#the Psychological Operations Committee
somedaylazysomeday · 4 months
Good Intentions Part Twenty-One
You finally have to make good on your promise to Silco.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,300
Warnings: Shifting morality, mentions of drugs, spit as lube, unprotected piv sex, double penetration (both kinds), anal fingering, creampie.
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The first meeting of the Undercity Innovation Committee took place a little later than expected. 
The original meeting had been canceled, and the explanation Jazper had given you was that everyone wanted to wait until the other businesses were completed. The second meeting had been canceled as well. That time, it had been because the businesses that had opened were training their staff and focusing on the early days of their businesses. 
You had started to suspect that the Committee was nothing more than a dream, a hypothetical idea that would be pushed further and further off until it eventually faded. It wasn’t ideal, but the Committee itself wasn’t what mattered. You were overjoyed to see commercial businesses and properties move into the Lanes, and you didn’t care whether you got to be a part of their growth beyond watching it happen. 
The Undercity was changing; that much was undeniable. It had been well over a year since Silco had pulled Shimmer from the streets around the Haven, and there were noticeable changes. One of the biggest was the steady flow of recovered addicts flowing from the Haven to Stonesea and beyond. You rarely saw patients who relapsed - most of them seemed vehemently anti-Shimmer as soon as they were free of its grip. 
It typically took around six weeks for people to fully recover from the effects of Shimmer and examine the forces that had driven them toward the drug in the first place. When caught early enough, the physical effects of a Shimmer addiction were minimal. The psychological effects lasted far longer - feelings of powerlessness and frustrations at the limitations of a human body were common. But with help from the therapists and psychiatrists you kept on retainer, you often saw the average stay end after two months. 
The HexTech donations had been put to good use. You received a new check at the start of every month and you sent back summaries of the work you had done with the previous month’s money. 
One of the larger changes was that you were able to find a surgeon for the Haven. They didn’t perform surgeries in-house or take funding from the Haven, but they consulted with patients whose Shimmer addictions had left unwanted physical scars. The reminder that their permanent marks could be removed helped your patients’ mental state tremendously. 
Silco hadn’t mentioned joining the Undercity Innovation Committee since you had agreed to his terms. Your meetings with him had continued and neither of you brought up the HexTech donations. Silco hadn’t pushed any more donations on you, either. 
The slow and steady pattern of improvement had been interrupted when you received a note from Jazper. The first official meeting of the Undercity Innovation Committee was to happen a week from that day, barring any outstanding events. To your surprise, the meeting was not canceled as the previous two had been, and you soon found yourself in a room with the other five members of the Committee. 
Ronid was the one responsible for building a second apartment complex. They were building it from the ground up, drawing heavily from Jazper’s plans both for structure and intended operations. Ronid was the only member of the Committee whose business had yet to open, but they were eager to get started. They split their time between observing operations at Stonesea and training their own recently hired staff. 
Micah and Nimi were the couple who owned the grocery store. Micah - a round-faced, perpetually smiling man - was an expert cook who delighted in trying new recipes with local ingredients. The grocery store had been a small vacant building before the couple had started the renovations. They had an apartment on the top floor while the second story was taken up by a commercial kitchen. Micah offered cooking lessons for anyone who bought an unfamiliar food item and wanted to learn how to prepare it. He was filled with stories of strange and adventurous foods he had tried, and children delighted in listening to him. 
Nimi - a tall but muscular woman - was in charge of ordering new shipments of stock for the store. She had spent much of her early life working with different shipping companies, loading and delivering stock in Upper Piltover, and she had retained those connections. “A lot of them don’t recognize me anymore,” Nimi had explained with a laugh, “but they know I know where to get the best deals!” 
Cipanni was the last of the new business owners. She was short and stocky, but her small hands were incredibly skilled with repairs. She owned and operated the newly opened mechanic’s shop. Though the store had been open a relatively short time, she had started hiring employees and training them before the renovations had even started. Her mechanics were hired throughout Upper Piltover and the Undercity, performing the repairs they could and reporting any challenges back to her. Cipanni could often diagnose the problem without seeing it in person, then give advice on how to make the necessary repairs. 
They were a delightful group, and you were grateful to Jazper for letting you join the Committee, even though the Haven wasn’t a business. Other than the section about profit margins, you were able to follow along with or participate in the other parts of the meeting. 
“Well, that’s everything on the agenda,” Jazper summarized, glancing down at the paper he had been making notes on. “We should have more to discuss when the Rise opens.” 
“If the Rise opens,” Nimi muttered, tossing a teasing grin at Ronid. 
Ronid gaped theatrically, clasping a hand to their chest. “Well if the electrician would work a little faster…”
Cipanni splayed her hands helplessly. “Hey, I convinced Crow to wire the building and take on a few apprentices. I’m not going to ask him to work faster as well.” 
You beamed at that. Crow was a Piltover electrician, one whose work was highly in demand. Cipanni had convinced him to take on three of her shop’s employees who were interested in learning to do electrical work. Electricity was not Cipanni’s specialty, and she had insisted that they would be better off with Crow. For his part, Crow had been so impressed with the apprentices that he had agreed to two of their requests to come back to Upper Piltover to continue their apprenticeships. 
The third apprentice hadn’t asked yet, but there were good odds she would. Crow had already told Cipanni that he would accept her as well. 
“I’m surprised you’re not worried about anyone leaving your shop to start their own,” Micah said to Cipanni, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
Cipanni shrugged. “I wrote a clause into their employment contracts. If they leave my shop, they can’t start another shop in direct competition within a five block radius.”
“I thought we agreed on no non-compete clauses?” Jazper asked with a frown. 
“I know,” the mechanic admitted, rubbing guiltily at the space between her brows. “But, if it helps, I didn’t make one just to keep my business running. I did it because I want them to spread what they’ve learned, just not right next door. My hope is that they’ll start their own shops in other parts of the Undercity. Preferably with the same anti-Shimmer rules we all have in place.”
You watched Jazper closely. He had been on-edge lately - he was spending most of his time working on another apartment building in the Undercity. The construction site was near the Haven, but on the opposite side of the rest of the businesses. You loved the idea, and wanted to watch development spread, but it was clearly wearing on Jazper. He had his businesses in Upper Piltover along with Stonesea, and he was trying to help Rovid with the Rise whenever possible. He was spread thin, and it made him a little erratic. 
“That makes sense,” you decided, cutting through the tension in the room. Cipanni’s shoulders relaxed. “After all, we’re all here because we want to see the Undercity continue to change for the better. We want those changes to happen in other places than just the Lanes.” 
At last, Jazper nodded. “That brings me to our last topic of this meeting: we’ve had a request to join the Committee. It concerns all of us, so I want everyone to have a say. However, there is one person who gets to make the final decision.” 
Everyone glanced around curiously, but your stomach sank. You already knew exactly who wanted to join the Committee and why it could be a problem. 
“Silco has submitted an official request to join the Undercity Innovation Committee.” You had already known what was coming, but it still sent a pang through your chest. Jazper glanced at you before he continued. “He made the case that he runs a small business in the Undercity, contributes to the local economy, and employs two dozen people. He would be joining based on his ownership of The Last Drop, not because of any rumored ties to Shimmer.”
Loaded glances and murmured conversations filled the room, but Jazper’s gaze stayed firmly fixed on you. “If there are any objections, we will not allow him to join us.”
“If there isn’t any concrete evidence linking him to Shimmer production or distribution…” Micah mused, “it doesn’t seem like we have a choice.” 
“It might legitimize us to have a business owner who’s actually from the Undercity,” Ronid interjected. 
“And he’s a well-known name down here,” Cipanni agreed, folding her arms. 
“I don’t love the things I’ve heard about his business practices,” Nimi said with a foreboding frown. “But maybe we could influence him to treat his employees better if we let him join the Committee. I vote we let him in.” 
“And you?” Jazper asked softly. “We hear what we hear and know what we know, having worked in the Lanes as long as we have. And you’ve been here longer than me. What do you think about Silco’s request?”
You sighed, letting the sound dangle in the room for a moment. You had already made a deal with Silco about this very issue, but you longed to refuse, if for no other reason than that these people didn’t know what they were getting into with Silco. They all seemed like practical people - they might listen if you warned them about him.
But you didn’t. 
“He has brought jobs to the Undercity. Many jobs,” you added in a sulky mutter. “He probably does have a right to a seat on the Committee.”
Jazper continued to watch you for a long moment. When you didn’t add anything else, he gave a decisive nod. “Then it’s decided: we will allow Silco to join us at next quarter’s meeting.” 
It was strange, you reflected as you watched the room. The Undercity had a way of taking a toll on its residents, even when nothing had seemed to change. You and Jazper were the only ones who seemed to understand the momentousness of what had just happened - you held eye contact even as the other began to gather their belongings and leave Stonesea. 
Eventually, Ronid caught his attention with something else and Jazper looked away. The spell had been broken, but the implications echoed through your mind. Did Jazper know about you and Silco? Did Silco have some kind of leverage over Jazper? There was no way to know for certain on either count, but you were filled with an inexplicable sense that something had been lost when you failed to argue Silco’s entry into the Committee. 
But there was nothing for it. 
You rose, leaving Jazper and Ronid to their private chat in the near-empty room. You could feel Jazper watching as you left, but there was nothing to say. Nothing to do. Certainly nothing that could be said or done with Ronid in the room. 
The tangle of your thoughts kept you occupied on the short trip back to the Haven, but an odd tension reigned on the street in front of the building. That was enough to pull you back to yourself - the streets of the Lanes were never quiet. Children played and laughed, vendors hawked their wares, and there was usually at least one fight happening at any given time.
A single upward glance told you exactly what was going on: Silco was standing on the street in front of the Haven.
With his calf-length coat on and his hands clasped behind his back, Silco cut a lean and menacing figure. He looked mysterious and sharp, deadly as any blade. His Shimmer eye glowed in the gathering dusk, the orange pinpoint of its light visible from halfway down the block. 
There was a swath cut through the crowd, a half-moon of space that was almost comically wide. At least, it would have been comical if you felt the least bit like laughing. 
You walked up to the Haven’s doors, watching as Silco straightened at your approach. You didn’t have any way of knowing how he reacted when you moved past him without an acknowledgement. 
He called your name, referring to you by your title and last name, as if you were strangers. You would have appreciated the attempt at distancing himself if he hadn’t come to your outreach at the busiest time of day in full view of the entirety of the Lanes. 
“What do you need, Mr. Silco?” you responded, turning to face him at last. 
Silco’s mouth was set in a displeased line. “I need to speak with you. Privately.” 
“Now is not a good time.” You hauled the door open and tried to dart inside, but Silco’s arm barred the entrance at the last possible moment. 
“You may find endless trips across the entirety of Zaun to be ceaselessly entertaining,” Silco said loftily, “but I do not. Now may not be particularly convenient for either of us, but we will meet regardless.” 
He dropped his arm, you stepped inside, and he followed you in. 
“What is all of this-?” 
“Your office,” Silco interrupted. That seemed to be all of the explanation he was willing to offer, so you clenched your jaw and started for the privacy of your office. 
You rounded on him as soon as you finished closing the door behind you both. There was an ugly admonishment bubbling on the very tip of your tongue, but it disappeared in a cloud of confusion as Silco seized you by the shoulders. 
Instinctively, your muscles went taut as you braced for an attack of some kind. The proud smile on Silco’s lips was your first hint that things were not going quite as you had expected. 
“You did it, my clever little darling,” Silco congratulated warmly. “I received word that I am to join the Undercity Innovation Committee, and no one is the wiser about any connection between the two of us. You could not have accomplished the task in a more effective manner.”
“And your manner outside of the Haven?” Silco continued, the lavish praise sounding simultaneously natural and utterly alien coming from him. “Perfection itself. The protesting philanthropist dreading a meeting from the chem baron she cannot stand, but agreeing anyway for sake of keeping the peace.” 
“What are-?” 
“I must confess that I am impressed,” Silco interrupted again. “And because of that, I have a special offer for you.”
You watched him sharply. Not just because of his newfound generosity, but to see if he was going to interrupt you a third time. He seemed to be waiting impatiently for your response, but you decided to keep things short just in case he was determined to drive you up the wall. “An offer.” 
“Yes, pet,” he confirmed. “We can have our meeting today. I know you enjoy being together in your office when possible, and I enjoy the confidence it gives you.” 
You narrowed your eyes. “Your offer is to let me have sex with you now that you’ve pushed your way into my office?”
The scoff you gave held more laughter than you wanted it to, but it was only because of his daring. “And if I decide to pass?” 
Silco shrugged. “Then we will postpone our meeting until the original date. And, of course, you will have to come to the Last Drop and risk being seen.” 
You fought back a snarl. The Committee meeting had been a wonderful breath of fresh air until the reminder that you were connected with Silco. And now he was here, pushing for you to fulfill your payment early. Perhaps worst of all, his arguments made sense. 
“What do you get out of this?” you demanded. “Why move up the date?” 
Silco watched you steadily. “I believe in rewarding good behavior as soon as it happens. And your increased comfort here was a factor I considered.” 
Before you could answer, his brows furrowed and he took a slow step toward you. “If I didn't know better, pet, I would believe you don’t want to see me.” 
Was there actual hurt in his eyes? Surely not… You shook your head slowly, letting yourself look somewhere other than Silco. “It’s been a long day. It’s not that I don’t want to see you. It’s just… a surprise.”
“I understand that much,” Silco told you. “But I would think moving up our meeting could provide an excellent distraction.” 
“Sometimes, sex can’t distract you,” you countered with a shrug. 
Instantly, you knew it had been the wrong thing to say. Silco’s face took on a relishing sort of expression, like you had offered him an irresistible dare. And you may as well have. You were fully expecting the motion when he moved closer, especially since it left your bodies brushing each other’s. 
“Is that so, pet?” he murmured, close enough that you could feel the slight rumble of his velvety voice. 
