#and whenever i say im just sad they look at my like im insane like i have nothing to be upset over
puppyeared · 7 months
people who do STEM or administration as a career full time and continue to do art as a hobby, I am scared of you but like in a hot way. youre like if we were allowed to have cold drinks in winter. i look at you and think of miles morales with his two cakes. do you want to make out sometime
#i say all of this positively bc i just! i cant help admiring it!! even if its mundane or not a big deal to you i seriously cant wrap my head#around it.. this is in no way at all meant to be condescending or anything. whenever i look at someones bio and theyre like oh im working#as a lab assistant biologist pharmacist realtor etc im like woag.... thats insane.. and then i peep your art tag and it knocks my socks of#how?? what lives do you lead??? im so curious. i seriously want a peek inside your brains someday. or at least shadow you at work lol#i cant help but feel sad when someone says smth like well i have to support myself and art cant do that for me. or maybe you were#pushed into pursuing a 'safe' career bc i hear it a lot. all of my relatives have the same story working as nurses and OFWs for the family#i think for me its not about missed potential but rather its being sad about making a decision to put your happiness aside to get by#ive tried so hard to do it but it didnt work out. i guess watching you guys do it is fascinating to me#or maybe youve made peace with your decision or actually like what you pursued but im still amazed!! it makes me wonder what made#you pick one over the other in that case.. is it like putting time for two different things the way you would for a schedule?? hmmm#im doing graphic design so i dont really interact with ppl in other faculties even humanities like sociology or childcare... so i cant help#wondering what it must be like as someone whos pursuing visual communication both as an interest and career#i seriously wish i could do smth like a desk job or even admin and maybe ill try that if this doesnt work. or i could look into trades#but dyscalculia already makes it hard to do things like cash and mental math so i get overwhelmed if i think about this too hard#yapping
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gudakko · 1 year
it's really sad knowing you just don't have someone you can really talk to
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alxclaremont · 10 months
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
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i've reached a point where my confidence genuinely cannot be shaken by anything, like all the shadow work and everything is rly paying off and having confidence makes everything in life so much better so i wanna talk about it 🍭
to begin with, confidence is not gained over night and its something thats built and honed with time. so be patient with yourself! confidence always stems from self love.
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self love is the most important thing ever. no matter what u have to know that ur gonna love yourself thru THICK and THIN. ur the only one with u 24/7.
make ur mind a palace, treat ur body like a temple, give urself the tender love and care that u DESERVE 🧁💕
i feel like the most confident people are dancers. i feel this way cuz of the way my own confidence SKYROCKETED after i started dancing. i feel like dancing gives u a sense of control over ur own body and its just amazing.
whenever i feel like i need a little boost of confidence or i wanna feel sexy and good in my own skin i DANCE. and i promise that it helps so so much. i dance around in my room all the time and it’s like therapy. 
embarrassment does NOT exist, stop making urself feel awkward or embarrassed for making mistakes sometimes, learn to laugh and not take everything so seriously.
honestly in my experience, manifesting has played a huge role in my self confidence and my self concept. honestly, self concept work goes hand in hand with self confidence work.
keeping a strict mental diet has made my self concept untouchable so definitely get into that. so SAY UR AFFIRMATIONS, dont EVER bully yourself etc.
something about a confident person, they can ADVOCATE for themselves and they know how to say no/im not comfortable with _. practice saying no more and being in control of ur time.
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some words that u can add to ur vocabulary to be more confident and advocate for urself properly is "absolutely not" or simply NO. theres so much power in the word NO so make sure to use it more.
the music that u listen to on a regular day to day basis rly have an impact on ur mind for either better or for worse depending on what ur listening to. 
steer clear of music that talks about things like self loathing or self hate and instead go for songs that uplift you. a lot of the time when ppl bring up the relationship between the songs u listen to and ur mindset a misconception that ppl have is that like, u can’t listen to emotional or sad songs and that’s NOT TRUE. u can listen to sad songs and still be a confident, bad bitch.
probably TMI but something that rly helps confidence is when u match ur bras to ur panties (IDEK WHAT IT IS) like the confidence boost is insane. when u look good -> you feel good.
again, embarrassment does NOT exist
no one is above you and no one is beneath you
surround urself with other confident individuals so that they can uplift u and u all can LEARN from each other, cuz the people u surround urself with matters.
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harunade · 10 months
la ricky is so hot im sorry 😭 maybe it's hearing him speak in englthats getting me bcs his voice is SO deep when speaking in english + hes so fine as it is 😭😭 im literally going crazy over him
more ricky thoughts bcs him calling you kitty???? maybe saying "his kitty" ????? insane. speaking off ricky and his pet play kink, i think he would buy you the prettiest collar ever (he would take you shopping and you would be so embarrassed putting them on bcs hes like "you like this one more kitty?" all sexy like in your ear 😭 and dare i say he might even take you shopping when you're so needy for him and its hard to walk around bcs of how wet you are) and he would buy multiples of collars he knows you really like bcs sometimes the sex gets rough and he ruins them but his kitten deserves the most!
from — 🐾
it’s not doubt that ricky loves spoiling you. even if you insist that you have enough clothes and things as it is, he’ll give you a pouty look and convince you. “i would rather have you between my thighs right now but if you wanna go shopping let’s go” you’d show him a fake sad face to which he’ll just chuckle and kiss you. “don’t be so needy, baby, you’ll have me soon” but he obviously notices the way you walk clumsily and how you press your thighs together when you sit down.
ricky will have your fingers intertwined as he walks around with you in many shops. him entering a pet one takes you aback. especially when he holds a hot pink collar up to your neck to see how’s you look. “w-what are you doing…” you whisper yell at him but he just looks down at you and smiles. “look kitten, don’t you want it? it even has a little bell, so it would ring whenever you bounce up and down my cock” he’d whisper in your ear lowly and ngl that gets you gasping.
obviously he ends up buying like 6. “have you two adopted kittens?” the cashier asks the two of you and flashes you a smile. “ouhh yes, thank you” ricky confirms and pays.
When you get home, he’ll do exactly as he had told you, having you bouncing on his cock with nothing on but the collar and a bra he had bought you that day. he’d loop his finger through the collar and pulls you down to kiss you. “just like that, baby. you’re taking me so well, my kitty” he’d lazily rub your clit while his tongue would swirl inside your mouth.
he’s surprised that even after he fills you up, you keep going, quickly overstimulating him. “fuck, baby” ricky lets out the softest whimpers as his kisses trail around your chest and neck. when he loses his ability to think properly, he’ll switch to speaking in chinese. now, youre not fluent, but you still manange to understand him calling you his dirty kitten and sweet girl in the same sentence.
just like he spoils you, you love spoiling him by taking care of him and his needs daily. “i love you, kitty” you tell him as you pass out on his chest, feeling his hands wrap around tour waist and caressing it. “i love you more, kitten. let’s go take a bath” aftercare king!!! will even carry you bridal style into the bathroom, placing the both of you in the hot water. he loves washing you, especially your hair.
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zerogutzz · 10 months
yeah im going all in
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Bunch of insane lore rambles under the cut LMFAO
During the GOLB invasion, the veil between worlds became it's THINNEST. The world Max came from already had dimensional rift problems, it's the very things she was set out to study along with whatever happened to come out of them.
As we all know, Sadness attracts Madness, never did Max think that a rift would pull her in. A good 12-15 years is where she ended up getting spat back out after GOLB fused with Betty and fucked off.
She was lost for 3 months. Zero human contact. Only dangers and monsters and the occasional talking animal to point her to the human city.
She DOES eventually end up making it, stumbling on to the small ferry and falling flat in to the city. These citizens were humans, yes, but Golb knows that these aren't the same humans she's used to. They're all strange, wear strange clothes, and say strange phrases she only barely understands. You can imagine the wave of astonishment and relief she felt coming up on a giant sign that read "20TH CENTURY MAN IN HIS NATURAL HABITAT"
She's from the 22nd century, but goddamn if it wasn't close enough.
Following the curious crowd, an older gentleman stood in a dollhouse-like enclosure that mimicked that of an old fashioned home, decorated in familiar items and décor. The future-humans took their turns asking very.. Dumb. Questions. Most of the time repeating the same one in different ways. For some reason they're very focused on the different lamps. It was increasingly obvious that the gentleman acting as the 20th century man was just about ready to lose it if another comment was made about how light 'bulbs' are supposed to be pronounced light 'balls.'
"Excuse me." Max spoke up over the crowd. Simon glanced over at her from between his pinched nose bridge, pausing. It looked almost as if his shoulders relaxed. The way Max presented herself was something he hasn't seen in a very, very, very long time. Familiar clothes, cadence, and energy. "Could I talk to you, um, whenever you're done touring your.. Museum." Max asked. She was trying her very best not to make it sound urgent, despite the desperation she felt in her chest. "Oh, no, yes of course." Simon stumbled over his answer, nodding quickly. "We could talk now, if you'd like. It wouldn't hurt to close early."
The other people in group either huffed, rolled their eyes, or wandered off at the suggestion. Simon rubbed at the back of his neck, motioning Max to come inside. "Walls down." There was brief confusion, but it subsided as soon as the walls to the enclosure closed down like garage doors. Simon sighed heavily, turning to the new face in town with a tired smile. "What was it that you wanted to talk about, miss..?"
"Maxine Stronghold." Habit took over, flashing her detective badge and pocketing it in a single motion. That put the man on edge, his smile faltering. "Ah, you're not in trouble. That.. Sorry. Old habit. I was actually just here to ask if you actually were from the 20th century?" He perked back up. "Wha, why, yes. Are you not familiar with- Oh, my goodness I never actually introduced myself." Max's thick brow quirked up at him, his hand extending to her form. "Simon Petrikov. I, ah, used to be the Ice King. Difficult to imagine, I know, but rest assured-"
The increasingly confused look on the woman's face brought him to a stop. "... Sorry, did I say something wrong?"
"No." She answered slowly. "I just .. Um. I don't know where I am. Or how I got here. Or how there are wizards and talking food. I haven't had any genuine human contact in months. I was kind of hoping you'd be able to help me."
A moment of silence befell the two of them. A growing realization creeped on to Simon's face, putting his hand over his mouth and mumbling, "Oh my God." before putting a hand on her shoulder to have her sit down.
