#the ACTUAL love of my fckin LIFE
sapphos-sidebitch · 8 months
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cinnamart · 19 hours
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to spiral out, to try and float
to see a friend, to see a ghost
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theajaheira · 1 year
descending into deadlochposting on main i don't even care. this show is SO GOOD. i think the thing that really stuck with me throughout every episode is how committed it is to not fucking up women, and especially women of color, just to have a Plot Point + for Emotional Resonance!!! every woman on this show gets an ending that feels earned. (and yes that does include margaret carruthers.) there is just so much love woven into this narrative but they still manage to capture the grim miserable reality of patriarchy without EVER reducing a female character we care about to a Murder Victim or having her horrifically brutalized as an ending!!!! like holy shit, guys, it's actually fucking possible! you can create horror blended perfectly with humor and never actually fuck women over!!!
and yeah actually as a woc it felt really fucking good to watch a show where i got to see women of color (aleyna and tammy and sharelle and miranda and faye my beloved <333) just thrive and be silly and stupid and terrible and also lovable. and also, oh my god, revolutionary, NOT GET MURDERED, even though this is literally a fckin murder show!!! i said to my dad like midway through the series that i just got this sense the show understood how goddamn hard it is to watch television sometimes waiting for that character you love, who looks like you and has life experiences that resonate with you, to get killed, or to be treated like she's not important, and how dedicated it is to not just killing off women for shock value. every woman in this show mattered and had meaning and dimension.
because seriously, SO MANY INCREDIBLE WOMEN!!! abby with her perfect little haircut driving off into the sunset saying Of Course She Knows She's Right About Forensics. aleyna and her husband, her whole heart!!!! vanessa who in a lesser show would have been reduced to The Bad Woman, The Bigot, but we are shown how she has been abused and mistreated by men and how that's so informed her perspective + her genuine love for her son! sharelle who lays down the hard truths, who calls them out -- "all this civility but no fucking community" !!! miranda who learns that she doesn't want blood money from a woman who looks down on her cousin! tammy who is literally just all about that footy club the entire time even as men are being murdered and that's honestly so real of her. skye o'dwyer who perfectly captures that Emotionally Unavailable Dad energy except she's a lesbian and i love her. nadiyah who is Trying Her Best :) And Gritting Her Teeth About It :) faye who has no god damn patience for margaret carruthers and all kinds of blunt determined love for her niece and her daughter. vic who throws herself under the bus because she's just so determined to protect anyone she can after the women in this town protected her and kept her secret for so long!!! cath who parents her emotions and is definitely relentless in her guilting but also so relentless in her love. MARGARET CARRUTHERS WHO EXEMPLIFIES SHITTY RICH WHITE WOMAN. and of fucking course, the legends, the buddy-cop duo of all time, dulcie and eddie, who are just perpetually going around like this
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except it's not even working because eddie chewed the leash off.
favorite show of the year by far. so so happy about it. rotating it joyfully in my brain for the next week, probably longer.
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
if theres anything i love more its chaotic sweetheart oml its so fckin funny
i just thought of like during TF 141 missions, meetings or just out of nowhere sweetheart will sometimes say "omg this reminds me of when i got ban from the aquarium in [where ever tf] cause i jumped into the shark tank to pet the sharks" or she hears that they're going to a place like italy or europe for a mission and shes like "im actually ban from like 3 of their museums" or whatever
and the team think shes fucking with them but they find out its true because she has videos and pictures of her doing these things and they're all like : 😦😟😀 huh??
like imagine they're at a zoo or aquarium and shes like "bet me $20 to jump in?" and they're all actively trying to hold her back so she doesn't get banned again 😭 they have her on those backpack leashes when they go out 💀
THIS IS SO HER 100000%%%%
She said something unhinged before, but they didn't believe her
(TF 141 watching the american news. Someone was arrested for trying to steal a fish from the same aquarium Sweetheart stole from)
Sweetheart: HA! Oh my god, my brother and I did that once there.
Gaz: Go to the aquarium?
Sweetheart, reminiscing: Yeah, and we went fishing there to catch some sea creatures. We caught this japanese spider crab and started running cause the police and workers started chasing us. But we got away! AND GOD THAT CRAB WAS SO GOOD-- I don't know why people don't eat those more!
AHAHA ...girl please
So they all kinda chuckled at that, but Soap kinda prods at it more because he thought she was making up a story 💀
Soap, smirking: So... you stole a state protected Japanese Spider Crab from an aquarium. Got away with it. And ate it with your kin.
Sweetheart, smiling like a dummy: Yuh huh.
Soap, questioning her thought process: And only your brother?
Sweetheart, nodding: Yup! My mom said that since we had a brother-sister hangout day, he should get food and he did! OH OH WANNA SEE PICTURES?? I HAVE A FULL ALBUM
Sweetheart: of course I was! You thought I was lying?
Soap and Gaz: YES
She was showing them pictures of when she was younger, like 13 years old, with her third older brother. And she was legit fishing in the aquarium with him 💀 she even has a video of her ACTUALLY CATCHING THE CRAB
And then some pictures of her brother boiling it in the back of his pickup truck and eating ALL OF IT (JAPANESE SPIDER CRABS ARE HUGE MIND YOU)
So they believe the stories she says UNLESS she has pictures (and with every story she does 💀💀)
And omg her being banned in some places-- IN SOME STATES AND OUT OF COUNTRY BECAUSE OF THE UNLUCKY LUCK
Sweetheart, raising her hand: Wait where are we going?
Graves, rolling his eyes: To America.
Sweetheart: Uh huh yeah I got that but which state?
Graves: Ohio?
Sweetheart: Ahhhh okay. I can't go.
Graves, leaning on the table: And why is that, Sergeant Sweetheart?
Sweetheart: Well, Philip Graveyard, I'm banned.
Alex: What, in the facility?
Sweetheart, scratching her cheek: No the whole state.
Soap: WHAT
Ghost: HUH
Sweetheart, shrugging like she's talking about the weather: Yeah. Ohio, Florida, Wyoming, couple of other states, and some out of country.
Sweetheart, whispering: ...Alot out of country, honestly.
They're like what 🧍‍♀️
Soap, in disbelief: wh-why?
Sweetheart: Turns out, going on a plane with matches and a baton can cause a heck of a panic. And...
Sweetheart: ...It's illegal.
She showed pictures obviously.
Price, tired and confused: Why do you take pictures of everything you do.
Sweetheart: For the memories!
Graves, wiping his face: Oh my god...
Sweetheart: And evidence so I don't go to prison.
Soap, under his breath: Good lord
Price has to study on Sweetheart's past, so one: she won't get arrested anytime she goes out and two: so he can learn about this "unlucky luck" that's been happening for centuries in her family
(He still doesn't understand it)
And when they go on vacation together as a team it's a nightmare 💀
Sweetheart: Can't go on that.
Soap, smirking: Why? Awww, Sweetheart are ya scared?
Sweetheart: Nah, I'll get arrested. Restraining orders go craaaaazy stupid in London.
Soap and Gaz:
Gaz: How-- How do you get a restraining order on a ferris wheel...?
And then when they went to a zoo in Scotland (because she's not banned or has any restraining orders there) and this is so iconic
Sweetheart, looking in the cage and smiling: Bet me a twenty to jump in?
Gaz, snaps his neck and has a heart attack: Sweetheart, no--
Horangi, putting his hand on her shoulder: Please don't.
Sweetheart, scoffing playfully: I'm not! Oh my gosh. You actually have to bet me the twenty to actually do the--
König, Pulls out $100 because he wants to see this actually happen:
Sweetheart, looking at his hand:
Everyone looking at König's hand:
Sweetheart, looking up at König with a straight face:
Everyone looking at Sweetheart:
Ten seconds later:
Soap, struggling with Sweetheart: SWEETHEART NO STOP
Horangi, pulling Sweetheart's foot: DONT ACTUALLY JUMP IN THERE
Ghost, trying to push Sweetheart off the cage: GOD DAMMIT KÖNIG WHY DID YOU ACTUALLY GIVE HER MONEY TO DO IT
That was the last STRAW for price. So he ordered a human leash backpack for Sweetheart 💀
Sweetheart, holding the contraption: What is this?