“Silco,” you warned. At least, you had meant it to be a warning. It came out breathy, more an anticipatory exhalation than a stern reminder that he needed to behave. 
He leaned closer, delight filling his expression. “My original aim was to reward you, but perhaps you would be best rewarded by urging your thoughts away from your difficult day. Does that sound like a fair reward?” 
You nodded, mouth dry. Yes, you were still discomfited by the way Silco had managed to worm his way onto the Undercity Innovation Committee - not to mention the role you had played in his place on the Committee - but your body was crying out for a distraction. In your own defense, you rarely had him so close to you unless you were making a payment. It made sense that you had conditioned your libido to be ready for him. 
“Apologies, darling,” Silco said, sounding utterly unapologetic. “I couldn’t hear you.” 
When you tried to speak, a rasping croak was the only thing you could force out. 
Silco managed to force his expression into one of regretful confusion, but you could see the amusement glittering in his mismatched eyes. “I don’t understand.” 
You scowled, but Silco ducked and pressed his mouth to yours in a deep, searing kiss. When he pulled back, he was smirking openly. “I believe I now understand your opinion on my proposal. If you-” 
You interrupted him, grabbing fistfuls of his elegant jacket and towing him back down until you could kiss him again. Silco’s noise of surprise was muffled against your lips, but he responded eagerly. 
As desperate as your kiss got, Silco never walked you anywhere specific. You were just standing in the middle of your office, lost in each other’s kiss. It was an enjoyable way to pass the time, but you were confused when you finally pulled away and found him watching you expectantly. 
“Do you want to move this somewhere more… horizontal?” you asked. 
“Wherever you want, pet,” Silco agreed, eyes darkening. “So long as I get to decide what we do when we get there.” 
The prospect - along with the lethal promise in his voice - made you shiver and you led the way to the chaise lounge you kept in one corner.
You would die rather than admit it to him, but you had been influenced by Silco’s couch when you had chosen the chair. Not necessarily because you expected to spend time with him on it, but because it was convenient to have a comfortable place to sit or catch a quick nap if you were working long hours. 
And you especially wouldn’t tell Silco how the sturdiness of the chair’s frame had played a large part in your decision to purchase it. 
There was no point in subtlety, not when you had been ready for him for so long. You undressed quickly, spreading a dark throw blanket over the material. It was soft and plush, and you only hoped it would protect the lounge as well it kept you warm during your occasional office naps. In any case, a blanket was infinitely more washable than a chaise lounge, so you were willing to take the risk. 
By the time you tucked the ends of the blanket around the cushion of the lounge, Silco had undressed as well. He was fully bare, something that had been happening more and more often as your deal stretched on. The sight of his lean body was still enough to take your breath away, and you bit your lip to keep from making an embarrassing noise. 
“Lovely blanket,” Silco complimented. “Perhaps you should take a seat on it.” 
You did as he suggested, lowering yourself down until your hips and ass were cradled against the softness of the blanket. From that newly intensified angle, Silco looked even more imposing… all of him did. 
When you managed to pry your eyes from his hardening cock, Silco was smirking openly. You made a face at him, but you couldn’t be too irritated. He was just as stunned by your body and you knew how great that admiration was for your ego. How could you fault him for feeling the same way about your reaction?
Silco joined you on the lounge, crawling onto the seat with a dangerous grace that made your body tighten. Your reaction didn’t have a chance to ebb before he leaned up to capture your lips again. 
At the same time, he let his lower body drape across yours. Silco’s slender form was still heavy, certainly heavy enough to push your knees apart. In an instant, the hard length of him was pressed between your legs and you were lifting your hips to grind up against that pressure.
“Distracted enough already?” Silco asked, releasing your lips with a savoring lick across the full curve of your bottom lip. 
You pretended to think about that. “Not yet. Maybe with a little more…”
“Your wish is my command,” Silco assured you. When he leaned down again, he ducked toward your neck, fastening his lips against a particularly tender place. His hand crept between your hips, fingers finding their way unerringly toward your clit. 
In only a moment of that combination, your hips had jumped toward Silco so violently that he had to use his free hand to hold you against the chaise lounge. He stroked everything not currently pressed against his cock, and you were writhing as much as you could manage while being pinned down in so many places. 
“Silco,” you gasped at last, hands locking around his wrists. 
“Close, darling?” he asked, fingers slowing minutely. 
“Need you,” you panted, trying not to let out a desperate sob. “Inside.” 
Silco’s expression softened for a moment before he gave a determined nod. “Very well.” 
You weren’t entirely sure of the mechanics of what happened next. One moment, you were on your back with Silco on top of you. The next, he had wrapped both hands around your thighs, holding you against him. A moment later, you were on top of him, staring down with wild eyes as he held you poised on your knees. The very tip of him was pressed against your entrance, but he wasn’t letting you sink down yet. 
The whine that was ripped out of you didn’t hold a single word, but your point came across clearly enough. 
Silco’s hands loosened, releasing you instead of forcing you down onto him, but you seized the opportunity. The moment you could move, you sank onto his length, letting him fill you almost to the root in one decisive stroke. 
He arched beneath you, shoulders lifting from the surface of the bed in a combination of shock and pleasure. Your head fell back, leaving you staring at the ceiling of your office with a sense of overwhelming fullness wreaking havoc on your muscle control. It was only by happy accident that the twitching of your leg muscles left you sinking down more firmly onto Silco. 
When you managed to look down at him, Silco’s lips were parted, revealing flashes of chipped teeth behind them. His natural eye was heavy-lidded and his chest rose and fell quickly with the speed of his breathing. The expression on his face held too much to be easily deciphered, especially when you were distracted by other things, but it seemed to be made of mingled pride, possession, and adoration. 
If you had been thinking more clearly, that combination would have worried you. But with your focus on how good he felt inside of you, all you could think about was how good that expression looked on him. Instead of concern, you felt only need.  
It was enough to spur you onto your trembling muscles. You planted your knees more firmly to either side of Silco’s hips and lifted yourself slowly up from your seat. Your hands were splayed on his chest, helping you balance your weight as you experimented with finding the right angle. 
Silco shuddered with the feeling of his body leaving yours. You could relate, but your focus was firmly set on controlling your movements. 
You surged up and forward, lifting yourself almost free of him before slamming your hips back down. The drive of him up into you was breathtaking, and the impact left your fingers trembling against Silco’s chest. 
He clutched at your hips, a garbled word bursting from his parted lips, but the motion was its own reward. You started a steady, driving rhythm, thrusting Silco’s length into and out of you as quickly as you could manage without losing your balance. 
Silco’s hands were steadying your hips, but you noticed that one was creeping steadily around the back of you. The stroke against the top of one buttock could be normal, but when he started to work his way toward your rear entrance, you gave him a look. 
“If you’re going to do anything ass-related, you’ll have to figure out lubrication yourself,” you warned him. If you weren’t so distracted, you would have been embarrassed by your matter-of-fact tone when discussing such delicate matters. “I don’t keep lube in my office.” 
“You have quite a store nearby,” Silco wheedled, thrusting his hips upward slightly so you would be sure to know what he meant. “I only need you to pause for a moment.” 
You slammed yourself down, gasping even as you watched the way Silco’s lashes fluttered. “Do you really want me to stop? Because I don’t want to. Figure it out.” 
Silco’s natural eye narrowed. As you kept moving on top of him, he brought his hand to his mouth, sucking one finger between his lips. You watched his jaw muscles work, and the sight made your own mouth go dry.
When his hand disappeared around your body once more, you tensed with the expectation of being pierced with a finger that was only slick with spit, but Silco’s finger didn’t press against your rear. Instead, he waited until you were at the top of your stroke, then placed it alongside his own shaft. 
You didn’t realize what was happening until you had sank halfway down his length. The extra stretch provided by his finger made you cry out as the muscles in your body frantically worked to figure out whether the intrusion was a punishment or a reward. 
Pulling up and off of him was a longer process than usual. The way your core muscles were squeezing around him, you were almost shocked that you had managed to lift off of Silco at all. 
The man himself was smirking at you, clearly proud of himself. “Thank you, pet.” 
Then with a slight sense of pressure and a twist, his finger speared into you just as you lowered back down onto him. 
The stretch of being impaled in two places at once was intense. When you were finally fully settled on Silco’s lap, you squirmed as you tried to get used to the feeling. 
Silco gave a half-muffled groan. “The way you feel around me, darling… I could live here forever.” 
You couldn’t think clearly enough to do anything as ambitious as speak, but you were surprised at just how strongly you agreed with that. Whether you were determined to show him what you were feeling through ways other than speech or because your body demanded not to balance on that precipice any longer, you started to move. 
You worked up and down on Silco’s length, your inner muscles working over him as you went. Silco’s hand - minus a single finger - gripped your ass as you rose and fell, feeling the muscle bunch and release with your movements. His finger stayed buried inside of you as you went, an ever-present reminder that you had been fully claimed by him. 
With everything going on, you couldn’t be surprised when you felt your orgasm approaching quickly. Your hands clenched against Silco’s chest and your rhythm started to falter. In only moments, you had slowed to the point that you were hardly moving. 
“Up, pet,” Silco ordered, hissing the command through bared teeth. 
You stared blearily down at him and his free hand anchored on your hip, pushing you up to full extension on your knees. The tip of him was barely inside of you, but your orgasm was so close that it was nearly inevitable.
Silco started thrusting up from under you. His cock drove in and out of you, your breath stuttering with every harsh punctuation of his hips. Your head tipped back again, but your view of the ceiling was interrupted when Silco grabbed your chin, pulling your gaze down to meet his. 
With your eyes locked, you both came. 
Simultaneous orgasms were rare, so much so that you had largely considered them to be a myth, or used to show the perfection of a couple in a romance novel. But this one felt almost like a death knell. Coming at the same time with your eyes staring into each other’s soul? It felt like you were binding yourself to Silco, in a way somehow more permanent than your deal or your slow softening toward him had done. 
The pulsing of him matched the throbbing of you… or perhaps vice versa. By the time your orgasm drew to a close, you weren’t entirely sure where you ended and he began. Your elbows trembled and Silco welcomed your gentle collapse onto his chest with a pleased hum. 
The slide of his finger from your ass made you squirm, as did the pull of his cock from the depths of your core. His cum followed in a thick rush, but neither of you moved. 
There would be time enough to face reality later. Just then, you wanted to live in that moment a little longer.
Author's Note - I'm so excited! I'm working a few chapters ahead and things are really starting to wrap up. I think this story will end up around 30 chapters long and I love how things are turning out. I hope you'll feel the same way.
Thanks for reading and I'll see you next month!
65 notes · View notes
In August [2020], the Senate Intelligence Committee reported in exhaustive detail how Russia sowed division in the United States and sought to meddle in the 2016 election in favor of Donald Trump. Immediately, Republicans and Democrats battled over whether the Trump campaign had engaged in a “criminal conspiracy” with Russia, or “collusion,” or “cooperation,” or established “ties”—or whether, as the White House claimed, Trump was the victim of a massive liberal conspiracy. Years after 2016, Russian election interference continues to reap dividends for Moscow by turning American against American.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is particularly adept at psychological warfare because he has been practicing it for decades. He learned the art of destabilizing his opponents from the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police. Russia now uses the same techniques. However, it not only targets individuals; it torments entire countries. [...] The East German secret police developed a method known as "Zersetzung" or “decomposition” to stamp out rebellion without the use of overt force. The idea was to chip away at a dissident’s sanity so that he would lose the will to resist, or in the words of a Stasi guide, “[provoke] and [enforce] internal conflicts and contradictions within hostile-negative forces that fragment, paralyze, disorganize, and isolate” the opponent. The first step in a campaign was to identify the target’s weak spots—health, family, finances—then strike them over and over. [...] In recent years, Russia has reportedly used the methods of decomposition against individual journalists and diplomats. Putin’s real innovation has been to weaponize "Zersetzung" against countries. [...] Russia seeks to weaken a foreign adversary from the inside, paralyzing its ability to resist. It partners with a range of allies, such as oligarchs and journalists, and uses a diverse toolbox, including propaganda and cyber attacks. Moscow begins by locating the target country’s weakest point, whether it’s an ethnic, religious, or partisan cleavage. Then Russia manufactures a sense of distrust to destroy the social contract. Whereas the Stasi might break into a man’s apartment in the middle of the night and turn on his electric razor—just to freak him out—Moscow uses hackers and trolls to propagate conspiracy theories and cultivate a skepticism of authority.  
___________________ For related articles, a NYT reader (who commented on a recent NYT article) provided information about the above Atlantic article and also recommended these articles:
How Putin’s oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns [Dallas Morning News] Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’ [The Daily Beast] Russian Operative Said ‘We Made America Great’ After Trump’s Win [Bloomberg] Russia Funded Facebook and Twitter Investments Through Kushner Investors [The Guardian]
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drdemonprince · 8 months
Hi Devon,
I'm a recent grad planning to apply to psych PhD programs in the fall with the plan to pursue a career academia (despite how much I know it'll suck I've thought long and hard about it and truly don't think I would be as fulfilled doing anything else). My research experience has been in cognitive development and I keep on being drawn to questions about autism. I am Autistic myself and pretty much think the way we have historically thought about cognitive abilities in autism is garbage. I want to pursue my questions but am honestly terrified about trying to fight my way through the current status quo in autism research.
You're one of very few people I know of in the realm of academia with views on autism that I actually agree with and respect, so I would love your thoughts. Is there hope for actually Autistic individuals pursuing research into autism? Are there any researchers who you've seen building community with Autistic people and listening to Autistic voices? Do you have any advice for surviving in the field as an Autistic person?
Anything you can say to these questions would be much appreciated, thank you!
I'm the type to be brutally honest rather than uplifting and encouraging, so you know, take that into account when adjusting for the skew of my answers.
