#the answer is still unknown(asks)
mudpuddless · 2 months
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AU where Obi-wan is Can Drallig's illegitimate son except of course everyone knows and no one cares except for qui-gon of course.
based on this post by @twinterrors29
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braveparanoiac · 2 months
[Samuel] A portal opens - created through a tear on Ford's side, and technology on Samuel's. The same method as they first met, but in reverse.
What comes out is not human, but machine. Tall and imposing, he holds a telltale black book.
❮ ..Stanford. ❯ The voice must be familiar, but now laced with a mechanical edge. ❮ It's been a while. I wanted to share that I found this earlier today. ❯ And he holds it up.
There's a jolt as he spins around at the sound of the portal forming, with what he can only presume is a stranger stepping through. Instinct says to fight, so, faster than a human can blink does Ford take his pistol from its holster, aim the weapon and -
"Samuel?!" PEW! At the same instance he shoots does he quickly shift his aim further upwards, towards the ceiling. There's a pause as he continues to register the familiar voice, but a confused glare follows due to the unfamiliarity of the body, and swiftly transforms into surprise recognizing the black book.
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"Wh-Where did you record that... that voice?" The book must've ended up in that dimension because he threw it into the Bottomless Pit... Dammit, so even the Pit isn't safe?!
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askthechronoverse · 3 months
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I know, right? I knew that the Unitron court system was stuck up, but I didn't realize was that stuck up. I swear they add paperwork just to give Octan's paper division more moolah.
If I wasn't the prosecutor on this case, I'd be excited to see all that support. Hate to admit it, but there's a reason I'm still collecting stuff with that R emblem of his on it. But it's also going to cause me a lot of trouble. After all, that support could be the difference between a win and a loss in the court of public opinion.
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askthekirbysquad · 5 months
Have any of you heard about a waddle dee who fought in the arena? Ever since bandana dee showed up nobody’s seen him, I can’t imagine that bandana dee was the arena dee though…
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akkivee · 11 months
once again thinking about my ideal 3rd drb match up and how it’d stack up with plot beats and so far all i got is
🔴💥⚪️: true hypnosis mic opponents, maybe jakurai ends up on a side for further development to save yotsutsuji and that’s against ichiro’s current goal
🔵💥🟠: haven’t quite figured out why, but rei vs samatoki is the angle i’m thinking about
🟡💥🟣: all plot stakes division vs no stakes division lol idk really but i’m leaning towards a bonds angle or if hypmic wants to be real freaky, the side effects angle 🤔
#this is vee speaking#i still think a new format could happen but idk lol there’s so many unknowns rn#like what’s next specifically lmao#i personally feel it would be a waste not to have jakurai working to finalise development for this potential other true hypnosis mic lol#like they teased him joining chuuoku but then didn’t commit?????? huh??????#what about his struggle with causing more harm vs saving that one?????? like come on now??#so here’s me trying to put him back on that track lol#why not sasara vs samatoki you might ask lol and my answer is that’s the poster fight but the real fight is between rei and samatoki lol#samatoki was weirdly interested in rei watching bb vs dh and there’s a panel in showdown battle where samatoki looks……#he’s very hard to read actually while listening to ichiro#samatoki and rei are paralleling in the block party as individuals moved by ichiro’s ideals#so while i’m not sure if ichiro would be the reason to fight (🎋hahahaha🎋) i think there’s potential for strife#*sighs at bat* why doesn’t kr want to do anything with y’all lmao#if they went the side effects angle it’d be cool to have ramuda the guy whose clones die using the true hypnosis mic#vs kuukou who might be suffering from side effects (and against the guy that caused them tho he’s forgiven ramuda lol)#jyushi’s hypnosis ability to ‘recover’ is genuinely interesting because what is he recovering???? and why haven’t we seen it yet?????#maybe they’re lying in wait lol (delusional)#bonds angle is me grasping at straws lol but here’s how i can get my ideal match ups—
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
One question I would like to ask: [How do the turtle tots see their papa? (Part 1, because I can't put everything in here)] Do they idolize him as their hero, or as just their jolly turtle dad? You said the kids do end up learning ninjutsu. Dis they discover this by chance and wanted to learn, or did Mikey realized by himself it was a good idea to teach them? Did their perception of their father change because of it? And do they think Mikey it's a good sensei?
