#the OTHER problem with a hat is that what if the sun isn't coming from there 🤔
karlachismylife · 8 hours
A Spot of Lunch || The Queen of the Clan pt.4
CW: fem!chubby!reader, stalking, animal aggression (no violence)
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Paranoia wasn't something you have ever associated with the vast grassy planes of sunlit savanna. An unsettling feeling of being constantly watched, followed, stalked seemed more suitable for the claustrophobic confines of a big city with its tall concrete walls and sleepless eyes of neon signs and late night windows peering blindly into the darkness - or maybe even a cold, isolated cabin among winter woods, with howling wind and creaking floorboards eerily masking the steps of whatever was looking through the frosty glass planes from the other side.
An open space full of busy with their own survival wildlife and sun burning every little patch of shadow anyone could hide in never crossed your mind as a place for a worry of unwanted following.
And yet you felt it.
You've learnt to distinguish this creepy sensation of being watched by something from the constant presense of your crew's cameras and curious looks of the animals. Even coming face to face (from afar, obviously) with the lion pride that was your main target for the documentary and attracting their attention left a different aftertaste - sure, you did feel like prey looking into the big eyes, adorned with a nature-given eyeliner, twinkling predatorily at you from the muzzle of a huge feline partially covered by the tall grass, but it still was just an animal watching you and gauging if you and your weird pack of two-legged companions were a better dinner option than an antilope.
What watched your back when you were sorting through your footage in camp or unloading the rover for another static filming, didn't feel like an animal.
"Well, we didn't even have that much visitors in camp for the last few days, so I'd say we're pretty safe," Kir, the shoulder you're used to rely on at this point, listens to your concerns carefully as he accepts heavy equipment from your arms - you reached a suitable place to have some food, so a temporary camp is being prepared. "Besides, we're always staying together out here, right? I'll look after you for now. Let's see if you still feel this shadow of yours when we get back to homebase, and then we'll look for a solution again. Maybe it's just the savanna getting to you, city cookie."
You scoff and roll your eyes at him, but his reassurance helps shake the unpleasant feeling from your scruff a bit - Kir has a point, the crew is being careful about animals and it's not like there are any other humans in these parts nearby, so you'll probably be alright. Definitely feels nice to have someone who doesn't simply dismiss your concerns and is ready to take more precautions if the initial ones fail to work.
"Maybe it's a heatstroke or something," you mutter awkwardly, now almost ashamed of how serious you make it all sound when no one else is having such problems. Kir immediately turns around, a big duffelbag on his shoulder, skin glistening with sweat, and gives you a disapproving look.
"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. This isn't a hike outside your hometown, every concern you have is worth looking into. Better be overcautious than become someone's dinner, especially when you're already a total snack," finally having gotten you to smile, he winks and hurries to the main camp. When you reach the others to set up your lunch break, a hat lands on your head - you lift your eyes, almost covered by it, and of course, it's still Kir, wiping his forehead with a smile. "No heatstroke for you, cookie. Go have some water."
The hat is a bit sweaty on the inside, but it keeps the sun away better than the scarf you couldn't tie properly this morning.
As you all sit around in the shadow created by a lone acacia and chew on your not so bad meals - apparently, veteran participants of these trips have experience not only in getting close to animals unnoticed or navigating vehicles through uneven sandy terrain, but also in making quite the unappealing looking canned food taste good - quiet human chatter mixes together with the birds calling each other out and little chirping mice sneaking around your camp in timid curiosity. A fit of laughter bursts here and there. Your worry melts into nothingness in the heat, you feel safe as you look at your crew.
These people are doing what they love, and you notice that the dull apathy that was eating at you to the point of taking a break in your studies slowly steps away. Surprisingly, your impulsive idea turned out to be not so bad - maybe you'll take additional courses when you return, to be able to move here, work at the sanctuary, watch-
"Psst, look," a gentle nudge makes you stop digging into the little bowl you have with your mighty fancy teal spork (your 100% recycled plastic pride and joy), and you look up to where Kir points with his chin and puckered lips. "Even I recognize that snout already."
So do you, of course.
A wide, happily grinning, sniffing vigorously at the direction of your temporary camp, round-eared snout with a thick mohawk of a lush mane.
"Finally brought a friend," chuckles Kir next to you - and he's right, shoulder to shoulder with your old pal Stinky stands another hyena, spotted so generously that its fur seems almost brown, as does its shorter, but even thicker than Stinky's mane. Pure elegance shines through the stance of its long legs and the whole form, especially compared to its bulky mate.
And there they are - the most enchanting, heart-stealing, soul-charming dark eyes you've ever seen an animal have.
"Shit," you nearly choke on the corn you forgot you had in your mouth before swallowing anxiously, and try to muffle your coughing, afraid it might scare the animals away; but instead they only tilt their heads in an adorable way and watch as you scramble to shove your food bowl into Kir's hands and grab your camera.
It takes you less than two minutes to sneak to your bag (not the one that was sprayed - that one is banished to lay alone next to a rover far, far away from where you eat, God) and grab the camera, but when you turn back, both hyenas seem to have lost all interest in you and your camp, rolling around together in the patchy grass and partaking in a ritualistic play.
Subtle breaths of warm wind bring over quiet growls and occasional sassy cackles from the scuffle, nips and paw slaps exchanged in equal amounts. The sight is nothing short of adorable: two members of one of the most dangerous species on Earth tossing each other around like playful cubs, almost as if they're fighting over-
"Hey, look, they've got something!" One of the other camera operators points out gleefully with her spoon and you close one eye, focusing your camera on the pair. They definitely are fighting over some scrap, and just as you zoom in on their scowling mouths, Stinky jumps to its feet, yanking something that looks like a piece of hide in attempt to wrestle their toy from the other one's maw. "Hey, can you see what it's about?"
You hum, squinting as you meddle with the settings - it's quite hard to make out what it is, some brown-ish rug, stretching between two pairs of powerful jaws, clenched and pulling in a simple game of tug-of-war. Just as you take a series of quick shots, that dark, lean hyena also gets up and twists its neck, trying to snatch that thing from his broader mate - and it rips.
In your lense you see loose strings hanging from the ripped edges of the torn toy.
"Huh, looks like a piece of cloth!" Curious, you zoom in some more, taking several fine portrait pictures of Stinky's big, displeased-looking snout. Its ears flatten a bit as it shakes its head, sand flying off the fluffy mane and landing on the dark hide of its buddy. The latter seems to be much more content with the end result of the playfight, already lying back on the warm ground comfortably, long frong legs crossed in an effortlessly graceful way and half of the desired prise being chewed enthusiastically before it's dropped with a yawn. "Maybe someone lost a scarf? No pattern though..."
You point your camera at the unbelievably stunning dark-furred hyena and take more photos, almost holding your breath at the beauty of the animal resting on the dusty ground. Its slightly lazy gaze slowly trails over the surroundings and then lands on you.
And then, you swear, it winks at you.
You press the button on your camera automatically, capturing this moment for you to stare at later, when you'll start doubting your own sanity. A lopsided smirk stays on the hyena's muzzle for a second longer - and then it's gone.
"What the hell..." you mutter under your nose, lowering your camera with a dumbfounded look and stare at the embodiment of innocence the cheeky fluffball is now. Almost as if they both heard you, Stinky perks up too, and you finally notice that whatever they were playing with is now hanging off its pleased snout shoved through a neat round opening in the material. So it's definitely something man-made. A shirt that's been shredded by predators' teeth until only the collar or a short sleeve remained?..
You shudder at the thought about how the hyenas got their sock-clad paws on the thing and what happened to the owner. Maybe it's just been discarded after researchers used it to wrap a hyena's head when they darted and collared one of them. Or it just fell out of someone's backpack on the bumpy road. Or...
A loud whoop interrupts your heavy thoughts and your eyes snap back to the furry menace, only to find it clearly posing for you, slumped over its pal's back and resting its chin between the other's fluttering ears. Surprisingly, the darker - maybe you'll call it Chocolate, it seems almost toothrottingly sweet from afar - hyena doesn't seem to mind much, waving its tail with a black brush on end languidly and laying still until you take a few pictures. Even though the rag Stinky can't seem to let go clearly gets in its eyes no matter how many times it tries to brush it away with an endearing ear movement.
Of course Stinky just drops its toy altogether on Chocolate's head the second something else attracts its attention - the way it perks up and loses that trickster grin, looking directly behind you, startles you, but almost twisting your neck to look over your shoulder proves futile. It's just Kir.
"Sorry to ruin your fun, cookie, but we'll have to get moving in a few, thought you'd want to finish your meal," he sighs with an apologetic smile, clearly not immune to the cuteness of the hyenas himself, and hands you your bowl, immedietely earning a growl.
A growl much closer than you'd expect from where your visitors stayed.
You jump, nearly dropping both your camera and food, and quickly turn back to see both hyenas, tails and manes belligerently fluffed up, just a few meters away. Kir steps in front of you immediately, shielding from the animals, but it seems only to aggravate them more.
Maybe it's not the brightest idea you get, but your adrenaline-high brain offers you a memory of Stinky obeying when you raised your voice at it.
"Stay down you two! Shoo! Get back!" Leaning around Kir's muscular shoulder, you wave with your spork at the unfriendly couple.
Somehow, it works.
They almost look upset, tails slowly hanging down and ears lowered - they even lean their whole bodies to the ground as they back away. Stinky is clearly more reluctant, and you would be melting at the sight if your heart wasn't still racing after the scare.
"You get back too, Stinky. Or I'll sign every picture of you with your nickname in all the wildlife magazines!" Perhaps it's your tone making the animals nervous, but Chocolate suddenly lets out a short giggle. Still feels nice to have someone appreciate your humor, especially when it earns him a nip at the scruff from Stinky, finally distracting him from you. "And you don't laugh at Stinky! What, you think there won't be enough of me for the both of you? I'll make fun of every fucking four-legged menace if you keep growling like that!"
An barely started new scuffle between the two stops abruptly, two pairs of huge wet eyes looking at you with almost human perspicacity. Remembering too late that a direct stare can provoke an animal, you avert your gaze, but it's unnecessary: even from the corner of your eye you see both hunched figures slowly gaining speed as they further away from the camp.
"What, you a hyena whisperer now?" Kir lets out a subtle relieved breath and you par his back gratefully, exhaling yourself. "Probably got scared of me because of my size... well, now that's you've proven your dominance, how about you finish your food? I'll pack everything for you, so don't rush."
Still glancing over your shoulder in case the predators come back, you mutter your thanks to Kir and nod at the other members of the crew who praise you for keeping your cool against the animals again.
"Didn't know they teach you that in school nowadays," jokes one of the older scientists with some canned food juice staining grey stubble around the corners of his mouth. "Good job, kid. Hyenas are all about hierarchy, if you show them you're more dominant, there's little they can do. Just maybe don't get into actual fights with them, you know?"
"Not planning to," you chuckle and finally get back to your food. While you chew absentmindedly, wandering around the camp being taken down, your legs bring you to where your slightly rough (and fluffy too, to be fair) around the edges neighbours left their tattered toy.
Just a weird shaped brown cloth, punctured in several places with the deadly weapon hyenas carry in their mouths and with clearly manufactured seams. That round hole Stinky utilized also has neatly finished edge, like clothing would have.
Huh. Weird. Somehow that chewed up and slobbered snippet looks familiar. Can't really quite put your finger on it though.
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Part 3 | Part 3.5 | Part 5
Series masterlist | Main masterlist
A/N: Please, don't use any of this story as a guide to handling any animals, wild or not. Although I try to use real documentaries and stories of hyena whisperers as a reference to how hyena-human interactions can look like, it's still fiction. Use actual guidelines provided by authorities as to how to behave in contact with stranger animals.
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Tagging:@elaineiswithyou-blog @creepingeva @my-halo-is-a-little-broken @sillymanjaro @ihatethinkingofnames10 @ravensfeatheruniverse @yaminax @ljh861 @darkangel4121 @ginger-n-coco @grey-shadow6475 @cryingpages @mothsdrabbles @mc-glare-is-king @vixxie22 @aldis-nuts
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blujayonthewing · 4 months
I spend a lot of time trying to figure out the best way to diffuse direct sunlight on a sketchbook for a guy who never even actually does any outdoor sketching anymore
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zweiginator · 2 months
college!patrick corrupting innocent reader……………… gawd
thinking about this but like. him bringing art in. needs his best friend to enjoy this too!!!
oh fuck because i'm thinking that patrick wants to teach you how to give head. the only problem is that he doesn't trust himself. he knows as soon as you're swirling your tongue around his tip and moaning around him with those big watery eyes of yours--he'll start fucking your throat. he can't control it and it makes him want to be the guinea pig so much fucking more. you're such a good little student; he knows you'd take it like a champ. but he'll be good.
you don't realize patrick has an agenda here. that he has strategically thought out everything he wants to teach you and put it in the order that makes most sense. it feels sleazy to him that he hasn't even seen your pussy. hasn't felt that velvety skin against his tongue, your silky wetness coating his fingers or his cock.
but he assures himself that waiting will make it better. and patrick doesn't tell either you nor art what's on his little agenda. he just tells you to come over around seven. shoots art the same text.
so you both wait outside his door. neither of you have knocked yet. you notice how art's cheeks are dewy and pink, a mixture of his proximity to such a beautiful girl, and remnants from the five mile run he just completed.
you introduce yourself.
art wipes his clammy hand on the back of his grey t-shirt and slips his palm into yours
"i'm art. it's nice to meet you." his voice is soft. he's handsome in a way that is different than patrick, but you can't quite put your finger on why that is. maybe a fundamental difference in their first impressions with you.
patrick was unabashed in his actions. aware of his effect on other people. willing and able to use his charisma to get whatever he wants in a way that borders on manipulative but couldn't quite be classified that way.
art has more trepidation. but he still has confidence in the way he carries himself. his shoulders are back, his posture near perfect.
