#the answer is rainbow
doydoune · 2 months
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hey have you heard of this brand new aa trend that totally just came out
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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happy pride month. i did not make this up for th ememe
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mooneln0ne · 1 year
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even the camera knows they're gay
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this is so funny actually
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canisalbus · 1 month
I had a super weird dream the other night where there was some sort of fashion show/beauty pageant, and all the entrants were fucked up dream versions of Machete. I only remember two of them - the one that came in second place was machete with a rainbow tube for a head, and another that for some reason everyone was 100% sure cheated somehow that was like. biblically accurate wheel machete with his head copied into a fluffy circle with ears sticking out
still don't know why that one was cheating, I just remember everyone booing and being mad that biblically accurate machete won and feeling like the whole contest was a farce because of it
rough diagram included below
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catholicsapphic · 3 months
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Filipinos, my friends, you’re doing amazing
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bixels · 4 months
I haven’t watched the show in forever and I vaguely remember applejack being shown in a relationship at the end of the show with one of the girls and when I found your au and showed my friend who nevers seen the show and told them yeha it’s canon. I just misremembered the pairing and assumed yours was canon and now my friend also thinks rarijack is canon but that’s fine
I am ok with this outcome.
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oyabun-draws · 6 months
Congrats on 1k! You deserve it!
If you're still taking prompts, how about Simon and Baz taking a nap together?
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3/4 of the 3 yrs late prompts
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astrolavas · 6 months
Random question, but how did you do the rainbow thing in your pinned post? Is it from something you buy on Tumblr?
the gradient, yes!!! no, it's completely free.
so, i don't remember where exactly i got the instructions as to how to do it, but this is basically how the word "welcome" from my pinned looks like in html:
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since it's a gradient, every letter is a sliiightly different hue, but i remember there was a website where you could basically write any word/sentence that you'd like gradiented, choose the starting and ending colors, and it'd automatically give you the html code for the gradiented text. i think it was this one?
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and that's what you get!
you just gotta copy the code, start editing your post, make it so you're editing it as html, paste the code in, and it SHOULD work. hopefully!
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pixierainbows · 4 months
Happy queer pride month! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
YAY happy queer pride month you too !!! is so excited this year maybe go with both children ! but for sure will take Eldest child to trans pride , they had very good time last year and Pixie be so proud of them and so happy them can be who them really is without fear 🥰
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beecanons · 10 months
idk if you’ve done this already but how the mlp characters would react to reader having a panic attack?
have no mlp hc so far! going with main six from fsim
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Twilight Sparkle when the reader has a panic attack
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a bit taken ack at first she's used to being the one having panic attacks due to stress not used to seeing others panic too much
thankfully though, because of this, she knows plenty of tips to help she'll make a mental list of things to try help you calm down
starts with breathing and counting getting your breathing on track is a top priority and counting is a pretty useful trick could be counting your breathing or taking deep breaths while counting anything else
if your thoughts are a mess and spiraling she'll try helping you rationalize giving reason to irratic thoughts can also help someone relax reassurance is one of the best ways to ease worries
if you want a hug afterwards, she'd be more than happy to give you one with a wing over you too
she'll ask if theres anything she can do to help you feel safe and tries not to overwhelm you with anything
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Rarity when the reader has a panic attack
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she's very quick to try and console you
she'll see you start to panic and take you aside to help you get a hang of your breathing if youre anywhere near a crowd, loud space or other ponies in general she'll take you aside to the closest spot thats quieter or offer to go on a walk with you so that you arent overwhelmed and find it easier to calm down and focus on breathing
she'll offer words of affirmation and something textured you like if you need it
rarity will gladly set things aside to help you relax possibly even close the boutique early and either take you on a spa day or style your mane while giving you some affirmation and reassurance
she'll attempt at quelling your irrational thoughts and/or doubts by reasoning with them and attempting a bit of humor pinkie may have rubbed off on her a bit, she picked up more of the "cheer up through a laugh" approach because of pinkie
