended to relax us. When we cry, it also relieves some of the internal pressure that has been building up, making you feel lighter, and often easing emotional AND physical pain. There is a negative stigma attached to crying. Many people believe that it shows weakness, vulnerability, or immaturity. But crying is not only normal, but also *necessary* in our development. Let’s end the stigma. Let’s stop saying that “boys don’t cry.” Let’s stop associating weakness with tears. And let’s start caring for each other, and our emotional state. . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @_p.e_a_c.e_ 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Positive affirmation: “I love myself.” Simple, but one of the most important affirmations to start with! Did you know that self-love positively affects nearly every aspect of your life? Loving yourself can cause an increase in confidence, can strengthen friendships and relationships, can help you become more motivated, and can improve mood and mental health. Using this simple, three-word affirmation can have a much bigger impact than most would assume. Are you practicing self love? . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @positivity_am 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Saying “no” when you don’t want to or can’t do something is an integral aspect of caring for your mental health. It’s been proven that the inability to say “no” has a negative impact on mental health, often resulting in depression and anxiety. Saying “no” is okay! Let’s be honest, though: declining isn’t always easy. It can be nerve-wracking and it’s quite difficult for many individuals. While a “no” doesn’t necessarily need an explanation, let’s figure out how we can make the task easier! Read below for some possible alternatives. . “I won’t be able to take this on right now.” “I’m not currently in the right mindset/mental space for this.” “I won’t be able to do this alone, but I’d be happy to help with a portion!” If you need time to come up with a way to say no, you can ALWAYS buy some time with “let me think about that and get back to you.” There are SO many more ways to say no, too. Find what makes you most comfortable, and say no. Sometimes, you just need to focus on YOU. . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Artwork by Instagrammer @positivelypresent 😊 Submitted by Instagrammer @rachelmelanie 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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“Comparison is the death of joy.” - Mark Twain Did you know that studies have been done on how comparison affects your sense of self? It’s been found that comparing yourself to others can lead to envy, low self confidence, and depression. If you find yourself always making comparisons, catch yourself and remind yourself of why YOU are amazing. It’s okay to admire somebody else, but make sure it doesn’t come at the price of your own self-worth✨ . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @particlesofradiance😊 Submitted by Instagrammer @nzhfitness 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Sometimes it feels as if we’ll be stuck in our current situations for the rest of our lives. But right now is not forever. Right now is merely a fraction of your life on this planet. And things are constantly changing, including yourself and your situation. You will persevere and you will succeed, just make sure to try💪🏻 . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @katiecruz 😊 Submitted by Instagrammer @rachelmelanie 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Did you know that of people who seek treatment for their mental health disorders, 70-90% of those people see a significant decline in their symptoms? Take care of your mental health. If something feels wrong for your mental wellbeing, don’t do it! Everybody has days where they need to step back and focus a little extra on their mental health. Don’t ignore your minds pleas when it tells you to take a break. It’s okay! Get back into the swing of things the next day! . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Artwork by Instagrammer @thecopingcounselor 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Positive affirmation: “I am a magnet for abundance, prosperity, and good fortune.” Positive affirmations only work when used in present tense. Instead of saying “I WILL be successful,” say “ I AM successful.” When using present tense, you are rewriting your subconscious mind, which can help it stop self-sabotaging and stop making excuses/obstacles. . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @millionairesecrett 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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Something very useful to remember is that boundaries are important! You are allowed to set boundaries, and you should not feel guilty about doing so. Never sacrifice your health or sanity for anything that will not help you progress. You are worth having boundaries and you are allowed to say “no” when you feel you must. . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @chloemanseaul 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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The only way to get there is to start. And when the harder days come along, move a little slower. But never give up completely! . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Submitted by Instagrammer @giovanniripa8 😊 Artwork by Instagrammer @thunkfool 😊
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pathwaytopositive ¡ 4 years
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You always have been, and you always will be good enough. Don’t put your worth in the hands of another. Rather, show others the worth that you hold. And believe me, your worth is abundant✨ . PathwayToPositive.wordpress.com Instagram: @PathwayToPositive Facebook.com/PathwayToPositive . Reposted from Instagrammer @felixroseart 😊
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