#the amount of energy i dont have is actually insane
alxclaremont · 1 year
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elliscousland · 25 days
good news: i am feeling way better overall, the antibiotics are doing their job & i am way thankful for it. i've also got some appointments to keep up on the og issue & dealing with this has put me on the fast track to getting / keeping insurance!
bad news: i do think i got sick from sitting next to a little girl in the er & that is kicking my ass so everything in my life is way behind right now. i want to write, but i have to clean house before i clean drafts lmao
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clonemmunism · 2 months
Having a special interest sometimes actually feels like im not in charge of my brain like. Oh my god literally every part of me wants to go to sleep but this one part of me has decided i will now just stay up and consume content for 3 hours
Like i literally dont even mean this in a silly way i just want to sleep so bad but i cant shut my brain off wtf.
And then looking at related content isnt even really enjoyable because it makes me so excited to a point where im uncomfortable the whole time because im so overwhelmed by emotions and i have no way to get rid of the excess energy and no way to talk about it because everytime i do i just cannot correctly get the intensity of what im feeling across.
It just never feels like im doing the sheer amount of feelings justice and it actually makes me want to bang my head against a wall. Its not even just that, i genuinely feel physically uncomfortable. I literally want to rip my skin off my bones 😐
And on top of that i just sound fucking insane and also just annoy tf out of everyone
Pls tell me somebody gets it….. lmao im tweaking out
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ganondoodle · 1 year
So your took rewrite. I have a very important question regarding the Zonai. From what I hear they're supposed to be the dragon tribe I think? And that theory with Dinraal,Farosh, and Naydra. People were making theories about them being originally Zonai. Would those 3 have a important role in the rewrite??? I'm curious because I would love to see how you draw them and implement them into the lore. Also I love your demise and hylia! Love your work too so ye that's my question, apologies if I worded this wrong or seemed rude. I am not good with words ^^;;
so, with no intention to sound mean, this is a little awkward for me to answer bc i ... loathe the idea of the three dragons having been of sonau origin
i talked about it in a few rants before but i loved the dragons before bc they were something unexplained and ethereal, spirits older than time that yet still circling the skies unknown if they ever had a purpose, or if they even had to have one, just a part of this world, a mystery i loved bc it was unsolved (personally i liked the idea of them being like the last stage of evolution for the dragons from skyward sword but again thats just me) whenever i saw them i stood there and watched in awe, one of my most favorite things from botw ... or were ..
see it might have to do a little with me not liking the canon sonau at all bc of how they were handled, a big point of that being how they felt artificially shoved into every part of this hyrules history so nothing was there that hadnt been done better or touched by the sonau before already; i get that making that connection between the sonau and the dragons is very obvious and can be interesting for some but i personally hate it bc it just destroys that sense of awe i used to feel when i saw them .. they are a mystery that shouldnt ever been 'solved' or even considered as soemthing TO solve, their mystery being unsolved is what made it GOOD to me
i now have to actually work to still seem them as i once did instead of just some sonau dude eating a god damn stone, again i dont mean this to sound mean about it but i just .... it takes it all away what i once felt about them, oh ... it was just some sonau guy .. its them again .. it wasnt an ethereal ever wandering spirit of never known origins it was just some sonau guys .... oh .... oh ...no ... (good morning i am very brave and when the dragons are revealed to not have been unknown always there spirits ever wandering the world from the beginning of time which was one of my favorite aspects of botw but instead have been just some sonau dudes eating a stone destroying my feeling of awe and respect to them forever i wont cry about it ..)
so .... the dragons (Eldra, Farodra, Naydra for me as im using their german names) do play a role in my rewrite .. but not as people or having anythign revealed about them, im keeping them as i once saw them, as spirits that have always been there (they play a role to repair the mastersword as a reference to how it was forged in skyward sword)
(and the reason the stones cause someone to transform into a dragon was bc those creatures are the most magical beings to exist and the stones are made of an insane amount of spirit energy and if that all gets released all at once there is no way for it to go other than explode or if consumed to twist whatever organism is trying to take it in into a draconic form)
the sonau in my rewrite are not dragon people, tho they do worship them as they are incredibly spiritual, but an underground dwelling species (loosely based on bats and monkeys, with somethign of a deep sea vibe to them) who only appeared on the surface after their population was already beyond saving (the reason for it being that they mined the stones for their tech to such a degree it killed the land they needed to live and as they dug deeper and more intensely for more stones, now more for pure survival than anything else, they both found more of the engima stones AND the remnant of the past that warned of ganondorf, which then prompted them to breach the surface and establish contact with the ones that dwell there; they never did that before bc its hard to get there and they considered themselves to be above any other species spiritually and didnt want to messed up their structures of society - something that changed as they stood on the brink of extinction and had found the warning which then made rauru break their old rule of not breaching the surface)
(i will say that i can get behind the idea that the big skeletons you find in the underground having been of sonau that ate an enigma stone and that is how they knew it doing that for sure, it otherwise just having been part of their belief system as dragons are the most spiritual of all aside from gods)
(... i dont want to think about the reverse possibility tho .. the orignal dragons being dead and the sonau replacing them.. i dont like that even if it made sense ,,,,, ... yet another thing they replaced ... stop that ..)
