#the 3x3 is so so close to being complete!
weatherera · 1 year
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Your decisions
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Reader Bingo Board 1: Left Column Bingo
For context, there were three full Bingo boards, then all three versions condensed to be 4x4 and finally all three versions condensed to be 3x3. Here is one way to score bingo on the first board.
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The Task by mysterymin
Hermione Granger is sent back in time to trap Tom Riddle in an unbreakable bond- and what bond is better than that which at times win over love, lust?
2. Edging
War of Wills by tellmesomethingnew
Hermione might have been the best person possible for the job, but it was inevitable the infamous Tom Riddle would catch her. Now the only question remains: What is a very powerful Dark Lord to do with a very beautiful and sexy mudblood?
3. Foreplay in Public
(It's not my fault someone got caught being sexy ...)
This is Falling by NinjaFairy
She was merely an interest - a passing one. After Tom Riddle finds her in a compromising position while doing his rounds one night, she turns into an obsession. [My entry for Tomione Smut Fest 2018. Prompt: Exhibitionism/Voyeurism.]
4. Morning Sex
Best Laid Plans by yuwoo
Hermione groans inside, so hard it may as well be audible. Then she cracks an eye back open, because will you look at that. Only then, that turns around. "Nooo," she groans out loud this time. "Not you." An A/B/O fic where Hermione wonders what happened the night prior. [Chapter 1 reads as a complete one-shot. Writer is on hiatus but will be back to follow the story to its conclusion once Life Stuff settles down.]
5. Titty Fucking
(this was shockingly hard to find, so we're actually going with nipple play as close enough)
Pretty Little Thing by excludednarrative
Tom grinned against her skin, the hand that was on her breast moving to wrap around her neck. “Come on my fingers, Hermione. Clench your pretty little pussy right around them.”
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clewisinpurple · 10 months
not a lot of people talk about this but h2o actually has some pretty good panic attack scenes of the characters feeling anxious and look like they’re having panic attacks, and when i was watching it just felt so relatable since i tend to panic quite easily. the first one i noticed is Zane’s panic attack in the episode “Hook, Line and Sinker” 1x20 where it shows him getting increasingly anxious because of him being scared of heights, which made him very relatable to me and was what made zane a more sympathetic character in s1.
the second instance is in season 3 with Cleo, in “Keep Your Enemies Close” 3x3 where she’s panicking about doing her dolphin tricks at the marine park in front of a massive audience (completely understandable, same tho) i still can’t believe Laurie made her do that with not much preparation 😭 but yeah, this scene shows cleo genuinely getting anxious and worrying, and it’s so relatable.
so yeah, sorry if this is badly executed but i just liked the fact that h2o showed these real life experiences. obviously it’s not a good thing to experience, but it’s nice to make people aware of what it looks like to help them
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kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
Most episodes are written like their seasons - they end opposite how they start. This is the 3rd installment of my 14 episode series post. For those who don't know me, you can take and use my gifs any time you want.
3x3: The End of the Affair
3x3 opens with a Datherine phone call and Elena's hope. 3x3 ends with a Datherine phone call and Elena's heartbreak.
This episode repeats a lot in 3x5 because Elena will experience her own version of the 20s in current time. So yes, you'll find parallels between 3x3 and 3x5.
This is where things start to get heavy because Damon and Elena are in love with each other, and both are completely "in the know" about it. He has no reason to be terrified of Elena's love for him, and he's not at all shy lol. He pushed Elena to confess her love for him in 3x2. Because she confessed, you continue to see how Damon approaches her feelings for him. Understand tthis is my own interpretation of the writing.
This is Elena fighting her love for him -
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This is Elena's love for him -
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Damon knows fear when he sees it, so he pulls a reverse. He wants Elena to get comfortable with her feelings for him.
This is Elena's love for him -
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This is Elena fighting her love for him -
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Fighting one's love requires resisting temptation. The closer Damon gets to Elena, the more tempting he is. She can't be this close to Damon. He would NOT climb into bed and get that "cozy close" with Elena if all she had for him were friendship feelings. In her bed with her teddy bear, sure... but not in bed with her.
Damon is the same with her confession. Different in the fact that he has to push the confession until he hits her boundary.
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Elena confessed her love for Damon because he pushed her to.
"I didn't want to see you get hurt, okay? I was… I was worried about you."
Damon's first confession push -
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"You know you were dreaming about me. Explains the drool." ("What made you change your mind?")
Damon's second confession push -
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"It came in a dream. I was naked. You would have loved it." ("So what changed your mind?")
Damon's third confession push -
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"Ooh. Put these in the 'yes' pile." ("What changed your mind, Elena?")
He hits her boundary. This is Elena fighting her love for him -
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A great battle… Elena fighting her feelings while Damon fights her fear. Just look at her reaction. The fact that he told her he was naked in his dream and she would've loved it, and said this two episodes after she literally saw him naked lol
Damon has two trains running at once... Elena's love for him and rescuing Stefan. "I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on. Are you okay?" A good scene when Damon returns to Stefan's apartment. I'd gif it all, but this post would be too long. Difficult for Damon and Elena because this isn't like their other road trips. She's deep in his world, and not accustomed to his "in the moment" pace. This hasn't been her life, put it that way.
Despite Damon's love for Elena and his knowledge of her love for him, he's respectful on all things Stefan. He's truly preparing Elena to see his full-blown ripper brother, as he still believes Stefan flipped his humanity switch. That's why he offers up the chance for her to read his journal, and takes her to his apartment. Take notice how he refers to it as Stefan's "second personality" home. Sounds better than the Ripper's home.
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My favorite part is his fear. He knows based on her responses that she's underestimating Stefan despite his attempts to prepare her for it. He fears she's not ready, that she's being far too casual about it, so he needs... reassurance. He will die if she doesn't take him seriously. "But you're going to have about five minutes tops before that hybrid freak rips my heart out. So please, tell me you can do this." Take notice his tone change on that last word because THIS is Ripper Stefan and Klaus is far more powerful than Ray. He's basically begging Elena for his life.
This is a truth they continue to show -
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"You know, Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother, but I think we both know who really came between them. You."
SHE is the reason Stefan won't come home, period.
This is Stefan not respecting Elena's choice -
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I point this out because Stefan doesn't "always" respect her choice even though fans like to believe he does. Stefan sees no point. He's been feeding on human blood all summer. He feels it's a waste of time to put her at risk with Klaus just to come home and spend half her life getting straight.
A bit complicated to explain, but -
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The last time you see Elena, she's telling Damon to drive. They don't show them during their car ride home, they don't even show Damon walking Elena to her door. This is their last attempt to rescue Stefan, and Stefan's last chance to take them up on their rescue. That said, their darkness and light theme continues, even in their soundtracks. Shelter by Birdy starts to play as Elena is shown holding her necklace.
♪ Can I make it better with the lights turned on ♪
"I don't want to run anymore, Nik! All we do is run."
This is where it gets complicated. The necklace, the soundtrack, and Rebekah not wanting to run. Watch how all three collide with each other. I consider this triple a foreshadow of Elena's death. No "shelter" needed. It's time for that necklace to come off.
I'm always looking at angle shots, so have this final hit -
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Frequently Asked Questions
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What is Harringrove Summer Bingo?
Harringrove Summer Bingo is a low-pressure, fun fandom challenge with the goal of creating summer themed fanworks for Harringrove ship.
You can fill just one prompt from your card or all of them - it's up to you! As long as your fanwork meets the minimum requirements, you're good!
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So how does this bingo thing work exactly?
Sign-up by 19 May, 2024
Get a 3x3 bingo card with 8+1 prompt squares (sent between 20-29 May to all who signed up by 19 May)
Create a fanwork that fills a prompt in the card and post it between 1 June - 31 August (must be new!!!)
Each time you post a prompt fill, submit it to the organiser as instructed and get your bingo card stamped
When bingo is closed on 31 Aug 2024 create a masterpost of all your bingo fills
Everyone who filled at least one prompt by 31 Aug 2024 will get a virtual badge to brag with about participating /pf (note: our badges have nothing to do with tumblr badge system)
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Can I join if I'm not on tumblr?
Yes! You can join if you have an email account and either AO3 or Bluesky account.
We have a collection for the event on AO3 (revealed on June 1) where fan works there are being posted. On Bluesky we will repost the post you post on your Bluesky account to our Bluesky account (note: repost on bluesky equals to tumblr reblog)
If your fan work is something else than a written fic, it still can be added to AO3 too! We're happy to help with setting that up.
Also, if you don't have an AO3 account, we can send you an invitation for one. You can register now to Bluesky without an invitation!
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How close to the prompt does each fill have to be?
As close or as far as you want!
All the fill has to do is to include somehow are the three things: 1) Harringrove, 2) summer and 3) the prompt
Somehow is the key. We don't want to give direct guidelines of how exactly to do that to give as much freedom as possible to the creators.
All of the following are samples of types of works that are acceptable:
Billy and Steve doing something together in the summer
One of them pining for the other from close or from afar for example at their summer job
One writing a letter to the other one on a rainy summer night where they tell the other goodbye
One of them as an old man on their last summer visits the other one's grave and confesses that the other one was the love of their life even thought their relationship didn't work back when
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Can I use a WIP for the bingo?
If you have a WIP that fits a prompt and is collecting dust in your drafts, feel free to use it.
If it's already published or parts of it are, then no.
This bingo's goal is to create new content for the fandom, so all works must to be new and unpublished.
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What are the type of fan works you allow?
We allow all types of creative fan works:
Fan fiction
Fan art
Fan videos
Rec lists
The rating, genre, and type of fanwork you produce are decided by you as long as the work is tagged accordingly.
AI generated works are not allowed in the bingo.
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What are the minimum requirements for fan works?
This is a low-pressure event where we hope everyone will have fun and let their creativity bloom. You can fill just one prompt from your card or all of them - it's up to you!
As long as your fanwork meets the following minimum requirements, you're all good!
Fan fic - Minimum of 500 words
Art - Minimum 300 x 300 pixels in digital form (no matter if the original is digital or traditional art)
Fan videos - 30 seconds
Pod fic - Minimum listening time 7 minutes
Moodboards: minimum 4 images
Playlist - Minimum 10 songs + cover art
Rec lists - 3 completed fan works + explanation why you're recommending these works specifically. Free free to gush your heart out!
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Can I use two or more of the prompts in one fill?
If you're not planning on using the other prompt(s) in any other fill than in one, then no.
If you use the other(s) in some other fill too, then you can of course combine them as best you see fit.
The bingo card is stamped one stamp per fan work.
So, if you use several prompts in one fic, only one of them is stamped in your card and the rest are left unstamped.
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How do I submit a fill?
You'll find guidelines for fill (=prompt) submission here >>
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What is a masterpost?
You should make a masterpost with links to all of the fanworks you created for this bingo. It works as an easy link list to all of your fills.
You'll find guidelines for creating a masterpost here >>
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I finished my card and want a new one! How?
Fill out the New Card Form >> and request a new card.
You can request as many new cards as you want as long as your previous card is already fully filled and stamped!
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What badges can I get?
Depending on how many squares you fill you get different kinds of badges. Everyone who filled at least 1 prompt will receive a badge!
Bingo: Fill a row or column
One Square: Complete one square
Four Corners: Complete a square in each corner
Diagonal: Fill three squares diagonally through the center
Well done: You filled at least six prompts from your card by Aug 31.
Blackout: Fill all squares
Our badges are images you can post on your social media. They have nothing to do with tumblr badge system.
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What if I want to go for all the badges?
Just go ahead!
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Do you allow Cross-Posting between events?
Cross-posting is allowed as long as
The fill is still formatted as outlined in the Posting Guidelines, and
You have gotten the explicit permission of the other event mods to use it for both events.
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Do you have a Discord server?
There's a mutual discord server with our siblings events @metalsandwichbingo @harringrovewinterbingo! The server is open to those who sign-up for the bingos. Joining the server is not mandatory.
Invitation to the server is sent with the sign-up confirmation email.
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Do you allow third-party sharing of information (incl. AI model training) in your blogs?
No, we don't allow it in any of our blogs.
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Who organizes this bingo event?
Harringrove Summer Bingo, Metalsandwich Bingo and Harringrove Winter bingo are all organized by @harringrovebingos.
Head mod is Suo @suometar who's fandom old, has been participating on all kinds of bingos and bigbangs for a few years now, and irl has extensive experience on organising events. Also, loves coffee way too much and, based on the number of pink items in her office, everything pink.
| Rules | FAQ | Schedule | Ask us anything | Guidelines
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smalls-words · 2 years
Chapter Five: That Hurt! Do It Again
Summary: Natasha needs to learn how to play with humans, even if it could get her killed.
Pairings: Natasha x Reader (still friends, unfortunately), Natasha x Wanda,
Warnings: Gangs, fights, homophobia ('dyke'), Natasha being an asshole/flirt/protector/comforter, Steve being a bit misogynistic and dumb, lmk if there's anything else.
A/N: I should really be studying. But teasing Natasha is so much fun.
