#the amount of one shots i just have lying around from all of the pieces of media i’ve become obsessed with over the last year and a half.
mielgf · 2 years
fave point of a hyperfixation is when i physically cannot resist the urge to write fanfic 🥰
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My thoughts about the Trump assassination attempt
After having a few hours to process this whole thing and see reactions from across the political spectrum, I'm having some thoughts and some feelings.
First off, as I said earlier, Trump is a fucking boss. Take anyone who ran for president in the last 20 years, put them in that exact situation, and I don't think a single one responds by raising his fist and snarling in defiance and righteous anger. They run. They cry. They keep their heads down and the first statement you h ear from them is hours later filtered through 20 different speech writers. Today proved to me that, whatever else he may be, Trump is a genuine bad ass. He's exactly the person I want at the end of a sword pointed the United States. Because he's going to have a sword of his own pointed right back, and he's not going to run and hide when it comes time to use it.
Second, the modern left is full of monsters. The amount of people screaming and crying because this assassination attempt failed actually sickens me. It's one thing to have fantasies about easy solutions to the things that scare you. Hell, I'm not innocent. I've thought about how much better things might be if this politician was no longer around or this activist group got axed. But one of the things I did today was think about how I would feel if the assassin succeeded. And then I thought about how I'd feel if someone took a shot at Biden and he didn't survive. Neither thought gave me any good feelings. Obviously I'd be more upset if Trump died, but today showed me that I don't want us to start down the path of shooting political leaders. But too many people on the left, people who should know better, at least enough to hide their true feelings, have no problem publicly wishing Trump was dead right now. That assassinating presidential candidates was a legitimate tactic--but only against the politicians they don't like, of course.
Fuck that.
Fuck them.
America is better than that. Americans are better than that. We're not some third world shithole like Mexico. We're the greatest country in the world. We're the last bastion of representative government. The last place in the world where freedom exists. And it's time we started acting like it.
Third, I ain't got no time for conspiracy theories. Sorry guys, but this wasn't staged and this wasn't a CIA hitman. Unless real, hard evidence comes out otherwise, you won't ever get me to believe any of the nonsense I've seen floated around. Don't be so lost in the true things the media has dismissed as "conspiracy theories" that you immediately jump to the most conspiratorial explanations first for everything that happens. It's lame and cringe and a lot of people I've seen seriously putting these theories forward should know better. I know we're in our emotions right now, but keep your heads.
Fourth, my heart breaks for the families of the people who were hit with the bullets meant for President Trump. But that's the kind of evil we're facing. Whoever did this decided that the idea of a Trump presidency was so awful that they were okay with shooting innocent people just to stop him. And this is after he was already president and none of the things the media is fear mongering about happened during his first term. Those people just wanted to see a man speak. To have some hope for the future. And some piece of shit shot them because he didn't like a presidential candidate. Or worse, because the TV made him scared.
Fifth, fuck the media. You think you hate them enough, but you don't. The media is the driving force behind our enemies, and there's no such thing as a good journopig. They're all lying propagandists. We just like some of them because their propaganda occasionally hits on the truth.
And that's all I got. None of this is organized, none of this is proofread. These are just the thoughts I've been wrestling with for the past few hours. This is the only place I can get them all down without being interrupted or feeling like I need to censor myself. Do with them what you will.
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thisisourlovestory · 6 months
part 3- the chronicles of a stargirl and her sun masterlist
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Luke Castellan x reader
Summary- Sometimes you’ve just gotta get up and watch the sun
Word count- 2.8k
@abbersreads @tenshis-cake @lol6sposts if you want to be added just let me know!!
“That the best you've got?” You laughed as you sidestepped the jab of a sword. “C’mon I know you can do so much better. What happened to best swordmaster in three hundred years?” You changed your voice slightly and grinned at the affronted look on Luke's face.
“I do not sound like that.”
“Yeah you do, don't lie to yourself meus sol. You have a baby voice and that's okay.” You twirled out of the way of another stab.
“But seriously you're going easy on me.” He opened his mouth but you continued without thinking. “And don't even try to say you aren’t because I’m actually breathing this time and not lying on the floor trying to get my heart rate down from a million beats a minute so I didn't die.” Luke grinned and lowered his sword.
“Now that was funny and you can't even deny it. You looked like a living, barely breathing tomato.” You glared at him, trying to hide the smile threatening to break out on your face.
“Of course you would take pleasure in my pain. Just like Annabeth you are.” Luke smiled and rolled his eyes.
“So dramatic stargirl. And if you really don't want me to go easy on you then who am I to deny your request.” His smile morphed into a full blown grin, mischief danced in his brown eyes and you immediately regretted your words but held your sword in front of you with one hand, waiting for him to make the first move.
He darted towards you, bringing his sword down as you raised your own up to meet him and they clashed with a loud clang. His eyes met your own as you twisted your wrist to fling his sword away from you. There was a sort of approval in them as he muttered quietly.
“Not bad stargirl. Not bad at all.” Then they were alight with determination as he swung his sword in a wide arc that had you springing back to avoid the sharp end sinking into the skin of your stomach. You retaliated quickly, thrusting your weapon forward only for him to block the blow and kick you back gently. You both continued like this for a while, trading blows one after the other. Strike, block, repeat. Beads of sweat were dripping down your face, pieces of hair coming loose from the plait you had tied it up in earlier sticking to your forehead and cheeks. You couldn't help the way your eyes strayed from Lukes movements to his face, idly taking in the way his eyes sparked with fire, his hair beginning to stick to his own forehead and the grin stretched across his lips as he said something that didn't quite reach your ears. And because you were distracted by looking at Luke, you didn't quite notice in time when his eyes lit with a quiet triumph and he lunged forward.
Pain shot through your arm and you dropped your sword in shock. You lifted your arm up only to see a river of red flowing down, pooling in your bent elbow and spilling over onto the sawdust. You winced as the cut throbbed, the ebb and flow of blood gathering at the surface of your skin and dripping down was quite disconcerting as you scrambled to understand what had actually happened. You blinked, feeling slightly nauseous at the sight of the blood, it wasn't that you were afraid of blood or anything per se, it was just the sheer amount that could come out of your body from the slightest cut that had you feeling sick. You swayed ever so slightly on the spot and suddenly Luke was beside you, wrapping an arm around you and leading you over to take a seat on the steps. You vaguely heard him say something about going to get some bandages but your mind was elsewhere, focused on the pain in your arm.
You felt warm hands on either side of your face, a voice, fuzzy in the darkness of your mind.
“Girl- star- stargirl,” The voice insisted, “Stargirl look at me. Y/N look at me.” You snapped out of it at the use of your name, your eyes finding Lukes immediately. His eyes were filled with worry and regret and something else that you can't quite put your finger on. “Hey, hey, you good?” He asked, keeping his gaze locked on yours as you nodded wordlessly in affirmation. “I need to wrap your arm up okay.” You held your arm out in front of you and he inhaled quickly at the sight before shaking it off and bringing out a wipe. “This might sting.” He warned as he started to clean the blood off your arm, eventually he dragged it over the cut and you hissed quietly at the burning sensation. As soon as the blood was cleared from the cut more started to well up and Luke cursed under his breath. He reached for a roll of gauze and began to wrap it around your forearm, it immediately stained red and he continued to wrap it until the red was covered and all you could see was the plain white of the bandage against your arm.
“I'm sorry,” Luke mumbled, his fingers tracing over the line where you knew his blade sank into your skin as if it were butter, “I'm so sorry stargirl, I didn't,” He sighed deeply, raising a hand to push his hair out of his face, “I'm sorry.” He finished lamely, sitting on his heels in front of you.
“S’alright meus sol.” You managed a smile. “It was an accident.” He shook his head.
“Doesn't matter, I still hurt you even if I didn't mean to and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I swear to you that I didn't mean for it to happen and-” You cut him off abruptly, leaning forward to grab his hands and twine your fingers with his own.
“You didn't do it on purpose meus sol.” You whispered forcefully. “I'm fine, it was just a small cut and I'll be right as rain in a few days.” You smiled lightly. “You don't need to ask for forgiveness. You have it, always.” Luke looked up at you, his eyes dark.
“But I-”
“Stop being a drama queen Luke, I'm not going to die from a cut made in training. Although I'm not opposed to making you grovel a bit for forgiveness.” You mused, a grin spreading across your lips. “Wait actually if there's ever a next time you have to give up all your strawberry pie to me for a month.”
“A month!” He exclaimed. “No way. I am not giving up that pie to you for a full bloody month.” You pouted slightly, allowing your bottom lip to tremble a bit and your eyes to gloss over with tears.
“But meus sol-” Those three words combined with the look you gave him were all it took for him to fold.
“Okay, you can have my strawberry pie. You can have as much as you want just please don't hate me.” You beamed and threw yourself into him, hugging him tightly.
“Could never hate you meus sol. You're my best friend.” Luke let out a shuddering breath and hugged you tighter, his voice muffled as he spoke into your hair.
“Yeah, you're mine as well stargirl.” You hummed happily, inhaling deeply, the calming scent of what was just utterly Luke washed over you as he moved you both to sit down on the stone steps. He shifted you around in his arms so your head was tilted back onto his shoulder, your legs thrown over his own and his left hand still entwined with yours so you were both comfortably entangled in a jumble of limbs. It was silent for a moment as you sat peacefully, his right hand twisting the loose strands of your hair around his index finger and you tracing circles on his arm. Luke broke the silence first.
“Why do you call me meus sol?” You smiled slightly at the question, your eyes misting over at the memory.
You were dreaming, finally drifting through the realm of Morpheus like a feather on the wind. You settled down on an island filled with mythical creatures- pure white unicorns, golden dragons, grinning mermaids. The noise they made washed over you, screeches and neighs and hissing laughter suddenly interrupted by the whisper of your name, repeated insistently by a disembodied voice until the island faded and you woke up.
You blinked slowly awake as someone poked your cheek, repeatedly saying your name each time. You scrunched your nose and turned over in bed coming face to face with the grinning culprit who woke you up.
“Why?” You mumbled. “Just why?”
“I've got something to show you. So get up.” You turned back over and wrapped a blanket around yourself.
“Go away.” In response you immediately found yourself shivering as the warmth was ripped away from you.
“I’ll take you to pick strawberries later.” You shot up and rolled onto the floor with flailing arms and legs. You glared up at Luke from your new spot on the floor as he doubled over laughing quietly so he didn’t wake anyone else by accident.
“I’m sorry, you just- that.” You rolled your eyes and stood up, brushing dirt off your sleep shorts and tank top.
“Well what do you have to show me that you needed to wake me up at this ungodly hour?” Luke grinned and took your hand, dragging you out of the cabin and through the trees to the beach. He sat down on the cold sand at the shoreline, pulling you down next to him and pointed to the horizon.
“Just watch.” So you watched.
The sun rose slowly, casting a golden glow across the calm waves that sparkled like crystals in the light. Pink, purple, orange and yellow seemed to erupt from the sea, painting the deep blue of the sky in their bright colours as you watched transfixed by the patterns they seemed to form in the air. A small smile spread across your face as you leaned back on your arms, tilting your head up to look at Luke next to you. He was gazing out to sea, the sun hitting his face perfectly, lighting it up gold. He looked happy, free. All at once a surge of happiness hit you, you were happy at camp, you were happy with Annabeth and Luke and the chaos that occurred daily. More than that it made you happy. If you left it would be as if all the happiness was sucked out of your life. Luke turned his head and smiled at you.
“So what do you think?” He questioned softly. “Was it worth me waking you up at such an ungodly hour?” He raised his voice a pitch and you frowned.
“I don’t sound like that.” You protested, smacking him as he laughed.
“Sorry, sorry. But really, do you like it?” Your gaze softened as you looked out over the sea again, silver fish jumping out of the waves and hovering mid air for a second.
“Yeah, yeah I like it.”
“Cool, I hoped you would.” He coughed slightly. “Y’know I think you might be my best friend stargirl.” You hummed.
“Well that's a good thing because I think you might be mine Luke.”
“Can’t say I’ve ever had many friends before.” You shrugged.
“Ditto, the whole weirdo demigod thing always seems to scare people off.” He tilted his head back.
“Shame that.” You pushed his shoulder playfully, your breath catching slightly as he grinned back at you.
You gasped suddenly as a wave of cold sea water ran up your legs and you shuffled back on the sand.
“What stargirl, afraid of a little bit of water?” You gave him an incredulous look.
“No, it’s just cold.” He raised an eyebrow and reached out but you scooted further away shaking your head. “Nuh uh. No way are you making me go in there.”
“Who said I was gonna?” He asked innocently, tilting his head to the side like a puppy. You jumped to your feet and began to run up the beach. He caught up to you in seconds, wrapping his arms around your stomach and carrying your kicking form into the sea. You clung to him like a monkey, staring at him with pleading eyes before he dumped you into the water. You surfaced gasping, clothes stuck to your body and wet hair draped over your shoulders as you splashed water at him. Soon it was a full on battle, each of you drenching each other in water over and over again, ‘It doesn’t really matter if I get any wetter at this point’ you thought as you shrieked when he tacked you, pulling you both beneath the surface.
When you both finally dragged yourselves up the beach after the water fight you were breathless from laughter, salt sticking to your skin as it dried, white crystals appearing to light up under the warm rays of the sun. You collapsed onto the sand, the sun having heated it up slightly sending a tingle up your spine and you shivered as a sudden gust of wind swept across the beach. Luke immediately handed you his sweater and you pulled it on, muttering your thanks as you tugged it over your legs and hugged your knees. He sat next to you, shaking his head so that he sprayed shining droplets of water everywhere and dark, damp curls stuck to his forehead. In that moment he looked so…pretty, you supposed. Eyes crinkled as his smile widened, skin glowing gold as the sun shone down brighter on him making it seem as if he was the one radiating the light. And the longer you looked at him the more you realised just how easily he had managed to worm his way into your life, you had gone from strangers to best friends in just under a month, hell he’d given you a nickname the second time you spoke to each other, you hadn’t allowed anyone to give you one of those since- well since ever. His eyes locked on you as you leaned into him for warmth, his sweater engulfing your shivering form. He wound an arm around your shoulders and realised much the same as you just had. You had carved a little piece out of his heart and inserted yourself in its place; he wouldn’t have it any other way, you just got him like nobody else had. He often found himself looking for you across the archery fields, seeking you out when Annabeth jabbered on about some new fixation and mouthing for help as you laughed at him only to glare when he directed Annabeths attention towards you.
Your voice interrupted his thoughts.
“We should probably go back now, people will be waking up.” He nodded slowly, both of you stood up in sync and began to walk back up the sand dunes, his arm still slung over your shoulder. “That was fun, despite the wake up call you gave me. We should do it more often meus sol.”
He didn’t bat an eye at the name you gave him.
“How does once a month sound?” You grinned and held out your pinky finger.
“Deal.” He linked his pinky with yours and you shook on it.
You shrugged.
“It suits you.”
“Well what does it mean?” You broke out into peals of laughter. “We don’t all have professors for parents stargirl, excuse me for not knowing how to speak a different language.” You nudged him.
“I could teach you.”
“I doubt you’d be a very good teacher stargirl.” You gasped in mock outrage.
“I would be a fantastic teacher thank you very much, it’s you who would be the terrible student.” Luke raised an eyebrow.
“I’ve seen you trying to teach kids archery. It doesn’t end well.” You went silent for a second.
“You might have a point there.” Luke pinched your arm lightly.
“You’ve diverted from the subject. Why do you call me that?”
“Well why do you call me stargirl?” He froze for a moment and brushed a strand of hair from your face.
“Like I said, it suits you.”
“That’s not a proper answer meus sol.” You craned your neck to look up at him.
“Neither was yours.” You huffed and pushed yourself to a standing position, crossing your arms and looking down at him.
“Let’s just say that it’s my way of saying you’re my best friend.” He grinned.
“And I’ll say the same.” You shook your head.
“You’re ridiculous meus sol.” His grin widened at your words as he stood up and slung an arm over your shoulders, starting to lead you over to where Annabeth was waving madly at you both.
“But you love it stargirl.”
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you (I can never look away) I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you (Things will never be the same)
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raz-writes-the-thing · 6 months
Polish and Shine (Supernatural One-Shot)
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Sam Winchester x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: Sam chews on his nails a lot. Too much. You come up with a plan to break the habit.
Fic type: comfort, fluff
CW: this lil fic contains mentions of Sam wanting to explore his gender : ) not much, just mentions of him enjoying feeling feminine (please be gentle with me, this one has a lil piece of me in it).
SPN: @wereallbrokenangels @nervoussystemss (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's not something you noticed a lot at first. To be quite honest, your social awareness wasn't the best, and looking at people head-on was something you struggled with even after you got to know someone.
But you did start noticing it. It seemed that he did it more at night when it was just him and his thoughts and the big dark room lit up only by his laptop at the table. On a side note, he was going to ruin his eyesight if he kept that up.
But he also did it in the Impala, or after a disturbing interview, or even just when Dean was late back from some girl or guy's place he picked up at the bar.
Chewing his nails... Sam was always chewing on his nails. You understood why, of course. It was an anxiety thing. A stress thing. You'd be lying if you said you didn't fall victim to the same impulse sometimes, but the amount of nail-chewing was starting to worry you.
It had gotten so bad that Dean had started slapping at Sam's hand if he noticed him raising it towards his mouth, one hand on the wheel and his eyes piercing warning daggers into Sam's soul as he pointed at him accusatorially. A silent "stop it right now before I turn Baby around."
It only stopped him from doing it so much on the road. Less so anywhere else. You'd been keeping a quiet eye on Sam the last few days, watching him chew his nails back to the skin. Irritating the skin and the keratin so much that it was probably hurting him. You weren't even sure what was worrying him so much.
You'd been brainstorming ideas to help him with the impulse for a few days until it finally came to you one morning when you were making a med-kit run- stocking up on all the things you all would definitely need at one point or another.
Nail polish. Of course! You'd picked up a couple different colours- given they were all out of transparent along with your bandages, iodine and Betadine and headed back to the motel of the day.
Sam had looked at the bottles in your hand with a raised brow when you brandished them. He picked one up, twirled it around and set it down on the counter.
"Do you want me to paint your nails for you or something?" He asked. Now, you couldn't say that wasn't appealing and that you weren't keen on that idea, because you were, but that was not the purpose of this little exercise.
"Maybe later, Sam. I got them for you-"
"For me?" He cut you off with one of those little huffy laughs he was so good at. You pulled a chair out and sat down, setting the bag on the counter and grabbing one of the bottles.
"Yes, for you," you reiterated, reaching for one of his hands. Sam allowed you to take it and take a look at the abused fingers. "Look, I- I've noticed you chew your nails a lot- and this looks like it hurts. I know Dean wants you to stop, and I imagine you'd also like to break the habit, yes?"
Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat, averting his eyes from your warm gaze.
"Yes," was his soft reply. You nodded, giving his hand a squeeze.
"This might help you break the habit. Plus, you'll look super pretty."
Sam snorted. His eyes darted back to look at you, and you really saw how shy and vulnerable he was feeling at that moment. It made you want to wrap him up and keep him safe.
"So, they didn't have clear," you explained, voice soft as if trying not to spook a deer. Or a moose, you supposed, in this case. "But I got you a few colours to choose from. Which one takes your fancy?"
You know exactly what he's going to pick before he does it. The forest-green. He hands you the vial and you let go of his hand to shake it up and unscrew the cap.
Sam sits patiently for you while you work, occasionally clearing his throat or giving you a quick smile. It doesn't take long, only a few minutes. Let it dry, then another coat. Let that dry. Done.
"There, all done," you exclaim, leaning back and stretching your back so it pops nicely. "Very nice, very nice," you approve. Sam fans his fingers out and juts his lower lip out thoughtfully.
"You know- I kinda like it," he blinked as though the discovery shocked him. "Can I do yours next?"
And so began a tradition. Once a fortnight you'd both paint each other's nails. Dean even got into it after a few weeks, getting his own done, too. Sam had been worried at first that Dean would make fun of him for his nails, but the only thing Dean had said after he returned toting beer and Chinese food was "nice choice, Sammy" as he cracked a beer and propped his feet up.
Sam continued to chew on his nails for a bit. It was a learning curve, after all, but he did end up slowing down and eventually stopping completely. You hadn't mentioned to Sam that he'd stopped just in case he hadn't realised, but you and Dean had shared a beer over the silent victory. And when Sam brought the victory to you both a few days after that, all three of you shared a beer then, too.
You and Sam continued to wear different shades and Sam even learned to put the polish on himself, though he vastly preferred you to put it on for him. Considered a bonding moment, which was cute. Dean would participate occasionally, and eventually, Sam admitted that he liked how feminine the polish made him feel.