im sorry if this sounds mean or dismissive but i just ... dont like the all dragons having been sonau theory at all and im kinda glad they dont seem to plan any DLC bc i was afraid it would outright confirm it, which would suck .. at least like this there is still some denialability about it (like all the clothing and dragon themed stuff being used purely for worship on their own)
thank you for otherwise liking my work tho!! i hope this isnt too disappointing for you to hear, in the end the rewrite is primarily a way for me to cope with what i dont like and implement the ideas i have had to fix it for me :C
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i-sveikata · 21 days
you write soooo much, i'm v curious as to what your process is to be so productive - do you write at a certain time, a certain amount of words per day, etc, etc?
omg lol yeah this bad boy is longgggg but funnily enough it wasnt actually intended to be when i started writing it- i had no idea id be looking at a word doc that 1496 pages and counting thats for sure lmao.
tbh its wayyyy less disciplined than that i just happened to have unlocked a particular dynamic thats creating a lot of brain worms for me so what is looking like insane productivity is just really hyperfixation on a dynamic that im very interested in exploring haha.
during the work week im normally cracking open the doc late at night for a couple hours before i go to bed. and then im writing on the weekends really whenever i have time.
i was previously doing writing days where i wrote kind of from dawn to dusk but i was getting so in the zone that i was forgetting to get up and eat and then not taking enough time to recharge for the work week which was wrecking me a bit. so i had to put in a few more boundaries just to avoid burning myself out.
i dont do word counts the same way i dont do deadlines because this is only as good as it remains fun and having homework every day generally isnt fun lmao. but my usual process is i'll write a bunch of bare bones kind of scenes across the bulk of the chapter and then if there are days where i dont have a lot of energy to be writing new scenes ill instead be editing those prewritten scenes and/or fleshing them out a little more. so sometimes scenes will be purely dialogue with no emotional or physical moments spaced out between them but ill come back and add those descriptions in later. or even like placeholds for things i'll have to research because i dont know the answer or ive forgotten a detail and need to go back and check it first.
tbh this fic has gotten so long now that its actively working against my memory (which is generally terrible lol) so i'm currently going back and rereading the fic to pick up any loose threads that i havent mentioned again or have left open to be mentioned again and forgot about- and then im making a note of that so i have it in the chap outline and wont miss it.
but yeah honestly the reason this all seems so productive is because the goal actually isnt to be!!!! its to tell a story on the importance of connection, the importance of redemption and growth and the exploration of love and power, violence and lust. im just here to follow both characters, help them fall in love and maybe kill a few imaginary people. as a treat :)
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oscconfessions · 7 months
hey, anon from the ask about being kinda scared of the osc. you asked me to elaborate. So, this might be long. Hopefully it's semi coherent.
One example would be the extremely intense loathing that people have for some characters. You see that in every fandom, but here there's so much of it. It's kind of draining tbh. i'll encounter so many people who have "(insert character here)'s Number 1 Hater" as their user or whatever, and they feel the need to constantly mention how they want that character to die a nasty death.
that sort of thing can be funny if it's a joke, cuz it IS just a fictional character after all, but people in the osc take it so seriously. the amount of hatred people on Pinterest specifically still have for Two is wild. and that's another thing! Even characters that have shown time and time again that they're good still have dedicated despisers who will always find new reasons to hate them. Like, it's time to move on buddy. This hate fixation cannot be healthy.
Try putting your energy into liking something for a change.
There's so much infighting here. Tacomic anyone? It all reminds me of the earlier days of toxic fandoms. Why can't people in the osc just relax about things? It's possible to have civil discussions about topics without going full on apeshitt.
Let people enjoy things, too! Good grief. III is actually pretty good when you don't have somebody constantly breathing down your neck telling you it sucks.
And the fics of like "(x) character goes insane and kills everyone lol" are so numerous. I'll see a couple of those kinda things in other fandoms, but it seems like the osc has a surplus of them. And they're very flippant in a way that's hard to take them seriously. the amount of specifically II dark fics of that variety is crazy to me. You can find one of basically every single character.
and the people who can't/chose not to separate fiction from reality. I've seen people on Twitter saying Cobs is.. you know, the thing his voice actor got fired for being. VA does not equal character. Please understand that. Literacy comprehension can be so low at times here.
and just in general, i encounter a lot of odd content in the osc that I've just not seen elsewhere. Stuff that you can tell the person didn't think twice about before putting it out there where everyone can see it. Like that cabbyyinyang noncon anon. I'll see fics in every fandom with that unfortunately, but the anon was so brazen about it. It feels like a blatant fetishization of a very dark topic. I don't encounter that in other fandoms. Not to this confident degree.