Series Masterlist
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*not my gif*
The office this particular morning was bustling with suspects of other cases, whilst you had none and a sobbing mother. After promising you’d find her killer, you let her go - which freed you up for a conversation with your least favourite hetero.
“You okay?” Steve asked.
“Her only child was trampled to death, after some thug fired into a crowd. I've been better.” You reported tiredly. 
“Gang Unit's piggybacking Homicide till we can figure out who wanted Benny Choi dead.” 
Your eyebrows raised. “Is he talking?” 
Steve shook his head. “Clammed up as soon as we got to the crime scene. Look…” You briefly rolled your eyes, knowing what he was about to say. “It could get bloody. You should probably stay as safe as possible on this one.” 
“Oh, yeah? Stick to the nice girly murders?” You smirked as you both walked to your desk.
“It just seems that every time I turn around, you're in another shoot-out with your buddy Natasha by your side.” 
You sighed, turning to face him. “She’s not an issue. She was just, I don't know, some mystery that I wanted solved.” 
“I could think of a few other choice names.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, how about a complete wack-job?” You offered. “Don't worry, Natasha Romanoff is completely out of my life now.” 
“Right.” He pointed to your desk.
*Please, don’t let it be her.* You prayed, but no deity answered as you saw Natasha leaning against your desk, flirting with a woman in uniform as she tightened a pair of cuffs around her wrists.
“Please tell me I'm hallucinating.” You begged her as you made your way over, the other officer leaving. 
“Well, I am dreamy, but try to contain yourself.” She smirked, looking you up and down in your generic blazer covering a white shirt whilst your badge and gun were attached to your belt on your jeans.
“What are you doing here?” You asked her mindlessly, trying to not look at her for fear of undressing her with your eyes.
You would never tell her that tattoos were a turn-on for you.
“I'm not actually here to see you. I've come to talk to your boss. About a… shooting.” 
As soon as the words left her mouth, along with the gesture to her thigh, you froze and looked up at her. She actually grew concerned at the sight of your slightly-pale face. “Okay, I thought you had my back on this. If the department finds out what really happened, I could lose my badge.” 
“What, you mean the fact that you SHOT ME ON PURPOSE?” She yelled out into the department, with some people looking over.
You laughed nervously, attempting to make it look like a joke before you leaned into her and whispered. “I told you I was sorry about that. And I feel bad for it, I do. But it was a graze. I doubt it even left a scar.” 
“Didn't it?” She remarked, turning her head slightly with a gleeful look in her eyes.
“Ms Romanoff? I can see you now.” 
You looked up to see your boss, Lieutenant Olivia Monroe, waiting for Natasha expectantly. You watched Natasha walk to her office, giving you a cheeky smile before she closed the door behind herself.
The minutes that ticked by felt like ages, your fingers busying themselves with a 3x3 Rubik’s cube until Lieutenant Monroe came out with Natasha following behind.
You stood up and straightened yourself up. “Lieutenant, I can explain.” 
“Oh, you better explain why you have been keeping such a valuable resource all to yourself.” She chuckled.
“Excuse me?” You asked, confused. 
“We have someone who can make Benny Choi talk.” 
“Someone with charm, likability…” Natasha grinned.
“And has real ties to the community.” Munroe continued.
“Here it comes.” You muttered under your breath.
“Natasha Romanoff has volunteered to act as liaison in the Paola Cortez case.” She handed over the thick case file. “You're welcome, Valeria.”
Just as she walked out of sight, you turned around to speak to Natasha but she was already back at it with the officer she’d previously handcuffed. She even had her gun in hand, pretending to shoot you.
“This whack job is gonna get me killed.” You muttered to yourself, grabbing her by the arm.
“What could you have possibly said to con your way onto another case?” You grumbled.
“Well, I simply offered the lieutenant a favour. She gets what she wants, and I get what I want... a nice juicy gang war.” She grinned.
“You mean you offered to help prevent a gang war, right?” 
“Tomato, tom-ah-to. But, see, that's why we make such great partners. The ‘he said, she said’ of it all. The yin-yang, the fireworks. I bet the ones we’ll be making will be marvellous.” 
“Partners? More like a glorified ride-along.” 
She leaned onto your desk, slightly above you in a way that sent shivers down her spine. “Just think, you and me, close proximity at all times.” 
“Yeah, but here we call that stalking.” You sneered, giving her a fake smile.
“It's wonderful, isn't it? Uh, when do I get my own gun?” 
You scoffed. “I wouldn't trust you with my lightsaber.” 
She picked up your keys. “And when do I get to drive-” 
You snatched them back from her. “I'll never let you drive. If I'm gonna be forced to work with you again, I’m calling the shots.” 
“You most certainly do. Right in the leg.” She retorted, walking slightly behind you as you made your way to the elevator.
“I only shot you because you told me to. In a moment of weakness, I somehow fell for your hocus-pocus and believed that you actually might be the Devil.” You excused yourself.
“I am the Devil. Historically invincible, until now, and that's what makes this case so exciting - real danger. It's the perfect opportunity to see what other mortal qualities I have.” 
You sighed exasperatedly as you entered the elevator, turning to face her. “Okay, I get it. You want to feel new things.” 
Her eyes lit up. “Exactly-” 
You cut her off by slapping her across the face. “How's that?” 
“Fucking hell! That hurt! Do it again.” She smiled gleefully.
You shook your head silently, prompting her to continue. “So where to, eh? Stakeout, ambush? You know, I'm quite skilled at restraints.” 
“No, I'm taking you home.” You replied.
“Ooh, how did you know?” She gasped playfully.
“That I'd last about ten minutes with you? I don't know, call it a gut feeling.” You shrugged.
“Well, it's a successful one. We'll be right on time.” She muttered, mostly to herself but you knew she wanted you to hear.
“On time for what?” You asked, to which she simply looked down at you and walked out of the open elevator.
You didn’t think Natasha could get any weirder, but here you were, watching a secret opening by her fireplace open to reveal a staircase far more fashionable than the tomb-like thoughts in your mind. 
“Natasha, my main lady!” 
“Benny! Nice to see you.” She hugged the shoe designer.
“So you're friends with Benny Choi and his blinged-out pet pig. Of course you are.” You muttered that last part to yourself as you folded your arms, trying to see through the conversation.
“His name is Pig Diddy. This is my assistant Hector.” Benny gestured to his pig and then the burly man standing behind him, Natasha’s eyes catching onto his forearm.
“Ooh. Someone love his mommy?” She pointed at the large heart tattoo.
Hector looked down at it and then up at her, an annoyed expression on his face. “Ex-Marine, bitch.” 
“Right.” She turned to you. “Yes, Benny and I go back to the start of his very impressive career.” 
“Huh, let me guess, you did him a favour.” You summed. 
“Natasha helped me get my first show. She was a real inspiration. I try to reflect that in my art.” Benny nodded to her in thanks, to which she gestured back with her drink in hand.
“Any idea who took a shot at you?” You asked.
“No recent threats, nothing?” 
He sighed. “Look, I'm no snitch. Even if I did know, I can't talk. I'm an artist. I process tragedy through my work.” 
“Would you prefer to process tragedy back at the precinct? 'Cause I have a holding cell that could really use an artist's touch.” You folded your blazer over your chest and stared him down.
Natasha cleared her throat. “Yes, Benny, that favour you owe me? I'm calling in my IOU. Answer the detective's questions.” 
He grumbled to himself for a moment before confessing. “Hector clashed with some punks in Latin Kings colours that night.” 
“We were at capacity, they wanted in. They were making threats, they were upset.” Hector explained, looking almost restless.
*Idiots.* You thought to yourself. “And you didn't mention this at the crime scene because…?” 
“My fans aren't just buying shoes. They're buying Benny Choi. Artist, activist, man of the people. You know, I wore colours back in the day. Asian Boyz. I was low level. You know, a punk. Got out before the cops even knew my name.” Benny shrugged, not fazed at all that he had withheld this key information.
“Ah, protecting your rep. Wouldn't want to risk that seven-figure endorsement deal, would we?” Natasha teased.
“I didn't talk because if a Latin King hears an ex-Asian Boy done dry-snitched him to the cops? Those thugs will retaliate on principal. I was trying to prevent more death.” 
“Well, aren't we the little saint?” The redhead finished the rest of her drink in one gulp.
“Latin Kings versus Asian Boyz. That really narrows it down. Did you get names?” You asked, writing it down on your notepad.
“Diego, Dani, I don't know. A couple, I think. Joined at the hip.” Hector replied.
“Diego and Dani. Right. You need to call me if you remember anything else.” You gave Benny your card, with your badge, phone and precinct numbers.
He looked up at Natasha, to which she gave him a nod. “Uh, yeah, I'll call. But be careful. Them Latin Kings about to raise hell.” 
Natasha grinned at you playfully. “My speciality.”
As Natasha escorted Benny and Hector down to the exit, you sent a text to Steve, asking him to run some names through the Latin Kings and Asian Boyz gangs. You met her outside, her grey shirt hidden by her red jacket whilst her high-rise jeans curved against her ass.
Not that you were staring. Just… making an observation. 
“Did it ever occur to you to tell me that you're tight with Benny? That you gave one of your favours to a former gang felon?” You asked as you walked ahead to your car, abandoning Natasha’s Corvette.
“Well, I've been giving favours for thousands of years. Would you like a peek at my ledger? Cleopatra, Zenobia, Joan of Arc, Hatshepsut-”
You interrupted her. “No, I'd like you to follow basic protocol.” 
“And I'd love to continue the debate on our opposing views of police work, so how about we hit the cop bar and get dangerous with some bottom shelf, huh?” She suggested.
“A girl's dead and you want to go on a pub crawl.” You scoffed.
“Oh, come on, you need some liquid courage. I hear the Paddock Lounge is every new detective's rite of passage.” 
You shook your head. “Forget it. We need to wait for an I.D. on those kids. 150,000 active gang members in L.A. - it could take awhile for Steve.” 
“Oh, you're right. No time for a quick drink, then.” She chuckled.
“We're on duty.” You looked at her like she had three heads.
“You are the oldest young person I've ever met!” She whined, making your brows furrow. “And coming from an immortal, that's saying something.” 
“Look, I'm not gonna drink at a bar where everyone hates me.” You threw your hands in the air at her.
“Did you ever consider they hate you for that very reason?” She sneered.
“Yeah, they hate me for several reasons. Blonde bitchy dyke being one of them.” You mumbled.
“Well, don't let those Philistines inhibit your right to toast our first break in the case, come on! It's the least you could do. Besides, you know, I... need something to dull the pain.” She pressed her hand to her thigh.
You stepped up to her, poking her right on her sternum. “If I say yes, will you shut up about the leg?” 
She grinned. “No promises.”
As soon as you entered the bar, you could feel dozens of pairs of eyes on you.
“Here comes that bitch, Valeria.” 
“Who the hell's that hottie with her? Want me to bring her home with us?” 
You sat down and stared at the wall, ignoring the eyes and the voices until another made itself known. “Well, somebody's not being crowned homecoming queen, are they?” Natasha quipped.
“Yeah. So order, please.” You muttered.
“Right. Uh, two shots of your finest tequila, please.” 
“You got it.” The bartender replied.
“I'll have water.” You asked her, to which she gave you a scowl and thunked it in front of you. 
You turned to Natasha, trying to keep your entire mind on her. “So, about this whole favour thing. What are you? Some kind of loan shark? Con man? Godfather with a twist?” 
She scoffed playfully. “Surely you've heard the expression.” 
“What, ‘Deal with the Devil’? Come on, give me a break.” You chuckled.
“No, I’m being serious. People come to me to ask for favours, and more often than not, I'm happy to oblige.” She shrugged.
“Well, what do you get?” 
She answered after downing a shot. “Well, sometimes, I have something in mind, but, usually, like with Benny, it's simply to be repaid at a later date. A devilish IOU, if you will.” 
You finished your sip of water. “Who would take a deal like that?” 
She paused, looking at you. “They all do.” 
You were interrupted by an arm reaching between you both to grab a beer, words mumbled under his breath right by your ear. “Palmetto Bitch.” 
As he walked away, Natasha watched you eye her spare shot before you chugged down your water, sucking at the lime on top. “Ooh, juicy! Do tell.” She asked, surprised by your reaction.
You sighed heavily. “That's Anthony Paolucci. He's partners with the guy who took a bullet in the Palmetto case. Malcolm Graham.” You clarified.
“Ah, yes, the infamous Palmetto.” She grinned.
“Malcolm got shot meeting with some gangsters, and... Paolucci thinks he took the bullet like a hero; I think he was on the take.” 
“Aha! So you're a snitch. No wonder nobody likes you.” 
“Yeah, you'd think I was guilty of a crime.” You chuckled.
“Yeah, you know what they say. Snitches end up in ditches.” 
“Oh, thanks, man. I feel so much better.” You replied sarcastically before sighing, feeling Paolucci’s eyes burning a hole in the back of your head. “No, I don't know, I was following my gut, I guess.” 
“Caught in the crosshairs of another man's crime.” She cooed, making you smirk.
“I don't need your sympathy, but thank you.” 