"are you here for patrick?" he asks, breaking the silence.
"yeah," you answer, looking at the time. 6:59. you and art are very timely. "he told me to come over at 7."
art fumbles with his phone, pulling it out of his shorts pocket. it's hard to see with the glare of the late spring sun, but he shows you the text patrick sent him. it's verbatim what was sent to you, and you tell art this.
"weird. are you guys dating or something?"
you shrug. "no, i don't think. just hanging out."
art knows what that means. and he chews on the inside of his cheek. his jaw pops.
"how do you know each other?" it's your turn to ask questions.
"he's my best friend." art knocks on patrick's door for the third time before crossing his arms over his chest. you sense more urgency in the way art is acting. "we grew up together, played tennis all throughout childhood and here we are."
"patrick plays tennis?" you notice art's t-shirt and hat. it's on backwards, but it's embroidered with stark white lettering. stanford tennis. "i didn't know that." you feel small, realizing you don't know a huge part of patrick's life. naive to his hobbies and talents and his best friend. maybe you overestimated your role in his life.
art senses your disappointment in how your voice falters.
"he's not a very open person. hence why we're both here right now. dumbass probably sent me the text by accident." art kicks the door. "pat! open the fucking door, man! it's hot out here!" the veins in his neck tremble as patrick flings the door open.
"come in, come in." he ushers you both inside.
so he really did mean to text art.
he sits between you both on the couch and puts his arms around you and art. spreads his legs wide and lets out a deep sigh.
you and art look at each other, confused. but neither of you speak up just yet; perhaps its a subconscious nod to the fact that patrick is in charge here. a way to foreshadow.
"she's pretty, isn't she artie?" patrick turns to his best friend and you see him flush a deeper shade of pink.
"um, yeah. she is." art responds.
you swallow. both of their legs are spread wide, to the point where you barely have room to fit on the couch. it seems rude, but then again, maybe patrick is doing this on purpose.
"and artie?" he turns to you this time; his broad, strong torso almost obstructs your view of art behind him. "he's handsome. lots of girls think that."
you nod. "yeah, he is handsome." it's innocuous enough. and you wouldn't lie, of course not.
"what's the deal here, pat?" art says it breathily. like he knows patrick has a trick up his sleeve.
"we've been having some lessons." patrick says, only to art, as if you're not there. "i taught her how to kiss."
your breath hitches. is he going to tell?---
"and i taught her how to give a handjob, just last week. her first one ever."
"patrick this isn't my business." art shifts uncomfortably, watching the clock on the wall tick, tick, tick.
"but there's still a lot to learn for her." patrick continues, unfazed by the obvious discomfort in the room, the shifted mood that seemingly affects everyone but him. because again, he's in power. it's his prerogative. and here you both exist, at his mercy.
you're awfully quiet, but you stay that way.
"i want to teach her how to give a blowjob." patrick says it as he picks lint from his shorts, like it means nothing. and it makes you want to do it. to impress him and stay on his radar. not to be a temporary plaything.
so you lean into patrick and press a kiss to his neck, open-mouthed at the part that makes him shudder and melt. but he pulls away from you.
"not on me, sweetheart."
you look at him, bewildered. art shares the same expression, except his jaw is clenched and a pearly bead of sweat trembles over his browbone.
"on him."
art can't pretend he isn't intrigued. maybe he should put a stop to this. put his foot down and say no to patrick. except he wants it. and god, he hopes you want it to.
art looks at you, his lips parted and pink to match the supple skin of his cheeks.
patrick watches you two. has a look on his face that reads well what are you two waiting for?
you crawl over patrick's lap so you're leaning over his body. using him like a bridge. your hands grip onto patrick's thighs until you find balance. art sits up straighter, meets you in the middle so patrick has a perfect view of your profiles.
art cups your cheek and pulls your bottom lip with his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. you feel his jaw move, opening wide so he can envelope you in an open-mouthed kiss that sets your body on fire. patrick watches spit dribble down your chins in a messy meld of kisses, of tongues, of hands all over each other.
patrick grabs your wrist, the one that rested on art's jaw, and plants it square on art's erection.
neither patrick nor you expect the carnal groan that emits from art's throat.
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
I finally caved in. Hello Katy may I request cowboy Hobie with a farmer reader who live on a ranch together. (That’s the main idea but you could change or add anything also your choice to make it angsty/fluff etc.). 🤠
Cowboy! Hobie request let's gooooo!!! Thank you for requesting! 😘
Pairing: Cowboy! Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Cowboy AU, Western AU, established relationship, lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF.
You're ogling. It's not a crime to ogle your partner per se but with how your horse Luna is currently side-eyeing you whilst you brush her mane, ogling should be illegal. Or at least in your shared ranch. How could you not ogle Hobie when he looks like that?
You sigh deeply, eyes shaped like hearts at his glistening chest. Sweat dripping on his skin like tiny diamonds sparkling in the heat of the golden sun. His arm muscles are prominent as he heaves heavy hay bales over his shoulder. The blue jeans he's currently sporting hugs his legs perfectly like it was tailored only for him. Belt buckle glimmering, a dark cowboy hat protecting him from the sun, and dark cowboy boots to match— you should be arrested by how your eyes are glued to him and him only— even though your animals need your attention.
He knows that you're staring with how his pierced lips subtly curl into a smirk and how he's currently making an effort to stay in your line of sight even though the hay bales definitely don't need to be placed a few feet away from the field to the barn. He has been going back and forth for a while that he feels like his feet have carved a path on the dusty field.
You sigh longingly again and Luna has had enough of you. She huffs loudly, air coming out of her pink nose, head bumping yours to get your attention when her neighing couldn't.
“Hey, girl, what's your problem?” You pat her nose to calm her down. She kicks at the dusty ground, making sure her annoyance is palpable. “Carrots right, sorry.”
You swear you heard Hobie chuckle. But when you turn to look at him, he's currently busy with stacking hay, seemingly unaware. He hides his grin behind the shadow of his hat.
Feeding Luna her favourite treat, she happily chews noisily. Craning your neck to go back to the gun show, you knit your eyebrows to see his usual spot empty.
“Lookin' for me?” Hobie scares the tumbleweeds out of you. He pokes your side, making you jump in place. “You were starin’ a bit too hard. I swear there's holes on my back havin' the same shape as your eyeballs. At this point you gotta pay me, sweetheart.” He shoots you a wink, adding to your quickening heartbeat. Going around the pale horse, his smirk never leaves his face.
He leans over Luna's saddle, face perched on his hands with a smile that could stop someone's heart. Tilting his head, eyebrows raised, he waits for your clever reply. There's only crickets singing in your head with how he looks at you like you hung the sun for him. He just stares at you lovingly, perfectly content, perfectly happy even with all the grime dusted on his chiseled cheeks.
You feel like you've fallen for him all over again.
Copying his movements, you lean over Luna's saddle, facing him with the same love and softness he's currently showing just for you.
After what seemed like hours has passed just from throwing each other heart eyes from looking, you finally speak with a tone that Hobie could only describe as lovestrucked.
“Do I get a discount at least?”
He sucks in his teeth with fake annoyance. “Nah, don't think so, love. You can only see these muscles right here.” Patting his bicep, you laugh.
He thinks he's in heaven.
“That’s true, the sight alone is a rare commodity around here.”
Reaching for your hand, indulging himself with your mere touch, he intertwines your fingers together with his, like vines that grow and weave around each other, never letting go.
“You good? Heat isn't killing you?” He asks you like he's not the one toiling away outside with the sun bearing down at him.
You shake your head, bringing his hand up to your lips to reassure him. You feel the raised skin atop his knuckles, taking extra care, you kiss each one gently. “Nope, I'm melting but I can handle it.”
“Melting from the heat or from the show I gave you?”
You giggle, rolling your eyes, it's his turn to press a sweet kiss over your knuckles. “I should be the one asking you that. You alright? You're sweating a lot.” Wiping his forehead, he closes his eyes, his smile deepens with every wipe.
“Got it all?”
“Now do my pits,” He raises his arms above his head. “they're awfully sweaty, sweetheart.” He jokes with a deep chuckle.
Hobie expects for you to flinch away, or even screech and run away but you just shrug. “Sure,” your acceptance has him flabbergasted and endeared. “I've cleaned blood off of you, sweat is nothing compared to that.”
“Holy shit,” he says softly, almost a whisper as he goes around Luna to come near you— impossibly near as he holds your face in his hands. You don't mind the smell of hay clinging to his palms or sweat as you lean to his touch, eyes shining and full of affection for the man before you. “You think the reverend is free today?”
Chuckling, you knit your eyebrows in confusion. “What? Why?”
“So I could marry you today.” He says it with certainty that you're sure it's not the heat that has your legs almost crumbling. “Obviously.”
If horses could roll their eyes, Luna would be doing it right now.
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lurkdragonstuff · 7 months
I'm an atheist and a philosophical materialist. I don't think there's anything more to the universe than what can be observed and measured. Disagree if you want, that's fine, but take as read that this is where I'm coming from.
As you can imagine, this makes it very strange to me that my brain thinks I'm a dragon.
I have been trying to square this circle for years. Since around the 2000's, when I first made contact with the Internet, I would look in on the otherkin community, and the draconic community nested inside it, and I would think, man. I wish I could believe that. I wish I could believe that souls were real, and that I had one, and that it was a dragon, and that's why I was so odd. For quite a while, I just explained it as a furry fandom thing. Sure, yes, my fursona is feral, but ferals are furries, too. This is still true! I'm still in furry fandom, and my dragonself still acts as my fursona. But they are also, in a deeper sense, me.
I'm a secular pagan. I don't think gods exist, and I don't think magic is literally real. I can't really cast a curse on shitty charities. The moon's a big shiny rock. It doesn't care if I roar at it when the sun reflects off it just so and I can see the whole of its tidally locked face.
But my dragon brain doesn't know that. It likes the big shiny rock. It likes little shiny rocks, too. It likes to light things on fire, and considers this a sacred act, both bringing destruction to noxious things and bringing honour to things worthy of it. It likes to growl and hiss when things annoy it. It likes to collect things, to have a hoard. It likes to range around its territory, keeping an eye on what's around in what season. It finds it frustrating that its wings don't seem to work at all, and its other limbs barely better. It wants its tail back. It wants its fire breath.
I'm autistic. Sometimes speaking is hard, and I growl and hiss when things annoy me. I like to collect things related to my special interests; I have a sprawling collection of cetacean, Nintendo, and SEGA figurines, as well as lots of little animal figures. Plushies, too, and videogames, and books. I do wildlife photography, as well, marking who's around in what seasons. This is, to my frustration, limited a lot by waning energy because of chronic health problems.
If backed into a corner, to say what I really believe, of course I'm a human. It is in my DNA, expressed in a bipedal body plan, five fingers on the forelimbs only, nails and not claws, no wings, no muzzle, no tail, short neck, skin and fur instead of scales. Not even any horns. I find this frustrating, but it is what it is. I also find it frustrating when people call me 'she' and not 'they', and that really there is no feasible gender presentation that would guarantee that strangers would use the right word. The best I can hope for is that people will read the 'they/them' button on my hat, or otherwise call me 'he'. Still wrong, but at least novel.
I honestly think my draconic identity developed when I was younger as a way to explain why I was so weird. I have never been normal. I will never be normal. As an adult, I have fancy words like "autism" and "anxiety and depression secondary to post-traumatic stress disorder" and "seasonal affective disorder" to explain why I'm abnormal.
But a part of my brain, I think the same one that still believes in magic and deities even though I don't, tilts its head, then grins a sharp grin and says, "Cool story, bro. I'm still a dragon."
I generally have, for any given of my eccentricities, the philosophical materialist explanation (generally that I am either brainweird in some way or another or am playing pretend for placebo purposes to manage executive function etc.) and the dragon explanation (generally what the pretend play revolves around). But - and this is hard to explain - it isn't exactly playing pretend, either. It's me.
