#the Namor problem
livstarlight · 2 years
I have to be honest with myself and admit that I have reached the point in my life where every day I wake up opening ao3 and check for new fanfics and updates of the ones I am following like it's the freaking morning newspaper
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miss-lauryn-hill · 2 years
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I made a thing
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talkingparrotkee · 1 year
I should’ve known that you were a nashuri shipper. Why do you people insist on shipping a young woman with the man that took away her mother. One of her last blood-related family members.
I don’t ship Shuri with anyone, but I truly hope she gets a love interest in the future. So you nasty people can go away.
Like Shuri is more than Namor.
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Interesting 😭. My posts so far are furthermore about the characters and explanation of dynamics. What tells you that you "should've known" I was a nashuri shipper. The fact that I don't villify Namor? The fact that I don't want Shuri to become a murderer by killing him, thus sending herself, Talokan, and Wakanda down a destructive path? The fact that I fairly characterize and understand both characters, as Ryan Coogler intended it do be? The fact that I can objectively point out why someone may ship a particular Shuri ship (which is not limited to Namor x Shuri)? 🫨
I don't "insist" on shipping Namor with Shuri, let alone for that reason. If you want to know why some may ship it, if you're intelligent enough to read for comprehension, your question is answered here. In the beginning alone, you have several healthy and normal reasons as to why one may like the ship.
I didn't ask what you ship (interesting you had to preface that you didn't ship her, I wonder why), and you must be a fool if you think Shuri having a love interest will stop any sort of Shuri shipper. Have you ever been in a fandom before?
The funniest part about this is that I do like Shuri more than Namor. That's why I wrote an entire meta on her and how she is as a character. That's why I have a wall of merchandise of her and not a single Namor (yet). That's why she's my favorite character. That is why I defend her tooth and nail. That's why I spend my own money on official books just to get a taste of information regarding her. As a black woman, I especially hold a special place in my heart for her. I love her before I love potential dynamics with Namor or anyone else. I am happy if Namor and Shuri just get decent interaction as only allies. It's possible!
I'm sorry you don't have the mental capacity to understand that, and you'd rather attack people as passionate as you over shipping. I am also sorry that you are illiterate because not a single thing I said implied that Shuri isn't more than Namor. Fans like you are miserable and pathetic. An insane tumor to fandom. 🤯
Kindly, my asks are for other fans to ask me about the characters or what I think on certain topics. Not unhinged anon hate by rabid nobodies and so-called toxic Shuri stans who attempt to gatekeep a character they just grew attached to (and probably know little about outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe), performing childish theatrics over shipping. I don't go here, or will I start to. I'm not the one or the two. Take your ass somewhere else and reflect on yourself that you actually got mad enough at nothing (because there isn't really nashuri on my page) enough to switch on anon mode to send me hate. 😂
It really doesn't accomplish anything. It just makes me want to do what I do even more. I don't care if a faceless coward laughably thinks I'm a "disgusting fool" over a relatively vanilla ship (people behind the scenes themselves joked about it. Writers considered or thought that it was not a bad match even after the fact) that's only a "problem" due to special circumstances. You can just pick up a pen to reverse or address it (that's what fanon is for.) It makes me want to post nashuri meta and use the tags more to spite you (which I wasn't thinking to do), so congratulations if that was your goal?
Let this be a message to you (who I think I know 😉) and others like you. I'm still going to love what I love, and that includes Princess Shuri. Sorry that you don't co-sign on how I love her. 🤷‍♀️
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nocek · 2 years
Ok I know it's a little bit late but turns out my big Okoye rant just has to be written down or it will keep bothering me. So here we go. Screaming into the void.
The thing is I like Okoye and I think she had nice thing going on in Wakanda Forever. That is up until the point that her plot threads were axed midway and rest of it was given to Nakia of all people? Which sucks for both of them. So in this essay....
The first Black Panther movie build her up nicely as Lawful Neutral character. Which is rare and for me makes really interesting character. She dutifully followed the law when Killmonger took the throne and then just as dutifully was about to kill her husband when it was revealed the throne taking wasn't so lawful after all. Both of those choices were incredibly emotionally hard for her and actually quite rare storytelling wise. Which I loved. What is even better: on top of all that she wasn't punished by the narrative for being lawful instead of going after her heart.
Great! I really, really loved it. Especially when in the new movie they started to nicely build up on that to give her own little plot and character growth.