Any time a person reaches out to me seeking advice on pursuing a graduate degree in psychology of any kind, I advise them against it for the most part. The field desperately needs more research conducted by Autistic people, for Autistic people (and other neurodivergent groups) but I have never known a graduate program to be anything but extremely abusive, exploitative, ableist, and ill-suited to preparing a graduate student today for the reality of academic life as it now is. These mfers are playing by a rulebook that was tired in the 1980s and its downright detached from reality today. My graduate experience was so traumatic and disillusioning that I chose to abandon academic research or any hope of having a tenure track career altogether. Everyone that I know was either completely abused and traumatized by their advisor, or pod personed by them and transformed into exactly the kind of passive aggressive liberal manipulative ghoul that had once mistreated them. Graduate study ravaged my health and my self-concept.
Is there hope for actually Autistic individuals pursuing research into Autism? Well, there is a growing body of research by us and for us. Journals like Autism in Adulthood do give me hope, and help nourish me intellectually and improve my work.
Are there any researchers whom I've seen building community with Autistic people and listening to Autistic voices? All the ones that I've seen actually operating in practice use methods of communication and workflows that are profoundly inaccessible and harmful to us, even if they are incredibly well intentioned and open to the idea of neurodiversity. There is a lot of decent research coming out these days finally, but I don't know how all of that sausage gets made.
Do I have any advice for surviving in the field as an Autistic person? Make sure you have a very robust support system that exists completely independently from academia. Make sure you have a complete and rich life that has nothing to do with academics and do not give up even a SHRED of it, even if it means accomplishing less and taking more time while you are in school. Have hobbies, friends and loved ones you see daily, a spiritual or physical practice that helps you offload stress, vacations or little adventures within your community that renew you, and work that is applied and grounded rather than just basic/theoretical research. (especially needed if you're in cognitive psych land. shit gets so fuckin abstact and divorced from reality).
Read a lot of fiction or practice some art or do something creative that has nothing to do with your graduate studies. Do not sign up for meaningless committees. Poster presentations do not matter and don't help your CV much at all. Most committees don't either. Read the book The Professor Is In and the blog that goes along with it religiously. Do not trust your advisor. Do not expect your dissertation to be perfect and do not make it your most ambitious project, focus on making it something you can get done quickly that is just "good enough." Cultivate skills that will be useful outside of academia. Do not assume you will ever get an academic job. Read the statistics on how many PhDs there are relative to how many professorships. Speak to people who work outside of academia who have the credentials you are getting. Know how to market yourself and get a job outside of academia if you have to -- consulting especially may be a good fit if you are Autistic and not suited for a 9 to 5 in an office.
Grill any potential advisor at any program you are considered for, hard. if they are defensive being asked questions about their working style, their leadership style, their former students, etc, that means they do not like ever being challenged and that is a red flag. Ask to speak to *FORMER* students. Not current ones. Current ones will not feel safe being honest. Ask for job placement data for graduates of their lab. Look up reviews. Do not pay for graduate school, only apply to fully funded programs otherwise they are scamming you. Remember you can leave at any time. good luck.
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mitigatedchaos · 1 year
Re: The 'Chillers' Discourse
(~1,200 words)
I've been asked to comment on the recent increase in the practice of parents placing their children into cryonic stasis in territories where this is legally allowed, which this emerging subculture are referring to as "pausing" the child.
The public-facing justification given is that this is essential when parents are suffering from severe physical or mental illness.
First, I'd like to address the health concerns. Cryonics as a field has advanced tremendously since the early 21st century. While opponents of this practice are horrified for moral reasons, they are blowing the potential health effects out of proportion. Several freeze-thaw cycles before age 18 is well within the acceptable limits laid out by most health authorities. Typical post-thawing symptoms are mostly nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and frequent urination, and clear within about two weeks. (This is assuming that it's a good-quality facility with competent staff. There are rumors of fly-by-night cryostorage facilities not rated for medical use engaged in the practice, but those are outside our jurisdiction.)
Second, I'm going to discuss why Orbital Operations & Planetary Security (OOPS!) are divesting our holdings of conventional murderers that were sent to lunar cryoprison by the pre-War government and shifting our focus primarily to a combination of wealthy patients and individuals convicted of crimes against humanity.
Placing someone in cryogenic suspension and then reviving them can cause acute and chronic psychological distress, as the period of time appears to pass 'instantly,' and while obviously they lose connection with current events, media, fashion trends, etc (and thus lose the context of society), they also lose connection with social contacts (who could help recontextualize). This condition, which we refer to informally as 'time shock,' is something we treat with an expensive reacclimatization period which covers the contents of the 'missing' time period and rebuilds social contacts with a pool of volunteers.
Without this therapy program, which is quite costly, a significant minority of subjects will request to go back into cryostasis, commit self-injury, or enter a prolonged period of depression. (It also accompanies a worsening of other mental health stats, including a risk of delusion. This is the 'cryo-psychosis' you've probably heard about.)
For children, this could seriously interfere with proper development. We therefore recommend that children are generally not placed into cryostasis, unless this is necessary for medical reasons, or the parent is also placed into cryostasis for some reason. (This is the official position of the OOPS cryonics branch.)
During the final phases of the war, our faction came into the possession of the previous government's unfilled mass cryoincarceration facilities. As part of strategic planning it was considered whether to use this capability to take a very large number of prisoners of war, and thus gain additional leverage during an ensuing occupation.
Due to both the practical and ethical ramifications, this decision was put to the central committee (composed of representatives of the biomechanoid officer corps) and guidance council (composed of representatives of the elders).
The real problem with cryoincarceration - and this also applies to 'chilling' children - is that it's cheap to keep prisoners on ice, but expensive to take them back out. This means that every year, the government (or parent) has the incentive to keep the prisoner on ice, and make paying to remove the prisoners the problem of the next government.
This was not a hypothetical at the time. This is how we came into the possession of so many conventional murderers and other prisoners to begin with. It was resolved to begin a 20-year drawdown, set to start at the end of the war.
Third, regarding the prisoners themselves...
There are a lot of theories on Earth about why we are getting rid of the prisoners. To go over some of these...
This is not a 'new form of warfare'. The prisoners are being delivered to prisons on Earth, not released into the general population.
If prisoners are being delivered to prisons in your territory, your government has agreed to take them. (Usually this means they were originally from your territory, unless they were previously from territory currently controlled by the World Union.)
In some cases, we may be paying your government to take the prisoners. In other cases, your government may be paying us.
None of the prisoners are from space. There is very little crime in space. (Due to the extremely contingent nature of life support, there is very little tolerance for crime in space.)
No prisoner released by this program has been deemed an "extreme escape risk."
Now, regarding the criminals we're either keeping or gathering (much smaller in number)...
Many of my colleagues have been happy to hint to outsiders that we are holding frozen criminals only until we can devise suitably awful punishments for their crimes. Many on Earth accept this without thinking about it due to our behavior during the war. While this might have some deterrent effect, this is not the reason.
Some on Earth believe we are keeping these prisoners to study them. They're apparently split on whether this is research to prevent future crimes, or to build even more terrifying human weapons. Some research is occurring, but I'm going to be honest with you - it's not very much. Most of these people are either so mundane that there's not much to learn, or so unique that nothing we learn about them usefully generalizes.
In this era, it's essentially impossible to entirely prevent a few people from going insane from ideology, or developing an ideological or psychological feedback loop with somatic capital, and exiting the normal human range of behavior (in a bad way).
However, having "defeated aging" (through somatic capital technology, even if deep rejuvenation inherently causes some pretty serious memory loss), people prefer the illusion of immortality.
When someone mounts their brain to a robotic scorpion and kills every woman in a sorority after dosing themselves with illegal neuroplasticity enhancers for over a decade, society demands that 'someone' "do something." (Even the biosocialists have this problem.)
So whenever the authorities manage to capture the perpetrator alive, they stick his brain in a rocket and blast it into outer space. "We're sending this terror to OOPS," they say, "the only group to ever successfully prosecute a sixth-generation war. Who knows what horrifying and incomprehensible things they will do to this horrible individual?"
It's about the best the non-religious ones can do.
The primary purpose of the cryoincarceration program is to preserve enough functional tissue samples of the cryoincarcerated for Earth-side governments to maintain their genomic ban on individuals convicted of crimes against humanity.
That's it. We don't plan on waking any of these people up.
Fourth, to bring it back to the 'chillers,' as their opponents have been calling them, I recently read a study out of Shanghai.
About 1,400 individuals with a child in cryonic storage for non-medical reasons were studied, and compared with 1,400 parents without children on ice as a comparison group. Hardship was only part of the study, but the researchers estimate that only about 20% of the individuals studied were experiencing hardships greater than the those typical in the comparison group.
I expect that over the next 10-20 years, laws will be changed to add more legal limits to the procedure in most (though not all) jurisdictions where it is currently legal.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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J.5 What alternative social organisations do anarchists create?
Anarchism is all about “do it yourself”: people helping each other out in order to secure a good society to live within and to protect, extend and enrich their personal freedom. As such anarchists are keenly aware of the importance of building alternatives to both capitalism and the state in the here and now. Only by creating practical alternatives can we show that anarchism is a viable possibility and train ourselves in the techniques and responsibilities of freedom:
“If we put into practice the principles of libertarian communism within our organisations, the more advanced and prepared we will be on that day when we come to adopt it completely.” [C.N.T. member, quoted by Graham Kelsey, Anarchosyndicalism, Libertarian Communism and the State,p. 79]
This idea (to quote the IWW) of “building a new world in the shell of the old” is a long standing one in anarchism. Proudhon during the 1848 revolution “propose[d] that a provisional committee be set up” in Paris and “liaise with similar committees” elsewhere in France. This would be “a body representative of the proletariat …, a state within the state, in opposition to the bourgeois representatives.” He proclaimed to working class people that “a new society be founded in the heart of the old society” for “the government can do nothing for you. But you can do everything for yourselves.” [“Aux Pariotes”, La Représantant du Peuple, No. 33] This was echoed by Bakunin (see section H.2.8) while for revolutionary syndicalists the aim was “to constitute within the bourgeois State a veritable socialist (economic and anarchic) State.” [Fernand Pelloutier, quoted by Jeremy Jennings, Syndicalism in France, p. 22] By so doing we help create the environment within which individuals can manage their own affairs and develop their abilities to do so. In other words, we create “schools of anarchism” which lay the foundations for a better society as well as promoting and supporting social struggle against the current system. Make no mistake, the alternatives we discuss in this section are not an alternative to direct action and the need for social struggle — they are an expression of social struggle and a form of direct action. They are the framework by which social struggle can build and strengthen the anarchist tendencies within capitalist society which will ultimately replace it.
Therefore it is wrong to think that libertarians are indifferent to making life more bearable, even more enjoyable, under capitalism. A free society will not just appear from nowhere, it will be created be individuals and communities with a long history of social struggle and organisation. For as Wilheim Reich so correctly pointed out:
“Quite obviously, a society that is to consist of ‘free individuals,’ to constitute a ‘free community’ and to administer itself, i.e. to ‘govern itself,’ cannot be suddenly created by decrees. It has to evolve organically.” [The Mass Psychology of Fascism, p. 241]
It is this organic evolution that anarchists promote when they create libertarian alternatives within capitalist society. These alternatives (be they workplace or community unions, co-operatives, mutual banks, and so on) are marked by certain common features such as being self-managed, being based upon equality, decentralised and working with other groups and associations within a confederal network based upon mutual aid and solidarity. In other words, they are anarchist in both spirit and structure and so create a practical bridge between now and the future free society.
Anarchists consider the building of alternatives as a key aspect of their activity under capitalism. This is because they, like all forms of direct action, are “schools of anarchy” and also because they make the transition to a free society easier. “Through the organisations set up for the defence of their interests,” in Malatesta’s words, “the workers develop an awareness of the oppression they suffer and the antagonism that divides them from the bosses and as a result begin to aspire to a better life, become accustomed to collective struggle and solidarity and win those improvements that are possible within the capitalist and state regime.” [The Anarchist Revolution, p. 95] By creating viable examples of
“anarchy in action” we can show that our ideas are practical and convince people that they are not utopian. Therefore this section of the FAQ will indicate the alternatives anarchists support and why we support them.
The approach anarchists take to this activity could be termed “social unionism” — the collective action of groups to change certain aspects (and, ultimately, all aspects) of their lives. This takes many different forms in many different areas (some of which, not all, are discussed here) — but they share the same basic aspects of collective direct action, self-organisation, self-management, solidarity and mutual aid. These are a means “of raising the morale of the workers, accustom them to free initiative and solidarity in a struggle for the good of everyone and render them capable of imagining, desiring and putting into practice an anarchist life.” [Malatesta, Op. Cit., p. 28] Kropotkin summed up the anarchist perspective well when he argued that working class people had “to form their own organisations for a direct struggle against capitalism” and to “take possession of the necessaries for production, and to control production.” [Memiors of a Revolutionist, p. 359] As historian J. Romero Maura correctly summarised, the “anarchist revolution, when it came, would be essentially brought about by the working class. Revolutionaries needed to gather great strength and must beware of underestimating the strength of reaction” and so anarchists “logically decided that revolutionaries had better organise along the lines of labour organisations.” [“The Spanish case”, pp. 60–83, Anarchism Today, D. Apter and J. Joll (eds.), p. 66]
As will quickly become obvious in this discussion (as if it had not been so before!) anarchists are firm supporters of “self-help,” an expression that has been sadly corrupted (like freedom) by the right in recent times. Like freedom, self-help should be saved from the clutches of the right who have no real claim to that expression. Indeed, anarchism was created from and based itself upon working class self-help — for what other interpretation can be gathered from Proudhon’s 1848 statement that “the proletariat must emancipate itself”? [quoted by George Woodcock, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, p. 125] So Anarchists have great faith in the abilities of working class people to work out for themselves what their problems are and act to solve them.