After that- things sort of migrated from just nail polish to brushing his hair and experimenting with colour in his wardrobe. That was all he was really comfortable with for now, but that wasn't a problem. You were just glad he felt comfortable enough to share such personal information with you.
You both loved each other so much, and one of the best things about found family was that you knew you would be pillars of support for each other.
No matter what.
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burning-omen · 1 year
Kinktober day 5: Gun Play + Steven Grant
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Steven Grant x SHIELD agent!Male!reader
Kinktober 2023 List | Day 1 | Day 6 | Ao3
Summary: After taking a day off, you finally get to go home to your boyfriend, Steven.
Warning: Guns, mention of reader killing and being shot at, reader is close with Nick Fury kinda, oral, hand job, surprisingly gentle sex, obedient Steven Grant, soft top reader, Steven talks to Marc but that's not really a warning I just wanted yall to know that my bbygrl was mention in this fic
Words: 2k
SHIELD has been sending you all over the world as of recently, you didn't complain, you knew your work was important, and the amount of trust you’d gained from Nick Fury came with a lot of off-the-books missions, mostly investigating SHIELD itself. You'd asked from a break, at least a day or so, to get your gear together after you gun, which has been through many, many mission, jammed on you mid encounter. It was embarrassing, luckily the only other people who saw it happen were either dead or in maximum security prison serving life.
Your boyfriend, Steven, wasn't home when you got there, mostly likely at work, or maybe Marc was out on his a mission. Either way, you waited for him.
In the meantime, you decided to finally take care of your gear, you'd brought all of the supplies from SHEILD headquarters before coming home, setting up at Steven’s desk, and moving the book he had lying on the table and a couple of papers into a neat stack. You started with your boots, scrubbing them, changing the insoles, making sure the outsole wasn't damaged beyond a bit of wear from years of use, then setting them aside.
Moving on to your vest, you picked out the metal fragment from the various bullets that had shattered on impact, replacing the aramid padding that- even though it has yet to show signs of any extreme damage- was starting to wear. The bruise on your stomach was proof of that, the vest stopped the bullet from piercing skin, but didn't lessen the impact as it hit you. You sighed, knowing that Steven was going to fuss over it the second he saw the festering bruise.
You moved on to you knives, still pretty sharp, but not as sharp as they should have been. Using the lanksy puck that you definitely were not supposed to take to sharpen a them. Carefully putting them back in their sheaths and reattatching them to your utility belt, which sat in a duffle bag with both your uniform and you newly repaired vest.
Finally, you moved onto the main event, you gun, which was still jammed, turning the safety on before completely disassembling it, staring at the pieces of your revolver on the table. You didn't worry to much about the the bullets, they'd be gone by your next mission anyway.
You took your time with this one, getting into every nook and cranky, blood, dust, and built up metal from the bullets, just a bunch of little things. Reassembly was purely muscle memory, your gun looked and felt brand new. You took the ammo out and dry-fired the gun, it sounded a hell of a lot better- and the hammer dropped without interruption, jam officially gone, you reloaded the gun and sat it on the desk.
It felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, letting the tension slip from your shoulders with a sigh, practically melting into the seat, finnaly able to relax.
And as if he somehow knew that you were officially off duty, you heard Steven fumble with the lock, seemingly dropping the key, a small swear leaving him, before he unlocked the door. He walked around silently for a while, setting down his bag and heading to the kitchen, muttering to himself, or more likely Marc, as he was asking questions about the morning, what they ate for breakfast and where Marc had left the book Steven had been reading before bed.
It took him maybe five minutes to walk back there. He walked straight past you, not paying any attention and b-lining to the bed, to be fair, it was late and Steven wasn't exactly the most observant. You loved him though, so you let him lay there for a moment before calling his name.
He practuscally jumped out of his skin, getting caught in the mess of blankets for moment. Steven was on you faster that you thought was possible. Damn near tackling you, the chair surprisingly holding both of your weight and Steven situated himself in your lap, his legs drapped across yours.
“You're back! When did you fly in?” he asked, a wide smile on his face.
“About three hours ago, where’ve you been?”
He groaned, flopping down against you, his head on your shoulder.
“Job hunting, again.”
“What happened to the uh, what was it, the library, right? I thought you were having fun over there?”
“I was, but they cut the budget and I was new so they dropped me.”
“Aww,” you cooed, running your fingers through his hair, “poor thing.”
He sighed, enjoying the contact after nearly a month apart.
“What about you, I thought you weren't supposed to be back for another two weeks?”
“I wasn't, but..” you grabbed you pistol off the table, you finger on the trigger even though the safety was on and you had no immediate target, “My gun jammed and I asked my boss to give me a day off in order to fix it,”
Stevens's eyes were glued to the gun as you spoke, appreciating every little detail and crevice it held.
You knew about Steven’s affinity for guns, well, you and guns, guns alone did nothing for Steven, but when you held them...
He got quiet, glancing at you only to see you staring back at him with a knowing look on your face.
“Im flying back out tomorrow..”you pointed the gun downward, nudging his legs open with the tip, he complyed without any hesitation. “…i was thinking you and I could-”
You stared at the man for a moment, almost bewildered before remembering that you've been gone for nearly two months and he's probably been thinking about this since the day you left.
You hummed before saying, “Get on the bed, lay on your back, I want to see you.”
He grinned again, practically running to the bed, shrugging off his jacket and leaving it on the floor, laying down in the bed, hardly able to keep himself still.
You sat at the desk for a short moment, completely removing the ammo from the gun, double checking it to avoid any incidence, then walked over to Steve, who was practically vibrating in excitement.
Kneeling between his legs, you commemorated the image of him, so happy to be fully and utterly yours, to memory.
You pointed the gun on his chest, digging the tip into his shirt, watching his reaction intently, he ceased all movement, staring down at it, taking in the weight on his chest.
“Breathe, Steven.” you said when you noticed he wasn't.
He let out a long, shuttered breath.
“You know I would never hurt you? Right Steven.”
“Oh course..”
“Good, “ you slid the gun down, feeling where his ribs ended and sturdy muscle began. Stopping just below his belly button.
“Strip, slowly, I want to see you.”
He complied easily. Hands shaking as he unbuttoned his shirt, slowly, just like you demanded.
“That's it, good boy..”
Shrugging the shirt off his shoulders, then moving down to his pants. Fumbling with the belt, getting it just before you could offer your help, he kicked his jeans down until they pooled on the floor below.
You stared at him, taking in his smooth skin and every sculpted muscle that you had no one but Marc to thank for.
Running the tip of your pistol lower and lower, running it over the growing tent in his underwear, he shuttered, a light gasp passing his slightly parted lips.
Dragging it across his waist, then down his thigh, Steven watched the gun just as intensely as you watched him. You let your finger hover the trigger, he swallowed hard.
You moved suddenly, lifting the gun to his head, right between his eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut, breathing hard, he never hid how he felt, not with you, he felt like he didn't have to, or more accurately, he couldn't. You were an agent of SHEILD, you were trained to see through lies.
Moving your hand down ever so slightly, pressing the gun against his lips.
For the forth time tonight, he obeyed. Taking the tip in his mouth, then more, sucking and licking like the gun could feel it.
The effects it had on you were innumerable.
You hummed softly, adjusting your grip. You watched him, he seemingly never got bored, the imagined danger and thrill perpetuating him, eager to please cold steel.
You tugged slightly, and he let it go, lips wet with saliva.
The way he looked at you, his eyes low, cheeks flushed, breathing like he'd just run a hundred miles.
“You're being so good, Steven, so obedient. You must have really missed me..”
He nodded rapidly, “I missed you, I missed you so much-”
You shushed him, “I know, I know. I shouldn't have to leave you here, all on your own, I should be here to protect you at all times..”
He nodded along- you both knew that he didn't need the protection, but fuck it kept you here he’d be your damsel in distress forever.
Rubbing the wet tip down his chest, then right above his cock, tapping the trigger, watching him flinch at every move. He watched so intently, his breath shaky and loud, you were unpredictable, yet he couldn't wait to see what you did next.
Nudging the tip of the gun past the elastic waistband of his underwear, pulling them down.
Steven couldn't stay still, his brain and body running a million miles an hour. Slowly, you sunk down between his legs, your gun pressed right up against the center of his chest. You knew the position would get uncomfortable soon, so you decided to make this as quick as you could.
“Don’t move.” he didn't nod, or talk, just immediately playing along.
Taking your free hand, you guided Steven's hard cock, shiny with pre-cum to your mouth.
He was always sensitive, but your tongue had hardly even pressed the tip of his cock before he was a whimpering, whining mess. Hs adrenaline was spiked, of course he was more susceptible that ever right now. Taking him as deep as you could, feeling him press against the back of your throat. His hands balled into the bedsheets bellow, nearly tearing them in his hands.
Running your tongue on the underside of his cock, then swirling it around the tip, never taking your eyes off of him. His little whines growinh louder and more desperate.
You pulled away when you felt him start bucking into your mouth. Taking a short moment to wipe your mouth of both spit and pre cum.
You lifted slightly, wrapping your hand around his now perfectly lubed cock. Stroking him nice and slow, soft moans falling from his lips.
He whined your name over and over, obedience and his composure, the latter of which was had been already hanging on by a thread before you ever put your mouth or hands on him, waining. He loved nights like these when you were gentle but still so very obviously in control.
“Y/n- y/n, I'm so close, please, Love, please-”
You tightened your grip on the gun, pressing it harder into his chest, he moaned at the feeling.
You never sped up, watching him build up the his orgasm nice and slow, and when his mouth fell open in a long moan and his eyes squeezed so tightly shut you're sure he was seeing stars behind them.
Then- you squeezed the trigger. Nothing came out but Steven gasped hard like he’d been hit. His hips twitched up into your hand, cum pouring out all over your fingers. Even when that stopped, his orgasm still seemed to flow through him, his body drawn tight as he came down.
“Y/n..” he panted, “you're good, so good-”
Dragging the gun down, right into the pool of cum at the base of his stomach, then bringing it up to your mouth, licking it off.
“Come on, Steven, we're not done..”
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ur-mousey · 4 months
Kiss Up, Bitch ~
- Class of 09' Nicole x Jecka -
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Imagine! Nicole prowling around the pool deck. Her back was on fire from the glare of the sun. People screeched around her like drowning pelicans. And beach balls spun in the air, taking shots at her temple.
She'd already dodged three.
And, she realized seven shots in that her brain didn't cast out the summer day noises, but amplified them.
Every soft whisper played on a loop -especially Ari's gay ass. She just wanted all of them to shut up. It's her shit luck that she found herself at Kylar's Poolside Extravaganza.
Ari sang I Kissed a Girl at a high-pitched chirp. She lounged on a pink sprinkle donut floaty, incapable of keeping herself upright without it.
Each word carried over the pool's lazy currents and under the blast of heavy rap music straight toward Nicole's pulsing head.
The taste of her cherry chapstick, I kissed a girl just to try it, I hope my boyfriend don't mind it.
Nicole's amounting anger might have been due to the fresh breakup, but, being tone-deaf should be a crime. Maybe it's true that gay girls can't sing.
Imagine! Nicole found irony in the last line. I hope my boyfriend don't mind it -It suited Ari. She was yet another weak-minded lesbian, now, off the streets due to Nicole's intervention. For all she cared, she did God's work.
But, Jecka saw it as immoral. Bullying should be reserved for all men prone to violence, not turning a *slur* bitch into being straight.
*she got censored*
If you're gonna backpedal on your sexuality, never claim it to begin with. You can't handle one toxic bitch, then maybe, you were never meant to handle a woman at all.
Ari will forever be dicked down. And in the middle of the night, after receiving minimal pleasure from her dozed-off boyfriend, she'll think, 'I miss that slutty whore Nicole who demeaned me but gave amazing head. I wonder if I called her up now, would she burn cigs out on my thighs and make me her toy. What a wild lesbian ride we could have.'
Imagine! Nicole shaking her head, she whispered, "What the fuck." To be frustrated over Ari came naturally and callously. She wondered as she tossed and turned in bed. Wondering where it stemmed from.
When she found the answer, she never wished to admit it aloud. Nicole found trouble making the first move herself.
And the alcohol buzzed a bright idea to the forefront of her mind. Could the opposite apply? Can she turn a straight-girl gay?
Time to fuck with Jecka. As a friend, not a lover.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Imagine! Jecka lying in the bed of a truck, snuffing her cig out on the bed of it. Her feet were lifted and parallel to the back of the seats. Her 'date' whisked away to tabletop drinking games.
It's not her's obvi -the truck. She drives a cute white mini buggy. Her steering wheel cover was made of pink tuffs that were always soft in her gripe.
Teenage boys seemed far off, yelling obscenities while daring each other to jump off the second-story balcony into the pool. Oh, how it filled the void of the cul-de-sac.
"How fucking white?" Jecka muttered to herself.
Did Kylar even invite black kids? There was Emily, Hunter, Braxton, Ari, Nicole... Yeah, everyone's white.
Imagine! Jecka nodding off while the sun fades in and out behind her closed lids. She's wearing a classic two-piece that's tied on both hips in the color sapphire blue. It wasn't a color she adorned often. The set complimented her pale fawnskin, and it brought out the pinks of her cheeks.
She should wear sapphire more often.
Jecka knew that she was stunning in pinks. She often wore millennial pink crop tees with baby blue low rises.
But never did she wear a deeper blue, the color of the ocean's depths, awaiting to drown her.
Imagine! Jecka, on the cusp of sleep, heard the call of her name. Far off at first, then beside her ear after multiple turns. A finger wrapped around her bouncy curls. Jecka stirred awake. One eye lifted to see a pair of sapphire blues. Oh, it was Nicole.
"Wakey, wakery~" Nicole purred over her. "I've been looking for you."
"Found me," Jecka hummed. She closed her eyes once more. "I don't think I wanna."
"No?" Nicole leaned closer to her best friend. She reached over Jecka to the floppy bow on her hip that kept her bottoms secured. "I could... wake you up some. Example, I could go down on you?"
Jecka squinted up, "No. What the fuck? Not interested. Let me return to sunbathing."
Imagine! Jecka waved Nicole's sexual harassment aside and settled back into a half-dreaming state. "Napping is Sunbathing to you?"
"Yeah, I get both done at once. I'm outside. Duuuuh. Wake me later if I start to get burned."
Nicole flopped onto her belly, she kicked her legs out from under her quicker than she could fathom. "Not happening, I think we should at least make out. Spice it up. This friendship is dull." Her nose brushed along Jecka's neck. She took a tentative inhale before her teeth took a steady hold that made the blonde yelp.
Her skin slotted perfectly in her jaw.
"What is wrong with you, Nicole?" The beach wave blonde squirmed her neck out of its entrapments. Jecka rolled onto her belly, face-to-face with the narcissist in question. "What needs to be spiced up is food, Nicole. If you're that horny to makeout with me, find Ari. I bet she'll loooove the attention."
Imagine! The brunette pouted at the thought. "I don't want her."
Jecka's nose turned up. "Then what? Sorry to break it to you. I'm not gay. Find Emily, she's obsessed with you. I'm kinda surprised that she never slept with a girl before so add her to the roster of virgins you've deflowered." And after the end of her little spiel, Nicole attacked.
And Jecka vaguely heard, "Kiss up, bitch."
Nicole's tongue was in her mouth, and Jecka squealed. It fit snuggly between the gap of her teeth. The tang of tequila was hot on Jecka's breath. Nicole's tongue flickered over hers, running over her teeth. A whine spilled between them. Who knew a girl's lips were this soft.
Jecka tried shoving Nicole aside to little avail. Maybe it was futile to resist sapphire eyes. Even when shut, they drowned Jecka's mind.
'Was she wearing cherry chapstick?' She thought, swimming with the waves that would surely cast her adrift.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Thank you for reading! Request rules are here! Follow my ig = lil.thoughts.xo!
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chaoticpuff17 · 10 months
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part 16
There was a sadistic sort of glee that Margot took in dragging Yoongi through the store looking at dish set after dish set despite his clear disinterest in the proceedings. He was bored, but he hadn’t come to pick out dishes. He’d come to keep an eye on her, and she was determined to make the experience as painfully boring as possible in retaliation. Margot could be a very petty creature when she wanted to be, and in this instance, she wanted to be petty.
Margot spent an obscene amount of time looking over each dish set that caught her eye whether she liked the set or not, and Yoongi dutifully followed along wondering to himself how she could spend twenty minutes staring at the same pieces of ceramic, but he refused to utter a word of complaint. He was content even in the boredom just to be with her. She wasn’t lying in bed a shell of herself, and she wasn’t hurling insults at him at every turn. Overall, it was a successful outing so far by his account of it.
“Do like this one, jagi?” he asked, peering at what felt like the hundredth set she’d looked over.
“It’s nice.” She admitted, turning over the piece in her hand. “I like the color.”
Yoongi took another glance at it. “It’s green.”
“It has character unlike you’re boring ass dishes.” she shot back, quirking a brow at him as if to dare him to argue with her. “Besides, half the pieces are still white. It’s a mix and match kind of set. It adds some color to your house.”
“Pick whatever you want, love.”
Margot looked him up and down for a moment as though he’d said something incredibly dumb. “Yes. I’m going to. That’s the whole plan.”
Margot turned away from him, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face as she debated if this was the set she wanted to bring back to the penthouse. The color was lovely, a nice calm pale green that would brighten up the space while remaining in her favored color palette. While Yoongi had done a good job of making the space into one her college self would have liked, she wasn’t that girl anymore, and her taste in colors had changed a great deal since then.
“This one.” she confirmed, and Yoongi motioned for an attendant to come over, quickly ordering for the set to be packaged up for them. “Now for mugs!” she declared, moving further into the store as Yoongi stared at her as though she’d grown a second head.
“I thought you came for dishes?”
Margot turned back around, hands on her hips. “Mugs are dishes, and your whole apartment needs a redo if you want me to stay there permanently.” Not that she had any intention of Yoongi’s apartment being her permanent home.
“Do what you need to do.”
While the idea of a complete overhaul didn’t thrill his soul, he was immensely pleased that she was making the space her own. It may not have been the most productive use of his time, but he was happy to be spending time with her and even happier that it was in a normal way.
“These ones match.” he pointed out, pulling a light green mug down from the shelf to present to Margot.
Carefully, she took the piece from him, looking it over with a critical eye, and begrudgingly she had to admit that it was a good choice. It was probably the one she would have picked out herself after a much longer process of hemming and hawing in the name of annoying him.
She bit her cheek and stared at him with narrowed eyes, annoyed at how perceptive he was when it came to her tastes. He picked up on her likes and dislikes far too quickly. In a boyfriend it would have been endearing. In him, it was off putting.
Yoongi smirked down at her, amused by her annoyance. It was all part of becoming reacquainted with each other. Her annoyance would give way to gentler emotions with time. He was sure of it. For now, he found the glowering cute.
“Stop that.” she huffed. “You’re not picking dishes.”
“Do you want this set?” He asked, quirking a brow as though to dare her to say she didn’t like what he’d picked.
She stayed quiet for a moment, eyes narrowed and biting her the inside of her cheek before she gritted out that yes, she did in fact want that set of mugs, earning a triumphant smirk from Yoongi.
“I’m going to keep looking.”
“I’ll have them add the mugs to our tab.”
“You do that.”
Margot continued to move through the store, Yoongi following behind as always. As she perused the ceramics, Yoongi’s phone began to ring, drawing her attention.
A furrow appeared between Yoongi’s brow, his mouth set in a hard line clearly irritated by the interruption. Whoever was on the other side of that call though was apparently important enough to draw Yoongi away.
“I’m sorry, jagiya. I have to take this. You should keep looking.” He placed a hand on her arm in what she assumed was meant to be a comforting way before drawing back to pick up his phone.
“What?” he barked harshly into the device, letting his displeasure be known to whoever dared disturb his day with Margot.
The woman herself continued through the store searching for an opening in this golden opportunity. With Yoongi distracted, she might just be able to get a message out. She wouldn’t be able to fully slip away. He would see her making for the exit, and she knew that her security team was more than likely not far away, but with any luck she might just be able to contact someone and let them know what had happened to her.
Looking around, Margot noticed one of the ladies who worked at the store lingering near by. With a quick glance over her shoulder to ensure that Yoongi wasn’t paying attention to her, Margot made her way over.
“Excuse me.”
“Can I help you, Min buin?” the woman asked, a customer service smile stretched across her lips.
“I was wondering if you had a phone that I could use.”
The woman’s smile dimmed, confusion in her eyes. “A phone, buin?”
“Yes. I don’t have mine currently, and my…” she steeled herself for a moment for the lie she was about to tell, the words lodged in her throat not wanting to come out. “My husband is currently occupied, and I can’t borrow his.” The woman stared at her skeptically. “Just for a moment. I promise.”