you will get a lot of her big sister side she more than likely helped sweetiebelle out with her own panics especially before the cutie mark crusaters so she would probably default to her gentle older sister tone ever now and then while consoling you
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Pinkie Pie when the reader has a panic attack
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at first will just tell you "hey its okay" and possibly say something on accident that might make your panic worse depending what you panic over she's not the best at reading people or 'reading the room' when it comes to things outside her usual domain of expertise
if it persists (and it likely will), she'll be unsure what to do and feel bad until she gets an idea
might give you either a paper bag or more probable a balloon to help you focus your breathing somewhere you might end up just making balloons with her if this trick really helps you
pinkie will try and distract you from the scary thoughts anyway she can she'll find a way to make you laugh, make faces or tell jokes she'll ask you about your interests she'll offer to tell you about her day, about gummy or share a silly story or even ask you about your day to recount how it went before the panic attack
she'll offer to let you hold gummy if he's close by and if you think that might help
if you have any comfort food or like sweets and eating might help in any way you better expect pinkie to be getting you some snacks
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Rainbow Dash when the reader has a panic attack
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rainbow will bring you a cloud, or multiple if youre a pegasus, she'll either get you to fly around, through or up to clouds with her or bring the fluffiest one she ca find over to you if you cant or dont want to fly if youre a unicorn and youre able to, you could use twilight's spell for walking on clouds and get to play with a cloud she brings over if not she can just bring you enough clouds to give you a cool mist
she might try creating a small cool breaze for you with her wings she's not sure if it'll help or anything but she'll try
she'll try distracting you by showing off some tricks maybe even attempt another sonic rainboom just for you
early seasons dash would have brushed it off, told you everythings fine, that youre overthinking and need to just "be cool" but later seasons dash does less of that and would be a little more compassionate she'll try hard to come up with things that might help but she'll still argue that some of your thoughts are just you overthinking
pretty quick to be realistic about a situation if youre panicked over a test or an event she'll tell you you'll do fine and you'll breaze past it, even tell you the jist of what you'll expect so youre prepared on top of being realistic she can be really reassuring if she tries
she knows what its like to panic over a crowd or competition she can have some pretty good tips that she's learned instead of stalling and avoiding like using your imagination to make things less scary and intimidating
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Apple Jack when the reader has a panic attack
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aj is the most likely to offer to just talk things through, aside from fluttershy she'll help you face what's causing you to panic and listen to you get it off your chest she knows talking about your thoughts out loud can help you see how irrational they might be and make it easier to disprove them
aj will give you reassurance and reasoning but also any advice you might need now or for future panic attacks
she'll get you to count something like "how many apples is a bushel?....and how many can fit in a pie?" while youre taking some deep breaths
if taking a walk or stretching your legs helps she'll offer to walk it out with you, maybe while you talk or she'll offer to go for a run around the orchard with you to help get the panic energy out
will get you a cold glass of apple juice if you'd like
might even give you her hat untill you feel better
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Fluttershy when the reader has a panic attack
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she will ask any animals of your preference if theyre okay with you petting them especially if petting something soft helps you relax
if you'd like she can ask birds to sing a song and you two can just sit quietly and listen
fluttershy will gladly offer hugs and forehead bonks
she's an amazing listener and her soft and quiet approach can be really comforting
she knows what its like to be overwhelmed and often has panic attacks herself especially related to social anxiety she she'll offer to try any of the tricks and things that normally help her
she will try to offer reassurance and reasoning after listening to you however shes much better at offering reassurance than reasoning
if counting helps she'll get you to count critters with her taking deep breaths and counting all the critters around the area or her place or even just count breaths alongside you
she knows the best quiet spots to relax and get way from stressors around ponyville she'll take you to the closest one if youre okay with walking she'll even tell you all about the animals and plants around that spot
if you need a distraction she's got tonnes of animal facts to share
theres a small chance to get early seasons fluttershy to sing or just humm if that might help later seasons fluttershy is more confident and will even sing alongside birds if you ask for music
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this turned out to be a pretty long post!
i hope these headcanons are alright!
reminder to check out my pinned post for my byf/dni and wills/wonts before sending a request!