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They adore their dad and love him very much!
They do idolize him, but just as a loving parent figure. After all, they can't truly envision the silly turtle that sings while cooking their meals in the hero light and they get truly flabbergasted each time Mikey tells them stories of his brothers and their adventures because they always forget their dad also lived them (Will get back to this in a bit, following the order of your ask ;] ).
The kids do know ninjutsu! They are all in completely different levels of it though.
Mikey wanted them to be able to defend themselves in case they ever got themselves in dangerous situations but he never does force them to practice into it more if they don't wish to. Uno and Moja are the ones who get into more advanced training from Mikey when older and they spar with each other and with Mikey constantly (Uno is the one who thought it would be cool of him to get better at ninjutsu, to be like his uncles, and Moja decided to get more training as well only because she didn't want Uno to get a big head about it, she always humbles him if needed be). Yi knows the basic of self defense and only uses her training from time to time just to burn off energy, Odyn trains with her on these occasions. Odyn does Not enjoy training much but he does know the basics of self defense and likes spending time with his siblings to goof around in training.
They do start training ninjutsu because of Mikey talking more about his brothers, Uno was the one who brought the idea of them learning in the first place. When teaching them Mikey always explains that what he's teaching them can harm others and for them to be responsible with it, he just wants them to be safe and to take care of each other. That last thought is something that stays with the kids forever. The kids are brought up in a loving and safe space so Mikey never truly has doubts if teaching them was a bad idea because the kids actually see training as a sort of way where they can burn off excessive energy to have fun and not as something they need to Not Die. The only problem Mikey sometimes has is when they get hurt during training (sprained limbs, moja hitting Uno a bit too hard without meaning to).
The kids perception of Mikey never truly changes from their loving papa, even after learning everything he went through, because they understand where he is coming from (a literal war, being a child soldier, losing his entire family). They love him the same.
The fact that they feel somewhat disconnected from the Mikey of their dad's stories and anecdotes is somewhat of a factor as well. They can't help to just feel like those are completely different lives of someone they know and love because, even after so much tragedy, they look at Mikey and he seems in so much peace now. They are happy for him And are there for him.
Mikey is the best sensei! He makes the trainings fun and actually enjoyable! They love their papa sensei.
The photo April found of Mikey and his brothers has been on their shrine at their home ever since the kids can remember. Since that (April sending Mikey the photo) happened when the kids were fairly small they can't truly remember when it happened BUT babies do sense and react to their parents emotional cues so the kids definitely started crying alongside Mikey as soon as they saw him crying (Mikey had the first ever turtle pile with the babies that day, it was nice). After this Mikey started to cry easily again as he did when younger so the kids are actually used to their dad being an emotional crier (any strong emotion) and hugger/smoocher in general since they grew up with him :'], Odyn is an emotional crier too! just like their dad!
The kids did not know of the way Mikey's brothers died until they were much older and emotionally stable. They grew up with stories of their uncles (visiting Donatello's grave specifically, playing heroes and using their family as characters) and they knew that they had passed on but they only learnt of how they died and the whole backstory (being raised as child soldiers, THE WAR, the way they got murdered, Mikey's solitude time just going around killing bad guys) until they were much older. As one would learn the whole family lore when adult.
Mikey was open about their family story because the kids are family too after all.
When learning all of it the kids were definitely shocked but, again, the view of their loving father didn't actually change in their perception. Yi and Odyn were just So Sad about how tragic the story of their family is. Not surprisingly, Moja and Uno were the ones truly angry at an outside force (the whole foot thing) completely destroying their family in a generational war but there's nothing they can do except be angry for a bit, after all by this time Casey Marie and April have won back New York alongside the revolution, Hiroto is long dead and the generational war is no more. They all cry together and have a turtle pile again that day :']
The kids know there's no more revenge to be had, and that every second they are alive living a happy life with their family is like saying "fuck you. I Win" to the generational war thing and that their uncles would be so happy to know that they grew up safe and in a loving manner.
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nanoa1foryou · 3 months
hii just asking if i can be tagged when new chapters of some things are still unknown drop cuz i don't want to miss anything <3
also just wanted to add these shopping chapters got me thinking it would be so funny to see them go to an ikea johannes would be so utterly bewildered 😭😭
Oh sure!
Honestly, I wasn't even initially planning on doing the shopping chapters, but I was like... no, this fic needs them, desperately.