There's a specific obscure au that comes to mind, not gonna mention it cuz the person who made it is/was on Tumblr and also because it's vulgar and "creative" enough that it's honestly hard to describe without being explicit. It wasn't technically sexual but trust me when I say, holy crap, it was unnerving.
Maybe it all boils down to that osc is less emotionally mature than some other more calm fandoms, but I dont know. It seems like this community feels a lot, and they feel strongly. And don't like when other people don't feel the same way. We're definitely not the worst fandom though, not by a long shot. *shudders* the things I've seen in the Hazbin Hotel fandom....
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selfspinninglies · 5 months
hi aureo that was fast . anyway explanation under the cut woo
its kinda fuzzy in my head since ive only had this idea for two days including today so . but basically theres magic in the world that this takes place in (side tangent that isnt totally important but im gonna talk about how it works now if you dgaf skip to the plot stuff) its mostly not demonized/hated/feared/whatever cause i dont feel like it . anyway basically the energy needed is inside of your blood so whenever you use it it draws it out of you in some way (depends on what its used for) or you can draw it out yourself (bloodletting) and depending on how strong the spell you're doing is a certain amount of blood will be needed which causes !! a lot of problems for magic users . also its not like . a lineage thing anyone can learn how to do it because another part of how it works is making bonds/pacts with spirits that hold power over certain things and the blood is like . the offering also and you can either use incantations of sorts to do spells or just command things that youve borrowed power over also if your family has a pact with a spirit you are automatically in that also
vey end up going into the center of the woods and there's a grave in the clearing so vey go to it and make a blood offering assuming that this is the correct place (<- its not . oops) which ends up pissing off the spirit there because they do not have a pact together so vey are Not supposed to do that . it ends up pissing the spirit off more by admitting that it thought this was the correct place to be for a different spirit who was apparently not even close to here . who knew (everyone except erika) . the spirit ends up laying a curse on nem as its one of those angry and restless ones + got angered further . the spirit explains that somewhere in their body the seed of the plant that fits them best will start growing inside of them at a random place and slowly kill them by taking all of their energy and eventually spread out of them and essentially take over their body . they don't say if there's any way to cure/get rid of and it doesn't really sound like there is . they also say that when ey're at eir deathbed ey'll drag eir body back to this very spot and become part of the forest in the same way the spirit is . (sorry i keep saying "the spirit" i know it sounds kinda weird but i havent named them yet) (also ihave sooosososo many thoughts about how this would work so . maybe another time but if you wanna hear me go insane ask)
(other side tangent) also the way that the spirits work is that if you're connected to something deeply throughout life and your death is also connected to that thing (ex you have a connection to oceans/lakes/rivers your entire life and then you drown and die) you become bound to it spiritually and it becomes literally a part of you which means you have command over it kinda (does any of this make sense . idk) but it sucks a lot because the thing draws out your energy after death to fuel your ability cause like i said earlier spells require energy n shit but you also gain the ability to share your ability with others which relieves it a little since the burden isnt all on you BUT some spirits are angrier and curse anyone who steps foot near the area where they died . also their abilities and people who have deals with them's powers are amplified in the death area
ANYWAY actual plot time . the protagonists name is erika/erik (goes by both) (any pronouns but mostly uses neos) and ney're part of a family that has a pact (<- i think im going with that as for what ill call these) with some sort of plant spirit ney aren't sure which one though ney didnt pay much attention to the explanation of it all . it doesnt care too much about its lineage its more interested in biology and anatomy related things (<- woaww title reference) and also salamanders . its not story important but ve really likes salamanders . anyway x2 nix is somewhere in nixs early 20s and lives alone in an apartment planning on going to college soon but is putting it off . probably works a shitty 9-5 that it hates idk . very tired guything . theyre kinda bored and start thinking about their abilities and general ineptitude with it and decide that they'll go to the forest that their pact spirit dwells in to feel more connected to it or whatever . ey didn't really plan things through a lot . It makes a small bag with some supplies in it just in case and goes to the place that it thinks is the correct one but ends up being wrong and ends up in a very large forest . paragraph break because this one's getting long
obviously it freaks the fuck out about this and ends up running veryvery far away from the clearing and ends up collapsing somewhere because its really fucking tired . in the morning to nix's surprise nothing happened to nix in that time . anyway first thing he does is take out a diagram of the human body that was in one of the notebooks that he took with him and starts drawing out what the curse might look like on the inside . (which is also kinda where the name of the story comes from)
hey remember how i said energy needed for spells lay inside someone's blood . and how the plants will sap off of the person's energy and therefore blood . and how erik's family has a pact with a plant spirt . hey do you think that might be just a little important -
so anyway she tries to find her way back but fails miserably because the one thing she happened to forget was a map of any kind so now she's stuck in a forest with a deadly curse and no idea how to fix herself. they frantically walk through the forest and end up finding a village filled with totally normal people yayyy . anyway when they get there they say that they got lost in the woods and need a place to stay until they figure stuff out . oddly enough someone agrees to house them for a bit . The people of the town are incessant with questions, particularly about if they've encountered the spirit . on impulse he lies saying that he didnt which totally wont bite him in the ass later i mean who said that . anyway thats basically the plot theres more but this is already long as fuck and i dont feel like typing anymore idk how much of this makes sense but whateverrr im sleepy n sickly (<- has a cold) so . yeah hope you like it :]]
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liauditore · 1 year
Hi, I love your art and ive been really enjoying reading all your rambling about characters. Do you have any thoughts about pearl? I dont think she gets talked about nearly enough.