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2010s-nostalgia · 6 months
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temeyes · 23 days
Owch but did Soap escape suguru's rainbow dragon in the end? Seems like other tf 141 can't really help him now...
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soap was, unfortunately, defeated [last time]
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rosenotactuallyquartz · 2 months
Any headcanons on why Rose's Rainbow Quartz looks the way that she does?
pearl + rose = rainbow quartz
(& what she tells us about their relationship)
here’s what storyboarder katie mitroff said about their fusion in we need to talk:
“I LOVE these two so I was absolutely ecstatic to draw this scene. I remember being really pressed to pack all of their passion and Pearl’s smugness into one moment that lasts the length of a guitar solo… and their fusion that’s just an embodiment of that into one giant, shamelessly beautiful dancer!”
fusion is the ultimate connection between gems and the personification of a gem relationship. it’s important to note that pearl and rose had a stable fusion, which tells us that they were in perfect sync physically, emotionally, & mentally. had they been too flustered, confused, not connecting well for whatever reason in we need to talk, their fusion would not have worked that way.
their dance signifies a strong emotional, romantic, sensual, and emotional relationship. it becomes someone who is unique, strong, & vibrant.
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everything about rainbow’s disposition, body language, & appearance is bold.
her boldness represents just how passionate pearl and rose’s relationship is, and she’s also a reminder of how their love started. together, they rebelled against homeworld, a place where diamonds and pearls are not considered equals. love between pearls and diamonds was unheard of and considered wrong. during the rebellion, when pearl and rose began to feel for one another, a ruby-sapphire fusion resonated with rose. she wanted to fight for the beauty of these relationships, and fight against those who perceived certain gems as inferior & relationships between “inferior” and “superior” gems as gross.
despite how not allowed their relationship was in homeworld, rose still looked pearl in the eyes when she confessed her feelings & replied with, “please, don’t ever stop!”
rainbow demonstrated everything they fought for in the rebellion, her boldness representing that they were never afraid to love each other despite the homeworld’s disapproval.
her stability and her boldness also shows just how sure they were. neither of them ever thought like homeworld did, not even a bit. this relationship would never be easy, and there was a lot of danger around them, but they were courageous and loved each other shamelessly, because they knew their love was beautiful.
but that’s not all:
“Rose falls in love with Pearl’s surprising boldness that comes out of left field.” — end of an era, page 86
rose’s consistent love for pearl is so intense yet such a second nature to her, such a part of her, that one of her favourite things about pearl shines through rainbow quartz.
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pastel pink, blue, ??? more on her appearance
rainbow does not look or act more like pearl or rose. rose does not overpower pearl, or vice-versa. for example, her hair is long and large like rose’s hair, but the tips of her hair and the color are very similar to pearl’s hair.
her exact colour palette is not quite known due to the tinted lighting of the music video. whether this be the creators’ intentions or not, i like to think that her unknown colour palette represents something about their relationship, too. pearl has early memories of rose when she would juggle, scribble drawings, struggle to control a spaceship, spend ages outside with her little playmate. their closeness lasted so long that not even their best friends could possibly know everything about their dynamic. no one knows about all the memories they share, simply because it would take a ridiculously long time for them to tell all these stories.
however, what we do know is that pearl and rose’s pastel colours really seem to show—lots of light pinks and blues. her movements are incredibly gentle and graceful. there’s a softness to her, despite how bold she is. i think this symbolizes the softness of their relationship, the comfort and sweetness. their fusion was initially thought of after they witnessed love. as a result of this, they also met garnet, someone who would be very important to them. their best friend, and together, they learned about and experienced all types of love.
her design is very 1980s, as this was reflecting the era. her dance skills reflect pearl and rose’s dispositions. pearl is very graceful, and her movements often resemble a ballerina’s. when she attempted to teach steven about his powers, she brought up creating his own dance. this is a pearl thing, not because she’s a pearl, but because she’s herself. it’s a part of her, and rose always encourages her to be herself. so, of course this part of pearl is shown in rainbow quartz. her dance moves also suggest a sensuality, and she shows this shamelessly. many other gems are more private about this sort of thing if this is something they’re interested in, but it appears that both pearl and rose were comfortable with being rather open about this aspect of their relationship at the time. not so much that it was uncomfortable for anyone, more in a flirtatious, implied sense. so, we have a dancer who is sensual like both of them, but she also has pearl’s type of gracefulness and rose’s type of playfulness.