Anarchist support and promotion of alternatives is a key aspect of this process of self-liberation, and so a key aspect of anarchism. While strikes, boycotts, and other forms of high profile direct action may be more “sexy” than the long and hard task of creating and building social alternatives, these are the nuts and bolts of creating a new world as well as the infrastructure which supports the other activities. These alternatives involve both combative organisations (such as community and workplace unions) as well as more defensive and supportive ones (such as co-operatives and mutual banks). Both have their part to play in the class struggle, although the combative ones are the most important in creating the spirit of revolt and the possibility of creating an anarchist society.
We must also stress that anarchists look to organic tendencies within social struggle as the basis of any alternatives we try to create. As Kropotkin put it, anarchism is based “on an analysis of tendencies of an evolution that is already going on in society, and on induction therefrom as to the future.” It is “representative … of the creative, instructive power of the people themselves who aimed at developing institutions of common law in order to protect them from the power-seeking minority.” Anarchism bases itself on those tendencies that are created by the self-activity of working class people and while developing within capitalism are in opposition to it — such tendencies are expressed in organisational form as unions and other forms of workplace struggle, co-operatives (both productive and credit), libertarian schools, and so on. For anarchism was “born among the people — in the struggles of real life and not in the philosopher’s studio” and owes its “origin to the constructive, creative activity of the people … and to a protest — a revolt against the external force which had thrust itself upon” social institutions. [Anarchism, p. 158, p. 147, p. 150 and p. 149] This “creative activity” is expressed in the organisations created in the class struggle by working people, some of which we discuss in this section of the FAQ. Therefore, the alternatives anarchists support should not be viewed in isolation of social struggle and working class resistance to hierarchy — the reverse in fact, as these alternatives are almost always expressions of that struggle.
Lastly, we should note we do not list all the forms of organisation anarchists create. For example, we have ignored solidarity groups (for workers on strike or in defence of struggles in other countries) and organisations which are created to campaign against or for certain issues or reforms. Anarchists are in favour of such organisations and work within them to spread anarchist ideas, tactics and organisational forms. However, these interest groups (while very useful) do not provide a framework for lasting change as do the ones we highlight below (see section J.1.4 for more details on anarchist opinions on such “single issue” campaigns). We have also ignored what have been called “intentional communities.” This is when a group of individuals squat or buy land and other resources within capitalism and create their own anarchist commune in it. Most anarchists reject this idea as capitalism and the state must be fought, not ignored. In addition, due to their small size, they are rarely viable experiments in communal living and nearly always fail after a short time (for a good summary of Kropotkin’s attitude to such communities, which can be taken as typical, see Graham Purchase’s Evolution & Revolution [pp. 122–125]). Dropping out will not stop capitalism and the state and while such communities may try to ignore the system, they will find that the system will not ignore them — they will come under competitive and ecological pressures from capitalism whether they like it or not assuming they avoid direct political interference.
So the alternatives we discuss here are attempts to create anarchist alternatives within capitalism and which aim to change it (either by revolutionary or evolutionary means). They are based upon challenging capitalism and the state, not ignoring them by dropping out. Only by a process of direct action and building alternatives which are relevant to our daily lives can we revolutionise and change both ourselves and society.
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sylvia-on-the-run · 25 days
"The Follow-up Committee of National and Islamic Forces condemn the policies pursued by the channels "Al-Arabiya" and "Al-Hadath," which have turned these channels into spokespeople for the zionist occupation. The Committee noted that these channels not only convey the zionist narrative and justify the occupation's crimes but also launch a media war against all resistance forces since the beginning of the war on Gaza. The zionist newspaper Haaretz has repeatedly commented on the "importance" of Al-Arabiya for the entity.
The Committee calls on all Palestinian and Arab viewers everywhere, as well as political figures, activists, journalists, and political analysts, to boycott these two channels, which are striving to distort the collective consciousness in the Arab world through psychological propaganda crafted by zionist hands.
The Committee also calls on all concerned parties in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to revoke the work licenses of these channels and to halt their operations. The Committee urged the Bar Association to file lawsuits in the relevant courts against these channels, considering them as partners in the war of genocide against our people.
The Committee issued a special appeal to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz to issue directives to review the policies of these channels, which are hostile not only to our Palestinian people and their cause but also to the sentiments of our Arab and Islamic nation."
These papers are *NOT* reliable sources
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
Hezbollah continues to launch rockets at Israeli sites, with reports indicating a person was critically wounded or killed after some rockets fell.
A military source in Hezbollah stated: 
"We are capable of striking military facilities in Haifa, the Golan, and Ramat David harshly and violently. We do not expect a ground invasion, even a limited one, of Lebanon, but we are in a state of full readiness. A ground invasion of Lebanon would be a catalyst for us to set our first foot in Galilee. If Israel carries out a ground operation, we will liberate the Golan Heights with an invasion," a Hezbollah official told Al Jazeera.
Hezbollah is reportedly in a state of great fear. The Israeli strike is coming unexpectedly, and Israel's tactic of pressure and psychological warfare is very understandable.
Earlier today, there were reports of Israeli warplanes breaching the sound barrier over the southern suburbs of Beirut.
British Foreign Minister: "My message to our citizens in Lebanon is to leave NOW!"
🟤 TUESDAY - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️KNESSET.. The Foreign Affairs and Security Committee will discuss the case of the arrests at the Sdei Teiman IDF prison camp this morning.
▪️INTL. POLITICS.. The Knesset summons the US ambassador to discuss sanctions on Israeli citizens.
▪️HOUTHIS THREATEN.. At least five sources claim: The Houthi response will be severe and will damage economic targets.  Eyes on the gas platforms.
▪️MAJOR ACCIDENT - ROUTE 6 WAS BLOCKED.. southbound.  17 people were injured, three of them seriously, in an accident between a truck and a minibus near the Ha’amakim interchange.
▪️SIREN TESTS.. today in the areas of Takuma, Erez, Nir Am, Mefalsim, Nahal Oz and Shlomit.
🔹Lebanon.. Reuters: Hezbollah did not evacuate sites in Dahya in Beirut (Hezbollah part of city) - probably out of an assessment that Israel would not attack in Beirut.
🔹Lebanon.. There are 2 differing voices here... the first one: Israel states that the response will be severe, the second in Lebanon insists (with American and French backing) that the attack will be one-off and will not cause an escalation.
♦️GAZA.. IDF demolishes school that was being used as a terror HQ in north Khan Yunis.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR OPS.. overnight in Hebron and Silwad.  Arrests.  And this morning in al-Ain - Shechem, arrests.
⭕ 4 rounds of ROCKETS and SUICIDE DRONES from HEZBOLLAH at northern towns, though small launches (only a few).
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kervl-klear · 6 months
I was wondering, if Huchu attempted cognitive behavior therapy then how did he run those sessions in terms of what did he do to try to help the others? Considering you wrote that, in doing so he caused the others to "internalize their problem to the point they cannot be helped anymore including himself". Also, did he think he could be like a psychiatrist (or at least provide similiar service) due to the fact that psychiatrists work with medicine?
I hope my question is clear enough. If not, feel free to ask what I am trying to ask (^^)
Thank you for tuning in to my frequency! The answer contained potentially triggering contents, so I'll hide it under the cut. Please enjoy. ✨
Huchu’s Qualifications
Huchu has bachelor's degree in neuroscience, master's degree in Pharmacy. D. and is currently studying PHD on medical instrumentation engineering. Aside from taking class, he’s a neurosurgeon at marine corps hospital, take shift as a battlefield surgeon at marine camp and use the rest of his free time to operate Lubi service so he has the following active licenses, Pharmacist license and P&S license.
In Northland, here’s the requirements for attaining psychiatrist certification: Be a graduate of an accredited medical school certified by International Red cross committee, complete all trainings in a program approved by Northland mental care bureau, have an active, full, unrestricted medical license, and have satisfactorily completed the Northland mental care bureau’s specialty training requirements.
So do keep in mind that Huchu is not qualified to do psychiatrist work as he lacks item 2 and 4.
Does Huchu think he is qualified to do psychiatrist works?
Unfortunately, yes. Despite lacking all the correct trainings, he tried to be both therapist and psychiatrist for C2ISTAR as you can see Hongcha mentioning Huchu being the one who prescribed Risperidone for Angae in [🌹for Angae].
This is because Huchu think that Clinical Psychology is like Neuroscience but less scientific. Similar to our world, neuroscience is praised as the hardest medical major in the world. So naturally Huchu look down on psychology as an easier neurology mixed with social study. So, in his little head. If mental care staffs can do it, then definitely neurosurgeon can do it too.
Clinical Psychology in the world of C2ISTAR
In the world of C2ISTAR, Mental illnesses are usually deemed as invalid illness, so the mental care industry is constantly being look down upon. The discrimination also discourages many people in this world from studying clinical psychology. Even if Huchu open his mind and take studying clinical psychology seriously, it is still very unlikely that he will produce good result as study material for clinical psychology in this world is ineffective at best from the very beginning due to the lack of interest this world has toward it.
The acceptable branches of psychology are study by the industrial, intelligence and defense service for the purpose of manipulation, interrogation and indoctrination which is very different from clinical psychology in practice.
Clinical psychology is also heavily associated with the Aldehyde cult. A multi-faith cult that believes mental illness is a sign of ascension. The more soldiers lose touch with reality, the closer they are to heaven and if they are close enough to heaven. These soldiers will be able to give birth to the new Angel that will be savior to their world. They often kidnapped veteran from asylum so they can use these veterans to birth a new Angel.
Huchu's treatment on C2ISTAR
Huchu might be well intention and most faults mainly resulted from ignorance, but the damage is still there. In fact Huchu is actually skeptical that CBT would produce result, however, C2ISTAR seems to need it and Huchu is weak to that. Here are the treatments Huchu did on each C2ISTAR alongside its effects.
Orenji’s treatment
Orenji is Huchu's first patient for CBT service with his main problem being Paruresis. Huchu choose Journaling and Cognitive restructuring technique for him. However, the underlying root of Orenji's Paruresis is Urolagnia so Orenji can't quite be honest with his thought. However, the cognitive restructuring is somewhat almost effective due to the other physical treatment. Orenji had chronic UTI that connected with bladder infection, so Huchu often insert catheter for Orenji whenever he needs it. This seems to cause Orenji to associate Huchu with relieve, hence the reason why he can go when Huchu is around. But can't quite do the same with someone else. Orenji also seems to develop some form of incontinence whenever Huchu is around.
Huchu also lose his temper every time Orenji induced temporary amnesia on himself because he knows how fragile Orenji's brain is as he was the one who put Orenji's brain and sculp back together so he's constanly worries about Orenji accidentally killing himself but since Huchu always arrive with Clozapine, he had been unknowingly endorsing Orenji's behavior. Still, after Orenji is back to his sense. He would have to endure a session of outburst Huchu throwing things at him or start hitting him with a chair.
Baegcha/Hongcha’s treatment
The main method is Role playing through puppet activity; the idea was so that Beagcha could see why he need to stop pursuing his stop-list so they can start working on his fear of touch. Usually when a certain method doesn't work, therapist would move on to the next one, but Huchu let Beagcha continue with the ineffective method because this is what Beagcha prefer to do and Huchu doesn't have the heart strip this away from him. Huchu later resort to locking Beagcha in his room whenever Huchu notices things are taking a toll on him and simply use puppet therapy as a way for Baegcha to process what he went through each hunt.
Huchu also deemed Hongcha to be something he need to get rid of because Huchu see Hongcha as the evil alter that endorse Baegcha to pursue the stop-list. The thing is that, neither Baegcha nor Hongcha are the host. Both Baegcha and Hongcha are alters pretending to be the host. Usually alters are protective of each other and take responsibility as a system. However, Huchu intervention had created a dynamic where both alters cannot get along. And because Beagcha trusted Huchu, he begun to think he needs to repress Hongcha to be better and Hongcha became bitter toward the situation, he blamed Huchu for his sour relationship with his alter.
When Hongcha appear mid-session, Huchu would either shock him with electricity or shove him into a small box to chase him away. Huchu did made many attempts to get rid of Hongcha ranging from submerging him in extremely cold water to purposely staving him and since Hongcha is unaware that it is impossible to get rid of an alter. Hongcha see Huchu’s attempts as life threatening situation and in retaliation, he believes that he must kill Huchu which make Baegcha agreed with Huchu even more.
Seoltang’s treatment
After discovered that sedative doesn't work on Seoltang. Huchu would mainly use Imagery and Relaxation training. However, the underlying cause for Seoltang's insomnia is cumulative anxiety of being in disguise. Something Seoltang cannot tell anyone due his true identity. Huchu had no idea about Seoltang's anxiety, so he had no idea why Seoltang sleep schedule doesn't improve not to mention that imagery make him feel worse as it worsens his longing for the place that no longer exist.
Out of concern as Seoltang already show all signs of developing Alzheimer, Huchu decided that any methods that give Seoltang shut eyes will suffice and purposed the hypoxia idea. So instead of having his anxiety treated and get an actual sleep, Seoltang ended up inventing so many self-choking methods that even people with choking fetish would think that this man is a freak. Thus, Seoltang's anxiety was never addresses not to mention that one of hypoxia common symptoms is also anxiety which contribute to his mood swing getting worse as well.
Noeu’s treatment
Noeu is way too shy to address that his overworking tendency came from his constant fear of unexpected death, so Huchu assumed that Noeu is obsessed with conquest and taking control. This led to Moral reconation therapy. However, Moral reconation therapy required to be practiced in groups as one on one session can reinforces narcissistic behavior. Somethings that should not be mixed with Noeu’s competitiveness and ambition.
The therapy also required the therapist to be well versed in the subject of morality to work which Huchu’s morality is ambiguous at best so he can’t always keep up with Noeu’s questions or leaps of logic. This unintentionally validated Noeu’s thought derailment and prompted him to go from weakening other nations then have Northland invade them to the exact same thing but also profiting from them and take advantage of their resources because he’s more confident in his ideal than ever and he now genuinely think he’s doing this world a favor.
