#the 100 s4 spoilers
fleshdyke · 2 years
sometimes the man who is renovating your house for a tv show who is also your idol turns out to be your arch nemesis deadset on stealing your swag ass hat. and you just have to live with that
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skyphloxx · 1 year
kieran culkin emmy episode for SURE. holy shit you guys that last scene ruined me roman running right back into the embrace of physical violence to cope with being humiliated and with ken trying to ‘dad’ him by saying he fucked up… AND the way he shoved away the one person who tries to help him up????? physically incapable of accepting touch that isn’t hurtful? brb y’all i’m gonna go eat glass
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am-artist · 1 year
the superb thing with succession s4e3 is that beyond all the big obvious grief moments there’s all the lived in, mostly physical details that the actors pull out, details that really come from having developed the characters three seasons since s1e2. we have seen them all in so many situations but the way they physically, minutely react to the inevitable is so much. roman diving for connor’s arm and clutching at it several ways before he rapidly retracts, like he was just making sure now dad’s dead con is still there, because we know about fishing now. connor, he of the looney cakes and outsider outbursts and pain, still taking the time to huddle shiv in as he sits mourning his dad at his wedding. kendall and shiv holding hands as they look for con not because they really tried to but because they’re walking so close together their hands tangled, and kendall’s barely voiced “shivvy honey”, neither of which would mean anything to us if we hadn’t seen what ken and shiv struggle to be to each other before (‘i’m asking you to look after me’). roman’s awkward shoulder and face clutch of shiv when she’s on the phone, and then the amount of times (multiple!) shiv has to lead them places this episode while roman uselessly but so genuinely encouragingly touches her back in passing bc that’s the best he can muster. FRANK punching airplane walls but being very gentle when he calls ken “son” and breaks the news for real. even fucking colin standing dazed and lost on the tarmac for .3 seconds. what could any of this have meant to us if logan had died after the pilot? how much meaning does it carry now?
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concerto-roblox · 8 months
i thought the finale of sex education s4 was great but apprently a lot of people didn't like that otis and maeve didn't end up together. i do get that they were the main ship and you're meant to root for them but i think them getting a bittersweet ending hit really hard, and the letter maeve wrote to otis made me cry. maeve pursuing her dreams after a life of hardship and otis overcoming a lot of his anxieties and becoming close with eric again was (imo) a very satisfying ending!!
idk, obviously people can have their own opinions, but i just think people need to realise that sometimes a story is better when it doesn't have the happiest possible ending.
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tallytals · 1 year
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i don’t even have anything to say just look at him
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
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thats my new evil bbygirl your honor
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royrockstone · 1 year
gojo IS culturally compatible with waystar actually bc of the culture of abuse and silencing of women! no worries
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smellybead · 9 months
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technicalthinker · 5 months
Maybe they had another final act planned for s3, taking place after the big fight against Nine in the Grim (for example fighting the council), but they ended up cutting/rewriting it. So instead they expanded on the battle to pad out the season but still had to cut a whole episode. Thats why we only got 7 episodes.
Alternatively they had to cut an episode bc of outside forces - couldnt do the ending they wanted, fluffed up the middle instead. Maybe it happened late enough in the production so they couldn't do massive rewrites.
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brookheimer · 1 year
such a brilliant fucking choice for the Cycle Of Abuse Show to have the primary abuser die not even halfway through the final season. i keep seeing people being like 'finally siblings banding together without logan!' as if the point of logan dying here isn't to show that it's not just his presence that ruins them but his absence too -- his sudden departure without time for closure or healing. for three seasons we've been desperate for these fucked up people to get away from their father and now they have, and everything will be worse. their father is dead, and everything is worse now. removing the abuser from the picture does not end the cycle of abuse. the death of the abuser is not a band-aid let alone a cure. the only way for the siblings to actually escape the cycle is to heal on their own terms but, both in life and now in death, logan roy has made that impossible.
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fleshdyke · 2 years
sometimes a family can be a man, his wife, a strange doll made as an exact replica of the wife possessed by the ghost of her former self, their himbo roommate they occasionally have sex with, his wedding planner/bodyguard/best friend/babysitter/closest companion of 13 years, a child that crawled out of the chest cavity of their fourth roommate after he died with the face of the old roommate, two taxidermied black bears, a school principal, their next door neighbor they’ve caused irreparable brain damage to on multiple occasions, a raccoon, and sal vulcano
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raayllum · 2 years
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No beauty could move me No goodness improve me No power on earth If I can't love her
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am-artist · 1 year
ik the tomgregs are having a blast w shiv talking abt greg à la other woman but whats much funnier in that scene actually is with how much disdain she addresses the “disgusting bros” & like tom has no comeback bc he clearly came up with the name drunkenly months ago and is now intensely embarrassed everytime greg calls them that. priceless
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No because if Mike doesn’t turn out to be gay, what was the point of having Will put the painting back in his bag? Why show the two of them having a kind, meaningful conversation, which encourages Will to be hopeful that Mike is into him too, if Mike isn’t actually gay? Why would the writers pay that close of attention to detail if they’re just queerbaiting when queerbaiting is lazy and easy? Why go through the trouble?
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varyathevillain · 2 years
the fact that Hamid, out of all the PCs, is never named outright by Bryn in the first episode, is kinda hilarious.
this character, who ends up THE ONLY ONE to go through the entirety of it, is also the one never named in RQG1 by Bryn, only by Alexander, because he either 1) assumed people listened to RQG 0, where he explains Hamid's backstory, name and heritage or 2) just didn't find a good enough place to introduce himself.
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Just realized they used a tv static effect for the promo w/ Byler at one of the Stranger Things 4 Experience events 🫣… iykyk
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