Margot kept her expression light and calm as she tried to persuade the other woman not wanting her to know that anything was amiss.
“Of course, buin.” the woman reached into her pocket pulling out her phone and passing it over despite her reservations.
“Thank you.” Margot breathed out a sigh of relief, taking the phone.
Quickly, she dialed one of the few numbers she had memorized, praying as the phone rang that he would pick up.
“Tae-il?” Margot rushed, speaking softly but quickly into the phone.
“Margot-ah?” Tae-il asked clearly just as relieved to hear her voice as she was to hear his. “Margot, where are you? What happened.”
Margot glanced at the woman who was still nearby looking at her curiously. “I’m with Yoongi.”
“What?” Tae-il’s voice shook as he spoke. “Are you alright? Has he hurt you?”
“I’m alright. We’re out running errands.”
“Could you let Namjoon-ssi know that I’ve been tied up, and I won’t be able to make our meeting?”
She spoke in a hushed tone, careful not to be too loud so as not to attract Yoongi’s attention but not so softly that the call would seem unusual to the other woman. She was also careful to keep her words as unrushed as possible. That would also cause suspicion, and she doubted that this woman had any qualms about reporting any odd behavior to Yoongi. It might have just been her own paranoia, but she didn’t feel she could trust anyone where Yoongi was concerned especially not in a place where the staff referred to her as Min buin.
“I don’t have my phone right now, so he won’t be able to call.”
“Margot, are you safe?”
“Yes. Please pass on the message.” Margot looked around nervously, noticing that Yoongi was putting away his phone and turning his attention back to her though she wasn’t where he had left her. It would be a matter of moments before he spotted her with a phone in hand.
“I’ll call again soon.”
“Margot, don’t hang up.”
Margot hung up the call, handing the phone back to the sale’s woman. “Thank you for letting me borrow your phone.”
The woman gave her a look, still suspicious about what she had just witnessed but unwilling to ask any questions about it. “It was my pleasure, buin.”
“Mari-ah.” Yoongi called, sharp eyes spotting her tucked away behind one of the displays.
“Thank you.” she said again before turning her attention to Yoongi. “Calm down. I’m right here.” she huffed, pretending that she hadn’t just done what she’d done.
Yoongi was back by her side in a moment, slinging an arm around her waist in a display of public affection that she wasn’t particularly fond of. “What did you find, love?”
Margot took a quick glance at the items around her. “Tea sets.” she responded quickly and as breezily as she could, ignoring her shaking hands.
“Didn’t you just buy mugs?”
“Mugs and tea sets are different things.”
“Did you find anything you like?”
“Not yet, but I’m sure I’ll find something.”
The pair spent hours in the store, filtering through the departments picking out this and that for the apartment or rather with Margot picking out things for the apartment and Yoongi throwing in his two cents every now and again only to receive a withering glare from Margot in return. Even with the glares, every now and then something he would suggest would be begrudgingly accepted into the haul.
Margot made sure to make every moment count, spending longer than necessary looking over each section of the store and each item. She was all too aware that when the shopping was done, so was her time outside. There were only so many excuses she could come up with to remain out of the apartment in one day and only so long that Yoongi would allow her to use those excuses before it was time to head home.
“Come on, jagiya.” Yoongi sighed, relieved to be done with the shopping even if it meant there was now a significant dent in his credit card. “I think that’s everything you could possibly need for the moment. Let’s go grab lunch.”
Margot hesitated, unsure if she wanted to go eat with him and wracking her brain for an excuse as good as going for lunch as to why they couldn’t go back to the apartment yet. She came up with nothing.
“We can even go to Tae-il-ssi’s restaurant if you’d like.”
Her eyes widened, the offer too good to be true, but she could see no lie in his eyes as he made the offer.
“We can go to Tae-il’s?” she asked slowly, just to be sure that she had heard him correctly and wasn’t hallucinating the things that she wanted to hear.
“We can go to Tae-il’s.” he confirmed.
“Okay then. Let’s go to Tae-il’s.”
Yoongi sent their shopping back to the apartment with part of the security team as he drove them back to her former home, her real home. Margot could only hope that Tae-il would have the presence of mind not to say anything to Yoongi about the phone call she had just made. She very much doubted that he would appreciate her making illicit phone calls to send messages to detectives behind his back, and she didn’t want to see what the consequence to that action would be if he found out.
Part of her knew that it was stupid to go to Tae-il right after the call, but the other part desperately wanted to see him and assure him that she was alright. if she was very lucky, Yoongi might even allow her a moment alone to talk to Tae-il where she could give him a more detailed message for Namjoon. She knew the odds of it were slim, a mere hope of a hope, but she was determined to try for her own sanity if nothing else.
“Are you excited, jagi?” Yoongi asked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.
“To see Tae-il.”
Margot thought for a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. “I’m excited to see him, but I also don’t want to worry him too much. He’s not going to be happy that I’m with you.”
“He doesn’t like me very much does he?”
“No. No he doesn’t.” she huffed out, rolling her eyes. “You can’t really blame him though. You did ransack his restaurant.”
Yoongi’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “I didn’t personally do anything.”
Margot looked over at him, once more debating if there was a brain in his head at all given the brainless things that seemed to come out of his mouth routinely.
She started to speak, and then paused, blinking slowly as she tried to piece together her thought. “You were…. you… you ordered it?” She stared at him, still trying to process. “Are you trying to imply that you aren’t at fault because you didn’t physically ransack anything despite being the one to order it? What kind of fucked up sense does that make?” She scoffed, turning to look out the passenger side window. “This is why no one likes you.”
“You don’t like me, jagiya?” he asked, a small smile pulling on the corner of his lips as he gave a small gasp of shock.
Margot turned back to him, face void of all expression. “Not even a little bit.”
“You’re lies hurt me, jagiya.” A pout pulled at his features.
“I’m sure you’ll survive like the cockroach you are.” she waved him off breezily, turning once more to watch the world pass by through the window.
Yoongi let her be after that, content to drive in silence as her thoughts took her away into a world of her own making. His own thoughts drifted to her words.
While being called a cockroach wasn’t the most flattering thing, it also wasn’t a completely inaccurate assessment. He wasn’t ashamed of the things he’d done to get where he was now, but there were certainly things in his past that strengthen the comparison. He’d scraped his way up from the bottom with the same resilience of a cockroach, and everyone who had doubted him or tried to stand in his way were either knew better than to question him or were no longer there to underestimate him. Every attempt to destroy him had failed, and he’d clawed his way up until he’d reached the success he had today. It was with that same determination he planned to approach him relationship with Margot.
Cockroach or not, he was a man who got his way, and he doubted that Margot had the same single minded determination to resist him. She’d tire of it eventually, and the comfort of their previous relationship would win out over the stubbornness she insisted on. It was a waiting game, and he was sure that he was the contestant with the most patience and the most to lose should he have guessed wrong.
If he had bet wrong in this, he would lose everything he had ever wanted. If she had bet wrong, she’d get a loving husband and a beautiful home.
Yoongi’s hands flexed on the wheel again as the thoughts ran through his head. Everything he’d ever hoped for hinged on whether or not she bluffing about hating him or not. He talked a good game and put on a good show when she spewed her vitriol against him, but deep down, beneath it all, there was a kernel of doubt that liked to snake up his spine when she did. What if it wasn’t just a bluff? What if there wasn’t still a lingering affection as he’d been banking on? What if he couldn’t get her to love him again?
Just as quickly as the doubt would rear its ugly head, Yoongi would push it back down again. He couldn’t afford to doubt himself, not in business and not in this. Everything depended on his ability to predict the correct outcome, his unfailing instincts and ruthless drive to succeed. He hadn’t been wrong before, and he wouldn’t be wrong now. She loved him. Deep beneath it, all just as his doubt lingered so did her love, and he would find a way to pull it back out again even if he had to drag it out of her kicking and screaming.
As much as he hated to admit it, it had been quite some time since he’d actually had to woo a woman. The last time may well have been Margot herself, and he’d fumbled that spectacularly. He knew the basic principles though. He knew that it would require softer tactics than he was used to, and he had been made well aware by Margot herself that she was not going to bend to him easily, but she wouldn’t have been his Margot if she had folded at the first attack. His Margot was made of stronger stuff than that, and as frustrated as he found himself at times that they couldn’t just jump back into things as they had been, he also found a certain thrill in the chase. She kept him on his toes.
A slow smile stretched over his features as he pulled over. His Margot wasn’t easy, but he wouldn’t have had her any other way.
“We’re here, jagiya.”
“Can I actually get out on my own or is the child lock still in play?” She asked, tilting her head to the side in question.
“I’ll get the door. "
Margot grumbled as he opened her door for her, offering a gentlemanly had which she chose to ignore. “The child lock is kind of demeaning, you know?”
“We can talk about not having the child locks on when you no longer look like you want to run me through.”
“So not any time soon.”
“That’s completely up to you, jagiya.”
“I dislike you immensely.” she sighed, narrowing her eyes slightly before her entire demeanor switched. Her shoulders pulled back, and a bright smile took over her face, lighting up her features as she made her way to the door.
part 17
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ecargmura · 4 months
Wind Breaker Episode 9 Review - Dr. Umemiya's Physical Therapy Session
I thought this was a delinquent anime. Why am I watching Dr. Hajime Umemiya performing physical therapy on Choji? I hope Shishitoren pays Umemiya a hefty amount for this therapy session because Choji made his problems everyone else’s.
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There might be people disappointed about the outcome of this long awaited fight, but remember that fighting is about communication. Like how Umemiya told Sakura to use his fists to talk to Togame, he used his own fists and head to talk to Choji and it worked. Thanks to Umemiya, the viewers finally understand why Choji behaves the way he does. His idea of freedom is fickle. While being the top means free, it’s not the one he idealized, hence why he took the dark path because he was so distraught with the disappointment that came with its discovery. What Choji needed to realize was that the freedom he sought after had been with him the entire time: Shishitoren before he changed. He realized that Togame had been piecing back what had been broken the entire time and hence why he caressed his cheek and thanked him for protecting Shishitoren and not letting the group crumble even further.
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The fight before Choji goes deep into this thoughts was still pretty good. The beginning part without any music was smooth. It’s crazy how well they’re animating this fight despite the huge height difference between Umemiya and Choji. Choji still pulls his weight and Umemiya does too. I think the craziest part of the fight was the neck biting scene. Given that Choji is themed around rabbits, the neck biting scene reminded me of a vampire rabbit, which then reminded me of the book series Bunnicula. I quite liked that series when I was younger. I still think it’s crazy how Choji gave Umemiya the nastiest hickey ever. Once this is all over and done, Ume needs to go to a doctor to check if Choji had rabies. I also liked the headbutt he gave to him. It reminded me a lot of Tanjiro and how he’d give headbutts to people.
As a manga reader, I do think the scenes with Choji’s thoughts are done a lot better in the anime. There were several scenes from those segments that I really liked. The first was the part where the floor underneath Choji cracked and he fell into it like he was in Kingdom Hearts. The second was showing Togame piecing together the fragmented memories. It symbolizes that Togame was holding everything together for Choji. The bloodied hands in some shots weren’t Choji but Togame’s. His hands became bloody from trying to collect all the glass shards and putting them back together instead of throwing them out, reminiscent of how he chose to cull the weak members for Choji so that everyone else wouldn’t hate him and make the group crumble. That was how much he cared for him. Gosh, it was done visually well. My last favorite part was the face touching scene. They improved so much from the manga. The manga had it to where Choji was thanking Togame for protecting them by touching his face while he was lying down and battered. The anime amps it up with the visuals, giving it a more sensual vibe. I was feeling so moved and even was holding back some tears with the scene.
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I feel like I’m talking about Choji a bit too much, so I’m going to talk about Umemiya. Umemiya was great. He never showed any signs of weakness or having a disadvantage. I felt like he was just letting Choji hit him because he could tell he was faltering. I think Umemiya shined most towards the end where he rejected Choji’s jacket and wanted Bofurin and Shishitoren to be friends. Umemiya’s laid-back personality is his charm, after all. Also, Umemiya with some of his bangs made him look really nice and it made me wonder if he has his hair brushed back because having his hair down is an instant KO for his opponents.
Given how often Shishitoren was seen with cloudy skies and rainy weather, the last shot where the clouds lifted and showing off the blue sky was a nice way to show that Choji has returned to his normal self. It does feel like a nice conclusion for the Shishitoren arc and it makes me wonder how the rest of the episodes will be played out. I hope that there’s a second season. This show is way too good to not get a season two. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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mindingmybidness12 · 2 years
Fatality [Wednesday x GN! Reader]
Summary: Violence is forever and so is the ass whooping Wednesday dishes out. She asserts her dominance (Ayo?)
Warnings: Vague-ish Descriptions of Violence
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If you didn't know any better you would've thought you'd owed Wednesday money the way she was beating your ass, because MY GOD.
There was zero wasted movement. Every action she took was for the sole purpose of causing maximum pain and suffering. She gave no mercy. No quarter. Absolutely no remorse. You'd foolishly thought that because you were dating that it would spare you from her wrath. You were obviously wrong. You started to let your concern show.
"Woah... trying a little hard there sweetheart... your not mad are you?"
"Mad? No. Disappointed that you're not putting up a better fight? Yes."
That's the best you would get out of her at the moment. You'd have to be satisfied with that bland, emotionless answer because she was more caught up with beating the literal dog shit out of you. She continued to give you the fucking business and you couldn't do a damn thing about it. Every time you tried to get up and fight back, you were met with further assault and battery. It got to the point where she was just picking up random items she found lying around and proceeded to beat you over the head with them.
"Damn Wednesday, give me a break."
"You have to let me get up."
"Can I breathe?"
"You have me trapped in a corner! That's not fair."
"Fight back then. Waste my time and I waste you."
Before you could even answer back with anything Wednesday decided to wrap things up by giving you a seven piece combo that literal brought you to your knees. You could see that all but a little life had escaped your beaten, broken body. She was gonna do it. She was gonna kill you.
The roaring command came from the monitor and Wednesday wasted no time doing just that. She proceeded to kill you in the most brutal and gory fashion. Such was typical of the Mortal Kombat franchise.
"That is such bullshit. I literally just taught you the controls like three hours ago. I've been playing this game for years and you still absolutely blew my ass apart. No vaseline. Like good god sister why were you trying to snuff out the light of your life? You're supposed to love me not rip my damn spine out!"
Wednesday paid absolutely no mind to your whining. She just continued to smile (as small as it was) and bask in the bloody satisfaction this extremely violent game left her in. She usually abhorred technology as a whole and viewed it as a massive waste of time. But you managed to talk her into playing a game of all things... and she had to admit it to herself. She found it very enjoyable. It had sated her innate blood lust just a tad bit. She would never in a million years think that she would find herself in this situation. Trapped in a lone dorm room with the one who held her heart captive without a care in the world and being goaded into playing video games with them all afternoon.
Wednesday looked towards your pouting face and felt exasperation and fondness tickle her in equal amounts. She reached over and wrapped her cold hand around your throat before you could utter another word and gave it a firm squeeze.
"You talk too much." You a let out a startled croak and a fierce blush had set your cheeks on fire. This sight woke a deep dark desire in Wednesday... a familiar desire only you could bring out. You gulped against the palm of Wednesday's hand and your blush deepened when she smirked and squeezed you a tad bit firmer. "Enid could come in any sec-!"
Wednesday had, in one swift movement, swallowed up your pitiful attempts of struggle in a deep hungry kiss that set off fireworks in your brain. Wednesday had won the game and was now claiming her prize....
A/N: Short little one shot! Hope you enjoy!
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starkstruck27 · 6 months
So excited to finally share my piece for the Stranger Things Rarepair Roulette!! I hope everyone enjoys and I hope we can start writing Rarepairs more often!! Ao3 Link: Any Solitary Pleasure that was Sorrow in Disguise Pairing: Nancy Wheeler/Barb Holland/Carol Perkins Rating: Explicit TWs: Underage Drinking, Smoking, Mildly Dubious Consent, very slight Suicidal Ideation Word Count: 5,236
November 8th, 1983 marked a lot of firsts for Nancy Marie Wheeler. It was the first time she’d smoked weed, the first time she shotgunned a beer, and the first time she jumped into a pool with all of her clothes on. It was also the night that she lost her virginity, and she would never forget that for as long as she lived.
Now, if anyone were ever to ask her how it happened, she’d probably give them one of two answers. She’d either say something along the lines of “a lady doesn’t kiss and tell” and leave it at that, or, if she were feeling a little bit more confident, she’d say she lost it that night to Steve Harrington, up in his bedroom after getting out of the pool. But no matter which answer she gave, she’d have been lying. There had been a lot more to that evening than what is safe to air on television.
It had started off as a normal evening. She and her best friend Barb Holland had gone over to Steve’s for a get-together, both a little nervous in more ways than one. Nancy and Steve had been testing the waters of a new relationship, so butterflies were running rampant in her stomach, and she was hoping to be able to get along with Steve’s friends, too, so her anxiety was spiking as she and Barb parked their car and walked up to the door of the house. 
Barb was more nervous for Nancy, she didn’t like seeing her upset, and Steve had been known to be a heartbreaker, as well as not always hanging around with the nicest people. Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins were never ‘mean’ to them, per se, but they were never nice, either. She just hoped that the night would go smoothly and then they could go home with minimal amounts of trouble, especially since she didn’t want to see her best friend going all to pieces over some brainless jock with good hair.
But either way, they went to the door, and they were welcomed inside, everyone all smiles as they sat around on Steve’s back patio, enjoying what would probably be the last somewhat warm evening of the season. Steve seemed happy that Nancy was there, and was even pretty nice to Barb, so they weren’t having a terrible time. Even if Tommy was a bit obnoxious with the way he ran his mouth and Carol was a bit imperious as she sat by herself and filed her nails for the better part of the night. Still, Nancy was having a good time, it seemed, and because of that, Barb was willing to stay and put up with it all, for her sake.
“Aw shit, dude, where’s the rest of the beer?” Tommy asked at one point, giving Steve a certain look that neither Nancy or Barb could really read. Carol seemed to know exactly what it meant, though, and she smirked and rolled her eyes as Steve stood up, saying they’d be right back, they had to go find the rest of the drinks.
“Have fun,” Carol said in a sing-song voice, blowing away some of the dust from her nails as the two boys walked away into the house. 
Once it was just the girls on the patio, it became a little awkward. Nancy and Barb were nerds, and they knew it, so they were having trouble coming up with a topic of conversation. Carol was a popular girl, smart enough to get by, but not top of her class like the other two, so finding common ground was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
As it turned out, though, they all shared one thing in common: All three of them loved cheesy romance novels, which they found out when Barb took a shot in the dark and asked Carol, “So… Read any good books lately?” After that, they began to get talking, and it turned out that Carol actually wasn’t so bad. A little crass, a little uppity, at times a bit rude, but overall not that bad, and soon the other two girls were enjoying their conversation with her as they waited for the boys to come back.
“They sure are taking a long time to come back with those drinks,” Nancy said, glancing at the door and fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously.
“Oh, yeah, they won’t be back for at least another half hour,” Carol said, stretching out on one of the loungers.
“A half hour? What could possibly take them that long to come back? What, are they brewing the beer themselves?” Barb asked, shifting a bit closer to Nancy on the chair that they were sharing. 
“Nah, they just like to have some ‘boy time’ sometimes. I’m just glad they invited some girls this time so that I’d have someone to talk to while I wait,” Carol said, smiling a little at the other two as she tossed her dark locks over her shoulder. 
“What do you mean, ‘boy time’? Wasn’t the whole point of tonight that we all hang out together?” Nancy asked, looking between the other two.
“It is, and it still will be, sometimes the boys just like to do what they call ‘pre-gaming’ to get themselves psyched up and raring to go,” Carol replied, wiggling her eyebrows at them with a goofy smile on her face.
“What does that mean, ‘pre-gaming’?” Barb asked, looking to Nancy to see if she understood.
“Oh, come on, you know what I mean,” Carol said, looking at the others, but they both just stared back in confusion. “Wow, you two are such goodie-two-shoes! You really don’t know what I’m talking about?”
Nancy and Barb both shook their heads, looking at each other, then back to Carol for an explanation.
“Wow, okay, you two have been reading the wrong books then,” Carol said, getting up and pacing a bit as she explained, “‘Pre-gaming’ is a term Tommy picked up from me, from one of the novels I read. It was a pretty good one, maybe I’ll lend it to you sometime, but anyway, the heroine had two lovers, and whenever they were all three in a room together, the two guys would get so worked up over the girl that they would excuse themselves to relieve some tension together before going back and ravaging the girl. That’s similar to what the boys are doing now. They’re working off some energy together, and when they’re done, they’ll come back out like everything is normal and we all have an enjoyable evening.” 
