#the TALENT radiating off your blogs??
dtective · 2 years
yknow what i fuckin love ocs
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arminsumi · 10 months
Your blog is my daily serotonin <3
geto letting you put eyeliner on him while sitting on his lap- taking the opportunity to flirt with you!!! I'm imagining soft, light, almost tickling touches and his sultry eyes. reader *desperately* trying to keep her cool...
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ?
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A/N: stawppp u made me blush tysm 💗 also this idea made me SPIN in my spinny chair i love it sm. sugie's eyes are so mesmerizing 🫠 (p.s. ur theme is so prettyyy!!)
Wc ≈ 1.4k
Pairing: GETO Suguru x f.reader
Summary: practicing putting eyeliner on your best friend, while sat in his lap. He can't help but take this chance to flirt with you. Of course, a certain someone interrupts your moment right at the end
Warnings; Satoru being a jackass and totally interrupting u guys at THE moment lol
♪ melting like an ice cream when you smile
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“Is it bothering you? Should I clip it back?” Suguru asked.
“Nooo, I don’t mind it.” you replied. “I can keep your bangs at bay with my pinkie, ‘s all good.”
What you did mind was the proximity between you and him.
You could feel the support of his muscular thighs and the engulfing warmth radiating from his chest even through that oversized cotton shirt of his. The very white shirt that had always driven your senses wild for some reason – probably because of how its short sleeves teasingly hinted at his toned arms underneath without completely showing them off.
Pinkie keeping his bangs at bay, fingertip lightly pressing against his cheekbone and hair tickling your skin, you applied the eyeliner with slow, meticulous strokes.
Suguru was mesmerized. You looked focused like an artist at work on a painting. And he noticed that you seemed mesmerized, too. Even a bit shy, which he commented on because it was so unlike you.
“Shy, huh?” He teased.
“I’m not shy.” You denounced half-heartedly. “Why would I be?”
He just smirked in response, and that itself had such an effect on you; your careful line became an inky squiggle. “Oh no! No no no!” you muttered under your breath, hastily using your pinkie to wipe the mistake away but that only resulted in smudging it awkwardly into the crease of his eyes.
“Don’t laugh! Don’t smile! I have to fix the corner…” you begged with Suguru, but that only made him laugh and smile harder. He apologized through soft chuckles.
After correcting the mistake, you pulled back from his face to check that both sides seemed equal. Only when you pulled your face away like this, did you and Suguru realize in the back of your minds that you were quite close to each other earlier…
“Mesmerized by something?” he asked teasingly. His cool voice was so close to your ears, it felt like it reverberated in your whole chest.
Sultry eyes narrowed interestedly at you as you observed the corners of them. Those abyssal irises demanded eye contact from you, and once they got it, they peered into your soul. Suguru loved doing that, not only to appreciate your eyes but because of your sweet, shy reaction.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare. Just making sure both sides look the same.” You told him.
“Mhm.” He hummed.
Maybe the broken eye contact is what led him to snake his arms around your waist and pull you closer. Or maybe he just missed the intimate closeness that you had with him earlier, when your faces were quite close.
 You tried to distract yourself from the bubbling heat in the pit of your stomach that his subtle touch caused. “I’m not very talented at eyeliner…” you admitted.
“Really? I think yours always looks good.” Suguru said.
“Just ‘good’ ?! That means I look bad.”
He chuckled. “No I – alright, I’ll phrase it better; you always look like you’re ready for a photoshoot.”
“Oh, stop flirting!” you scolded him playfully, causing his lips to stretch into a cheeky smile.
“Aw, you caught me in the act.” He muttered sultrily.
You tried not to smile, but that was very impossible in the moment. It seems it was the same for him, too. Being so close to you with his arms wrapped around your waist put him in an excited daze.
Sunset light streamed in through the sheer curtains, patterned shadows forming on the white bed made it seem like you were sitting on a grey meadow of flowers, twigs and leaves. A very slight rumble of traffic rose over the railing of the balcony just outside the sliding door. Tokyo had a certain sound and feeling to it, one you could never put your finger on.
After a bout of silence, you realized you and him had stopped talking and just stared into one another’s eyes. You’d even stopped applying the eyeliner. Stomachs knotted up with feelings, the two of you were both about to say something to each other before you blurted out “The brown eyeliner fits you well, glad I chose it.”
“Oh?” he batted his lashes at you… or was that an involuntary action? Who knows. You continued to carefully flick the felt tip of the eyeliner until a tiny, sharp angle was formed.
Well, ‘sharp’. It wasn’t as razor-edged as the other side, which really bothered you. The way you flitted your eyes between his two made him crack a smile that made his Addam’s apple subtly shift up and down.
“Do I look bad?” he asked curiously.
“Not at all… you look ho- you look good with eyeliner.” You replied.
“Oh, I look hot, huh? You crushin’ on me? Satoru’s gonna be heartbroken.” He joked.
“I'm not crushing — !” you squeaked quickly in response, taken aback.
“You’re not crushing on me or you’re not crushing on him?”
“I’ve never… I’m not crushing on Satoru.” You told him.
Such an unexpectedly serious question for him throw into the mellow atmosphere. He tried to sound light-hearted so he wouldn’t scare you off from answering, or give hint to his nervousness.
“So then…?”
“So then what?” you blinked at him, all movements of the eyeliner brush ceased. Things were getting heatedly exciting.
“So then, you have a thing for me?”
You widened your eyes at him. His heart thumped, he was getting nervous – unsure how to judge your reactions to his questions. He was trying to assess whether you liked him or not, and you were making it so hard. If only he could read your mind, he thought.
“Huh? What? Stop flustering me!” You laughed it off.
He could tell you were avoiding answering out of nervousness, but it still irked him; he really wanted to know.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to just spring that on you so suddenly. I was just… curious.” He said.
You sighed. “I’m… I’m already melting over you, no need to vaporize me.”
“Oh? You’re melting?” his eyes lit up, “Why?”
“Because…” you trailed off immediately, “No reason.” You lied.
“No reason?” he questioned, raising his brows sceptically, “You sure about that?”
With the way he raised his brows, his eyes became even more spellbinding. You felt completely bewitched by them. The pigment of the liquid eyeliner, paired with the undertones of the eye pencil you started with, paired with the slight glint of light in his eyes – all of it made that bubbling heat in your stomach explode into an even bigger feeling.
You got so lost in his pretty, abyssal eyes that you didn’t realize how silent you’d become, or how close you had gotten to his face – not that he minded the increased proximity, it had his heart pumping hard.
“You okay? Still melting?” he teased.
“Sorry! I’m just – “
“ – mesmerized by me? Melting for me?” he teased further.
“Suguru!” you laughed shyly.
“There’s no need to keep playing it off, I can see right through you.” He said seriously.
Your eyes lingered on his for much too long. It felt like what he said was true – it felt like he really could see right through you, like you were transparent. He was itching to break the tension between you and him with a feverish kiss. One of those classic, best-friends-to-lovers kisses that you see in the movies.
But then guess who burst through the door of your apartment as loudly as possible? Yeah, the jackass that you regretfully gave your apartment key to.
“YOUR SAVIOR HAS ARRIVED!” Satoru hollered, striding down the hallway and popping his head into your bedroom to find you and Suguru breaking apart very quickly, as if you weren’t just on his lap about to share your first kiss.
“Did ya miss me? ‘Course you did. What?”
“Nothing.” You shook your head.
“What’s with that look?” Satoru whined.
“Nothiiing!” You groaned, Suguru just chuckled under his breath.
“Yuh, I mean, I didn’t do anything, after all. Weirdos.” Oh, you really wanted to shove a pillow into his face.
He pounced on the bed, coming right between you and Suguru without thinking too much of it. “I’m so hungry – let’s get takeout.” He whined and rolled around on your bed. He pleaded until you gave in. “Yay, let’s fuckin’ go then I’m so starved.” He said dramatically.
So you and Suguru readied yourselves to go out for a spontaneous food trip.
“What a pity.” He said with the utmost sultriness in his eyes and voice, leaving you at the doorframe with a wink that lingered in your mind for the rest of the day.
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acey-wacey · 1 year
God I couldn't stop laughing when I read the writing about the love triangles, I was wondering if I could ask for a second part but this time. Silver vs Sebek and Trey vs Cater (I love your blog and your work <3) ✍️💗✨💘
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Lovelies, I think we found a new favorite series!
This one's a tad angstier than originally intended 😬 but dw it's just a bit self deprecating on a few accounts.
⚠️TW⚠️ - negative self-talk, mentions of depression/depressive episodes, low-key yandere
🗡️ Silver 🗡️
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🐊 Sebek Zigvolt 🐊
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Tbh, it's not much of a rivalry.
They both respect each other as fellow knights and Diasomnia dorm members.
Of course that doesn't stop Sebek from being the slightest bit jealous when he sees how you let Silver rest his head on your lap.
Both were rather clueless to each other's feelings, as well as their own.
Lilia had to be the one to point it out that either even liked you in the first place.
Sebek was infuriated upon discovering that he had feelings for a human.
It's fine for Silver to like you since he's a human as well but for the son of an esteemed fae to harbor affections for a human, and a magicless one, no less.
Sebek rejected his feelings no matter how hard it was.
He convinced himself that you would be happier with Silver who would actually be able to love you wholeheartedly, without reservation.
Meanwhile, Silver was just as oblivious to his own feelings, assuming that the warmth in his chest whenever he was around you was just friendship.
When he overheard Lilia gossiping about Sebek's little crush on the human, Silver was dejected but resigned himself, not wanting to admit that he ever felt anything for you besides friendship in the first place.
He loved the relationship you had, where he was comfortable with you and you would never judge him, being endlessly patient with his narcolepsy.
He didn't want to ruin anything so he came to the conclusion that Sebek would be better for you anyway because he could love you without being afraid of losing your friendship.
For a good long while, neither confessed because they decided you were too good for them and would be happier with the other.
Like I said, not much rivalry going on, just two boys with inferiority complexes and one (1) friend outside their dorm.
🏹 Rook Hunt 🏹
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🍄 Jade Leech 🍄
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Oooh, baby, the tension they radiate is thicker than a cloud of smog and even more stifling for the people around them.
From the moment Rook Hunt heard about the magicless prefect, he was instantly intrigued.
How could a powerless interloper, supposedly from a world without magic, with only their cat and the power of friendship, defeat multiple omnipotent overblots?
Not even the most talented seniors had even fought an overblot and they most likely would have lost.
So what made this odd little human so special?
Ever since he took an interest in you, Rook made an effort to spend as much time as he could by your side or otherwise observing you.
You were a little freaked out by his sudden attention but seeing Rook conspicuously throwing rocks outside your classroom window became part of your daily routine.
For Jade, it wasn't until after Azul's overblot that you caught his attention with the same question as Rook.
What made you so special?
You found yourself with a surplus of Mostro Lounge coupons, a marketing tactic according to Azul, but really, it was just Jade wanting to see you again.
You didn't really notice anything intimidating about the two of them since you were friends, but to everyone else, it became obvious that you were being courted by the two scariest people in the school.
Both of them enjoyed spooking Grim and then threatening him if he ever tells you.
The gossip surrounding you is what tips them off to their rivalry.
Many students are talking about your frightening admirers and how you must be pretty insane to attract them.
When Jade overheard said conversation, he shut the gossipers down with just a well-placer unsettling smirk.
However, it got him to thinking, if Rook Hunt was courting you, he would probably pull some dirty tricks to get in your favor.
Of course, Jade has a few dirty tricks up his own sleeve.
He'll purposefully indebt you to the Mostro Lounge so you have to spend more time with him.
You aren't exempt from his schemes and his teasing, but he doesn't work you as hard as the other indentures.
He's very protective though, so whenever Rook deigns to visit Octavinelle's restaurant to see you, you just happen to be working the back room.
The two glare daggers at each other whenever they're in the same room.
You've never even noticed how you're being tugged on either arm by two slightly manic yet calculating hunters.
Jade and Rook both seem to have set their eyes on the same prey but either would be d@mned before they let you get away.
🎮 Idia Shroud 🎮
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🦇 Lilia Vanrouge 🦇
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Once again, not much of a rivalry.
Idia is quite frightened of all people, including Lilia, and Lilia doesn't see Idia as competition.
Lilia has seen plenty of shy mortals with a little crush, but it never mattered much.
The fae could see that you and Idia made each other happy but he wasn't willing to give up that easily.
As soon as Idia discovered that he had a competitor for your attention, he tried to stay as far away from you as possible.
Because a rival means confrontation and he would actually rather d!e.
Unfortunately for his good sense, he couldn't keep you away from him.