“Fair enough. Still, no excuse for that man's rudeness.” She stood, removing her rings that clattered on the bar top.
“No, no, no, no.” You grabbed her wrist. “I can handle Paolucci. I don't need you to stand up for me.” 
“Understood.” She gently manoeuvred out of your grip and walked up to Paolucci and his friends. “Excuse me. Hello.” 
“What do you want?” He drunkenly asked.
“Well, firstly, let me state that I'm in no way standing up for my associate, Detective Valeria. But on behalf of myself, and only myself, I think you're a complete sack of shit.” She punched him square across the jaw, causing his knees to buckle and his friends to catch him.
“Are. You. Crazy?” You hissed as you walked up to her side. “Let's get out of here.” 
You pulled out your phone to pay your bill but Natasha slapped a $100 note on the bar instead, making you roll your eyes as she dragged you outside.
“You okay now?” She asked.
“Yeah, fine.” You mumbled, looking at your phone as you’d received a text.
Steven Grant Rogers -Found something.-
“That has to be the most 1940’s name I have ever seen.” Natasha scoffed.
You chuckled at her statement before you sent him a quick thank you text, grabbing your keys and getting into the car whilst Natasha crawled into the passenger side.
Wanda was getting impatient for her guest to join her at Beelzebean Cafe, so she ordered a black coffee whilst she waited. 
“And your name for the order?” The cashier asked, a severe case of bags under her eyes plain to the demon.
“Wanda.” She replied.
“How do you spell that?” 
She grinned. “Surprise me.” 
Wanda didn’t need to turn around to know her guest was there, but she did anyway. Yelena was tall, yes, but Natasha was taller. Her hair was put into a professional braid that complimented her green suit jacket, the lower part of her ensemble in a dark grey combination whilst her necklace dangled by her first button on her shirt. 
“Are you trying to throw me off-balance? Because I'm much more comfortable among humans than you might think.” She smirked at Wanda.
“So I see.” The demon looked her up and down before walking past her. 
“This is my favourite place in the city.” 
“Really?” Yelena commented rudely, looking at the simple humans working on their laptops, headphones in to drown out the world.
“Look at them on their laptops, writing the next great screenplay, torturing themselves with dreams they know, deep down, they will never achieve. Reminds me of home.” Wanda seated herself by the window, inviting Yelena to sit down with a simple gesture. 
“Get to the point.” The angel grumbled. 
She sighed. “I want to go back to Hell.” 
“Then give me something, Wanda. Give me something that I can use against Natasha, and I'll make sure you're both back where you belong.” Yelena stated firmly.
“That's the problem. She doesn't confide in me anymore. But... there is someone she does talk to. A doctor. And I bet she would love that ridiculous suit.” Wanda adjusted the pocket square on the green suit.
“And here I thought you were her loyal soldier.” Yelena smirked.
Wanda tilted her head to the side slightly, annoyed at that comment. She was the most loyal demon to Natasha than there had ever been. She would do anything for her, including… this.
“I want what's best for Natasha. Same thing you want.” 
“Then tell me about this doctor… Wonka.” Yelena spun the coffee cup that had landed on the table, showcasing the incorrect name. 
Lux was annoyingly full for Steve as he made his way down to Natasha, who was seated at her piano and idly playing the keys. “Pretty sure your name's not on the list.” She snarked. 
"It should be. Considering I've just spent the last couple of hours convincing Anthony Paolucci not to press charges.” He retorted.
Natasha stood with a wry laugh, as well as seeing how her taller height pissed him off. “Well, what if I want to press charges?” 
“For what?” He asked.
“Stupidity. A drunk, on-duty cop... surely that's a no-no? But don't worry, I'm feeling charitable. I'll let it slide this time.” 
She gave him a sultry purr as he stepped towards her, his eyes in line with her lips. “Is it my thanks you want, or a kiss? Because believe it or not, I can do both.” 
“I don't want your thanks. Because I don't do favours for people like you. I did this for Y/N.” 
“Oh, stop raining on the poor woman's parade. It's about time she got some spark in her life.” She grumbled, turning to get her drink.
That was, until Steve grabbed her wrist. She turned around, amusement gone, and looked at him carefully.
“If you don’t take your hand off of me in the next two seconds, you won’t have that hand.” 
Steve ignored her warning, but still took his hand off of her. “A spark? Are you kidding me? How about real danger? Do you have any idea how easy a gang vendetta can spiral out of control?”
“Well, I am trying my best to find out.” She retorted.
“Yeah. That's exactly why I'm here. Y/N is the mother of my child, you imbecile. You want to work this case? Take care of her.” 
“Sir, yes, sir.” She mockingly saluted.
Just as Steve was about to leave, she grabbed his wrist and held it tightly, just enough to leave a few bruises. “If you ever come here again and threaten me or attempt to dishevel my friendship with her, you will pay for it with your soul. Do you understand?”
Steve ripped his hand out of her grip and mumbled a ‘yes’ before he walked back up the stairs and towards the exit. Natasha sighed and grabbed her tequila, downing it in one go before her phone beeped.
Y/N Valeria -Meet me outside Lux in 10 pls.- -Got some info-
Natasha quickly grabbed her jacket and said goodbye to Wanda, kissing her temple quickly. She knew the demon was in a bad mood, so a little bit of affection was allowed but not too much.
“I’ll be back later!” She called out over the music.
Wanda simply shrugged as she cleaned her glass, looking away from Natasha as she ascended the stairs.
You slowly came to a stop outside of the small house, turning off the engine of the car. “Okay, Latin Kings turf. You need to have my back on this.” You told Natasha, double-checking your gun.
“You can count on me, Detective.” She promised.
“Alright, Dani and Diego Ramirez. Married straight out of juvie; real hotheads.” 
“Ooh! Do we get to kick in the door? As your self-sacrificing partner, I volunteer to go first.” She grinned.
“No, there'll be no kicking in of anything, unless we have a warrant, or people are in immediate danger.” You sighed. “You better start taking this case seriously. If this escalates to a gang war…”
“Yes, yes, it could spiral out of control. Blood could run in the streets, fire could rain down. You sound just like your ex.” She grumbled, annoyed at how uptight you were being.
Your brows furrowed slightly. “What do you mean - you spoke to Steve?” 
“Mhm! He dropped by Lux. Kept rambling on about keeping you safe. Quite condescending, if you ask me. Especially when he grabbed me.” 
Now your brows went into anger mode, alarming Natasha. “Did he hurt you?”
“Y/N, it’s just Steve-”
“Natasha.” You took her hand, gently interlocking your fingers with hers. “Did he hurt you? Did he grab you, touch you unsolicitedly?”
The redhead nodded after a few moments, watching the concern in your thin lips turn to anger at the slightest twitch. “He didn’t hurt me, Y/N. I’m alright.”
“What is it with the people in my life?” You huffed.
“I'm a person in your life?” She chuckled, watching you get out of the car.
A thud came to her left, and she saw the lock notch was down. “Uh, Detective, you seem to have left on the central locking!” She yelled in order for you to hear her.
“Act like a child, get treated like a child.” You smirked from outside.
“Isn't it illegal to leave your child locked in a car?!”
You walked up to the front door with blaring rock music. “Diego and Dani Ramirez, LAPD. Need to ask you a few questions.” Nobody replied but the music lyrics. “LAPD! Open up!”
At the sound of shrieking, you pulled your gun from its holster and broke the door down, yells of protest coming from the main bedroom with a ‘door’ of hanging beads. You stepped through and spotted the married couple on the bed, whilst a gleeful Natasha sat in a lounge chair in the corner.
“How the hell did you get out of the car?” You mumbled at her, your gun on the couple.
“Child's play, and good thing I did. There was immediate danger. He was about to leave this woman completely unsatisfied.” Natasha argued.
“She's your partner?” Dani asked.
“Yeah, don't get me started.” You chuckled sarcastically.
“Cops harass us no matter what we do! And now they're breaking into our house?! I should sue you, pervert!” She glared at Natasha.
“You have my blessing. But first, let's talk about Benny Choi.” You directed the conversation away from Natasha whilst putting your gun back in the holster.
“Yes, did you attempt to use him as target practice the other night?” Natasha boldly asked.
“That wasn't us!” Dani argued.
“Okay, well, witnesses said they heard you making threats at the door.” You replied.
“No, we-we just wanted in. We wanted a pair of Benny's sweet kicks.” Diego reasoned.
“Enough to pay for them with Paola Cortez's blood?” Natasha went again, but you saw the despair fall onto Diego’s face.
“Paola was Diego's cousin, okay? It's wack what happened to her. Why do you think he's so upset?” Dani grumbled.
You looked at Natasha and saw that she knew nothing of this.
“I promised I'd get her in the show. There wasn't enough room for three, so... we gave her our spot. She wanted to be a designer.” Diego chuckled sadly.
“Sorry, is that, is that flop sweat or is that a tear? That's... Oh... Oh. This is our bad guy? No wonder he can't get it up.” Natasha scoffed.
You stood nervously before you came to Diego’s side of the bed, kneeling down to his level as your hand fell to his shoulder. “Look, if you didn't take a shot at Benny, then help us get justice for Paola. Tell us what you know, all right?” 
He nodded and placed his hand on top of yours in thanks. “If anyone had beef with Benny Choi, it's Yellow Viper.” 
“‘Yellow Viper’? Sounds like a venereal disease.” Natasha quipped.
“He got out of jail a few nights before Benny's show. He was a big-deal graffiti artist, ran with Benny back in the day, then took the fall on some B&E. He got five and change, while Benny got rich and famous.” Dani explained.
You thanked the couple before dragging Natasha outside, pushing her against your car - and whilst your hand on her chest was certainly something for her, the expression on your face was the opposite.
“I am so tempted to arrest you.” You growled, reaching for your phone.
“Zip it.” You held your index finger up at her as your phone rang.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Steven Grant Rogers, tell me - how is it like being fucking blind?!” You seethed, not seeing Natasha jump at the unusual sound. “Did your tiny pea-sized hetero brain not think to search for known relations between Diego and Dani? How about Paola Cortez?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, that’s right. Thank you for screwing up my case and giving me yet another reason to sign those divorce papers.” 
You unlocked the car and fell into the driver’s seat, noticing how cautious Natasha was to get in the passenger seat. You took some deep breaths and looked down at your phone when it vibrated, reading the text carefully.
“What is it?” Natasha asked quietly.
“It’s from Benny. Someone else is dead.” You murmured.
But you didn’t immediately start the car.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” She gently took your hand, watching you flinch wildly.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” She showed you both of her hands before taking yours again.
“Do you want me to drive?”
You nodded slowly, stepping out of the car to swap places. You gently sank into the passenger seat and her into the driver’s, the engine humming to life before she took your hand again. She said nothing, however - simply keeping you grounded.
You didn’t know it, but Natasha had been seeing Dr. Bishop on the down low and she’d brought you into multiple conversations. Kate, in-between sex of course, had offered her ways to help you without angering you.
*Remind her that you’re there for her. Whether it’s holding her hand, telling her repeatedly, hugging her - make sure she knows she can rely on you.* Her words echoed in Natasha’s mind, and her thumb began to gently stroke the back of your hand.
You looked down at her thumb, her eyes noticing yours. “I can stop if you want.” She muttered, just louder than the moving car.
“Don’t. Please.” You asked, closing your eyes to focus on her touch.
Your hand felt tiny as she held it in hers. Her thumb was smooth and calming, rubbing over your skin like it was the surface of a river-smoothened pebble. Her hand was warm too, but not clammy or sweaty - it was her warm nature, her heart, even if she pretended it was stone cold sometimes.
Inevitably, her sensation on your hand sent you to sleep.
“Y/N… Come on, malysh, wake up.” Natasha’s voice calmly stirred you awake, the waning hours of dusk upon you as you looked out the window to see Benny’s art studio.
“We’re here.” You murmured, turning to face Natasha.
She gave you a gentle grin. “Ready, malysh? Or do you need a few more minutes to wake up from your beauty sleep?” She teased, making you roll your eyes and hide your smile.
You checked your appearance in the mirror, tying your hair up again. Natasha watched idly, but she was glad you didn’t see flames burning through her orange eyes at the sight of the scar on your shoulder.
She would have to pay Jimmy Barnes a visit soon.
“Ready.” You told her whilst adjusting your skewed jacket, getting out of the car to retrieve your keys and enter the building. 
“Benny?” Natasha called out as she entered first, your gun coming into your grip at the sight of dark red liquid.
“Crazy guess: That's not paint.” You offered as Natasha knelt down to it, her finger dipping into it before she licked it.
“Mm. Definitely blood, though. But curiously, not human.” She explained.
As she turned to you, you put your hand up in her way. “I don’t even want to know how you know that.”
At the sound of crying, you turned the corner to see the street artist seated beside a covered sheet, no bigger than your leg. “Benny?” You asked, his head turning at his name.
“Poor Diddy.” He sniffled. 
“This is the murder?” You grumbled. 
“I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to call. Ain't no 911 for pets.” He shrugged, moving out of your way. 
“Bacon for dinner, I guess.” Natasha smirked at you from her squatting position, turning around sharply. “And my deepest condolences, Benny.” 