Price, frowning with his arms crossed: It's a leash.
Sweetheart: Okay?
Price: For you.
Sweetheart, dumbfounded: W h a t
Price: When we go out for vacation, you're wearing this.
Sweetheart, brain loading the information she just heard:
Sweetheart: Are you... SERIOUS???
Sweetheart: I'm not some child, Price!
Price: Yet you act like one everytime we go out as a team!
Sweetheart: I'm just having fun!
Price: You're wearing it.
And she wears it. Luckily it was in pink and she decorated it with stickers and charms.
Sweetheart, huffing and sitting on the ground with her arms crossed: This sucks cactus balls, man.
Ghost, walking with the leash: Come on, Sweetheart.
Sweetheart, whining: Weeeeeehhhhh...
Ghost: Mhm.
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funnyscienceman · 19 days
Ok but like WHYY did ubisoft have to insist with the one game a year thing. Why couldnt they let syndicate cook in the oven more. Why do they have THREE queer men in the same game and not do ANYTHING with them!!!
Like yes, yes, i get it, i get wanting to for once make a story in a fun setting where you dont have to think about real life prejudice and hardships and bigotry and just have characters be silly, i love that too. I do! And id be all for that if doing it just didnt waste a potentially banger study of the characters and the setting ;-;
Like god i go back and forth on this constantly. I already love syndicate as it is, i think it's fun and neat and the happy gaming vibes about it is core to its identity, it's just that simultaneous to that, three queer men in the same game!!!
like GOD im still miffed that there are only, like, two or three fics about this, and so far i havent found any discussion or anything of it, but oh my god how different all three of them are from each other. You could do so much just with having any of them in the same room — and they are often enough in the same room (jacob and either ned or roth at a time), but nothing's really done there!
we have roth who sees fcking nothing wrong with getting kids hurt, because he doesnt actually care about anyone or anything, he's just some fucking joker wannabe that yeah, sure, probably has some anger and resentment at society because he's a gay man in his 40s or 50s by now, but jesus fucking christ retaliation against homophobia does not equal rampant needless unproductive violence roth!!!
then we have ned, who — i mean he doesnt ever give his opinion on whether kids deserve any respect or anything but considering in every other department he's pretty much just Some Guy, it'd be fair to assume he also has the extremely average stance of 'dont fcking kill kids and dont blow up buildings for no good reason??' in the grand scheme of the templar-assassin stuff he has just about as much relevance as roth: roth was just the boss of the blighters, ned just finances the fryes by virtue of them working for him. He probably doesnt even know about it, and tbh i dont even know if he'd care??? But like i imagine roth doesnt care in the way of 'as long as you dont get in my way, it's all set dressing,' ned i imagine would be smth like 'are yall fckin serious? are you kidding me rn? i have to skirt around transphobes on a daily basis, now youre telling me there's a secret society on top of that with even worse ideas?? What the fuck???'
like uh, not caring about it as in 'I cant deal with this rn i need a nap'
then there's jacob, who's the youngest out of these guys btw, fckin 21 good god he should be at the club not trying to disassemble systemic oppression— ANYWAY
(ned is 27-28 over the course of the game, btw; we dont actually have a solid timeline for anything, just the year, so tbh jacob could've also been 20 and not 21 yet during the game. both he and ned have late birthdays, just a month apart)
so, yknow, being extremely early 20-somethings, both frye twins just take a train to london completely on impulse and dive headfirst into undoing the templars that've had an iron grip over the city for basically as long as they've been alive, yknow, as you do; and throughout the game jacob has to deal with goddamn daddy issues and fighting with his sister and insecurity and trying to be an assassin — and that's a lot for a guy to handle!! Especially one who's still just a couple years out of being a teenager! That's a fucking lot and if the devs are right, then he hasnt even realized that he's bi yet! Not until roth fucking kisses him while jacob's got a knife in his throat for the aforementioned indiscriminate, unproductive violence!
i mean, granted, yeah there were gay undertones during sequence 8, but i have to admit my bias here because i honest to god cannot take those missions seriously. Roth fucking preaches this and that about freedom and whatnot and then im plopped into the mission and it's the most rule-heavy shit ive ever seen in my short life as an assassin's creed player. Like what the hell, those missions were atrocious. Apprently i need to detonate the bombs a specific way, i cant just shoot them from a distance, i have to hold a button crouching down right next to the bombs, and then run the hell away! I have to avoid THIS and THAT while kidnapping xyz! Like there's freddy's apprehend missions and then there's THIS.
at least with ned's missions all you have to do is get the shit and go… i'm still salty that ubisoft cut his questline because they fucking insist on releasing a game a year >:((
my battery's dying. All these guys are different flavors of queer on top of just being pretty different and pretty similar in various ways, and there's just… barely anything about it. Ned especially, since he's just a quest giver whose screentime totals to, like, 2-5 minutes. I just wish they really did more with the setting; not just the queerness and these three specifically, but like, evie, henry, the class conflict — like there are shreds of it, seeds, but there's not much before you kill starrick and credits roll :((
idk. im just gonna refresh ao3 again cjemddjekjx
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strangerwitch · 6 months
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03/16/2024: 🔮💀🖤
Hecate happened to let me lose my fckin‘ attitude, when I met J for the first time, last saturday.
If you noticed in that video, he asked me where I’m actually from and I told him I was born in Somalia and how my mom brought me to Germany, when I was a baby.
Let alone him asking me about my origin was the most kindest. I‘m still touched. :(
And he always kept asking „what do you mean with that pose?“ over again until he was like: „nevermind, let’s do this.“
And something like „you‘re so sweet and lovely.“ right after.
I swear, next time when I meet him again, I’ll keep my attitude. 😩
And I gifted him these during autograph session and he recognized, it’s the same picture, that he liked on twitter last halloween.
And he asked me like: “Is it for me or should I sign this”
Me: “No, it’s for you.”
He: “Are you sure.”
Me: “Yes.”
He: “Really”
Me: “… YES, HAHA!”
He was laughing at the end.
+ I gifted him Reese’s with a letter, he was like: “ohh, I love chocolate, y’all make me sick.”, which means, that too much candy ain’t healthy, in a funny way ofc.
And when he handed me an autograph and I said bye, he pulled my hand to him and said “thank you for all the gifts”.
Long story short: It was the dopest sh*t I ever experienced in my life and it left me loving him more.
I adore u, man. @twihs-blog 🖤🫶🏾🥹
Love u witch king 🖤
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nwarrior777 · 1 year
life update
tw: vent, sad, life crisis, identity crisis
advice ONLY if you have something really similar. hugs and specific commentary of support (like "giving you some cookies!!! or giving you yellow blanket!!) are encouraged
well i definitely didn't expect to get exsistential crisis by now
i mean i always thought that i know who i am i know what i want but like...
i had conversation with grandma, we talked about why are my bags so big, and i was like, it's just me, i don't have home, i don't have place or furniture. i only have my clothes and fancy little things and art. i only have me, and it's all it that very heavy 2 bags. and i said, but isn't it sad that everything i have at 26 is only 2 bags. i lam just 2 bags.
and she was like, but don't you have you like. in your head?
and. i started thinking about it. and now i an spiraling because i thought i got this question long time ago.
i mean. i have life goal. but it's life goal. it's not the answer to the question "who are you?". my life goal is to try to bring people around love and good and kindness. to try to be good human.
and. it's always "try" so i even can't say that i am a good human. actually i figured out that i am kinda suck on that... i am good with giving kind to strangers but. i think i am not the best person to be close with? i don't know... i am a bad person? again? did i fucked up again? eh.... i thought i was... i don't know. good at least at trying. i don't want to be in that years again... and in that feelings.... but i think i need to dive into that. because that is trying to be good person is about - you should work on yourself. but this is so fckin painfull
also i am artist. well yes but... everyone is an artist? we all have blogs and etc..... we express our visions and takes and opinions. i guess its art
and i am tired of it too... i feel like i am streaming 24/7 like, i am a Content Maker. everything i do is like....... its art art art content content content. i cant live for myself
and then i am trying to its not working. because if i will not make a photo, if i will not make a meme a post or a drawing i wil forget it. because i have bad memory. i cant hold anything in it
and i am obsessed with idea of saving my legacy. my art my. existent. i want it not to be just. dissapered. its kinda done - nobody will take away emotions which i gave you and emotions which you gave me with your feedback. they will not take expirience. and some of my art is already in safe place. see, i am too much on it
i worked so hard to make that "queer bitch gothhhicccc queen cool queer artist and a kind human" """ brand""""
but like. am i like. am i this? what makes a person a person. i don't feel. like a person
i don't feel like a human. i feel like some. poetic. image
and, please not laught, i am serious its not a fucking meme but. i feel so much like Izzy from ofmd now?... and... always feel????
my costume-gothic-bitch era started after seeing him. i opened in me new gender. that my horns - thanks to him, i bought them on festival where i went to in izzy cosplay. and that poetic symbol of a man. a guy with Moral Duty Standarts from some. ballad song. A rock
and how??? how is this. how they posted this season RIGHT in the time. then i cracked. and he too
what to do then you thought you had solid as a rock personality. but it was something different. what is it means to be a human. tell me, izzy
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abbyslev · 1 year
Himeno dating headcannons Please!