You were used to his moods when he shut himself in his room for days and sometimes weeks and you knew how to help, though you didn't know this one was because of you.
You brought water refills and healthy snacks to the Ignihyde dorm and no one dared deny you entrance.
You were the only person who could get their hermit of a dorm leader out of his shell so they all respected you a lot.
When you showed up at Idia's door, worried about his mental and physical health, he knew he couldn't ignore you.
Even if he knew Lilia liked you too, he couldn't give you up.
He definitely wasn't confident that you would choose him if it came down to it but he needed you in his life as a friend, if nothing more.
Lilia, on the other hand, was positive thrilled about having a rival in love.
He'd never experienced thag before.
Last time Lilia harbored feelings for a human, upon hearing of his love, the other humans avoided the object of his affections like they were the plague, afraid of incurring the wrath of the fae general.
But those times were far behind him and all these humans saw was a mischievous boy with wisdom far beyond his observable years.
Lilia didn't want to tease the Shroud boy too much since he knew he couldn't handle it and making your friend upset would make you upset, but how else is one supposed to manage a love rival?
Only behind the guise of an online persona did Lilia confront Idia.
He knew he often gamed with Lilia on an anonymous discord, but Idia didn't know that his gaming partner was the same Diasomnia vice dorm leader.
Lilia always asked Idia about his crush on voice call and if he would ever ask them out.
He even urged Idia to ask you out, hinting that you cared for him too.
Ultimately, Lilia wanted the two of you to be together, since he knew he would never get the chance to be with you.
He had lived far longer and would continue to live long after you had departed from the world so there wasn't much point in trying to make you his.
It didn't stop him from jokingly courting you though.
It was all flowers and late night strolls, sprinkled in with Friday evening Smash Bros.
He observed you and Idia as your relationship developed, outwardly rooting for you but internally heartbroken.
Though Lilia was competitive, he never outright opposed Idia.
After all, it wasn't the shut-in's fault that a human and fae lived worlds apart.
♣️ Trey Clover ♣️
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♦️ Cater Diamond ♦️
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This one is a bit more toxic.
Obviously, Cater and Trey are friends who exchange gossip and some personal information about themselves.
Trey considered Cater a trustworthy confidant, so he told him about his crush on you.
Cater, harboring his own feelings for you, was quite torn by the revelation.
He did like having Trey as a friend, but he far from trusted him.
Cater decided to keep his affections a secret, watching as Trey grew closer to you and resenting his "best friend" more by the second.
Cater hadn't ever felt for anyone like he did for you.
It seemed like you were the only person who would accept him no matter what.
You had seen him break down and you were still there as a friend.
You liked the peppy screenager and the cold, calculating senior and the little kid with mommy issues curled in a ball on the bathroom floor.
You understood him in a way no one else would ever be allowed to.
Trey didn't quite understand that.
The vice dorm leader hadn't always liked you.
He thought that because you hung out with the first years that you were a trouble maker just like them.
But over time, he realized they you were more of a first year wrangler.
An ADeuce whisperer if you will.
He appreciated you for doing his big brother job for him and admired you for putting up with them.
The two of you bonded over the big sibling role and found yourselves talking a lot more often.
You would help him in the kitchen when he baked and you were invited to every unbirthday party.
Cater noticed Trey's feelings for you first and found himself unbearably jealous.
He didn't say anything, of course, because his bubbly persona he had created was supposed to be happy for you and Trey.
Trey gradually noticed how Cater was much less tense around you and put together that he had feelings for you.
Neither of them ever said anything about their observations but they knew.
And they hated it.
In my headcanon, they've always had a strained frenemy relationship and this just put more tension between them.
You, miraculously, don't notice the tension even though it makes every unbirthday party very stressful.
Everyone else has noticed and is a little worried about the growing resentment between the two "best friends".
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alienshifter · 5 months
Thank youuu for the tag @afterhovr 🌞
1. Are you named after anyone? I'm not named after anyone
2. When was the last time you cried? A few days ago
3. Do you have kids? Nope
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play basketball when I was a kid & in some of my teenage years and I actually decided to start playing again ~ I had my first basketball training last week and it was amazing to reconnect after 13+ years
5. Do you use sarcasm? I do but certainly not with everyone
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? The eyes and just the energy one radiates, the vibe one gives off
7. What’s your eye colour? They're very dark brown :)
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I definitely love both. Having said that I love watching more suspenseful/horror type of movies again lately, thanks to my girlfriend who is very much into the spooky kind of stuff 💛
9. Any talents? I'd say in general I'm just a creative type of person (thank you water placements in my natal chart)
10. Where were you born? In the most beautiful country in the world ~ Greece 🇬🇷
11. What are your hobbies? I have many interests but I mostly find myself so overwhelmed that I usually end up watching something on netflix or scrolling through tumblr... I am working on regaining my energy and motivation though so just to name a few things that bring me joy: reading, writing, drawing, DJ-ing, discovering new music, visiting museums, going to the movies, going to techno parties/festivals, going to concerts & more
12. Do you have any pets? Yes, she's the sweetest lil dog ever and her name is Ravi, but she lives with my ex. Luckily I get to see precious Ravi regularly
13. How tall are you? 167cm or about 5'6"
14. Favorite subject in school? It used to be arts class and English
15. Dream job? Difficult fucking question because I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I would love to be a coach/mentor/social worker using film (or anything else creative) as a tool to help people. I used to think that I wanted to get back into film making entirely but as I'm getting older I'm realizing that I just want to help people unstuck themselves so that they can move forward and grow into their beautiful authentic selves. There's some personal inner work I have to go through still but I am definitely thinking about going back to school so I can start shaping the job of my dreams myself. 👽👽👽 I'm tagging: @sink--orswim @wetwicksdry @starlet-sky @phoenix----rising @in-kind @mossworldsstuff @planetaerium @halosydne @losingmymindx @zohalia @strwbrry5evr @burnitoffyourmind @urtopia @psilocybinsagittarius @xxintuitionxx @inlovewetrust555 @daniellesjourneyxo @celestial-anomie @tendergesturess @for-the-girls-blog @sophiasgranddaughter
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heavensickness · 1 year
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I found your character sheet extremely cool, so I wanted to share mine (because I have not yet pulled the people around me into Touchstarved hell so I could bother them with it instead) !!
Angel is originally from a very high ranking noble family that had gathered a lot of influence outside of the city. Their mother soon realized that all the nannies that came into close contact with them turned crazy and tried to kill them, which is how they found out about the curse; Angel has obviously had knowledge of their affliction by then and went great lengths to keep it a secret. She was then thrown out, with some money and food given to her by the maids of the family who loved her very much and actually nicknamed her Angel, so as to not tarnish the family's reputation and threaten their ascension in society. By that time they'd already learned the skills every noble child is taught, and though they would never let anybody know, they miss their old life terribly, for the path that had been paved for her by her family aligned with her own visions and interests. Little did she know that what she was showed correlated in no way with what was actually going on behind the scenes. Angel grew up reading a lot and identified herself a lot with the heroes in the stories she loved so much, becoming very idealistic and feeling betrayed and disillusioned when she has run-ins with the real world. She joined a thief syndicate pretty early on, where she was taught the ways of the street and discovered that she had a talent for trickery and thievery; the nickname 'noble bastard' was given to them because of their noble background and more or less moral behavior, even on the street, and their knack for illegal activities. Their background also led to a lot of bullying, where they had to learn to stand up and defend themselves; however, that time of their life left them with a lot of scars, physical and mental. In return, they've earned themselves quite a name in the streets.
She is throughoutly fascinated by Kuras, but feels intimidated by his presence; in her eyes, he radiates the nobility she loves so much.
They couldn't stand Vere from the very moment they met, and later finds the cause for their immediate hostility to be his behavior and philandering demeanor, which they perceive as rude and uncalled for.
Ais is someone they know they should not like, but cannot help liking anyway; his air of leadership, general attractiveness and mysterious behavior make their heart flutter and they find their interest piqued. On the other hand, their trauma makes them wary and they scold themselves quite harshly for daring to even have these kind of feelings.
She has a lot of respect for Mhin and would love to learn more about fighting and killing monsters from them; Mhin's reserved attitude is something she understands and respects. Their relationship is more like two colleagues that work well together than it is romantical.
Hooo, boy... Leander. Where to start. They kind of feed off of each other, in good and bad ways. Leander is Angel's type, both physically and in terms of behavior. She loves his easy-going nature, leadership abilities, magic aptitude and seemingly boundless kindness and appreciates the mission of the bloodhounds. The fact that they share the first kind of physical contact she's had in years does quite a number on her, though she does not want to admit it. She is all too easily charmed by him, and he basks in her admiration and is fond of their shared interests. Though she is kinda wary in the beginning/feels the same way about him as she does with Ais, he just makes it so easy to trust him, who could fault her for getting entangled with him? They've finally, finally found somebody decent, somebody who is just like them, somebody that they can touch, and who enjoys it.
(Him liking to be tied up is just a bonus for them tbh)
Once again, sorry if this was sudden and/or too much, but I found Touchstarved through your blog and it's the deadly 'great piece of media + good time in my life to develop a hyperfixation' combo + your OC is just so interesting! Can you share some facts about her as well? <3
I love Angel soo much and they deserve their own story, like a manhwa or a webtoon series tbh! ❤ Thank you for telling me about them! (Also my OC Lyra would have a crush on them 100%)
For my Lyra's story...
Lyra was abandoned as a baby in front of the gates of a secluded temple in the woods. The temple in question is preaching a "new religion" in the sense that its teachings and lore regarding the Gods & the creation of man and the Earth are slightly different than the traditional, ancient religion of the world where the story takes place in. I haven't thought excessively about the beliefs of this temple as I always focused on Lyra herself more, but it works more as a cult and less as a religious society even though its true nature is unknown to people.
Lyra was born with this curse and her mother, the midwife and the nurses who has touched her were driven insane, harming themselves and also attempting to kill Lyra as well. Her horrified father, thinking that she was a monster/a bad omen, abandoned her by the temple as he didn't want to kill her with his own hands. The priests of the temple are very familiar with curses as they have used curses as a weapon since the temple existed as a way to uphold their power; so they decided to raise her and use her for their own gains instead of killing her.
Lyra grew up being very doted on by the attendants of the temple, and she was taught that she was a blessing from God, a Saintess whose touch offered a higher plane of understanding and enlightement. That was why people were horrified and twisted at her touch; they were just struggling with the overwhelming englightement from God. They were not hurt. No, listen to the priests. Don't worry your pretty little head about it. The priests know the best. She was isolated from the rest of the world, brainwashed and manipulated her whole life that her touch was something good and pure. In fact, the temple people were using her touch to eliminate people who stood up against the temple by taking away their sanity and thus their status etc. So no matter how scared Lyra felt upon seeing people writhing and screaming after she touched them, she ignored the voice in her head telling her that something was off, very off, because the temple was the only family she had and your family would never lie to you, right?
Her whole world came crashing down when a visiting magician exposed her in front of all the priests and attendants of the temple. She knew that the magician was right. Maybe she has always known that she was an impostor, a fake Saintess who was actually an abomination. An evidence of God's wrath rather than His mercy. She was just nothing. She pretended to listen to the priests telling her that the magician was a scammer and she was truly a Saintess like the obedient doll she has been shaped to be. Then at night, she gathered the little belongings she had, and escaped from the temple and the woods until she reached a small town and found a way to reach Eridia, which was like a fairytale kingdom to her from the books she has read. The rest is history.
Years and years of sheltering has left her naive about how the world works, very vulnerable to manipulation, and with a strong longing for true love and acceptance. She is also very curious and feisty, hence always finds herself in trouble lmao. She reminds me of a rabbit or a white ferret for animal symbolism.
She and Leander will be like fire and oil... Catastrophic and tragic... As they would feed into each other's deepest insecurities and flaws. As I said, her fatal flaw is her vulnerability to manipulation upon the promise of love so you can guess how her Leander route would go LMFAO rubs my evil hands together. But also it could be the story of how she can break free of her fatal flaw and learn to survive on her own. She thinks he is very niceys and cool as of the demo... idiot girl (affectionately)
She enjoys being around Ais and feels an odd sense of safety as she can sense that he is not the one to bullshit her or trick her. She gets flustered very fast and dishes out more than she can take, so their banters are very fun and loaded with sexual tension. I actually want her to end up with Ais tbh
She is fascinated by Vere and wants to get closer to him, but also she is afraid of him. She is impressed by the way he holds himself with confidence, the way he is so graceful but unapproachable at the same time. I want them to be besties sooo bad ok
Even as a fake Saintess, she feels a familiarity with Kuras and looks up to him. She genuinely feels that Kuras could help her and is ready to follow him like a baby chick whenever she gets the chance. The reason she is so drawn to him would be that she is actually not 100% fake and has divine powers, albeit veeery little, though she is not aware of it. Religious trauma duo, rise!