Angae’s treatment
Usually, therapist would approach patient with hallucination with Reframing technique. Something that Angae had already accomplish on his own. This is because managing a psychosis episode with medication was proven less effective as medication came with side effect. However, due to Huchu being a neurosurgeon with neurology logic. He goes straight to prescribing Risperidone and focus more on helping Angae with anxiety using Stress inoculation training. However, Angae didn't stress out because he's worrying about having an episode. He has an episode because he's stressed out, so Angae made no progress and Huchu had been accidentally gaslighting Angae into thinking that he had an illness he didn't have.
Angae already questioned reality around him, so he is unsure how valid his opinion is about the topic. This led to Angae letting Huchu continue with the treatment that make no sense to him even though this fueled the thought that he's being held back to fit into a certain explanation.
Yuseong’s treatment
A lot of people with Hyperthemesia has tendency to be obsessed over things easily as well as having trouble moving on from the past because they had trouble forgetting things. So Huchu choose Metacognitive therapy and Distraction technique. Due to the confusion that came with partial amnesia combined with the fact that Yuseong never experience forgetting stuffs before, Yuseong is desperate to seek for things he can identify himself with. This led to his obsession to connecting his identity with the unhealthy diary, something Huchu sees as a form of delusion.
Usually, the first rule of dealing with delusional patient is to validate their experience. Although what happen isn't real to us, it's real to the patient. However, due to Huchu's concern of Yuseong recreating situation in the diary. Huchu usually react very sternly and outright dismissed Yuseong’s belief in the session. Since Yuseong can control his expression well, Huchu had no idea that he is invalidating Yuseong. Although Yuseong still likes Huchu, he began to pay less attention to the session and draw or play with his alphabet book whenever Huchu is holding a session for him. He also hold on to the diary even tighter than before.
Effect of failed treatment on Huchu
Therapy is a stressful and draining job, both therapist and psychiatrist in real life are trained and educated on how they can handle their job without intaking their patient's baggage.
But since Huchu never went through these training, all the negativity goes straight to him and since he is at the end of the line for mental comfort. Combine that with his habit of caring too much, he got stuck in a position where he himself has no one to go to for all the problems above he involves himself in. This of course fueled his urge to go through with unethical method to get what he wants for instead, considering amputating Noeu so he never has to worry about him arriving at ER with seizure again.
Clinical psychology is one of my weaker subjects, so the treatment descriptions are simplified at best and none of my statements should be considered scientifically accurate.
Still, I hope this information suffice you. \(^^ )✨
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casteliacityramen · 1 year
Munday Side Stories - Subject 150 Mewtwo
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Disclaimer: Gatekeeper idea made by Weapons Grade Waifus, formatting heavily inspired by SCP Foundation. ~3k Words
Subject 150 Mewtwo is an artificial pokemon created by criminal syndicate Team Rocket. Subject is a replication and/or amalgamation of genetic studies based on Mew (PKMN DEX # 151). Subject Mewtwo has been noted to be of extremely high intelligence and terrifying power, surpassing any known psychic entity in current and past history. Its His psychic abilities break the current known laws of telepathy and telekinesis. It’s He’s able to bypass solid material, such as steel and concrete, unless such material is treated with specific “dark” type coatings.
Subject 150 Mewtwo was created born on ██/██/██████ by criminal syndicate Team Rocket. When released to the rest of the world, Subject 150 Mewtwo fled to Cerulean Cave and stayed until the Subject he was pacified by Pokemon League Champion “Red”. Subject 150 Mewtwo has chosen to live in Cerulean Cave as of 2/18/1999 of his free will and continues to do so as of 5/22/2023 as its main inhabitant and protector.
Security Procedures:
Subject 150 Mewtwo is not to leave the area unless specific permission is granted by the current Secretary of Defense, or Ex-League Champion "Red." A team of high-performance military personnel will surround the inner and outer perimeter in constant combat readiness. Security personnel designation: Gatekeepers.
Gatekeepers will pass psychological evaluation and be re-evaluated every three months. Any abnormalities or severe changes in mental faculties will result in a release of duty from the Gatekeeper profession with full pay until the next fiscal year.
Interceptor Operator Teams with approved psy resistant gear will be on stand-by at all times. Inner ring perimeters will consist of four land-based phalanx weapon systems pointed at each cardinal direction. All stations are to be equipped with seismic recording devices for any underground movement. Pile-driven high-yield explosive charges are to be installed at ████████████, ██████, and ██████████ at minimum depths of 100 meters. All equipment will be inspected daily for wear.
Gatekeepers are to neutralize the Subject in the event of an inner perimeter breach.  Immediately inform the Secretary of Defense in the event of an inner or outer perimeter breach.
Gatekeepers are to provide any reasonable accommodations requested by Mewtwo by any means necessary.
Addendum 150.1: Gatekeeper Briefing
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[Date: 3/15/1999]
To whomever it may concern, 
You have been assigned as a Gatekeeper. Your mission is dual purpose.  One: You are the first and last defense against anything and everything that comes from this cave.  Two: You are to defend the inhabitant of this cave with your life.  This job may seem like the menial day-to-day service required of many others in various military branches, but know that the subject of your occupation is the single most dangerous living being currently occupying the world.  You shall be rewarded handsomely for your efforts. Make your country proud. Commander-in-Chief and Prime Minister of Kanto: Haruka Nagumo
Addendum 150.2: Email Logs between General Takashi Shino and Commander-in-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/12/2001]
Commander,  It has been brought to my attention that Subject 150 has not breached containment for the past three years. It’s always been aware of the surveillance equipment, but this might be the first time it’s acknowledged it. The subject seems to be interested in communication between the surveillance team. It's making motions towards its mouth and towards the cameras. What should be our next course of action? Respectfully, General Takashi Shino
[Date: 4/13/2001]
General, After deliberating with Cinnabar’s Gym Leader Blaine, Professor Samuel Oak, and members of the ICSR ethics committee, Subject 150 is to be treated as a sapient with rights. We will be sending specialized communication equipment and appropriate protection equipment for leaving it outside the cave. When Subject 150 makes contact, I want rifle barrels pointed at the heads of the surveillance team. We have no gauge on the capabilities of Subject 150. That includes whether or not the surveillance team can be put under telepathic suggestion via digital communication. You are to report to me every single detail of communication regarding Subject 150. Commander In Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/14/2001]
Commander,  We have successfully made contact with Subject 150. No casualties or suggestion of psy tampered personnel or equipment. Its first words with the surveillance team, and I quote, are the following: “I’m bored.” This doesn’t seem said out of defiance or malice, the Subject looks… well... bored out of its mind. I request that we send forms of entertainment via books, magazines, etc. if the science and ethics teams allow it. As always, the surveillance tapes are to follow in a separate file.  Respectfully, General Takashi Shino
[Date: 4/14/2001]
General,  You are to give Subject 150 whatever it wants from the list provided, below. - Television with approved pre-programmed channels  - Kantonese Encyclopedia Set and Dictionary  - MP3 Player with non radio functions and pre-installed music  - Children’s coloring book with 64-Crayon set.  - A set of tennis balls - A chess board with all pieces - Silph Co. Technological Magazine Given the history of Subject 150’s mistreatment from humanity, let’s pray to Mother Mew that it decides to spare us if it takes the MP3 player. If it has to listen to the Dugtrio Duds’ latest song, we might all be dead the next day.  Keep me posted, Commander In Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 4/14/2001]
Commander, The Subject has requested “all of the above.” General Takashi Shino
Afterword: Subject 150 has requested more items between the dates noted in Addendum 150.2 and 150.3. Such items include: the highest selling mystery novel written by up-and-coming Unovan author Shauntal; miscellaneous household items: blanket, mattress, pillows; and a grand piano. All items were delivered with no issues.
Addendum 150.3 - Instant Messenger Chat Log between Subject 150 and Captain Asuka Shinohara
[Date: 5/23/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
AS: Hello. Has the portable computer given you any problems?
S-150: None.
AS: How are your accommodations?
S-150: Lacking. The cave is not what I would consider ‘comfortable'. 
AS: I can put a request for more accommodations if you would like. 
S-150: That would be appreciated. Thank you.
[Date: 5/24/2001]
S-150: Hello.
AS: Hello. How are the items we provided you yesterday?
S-150: I broke the lamp. 
AS: Broke the what?
S-150: I was not aware of the fragility of this “lava lamp” that was provided. May I request another one? 
AS: Of course. 
S-150: I am also curious about the slots in this portable computer. It seems that there is room for something to enter this device. 
*pause due to deliberation between surveillance team members*
AS: The slot is for something called a “computer disk” that contains data on various subjects such as movies, music, and games.
S-150: Games can be played digitally?
AS: Correct. However, the portable computer you possess does not have the capability to “run” anything with limited electricity and processing power. It is a device strictly for communication. 
S-150: I see. May I request electricity and a computer that can run these games?
AS: Stand by.
*pause due to deliberation between surveillance team members*
AS: The request will need to be sent to a higher staff member. 
S-150: I have nothing but time.
Afterword: A nearby team of electricians were hired to provide electricity to the entrance to Cerulean Cave. Electricians refused to enter further than the entrance to the cave, reporting feelings of "pressure."
[Date: 5/27/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
AS: Hello. I apologize for the location of the electrical grid, we hired a civilian contractor that has no formal combat and psychic training. 
S-150: It is acceptable. The instructions and instrumentation provided are very impressive. 
AS: Have you experienced anything of the sort before?
S-150: In a lab.
AS: I apologize. 
S-150: Haha
AS: Haha?
S-150: A laugh.
AS: I didn't realize you had a dark sense of humor.
S-150: I feel insulted. Am I not a sapient being like the rest of you?
AS: You are, but you would be surprised at the amount of sapients that lack a sense of ANY kind of humor.
S-150: They must lead dull and uninteresting lives.
AS: Haha  
Addendum 150.4 - Instant Message Chat Log between General Takashi Shino and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 7/21/2001]
Commander,  All seems to be well over here. The surveillance team is in unusually high spirits. It seems that the monitored conversations have done well to improve the morale of both the team and the subject.  The subject, however, has requested an improvement in the technology provided within Cerulean Cave: heating, cooling, ventilation, electricity, lighting, and most worryingly, internet access. I highly advise against the last option.  Respectfully,  Captain Takashi Shino
[Date 7/22/2001]
Takashi,  For whatever fucking reason, the committee has decided to approve all items including the goddamn internet. Arceus help us all. Nagumo
Addendum 150.5 - IM Chat Logs between Subject 150 and Captain Asuka Shinohara
[Date: 7/29/2001]
AS: Did you seriously order a pizza party to Cerulean Cave?
S-150: Hello. 
S-150: Yes, I did. 
AS: You realize that this area is under constant military surveillance? With top-of-the-line weaponry and security? And that the facilities near Cerulean Cave are designed to be defended with the upmost discretion?
S-150: Yes. May I have them?
AS: Stand by.
*Extended pause for HEAVY deliberation by surveillance team*
AS: We are sending a team of operators to the cave entrance to deliver the pizzas.
S-150:  :) 
Afterword: Subject 150 ordered the entirety of ‘Cerulean Pizzeria’s’ menu items meant for catering for large events. Such events as birthday parties and company-wide events. The delivery driver was sent back to his employer after signing a non-disclosure agreement drafted in short notice by Kanto Homeland Security.
[Date: 8/2/2001]
S-150: Hello. 
S-150: Are you somehow cheating at chess?
AS: The surveillance team doesn’t appreciate that you’re reading their minds, so we’re equipping our psy helmets. Commander Nagumo told us that this isn’t a misappropriation of personal protection equipment. 
S-150:  Booooo >:/
Addendum 150.6.1 - Video Transcript 1 of Virtual Meeting Between Subject 150 - (New Designation: Mewtwo) and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 8/5/2001]
HN: Hello. I was told by my staff that you requested an audience with me? 
MT: Yes, I did. 
HN: May I ask what for?
MT: Perspective. 
HN: I’m sorry?
MT: What are your goals in… all of this? The guards, the provisions, everything?
HN (pauses): Well, you pose an interesting situation for the nation. You are simultaneously the most dangerous entity in the world, and yet the international committee has agreed that you should be treated like any regular Kantonese citizen. 
MT: The accommodations have been appreciated by all of us.
HN: Hold on a second, us?
MT: I have other pokemon who suffered at the hands of Team Rocket Scientists. They are experiments, like me. They live deeper in the cave. 
HN: Was there a reason you kept this hidden from us until now?
MT: I was scared for them.
HN: Scared?
MT: There are claims that I am the strongest on the planet, yet I was humbled by one of your youngest to hold the title of "champion." I am not as strong as I had hoped. I was not sure if I could provide for the ones I call siblings.
HN: They’re not as strong as you?
MT: On the contrary. They’ve been hurt, abused, and tortured at the hands of people like you.
HN: … People like me?
MT: Your records are public, Commander-In-Chief Nagumo. I understand that you took part of the Kanto-Johto war as a commanding officer. 
HN: I did. 
MT: Then you know what humanity is capable of. What you are capable of. You were a part of it, after all.
HN: I like to think that I’ve passed that. 
MT: Oh? And actions like these are supposed to redeem the actions of your subordinates at Blackthorn City?
HN: ...The ones responsible were put on trial and summarily executed. 
MT: Who says you shouldn’t belong there in the grave with them?
HN: Because my nephew died in Blackthorn by the hands of those... excuses for human beings. He was eight years old. Eight. I personally made sure that those responsible were lined up against a wall, shot, and buried so deep that the earth will roll ten times over before their remains ever see the sun again.
Silence fills the room. Mewtwo leans forward, focusing extremely hard at the screen. Review suggests that Mewtwo was able to telepathically deduce that Commander Nagumo was telling the truth.