"Tell me everything."
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parasiticacidic · 13 days
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A NonBinary Visor I made at work for Pride!
I work at a leather shop and we get to make special projects for the store so I really wanted to make this enby one specifically because even though leatherworking is very lgbtqia+ friendly you also have the other end of the spectrum being conservatives who make their disgusting opinions very evident whenever they come into the store so to deter those interactions I've been trying to make more pride items for our really amazing lgbtqia+ community along for us staff members :3 idk why people look at me with red hair square pink glasses while I'm wearing capris and think lemme "debate" them on people using they/them pronouns >:[ BABE GET A GRIP!
(Also the amount of disrespect and hate I get for just being/presenting as a young women working at this store is insane)(so I know it's just as hard if not harder for the other lgbtqia+ workers in our chain putting up with bullshit customers will say to us)
(Example of an interaction i had: I was just tending the register when someone comes up with his wife and son and the first thing he said was "Do you work here" and I'm like obvi ? Then he said "No, do you work here work here like do you actually know anything about this stuff" and I was like "I do this is my name badge" (also I was trained?? Extensively bc we also do leather classes so I need to understand and know different things) and then he was like "well I'm just wondering bc I have a question, is there actually a difference between leather paint and acrylic paint" I said "yes they are formulated differently but if you wanna know specifics read the ingredients on the label" like tf I'm not gonna be nice all for that build up of your question like I'm not qualified to answer just for it to be about paint (I'm also a painting major?!) bc if it was my male co worker working the register you wouldn't have lead with "do you work here" you would've just asked, like NO IM JUST STANDING BEHIND THE REGISTER BC I WONDERED IN OFF THE STREET uuuguggjrhrhrhrhr, also his wife and son just watching this interaction??? There's so much that could be said about that but whatever my beef is with him, like it's not a big deal but it's the way men feel like they can come up to me and immediately question my credibility working here) *steps off my soapbox*
Anyways (ToT) happy pride! The amount of ridicule we face in the work place is beyond disrespectful they don't even need to know anything about you they just size you up and immediately come to their own conclusions about you and treat you a subhuman when they are the actual animals, in the end we have a better understanding of ourselves, humanity, honesty, and bravery when they will never be able to escape from the cage society has put their minds in (which ultimately is sad for them but if you're a conscious being there's moments in your life when you can reflect on your self and the environment around you and find your truth instead of continuing to "play your part" but the animals that benefit from the system will never seek change and will hate on the ones who defy their "normal" always out of fear)
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brklynbb · 1 year
HI HI HI im so so so sorry this took so long to answer!!! ive been a busy little beaver
also i made the reader insanely shy im so sorry. idek if it counts as shy atp, the reader is so sociallly awkward and anxious so im sorry if this isn’t what you wanted :(
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stupid cupid
dallas x shy reader hcs
cw — shy!reader, mentions of fighting, mentions of the reader being referred to as a ‘broad’ idk
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- honestly??? he probably didn’t like you at first
- he goes for people like him. cold, tough, loud
- so when he first met you, he was… shocked, to say the least
- you weren’t really much of a talker around him, and everytime he tried to start a conversation, it was instantly shut down
- he truly thought you were really cute, so he kept trying to make conversation
- whenever he’d see you walking down the street and he’d wolf whistle at you, and you wouldn’t say anything, but you’d blush slightly and that would be enough for him to continue doing it
- he slowly went from shocked, to in awe
- he’d never met someone so shy and easily flustered
- eventually, you warmed up to him, as well, and when we he’d try and start a conversation, you’d be a bit more engaged
- after some time, he’d ask you out, saying something along the lines of ‘hey doll, i was thinkin’ you and me head to the nightly double or somethin’. what do you think?”
- he thought the movies were a perfect place for you two to bond, because it wouldn’t mean awkward conversation for you, but he’d still be able to hold your hand and stuff and form a bond
- he’s just thoughtful like that
- no im kidding, he’s not that smart, he just asked johnny how he could ask out a ‘cute looking broad who hates talking’, and johnny just said ‘I dunno, take them to the movies or something.”
- but fast forward a lot, you guys start dating :)
- he always drags you to parties, in which you don’t really engage in conversation
- dallas probably walks around the party talking to people the whole time, or playing pool, and you follow him around and his friends talk to you a lot
- you hook two of your fingers through the belt loop on his jeans so you don’t lose him whenever you guys walk together
- sorry that’s adorable
- he thinks you’re so cute, but absolutely hated introducing you to the gang because of the way you act in conversations, and how the gang is so rowdy and would probably make you even more shy than you are
- it’s fine though because johnny is also a bit timid, so you guys got along
- you reminded the gang of johnny, so they loved you
- dallas isn’t gentle with you when you’re dating, like he’s not soft and doesn’t try and treat you different than he would someone who’s a bit less shy
- idk, if ur anything like me, you’d find it a bit humiliating to be treated differently because you’re on the shyer side, so you’re glad he doesn’t try and be extra soft towards you
- you got what you wanted, authentic dallas Winston
- you take care of Dallas a lot whenever he gets hurt in fights or rumbles
- he trusts you more than anyone
- he probably likes you so much because you’re so much like Johnny. different circumstances obviously, and he’s shy for much different and sad reasons, but you’re still quiet and you try your best to stay out of trouble just like him
- a lot of people think dallas would go for more tough greasera who are extroverted and love parties and talking, but i think he’d go for someone like you, like johnny as well
- i mean there’s a reason he’s best friends with johnny and not steve or soda, for example
- overall he cares abt you so much and takes you under his wing, & although it doesn’t seem like it, he’s very very happy with his shy partner :)
anyway i cant think of anything else to write!!!! im sry this is so bad i have writers block but it’s already been in my drafts for soooo long
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daisysliv · 2 years
worth it | eddie munson
word count: 3721
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: the aftermath of eddie's attempted confession.
warnings: light swearing, angst, fluff, sad eddie deserves its own warning just cause, pining
notes: im sorry this took so long to get out, i caught the flu and then had friends visiting so its been an eventful month but the long awaited part two to my last eddie fic!! as always, not edited so all mistakes are my own.
part one
stranger things bookshelf
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A week. An entire week has passed since that night, and Eddie could still feel the way his heart split in two when you told him to leave. He didn't understand, and you never gave him the chance to understand. 
Each time he tried to reach out to you, he was met with silence. Whenever he saw you, you turned the other way. You literally ran from him, and he didn't know how to handle it.
He walked into Family Video, knowing you would be starting your shift soon, and was hit with nerves. He didn’t know what he would even say; he just knew he needed to see you. You were there for him during the worst moments of his life, and he was there for you. You were best friends, and he wasn't going to let some stupid feelings ruin that. 
He couldn't handle it if he lost you.
The bell rang over his head when he walked into the store, and he looked around to see if you had arrived for your shift yet. But he didn't see you. “Hey, Munson,” Robin greets from her spot behind the counter. 
“Hey,” He mumbled, leaning against the counter. 
“Just hey? Normally by now, you're asking if I have a new movie recommendation, so what's wrong?” Robin stands up straight, crossing her arms over her chest. Eddie internally curses the woman for how well she knows him.
He shook his head and leaned against the counter. “Do you?” 
Robin nods. “I think you're gonna like it– wait! Don't change the subject.” 
“I’m not.” He shrugs, picking up the tape sitting on the counter, reading the title; Pretty in Pink. One of your favorite movies. He only sat through it because you loved it. 
Robin’s eyes settle into a glare, snatching the tape out of his hand, “what happened?”
“Nothing! I'm tired.” He lies, crossing his arms. He walks away from the counter, going to the New Releases section in hopes that she'll drop it, but she doesn't. Instead, she follows him around. “Robin!” He shouts, his annoyance getting the better of him.
“Eddie!” Robin shouts back, earning a glare from a nearby customer, but she couldn't care less. “Did something happen with Y/N? Because she's been acting weird all week.”
Eddie sighs, knowing he now has no choice but to tell her. If he didn't, she was just gonna pester him more or force you to tell her. Either way, Robin would find out. “We…I went over last week to finally tell her, but I didn't. I got so close to saying it, but my impulse took over, and I kissed her. We ended up sleeping together… and everything was great until after. She basically kicked me out and has been avoiding me.” He explained, his heart sinking when he thought back to that night. 
He had begun to open his mouth to finally tell you how he felt when you told him to go. His heart broke at that moment, and he didn't have the energy to do anything but listen to you and leave. 
He didn't let many things get to him, but this was you. He needed you. You were his anchor, and he couldn't imagine not having you by his side.
He didn't know how to fix this, and it hurt. It hurt like hell.
“Wait, wait, I thought maybe it was because she told you about Bryan, but you slept together?! Oh, man! This is- this is insane.” 
Eddie furrows his brows. “Bryan? What about him?” Robin’s mouth fell open, and she was, for once, speechless. “Is she going out with Bryan?”
He could feel his heart crack like it did after you kicked him out. 
“I mean– well, she– and he…uh…yes?” Robin cringed and rubbed her hands together nervously. She hadn’t meant to mention the Jason thing since you wanted to be the one to tell Eddie. “Okay, uh… look, I don’t really know what’s going on there. All I know is that he asked her out, and she said yes, but if the two of you…slept together, then something had to have changed, right?” 
Eddie nodded slowly, picking up a random movie. “Right. Ring me up for this? I need to get going.” He makes his way back to the counter, ignoring the ache in his chest and the burning behind his eyes.
It takes a couple of minutes before Robin finishes ringing him up before he realizes the movie he grabbed was Pretty in Pink. He chuckles to himself, mentally hating himself for not realizing sooner. And Robin for not telling him. He turns to leave, halting in his tracks when he sees Bryan pull up, and you climb out of his passenger seat. 
What the fuck?
He could only hope that his eyes were deceiving him, but he knew better. He knew that was wishful thinking. He hears Robin gasp softly behind me, and he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. He knew that you and Bryan were close due to the number of classes you shared throughout the years and being neighbors, but he didn't think you were that close.
“Well…that tells me where she was last night,” Robin mumbles, and Eddie fights back the urge to scream. 