Honestly, there are many thing I have planned, and while Ikea is not one of them, that thought is so funny. I have read a billion fics that take place in Ikea and all of them are comedy gold, and this fic would certainly be prime for it. But alas, I have far too many plans right now to fit it in there.
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teecupangel · 1 year
What if Bill sold Desmond's soul to a demon in exchange for making Desmond a better assassin when he was still a kid but he didn't clarify that Desmond would still stay with him so the demon took Desmond and just acts like he's his son or grandson and absolutely spoils Desmond and even makes him go to school to have a normal childhood (this is an AC x Welcome to demon school! Iruma-kun au)
I’m gonna be honest with you, nonny, I haven’t caught up with Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun. I stopped watching it after Billy Kametz died (˃̣̣̥﹏˂̣̣̥). I know Stephen Fu would make a good Azz but, yeah, still haven’t gotten back to it so, for this ask, I will focus on the first few episodes of the anime but we’ll add a bit of AC spin to it.
So, we’ll set this up at the same age Iruma was when his soul was sold off and that means Desmond would be 14 years old, around the age when he had begun to not believe in the whole Templar thing. Bill probably assumed that the demon was going by the more commonly believed ‘rule’ where the soul written in a contract made with the devil will only be taken after death (ex: Faustus). Unfortunately for him, Sullivan used that loophole to take Desmond to the underworld as soon as Bill signs the contract.
Sullivan doesn’t tell this to Desmond though, nope. He didn’t necessarily lie. He just didn’t tell Desmond what Bill’s actual wish was. As far as Desmond knew, Bill sold his soul to a demon for an unknown wish and he actually believes that Bill thinks that he’s a lost cause and wished for a better soldier… a child that wouldn’t disappoint him.
Sullivan is, of course, kind and a bit embarrassing grandfatherly and Desmond doesn’t necessarily trust him but he knows he has no other choice but to be his grandson. He does warm up him (and Opera) soon enough because they’ve been kind to him and he doesn’t have to do any training at all.
In this idea, Sullivan and Opera gave him a few days to get his bearing first, especially since he was in a bit of a maudlin mood. Desmond does get used to his life as a member of Sullivan’s household and the strange food they serve. It helps that Desmond wasn’t a picky eater and, really, he was getting bored with having nothing to do.
So when Sullivan tells him that he got Desmond enrolled in a great demon school, Desmond just agreed to it because… well… he has nothing else to do anyway.
And… maybe, just maybe… he was interested in experiencing something that he had only heard about. ‘School’.
Unorganized Notes
Desmond’s first day in school pretty much happened the way it did for Iruma. Sullivan still makes him take over Azz in the introductory speech for first years and Desmond trusts Sullivan enough to recite the ‘no tripping’ spell. Once he knows what it does, Desmond actually recites it each day because it’s a useful spell and, as long as Desmond doesn’t mess up the pronunciation, he won’t die, right?
Desmond also dodges all of Azz’s fireball when Azz duels him and his inhuman dodging capabilities are because of his training as well as his latent Eagle Senses helping him ‘predict’ his opponents’ next moves which he only chalks up to gut feeling because he doesn’t know about Eagle Vision/Senses which has been heighten because this is what Bill had sold Desmond's soul for afterall. He does defeat Azz and earn Azz’s loyalty, much to his confusion.
Desmond knows how to say no and, really, he doesn’t mind saying no to requests but he still agrees to play with Clara because… well… he doesn’t remember when he last played games with someone. He knew he played with the other kids before back on the Farm but it had been so long ago, his memories had been covered by the neverending training he and the other kids were subjected to.
He knows that he’d die if anyone learns he was human and he had no qualms about lying to everyone. Honestly, he’d been trained to lie since he was a child and it was hard for him to blatantly lie but he was okay with being vague or saying misleading things instead so… he’d probably be okay.
Becoming part of the misfit class is still Sullivan’s idea and it’s more of “I think you’d be more relaxed in that class since they’ll take the spotlight from you” and Desmond agrees to it because… well, he sees no reason to disagree with Sullivan’s idea and, also, he was raised to be obedient to his superiors.
He still gets a lot of spotlight from the school newspaper though but Desmond just ignored that. 'As long as he doesn’t talk about it, it doesn’t exist' is his current motto with his growing popularity in school.