Carol paused, having to laugh a bit as she looked back at the other two, their faces redder than her cherry crush lipstick and their jaws dangling down to the ground. “Oh my God, you should see your faces right now!”
“You… You’re not being serious right now, are you?” Nancy asked, her hands working even faster on the hem as she bunched up her shirt.
“Oh, I’m very serious. It’s not that big a deal, really,” Carol said, shrugging as she sat across from the other two, “They’ve been practicing their moves on each other ever since we were in middle school, and they’ve been friends since before any of us could walk. They practically lost their virginity to each other, so it’s nothing they haven’t done before.”
“No, no, I mean it-it’s fine, I just didn’t know they were both… like that…” Nancy said, biting her lip.
“Oh, don’t worry, they aren’t really. They still both like girls and know how to treat them. They just know how to play both sides, if you catch my drift. I’m the same way, it’s nothing to be weird about. Sex feels good no matter who you’re with. At the end of the day, a mouth is still a mouth, a hand is still a hand, and all the rest of it is just the extra cherry on top,” Carol said, smiling slyly, “And I mean, come on, you can’t tell me that there isn’t a single woman out there that you wouldn’t consider switching sides for.”
As soon as she said it, Carol saw the way Barb glanced at Nancy, then quickly looked away with her face even redder. She couldn’t help but grin as Barb took a second to get ahold of herself, then turned back, shrugging her shoulders.
“I mean, I guess I kinda see what you’re getting at,” she said, glancing over at Nancy again.
“See! I knew you’d understand,” Carol said, smiling as she reached out and took one of each of their hands, “So, what’s say that, since we have some time to kill, we have a little bit of Girl Time?”
“I-I mean…” Barb mumbled after a moment, “I mean, it could be fun.”
“What?!” Nancy asked, whipping her head over to gape at her friend. Barb flushed bright red, but she just shrugged under Nancy’s incredulous stare, refusing to look down and instead looking back to Carol.
“Y’know, you really had me fooled, Holland. I didn’t think you had a wild side, but I like the way you’re proving me wrong,” Carol teased, leaning forward and kissing Barb like it was no big deal. They could feel Nancy staring at them, but Carol’s tongue shoving into her mouth made it hard for Barb to really care. She never thought her first kiss would ever happen in a tiny town like Hawkins, and she certainly never thought it’d happen with a girl as popular as Carol, but she wasn’t really complaining. The only thing that would make this the best moment of her whole life would be if Nancy joined in, too, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.
“This is nuts! We could get caught! Tommy and Steve could come back any second and-” Nancy tried, but Carol cut her off.
“Oh my God, for just one second could you just loosen up? We aren’t gonna get caught, and even if we did, we’re just having a little fun. Ever heard of that?” She said, placing her manicured hands on her hips as she glared.
“Yeah, come on, Nancy,” Barb chimed in, “You’re the one who told me to keep an open mind about tonight. And it’s not like anything bad can happen. It’s just a few friends having some fun.”
“But-” Nancy said, but this time Barb cut her off, deciding that Nancy just needed a little nudge in the right direction. She kissed her, gentler than the way she’d been kissing with Carol, but still intense, doing her best to persuade Nancy to loosen up.
Nancy was shocked at first, going still as a statue as her eyes shot open in surprise, but Barb had reached over and tangled her hands in her hair, holding her face and kissing her like this was more than just a tryst, and Nancy began to ease into it. Her eyes closed and she relaxed a little, starting to kiss back, but her brain was still racing to catch up. She knew Barb loved her, and Nancy loved her right back. But the way Barb was kissing her, it was as if they were more than friends. Barb was kissing her the way Steve always did, like she wanted to crack open her own heart and pour its contents into her chest to be kept safe. It was confusing, but Nancy didn’t really have time to process it, at least, not when Carol was starting to run her hand up her thigh and play with the button of her jeans. Nancy gasped as she pulled away from Barb, a jolt running through her as Carol easily opened her jeans, slipping her hand in between the denim and the cotton of her panties.
“Wh-what are you doing?” Nancy asked, breathless and squirming under her touch. It felt alright, little jolts of electricity shooting through her every so often and a little damp spot starting to form between her legs as she tried to keep them closed.
“I’m having fun, princess. And fun sure feels good, doesn’t it?” Carol asked, booping Nancy on her nose and giggling as she wrinkled it up in response. “C’mon Barbie, help me get little miss straight-laced here to loosen up some more. We both want her to feel good, right?”
“Right,” Barb said, not even bothering to correct Carol when she used the nickname. She hated being called Barbie, but right now, she was too dazed and excited to care. So she didn’t even think twice before pulling Nancy over into another kiss, keeping one hand on her cheek and letting the other slip down to clutch at one of her breasts. She could feel Nancy gasp again, but whatever Carol was doing must’ve been working, because this time she didn’t pull away. Instead, she let it happen, and only pulled back when she was dragged away, nearly losing her balance and tumbling backwards as Carol yanked on her pants, trying to pull them down and off.
“Wait, wait, let me get up,” Nancy said, her voice breathy and clipped, as if she had just woken up from a good dream. 
Carol moved back to let her up, smiling in approval as Nancy slipped out of her shoes and started to shimmy out of her jeans, but she kept her panties on. It was still chilly out, so Nancy began to shiver as she stood there without her pants, but neither Carol nor Barb worried about it. They’d have her warmed up in no time, but they figured it would only be fair if they leveled the playing field a little bit first. Carol decided to pull off her shirt, dropping it to the ground next to Nancy’s pants and immediately taking Nancy’s hand and pulling aside her bra, placing it on her bare tit. She shivered a bit, Nancy’s hands were freezing, but it only heightened the thrill. She was about to take Barb’s hand and put it on her other tit, but Barb was busy taking off her shirt, so she waited. 
“Holy shit, your tits are huge,” Carol said as soon as Barb had her top off, looking at her in amazement. “Fuck, they’re gorgeous.”
“R-really?” Barb asked, seeming kinda shy, crossing her arms over her chest as if to hide herself away.
“Yeah,” Nancy chimed in, reaching her other hand towards her friend. She slipped her hand inside her bra and made Barb shiver just like Carol had, but Barb had also let out a squeak and a soft sigh, so Nancy assumed she liked the feeling. 
“Now you’re getting into the spirit of things,” Carol smiled, but it was less mischievous and more… almost caring. She kept the smile on as she took off her own pants, then went to unbutton Barb’s, only to find she was late to the punch. Barb had seemed eager to shed her clothes once it had started, and now she was standing there in just her bra, apparently losing her bashfulness, as she had taken her panties down with her jeans.
“Holy shit, Barbie Girl!” Carol exclaimed, her eyes going wide as she grinned, “I had no idea you were such a wild woman!”
“Well, you never stopped to ask,” Barb smiled, a blush creeping over her face.
“I know. My loss, huh? But that’s enough chit chat, I wanna know exactly what I’ve been missing,” Carol said, taking Barb by the hips and guiding her to sit on one of the loungers. She gently pushed her down so that she was leaning back in the chair, her legs resting open enough that when Carol sat down next to her, she could slip her hand between them. “Come on, Princess, come help me out here.”
Nancy walked over and sat on Barb’s other side, looking nervously between her and Carol, and swallowing before finally removing her shirt as well. She took off her bra soon after, letting it fall to the ground as she turned to Carol, hoping for some kind of instructions. She knew what kind of stuff felt good on herself, but she didn’t know if she’d be able to transfer that over to someone else, so she was hoping Carol would show her how to do whatever would make everyone feel best.
“Neither of you have ever done this before, have you?” Carol asked, but it wasn’t mean. 
“No,” both of the other girls replied, their faces going red.
“Okay, that’s fine. It’s easy, you just gotta be gentle when you start out and do whatever feels right,” she explained, then took Nancy’s hand, placing it on Barb’s thigh. “Open your legs up a little more, Barbie,” she instructed, and when she obeyed, Carol motioned for Nancy to sit between them. “Actually, lie on your stomach. I’ll show you how to use your mouth.”
“My mouth?” Nancy asked, unsure. She’d always heard that felt good, but she never thought about trying it herself, especially on this end of it.
“Yep,” Carol said, smiling as she leaned down to show her. It was kind of an awkward angle, what with Nancy lying in the best position and Carol having to lean in from the side, but it worked nonetheless. She stuck her tongue out and licked all around Barb’s pussy, flicking her tongue on her clit and making her gasp and shiver. She continued working her mouth until Barb was almost shaking beneath her, and then she sat up, licking her lips and grinning as she let Barb take a second to calm down.
“See? Nothing to it,” Carol said, shrugging as she saw Nancy’s gobsmacked expression. “How’d it feel, Barbie?” 
“Fucking amazing,” Barb breathed out, her chest heaving as she came down a little from the high. 
“Good,” Carol said, “See Princess? Why don’t you give it a try?”
Nancy couldn’t really speak anymore, so she just nodded, scooching up on the chair a little so that she could reach Barb. She lowered her head but kept her eyes on Barb’s face as best she could, giving an experimental lick and smiling into it when Barb shuddered. She kept at it, becoming more confident with each swipe of her tongue, and relishing the little noises she was drawing from her best friend’s throat. 
“Oh, Jesus, Nancy, don’t stop,” Barb whined, reaching down and holding the back of her head as she continued her ministrations. Carol giggled a little as she reached over and held Nancy’s hair back with one hand, using the other to reach up and grab at Barb’s tits, shoving her bra aside, and finally, leaving Nancy altogether to go behind Barb and, through the slits in the lounger, unhooked her bra so she could take it off. Once it was on the ground with the rest of their clothes, Carol grabbed both her tits and buried her face in them, licking and sucking at them like an expert.
Barb couldn’t believe the position she was in. She had two of the prettiest girls in school all over her, doing everything they could to make her come undone. She never thought she’d be here in her wildest dreams, and yet, here she was. And it felt better than any dream she’d ever had, so much so that she thought she might’ve died and gone to Heaven. And then Nancy flicked her tongue just right, and Carol squeezed her tit with just enough pressure, and she couldn’t hold back the shout she let out as she finally came, her entire body shaking so hard that her glasses fell askew on her face.
“Oh, Nancy! Carol! Fuck!” She shouted, her eyes blurring as the feeling fell in a wave over her body, making her squirm as she started coming down and they just kept at it. Finally, after a few more seconds, it became too much, and she was able to find her voice enough to tell them to stop, or at least slow down.
“Holy cow,” she mumbled when they stopped, catching her breath as they all sat up with smiles on their faces. 
“Was it good?” Nancy asked, seeming kind of unsure, even though Barb’s reaction should’ve assured her enough. Barb didn’t answer her right away, instead grabbing her by the back of the neck and pulling her in to kiss her. Tasting herself on Nancy’s lips was an odd sensation, but Barb was living for it. She would spend the rest of her days craving it, though she knew she’d probably never get it again. Still, she could allow herself this time to hope, at least until the boys came back. She didn’t have to burst her own bubble yet.
“It was amazing,” she finally answered with words, and she fixed her glasses as she blushed. Nancy blushed a little too, and she smiled gently as she gazed into Barb’s eyes. She looked like an angel, and Barb could feel her heart skipping faster in her chest.
“I bet! All that noise you were making could’ve woken the dead!” Carol giggled, breaking the moment, but Nancy didn’t seem to care all that much when she saw her standing next to them, totally naked. Her eyes went wide with lust, and Barb’s would’ve too, but her heart was still trying to recover from the moment she’d had with Nancy. It hurt like hell that she was looking at another girl the same way as she looked at her, and sure, Carol was a sight to behold when she was like this, but it made the moment she and Nancy had shared seem so much less special, like it didn’t mean anything. To Barb, it meant everything, and it only hurt that much more when Nancy got up and moved over to Carol, already starting to kiss her like Barb wasn’t even there anymore.
“You ready for your turn, Princess?” Carol asked when the kiss was broken, taking Nancy by the shoulders and guiding her to sit on another one of the chairs. She gently pushed her back as Nancy nodded, then gave her a quick peck on the cheek before moving down to pull her panties off. Nancy didn’t hesitate or tell her to stop like she had earlier, instead, she just lifted her hips to help it along. “Glad to see you’re finally having fun,” Carol teased, twirling the fabric around on her finger a few times to make Nancy giggle. 
Barb couldn’t believe it, but she almost hated the sound. There was a green-eyed monster inside her rearing its ugly head, and it had finally started to bend the bars of the cage Barb tried to keep it locked in ever since the first grade. She wanted Nancy all to herself, and hearing her laugh so easily and freely with someone that wasn’t her, someone that two of them had hardly been able to stand up until tonight, only made it worse. 
“Hey, Barbie, c’mere,” Carol called then, and finally, Barb had finally started getting to the end of her rope.
“Don’t call me that,” she said, maybe a little too harshly. They were still supposed to be having fun, and she couldn’t be completely upset with Carol, especially since she didn’t have any way of knowing what Barb was feeling right now, but she couldn’t help it. 
“Whoa, okay, jeez, you’re awful cranky for someone who’s just had what looked like one hell of an orgasm!” Carol said, but just shrugged it off after that. “Anyway, I just wanted to see if you wanted first dibs on deflowering Miss Nancy here.”
And how could Barb say no to that?
“Yeah, sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” Barb said, trying to keep herself at bay. 
“Are you okay?” Nancy asked, sitting up and looking at her with big, concerned eyes. Barb forced herself to look away.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Barb said, leaning down and lying in front of Nancy just like she’d done earlier. Nancy nodded then and just laid back down, and once again, it was like a knife to Barb’s gut that she couldn’t tell that there was something more going on. That, or she just didn’t care enough to keep asking questions.This time, though, Barb was almost ready for the feeling, so even though it still hurt, she’d been expecting it. 
“Are you ready?” She asked, trying now to avoid Nancy’s gaze. 
“Yeah,” Nancy responded, “Whenever you are.”
And Barb was ready. She’d been ready ever since the first time she found out girls could have sex with one another, but she had never told anybody that, and she wasn’t going to start spilling her guts now. Instead, she found a much more practical use for her mouth than speaking. She dove in and immediately started doing whatever she could to make Nancy feel good. If she heard her moaning or gasping or half-choking on the little puffs of air she could get in, she kept doing whatever it was that had drawn the sound out of her, and didn’t stop until she’d found some other way to please her. She treated Nancy’s body like it was the most sacred thing in the world, like she was a goddess and this was her way of praising her. And Nancy seemed to be loving it, so much so that she was coming quickly, within at least half the time that it’d taken for her to get an orgasm out of Barb. 
As she came, Nancy’s back arched off of the chair she was on, and she threw her head back and let out such a moan, it was like she was a wolf howling at the moon. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair and her knuckles turned white from how hard she was clinging to them. Her legs trembled and her pussy quivered and pulsed around Barb’s tongue, releasing a little splash of liquid that soaked Barb’s chest and the lower half of her face. Barb wanted to draw out her pleasure for as long as possible, so as tears began to stream down Nancy’s face, she continued to lick all over her, nosing at her throbbing clit and using two of her fingers to massage inside of her, going faster when she heard Nancy gasp and felt her clench around them.
Nancy was trying to babble something as Barb continued to eat her out and finger her, but it was so incoherent that Barb couldn’t make out a single word. She just kept up what she was doing, going even faster with her fingers even though her wrist was beginning to ache, and her tongue was getting tired from how much she was working it. But it was all worth it when, within a few minutes of the first orgasm, she had Nancy coming again, and squirting even harder than before, soaking her almost entirely from the nose down. 
It was only then that she gave Nancy a break, and as she sat up, drops of come still dripping from her chin, she could feel her heart beginning to stir again. Nancy looked so beautiful when she was undone like this. Her hair was mussed up and fanned out behind her, there were tears streaming down her cheeks, and her entire body seemed to be tinted pink and shone from the sheen of sweat covering her, even on the cold night. Barb could’ve stared at her like this forever, but once again, Carol just had to ruin the moment.
“Oooohhh, fuuuuuuuck!” She moaned out from another chair, her eyes rolling back in her head as she grinned drunkenly. Barb and Nancy both looked over at her as they heard it, and their eyes nearly popped out of their heads when they saw the little pink bullet-shaped vibrator she was holding in her hand. They hadn’t even noticed the sound it had been making as she used it, but they could hear it now, and they knew it stayed on as Carol rode out her own orgasm, then finally clicked it off.
“Where the hell did you get that?” Nancy asked as she stayed in the same position on the lounger, playing with a strand of her hair as she gazed at Carol in amused awe.
“I never leave home without it,” Carol answered, smiling slyly as she showed it off like she was Vanna White. “Care to give it a try, Princess?”
“I better not,” Nancy said, smiling a little disappointedly. “We better clean up, the boys will be back any minute, and besides, I already came twice, I gotta make sure I still have some energy left for if Steve and I go upstairs, right?”
“Very good point,” Carol smiled, standing up then and starting to gather up her clothes. Nancy and Barb did the same, but as Carol and Nancy started getting dressed, Barb didn’t know what to do. She was still wet, and while Nancy had just used her jacket to dry off her legs before pulling her jeans and panties back on, Barb didn’t have anything to use. Nancy didn’t even offer to let her use her jacket, instead just hung it on the back of a chair and continued to get dressed. 
Carol must’ve seen the look Barb was giving Nancy then, because without saying a word, she offered her own jacket to Barb so she could clean up her face. She still didn’t speak as she used the jacket to clean up the chair and her toy, then tossed it aside so she could get it later. After that, they continued to get dressed, and had just gotten themselves presentable when Tommy and Steve strolled back out onto the patio, carrying with them a cooler full of beers and a carton or two of cigarettes.
The night went on pretty normally after that, only Nancy was acting different. She was smoking, and drinking, and just generally not being herself. Barb didn’t like it, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it. After all, why would Nancy listen to her advocating for her wellbeing when Steve fucking Harrington was encouraging the exact opposite? She knew she’d do whatever she thought Steve would like best, and that would include being a total bitch to her best friend since preschool.
“Hey,” Carol had said sometime around Nancy’s second beer. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Barb had tried to deflect, but Carol saw right through her.
“Okay, whatever you say,” She said, shrugging, “But a bit of advice, don’t get too hung up on her, okay? You can do a lot better, and frankly, she’s not worth it if she treats you like this.”
Carol then leaned over and hugged her, which Barb didn’t expect, and suddenly, she just wanted to cry. More than anything, she wanted to cry. But she knew she couldn’t break down in front of these people, it wouldn’t wouldn’t do her any good. So she held it together, and she just tried to get through the night. But, of course, that would prove easier said than done, especially when she felt she had so little left to fight for.
So, that’s the true story of how Nancy Wheeler lost her virginity, and how her best friend, in turn, lost her life.
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emilee-has-legs · 1 year
that one really cool sim tag thats been going around.
wasn't tagged by anyone in particular, but @loafysims and @ravensccfindss both mentioned me in this tag recently so i thought i'd give it a shot. also my need for attention is a bottomless pit so.
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1.) What’s your favourite sims death?
honestly, the classic, putting a sim in a pool and then taking out the ladder. theres no common sense to the action it's just genuinely so funny.
2.) Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 
technically im maxis mix, but i tend to lean very hard to maxis match clothing.
3.) Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
no not really. if i want them to loose weight i'll have them work out
4.) Do you use move objects?
if you dont use moveobjects, i think legally we can consider you clinically insane.
5.) Favorite mod?
this is so hard... ummmmm, probably like better build buy. i spend a good amount of time in build mode and use debug/live edit objects a ton when i build, so it's pretty useful.
6.) First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
i think it was get to work, i even bought it in a physical case thingy and i still have it lying around somewhere. (as well as seasons.)
7.) Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
LIVE mode.
8.) Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
you're asking me to pick a favorite? out of all my children?? i honestly can't pick a favorite, but here's layla, and i love her.
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9.) Have you made a simself?
yeah, i've tried on multiple occasions, but none of them have ever really captured my essence all that well. eventually i gave up and just started using my mascot sim, Nellie, for my quote-on-quote "branding"
10.) What sim traits do you give yourself?
im gonna go ahead and give myself five traits assuming we all have the "more traits in cas" mod:
creative, goofball, loves-outdoors, squeamish, foodie.
11.) Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the darkest brown swatch is my go-to.
12.) Favorite EA hair?
ima be so real rn i dont use EA hairs at all.
13.) Favorite life stage?
young adult. might be biased because that's around my age-frame
14.) Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
builder. i have the most fun in either buildmode or cas.
15.) Are you a CC creator?
not offically, but i've converted defaults and skin details for personal use before, and i've even released some load screens.
16.) Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
yeah baby, check these amazing people out.
17.) What’s your favorite game?
i cant decide, it's between the sims, halo 3, minecraft, stardew valley, and splatoon. i want to play zelda: tears of the kingdom as well, but its just not in the budget rn sadly.