When I'm pretending to be Link, either playing a Zelda game or writing Zelda fanfic, Link isn't me. I might be inhabiting him as an actor, but he isn't me. When I play Animal Crossing, and I'm playing a character named after me, that's closer. It's me but greater. Me but more. Me existing in a life I wish I could have.
When I put on my mask, when I sit and daydream about the multiverse-hopping shenanigans I get up to, when I hiss at someone startling me by getting into my space, that's me. I'm not a dragon, I'm a human wearing a mask, daydreaming, hissing because "back the fuck off!" isn't allowed in the workplace.
Yeah. Cool story, bro.
I am still a dragon.
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lazy-cat13 · 1 month
day 7: Future (finale)
There will be a few time skips, journal entries, and a few more things that you'll see!
Ash also knows the union leaders a bit more.
And this is also in first person POV (unfinished accidentally posted? Idk)
Black= Ash
Red= Brain
Blue= Ephemer
Orange= Chir
Pink= Lauriam
Purple= Skuld
~After the Keyblade war, about a month before Daybreak Towns destruction~
Things have been strange lately, I keep hearing static noises and it gives me a headache, I keep having nightmares about something that seems in the past but I don't remember. . . I sometimes see glitches in the sky, but I think that's from my lack of sleep lately. Maybe I'll talk about it to Brain at some point.
I walk into fountain square to see two familiar faces .
A young boy with blonde hair, he's around 10 it seems like, his name is Ven.
And someone a few years older, around me and Brains age, he has fluffy hair that looks like a dandelion. And his name is Ephemer.
"Ash! Nice to see you!" Ephemer waves, sitting on the fountain.
"Ash!" The young blonde runs up to me in excitement.
"Hi Eph! Heya Ven!" I ruffle Vens hair while he pouts in embarrassment. "Have either of you seen Brain?"
"He's reading right now in the meeting room. He's been reading that for a few weeks now, it's almost impossible to get him away! We have to convince him by giving him food!"
"Sounds like Brain to me."
He chuckles "Why? You wanna talk to him?"
"yeah, but he's busy right now, so when you see him next would you mind giving him this? Please don't read it." I walk up to Ephemer handing him a small paper with Ven following me.
"Sure! I'll get it to him as soon as possible!" He tucks the note away.
"What does it say?"
"dude. What did I just say?"
"But I wanna know!"
"No, I'm not telling you."
"why not?" Great he's starting to pout more now.
"Cause it's private! Brains eyes only!" I put my hand on my hips.
"awwww , does somebody have a crush?" Ephemer chimed in
"What? No. What makes you think that?" I glare at Eph
"nuthin. Well, the way you're acting I guess." He shrugs
"I- dude! We're just friends!"
"alright, calm down! I was just joking! I'll be sure to get it to him."
"Well, we'll be on our way, see ya! C'mon Ven!" He starts walking away
"Coming! See ya Ash!" The blonde catches up to Ephemer, waving goodbye
I start walking back to my apartment, putting on my headphones and music. Walking through the town sun setting, other keyblade weilders running by, laughing, enjoying life. things I wish I can do, constant stress isn't helping, well, there are a few times that I let loose, like earlier with Eph and Ven. And times with Brain.
I make it to my apartment and unlock the door.
"Chir! I'm home!"
Chiri appears and brings me into a hug.
"Ash! Hoi! What's for dinner?!"
"well I didn't really think about that. . . Ramen sound good?"
I start to get a pot of water boiling and a sharp static sound strikes my ears and I instantly grab around my ears losing my balance a bit.
"woah! Are you okay?!"
"Yeah! I'm fine chir! don't worry about it!"
"Uhhh huhh. . ."
I finish making the ramen and they set two bowls on the table.
"thank you!!"
"no problem!"
I hand Chir a spoon, and we both cheers, but a knock interrupts us.
"op- one moment! 'Scuse me Chir."
I run to answer the door and it's Brain.
"Oh, hi."
"hi. . . You wanted to talk to me?"
"yeah, wanna come in? We got some ramen I just made." I point inside
"Why not."
"cool, come on in, sit at the table while I get you a bowl."
They walk in guiding Brain.
"Feel free to hang your hat."
"damn, I don't think I've been here before, it's nice."
"Thanks, sorry for the mess. . ."
"don't worry about it. . ..hey chiri" he takes a seat
"Hiya Brain!"
"here. Enjoy" I put a bowl in front of him
"Don't mention it." I sit down too taking a bite of my food
"are. . . You alright, you seem more tired. . ."
"uh? Yeah, I'm fine!" I wave my hand
"why do you always do this?"
"do what?"
"whenever I notice something is wrong, you brush it off. Why do you wanna keep things from me?!"
"cause I think you're already stressed enough!!"
"that doesn't mean you just can't tell me! You're also a main priority! You're my best friend! Please, just. . . Tell me. . ."
". . ." I'm at a loss of words, I know what to say, but I can't say it.
"I've. . .been having strange thoughts and occurrences lately, static noises keep giving me a headache and I swear I keep seeing these glitches! And I've been having a dream that's constant, a war between unions."
Now Brains at a loss for words
"and it's been months since I've last saw you! I get it because of the leader stuff you have to do! But still take a break!"
"*sigh* you're right. . . I'll take the day off some point. . . Sorry."
I just nod, unsure what to talk about now we finish our food.
"when was the last time you got some sleep?"
"I could say the same to you."
"hm, seriously though, you have bags under your eyes, and it sounds like you've been struggling sleeping due to those nightmares."
"and why do you have bags under your eyes? Reading too much?" I put my hands on my hips
"you know it."
". . .do you have anything going on tonight?"
"Don't think so, why?"
"well, since we have the chance. . . Maybe we could do a sleepover? been a while since we've done that."
"we're going to actually sleep this time, right?"
"yeah, I've got spare pajamas you can use since we're about the same size."
"sure, appreciate it."
"yup, be right back!"
~We both get changed quickly.~
I gather a lot of fluffy blankets, gotta be comfy
"why. . . Do you have like 20 blankets?"
"3 reasons, one, I get cold easily, two, it's comfortable, three, enough for the two of us."
"alright then."
" I wanted to ask, was there another reason you wanted to talk?"
"hm. Oh, right, one moment." I finish setting up the blankets and pillows.
"so. . . This may be kinda awkward but. . . This is kinda difficult to put into words. . . I want to be in a more Queer Platonic Relationship, be there for each other more often than usual, something like a romantic relationship, but without the romance!"
"I'm keen to that! We could be there for each other more often, well, we can try. . . And you gotta be more open alright?"
"fine, I'll try my best."
"just know we'll be here for you if you have another nightmare."
"Alright. . ."
Little did we know whats to come next. . .
~1 month later~
Log entry-
Everything has gone to hell it seems like, the town is being destroyed, I'm not sure why, but I'm off to help Brain and the others, turns out that Ven wasn't supposed to be a union leader, it was Strelitzia, the girl I remember writing about, lost that journal though.
Something tells me. . . That this will be the last time I write in hear, not sure why, gut feeling I guess. Let's hope it's not though..
"Brain! What's happening?!" I barge into a large room to my horror, Lauriam and Ven are knocked out on the ground, while Eph, Skuld and Brain are fighting darkness, struggling.
"crap!" I run in summoning my Keyblade "Fira!"
Everyone moves aside while I run and jump for an attack.
"woaholy crap!"
"Ahhh! Where did-?!"
I jump back catching myself, "got room for one more?"
"sup! Stay sharp!" Everyone nods
We keep fighting for 10, 15, 20 minutes until Skuld is knocked down.
"Skuld- gah!" I was next, left on the floor lightheaded. For the next two minutes it was just Brain and Ephemer.
"nnng" brain falls down while ephemer is completely exhausted. oh this isn't good. . . I get up, legs shaking, summoning my Keyblade again and throw it at the darkness, failing to catch it when it comes back, and I collapse from exhaustion, still being able to hear what's going on .
-its over.-
"yeah. . ." He breathes in shakingly "but I can't take you down alone, I'm not even sure we can wear you down."
"fair point ."
-shall we call it done then?-
"oh? So you surrender?"
Brain chuckles "you claimed you aren't after anything, but I'm not buying it."
"you seem pretty desperate to get in our way like this, I don't know whether its pride or fear, but there's a reason you're still here."
-....... Infection -
"infection?" I push myself off the ground.
-data transfer requires a signal -
If teleports in front of Ephemer
-the same goes for the hearts and minds of you humans-
Eph tries attacking but it goes away
- you underestimate how easily the darkness rides on those signals. . . And spreads though this place-
"is that why you wormed your way into the data world?"
Data world...?
"but why hide inside of Ven?"
Could that be why vens unconscious?
-i told you, cause it was decided.-
"that's enough." Skuld gets back up again
"Skuld! You're alright!"
"jeez, is all you ever do rant?"
"welcome back Ash!"
"you're saying because it was written in the book of prophecies, it was meant to be? Well I don't care! You hijacked Ven and attacked lariams sister!" She summons her keyblade "and now you're gonna pay for it!"
"that's right!" Now brain summons his Keyblade
"man, I'm just hearing this now? I would've gone way harder on ya!"I summon my Keyblade again.
-we are many and we are one, but to be one requires will,- it teleports behind Ven and Lauriam -through him we can divide darkness and light. . . Willful and distincted, it was a sacrifice needed to be made-
"so, Ven didn't attack Strelitzia, you did. . ."
Then, I hear an ear ringing that blocks everything out , I can't focus and the next thing I know we're in combat again, but with someone I've never met before . . . But now, my side is in the most pain. . . And. . . I'm using brain for support, Ven is glowing and I don't know what's going on, then I think I blacked out. . .
I woke up on a bed that isn't mine, unsure of what happened after Lauriam was awake again. I sat up to just see brain and a dark room
"nng... What happened ?"
"you were hit pretty badly. . ."
"what about Ven and the others?"
"Eph and Skuld are talking to ___(whatever you're Ux character name is) vens unconscious, and Lauriam is talking to his friend. We're gonna head to the arcs, you should come."
" do you need help walking?"
"yes please"
We both walk to where the arcs are. And everyone discusses what they're doing
"I'll stay behind. . . I'll help Eph and Skuld. . ."
"what? No! You're injured!"
"I'll be fine brain, you, Ven, Lauriam and Elrena are already taking enough."
He pulls me into a hug
"see you soon?"
"see you soon. . ."
Everything went hazy again , but I remember hearing Eph and Skuld cry, and a talk about the darkness. . .
"Ash! Ash!"
"Ash!" Chiri brings me into a hug, crying.
What happened?
"you perished, struck by the darkness. . ."
Oh, is it just you and me?
"well for now. . ."
Ah, ok. . . Man I'm tired. And I drift off. . .
I woke up at a beach of scala as caelum, unsure on what was happening, there's this boy, his name is brain, he seems to taken an interest in me. . . I don't know why. He seems familiar, I'm not sure why, whenever i would hang out by Ephemers fountain, he would bring croissants, I'm not sure why, but it's a nice gesture. He's the only person I've really talked to here. . .
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coffeecat1983 · 4 months
Wreck-It Ralph/Mario Bros 2: What I Would Do for You chap 2:
   Mario rushed into his game just as Litwak clicked on the 'Open' sign. Everyone else was already gathered at the track and Luigi raised an eyebrow at his older brother.
     "Cutting it kinda close there, huh big bro?"    He shrugged. "So I had to run the rest of the way, no problem!"      "Pfft," Daisy draped an arm around Mario. "Felix isn't doing his job if you can walk, let alone run after a night with him."    Luigi burst into laughter and Mario turned as red as his hat but quickly recovered with a glint in his eyes. "I could say that about you and Luigi. You need to step up your game, lil bro."    Daisy nearly rolled with laughter as Luigi pulled his hat down, trying to hide. Peach giggled softly and nearby Bowser pretend gagged at their exchange. Her pink dress swishing, Peach joined Mario.      "How is Felix?" she inquired.      "He," Mario hesitated, recalling the other night, "He's been having some trouble with nightmares lately." Leaning against the front of his kart, he folded his arms. "And he won't talk about em. I just wish I could think of a way to help."    She put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll think of something."      "Heads up!" came Wario's call, alerting them that gamers had come in and were heading their way.