You walk through the door, the bell ringing above your head, with Bryan following close behind. “Thank you for the ride. I'll see you tonight?” You look back at him, and Eddie feels his heart sink. He forces himself to look away, he can't do it. He couldn't see you with someone else. Not after everything.
“I gotta go. I'll see you around, Buckley.” He smiles in appreciation and grabs the movie from the counter, brushing past you and Bryan, ignoring the stabbing pain he feels in his chest. He hated this feeling, and he wanted it to be over already.
“Eddie? Hey, where are you going?” You ask before he has the chance to make his escape.
“Home. I got what I came for.” He forces himself to answer while he pushes the door open and exits the store, not wanting to be in your presence any longer. He would deal with it later but right now? Right now, he wanted to wallow in self-pity, and no one but him needed to know how badly his heart was breaking.
He makes it to his van before he hears your voice shouting his name and your feet falling on the ground as you run to catch up with him. “Eddie, I've been meaning to call you….” He doesn't turn around or even acknowledge you. He didn't want to. “Wait, please. What's wrong?”
You. You were what's wrong, but he couldn't say that. So, instead, he unlocks the van and forces himself to look at you. “Nothing. I remembered I asked Dustin for help in a campaign.” He lies, pulling open the door of the van. He throws the tape into the passenger seat, not caring where it landed and turns to look at you again, which turns out to be a mistake. You were wearing Bryan’s jacket, and he felt his heart crack a little more. He felt sick. He felt like he could throw up. “I gotta go.” He doesn't wait for a response as he hops into the van. 
Shoving the key into the ignition and starts the van, ignoring the urge to slam his hands against the wheel in frustration and pull out, not looking back at you.
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You stood in the parking lot watching as Eddie drove away with a sinking feeling in your stomach. You messed up, and you knew it. You shouldn't have gone out with Bryan, not after what happened, but you did. You couldn't explain why. Maybe it was to forget what happened. Maybe it was to avoid Eddie at all costs. Maybe it was because you wanted to see if you could feel that way with someone else. Either way, you hated yourself for doing it.
Eddie was your best friend. He stuck by you when you needed him most. He never left your side. You’ve been best friends since you were kids. He was the only constant in your life. Everyone else either abandoned you or died.
It’s likely that was what made you kick him out. You panicked, asked him to leave, and ignored him for a week like nothing had happened. You knew it was messed up, but you didn't know what else you could do. 
Walking back into the store, you slipped off Bryan’s jacket and held it out to him. He took it back with a smile, thanks, and a promise to see you later before he took his leave. It was silent for a moment, hugging your arms close to your body as you watched him pull away with a sinking stomach. You felt a presence behind you, and you didn’t have to turn to know who it was. 
“You messed up.” Is all she had to say. You and Robin had been friends for nearly ten years, having met when the two of you were alone at the playground. She knew you almost as well as Eddie did. He would always know you better. 
“I know!” You throw your head back with a frustrated groan. 
“Like I love you, and you’re my best friend, but you royally fucked up. You have a lot of making up to do, like a lot. I don’t even wanna know what was going through your head when you said yes to Bryan, especially after finding out Eddie returned your feelings! I would’ve assumed you would have been fucking like rabbits, but no! Instead, you’re ignoring each other and-” 
You were thankful that there were no customers to witness Robin’s ramble about how you messed up. “Robs. please! J know I messed up, but I’m scared, okay? I’m terrified that if we do anything about it, then we’re going to ruin a lifetime of friendship. I just… I don’t know what to do, but I can’t lose him.” 
“Tell Bryan you aren’t interested and talk to Eddie,” Robin suggests, shrugging her shoulders like it was obvious. 
“But Bryan is so sweet.” 
Robin goes straight-faced, looking at you like you are an idiot. “But you love Eddie! I mean, last I checked, you did.” 
You rounded the counter, lifting yourself up onto the surface, crossing your ankles over each other. “I do love him. Eddie is everything I’ve ever wanted in a partner, but I don’t know. I’ve been in love with him for years and dated nobody. Well, that’s not true; I dated Jason Carver, but that only lasted a few weeks, and I couldn’t stand him. I don’t know, maybe I need to move on.” 
“Are you joking? Seriously, are you? Eddie basically told you he loved you, and you took that as a sign to move on? I love you, but no, don’t be so goddamn stupid.” 
“No, I'm being completely serious right now. Don't hurt him like that because you're scared or whatever. He doesn't deserve that. And Bryan doesn't need to be led on.” You knew Robin was right, but you remained unsure. “I see what’s going through your head right now, and don’t do it. Don’t mess with your best friend’s feelings or Bryan’s. You’re smarter than that.” 
You chewed on your bottom lip and hopped down from the counter. You knew Robin would have your head on a stick if you didn’t listen, and she was right. Everything she said was right. Eddie loved you back, and here you were going on dates with another guy only a week after everything and acting like it never happened. He didn’t deserve that. And Bryan didn’t deserve to be led on either. Neither of them did. They both deserved better. 
You were in love with Steve, and that feeling wasn’t going away any time soon. A smile forces itself onto your lips at the memory of that night. You felt your face heat up when you remembered the way you moaned when you first felt his lips on yours. His lips were chapped, but it didn’t take away from how good they felt. You remembered the way your body reacted at the feel of his hands on you, and while you’ve felt his touch before, that was different. It was a good difference and still made your whole body shiver. 
You felt like you were floating when kissing Eddie and when you were connected to him in a way you have only ever imagined late at night with just your hand to keep your company, but then reality came crashing down on you, and you panicked. Now, you need to fix everything. You wanted Eddie, and it’s always been him. 
He made you feel like you were the only girl in the world, and whenever you were together, you felt like you could breathe again. Whenever you were with him, you felt like everything was going to be okay. He made you laugh more than you do with anyone else, and he never left you when your depression took over. He took care of you and made sure you still ate and showered despite your reluctance to get out of bed, and you only grew to love him more because of him.
“So, like, I know you’re the only other person here, but I need to find Eddie…” 
“Wha- No, no. Steve won’t come back, and it gets crazy in here towards the end of the day, don’t you dare leave.” Robin glares. 
“No, I’m glad you got your head out of your ass, but you aren’t going anywhere.” 
“Fine.” You pouted and leaned against the counter, watching the clock, praying that time would go faster so you could talk to Eddie. 
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Bryan had picked you and Robin up as promised and drove the two of you back to your house. Nobody uttered a single word to each other throughout the ride. He pulls into your driveway, and Robin is quick to climb out of the door like her life depended on it and waits for you by the door. 
“You okay?” Bryan asks, leaning back in his seat. 
You nodded. “I’m okay. I need to tell you something because you deserve to know, but I don’t know how to say it.” 
“Does it have anything to do with that guy from earlier? Eddie?” 
“I- How did you know?” 
“I may not be the smartest of the bunch, but I’m not an idiot.” Bryan teases and takes his hand off the wheel to rest on his lap. “Plus, when you ran out after him earlier was kind of a dead giveaway.” 
Picking at the hem of your shorts, you let out a sigh. “I’m sorry. I do like you, it’s just that it’s Eddie. My best friend who happens to be everything I want in a partner.”
Bryan smiles softly. “It’s okay. I get it. Now, get outta here and go get him.” 
“You really are the best.” You lean over the center console and press your lips to his cheek before hopping out of the van and towards your car, fumbling with the bag to pull the keys. “Robin! Go inside and call Steve. I’m going to find Eddie.” You shouted to your other best friend, quickly getting into your car. 
You drove towards Dustin’s, hoping he actually went there. While pulling into his driveway, you didn’t see Eddie’s van, but you were already here and figured you’d give it a shot. Climbing out of the car, you walk up to the door and ring the doorbell, waiting patiently for it to open. 
While waiting for the door to open, if anyone was there, you crossed your arms over your chest and thought about what you would say once you found Eddie. You had no excuse as to why you acted the way you did other than the fact that you were scared. You knew it hurt him, but you were scared. He was your best friend, and you didn’t want to risk anything; it’s why you never confessed through all the years. 
“He left an hour ago,” Dustin says the second he pulls open the door and realized it was you. “You screwed up, you do know that?” 
“Yes, I know. Where’d he go?” 
“Home. Now, go fix his heart.” Dustin slams the door, and you jump in surprise. 
Getting back into your car, you grab the wheel and throw your head forward with a loud scream in frustration. Your forehead hit the horn, and your head shot up, looking around nervously. You’ve seen people do that in movies and always found it to be a stupid thing to do accidentally because who in their right mind would hit their head against the wheel? Oh, right, you would and did. 
You pulled out of the Henderson driveway and towards Eddie’s trailer, your heart hammering against your chest. Turning up your radio, a song you recognized as one by Paul Anka came through your speakers, and you laughed at the irony. 
It wasn’t a long drive to Eddie’s from Dustin’s, but it was long enough to give you the chance to overthink what you were doing. You didn’t want to put your friendship at risk if you ended up dating and breaking up. Would it be worth it if you lost him in the run? You didn’t have an answer for that, and it did more than scare you. It broke you. 
You couldn’t lose him. You didn’t want to imagine life without him because you didn’t want to live that life. You didn’t want to even think of the possibility that there could be a life without Eddie Munson. You couldn’t even think about it without your heart split down the middle. You needed him in your life. Losing him would break you. 
You finally reached his trailer and got out of the car. You figured that he must’ve been this nervous when he showed up at your house, and you hated yourself a little more. 
Knocking on the door, you bit your lip and let out a deep breath. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest, your hands were sweaty, and the hair that touched your neck felt like it was coated in sweat and sticking to your skin. You thought you could throw up from the anxiety you felt. 
Your heart sank. Even after you hurt him, he still used the nickname. 
“I’m sorry.” You blurt, pushing yourself into the apartment and pacing around the living room. “I screwed up, and I’m sorry, but I panicked, okay? You…we did the thing I could only ever fantasize about, and when I realized that it wasn’t all in my head, I freaked. When you kissed me, I felt like I was floating, and I couldn’t believe it. You’re everything I ever wanted in somebody, and you’re my best friend, and I’m scared of losing you. I don’t want to risk it because losing you is something I don’t even consider an option because how can I? You’re you, and you’re amazing. So, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for going on that stupid date with Bryan when I should have been on one with you.” You rushed out, biting back tears, your chest heaving from the lack of air. 