Well. Up to a point.
But lets focus on what they were clearly building up to.
Okoye loves Wakanda. It's her character virtue since she is Lawful Neutral. But at the same time loving it too much and too blindly is her character flaw.
Wakanda is the best and thus doesn't need to change.
First we saw it in Infinity War with a little side joke about opening Wakanda to the world meant maybe Starbucks and not, well... war.
In Wakanda Forever in one of the first scenes she tells Aneka to give back the daggers since spears are traditional weapon. Which, by virtue of being traditional, are better and it's not going to change on her watch.
For that, the obvious plot resolution would be that Okoye needs to open up to new things (particularly technology). Unfortunately, the thing is, they sort of did that in the movie but in the worst way possible (and I don't just mean that Midnight Angel armor is ugly, you are right sister. It's ugly af) but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Wakanda is the best and thus I'm the best.
Okoye is a bit full of herself, or to be more precise thinks others are not as good since they are not Wakandan. She assumes she can deal with Americans and duh, she is right. She can actually deal with them like nbd. So does it really count as being blinded by her own/ Wakandan awesomeness?
Yes. Yes it does. I love that she is confident in her skills and she has all the right to be but she also knew there is new unknown threat. It was overconfidence on her part to think she can deal with Talokans too.
And she got her ass handled to her in fair fight.
And she broke her promise to queen Ramonda and lost Shuri.
Consequences as plot resolution? It's more likely than you think.
Because yeah. That's where clearly her further plot was axed and given to Nakia (which could be whole other big rant but just so you know: she was done dirty here too). Because let's be real it would fit perfectly.
Classic plot. Hero gets overconfident. Fucks up. As consequence hero loses their privileges/status/whatever. So they go on a quest not to regain their privileges or prove themselves but to right their wrongs.
Often they initially want to prove themselves, but then they learn they need to fix their mistakes because it's a right thing to do. Just after that the narrative can reward them with actually-you-just-have-proven-yourself-plot-twist - here are your privileges back and then some.
In Okoye's sake we can even cut on the second part of that plot. She just goes on a quest to right her wrongs and to save the princess.
Rewrite of a rewritten plot?
So her first overall wrong was dismissal of new technology. Could be righted easily by going to Griot to ask it to help her locate Shuri. It's even still in the movie but instead it's Ramonda who talks with Griot. It shows Griot can locate Shuri, they just added little scene with Nakia doing spy stuff and talking to people because it's her forte.
It would even fit the underwater cave rescue scene better. Because the forceful solution of going in guns blazing would fit more Okoye's desperation. Nakia is a spy. She would be more level headed and just sneak in and out unnoticed. Moreover, since she is more caring people person she wouldn't just leave that one girl to die.
But hey. If they didn't do that they wouldn't have the excuse for war and to have whole second part of the movie and "big" action scene at the end. Which is sadly mandatory in Marvel movies.
But going back to Okoye before I get sidetracked too much.
Just a rewrite... please.
With that the last plot thread for her to resolve would be redo of the fight with Attuma.
And it could and SHOULD follow the classic plot of like Rocky and countless others:
Hero loses a fight
Hero trains some more/ learns new things
Hero wins second fight fair and square
but nooooooo
Instead of mixing it with with opening to new technologies plot - as in asking Griot to help her find weak spots of Talokans. Or even just upgrading her spear to be better in fight with another vibranium spear if you really need to go this way (and clearly don't have time for training montage in this bloated movie)...
nope. Instead we go sorry Okoye you are just too weak. Here, have an armor. Which ok ties to the same new technologies plot thread but at the same time is so damn insulting to Okoye and her skills.
Like really fucking insulting.
It's like going to Cap or Black Widow and saying you are cool with all the fancy kicks and all but lets be real here. You are to week to fight real super powered villains - here have an armor.
Would anyone do that? No. Because it's insulting and goes against what those characters are at their core. Even if they are "too weak" they still would win by their skill, their smarts, their cunning nature or just by their sheer stubbornness.
Because those are their cove virtues.
Because that's how storytelling works.
And just FYI I'm not shitting on characters actually using armors. Oh no. Tony or Riri would win by learning and then building smarter armor. Rhodey would win because he is a solider and for him the armor is just tool of the trade - it's just a tank he happens to wear. But for Okoye or Cap or Natasha or any other hand to hand badass fighter it would go against the very idea their character was built on. It would be plot breaking Deus Ex Machina solution. Everyone would be bitching that writers written themselves into a corner and found very unsatisfying plot resolution that doesn't work.