A/N: HELLO MY ANGEL OMG i love himeno this is perfect TYSM
WARNINGS: some r nsfw !
loves teasing you about everything 
comes by your apartments on days you don’t sleep over 
you practically live at her house smh 
gets super drunk and makes you carry her 
dinner nights on fridays 
aki joins sometimes :3
he HATES pda 
he acts like y’all take nothing seriously 
you guys make out in public bathrooms 
cannot cook to save her life
makes you tie her ties :)
“Jesus, who did you tie?” “y/n.” “I don't wanna hear it, aki.” 
denjis mad asf you get to touch boobs 
he also is like “WOMEN KISSING OOO” 
wakes up rushing for work
puts her jacket on you when you get cold 
her apartment is scattered in photos of yall smh so cute 
you guys share clothes !
you’re her personal bra 
sex is insane 
i’m talking like every night jesus 
make out sessions in the car, but then y’all get chewed out by aki 
“It’s so unprofessional.” “We didn’t even do anything?” While Himenos hair is everywhere and you have like 12 fucking hickeys 
actually, hickeys everywhere 
soft bite marks <3 
cigarette burn on your hip bone ngh 
you guys share a cigarette 
sleeps on top of you
make out god
she’s so obsessed with you it’s so cute 
you’re in her squad cause she can’t leave you alone 
so fckin cute 
10/10 gf she’s so cute pls marry her
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lemonycranberries · 1 year
I am going to actually write coherent thoughts later when I finish the season but I HAD to stop to say... my gods. Isaac's aroace arc.
the entire party sequence (I literally cried lmao). all the little shots in the season that show him looking at everyone else acting all in love and feeling isolated. all the small scenes of him being physically isolated and alone reading a book while everyone else is living their romances. all the aspec books that have appeared so far.
THEN. THEN WE GOT A FREAKING AROACE ANGER MOMENT. he went back to where the Paris gang was and Darcy was all like "oooohhh did you kiss?" and he just fckin EXPLODED. probably the most chill character in this entire show. he yelled something like "will you just stop? I know you guys think my life isn't interesting unless I have some sort of romantic drama going on, but I'm sorry to break it to you, I don't like him back". AND MY GODS. the feeling I had while watching that was literally undescribable. I have tears running down my face. bro. BRO HOW DARE YOU BE THAT RELATABLE TO ALL AROACES DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING MAKING US ALL EMOTIONAL LIKE THAT-
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
BTAS, Arkham, ZY Riddler S/O has trust issues and doesn't really do flavors for rogue unless he can give something back. When they're more serious he finds out it's because she gave her ex a kidney since he was sick and he still cheated on her later.
I'm actually not making this up, some girl shared her story on TikTok and everyone was asking if she can get refund.
A/N: Oh no, I know you’re not making it up, lol. I’ve seen that EXACT TikTok, it’s so fckin’ terrible that happened. I was just thinking it as I read your rq and then you confirmed it, when I was like “isn’t that a tiktok?” I don’t blame her if she developed trust issues after that. I have trust issues when my ex admitted he didn’t actually mean it when he said he “loved me” the last four months of our relationship…no one out here is safe! Also I wrote these as headcanons cause they sorta came to my head as headcanons…I hope that’s okay. The ideas just seem sorta cut short to be turned into drabbles, but if it reads awkward I can change it…
Trigger Warnings: none really, other than some sleaziness on Zero Year Riddler, but that should be the norm by now
Riddlers x F!Reader - Trust Issues
Batman The Animated Series Riddler: 
Eddie was content with how things worked in your relationship. You helped him when he needed gear for his contraptions or needed an upgrade in the latest technology, and he rightfully compensated you for it. Whether that was with money or information from highly secured corporations.
Suffice it to say, the Riddler wasn’t expecting to catch feelings for you, but he was very impressed with your vast knowledge. You were like him and had a sponge for a brain and you wanted to know more. Plus you were pretty good at his riddles. 
He was taken aback by your hesitant response, but was happy you accepted his invitation to develop a more intimate relationship. However, even with this new development you were insistent that his services come with a price. 
“If I fix this for you, Ed what do I get out of it?” You asked examining a busted trap mechanism in one of his false toys. 
Edward blinked in confusion. Romantic relationships were new to him, but he was fairly certain people that cared for each other did things for one another because…they cared. 
“My dear, I…I must say I-I don’t know…I thought you could do it to help me…because you care about me? Am I wrong in that assumption?” 
You sighed exhaustedly. You really didn’t want to bring it up, but it was only fair. Edward was so patient and kind to you. Thoughtful, gentle, and leagues smarter than your ex.
“I-I’m sorry Eddie…um…I-I just..it’s hard for me to do a favor and not make sure I get something in return, because I gave something to someone I loved and I can never get it back..”
Edward’s eyes furrowed in concern. “May I ask…what favor did you provide them?” His eyes practically widened into tea saucers when you told him you gave your ex one of your kidneys so they could have life changing surgery, only for them to cheat on you not long after they recovered.
Ed lifted your chin so you could look him in his green eyes. With a single finger he wiped away the small droplets of tears that fell from your eyes. 
“My darling, Y/N…my sweet, intelligent, brilliant, Y/N…I-I would never, ever take advantage of you, your skill, your heart, and…y-your organs.” He smiled sheepishly. You couldn’t help but giggle. 
“I know there’s nothing I can do to get your kidney back, but I can promise you. I will never take you for granted. And I’ll protect you and your heart from anyone that tries to use you.”
Arkhamverse Riddler:
Needless to say you both have trust issues. 
After his falling out with Catwoman, it was hard for him to trust another thief, but he would be a fool not to utilize one. He may be a genius but he was aware that subtlety and sneakiness weren’t his forte.
Therefore he enlisted you to help him. You got whatever materials, valuables, information he wanted and he paid you tenfold than what you would make from other rogues. “As ever generous as I am brilliant, you should thank me, most would kill to get to work for me!” 
Yeah right, like you’d do something for someone just for posterity sake. Even when the two of you got closer. Despite his protests, you checked on him occasionally even if there wasn’t a job for you. 
You meddled in his projects and assisted him, not that he’d ever outright gratify your support and presence…deep down he did begin to appreciate you. He looked forward to seeing your face and hearing your voice. It kept what little sanity he had left grounded to something tangible. 
Because of this, he has made attempts to open up as did you. However neither of you did something for the other, not without certainty there was compensation for it. 
“I don’t see why I have to do something in return? Ha! I thought you actually cared about me…” Edward tried not to sound defeated at that last statement, but he failed. 
“Because last time I did something for someone I cared about I had something taken I can’t get back!” You snapped. 
“Oh, please. I was foolish to trust an ally like Catwoman and she stole every penny to my name and destroyed everything I worked and slaved over!”
“I gave my kidney to my terminally ill partner and they cheated on me!” You almost screeched, hot tears dripping down your face.
Edward dropped the screwdriver he was using on a circuit board. He turned back around on his workstool to look at you. 
“I-I…uh…wasn’t expecting that..” He cringed. 
“Yeah, well…neither did I..” You crossed your arms, but not before wiping your nose and eyes with your sleeves. 