Eddie stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. The door was now shut, but he still stood by it, his eyes wide. “Sweetheart-” 
“I know I messed up, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but the idea of losing you scares me to death. We’ve been in a lot of situations where we fought, but we always found our way back to each other, and I don’t know what I would do if it didn’t happen this time. I love you more than anything, and I can’t imagine a life where I don’t have you. It would break me. I don’t want to risk this. I don’t want to lose you if we end up breaking up because I would rather have you as my friend than not have you at all.” 
Eddie takes a quick stride over to me, his hands instantly finding their way underneath your jaw, holding your head still. “Listen to me, you won’t lose me, okay? Never. And if that’s all you’re worried about, it’s okay because I am too. You mean everything to me, and I can’t imagine living my life without you by my side. If you would rather just be friends, then we can do that, but I won’t act like it wouldn’t be the hardest thing in the world.” He looked at you with a love in his eyes that you’d never noticed before, and it made you melt. “I love you, and I will do anything to be in your life, even if it means that I can’t hold you or kiss you or call you mine as much as I want, but I’ll do it.” 
Scrunching your nose, you let out a breathy chuckle. “I want to be with you, Eds, but if I lose you, I swear to God.” 
“You won’t. I’ll make this risk worth it.” He leans closer and lays his forehead on yours. Your eyes flickered down to look at his lips, but he didn’t want that. “Hey, look at me.” You pull your gaze away from his mouth and lock your eyes with his. “You won’t lose me because I’m not letting you go.” 
“Promise me?” You sniffed, blinking back tears. 
“I promise to make this risk worth it and never let you go.’ He hovers his lips over yours, refusing to press them together. “Tell me you love me.” 
“I love you, Eddie.” You whisper, allowing a single tear to fall down your cheek. 
Eddie exhales a chuckle, a smile painting his face. “Good.” He finally presses their lips together, earning a low whimper from you. You loved the feeling of his lips on yours. They were chapped but soft. He tasted like cigarettes and beer, which wasn’t the best combination, but you loved it because it was him. And you loved him for everything he was. 
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notes: since tumblr apparently has a limit of how many people i can tag, if i noticed i had you in multiple taglists for stranger things, i removed the duplicate so i can tag more people!
PERMANENT TAGLIST ( if it’s crossed out that means i couldn’t tag you )
@prettylittlemoonlight @drayshadow @evanbuckbuckleyhowlett @wildestdreamcatcher @mushroomdemon9 @levylovegood @1-800-prostitutes @AllieAprilKnox @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @moshpot24x @AlohaStitch_626 @lucyispan @linkpk88 @juneb3rry @loveshineslikethesky @liyinzen
@hehehehannahthings @polarisfae @Pinksloosh @bvmbshell @lilahloopsy @yeosangs-left-ass-cheek @angelbbygrl @wandamaximoffs-deadchild @marauderssworld @watchingteav @scorpfairy @cherrypieyourface @soph69420world @itsquinoa @milkiane @daffodil0darling @pastel-abyss-x @maruushkka @kiwi5335
@wildestdreamcatcher @spookyconsultingcriminal @findleynovadachs111 @marvel-starwars-nerd @lovelyladymayyy @mcueveryday @ts1mikas @WolfOstar @pettyassbitch @pumpararapam @karagrace @susbuttercup @cupidlvrrr @eddiemunsonhellfire @soph69420world @lucyispan @centralperksfunds @zervopoulouu @3belladonna
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creativesplat · 17 days
💘, 🐳, ⛩️, 🙊?
💘, 🐳, ⛩️, 🙊
💘 MIPHLINK!!! Do I have to say it? Absolutely 110% Miphlink. Honestly they are a pairing that I love more than all the other ships I have ever shipped, and I come back to them whenever other hyper fixations fizzle out or I want something comforting. I love them both so much. AoC is one of my favourite zelda games for that reason. (BoTW too, but the tragic lovers vibe is so sad)
Skyward Sword Zelink, a little bit, I wasn’t head over heals for them, but SS Zelda reminded me a fair bit of Mipha (if Mipha had been brought up in a less dangerous time and with less royal duties they would have probably been more similar), so that was that! 
I really wish I shipped Revali with someone, because I love the birb because he is stupid and fun to draw, initially I was a pining Miphvali shipper, but like, I wasn’t a massive fan of that, so maybe ZelVali? Some people ship that, and I’ve got to say the Revali and Zelda talking scene is one of my favourite cutscenes in BoTW, not to mention Zelda’s dialogue to Revali; If not romantic, definitely platonic. 
Teba and Saki are the adorable birb parents so I quite like their couple dynamic? Im not really the biggest shipper outside of Miphlink tbh.  
I honestly have no idea? Probably a Hylian (boring answer sorry!), but maybe a Rito. I love the decoration styles, and bright colours, and also they live in a cool climate and I do not like hot weather. So maybe a rito. 
I think my favourite dungeon would have to be the Ancient Cystern in SS, I just love how beautiful the whole thing is, with all the lotus-y patterns and the pinks and turquoises and the flowers and stuff. ITs just so dang beautiful!! I also really loved the Sandship Dungeon. I think in terms of play through that was my favourite from start to finish. Location is SO much harder. Aesthetically Satori Mountain, and Rito village, story-wise and where I spend my most time in BoTW Zora’s domain, I also Love the Zora’s domain and Rito Village music. Also sweet cozy little skyloft is so nice and permanent and homely. The great plateau is so nostalgic and I love that too… AAA I don’t think I can pick! In AoC it has to be Scero’s Supplies, I know you can’t really go there, but the merging of Zora and Hateno architecture is just so beautiful and I LOVE IT SO MUCH! 
Ohhh… Unpopular Zelda opinions… I have quite a few of those. Ok. Here we go. 
ToTK is AWUFUL. Hot dang it is the worst thing ever. It wasn’t even the story that made me stop playing. It was one line from an NPC in Rito Village. Molli wants to make elemental arrows, and has an idea for arrow inventions, that can freeze enemies! No way that’s so cool, except… that is literally one of the main things in the last game. You can buy elemental arrows from the shops. Like what the heck? At least explain to me why a very common commodity that EVERYONE but Particularly the people who’s job it is to look after Bows (Harth and Moli) know about and have access to is somethign they want to invent now. I hate is. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I ha- anyway. I despise whatever Lazy idiot decided that was the way to go. Who cares about lore? Not us apparently. I also have a massive problem with the imperialist mass-destruction weapon wearing zonai as well. And as a historian I just love BoTW so much better than ToTK. It treats its history with respect, and nuance, and good golly thats not how ruins from 10,000 years ago would work and o my word stop suspending my disbelief!?! 
Anyway. I could rant for far longer about far more things, but I’ll leave it at that. 
Way more unpopular, and Zelink shippers please ignore this: I think BoTW Zelink is creepy. The power dynamic is insanely bad (princess and her servant who literally cannot disobey her father), and the age gap is also awful (16 turned 17 for one day and “20 something” from the BoTW art book). 
Also, the women deserve better from that fandom. But that’s not news.
Thank you so much for the ask Stars!
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twinklix · 2 years
HIHIHIHIHI i need perv han pls pls pls i love u sm biggest fan here ☹️ 🙏
wanted ✧.* | h.js
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| Perv!Jisung x Fem Reader | Best friends 2 lovers | wc: 3907
A/N: Ok so my ass got carried away to say the least and its not even good bc i literally wrote it at midnight, and i got so lazy for the entire second half. but anyway luv i hope you enjoy, this is my first fic on this blog im so scared AHHHGHGHSDFG also this isnt proofread im tired ily
[warnings: Smut, explicit sexual content ,MDNI, piv, fluff, Degrading, semi public sex, virginity loss, unprotected sex (dont do it babes <3), fantasies, masturbation (m), bad writing bc im tired fingering, dom/sub dynamic, corruption kink ?]
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“pass the popcorn Ji!”
Your second request for the snack was met once again with silence from the boy beside you. To force a reaction out of him, you reached for the closest thing to you,(the tv remote) and chucked it at his head. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make him fucking answer you.
“YAH! Y/N!” He dramatically whined, rubbing his head, finally turning to you with a half pissed/half confused look.
“popcorn.” you motioned to the bowl in his lap and his face lit up with embarrassment and realization as he handed it to you. You accepted it happily and settled back into your spot on your bed, returning your attention to the movie playing only a few meters away on the tv mounted to your wall.
Han, however, did not return his focus to the movie. Not like his focus had ever been on the movie in the first place. It had been like this for the past few weeks. On these nights, he’d usually be intently watching with you, waiting anxiously for the opportunity to crack a relevant joke to whatever scene was playing, in hopes to make you smile or laugh. But now instead, he sits, trying to ignore the grumbling feeling of nerves and guilt mixing together in his stomach.
Being in this room. Your room, had a much different affect on him than it did mere weeks ago. Your scent. the excessive amount of plushies scattered across your bed. The posters on your wall of all your favorite groups and shows. Your clothes in a pile in the corner. He seemed to notice and dwell on these things much more now, because all those things were you. And you were all he could think about.
When this started, he wasn’t sure.
He had always loved you, but in the way he should love his best friend. He wasn’t sure when his gaze on you started to persist slightly longer than it should or when you started to invaded his thoughts at night and he especially wasn’t sure when he started to notice how visible your nipples were through your favorite white t shirt.
All these changes slowly snowballed to him, now, sitting stoic and silent on your bed beside you.
Your head turned to him, your lips turning to a frown as you sat the popcorn on the side table. “ji..” you began, and surprisingly he responded with a low hum. “do you not like hanging out with me anymore?”.
His eyes widened and he spun to you on his knees, waving his hands like an insane person. “no! no! never!” He almost yelled. Your frown stayed and you turned your head to look at the wall. “you haven’t seemed interested or...present.. whenever you’ve come over for movie night.”
He knew he fucked up and had to fix it. He hated making you sad.
“there’s just been a lot on my mind recently…” he slumped back down with a sigh, feeling like an idiot. “you know i love spending time with you! i spend my whole week looking forward to it!” he confessed, taking your hands in his, prompting you to turn back to him, a small smile adorning your face, making his posture perk back up. “you know what! Hyunjin’s having a party tomorrow. I wasn’t originally gonna go, but i think it’ll be fun!”.