Also, shipping bingo for pearl and cleo?
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anon i have so many thoughts about pearl u have no idea
ok uhhhh first off HI UR TOO SWEET???? 😭😭😭😭😭 i never thought so many of you would actually read my unhinged rambles let alone enjoy them LMAO plus my art ok sometimes too ig
i feel like ppl actually give pearl a decent chunk of attention (i would say she gets way more than cleo does) but no amount is too much of pearl for me tbh i always want more so
pearls like uh. the most ever. babygirl. i think scarlet pearl was a bit of a turning point for her but i think she was always.. a little bit messed up. we talk about martyn essentially turning himself into ren's sword in 3L and i think LL pearl and scott have a somewhat similar dynamic, just less in your face about it. <-- thinking about her killing joel for scott multiple times, her essentially donating all her lives to him, etc.
she's a very lonely character i feel like. so the people who she does end up close to she will go insane for, literally being ready for give up her life for them.
if u want me to get hot take-y about it i think that read is why i've never been a big fan of her getting characterized as the crazy ex-girlfriend in fics and such. i always took scott calling her that as his version of events (and slandering her to get the rest of the server on his side), pearl i feel has such a pure devotion and need for love that i cant see her ever really considering romance.
soz im a misogynist on this one 😔😔
like every other divorce quartet dynamic i go crazy about it but i don't really "see" anything between these two i guess.
they've always felt kind of detached from eachother to me. like they just can't fundamentally understand one another. pearl is naive but capable of feats way beyond regular people. cleo is all too familiar with the world and endlessly haunted by their own insecurities.
the whole mean girl energy directed at pearl during DL def didn't help their relationship. i like to think that LimL cleo did feel kinda bad about how she treated her? a lot of what cleo does in DL i feel was kind of influenced by scott's behaviour -- i don't think she even really hates pearl (they might even pity her) but she's not gonna be extending a hand out anytime soon either.
but yeah even in another universe where either of them knows how to be normal about their emotions i don't see the possibility for anything more. an apology and return to normal is as good as it's gonna get imo. they're just not close enough.
i also kinda feel that.. idk it's just kind of obligatory? like ppl are clawing and desperate and starving to get some toxic yuri and Trust Me i understand. but idk uh. the ship has to find me yknow. not the other way around. 🙏
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taegularities · 6 months
i mean this in the nicest way possible because i truly love you, but i wish writers in general wouldnt try to force reader engagement. i often reply with feedback, but at the end of the day, you should be writing because you want to, not because you want validation. i dont know if its just me who feels this way, but when writers constantly mention needing feedback or they wont write/will stop writing a popular series, it feels like a threat. i dont want reading to feel like a chore, where i need to constantly be validating my favorites so they dont get taken away from me. i love you and your writing and i wish my likes were enough. sometimes i, as a reader, dont feel like engaging/leaving notes. sometimes i just want to read and move forward. i feel like many writers have turned appreciative comments from readers into an obligation.
again in no way is this meant to be hateful towards you, i feel like this can apply to many of my favs. i just needed to get it off my chest and hopefully assure you that we like your writing, even if there's less engagement. if you disagree with any of my points, please tell me/ask me to clarify. i dont want to hurt your feelings and i would love to hear from the writer's side!
hiii! no worries, thank you so much for being respectful and wanting to hear my opinion, as well. i know some people let these things out in the rudest manner possible, so i appreciate that <3
so, the reason i haven't been writing atm is because i lack the time and energy to write :') this year has been crazyyyy busy, so i just don't get to it anymore – and since i've been away/less present for a while, i guess i also drifted away from tumblr, too, and then felt like people might've forgotten about taegularities, and then i wasn't sure if the effort would still be worth it (i get insecure at times, but that's a me-problem). now, the reason i (and many other writers) have this worry is bc writing requires an insane amount of energy and brainpower – when i tell you that so many of us actually slave over just a scene or even a paragraph for ages 😭 (example: the last cmi update was far shorter than what i usually drop, but it took me days to just edit one scene). we ache to write all the time, but life also gets in our way – i barely get time to sit down and work on my fics these days… so when i do get time, i want to put it out there into the world and then see the reactions, too… i write for myself, ofc, but for you guys, too, so i can share that joy; or else i'd keep the fics in my docs, right?