Edward gulped. He didn’t know much about romantic partnerships but…he knew enough to know he screwed up. He just had no idea how to fix it. He took off his gloves and his goggles and made his way towards you.
“I-I…I’m not sure what to say, but…I can assure you I would never ask for anything more than you’re willing to do. I would never ask you to give up..an organ…besides my brain is already finely tuned to the skeleton, muscle, and intestinal structures of my body.”
You quirked your eyebrow at him. He shrugged with a tight smile. You couldn’t help but chuckle, that’s as best of a reassurance you were going to get out of him. Even for an egomaniac like him, that wasn’t so bad, you could believe his word. 
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler:
Okay so, like, you shouldn’t trust this man. Like period. 
I mean, you kinda can because he’s blunt and honest, he won’t lie to you for the most part. Unless he's manipulating you, but that's beside the point...
You were the cute new rogue on the block. You were revered in the underworld for your vast hacking capabilities. Anything and anyone from Wayne Enterprises, Daily Planet, Lex Corps. You were impressive. 
Of course any person with that skill wouldn’t sell their expertise for free. Ed was willing to compensate you for your services and the information you gathered for him. However, it didn’t take long for him to take a more carnal interest in you. 
You weren’t budging on the proposition. “No thanks, Nygma.” 
“Aw, c’mon, don’t be like that…I’ll make it worth your while!”
“Somehow I don’t believe that, what exactly do I get out of this…arrangement?” 
Edward looked at you rather puzzled. A quirk to his brow and a sly grin, his hands went down to his waist and he dragged them up to his chest. He repeated this motion, gesturing that he was the great prize to be hold. 
You blinked uninterested, but not before you muttered. “Right, I’ve already given a kidney to an asshole that cheated on me, like I’m gonna give you my body…”
“I’ll have you know…wait what?” 
“Yeah, my last…intimate relationship, I gave them my kidney so they could have life altering surgery. They cheated on me not long after they recovered.” Your eyes darted between your computer screen and your feet. Not sure what moved you to indulge Edward to such personal information. 
“Damn, um, look…I-I like you, anything we do between you and I, I intend to make it mutually beneficial for both of us.”
“So you respect my decision to decline? Since you like me?”
“Sure, doll, you should know by now there’s nothing I love more than a puzzle.” He winked and you proceeded to cringe, but not without smiling fondly.
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kurokmask · 7 months
Talk about the time/twi/legend trio coward
wow wonder who this could be
OKAY. SO. Time, despite the entire world out to get him even in death, has friends. The trio as mentioned, but also Twilight Zelda, whos kind of his unofficial therapist bc she's the only one that's willing to be. she keeps it real w him. but ill get into that later
TIME AND TWILIGHT: Time is literally Twi's great great great grandpa. but its also so much more than that.... i mean. HERO'S SHADE! i dont want to show all my cards early, since hero's shade is Time's ""ending"", so I'll just talk abt superficial things. COUNTRY BOYES. FISHING BUDDIES. Time has a lot of fckin feelings abt Twi, and Twi feels bad for him but not out of pity, out of an actual deep empathy, so they know they can depend on each other. Time is a bit more clingy, so, since Twi is just a really nice guy, he's friends with EVERYONE, including those Time doesn't like, which he's kind of insecure abt. Time also tends to project onto Twi, who in response is just like "ok lets get u to bed old guy" But their relationship is built on mutual support/understanding which is something Time spent his entire mortal life lacking. :(
TIME AND LEGEND: these two are... sooo similar! both were young when they saved hyrule (I hc legend to have been around 14), both were unequipped to go back to "normal" peaceful life, so they left for (unbeknownst to them) fantasy worlds, fell in love w/ redheads, DESTROYED these worlds on purpose, and spent the rest of their lives trying to find purpose again. They were aimless and alone in life, so they truly understand each other in death. Ironically, Legend's ordeals in hyrule were a direct consequence of Time failing, DYING and being unable to sop Ganondorf, yet Legend bares no grudge or ill will against him at all, which means a lot to Time. Theyre two outcast warriors and understand each other's dark sides. (theyre also huge music snobs and listen to vinyl together)
TIME AND TWI ZELDA: Twi Zel keeps it fcking real. She saw how marooned and lost Time was, and how, even tho he found comfort thru Twi, and understanding thru Legend, he had no one to actually. Work thru his problems. So she stepped up. She's not afraid to be honest with him, to force him to identify the flaws in his thinking, and say "you're dead. you already lost your chance in life. but its still not too late to try to find peace." its something Time really needs and they end up having a very deep bond and connection.
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akai-anna · 1 year
So I already asked this before, but here I am asking you to do it again cause I honestly really enjoy reading about how you view each of the relationships in decto. So if it's not too much to ask will you do a part 3 just rambling about other relationships in decto. Also I'm glad my last ask made you that happy, and don't worry take as long as you like there's no rush to make them.
Anon-san. Dear. Darling. You are truly a blessing, a pure source of joy, a beauty in this measly existence we call a life. I would have never thought you'd come back for more rambling. Just. Thank you. So much.
And I'm happy you enjoyed my previous ramblings, and I hope you will enjoy this one too.
Notes, as always:
as in the previous asks relating to the ship opinion bingo, i interpret relationships in the broadest possible sense
i check everything that makes sense to me, even if they seem contradictory; i view them applied to different situations/universes/possibilities
*rolls up sleeves* Ok, now buckle up.
I. Akai Shuuichi/Okiya Subaru - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan (and The Kudous)
The Silver Bullet Duo (and the Parents Partners In Crime)
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They just... have such a fascinating dynamic.
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Akai, first learning about this lil kiddo through investigating Vermouth (Cool Guy) and as they started interacting, treating this boy as an equal despite him (seemingly) being a child. The fact he is openly impressed by Conan/Shinichi ("You always amaze us, boy."); I cannot put into words how important it is to me that Akai respects this gremlin child. (ONE OF thE BESt INVEstigAtoRS IN JAPAN HE SAID!!!!) Shinichi Being all sus of the guy at first, only to find a great mind in him, an amazing scheming partner, someone he can trust to protect his friend. They are not only on the the same wavelength (not even being in the same place) but make a very effective as a team; the sheer compatibility.
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And also, Akai being one of the precious few who knows about this lil gremlins identity. It's so important to me; as someone who dearly wants and aches for Shinichi to share his identity with at least a few other people, I cherish all individuals who are aware of his true identity. Not to mention, that the identity reveal to Akai was one of the most hilarious things I have ever witnessed. (Shinichi literally outing himself because he is too comfortable, too at ease in his own home and around these people, and distracted by Ran and solving the mystery, he forgets to be cautious. THIS FCKIN CHILD I LOVE HIM.)
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And Akai constantly hinting at his real identity gets me so bad too. They are so precious to me.
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And then there is the whole Akai-Yukiko & Yuusaku dynamic too. He literally became part of this oddball of a family? (YUKIKO tAUGHt HIM to COOK I CANNOt???) FITTING IN WITH THEM SO EFFORTLESSLY. I LOVE THEM.
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II. Agasa Hiroshi - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Miyano Shiho/Haibara Ai (- Detective Boys Trio)
Found Family: "Sometimes a family is 1 middle-aged man, 2 fake and 3 real elementary students" as I like to say.
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Not many scenes to share here (tho I will definitely collect them in my newest reread session) because I don't have the energy to look for them. BUT.
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Agasa Hiroshi is a Good Man. He doesn't have to invent all that stuff for Shinichi BUT HE DOES. He doesn't have to help this lil gremlin out BUT HE STILL DOES. All the times he just drove him around, all the times he allowed himself to be used (with no advance notice which he keeps ASKING SHINICHI FOR, TO JUST LET HIM KNOW) as a way to solve a crime; EVERYTHING HE DOES, DESPITE KNOWING HOW DANGEROUS IT IS. The way he only helped Yukiko and Yuusaku with the mad plan (because IT IS MAD; ODDBALLS) of "kidnapping Edogawa Conan" because he thought it would help drive the point home, of how dangerous this whole business is. Agasa Hiroshi just wants what might be best and safest for Shinichi. Just being there for him, and if he cannot he lets others, who can, know (Yuusaku and Yukiko in the above scene, Heiji in desperate revival, and so on). He cares.