18.) Do you have any sims merch?
19.) Do you have a YouTube for sims?
yeah actually, if you can ignore my 13 y.o sounding voice, check me out
20.) How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
omg so much. here are some side by side comparisons of my different eras/progression.
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(its the way the first sim looks like she could be a trademarked lego piece that gets me)
21.) What’s your Origin ID?
pretty sure its just emilee-has-legs. i have a couple of builds on the gallery if you wanna check me out, i just never posted them on here because that was before my simblr era.
22.) Who’s your favorite CC creator?
dogsill, softerhaze, greenlamas, ceeproductions, sentate, serenity and simstrouble take the cake for me
23.) How long have you had a simbIr?
i've had my blog for a minute but i only became an active simblr like a couple months ago.
24.) How do you edit your pictures?
i dont really edit except for a few touchups in picsart, and also srwe.
26.) What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
probably get together, never got around to purchasing that pack and there's a couple things i want from the ep.
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tagging: anyone who wants to have some fun. it was nice to chill on call with friends and fill this out. cya besties ily.
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The truth always comes out
I used to make indirect jokes about feeling "used" and one day, Donnel asked me, "Babe, do you really feel like im using you?"
At the time, I stated I felt that way but I wasn't set on it, because I gave him the benefit of the doubt, which he claims I never do.
I studied his behavior. I payed attention to him.
Not because of my past relationships, but because of his past behaviors. I was allowed to be prepared and aware of the possibilities because people always change.
Over the last month and a half, things haven't been making sense.
Back in December, Donnel gave his Instagram out to who we can all call his gym crush. I'm not blind, nor am I dumb.
She recently became a "client", and he didn't inform me he got one, like he usually does.
Like I said, I studied his behavior and I payed close attention.
When he came home the day after their first session, he had make up on his shirt. He claimed it was mine, but the funny thing is, you left with a clean shirt, I had no make up and I didn't see him all day. Then he turned around and said it was a "hard session".
I've been apart of plenty of sessions and never witnessed him hug a client after a hard session.
Fast forward, 2 weeks later -
He wants to move out, fine by me.
He needs a new car, understandable.
He's not in a rush - I've always disagreed.
The timeline was off.
He moves out a week later, gets a car a week later. Breaks up with me 3 days later.
We have a conversation, he comes at me for questioning his character and choosing not to believe he's a man of his word.
He claimed he wasn't seeing anybody, he claimed he wasn't sleeping with anybody and going on a date with anybody any time soon.
Well, less than 24 hrs later, i'm at Fogo De Chao.
I'm at the bar, waiting for my bosses food, the host gave me 3 free pina coladas and 2 shots of tequila, even gave me free fries. I noticed he kept looking behind me, so I look back.
The first thing I did was look back, look away then looked again because I thought I was seeing things. Nope, I saw the truth.
Donnel and Avery. The same girl, I was told not to worry about.
It's funny how the world works, god knew he was lying and god showed me the truth.
My gut was always right. Looking back and putting the pieces together, Donnel told me he'd just leave a relationship if he felt like he wanted something else. He did exactly that, left me for a strong interest he's had for another girl. Another girl who gets to reap the benefits of growth she never contributed too.
It's more sickening because he took so much from me, and took advantage of the fact that he knew i'd do anything for him.
Now, I don't even care to say anything because I will throw shit in his face. I have every right too.
He only qualified for his apartment because of my income.
He only has a new car because of the amount of money I graciously contributed to paying his car off.
He only has been able to continue to work because without my car 2 times of his being unreliable, he used mine.
I loved him, so much. I did what I did for him because I wanted to marry him. I never cared that I made more money than him. I genuinely thought, let me carry him while he's working on succeeding, I trust he'll take care of me later on. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Him saying he'll always protect me is a lie, because he's the only person I need protection from.
They always say the first impression is the most important, but in reality, the most important impression is the last impression.
I looked for so many reasons to keep us together, I fought, I begged. Last night, he took away the last reason I had - the benefit of the doubt that I could trust he "wasn't going on a date anytime soon". Everything made sense, immediately.
I should've never fought. Now I realized, I have no clue who Donnel is.
I don't even think he knows who he is. He just knows who he wants to be.
I was used.
0 notes
xoluvx · 2 years
beautiful girl; zendaya
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requested by @wheeinsbitch 🤍
smut; 1.7K
"Let me look at you," Zendaya cooed excitedly moving from the mirror where she was applying her earrings. "Wow," she beamed taking your hands and giving you a once over. Her eyes traveled down from the arch of your brow to the leg peeking from the slit on your dress.
"Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed giving you a small kiss on the cheek. Faint enough that it didn't rub off the makeup you were wearing.
"Stop it," you waved her away starting to feel your body grow warmer which you certainly did not want because you had to spend the rest of the night in this dress that was suffocating your chest.
"What if I just fucked you right now?" she teased and you hid your face shaking it.
"What's gotten into you today?" you questioned looking at her with big eyes. She shrugged and smiled squeezing your hand.
"You just look amazing," she whispered near your ear and you bit the inside of your lip not wanting to let your mind wander. Zendaya pulled away and grabbed your waist turning you slightly so she could see the way the fabric hugged your bottom and she inhaled deeply looking at you with an 'are you kidding' look.
Wrapping your arms around your torso, you heard people coming into the room again filling up with noise like it'd been for the past few hours. You felt yourself shrinking as they put the final touches on Zendaya. She looked marvelous. The dress was like a second skin and she downright looked like she was carved from stone.
When it was time to go, she slipped her hand in yours and the two of you walked out to the car.
"Wait till we get home," she purred kissing your temple.
You did. You waited anxiously. Watching her move gracefully down the red carpet, joining her for a few shots. Watching her take photos with cast mates and other celebrities you didn't come close to looking like. You loved being there to support her, but it always dawned on you that everyone was there for her. She was perfect. She was flawless and you almost felt small next to her.
"I am so happy that's over," Zendaya sighed coming out of the bathroom. She'd just showered and her curly hair was sticking to her shoulders. The white tank she was wearing grew transparent as the droplets of water clung to the fabric.
You watched the way the shirt clung to her body and the way her barely-there underwear highlighted her perfectly toned legs.
You, on the other hand, had your robe on. You'd left the event earlier than she did, too overwhelmed by the lights and the noise. Zendaya was understanding and she never dragged you out for a longer amount of time than you were okay with. But she had missed you and she'd been anxiously waiting to get home too. She trailed towards the bed where you were glued to your phone.
"What are you looking at?" she asked sliding onto the bed so she was hovering over your body. You turned the phone to her. There were photos of her at the event all over your Instagram explore page. Zendaya chuckled. She loved that you kept tabs on her like that.
There was one in particular that stuck out to you. A distant photo of the two of you standing next to each other. Your fingers were locked and you looked so ordinary standing next to her. You didn't show that one to her, nor the comments that paired with it. Putting the phone down you looked up at her. Your smile was weak and she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"What's wrong?" she asked. She knew you like the back of her hand and you were being awfully quiet.
"Nothing," she dismissed her question sitting up slightly so she was no longer hovering over you but sitting next to you on the bed.
"Why are you lying to me?" she asked persistently, her tone still gentle.
"Why are you with me? You can have anyone and you want to be with me." You stated, but your tone was questioning. Your chest felt heavy.
"Where is this coming from?" Her brows were furrowed and she'd gotten closer to you. She cupped your face so you couldn't turn away from her. Like I said, she knew you well.
You could feel the tears in your eyes welling up and your throat hurt.
"Listen to me," she said softly searching your face. "I love you, and there's nothing anyone can say that will change that." Her words were gentle and warm. "You are the most stunning woman I've laid eyes on," she added. Her thumbs wiped the corners of your eyes and you opened them to look at her.
Your lashes were coated with tears, but Zendaya swore you were still the most attractive thing she'd seen. You saw her talking and you heard the words, but you couldn't comprehend how it was she felt that way.
"And your lips," she added letting her thumb run along your bottom lip. "I could kiss them all day," she chuckled which in turn earned a muffled giggle from you. You kissed her thumb closing your eyes as you relished the moment. Until you felt her hands bring your face forward so your lips connected and everything you'd just been thinking about was replaced by the taste of her mouth and the rumbling feeling in your tummy. She was intoxicating.
She pushed you down so she was partly laying on her. Her hand traveled down to the knot of your robe undoing it to reveal your pajama set. Her hand ran down the side of your body until it was resting on your thigh. Your skin was warm against her cool hands and you shivered slightly when you felt her fingers dig into your skin.
You separated for a second to catch your breath; you could see Zendaya's eyes filled with adoration and lust. Wrapping your arms around her neck you pulled her down, this time with desperation. Zendaya wasted no time returning the feverish kiss. Her fingers fumbled with the buttons of your pajama shirt and soon enough it lying limply on either side of your body.
"I love everything about you," she whispered against your lips. The sound of her voice vibrating on your lips made your body tingle and you watched as she pulled back enough to watch the way your chest heaved. Her fingers tapped on the skin under your breasts and you hummed with anticipation. Her thumb gently rotated on your hard nipple and she watched the way your lip trembled before kissing you again.
Her lips trailed down your neck planting sweet pecks on your skin, your chest still rising and falling as her hand moved from your breasts down to your belly where she gently dug her nails. A soft moan escaped your lips and she looked up at you mischievously before toying with the band of your pajama shorts.
Her lips followed the path her hand had followed scattering kisses on your skin. Her tongue ran over the spot where she'd dug her nails and you inhaled deeply waiting for her to take off your shorts. She slowly slid them down your legs making a point to kiss your thighs. Like she'd said, she loved every part of you and she was taking her time proving it.
"Z," you breathed arching your back as you felt the cool air on the heat between your legs. You were exposed to her; taking off the last remains of your clothes. She watched you laying naked and bit her lip coming down to kiss you. Her lips were hungry, hands roaming your body until her hand ghosted over your pussy.
"Please," you whimpered looking into her eyes trying to figure out her next move.
"You're gorgeous," she said this time letting her middle finger spread your wetness. Moaning you tossed your head back, but she quickly removed her finger cupping your jaw with the same hand. "I want you to look at me," she hummed and you nodded wanting her hand back between your legs.
Her thumb rubbed your clit and she watched the way your lips parted, brows furrowing, eyes pleading.
"My beautiful girl," she muttered kissing your cheek adoringly and you moaned at her words. "You agree with me?" she snickered watching you closely.
You didn't say anything so she moved her hand again. It was on your chin. Her nose on yours, eyes boring into your soul. You nodded and she smirked, "good girl."
When she'd had enough of teasing you, she slid down between your legs hooking her arms under your thighs. She watched the way your pussy dripped just for her. Without warning, her pointed tongue ran a stripe between your folds and you lifted your back from the bed, hand flying to her head to try to grip on to something.
Zendaya continued working her tongue on your pussy. She rubbed the flat of her tongue on your clit, the motion bringing you close to your high already.
"Don't cum yet," she warned kissing your thigh. You watched her with pleading eyes, your chest already moving rapidly trying to catch your breath. Holding your orgasm, you gripped the sheets trying to pull away from her mouth but she was still flicking her tongue, a finger now in your entrance moving slowly matching the rhythm of her tongue. She was dragging out your orgasm and you were about to explode.
"You're being such a good girl," she hummed against your pussy inserting another finger and you moaned loudly moving your hips to match the velocity of her movements. She was increasing speed and you weren't going to be able to hold on for much longer.
"Can I cum?" you begged, looking down at her with wild eyes. Zendaya smiled sweetly against your pussy still moving her fingers. She came up to your lips kissing you passionately, curling her fingers and hitting your g-spot.
"Cum for me," she moaned against your lips and you unraveled on her fingers. She felt your walls clenching around her and she didn't move until your eyes were fluttering open and your hand let go of her arm.
"Oh fuck. Thank you," you breathed heavily still sensitive.
"Anything for my pretty girl," she kissed your cheek letting her body fall down next to yours pulling you in so she was big spoon. Sighing contently you let her drape her leg over you.
This is all you needed.
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ace-of-zaun · 2 years
The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time: pt. 2
Silco x f!reader - SFW
CW: swears, injury, non-consensual medicinal drug use, some angst
6.2k words
Summary: After your less-than-ideal first meeting with the kingpin, you find yourself waking up once more in unfamiliar territory. Luckily for you, that means you have another opportunity to get to know the one person you should not be this attracted to.
PART 1 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
A/N: this idea was originally meant to be a one-shot, but just like when Dorothy and Toto met the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz… I got a little bit carried away. Hope you enjoy!! -elsie x
Also, there’s a cheeky little reference to ch11 of @x-amount-verbs work A Helping Hand in this one. If you’re not already obsessed with it like I am, please go read it!! I also highly recommend their wonderful one-shot Show A Little Skin, too (NSFW) (I hope you don’t me tagging you x)
Waking up after passing out felt like falling in love; gradually and then… still pretty darn slow to be honest. I mean, you had just experienced a head trauma and you’d be damned if it didn’t feel like someone had jam packed it full of cotton wool. It felt like an eternity had passed before you could even begin to open your eyes, but once you were there, it only took a few blinks until your vision cleared up from its blurry state. Thank Janna for that.
Strangely enough, the first thing you remembered from your rather eventful Tuesday evening was the feeling of Silco brushing his fingers against yours when you were tied up back-to-back, and again when he’d held you just before you collapsed onto him. You sighed softly at the memory before your brain clicked into gear and you realised just what that meant. Silco. You’d met the King of the Undercity last night. Mr Danger himself. Oh, shit.
Like pieces of a puzzle being slotted back into place, your mind sorted through your memories of the whole experience and you found yourself cringing at everything you’d said and done. Calling him rude and snarky, trying to comfort him when you thought he was hurting, taking over the whole situation by pretending to be his employee when he could have easily handled it by himself. But then you remembered how gently he’d held you and how soft his expression had been when he looked down at you, and you felt all cosy again. And then, of course, you entered self-sabotage mode and recalled the final thing you’d said to him before you’d blacked out. You’d told him you thought his hands were lovely.
Trying to draw shutters down over your embarrassing memories, as if it would make it so they had never happened, you turned your attention to the world around you, instead of the one in your head. Naturally, you expected to be lying in your apartment, since that was the only place you ever found yourself waking up in, but alas, you were not in your apartment. Instead, you were in a small, bland room, with little to no decoration. Your head hurt too much to move it and look at any place other than the patch of ceiling above you, so you continued to do just that. Yes, it concerned you that you had absolutely no clue where you were, but you didn’t have enough energy yet to fully panic about it. Besides, you weren’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Well, at least I’m not in a gutter,” you spoke aloud, in an (oh so alluringly) scratchy voice, thanks to your parched throat.
“Why would you be in a gutter?”
This routine of you waking up, speaking your first ridiculous thought, and then being terrorised by a previously unknown presence was beginning to feel unnervingly familiar to you. It only felt right to react in the exact same way you had done when you’d met Silco. You screamed. Only this time it sounded more like the noise a strangled cat would make, due to your dry throat.
Despite the pain it caused, your head snapped up to the source of the intruder and you were baffled by the sight of a young, blue-haired girl sat cross-legged atop the dresser. Her stare was eerily similar to, but not quite as intense as, the man who’d gazed down at you last night when you were curled up against the warehouse floor. Furrowing your brow and consequently deepening your headache, you hoped to Janna that you hadn’t accidentally adopted a child while you were blacked out. You wouldn’t put it past yourself.
“Who am I? Where are you?” you babble accusingly at her.
There was a brief pause as you realised the jumbled nature of your words and she looked at you with wide, amused eyes.
“Wait, no, that’s not right. I meant, who are you? Where am I?” you try again.
The young girl giggles playfully at your confusion and you stare back at her suspiciously. Pulling yourself to sit up so your back is against the headboard, you try to get a better look at the room you’ve found yourself in and the young girl who seems to be haunting it. She couldn’t be much older than 12, you noted, wincing as your aching body screamed at you for moving from your previous position.
“You’re funny.”
“You haven’t answered my questions,” you inform her gently. The last thing you wanted after the whole ordeal you’d just been through was to make a poor child cry.
“I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you. Silco said I have to let you rest but he didn’t say I couldn’t look at you or talk to you,” she told you brusquely, as if you were thinking of snitching on her for finding a loophole in his instruction.
Wait. This little girl knew Silco? Now that you were properly awake, your brain ignored the fact she’d just told you that Silco wanted you to rest and instead decided to panic about the fact you were somehow still involved with the kingpin. As the blood drained from your face, it was that very same feeling of panic that prompted you to speak to her again in a low, worried tone.
“Am I a prisoner?”
“I don’t think so, the door was unlocked when I came in. Plus, prisoners usually live in the basement and we’re not in the basement, so…”
You skipped over registering just what that comment meant in favour of asking a question you were sure you already knew the answer to.
“Is he going to kill me?”
She rolled her eyes at that.
“Nah, he’d have already killed you by now if he wanted you dead.”
Oh. Well. That’s good, then…Right?
“Will you draw with me?” she interrupted your disorganised ruminations, her legs now dangling over the side of the drawers as she looked at you expectantly.
You were taken aback by the question. To be honest, you were taken aback by every aspect of your reality at that point, but this was not the time to argue semantics with yourself. You were so bewildered and tired and stressed by the whole situation that you really couldn’t see any other option.
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
The girl lets out an excited squeal as she drops off the furniture with a heavy thud, mumbles something about waiting there, and races out the door before you could even yell to ask if she was okay. Left alone in sudden silence, you place your aching head in your hands and sigh deeply. Okay. You need to figure out what the hell is happening.
You knew that wherever you were, it had something to do with Silco. It didn’t take long for you to recall the order he’d given to the woman who’d come to your rescue during last night’s debacle. We’ll take her back to the Drop.
The Drop? It was common knowledge that Silco ran his base of operations out of The Last Drop, a bar you’d never even dared step foot in before due to its reputation for serving some rather unseemly patrons. No, it had never sounded very appealing to your tastes. You felt much more at home using your powers of persuasion on unsuspecting shoppers at the market than being surrounded by intoxicated shimmer-heads.
Was that where you were then? The Last Drop? You couldn’t hear any music or other sounds that might indicate you were in a bar. Looking around the sparse bedroom, your mind struggled to accept the idea that anyone could be living at the most infamous bar in the Lanes, let alone housing children, and the one you’d just met seemed very comfortable dashing about the place as if she owned it. Turning your head to the side, you spot a cup of water sitting on the bedside cabinet and take a large swig of it, until you have the sense to think you should probably double check it definitely was water you were drinking. Too late now, considering you’d chugged down most of it in that one gulp.
Before you could even begin to panic about what could have possibly been in the drink now sitting in your stomach, the girl returned and shut the door behind her with a click. She grins at you, holding a wad of paper in one hand and a handful of crayons in the other. For a brief moment, you think she’s going to climb onto the bed and shove some paper into your face, but instead she stops in the middle of the floor and plonks herself down rather unceremoniously.
It takes a few moments of you staring at her, dumbfounded, before she meets your gaze and lifts one eyebrow expectantly. Well, what are you waiting for? You wondered where she learned how to command such authority with just a single expression, and even considered asking her to teach you. It seemed like a handy trick to have when your job involved copious amounts of persuasion and cajoling. It hadn’t escaped your mind that you probably should be at work right now and your boss would no likely be wondering where you were, but your brain was too addled to really care. Besides, you were far too busy trying to appease your new friend.  
You pushed the blanket off your body (finding yourself in the same clothes you were wearing when you were kidnapped) and slowly manoeuvred yourself down so you were sitting on the floor, your back against the side of the bed. It took all your effort not to wince at the pain that shot through your aching body as you did, but you managed it. Luckily, the young girl didn’t notice your discomfort, far too preoccupied with scribbling furiously on the paper in front of her.  
You slowly reached for the nearest crayon and began doodling, hoping it would somehow help you make sense of whatever the heck your life had turned into.
“What’s your name?” she asks, thoughtfully.
You tell her and watch her repeat it to herself slowly, like she’s memorising it.
“What about you? What’s your name?”
“I can’t tell you. I don’t want Silco to be mad with me.”
You frown at that.
“Why would he be mad?” you inquire softly.
“Because I’m not meant to reveal information to people I don’t know very well.”
It sounded like a quote, likely one she’d heard many times, as if it had been drilled into her. You take another look at the crayons sprawled across the floor and suddenly remember Silco telling you he had a daughter, just before you’d decided to caress his lovely hands. You’re certain you’ll never be able to recall that little mishap without your face flushing in embarrassment each time.
“Is Silco your dad?”
“Uh… kinda… I guess,” she mumbles, not looking up from her drawing. Her little brow furrows and the scribbling motion she’s making becomes much more focused as she presses down hard onto the paper, enough to make an imprint of the floorboards on the page.