and in that sense, when we write something in the rare free time that we get and that we hope others will love just as much as we do, we do seek some sense of validation, even if that sounds odd. it's like – imagine you studied for a test for like 2 weeks, but then don't get the results you hoped for (which might be a weird example, but effort-wise, it's similar, even if fics don't affect writers' lives in that sense). i know there are many who just write and don't care for feedback (even tho i've seen even those who say this be sad about reader engagement which – very valid), but i think that most who expose their soul and heart like this, do want to see people enjoying it/speaking about it/hyping it up. every creator, be it in the movie, music or art industry, loves to see reactions! and think about it – most writers get so genuinely excited when someone sends an ask that doesn't say more than "i loved this so much!! you're such a good writer!!" which is insane?! like, i know that i do – i get so happy and remember these comments 5ever, and it's a 2 sentence review as opposed to thousands of words. the effort here is unbalanced, but we still love it so much. and you don't need to write an essay, you never never do!! i swear, it's always enough to even get a few words or sentences <3 which, in the end, isn't a lot to ask for, you know?
i'm not saying i will stop writing my series. i would stop if it got 0 reactions OR if my life stood in its way too much; i'll keep loving what i write and write out of joy, no doubt. and tbh, i don't care about notes either. like, i remember "ruin you" getting way less notes than cmi but GOSH we had so much fun back then bc of the interaction and the craze made me so happy hahaha and yeah that's what it's essentially about – community. does that make sense? it's tumblr where likes don't make a post circulate – reblogs do, so yeah, unfortunately, likes are not enough :( i wish they were. i totally get what you mean, though. even feedback shouldn't be an obligation, but if you truly like somebody's work, it never hurts to send a tiny message. it really means the world to us when something we adore and are so proud of – creating art, sharing our heart, wanting everybody to see this love – is met with so much joy. and it's fics, you know – we love love love writing, but it's something that can be read. and we want people to read it and we're legit sitting there like "👀 and?? aaaand?" lol it's so nice to know when someone truly appreciates something… ofc you don't have to comment on my stuff, but i promise feedback makes a difference. it's why so many do leave :/ i hope that made sense!! once again, thank you for being respectful!! i love you, too, and am truly grateful that you're here and enjoying my stuff!! <3
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kitkatperce · 3 months
hi guys this is jusy me complaining abt pjo tv
so um errrr scroll if u domt like im not arguing w anyone abr this i js want to share my opinion on my blog
first thing im gonna start off with saying, i ahve nothing against the actors . they did an amazing job and i love them all . (except dior, reminder shes a zionist)
but, the inaccuracy of the show compared to the books is insane and it makes me mad actually🙁
so many people will defend it by saying ‘ricks working on the show too!’ man idc actually we were promised a book accurate show and we did not get it . im not talking about the appearances of the characters, im talking about the events . i didnt get the changes of a lot of things, and the changes take away from everyones character .
we couldve seen percys street smarts and annabeths fear of spiders, but they settled for scrapping the first thing and instead telling us that annabeth is afraid of spiders . this has happened multiple times
more on telling us instead of showing us, the amount of times this happens in frankly annoying, it acts as if the viewer is stupid . ohh yes annabeth is your sister, show us luke 😇i dont believe uou😇 can i have an example😇ARGHEHHHH
it also removes already good dialogue and replaces it with mid dialogue .
also, percys claiming scene….. i domt like how they didnt have them bowing or whatever because it removes the severity of the situation and the impact that him being the son of poseidon is important and not just like oh yeah that guy is yhe son of poseidon .
rip it was a big bathtub
rip the book
the removal of humor in the story makes it quite frankly boring, and removes more character from everyone . everyone is too serious in the show and its like watching paint dry .
the only memorable part that could be seen as funny was percy dancing instead of being ready at capture the flag
and sighhhhh annabeth being there when luke was revealed to be the traitor means she had to of had a suspicion of him in the first place which is . um . annabeth spent four whole books denying luke being evil
rip pit scorpion
“I dared not look up. My heart was racing. I could feel the energy emanating from the two gods. If i said the wrong thing, I had no doubt they could blast me into dust.” Page 340 …. die actually
percy is scared of zeus and poseidon in book one . the removal of this also adds more to the gods not being a figure that is scary.
and annabeth sassing the gods is unreal . annabeth in the books thinks disrespect=surprise surprise, get smote!
anyways im just mad and theres probably more but i havent watched in a while so this is all ur getting
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trickstarbrave · 3 months
Just curious but do you take commissions??
atm no :( i have a full time job + chronic illness so its rly hard for me to know if i'll be able to actually get the energy to draw properly. last thing i wanna do is open commissions and then be unable to fulfill them. plus i take so long making art that id have to charge an insane amount to make it worth it and i dont think many ppl wanna pay hundreds for commissions on average
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alltherainbowz · 10 months
One thing that frustrates me about MHA so much is how they have all the pieces to make a character better and just...dont.