You perked up fully now. You and Han used to go to Hyunjin’s parties together all the time until he suddenly stopped going and as a result, so did you. “really?” your eyes lighting up with happiness. Han looked into them, feeling his entire body warm up as the nerves and guilt in his stomach were replaced by butterflies.
He nodded and you sprung up to wrap your arms around his neck tightly, hugging him with a relieved and happy sigh. His arms snaked around your waist and it was then he realized. You weren’t wearing a bra. Heat rushed up through his chest, feeling the firmness of your breasts push against his chest, not far from his face. He cursed himself for thinking of you like that right now since that’s how this entire problem started. He couldn’t think about it much more before you pulled away, leaning back with a yawn.
“..but for now you need to get some rest, bug” he told you with a comforting smile, helping you into bed. Once you were comfortable and snug under your blankets, he went to stand up but was interrupted by a whisper from behind him.
“i love you Ji.”
Sleep hit you the moment after saying it. He turned to see your eyes closed and your lips parted. Soft. So soft. His eyes were stuck at your lips wondering what it would be like to kiss them, to use them...
You mouth was so small, he was sure you’d have the cutest expression trying to fit him. He was also sure you’d make the cutest noises as he touches you..
He shook his head, trying to make the thoughts go away. Trying to just see you as his best friend sleeping. Nothing else.
He realized how tight his pants had become and the grey spot appearing at the front. “fuck..” he whispered under his breath, thanking god you weren’t conscious to see him. His feet carried him quietly to the corner of your room where he leaned down to collect his stuff. Soft cotton brushed his knuckle as he picked up his jacket. His eyes fell to the pile of clothes he had zoned-out on earlier. Where his knuckle was, laid a pair of pink striped panties ready to be washed. A breath got stuck in his throat and before he could internally fight himself, he collected them along with his jacket and exited your room and apartment in a hurry.
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Grunts and groans left Han’s lips as his hips thrusted up desperately into the soft cloth. He pretended it was you, pretended you were wearing the clothing item wrapped around his cock and that he pushed it hastily to the side to fuck you.
“fuck.. bug.” His nickname for you came out so breathily as he felt his chest tighten, so close.
He imagined you saying his name, as he was yours. He imagined how your face would contort with pleasure. He imagined being the only man to pleasure you.
His fantasy came to a sudden halt when he let out one last grunt and closed his eyes as he painted your most intimate item white.
He was left breathless, melting into his pillows as his chest rose and fell trying desperately to refill his empty lungs.
He removed the cloth from his cock to stare at it in his hand. He stared at where your juices mixed with his and he felt a depraved smile creep onto his face as he tucked the item behind his pillow, not planning on returning it anytime soon.
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You arrived late to the party, being held up by an old friend you’d ran into on the way, exchanging the expected polite catch-up dialogue.
Not long after knocking on the door, Hyunjin swung it open to greet you, beer in hand and grin on face. “Hey.. Y/n!” his obviously tipsy gaze fell down below your eyes. “you look hot” he blurted out and you snorted, pushing him out of the way so you could step out of the freezing hall.
“haven’t seen you in a while!” he yelled beside trying to compete with the increasing volume of the music  you as you walked through the entrance together.
“been busy!” you yelled back but slightly quieter than him since you were still sober and capable of somewhat hearing. He stopped at the kitchen and nodded to you “Han’s on the balcony” he told you at the volume of a normal human now and you nodded to him, giving him a quick thanks before  leaving for the living room. You forgot how big Hyunjin’s apartment was, there had to be at least 50 people in this one room, all smushed together. You slipped through the crowd until you reached a table near the wall, decorated with different types of booze. You downed a few shots with a foul face then grabbed a beer.
Sliding the balcony door open, you saw only a few people. A couple making out beside you, leaning against the glass that looked inside. A drunk girl in a chair who you think was passed out. And Han, standing with his back to you, resting his arms on the railing to look out into the night.
“quieter out here, isn’t it?” you smirked, sliding beside him to lean ur back against the railing. Elated by your sudden appearance, he turned to you quickly, ruffling your hair with a smile “hey bug! I was wondering when you’d get here”
After explaining your hold up and taking a large swig of your beer, you tilted your head to him, already somewhat lightheaded. He finally looked down at your body, seeing your thighs on display and breasts practically spilling out of your dress. His words got caught in his throat as you looked up at him through your lashes. He cleared his throat and reached for the cup of bourbon he had forgotten and downed it quickly, deciding he’d need alcohol to distract him from how bad he wanted to fuck you.
An hour later, you both sat on the ground of the balcony, giggling messes leaning onto each other for support. You weren’t drunk, you were at the point of tipsy where you’re still aware and conscious but everything. is so. fucking. funny.
“i can’t believe it was you that gave suengmin that black eye!” you yelped out between laughs, clutching your stomach, trying to remember how to breathe. “i was practicing my nun chuck skills” he admitted casually, before you both lost it, laughing more.  
“what’s the best sex you’ve had?” you suddenly asked, after you’d both calmed down slightly. Neither of you expected but it slipped out. Did tipsy you think about Han having sex? or did you just feel it was a standard party question?
“um-uh..” stutters were the only thing that left his mouth since the inside of his brain was currently filled with only tv static. It was normal to talk about sex with your best friend, but it was different for him considering he’d shot a load into your underwear 24 hours ago. You leaned back on your arms and waited, smiling. He straightened up and thought up some bullshit answer. “my first time i guess… in highschool. i can’t remember much about the girl though“ he technically wasn’t lying, he had lost his virginity in high school to some girl who’s name he couldn’t begin to try to remember. ”how about you?… how was your first time?“
You frowned and sat up, rubbing your arm awkwardly, “well uhhh..”
Han’s eyes widened in shock. You were a virgin. Sure, he’d never seen you go home with a guy or listened to you talk about fucking any, but you’d dated guys in the past and he just… assumed things.
You sensed his realization and nodded “yup.. no ones laid me”. A shameful giggle left your throat and before the air could settle from your confession or anyone could even think, Han chimed in with a brilliant idea. “i could help!”
You looked at him solemnly for a moment before bursting out into laughter even louder than the one after his nun chuck story. “wh-what? are you volunteering to fuck me?” you asked, looking at him actually curiously now and he felt something inside him snap. He thought about it. What he’d been dreaming about and jerking off to. Could it really come true?
“i mean sure. i’d rather you do it with me where i know you’d be treated right, than with some random douche” He meant what he said, not just lying yo get in your pants.
Somehow under some miracle, you saw the logic too. “ok...yeah” you timidly agreed before standing up. If life was a cartoon, his jaw would have fell to the ground and his eyes would be comically wide. He couldn’t believe his ears. You’d agreed to let him fuck you. Not just fuck you. But take your virginity. Midway through malfunctioning while trying to process reality, you grabbed his hand and pulled him up and into the apartment through the crowd. He let you pull him along, knowing he’d be happy with wherever the end destination was.
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You let go of his hand and opened a door, walking in. He followed, realizing it was the bathroom. It was of course massive just like the rest of Hyunjin’s home, with a double basin on marble counters to your left with a width-long mirror above it. You moved to rest against against the sink’s counter looking down awkwardly.
Han closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it. A painful silence rested in the bathroom, a stark contrast to the blaring music just outside the walls. He walked over to your nervous figure, standing directly in front of you, leaving little space. His finger came up to lift your chin, forcing you to look at him. “are you sure you want to?” he asked, somehow letting the question come out in a low and unwavering voice even though his chest was swimming with fear. Your face mirrored his blank expression, but with an unidentifiable twinkle in your eye.
You nodded slowly, feeling a slight warmth in your thighs. He nodded back and leaned in quickly to connect his lips to yours. Your lips were as soft as he imagined them and it made his heart flutter and his dick harden. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with little protest from you, as you leaned back, placing your palms on the counter to hold yourself up. You felt the heat between your thighs grow as you let out a slight whimper into his mouth as his tongue continued to massage your own. He pulled away slowly after a moment, and you looked up at him through lidded eyes, panting slightly. He leaned back down and connected his lips to the left of your neck, using his right hand to turn your head to the side so he could complete his task better. His lips sucked onto the skin of your neck, leaving you whimpering slightly at the unfamiliar sweet feeling. you felt his teeth join, grazing he spot he was sucking, biting down softly causing you to let out a yelp, and grab onto his shoulder. “Ji..” you whined out. The heat had spread up higher, feeling it in your pussy now, you felt so empty even without knowing the feeling of being full. “please..inside me” you begged and it was music to his ears as he sucked one last time and pulled away, smirking down at the deep purple mark he had left. he moved back to look into your eyes now. You were blushing hard, feeling so embarrassed that he was seeing you this way, but even more embarrassed that you never wanted to stop.
He leaned down for one more kiss before directing his attention to your bottom half. “Up, baby” he instructed and you silently lifted yourself up to sit on the counter, dwelling internally on the new nickname,
You rubbed your legs together, trying to: a) hide your most private place  b) get some friction to relieve the ache inside you.  Han smirked and shook his head, placing a large hand on each of your thighs, slowly using them to spread your legs for him. You bit your lip in embarrassment but let him. one of his hand moved to caress your thigh slowly, inching closer and closer to where you silently begged for him. He hesitated before finally moving his hand to use two fingers to swipe a line up your slit over your underwear, causing you to let out a small gasp when he lightly grazed your clit. “So wet for me” he whispered into your ear and you couldn’t believe his voice could sound like this. The same voice that said the stupidest things and told the dumbest jokes, was making you silently beg for his fingers. He hooked his fingers under the waistband and yanked them down, lifting you up to help get them off. He discarded them into his pocket then turned his attention back to you looking down, feeling breathless at the sight of your most precious area, and the fact he was the only man to ever see it.