She doesn’t speak again and you decide not to tell her that Silco had referred to her as his daughter when you’d inquired about the crayons on his coat. Whatever had happened to her, you didn’t feel like it was your place to pry. Most people you knew wouldn’t have cared one iota about the wellbeing of a little girl, not when it was so difficult to take care of your own wellbeing as a resident of Zaun. But, you weren’t most people. And just like you did for her father, you felt a sudden urge to make her feel better.
You pointed to one of her doodles and smiled at her warmly.
“Hey, this is brilliant. You’re a great artist!”
“You really think so?”
“Absolutely. If you ask me, it belongs in an art gallery. In fact, I’d buy it myself and put it up on my wall at home.”
She giggles and the sound makes your chest feel like it’s been lit up.
“How much do you think it’s worth?” she asks.
“Oh, at least one million hexes.”
“Alright then,” she looks at you dead in the eye, with the most serious expression you have ever seen.
Your face drops in horror. What? Shirley she couldn’t be serious. Oh no. You’ve done it again, haven’t you? You and your big mouth. You clearly don’t have a million hexes. If you did, there’s no way you’d be living in a dusty, old apartment, slaving away at a market stall six days a week just to afford rent and a decent-ish meal twice a day.
You begin to stutter out a measly excuse, trying to find the best way to let this poor girl down gently, when you notice her mouth pull into a wide grin. She’s joking.
“Geez, don’t do that!” you admonish her, chucking a crayon her way but purposefully avoiding hitting her.
“You shoulda seen your face! As if you have a million hexes!” she howls, clutching her stomach as she laughs at you falling for her trick. It should annoy you, but instead it instantly makes you feel better after unintentionally upsetting her earlier.
You both go back to colouring, you with an expression of mock annoyance and her with a grin that never fades back to neutrality, always haunted with the ghost of a smile. She begins to ask you questions and you answer them all honestly. I mean, at this point, what have you got to lose? You’d already survived a kidnapping and facing the most terrifying man in all of Zaun, surely no harm could come from opening up to a sweet, young girl.
She asks where you live, what you do for a living, what your favourite colour is, what your favourite game to play is, if you know how to re-wire a smoke bomb. Wait, what was that last one? You brush past it quickly, bringing her attention once again to one of her colourful doodles.
And truthfully, you were having such a lovely time colouring with your new friend, you’d almost completely forgotten the trauma you’d experienced the night before, just as the door opened to reveal a strikingly familiar face. Except this time it wasn’t as blurry in your vision and seemed much more steely and unreadable as he took in the sight in front of him. You take a sharp inhale of air and instantly stop drawing, staring blankly at Silco like a deer in the headlights.
All of a sudden, your chest aches with a mixture of emotions. You’re scared of what might happen to you next, embarrassed at your actions from the night before, confused at your relief from being able to see him again, attracted by the sight of him out of his coat with rolled up shirt-sleeves… all in all, you’re a mess. Noticing the way he looked between you and the girl, it dawned on you that not once had you stopped to consider the potential consequences of fraternising with Silco’s daughter. A person you didn’t realise had existed before today and probably for good reason, given the numerous possibilities for blackmail if anyone were to understand that Silco cared for her.
Silco quickly glances at you before crossing the room to kneel down next to the girl opposite you.
“Jinx, I told you she needed to rest,” he says to her, in that soft tone you’d heard for a only brief moment whilst tied to the chair.
Ah, so her name was Jinx.
“I didn’t tell her anything, I promise!” she protests innocently, staring up at him with wide eyes.
“I’m sure you didn’t, pumpkin, but she’s not supposed to be out of bed yet, she was injured yesterday.”
Jinx tells him your name and some of the details you’d told her during your one-sided game of twenty questions and he looks up at you for a moment, meeting your wide eyes with a searching gaze. You don’t have the chance to figure out what that means before his attention is drawn back to Jinx, who is pointing to one of your doodles on the page.
“She’s nice but she’s terrible at drawing,” she openly tells him as if you weren’t in the room, “Look at that one, I don’t even know what that’s meant to be!”
You’re not really offended. You knew deep down in your heart that art had never been your strong suit, but it didn’t stop you from scoffing in mock offense at the girl’s blunt assessment of your work.
“Well, cheers, I didn’t realise I was trying to impress a pair of art critics,” you drawl, allowing your words to drip with heavy sarcasm.
Both sets of eyes snap up to your face and instantly soften at your shit-eating grin. And then it happens. Something you’d never expected to hear in a million years. Silco laughs. It’s more of a huff than a proper expression of joy, but the amusement laced in the little noise can’t be denied. You’d made Silco laugh.
Jinx’s laughter is much louder and brighter and it fills the room like a thousand fireflies lighting up all at the same time. It’s a sound you’ve missed, you note with no small amount of melancholy. At the arrival of that particularly sombre thought, you barely register Silco standing and helping Jinx gather up the paper and crayons, before telling her to go and wash her hands for lunch. She moves to the doorway reluctantly and stops, turning to face you.
You can’t help but smile warmly at her, which she happily rewards with her own heartfelt grin before dashing off down the hallway. There’s no time to reflect on how much you already liked the girl because your attention is drawn to the looming presence above you, looking down at you with rapt interest. Silco. You gape back up at him.
He repeats your name in a questioning tone and it’s clear he’s asking you to clarify that Jinx had told it to him correctly.
“Yes, sir” you answer meekly.
It’s not until the words leave your mouth that you realise just how awkward of a position you’re currently in. You’re practically kneeling at his feet. ...Oops. Silco must realise it too because the corner of his mouth twitches and he inhales sharply before taking a step back. In turn, you scramble to get up and seat yourself once again on the bed, your back resting against the headboard.
You take the opportunity to fully admire him now that you’re alone together. He looks infinitely more composed than he did in the warehouse, with not a single hair out of place. His outfit appears to be almost exactly the same in style, just minus the coat. A deep burgundy shirt hidden under an intricately designed vest and a cream tie to contrast the darker colours of his outfit. It’s a well thought-out look. One that oozes affluence and power. And it’s this very observation that halts you in your tracks. Oh no. You should not be finding a literal crime lord this attractive.
But you do, gods you do. It’s all you can do but scramble to push the shameful thoughts into a tiny little box in your brain, mentally lobbing the key into a labyrinth to make sure it couldn’t be found again. So, it wasn’t just the concussion that had planted those thoughts in your head when he was holding you. Honestly… Trust you to have a crush on the most unavailable man in the Undercity.
“Despite your apparent ease in impersonating one of my employees, you don’t have to call me sir,” he informs you, his voice returning to its smooth timbre. It’s noticeably different to the soft quality it had held when he was talking to Jinx and you feel a flicker of disappointment at that revelation.
Then you feel your heart stop as you register his words. A tiny (foolish) part of you had hoped he would somehow forget to bring up everything you’d said and done in response to finding yourself in a situation that seemingly promised your death. You can’t help but default to rambling again as your blood ran cold.
“Listen, I’m really sorry about all of that, you know, the whole snapping at you and pretending that I worked for you and speaking for you and complimenting your hands and, you know, just being an absolute eejit in general and-”
“How are you feeling?” he cuts you off.
It’s enough to throw you even more off-kilter, which you honestly didn’t think was possible, but alas, here you were. Since it couldn’t have been the concussion this time around, it must have been the water you’d drank from the bedside table, you decide.
“Like I want to do a belly flop into the River Pilt” you respond automatically.
His brow tightens a miniscule amount and he blinks once.
Shit. Wrong answer.
“Uh, I mean, I’ve still got a bit of a headache and I’m quite tired. How long have I been asleep?” you try to recover, hoping he’ll miraculously forget your odd confession.
“About 30 hours, give or take.”
You watch as he pulls a chair from the corner of the room closer to your bed and sits down, one leg crossed over the other with his hands folded in his lap. Part of you is surprised he wants to sit in a wooden chair after being unwillingly tied to one for so long. You’re certain you don’t ever want to sit in one again, but you reason with yourself that it may be an impractical mindset to take, given society’s penchant for the little wooden bastards.  
“You did wake up momentarily during your medical treatment, but I suspect your body was too tired to acknowledge it.”
“What kind of treatment?”
“A healing solution my doctor developed a number of years ago. It appears to have eased the marks from your bindings,” he gestures to your wrists and you suddenly notice there are no marks there at all.
A quick glance down at your ankles reveals no signs of injury there either. You didn’t know what to say. You have no idea what kind of medicine could just erase that kind of discolouration almost overnight. There should have at least been some bruises or burns there, given how tightly the ropes had been around them.
“Well, thanks for getting me a doctor and for letting me sleep here, I really do appreciate it. I should, um, probably get out of your hair, shouldn’t I? You must be a very busy man,” you mumble as you shuffle your body forward into the middle of the bed, swinging your legs over the side.
“I do require you to remain here.”
Oh. So, you are a prisoner. You should have known better than to take Jinx’s word for it. You peer openly at him, now facing each other head on, as you perch halfway off the bed. The antithesis to the position you’d been in when you’d first met.
“One of the fools who kidnapped you managed to escape and has no doubt returned to his employer and informed him of the situation. Since he will now be able to identify you, it would be best if you completed the rest of your recovery here.”
One of the goons escaped? You didn’t dare ask what had happened to the other one, although you think you can guess. Silco must be able to read your hesitance because his tone softens slightly, as does his facial expression.
“I assure you, once Hendrick and his pathetic little gang have been eliminated, you will be free to leave.”
“Good. I’m already sick of staying in a room that looks like it was designed by the Mother Superior of a convent.”
Oh, fuck. Why did you say that?? After he so graciously allowed you to live AND got you medical attention and let you stay somewhere safe. He’s going to change his mind and kill you now. You just know it. You’d taken such a risk to save yourself from being killed and less than 48 hours later, you’d ruined it by (once again) insulting the literal Eye of Zaun.
To your surprise, he just laughs. You flinch at the unexpected sound.
“I apologise if the décor does not meet your standards.”
“Uh, that’s okay,” you tell him quietly, your face flushed with humiliation.
“I must confess, I did my research on you while you were out. I was surprised to learn that you’re a civilian. Where did you learn to talk your way out of situations like that?”
“I’m just used to convincing customers to buy stuff from the market stall I work at.”
He nods thoughtfully.
“I was impressed by your ability to persuade them to untie us, given your complete lack of experience in this world of mine,” he gestures vaguely around him, evidently unwilling to say the words ‘criminal empire’ outright.
“Why didn’t you say anything to them? I mean, you’re pretty well-known for your ability to negotiate.”
“I could barely get a word in edgeways. Besides, I knew my right-hand would find me, sooner or later,” Silco replies in a cocky manner.
Now that you’re less afraid he’s going to kill you for your insolence (after repeated offences with no consequences as of yet), you begin to settle comfortably into your preferred means of communication.
“Ah, so your tactic was to just wait there like a damsel in distress? Smart.”
He snorts and you revel in your astonishing ability to make the kingpin laugh. But there’s an observation you feel compelled to make, so you skip the opportunity to hear the sound again in favour of asking something serious. Something that’s been niggling at you throughout the whole conversation.
“Honestly, I expected you to leave me at the warehouse,” you tell him, your face dropping from its amused expression to one of sincerity, “I don’t understand what I did to deserve such kindness from you.”
“You risked your life to protect me, it’s only pertinent that I return the favour,” Silco answers without any hint of sarcasm or condescension.
You don’t know what to say to that and you can’t read his expression when he looks you in the eye. By the way his own eyes flicker between yours, you think he might be hiding something, but you’re not sure you want to find out. He inhales and exhales deeply, breaking the moment you were sharing.
“Sevika, my right-hand, will bring you some food up momentarily. Tell her if you require any more painkillers.”
With that, he stands and carefully places the chair back in the corner. You’re just able to mumble out a quiet breath of thanks as he crosses the room, opens the door, and stops in the doorway. His fingers grasp the door handle and his eyes meet yours, searching your gaze again as if he’s trying to figure something out. Silco nods once and gently closes the door, leaving you alone in your convent cell.
There’s no other way to say it. You’re utterly confused. Not only had he made sure you saw a doctor after your injuries, he’d gone as far as to give you a room to stay in, and even brought you under his protection, ensuring your safety from any potential gang threats. The only question on your mind was: why?
You flip through your options going forward. You could just leave. You doubt he’d put up much of a fuss if you just found the exit to the building and made your way back home. But a part of you just doesn’t want to. And for some reason, that terrifies you. How had you gone from fearing the King of the Lanes, like any other resident of Zaun who had some sense, to actively wanting to stay within his grasp?
You lie down sideways across the bed, your feet still dangling off the edge, and ponder this new dilemma you’d found yourself in, that was somehow more unsettling than the last.  
You stay at The Last Drop for two more nights. In that time, your life seems to have altered so suddenly, that ‘past you’ would have cackled with laughter at the mere suggestion you would effectively be living with the Eye of Zaun. Not only are you brought food, Sevika also brings you a change of clothes and shows you where the shared bathroom is. And despite your stay being a very short one, you begin to slip into a little routine that you can’t help but enjoy.
During the daytime, you find yourself dragged down to the empty bar by Jinx, who directs you in playing games with her, watching her take apart little machines she’s put together, and scribbling some more doodles, despite how brutally she’d criticised your first ones. You’ve even begun to put up some of the artwork she makes you in the little room you’ve been allowed to stay in, with tape you’re almost certain Jinx has stolen from Silco’s office. You hope he doesn’t mind.
At one point, Silco catches you both pretending to have a pirate-themed sword fight with two umbrellas you’d found abandoned in a store cupboard. You spot him up on the balcony smirking down at you both, as you try to dodge her attacks, and the temporary distraction earns you a whack on the stomach from Jinx, who promptly forces you to walk the plank.  
On your second evening, Jinx demands that you join her and Silco for dinner, and you’re surprised when Silco agrees, inviting you up to his office for the most luxurious meal you’ve ever had. He still wears his carefully cultivated mask, but you can tell it’s starting to crack with each little interaction the two of you share. Truth be told, you begin to treasure the moments of smooth banter between you both, the way you’re able to trade quips in rapid succession, the shared laughter as Jinx attempts to steal both of your desserts. You feel like you’re floating in outer space by the time you go to bed that evening.
By the third morning, you’re summoned to Silco’s office again. After being bid entry, you find yourself rooted on the spot by the door, your nerves starting to get the better of you as you’re unsure of the purpose of this meeting. Seated behind his desk, he politely tells you to sit down and you can’t help the affronted glare you give the wooden chair placed in front of his desk, as if by staring at it so intensely, you might be able to make it catch fire. Little bastard. Silco notices and waves his hand in the direction of the sofa, and you sit, but not before you spot the slight lift of his lips in response to your, quite frankly, ridiculous new vendetta.
“Hendrick is dead.”
“Oh, right,” you reply awkwardly, “did you kill him?”
Silco frowns. You hope he doesn’t think you’re being sarcastic this time. You’re not. You just don’t really know how to respond to a guy telling you he just killed someone, in all honesty. It should disgust you, make you want to run screaming from him. But it doesn’t. And that might be the most concerning part of this dangerous little dance you’ve become embroiled in.
“What about the other goon who kidnapped us?”
“Also dead. And the rest of the gang appear to have disbanded following the removal of their leader, so you don’t have to worry about one of them hunting you down.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” you tell him sincerely. He nods and the action causes a sinking feeling in your stomach. Truthfully, you’re missing the playful banter that’s usually present in your conversations with the man. There’s something about the drowning tone this discussion is taking that makes you feel like your forced vacation is coming to an end. You desperately don’t want it to.
“Since there is nothing keeping you here now, it is safe for you to leave.”
Now, that’s not strictly true. You could think of a few things that could keep you here. Your mind skips through those very reasons like you’re playing hopscotch across stepping stones in a brook. It wasn’t all just about his looks or his poise. Since you’d been given the tiniest window into the true nature of the man behind all the scary titles, you’d begun to admire how he acted behind closed doors. The way he treated Jinx with more reverence and love than you’d seen in a long time. The way he’d made sure you were taken care of, despite having no real obligation to do so. The undeniable way you both seemed to click, in a manner you never had with another person.
But you couldn’t say all that out loud because really, you’d only just met the man. Instead, you nod sadly, hoping he couldn’t identify the sheer amount of disappointment that drags through you like a sinking stone.
“I appreciate you spending time with Jinx; she will certainly miss you,” Silco says in a way that places a deeper emphasis on those last words, as if it has a double meaning that he’s not quite willing to admit.
“I’ll miss her too, she’s a great kid. Whereabouts is she? I want to say bye to her before I go.”
“I’m afraid she’s out with Sevika.”
What? What does he mean she’s gone out? He must have killed Hendrick last night and so he must have known he was going to inform you of the news this morning. So why would he send Jinx away? You have a strange, horrible feeling that he’d done it on purpose, but for the life of you, you can’t figure out why. It didn’t make sense to deny you a goodbye to your new friend but you choose not to say anything to him. It’s not your place to dictate how he parents.
As you turn to face him, you’re stunned by how perplexed Silco looks as he openly studies your face. What the hell is going on in his pretty little head of his? There’s an elongated silence as you stare at each other, neither one backing down from this challenge you’ve found yourself in. You think he’s going to say something as his lips part, but he doesn’t, instead somehow looking even more conflicted than he already was. You concede the battle and speak first.
“Oh, right, you’ll have to tell her I said goodbye then. Well I guess I’d better be off. I should probably go and see if I still have a job.”
You stand from the sofa and cross over to the door, missing the way Silco’s eyes follow you every inch of the way. Maybe you’ve already become too accustomed to their mannerisms because you find yourself lingering in the doorway, fingers lightly grasping the doorhandle in a direct mirror to the way both father and daughter had done a few days before. You find the troubled look on his face to be so heart-breaking, it makes your stomach twist and you’re sure by this point it must have tied itself in a knot. You decide to break the tension the only way you know how. Some good, old fashioned torment.
“Don’t get kidnapped again anytime soon, I’ll be too busy begging for my job back to come running to your rescue, princess.”
He smirks.
“I’ll cancel the plans I’d made for next Tuesday then.”
Good. The ice is unbroken after its temporary freeze-over. All is well again.  
As you’re walking away through the corridors of The Last Drop, you wonder if you’ll be able to see him again soon. But you can’t think of any legitimate reason to, bar from the fact that you just want to. You briefly consider if a career change might bring you closer to the kingpin. You could become a bartender? But you can barely walk from your sink to your kitchen table without dropping a glass, so that wouldn’t work. You could train to become a deadly assassin that he trusts with the most dangerous of missions? …Nah.
None of your fanciful plans to keep the man within arm’s reach seem to fit. Maybe you’re just The Wrong Person for him, you deliberate, with no small amount of disappointment. But gods, you wish you were the right one.
Your final thought on the matter as you make your way through the Lanes and back to your apartment is that maybe he’d be kind enough to just let you visit once in a while. If not to work for him, maybe just to visit Jinx and keep her company. Regardless of how you manage to wriggle your way back into his world, you hope deep down in your heart that this isn’t the last time you cross paths with the King of the Undercity.
A/N: Cut to Silco playing Crush by Tessa Violet alone in his office after reader has left. Sorry if this one was a bit rambly. Also, the ending was more bittersweet than I’d originally planned but don’t worry bc there will be a part 3, so the angst won’t last forever! Okay, hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night!!
Tag list: @htmlbitxh
161 notes · View notes
quindolyn · 3 years
Weeks Without || Poly!Marauders
Word Count: 7,427
A/N: Happy birthday @littlest-dark-age ! While this was not initially meant for you I loved it so much that I thought you might too and I poured a lot of effort into it, enough to show you how much I love you I hope. I think I like this piece! It felt good to write and I hope you all like it too.
Warnings: too long, that's probably the biggest one, angst, fluff, and smut. Slight dom/sub dynamics with dom Rem and Siri, sub Jamesie and maybe switch reader? Potentially just sub, I don't know I feel like any reader x James interaction I write, unless explicitly stated otherwise is at least a little bit dom reader because I project. Oral (female receiving), fingering, hand job, palming, little bit of humiliation. I tried not to include Daddy kink because I know not everyone's into it and I'm pretty sure if any of my stuff can have a daddy kink it does so I tried switching it up. Insecure reader
2k follower celebration
As you approached the end of your time at Hogwarts there was a certain fear that bubbled up inside of you. Like the rest of your peers you had worries about what waited for you outside of Hogwarts, where you were going to live, what you were going to do? How you were going to pay your bills and if the person, or in your case people, you were leaving with were going to stay by your side.
You were sure that everyone with a partner shared the same worries you did, that being if your relationship was going to survive outside of the sheltered walls inside which it formed. For you your worries were multiplied threefold. You didn’t just have one person you were worried would tire and leave you, you had three boys.