Momo Yaoyorozu is the biggest example of this:
Early on, she establishes that her quirk lets her turn lipids(AKA fats) into objects of her chosing.
And constantly in fights we see her talk about how she's running out of energy/lipids to make more objects and is getting close to passing out.
So why doesnt she just carry sugary/carb-loaded foods with her?
She has a belt on her waist that could easily hold a pocket full of candy bars, bread, or any kind of sweets or carbs that she could use to create more fats in her body. We've seen other heroes do this too:
Fat Gum, Suneater, Sugar Rush etc. All have food-based quirks that Momo could take inspiration from that could GENUINELY help her in missions. If she wants to be a hero, having enough fat in her body could mean life or death, so how is someone as smart as her not putting 2 and 2 together?
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My second problem also has to due with how she runs out of fat in the most dire of situations, but has more to do with Horikosho's incessant need to sexualize his teenage cast.
Breast tissue consists of a large amount of fat. She can USE the fat in her chest to make more stuff, but I'm supposed to believe she has absolutely none left?
And I get not wanting to use your quirk so much you can die, but thats how the show frames her overusing her quirk, running out of fat in her body to the point she's going to pass out.
But because Horikoshi is too horny to actually care, she MUST keep her boobs intact.
We even see this kind of dichotomy between how Fat Gum's quirk is designed and how Momo's quirk is designed.
Fat Gum also stores fat in his body, and there is a visible change of when he overuses his quirk vs when he's fully loaded.
But with Momo, she just stays skinny the entire time, and never has any drastic visual ques to show her using her quirk too much besides being "tired".
It's genuinely insane how Horikoshi didn't expand on this or even set Momo up to be with Fat Gum but instead got lessons on how to look pretty. 😐
This is like one of a million gripes I have with MHA, is that despite having an amazing premise for realistic superhero powers, it has such obvious favoritism issues because it's cast is too big and leaves alot of characters feeling underbaked.
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razzmothazz · 10 months
doing nothing to rest is so cool and nice untill i realize im doing nothing and then its not so cool and relaxing and i need to do something productive but i dont have the energy for that so instead i just sit there with insane amounts of anxiety and guilt still doing nothing but now very aware im doing nothing and i hate everything actually ughhhxhxnnxncndjd
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Can forging the yin tiger tally be called WWXs mistake? Apparently some people think he made it due to his resentment during ssc. Also there is emphasis on that he regrets making it which can be shown by him destroying it and the following conversation making it seem like it was his mistake.
“I’ve always been the one using this to deal with others. Today it’s finally my turn to have others use it against me. Now I know just how obnoxious the Tiger Seal is. If I were them, I would’ve wanted to kill the person who created this damn thing as well.”
On that note, i have also seen fandom using the following instances-
1)“It’s not that I want to bargain about such a thing, but that I don’t want my charges to be doubled just because of some words from another. I won’t shoulder what I didn’t do.”
2)The things I did, not only do you remember them, I remember them too. You won’t forget them, and they’ll stay even longer in my mind!”
Use as an evidence that he regreted(personally, i dont think he has done any wrong) his actions during nightless city when all i get from this is that he is just accepting the fact that he did kill a lot of people during nightless city. Can this be said that he is regreting for it?
The novel explicitly states WWX's reason for forging the yin hufu in chapter 30.
'Back when Wei Wuxian had created it, he hadn’t thought too deeply about the whole thing: if he were to take control of the ghosts using solely his own spirit, he was bound to get tired. Then, he remembered a very rare piece of spirit-infused iron which he had happened to come across inside a monster’s abdomen, retrieved it, and forged it into a Tiger Tally.
But once the Yin Tiger Tally was created, Wei Wuxian realized that something was very wrong after using it just once.
The power of the Yin Tiger Tally had far exceeded his original expectations. He had merely wanted it for assistance, but who could have guessed it would turn out so mighty it would almost triumph over its creator?'
His cultivation was having some effect on him that he wanted to avoid, so his original intention was that it would help with that.
We're told he thought about destroying it at the time, he gives two reasons for not doing so. 1, it was very difficult, apparently 'demanding an incredible amount of his time and energy' (let's not forget that destroying it contributed to his death, this isn't some flimsy excuse). 2, he kept it for his own protection, 'he already vaguely sensed that his own situation was precarious, and sooner or later, everyone would turn on him. The immense power of the Yin Tiger Tally meant that no one dared touch him while he was wielding it'
Then, as we all know, he broke it in half and 'decided never to use it without thinking carefully through the consequences.'