You tried to push your legs back together, feeling insecure under his gaze, but he didn’t allow it. Placing one hand on your thigh to hold it in place then moving the other hand to your clit, pinching it slightly, making you yelp. “think you can take my fingers baby?” he asked, collecting your wetness and using it to rub circles on your clit. You looked up at him and nodded quickly, making him chuckle. “Okay” he announced before moving the finger on your clit to circle your hole before sinking it in. “j-ji!” you moaned out, reaching for his shoulders, digging your nails into them. He curved the finger slightly and begin moving it in and out before adding another. Your eyes flew shut as he picked up the pace, fucking you with his fingers faster. You’d never felt anything like this and it only made you wonder how his cock would feel. He added one more finger and you started to feel a stretch, moaning out louder, as he fucked them into you so hard, you couldn’t even hear the music outside anymore. “you’re taking them so well” he assured you with a grunt and you nodded, unable to properly respond. You came back to earth when he suddenly removed his fingers from you and brought them to his lips to suck on them. “you’re so sweet” he told you and you looked at him. Mesmerized. Panting.
He made quick work of pulling his shirt off and you watched in awe, not knowing how beautiful his body was. Did he go to the gym? you wondered.
he moved toward you and looked at your already fucked-out expression, donning a cocky expression before unbuckling his belt and removing his pants and boxers. He was pretty big and he was already painfully hard.  Slowly, you reached down to touch him but he pushed your hand away. “tonight’s about you.” he told you before scooping you up to place you back on your feet on the floor. “now if you do want to help me, be a good girl and lean over the sink. Without a second thought you turned around and bent over, doing as he said, sticking your ass in the air, causing your dress to fall from your legs to pool around your stomach. Han couldn’t believe his eyes. You bent over, waiting for him. He felt butterflies arise again, even after all he’d done to you so far. he walked behind you and ran a hand over your ass slowly, admiring your body. ”please..“ he heard you beg with a broken cry and he nodded.
He aligned himself, rubbing his tip up and down your slit making you whine. “don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” he promised, looking up at his reflection above you and smiling, feeling joy at every sign this wasn’t a dream. He focused his attention back to you, pushing into you slightly as you helped out reaching back to try and grab on to him. He collected both your arms with one hand and held them behind your back, pushing the rest of himself in. “i-it stings” your voice came out almost only as a breath and he ran a soothing hand up your thigh, “it’s ok baby” his assurance helped you relax and after a moment of laying there, panting, you nodded slowly. “can you do it now ji... fuck me.. please..”
No words had ever sounded more beautiful to han and without much warning he pulled himself out of you only to dive back in quickly, causing moans to escape your lips in lines, one after the other. Once he was rested inside you fully, he repeated the action of pulling out to the tip and then plunging in. keeping this slow, deep and torturous pace for a few minutes until you couldn’t handle it anymore. “faster!” you cried out, not caring about anything else anymore. Han chuckled before granting your wish, increasing the speed of his thrusts greatly. “oh god!” you nearly screamed out, “yes...like that Ji”, Han could listen to you forever. Both the sound of your moans getting louder and your pussy taking him so well, he knew you were making the most beautiful noises he’d ever hear.
“you’re being such a slut for a virgin” he groaned out, causing your pussy to clench around him even harder, thrusting into you especially hard after speaking. “god… so desperate for my cock you let me fuck you here in the bathroom… couldn’t even wait to get home to lose your virginity” he scoffed, reached forward to tangle his hand in your hair. You tried to break your arms away from his grip behind his back, so desperately wanting to touch him but he tugged on them harder, using them to pull you up so you were standing. He slid out of you and turned you around. You were unrecognizable. And he loved it. your pupils were blown, eyes barely open and your lips and cheeks bruised red. You pouted up at him, feeling empty once again, but too tired to protest verbally.
After admiring your state he reached for one of your legs, lifting it against his chest before entering you again, returning quickly to his quick pace, hitting deeper spots inside you. The sting inside you had long passed and you only felt euphoria now, squeezing your eyes shut. Something was happening inside you, something unfamiliar and strong. so strong. “i-i” you tried to think of the words to say between your pants and moans but Han nodded, “i know baby, it’s ok let go” And you did, clenching down on him so hard he could barely move. In an attempt to reach his end too, his hand found your breasts through your dress and he massaged them, watching you let go around him, moaning out so loud, and hanging onto his neck for support. With that, he let go too, painting your walls like he had your underwear, the night before.
You held onto each other, trying desperately to catch your breaths.
“i’ve wanted to do that for so long”
You came back to reality and looked up at him with wide eyes, confusion and shock on your face. “r-really?”  The question was so nervous and shaky but he met it with a warm smile. “of course. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, how could i not” All the energy you had left, was mustered up and used in you playfully hitting his arm with a laugh.
“im serious though. i love you. i’ve thought about you like this for a while..i felt horrible about it..but now..” your hand ran up his cheek, looking into his eyes softly and lovingly. “I love you too Ji.”
Tysm for reading i hope you liked <3
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aliensurvivalist · 29 days
Editing this as I rewatch for all the bofur/bulbo moment (My quotes and retelling should all be accurate so I’m able to use these for future fanfics(This is also for myself so it might not make sense))
Bofur looks Bilbo up and down when Gandalf stops their arguing over Bilbo being a burglar and says “Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet. In fact, they can pass unseen by most, if they choose.”
And he just generally keeps staring at him whenever he’s near
When Radagast is being chased by the Wargs, and the dwarves hide behind the rock as one is perched on top of it, Bofur is pressed against Bilbo and protects him as the Orc jumps down and keeps himself near him, checking to see if he’s okay before Gandalf leads them off.
OH AND OF COUESE when they arrive at Rivendell and Lord Elrond approaches them on horse and they stand on guard, and Bofur grabs Bilbo and drags him behind him, placing himself at the foremost of the group and keeping Bilbo in the centre 😭😭😭
omg i love how bofur keeps his hand on Bilbo’s chest to prevent him from falling, and when the giant throws the rock at the mountain, Bilbo pushes himself closer to Bofur for protection
AND THEN, Bofurs the first to notice Bilbo is gone when they land on the other cliff. Bofur looks more traumatised than Bilbo when he’s pulled back up 😭 and giving Thorin massive side eye when he’s like “He’s been lost ever since he left home, he should never have come. He has no place amongst us”
(Points towards Bofur hating Thorin because of the way he treats Bilbo- in the caves, after Thorin insulted Bilbo, when he tells Bofur to take first watch, Bofur’s mouth hangs open and he looks him up and down very displeased. the scene ends before he says anything but he’s not his usual cheery or happy to help self. swag)
and then obviously the scene where Bilbo leaves the company, as he leaves, Bofur looks deeply lost in thought when Bilbo breaks his line of sight and he immediately jumps up, like THAT was what he was thinking about (“Where do you think you’re going? You can’t leave, you’re part of the company. You’re one of us”). he really wants Bilbo to stay obviously because he cares about him, and he tries to be understanding of him as much as he can, and starts at an attempt to reason with him but Bilbo is too affected by what Thorin said, and Bofur nods vigorously as Bilbo tells him he doesn’t understand. And then Bilbo says something mean (You don’t belong anywhere) and makes Bofur sad, and Bofur realises Bilbo doesn’t think they could ever belong the same😔😔 He still “wishes him all the luck in world” 💔 and gives him a smile and a pat on the shoulder. then they all fall or something idk.
when the group is in front of the goblin king, i think Bofur looks around to see if Bilbos there too… or i could be reading into too much because im literally only focusing on boffins i might be insane. If that’s true then when the dwarves have all escaped and Gandalf is asking where Bilbo is, Bofur doesn’t say anything (either way he doesn’t even know if Bilbo fell with them or not) possibly to protect Bilbo? idk i can make it about that idk or other reasons. too lazy to think rn, he looks so happy and relieved to see bilbo anyway🥰
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bxngthedoldrums · 1 year
a petekey reading of so much (for) stardust
aka you knew i'd do this aka i didnt take four literature classes in college for nothing aka make sure your tinfoil hat is SECURED to your noggin aka dear lord forgive me for committing sins of petekey in the year of 2023
look. i have to do this or i don't deserve this blog. amen
~ love from the other side
okay. yea, immediately the "you were the sunshine of my lifetime" thing is sort of sus, because we all know pete wentz and anytime sun or summer is involved it's Something. this is solidified in "summer falling through our fingers again" in verse 2, but it's interesting that he uses "ours" in this lyric bc i feel like recently most of pete's summer lyrics have been pretty self-inflicted. it's impossible to not note the whole "inscribed like stone and faded by the rain" in the bridge v. "the tombstones were waiting" line in bang the doldrums. i shant even elaborate u can pick up what i'm laying down!
~ heartbreak feels so good
i think this song is pretty light on petekey imagery but "light from a screen of messages unsent" kinda reminds me of "some nights it gets so bad i almost pick up the phone" in ginasfs but i could be reaching for Sure. let's be real that's all i do
~ hold me like a grudge
honestly i think this is one of the worst petekey offenders on the album. this one had me gawking at my screen as i read the lyrics. "thaw out my freezer burn feelings for twenty summers" ??? be SERIOUS pete... "part-time soulmate, full-time problem" yeah I GET IT I GET IT !!! the whole thing reeks of 2005 summertime fling
~ fake out
"do you laugh about me whenever i leave?" bonkers ass line,,this reminds me of pete's lj writing in those years after 2005,,,"my mood board is just pictures of you, but i'm not sad anymore" YEAH. this is SO pete holy fuck. that classic wentz obsession,,"we did for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never gonna change" this line's got me on the fuckin FLOOR. also classic pete!!! his perchance for nostalgia is just insane and he really feels it huh
~ heaven, iowa
i dont even know how to get into this one. "kiss my cheek, baby, please/would you read my eulogy?" SICK and TWISTED evil!!! evil!!! "i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me" jesus h christ the melancholy is off the charts but holy fuck this song is so,,,tender? i dont know wht to say but i know this was written w summer of love intention. i know this in my heart. "scar-crossed lovers, forever" OKAY I KNOW !!! this song is DEVASTATING verse 2 is fucked UP and the bridge is too!!! "closed my eyes inside your darkness and found your glow"???? i cantr og on
~ so good right now
i can't really discern any particularly petekey lyrics in this one right away but the whole "i cut myself down to be whatever you need me to be" is pretty fucking wild
~ i am my own muse
there's some really sad lyrics in this one ab the whole future-not-going-as-planned thing that comes up so frequently in pete's writing but honestly the whole "let's twist the knife again, twist the knife again like we did last summer" thing made my head explode. every lover's got a lil dagger in their hands!!!