Back in the human world, Bill is trying to find a way to get Desmond back and he believes the POEs left behind those who came before us hold the key to bringing Desmond back.
Familiar and Ring:
So I’m putting the familiar and the ring in a different set of notes because we can go for the og route of Desmond unintentionally making Naberius his familiar and have him have the ring of gluttony BUT how about…
So there’s this setup in Familiar of Zero fanfics where Louise summons a different fictional character instead of Saito so we can use that setup during Desmond’s familiar summoning. Sure, he used Naberius’ summoning paper but he needed to summon his familiar using his blood.
Normally, human blood would simply heal demons but Desmond’s blood is different. He has higher than normal Isu genes in his blood.
Also, maybe Desmond doesn’t remember if there was a specific symbol he should have drawn in the parchment so he just went with the Assassin insignia (out of habit or maybe he’s actually getting homesicked?). Either way, the summoning goes awry.
Now, we can go for our ancestor of choice (or really, any AC character you want) for this one, someone that is wholly strange to everyone because only high-ranking demons know that humans exist. And Desmond’s familiar isn’t human, not really. No. According to the records, he had summoned a ghost of some kind.
Or an alternate idea: instead of choosing an ancestor, Desmond could summon a being shrouded in light that slipped into his shadows. Whenever he’s in danger or, really, whenever they feel like it, ghostly apparitions of three men would come to his aid or just talk to him. They don’t say what they are but they do name themselves as Altaïr, Ezio, and Ratonhnhaké:ton. And they act less like familiars and more like Desmond’s guardians and friends. (Also, they have a soft spot for Azz and Clara). His familiar is classified as ‘UNKNOWN’ and no matter what happens, the being shrouded in light never makes an appearance again.
Now, the ring. The ring is meant to be able to store energy that can make it possible for even a human to cast spells and, yeah, sure, we can keep that setup. But instead of a ring of Gluttony… it’s the prototype of the Ring of Eden.
Now, a normal Ring of Eden could only be used as some kind of shield but the prototype had multiple functions, including the absorption of energy that can later be used by the user. Desmond doesn’t know it but the reason why the mass-produced Rings of Eden do not have this function is because the prototype ring couldn’t absorb enough energy to be useable on the long run…
In the non-demon world.
No one knows where the Ring of Eden (known as the Ring of Gluttony) came from BUT it’s rumored first appearance is in the hand of King Solomon, the human who managed to form contracts with multiple demons (a legend).
In the demon world, with Sullivan’s energy as its main power source, the Ring of Eden can be used by Desmond to do magic but it was an automatic shield that activates every time Desmond is in danger or needs to be protected. The demons think it’s cool unknown magic.
The fact that Sullivan can ‘seal’ the Ring of Gluttony makes the three apparitions be wary of him since that ring is not of demon origin but Desmond doesn’t really share their concern since Sullivan seems to be looking out for him anyway.
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swampstew · 8 months
A flower for my flower (my rose with vicious thorns 🥰 🥀)
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🥰 if you were a flower, I'd say you're a gardenia! Beautiful, magnificent, smell like pure love, blooming with unrestricted confidence, and my all time favorite flower!
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littlemoneytoes · 3 months
So how do you think Freddy got Goldie in the Backroom
I have a few theories on how he managed to get Goldie to the backroom theory 1: he told Goldie that there was a surprise for him in the back room theory 2: he took Goldie into the backroom when he was asleep and of course, made sure Goldie was comfortable in his new bed for the next 10 years theory 3: he had to hold Goldie so management could shut him off to save his battery and lastly theory 4: that he told Goldie, he will never forget him and will love him before locking the door behind him leaving Goldie in the backroom for the next 10 years well I hope this helped a little bit, I am more than happy to hear your au aga theory( ies) on how Freddy got Goldie into the backroom
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
I've been struck by an idea or two, and I wonder about your thoughts on one of them.
For the Silent Protector AU, do you think William ever goes to get springlocked? Or does that happen in a different Freddy's location.
Since my version has William being afraid of Evan, I'm not sure how that would play out, unless he goes there looking for Michael (since he knows about the ghost of Evan but not the others). My guess is that he'd disassemble the animatronics for their Remnant, but he would also hope Michael is in one, so he can take him home to "fix" him like he wants to do with his two other kids.