Mhin BAFFLED her as she has never met someone who treated her like they do, but also she went all TOGETHER WE CAN BREAK THE CURSE TOGETHER mode & became very curious about them upon learning their condition. She would like to be their friend, but I'm afraid Mhin could find her too nosy and irritating :(
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gjenkatarot · 4 months
Hii✨ I would like to participate to the game. You blog give off futuristic vibe with your pictures ,the way you design them, aquarius vibe. I'm GBDJF ♈
Thank you for participating ! I actually have Aquarius midheaven and 11th house stellium! I enjoy designing and editing!
The person coming your way is truly remarkable, gifted with incredible talents and a knack for resourcefulness. They not only know how to get things done but approach challenges with confidence and creativity. Their abilities shine in various aspects of life, making them someone who brings a wealth of skills and positivity to any situation.
This person is a beacon of optimism, always radiating positivity and lifting the spirits of those around them. Their upbeat nature and constant enthusiasm create an infectious energy that people can't help but be drawn to. They prioritize building a stable and joyful home life, emphasizing connections built on trust and respect. Their company is cherished by those close to them, and you may find common ground in shared hobbies or similar interests.
Beyond their sunny disposition, this person possesses a calm and balanced temperament. Quick to work through problems and preferring peace over conflict, they contribute to a harmonious environment. What makes this connection even more special is the potential for a spiritual bond, a deep understanding that transcends words.
Their potential placements might include Aries, Sagittarius, or Cancer.
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ohhiplumbob · 2 years
With the recent negativity in the community, I figured we could use some uplifting. So I’m asking simblr to pick a blog or two, (or more if you want) and say why they inspire you, or what you admire about them. Or simply.. Why you think they’re cool. Whatever your heart desires. Let’s just spread some good. :) ❤️
Aw this is a lovely thing to do anon! I'll just list a couple off of the top of my head.
@budgie2budgie B is incredible, She was one of the first simblrs I found. I didn't have a tumblr at the time so I bookmarked her page along with a few of the other OG's (dani-paradice, @inabadromance etc) and I'd visit them every couple of days to check for new CC until I eventually made my own page. It's been great to see her move into more story telling with her rotational game play and her imagination knows no bounds when it comes to edits. Have you seen her recent Barbie posts? She's so bloody talented.
@oatberrytea God I just heckin' love her. Absolute love and warmth just radiates from this girl and her blog. She’s been my biggest hype man since we found each other. Ultimate grandma vibes, 100% pure wholesomness on her blog. I’d kill to live in her game or even her actual house, I bet she makes the best cookies. Her game looks so soft and cozy and inspired me to create a save and play my sim Doris who I’ve had so much fun playing! (2)(3).
I’m lumping @servegrilledcheese​ and @ratboysims​ together becaue they both give me the same vibe, they’re both funny and crazy talented. Their game play posts are everything I wish I could do but just don’t seem able to, something to strive for. They have such recognizable and destinct sim styles, I can always tell a post by either of them while looking through my dash.
@mellindi​ Holy shit, have you seen her blog? I’m sick and tired of this gals talents. You name it she can do it. She’s a fantastic writer and bring so much life to her sims. She’s also so insightful and helpful. Her website is full of brilliant tutorials and information on mods to make your gameplay better! A real gem in the community and must be protected at all costs!
@mandy-sims Mandy has such adorable game play pictures but she’s mostly my go to for sim lookbooks. I’ve never been into clothing for fashion, I wear black leggings and some kind of black band or logo t-shirt every day and have done since I was a teenager (although I permanently had black skinny jeans glued to my legs back then). So I never know how to dress sims. I typically stick them in one of the styled looks and call it a day. BUT when I do wanna make a little bit more effort Mandy is where I go and just copy the looks she puts on her sims. Her decorating is also chefs kiss.
@orphyd An actual real life angel who walks among us. She’s been so supportive of me over the years and watching her grow in return has been a blessing. I wish I could just connect her game to mine and have instant access to all of her sims and interiors because they’re at least a 17/10. Genuinely sweet and loving person.
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affordablechiefs · 8 months
Unleash Your Inner Speedster: The Mecole Hardman Chiefs Jersey
Are you ready to embrace the lightning-fast energy of the Kansas City Chiefs’ standout wide receiver? Look no further than the dynamic Mecole Hardman Chiefs jersey. In this blog article, we delve into not only Hardman’s electrifying playstyle but also the reasons why his jersey is a must-have for any Chiefs fan. Get ready to channel your inner speedster as we explore the stylish, sleek, and trendsetting world of the Mecole Hardman Chiefs jersey.
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1. Embodying Speed and Agility:
Known for his blistering speed and impressive athletic ability, Mecole Hardman has become a vital component of the Chiefs’ offense. Sport his jersey, and you’ll instantly feel the rush of adrenaline associated with his thrilling breakaway plays and game-changing touchdowns. The number 17 on the jersey, symbolic of his determination and hard work, represents the perfect combination of grit and raw talent.
2. A Beacon of Illumination:
The Mecole Hardman Chiefs jersey is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a symbol of hope and inspiration. Hardman’s journey, starting from his humble beginnings, serves as a beacon of light for all aspiring athletes. Wearing his jersey acknowledges his relentless pursuit of greatness and serves as a constant reminder that anything is possible with hard work and perseverance.
3. Join the Fashionable Chiefs Fandom:
It’s no secret that Kansas City Chiefs fans are some of the most passionate and stylish in the NFL. By donning the Mecole Hardman Chiefs jersey, you become part of an elite group that appreciates both exceptional performance on the field and a sense of fashion off it. Collectively unite with fellow Chiefs supporters as you showcase your unwavering loyalty and sense of style.
4. Express Your Individuality:
Although Mecole Hardman may be one of many talented Chiefs players, his unique style of play sets him apart. By sporting his jersey, you’re not only representing your favorite team but also expressing your individuality. Stand out from the crowd and let your love for Hardman’s playmaking skills shine through.
5. Versatility in Everyday Use:
Not limited to game days alone, the Mecole Hardman Chiefs jersey effortlessly transitions from stadium stands to casual outings. Pair it with jeans, shorts, or leggings for a trendy, sporty look that radiates both style and team pride. You’ll be amazed at how the jersey amplifies your outfit and attracts compliments from fellow football enthusiasts.
The Mecole Hardman Chiefs jersey is a must-have for any Kansas City Chiefs fan who craves both style and substance. Unleash your inner speedster as you embody the electrifying play of this dynamic wide receiver. Whether you’re attending a game or simply seeking a stylish, sporty outfit, this jersey is the perfect choice. Let it serve as a reminder that determination, hard work, and a need for speed can lead to endless possibilities both on and off the field. So, gear up, Chiefs fans, and embrace the lightning bolt energy of Mecole
0 notes
daddyultrasoft · 3 years
— Aspects, placements that attract jealousy.
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Personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) challengingly aspected to Pluto, Lilith can attract jealousy from the areas regarding the planet. (For example, Moon square Pluto, or Lilith can indicate receiving jealousy or malice from women, childhood, feminine energies.)
Sun opposition Ascendant gives an individual strong potential to be recognized. From a @whispersofmercury blog, there is an observation that these people tend to give their “spotlight” away. They might attract arrogant, stubborn people into their life. Attracting very much prideful, or even jealous individuals. Mostly because they have potential for being in the spotlight, being noticed, and being appreciated.
Mars opposition Ascendant can manifest the individual to constantly attract others who are immensely competitive, aggressive, and domineering. These individuals might not be as aggressive, fierce, or intimidating as they appear. But others will feel threatened by the potential of strength they hold in their aura. These individuals appear bold and others will feel the need to one-up them.
Pluto opposition, square Ascendant, especially oppositions can attract domineering, manipulative, powerful, and possibly jealous partners. Intimidation for the squares.
Lilith opposition, square Ascendant radiate very powerful, independent energy with such sex appeal. They can attract malice, scrutiny, shame, and ostracism from the same gender because of their provocative nature.
Pluto in the 1st, 5th, 11th, 7th, 10th house can provide a powerful, mysterious nature in that regarded house. Others can find themselves threatened or intimidated by these people. Pluto in the the 1st and 5th is a more powerful jealousy.
Mars opposition MC, Pluto opposition MC can indicate receiving hate, jealousy, or malice in the public eye.
Asteroid Zavist (7440) opposing personal planets, ascendant, or MC can attract jealousy from others regarding that area because Zavist is the asteroid of literal jealousy.
A prominent Asteroid Arachne (407), conjunct North Node can give the individual an incredible talent, so great that it will receive attention, envy, and negative feedback for it.
Asteroid Medusa (149) in the 1st house, conjunct MC or the ascendant.
Lilith in the 1st house, 5th house, 3rd house, 11th house, 10th house, 7th house because the 3rd house, 7th house, and 11th house are the “social houses”. This can mostly lead to attracting jealousy in the social life: school, friend groups, personal connections. The 5th house can bring jealousy because of your self-expression, the way you present yourself. The 1st house manifests someone who exudes such energy that can attract jealousy from anywhere they go.
A prominent Sirene (1009), Salome (562), Messalina (545) or conjunct, square ascendant. I noticed that individuals with these placements (specifically conjunctions, and squares) are sometimes perceived as a "slut" or feels as if they come off that way.
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samfrancis94 · 2 years
It's my birthday today! 🎂And guess what I got! A DS-themed birthday piece with Heartman, Higgs and Sam wishing me Happy Birthday! 😍😍
My biggest, most heartfelt and deepest appreciation and gratitude for this amazing, lovely and most beautiful birthday gift from the amazing @voidoutbt @missteal1-blog! Thank you, hun, for your time, effort and talent to create this wonderful piece for me! I am very very touched! I love it!
And here is the piece for y'alls to enjoy, too!
How the Holy Trinity (me and @voidoutbt 3 fave characters) of Death Stranding would wish you a happy birthday.
Reader x Heartman/Higgs/Sam
Heartman -
Your cufflink beeps to inform you have an incoming holo message from Heartman. The nerdy beach scientist appears in his usual bright blue suit, straightens his glasses and clears his throat. "I understand that today is the anniversary of the date of your birth! As is custom for such an occasion, I have arranged for a cake to be delivered to your room, as well as some champagne from Time Fall Farm. You will also find a small gift to remember me by. I am sorry that I cannot be there in person at the moment, but perhaps you could pop round to my lab when I'm back from the beach later for a celebratory drink..." The sound of his heart alarm resonates."...enjoy yourself Dear! I must go." with that, he gives you a big thumbs up with +20 likes added to your account. You turn to see a cobalt blue iced cake on your table with 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' and candles alit. Beside it are two bottles of Timefall farm champagne, one that has a hand written note reading 'For later X'. Next to the bottles sits a little gift, a blue iridescent heart shaped bag charm that grants extra likes from completed orders.
Higgs -
The door to your private room bell rings. You open it to a tall porter stood infront of you, his face obscured in shadow by his cap. "Uh, Sam I presume?" you recognise the voice, but its slightly higher than usual, you try not to laugh. He produces a pizza delivery box from behind his back. "Special delivery for you!" You can see his dark smirk and his goatee. You step aside so you can enter the room. He places the pizza box on your table, the smell of your favourite flavour hitting you. Before you can do or say anything, he strongly pushes you to a seated position and whips off his cap. Higgs' blue eyes gleam with mischief as he starts to hum, slowly unzipping his porter suit in front of you. He performs a sensually slow dance to his own version of 'Happy birthday Mister President', as you watch with anticipation what he has on underneath. He strips to reveal a sexy little black corset lingerie set, kicking the Porter suit away and swinging his long legs over your lap. He sits on you, his arms draped over your shoulders, and kisses your cheek, before taking a long wet lick up the side of your face and ear for good measure. He makes direct intense eye contact with you and flutters his long eyelashes, "Happy Birthday Darlin'!"
Sam -
You get back to your room from a hard day doing deliveries, to find Sam sat on your bed in casual clothing. "Hey birthday boy! I brought you some beers!" he takes a swig from one himself. "Thought we could chill together for the eve?" He seems a lot more chipper than usual, like he's really trying hard to be sociable for once. "How about I take you on a ride first?"