“What happened?” You asked, putting your gun away. 
“Hector and I went to an opening. Came back to find Pig Diddy.” He explained.
“Were you aware that your old friend Yellow Viper was released from prison last week?” Natasha queried, putting her hands in her pockets to subconsciously mirror you.
“No, I had no idea he was out.” Benny looked between you both for the truth, but it was already his.
“No phone calls? No contact?” You added, just for good measure.
“I sent him letters when he was inside San Quentin. Money for lawyers, too. But he sent the letters back all torn up. Didn't take a dime. I always felt bad for how things turned out. How I got lucky. Viper went down. He was my best friend.” Benny sighed, moving out of Hector’s way as he brought white candles to lay around Pig Diddy.
“Well, with friends like that, I'd hide the knives.” Natasha quipped.
“Yeah, Viper must've snuck into my show. He fired those shots. Killing Pig Diddy was a message.” 
“All right, we'll get a squad car to watch your house tonight. Viper comes by, you'll be safe.” 
You stepped away as the duo mourned the blinged-out pig, pulling out your phone as you got to the car. 
“You know, they really don't make bad guys like they used to.” Natasha sighed, almost in dismay.
“We need to get word to Viper's parole officer. Track him down before he can get to Benny.” You replied.
“Finally, some real action. I'm more than ready to face the danger of the notorious Yellow Viper.” She rubbed her hands together, but you quickly sent Steve a text as you got into the driver’s seat.
It wasn’t far to the youth centre, but having Natasha’s eyes on you made it feel like you were travelling the world. However, you looked over at her at a red light to see that she wasn’t even looking at you.
She was asleep.
You slowly came to a stop outside of the youth centre, taking as much care with the brake as possible so that Natasha wouldn’t jolt awake. Her eyebrows were thick but not so much that they looked like caterpillars. The left one had a small slit in the eyebrow, whilst her ears were subtly pierced, as if she just needed something to keep the holes from closing.
You looked down at her left hand, curled slightly open as it rested on her thigh with multiple rings on it. The black onyx ring, however, was stunning. You reached out to touch it, gently pushing along the edges of the cut jewel until you felt a familiar sensation.
You looked up to see Natasha with her eyes half open, smiling at you. “Do you like it?” She asked, her voice gravelled from sleep.
“Yeah. It’s beautiful.” You replied, but when your anxiety peaked, you quickly brought your hand away.
“W-We should go inside.” 
You were much faster when getting out of the car, having to wait for the tired tree of Natasha to find you at the main door. “Is this really where Mr. Viper hangs out on parole?” 
“According to his parole officer.” 
“After five years behind bars, a brothel would be my go-to.” She smirked at you.
You stopped abruptly, making her turn around and face your look of dismay. “Whilst you were asleep, I was thinking about that favour that you gave Benny. Did it also involve getting him off on the felony B&E charge that put Viper in prison instead?” 
She grinned. “Well, I may have pulled a few strings - why?” 
“Well, if Viper hadn't gone to prison, he wouldn't have targeted Benny and shot up his show, which means Paola Cortez would still be alive.” 
She chuckled shortly. “Wait, you're not seriously blaming me for that girl's death?” 
You shook your head. “Just stating fact. Cause and effect; intended or not.” 
Her brows furrowed slightly in frustration. “No, no. I-I can't be held responsible for what happens after I give someone a favour. I mean, if there's one thing the Devil knows, it's that people need to take responsibility for their own bad behaviour.” 
You smiled brightly, which put her off. “Yes, people do need to take responsibility for their own bad behaviour.” 
She watched you walk away with a childish grin on your lips. “I just said that. Are you hearing impaired?” She asked.
The staircase you walked down led to an open area, the sound of spray paint cans shaking pulling you around the corner to see a man and a bunch of kids. 
“Hmm. Yellow Viper, I presume.” You muttered.
“He's teaching art to youngsters. I mean, this bad guy thing's gonna be all a joke now. What next, cuddles and ice cream?” Natasha scoffed.
His eyes quickly found you both and he put down his cans, walking up to you before speaking quietly. “Private class.” 
“I'm Detective Decker. This is…” You turned to Natasha before shaking your head. “Never mind. I need to ask you a few questions about the shooting at Benny's fashion show.” 
“You got a warrant? If not… beat it. I'm not talking to cops.” He grumbled.
“Ooh, do you have something to hide, Mr. Viper? Or do you go by Yellow?” Natasha teased.
He stepped up to her, licking his lips at the sight of her chest. “Oh, you think I'm gonna let you bust my balls in front of these kids, beautiful? Arrest me, or step off.” 
You raised your hands in surrender before he walked back to his class.
“Charming.” Natasha commented.
“Well, he's right. He doesn't have to talk to us.” You shrugged.
“He really seems to care about those kids. It's odd for a criminal. Or anyone, really.” 
“You know, if you spent as much time appealing to suspects as you do annoying me, things might go… a lot faster.” You trailed off slightly as three cars entered the space, Latin Kings members piling out. 
“Our lucky day. Viper and the perv.” Dani stepped out, her and Diego at the front of the pack. 
“Bravo, crybaby. This is a bold move, isn't it?” Natasha looked at Diego.
You tried to be a voice of reason. “Come on, turn around. If you walk away now, no one has to get arrested. No one has to get hurt-” 
“Yeah, they do. Viper killed my cousin; I'm here to get justice!” Diego glared at Viper whilst he put himself in front of the kids.
“As you should.” Natasha smiled.
“Are you insane? Shut up.” You growled at her, but she gave you a ‘what?’ look that pissed you off. “Please, I promise we're dealing with this.” 
“You and your perv partner want to get caught in the crossfire, cop, be my guest.” Dani pointed her gun at your chest, the other Latin Kings members raising theirs.
Death was knocking at your door.
“Enough danger for you yet?” You grumbled at Natasha.
“Now if you'd just give that gun I'd asked for-”
“Stop talking.” You cut her off. “Diego, put down your weapon. Don't listen to her. This isn't what you want.” 
“Taking down Viper is exactly what he wants. We're doing it for Paola! Step off!” Dani argued, but as Natasha stepped closer she pointed her gun at her. I said step off, peliroja!”
“You know, as the Mistress of Punishment, I completely understand your desire to make Viper pay for the tragic death of your cousin.” She explained. 
“Natasha, you do remember that bullets hurt, right?” You interjected worriedly, her eyes turning onto you and asking for patience.
“And furthermore, you do seem to have this danger thing down pat, don't you?” 
You looked down at her hands to see her pointing towards Viper and the class. You slowly turned, hiding behind Natasha with your hands still up, facing Viper. “Go.” You whispered.
He nodded and gently guided the kids away whilst you turned back to their conversation. 
“So, answer me this: you engage in turf wars, yet nobody actually owns any turf?” 
“Get back, freak! Alright, let's finish this!” Diego shouted weakly at Natasha.
“And those sweats. I mean, you wear them so low that, well, your ass is exposed to other naughty men, and we all know what kind of danger that can bring, don't we? I mean, you can park your bike in there.” 
“You making fun of his pants, yo?” Dani asked, confused at Natasha’s quick words.
“Well, are we talking pants or sweats? Because it's very confusing.” She replied.
Dani quickly glanced over Natasha’s shoulders to check on Viper, but he and the kids were gone, thankfully. “Where'd he go?” 
“Oh, dear.” Natasha looked at the gun now pressed to her chest.
“Don't matter. I'll kill you first.” 
Natasha glanced at Dani’s gun against your chest before the lights cut out above you, plunging the place into darkness. You quickly grabbed Natasha and pushed her to the ground, leaning over her.
“Well, this is exciting.” She grinned at you.
“You had your hero moment. Stay down, or you're gonna get shot.” You ordered, squatting behind the shelter to observe the shouting matches between the Latin Kings.
Loud cracks of bones and clattering of guns were all you could hear. “What the hell is happening?”
You winced at the sound of a sharp crack, your nerves imagining the pain as your own. 
“Wanda is happening.” Natasha grinned deviously over your shoulder. 
“Your bartender's a ninja? Of course she is.” You scoffed, looking down to see Natasha’s hand hovering over your waist.
“What are you doing?” You tried to move her hand, but she simply replaced it with the other in the blink of an eye.
“Shattered tibia. Ooh, ouch… orbital fracture.” She commentated as Wanda kept throwing the gang members around. “First perfected in the hellfires of Tyre. Oh, humerus crush!” 
Your eyes had quickly adjusted to the dark and you saw a fear-frozen Dani standing all alone. You pushed Natasha’s hand away and stood, making your way over slowly before tapping her shoulder.
You gripped her hand with the gun and batted it away before punching her square in the nose, letting her collapse to the ground as you shook out your fist. 
“Oh, bravo, Detective.” Natasha chuckled as she came out of her hiding place.
“Been a few years but jiu-jitsu paid off.” You smirked. 
Wanda walked over to you both. “Ass saved. You're welcome.” 
You were about to thank her, but she held her hand up to you. “Her ass, not yours.”
As Wanda walked away, you looked at Natasha - who simply gave you a small smile. “Shall we call in some backup? Because whilst I am strong, thirty or so people is a bit much.” 
“Care to tell me what happened?”
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Steve’s words, a sigh releasing from your lips. “You wouldn't believe me if I did.” 
He held up an evidence bag. “They found a gun in Viper's bag.” 
“It's a .38. Same caliber fired at Benny's show.” You remembered, but noticed an odd look on Steve’s face. “What?” 
“You should know something. I talked to Natasha about you the other day.” 
“Yeah, I heard.” 
“I mean, not that it got me anywhere. If anyone can handle themselves around that wack-job, it's you. And hey, it looks like, uh… you got the bad guy.” He briefly looked over at Viper, who was being interrogated by officers.
“Get to the point, Steve.” You grumbled, tired from your adrenaline rushes.
“Natasha cares for you. I don’t know how her black heart can do that, but I see it when you’re not looking. She’ll… She’ll make a good work partner.” He summarised, giving you a quick hug.
“Look after Pegs tonight, okay?” You muffled against his shirt, to which he gave you a nod.
You walked over to your car as the officers put a handcuffed Viper in the back, feeling a pair of eyes on your body before you turned around and looked at Natasha, confusion on her face when yours was emotionless.
“What, no ‘thank you’? I don't know why you're upset. I helped save kids. And we arrested our shooter. One might say I did you a favour.” She grinned happily.
“Hmm. Maybe. But I think I just figured out why you do these favours.” You remarked.
“Oh, really? Do tell, malysh.” 
“It's about power. It makes you feel superior, in control. You're addicted to creating chaos and seeing where the chips fall, to hell with the consequences. It's like you have some kind of god complex.” 
Her wide grin fell thin and her eyebrows furrowed, her hands out of her pockets as they clenched and unclenched. “I most certainly do not.” She growled. 
“You do a favour for one person, someone else suffers. When you gave Benny that favour, you damned Viper to prison. Twice. Whether he's guilty or not.” You got into the car, turned on the engine, and set off as soon as Natasha’s door was closed.
The drive was silent, save for a few heavy sighs coming from Viper. You looked at him many times, wondering if you should trust your gut - but then Natasha’s eyes fell on you and you fidgeted.
“What? Stop staring at me.” You grumbled.
“You're having another one of those ‘gut feelings’, aren't you? Like you had on the Palmetto case.” Natasha grinned, watching you fidget.
“This has nothing to do with Palmetto.” 
“Au contraire. I think it has everything to do with it.” 
“See? Addicted to creating chaos, talking out of your ass-”
“Like I said, you were trusting your instincts on that case, just like you're trusting them now. I mean, why would a seasoned parolee bring a gun to a children's art class? For all we know, Mr. Viper is innocent.”
“I am innocent!” Viper barked from the back.
“See?” Natasha gestured to him. 
“What do you know? Our suspect has ears.” You rolled your eyes.
“Let's see if he has a conscience, as well, shall we?” The redhead chuckled, turning to face him but he wasn’t looking at her.
"Mr. Viper. Mr. Viper…” She sang, getting his attention. “Hello. You've already wasted so much of your life. What do you desire to do with the rest of your time on Earth?” 
You watched him in the rearview mirror, his eyes glazing over slightly. “All I want to do is my art. I swear I didn't shoot up Benny's show. If I hated him so much, why would I bother to go after him and miss?”
“Oh. Yes, he's got a point, actually. I mean, to pop off in a crowd like that and not hit anyone, he'd have to be the worst shot in the world.” Natasha snickered.
You knew. “Or the best.”
You gripped the wheel and spun it right, the car’s tail end sticking out but you made the turn.
“Steady on, Detective.” 
Even with Natasha’s smart remarks.
“It's my Pig Diddy piece. Collector in Dubai offered me 150 G's for it. I want you to have it. As thanks for saving my life. Again.”
Natasha sighed as she stood next to Benny, observing the abstract art piece in front of her. “Yes, my favour really did pay off for you, didn't it, Benny? You're a huge star.”
Benny laughed and patted her shoulder, like she was an old friend. But she plucked his hand off of her jacket and smoothed it out, looking down at him. “But if there's one thing the Devil abhors, it's a fake.” 