MT: You're not lying.
HN: The internet doesn’t have all of the answers, unfortunately. Journalists take advantage of topics like this all of the time, especially if their motives are to smear your reputation while you run for office. If you want public access to the documents, beyond the spoon-feeding speculation of a half-wit college undergraduate, I’m afraid that you have to spend more time than that before you have access to the truth.
MT: (silence)
Commander Nagumo stands to leave, knocking her chair back in the process.
HN: If all you wanted to do is anger me, I’m afraid that this conversation is over.
MT: Wait. 
Commander Nagumo stops.
MT: I apologize. I was not aware that I did not have all of the information. 
HN: ... Apology accepted.
Commander Nagumo sits back down.
MT: Clearly not.
HN: It’s a... touchy subject. I know that you are new to this, but incidents like that don’t get discussed in such an accusatory manner, unless one is on trial or under duress.
Silence. Mewtwo looks uncharacteristically uncomfortable.
MT: You say that the documents detailing this event are accessible. May I see them?
Commander Nagumo turns to the rest of the surveillance and science team. All of them are vehemently shaking their heads or making gestures of disapproval.
HN: Sure.
Surveillance Staff Member: Prime Minister-
HN: I don’t want to hear it. He has the right to know.
HN (turning to mewtwo): Against my advice, my cabinet seem to think that talking about our shame makes us weak. Although, their argument has some merit. The full details don’t paint a good picture of our actions during the Kanto-Johto war. You might not like what you see. 
MT: I have been subject to cruelty that you would not imagine. I feel that you will have to put forth tremendous effort to phase me.
HN: You’d be surprised at what I’ve watched soldiers do for the sake of themselves and their country. Human and pokemon alike.
MT: I see. May we continue this conversation after I’ve read the documents?
HN: If you learn how to be polite in conversation, perhaps. 
MT: You will have to be patient with me. I am only six years old, after all.
Addendum 150.6.2 - Video Transcript 2 of Virtual Meeting Between Mewtwo and Commander-In-Chief Haruka Nagumo
[Date: 8/6/2001]
HN: Good morning. 
MT: Hello. Good morning. I would like to apologize for my words the other day. 
Commander Nagumo takes a brief moment to take a sip of her coffee.
HN: I forgive you. I understand why you might be wary of people like me. Talking about Blackthorn is like reopening an old wound, but I should have kept my temper in check. I am also sorry.
MT: I understand and I forgive you. I still harbor resentment towards those who have wronged me. However, you are not one of them. It would be unfair to treat you as such. I let my emotions surface more than I wanted. I would like to continue our conversation, if you would allow it. 
HN: By all means. Before we do...
Commander Nagumo raises a binder to the screen.
HN: Since you had some files on me, I decided to take a deeper look into your time with Team Rocket. It’s all kinds of fucked. 
MT: Fucked?
A science team audibly groans in the background. Commander Nagumo sheepishly lowers the binder and clears her throat. 
HN: It’s an expletive. The science team decided to keep your education material elementary, but given all that’s happened between us, and between you and Team Rocket, I figure we can drop the kindergarten language. 
MT: That... is appreciated. I have to admit, I was beginning to feel that I was being talked down to. I feel that you and I, at the very least, can converse as equals. 
HN: Equals?
MT: The world has not been kind to us, Prime Minister. Given my current circumstance and your position of power, I believe that you and I have a lot in common. We both are responsible for people we care about. We both fought to be where we are and have made grave mistakes in doing so. We are both leaving behind the battlefield, where we thrive, to talk to each other for the sake of cooperation and peace.
HN (visibly surprised): Well, it’s good to see that the strongest pokemon in the world has the capacity of sympathy and empathy. 
MT: I am glad to see that someone in a high position, like yourself, don't see a conversation with a pokemon as beneath you. 
HN: On the contrary. I’m very pleased to let you know that Team Rocket’s views towards pokemon is very, very much out of the ordinary. I’ve see pokemon exhibit more “humanity” than what the best of humanity have to offer.
Commander Nagumo puts the binder away.
HN: Picking up from yesterday, I understand that you have companions in Cerulean Cave?
MT: Yes. In addition to the pokemon who previously inhabited this cave, I have fellow Rocket victims that are seeking refuge. The intent of our initial meeting was to request additional accommodations for them.
Commander Nagumo takes a pen and piece of paper from a nearby surveillance member.
HN: If there is anything that we can do to make your lives comfortable, list them. 
MT: … May I ask what you are drinking?
HN: It’s coffee. 
MT: May I request that, as well?
HN: I don’t know, it might not be palatable for someone with a six-year-old tongue. 
MT: Try me.
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mariacallous · 4 months
Leaked internal documents have exposed the activities of a Russian state-backed legal defence foundation that European intelligence agencies and analysts say is in fact a Kremlin influence operation active in 48 countries across Europe and around the world.
Internal documents from the Fund for Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad (Pravfond) indicate that the foundation finances propaganda websites targeted at Europeans, helped pay for the legal defence of the convicted arms trafficker Viktor Bout and the assassin Vadim Krasikov, and has employed a number of former intelligence officers as the directors of its operations in European countries.
The documents show that the group has spent millions of euros to finance propaganda and legal campaigns. Public data also shows that Pravfond’s local partners have received millions in state subsidies from a number of the European states where the foundation operates local branches, raising questions about the use of public funds and national security concerns just days before elections to the European parliament.
More than 40 Pravfond documents, obtained by the Danish public broadcaster DR from a European intelligence source and shared with a consortium of European journalists including the Guardian, show that the organisation has had a number of documented former intelligence agents among its leadership. They include Vladimir Pozdorovkin, who has been identified by European intelligence sources as an agent for the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service, and in public records as Pravfond’s curator for its operations in the Nordic and Baltic countries; and Anatoly Sorokin, who the documents show is a member of the SVR and curates Pravfond’s Middle East, Moldova, and Transnistria division.
The head of the Institute of the Russian Diaspora, which is listed on official documents as Pravfond’s “project implementer”, is Sergey Panteleyev, who has been subject to sanctions in EU countries as a member of a Russian military intelligence unit that specialises in psychological-warfare operations.
Andrei Soldatov, an expert on the Russian intelligence services and co-author of The Compatriots, said Pravfond appeared to be a “classic soft-power effort” and that the ties between intelligence and compatriot organisations were “well documented”. He noted that Andrey Milyutin, the deputy head of the department of operative information of the fifth service of Russia’s security agency, the FSB, was a member of the government’s committee on “compatriots living abroad”, indicating the link between intelligence activity and outreach to the Russian diaspora.
In a 2020 national security report, the Estonian security services called Pravfond a “pseudo legal protection system” that “in reality is an influence operations fund”, and they have said the FSB uses the groups to recruit collaborators abroad, including among supporters of the 2014 annexation of Crimea, many of whom had ties to the group.
Pravfond was founded in 2012 by presidential decree and was backed by the Russian ministry of foreign affairs and the federal agency Rossotrudnichestvo, which administers foreign aid and has been described by the head of Pravfond, Alexander Udaltsov, as a “unique element of Russian soft power”. Udaltsov has been subject to sanctions by the European Union since 2023 for “supporting and implementing actions and policies which undermine and threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine”.
Pravfond did not reply to questions sent by the Guardian and by its reporting partners in the week before this publication, although some of the recipients of its local grants did.
The documents show that Pravfond sponsored the legal defence of Krasikov, an alleged FSB agent who was given a life sentence for the murder of the former Chechen field commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin’s Tiergarten in 2019. The documents indicate that the lawyer Robert Unger received €60,000 in legal fees paid out by Pravfond’s budget in 2021 as approved by Udaltsov. A European intelligence source said it possessed documents showing that Unger had received a larger sum of money for representing Krasikov in previous sessions, but could not provide documentation.
Asked about the payments, Unger confirmed he had received a request from the journalist consortium but said his mandate for Krasikov ended in 2021 after the life sentence and that because he was “still subject to legal professional confidentiality even after the end of the mandate and have not been released from it, I am unfortunately prevented from answering your questions”.
A Pravfond budget document from 2014 also showed that the organisation had provided significant sums to fund the legal defences of Bout and the convicted drug trafficker Konstantin Yaroshenko, both of whom later returned to Russia as part of prisoner exchanges negotiated between Moscow and Washington.
The documents also indicated that Pravfond had spent hundreds of thousands of euros to maintain several websites that purported to fight against “Russophobia” and promote the “defence of the Russian language” in Europe. It has also funnelled money to a number of fringe publications throughout Europe.
Documents obtained by the consortium showed that Pravfond funded the activities of golos.eu, an online portal that operates out of a post-office box in Brussels and mainly provides a vehicle for commentators to voice criticism of the Ukrainian government, particularly the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, and his top aides and military advisers.
Reached for comment by the Guardian, the Golos deputy editor Yuri Andriychenko denied that the site received money from Pravfond or had any links to the Russian state. He suggested that someone else had applied for grant funding using the site’s name, writing: “We are not surprised that someone in Russia is trying to make money on our name, because it is much easier than creating your own project.”
According to the internal documents, Pravfond also funds the activities of Euromore, another online portal that focuses heavily on purported threats to Russians in Europe. Euromore was “designed to take into account the closure of international platforms” such as RT and Sputnik by the EU authorities and “create its own significant alternative”, the documents said. Those sites were largely blacklisted in the west after the Kremlin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
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mysteriesandthrillers · 2 months
A mission to achieve mind control : Project MK Ultra
Project Mk Ultra, an experiment started during the cold war to achieve mind control so that the US could interrogate Russian spies. The project was initiated by the CIA in 1953 and ended in 1973.
What was this project?
This project included the identification of drugs which could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and brainwash them or as a form of psychological torture. This started after a period of paranoia at the CIA when America had lost it's nuclear monopoly and the fear of communism was high. Plus, the US was suspecting Russia that they were potentially using drugs to interrogate US soldiers.
What drugs were used?
Mainly the usage of LSD ( Lysergic acid diethylamide ) in high doses. There were also other forms of torture that were used which included isolation , electric shocks , etc.
MKUltra was preceded by Project Artichoke. It was organized through the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories. The experiments took place in colleges, universities, hospitals, etc. The CIA operated using front organizations, although some top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.
Who were used as lab rats in this experiment?
Citizens from America and Canada. At first, the soldiers from the US Army were subjected to the experiment where LSD was administered to them. Plus, the drug was also administered to prostitutes, mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts, in short to all those "who couldn't fight back". The drug was also administered to CIA employees, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, in an effort for them to blurt out their deepest secrets or wipe a subject's mind clean, thus creating a robot agent. LSD and other drugs were often administered without the subject's knowledge or informed consent, a violation of the Nuremberg Code the U.S. had agreed to follow after World War II.
Who was the main scientist?
Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was the director of MKUltra. He convinced the CIA to buy the entire supply of LSD from Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland for 240,000 dollars. That amounts to 4 million in 2024.
Where did the experiments take place?
In agency brothels set up in safehouses in San Francisco. They took a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events. They were dosed with LSD and kept in rooms with one-way mirrors then interrogated under bright lights with doctors in the background taking notes. Sessions were recorded for later reviewing. The people under this interrogation were CIA employees, U.S. military personnel, and agents suspected of working for the other side in the Cold War. They were all threatened with being kept in those rooms for longer periods of time if they didn't reveal their secrets.
Were there any major casualties?
Yes. Frank Olson, a United States Army biochemist and weapons researcher fell to his death from a 13th floor hotel building in New York. He was administered LSD without his knowledge which led him to becoming worried about his well-being. He was sent to New York by the CIA to see a psychiatrist and then he was actually executed by the CIA because he was about to resign and divulge state secrets to the media. Thus becoming a security risk.
In 1973, amid a government-wide panic caused by Watergate, CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra files destroyed. Pursuant to this order, most CIA documents regarding the project were destroyed, making a full investigation of MKUltra impossible.
In December 1974, The New York Times alleged that the CIA had conducted illegal domestic activities, including experiments on U.S. citizens, during the 1960s. That report prompted investigations by the United States Congress, in the form of the Church Committee, and by a commission known as the Rockefeller Commission that looked into the illegal domestic activities of the CIA, the FBI and intelligence-related agencies of the military.
In the summer of 1975, congressional Church Committee reports and the presidential Rockefeller Commission report revealed to the public for the first time that the CIA and the Department of Defense had conducted experiments on both unwitting and cognizant human subjects as part of an extensive program to find out how to influence and control human behavior through the use of psychoactive drugs such as LSD and mescaline and other chemical, biological, and psychological means. Also revealed the death of Frank Olson.
For more information you can check out the documentary on Netflix, revolving around the same subject= Wormwood.
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thosearentcrimes · 2 years
Job listings without listed salaries hurt all workers, by forcing them into extremely important negotiations with extremely limited information, but they especially hurt more vulnerable workers, not only because they have reason to be less confident going into negotiations and so put up lower asking prices, but also because if they are more confident this is more likely to be interpreted negatively by employers or hiring committees. This effect also applies when it comes to promotion. I'm not sure exactly how much of, for example, the gender pay gap it accounts for, but I'd guess it's non-negligible. With more transparency, the weaker (employee) side of the negotiation is less vulnerable to this kind of de facto discrimination, the benefits of improved information accruing especially to those most in need of help.
In fact it is not only in salary negotiations that this kind of effect applies, any low-information negotiation will magnify power dynamics, as weak negotiators will need to hedge their bets much more. For example, consider the case of a criminal conspiracy. Imagine a ponzi scheme, the organizers of which are sucking out the money as they go along. Because a criminal conspiracy inherently involves a significant degree of secrecy, all the conspirators are operating on limited information when they "bid" amounts to embezzle for themselves, bid too high and the other parties might retaliate or block the attempt, too low and they fall behind. Like a psychology experiment where college students distribute money in envelopes, except in the Bahamas with billions of dollars suckered out of rubes with hexagonal twitter avatars. In this situation, a conspirator who is a woman might blindly submit a lowball bid, and allegedly end up with just ~6 million dollars of the pot, while the others end up with ~25 million to ~2.2 billion dollars!