     "Aw c'mon, we gotta at least have one race!"    A young man bounced excitedly as he approached the Mario Kart game. His dark brown hair was dyed with bright blue tips, the tight curls looking like ocean waves. His companion had bright red hair that flowed as she walked, looking like flames when the sun from the windows hit it. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she took the other seat and accepted the quarter from him.      "Fiiine, but then you gotta at least try Fix-It Felix Jr with me. Deal?"    He shook her hand. "Deal. So, who you gonna pick? Princess Peach?"    She snorted. "You know I don't go for that princess hype. Bowser's my dude!" she selected the Koopa King, grinning as he roared and shot off a few fireballs. "Lemme guess, Mario for you?"      "Ehh I think Luigi this time, gotta give him a fair chance."      "Wade, you are an absolute softy." Wade smirked. "You know you love me, Emm." They bantered back and forth for the entire race, with Wade winning one out of three rounds. He pumped his fists in the air.      "Score for the little guy giving it his all!" he cheered. Emm rolled her eyes again as she grabbed his shirt.      "Hurry up! I'm gonna kick your butt again at a Felix challenge." Moving to the other game, Emma stood before the controls, but Wade stopped her before she put in the quarter.      "Wait, how about a little wager?" he ventured.    She turned, hand on her hip. "What do you have in mind?"      "Best outta three, if you win, I go to that horror movie you were talking about." A raised eyebrow. "And if you win?"    He grinned. "You know exactly what movie I'd want to see if I win." His reply made her groan and rub her head. "Wade, c'mon, you really wanna see the Mario Bros movie? With that voice cast? And Illumination of all companies..."    Felix perked up. "Mario movie?" he whispered.      "It'll be fun! Do we have a deal or not?"    Thinking it over, she gave in. "Alright, deal." She reached up and putting a hand on his cheek, gave him a light kiss. "And even if I win, I'll watch the Mario movie with you once it's on the internet." Dancing a cheerful, giddy dance, Wade then stepped aside with a bow to allow her access to the game.
   It wasn't much later that Wade stepped away from the game as Ralph was tossed off the roof. A smirk was wide on the young man's face as he folded his arms.      "So, about that movie?" Emma sighed and shrugged. "All right, but if I end up with mental trauma from this, I'm blaming you."    The two wandered off as a family group entered the Arcade and the day got into full swing. By the time closing time rolled around and the 'all clear' was sounded, everyone was more than ready to relax.    Stretching, Felix popped his back with a yawn. "Hoo boy, what a day."      "You did great today, buddy!" Ralph praised. "You wanna hit up BurgerTime?"      "Thanks, but not tonight, Ralph. I gotta get to Mario and Luigi's for dinner." Waving to him as the tram left, Ralph was joined by Q*Bert and the two watched as the tram vanished from sight.      "^%$@?"      "Kinda, sounded like they wouldn't be alone though."      "&%^$#! )+*^?" Ralph paused, then looked down at his little friend. "That's crazy," he replied, "Felix would obviously wear the wedding dress."
   Making his way to the Mario Kart port, Felix rode the tram and exiting at the little station, took the path beyond the castle. Reaching the hidden Toad Town, he couldn't help but stop and admire the sight. The game developers had originally planned a full story mode for the game, so the entire town was programmed in along with the castle. The streetlights glowed as stars glittered overhead, only a few Toads out on the streets as the day drew to a close.    Felix had to admit visiting the town was one of his favorite activities. The colorful houses and busy streets were a vast change from his own game even with the addition of Q*Bert and the others moving into newly built homes. Taking the path through town he tipped his hat and exchanged greetings with some of the Toads as he strolled to the house up on the hill that overlooked the town.    Dusting himself off and standing straight, he knocked on the door. The red-painted wood swung wide, and the warm scent of cooking spices drifted out. Mario stepped aside, welcoming him in.      "Come on in!" he said cheerfully. Entering, Felix felt himself relaxing in the cozy atmosphere. Music played softly from somewhere and he could hear Luigi whistling along to the tune.      "Make yourself at home, dinner's not quiet done yet." Mario said as he shut the door.      "Sorry if I'm a little early." Felix shyly apologized as he hung his hat up beside the other two. Mario held up his hand.      "You're fine. Mr. Perfectionist in there kicked me out of the kitchen," Mario called this part around the corner, "and is taking his time."      "You can't rush perfection!" Luigi called back. "Why do you think I was born second?"      "Mamma Mia." Mario groaned as Felix laughed and followed him into the cozy little living room. Their guest waved to Luigi through the kitchen door and Luigi waved back. He was dressed in casual clothes and a bright green apron. Several pots simmered and bubbled on the stove in front of him.    Mario shrugged. "Eh, at least he's good at it. Better than me, that's for sure."      "Flatter me all you want; you're not getting a double dessert!" Luigi called out, hearing him. Their banter made Felix laugh. Joining Mario in the living room, the two kept the conversation light until Luigi announced dinner was ready.
   Gathering at the small dining table, Felix was impressed at the feast Luigi had placed out.      "Jeepers, Luigi, I might know how to fix a building, but you got me beat when it comes to fixin' food."    Cutting into the lasagna and plating a slice, Luigi handed the plate to Felix.      "Thanks! Gotta keep my bro fed somehow, he keeps so busy on and off the tracks he'd forget to eat if I let him."    Mario scoffed. "So I get caught up in other things, can't blame a guy for keeping busy." Partway through the meal, Felix was curious.      "Luigi, you mentioned being born second. Do you know more about that? About your family?"      "Mmm, not really." came the reply. "Our," he motioned to Mario, "programming tells us we're from Brooklyn and twins with me being the lil bro. But family and stuff? Well..."      "You're lookin' at it." Mario said. "It would be nice though, if we had a bigger backstory or more family. Even if we never got to actually meet them." Luigi reached for another slice of bread. "What about you? You got your magic hammer from your dad, right?"    Felix's fingers lightly traced over the top of the magic tool. "Yeah, but I never actually 'knew' him. My programming only gave me the backstory of him giving me the hammer on my twenty-first birthday, then that's it. I don't even know what he looked like."    A scoff as Mario took another bite. "Programmers, wish they'd think things out and give us really good stories instead of leaving us to guess."    Instead of scolding him for talking around a mouthful, Luigi hummed in agreement.      "Even a little more story would be nice, who our parents are, stuff like that." he added. "Something more than just our game's programming."    The rest of dinner held a quiet, thoughtful tone that continued as Mario went with Felix to walk him home. Reaching the penthouse, they shared a tender kiss goodnight. Returning to the tram station, Mario ran into some of the Nicelanders as they returned from the main station. The group, led by Gene, mainly ignored him as they went past. All that is, except Mary.      "Good evening, dear, you here to see Felix?"    Mario tipped his hat to her. "Just saw him home from dinner at my place." He paused, recalling what Ralph had said.      "Mary, do you mind if I ask you something?" She looked curious. "Go ahead."    Mario took a deep breath. "Why don't the other Nicelanders like me?" Her face fell and she glanced back at the apartment building. "It's not their fault. They're just very protective of Felix. As for me, I'm just so thankful it worked out between you two." Mary confessed. "I don't think Felix could have taken the heartbreak again."      "'Again'?" Mario questioned.    Mary stared off towards the cabinet screen before gestering to the nearby station bench. Mario joined her as she sat down.      "It was a one-sided romance, but oh," she sighed wistfully, "Felix had such a crush. Then everything fell apart."      "Who was it?" Mario asked cautiously, a sinking feeling in his gut.      "He was you, dear. At least in a way. The first and only other Mario ever in the Arcade. I'll never forget the day the game was plugged in."
   A crowd gathered around the freshly plugged in game port, anxious to meet the newcomers. Felix stared in disbelief as he read the name over the port.      "Super Mario Bros. Oh sweet mother of molassess." Felix nervously pulled his hat off in shy respect as four characters exited the port.
     "We had all heard of the game, and the famous Super Mario," Mary explained. "But he wasn't quite what we expected..."
   Stepping forward, Felix held out his hand. "M-Mario! It's so nice to finally meet you. I-I'm Fix-It Felix, Jr, from the game Fix-It Felix Jr."    Mario shook the offered hand, his face set in an almost businesslike smile. "Good to meet you." he motioned to the others. "This is my little brother, Luigi, my friend, Toad, and this," he took the hand of the woman standing next to him, "is my girlfriend, Princess Toadstool."    Wreck-It Ralph had been lurking in the shadows nearby, cautiously watching the gathering. He saw Mario shake Felix's hand and speak, then was alarmed to see something shift in Felix's expression, the joy replaced with an ache.
     "Of course, back then her name wasn't Peach, not just yet anyway." Mary continued. "And believe me, those two were programmed for each other. Aside from openly talking about her, Mario was quiet, not like you at all."      "What made him different, you think?" Mario was curious.    Mary thought it over. "I think in his programming, he didn't have a story. A full soul like you do. Oh, he was nice enough," she added quickly, "but he was stiff, his main focus driven by the desire to win and save the princess. Eventually he got it in his head that his worries and emotions were getting in the way."    Something Felix had once said came back to Mario. "I knew a fella who clipped his code. He was tryin' to focus only on his game, nothing else."      "Mary, that Mario, he clipped his code, didn't he?"     She gave a faint nod. "He didn't have the backstory you do. The day your game was plugged in, I knew you were different. You had this life in your eyes, an openness in your heart. You still do."    She patted his hand. "That's why Felix held back for so long." she sighed. "The day that Mario clipped his code, oh that was a bad day. Everyone could feel it..."
     "I don't like this," Gene muttered. "The whole Arcade feels off." He and a few other Nicelanders had gone with Felix out to Game Central Station after closing. Felix broke into a bright smile, taking off as he waved to someone.      "Hi Mario!" Gene huffed. "He's never going to stop, is he?"      "Give him a break, Gene, he's got a crush." Mary scolded.      "Something's wrong." Don muttered. "Look."    Felix had run up to Mario and skidded to a halt, taking a step back. "M-Mario?" The other glanced at him, blinked, then walked on. The look in his eyes sent a chill up Felix's spine.    It was cold and empty.    Other game characters stepped out of the way, muttering to each other as the figure passed by. Felix stared after him, stunned. The sound of sniffling made him turn and he saw Princess Toadstool leading Luigi out of the port, her arms around him as she spoke softly to try and calm him.      "Luigi, what happened?" Felix asked. "Mario just went by and something's not right."    A fresh wave of tears and Luigi sank to the floor. "H-He clipped his code!" he sobbed out.
     "It was less than a week later; we woke to find the game had been unplugged with no warning. Everyone was wiped out." she finished sadly. "The news nearly broke Felix. It was no small mercy Litwak closed the next day and took time off because he caught a cold. It gave everyone at least a little time to recover."    She paused, smoothing out her dress. "That's why Gene and a few of the other Nicelanders are a bit, well, rude. None of us want to see him hurt again."    Mario's chest ached. "And here I almost did it all over again." he muttered. "No wonder he has nightmares." Mary lightly touched his arm. "Don't blame yourself for that, dear. Felix has had nightmares for a long time. Personally, I'm thankful he has you there for him now."
To be continued...
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abuddyforeveryseason · 4 months
Tumblr media
It's Superman and Supergirl! Remember the Superdictionary? The one where Lex Luthor stole forty cakes? He stole forty cakes!
You know, it seems like, inside every writer, there are two wolves - one who wants to be as self-indulgent as they want, write stuff only to themselves, and not care about criticism at all. The other, the one who wants to be as popular as possible, try and craft a story based solely on what people want and strip it of any flaws, no matter how personally revelant these flaws are to them.
And to a certain point, both sides are kind of childish - wanting to be self-indulgent is like wanting to play with your toys alone and get mad at any suggestions, even though sometimes suggestions are given specifically because someone likes the writing, and wants to see it evolve. And of course, being too dependant on praise is also childish, cause it's like wanting mommy to see you do a tumble - having confidence means doing stuff for yourself as well, after all.
The one big criticism every writer has to answer to, the first thing everyone hears again and again when starting to write - is to avoid making your main character a Mary Sue. Meaning, flawless, overpowered, too important to the plot and being too unique compared to the rest of the cast.
Yeah, I mean, that does sound like an unpleasant read. The big problem is that term was created mostly to discuss stories that are based on the idea of external struggle. So if the conflict in the story comes from characters having a hard time surviving, a character that's universally powerful and beloved is boring.
That is the big complaint everyone has about Superman - why is in interesting to read a story where the tension comes from finding out who wins a fight, if one of the challengers can punch the sun shut?
And I'm not sure if I'd classify Superman as a Mary Sue. He's the strongest guy in the story, sure, but the conflict isn't whether he'll win a given fight. The conflict comes from the way the plot's constructed, whether Superman knows who the enemy is, if he can get there in time to stop him, how other people feel about it...
And there's the inner conflict that comes from Superman having a secret identity. That goes against the "Mary Sue" accusation because having the secret identity is a flaw. It was the big flaw that set the character apart from others when he was first published. And although it's never really explained why Superman even bothers "pretending" to be Clark Kent, it makes sense, even if only on a subconscious level, back when the character was created.
I know that, if I started developing superpowers as a teen, I wouldn't abandon my current identity and life, and my adolescence wasn't even as wholesome as Clark's, with his upstanding parents and friends. So, the reason Superman has a secret identity is that, even if he's not human, he's a person, with all the lived-in background, dreams and psychology that that ensues.