“What are you talking about? I'm all about authenticity.” He scoffed.
“Sure. Except for the lying. You failed to inform me that in getting you off the B&E charge, suspicion would immediately fall on your best friend.” 
He raised his hands in surrender. “I had no control over that.” 
“Didn't you?” Viper asked from his left, with you walking to Natasha’s side from behind him. 
“Oh... Hey, it's good to see you, man. I missed you, bro.” Benny chuckled awkwardly.
“Is that why you never came to visit me in prison?” 
“I wish I could've done more.” 
“Framing him for shooting up your fashion show surely didn't help.” Natasha smirked.
“Viper was always the real talent. When you heard he was getting released, you tried to take down the competition before he could take down you. Planned a simple frame job. Parole violation that would send Viper back to prison.” You explained.
“But when Paola Cortez died, you had to improvise, didn't you?” The redhead asked rhetorically.
“You knew pointing the fingers at Latin Kings would eventually get back to me.” Viper stepped towards Benny.
“How the hell could I have staged that frame job? How could I have pointed a gun at myself?” Benny argued, almost begging for his innocence. 
“Because you didn't pull the trigger.” You clarified.
“So many bullets fired into that crowd. How did no one get hit? That takes precision.” Natasha turned to Hector. 
“I saw your Marine tattoo when I met you, Hector. A heart in crosshairs. Sniper unit, some of the best marksmen in the world. Did you know firing a gun into a crowd is a felony?” You glared at him. “You're responsible for Paola's murder.” 
Benny turned to Hector. “No, man. Hey, come on-” 
“Benny made me do it! I'll testify, man. He told me he'd make me a partner. But then he made me plant the gun on Viper. And kill Pig Diddy. I loved that pig, man.” Hector sniffled, and you walked towards his held-out wrists. 
“Oh... Well, the good news is that whilst all dogs go to Heaven, you'd be surprised how many pigs are waiting for you in Hell.” Natasha quipped. 
“Okay, let's go.” You muttered to Hector, who walked beside you to your car. 
“You were never as good as me, man. Never!” Benny lashed out at Viper, shoving him back a few times before Natasha grabbed the back of his collar.
“I don't think so, Sonny G.” She easily dragged Benny around the back of his fake art before throwing him through.
She walked back around to where Viper stood, facing the innocent man. “Mm. I'm no expert on LA street art, but it's funny - this piece seems a lot more authentic to me now.” 
She knelt down to get to Benny's eye level, tilting her head a bit as her voice dropped. 
“I think I'll keep it.”
You stood by your car as the memorial for Paola Cortez only grew, watching a gleeful Natasha come to your side.
“What’s got you so chipper?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, just… collecting on a favour.” Natasha grinned, looking briefly at Lieutenant Munroe before turning back to you.
“Oh, come on. Seriously?” You groaned.
“I am now an official civilian consultant for the LAPD. Not that there's anything civil about the Devil. What fun would that be?”
You sighed, leaning on the car door as you looked at the beautiful shrine. Many photos of Paola were framed and surrounded by flowers, candles, and even offerings.
“Okay. You win. We’re partners.” You sighed.
Her eyes scanned through your soft expression of defeated annoyance. “What, you're not going to protest?” 
You shook your head. “Actually, no. I have no idea what your angle is, but at least now I can keep my eye on you. Keep your enemies close, right?” 
“Close, hey? So does this mean you're gonna take me home and consummate our new arrangement, Detective?” She grinned, sinking slightly against your car.
You snickered slightly as you bent with her body, biting your bottom lip as you looked to her eyes, then lips, then back at her eyes. 
“I'll take that as a yes.” She husked, walking around to the passenger side of the car.
But the door wouldn’t open.
She looked down at the locked notch before bending down to see you. “Seriously? What, you're just gonna leave me here? In this part of town?” 
“You said you wanted danger.” You muffled through the car door, blowing her a teasing kiss before you drove off.
“What...? Y/N, I don't even have a phone!” She yelled but it was futile, given by the volume of the muffled radio.
She smirked as your number plate moved out of view. “Such a devilish little malyshka, aren’t you? Don't worry - you'll crack soon, I'm sure of it.”
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sattakingworld02 · 10 months
Sudoku and satta, though two entirely different games, build up on similar foundation of skill. The latter though also has the element of luck attached to it. It is the similar effect both these games lead to  that leads us to choose between them for enhancement of brain speed. This article shall delve into the same and try finding the best medium to enhance the human intellect.
Explaining Sudoku
The famous puzzle game Sudoku requires players to fill in a 9x9 grid with numbers between 1 and 9. Each of the nine 3x3 subgrids, or "regions" or "boxes," must include every number precisely once, and this applies to both rows and columns.
Some of the cells in the puzzle are initially filled in with numbers to serve as hints. In order to fill in the empty cells, players need to apply deduction, elimination, and reasoning to make sure that no numbers are repeated across rows, columns, or boxes. varying players may enjoy varying degrees of difficulty in Sudoku because of the large number of puzzles available.
The rise of sudoku
Since its meteoric rise to fame in the early 21st century, the ubiquitous puzzle game Sudoku has found a home in print and digital media everywhere. The game's popularity comes from the fact that it has easy-to-understand rules while challenging the mind and improving analytical and pattern-recognizing skills. In addition to being a fun puzzle game, Sudoku is great for improving your ability to think critically, focus, and solve problems. It's been around forever, but that doesn't stop puzzle fans from loving it.
Explaining satta King
Gambling on the result of certain numbers—typically those associated with playing cards or the opening and closing prices of different items on the stock market is known as Satta King. It is a word widely used in India. Bettors frequently lose a lot of money because the odds and outcomes are manipulated by organised crime syndicates. The temptation of fast money and the absence of effective control have allowed Satta King to thrive desp ite being unlawful and banned by law. Because it contributes to addiction, financial hardship, and societal upheaval, the practise has garnered a lot of attention for the wrong reasons. Protecting the public against Satta King operations and maintaining the legitimacy of legitimate financial institutions are ongoing priorities for India's law enforcement agencies and authorities.
Comparing the two
Both Sudoku and Satta King challenge the human brain, but in distinct ways. People's cognitive talents and techniques are put to use in two quite different ways while playing Sudoku and Satta King.
Sudoku and Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities
They are tested in the popular numerical puzzle game Sudoku. Players must enter numbers from 1 to 9 into a 9x9 grid so that every column, every row, and every one of the nine 3x3 subgrids is filled. Deduction, pattern identification, and elimination strategy are all crucial to winning in Sudoku. It forces one to think critically about outcomes, create informed assumptions, and fine-tune one's approach in light of the data presented in a grid. It helps people become more patient and analytical thinkers, as well as increasing their cognitive flexibility and memory.
Gambling the satta way
Conversely, Satta King is a gambling game where players choose numbers in the hopes of gaining monetary rewards. Unlike Sudoku, it does not need any special reasoning or talent to complete. Luck and chance play a larger role in Satta King than strategic planning. Because there is no foolproof method of determining the result, it may lead to compulsive behaviour and financial losses. The excitement of victory might mask the reality that Satta King is mostly a game of chance, which is detrimental to the development of genuine cognitive abilities.
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The meeting and parting points
Although both Sudoku and Satta King need some degree of mental agility, these two games couldn't be more different from one another. Mental agility may be developed via Sudoku's emphasis on logic and methodical deduction. However, Satta King relies heavily on chance, which may lead to addiction and financial problems. It's important to focus our minds on things that help us grow as thinkers and learners and that improve our brainpower as a whole.
What's better for mental acuity, playing Sudoku or Satta King?
Different parts of the brain are used in the two games Sudoku and Satta King. Both entail numerical calculations, yet each has quite different consequences for learning and growth in the mind.
Sudoku is a number-placement logic puzzle that challenges and improves one's capacity for abstract reasoning, pattern detection, and problem solving. Deductive reasoning, analysis of possible placements, and repeated refinement of alternatives are all crucial to solving a Sudoku puzzle. This method encourages abstract reasoning, focus, and attention to detail, all of which improve general cognitive abilities.
Satta king
However, Satta King is a popular kind of underground gaming in India. Wagering on the opening and closing prices of commodities such as cotton, stocks, or even the results of more conventional games of chance like poker, blackjack, and roulette. Satta King is a game of pure luck, unlike the strategic Sudoku. There is no mental exertion or deductive reasoning involved. Playing Satta King does not improve one's intelligence but rather reinforces the harmful practise of putting one's financial well-being in the hands of chance and luck. Which one to choose for your brain speed
In terms of improving cognitive abilities, Sudoku is clearly superior than reading. It develops cognitive abilities that are useful in overcoming problems, making choices, and handling other aspects of daily life. Its emphasis on formal logic and systematic deduction fosters an orderly, methodical way of thinking.
On the other hand, there are zero mental advantages to playing Satta King. It's a game of chance that requires no skill or strategy on the part of the player. Addiction, financial difficulties, and a warped view of risk taking are just some of the negative outcomes that may result from partaking in such behaviours.
In conclusion, the cognitive benefits of Sudoku and Satta King are distinct. Logic, critical thinking, and pattern identification are all mental faculties that benefit from the stimulation that Sudoku provides. In contrast, Satta King is a game of pure chance that has no positive cognitive effects and may have only negative ones. If you want to improve your mental acuity, you should avoid playing games of chance like Satta King and instead focus on exercises like
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marpiner · 2 years
Play sudoku
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Eliminating squares using Naked Pairs in rows and columns: Such cases where the same pair can only be placed in two boxes is called Disjoint Subsets, and if the Disjoint Subsets are easy to see then they are called Naked Pairs. As a result the 6 can only be in square b9. In addition, square a6 excludes 6 from being in the left column of box 7. We don’t know which is which, but we do know that both squares are occupied. In this example, squares c7 and c8 in box 7 can only contain 4 and 9 as shown with the red pencilmarks below. Eliminating squares using Naked Pairs in a box: Here are some ways of using analyzing techniques: 1. After pencilmarking the puzzle, the solver must analyze the results, identify special number combinations and deduce which numbers should be placed where. Sudoku pencilmarking is a systematic process writing small numbers inside the squares to denote which ones may fit in. Hard puzzles require deeper logic analysis which is done with the aid of pencilmarks. Analyzing techniquesĪs Sudoku puzzle levels get harder you will find the simple scanning methods described above are not enough and more sophisticated solving techniques must be used. However, 6 cannot be in square h6 because there is already 6 in that column. Seven of the nine squares contain the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9, which means that 6 and 7 are missing. This method can be particularly useful when rows (and columns) are close to completion. Searching for missing numbers in rows and columns: So the only square left for 1 in box 2 is square d2. Whichever the case may be, the 1 of column e is in box 8 and it is therefore not possible to have 1 in the centre column of box 2. In this example the 1 in square c8 implies that either square e7 or square e9 must contain 1. There are more complex ways to find numbers by using the process of elimination. Eliminating numbers from rows, columns and boxes: Eliminating all the above numbers leaves 2 as the single candidate for square b4. Taking a careful look at square b4 we can see that 3, 4, 7 and 8 are already used in the same box, 1 and 6 are used in the same row, and 5 and 9 are used in the same column. Often only one number can be in a square because the remaining eight are already used in the relevant row, column and box. This means that square i3 is the only place left for 1. However, square g4 also contains 1, so no additional 1 is allowed in column g. In this example, row 1 and row 2 contain 1s, which leaves two empty squares in the bottom of box 3. The same technique can be expanded by using information from perpendicular rows and columns. This leaves square e1 as the only possible place into which 9 can fit in. Looking at box 1 and box 3 we can see there are already 9s in row 2 and in row 3, which excludes the two bottom rows of box 2 from having 9. In our first example we will focus on box 2, which like any other box in Sudoku must contain 9. Here are some ways of using scanning techniques: 1. The scanning technique is also very useful for hard puzzles up to the point where no further progress can be made and more advanced solving techniques are required. The scanning technique is fast and usually sufficient to solve easy puzzles all the way to the end. The easiest way starting a Sudoku puzzle is to scan rows and columns within each triple-box area, eliminating numbers or squares and finding situations where only a single number can fit into a single square. The grid is also divided into nine 3x3 sub-grids named boxes which are marked box 1 through box 9. Sudoku grid consists of 81 squares divided into nine columns marked a through i, and nine rows marked 1 through 9.
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emilyoracle · 2 years
Hello hello and Happy WBW! I see you write about time travelers 👀 Tellus a little bit about how time traveling works AND about those "people who keep the timeline in check"? Who are they? How did they get put in charge of doing just that? -@athenswrites
The answers to these two questions are actually closely connected and asked in the perfect order! Haha
(Also holy shit this answer got away from me and is crazy long I'm very sorry everyone, I AM however trained as a historian so that's my excuse lmao)
So because this is sci-fi fantasy I don't actually delve too deeply into the scientific aspects of time traveling (sorry everyone! not my cup of tea!). But, essentially, there are people who are born "important" and whose existence or death (or both) directly affect history and the timeline in the way it is "supposed" to be. And then there are people who are born "unimportant" whose lives (or deaths) are completely inconsequential to time continuing as it's meant to. These unimportant people have the ability to time travel.