The yin hufu situation is another example of how MXTX subverts typical villain tropes with WWX. The expected tropes of a character forging a powerful, dangerous weapon then keeping it should be that they're greedy for power, they arrogantly assume they can control it and are then tempted by it to give in to darker desires, which eventually brings about their downfall. Rather than greed or arrogance, we see that WWX's reasons for forging the yin hufu are humble, he recognised his own limitations and sought an aid to avoid wearing himself out, and he foresaw the danger he was in and kept it for his protection.
About this line,
“I’ve always been the one using this to deal with others. Today it’s finally my turn to have others use it against me. Now I know just how obnoxious the Tiger Seal is. If I were them, I would’ve wanted to kill the person who created this damn thing as well.”
It's giving us an insight to the mindset of WWX's opponents, and that their fear/anger/resentment of him & this insanely powerful weapon he wielded is actually a justified and rational response, which WWX empathises with. But I think it takes a leap in logic to say that understanding the motives of people who opposed him indicates that WWX thinks he has done something wrong or made a mistake. WWX notably is understanding of JZXun's reason's for ambushing him at Qiongqi Path, but that certainly doesn't mean he thinks it is his own fault.
So can forging it be called a 'mistake?' I guess, but only in the sense that it did not fulfill the purpose that WWX expected it to. Keeping it is a different topic... it's true that him having it gave people more reason to oppose him, yet there were also a myriad of other reasons people opposed him, and the yin hufu did provide him protection from that. Yet, in the end they attacked him anyway, and he ultimately decided to destroy it, yet that also resulted in his death (WWX couldn't defeat the sects with the yin hufu so I think it's pretty clear he couldn't have survived the siege without it). Ultimately the judgement in MDZS on the yin hufu is that it shouldn't exist, it's too dangerous. However, there isn't clear condemnation in the text or from WWX himself for him keeping it, because he had completely fair and logical reasons for feeling it was beneficial to him at the time. It can be called a 'mistake' that he didn't foresee things clearly, but I also think it is absurd to say this is because of some terrible flaws on his part. Humans can't predict the future or know everything, that's not a flaw.
I already spoke before about how I don't think WWX was right at Nightless City, not because of strictly his actions but because of his intentions. The people at Nightless City attacked him first, they wanted and planned a fight, so there's no argument to be made for them being innocent or victims, nor any reason they should be spared from something they willingly signed up for. However, in this situation, WWX was also neither innocent nor a victim, he went to Nightless City because he also wanted a fight, he waited for them to attack first because he wanted to go apeshit on them. He was lashing out after everything that happened prior because 'anger was the only thing that could suppress the other feelings within his heart.' (ch.78)
WWX undeniably does not feel all his actions in the past were good or right, because he makes different decisions in the future. But I do not get the impression that he feels particularly sad or remorseful about the people he killed (aside from JZX). Actually throughout his second life, WWX's attitude towards those who'd led the siege on him is fairly scornful, so it doesn't seem like he feels it was justified or that he deserved it. During the second siege he is dismissive of the people coming at him with their grievances... this is not the behaviour of someone who has a lot of guilt or regret for what he did to them.
Imo, his regret is more centred on himself and how he lost himself back then, giving in to his anger and lashing out at the world. How he gave up everything do try to avoid this kind of conflict, hidden away in what he calls a 'hellish place,' only it to all be pointless because he fell apart at the end anyway. He couldn't stop the siege, so what was it all even for?
Though he has some regrets, to WWX this is all in the past, he already died once and he has moved on from it all (MXTX expressed this same sentiment in one of her author's notes btw).
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
okay i'm the anon of the asks that generally end up w "have a nice day/night" (i think i'm the only one that used those words specifically at the end of each ask?)
i had so many daydreams (i daydream h24 istg) and i imagined once poly satosugu x reader relationship as one does
relationship is good fluffy etc wtv THEN BOOM. GENDER SWAP. or like reader progressively going insane imagining them as girls cuz she craves pussy or whatever and drew lewd lesbian stuff and they found it and found a way to change their genders ANYWAYS.
rlly am glad i have the body of a girl cuz i KNOW i'd have a boner h24 otherwise andthis imagine wouldve made me EXTRA HARD
like???? OMG AND AND
i actually fantasize abt this position quite often it makes me so sad i dont have a pp like i just KNOW it would feel like heaven on earth omg...
anyways so yeah i think u should consider femsuguru too just cuz he mothered so hard so imagine his fem energy good lord i'd do anything like actually anything
ok so idk which emote to claim and i'm very indecisive so you could pick one for me :33 or not, just know that i'll always end my asks the same so u'll recognize me anyways unless someone else starts doing the same but generally the asks you get aren't full blown books like i do 😓😓 sorry for that btw ut may be caused by my multiples degrees and doctorates in professional yapping
(btw i am done with a considerable amount of my exams, thank you for the encouragement it really came through! <3)
have a good day/night!!