But since Okoye is a side character and this movie has way too much going on in general, it's just left as it is.
And I'm very salty about that.
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
Hey Tenoch Huerta Nation/Coven/Whoretas: A Gentle Reminder
I hope you are enjoying my fics, the release of BPWF on Disney+, and of course all the amazing gifs/art/fandom media that is being put out there by other creators just like me.
I got a message with a bit of attitude about me not updating enough. It was rude and dismissive and incredibly entitled so I just wanna address it here.
All my writing is done as a hobby, for pleasure, and for enjoyment. I am not being paid or compensated for the hours I put into my writing and creating. As such, sometimes I do not have it in me to put anything out. Whether I am busy with real life, burnt out, or just not in the mood, there can be days to weeks where I will not be able to post.
You are not entitled to any of my writing. I can easily block you if you hadn't sent the ask as an anon. I share my writing because I want it to be enjoyed but with the caveat that I am respected for my efforts. The same way that we send praises and appreciation to all the wonderful people who make edits and gifs that we all share.
Yes my blog isn't just my fanfiction. I created this side blog and returned to Tumblr because of Tenoch and BPWF. I will post whatever I want, whether it is my personal thoughts, gifs and videos I like, or just random fangirling with my mutuals. IF you do not like that feel free to unfollow. I have a masterlist for a reason and I cross post to AO3.
I do my best to be as inclusive as possible with all my writing. But I am a nearly 29 year old Filipino female and that will always tinge my writing. All I can say is that if something doesn't sit right with you don't read it. If you can't find what you're looking for maybe you need to write it.
I AM NOT A MACHINE. SOME DAYS I HAVE THE TIME AND CREATIVITY TO CHURN OUT MULTIPLE FICS SOMETIMES ITS NONE. I have had some family medical issues, a death of someone close to me, and a reaction to my own medication in just the past month. I will take breaks as I see fit for my own health.
You are a giant bleeding cunt.
Anyway. That's my rant for the day. Appreciate your fic writers, gif makers, video editors, and artists.
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nonnie-villeneuve · 2 years
Okay, so I keep seeing posts saying Namor is a villain, and I find it so infuriating because he's clearly an anti-hero. "Yeah but he killed Queen Ramonda and a lot of Wakandans." Yeah, I know. If y'all ever heard of tribal wars then it makes sense. So here's the thing: Nakia killed two of his children. It's supposed to be an eye for an eye kind of thing, but obviously, Wakanda will never give up Riri and Nakia. He has no choice but to attack until the blood debt has been repaid, but then it will never be repaid because that's just how things go in war. The death tolls just rise, wars are waged again and again to avenge those who have been killed until there's no one left in one or both factions. Lots of tribes have been wiped out because of tribal wars.
Shuri choosing to spare Namor's life breaks the cycle. It's not like a preventive measure because M'Baku was wrong. They were plunged into eternal war when Nakia killed those two handmaidens. Remember, Talokan was isolated for 500 years, maybe more. They are a nation that kept to the old ways, free from western influences. To them, K'uk'ulkan's plan to wash away the surface world is normal. We see this with the fall of Tikal, which is basically an it's them or us situation (please correct me if I'm wrong but this was the vibe I got from whatever I read + documentaries...they were rivals and one is wary of the other until Uht Chan went okay let's end this shit. But also take this with a grain of salt because not much is known about the Snake Kings 🫣🫣). Ok that's all! Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
(Cuz ofc nashuri is in my head now 24/7)
(And omfg I just love the Talokan storyline so much!! We need a series, a movie, new comics!!)
(Ah hehe I just remembered Namor slept with a tapeworm queen to prevent war. He's a make love not war kinda guy, so yeah he 100% was propsing using the bracelet thing. It makes sense with his character...and yall know he was just playing hard to get when he kept saying he needed to kill Riri. I honestly thought he was trying to convince himself more than Shuri lol)
ALSO NOT TRYING TO DEFEND NAMOR BECAUSE OMG JUST WHY BUT please don't act like he did it just because...
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trollingallround · 2 years
Finally got around to watching Black Panther Wakanda Forever and while I think there were major problems with editing and sound design, seeing Namor on screen.....He's my favourite marvel character and they did him so much justice omg Tenoch Huerta was absolutely perfect.