Then, during the Silver Age, writers pretty much gave up on portraying Superman as an enviable, much less powerful figure. For most of it, Superman was subjected to all sorts of humiliations, from being turned into a monkey every other issue, becoming evil at the flip of a hat, or otherwise being portrayed as a mean-spirited prankster or neurotic egomaniac.
All that, of course, was to suprise audiences who were shocked to see their hero reduced to such a pathetic figure.
Of course, after then, Superman was not much different than any other superhero out there - if he was super strong, his enemies were just as strong. Also sometimes he wasn't even that strong. There was even The Death of Superman, an interesting story where he was killed by the personification of the nineties.
Of course, the idea that the main character is going to be victorious isn't exactly news to the audience - at least not if the story's supposed to be about dangerous conflict. Nobody watches The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron assuming there's a chance Jimmy will be slaughtered by the end of the episode.
Mary Sues are called conflict-killers because they're overpowered, but also because they're boring. A character can be all that much better/stronger/smarter than everyone else, but readers don't mind it so much if they're also interesting. Or if the story around them is interesting. It's usually the case with a character like Sherlock Holmes - not only is he a genius, he's also surprisingly strong for a skinny, balding englishman. He's rich, too, and can even be pretty handsome and charming when he wants. And to top it all off, he's a badass who flaunts his superior intellect by declaring he gets bored with the matters of the common man.
But the stories are good, because his hypercompetence is what allows us to see him figuring out the truth. And that's often pretty interesting. Except in that story where the guy's impotence drugs were turning him into a monkey.
There are other ways to make stories with all-competent characters interesting. Sometimes comics are more about the art (and in some cases, the circunstances that make it so the backgrounds are so interesting), so it's a lot of fun if Mary Sue's just plowing her way through the plot to let us see the pretty pictures. If the Mary Sue isn't the protagonist, jealousy and admiration are interesting plots. It's a thing that works well in comedy too.
But the interesting thing about Mary Sues, and Superman in particular, is that, if the character isn't bogged down by the dangers of the world and its associated fears, the story becomes becomes purely about morality - if Superman can do anything he wants, what should he do? The best Superman (and Superman analogue) stories are about questions like that. And some of the worst ones are the ones that fumble the answer.
Anyway, he's resting with Supergirl there. Funny. Why does he even need to rest? He can punch out the sun for God's sake!
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your-dandy-king · 5 months
Kitting Out (a handy dandy list)
Choosing from the list provided by @rapports-de-combat in this post, Murat would pack these items:
Rations for one meal
Water filled waterskin
Change of clothes
Lantern & oil
Pistol and smallsword
However, there are other little treasures from the Lost & Found vault he keeps in his domain. Lost and discarded things from the living world make their way into his domain all the time. Keys, wedding rings, umbrellas, clothes, and wallets and passports end up in his domain. And socks, lots of mismatched socks missing their mate.
Not all of them potentially have use. What good is a smartphone to him, when electricity doesn't work in his domain? No, these are simple things, things that do not require batteries or electricity, or complicated parts to work.
So, in addition to the above things, there are:
A travel-size sewing kit - self-explanatory, if you're Murat.
A blackjack - the smallsword and pistol are preferred, but not necessarily practical, especially if you're in a cramped space. A blackjack is a close-quarters weapon of the last resort.
A folding penknife - the sewing kit scissors won't do in every instance, but neither will a dagger.
Valuables - A small pouch of loose gemstones fallen out of their settings and lost by their original owners and now in Murat's possession. Diamonds, emeralds, sapphire, opals. Some gold and silver jewelry that he came by the same way. A few gold coins left behind by a helpful Roman centurion centuries ago, and maybe even a few coins bearing the profile of the King of Naples himself. These things might come in handy if they need to trade for goods.
A small camp mirror and a small bar of soap - Again self-explanatory, if you're Murat.
One of those really nice travel coffee mugs that keeps drinks cold/hot with a lid and a rubberized bottom - Now this is an indulgence, and Murat would admit as such. A lot of inventions from the times long after he died can leave him baffled, but this is one he can get behind.
A pack of playing cards - at the very least, he can keep himself and others entertained. And if he needs to gamble out of necessity, he's got the tools at hand.
A folding umbrella, but in a completely impractical color. What's the problem with fuchsia? He likes it!
Sunglasses - This may seem like an odd choice, but Murat remembers the road to Moscow, when the dust was thick and choking. Men would cut makeshift goggles and fashion protective eyewear for themselves out of stained glass windows looted from churches. He remembers the endless, killing glare of the sun on Egyptian dunes. Murat remembers all this and he snags a pair of wrap-around sport sunglasses for himself. Even if he doesn't end up needing it for practical reasons, he can look nice. There's plenty of pairs, however, and he ends up packing one for each man in the party.
Finding a pair for Davout is a bit of a challenge though. Murat personally doesn't care, but it also wouldn't do to have the Iron Marshal out of action. The man can't see without his spectacles and finding sunglasses that fit over them isn't easy. Among his piles of knickknacks and lost treasures, Murat finds ski goggles for Davout with a baby pink mirror finish.
When it comes to choosing a wardrobe, Murat not the most practical dresser. He never has been. Who needs to be when one needs to look good? He digs around in his Lost & Found vault, and settles for flared, pinstripe pants, a green and red floral shirt in a pattern he's been told is called "Hawaiian," a wide belt with a sliver and turquoise buckle, and a couple of layered beaded statement necklaces. Knee high leather boots, good for walking and riding. This is all topped off with a white cowboy hat and a leopard print coat. And feathers. Can't forget the feathers.
He is, as an outside observer might comment, a vision in psychedelic boho acid punk. Because he is Murat, and he will not go into battle dressed as a plain peasant. Nope, that just won't do.
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yellowhollyhock · 5 months
Gonna pick apart some Roches songs in terms of 03 Donny
Quitting Time (my fave of theirs)
Money is not the problem
You have enough of that
Now you must close your office
Put on your coat and hat
Put on your cat and hat
I mean, money isn't the problem. Certainly poverty is, but for mutant turtles who cannot open bank accounts, it's less about savings and more about direct resources. They do have some cash, ie they shop at the comic book store and Don asks Casey to 'spot him some cash,' but more so they seem to have what they've found and built. And Donny's played a big role in that. His time in his lab is pretty directly related to what kinds of resources his family will have--not unlike having a job, though I don't think he thinks of it that way.
Anyway this is pretty surface level, like hey bro time to leave your lab, your family has what they need and you have other problems to deal with
Now is the hour of quitting
Twilight paints the town
Old industrial skyline
How does the sun go down
How does the sun go down?
Twilight = we can go outside soon! Skyline = rooftops, turtles' area.
I wonder how often they take the risk to watch a sunset? I'm sure often, but probably not as often as I'd imagine they'd want, simply for the fact that you want what you can't have. How does the sun go down?
You can go south in winter
Be what you are, a goose
You can live near the ocean
Your clothes can fit you loose
Sometimes a teenage turtle just wants rest and relaxation (not training, Splinter 😠). You can stay up till 5am playing video games with Raph. You can build yourself a glider to fly through the city at night. Check out this turn of the century mill, they don't build them like this anymore. Ice cream run, anyone?
(You are a goose. These joys are all fleeting. You know what's coming).
Even as you are leaning
Into that glass of wine
You and beloved business
Have come to the end of a line
Come to the end of a line
Creating things in his lab to provide for his family = happy turtle. But there's always something, isn't there? How are you going to save your friends from deeper underground? Mousers attack, restart building home. What can you use against the Shredder? Drako and Ue attack. Renet needs help. Angel needs help. Defuse this bomb. How does this traveling between dimensions and through time work, anyway? Because April's Uncle Augie is still missing and now because of you, so is Kirby. Maybe you could figure it out? Karai attacks, restart building home.
To me here "end of a line" is when "business" stops being 'here is my hobby that can help my family' to 'if I don't do this and do it well people will die'
All of the gates are open
All of the charges dropped
Talks are terminated
Payments have been stopped
Payments have been stopped
You did it! Shredder is gone. That future is no longer hanging over you. The likelihood has gone down significantly.
btw what's up with Leo
You can move north in summer
You can be in the breeze
You don't have to notify
Any secretaries
It's just you and your family. Nobody knows if you go missing. Nobody knows if your inventions change the world.
Unsung heroes of the ways of Bushido
Old industrial skyline
Drawing away from you
You are the one that's moving
You are the fool that flew
You are the fool that flew
Remember that other skyline, where you left April alone with the bodies of your brothers? What happened to the version of you that was supposed to be there?
You can go south in winter
Be what you are, a goose
Honk all the moon out the ocean
Your clothes can fit you loose
Some things you can't find out. There are so many loose ends.
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What’s better than jealous Thena?
A very territorial Thena! Especially if it’s comes to Gil!
Maybe you can write something about how very territorial she is? Choose the AU 👀
"What do you think, Angelfish?" Gil asked as Thena held onto his arm.
For their day out this time, he had brought her to a soft sanded beach, with reasonable human activity but nothing unreasonably crowded. She had seen one in a commercial on tv - the box, as she was still calling it - and asked about it.
"It's nice here," Thena smiled, looking out at the sparkling water and practically feeling it against her skin. She could smell the salt on the air and practically taste its salinity.
"A lot of people like the beach," Gil explained faintly as they walked towards a nice spot somewhat away from the centre of things. "The bright sun and nice weather can make people want to be outside, and there are lots of things you can do here for free."
"Hm," Thena hummed next to him so he would know she was listening. But she was taking in all the different coloured towels people had and their large hats and sunglasses and children running around and screaming.
"How about here?" he suggested, holding out his hand to a nice soft patch of sand a reasonable distance from most everyone else. She nodded and he immediately spread out a blanket that couldn't possibly supply warmth. "Sit on this, Angelfish. It'll keep sand from getting stuck to you."
Thena did so, sitting on the beach blanket but pressing her palm to the sand. Just as he said, granules of sand stuck to her skin. She blinked, "hm."
"Sand can be a real pain to get rid of once it's on you," Gil murmured as he also stuck their umbrella into the sand and set down the bag of supplies he'd brought with them. He smiled, "although I guess it's not really a problem for you, huh?"
Thena smiled back at him. Gil was becoming increasingly comfortable with going out around other people. She had gained more and more practice among humans with his and Sersi's help, and he had even found a funny article of clothing for her to wear today.
Gil had on shorts made of a funny material, similar to a diver's proper scuba suit or rashguard. He said they were made for getting wet, and then they could change and dry themselves with the towels properly so their clothes after would still be dry.
Thena was wearing a white 'bathing suit' as it was called, which was a hilarious contradiction of words, but never mind that. Gil had showed her how to put her arms and legs through, and then to tie it behind her neck in a secure knot. On top of even that, he had still asked her to wear one of her dresses for walking around while dry, too.
Gil was rather attached to clothes and the mere concept of them.
"You hungry?" Gil asked as he finally sat down himself and pulled out a funny smelling lotion. "There's food and ice cream and stuff."
"Ice cream?" Thena perked up at the mere mention of it. She wrinkled her nose as Gil spread the funny smelling stuff on his skin, "what is that?"
"This is called sunscreen," he explained as he massaged it into his palms and then rubbed his arms first. "It protects human skin from the sun."
"Why are you in danger from the sun?" Thena frowned.
"Too much of a good thing," Gil chuckled, moving on to his shoulders. "Consider it like being in the sun too long and drying out."
"Ah," Thena nodded; she did know what effect that could have. "It can cause scale peeling."
"Right," he grinned at her as he massaged it into his legs too. He looked at her, "I...don't know if you need any or not."
Thena leaned away from him, "it smells unpleasantly."
"I don't want you to get sick, though," he sighed, although he tilted his head. "I guess your skin isn't really the same as mine. Do you...do you know what a sunburn is?"
Thena shook her head.
"Okay," Gil sighed, putting away the bottle of sludge. "But I'm gonna keep an eye on you. And if your skin starts to get red or feel warm to the touch, don't say I didn't try to help."
She laughed; Gil had such a worrisome nature, but it only ever endeared him to her. She tilted her head at him, her hair tumbling around her as she did, "I'm sure you'll keep a very close eye on it."
Gil blushed, although she wasn't sure what she had said that might embarrass him.
"Uh, h-how 'bout that ice cream?" he suggested, standing rather rapidly. "What kind do you want?"
"And what if they don't have mango?" he asked, having explained to her that not all ice cream places had the same kinds.
She had argued that was understandable, but it didn't make sense for them not to have the best flavour.
"Whatever tastes like fruit," she shrugged, and Gil nodded, walking off with a little money he kept in the bag he'd brought. She watched him go before pulling the bag closer to rifle through it.
She tossed aside the bottle of lotion, then the water bottle and his keys and wallet and phone. She grinned, pulling out a rolled up bag of sardine snacks.