~ flu game
im not gonna sit here and type out ths whole fucking song but oh my GOD bro. this song to me is a really nice callback to pete's older style of lyricism but that comes with the self-deprecation and all the other really sad shit. it's beautiful! it's horrible! i love it!!! its about mikey i cant even pul out a few lyrics just LISTEN
~ baby annihilation
another fucked up one that literally anyone else in fob should have vetoed but OKAY?? "time is luck and i wish ours overlapped more or for longer" MAN SHUT UP. "self sabotage at best, under your spell/but you know what they say, if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself" ..........dude. if you're like me and you've poured over pete's oooold lj posts from the mid 2000s you already get it, but if you havent,,,go do it and get back to me bc this is TOO MUHC im unwell. "what is there between us if not a little annihilation?" i think i hauve covid
~ the kintsugi kid (ten years)
this song is really fucking sad actually. there's so much fear of being forgotten on this album and it's showcased really beautifully in this song,,,mayhaps not the most obviously petekey song but god damn
~ what a time to be alive
this song's about covid and quarantine n it's pretty easy on the whole suffering from a fling in 2005 thing! good job pete and fob
~ so much (for) stardust
this song is kinda suspicious but there's very few lines that really solidify it as a petekey song,,, altho "i think i've been going through it, and ive been putting your name through it" is a really interesting lyric. and OF COURSE, "in another life, you were my babe/in another life, you were the sunshine of my lifetime" happy xmas war is over
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fishisvibing · 1 year
Is it weird to say I'm attracted to slytherin sirius like he's a gryffindor at heart but for some reason he didn't want to leave regulus in that house alone so he decided to just "yuck screw this there's no way I'll let my babie brother suffer from those blood purists and mad cousins".
So anyway, here is my slytherin sirius au. It's built solely on my delusion and my love for black brothers being besties (sirius is still a menace to reg bc that's older sibling behavior)
Sirius became a slytherin but not by slytherin standard, he drove slughorn insane with his pranks and detentions every now and then. Anyway, sirius didn't like snape at first but after being his roommate for 2 weeks he decided he had had enough. In his opinion, snape was downright ugly, the greasy hair to the oily face, also his sitting posture would break his spine before 20, so to not hurt his eyes from the sore image, sirius offered that he would try his best to make snape look decent. "who asked?"
"me, now off to the bathroom, we have a lot to do."
By somehow they managed to get on good terms, but still they are not really that friendly. Sirius continued to prank james and other houses bc he was bored and simply "dang this potter dude has a lot of tricks up his sleeves!". Soon second year came and regulus entered slytherin house. And sirius was like "thank god I'm so lonely here you don't know who I have to put up with" while pointing at snape.
"I didn't ask you to take care of my appearance, it is what it is and none of your concern!"
"ew who's this? Is it the guy you wrote about? Also why is your hair like that?"
"Your brother is even worse than you, what did I even expect?"
Idk it seems funny to me sirius only had reg as his only/best friend in slytherin and snape tagged along somewhere during second year and they became a weird group (solely bc sirius wanted snape to look decent "I cannot accept a roommate that looks like a smelly old bat" and reg was amused by that)
But here's the thing, in third year, sirius had a huge HUGE crush on james. He often went to james' quidditch practice so he could comment on how james was such a loser made that dive so perfect, how reg can easily crush him the way he threw the quaffle was so satisfying. After spending 2 hours spitting nonsense on the pitch he returned to his dorm and yelled to snape's face like "you wouldn't believe potter is not only smart but also funny, and he's good at sport, do you know he can stand on his broom like that is so impressive and hey look at me im talking to you, dude, you're boring, imma go and bother reg". So basically reg and snape were his receiving end whenever he caught a glimpse of james or just got pranked by james.
Things got worse when sirius became quidditch commentor, for some reason the previous commentor accidentally swallowed slime in potions class (it was sirius' fault, he just wanted to yell his lung out on the microphone when his little baby brother debuted as slytherin seeker). Also he could compliment james without making it weird (that's what he thought, brilliant isnt it?). So because of the way he spoke and hyped up the players and the crowds, he was still a quidditch commentor till fifth year which can be said as his downfall year. Just because he couldnt get pass his MASSIVE CRUSH for james. In sirius' words, quoted by reg and snape at some point:
"Potter just gets thicker every year, what did he even do in summer? Fighting giants?"
"Have I ever told you guys that that birdnest of a hair potter has looks so soft? I wanna touch it, do you think he would let me touch if I accidentally fell on him?"
"Not to make you sad reg, but potter wears that quidditch jersey better than you."
"how come potter played such cruel pranks on you snape? He thinks I'm not worth enough to pull those on me?"
"in transfiguration class today, potter conjured such a huge rabbit out of a hat and it hopped around him, isn't it so cute that he's an animal lover?"
Not to mention his quidditch comments on james, it just got bolder and unfiltered each year. Sirius even went as far as making pranks that publicly announced his love to james but in a subtle way. Remus was his new victim (victim as in remus described himself), sometimes he would bribe remus with honeyduke chocolate so he could spill whatever he knew about james but so far he only knew that james like the color red and he liked to eat toffee, his glasses broke thrice a week and his favorite dentention was cleaning the trophy room so he could change the names to 'james potter the great' because there was this one time sirius was cleaning the medal which had "excellent ballet performance for hogwarts wizard 6 times a row - james potter the great" and sirius was utterly confused bc why would james learn ballet.
sirius also knew about remus' fury problem, he was not a nosy brat but in his first year, he often got nasty hexes from luscious and his gang so he ended up staying in hospital wing a lot, he noticed that once every month remus would go there to take his medicine then the next morning groaning in bed. He figured everything out in the second term and he must admitted that attending school with a werewolf was the coolest thing ever, not that he can go up to remus and tell him that. In fourth year, he heard james and peter whispering about animagus and james' pranks had reduced a lot since now his focus was elsewhere. Sirius was curious so he started stalking them which later he was asked by reg "are you on a phase that you're so obsessed with your crush you start to do questionable things?", "shut up reg I always do questionable things, now shoo, don't forget to tell snape to wash his hair!"
"how do you brew potion for animagus transformation?"
"It's a long process, why?"
so by fifth year, he joined james' group on remus' moon dancing adventure. They didn't even know where this big dog came from and why it followed them but since moony was comfortable enough to let the dog play with him, they were all okay.
The length sirius would go to impress james was beyond comical, well, only reg and snape found it like that since sirius was a entirely different person when out of his comfort zone. He appeared cold and aloof all the time, fake smile and faint smirk here and there. Sometimes when people mentioned james and him in the same sentence, they would find him scoffed like that wasn't amusing at all, but on the inside he was SQUEALING like a teenage girl.
"did you hear that? James and sirius? Isn't that sound so right? It's like we are fated!" - sirius on his 97th retelling probably
"Yeah so why don't you go back to your room and let your brother sleep!" - reg, a tired slytherin student
While school work was not nothing but a piece of cake to him, sirius was still struggling with group work. He once drove a girl to tears in third year just because she couldn't master her spell in her seventh try, classmates were scared to be paired up with him, they always had this saying "black is pretty but his mouth is mean and his temper is like a mandrake out of a pot". Snape was always pair with lily bc apparently besties for life or whatever and now he stuck with doing assignment alone. He can see avery and rosier batting their eyebrows at him and sirius was like ew who would want to work with them? Peter by some magical way was crying and begging remus to help him, that left james with no one, well, he could go with lily but she was with snape, marlene was with dorcas and mary being the coolest girl was already with another student from other house. So sirius was now half staring at james and half staring at flitwick hoping he could get the hint and just let them be partners.
They did become partners. Yay. The best thing was that both of them knew about each other's abilities, what they were capable of and how far can they drive each other to their limits. Everything was like a fever dream to sirius, especially when james found some new spells and he wanted to teach sirius (it's a mutual thing), he would come up behind him and hold his hand to move the wand "MOTHER DEAR, IF I RUN AWAY FROM HOME, JUST KNOW THAT I'M MARRIED TO THIS MAN AND PLEASE NEVER DRAG ME HOME"
And then his downfall came, james knew, HE KNEW ALL ALONG, he knew yet he continued to act like nothing happened and sirius was just a fellow school prankster. Sirius was devastated, actually he wouldn't have known about this info if he hadn't heard remus talked to james about him. He still remembered precisely the words spat from james' mouth.
"of course I'm aware that he likes me, but what can I do about it? Tell him I fancy him too? You know I don't swing that way, besides, watching him make a mess of himself like that is quite amusing right? I mean- he's a cold prince in and out but you gotta admit this side of black is damn right hilarious."
Too embarrassed, sirius bolted towards his dorm with his hands on his face, crashed into his bed and laid there for hours till reg came and begged him to eat. He continued to sulk for weeks till christmas holiday came near. Sirius was sitting with reg at slytherin table in the great hall when james came and asked if they could talk. For some reason and being heart broken was one of them, he yelled at james to leave him alone and he didn't want to pull pranks anymore and james could go fuck himself bc he was a selfish prick. After spilling everything without thinking, he turned back to look at reg with wide eye who was also wide eye and had his jaw drop. "I ruined everything, didn't I", sirius muttered aggressively, "totally-"
before reg could even answer him, james sat down across from sirius, took his hands and looked him straight in the eyes. Sirius could feel reg's jaw almost hit the table before he hurrily excused himself and moved back to a few seats down the table. "Look black-, can I call you sirius? Since there are both of you here and addressing black may be too confusing."
"Never knew we're that cool to be on first name basis but sure."
"Alright, then, I wanted to ask why you seemed to avoid me these weeks?"
"I'm not avoiding you-"
"You are, usually you would jump at me to pull whichever crazy pranks you have in your mind, you always call me out in the corridors just to mock my hair, first of all, thank you I style it myself, second, if you want to touch it, here!"
sirius was absolutely horrified bc james did indeed take his hand and shove it into his hair which was extremely soft.
"You haven't come to quidditch pitch to spill nasty comments about me or joke that the giant squid could be a better chaser than I've ever been! You looked so sad at the table that you didn't even bother to open the package the owls delivered! And when you did, you just looked at it and sighed???"
"Huh? What's all this? Why do you suddenly care for me? What I'm sad about about is none of your business!"