They were all undeniably beautiful, there were days you couldn’t fathom how people as beautiful as them had chosen someone like you.
Despite their constant praise, the way they gazed at you during class and in the halls, the hugs and kisses they gave you any chance they had you still weren’t convinced that you were enough for them.
You tried not to show it, tried not to show the boys you loved so dearly how your insecurities were eating away at you. You were eating less, sleeping less, and even though you spent all your time bent over a book in the library, eyes racing over the pages your studies were suffering too. The time you spent in the library wasn’t so much to actually study so much as it was to avoid your boys, even being around them had grown painful. Worried that every kiss they gave you might be getting you closer and closer to the last had you nauseous.
You knew it was ridiculous but you couldn’t help the feeling from gnawing away at you.
Your boys weren’t stupid, though James often acted as though he was, they noticed you pulling back from them. On the rare occasions they were able to get you with them for more than the duration of dinner it was like you were stopping yourself from enjoying being around them.
You’d catch yourself smiling too wide and drawback. To them it was like clouds blocking out the sun, though they’d swear they would’ve preferred the absence of the sun over yours.
There were only so many ways you could avoid them and when it came time for sleep there was no escaping the giant canopy bed in James’ headboy dorm that could easily fit all four of you. It was probably the easiest way for you to be around them, because after a long day of classes and extraneous studying you were out the minute your head hit the pillow. There was no time for them to prod you about your day, ask you where you’d been during your shared free period.
You speedily made your way through your evening routine before the rest of them got to the room and were climbing under the covers as they finally made their entrance.
Tonight you hadn’t been as lucky, as you barreled into the cozy dormitory, decorated in a frankly nauseating amount of scarlet and gold. You entered to find your three boyfriends were already waiting for you sprawled throughout the room.
James sat on the sofa to the left of the king bed, long legs sprawled out in front of him, they were so long that his feet stuck off the end. With his hands clasped behind his head acting as a pillow, he would’ve been the picture of leisure had it not been for the crease between his brows while he conversed with the two other boys in the room.
Sirius sat curled up in Remus’ lap, nestled together on the loveseat; there didn’t appear to be an inch of space between the two of them. Usually when they were found like this it was as though neither of them had a care in the world, too wrapped up in each other to notice anything else that went on around them. This time was different, Sirius held one of Remus’ hands in his, fiddling with it while he gazed off into the air, eyes focusing on nothing in particular.
It wasn’t tension clouding the room so much as it was worry. Worry about you, worry about your relationship, worry about what they might’ve said or done to hurt you.
As you stepped into the room all of their eyes shot to your figure, ultimately finding your face as they tried to tell what sorts of secrets you were hiding in that pretty head of yours.
“Hi poppet,” Remus spoke promptly, knowing that allowing the silence to stretch on would only serve to worsen the situation.
“You guys are here early.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw the furrow between James’ brows deepen at your response, you weren’t usually one to sidestep a greeting like that. Though in all fairness you hadn’t been acting much like your usual self lately.
“We’ve missed you puppy, feels like we never see you anymore,” It was Sirius who spoke, hands still fidgeting with Remus’ long fingers, finding the Marauders ring that he wore on his ring finger and sliding it up and down the appendage.
You answered with a noncommittal hum as you toed off your shoes, abandoning them by the door to the dorm before moving to the bed where you shrugged off the bag that had been weighing down on your shoulder all day.
Remus quietly eased Sirius off of his lap, helping him into James' open arms awaiting his arrival. Once the raven haired male was settled into the larger boy’s grasp, strong, muscled arms holding him close to his equally toned chest Remus made his way toward you where you sat, silently working on the buttons of your blouse.
“You want help with those, bunny?” Came the steady baritone of Remus’ voice as he stood a few feet before you, head cocked to the side while his hands were buried deep inside of his pockets.
“I’m fine Rem, I’ve got it,” The use of the nickname normally would’ve worked to lighten the worries that were swirling around in the boy’s head. This was counteracted by the despondency of your voice pulling each syllable downwards into mumbled murmur.
“I hate to say it but Siri’s right (Y/N), we don’t see you anymore and we’ve tried to ignore this weird behavior, thinking that it would pass but it hasn’t,” The lycan spoke as he made his way to the bed, sitting down on the mattress next to you but sure to leave a decent amount of space between the two of you, not wanting to spook you more than you had seemed to be.
You ignored his words, instead focusing your attention on unzipping your skirt, loosening the waistband allowed you to take a deep breath you’d been yearning for all day.
“Bunny, we just want to know what’s wrong, talk to us please.”
Lifting your eyes, lids heavy from the stress of the day, at Remus’ desperate plea you found the looming figures of your other two boys hovering over his shoulder. Fingers intertwined as both stormy grey irises and hazel ones gazed at you.
“Nothing’s the matter Remus, I’m just a little stressed out is all. It's nothing any of you have done.”
Technically that was true, it was nothing your boys had done directly that had caused you to pull back from them but still, a lie by omission.
Each of your heads whipped to find the voice who had spoken, your eyes landing on Sirius’ form you found his sullen figure glowering, tucked into James’ side.
“Sirius come on,” Remus murmured, urging the boy to keep his mouth shut.
“No its such fucking bullshit, she’s been acting like this for weeks and I’m sick and fucking tired of her acting like a toddler.” The boy swivelled, redirecting his attention back towards you, “Stop it (Y/N)! Stop lying to us, stop pulling away, just fucking talk to us for fuck’s sake because I can’t fucking do this anymore.”
With each word the boy’s voice raised an octave and you watched James’ hold on Sirius’ shoulder tighten as though he could contain the flow of words that tumbled from his mouth.
It was all too much, the insecure thoughts that bounced around your head, the aches that had settled in your limbs from pushing yourself too hard on too little sleep, the distinct throbbing that resided behind your temples nearly every day by this time.
Then add on Sirius’ harsh words it was all too much.
“I can’t do this,” You mumbled, haphazardly redoing the buttons of the blouse that had been hanging off your shoulders before pulling your bag, abandoned just minutes ago, back onto your shoulder.
“(Y/N) where are you going?” The frustration in Remus’ voice was evident, he’d been so understanding and gentle the past few weeks but even he had his limits and he was not about to watch you walk away from them.
“My dorm.”
“Since when do you sleep in your dorm?” It was the first time you’d heard James’ voice since you entered the lavish dorm room. The hurt laced in each word was unmistakable, guilt at being the one to hurt the boy you loved so much served to twist the knife that was already planted firmly between your ribs.
For the first time in weeks you finally voiced the overwhelming thought that had been plaguing you, the thought that had caused you to pull away from them in the first place, “You’re better off without me.”
It seemed as though everything in the castle had stopped to listen on your conversation, you were almost certain you could make out the little figure of a portrait peeking its head into the gargantuan frame that hung on the furthest wall of the dormitory should Dumbledore need to call James out in the middle of the night to perform some headboy duty.
The room was so quiet as the boys, your boys, soaked in your words that you swore you could hear Slughorn all the way down in the dungeons, munching on the lavish pineapple that had been dropped off at his office a few hours earlier and that he had saved until now to indulge himself in.
“What do you mean poppet?” The crease between Remus’ brows matched the confusion so evident in his voice.
“I mean…” You trailed off as you felt tears well in your eyes, weighing down on your bottom lashes as they threatened to spill over. You couldn’t find it within yourself to meet any of their gazes, instead keeping your head downturned, eyes trained on your sock clad feet and you shifted your weight from foot to foot.
Before you could force yourself to look up you felt a strong, steady hand slip under your mandible, from the rough calloused nature of said hand you knew without a doubt that it belonged to James.
He slowly turned your visage upwards to meet his, heart crumbling as he took in your waterlogged optics, red and puffy, sunken in my large dark shadows that appeared to be frighteningly close to bruises.
“Why are you thinking that you’re not good enough for us angel?” He spoke, his voice cracking as he took in your heart wrenching appearance.
“Jamie,” You sobbed before throwing yourself into his chest, the barriers you’d erected between you and the rest of them crumbling as you saw the helpless look in James’ beautiful hazel eyes.
The fears and doubts that had haunted you for weeks were still there but you couldn’t find it within yourself anymore to listen to them when they told you to keep your space, to hide from the people you loved the most.
You clung to James’ broad shoulders, standing on your tiptoes so that you could throw your arms around his neck. You felt the weight of your satchel once again slip from your shoulder accompanied by a soft thud against the hardwood floor as one of James’ arms wrapped around your waist, the other slipping under your bum, landing on your upper thighs to support your weight as he carried you over to the canopied bed.
James kept you safely in his lap, sitting down with Sirius and Remus on either side of the two of you.
Even if any of them wanted to pry you off of James there was no way you were leaving the warm solace of his hold, the solidity of his thighs underneath you, the strong planes of his back sprawled out underneath your palms.
There was a comfort in all of it that you hadn’t realized you missed so much, you felt a pang in your chest as you contemplated the boy’s reaction to your insecurities. Would they confirm them, and these past weeks, which could’ve been spent in the exact position you found yourself in now, soaking up the comfort they brought you, had been wasted?
Though you were perfectly content to sit there, snuggled into James’ chest the boys wanted answers, and though they tried their best this was the most like yourself you’d been in forever and they were desperate for answers to their questions before you slipped away from them again.
“I’m sorry I yelled Princess I’ve just been so worried about you,” Sirius murmured, his hand gently sliding up your thigh to rest under the hem of the plaid fabric.
All you could offer the boy was a nod as you turned your visage to meet his, wiping your nose with the back of your hand, “It’s okay Siri-”
“No it's not,” He refuted empathically, his hand moving from your thigh to cup your cheek, dragging his thumb across your cheek bone in soothing circles, “If anyone else spoke to you like that I’d hex them into oblivion. I’m sorry.”
He leaned down, tilting your face ever so slightly upwards to meet your lips. As usual his were unnaturally and enviously red, tasting of smoke and the strawberry candy he stole from the pockets of James’ robes.
His lips brushed gently against yours, it was the first kiss the two of you had shared in weeks that wasn’t a quick peck as you passed in the halls or as you rushed away from them after breakfast. Understandably, he was in no mood to rush it.
You melted into his touch as his grip on your cheek tightened, keeping you from pulling away as he deepened the kiss, kissing with a sort of passion foregin to the both of you. Different from what you were used to, lust filled kisses as he ground your hips into his. This was a sort of apology from the both of you, sorry to have shied away from this for so long and he sorry for blowing up at you.
He kept his lips melded to yours for as long as possible before finally pulling away to suck in a deep breath, replenishing his depleted lungs.
“Gotta tell us what’s going on in that pretty head of yours baby,” Came Remus’s voice from the other side of Jamesie’s broad shoulders, lulling your head off of the one it rested on to meet his sympathetic eyes.
You felt a familiar panic bubble up once again in your throat at the thought of voicing all your insecurities, scenario after scenario running through your head going through all the different ways the boys could react to your theories.
Suddenly you felt like an idiot and felt your cheeks burn as blood rushed to them, resisting the urge to bury your face back in James’ shoulder you swallowed, “W-What if,” You stopped for a moment, sniffing and going to wipe your nose on the back of your hand you were stopped when Remus’ large hand wrapped around your wrist.
Slender fingers slipped a silky hanky into your palm for you to wipe your nose on and you smiled as you glimpsed the initials “RJL” stitched sloppily into it. This was no doubt done by James when he was laid up with a Quidditch injury and had taken up stitching, amongst other things.
“Thanks Rem,” You murmured as you swiped the soft cloth underneath your nose before slipping it back into his hand, you felt your cheeks burn, embarrassed to be handing him back the used, and admittedly grosser material, but ever the gentleman he paid it no mind.
“Now what was it that you were saying (Y/N)?”
You braced yourself, clenching the covers into your fists as you forced the words that had been swirling around in your head out, coming to terms with that there was no more delaying the inevitable.
“Are we gonna stay together once we graduate?”
It was conflicting having finally spoken those words that had tormented you for countless days, hours upon hours of pain and anxiety causing you unspeakable turmoil. It felt as though it was all lifted from your shoulders, you’d spoken the words, put them out there and they were no longer your pain to bear alone.
At the same time, they didn’t just exist in your head anymore. They were real and the people who mattered most had just heard them, their impending response only served to make you grip the sheets even tighter.
“Where’s this coming from angel?” James asked, confusion tightening up his voice.
“I don’t know,” You whimpered, “I’ve just been thinking and you all are so fucking beautiful and perfect, how am I supposed to keep up with you when we leave here. I already don’t deserve any of you. It's already bad enough in here with all the girls and guys fawning over all of you but how am I supposed to fair when you have the entire world at your fingertips?”
As they soaked in the meaning behind your words James’ arms tightened around you to the point of bordering on discomfort but it was so reassuring to be held that close, to know that that was the reaction your words had on them that you couldn’t find it within yourself to complain, only to hold him even tighter.
“Darling,” Sirius’ sympathetic tone was enough to shatter your already fragile facade and before you knew it there were fat teardrops sliding along down your soft cheeks.
You could feel your tears dampening the material of James’ old t-shirt but couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“I-I don’t wanna lose you guys,” You sobbed, letting all the pent up emotion from the past weeks flow out, coming off of you in waves as the knot that had been residing in your chest slowly began to unravel. Each tender caress of your back and stroke of your hair assisted in its efforts until all that was left was your heart. Which, considering that it had been tangled up in barbed wire, thorns piercing your heart with every beat, was in surprisingly good condition, still intact and pumping along.
“You’re not gonna lose us (Y/N/N), ever,” James promised into your ear, his chapped lips brushing across the shell of your ear.
“You can’t promise that,” You protested, words muffled as you spoke into his shoulder, “There might be someone else who you guys love more than me, who’s prettier and smarter and can keep up with you all. M not good enough for any of you and what if one day you realize that?”
“Don’t talk like that princess,” Sirius’ grip was steely on your forearm as he used it to get your attention, “I’ve spent my entire life being told I wasn’t good enough and the truth is that we aren’t good enough for you. I know what it feels like to feel like the people in your life deserve better than you but there is no doing better than you, no one else on this earth holds a candle to you my beautiful girl.”
As you took in each of Sirius’ words letting them heal the puncture wounds on your heart from being wrapped in thorny vines Remus spoke, “We love you more than anything puppy, the day you walked into our lives was the best day of my life and I can’t think of a world where any of us live without you. Especially outside of Hogwarts, things are gonna be just as scary for us as they are for you poppet and I know I don’t wanna do it without you.”
It felt good to hear that the worries you’d been obsessing over were really all in your head, that they really did love you as much as you loved them, but there was still one boy you needed to hear the words from before you could completely relax.
“I’m going to marry one day (Y/N/N), I’m going to marry all of you and we’re going to be Misters and Missus Potter. Remmy’s right, I don’t wanna ever wake up and not have you right there next to me. Mum and Dad say I have to wait till we’re settled and we have jobs and a place to live before I can propose but it's gonna happen bunny, I just hope you don’t realize we’re a pile of daft idiots before then.”
As a lopsided goofy smile quirked his lips upward you felt a similar force mimicking the movement on your own, “Even if you all are daft idiots, m’never gonna find anyone like you guys. My pretty boys.”
“You hear that mates? We’re her pretty boys, if I didn’t know better I’d say (L/N) has a little crush on all of us.”
“Oh sod off Siri,” You let out a watery giggle, gently nudging the boy’s arm as you looked up at him through water logged lashes.
“Is that true puppy? You like us?” Even though he was usually the most mature of your boys Remus’ mischievous side never failed to shine when he called on it.
“No,” You refuted, “I’m actually rather fond of Severus now that you mention it.”
You’d pulled away from Jamesie’s chest to be able to look at each of them but with your words you were harshly tugged back into him.
“Not funny,” The sullen boy murmured into your ear, “Ours, not Snivellus’.”
“Shhh s’okay bubba I know you love me,” You soothed him, tangling your fingers in his hair like you knew he liked.
“I’m so sorry bunny we ever made you feel like Snape loved you more, I never want you to feel like we don’t love you.” He squeezed you, “How can we make it up to you?”
“I just got in my own head is all,” You explained, “I was telling the truth earlier when I said that it was nothing any of you had done, just shouldn’t spend all that time alone with my thoughts.”
Sirius’ elegant hand started rubbing up and down your back as you all sat there, soaking in each other’s presence after so many weeks of turmoil. Each time his hand slipped lower and lower down your back till he was groping your ass with the palm of his hand.
“Do you believe us poppet?” Remus asked, taking note of Sirius’ hand on your bum, “You believe that we’ll love you till the day we die?”
You nodded your head, face still buried into James’ neck, “I know you’re telling the truth Remmy, it's probably just going to take a little while for my brain to start really believing it, I spent so long worrying about it that mt stupid brain is’nt just gonna start listening to me.”
Remus nodded as he brushed a piece of hair from your face, it was the answer he’d been expecting.
“How about we show you how much we love you puppy?” Sirius asked from your other side, hand sliding from your ass to your thigh before slipping underneath the hem of your skirt.
“What do you mean Siri?” You cocked your head to the side in a rather obvious display of your confusion.
Wordlessly he stood up and slipped you from James’ lap moving to the foot of the bed where he laid you out on your back. Your blouse hung open off your shoulders revealing your lace clad breasts to the man as his eyes raked over your body, taking in every curve and line of your body.
Starting on the cushiony pillows of your lips, red and raw from gnawing away at them all the way down to the soft lines of your thighs he took his time appreciating every millimeter of you before dragging his eyes back up to the hem of your skirt.
One graceful hand slid to the waistband, already loosened he bent down to press a kiss where the material had rubbed your skin raw over the course of the day.
As your panty clad center was revealed to him Sirius swiftly dropped to his knees, his eyes quickly darting to Remus over your left shoulder for permission for what he was about to. It was granted to him with a soft nod.
“What are you doing Siri?” You pondered as he slid your legs apart from each other, sitting up on his knees as he began pressing sloppy kisses onto the insides of your thighs.
Instead of getting an answer Remus spoke, his words directed to the boy between your legs as though his words would have no consequence on you, “You can mark her Sirius, let everyone know that she’s our pretty girl.”
His words sent a zap of excitement up your back as you remembered how good it felt to be their pretty girl. Something you hadn’t felt like in weeks.
You bucked your hips as Sirius’ lips ghosted over your pussy still hidden to him behind the lacy material that matched your bra, “I’m showing you how much I love you puppy,'' He responded to your earlier posed question, “Now come on, lift your hips f’me,'' He murmured as he slipped the panties along with your school shirt from your hips revealing your pussy to his hungry gaze. Sirius carefully pulled the garments from your legs before dropping them to the floor next to where he knelt.
Inching closer and closer to your cunt as he worked his way up your thighs leaving a trail of kisses in his wake he made sure to sink his teeth into the flesh at certain points, just hard enough that if he sucked he was sure to leave behind mouse shaped bruises. The thought of being marked by him caused a ripple of arousal to go straight to your core.
Once he was satisfied with the marks he’d left on your thighs the raven haired boy moved quickly, nosing your folds apart to breathe in your scent, even with the minimal stimulation you’d had you were already soaking, though Sirius often seemed to do that to you.
“Fuck,” You swore as his nose bumped your clit and you reached out to grab onto the bedding but found James’ hand instead, wrapping your hand around his middle and index finger as you scrunched your eyes closed.
“Pretty baby,” James cooed as he leaned down to smear a kiss across your brow, furrowed from pleasure, “Siri making you feel good?”
You nodded fervently as the aforementioned boy licked a broad stripe from your quivering, sopping entrance to your clit, lifting up the hood to suck gently as James often sucked on your tits. You smiled thinking that you might fall asleep that way tonight because you knew nothing made the boy quite as happy as both falling asleep and waking up with your tit in his mouth.
“Use your words puppy,” Remus’ voice sounded from your otherside and you whipped your head to face him wondering when he’d moved over there, “Wanna hear that pretty voice of yours.”
“Yes Remmy, feels so so good,” Your words hitched as Sirius slipped a finger inside of you, continuing to suck on your clit as he did so.
As you spoke your eyes wandered downwards and you were met with a familiar bulge having formed in Remus’ trousers. The werewolf’s gaze followed yours and smiled as his eyes landed on his crotch.
Your head quickly pivoted to the otherside finding a matching bulge in James’ trousers. A pang of guilt hit your heart as you hadn’t even thought about either of their pleasure, being too overwhelmed by your own as Sirius had thrown your legs over his shoulders allowing him to pull himself closer to your dripping, aching cunt.
Somehow your hand had found its way to Remus’ cock as you mindlessly palmed at his bulge as though that and that alone would work to help it escape from its zippered cage and into your awaiting hand.
“Can I have your cock Rem, please?” You begged looking up at him with wide eyes, fingers fumbling as they finally stumbled across the zipper.