Granted, the logistics of this whole thing are failing me, and I feel like he wouldn't even have a chance to start tearing apart the animatronics before Evan intervenes. And if something were to happen, say he manages to capture the spirits' Protector, a different protector would have to step up...
I realize that this is basically just me brainstorming in your ask box, but I'd love to hear your thoughts as well!
okay i'm sorry in advance if my response doesn't really help all that much; it's kinda difficult to reply given that I don't know what all you have changed/will change from my idea of the au and it's hard to give a response accordingly, but I'll do my best!
I haven't been giving William much thought in this au, but the idea that William knows Evan is "possessing" Fredbear is an intriguing one. My first thought upon reading that detail in your ask was that it reminded me of another post by @catwithacupofcoffee about William finding Evan's ghost and killing kids to give his son playmates. My initial response was maybe William does something similar (likely with the ulterior motive of doing experiments on the possessed spirits as well), and that's why the kids are possessing the other animatronics-- only Evan doesn't respond well upon witnessing his father murder other kids. Maybe Evan gets violent from fear and confusion, and William abandons his experiments and his son to save his own life. That could potentially explain William being afraid of Evan, provide more context as to why Evan feels such violent hatred/fear of adults (on top of everything else, Evan ends up getting left to rot in the Fredbear suit by his own father, after witnessing his father kill other kids), and further explain why Evan is so protective of the other kids. He feels it's his fault they died, after all. I still haven't decided for myself whether or not the animatronics were possessed when Evan becomes "active," so to speak, in my version of the au, but maybe that random perspective can inspire something in your version?
Then, William learns about Michael's death, somehow. And suddenly, all three of William's children are possessing animatronics, as though just waiting for him to come and put them all together again into what they're supposed to be. William has spent a lot of time since Evan's death learning about Remnant and ghosts, so after Michael dies, maybe William decides it's time to gather his children in one place. He goes to collect the Remnant and Michael and Evan's souls, but things don't go to plan. I'm kind of hesitant to say that William would "capture" Evan, because that feels like a really permanent change, and like you said-- without Evan to act as a Protector, someone else has to step up, and the original premise of the au kinda... falls apart. But, maybe all the ghost spirits rise up and put an end to William's reign of terror once and for all. Maybe William didn't even realize Evan and the ghost kids could project their forms outside of the suits; maybe when he left Evan, Ev didn't have the strength to project his form and was still stuck inside Fredbear. If the Spring Bonnie suit is still there, maybe the ghosts chase him into it and he gets springlocked like in canon; if not, then these kids have spent years dealing with night guards. They have no shortage of ways to kill. (of course, William "always comes back," so maybe he manages to find a way to weasel out of it...)
William coming into the story could be the "grand finale" so to speak: the kids get their resolution by getting revenge on the man who killed them as well as resolving their emotional trauma through their friendship with Evan (and Michael?), and Ev and Michael face their brotherly issues by working together to save each other and the other ghost kids from their father.
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doctordonovan · 1 year
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❝ you’re the only person i can rely on. ❞
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a half kree and a mostly-romulan…  starfleet must surely feel overwhelmingly queasy at the thought of them anywhere near each other.  yet @danversiism is nothing like her:  and she,  for all her effort,   will never wish to shine even half as brightly.    ( starfleet was once something she'd truly believed she wanted - envisioning a future where she could be both wanted  &&   useful,  where there would be a purpose to the way overactive mind constantly works overtime.  )    truth,  by its very nature,  will always find a way to out itself…  &&   still scientist never knows how to accept that other forgives her so truly for the lies she never wished to tell.
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the lies she never knew she was telling.
❝ carol. ❞ other's name comes painted in exhaustion, in pleading for some semblance of logic to factor into a decision maeve can too easily label as entirely from the heart.   ❝ let's pretend,  for a mad moment,  that the powers that be would even accept a romulan as first officer. ❞   there is so much bad blood - so many sins held against her regardless of how she's never set foot on parents' homelands.  ❝ let's pretend the crew could warm to the idea of a romulan having their captain's back… me?  you know better than most what an acquired taste I am for the masses even without all those very precariously balanced 'ifs'. ❞
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braveparanoiac · 1 month
[Samuel] He's peering over Ford's shoulder at whatever the man is writing in his journal.