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pilesofpillows · 2 years
A Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Convo with Me & My Moms:
For Context: I’m a 6 year old adult pansexual who lives with my single parent because rent prices are a no. We watched BPWF for the 6/7th time last night out of boredom (I got the remote first)
Me: *staring at Angela Bassett*
Mom: Close your mouth, Imani
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Me: *stops mid chew to stare at Tenoch Huerta*
Mom: *rolling her eyes* Please eat your food.
Me: *frozen in place as Letitia graces my screen with her tracksuit. (YOU KNOW WHICH ONE)*
Mom: Are we going to do this every time?
Me: mumbles in GAY
Me: *chokes on rice when Danai Gurira threatens to kill everyone*
Mom: Dammit, Imani!
Me: *still choking* I’m fine, I swear
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Me: *pops jaw when MBJ appears* ow…
Mom: Please stop. I’m not watching this movie with you anymore.
Me: *shrugs*
Mom: I STG if I didn’t know you were pan, this movie would’ve told me everything I needed to know.
Me: What?! Uh-uh *shakes head rapidly in GAY*
Mom: *mockingly* yes-uh!
Mom: You think everybody in this damn movie is fine.
Me: I’m not wrong!!
Mom: …
Mom: No, you’re not. You’re just gay.
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naemors-a · 2 years
k’uk’ulkan would rather die than speak spanish, he wouldn’t be caught dead talking in the language that oppressed his people
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namorssideburns · 1 year
When am I going to draw Namor dressed as Lum Invader
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livstarlight · 2 years
Current mood:
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
Reminder before you ship that Attuma is Namor's half brother and Namora is Namor's cousin!!!!
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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The Defenders (1972) #84
#I appreciate Namor’s concern about the Hulk here#‘Even though the green-skinned one and I have had our differences in the past I do not wish to see him die!’#it’s interesting to pair that with if only Bruce could be cured of the Hulk#‘Wouldn’t he be better off remaining human rather than changing every so often into a monster?’#for me there’s a disconnect when characters who are friendly with the Hulk and appreciate his existence in their lives#talk about wanting Bruce to be cured which to me means making the Hulk not exist anymore i.e. killing the Hulk#but it seems like the difference in perspective that creates that#is that these characters do not see Bruce and the Hulk as distinct separate people as I as a reader do#which would actually make sense because I’m following the character in ways other characters cannot#so it’s possible for me to see them seperately enough to get attached to them separately#whereas the characters are kind of conflating what experiences they’ve had with one or the other together#and seeing them as one being with seperate sides to him#also intrigued by Dr. Strange saying that#‘whatever controls Bruce Banner’s dual existence is still beyond the knowledge of science or magic’#and that ‘Banner himself is the one person with the intellect to solve the problem… and he is too often trapped inside the monster to do so’#I vaguely know about the much later established stuff with Bruce’s father and the green door and whatever#but I think this plays well with all that#so it’s interesting to see the groundwork for it laid so early#marvel#bruce banner#namor the sub mariner#stephen strange#my posts#comic panels
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ragnaroktheworld · 2 years
Maybe this is just me getting old, but what happened to the days where fanvids were edited to be the entire length of the song you picked with minimal sound editing done? It was a better time. Now every fan edit I try to find is structured like a tiktok.
Like, every single one that's good is under a minute and has some of the most atrocious pitch changes to where you can hardly hear the song. Back in my day the actual dialog of a scene was only used in rare instances.
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callmelinamfsnow · 2 years
Me, days after I watched Wakanda Forever and started to see more of Shuri x Namor:
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strawberrishortbabe · 2 years
Every time an attractive black or poc character gets introduced into Marvel, fans who are of the same race and/or culture as them has to deal with ignorant white authors taking that character and writing the most blatantly offensive and whitewashed fanfics.
There’s no reason why Namor is speaking Spanish instead of his own native language. It’s not that difficult to do your research and it’s clear y’all have no problem doing it when it came to Thor or Loki. Y’all don’t even bother hiding it yet get defensive when someone points it out. Since we’re on this topic, lets not act dumb about his dislike for white people and the LOW chance of him having a white partner like bffr…
Lastly, we need to be VERY careful on how Namor is written and not play into stereotypes that’ll harm his character (and also Tenoch himself) in the long run. Y’all don’t seem to know (nor care) how dangerous it is to have him being written as the “aggressor” pursuing the “naive and innocent” white girl.
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