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name & crystal
there’s also symbolism behind her name, rainbow. i know what you’re thinking, sapphic relationship and the rainbow flag. it’s funny, and it’s very true. but it’s not just this; throughout history (even around the time of their first fusion), the rainbow has been a symbol of hope. after a dark and gloomy rainfall, there’s a beautiful rainbow. after pearl makes pink disappear, rose reforms, and as sugar says, “the dust clears, revealing an endless honeymoon” (end of an era timeline). after the war, pearl + rose live together for thousands of years. heck, after centuries of being traumatized by homeworld, both together and in separate ways, they share a love that goes against homeworld’s rules, norms, and beliefs. a fusion is a relationship personified, and everything about pearl and rose’s love signifies something warm in the midst of something cold and dark.
i could have a whole post about crystal properties and how they relate to the characters’ personalities. but i’ll touch on this a little bit for rainbow. rainbow quartz is a stone that reflects every colour of the rainbow. how interesting, because white diamond stated, “as for me, i’m certain I don't need you. after all, i’m every color of the light! but you're a part of me… the part i always have to repress” in change your mind, when she spoke to steven, whom she believed was rose. “white believes that because her gem channels white light, she is essentially a gem light form all the time” (end of an era, 116). pearl and rose both know rose is a diamond, yet as a fusion, they are rainbow quartz. i believe this represents comfort, acceptance, trust, healing. we all know that rose was in a lot of pain, and no one could have changed that. she was deeply ashamed of herself, but a very important aspect of her relationship with pearl is that pearl knew. rose told her every secret she could say, pearl was aware that she was pink diamond, and she was aware of the abuse she experienced. she even saw some of it, as confirmed in now we’re only falling apart as well as pearl’s behavior when white diamond is brought up. rainbow suggests that pearl wanted to help rose heal from her abuse trauma. when she was with pearl, rose was able to feel better about herself & white’s voice in her mind quieted down a bit, even if it never completely disappeared. quartz suggests that pearl loved rose as rose and not as a diamond, and rose still felt comfortable as a quartz, as her new self, around someone who knew the individual she used to be. however, please note that things are not all good. it’s incredibly apparent, just how much pearl wanted to protect and heal rose. it’s partially why she became so fixated after losing her, it’s why she struggles to think about herself. in my opinion, pearl’s feelings for rose are a lot like the song two by sleeping at last: “no, i don't want to talk about myself; tell me where it hurts. i just want to build you up, build you up, until you're good as new and maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself, too.”
the rainbow quartz crystal is soothing, healing, and it radiates positive energy. this reminds me of the time pearl and rose explored earth. it was their first good day, their first safe environment, and they spent that day together. it boosts creativity and clarity, which reminds me of their personalities. rose is very playful with childlike wonder, and this gives her a brilliant imagination. she daydreams a lot, so much that it makes her withdrawn, so much that it can be distressing sometimes. pearl is logical and she was able to take rose’s rambles and jumbled up thoughts and say, “that’s a brilliant idea, here’s how we’re going to do it!” this is why they worked so well together, pearl being rose’s second in command. after the war, they had many successful missions alongside garnet who’s wise and balanced with a lot of leadership qualities, and amethyst who provides a different perspective and is also creative with lots of positivity.