THIS POSITION IS GODDDDLLLYYYYYY BTWWW🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 fem!sugu would definitely ride your face like she wouldn't just stay there. she's grinding and humping your face, making a proper mess out of you<3333 and fem!satoru is just crying her pretty eyes out because you feel sooooo good:(((( poor thing:((((((( oh i need them so fucking badlyyyy good goddddddddd
and omgggggggggg never apologizee!!!!!!!!!! that's literally forbidden here in loserville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talk more speak more!!!!!!!!!!! have more fun!!!! this is what we're here for afterall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehee ilyy!!! OHHH ALSOOO HOW DO YOU FEEL ABT A SUN EMOJI??? ☀️☀️☀️ THIS WAS THE FIRST THING THAT CAME TO MIND WHEN I THOUGHT ABT WHAT SUITS YOU HEHEHEHE
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I think you’re slightly missing the point of that scene which is at that moment louis believes lestat has actually made the effort to compromise for the family (he doesn’t know yet that Antoinette is still alive) and Louis has agreed to kill people again after both lestat and claudia ganged up on him so as far as he knows claudia IS the only one who’s making waves for no reason. That’s literally what prompts her to expose Lestat’s lie after that though and once he finds out Lestat’s compromises weren’t real he also stops making an effort too and sees her provocations as necessary to getting them out in the second chess scene.
I think reading maliciously into that line is weird when we know at that point Lestat has gone to great lengths to fake his way back into the house and he hasn’t yet been exposed in that scene. Like we can say louis is stupid for believing them but that’s often how people treat victims of abuse (why are you so gullible, stupid, etc) when they fall for their abuser’s schemes.
i’m not calling louis gullible or stupid or any of that though. and i said i agree with the points. i just don’t agree with him. that’s what i’m saying. as a person on the outside who has the information i don’t agree with him.
im not reading malliciousy. it was further abuse to turn to a child who is reacting to abuse shes facing from the same individual and call her ugly. he didnt say i dont like when you do that cause. he is irritable and he gets to be irritable with her in a way that he doesn’t lestat. im not saying he’s choosing sides. ive seen it happen. parents who yell or get angry at the kids for making the abusive parent angry or antagonzing them when theyre gonna be that way anyways. thats why she responds with better angry than foolish or whatever. shes being mean right back. bc she wants to get out. she wants to get them both out and it will only happen if she does something. thats an insane amount of burden on a child. its a thing that happens often. kids having to step in and be the ones who fight against the abuser. and to have the parent who you want to be on your side talk to you like that is really not okay. of course shes being unreasonable. shes a child.
a child who can’t do much more and literally cannot be emotionally mature anywhere near where they are at. i’m asking how many times does louis speak softly and gently to lestat (with good reason due to the abuse) and expect more for the child in the situation. he is abused. and claudia is too. shes facing a unique brand of abuse lestat reserves just for her. and she is angry about that. and she is the one who didnt have a choice but to be there. how can she be the bigger person?
im saying i understand his perspective and still asking but how does that read to claudia? that’s what i was getting at. i have myself pointed out that louis doesn’t see a way out of this. so i know that.
but he also went to get lestat from antoinettes house. that’s where he found him. he believes lestat but thats not bc lestat has been in anyway genuine. at all. and louis has shown himself to suspect and say nothing. that is not me blaming him. that is me saying this is a thing i know he does. i understand why he does it. but why should claudia get the energy you cant give to lestat (again for good reason)?? he even admits to have pretty much already known. when he’s walking back with claudia and says theres no point in saying anything. ive been there. i know shutting down bc of overbearing trauma, but when there’s a child invovled then what? and again how often does claudia get chastised for barking and sniping when lestat chokes the collar he put around her neck? louis believes lestat. claudia has no reason to and does not. louis thinks shes not doing enough after everything she has done. i don't agree with him. i can both understand him and not agree with him. im not in his pov. im a viewer.
so to me. everyone endures and claudia bottles her anger and louis doesn’t do anything and lestat continues on as he does bc there is no recourse no matter if claudia says and does nothing. if claudia is antagonizing him lestat rages. lestat also decides to sit them down at a table where neither of them are saying anything and rage anyways. maybe he was taking out what louis said to him about reading in ep 5 or maybe it was something that happened then but we dont know for sure. the way the scene played out in ep 7 theyre having dinner and he starts yelling at them about books. so then what?? claudia is ugly when she fights back. because she was born of the ugliness that forced her into this position in the first place but only she should feel bad about that? and what about how ugly of a comment that was to say?
what im saying is i don’t like that he said that. and i dont agree. and it makes me angry. it makes me angry bc i know claudia’s position very well.
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