The beach really was lovely. It was picturesque and beautiful and everyone present seemed to be enjoying themselves. She did want to take Gil swimming, although she would have to keep in mind to keep her legs on while she was doing it. It was pretty instinctive to put her tail on, after all.
She looked down the beach, easily able to see Gil at the medium distance at a little stall. The sun was bright, hitting his black hair and bringing out the brown undertones in it. It looked soft and fluffy as the breeze moved it.
Thena tilted her head. A female approached Gil, seeming to ask him about the ice cream. She couldn't quite hear them over the roar of the sheer volume of people also present. And their backs were to her, or she would read their lips.
She tilted her head in the other direction as the female stepped more into Gil's space. The stranger didn't seem to know him, and certainly Thena didn't know her. And yet the human had cozied herself right up to Gil's side, as much as he tried to move out of her way.
Was not the purpose of a line to be single file and long?--not people next to each other side by side?
Thena stood, dusting off her sundress. She made her way towards the ice cream stand, watching two more females join the first. They were speaking about being friends, asking about Gil and why they hadn't seen him here before.
Because he hadn't been here before; what a stupid question.
The first one to approach him closed in on his border with her other two packmates flanking him, creating a tight triangle on each of his sides. They had blocked off his escape route.
Thena bit on her lip, keeping in mind to press her fangs against her tongue.
"That's so funny!"
Thena watched as the primary female laughed, throwing her head back, showing off her long jugular and putting her hand on Gil's arm. She walked faster.
"Uh, well," Gil squirmed, trying not to make contact with her or the other two as his personal space continued to shrink and shrink and shrink. "I should really-"
"So passionfruit, huh?" the second one asked, clearly next in the pecking order for their prey.
Gil gulped, "my girlfriend likes fruity flavours."
Thena had heard this 'girlfriend/boyfriend' label applied to each of them in several contexts by now. She never managed to pin down a description of what exactly they meant, and they seemed to change slightly depending on the circumstances.
But what was important was the 'my' that came before it.
"Aw," even the tertiary of the pack felt bold enough to speak up. "You have a girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I do," Gil nodded eagerly. He was bartering for his release.
"Well," the primary was up again, moving closer to him again, "where is she?"
"Excuse me," Thena growled, already congratulating herself for her restraint for not hissing in the woman's face.
"Oh," all three of them made a surprised expression and stood back. "Uh, okay...not what I expected."
"Hey," Gil looked at her, holding her hand in his protectively. "I-I'm sorry, you should-"
"You're his girlfriend?" the primary asked. Her tone was sweet, but Thena couldn't help but feel that it was very fake. "You're so pretty."
Then frowned; the words were complimentary, but she had never felt so insulted.
"Is she from, like, Sweden?" the secondary joined the pack leader in their subtle intimidation display. Their arms sat crossed around them under their busts.
"I had a marine biology outpost in the Bering Sea until last year," Thena spouted off the practised line entirely naturally, by far the most practised detail of her human life she knew, by now. Second to anything relating to Gil, of course.
"That must have been lonely."
Thena wished she had her tail so she could wave it between her and Gil and them, beating her fins in a display of her anger. Instead, she clung to Gil's arm, pulling him closer to her. "It was before we met."
"Oh," the primary blinked. She was bad at acting.
"Look ladies," Gil attempted to address the pack, leaning both of them away from the pack's approach, "I'm sorry, but I'm trying to enjoy a date with my girlfriend."
"Oh, well, we wouldn't want to interrupt."
She was bad at lying.
Thena didn't quite know how to employ such subtleties to her speech, with their false meanings and tones and implications. She tilted her head at them, "you desire my mate."
"Uh," she scoffed in Thena's face at the accusation, "mate? What're you--from some old timey cult?"
"I do not know what a cult is," Thena answered straight forward. It continued to take the human women off guard. She stepped forward (but only enough to stare them down, not enough to have to let go of Gil). "But I know that you are unwelcome here. I would hate to have to engage in anything with you."
The women looked at her, and Thena didn't know what they were imagining. But she grew up with Ikaris--she knew how to fight, be it properly, or being reduced to biting and scratching.
The women laughed off the interaction, but they were both backing away and tightening their formation. They could act as superior as they desired, but they were still the ones retreating.
Thena maintained eye contact, never taking her eyes off of her enemies until they were turned and walking away. She could very clearly hear them talking about how 'weird' she was and how 'crazy' she seemed, and how her being with Gil didn't 'make any fucking sense'. She tipped her chin up; the victory was still hers.
"Hey," Gil whispered, pulling her back to him, "Angelfish?"
Thena slowly turned back to him, her chest aching faintly as she tried to even out her breathing. Having just lungs wasn't always easy. She frowned, "you should have called for me."
Gil blinked, obviously surprised at that statement, "what?"
She pursed her lips at him, "you were cornered, Gil. A pack like that, obviously aggressive about territory?--you could have called to me for help. I would have heard you!"
His surprise didn't quite disappear, but he smiled, "you'd come over and protect me, huh?"
Thena huffed, crossing her arms (a very human habit, if she did say so herself). "I wasn't going to let them try and edge in on my territory, like that. If we were in my habitat, our tails would be crossing and she would have my fang marks on her.
Gil continued to grin at her in that way that made him seem amused by what she was saying. His hand moved so he could settle his arm behind her, his hand landing on her waist. Her back sloped into the bend of his elbow naturally.
Thena tilted her head as she felt Gil's lips on her cheek. She liked it when he did that.
"Thanks for coming to my rescue, Cuddlefish."
Thena looked down at her sandy toes. Gil was right, the sand was everywhere. She toyed with the hem of her dress. "You protect what is yours, Gilgamesh. It is the most natural thing in the world."
"I guess I feel the same way," he said softly, holding her close to him.
She sighed, immediately melding into him. Sometimes - as impossible as it was - she felt she could miss him as soon as he was away from her for mere minutes. A silly thought.
"You still gonna order somethin', son?"
Gil blushed a vivid red, pulling himself away from Thena and stuttering at the older gentleman running the stand. "S-S-Sorry, I, uh, d-distracted-"
"That's clear," the man with a moustache snorted, although he gave Thena a nod, "somethin' for the lady?"
"Do you have mango?" she asked outright. There was no better way to ascertain things than asking directly.
"Mm, no mango," the shop keeper shook his head. "But I've got passionfruit, strawberry, blueberry cheesecake, and lemondrop."
"Hm," Thena nodded, wondering what 'cheesecake' would taste like. And what the difference between a lemon and a lemondrop was. She looked up at Gil, "what should I do?"
He beamed at her, "I was going to get passionfruit for you. It's kind of like mango. I'll get lemondrop, and if you don't like yours, we can trade."
Thena beamed right back at him, wishing she had her tail on to express some of her happiness for her.
The mustachioed man shook his head with a chuckle, already readying the individual scoops for each tub, "sucker."
Thena laughed as well, leaning against Gil's side as he handed over their money and waited for their ice cream, "my Suckerfish."
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tobiasdrake · 7 months
It's on like Donkey Kong! The finale to Picnic Panic!
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There's a "fist"-based joke I could make right now, but there are children present.
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Man, this just isn't going well for you at all, is it? After losing to me on your turf, I can't imagine why trying to fight me on mine is going so much more poorly.
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Okay, okay. You've got some moves. But you made a grievous error in judgment. This is a team sport, and you came alone. All you've got with you is me, and I hate your fucking guts.
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Go do something with yourself. Meet people. Find things you actually enjoy. And don't come at me with this shit ever again. You--
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Oh for fuck's sake, do not do this right now. I am riding high on this win. I don't need another round of punching your stupid face in.
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That looks like a pineapple.
...Is it a pineapple? Did you do all of this for a tasty pineapple? Because that would be incredibly shallow of you if you did, but I might be willing to look the other way if we split it. Pineapple sounds amazing right now.
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So. I. Guess. We're done here? Is that what this means? This doesn't feel done. Are we done here?
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Probably something incredibly painful for me specifically.
And yet I also can't wait to see. I think I have problems.
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Well, we are on vacation. Kind of. We could head down to the beach. Enjoy the sun and sand. Maybe do some more surfing and--
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Oh shit, that's right. Hostage rescue. We'll get to that and then figure something out. I'm glad you guys said something because I was about to leave your asses here!
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Happy to participate. Especially if there's pineapple. And I'm glad we all agreed to not talk about the 500-year time jump we made just now.
It's been quite an adventure on this little island. But it was nice to finally see Kiln Mountain for myself, even if it has another name now. I had a good time here, all in all.
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Farewell, Voodkin Island.
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Okay yeah, that makes sense. Absolutely makes sense that this would be the next steps for the Magic Seed.
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Hold up what the fuck
You implied in the other timeline that you were a different version of yourself. You made this whole fuss about "Oh, from MY perspective, this isn't the Tiki Shop, YOURS is the Arcane Shop"!
Were you just fucking with me that whole time!?
You know what. Fair enough. I did owe you that much for shit-talking your shop way back when.
Thanks for having my back in the volcano. You killed it in that sweet hat.
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No, I guess it's not. But if fate does promise more twists before our story unfolds completely, then I look forward to meeting them with you and the rest of our little crew here.
See you soon, old friend.
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noffy96 · 8 months
another MXES/Eclipse
okay so yes back with more of this. Prompts where asked on twitter for this ship, I send one in and then I kept thinking of my own prompt and it spiraled out of control into it's own fic.
So enjoy people
A pal for MXES
Rating: General Audiances
Word count: 2,612
Chapter 1/1 Complete
He shifted a bit.
“But…I have never...made-” Chica clasped his shoulders
“That doesn't matter at all you silly. And I bet he be honoured to receive the first thing you'll ever make.”
He slowly stood up.
“Yeah…yeah okay. It wouldn't hurt to try. Thank you so much, Chica!”
Eclipse really wants to give MXES a gift. But he isn't sure what to get him. Cause his friend doesn't exactly interact with the world the same as all the others. But with some tips from Sun and Chica. He might be able to come up with something
--link here to AO3--
or read below the read more line
He had a problem, Well, maybe more than one problem, But the one he is currently facing was that he wanted to give his newest friend a gift. But that friend didn’t interact with the world the same way he did. So he wasn’t even sure if he could get him something he could touch!
‘Shouldn't you say crush?’
He could almost hear Moon's voice echoing the familiar tease in his head despite being in rest mode.
Both he and Sun were teasing him about having a crush. And while he still wasn't exactly sure what that meant
He did know MXES was special to him and he did really want to give him a gift.
Something to show him appreciation for all he had done. But what could he give someone who could not touch anything?
They were only able to touch when he went into the AR world. But he couldn't take anything with him, not that he could touch anyway.
Sun had come up with a good suggestion. He had said a gift doesn't necessarily have to be physical. But it could also be something you showed.
Like someone writing a song for you. Moon had gotten a soft flush at those words. And he tried to needle the story out of them.
He had heard Moon sing before and it was absolutely beautiful. So if he ever sang something original made him quite curious.
But a song didn't feel right. He didn't want to copy something Moon had done anyway.
He walked through one of the gift shops. They were slowly restoring the Pizzaplex. So there wasn't a lot of stuff. But maybe he could get a couple of ideas!
There were some T-shirts, caps, and other types of clothing. And as fun as it was to Imagen MXES trying on clothes. It wasn't possible but he would like to make him a hat at some point if the opportunity ever came.
His long ears peeking through it would look adorable. The image made him giggle. But he continued trying to find something.
There were all kinds of trinkets lying around. Some figures of the other bots. Other souvenirs that were intended to be put on the shelf or magnets for the fridge.
He might be able to take something like that and put it in the room MXES spent most of his time in when he wasn't actively working.
But he doesn't know which of these he could see or not. Besides just getting some merchandise seemed…cheap? Not personal at all.
He sighed deeply walking out of the shop dejected. Using the cable to glide down and sat down on one of the benches with a pout.
“Ah, Eclipse. What are you doing walking around so early”
He startled up surprised to see Chica running towards him
“I could ask you the same thing. Shouldn't you still be charging”
It was definitely a bit early for any of the other bots to be up yet. She scratched the back of her neck bashfully
“I got hungry, so I smacked something. I got a full charge promise!”
She admitted after a few more seconds of silence. Almost sounding guilty
“You didn't dig through the trash again? Did you?”
She flushed and shook her head rapidly
“No, no no. Just a snack”
He chuckled good hearty
“But you didn't answer my question. What are you doing out here?.”
She quickly got back on track. Trying to fight the embarrassed flush on her face.
“I was looking to find a gift for my friend”
Chica clapped her hands together excitedly
“Oh that one that helped us with Cassie? he certainly deserves something nice! What were you thinking? I could help brainstorm if you want”
So he explained his plight to Chica who nodded and hummed along.
“It's indeed a conundrum. But Sun's idea is good. And even if you got him something he can't touch. If he could see it I think he would love it. Have you thought of making him something”
He sighed deeply
“Of course. But what could I even make? “
Chica giggled
“A drawing?”