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there was this time when we were all very sad about the fact that we never heard rainbow’s voice. in the music video, she obviously couldn’t talk, then they let each other go after the song was over. i think this represents that, while they liked to show off certain aspects of their relationship, they also kept a lot of things private. they didn’t want to share many things and so much of their emotional relationship happened behind closed doors apart from obvious things they kept private.
rose also sounds different in now we’re only falling apart. in we need to talk, greg the babysitter, straight to video, buddy’s book… her voice is much softer. her laugh is much softer. when she was alone with pearl, she spoke loudly and rambled more and allowed herself to speak excitedly. i don’t think rose likes the sound of her voice. i think it’s an insecurity because she knows she’s quite childish sometimes but she wants to be different and she was supposed to be a leader on earth, but she questions if she even sounds like one. she permanently reformed as rose, but she could never change her voice, so it reminds her of pink. her scream once cracked the walls, signifying her pain and everything she’s trying not to be.
but in flashbacks from pearl’s perspective, we see a side of rose that really reminds us of steven! pearl highlights her awkward rambles, her loud and childlike exclaims that she has when she’s excited. pearl loved when rose was like this, she clearly seemed to think it was adorable. this helped rose relax more, but i like to imagine rainbow’s silence being a symbol of the fact that every time rose softened her voice or had an act that was not quite genuine, pearl would notice. she encouraged her to be herself, and the gems loved when she was as playful and genuine as ame is, but there’s still a lot that she’s hiding; still so much she’s ashamed of. it also symbolizes rose’s constant fear of hurting pearl, her guilt of hurting individuals from her past (even with her voice—her scream—itself). when they were together, rose was undoubtedly quite genuine but she definitely still had this fear of saying or doing something wrong and accidentally hurting pearl. sugar said, on page 95 of end of an era, that rose could never trust herself. although she could relax more around pearl, she had such low self esteem that she could never trust herself around anyone, as she feared she would hurt them. with this specific analysis and interpretation, the symbolism is even present in the episode’s title, we need to talk.
that being said, this is just symbolism and remember that rainbow’s actual voice could sound nothing like rose or pearl. a fusion is a completely new individual. we don’t get to hear rainbow’s voice, so we can only headcanon.
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concept sketches of rainbow quartz by rebecca sugar and katie mitroff
to conclude…
so, rainbow’s appearance and disposition says so much about pearl and rose’s relationship. however, there is not a lot of information provided, but there’s so much symbolism. as for the section with my headcanons… there’s a bit of information that led me to believe them, but some are simply based on her energy and demeanor.
i love her. rest in peace, rainbow quartz
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ultrainfinitepit · 3 months
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I keep getting messages from people saying they wish they could get certain Pride Angels designs but don't feel comfortable doing so if it's not their flag. Personally this has never been an issue for me and I get any design regardless of flag if it looks cool. But I'm wondering if I'm in the minority here! Let me know in the poll.
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soaps-mohawk · 1 month
Why do I want omega to be a little prick to Simon now, after that last chapter I just want her to be petty as fuck lmao
Like “no you were mad at me and now I’m mad at you” level of petty and John/gaz just ???? So confused on why she’s pissed off at Simon
Justice for my girl fr
I mean, it would make sense that she would be. Especially after that. More of a heat of the moment thing probably like Johnny since he wouldn't do it without reason, and she knows that deep down.
She'll get her justice though don't worry. Gonna make those men feel really bad about everything.
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muzzleroars · 1 year
So... Fallen Gabriel without the helmet?
OK SO i've been playing around with overhauling my helmetless gabe design in order for him to be more cherubic and just solidify a more definitive look in general. so for groundwork, this is the design i currently have:
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gabriel and the other three archangels are unique cherubs in that they manifest one face at a time and they each have a predominant forme that together make up the tetramorph. gabriel's default is the eagle as he is the divine messenger, but he is capable of shifting between all four faces as shown. the divine fire that burns over all of his head is opalescent and i've kept the idea that it would slowly spread to his entire body if not tempered under his helmet. the eyes of the faces are like obsidian, containing deep reflects of fire much like the eyes that cover his wings being gem-like and full of living flame.
however, after he falls, that fire goes out and the solid light that makes up his head melts into a bone-like casing
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his head is now "petrified", the feathers and barbs frozen stiff and the flesh of his head resembling cooled magma. the open cavity is empty, prominently displaying the light that's been taken from him (and could be reached into infinitely..............v1 tries it). gabriel doesn't remove his helmet for some time after falling, eventually asking v1 to look upon him first before he does himself.
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