“Course you can bunny,such a good girl asking me for m’cock so nicely, let me get it out for you.”
Remus expertly lifted his hips as he unzipped his zipper, sliding his trousers and boxers down to his mid thigh allowing his cock to spring free.
As his cock was revealed to you Sirius added a second finger into your pussy, curling it at just the right spot to hit the sensitive spot inside of you each and every time he thrusted his fingers. As he pushed the second finger inside of you you felt the distinct chill of metal, you gasped at the unique, though certainly not unwelcome sensation.
Glancing downwards you saw that the hand belonging to the arm that was pinning your hips to the mattress did not bear the signature Marauders ring they all wore proudly on their ring finger. Having his marauders ring thrusted in and out of you made you clench around his long, slender fingers, the extra stretch provided by the jewelry was impossibly hot.
The combination of seeing Remus’ cock, standing proud and tall as his tip, bright red, leaked pre cum onto his shaft and the extra stretch of not only another finger inside of you, but a ring, had you squeezing your legs around Sirius’ head.
Flicking your gaze down towards him you were met with Sirius’ eyes already on you and he circled your clit with his tongue. Much to your chagrin he pulled his head away from your cunt, smoothing his palm up your stomach as he smiled at you with the most sincere look in his eyes, “You’re beautiful like this puppy, so perfect all laid out for us, making a mess all over my face.”
Looking at the bottom of his face you saw the mess he was talking about, his mouth and chin were glistening with your slick. Before you could reply Sirius was diving back into your pussy, scooping his arms under your thighs to lift your hips so that he had even more through access to your pretty cunt.
Any breath you would’ve used to respond was pulled from you as Sirius’ tongue began working magic on your cunt, tracing it painfully slowly before abruptly speeding up.
Remembering the gift that had been bestowed upon you you grappled for Remus’ cock, quickly wrapping your hand around it and beginning to pump up and down, loving nothing more than the way he throbbed beneath your touch.
“That’s a good girl, so good at playing with m’cock, there’s a good girl,”
“Like this?” Your wide eyes stared up at Remus as you twisted your wrist pulling a strangled gasp from him.
“Yes baby, just like that.”
You were mesmerized by his cock as you watched the head disappear before reappearing from your fist as you worked up and down his shaft, your hand working along the natural curve of his prick.
A whiny moan from your other side broke your concentration as you turned your head to investigate it, never halting your movements up and down Remus’ member.
Your eyes fell upon James’ whimpering form, shifting uncomfortably as his eyes flickered back and forth between your hand on Remus’ cock, Sirius’ head buried between your legs and your face, pleasure plastered over your every feature. God you looked beautiful when you were getting eaten out.
Finally you settled on the raging boner visible through James’ trousers, it looked almost painful the way it was straining against the restrictive fabric.
“Aww Jamesie m’sorry, been neglecting your cock,” You mewled, the hand not on Remus’ cock moving to palm James through his trousers.
“That’s okay bunny, m’good just watching you, fuck you’re gorgeous.”
You threw your head back as Sirius pinched at your clit, his tongue and fingers having swapped places as he circled your tight entrance which was clenching around nothing, but who could blame you?
You were in ecstasy.
There was a familiar fire burning in the pit of your belly, one that had begun simmering the second Sirius had looked you up and down once having laid you down on the bed.
A small whimper escaped you as you felt James’ strong calloused hand grope your clothed breast over the mesh and wire cage you kept them concealed in because fuck did that feel good.
You turned your visage to view Remus, he was painfully hard now and you made sure to keep groping James on the other side of you as you quickened your speed on Remus’ cock.
“Merlin puppy that feels so good, our good puppy. I love you so much my love, so much,” His praise came as he tangled his hands in your hair, using his hold on your to direct your face up to view his. He looked angelic, beads of sweat forming on his hairline with clouded over hazel eyes and the most beautiful lips you’d ever seen that released haggard groans and breaths.
A whine tumbled from your lips at the praise, Remus was always the gentler out of your doms, James barely counting as most of the time he was on his knees with you ready to obey his next command, but his praise seemed to be affecting you more than you were used to. Not that you were complaining though, on the contrary, you were living for it as it spurred you closer and closer to orgasm.
You squeezed Remus’ cock as Sirius nipped at your clit, the sensation walking the delicate line between pleasure and pain but jarring nonetheless. You’d be lying if you said that it didn’t send a rush of arousal to the fire now beginning to roar in your belly.
The feeling of James and Remus’ cocks in your hands was oddly erotic and as they worked to ground you as Sirius pulled you further and further into bliss the holdon them, feeling every vein and ridge and twitch turned you on more and more and had you bucking into Sirius’ mouth.
“I’m gonna cum!” You screamed as Sirius sped up his ministrations on your pussy, sucking your clit between his lips as he mercilessly pistoned his fingers in and out of you.
“M gonna cum too,” James admitted, sucking in a tight breath as he wriggled his hips, resisting the urge to buck up as you lackadaisically palmed at his still clothed crotch, never having the time to properly undress.
The thought of cumming with James pushed you right to the edge to the point where you could barely form words, but knowing you’d need permission before you were allowed to cum you sought out the one person who could grant you such. “Can I cum?” You pleaded, turning your head to face Remus, “Please Rem let me cum please!”
“You gonna cum too Jamesie?” The lycan’s eyes were trained on James’ face, eyes wide as he watched your hand slip up and down Remus’ curved length.
Upon receiving his answer, a yes delivered in rushed nods, Remus turned back to you, “Yes baby, go ahead and cum for us, make a mess all over Siri’s face. Gonna look so pretty when you cum undone, such a pretty girl.”
That final praise tipped you over the edge, sending you into a bliss filled oblivion as warmth seeped to every nook and cranny in your body. You felt your legs tense and spasm as you squeezed your thighs around Sirius’ head, bucking into his face to get as much stimulation as possible because there was no way for you to get enough.
You distantly registered a string of curses leaving your lips as euphoria washed through your body, taking with it any little doubts and worries that hadn’t parted with the boy’s earlier kind words.
As your orgasm passed and you blinked your eyes open you found a lightness in your chest you hadn’t felt in months. All the wounds from being wrapped up in thorns so long seemed to have healed on your heart, to see you tested it out, letting a singular thought about the boys drift through your consciousness. You were immediately reminded of Sirius’ head still in between your legs, lapping up the slick that had made a mess all over the insides of your thighs, James’ softening prick under one palm and Remus’ still rock hard one in the other.
All those worries you had let occupy your thoughts for months seemed stupid and trivial as you remembered just how much your boys loved you.
“Well would you look at that,” You were pulled from your thoughts by Remus’ voice, following his gaze to James who sat resting on his hands, panting, with an unmistakable stain fresh on the front of his trousers.
“Did Prongs cum in his pants?” Sirius simpered, also huffing, though for completely different reasons as he lifted his head from your cunt, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. The seemingly normal sight sent a shiver up your spine but you quickly shook the thought away.
You nodded your head as your eyes caught on the stain on the front of his trousers but no one seemed to notice.
James’ cheeks were burning bright red as Remus came up behind him, brushing the hair out of his face as he leaned down to press a kiss to the crown of James’ head.
Remus helped the submissive boy to his feet, all the while murmuring quiet praises you couldn’t hear from where you laid until one was spoken loudly enough for your ears, “Come on bubba lets get those boxers off,” The sandy haired boy prompted, “Show (Y/N/N) how pretty you think she is, she made you cum in your pants, I don’t think any of us have ever done that before have we?”
James shook his head as Remus quickly undid the zipper on the other boy’s trousers. The taller boy kneeled to help him step out of his trousers and boxers, leaving him naked from the waist down.
It was an undeniably hot sight, James’ half hard cock resting against his toned thigh, both covered in his cum from his untimely release.
Your eyes were pulled up to Remus as he let out an appreciative hum as he inspected the ruined boxers in his hand.
He slipped onto the bed next to you, “Come on puppy sit up f’me,” Opening his arm for you to settle into his side.
“And you Jamesie,” He prompted, patting his thigh for the boy to sit on. As James settled onto the hard plane of muscle Remus’ still throbbing erection poked into his back, the leaking head smearing precum along the boy’s toned back.
Sirius settled in behind all three of you, peering over your shoulder at the soiled boxers, one hand resting on your shoulder and the other on Remus’. You melted under his touch and snuggled ever closer into Remus’ side, turning your head to press a kiss to the back of Sirius’ hand.
“Y’made Jamesie cum without even taking him out of his pants puppy, can you believe that? That’s how fucking sexy we all think you are, made him cum without even directly touching his cock princess.”
“S’like you’ve got super powers,” James interjected, his eyes trained on you, “Your hand angel, its magic.”
You chuckled at his choice of words, whether or not you were intentional you doubted but it made them all the more cute.
“It’s so pretty,” You murmured, running your index finger through the sticky mess before bringing it up to your lips, sucking it completely clean as you couldn’t get enough of James’ perfect taste. “You taste really good Jamesie.”
The boy at the center of your current conversation turned, hiding his head in the crook of Remus’ neck mumbling a “thank you” into the delicate scarred skin.
“Don’t need to be shy,” Sirius crooned, out of character with the gentleness in his tone, as he combed his fingers through James’ dark tresses, “It’s fucking unbelievable how hot it is.”
You smiled at the delicate interaction between the two boys as James looked up at Sirius with wide eyes and puckered his lips, silently demanding a kiss. It was a demand Sirius was all too ready to obey as he dipped down, sealing James’ lips with his.
As he pulled away he caught you staring at him with want etched all over your face, “Don’t worry puppy,” He simpered, moving to cup your face in his hand, “You can get a kissie too.”
His tongue brushed against the seal of your slips as he deepened the kiss before abruptly pulling away, not wanting to get himself any more wound up than he already was.
“My beautiful girl,” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he smiled down at you.
“You two need to get cleaned up,” Remus spoke as you and Sirius gazed at each other, “You, especially Jamesie, made quite the mess of yourself.”
James whined at the subtle comment but aside from that made no other objection.
You on the other hand had other, more pressing worries.
“But what about you, Remmy? You’re still hard and Siri hasn’t even been touched yet, need to get you two off,” Your words came out frantic at the prospect of leaving two of the men you loved so much unsatisfied but Remus was quick to quell your worries with a soothing kiss to your hairline.
“Don’t worry poppet, Siri and I will take care of each other while Jamesie runs a bath for the two of you, yeah? We’ll be right in to join you, have a feeling neither of us are going to last all that long.”
You were reluctant to agree after how amazing you’d been made to feel by your boys since you’d arrived at the dorm and the thought of leaving two of them to take care of each other was frustrating, your frustration did not outweigh the pleasure a warm bubble bath promised and in the end you crumbled.
“Good girl,” Remus extolled as James slipped from his lap and stood before you, arms open and ready to engulf your significantly smaller figure.
You all but leapt into his embrace, loving the way his strong arms could so easily support you.
“Come on angel,” He cooed down at you, “S’bath time.”
Remus and Sirius waited until the two of you had entered the adjoining bathroom before leaping to their feet, their hands quickly finding the other’s chest desperate to pull another close.
James kicked the door closed behind him but not with enough force to fully close the door, the room beyond it was still visible through a small crack.
Through the crack in the door you were able to see Remus and Sirius and even over the roar of the running water James had started that was slowly filling the ginormous bathtub that sat at the center of the room you could make out the words that fell from their lips.
“You’re gorgeous mon chéri,” Sirius muttered against Remus’ shoulder as he tugged on Remus’ cock, the two boys had made quick time and Sirius’ aching member was already in Remus’ palm.
“Just as beautiful as both of our babies.”
“Shut up and cum for Godric’s sake,” The smaller man whined, “I want a bath.”
tagging: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @pinkandblueblurbs @dracofknmalfoy @itsmentalillness @zzzfour @greenlyblue @emmaev @temporaryissue @gubleryum @advictedtohim @marauderswhore07 @st0nesnglitter @wholebigboxofyikes @priii @miraclesoflove @thatvenusbabe @shadesofvelma @drachoesimp @ashlovesthemarauders @artemis1orion @skaratjung @ava-brooke-blog1 @fairyprettygirly @ohwowimlonley @padfootswife @4kweasley @roonilwazlibswhore @swearingsolemnly @teenwolfbitches28 @lilypad-55449 @jamespotterslover @lilytheally @mo-jean @lolooo22 @adrianscumslut @jeannelupinblack @wh0reforthemarauders @myalupinblack @ashesandstars @daisyyy2516 @siriusmydeer @remugoodgirl @itzstacie @planet-wolfstar @steveharringtonswhore @saintlike78 @i-love-scott-mccall @thatdummymarie @cedricisnotdead @pretty-pop-princess-hs
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deceitfuldevil · 3 years
Truth Serum
Pietro Maximoff X Reader
Summary: While working with Tony and Bruce in the lab you accidentally drink some very experimental truth serum, leading to some unwanted confessions with your coworkers.
Warnings: use of y/n, swearing, lots of dialogue, barely proofread, etc.
Word Count: 1.7K
You were busy working with Tony and Bruce in the lab and jokingly Tony placed his latest concoction next to your drink but you didn’t realize until it was too late and you drank Bruce’s experimental truth serum.
“Jesus Tony can you turn down that obnoxious music? I’m so sick of that stupid 70s rock music you’re always playing.”
Tony stopped what he was doing are looked over at you in shock.
“L/n, what the hell are you talking about? You told me you loved my music.”
“Well I lied, I lie to you a lot actually.” You looked up eyes blown wide with dear as you covered your mouth after saying that.
“I did NOT mean to say that.”
“Y/n… did you just take a sip of that beaker Tony so stupidly placed right next to your drink?” Bruce asked pinching the small space in between his eyebrows
You looked down as remorse filled your gut, noticing a small dribble of blue liquid slowly falling down the side of the beaker you obviously just took a drink from. Your eyes life to meet Bruce’s as you slowly nodded a small yes.
“Well, no thanks to Tony now we get to find out if my very experimental truth serum actually works.”
“TRUTH SERUM?!” You shouted, the last thing you wanted was for your team to have unrestricted access to your secrets.
“No thanks to me? Are you kidding Banner? This might be the most fun we have with Y/n all year!” Tony said with a cheeky grin
Your groaned and let your head fall onto the desk you were sitting at. “How long will this last?” You asked muffled
“Best case scenario for you? It could wear off within the next 30 minutes. Worst case scenario? You could be highly responsive and overly truthful for the two days.”
Tony broke out with a loud cackle as he got up from his desk and exited the lab “Good luck kid!”
“And theres no antidote?” You pleaded
“Sorry, but we were barely in the trial phases of creating this and we don’t try to make an antidote unless we know for sure that it works.”
“So how the hell am I supposed to deal with this in the meantime?”
“My best advice? Lock yourself away in your quarters for the next day or so to avoid saying anything unsavory to the rest of the team. Because I don’t have a doubt in my mind Tony left to go and tell the whole team about your little predicament.”
But before you could reply Sam, Rhodey, and Bucky all came running into the lab practically running over each other.
“Okay, I’ve wanted wanted to know. How do you feel really about Redwing?” Sam asked pushing Rhodey and Bucky aside.
“I think you should find a girlfriend so you stop obsessing over a high tech piece of metal.” You said with an unholy amount of sass, already sick of this treatment. Bucky burst out laughing but you sent a pissed off glare his way.
“Don’t think you’re safe either beefcake. You’re 106 years old and still can’t take a joke, not to mention that you’re forgetful as fuck. I mean who the hell just forgets that they have a vibrium arm? I’m not even going to get started on that staring problem you have that you think is so intimidating.” You snapped, shutting everyone in the room up. Before leaving you locked eyes with Rhodey.
“Oh hi Ego Machine! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you. I mean who could when you tell that story of how you dropped a tank at the generals feet every single party? I mean, BOOM were you looking to be interesting?”
After shutting every one in that room down you stormed out and locked yourself in your room. You really could tell if you had taken truth serum or just a liquid curse. You never left your room for the rest of the night, not wanting to risk dinner with the team. But you woke up around 5:30 in the morning to. Very strong feeling of hunger, and prayed no one else would be up this early as you snaked down into the kitchen. You walked past Wanda sleeping quietly on the couch as Vision floated peacefully in the corner.
“Creepy motherfucker…” you whispered as you stepped into the kitchen
“What was that you said about my husband?” Wanda said, suddenly on the other side of the counter looking at you with a tilted head. You jumped almost spilling your cereal
“Jesus Christ Wanda! A warning!” You said clutching your head with one hand and the cereal box with the other. But she only looked at you and smiled mischievously
“You can ask anything you want but you’re not allowed to be upset by the answer” you stated plaining, pouring some milk into your bowl.
“Are you talking about the truth serum you took yesterday?” Wanda asked, tilting her head at you.
“Yeah, it might not wear off for another 24 hours. Everyones been dying to find how I ‘really’ feel about them since Tony ran his big mouth and told everyone about this stupid serum I drank.”
“You do remember I can read minds, right? I always know when someone’s telling the truth or lying, I just don’t always call them on it.”
“Right.” You said quietly as you stuffed your face with cereal so you could go back to your quarters as soon as possible.
You sat alone in your room unbothered for the next few hours, until you heard a rock at your door.
“Don’t come in! Go away!” You shouted turning the page of your book assuming whoever was on the other side of your door would kindly fuck off. But as a tall man with a mop of silver hair entered your room you sighed dramatically and threw your book at him, missing spectacularly.
“I could’ve sworn I said to NOT come in.” you said as you crossed your arms over your chest, looking at the ever so muscular man making his way over to your bed.
“And when’s the last time I took orders from you?” Pietro said with a smile.
“You never take orders from anyone, I’m surprised you haven’t been kicked off the team yet honestly.” You spat, bitter that he wasn’t respecting your wishes to be left alone. A pit of nerves also started to grow in your stomach the closer he came to you knowing how you really felt about him, and that if he asked there’d be nothing stopping you from telling him the truth.
“Ah, you wound me dragâ.” Pietro says as he mockingly clasps his hands over his heart as if you’d shot him. You just rolled your eyes in response.
“The team tells me you’ve become somewhat of a bitch since yesterday, is that true?” He asked, sitting down at the foot of your bed.
“I’m not a bitch, Tony just tricked me into drinking some of Banner’s experimental truth serum. But you already knew that didn’t you? Either way, spoiler alert. The stupid serum works and probably won’t wear off for another 12 hours. Besides, I’m only a bitch to the team members I don’t like.” Your eyes widened realizing what you just admitted to Pietro
“I suppose that’s true, Wanda did tell me you weren’t too bad when she ran into you this morning.” Pietro said scooting up next to you in bed, normally you’d tell him to fuck off before he got too close so he would know how much you loved being in his arms but when he asked
“Is this okay?” As he stretched his arms over your shoulders pulling you into his chest
“Yeah, I love it when you hold me. Or just touch me in general, always makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine.” The confession just spilled right out of your mouth, causing you to once again to clasp a hand over your lips to prevent you from saying anything else.
Pietro looked down at you with a shocked eyes but a smug smile, deciding to push his luck he asked “Then why do you always push me away and tell me to fuck off anytime I hug you?”
“Becwagh wi dwomt vhmnf to nmfh…” you said, keeping your hand over your mouth to muffle your answer. Pietro shook his head light at you as he took your hand off your lips and held it, gently caressing your knuckles with his thumb
“What was that darling?” He said as he cobalt blue eyes poured into yours. It’s like he already knew how you felt but just needed to hear you say it to confirm his suspicions. Months of pinning after you, and now here was his chance. He had no other choice but to act on it. You swallowed the last bit of pride and fear held in your chest and said
“Because I don’t want you to know how I really feel about you.” The last of your walls came crashing down as you smiled gently at the handsome man before you, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as his faced inched closer to yours.
“And how do you feel about me dragosté?”
“Like you’re the only person in the world I could ever fall in love with.” That was all Pietro needed to push aside his ego hearing how you really felt about him as he leaned down and closed the gap in between the two of you pressing his soft lips to yours. Moving gently with you as his lips slotted perfectly over yours, you breathe in his musky scent as you ran your hand across his chest pulling him closer to you. Sadly it wasn’t long before you both ran out of air and had to pull away
“So how do you feel now?” Pietro asked with a cheeky grin plastered on his lovestruck face
“Like I could kiss your stupid face all day.” You said grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him back in for a much more heated kiss.
The rest of your afternoon and week into the evening was spent in Pietros arms sharing soft kisses and fleeting touches. Although admittedly he was sad when the truth serum wore off and he couldn’t ask you any and everything under the sun about how you felt about him.
But you’d end up showing him how you felt in other ways later on ;)
Ahhh here’s my 4th post that will be published while I’m away at camp! Found this little bit in my notes as well and just fleshed it out enough to post! Hope this was enjoyable!
Much Love,
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