You tightly clutch his muscular abdomen as he speeds the trike through the landscape, feeling the warmth radiate between you in the cool air. He pulls up to a cliff overlooking a valley. The sun was setting, and as you watch it casts beautiful colours of yellow, orange, pink and purple across the skyline, and shadows filters through the basin below. You smile at the magnificent view. He turns to you, "Wanna go watch some movies together?"
You spend the rest of the evening snuggled up cozily with Sam, watching films, munching on snacks, and laughing your cares away.
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the-wild-candy · 3 years
Appreciation post
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Here are a bunch of my favorite people on tumblr -
@ukiyowi - where do I even start. You're literally a sweetheart. I love talking to you and you're so talented. All the readings we did for each other and your dreams and our normal day to day rants - I love all of them and I love you.
@rain-on-sunshine - you are so damn sweet it hurts me. I call you my sunshine and I mean it because well, you make my day better. I rely on the advice you give me at times. Thank you for being here with me. I love you.
@laissez-fire-oh - *googles how to call someone an angel from the heavens above in short words* I love your vibes. You are kind and helpful and there is just something about you which is so adorable. I don't think I can stress upon how sweet you are. Thank you cupcake, I love you.
@dilfchaser69999 - the first time I saw your username, I laughed so damn much (I was new on tumblr). Your random posts had me crying. It was weird that I didn't have a single clue about your second blog and then I texted you on your birthday at a different blog and all that ahhh. You pushed me to start. You made me laugh. You made my days better without knowing it. I cant thank you enough. You mean a lot more to me than you think. I love you.
@venusgirltarot - you were my first friend here and I am so glad that I texted you because you were always kind to me. We have lost touch over time, I know. But I am grateful for the time you have spent talking to a random stranger who didn't know shit about tumblr back then. You are so kind, thank you for that. I love you.
@angel124 - Hi angel, how are you doing today? You already know that I think you're talented on another level. You have motivated me in so many ways, I don't think you know about that. Thank you for being here with me and supporting me. I am grateful to you. I love you.
@royaleofury - Your vibes and the way you talk to me, it literally melts me. So generous and loving. Thank you for talking to me like we have been friends since ages. I love that about you. Its comforting. I love you.
@theveil-and-thepath - your readings are incredible and so are you. I feel so good after talking to you. You have always been nice to me and you're such an amazing reader. Thank you for interacting with me. I love you.
@krittikamoon - you radiate happiness, so you manage to make people around you happy too. You have such positive vibes it makes me wanna give you a tight hug and just keep you away from any potential danger. Thank you for sharing that energy with me. I love you.
@notanastrologer - we have never talked that much, have we? Yet you manage to make me smile. The theme of your blog suits you, yk. Warm and cozy. I am grateful for your presence. You are amazing. I love you.
@yashashveeroy - remember that anon who was trying to list all your qualities in one single ask and telling haters to shoo off? You told her that you get hate without any reason. This happened a while ago but I so want to tell you that you have always somehow managed to bring a smile onto my face. You deserve the best. I know we don't talk that much but it's all about the vibes, right? Thank you for being here. I love you.
@luminarygirl - I absolutely adore how cheerful you are. Sort of like light at the end of the tunnel. Your blog is growing and I am so happy for you. Thank you for always being kind with me. Thank you for supporting me. I love you.
@devil-child-710 - my every post, every reblog, literally everything on my blog, you have supported me through all of it. Whether it's your sweet words or how you say 'love you sweetie', at the end of each and every ask, I want to thank you for being here with me. I am so grateful to you. I love you.
@secretlyshadowymoon - we don't talk much but I absolutely love how warm your energy is. You are so talented. Thank you for just being here with me. I love you.
@sunkissedchld - you write too! Well, we have that in common I guess. You are so kind and sweet. Thank you for supporting me. I love you.
@umepnnn - you are so fun loving and cheerful. Atleast that is how you come off to me. Again, I have never really talked to you before but your content is so freaking good. So talented jsjsksks. Thank you. I love you.
@airas-magicshop - I adore your blog so much I can't even. You make me feel appreciated. Thank you for supporting me and tagging me in so many things, they make my day. I love you.
@mistybreak - you are so pretty omfg dbnsksksksn. Your vibes are so lighthearted and joyous it's so cute. Thank you for being here. I love you.
@sichengxwayv - I can't believe I forgot to mention you I am so sorry hsjwkskek I appreciate how sweet and kind you are. Your presence is so soothing. Thank you so much for supporting me. I love talking to you. I love you.
@pbmoure - I give you the permit to abandon me because I have sinned by forgetting to mention you here because GOD DAMMIT WHERE HAS MY MIND BEEN HSKSKW I'm sorry, p :"3 whenever I talk to you, I get such big sister vibes my heart goes :"]♡♡♡♡ you have always been so supportive and thank you so so so much for being here. I appreciate you so much. Your energy and your vibes are so friendly. I am really sorry I forgot to mention one of the most elite, sweet, funny, loving person that I have met here on tumblr. Thank you. I love you.
Okay I hope I am not forgetting anyone but that'll be all for now. Muah ❤
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tipsydipsydo · 3 years
Der Geliebte
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Pairing: Jungkook x artist! Reader
Gender of the Reader: female
Word Count: 6.4k 
Rating: 16+
AU: non idol! Jungkook x artist! Reader AU!
Genre: strangers to lovers AU; friends to lovers AU! (idiots to lovers AU!); love at the first sight! AU; soulmate to lovers! AU (kinda?); unbelievable amount of fluff; a little angst (fluffy angst!!,); tiny amount of smut (one paragraph xD)
Warnings: tiny bit of smut/some sexual tension between both of them; Jungkook is a poor shy thing and is fucking nervous around the reader all the time; teeth rotting fluff; both are so in love with each other that they’re getting stupid to not realize it; both are insecure that they’re not meant for another... just fluff, fluff, fluff and painfully obvious pining over each other! 
A/N: Hallelujah, I finally did it! After I made Sibi @borathae​ wait over three months for her Christmas + Birthday Fanfic I finished it two weeks to late for my sweetest Darlings Birthday! I am so incredibly sorry that I made you wait for such a long time and really, Sweetie, you have all the rights to be still mad at my stupid ass! Nevertheless... I love you so goddamn much and I hope the fic made at least a little bit up for it... Love you!!!! 💕 💕 
Summary: You and Jungkook met right at the first day you opened your own atelier in Seoul after you had to leave your old home behind you. You love paint canvas with landscape motives, other people just roll with their eyes when they hear that you choose such usual, almost boring things to paint. Not so Jungkook, he seems to be different than most of visitors. It’s almost like he can read your feelings through your paintings...
Status: Edited (I am sorry for any still existing errors in here!) 
▪My Writings
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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* Jungkook’s POV * 
"In what are you getting yourself into, Jungkook?"
 I quietly ask myself as I get rid of my clothes behind the paravent and throw the dressing gown over his body which you laid out for me. My hands are sweaty, they tremble slightly and my heart beats wildly, as if it wants to jump right out of my chest. Excitement spreads throughout my body, leaving a faint feeling in my stomach and a certain blush rises in my cheeks. I still can't believe what I've gotten myself into . But... you looked at me so pleadingly with your dear and downright innocent eyes that I would have done anything for you with that look of yours. I want to make you happy, see that happy and contented smile on your lips, which always makes a whole horde of wild butterflies break out in my belly. 'Normally I was the shyness and silence in person and with you... with her, I feel for the first timesomething like peace and security. Especially when I consider how shy I usually am around women.', I ask myself and I don't really know the answer to that. But what can I do against my feelings? I don't really know, on the one hand they scare me, on the other hand they feel so exciting and new that I don't want to eliminate them at all.
I don't even know exactly when the whole thing started. In which moment my feelings for you grew, when I felt more than just fascination and admiration for you and your artwork. Six months ago, a small studio had opened in my district, your own studio. On the day of the opening I simply went to it of pure curiosity, I had always had such a weakness for art and photography.
I can still remember exactly how I stood in front of one of your works and was literally speechless and overwhelmed by this picture and all his small details. This painting represents a classic image of the countryside, which was often to be found everywhere. But this work was different. So full of small details and ornaments. It was so much more... As a viewer you can see a beautiful clearing, which is surrounded by trees and protected from too many curious eyes. The ground of this clearing is overgrown with dense and lush green grass, which from the incoming sunlight almost invites you to let yourself fall into the grass. It reminds me instantly of my carefree childhood, when I rolled in it without overthinking my actions too much and those times when I playfully wrestled with my best friends around until our clothes had grass stains all everywhere. I could almost smell the scent of wild, untamed nature. The longer I look at the picture, the greater the longing became. Maybe I could visit this beautiful place one day, together with my partner, my significant other. Playing around with each other, chasing your beloved one until you fall into the grass breathless laughing and cuddling. Maybe we could have a picnic there and feed each other with homemade sweets? 
I didn’t know that such a "simple" landscape painting could touch and awaken so much more in me, in my soul. Suddenly, such a wanderlust came over me that I gasped for air and a heavy lump formed in my throat. My whole body was tingling and my heart was literally screaming to get away from this dreadfully grey and monotonous daily routine of my boring single life, for at least some weeks. I want to go to this place, where I could draw the warm and fresh, natural air could deep into my lungs and pamper myself with homemade delicacies. Just to let the soul dangle and don’t stuck with my closely clocked work life. Maybe sleep until 10 o'clock in the morning and then maybe have a nice nap later. Enjoy the warm nights and hear the crickets chirping. This longing was... irrepressible. This particular wanderlust for nature, just to be out of the city, this longing for exactly this abandoned and untouched forest clearing literally overwhelmed me. What was it for an artist who could trigger such feelings and emotions in me?
I had been so absorbed in the artwork that I had not even noticed that a person step next to me. "Do you like the work?", asked a soft melodic voice, which spoke perfect Korean, but was pervaded by a light accent, which I could not quite assign. I flinched a little, but this bright, happy laugh gave me a tingling goosebumps all over my body. What a beautiful laugh... I turned to the person who was the owner of this beautiful voice. I was startled when I realized that the artist and owner of this studio was standing in front of me personally. I recognized her again, as I had seen a small photo of her in the newspaper article that drew my attention to this beautiful studio in the first place. Already in this picture she had radiated something so strong, colorful, cheerful and lively, which caused an excited flutter in my stomach. 
I admit, I already laid an eye on her just by her appearance. Unfortunately I always had a hard time getting to know people ever since, let alone to talk to women. And now having you, Y/N, personally standing right in front of me, made me feel fluffy and excited in my stomach. Nothing is left of this otherwise so sassy and self-confident  man that I used to be. Only a nervous and stodgy twenty-three-year-old idiot, who did not know what to say or wanted to say, now stands in front of this stunningly pretty and intelligent woman.
Her eyes sparkles like jewels, full of joy, struck me with interest and a playful smile lays on her lips. "Did you not understand my question?", she asked kindly, but nobly reserved. Immediately a rosy puff settled on my cheeks and I stuttered nervously: "Y-Yes, excuse me! I... I was just somewhere else with my thoughts and was completely surprised that they were addressing me personally.... Your works are truly unique! They still show such ‘usual’ motifs and yet they are so special because of these finely elaborated details and this passion with which this work of art was painted. They really are... Unique artworks that you do not forget so quickly. Even for untrained eyes as my owns, I can see that a talented artist has worked on it. I am very impressed by your work, especially this work here!" You could hear the honest admiration from my voice and my heart leapt as she reacted bashful to all of my compliments.
"Thank you, really, thank you so much! I really appreciate to hear such nice words like yours, even if it is rare. I am often criticized for my ‘lack of creativity’, caused by my chosen motives. I just love the rough, almost untouched landscapes of my hometown, I try to depict the ‘normal’ as something beautiful, unique. I would like to ‘really see’ what we already take for granted again. As a wonderful creation, a work of art. Nature is a wonderful example of this, or the architecture of buildings as well. Architects are also artists, although unfortunately they are not seen as such. I just want to offer the obvious things a more meaningful space again.... People like you have become rare. I have observed how you have recognized the true meaning, this beauty and aesthetics in such a ‘usual-looking’ motif. And this pleases me so much that you can read 'between the brushstrokes'. Oh... Excuse me, I always talk way too much when someone shows an interest in art or music, my personal passions. Besides that, I have not introduced myself to you yet, I am Y/N! I was obviously so pleased to see your understanding, empathetic look at this work, if you understand what I mean... Anyway... I can guess that you knew my name already, don't you? What about you? May I know your name?", asked you, beautiful artist, with her really stunning smile.
