#the answer may surprise you]
heymurada · 9 days
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CoD Baseball AU: Ghost and Soap relationship speedrun edition, featuring respective hairstyle criticism and exasperated teammates
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aachria · 5 months
Thriller Bark party art baybeeeeeee!
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I be out here…. Doing shit and things…..
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lumipaiio · 24 days
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naffeclipse · 1 month
Who would win? An oil demon with wicked claws and shark-like teeth who can shapeshift, hunt down his prey with ease, and feed on fear or one old box of cornstarch
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shizunitis · 28 days
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what could this mean…
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nabhx · 5 months
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I just. I just think.
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kurgy · 3 months
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Deadweight risks it all
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serikyl · 9 days
Hot Take! Nicky loves minions, but he HATES The Minion’s Movie bc he is deeply aware of how retconning the backstory of something damages it
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brionbroadway · 2 years
And your Elody, if Elody had a spider for a face, would you have fallen in love with her? 
Gerard did not have to think about it, but he chose to.
His response whenever someone asked about their marriage was immediate, a reflex. It was going well, as marriages between princes and princesses did. He loved Elody without question--did he, does he, would he love her? Of course, the answer was always of course.
But he listened to Ylfa--a kid much like himself, if he were much kinder--question her own monstrosity. He had not done the same since he turned into a prince, though his webbed feet now warned him the same way a lump would of cancer. Something was wrong, and it was not with the curse placed on him or the cure Elody granted him. It was not, he was beginning to understand, with the creatures Elody left him to fight.
There was only one monster left to consider, and so he thought about Ylfa’s question. 
Gerard was vain. He did not doubt that, nor did he seek to change it. That vanity allowed him to see Elody's beauty when her eyes brightened upon seeing an animal in the woods; when her smile was sly and sarcastic, often directed at him; when her long hair was as wild and tangled as her perfect spirit. 
He was frivolous, but that helped Elody have fun. He could not let the horrors of the world make her forget that she loved to dance. 
He was selfish. That one, that was the one that needed to change. 
Elody loved him as a frog, boldly and without apology. Gerard thought about Ylfa's question and, yes, he thinks he would’ve loved her if she had a spider for a face.  
But he’d never shown her that. 
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
I totally agree with calling jade babygirl <3 Floyd and Azul also get the babygirl title
I also call rook my favorite little freak
I think we should start calling all the boys who make no sense to be calling baby girls baby girls
Leona? Babygirl. Jack? Babygirl. Idia? pathetic but still. Malleus????? ULTIMATE BABYGIRL HES SO BABYGIRL ITS NOT FUNNY
Rook's on thin fucking ice istg fucking freak of nature he is i want to both strangle and fuck him
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
WHO WOULD WIN in a cruel and unusual torture method brainstorming competition
evil ourple man who grew up during a war with severe childhood trauma VS hampter
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ssasides205 · 2 months
How do you think the cupid scene would've gone if Leo had been there?
in an ideal world, dear anon, the cupid scene would not exist at all.
instead, when looking for Diocleptian's Scepter, in Diocleptian's Palace, Jason and Nico run,,, into Diocleptian. I mean, the doors of death are fucked, yeah? and we already had the thing with Midas; this would've not been all that weird.
the encounter then would be more about Jason and Nico having to work together despite their jarringly oposing views, against Jason's favorite Emperor and probably an undead army. Fun stuff.
However, let's take it to this world you've proposed, which, I'm guessing due to what this blog is abt replaces Jason with Leo.
Firstly, since Jason does not actually get to the Palace, would he still contact Reyna? would they meet with her later than they do in canon? would she contact him instead, when she herself reaches that place?