"BECAUSE I sent those chocolate to you! Curse you and your spoiled rich ass taste in chocolate you posh! Do you know how hard it was for me to ask your equally stupid brother to let me know what kind of chocolate you like? And to find the exact one because according to him you like rum and cherry chocolate and hogsmeade doesn't have those!"
"Why chocolate?"
"I saw you flirted with pomfrey in first year so you could get more chocolate! So as a normal function kid at that time, I thought you must love chocolate a lot because I do too!"
"oh- BUT- wait, you... you care enough to know what I usually do to spite you... why?
"and here I thought I'm the dense one. Do I have to really spell it out? Fine. I do fancy you sirius, I fancy you a lot, hell, I even fancy you to the point I asked remus not to spill my secrets to you when I know you were bribing him. I want us to learn about each other when we're officially dating you know?"
"But you said you don't swing that way! You said I made a fool out of myself is hilarious to you! You're joking and that is cruel potter!"
"NO- NO, no, l'm sorry if that's what you heard but never would I dare to do that to you. I'm a romantic at heart, I spent the first three years here waxing poems to evans and yet she never bats an eye, then by fourth year I was captivated by you, I didn't realise at first because there was no way the school's most popular boy would divert his attention to me! I try to come up with many ways to confess but somehow turning into 'love pranks' were easier and you also did it too, it was even more impressive than mine so I'm like- stuck at one point where I can't come up with anything to make you look indulged. Please don't avoid me anymore, I love your nasty comments a lot, even though you never mean it and you kinda proved your point when you said you loved my arms in the last match with ravenclaw..."
So yeah they did confess to each other and be happy boyfriends. Much to reg and snape's horror now was that sirius often waltzed into common room with stack of love letters or sometimes doodles from james, he would spend all night reading those aloud and sing those horrible love songs james composed. What even worst was when snape woke up in the middle of the night because he was thirsty just to see james decorating sirius' bed post with little red and gold socks and little stag figurines. For reg, being a seeker was that you have to focus on your task to find the golden snitch before the other team did, but with james' booming voice across the field, he could hardly focus.
"Hey pretty black with grey eyes! This one is for you!" He screamed and then tossed the quaffle full force into the slytherin goal. "I SCORED THAT, WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO HOGSMEADE WITH ME THIS FRIDAY MR PRETTY COMMENTOR?" "10 points for gryffindor! And sure mr potter, pick me up precisely at 10, you late and you'll lose your kiss privilege!"
"POTTER! BLACK! The game!!"
If reg could just catch the golden snitch right now he could save the whole audience from the sappy opera soap from his brother and james. But oh well, his brother was happy now so that idea didn't matter much.
This is just a bit about my slytherin sirius au, he's still the normal sirius but the only difference is he wears green instead of red. I also have part B, it's about james' POV but I'm too lazy now hehe.
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hyewka · 1 year
List your favourite writers + why: Gooo!!! 💌
Been around since when you first started this blog and I can confidently say that every single writing you have put out is a piece from heaven. I really love your style of writing and choice of words. The way you write and plots always have me on the edge and thirsty for more. Thank you for always keeping me entertained! Been too shy to say anything before but you really deserve the love. ❤️❤️
Also can’t wait for the beomgyu series you’re coming out with.❣️
I’m sooooo genuinely flattered aww 😭😭 I’m happy you got to tell me eventually because I’m currently like…flying over clouds out of just pure appreciation, thank you baby for sticking around ❤️
When it comes to my favorite writers, I definitely like to look around here and there hehe I feel like I’m always reading something, and there’s always new writers popping up lol so it keeps it fresh. I’ll limit it to TXT smut writers to make it easier. I feel like this list will consist of me hyping up my mutuals and the people I follow so🥲
- @fairyofshampgyu
among my favorite writers because i was sooo into their fuck you series, and their writing in general is easy to follow and digest but its still not too simple to the point it detoriates the quality of their work, its a perfect balance of being complex and not being too confusing for me to follow after a long 12-hour shift. another point—characterization i feel is such a big part of fanfic and its always believable for me in nini’s fics! it makes it 10x more enjoyable.
- @koqabear
i looove long fics, and i’m always looking forward to whatever sol posts next. what i’m jealous most of her fics is just how the setting is built, its so immersive and insanely detailed. it makes the long read interactive and again, enjoyable making her easily one of my favorite writers. and the diversity of her masterlist? chefs kiss, they have a lot of range and its admirable because it shows skill.
- @itgirlhub / @itgirlgyu
i can practically feel anything qiwi writes sometimes it feels like i’m in a movie. i feel as readers, everyone loves that. her advanced vocabulary is also a favorite of mine, it feels like im learning a new word every now and then, which i deeply thank her for 🥲 but also her writing feels real, other than the topics she chooses to write about, i feel like whenever i sit down and just digest every word, i feel like im reading about real characters, and it gets me so incredibly invested. that is why i’ll be on the sidelines awaiting the day she writes a big FAT oneshot, i’d eat it up like an insane ravenous bitch.
- @wildernessuntothemselves
i love morts blog to the core, just a week ago i went through her entire masterlist and honestly, i’d recommend each and every one. an insane writer with plots that totally hook in everybody. i was not a fan of hybrid smut until i caved and read one of theirs and god, now look at me. she also has so much range in her writing, its fun to read. though i feel almost all of her fics have messed up or sad endings 😂 they’re always fitting though so i don’t mind as a ride or die happy ending whore lol
- @beomsight / @gyuthmics
common theme here is that i love range even if some of it doesn’t appeal to my tastes, i just think it’s so cool when writers tackle random ideas they get in their head and go through with posting even if it might be peculiar for massive consumption. i don’t think what mj writes is ever not my taste. that’s how good i find their writing. even just a small thought, and i’m pumped, giddy, everything lol. and as a perv txt enthusiast, their blog is heaven sent. everyone say thank you for writing mj!
- @tyunkus
if i’m ever in a really terrible, downright nasty taehyun mood (i am a very big advocate for rough dominant taehyun) i go to their blog and search up the taehyun tag. but also other than providing some of the best taehyun writings to ever grace this site, they’re just a generally really good writer. their biggest strength i feel is imagery/description and of course dialogue. amazon wishlist was such a strong piece of writing because undeniably the smut lol but also the dialogue. it’s so real, and makes the characters that much more enjoyable to read. i love love dialogue, and tyunkus absolutely uses it to elevate their writing to untouchable levels. insanely good writer, i'm always psyched for anything new :)
- @pink-tea
its as simple as i love sub txt with all my heart and i love anybody who writes for them 😭 op is a master at it, especially their headcanons. i always end up discovering a new kink just because i havent been deep into the femdom black hole yet unfortunately 😂 their sub!hueningkai stuff is some of my favorite of all times as well.
I have a lot of writers I consider to have consistent hits with what they release (if the question was which writers i enjoy...this list would be very very long 😭) hence I thought of doing an honorable mentions section but keeping it short and simple I think is good. Sort of as to say that these are really my top favorites, like people who I just enjoy everything from no matter the said content even when I am normally a selective person. Hehe this was fun, again I really appreciate your support, it reaches me during a stale not so fun time lol
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aroace-poly-show · 1 month
Friend could you please go on a rant about siffrin or rui im having a Piss Brain Moment and need to distract myself + your rants are soa awesome always
SURE SURE UM i don’t know how you feel abt spoilers so uh. will try to avoid that. anyway watching siffrin throughout the loops just slowly going more and more insane is so. ougrdhjfg. he loves his friends so much too :( he wants to protect them so bad :( one of his main goals later in the loops is to find out how to help them with any of their problems :( they keep going through the loops miserably but having their friends with them keeps them going :( and whenever theres like smth about him that his friends notice he goes all :0 bc its weird when he’s like perceived and his friends notice things about him bc he’s actually seen like wow thats crazy but just.oughdsg he loves. so much. he makes me ill. me when the character is full of so much love. ourgdhfsgfbdfds……………..
if you don’t care abt spoilers uh. more rambles under the cut
siffrin in the later loops esp the third ending after you beat the king while also having done the friendship quests is so. oughghdgdhj. during the friendship quests before where they help all their friends and make all of them happy and they all love them theres that moment at the picnic scene i believe where after he says he’s happy it goes “in this moment you are loved.” and he thinks he wants to try going through the castle to the end bc maybe this time it’ll be different now that he’s with friends who love him (LIKE THEY DIDNT LOVE HIM BEFORE LIKE HE WASN’T ALREADY LOVED LIKE MJFHDJSBSNDFHD) (also i got the tutorial event after doing all 4 of them but i’ve seen some of my friends get it earlier having only done a few of them but the tutorial event made me. ill. bc it was directly after them saying that they wanna try going through the castle without looping bc now their friends love them and then they brutally kill a sadness in front of all his friends horrifying them. with faces that make him think he’s already ruined this. like he’s happier and loved right now but goodness gracious he is still. going a little insane.) and when he makes it to the end the first time not much changes aside from odile noticing how he looked and getting worried and all his friends trying to run for him to help him before whatever was happening (the loop restarted) happens and at first he berates himself for thinking the power of love or whatever would save him but by the third time hes fucking smiling at them and its like “they love you! they all love you! you could do this forever!” they love him enough to try to run after him to save him and hes fucking smiling at themmmm and the restart screen ends with “in this moment you were loved” and i am ILLLLLLLL ITS SO. ITS SO. OURGDFHSDJGHAFJGHJHFJHAAGDJHJHDFG.S…………..siffrin……..fucked up little guy………..later in act 5 when he’s told he’s gonna be in here for eternity he tries to be like “its fine its fine because you’re here with your family right? because you’re loved? because you’re with them? ot’s fine right? but this thought…IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU TO GO ON ANYMORE!!!” bc atp they’ve been through it so many times these aren’t their friends anymore to them they’re just actors and copies and fictional versions of them that will never ever change and they want to be with their real family and theres this whole thing of them comparing these loops and how they act and how their friends act to actors in a play and that he has to keep following the script and UWAGHDSHS HES A STUPID FUCKING TEHATER KID TOO. ITS ALWYAS THE THEATER KIDS THAT GET ME. FUCK. okay this was a lot. i’m not even done i could say so much. but yeah sorry
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