I swallowed nervously, never before had a young lady mixed my emotions so much in me. Even the picture of her in the newspaper article, which I had read out of boredom in one of my lectures, got me so emotionallyconfused. I didn't want to say it in front of my teasing friends, but I had been really excited when I set off this Friday night. And now the creator of these works of art stood before me and seemed to want to have a longer conversation with me. My heart beats to my throat and I got sweaty hands from this nervousness in my poor body. Honestly, as soon as I wasn't surrounded by my clique of friends, I automatically turned into a nervous, slightly abashed blushing and stuttering guy who behave like an inexperienced teenager. 
In private life, without my best mates by the side, I am not so confident and daredevil. After all, I always had someone who could cover my back when things get tough, while I am on my own without anyone I know. You could usually only believe and trust, not control. That's probably why I struggled with interpersonal relationships. I always overthink too much and have some struggles with my self-confidence.
And now this attractive young woman looked at me with such interest and joy, just me. I was actually the reason for her interest. A joyful and blissful tingling seized every pore, every fiber of my body. Yes, in fact it was just me! Not my best buddy Seokjin, whom I have known since childhood and always sought the attention of everyone. It was no exaggeration to say that he was perhaps a little narcissistic, but only to cover up his own insecurities. Never would I have thought that someone would manage to get this personification of self-love under control. I admired his wife for standing up to Seokjin and keeping him and his dad Jokes at bay. Believe it or not, she of all people had the pants on in the house and knew how to deal with my best friend.
My gaze glided over the figure of the person in front of me and once again I took a sharp breath. I was so nervous to face her personally, a person I already deeply admired and had quite a respect for. I simply did not want to do anything wrong, even if this charm of hers was almost tangible and paralyzed my entire brain with its function. I can already picture how my mind waved wildly goodbye to myself and went to the summer holiday in the Caribbean.
This carefree smile and these beautiful eyes harmonized wonderfully with your complexion. Your features were awake and alive, seemingly always a slight smile surrounded the corners of your mouth, which provoked almost paradoxical reactions in my body. Your smile awake countless butterflies to flutter around in my stomach, which made me quite nervous and at the same time you radiated such a sense of security and calm, as if there was no reason not to get a word out of shyness. My gaze, which I hope examined you unobtrusively enough, wandered to your hands. You had long fingers, I could really imagine how they elegantly held the handle of the paint brushes and worked on these small details extensively in such a calm behavior. Which satisfied and concentrated calmness you possibly radiated while doing that...
A small, noble clearing of your throat again tore me out of my fantasies and speculations. God, what was I today but inattentive! How rude I must have seemed to you...
"Oh, sorry... I... I have not been able to keep my thoughts together all day..." I lied to seem at least a little more credible. Nervously, I pulled on the knot of my tie to loosen it up a little before I have a circulatory collapse. Before I went here, I thought for a long time about what I should wear for this occasion. Jeans and T-shirt were out of the question, too casual and almost an insult for your atelier. A complete suit, however, seemed too overdressed to me and so I decided for a black dress pants and a dark blue dress shirt.Understanding, Y/N nodded and gave me a cheering smile, which made my body tingle again. This woman drove me half crazy alone with his friendly gestures. How could it be that this polite lady got me confused right away?!
And somehow, it gave me a frenzy to leave my secure, anonymous side as a visitor to her exhibition and irrevocably reveal my true identity to you.
"My name is Jeon Jungkook."I answered in a slightly trembling voice, hardly daring to look into her eyes and rubbing my neck unobtrusively.
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* Jungkook’s POV *
If only I had guessed what would change in me, how you changed me. That so much more would develop from a pure interest and a simple formal business contact... that you want to make me one of your artworks.
I take another deep breath before I dare to step out from behind the dark red paravent. It is pleasantly warm in this room, I should not freeze, if I am already so freely clothed. My gaze wanders through the small room with the huge, floor-to-ceiling window, which floods the entire room with light. The walls of the room have been painted in a dark orange and red colors and dark wooden planks lay out on the floor. It looks so comfortable due to the warm, dark tones. The orange-yellow evening sun dipped everything into something so cozy... sensual. Somehow into even a little erotic?
Y/N wants to work a lot with the light of the evening sun in this painting, which could be a little complicated if it is not suitable or if it is cloud-covered. But if you have put something into your head, especially in relation to your art, then you do everything you can do to go through it! Also the changing forces of nature cannot stop you from trying to realize your idea. Sometimes, you’re  someone who is quickly frustrated and dissatisfied with yourself as well, especially when something doesn't work as  you wants it to. Nevertheless when it comes to your passion, drawing and painting, you don’t let your idea go away, if you want something, you’ll find a way to make it happen. These are qualities that I know all too well of myself and thus my fascination about you only grows even more. The more time we spent together and I get to know more and more sides of you, the more attracted I became to you.
Your art means a lot to you and you’re quite tough in this respect, can not be overcome by the reproaches and the crushing criticism. That’s exactly what I admire so much about you, having the courage to stand up for personal passion. When I get criticized, all too often I think about really giving up on it, so that I don't have to endure all this criticism anymore. And then I look at you. How focused you are in this moment and carefully prepare for your next project. How you adjusts you easel to the right height, let your self-stretched canvas snap into place, spreads brushes of all sizes and shapes on the small side table next to you and prepares youracrylic colours. I swallow again, as I watched this happen. I am about to become one of your next artworks.
A little uncertainly I walk towards Y/N, the thin dressing gown tightly drawn around my body... never before have I felt so naked and vulnerable. This here is something else. I feel something about it... I feel something for you. For this pretty lady, who sprays her cheerfulness around her and could conjure a smile on the lips of even the most grumpy person. This joy almost kills you, completely engrossed this person and gives you the feeling of floating. You will get the feeling of being welcome at Y/N. To be accepted, with all the flaws and weaknesses that one has. She just smiles at you so gently and lovingly and just says, it's okay. It's okay to be the way you are. Imperfect.
"It is precisely this imperfect, this contradictory and also unpredictable thing that makes us human. That makes us an individual and also interesting. If we were really all as we are expected to be, it would be boring and monotonous. The surprise is only a real gift. Each of us is a very individual gift to a very specific addressee, who is the only one who can truly appreciate this gift. Only then did the recipient find the right person as his gift... Well, if the recipient knows about his gift...", Y/N once said with such a certain look at me, when we went out to dinner together in a restaurant in the evening to clarify some details. I wanted to help her find good contacts in Seoul and help her sell her works.
I can still remember it exactly... it was a quite... extraordinary evening. I was of course once again incredibly nervous and excited. At that time, I did not want to fully realize how much I already like you. Secretly, I had observed my opposite. Your positive and friendly disposition had turned my head all around... and in addition, this beautiful body and her elegant fingers, which already haunt me in the most erotic way unintentionally in my dreams. 
I could not prevent my dream pictures from shooting through my head, which is why my cheeks turned dark red in embarrassment. These fucking fantasies in my head! My eyes stare at the cutlery as if it were incredibly interesting because I didn't dare look up. There were scenes in my mind that made my ears turn red and I would’ve loved to hide behind the menu card. Your body, which made her look like a Greek goddess.
Naked, body covered in sweat, your body shook in lust, you sit up with a wonderful moan... You are on top of me, I could admire your beautiful, almost divine body as you sat on top of me... and rode me. This breathtakingly beautiful distorted face of yours, as if all this pleasure you feel is carved in marble... lids closed, your lips, swollen from all the kissing, are slightly opened which let    your lustful whimpering escape. This grace and elegance, as you rose from me and  then lowered yourself again... as your hands glide erratically over my stomach, searching for support... you suddenly threw your head back and clenched even more tightly around my length. The addicting sounds you’ve made... it’s like the most beautiful melody in my ears... squelching noises and even more of yourjuices gushing out of your sweet, so sweet pussy when you came...
An all-too-familiar laugh tore me out of my extremely indecent thoughts, which quite relieved me at first. Until I raised my head and not too far away I recognized no one but my best friend Kim Seokjin, who made very questionable hand signals in my direction. Oh my God, no! I knew that he had recently changed his job and got accepted for a position as a chef in a new restaurant... but not in this Restaurant! He will never let me life after he found out I was on a “Date” with a woman...
Even though Seokjin was on the other side of the restaurant, I could almost feel his smirk on my own skin. Fuck it, just pretend as if you do not know each other and hit him really hard tomorrow morning in the gym where we meet up for our work out. I quickly turned all my attention back to the person sitting opposite me and tried to ignore Seokjin as best I could.
It was only at the end of the evening, when I had said goodbye to Y/N, that I realized that this meeting had much more of a date than a "business dinner". How familiar we had talked with each other... how much I had thought about licking Y/N the drop from the chocolate sauce of her lava cake from her lips... how it would be... to kiss and touch you...
A noticeable blush has settled on my cheeks as I attended our first meeting together... or even Date in this Restaurant thought back. Four months had passed since then and I suffered from longing for you. You would never see me like I saw you. The reason you wanted to draw me was simply that she needed someone as a model. In addition to landscapes and cities, you want to devote herself gradually to more other motifs. And since I have been the first inquired. Your pleading eyes made me say yes. But I know that for me you have  no more than the feelings for a casual friendship. It hurts to see how you flirt  around so casually with all those other people. I would never be the gift for you as you are for me. If only the recipient would notice that there is a given heart laying in your hands...
"Ah, Jungkook! I’m glad that you're ready!", your cheerful and melodic voice cuts through the silence of the room and you’re walking towards me with excited shining eyes. "Come~," you say and lead me to the chaiselongue, which is placed in front of the large window. The soft, orange light of the evening sun falls on the wine-red fabric of the restored chaiselounge in baroque style. The upholstery has frames covered in gold and also the lion feet on which this historic furniture stands are gilded. Everything was decorated with so many Details, it looks so incredibly elegant and luxurious. On the left side there are some cushions in the same color and an elegant design is carved on the backrest, literally inviting to get used.
"Surely you know the movie 'Titanic', right? Do you remember the scene where Jack used charcoal pencils to draw an nude coal picture of Rose as she laid on the sofa? I would like to draw you in a similar position. I hope it's okay for you if I look at you more closely without a dressing gown... i want to get an overview of your body proportions.", you say, looking me straight in the eye. I notice that you’re very concerned about my privacy and does not want to overstep any of my personal boundaries without my consent. I nod slightly at first until I get a clear yes over my lips. She looks at me silently for a few seconds before reassuring me once again that we can always stop at any time if I feel uncomfortable. Especially your patience and mindfulness of my boundaries shows me how important it is for you as well and how I actually relax noticeably. Y/N smiles cheerfully at me and I slowly loosen the belt of the dressing gown and let the last garment slide to the ground. I feel her in-depth look at me... he is not uncomfortable... only... exciting... in a few different ways.
I swallow again and lie down on the chaiselongue as instructed. You correct my arm and leg position, also rearrange all of the cushions correctly. To my own relief, you put a red cloth over my crotch area. Not that I am ashamed of anything, I am more than comfortable with you already... I just have some worries that I will get a visible problem if I constantly feel your look on my bare skin.
 "It should be able to guess something, but not be allowed to see everything right away...", she whispered with a smile, before her fingertips unintentionally glide tenderly through my happy trail. One of your last smiles are... not really to interpret. Then you return to your easel.
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* The Reader’s POV *
Carefully you sit down on your old painting stool, already quite worn out on the edges and stained with the most different types and tones of colors. It had originally been dark brown. You smile dreamily when you think back that you’re used to dangle your legs around when you were a little kid because it was way too big for you back then. For eighteen years now you have exactly this stool and this easel. They had been a gift from your grandfather for your fifth birthday. He had awakened the passion of painting and drawing in you and passed his talent on to you. A certain melancholy seized you when I thought back to how you used to paint your first real picture on canvas with your new easel in the old music room in your grandfather's country house. 
It had been the old, dusty grand piano, which must have been more than a hundred years old at that time. How the country house survived all these wars unscathed, you ask yourself to this day. Perhaps there had already been something magical about it at that time, which should remain untouched. Perhaps the small estate should remain an inconspicuous symbol of hope, the hope that at some point the sun and peace will return when the unbearable suffering and sorrow of this cruel time is over. When the wars were over and all those seeking protection who had fled to this country house were able to return to their own homes again. This house, this estate you can explain your childhood with a single word. Home.
You lift your thought-lost look from your empty, folded hands and look to Jungkook. He takes your breath away every time you see him. He is so special, such a wonderful and yet you firmly believe that he has not been chosen for you, such an ordinary woman as you are. He would belong to someone else with whom he would be happy, although he is the only one who was able to understand and read your works, the language in them. It... it had been such a beautiful moment when, six months ago, he stood in your newly opened studio, so absorbed by the painting of the forest of your childhood. All the other visitors had only looked at it briefly and smiled wearily at the fact that it was again only a landscape painting, but did not grasp what the story behind this work was. Why the artist chosed this very motif, to see, to feel what the creator wanted to communicate through the work. 