Or is it a case of Zephyros giving them the info abt the scepter earlier, and they never go to Split at all? Unclear.
while I love valdangelo as much as any of us, Leo is even more of a stranger to Nico than Jason is in cannon. However, Leo has his own issues with Eros so what I think would happen, is that the god, affected by the double personality thing, wouldn't be able to settle on just one of them.
he'd be constantly having to change the script, and this is something that Leo and Nico could exploit.
this would also be entirely about the two finding a way to work together, but unlike the fix I mentioned previously, Leo and Nico are incredibly similar. So once they both reached the conclusion that they have to work together, they would do so far more easily.
actually, they'd make one hell of a team up and I'm getting mad that they never get to fight side by side properly. Fire and death sounds like the most obvious combo ever, come on!
anyways, no confessions happen, bc gods above is that scene fucked up. like, my man, there are much better ways for you to canonize a gay character.
I, for one, would've much rather have Nico choose to come out. for example, in this au I just made up:
Leo and Nico defeat Eros together, both taking a moment to breathe before they make the trip back to the ship, Nico with the staff still in his hands. And Leo, bc it would be Leo, breaks the silence by just starting to complain abt Eros, and his whole "confess your love issues" spiel, and Nico gets sort of annoyed and says something that gives a lot away, but only if you're also queer
like: "at least you could've said something normal", but like, worded more subtly
and Leo's all like, "no way, that guy totally wanted me to talk abt the Jay issue, which is totally uncool", bc Leo would come out like that to someone, that's who he is
I'm unsure if Nico would figure it out right then and there, or if it would take him until way later. probably the second though, the internalized homophobia is strong in that one.
once he does figure out, he would like confront Leo abt it, and it would become a whole thing I think. obvs if I were to write it I'd give that conversation a good resolution, but even a bad one would be progress vis-a-vis them coming to terms with their sexualities.
it could've given them reason to interact more, whether positively or not, though I honestly believe they would eventually work it out in the second case. and that eventual camaraderie could have then worked to get Nico closer to the others, probably starting with Jason, considering he was already trying to be his friend before the whole scepter thing.
we could've had Nico finally letting himself process the Percy issue, and Leo processing the Jason and Piper issue, while also both helping each other feel a lot less weird, and alone.
but that's just my opinion.
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wraithsoutlaws · 5 months
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Fifteen lines Tagged by @chevvy-yates (thank you!) Rules: Post 15 lines (or less) of character dialog. You can include context for the scene if you wish!
"Found Hell at the bottom of a mine shaft. Looked the devil right in the eyes, but only one man walked back out. Still trying to figure which."
"Now you're just flirting, puppy."
"But here I am. Peachy-fuckin'-keen."
"It will be slow. Maybe it'll take days. I've done that before, you know. But you'll blow all the rest right outta the water. I'll hold you till you're cold."
"Don't worry. Just here for some fun."
"I like you, pet. You're too stubborn to die even if it's the only thing that'd bring you peace. Got that in common, you and I."
"Nobody goes near it, understand? Not in or out. Watch with your life or I'll end it."
"Guns in the front seat. You think you can reach it and hit me center 'fore I drive a knife through your carotid?"
"Quit bein' a bitch and shoot me."
"One particular night almost ended with my spleen cut out. That's when you know it's good."
"You can talk now or talk later. Only difference is how much blood you're gonna shed."
"I ain't trying to be a good person. I know what I am, and I got no reservations about it."
"I'll slice you into strips and bathe my sins in your blood."
"A man's car knows him better than anyone ever could."
"God is the only motherfucker who is crueler than me. But not by much."
tagging: @faepunkprince @therealnightcity @dreamskug @genocidalfetus @elvenbeard @streetkid-named-desire
(no pressure! tried to tag people who i've seen write but this is also an open invitation if you'd like to do it!)
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liverpool-enjoyer · 10 months
my bitch ass checked barcas instagram story n went "damn why are they so obsessed w their players spotify wrapped",,, BITCH its WRITTEN ON THEY SHIRTS
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roseofhybrids · 1 month
My stomach decided to start stabbing me while drawing, so here we get to have circles, I guess
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am i going to rewatch all three hsm movies today just to feel something
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