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lunarsilkscreen · 4 months
What could an episode of FF8 look like?
Somebody was really inspired by the idea I placed forth earlier and asked what that would look like if I extrapolated it.
The first episode would be all the way up to the original advertisement and classic scene of Seifer vs Squall. Yep, just slightly before the events of the original game.
Although, certain events would be ret-conned as happening before this fight instead of after. Squall showing Selphie around the Garden.
We'd be introduced to a majority of the main Cast here, the "Battle Zoo" and daily life at Balamb.
Most of these introductionsz especially that of the Battle Zoo, would create side-quests and things for the players to do "Between Episodes."
So, learning fight mechanics at the Zoo with many different mechanics would be one of the earliest side-quests.
The episode's focus would shift to the Rivalry between Seifer and Squall, ultimately ending in the fight between them.
The player would have to beat Seifer to get the credit roll. During the fight, however, Seifer will reveal his upper hand of "Having defeated Ifrit First" by blinding Squall with a fire spell.
This would be a single fight, but it would represent every altercation Squall and Seifer ever had. Including several rounds, and Seifer goading Squall whenever he loses.
Generic things like "Come on Squall, is that all you got?" And "C'mon, Get UP!"
There would even be a special challenge mode fight against Seifer with all the stops removed. (As episode one is the "Tutorial Level" and pseudo training montage.)
After nearly switching Genre to the psychological thriller "Face Off" starring Nicolas Cage and John Travolta, the ending scene would be the two breathing heavy facing away from each other, in immense pain.
Like that old Samurai trope of the single slash between warriors. Except they both lost.
And then, "Black Betty" would start playing, as a montage of the different politics and foreshadowing happens. Including flashes of meetings between political leaders, Edea, The Galbadin Army, The Headmaster, the Norg, and likely several other storylines that could be added that didn't appear in the original.
Ending with a scene of the original Orphanage transitioning to Balamb Garden.
This story would include more self-awareness of being orphans and being trained in the art of war at an early age. Hence why the ending with that shift specifically.
Episode two would start with a meeting between Quistis and the Headmaster (or other leader) laying out the gameplay for Operation Dali. And getting on her case for her students not having completed their curricula (Squall Specifically)
This episode features Seifer and Squall being late to class. (Or Seifer not being a whiny b* and still showing up on time, since he's the leader of the Disciplinary Committee and all.)
We get what it's like to be in a classroom for the day, Quistis forces Squall to prepare for his Ifrit Exam,including functioning his assigned GF (Quetzal Coatl) while she takes Shiva. Urging Squall to have taken it himself. But Squall is Squall.
We get a glimpse of the world outside of the Garden for the first time. Here we also introduce the Chocobo Forest, and even see other students learning Animal Husbandry skills. Though, these particular mini-games won't include Squall, as he is being forced into Plato's Cave.
Squall and Quistis make their way through the cave, which includes many strong monsters and Even a boss that Squall mistakes for Ifrit himself.
And then Ifrit himself shows up after he thinks he's done with the outing with "Through the Fire and the Flames" playing in the background. Then Credits.
The post Credit Scene is the other students enjoying the Chocobo Forest games.
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Government Sponsored Harassment Program: Life-long Official Torture Must Be Stopped Now
This article was first published several years ago. It’s still very relevant. Then Senator Joe Biden himself is one of the sponsors of COPS, the government program for community harassment of targeted individuals.
Following are excerpts from a well hidden article published on the disinformation site called Veteran’s News Now.  I’m leaving out the disinformation, and publishing the part that I know to be fact, having had to deal with it for a life time.
These ‘gangs’ of spies are taught harassment techniques such as “gas-lighting” within the U.S. military.  I’ve learned this from people who’ve gone through the training and who have confessed of its existence.  Government jobs are the rewards given to those who participate.  Welfare entitlements are also used as forms of payment so that the financial burden of this army of tormentors is placed on the shoulders of those of us who are employed, and most Americans are now in the minimum wage service economy.  Pretty much everyone else has already been dispossessed of their assets.  The psychopaths who control this army don’t have to spend a dime of their own money for the program, which even has an official name:  COPS.  It’s made out to look good, of course.  It’s not.  Perhaps there are others out there who recognize the patterns described in this article and will join me in speaking out.
What penalty is appropriate for criminals who destroy lives slowly by pretending to be a friend or by marrying their victims, and charging the tax payer for this service?
By Rahul Manchanda, Esq. on August 21, 2016
In Bill Clinton’s COPS Gang-Stalking Program, civilian spies are recruited from every segment of society, and everyone in the “targets” life is made a part of this ongoing, continuous, and systematic form of control and harassment, with such actions that are specifically designed to control the target and to “keep them in line,” like a Pavlovian Dog. These actions are also designed to mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, and psychologically destroy the target over years, to make them appear to be crazy, leave them with no form of support whatsoever, and ultimately to drive the target to suicide.
In 1975 Senator Frank Church convened a joint senatorial/congressional inquiry into the egregious human rights and civil liberties violations of the Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”), National Security Agency (“NSA”), as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) against people both foreign and domestic. Such blatant transgressions included the “neutralization” and “elimination” of political dissidents, “enemies of the state,” real or imagined threats to National Security, and anyone else on the proverbial shit list of the Military Industrial Complex (“MIC”).
The terms ‘enemy of the State’ refers to traditional enemies of the Masonic mob.   The Catholic enemy is simply the Roman Catholic Church and the families that have supported it for centuries.  They are law and order people.
The Mob calls them enemies.
The “Church Committee”  a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Senator Frank Church (D-ID) in 1975, was a Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. A precursor to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee investigated intelligence gathering for illegality by the aforementioned agencies after certain activities had been revealed by the Watergate affair.  Of course, intelligence agencies protect each other.
To discredit one spy agency is to discredit all of them.  The number of jobs, sub-contractors, perks and freebies is beyond measure at this point.  There were spy families before, now there are entire spy populations who live internationally, have several identities in several countries who live very, very good lives and get immunity from just about any prosecution.   They get their  pick of government jobs, all of them are easy, and they get the fast lane when applying for free government benefits.
The December 22, 1974 New York Times article by Seymour Hersh detailed operations engaged in by the CIA over the years that had been dubbed the “family jewels”.  The article pretends that all these covert action programs of assassination were attempts against foreign leaders  to subvert foreign governments.  In actuality, the only thing foreign to this fraudulent government are Catholics, the assassinations were against Catholics, the subversion was against American Catholics.The fact of such programs were reported for the first time: (7) efforts by intelligence agencies to collect information on the political activities of US citizens; and (8) countless other examples, both overseas and domestically.  (See original article for references)
The end result of the Church Committee Hearings was the outright banning on CIA assassinations as well as the FBI/DOJ COINTELPRO gang-stalking programs.
This means that anyone and everyone who is employed or who volunteers to torment the life any other individual is guilty of a federal offense and should certainly stand trial.  Those found guilty should be punished in such a way that the punishment will deter future perpetrators of these multi-generational crimes.
In 1975 and 1976, the Church Committee published fourteen reports on various U.S. intelligence agencies’ formation, operations, and the alleged abuses of law and of power that they had committed, with recommendations for reform, some of which were later put in place.
Under recommendations and pressure by this committee, President Gerald Ford issued Executive Order 11905 (ultimately replaced in 1981 by President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333) to ban U.S. sanctioned assassinations of foreign leaders.   It did not mention domestic leaders.
Does it ban assassinations of American future leaders in the 20-23 age range?  Is this permitted?
The Church Committee’s reports supposedly constitute the most extensive review of intelligence activities ever made available to the public. Much of the contents were classified, but over 50,000 pages were declassified under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992.
Thanks to the concept of ‘redactions’, these declassified documents still protect the assassins and the names of the victims, by giving the Mob Government the right to black out anything they choose to.  Those of us who are targeted and who’ve lost family members are left completely defenseless, unable to identify these assassins and fraudsters who continue to invade our personal lives with impunity.
The Church Committee learned that beginning in the 1950s, the CIA and FBI intercepted, opened, and photographed more than 215,000 pieces of mail by the time the program was shut down.   Certainly this is a lie.  The spying of mail started much earlier in Europe. The Church report found that the CIA was zealous about keeping the US Postal Service from learning that mail was being opened by government agents. CIA agents moved mail to a private room to open the mail or in some cases opened envelopes at night after stuffing them in briefcases or coat pockets to deceive postal officials.  This is still going on of course, and it didn’t begin in the 1950’s.  I’ve found evidence of it throughout the South during the Civil War.
On May 9, 1975, the Church Committee called CIA director William Colby. That same day Ford’s top advisers (Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Philip W. Buchen, and John Marsh) drafted a method to protect their beloved assassins and torturers, many of whom have been rewarded with the highest public offices throughout the world.
No one in government expressed concern for the victims or for the survival of our nation.
The Ford administration, particularly Rumsfeld, was “concerned” about the effort by members of the Church Committee in the Senate and the Pike Committee in the House to curtail the power of U.S. intelligence agencies. It seemed that Rumsfeld et al was comfortable giving the power to arbitrarily destroy anyone as “enemies of the state” by anyone working in the IC and MIC.
COINTELPRO (COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert and illegal projects conducted by the FBI aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic “political dissidents.”
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, brother of Al Capone, issued directives on COINTELPRO, ordering FBI agents to “expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, neutralize or otherwise eliminate” the activities of the targeted.  Under Hoover, the agent in charge of COINTELPRO was William C. Sullivan.
Their actics against the very people whose tax contributions pay their salary included anonymous phone calls, IRS audits, and the creation of documents that would divide their target’s families.  I’ve experienced all of this.
One way of dividing a family is by confiscating their house.  My personal and present experience with this is that a number of these agents cooperate to steal proof of tax payment and also to steal the notifications sent out by the Sheriff’s office about tax liens and tax sales on the property.  When one prays and places oneself under God’s protection, it’s possible to overcome these tactics.  In my case, pure coincidence allowed me to discover that my own proof of  payment of property taxes had been stolen and that my house had already been given to a company in Minnesota, Lima Investments to be exact, for the grand total of about $200.00 or the tax for one year, all that was allegedly owed.   Having a government places us all in great danger, and it’s just time to get rid of it.  All of it.
These government tactics are used against us, our relatives, our friends.
The Final Report of the Select Frank Church Committee blasted with hot air the behavior of the intelligence community in its domestic operations (including COINTELPRO) in no uncertain terms:
“The Committee finds that the domestic activities of the intelligence community at times violated specific statutory prohibitions and infringed the constitutional rights of American citizens. The legal questions involved in intelligence programs were often not considered. On other occasions, they were intentionally disregarded in the belief that because the programs served the “national security” the law did not apply. While intelligence officers on occasion failed to disclose to their superiors programs which were illegal or of questionable legality, the Committee finds that the most serious breaches of duty were those of senior officials, who were responsible for controlling intelligence activities and generally failed to assure compliance with the law. Many of the techniques used would be intolerable in a democratic society even if all of the targets had been involved in violent activity, but COINTELPRO went far beyond that – the Bureau conducted a sophisticated vigilante operation aimed squarely at preventing the exercise of First Amendment rights of speech and association, on the theory that preventing the growth of dangerous groups and the propagation of dangerous ideas would protect the national security and deter violence.”
They continue the pretense that individuals aren’t targeted, only “groups and movements “. According to attorney Brian Glick in his book War at Home, the FBI used four main methods during COINTELPRO:
(1) Infiltration: Agents and informers did not merely spy on selected targets. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and scare off potential supporters of the target through lies and false accusations. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear genuinely good people as agents, accusing their victims of doing what the FBI itself was doing;
(2) Psychological warfare: The FBI and police used myriad “dirty tricks” to undermine people who they opposed. They planted false media stories and published bogus leaflets and other publications in the name of targeted groups. They forged correspondence, sent anonymous letters, and made anonymous telephone calls. They spread misinformation about meetings and events, set up pseudo movement groups run by government agents, and manipulated or strong-armed parents, employers, landlords, school officials and others to cause trouble for activists. They used bad-jacketing to create suspicion about targets, sometimes with lethal consequences;  They sent people to marry into and befriend the families of their perceived enemies, also usually with lethal consequences.
(3) Harassment via the legal system: The FBI and police abused the legal system to harass regular people and make them appear to be criminals. Officers of the law gave perjured testimony and presented fabricated evidence as a pretext for false arrests and wrongful imprisonment. They discriminatorily enforced tax laws and other government regulations and used conspicuous surveillance, “investigative” interviews, and grand jury subpoenas in an effort to intimidate activists and silence their supporters;
(4) Illegal force: The FBI conspired with local police departments to threaten dissidents; to conduct illegal break-ins in order to search dissident homes; and to commit vandalism, assaults, beatings and assassinations. The object was to frighten or eliminate dissidents and disrupt their movements.
The FBI specifically developed tactics intended to heighten tension and hostility between various factions in their targeted groups and individuals, and this resulted in numerous deaths.
While COINTELPRO was officially terminated in April 1971, evidence is that reforms did not succeed in ending COINTELPRO tactics, which now includes harassment on social media, obstruction of commerce through social media censorship, search engine censorship, hacking into independent websites and denial of emergency welfare benefits.
“Community-Oriented Policing,” (“COPS”) is a strategy of policing that focuses on police “building ties and working closely with members of the communities.”   It originated in 1994 when then Senator Joseph Biden wrote and then President Bill Clinton enacted the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (“VCCLEA”) establishing the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (“COPS”) within the US Department of Justice.
Community policing is supposedly a policy that requires police to engage in a “proactive approach” to address public safety concerns, and is a cornerstone of the Clinton Administration, gaining its funding from the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.