Unimportants (as they're called, to the absolute GRIEF of autocorrect) and their choices cannot affect history, if they were to live their life as normal. But they actually CAN affect history, quite drastically, by abusing their time travel.
In the past, LOADS of people could time travel but as the world has become more globally connected, less and less people are being born with the ability because the chances that SOMETHING in your life, whether it be an action or inaction or word or purchase or etc, has an affect globally, gets exponentially higher. As opposed to like, yknow, an ancient Roman peasant who doesn't leave their 3x3 mile community. And because past time travelers tended to be both 1. illiterate and 2. xenophobic, they often didn't use their time travel much or use it to much detriment. This changed around the start of the 18th century, when literacy and globalization was on the rise. Shit started hitting the fan, because it was a perfect storm with still plenty of people who could time travel, but they were usually also literate to some degree and much more adventurous and independent from their home communities, thus... havoc. The timeline was constantly being changed and bouncing from one direction to another. It created a rift in time, essentially a bubble that existed inside time itself, and every traveler got sucked into it. After some chaos, one person rose above it all and became a sort of leader, delegator, and a general consensus was formed that this person and a group of elected officials from each major region, would form a committee, a "Headquarters of Time," that would manage the actions and choices of travelers and prevent such insanity from happening again. Thus Headquarters was born.
I could go into further detail about how the "rift" in time works, how the Under Realm is actually a branch of HQ that split from them to go rogue in the 1800s, and the "founders" of HQ, etc, but um. This is already crazy long so I won't.
I'm sure you weren't expecting to open this bag of worms with your questions :D;; but thank you. Very little of this (or I guess, a very shallow version) is touched on in the story/narrative itself so it's fun to be able to talk about lol.
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quirkwizard · 3 years
Class 1-A at the Olympic Games
Is there any real reason to do this? Not really, but the Olympics people actually care about only comes around once every four years and I wanted to do something for it. So here’s who I think would do be the best in each of the events.
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3x3 Basketball/Basketball/Beach Volleyball/Volleyball: Starting off with a surprising one, Hagakure actually does the best here. Mostly because people are too confused on how a ghost seems to be handling the ball to stop her.
Archery: I guess Aoyama? He seems pretty good at hitting stationary targets. How many points would he get if destroyed the whole target though?
Artistic Gymnastics/Rhythmic Gymnastics/Trampoline: With her amazing acrobatic abilities, Mina would be a shoe in for these events. I mean she’s already dress for the job since her hero suit is essentially a leotard.
Artistic Swimming/Marathon Swimming/Swimming: Surprising no one, the girl that is part frog completely overtakes everyone in swimming events.
Athletics/Modern Pentathlon/Triathlon: As most of these involve running or jumping, Iida’s rock power legs should help him immensely. I can see him now, majestically rocketing over every hurdle.
Badminton/Golf/Tennis/Sailing: Momo dominates all of these. Mostly because these are rich people sports and no else knows how to play them properly.
BMX Freestyle/BMX Racing/Track Cycling/Mountain Bike: Uraraka takes the gold with all of these. Mostly because she E.T.ed her bike all the way to the finish line.
Boxing: Izuku, giving his skills in analytics and punching, would be great in this sport. Now I just really want to see a MHA and Hajime no Ippo crossover.
Canoe / Kayak Flatwater/Canoe / Kayak Slalom/Rowing: I'm just going to give these to Shoji. Mostly because the guy could be an entire team by himself with all of his arms.
Diving: Surprisingly, Mineta does the best in this one. Turns out his small body is perfect for diving.
Equestrian/Road Cycling: Koda just told everyone else's horses to stop or bombarded them with a bunch of pigeons.
Fencing: Since he’s the only one to actually wield a sword, I guess Tokoyami can do this one. And by that I mean Dark Shadow can do this as Tokoyami waits at the other side of the mat. You think Dark Shadow would get a medal as well?
Football: Again, Iida does pretty good in soccer. Mostly because no one wants to block or get within five yards of him with how powerful his legs are.
Handball/Rugby: If Aiwaza's opening exam is anything to go by, Bakugou would crush any kind of hand related sport. Now he can get a gold medal he actually wants.
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Hockey: I could say that Shoto’s skills with skating earn him the gold. But if we’re being honest, he probably trapped the other teams in ice like at the Sports Festival.
Judo/Karate/Taekwondo: Gee, I wonder if the guy wearing a Gi everywhere would do well in marital arts events. Though I do wonder if Ojiro would do the typical thing and tie up his tail to restrain his power.
Shooting: I guess Momo since she is the only person who has ever handled anything close to a gun? Would she get more points for hitting the other athlete's targets? 
Skateboarding/Surfing: Denki seems like the kind of guy who would be into this stuff so I guess he could do well with it? Honestly, I didn’t even know these were events.
Sport Climbing: You think it would be Tsuyu given her naturally climbing pads, but it is actually Sero as he spidermans his way to the top.
Table Tennis: Obviously, Shoji and his twenty paddles of doom take this one. Tokoyami did put up a good fight given that he’s essentially a one man team with Dark Shadow.
Water Polo: Jiro does pretty great in this one. I mean she did get hit in the head, her jacks hit the pool, and everyone else stopped moving, so she won only be default. But hey, a win is a win.
Weightlifting: Given how beefy he could be, Sato would be pretty great at tossing around these heavy weights. Wait, would him using sugar count as steroid abuse?
Wrestling: Of course, Kirishima would only partake and excel in the most manly of sports. Though I feel bad for his opponents. Going to grapple Kirishima only to be completely shredded by his armor.
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911bingo · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions (mobile-friendly edition)
What is a Fandom Bingo?
A Fandom Bingo event is where you take a theme (in this case, 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star) and create a grid of prompts in the layout of a bingo board. The goal is to fill the prompts in such a way where you get a traditional bingo (3 or 5 in a row, column, or diagonally), or to go even further and fill out every prompt and get a blackout board. To get your bingo board of prompts, you’ll fill out the sign-up form where you’ll choose from a list of categories to tailor the experience to your interests. From there, you’ll have until March 31st, 2023 to complete as many prompts as you can!
What is a 3x3 board vs. a 5x5 board?
These are the different sized boards you can sign up for. A 3x3 board will give you 8 prompts and 1 free space, and a 5x5 board will give you 24 prompts and 1 free space. The only difference between the two is the amount of prompts you want to be given.
What can I create for the “free space”?
Anything you want! So long as it fits the Prompt Fill Requirements outlined in the Rules and it’s related to 9-1-1 and/or 9-1-1: Lone Star, then you’re good to go! The main restriction is that it must be something you’ve created during the Bingo period; you cannot go to a previously posted creation and retroactively claim that it fills your Free Space.
Are crossovers okay?
Yes! So long as 9-1-1 and/or 9-1-1: Lone Star are involved, you can cross over with any other fandom.
I’m participating in another Bingo/Event, can I use a Bingo fill from here and also count it towards another event?
Yes, so long as you have permission from the other event and it doesn’t violate any of their rules.
I have a prompt fill idea that covers two different prompts on my board, can I count it for both?
No. You must have a unique fill for each square on your card.
I finished my first board and I’d like a second board, but it’s after the sign-up closing date. Is that okay?
Yes! Since we’ll be using the information from your initial form to create your second board, there’s no need to fill out the sign-up again. Just contact a mod to request a second board (likely the person who gave you your board in the first place, but it can be any of us if necessary), and they’ll get you set up!
Do I need to join the 118 Discord to participate?
Short answer: no.
We understand that people may not want to learn a new platform, or perhaps you’re already involved in too many servers and don’t want to deal with another one. That’s totally fine! All of the 9-1-1 Bingo information and updates will be available on this blog, and you can contact the mods through Tumblr as well.
That being said, if you’re looking for a community to chat about 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star with, we would welcome you with open arms!
I signed up over 72 hours ago, where’s my bingo card?
If it’s only a couple hours past 72, please be patient with us. In last year’s event we had over 90 submissions in just the first week of sign-ups, and there aren’t many of us working this event. We might just be backlogged! So long as you received email confirmation of your sign-up submission, we received your form.
If it’s been a whole day past 72 hours and you haven’t heard from us, that might be for a few different reasons:
‣ If you provided a Discord username, this is probably because we can’t contact you through DM. You may have forgotten to include your 4 digit #tag, or more likely, your privacy settings are set to receive messages from friends only or mutual servers only. ‣ If you provided a Tumblr username, you may be unable to receive media messages or may be unable to receive IMs from non-mutuals. ‣ If you gave us an email address, please check your spam/junk folder. The email should be coming from [email protected]. ‣ All: Check your confirmation email to make sure you spelled your username/email correctly.
In any case, please send us an ask off anonymous so we know who you are and we’ll get you sorted out.
I still have a question that hasn’t been answered here. What do I do?
Please send us an ask and we’ll get to you as soon as we can! Asks will be publicly answered unless specifically requested to remain private.
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paininanime · 4 years
Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 1-5
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Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 6-9
Characters mentioned:
Rock Lee
Minor mentions:
Genma and Reido
Kurenai and Asuma
1x1 | Iruka gets slashed a bit by flying knives (one in the leg) and stabbed in the back protecting young Naruto (+blood drizzle at the mouth and emotional whump) Later in episode he is seen very roughed up and tired (kind of trembling) and pained
1x6 | Naruto stabs himself in the hand to extract venom he obtained during a fight and a scratch (it heals due to kuruma)
1x8 | Naruto and Sasuke get beat up vs. Zabuza
1x9 | Kakashi acts fine, but then passes out due to overuse of his sharingan.
1x15 | Fight against Haku. Sasuke and Naruto get very roughed up, Naruto falls hard many times. In the end they both get pierced by needles thrown by Haku amd scream out in pain.
1x16 | Naruto and Sasuke get pierced multpiple times, they are in a lot of pain, wincing etc. Sasuke fights and protects Naruto despite his injuries. Naruto passes out twice due to pain and overuse if his chakra. Kakashi gets slashed across the chest protecting Sakura and Tanzen from Zabuza (on purpose tho). Sasuke protects Naruto further. He collapses fatally injured into Narutos arms and "dies".
1x22 | Sasuke gets beat by Rock Lee in their first "fight". Sakura has to catch him mid air, otherwise he would have fallen hard.
2x2 | Sasuke and Sakura get overpowered by the sheer bloodlust of a chunen exam competitor. Sasuke trows up, they are shaking violently from the visions. They can barely move. Naruto gets eaten by a snake but is "fine". Sasuke stabs himself in the leg to break free from the trance. He is in a lot of pain and panting. He is very shaken up, as Sakura also points out.
2x3 | Naruto punches Sasuke so hard that blood spatters (he's fine). Naruto gets slammed/crashes through thick branches twice and "passes out". Naruto is very battered and saves Sasuke. "Orochimaru" does something with Narutos seal who then passes out. He gets literally thrown away and would have fallen to the ground if Sakura hadn't secured him with a shuriken. He is completely unconscious.
2x4 | Sasuke "beats" the enemy, but is exhausted and panting heavily. He then gets bitten by Orochimaru, and is screaming in pain and collapses screaming. Sakura cradles the agonized Sasuke in her arms. Naruto is still lights out. Later N and S are seen lying unconscious next to eachother. Sakura mentions how Sasuke seems to be breathing more easily now, but has a fever.
2x5 | Sasuke is seen still uncounscious, breathes difficultly and shivers. Sakura takes care of them. Both N and S are seen with a strained look. Lee fights for Sakura and uses the forbidden Lotus-Jutsu, that strains his muscles a lot. The enemy outsmarts him, and attacks with sound which plays with his already fatigued body and vision.
2x6 | Lee starts bleeding out of his ears because of the sound waves. His vision is blurry, he is in a lot of pain and throws up. He tries to save Sakura again and busts a move but because of the sound messing with his balance it doesnt work. He passes out. He is later on the ground very roughed up and passes out again. 
2x7 | Sasuke collapses on his butt after Sakura makes him change back. He is very shaken up and his hand is shaking violently.
2x10 | Sasuke collapses screaming in Pain from Orochimarus mark whilst using his last chakra for Sharingan. Kabuto gets slashed in the shoulder saving a pain-paralysed Sasuke. Kabuto gets stashed in the leg (knee) saving Naruto from a knive. Kabuto gets slashed over the nosebridge from an attack from behind. Sakura supports Sasuke when arriving at the tower.
2x12 | Sasuke fights Yoroi even tho he is weakened by O's mark.
2x13 | Sasukes chakra gets slowly stolen by Yoroi, he can barely move, but gets free. He stumbles a lot. His mark activates itself and he spits some blood. He almost passes out but Kakashi aka mr. Smooth appears behind him and supports him with his knee. A lot of heavy breathing and panting. He grips his shoulder in pain and makes that "ugn" sound. Kakashi later seals the curse in Sasukes shoulder, which is extremely painful (he screams) and then passes out (also from fatigue). + ep.14 Nice shots of passed out Sasuke and emotional past from Shinos enemy Zaku in the exam
2x18 | Naruto gets hit by Kiba's Jutsu and lands hard, he spits out some blood and rolls onto his bloodied face. + 2x19 He gets scratched by Kiba thrice and it bleeds and splatters quite a bit / Kiba carried away by stretcher
2x22 | Lee fights Gaara. One short moment where he does his badass lotus attack against Gaara and utters a pained noise and closes his eyes in pain throwing his head back.