On the other side, Shinichi might seem like, he doesn't appreciate Prof Agasa much at first glance (his constant comments about Agasa creating junk, says the one who uses his inventions, HYPOCRITE), but god, he goes BALLISTIC WHEN IT COUNTS. (Kidnapping case, just to mention one off the top of my head.) Shinichi literally grew up with this weird adult figure around, he is like family to him, and he cares. Tons. He trusts Agasa Hiroshi, literally, with his life.
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Moving on: another point of Prof being a really good man. The way he is with the kids. He literally goes out of his way, to take them out to places, spend time with them. Be it camping, or eating out, or invent stuff for them, cooking for them, or just getting a cake to eat together... He got attached to these kids (just like Shinichi himself) as they spent more and more time together, and cares a great deal about them. And the kids grew fond of him too, despite all the little comments and teasing. (Or as I see it: he is an adult figure to them that they are comfortable around, and are not afraid to say what they think.)
As for Ai. Exhibit C of Agasa Hiroshi being a really good, kind-hearted person.
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Agasa Hiroshi picked up a girl that brings even more danger with her mere presence, and at this point she is not trustworthy. Who knows what she might do? But he took her in anyways. (Without talking to Shinichi too, which led to some Emotions and Yelling.) And as time went on, this girl, who constantly lives in fear of being discovered (fearing so much, that she even tries to let herself die, and considers leaving everyone behind to protect them), slowly crawls out of her shell, to just be a person. Ai and Agasa come to care about each other too, so deeply; there is no blood-relation between them, yet there is such a strong familial bond between the two. (People mistaking them as father and daughter!)
They are a weird lil family unit, your honour, and I care about them so. So. SO MUCH.
III. Mouri Kogorou - Kudou Shinichi/Edogawa Conan - Mouri Ran
The Mouri Family Unit
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I just love them. God. I do.
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I love how Shinichi got integrated into Kogorou and Ran's everyday life (be it cleaning, or just checking he's there and didn't run off again LOL). I love the rare moments of Kogorou actually being parental, be it to the lil gremlin or Ran. (HE LOVES BOTH OF THEM YOUR HONOUR!!!
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I adore the fact that they watch stuff together, and discuss it, I find it really sweet (and funny). Also the fact that they eat together. Eating together with loved ones is a very important point in my own life, and it's a really... "intimate" is not quite the word I'm looking for but... I guess a bonding thing. Something meaningful. And these 3 definitely do it most days. The way they are so comfortable around each other, and everyone has their own lil space at the table. I really adore the thought of Shinichi getting so used to the lil routines and bustle of the Mouri Household, that after he turns back, he'll miss it. Especially, how he was living alone for years before the Conanification, without his parents; the Mouris are such a strong contrast against that. (Post-Conan Shinichi, that moves back to the Kudou House, and finds it too big and quiet and lonely, just going over to Agasa's and the Mouris' all the time to be around his loved ones. Him spending most of his time at their places, so much, his stuff is slowly moved into both places. And No One says a thing about it, it just happens, and they all let it happen. Please. I'm WEAK.)
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I also love to see them in various combinations: Ran-Shinichi teaming up against Occhan, but also Ran and Kogorou constantly being "WHERE IS THE CHILD" in their own ways, and Shinichi and Kogorou team up too (like the time they tailed Ran, or when Ran told them Araide will be in the play too, HAHA). Each is so very delightful for their own reasons.
Thank you so much for asking me (AGAIN!!!!) to talk about relationships, it means a lot tome, and I truly hope you enjoyed reading these! May you have a blessed day, darling.
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nvrcmplt · 5 months
🌟 im not sure we have interacted but ... give me krasimir and tyler
Tyler and Krasimir :: for my first time reader, i want you to know i've been after this man in my loins for around the time aven created krasimir, i was involved, i wanted that man as my wife. cue me chippin' away at krasimir's character, learning things, understandin' how he got his wall and the audacity of my homoerotic heart needed him on a daily basis. Obsession, maybe, it was split between a dude named Zeke that'd kill any muse i sent, but krasimir had a bit, he had snark and that --- pulled tyler from me.
Tyler and Krasimir have completely different origin stories, first and foremost, listen to me when I say - I DIDN'T KNOW IT'LL HAPPEN THIS WAY. What you see happening on the dash these days is honest to god something me and aven didn't pre-plan or aim for or even like LINK in the way we have. These two muses, MADE IT THEMSELVES, and me and aven just let it flow.
The main gist, Krasimir's old as dirt and Tyler is a witch that's just living his life being successful and a dudebro. Hot af, the duo are, tyler's a wild guy, fucks around, parties at 5am and lives life in a dilly dally of fun and being himself. krasimir's a fckin' judge of the state, he's got an iron thumb over his court. hot af. how the fuck did these two meet? banter. sheer banter. i swear to the lord, it was banter in the form of an ask and boom - the string was connected ever since.
These two have a rich history that's growing and it's in the works at the moment and I ain't gunna jinx that with whatever, what i will say though is that [ it's so fuckin' natural rn that i don't think I can see tyler going after someone as smoothly like this ] in the sense it makes sense, not only in his lore, origin or creation but as he grows in the future too. These two are so insanely in sync and [ made for each other ] without at all being made for each other. It don't make any form of sense but i'm in the heavens about it screeching about their love and agony-angst of krasimir's heart slowly opening up and tyler's heart focusin' on his man's sufferin' rn.
these two are just amazing imo cause it's the classic wildcard lover with the strict rich lover but with the twist of ancient blood lines, magic and ancestor rings triggerin' events in the storyline of their lives. it's 10/10, i do recommend. tyler and krasimir are just that couple. they make each other better in the small ways but don't at all wanna show it too much cause that's gay and lovey-dovey but tyler's more prone to actually show it compared to krasimir that expects it to be noticed. tyler's too dumb for that, he's on the era where you gotta tell him things or it'll go unnoticed. krasimir's learning that he has to be a little layman term with tyler or the witch ain't gettin' shite.
which can be vexxin' but we all know deep down krasimir likes seein' his prize, tyler, bein' a bashful embarrassed nerd.