But Jungkook had been different. He had given the work, your personal heart, a chance to unravel the true meaning behind it. He did it slowly, bit by bit with his eyes... grasped with his whole mind and heart and finally let himself be influenced as a whole. You could tell from his body reactions that he felt exactly what you had felt when you painted it last summer. Longing. Infinite Longing. Mixed together with melancholy, a little homesickness and sorrow to a unique emotional color. The day you painted it was the last time you saw the house in your official possession. Your grandfather had left it to you. But unfortunately you lacked money, you had to pay some debts and with the best will you could not earn the money in other ways. So you had to sell it with a heavy heart. Your beloved birth and childhood home and the associated lands, you had to sell your true home away. The picture is the only thing left of it. And Jungkook was the only person who understood what you wanted to express with the painting. Longing. My Homesickness.
When all these sensations came upon him, he involuntarily clenched his hands tightly, his chest lifted and lowered quickly, his Adam's apple hopped repeatedly. His eyes were glassy. He experienced your longing as directly as you did. He... is so special. So infinitely amiable. He... he is the only person who’s able to read your true feelings in your works. He is able to read between your brush strokes.
So today you will try him... to paint a confession of love with this act. Maybe he could read... what you feel for him. Even if you know that you will probably never see him again. Because you would not be the recipient of his love and affection. He's just too... too... gifted for a simple artist like you. He would never be your gifted person.
Your gaze glides tenderly and caressingly over his body. Trying to absorb every little detail of his body, his charisma and his character into you and let it flow into the painting. Every birthmark you want to put on the canvas and hold on. You want to show Jungkook how beautiful he is. How godlike he lies before you on this majestic chaiselongue, how masculine and muscular he is, as if he wanted to embody an Adonis. You want to paint every muscle, even the smallest visible muscle, on the canvas in a realistic manner, you want to capture the strength and security that he conveys to you over and over again and make it visible to him. And yet... his gaze often corresponds to that of an intimidated, insecure fawn, which does not dare to want to get up on his legs on his own. The fear of falling again is too big. Through this painting you want to show Jungkook what he really is, what he represents for you and what you feel for him. He is... so contradictory. He is strong, godlike, powerful... and at the same time, so infinitely uncertain, vulnerable... almost pure.
Silence enters your little studio, only the regular breathing of the other and the muffled noise of the busy world outside the door could be heard. Here... here, it feels like time is standing still for a moment for the two of you. Your shared eternity had begun.
To your happiness that it is summer right now and it stays bright for a long time. Today you take more time than usual to mix colors. You want to mix a shade that perfectly matches his skin tone. You want to get the exact color of his black hair down onto the canvas, and the perfect brown for his beautiful eyes. The evening sun and the leaves of the huge treetops in front of the large window conjure up the most beautiful patterns on his immaculate body. A game of light and shadow. It seems to you that Jungkook's body, every single pore of his body has a tiny diamond, so that he begins to sparkle in the sunlight like an infinitely precious jewel. The evening sun warms him, lays a thin layer of sweat over his body. Every detail you try to bring to the canvas, every feeling, every movement of my heart, everything you feel for him, you want to bring to this canvas. You want to make him a masterpiece. Because for you, he is the most beautiful specimen, the only true crown of the human creation.
Some black strands have come loose from his manbun and have fallen on his forehead. It looks stunning, to see him like that. I had never seen him with a messy or even completely open hair... but even now these strands loosened from the braid make his facial features look so much softer and more relaxed. In it, the adult and strong man united with a young, vulnerable, shy boy. The result is... infinitely beautiful. He possesses both sides, so he makes the seemingly inexhaustible divine human being.
His eyes, drawing his eyes with that expression in them, cost you a lot of nerves. Too often you misunderstood this infinite longing that you find in his dark, brown eyes. Again and again you have to restrain yourself, not just to get up, to go over to him... and to kiss him.
This longing look you misinterpret is as longing as you own... according to your closeness, your touch, your affection... according to your love. Because you love him. You love everything about him, his sheepish laugh, the way of rubbing his neck shyly, the way he speaks and explains his point of views about things, how he smells... just everything... every blemish he blames on himself, you think it’s like an artwork on him. He is so perfectly imperfect that you just fell in love with him.
The sun has already set and only the last pink and purple streaks could be seen in the sky, with which the past day says goodbye to the world. One last time you can hear the velvety stroke of the brush over the canvas before you finally put the brush aside. It is finished. You have given everything that is in your power, used all of your artistic abilities and knowledge to the utmost and you have incorporated everything that you feel and think about into this artwork. And what you see put a smile on your lips, but also makes your pulse rise. What will Jungkook say when he looks at it? He will see it... can he read what you feel for him in it?
With a trembling voice, you call Jungkook and look at him one last time. The last time the sight of this male beauty was granted to you. One last time.
After Jungkook has wrapped himself in the dressing gown again, he slowly comes towards you and your easel. Your heart is throbbing as if it really wants to fearfully flight and jump out of your chest. Your body gets hot and cold at the same time and suddenly your hands get sweaty, the dried color on your skin mixes with the sweat to a uncomfortable mess in your palms, which somehow makes you even more nervous. Then he stands next to you. Looking at the canvas for the first time himself. The last brushstroke is still drying.
Once again there is silence, which makes you incredibly nervous and with every second that passes, you want to follow your instinct to escape. Jungkook's pupils are dilated and blown out, whether with bewilderment or horror, you can not recognize. One of his hands shoots up his mouth, he trembles all over his body. Suddenly you hear a suppressed, throaty sobbing. Surprised and a little appalled, you look at Jungkook, who has shut his eyes tightly and presses the palm of his hand even harder on his mouth, as if he wants to muffle every sound. Tears escape the corners of his eyes. This is a reaction... which you would not have expected...
Gently, mindful of any kind of resistance, you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't sob, he doesn't whimper. He just cries. Tenderly, consolingly you hold him, without wanting to distress him. He literally presses his face into the crook of your neck. Salty tears drench your blouse, but it doesn't bother you. The reason why he had such an emotional outburst, you just don't understand. But still... it's okay. It is valid.
As he slowly calms down and his breathes becomes regularly again, he carefully lifts his head out of the crook of your neck and wipes the last tears out of his eyes dry in slight embarrassment. He slowly releases himself from your embrace until you finally stand silently in front of each other.
"What title you’ll give this artwork?", he asks softly, in a rough, throaty voice. You swallow . "It shall be called 'Der Geliebte'. ...it is german and translated it means... ‘The beloved’ ", you say barely audibly and lower your head. After this confession, you can no longer look him in the eyes.
Jungkook takes a sharp breath in and you're actually just waiting for a devastating response from him that would be like a death threat. But nothing of this happened. Instead, your chin is suddenly raised by his fingertips and you look into Jungkook's beautiful eyes. He bites his lower lip a little uncertainly,his own gaze falls on your pretty shaped lips. 
"Do you... do you allow me to kiss you?", he asks quietly... barely audible for you even though you’re standing so close to each other. He doesn't dare to look you into the eyes after such a question, he is too afraid that you deny his request. But you can hardly believe your luck, a high pitched ‘yes!’ flew over your lips and before you can control yourself, you press your own lips right onto his. They are incredibly soft and kiss you back in such a delightfully and endearing insecure and shy manner as no other could ever have done it.
Your heart beats full of joy and bliss and in your belly, the butterflies fly somersaults of all different kinds that your whole body began to tingle. Your mind cannot get a grasp of all this yet, but this... you don't need any more of it at this moment anyway.
The kiss is tender, shy and somewhat uncertain from both sides. Jungkook is very insecure and shy, but before he can escape like a frightened deer again, you put your arms around his neck and let your hands rest in the nape of his scalp. Again and again you detach yourselves from each other only for the fraction of a second to get a breath of air into your lungs in order to find each other lips again... until you stopped for a few seconds.
"I like you... I like you really, really much, Jungkook... I even dare to say that I fell on love with you.", you mutter softly against his lips. His shy, happy smile was too much for you, so you immediately kiss him again. Perhaps because of the sheer joy and maybe of the certainty that he feels the same for you, the next kiss turns into something more passionate than before...
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writemyaceattorneys · 3 years
GOD 🦆anon You are Talented!!
Legit gave me chills-
They sould only sputter as wild theories became reality before the small grey screen, the only point of interest being their avatar for the game.
He was sentient. They all were.
No wonder the story would completely derail off the few times they used a walkthrough, how all the start of chapter cutscenes seemed to be so censored. No wonder there were more chapters than what they were told in game - they were told there was 5 maximum per game, not 10. No wonder character dialogue would be so... off, out of character almost, eerie and almost directed towards them.
...rationality decided to pop its head back into their mind, bordering a state of panic from confusion, commenting that maybe they were just seeing things.
It was late at night after all. Trial 10 was taking its sweet time with the pre trial segment with miles and maya seeming to always vy for phoenix's(...? They couldn't decide. Was it for him or them?) Attention.
...right, they'd get through this and save.
It was just another part of the game. The supernatural didnt exist - otherwise it'd just be natural.
"Alright... talk... there's no dialogue options though." They glanced down to where the bottom screen emulator would be.
"Oh no, just use your mic, S/O."
The abrupt text change made them jump. The supposedly "unique" sprite to phoenix's avatar in their game portrayed a gentle look to the side (coincedentlsly staring directly at heir Point of view)
...were they being hacked?
Through an emulator of all things? Using phoenix wright: ace attorney sprites?
No, no...
"You Look worried. Are you alright?"
The air went cold as S/O's hand retreated back from theur pondering, a slow burning whithin not pleasant with the icy air felt as if their emotions were a fever "...You can see through my camera?"
"Of course. Your dressing gown really suits you."
They scrambled to the drawer in their desk with tape in it and tore a piece of paper, quickly sticking it over their laptop's camera.
"What do you want?!" They nearly screamed, but it was hoarse, a whisper.
"Whoa, hey, its alright. I'm no hacker! I wouldn't ever do anything like what you're thinking!"
The sprite took on the iconic shocked expression, as if he had any justification to feel that way.
"Then..." their throat was burning. "What are you, if not a hacker?" Because what or who else could do this? It didn't make sense.
Again, eliminate the impossible whatever remains is only the truth, the very last "normal" case in their playthrough had said.
"Oh, S/O..."
He was looking again. It felt like a reassurance initially when it first came up in 1-3, like things were only going to get better from there, but that sprite seemed to have the opposite effect on that late night.
"You've played enough of the game. You should know."
"The theories in my head are more than impossible right now. You- You're not real. You're just a character."
"Ouch... what about edgeworth and maya?"
"Also characters! What the fuck, just-just explain this already!" They leaned into the computer, slamming their palms down as they took of the paper guard. phoenix -or whatever (...whoever?) That was, shook his head.
"Well, since you've done that... i might aswell state the obvious."
S/O leaned back with a hitched breath and frozen fingertips, awaiting anything but the truth.
"We're all living beings beyond your screen, S/O. Not hackers, nor ghosts. We're alive. And theres a whole world in here."
He was smiling again. S/O was not. Frozen in place, any heat drained from their body led them only to feel the radiation off their laptop.
"I'll keep in touch, hell if I don't-I won't, S/O. I won't."
S/O stayed silent, just taking it all in.
"And hey, maybe one day we could even meet face to face - no more pixels..."
How would that be possible? Something felt wrong just begond the light as the side glancing smile seemed to grow more earnest, but even more so creepy.
"how would that sound? Again, I'll keep in touch. Talk to you later. It's late after all. You really ought to take care of yourself..."
"but I don't mind. I can do it for you if need be."
(Whoops i didnt mean to write this much but uh... heck. I guess i have brainrot. Sorry mod miles /lh i took some of the ideas this au has slowly gathered and just slammed it together.)
🌌Anon this is amazing!!! The way you've taken some of the ideas we've all shared and run on your own to make this is marvellous. I can really feel S/O's fear right here, plus the horror vibe this is giving is beautiful yandere content.
I uh-
Phoenix can take care of me if he wants to 😂😂😂😂😂 also I would be happy for Edgeworth to vie for my attention at any and all times of the day.
Honestly, everything that you anons have sent me is so brilliant and now this has been made from all of the amazing ideas and this is amazing and every single one of you guys are just so amazing.
Am I crying because of the community spirit on this blog? Yes!!!
Do not apologise to me ever for sending in such beautiful writing, I would genuinely pay good money to read this.