2x23 | As also explained by Kakashi, Lee is in so much pain after the Lotus that he can't evade Gaaras attacks and gets thrown around harddd. Once (in background) he gets slammed with sand and screams.
🩸 2x24 | Lee sacrifces everything to win against Gaara: that includes his body. By opening the chakra doors he exposes his body to enourmous emounts of energy. - after badass fight- He collapses to the ground. Gaara then uses his sand-powers to crush Lees left leg and arm. He screams in agony and loses conciousness, Guy Sensei stepping in just in time. Lees body is completetly destroyed.. but he gets up, unconsciously, out of pure will to prove himself. Bloody arm and leg, dull eyes. Later, when the infirmary gets him, they tell Guy Sensei that Lees body has suffered fatal damage, especially his arm and leg.
2x25 | Sasuke is seen in a hospital bed unconscious and attached to many tubes etc. He is attacked by Kabuto but Kakashi is there.
3x3 | Naruto collapses during training after purposely using up his chakra. The still injured Lee collapses after doing 199 pushups.
3x4 | Nice shot of Naruto collapsing backward during Training "again", as Jiraiya says.
3x5 | Naruto passes out and falls down out of fatigue after being thrown around by Gama on his back, to prove he's worthy of being his companion and master. Gama catches him tho and delivers him directly to the hospital. Naruto is like: 😌
3x6 | Cute shot of Naruto sleeping in hospital bed.
3x10 | Naruto gets beat up good by Neji, specifically around the 7 min mark he begins to show much pain, coughing etc. Later there are close ups of his hands and specifically nails which are broken and bleeding from digging a hole to defeat Neji. Neji has taken a lot of damage from Narutos attack and can't move on the ground.
3x11 | Cute shots of roughed up Neji at the hospital.
3x15 | Sasuke gets gripped by Gaaras ghost arm thing in the cockoon and screams and tries to pull out his arm. He holds it in pain. Gaaras shoulder, injured by Sasuke, is bleeding, he is holding it.
3x16 | Gaara collapses to his knees grunting in pain and grasping his head.
3x18 | Cute visuals of a worn out Shikamaru. Still drained after his battle with Temari and extra annoyed.
(Gaara and Naruto battle whump)
4x2 | Kakashi vs. Itachi. @7:58, Kakashi takes a nice, pained breath. Itachi captures him in an allusion and tortures him for three days (multiple stabbings), while irl, only a moment passes. Kakashi is in a lot of pain, falls to the ground. Dark eye bags, strained face. Kakashi passes out and collapses, sinking into the water. MG lifts him out and over his shoulder.
4x4 | Sasukes arm gets broken by Itachi.
4x5 | Sasuke gets kicked by Itachi into a wall. He gets kneed in the face by his brother and again slams into the wall. He gets beaten up badly, and relives his traumatic past with Itachis Jutsu. His screams are heartwrenching and he is completely unable to fight back. He passes out whilst in chokehold... luckily. ;( Post fight Sasuke is seen slumped against the wall, eyes dull, completely unresponsive. According to Jiraiya, he has suffered from terrible psychological trauma, has two broken arms and a few broken ribs. Guy sensei mentions how Kakashi is still unconscious from the same visual jutsu, and they don't know when he will wake up again. Itachi is strained and exhausted after using Amaterasu to escape.
4x6 | Netflix's words: "Deeply hurt mentally and physically, Sasuke is taken back to [Konoha](...)". Cute visual of an unconscious Sasuke on Guy's back.
4x7 | Narutos hands are shaky after weeks of practicing Rasengan. Cute scene of him shivering in his sleep with "bandaged" hands. He has dark eye bags and mentions the pain he is in. (All minor whump)
4x11/12 | Naruto trains very hard. He is roughed up and shaky. Naruto collapses onto one knee and is later seen on the ground, exhausted. Around the 10:30 mark he is seen in his bed, sleeping, his right hand bandaged. Tsunade says he is exhausted and his hand burned by chakra, and will not wake up soon.
4x12 | Jiraiya gets drugged by Tsunade and falls of a chair in the Stew restaurant harddd. (lol) He is later seen sweaty and weak-ish.
4x13 | Jiraiya stumbles due to the drug still in his system when trying to stop Naruto from attacking Kabuto. Naruto gets blood splattered in his eyes by Kabuto.
🩸 4x14 | Naruto gets eaten by a snake but gets out, but, according to Kabuto, has hurt his leg in the process. He gets beat up by Kabuto very badly and is in a lot of pain, but gets up everytime he is on the ground. He also gets stabbed through the hand.
🩸 4x15 | Netflix's words: "Naruto is seriously injured by Kabuto and hovers on the verge of death". Naruto used his Rasengan, but his body was already messed up. Kabuto has cut his heartmuscle.. He spits blood and passes out (beautifully, I might add) backwards. He is seen on the ground unconscious wincing and shivering, blood in the corners if his mouth and dirty. Tsunade notices his irregular puls.
4x16 | Everyone is pretty injured. Jiraiya winces and says his ribs and feet are injured.
4x25 | Sasuke gets angry at Aoi and attacks him in a surge of rage. He gets electrocuted by the thundersword and gets thrown onto the broken bridge, where he stays down, unconscious.
5x3 | Sasuke gets beat up good by Orochimarus gang. He is quite roughed up.
5x5 | Genma and Reido come across Orochimarus gang, but get beaten in battle. They are both critically injured and Genma speaks weakily (coughing).
5x6 | The bois get stuck in a Kekkai. They are all roughed up. Also, Shikamaru looking drained af: (6:54, 9:30, 10:46, 12:57). Their chakra is being drained, so all of them are a bit.. down.
5x8 | Choji is comepletely exhausted and heavily injured after his fight with Jirobo, also due to him consuming those three pills. He stumbles through the woods, vision blurry, and finally collapses against the tree with the markings from Shikamaru and co. He passes out.
5x10 | Neji vs Kidomaru. Neji does very well until he is slashed in the shoulder and then stabbed in the back by three kunais. He collapses face down. He gets back up, but after a final blow gets stabbed again multiple times, collapses again. Gets up a third time. Heavy breathing. He kind of just stands there, breathing, looking at nothing.
🩸5x11 | Neji is completely out of breath. The arrow from Kidomaru went, luckily, through his shoulder. The wound is extremely painful and smoking, and see-through. Blood comes pouring down his arm. He agains collapses face first. He is extremely weak and in a lot pf pain. His chakra is quickly draining due to the barrier he has created around him. He starts running, ripping put the kunais from his back and pressing on his shoulder wound. The next arrow hits his cheeck and slices it. The last arrow goes straight through his abdomen. He starts one last attack, runs, holding his abdominal wound. In the end Neji is on the ground and finally succumbs to the darkness. ;(
5x14 | Kiba stabs himself in the gut (20:40) in order not to be merged with Ukon.
5x15 | Kiba bleeds a lot and screams out in pain. Heavy breathing and sweating. He stabs himself a second time and doesn't look okay ;( He shivers and has blood at both his mouthcorners. We can see him bleeding excessively. (18:00) He tries to get up, but falls back down, admitting that he is dizzy because of the pain and bloodloss, he can't move. He looks very ill.
5x16 | Netflix's words: "An injured Kiba and Akamaru barely escape from Sakon and Ukon." Shikamaru breaks the tip of his finger to break out of a hallucination.
5x17 | Netflix's words: "Kiba tends to Akamaru and his own wounds." 2:19, Shimakarus broken finger is being pulled by his shadow, it makes cracking noises and he utters a pained "ughn >:[]". (3:10 strained, Roughed up S)(12:00 Genma sitting awake but weak-ish in Hospital bed.)
5x18 | 6:15, Kiba gets put of the water and holds his bleeding wound. 16:55, he is leaning against a tree, unable to move out of exhaustion, scared out of his mind. Lee gets slashed in multiple locations by Kimimaros bones, 18:20, saved by Gaara, Shikamaru is getting tired.
5x19 | 18:09, Shikamaru fixes his finger a bit, the bones crackle and he utters an "ittee".
5x20 | Gaara saves a hurt Lee, who runs to fight, but after Gaara stops him winces in pain.
5x21 | Lee gets hit by Kimimaro, and flies. He lands hard and realizes that his body is not in the ideal shape. Kimimaro coughs blood thrice. 17:35, Gaara is exhausted by his use of chakra, he stems his hand on his sand and says that he is done. Sweaty.
5x22 | Naruto vs. Sasuke 2: Sasuke punches Naruto hard in the ribs, he spits blood, you can hear bones crunching. Also hard kick in the face.
5x24 | Netflix's words: "Naruto is brought down by Sasukes fireball jutsu."
5x25 | Naruto is again punched hard in the gut, bones crunching, slams into water below. He sinks and does that nice "drowning breath out" thing. 19:07, Naruto laying at the bottom of the river. Comes up, coughs.
5x26 | Naruto sinking. Sasuke "empales" Naruto through the shoulder with his chidori. Nice blood dripping of shoulder scene. It heals tho.
5x27 | Naruto gets his head slammed into the ground by Sasuke. Later, Naruto punches Sasuke in the face hard in his fox form, and Sasuke is in a lot of pain, holding his nose. He recovers quickly tho.
5x28 | Both Sasuke and Naruto’s bodies are feeling the consequences of their transformation, Naruto mentioning that his arm feels numb and it just kinda hangs there. Later, their Chakra blast leaves Naruto unconscious. (N+S rain scene). Kakashi later finds him and picks up the completely limp boy, bridal style. Later we get a short scene of a half conscious Naruto on Kakashis back, opening his eyes a little. Sasuke is also very injured by his mark and the fight, he slowly walks through the rain with that blank look on his face.
5x29 | Naruto awakens on Kakashis back, but he is only half-conscious. He asks with dim eyes where Sasuke is. Passes out again.
-Choji unconscious and attached to many devices etc.
-Cute, Bandaged, Worried Kiba scenes. Flinches in pain. In hospital bed.
-Neji in intense operation, they are closing his gaping shoulder wound. He moves in pain, but doesn't scream. Unconscious.
-Shikamaru crying ;(
-Naruto awake in hospital bed, bandaged from head to toe, dim eyed.
Many cute "mummy-Naruto" scenes.
Naruto Classic Whumplist Season 6-9
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justjimedits · 4 years
Scott McCall Defense Squad – Teen Wolf Legacy
Remember when @princeescaluswords stalked, bulled, and harassed another Sterek/Steter fan last week (@idle-rodent) just because they dared to point out that Peter Hale has always thought that Stiles would be a magnificent werewolf and criticized Scott’s own canonical abusive actions and behavior in his precious Scott McCall tag? Look who’s invading non Scott/Posey fans’ tags and fandom spaces and posting their ableist Anti Stiles / Pro Scott garbage in the “Stiles Stilinski” tag on purpose: https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/632896910327480320/fools-rush-in#notes
And here’s Escalus’ response when people called him out on his hypocrisy and shitty behavior: https://princeescaluswords.tumblr.com/post/632898096353951744/i-see-you-keep-putting-your-ableist-anti-stiles#notes _____________________________________________ My add: If Scott didn’t know about Victoria until 2x10 Fury then Scott had until episode 3x3 Fireflies to tell Allison the truth, which he didn’t. He was perfectly fine to let Allison hate Derek since ‘Fury’, knowing she was out for Derek’s blood and Scott let her. But this is a discussion I’ve had with PEW before, where I copied the conversation in the Vault where Scott admitted he hadn’t told Allison because he hadn’t wanted that to be the last memory of her mom. Which again proves Scott MADE the choice to let her hunt Derek instead. They refuse to acknowledge that. ALLISON She tried to kill you? SCOTT It’s okay-- ALLISON How is that anywhere close to being okay? SCOTT I mean it doesn’t matter now. ALLISON Why didn’t you tell me? SCOTT I’ll tell you everything. Anything you want to know. But right now-- ALLISON Just tell me why. SCOTT I couldn’t. All I saw was it making things worse. For that to be your last memory of her... I couldn’t do it... The second post is exactly the problem with the Antis, they have double standards, they’re hypocrites. They attack even new people to the fandom for using the Scott McCall tag to the point where the rest of us have to tell them to please block them so the new people don’t run away from the fandom completely. Simply because the Antis demand the Scott McCall tag to only be used for praising Scott while Pew meanwhile: Point out to me what I put in that post that was anti stiles? Hating on Scott is not Pro Stiles.  Describing what Stiles did is not Anti Stiles.   And since when did any of you ever give a shit about putting anti Scott stuff in the Scott McCall tag?  People do it all the time.  Like last week.  And the week before that.  And the week before that. He says describing what Stiles did isn’t anti Stiles (Even though his post didn’t stick to describing what happened in Canon, he made his own conclusions and HC’s) but as soon as somebody says they didn’t like Scott’s story arch, the Antis come in to abuse the OP.  I get a lot of Anons in my inbox, pointing out Anti posts about Scott, I never answer those when the posts are tagged properly. I am not going to mingle into a post that is tagged with Anti Stiles or Anti Derek as long as they don’t use the regular tags. I’m fine with them using their corner to salivate over their god Scott as long as they don’t bother the rest of us. But I had to now, to point out the hypocrisy happening.