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nightguide · 7 months
Long time no see, guys♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aries ☀️🌙 Jupiter
Just be okay with being who you are, Jupiter expands on who you are as a person but like the fiery sign that you are, expand your heart, dominant mars sign doesn’t back tf out, you need to be expressed as you dream of being cuz the nasty mf ain’t turning back soon, fight with fury if you have to, Taurean Jupiter says, ‘hey, just know you can always ask for more, you working heart to heart is only taking other people to win for your mercy so practice gratitude cuz a great summer spent with Aphrodite is spent with great heart’, rip em all out for the win Aries😘💋
Taurus ☀️🌙 Jupiter
Give em the glitz, give em the glamour cuz the radiant spotlight breaks the energy created for the world accumulated on your half, cuz what the actual fuck are you going to do with what you have already, spend time contemplating the world guiding to broken eras you changed into cuz the dawn of the earths breast-giver isn’t going to break corners soon enough for coronets to form crowns in your heart (this is pisces mercury for ‘if you lose the world then you have no chance in existing. Broken full stops doesn’t let you talk but broken full stops doesn’t make you lose a full fight cuz nobody talks back the way you do, just act like you know what you’re doing cuz the world ain’t literally ending, stop the Neo bullshit cuz probably the actor irl is facing severe trauma to the world he accidentally manipulated to nothing
Gemini ☀️🌙 Jupiter
Can’t talk to you rn cuz you’re probably the worst of the air signs rn to face the truth but probably you have to talk in broken english to understand a butterfly’s broken wings, you will make your heart cry and the last thing i want you to do is die
Cancer ☀️🌙 Jupiter
You can cry, it’s okay, 🙂 you can make your heart cry, you know you’re okay🥹🥹🥹
Leo ☀️🌙 Jupiter
You can lose in a fight but steam isn’t solid, be careful when you’re thinking too much cuz you’re more caveman than you are cuz a ball of fire is what leads you to getting burned
Virgo ☀️🌙 Jupiter
You have no idea how much you have the time of law of gravity of space time bullshit to understand the gravity of your heart cuz the motherfuckin sign likes to dance with no gun, like imagine a child going through a slow and gory death, yeah, that’s the condition of your heart rn. Think about that
Libra ☀️🌙 Jupiter
You can only be yourself as long as the world will continue to breathe but God fckin damn you if you want to play fight your cousins sixth keg of beer to forget the universe to lie awake in your aunty’s house the second day of your life to think what the hell is spectrum, like it’s a retarded disorder but get this, smoke weed and pretend that everything is okay, either that or hang out specifically with your air sign besties, they will stop your from zoning out into oblivion cuz God fucking damn you and your empty trying times that you forgot a forlorn conspiracy theory best friend who told you the world is going to cook AND YOU BELIEVED THEM??!? WHERE THE FUUCKK IS YOUR COMMON SENSE, LIKE YOUR HOMELY DREAMS ARE COMING UP MAD AND SUDDENLY THE WORLD WILL FRY INTO YOUR ICE CREAM SANDWICH BAKED AND FRIED INTO YESTERDAYS BURGER BASTARD ABOMINATION YOU SANG LAST NIGHT, LITTLE TOO LATE TO WATCH SAUSAGE PARTY WITHOUT GETTING TOLD OFF BY SETH ROGEN THAT YOU’RE THE REASON WHY ITS MADE, LIKE BITCH GET LAID
Scorpio ☀️🌙 Jupiter
‘Tell me what you want, what you like it’s okay, i can keep a secret, can, you’ but pretend you don’t have a partner to crush into, like how fckin amazing is ur life with them in it without them actively being in it, you’re literally crushing on them in real time and they notice you, girlboss, manifest, mansplain, man do, monkey ur shitty arse off if you’re in love and pretty much the vibe of that song here is your energy you would give to that God or Goddess or ‘if’ ‘it’ ze-zir homo ur in love with
Sagittarius ☀️🌙 Jupiter
Capricorn ☀️🌙 Jupiter
Aquarius ☀️🌙 Jupiter
Mama is here, don’t worry😃☺️😊
Mama says u too cute, Mama says u r so lovd u r too cute, b urself🌟⭐️💫✨🥹🥰 i love u, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Pisces ☀️🌙 Jupiter
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agnisleftpec · 7 months
i present my stupidly long reactions/opinions post to all of natla. i wrote it all as i watched, and i got more and more words in my head as i went, so it gets long. no i will not be editing this. i am not a review blog, i just have opinions ajhgsfjkf
ep 1 good: -gyatso. i love him so much -overall this was a good enough intro, but not much really stood out to me as good?? it's. kind of a weak intro asjdhgsfh
bad: -fire nation helmets trying to look a little less dopey by adding angles to the eye sockets is stupid af. like i can understand why they might have thought the circle eyes looked dopey, but personally, it felt eery and othering to me, like there aren't people behind those masks. also it's closer to a skull motif than the weird angular half cirlce shape. -aang being able to basically superman fly?? and hover?? it looks really weird, and i also kinda breaks some potential future plots?? like, he can just. hover up into the air and fly away without his staff. and they seemed to have replaced aang's jumping with it. now he just starts hovering. -i dont like that katara doesn't bend aang out of the ice in rage. i dont really care about sokka dropping the blatant sexism, but i still think they should've been fighting about SOMETHING. even without the comparison of their jobs at home, they already had something to bicker about before losing the boat, they should've kept that up. katara's angry bending was such a good way to communicate her character as well as show viewers her raw power and that bending is effected by emotions, i really dont like that they dropped it. -there's a heavy lean into sokka's relationship with aang that's probaly a result of the writers knowing how much the fandom loves sokka lately, but also. it really feels like it's overshadowing katara's role in aang's new life. like, if i hadn't seen the original show, i would assume that the main relationship is aang and sokka from this episode.
overall a servicable intro i guess, but i was. boring. it was really boring asjhgsfh
ep 2 good: -zuko is an artist and they stole his fucking journal im screamin. this is so funny. he's so mad that he lost his fckin diary and aang is using it to figure out his next steps. im just. i love this -actually really liked that waterbending scroll as a gift from gran gran, it makes it a lot more personal and very smoothly sidesteps the original plot for the scroll, which you gotta admit is a lot of screentime that they dont have -sokka trying to impress and relate to suki and looking like a gotdamn fool while doing it. he's fucking smitten. i love this. AND SUKI STARING AT HIM WITH HIS SHIRT OFF LATER. yeah. yeah i like this better than the original episode actually -sokka's dialogue overall is amazing, mostly because he's funny. the funny dialogue is overall pretty good i my opinion. which leads into a bad point: most of the serious and heartfelt dialogue feels pretty unnatural. the actors are overall pretty inexperienced, but the script is doing them no favors
bad: -Lt. Jee has a topknot. how fukcing dare they -they just used "VIP" in a sentence. i dont like the acknowledgment of a latin alphabet. why do they have an acronym for an english phrase using the latin alphabet when we've seen no latin letters anywhere -aang meeting with kyoshi first was fun, but the weird filter they have over the spirit world (?)/the whole scene genuinely makes it hard to look at -NO UNAGI??????? NONE??? NOT A SINGLE GIANT EEL FISH???? -did momo just make a chimpanzee sound. im going. to lose it.
neutral: -zuko and iroh don't know zhao yet… that's fucking wack
a MUCH better episode than the first one, this actually got me excited for stuff
ep 3 good: -love this internal resistence. very cool aspect to explore that i think the main show was missing -CABBAGE MERCHANT -fire nation terrorists in omashu is kind of terrifying. i like it -ok the casting and costume design for the freedom fighters is actually spot on, i love it. also jet's weapon use is so faithful to the original, it's gorgeous -OOOOOOH, sokka's warrior vs engineer, hakoda vs machanist father figure is so good, i love this -THAT FUCKIN LADY WHO JUST STARTED SMACKING ZUKO. im fuckin choking -i did actually really like the fight scene between all the cloths and scaves and stuff, it was short but it was fun. honestly i love every zuko and aang in this episode, it's very good
bad: -did. did they say attitude control on the airship? …did they mean altitiude control…? is attitude a common problem with airships?? (maybe it is, idk shit about air travel terms. mybe attitiude means something else entirely. but i don't think so) -WHy. why are the fire nation spies wearing RED. wh
neutral: -putting teo and the mechanist ("sai" now) in omashu is a pretty decent way to combine plots, but im not sure if i like that it probably wont get aang's grief over his cultural home being changed and partially desstroyed. i always thought that was a super important to aang's character, but also the narrative does have other chances to lean into aang's cultural grief -putting JET in omashu. that's a choice. -Lt. Jee as an informant for zhao… that's wack
side note, this is the point where i really started to notice that the music is… boring. it's super boring. we go from what feels like basically background noise style western orchestral music which really isn't that notable to the credit role remaster, and it's jsut so jarring. have they not been using the og soundtrack?? i can remember hearing the fire nation motif, but like… not much else. might need to go back and listen. what's the point of remastering the soundtrack if you aren't gonna use it?
ep 4 good: -FLOPSY STATUES -im lovin zuko's infiltration thing, it's amusing to watch. but also, maybe a bad point, cuz he's not… very good at it. blue spirit who?? i suppose needinng to talk to people lowers his stealth exponentionally. there's a reason the blue spriit doesn't talk. im leaving this point here cuz im having fun, but it's still got problems -OOOOH they're using this as the iroh captured and zuko choosing to sasve him or find aang, that's clever. the whole "make a choice" thing from that guard was a bit on the nose though. -sokka and katara bonding and chatting about expectations is great. i really like them bonding a lot. HOWEVEER. there is a LOT of focus on sokka's burdens, we haven't once touched on what katara's been doing. this is. an unforseen consequence of removing sokka's (blatant) sexism, isn't it. they cant figure out how to give katara's role the same amount of value without someone to act like it isn't important.