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silkentragedies · 3 years
A boyfriend sounds good, but…
Non idol! Jung Wooyoung x fem! Reader
3.1k words, Highly suggestive at best, making out, FLUFF, E2L vibes, College AU
Warnings: Mentions of STDs, making out. ( This is so self-indulgent it’s horrible lmao- also, not explicit at all.)
This piece of fiction does not reflect the actions of the real-life Jung Wooyoung. Not meant for minors. 
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College was supposed to be late night parties and hurried submissions, overdosing on caffeine and woefully unedited essay compilations. College was supposed to be hellish hangovers and greasy weekend brunches in bed, helter-skelter running to part-time jobs and missing classes with snoozed alarms.
You got all of that, of course, but you also got one thing you didn’t ask for, in fact, wished beyond wishes that it wouldn’t happen but of course, your guardian angel was up to some mischief: You got yourself an archenemy.
Jung fucking Wooyoung.
It all started off small, of course; bumping into each other rather violently in the hallways on orientation day ended with your coffee on the floor. Minor detail- his phone had also dropped on the floor.
You apologized profusely- he seemed like an upperclassman with his leather jacket, slim but solid build, a head of double-toned hair and oh were those tattoos peeking out of his collar- no point in causing a ruckus on the first day. You even offered to pay for the damage. 
And then he opened his mouth. 
“Can’t you watch where you’re going?”
The sheer annoyance in his tone rubbed you the wrong way- obviously you had to respond, you weren’t the only one at fault- 
“Sorry, but you weren’t watching where you were going either. So don’t tout the blame to me-”
“Oh, whatever, just keep your money. I can get it fixed myself.”
The audacity of this bi-
“Good for you then, because my offer is off the table now, pretty boy.” 
A smirk curled up his lip- “You think I’m pretty?”
“About as pretty as a skunk, especially with that hair.”
You had to tamp down the urge to childishly stick your tongue out at his bemused, mildly annoyed expression before walking past him.
 Lamenting the loss of your morning coffee, you hurried your way to the orientation venue. At Least he was an upperclassman. Thankfully you wouldn’t have to deal with him-
“Did you see that hot guy in the leather jacket and that black-blonde hair ?”
Fuck’s sake. 
“His name’s Jung Wooyoung and apparently all the upperclassmen already have an eye on him. He’s in our major so we really lucked out, hot guys-wise.”
Fuck’s sake.
Surely you could just avoid him and pretend he didn’t exist?
But no.
Jung fucking Wooyoung turned out to be the apple of the campus’ eye in a matter of 2 weeks. He was as new to the university as the rest of you and yet, managed to look more put together, cooler than the rest of you still struggling to figure out class numbers and professor names.
He was the upperclassmen darling- people drooled over him, wanted to befriend him, and invite him to all the big parties…
and fuck- even the teachers were already wrapped around his infuriating pinky finger. They allowed him to waltz into class 25 minutes late, smile his infuriating innocent smile and chill in the back row, scot fucking free.
A month in, he’d gotten into the Dance Club too-  cementing his legendary status in the university. It was unheard of, after all, for a freshman to get into the unattainable Dance Club in his first attempt. 
You happened to visit one of the club’s performances one weekend and even you couldn’t ignore the sheer talent he radiated. It only infuriated you more to watch Wooyoung hog the stage’s spotlight with almost no effort- all perfect lines, sharp and clean movements…
It’s fine, you could still ignore his existence
But no.
Another thing about Jung Wooyoung- he found sick pleasure in annoying the living daylights out of you. 
It was so juvenile, so high-school, so immature of him- sticking gum in your hair, snapping your bra strap, kicking the back of your chair, striking up nonsense debates with you in class…
And then he had the nerve to laugh in your face when you glared at him with hellfire in your eyes because you were too polite to lash out in front of a professor.
Of course, you exhibited no such restraint outside the classroom.
“You vs Woo” was a commonplace explanation for the commotions that blazed up in the campus courtyard every other day. You were like wolves, the way you snarled at each other, not hesitating to slash at each other with as many cutting words as you could find. 
This went on for months, an entire semester marred by an enmity that seemed to stem from nothing- until one day, mister Jung Wooyoung really fucked up.
“WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? FACE ME, YOU COWARDLY WORM!” Your angry yelling and thudding on the door had Wooyoung’s roommates Yeosang and… Choi San? running to open the door to their shared dorm room. 
You barged into Wooyoung’s room, unplugging the game he was playing. “What the fuck-”
“You dirty fucking bastard. You shameless shitstain of a fucking human being-” 
Slap. Wooyoung reeled back. In all this time, you’d never actually hit out at him physically. It had always been words. Maybe this time he crossed a line?
“You told Changbin I had a fucking STD. THE GALL OF YOU-” You lashed out at him with every few words, pushing Wooyoung further back against the back wall of his room. 
“How fucking dare you make assumptions about me like that. you lowlife scumbag.” You snarled in his face, now having him trapped between you and the wall.
You were smaller than him by quite a bit- it was almost amusing to see Wooyoung cowering in front of you, lowkey terrified of what you’d throw at him next. 
“Okay okay, fuck, I’m sorry!” He burst out finally, cutting you right across your angry rant. “I didn’t mean it like that!! I swear, I didn’t even know you were the one he was talking about. And I only told him to be safe from STDs, not that anybody had one.”
“What makes you think I’ll believe you, Jung,” You screeched. “You’ve always been a dick in general to me. I wouldn’t put it past you to say something like that and lie to my face about it.”
You back away, almost disgusted at being so close to him, “Seriously, dude. Get fucked.” Flipping him off before leaving, you turn around to look at him still standing where you’d backed him up to, an evil glint in your eye.
“It will be so fucking unfortunate if somebody told the campus gossip blog you had erectile dysfunction and your hookups were all fake.”
Safe to say, Wooyoung never made digs at your sexual activity again.
Neither did he have much sexual activity of his own for a while. Not that there was much sexual activity in your case either.
Maybe it was that exact…starvation that led Wooyoung to behave the way he did.
What was juvenile teasing became more… flirtatious?
Oh gods, what the fucking fuck is going on-
Suddenly, it wasn’t gum in your hair, it was soft whispers against your ear, breath warm against your cheek
It wasn’t kicking the back of your chair, it was leaning in front of you to fistbump Lee Felix on the other side of you until you could smell his intoxicating chocolate-honey-sweat scent.
He’d taken to taking his leather jacket off and sitting through classes (he still turned up late for) in a muscle t shirt that showed off his toned arms- 
All of his movements now seemed to be designed to tease the crawling under your skin you hadn’t been able to quench recently-
Not that you were a serial hookup kinda person, but you’d been fairly sexually active until semester exams and Wooyoung’s rumors had brought around quite a dry spell for you.
It was like every action of his sparked something wildfire hot in your head, tension stringing your senses into overdrive- were you imagining it?
Wooyoung was having some troubles with said crawling under-skin himself. 
Since when did you wear skinny jeans like that to class? Did you always have such a pretty neck, just waiting to get marked up? Did you always have that sway to your hips when you walked out of class?
The forced abstinence was doing bad things to him. 
It did rather amuse him, however, when he could see your breath catch a little from his murmurings in your ear, or squirm in your seat when he spoke to Felix before the professor arrived. It was the little things, truly. 
You still fought like a cat and dog though- there was no way the two of you would ever let on that your scope of noticing each other had gone beyond annoyance and rivalry a while ago. 
“Fuck no. I’m not doing this fucking project with you. It’s worth half the fucking grade and you’re a numbskull when it comes to this subject.”
“Like I want to deal with you anymore than I have to, sweetheart. You’re pretentious enough in class as it is.” 
Fate really loved playing the cliche card with you- of course you got paired up with Wooyoung for one of your semester projects. 
No, it definitely wasn’t the teacher that saw you two glaring more at each other more than the whiteboard and decided to take matters into her own hands.
Of fucking course the teacher refused to allow switching of partners or individual grading- it had to be a team effort or you’d both fail the subject. As a team. Yippee-ki fucking yay.
So you two ended up in the library at 11 p.m, two nights before your first check point review, having procrastinated the fuck out of working together until the last possible minute.
Amidst cursing at each other and cups of ramen and iced americano, the two of you found yourself stuck with each other and attempting to build the basis of an acceptable report to present. 
Surprisingly enough, Wooyoung wasn’t entirely a lost cause when it came to the subject. He actually made sizable contributions to the report. He even got you some coffee on his break, despite the jibes and taunts you threw at him about going soft- you were the type to hold a grudge.
You were both wandering down the shelves in the library, looking for more references when Wooyoung decided to open his big mouth again.
“You do realize that shitty rumor you put out didn’t really mess with my prospects, right?” Wooyoung was so full of shit. “If anything, I’d be worried about you, sweetheart.”
There it was again. Sweetheart. Another of those taunting things that just riled you up in all the wrong(right) ways. It was like he knew everything you would go weak for and then shamelessly exploited them all.
“Unlike you, Wooyoung, I don’t need people to stroke my ego…or anything else. I can get myself going just fine.”
“If you did know how to stroke anybody’s anything, sweetheart, you wouldn’t have trouble getting some.”
Ohhh, so he wants to play some games!!! Okay then-
You reached out to flick at his ponytail, ever-so slightly enamoured by how well he pulled off the double-toned look.
“Like you know anything about how to please in bed, babe.” 
It was unfair how much that nickname falling from your lips affected Wooyoung. Some…not very appropriate thoughts had already taken root in his brain and you running your mouth was not helping at all. 
“Good enough for them to beg, sweetheart.” 
A soft crow of laughter escaped you as you turned to fully face him, the both of you standing between the Greek Architecture and Geography sections.
“You sure you weren’t the one doing the begging?” 
“Oh, really now?”
You really should’ve thought through what was leaving your mouth 
Because now you were wedged between the shelves and Wooyoung’s (unfairly) toned body, his arms caging you in with that signature shit-eating grin on his face as he leaned closer to you- 
The tension was almost atrocious now, suffocating you when it had only previously nudged at you. You could feel it settle under your skin, in your veins, fingers itching to reach out and pull him closer 
But you kept your hands braced against the shelves- you would not give him the satisfaction of making the first move yourself…right? 
Fuck, you really wanted to though- 
It had be the late hour leaving you with lesser inhibitions than normal or possibly the pent up horny in your system or maybe the questionable direction your conversation was headed in
There was no other plausible reason for your arch nemesis’ lips to look that inviting
It must’ve been the way your attention flitted from his eyes to his lips that gave you away, a momentary lapse of self-control before you looked away, off to some point behind his shoulders-
And he smirk only widens
“You know, nobody really visits this corner of the library.”
“Your point?”
Both your voices were whispers now, your bodies close enough to touch but not quite, Wooyoung’s face a few inches away from yours and holding your gaze 
(He had honey flecks in those dark eyes, 7 on one side and 4 on the other, like gold leaf in coffee)
“We could easily find out who begs for who…”
He still hadn’t touched you yet, his hands placed on the shelf on either side of you- you could move out from the space if you so wished-
Despite the tension between the both of you, it seemed like… like he was waiting for you to make the first move, voice your consent, act on it 
How considerate, you thought to yourself as you let your sight wander to either side, checking for people 
Surprising you found Jung Wooyoung’s one possible redeeming quality like this, mind hazy and barely restraining yourself from kissing the living daylights out of him- 
Oh well, fuck it
A soft sound left Wooyoung as you curled your hand around the back of his neck and pulled his face to yours, lips meeting in a soft, hesitant kiss
How dare he be a good kisser too?
One hand reached up to cup your cheek and you instinctively tilted your head into the warmth of his palm as the kiss deepened
Unfair that he could take your breath away so effortlessly
There was nothing hesitant about the way Jung wooyoung kissed you back
Lips pressing more persistently against yours, teeth grazing your lower lip and pulling slightly before diving in again, hand now curled around the back of your neck
His other hand caressed your side and gripped your hips as he pressed you gently against the shelves, your arm slipping down to clutch at the front of his shirt as his body molded all too perfectly against yours
You could feel him everywhere
From the way his lips had begun to land messy kisses against your jaw and neck, the hand on your hip tightening and slipping under your shirt to clutch at soft skin, hips flush against yours 
You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from Wooyoung, your head spinning at the intoxicating feeling he brought with him 
The sensation of his mouth against your neck was almost euphoric, your head lolling back against the books and leaving you to pull your lower lip between your teeth, an almost futile feeling bid to keep silent, you’re still in public
Somehow your hands wound up in his hair, pulling the double-toned strands as his head dipped lower, a quiet groan from Wooyoung your only pointer that he liked it
So this is why he was so sure of himself, your mind temporarily blanking when Wooyoung’s teeth pulled against the sensitive skin, biting and sucking gently
A choked, uneven sound escaped your mouth when he pushed you harder against the shelves, hand reaching lower to squeeze your butt-
A smirk lit up his eyes as he straightened up to look at the line of red- blue blooming across your neck, then at you, cheeks warm and still biting your lip, looking resolutely away from his gaze
“Weren’t we supposed to be working on the project?” 