He flushed.
He stuttered out and Chica's smile grew.
“A drawing silly! You could draw the two of you together? Or maybe even use the craft supplies Sun has in the daycare to make some paper pals to hang up!”
He shifted a bit.
“But…I have never...made-”
Chica clasped his shoulders
“That doesn't matter at all you silly. And I bet he be honoured to receive the first thing you'll ever make.”
He slowly stood up.
“Yeah…yeah okay. It wouldn't hurt to try. Thank you so much, Chica!”
He called the line down and waved at her as he flew back to the daycare. Then he spends a good while searching for the art supplies. He managed to get some paper and a paintbrush. Laying it on one of the kid's tables when Sun woke up.
“Hey Eclipse…did you rest?”
He hummed in agreement. Sleeping still didn't come easy to him. But he did do it.
“Do you know where all the craft supplies are? I am gonna try to make something for MXES”
Sun was beside him in an instant. Eyes shining, rays spinning wildly.
“Oh yes, I know where everything is. Here let me take over for a second. That’ll be faster, oh this is going to be so much fun”
He let Sun take control with a chuckle. Sun raced from all edges of the daycare to grab all the supplies he could possibly need. And he checked on the still resting Moon. tugging him further in so he could sleep on.
“And there! All done. You can come back out”
And so he did. They were sitting cross-legged in front of the table. Spread all around him were different boxes. With buttons, and differently shaped papers. Paints and brush set to the side and some glue.
He grabbed one of the plates.
“You gonna make him a paper pal!”
Sun gasped excitedly, and he could feel him vibrate with excitement. He hummed, again
“ I thought I’d make two…based on each of us. Unlike everyone here, no kid has ever made something in the images of us so…yeah thought it be a good idea”
Sun clapped happily.
“Oh, that will be amazing. Do you want my help or should I leave you to it?”
He thought about it for a second.
“Could you help me with the basics? I would like to do the details and painting myself. “
Sun nodded happily. And quickly went into teaching mode. Guiding him in the best places to attach the paper limbs. Giving tips on how well certain materials stuck together. Which would be easier to paint later. Even chiming in once or twice to help him when it got crooked
The glue kept sticking to his fingers. One of the ears he used for MXES was crooked and he couldn’t get it to get it to stay upright. He had given himself an extra button by dropping it and now it was a bit off-center.
To make his hat he had to cut out a new shape, and made it a bit too big, making the paper pal a bit top heavy making the whole thing bend a bit awkwardly.
And then came the painting. Oh, the painting. He wasn't great at guessing how much paint he had to have on his brush. Because of that, he dropped patches of blue or yellow where to shouldn't be.
He had also not mixed enough of the shade of blue-ish grey MXES’s body was. And try as he might he could not get it another time. So now MXES’s body was two different shades.
The lines on his body were a bit wobbly instead of straight. And it wasn't done between the lines.
It was a lot harder than he thought. But in the end, he had completed two paper pals. Sun was shaking his shoulders happily.
“Oh, you did so good! I am sure your friend is gonna love it!”
He wrung his hands together worryingly
“You really think so?”
“He definitely would”
He nearly fell over at hearing Moon's voice
“Moon! When did you wake up”
He asked when he caught himself righting his hat again. And Moon chuckled at his reaction.
“About fifteen minutes ago. You did very well for what is your first time. You should go ahead and give it to them”
He started at the googly eyes he placed on his lookalike plate.
“Maybe…maybe I should try it one more time before-”
Both Moon and Sun appeared in front of him making him step back
“Uh-uh no. No no. No talking down on yourself Eclipse,”
“MXES is going to be Lucky he is gonna get such an amazing handcrafted gift. And I doubt he ever got anything like it. The imperfections are what makes it perfect”
He kept wringing his hands
“Do you two truly think so?”
Both nodded.
“Defiantly” Sun cheered
“Agreed. So get your ass over to his room before I take over and do it for you “
He quickly grabbed his gifts and went on his way to one of the back offices MXES was calling his home currently.
Cause he knew it was no empty thread. Moon would just go. Despite not even being able to see each other. Moon had the uncanny ability to find him.
MXES had even told him that Moon had visited one night when he had been asleep. Just to talk to him. He hadn't told him what they talked about, wondering how they even did cause they couldn’t see or hear each other. Both Moon and MXES just gave a grin in response. And Sun zipping his mouth shut and not giving anything away.
He stopped in front of the door. Quickly relaxing his fingers so he wouldn't dent his gifts.
“you truly think he’s gonna like it?”
He asked nervously once more
“We wouldn't lie to you like that.”
Moon reassured him giving him a side hug. And Sun joins on his other side
“Yeah, just believe in yourself. You got this.”
Sun joined then both leaned close to place a soft kiss on both his cheeks. And with a reassuring squeeze, they let him go. Both retreated to the back of his mind so he could spend some alone time with his friend.
He took one more deep breath. Hid his gift behind his back as best he could. And he knocked on the door before stepping in.
The room was empty of course. Until he took a moment to concentrate. Letting himself into the security system where MXES lived.
When he opened his eyes again, he smiled as he came face to face with his friend who was smiling at him gently surrounded by the familiar purple space.
“To what do I own this lovely surprise”
He bounced on his feet. With a nervous grin.
“Do I need a reason to visit my friend?”
MXES’s smile grew
“I suppose not, but normally you don't linger around my door for several minutes”
His fans blasted at the call-out. And he tried to calm his slowly speeding up motors
“Moon just asked something before I came in. And I was answering him.”
The giant bunny moved his head to the side.
“Is that so…so are you gonna tell me what happened to your face? “
He removed one hand from his back to feel his face. Feeling something rough. He kept rubbing at it. Until he saw some white and yellow paint stains on his fingers. And most likely his face as well.
He could feel the heat feature beneath his cheek activate making them flush a slight pink. And he kept swaying. Trying to find the best words to present the gift
“Sure... I tell you…after I show you something”
He nodded eagerly.
“Yes! It's a small surprise!
One of MXES's hands came up and gently stroked his cheek.
“You didn't have to”
He shook his head.
“I won't hear it. Now please close your eyes”
His friend let out an amused huff. Giving s meaningful look at the hands behind his back. Clearly, not fooling him. But it was the principle of the thing dammit.
But MXES did as he was told and closed his eyes. He briefly stepped out of the Security mode again He quickly glanced around the room. Took off the placker of the double-sided tape that he had pushed on the back of his gift
He taped them to the wall. Made sure they were hanging as straight as they could before Logging back into AR. Letting out a sigh of relief when he was still able to see his creations, before taking MXES's hands who only raised an eyebrow as he let them right in front of his gift
So then with a nervous giggle, he said
“Okay open up”
He stared up at his friend and saw his eyes widen. Hand reaching towards the little plate made dolls stopping right before it. Turning to look at him
“You made these?”
MXES voice was surprisingly soft and his motors started acting up again. And he nodded with a hum
“Yeah…I hope you like them, I never made…”
But he trailed off as his friend turned to face him. Warped his arms around him and pulled him against the other's larger frame.
“Thank you…”
He slowly warped his own hands around MXES.
“You don't think it's silly?”
MXES pressed his mouth against the side of his head. And it made his rays sway.
“It's lovely. It's nice seeing us together “
He flushed not having thought of it like that. Looking up at his creations gaining a small smile of his own before burrowing further into his friend's chest.
He realised it looked like the two plate versions of them were holding hands. And his fans got even louder. MXES pulled away slightly at the sound.
“You okay?”
He nodded with a grin.
“Just happy you liked my gift”
He got another smile in return. Before it turned into a frown.
“ I sadly don't have anything for you”
He shook his head.
“I didn't give you something. To get something in return. I did it because I like you and I wanted to”
Now MXES cheeks turned a darker shade.
“All the more reason, to get you something”
His face felt like it was slowly setting on fire. But he gently turned the big bunny's gaze to face him once more
“If that's what you want. I'll look forward to it”
They both stared at each other for a few seconds before his friend leaned forward softly brushing their mouths together.
It held longer than any of their previous kisses had done. And it left him a bit dazed.
“I hope that suffices for now”
And he gave a dazed nod. After that, the two of them launched into a conversation. Telling about how he had created the gifts. And things the others had been up to.
Every once in a while he saw MXES glance back over to his gift with a smile. Even long after they were done talking about it.
He would have to thank Chica and Sun later. For now, he would spend another hour or so with his friend. Before he would help with the restoration of the Pizzaplex once more.
If MXES sent him out with another kiss no one needed to know. No matter how hard the two in his head begged him
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appleciderp · 2 years
Way the Sun Rises p4
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Stories will now be tucked under a read more, as they're going to be getting longer.
Johnny took a steadying breath, he’d take it slow and make every bullet count. He couldn’t not try to show off a bit, so he aimed for the furthest targets. 
His first shot was to a can settled slightly behind a picket of a fence, the bullet made a high-pitched ting when it made contact.
The second was a glass bottle that was balanced precariously on the fence. He got an odd thrill that shot through him when it shattered to pieces.
The third was a can that was tucked between two pickets, the bullet grazed the side of it when a breeze kicked up right before he took the shot. Johnny huffed slightly before raising the gun again and aiming for another bottle, to appreciate the shattering again.
Three more shots; all the good far targets accounted for, so he aims for a snake he’d seen wandering near some rocks. He accounts for the wind this time and aims slightly ahead of where it’s slithering. 
After the shot hit its mark, he heard Garrick huff a soft show off and somebody respond with a soft snort, judging by the location it was Deputy Karim. 
Johnny bit his tongue to keep a snarky comment in and aimed his final shots, in quick succession, he hit two cans that sat near each other. 
He let the dust settle for a moment then turned to Sheriff Price with a grin, “Good enough for ye?” “Don’t get too cocky, son.” the Sheriff says with a smile, then turns to Garrick, “Go get him a hat before his scalp burns up.”
Garrick nods and heads inside, he’s shortly followed by Deputy Karim who just gives him a quick nod. 
When they’re out of earshot, the Sheriff glances back at him. “Could’a been a bit quicker, but you’re a good shot. I need more people on my side, so if you’re willing to help us, even temporarily, it would be appreciated.”
Johnny fakes considering his options, but his stomach growls and he instead says “Ye ken where I can get food first?”
Sheriff Price just heads inside and motions him to follow, then asks the Deputy, “Farah, can you get Soap here some food from the inn while we discuss everything going on?”
“I’m not your errand girl, Price.” She says as she heads out the door anyways,
“I know, but Gaz is busy rooting for a hat.” 
Hearing his name, Gaz pops out from a side room holding two hats, “Found some! They’re a bit shot up but they’ll keep your head from burning!”
The first hat is a dark brown leather cattleman with a bullet hole dead center of the skull and a suspicious stain. The second is a black felt gambler, it’s brim a bit frayed with what might also be a bullet hole. 
“You don’t have all day, mate, just pick one,” Gaz says as he’s still inspecting them.
“Aye, aye...” Johnny grabs the black hat.
“Didn’t want a dead man’s hat? Though it matched your chaps well.” Gaz teases, tossing the unwanted hat on the desk near where the Sheriff had sat down and was now motioning him to sit as well.
"So, you in, son?"
"I need people I can depend on, this isn't an offer I'd give just anybody." There was a genuineness to the Sheriff's tone that Johnny couldn't ignore. He'd like to say yes and follow his gut, but he also needed to be able to live, eat, and feed his horse...
"How much?"
"Enough, not as much as other, larger towns, but food and boards included. We've also got a pasture for the horses." It was as if he'd gone through his mind and checked off the list as he went. Something didn't sit right with Johnny though.
"Yer too desperate, why?"
"Clever boy. We seem to have attracted some criminal attention-"
Gaz cuts him off, "I told him about the thefts, Price!"
The Sheriff just nods then continues, "So the problem is that they're targeting nearly every shipment coming in. Food's growing scarce quickly, and people are getting angry. Though the Shadows would help, but they're just making extra work for us by bringing everybody in."
“So ye need more people on yer side?”
“Something like that. I’m missing a few of my people; they’re trying to trail some leads. I need more people to have my back, and in return, we’d have yours.”
Gaz is the one who speaks up next, “Trying to make it seem like we’re more people, we’ve just got Alex missing.”
“And Ghost.”
“Wait, Ghost is in on this too?” Gaz exclaims excitably.
“Wha’s this Ghost fella?”
“A friend-” The Sheriff starts before Gaz cuts him off, “He’s a true gunslinger, he’s known all ‘round for being like the best shot and basically unkillable! He mostly works as a bounty hunter, and frequently comes by here to see what we’ve got.” He then turns to Sheriff Price, “Why didn’t you tell me?! When’s he coming by!?”
“Should be here within the next few days, wrote to him right before the Shadows showed up.”
Deputy Farah walks in with a divine-smelling bowl of stew, and places it in front of Johnny, “Who are we talking about?”