❮ ..Is that a drawing? ❯ Because it certainly looks like it. A detailed and surprisingly very accurate drawing of Samuel himself.
There's been a few stray glances towards Samuel in the past half hour or so, yet somehow the idea that Ford is being observed still goes unnoticed as he continues to sketch out details. Occasionally there's a pause, thumb briefly hovering over the pen and click click click click click - before adding more lines and shaded areas.
When he does hear Samuel's voice, he briefly tenses up, gaze very quickly snapping towards the other - click click click - then towards the pages, then Samuel once again.
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"Er... yes... I-I keep a record of my day with notes, photos, and drawings." And codes, but Samuel doesn't need to know that. He leans the notebook downward and pulls his other arm away, to give Samuel a better look at...well, himself. There's nothing written yet, so Stanford isn't too uncomfortable to show off his work at this time. This is not a silent gesture for Samuel to take the book into his hands though - the journal is supposed to be private collection of Ford's own thoughts after all.
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askthechronoverse · 3 months
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My brother is the current pilot of the Royal Chrononauts. He hasn't been doing that lately because their equipment's been destroyed, so he's been mostly helping me around the castle. He has spent a few years studying with the Space Corps, so he became a surprisingly good pilot.
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loomiskiller · 1 year
Okay, but, does Billy include Tara in things? Like, if Sam wanted to bring Tara along if to see a movie with them, would he allow her? Does he see her as his kid too? Inquiring minds want to know, please.
It depends on the Tara I am writing with cause they may want to plot beforehand, but, yeah, he sees Tara as his kid too. Especially if Mr. Carpenter still bails on her and Christina for [ insert dumb reason here ]. Even then, he would take a liking to Tara. Billy is an older sibling too. He understands a sibling, even if you found that sibling later in life than you should have, is a packaged deal. This might piss Tara's dad off that Billy does act as a secondary father figure towards Tara, but, what else is he supposed to do? He can deal with it. Tara is also his kid now. She has three parents. Get bent, Mr. Carpenter.
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theartifxce · 1 year
"Shit!" Few things make the hair on his neck twitch, and after some consideration Kenzo is well versed in accepting his fate. Except when in the hands of an absolute monster. He holds a scalpel, the only weapon at his disposal in an otherwise empty, dimly lit office. "I-I guess old habits die hard." 👀
A smile had formed upon hearing the other break out of decorum; an ugly twisted little thing pulled at the edges of his rose colored lips. He took his sweet time walking down the empty hall, the slow tapping of his shoes leaving behind a haunting  while following closely behind the vulnerable doctor. With his hands tied behind his back and his shoulders pronounced in his veneered poise; Johan paused at the open doorway and turned when he finally spotted the other, barely - in a poorly lit office space.
Johan's snake-like eyes contradicted the gentleness of his demeanor. His contorted shadow stretched along the only source of light on the floor painted his being in a more candid way. He stopped after only taking a few steps into the room, not wanting to corner the already frightened man before him. He took a moment to consider the room, reading the golden nameplate on the desk as “Kenzo Tenma” and he smiled amusingly.
“Hello, Dr Tenma.” The words slithered off of his tongue in a gracious manner. Then he locked eyes with his, reveling in the clear apprehension and confusion pooling in his autumn hues. “Why do you look as though you’ve seen a ghost Dr?” He teased, a light chuckle humming at the back of his throat. He closed his eyes and unfolded his hands from behind his back - as a way to relieve the other that there was nothing being concealed about him; not a weapon or a trick up his sleeve.
“Are you really that surprised to see me?” He allowed his words to linger in the air before continuing, “ - Given you’re the one who brought me to life once again?” He mocked - a slight tinge in his tone blundered his usual restricted speech. Finally, he reopened his eyes and stared, focusing now on the scalpel in his hand. He was quite entertained by his weapon of choice. It was ironic but also very fitting. If the kindhearted Doctor would choose to end his life now out of all the more suitable moments the call for his death was necessary, Johan would simply let him do it. 
 It was only then did he raise his arms up to depict there was no need for such hostility. “ Please rest assured Dr, I am only here to talk with you.” As if he would trust his mechanical, half baked smile for anything human. But given the circumstance, did he truly have any other choice? “Of course, if you’d rather take my life with that scalpel in your hand, you’re more than welcome to do that as well.”
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He offered him a way out - the only other way out.
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