Common implementations of community-policing include:
(1) relying on community-based crime prevention by utilizing “civilian education,” neighborhood watch, and a variety of other techniques, as opposed to relying solely on police patrols;
(2) restructuring the patrol from an emergency response based system to emphasizing proactive techniques such as foot patrol;
(3) increased officer accountability to civilians they are “supposed to serve;” and
(4) decentralizing police authority, allowing more discretion amongst lower-ranking officers, and more initiative expected from them.
In other words, federal and state sanctioned and approved PUNISHMENT FOR NO CRIME COMMITTED.
Gang Stalking has many similarities to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community or in the home after infiltrating social groups, where the target is followed around and placed under surveillance by groups of organized civilian spies/snitches 24/7, 365 days a year.
When a target moves or changes jobs, the harassment continues.  There is no mercy with the GOVERNMENT.  If the target complains, the look of triumph is seen ON THEIR FACES, for there is no one to complain to but other spies, double agents and enemies in the pay of the government.  Some of us are absolutely surrounded and live that way our entire lives, unless the mercy of God intervenes.
Targeted Individuals are harassed for months or years before they realize that they are being targeted by an organized Life-Torture Program.
Many innocent people are targeted for these harassment programs.   Their friends, family, and the community at large, through massive prescription drugging, brainwashing and media control, are used to monitor, prosecute, and harass them. In the former Jewish controlled USSR these programs accused innocent people of being an  “enemy of the state,” or “mentally unfit,” and many were institutionalized or murdered using this form of governmental systematic control.
In Bill Clinton’s  COPS Gang-Stalking Program, civilian spies are recruited from every segment of society, and everyone in the “targets” life is made a part of this ongoing, continuous, and systematic form of control and harassment, with such actions that are specifically designed to control the target and to “keep them in line,” like a Pavlovian Dog.
Despite the fact that these actions are designed to mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, and psychologically destroy the target over years, to make them appear to be crazy, and leave them with no form of support, whatsoever,in actual practice something very different happens.
I’ve observed that these malicious operatives end up becoming  mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, and psychologically destroyed themselves over the years,  while their targets, such as myself, manage to adapt our lives in very creative ways.  Those who end up appearing to be crazy, and with no form of support, whatsoever, are the ones doing the torturing.
For the state, this appears to be a way to keep their targets in line, control them, or ultimately destroy them.  Instead, we’ll be seeing the state itself destroyed along with every pirate who depends on it for cash and status even while they work to destroy the very source of that cash and status, the productive tax payers whose dependence on their pirate system diminishes as a result of the harassment.
This systematic form of control is funded at every level of government, every agency is involved in it.  All of them.
Targets can be chosen for many reasons, but mainly they are targeted for knowing too much or for being legitimate, historically Catholic bloodline that has shunned inbreeding.  This bloodline makes for an intelligent and capable individual who will tend to differ with the Masonic Mob in terms of political views and ideas of right and wrong.  People who don’t cooperate with the rape and pillage of our nation will find themselves labelled as:
(1) whistle-blowers;
(2) political dissident;
(3) one who asserts rights at work;
(4) one who has personally displeased a member of the DeMolay Society;
(5) one who is too outspoken;
(6) one who is an investigator ;
(7) a signer of a petition;
(8) a writer of letters;
(9) one who is reported as  “suspicious” by a civilian spy/snitch; or
(10) one who is a religious/ethnic/racial minority, which means being Catholic, which to the  Pirate State makes us an enemy.
The goal of the COPS state sanctioned organized gang-stalking and domestic torture program is to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalized, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment are to destroy the targets reputation and credibility, and to make the target look “crazy” or unstable.
The process often involves sensitizing the target to every day negative and even horrific “stimuli” as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they “get out of line.”   Targets of this relentless and merciless harassment become vulnerable and destitute, and often become homeless, jobless, have a breakdown, are driven to suicide, similar to targets of the banned COINTELPRO. The government eliminates perceived “enemies of the state” in this manner.
Every time the target moves, the same defamation, lies, libel, and slander will be spread, and the systematic harassment will continue. Online defamation, libel, and slander on the internet has made this continuation of COPS gang-stalking a great deal easier.
People from all segments of society can be recruited to be the “eyes and ears” of the state, such as laborers, drug dealers, drug users, street people, prostitutes, punks, church groups, youth groups, your best friend, your lawyer, local policeman, doctor, emergency services, a neighbor, family, social workers, politicians, judges, dentists, vet, supermarket cashier, postman, religious leader, care worker, landlord, anyone.
Most of these recruited civilian spies/snitches do not understand or even care that the end consequence of this harassment protocol is to eventually destroy the targeted person, and function as “useful idiots” of the state sanctioned COPS gang-stalking program.
It has been reported that people and family members participate in this COPS gang stalking because it:
(1) gives them a sense of power;
(2) is a way to make friends;
(3) is something social and fun;
(4) breaks down race/gender/age/social barriers;
(5) is forced or blackmailed upon them by the State or police to take part;
(6) is told to them that they are part of “homeland or national security” to help keep an eye on “dangerous” or “emotionally disturbed” individuals where they are “heroic spies for the state;”
(7) is used on local thugs or informants who are already being used for other activities where their energies are diverted into these COPS gangstalking community spy programs; (8) is either a choice of spying for the State or  police, or else go to jail; (9) involves outright lies and slander about the target to get them to go along with ruining the targets life; (10) includes average citizens recruited by the state the same way citizens were recruited in the former East Germany and other countries.
Some techniques used against targets in this organized COPS Gang-stalking program include:
(1) classic conditioning where a target is sensitized to everyday stimuli over a period of months and years to harass them in public to let them know they are constantly being harassed and monitored;
(2) 24/7 Surveillance following the target everywhere they go, learning about the target and where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are, getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street, monitoring the targets phone, house, and computer activity; I’ve known them to marry family members. Watch the Cable Guy movie for an illustration of how they operate.
(3) isolating the target via defamation, libel, and slander campaigns, (eg, people in the target’s community are told that the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched, false files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbors, family, store keepers);
(4) constant or intermittent noise and mimicking campaigns disrupting the targets life and sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc;
(5) talking in public about private things in the target’s life;
(6) mimicking actions of the target and basically letting the target know that they are in the target’s life; (7) daily interferences, not too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time;
(8) everyday life breaks and street theater such as flat tires, sleep deprivation, drugging food, putting dirt on targets property;
(9) mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets such as getting called/text messages to be at a specific time and place to perform a specific action;
(10) blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from the target;
(11) “baiting” tactics where a surveillance operation can selectively capture evidence of a targeted person responding to harassment, and then that evidence could then be used to justify the initiation of more formal scrutiny by a government agency.
The COPS Gang-Stalking Program, as all other state sanctioned/approved gang-stalking programs, have always been funded by the Government. They are the only ones with enough money, coordination, and power to keep such a system in place. These coordinated efforts then join hands with others for this systemic form of control and harassment.
Such operations have nothing to do with the target’s criminality – they are led and perpetrated by federal agents and intelligence/security contractors, often with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. Unofficial operations of this type are often private investigators and vigilantes – including many former agents and police officers, sometimes on behalf of corporate clients and others with connections to the public and private elements of America’s security industry.
The goal of such operations is “disruption” of the life of an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” I would call it simply “Torture”.
Agents of communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) referred to this process as Zersetzung (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the severe psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim). Victims have described the process as “no-touch torture” – a phrase which also captures the nature of the crime: cowardly, unethical (and often illegal), but difficult to prove legally, because it generates minimal forensic evidence.
Tactics include online and personal slander, libel, defamation, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in public), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with the minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.
Such stalking is sanctioned (and in some cases, orchestrated) by federal agencies; however such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former corrupt employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, private investigators, and their clients.
Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, as it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates the US Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.
As was stated above, organized stalking methods were used extensively by communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) as a means of maintaining political control over its citizens. Although this is supposedly illegal in the US, the same covert tactics are quietly used by America’s local and federal law enforcement, and intelligence agencies, to suppress individuals.
Although Edward Snowden’s revelations about the National Security Agency (“NSA”) in 2013 and 2014 generated a great deal of public discussion about mass surveillance, US domestic counterintelligence activities such as the COPS Program receive relatively little attention.
The FBI’s COINTELPRO operation is still happening, involving even more advanced surveillance technology – and this program is none other than Joseph Biden and Bill Clinton’s COPS Program.
US Department of Justice crime statistics from a 2006 survey indicated that an estimated 445,220 COPS gangstalking victims reported three or more perpetrators (the only ones reported), and this number is growing exponentially on a daily basis.
In addition to being morally reprehensible, the COPS gang stalking program, just like the original version of the FBI’s COINTELPRO operations, is very, very illegal. It violates criminal laws in all fifty states against stalking, as well as grossly violates the US Constitution’s prohibitions against warrantless searches and extra-judicial punishment.
What is extra-judicial punishment?  It is punishment without trial, without a charge and without even the acknowledgement that a life-long punishment is inflicted.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
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We “must confront and can no longer ignore,” the issue of reparations for slavery, said Ghana’s president Nana Addo Akufo-Addo at a November reparations conference hosted by the African nation.
As calls for reparations across the United States continue to grow, the movement is also gaining traction in both African and Caribbean countries.
At the 2023 Accra Reparation Conference in Ghana, delegates “agreed…to establish a Global Reparation Fund to push for overdue compensation for millions of Africans” whose descendants were enslaved up until the late 1800s.
Nana Addo Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana, spoke the first day of the convening, stating “No amount of money can restore the damage caused by the transatlantic slave trade…But surely, this is a matter that the world must confront and can no longer ignore.”
“It is time for Africa — whose sons and daughters had their freedoms controlled and sold into slavery — to also receive reparations,” President Akufo-Addo added. “The entire period of slavery meant that our progress, economically, culturally, and psychologically, was stifled. There are legions of stories of families who were torn apart,” stated Akufo-Addo.
“You cannot quantify the effects of such tragedies, but they need to be recognized,” said Akufo-Addo. The president also specifically called out European nations like the British who profited immensely from slavery, wherein “enslaved Africans themselves did not receive a penny.”
As applause resounded from the audience, which consisted of individuals in high-level leadership from African and Caribbean countries, Afuko-Addo declared, “We in Africa must work together with them to advance the cause.”
The delegates did not determine the exact mechanics for operations of the reparations fund, but Ambassador Amr Aljowailey did say that compensation would be based upon “moral and legal rights and dignity of the people.”
In addition, Aljowailey, who is also “strategic adviser to the deputy chairman of the African Union Commission,” indicated the Fund would “be championed by a committee of experts set up by the A.U. Commission in collaboration with African nations, ‘a special envoy will engage in campaigns as well as litigation and judicial efforts.’”
These efforts are occurring following the release of a report from a special U.N. forum, supporting “reparations as ‘a cornerstone of justice in the 21st century.’”
Findings from the report concluded that the ramifications of slavery extended far beyond the conclusion of the slave trade and that descendants of Africans “around the world continue ‘to be victims of systemic racial discrimination and radicalized attacks.’”   
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foundationhq · 8 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 Vera Nair 𝐀𝐠𝐞 45 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 cis  woman,   she/her 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 Indira Varma     𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 retired
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[𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶] has, over the course of a truly impressive career, proven more than capable of bearing the unimaginable “everyday” of medical staff working within the Foundation. MTF Chi-00 will be no different; indeed, the Ethics Committee anticipates that this assignment will present unique challenges. Surely, [𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶] is prepared to tackle these trials with the same stalwart dedication, unflappable under-fire organization, and carefully measured bedside manner reflected in their records. Their attention to detail will no doubt contribute vital insights to the complex cases redirected to this Task Force, and to our personnel files. The Broken Scales of Themis is to be monitored to the utmost degree, and discretion, as ever, will be key. The Committee trusts that [𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶] need not be reminded of this fact. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
[TW: DEATH ] PHYSICIAN;  MTF  DELTA-14,  provided  medical  aid  during  MTF  Delta-14's containment  mission  of SCP-192001-1.  Had  it  been  not  for  her  team,  the  losses  would've  reached  the  hundreds. 
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𝐷𝑌𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐵𝑅𝐸𝐸𝐷. Possibly your worst patient. And not because of the divorce, which stayed amicable. You didn’t expect to see them here — or ever again, maybe — and they’re definitely doing their best to avoid you. You still don’t understand what happened on that last assignment… or what you covered up, for their sake. Do they have the answers? Are you ready to find out?
𝐿𝐼𝑉𝐸 𝑊𝐼𝑅𝐸. Scratch that — this is your worst patient. It’s not just the fact that their mission-gone-wrong is an unpleasant reminder of your own grief; they’re clearly still in recovery, physically and psychologically, but seem dead set on running themselves into the ground. Your doctor’s orders are for them to find some way to lay the dead to rest and move on, rebuilding their life. Which you’re definitely doing, yourself.
𝐶𝑂𝑊𝐵𝑂𝑌 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺. You’ve been seeing a fair bit of them lately, and they have you confused. Weren’t they attached at the hip to 𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐸 𝐻𝑈𝐺𝐺𝐸𝑅? But you’ll be their confidant. Maybe they’ll finally heed your advice and reconsider this assignment and transfer out.
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[𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶] did not pass Wellness Counselor J. Oyuun's psychiatric evaluation ahead of the first mission. Oyuun's report outlined that [𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶]'s recent loss and grieving state was a subject of concern to the health and safety of herself as well as her teammates at MTF Chi-00, and recommended a transfer. Site Director Buckley Osterholz, upon reflection of the operative's interview, agreed and contacted the Committee on MARCH 28. The Ethics Committee approved the transfer, and [𝐸𝐿𝐸𝑉𝐴𝑇𝑂𝑅 𝑀𝑈𝑆𝐼𝐶] was flown out of Site-φ that same night. — Internal Memo from the Ethics Committee.
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