This little buzzkill.
You didn’t work on the project that night
You spent it in Wooyoung’s bedroom, getting railed within an inch of your life.
Not without the lack of the both of you being absolutely unable to keep your hands off each other on the way there 
Between the library and his dorm, you pulled or got pulled into shady alleys and corners for ‘another taste’ 
“Never again.” You warned him when he dropped you off at your dorm, you looking windswept from the wind of course and his hoodie up because of the cold not because his neck was more purple than tan-
Your daytime dynamic remained the same 
But now with added benefits- 
He got to corner you after class, feel you up until you were gasping his name and then leave you hanging 
You got to make brazen moves under the table in the library whenever he got too snarky for his own good
He could ask nicely, you learnt. Broken groans and choked-up sounds would escape him when you ran your nails over his skin, soft and sharp and wanting and unyielding as you kissed your way down his body
Down his neck, over his chest, the hard planes of his stomach 
He would plead for more when you sucked him off, bucking his hips closer to you everytime you slowed down or stopped
Find him at the right time, though and he could just as easily return the favour
He would tease you relentlessly, hands ghosting everywhere dangerous and then pulling away just to watch you squirm and make grabby hands at him, a frown marring your kiss- swollen lips 
Leave conspicuous marks too high up on your neck for you to cover, dark enough for a day or two that even makeup left shadows
Spending a long, long time between your legs only to get up and start dressing, claiming to be late for class
Quickies were your religion at this point 
Janitors closets locked and hand covering your mouth to muffle your moans before a dance competition, empty bedrooms in frat parties with one of you getting pushed onto the bed
It was an infernal coupon from hell : Find one archrival, get a fuck buddy free of cost!
Of course, there were side effects
“Did you just walk out of that empty classroom with Jung Wooyoung? After class hours?” “We were studying for the midterms!!”
“Uh.. Wooyoung, who was that leaving the dorm building? at 1 in the morning?” “uh yEAH WE WERE DOING THE PROJECT YEAH.”
Yeah, a boyfriend sounds nice but an archenemy you can make out with in secret sounds ravishingly pleasing-
When the boy in question is a certain young man with double toned hair with a penchant for leather jackets and out-of-line snark, you couldn’t agree more.
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Yes, this is a revamp and repost from my main account xD. Like I said, this was self indulgence to the peak 😩 I'm a tad whipped for snarky boy Jung Wooyoung 😀
Do lemme know what you think ^_^. xoxo, A💕
Possibly interested parties: @aliceu​ @whiteprincessofnohr​
(drop me an ask to be added or removed! )
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underfell-crystal · 3 years
A list of why my mutuals are so fantastic.
@ratsoh-writes : A very talented writer who dragged me into the self/oc x canon part of Undertale. I haven't looked back since. I love your headcanons, matchups, random quotes, and everything else you do for us.
@1-800-roflmao : An amazing artist and writer who I was introduced to through Ratsoh's Anon Harem, who used to send me cursed images. Believe it or not, when I was having a bad day, those cursed images made me smile. Talking with you is a wonderful distraction from terrible or boring days.
@ivyprism : A dedicated writer with an enormous amount of creativity and a very good friend who is fiercely protective of her mutuals. Seeing you come up with new ideas is lovely to watch, and seeing you expand on ideas is even more exciting. But please stop making me simp for every single character in your roster.
@kalquinn : A wonderful person with art and stories to match. Seeing new art and updates to your stories always puts me in a good mood. Listening to your animal facts never fails to teach me something new, and seeing you online always puts a smile on my face.
@skeletons-and-dnd : A very creative and dapper individual who I also met through the Anon Harem. Talking with you is always a treat, even if it's a bit rarer nowadays.
@spider-anon-art : An absolute sweetheart to everyone. Your fact interactions are always fun to watch, and your blog radiates positivity.
@magicfrogblog : A cutie who I love to tease and tag in frog videos and pictures. Your reactions are hilarious and I love talking to you.
@vrnicky : A shy artist who makes some of the most simpable boys, along with boys that I just wanna hug forever. You doubt your talent and yourself sometimes, but you are an astonishing artist and friend. Never forget that we will always be here for you.
@kiokodoodles : The person who inspired me to create my favorite character ever for her mermaid pirate AU, who also makes beautiful art and engaging characters. I love roleplaying with you and interacting with you in general, and your headcanons about your AUs and skeletons make me so darn soft.
@mochamashi : Another fabulous artist I met through the mermaid pirate AU. Your art is dazzling, and I love your characters. Talking to you about our characters is always fun and exciting, and I always look forward to your next art pieces. I would go to McDonald's at 2 a.m. with you.
@the1920sisntaphasemom : A stunning person I connected with through H. Looking at your art and posts in general brings me comfort. Thanks for being my online mama and telling me when to go the heck to sleep.
@dino-bytes : An incredible person who started as an anon in Rats' Anon Harem. Interacting with you always guarantees fun times and heartwarming fluff.
@avtfol : Another phenomenal artist who makes some of the most creative content I've ever seen. Reading your interactive stories and looking at your art always fills me with joy. You're not annoying or bothersome at all. You're extremely talented and a wonderful person.
@naibawasreblogging : Another amazing artist I love talking to. I love your characters, and your art is so charming and cute. I love giving you feedback on your projects, and I sincerely hope you'll continue to create far into the future.
@lizarrrrrd : Another marvelous friend with adorable art. I love seeing your art, especially of Bun, and I enjoy talking to you about the mermaid pirate AU and anything else, really.
@hampal : A little devil who found his way into my heart. You can be annoying and weird, but you'll always be my friend. Thank you for appearing and using cursed images to take my mind off shitty days, and for appearing in my inbox practically daily to talk to me. I really do appreciate it.
Thank you to everybody for being themselves, and encouraging me to continue making content. I'm so happy to have met you all.
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yespolkadotkitty · 3 years
Helloooo! So I’m a sucker for sadness. Sometimes when work/ family gets bad, I go our building’s rooftop and just look at the night to hit pause on life🌖💫 What would Zach do when he sees you up there and how would he comfort you? 🌙Thank you! 💛
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Words: 1200 ~ Pairing: Zach Wellison x gn!reader
Warnings: swears, sleeplessness
The night sky stretched above you, an endless carpet of blue-black, punctuated by pinprick stars. In the distance, the light of an airplane blinked, moving over the horizon.
It all looked blurry through your tears.
Thank goodness this building had a rooftop you could retreat to.
Not that you were technically allowed up here but - you were pals with the maintenance guy.
You gazed up at the sky, angrily swiping at your eyes. You came up here often when things got too much; when it felt like the universe was shitting on you on a daily - sometimes hourly basis.
You pulled your cardigan around you - the late Spring air still had teeth - and drifted off into your thoughts, only jerking around when the door shut behind you.
The man was silhouetted in the evening light, but you’d recognise those broad shoulders and that tufty hair anywhere.
“Hey,” he began, crossing the rooftop to you.
“Hey.” You suddenly thought that he might have come wearing his Superintendent hat, rather than in the form of a friend. “I can go.”
“No, no…” He gazed at you, his eyes softening. When you’d first met six months ago, when he’d come to your door to fix a faulty radiator valve, his exterior seemed prickly, walls up around him everywhere.
Slowly, the ice had thawed, and you’d done your part to chip away at the frost, offering him cookies and tea when he had to come attend to issues in your apartment.
Then, one day, he’d come in with his master key. You’d said you’d be out, but - the news had arrived and everything else had fallen away, and you’d lain on the floor, sobbing.
That was how he’d found you.
And he told you about the rooftop, and how he sometimes went there to let off steam, to be alone, to think without the noise of the world interrupting; and he’d cut a key for you.
“Are you okay?” He shoved a hand through his hair, and the movement of his arm made his t-shirt sleeve ride up, showing the bottom half of an intricate tattoo. “Of course you’re not okay - you’re up here.”
“I’m okay. Kind of.”
He took a half step forward. “Should I - leave?”
“No - please stay.” 
Zach slipped his hands into his pockets and for moments that stretched, you both gazed up into the starry sky as the world revolved, six storeys below.
“You wanna talk about it?” he asked, at length.
As always, the low rasp of his voice made your stomach fill with butterflies.
“Not really.”
He never pushed; you liked that about him. You suspected he had his own demons.
“Anything busted in your place?”
You shook your head, smiling. “Stuff doesn’t have to be broken for us to hang out, Zach.”
“That so?” He considered this, and you heard the smile in his voice.
“Can you show me your tattoo?”
“Sure.” He used his left hand to push the right sleeve of his t-shirt up, revealing the large eagle perched on a world, an anchor and rope winding underneath. The Eagle held a flag in its beak, the words Semper Fidelis weaving within.
“It’s.. beautiful.”
He let her look a little longer, then dropped his sleeve.
“Do you have any more?” you asked, curiously.
“Nah.” The corner of his mouth crooked up. “Were you hoping for some a little… lower?”
Heat crept up your neck. “Maybe.”
He chuckled softly.
Zach lifted his shoulder in a habitual half-shrug that you’d seen him perform a lot. “It’s been a while since someone showed any… enthusiasm for me. Like that. Not since I was a Marine, anyway.”
You shut your mouth as soon as you realised it was hanging open. “Seriously? But you look like - have you seen yourself?”
He dipped his head for a second, an unruly lock of hair falling across his forehead, and he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck.
He looked up then, meeting your gaze, and you took his hand, tangled your fingers.
“I always assumed you were seeing someone. Or married.”
A rueful chuckle escaped his lips. “No. I mean, one day, maybe. But I needed to get my shit in order. When you live on the street for two years, you forget how to function in society.”
You squeezed his hand, looked into his cocoa-brown eyes. “You’re doing fine from where I’m standing.”
Zach sighed your name. “I didn’t come up here for- for this. I just came to see if you were okay.”
“And I am. Just needed to press pause.  You know?”
“I get it,” he said solemnly
“But now....” You lifted your free hand and cupped his cheek. You watched his gaze dart to your mouth, then back to your eyes-
And then finally he kissed you, a testing, questioning kiss, just the butterfly-wings brush of his lips on yours. You heard yourself groan his name, an encouragement, and then his arms slid around you, pulling you close, and holy shit he could kiss.
He ravished your mouth, his talented tongue dancing with yours, his patchy scruff tickling you deliciously, every nerve on fire from his ministrations. His hands clenched on the small of your back and you leaned into him.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Why didn’t you?”
“Well. You know. Not everyone wants to make out with the guy who empties the garbage disposal when it gets busted.”
Oh, Zach. You cupped his sweet face. “I’m interested, and that’s never going to be contingent on how you pay the bills.”
He dropped his forehead to yours and you held each other for a moment.
“Honey, I think I’m meant to be comforting you,” he muttered, at length.
“You are.”
Zach tugged your hand and led you to the big brick chimney - blocked up and out of use since the building got converted to apartments in the 70s. He sat down and patted the ground between his legs.
You wiggled in, pressing your back to his front, and he rested his chin on the top of your head, his thumb stroking idly up and down your arm.
“Not with you here.” You pulled his other arm around you, bent to press a kiss to his knuckles. “I mean it, Zach. I don’t care what you do for a living. I like you.”
He let out a long sigh. “I like you, too. So much. You willing to take a chance on a jarhead with semi-unresolved PTSD and only six t-shirts to his name?”
You smiled, kissed his hand again, as the moon rose, high and fat, in the sky. “Don’t feel you have to wear a t-shirt for my sake.”
He chuckled, and squeezed you, and the future felt bright, unravelling before you like pages of a book, just waiting to be filled.
Zach Pit: @gamingaquarius @knittingqueen13 @astroboots @holographic-carmen @idreamofboobear @nelba @agirllovespancakes @sarahjkl82-blog @lilangeldevil006 @restingnurseface @pedropascalito @alienprincesspoop @absurdthirst @tardisfangurl @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @songsformonkeys @disgruntledspacedad @lcl7867 @thestrawberry-thief @littlemissthistle @kindablackenedsuperhero @mrsparknuts @myoxisbroken @lunaserenade @filthybookworm @abuttoncalledsmalls @dornish-queen @aeryntheofficial @thirstworldproblemss @chicken-ona-stick @chicken-nugget-puta @miulola @fromthedeskoftheraven
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