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rtfmp2021 · 4 years
Digital Abstract Typography
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I have created two of my own digital abstract typography, using new techniques that I've learnt on illustrator. These would be perfect for a poster or flyer, to spread a message and gain interest from others to join a movement. This is because it's super eye-catching and intriguing so any viewer would at least take time to look at it, and because it's simple it could be even better as part of a collection e.g. postcards, gifs, posters.
These outcomes came out better than I expected so I am really pleased, and even though the text alone was good, I think it's all the other elements that really brought it together. For example I found that the splodges of paint filled places that text couldn't, and when I incorporated colours the text really stood out. Overall I think I've created two really appealing and intriguing typography artworks, and experimenting with a new style was really fun. I've never been a fan of grunge art nor have I wanted to make this style of art, but during this task I really enjoyed messing around with paint splats and illegible writing.
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I started off with a 3x3 grid of squares and wrote out the word 'individuality' with the type tool, I chose this work because it relates to all equality. We should all feel confident to be our own unique individual, and celebrate the individualities of other people, especially the minorities. To type the word out I made sure to use a bold font and in all caps, this made for better collaging and clearer shapes.
With this I created outlines for the type and ungrouped the object, this removed the fact it was a type face and left me able to edit/move each letter individually.
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Next I selected a couple letters and duplicated them over to one of the squares, it was important to duplicate the letters and not just drag over so I could select them again if I wanted to. With these I resized them large and placed what I wanted to keep within the square, meaning some can be left outside the box.
I then sent the letters behind the square and selected both together, this allowed me to make a clipping mask which cropped the letter to just be seen if it was in the box. At the same time the box line cannot be seen where the text doesn't cover it, so you're usually left with an interesting shape of letters. I repeated this process to fill every square, experimenting with different sizes, numbers of letters and rotations. This in itself could be an outcome like an unfinished puzzle, except the pieces don't fit and there's plenty of space.
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With these cropped letters I began to collage them together, building a larger shape to base the piece around. I did this simply by duplicating them over to a blank canvas, rotating and resizing them to create an appealing collection of these letters. However my first attempt didn't go so well, I attempted to make it so you can easily recognise the word but it still be distorted. Although I could see the word, the whole collage looked unbalanced and not very interesting.
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My second attempt was a lot more successful, and I think it's because I let go of boundaries and went for it. I wasn't thinking about how legible it was, I was simply focused on the overall look of the collage. I've also shown an example of how I've used the digital advantaged of precision, where I've zoomed in close to parts where I want to line a letter perfectly with another. In the end I was pleased with how it looked, but there were still a few spots to fill and it in general looked unfinished. You may also notice how all the angles are either 0, 90 or 180°, this decision was inspired by Neville Brody and I think it worked out perfectly and made it easier to collage together.
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Next I incorporated dripping splodges of paint/ink, of which helped fill the gaps that I couldn't fill with text because it didn't fit. To add them I copied it from the template and pasted it over, I then played around with the size and placement of the drips to find fitting combinations. Once I'd completed adding the splodges and drips, I felt the piece was much fuller and looked complete. I made sure not to over do it too, otherwise you would lose its effect from being too busy/messy.
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Finally I added distressed halftone patterns and colour blocks, this finished off the design and made it really stand out. After downloading the patterns template they automatically appeared on my swatches, therefore all I had to do was select the pattern on my swatches and draw a shape with it as the fill. I then created a new shape but this time filled with a colour, the idea is to have the colour behind the pattern and type. Therefore I sent it to back, then because I changed the pattern from black halftone to white, I also had to send the pattern back. So rather than sending backwards many times, I selected the two rectangles together and send them to the back. I repeated this process multiple times, using different halftones patterns, shapes and colours.
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To create the other piece I used the same process, but of course using a different layout, colours, patterns, shapes etc. However something I hadn't incorporated in the first piece was a dirt/dust texture, so for this one I coloured it as white and layer over the whole collage. This added a subtle detail of white specks, giving the black text some texture.
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beans-town · 5 years
Beans-town point system! 💛
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What is 💛 Gold?
💛 is the point system for the discord server!
What is it used for?
💛 is used to purchase small bonuses, like a custom role name or a custom colouring page, and other treats! More information further below
Can 💛 be traded for points in other communities like this one (like buttons in Bittytots?)
Sadly, not yet! I don't know other communities well enough to have asked about this, but I plan on doing so once I've gotten more involved!
How To Earn 💛
When you join, you start off with 10 💛! There's a couple things you can do to get more...
-When colouring pages are posted, colour them and submit them with your discord name or number on the 'name:___' section  (5 💛) 
-Complete 2 activity pages and submit them the same way! (10 💛) 
-Help add to the activities by submitting activity pages for everyone to do! (20 💛)
-Invite someone to the server! (5 💛)
-Post a selfie in #selfies ! (5 💛)
-Post your own art in #art (5 💛)
-Be kind! If I see you being particularly nice or helpful, I'll sneak you some surprise 💛!
Trade-able Prizes under Read More!
Cost 5 💛 
- Custom Role Name! (Uncoloured) - 2x2 Stim Board! - 2x2 Aesthetic Board! 
Cost 10 💛 - Custom Role Name! (Coloured, Replaces Colour-Role) - 2x3 Stim Board! - 2x3 Aesthetic Board! -Custom Themed DNI Banner 
Cost 15 💛 - "Super Kiddo!" Role! (Shows separate from other members) - 3x3 Stim Board! - 3x3 Aesthetic Board! - Set of 3 Custom DNI Banners - Close-up character coloring page! 
Cost 20 💛 - Full character coloring page! - Set of 5 Custom DNI Banners! 
Cost 30 💛 - One 3-dollar or less game on Steam or Itch.io - Added to "Star Beans" page on the tumblr!
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doe-s-labyrinth · 5 years
I Love You Like An Alcoholic
I Love You Like An Alcoholic | Low Honor!Arthur Morgan x Gender neutral!reader
Warning: Smut, harsh Arthur
Note: This takes place in the modern world, but it doesn’t tie in too much.
This was just a quick little one-shot inspired by the song ‘I Love You Like An Alcoholic’ by the Taxpayers.
Word Count: 1,504
NSFW - 18+
“We’re closed.”
The heavy-knocking on the locked bar door stopped immediately, causing the young vixen’s eyes to roll in Their pretty little head. you took hold of your coat, throwing it over the revealing outfit. you didn’t enjoy this job, and you missed the old diner - at least the outfits were less skimpy there. But you needed the money, and the bar was a good excuse for Dutch to host his meetings, especially if you could lock up while they had their discussions.
You left out the backdoor, zipping your coat up and brushing some hair out of your face. Your make up was slightly smeared and smudged from the long twelve-hour shift you had just worked. Your body ached to get home - and the platform shoes hurt your feet. You checked your bag for all your belongings before finally locking up completely and it was like a dream come true when you were finally able to walk away from the damned hell house.
You’d had far too many negative experiences in that bar for it to be a comfortable place - but Dutch insisted that you worked there. And if Dutch insists, then there’s no getting out of it, you’d had to learn that the hard way. The streets of Annesburg tormented you - the rundown mining town was a sheer reminder of just how far they had come.
Sure - you weren’t being questioned by the gang every day and being forced to stay in a small 3x3 room. But some days you would rather that than the bar job you were forced to work. All in an effort to try and gather word on Cornwall’s business. You were tempted to go back to their hideout over in that cruddy cave and give Dutch a piece of your mind.
Your eyes caught onto another pair, and your breath caught at the sight of the man on the other end of the street. He was almost completely hidden by the shadows of the alleyway, the dim street light barely catching onto his frame. His cold irises stared into yours - causing a chill to run down your spine even with their distance. You watched as he brought a cigarette to his lips, quickly followed by his lighter.
Your body felt compelled as you crossed the street and made your way over to him, his eyes following your every movement.
“Arthur Morgan,” You mused, the words falling off your tongue as if they were an old nursery rhyme. He took a long drag of his cigar before exhaling the smoke. “I haven’t seen you in weeks.” You were trying your hardest not reveal your joy. You shouldn’t have been so happy to see him there. Not with his endless playing of your heart - but you couldn’t stay away.
And he couldn’t stay away from you either.
“A lot’s happened.” His voice was just as deep and rough as your memory portrayed him to be. Yet his words were vague, causing a small frown to grace your plump lips. “I just needed to see you.” He sounded almost vulnerable, but the wolf of a man didn’t let the emotion last. He quickly covered it up with another puff of his smoke before flicking it onto the street and flicking his head towards the dark alley. He turned away and started walking down it, expecting you to follow, and like an obedient dog, you did.
He stepped behind the large dumpster, and before you could comprehend it, he was pulling you to him and pinning you against the wall. His lips crashed onto yours and the strong taste of cigars and whiskey was nostalgic. You kissed back just as eager, Arthur’s hands roaming your body.
“Arthur-” You tried through his kisses, but Arthur just kissed you harder. It was his own way of telling you that he needed this, and you being a lovesick fool, you were more than happy to oblige.
His tongue fought against your lips, forcing his way into your mouth. Your kissing was quick and sloppy, and you couldn’t help but quietly moan into his mouth, earning a grunt from Arthur.
His fingers took hold of your zipper, pulling it down and breaking it off. His cold hands roamed under your shirt - causing you to squeak as they warmed themselves on your warm skin.
This quick - lust filled fun was like a little routine for the two of you, and you knew far too well what was about to happen next when Arthur began to grind up against you. Your right leg was hooked around his waist and your arms were wrapped firmly around his neck.
His fingers moved down to your shorts, pushing the black fabric down your thighs and revealing the lace underwear beneath.
“Were you meetin’ someone tonight?” Arthur’s voice was low and husky, yet filled with amusement as he teased you. Your cheeks burned red in the dark alleyway - your head shaking slightly as you let out a huff of breath.
“No-” you started, but Arthur’s chuckling cut you off. He smirked at you, his piercing pupils burning into yours, but you refused to meet his gaze out of embarrassment.
“I’m just messin’.” He chided, still just as amused as before. He was quick to get back to work, his fingers pulled them down just enough to give him access.
Your lips felt cold with the absence of his, so you pulled him back to you. Arthur grunted against your lips, but he kissed you back with a matched hunger. His fingers brushed against your slit and you couldn’t help but gasp at his cold touch. Arthur grumbled something under his breath before he took his neckerchief out of his pocket and stuffed it into your mouth.
You let out a surprised noise, about to argue against the gag - until he pushed his length into you, causing your knees to shake and a muffled groan to leave your lips. Arthur barely gave you any time to adjust, however, and quickly began pistoning into you. you suddenly understood the use of the neckerchief as a gag as a flurry of moans left you - all silenced by the makeshift gag.
Arthur’s hand braced himself on the wall beside you, his other hand hooking under your thigh and raising your leg higher as he pulled deeper into you. His thrusts were quick and hard - eager to get this done and over with, to just release the stress he had built up.
His quick movements had you coming in minutes, your loud moans were all muffled, but they were still like music to Arthur’s ears.
He pulled out quickly, turning you around and bending you over, your hands braced against the wall as he started fucking you from behind. Grunts left his lips, just loud enough to quietly echo through the deserted alley.
His quick movements let you ride out your short high - but the overstimulation was quickly catching up to you, causing you to scream out in ecstasy - yet your noises were all silenced by the neckerchief.
Arthur’s thrusts became sloppy, his grip on your waist tightening as he buried himself deep inside of your hole, causing both the both of you to let out long moans of pleasure. Arthur buried his seed deep inside of you, his hand reaching up to wipe some sweat from his forehead.
He caught his breath, but your breathing was still erratic as he pulled his length out of you, causing your legs to shake and almost buckle from the experience. Arthur pulled you to stand, steadying you against himself as he reached to take the makeshift gag from your mouth - a trail of saliva hung onto it as he stuffed it back into his pocket without a care.
“God...” you whispered, reaching down to pull your underwear back up, the feeling of his warm seed dripping out of you was a sheer reminder of what had just occurred.
“I’ll see you back at camp,” Arthur grunted as he finished buttoning up his pants, a lit cigarette was quickly placed between his lips once more. your eyes followed him as he shot you a wink before moving to leave the alleyway. He was always quick to leave, causing a small frown to grace your plump lips once more.
You stayed leaned against the wall, even more of a mess than you were before. Your heart yearned after him - but you had to accept that this was just how it was between the two of you. This was how it had been for three years now after all - you should be used to it.
But you were stupid and you had ended up catching feelings for the outlaw, like a lamb in a wolf’s trap. You were forever destined to be his prey, to forever be hunted by the wolf that was Arthur Morgan.
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