“I dinnae ken, some lads named Ghost and Alex.” He mutters quickly before chowing down.
Farah gets a strange look on her face, she asks “Did we hear from him yet?”
Price frowns slightly “Nothin’ yet, if we haven’t heard from him by tomorrow morning, you can go out and check for him.”
“He should have been back yesterday…”
“Alex’s a smart kid, he’ll be fine.”
There was a quiet that went through the room as Johnny ate, so he took the opportunity to take a look around, his eyes settling on the wanted posters. He swallows the spoonful before asking, “So thae’re the lads who’re causing this?” 
Price nods and expands on the little information provided on the posters, “Hassan is the one suspected to be leading our current thefts. El Sin Nombre and his gang are causing issues; but they mostly cause trouble for the ranches, stealing their cattle and such. The ranches banded together and hired some private protection, we help them occasionally.”
“What about th’ Markarov fella?”
“Ongoing issue; not believed to be related to our current predicaments.”
Johnny finishes the last few dregs of stew before asking, “When do I start?”
Price smiles, “Gaz’ll help you get settled in our boarding house. Take the rest of the day to settle in and we’ll see you bright an’ early tomorrow.”
Johnny gets up and slicks back his hair before placing his new hat atop his head and following Gaz out of the Sheriff's office. 
When he approached her, he noticed Dynamite had her ears pinned back to her neck and her nostrils flared angrily. Yes, she was prone to anger, but not usually when left alone. He glances at his saddlebags, clearly opened and rifled through, great. A quick peak through and everything seemed present, he’d have to have a closer look when he settles himself. 
Gaz whistled softly as he mounts up a silver black mare near him, “Gorgeous mare you got there.”
“Aye, though she’s a handful.” He replies as he swings himself upon her back. 
“Well, she’s a red mare, what’d you expect?”
He huffs a laugh, as he pats the Appaloosa’s neck firmly, her tenseness seems to lighten a bit as he clicks for her to follow Gaz’s lead.
Gaz was giving him the full tour, showing him every inch of the town. From the general store to the barber, the saloon to the Mayor's house. Before finally ending at a simple house, clearly the Boarding house they’d use. 
“Here’s home,” Gaz says with a small flourish, before leading his mare off to a small pasture off to the side and dismounting, “Untack your girl now and bring up your supplies, I’ll show you to your room.”
He takes the tack off of Dynamite and sets the saddle on the fence as he slung the saddlebags over his shoulders, bridle hanging from the horn. Then turns towards Gaz, who was holding the gate open for him. 
As they enter the house, he has to ask “Are th’ Shadows military?”
Gaz frowns slightly, “Yea, we think so… Only Graves is sleeping here by the way. The Shadows themselves are all sleeping in the inn, but they didn’t have enough room for them all.”
“So I wouldnae even had gotten a room if I didnae take this job…”
Gaz winces slightly, “Yea, probably not unless you’d want to cozy up to a Shadow.”
Gaz shows him the main floor; mostly consisting of common areas. A kitchen, dining room, and a door to the outhouse. The Sheriff’s room was also on the first floor, “For his ol’ joints” Gaz had teased.
He then led Johnny upstairs to his room, it was simple, mostly empty but with a set of drawers, a bed, and a wash basin. Gaz told him he’d grab him some water before he left and for him to settle his things. 
So he tossed the contents of the first saddlebag onto the bed, everything seemed to be there. He took out his canteen to refill and set the rest of his cookware and non-perishables back in. 
He emptied the second saddlebag, both the tinderbox and ammo box were open, contents strewn in the bag. He places the string, skinning knife, tobacco, and fishing rod in first, before placing the matches and ammo back into their respective boxes. He leaves his journal on top of the dresser before unfurling his blanket and putting away some of the spare clothes and jacket into the dresser before tossing the blanket on the bed. 
Gaz returns with a large jug of water and nods quickly before stepping back out. Johnny refills his canteen and cleans himself up with the rest of the water. 
Johnny goes to sleep and only awakes the next morning when the sun barely peered over the horizon. He gets dressed in a fresh pair of clothes and heads downstairs where the Sheriff was eating breakfast, “Coffee?” he offers. 
“Slept well, son?”
“Aye,” he punctuates with a yawn.
“You have three options for today, might as well toss you right in.”
“Alright, what’re they?”
“You can stay with me at the office, you can go with Farah, or you can go with Gaz.”
“What’re they doing?”
“Farah is going to see if she can find any information on Alex. Gaz is going to help the Vaqueros, they stopped by yesterday after you’d left.”
Johnny nods slightly and considers his options.
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wickedsniffles · 2 years
Blazing Through It
Summary: Still working out what it means to be a rancher, Obi-Wan finds himself miserable one hot and dusty day on the trails.
Pairing: None
Rating: Gen? Only suggestive if you're a filthy hoe for sneezes
Tags: farm/ranch AU, modern AU, PWP, handkerchiefs, allergies, sneezing, nose blowing 🙈
Word Count: 989
These scorching summer mornings are never what Obi-Wan can call forgiving, but today feels particularly dreadful to bear.
Perched in the saddle of his favorite palomino mare, he surveys the broad, parched expanse of his ranch with a sigh. Almost two weeks now with no rain, and no sign of any coming. At this rate, they're going to have to start watering the cattle three times a day now – and pouring buckets on the damn grass, as Anakin had griped only yesterday.
Ranching certainly isn't easy.
But then again, was easy what he wanted, after retiring? Obi-Wan supposed not. His time in Special Forces had accustomed him to routine, discipline, long hours, and hard work. Waking at four in the morning and not resting until everything he needed to get done was complete. He had people to take care of. He was a protector.
When he'd come home to his empty apartment, all he could do was mill about the place. Restless. Anxious. Lost without a purpose.
So strange that he found it with Anakin, in America. His adopted younger brother had been ecstatic over a promising plot of land, of endless empty acres and their possibility upon being filled. Yet it wasn't Anakin who explored the possibilities of ranching. Of course, Qui-Gon had been the one to propose that they buy it together, to farm it and build it up to its full potential.
"I can just see Obi-Wan out there in overalls," Anakin had scoffed. "Right."
But out of the two of them, Obi-Wan took to ranching the best. The animals knew him and trusted him. He'd taken riding lessons in his youth, so that wasn't a problem. Yes, the work was hard. Yes, they often ended their days exhausted, sweaty, dirty, parched. But it kept Obi-Wan busy, kept his mind and body moving, and that's what mattered.
Through everything he's endured in his first two years of this work, the dry, dusty heat is something he's still struggling to tolerate.
Bad enough that he's sweating out of every pore, forcing his thin blue button up shirt to stick to his skin. The sleeves are rolled at the forearms, but that's the best he can do. He needs the protection it offers from the sun, along with the sturdy hat perched atop his blazing copper hair. It's growing long, wild even along with his beard, and Obi-Wan desperately wishes he'd thought to cut either.
The heat is bad, but the dust is an insufferable annoyance atop it all. Constantly kicked up from the cattle's hooves as they're moved to what Anakin and Obi-Wan can only hope is an area with better grazing, Obi-Wan always has one hand on the saddle horn and his other on his handkerchief. Between wiping his brow and covering sneezes, he's taken to carrying two or three on miserable, dusty drought days like today.
Thank goodness his mare, Portia, is used to him jolting in the saddle by now. Anakin's stallion is so flighty about it that if Obi-Wan so much as blows his nose near the creature, the horse side shuffles in annoyance.
Both Anakin and his horse are so irritated by Obi-Wan's allergies that he's forced to walk the trail alone today, with only Portia and the far-off herd for company.
Obi-Wan suspects that the pollen count isn't in his favor today, either. His nose is itchy and tickly in a way that he's come to associate with ragweed, causing him to hitch before every bout of sneezing more times than he'd care to admit. Like the need to sneeze is buried there, deep in his sinuses, leaving him blinking like a fool with his eyes tearing up and his nose a dark pink.
To be honest, it's hard to do anything but cling to the saddle with his legs and let Portia walk the trails she's familiar with. He isn't much use like this. He's been out here so long, exposed to the dust and the pollen and the heat, that it's almost impossible to concentrate on anything except keeping his sneezes contained.
His first handkerchief is done for. The worn, light blue fabric is damp with sweat and sneezes, and Obi-Wan sighs heavily before tucking it away into the saddlebag, already feeling the next fit coming on.
"Oh, goodness," he mutters at the tail end of a thick sniffle. "Now, really – I wish this would just – hhh – just –!"
Portia flicks an ear as Obi-Wan lurches forward with a powerful, breathless sneeze, too slow to place the next clean handkerchief to his face. Barely two seconds pass – enough for him to get the fabric there, thankfully – before the strong urge to sneeze rises up again, and in one great hitching breath he's lurching forward again, then again, again.
He's never had a fit this rapid before, this endless. There's only a time for one sharp, deep breath between each sneeze before he's pulled into the next, and unlike fits he's had before, this one seems to be doing nothing to rid his nose of the urgent tickle. Somewhere around a dozen he blows, long and harsh, hoping to get some relief, and finds that the clearing of his sinuses only – somehow – incites a more intense reaction.
Obi-Wan isn't sure how long it lasts. Only that Portia has stopped walking, sensing that something is wrong with him, and wordlessly he thanks the mare for her goodness.
Groaning, he blows his nose once more, and the handkerchief he'd started with is completely useless now. Yet still, after all that, his nose still itches with the threat of more.
"To hell with it," Obi-Wan mutters. "Come on, girl. We're going in."
Let Anakin finish the rounds. All Obi-Wan wants is to get out of this blasted dust and heat, shower, and drink some tea. One early day won't harm him.
And besides, the ranch and all its challenges will still be waiting tomorrow.
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zuszab · 2 years
Your daycare story [2/?]
Sun pick me up and quickly go away from Eclipses place. Eclipse open his mouth, but he closed them when Sun go away. He start to clean his Bookland. Now I can crealy see his yellow-orange face, nose, black brown, eyes without pupils and irises, soft rays and his tired expresion on his face. Sun doesn't smile like he allways do, he have a poker face now. Today's kids must be to much energy for his two big acumulators hiding in his belly. His shiny parts aren't bright now, they start to turn off.
- Sunny? Are you feel good? Is sometking happened today?
- Yes, I'm fine. Does something happened today? Hmm... No, I don't think so
- Okay... Ermmm... *look straight to his eyes* Where are we going?
- We're going to my room~
- Why?
- You'll see~ *grin*
I don't know what he have on his robotic mind. Maybe it's notnig, but beacuse of his grin it makes me feel nervouse. Before he climbs up to balcony, I saw Moony doing wierd poses. He must be bored. Sun walked to his room, I never been here befor. I take a look of this place... he have big mess here. How it is posiblle? He with his twin allways looked like a clean type of guys. He put me on his bed. Why he have bed? For what? He lie next to me and hugs me. I hear a queit 'Wirrr' from his body. I wnated to asked him, why he act like this, but he fully turn himself off. Damn, he's body is so heavy! I can't go out... Eh... well, a short nap isn't a bad idea
▪Half an hour later▪
I feel how big, warm hands taking off Sunny body from me and checks if I am fine. I don't have energy to open my eyes. After cheking the same guy pull out the "younger" twin to the floor. Sounds of walking make me think that it can be Moon. If it's him, he take his brother to charge place. He came back and sit on the floor next to bed. I hear a characteristic bell jingle coming from Moon's hat, so it must be him
- Thanks, Star boy~
- No problem, hun~ Can you tell me what are you doing in our room? And why you were under Sun's powerless body on his part of bed?
He doesn't sounds happy about that. I force myself to open my eyes and look at him. Awww~ He's jelous! I take deep breath and want to explain myself, but at the same time the brighter version of Moon walk in and start speaking
- Moony! Jonatan want to see you, he told me that you don't go to him last week and he must to check your program or something *He noticed me and smirk* Oh, I see~ That must be reason why don't you come to him~♡
- Hush! YOU see NOTHINK, okay? *blush*
They're arguing, so it's my changes! I walk quickly to tunel with my way to freedom
- Where are you going?
He grabs me and walk to vents. I don't know that his moon part and eyes are a lighting parts
- Who is he? And why you take me to vents?
- Lunar? Another daycare attendant. He isn't save type of animatronic, but he's the best weapon for mean adults. He, he, he~ I take you, becouse... I don't know why. Maybe it's my pattolow habit. But, hey! You meet our [Censered] friend! I don't trust him, also he scared me. Can you be with me there?
- Do I have a choise here? (ÒwÓ)
- No (ÙwÚ)
- Then yes, I go with you. ( -_-)
This vents must be large, if Moon can fit here. He go down frist, then he slowly put me on the floor
- See this? *pointing at three screens* He can see the same thing what other daycare attendants see. I don't want him to see what I'm looking at, so that's why I still have my and Sun's old body
Moon whispered in my ear. Now I have more questions in my head than before
< [P1]
[P3] [P4] >
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