bad: -the implication that sokka is scared of haunted tunnels. why would he be scared, this bitch does not believe in spirit nonsense. unless he does now. natla sokka is supersticious. -i really dont like the mad hatter's tea party vibe from bumi. like, bumi was always off his rocker, but this brand of kooky feels off. -while i like the conversation of soka not trusting katara, i really dont like the seeming personality reversal in the tunnel. it's minor, but it's just so weird to see sokka sasy stuff like "woo love leads the way" without mocking it, and katara beig the one who says that's stupid. -how did they manange to make zuko look older for his flashback. good lord. oh no. -bumi: "you vs me, to the death." im fucking. im so done. i hate this bumi i hate him. i understand him being upset that aang vanished, but he is so fucking mean in this. -ok i. do not like them giving the zhao v zuko agni kai ending to iroh. i really dont like that at all. we lose the point of zhao being a fuckin bastard, about zuko being the type to give mercy (which the show has already thrown out twice now from zuko almost blaasting fire in someone's face after they we on the ground and basically defeated. dont really like that change in character. they added all this awkwardness and these comments about what an honorable soldier shouldn't do, and yet they do this?? dumb), and having iroh defend him with ease. innstead it's replaced with "dont show mercy to earthbenders." ok. -the badgeermoles. sense feelings. and react to them. FEELINGS. im.
neutral: -THE SINGING NOMADS??? i thought this tunnel plto sounded like it could be similar to the cave of two lovers, but i really did not expect to see the singing nomads here. i do love them though -look, i dont care about shipping, but OOF. the poor kataang shippers. they're just throwing out all the kataang scenes but not building up an actual friendship in its place. i'm not a fan
bad episode. did not like this one. there were some goo parts, but overall it was just so disappointing compared to the original. on its own, i supposes it's a servicable episode, but so far, none of the others have really let me down this much in terms of expectations.
ep 5 good -ooooohh. i know this one is going to be controvertial, but i actually love the part where ozai corrects azula in the fact that zuko found the avatar, not zhao, and that he's displaying desireable traits in an heir that she seems to be lacking. like, i wish this came AFTER we had some blatant examples of ozai's favortism towards azula, but i do love the idea that ozai is driving their competition between each other. also that ozai is actually able to be proud of zuko IF he achieves those impossible goals he sets. but we still need more azula favoritism set up. -DID JUNE. FUCK ME, there was so much in two seconds hold on. the western whistle thing. june saying "your dad's kinda cute." she thinks iroh is cute, and she thinks iroh is zuko's dad. im. im fine. -WAN SHI TONG????? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE. my child. i did not expect to see my child in s1. overall, i'm relatively happy with him? wish his face was smaller or the resof him was bigger - he had a lot more poof to his head in the original, in imo a smaller face on the head would help make him look larger in solo shots. he looks pretty scrawny. also the voice is a bit too much old man for my tastes? but i'm picky about this bird. now im just super curious if there will be a library episode if s2 comes, and what that'll look like.
bad: -nothing has exemplified my problems with the changes in this show more than katara not throwing the acorn at aang's head. it's just. her attitude is gone, any whimsy that isn't sokka is gone, and they struggle to meld serious topics with humor. -actual gyatso in the spirit world?? maybe?? first of all, if it is actually gyatso, i dont think they did a good job of prooving that. second, why??? i'm really not a fan of aang actually getting that relief from grief and guilt. guilt is such a huge part of aang's character, i just.. idk, it feels less impactful when he gets actual gyatso telling him its ok instead of learning to manage his guilt on his own, nevere knowing really what gyatso would think og him now, like very other person who loses a loved one. it's just. it feels cheap
neutral -im not sure if i like koh as an actually malicious force in this story. like, it works fine for the narrative presented, but i really liked how koh was in the original, threatening and scary and trying to trick aang into making an expression for snack time, but not actually doing anything but helping aang when asked.
not the best episode, but not the worst. we just did that. it's kind of an in between, so idk if there's much to comment on. overall, im not a huge fan of the plot choices here, but i don't think they're actually bad choices, just not my style.
ep 6 good: -roku: im here to help you with anything you need aang: it has to do with koh roku: …anything but that roku has so much fuckin attitude, i kind of love it -zhao ignoring aang to correct the notetaker guys notes and make he gets his facts straight is both funny and an effective way to show off zhao's ego. also "what are you doing, dont write that down" is makin me think of that one kig who fell of his horse while hunting and said "dont let the historians write about this" and guess what fucking happened -the convo right after was really good imo. aang basically doing a lil test to prove that he and zuko could be friends with their boring old conversation was great. zuko getting mad about compassion is heartbreaking, woohoo. pretty much all around a fun scene, except that last line from aang was a little too on the nose. but at this point, im used to it in this show. -also the journal thing is still great. and i could be totally wrong, but i feel like zuko being super kowledgable about avatar stuff is a fanon thing?? well supported, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't actually come up often how much zuko knows about the past avatars, and fandom kind of took the idea that he MUST know a bunch given his search, and has freuently applied that to aus that turn zuko into this avatar specialist that actuallyhas a lot of info that aang needs. i swear that's a fanon concept, and i kind of love that it's happening here. -Ooohh. omg. the 41st as zuko's crew is DEFINITELY something i've only seen in fanon. the crew NOT KNOWING they were the 41st is completely new, and i honestly adore it.
bad: -not the fuckin mother of faces statue spinning around in his hand like a fuckin loading screen object -zhao yelling "cel - la - brate" like a fuckin party rock song, im. i cant. -blue spirit mask looks plastic. also why'd they make it angrier. i mean, i gujess it doesn't matter, but i dont think it adds anything either. that's a design you shouldn't touch in my opinion, it's too iconic. -the fucking music. the music is so fucking boring. you can't give me one fucking blue spirit motif?? wh. please. i need it -why. why did it take so long to do the whole "i need the avatar alive" and then swords to aang's throat. like. i could deal with that short moment of realization leadinng to a pause, but the actual action of zuko putting his swords to aang's throat feels like it takes forever. the whole shock from the animation was how fuckin immediate zuko's reaction was, how there seemed to be no hesitation from allies with the avatar to betting his life on escape. dont care if they have to speed up the footage, that whole sequence shouldn't have given us time to think. it was too slow from the second zhao told his soldiers to stop. -the agni kai. hm… ok. there's a lot here. at its most basic, i absolutely hate that zuko fought back here, because it feels so incredibly counter to the message of the animated show. like, there's a lot of fuckin weight to zuko's line of "i won't fight you." basically any fanfic can tell you a bunch of different ways this is important. it struck a chord for a reason. zuko fighting back just feels wrong. that said, i don't think it's a god awful scene. it's disappointing and abandons half of the origial meaning, but on its own in the context of the show as we've seen it, it works. we still get the trauma, zuko learns the idea that compassion is weakness, and it's still horrifying in the end. but compared to the original, it does feel like the writers here missed the point of zuko refusing to fight in the original, and that's the most frustrating part.
neutral: -torn on how i feel about zhao tagging along with zuko instead of them being phsycially separate. like, i guess it works, but zhao feels more slimey and less powerful this way. like, i'm not constantly reminded that zhao has more influence and more resources through this partnership. but then again, this episode also kind of solves that issue? i guess it doesn't matter, i just didn't like it. -zuko is a very vocal fighter, and he also makes a good amount of noise during his blue spirit fighting. i guess it doesn't really matter, especially cuz we dont have dante basco's crazy recognizable voice to deal with, but it still feels a bit disappointing for the blue spirit to make noise when we're used to dead silence
i might be going crazy, but i swear i heard some of the original guard grunts from the show when zuko's beating up the guards in front of his cell. i might be crazy, but fuck. ANYWAY. overall i did like this episode. going off the last episode, it still had a lot of plot bits i didn't care for, but overall it's good. yes there are issues, but im honestly more impressed by the things they introduced than i am annoyed with the things they changed. im still thinking about the 41st, like fuck
ep 7
good: -zuko's "ship" blew up!! that's an intersting change, but i think it's a clever one! though i do wonder what will become of zuko's actual ship considering it's fine. my favorite character, alive and well. have fun drowning, zuko. but also, this seems much more brutal to me?? cuz like. jee and iroh were trying to save zuko, and they ended up putting himself in danger in doing so. that's worse than just not being around when danger happened like in the animation, imo. -YUE HAS A FURSONA????????????? -i do love that whole scene of azula putting her foot down and refusing to do more of ozai's dumb little tests of strength. like, maybe not true to her animation arc, but i do like it -honestly the change where katara "wins" the fight with pakku not cuz pakku has a crush on her grandma but because everyone else who watched her figt thought she was badass was really nice. crowd vote says fuck pakku
bad: -OOF THAT FIRST SHOUT OF THE NORTHERN WATER TRIBE. oh that is not good. i haven't mentioned the cgi yet, but this is. oh dear. technically it's eas to miss, but still. -im so sorry, im sure she's lovely, but the first short of yue is so bad, she looks like she does not want to be here at all. i actually startedlaughing out loud wtf -oh i forgot momo existed. but now thtat he's here, he's ugly. i dont like him. -sokka and katara look so fucking pale next to hahn and arnook. i hate it
neutral: -im still neutral about azula and ozai's whole tough love thing. azula's lack of confdence and anger at not feeling good enough really feels like a zuko thing instead of an azula thing. she really doesn't come across in the original as worried at all about how she holds up next to zuko. in a vacuum, i don't think it's a bad choice, but compared to the original it is a jarring shift
overall pretty good. i dont like aang's protective behavior, but i do like that it's showing off some of aang's more negative qualities. we didn't get a bato episode or a intro to the storm episode here, so we haven't really encountered that yet. also im happy katara got to be sort of mad. a little.
ep 8 good: -i do like the early war balloons i think, it feels more reasonable that zhao snuck into the city vs got all the way back to the spirit oasis on komodo rhinnos withou being stopped or followed like they did in the original. -katara mastering waterbending literally without instruction is kind of badass. that whole exchange of "you've found a master haven't you" "yes, it's me" was pretty fun. idk how realistic it is, but like. in the original, she also masteredd waterbending in a matter of days, so. niether are that realistic -i kind of like how fuckin visceral the moon spirit getting stabbed is. like, minor change, doesn't matter, but still. that one shot of the bloody bag with a knife sticking out of it was lovely -ok that's spooky as fuck, the "there is no aang" thing with koizilla. like, the idea that this isn't just aang being possessed or lending his aide, this is him straight up giving up his life to la in that moment -that whole thing about zuko just beig a tool ozai uses to motivate azula was really well done actually. great acting, basically all that fanfic worthy revelation emotion, it was super good. like i was kinda thrown by ozai giving all control around hunter the avatar to zhao after seeming so impressed that zuko found the avatar in the first place, but really, i been played a fool. he doesn't care, he's manipulating azula. this is what the favoritism looks like. yikes. -also obsessed with the visual they talked about with aang/la wandering the world forever in search of a partner they wont find. this new context that koizilla really wasn't just a fuck you to the fire nation, it was meant to be permanent. like, fuck, i love that
bad: -OH THEY GOT RID OF ZHAO GOING TO THE SPIRIT LIBRARY i hate everything. what's the point. they're just gonna nix the library all together. wan shi tong is never coming back. sokka v wan shi tong will never happen. my entire career is over. -kuruk just appearing in a random doorway is wack -koizilla looks bad. baaaaaaaaaaad. where's the glowly lines -ok great yay we got zuko turning his back on zhao and getting attacked, but first of all that meant nothing cuz zuko DID ttry to kill him, zhao just dodge, and second, la should've taken zhao. i just. it's a more satisfying death for him, and also zuko's whole take my hand thing is super fuckin important too. but zuko in this show as a traumatic aversion to compassion, so whatever i guess.
pretty good finale, entertaining and got some good emotion stuff. better than most of the episode's emotions honestly
overall good: -before i speak i need you to look at my icon. scroll down the blog a bit. just take that in. ok? ok. i think zuko kind of carried the story here. overall i was very impressed by his acting, and yes, it was much more awkward and tear-ready than animated zuko, but also that's my fuckin jam. he's out of character in a lot of ways, but all the characters are, and like. lets be fucking real, this is fanon zuko. this is how the majority of fandom characterizes him. -set design was very nice in my opnion. casting choices (minus the water tribe sibs) were amaing visually, maybe no so much in terms of talent but we deal. while the costumes look too new and fee fake, it's not the worst. if you go into this expecting camp and trashy fun, you'll enjoy it. you can't set your standards high -once again, take a scroll through my blog. ok. i love how often aang is just like. clearly dissappointed with zuko's lack of desire to change, how much he wants to connect to zuko but zuko wont stop fuckin hissing and spitting. if aang got to have personality in this script, he'd basically be pointing at zuko like "that's my emotional support enemy," i swear to fuck. i might be pushing it on how much they were really like this in the narrative, but i dont care, im having fun asgjhdfh
bad: -momo and appa both look creepy. they give me realistic pokeon vibes, and not in the detective pikachu type of way. like, detective pikachu is what i was hoping for, something that preserved the cute and still felt semi real. this didn't do that. momo is weirdly top heavy and his eyes scare me, and appa has weird, ever present droopy lips, especially at the corners. it's just uncanny -i dont like how bending looks. it's okay i guess, but it's got so many extra busy particle effects that it feels uncontrolled. i always pictured masterful bending as being really smooth and pretty unnatural looking- smooth water bubbles, fire with weirdly contained flickers and not much smoke, earth without a bunch of crumbling pebblees, air without dust everywhere you dont want it. the wobbly water and earth bending with so many fuckin shards of debris and the firebening with so many sparks is disappointing cuz i would've worldbuilt that to be a lack of mastery thing. anyway. it's fine. -aang is not happy and excitable, and katara isn't angry or sassy. they have the personalities of cardboard boxes. rip.
i actually liked that a lot. lots of good and lots of bad, but overall i had fun and that's what matters. maybe not something i'd rewatch if i didn't have atla brainrot, but not fuckin god awful. the characters were pretty different from their animated counterparts, and that's very frustrating in its own way, and the script was full of poorly written dialogue, and the acting kinda of sucked in a lot of places, but. but. i had fun, and im probably gonna rewatch it, and im gonna enjoy applying these ideas to fanfic and fanart. overall, im glad it exists. it's not going to replace the original, it's not meant to, but it's just trashy fun. i love trashy fun.
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astralartefact · 8 months
i'm on the homestretch of 13 Sentinels (i know i know i'm years late at this point) and the power of love has me struggling
first off, don't worry, it's a great game, i really enjoyed my time with it, it's as good as everyone says, expect fanart, yada yada yada
but i'm at the point were all i have to do is the last 3 or 4 battles and i keep taking a break from the game instead of just finishing it because oh my god the """romance""" is breaking me, i have never been this tested
there are like two, maybe three couples if i'm generous in this game that work, that are solidly build up during the game, that aren't just shoehorned to happen after a few singular comments as build up without any sort of actual chemistry - and now it's all they fckin talk about, everybody has a partner they love and care about and that they fight for and you have to put them out together a bonus mission - and have you seen their skills, they're in LOVE!
the writing keeps pretending as if this was what was built up, but no! it was not! just because a character has a crush doesn't mean the other one can just fall in love at the end!!! yakushiji was consistently creepy to kurabe!! why are they together now just because of his memories after his whole thing was that he's not any of the other juros?!?!?
the one that annoys me the most is iori x ei though, they have 0 chemistry, ei literally didn't care about her for one second in his story and then suddenly bam! true love! and i'm supposed to care about this??? no. absolutely not, now i will ship sekimiura out of spite and not just because they had one really cute moment
(not that iori x ei couldn't work, falling in love with the guy who assassinated you in your past life is an a+ meetcute, but like. ei and iori did not have a single full conversation before dating)
but no, now that we fight the final battles they keep trying to make this relationship happen as i watch my favorite character devolve into doting boyfriend for no fkin reason, because i guess in the last 10% of the game we forget everything we did this entire time because it's time for compulsory dating! you're alone? you're a loser! we need to get these kids to fuck!!!
btw isn't it fckin crazy how irrelevant iori is despite also being the most important character of the entire game and i say that equally as crazy good bc it fits the theme but also crazy bad bc (seperate from chihiro) iori is basically just in this game to be on the cover, she has literally no stake in the story, all she talks about is how ei is cute and that's literally all she knows about him before they become a couple i'm seething i'm absolutely seething the truth is i'm just jealous i'm jealous of the fictional 2d woman for getting my equally as fictional future husband!!!!!11111
anyways, i will defo write a proper post about my entire thoughts and feelings once i actually pushed through the ending... whenever that will be...
edit: they literally stopped doing that in the next battle why did i complain now i look like an idiot arrrggghhhhh
edit edit: i take it back, i'm at the credits and this is hard to get through
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